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Full text of "AL-MAWRID Arabic-English Dictionary (7th ed.) OCR'd"

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Airivi . r.i ito.i)>ii> -'•*« >v-*> 

All Rights Reserved 

Seventh Edition 


Copyright © by: DAR EL-ILM LILMALAYIN 

Beirut, Lebanon 
P.O. Box: 1085 
Telex: 23166 LE 
Cable: Malayin Beirut 



harmony, concord, jl>J I i (U j t ijjli j i (U-J I : tJiti I 
accord, agreement, symphony; rapport, affinity; 
union, unity, coalescence 

coalition, (Jjj } \ oLL* jl v'^- 1 'J*) ij^bil 


coalition (government, cabinet, etc.); tji^Lj ' 

harmonious, harmonic, symphonious, symphonic 

to harmonize (with), be Ikli I 4 li Lj : ( t. ) '_j\~.' t \ 
harmonious (with), be in harmony (with), agree 
(with), accord (with), be in accord (with), go well 
(with), blend (with), square (with), match, fit, suit, 
adjust (to), tune (with), be in tune (with), be in 
conformity (with), be consistent (with), be 
compatible (with) 

to unite, combine, merge, Lii I i 'Sai I : i_«Ju; I 

coalesce, join forces, be united 

to form a (^1 ^l>l ^) UiLJI jsi :Liil'l 


,•1 p-lj - J~ai :^L\ 

to follow someone's example, be _, cjxi I : _, Ijjjl 
guided by, copy, imitate, emulate ' ' 

conferring, conference, deliberation, j } [£ :j |^| 
consultation, talk 

plotting, conspiring, conspiration, ^U : j|^il 

conspiracy, colluding, collusion, intriguing, schem- 
ing, conniving, connivance 

plot, conspiracy, collusion, intrigue, S^lji : j\£\ 
scheme ' " 

obedience, compliance, fy<<*>- ' *x.U> : j\^\ 

yielding; submission, submissiveness, subjection 

following the example of, (_,) ,\xj\ :(_,) ^1 

copying, imitation, emulation 

is, am, are..? was, were..? do, (^l^Ll^l S^li) 1 

does..? did..? have..? 

do they then deny the favors ?Oj-i»u <il iliu-j I 
of Cod? ' ' ' ; 

did you write the letter? have you ?ijL^JI c-'V l 
written the letter? 

didn't I tell you? haven't I told you? ?dU Jit Ijl 

whether... or, (L^LJI S>a) ^ I ... I t l^l, ill ... I 
no matter whether... or 

whether thou warn them or .• jxJ J ^ I -^ jjj 1 1 
do not warn them 

or? perhaps? 

(djc£u) : 

- ' t > - f 

or do you doubt it? do you perhaps ?<iUi j tJLUjI 
doubt it? you wouldn't doubt it, would you? 
truly, verily, indeed; oh (-^j^-0 £* ' ^' 

oh, do know! let it be known! Ijllili ^1 

oleander, rosebay (oU) J 

returning, coming back, going back; ju'Ic < «. Ij : i_jl 
returnee, returner 

to return, come back, go back 

to wear or wrap oneself in a 

jlc i «-j :i_iUI 

to follow someone's example, 

imitate, copy, emulate, pattern after, take after, 
model after, be guided by 

j<rL : p-ij-jTii :J£ji 

to blaze, flame, flare up jUI ciSC^I 

to burn with anger, (lame with rage, Ci* J£jl 
flare up, seethe, fume, boil 





robin, redbreast 


goatfish, surmullet 





navel orange 

marabou; adjutant 


angler, anglerfish 


bitter orange 

Abu Dhabi 


chestnut; marron 





mumps, parotitis dji^) <_»l& 





cock, rooster 


gar, garfish; halfbeak 

poppy, opium poppy 


(yU>) g>J»- y\ 
i_Jjij 1 ,j. .frt-1 ^jl 

■ " '* 

(iiL_») i_o...... ^jl 

• >t 

7^* '■ j*\& y. ' 
\ ■'' '{ 

-. - - . - >* 
. - >* 




(o J <^) l >iiL. jjl 
(JL. y\l>) u ak. y\ 

(OU) f ;jl *l 

trust, confidence, faith, reliance <Uj :ulfcj] 

credit <— a . I ... i : ijLaJJ I 

breach of trust "K>wi\ otLj :jLs$ i\ ty~ 

fiduciary ^ 

to confer, deliberate, consult, hold talks jjLw 


;U>1 :aJ f^-JI t o *a\j 

to plot, conspire, collude, intrigue, 

scheme, connive 

to obey, carry out ^u>i ,«j_^juyi 

someone's orders, follow, yield to, submit to, 

comply with (someone's orders, wishes, etc.) 

to trust, have confidence in, place one's j j£ j : 1 >*^j] 

confidence in; to rely on, depend on 

to entrust someone with, _> <UJ -x^ : J^ Cr*-^! 

entrust something to, confide to, commit to, 

consign to, put in the hands of 

return(ing), coming back, going back ^yrj '■ V^j 

old woman, woman over fifty years old j^^t : i-J 1 

to return, come back, go back 

to turn to God in repentance; to 


to long for, yearn for 



ancestor, forefather 

foster father 





chat, wheatear 



scarab; dung beetle 



X : til JJ LI 

JjLi,l : JJ l-iI 

* - i 
i ji»- : < ■ 1 

, t . • t , .<* 

\y\±>) jy-jZ. -yiil^J J*' 

.' >' 




"'.■' ~ — : 

^ r ^.. rr „ m ...,. t|TrrTTnTi i||| — rTir " ii ill' "i IIIIM I Iililli li 

licentious, uninhibited, libertine, rakish; "^ li I 

profligate, dissolute, lewd, bawdy; pornographic 

licentiousness, license, libertinism; profligacy, S~»-U 
dissoluteness, dissipation; pornography 

to annihilate, exterminate, eradicate, viUil t J^. : jL I 
extirpate, destroy, wipe out, blot out, expunge 
annihilation, extermination, &&\ i jkl : 5 jU I 

eradication, extirpation, destruction 
genocide iUCi-i'jl'l 

to ruin, destroy, wipe out, annihilate ill* I :'jC\ 

needier |^L jl ^)ll J^L, :j d 

nea i^i^'ijCl 

group, troop, band, company, body it Hi- :iiUl 
to ovulate i-O 1 jr> ' « u^JI j^»j : Joti 

a— II ,jt *.i i . , .. I I rjjr- :«-sljl 

Jj-j <1jl>- : JU 
bale, bundle, bunch; parcel, package, pack i*jj :iICl 

o^-f Jf!"'j ~ £*»j! 'j*J»' -'uyl 
to separate, detach, cut ofT *U 4 Jiai : jCl 

time cij i Ojf :01j) 

during, in the course of, at the time of oIj! j < 'oC\ 

C&r? ^s*- 'j — 4j u 1 

to be sad, unhappy, grieved, gloomy, IrQ ' 

distressed, afflicted 

sadness, grief, sorrow, gloom(iness), distress, ^tj 1 


to buy, purchase 


to offer for sale 

to cause to urinate 


i5>£l :'^L,I 

«- - »- -. 

Ijj p-lj - IxjI 

t-o **■' j — »IXJ I 

starting..., beginning..., from..., as of..., ^ fljJjl 
effective from... 

elementary; primary; preparatory, l*^'-^' 

preliminary; initial, first, original; primitive, 
rudimentary, primeval, primordial; incipient. 

cock, rooster .'J\ ^.IL;ji j; i 

the parents, rather and mother jlluM^JI '-d^y *l 
reverend father (uj**:"^ ^*) l»jj' 

handed down or transmitted from father j*- 'Jt. C\ 
to son, inherited from forefathers, from one 
generation to another, by heredity 

paternal (*j'>JI cl»- Cr?) V * 

O my father! cjl I 

> . > i 
August u.k.M : c.,1 

the (Heavenly) [iLil^] iiS&l (wliSlI #1 :i_/il 

unwilling, reluctant, (j) .jlS" t u«lj ^1* :(,j^ll) ol 
grudging, disinclined, averse, loath 
grass, herbage; pasture <_~it :£_,! 

to refuse, decline, reject, turn down 

to disdain, scorn, j& i_iSL£.l i ,j* «j ^ 

spurn, reject haughtily 

to deny, refuse, withhold X\ C'j 

to insist on 

J I ?j ^1 
-« ■ « 

whether he likes it or not, willingly or <j>l (I sli- 
unwillingly, willy-nilly, without choice 

'* jr'j -cJ> '(-Ul :(j } \ j) *Cl 

refusal, rejection (jaij^ljl 

•- 's --« 

disdain, haughtiness, pride, l _ r _ij S^i 4 iAil : f U 

superciliousness; self-esteem, sense of honor 

to lodge, put up for the night 

abbot [ 

a P alite (o-uwOc-Jli 

'^] i^'v' 'i^ 1 


to permit, allow, legalize, legitimize, make jU-l : j-U 
lawful, sanction, approve, authorize; to justify, 


- • * ^ # - --< 

to disclose, divulge, reveal Lf ii\ i ^Ul »-L : t-LI 

permission, allowance, allowing, »jlr' :i»-ljl 

authorization, legalization, legitimization, approval, 

disclosure, divulgence, revelation f liil i *-^j :i^-Cl 

t ]x *\ 

docked, bobbed; cutaway, cutout 

amputee «l»-l>>- iJujuAjLacl^^-ac^o - : y^' 
" ' ^ '"- " ' „ - -.< 


tailless; anuran, salientian 

without offspring, childless <-i* >^ : >j ' 

to extort (from), exact forcibly (from), usurp (^) "yj\ 
(from); to bleed (from); to racketeer; to wring 
(from), wrest (from), take away (from); to steal, 
rob (of), strip of, fleece, pilfer ^ 

to blackmail ^^\j^\ 

extortion, forcible exaction, usurpation; gouge; j\yj\ 
racket, racketeering; bloodsucking, vampirism; 
theft, stealing, robbery, robbing, fleecing, pilferage 
blackmail; chantage (li^ -fv ) J ' jfj \ 

extortionate ^j'j*) 

smiling; smile (*-r ,: fH*. 

smile **-* : *-^] 

to take premature action, O'j^l lH J**-—! : _r"*^ 
begin prematurely or too early; to hurry, rush, 
accelerate, precipitate 
to smile 

to lie, tell an untruth 


■> jf'J 

- LjLlCjl 

5jjliL« t ul* i : jljijl 

moving away, going away; 
departure, leaving 

keeping away ,j£. v^* 'ij* '-^ * • ' 'ij* J ^! 
or far from, staying away or far from, withdrawal 
from; absenting oneself from 
separation, detachment JLaiil : &*~>\ 

''■ '- ' ' *i "i 
avoidance, shunning, keeping >-."'■>' : i>* ■ > ~^! 

away from, keeping clear of, steering clear of, 
keeping off; turning away from, turning one's back 
on, turning a cold shoulder to 
farness, remoteness J-v : J ^i 

•— ~"V f'T 'J 

to move away (from), go jjU- <. \x~*> t_-*i :(o*) ■*»-: 
away (from); to leave, depart (from) 

to keep away or j* lj^- ' O* ^ J -^ J - J* -u* •**-<! 
far from, stay away or far from, distance oneself 
from, withdraw from; to absent oneself from 

• rwr.-. "V.^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ~H 

inchoate, embryonic 
of first instance 


elementary education ^, , - x rf' f™ 

court of first instance & * -^ I **£»« 

e **- .. » - 
elementary school, primary school i^l-^ S-jx. 

contrivance, contriving, devisal, J^f)! •£,' J '*- 

devising, excogitation, designing, fashioning; 
invention, innovation, origination, creation; 
coinage, coining 

heresy, heterodoxy, itJu i*ii>jA ; £'-*--;! 


heretical • -^> •* : . -t l-il> I 


improvisation, extemporization 

to hurry (to), hasten (to), rush (to), £j 

run (to) 

to get ahead of, forestall, anticipate, 

act in advance of 

before I could utter a word, he said... ^i\i ^j-^>\ 

to contrive, devise, excogitate, design, j^>\ '■ ?■&> I 
fashion; to invent, innovate, originate, create, 
make, conceive, introduce, coin, start, be the first 
to do something 

to originate a heresy it j-j ^ I : £-^J 

to improvise, extemporize, ad-lib, deliverjawjl :«-£j] 

offhand, do on the spur of the moment 

hackneying; abuse, Jl,*^.! SfLI iOUf»| :( -"-^J 


triteness, commonness, ^Jl^* s^I o£ \iS\x^\ 

commonplaceness, platitude, banality 

. :JIJtil 

: Jjl> 

indecorum, indecency; 

vulgarity; immorality 

to hackney, hack, wear out in everyday l ^»l 

use, make trite, make hackneyed 

to violate accepted standards fUji-^l £\y : J-LjI 

of good manners, be indecorous, be indecent, be 

indelicate; to display vulgar manners; to use 

abusive language; to act immorally 

to degrade oneself, demean Jakil : (*—li>) J-Lj| 

oneself, lower oneself, stoop 

amputated, mutilated, cut, cut off, ^ > J»L. :^1 

severed; disconnected, unconnected, detached, 

separated, broken; cut short, bobtail(ed), curtailed; 

anabolism [ r l.^l] ,{■■■', I 

anabolic [«L>-l]^LJI 

rejoicing, jubilation, exultation; J3j ~ i rji : r\+£ I 
joy, delight, happiness, gladness, delectation, 
exhilaration, glee, gaiety, mirth, hilarity, 
cheeKfulness), high spirits 

supplication, prayer, invocation f'j^ ' <J*fl"' ' 

to rejoice (at), jubilate (at), exult (at); r-ji : (_,) „^j\ 
to be happy (at), glad (at), delighted (at), cheerful 
(about or over), merry (about or over), gay (about 
or over); to cheer up 
to show off, vaunt, flaunt _> ^*J : j^L\ 

to exaggerate, overdo, overstate j «JL : '^L \ 

to supplicate, pray humbly (to God), Yj^ '■ j£> ' 
invoke (God), implore earnestly, beseech, obtest 
purchase, purchasing, buy(ing) *l^ :fXj!>\ 

to confide one's secret to, tell one's (%JI .»_) iu I 
secret to, let someone in on a secret, let out a 
secret to, disclose to, reveal to, divulge to 

to alphabetize jj«j I 

alphabetical, alphabetic, abecedarian 




potbellied, paunchy 

obese, fat, corpulent 

to make hoarse, husky, harsh J 

hoarse, husky, harsh, raucous, throaty, 

<e-u»j jfl t-»jjJ-l :cjajI 

u t_ ....... . ru I 


sailing, navigation 

to sail, navigate, travel by sea, make a I _^J "_> L :^ 
sea voyage, voyage 

'- > .« 

to sail, set sail, make sail, put to sea, i' < I I o^ul 

weigh anchor, depart, leave, begin a voyage 
having bad breath, suffering 
from halitosis 

(OJI iaJlj aj^S" :^l 


to stay in, remain in, abide in 

to run wild; to be or become 
wild, untamed, feral 

-lit :ol5dL. lol 
> , ,» 

to separate ^'l < Jjli . ^ J^ali I : ^ 'o^J I 

(oneself) from, detach oneself from, withdraw 
from, part with, leave, quit, walk out on 

to avoid, shun, keep away i£ *\ju t L_j«J : ^ lui I 
from, keep clear of, steer clear of, keep off; to turn 
away from, turn one's back on, turn a cold 
shoulder to 

to be or become far, faraway, CLai I j_ju j\£ : lui I 
far-off, distant, remote 

to be or become unlikely, J^'ill Lu«j j\£ :luil 

to seek, aim at, aspire to; to desire, wish, want, (jiil 
crave after, covet 

seeking, aiming at, aspiring to; (J i£l jjlr. : r lp"j l 
desiring, wishing, wanting, craving after, coveting 


l_»JA lijic i <Uc 

invention, creation, devisal, innovation, 
origination; creativity, creativeness, 

i : *U^jl 

l+i-Lo :jJJ SjLc ji iJLS" jiCJI 

ability, inventiveness, ingenuity; originality, 
novelty; unique achievement 

coinage, coining (of oljLjl jl oLliCJI jlSUl 
words or phrases) 

to invent, innovate, originate, s- jjj I . .l i •'"'■■ I : ^Scj I 
create, make, introduce, be the first (person) to do 
something; to contrive, devise, excogitate, design, 

to coin (a word, 
phrase, etc.) 

to become wet; to be moistened, wetted, 'J& : [£, I 

drenched, dabbled, sparged, splashed 

to test, try, put to the test v ^- . ^i I : Vj | 

to afflict, try, distress, 'JaiL\ . i-k^ LCl : JGjl 
torment, torture 

to be afflicted with, hit by, stricken by, _, 'Jjj I 
smitten by, sorely tried by; to suffer, sustain, 
undergo, experience 

trial, tribulation, affliction, visitation f iLJ I 

, < 


outstanding (in), excellent (in), unique (in); to 
perfect, bring to perfection ^ 

to exchange (for), give in exchange (for), Jjj I 

commute (for); to replace (by or with), substitute 
(for), put in place (of); to change, alter, convert; to 
to commute 

- * - '.' '' -\"\ 

publishing, putting out, bringing jIj 

5" • 

everlasting, eternal, perpetual, sempiternal, i5 Jj I 
aeonian, endless, ageless, timeless, never-ending^ ^ 
eternity, perpetuity, eternal existence, eternal i.Jj I 
duration, endlessness , , , 

to sting, bite t^^ 1 

, - - • "* 
to backbite; to slander, defame, ^ti » v^! '• .* ' 
malign, traduce, calumniate, asperse, vilify, speak 

evil of ,* , * - ~< 

to pollinate oCJI^iJ:^ 

to keep, fulfill, carry out, live up to, redeem, J j :^ I 
make good (one's oath, one's promise, one's word) 
to accept, approve of iLi :J^> ^ ^ y} 

to pollinate oUI j-J :^l 

'•1 "- Y •* \"\ 
to absolve from, acquit <y* I < j>>- ' J»- • uf 0* ' 

from, discharge from, free from, release from, 

relieve from, clear of, disengage from, exonerate 

from, exempt from < f 

to cure, heal, restore to health, make J& ■ 1^1 


absolution, acquittal, discharge, release, f \is.\ ■ *\j>\ 

freeing, exoneration, exemption 

recovery, recuperation, cure, healing f Ui. : f I y\ 

acquittance, discharge, quittance, Qybf)L.i l\ y\ 


presentation, production, bringing out, jU-t»j '-j\j>\ 

showing), exhibition, exposition, manifestation, 

display(ing), bringing into view 

accentuation, emphasis, -u-Ci i -^y '■ 'J y.\ 

stressing), underlining, highlighting; featuring, 

giving special prominence or added force to 

protrusion, projection, sticking out, f bl : jl^.1 

exsertion; embossment 

to eternize, eternalize, perpetuate, jJU- i -u j~ : Jj \ 


wild, untamed, feral, ferine jU : jj I 

"ternity, perpetuity *£*■ ' ^) J : -4 ' 

forever, perpetually, eternally; ^»jJ1 ojI i oj'il JJ 
for good, permanently > 

forever and ever u^^ 1 ^' JJ 

never, not at all, absolutely not, U1L. i J»» : Ioj I 
by no means, by no chance, in no case, under no 
conditions, on no account 

always, forever, ever 


to create, originate, make, bring into being jii- : I jj I 

to bring out IjujI iC»-u«^~I t ->j^v <j' : '-V' 

something new, do first, introduce, open, begin, 
start, commence ,, , 

to show, demonstrate, manifest, display, Jd* ' : iS-4 ' 
evince, exhibit, present, bring into view; to reveal, 
disclose, uncover, bring to light; to express, voice, 
declare, utter, indicate, state, bring out, make clear 

show(ing), demonstration, mani- jU-t) '• «l->jj 

festation, display(ing), exhibition, presentation, 
bringing into view; revelation, disclosure, un- 
covering, bringing to light; expression, voicing, 
declaration, uttering, making clear 
creation, invention, innovation, origination; ^Ijj) 
creativeness, creativity, creative ability, inventive- 
ness, ingenuity; originality, unique achievement; 
excellence; perfection 

creative, originative, inventive, original, i^f '•"•*! 

innovative, imaginative, artistic, artful, seminal, 
fertile, fictive; ingenious; unique, excellent, 
romantic [v^Jg^-M 

romanticism [ V ■> ' ] <?* ' -M ) 

exchange; substitution, replacement; change, JIjjJ 

changing, alteration 


l^ (_jOu ijy**- J'-^j 

monster, wild beast 



„ ,, * - -■ e * 

to excel (in), do well, do excellently, &*■ I : £Jj ' 

achieve excellent results (in); to be or become 

.' ,* 




j^y £r 

spotted, speckled 

parish, diocese, bishopric, see, eparchy *~itf ' 

leprous; leper l^^V v'~ a -« : o'^' 

gecko ij^iy. iv ■u o y} <r~ 

to cable, wire, telegraph, telegram <->^j J— jl : j yl 

to be struck by lightning o^> <o u> I : o^> I 

it lightened, there was lightning 2LJI oi'^.1 

to flash up, light up, brighten, J^il :<^»-j Jj^jl 
radiate, irradiate 

to brandish, flourish 

to make (a camel) kneel down 

Aa . ...i i}jj I 

to ratify, confirm, endorse, L it. ojU> i'ji\ :»J,\ 

sanction, approbate, approve, consent to, assent to, 
subscribe to, adopt, pass, legalize, validate, uphold, 
sustain, maintain 

to conclude, make, strike, enter into Sis. : ^y I 

to twist, twine, entwine, curl, kink 0_u>- . J^i : ^ y I 

, ■ » ,, ,t 

to weary, bore, tire; to annoy, irk, 

bream (iiL-) 

needlelike, needle-shaped, acicular, (JSCiJI) \$j> I 
aciform; needle- 
needier ^i^vCsji 

dandruff, scurf 
pure gold 
golden, gold 

4 ** - " <• 
i-»U> ^^alU- i_«»j : \j jl 

pitcher, jug, ewer, kettle; flagon; cruse, cruet JtJ, I 
teapot; teakettle (ilill j^l 

April OLJJ : Jrf^Jj 

washbasin, washbowl jJIlJIj aJ-jJI Jill [^'^ : y^ 

buckle, clasp, fibula, fastener, fastening dill. : c\> I 

to rejoice at, be happy at, be delighted _, ^ J :_, ^1 
at, be cheerful about ' ' ; 

to bring good news or glad tidings li^ljl JJj : ]^J* 


ratification, confirmation, aj'jCo^ . jly I : »|J| 

endorsement, sanction(ing), approbation, approval, 
consent, assent, adoption, legalization 
conclusion, concluding, 1 
making, entering into 

Court of Cassation, Supreme 

instrument of ratification 

rj>.\3 o*^ 

J A^5~3m 




indicator, needle, pointer 

injection, shot 

sting, stinger 

geranium, cranesbill 

stylus, needle 

magnetic needle 



eye, threading hole 



to mail, post, send by mail 

to hail, be hailing 

• , > ^ ^> - . _ 

(>ai»J I Aj G i i A ,*.» ,i ; jj I 


(ill j)^> :i^Jl 
-''■> -:.•". -'!.•* ..-■' 

A^*J» A3 J j t A»Ji^- ; op I 

A ■ m ■ n ' - T 8 J 1 

J »' •>, .' 

to bring out, make apparent, produce, ^jj I : JJ, I 
present, show, offer to view, exhibit, manifest, 
display, bring into view, expose; to bring forward; 
to bring to the fore 

to accentuate, accent, Js. ili . ^L lJ'1 : J,^ I 
emphasize, stress, focus on, underline, highlight; to 
feature, intensify, heighten, magnify, point up, 
give special prominence or added force to; to head, 
place at the head (of) 

to protrude, project, thrust out, exsert, til : 'j'jA 
jut out, stick out, poke, bulge; to emboss, raise in 

to publish, put out, bring out 

J J*0l C jZj '. jji 1 



axillary i^**] 

removal, taking away, J> i f Lail : jI*j) 

putting aside, setting aside; separation, isolation; 
elimination, exclusion, disqualification, dropping; 
sending away, dismissal; driving away, expulsion, 
forcing out, putting out; keeping off, driving back, 
repelling, repulsion 

banishment, exile, expatriation, yii : .>Uj] 

relegation, deportation, expulsion 

exclusion, elimination, ruling <Ji*- i »Li^4 • 3 ^?j 


alienation, estrangement, repulsion jjlj : jUj] 

to remove, take away, put aside, J> « j^-ii I : -uj I 
set aside; to distance, place at a distance, keep 
away; to separate, isolate, set apart (from others), 
seclude; to eliminate, disqualify, drop, exclude; to 
send away, dismiss; to drive away, expel, force 
out, put out; to keep off, drive back, repel, repulse 

to banish, exile, expatriate, relegate, J6:^>\ 

deport, expel 

to exclude, eliminate, rule out <J J»- i <_^~} : J*> ' 

to alienate, estrange, disaffect, repel ^ii : j*j I 

-"-I- ■ ' -i "\ 
farther (away), further, u_^ I -uo i (j-u I : -uj i 

remoter, more distant, ulterior; beyond 

farthest, furthest, farthermost, ^ai "ill : o« "51 1 

furthermost, endmost, utmost, uttermost, outmost, 

outermost, extreme, ultimate, remotest, most 

remote, most distant 

to hate, detest, loathe, abhor, « £ <■ c-i* : Jo*> I 

abominate, dislike 

to escape, flee, run away v j* : J? ' 

fugitive, runaway; escapee 
abaca, Manila hemp 

(oUi) $ 

■ - - -* :.-1 
to retain, keep (up), maintain; J* Jii U- i (I ■>! "• ^i I 

to preserve, conserve; to reserve; to hold 

to leave unchanged, ^ uj-> >» L^ *^> : t^) ' 

leave untouched, leave as it is 

to leave, leave over, leave ( ~) j ILaiS ) &y :Ju\ 


to make stay, ask to stay (at ( jJj si lull Jc) Ju \ 

lunch, etc.) 

to, announce or give good news to 

to cause indigestion to ^ < : ^> ' 

vision, sight, eyesight; seeing ijjj : jLoj] 

to see; to look at, set J^-"5l i(ijj) jJ»J '<i'j : r^' 
eyes on, lay eyes on, catch sight of, descry; to 
notice, observe, perceive, discern, realize, make 
out . 

ham, popliteal space, hollow of the *1S J\ j^^i : i>^' 

popliteal if*'. ' 

armpit; axilla i_i-53l Jb\> : ,L] 

to be slow; to slow, decelerate, slacken, ^k> : Lkj I 
delay, move at decreasing speed, go slowly, be- 
come slower; to lag, linger, loiter, tarry 
to slow down, slow up, decelerate, >- 1 : U»j I 

slacken, retard, delay, detain, hold up 

i^^KlLk lil:Uul 

slowdown, slowing down, deceleration, >LL) 

slackening, delay(ing); slowness, retardation; 
tardiness, lag; tarrying, lingering 
annulment, nullification, invalida- j<~i i >UJ : JLLjJ 
tion, voidance, abolition, abolishment, cancella- 
tion, negation, defeasence, revocation, repeal, 

neutralization, J^Lj-l t(jJJ J>«iiO J^" : JUajj 
counteraction; thwarting, frustration 

basin-shaped valley; f-^'j Jrr* i Lr a ij t 3 'j -7^*?' 
wide bed of a stream or torrent, wide riverbed, 
wide ravine 

flat, level, even 

to lose time 

to spoil; to make ungrateful, I^L> "j^o : j-laj I 

careless, reckless, wanton 

to annul, cancel, abolish, invalidate, £_i i <yJI : JJij I 
nullify, negate, extinguish, void, make null and 
void, revoke, rescind, repeal, abrogate, recall, 

to neutralize > Jala- 1 i (*JJ iJ>»ill) JJ»c : Ji»jl 

counteract, make ineffective, put out of action; to 

thwart, frustrate, foil 

-• » - - .* 
to hide, conceal, harbor <_^»- 1 : jJ»j I 




■ ' —^ 

informing against, reporting 

recovery, recuperation, convalescence, f lii, : J^L I 

to shine; to dawn i-^ 4 J^i,l irtLI 

bright, serene, clear 
to make swallow 


l l_»Lo 4 (J 

(Js j-^* ; rtL 1 

~.- *~-^ 

«JLo 4Lc>- : «Jjl 

- -. * . - " .'.*'*,. . '-,* 

to inform of, t jitl 4 <JJ Jil 4 j Jil i ii. : ( JJ 4 _, ) jL I 

tell about, let know about, notify of, apprise of, 

advise of; to report to, relate to; to convey to, 

communicate to, impart to, transmit to, deliver to; 

to announce, state, declare 

UjjU J JL : iLI 

writ, summons, etc. to or on someone) 

to inform against, report, j ^J. ) : ^ «1> I 

denounce, betray 

v '' '* 

give him my best regards! remember <j?>-- ^ I 
me to him! 

piebald, pied, pinto, skewbald, .JL^ 4 Ja» jl : jL I 

spotted, speckled, dappled, flecked 

chat, wheatear (^IL) ^Ju jjl :jlil 

stupid, idiotic, imbecile, imbecilic, foolish, (ii-a) 4JLJI 
doltish, dumb, silly, fatuous, empty-headed, dense, 
dimwitted, simpleminded, unwise, thickheaded, 
fat-witted, weak-minded, feebleminded, brainless, 
daft f 

fool, simpleton, imbecile, idiot, dullard, (^.l) 4JU 
dunce, dolt, dunderhead, moron, blockhead, 
fathead, oaf, ninny, numskull 
the Devil, Satan, Lucifer l'l 

devilish, satanic, fiendish, diabolical), 
demoniac, demonic 

to eulogize, praise (a dead person), deliver a cuil Jj\ 
funeral oration (in praise of.) 

son; child; boy; descendant, offspring, scion J> I 


man, human being 


adopted son or child, adoptive son or ^.VJL Ji I 

child " '' 

foster child, foster son, io^JI jl pLb^JL^I 

godson, godchild 

Aj J j » • » I lj ^ I 

to spare or save (someone's life), (oC»- J*) (jiil 

keep alive 

*' - , > 

retention, keeping, J* iiajUv. 4 i.1 jl : c liL> j 

maintenance; preservation, conservation; reser- 
vation; holding 

leaving, leaving over, (*JJ SJLai^ % I J^) diy : f li>! 
leaving behind 

making stay, (tJJ &t juJI J*) yi-j *il»- : t li,l 

asking to stay (at lunch, etc.) 

sparing, saving (tJJ ,_^»3«i sCi- J*) e \ju\ 

(someone's life) 

maintenance *JL ja L J* p-«>ll £LSj I 

(preservation, keeping) of the status quo 

Jjj mjr- \j — Jij 1 
-•» S -' -.» 

spotted, speckled; flecked, mottled, Jo» jl 4 aJL^ : «il 
dappled; piebald, pied, skewbald, pinto 

to make cry, make weep { S~^ : <d»>- : ^L I 

jS^i t ^xj u-Ij-jXjI 

to silence, shut up, reduce to ^jj- 1 4 i^JL I : «Su 1 

mute, dumb, speechless, voiceless, lts* ' : c~ ' 


to recover, recuperate, convalesce, heal, 
regain health, get well 

camels JC^ : J] I 4 Jjl 

- - ^- >- -o* 
to wear out, fray, frazzle, tatter; to UU <>j~b : ^ I 

abrade, fret, chafe, scrape off, rub off; to corrode, 

erode, wear away 

to prove oneself brave, show L_a- i~% l Jj\ 

extreme courage, defy death boldly, fight coura- 
geously, distinguish oneself in battle, fare well in 
battle, acquit oneself heroically, be heroic; to strive 
earnestly (for) 

notification, notifying, information, jL»-l :ciCl 

informing, telling; communication, conveyance, 

transmission, delivery; announcement, statement, 


service (of summons, writ, notice, [<J>il> ] f%\ 

papers, etc.), delivery, notification 

denunciation, information, i3j£L 4 obj '.^ p}U 

J^ '-'S>) 



■»wi w ■»aa>..:'J3i»ifcitoMS fla« l «flaaq 

insignificant, trivial, unimportant, <u jl 4J Ajj^ i 

obscurity, obscureness, vague- u-LJI t ,>>>»i- : fU? j 
ness, ambiguity, equivocalness, equivocation, 
darkness, abstruseness, reconditeness, inscru- 
tability, confusion 

thumb, pollex jJI f\+>\ 

great toe, big toe, large toe, hallux SrJ^ fW^j 

to fade, dim, dull, pale, blanch, b*l> >d«j>- :c^l 

tarnish, make dim, make dull, make pale 

C-*JJ «j>-1j — J^a-b" t CUuu ' C-4J I 

pomp, splendor, ostentation, -uiit . .uUj : 44J 

grandeur, magnificence, pomposity 

, - •» - -.* 
to gladden, delight, cheer up, exhilarate, ^> ' '• gfc ' 

rejoice, make happy, fill with joy 
aorta i^-js* 1 o^j? -jp} 

back j+J* : ^> I 

aortic, aortal tSjfy ' 

savin (oLj)j^jl 

, - .< „ ,,.* 
to obscure, obfuscate, befog, confuse, tw>jI ju« : jvjj I 

make obscure or ambiguous 

to be or become obscure, ambiguous, {J -^ '■ «♦» I 
vague, equivocal, incomprehensible 



the parents, father and mother 

fatherhood, paternity 


abutilon, yellow mallow 


paternal, fatherly 

disdainful, haughty, lofty, 
supercilious, proud 

to whiten, become (grow, turn) white or whiter Ja~>\ 

-. » ., -•< 

white j)~ I ju« : Ja~> I 

'■ . *.~ -.» 
blank, empty, unmarked v.}-*-* **■ '• l/^> ' 

- s 11 - s '1 
Aj-UIj -a^jl 

(u l>~>- ) f.J-.fc' I 

■■■: ■ •"•" ' 


'' ' ' • 

crow; raven (^JLL) v'^- : rv/f ix! 


native; national, citizen aJJI ,jj1 

«' , > . - '. > . 
countryman, compatriot ^A>\^ : t^.\ jL ^1 

celebrity, celebrated person, famous man %? ^y} 

warrior; soldier Vji' Crf! 

stepson, stepchild <=rj>J' j' £J.>" ix! 

spontaneous, automatic, ^Ul, :.C£.L ^1 

unprompted, impulsive 

extemporaneous, extemporary, '^{^ j\ :*CcL ,^1 

impromptu, offhand(ed), ad-lib 

passing, transient, transitory, y\s. . J5I J : -UcL. ^1 

impermanent, short-lived 

wayfarer, traveler; passer-by, walker; J-—-)' Crf! 

vagabond, tramp, vagrant, hobo, wanderer 

echo, reverberation (i-uo : j^DI ^j 

weasel (o^y^-) u-jf Oil 

' f b J a 

polecat, fitch, fitchet, (,jl>~>-) ^jf-H <j~j? Oil 

C - B B ^i J . 

XJlil jl 


jl Jlil jl ^1 j, I 

*■ , .. ^ -• a " * a *-»a ^b'-Bb^^b 

natural (illegitimate, unfathered) son or <V^» 
child, love child, bastard, whoreson 

egret (^U.) .(jl ^1 

ferret (ul>~>-) l>^ ix! 

Samir Sadek, Jr. (£.) J ^' lJjU jv^. 

daughter (of someone), girl i. 

niece o»- xl jl r-ili-jl 

- .S • Bi. ■"-. 

stepdaughter ^j^' j' ri)^ *-i' 

cousin iilil ji ilill jl Jlil ji pi 'il\ 

goddaughter, godchild "<, ^^..Jl 1 

ebony (<-. 


to take notice of, pay lz«l ■ ii^l : j j! J ol 

attention to, mind, heed, care for or about, take an 
interset in 



'■' , - 1 - 1 .-•-'--'-' ' 

to bring (to); to furnish with, supply with 

to do, make, perform, carry out, _< ^\» t Jii : J} 

execute, accomplish, fulfill 
to commit, perpetrate 

to happen, occur, take place 

to finish, complete, conclude, wind 
up, terminate 

to destroy, eradicate, wipe out, ^c t ^ai : Jx. Jj 
annihilate; to finish off; to do away with, put an 
end to, eliminate 

to exhaust, use up, consume, jiin,l : ^t- J} 

finish up 

to destroy completely, u-^y'j j-**-^' ^ Jf 
wipe out; to ruin, wreck, havoc, wreak havoc on 
lay waste, devastate, ravage; to devour 
to mention, make mention of, 
refer to, make reference to 

the following, what follows 

as follows; like this 

'-^ /■> J* (J 

J £=Hj -yjy 

t Lj 

to suit, fit, befit, agree with; to i_»- u ' r* a ' i>* '-> ■ ty ' 

be suitable for, fit for, agreeable for, convenient 

for, favorable for 

to give (to), grant (to), donate j jj j t yktl : ,y I 

(to), bestow upon, confer upon; to supply with, 

provide with, furnish with 

to fructify, fruit, bear fruit <d5l 

to give alms, practice (regular) charity 

4J J :dul;1 

prince, emir; master, lord, chief, 
head, leader 

to allow, permit, let J «u~ :(J) rU'l 

to enable to, put in a ^c jjui i ^ ^jSL. : (J) ^t I 
position to, make possible for 

to pave the way (for), ,_; 4 Ji- (lit : ( J) ^t I 

facilitate, make easy 

Jx. Jj-ail 

J-i X 1 

to make available, make 

to give (to), grant (to), offer, afford, ^*£-\ : ( J) r-t I 
present (to or with); to provide with, furnish with, 
supply with 

to predestine, (j-^j sUaij) u-** <■ j-u :rtl 

'"*«¥« MJUIMWJ 

1 ""^ '■■"- - ^ 

bright, luminous, clear, iJi^-« ' rw»j '-J*?} 

brilliant, shining, shinv 

innocent, blameless, v*^' ij-« JU- 1 hSjj '■ ij ^j^ 

cleanhanded, pure, clean, white 

whiting (lilk-jy^ol 

white lie, fib «Lol> ijjJi'l 

bloodless coup d'etat y^j I i_j>ii I 

bloodless revolution *^-^) °jy 


first light of dawn 


white flag 

white slavery 

white slaves 

with cold steel, with swords u^"^ rXJlj 

good reputation, honorable name, *L-o~! *^ :.y^ 
fine character; noble deed 

leukocyte, white blood corpuscle »^^j *i£ 

0- **'«' 
moonlit night; sleepless night ^^yi *^ 

,.« ■> .- 
sudden death; natural death Ja^} o^ 

beneficent hand(s), beneficence, *L»1; (jU!) jj 
benefaction, benevolence, generosity, good 
deed(s); skill, skillfulness, dexterity 

whitening, becoming white or whiter; 
whiteness, white 

leukemia {jo JJ .)\^£\^\ { Jo\Ja~>\ 

Epicurean iSjtfLj] 

Epicureanism ijjjiLj! 

coming, next, following; (.jli < JJL. '(,_^^0 ol 

future, eventual, to come; forthcoming, upcoming; 

coming, arriving; comer, 
newcomer, arriver, arrival 

as follows 

to come, arrive, show up 

to bring, fetch, get, bring forward, ^iu- 1 : j ^ \ 
advance, present, introduce, produce 

to give (to), grant (to); j <ojj tolLi-l : j l.n-**. ^ I 



to imitate, ey\ ,JlS\ <■ oj^»- l^»- i *j i5Jli'l : vol 
copy, take after, pattern after, follow someone's 
example, tread in the steps of, follow in the steps 
of; to follow suit 

to follow, pursue, chase, i_-I«J i JJ*- "i i jjU» : ^-J I 
go after, run after, hunt, trail, track, trace 

, - < * * 

direction; bearing(s); heading; way; trend, aUu I 

tendency, drift, inclination, bent, current, course, 
stream, run; line; orientation; attitude, sense; 


r 1 - 

sense I'-'^'yjJ <^°*>\ 

toward(s), to, in the direction of oU«J L 


yr^ jt'j 

to tend to, be directed to(ward), be oriented (<Jj) oJl 
to(ward); to aim at, be aimed at; to turn to(ward); 
to face, turn one's face to(ward); to head for, make 
for, go to, take to, proceed to, be headed for, be 
bound for; to steer; to bear; to pursue, proceed 
along, follow (a specified course, action, plan, etc.) 

union, uniting, combination, jm\ jj-a< : jby I 

junction, consolidation, integration, merger, 

union; -u*- yl\ i j^j i jUu jIj UJj U 1 5 jl>- j : ^Uu I 
association; consortium; combination; pool; 
alliance; federation 

unity, oneness, singleness ilil j&- j i Sjj-j : jL~ I 

unanimity, consensus, unanimous *lj^l jL~I 
agreement, unanimous resolution 

trust; cartel, syndicate (c?^?—* J ' 

customs union 

labor union, trade union, union 

federation, federal union 


unanimously, as one man, with one *lj^l jl»J I 

accord, with one voice 

jointly and severally jljil^lj jIsujL 

;:.■ avuvT'.-v .i 

■••■'-' -'J 

foreordain, predetermine 

to give the opportunity or chance i-sjjJI »-t 

he was given the opportunity, he i-sjjJI aJ 
had the chance 

he was able to succeed 

^IkJI aJ £jl 

to act slowly, proceed deliberately, ^U t J^J : jLi'1 
take one's time, slow (down); to be slow, be 

to stare at, gaze at, look 
sharply at 

female donkey, she-ass, jennet, jenny 

royalty; tax, tribute 


(>l)l j\ >Jl ») jtj-l 

•Lj ^^ : 5 j u' I 

o*» j ! J u I 
4-j |«-»-lj — ou' 

Ii5" >_j]j- ^-, :f Uj 

following, going after, 
proceeding after, coming after 

following, pursuing; adoption, adopting, ^ :?-LjI 
taking up 

observance, observing, j .i-.iLi <■ Ay$\ :pLjl 

compliance with, abidance by, adherence to, 
sticking to, keeping (to), following, maintaining 
imitation, copying, taking after, j gljuil : ?-Ljl 
patterning after, following the example of 
following, pursuing, i_JL«J i *i>-'x. i o jjlk. : «■ Lj I 
pursuit, chasing, chase, going after, taking after, 
running after, huntGng), trailing, tracking, tracing 

following (up); attachment, annexation, JjUJI :pLj'I 
appending, addition, subjunction, junction, 
joining, supplementation 

classical , classic *_c Lj I 

classicism; classicality <LcLjl 

, ^ •< .. .. • i 
to follow (up) with, cause to be followed J^-JI :_; *<j'l 

by, cause to follow or succeed; to send after; to 

subordinate to; to attach to, annex to, append to, 

add to, join to, subjoin to, supplement with 

to follow, go after, proceed 
after, come after 

to follow, pursue; to adopt, ^^-J 4 Jx- jL : >-S 
take up 

to observe, comply with, abide _> j-i> i (-jjJI : *-J 
by, adhere to, stick to, keep (to), follow, maintain 

<Va19» (**-"* t jju- y ! V-i > 

( v ~ , i 



to close, shut (o(D; to lock, bolt 



to seek protection (in, 

-j c»~*"! 'i (j": '--i wy 

j I 

with), take shelter (in, with); to protect oneself, 
shelter oneself, shield oneself 
to brim, fill to the brim, fill up, 
overfill, fill to overflowing 

to be or become brimful, (over)full, lt>^ jU> : ^Ji\ 
replete, filled to capacity or overflowing 

to spoil; to make ungrateful, ^^iul : (i»«-JI ^-) <-»/ ' 

careless, reckless, wanton 

. -ft 

citron U^Jgoj' 

.. * 

equanimity, composure, poise, balance, ii I jj : oljj ') 
equilibrium, sobriety, sedateness 
sound judgment, judiciousness, *»La»- '■oljjj 

levelheadedness, reasonableness, rationality 

to be sober, sedate, grave, composed Ljjj 0^ : o> ] 

to be judicious, wise, of sound lA . yr* <jo : 6 jj I 
judgment s 

to be weighed o JJ : *J> ! 

oj»>> jfr'j 

-oj'>> : u>] 

expansion, enlargement, dilation, jl of. I : gLJ I 

dilatation; extension; expanse, extent, space, scope, 
breadth, range, compass, stretch, spread 
extensiveness, wideness, roominess, <>&-j : f Lj I 
spaciousness, capaciousness, vastness, commo- 
diousness, ampleness, amplitude 

consistency; harmony, congruity, symmetry, JLJ I 
proportion; regularity, uniformity, evenness 

to be or become dirty, unclean, filthy, foul £-J \ 

to widen, broaden, expand, jjuj i Jojc <. r~±>\ '■ j—j] 
enlarge, dilate; to extend, stretch; to be or become 
wide, roomy, spacious, vast, extensive, ample 

to hold, contain, take, be able to <r-*-y-\ :Jfj) 
take in, have capacity for; to accommodate, seat, 
sit, have room for, be large or wide enough for 
to be or become rich, wealthy LjijLo:*-j] 

to be or become consistent; to be or become Jj-J J 
harmonious, congruous, symmetrical, propor- 
tional; to be or become regular, uniform, even 

to be branded <i>^] ' <^-"^ pr-J ' p-^ ' ! 

!■■!*■■■ ,■..'■,. — ; 



the Soviet Union, the Union of t JLi > Ul n 

Soviet Socialist Republics, the U.S.S.R. 

union; federal; federative; federalist; unionist l$oU«7] 

federal government, federation 
unionism; federalism 



to unite, combine, join, consolidate, integrate, jm 
merge, be or become one, form a unity or a union; 
to be or become united, integrated, joined, com- 
bined, consolidated, merged, amalgamated; to band 
together, be or become banded; to be or become 

to present with, gift with, make a valuable j uim 
present or gift to, give (to), offer (to), bestow upon, 
confer upon 

to take; to assume, take on; to adopt; to take up, jlm 
occupy, seize, hold; to use, make use of; to make, 
make something out of 

to take or adopt measures ^o I jj j I ol 1 1 j>-\ i»u I 
or steps 

to take (take on, assume, acquire) a form"5l££. i±Z\ 
or shape 
to adopt a resolution, take or make a I j\J i»u I 

decision, decide, determine 

* ~ ~ ~* '•' ^ 
to take the initiative, make the first Sj.iL. ia^j 

step or move; to begin, start, be the first (person) to 
(do); to set out to, embark upon, undertake, 
proceed to, move, act, take action, begin to act 
to take (adopt, assume) a position or Ui y jju 1 
attitude; to make or take a stand or stance 

to cause indigestion to; to satiate, sate, surfeit, oJl 
glut, gorge, cloy, overstuff, cram, stuff with food, 
overfeed, feed to excess 

, ,i .' - - ,'* 

to cover with dust or earth t_>l jJ I <Jic xjaj : i_»jJ I 

to be or become very rich, *JL ^S i <_^tj : v> ' 

extremely wealthy 

to be or become poor, needy, *)L Ji i yuil :v>' 

destitute, indigent, poverty-stricken; to be reduced 

to poverty 

citron (°Li 


to grieve, sadden, distress, aggrieve 






with, pertain to, belong to, appertain to 
to call (up); to (^IJ Qj U ) 'J>\i- : -> jjIaJ I 

communicate with, contact, get in touch with (by 
telephone, etc.), reach (by telephone, etc.); to 
phone, telephone, ring up 

to be related to, Jj Ll^l c Jj ^1^1 :JJ |J^I 
derive one's origin from, descend from 

humility, humbleness, modesty; lowness; f Ljj I 

abasement, debasement 

to be or become clear, plain, distinct, manifest, pj£ I 
patent, evident, obvious; to clarify, clear up; to 
appear, come out, come to light, show; to follow 
clearly (from); to be clarified, be made clear 

to humble oneself, lower oneself, abase oneself, ««i»j I 
degrade oneself 

fee(s), honorarium, remuneration, S^i-1 :i 



* * 

learning a lesson from, taking (a) warning 
from, learning from, taking an example from 

to tire (out), weary, make tired, j^a* \ t J» jl : i-j 
fatigue, exhaust, fag, sap, wear out, wear away, 
wear down; to overstrain, overtax, overtask, 
overburden, overwork 

to disturb, trouble, annoy, irk, , i.U» i 
vex, bother, inconvenience 

to make miserable, wretched, unhappy Jpu, I : y-* I 

- .-• * - -•* 
to destroy, ruin iiLU I : ^-oj I 

to learn a lesson from, take (a) warning from, -> juu I 
learn from, take an example from 

agreement; contract; ijjblw i LiliJl t ju* :J>UjI 

treaty, pact, convention, accord, covenant, 
compact, concordat 

package, package deal, deal, "<ijuo : JiliJ I 

transaction, agreement 

agreement, understanding, accord, »> UJ : JjL; I 
arrangement, settlement; entente 

agreement, accord, concord,i_»!i»- lu> i Jli j : JiliJ I 
harmony, concert; (common) consent, assent; 

agreement, j» ly; liilk. »<.f5L « ^J>\ : Jlul 
harmony, accord(ance), concurrence, con- 

to be marked by, characterized > 

-i ~-j\ 

by, distinguished by; to bear, carry, have as a 
characteristic or mark, possess as a distinctive 
feature or property 

Jul J i J»Lj 

connection, connectedness, 

link(age), linkup, junction, conjunction, liaison, 

union, unitedness, attachment 

communication, X%. t J»k t J-olyi : JL»J I 

intercommunication, intercourse; contact; con- 
nection, relation 

calling, communicating (with), S^U«i :(_,) JLaJl 
contacting, getting in touch (with); phoning, 
telephoning; (telephone) call; communication, 

" l:JlJl 

O*o<y <■ j I 

continuity, continuance, 

contact; touch(ing), lCt>% i ^^ <■ ^ Hi : JLai I 
contiguity, adjacency 

mass communication ij,^ Uj. JLaJ I 

sexual intercourse, copulation, coitus, <-;—*- JLxil 
coition, lovemaking, sex, carnal knowledge 

(3>>-l «j«-Ij-(j) llijla "ilLxil (i^-l 

to keep (or stay) in touch with or j JLai I (J* .i 
in contact with 

liaison officer J Lai I ,LL» 

cryptology iT^Ljl o^Lo^l JU 

<JL-j «rlj— JLaji! (JjLj 

to be characterized by, marked by, _i ' »'-"! 

distinguished by; to have or possess as a 
characteristic (mark, attribute, property, quality); 
to carry, bear 

to be or become connected, linked, Jalj j I : J*£ I 
joined, united, attached; to connect, link, join, 
unite, attach; to communicate 

to be continuous, continual, J~e\y i ' /, "'-■ I : jjLu I 
uninterrupted; to form a continuous chain or an 
uninterrupted sequence; to continue 

to adjoin, abut on, jU-t «^ r i'5l « '^o^i : -> 'JLeC\ 
border on, touch, be adjacent to, be contiguous 
with, be or lie in contact with, be in touch with 
to relate to, be related to, ^ai- i j jli; : _j jjlaj I 
have to do with, concern, regard, be connected 




:'T ... ,.- .....: — ?^T 

be harmonious (with), be in harmony (with), be in 
accord(ance) (with), comport (with), get on (with), 
go well (with), match, suit, fit, square (with), tally 
(with), coincide (with), conform (with), 
correspond (with or to), be or fall in line (with), be 
in keeping with, be in conformity (with), be 
consistent (with), be compatible (with); to be 
suitable (for), fit (for), agreeable (for), convenient 

to happen i» jLa* 6j»- i>JjU> '-^l 

(accidentally), happen to be, chance, come to pass, 
take place by chance, come about by chance 

\*i) < > «j>-lj -,_jijl Ui-O 

to beware of, be wary of, be cautious of, jJ 
guard against, be on one's guard against 

to seek protection (in, with), take L3 »^-\ :(-> 

: L^l 


shelter (in, with); to protect oneself, shelter 
oneself, shield oneself 

to avoid, avert, obviate, is jlil 1 1_. .'.-y : ^ I 

prevent, ward off, fend off, parry, stave off 

to fear God; to be God-fearing, godly, ibl 

devout, pious 

caution, cautiousness, ijlij < jl^X»- 1 i jlp- : *liii*l 
wariness; precaution; protection, safeguard(ing); 

avoidance, averting, obviation, jLu 1 1_. ■',-»«,'! : >l«jl 
prevention, warding off, fending off, parry(ing) 

i/yt £rh 

J^lij :^lii'| 

glow; burning, flame, blaze 

glow, ardor, fervor, passion, 
vehemence, zeal 

mastery, command; skill, skillfulness, Olii'j 

proficiency, adeptness, dexterity, deftness; 

workmanship, craftsmanship, finesse; perfection; 

excellence; accuracy, precision, exactness, 

to glow, blaze, flame, burn (j^°\ ' f ■**»■! : -^ ! 

to flare up, rage, burn with L~ac jl ULi- -uj} 

anger, flame up with rage 

to master, know well, gain mastery in, have ^'1 
command of; to be or become skilled in, skillful in, 
proficient in, well-versed in; to excel in, do 
proficiently or excellently, do right or well; to 
perfect, bring to perfection 
to lean on, recline on, rest on, abut upon Jc l£M 

v .' :-. -'" ' "■ ' .. ' . ' • ■'•" 

~ZZ : 

cord(ance), conformity, correspondence, coin- 
cidence, congruence, congruity, compatibility, 
symphony, consistency, consistence, consonance 

chance, accident, fortuity, is jLx. :3\£\ 

haphazard, coincidence 

by chance, accidentally, by accident, is jLx. : liUJ I 
fortuitously, haphazard(ly), haply, by coincidence 

by (mutual) agreement Jli^l i IjliJl 

> * 
unanimity, consensus, unanimous t\ji\ alii J 

agreement, unanimous resolution; concurrence 

* - * * 
commercial agreement, trade <#J^"i J\»j\ 

agreement, trade package 

compromis d'arbitrage, arbitration f^" <3^J \ 

collective agreement j-cL*- jliJl 

.,' j * • •' > * 
gentlemen's agreement, ci^i, (Jjlill nj|(ip»- c\£\ 

gentleman's agreement; parol agreement 

j.^L, jl »Juo JiuJ I 

> 4 
tljL^.1 fJS. (jlijl 

peace treaty 

nonaggression pact fi-u*i ^. 

unanimously, as one man, with one t\ji\ jl^l 
accord, with one voice 

- •*.- ' " " ' -i •* i 
accidental, fortuitous, casual, ^ jLu i ^>j^ '■ i^*^; 

chance, contingent, incidental, passing, desultory, 

haphazard, random, occasional 

conventional y?>- '(^*^~ > ! : i^^! 

consensual yi J '(/ - 

consensual ^f'jj^ 'i/^i 

agreement; contract; treaty, pact, convention, cilij I 
accord, covenant, compact, concordat; package, 
package deal, deal, transaction 

jU;i «-Ij-jJJ 6ijf> *^^1 '<ij^*i -Q^i 

to agree LiL^I ju* « Jilj '• j jl J*- (o^i £•) J^} 
(with someone) (up)on or about or in something, 
concur with someone in something, be of the same 
opinion on, be agreed on, be unanimous on 
to agree, come to (reach, bring abaut) ^* Lkj : JiJ I 
an agreement, come to terms 
to conclude (make, strike, enter UliJ I oic : JAi} 
into) an agreement (a contract, treaty, etc.); to 

J>»l>> 'Jh^" 'i*£>J '( 

to agree 

(with), be in agreement (with), harmonize (with), 

(< J *--'i '■{(?) ^>"\ 

i - ubk- ■ ■ .■■■■ v .■...Mm 



(for); to impeach (a president, public official, etc.) 

kiln, furnace, oven 




etymology ^*">ij 

to grow profusely, be luxuriant j£ : (»JJ oLJl) 1l>\ 

luxuriant, abundant, profuse ji ji. <. ji I j : ol 

to reward, repay, recompense, iJjW- t U IS' : i_»UI 

banyan (^v-) V"' 

reward, repayment, recompense, 


furniture, furnishings olij^Li t^^i :ii>tfl 

to excite, agitate, stir (up), arouse, rouse, r«l» : jUI 
move, kindle, inflame, work up; to irritate; to 
provoke, incite, instigate, foment 

to stimulate, whet; to actuate, motivate, d)>>- : jlJ I 

move, drive, impel 

- - . < ,.-. , -t 
to evoke, elicit, draw forth, £>j*-\ i ^jt-u-l : jfc I 

call forth, bnng forth, bring into being or action, 

bring about, provoke, cause, occasion, produce, 

create, engender, originate, generate, prompt, 

trigger, induce, inspire, awaken 

i\£.y^O}A t 4Ja^j ( o^SsJ t <~J%S t<JL~») T'^J* ' J«J ' 

to raise, bring up, put forth, put forward, (*JJ "il^- 
pose, introduce, advance 

to enrage, infuriate, incense, a_Jic jl & £ U jU 
madden, anger, irritate, exasperate, acerbate, 
embitter, inflame, excite, provoke, vex 

to move, touch, impassion, j*l^il jl i_U»IjjJI jfcl 
commove; to thrill, electrify, galvanize 

to raise dust jUJI ^ 

8T; J-TO... ."■-■.■^.-■■•...■: 

leaning, reclining, resting 

reliance, dependence, trust, confidence 

dependent, relying on another (for support) 



dependence, reliance on another (for 

to rely on, depend on, count on; to lean on; J* JSJ 
to trust (in), have confidence in 

to trust in God; to recommend 4Jil J* J£j I 

(entrust, commit) one's soul to Cod 
damaging, spoilage, spoiling, impairment, i_»}t 

wearing out, ruin(ing), destruction, wreckage, 
wrecking, waste, wasting, wearing out, devas- 
tation, ravage, ravaging 

'J I 



to stretch (out) one's neck, crane the 

neck, perk up 

>> > -■* 

long-necked J^jJI Jj>1> :*JL>'I 

.. '** 
to damage, spoil, impair, wear out, destroy, (_oJLJT I 

ruin, wreck, waste, lay waste, devastate, ravage 

to complete, conclude, finish, wind up, finalize, j* I 
end, terminate, bring to an end; to consummate, 
perfect, round off, round out, bring to completion 
or perfection; to execute, carry out, effect(uate), 
implement, accomplish, achieve, realize; to do, 
perform, fulfill; to supplement, complement 

completion, conclusion, finishing, windup, *\}\ 

finalization, ending, termination; consummation, 
perfection.rounding off, rounding out, bringing to 
completion or perfection; execution, carrying out, 
effectuation, implementation, accomplishment, 
achievement, realization; doing, performance, 

to automate, automatize LxjLySjl *X*s>- :c 

automation, automatization i 

indictment, accusation, charge; impeachment 
indictment; information 
bill of indictment ^\£ I (i»jj <. l^i) ip -L. 

accusatory, accusative, accusing, indictment- ,_« Ijj I 
count i-il^Jl \o jai )\) ojL 

prosecuting authority, prosecution V>Wj' <^r* 
to accuse (of), charge (with), impute (to), indict ^ I 

f l*-| 

f^" 1 j\j» 


identification; iljl JJI jl iLaiJI j\ h^\ oLSI 
evidence of identity 

witness for the prosecution, °M)" J *^ 

prosecution witness 

burden of proof, onus of proof °Lj)" 2 s-* 

probative, evidential, substantiative, (^%*| 

demonstrative, corroborative, confirmatory, affir- 
mative, proof 

to prove, establish, verify, j^>\ i ^^ :c-jl 

substantiate, demonstrate, show, evidence, beto- 
ken; to attest to, bear witness to, testify, be 
evidence of, be proof of 

to confirm, affirm, corroborate, 
substantiate, sustain, uphold 

to record, register, enter, list, Jx» ' ujJ : c-y I 
write down, put down (in writing) 

to put into, insert into, c-J i J*-jI :(j) o-Ji 

introduce into, drive into, thrust into, infix into. 

implant into; to fasten, fix 

toidentify, ~<~a*JA\ jl i-jl JJI jl <L>il c-Jl 

determine or establish the indentity of 

to probate (a will) ^°>" **^ c *^ ' 

to furnish, provide with obj^^l Jjj'ery '-^ 


to fix up, prepare; to make, do 


to weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, sap 

devitalize, enervate, unnerve 

to weaken by inflicting wounds; to ^^*)^ 

wound, injure 

to beat (up), wallop, sock, hit forcefully, L^i 

beat severely, strike repeatedly 

to massacre, slaughter, butcher, slay, jalJI j j»Z\ 

kill; to annihilate, exterminate, eradicate, extirpate, 

wipe out, destroy completely 

to exaggerate, overdo iJl : j* 3l j j»^ I 

to report, relate, transmit; to quote, iiojJ-1 Ji : ^Jl 
cite s 

to prefer (to), like (better than), favor, J-ai : ^Jl 

choose to, opt for, think proper, deem wise 

to affect, influence, act upon, impact upon, ( j) Ji\ 
produce an effect on, have an influence or bearing 
upon, have an impact upon; to impress; to sway; 
to count, matter, have importance 

La i jj 


remnant, remainder ilb :SjlSI 

vestige, vestigium [ *L>-I J iji I 

excitement, excitation, agitation, stirring ^y~i> : SjlS j 
up, arousal, arousing, rousing, moving, kindling, 
inflammation; irritation; provocation, incitement, 
instigation, fomentation 

stimulation, whetting; actuation, &ij*> '■ °j^\ 

evoking, evocation, eliciting, drawing tl> I Jt»- 1 :»j&\ 
forth, calling up, bringing forth, bringing into being 
or action, bringing about, provocation, provoking, 
causing, occasioning, production, producing, 
creation, creating, engendering, generating, 
prompting, triggering, awakening 

raising, bringing up, putting forth, £yJ» : °j^\ 

putting forward, posing, introducing, introduction, 


infuriation, enraging, incensement, oLail : SjU J 

angering, maddening, irritation, provocation, 

exasperation, vexation 

- s ' -'IM 

erotism, eroticism, sexual excitement 4~~> ojIj J 




evidence, proof 

proving, establishment, jW^j <-" < ^y. : °^j 

verification, substantiation, demonstration, show- 
ing, evidencing, betokening 
confirmation, affirmation, -ujU 4 -uf t :oL5l 

corroboration, substantiation, sustainment, up- 

recording, registration, J^=*-»> 'i>-J-*J :0 ^y) 

entering, entry, listing, writing down, putting 
down (in writing) 

insertion, inserting, c-~- S i JU-jj :oL3] 

intromission, putting; fastening, fixing 

testimonial proof or (j>>*^ oW— ;) i^"*-" °M| 
evidence; testimony 

evidence in writing, literal iSjij^ j' yf^-f °M] 





preference; choice j^r* - ' ' J:;""'' : ~°y ' 

archeologic(al); vestigial; antiquarian; antique, t£^l 
old, ancient 

archeologist £s^JI Jlx. 

. * * >> 
dentition, teething oL^-^l j&» : jUj] 

to shed or replace the milk teeth; to teethe.(jJ^Jl) jii\ 
cut one's teeth, grow teeth 

andiron, dog, firedog J*-^JW i_J«JJ i_.„a;.. :<LaJl 

weighting, making heavy or %ju s,JJI JJJf : JUS] 
heavier, adding weight to 

JL*JJ :IJ ST J_»K JL_iJl «(J_*) J\ ai] 

(over)burdening, (over)loading, weihing down on, 
bearing down on, encumbering, oppression 

disturbance, iil^. i rA*jJ : (J*) JliiJ 

molestation, harassment, vexation, annoyance, 

to light, kindle, ignite 

to weight, make heavy or heavier, }Lu «Ju»- : JjJI 
add weight to 

to (over)burden, J*jl : -d*ls Jii I < ^ Jij I 

(over)load, weigh down on, bear down on, en- 
cumber, oppress, overtax, surcharge; to exhaust, 

to disturb, trouble, J«U> i ?>tjl : ^^Lc JiS I 

inconvenience, molest, pester, vex, harass, bother, 
annoy, irritate 

to bereave a mother of her child U jJj fill jj£SI 

to be deep-rooted, firmly U^, I j 0&" c jj^ok : Jj I 


to be highborn, of noble origin jikll rjS olS" : JJ I 

-- 3 * 
to gain, earn (money); to be or become (Jill) Jj I 

rich, wealthy 

tamarisk (oU) JJI 

Ujijl :jUI i—ill 

it snowed 

(jij J : ^u] '(—Jul 

to please, delight, gladden, *Jj u-iJI ji jluJI iJil 
cheer (up), make happy; to gratify, satisfy 



C" J : > ' 


effect, influence, impact, bearing;. J^jcL. i ^jIG 


impression, impress, effect; impact, 


trace, track, vestige, mark, sign, LS[, **%. : J I 
print, imprint 

ancient monument(s); Zj I L UJ : jlil t (^jji ) J> I 
antique(s); antiquities, relic(s), vestige(s), ruins ! 
remnant(s), remains 

touch, trace, tinge, streak, bit, tang, taste 
suggestion, smack 

consequence, result, effect, aftermath, 

tradition, Prophetic ^-»ij^\ ^-^-1 " 

scar, cicatrix, mark 

footstep, footprint, footmark, vestige 
track, trace 

retroactive effect or force 

work (of art or literature); objet 


aftermath, aftereffect 

museum (of antiquities) 


immediately afterwards 

immediately after, 

(directly) after, following, in the wake of 

far-reaching Ji "il 

c^ 1 '$ 

, vestige, 

f liljl 'J*\ 

* . , j'« 

(/V-J >' 

-. - 

i \**'*'A 

yet y,. 

1 J 1 <j* y ] 


>l jiiU- jLM 


jlfrl pL 

/^ i> 

j£ y\ j i 

lj£ ^ : l J* 

((O-W (^Ijl : v 

selfish, sef-centered, egocentric, 
egoistic, self-seeking 

egocentric, egoist, self-seeker 
to be or become rich, wealthy 

to enrich, richen, make rich lli iLi- : ^ I 


enrichment; becoming rich, getting wealthy 

unjust (unlawful, illicit) f-ls-» j^- t\y\ 

enrichment or gain 

selfishness, self-centeredness, iliU :i'^l 

egocentricity, egocentrism, egoism, self-seeking 


in, reside in, live in; to settle (down) at 

to lodge, put up, quarter, <JU>I i J>l : iSy ' 

accommodate; to host, have as a guest 

luxuriant, abundant, profuse 
ether; air 



favorite, preferred, best liked, favored, J-ai- : jol 
chosen; beloved, darling 

honored, revered; honorable, venerable ^£-> : j? I 

deep-rooted, firmly established £-r \j : J-J I 

highborn, of noble origin alkil jt^ : JJ I 

ethyl [.U/jJJ] 

ethylene [ *L?»^ J tfrf*?] 

sinner, evildoer, wrongdoer, offender, ^1 

miscreant; sinful, evil, wicked, erring, guilty; 
atrocious, outrageous, flagrant, wicked, vicious 

ethane [»L*-S'J l ^uJ 

lo blaze, burn, flame, deflagrate 

to answer, reply, respond, retort, 

say or write in reply 

to plead jJJ >( * J J 1 j**J l>* 

to grant, ^ i Jj :*i>-l»- J) «*UI < M^» vM 
comply with, accede to, respond to, fulfill, consent 
to, agree to, assent to, accept, hear, carry out, 
answer, meet, satisfy 

answer, reply; response; answering, i->\yr ' j j : *i^"j 
replying ^ ...>.,*., 

plea f-'j J 1 j^" 0*^^-1 

compliance, granting, accession, £-13 :*»»■] 

accedence, response, fulfillment, consent, assent, 
acceptance, hearing, carrying out, answering, 
meeting, satisfaction _ > ( 

burning, blazing, flaming v * ^ * ' f j^*** : £ • 

bitter, salty (water) ( *Ul ^») jJl* « ^* : j: W 

• - - < 

- "A --•{ 'i' ^ 
to do well, do excellently, do ,yu I i £-b I : j^ i 

expertly, do proficiently, excel (in), achieve 

to sin, commit a sin, err, offend, do LJ j ^-^Jj\ : jw I 


to accuse of a sin; to charge with ^\j ^i>\ : pSi 

an offense 

(<jl jrlj -|»JI 

sin, wrongdoing; offense, fault, misdeed; iniquity; ^1 


fruitage, fruiting, fructification, bearing j\f\ 

antimony u>*~J I : J*j j 

antimonial; antimonic; antimonious ^^l 

to bear fruit, fructify, fruit; to yield, produce, pay ^1 
(off), return, bring forth, bring in; to succeed, work 
(out), turn out well 

to intoxicate, inebriate, make drunk JSL.\ : Jiil 

, ,- * ■ » '•* 

to praise, commend, laud, ^ju i cS^J»l : <_^* ^1 

extol, eulogize; to give credit to, pay tribute to; to 

during, in the course of, at the *LjI J i *UJI 

time that, at the time of, while, when, as 

meanwhile, meantime, in the meantime, in the 


twelve ( > t) S^le &I i^le LJJ 

duodecimal <&"* ^! 

duodenum i5^c Lj^I <y4' 

two (t) utiij tuUjI 

pair, couple, duad, brace uWj j « rj j : 6^3 J 

ethnological) Lp^Jj^lj jiii. :^jfyi\ 

ethnologist L»-j)jJ)ll> pile i^^J^I 

ethnology ~4AJ\ Jl j* »' ^* : ^*-^>-j 

ethnic(al) </^j 

ethnicity *-^>\ 

Monday ((•*?) OrV* 

Whitmonday S-i*»JI y~3l 

dualism fo^) **^J 
to stay at, remain at, dwell J£» i flil : j jl -j ii_jll 



gyr fr'j 


to circulate, pass around Jt <u j\ j i J* jljl :tjli»l 

to turn, revolve, wheel, jjjb aLJ«- < jl jl : Jl»- 1 

to meditate on, ponder on j jSLil\ jl (il^l Jl»- 1 
or over, reflect on, contemplate, consider care- 
fully, weigh thoroughly, think over, revolve in 

one's mind 

-' * , ^ » 
to look around, let one's eyes j jhJ\ Jl»- 1 

wander about; to look at, set eyes on; to look 

closely at, scrutinize 

compulsion, constraint, coercion, ol^J i j»Ujl :jlJ»l 
force, forcing; duress 

compulsory, "<J^'j\ ' (ij--» ' <j*'^! •^J^fj 

coercive, forced, forcible, obligatory, mandatory, 
imperative, required 

.' - I * i * i * ." - 

to force to, compel to, jJi i e'jZ\ i ^jl : Jt ^lj»l 
oblige to, coerce to, constrain to 

to invade; to trespass, encroach r^-^l ' ' 3* • r^f] 
upon; to overrun, overspread, spread all over, 
permeate, pervade; to infest, swarm over; to 
plague; to sweep, sweep away, carry away; to 
flood, overflow, inundate, run over; to 
overwhelm, overcome 

to devastate, ravage; to iC\ i liU* I i 'J* j : ■A^r\ 
destroy, ruin, annihilate, eradicate 

to cross, traverse, go across, pass Aai i j~t : jUi»l 

through (across, over); to cover (a distance) 

to pass, go through successfully jJJ llk^l jbifl 

to go through, pass through, ju IS" i Jf U : jli I 
undergo, experience, suffer, endure, bear 

to surmount, get over, get past, J* i^Jii : jUs- 1 
(be able to) cope with 

to choose, select, elect, pick (out), cull 'jcj- 1 'Jyl 

choice, choosing, selection, election, j lly- 1 : ,£j» I 
pick(ing), picking out 


excellent results (in); to be or become excellent 
(in), outstanding (in), proficient (in), skilled (in), 
well-versed (in); to master, know well, gain 
mastery in, have command of 
excellence; perfection; proficiency, skill, i jl*. 

adeptness; mastery, command 

to protect, defend, guard, shelter, ( JJ>- i UJi .j 
shield, harbor; to grant asylum (to), give sanctuary 
(to), give refuge (to) 

to help, aid, assist, support, stand ci.U.1 ( olil : jli-1 
by; to succor, relieve 

to rescue (from), save (from), (^*) 
deliver (from) 

rent, lease; tenancy; letting, leasing, 
letting out, renting out, hiring out 

to permit, allow, let, give oil ' ry I ' r«— : jU- 

permission (to); to admit; to make permissible; to 
authorize, sanction, warrant, legalize, legitimize, 
make lawful; to license 

to endorse, sanction, confirm, approve, 'j\ : jli- 1 
pass, validate, uphold 

to entitle, empower, authorize 

jLsr-l iu>-lj - jLi-l i lilL. c 

permission, permitting, allowance, ia-C I i *-d : 3jl*-j 
allowing, letting; admission, admitting; authori- 
zation, sanction(ing), legalization, legitimization; 

endorsement, sanction(ing), j\ ji I : Sjli- 1 

confirmation, approval, passage, passing, up- 

permission, leave 

uij : o jur 1 

permit, license, 
authorization, warranty) 

7V j*Al i4*a£-j *ojl>>l 

leave (of absence), furlough 

i_jLiJL o jl : Sjl»-I 

holidays), vacation 

iLkc :ojlj-l 

license (academic degree) 

driver's license, driving permit, 5 jL» jl 3y »jl»-J 
operator's license 

sick leave 


pass; laissez-passer 

JJv- "j 1 *-] 


t>f cr'j-'t 1 ^ 




to cross, traverse 

to regard, look at, observe 

to contemplate, consider, meditate 
(on), cogitate, reflect on 
bringing, fetching, getting 

err grh ~ lt-T] 

importation, import, importing 
to bring, fetch, get 
to import 

J jy—> I : .—■■ '■'■>- 1 

meeting; get-together, gathering, assembly, £}*?»•] 
convention, congregation; session; turnout; rally; 
social life, community life 
reunion; union; unity Jlill ^^^*! 

junction, crossroads, crossing, Jj-oJI £J"»rM 


work(ing) session, work meeting Jl* £l~-r! 

sociologist £^ ' (J^ 

sociology ^*^""^ ^f 

social; societal; sociological, socio-; public, ^Uir) 

community, group 

sociable, social, ij^»li lju i JJUm : ^cLj>I 

gregarious, clubbable, companionable, congenial, 

convivial; mixer 

socioeconomic iijLif»l ^~ 




Uji-I olw» 

sociopolitical </* l tr (^? l 

personal (U ^^1)) ^f-^r 1 £?i '^r^ 1 -^ 1 * J ^ _ 

social service ^f^f^"' *-' J *" 

social studies 

social security; ^cL^i-l 

social insurance 

social scientist 

social science 

social work 

human society 

Ministry of Social Affairs * 


> «pnm««w>»m«anMR>«i^BRPtMBK 


to pluck out, tear out, extract, J^»u-I . jIj) • dJ>l 
pull out, pull up by the roots, uproot, root up, 
deracinate, root out, eradicate, extirpate, exter- 

plucking out, tearing out, J L a, ? . v , „ .l . £kJ\ '■ £l— «r! 
extraction, pulling out, uprooting, rooting up, 
deracination, rooting out, eradication, extirpation, 

to burrow, make its \j*°r ■**"[ : ^'^*' .z*"*^ - ! 

burrow or hole or den 

attraction; gravitation; draw(ing), »JJirf : olai*-] 


attraction, drawing, <— J . *JLf-| :i_>li^i»-J 

winning (over), enlistment, bringing over; appeal, 

magnetism, fascination; seduction, seducement, 

temptation, enticement, allurement), lure 

to attract; to gravitate; to draw, pull ji * -u> : v^"! 

to attract, draw, win ^ . i5>^~l • JL^J : v^rj 
(over), enlist, bring over; to magnetize, charm, 
fascinate; to seduce, tempt, entice, lure, allure 
to inhale or draw (SjL*-. ^J u^»--^' V-^ - ! 

smoke (from a cigarette) 

to ruminate (Ol>J-U jr*r\ 



to achieve, accomplish, realize, j_ ^ 

carry out, execute, effect(uate), bring about; to do 

to commit, perpetrate 

to take a part or a little of 
to deduct, discount, 

subtract, take off, take away, take out, dock 
to curtail, cut short, shorten j-*^! : 



3* ^1 


•■'■ • 

s * 

going through, passing through, ;li (*. : j,Qi- 1 

undergoing, experiencing, suffering, sufferance, 

surmounting, overcoming, ^c LiiJ : _}Cji- 1 

getting over, getting past, coping with 

to light, kindle, inflame; to set ablaze, (jJJ jUI) «l 
stoke, stir up 

i- - •-» 

injustice, unfairness, j^j^ < j^ t JLb : i_»L»u>-l 

inequity, wrong; oppression; prejudice; bias, 

to wrong, oppress, aggrieve, do wrong lii :_, Lii^.1 
to, do injustice to, be unfair or unjust to, treat 

to prejudice, harm, damage, hurt, ^>l :_, LwJj-l 

injure, do harm to, cause damage to 

' ,'• * -"• - - . « 
to uproot, root up, root out, (ill* I i «Ju» I : _, i^i^. I 

eradicate, extirpate, exterminate; to annihilate, 
destroy completely, wipe out 

jj»- «-lj - ljbj»- oj—* :jj»I 

to be useful, helpful, jU ««*; :Lii ^j^l n£^| 
beneficial, advantageous, profitable, favorable, 
instrumental; to be of use, of help, of benefit, of 
profit, of advantage, of service; to benefit, help, 
avail, advantage, profit 

(cSj-tar) cSj-t*JI |rj* nSjoi- ^ jfr'j-ii-JtaW "^ 

more useful, more helpful, slili '^S\ i «Iil :tSjJj 
more beneficial, more advantageous, more 
profitable, more favorable, more instrumental 
to be or become barren, sterile, infertile; olSQl Loi-1 
to be or become arid, dry 

to suffer from dearth or poverty, be or ^Ll oji-l 
become poor or impoverished 

barren, sterile, infertile; arid, l _ r , L t J». L : i_ojj 

dry " 

worthier, more deserving; more (-> ' i>*) jJ*-' 

appropriate, more suitable, better suited, seemlier, 
more becoming, fitter, apter; more capable, abler, 
more qualified, more competent 

'.» - . « 
mutilated, maimed yj I : p j*. I 

hawk, falcon jjuo :Sj^\ 

Jj-tav fr'j — •Jj Jj v : J-tar' 


sociability, sociality, gregariousness, <ucl«li»-l 

companionability, conviviality, congeniality 

to perfume oneself with incense, (o^^ikJl) jt"~-^ 
incense oneself 

to meet, come together, ^1m 4 ^^ ( ^^Jl «^>l 
join (each other); to get together, assemble, gather, 
congregate, collect, band together; to rally 
to meet with, get J>\i : «i jl <JJ jl _, ili I 

together with, have or hold a meeting or an 
interview with, hold talks with 

to convene, meet, assemble, »UI i j 
gather, sit, be in session 

to unite, combine, join (forces); jm I t l«i; I : ilip. 
to be or become joined, united, combined 

• ^*-^ar ' 

to accumulate, cumulate, pile up l5H 

^i • £•-»■) 

-I wl 

diligence, industry, industriousness, hard jL^j>>l 

work, sedulity, assiduity, laboriousness, pains- 
taking, pains, exertion; effort, endeavor; per- 
severance, persistence 

jurisprudence; interpretative [o>il»] j 1*^-1 

judgment; discretion; independent opinion or 


jurisprudential; interpretative; [uy\» ] <sd$*-\ 


to strive, endeavor, try hard, make every jjj- : J4*»r' 
effort, attempt strenuously, take pains; to be or 
become diligent, sedulous, assiduous, 
hardworking, industrious; to strain, exert oneself, 
put oneself out, work (too) hard 

invasion; trespassing), j-LjS'I « /^i. :rLi-l 

encroachment (upon); overrun(ning), over- 
spreading), permeation, pervasion; infestation, 
swarming over; plaguing; sweep, sweeping (away); 
flooding, overflowing, inundation; overwhelming 

devastation, ijfj I « ii)^l» I < j* lo : A^r ' 

ravagement; destruction, annihilation, eradication 
crossing, traversing, traversal, going Jy x. :j 
across, passing through; covering (of a distance) 




way as 

to call, telephone, phone, (j) Ci^U "ilLoJl iiy>-l 
ring up, buzz; to dial 

to experiment, make an experiment; <>>=*' <i>=!" ' 
to test, examine; to try; to sample 

to investigate, conduct or institute an li-i»«j iiy«-l 
investigation, make an inquiry 

to operate, perform a surgery i-j- 1 y«- <LL* iiy-1 
or a surgical operation 

to draw lots it yd I iiyr I 

to hold talks; to discuss; to confer, parley; to 

to interview, have an interview «-. iLli* iiy«-l 
with, see (personally), speak personally to; to meet 
with, get together with, have a meeting with 

performance, doing, making, 

carrying out, execution, effectuation, bringing 


measure, step, procedure, *^c- ' jy£ : *lyr! 

action; process 

legal procedures; legal <Li>i li o I fl y«- 1 

proceedings, legal steps, legal action' 

to take or adopt measures or steps ol zl y>- 1 Jt>J I 

^j t j *Li : *'yH 

execution department, execution 

lycl iylj 

lj>Jui Wf-lj — ol £lyf I 0>J» 

rules of procedure oUly>-)ll otly 

j^ ' tJJ OjJui jl <uxj«> ol*lyfb ^Li- : («j'y^J 

procedural, adjective ^^Ja^. 

executive tiJuiiJ t illly*- V iiaLJlj (>>U- ^'j^rj 

the executive power, the executive <£ I y>-)l I iLLJI 

procedural law, adjective law ^51 y«- 1 o>>\* 

criminality; delinquency, wrongdoing; guilt; * ly»| 

criminal; delinquent 
criminality; delinquency 


mangy; scabby, scabious V^' 

rent, rental, hirey«->Jd yru-ll **»-S> jl**] J-4 : °yr' 

to gladden, delight, cheer (up), exhilarate, *-yi I : Jj*-I 
rejoice, make happy 

mutilated, maimed uU jI j\ -ull £->!«-■ : f ->*■' 

leprous; leper ^y I i »l JuJl c-^Li. :,«a»-l 

to reward, recompense, remunerate UlS" : 

to reward, recompense, remunerate U 15" : 

to rent out, let (out), lease, hire out y»-l : 

to rent, hire, lease, take on (llli) y«-ull : 

lease, take 

a lease on or of 

to employ, 

hire, engage the > 

»JaJL»I t 

Ljikj : y>-l 

services of 

to rent out 

let (out), lease, hire 


*js\ ■:£ 

to charter 


Ji\j» J 


to sublet, sublease, underlet 



tile(s), baked brick(s) juy :y»i 

salary, wages, pay, emolument, stipend i_Jlj :y»l 

fee(s), honorarium, remuneration i_jLjI 

fee, charge, rate iiii i-ji jiop- 

recompense, reward, SlilSL. i « ly«- i t_jly 
requital, remuneration 

minimum wage(s) jyr >J ^i 'a "ill all t ^JsSlI yV^I 

to perform, do, make, carry out, iii i j ^ij :i5y»l 
execute, effect(uate), bring about 

to make flow, cause to stream, iiy»o 4l«r : <3y>- 1 
flush; to run, make run, set running 

to inflict or impose a <uijl i^LaiJI tiyrl 

punishment or a penalty 

to inflect (a word), decline (a [p j*o :"ulSCll (3y>-l 

to grant (to), give (to), aj*^. : *Ac. j I <J iiyr I 

donate (to), accord (to), award (to), bestow upon, 
confer upon 

to credit with i) o jli :LCJ. I aJ (iyV I 

to debit with, charge <ulc oali : t^Ci-l aJlc iiy«-l 
to someone's account 

to treat in the same manner as, \j£ tiyv olyr' 
put on an equal footing with; to subject to the 
same rules or principles; to make follow the same 




think highly of, hold in high esteem 

to deem far above, consider too u* °S" : u* 3^r ' 
high for, regard as too exalted for 

t.« .. i « 
. jl : Ji-I 

tosuspend ojljuol jl X* juLJ J^-l 

to continue; to adjourn ii^i- 1 ilii- J I (i^i j ji- 1 

never put off till Si J I f ^JI J-i 3»ry ^ 

tomorrow what can be done today; procrastination 

is the thief of time 

term, appointed time, oijJI "Ul^J i .x.1 i ix» : J^l 

limited time, fixed term; period, duration, date; 


moment of death, instant of death, o^il o»j : J»-l 

due date, date of maturity jliki-VI n>j\l :J»-1 

on credit; time loii ju> :Jj!-» 

for an indefinite period (of - - ^Jc J»- 1 J J 

time), indefinitely, sine die, until further notice 

yes! indeed! certainly! surely! truly! m : J*. I 

,.-« '.* ,.< j,« 

loftier, more exalted, more .» I t J»* I ( ^^ I : J,. I 

sublime; more stately, more imposing, more 
august, more solemn; more important, more 

later, future; delayed, S^y* ' Jr^ ->-« : J*- 1 

postponed, deferred, put off 

sooner or later %. lc j I "iL>- 1 

cause, reason ._ ".. : Ji.| 

for, for the sake of; toward; because ji- 1 [y ( ji- V 
of, on account of 

so that, in order that, that, in o' J»-l Cr? ' o\ Jr J 
order to, to, so as, with a view to, with the aim of, 
for the purpose of, for 

for that reason, because of that, that is till i ji- 1 ^. 
why, on account of this, therefore, consequently, 
accordingly, hence, thus 

- . .« , , • « -. « 
to evacuate, expel, evict, force out, a*. I 4 *■>- 1 -iJ^r^ 

oust, dislodge, drive out, put out, drive away 
to dispel, disperse, dissipate, break up, 'SS> : t5 Li- 1 
drive away; to get rid of, remove, eliminate 



salary, wages, pay, emolument, stipend^ 1j : i[ 
fee(s), honorarium, remuneration i_.Uil :5 
fee, charge, rate iiij 1 ^1 j t jJc>- : S 

postage; mailing charges -^^ »j 

fare Vj^ 1 J 1 >-JI Sj 

freight, freightage, Jlil _,! jilll 3 I ^klll ;"_, 
transport charges, transportation costs^ porterage, 

tile(s), baked brick(s) 'S^'ji : ("JS\ S) s^i-T 

hairless, bald 

barren, desolate, bleak, waste, 
bald, without vegetation 

shabby, worn, ragged, tattered, 

to commit a crime, commit an offense 

'^i< ii Lkn : /^ I 


to replace, take the place <Ut ^1 j -uli. : ii>l 
of, serve instead of; to suffice, be sufficient for, do 

to pay (off), yield, be remu- 
nerative, be profitable 

pharmacist, druggist 

j*!>\ ijcl 



: <^'> 



<Ujlw3 : 


sLLJI i' J> 

pharmacy, drugstore 

pharmacy, drugstore 

to give generously, liberally, 

hoarse, husky, harsh, ~l t o^aJI U.l'r :^£j«-1 

raucous, throaty, gruff, gravelly 

-U»- V>-lj - Juu»l 

to tarry, linger; to be late >-t; : J^. j 

to glorify, exalt, dignify, honor; to '^Sc\ t lii :^i.l 
esteem, value; to respect, regard, revere, rever- 
ence, venerate, have great regard for, look up to, 

£ \ 


general, overall, total, J-li. ' ^ ' i^y^ '■ & VrJ 
whole, aggregate; generic; grand (total, etc.); 
synoptic; comprehensive, thorough, inclusive, 
global, large-scale, sweeping 
gross, total, entire, overall ljU ^ : ^\^r \ 

turnover ~*£'Jl\ ^"-o-J ' ^4' <J^r\ 

grand total ^ \jr ^ £y^ , 

gross weight ij^r^ Oj^ 

thicket, jungle, wood, brush, 

ji ,- i i5l;l :**»•' 

^ - s ~ - . * 

to agree unanimously on, J* ^Ir)^ J^"! : ti t £*^' 

be agreed on, concur in, be unanimous on, reach a 
unanimous agreement on 

all, all of, the whole of; whole, J-CJI i J^ : j**-' 

entire; altogether, wholly, totally, entirely 

all (of it, etc.); altogether, entirely, totally, A*-?- 1 

in toto, in full 

to sum up, summarize, outline, abridge, j? jl : J**-' 

condense, epitomize, synopsize 

„ , , * 

to sum, total, add (up); to combine, £*»• : J^-r I 


to generalize; to mention "i 1^ J ^ j i ^ : J^-r I 

collectively, speak or write in general (about), treat 

generally or as a whole 

to do right, do well, do l >-»- 1 : J**J I j S**r ' 

excellently, do expertly, do proficiently 

to be moderate, reasonable, Jjlj-I : <_J-k)l j ,_Ur I 




brackish (water) 

- », '' '- 


Cr^r £r>J 

*' * s ~ * 

0*- 1 '0»r 

foreign, alien; strange; extraneous, 


foreigner, alien; stranger 


evacuation, expulsion, eviction, jU>J 4 ^'>") : »^j 

forcing out, ousting, dislodgment, driving out, 

putting out, driving away 

dispelling, dispersal, dispersion, jj-lj : *%-\ 

dissipation, driving away; getting rid of, removal, 


esteem, respect, high regard; honor, deference, J5UJ 

reverence, veneration; glorification, exaltation 



the hereafter, the afterworld, the 5 ^ "51 1 : il»- "^ 

afterlife, the world to come, the life to come 

bald, bald-headed, hairless jUI : jur* 

to seat, make sit (down), ask to sit ^i*- 4 -i*»l : u-W 

-. < 

to enthrone 

bald, bald-headed, hairless 

polled, hornless; pollard 

>> > , -- » 

unanimity, consensus, unanimous agreement, £\j?\ 

unanimous resolution 

consensus (of Moslem legal [*--.^L-j **u^J £Wr| 

scholars on a legal question) 

unanimously, as one man, with one voice, £j-r^ 

with one accord 

unanimous vote 
unanimous, general, universal 

■<"■"' </^" 

summing up, summarization, outlining, jUul : J|^-J 

abridgment, condensation 

summation, summing, totaling, j-*»- 'o\^r\ 

addition, adding (up) 

generalization; general -U^J iiJL. 1 £**> '■o\^r\ 

treatment, speaking generally (about), mentioning 


on the Jl^^II^.JWr^'JWr^ii*'^! 
whole, in general, generally, by and large, 
generally speaking, altogether, in the main, all 
things considered, typically, in most instances or 
cases; as a whole, overall, en bloc, en masse, in a 



i ' ' ■ 


more generous, more liberal 


hollow; empty, vain, futile; false, deceitful <-J)»-l 
vena cava *-»>»- "^ -Jy j>)' 

deflagration, burning, blazing, flaming 
having a long and graceful neck 


long (graceful, beautiful, elegant) neck ju»- I j^c 

employee; wage earner, S^u J^lc : j^\ 

wageworker; worker, laborer, workman 
hireling, mercenary u> ,* <. j*»-U 

to cough 

albumen, white of egg 

the units 


I J*- 1 J I J*- 1 J fjflj ~ l»w 
uni-, mono-, mon-, single-, one- l$jW 

univalent, monovalent, monatomic y l£JI 
unilateral; one-sided i_jU-l 

unisexual er-4-' 

monomial Si I 

unicellular illil 

monophase, single-phase j>^' 

Monocotyledonae (oLJI ^) iiUII oCol»-l 

unicorn <j?'^ i - , '>^" : Oj-i" 



monochromatic, one-colored 


uniaxial, monaxial 

uninucleate, uninuclear, mononuclear 5 I^J I 

drupe (oLJI q* ) sl^JI 

monism; singleness, oneness, unity 

to answer, reply, respond, retort (o)jj :(U^»-) jlil 

to surround, encompass, o£> i _, [j Si- I : -j !>l»- 1 



stress, strain, exertion, overexertion, Jl»j! : jl*?] 

overstrain; pressure; fatigue, exhaustion; toil, hard 


stress [ fljjj J jL*i- j 

abortion, miscarriage; induced abortion Jo\^\ 

criminal abortion ^\ j^X jo\^\ 

spontaneous abortion .Jlilj ^l^l 

self-induced abortion ,JI i ^l**-] 

therapeutic abortion i/ 1 "^* c^W*-) 

intentional abortion 

/*Wt ' 

to strain, overstrain, stress, exert, J>*j' • J^' 

overexert, overwork, overtax, overtask, put stress 
on; to exhaust, fatigue, overtire, wear out, tire 
(out), weary 

to overexert (oneself), exert <— H> a**- 1 

oneself to the utmost, subject oneself to great 
stress, burn oneself out; to overwork, exhaust 
oneself by too much work, work too hard or too 
much or too long, work day and night, burn the 
midnight oil, burn the candle at both ends, work 
like a dog, do double duty 

. s . - - - . * 
day-blind; dazzled o-"— ■ " J ^>ji ^ : > 4 s r' 

,,. < 
to finish off, dispatch, deliver the deathblow J* _)^»-l 

to, give the coup de grace to, give the finishing 
stroke to, kill, put to death; to destroy, ruin 

to be on the verge of ,XlJ jl dbjl : t lSCJL> yiiij-l 
tears, be about to weep 

to sob 



LT**" 1 

to break or burst into tears, ,_^C : t lSLJL. yi^*- 1 

shed tears, cry, weep 

to miscarry, abort, have a (~JJ zl^Il c-_) ^i^.1 


to abort, cause to have an «JJ i I '^11 ^pi^i;- 1 
abortion, induce or effect an abortion to, terminate 
the pregnancy of before term 




renvoi (uwljiH £_)L; j) ^U- ujil» <JJ *J>>J 

pensioning off, ,jiLll jl -tcliJI ( Jt jl) <JJ *JU- 1 
superannuation, retirement on pension 

with reference to <JJ ^"V^ 

' '. * - ^ * 
to destroy, wipe out, annihilate iill*l : uU-l 

to love, be (or fall) in love with, adore, jj i (ij* :>--»■ I 
be passionately attached or attracted to, be fond of; 
to like, fancy, have a liking for, take a fancy to, 
take to 
to like to; to love to; to wish to, want to u i v»" ' 

frustration, thwarting, foiling, defeat, balking, i»L*-J 

discomfiture; blocking, forestallment 

frustration [(>"] ^^H 

•"\\ * \~ ' " * 

<_J-l> i_jLa« :,_—»! 

aphasic; aphasiac 

to frustrate, thwart, foil, defeat, balk, discomfit; Ja!l»-I 
to block, forestall; to abort; to undermine 

snare, trap, net, gin, noose, Sji* : *lyi 


trick, artifice, ruse, stratagem, 

subterfuge, ploy 

to need, require, t-iLj i 

call for, demand, want, take 

to need, lack, \ i5f A-aii i jit 1 <jj y^»| : <JJ ^L»- 1 

want; to be in need of, in want of, lacking, 

wanting, deficient in, short of or in 

to take precautions, make a <y>! i jj^\ '■ J»^) 
provision; to take care, be careful; to be cautious 
(of), be wary (of), guard (against), be on one's 
guard (against) 

j i>l»-l v!-Ij-l}>1» 'J cm*-' :-; J»L»-I 

to trick, dupe, gull, hoax, JLi- 1 £oi- : Jt <JL*-| 

humbug; to deceive, fool, delude, bluff, beguile, 

encircle, circle, environ, ring, enclose, embrace, 
band, envelop, wrap, confine, hem in, beset 

to circumscribe yf*-* <^~i J ' M'"*? ^ 

to contain, comprise, include, jli. : j J»t>- 1 

comprehend, embrace, encompass, embody, cover 

to know J* ^iiUj jii*:Q*<> J»tl '*j ; J»^l 
(thoroughly), have (comprehensive) knowledge of; 
to be or become acquainted with, familiar with, 
cognizant of, aware of, informed of or about; to 
learn (about), come to know (about), find out 

to understand, grasp, ^i : Lie <> J»l»-I i <; J»U I 
comprehend, apprehend 

to inform of or Je <ull»l i j 4-lcl :j Lie «J»U-I 
about, let know about, tell about, apprise of, notify 
of, bring to someone's notice, acquaint with, make 
aware of 

*-_• i ' - .' 

encirclement, encompassment, Jj>k; :ii>U-J 

surrounding, circling, ringing, enclosure, banding, 
envelopment, wrapping, confinement, hemming in 

comprehensiveness, inclusiveness, J>*i. :<J»b-j 
thoroughness; universality; completeness 
knowledge, information, ^^il i jit :itb-l 

cognizance, awareness, acquaintance, familiarity 

understanding, graspOng), ^j J j ' (*» '"*^-\ 

comprehension, apprehension 

fossils oti U fcl.. : jjs»U-l 

paleontology jj»*"'' j^f 

to refer to, commit to, relegate to, Je jl <JJ JU-I 

remit to, submit to, hand over to, turn over to, 

forward to, send to, direct to, transfer to, convey 


to pension (off), jtiS ji ^LJI (Jc jl) J I Jtl 

superannuate, retire on pension 

referring, reference, referral, commitment, <I\*-J 

relegation, remittance, submission, submitting, 
forwarding, sending, transference), conveyance; 
transmission, transmittance 

: f l. 



to hide, conceal oneself, veil oneself; to 
disappear, vanish; to withdraw; to be or become 
hidden, concealed, veiled, covered, screened, 
sheltered, obscured, cloaked, mantled 

to cease jjjuJI ^* (^JJ iUJl) Sjj^J-I c^*i>-\ 
(discontinue, interrupt) publication 

to apply or use cupping, treat i.lki-1 JUL 
oneself by cupping 

to be cupped, be treated by Z> lki-1 pJji : 

to rage, flare up; to be (become, [^Ji, I t '. Xr : xj. I 
get) angry, furious, infuriated, incensed, exasper- 
ated, agitated, excited, upset 
to intensify, heighten, build up, j~L I ; x±. \ 

strengthen; to be or become strong(er), severer), 
(more) intense, (more) serious 

flame, blaze, burning; glow; fervor, jU: 

ardor, vehemence; violence, wildness 

to glow, flare, blaze, flame, burn, j.^L-« l t ai5l : .jci. I 

to flare up, erupt, break out; to rage Jliill Iji- 1 

to flare up, rage, burn with anger, iV.'r Yj£. I 

flame up with rage, be or become furious 

to imitate, copy, emulate, <, cJajjl :(aJL.) (iJci-l 

follow the example or model of, pattern after, take 

after, model after, be guided by, tread in the steps 


to put on shoes, wear sandals; <julil : * I jj.1 <3oii- 1 
to wear as footgear; to be shod 

imitation, copying, emulation, _, jfllci 

following the example or model of, patterning 
after, taking after 

ji»- £»-lj -jJU 

heat, hotness, warmth, warmness °'j\'J>- '-j\jL 

caution, cautiousness, wariness, j|"X 

circumspection, prudence; carefulness), watch- 
fulness, vigilance, alertness, lookout; diligence; 
precaution; safeguard(ing), protection; reservation, 

precautionary, preventive, protective, safety "iSj\'jj 

precautionary measure, 


I jvJj 



mislead; to cheat, defraud, swindle, rook; to 
circumvent, outwit 

to JuJCi^l u-JC^I Jl U.JJ.I 'SuL\ :Dlil 
wangle, finagle, resort to trickery, employ tricks or 
stratagems, make use of tricky methods 
to manage, contrive, work \'y\ < \'y's> : J.^i 'J Li- 1 
(out); to wangle, finagle 

cr'-rf*') ff 'j 


occlusion [.U-rJy.1. 

retention of urine; anuria, anuresis J^JI ^.ll 

aphasia; dyslogia 



to be withheld, be overdue, fail to set in ^ill ' 

to weave; to knit dJU ( Uli 

to (en)snare, (enftrap, (enhangle, ifJ^i J vjl • \\'~'~ I 
gin, enmesh, noose, catch in a trap or snare 

to protest (against), remonstrate 'jo£s\ :<Jx. '^.\ 
against, expostulate, object to, raise an objection 
to, make objections to, demur at, except to, take 
exception to, make representations against, 

to advance (offer, use) as an <yol ( e. j Jj : _, *■*£». \ 

argument, as a plea, as an excuse, as a pretext, as a 

pretense; to plead, invoke; to allege, claim, 


hiding, concealing oneself; disappearance, cjlki I 

vanishing; withdrawal; concealment, hiddenness, 


occultation [ ifUj ] (_, Iki- 1 

protest, protestation, remonstrance, jo\^s.\ :r\aC 
remonstration, expostulation, exception, objection, 
representation(s), demur, demurrer, demural 

protest (of a bill, for f-^iy. '■ rt=v»- 1 

non-acceptance, for non-payment..) 

offering of a plea or excuse; *tiol if-jij ir-liwi-l 
pleading; claiming, maintaining, alleging; 
allegation, claim; plea, excuse, pretext, pretense 

protest note 

:uv»-l SjiL 




. . — -.„ . 

profession (occupation, business, career, trade, 

craft), become a professional 

to burn, catch fire, take fire, ignite, (in)flame, J>>} 

blaze, be afire, be on fire, be aflame, be ablaze, be 

in flame(s), burst into flame(s), be burned, be 

consumed by fire 

to flame with rage, blaze with anger, L-ai- Oj^-\ 

burn, inflame, flare up, rage, seethe, boil, be or 

become inflamed or furious 

to respect, esteem, honor, regard, J»-l . j-^-\ : f>>| 

revere, venerate, reverence, hold in esteem, have 

great regard for, admire, value, prize, think highly 

of, look up to 

to observe, honor, live ^\j . f>JI ' -; -^ : (s^l 

up to, respect, comply with, abide by, conform to, 

follow, adhere to, stick to, keep (to), maintain 

to honor, keep, fulfill, y • J"*- ' -; <j i '• (s^l 
carry out, perform, meet, live up to, redeem, make 
good, stand by, keep faith with 

to drink, sip '-^j "r'.P : <j--*"' 

contentedness, contentment), *^1 : V^>*"! 


L....-»- v>-lj - j~*-\ 'l^^*! 'l>k : S " "' ■ '•' • ! 

to be or become content with, _j ,j^\ '• -; 4— z*-\ 

satisfied with; to content oneself with, settle for 

to disapprove of, *lic <>£j I : ^»^l <li* l.. .. '■» • I 

deprecate; to criticize, censure 

to sacrifice something in l^~»- aIiI -Ut i_. ■"> I 

anticipation of God's reward 

to lose a son, be bereaved of a son <<J I jj j i_. „:■» • I 

to mow, cut, scythe, weed 
infarction, infarct 
pulmonary infarction 
cardiac infarction 
gathering, rallying, assembling 

[a] .Lil 

precaution(s), safety measure, safeguard 
caution, cautiousness, wariness, LT^j^l 

circumspection, prudence; carefulness), watch- 
fulness, vigilance, alertness, lookout; diligence; 
precaution; protection, safegaurd(ing) 

professionalism, professional pursuit or ( -*'j?»") 

practice, taking (following, practicing) of or as a 
profession (business, career, trade, craft), becoming 
(a) professional 

professional lA^j^I 

professionalism <J \j^\ 

burning, combustion, being on fire, being ^j'^?*"' 
afire, bursting into flame 

internal combustion t S± I j j I ^f 1 

spontaneous combustion cji^ j' <ji'^ <J'^"! 

flammable, inflammable, fiery Jlj^j-'ill g^-. 

combustible Jil^j>-}U Jjli 

respect, regard, esteem, honor, J~%r\ . ^Lj^c-l :»lj^>] 
reverence, veneration, deference 
dignity, gravity, solemnity, JbU- illf. ^Ij^j-j 
stateliness, grandeur, augustness 

observance of, slilj-. . ^Ij^j i _j aJu :^I^I»-J 

observing, honoring, living up to, respect(ing), 
compliance with, abidance by, conforming to, 
adherence to, following, keeping (to), maintaining 

honoring, keeping, fulfillment, j iJlij :^\j^-\ 
carrying out, living up to, redemption, making 
good, standing by 



self-regard, self-esteem, amour propre 

to guard against, be on one's guard (^J jJ^-\ 

against, be cautious of, be wary of, beware of, 

protect oneself from; to take care, be careful, look 

out, watch out, be alert, be on the alert, be on the 

lookout; to take precautions 

to guard against, be on one's guard dj*) u*jZ»-\ 

against, beware of, be wary of, be cautious of, 

protect oneself from; to take care, be careful, look 

out, watch out, be alert, be on the alert, be on the 

lookout; to take precautions 

to practice (pursue, engage in, take) as a •-*>>»■! 



*> & 


welcome, welcoming, hearty r^£j i <_>>■»• [^ 
(kindly, friendly, hospitable) reception, hospitality; 
entertainment; honoring); salutation 

barefootedness, going barefoot(ed) t yii- : ,Ui- 1 

keeping, retention, retaining, holding, (_,) Jilii.1 
maintenance, maintaining, upkeep, keeping up, 
sustaining, susten(ta)tion; reservation; preser- 
vation, conservation, saving, storage, storing; 
custody; protection, guarding, safeguarding, 
safekeeping, defense, defending 

celebration, ceremony, festival, festivity, fete, JU^I 
gala, festive event; feast; commemoration; solem- 
nity; observance, keeping, solemnization; 
welcome, (gracious) reception 

t iii 


CT { -> _ <r* 

l : Zjiiii 

ceremonial, ceremonious, formal, ritual(istic),rjU^».| 
liturgical, solemn; festive; celebratory 

to keep, retain, hold, maintain, keep Jiii- : _, Jiiil 
up, sustain; to reserve; to preserve, conserve, save, 
store, put away; to hold or have in custody, take 
custody of; to guard, protect, safeguard, shelter, 
shield, defend 

to be or become angry, furious, '. ~c : Jiili- 1 
enraged, exasperated, vexed, irritated 
to celebrate; to (^1 1 u ^l i , 4'jj, ) ' l ^~, | 

commemorate; to observe, keep, memoralize, 
solemnize; to honor, welcome, receive graciously 

contempt, scorn, disdain, misprision jU-Ll 

contempt of court 


to despise, scorn, disdain, _, J^L\ 4 lij'jjl i^il^l 
contemn, misprize, disesteem, disrespect, hold in 
contempt, regard with contempt, have a low 
opinion of, look down upon, turn up one's nose at 

•U^lkll jli^-l 

to congest, be or become 

to suffer from ,'_ 

£»Z :£ll f !jl'oii.l 

f '•*•- 

jl J^ ^^ '-Joi).\ ^>ii-l 

assemblage, assembly, congregation, coming 
together, crowding (together), thronging (together), 
banding together, trooping, swarming; con- 
centration; mobilization 

modesty, pudency, decency, decorum, f Im- 

propriety, chastity, chasteness, reserve, demure- 
ness, coyness, shyness, bashfulness, shame 

to gather (in crowds), rally, assemble, ilk; : \ *"1 
congregate, come together, crowd (together), 
throng (together), flock together, band together, 
troop, pack, swarm, muster, concentrate; to be 
gathered, rallied, assembled, crowded; to be 
concentrated, massed, mustered; to be mobilized; 
to accumulate, cumulate, pile up, be heaped up 

to be or become modest, decent, I*, '. :'./. 'J& : '-*"- ! 

decorous, chaste, reserved, demure; to be or 
become coy, shy, bashful 

to be ashamed of, be 
ashamed to face someone 

<j? cj 3 "*"*"! Cr? (*•****"! 


death, demise, last breath; death struggle, 
agony of death 

j 1 .il'V I 

to be dying, moribund, o^il 

approaching death, near to death, at the point of 
death, at death's door, in extremis, in the throes of 
death, near one's end, at the last gasp, with one 
foot in the grave; to die, expire, pass away, breathe 
one's last, emit the last breath, draw the last 
breath, meet death, give up the ghost, relinquish 
life, part with life 

to gather firewood; to wood, gather wood; to 

to welcome, receive '.^ t _, Li- j : _> Jj"l- I 

hospitably or cordially, entertain, honor; to salute 
to go or walk barefoot(ed) llj U- ^ : JT'~ I 




(have, hold) a position (in relation to others) 
milking S-^- : S J ^?**! 

occupation, seizure, capture, '"^-"-l • ^^~'"! 

takeover, taking or laying hold (oO, (taking) 
possession (oO, appropriation 
occupation forces J^Lji- I ,_^~?- ' J^9>- 1 oly 

occupational, occupation J^*"i 

puberty, sexual maturity ^'j J ! ' £>k : f^»"! 

wet dream ^Jl *LSI ^1 £.}>■ : (<^~) f^j*"! 
to milk S-^- : >r^»*] 

to attain puberty, reach sexual jJa i dJj jl : (>k»-j 

maturity, be or become sexually mature 

to dream LL>- (ilj tjJ-^-J 

to have a wet dream f^JI £U I <^~* £>■ : jvU^-l 

to seek protection (in, ,Ju\ : \ij* <■ -U* i -;) (j*^! 
with, from), take refuge or shelter (in, with, from); 
to protect oneself, defend oneself, shelter oneself, 
shield oneself 
to diet Li!** jL»>- fUi> f>^} '-{j*^ ir*-**! 

possibility, pontentiality, V-f^j' ' V^-*j : ^^^*! 
potential, contingency, prospect, probability, 
likelihood; chances, odds, prospects 

probability [^^-Aj] J^j*"! 

Jlkl «rlj - Sill" iJbr ciiU.1 :JC^-| 

unlikely, improbable, farfetched JL^j-^l -u*> 

to assume, suppose; to o-^>J ' d°r*\ '■ J-***"! 

imply, involve, carry 

to be possible, potential, LSLL. ^. ' . n . ui^ '• J-^»-) 

probable, likely 

to hold, take, be able to take in, J j-Jl : S~*-\ 

have capacity for 

to take, last (a certain time)(U Lj j) (j>~J : J*^»- 1 

unbearable, intolerable, iiLL "i : Jl^<u "^ 

unendurable, insupportable, insufferable 

strangury or retention of urine 

to take an enema or a *JjX\ S^*-\ '-J^^ CA-^l 

clyster; to be injected 

to flush, glow, blush, *jy 1 j**-\ ■ **■>" o*^-\ 

redden __ 

to rub -j dlkk; t Jc jl -1 A_ii ii&- :(_;) dLi-l 

oneself against, chafe against; to jostle, come in 

close contact (with); to undergo or cause friction 

to contact, JJU- i -> S^\ -**LJr j' ,>l>w1j iiu»-| 
be in contact with, get in touch with; to associate 
with, mingle with, mix with 
to itch SX\J\^:'Al\S^\ 

to affect deeply, *-» ^ ' : "J- 4 -" J t ^! 

penetrate, touch, impress 

monopoly; monopolization; corneKing) j^*"! 

monopsony *l^l J^t*"! 

antitrust laws 

monopolistic iij*4»"! 

trust; cartel, syndicate (<LiLil 

friction; rubbing; chafe, chafing, attrition; ^^»>! 
contact, touch; association, mingling, mixing 

frictional i^f^*"! 

to monopolize, hold a monopoly over, get a jS^\ 
monopoly of, obtain or assume exclusive pos- 
session or complete control of; to corner, get a 
corner on 

to appeal to (someone) ^^ ' <j c ' J ' : <JJ (>*-**■! 
for a (legal) decision, seek a decision from; to go to 
court, have (a judge, court, etc.) decide 

(j) f^> cfr'j - f^ '■ s* r 5 ^"! 

to occupy, seize, capture, take J* (j!>^~ j : J** 1 ! 

over, take or lay hold of, take possession of, 

tO OCCUpy, Aiit, 1 aiy \ tJJ I j^^> J I L ^a - .* J-^j 

hold, fill, be in charge of 

to assume, take o-dij : tJJ \'£ j* jl L^ .* J^»-| 
over, take charge of, take control of, take 
command of 
to rank, rate, stand, take £ll ily* jl ii-jJ Ji-I 

OP. I 



^ #> 


Cj»Lji-l ol_ji 

trickery, deception, fraud, cheating), swindle, JQi-] 
swindling, wile, roguery, wangling, finagling, 
Muffling), beguilement, defraudation, humbugging, 
delusion, dupery, craftiness, cunning, artfulness 

casuistry <jf j-" u~*l 

fraudulent, deceptive, dishonest, roguish i^Qf*'! 

fraudulent bankruptcy <j"^*' o*^*! 

refrainment, refraining, pL^.1 i oi^ U^) fl»»^l 
abstention, abstaining, desistance, desisting, 
forbearance, forbearing 

recoiling, shrink(ing), shrinkage, <jo&> '■ f 1»>»-J 
flinch(ing), fallback, retreat, withdrawal 

reluctance, ^ <Lcj i »^ i jy>J '■ f b*>-] 


to refrain from, abstain yt till*. I t ^ Lif : ,j* ^1 

from, desist from, forbear, keep from 

- -,' -- • * 
to recoil, shrink, flinch, fall back, ^^Sj : m~ I 

retreat, withdraw 

curved, crooked, hooked, ci^I** i i_iicl :^>m»-I 

bent, aquiline, adunc, uncinate, falcate 

riddle, puzzle, enigma, conundrum, yJ : <1m*-i 



to stare at, gaze at, look sharply at <JJ ^JiJI jj>- I 
to make into one, unify, unite .ii- j : j*. 

one jj»-lj : j^ 

unique, singular, single, individual, sui jjji : jj>- I 
generis, matchless, peerless, unequaled, 

alone, single, solitary, lone, lonely 

somebody, someone; anybody, L. 


nobody, no one, no person, none jj>-I "il 

the One (God) «i>l:ji-\ll 

to contain, include, ,>LaJ i (_}c J*-^} : (J*) (3j^} 
comprise, comprehend, embrace, encompass, 
enclose, embody, hold, take in, cover, involve, 

to ij jui« jl iji jLjjl Oj-5 JL- : ti>-»" ' 


to possess, own, have jj*~\ :( Jc) ii>^>-l 

containment, inclusion, (>«-aJ i JL^,I : »lj->J 

comprehension, embracement, encompassment 

containment ijjl« oj-icjl Sy ji' 


caution, cautiousness, wariness, j I ^ji- 1 : illi I 

circumspection, prudence, providence, provision; 
(advance) care; precaution, precautionary mea- 
sure, safeguard 

reserve, reservation ^~," : i.Ui-1 

precautionary, l&j\ J ^>-\ ' I^^J ' L "" '•*iJ^^*-\ 
preventive, protective, safety 
reserve, substitute, Jy U> I i Jj jj : ^J. Q»- 1 

alternate, stand-in, standby; auxiliary; spare 
reserve(s) ^J.Qi-1 JL. t (JJL.) ^11^-1 

reserve, (<j~^' j) 1^^*"' (i-*-^ 'cs^^"' 


depreciation reserve d)%^_ "ill ,J>L^-I 




!- J 

gold reserve(s), oil rJJ J»iJI jl 

reserve(s), etc. 

capital reserve; capital stock JUl ^-^^1.11^.1 

' i 

legal reserve ^j y U (J. Li- 1 

precautionary .^LLji-l fl^>-J ijJsLil jjju 

measure, precaution, safety measure, safeguard 

provisional ,J»Lji-l <-*J>>> l («l»W-^"' cr-r*" 

detention, detention pending investigation, 
protective custody 

provisional seizure, attachment ^J.ll^.1 jp*>- 

reserve capital ^J»Cji- 1 JL ^ I j 






Ujl ijjA-l :(cr , )^»"' 

to heat, warm, make hot or warm 

hotter, warmer 

• ' - s ' ' 

*» i 

more appropriate, more proper, jU- 1 i Jjl : ii^ 
more suitable, more adequate, more becoming; he 
had better.. 

with greater reason, with all Jjl v^ 0? ^^^ 
the more reason, the more so, a fortiori 

rather, more jwajl y^> J* ' t3-*' >»" J* ; <i^- *y 

accurately, more exactly, more precisely, to be 

exact, strictly speaking, more correctly speaking; 

more explicitly, more clearly 

embarrassment, disconcertion, discomfiture; %}j*\ 

putting in an embarrassing or critical situation, 

forcing into an awkward or difficult position; 

difficulty, strait(s) 

acquisition, 5 jLf i J~" ' <J* uy^~ : j'^H 

acquirement, obtainment, getting, winning, 

gaining, earning; attainment, achievement, 

accomplishment, procurement, realization, 

scoring; possession, owning, having 

burning, incineration, destruction by fire, &j*\ 

combustion, setting on fire, setting afire, setting 

fire to, ignition, kindling, lighting; scorching, 

singeing, scalding, searing, charring 

cremation <J^ <~^*r ii' j*-\ 

\'J^ (olSOi^l & U^ij) ^Cil JI>1 «> 

arson, incendiarism 

state of ritual f^kLI i!U- i (>>-l j-ww : fi^l 

consecration (of a Mecca pilgrim) 

. > > .' . 

garment of a Mecca pilgrim ^^11 vr '-^j^I 

to embarrass, disconcert, J^-iJI J j»j' "^j> '•&*" 

discomfit, put in an embarrassing situation; to back 

into a corner, corner, put into a difficult or critical 

situation, force into an awkward or difficult 


to forbid, prohibit, interdict f >>- : J* £>»- ' 

to be (become, get) embarrassed, disconcerted, £^1 
in an embarrassing situation; to be (become, get) 
cornered, forced into a critical or awkward 
situation ( 

to acquire, obtain, jU- < ^ji*- ijli < <j* J-»- : j^' 
get, win, gain, earn, receive; to achieve, attain, 

■M^iMagiafeg.: Mb.«BKftWfflBM 


Palm Sunday 
the units 

production, creation, ti>j»-l j-uo» : ililj*-] 

origination, engendering, generation, bringing into 
being, giving birth to, giving rise to, bringing about, 
making, causing, causation, effecting, occasioning, 
triggering, prompting 
coordinate [oUiljj] (oLJIj»-I g) i^ 1 -*) 

abscissa («** ' J ' err" (j 

ordinate "tyy*- -J 1 yr'j -J 1 &}^° yi's 

humpbacked, (i^>) *;■*>" i J : (ji^O y-^ 

hunchbacked, humped, gibbous 

hunchback, (^l) V-^ J^ 1 : (^ JI ' V-^ 1 


convex, arched, vaulted, ^li 'Cr*-* :<■?■"*»■' 

cambered, crooked, curved, bent; "protuberant, 
prominent, protruding 
to produce, create, originate, engender, Oj* 

generate, bring into being, give birth to, give rise 
to, birth, bring about, make, cause, effect, 
occasion, inspire, prompt, induce, trigger, 
provoke, work out, result in 

. t 


to surround, encircle, j <Jl»- i j J»l»-I '•-; J-*' 

enclose, encompass, embrace, ring, environ, beset 

song of camel drivers «j oa- 1 :«jj»i 

story, tale; news; speech, talk; topic, subject «Jj.±^l 

to be or become convex, hunched, humped, yjjj^l 
arched, vaulted, cambered, crooked, curved, bent; 
to bend, curve; to stoop 
unity, oneness, singleness <J\j*-j i So^-j : <jJ^' 

»-«,'-•.- -s - t 


song of camel drivers 

convexity, convexness, camber, curvature, i_iIjlij»-I 
vaulting; gibbosity; stoopdng) 



well done! bravo! ■_- • ~i 

, . » -• < - •» 

better; finer; superior; J*»- 1 i j^»- 1 i J^»i 1 : j_» 

preferable; nicer, lovelier, more beautiful; more 

the best; optimum, optimal; the finest; the i y. *• "ill 
nicest, the most beautiful; the most splendid 

better off than ^. l j_j-l JU j i^. "iU- l j_i-l 

at best Jlji-^l j— »■! j 

at one's best <JI^».| l j_»-l j 

for the better ,v- i-^l 

amicably, in a friendly manner 

bowels, intestines, entrails, viscera, guts; »li»-I 

interior, inside 

inside, in, into, within, in the interior of *L»- 1 j 

- - • * ,' . « 
to shame, put to shame J» I : «£». I 

to allot someone his 4,., _>l <u*a>- oLktl i^^-l 
share, allot to, allocate to, apportion to, assign to, 
single out for 

to count, enumerate, calculate, ^-*- 4 a* : ^^a^-l 
compute, reckon 

innumerable, countless, incalculable, ,jV-y ^ 

numberless, myriad, untold, infinite 

counting, count, enumeration, jLU>- i j* : ( Lai.l 
calculation, computation, reckoning 

statistics ol rL»-l t »L»-I 



analytical statistics 

descriptive statistics 




ywiau «flj— (jrwxxj :<jLfl^l 

to be or become ripe, (oLw- ol»- « ; 


marriage, matrimony 

; r«— «u 

accomplish, procure, realize, score; to possess, 
own, have 

jj>- «u»- 1 j — ijU^ t Jut- :j^»-l 
to ((j*) Ijwaiil _>l \j~aj jj*-\ iJ^lUl i_wa» j^p- 1 

come through (or off) with flying colors, gain the 
day, score a great success, have the best of it, win 
or gain a victory, be victorious; to triumph over, 
prevail over, overcome, overpower, beat, defeat, 
get the better of 

to burn, incinerate, destroy by fire, consume jj*-l 
with fire, set on fire, set fire to, set afire, set ablaze, 
ignite, kindle, light, inflame, enkindle; to scorch, 
singe, scald, sear, char 

to cremate, reduce (a dead body) to o... *i>- J^p- 1 
ashes by burning 

to be in a state of ritual consecration (of a Mecca i 

i f _^.i 

to sadden, grieve, make sad, fill with sadness; to u >■' 
depress, deject, dispirit 

to feel, sense, experience; Sji\ t -> j*L. : (j) {j ^\ 
to perceive, notice, become conscious of, become 
aware of, realize, recognize; to hear 

feeling, sensation, sense, perception, <j»L»-l 

consciousness, awareness; sensibility, sensitivity; 

emotion, affection, sentiment; sympathy, 

unfeeling, insensate, (j-Li-'ill 
insensitive, insensible, insentient, unimpres- 
sionable, impassive, numb 

charity, beneficence, benefaction, benevolence, uLj-l 
philanthropy, dole, almsgiving, performance of 
good deeds; favor, kindness, good turn, kind act 

j.n.ll jfc**' f-?"'J ~ j-n.ll j— ^' 

to do well or right, act well or t jJu I i jU- I : v_#. I 
right; to do excellently, do expertly, do profi- 
ciently, excel in, know how to do; to be or become 
proficient in, skilled in, well-versed in; to master, 
know well, gain mastery in, have command of 

to give charity (to), give alms (to), ^J :(<Jj) Cr-»- ' 
be charitabe (to), philanthropize; to do good (to), 
do a favor (for), do a good turn (for); to be nice 
(to), kind (to), friendly (to); to treat with kindness 


5 ^fr'j ~ ^**i O-* 1 



u-a*- 1 

right, title, claim 
to itch 

-S*' * 

definitude, correctness, 

accuracy, precision, 
exactness, exactitude, 

to compact, knit or draw ui, t ^ i <iy : «£*■! 

together, consolidate, strengthen, fortify; to make 
compact, well-knit, firmly connected, firm, solid, 
strong; to tighten, make tight, make hermetic; to 
tie, fasten, make fast 

to master, have command of; to be or ,jii I : «x»- 1 
become proficient in, skilled in; to excel in, do 
proficiently or expertly; to perfect, make perfect, 
bring to perfection 

to absolve from, acquit ^ jj>- < ^ l^jl :^ J*- 1 
from, discharge from, release from, disengage 
from, clear of, relieve from, exempt from, 
exonerate from, redeem from, disburden from, 
unburden from, free from, disencumber from, 
extricate from 

to enjoin on, J* ^y i J* (_-*-jl :,J* J*-l 

impose as a duty or obligation upon, make 
incumbent on, make something someone's duty 

•* i 

to settle, settle down, make £ j i *~o) i tly I : J*- 1 
stay (in or at a place); to put, place, set (down), lay 
(down), locate, station, position 

j*- 1 (^p*^ UrT»*. _)l U~- ^^^ 1 i (o^*£- i^*a) 41j** 4l>- 1 

to replace by or with, substitute for, put in the 
place of another, displace by or with, subrogate 

replacement, substitution, JIj-JL-1 :J5UJ 

displacement, subrogation 

subrogation j*-\ 3~ o?' J u^»\' 

bay, chestnut 

smooth, sleek, soft, tender ^li i ^-L I : (J Jb- 1 

to sweeten, become sweet; to I^Ju- jL> : (jI>U-l 

become delicious; to become beautiful, pretty, 
charming, nice, pleasant 

>t. - - . , < > > s - . . » 

to c*s»-jy ' rjy :Sl^i 
marry, get married 
bringing, getting, fetching 



■ dtyw 

arraignment; summoning, 
citation, subpoenaing 

subpoena, (i»So« Jj) jU»-J iijj i jU»-l S^x. 

summons; writ of habeas corpus 

'< - -~ 

to bring, get, fetch, bring j ^1 ij jU- i <_Jl»- i^Jj 

along, carry with oneself, bring forward, introduce 

to arraign; to summon, iuCkU JJ » 

subpoena, demand, cite 

to be or become lucky, fortunate U»^J»Jm 0^ : ■ii^l 
to importune, besiege, press, urge J* tJ! ^jjA*-! 

to make go barefoot(ed) Li U- a1»»- : ,ji»- 1 

j, '. » 

to cut (off) one's mustache, overtrim <o jli. ,ji»- 1 

one's mustache; to shave one's mustache 

to anger, enrage, infuriate, exasperate, i_w»il : Jai»-I 

acerbate, incense; to annoy, vex, irritate, gall, 

embitter, peeve, provoke 

:-'•' '■ 1 
fossil cM ■»; ..„. '■jyt*'' 

paleontology _£»U- jl pic 

fossil (3jj4»-i 

s ^ - i - * 
to tell or say the truth Jp-I Jl» : J»-l 

to enforce, carry out, execute, effectuate iil : J^>- 1 

i - * 

worthier, more deserving; more entitled to j J»-l 

enforcement, execution, (o)Juij : (jil) <ili»-l 

carrying out, effectuation 

denial of justice J^J-I Jli»-J (.at 

to embitter, Ijily aLu«- i jJLi-l <ui j^l lai^l 

envenom, venom, excite or arouse bitter feelings 
in, fill with spite or hatred, kindle rancor in, make 

jjLZ>-l &\ j — ji^\ 

precedence, priority, 



to ripen, mature, be or ojLoa- ul»- ' 
become ripe or mature 

£-*. ., 

Ja^a- VT'j 

Ja-a- : Ja-a- I 

i J»U.I :,v. 

clubfooted, taliped 

to enrage, infuriate, anger, i_...a r .i i j»ici : j^- 

incense, madden, exasperate, acerbate, irritate, 
embitter, peeve, vex 

iC> p-lj - dLi-1 

Jl^ p-lj - Jl^l 

to impoverish, make poor, reduce to jii I : r- j»-1 

,- .« , ,, « 
to compel (to), force (to), oblige J* -ijl : J J r>»-l 

(to), make necessary for (to) 

in greater need (of) (<JJ ) ii- U- ji I : (J J ) *■ jiJ 

having narrow, contracted or 
squinting eyes 

to squint, become cross-eyed 

cross-eyed, squint-eyed, cockeyed; 

to give life to, lend life yi*;! t J sLil j^kcl : Li. I 
to, endow with life, bring to life, animate, vitalize, 
vivify, enliven, liven up, quicken; to revive, 
revivify, resuscitate, reanimate, revitalize, recreate, 
give new life to, breathe life into, infuse life into 

-s - -. * 

to restore, renew, rejuvenate; to jja- : La- 1 

regenerate, recreate 

to resurrect, raise from the^i t o^il ^ l^Z : L»- 1 

to give, throw (a party, concert, ilia- La- 1 

performance, etc.); to perform at a celebration or 
party, etc. 

to commemorate, memorialize, observe, <5^i lli- I 
keep; to celebrate 

to pass the night awake, stay awake at JJJI La- 1 
night, stay up at night, burn the midnight oil, 
spend the night (in some activity), work or study 
far into the night 

biology La-^^ i^La-'ill pL i,Lil 

animation, vitalization, <jiU;l i J »G-1 £Uail : »L».| 




s- f?- - s - s- * 

I**" p-'j - «J 'tr^- ^l 
.. *' J, « 

to redden, become red; to purple, jJs- 1 jLo : 'Ua-I 
empurple, become purple 

to redden, blush, flush, glow %^ ^U- 1 

red; ruddy; pink; scarlet; purple j^.\ 

lipstick, rouge 

infrared jla-^l ujj <■ 

violent death 

redness, red coloKation), red coloring; jl 

reddening, blush(ing), flush(ing), glow(ing) 

erythrism ^Ull /\ S^ijl jl^J 





- * * 

«■ • - 

-r— • 





to anger, enrage, infuriate, exasperate, ■_ ■ hr I : yU^I 
acerbate, incense, irritate, gall, provoke, peeve 

ij*±>- »a-ij — LA»l»- a1»j- : ( _ < pii»»»l 

stupid, silly, foolish, fatuous, idiotic, (iio) ^*9-\ 
imbecilic, imbecile, weak-minded, feebleminded, 
fat-witted, thick-witted, dim-witted, unwise, daft, 
brainless, dumb, doltish 

fool, idiot, imbecile, moron, simpleton, (^.l) , 

dullard, dolt, dunce, dunderhead, blockhead, 
fathead, oaf, ninny, numskull 

purslane, pussley (cjLj) iia-j : e Lilil iiilll 

polycythemia (i>j- ) f jJ ' J ' jy 

to hate, bear a grudge against, bear J* jJia- : J* 
malice against 

(J* ^> plj - (JJ J I* * J* oiJac :J* ( 

hunchbacked, humpbacked, humped; i_.ja-l : ( 

hunchback, humpback 

- - - . -* • 
grudge, malice, rancor; Sjl j* i o^S" i jJia- : 

hatred; feud, enmity, hostility 



H.-r.HNT'-y.M'..' -■■■ug*. | Tr— 

to be or become ^-Jl i JSCtl i illil : ^"ill cii JU-I 
dubious to, doubtful to, uncertain to, obscure to, 
vague to, intricate to 

*J> Jl» j^-lj - *^~y '■ j^*~' Of 


, „ ■ » »- ■ » 

to extinguish, put out, quench, «u»-l i U-U : 
smother, stifle 

notification, notifying, information, p ">U :jL»- 

informing, telling; communication, conveyance, 
transmission; notice; announcement, statement, 

denunciation, information, ijltj : L >t jLj-J 

informing against, reporting 

news, information 

newscast, news bulletin, news 

news, information 

to be humble (before God) 

to inform of or about, l _ r JLtl t <JJ Jli i _j j-U :(_j) j*» 
tell about, let know about, bring to someone's 
knowledge or notice, notify of, apprise of, advise 
of, acquaint with, make aware of, report to, relate 
to; to communicate to, impart to, convey to, 
transmit to, deliver to; to announce, state, declare 

to inform against, report, 
denounce, betray 


half sister, stepsister ( 

foster sister 


H if i '■ O* rr* ' 
j~C-) ft jl ui c-y-1 

I i ^ym.^1 ijjizil :ju^l 

to choose, select, elect, i_*» 
pick (out), cull 

to prefer (to), favor, choose to, y \ i j-aj : jLj-1 
opt for 

to strut, swagger, prance, mince; JSJ t j-iJ : Jll»- 
to be or become conceited, vain, vainglorious; to 


i-'-^V ' -, : . r ■ ■ ■ - ■! 


vivification, enlivening, quickening; revival, 
revivification, reviviscense, resuscitation, 
reanimation, revitalization, recreation 

restoration, renewal, rejuvenation; j-j-lm : «.U>-I 
regeneration, recreation 

resurrection ty^> i lijo : *Lj"! 


in commemoration of, in 

memory of, in remembrance of, in memoriam 

biological) if??** : i/i rf 


biologism <_j U»- 1 

• . * 

how sweet! how delicious! how l'— 1 I, 4 jjLi-1 

beautiful! how nice! how pleasant! 

albumin J^j 'Cf^-^ 

brother; fellow man f\ 

' * \ 
brother-german, full brother J^li. f\ 

half brother, stepbrother \^Ji^ j^) f\ j' ^i r} 

foster brother i-j^JL jl p-Ui^JL ^1 

brother-in-law *»-.}.)" j' rJ^' >""' 

trustworthy, reliable, honest, faithful iij ^»-l 

brothers, brethren <->!>»-) ' °>»-J 

to fraternize with, Luj^> jl U-l <d jU> :U-I i^l 
associate as brothers with, be on fraternal terms 

brotherhood, brotherliness, fraternity »l^l 

fraternal, brotherly 

■ uU! 

captivating, fascinating, v'-^- ' jf ^" ' C^^ : ^' 
charming, enchanting, entrancing, transporting, 
thrilling, breathtaking, taking, striking, winning, 
engaging, sweet, gripping, attractive, magnetizing, 
catching, catchy, absorbing, engrossing 

tSyi- «rlj - (JU-I 




invention, innovation, j^j' ' ?'•*«?' •f_'j~*'! 

origination, creation, contrivance, contriving, 
devisal, devising 

inven- p-^j»- t,J. t f^o" :(olcljJJ»-l r-Jp-l^^j-l 
tion, creation, innovation, novelty, contrivance 

patent (on an invention) p- 1 ^i»- 1 5 f\ y 

patentee p-l^^»-l S?l^> J^U- 

penetration, transpiercing, JL^ <. ilij :<jlj^-j 

piercing, breakthrough, breaking through, passing 
through; permeation, permeance, percolation, 
interpenetration, infiltration 

' »*'• ' *''• i ' *'"!ii 

to unsheathe, draw, pull ij>-^I < *!i«l : i « . * . .! I -i^*-) 

to invent, create, originate, j£i> I i p- xj 1 : f>i*-J 

innovate, make, devise, contrive, excogitate 

to penetrate, transpierce, pierce jL»J i iij ij^^-l 
through, break through, cut through, pass 
through, run through; to permeate, percolate, 
interpenetrate, infiltrate 

to break the sound barrier o^oJI jl^»- ij'jii- I 

j Lai- 1 (j^ji-l 

to run the blockade, break the 

bulletproof ^Ce^JI ii^ju Y 

to destroy, annihilate, J^L I 1 2li» I : ^» 

exterminate, extirpate, uproot 


biopsy [i_J»]f_l3^; 

shorthand, stenography (cij^J-l jl iillsCJl) Jlj£» 

canceling, cancellation, [oLilj] Jlj^y-I 

reduction [tljjij t L^S]j\'^\ 

stenographic, shorthand 1j \z± 

to stenograph; to write (in) (L» 3 Ji-\ jl ijLSCJl) tS'jS 

to cancel, reduce 

[oLjsljjJ Jj^-I 

be or become proud, haughty, arrogant 

to amble; to trot, pace vJJ O^ai-I L-ji- 

to hide, conceal oneself, keep oneself out of Li* 
sight; to disappear, vanish; to be hidden, concealed 

hiding, concealing oneself, concealment t'CjS- 

experiment, test, trial; tryout; ^ t <;>>« : jCi»- 
essay; examination; check(up); probation 
experimentation, experiment(ing); <-~>jmj '■ j^>-\ 
trial, trying, test(ing), examination, check(ing), 

experience, (empirical or i£Jj- t i j^- : jl-^»- 1 

practical) knowledge 

> > 
trial balloon jL^-l OjJL 

on probation; on trial; being tested or jQj-^1 
tried; in an experimental state 

experimental, empirical, 
experiential; trial 

empiricism, experimentalism 

LfrJ 3 !* ' ^Jr** 

to test, jLJji-l jl <jy*l> a\s i fjoati iu_^ : >~j»l 

examine, try, assay, essay, try out, check (out), 
sample, put to the test; to experiment, make an 
experiment, carry out experiments 

to °j*^' '- ■"■' ' t jl— *>■ «y c*Lw t ^-r 1 j^r • j~**~ ' 

experience, have experienced, have tried, know or 
learn by experience; to gather (gain, have) 
experience, be experienced 

to know well, know j Lit i»l»-l : _ r Jj^ I 

thoroughly, have full knowledge of 

to bake •-» 


ji»- «- \j - j^j»j 

conclusion, concluding, closure, *\J\ i >L>ll : ^ 
closing, completion, finishing, termination, ending, 
winding up, windup 

cr ] -> 

: Kt\^j ( <w l»- IfUU^l 


to conclude, close, complete, finish, J I 1 ^ I : *Zj- 1 
terminate, end, wind up, bring to an end 

to be circumcised j^j- : (,— all ) j^l»- 1 




<jj^w >i»-lj— »La^l 

to abbreviate, abridge, shorten, y^sJ « ^»-jl : >f «aii 
curtail, cut short, reduce; to summarize, epitomize, 
synopsize, sum up, condense, digest, brief, outline, 


1 «l»~ 




to disappear, vanish; to hide u*o-l i <Sj\y '■ u*^! 
(oneselD, conceal oneself, keep oneself out of sight; 
to abscond, depart secretly and hide oneself; to be 
or become hidden, concealed, sheltered, obscured, 
cloaked, mantled, covered 

disappearance, vanishing; occultation, hid- »U^I 

denness, concealment; hiding, concealing oneself; 


to be or become disordered, disturbed, i_j jl»^>j : [fc±-\ 

deranged, upset, confused 

to be or !_>-& j\ J1j»j v. 1 ,"" ' ' ^ - .v "-* J^° '■ J-^j 

become defective, deficient, unsound, imperfect, 
faulty, blemished 

to be or become unbalanced; to lose 
one's balance 

to be or become mentally deranged, 
mentally disordered, abnormal, 
unsound, demented, insane, lunatic 

to acetify >»- jL> 4 Ji*J :^wuJI J^»- j 

to acetify >»- »^r" ' 4 ^' ji ' : _Ar a *^ J-**"! 

to be alone (with), retire (with), (ka j I _> ) *'■'-• I 

withdraw (with), meet separately (with), hold a 
closed meeting (with) 

to withdraw, retire; to isolate Jj^il 1 j^I '-tJ^>-\ 
oneself, seclude oneself, be alone (with oneself); to 
be or become isolated, secluded, solitary 

"die J^i-I 


being alone (with), meeting 



separately (with), holding a closed meeting (with) 

to reduce [ eLj^ij e L»^ J Jj^-j 

*> . ' . - s ' - . » s '• 

to specialize f>L«JI ^ Jlc j u a^ » «j : J j I -j ^eu»- \ 
in, major in 

tobe j <;X>" jl il»-^Ci)l t_^«-L> uiS' :-j ^<"-l 
competent in, have jurisdiction over or in, be duly 
or legally qualified in or for, have the power or 
authority to 

to be distinguished by, j ijJu\ 1 -> jL*l : j u*±-\ 
marked by, characterized by; to have as a 
characteristic, as a distinctive feature, as an 
advantage; to have the advantage of; to be peculiar 
to, characteristic of 

(_^»- »j«-Ij-^Lj| : <_r' a - : > - | 

o»- £f ; J ' 


abbreviation, abridgment, ^aii-l jj-u :j 

shortening; summarization, epitomizing, syn- 
opsizing, summing up, condensation, briefing, 

brevity, shortness, conciseness, jlauj :jLa^-\ 
terseness, succinctness, laconism, brachylogy 

in short, in jLaJj-'ill aj«-j Jt 1 jLaJj-^L i jLaii-Li 
brief, briefly, in a word, in a few words, in fine, 
concisely, shortly, in a nutshell, in a capsule, in 
summary, summing up, to sum up, to make a long 
story short 

specialization; specialism; specialty, ^alaxj '^-1 ^"~l 
field of specialization; major 

jurisdiction, competence; power, authority 

(special) domain, Jlki njl^- < Ji»- ■ u ^>^ 
bailiwick, field, province, sphere, line 

function a!^ 4 ~<*-^>} '■ i>>t 

(area o0 jurisdiction ^La^i- 1 

D J I 

lack of jurisdiction, incompetence, 


specialist; expert; 

1 jjLai-l Ii-joLfl^l 



V" •■ • V.W3WV-1 

quaver, shiver, shudder 
to twitch 

worry, trouble, disturb, disquiet; to preoccupy, 
engage, engross, take up, fill completely; to affect 
deeply, penetrate, touch, move 

to embezzle, defalcate, peculate, <j^-. 4 i_JL. • ^ ■ I "~l 
misappropriate; to steal, pilfer, filch, purloin 

to eavesdrop, listen secretly (to) (Jj) .111 I ' u 3s±\ 

to peep (at), peek (at); to glance ( J J ) ^LJ I ^ili- 1 
furtively (at), steal a look (at) 

to mix, mingle, blend, intermix, 



intermingle, commingle, commix; to be or become 
mixed, mingled, blended, combined, commingled, 




to mix with, associate with, 
mingle with, hobnob with 

to jumble, clutter, i-j/L^ I 4 J~Lo i ,ji>^ : JjI1»- 1 
run in disorder or confusion, get all mixed up; to 
be or become confused, muddled, jumbled, un- 
settled, disordered, disorganized, disarranged, 

to be or become mentally J^- 1 : 4iic J»L>. 1 

disordered, mentally deranged, abnormal, insane, 
lunatic, demented 

to differ (from), vary Ojlu 4( jjUI .((j*) ' ** - 1 

(from); to be or become different, unlike, disparate, 
dissimilar, inconsistent, incongruous, conflicting, 
contradictory, contrary, opposed 

to be diverse, various, varied e-^J : Liilj- 1 

to disagree, j^J lliiL, J^i- 4 Jt 4 j) Loll*- 1 
differ in opinion, disaccord, entertain contra- 
dictory views, be at variance, join issue; to argue 
(about), quarrel (about), dispute (about), enter into 
an argument (about) 

to frequent, go frequently j jy" : ulSc <JI LqLj- I 
to, come constantly to, visit frequently, haunt 

to fabricate, invent, make up, dJU- 4 ^ : jJl»-l 

manufacture, trump up, create, feign, fake, frame, 
concoct, contrive, devise, think up 

fermentation, ferment, zymosis JLsC .jU^I 

fermentative; zymogenic i$jL^I 


• ' * *■ •—• ' _«»«. t w 


tj i ?v-li :*«► jC^I i^bu^l 

privacy, solitude, loneness, <Uy> 4 jl^iil 
seclusion, isolation, retirement, reclusion 

convulsion, A-bU^il 

jerk, twitch; tic; tremor, tremble, quiver, shiver, 


embezzlement, defalcation, iij*. 4 i_Jl :y*iLjtl 

peculation, misappropriation; stealing, pilferage 

mixture, mixing, admixture, 



intermixture, intermixing, intermingling, blending, 
mingling, commingling, commixture 

association, social intercourse, 5^,1^ : J>^L^-I 
social relations 

confusion, muddle, jumble, iLL 4 J^y^ : J>bl^- 1 
clutter, mess, disorder, disorganization, disarray 

lunacy, mental disorder, mental JiJI J>bLi-l 

derangement, mental alienation, insanity, demen- 

difference, dissimilarity, ^Cj 4 OjliJ 4 J^j :i_iiL£l 
unlikeness, disparity, discrepancy, contrast, dis- 
tinction, divergence, dissimilitude, disagreement, 
variance, variation, inconsistency, incongruity, 
contradiction, contrariness, contrariety 

diversity, variety, variousness s-'yj : i_»}L^- 1 

- > > ' 

<-»bU- %s r \ J - LJbU- iKtyai- i pl_>l : <_»5L»-I 

frequentation jj^J : ,jl5c JJ (_»5Ly-l 

of all (or different) kinds, sorts, <t\y\ i_i}L»-l ^c 
types, varieties 

fabrication, invention, making up, \yj&> '• tiiil^l 

manufacture, trumping up, creation, feigning, 
faking, framing, concoction, contrivance, devisal, 

disorder, disturbance, confusion, i_j! jh^»l :JiL^I 

deficiency, Jli- 4 i^s. 4 i^JLi 4 ^^SJ : JbLi- 1 

defectiveness, imperfection, faultiness; defect, 
fault, blemish, flaw, failing 

disequilibrium, imbalance, ojl^zll J^Ljtl 


mental derangement, mental disorder, ^Lic JbL^- 1 
mental alienation, lunacy, insanity, dementia 
dysfunction ij^i ^^f- ' 


cr'j - t J 

■ t£>^~ 

to quiver, tremble, shake, quake, 

: c^-! 


onager, wild ass 
two jugular veins 



furrow, groove, rut, ridge; chuckhole 1( JC 

hole, gap, opening 

wrinkles, furrows, lines -ut 

to take; to pick up; to take in; 
to receive, get, obtain 

to seize, capture, take over, liUlj i ^c (Jy~\ '■ ■*»■ ' 
take or lay hold of, take possession of, appropriate, 

to overcome, Jj^il-I i -j -V--1 ' J* f» 3, ~»l : -*»■ ' 
overwhelm, overpower; to engross, absorb, 
preoccupy, occupy wholly, take up, seize, take 
hold of 

to punish i_Jlc : i»-l 

, --• , - - -.-*'.'* 

to blame, L.U uiiUjI i^ : IjS" *J* -»»-l ' -*»-l 

reproach; to criticize; to censure, find fault with 

to follow someone's <j i5-ljI : 8 i^-U jl oi*-l i*-l 

example, imitate, copy, emulate, take after, pattern 

after, model after, be guided by 

to get ready, prepare jjl^-I : SjuJI i^-l iaJLaI j^-I 

oneself, make (one's) preparations, gird oneself (for 

action), gird (up) one's loins, prepare (oneself) for 

action; to stand prepared, keep in readiness, stand 

by; to be ready, be prepared 

to grab, take hold of, take, Ja^ i <!\—-\ :joj-I 

seize, catch, grip, grasp, hold 

to accept J-r» : ->. **■ ' 

to adopt, wl i j--J <■ u~^ '■ l-ii" v^r-V ■*»"' '-; -^ 
embrace, espouse; to follow, observe 

to revenge oneself, JiZ> \ '■ °jU J*- 1 ' jW v ■*»■ ' 

avenge oneself, take revenge, get or have one's 
revenge, retaliate, make reprisals 
to treat with kindness, treat <ui.1l : ( _ r - J-l »J»-I 
well, be nice (kind, gentle, friendly, courteous) 
to(ward); to be mild or lenient toward or with 
to comfort, console, condole, ol^c lo^Uy j»-l 
solace, offer one's condolences to, give comfort or 
solace to, express one's sympathy to 

to treat harshly (roughly, Sj—ij < :S_l1IIj o j»-l 

\\'\ <iM!k.»'.± -l,"'" .,■■■ 

' - 

to ferment, undergo fermentation 

to rise (dough) t£»«^ -j*- 5 "! 

to be brewed (beer, etc.) *JJ <uJ-I jl S>J1 o^I 

to sweat (tobacco leaves, tJJ j^Jjl Jljjl o^li-l 


to ripen, mature, be or c-^Jai :l£jS\ Cjj^j~\ 

become ripe or fully developed 

to veil c— swi i jLi-l e— J :i\jl\ Oj^Jj-1 

oneself, put on a veil, cover or veil the head and 


suffocation, asphyxia, throttle, strangulation J!~f»-] 

to be or become strangled, strangulated, jil r-\ 

throttled, choked (to death), suffocated, stifled, 
smothered, asphyxiated; to strangle, throttle, 
choke, suffocate, stifle, smother, asphyxiate 

choice, choosing, selection, election, <&~>\ 
pick(ing), picking out, culling, option 

preference (to), preferring (to), Sr^ '■ J^~f-\ 

choosing to, favoring, opting for 

free will; will, volition 5 jIjJ i 5 jI j)II <j>s- : jLf»-} 

voluntarily, willingly, of one's ^l'^- s-tj* 

own accord, of one's own free will, of one's own 

optional, (jf>^ '^?'j! '^J~" ' ^Jx*" '•6j^***\ 
facultative, elective, alternative, voluntary, free, 
freewill, volitive, volitional, freely chosen or 

i>- >' *> > " -'. ,|- '. , 
strut(ting), jS3 <. jjji. i >» j i _r^r> • J^^*-] 

swaggeKing), prancing, prance, mincing; conceit, 
conceitedness, sef-conceit, sef-importance, vanity, 
vainglory, pomp; haughtiness, arrogance, pride, 
snobbeiy, snobbishness, snobbism 
exhibitionism, show-off; j^iJI t_j>- : JLJj-| 

ostentation, pomposity 


clip, trim, pare 

to tj, jJI .<, Sl£.l 4 <_L i^lll :ljit JL jil 
seize, take hold of, take up, preoccupy, engross, 
absorb; to overcome, overwhelm; to affect 
profoundly, penetrate, touch, move 

to inhale, inspire, breathe in; to breathe, ill; jit 

to take one's time; to bide one's time, o"j ji I 
wait, be patient; to tarry, linger; to slow, delay 
to give and take; to exchange, J^. | _, ji | 

.' f i : ; 

interchange; to reciprocate; to deal with 
to blame, reproach; to criticize; l_>U < 
to censure, find fault with 

to punish LiU : (-ui_u /\ <ji Jt ,) jiT 

• ,^ 
pardon me! excuse me! forgive me! 1 am <J J^-l£ "^ 

taking; receiving, getting, obtaining; 
taking in, intake 

give-and-take, discussion; debate, 
argument; dispute 

give-and-take, exchange, interchange; t U»cj ji- 1 
dealings, relations, intercourse; trade 

indisputable, incontestable, j^JIj ji-^l 'a^C ^ 
unquestionable, undeniable, indubitable, incontro- 
vertible, irrefutable, conclusive, definite, absolute 


j±\ At\i : j#-l 
/*■ t.-Hj ^lji-1 :i'j»-l 

taker; taking 

spell, charm, incantation Sj^lj :i'j»- 

trap, snare, gin, net S aUx. : ilu-l 

to delay, put off, postpone, defer, adjourn 'A% I :'ji. 

to delay, retard, slow (down), hold up; to |jU : >- 1 
hinder, impede, obstruct, block, detain 
to set back, put back <tlL)l 'ji- 1 

to lose time itGl o^i- 1 

another; else; one more, second, further; ji.'\ 

different, separate, distinct, not the same, unlike 

the other i^l 

he also 



-> ilLiii 

cruelly, without mercy); to be or become harsh 
(cruel, merciless) toward 

to take into oLlil .ji jLi^l t ^lL ji! 

consideration, take into account, reckon with, 
allow for, make allowance for; to heed, consider, 
observe, keep in mind 

to help, lend a helping ojx-L : oj^jLj jl o_uj ji- 1 

hand to, aid, assist, support, back (up) 

to be on one s guard, be »jJj- jl «jjt»- Ji-I 

cautious, be wary, be careful, look out, watch out, 

be on the alert, be on the lookout 

to consult, ask someone's opinion, 

counsel with, take counsel with 

to wonder, marvel, be astonished, 
be amazed, be surprised 

to take note of, take notice of, 
acknowledge, mark 

to surprise, take by surprise, I'ji. (q^.) Jj. ji* 
take unawares, take aback, come unexpectedly 
upon, overtake 

to take offense at, feel offended ^. °^i>U- At lii- 1 
by, be annoyed or displeased by, be angry or cross 

to undertake, take upon <_ij /\ <u;U At js- 1 

oneself, shoulder, assume; to bind oneself, commit 
oneself, engage oneself, obligate oneself, pledge, 
vow, promise 

to put under an obligation, obligate, ll^t kXz. ji I 
bind, impose a commitment on 

to quote, cite, jui\ < [^ I : ^ J\ ^ ji I 

excerpt, extract, take out, select; to adopt (from), 
take over (from), borrow (from), derive (from) 

to learn from; to study j^/p ' (£" : Cn j' s - '**■' 

to start, begin, ^i : \'jS ,JlL' 'jil , j 'ji 1 

set about, set to, set out to 

- — - » — f 
to captivate, fascinate, charm, q£ : l-jjJuJI Ji- 1 

enchant, thrill, grip 

may God help you; God bless you dl-u; <iil ji I 

to take its course d _,», j^. I 

to derive (something) from 
to cut, cut off, snip; to I 

' fi* ' (>"» : Of 



give off, give out, discharge, issue, release; to eject, 
throw out, cast out, extrude; to expel, evict, kick 
out, force out, drive out, oust, dismiss, put out, 

to excrete pli-l o^Lii ^Ja \ ■ £>• 1 

.. - - - - • * 
to eliminate, remove, take out, take (_ii»- : £>- 1 

off, leave out, drop 

to exclude, except, rule out cr-~-l : £->*" ' 

to publish, put out, bring out, ^ i j-w>l : £>- 1 
produce, issue 

to direct, [u>;>i^ 'x J 'j ' ■£/-* ' *r« J £->*" 

produce, stage, bring out, make 

to silence, shut up, gag, muzzle, <&->) i ci-l : y»^l 

reduce to silence 

mute, dumb, speechless, tongueless, ,X>I :<j">"1 


clumsy, awkward, jJ j^- <■ £jl; ^ : J >»"' 

maladroit, gawky, inept, gauche, ungainly, 

unhandy, bungling, lumpish, uncouth 

stupid, foolish, silly &**■ ' : J>- ' 

relating to the hereafter; otherworldly; future tij^l 

- - * si* -'. 1 

to disgrace, discredit, shame, ul»l ' J ^ : (i)»"' 

dishonor; to humiliate, humble, degrade, debase, 
abase, lower 

to make lose, cause 5 jL»- *j J^JI i j~**i &**: 
to lose, cause a loss to 

»j»lj — jli- t .»■» ti 

to lead a rough life 

LlI*- I m i . r - , itU- ' / 


to harden, become J Hi I Jl~>l ->>*J ■Cr'y^'l 

inured (to hardship, etc.), roughen (oneself), 
toughen (oneself) 

-'-'■ i f. •'• -| ''-'• •'.•"'til 

more special, more particular, more specific; u a±-\ 
more private, more personal 

specialist; expert; i/a". - * * ' ^^r*"! '■ t^*- 3 *".' 


fertilization, fructification, l~a»- s^l ^fe- ^ ^^H 
enrichment, fattening, making fertile 
fertilization, impregnation, n-i£ : <->L»- 1 

last, final, terminal; latest; ultimate, utmost, j^-\ : j*\ 

end, termination, close, conclu- i«jU- i *jI*j i : ^j-l 
sion, windup, finish, last part, final stage, finale 
end, limit, extreme, extremity, oa- i <jj±> : j>-\ 
terminus, termination, terminal point, tip, border, 
edge t 

foot, bottom, tail, lower part <-**$ < Ji- 1 : j>- ' 

1^1 ^Ij-iJlilll J :^l >"> 

dernier cri, last word, latest or newest *~ey y>- 1 
fashion (style, mode) 

deadline (i>^ S~* '}*?§ ■*?*• jT^ 

etc., and so on, and so forth £lj <■ °j>- ' d\ 

at the eleventh hour, at the last «JaiJ ^ I J 

possible time, at the last moment 

for the last time 

°j* j?*i 

>1 js-lj -ii> 



taking out, j^> i Jill ' J^J»] < J^- ■>) V : ^->»"! 

bringing out, getting out, letting out; emission, 
emanation, discharge, release, issuance, sending 
out, giving off, giving out; ejection, throwing out, 
extrusion; expulsion, eviction, driving out, forcing 
out, kicking out, ouster, dismissal, putting out, 


p L4.lo^Lii c l>l: £ l>J 

elimination, removal, taking out, 

taking off, leaving out, dropping 

exclusion, exception, ruling out »u^~i : ^ 

publishing, publication, putting ^ i jl-uoj : ^>- j 
out, bringing out, production, producing 

directing, [u»>lJ '» J b ' "£/-* ' W 1 J ^.'^l 
direction, producing, production, staging, mise en 



the hereafter, the afterworld, the afterlife, the o'jf-^l 

beyond, the world to come, the life to come 

to take out, bring j^ i JiiJ i jiil i J^^l -w> :^»*-l 
out, get out, let out; to emit, emanate, send out, 


to err, make a UL.V. jtf , t_Li- L£jl : tii-l 

mistake, commit an error, be mistaken, be in error, 
be at fault, be wrong, mistake, blunder; to do 
wrong; to sin, commit a sin 

to miss, fail to hit; to miss the mark «M I* a* tLi-* 

notification, notice, note, jljjl , jUll ijUji-l 

information, advice, reminder, declaration, 


4> #> 

to notify, inform, advise, give 
notice to, forewarn 

to talk nonsense 

--.:* --•» 

jjj\ i 

lighter; milder; weaker; slighter; less, lesser Lii-I 

to hide, conceal, secrete, '^ <. ji I ( '^j, \ t 'J£, -. I J^\ 
cache, mask, blind; to cloak, mantle, disguise; to 
shelter, harbor; to cover, veil, screen, curtain, 
enshroud, occult; to obscure; to keep secret; to 
cover up 

hiding, concealment, concealing, secretion; »Li^l 
sheltering, harboring; covering, veiling, screening, 
occulting; obscuring, obscuration; cover-up; 
disguising, disguise 

failure, unsuccess, fiasco, i_li- 4 jii l ±>y!*- :<jlii-l 
fizzle, flop, dud, nonsuccess, defeat, frustration 


day blind, hemeralopic 

to fail, be unsuccessful, fizzle out, Jii i j*^ : jaj- 1 
flop, miss the mark, lose ground, miss, be unable 
to do or become, miscarry, go wrong, come to 
nothing, be abortive 

to break, breach, commit a LiU- « y^i. : j ^£.1 

breach of, violate, infringe, infract, contravene, 
transgress; to default, fail to meet or perform; to 
prejudice; to disturb, upset, disrupt 
to disturb the peace, riot ^^L ££-* 

to unbalance, disequilibrate, upset u j£dl ££-! 


ytLk^l j| ( juU<a LjLii-l 

cross-fertilization, xenogamy 

self-fertilization, autogamy 

artificial insemination 

double fertilization 

fertility drugs i_-L»^l '# Ui 

to fertilize, fructify, fecundate, Coi- » 
impregnate, fatten, enrich, make fertile 
to fertilize, impregnate, fecundate iJd 

y J > 

JU1> I 


■ !■ .rT»- UU ' 

subjugation, subjection, subdual, ( J) c L^. | 

subordination, conquering, vanquishing, over- 
coming; suppression, repression, quelling, quench- 
ing; subjection (to), submission (to); imposition 

to be or become green, verdant \^±. : ', ' ^1 1 

green, verdant 



ot \y 

uJl j^Ij-^UIj ^^1 Je 

greenness, verdancy, viridity, verdure jljj»-l 

to subjugate, ( j) ^^J ijfc. , ( j) ^. : ( j) ^. | 
subject, subdue, subordinate, conquer, vanquish, 
overcome, overpower, overmaster; to quell, 
quench, suppress, repress; to subject (to), submit 
(to), expose (to), cause to undergo or experience; 
to impose upon, enjoin upon 

to assess, tax, levy, ^11 ^ J jC^j ^.j 

impose a tax or fine on, subject to a tax or charge 
or fee 

to be or become green, 

to be or become green, 

greenness, verdancy 
greenness, verdancy 



breach, breaking, violation, ii)l=»> i ii>- : -; J>»-J 
infringement, infraction, contravention, trans- 
gression; default, failure to do or perform; preju- 
dice; disturbance 

breach of (the) peace, disturbance (of ^"ill; J^U-J 
the peace), disorder, riot 

without prejudice to, without -> J^U-^I (•-»* j-« 
detriment to 




to lean to, incline to, tend to, be J 1 JL. : JJ -di- 1 

diposed to; to take to, resort to 

to be or become loyal to, J L»1j« <ju '• J c^al^l 

faithful to, devoted to, sincere to, honest to, true 

to; to keep faith to, stick to, stick by 

to worship God faithfully and -u, j «1> ,_^- 1 


to renege, break (go back on, fail o±cy jl o-u-j uiUI 

to keep) one's promise or word or commitment 

to disappoint (the hopes) jjiJI jl &?)\ ( -* 1 »- ' 

to compensate, recompense, yi^t : *lA* (**>' ) l -^* ' 


to wear out, fray, UIj »^-« 4 »^U ^jiM J^*"' 

frazzle, tatter 

more appropriate, more proper, more ti>>- 1 : ji»- 1 
suitable, more adequate 

cestodiasis, tapeworm oQujJI 'A> :*J»o£ £^' 


infectiousness, infectivity; infection(s) [ uJ. J jrl^J 

extinction, extinguishing, extin- »U»| : J^l 

guishment, putting out, quenching 
suppression, repression, olCl i jl» : i\r\ 

subdual, quelling, crushing, putting down, 
squelching, quenching, quashing, stamping out, 
stifling, smothering, killing, deadening, dampening, 
damping; deactivation; silencing, calming, 
soothing, lulling, stilling, quieting ^ 

to extinguish, put out, quench, smother U»l : ■***■' 

to suppress, repress, subdue, cX- 1 < ^J : -u»- 
quell, crush, put down, squelch, quench, quash, 

(disturb, disrupt) the balance, put out of balance 

to vacate, leave £> I < o* >»■ ' >^' : cr* - 

uninhabited or untenanted; to evacuate, pull out 
of, move out of, withdraw from, depart from, 
leave, quit, go away from, clear out of; to empty, 
void . , 

to release, discharge, let **- \ j~ jJi» I : <irr- cr*" ' 

8° _,„ „ , -._« 

to bail out, release on bail illiSL. «1— ~ ^ 1 

to open the J (jjUU < O&l '^>)0 c^A" i>> 
way for, make way for, give way to, clear a 
passage for; to make room for, make place for, give 
place to, clear a space for; to give or open up an 
opportunity or chance to or for; to enable, permit, 
allow, let , 

vacating, leaving uninhabited or ^l>) <■ «■%■ • »J*-J 
untenanted; evacuation, pulling out of, moving out 
of, withdrawal from, departure from, leaving, 
going away from, clearing out of; emptying, 
release, discharge Jsr- »^*"S 

bail, bailment ~^^ J^~ '^! 

parole J»J^- l^t- ^J 

£.UI :j^U-I 

sincerity, honesty, integrity, «U j 1 Jj-» : o>^U>] 

probity, candor; loyalty, faithfulness, faith, fidelity, 
fealty, allegiance, devotion, attachment, true- 
heartedness, constancy 




moral, ethical 

i • - *■ * " 


tijJu. i^jI i^ii^ '<^»^ : l/^*' , 

morally, ethically \*>*-' 

immoral, unethical, wrong tj, 

morality; moralism; ethicality, *!!*^' 

ethicalness; ethics, morals 

immorality V^*"'^ 



a mm*mM} 

last but not least I j±- 1 l _ r Jj 


S'- 1 

better (than), superior (to); 
preferable (to) 

the best 


blueweed, viper's bugloss 

(<j?*-» i>** jl*"«) JS* - *' J*jll 
J-^ 1 : ((>V Ji 

- . * 

(oLj) uj^I 
1 1 <hf. : . 

to bend, curve, twist, turn, flex 

>..'* ,',.»- > .» > j . .■,- 
to (over)burden, <ujJI t -uLc Jii :^jI jl J*J-I ojI 

oppress, weigh down on, bear down on; to 

exhaust, fatigue, weary, wear out 

to befall, afflict, strike, hit j J»- iuUI : jl 

to do, perform, carry out, execute, j^li : (3 jl 

discharge, fulfill, accomplish, make; to function; to 


- - • » - •* 5* 

to lead to; to contribute £jj*- I i JJ (_,-»» I : J] cSjI 

to, conduce to; to cause, result in, bring about, give 
rise to, produce, generate, engender, create, make, 
prompt, provoke, induce, trigger 

to take to, convey to, j^j\ i J^jl : J J cijl 

lead to, guide to, show to, steer to, drive to 

to salute, greet j.>UI jl iL»JI (3jI 

to render a service to, do someone a J i^-bi- (3jI 

to pay, settle, discharge »Uu i <ui j : L> j cSj I 

to testify, give evidence or testimony, Sjt^. i^jl 

to render, interpret, »JJ Li but jl (^iw cijl 

express (a meaning, a work of art, etc.); to bring 
out the meaning of, read 

to take an oath, swear L-«j cSjI 

performance; execution, carrying out, »U 

accomplishment, fulfillment; doing, functioning, 
exercising; work; payment, discharge, settlement 
(of a debt); rendering (of) a service, doing (of) a 
favor; taking of an oath, swearing; rendition, 
interpretation, reading (of a work of art); diction, 
delivery; elocution 

— --» , ,» 

tool, instrument, device, ill : (ol j jl r) Si jI 

implement, apparatus, appliance, gadget, article; 


stamp out, stifle, smother, kill, deaden, dampen, 
damp; to deactivate; to silence, calm, soothe, lull, 
still, quiet 

► I 

to harbor, entertain, hide, 

to harbor a grudge against, bear 4_it ji»- : aJ j+±- I 
malice or spite against 

sole (of the foot), vola; hollow of the ( (.all I ) ^. I 
sole (of the foot) 

from ^^.JJLlI jl (.Jill u a*±-\ (JJ ^1^1 (*■»») (_rf 

head to foot, from head to toe, from top to toe, 
cap-a-pie, from (the crown of) the head to the sole 
of the foot 

volar, plantar 

snuffler; twanging, snuffling, nasalizing j^su ^ : j±.\ 

> . i .', '• < 
to hit hard, strike, afflict, aggrieve, y» jJI 4_it ^^1 

oppress, wrong; to wear down, destroy, ruin, 


Li ^Ij-j/^Jl j IJb :( yi-l 

-• •« -• » 
snub-nosed, pug-nosed o-"' : u~*" 


brotherhood, brotherliness, fraternity ty 

stable, barn JJa-,1 -.jy- 

having narrow or contracted j- ■ •" j^> \ijoy. 

having sunken or hollow eyes 1 j.: : «,ll ^'U : ,_^)>i- 1 

brotherly, fraternal ^» 

brotherhood, fraternity, order, confraternity ijy- 

prisoner of war, internee V^* - ji-' : ''--•*• 

spoils, booty, loot, prize, plunder, pillage -L—Lc :Sjl#. 

last, latest; final, terminal; ultimate, utmost, j£. 


the latter 


finally, at last, in the end, CI4JI j : \j± I 

eventually, ultimately, after all, at long last 

recently, lately, of late, not long ago, I j±-'y : \j± I 




administration, j^^* 4^ i4j«La» :Sjljl 

department, service, section, division 

business administration; management Jl^l Jjlij 

administration of estates otfjJI 5jIj] 

civil service ijjj ijbl 

crank [iSLilSL,] ij\'ii\ j-lji 

maladministration, mismanagement »j' J )" iy 

administrative, managerial, °j^)IL> J^-^ ■ ( # J '' S ! 

executive, departmental 

executive; manager, jJs (ij^j <-&y : <3j^j 

director, administrator 

administrative law S^' 5 ! ^ 

to circulate, spread, put into "iljlaii *i»- :Jb1 

circulation, give currency to, make current 
to give ascendancy or the *lic _jl O^i o? li'jto J'- 3 ' 
upper hand to; to let triumph over, make 
victorious over; to replace by or with, substitute 
for, put in the place of 

to perpetuate, eternize, make Jo I 4 j1»- : f U 


to maintain, keep (up), J* ^yul ' J* -J»»l»- : f 1 ^ 
retain; to hold; to preserve, conserve; to continue, 
carry on 
shortening; seasoning; condiment f '^j 

perpetuation, eternization -4^*" : *"•* ' J ! 

keeping (up), Jt ikiU*. 1 Jt <UjI :i*l j| 

maintaining, maintenance, retaining, retention; 
holding; preservation, conservation; continuation 

to condemn, convict, f^" ' ti^ <^~ ' ^ ■* 

incriminate, criminate, inculpate, pronounce 
guilty, find guilty 
to condemn, denounce, censure, decry i_^~- :Obl 

to lend, loan, advance (money (^l.) u i> J i\ ".Obi 


condemnation, conviction, incrimination,^;^ :*jljj 

organ; utensils, materials, materiel, equipment, 

gear { 

means, medium, instrumentality, iL-j '-i>bl 


cat's-paw, ^j^« j ^ » •* '■ ' I j»-l o.i. -«t , „_ i ( _ r as»i :oljl 

tool, instrument, vehicle, agent, hireling, servant, 

puppet t 

particle [~^] <-» j»- : »bl 

r- i •* ' '* 
definite article [iJj i_i>^JI ibl 

• .» ' ,» 

machinery of government; organ of pXJ-l Si jI 

boring tools 

iijjlil oljjl 

holding tools 

striking tools 

cutting tools 

measuring tools 

torsion tools 

tableware, table utensils 

,• - 1 - -< 
kitchenware, kitchen utensils jr^ ^j^ 1 

to run, direct, J* fli t ^j iSjb^l ^^ :jbl 

administer, manage, handle, conduct, control, be 

in charge of 

to operate, run, (j<JJ \£ jm till) Jltl 4 Jii. : jbl 

work, start (up), move, actuate, cause to function 

or work, set in operation or motion; to turn on (an 

electrical device) 

to turn, revolve, rotate, wheel, jjJj *i*»- : jl •>' 

spin, whirl, twirl, reel, swirl, eddy, circle 

to turn, direct, point, aim ^j 4 *r j : j' ■> ' 

to turn (away) from, keep &■ d>j^> : ^ jl •>! 

(away) from, dissuade from, divert from, deviate 


to pass around, j^lU <j jl j : f^ill J* s^l jIjI 


to daze, stun; to dizzy, giddy, ^-jj ^lt'^' j'- 3 ' 

make dizzy or giddy 

j I jul I «-lj-c-i-ll ijlj--l :*-lj jljl 

administration, ^.y ' (^" 'jW-*' ^j' ) 

management, direction, running, handling, 
conduct(ing), control(ling) 



dark, black, dusky, gloomy, murky, JlLI : ji-jl 

tenebrous, dim 

saving; keeping, preservation, storage, storing, jU-jl 
laying away, laying by, putting by, putting up, 
reservation (for future use); hoarding, treasuring 
(up); amassment, amassing, accumulation 
savings bank jUj^I ill' 

entrance, admission, admittance, ^UJl . -}L"| :JU-jl 
letting in, leading in, showing in, bringing in; 
insertion, introduction, putting in, driving in, 
working in, sticking in, intromission, thrusting, 

inclusion, incorporation, -Ijjl :JU-jl 

embodiment, insertion, entering, entry, listing, 
enrollment, inscription 

iiljj-1 i *l>»-j :(^)J Os- 3 *' '/^J" 'drf- 1 ^) Jl»-JI 
introduction, introducing, making, bringing about 
input (jJJ ^ij^SGl U--U- jl ill J oL^il.) JU jl 

to save; to keep, preserve, store (away), lay ^i jl 

away, lay by, put by, put up, store up, reserve (for 
future use), keep in reserve; to hoard, treasure 
(up); to amass, accumulate 

to spare no effort, make every effort, ll^i- 'ji.% ~i 
do one's best, go to any length, stop at nothing, 
leave no stone unturned 

to enter, make or let enter, bring in, let in,ji j rjijl 
admit, lead in, show in; to introduce, insert, put in, 
drive in, stick in, work in, intromit, thrust, squeeze 
to include, incorporate, embody, -j j* :'A^-'i\ 

insert, enter, list, enroll, inscribe 

to Cj^\ .iij»l :(jJj 1™=*; . \j^ ibL-bj) Ji-jl 
introduce, make, bring about 

(jUI oj >j ^t-lj-Cui e~) >jl 
to flow, well, pour, gush, cause to flow jjj li^ : jjl 

to yield, produce, I \ } j^. _,! ill J^l < ^.j : * j | 
bear, bring forth, bring in, return, pay 
to inform of or about, tell Jc ill I . _, jii* : _, j^'J 
about, let know about, notify of, apprise of, advise 
of, acquaint with, make aware of 

to lie in wait (for game) UlLOJ _,! li^JI ) Ij jl 

• * 



crimination, inculpation 

condemnation, denunciation, censure, i_J*i :illjl 

lending, loan; advance, credit .>'j»' : ^'j' 

to give a banquet X>% r U I : i_oi 

to invite to a banquet, entertain i,jt J I l^j : i_ol 
at a banquet, banquet 

to be well-mannered, well-bred, C£. j\£ :t _,j| 

polite, refined, cultured, polished 

^ - < - ~- 

ljjI «r lj - i_ol 

to educate, cultivate, culture, refine, polish L. jj» : Li jl 

to discipline, punish, chastise, chasten Li U : L, j* 

good manners, good i» G . C US' . i_o J^ : ._, j! 

breeding, politeness, civility, courtesy, refinement; 
decorum, decency, propriety 

literature, letters, belles-lettres {'j» } As.) v j! 

morals, decencies, proprieties, accepted i_,l jl 

standards of behavior; ethics 

etiquette, decencies, proprieties, rules dJ^illl L\'i\ 
of decorum or conduct 

JJi j^lj-v'jSlI JJi 
school (faculty, college) of arts v l j^l ills' 

host, entertainer t a,,^. t .C jtll ^. ^ : 0i ,] 


turning the back (on); turning away (from); 

flight, escape, running away, turning tail 

to turn the back (on); to turn away J' } ; ( 1>C ) y jl 

(from); to flee, escape, run away, turn tail 

literary ^h\ ^ *j£. :^'J 

moral, ethical ^^. < ^"bU-l :^'jl 

morally ll,jf 

,* j 

moral obligation, moral duty 

literary criticism 

to cover oneself with, wrap oneself _, J'.-V I : _, ^ j| 

to darken, blacken, be j^Ll t Ji! : jjjji .» j| 

(become, grow) dark or black 

,^_ — ,- , — , ^ 

to reach, arrive at, attain JJ J-ej < j-L. : dljjl 

to overtake, catch up with, come (_;) J^«J : dljjl 
up with, catch, get 

to (jJI ild' «°jiO *?. D*" 'v'"*' <e*l; :dJjjl 
overtake, come suddenly upon, descend upon, 
strike, befall, afflict 

to get, obtain, acquire, attain, ^c J-*w < Jli : <i)j j1 
achieve, accomplish, realize 

to ripen, mature, be or become £— *> '■ j-JI ti!jjl 

ripe or mature 

to attain puberty, reach jJbU ji; « ji> : jJ_jJ I Sji\ 

sexual maturity, be sexually mature 

to be or become dirty, filthy 

^0 £ljj] 

# ^' ■ ■ ' ' -■■-» 

inclusion, incor- Jrr'v-' ' cC^-aJ ' JU-j! 't^j}\ 

poration, embodiment, insertion, entering, entry, 
listing, putting down, inscription, enrollment, 
registration, registry, recording; classification 

to dirty, soil, sully, stain 



G nosticism 


adrenaline, epinephrine 

, i - , - . < 





to allege, claim, maintain, profess, pretend, -c j : ^ jj 

purport, contend 

to claim, demand, lay claim to j i_JU> : ^jj 

to make undue J^l :^ _^ A_iJ (lilt,) ^cjl 
claims to, arrogate to oneself, assume unduly 
to pretend, simulate, feign, j j*UaJ :(j) ^cjI 
affect, assume, fake, dissemble, make believe, put 
on, act as if 

<Syc-s fl»l 'jiS'b- ijv^U- 4(jdj '(j<*^ : J* (j 6 - 1 ! 
to sue, litigate, prosecute, bring suit against, J* 
take legal action against, institute legal proceedings 

allegation, claim, contention; £•»- . -&j : *le i\ 

pretension, pretense, pretext, excuse, plea 

pretense, pretension, pretending, ^Uaj : »IcjI 
simulation, feigning, faking, make-believe, assump- 
tion, dissemblance, show 

pretension, pretentiousness, pretense,i-jJ»* : »IcjI 
flatulence, assumption, arrogance, self-esteem, 
self-importance, vanity 



perception, JiLt i ojwij . i» jjm i «^j i j^j : illlj jl 
discernment, realization, noticing, seeing, 
recognition, apprehension, comprehension, 
grasp(ing), understanding, conception; awareness, 
consciousness, cognizance, cognition; knowledge; 

reason, intelligence, intellect, mind, mentality 

> > >> 
reaching, arrival, attainment Jj-^j <■ p>L : S\j*\ 

getting, obtainment, ^c <$ya*~ i Jli : S\j*\ 

acquisition, acquirement, attaimment, achieve- 
ment, accomplishment, realization 

overtaking, catching up with, _j Ji^J : <illjjj 

coming up with, catching 

> > • -* ■ 

maturity, ripeness ry-^ • p^> '■ ^j*\ 

puberty, (sexual) ji^JI ^ liial^ ipyL :dljjj 
maturity, adolescence, adulthood, (legal) majority, 
full age, legal age 
perception J"—*- dlljjl 

extrasensory perception l lA\ *ljj dlljjl 

apper- i^j^jti dJIjjl i ^jLkl^-.'ill ol Jill dlljjj 

ception, introspective self-consciousness 

apperception Jajl^-Jl dlljjl 

epistemic, cognitive c^j^ : (jf' J J ! 

hydrocele o jlc i~<ail J>>- (J-^* J?'— >•*" : <>J J ' 

to include, incorporate, Jk— i l _ r ^o i Jp- jl : ry jl 
embody, insert, enter, list, put down, inscribe, 
enroll, register, record; to classify 

to roll up, fold up 

toothless, edentate, edentulous, 
without teeth 

to armor oneself, put on armorp-j-dl ^,-J :pjj! .f jjl 

to perceive, discern, JLc . ~ji 4 qLj . jl. : illj jl 

realize, notice, see, recognize, apprehend, con- 
ceive, comprehend, grasp, understand; to know; to 
be or become aware of, conscious of, cognizant of; 
to learn (about), come to know (about), find out 

t_il i cS>» • r j J I 

go jl 

— 4 

malign, calumniate 

to express, voice, li-ul t je. v^*' ' o* j^ '■-> d J ' 
utter, declare, announce, state, indicate, bring out; 
to adduce, bring forward 

to make, deliver (a kijoau jl uL^j jl w^ ^jl 
statement, declaration, announcement, commu- 
nique, bulletin); to give, grant (an interview) 

to adduce, present, advance, offer, tJJ i«« ^ jI 
give, make, use (as an argument, plea, excuse, 
pretext); to plead, invoke, allege, claim, maintain 

to testify, give evidence or testimony, is\+lt ,Ji\ 


- ~ - • . - •-. * 
to vote, poll, cast a vote, cast a f-j-jl : *J>«»> <JjI 


to walk or set out at nightfall bill jL :«I j 

<oL) IJj jur-lj-'oU jJj 

to unsheathe, draw, pull out r>l 4 zjr < j£m\ :$i' 

to be or become pitch-black, JJ> I i j^- 1 : ^ j 1 

pitch-dark, gloomy, tenebrous 



i*jl «j>-Ij - fjl 


j-lJI ^jl : f jl 

man, human being 


Adam's apple 

l»jl i»-Lij 

to bleed, cause to bleed 

c*' J cr'j - cM 



opiomania, opiumism 

Oyi jl ijL»jl 


oj.lS'^Jl OLJ) 

alcoholism, J>s«Sl!l J* uL» 

si i ol^llll (jLjl 

drug addiction, narcomania 

oljOaJI (jUjJ 


yjij^il (jL»jl 

heroinomania, heroinism 



dermis, derm, corium; epidermis, cutis c» z 

claim, demand ilJlk. : *1&jI 

arrogation, undue assumption JU^I : ,1&jI 

litigation, prosecution; li^tjJI i*UI i sU>Ul. : t lc.jl 
suing, bringing suit (against), taking legal action 
(against), institution of legal proceedings (against); 
suit, lawsuit 

^jil xi (^^il l^luy (jJI (i>tjJI i^y : flt'jl 
declaration <lic 

the <> > >L^.j ^t ail : t \s,iH\ l+>- i t [a^\ 


black-eyed (uryJl) jt'jl 

incorporation, embodiment, insertion, JU-ij >l*!sj 
introduction, putting in 

merger, merging, amalgamation, ~ j : ^li. jl 

consolidation, uniting, union, joining, junction, 
juncture, incorporation, integration, fusion 

assimilation, contraction, diphthong, [iil] >liol 
dipththongization, syneresis, synizesis 

to incorporate, embody, insert, ,ji jl : ( j) «cjl 

introduce, put in 

- -~ ,- . * 

to merge, amalgamate, consolidate, ~ j : -i. j I 

unite, join, incorporate, integrate, fuse 

to contract, assimilate, diphthongize [iij] -ijl 

-' . * -'. > 

piol p-lj - pCj] 
f?' >' -'' f?- *T'* 

Uj »j»Ij- C5 »»- i,^*-. ilij :UjI 
to warm oneself UlulliUlb : li jl 

to pour, pour out, pour forth, i-ji\ 

empty, shed 

jjj j^-lj-jJo :jjjI 

S.-« ,'•* ,'.« 

to pauperize, impoverish, reduce Jil i Jti\ : «ijl 
to poverty or misery, make poor or miserable; to 
lower, debase, abase, degrade, humiliate, humble 

dark, blackish, dusky, swarthy, deep JU : ji°i\ 

to make free with, take liberties J* 1^1 : c i t Jjl 

J J cr'j- J-^e <l«r <J-,jl t jii « Jj :Jjl 

to slander, defame, vilify, asperse, ^ : j JjI 




leather, tanned skin c-^xi jlL>- :/jl 

surface ^»lb t »Jal : tC-JI jl ^j jl /ol 

then; and then; as, when, while; (and) suddenly, jl 
(and) all of a sudden 

since, as, in view of the fact that, because, 0' Jl <■ Jl 


then, at that time, at the same time dJI i il 

if; whether; when, whenever Ijl 

(and) suddenly, (and) all of a sudden, (and) j I i I 


in case (of or that), in the event (of or that), L Ijl 

if, provided that; when, whenever; whether 

unless, if not, except when, except if Ijl ^1 

whether, if I jl L, 

therefore, hence, then, so, in that case, thus, il : Ijl 
consequently, accordingly 

to hurt, harm, injure, damage, wrong, prejudice, (jji 
damnify, endamage, disadvantage, disserve, do 
harm to, cause damage to; to annoy, vex, offend, 
trouble, irritate, molest, harass, pester 

harm, damage, injury, hurt, wrong, detriment, ij jl 
lesion; grievance; evil; nuisance, annoyance, 
trouble, harassment 

to disssolve, melt, liquefy, thaw, fuse (_,l jl 

dissolution, dissolving, solution, melting, £, Ijl 

liquefaction, thawOng), fusing, fusion 

March ^jL :jl jl 

to spread, propagate, disseminate, j ■A, i'j^, :cl jl 
diffuse, circulate; to announce, annunciate, 
proclaim, promulgate, publicize, publish, release, 
herald, make public; to reveal, disclose, divulge, 
make known 

to broadcast, radiobroadcast, (jj jQL ) p I il 

transmit, air 

to telecast, broadcast, televise, (ojjj^LJV) f-lil 
transmit, air 

spreading, propagation, dissem- ^ i ^ : it Ijl 

ination, diffusion, circulation; announcement, 
annunciation, proclamation, promulgation, 
publishing, publication, release, making public; 
revealing, revelation, disclosure, divulgence 

-.» ..- .» ...» 

to brim, fill up, overfill, fill to the brim, fill VjA :Z jj 
to overflowing 

to be or become addicted to; to addict ( Jc) V, jl 
(oneself) to 

human; human being, man 


to approximate (to), approach (to), (J I ) l/j : j, jl 
near (to), bring neaKer) or close(r) (to); to advance 
(toward), move (toward) 

{•" ' f ' " " '' '• * 

nearer, closer 

- •* -.» 

O'i jj>-ij - &^*j 's-jji : <y J ' 

' • < * . * ', t 
lower, inferior, subordinate, Ji-I ( J»-l :J> jl 

sub-, junior; nether; bottom, rock-bottom, foot; 

last; lesser; minimal, minimum; under; below 

below, infra, hereunder, hereinafter, JJ L J :»L'jl 

minimum; lowest, least Jn^il jj.\ 

minimum wage(s) <y j^l _^."ill t j^^ ^ j^l till 

the Near East ^ j'^l j^*J| 

'. •• • 

.» . >*.> 

to be or become seriously ill aJ> j^ _l^» I : <_i; jl 

P»jJ »j>-Ij - j^»] :^UjI 

. .. . . • * . .,< 

to astonish, amaze, astound, c-^j i J* jl :,£».»! 

surprise, flabbergast, bewilder, startle, stagger, 

stun, perplex, baffle, thunderstrike, dumbfound, 

strike dumb 

... - - •« t-- ...» 

I j - fj>\ i % : JajI 

to be or become black, deep-black, 

black, deep-black, pitch-black, coal-black iy.\ :~*i\ 

man of letters, writer, author 

polite, well-mannered, well-bred, v^ ^s-if' 
refined, cultured, cultivated, polished, urbane, 
civil, courteous 

i' - • -•-- ■- - - - - -*- ' ■■■•-" 

y---' ' :"'■ 

■.r-jML- ,;, .,a^ ■*»««■.■■- 

' ■ l '- ' " I 


* a ' * 


^jO^- j t *w— < ! J UJI 

to degrade, lower, abase, 0«l ' <3>"-l <■ y&- '■ Jj' 

debase, humble, humiliate, dishonor 

to subjugate, subject, subdue, 
subordinate, conquer 

degradation, lowering, abasement, jm :J"SjJ 

debasement, humbling, humiliation 

having a small and turned-up nose ljJjI 

to allow, permit, give permis- 
sion to; to license, authorize 
to listen to, lend one's ear to k^,\ : J jl J J il 

to know (oO, learn about, hear of Jit : j il 

v»-lj - Ol libjl i IJ5" iti_ja»- i_iyi J_t Jj :_; Oil 

j Oil 

to inform of or about, tell about, notify pit I : _j Oi 
of, acquaint with 

to foreshadow, US' Cjj-l>- <_>^i ^U Jj :.; Oil 
foreshow, forerun, herald, portend, show signs of, 
be a sign of something to come; to indicate, show, 
imply, suggest, hint; to warn 
to be on the verge of, on the brink Ol lib. jl : _; oil 
of, on the point of, about to, close to 

to call to prayer 

5^JI Jl lc'j:Oil 
"w'''-' • -'1 

k*~J\ y*a£. .Ui< 

-' ' ' ' ' ' '\ 

O^** i / i tfi .i i .* 1 0^1 


handle, ear 

cynoglossum, hound's-tongue (oLi) u-ij^l Olil 

abalone {<Sj£ 0l>^-) J»*^\ 0i' 

plantain (oLi) tiJil oljf 

verbascum, (great) mullein, velvet(oLi) CjjJI olil 
plant, candlewick, Aaron's rod 

water plantain, alisma (^U) j»jJI olil 

forget-me-not, myosotis (oLi) jULjl Oil 

jttl »>■ Ij — 4~fcLo Ijjl ojltl 

otitis Oi J I vW 

therefore, hence, then, so, in that case, thus, I ij : ij 
consequently, accordingly 

permission, leave; license, permit, <*a*-j 1 3jli-l : Oi] 
authorization, warrant 

leave (of absence), furlough 

jLJIj oil 

broadcast(ing), >; J 'jJ^ <^t :<clij 

radiobroadcasting, transmission 

telecast(ing), broadcast(ing), Ojj^JL; c~j :<clij 

radio, radio itl i^ll <Lkj*» i<t^«— • <c\ ij ciclij 
station, station, broadcasting station 

television, TV 

ijjj. <clj] 

jl j^Ufcl I OJX- Jl (_V"J-» ^Jjb*- 1 *J--J • ^J^° A£-IJ1 

circular; publicity oLly 

broadcast, radio l**''*,' 

to make taste; to make experience or JjJj <d*>- :jl jl 

call to prayer S^CaJI JJ ^Iju :0lil 

Oil f*"lj - (Oil U-i^W Oljl 

to wither, shrivel, wilt, wizen, JjJj <tLu>- nijil : JjjI 
sear, fade, dry up 

jU-jl «r-lj-jU-ij 

>jl p.lj->jl 

lemon grass (oLi)j»-il 

t5ji p-lj - (iLi.1) i5jil 

-' , & } 4 * 1 

<iji Jjrlj - (vljjl jVjJI o) (ijil 

- •» ,•* 

to throw off, throw down ^yLlI : cSjil 

to shed tears (f-JI o^*" c ') lSj J' 

- '- ' s -..- ' * 
to mute, drop excrement ~L : jJlUI jj jl 

calendula, marigold (oLi) 0>u Jl 

cowslip, marsh marigold (^l-^) >li' 0>;jil 

submission, submissiveness, yielding, Olc i] 

surrender, giving in, deference, obedience, 
compliance, acquiescence 

^* J ju«-Ij - t-J>»- :^cil 

' - '. * 
to submit to, yield to, surrender to, give in to, J jcil 

succumb to, defer to, acquiesce in, obey, comply 

with, accede to (someone's wishes) 

to kindle, inflame, light; to stoke, £»■ I i J*il : ^il 

stir up 

to remind (of) (->) ^i :{J)j*'i\ 

to want, wish, desire, will, be willing (to); to jljl 
seek, aim at; to intend, purpose, mean, have in 

will, volition; wish, desire <Lij i jL^i- 1 i <I~la : o jljj 

decree, edict, ordinance, act Jit j*\ i ^yj* '-'«^j\ 




- - i ' 

voluntary, volitional, volitive, free, freewill, 
willful, intentional 

to shed, spill, pour out, effuse c-£_ i *«L« : jljl 

shedding, spilling, effusion, pouring out or forth iiljj 
bloodshed «C»jJI iiljl 

Aramaean; Aramaic ,_• ' j ' 

to tighten ji i «£»- 1 : cjj I 

to be skillful (in), skilled (in), I'^aL otf :(-;) u»jl 
proficient (in) 

purpose, aim 

, goal, end 

objective *jj :i_jjI 

wish, desire 


« * 

limb, organ 

j ^ r : ljjI 


i»-U- :i_jjI 

mind, intellect, brain, reason, 

Jic :i_)jl 




vflj - «U j : i_jjI 

to tear to pieces, tear lijj L>j| (*1L» jl) 4i> 

asunder, dilacerate, shred, rip apart, reduce to 
tatters, cut into slivers 

to increase, augment, grow >*->.) JjJu; <U»- : ^jl 

to exceed, be more than^ jI j i ,jc- i_»W : (Jc <j»jl 

confusion, confusing, confounding, tiJLjjJ 

disconcertion, discomfit(ure), discomposure, 
perturbation, upsetting, flustering, flurrying, 
perplexing, puzzling, baffle, baffling, bewildering; 
muddling, jumbling, complication, complicating, 

postal money order (-4^-" objil r) -»j_^JI OJj 

- - > >t 

treasury bonds, treasury bills <~;>l-l uj il 

God willing, Deo volente 

to sin, commit a sin, do 

4J)1 OJlj 

i»j»-1 ' LoJ i_«SjjI :>— jjI 
wrong; to commit a crime or an offense; to be 


- *-\ 
otic, aural, auricular j_»jl 

to take away, remove, eliminate Jl jl : <_«• il 

, s, - ,- - - ,< •* 

to astound, astonish, amaze, j~>- ic-*j i^iAjl :J*il 

stun, flabbergast, startle, stagger, shock, 
dumbfound, thunderstrike, strike dumb, baffle, 
perplex, bewilder, confound, puzzle, confuse, 
nonplus, distract 

to make forget, cause to forget ^ I : J* j I 

- -•• -'.! 

to wither, shrivel, wilt, wizen, sear, fade, Jj il : (3j jl 
dry up, decay 

cjjlj «j>-lj - i3Jl 

CjJI £>-lj - cjl 

auricle, atrium ^-Lill jj jl 

auricular, atrial i_JUJI ^il J^Lti. :,-J jl 

auricula, bear's-ear; primrose, primula (oLi) ilijil 




to show, demonstrate, display, exhibit, ij>jz '■ lijl 
present, produce, bring out 

to misgive, fill with doubt or liUI j «jjI : «_>l jl 

arabesque dL-j I j I 

lies; false rumors; disquieting news uu*\j\ 

to rest, give rest to; to relax; to ease; to relieve ^Ijl 
(of), disburden (from), release (from); to spare the 
trouble (of); to soothe; to comfort, give a sense of 
ease to 

relief, relieving, release; easement, easing; *^bj 

soothing; sparing the trouble (of); resting, giving 
rest to, relaxation 


• ■ -■" ■ ■"■^■■-■' 

to suspect, doubt, question, liL :( { y> . j i j) olj'jj 
distrust, mistrust, have or entertain doubts or 
misgivings (about), call into question, be suspicious 
(of), be skeptical (about) 

to be satisfied with, *i ulltl i *i "j- : j^^i ^j\ 

pleased with, happy about, glad about; to like; to 

feel at ease about 

- -'• ;- -'-'.' '.' * ,_• 

to frequent, go frequently to, <UJ /*jj : Cl£. jIjjI 
visit often or habitually 

to be or become frightened, scared, t- ji i <JU- : fljjj 
terrified, horrified, panic-stricken 

correlation; Jj- 1 ju lii^U. i <LL» . JLoJl i ^ j^t : -i»^j'j] 
relation, connection, bearing, connectedness, 
unitedness, union, junction, link(age), linkup, 
attachment, association, conjunction, liaison; tie; 

engagement, commitment, f ' jj" ' "*♦*> : -^^j' 

liaison officer J»Ujl J»>L> 


correlation coefficient 

confusion, disconcertion, discomfiture), ^Qjj 

disquiet(ude), perturbation, agitation, uneasiness, 
fluster, befuddlement, embarrassment, perplexity, 
puzzlement), baffle(ment), nonplus, bewil- 
derment; muddle, jumble; entanglement, snarl, 

to correlate; to connect, 3^ ' -^ ' S**> ' ' fj^> '■ ^A 
join, unite, associate, link, attach, couple; to be or 
become connected, joined, united, linked, 
associated, attached, coupled; to interpenetrate 

to be bound, tied, fastened, made fast, ±uj : Ja^'j\ 
attached, moored 

to bind oneself, commit fjJI i j+*3 :(j) Jalij' 
oneself, engage oneself, obligate oneself, under- 
take; to be or become bound, committed, tied, 

to be or become confused, confounded, ^-yj) 

disconcerted, discomfited, disquieted, disturbed, 
perturbed, uneasy, ill at ease, agitated, upset, 


■ • J 

knot, tie, bow 

8-ULfc '4jj' 

necktie, tie, cravat 

J^Lc *J**j '*jj' 

cunning, craftGness), artfulness, ( l*j :5jjJ 
shrewdness, subtlety, resource(fulness) 

Vj' f 9 ? J ~ *-*-*-* ' ( *■*■*? * ^ J: 

C?j cr lj " c jl 

dingy, dust-colored 

cloudy, dull, dim (ujilO Juj' 

puff adder 

-' i "* '•* 


(|»^j) fliuj 31 i fliuj i' i «L(uj Ji 




pj\l Olj'i 



(u)^* **j' 



the fortieth 


ceremony marking the ujjyj^ ii^ i • ijyyj^l 
fortieth day of someone's death 


y*j^' f>« 

to confuse, confound, disconcert, JJu < j^- '■ dLjl 
discomfit, disquiet, discompose, disturb, perturb, 
agitate, upset, fluster, flurry, befuddle, embarrass, 
perplex, puzzle, baffle, nonplus, bewilder; to 
muddle, jumble, unsettle, mix up, complicate, 

inguinal i-ojil ^i*^. :,_ijl 

shrimp, prawn; crayfish, lobster 

-s- --- ,,'■ f'. 

to consider, judge, think, jji t a*- j . j-^tl : liUjJ 
believe, hold, be of the opinion (that); to find; to 
deem appropriate, think proper 

to suggest, propose rjjl : (it j I 

to consider, contemplate, reflect 3-*« < j>. -^ :<itjl 
on, meditate on, ponder on 

to see; to behold, view, descry, catch ^-a, I : (iU _/ 
sight of 



1 ■ ■ ■'■■ ' * 

to withdraw, retreat, fall back, v»- \y . v»-j : jj'jl 
draw back, move backward, go back, retract, back 
(away), give way; to recede, regress, retrocede, 
retrograde, retrogress 

*^L, <JI (dill ji jil) l : jl .^L ^ Jl l : jl 
to revert (to a former condition, to the proprietor) 
to rebound, bounce, (>(<-; *-»UaJjl ju«j) j^jI 

bound, spring back, recoil, ricochet 
to apostatize, ( jJJ S_ui& jl jj j ,j£.) -Gjl 

tergiversate, renegade, defect (from), fall away 
(from), renounce, forsake, desert, recant 

to retrace one's steps, turn -u^ic jl ■uic J* .u jl 
back, go back (the way one has come from) 
and they retraced their steps |<* j£ I J* l-u jli 

to wear, put on, be (jJJ «uL5 . 4-j^lu) j^^J :<Jjj'j] 
clothed in, be clad in; to dress, put on one's 
clothes, get dressed, clothe oneself 

wearGng); putting on; dressing, getting ( _ r J : *l jj'jl 
dressed, putting on one's clothes, clothing oneself 

withdrawal, retreat, fallback, 9-yrj < «■'>> ^'-^j! 
moving backward, going back, retraction, backing 
(away), giving way; recession, regress(ion), 
retrocession, retrogradation, retrogression; return 

■U?-L> J J liUil jl (jil jljbjl i^jL «-ij (JJ jl-bjl 


rebound, recoil, bounce, bound, (pliujl jl«j) jIjJjI 


••>j Jfr'j _ J^i 

J' Lri? 0* 


to be deterred (from), prevented (from), (,ji) pju'jl 
restrained (from), inhibited (from) 

to gain one's livelihood, make a *ijj i_-li' : j^J'jl 
living, live (on or by) 

to come out, come to light, appear lC Ulj i i_»"v : (*-' J ' 
show, emerge, manifest itself, reveal itself, present 
itself, be revealed, be manifested, be expressed, 
find expression, take expression; to be or become 
visible, manifest, evident, clear 

to obey, submit to, abide by, 
comply with 

to be ordained, •C—SLif is- j j JJ Jij : ~j j\ 


: y i\ ~ojl 

to cross, make the sign of 
the cross 


to take bribes, accept a JJ» ^-y ' »>^j osJ- 1 : i»iJ'jl 

flustered, flurried, embarrassed, perplexed, 
puzzled, baffled, nonplused, bewildered, at a loss, 
at one's wit's end 

to be tongue-tied, filSsJl <ul& jiili-l : <ul& nJj\ 

speechless, unable to speak, struck dumb, dumb- 
struck, dumbfounded; words failed him 

to shake, quake, tremble, jolt, jar, vibrate, jjjbl :pjj\ 
be shaken, be convulsed 


ifrh ~ u*Jj' 

shock, concussion, convulsion, j'j^>' : r^j' 

jaKring); tremor, trembling, shaking; vibration 
(cerebral) concussion ill r^j' ' cr"" r^"J' 

backward, reverse cjr^ '(jf^J' 

retroactive, retrospective (-«rj (_)>"■• jj i^UujI 

tremor, tremble, trembling, quiveKing), <jl»»jjl 

quake, quaking, shudderGng), shiveKing), shake, 
shaking, quavering 

improvisation, extemporization oljjjl : Jls«w'_>l 

extempore, extemporaneously, "iUsy jl 

offhand(edly), impromptu, without preparation, 
on the spur of the moment 

extemporaneous, extemporary, impromptu, ,J Ls»j'j I 
offhand(ed), improvisatory, improvised, extempo- 
rized, ad-lib 

»jfjl vflj - ->Ltl i jj :«j>«jjI 

to tremble, quake, quiver, shiver, i-j-rj :t-is»jj) 

shudder, shake, quaver 

to improvise, extemporize, ad-lib, ojJjl :ja*j'j] 

deliver offhand(edly) or without preparation, do 
on the spur of the moment 

to loosen, slacken, sag; to relax; to languish, (y*J'jj 
droop, flag, lose force or vigor; to be or become 
loose, slack, lax, limp, flaccid, flabby, languid 

looseness, loosening, slackness, slackening, >^j] 
sag(ging); laxity; relaxation; limpness; languor, 



i 1 :-^ 1 ^" ■" , zz 

• ■"■ •" , ~ T -~ 

to lean on, rest on Jx- \SS\ : J* J^j} 

to ascend, climb, mount (up), scale, rise, juwj : Jfij\ 
go up 

to advance, progress, make progress, f -Lii : <yj j) 
develop, rise (in rank), be promoted 

to accede to, ascend (the throne) <_rj*H <yj j\ 

advancement), progress, development, f-uu : f\juj\ 
rise, rising, promotion 

ascent, ascension, ascending, pjijjj ' J.yw> '■ »^j} 
rising, rise, going up, climbing, mounting, scaling 
accession to the throne ltj*" ^,A 

{-- >.._• 

•> £=r'J 

commission, commitment, committing, 
perpetration, perpetrating 

support; abutment (on), leaning (on); (J*) jlili'jl 
resting (on); reliance (on), dependence (on) 

fulcrum; prop, support jlSCiji ILju 

reaction, response; reflex, JjU.j^.1 i^ISwjI 

unconditioned reflex 

relapse; deterioration, «■!>> 'ij-I&jI : (^^-ISCj j I 
decline, degeneration; regression, retrogression, 
retrogradation, recession, retrocession 

conditioned reflex, T-tljil /\ ^J>^ ^l&jl 

conditioned response 

reactive; reflex 

to commit, perpetrate 

to lean on, abut on, rest on; to <JJ '>■•■'■■ I : Jx- j&'j I 
base on, found on, ground on; to be based on, 
founded on; to rely on, depend on, count on, draw 
upon; to use, employ 

to relapse, suffer a setback; to »-^" t ( _ r 5C^ I : ( _ r Sjjl 
deteriorate, decline, degenerate; to regress, 
retrogress, retrograde, recede, retrocede 

to quicken (c^-^O Ja&Sj* 




> p-'j 


bribe, be bribed 
bribery; venality 

i Ujj 

LT^Jl :j *J 

collision, clash, crash, bump, (oC^ 4 fljlJol : »U»j j 
impact, hit 

to collide (with), clash J.ju« i (_j) ^'iLpI :(_,) .JaJJ 
(with), bump (against), bang (against), strike 
(against), knock (against), hit (against), run (into) 

to graze, pasture, grass Ulc j : JLilil ii'j 

to graze, pasture Lij :(ililil e^) .Juj 

tremor, tremble, trembling, shake, shaking, yiliuj 
shiveKing), quiveriing), quavering, thrill 

to be or become frightened, scared, iJU- : '_.ju j 

terrified, horrified, panic-stricken 

to tremble, shake, shudder, shiver, 
quiver, quake 

to tremble, shake, shiver, i^.^U.^l t i_i»Jjl :\£iuj 

quiver, quaver, thrill; to flicker, flutter, waver 

» >> 
rise, rising, going up, jL jJ,I 4 p^JLL. ( jyw> :plijj 

lifting, ascending, ascension, ascent, towering, 

soaring, uprise; increase, rise, hike 

height, altitude, elevation; highness, £c : plii jl 
loftiness, exaltedness; loudness (of sound, voice, 

s '' > . 
altitude of a triangle cJUl c-LiJjl 

hypertension, high blood l$y"-d\ JaA-a)l pliljl 

easement, servitude; [o>ii»] JiUij'il jj»- ijliijl 

symphysis [i_J>] (.UiJI JjLaJI ijjliijl 

to rise, go up, ascend, mount (up), tower, "it : iii'j I 
soar, climb, uprise, advance; to skyrocket; to be or 
become high, lofty, elevated; to be or become loud 

to profit by or from, ^ jliill 1 -> *1Z,\ :_> Jijjl 
benefit from, avail oneself of, take advantage of, 
make use of, utilize, use 


vr ^jl 


to continue; to adjourn <3>-l j—W J J <3>*-i «rj' 

postponement, deferment, putting J~^ : «Wj) 

off, delay(ing), adjournment 



eclampsia ^jJ' j' J**' «■'-'' p—" 1 : £^J. 

eclamptic i^"Wj! 

return(ing), giving back, restoration, 5 jUJ i jj : £_Wj! 
restitution; sending back; bringing back, taking 
back, turning back; putting back, replacement, 
replacing, placing back, laying back; reinstatement, 

to swing, rock, sway, fluctuate, ■^rj^t *^*>r '■ yj' 
oscillate, vibrate, seesaw, teeter, wobble 

more likely, more probable ^1^1 j^S I :^j' 

preponderant, predominant, superior, i_JU : j*»-j' 
outweighing, outbalancing 

preferable, preferred, (more) 
acceptable, having more in its favor 

most likely, most probably, in all 

(strong) likelihood, (strong) (iy) Jlc^ 1 

probability; odds, chances, prospects 

° * 
preponderance, predominance, uLw-j : ' 


to return, give back, restore, restitute; jltl iJj: j^-j' 

to send back; to bring back, take back, turn back; 

to put back, replace, place back, lay back; to 

reinstate, reinstall 

to attribute to, ascribe to, refer to, J] !_/■ : J J £»- j\ 

trace (back) to, impute to 

to spread ajJuju j\ AjliL. I jLj- I ^—i : >-»»-j' 

disquieting news; to spread lies or false rumors 


swing; seesaw; cradle 4*-^-jl 

■ . i 

to be thrown, cast, flung, hurled, tossed ,». j : ^'jj 

to flop, throw oneself, fling *~±> *-^i> : <j^j\ 

oneself; to fall (down); to prostrate oneself 

to be immersed (in water) ( *Ul j) <j~>jj\ 

to receive (take, hold) in Lijoii-I :(( l JJ\) jtJj] 
pledge or as security 

to be or become subject to; to _i j^j\ i -> Crv j\ 
be or become dependent on, conditional upon, 
contingent upon; to plege to, bind oneself by, be 
bound by 

artesian (well) 

satisfaction, gratification, pleasure; relief, ease ^UJ'j) 
frequentation l>1£* JJ JJ jJ : J t!jj 

to light, kindle, ignite, enkindle l^L^l : jUl ilijl 

to sow dissension among, stir up j_jI : f^-j o>jl 


discord among, set people against each other 
inheritance, heritage, legacy, bequest; patrimony; Cvjj 


is* jr 


• > '.{. > & 
the Greek Orthodox; the Greek ^i^ijjl (jj\ 

Orthodox Church 


orthodoxy; the Orthodox Church 

' ' ''\ 

to be fragrant, exhale i_lt> iaulj a-j o*-U :^jl 

fragrance, exude a pleasant odor 

to light, kindle, ignite, enkindle l^Lil : jUl ^jl 

, . -t .)-., it 
to sow dissension among, stir up j_j I : pj^-j ^jl 

discord among, set people against each other 

e^ 1 ^* ,J ~ f 

fragrant, sweet-smelling, oJljJI i_--t> :rj' 

aromatic, odorous, redolent, perfumed 

to postpone, defer, put off, delay, adjourn Ji-I : U-jl 

to suspend ojl-wal jl p5Cj- j-j-^ UjI 





[i\j\ o) ij ^\j - Upi 

to reject, discard, cast off r J»\ <■ J 

lower, viler, more despicable 


o) \j\ 

the lowest, the vilest, the most despicable Jij^l 

worst part of life, decline of life; decrepit j**i I Jijl 
old age, feeble age 

rice (oLj)Jjl 

ricebird, bobolink j/i\ J>\1> 

cedar (v^J >^) JJ 1 

sledgehammer ijjjj 

larch (a-J^-j _^«i,) iujjl 

to anchor, moor, berth, placeit-jfjll jl i : .a, „l l) ,j«ijl 
at anchor 

to establish, found, settle, stabilize, 

£-j ' r u -u"j' 

Jt. jjj iji> (j-ji 

anchor, secure firmly, fix firmly, firm up, 
consolidate, make fast 

to knock down to, declare 

someone to be the successful bidder 

anchorage, anchoring, (i_-S"^il j\ *.: , j, „l l) *Ljl 

moorage, mooring, berthing 
establishment, foundation, settling, 
stabilization, fixing, consolidation 

*y— - y '■ p-U- j 1 

•^ cf'j- 


sending, dispatch(ing), expedition, cJu : JLjl 

forwarding, consigning, consignment, shipping, 

emission, sending out, <_»ii it-I/I i J"^i>! : JLjl 
discharge, release, emanation 

JLjl jL»- 

iluw. »>lj - JLj^l Sjaj*. 

consignment, shipment iL,^ i&Laj c i_J>»i :aJLjI 
mission; expedition iiiu:illLJI 


transmitter, transmitting set 


more merciful 

the Most Merciful (God) 

' 1 ■ 

rJ > 


-l> r 

to date (a letter, etc.); to write the history of; to r-jl 

to predate, backdate 
to postdate 

to loosen, slacken, unloose, unstring, ease off; ^j' 
to relax; to lower, drop, let down 

to let one's beard grow, grow a beard <uJ>J ^ j\ 

loosening, slackening, unloosing, unstringing; eU-jl 
relaxation; lowering, dropping 

archipelago y^ <t>*^. : J_ S-j\ 

to find or consider cheap or ^^aj- j— I i^^-jl 


to facilitate to, make easy for; to ^1 jj ,>»»-jl 
make possible for; to pave the way for 

cheaper, less expensive Ails' /\ Lj Jjl :^s^.jl 

to fell, throw down, bring to the ground, Vj^> : li'jjl 
knock down, strike down 

to destroy, ruin 
to kill, fell 

aui :^jl 

- - > .1 

the worst 


[iil] iiUl J JaT^JI ol/jjl J|^l :<jljjl 
^-S J L5L : o j; I 

canal, waterway, watercourse, conduit, sUi :C_oj 
sluiceway, aqueduct 

tile(s), baked brick(s) 

cesspool, drain, sink 

to follow with, follow up with, cause to «-Jl :_i LJjjl 
be followed by, cause to follow or succeed 

to follow, come after; to succeed 
to add, say further 




,, ,,„, . I , , , , ..,, v ' ,. v .i W l ' .^ <^' -.: ■ v." . , m 

surface-to-surface, ground-to-ground yijl -yijl 
surface-to-air, ground-to-air y* -^j 1 

underground; subterranean J°J^ ( j*l»-) ^^ 
geophysics ij°j^ ** -.. : ^ |Jf 

to satisfy, gratify, please, content ^j 

satisfaction, gratification, pleasing, contenting Xloj 

breast-feeding, nursing, suckling ^Loj 

". . I- > 


termite, white ant 

to breast-feed, suckle, nurse 

terrestrial; earthly, land-, soil-; ground 

ground floor ^j 1 IJ«U» J 1 ' JJ 

underground, subterranean 

ii-l <L»^» : t^aj\ 

s'J: ^\ } -tS}i\ i'Jai 

(oU) ^S">i i^j 1 


floor; ground 

artemisia (oUjL^Li 

hortensia, tea-of-heaven (oU)i 

to graze, pasture, grass Ultj :i-i.lil ^tjl 

j. , . > . * 
to listen (closely) to, hearken to, give or *«*-. olt jl 

lend one's ear to, pay attention to 

frightening, scaring, terrifying, u,^i ■^^■j] 

alarming, intimidation, terrorizing, panicking, 


to frighten, scare, terrify, alarm, i_>^- :^-*jl 

intimidate, terrorize, panic, horrify, dismay, appall 

_Uj jJ aJlhj- : At j I 
At J I 

to make (someone) tremble 

to make (someone) tremble 
lightheaded, frivolous, flighty, 

aristocratic; aristocrat 

-I, - 

, f 

to send, send out, dispatch, expedite, c-*j : J^jl 

forward, consign, ship, send forward, send away, 

send off 

, -, - . . ■ > . - • « - - . « 
to emit, send out, i_»aj i ^_p-l iJ^iJ»l :J-jl 

discharge, release, issue, emanate, give off or forth, 


r T ' ' ■ 

to transmit, air 

to let hang (down), let fall, hang (down), ,Ji : J-jl 
let down 

, .. , * 

I4 '.■■ m . I : j U 1 (Ji j I 

■f i_rr 

to send for, call for, call (in), 
summon, demand 
to light, kindle, ignite 

to sow dissension among, stir up 

discord among, set people against each other 

guidance, guiding, direction, directing, leading, jlij] 
showing the way (to), conducting, piloting, 
ushering; instruction; advice, counsel 
directions, directives, instructions olj'-jj 

Ministry of National Guidance ^^i! I jli j^ll h^jl 

to guide, direct, lead, show the way (to), i5a» : jiijl 
conduct, pilot, usher; to instruct, teach; to advise, 






to balance (the account) (<_,IJ-I) j^aj\ 

jS}i\ jJ 


to ground, earth 

earth; land; ground, soil; terrain; area; 
region, territory; country 

the Earth 



,„ r , , ,... ,_- 

■-■■■'" ■'- '- ■- ■" 



^5 j£^ a '*V', 

aphid, aphis, plant oLJI oljLit u^zJ ijl: 

to put to sleep; to put to bed; to lay down 
to layer, propagate by means of layers oLJI 

■ . i 

variegated, multicolored, parti-colored; dappled, jiiij I 
mottled, speckled, flecked 

to dance, make dance 


-) j*j : Jjijl 

speckled, spotted, dappled; piebald, pied, Jj»^ : Jai'jl 

leopard, panther (oijj-j _^j 

burdock (oLi) o^Jai'jl 

stupid, foolish, imbecilic, idiotic; fool, <j-»»-l : jj'jl 
imbecile, idiot, simpleton 

reliance, confidence, trust iii . j^l :ul£j! 

to ride, mount, make (someone) i_jf jj 4l»i- : *_if jl 
ride or mount 

to trust, have confidence Jt ju-^I i _j Jjj : J J jifjl 
in, place one's confidence in; to rely on, depend 

SJu»-jl; jp-Ij - iii'jl 

molar teeth Lr'j^»' : fj' 

to gnash one's teeth /yi\ Jj^j- 

incineration; cremation _l_.^':,jLJ! 

to incinerate, -uj 4 jUj J J "il^sv. J^j- I : jujl 

cremate, burn to ashes 

to be or become ashen, ashy, jU^JI 0>i> jU> : jl»jI 
ash-colored, gray 

sore-eyed jkj :jujI 

ashen, ashy, ash-colored, gray ii-st«j : J-«jl 

dirty, filthy, unclean, soiled, sullied f^i '■ -^j' 

u~*j jf'j "Cf*- 3 : u~*->' 



harebrained, giddy, heedless, careless, inconsid- 
erate, thoughtless, reckless, rash, foolhardy, 
temerarious, imprudent, indiscreet 

to desist from, abstain from, js. ij^^jl : j*. li^cjl 
refrain from (sin, error, etc.) 

to repent i_>t 1 f-u :ii>tjl 

« ..- •"- . - . 1 

erg J*x. jl ii'Lt ijj^j :pjl 

to foam (or froth) at the mouth, flame 

■Vj'-J (jj^J 1 

up with rage, fume with rage, flare up; to threaten 

compulsion, coercion, constraint, jj> . I_^"I : »l*jl 
force, forcing 

(J) i_-tj 


to compel (to), coerce (to), j-^-\ . o^l : (J*) ^ 
constrain (to), force (to), oblige (to) 



> .1 

lijlt ^a-x- :63c j 


to adjourn, rise, be adjourned; to bejijjj 1 «jj : o^ 3 *-* ' 
concluded, closed; to break up, dissolve, scatter, 
disperse, disband; to be dissolved, broken up, 
scattered, dispersed, disbanded 

higher; loftier, more exaled, more jjj^f' ' vj' 

sublime, more eminent; superior, supreme, 
paramount; top; upper, uppermost, topmost 

to enclose (with), attach (to); to accompany (_.) jijl 

ii*j jf 'j ~3*j{ 



to get no sleep, find no ^ Li j\ .L :•,,.> J 4 04- : Jijl 
sleep, be sleepless, suffer insomnia 

-..-' I '"■' '..?.' »..'1 
i_>»j p-'j - jfj 'l>»j :Jjl 

to soften someone's heart, move, touch, aJj Jijl 
arouse pity or sympathy in, fill with tenderness or 

to make sleepless, deprive of sleep, keep j4» : JT>I 

insomnia, sleeplessness j^-. 1 jLj- : jjl 

sleepless, insomniac, awake, unable to sleep jjl 1 jjl 


pw.'.yva '. """ ... • ■■--. »•"• •*«•.-•.-•.-■-.■> 

long, work day and night, burn the midnight oil, 
burn the candle at both ends, work like a dog, do 
double duty 

lijj Jf 'j " V^ '(j*- : iiJj 
lSj hSj Jfr-'j _ *'jj 

spiritual(istic); spiritistic; animistic; animist; ^f Ijj 


spiritualism, spiritism; animism Sf 'jJ 

to stink, smell bad, be malodorous ^1 : r)j 

* * ,» . » 

hibernation >LJJI oL_ iuL J -jij 

• * _- . »■ 

root; origin; stock, descent, lineage, J-ol : <*Jj 

ancestry, strain 

. , * '.- >* 


^ <$3 

stump, snag, stub 
counterfoil, stub, 
mountain sheep 

skilled, skillful, proficient, dexterous, 


intelligent, bright, brilliant, clever, J: f i 

smart, sharp 

cunning, crafty, artful, subtle, shrewd, "LaIj 



fragrance, scent, perfume, sweet 
smell, aroma, redolence 

generous, liberal, munificent, 
openhanded, freehanded 

generosity, liberality, munificence, j>>- t ^jS 

couch, sofa, divan, settee -ui. :i£->j 


blastula, blastosphere 

[ f L»l] i*jj 

to simmer; to buzz, hum; to whiz, hiss, wheeze, 
whir; to fizz; to ping; to zoom 

opposite (to), facing, in front of, face to face with, %\j 
before, vis-a-vis; in the face of; toward(s); in view 


-C.J l -Ujl .y«*jl 

--- - - . < - , .< 
to burn; to scorch, singe, scald, »i-. 1 3 J *-\ :Joaj\ 

sear, char 








guinea pig, cavy 

female rabbit; female hare 

tip of the nose i_ 

terror, terrorism; terrorization, terrifying, 
scaring, frightening, intimidation 

terrorist(ic) (<*^>) ^l*j! 

terrorist (/wlj-^lajl 

sign(s), indication(s), token(s), oLjUjI liLoUj) 

mark(s), symbol(s), symptom(s) 

• ' ** - ' ... 

exhaustion, fatigue, ^W^r! ' J i J -- V-* : J>l»j' 

weariness, tiredness; (over)exertion, (over)strain, 


burdening, overburdening, J* JUS I :d>Ujl 

oppression, encumbering 

to terrorize, terrify, horrify, scare, i— »_jj- :<-J»jl 

frighten, intimidate, dismay, appall, overawe 

to thin (out), make thin 

to sharpen, make sharp 

8 * 

to listen (closely) to, lend or <JJ jl J «11JI i_i» jl 

give one's ear to, pay attention to 

- *.- ^ ,'% , , , * 

to exhaust, fatigue, jl^j-I < IjjaI LjJ i_-»jl ijaj' 

weary, overtire, wear out, tire out; to(over)strain, 
(over)exert, stress, overwork, overtax, overtask 

to burden, overburden, encumber, J* Jjul ij^jl 
oppress, weigh down on, bear down on 

to overexert (oneself), exert oneself to t-Ju JajI 
the utmost, subject oneself to great stress, burn 
oneself out; to overwork, exhaust oneself by too 
much work, work too hard or too much or too 

,;„:.!,b:;b!^ <$e 

JJ 1 VA 

r " ' " . _ ... . .. * . *. 


to crowd, overcrowd, throng, congest; to (j) j^Vjl 
swarm (with), teem (with); to be or become 
overcrowded (with), congested (with) 

to despise, scorn, disdain, contemn, misprize, <Sj jjl 
disesteem, disrespect, look down upon, turn up 
one's nose at; to slight, belittle, disparage, make 
little of, make light of 
contempt, scorn, disdain, misprision 1 1 j jJ, I 

contempt of court iJCkll l\jij\ 

swallowing, gulping, gobbling, ingurgi- Uj : jlj jjl 
tation, deglutition 

transplanting), transplantation, graftGng), f lj jj] 
implantation; explanation, culture 

heart transplant o>UJI y\ i^JLill fljjjl 

to swallow, gobble, gulp, ingurgitate Ju : jj jjl 

to transplant, graft, implant; to explant, culture fj Jjl 

(Jj)Lij erlj-ft :(Jj)Liftjl 

boom, prosperity, flourishing, heyday j^i' 

to flourish, thrive, prosper, boom «•; i 111 i^a jjl 

dualism, duality, duplicity, doubleness, rljJj' 

pairedness; doubling, duplication, gemination 
diplopia, double vision j^lll r-l^jjl 

double or dual citizenship or *' --j-l r'jJj' 


double taxation tri.^ r})>'j\ <■ S>j-<»)l r'j J j' 

to pair, couple, join, form a pair; to double, rp jjl 
duplicate, geminate; to be or become double, 
twofold, dual 

increase, increment, growth, buildup, aug- jC jjl 
mentation, swell, rise, hike 

to surround, encompass, encircle, j i>b-l :jjl 

environ, enclose, embrace 

to strengthen, fortify, invigorate, brace £y : '/j\ 
to support, back up, assist, aid, help; 'J*oX> i jjU : jjl 

of, with regard to 

to remove, dislodge, displace, move aside, put r\j 
aside, lay aside, lay out of the way, drive away, 
push away, pull away, throw back 

removal, dislodgment, displacement, putting o-lj 
aside, pushing away 

displacement [ ^^ ] ii- | j | 

•>jj jff'j - •»'^ll «LLcl njv • jI j 
azedarach, chinaberry (j^-) 

to roar 

loincloth; wrapper; wrap; wraparound; veil; jljl 

to deflect, deviate, swerve, cause to deviate pljl 

to remove, eliminate; to do away with, get rid Jljl 
of; to put an end to, end, stop; to relieve; to clear, 
take away, take off, take out; to wipe out; to 
dispel, disperse; to iron out, smooth away or out 
to deodorize (^ _£j I ) i^* 1 '"J | |J \'j | 

to depilate; to shave (off) ^il) I 3 1 j' 

to decolorize; to achromatize ojlll ij' j' 

removal, removing, elimination, eliminating; illjl 
doing away with, getting rid of; putting an end to; 
relief, relieving; clearing, taking away, taking off, 
taking out, takeout; wiping out; dispelling, disper- 
sion; ironing out, smoothing away or out 

to flow, run, stream 
hairy, hirsute, shaggy 
to foam, froth, cream 

to drive, urge on 
to push, shove 

. * t - „ -« 
_/«-zJI jJS :<_ ijl 

- ~. « 
"• f '. • * 

to extend or present jjj ^SJJI jl ilsJI ^ j 

greetings (compliments, thanks, etc.) 


iPj £f 'j 


-"' :^jl 

J 'j £r'j~>^ '^ :jljjj 
Cri^ fr'j _ <Jl Jj] 

congestion, overcrowdedness; jam; crowd, * U- jj I 



. ' .- >'-, 


cause to have or catch a cold \*£ 'j* <««»■ : rSj 
to stumble, trip, cause to stumble or slip j^Jjl : J j' 

eternity, sempiternity 
to bolt, latch, bar, lock 
to near, bring near 

lie i Ji ii : » j 

eternal, sempiternal, everlasting, timeless, 
ageless; uncreated 

eternity, sempiternity Jjl :<Uj 

to aggravate, worsen, complicate, 
strain, make critical 

chronicity [i_JjJ(r<JJ L >^)<jUj i 

crisis; emergency; deadlock, impasse, o j 


to determine (to),,*w5 . ,-y. :(*Jlc jl 4j jl ^"^0 «jj 
decide (to), resolve (to), make up one's mind (to), 
be determined (to or on), be resolved (to or on) 

polydactyl(ous) «^ Co "ill jjlj : «^j 

to be chronic, inveterate; to last long, L. j* (S^ : j*'j 

to stay at, remain at *l»l :ul5LJL> j*j\ 

chisel; drove 

"J Jf 'J 


jAjl 1 j*jl £>-lj -jU 


florescence, efflorescense, bloom(ing), 
blossom(ing), flowering, flowerage 

to bloom, blossom (out), flower, effloresce, ^*j I ijtt'j 
be in bloom 

shining, luminous, bright, brilliant, radiant jLs : j*'j 

to destroy, crush, suppress, put an end to, kill Jaj 

O* Jij\ £?-lj "0* j'ij 

azote, nitrogen y\»- j^Lj : oj j 

> „ >■ 
azotic, nitrogenous ^>- jj^ : <Jjj 

• *■■■:-.-' i-< 

to champion, advocate 

to button, furnish jljj VI ojjJ . Ijljjl *) Jour : jjl 
with buttons 

to wrap up, cover, clothe, veil ^pJI < ^ai. :jjl 

--.? , *'. -*.{ 

strength, might, power 

JUw )«->■ It ~ } j 1 ij-t JUh ' ° } J' -*■*" 

to derogate from, put down; to disparage, _j t£jj\ 
belittle, put down; to degrade, debase, abase, 
lower, humble 

to blue, turn blue, become blue 


sky blue, azure 

the blue, the sky, the 

lijL- ijjjl 

blueness, blue, blue color 

cyanosis [i_Ja J jlijjl 

disturbance, troubling, bothering, annoyance, ^Ujl 
harassment, molestation, vexation, irritation; 
nuisance, inconvenience, trouble, discomfort 

to disturb, trouble, bother, inconvenience, pe.j\ 

annoy, harass, molest, pester, vex, irk, irritate, 
upset, disquiet, discompose, discommode, incom- 
mode, faze 

to bother to, trouble to, take pains to, «_Ju pc'j\ 
take the trouble to, go to the trouble of 

o S f - , a i 

thin-haired j*z\\ i. a ,,i. -> - \jc'j\ 

• - * ^ - - ' * 
scoundrel, rascal, rogue ji-j . jjjl, 1 I J1. : jxjl 

thief, robber, burglar 

to come, approach, near, draw near, 
impend, be imminent 

Day of Resurrection, Judgment Day,i«LiJI *% : i» j *5) 

to make swallow xL . «LI : Jij 

jl J '^ :t/j 

t/j Jfr'j - i5»j : c/j 


=♦ #= 

to misunderstand, misapprehend, 
misinterpret, mistake 

to mistreat, ill-treat, maltreat, abuse, 
treat badly 

offense, affront, insult, outrage; wrong, injus- osLI 
tice, inequity, oppression; injury, harm, damage, 

f. y*. i ;u>- I j — 71} I 1 J [ c - ^ -.-...- £ I &L- ! 

to make flow, cause to run c$_^r' t dJ Cl : ^- Lu I 

strap, thong jLl 

basis, foundation, ground(s), groundwork, base; ^L I 
footing; infrastructure, substructure; root, bottom; 
origin, cause 

base, radix [oL^LjJ u~Ll 


tax base; basis of assessment 

[o>sls] (cis^J-!!) (j-LI 


4_o ^iaJ I /v- ^ 

fundamentals, basics, Atl_j5 1 tcS-sL* ( Jj^l : 1 _ r «« I 
rudiments, elements, essentials; principles; rules 

on the basis of, on the grounds of, I j£ u~Ll L J^ 
on the strength of, based on, relying on, pursuant 
to, by virtue of, in accordance with, according to 

unfounded, (~JJ XsZA\ ^y*) aJ ,^-Ll *i 

groundless, baseless 

cornerstone, foundation stone 


fundamental; radical; basic; essential; jj-iLJ 

elementary, elemental; principal, main, chief, 
prime, primary, cardinal, major, key, master, 
capital, leading, foremost; crucial, vital; substantial, 
substantive; organic 

cornerstone, foundation stone 

«-lj — ,^-.Ll Oy ^ 

ajl^ix^l «j- 1 j — ^j^b L 1 

to wash down, swallow easily; to take, swallow, pLI 
stomach, stand, brook, tolerate, put up with 

to grant, comply with, accede to, fulfill (aJ^« a_) JLi 
(someone's request or wish) 

to make flow, (cause to) stream, flush {$j=r ' : ^^ ' 
to shed, spill, pour out jruL- c t_^s : J L I 

',1:3 LI 

to liquefy, dissolve, melt 




to deviate from, depart from, UL 1 d>jM I : ,j£ jjjl 
turn away from, turn aside from, swerve from 

inclined, slanting, oblique; crooked, ry*^ < Jj^ : jjjl 
curved, bent, twisted 

squint-eyed, cross-eyed; walleyed Jj^ I : jjjl 

hum(ming), buzz(ing); whiz(zing), wheeze; fizz; Jjjl 
ping; zip, zoom 

myrtle (oLi) ^-.1 

foundation, basis, ground(s); groundwork, ^Cl :^J 
base; infrastructure 

exponent, index [oL^Lj] JJ:> :^l 

to nurse, treat, cure, remedy t£}\ j i rJL : LI 

to make peace between, reconcile, pJLal :,^Lj LI 
bring to terms 

LI w-Ij-lSjL 1 ?JL : (_j*J 

to console, comfort, condole, solace, offer ii j£ : ^ 1 
one's condolences to, express one's sympathy to, 
give comfort to 

to help, aid, assist, support 




grief, sorrow, sadness, distress, depression, 0>~ : lJS -*l 
dejection, unhappiness, dolefulness, gloom(iness) 

to do badly ^yij l_j ->L I j (^—^ I _ub : sL I 

to spoil, impair, damage, harm _ui I : sL I 

to wrong, oppress, do wrong to, do evil to; J J iC\ 
to offend, affront, insult; to harm, hurt, injure, 
damage, disadvantage, do harm to; to spoil, impair; 
to disturb, trouble 

to mismanage, maladminister, i>jL^I fLl 


to abuse, misuse, misemploy, misapply aJ| < ju^. I (L.\ 

to misbehave, behave improperly or cs^l^JI s"Ll 

to misinterpret, misconstrue jJ^jLlI _jl y. ivll jLl 

to mistrust, distrust, doubt, suspect; j^l (C\ 
to think ill of 

;julu I 



to resent, take offense, take umbrage; to be {^) i^Lj\ 
offended, hurt, displeased, annoyed, upset, vexed, 

LH, c 





to ask to come, send ojy^>- 


monopolization; appropriation, exclusive (_>) jl 
power or possession; preoccupation, engross- 
ment, absorption 

exclusive, monopolistic i^jUl^wl 

to appropriate, possess alone, take exclusive _> J>h^\ 
possession of; to monopolize; to preoccupy, 
occupy, engross, absorb, take up, seize, take hold 

rent, lease, tenancy; renting, leasing, hiring, jUd^J 
taking a lease on 

charter, chartering tJJ S^U> jl i: ..a.., jUtii-l 

subleasing (jJ»UI ^ jL=»i— I 

to rent, hire, lease, take on lease, take a lili >>ul« I 
lease on or of 

to employ, hire, L^i, (..a^J jl) oiJij : ^>-uLl 
engage the services of 

to charter -^J J o^U> jl i..l..a..„ ^-ull 

to sublease (^iUI ^ ^>-ull 

to request postponement; to J^- III I LiJs : J^-tl* I 
seek to delay 

to ask for (call for, appeal for) the _j 1*-"-'- 1 : (3 J uL I 
help (assistance, support) of 

to take, receive, get Lr kJ> i _U- 1 : (job— I 

• * 
professor; teacher; lecturer, reader; master; Mr. jLiU 

assistant professor jxL^. JL-.I 

ledger [°jW^] iulSlI j-JJ 

asking permission ulJi-J 

leave-taking, leave <-j>l_^ 1 })l ,j\ if:!., I 

to ask permission i "il I LiL : u Jul I 

to take leave (of), say goodbye <_il_^'ilL oitzl.1 
(to) ' '■ 

to ask permission to enter someone's Jx Oiull 
house, etc. 

liquefaction, dissolving, 
dissolution, melting 

? • , r, i 


to weary, bore, tire 

to graze, pasture, grass 

U-Ul *Cl 


frU-UI oL-* :gL-(I 


(l_^JJI (Jjj J) ^J'LL] 


( o Lj J ^u L»-j ] 

Spanish; Spaniard 

(J^ ~*"J 


^liLl^l £JUI :&Ll>1 

to hibernate o 


&UJjl (J-*a3 /-*a« 1 i Cwu 1 

to enter on the Sabbath 

c^iii j'^-.^za 

alcohol, spirit 

4J v^-w 1 


OOf* - ' 



to bestow lavishly upon, Jx (J5 iv3l c t*-^ :Jx s— J 

grant (to), give (to); to impart to, lend to; to 

attribute to, ascribe to; to make 

* > --» s 
to perform the ritual ablution properly Sj^b^Jl iu~»l 

priority, precedence, antecedence, seniority 

to lower, drop, let down, let fall 

to shed tears 

to ear (up), form ears 

sea bream 


Passion Week 


«j jjl J—- 1 


p^u. I 

* 2 2 I p>^-" ' 

weekly, every week, once a week, by the llcj 
week, per week 

weekly wages 
v hite lead, ceruse 




appeal [uv^i] (li**^ 1 j' fW-0 <-* , , 

court of appeal(s), appellate court <JLi^«l <*£j« 

appellate [u>l»]^il~-! 

to be or become sociable, friendly, I— il jLo ly-julij 
amicable, amiable, genial, affable, polite, kind, 
nice, gentle 

to be or become tame, UJI jLo :ol>J-l Lpiu-j 

to like some- ^i,lt i i_iJI ti_-»-l :<J] jl *j Lpiu-} 
one's company, like to be with, feel at ease with; 
to get along with, get on intimate terms with, 
become friendly with, become intimate with; to 
associate with, mix with 

to get used to, be < — oJ 1 t j>»J : <J] jl *j Lpiu-i 

accustomed to, be habituated to, take to; to be 
familiar with, acquainted with; to familiarize 
oneself with, acquaint oneself with 

to draw upon, *j ijl*^— \ '■ r«JJ 'ryoy**. u*^~>\ 

resort to, make use of, rely upon 

to consult, ask or seek the ojLjlJ '-^y. Lr >\L.\ 

opinion or advice of, counsel with, take counsel 


-. » >- . -y. 
to listen to, hearken to, give or , j^>\ : <J , rJu-1 


lend an ear to, pay attention to 

to resume, renew, recommence, «U tuijulJ 

continue, begin again (after interruption), go on 

with, carry on with, return to, take up again, 

reopen, reestablish 

to appeal [oy^i J (ti>c-jJI j' <SX\) i-iiull 

to deserve, merit, earn, be worthy of, J^-) : 
be worth 

to deem lawful or permissible; to U- L. o -u- : rlS. 
permit, allow, legalize, legitimize; to consider 
public or common or ownerless 

to violate, desecrate, <<~.>>- 

profane, defile 

to proscribe, outlaw, declare killing 

someone lawful 

to seize, appropriate, confiscate, 


,1 t 

cr*- 3 -£V 

professorship, professorate, chair; mastership ojl£j 

geotropism kJb\£l*\ lyiijJi^J 

to dare, venture, take heart, take courage; to ju«uL(1 
become bold, daring, strong, tough, mighty; to 
demonstrate one's strength or power; to display 
the courage of a lion 

to domineer, bully, browbeat; to J* j-ull 

dominate, control 

extirpation, eradication, extermination, Jl.niJiJ 

uprooting, deracination, rooting up, rooting out, 
pulling out, plucking out, extraction; removal, 
excision, ablation (by surgery); -ectomy; abscission 

mastectomy, mamectomy 'i- A ~" <-^ 

hysterectomy »p-jJI Jl 

'7.' ° s -*, 








to uproot, eradicate, extirpate, exterminate, 
root up, root out, deracinate, pull out, pull up by 
the roots, pluck out, tear out, tear up, extract; to 
remove, ablate, excise (by surgery) 

aesthetics JQ-I pit :llj»l£j 

to seek someone's friendship Iji tL I 

form, application form, application SjI^^lJ 

trust, confidence, faith, reliance 3y) <■ ^ '■ u\£L*\ 
to seek protection, ask for 0^1 i— Ll» : j^uli' 

permission, legalization 

£>_J i »j\i 

security or safety 



J* o-*^! cf'j "J 6 1>*^--! 

to take one's time, act slowly, slow down; to ^ 
wait, bide one's time 

resumption, renewal, recom- 
mencement, reopening 

4juuL» '. LJ 1 i ■mi) I 

*J •" ' • ■■' I 


^ ^ 

.l: t . 

to And strange, odd, queer, l 


to replace (by or with), substitute (for), (j ) 'SjL£. 
put in the place (of), displace (by or with); to 
exchange (for), commute (for), receive or give in 
exchange (for), take as a substitute (for); to barter, 
trade, swap; to trade in; to change; to alternate 

to commute W'J J L» <>>«* J 

to ask to be absolved ^ I ^ j' ' ' 
from, acquitted from, exonerated from, discharged 
from, freed from, released from, relieved from, 
exempted from 



'- j : " 

to see a good omen in, regard as a 

good omen 

death defiance; heroism 

to defy death boldly, risk one's life, show 
extreme courage, be heroic 

to regard as auspicious, see a good omen in, j jLS 

regard as a good omen, regard as portending good; 

to rejoice at, be happy at, be cheerful about, 


to consider ugly, find repugnant 

j-uajl xj«-ij — j^aj\ ' j ■»;'■' ■■■' 

to look attentively at; to reflect on, J^G : j j.a,.,:,..! 
ponder (on or over), meditate (on), contemplate, 
consider carefully, cogitate, muse (on or over), 
pore over, speculate on, think deeply about 

to be shrewd, perspi- i^ I j JIS" '-(j) j\a- ::'... \ 
cacious, perceptive, discerning, endowed with 

to find slow LL.L ojj-j 

penetration, delving; fathoming, bottoming, u 
getting to the bottom of 

introspection, self-examination [cr 1 ^ ] u^'"'- 

introspective; introspectional [ l _ r iii ] ^_J 

to penetrate into, delve into; to fathom, 

bottom, get to the bottom of, know thoroughly 

understand completely 

to introspect [ Lr Ju ] ^-k'-V... j 

violation, desecration, 

proscription, outlawing 


dll+ol t cr J.kj :<»-Lj_.I 

seizure, appropriation, confis- 
cation, expropriation 

anticipation, forestallment 



to cause to urinate 

(j-t^l) i>^o ^Ij-^^b 'j**"! : (v^0 ulllLj 
(^"Jll) (^lj «-lj-4iTjjl io^jJ :(^jl) j(^L.\ 


6tf :(-f)j 

to be or become ( j) JCki 
arbitrary, despotic, tyrannical, autocratic; to rule 
tyrannically, manage dictatorially; to act auto- 
cratically; to tyrannize (over), oppress, domineer; 
to have one's own way (in) 

to overcome, iJ>wl ' <J* i>s»i-l :.; ■ui-.l 

overwhelm, overpower; to carry, grip; to absorb, 
engross, preoccupy, occupy wholly, fill com- 
pletely, take up, seize, take hold of 

to possess alone, j JjxL\ i j i'jJu : j j-^,1 

appropriate, take exclusive possession of; to 


V *--• , 
to be or become opinionated, head- <> I j* -ui- I 

strong, stubborn, obstinate, dogged 
despotism, autocracy, absolutism, jl 

totalitarianism, dictatorship, tyranny, arbitrariness, 

despotic, autocratic, absolute, totalitarian, lji,\ 
dictatorial, tyrannical, arbitrary, highhanded 

jI.ul.1 vr'j — <L jl 

substitution, commutation, replacement, Jl 
displacement; exchange; barter, swap, trade-off, 
trade; change, changing; alternation 

commutation 14-^ ^ 

substitutive, commutative; alternate 

to admire, marvel at, wonder at, lL.u «ji : p . 
regard as wonderful, consider marvelous, deem 
amazing, be amazed by, be fascinated by, be 
dazzled by; to consider novel or unprecedented; to 
deem unique 


yjLJLn I 

OJU 1 . JU 

I pfr'j ~ •jli** 


to make sure of, seek to jS\j . Jaj«j : (^J c .... 7 . 7 . „ ij 
ascertain, verify, check, examine; to seek proof or 
confirmation or reassurance; to be sure of, certain 
of, convinced of, confident of 
to act slowly or carefully, take one's ^ U : c . '" ■-[ 
time; to be careful, patient, deliberate 

to find heavy, hard, burdensome, aJJj JjLUJ . Jal^J 
troublesome, oppressive, cumbersome, onerous, 
unbearable; to find irksome, bothersome, irritating, 
vexing, annoying 
investment jJJ JUI *-*J»>> : jlc~r"i 

exploitation, utilization, use, Jili^l : j\£?*\ 

turning to account or to advantage, profiting by or 
from, benefiting by or from, capitalizing on, 
trading on, tapping, taking advantage of 
usufruct s-Uli'ill J*- i flijjl • jV~-"! 

to invest r«JJ *i\* <_«J»j :^i, 77 , m j 

to exploit, utilize, turn to qa jli^.1 . Ji^J : ^*ii-J 
account, turn to advantage, profit by or from, 
benefit by or from, make a profit from, capitalize 
on, trade on, tap, use, make use of, put to use, take 
advantage of, avail oneself of 
to exclude, except, rule out, make an 
exception of 

exception, exclusion 

except, excepting, with the exception of, *L^l«Ij 

save, but, excluding, with the exclusion of, 


without exception <SJ^l.\ ~% . f Lil-l uj-4 

exceptional, extraordinary, unusual, ^ 

uncommon, rare; phenomenal; special; emergency 

as an exception, «Ljl '*r ,.l 5j>-su . LS k *t ,.I 


emergencies; exceptional cases .L5L-LL.I Jl>»-I 

emergency session, extraordinary i-iLii-l i_L«- 


_s • • •* '■* 

exceptional circumstances .LJLiL.1 <J)ji> 

to respond to, react to, act or feel in J <_> ' _ 

response to; to show or adopt a favorable reaction 
to, be favorable to; to grant, comply with, accede 
to, fulfill, consent to, agree to, accept, hear, carry 

'"■ ' 

removal, taking away, setting aside, putting jb, 
aside; elimination, disqualification, dropping; ex- 
clusion, ruling out 

to set aside, put aside, remove, take away; to ,u.",nj 
disqualify, eliminate, drop; to exclude, rule out; to 
regard as unlikely or improbable; to consider 
distant or faraway or remote 
to anticipate, forestall, foresee {%^ J>-i»-) J^i-I 
and deal with in advance 

to make stay, ask to stay; to detain, hold back; 

to retain, keep, maintain; to preserve, conserve; to 

reserve; to spare, save 

retention, keeping, maintenance; preservation, *U1lJ 

conservation; sparing, saving; detention, holding 

back; making stay, asking to stay 

to make cry, move to tears o (\& jt I : ,j£~i"<] 

questionnaire; poll 
referendum, plebiscite 

(•fry Jf J - i >4- :""" | 

p>ial^l • L'l ■" ■■■! 

1 tj\ i ■ "in 1 

to ask someone to repent i_>>^ tj\ aJj i_JJ» : i_>Li«] 

occultation [iiUi J i_>U«^>-j : j^r"! 

to stabilize; to be or become stable, jJL^J : i.. 

stabilized, settled, constant, steady, regular, 

normal, orderly, in good order, calm, quiet, 

peaceful, smooth 

stability, stabilization, constancy, jl ^*~»l : i_>L^-.l 

regularity, steadiness, normalcy, orderliness), 

calm(ness), peace 

to entail, necessitate, ( jJJ j- >£— ' T ) fjl-'i : * . 77 , .J 

involve, imply; to cause, occasion, bring about 

to ask to follow -u~o u' *JJ 4-^ : £r--"j 

to hide behind, shelter oneself behind, take j >^-l 
cover or shelter in, seek protection in 

to ask to follow -u^o ijl *JJ s-Lt : (jl"-* - ! 

to seek or ask for a reward »li l£* v*^ • V^**"! 

to recover, retrieve, regain, get £frj~*\ :<->l~-"! 


4j In 7.H) I 


for; to arraign, summon, subpoena (to court, 

before a court); to ask for (something to be 


to get, obtain, acquire, procure, J* Jla»- : i_. J -<L» I 

gain, win 

to import 

to attract, draw, win over, Jll^-I i i_»Ju- : 
enlist, magnetize, charm, bring over 

to recreate, take recreation, relax, rest, r-lj 
amuse oneself 


to be covered with 

recreation, relaxation, rest, amusement, fun 

to gather, collect, rally, band jIju— I ( «^ -.,'.."'., I 
together, re-collect, muster up, summon, call forth, 
call up (one's strength, energies, thoughts, etc.) 

to be covered, veiled, concealed, ji 

hidden; to cover oneself, hide (oneself) 

i 'V-- 

to deem ignorant 

* ^5 - 

; ^j^'.'... I 

interrogation, questioning, y 

hearing, examination, inquest, inquiry, inquisition 

investigation; interpellation (in parliament) 

cross-examination p-oil o»li. i_< 


to interrogate, examine, question, Jj u " ■ I : '-')•?" •* ' 
hear; to interpellate (in parliament) 

to cross-examine «loi-l o»li. <~>)»iL*\ 

to be ashamed of, be ~Zs*- 1 t Jj**- : {^) ~i v - 1 

ashamed to face someone; to be (become, feel) 
embarrassed (by); to blush, feel shame or 
embarrassment; to be or become shy, bashful, 

to be or become impossible, 'ilk* jU> :<jl»«idJ 

inconceivable, unimaginable, absurd, preposterous 

impossibility, jUm s,JJI 0>^ i ji*j wll.,-,,,1 

1 1 ii 

- - i—L 

out, answer, meet, satisfy 
response, reaction; compliance, granting, Xi 
accedence, accession, fulfillment, consent, accep- 
tance, hearing, carrying out, answering 

conditioned response [ ^Ju \ ill> I ji I i» 1-^' - 1 

to consider good, think good IjJj- o j* : 't l^y l 

to seek protection or refuge (with); to seek(j) j l'-,"'- l 
(ask for, appeal for, call for) the help or aid or 
assistance of 

to request or ask for permission, 5 jli-^l *— ii> 'j l'iy l 
authorization, approval, license 

to consider permissible, 


U- ei£ ! jU«^*»l 

allowable, lawful; to deem possible 

■ Ij — Lij ( (J*a»- t ljj» :j 

to beg, ask for alms 

(j tV.'.J 

to beg, ^ (j-li)} 4 J J £^ i J J J->> : t5 

entreat, implore, beseech, supplicate, plead with 

solicit, request earnestly 

$.- ' - - 
begging, beggary, J> 

mendicancy, mendicity 

1 S-y 

begging, entreaty, imploring, c-j 
beseeching, supplication 

to seek to clarify; to try to discover t. «■*£".:,.. I : >'-,"'., I 
or find out (about); to explore, investigate, search 
into, inquire into; to clarify, clear up, throw light 
upon; to unearth, uncover, detect, spot, discover, 
find out 

clarification, clearing up, throwing light f NL-'.. | 

upon; discovery, finding out, uncovering; 
exploration, investigation, search, inquiry 
calling for, sending for; ,U.i:..l ■, ,ML-'..I 

summoning, summons; arraignment 

getting, obtainment, Jli i J* J>-*»- : t_<^j^L. I 
acquisition, procurement, gaining, winning 

importation, importing) jljji-l :i_>%»i-l 


attraction, drawing, 

magnetization, charming 

to call for, send ojU»»-l ^JLt> < ^ 

(. i_ja»- : i_j 





•y^ff' ' Wt.V 'i K'M'J.J'.'.l'iBSlMia^ <fr -A'*tfkU«, 

compounding, combination, confection, formu- 

conjuration, evocation, r}i'j^ jLw.^.1 

invocation; necromancy; spiritualism, spiritism 

- * - * - • • 

brief, pleading; memo- i/Ju < oJ^ : jUak^.1 


to send for, call for, call in, call, 
summon, demand 

to recall, remember, recollect, ^Ju • j-ri-i',-1 

bethink, revive, call to mind, recover knowledge 


to conjure (up), call up, evoke, 

to prepare, make, Li'j i oil :(»JJ ?l}'j) j,jj».d.l 
compound, combine, confect, formulate, synthe 

to fossilize 

to entrust to, 4iiau jl *Ji- : ( »(«^JI «-, 

commit to, confide to 

to deserve, merit, earn, be worthy of; j_)*ul 
to be entitled to, have the right to 

to require, call for, demand, f jA^-J ' i_JUaJ : 

to mature, ojJI /\ sb^l K r -a r \j jU» : 

become (or fall) due, become payable 
worth mentioning, noteworthy ^S" JJI 

duty-free, tax-exempt ~.J\ <Ac 

merit, desert, worthiness, »jl-»»- <■ <J- 
worth; one's due; entitlement 

maturity, payability, becoming *Jj jjjjJI J' 
due, falling due 

due date, date of maturity jlik^-*il ryjt 

deservedly, meritoriously, justly, ijlik^.1 ^ 

rightly, rightfully, duly 


jil»-l »*-ij — jAaiiw! 

to itch 

intensification, J««t ' JLtmLt.-I i j 

increase, buildup, strengthening, consolidation, 

I : r l£kLl 


impracticability; inconceivability; absurdity, pre- 

to like; to find nice; to deem desirable, 

consider recommendable; to favor, regard with 

favor, take a favorable view of; to appreciate 

to prefer something to >-l ^c lili L.-»:,.,l 

something else, have a preference for 

invention, origination, creation, innovation, <i 
introduction, starting, coinage 

to invent, originate, create, innovate, <^ 

introduce, start, design, fashion, coin 

to heat, become warm or hot; to be heated, be 
kindled, flare up 

to consider unlawful, illegal, illicit, U I j*- »j* : »j»iL*\ 
impermissible, prohibited, forbidden; to consider 
sacred, sacrosanct, holy, inviolable 

approval, approbation, sanction, favor; d 1 * -" - 1 

liking, favorable regard; favorable judgment or 
view, good opinion; admiration, appreciation; 
commendation, recommendation; acclaim, recep- 
tion with favor; satisfaction, pleasure, delight 

application of discretion [i-^^Lj **j^t-] jl-v-l 
in legal matters 

to approve, sanction; to favor, take a j_-ni,n I 

favorable view of, judge favorably, have a good 
opinion of, hold or express a favorable opinion of; 
to admire, appreciate, think highly of; to com- 
mend, recommend; to regard as right or proper, 
consider suitable or appropriate; to acclaim, hail, 
welcome; to like, be pleased with, deem good or 
nice, find handsome or beautiful 

to be or become ripe, mature 

(J* (_Ua»- Vr-^J - (J* J irTH'.'iiij 

sending for, calling for, sum- »Lx: 

moning, summons 

preparation, making, i_~£ J> t jl j*I 

r <j3*++*\ 



py wholly, fill completely, take up, take one's 
entire attention; to overcome, overpower, over- 
whelm, take hold of, grip, seize 

!J* i y.Z«\ %s?\j— n-~^-\ ' cJ*"»" '-ij^ 

to wait for the right timet_— Li I e-»>)l ^JiHl : v 

to seek or request what is good Jjai *i\ <_JQ> •jl-y:'..! 
or best 

to ask God for proper guidance (in); ( j) «il jl-^.:,.. I 
to supplicate God to choose what is good for 

inquiry; asking; investigation, examination; 

intelligence oljl 

intelligence oljl.,-*:...! ilKj toljL-itT,..! S^JIj 
agency, intelligence; secret service; investigation 

to ask (about), inquire (about); JjJ—I i JL : j-j»i 
to seek or gather information (about); to inves- 
tigate, examine 

employment, utilization, use, using, J|,«f-I : f 
usage, application, making use of, putting to use 
exploitation; exercise 

employment, hiring, hire, taking <-j«J>>; : fl.i, -*: ,..] 
on, recruitment, engaging the services or labor of 

to employ, use, utilize, apply, make J*Ll-I : » 
use of, put to use, put into service, avail oneself of; 
to exploit; to exercise, put into action 

to employ, hire, take on, recruit, oii j : ».i,-t,:,« I 
engage the services or labor of 

to submit (to), yield «-aJ I i «-a»- : I '"V" ■ 1 i i5"'-y ■■ I 
(to), surrender (to); to humble oneself (before), 
lower oneself (before) 

pulling out, taking out; u a'^£. I i i_-a«~ : r\jiiL* I 

extraction, drawing out, getting out; digging out, 


-■■• - , > • . 
nephrolithotomy *r^-" oLai- r-l^^l-l 

lithotomy iildl oLai- r \j^L\ 

derivation, inference, 

conclusion, dedution, eduction, gathering, figuring 

out; discovery, discovering, finding out 

lj I !!■ o I ( tLmw i ; r i 



:>* : c 

aggravation; deep-rootedness, rootage, inveteracy 


lT'j~? i Cr^T 

: {oLlSCk^.1 c ) r lSCk£- 1 

cation, stronghold, bulwark; barricade, rampart, 

to intensify, L LaE ■ ^Cl: , J^.;:..l , ■ -.! •'d,7„ f l 
increase, grow, build up, strengthen, consolidate, 
gain ground; to be or become intense, forceful, 
strong, severe, serious, critical, aggravated; to take 
root; to be or become deep-rooted, firmly estab- 
lished, deep-seated, inveterate, ingrained 

to be or become compact, LSow jLo : 'X'-,~\- 1 
well-knit, firm, solid, strong; to be or become 
perfect, precise, accurate, exact 

to regard as lawful, deem "i%. ,'js. : ' J'~~'- 1 


to find sweet; to find ( ^-k£.l t l^ii- »ji- j • lL-'.l 
beautiful or nice or pleasant; to like, be pleased 
with, be delighted by 

milking . I~ •■_.Sl,-'j 


J %^L\ 

adjuration, entreaty, beseeching, ilcL* : ' iMV'-l 
imploration, supplication, conjuration, pleading; 
plea, appeal 

to milk r ll. • ' .lL"'., I 

to emulsify i_.lW:.'„.. JJ Sy>- : Liklll 

to adjure, entreat, beseech, implore, ai,L 
supplicate, conjure, plead with, appeal to 




to bathe, take a bath; to shower, take a JLj^ I : l»w« I 
shower; to wash up, wash (oneself) 

bathing, bath, taking a bath; jCri-l : » !,»«£« I 

showering, taking a shower; washing, wash, 
washing oneself 

to find stupid, consider foolish, 
regard as a fool 

obsession, possession; engross- Jl^-I:((j*)jl>ȣ-I 
ment, absorption, preoccupation, overcoming, 
overpowering, overwhelming 

to obsess, possess; to _; ju—I i (j^_-l : J* jyul 
engross, absorb, engage wholly, preoccupy, occu- 



roundness, circularity, 
circularness, rotundity 



f IjJ f»-'j -i»lju«<] 

to borrow, contract (raise, Li i»-l i Jej£\ :ulju-l 

take up) a loan, make or incur debts 

borrowing, raising of a loan u i>\ J zi\ : <j I Ju* I 


v°j* :<>i 

to turn the back (to or on) 
to draw forth, evoke, i_Jj 

(^ ; ■■>■» 

1 JU0 '-JJ. 

4 jUI :j- 

«Mtf I 

elicit, call forth; to attract, draw, win (over), enlist 

bringing gradually, iJlllJ i oi»- i <_»>>£ i^ljju- 
bringing around, persuasion, inducement, leading 
on; drawing, attraction; allurement), enticement, 
lure, inveiglement, winning over, baiting, tempta- 
tion, seduction, seducement, invitation 

invitation of offers 

liljljb «j>-lj-d)ljj£» 

to bring grad- i_Ji»£.l i oi»- i o^i : ( Jj) r>-£~ 
ually, bring around, persuade, induce, lead on; to 
draw, attract; to allure, lure, entice, inveigle, win 
over, bait, decoy, tempt, seduce, invite 

to promote (raise, advance, Ljt j ju Jpj : r-j jLL- I 
upgrade) by degrees or steps, make advance or 
progress or rise gradually or step by step 

to invite offers 

Us i 

dJjIjb lUflj — (-ill i 4— J%j i (3jL»J :ti)j-U~.l 

to send for, call for, call in, call, j,n~,"',^ : ^.\ii*,\ 
summon, demand 

to arraign; to summon, j^y I : i»5ls«11 JJ ^'xL. I 
subpoena, demand, cite 

to recall, call (»JJ \'jiy>) 5j^*)I Jj lij : ^cldl 

to call, call out to j j-U» nijl i^cJill 

to call for, require, cJlLj i JjxJ I i j»>^-' : l*^^*"' 
demand, need, want, take 

^ ■■ '.- ■■ ■-■ - 

r >*-*«i 


to pull out, take out; to ^l,-*,:,.. I i <_j^- : rj^-« I 
extract, draw out, get out; to dig out, mine 
to derive, infer, draw, i-«,..:5" I < ti^£«I : rj^L\ 
conclude, deduce, educe, gather, figure out; to 
discover, find out, make out 

to reproduce 

r ~\- ** 

jJj : t j±*L*\ 

to extract 

to be or become ashamed, abashed, ~~' '■■ I : cSj^*" ' 

to find light Jitll I tu 

to disparage, j£^\ i^lL\ i_> oW^-I :. 
belittle, depreciate, vilipend; to slight, make light 
of, make little of; to underestimate, undervalue, 
underrate; to despise, scorn, disdain 

to transport, carry ^yJI jl o^kJI jl iUJI j-^,' l 
away, entrance, enrapture, ravish 

i >UJo>-l 


slight(ing), making light jUi^-I i fjl^ll : (_>) (JU»wwl 
of, making little of, disparagement, belittlement, 
depreciation, underestimation, underrating; dis- 
dain, scorn, misprision, despisement 

extraction, drawing out, getting r\ j^l. I : L) a%)l^\ 
out; abstraction, taking out; excerption 

inference, deduction, derivation, r-^- ' : u o^»^-' I 
conclusion, eduction, gathering, figuring out; 
discovery, discovering, finding out 

to extract, draw out, get out; to r >»«^- ' : (jrtlV.'i.i] 
abstract, take out; to excerpt 

to deduce, infer, derive, Jj 

t y t i 

conclude, educe, gather, figure out, draw a 
conclusion; to discover, find out, make out 

to choose, select, pick out 

to regard as sincere, loyal, 

to appoint as successor 

47(1. [•*■ i±K>- '' »l~"-l 

to round, be or become round or Ijjx. O^'jlj^"' 

to turn, turn around, turn one's 
head, look back 





ilc jumiI 

to memorize, commit to memo- Lli- Jiii- : ^jl£.I 

ry, learn by heart; to know by heart 

to despise, scorn, disesteem jl> I : 1} Jed. 


to convict, condemn, find guilty L»Ju ojx. :>_J XL- 
ester ^y^ r^* '■ j~* 

strategic, strategical 

strategy Zj ! lJ\JL i \ 

to rest, get rest, relax; i»-lj jl»-j i ii-lj I»-l r^-I^Ll 
to repose, sit back; to take a rest, have a break, 
break; to recess, take a recess; to find rest 

rest, repose, relaxation, <»-lj S^-j ' ^»-'j :i»'l j >l~il 
recreation; break, recess, respite 

intermission, entr'acte, break 

rest house, rest ~JJ ^l.TJl c>\SL> : is- 1^1 

eavesdropping «H)I Jl^l 

wiretap- CjLJ Li I ol^jUJ.1 ^ c~a^Jl> «.,„ll Jlj^J 

ping, tapping 

voyeurism, peeping, peeping Tomism,jJiJ I Jl^l-,1 

peeking, snoop(ing) 

recovery, regaining, ol*£-l i jlj^xll :eU-^l,l 

getting back, retrieval, reacquirement, restitution, 

redemption, recoupment, recuperation, retaking, 

recapture, taking back; recall(ing), calling back 

withdrawal, taking back, *UI iua. :pl»-^£-l 
recall(ing), revocation, repeal, cancellation 

to recover, regain, get back, jUl-,1 i jjJL.1 :«#.jl*J 

retrieve, reacquire, redeem, recoup, recuperate, 

retake, recapture, take back; to recall, call back 

-■« - . 

to withdraw, take back, recall, ( yi\ <. i_^«- : v>-j^~l 

revoke, repeal, cancel 

to become a man, attain manhood, be iL i^jj^L*,! 
sexually mature, grow up 

plea for mercy; prayer, supplica 

tion, entreaty, solicitation; plea, appeal 

(-i'lr'.' : *l^I* 

to evoke, draw forth, elicit, jlii t jliill : ^lull 
call forth, bring into being or action 

to move for, make a formal flt-U-l ,ji : ^ xL\ 
request (application, petition, motion) 

sending for, calling for, (_>^LLl-I i jUii«£.l : »Lc lx£Ll 
calling in, call(ing), summoning, summons 

arraignment; jU»-) n_Jb- :<j£j>A\ JJ tfltJiLl 
summoning, summons, citation, subpoenaing 

recall(ing), calling back Sjjlll J] S^c j : * lt.u-1 

call(ing) 5ljL. : f le.J£.l 

motion, LUj jl {$£Z. j .,«ao i.jLS' i i_JJ> : »1&a"..,.I 
application, petition, request 

to warm oneself I« , U w •li'r'.l 

to taper (off), ^1^1 jl <JjJ»JI jj£~. jL> :jj£-l 
acuminate, come to a point; to be or become 
tapering, pointed, pointy, acuminate, peaked, 
cuspidate(d), cuspate(d) 

to conclude, infer, deduce, U A^L,\ i —"■"*■■ I yl'iv'..! 
derive, educe, gather, reason out, figure out, draw 
a conclusion 

to ask to be shown, J*. 3 Jj 'u 1 t-Ji : J* 3-^~ 1 
inquire (about), seek guidance or information 

conclusion, inference, ^~" ■■* ■ —- 1 r .- r . .. I • ( _IM''"* f I 
deduction, derivation, eduction, gathering, figuring 
out, reasoning; argumentation 

deductive, inferential; evidential, ^»-L^ll : r_J "SllciL t 

to bleed lo <_>y • f < "... I 

to ask to come neaKer); to seek to bring ^Idl 


studio; atelier 

to seek the protection of, take Jj b«JI : j iSjsL 
refuge with or in 

to seek the shadow of, hide in j jUr'- 1 :_, (_jjj£-l 
the shadow of 



show the right way, seek guidance or information; 
to consult, ask for advice; to be guided (by) 
to conciliate, propitiate, appease, placate, i^ioj^ 
pacify; to seek to satisfy, try to please 

conciliation, propitiation, appeasement, »Li^ 

placation, pacification; seeking to satisfy, trying to 


conciliatory, propitiatory 

to swallow, gulp, bolt ji^ : $»JL* 

to attract (draw, arouse) atten- (tJJ oLi'il) i^JL* 
tion, engage and hold the attention, catch the eye, 
strike the sight or eyes 

to appeal for (ask for, seek) the help -> ofc-»\ '■ J&JL* 
or assistance of 

to beg; to solicit ,J fu' ..-\ : -a^j 



to eavesdrop, listen secretly (to) ( Jj) JZJ\ 6j^-\ 

to tap, a— ijlil ol jjU«il (J* o .>a,. ' , ' . ' . I li «^UI li^r^-l 


to glance furtively (at), look (Jj) ^JiJI J^l 

stealthily (at), steal a look (at), peep (at), peek (at), 

snoop (at) 

to enslave, enthrall, subjugate _u«_ I : J^-» ' 

enslavement, enthrallment, subjuga- jLuL.1 :tj\ijZ~i\ 

i -'' " ••:-• ••• i 

sterling ^JyL.1 

pound sterling, English pound ' l ^JJL.\ *~ipr 

to demand as a security or pledge ui j t_Ji> :jAjl-l 
pneumothorax [i_J»] lSj-^uo t-Ij^j i jjIoII -A$jL*\ 

estrogen ^^3^1.] 

to smell, sniff, scent, nose l»i. : rjjZ-\ 

to ask for more, request more x>J.\ *-Ai> : jlj^-l 

to find pleasant, find agreeable; to U3L oa»-j : ell. LJ 
enjoy, relish 

to accept, approve of ^Jl : i- 1 

petition, application, crtf" ' *^ tJ - ;: -'' : ^ J rr*' 


to ask for someone's mercy or com- i.«li«;!.,l : /^^^l 

passion; to implore, beseech, entreat, supplicate, 

beg, plead with, solicit, appeal to 

to relax; to loosen, slacken, sag; to languish, ^-jL*\ 

droop, flag 

relaxation; looseness, loosening, slackness, t [j-jZ*\ 

slackening, sag(ging); laxity; languor, lassitude 

to find or consider cheap or inexpensive ^ay-j^l 

to recover, regain, get back, jU^-I 4 «j» _^J : iJ^->\ 
retrieve, reacquire, redeem, recoup, recuperate, 
retake, recapture, take back; to recall, call back; to 

to extradite, obtain the extradition of U^=v j^I 

recovery, regaining, getting; jl«^- 1 it-U-^l :i\ijZ*\ 
back, retrieval, reacquirement, restitution, redemp- 
tion, recoupment, recuperation, retaking, recap- 
ture, taking back; recall(ing), calling back; with- 


to regard as low or vile or % ij j\ "iij o-ic : J ijZ-*\ 


to seek or gain one's livelihood iijJL*\ 

letting oneself go; abandon(ment), uncon- i» I jj ) 
straint, ease; indulgence (in); excess, excessiveness, 
immoderation, unrestraint 

elaboration, expatiation, enlarge- vW-! : t!l~ jt"\ 
ment, prolixity, long-windedness 

to be long and flowing, be lank, hang (^^0 S*j-—\ 
loose, hang (down) 

^ 'j'Jj ,£l» *A>\^ jUI jlit :(j) 3^^Ll 

to let oneself go, be <jjllJ 1 i»jil < i_JKjl 

uninhibited or unrestrained, slacken the reins, act 
naturally or without affectation, be at ease; to 
abandon oneself (to), give oneself up (to); to 
indulge (in), give way (to one's desires, etc.); to go 
too far (in), be excessive (in) 

to talk at great length L^Ll : £ll r ^SGl j 'S-'J~\ 
about, elaborate on, enlarge upon, expatiate on, 
dilate on, dwell on 
to ask to be rightly guided, ask (someone) to jii^^J 




grave, critical; to worsen, become worse 

intensification, buildup, increase; aggravation,*! 
exacerbation, seriousness, gravity 
Orientalism <jl 

to look up to, raise ol jJ <>j~a> %ij : i(J^\ <-*. 
one's glance to 

to rise (high), tower up; to be "Xt : i^\ <j^l 
or become high, lofty, elevated, exalted 

to Orientalize 

L5 j i 


j jj>i t»-lj-dljjl i ( _r»-l : -j ^>*-"> 
to look through t^J* J^U- ^ jJil : uLU 

to try to see 


to look attentively at, 

examine carefully 

to perceive, notice, recognize.dJjjl 4 Ja*-^ :i_«J 
realize, see, find out 

to gather, infer, conclude, deduce tLLU^.1 : <-i^ 

to seek a cure; to seek or receive medical 
treatment; to be hospitalized, treated, cured 

seeking of a cure; seeking or receiving of 

medical treatment; hospitalization; (course of) 

treatment, cure, therapy, medication 

('^0 '£±\ g.\j -'v$\ -Xjh\) '&L\ 
~z* »j>- i j - «»i i ji i 

to smell, sniff out, nose i-t. t 5T.:,..l 4 i .t. t . r . O : ^ 
out, sense the presence or existence of, detect, 
discover, find out, recognize, perceive, be or 
become aware of 
martyrdom lolil J_~. J o^. : i\ ^yJ 

J, j lLr Qil :(»JJ iiL jl (iij jl J^) jl^^f-l 

citation, quotation 

to cite, quote, invoke j£i i cr ~_^i 1 : -j 

J4-1 p-ij 
to martyrize, die as a martyr, be or I 


^K."JL"y W .r «88''? l ~. l «!S»!'-.-'SM-"«MB"." ' ' ■■.■«»:,■»«■ 

5 ' - 1 s ' «' I 

LSj— ' {J!-lj -J—"] 

concubinage jjj jU^I :jl^_L»l 

to ask for a drink 1 1 J* i_JLt 

to pray for rain, ^J»ll Jljij jil ^ i_Jd» 
ask God for rain 

dropsy, edema 


prayer for rain 

dropsical, edematous 


capitulation, condi- 
tional surrender 

unconditional surrender i>ji. ji ju» uj-V 


J'J.r^ (jA»JLl) f>Ll**l 

* }Lww*i 1 

submission, resignation, jLiJl 1^^ . ^ 
surrender; submissiveness, yielding, giving up, 
giving in 

1 jl 7iiil 
\. ^.' - v- 

* t - * . 
to surrender 

to capitulate, surrender 

to yield (to), submit (to) 

\\ Ml- III* 113* lj ~ (tf-t 


4 11^9- 


surrender (to), succumb (to), give up (to), give way 
(to), give in (to), resign oneself (to), abandon 
oneself (to) 

to deem easy, find facile 5li-> o^tl : Jt '"■"} 

to consult, ask or seek the advice ijy£\ i_Ji» : jli: 
or opinion of, counsel with, take counsel with 

consultation; counsel; advice o'jl 

(3jli*"i"' (3'j 

consultative, advisory 
advisory opinion 

to flame up with rage, flare up, fume, L~ii J»lizlJ 
steam, seethe, boil, rage, storm, burst with anger, 
lose one's temper, be or become inflamed or 
enraged or furious 

to intensify, grow, Jki^-I 4 JlUj 4 jJiUJ :iij^J 
build up, increase; to spread dangerously; to be or 
become aggravated, exacerbated, severe, serious, 



treat, pay for the food, drink, or entertainment of 

to deem weak 

to find delicious, good, pleasant, LJ. °Jk»- j : cjlkiJ 
agreeable; to like; to relish, savor, enjoy 

can; to be able (to), be capable (of), be in a £L 
position (to), have the power (to); to be or become 
possible for, feasible for; to afford (to), manage (to) 
ability, capability, capacity, power, faculty; itlkiJ 

JjUaJ ju>-Ij - JjUaJ :J* Jlk^J 

lengthening, extension, elongation, jl J-Z*t :i!Lki-l 


to seek medical advice, consult a physician 

seeking of medical advice; 
medical consultation 

indication(s) [i_J> ] (oU.. Jaj„ ..| r) i_jLLl.I 

digression jl^^k"-*} 

digressive, discursive, excursive lijl^^*--' 

to digress, pass from one topic to another; to ,s^k-J 

go on to say, proceed to say, continue (one's 


to consider (deem, regard as, Uj ^J» »ac : (J^^k-J 

find) original, rare, uncommon, novel, curious 

to create, invent, innovate, Cl»»lJ : i_»^LlJ 

originate, introduce, start 

to choose, select, pick (out), cull jtj^ : u»^Ll-J 
to taste Jlj : (xJa T . J 

exploration, scouting, reconnoi- ciliSJLJ : f 5U»LJ 
tering, reconnaissance, pathfinding; fact-finding, 
inquiry, investigation, research, study 

! ^U:, ' . ' . ■",. ■■ ' -— - " 

~ — i 

become a martyr, be martyred 

lighting, illumination 


to light a lamp; to illumi- jU»l i U-L-a* ji_>l :w;, 

to take along, escort, accompany, go (along) i . >n(i' . '„ .l 

with, attend; to take as a companion 

to sue out, apply for and receive from a court j LnVm l 

(a writ, etc.); to obtain, get, procure, bring about (a 

judgment, verdict, sentence, decision, ruling, 

order, etc.) 

to cry for help, call for help, appeal d.1 

for help 

to find difficult, consider hard Uw» o jk»- j : > . . «/i7 

; ~^ , n . ..< I 

to deem small or little 

to belittle, make little of,_ 

slight, make light of; to underestimate, undervalue, 

underrate; to despise, scorn, misprize 

to deem sincere or honest Li«o oj* : 

to ask (someone's) jijiL. 1 i jiilaJI t_JJ» : ^n/tTm l 
forgiveness, ask (someone's) pardon, apologize (to) 

reclamation (of land) (,-iljVl) r-5LaiJ 

to reclaim (land) (Cbjl) jtLalJ 

to deem good, suitable, proper, IklLo oac : »JUal«.l 
fitting, useful 

approval, sanction(ing), consent, assent, <. 
favorable judgment or view 

to regard as right or Jc Jj l_> i L l>*> el j : 
correct; to approve (of), sanction, consent to, 
assent to 

to seek (obtain, get, receive) light from, be -j (LO. 
lit or illuminated by; to seek (obtain, get, gain) 
enlightenment or insight by (in, through, with, 
from), be enlightened or guided by 
to entertain, host, guest, have as a guest, uLal* j 
receive as a guest, receive socially, serve as host to, 
give hospitality to; to lodge, put up, accommo- 
date, quarter, house, room, provide lodgings for; to 



- * h'- -- 1 ' 

im->«aa: r :.»■«:. as^:.::-: ir-aeiaM .a— 


to recover, regain, retrieve, VpLl i «>->i.l : jIjuLj 
reacquire, get back, redeem, recoup, recuperate, 
retake, take back, recapture; to recall, call back 
to recall, recollect, remem- ^,nvl-l ( 'J>J£ : jdll 
ber, revive, call to mind, bethink, summon up, 
recover knowledge of 

to ask (someone) to j\ ^SCiJI jl S^tt^l i_Ji : jllll I 

to rejuvenate 


to regain consciousness, come to, 4~*j j1»:.«I 


recovery, regaining, jlj^l is-U-^ill :<ol<uLil 

retrieval, reacquirement, getting back, restitution, 

redemption, recoupment, recuperation, retaking, 

taking back, recapture; recall(ing), calling back 

t " - - . 
recollection, recall, remembrance _p Ju : S jLi» I 

toborrow ^'^il : jljuLl 


metaphor [ij] SjUlLl 

metaphorical, figurative [ <ii ] (ijLiul 1 

to replace (by or with), displace (by), (j .Us) ^Hull 
substitute (by, for), exchange (with, for) 
replacement, displacement, substitution, <j,U£j 

to ask for (call for, appeal for, seek) the help _. uLiuliI 
(aid, assistance, support) of; to turn to for help; to 
get help from; to resort to, have recourse to; to 
use, make use of 

seeking of help from, asking for the assis- j i; \ji* I 
tance of, turning to for help or aid; resorting to, 
recourse to; making use of, using, use, utilization 

enslavement, enthrallment, subjuga- Jli^iLl : ■> ! . 'n"'„ I 

-s >> -_ -s » 

to enslave, enthrall, subjugate *6j^- 1 : 

aJa£ v>-Ij — [ (Uaj J J I.-nj. '.'... I 

aiMtaaiaiMu, r^iig;. j^ 


reportage, report (^w) 0^~- ' 

consulta- SjlizJ :(i^»- jl ^^aa^i. <iQ f^U»~- 1 
tion; counsel; advice 

poll, survey, ^Lkll ^j^^li-l <iQ c-^Ua^l.] 

canvass(ing), questioning, soundings), question- 

public opinion surveys, *UI <iQl oltlkjl 
public opinion polls 

curiosity, inquisitiveness e-bUai-'ill i_-»- 

out of curiosity s-^LkL.'il j Ci- 

exploratory , explorational, explorative, J-c 5U»£» I 
pathfinding, reconnaissance, scout; fact-finding, 
research, study 

to explore, scout, recon- ^iV"'- 1 t '• '•, <~',~ I : .1 V:'., | 
noiter; to seek to discover, try to find out (about); 
to inquire into or about, investigate, search into; to 
spot, detect, discover, find out, unearth, uncover 

to consult, seek or 4jIj i»-l cojliill :<ul j 4jJlL£.I 
ask the opinion or advice of 
to poll, canvass or ,»l:;:-l • ^,11 ^\j .1 L- .1 
question in a poll; to survey 

to purge; to have a bowel movement 4-lL j* !*'■'- I 

■■ ■ ■ *•"■■■' 

, > , ■ •*• 
to panic, fear, dread; to be or become jc.)> 'j;. *•"■■■ I 

terrified, frightened, horrified, scared, alarmed, 


to find or deem witty, Uj^Ji (ooc jl) oo»-j :L»jJii«l 
humorous, amusing; to find or deem nice, cute, 
charming, elegant 

to sit in (hide in, seek) the shadow of, be _, "J^LL„\ 
shaded by, shade oneself with or under; to seek 
shelter or refuge in or with, take refuge in or with; 
to seek (or be under) the protection or patronage 

memorization, memorizing, learning »Li»- • jf lj^"'-l 
by heart, conning 

to memorize, learn by i_Ji J^> ^t Jai^- • J jU"'.,l 
heart, commit to memory, con; to know by heart 
to seek (ask for, call for, appeal JQl* I : _. j/k'*- 1 
for) the help (assistance, aid, support) of; to turn to 
for help; to get help from 

to overcome, overpower, get the <_Jlt : ^c ji^ : *- 1 
better of, defeat 



-'. lesf ..«■"•. 

to defy, oppose, resist; to be recalcitrant, 
refractory, insubordinate; to be difficult, hard, 
intricate; to be incurable, irremediable, remediless 

I », n7f .l ju»lj — p , rv"n J 

to snuff, sniff iu^il 

to beg, ask for alms or charity; to solicit L.r...l 

begging, beggary, mendicity, mendicancy t l.k« 

entreaty, supplication, imploring; (.U-^^.1 :(JU»iu«il 

conciliation, propitiation *U>^J :iil h » r„ .,l 

conciliatory, propitiatory (Jl^^j :,JU»aI«iI 

to ask for someone's sympathy or ~»- _£-* I : < a 
compassion; to implore, entreat, beseech, beg, sup- 
plicate, plead with, appeal to, solicit 

to conciliate, propitiate, appease, ( jj> J ^.\ :'«.«li«v,,. I 
win over 

to regard as great, tremendous, l«.h& ale. : ph«V.J 
grand, magnificent, etc. 

J9UU XP?\ J — j~>~t '. ,, h « ' . ' i« I 

to ask (someone's) pardon, ask ?u*aZ»l : ^iiCi-i] 

(someone's) forgiveness, apologize (to) 

to resign, demit, tender one's OliL. I : ,j^^ \ 


request for pardon; apology tuIJI i_Ji> : «Luu<J 
resignation illiiLl : t U«v,..l 

superiority; transcendence 

superiority complex «^L. , ill {<~J$ j* jl) »^ic 

inquiry; asking 



to inquire (about), ask (about); to seek or (jc) 
gather information (about) 

colonialism, imperialism; colonization, colo- j)ju*i\ 


neocolonialism jja»- j\f~*\ 

colonial, colonialist(ic), imperialist(ic) t£j]^u*i\ 


aj's: as 

; ,.i\: \ ..i,i 


ct'j - ^ 

(<JU.) pkii} p-lj -(<uU) 

to get ready, prepare oneself, ready oneself, 
make (one's) preparations, gird oneself (for action), 
gird (up) one's loins, prepare (oneself) for action; 
to stand by, stand prepared, keep in readiness; to 
be ready, be prepared 

to appeal for (ask for, seek) the _> o Vi_zl- 1 : i£jju~i I 
assistance or help or support of 

readiness, preparedness; willingness; tenden- jIjju-J 
cy, inclination, disposition, propensity; predisposi- 
tion, susceptibility, aptitude 

preparations, arrangements, plans, o I j I j!£- I 

measures, steps 

'«'■'. i.,» ««■ I j — J l JjlJL. \ (J* 

preparatory "iS jI jju* I 

to find sweet, pleasant, delightful Uic oo»-j :i_/jju-J 

jj^cl >L»- I j — J JJU»i I 

to glow, blaze, burn , flame, flare jj* r *- ' ' -^ ' : j*"' r ' 

jU-^J (JJ iirr^i jy*~£ <-*\jau\ :<-JljJU«»l 4*ljju*<l 

exhibitionism »j>«JI 

review; survey, examination, tiJJ i ,>>^e. : yilyul.1 
consideration; discussion, study(ing), treatment, 
dealing with, taking up 

parade; review a^J-I ^iljjLL.1 ni^SCLc i _ J ^l J -" l I 

show; specta- aJJ ,«iL~.^. i ^-j^j, i ,«j ,_,« 1^*^.1 

cle; revue; musical; musicale 

show-; spectacular; revue-; musical ^—ilyu-d 

to be or become an Arabist L> _, «:...>. j U> : LjjjiL* I 

to review; to survey, exam- iIm i (J) ^b^i : yiyuld 
ine, consider, explore; to discuss, study, treat, deal 
with, take up 

to review; to parade jj2-\ u a J *^.\ 

to browse »JJ ^llJ i^j^l JUI ^b]^£Ll 

to find difficult, hard, tough 

^-*> p-o ■ 


4j jlfjCuil 


to ask (someone's) j\jiJj\ c_JLL» im^i.1 :j a * " .. J 

pardon, ask (someone's) forgiveness, apologize (to) 

-. > •-. « 
I ask God's forgiveness -till jj^- 1 

to exploit, utilize, use, j.*...l i^ jlii-l : J*!*] 

make (selfish) use of, tap, trade on, capitalize on, 
take advantage of, turn to account, turn to 
advantage, profit by or from, avail oneself of; to 
impose on, take unwarranted advantage of, use 
unfairly for one's own benefit; to profiteer from 

to invest rJJ ^IL. oLbj : J*i-I 

to reap, earn, get, gain, win iiiJI j»-l i yjf : J*i-I 

to find expensive, high-priced, UU »-k»-j : j^iju-il 

exploitation, utilization, jlftf-| ' <j* ojlii.1 : J>ju«J 
(selfish) use, tapping, trading on, capitalizing on, 
taking advantage of, turning to account or to 
advantage, profiting by or from; imposing on, 
taking unwarranted advantage of; profiteering 
investment rJJ Jlil oLJi^ :JbLi~.} 

exploitative; exploiter, utilizer; profiteer (JiUiJ 

to find thick, coarse, rough, Ui .l f . »jjt j 

harsh, crude, gross, etc. 



JiU :i»U:...l 

to be obscure, vague, J£il 'ltt^! : (^«^') l^*^! 
equivocal, ambiguous, dubious; to be abstruse, re- 
condite, incomprehensible, unfathomable, impene- 
trable, hard, difficult, complex, complicated 
to be tongue-tied, speechless, f$$S\ 4-U- J^— \ 
unable to speak, struck dumb, dumbstruck, dumb- 
founded; words failed him 
blindman's buff (iyJ) Vl«*r'! 

to dispense with, do ^ <yi j ijl^ '-Cr*- u ' -«- "» <) 

without, manage without, do away with, get along 
without, spare, not to need, be in no need of 

to be or become satis- j yS> : _j J^ I i _j tr ^i- 1 
tied with, content with; to manage with, do with, 
get by with 

is-^l CT '->~if~* 



£>-lj -<Ut ^^^ 

colonialism; imperialism ijjljjiu-ij 

use, using, usage, employment, utilization, Jlj**- 1 ! 

application, making use of; exercise; handling, 


in use, (being) used, (being) i]\^L^i\ (xj jl) qm j 


to colonize, settle (in) j """ 1 . 

to use, employ, utilize, apply, make use of, Jj* T . m 

put to use, put into service, avail oneself of; to 

exercise, put into action; to handle, manipulate, 

manage, operate, run 

to exact a written pledge or commitment from, . 1 4* 7 ■ « 

have someone sign a contract (agreement, etc.) 

to call for (appeal for, ask for, seek) the help j oUiw 

or aid of 

call for help, appeal for aid 

to consider (or find) stu- L-i U-^J y) °- u - 
pid, foolish, dumb, dull, idiotic 

to come unexpectedly upon, sur- Iji. (J* otl : 
prise, take by surprise, take unawares, take aback 

wondeKment), surprise, astonishment, i_>' 


engrossment, absorption, preoccupation J 

to find strange, odd, queer, unusual; to be or 
become amazed, astonished, wonder-struck, sur- 

to engross, absorb, engage whol- J* i>*^-l ; i)jiu~> 
ly, preoccupy, occupy wholly, fill completely, take 
up, take one's entire attention; to overcome, over- 
whelm, overpower, take hold of 

to sink into; to be or S^j\ 1 Ji-Ul :_> jl j ii>^-i 
become immersed in, engrossed in, absorbed in, 
wholly engaged in, lost in, preoccupied with, 
taken up with 
to take, last (a certain time) (L. U» j) i3>^-| 

to sink into sleep, sleep deeply, be f>JI j J>^-| 
sound asleep 

to spread dangerously, reach alarming proportions; 
to be or become massive, rampant, progressive; to 
intensify, build up, grow, increase 

to And excellent, superior, exqui- l^-li oo>-j 'j -■»'■' nr 1 
site, superb 

to regard as gross, flagrant, glar- U- jli <>a>- j : y.uL"L. I 
ing; to consider grave, serious, heavy, oppressive, 
burdensome; to find exorbitant, excessive, enor- 

yjaj ; c l ^jV . n i 

vomiting, vomit, puking, puke, dis- 

to vomit, puke, disgorge, spew, throw upuu "f^ii"'- 1 

to provoke; to excite, rouse, arouse, stir up, 3*-""' 
work up, whip (up); to incite, instigate; to irritate, 
inflame, pique, rile, put out, aggravate, incense 

provocation, excitement, excitation, rousing, jlj^u-il 
arousal, stirring up, working up, whipping (up); 
incitement, instigation; irritation, piquing 

provocative, provoking, rousing, stirring, 1sj\'jiLi\ 
instigative, instigatory, inciting 

inquiry; question; asking >^LLl.I <. .l|«:*..l ^1 »"'.l 

to ask for an explanation (of), inquire (,jx.) j »" -I 
(about), ask (about) 

to find horrible, horrid, terrible, abominable, • ^ - 1 
atrocious, outrageous, flagrant 

rJLi I <l»-Ij - yjji.'..,. I 

» >■ r .■> 1 t jlui j Tin I ' r fl ' 

♦ l^iTi.l i»jtc 

inquiry; question; asking 


interrogative particle 

question mark 

interrogative, interrogatory ,_«\. 

to inquire (of someone about some- djt. <u« ) ij«" - 1 

thing), ask (someone about something) 

to ask for a drink aj^ L <_J1> • '"'- 1 

to draw from, derive J* Jla»- i * , "'- 1 : ^. Jp~- 1 

from, borrow from, take from, get from, obtain 


to resign, demit, tender one's resigna- JjlV- l - Til ;•-'.. I 




*'>*J '(3>cl jjt'j 

jlit c _, 

» «>- I j — < , a v ■ ■» ' 


to conclude, deduce, infer, gather, W: :,:*„ I : jlilL I 
figure out, draw a conclusion; to make out, find 
out, discover 

to be elaborate, detailed, S -* - 1-|'-- 0^ : -.^U" ^ 
lengthy, prolix, long-winded, verbose, exhaustive, 
thorough, extensive 

to spread, circulate, get about i L i ^li I : 'ja\^L. I 

-'' -*' , — . 

to abound, superabound, to be jji. i ^£ : Jo^z-. \ 

or become (super)abundant, plentiful, copious 

l/kl «jflj — ejljj 

<J»lil iu^Ij —i_j 1^1,1 :<,oli; 


, ~* 


• I «-l 


• d i*U' nf^ ' (jilfl", lf 1 

to ask for (seek, request) a <5>iljl Lii : 

(formal) legal opinion; to ask for (seek, request) an 
advisory opinion; to consult, ask or seek the 
opinion of, counsel with, take counsel with 
to poll, canvass or j^J-l ^Ij .1 !»:.., I :j;i.: M \ 
question in a poll; to hold a referendum or 
plebiscite; to appeal to the people 

t^. fLilJ i(jJJ t >~j-UI i j^U-l H..1.MI) f lrir'..l 
referendum, plebiscite; poll, canvass(ing); ques- 

request for a (formal) legal <j,y£l I iLii : , l:y'.. I 
opinion; request for an advisory opinion; consul- 
tation, consulting 

beginning, start, commencement, open- »1J : j- 
ing, introduction 

to begin, start, commence, open, intro- 
duce, initiate, institute, launch, mount 

to seek the assistance of God, Mj j'-i ■ "',■ I 
implore God for victory 

seriousness, gravity; aggravation, exacerba 

tion; intensification, buildup, increase 

to be or become serious, grave, XJL, I ( J lli : J'-("' ■ 

critical, drastic, severe, intense, extreme, excessive, 

aggravated, exacerbated; to worsen, become worse; 

Ij • y i"A" . n <l 
f.^*ni"nf I 



;,. „,., w ■■ T -i-; ! y. ... 

to be or become well-established, firmlyc*J 
established, settled, firm, fixed, steady, stable, solid, 
enduring, durable, lasting, unshakable; to be or 
become stationary, immobile 
to stabilize; to be or become stable, r_.—'„ | : * g ■:'.. \ 
stabilized, settled, steady, constant, regular, nor- 
mal, orderly, in good order, smooth, quiet, peace- 

JS" £r'j -J* ii'y 
'*'- • i "V '-'■ 

jj* p-'j 

* i ^^ i 

to ask to read or recite I^JLi u' 4-JJ v^ 

to investigate, examine, study, »-i i y^s.i. : 
scrutinize, survey, explore, search into, inquire 
into; to follow up, follow, pursue 

to gen-4iliii» J-v»liJ ijA Ulc 

T" t >^bu« 1 . I ■ fl ■ 1 1. 1 

eralize, derive a general principle from particulars 


J' r L 


investigation, examination, 


study(ing), scrutiny, exploration; follow-up, fol- 

1^1 iLjjl 


the inductive method Z. 

stability, stabilization, constancy, i-m...,..! 'j'jir .>' 
regularity, steadiness, normalcy, orderliness), 
calm(ness), peace 

firmness, fixedness, stability, steadi- olli : jl 
ness, solidity, durability 

settling, settlement; residing, remain-i^UI : j\ 
ing, staying; sedentariness, settledness 

to find near, regard as near C ji »jx : ._.jii"„fl 

to ask for a loan Cbyi t_.lj» : ^rji"',,, I 

to come to a head, ripen, mature, (J^jJI) 6jJull 


to examine, investigate, inspect, study, r"~- 1 

scrutinize, survey, explore, inquire into, go to the 
root of, delve into, search out; to inquire about, 
make inquiries about 

examination, investigation, exploration, «Laiu«ij 

study, survey, search, research, inquiry, fact-find- 

Il lj<"... l 

resignation, demission 

to straighten up, draw oneself up, sit up, sit » 
straight; to stand erect, stand urXright), rise; to be 
or become straight, erect, upright; to be or become 
right, correct, proper; to be or become straight- 
forward, upright, honest, righteous 

straightness, directness; uprightness, straight- <£-l 
forwardness, rectitude, honesty, integrity, probity, 
sincerity, justness, righteousness, virtuousness; 
orthodoxy; Tightness, correctness, soundness 

reception; receiving; meeting, J';V-I /'V- • ( _ll.i:r*..l 
going to meet; taking, taking in; turning one's face 
to; facing, confrontation 



receiver, receiving set 


(J. a T... • 1 1) ■ ii 7nii« * i}> v ■ 1 

[du] jlL-i 

el 1 .. ii r .,.. I j\+>- 

ill, ii '■'... 1 <JUL>- 
Jl; 57,11 I (itli jl) Hj£. 

reception room, drawing 
room, parlor 

to find ugly, repulsive, repugnant; to find ~ : n " 'j 

ignominious, infamous, shameful; to dislike, disap- 
prove of, denounce, condemn 

to receive; to meet, go to meet, come to J? "i : J"^ '■ I 

to receive, take, take in j»-l i ^j&j : Jjil-I 

to receive [»JJ >olj] ,l»57ll ijliilt 

to turn one's face to; to a^-Ij ( ^jj^-I jJ» : Jlil-I 
face, confront, meet 

to be desperate (to), strive desperately (for), J « '■ I 
make desperate efforts (to); to defy death, risk or 
stake one's life, fight desperately 

to ask God for rJJ ojoill jl S^ill 4Sl JL : jj 
strength, ability, etc. 

to send for, call for, call in, j.a.i.7,,,1 1 ^ 
call, summon, demand, ask to come 

to bring, bring along, jJIU i_Jj>- 1 
bring forward, carry with oneself 

to find dirty, deem unclean, regard 
as filthy 

to settle (down) at, establish oneself 

at, be or become settled at; to reside at, remain at, 

stay at 

: r 

Ijji tic '.j 
(ufc j) 




submission, submissiveness, resignation, Sjl£l«.l 

yielding, surrender 

to regard as great, consider great IjO ojx- : j.|^>-V..» } 

j-S*i &) j — j-S*j : j .. Vr ,..! 

dictation >!5Ul :<_ill£i-il 


t— »'■'>■'■' mil (J^x Il-jUIx-L-1 

to dictate (to) <Jx. ^L. 

to make write; to ask to write i_-i£L> <lU»- : 

to take as a clerk, etc. 

to ask someone to keep a secret; to (^_JI a_) ^.v.J 
confide a secret to 

to regard as (too) much or (too) \jCS <>j^z-\ :J£l*\ 
many, deem excessive or exorbitant 

to demand much, ask for a lot^L^Jl i_JU» : j!$Il*\ 

to have an aversion to or for, feel disgust aj* : aj&*»\ 
for, detest, loathe, hate 

reconnaissance, recohnoitering, scouting, <_»liSJi«/l 
exploration, pathfinding; investigation, inquiry, 
fact-finding; discovery, finding out 

reconnaissance, scout, exploratory, explo- .JliSJiJ 
rational, explorative, pathfinding 

to seek to discover, try to find out (about); uii£i«/j 
to explore, scout, reconnoiter; to investigate, 
search into, inquire into; to spot, detect, discover, 
find out, unearth 

to beg 

to shade one's eyes with 
the hand 

to surround, encircle 

fjha '■'■■' I '. < m S\ "nil 

»jlj 4 i ; , r. (JJJi : oi x r.- 1 

- * s ' '• 

j J»l»-I : i_«.v,.r, ,. I 

i_Jo >j-Ij — i_ JX'i'iiil 

Jl^i ^ij- J|«££J 

to satisfy, fulfill, meet (condi- ^JJ J»_)^i)l J*£l-I 
tions, requirements, etc.); to be perfect 

to submit (to), yield (to), ( J) 'd&L\ ■ (-0 0^-} 

surrender (to), succumb (to); to humble oneself (to, 


to be hidden, concealed; to hide s-~"\ '■ l£*""! 

[ «l>jO j ' 'I k»"-l 

ing; questionnaire 

to find short, regard as short 

to claim, demand 


attraction, attracting, w- 1 1 

magnetization, magnetizing, drawing; gathering, 
rally(ing), mustering, banding, bringing together 

polarity Zu 1 1**"- 1 

distillation, distilling jl U»-.A 

to polarize [ t Ljj J i .ka'V.J 

to draw, attract, magnetize; *_*»- i i_j i»- : <_,l»ii'.',.. I 
to gather, rally, muster, band, bring together 

to distill, extract y^^^. TLJ*~"\ : jknTnil 

to request as a fief (~JJ U>jl) - L '" - 1 

«Ja*3 I k>-Ij — T j^ ' , ^n> < *— >- : ■ laJiVm ' 

basophilism [ «L>-l] jUluwl 

to find (consider, regard as) little, }L)ji oj* : Ja^' 
small, few, inconsiderable, insignificant, scanty, 
sparse, slight, meager 

to belittle, disparage, slight, make j Lum£.I : Jjl£~\ 
light of, make little of; to underestimate, jnder- 
value, underrate; to disesteem, despise, scorn 

to be or become aJ^JU^I JU i!x2lL. jU> : JiL^.1 

independent, gain one's indeoendence 

to possess alone, appro- _; ^L*l ( _j j^iJ :_; JjL^.1 


to board, embark jyU <jl»i»l < i^j : i>*~- ' 
(on), go on board, go aboard, get aboard, get in; to 
ride, mount; to take, go by, travel by (in, on) 

metabolism [ «Lt-IJ ^1 :i_i^luul 

metabolic [ *L»-I J ^j5llu-il 

independence; autonomy o^ulil (J^uul 

i5_jju »»■ I j — (3jfl''.ni ' 

to submit (to), surrender (to), yield (to), (J) ulSw»l 
give in (to), succumb (to); to humble oneself (to, 



;"?'." r t .8gi.M"."Ji" , .* l HEt..."*"" l ""^b ^te 

listening, hearing, audience, audition p'^r"! 

to attract, draw, win (over), h-j^t :JUll»l 

enlist, bring over, conciliate 



^- : *" a " ■• 1 

attraction, drawing, winning iSx*iL.[ i i. 
(over), enlistment, bringing over, conciliation 

«JLaJ )U«- I J — £ \ * . * " i n I 

_j ji » ' » i jt»-lj — -j V i ' a ' i 'n i I 

to take from, get from, obtain from, ,jii- 1 : ^ " ' 
derive from, draw from, borrow from 

to ask someone for help tl>yu> i_JJ» : u>j ju 

to continue, last, go on, persist, subsist, endure; 
to continue to do, keep doing, keep on doing, go 
on doing, persist in, persevere in, stick to 

to savor, relish, enjoy, find wholesome and I *»l-il 

continuation, continuance, Cjlj^i-J <j 

continuity, duration, endurance, persistence, 
subsistence, permanence 

continually, continuously, persistently, jlj^.1 
constantly, incessantly, unceasingly, without inter- 
ruption, uninterruptedly, nonstop, unremittingly 

consultation; counsel ( liljJl) rlj*^J 

to consult, seek or ask the opinion or (<jlj «_) r/*^-' 
advice of 

-J ^L«J %3?\j— -1 CX-4J '. ^t < 1 »" ill I 

,jc. <2L*«I vf'j "tj* a-"~«I ' i>* "-*j -i>* c J l m. «.'... I 

to pray for rain, ask God j]»il <j)Cu *JL : iiil 

for rain 

>*>*** — x* * * * 
to ask someone *ijj*^ 4~U> : <U* jl U}1» 

a favor 

to invoke upon, call down upon <Jlc \jS j U'.:'.. I 

to listen to, hearken to, give or,^^! :(J jl JJ) j;*^-' 
lend one's ear to, pay attention to 

to eavesdrop, listen secretly (to) ( Jj) ill»- «-kL-l 

Cr? C^ J £=r'j ~<>? cA-**-"! 

Jl— <L»-lj-Ulii '■<—*■ J*i«l 

appropriation, taking possession; seizure dJ^LlJ 

:■■■' ...;«■■.-'.■" "^-r 


eminent domain 

' r ui 0LLh\ 

(oneselD, conceal oneself 

to nestle, r I j^-l ' o^-" ' *^*^ l-lff" ^ ^ : 1^^- ' 
cuddle, snuggle, snug, ensconce, curl up cozily, 
settle snugly, lie comfortably; to calm down, 
repose, rest 

to unsheathe, draw, pull out T-»*"' ' ■C 3 !" '-o^^ 

taking in advance; borrow- iiljull i u ±\ J X\ :ci5LL,l 
ing, raising of a loan 

advance, loan <jo ji i ijJL : iJ^LL. I 

to deserve blame, be blameworthy ^L I ji^ll : f ^-»l 

receipt, reception, receiving; taking; collecting, * 5L1.I 
collection; taking over, assumption 

to acknowledge receipt ^^Li.^1 (jUI jl) jli I 

Cifcii." K3?\ J ~ 'jl*\ I (Jjj-* t C*4> • '■ « 'lillM 

Jdl «j-Ij - Jii-,1 

to require, need, call JJ T-bi- 1 i t_Ji»J i (^^j I : f j^-} 
for, demand, take, want, be in need of 

to entail, necessitate, (tJJ 4.>., ::.<!) «,.;• •.',.. I :^>L^-I 
involve, imply 

to like, find pleasant (nice, Li-kJ o jj>- j : <.iMv.J 

charming, sweet, pretty) 

to take in advance; to bor- 6 1 -^- 1 ' u^^ I : i-alVml 
row, contract (raise, take up) a loan, incur debts 

'>J| LvU j=(-ij-'>Ji cikLj 

to lie down, lie; to recline, lie back (jiL-il 

lying (down), recumbency tUJu-J 

(XJ j»-Ij - ^l 

to ask (or pray) for inspiration ^ Iv .i n l 

to defy death, stake or risk one's life, fight oLlliI 

desperately; to be desperate (to), strive desperately 

(for), make desperate efforts (to) 

death defiance; desperate struggle; desperate i7 1 


to request, ask (someone a favor) 

to apologize (for); to I jit A»-LlLl i^ t-CL.1 
beg someone's pardon, ask someone's forgiveness 
form, application form, application 

^ . . 

deductive, inferential 

to culture, grow (bacteria, microorganisms, 
etc. in a prepared medium) 
to invent, create, devise, contrive, ex- £jj 
cogitate, design 

to derive, extract, draw (out), 
take; to educe 

T" y, \ i .M I I '. 

to deduce, educe, 
conclude, infer 

e — •. 


Ja~i %^-\j—jLA\ _)l (\i.\ ,)■». .'7, ,il 

conclusion, inference, deduction, derivation, r 
eduction, gathering, figuring out, reasoning 

deductive, inferential ,«*■ 

to conclude, infer, deduce, derive, educe, 2****" 
gather, figure out, reason out, draw a conclusion 

to sniff, snuff (water, etc.) (ajJ L) JLl-i 

Iki ^-Ij-yaU- ipll :(^) 

seeking of help from, asking _» iill7_l : (_.) jl 
for the assistance of, turning to for help or aid 
resorting to, recourse to 

to choose, select, pick out jLi- 1 : ujy 

to appeal for (call for, ask for, 'o\jiL \ :(->) 

to ask for fulfillment 

to seek, look for, search for 

seek) the help or aid of; to turn to for help or aid; 
to get help or aid from; to resort to, have recourse 

>J>I Lii :>J£. 

i_JJ» : oil Tin 

to lean on, recline on, rest on; to be based Jj Jul* 
on, founded on; to base on, found on; to use (as a 
basis or authority), invoke, resort to; to rely on, 
depend on, count on, draw upon; to trust, have 
confidence in 

exhaustion, exhausting, consumption, con- cjljl^j 
suming, using up, depletion, depleting, drain(age), 
draining, bleeding, attrition 

exsanguination »jjl olj^Ll 

war of attrition i_ilj^£.l <~>'j>- 

deduction, subtraction, discount <L^- <. r-^i : Jljli-I 

to exhaust, consume, use up, deplete, drain, 
draw (off), bleed 

to exsanguinate 

,jJI <J ■ 

to find beautiful, pretty, nice, pleasant jUlll 

to appropriate, take possession of; to take i'IIVt.,,! 
private property for public use (said of a govern- 
ment); to take over, seize, capture; to expropriate 

to masturbate 

masturbation, onanism 

to ask for a delay or respite; to ask to wait Ji*ll>l 

to clean one's teeth (ajL1|)^1)I 

to follow, pursue, take (up), adopt; to i^_j ' { yL\ 
observe, comply with, abide by 

c_jL> 1 vr-lj - {Joy 1 JS'j IljuLwI 

writ, order, request (for legal (iliUajl) ijUlll 





y i. iJ tajy\j \K\. 

to kneel down 

leaning on, reclining on, resting on; being J J jU£L 
based or founded on; basing on, founding on; use 
(as a basis or authority), invoking, resorting to; 
reliance on, dependence on, counting on, drawing 
upon; trust(ing), having confidence in 
on the basis of, based on, on the J jl Jl I j>Lt1 I 
ground(s) of, on the strength of, on the authority 
of, by virtue of, in the light of, depending on, 
pursuant to, under, in conformity with 

to be lighted, lit, illuminated s^l : o\i£i\ jLll 

to obtain (get, receive, ^ ejy ,u,7... I : _, jLt-J 
seek) light from, be lit or illuminated by 

to seek (obtain, get, \?-3j j' & ^ <> j^" I 

receive) enlightenment or insight from (by, in, 
through, with), be enlightened or guided by 

illumination, enlightenment SjLlL 

J J fli *3 r \j—\j\A>\ : Jj »Lid 

to ask for or seek news or ,JUil. I 1 j ..■h7,'.. 
information; to inquire (about), ask (about) 
culture, cultivation (of living material) 
invention, devisal, excogitation j\&>\ :J»L~»» 

derivation, extraction, drawing r\j^^ I : J»Lu~.l 
out; eduction 

deduction, eduction, conclusion, J^fjJL-l : J»Luu»l 

K..-J,.:. .;■■,'■ .:;:■-. .- ..1. :'.:Hi,..-a.}.7r^> 

to call upon (someone) to jjJJl iluliJ glc: : j j..,7... I 
fight (against), call out (someone) to go to war 

*iZjl *j* 1 j — *&»*»* I 

to find decreased, deficient, im- Lait oJ^rj : 
perfect, incomplete 

to ask for a reduction of the price (j+^ •*-»«■ 

to stagnate, become stagnant, become impure ftji;.V„J 
and foul by stagnation 

condemnation, denunciation, de- L-*i :^l$J^>l 
nouncement, censure, disapproval, deprecation 

abstention (from), refrainment (^ /\ ^^c) LJlSLii-l 
(from); refusal, rejection; disdain; pride 

to condemn, denounce, censure, de- v^v- :jyJ^~>\ 
cry, disapprove of, deprecate 

to disdain, scorn, 

t~*I 'O' 

'■Cr?r a* 


spurn; to decline, refuse, reject; to abstain from, 

refrain from 

to be or become haughty, proud JSl : <_«Slu-.l 

4jl^* {££. r«4-» a>*1j — ^Ju-*-* yi^'"" 1 

to awaken, arouse, >L»- i ii!^»- ijtili Jai. I : u ^j-" ■■ 
stir up, raise, rouse, stimulate, motivate, actuate, 
incite, instigate, induce, prompt, prod, goad, spur, 
egg on 
wet dream 

to have a wet dream 

-Li- 1 :pyZ*,\ 

}l5U oj-itl : JI4i.1l 

to consider terrible, horrible, 

to make little of, make Jis*- I i j >-», ■» . : ,- 1 : j o 
light of, slight; to underestimate, undervalue, un- 
derrate; to despise, scorn, disdain 

to consider easy S * • " ••[ '■ ->. oW^i 

not to be sneezed at; important, signifi- <> uV->> » 
cant, weighty; great, big, large; considerable, enor- 

slightGng), making light of, iJlij»i«.l :{_») iil^i 
making little of; underestimation, underrating; dis- 
dain, scorn, despisement 


to call down, invoke (curses, ( J* »JJ oLIUI) J 
imprecations, etc. on) 

to ask someone to relinquish or forgo ^ aJ 

to deduct, subtract, discount ~-*- i -r'^> : J 

discretion jU-«=rt ' ji-^> '■*• 

approval, sanction(ing) i_ilj. fl :,„l : 

discretionary, discretional 1-> 

to deem or find . ,j.^.r...l , 1* ..I-. . i TJ ■, . :•■' 

suitable, fit, appropriate, proper, adequate, apt; to 
approve (of), sanction 

to act atojLl»-l ij^j ojjjjlJ U»j <_»j-aj : i_.,.,.t..1 
one's discretion 

to trace back the ancestry of 4-_J ~j$i\<. 


to search for, seek (news, 
information, etc.) 

to smell; to inhale 

*'- "I*"-' 

j— j ^r ij -j i 

to consult, seek or ask the advice of --*"■•■■ 

to ask for (seek, call for) the help (aid, ( S) ^e^L, 
assistance, support) of; to turn to for help 

to demand or seek justice <_>LoJ *i I i_JLt 

interrogation, examination, ques- i^I^j*-— I 
tioning, hearing, inquiry, inquest 

to interrogate, examine, question, v>=v- 

■ ij"'>' «j»- 1 j — j&L) 1 ' j U • •• . .. 

to request a delay or respite ili* i_JLt : jJ».: : ..J 

exhaustion, (complete) consumption, using jliU- 
up, depletion 

alert, alertness; alerting, putting on the alert; 

to exhaust, consume, use up, deplete, drain 

to do one's best or utmost, make every <«- j jjuL. 
efTort, spare no efTort, leave no stone unturned 

to alert, put on the alert; to mobilize i_-»l \jk 




pull out 

to raise one's voice c'yo »i j : ^« :!. I 

consumption, consuming; using up, dl^Lj 

exhaustion; wasting, wearing (away) 

depre- (J^^l 3 JUl) <Lill dJ^ifll < dJ^if-l 

ciation; wear and tear 

amortization, paying off, writing off ^'oJI dJ^lll 

"'■-■• ■ '■'■•^ <fr ■,' ',„■,'" 

depreciation reserve 
sinking fund 
consumer goods 

d^iG^" "'■■ 

consumerism LjLxjI -ui <_»^i_r* 

cooperative, co-op <j jtu : o"%£. I 

beginning, starting, commence- *-L^j I i «. JJ : '.N'jv'- 1 
ment, inception, opening, introduction, initiation 
foreword, preface, introduc- > |." i .£ li* : JS| r *- 1 
tion, preamble, proem, exordium; prelude, prelu- 

inceptive, beginning, initial, initiatory, initia- '^i^L\ 
tive, opening, introductory, prefatory, prelusive; 
incipient, inchoate 





to consume, use up, t yu\ . ^1 < m.-- , .. 1 
exhaust; to waste, wear (away); to spend 
to amortize, pay off, write off jjj jjl 

to redeem oljul 

(j)dJl^ jrlj-!^ :(j)iti£.l 
to attract, draw, win (over), enlist [\\',-'..\ : >/}f'- 1 

to appeal to; to like, fancy.j >_.,w.l . ■_ ^r I : c5^- 1 

. -** -.-. 

to impress j £ I : i$j4i» I 

- • « -•-. 

to seduce, tempt, entice, lure, allure c5^l :<5^-l 

attraction, drawing, winning (over), *)££. I : »l^lL I 


seducement, temptation, enticement* 1^1 : >l^ll 

suggestion [cr*j] r'ji;*- 1 

* " " ■ •" '"i 

recklessness, heedlessness, carelessness; wan- jUii.1 
tonness, unrestraint, licentiousness; disdain, scorn 

to be reckless, heedless, careless, «ly> «lJI ' f'f A 
irresponsible; to be wanton, unrestrained, unin- 
hibited, pleasure-seeking, licentious 

to slight, make light of; to _> C 4 -«. :,'..! : _, y\~'- 1 
despise, disdain 

to dote on, be infatuated with j Ijjl : . 

disapproval, disapprobation, censure, con- ui 

to disapprove of, censure, reprehend, QTl" •"* 

denounce, condemn; to find offensive, ill-favored, 

to seek guidance, ask to be rightly guided, ask SH~-* I 
to be shown the right way 

exposure to, being or becoming J Jdj^ : J ul -ij~- 1 
subject to, incurrence of 

diathesis ^^JLI j I, »«'.„. I i»jo«i : <-> 1 .14.'— I 

allergy -CL.11XI Sj^ : <_». .4:*. I 

diathetic ^ ji?" • l»* ' 'l"" ' 

allergic 1**^"**" : ij! ' -^i-*--" ' 

to aim at, make one's goal J J i y^ . J J lilsi : ' *'if\i I 
or object; to seek (to), strive for, aspire to, pursue 

to be or become exposed to, J Joj^ : J \SJ+L. I 
subject(ed) to, open to, liable to, vulnerable to, 
susceptible to; to come under; to incur, contract 

»> p-b - 

to begin, start, commence, it^i I <. I jI : ( i\jS\) 1}'f- 1 
open, introduce, initiate 

to begin, start, set in l-Cjl . Ioj ^{^l) J4I-I 

, s 3,-, 

to start raining, begin to rain, rain {LUl 0JL4JL.I 
initial showers 

to water, tear, fill with tears, c.«.»j :^,-jJI ol+i-l 
shed tears 

to rise, appear, come into J^ : »JJ J^Ul 3t r '- 1 

to see; to look at <JJ ^ . oj^ul : »JJ J^LLl 3i^-' 
to unsheathe, draw, <lL-.I . »j^- : »Jj (.«'.*. J I j^iLl 


> .r 


to strike fire 

to consult, ask or seek the opinion of \j\j t>\)y~.\ 
to import (goods) («_!L»ln) zjy->\ 

to seek to become a I jj jj t t . . < n< 2 U*- : jJjJLmiI 
minister, seek a portfolio 

to appoint as minister I^j jj -u~fc : jj>^.l 

to find wide, roomy, large U-.lj oj«-j : £*jl-l 

x~jl iu>-Ij — JJUj 1 {J° J& ' J*—*-'! 'j-">**"i 

to consult (a doctor) (t_--J»JI ) uuoyL* I 

to ask for an explanation or clarification d^t) jvijlJ 
(of), inquire (about), ask (about); to investigate, 
explore, inquire into, search into 

to settle (in), settle down (in), establish <Jey ■ ^3y^\ 
a residence or colony (in), establish home (in), take 
up permanent residence (in), make one's home 
to contain, hold, take, have capacity J ^Z\ :.»xjlJ 
for, be able to take in; to seat, sit, have room for, 
be large or wide enough for 
to contain, comprise, comprehend, J*t : <_-c>L- \ 
embrace, embody, encompass, enclose, take in 

to assimilate, comprehend, S j jI 4 ^i : <-*i-y- \ 
grasp, understand, apprehend, perceive, take in 

-.- « i -•. - - •-• , 
to assimilate, absorb j&- i . o^»\ '■ <-**■*— \ 

to take (receive, get, obtain) %\£ <• i*-\ : <i*- ^jy*»\ 

one's due or one's share in full 

to receive, collect, get, i»- 1 « Jt^i 1 ^Uj : ,jy- \ 


to satisfy, fulfill, meet (jJJ J»>jDl) tfy-\ 

-'.» .. _• » ,'.-. 
to kindle, ignite, light, start aijl 1 Jiti.1 : jjji.,1 

to dread, look forward with ap- ^ <Sy>u : ji>^- 1 
prehension to, be uneasy about 

to ask to stop or halt i_»ji ^J I -u. i_JlL> : day** I 

i_i»jl *»-lj-(jicl 1 JUtf ' f--« ' i-iijl :i_jiiyH-l 

to catch the eye, strike the sight or __JiJI USy—\ 
eyes, attract (draw, arouse) attention, engage and 
hold the attention; to be eye-catching, striking 

to be infatuated, enchanted, captivated 


e4 ''«" \ 

to be or become even, equal; to be on (ijQ : Kiy— I 
the same level 

ijb I : tSy~. I 

to be or become steady, uniform, 
equable, regular 

to be or become even, I U ,'. : . I ji+m o^ : <S)~"\ 
level, flat 

to straighten up; to be or become ^ li^.1 : iSy— 1 
straight, erect, upright 

to ripen, mature, be or become ripe p-^aj '■ iSy^ \ 
or mature 

to be (properly) cooked, be well 

to sit firmly on ^J*- . yU-| : .Jx. c5>^-| 

straightness; evenness, levelness; equality; *'^*»»! 

regularity, uniformity, steadiness, equability; nor- 
malcy, normality 

equator J>f- J I J»-»- 

equatorial, tropical, tropic ,JI^miI 

the tropics, the Torrid Zone Li l>L- "511 iiLII 

to make sure of, seek to ascertain, verify, ,j* Jjj^-} 
check; to be sure of, certain of, confident of 

to deserve, merit, be worthy of 

to require, call for, i_JlLj i l ^ r o^i\ i^ji^.1 :i_^«-yi«l 

demand, need 

to deem necessary L»- 1 j » jj. : i_-s«-yi- 1 

>j' ^ij-'r^>^! 

to derive from, draw from, borrow from; ,ja ^yy^l 
to be guided by; to be inspired by; to seek inspi- 
ration from 

to be or become desolate, deserted 0^53.1 fj^-y^,\ 

.-.' » .- . - --- - - .-• 

to feel lonely or Xj^ill jl *J^-^JL j*Z. : { j±r-y~\ 

desolate; to be or become alienated, estranged 
to miss; to long for, yearn for J jLi.1 : J < 

to feel an aversion for, be j y-iU ll : 
repelled by 

studio; atelier 



to darken, be (become, grow) llj> I : ( jlDI ) Li 
dark or tenebrous 

to lower, drop, let JjL I i 'JL jl : ( ji-Jl) Likl 1 
down, let hang (down), hang down 

to pour forth, shed L«*» i JCl : Ikll 

rhyme, a passage of rhymed prose ic ^»«1 1 

to rain (it rained) o^Jx* I : ( > Hll I c^) ImI I 

black iy.\ :^l 

to discontent, disgruntle, <..*as.\ i ■■h^ ■ jli I : iu*l 1 
embitter, anger, exasperate, enrage, irritate, vex 

black j^.,1 :-»L.I 

^ s - , ' . * 

to be apposite, be to the point; to hit I jjo! jjlS' : jll 

the point, hit the right thing 

„ t 
lion ju, I 

sea lion 

to render, perform, do, make; to j. jj t _< J.U : liol I 
give, offer, confer on 

"Uo»- v>-lj-J i»a»- <3j 


to darken, be (become, grow) dark JLb I : JJUI (J jlw I 
or tenebrous 

to lower, drop, let down, let hang '£. jl t ^i- jl : J all 

to capture, take prisoner, arrest, appre- ^e- yiJi '-j—\ 
hend, jail; to intern 

to bind, fetter, shackle, chain JLi : jl I 

to captivate, fascinate, enthrall, enchant, 'tfi : jll 
charm, thrill 

to keep secret, hide, conceal llsT : jl I 

to cofide (a secret) to, (^_ )L jl j_)l) 4JJI jll 

entrust (a secret) to, tell secretly or confidentially 

captor, arrester 
fascinating, charming, 


^sMs^y^j^ggv^^viifa"^^^!^- bn,^ 


to seize, capture, take over, tfALj t iiUl : ^c (jl^ill 
take or lay hold of, occupy, take possession of, 
possess oneself of, appropriate; to expropriate, 
confiscate; to requisition; to usurp 

to seize (take tJJ ^jiJI 1 iJaO t JCil Jt Jjill 
over, usurp) power, a throne, etc. 
to over- Jj^Z,\ 1 (_^c i^a*^. I t _> j_^- 1 : Jt (jj-l I 
come, overwhelm, overpower; to engross, absorb, 
preoccupy, occupy wholly, take up, seize, take 
hold of, dominate, possess 

to breed, propagate, produce U^ll 

i > ' > ' - > > . 1 

barrel, gun barrel iLt.i:.ll z j3 ..\. -ijy „ i' 

resentment, umbrage, offense, dissatisfaction, »Qll 
discontent, displeasure, indignation, annoyance, 
vexation, anger, miff 

• **' - • 

(transfer to) provi- t-l.u:..,,^! ^ iJli-l t p-ljui.1 

sional retirement; (putting on) half pay 

in provisional retirement; unattached; ^IjljI^I j 

on half pay 

importation, import, importing jjjy : jljol.1 

j. » . 1 »j^ I j 


inquiry; question; asking 

settlement, settling (down) 

capacity i 

assimilation, comprehension, dJl/jl 1 A» 
graspGng), understanding, apprehension 

assimilation, absorption oj-l 1 ^Lii.1 

fulfillment (jjl J,jjjjl) , 

receiving, receipt, collecting, ii- 1 4 yiJ : t 
collection, getting, taking 
to wake up, awaken, waken, lkl> : (<L.^i ^.) 
awake; to get up, rise 

Jmj w«-lj-ji»- i<Uil • k» " 

seizure, capture, takeover, taking over, (Jc) »iLill 
taking or laying hold (of), occupation, (taking) 
possession (of), appropriation; expropriation, con- 
fiscation; requisition(ing); usurpation 
breeding, propagation, production, producing jiLill 

> -0 



, < 

^1 I 

extravagant or immoderate; to exaggerate, overdo 

caterpillar; larva 

stable, barn 


tragacanth, milk vetch 




cylinder, drum, roller, roll 

column, pillar 

to establish, found, set up, lay the foundation Lr ^ l \ 
for; to institute, build, create, originate, build up, 
constitue, organize, form, make, start 

to base on, found on, ground on, rest on J* ,^-1 I 

(j-LI £»-lj "(J— 1 1 

(oLi) Jiwl 
icji i«£JU ill ilj'JI^^LwI 

[i LA ] iil^ilil 


record, disc (il» \ji.y^ ji ili_.^) ijljiLl 

masters, authorities, experts; celebrities, ^-JaCl 
distinguished personalities, outstanding persons 

cylindrical, cylindric ' \\^U'.A 

legend, myth, fable oj^ilil 

mythology jjiCill pi* 

legendary, mythical, fabulous, fabled ^jiLl 

fleet, navy, squadron JjiLl 

relief, succor, aid, help; rescue, saving, salvage, <J \jL I 

first aid illjl oliL-J i .Jjl ciUlj 

ambulance i_il»l! SjC. 

. , >'., ...» 
to make happy; to bless !■*?■>— *JL*3r- 

happier; luckier 

to kindle, light, ignite, start 

to snuff, sniff 

to relieve, succor, help, aid, go to the aid of, 

give aid to; to rescue, save, salvage; to give first aid 


to regret; to feel or be sorry (for) ljl 

to descend, sink, decline-, to stoop, lower Jv*il : Li 

i£. j£\ 


.li«r,nl : JmiiiI 

captivating, enchanting; catchy, catching 

capture, captivity; arrest, apprehension ^»l 

all, altogether, all of it, wholly, entirely, o^LL 

completely, totally, in toto 

all of them 

strength, vigor, power, force, energy 

retention of urine 

to travel by night 

to make travel by night 

nocturnal journey <^j"\ 

Prophet Mohammad's midnight journey to 't.\j*M\ 
the seven heavens 

the night of Prophet Moham-(^l_^ilj) sl^l *U 
mad's ascension to the seven neavens 
acceleration, speedup, hurry(ing), hasten(ing), pL-j 




(>-LJi»- 1 ! >**) ' 

ill jL rii^Ll 




jui :<-»' 


wasting, wastefulness), squandering, 

dissipation, extravagance, prodigality, profligacy, 

lavishness, excessive expenditure 

excess(iveness), immodera- jjlau i i>ljil icil^ll 
tion, immoderateness, extravagance, intemper- 
ance, exceeding the proper bounds, going too far 

lead (j-oC»j : Vv»' 

family, household, house 


to saddle (a horse) 

to light (a lamp) 

ytM ' 

ilS'U- »jj\ 

( C I^JI) C ^I 

to hurry, hasten, rush, dash, Jj»c i ollw- L-»- :f>i<l 
run, speed, mend one's pace, make haste; to 
quicken, be or become quick or fast or rapid 

faster, quicker, more <tj- jS\ t *s.j~. jZS\ 'fjm\ 

supersonic, ultrasonic Oj-aJI ^ f-^-l 

_. * ■ - - . * . 

as soon as 


to waste, squander, dissipate, lavish, spend jl. :L»^« 
lavishly or wastefully 

to exceed the proper jJL i jjlau t i>^j I : ci^ll 
bounds or limits, go too far, go to extremes, be 

(J™*"* C - J J p-r"' J ' Cr^-*i " f.r"r 


\ ."\ 

omission, leaving out, skip- i_»i»- i JUi-J : JaliLj 
ping, elimination, cancellation, dropping, exclu- 
deduction, subtraction -rja : J»lill 

denaturalization <~J. J- 1 J»lilJ 

abortion, miscarriage i>r^' J»l*~J 

waiver, forgoing, disclaimer, dropping, jil J»lilj 
renunciation, giving up, relinquishment 

shooting down, downing 5jjU> Jalill 

projection [(.r^J <-.u* J J»lill 

projective Itr^j <-j-l» J (-ilalJ 

projective geometry iltlill <LjL* 



to drop, let fall, tumble 

to overthrow, topple, bring down 

to down, shoot down 

to deduct, subtract 

to omit, leave out, skip, i_»j»- i Jicl i Jlil : Jul I 
eliminate, cancel, drop, exclude 

to fail, flunk i_-Lj :ol*f«l j 

to denaturalize, deprive of uSi V-Jr- 


to waive, forgo, disclaim, drop, 4i»- 

renounce, give up, relinquish 

to nonsuit; to quash; to drop, *JJ (J>cjJI 

to abort, cause to 
have an abortion 

to miscarry, abort 
to project 


(Joja) hpJL>\ 

%ij\ : iaiL/l 

yj {J? ]<«■.. 1 

bishop, prelate 
archbishop, primate, metropolitan 
episcopal; pontificial 
episcopate, bishopric, diocese, see 
to sicken, make sick or ill 

-^0-»-i ; I^l^p- (J-j-l i;-^- 1 

•■• 1 

f>-b J 


ere, J 


oneself, demean oneself 
to skim, pass lightly or L >ju. ^ U'j : ^Jl 
rapidly along a surface, glide or skip along (above, 
near) a surface 

to look sharply at, stare at, gaze at <JJ ^LJI ljL.1 

regret; sorrow, grief <Ju 

Lji-jl) Lj ioli-.H_j ilx>I |_)Xj i (_ji-.ll >i> t (_ji-.>J 
unfortunately; regrettably; alas, what a pity, (it's) 
too bad, woe, wellaway 

sorry; regretful; sad uLJ iuL 

sorry! I am sorry! excuse !(_*-. I ,jl !(_*-. I U !i_i-l 
me! pardon me! 

spinach (oLj) ruliLj ir-LLiLj 

to result in, cause, produce, _^iil i i_jj»-l :,jc _^iJ 
create, give rise to, bring about; to yield, bring 
forth; to show, reveal, disclose, uncover, unveil, 
manifest, evince 

tan(ned); sunburned, sunburnt, sunstruck, *i-.l 

scorched, singed, scalded, charred; melanous 

lower, inferior, sub-; bottom, ^ jl i ,JjL. : Jiwl 


bottom, foot, tail, Je 
base, lower part 

asphalt, blacktop 

i dljj c ,Jj i t i_-oO : Ji-I 



spongy; sponge; porous 


white lead, ceruse £•' 

wedge, cotter; peg ijil*, 

cuneiform lf'*&« 

dropping, tumbling, tumble pUJl : J?IaL 

overthrow(ing), topple, toppling j i»-U>l : i>lill 



zzA ^&z 

to harrow, drag 



1 U°J 

as we have just (already, previously, UiLI US' 

formerly) said or mentioned, as we have said (or 

mentioned) earlier or before 

-- .« . s . s - .-. * 

to insert in, introduce in, *!*■ jl : *,«ill J i { Ji\ oLLI 

put in, stick into 

to thread a needle, pass a J^^l («~) j J»lil tilL.1 
thread through (the eye oO a needle 

to string, bead or thread Jali- j (*JJ j^l-l) iilL.1 
on a string 

to embrace Islam, profess Islam, (•^-)"j £#•& : nil' 

become a Moslem 

.>* • ' »i *^ •* *'• * 
to resign oneself to (the til JJ (<_ii jl)o^«l Jl-I 

will oO God, commit oneself to God, recommend 

one's soul to God, submit to God 

-'. ', ,•-'-,'.* 

£ p-ij-Jil; .(Ji) r !i «(Ji) jij :(J.i) pill 


to betray, sell out; to desert, Ji»- njl»- : J-1 1 


to give up the ghost, breathe one's oL : *-j Jl Jl-I 
last, die, pass away 

style; way, method, procedure, Jail i iij^t :i_>^L,l 
technique; manner, mode, fashion, pattern 

style, diction, (rJJ <_jJul ciJbSCJI ( j^JJl) v^-' 
wording, expression, phraseology, phrasing, 


name; appella- 111 
tion, designation 

noun, substantive 

il W 


name, reputation, repute, stand- 
ing, credit, prestige 
demonstrative pronoun 

first name, Christian jj^il J. I i JW-- jl Jj' 
name, given name 

noun in apposition Jjl 

ojli.1 ~> 



goodwill i — -j^ 1 4 ., .„v . C i i*J i S^^ :(ijU«J «! 
trade name, <4> jl i -j^ jl iS"^ ^1 , iijL«J .». 

Jj^i» tijjw <iU-» :(ij*iL«] 




bung ^U^^JI,! Silo- :Jj15C1i 

silencing, gagging, muzzling o ISC I 

shoemaker, cobbler <_ilsCl 

housing, lodging, accommodation, quartering, OlSCll 



to silence, hush, quiet, shut up, gag, muzzle cSLt \ 

silence! quiet! be quiet! hush! sh! mum! !o£ll 

sketch *.r<".. ' 

to intoxicate, inebriate, make drunk jSiL* <dii- :'jSiLi\ 

threshold, doorstep; sill; lintel ( jildl jl c^Ul) iiSCl 

seaport, port, harbor, haven ^L^ iSifCj 

to house, lodge, put up, accommodate, <j jl : jid I 
quarter, domicile 

bung ^U^jJI i_.i*,l SjIju :lj$L.l 

i_il$L-l ««-lj-tj^5wl 

iiiCi «»-lj - iiySwl 

to sharpen, point, tip jo»- i i_J j : JL I 

rush (oLi)Jlil 

l_JL. «-lj - (i_JL. U ijJut) oiLI 

Islam ^^1)11^1:^)1 

* >... ^ .>- 1 ju^Ij — ^LiLli t s-yjj*- :*jL-l 

Islamic Ir*^-'! 

islamics oll«5Lj 

thorn, spike iS"^. :SJlJ 

point, tip i_i_>J» i ^Ij : il_l 

* ^ », .-, » 

tip of the tongue oL-JJI ^Ij :iL-l 

., '., ,- •*, .' .-- < 

barb, hooked hair or bristle iiyu>* oLi oyii. :il—l 

to subdue, subjugate, make tractable or (ojCi) ^JlJ 

\ .A 

brown, tan, tawny, brunet, dark, swarthy j*J 

auburn, reddish brown 


brownness, brown color; tan 

to make hear, let hear 

to insult, offend 

u*j 4juu»- : * t ■' 


(V— » • f *■" ' 

cement, concrete, portland cement 

reinforced concrete, ferroconcrete tJl— . c ...l 

nominal, titular, existing in Jaii (*-^li 4 t5>j : y***\ 
name only 

nominal [iJj (/?-! 




to stagnate, stink, become CLl jU> : j*\ i j*. 

stagnant, become stinking; to become brackish, 

to teethe, cut one's teeth, grow teeth aju-I c-i. 

to age, grow old, be ad- ,jJ>\ j ^ juL; 4 ^-li, : i _ r . . 
vanced in years 

older, elder; more aged, more advanced ll- JS\ : "j*, 
in years 

stagnant, stinking, brackish 

to flash (lightning) 

to shine, gleam, glisten, radiate 


attribution, ascription, imputation, 
tracing back 

entrustment, commit- <_/*)£ <■ <J»liJ 4 <-iJ^J : jLlj 
ment; vesting, investiture; commission(ing) 

predicative, predicate; attributive tSjULj 

. » > >' . 

dentition, teething oLl^l jj+k iOu-J 

to lean against or on, reclinej* *<j£o *i«r '■ J J JLLJ 
against or on, rest on, support on, prop on 

to attribute to, ascribe J] i_~J 4 J J \jc : J J jlL-I 
to, impute to, trace back to 

.- * * . - -. « 

1 jj,c : jL— I 

- • * 

^ ■ "Sft* 1 ■ffM'BfWKy'ffl-.-f: ■' A 

firm name, business name 
pet name 


elative, comparative and superlative 


3^ -_ •*. 






collective noun 

generic noun 

the 99 names (or attributes) of God (j/.J-l il^M 

family name, sur- jij-l —,1 4 IjJyi jl iL5UI _, 
name, last name 

proper noun, proper name 

concrete noun { j~t, _, 

active participle, nomen agentis, present Jcli _, 
participle; deverbative 

■ . -** 

pseudonym, i -Jj jl <j* ~J <. J -*"; ., jl jLJL-. — . 
anonym, alias, assumed name, nom de guerre; pen 
name, nom de plume 

abstract noun 

infinitive, verbal noun, nomen verbi 
nomen vicis 

passive participle, nomen patientis 
relative pronoun 
common noun 

lt~ r 

in the name of, on behalf of, in behalf of o^» *-\j 

in the name of God, Most pfjJ' t>»»" S" "^ p-* 
Gracious, Most Merciful 

anonymous; anonym 




Jf 'j-^J '(^* : (J*-' , 

higher, above; loftier, more exalted, ^Jttl 4 «j jl : ^»-il 
more eminent, more sublime; paramount, supe- 
rior, supreme; topmost, uppermost, top, upper 

making hear, letting hear 

-. - v.. 

tatters, rags, worn clothes 

(Ol) Jl^l 

to brown, tan, be (become, turn) 
brown or tan 

j>n 1 JU^ « J ft " 1 

(pattern, model) of; (just) as, (just) like, similar to 

> ^ 


to blacken, black, become (grow, 
turn) black or blacker 


black, Negro 
pupil of the eye 

■"\ ' ■ - I 

yf^J ■• 3 >-' 

coal-black, pitch-black, deep-black, 
jet-black, coaly, pitchy 

black market 

blackening, becoming black or blacker: 
blackness, black 

- t 

to be or become sad, grieved, unhappy, o>- : (— «l 
gloomy, distressed, sorry; to grieve, sadden, gloom, 
sorrow, feel sorrow, mourn 

exponential [oUelj]*_J 

exponential function [oUilj] XL, jl illlll 

Asia <L«J iLul 

Asia Minor (i^ilaJI il-l 

Myrtaceae (^M) ollJ 

sad, grieved, unhappy, down(cast), ,y,y>- : uLl 

gloomy, melancholic 

UjV i in 







prisoner, captive; captured, arrested 

prisoner of war, internee 


sorry; regretful; sad, grieved (»- 

smooth «clj i^fJL"! 'J--i 


J >»- Ji? ] 

■'T-' . 


■ :-l^'i^g:^:P?^" 

Asian, Asiatic 

to entrust to, j J»U i j oils' t_j <JJ j^i :J| lull 
commit to; to vest in or with; to commission (to 

to base on, rest on, ^c Lr l. I ( ^c ^ : J J lul I 
found on, ground on 

to predicate [ J^k;.. } iij] 111 

expatiation, elaborateness, enlargement, long- u> I4I I 
windedness, prolixity, verbiage, verbosity, wordi- 
ness, redundancy, circumlocution, periphrasis 

in detail, at length, lengthily, elaborately, vW-^ 

diarrhea ,llj'..l 

diarrheal , diarrheic, diarrhetic 'J 1^1 1 

to expatiate upon, elaborate on, enlarge ( j) ' j'-l 
upon, expand on, dilate on, dwell upon, discuss at 
length, speak at great length about, talk or write in 
detail about, develop or state in great detail 

to keep awake; to make sleepless . j,.. l 

vas deferens, ductus deferens [ ruj^J ] &* \ 

to purge; to loosen or relax the bowels, (^jJalJl) jj^ll 
relieve the constipated bowels 

to find easy, deem facile !5lil ai- j : <Ji- 1 

to have diarrhea, have a loose bowel movement, J4I1 
have a looseness of the bowels; to purge 

to give a share in C^l <ui il 3*r : j *l pill 

P«L p-lj -£jl» : p*—l 
worse 1^,1 

the worst 
at worst 

1, », . » 

cSyi»l vr'j — flii«.l :^^«il 
s ' 1 s ' -•! 

bracelet, armlet, bangle jl>~ ijl^ll 

example, pattern, model JL. t ojjj :5^,l 

along the lines of, following the example j 5^-1 

> > 

^s^^ ^z 

rumor, hearsay £uli> :ieLil 

■■ .' * * • * -' i' i 
spreading, circulation, putting pel j.u*» :4*lil 

into circulation, propagation, publication, dissem- 
ination; disclosure, revelation, revealing, divul- 

iib cr ij-(jJi tf^) Jb 

Jli. js-lj-J^a- 'Vj :JLl 
to mix, mingle, blend, combine »*»■ . JaJU- : i_»i 
to alloy o^util J»l*- :v^l 

5' 5 ' 3 - S'* 

t_**« ju^Ij — LJj ul— jUtf I '-■■> * I 

to alloy (j->l»il J»li»- :>-~il 

to sow dissension among, u i>»- <■ J— i 1 : .^..j t_^. I 
stir up discord among, set people against each 

satisfaction, gratification; v_1j 4l»- : fLi] 

supply(ing); satiation, filling 

saturation, soaking, soakage, «JLi c<_-jj-ZJ :pL^I 
impregnation; perfusion, suffusion 


to satisfy, gratify; to supply; to satiate, v-L *!»»■ 
sate, fill 

to saturate, soak, steep, v^r*' ' Vj- ' f*» : >?- ' 
drench, impregnate; to perfuse, suffuse, permeate 
(with a liquid, etc.) 

to charge with, load with 

~? J ** - * -? ^*" 

to treat exhaustively or £-><»>w j' ^■■•■■Jl ^1 

elaborately, write or speak fully or at great length 
about, set forth or develop in great detail 

to beat (up), wallop, sock, hit forcefully, L^J» «u*il 
beat severely, strike repeatedly 



more similar, more like, more resem- l^lt, ^5f I • / » , I 

(just) like, Oust) as, similar to j <ui, 1 

best man, groomsman ( ^jjjl) jcJil 

bridesmaid I ^-j^,.!!) *: . .*■ ! 

to enter upon winter 


hibernateoLUL eLjJI Jlai («.a.«l . c....... I t/J^I 


«Ll1II oL. , oLi.1 : tdi\ 

' - "~ 


^5 I jl jj. 

alloy j£\ jl ^jm ^ J»-i»- :<LUl 

to turn away (one's face (^ <^>-y jl <*»-j) rLl I 
from), avert (one's eyes from); to avoid, shun, 

to praise, commend, laud, Jc. ^1 :(ej£l> jl) j jlil 
eu'ogize, extol, celebrate; to give credit to, pay 
tribute to 

praise, commendation, laudation, 
extolment, eulogy 

► Li :(j) i'jLil 


■». ;- .. o y i j - .»..... „u :oi 

to make a sign or signal; to beckon; to Ujl : (<Jj) jLil 
signal, motion, gesticulate; to gesture, make a 

to indicate, show, point out, sug- J* 0-> : <JJ j^l 
gest, imply, be indicative or suggestive of, be a sign 
of, betoken, bespeak, signify, designate 

to hint at, allude to, insinuate, inti-JJ «ll : <JJ jLI 
mate, refer indirectly to, suggest indirectly, imply 

to mention, make mention of, refer £ i : J I ji. I 
to, make reference to, point out to, state, cite 

to counsel, advise, give advice to, *<**> : Jc jL I 
suggest to 

sign, mark, indication, Ssljl i Jaj i JJj i-CSi :<f)lil 
token, symbol, symptom; signal; insignia; motion, 
gesture, gesticulation 

check »JJ j-jtjj J» L^ ul ^ *-■>£ :»jlij 

hint, allusion, intimation, insinuation -■ i*" : ojlij 

mention(ing), reference (to), referring j£)> : ijC.\ 
(to), pointing out (to), stating, citing, citation 

traffic light, traffici-jj^i ojli.1 i jj^il jl ^^Ul SjLI 

time signal o»>JI ( ,!»'■,•>) SjLI 

demonstrative pronoun ojlil J-l 

to rumor; to spread, circulate, put ^ . «• I il : p Li I 
into circulation, publicize, propagate, dissemi- 
nate, publish, make public; to disclose, reveal, 
divulge, make known 

J-H.'.-'i I 

\ U 


heightening, increase, buildup; strengthening; 

to buy, purchase «- L> I : ti^ii I 

*'-r jf 'j ' 

stipulation, stipulating 



gs-> Jf 'j "urrJ'^' 0- '£^ ^U-" 1 ! 



^"/ p'^r" 


participation, sharing, communion, taking ^"^ 
part; contribution; subscription; partnership, asso- 
ciation; copartnership; co-ownership, coparcenary, 
community; jointness; part, role 

complicity (*£>»- j) &\j~-\ 

together with, jointly with, in con- «_• &\ j^,H\i 
junction with, in concert with, in association with, 
with the participation of, with 

subscription rate; participation fee &\j^.H\ J-u 
complications oLiiLa-. :&\&\j~. 

socialist, socialistic (<*«o) (jf '^ 




state socialism 

Utopian socialism 

to stipulate, provide, state (specify, impose) as .i^lil 
a condition, make a condition 

to legislate, make laws; to enact(rJJ 0>lii) jj— '-fj^ 
or pass (a law) 

to participate (in), share (in), take part («_• 4 j) &JJi\ 
(in), partake (in or of), engage (in); to contribute 
(to); to subscribe (to); to enter into partnership 
(with), be or become a partner (of) or partners 
(with), associate (with), affiliate (with); to join, 

ignition, burning, combustion, inflammation, JLoLil 
being on fire, bursting into flame 

combustible JL^^UJjli 

to flame, inflame, blaze, burn, ignite, catch fire, Jilil 
take fire, start burning, be on fire, be afire, be 



i. :Jt iLil 

to be (become, get) angry with, Jc 
cross with, furious at, mad at 

to long for, yearn for, hanker after, pine ( Jj) SLil 
for, hunger for, thirst for, die to, burn to; to crave, 
desire, desiderate; to miss 

clash, fight(ing), engagement, <Sj>- t JU» : d)LJ»l 
combat, battle 

hand-to-hand fight(ing), grapple, jlki : dlQil 
scuffle, brawl, melee, quarrel 



-liLL; :d)Uil 


dJUi^l(^J ji)dU 

suspicion, doubt(fulness), dubiosity, tili. 


dubiosity, uncertainty, ambiguity, ,^-LJI :»Ljil 
equivocalness, equivocation, confusion, obscurity 

to clash, fight, combat, battle, JJtiu i LijlsJ : lilliAl 
engage in battle, be or become involved or engaged 
in war, make war 

to come to blows, come to j>- LU 4 «_jj Lai : liLii I 
grips, grapple, engage in hand-to-hand fighting, 
brawl, fight, quarrel, scuffle, strike one another 




to suspect, doubt, be Si. :\oja\ J jl j jl j) ' " * I 
suspicious (of), be in doubt (about), distrust, 

> .«. 

jj,^i\ kXc <ut v* I , - <Cii ^^ 



to interlace, intertwine, lilJlij i jjillu 

intertwist, interweave, mesh 

to intensify, 



i ^J^n '.' .1 1 4 *>- ■% /■ '- ■■ I : . 

heighten, increase, grow, build up, strengthen; to 
become aggravated; to be or become strong(er), 
severe(r), (more) intense, (more) serious 

to become strong, powerful, <jy : socL jiil 

vigorous, robust 

to attack, assail, li-U t Jt 3*»- : G-^0 J* J^-l 

assault, charge, raid, bear down upon, fall upon, 

rush upon 

* r* • • • • * 

intensification, Jit i J1.-hA.v.,..I i ^ISTy:,.! : jlaiil 

r;v, ," 

\ \r 

J [JlLSi 1 


heterosexuality jjLiil 2ltf-^ 

homosexuality Jjuil Sl^J 

to be or become famous, well-known, jt^>\ i^^lij 
renowned, celebrated; to be or become known, 
current, common, widespread 

Oyl> AJflj — til****' 

to grieve, sadden, make sad 
to worry, trouble, disquiet 
to move, touch, impassion 
to grieve, sadden, make sad 

to sadden, grieve 

U>-1 : (j»*-' 



. -» ' s, - • * 

.1 : 

«Jf lj — j*U*1 

to return, send back 

Jj«m «jj-lj — rtl»- t ^j— :JLAmiI 
, , ^ ^„ , ^ • * 

, , < - ~ • * 

stronger, more powerful; more cjLc 1 1 LSji I : Jui I 
intense, more violent, severer, harder, greater, 
more serious, more drastic, tougher; worse 

extremely, exceedingly, excessively, u>5o l* '■& I 
highly, greatly, very (much), too, most, to the 
greatest or highest degree 

,,' ,----.»—•* 

to saw (wood, etc.) (-JJ i_-^i-l) ^ :jJil 

to notch, indent, jag, incise 

to be lively, joyful, cheerful, exuberant; to t-j* : j* I 
exult, rejoice; to frolic, have fun, make merry 

"m i ••' -'M 
,. , ., * « 

to mark, check off, put a mark on; to ~. j : ( ( ^*-)^S. I 
stamp; to sign; to endorse officially 

to visa, give or grant a visa to ( ji—J I j\y? J*) _p I 
(a passport) 

liveliness, joy(fulness), cheerfulness, frolic, ^y> : j-il 
fun, merrymaking 

lively, joyful, jovial, merry, cheerful, exu- r^ '.ji>\ 
berant, frolicsome 

to crane one's neck, stretch (out) *a^c ju : ol^l 


ablaze, be aflame, be in flame(s), burst into flame(s) 

to flame with rage, blaze with anger, L«ai. J*^i 
flare up, inflame, burn, rage, fly off the handle 

his hair turned white or gray Lli, <u.l j Jl^M 

» > • > • 

syntactical regimen, government (of a [ij] JU^i.1 
word by another) 

to work; to toil, labor; to function J^J. : J«ui] 

to run, (jJld^l jiiftlOjLi^:^! 

operate, work, function, be in operation; to start 
up, start running 

to act upon, affect, produce an effect £ I : <J Ji^i I 

to drink up, drain, empty 

to examine or study thoroughly, 
scrutinize, delve into 

4JL5 <> wi 

■ i^" - 1 

/jLhm« I *J^ 1 J ~ ■ j^ ■■■ - — I 

to derive (a word, a chemical compound, ^ ^lil 
etc.) from 

derivation; etymology; metaplasm jjliiiil 

etymology Jli^i^l »Lc 

derivational; derivative; etymological; meta- jylilil 

(^1) jXil prlj-^il ifcSll) JS^il 

(^ a»-Ij — <»«l_pi J^j • (>*— '; 

j ^ t * * vr*lj — J ^. a j l . > : j (J ■ tT mI 

to desire, wish, crave (for), lust, hunger for, 


hanker after, long for, yearn for; to feel appetite for 


\ \r 


^* i 

to shine, radiate, beam, gleam, 

zLil : ij^S.1 

to radiate, irradiate, light up, brighten, a»-^JI j^.1 
flash up 

to make a partner (in), take into part- ( j li"ii ) df^il 
nership (in), take as partner (in), give a share (in) 

to be or become a polytheist 
having a disfigured nose 

-ill d^ii 
(iliji) r ^i 

Jai. x>- 1 j — Jail 

-}«,-- - 1 ,* f 

to radiate, eradiate, irradiate, i»il j^j ( gUil :*il 
shine, beam, emit rays, send out beams 

to diffuse, emit, spread, disperse, j'ji , ^ti : li. I 

notification, notice, note, information, jlki-l :jl*i] 

advice, warning, reminder, declaration 

delivery note JLJ jl»il 

credit note ^ 

debit note ^^jUL) 

until further notice, sine die, indefi- >■! jl«il ^yi- 
nitely, for an indefinite period (of time) 

radiation, radiance, eradiation, irradiation, flail 

nuclear radiation 
radiation sickness 

£l«L^I SI J 

Ui^L iUl^l 

radiant, radiative, radiational, radio; radio-, ^-cUi! 

<■ ..-■». i 

radioactive, radio-, radi- ilicUl jl J.LJI J^tLil 
radioscopy yp^! Ji^ 

radiant energy, radiation, radio-, radi- i^cLil iilU 
radiology ^cl«il Lwt 

radio astronomy J-cLi^l liUill Ac 

i • ■>*'*> 

radiotherapy i*cL^,l iaJU* 

* • *i , •' * - - 
radioactivity i-cl»ij "0*1* '<jf^-J -^^ 

radioisotope, radioactive JjILJI ^cl»il jyki 


radiance, radiancy; radioactivity <ucl»il 

one's neck, perk up 

conditioned, conditional 

conditioned response 

ill, I 


lJUJL p-lj-jlji^l (tjljil 

pervision, superinten- SjQ ' V"'^ :(Jc)(Jljil 
dence, oversight; control(ling); direction, man- 
agement, running 

command; scope of (£|J j-*^.) J^i,J :(J*),jl^l 
view ' s * 

nearness, closeness 

r> ' ^J :(J*)<Jl 


radiance, brilliance, brightness, shine, shining, Jlji I 
luminosity; vividness 





to soak, saturate, impregnate, 

.viu t a^< I : <_* ^ I 

to infuse, imbue; to Lr iJI _jl y*JJI j ^-ji- : v^"' 

inculcate, instill, (im)plant, (in)fix; to indoctrinate 

* *' ** ********* 

Tjr" rf?'j ~ °*>r ->' °j j '« o r^*"' 

,-' * 

- — * *» t 

to open _ii :p»il 

~ ' ~ -5' ~S- * ** * 

£_*r" £?"'j -JJ ~ "-^.V : fy2.l 

to supervise, oversee, jbl i jib n-ilj :<J*. LijJil 
superintend, watch over; to control; to direct, 
manage, run 

to overlook, command, dominate, jl> I : J*. L»^» I 
tower over, overtop, look down upon 

to be near to, close to, on t__. jli .^ bj : <J*. t_»^.l 
the verge of, on the brink of, at the point of, about 
to; to approach, approximate 

nobler; more honorable; more honest; more (J^i I 

upright, more straightforward, more righteous 

to rise; to shine [ ■ M l o.) djil 

hi hi i 

I # 

upon, share the sorrow of, sympathize with 

to fear for, be anxious y j»- <. <-»U- : Jc J^ii I 

about, worry about, be concerned about; to care 

for, look after, take care of 

to be or become afraid of, jJj- i i_»U- : ^ J^ I 

scared of, frightened by; to beware of, be cautious 

of, guard against 

to make unhappy, miserable, Lii. *i*>- i ( _ r -J I : Jti> ' 

wretched; to distress 

-• t 
blond, fair; fair-haired; fair-complexioned jjii, I 

paradox; problem; crux; ambiguity, equivocal- JlSLi) 
ity, dubiosity; difficulty, complexity, complication, 

to be or become dubious, doubt- ^r—JJ : (j-'^l) J*-i' 
ful, uncertain, ambiguous, equivocal, obscure, 
vague, intricate, hard, difficult, problematic, 

J^ jr'j ~ Jr 1 ' 
" - j ' * 

■ * 

> > i JUi] 

. 4 > , , i 

lighting, kindling, ignition, inflaming, inflam- JUiJ 
mation; burning, setting on fire, setting fire to 

l~~ jr'j ' 

proud, disdainful, supercilious, haughty iJ^I : jv-1 

„•- * 
honorable; noble; highborn (Cji" : ^ 

high, lofty, towering Jlc : 


to be disgusted (by, oD, be nauseated (by), (^J jUij 
be sick (oD, feel disgust (at, for), revolt (at, against), 
detest, loathe 

disgust, nausea, revulsion, aversion, jl^i*i] 

repugnance, detestation, loathing 
disgusting, nauseating, sickening, Jl jJL^>J ju. 
repulsive, repugnant, loathsome, detestable, shock- 

to cause to rejoice at or gloat j c . . *_■ *1*»- : j c« « . * « I 
over the misfortune of 
to be sunny (day) (pill) <_,«*£ I 

iL-lji iifii tu -fi ilii 

a •*. 'a «. -•«■*» « 

iliJ^l i^l cUli^l 

ifjui i^'^i < iL 
ilntji il-^i < ilk 

'a < 

I ili'^1 c lU- )\ £U lL\ 


OM Jl S 




alpha rays 

beta rays 

delta rays 

gamma rays 

infrared rays 

ultraviolet rays 

cosmic rays 

radiography, roentgenography, skia- ixijl _#>-*> 

X-ray photograph, radio- <ui jL <>j>*3 i i«il ijy 
graph, radiogram, roentgenogram, roentgeno- 
graph, skiagram, skiagraph 

unkempt, disheveled, tousled, rumpled, shaggy, ijii I 

to notify, give notice to, apprise, r s-\ <. Ja±-\ : ^*il 
inform, advise, forewarn 

,a > - -• * 

hairy, hirsute, shaggy _^i)l j^ : jjtil 

' ■' -« \ 

1 iiy "Ut.1 

a .-, "•» * 



to light, kindle, ignite, inflame, enkindle; to 
burn, set on fire, set fire to 

to light a cigarette 


to strike a match 
to turn on, switch on 

to vacate, leave unoccupied 

, t , ,• t 

* > • ( 

l^iU, o_,J :^iuii 

to be on the verge of, q* >->y^\ <■ ^c iJ^I : J^ ^jiil 
on the brink of, at the point of, about to, close to, 
near to 

a ii a r.i jt>- 1 j — <*^-j tO*-^- *(3W»i| 

fear, fright; worry, anxi- jjj- i p^>- ( i-»^»- . Jjliil 
ety, concern; care, caution 

to pity, feel pity for, commiserate, » ahr. : J^ Jiil 
compassion, feel compassion for, have mercy 



, - , , 

to have, eat; to J»-i iJjL; :(»JJ fQall ^.) LC»I 


to befall, afflict, hit, J jjlai- i _, j^i- ( LUi I : L>C» I 

strike, attack, affect, come over, come upon, 

happen to, occur to 

to infect with; to commu- lSj-uj jl u^j-h <-•*■«'»' 
nicate to, transmit to, pass along to ' 

to be stricken by, hit by, attacked by, _, '__•»' 

smitten by, afflicted with, befallen by, affected by, 
infected by; to suffer, sustain, undergo, experience; 
to catch, contract, incur, be or become liable or 
subject to 
goal, score; hit <_»j» :<bC«l 

hitting (a target); scoring (a goal, a hit, (<_>ja) iJCal 


accident; case iJjU- :iitUl 

injury, wound, trauma 



\Jo j*J y * • *& j* 4jU^I 

infection; attack; illness, 
sickness; case 

i ' ' i '' '' 
affliction, befalling, hit- Oyas- <. Ot'j < Oy^- :i?U»l 

ting, striking 

casualties, losses y'Cs- :oL>Cal 

industrial accident, occupational acci- Jlc <.C»I 
dent, accident of labor 

to listen to, hearken to 
lend or give one's ear to 

originality; authenticity, genuineness; reality, i!C<s 
truth; excellence, goodness, distinction; purity of 
origin, nobility of descent, pedigree 

judiciousness, sagacity, prudence tS\J\ *iuo\ 

1 «^JL-I :<lj] jl <l »-Ce I 

personally, in one's own name, on 
(or in) one's own behalf 



*j'u jj-ij-aCtfi 

to become, come to be, grow, turn ol 1 jLo :?w>l 
(into); to be; to get or come to a point where, reach 
a stage where 

to enter upon morning 

j-LJUl j ,Jj- j : 7*-*o\ 

to wake up, awaken, waken, awake; jm— .1 ; 7v rf " 
to get up, rise 

to come to light, show, emerge, j\j 1 ^i : 7«lUl 
surface; to be or become clear, evident, manifest, 


«m -.■>■:•■ ■:■•:■-■'.■■■..' ■■ =.,i*S"iV' ' ■..■:■-■■" . w -.-:' : r-iJ 

hag, crone, old woman 

>lni*. j>*ȣ 

*•'* 1 S .'*l 


,_rt>j :6Lii 

glasswort, saltwort 

(oLj) Joj>- :oL^I 

moss, lichen, alga 

(oU) cil 

o»li. »j>-Ij -(a»L Uj^) jljjil 

attestation; certification jljil 

declaration, announcement, proclama- o>*-\ :jljil 
tion, promulgation, revealing, revelation 

gray lSjCj :i_4£l 

to call to witness, call (upon) as a witness j+i, I 

' ' '• - ' 1 

- -' --»,'.«„•» 

more famous, more renowned, moreS^ _p I :^l 
celebrated, more eminent, more illustrious 

having bluish-black eyes 



bold, courageous, brave, *lji. 1 pL^i, 1 nSj*- ■ly^ 
valiant, daring, adventurous, venturesome 


J-^ : a">-' 

white, gray, grayish-white, hoary, griz- (^) <-~£l 
zled, grizzly 

white-haired, white-headed, gray- \ iJ a*ii.) <-«-£. I 
haired, gray-headed, hoary 

ace t-jU'lll tyuu j j»-Ij :o>l 

to hit (a target); to score (a goal, a hit, (lijt) ljLo\ 

-s -* - ,' % 

to be right, be in the right, say i_jl^aJL> <y I '.^1^1 
or do the right thing, be correct; to hit the mark, 
hit the nail on the head 

to get, obtain, acquire, 


[ 1^., ||,S ( . 

gain, win, earn, reap, harvest; to attain, achieve, 
accomplish, realize; to incur, bring upon oneself 

www •i< r vm»-' l .j. w wmgzmwm. 

pronouncement, rendition, yi^* p^*" j' JUtf ! 
rendering, delivering, passing, handing down, 
giving (of a judgment, verdict, sentence, decision, 

issue, issuance, giving (of an order) ( j^l) jl-w»J 

, * •, 
bankofissue j\j*oH\ iiL> 

date of issue jIju<»)II £<jt 

to release, discharge, issue, £>-! t ,_>U>I < J-jl : jjusl 
emit, emanate, send out, give off or forth, let off 

to publish, release, bring out, put ^JJ LllS" j.w»l 
out, issue, produce, make (a book, etc.) 

jJJ yL. oljlyr jl f-flj^ J 1 olxL. jl Ijyu j-ual 

to issue, emit (paper money, bonds, stamps, 

passports, etc.) 

to pronounce, pass, deliver, uL»i Lx*- j-w»l 

hand down, give, render (a judgment, verdict, 

sentence, decision, ruling); to decide, judge, rule, 

find (for) 

to issue, give (an order); to order, com- I j^l j.w»l 

mand, direct, dictate 

» < 

to issue a statement (communique, £lj UL j-w»l 

declaration, etc.) 

^ c»ju<» ^-Ij-^ ii^ i^ (JjusI 

to fix a dower forl%]. (Ulki-I jl) li yl* :i\J.\ jjuaI 

a woman; to dower, endow, give a dower to a 


to insist on; to press, urge, impor- j-£ t ^J I : Jc j.^1 

tune, besiege; to persist in 

to determine (to), resolve (to), ^> <. ^jt : ^- j-*\ 

make up one's mind (to), decide (to); to intend (to), 

purpose (to) 

''■'■\ '" \ 

. { . « 

^»1 ffr'j 

covenant, compact, agreement, pact, xis. <. a** :^| 

bond, tie 

load, burden 

sin, offense; guilt 

punishment; penalty 

insistence, importunity, pressing,-u. 
urging, urgency, urge; persistence 

L-o J ' 

- •••■ • i 

: . C UI:^ 

Af.i..«i» ff | l ■■ n ■ - - - — ! 

finger, digit (xJl) £~e] 

toe, digit ( f-^0 £-*»J 

digit £**?" !>>->*; trW^ : £*°\ 

finger *ilt- J-j>j jl £-")" V-rf ^^ 'j^- ] 

hand, part, role j-U> i->j ' jj ^ : j-^J 

stick jJJ jiiCill ji c~.ll a)I ji li^il Cr« £~»J 

key, digital 



jjj jjui ji ^i j^i 

to wake (up), awaken, waken, awake, Jiiul : <j9«^l 
rouse (from sleep) 

chapter (of the Holy Scriptures) ^Uw»l t^lavaj 

to widen, broaden, expand; to be or j— jl : jjvol 

become wide, spacious, vast 

sandy, of the color of desert sand (ujUO j**-o^ 

* - \ '- '! i- • 1 
raucous, hoarse, husky, throaty, (ji»-l ' £?' : J*- 5 ' 

gruff t< 

to close, shut Jp^l:j^sl 

^r'j - JV" 


to close, shut 

to rust, make rusty, corrode 

lj-aj aLc>- : iJufl' 

to echo, reverberate, resound, <i-uaJI jj>-jI :iio«al 

resonate, reecho, rebound 

reverberation, echo, reecho, resonance fl-usj 

release, releasing, r}j^\ ' (3^*! ' J^-*j) : j'- 1- '] 

discharge, issue, issuance, emission, emanation, 
sending out 

publication, publishing, release, (jJJ y^) j 1 -^*! 
releasing, issue, issuance, bringing out, putting out, 
production, producing, making (of a book, etc.) 
(wlj jL. ol jlyr jl j^l>^ J 1 oIjl- jl j>ii) jt-w>l 
issue', issuance (of paper money, bonds, stamps, 
passports, etc.) 


' rrr:-. : - ..-■■■■ .— ■■ . ". " : VW" .. ■ . ' » » v - ^ > 

queue (up), fall in, stand in formation, be lined up, 

be aligned 

to choose, select, pick out, cull ^J, \ ( j[^- 1 : »k'- 1 

selection, choosing, choice, »U£l ijQ»-l : elLialal 

picking out, pick, culling 

natural selection; selection (J ». -jy ilikLsl 

selective, eclectic 


a . i^Ja^o 

to flap, flutter 


to chatter 

(il-All oj tiii^ 

to knock, shake, tremble 

(j\zZ'j\ e~)A&\ 

to warm oneself 

UoJ' iyikuJ 

convention, conventionality, tradition, lJjc- : r-iLLol 
usage, practice, custom, consuetude, habit 

conventional, traditional, formal, ij 1 ,^ ' -^k^l 
customary, habitual, common, usual 

idiomatic; technical 



rJLaj iuflj — p- olxi 

to agree on, accept, adopt 

->i»^l sjLt 

to pluck out, tear out, pull out,J«i>U-l 4 %LS I : JlL^I 
pull up by the roots, uproot, deracinate, root up, 
root out, eradicate, extirpate, exterminate 

synthesis, synthesizing 4,..^,\J1 Jj^kll, ,-Ljl -c l- U „ l 

» ■' ifll A*" I J — » ■' ifll I>Q ! C- ' ■' U.yml 

artificiality ilcLJilsl 

to order (to be made), com- 

to synthesize 

i'.'^Jl JJI'jlll ' "' 

g- 1 '" 

aJ-oj *>• \ j — L_ilt>o t *-^oj 

summering, summer vacationing, (a)estiva- cJLJal^l 

to be or become difficult, hard ujuo '-_- jig 1 

•>» «.■ ■ * .-." »- »>», - . 1 

~~- - 

j i^i' 4 |»_^t : ji^^j 

determination, resolution, re 

solve, decision, purpose, intention, intentness, will 

bond, tie; relation(ship),ii}lp liLlj :(j-»ljl r-) i'^T 

-5- - - ". * --.* , , . t 

to fish in troubled waters _^CJI *Ul J jU»I»I 

to summer (at), (a)estivate (at), pass or (_,) L»U»lel 
spend the summer (at) 

to have (take, eat) break- ^lllaJI ^lll> 3jU :tu1Lo\ 
fast, to breakfast 

y t ..,.a. r . „ . I »>lj — fLol 1 ly i . „a.» jijl :» I Ji > tfl 

to be dyed, tinted, tinged, col- OjIj i • : r- ■ ■' ; V- I 
ored, painted, tinctured; to be pigmented 

stable, barn J'.V^ I 


- 1— lUJa^l 

' (— iImJ^I 

collision, clash, impact, bump, hit, ^ Iki jl : »ljJaIol 

encounter, clash, shock, battle, dJUil :»IjlLw>I 
combat, fight(ing), conflict 

to collide (with), clash (with), (_>) pj jl : (_,) » 'iV-. l 
run (into), bump (against), strike (against), bang 
(against), knock (against), hit (against) 

to clash, encounter (in ^jjjl 4 iillj^.1 : >jlLw>I 

battle), come into conflict, fight, combat, battle, 
engage in battle 

storax (oL) S[^o\ 

to line up, align, Li^> J (Ua^jl jl) i_juj :LiJa^l 


\ \A 

- - ■ 


to root, found, give <iy i o-J i Lj15 ^L»l *J J*r : J-e' 
a firm foundation (to); to consolidate, make 

to establish the origin of 

origin, source 


basis, foundation 


- « . » 

genesis o>*- 

descent, lineage, stock, ancestry, pedi 
gree, parentage, extraction 

cause, reason <_«-.: J** I 

theoriginal (i»»_J jl (_jI^J) J-»il 

originally, at first, initially, primari- J^"5ll j i ^L»l 


not at all, by no means, (ij-^) tli i Uii :%e\ 
absolutely not, not in the least, never 
principles, rules, fundamen- jtcly i «(5^C> : Jj-»l 

tals, elements, basics, essentials, rudiments 

n > ,- t i 
proprieties, decencies, eti- dJ^LJl i_>ljl :J>ol 

quette, rules of decorum or conduct 

ancestors, forefathers, fore- *»>-l : L) ajJj\ J>ol 
bears, grandfathers, primogenitors, progenitors, 

properly, tjyo^i liij i 6yo Ml (J* ' J>>» *' i_— j- 
according to rules, in conformity with regulations 
or principles 

,- . > tit' 

Li U»» J^""' o>>l* 


assets and liabilities 

cr 1 


to put into fire, consume J^l i jUI aJ^-jI : jlel 
with fire, burn, make burn, set on fire 

to warm, heat ,^it~. : (^Uo I 

reform, reformation; repaiKing), reparation, r^»] 
fixing; mending, overhaul(ing), restoration, recon- 
ditioning; correction, emendation, making right, 
setting right, rectification, adjustment, reme- 
dy(ing), redress(ing), making good, making up for; 
improvement, amelioration, betterment 


-- ■ 

to find difficult, find hard 

more difficult, harder; more ardu- *?>**» j£ ' 

ous, tougher; more complicated, more complex 

to lift (up), uplift, raise, ele- j*~a> Alii- i «jj : 
vate, make ascend 

aJU** jA*0 *j»-Ij— oJu»- jX43 

torticollar, wry- i-i^l j *Ij ^»j _^J<»Hj c_jLo» -.jjus 

to listen to, hearken to, give or lend one's J] ^yuo 

ear to, pay attention to 

listening; attention f \jLo 

j*~0 «*-lj— JJUO 

smaller, littler; younger; junior; minimum, jiu3 


the smallest, the littlest; the youngest >^>^l 

the heart and the tongue 

caper (^Ly) uLel 

. '• * -, « 

^Lo £j>-lj - J (>>!»- 1 : J ,jiu?l 

(blood) transfusion f jJI Ju : jliujl 

to empty, void, vacate 

61 Jua^l 

'• « , - . f 

' . * - i'» 

to yellow, become (turn, grow) yel- yuo\ jL*:^Lel 
low; to pale, become (turn, grow) pale or pallid 

yellow; xanthic, xanth-, xantho; pale, pallid, ji^o\ 


yellow fever, yellow jack 

yellow race 

cholera \'ji£ :>UMl i\'^k\ 

saffron and gold l^i-o J I 

barracuda, spet (<iL— ) ^^iuol 

>>, * , , , , i » 
to be firmly rooted, firmly established <Ju>l jw.j :J-«I 

to be of noble origin, J^^l ^^ ol^ • J-»l 


J^ 1 

\ \"\ 


to deafen, make deaf 

to be or become deaf 



solid, hard 

massive il lj>=* "ll iiL C^. tJi^L* i o.'n.« : 1*j I 

irrational, surd [oUilj]l*jl 

endocrine [ «L»-I J jlji)ll jULL :_ol 

endocrine gland, ductless gland 

to silence, hush, quiet, shut up oS— 

i c.i .d.» : ~ol 

< , - . 



i" \ ' ' ' * 

^■L*^ ! r*^A^I 

to exude gum 


reddish, russet; blond, fair (ujJJI ) 

more correct; more apposite, more apropos, ^yo\ 
more relevant, more pertinent, apter, more to the 

woolly, wooled; fleecy U^>l 

proper, regular, in accordance Jyoyi ,_ylk. O>o' 
with the rules, conforming to regulations or 

legist, jurisprudent, jurist, schol- JlmJii :^l>*>l 
ar, expert 


bedpan; potty, pot, chamber pot, ij^j : u a~*o\ 


original; of pure origin, of noble origin, high- J-. a I 
born, wellborn, pedigreed, purebred, thorough- 
bred, full-blooded, of full blood, of good breed; 
genuine, authentic; pure, true, real, pristine, un- 
touched, uncopied; inherent, intrinsic, fundamen- 

late afternoon, time o_^llj j-a*}\ ^ cJij '-iSrf^ 

before sunset 

principal; constituent [ Oy \i ] J_^> I 

• 3k I 

-3k I 

land reform; agrarian reform, agrari 


reformative, reformatory, reformational 

reform; remedial 

reformatory, house of correction, work- 
house, borstal; penitentiary 

to draw, unsheathe, pull out <_...■»., 

boa, python i'j^S { Ji\ :"i!La\ 

to repair, fix (up), mend, overhaul, make whole, wile I 
restore (to good condition), recondition, rebuild; to 
reform; to reclaim; to make right, set right, put 
right, right, correct, emend, amend, remedy, 
rectify, adjust, put in order; to redress, make good, 
make up for; to improve, ameliorate, better, make 

to reconcile, conciliate, make peace ,^J_j -*Lo \ 
between, make friendly again, restore to friend- 
ship, bring together, reestablish normal relations 
between, bring about an agreement between, bring 
to terms 

better; more virtuous, more righteous, more pLo I 
pious; fitter, more fitting, more suitable, more 
appropriate, more adequate; more competent, 
more qualified, more eligible, more efficient; more 
useful, more serviceable, more practicable, more 


bald, bald-headed, hairless 
baldhead, baldpate 



original; genuine, authentic; pure, true, real 
pristine, untouched, uncopied; initial, earliest, 
first, aboriginal, primeval, primordial; primary, 
prime, main, chief, master, fundamental, principal, 
basic; radical 

native, indigenous 

LT™*^ * 


cji jj-i : tX&\ 

cardinal points 

<lJi\ ol^LI 

cardinal number 

J. • » *- - 




-V ]-'■'■ 

prototype, archetype 

j , « •> - >- 

V J*° 

\r . 

tJ o\ 

'•' - ■ ■ .... ■ — — w 

alone, not to mention, not to speak of, to say 
nothing of, more than (that); moreover, further- 

additional, extra, further, supplementary, Ia^\ 

supplemental, auxiliary, added, spare, fringe, ancil- 
lary, accessory, secondary, subsidiary, collateral, 
reserve, side-, by-; more; plus 

overtime U_p-I jl <LiL»)ll J*«JI oUL 


{jb'j* oCj) ilL»J : LI Li I 

to be or become foggy, misty, i_>CaJI j^£ jLo : i_-«il 
murky, cloudy 

file, dossier i_«Ju t i_*L : ojL-jl 

to file •jL-*'! j ■J"*- : j— «' 

ambi- JjjLju <)>♦— j «jJj U^ J|,*^.l ,J*. jjli :,L«Jjl 

dextrous; ambidexter 

' -T ' -1' ''• 1 
file, dossier i_iu i i_*L. :^>^< 

to weary, bore, tire; to annoy, irk, ^x-aj iX**- '-j»ue' 


to make lie down; to prostrate JA-^' 

ujajsl iu>- 1 j - «j»«o I 

to become, grow, turn (into); to bejjLo t 7«-~ol '■{ye^ 
to get or come to a point where, reacR a stage 

to begin (start, set about) to do I JS J*Jl> fj*J> I 

Greater Bairam 





to make (someone) laugh 

laughingstock, butt, joke 

sacrifice, immolation, u^ 
offering, oblation 

i '''■ - s '-i 

JJ ^Lil p-lj-JJ jjj <J* jj-I :J* j-il 

to marry a second wife, add a S^Jj Jx. r-j> : ^« ■ 

second wife to one's household, be or become 


- - i' ' 'i i ' \ 
to be or become blind, lose ,««* 1 1 jj^i jU> : j*&\ 

one's sight 

strike; walkout (J^ 1 c^) V 1 ^] 


judicious, prudent, well-advised, saga- lil^JI J~»l 


to return (to), go back (to), come back (to) jU : Jo\ 

to become jU> : Jo\ 

to light, light up, lighten, illuminate, ojli I : £(JJI tLol 

illumine, furnish or supply with light(s), fill with 

light; to shed (throw, cast) light upon, spotlight, 

highlight; to enlighten (the mind, etc.), illuminate 

spiritually or intellectually 

to shine, beam, gleam, radiate, Jj^lit^l fLel 

flash, lighten 

lighting, illumination; enlightenment Sjl) : Sslil 

to lose, forfeit; to mislay; joj i J-jb I i j^S- i jii : f Li I 
to miss, let go by, let slip, omit, neglect, throw 
away, fail to make use of, fail to take advantage of; 

to waste, squander, spend uselessly 

- -. « , - * 
to ruin , destroy SI* I : £w> I 

>. ~~ - - » 

L-j1^*^ *J»- 1 J — 4jl_^d 5-W91 

to waste time, fiddle away (one's(iiji-) oijll f L»l 
time), fritter away, frivol, loiter, idle, fool around, 
dawdle, dally, trifle, twiddle one's thumbs, do 
nothing, kill time 

loss, losing, forfeiture; missing, throwing away; icLo) 
waste(fulness), wasting, squandering 

to add, subjoin, join, annex, append, J^J I i "^o : LiLo I 
attach; to supplement 

to add, say further uijjl :(SlJl») <_»Lbl 

LJ I .a. ",...! 


•Ln ■'■■■ 1 

moreover, furthermore, further, (Ijl) liUi <JJ eiil 
what's more, more than that, besides, in addition 
(to), over and above 

addition, subjunction, annexation, ap- JjbJJ :iiUjl 
pending, attachment; supplementation 

addition, increase, increment, Sj^Lc i SjUj, :i»U»l 
growth; raise 

addendum, addition, appendix, Jj j i Jj»L. : iiLbJ 
annex, extension, supplement, appendage, adjunct 

genitive construction; construct state; [ iiJ J i» Lb I 

in addition to, plus, along with, (Si j) JJ iiU>)IL 
together with, as well as, over and above, on top 
of, other than, aside from, apart from, besides, let 



•■'y. ' ■• • •• 

need, urgency 

compulsory, coercive, forced, forcible, ob- ^jl^Jril 
ligatory, mandatory, imperative, necessary; press- 
ing, urgent, exigent; emergency 

emergency landing, forced landing (ijl^Lil -k>r» 

burning; flare, blaze, flame Hj ' 

to be or become dD j I i jjij-li i JliJ : <" - T , U ;. | 

confused, disturbed, disorganized, disordered, dis- 
arranged, deranged, unsettled, muddled, jumbled; 
to jumble, clutter, run in disorder or confusion; to 
get all mixed up; to be or become agitated, upset, 
troubled, disquieted, uneasy, restless 

to tremble, shake, quiver, quake, rJu»- 1 : > ■ J 1»> I 

to burn, flare, flame, blaze, catch fire, be on fj ** ^ 
fire, be afire, be ablaze 


assumption (oO, undertaking (oO, J>I : j OLLujI 
taking on or over, takeover, taking upon oneself, 
shouldering, carrying 

to assume, undertake, take over, take ^y : j »JLLil 
on, take upon oneself, shoulder, carry 

persecution, oppression, tyranny, injustice, jULil 

to persecute, oppress, tyrannize, aggrieve, j^J^I 

weakening, enfeeblement, debilitation, sap- <JUi! 
ping, undermining, devitalization, enervation, at- 
tenuation; softening 

to weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, sap, undermine.Lijuil 
undercut, waste away, devitalize, enervate, un- 
nerve, attenuate; to soften 

chimera(s); confused dreams 



to give (to), grant (to), accord, J* ill I : J* JLe I 
bestow upon; to irnpart to, lend to; to reflect on, 
cast on; to project on; to attribute to, ascribe to; to 

to finish, perfect, give Jc ij»H\ ol_Jui J*. A 
final touches to, give finishing touches to 
projection [^J.Uil 

■ • 

hunger strike 
retraction; digression 


iJC l—>\j^o\ 


oU-j_yi jo«I :jljj»l 

J^» Jf 'J _ j'j-il 
harming, hurting, damaging, injuring, (_,) 

doing harm (to), causing damage (to), wrongdo- 
ing; harm, damage, injury, wrong 

polygamy, polygyny 

kindling, lighting, ignition; burning, setting on »ljj> I 
fire, setting fire to 

to strike, go on strike, stage a strike; (jUJl ^) IS^J\ 
to walk out 

to go on a hunger strike f. UJ I ^ L>'j^» I 

•' --'. , •- ,-'- - '' \ •"- - - • * 

to stay in, remain in, abide in lUt : j Lj^»l 

to make (the teeth) dull; to set (the (oLl^l) y-jlbl 
teeth) on edge 

to kindle, light, enkindle, ignite, inflame; to »j^>l 
burn, set on fire, set fire to 

recumbency, lying (down), resting, repose f UJvil 

to lie down, lie on one's side, repose, rest; to *ikkil 
recline, lie back 

to compel to, force to, <JJ li j t J* ^li- 1 : <JJ ^i-i I 
oblige to, coerce to, constrain to, impel to 

to be compelled to, forced to, obliged to, <JJ j u\ l 
coerced to, constrained to; to have to 
disturbance, confu- dJlJ jl < J^ij t iiX -i_.l u\l 
sion, upset, disorder, disarray, disarrangement, 
disorganization, jumble, muddle, clutter, mix-up, 
mess, hugger-mugger, turbulence, tumult; uneasi- 
ness, unquiet, inquietude, disquietude), agitation, 
unrest, restlessness, restiveness, anxiety 

trouble, disturbance, unrest, com- <_■-*■ ■< .l J li>l 
motion, riot, upheaval, tumult, turmoil, disorder 

disorder, ailment, illness, [i_J»] j!jLll :^J\Ja^>\ 
sickness; -pathy 

neuropathy * '.Jt. *^\J^o I 

psycopathy ^_ij 3 \ Ait. i_,I^Lil 

compulsion, constraint, coercion jLi- 1 : jl^Jril 

emer- *^ <*■**■ y °jjj*> < fjjJ\ °-& '-j\ji>^>\ 
gency, exigency, (pressing) necessity, (urgent) 


comply with, accede to (someone's wishes), yield 
to, submit to, surrender to 




to surround, encompass, Jji» t -> J»tl :-> l»U»I 
encircle, round 

to know (thoroughly); to be or be- _. pi : -? iJU> I 
come acquainted with, familiar with 

<_>U> «>-lj - JU- i jl j :(_»U»I 

to bear, stand, tolerate, endure, put up Jlkj : jU»l 
with, stomach, sustain, support, suffer 

unbearable, intolerable, unendurable, insup-JlL *i 
portable, insufferable 

endurance, toleration, bearing, standing, Jlkl :iiU>] 
putting up with, sufferance, sustainment, sup- 

to lengthen, elongate, extend, prolong,!* <. S^> '■ JU»I 

prolongate, protract, stretch out, draw out, drag 

."- ~ - * 
to keep someone waiting a long time <llt JU> I 

to expatiate (upon), elaborate <j-kJI jl f^&Jl cJU> 1 
(on), enlarge (upon), speak at great length (about), 
discuss at length, write in detail (about); to be 
lengthy, long-winded, detailed, prolix 

to stay (for) a long time, stay long i\Q\ JU> I 

to prolong someone's life (of God) s^e «Sl JU> I 

lengthening, elongation, extension, prolon- x. : i) UjJ 
gation, protraction, stretching, drawing out 

long-windedness, lengthiness, pro- (-.l^Ll :ilU>l 

lixity, expatiation, elaborateness 

- t 
delicacies, dainties, delights 4-jUjI 

occlusion [4-M (uL^^O <3U»] 

closing, closure, shutting); shutdown JLil :JLL»] 

> > . *. . 
attack, offensive, assault, charge, on- (y*n : jLJ» J 

slaught. onset, onrush, rush, raid 

occlusal [ l-J» J J-i U» j 

to cook *li» : jJs) 

to close, shut <_£Jicl i Jiil : j»J»i 

to cover, cover up Qac. : jlk I 

to darken, be (become, grow) dark pit I : ,_jJ» I 

to fall upon, ^c jUi-l J^i 1 J* j^»* : J* J^J> I 
bear down upon, swoop down upon, rush upon, 

♦ ="? 

error; delusion, deception iJjJLol 

hiding, concealment, secretion, harbor- »U»-I :j|^bj 
ing, mental reservation 

ellipsis L**'JjW'! 

elliptic, elliptical [iiJ] lijlfo] 

to vanish, disappear, evanesce, fade away, "J»uJs\ 

melt away, dwindle, wane, decline, decay, die 


disappearance, vanishing, evanescence, J%t^o\ 

fading away, dwindling, decline, wane, decay, 


to hide, conceal, secrete, keep secret, (j**-' : j*«ol 
keep to oneself; to harbor, entertain, cherish 

to emaciate, waste away, atrophy, J j» I : j-*i I 

make lean or thin 

, , , * ' „•» -• « 
to exhaust, wear out, wear away, J_y» I 1 &+> I : ^JJa I 

sap, fag; to emaciate, enervate 

,,•< --.» -• » 

to emaciate, waste away, ener- iJjwjI 1 J_^l : i£>i>l 

vate, unnerve; to weaken, debilitate, sap 

to waste away, pine away, <Ju*j> <. Jy> : iSy*\ 

languish, weaken, be or become weak; to be or 
become emaciated, lean, thin 

narrower, tighter, closer; more confined, more J^-il 
limited, more restricted 

t_*lj9 «flj — Lli aJuu>- :t_iUal 

to overthrow, topple, bring down JaiL.1 : ( ->) ^Ual 

overthrow(ing), topple, toppling J»Ull : (_>) X^U»] 

^li> «-lj-jii») <d«» :jll>l 

framework, cadre; sphere, field, domain jUai : jUal 

setting, sur- ilo 1 ila^fM *-*j^i '>»■ ' j-*j : j^>! 
rounding circumstances, environment, ambience, 
milieu, atmosphere 

frame; rim ^.j^j •j>> a " j^J 

tire (of a wheel) ^V 0-1 ^ utJI ^*\ 

tube, inner tube yf^"'" 1 " " t ^ 3 f^ ^\ 

„ s s ^ - 

frames, rims SjLkJI jU>l 

to obey, follow, be or become obedient to, ^Ual 



thesis, dissertation, paper; treatise **J J 4»' 

vermicelli { ^ r s. [y, JSLi » <? ^^il : i,^ I 

feeding, nourishment, nourishing, alimentation flail 

to feed, give to eat, nourish, aliment »A> I 

to command, dominate, Li^il t Jc ^il : Jc uiil 
tower over, overtop 

to fill up, brim 

:*> #c 

to extinguish, put out, quench, smother, oli- 1 : Uj>l 

inguish, put out, quench, sm< 

to blow out £iJL, (wll wJl)tlil 

to turn off, switch off rJJ ?^i)l jl j^JI lli* 

to slake, hydrate 'jj.\ /\ [ r lfl\ Hi I 

to quench «|J ^'.Ull l tli* 

extinction, extinguishment, extinguish- j|,i- 1 : « UJjl 
ing, putting out, quenching; fire fighting 

blackout t*^r ij\i. ',}%■ j\^i\ Sliil 

firemen, firefighters »lii)ll ^li-j 

fire engine *lii>)ll SjllL. 

fire fighting operations p lii^l oQli 

fireman, firefighter ^jUL! 

fire department, fire brigade <Cj UJj! 

to command, dominate, tower over, Li^tl : Jc *J^\ 
overtop, overlook, look down upon 

to come, approach, draw near 

to appear, show, emerge, rise, sur- _^> i jy : Ji> I 
face, come out, crop up; to look out, peep out, 
peek out 

knowledge, information, cognizance, (^c) f ilil 
awareness, acquaintance, familiarity, conversance; 
study, examination, inspection; seeing, sight 

at sight, on sight p^'il jJx 

informing, information, briefing, noti- (^c) Oibl 
fying, notification, telling 

release, releasing, freeing, turning loose, jj^k; :JiiU»l 
setting free, liberation, liberating 


attack, assail, assault, charge; to close in on, clamp 
down on 

to agree unanimously on, be ^c il»-l : ^c jli> I 
agreed on, concur in 

to bend, curve ^^ t ^J i^l tj> jjl 

to frame, rim jU>L i>U-l : j}>\ ( ^il 

<i>l ^rlj-I^Jjl 

to praise, commend, extol, laud; to compliment; (3^» I 
to flatter 

praise, commendation, extolment, laudation, »!ji»l 
panegyric; compliment; flattery, flattering 

commendatory, commending, praising, lau- "^)Jo\ 
datory, panegyrical, eulogistic; complimentary; 

throwing away, flinging away, casting i-J : r\jJb\ 
away, discarding, rejection, disposal of, getting rid 
of, pitching, removal, elimination, dismissal, aban- 
donment, renunciation, giving up 

steadiness, evenness, equability, uniformity, i\jJb\ 
invariableness, regularity, constancy, continuity, 
continuation, continuance; succession, sequence, 

to delight, enrapture, exhilarate, entrance, vS^' 

transport with joy 

to throw away, fling away, cast away, i-J : r/il 
discard, reject, get rid of, dispose of, pitch, remove, 
eliminate, dismiss, abandon, renounce, forsake, 
give up 

to be or become steady, even, uniform, regular, ijjb\ 
incessant, continuous, constant; to form an unin- 
terrupted sequence, follow in succession 

deaf "^e\ : J,'Ji>\ 

turtledove ( y U, ) *I*^i»1 1 3*ji' 

to feature (say, tell, introduce) jj jkll. ,j'\ : LT4>I 
something new or novel or original; to innovate, 
originate, initiate 

to present with, gift with, give _> ' '-,"■ I : _, Li^i I 
(to), bestow upon 

to be (become, keep) silent, say nothing, oSC : jji>\ 
hush up, stop talking 

to bow (one's head) 


trillium, wake-robin 




see; to inspect, examine, look into 

to release, free, liberate, set free, turn j>>- : Jjlisl 
loose, set at liberty, unchain, let go, discharge 

to undo, untie, unfasten, unbind, Js- i <iU : jJJa 1 

unravel, loosen, unloose, disengage, disentangle, 

detach, free, release 

to loosen, unloose, slacken, unstring; ^-j\ : jJJa I 

to relax 

to launch; to ciii niju i t:>-I 'J-»j' ^J^' 

release, discharge, issue, emit, emanate, send out, 

give off or forth, let off; to eject, throw out or off; 

to shoot 

to divorce l^i- j j c-ili. j I 4l»- j j J|ii> : JjU* I 

-'" ' T'i ^ 
to generalize ^s- '■ Ji-b I 

to purge; to loosen or relax -uki jJJ iljjJI jJJa I 

the bowels (oO 

to fire jUlji^^ljill 

to run away head over heels, beat ^jU <J\~. ^U> I 

it, hurry away, rush away, shoot, dash off 

to release, discharge, let go, free, set *»- 1 j~ jU. I 

free, set at liberty 

to bail out, release on bail iJUSO «*-lj~ J^LIal 

to launch (a rocket, missile, etc.) jJJ U jjl^ JU. I 

»- . *'.-'- - -\ * 
to utter, emit, send, let jJJ ixjwb jl iaw-^ ii"» ' 
burst forth, raise (a cry, laugh, etc.) 
to name, call, designate, dub liS" ^.1 aJLc jLtl 

to give free or full rein to, give vent J ^\i^\ jil» I 
to, unleash, release; to slacken the reins (of); to 
indulge in (pleasures, etc.), give way to (one's 
desires, etc.) 

to let one's beard grow, grow a beard * :]\i l pA> I 

to shell, fire guns at, Jt JjLiJI jl «ilail jU.1 
open artillery fire at, attack with artillery fire or 
bombs, cannonade, cannon, bombard, bomb 

to give a free handi_>_ r ^l)l «L>>- *J ^^LU 1 1 » jb J^Lb I 
to, give unlimited authority to, give a wide latitude 
or scope of action (to), let someone do as he 

to be openhanded, freehanded, gen- 
erous, liberal; to give generously (to), grant liberal- 
ly (to), bestow lavishly (upon), donate graciously 
rags, tatters iJlj J^l Jjlptl 



undoing, untying, unfastening, '$*■ <. lili tij}U»l 
unbinding, unraveling, loosening, disengagement, 
disentanglement, freeing 

launching; release, <_»JS t r\j*-\ <■ Jl~j) :J^U»j 
releasing, discharge, issuance, emission, ema- 
nation, sending out, giving off or forth, letting off; 
ejection, throwing out or off; shooting 

generalization f^ju :S&±>\ 

shooting, firing, fire, jLJl jl ^i^Jl J^IM 

opening of fire 

release, discharge r}j-* J^J»j 



■ J*W 

bail, bailment 

parole ^ij^ r}j- J^i»J 

launching (of rockets, etc.) jJJ jyjI^aJI J!il»] 

absolutely, without «Lt:'J % :j}U>)ll Jt 4 l*^U»j 

absolutely not, never, liik. : J}U>)II Jt i tf^J 
not at all, not in the least, under any circum- 
stances, under no conditions, on no account, by 
no means, by no chance, in no case, at no time, in 
no way 

command; scope ^s. («JJ *-»>•) '-''j-! -i^) J^>] 

of view 

>> > > 

appearance, emergence, emer- j^i 4 jjy : J}U>j 

sion, rise 

J^U,1 ^Ij-'JUj 

atlaS Jai\ j±- <Cy*?j* l ,j I ji&r JJ-a* • y>U» ' 

- •> -*. * 

satin; lutestring ^JiJ^ £r- i : o-'-°' 

Atlantic c/r^' 

to acquaint with, inform of j j-*-l i j lUI : ,_^t j)J»l 
or about, brief about, apprise of, advise of, notify 
of, let know about, make aware of, bring to 
someone's notice, tell about, report to; to reveal to, 
disclose to, show to 

to put forth, (»JjJ3!- **-\ji j' uljjl) ollJI «JlU 
shoot, sprout, produce, send out 

jii ^Ij-'ji! :oCJI jJil 

to know (oO; to be or become aware of, cog- J* jJJ»l 
nizant of, acquainted with, familiar with, informed 
about, conversant with; to familiarize oneself with, 
acquaint oneself with; to learn (about), come to 
know (about), find out (about), discover, detect; to 




light, revelation, disclosure, uncovering, exposure; 
illustration, shedding light upon, making clear, 
clearing up, clarification, elucidation, explanation; 
expression, declaration, indication 

to show, demonstrate, mani- i^jjI i 7w>jl i 1 >-j 'jt*' 
fest, evince, display, exhibit, present, produce, 
bring out, bring into view; to bring to light, reveal, 
disclose, uncover, expose; to illustrate, shed light 
upon, make clear, clear up, clarify, elucidate, 
expound, explain; to express, voice, utter, declare, 
indicate, state, set forth 

to acquaint with, inform of or J* vLL> I : J* _^> \ 
about, brief about, enlighten about, let know 
about; to show to, reveal to, disclose to 

to grant victory to over, make <Jm *!»»■ : J* j^> ' 
triumph over 

to return, give back, restore, restitute; to »- jl : j* I 

send back; to bring back, take back, turn back; to 

put back, lay back, replace, place back; to reinstate, 


to repeat, reiterate, iterate, redo, say or jj£ : jUI 

do again or anew 

to restore, restitute; to reinstate, J^jL «-ujj Jj jUI 
reinstall; to reconvert, change back 

to rehabilitate J-aU* ji iS»*i\ J j^r*-^ J^l 

to discharge 
to reorganize 

• . * > > 

to remand; to remit JjL «J»j J J p-»il 

to bring back, revive, reawaken »JJ oL^i JJI jUI 
(memories, etc.) 

to remind, bring to mind, bring "aj,\ Jl JJ jUI 
back, call up, call forth, evoke, summon up 

to rejuvenate Jj v^—" J ^' 

to reprint (a book, etc.) jJJ v^f f4-k J ^' 

to reestablish, restore, resume oli^UI jUI 


to refund, reimburse, repay, (Jj ty-u) "iJL. jUI 

pay back, return 

to retry, <Cj»i jl <3>tJ j ^JaJI jUI i i^Uill jUI 


to redeploy (-»-J-l ^ ol^iJl) jlt^il jl j-Li jUI 

J I jttl 



to be (become, feel) (re)assured, tranquil, (Jj) oUJ»l 
peaceful, quiet, calm, at ease, serene, untroubled, 
free from worry or fear; to be (become, feel) 
secure, safe; to trust (in), have confidence or faith 
in, rely on; to find reassurance in, derive confi- 
dence from; to make sure of, reassure oneself of 

j, >> , '* - -■• ? 
to arouse someone's ambition *a-y*±> j\i 1 : jvjpl 

.- j, , . , ,' * 
to look up to, raise one's glance to *JJ o j-aj *vJ» I 

(j) jlL p-lj-U) J*il 

expatiation, prolixity, verbosity, verbiage, V^J»J 

long-windedness, wordiness, redundancy, circum- 
locution, periphrasis; exaggeration 

to expatiate (upon), elaborate (on), enlarge ( j) c-Jjl 
(upon), dwell (on), discuss at length; to exaggerate, 

'&£> £»-lj -^U- :ii>J»l 

iipail p-lj-li^il 

dugong, sea cow 


j^-b ol>;J- :f>ii 

better; more pleasant, more agreeable; more 
delicious, tastier, more savory 

delicacies, dainties, delights 4-jU> I 

jp»j j^-'j ~(i>* j' -?) ^~! 
^ • ' ^ ' - *, * 

gannet, booby cS^v ^^ : trs*' 

-*' ''."i * 

to darken, darkle; to be (become, LLL. jUo : (JLbl 
grow) dark, dusky, gloomy, tenebrous 

to make thirsty J^**- '■ UJ»' 

show(ing), demonstration, «.! ju 1 4 j- 1 



manifestation, display(ing), exhibition, presenta- 
tion, bringing out, bringing into view; bringing to 

a* #= 

. ■ i 1 . 1 i i 


to, hearken to, pay attention to 

lending, loan(ing) »j*J 

secondment, seconding, transference), ^J]oy Sjlcl 

ration(s), daily ration(s) 

to hinder, hamper, impede, obstruct, block, jl* I 
(en)cumber, handicap, stand in the way of, make 
difficult or slow the progress of; to delay, retard, 
slow, put off, hold up; to prevent, restrain, detain, 
hold (back), countercheck; to frustrate, thwart 
hindering, hindrance, hampering, impeding, ill* J 
obstruction, blocking, blockage, encumbering, 
handicapping; delay(ing), retardation, putting off, 
holding up; prevention, restraining, detaining, 
holding (back); frustration, thwarting 
to provide for, support, <&Im ^,1 ( ojjL ^ l» :Jil 
sustain, maintain, keep, subsist, supply with suste- 
nance, be responsible for someone's support 

Jlc «j>-lj — yiiil ' <JUt j£ :JLtl 

sustenance, support, maintenance, provision, i)l*J 
providing for, keeping 

Ojlc p-'j 


help, aid, assistance, support, backing; »jieC :iil*j 

relief, succor 

subsidy, i-JL ojlcL- • i<>i^ « f-^-j lA^jbL- . :iilcl 

grant, subvention, allowance, contribution, 

benefits), monetary aid 

to enslave, enthrall, subjugate .». «: , .1 : .u* I 

manumission, emancipation, liberation, jj^ : j'U*J 
freeing, setting free, disenthrallment, enfranchise- 
ment, release (from bondage or servitude) 
release, discharge, freeing, exoneration, Ja- :jh*] 
redemption, disburdenment, disengagement, relief, 
absolution, acquittal 

cataract jl. :,j1aJ1 *— a* flij 

considering, deeming, regar- JjJ» « C>L-»- « J* : jW**! 
ding as, looking at as, taking as, holding, judging, 
rating, thinking; opinion, view, idea, notion, sup- 



. '■' . r 

to review, revise, reexamine, recon- j jli:!! jtcl 
sider, reappraise, go over (again), run over (again), 
check (up again) 
to repatriate <uJ> j J 1 ( li». "51 j I l^j- 1 ) jl* I 

to bring to, revive, reanimate, restore ,-t^J I <JJ jlcl 
to consciousness 

return(ing), giving back, restoration, V, 4 fU- j] : » J*J 
restitution; sending back; bringing back, taking 
back, turning back; putting back, laying back, 
replacement, replacing, placing back; reinstate- 
ment, reinstallment 

repetition, reiteration, saying or doing jl JZ : SjIcI 
again or anew 

restoration, restoration of the ^jL «J»j JJ Sjlil 
status quo ante, restitution, restitutio in integrum; 
reinstatement, reinstallment; reconversion 
rehabilitation Jr?Lll j' 0*"^' j' j Li "ill SjI*I 

ijL-aJI jl y^bl 5 jUt 1 

&,'* ', . 
T»l.,r.ll ojlcj 


reinsurance, reassurance 


(5j*jdl Sitcl ti»-jJ (jijl 4^£Lau Jl (3^cjJI ojlcl 

■ , > ' I 

remand(ing); remission, ^L vijj] ^j^ail jl 


rejuvenation, rejuvenescence 

reprinting, reprint 

_)LJI ojL| 

iJJall oltl 

reestablishment, restoration, resump-oli'^LII SjUI 
tion (of relations) 

refund(ing), reimbursement, re- ( fy-u) Jl* »jttj 
payment, paying back, return(ing) 

retrial, <L-o» jl iS>tJ j ^Ji-JI 5 jtcl i <u^U»ll SjU I 
rehearing, trial de novo 

redeployment (ol^ill) jli^jl jl j-H otcl 

review, revision, reexamination, recon- jJiJI 5 jUJ 
sideration, reappraisal, going over (again), running 
over (again), check(ing) 

repatriation ^^11 <JJ (^r&l jl lil^O °'^J 


to lend, loan jl*l 

to (3_>-i <*J»j j L»>» J!»jJJ <j-i-jI : Lt^ jl*l 
second, transfer 

to lend or give one's ear to, listen <LcL> li jl o jUl 




to learn a lesson from, take (a) j Jiuu 
warning from, learn from, take an example from 

to knead (»JJ { j^lai\) jauk' 

to be (become, feel) self-important, self- *— k^ "xu.\ 
conceited, proud 

insignificant, trivial, trifling, negligible, -b -lJu "il 
inconsiderable, unimportant, worthless, fractional 

to trespass, transgress, encroach upon, Jx- tijlcl 
make inroads upon, invade, infringe (upon), 
impinge upon, entrench upon, intrude upon; to 
aggress against, commit an aggression or a hostile 
act against, engage in aggressive or hostile action 
against; to assault, attack, assail 

to rape, violate, assault, ravish Sl^.1 Jx. (ijucl 

* - ~a 

to attempt the life of, make an 0^ <>L»- Jx- i5a^ I 
attempt on the life of, try to kill 

aggression; assault, attack, offensive; ((J*) fljiel 
trespassing), transgression, encroachment (upon), 
inroad (upon), making inroads (upon), invasion, 
infringement (upon), impingement (upon), en- 
trenchment (upon); outrage; wrong, wrongdoing 

[-1 a S * a * 


nonaggression pact »l-ucl . 


*, , 

lJUfrl >JIX 

: ji-uci 

self-importance, self-conceit, self- 
esteem, pride 

moderation, moderate- J»l^ij jl <J^k; fjx- : Jlj^el 
ness, golden mean, temperance, temperateness, 
reasonableness, reasonability; mildness, clemency 

equinox <j^S" j' (jji-^ - ' JIjIc^I 

autumnal equinox, fall equinox (j?J>^' JIj£*^II 

vernal equinox, spring equinox (j^rlJ^ <J l-jult "iJI 

■ t - 
equator Jl.ux.^1 J»- 

equinoctial colure Jl-ut^l oil 

equinoctial ^Jljlcl 

to be (J^fJait _^x ^.i, .'■«■. (j\& , ijlJU- |j;j Jal^i : J -Ufcl 

position, assumption 

consideration, regard, es- Slxl^» . fl^^l : j'-r^' 
teem, respect, honor, deference, reverence, ven- 

account, worth, im- i^>- . ijl^L. 4 <L»al : jL-Xx-l 
portance, significance, moment(ousness), weight; 
prestige, dignity, (high) standing, rank, stature, 
credit, authority; favored position, superiority 

point of view, viewpoint, <LJ_j- 4 _^ki ijsr-j : jl— ic- 1 
standpoint, outlook; approach; consideration, re- 
gard, respect; aspect 

regard, respect, relation, 

learning a lesson from, taking (a) JjLJ j : _; jLfcJ 
warning from, learning from, taking an example 

from, as of, starting, beginning, effective ^ IjL^x-l 

in the capacity of (in his capacity as), liS" ojL^x-l 
as, qua 

' f s - f a 

in view of the fact that, tjl jL^-l Jx . o' jL-^cL; 
with regard to the fact that, considering that, 
inasmuch as, insomuch as, since, as, because 

for political considerations ^-"^— ^jljL-^-c-^ 

rehabilitation jLix^l (olxl jl) jj 

nominal, titular (^-.j ilijLlcl 



arbitrarily; at random, haphazard(ly), U»Licl 


arbitrary; random, haphazard, spot 


to consider, deem, regard as, jiicl . i_-_ s- . jx- : 
look at as, take as, find, think, hold, judge, rate, 
reckon, suppose, take for 

--'a i - * --'. 

to esteem, respect, honor, ^ j±*-\ . Ja- 1 : .^xl 

regard, revere, venerate, reverence, hold in es- 
teem, have great regard for, value, prize, look up 
to, think highly of 


I "-■ ■■ ■■ ■ ' -•■'■ - '- ..:.>.■:■.. . ■ -.;■. -*Q > 

to pride oneself on, be proud of, glory oneself _> J&\ 
on, boast of 

to trace (back) one's descent to; to J J j\ J lijlel 
descend from, be related to, derive one's origin of 

pride , glory , boastG ng) j \y& I 

retirement; isolation, seclusion; privacy l -"j>-- c ! 

retirement from service i»jjLI Jlj^cl 

to retire (from), withdraw (from); to isolate Ll jic I 
oneself (from), seclude oneself (from), detach 
oneself (from), saparate oneself (from), dissociate 
oneself (from), part with 

to retire from service or work, go w)J i.oil J^c-} 
into retirement; to step down from an office, abdi- 
cate a high office or position 

-' • 



sit-in, sit-down, stay-in i_j'j-*V' o? £> >Laicl 


clinging (to), (<_^c) ikilk. 4 (_>) tJilli :(_.) fLa^cl 

adherence (to), maintenance (of) 

resorting (to), taking shelter (Jj) *jjJ :(j) fLa^c} 

or refuge (in or with), seeking protection (in or 


to form a league, a clique, a gang, a group, etC u . ^iV cj 

to strike, go on strike JIjJI je. ^^Lc\ 

j~a£- Vr'j — j iVi'f-l 

to cling to, adhere to, hold fast to, keep fjJ : _> (wait} 
to, hang on to; to maintain, keep (up) 

to resort to, take refuge -> jj»i»-l 1 JJ uJ : -j ...a Vj- .j 
or shelter (in or with), seek protection (in or with) 

to sit in, stage or carry out a ULa^l JjJ :,..a ij -l 
sit-in or a sit-down 

to have patience, take patience, be Jr^> i ?- * ~* -\ 
patient, persevere 

to keep silent, maintain silence, holdc~~aJl ,..a ' . 'j .j 

one's tongue 

to ask for (call for, appeal for, seek) oLl-I : 

or become moderate, temperate, reasonable, mild 

to be or become straight, »\i~...\ ( (j^L.1 : J-i^cl 

erect; to straighten up, draw oneself up, sit up, sit 


apology, excuse j'-^! 

apologetic, excusatory iSjlJuc) 

to apologize, make an apology, excuse oneself jjucl 

to befall, afflict, hit, strike, seize, attack, <_.£>! :ii^c| 
come over, come upon, happen to 

objection, exception, protestation), rls*^»-l •t/'b* 6 ! 
expostulation, remonstrance, remonstration, repre- 
sentations), demuKrer), demural, challenge 

demuKrer), demural, [o>>l»] Jj ' v-J '-J°\j~£-\ 

exception, objection, challenge;, rebuttal; plea; 


veto, right of veto ^I^Zc^l Jp- 

recognition (*JJ ^ai^. /\ jJjj jl «»•>£») L3\j^c\ 

confession, acknowledgment, JilJ <. j\ji\ :d>\j^c\ 
avowal, owning, admission, admitting, allowing, 
conceding, concession 
confession [i-jljwai J dt\^s.\ 

in recognition of -j l» I 

confessional oi^^t 

to climb (up), creep 

to object to, raise an objection to, ^o- 1 : <_^c <>>.^c \ 
make objections to, protest (against), remonstrate, 
expostulate, demur at, take exception to, except to 
make representations against, challenge; to veto 

to demur (at), [oyli] (^lail J*) jj 1 jJj '• o^-r^! 
except (to), take exception (to), object (to), chal- 
lenge; to rebut; to plead 

to inter- <d _jl aJ_j j u a J lc\ i ^i^— o^-^l ' u*s~ t 'l 
cept, block someone's way, get in someone's way, 
stand in the way of, interrupt the course or 
progress of; to obstruct, hinder, impede, hamper, 
prevent, keep 

to confess, acknowledge, _; J— <■ -> ji\ : -> <-*jZz\ 
avow, own, admit, allow; to concede, grant 

to recognize *«Jj ^a^l. jl aJj j j\ "UjXjy L>j^c\ 
to make a confession, confess [ i_l I j^ai j ij/i I 


l n U*.V. I 

— ■« i »«"S""g»i»g i ?aaig;: i a 



to fight, struggle, wrestle 

to clash, popple 

pjLaJ ij^il : ^J L * C ' 

to be agitated, troubled, in commo- ^>J^o\ : p^\ 


, - -■> ^ '^ - — » 

reliance, dependence, trust, ilS 4 jI^-1 4 JlSJl : i\^\ 

use, using, employment; ?-LJl 4 ^Z 1 <Jl<»f-i : A^\ 
adoption, taking up; following, observance (of), 
compliance (with) 

sanction, approval, ap- J>J> <. ili\y t j\ji\ '■ *[**■[ 
probation, authorization, confirmation 

accreditation (of diplomats) ( ( ^_ r «.L.>LjJl) *\<^-\ 

credit, loan >-t., L J 4 o\£\ ■ J l~*| 

fund(s) (JL. ijy : J^l 

approbations (ii jl^. jl iJljfr? j) olj^l -. s\£z\ 

* "•>■>,• , 

documentary credit i$.i : . v . ■>!<-£} 

• » •« , 
self-dependence, self-reliance (j-*^' cj* J lc~*! 

credentials; letteKs) of credence jt^i^l ijljjl 

letter of credit (^!U) j|,fcl «_>U»»- jl «_.LV 

irrevocable 9yr^ J^^ ^ j^I (-jLU*- jl i^LS" 
letter of credit 

opening or initiation of a (letter of) ^Ic-t^' ^j 


to rely on, depend on, count jiiiJ 1 JSol : Jc 

on, draw upon; to trust (in), have confidence in; to 

use (as a basis or authority), invoke, resort to, put 

into use; to be based on, founded on; to base on, 

found on 

to lean on, recline on, rest .i".„ I 1 fc I : Jx. .uji I 


to use, employ; to «j; I 4 ^J± 4 JlL^- 1 : -u^c I 

adopt, take up; to follow, observe, comply with 

to sanction, approve, approbate, autho- ji I : 
rize, confirm 

' s- ' » s '• 
to accredit, provide *JJ li^L. j I U- L^L j 

with credentials 

,l y j ?gf"S..y^y 

the help (aid, assistance, support) of 

to put on a coat, etc. 

<u jl <~>y$\ • ' *•">. * 


to be or become dusty, covered ^^> *i>>lj \jiut\ 
with dust or earth 

to roll in the dust 

I'Jjl j j.^1 

to manumit, emancipate, liberate, free, set j^p- : J£c I 

free, disenthrall, enfranchise, release from bondage 

or servitude 

. i - * . - ',* 
to release from, discharge from, ^ J»- 1 : ^ J^t I 

free from, exonerate from, redeem from, disburden 

from, unburden from, disengage from, relieve 

from, absolve from, acquit from 

„ •» -. « 

older, more ancient ^oil :J£cl 

belief, conviction, persuasion; faith, creed; jli^c I 

tenet; doctrine; dogma; opinion, view, judgment, 


arrest, detention, apprehension, seizure, intern- JUuc I 

ment, confinement, custody 

concentration camp J lilt "51 1 j£Lu 

to believe; to think, consider, deem, hold, 
regard as, take as, suppose 

to arrest, put under arrest, ^j**- 4 Jc Ja^ : Jiuc \ 
take or keep in(to) custody, detain, apprehend, 
seize, hold, jail, intern, confine 

to constipate t£C~.l : i\*j.*i\ jl (JaA\ JilcJ 

t* - - '• 

to be tongue-tied, speechless, unable to ajU Jiuel 

to seclude oneself (in, from), isolate (^ 4 j) 1 »Cvc] 
oneself (in, from), retire (into, from), withdraw 
(into, from), live in seclusion (in, from); to remain 
(in), stay (in), abide (in), keep (to) 

to be or become sick; to be or fall ill J°s* '■ J^\ 

to ascend, accede to (the throne) tr^ (J-^l 

ascension, accession jyS : »^**} 

illness, sickness, ailment, disorder, JL. 4 Jej* : J^**| 
disease, malady, invalidism; -pathy 

paramnesia o^l-Jl JliL^i 




, - - . s <-- . « 

to speak or write in an inimitable f^lSlll j j^»tl 
manner, be wonderfully eloquent 

lean, skinny, bony, scrawny, emaciated J jj^. : t-jiyfr I 

- *.- . » 
one who speaks incorrectly; speak- r>-^f>* j^ '■ >** ' 

ing incorrectly 

dumb, mute, speechless ltj* - ' : r 3 **' 




non-Arab, foreigner, barbarian; ^^ j~* • t^"* ' 


i - - • \ 
Persian c*"J^ '(jf 8 !"*' 

miracle, marvel, prodigy, wonder *;>»•* ' 

Mira [tiili J L>>ic3l i_-i^S i^^aitl 

to prepare, ready, make ready; to fit, fix (up), ' jlc I 
adapt, arrange, dispose, set (in readiness), set up, 
dress; to make, produce; to develop; to work out, 
draw up, draft; to design (for a specific function or 
purpose or end), intend (for a specified use or 

i-l «-!, 

to infect (with a disease); to communi- ( Ja^>) i£j*I 
cate, pass along, transmit (a disease to) 

to run, make run, set iSj** ***>■ 'iij»-' .(i-icl 

to help, aid, assist, support, back jil> i j^aj : (3 jx. I 
(up); to render victorious, make or let triumph 

ijs. il»-Ij-(jjx Ujji«) jIjlcI 

preparation, preparing, readying, lei jj~a* : jIjlcJ 
making ready; fitting, fixing, adaptation, arrange- 
ment, setting (up); making, producing, production; 
development, developing; working out, drawing 
up, drafting 



to visit, go to 

to put on or wear a turban .ULjJI ^-J :_ 

to rankle, irritate; to boil over, be or become S^*\ 
agitated or upset 

embracement, adoption, profession, espousal, jlUc I 
taking up, following 

to embrace, adopt, profess, espouse, ju^ 
take up, follow, believe in 

to embrace each other 


to wail, lament, cry 


to acquaint with, inform about (J* aIL I : J* ^icl 

to lead to, guide to <J* J * : J* ^it I 

admiration, good or high opinion, favorable V^"*! 
judgment or view, good impression; satisfaction, 
pleasure, delight; fancy, liking, fondness 

inimitability, miraculous or (O^ ul>ll jl»cj 
wondrous nature (of the Holy Koran) 

to appeal to, *i \j ^ o r -.djtalW jl ly^\ *-) 
please, delight 

to admire, have a good or high opinion of, _< 
think highly of, judge favorably, be highly or 
favorably impressed by, have or take a good 
impression of or about; to like, be pleased with, 
deem good or nice, find handsome or beautiful; to 
fancy, have a fancy for, have a liking for, take a 
fancy to, be fond of 

to be or become conceited, self- 
conceited, vain, vainglorious 


^> ^ — — ! 

i>j* Jf 'J -o^'j*' 

turning away from, avoidance, shun- ((/) <>>lj*) 
ning, keeping away from; giving up, abandonment, 
relinquishment, renunciation 

symptomatic I i_J> J ,— i I j* I 

. ■ * 

to express, utter, (jit I i c$ ju I < ^ j~c : ^ cjj* I 

voice, give expression to, articulate, declare, state, 

announce, enunciate, indicate, bring out, make 


to analyze, parse iJ5Jl jl iui-l Ujtl 

to lame, cripple ^ j*l »^-o : r>e ' 

-. * 
lame, cripple r>e ' 

». ,• , , ,. * 
to marry; to consummate the marriage (s I jJl ) ^jt I 


to turn away from, avoid, Juj t ^ -u<> : ^ u^J 6, ' 
shun, keep away from; to give up, abandon, relin- 
quish, renounce 

to take root, strike root; to be or become JZot : tiij* I 
deep-rooted, firmly established, ingrained 

to cherish, hold dear, treasure, value i_*»- 1 :'jt I 

greatly; to love; to like 

single, unmarried, celibate 

(ii»o) cj)*' 


unarmed, armless, weaponless, 

insolvency; financial straits (J.IU) jLe 

left-handedness (ijLjl jlJI Jl,*-^ : jl— tj 

to be or become insolvent; to be in financial j_* 
straits; to be in straitened circumstances 

left-handed, left-hand, sinistral; °l j-r* J?^ : j-* 

more difficult, harder 
night-blind, nyctalopic 

LjI^mC' aj^Ij 

I— >H^1 I imX 1 

in preparation, being prepared, j I a*"}! I (jui jl) e-i 

in the making 

preparatory, preliminary lSjIj*! 

preparatory school 

• • ^ -* " •' • 

capital punishment, death f '-**)" *j>«* «(■!■»* I 



death sentence, capital sentence 

capital crime 

to straighten, make or put straight ^Sy <■ r y : <-l J* I 

to execute j (Ij*)II ȣj- iij :*j*l 

to hang, halter, gibbet, execute by 

to electrocute 

■ -*, -*^ «*^ .. 

It iSy 

,r -a- --.? 

r- 1 

to guillotine, behead with a guillotine iLaiil >ocl 

to deprive of, dispossess of oli I : « at I 

,"■ -- . < 

to be or become poor, be reduced to jui I : ajs. I 


to excuse, forgive, pardon jit ijjcl 

* * ,, , ,' . * 
to be excused, have an excuse I jjjl»- ul^ : j J* I 

he who warns is excused j ii I ^ jit I 

- '.' -'•'.•. 

l_iii «j»1j -UlJJJ*] 

Bedouins, nomads, Arabs of the desert jlo :u>lj*l 

syntax ^!3lSl)l u^^J JLt :olj*l 

analysis, parsing iJ5Jl jl iui-l J-iki :v'j*' 

inflection, declension o|,15JI j*-ljl jj-ju ^'j*' 

expression, express- *ljJl i ((jt) jjJu" :(^) cj!j*I 
ing, voicing, uttering, utterance, giving expression 
to, articulation, declaring, declaration, stating, 
statement, announcing, announcement, enuncia- 
ting, enunciation, indicating, indication, bringing 

an Arab of the desert, a i_. ^ll I ^ (^ j jj : J«j Ij* I 

Bedouin, a nomad 

sy ntactic(al); analytical); i_. I ji^L jJUi. : ^ I j* ] 
inflectional, declensional 


maximal, highest; superior; major, supreme; the 
most magnificent; paramount, the most important, 
the most significant 

«, .< a - < • '. « 

to exempt from, exonerate from, 1^1 i J»- 1 : ^ ^ I 
free from, release from, relieve from, discharge 
from, disburden from, unburden from, excuse 
from, dispense from, absolve from, acquit from 

to let one's beard grow, grow a beard 4J-0J ,ju. I 

exemption, exoneration, freeing, *l^l 4 ji- : »Ucl 
release, discharge, excuse, absolution, acquittal 

to be or become grassy, grass-covered v_Jt^lt I 

hurricane, cyclone, tornado, whirlwind jLa*l 

remission, pardon 
Arabian gazelle 




- olocl 

to follow, succeed, come after; to >!> < »_J : eJic I 
ensue (from), result (from), spring (from), arise 

to beget, sire, father, procreate; to have <> j 1 «_." 

as offspring, be the father of 

to end well, succeed f ■ 


to stupefy, stun, astound 

1 jut- : Atfi 

, , .< ~-. < 

,ji»jl :>icl 

»- ,-, '. < 

to promote, further, advance, a^U* jl <dc ^1*1 
boost, foster; to raise, elevate, exalt 

higher, highest; «*jl i^.-.! ijelll ijel 

uppeKmost), top(most), head(most), more (or 
most) advanced; supreme, superior, paramount; 
loftier, loftiest, more (or most) exalted, more (or 
most) eminent, more (or most) sublime 
maximum, maximal, highest ( _ r o» I : ^s. I 

above, supra, hereinabove, hereinbefore, in »ys\ 
the foregoing 

above-mentioned, above, aforesaid, »>*l j/i. 
aforementioned, previously mentioned, (the) said, 
(the) same 
high seas, open sea j^l yfkl 

«>-1j-[(_-jpJ L_>LatL) jjj :>_ 


l»«altl «>-lj-(v>ael 

white-footed, having a white foot imoc 1 

chough ,-*"■■ I i_j I ji. i i^"~- 1 

to be or become problematic, complex, difficult,J-ac I 
intricate, enigmatic, puzzling, mysterious 

the disease has defied all ?Q»'ill j\jl\ jlJu-.l 

.nedical skill, has puzzled the physicians 

to give (to), grant (to), donate (to), accord (to), ^at I 
award (to), bestow upon, confer upon; to present 
(to or with); to offer 

Jl £-.!;- J % J±*\ 

to give lessons '-jjJ u«e I 

to administer, give, apply (a medi- »JJ fljj jacl 
cine, drug, etc.) 

Jit j^-lj-^L. ,jJ»cl 



giving, granting, donating, donation, according, *Uacl 
accordance, awarding, bestowal, bestowing, con- 
ferment, conferring; presentation, presenting; of- 

damaging, spoiling, spoilage, impairment, oUac] 
ruin(ing), destruction, wrecking), wreckage 

to damage, spoil, impair, ruin, destroy, wreck l-Jic I 

greater, bigger; more grandiose, more imposing, /Jac I 
more magnificent, more splendid; more important, 
more significant 

the greatest, the biggest; utmost, maximum, Jal'Jll 




# # 

to declare war etc. on 



to declare, state, announce, annunciate, pro- jiel 
claim, promulgate, enunciate, make public; to pub- 
licize, give publicity to; to advertise; to inform, tell; 
to notify, give notice to; to deliver or serve (notice, 
summons, etc. on or to); to herald, usher in 

Jnu. •»■ I j — ii^«tf 4 Jl»-« : <*^lc 1 

more general, more common, more universal, ^i. I 

more sweeping, more massive, more prevailing 

, . t >. t. - . < 

to blind, make blind { j>s. I e j~e : ijU- I 

- - f - . * 

blind ^r^J 1 -*»l» : (j**' 

populating, population, peopling; building, con- jl^l 
struction; development 

jl* g-lj-J^I 

to populate, people, make inhabited; to build, j*e I 

construct; to develop 

- . < 
blear-eyed JUe I 

J*t gr-lj - J»el 

to operate, run, work, actuate, put into opera- J** I 
tion, put in action, put to work; to employ, use; to 

to reflect on, ponder on or j ,j» JJI jl j51oJI J** I 
over, think about or over, consider carefully, busy 
the mind with 

to put to the sword, massacre, J oLUI J-* I 

butcher, kill 

to distress, afflict, torment, 5 -lJ! j **» jl : cue I 

agonize, make suffer, harass, oppress, overburden, 
bring hardship upon, throw into difficulty 

to oppose, resist Jo^c < jjlc : Ju* I 

.. '. /■* " - '• * 


more violent, more vehement, fiercer, -£' 
more intense, rougher, harsher, harder, severer, 
more drastic 

J^*ll Jj^ : J-*' 


at the highest level; top-level, 



oil* jrlj-Jit l;u 


.St I 

promotion, furtherance, I iS" ( pLlL. jl) 0^ >SLcl 
advancement, boosting, fostering; raising, eleva- 
tion, exaltation 

information; informing, notification, notifying, »5t] 
telling; communication; notice 

4JLj pj.lj-^111 J5Cj 

information(al), informative, informatory ,_. Stj 

iJL^iL. »»-lj -<L«5tl 

declaration, statement, yicl j-ua. t jl*i,l :65tl 

announcement, annunciation, proclamation, pro- 
mulgation, enunciation, making public; publiciz- 
ing, giving publicity to; advertising, advertisement 

announcement, notice; declara- *% < uk : O^UJ 
tion, statement; proclamation 

advertisement, ad; publicity, advertis- JjUo : oSU] 


commercial, advertise- (~)J J^cl il i ^jjJ^Ij) uSUI 

ment, ad 

poster, bill, placard 

declaration of independence J^jLLL.'ill o^*J 

declaration of war v/-' oSUI 

classified advertisements, classified 4j>~. ol>*J 
ads, classified advertising 

to feed, fodder <-»l* : ^* , 

to apply leeches ji«JI vij : JP^-I 

to inform of or about, tell about, let know (-») (J*l 

about, bring to someone's knowledge or notice, 

notify of, apprise of, advise of, acquaint with, 

make aware of, report to 

having more knowledge, more Lie jS\ : (J* I 

knowing, more learned 

-. « >. 

God knows best fJ*' *6l 



■ " 



Aga Khan (s-*J) uU lei 

to succor, relieve, aid, help j^aj i o&.\ : tile I 

succor, relief, aid, help iSUI 

! to raid, invade, harry, attack, ^U i ly. : Ji jUI 
assault, make a foray (a raid, an incursion) against 
or on; to maraud 

to make jealous S^^ill Ji 4Jui- i^lil 

raid(ing), invasion, invading, attack(ing), (Ji) S^UJ 

to enrage, infuriate, anger, mad- J^-l i i_«ail : i>UI 
den, incense, irritate, exasperate, acerbate, embit- 
I ter, fret, peeve, vex 

enraging, infuriation, angering, mad- oLail : <Ujl*l 
dening, irritation, exasperation, vexation 

* '■ I * '1 

-.,■» , '* --• * 
toraisedust jUJI jU I :j*cl 

to be or become dusty, dust-covered jUJI ^x. r^l 

to be or become dust-colored , j LiJ I u>L; j U> : ^i I 
dingy, roan 

-■• .- -• » 
dust-colored, dingy; roan jLJI 0>k ^j^cl 

dusty , dust-covered j UJ I 0> L»j : ^ I 

dark ,1k. : jLi I 

s - » „.* ,• » 

dim, dull, cloudy, misty, hazy, ( _ r U« i jujI r^j^-il 

foggy, fuzzy, blurred, blurry, filmy 

to backbite, slander, calumniate, *iljj ^ *jIc :i_»til 
malign, traduce 

to be or become angry with, furious at, (^.) iitjs I 
enraged by, irritated by, vexed by; to rage, flare up, 
storm, seethe, steam, boil, flame up with rage, lose 
one's temper 

to assassinate, murder, kill ( I joi) Jli : Jli I 

joy, happiness, delight; exultation, jubilation, iL^i I 

to be or become glad, happy, delighted; ja^c I i )a£* I 
to exult, rejoice, jubilate 

W-" ■■■■- '" ■"■ - 

. ■! — I 

':'f' yag"" - ? 'tgan 

Jj>«- jrij "tJ'i^! 

to bend, twist, curve, crook, warp, distort; to be r-jcl 
or become crooked, bent, curved, twisted, warped, 

crook(edness), twist(edness), curve(dness), rl»-.jcl 
curvature, bend(ing); distortion; deviation 

-■ * 
one-eyed j »c 1 

cecum, blind gut jjc^l [^X\ jl) ul^lail 'j>*^l 

* > 5 ~- o * 

J>«- Jf 'J ■ 

to lack, want, need; to be in liS" o jyo i luS" o j^il 

need of, in want of, lacking, wanting, deficient in, 

short of or in, destitute of, devoid of; to suffer 

from the absence or deficiency of 

.> ,. < 

to wail, lament, cry 



to fatigue, exhaust, weary, tire (out), <. 


to disable, incapa- tiCjl t Ji ^'.a'.,.",'... I 1 3**' : ^ ' 
citate, make powerless or helpless; to defeat, defy 
or thwart someone's efforts; to baffle, nonplus, 
perplex, puzzle, confuse 

to be or become tired, fatigued, exhaus- o«J : Ci I 
ted, weary, faint, feeble, weak 

to find no solution or way out, fail; not iLi.1 <c^el 
to know what to do; to be at one's wit's end, at a 
loss, baffled, nonplused, perplexed, puzzled, con- 

fatigue, exhaustion, tiredness, weariness, t_Jo : *Lcl 
lassitude, languor, inanition, weakness, feebleness, 
faintness; prostration, collapse 

inability, incapability, powerlessness, ^s. : *Lcl 
helplessness, impotence 

to have a numerous family 
aga, agha 




1 * 

to be or become grieved, sad, ljLS'J '0>- •(*-*! 

gloomy, depressed, dejected, dispirited, distressed, 
upset, worried; to grieve, sadden, gloom, worry 

to plunge, submerge, dive Lr kc i ^,-^1 '■ j*~*\ 

U-*^\ ^J~ LT* 16 ! 

to be or become rich, wealthy Lji- jL> : u^ 6 ' 

-^ . -* ~"* 

to seize the opportunity, take the L»>J1 jU^cl 
opportunity, avail oneself of the opportunity, take 
advantage of the opportunity, embrace the oppor- 
tunity; to take occassion (to) 
backbiting, slander, calumniation, calumny, V^! 
malicious gossip 

assassination, murdeKing), killing J^! 

to nauseate, sicken, disgust, make sick 

to shower with, load with, heap upon, 
give generously (to), bestow liberally upon 

J»ji v>-lj-^U.I jj£\ 

to be long and luxuriant (y>-^0 cuj-ktj 

to mend one's pace, hurry, hasten, <ui jl ^_UI jc' 
speed, run 

to suppurate, fester, matter, form or ^jJ-l it I 
discharge pus 

honorable, venerable; re- fs~** ' o^r* ' ->*>■ • J* 1 
spectable, estimable; respected, esteemed, honored 

distinguished, eminent, illustrious, out- jjL : j±\ 


noble; magnanimous, gen- t£ i J-J i <-JuJ~ '■ j&\ 


*,- * 

handsome, beautiful J^r ' Cr-* - : j* ' 

having a blaze (i^-' Cr*) u^W ***-^ J : ■/*' 

-"• » -'. ? 
to seduce, tempt, entice, lure, allure, ii>il : ti^e l 

inveigle, invite 

* - - '. * 
to incite, induce, instigate, urge, impel, Jco- :c$^*1 

prod, goad, spur on 

to excite (stir up, cause) enmity ,^-j »_)la*JI c$^il 


to be deceived by, beguiled by, misled p j»- : j j& \ 

by, deluded by; to be lured by, allured by, enticed 

by, inveigled by; to be dazzled by 

to be or become self-conceited, conceit- *~JlL> jZ±\ 

ed, vain, overweening 

emigration, expatriation, absence (or v^" '-vb**! 

being far away) from one's homeland; separation 

from one's native country; exile; life away from 


alienation, estrange- iJ>j i ^-r'\ <-hj* '■ t -Ar*-\ 


to emigrate, expatriate, go to a /l»iy : ^J-^l 

foreign country, leave one's native country, be far 

away from one's homeland 

to ladle, scoop (up), dip out ( - J j- ; *! 

to spin Jj* : <-!_>**] 

washing (oneselO, wash; bath(ing), f l<*f-} : J'—?*! 
taking a bath; showering, taking a shower 

(performance of the) ritual [i~.}LJ ijyj^] JL^cl 

to wash up, wash (oneself); "f^-\ ' *»-*j J-* : J—-*! 
to bathe, take a bath; to shower, take a shower 

to perform the major ritual [i^^LJ i*;j^] Jl^j 


to be deceived, cheated, beguiled, bluffed, (jic '-(J^l 


to suspect of deception or (ji-JI *j ^ :o^i 

cheating __ ^^ 4 ,. 

extortion, exaction, forcible jl/jl ' f}j?\ : y'- fl * c ! 
(violent, unlawful) seizure, usurpation, disseisin 

rape, ravishment, violation (5 1 j* I ) <-j Lofc 1 

to extort (from), wring >j I i p _>^ I : (^ ) '■■ *i" p } 

(from), wrest (from), exact (from), take by force 

(from), usurp (from), take over (from), disseise 

(from), seize unlawfully (from), rob (of), deforce 

(of), deprive (of), dispossess (of), strip (of) 

to rape, ravish, violate, force, (•! j*\) t-~a^} 




Creek, Grecian If'ij^l 



to be or become thorny, prickly 


to darken, be (become, grow) dark JLJ»I : jllll ^s, I 
or tenebrous 

* '■ 1 ' ' "• * 

- '- "\~ * -.1 
to choke (_^uo <i«- : ,_^ac I 

jjiUJ £r'j ~~ *Lacj 

angering, enraging, infuriation, exas- iiUI : i_>Lae I 
peration, inflaming, irritation, vexation, provoca- 

to anger, enrage, infuriate, mad- ^ys-\ i J>Lcl : '• '-'r. I 
den, exasperate, acerbate, inflame, incense, irritate, 
vex, annoy, embitter, peeve, provoke 

to immerse, plunge, dip u-Jat ' <j~**- : Ja* I 

omission, leaving out, skipping, slight(ing), JU£ I 

neglect, ignoring, disregard, overlooking, over- 
sight, nonobservance, inadvertence, inattention 

to omit, leave out, drop, skip, miss out, slight, Ji* I 
pass over, bypass, neglect, ignore, disregard, over- 
look, forget, pay no attention or heed to, be inat- 
tentive of, be heedless of, be unmindful of 

to yield, produce, bear, I ijij* jl 51c l Ja^\ i _pl : Jc I 

bring forth, bring in, return, pay (off) 

• .. >'^^ '* -i 
to boil JHu <1ju»- : J* I 

>,-, ' , .# '■ < 
to raise, increase, hike, up, sky- **ij : jji_JI ^^Itl 

rocket (the price) 

more expensive; costlier; more valuable, {q*) ^a 1 
more precious; dearer 

closing, closure, shutting), shutoff; locking, <j)5lcj 
lockup, bolting; sealing 

lockout ((JJUJI i-jj Jli (j* i_ljj) "tSjM> S$i-\ 
foreclosure (of a mortgage) <j* J ' <3^* J 

most (oO, the majority (of), the greater JaJw : i_J* I 

portion or part (of) 

. *. -• * . -• *. 
in most cases, mostly, ui^'l t-JJ.\ J i i_Jlcj1 j 

between or among 

seduction, seducement, temptation, >l^cl : ,l^cj 

enticement, allurement, inveiglement; appeal, at- 

incitement, incitation, inducement, Jo- : *\ji\ 
instigation, urging, impelling 

sinking; foundering 

flooding (over), inundation, overflow j^i- : (Jil ji.\ 

dumping; glutting, flooding (jjl^^l) Jlji] 

r- 1 "" 
hyperbole [iiJJ >lc :Jlji] 

exaggeration, excess(iveness), iilCi i ^i : tjl ji-J 

to do or say something strange 


<y ' : v > ' 

to overdo, exaggerate, carry to excess, «Jl : j i^ji-l 
exceed the proper bounds in 

to guffaw, laugh heartily or noisily ,oU«»aJ I J t- 1 ^' 
die laughing, split one's sides 

stranger, odder, queerer, weirder, <> \ji. ^S \ ; i^,l I 
more unusual 

j> jrlj-^jl : j Jgrill j_/l 

to attain the goal, hit <*jU>I :LJjil _>l Jo^W J»j.\ 
the mark, succeed, make it 

to sink; to founderj^u alii- :(^S'J.\ /\ z'JtJl) j^cl 
to drown Uji. -GUI i JyO <dw- i^^^JJI) (jji.1 

to flood, inundate, overflow, deluge-I. ; j+s. : (iji. I 

to dump; to glut, flood, in- Jjl^»jl jl Ji>-JI Js^il 


to overdo, exaggerate, carry to excess, iJL : j J^il 

exceed the proper bounds in 

to guffaw, laugh heartily or noisily, dL>»«aJ I j Jjji.1 
die laughing, split one's sides 

r > j^-lj-^l 
to love, be (or fall) in love with, adore, be very _; \jt. I 

fond of, be passionately attached to 
song, singing, warble, warbling 

to be bathed in tears Uy, jJI ,^1*11 c^) JjjjC 





to shut one's eyes to, wink at, 
blink at, overlook, disregard 

to put up with, tolerate, bear, 
stand, stomach 

to faint, swoon, pass out, lose conscious- aJlc ,_»* 1 
ness, become unconscious 

- - * ^ ' * 
twanging, snuffling, nasalizing; snuffler ^ I : ji. 1 

lush, luxuriant <__iJlj _^yJI ^juS' :jjil 

populous, populated, inhabited J*T ( ^.L :'^i.\ 

-•f t - >',, '• * 

to enrich, richen, make rich J y I 4 Li <dj»- : ,ye I 

- > * ^ . < "• -• * 

to suffice, satisfy; tojj»-l i^l 4^ :( t>t .) ^1 

be sufficient, enough, adequate; to be useful, of 
use, helpful, of help, beneficial, of benefit; to avail, 
benefit, profit, help; to be a substitute for, make up 
for, serve instead of; to dispense of, spare, save 

enrichment, enriching , l_^| ( Li -lL^- : »L*I 

to give as booty (to); to make or let gain or win; '~i I 

to grant (to), give (to), bestow upon 

song ilil iluil 

to seduce, tempt, entice, lure, allure, 
inveigle, debauch 

to mislead, misguide, lead astray 

ii>l :jjti 

seduction, seducement, temptation, enticement, *ljt| 
allurement, inveiglement; leading astray, mislead- 
ing, misguidance 

iguana (0 !.»-»-)<; I j* J 

pitfall, trap iSU^ : X> *cS 

delicate, tender 

(;di c^) f\i. 

^ '{X*j 'u~ : J 4*' 

cerumen, earwax 

dirt under the (finger)nails 

ugh! faugh! pooh! pish! pshaw! 

to return 

to give as booty (to) i 


^-a-LaJ I 71— J •'-Ji 


■ oUait : J* *lil 

Jit: J* rlit 


to give (to), grant (to), award (to), 
bestow upon 

to make (someone) miss (something), (^1^11 i_) bill 
make (something) escape (someone) 

1 ' 

largely, by and large, generally, in general; most of 
the time, more often than not 

most likely, most probably, in all 'Jki\ i_iil j 

majority, greater part or portion 

simple majority 

qualified majority 

landslide, overwhelming majority 

absolute majority 

relative majority 

ULL. i_lil 

to speak rudely (roughly, J^iJI j jl J^iJI J Jili I 
harshly, impolitely) to, use rude (rough, harsh) 
language toward 

thicker; coarser, rougher; ruder, Uili ^S' : Jil*l 
grosser, cruder; more antipathetic, more re 
nant; more boring, more tedious 

- . s ~. - .~\ * 

> . a 1 jr. »j>-Ij - ljUcI 


U>-J" _j-c 


to close, shut (off, down, up); to lock, bolt; to J* I 

to slam, bang, shut forcibly and noisily S^L Ji I 

to foreclose (a mortgage) 

ui> JUI 

Jiwl jrlj-JS^I la -JI :(^l) jU 
tender twig or branch, sprig -*L j-^^i : ^JLi I 

captious question; fallacy, sophism, 

to grieve, fill with grief, sadden, lJk\ 1 j'^-* : *ZS 
make sad, depress, deject, dispirit; to distress, 
upset, trouble, worry 

to be overcast (sky) i Lt " '" ' * 

faint(ing), swoon, syncope, unconsciousness, 
suspended animation, fainting spell 


to sheathe, scabbard, invaginate jIJI j Ji- jl : lui 
to plunge into, thrust into ^yj> 4 J jji- jl : j lui! 

to close or shut one's eyes 


feet (of a verse meter) J^ li I 

to get up, wake up, awake, awaken, f^JI ^ j'lj I 

to be watchful, vigilant, wide-awake, <ciic ^ jli I 
alert, on the alert 



to sober up 

jS<— /y* (jjli 1 

to come to, recover consciousness, 

*W ut ^' 


to recover, recuperate, convalesce, 

<J°J* ut t-5^' 

get well, regain health 

wanderer, tramp, vagabond, hobo, 

Ljlil l_ >l^»- : jljl 


J* 1 p-'j - Jlil 

awakening, waking, wakefulness; watchfulness, ii'UI 
vigilance, alertness; consciousness, awareness; re- 
vival; recovery, recuperation, convalescence 

liar ^Ij^idUl 

scandalmonger SiH\ euols-lj <5jU»ll jiLi :ti)UI 
impostor, swindler Jli«» : dlii I 

spices, condiments Jj'>> : *jJ^' 

epidemic, plague, pestilence; disease, blight; lesion, ii I 

damage, harm, injury, hurt; evil, bane 

-i - *'- 
blight, plant disease, plant epidemic; *^'j j *• ' 


to give or deliver a (formal) legal opinion; to ( j) ^1 
give or deliver an advisory opinion 

giving or deliverance of (formal) ^1 jj^oa : f Lil 
legal opinions; giving or deliverance of advisory 

office of mufti y^iil l-,^:.. : <. Li I 

oppression, tyranny, highhandedness, oLlil 

despotism, arbitrariness, autocracy 

to fabricate, (invent, trump up, ((JiLJI ^lc) btil 
tell) lies about, accuse falsely of, charge falsely 

to be or become opinionated, (^t) 4jl^ oui I 
stubborn, obstinate; to act on one's own judgment; 
to be or become arbitrary, autocratic, despotic, 
tyrannical; to rule tyrannically, manage dictato- 
rial^; to oppress, tyrannize, domineer; to take 
violent measures against 

to fabricate, invent, trump up jJu»- 1 : olil 

to benefit, help, profit, advantage, avail, Lii : jljl 

serve; to be useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, 
advantageous; to be of use, of help, of advantage, 
of profit, of service 

to mean, denote, signify, J* 3 J > ^ : ( lJ ^') jli I 
import, designate; to imply, suggest 

to report (to); to inform (of Jil i ^->- I i JL I : jli I 
or about), tell (about), notify (of), advise (of), 
apprise (of) 

to state, declare, announce T-r° ' cA 6, 

to depose, testify or state (under Sjl^ ,Ji 

to profit by or from, ^ jUill 4 _, tii I : ^. jli I 
benefit by or from, derive benefit (profit, advan- 
tage) from, turn to (good) account or advantage, 
take advantage of, make use of, avail oneself of, 
use, utilize, put to use, draw upon, capitalize on, 
trade on, tap 

to obtain, get, acquire, gain l( ^t Jla»- <. i_~ S\ 
win, earn 


utility, usefulness, use, avail, benefit, 

utilization, use; utilizing, »jlir, „l i pliil 



using, making use of, availing oneself of, taking 
advantage of, profiting by or from, benefiting by or 
from, deriving benefit (advantage, profit) from 

reporting; information, infor- fb\ i jL»- 1 : Sjli I 
ming, notification, notifying, telling; report 

statement; notice CjLj iolij 

deposition; statement; affidavit; iio i s.»l+£, :5jii| 
testimony, witness 

to boil ^Li i j^ij 4i»»- ijlil 

to dwell on, expatiate upon, JZai i <_**-! : (j) yilil 
elaborate on, enlarge upon, expand on, write 
exhaustively or extensively about, discuss at great 
length, speak in detail about 

to fill to overflowing, overfill, fill p- Jj I i pit : ^li I 

to pour, pour forth, pour out, Lw» i ^X. : ^li I 

to utter, pronounce, say jJai :i»15l> ^lil 

prolixity, expatiation, long-windedness, l_>Ij_.| :iijljl 
verbosity, verbiage, elaborateness, exhaustiveness, 

. 1 >iV» l 



* * 

tory, defamatory 

assumption, supposition, presumption, pre- <>>^] 
supposition, premise, hypothesis, postulate, postu- 
lation; proposition 

hypothetical, suppositional, suppositive, ^o\jJi\ 
assumed, supposed, presumptive, presumed; pro- 
defloration (of a girl) SjlSCJI Jc* :(<>&) ^J^\ 

to raven, prey upon, (seize and) (ilo^ill) <j»>i) 

devour; to kill, tear 

to ravish, rape, violate 

to spread, spread out 

to lie down, stretch (out) 

to sleep with, lie with, go to I4I. U- :l\ Jt\ ^j^i I 
bed with 

to follow the tracks or traces of; to » J> I ^j^ I 
follow, pursue, chase; to imitate, copy 

to seize the opportunity, take U j^\ : i*oji)\ {joJ^t\ 
the opportunity, take advantage of the opportunity 

to suppose, assume, presume, s-r»" ' J -*» : u^**! 

to take for granted, presume, SIjl»- jJL : (>>>j I 
postulate, assume or acknowledge for the sake of 
argument, suppose or assume to be true, admit as 
true without proof 
to presuppose lii- jl UjjL* u°j~*\ 

to deflower (a girl) 

to separate, part, part company, go in different J^il 
directions, break off, leave each other; to be or 
become separated, disunited, divided 

to separate, detach; to pull out, tear pyi <. Jlai :,>£») 
out, extract, remove 

to deflower (a girl) 

JUo5 ru*- \ j 

l^JjlSo { Jai :(<>LjiJI) Ja^i\ 

disclosure, being disclosed; exposure, being r Uali I 
exposed; notoriety 


exhibi- Sj>»JI j\^>\ <JJ jl^> j 


4jI^ ouil »s«-Ij-4j1^ oLi| 

opening, inauguration, dedication 

b Ir-lljl 

opening, beginning, commencement, <■ ju : ^Lj I 

introduction, initiation 

opening ceremony ^Ljj I ilui- 

<LLJ t<U»- »sflj - r-Lil <LLJ iT-Lzil <Ja»- 

opening, introductory, initiatory, inaugural ^\^\ 

opening session <L»- lii I «~Jj- 

*1>-Ljl «j-Ij - <L»-LjI illi* i^-Lzil JliL. 

editorial, leading article, leader <*»-'^i\ 

editorialist, editor oL»-Li > 5ll i_JlS" 

enchantment, fascination, captivation, bewitch-ut^i} 

ment, infatuation 

to inaugurate, open, dedicate ^ j : £^jl 

*" ' "" 

to open, begin, start, commence, intro- Ijj : r^*\ 

duce, initiate, institute, launch, mount 

to conquer, capture, occupy j^UI £"■**! 

-; 6f» jf'j - -? Or**! 
mutation ojii» : *^^*| 

to pride oneself on, be proud of, glory in, j ^p^l 
boast of, brag of, pique oneself on, plume oneself 
on, preen oneself on 

redemption, ransoming (jjj:»ljuil 

to smile; to show or bare « 
the teeth when smiling 

to gleam, glitter, glisten, sparkle j^ : 'j2i I 

to fabricate (invent, trump up,(fJJ l^jSJI) oLt &_fi\ 
make up, manufacture) lies against, accuse falsely 
of; to slander, libel, calumniate, defame, malign, 
asperse, traduce, speak evil of 

(fabricated) lie, falsehood, falsity, fabrication, ^J^\ 
false accusation; slander, libel, calumny, defama- 
tion, aspersion, traducement 

slanderous, libelous, calumnious, calumnia- ^J>)j?\ 

:4jLL**i rj£, j^3 1 t Jill 




f l 

:- .- ' >-'A 

% <f" &" c -** 

confutation; dumbfounding, nonplussing, 
striking dumb 

bowlegged, varus Cr*^- " ir* i --* : g**' 

- - '.* 
to use obscene language; to be or become L £ai\ 

obscene, ribald, vulgar, indecent; to commit atroc- 
ities or abominations 

to confute, overwhelm in argument, silence with ~si\ 
arguments; to dumbfound, nonplus, flabbergast, 
strike dumb 

Eucharist, Communion 

statelier, more imposing, more ilUii ^£\ : ~i*\ 

splendid, more magnificent, more majestic, more 
luxurious ., 

'- .'':-- s -i 

to put to flight ./*> ^«r '-J [ 

iSj jj- I j - Ji i jJ»» : ti^i I 
, , .« • '.- . - ^ : 

release, J-l. i^U-J 4 ^1^- ii^U»J :<-*yV 6* £b*j 

discharge, freeing 

bail, bailment iJUSJ i->)iy> <>*• £^j 

unblocking, decon- J>^U»I < jj> 
trol, release, freeing 

setting aside or apart, separation, isolation, J_)c : jl^l 
seclusion, segregation 

singling out, earmarking, designa- u n .. n-*~ : i\ji I 
tion, destination, allocation, appropriation, assign- 
ment, setting aside or apart, marking 
individual; single, solitary; several, separate <i^j\ 

secretion, excretion, (»jy" »jL. jl) ^l>-J : jljij 
exudation, discharge 

secretory, secretive, secreting, excretory (ij'j*) 

excess(iveness), immoderation, immoderate- J»lji) 
ness, extravagance, intemperance, intemperate- 
ness, exceeding the proper bounds or limits, going 
too far 

to release, <du-_ <_jU-I i-ia-l^ Jpii.! :tiy>ll ^ r^l 

discharge, let go, free, set free, set at liberty 

---, >.- - - - •« 
to bail out, release on bail iJliXj iJy >ll ^ ryi I 

to unblock, decon- <uii» I i »j>>- : >(VJI i>t r ^» I 
trol, release, free, let go 


"'■.: , "se a 

defloration (of a girl) SjlOl j^ :(»Lj) (jiUtil 



*.« , * f t > 5 

to be disclosed, revealed, di- 
vulged, uncovered 

invention, fabrication, making up, ere- Jj}Li-l : JLJI 
ation, concoction, contrivance, devisal, devising, 

forgery, falsification jjjjJ : JU^il 

to invent, fabricate, make up, create, J^»-J : Jiuil 
concoct, contrive, devise, plan 

to do on purpose, do inten- I juc Jli t .ujJ : J*Jj I 
tionally, commit willfully or deliberately 

to forge, falsify j j j : jlj I 


need, want, lack; shortage, defi- i»-U- :(J,0 jliil 

ciency, insufficiency 

• f • , ^ • 

^ii c yii »jf I j — j^t i ii l» : j liZ» I 
•' » - i - * ~ "\ 

to miss <uail j I aj Lu ^^-a- 1 : jjui I 

uij ils>-Ij — jji :juLjI 
Ojloj jl>-Ij— ^j* Cjhj 1 mU- V j I 

to be or become poor,<JL. i_j»i i Ij^ii j^ ' j>* i^^iil 
needy, destitute, indigent, poverty-stricken; to be 
reduced to poverty 

to need, lack, want, jlc 4 Jl r^>-\ '■ Jj j^\ 

require; to be in need of, in want of, lacking, 
wanting, deficient in, short of or in; to suffer from 
the absence or deficiency of 

to assassinate Jl^xl :_> duil 

to redeem, pay off, dismortgage ^^11 dluil 

redemption O*-^' ^^**1 

^ — - '!* 

i ". -*". . . : s -: 

(j-*j ' (j-*j f^r'j — oulil 4^*1 

to stride; to hurry (,-111 j) k»l 

-r»* p- 'j - -^- 3 'ii-» '(j»j : J**' 
Uti I «»» ««-lj-«j>«il 

to separate oneself ^ J,niil <. ,jt. j*£j\ \,jt. uj^j I 
from, detach oneself from, withdraw from, leave, 

to run, race, rush lj* <.\S>j>- <-J^j '■ £*Jj>\ 

cornice, frieze, curb, ledge, eaves, molding, y_^\ 

continental shelf <Sj* j>j>\ 



Africa iliu^jt 

to scare away, frighten, terrify, startle f-^il :^»l 

frightening, scaring, alarming, terrify- *Ju^ : f'j*l 
ing, terrorization, panicking 

to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify, terrorize, (_>^»- :p\il 
panic, dismay, daunt, horrify 

to wake (up), awaken, waken, Jail : f^JI ^ s-ji I 
awake, rouse (from sleep) 

to succor, relieve, aid, help cl>ltl : t-ji I 

spoiling, spoilage, impairment i_i}Uj : jL»J 

spoiling, spoilage; cor- »JJ <_>l j^I jl JbU- jI jL»I 
ruption, corrupting; depravation, perversion, de- 
moralization, vitiation 

thwarting, foiling, frustration, JJ»»i i J»Li-l : jL»| 
neutralization, counteraction, undermining 

~ s •; -s ~ '-!* 

C~» p-'j-f j : £-»' 

to make room for, make J (»J ( I "iHk* i UISC-.) £_i I 
place for, give place to, clear a space lor, step aside 
for; to make way for, open the way for, give way 
to, yield to, clear a passage for; to give or open up 
an opportunity or a chance to or for, enable, let, 
allov, permit; to give free play (to), give free scope 
(to), give wide scope of action (to), give a free hand 
(to), give a wide latitude (to), give an elbowroom 

-'■ i -'- .~'\ 

to spoil, impair, mar, damage <_ilJl : j_il 

to spoil; ^IJ l!iii jlil c jJJ Llj^l ji 'si±H\ 'alii 
to corrupt; to deprave, pervert, debauch, demora- 
lize, vitiate, debase 

^ s, , , • * 

to rot, decompose, decay, putrefy { ^is. : j_-» I 

-», -,. » ,,•» 

to thwart, foil, frustrate, neu- JJa*. 4 Jalj- 1 : j_-» 1 

to leave, quit, clear obU-i 1 *£ jj : olSCil ^ i-^i I 
out of, evacuate, pull out of, withdraw from 
to gladden, delight, cheer (up), exhilarate, ^j* : rj\ 
rejoice, make happy, make glad, make merry, fill 
with joy 

to set aside, set apart, separate, isolate, se- '{jjc : 3J\ 
elude, segregate 

to single out, earmark, designate, u^^ap- : j^i I 
destine, assign, allocate, allot, appropriate, set 
aside, set apart, mark, design, intend (for a specific 

, , • » ,-•» 

to secrete, excrete, exude, discharge r->»- 1 : j^il 

,,' ,,' .,'* 

;- • ' - --: i- • ■" - -:» 

*«0jaJI (_^»jjjl «*■ Ij — i-o^«JI ytfjil 

to exceed the proper bounds or "JX\ jjl»- : i>^il 

limits, go too far, go to excess, go to extremes, 
overdo; to be excessive, extreme, immoderate 

hairy, hirsute, shaggy ^Jl jCS : p>* ' 

'& Cfrlj-^ ^ 
» -. . >' ,'t 
to cast, mold, found; to *i-*» jl cJu J 4i^ I 

shape, form, work; to express, articulate, couch, 

phrase, word 

to do one s Aju«j jl 4jiU» jl u^^xi jl oj$»- p^*' 

best or utmost, do all in one's power, do all what 

one can, make every effort, spare no effort, exert 

oneself to the utmost, take pains, go to great pains, 

go to all lengths, stop at nothing, leave no stone 


to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify, <-*>»- ' p- J» ' : t5j*\ 

panic, horrify 

- - < - - •* 

to lose; to mislay; to miss pU>l : J^i I 

to recover, recuperate, get well, regain yii : J^i I 

having broken teeth oLL- al :»^jl 

Europeans; foreigners **»jj*J 'pJjij 

European; foreign; foreigner l»*»0*! 

l r rench tj—'S' ' 

Trench CLj^llI iiiJI • *' ; yNI 




bjA ^^3H^2ZZ 

to arrive at, reach, get to, come to J^j : Jj ^^oi I 

to inform of or Jc <JL1»I i j *U*I : j <JJ ^^iil 
about, tell about, bring to someone's knowledge; to 
reveal to, disclose to, divulge to 

to unbosom (oneself), disem- » jjuo i)y*~i ^j^* ' 
bosom, reveal or give vent to one's feelings or 

better; superior; preferable jj-*- 1 : jjai I 

the best; optimum, optimal t>-»- »' : J-ai^ll 

■ '•* .. «• ^'** 

better off than ^ J^i I JU- j i ^ "5IU J-ai I 

at best Jl^-^ll jlail j 

• » - •» 

at one's best *i\y I J-ai I j 

for the better J-ai jI jj»j 

preference, precedence, priority ilLail 

fast breaking C^a)! ^liT i^ ijlkij 




T-L-aJI *UJ> i j>a» : jUai I 

crU' iA/* :jwkjl 

to have (take, eat) breakfast, r-Call ^UL OjLj :jJail 
to breakfast 

to break the fast, eat and i_> ji y jS\ : J CaJ I jLt 1 
drink after a fast 

to give breakfast to 
to break someone's fast 
snub-nosed, pug-nosed 
pug nose, snub nose 

more discerning, more sagacious, i-J»» j£\ : jJbi\ 
more perspicacious, more intelligent, brighter, 
cleverer, smarter 

adder, viper, asp, snake, serpent unil 

tree snake 

sea snake 

flying snake 

water snake 

garter snake 

coral snake 







, *. * , , 

<Jl»- j* 


tralize, counteract, make ineffective, undermine 

to sow dissension among, stir up discord ^4-0 juj I 
among, cause mischief among, set people against 
each other 

ji-j jo>-lj-jui :jujl 

absinthe, wormwood (^L-i) Cfcr— *' 

^- - -'', 't* 
to reveal, disclose, divulge, uncover, jH 1 LjLiS : ,^1 

unearth, make known, make public; to spread, 

propagate, disseminate, circulate 

revealing, revelation, disclosing, j^> 1 i_i^ : >llij 
disclosure, divulgence, uncovering; spreading, 
propagation, dissemination, circulation 

frustration, thwarting, foiling, balking, defeat Jliij 

- ' ;* 
to frustrate, thwart, foil, balk, defeat, abort Jli I 

litany [ijl^ii J Jl»f>l i%o '■ j^J' 

expression, expressing, giving expression (^t) rLiiJ 
to, voicing, uttering, utterance, articulation, enun- 
ciation, enunciating, announcement, announcing, 
declaration, declaring, statement, stating, bringing 

to express, give ^ < ^J»l 1 j^ o^l '-^ *«dil 

expression to, voice, utter, articulate, enunciate, 
announce, declare, state, bring out, make known, 
make clear, make plain, speak frankly about, 
reveal, disclose 

to use or express oneself in i>- Luj ~L£j : uii 1 
pure language 

to dawn 

to be or become pure, clear; to clear, 

to be or become clear, plain, j^iu I 1 »vi j : uii I 
distinct, manifest, patent, evident, obvious 

to celebrate ([/*:. "IQ p-^*JI juu JjIj-I : ^ail 

to celebrate ((3 j^JI ) »waiJI j-ju Ji^»- 1 : mi I 

more eloquent, more fluent; purer,i>-La» ^£\ :jwail 
more literary 

classical ^-%'nnll AjJJI 1 — -** 1 ^^" ' (^«uJI 

to lead to; to Cjjs- \ 1 J* acL i J] <i il : <JJ ^^ai I 
conduce to, contribute to; to cause, result in, bring 
about, give rise to, produce, generate, engender, 
create, make 


r~- — 



oU :Jjl t Jil 

to set, go down, sink; to decline, j 

fade, dim 

setting, going down, sinking; declining, fading; Jil 

transitory, evanescent, passing 

escape, getaway, getting away, slipping away; Cj%\ 
freedom, liberation, release, disengagement, disen- 

bankruptcy, insolvency, failure, ruin w^i^ 

fraudulent bankruptcy <J^—»-' o"^*! 

bankrupt, insolvent lt^^J 

Platonic ^j^jjilil 

-s" •", •* 

Platonism O^JjMil 

to escape, slip away, get away, vaLxJ i i_*j* : cJil 
break away, break loose, run away, flee, get free; 
to free oneself, save oneself; to be or become 
free(d), released, liberated 

to let escape, let slip away, let jU»l i L) A^- : cJi I 
get away, let loose, free, set free, liberate, release 

to succeed, be successful, prosper, thrive »Ji I 

to go bankrupt, fail, become bankrupt or ^^Ji I 


to escape, slip away; to slip, y<iL" i eii I : \{y>) y^ii I 

slide, glide; to evade, elude, shirk, dodge 

Pluto [dUiJyjjL :<jijiil 

to be or become moronic, L-i. oo i J*»- : J>\ ij>\ 
feebleminded, stupid, idiotic, imbecilic; to be or 
become a moron, an idiot 

moronity, feeblemindedness, f Uc i J**- : jil i ji I 
stupidity, idiocy, imbecility 

to annihilate, exterminate, extirpate, iiU»l t jU : Lr JI 
destroy utterly, ruin completely, wipe out, extin- 

to exhaust, consume, use up, Si^L. I <. .u.:.:.- 1 : ^ I 
deplete, drain; to waste, wear (away); to spend 

annihilation, extermination, extir- dJ"5u>J <. » jIj) : >LiJ 
pation, extinction, wiping out, utter destruction 

exhaustion, (complete) con-dJ}lii~l i jIl^J : f Li I 
sumption, using up, depletion; wasting, wearing 

gentleman; Mr.; sir; chief 
tangerine(s), mandarin(s) 

JJ o-lj- Ju»l 

*- - "\ 

(£lLll) ^l ULJ 

puff adder iaj li 



snake charmer jU : (<ll_)l) ,-cU jI s-f^* 

more effective, more efficacious, illlii jJ3 I : J*»l 
more efficient 

to brim, fill to the brim, fill up, overfill, fill to (j ) j»«i I 

overflowing; to load with, charge with, cram with, 

jam with 

-•* - >:1 

serpentine, snaky, snakelike, ophidian ,J \yt I 

to be or become brimful, Lli* jU> i fji\ :(->) n*'y*\ 
(over)full, replete; to be or become loaded with, 
charged with, fraught with 



to wander (about), rove, roam, Jli ^ll j vW- : &\ 
tramp, travel 

horizon; skyline; faraway lands, distant (iJli I ^) J>il 
regions, remote parts 

impoverishment, pauperization jUij 

• , .<- -,;» 

to deprive of, dispossess of, rob jib <U»- i fjj- : _ui' 

of; to cause to lose or forfeit or miss 

to impoverish, pauperize, make poor, Ijjii <U»- : jji»l 

reduce to poverty 

bucktoothed; prognathous fjiil 



to lie, tell a lie 


i 'i 


lie, falsehood, untruth; lying, telling i_>i^ :i^ij idlij 
of a lie or lies 

joke, jest, drollery, witticism, wisecrack, gag; i»j5jl 

4*1*1 > 


I :" ■ ■'... ■ ■ ' ,. ■ ■ ■■■■■■- - ■:■ ■-.■■- ^- :? 


• - : 1 


deposition, dismissal, discharge, re- (l 
moval, ousting, ouster, sacking, firing 





to raise, erect, set up, u ~. i i u-j i 4 ^ 

build, construct, put up, establish, institute, found 
to create, bring about; to install 

to stand, make stand, set up- < «• ji 4 ^yu 

right, raise; to make rise 

I 1 — Jac i 71L0I imw Ifli 
• >^ Cr? < ~" J V : f^ 

to resurrect, raise from the j^> 4 

to appoint, install, assign, nomi- 


L r .4.^3-> t (J^t • f 

:iii : :u 

to rouse, arouse, excite, agitate, stir up, 

raise, incite 

to stay in, jJLL. I 1 o-j <■ q£-» 4 ki^L» : j j I j ^ li I 

remain in, reside in, dwell in, live in, inhabit; to 

settle (down) at 

to keep to, stick to, abide by, <J* c-J : loS" Jt fl» I 
stand by; to persist in 

to hold (a ceremony, meet- *J] ilii- < Slllil flil 
ing, etc.), celebrate (a festival, etc.), give or throw 
(a party, reception, etc.) 

to institute legal proceedings against, <J* ti>* j fl» I 
take legal action against, bring suit against, sue, 
prosecute, litigate 

to prove, demonstrate, <J* ol»j~ll jl l^^' f^' 
establish, substantiate, show 

to perform ritual prayeris), ol^JuJl jl S^Uall flil 

establish regular prayerfs) 

to administer justice; to establish justice CJJJJI I 

to say Mass, celebrate 

to attach importance to; to set store by J Uj,j flil 

erection, erecting, ^r-^-U 4 >llj| 4 *L> 1 ,»■■»," :i«li] 
raising, setting up, building, construction, putting 
up, establishment, institution, founding, founda- 
tion; installation 

stay, sojourn, resi- jl y^-\ <■ ijSL. t £><£-> : i*l» I 
dence; staying, remaining, residing, dwelling, liv- 
ing, inhabiting; settling, settlement 

house arrest hj^r **\&\ 

institution of legal proceedings ( Jt) tj>* jJI i*l»l 
(against), taking legal action (against), bringing suit 
(against), suing, prosecution 

»»--' • ■•■ 


branch, twig 


kind, sort, type, variety; way; iij^ 4 9y '■ 6>j1 
manner, mode, fashion, style; form 
to make understand, make comprehend, make m I 
realize, make see; to instruct, teach 

spices, condiments J; '>> ' <>.» l» ' : » l_ji I 

- J., •« •< M 

mouths -» «^»sf 4 f^il c fly I :«ly I 

lawyer, attorney; attorney-at-law, 
advocate, barrister, solicitor 

, f C: 




pljl J_~ 


cr 1 

-> : ^' 

setting, sinking; decline, fading 

broad-mouthed, bigmouthed 

vast, extensive, wide, broad 

more useful,! jli I ^^5"! 4 SjJli ^IS"! 4 <jjb>-l 4 xiil : Jut 
more helpful, more beneficial, more advantageous, 
more profitable 


lie, untruth, falsehood; lying 


opiomania, opiumism 


opiate, opium- 

to jinx, hex, bring bad luck^jliJlj ot 1 4 ^-su : (aJlc) jl 


to make vomit, cause to vomit Li : i\i\ 

to feed, nourish, nurture, aliment; to support, otfl 
sustain, maintain, keep, provide for, subsist 


t-jji" <.<>j£ :iSLil 

0>j il oL-jl 

|j>J il <J.;-rf> 

9bJu ( ?**J-» «*• I 

-BJ 4 C lil 


(oLi) Uilll 

to depose, dismiss, discharge, re- 
move, oust, sack, fire 

to forgive, pardon, regard someone's & jlc jil Jli 
offense or lapse as undone; to steady someone 
who has stumbled, raise someone from a fall 
to put words in someone's mouth; to aLu -J L. <Jli I 
attribute false reports to; to fabricate lies against 



■ ■■•'./.'■■...■•■■,■■■■ 

to pattern after, follow, imitate _» jj 

: j u-Lil 

to trace, track, follow the traces or tracks 


of; to follow, pursue, chase, take after; to imitate, 
copy, follow in the steps of 

adaptation (of a literary work); quotation, cita-^Lil 
tion, excerption, extraction, selection; adoption, 
taking over, borrowing 

quotation marks ^Li^l Lie 

to quote, cite, excerpt, extract, take out, select; "f^ 
to adopt (from), take over (from), borrow (from), 
derive (from); to adapt (a literary work) 

to learn, acquire knowledge 1JUI ^Li I 

to take (get, obtain) fire from 
to take a pinch (of) 


JjUJ «-Ij - JLil 

breaking in(to), bursting into, plunging into, *\j*2\ 
plunge into, rush(ing) into, storming into or 
through, penetration; breakthrough, breaking 
through, passing through, running through; 
storming, taking by storm 

to break in(to), burst into, plunge into, dive into.Ikil 
rush into, storm into or through, penetrate; to 
break through, cut through, pass through, run 
through; to storm, take by storm; to embark boldly 
upon, engage courageously in; to defy (danger, 
hardships, etc.) 

to imitate, copy, emulate, follow someone's j tiJuil 
example or model, pattern after, take after, model 
after, be guided by, tread in the steps of 

imitation, copying, emulation, following (j) ►Ijuil 
the example or model of, patterning after, taking 

solvency, ability; wealth j_j iSzX. tjljJil 

to strike fire (with a flint) jUI ^ju»I 

administration of justice, judicature; JuUl <£lil 

establishment of justice 

*. - - ,^i,, 

Js« j^-lj -*-l»j Jaw 

attendance; turnout j_v^»- : cJLil 

coming, arrival, advent, appearance n**" : JLil 

approach, oncoming, drawing v'^f»' ' >J J : JLil 

embarking upon, _> fLil i <JJ t^\ Jr *>\ :Jc JLi] 
undertaking, entering upon, proceeding to, en- 
gagement in; devotion to, dedication to, turning to; 
interest in, enthusiasm for, zeal for 

(great, good) demand r-l j j : JLi I 

good fortune, prosperity, welfare J~> : JLi I 

back and forth, to and fro, up and I jL jlj "ilLi I 

to commit atrocities, commit iaw-i a^l i_iwjl :*yil 
shameful or dirty acts 

uglier; more offensive; more i»-Li jl l»J J&\ :*vil 
infamous; fouler, more indecent 

to give fire to Lj «U»tl : u —il 

to teach, instruct, educate lie : (Cic <_) ^4* I 

to approach, draw near, come Ly i L j : Jljl 

to come to, go to; to Xay\ (. ^I :(Jc t Jj) J^il 
advance to, proceed to 

to attend, be present, be there; to come, j^a»- : J-i I 
show up; to go to, come to 

to embark j JU* I t J J Li^lai I 4 J J j jL : J*, jli I 
upon, undertake, enter upon, proceed to, engage 
in; to devote oneself to, dedicate oneself to, apply 
oneself to, turn to, attend to, give one's attention 
to, occupy oneself with; to take an interest in, be 
interested in 
to pounce upon or at, rush upon eJ Ly : J* Jli I 

to yield abundant crops oLJL Joj^iS cilil 

,*i .'- . --•* 

to be lucky, fortunate; to be pros- L Jl aILc cJLi I 

perous; to prosper, succeed 

oke, oka; ounce o jj «-k»-j '■**' 

to feed on, live on; to eat; to be fed, nour- (j) oU»l 
ished, nurtured; to be supported, sustained 

*\i «-lj - jli : jl^il 
jlijl »»-lj - jliil :jLil 



to be or become r-jjj| i Jaljj| 'J-<u| :(-;) Uj^ij 
coupled (with), joined (with), connected (with), 
united (with), linked (with), associated (with); to 
unite (with), associate (with); to pair, couple, join, 
form a pair 

to get (be, become) married (with, r-jjj : (_;) oj£ \ 
to), marry, wed, take a(s) spouse; to join hands, 

become husband and wife 

[* i - ' '** 
*L>-IJ ojX\ 

division, dividing, distribution (among them- ^ Ljj\ 
selves); sharing, partaking 

J* j-* Jf b ~ J* J-3\ 

to divide or distribute among themselves; to 
share, partake of (with others) 

to avenge oneself on, revenge q* Jujl : (ja uOuj\ 
oneself on, take revenge or vengeance on; to 
retaliate upon, make reprisals on 

u°* Jf" 'j -j j~ 't^* - '<-$-JJ '-u^i 

economy, economization, jujj : (<j>Ul)ll j) .sLaiil 

frugality, thrift(iness), providence, husbandry, 


economics, political economy jLjj^I As- i jLaj| 

-•«•», •„, 
free enterprise >»■ jUoj} 

handicraft economy (j?-/?* ■ 3 ^'! 

political economy 


.jMiLmi jLaU 1 


„ *■> J • 

directed (guided, (jJJ j-i* 4 ,1» >»■»*) *»->• jLujh 
planned, managed, controlled) economy 

• • * ■ i ^ • 

economic jLaj'il Jl«j jl jLoj^Ij ^U-i^jLaiil 

UnTii « luyl j — A .. glTn .« : (3^ KnTt 1 

economist i^jLojI Jlc nijLoiil 

economically L jLoj j 

economy, economies, economics ol jLoj I 

economic geography ij jLa^i I Li I ji»- 

to economize, tighten one's belt; to be econom- 

to be or become poor, needy, j_SJj 1 i<JL Ji i^l 
poverty-stricken; to be reduced to poverty 

J 6 ^» Jf'j-J^ : <J* ^j' 

to read, peruse «JU» 1 1 ji : Ijiil 

approach, oncoming, imminence; appro xi- <_>l^l 

suggestion, proposal, proposition, offer; Hv?'' 

motion; recommendation 


Ijjlu jl JW14 


borrowing, raising of a loan; loan, advance (jil^l 

voting, vote, ballot, poll(ing), casting ofoj^aj : f \jZ\ 

ballots or votes 

universal suffrage ^Icpljiil 

commission, commitment, commit- i_jI£JjI :l»\j^\ 
ting, perpetration, perpetrating 

coupling; (close) connection, ^)y <■ J>Ljjl : i)\j£\ 
(close) union, (close) association, link(age), linkup, 

marriage, wedding, matrimony r-ljj : o\j£\ 

conjugation [ f L»-l]o'^»l 

conjunction [iiUi]ol>il 

mapping, function [oUilj] ij\ J ^i\ 

to approach, approximate, come (aJJ jl <*-^) o^ii] 
near or close (to), get near or close (to), be near or 
close (to); to border on, verge on; to draw near, 
come, approach, near, impend, be imminent 

to suggest, propose, offer; to recom- Jo jc : rjS\ 

mend; to move (formally, as in a meeting) 

to borrow, raise (take up, contract) a loan; to ijoj3\ 

take in advance 

to vote, cast a ballot, cast a vote, poll o^»o : ?j*i\ 

to cast lots 




to draw lots 


(ci>* ji) 



to choose by lot 

■Ltyjjlj i_..t» .',i 1 


to commit, perpetrate 


1 :LT^S 

r J 


** & 


plucking out, tearing out, extraction, pulling p itil 
out, uprooting, deracination, rooting up, eradica- 
tion, extirpation, extermination 

to pluck out, tear out, extract, pull out, pull up iiiil 
by the roots, uproot, deracinate, root up, root oul, 
eradicate, extirpate, exterminate 

(JU ^-Ij-^l 

to acquire, get, obtain; to possess, own, have ^£\ 

acquisition, acquirement, getting, obtainment; »LSI 
possession, possessing, owning, having 

conviction, persuasion, strong belief, certainty; eUiil 
satisfaction, contentment, content(edness) 

insertion, inserting, introduction, intro- (J) *Lnt I 
ducing, interpolation, intercalation, interjection, 
intrusion, setting in, putting in, thrusting, driving 
in, sticking in, working in, intromission; pushing 
into, dragging into, involvement in, involving in, 
implication in, implicating in; forcing, plunging, 
cramming, wedging, squeezing, squeeze, pressing 

to be rainless (year) ( - U I ) ,L»ji I 

to insert, introduce, interpolate, intercalate, ( j) ***\ 
interject, intrude, set in, put in, enter, thrust, infix, 
drive in, stick in, work in, intromit; to push into, 
hurl into, drag into, involve in, implicate in; to 
force, plunge, push, cram, wedge, squeeze, press 

daisy; oxeye, oxeye daisy; (oL) iil^i'1 iu\y4\ 

chrysanthemum; feverfew; dog fennel; chamomile, 


intrepedity, boldness, courage, pluck, nerve, »l jjl 

fearlessness, undauntedness, daring, enterprise, 


jj» £r-lj -(jisC c(Jt) IjjU Alii- :(Jt) j'jj'l 

abler, more capable, more (5y I i Sj_ii ^£\ : jjjl 
competent, more qualified; mightier, more pow- 

to venture, risk, dare; to undertake, set (Jx.) »jjl 
about, set out to, embark boldly upon, engage 

ical, thrifty, frugal, provident; to husband, manage 

economically; to save 

to be limited to, restricted to, confined to; Jc y*>~«l 

to limit oneself to, restrict oneself to, confine 

oneself to 

to call for, JJ r^| ' (^J^ll i.yj^L\ iLlij : (J Ja3\ 

require, demand, need, want, take 

need, necessity, exigency, re- i»-U. i ^ y) : f l 'n " J \ 

quirement, requisite 

if need be, in case of need, if neces- ♦L^i'ill luc 
sary, when necessary 

abridgment, shortening, condensa- jLii»-l :i_<Ltil 
tion; conciseness, brevity, shortness, terseness, 
succinctness, laconism, brachylogy 

to abridge, shorten, condense, digest, y-t'-l ■ ' - ~n \ 
cut short 

deduction, discounting, *-'jL 1 1&. i J^. :cLLJl 

subtraction, dockage, cut; discount, rebate 

. . - « . > • i ' 

takingapartoralittleof qa 1<J*)\ ~J JS-\ :plLil 

appropriation, taking posses- (Jt) ,^L:I,I :c-lk^l 
sion (oO, seizure 



jL-i»- 1 :cjLLjI 


-I :jii»l 

l^* t p- jj-Zj 1 : f ^"* 

selection, choice, choosing, 

excerption, extraction, quotation 

to take a part or a little of ^ III 

to appropriate, take possession 
of, seize 

to tear out, tear off, take out, 
detach, pull out, cut out 

to deduct, discount, re- r-'^> ( ~a±- t p^*- : >Li 
bate, subtract, take off, take away, take out, dock 

t » hi ( t « li» (uf-lj-^^*- ( i alii 

to select, choose, pick out, pick, cull jU»- 1 

to excerpt, extract, quote, cite '"' I 

to track, trace, trail, follow the tracks of, (o J I ) ^yuil 
follow the traces of, follow the trail of; to follow, 
pursue, chase, take after; to imitate, copy, emulate, 
follow someone's example or model, pattern after, 
tread in the steps of, follow in the steps of, follow 


as soon as possible, in the 
shortest possible time 

'■'■■ ■» "" ■■■ » 

pharmacopeia; materia medica; Pharmacol- ij^Y^' 

ogy, pharmaceutics 

pharmacopeial; pharmaceutical), pharma- ^ ju^l 


i_,yil »j»-Ij - U^J>>I 




to loan, lend, advance (money to) <_*L : Jej\ 

bald, bald-headed, hairless; baldhead, jl«al : ^il 

iy «rlj -3«*J '(^» '-J^J '£j'j ^j* 1 

horned, horny uj^» J 1 oy jj:uyi 

cerastes, horned viper &J <^- 

to be just, act justly, establish justice "il jIc u^ : JlJH 

to swear by -; (v-i' 

to take an oath, swear L^j p-» ' 

to perjure, commit perjury i> JlS" L^«j p-» I 

• . .'.*'-' M 

,-- -- - -- •« 

,- -• ,- -• ,- •_* 

» *'q')I «»■ I j — a-1aj 1 '. A-*J 1 

to shudder, shiver, tremble, shake, quiver, have ^ilil 

bloodcurdling, horrible, terrible, O 1 ^^ ^ j^> 
ghastly, grisly, shocking 

to remove, take away, put aside, set Jj* 4 juul : ^^.ail 
aside; to distance, place at a distance, keep away; 
to eliminate, drop, disqualify, exclude; to send 
away, dismiss; to expel, drive away, force out, put 

0Ut ■.»— ..* - :* 

to reach the utmost limit of »Ua»l ji; : i^l {J ^* I 

more distant, remoter, farther (away), juu I : ^^ 1 

further, ulterior 

most distant, remotest, most remote, juo "ill : ( _ r a» ^1 


courageously in, venture upon, dare or be bold 
enough to undertake or engage in; to brave, have 
the audacity or courage to; to be daring, bold, 
venturesome, audacious 

older, more ancient 


the ancients 


£-*» cf'j - -; ^*" 'r~ ■£/ 


to confess, acknowledge, j JJl. i _> ei^c-l : j ^i 
avow, own, admit, allow; to concede, grant; to 

to ratify, confirm, Jc Ji lj i J* l>jL> i ^j>\ : ji\ 
endorse, sanction, approbate, approve, consent to, 
assent to, subscribe to, adopt, pass, validate, 
uphold, sustain, maintain 
to establish, settle, fix; to stabilize c-J : J \ 

to confirm, affirm, establish 

to gladden, delight, make happy 

to make read, have read; to ask to read; to teach Ijil 
how to read 

confession, acknowledgment, ^]Lz nJlj^cl : jljjt 
avowal, owning, admission, admitting, allowing, 
conceding, concession; recognition 

ratification, confir- iiil^. liijLx. l^s>\ '-j\j*\ 
mation, endorsement, sanction(ing), approbation, 
approval, consent, assent, subscription, adoption, 
passage, passing, upholding 

establishment, settlement, fixing, o v : . o : j I ji J 

fixation; stabilization 

confirmation, affirmation, establish- oLJ I : j\j»\ 


declaration, statement; testimo- ijl^l. i o^> '■ j\j*\ 
ny; testimonial; deposition; attestation 

lending, loan; advance, credit 

nearer, closer 

relatives, relations, family 

people, kinsfolk, kindred, kinsmen, kin, kith and 

kin, folks, next of kin 

charity begins at home <j)jA\> (jljl oyj* »' 




f-'^ji i • , 'frrs 

'-., '■ s ail 

to make or let cross j_»j jl _)L>u alii- : «Jiil 

to grant land (as a fief) to u°J^ *""»* ' 

to grant (to), bestow upon; to J ^a^a- i - ( 
assign to, allot to, allocate to 

«J>1» «j»-Ij-»-. iiljlaJI )\ lLai\ «Ja» : ,jt. «Ja» 1 

> > • . - •« 

amputee; one-armed jJl f>J»i« :jJii'l 

- ' . ' ,•* 
to squat a** A : iy»' 

squat(ting) tLaiji : »L«i'l 

mayhem, crippling, disablement, _)ouu i JJi^ : jIa»J 

to seat, make sit (down), ask to sit (down) LT 1>- 1 : jjj I 

- s - -,«< ,.-•* 

to cripple, maim, disable JLt ( j«l : juj I 

to hold back from, keep from, prevent ^ a jui I 

to be or become crippled, lame.l j>-\t. \j**a jLo : jjjl 

pigeon-breasted; lordotic j_uaJI o^l* : (j-jiS I 

desolation, desolateness, emptiness jlii'l 

closing, closure, shut( ting); shutdown; ct^Uj :Jlo»' 

locking, lockup, bolting 

to be or become desolate, deserted, empty, ^1 

lifeless, uninhabited, devastated; to be or' become 

destitute (of), devoid (of) 

, -• « , -•« 

to close, shut; to lock, latch, bolt, bar; to ^lil : Ji»l 

padlock; to switch off, turn off; to hang up (a 
telephone receiver) 

to carry, transport, convey Jii :3»l 

to pick up, raise, lift Jli- t o j i J-U : J» I 

to do (make, give) little (of, in) J-J^ ^ I . ^j I 

jli ^lj-3^" :[# 

less, smaller, fewer, lesser; lower, inferior; (^) 3*1 

under; below 

the least, the minimum ^i^l 

at least, at the very least jjjJu JjI <Jx. i 3* '' <J* 

desistance, abstention, re- Sy i JjJ ( oiS" : (j* p}|»l 
frainment; storXping), quitting, ceasing, cessation, 
discontinuance, discontinuation; giving up, aban- 

s.:.\.tg-?.-., &>.;. :iv.- 

farthest, furthest, farthermost, furthermost, end- 
most, utmost, uttermost, outmost, outermost, ex- 
treme, ultimate 

- - » , , •» 
utmost, extreme, limit, most, tijLai i <LU : ,+ai I 

utmost degree, highest degree; maximum, maxi- 

, •« 

extreme, extremity, limit, end <LL>; ' ^f-l : <<<ai I 

distant lands, remote regions, <>>j^l i*"^ ' 

faraway countries, most remote parts of the world 

maximum; ceiling; utmost, greatest, y«a» I J»- 


the Tar East <^-»»^' J^JI 

to the greatest or highest degree, ex- j*- ^ei I J J 
tremely, exceedingly, highly, greatly, very (much), 
most; to the extreme limit, to the utmost 

in case of dire (or extreme) ti^-aill i J j_ r ai\ jlLp 
necessity or need, in case of an emergency, when 
worst comes to worst 

from one o Lai I J I • Lai I <j* < o Lai I J I o li j I ^ 
end to the other, throughout, in or to every part, 

removal, taking away, putting aside, set- jLJI : *Lail 
ting aside; elimination, exclusion, disqualifica- 
tion, dropping; dismissal, sending away; expulsion, 
driving away, forcing out, putting out 

to poetize, versify, compose jtfLaiil Jii : . 

poetry, write poems 

short story, short novel, novella, novelette "**oy^i\ 

to deprive of sleep »->uill <As. u ai\ <. <um^i« yiil 

to be rough, hard, coarse >=*-><"' (>»» ' 

cheese Lr o- :iajil iiail ijail 

feudalism; feudality pLki I 

fief, fee, feud, feudal estate, feudatory, ielLil 


feudal, feudatory 

j*o£ j«j*- \ j — ' jy^i ^^^ 

shorter (than) 

feudal lord, liege lord; feuda- yclki 


feudalism; feudality 






** *= 

satisfaction, satisfying, contenting *U»jj : f-Ui I 

acanthus (^M) u">—'' '^** 

topersuade, (j) jl^^ll jl J>JI Jc 4ili- :(-;) jJ 
convince, induce, prevail upon, argue (into or out 
of an opinion), reason (into or out of) 

to satisfy, content t/*»j' : £* ' 

hypostasis, (divine) person [ i-J I j-ai J (^ U I ^) fyii 

to be or become depopulated, deser- bU- :o\£l\ tiji'l 
ted, forsaken, desolate, empty 

to be reduced to poverty; to be or be- ^Lj I : cSy I 
come poor, needy, destitute 

*' '< "'' ''*A --1 
stronger, more powerful, more jii.1 t »y pi :iiy ' 

forceful, mightier; more intense, more violent 
imperfect rhyme, irregular rhyme, [lAj^J *'>•! 
change of the vowel following the rhyme letter 
depopulation (uWl) «lyl 

'- ,•» 

ilh J L ill* I «-lj -(*JLaj J L A_) cJjj'l 

straighten more correct, sounder; more approp- »jil 

to sadden, grieve, depress, u>-l ' L-~S" *i*=r iuiol 
deject, dispirit 


okapi (u'>^-) lt^' "r 1 ^' 

academic, academical; academician ,_«_> jlS I 

academy i-j-jjlS - ! 

plowman, plower, tiller, culti- d>jU- al>\j»- :jlS"l 

saddle, packsaddle ~^>y. '• <-»^J ' <-»^ ' 

corrosive, erosive 
prurigo, itch 

( u i^)dlii:Jl<r1 

— — 

donment, relinquishment, renunciation 

takeoff, departure « ^J UJ I s- "% I 

sailing, departure c-i-JI p^lil 

worrying, troubling, disquieting, disturbing, dis- J^lt) 
turbance, upsetting, discomposure, perturbation; 

to desist from, abstain from, & J> i ^ oiS" : ^e »Jjl 
refrain from, stop, cease, quit, discontinue, halt; to 
give up, abandon, relinquish, renounce 

to take off, depart S^JUJI c-Jil 

to sail, 

set sail, 

make sail, 

put to 


A .' . a ...H c-«Jl» I 





i) J ■'■'-•*■* j-£- 


to worry, trouble, disquiet, disturb, upset, dis- jlil 

concert, discomfort, discompose, distress, faze, 


to acclimatize, acclimate, adapt, adjust, season, Jjl 


acclimatization, acclimation, adaptation, adjust- <JJI 


minority *Ji\ 

key r*-*? :jL r^! 

region, territory, area; country; province, district, JJ I 

county, canton; zone; section 

regional; territorial; provincial; sectional; local ^4-1*1 

area manager, regional manager (jr^*! j* -^ 

regional organization < „ . . \ i\ I . h : . 

territorial waters < „ .,,ljj »L. 

regionalism; territoriality; sectionalism *~*^ L '! 

to be moonlit, moony (night) (JJUI) ^Jil 

moonlit, moony ^»i< :j*»l 

• f ,.* ~ % * 

white; bright, brilliant tij^ <■ Ja^ I : j*i \ 

'* .- ,f 

hooked, crooked, bent, curved, aqui- (j>i»* : {J J\ 
line, falcate 

persuasion, persuading, con- J^iJI J* Jl>- :pUij 
vincing, conviction, inducement, inducing 




acquisitive, grasping, greedy, covetous 
sweeping (away), sweep; overrun(ning), 

to be or get dressed, clothed, garbed, clad; to J < I 
wear, put on; to dress, clothe oneself, attire one- 
self; to be covered; to cover oneself 

acquisition, acquirement, acquiring, attain- uLi'l 
ment, gaining, winning, earning, getting, obtain- 

c liTI 

invasion, overspread(ing); flooding, overflowing, 
inundation; overwhelming, crushing 

to acquire, attain, take on, receive, assume, i" ■' < "! 
adopt; to gain, win, profit, earn, get, obtain, reap 

to sweep (away), carry away, wash away; to '- , <"! 
overrun, invade, overspread, spread all over; to 
flood, overflow, inundate; to overwhelm, over- 
come, crush 

discovery; find(ing); discovering, finding cili^l 
(out), detection, detecting, spotting 

to discover, find out, detect, spot, unearth • i*r< \ 

to be or become (over)crowded, packed, <>■ i'j\ : Jj^l 
jammed, crammed, congested, chock-full, chocka- 
block; to be or become overpopulated, populous, 
densely populated 

to be or become surfeited, over- 
stuffed, cloyed 

congestion, overcrowdedness 
having crippled fingers 

r l*kJI^ Ji^l 


to be or become satisfied with, content with; j y^uS"! 
to content oneself with, settle for 

satisfaction, content(ment), contentedness t\&&\ 

self-sufficiency, autarky 
to find no sleep 

completion, consummation, conclusion, termi- J|^S"I 
nation, windup; perfection; completeness, whole- 
ness, fullness 

firmness, denseness, Ij^l. Ij^jiC t l JA\ o£ :jL^S"l 
compactness, closeness, tightness 

yS ks^\j— u~jjS~> tjl^ol :juol 
to be firm, dense, thick, com- 1 jH-. I>^-* o^ :'^j£\ 

to fail, miss j^. I : '.^\ 

admiration, regard, respect, esteem, J^j -j\*£\ 


to admire, regard, respect, esteem, exalt, Ji-I : J£\ 
value, revere, have great regard for, think highly of 

to consider great, regard as great 

greater, bigger, larger; major; senior; 

the greatest, the biggest, the largest 

older, elder 

the oldest, the eldest 

God is great, God is the greatest 

to be or become sad, grieved, depressed, i_J^ :oU2f I 
dejected, dispirited, gloomy, down(cast), melan- 
cholic, melancholy; to grieve, sadden, gloom 






to dictate (to) 

subscription, contribution 

underwriting (ol. 

to subscribe, contribute 

to underwrite (ol 

to copy, transcribe 

JkxJ «-lj-Jafci"l 

to rent, hire, lease, take on lease >r^-l :i5^l 

renting, hiring, leasing; rent, lease, jl-»J.v.L.I : »l^l 

attention, care, heed, notice, concern, interest ii»l^if I 

indifference, unconcern, ol^SM ili ioI^SM »jx. 
disinterest(edness), apathy, nonchalance, insouci- 
ance, carelessness 

to anguish, agonize; to be or become lSj&\ 

anguished, agonized, distressed, grieved 

to care for or about, pay attention to, J jl j £>j&\ 
mind, heed, take an interest in 






v.,-v. «■ : ■■■■■■■■.', 

jj£ <. jj£ «j»-lj — jjo I 
to make lie, cause to lie i_. iSl!! J* *L»- : o Js I 

to give the lie to, prove a liar <>j& ^ : v J^ I 

fib, (white) lie ijjj^' 

to plow, till, cultivate ii^ : jS"l 

acre i»-L-JJ ^Li* : jS 1 

- s ! - M 
to rent out, let (out), lease, hire out j* I : iij5 I 

renting out, letting (out), leasing, hiring j^-ti : *\jS\ 
out, rental, hire 


honorarium, fee(s), retainer i_.Ljl : <-« IjS ] 

bonus, premium sUld 4 Sj!Ac liLjl^l 

tip, gratuity, baksheesh yilj i<Jl~ZJ*j :i~*\j£\ 

coercion, compulsion, constraint, j-i t fli j\ : •IjS'J 
force, forcing 

duress (<S^^l °\j^ j 

coercively, compulsorily, forcibly, by 

force; under duress 

coercive, compulsory, forced, forcible 

to hurry, hasten, rush, dash 
hole, pit, hollow, excavation 
ball; globe, sphere 
potbellied, paunchy 


- - • * ' ''A 

■'■' -'<\ 

• - ^' ' -i,* 

more generous, more liberal; more honorable, {J*\ 

more respectable; nobler; more precious, more 


to force (to), compel (to), j~i 4 ^ 1 4 ^j\ : Jt- a J I 

coerce (to), constrain (to), oblige (to) 

achromatic [ e-Wjs* J i^J^Oj* ' 

achromatism [ « L jji J «^j l« Jjj ' 

achromatin [ * ^r" ' J Osi ^ Jj* ' 

generous act; kind act, good turn, f_j£ Jit : <-tjj3 • 
favor, grace; noble deed 

,,,.....■■■,.,,.,, ,, y ,, ,, 

pact, close, tight, compressed 

to surround, encompass, encircle, j JsU-l :uLi"l 
enclose, environ, beset, hem in 

to fathom, bottom, get <CLJL>- 4 <4-^ j-L : il&\ 

to the bottom of, understand thoroughly, grasp 


to be middle-aged ^11)1 J»->i. J5I %Z jLj : Ji^J 

to be ironed, pressed, laundered (v~-^ ir 4 -) ^>^1 

to burn, be burned 

3y^-\ '-<Sy£\ 

to be cauterized 

^Jlcijfi :i5^l 

to be branded 

^ : ^Ij-jUT! 

to do (make, give) much or 

^5Gl Jl :>l 

frequently (of) 

more; more numerous; most; majority j& I 

more than, over, above, exceeding ^ ^ I 

more and more, increasingly ^iSb ^ I 

, -• • < ■ * '• * 

*■• t 
the most, the maximum J& "$ I 

at most j^Sal (Jt 

^ p-lj-oUi-SlI ^' J 

majority *i^P' 

simple majority < U . u , ; ij^l 

qualified majority i4* 

landslide, overwhelming majority 

absolute majority 

relative majority 


black eye 

to confirm, affirm, assert, maintain; to corrob 

orate, establish, prove; to assure 

to stress, emphasize, focus on, underline, Jx. j£ I 

highlight, accentuate, accent, lay stress on, give 

emphasis to 

« *i *z ''A 

-'- 1 '-'-'-'A 








ftl '&\ 

destroy, devour 

, - - - ~ * 
to gnaw, eat (away), erode, corrode, wear>«j : JS" I 

away, abrade, fret 

to itch i&IJJ li'jt'ij-l^l 

to take usury, practice usury 

to be timeworn, worn-out, v^-J j* jJI <oJi JS"! 
antiquated, antique, age-old, ancient 

to eat with {*'$& \'&\ 

to feed, give to eat, nourish, aliment lii I : J5"T 

to fructify, fruit, bear fruit iii'l ^T : J5"T 

to tire out, weary, fatigue, exhaust LJu I : "J^\ 

to dim, enfeeble, weaken j '-? 1 D^ ' 

to feed, give to eat, nourish, aliment ,JJ> I : Jfl 

food f & : jifl 

eating f djl &£ : jifl 

^ ' ^ • » 

cannibalism, anthropophagy j-iJI ..jaJJS'l 

dining room 

eater JS"t^.:JfT 

corrosive, erosive oL- : JS"T 

^ 5 * * t > — 
herbivorous, phytophagous; oLJI jl <_*Lc Ml JS"I 


granivorous V^J-' J^ 

insectivorous, entomophagous; oljiil JS"T 


ratel (o !_*»■) JlU I ^Sl 

carnivorous, zoophagous; carnivore j.^mJJI JS"T 

Carnivora &. \'^> : f^>ls\ o^S"T 

> > > - 
cannibal, man-eater, anthropo- jJJI ..jaJJS'l 


anteater (u '>?»-) jJI JfT 
food r ti : jSr1 

fruit j*i--ffl 

to fructify, fruit, bear fruit aIS"! <_^T 

canker, noma, gangrenous stomatitis d>>j-«) aIS'T 

> '>-■■■.. ■■» 

:■■»■■ - 




eczematous; eczematoid 


to pay, yield, profit, return; to allow i«5j ' jvj' 
a profit, make or let gain (win, earn) 
to impart to, lend to; to give; to Jc ^i^l 
reflect on, cast on, bring on; to make 
to oxygenate 



oxygenic, oxygenous 


Ku ** 

to oxidize, cause to rust 

oxidation, oxidization 

to eclipse 

to make lazy 







•*- s- --•,( 


to make an unbeliever or an infidel I j, IS" <T 

to accuse of unbelief, charge jiSS\ J J a— J : jj£\ 
with infidelity, call an unbeliever or an infidel 

to appoint as (or ask to be) security thSL, au^ : JiSl 
or bail; to make (someone) guarantee or ensure 

to darken, darkle; to be(come) or grow dark, ^ii^l 
gloomy, cloudy, overcast, surly 

dark(ness), gloom(iness), cloudiness, surliness j\Jti£ I 

to eat; to take, take in, have (a meal, L\A> JjlJ : Jfl 

to consume, exhaust, use up, eat (up), IJ ^\ :'J£\ 





blind, born blind 


to harbor, cherish; to keep secret; to j^. < ,jl»- 
hide, conceal, secrete; to ensconce, shelter, cover 

(-;) t^" jr'j-t^- "-"J : iH' 

to help, aid, assist, support, back up 6jl* : ut^l 

aquarium (rJJ iD^I) fXjIjS'l 

„*. -"-rr . ' • ^ 
accordion *^r>* *" ^JiVJ* ' 

gluttonous, greedy, voracious, JS" i\ j^T : JjS"! 

rapacious, insatiable, hoggish; glutton, gourmand, 
heavy eater 
certain, sure, positive; definite -w I 

loquat (oLi) ^JJ^fj '^t^f 1 

to return to, go back to; to <JJ jIc 4 <J) £>■ j : <JJ J I 

revert to 

to be attributed to, as- J J u—l « J j lS> : J j J ' 

cribed to, traced back to 

to lead to, contribute to, <JJ IS X\ < <JJ i$jI : <JJ J I 

conduce to, result in, cause 

to end (up) in, <JJ 'S*>) ' Jj jL» ' d\ <j*^l : JJ J' 
wind up with, result in, lead eventually to; to 
arrive at, reach, get to, come to 
to get or come to a point where.ul <JJ j*i\ («j) Jl 
reach a stage where 

<JlL jrlj-JJ ulill *j jT 

to devolve J U*- jl l£LL» jL» 1 <JJ iS^[ '• Jj J' 
upon, vest in, become vested in, pass to, accrue to, 
go to, revert to, fall to, descend to, be transferred 
to, be handed over to 

to escheat (^jb }y*ri f-^) *^/^ Jj J' 

to govern, rule; to lead: to I4LL : «JJ <L*jJI Jl 

family, relatives, people, kin, kinsfolk, jil : Jl 

kindred; house 

mirage, fata morgana v' j~ '• J ' 

the (...jt)uLjdlj1<j1 

'* - <i1 
to fail to do; to neglect j** : * ! 

» .- • » ,.» ft- . 

to spare no effort, make every la**- J 1 '-Hf rv ' 

c i^-:jjiri 


meal, repast 


russet, brownish red 


clerical, ecclesiastical) 



crown; diadem 

wreath, garland, chaplet, iii.j:(^IJ ^I^Jd) J-Kl 
coronal, coronet 

laurel(s), bay jl* J-KJ 

corona [ jvj^j *iUi J JJi" I 

corona s yj»" Jr^! 

bridal wreath (oL) aIM*] : J4^1 

rosemary (^Li) J->4-l J^J 

melilot, sweet clover, king's (oLi) tiUil J-KI 


Corona Australis [ Sit ] J^pU J-Ji - )! <4'£ 

Corona Borealis [ iiUi ] ^llill J-lif)ll tf# _ 

coronal, coronary; wreathy, wreathlike <^^\ 

bridal wreath (o Li ) ilLiS" I 

to provide with sleeves V>*" j' u ":, *' ^ p* ' 

completion, perfection, consummation; conclu- Jl^j 
sion, finishing, termination, windup, finalization; 

hill, hillock, mound, knoll, hummock iJJ iJJ : ca I 
to sadden, grieve, depress, deject pc : -u5 i 

juif f=r'j-(J* oLSJl a*»j :juS"I 

opaque, dull, dusky, swarthy; mat, flat, (o>Ul) i£\ 
lusterless . , 

to complete, finish, conclude, wind up, finalize; Jȣl 
to consummate, perfect, round off, round out; to 
complement, supplement; to continue, proceed, go 


more perfect, completer, more complete JtS"' 





oleander, rosebay 

(oLi) .Si 

Jl <JI gpij-^j.-ST 

Cil «-lj -oIjJXj |<Soj s^l tiLi 

instrumentalist, player; musi- ^-.ji « (J jlc : ^J'ST 

instru- { t At cijj^. jl £uL~y. il^l yUL : JjST 

^J jj>-Ij-jJ ((jiujl :^ll 
C>< cr ,J ~^C 1 ' 1 ^"^ '}£-*) c^ 

covenant, compact, pact, agreement JlL- i jk^c. : til] 

to act meanly, behave sordidly 

c ^J : f *fl 


how far? up to where? 

corps, legion jjlli :(iSl 

division, military unit ii^SC-c i»^i :<3"ill 

to gather, rally, flock together, band «■_■»; : i_J I 


to incite against, instigateoLc »*J>j*- ^Ul <Q* i_JI 
against, stir up against, arouse against, provoke 

to rally people against, ~+**»- : -u« jl <J* ^1 t_JI 
band people together against, round up people 

to set people ^ J^i « ^ g* jl 4 ^ jy j : ^ tJI 
against each other, sow dissension or discord 
among or between 

dressing, clothing, garbing; facing, ^-Jl >ux. : ^U I 
draping, lining, casing; coating, overlaying, plating 
lactation i.jQ.1 /\ ^jll jl>l:6Uj 

jlJ «-Ij -jJI 
to dress, clothe, garb, attire, robe; to face, drape, ^J I 

^» •• - < ■■ ■ ■ "" - -■ "i 

effort, do one's best, do one's utmost, go to any 
length, stop at nothing, leave no stone unturned 

to swear, take an oath ~J I i ij&s- : J I 

to undertake, take upon oneself, '*{■>' : <_jj J* J I 
commit oneself, bind oneself, engage oneself, 
pledge, vow, promise 

blessing, boon, benefaction, ku> : ( * ST r-) J I < jl 
favor, grace 

to, toward; until, till, up to, as far as ^i- 1»^- : j' I 
until, till j| j| 

Jplj-jJ^II Jl 
etc., and so on, and so forth »^T Jl 

fCtp.lj-,.^1 J I 

in addition (to), besides, dj'i j'l « dU i <_J U- j'l 

moreover, furthermore 

till tomorrow! jj| j'l , Si. j'l 

and the like, etc., and so on, <J\ Cj t tHJ j Jj. Jl 
and so forth * ' " " ' 

how far? up to where? 
how long? till when? 

following is (are).., in the following, Jj tL» : dUl 
in what follows, hereinafter, below 

go away! get away from me! leave me ,-i dUl 
alone! away with you! 

not to; lest, in order not to, so as not to, ^ o' : il 
that... not 

except, save, but, excepting, excluding, with the "3 1 
exception of, other than; unless; only, but 

unless, if not, except if, exept when jHl <■ l'il "5 1 

yet, however, but, nevertheless, still, on the o\ ^1 
other hand 

otherwise, or else 


he is nothing but, he is but, he is no more "3 1 '^ jl 
than, he is merely (simply, just, only) 

s ~ . » » , 
no sooner had he., than.., .. ( ^»- ,.(jl "ill yf Uj 

it was not long until.., immediately, presently, at 
which point, the moment (that), as soon as, before 
long, without delay, in a minute, directly, at once, 
thereupon, then, once 


to burn or pine away (with love or grief), (*4*) \}^\ 
feel burning anxiety (for) 

to convene, meet, assemble, {-•--'ri ' Jli * i ! • f **•! 

gather, sit, be in session 

to heal, heal up, scar over, jjijjl :(^J-l) f tJI 


to be joined, connected, welded J-a^M <■ ^a>\ '■ f u j 

to be repaired, mended, corrected ^Ju»l : f u} 

to be blamed f jlll <JJ *»-j : f ^ I 

confusion, obscurity, Joy*i- 1 Jl^.1 i i>^»-l : y^! 
ambiguity, equivocalness, equivocation, uncer- 
tainty, dubiosity 

to be or become ambiguous, equivocal, j* Ml y^! 
obscure, unclear, uncertain, dubious, doubtful 
to jumble, clutter, run in Jaii»-I ii_.jJ*rf>l :dLJI 
disorder or confusion, get all mixed up; to be or 
become confused, muddled, jumbled, disordered, 

to rage, surge j**J\ gA\ 

to be uproarious, tumultuous, olj*» Ml c> >^ 1 

J I tJ cjrlj-JJ till 

to grow a beard, let one's beard *£» <j^' • (j*^! 


„ " * * ~ * - * * - * * ~* 

,yj i UJ lUflj-Uj-ii :>j»f^S\ i^^\ 

joining, entering, entry, en- oL^I i f l^iil : jImJJ 
trance, accession, affiliation, association; member- 

cohesion, coherence, adhe- r^i <■ Jl«cJI '■ ^»<^\ 

sion, adherence, fusion, coalescence, close union, 

conjunction, merger, merging, inosculation; 


clash, engagement, en- ^ I jJ»I«I i dJLfil : (>UJ} 

counter, fight(ing), battle, combat 

synostosis Ls-H u^** f^"?'! ' f^f" f^**H 

nuclear fusion, fusion <ij.y (l»»fj 

line, case; to coat, overlay, plate; to encrust 


alpaca (u 

u-P ffr'j ' 


to lactate S-^- 1 J 1 o4" j>* : or' 

album (jJJ t^'P' 

albumin i>s?>r ' 

machine; instrument, tool, device, »l s\ <. iii'L : *J I 
apparatus, implement, appliance; utensil 

y*as- '. 


cat's-paw, AjjC ( j .i ^ . l >>-l <-»■ ' ■ ■»" . "j i ua9»^ • ill 
tool, instrument, puppet, hireling, agent, servant 

machinery (v-f^J jj-** - ^ £>*c) o^l 

hardware fojj&l >> ji^ 1 j' y^J^O °^ 

tape recorder, recorder (o^laJl) J-jw ill 

cash register 



.u .11 (J ■ ^»in> il 

horn (of a car, etc.) ( jJJ jjU- j) 


calculator, calculating machine - 

sense organ, receptor; sense 

sewing machine 

• - >'~ 


jLc iJI 

** )Uflj — f-J» 

washer, washing machine 
musical instrument 

copier, photocopier, photostat, duplica- 
ting machine, duplicator; mimeograph 
wind instrument 


VhU. ill 

iijij »j»-ij-iijij yi 
" xJi c^Q. yT 


stringed instrument 

convening, convention, meeting, <^J>r \ i jli*i^ : f^l 
gathering, assembly, session 


♦ * 

to bind oneself, JiSJ i -4aj ' •^ j\ '■ \-i) fj^\ 

commit oneself, engage oneself, obligate oneself, 
put oneself under obligation, undertake, take upon 
oneself, assume; to be or become bound, com- 
mitted, engaged, obligated 

to farm (tJJ p-j^lil (t_-Jlj-ill t^j^l) f^JI 

adhesion, adherence, cohesion, coherence JLaJl 

symphysis [i_J>] JliJ j| : j»U»*ll jLaill 

to stick (to), adhere (to), cohere (to), cling ( j) jlaiJI 
(to), cleave (to); to agglutinate, conglutinate 

to curse oneself <— ii ^yJ : jidl 

to curse one another Uuu ,»».a « .> ^ : i>«-JI 

to amalgamate jJuJ :>wu]] 

to wrap oneself in, cover j ^Jjl u Jilt. I : j utJI 

oneself with 

to gather around, assemble «l»u : J* jl 3j»- L«J I 

around, rally around 

to surround, encircle, j J>l»-I :_j jl Jj»- <_»Jj 

encompass, enclose, embrace, environ, envelop, 


to detour (around), turn jlj t >, : (CJ>»-) t_iJI 
(around), make a turn (around) 

to wind, coil, li^iJL. jl lidLi jU» i (3^s«J : <_iJI 

twist, turn, convolute, curl, furl 

to intertwine, intertwist, liLL; : aIJ oLJI <_idj 
interweave; to be or become intertwined, inter- 
twisted, interwoven, entwined 

turning around, turn; looking around 

attention, notice, heed; consideration, ( JJ ) oLill 
regard; care 

winding, coiling, convolution; involution; (JliJI 
turn(ing), detour; surrounding, encirclement, en- 
compassment, envelopment; gathering, assem- 
blage, assembly, rallying 

to turn, turn around, turn one's face or c-iJJ : C-iJ I 
head; to look around 

to pay attention to, heed, observe, con- JJ c*isi I 
sider; to take into consideration or account, reckon 

to wrap oneself (in), cover(j) y jl i ^V-" : (. 
oneself (with) 

to join, enter, accede to, Jj >_..„:jl i Jj 1^1 :-j ^jicll 
become a member of, affiliate with, associate with 

J*J £>-lj -djil :.> J*J1 

to cohere, ju«j I iiyijl t— ail t dLLJ t J-a'-'.H :/<ji«)I 
adhere, fuse, coalesce, join, unite, merge, 
inosculate; to solder; to weld 

to clash, encounter (in JJlu i fjiw>l nil_il :.»9«dl 
battle), engage in battle, come into conflict, fight, 
combat, battle 

to heal, heal up, scar J^jJI t fUl :(t-jJ.I) p^Jj I 
over, cicatrize 

to enjoy, savor, relish, get pleasure from; to {J) 41JI 
take pleasure or delight in, delight in, be pleased or 
delighted at; to find delicious, delightful, pleasant 

to compact, press together, press close, ^>l Jl : J$\ 
crowd together, crowd closely, pack; to be or 
become compacted), tight, close, pressed tightly 
together, compressed, closely packed, crowded, 

to adhere to, stick to, be firmly j j',n:,ll : j ^J I 
united or joined with 

compactness, closeness, tightness u^J 'J' J*" 

commitment, engagement, obli- J»Lijl t 
gation, duty 

observance of, 

»l J^l 

i\£-\ jjk t X . ju 

') r 1 ^*! 

;jLi.i:(ijt:) f i^ii 
;« -.- »* -**. • 

observing, compliance with, abidance by, con- 
forming to, adherence to, sticking to, keeping (to), 
maintaining, honoring, respect(ing) 

farming (tJJ p-j^lil n-jl^-ill ' u*»J^0 f 1 -^! 

concession; fran- pj^-« 
chise; enterprise 


moral obligation, Tj>^JL»- 1 

moral duty 

liabilities, debts 0» ■> ' oL>Uu : 0LI3J] 

engagements, financial obligations, <JL oLIj^JI 

to observe, comply ^lj 1 ^ jj^l 1 j xJu :(_j) »p! 
with, abide by, conform to, adhere to, stick to, 
keep (to), maintain, follow, honor, respect, live up 
to; to hang on to, hold by, persist in, persevere in 

i) *$\ 



■ 7T~1 

B* *E 


. i 

to request, ask for, solicit; to beg, implore, u^\ 
beseech, entreat, appeal to, plead with; to look for, 
search for 

to amuse oneself with, distract oneself with, j J$\ 
pass the time with, occupy oneself with; to play 
with, toy with, trifle with, dally with 

distraction, amusement »U?! 

inflammation, bursting into flame(s) J L~. I : o Ifd I 
inflammation; -itis; infection [ i_J» ] vU^l 


cecitis, typhlitis 


tiSii Luiii 


ii^il jl olil-j^l vU^l 


j ' U.ll (.jl+JIJI 


(»>«iJI vW^l 


jj^ull cjI^IjI 


jjll Ll*Ji 


JlU LUiii 


i_jjlj-i ji i-~J-i vV^! 


myelitis (jf>~" 

sore throat 

jili vUd'i 


5^j%l*.l cjI^JjI 


,&ii Cv'i 


^Ljji vi^ii 


a^ii 1^1 

metritis, uteritis p*-^! vU^i 
tracheitis Ol^il <CaiJI jl ^li-^l vU^i 


CijjJl 5j3I^JI vU^i 


ixLji vi^ii 

with; to take care of, care for 

to meet, come together, join Jp St t £»!»■ 1 : (jit! I 
(each other); to get together, assemble, gather, 
band together 

to meet (with), get Jl *~*r\ < 3?** : (f ' -?) ty^l 
together with, have or hold a meeting or ah inter- 
view with, hold talks with 
to come upon, come across, cjjLs : ii jLx. aj Ji^\ 
run into, bump into, light upon, hit upon, chance 
upon, fall in with, happen on, encounter, meet by 
chance or unexpectedly 

meeting, coming together; conjunction, f\^>-\ '■ »U*)| 

concurrence, agreement (in opinion JiljJ : sli^H 
or design), accord 

Jail j^lj-ioJ :J»toil 

reception [ *JJ » jIj J JLiLJ : i»liill 

pickup (Jr j" J^" J <z>j-c&\) ^*^\ 

photography, taking photographs or jiyaJ ■ i»lif!l 
pictures, shooting, snapshooting, snapping, filming 
receiver, receiving set i>iiu!l jl^>- 

to receive (tJJ iilil ii»->> liXL'il <)Cj) J»iJI 

to photograph, take a photograph, ^1] 2j>o Jaiill 
take a picture; to snapshoot, snap; to shoot, film 

l.jVl" »»-lj -UUll) 

to swallow; to swallow up, devour, gobble, (»iJ) 


to compact, crowd together; to be or f Laj '• Ssi\ 

become compact(ed), tightly pressed together, 


, , - , s -• 

to intertwine, mesh, tangle; to be or til* LiJ : iaJ I 
become intertwined, twined, entwined, meshed, 

request, solicitation; entreaty, i_»l li « J ,.| i J~>> ^tr! 

appeal, plea 

petition, application, fU-_^J <. slcjJL.1 : <_r-W^'i 


flash (of wit, hope, etc.) «* |^J I 





pyorrhea; gingivitis 




ovaritis, oophoritis 







arthritis, rheumatism, gout 


vaginitis, colpitis 





flammable, inflammable, fiery 

anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic 

inflammatory, phlogistic 

iftl vUiil 

iliHi L^'i 

s'/Jl Li^'i 
»<ij[l i_»l+dl 

A» 1 mil C-ll^JI 

ojjj.1 C-1I4JI 

(i^iil jwJl vUfll 

^4J il jl (j^J^JI i_jl+JI 
Jbj^JI ljIjJI 

i_j!^J^U j\ja^ 


ingurgitation, devouring, gobbling, swallowing »L<J I 
up, gorging, gormandizing 

to flame, blaze, burn, ignite, inflame, Jili I : ' j"l I 
burst into flame(s), be in flame(s), be aflame, be 
ablaze, be afire, be on fire, catch fire, take fire 

to inflame, be(come) <~j\+3\j \ „i-' : [t_J» ] il^'H 
inflamed, be(come) affected with inflammation 

C-4J 1 Li-^J 



to devour, gobble, swallow up, gorge, ingur- 
gitate, gormandize 

to twist, bend, curve, warp, wrench, get con- (i>J j 
torted; to be twisted, bent, curved, crooked; to be 
circuitous, roundabout, indirect 

twist, twistedness, torsion, tortuosity, flexure, »lyd I 


»j*JI C^l^JJ 


^ti\ ol*jJ 

periostitis, periosteitis JjU&lLJI vl^J 


i, 1 V . .*. 1 1 t,_,i\a rl 

arteritis; polyarte- 


^>Aw L^l^JJl t U.**-U' C-jI^IJ 


(jU-iJI vW-J 




u'i^l Silt vW^' 

lienitis, splenitis 

• Jl^LiiiL.WfJ 

neuritis; polyneu- 

i_jUop jl c-jI^JI («_^«3<JI vW-^ 


myositis; polymy- o^LaJI <_jl^JI 1 JJkJI i_j 


L-Jii-ll *Juit l_ 

LK^ 1 *~ 






ophthalmia, ophthalmitis 







keratitis, corneitis 






•LjjJI ojill i_ 
•Li^iJI Sjill l_ 
iliSCJI sjjl i_ 

oljjujl i_ 

-* '--11 ' 

I iUiil 

6>l>iJI 1- 


do harm to, damage, harm, hurt, injure, prejudice, 

to weld, solder; to fuse, join, unite, merge, ,v» I 


etc., and so on, and so forth o j*- 1 ^J : w)j 

stinking, fetid ^ i yJ^* : j^sJ I 

jjjJ »^-lj - jjl 

aldehyde [ «L^ J x^Jl 

more delicious, tastier, more tasteful, more savory, jj I 
more palatable, more delectable; more delightful, 
more pleasant, nicer; sweeter 

who, whom; which, that, what; he who, he ii jj I 
whom; that which 

compulsion, coercion, forcing, plcjl i jL»-l : f IjJ] 

binding, obligation, imposing, v^wj ' l/>j* '■ f ' j)J 
imposition, enjoining 

compulsory, coercive, obligatory, mandatory, ^_* l_)II 
imperative, required 

(j_^J £»- 1 J - li'J I 

to bind, obligate, put or J* LJ>- jl . J* ^^i : ( j) ^ I 
keep under obligation, impose (as an obligation or 
duty) upon, enjoin on, make incumbent upon, 
make something someone's duty 

to force (to), compel J* -cjl . J* ^Jj-1 : (j) ^1 
(to), coerce (to), oblige (to) 

to confine to bed, keep in bed, compel ^^ ^'_)\ 
or force to stay in bed 

' J* 

eloquent, fluent jJb « r^u ■' j-J I 

linguistics iil!l Jlc : <Cj_J I 

to attach, affix, fix, stick, paste, glue, agglutinate, Jj«al I 
conglutinate, cement, plaster; to join, connect 

to post, placard, (»JJ lj>l^« . li>ij i i»-y) ^j^jJI 
stick, affix 

to fasten (an accusation, a^JI «jj>- jl i^ <u j!»aJI 
charge, a crime, etc.) on, cause to be attributed to 
or connected with, impute to, attribute to, ascribe 
to, charge with, accuse of 

l_~rj ( l_«iJ c l_~rJ ic»-lj — lyujl 


0*1 al] I 

'"■• "■"'-'"'• ' ' -■ 

to make play, cause to play 

t_.»l.i aJu>- :^_>aIi 

flection, bend(ing), crookedness, curvedness, cur- 

twist, bend, curve, crook » t\'y] I 

burning anxiety, anguish, pain, agony, suffer- f Cd I 
ing, torture, torment, grief 

lisper; lisping jui I 

to compel to, force to, J* ^Jr 1 i JJ ^Uil : JJ LJ I 
oblige to, coerce to 

to shelter, protect, guard, defend; jl»-l < ^jj**- : Wl 
to grant asylum (to), give sancturary (to), give 
refuge (to) 

to entrust (commit, rec- S JJ cjy>\ jl o^l UJI 
ommend) one's cause or affairs to Cod 

to insist on; to press, urge, importune, (J* . j) »J 1 


-. * > - - :» 
long-bearded *^-" Ji>k : (j»«" 

insistence, importunity, pressing, urging, urgen-r-Uj 
cy, urge 

atheism, infidelity, unbelief, disbelief, godless- jl»J] 
ness; apostasy 

atheistical) lS^*J] 

importunity, insistence r-UJI :<-»U!j 

annexation, appending, ii U>j . Li> . c-LjJ : JImIJ 

attachment, joining, junction, subjunction, addi- 
tion, supplementation; following (up) 

weld(ing), soldering; fusing, joining, »kJI jjux. .flaJJ 
junction, uniting 

to be or become -Co ^ jjjl <, ^^ t IjlJl. u^ : jlmI I 
an atheist, infidel, unbeliever; to disbelieve (in 
God); to apostatize 

JjJ ajj-Ij — lj-j ^r^ '/J IJjJI 

to insist (on); to importune, press, urge £j I : (_o*J I 

to cover, wrap ^^ i ljjJ : uuJI 

to attach to, annex to, append to, add to, »lj I : j jiJ I 
join to, subjoin to, supplement with; to follow (up) 
with, cause to follow, cause to be followed by 

to inflict on, cause to -u Ojjl : I ji" <u jkll 

to cause damage to, inflict damage on,j \jj*> JjJI 


> -V > 


nect, link, put together, merge, integrate 

to synthesize ui" j : oil I 

to reconcile, conciliate, make iSy « ^ j : «4^j oil I 
peace between, make friendly again, bring together 

to tame, domesticate 

u_JI 9 _*» : lil 

close friend, intimate friend, bosom 

<£?*■ j^ 


friend, intimate, companion, comrade, pal, confi- 

to find 


alphabetical, alphabetic, abecedarian 

uill vr'j -uill 


Oil /u>-lj -CaJI 

familiarity, intimacy, closeness, friendliness, ii 

friendship, affinity, affection; rapport; harmony, 
agreement, accord, concord; union, unity 

affinity [ «Ljoj ►L^i'] iUl 

millenary; millennial 


millennium, 1000th anniver- iliJI <i^S"i i J-iJI juc 

long poem (of one thousand o-j oil I ^ oi»J :<ui]l 

milfoil, yarrow (^Li) ili.ll 

to shine, radiate, flash, beam, tli>\ i «Jal ( ill : J>l I 
glitter, glisten, gleam 

radiance, brightness, bril- > l^j i f >k- < uL«J : Jj) I 
liance, shine, effulgence, refulgence, luminosity, 
glitter, glisten 

to throw, cast, fling, hurl; to drop, c» Ji t ^j : ijH I 
throw down 

to throw away, discard, cast away, Jui < -r^ \:jfi\ 
fling away 

to shed (off), cast (off), slough (off) *i±~ i *-Lt> : ^1 

to (j^«JI <-*>»■ -*->* j 3 *^ J <-- <i"ji' *!>•»■) jfi 

to(u>i^ fi?\ &Udi <s')\ ji ijh,\ '&) j$\ 


to recite, say *1~ i !& : ,yi\ 

to play, toy, trifle, dally L^J : LJj I 

ujJ ju^-Ij-'uUJ JL. : i__jJ1 
very playful ujJJI jjiS" : OLjJI 

to make lick y^J i jiL <d*s»- : Jjj I 

illl £>-lj -Ojijl 

to cancel, call off; to make null and void, make ,yj I 
invalid, invalidate, nullify, annul, void, abolish, 
abrogate, negate, repeal, revoke, rescind; to over- 
rule; to quash, vacate 

cancellation, calling off; invalidation, nullifica- ,U I 
tion, annulment, voidance, abolition, abolishment, 
abrogation, negation, defeasance, repeal, revoca- 
tion, rescission; overruling; quashing 

to riddle; to mystify, obscure, make enigmatic Jjj I 
(cryptic, inscrutable, mysterious, obscure, ambig- 
uous, etc.) 

to amalgamate p*L : ^jJ I 

to amalgamate J&i : 1*1 1 

-*-' - if 
to get used to, be accustomed to, be habit- iyu : uil I 

uated to, take to; to be familiar with, acquainted ' 


a - * , » - « 

to get on intimate terms with, u»- 1 ( j ^ I : oil I 
get along with, like someone's company, like (to be 

to be or become tame, U-JI jL« :i_>1^12-t LaII 


to associate with, mix with, be on intimate _pl* : uil I 

terms with, be intimate with, keep company with 

to harmonize, tune, attune, match, bring Itli : Lil I 
into harmony 

to habituate (to), accustom (to), season /ye : Lil I 
(to), inure (to), familiarize (with) 


»j»-Ij-jj«j luill :u»JI 

to form, set up, establish, insti- Oy> t jj£i. i uj I : LiH 
tute; to make, create, build, originate; to constitute, 
make up, compose 

to compose, write, (jJJ L>J jl LLS") **»j :uill 

to unite, join, combine, con- J^sj ( jj. j ( li : uill 




throw(ing), cast(ing), fling(ing), <Jii i ^j : »UIj 

hurl(ing); dropping), throwing down 

throwing away, discarding, ±J> i r-l^il : *li)l 

casting away, flinging away 

jettison (aJjlJ U...tAJ _^JI j s-S'.Al <!>»»-) «^Jj 

recitation, recital, reciting « . ■ ..J 1 5j5lj : >UI 

making (delivering, delivery of) iliS" jl <_>Ua9- iUI 
an address or speech 

delivery of (delivering, giving) a 5^»Um iU! 

lecture, lecturing 

delivery, diction; elocution «U^I Ji^ i «UI 

-*' ,'i* 

-- -. j,'"» 

riddle, puzzle, conundrum, enigma jii i il«-l : iliiJ I 
elk (ijl**-) ~&\ 

electrode i_*»- "51 : zjj&l J 

electrolyte « I J&l I JitJL I : cJ j j<!£) I 

electrolytic JlJjjS^ I 

electron 0^ : ujjQ j 

electronics Ojj^^l i*l* 

electronic J«jjjib0] 

computer J^jj^Jl (L-.U- 1 plo) Jii 

electronics ujj^.^l Ac :olI;jj<!£)l 

mean, ignoble, base, vile, wicked, depraved <JU : <£J I 
stupid, silly, foolish J^»- 1 : «5GI 

inarticulate, faltering (in one's speech), stam- j£) I 
mering, stuttering 

God (the One and Only); Allah, the Lord, Diety M 

by God! &j i jlj t <i)l j 

God is great, God is the greatest ^£ I «il 

there is no god but God <Al i\ *i\ *i 

in the name of God, Most <^-^]l ^y^-^JI <j)l ^ 
Gracious, Most Merciful 

JL jrb-J 'ill. Ji\ 

• , ,t 

to throw oneself into, plunge into j ■■ ■ ■■ ^1 

* ^ ~«< 

to make or deliver a statement (decla- Lu ^1 

ration, announcement, communique, bulletin) 

- .- "t 
to lay eggs u ^\ jfi\ 

to greet, salute ( Jc) CSl jl CaJ ^1 

j4i ^ij-ojUi jc 33.1 (3) ^i! 

jl JUI >^ er lj-(.^JI j! JU!) Je >ll ^t 

to make or deliver an address or <J5 jl ILL?- <yiJI 

'-•* / ■- *' \ . - • & - •* 

* * t " t 

to put (lay, bring up) a question to "ill^- 4~U ^1 

or before, submit a question to, pose a question to, 

ask someone a question 

to lay down (one's) arms, surrender, r-xJI ^1 


to lend or give an ear to, listen to, « .T..II <Uj ^1 

hearken to, pay attention to 

to highlight, shed or Jc filial jl j^Jjl ^^oJl 
throw light upon, spotlight, limelight, illuminate 

to impose something on, lay liS" 4jjlc J^ < _ 5 i)l 
something on, burden with, saddle with, charge 
with; to hold responsible for; to impute to, fasten 

*- • > *t 
to cast lots lt.ji Jpi\ 

to drop bombs on; to bomb, bom- J^ JjLiJI ^1 
bard, shell, cannon, cannonade, attack with bombs 
to inform <o aJlcI : J^iJL jl J^iJI 4JL5. jl *JJ ^1 
of or about, tell about, let know about, bring to 
someone's knowledge or notice, notify of, advise 
of, apprise of, report to 

to dictate (to) \%, I : J^iJ I <As. Jii I 

, — ' *t 
to ramble, talk at random <u» \yc Jc *5lSCll ^1 

-.* ^»< 
to blame, lay (cast, put, place) the Jc *^UI ^1 

blame on 

to lecture, give or deliver a lecture 5^»1»m t ^aJl 

to place (put, lay, cast) the respon- ^ illj^lil ^1 
sibility on; to hold responsible; to saddle with the 



z* & 

indirect reference, indirect suggestion, indication 

knowledge, cognizance, acquaintance, famil- (j) »{,! I 
iarity, conversance 



to intimate, insinuate, hint at, jb.1 i *<J : Jl «*l I 
allude to, glance at, refer indirectly to, make an 
indirect reference to, suggest indirectly, imply 

brilliant, bright, intel- « 1ST JJ I jj «ii i J^ i : ^*«J L «J I 
ligent, smart, clever, shrewd, sagacious; intellect 

brilliance, brightness, intelligence, smart- «liTj :<C**)I 
ness, cleverness, shrewdness, sagacity 

to deify, apotheosize, idolize, make a god of, raise ill 
to the status of a god 

god, deity "L>j : Jl 

to divert with, distract with -» ^ I 

to divert from, distract from O* ^ 

distraction, diversion ,\^\ 

inflammation, inflaming, kindling, JLi.1 ioLjJJ 

lighting, ignition, setting on fire, setting fire to 

inflammation, inflaming, excitation, S jli I : vW" 
exciting, stirring up, arousal, (a)rousing 

inspiration; revelation; afflatus f If)] 

to inflame, ignite, kindle, enkindle, light, J*i,l :i-^JI 
set on fire, set aflame, set fire to 

to inflame, excite, stir (up), (a)rouse jli I : t-^JI 
goddess, deity *j j : £J j 

to inspire (with or to) 1^1 1 

id to-*"]^ 1 'ji)' 

plaything, toy; amusement, distraction, iljl : S^ll 

divine, of God, from God "ij^'j '■ ^<Jj 

theological J^Jj*^:^] 

theology o^i^Jl JjL icl^j^ll pi* cioll^T^ll 



fit gflj-dil fit Oj 


-4J) jlll 

1 "' * 

O God! O Lord! 

if only, at least if 

unless, except that, were it not that 


lit °fi\ 

?,. a**.. 


to hurt, pain, ache, give a feeling of pain «- j I : 1) I 
(to), cause pain to; to torment, excruciate, anguish, 
agonize, distress, grieve 

to know; to be or become J* «JJ»Utj^* :_» III 
acquainted with, familiar with; to familiarize one- 
self with, acquaint oneself with 

to touch on j jZa£ 1] : _j pi 

to befall, afflict, hit, strike, _> J»- 1 <_»L»I : j Jl 
attack, affect, come over, come' upon 

to commit, perpetrate <jj3\ < <_-SCijl : _* Jl 

to visit, pay a short visit to, call on j I j : <J* j I _* J I 
(someone), call at or stop at (someone's house or 


pain, ache; alg-, algo-, -algia; <_j ^ 1 <_< I i* < «- j : J I 
suffering; agony, anguish, excruciation, torment, 

toothache oL^- *' J I 

headache ?-Iji*s '-^"j^ Jl 


Passion Week 
passionflower, maypop 

allusion, hint, intimation, insinuation, 

^1 Jl 

' ' ' "n 

, * >■* 




»U «tf i 


become a widow 

to go to, betake oneself to, repair <>-y i 
to, take to, travel to 

to £Cl |^ Jl^j^I f!& :(CUj ulj ££l) ^1 
lead (in prayer) 

to become a mother Ul OjU> : (<u>«l) »l ^il c*.l 




:(fiV f 1 




s'jJIj :' f 1 
i" t '• ''A 

(JM) g^C }1 

(ij !>-»■) iiy (1 
'"»- '"»-' '1 

(>U»)4-K i{# :Jjy (.I 

the Milky Way, the galaxy [iiUi ] S^Jl : f> kjl " 

the main (major, basic, fundamental, J3 CIl ol^l 
principal, most important, most significant) 
problems or issues 

with one's own eyes 
maternal, uterine 
Mother's Day 
mother tongue 

mother mater 

source, origin, mother 


foster mother 



dura mater 

firefly, glowworm 

pia mater 
river mussel 


.5 * 

as to, as for, as far as he (she, it, etc.) is concerned; U I 
but, however, yet, on the other hand 

to waive one's hand, etc. 

to hoist a flag 



(oL) S^'l 

(oLi) o-j" 
« . f» 

more blameworthy, more *^L) U 1a-*:.... I ^1 :*j)l 
blamable, more culpable, more reprehensible 

aluminum, aluminium f>r-f > ' 

divinity, godhood, godhead, deity, divine ***y\ 

nature, divine power 

mechanical, mechanistic; automatic, power, ?J I 

power-driven, self-driven, self-acting, self-pro- 
pelled, automotive; mechanized, automated; mo- 
torized, motor 
motorized troops 


fat tail (of a sheep) 

buttocks, rump 

- a iT* i s - 


mecha- l^li. U jl ill j jlji- il t_~i"> *1~J» :<ul 

machinery (of govern- {(.ill Ijj jljy iij^t :0 
ment, etc.) 

automatism U1 s^JI oji" :*ul 

automation, automatization XlTill •>»- »l Jlc 
vehicle \> J e.i'j£jA 

tame(d), domesticated) ^ 1 j 

friendly, amicable, amiable, i-i ; ,kl i ^-J 
genial, affable, companionable, sociable 

intimate, close, familiar 




. £?"'-> ~C?* I*! 

.uiil :oUI 

gluteal jisCJI jl jjlftl ^*U- :^J1 

to lose one's wife, become Uoii : <f»- j j ^» J»-^' f ' 
a widower 

to lose one's husband, CSii : U»-jj i>; »'jil 9**' 



— — nzrzzz 

forward, onward, ahead fii\ <Jj 

imam ( ^ .. jLt l jL*) ^UJ 

leader, chief ^ j i jJU : (£) 

guide, guideline, *j <iJli» £,«i. i jL< < JJj : ^ Ul 
index, reference, source; criterion, standard, yard- 
stick, test; model, example, pattern 
imamate; leadership iiU] 

front, fore-, frontal, forward, first, foremost, i»?^' 

advanced, ahead, anterior, pre-, pro-, ante-; in the 

front, at the front, in the fore part, at a forward 

position, to the fore, in the foreground, in the front 


foreground (; jyei I ) <L« U I 

safety, security, peace «ja\ i i^JUJ» : OU I 

protection i;L»- \C>i,\ 

safeguard, guarantee; indemnity, immu- J+*. : dC\ 
nity or exemption from punishment; pact, com- 
pact, agreement 
safety match d(* i\ <_jUj 

safety belt 6^1 \\'j>- 

safety valve, safety <j£ j" <X~f 

good-bye! farewell! so long! God with Jil oX*\ J 

faithfulness, fidelity, fealty, loyalty; reli- >lij :<iUI 
ability, trustworthiness, dependability; honesty, in- 
tegrity, probity, uprightness; confidence, trust, 
faith r t 

deposit; trust, charge; consignment iL jj : *j 1. 1 

trusteeship, guardianship, <_» I ji, I i O j»- : ii L I 
custody, care, protection; superintendence, super- 


'- s i -rf 

municipality; governorate 

secretariat-general, secretariat 

breach of trust iit.\l iiQ- SjCl 


deposited in trust; on consignment; on ii t. Sll J. j* 
sale or return 

consignment, goods on consignment iiC i\> iiUu 


1 ' "■■: 

oU ju^Ij— ejU ^5 leU 


either... or; whether... or 


to make die; to kill, put to death; to cause the oU 
death of, be the death of 
to mortify the flesh, crucify the »JJ ol>j-iJ1 oUI 
flesh, deaden the body, subdue the bodily appetites 

killing, putting to death JJi : till I 

mortification (of the »JJ ol^+JI jl a-J-l iiUI 
flesh, etc.) 

to provide for one's family <JC* j\» I 

constantly urging, always inciting, incessantly j\» I 

Surely the soul of man ( ^UL SjU * (j-iJI o\ 

incites him to evil 

sign, indication, denotation, token, mark, <*>*■ :5jUI 
symbol, symptom 

emirate, principality 

position or rank of an t>j£ 'ja jl jJi\ •_ ■ ,n ■'- : SjCl 
emir or prince 

admiralty illljyl :^klll Sjl.1 

United Arab Emirates ojjcII <*jj*I oIjU^jI 

to withdraw from, move away jli I i (jko : j* J»U I 

to remove, pull away jjul i <_,»« : i>LI 

to unveil, unmask, disclose, reveal, ,jc. *liiJI i>UI 
uncover, unearth, expose, lay bare 


j^\ ^.'C'^i iljj :SjUJ 

to liquefy, melt, dissolve 
melting, liquefaction 

£inr*> : **^' 

to incline, tip, tilt, slant, slope, cant,<_»^»- < <y»- :clGl 
skew, swerve, bend, turn 

to alienate ^ oUj i,j* u^s i^ e^ij :,j* <IUI 
from, disincline from, indispose to, make disin- 
clined to, make averse to, turn (someone's mind) 
away from, keep away from 

inclination, inclining, tip(ping), tilt(ing), ( J»- :XJCtj 
slanting, sloping, bending, turn(ing) 

in front of, opposite (to), facing, face to face with, fit I 
vis-a-vis; in the presence of; before 

before the court ilSCiJil 'fC\ 

(jtfL/iTt I 


r » 

u»~! cfr'j-u*-! 

examination, test; quiz; trial 


entrance examination 

J^»-J UV**^*' 

final examination, final(s) 

yjl^l Ul^j 

Jp** 1 ! jr'j - J»"! 


to examine, test; to try, put to the test; to ,j*iLt I 

afflict, distress, subject to a trial or trials 

to blow one's nose JaouJi i J»u : JaaibJ I 

to extend, expand, spread (out), jjuj i . 
stretch; to be extended, expanded, spread (out), 
stretched (out); to lengthen, elongate, be pro- 
tracted, be prolonged 

to extend, reach, stretch, spread, range u*\J> : Ju*j 

extension, extensity, stretching; expansion, jl-u. 
distension, dilation, dilatation; elongation, length- 
ening, prolongation; expanse; length; extent, 
stretch, spread, span, reach, outreach, compass, 
range, scope; dimension 

continental shelf 

to doubt, suspect 
to adsorb 

lib : J ii^L» 

mixture, mixing, admixture, inter- i>^Ui-l :rljl< 
mixture, intermingling, blending, mingling, com- 
mingling, commixture 

adsorption j\j*-» 

to mix, mingle, blend, intermix, inter- JaLy- 1 : 'tjU 
mingle, commingle, commix; to be or become 
mixed, mingled, blended, combined, intermixed, 
intermingled, commingled, commixed 

to comb one's hair e'J*Z> t-^1 : * " - 

to draw, unsheathe, pull out j^»- t Ji. I : JpJU 

to snatch, whip away LiL»- 

to absorb, soak up, take up, imbibe; to suck, 
suck up; to sip 

absorption, soaking up, taking up, uptake, u^LaU 
imbibition; sucking, suck, suction 

absorption band ^LiZt^ll -^uj. 

absorption coefficient (joLjI^I J-H- 

to hydrate; to hydrolyze 

hydration; hydrolysis 




imperial, imperialistic 


imperialist, imperialistic 


<tLl — Jfcy»\ 4 /J&W Jyjk \ 


- -» ^, 
^ * ~. 

ampere .JL^SUI jlliJI »>» yW^ •■ J ^j "ji**' 


alembic, retort 

bondmaid, bondwoman, <C jU- i Sjuc i iiTjil. :<u I 
slave girl, female slave 

nation, people, body politic (»•! r) «ul 

the United Nations, UN. Sj^il ^1 

to request, ask (someone a ybU J-ii <_JJ> : ^ll< ] 


to provide for one's family <dCj j\L,\ 

to be distinguished (aj*f) -> V^iJl « j u^»-I : j j^L«j 
by, characterized by, marked by; to have as a char- 
acteristic, as a distinctive feature, as an advan- 
tage; to have the advantage of; to be peculiar to, 
characteristic of 

to excel, surpass, outdo, out- jli : j* jl yt j\i* I 
match, outclass, overtop, top, beat (out), outshine, 
eclipse, be superior to, have an advantage over 

obedience, yielding, submission, j xi" liiU. :<Jlif*j 
surrender; conformity to, conforming to, compli- 
ance with, abidance by, observance of 
conformism; conformity; obedience 'O^l 

to obey, follow, submit to, yield j all" « pQ> I : Jj£. I 
to; to conform to, comply with, abide by, observe, 
keep to 

to follow, take as a model or «_J i c5 ju»- I : 3^1 1 
example, imitate, copy, pattern after, model after, 
take after 



to refuse to, decline, turn down ^ii j : ^ • :"'■ 1 

to be or become impossible jijj : 1 { J^\ «^ I 

to seek protection in or with u'' r *" I : j • :r*. I 

to abstain from voting cjj'n'H ^ . : ■ . I 

contempt, scorn jlii- 1 : ul^ I 

humiliation, humbling, degradation, jjiki lOV^' 
abasement, debasement 

hackneying; abuse, J|,iiJ SzLI iJIJLjl :oUf«l 

professionalism, professional pur- (J I j£- I : o l^il I 
suit, practice (practicing, following) of a profes- 
sion, becoming a professional 

to despise, scorn, contemn ^JSli- 1 : J+L* I 

to humble, humiliate, degrade, abase, Jk>- : ^l. I 
debase, demean, lower 

to hackney, wear out in common Jii 
service, wear out in everyday use 

to employ for menial HjsjCL\ d>JU ■ 


to practice professionally, practice or <^» ' { j^ I 
follow as a profession or trade, become a profes- 

i" . . 
distinction, excellence, superiority J>iJ :jUl. 

honoKs), (j>i^« i_JU»J pw^i) jLl.1 i»-jj i jLi«l 
distinction (conferred on a superior student) 


* »' i*- - 

<3*" : jW*1 

jl c^n.',* zip j^via.4 

i» «■* - *^ 

prerogative iljj 

concession; (»<JJ (ijl^j JaLlJ *Jjl>J) <C^»-j : jL^ul 
franchise; permit, license 

(oil) concession £_kij jl /Jjjjj jL^I 

(4-0-1* JL. J* (vl Id) jLil^ 


pre- (jjJJ pj j * 

Capitulations (j^ill j) ^r^ 1 ^'j^" 5 " 

diplomatic privileges i_- L>L j o I jLl* I 

privileges and immunities oli La»- j ol jLit I 

with distinction, cum laude jLj£llj 

absorbability <L«La£«l 

to mount, ride; to board, go on board, get j*"'- 1 

aboard, get in 

mounting, riding; boarding, going on board, >LLJ I 
getting aboard, getting in 

to make enjoy %z^J *Lu- : vU I 

resentment, displeasure, indignation, annoy- ^Ul*} 
ance, vexation, anger 

to resent; to be resentful, displeased, (^y) (>mZ« I 

indignant, annoyed, vexed 

pallor, paleness, pallidness, wanness f Ul» I 

to be(come) or turn pale, pallid, wan; to pale, j_il» I 

to be full (of), filled (with), replete (^. ji j) S£.l 

(with); to fill 

fullness, repletion »5li» I 

plumpness, fleshiness, chubbiness, full- -LJ-I V&>\ 
ness, rotundness; corpulence, fatness, stoutness, 

proprietary; possessory; possessive "fS^ku\ 

i<-*0 Uj <JlC ^i AJflj — pS+a Uj <JLc 

abstention, abstaining, re- |.U»- 1 « Cjff : ^i p Li* I 
frainment, refraining, forbearance, forbearing, de- 
sistance, desisting, stopping), stoppage, cessation, 
ceasing, quitting, discontinuation, halting, giving 
up, leaving off 

refusal, denial Jaij \fjc- s-Ll.1 

*-- . 

impossibility jJuu :t\^*\ 

gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness, obliged- uLl« j 
ness, indebtedness 

to abstain from, refrain lk»-l i lillll i cifT :^c £i«l 
from, keep from, forbear, desist from, stop, cease, 
quit, discontinue, halt; give up, give over, leave off 



< «-lj -J-*-*' :uiJul 

jju a^-Ij -oljul 

supplying), providing, provision, jujy :(j) jljul 
furnishing, equipping, equipment 

help, aid, assistance, support <i^u : jI -u I 

supplies; reinforcements; auxiliaries o I i\ ju j 

^ju «-lj -i»jjul 

to order, command, bid, enjoin, direct, instruct, j» I 
give or issue orders or directions or instructions 
(to); to charge (with), require; to dictate; to ordain, 
decree, prescribe 

to become a prince, become an \jl»\ jU> \j*\ 4 


to consult, ask someone's advice jjli. : 



to pass; to let pass, allow to pass; to ^*j aJL*»- : "j» I 
cause or allow to go (move, proceed); to cause or 
permit to go past (go through, get by); to guide 
(lead, take, send) through or into; to cause to go 
through, cause to penetrate, get through, insert in; 
to throw or hit (a ball to a teammate); to secure the 
approval of, cause or allow to win approval or 
official or legal sanction 

to be or become bitter 

to embitter, bitter, make bitter 

bitterer, more bitter 

stronger, firmer 

jA J~0 • J*' 

Oj\jA j2£ \ 


«v "S- -S< 

to go through the worst, 
suffer extremely 

to appoint (or choose) as Ijyl (»jL»-l jl) <ule :J» I 

prince or as emir 

to invest with authority or power ^j t Jop : ja \ 

order, command, in- oU*J ' u°j* '• \j-?'.j' r) j* ' 
struction, directive, direction, dictate, imperative, 
mandate, behest, bidding, injunction 

power, authority <LkL : ja I 

warrant, writ, authorization, authority, Jot^u : ja\ 

' • ' 11 *'\ 
decree, edict, ordinance, act fyj* '■ u* j* ' 

matter, affair, concern, iJL~. 1 J\Z, : (jy>\ ^) ja\ 
business; question, issue, problem, case 

condition, state, situation, position, case JU- : ja\ 

<mmi*ssFi";rji,\! s tots"- : 


Proverbs (JL) Jl£.^l 

optimum, optimal; ideal; perfect; model, Jil jl ijl.1 

example, lesson, warning 
lesson; assignment 

1 , i-jJ :i!»JL.i 

' '.I 

more glorious, more illustrious 

to be or become erased, effaced, obliterated, { yi, I 
blotted out, expunged, wiped out, extinguished 

extinction «U», I 

to reappear, come out again ju a»- ^y j*^ : u^u I 

i>»*» p-'j ~\f^\ J >" *-) (>"*"' 

to wane ijL.ll j ,_Lo :_^ill Jjawl 

' ^^ * * - • * 

to perish, be destroyed <ilA* : jJJ Jill Jp« I 

"- I,-?"" 

Jk. jj«-Ij -(-jJbfl :JjmI 

to be withheld, be overdue, fail to set in ^kll JsJ.1 

sincere advice 



to supply with, provide with, j ^ t j jjj : _, ju I 
furnish with, equip with 

j*L« 1 0*1 • Jul 

to help, aid, assist, support 
to reinforce (an army) 

('jQr\ ji'-uil) !ul 

- s * - -.* a-* 

to respite, grant (someone) a re- Ji- 1 1 J^. I : ju I 
spite or delay, give (someone) time; to delay, post- 
pone, put off 

to prolong someone's life o^^c j jl o^^c 4)1 jul 

- *': ' •'< > *-? 
to suppurate, fester, matter »«_5j :rj*l Jul 

limit, extent, scope; end 

duration; period, time; span (of 

Jjljj 1 4jlc : ju I 

*.- '-■' '* 

cJij 1 5^-i : Jul 

Jjji> «-lj - J>* "* I Je>k 




■-'■".. ■"-- — 

man; person; one 
woman; wife 

passing, passage; letting pass, allowing to jj J+1 '-j^j* 

pass; insertion 

r 1 '■* * • 

pass [iJju iiLjJ S^l jlj^l 

command, authority, power, influence, control, ij* 
lead, leadership 

beardless <J il»J "jl : j^i 

'. » -.» .» .« - ,,* 
hairless, bald «JL«I i j^p-l « jjiJI £j* : jj-l 

-•' , < * -. ^^^- - ~. 
to sicken, make sick, make JL.I i Ux>j-i *1*»- : o^j- 1 

hairless, bald 
featherless, unfeathered 

^r^ o*^J ' ~ > -* 

fertile land 

ii-jUl : yJi 

yesterday, recent time, iliUl ^1? \ll ^« ^J i^l 

recent day, immediate past 

* s '^ • i ■ * 

recently, lately, of late, not \j£-y> : ^ i\i ^ ^-.1 

long ago, newly 

the day before yesterday, two days ago Jj\l ^2, 1 

yesterday evening, last night ^1, 1 ?C 

to be in dire need of, be in Jj i»- U-l ^ I j 0^ iy«rf I 
urgent need of, require urgently 

to enter into evening ,.1111 j Jj^ j : ^^t I 

to become, come to be, grow, ol» « jU> : ,-LJi I 
turn; to be; to get or come to a point where, reach 
a stage where 

holdGng), grasping, grip(ping), J^S i tiC : (j) dJLi I 
taking hold of, seizing, seizure, catch(ing), grab- 
bing, grappling, taking 

abstention, abstaining, s-l^jl 1 1S& : ( ( jc) dJLll 
refrainment, refraining, forbearance, forbearing, 
desistance, desisting, stop(ping), stoppage, cessa- 
tion, ceasing 



*</• : J-' 



; JVM 

"■- '•? 

- i" c * • * 

thing; something 


which, that, something which, . . . <3 JJl 'j}i\ t . 
the thing which, the fact which 

delivery order 

search warrant 

writ of execution 

subpoena, summons 

writ of attachment 
judicial writ; mandamus 

fait accompli, accomplished fact »j I j _^ I 

summary proceedings, [ <jy l» ] <lV»:.*Jl j £ 1 

summary matters 

to the order of; payable to <J : o^i ^1 

for some reason or another L J*i 

those charged with authority, those jJi\ ^Jj* 

responsible, authorities, chiefs, heads, rulers, pre- 
sidents, leaders, superiors, masters 

at your disposal! at your Oja I s-^i i Sja I o -»~ 
service! at your command! at your orders! 

«S*\> .^1 «5fl» j «^l (Jjl .^1 Jj' j 

at first, in the beginning j*\\ 

it is all over, the die is cast 'j*H\ 'nf 

absolute master, dictator J^i I j ^^J I 1^. U 

to have two alternatives (choices, J>~Ja I 'J2\ ^ 

commander, com- ji\i , ^U- . ^1 L»-U :^»1 

mandant; head, chief, superior, senior officer; 
master; ruler; leader; commanding 


hA Urf . 

warden, prison chief 

commanding officer, com- ii Q- 1 

absolute master, dictator, autocrat 

stupid, foolish, weak-minded, 




to shower with, storm with, pelt 
with, pepper with, hail on 


(Jj \yi a jJaa i 

going too far, going to extremes, Jal^i] . jLj : uUi>] 
going to excess, excess(iveness); carrying too far 
assiduity, diligence, devotion jt»- : O^j 

scrutiny, close examination, careful jJiJI o\**\ 


yes-man, flunky; sycophant, toady; timeserver iju I 

hairless *J ^*i ^ : Jaiu I 

to go too far in, go to «JL 4 J>^j I . lS juj : J j** ' 
extremes in, go to excess in, carry too far, overdo, 
be excessive in 

to apply oneself assidu- <_. Jilj « oS" 1 -i»- : j (j**! 
ously (with perseverance, steadily) to 

to scrutinize, examine closely, study j _^kJI ,j>u> I 

carefully, ponder over 

russet, reddish brown cj^^ i^l 

,- •- - »- - -.-I 
to cause colic or gripes, gripe Uuw i_~— : yaiu I 

.- • •* . 

ability, capability, capacity, 3jji 1 iclLlJ : ul£*J 

power, faculty 

r i •' "*' 

potential (mood) [ iil J o l£- )l I *i-*« 

when possible o^-«)ll J-^f- 

possibility, potentiality, potential, Jlcf»"! : Sy ^»* j 
contingency, prospect, probability; chances, odds, 

/• f\ '•'^» > 1' 'Kw ' \' 'f'\ 
to be or become possible \o\ ) o^j . \jj, jl a.) (jSj I 

for, feasible for; can; may; to be able to, be capable 

of, be in a position to, have the power or ability to; 

to afford to, manage to 

, „ 3 ., , * 1 1 

it is possible (that); possibly, perhaps, (6 1 ) j^x-j 

abstinence JS'Ql <>»»j (>c p-^-"} ' '■ * ' • '"' '■ <iN— ■•) 

time of the day which marks the beginning of the 

fast during Ramadan 

constipation (sU^ ill jl (jJalJl) Ja*i : ii)L-.l 

avarice, stinginess, niggardliness Jiu : tL)l — .J 

calendar of fasting (during Ramadan) "Ssf— • J 

to hold, grasp, grip, take hold of, J*J : (_;) dC . I 
seize, catch, grab, grapple, take, clasp, clutch 

-i 1— L«4j «j»-ij— j lXm^j ; j < i ■■■* ■ 

to refrain from, ^ «^| . ^ i_i^ : ^ iiCl 

abstain from, forbear, desist from, keep from, stop, 
cease, discontinue 

to withhold, hold back, keep x^> . <_,-**- : SLa I 

back; to restrain, detain, prevent 

• - . s - - ■ * 

to keep for oneself, retain for A-jJ J* s<«i)l iiL~«l 

oneself; to appropriate, possess alone, take exclu- 
sive possession of 


to constipate 

evening; soiree, evening party or gathering 
evening performance or show 

to purge, relax or loosen the bowels ,jJall I ^^l. I 

to whip, lash, flog -u j^> : ( J»^1)L a.) Ji« I 

to pain, hurt; to torment, agonize, i_jac 1 J I : Ja* 1 

to spend, pass <_ij*o i^^a* :(t»j) (juul 

to carry out, execute, perform, j^u I 1 iil I : ^^a* I 
accomplish, finalize, conclude, wind up, complete, 
bring to an end 

to Sign jjj.^.a*. 

sharper, keener, acuter, more 3a»- j s?Lii ^iS"! : { ^a* I 



signature £•*>> 

conclusion, windup, comple- j^«jj ' fir"! : *L^*j 

tion; execution, carrying out, accomplishment 

to rain (it rained) ( illlll o) jJw I 

to shower with rain (it rained ( I CLi I ~£ ) Jo* I 
upon them) 

I ~ 




=# #c 


to be or become faithful, loyal, reliable, LJ\ oli" : 'J, I 
trustworthy, honest 

to be (become, feel) safe, secure, peaceful uUil : '& I 

to believe in, have faith in ijjua <. '■;:>. I ; _, V,T 

to weaken, enfeeble, sap Li«J»l : ji I 

to insure (life, against fire, against ( ju« jl <^c) ^« 1 
loss, etc.); to underwrite, cover 

to reassure, assure, give confidence (to) <jui : <>• I 

to ensure, secure, guarantee, ^* j i ^w> « ji*. : ^ I 
assure; to procure, bring about, achieve, accom- 
plish, attain, realize, fulfill, work (out); to produce, 
yield; to obtain, get, acquire; to furnish (with), 
provide (with) 

to say "amen" « ,^.1 » J\i :JL\ 

safe, secure, peaceful ^1:^1 

security, safety, peace, law and {%. i CJuL : J» I 

collective security yp^" u**' 

internal security ^-U-laJI ^Sl 

public security, public safety ^ Ul ^ H\ 

national security <«*^" o**^' 

security forces; ^11 1 JU-j i^il oly i^. xl <iy 
the police, peace officers 

•*. ' . - 
Security Council ^.1(1 y-L** 

safe, secure, peaceful ^ I 

to ejaculate r_J. 

to shed blood 

- •'■'- '.• \ 


< > 

J^dl <_»i» : ,Lul 

. Nil * i. .- .'1 


security, safety, peace 

wish, aspiration, desire, desideratum T-.',\ 

respiting, grant of a respite or delay; grace JL^ I 

to dower, endow, give a dower to i I 'J. I ^ I 

it is impossible ^-^sClJ H 

as much as possible, as far as possible, ^fX ^ .3"^ 
as much (or as far) as it is feasible 

, », 

to hope; to hope for; to look forwardLjQ < t»- j : Ji I 
to, expect, anticipate 

to weary, bore, tire S*"*»' : Ll^ 

to dictate (to) J^-{^)'J^ 

to raise hopes (in), give hope (to), Jit illi- : jl' 
inspire hope (in), let hope, make hope, give 
(someone) reason to hope 

hope, expectation * £■ j : J* I 

hopeful, hoping, full of hope; <^'J* <■ ry'J*'- J-^ 
looking forward to, expecting 

to dictate (to) ( ^) J^\ 

to prolong someone's life (°'J+c- li!& ifil) Jul 

dictation ,bC] 

destitution, abject poverty, penury, *_iju ^ii : jiCj 

pauperism, beggary 

, ■•, . - . -,t 

* ' * . * '• t '• » 

tender twig ^ic t >*»i : Ju I 4 j1« I 

smooth, sleek, slick, even, plain yJu I 

- s, ; , - s 

hairless i) ^It. II : JaL I 

to be reduced to poverty; to be or become ^ili I : jb I 
destitute, (very) poor, penniless 

tender twig 
to nationalize 

Jul : Jtil 


61 > VT 

fiscal, revenue stamp, tax ^S±>j>. j^) tiji?' gU» 

amyl, pentyl [ *L-*^ J J** ' 

amylase j^Lf ' 

< < 
amy lose J>^s* ' 

'• ' <■;•--.- { 

faithful, loyal, reliable, «£l~* 4 «j o>>>» « y» j : Os? ' 
trustworthy, dependable,' trusty', honest, true, 

safe, secure jJw .^ : On ' 

* .'*■>'. \ 
trustee, guardian, custodi- j> -u 1 u^ 4 ^ : (x? I 

an, caretaker, keeper, curator; superintendent; su- 
pervisor; manager; chief, head, master 


jsij^-r : i>rf' 




i.a. \j il cr^ 


treasurer; cashier; teller 

mayor; governor 

4.^0 U)l j^jl 


ije 1 

warehouseman, ware- O^aJLl jl eojlLLI ^ 
houser, warehouse superintendent, storekeeper, 
store clerk 
librarian £j£il ^jl 

board of trustees «.L.l ^Jj^ 



amino acid ^ 1 o>< i 

to come, approach, draw near; to mature, oU- : ul 
ripen, become ripe 

the time has come, it is time, it is high 
time, now is the time 

it is time for you to.., the time has . . u I ^ 1 

come for you to.. 

haven't you understood yet?! !?|**J ul ^ ul ul 

to moan, groan, whimper, whine, wail »j1j : ul 

time; period of time; moment, instant y-»- 1 cij : ul 

now; at present, at the ^U-l i-»j" j ' y^ : 0^1 
(present) moment, at this time, at the present time, 

m l i WT'-.'.w ~'" '.-v.^ 

albino; albinotic J44 I 

to give (someone) time; to respite, grant a respite J4* I 
or delay to 

God's mill grinds slow but surej*i> X? J*l> «il ul 


to mew, meow, miaow 

Ju grlj-Jljll 

motherhood, maternity 

motherly, maternal, mother 




illiterate, uneducated, unlettered j»i»~. _^s. -. ,_» 

motherly, maternal, mother (. aL (ja : .-*,. :^\ 

amianthus, amiantus, asbestos cJ Lj 

amoeba, ameba 

amoeboid, ameboid 

amoebic, amebic T-^j* I 

illiteracy; ignorance Ji»- iCLSGlj i(\'jii\ ji»- :il«l 

'.- '* .**( 

motherhood, maternity **y\ :<-*! 

amide [>L~iJ >u»1 

prince, emir; chief, commander, leader, master, j^ I 


admiral ^pyJIjj-l 

Commander of the Faithful, Caliph Crr-;^ J? ' 



brigadier, brigadier (KijS^c <-j j) 

admiralty J*J\ »jUl icJlj*,*! 

princess sjs* I 

American i^>?' 

governmental), f I* 1 iJj J I *£JuJ 1 (-»>£»■ '■ iij)s» ' 

state, state-owned, public 

fiscal iJjJI iil_)>u (jeU- :tij«l 



L-J^mL* * iSj^ ' 




to be late; to tarry, linger; to be tL'l « >- U : <y 1 

to approach, come, draw near; to oU i ll j : yi 1 
mature, ripen, become ripe 

to delay, put off, postpone; to slow IL < >■ 1 : .j 1 
down, retard 

iy' fr'j -Uaj i>-l lyjl 
"T fi •* * T" a * 

-* - -, «* 




[u-jJCLji Ifti 

/ — \ * * 

period (of time), span (of time) (* k I ?: ) yi ] « yi I 

by night, all night long, JJdl *b I j i JJJI i\> I 

throughout the night, all through the night 

* • « •* 

by day and by night, day jt+JI ijl^lj JJJI *U 

and night, around the clock, twenty-four hours a 


where; wherever, wheresoever, no uJL»- < ^ I : ^ I 

matter where, anywhere 

where from? from where? wherefrom? q> I ^ : t y I 
whence? from what place? 
when? at what time? 

how? in what way? 

UuS :,«ll 



to remove, move away, take away; to 
distance, place or hold at a distance 

farther (away), more distant, 
remoter, more remote 

vessel, container, receptacle; (u'jlj <~>\ r) »^l 

utensil(s), plateis), dish(es), cup(s), pot(s), jar(s), 
vase(s), etc. 

pottery, earthenware, crockery; porce- <j j±- iJ I 
lain, china, chinaware; ceramics; faience 

glassware, glasswork £l»- 

tableware, table utensils 
kitchenware, kitchen utensils 

>*.- -r 


i Li 

•- --T 


* *» ■ — 

(oLi) £jUj 


.... .,_.,. .-■ ... ... ■■,.,■■■- 

! * 

presently, currently, today, nowadays, these days 
now that.. . .jijO^I 

gradually, by degrees, step by step, little by liLi ill 
little, bit by bit, a little at a time 

until now, so 'oi\ CU 1 0>) 1 0^1 <JJ ' 0^1 J^>- 
far, hitherto, to date, yet, as yet, up to the present 
moment, up to now; still, yet 

at the same time, ol j < £• o' J « J»-lj of j 


before, previously, formerly, earlier 'oi\ '^Li 

from o I jju U 1 1 ^»- 1 j 1 (>j l* < jj- 1 y J o I (>• 
time to time, now and then, once in a while, 

sometimes, at times, occasionally 

- - *'> - - -.- » , ' , - , 
from now on, 0^1 -^-« ' 0^1 ■**; ' loctai 0^1 ,>• 
henceforth, in the future; starting..., beginning..., 
effective from..., from..., as of... 

that; to 



■fl: Til 

'1 Cr'j-o 
t* 1 * p-b-ol j* 

although, (even) though, even if, despite, in 
spite of the fact that 

unless, if not, except 
indeed if 





oi q 

verily, truly, indeed 

verily, truly, indeed; but, however, yet; rather, ^1 
on the contrary 

to act slowly, take one's time, slow (down) |j+*j : iJ I 



a* <$ EE 

elegance, fashion, fashionableness, style, stylish- iiU 

ness, grace, handsomeness 

anaconda (^l) Sju^UI 

to make or let obtain (get, acquire, JIj <dl»- : LIU I 
win, attain, achieve, etc.) 

to give (to), grant (to), accord (to), ^a* 1 : 3 U 

award (to), donate (to), bestow upon, confer upon 

mankind, human race, human beings, f I >*i I t f U J I 
people; creatures 

pineapple (oLi) ^Ulil 

solipsism (ililli Jj^kijijUl 

selfish, self-centered, egocentric, egoistic, (ii*») ^Ul 


egocentric, egoist, self-seeker (^1) ^lil 

sefishness, sef-centeredness, egocentncity, <-j b I 

egocentrism, egoism, self-seeking 

to reprimand, reprehend, reproach, censure.^j : >—j i 
rebuke, reprove, castigate, upbraid, scold, chide 
to feel remorse, feel conscience-stricken, »j^o <-j I 
have compunctions, have qualms 

eggplant, aubergine ob" )V : yj ' 

to inform of or about, (jit I ' tij 3^-* ' -? .*»"' : W W*' 
tell about, let know about, notify of, advise of, 
apprise of, report to, relate to; to communicate to, 
impart to, convey to; to announce, state, declare 

u» «jf lj — »Ljl 

notification, notifying, information, jli-l : *Lil 

informing, telling; communication, conveyance; 


germination ^^j) 


s? ffr'j ~ 6>" :jLjI 

to be sold t^'tV- 

to produce plants, bring forth vegetation; to c*J I 
germinate, cause to sprout; to make (something) 
grow; to grow, raise, plant, cultivate 

to be cut off, severed »J»» < j-l«i} : £> ■*»} 

to be decided, determined, re- j^ t ^~*- : c~>i 
solved, settled, fixed, finished, done 

to be cut off, amputated; to be cut jJ»» 

, * - > ---• 

to deputize, depute, delegate, yiy « [p J • V^ ' 

appoint as one's deputy (substitute, agent, repre- 
sentative, etc.), commission (empower, authorize) 
to act for or in behalf of 

to return (or come) from »Ja jjy Ija «- j : J] olil 
time to time to, visit periodically or often, fre- 
quent, haunt 
to turn to God in repentance Jil <JJ i_«lj I 

delegation, deputation, deputi- J^f>> <-Jaiy& '■" > ^S t \ 
zation, appointment as deputy (substitute, repre- 
sentative, agent) 

<_<^ji «jflj — (—.jjUl 

deliberateness; patience, endur- j^> t Jb- njt : »U I 
ance, tolerance, forbearance 

(Jj>*> lj)i> «Jflj— oLil (Jj>B lOUil U>B 

to make (a camel) kneel down ( J*J- 1 ) f U I 

to stay at, remain at l&l; r ^ ' 

then, at that time, that day Jli I 

to light, light up, illuminate, illumine, ?U>I : jl» I 

furnish with lights, fill with light; to shed (throw, 
cast) light upon, highlight, spotlight 

lighting, illumination; enlightenment ojUJ 

to move; to swing, oscillate, <_< Ju i i d) j»- : u»\j I 


people, men, human beings, man- ^-li t ^i : ^U I 
kind, human race, humankind, world, humanity 

to entrust (with), _» <u)J 04* 1 cTp- 1 ^y : (j) J>li I 
charge (with), commission (to do); to entrust (to), 
commit (to); to invest (with), vest (with), authorize 
(to), empower (to) 
to suspend, hang; to attach J^Jlc : J»li I 

to make dependent (_a»jl 1 jii : ( J»^i) J* J»li I 
on, conditional on, contingent on 

entrustment, commit- »-*i£j '<Jjj»" 'er^O" : *J»U] 
ment; commission(ing), charging; investiture, in- 
vesting, authorization, empowerment 

to exceed, be more than, be greater il j : J* <_lL I 
than, be above; to surpass, go beyond 

to command, dominate, Jl>l 1 i_»_p I : J* <_»U I 


to be high, lofty, elevated j-Jb 1 «jj jl : <_*U I 



curled, kinked 

A - " - • • 

extension, extensity, expansion, j-uJ i jIaI.1 :i>Cjl 
stretching, spreading; dilation, dilatation; expanse;' 
spread, stretch 

delight, joy, happiness, cheer- 

£>• ' Jij" 


fulness; pleasure; enjoyment, having fun 
extroversion, extraversion [ ^ ] L I'..' I 

diastole iillJl :(_iij| illjl 

diastole <_iljl JiLJl 

extrovert(ed), extravert(ed) [ ^ ] ^JjCJ I 

to spread (out), stretch, extend, expand; xi. I : V '.'. | 

to be spread (out), stretched (out), extended, ex- ' 


to be happy, glad, delighted, ^ < *J, : \"\ | 

pleased; to enjoy oneself, have fun' 

Ziw p-\j-'jj\ ji sill J^jl 

prostration, lying (down) 

; yirt. t 


to lie prostrate, lie face down; to^kLl 4 ij»l; : '-'j,' ; | 
lie down, lie 

revival, re- <U>^; < ^JJ S^ill jl J.LUI oU^.1 •'"■ l'n ; ; l 
viviscence, resurgence, renascence, rebirth, renais- 
sance, reawakening, regeneration 

resurrection £.ll» :cjILjI 

emission, emanation, emergence, jlij I : ci>llj I 

issuing, issuance, issue, discharge 

dent, indentation - Uj | 

gP '£->*■ 'iJ^r"! : (u?) 

to be emitted, sent out, 

discharged, given off, diffused; to emanate from, 
arise from, rise from, proceed from, spring from, 
emerge from, issue from, originate from, come 
from, stem from, develop from, grow out of, be 
caused by 

to be sent, sent out, dispatched, for- 3- J ' : '-*■*'' ' 


r^^t « ,, „ „ „ ,,, = „ „ . 

tO rJJ 4J_jj jl 4i»Ll> jUj^.1 i -b-l>- ^ U*.: • ■*,..•■ I 

revive, resurge; to be revived, revivified, resus- 
citated, reanimated, revitalized 
to be resurrected, be raised from o^lll '^ '' "' ' 
the dead 

to be dented, indented, notched 


to be or become necessary, requisite, ob- <_*»-_} : .jl; I 
ligatory, mandatory, imperative, indispensable 

to be or L-u. <. {:..,*.<:...*. « 4_j l^i^ 0^ : , 


short, curtailed; to be docked, bobbed 

.. * -• ~ * ~ • 
to be spread, disseminated, propa- jZZ> I i jLJ : ?»,'j I 

gated, diffused, circulated; to spread, circulate; to 


to be spread, scattered, dispersed, ij^u i 'j'ji : cLj I 
diffused; to spread, scatter, disperse, diffuse 

to be broadcast(ed), [ 0>»>lJ j y s I j ] i^ I 


emanation, emergence, issuing, issue, issuance, jlij I 
springing, arising, going out; outflow, outpour/ ' 
outburst, effusion, gush, flow, flowage, spurt, flux, 
efflux, effluence 

to emanate (from), spring (from), emerge (^.) j£j I 
(from), issue (from), arise (from), originate (from),' 
stem (from), proceed (from), go out (from); to 
break forth, burst forth, gush out, pour out, flow 
out, well out, issue forth, rush out, shoot out, 
come out, effuse, spout, spurt, squirt, jet 

to dawn ^}>\ ' :f.; I 



flow, flowage, flux, efflux, effluence, gush, y»U«*J I 
spurt, outflow, outpour, outburst, effusion 

to flow, gush out, pour forth, break forth, '\JaLi I 
burst forth, spout forth, spurt, shoot out, squirt, 
well out, jet, effuse, issue forth, rush out, come out 
to centrifuge jS^Il ^ V^L : jjj 

to oppose, defy, challenge, con- J is^n" : J <3^J I 
front, face, front, face up to, stand up to, stand up 
against, withstand, counteract; to deal with, cope 
with, grapple with, come to grips with 
to undertake, take upon _; 'jL\> < Jfy : J (jjj I 
oneself, assume; to set out to, embark upon; to 
take up, turn to, apply oneself to, occupy oneself 
with, concern oneself with, deal with 

to abrade, fret, scrape off, chafe, taper iSy : eJ^li I 
off, wear away; to be abraded, scraped off, fretted, 
worn away; to be sharpened, trimmed 
to be or become ratified, CjL, jU> t ji\ : VJj I 

confirmed, endorsed, sanctioned, approbated, 
approved, adopted, passed, legalized, validated, 
upheld, sustained, maintained, affirmed; to be or 
become irrevocable, decisive, conclusive, final, 

to be concluded, made, entered into 

to be twisted, twined, entwined, 



g8am>.' -•yy-.aa j». , .'. ^aa-i—SBaameMa— »um 

alembic, still 

you, thou CJI iCJI 

moan, groan, wail, whine, whimper c I 

to protrude, project, thrust out, exsert, jut j y, l : ui I 
out, stick out, poke, bulge; to emboss, raise in 

(<y0 t$*L; i(j*) est gpij-d^) iiHi 

protrusion, projection, exsertion, sticking jl^j I : »lljj 
out; embossment 

to befall, beset, afflict, hit, strike, attack, LCel : otil 
come over, come upon, happen to, occur to 

to haunt jJJ jl£il *illJL ~IJ l>l£. v^l 

production, producing, vUe i p^ii j-uo» ;^ 

making, make, manufacture, manufacturing, fabri- 
cation, output, generation, creation 

gross national product 

productive; producing 





oLil :^UJl 

attention, attentiveness; regard, heed, notice; oLjI 
watchfulness, vigilance, alertness, lookout; care, 
carefulness, caution, cautiousness 

to withdraw, retire, retreat; to step aside ^Jj : jl-jJ 

-. * '.''* 
to make wine -4?*" -*r-'' 

to swell, become swollen 

to be on one's guard, be wary, be cautious, ji»- : <*2 
be careful, look out, watch out, be on the alert, be 
on the lookout 

to pay attention to, heed; to J^ai : (<JJ jl J) '<^>\ 
notice, take notice of, observe, see, perceive; to be 
or become aware of, conscious of 

to wake up, awaken, waken 



' " " " — ' i 

■aca— — rasxsi uMJaB« zSZF 

become desirable, advisable, recommendable, ex- 
pedient, appropriate, proper, seemly, fit(ting) 

he ought to, he should, <j\ *1 j\ aILc (^jr*) ij^>\ 
he must, he has to, it is his duty to 
as it should be, as it must be, as required, ^j-o Uf 
comme il faut, duly, as due, properly, appro- 
priately, fittingly, adequately, sufficiently, enough, 
satisfactorily, well 

to be taken aback, be taken by surprise; to be c itjl 
surprised, flabbergasted, shocked, stunned, thun- 
derstruck, dumbfounded, speechless 
daybreak J*jA\ jr^\ 

to dawn; to shine gl-J \ 


■ Jai>l 

to be dazzled, dazed, overwhelmed, (jJJ »j~oj) ^<j} 


to pant, gasp, be out of breath, be kJu ^aj\ '■ j*^\ 


- '\ ''\ 

pipe, tube, duct • jj-U : *-?}? ' 

- - - ,-*<>- .- ft 

joint (of a knot- i-..ri5ll (>• ^ji*!! ^ L. ^j-yl 

test tube 


windpipe, trachea 

capillary, capillary tube 

flash tube 


water pipe 

ted stem), internode, part between two nodes 

• •'-il ' 'M 

t_jb j »rt.l I (V,^ ' 
'-I'll' ""'1 

* •: * *'.\ 

vacuum tube, vacuum valve 9yi» <-j>r> ' 

blowpipe, blowtube (r-£->H J-^LU) «-^l v>y' 
pipeline ^-t^l Ja»- 

test-tube baby jLji-'Jll vj-y' J*i» 

pipage, transportation by pipes i_~jL> ju Jii 

<—'y r >i luflj — <i^jl 
, ' >'i 

tubular, pipelike, pipy, fistulous ^lyJ I 

excavation, something unearthed J~> U : yi>J 1 
ampul *J>y' 

(jjj (j? ji Ci'H) Jj^ii 


>'- ' ■ - t "•< 

to arrogate (to oneself), assume to (<-*J) jk^ I 
oneself, ascribe to oneself, claim for oneself 

to embrace, adopt, 
profess, take up 

election (»JJ ^JlJLJ i <"yU^) olifcjl 

voting, vote, ballot, c-i^aj i f\j£\ : olau I 

poll(ing), casting of ballots or votes 

selection, selecting, choice, jL^-l i »lial :i_jU«al 

natural selection; selection yf^ V^S^i 


to re-elect 

iV ff 'J' 


electoral; elective; election 


election campaign, elec- i_jU«JLi 1 (<tf jjm jl) iil»- 
toral campaign 

constituency, electoral district ij U.U I 5 ^J I j 

electoral college; electorate 

to select, pick (out), choose 

to vote, cast a ballot, cast a 
vote, poll 

to elect, vote in 
to choose by lot 

to sift, bolt, sieve out 

to meet, get together, assemble 

--'-I ' a - ' 

a I 

delegation, delegating, delegacy, L>jSj\ j'jLx* ^olxpj 
deputation, deputization, legation, sending forth or 
appointment of a representative (delegate, deputy, 
etc.); accreditation; commission(ing), charging; 
detail(ing), assignment; secondment, seconding, 
transference), transferring 

mandate (ij+J>£~A jl Ji\ jl A, ^c ilj'j) i_»ljljl 

mandatory power, mandatory o I j^ V I i) j j 

mandatory L*i'-*a' 

to delegate, deputize, depute, send or (J) ojOJI 

appoint as one's representative (delegate, deputy, 
etc.); to accredit; to commission (to do or with), 
charge (to or with), entrust (to or with); to detail 

to produce, yield, bring forth, bear, generate, ka I 
engender, make, manufacture, fabricate, create, 
originate, bring into being, give birth to, give rise 
to, birth, bring about, cause, occasion, result in 

to bear, give birth to, bring forth, 
throw (a young one) 

tjr^ {frh ■ 


choice, choosing, selection, 



»Uljl ; iL-i»-l :t_>l«ul 

to choose, select, pick out ( yUi I i j L»- 1 : i-ow I 

to resort to, have recourse to, turn to, J J UJ : '^yj\ 
take refuge with 

to seek, look for, search for LJJ. 

to lean on, support oneself on 
tropism; taxis 




J 6 (j*"! 
[,u.i] *Ua| 
* • '\ i % 

impersonation, per- 

plagiarism, literary (ajLLS" jl cilj^ »l jl) JUijI 

arrogation, undue as- »^1 ^j^CL £l*jl :Jlawjl 

embracement, adoption, profession, jl^cl : JUal 
taking up 

"V-»-" : 

to commit suicide, kill oneself <uii 3^> :^Jl 

to pass oneself off as, (i^^-h.:. jl Jji\ ijuf) jAul 
personate, impersonate, pretend of claim to be 
(with intent to defraud), assume the character or 
identity of (usually for purposes of fraud) 

to plagiarize, take (<CLLi jl oilj^ f\j\) Jkzjl 
(ideas, writings, etc.) from another and pass them 
off as one's own 


diffusion of 1 ight *y^ \ j \^~> \ 

^ - * & • 
cultural diffusion (JUj jLil 

i» > •> t • 
deployment ol^iJI jl -lJ-I jLiil 

• *, „ 
^redeployment jLi'lll »jtcl 

to spread, circulate, get about, be in circu- f I i : jlZJ 
lation, be current; to be or become widespread, 
widely known 

to spread through, prevail, pervade, ^c : j^>\ 

(pre)dominate; to be or become prevailing, prev- 
alent, common 

to spread, diffuse, scatter, J^ii 4 jjU»j : j^>\ 

disperse; to be spread (out), diffused, scattered, 


to spread (out), unfold, open !kt„..\\ i jJL>[ : j^>\ 

out, expand, extend; to be spread (out), unfolded, 

expanded, extended 

to deploy, be deployed, fan out 


{ y^J «-'j -(>— Uj 

to pick up, raise, lift; to save, Jii I 4 ,jA±- i «i j : Jiij 

rescue; to extricate 

to snatch away , take away «-a i * rrf - [ 4 p- jlj I : JIj I 

erection; standing erect, standing up, getting oLa£ I 

up, rising, rise 

victory, triumph jib 4 illi 4 j-<»i : jUaj I 

to stand erect, stand up, get up, rise ^ U •' /-■") 

to be put in the accusative [ iii J —. "ll I 4_.. <i; , 'i j 

iilj J«iJI 4_.,wa 7 j| 
J C all luflj— J C 

to take (accept, follow) an advice ij^aJI J-» : »uaZj I 

to triumph, prevail, I jLaXil ^i»- 1 ^oJIj jl* :j^ 
obtain victory, win or gain a victory, be victorious, 
come off with flying colors 

to triumph over, prevail over, win i_JLt : J* j~*^\ 
or gain a victory over, defeat, beat, get the better 
of, conquer, vanquish, overcome, overpower 

to take revenge or vengeance on, *i~>\ : ij» 
avenge oneself on, revenge oneself on 

to reach its midst, be in the <*~aJ jl; : */JJl uLali) 

(for), assign (to a particular task); to second, 
transfer (to a special nonregular service, for 
temporary duty); to give (a country, power) a 
mandate over (a territory, region, etc.) 

anthracite c~~lju^l -a* iC~~i\ju\ 

anthracene [ <■ Lk-S' J j** \jj I 


pulling out, extraction, plucking out, 
tearing out, uprooting, removal 

snatch(ing), grabbing), seizing, <_»IL^-| '-f}'j^>\ 
seizure, wrenching, ^wringing 

extortion, wringing, wresting, <_*La^iJ : f\'j~i[ 

r> fff'j "J^j <>rl* 'V/*! : r^! 

to pull out, extract, pluck out, tear out, JL£ I : f^| 
uproot, remove 

to snatch, grab, seize, wrench away, <_al>r.-^| : fyil 
wrest away 

to extort, wring, wrest, exact, take t-«^c[ : f-j^i 
by force, force, extract 

to elicit, draw out, draw forth, 

affiliation, association; membership; joining, <_j Lsj I 
entering, entry; relation, belonging(ness) 

to be related to, derive one's <JJ (mf »^\ : <JJ ._ VJ I 

origin from, descend from; to belong to, relate to, 
be associated with, be affiliated with 

to associate (oneself) j J>*JI 4 Jj ~aj[ : <JJ l. „„~\ \ 
with, attach oneself to, affiliate with, join, enter, be 
admitted to, become a member of 

to be woven £_-J : g-^»} 

tja»-l 4 jU 1 




J-T'J -(_>— u] 

to germinate; to grow c-J I 4 c-J : JLJ I 

to smell; to inhale 

1^ ff^'j - jf-" : 

spread(ing), diffusion, propagation, dissemi- jll 
nation; circulation, currency; popularity; preva- 
lence; outbreak (of disease) 

diffusion [ »ljj*» J jLfM 

(j*A+J I 


to refresh, freshen up, be or become refreshed; JJ& I 
to revive, recover; to be or become revived, reani- 
mated; to be or become invigorated, braced, ani- 
mated, stimulated, exhilarated, enlivened, inspir- 
to be or become erect ( . ..,;.; 1 1 ) h ' n -; | 

to wear or put on shoes or sandals; to be shod 'J*Z± I 

to be banished, exiled, expatriated, ex- aJl : ,jtJ I 
pelled, relegated, deported 

to be denied, disowned, dis- (_j iT « j& I : ^r. | 
avowed, disclaimed, gainsaid, contradicted, disaf- 
firmed; to be disproved, refuted, controverted 
to fall off JrfCi :j£l 

to be absent, nonexistent 1 ji; I : jyi I 

absence, lack, nonexistence o'-ui i ,.l.ujl : *Ud! 
swelling, intumescence, tumefaction, disten- *liJ 1 

^ #E 

sion, inflation, puff, bulge, protuberance; turgidity, 
turgescence; turgor 

flatulence, tympanites, tym- ii^j : (^>Lll I ) f- U^i I 

emphysema ii^JI iliJl 

tremor, tremble, trembling, JLLj jl i ciUj jl : ^ili^ I 
shake, shaking, sniveling), quiverGng), shud- 

tremor, tremble, shake, shiv- ii-iUi- 1 i iic j : i^liJ I 
ver, quiver, shudder, chill; convulsion, jerk 

uprising, revolt, rising, upheav- (»JI 1*. .'.*.. ) i^Ui I 
al " ; 

utilization, use; utilizing, putting to (^. jl j) flilj I 
use, making use of, using, availing oneself of, 
taking advantage of, deriving benefit (advantage, 
profit) from, profiting by or from, benefiting by or 
from; benefit, advantage, profit 

usufruct [ oji l» ] c Liii "51 

usufructuary [ Oy l» ] p lili "51 1 ji- <_o- U 

to swell, distend, intumesce, in- • j^i i ,^ ^ : ^y.-, 
flate, puff up, become swollen 

to be inflated, blown up, filled > lylL £ JlI : iJli I 
with air 

i - 

j^ p-lj 

to bristle the hair 

j»\ /tun" * I 

middle, be midway, be half over 

to appeal to for LiLai^l -u« JLJj . :^, Lualil 

justice, seek or demand justice from 

to take vengeance or revenge on, lili I : '& ' •%'"■ I 
revenge oneself on, avenge oneself on 

to unsheathe, draw ojuc ly, a»-^»- I : LillJI ''■-"'• I 
endosmosis [ , l. 1: < ] * I , ;.?•. | 

to butt one another '^H\ £u *^S '™k> : iJaij I 

to gird oneself, put on a belt \ jkl ( jit" : J^ ■ I 
to be or become a logician jU-ll ^ \£ • j], ?; | 

waiting (for), wait, awaiting v* > : J IJ*** ' 

expectation, expecting, anticipation «iy; : jliii I 

waiting room jUiDl iiji. 

regularity, uniformity, steadi- il. (ki ( j I ^ I : »Lt^j I 
ness, evenness, constancy; orderliness); methodi- 
calness, systematicness 

public order, ordre public » L. 1 U»i I 

regularly, uniformly, steadily, constantly; *U»JJ L 
methodically, systematically 

to wait (for), bide one's time; to await, Li^J :'Jkz I 
look (out) for 

to expect, anticipate, look forward to \i'y : ^Jil; I 

to be patient with J* jfc ; j \'-\ \ 

to be organized, arranged, arrayed, put <_J ^ : , ti "- 1 
in order; to be well-arranged, well-ordered, well- 
organized, in good order, orderly, systematic 

to be strung, threaded («IJ j| jjj I ) pii I 

to be adjusted, regulated, fixed k > : J»^ ! 

to be or become regular, steady, even, j^l ' : 'r&> ' 

to include, contain, comprise, 'J+1. i <i^i- 1 : jiii I 
embody, embrace, encompass, involve 
to join, enter, become J J "La> I i j J»^i I : j 'Vr: I 
a member of, affiliate with, associate with 

refreshment; revival, reanimation, resurgence; ^iliuJ I 
recovery, pickup; invigoration, animation, stimu- 
lation, exhilaration; boost; boom 

erection • . !, „-. I ( J»Lu I : JiliCJ I 





vindicatory, punitive, retributory 
to put on a veil, veil one's face (si ^11 o^) c-JlJ I 

to criticize, find fault with, censure ju&j 

to receive payment in cash <jliJI jl JIU Jiiil 

to disparage, belittle,4i»Ji jl A^jlSL. jl »ja» (j- yaiuj 
derogate from, detract from; to degrade, abase, de- 
base, demean, humiliate, lower, dishonor, discredit 

>* * >* " 

to be revoked, repealed, abrogated, ^«J1 i £-» tyiiul 

canceled, abolished; to be reversed, overruled 

to cease to be valid or effective; to be Jj»j : JaiZ> 1 

or become null and void, invalid; to be or become 


to be broken, violated, in- lii^i I <. J>- : <>»ilJ I 


to fall down, break down, collapse; Xo ^ : uot^ \ 

be torn down, demolished, destroyed 

to be undone; to be unwoven J»u| : Jafcj I 

to rebel against, revolt against, rise ju : Jc <jiLo 1 


to move, shift, change position or place; Ji-j : Ji&i j 

to change one's residence or location or station, 

remove; to be transferred, moved, transported, 

carried, removed 

to shift, switch, change, convert, i}^ : Ji^} 

transform; to turn (into), grow (into), pass (into), 


to move (on) to, proceed to, *»■>> 1 1_** * '■ J J J*- 5 ! 

go to, travel to, head for 

to pass to, descend to, fall to, go to, Jl : J} Jili| 

revert to, accrue to, be transferred or handed to, 

devolve upon, vest in, become vested in 

to die, pass away *W *■*»- j Jj J*^! 

to be communicated, i$jj*JI c.i S -'J i i/o^A' J*-*! 
transmitted, passed along; to spread 

to revenge oneself on, avenge oneself on, (j- pjuJ 1 

to be teased, carded, combed £lj l >LiJI ylilil 

to shake, tremble, pLj-UjUJ jU oiaujhyiiul 
shiver, quiver, shudder; to flicker, flutter 

to utilize, put to use, make use of, use,((j- )\ ->) £&j\ 
avail oneself of, take advantage of, turn to (good) 
account or advantage, derive benefit (advantage, 
profit) from, profit by or from, benefit by or from 

to select, pick out, choose, cull ^^.rjl *. jc±-\: <j£u j 

selection, selecting, picking out, J^* - ! : »^p! 

pickGng), choice, choosing 

natural selection; selection ,,»— J» t\*~>\ 

selective, eclectic t^S^il 

eclecticism cJlifjJ 

criticism; objection; faultfinding; censure jlilj} 

critical, critic jUii^l <JJ <_jj—L> itijUljJ 

critical, carping, jlii "511 j^ <. jlili^L jJ>* :i£jliil 
captious, quibbling, censorious, faultfinding, hy- 
percritical, cynical; (captious) criticizer, (chronic) 
critic, carper, faultfinder, censurer 
catabolism [ *L»-I ] ^.J* Joj\ : JaKiZ\ 

catabolic [ *L^-I J ^oUlil 

movement, moving, motion, locomotion, JLj : JU&I 
change of place or position; move, remove, remov- 
al, change of residence or location or station; 
traveKing); transference); transportation); transit; 
passage; transmission, transmittance 
transition, passage, turn(ing), switch, J>»«j : JUli I 
shift, change, conversion, transformation 
devolution, accrual, reversion, de- i)>L I : JUi \ 
scent, passage 
Assumption *lji*JI JUil -uc 

transition(al), interim, ad interim, temporary, ^JU^J 
transitory, provisional 

"' ' "' ' .-'r - V X 

revenge, vengeance; retaliation, reprisal, retor- fU*i) 

tion, requital 

retaliatory; revengeful, vengeful; vindictive, "^»\ju>\ 

i > '.'*. 




3# ^K 

opportunism, timeserving 

profanation, desecration, sacrilege, 
defilement, violation 
violation, infringement, f \xu.\ t jm i J^a- : dJljiJ I 
breach, infraction, transgression; trespassGng), en- 
croachment, inroad(s), intrusion, invasion; outrage 

to seize the opportunity, take the oppor- i^jjjl j^j I 
tunity, avail oneself of the opportunity, take ad- 
vantage of the opportunity, embrace the opportu- 
nity; to take occasion (to) 
to bite, snap (at) J^, : 'j'f- 1 

to rise, get up '.\i ; '{,'*' f- 1 

to profane, desecrate, defile, ^J j : {*S^'j3- ) dLjii I 

to violate, infringe, J* <iA»J i LiJU- i tj>- : '' l ')' :; I 
break, infract, contravene, transgress; to trespass, 
encroach upon, make inroads upon, intrude on, 

&y J^b - ^ (j* ' J-a» 'i$yj\ 

antenna, aerial 


</'->* : 0***' 


to effeminate, feminize, womanize 

iiJJ iJlSJl liol 


female; woman .Jul 

to be heaped up, be poured (in a heap), '. 'W' I : <j& I 
fall (in a heap); to pour forth 

to come (over); to crowd, throng, g\£ c J? I : J& I 
swarm; to follow without interruption 

anthracite e— I £ Ml „aj i 

anthracene [ , I. ..< ] j., , ,1 ■?_;! 

anthropological Lj-^j^ML jk< : ^jJ^Jjo I 
anthropologist Lj->1^jj^ML JU : i fr^yip\ 


1 ' ' " 


take revenge or vengeance on; to retaliate upon, 
make reprisals on 

relapse; deterioration; retrogression, iul&jl i^l&J 

to relapse, suffer a relapse, suffer a setback; to ^JjJ 
deteriorate; to retrograde, retrogress, regress 



to belong to, relate to, be associ- <JJ i_-Li> I : <JJ ijt^i i 
ated with, be affiliated with; to be related to, derive 
one's origin from, descend from 

to associate (oneself) with, at- J J l»ojl : <JJ ,^JjI 
tach oneself to, affiliate with, join, enter, be admit- 
ted to, become a member of 

belonging ness), relation(ship); association, affil- »^il 
iation; membership 

to stink, emit a strong offensive smell; to be or j£l 
become bad-smelling, malodorous, stinking, fetid; 
to rot 

you j3l 

to end, come to an end, finish, terminate, 1> : J^Z I 
come to a close; to be finished, terminated, con- 
cluded, wound up, completed, done, over, 

to expire, run out, come to an end ^■ ;> * ; I : (_^J I 

to end (up) Jj 3*>j <■ Jj \j^±- <■ <JJ jU : Jj J&\ 
in, wind up with, result in, lead eventually to; to 
arrive at, reach, get to, come to 

to lead to, bring to iJb : J J <o yii I 

to get or come to a point 1 J J ^ j I <o (_^J I 

where, reach a stage where 

to desist from, refrain from, abstain o«Sf : ^ ^Izj I 
from, stop, give up, leave off 


end, termination, conclusion, close, windup, ,1^ I 
completion; expiry, expiration, coming to an end 
scolding, rebuke, reprimand, reproof J>- j :j\^j I 

opportunist, timeserver; timeserving lijU^J I 



S# #E 

^^.fcij^ ' 

split, rent, rived, cleft 

procreation; reproduction; giving i_o«u I jju»* :tjl»ul 

birth to 

carrying out, execution, effectua- ^»ul jju»* : jU«jj 
tion, implementation, accomplishment, achieve- 
ment, realization, finalization, completion, con- 
summation, finishing, conclusion, windup; fulfill- 
ment, performance, discharge 
achievement, accomplishment, (ol jU»il r) jUu J 
feat, exploit, great (or remarkable) deed, meritori- 
ous work 

peaKs) (°Lj) u^^l 

, - •« *'- ■ •« 
to beget, sire, procreate; to give birth J~il « jJj 

(to), bear 

, .< - - 

to set, mend, grow together 
to be mended, repaired, restored 

jpdi piii 


*»1 : »*» 

to make or let succeed, render or make «*i : «*i I 
successful, give success (to), make a success 

to relieve, succor, help, aid, sup- OW ' o«a~I : jlm 
port, go to the aid of, give aid or relief to; to res- 
cue, save, salvage 

to be twisted, twined, entwined; to be J-i»- : J juj 
braided, plaited, cued 

gravitation; attraction, affinity; uJmI jjuh :ljIjuj 
inclination, tendency; fascination, captivation 

(oLs) uIjlmjI 


ferula, giant fennel 

asafetida c 

to gravitate toward, be Jj ji-b 
drawn to; to be attracted to 
to incline to, tend to, lean to- 
ward, be inclined toward 

to be fascinated by, captivated 
by, magnetized by, charmed by 

to be uprooted, eradicated, extirpated, ^*>y-.\ : j-is 
exterminated, rooted up, rooted out, deracinated 
pulled out, pulled up by the roots, plucked out 

to be cut off, chopped off, lopped off ^Lul '■ f-^ 


if 5b i 

anthropology uLi^ll ^f : 'C^^yjjj 

siphoning; siphonage V^ 

to siphon 

to be pierced, punctured, punched, bored, 

to be destroyed, ruined; to be subverted; ^ j+>\ : j?j 
to be overthrown, toppled 

disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, i..„,\\ j 
ill repute, discredit, infamy, ignominy, opprobri- 
um, odium, shame 

to blunt, be or become blunt; to be or ILS : (J£ 

become notched, indented, dented, jagged, incised, 
toothed; to be or become furrowed, grooved, 
corrugated, ridged, rutty 

to be defiled, sullied, soiled, a«., „I I jl C..... J I JLLil 
tarnished, smirched, besmirched 

to fold, double up; to be or i.« lm> l < iS'^\ '■ ^j£> 
become folded, doubled, pleated; to bend, curve, 
flex, deflect, incline, bow, turn, twist; to be or 
become bent, curved, flexed, inflected, turned, 

to turn away from, give up, ^ L>j*>j\ : ^ <j^>\ 
abandon, relinquish, renounce, forsake, leave, 
quit; to abstain from, refrain from, desist from, 
forgo; to stop, discontinue 

bend(ing), flection, inflection, cjUmjI < ^y^\ '• '^ 
flexure, curve, curvature, turn, twist 

iJLJjl mj-lj — iil jj i"<ijjA : «Lp} 

turning away from, giving ^ uil^aJl : ,jc t^\ 
up, abandonment, relinquishment, renunciation, 
forsaking; abstention from, refrainment from, de- 
sistance from; stopping, discontinuance 
bend, inflection, curve, twist, turn of LU 


Oj* -^ 

<Lj I jJ 1 ijj ja : <J Li; ] 

flexible, pliable, pliant, ductile, 
bending, folding, foldable 

flexibility, pliability, pliancy, 
ductility, foldability 

feminine, female, womanly, womanlike, worn- csyul 
an, women's; effeminate, womanish, unmanly 

( yu «jflj-Iiil 4(j-alp- '^J< 

to scatter, disperse, break up, clear away, jIuJ : uUj I 
dissolve, disappear, lift, be dispersed, be dispelled 
to split, rend, rive, tear, get torn; to be Jwl : ^^x>\ 


be earned, gained 
to be imported 

to be attracted, drawn 


English; Englishman 

English <?jjLJ > I <& I : £ j^ ) I 

«"'j - JU»ul 

the New Testament ju ji I j+»i I : J**^ "il I 

jojil j^JI ^ Jj^l iJj^ll jlil^ll iil :J^Jj 


Gospel, evangel SjL>:J_a*;l 


6* a j-*> iy> 

to turn away one's eyes qc. ■ 

from, avert one's glance from 

to assail, attack, fall upon^ Ol*jl t»a>-U : Jc ^sul 

- ? » .* - •» 

to blame, reproach; to ij>)l jl .^Lll <_Lc ^^l 

heap blame or reproach upon 

Jj ji . i'£j pij-Jjiji juii 

occlusion, obstruction, blockage; interruption^U*;! 
storXpage), cessation; restraint, constraint, suppres- 
sion; restriction, restrictedness; confinement; se- 
clusion; imprisonment 

to stop, cease, end; to be with- «Jaii I t LJiy : y-^J I 

held, held back, held up, kept back 

.. > , * , * , > , ,, ' 
to be restrained, »_^ 4 JiS" 1 c~i" t ^-a»- : ^-^i I 

confined, retained, suppressed; to be obstructed, 

blocked, barred, checked, interrupted 

to be imprisoned, jailed, detained, (jjh- : 
confined, interned 

to be secluded, separated, de- [}j»J I 1 '^jc : 
tached; to seclude oneself, isolate oneself, detach 
oneself, separate oneself 


to be or become veiled, covered, screened, '. '-,' 
sheltered, hidden, concealed, obscured, cloaked, 

to be pulled, drawn, dragged, tugged, hauled, ^kj 
towed, trailed; to be driven; to drift, float, be swept 

drift, driftage; washout; erosion 


I s - .--' '1 


to drift, be carried along; to be swept away, d>4*i I 
carried away; to be washed out or away; to be 

to carry out, execute, effect(uate), Jj I < iS ^ :'^\ 
implement, accomplish, achieve, realize, finalize, 
complete, consummate, terminate, finish, con- 
clude, wind up, bring to an end; to do, perform, 
fulfill, discharge 

to finish off, kill, dispatch, Jt 'j^. I : Jc '^» I 

deliver the deathblow to, give the coup de grace to, 
give the finishing stroke to 

- *: , - -:] 

"''■"'■ 1 "'.] 

more beneficial, more useful; more effec- (^y ) <u*j I 
tive, more efficacious; more wholesome, more 
healthful, more salubrious, more salutary 


large, big, wide, beautiful (eye) 

gaping, wide (wound) 

to be or become clear, distinct, i_ii£i I 1 J^> : ^Jju I 
manifest, visible, plain, patent, evident; to appear, 
come out, come to light, come into view, show, 
emerge, surface, manifest itself, reveal itself; to be 
revealed, disclosed 

to clear, clarify; to be or «ulij I 4 Jl j 1 li^» : fj&y I 
become clear, cloudless, untroubled, undisturbed, 

to be dispelled, driven away, 3e j' ' ** J "? '■ u"!"' 
dispersed; to vanish, disappear, go' away, pass; to 
be removed, ousted, dislodged 
to end up in (or with), wind J J u^ I : ^ ( X»J \ 
up with, result in, lead eventually to, come to 

to be polished, burnished, refurbish- Jiloil : ( J^u\ 
ed, scoured, smoothed, glazed; to be or become 
glossy, shiny 

to be brought, fetched; to *Jx. J-o*- 1 jJx>-\ : I 



■-- „•:*<**.*■ 'CSKMs-.-' y-r- *- Jan**? »■*•*. - -a'.-s-v.* <t* zL »*_. 

mal, anomalous; to be or become (a) deviate; to de- 
viate (from) 

to incline, slant, cant, slope, SlL u^ ' J I* : <->>»«> 
skew, tilt, tip; to be or become oblique, inclined, 
slanting, skew, askew, awry, bent 

to turn to, turn toward 


''-' '{'- ' •" "i 

to dissuade from, ^^i^c^oUj : 0* *? *-'>*': 

divert from, distract from, deviate from, turn from, 

alienate from, keep (away) from, make disinclined 

to, turn (someone's mind) away from 

to be or become perverted, be or 1 trr~*" *-*>*': 
become a pervert 

to be or become delinquent, £> : ^JJ- 1 <-»>»*>! 

tobeorbecome *S**f o»>»uU *t'>? <-*>>*>! 

indisposed, unwell, out of sorts, out of humor, out 
of health, ill, sickly, slightly sick, not feeling well 
abatement, subsidence, waning, wane, dec- jL*»i 
rease, diminution, lessening, drorXping), decline, 
deterioration, degeneration; recession, withdrawal, 
retreat, retraction, retrogression; disappearance, 
ebb, reflux, refluence, waningiLGl ^* *UI jl-»^| 

to abate, subside, die down, calm down, let up, j-*i 
fade away, wane, decrease, diminish, lessen, drop, 
decline, deteriorate, degenerate, shrink, become 
smaller or weaker; to recede, go back, withdraw, 
retreat, retrograde, retrogress; to disappear, dis- 
perse, be dispersed, be dispelled; to be removed, 
taken off, pulled away, lifted, raised 

to ebb, reflow, flow back, <CjG' <j* i^l 

wane, sink, drop off, recede, subside 

to be cut off, severed J«J 

to be decided, determined, iSy > f>- ' o> : f»» 
resolved, settled, fixed 

-"i - "1 
to be finished, completed, con- <jfri>] > <«tJ I : «-*> 

eluded, terminated 

to be discounted, deducted, rebated, ,.. n-»'i [ : *»a»J 
taken off, subtracted 

limitation, restriction, restrictedness, confine- } 
ment; restraint, constraint, check, curb; condensa- 
tion, concentration, centralization; exclusivity, ex- 
clusiveness; monopoly, monopolization 

to be limited, restricted, confined; to be re- j-a» 
strained, constrained, kept, checked, curbed, con- 

mantled; to hide, conceal oneself 

*' - i '• i' "i 
descending, coming down, going jJjw <. Oi'y : J' <**>', 

down, gliding down, falling, flowing down; slant, 
(downward) slope, declension, declivity, declina- 
tion, inclination, dip, tilt, descent, downhill, fall 

decline, waning, decay, fall.^ij i J»U»a«j} : j\-*»*\ 
decadence, degenaration, deterioration, retrogres- 

to descend, come down, go down, JL i Jy : jJ*i} 
glide down; to flow down, fall (tears); to slope 
(down), slant (down), sink, dip, decline, cant, 
incline, be inclined 

to decay, wane, decline, dete- ji+ij i Jikjl : j-i*ij 
riorate, degrade, retrogress 

deviation, deviance, depar- j~*- 1 0%* ' Sy '• ^J^l 
ture, turning aside or away, swerving, swerve, 
skewness, deflection, divergence, diversion, 
digression; turning off, branching off; changing 
direction, sheerting), veerting), warping, curving; 
obliqueness, obliquity, inclination, slantGng), bend, 
turn, tilt, tip, askewness, awriness 

going astray, straying from the .sLi i J^U> : <->\j*>> \ 
right path, deviation from what is right, going 
wrong; corruption, perversion, perversity, pervert- 
edness, depravity, depravation, turpitude 

aberration, aberrance, anomaly, ijli. : ij\j9u\ 
abnormality, deviation, irregularity, perversity 

juvenile delinquency ii 

> >> 


declination; refraction; variation 

perversion, sexual deviation 

indisposition, illness, sick- iawJI jl ^Ij^l cil^J 

liness, malaise, malady 

deviationism *-?'^! 

to deviate from, {^c) jU « (^js) DL : (yt) t-*j»*\ 
depart from, turn away from, turn aside from, 
swerve from, skew from, deflect from, diverge 
from, digress from, divert from, decline from, 
wander from, stray from; to turn off, branch off, 
take a turn(ing); to change direction, alter one's 
course, veer, sheer, tack, warp, curve 

to go astray, stray, go -lj i J-* : (a*) t -»^*» \ 

wrong, deviate from what is right, drift; to be or 
become errant; to be or become corrupted), de- 
praved, perverted, distorted 

to be or become aberrant, abnor- J£ : (yt) L>j»i I 



■ :■ -■■ - '■ r— 

ness, slackening, sag(ging), relaxation; weakness, 
feebleness, frailty, debility 

dissolution, solution, melting, deli- o^ji : JiUll 
quescence, liquefaction 

jL : £rlj-jjJJ ^j> ilUil 

to be protected, defended, guarded, shel- 
tered, shielded 

to (^lii j) l4« ilia- J.LL ^dl i^jll 
diet "'-"-'- 

c/^ : c***"! 


l>^- '(>«■ jfr'j-L** 3 - 

'■ f 6tf 

i^** 1 ] 

to bend, curve, flex, 

cr*^ ' £>*! 



deflect, bow, incline, arch, twist, turn; to be or 
become bent, curved, flexed, inflected, inclined, 
arched, bowed, twisted, turned 

to stoop Jill cJjj (11*111 d\ £*!»- JZ- -ij^>\ 

tO bow lij-aa- J I 

bend(ing), curvature, curve(dness), flexion, ,U*J I 
flexure, inflection, deflection, turn, twist(edness), 
crook(edness), inclination, tilt; bowfjng); stoop(ing) 

bow (lt3-a». jl Ul^lJifU*;! 

UljJi- 1 (_y->wl 

bend, curve, crook, twist 

o £i^Jjl : o ^Laul 

j^> ASflj - jL»»i 


jL»«j jl Aj£ 

nonaligned nations 

jLau jl (Ot J_)J 

delusion, deception, illusion 


to be scratched, scarified, scored, 

cut; to be Ifij&i 

chafed, abraded 

to be deceived, cheated, beguiled, fooled, p o*J I 

deluded, bluffed, tricked, duped, gulled, double- 
crossed, swindled, taken in 

to be let down, betrayed, deserted (in time of J jjw I 
need), forsaken, abandoned, left in the lurch; to be 

UJl< r L^I:J,l 


joining, entering, entry, en- 
trance, accession, affiliation, association 

',• ■ , *> ' > ' ,' ' 
to be turned, lathed U> >>«JIj iSy ' i»>»- : J»jj*i I 

J^lilll i pail l J»-J : I j£ liLL. j Ja^^aul t j J»jj«jl 

to join, enter, accede to, become a member of, 
affiliate with, associate with 

£>■ '£>■ jf 'j -<-«*-» '<>"ji : ^*» ; ! 

'■ -■• ■»■-•■•■- :■■■■ ■•■ ' ■ 


•— ^~~i 

trolled; to be enclosed, shut in, hemmed in, held in 
check, surrounded, encircled; to be straitened, 
tightened; to be qualified, tied; to be narrowed, 
condensed, concentrated, centralized; to be nar- 
row, close; to be squeezed, pressed; to consist in, 
be reducible to; to be exclusive 

to sink, descend, fall, drop, slump, j~'\»~ <. Jali : ,k»u I 
subside, ebb, wane; to deteriotate, degenerate, de- 
cline, decay, degrade, retrograde 

to stoop, lower oneself (»JJ aj^U-I oJ Jilul 

(morally), demean oneself; to be or become mean, 
low, base, ignoble 

deterioration, degeneration, de-ji^iJ i -kj-r* :^L^«ul 
cadence, degradation, declension, decline, decay, 
retrogadation; fall, descent, drop, slump 

.- .9 -- * tt • 

depres-^j t oi»J> i <;>J-I lijill j ^>y* : i»U»a«jl 
sion, weakness, feebleness 

iJuu «■ I j - rjaav I 

to thin, make thin, oi»J>l < Jaw I i U_a«j <d*»- :c^*wl 
make slender, attenuate, emaciate, enervate 

to emaciate, enervate, attenuate, Liawl ( '£j> I : Ji«; I 
thin, make thin 

to unravel, untie, unwind, unscrew, loos- tHiil : Ji«il 
en; to be untied, unfastened, undone, unbound, 
unraveled, loosened, unfixed, unwound, unscrew- 
ed, disengaged, freed; to disengage (oneself), dis- 
entangle (oneself), release oneself, free oneself, 
detach oneself 

to be >l)l j! '£*J*H\ jl ytil ji iifltil JbJl 
solved, resolved, settled, worked (out), unriddled; 
to unravel, be unraveled 
to dissolve, melt, liquefy, deliquesce L, I i : JlJ I 

to be dissolved, disbanded, broken up; JaL I : Jl«j I 
to dissolve, disband, break up 

to loosen, slacken, sag, become<_«»J> <. ^'j \ : JlJ I 
loose; to relax, become relaxed; to be or become 
slack, limp, weak, feeble, frail, languid; to lose 
force or vigor 

to disintegrate, decompose, de- Hi 4 itliJ : Ja«i I 
cay, molder (away), putrefy, crumble, degenerate, 
deteriorate, decline 

dissolution, lysis, breakup, disin- jlli i ^JC : JiUi I 
tegration, decomposition, degeneration, degen- 
eracy, degradation, decadence, deterioration, de- 
cline, decay, putrefaction 
looseness, loosening, slack- >-al^> ( t U^jl : J%^l 





to be or become effaced, blotted out, l j**\ :Jx 
obliterated, wiped out, exterminated, extinguished; 
to be or become extinct, obsolete, forgotten; to fall 
into oblivion 

defeat, rout, debacle 

to be defeated, vanquished, j-&>\ ' f W\ '-j* x 


jL£i| <<?> \j\*-S>\ 

i>- J cfr'j -'^*- 

inclusion, embodiment, incorporation £ij 

extinction J^l ' '^1 'c^'j^ 

to come or fall under or J r j^ « J ij^ J : J £J -^ 
within, be within or among, belong to, pertain to; 
to be or become included in, embodied in, incor- 
porated in, inserted in, entered in, listed in, put 
down in, inscribed in, enrolled in, registered in, 
recorded in, classified in 

to be or become obliterated , £ jJ \ i ,j»-> I : yj Jj 
effaced, wiped out, blotted out, expunged, extin- 

to slip into or among, Jill < Vj-J : <j* j' J o*"^ 
sneak into or among, steal into or among, creep 
into or among, insinuate oneself into or among; to 
infiltrate; to penetrate 

. i > . i - • 

to be buried in, hidden in, con- j y-j : j y—u 1 
cealed in; to be foisted into, slipped into, put into, 
inserted into, introduced into, insinuated into 

rush(ing), dartOng), Jijj i uLt^ - ' J^l • ^^* 
dash(ing), flingGng), springing); outburst, out- 
break, eruption, surge, surging; onrush, inrush, 
inflow, flowage, flux, effluence, influx, outflow, 
outpour, gush(ing), streamGng) 

plunging into, plunge into, yi>»- : (<jj < j) pli-jLJ^ 
diving into, dive into, rush(ing) into, bursting into, 
breaking into, penetration; embarkation upon, em- 
barking upon, engagement in, engaging in 

zeal, zealousness, enthu- <1a i XL&- i illli- : p-U-ul^ 
siasm, ardor, fervor, ebullience, zealotry, glow, 
fire, eagerness, keenness, intense interrest; elan, 
dash, vim, verve, mettle 

impetuosity, precipitancy, ylJ» i j^> : pl» Juj 

hastiness, impulsiveness, temerity, rashness, reck- 
lessness, foolhardiness 

impulse, impulsion 

%i j : (■ \i Ju I 



■ Jli. 

to be pierced, punched, perforated, rid- t_— i-tj | : {j*j\ 


to be or get torn, rent; to tear, rend, J^J| : f>w} 


sinking, sinkage, subsidence, collapse, <-»L iu\ 

cave-in; depression; graben 

to sink, sink down, go down, sub- jU t Jali : i .i i V il 

side, collapse, cave in, give way 

to be discounted, deducted, re- ^jJ> t p-»w| : p nV 'j 
bated, taken off, subtracted 

ecstasy i_ili»ul t -k»-j :((j^o) uLa*i] 

'• *.* * ' - ' 

drop(ping), sinking, jL. awl i ij?* i JjUu : you»j] 

dip(ping), going down, fall(ing), fall-off, decline, 
decrease, diminution, lessening, lowering, reduc- 
tion, shrinking, shrinkage, abatement, subsidence, 
waning, wane, dwindling, slump, depression; de- 
preciation t 

to drop, sink, dip, go j~**>\ <■ ^»~* 'JgUi» t yh i i-wi j 
down, fall, decline, decrease, diminish, lessen, 
shrink, abate, subside, wane, dwindle, slump; to 
depreciate; to be lowered, reduced, decreased, 

dislocation, luxation, disarticulation; discon- p %u I 
nection, disjunction; disassembly 

to be or become dislocated, luxated, dSLiJ : jJ> I 

disjointed, disarticulated; to disjoint, disarticulate, 
come apart; to be or become disconnected, dis- 
joined; to be or become disassembled, dismounted, 
taken apart 

to be deposed, dismissed, Jjc : (i_. « a,..t y») j-L*^ 
discharged, displaced, ousted, removed from an 

to moisten, wet, bedew JL :i$JJl 

*'.. '^ '•* ~ •* 

to give generously, \t^ o& <■ **&•—> ( J**\ '■ <£•£ I 

give liberally, give in abundance; to be generous, 


more generous, more liberal fjS I : c$jJ 1 

to tan, be(come) or get tanned (JuLl) jjjJl 

extinction; oblivion ,Jo\Jij\ iy-ljju| <. ►UmJ '-j^-^I 



=♦ #= 

C? , 

' •'. 

incorporated, inserted, introduced 

to heal, heal up, scar over, LaJ ( 'jti. : i^J.1 'J^'j} I 

warning, admonition, caveat, forewarning; j I Jj 1 

alarm, alert 



without prior notice 

then, at that time, that day 

• ' '' *' 

jljjl J^L> UJ-4 

to warn, caution, forewarn, alarm, 

to notify, give notice to, iJul i y 
serve with a formal notice 

to portend (evil), forebode, oil :(*>-? jl ^_1j) jJul 
presage, foreshadow, foretoken, harbinger, be an 
omen or warning of, be a sign of something 
unfavorable to come, indicate or suggest (some- 
thing bad or harmful) beforehand; to augur ill, 
bode ill, be a bad omen (of), be ill-boding, be 

j£-i A»-lj-i_iU- '.jtji\ 

J»i w-lj - 3*-ij] 

to bruise, be bruised, be contused » aSCi I : ^j> I 

to be displaced, dislodged, re- Jj jl i »y jl : ^IjJ I 

moved, pulled away, thrown back 

to go away, depart, leave jjU i<_*» i : ^- 1 jj I 

to drift, be carried away JLj I : -Ay' \ 

lowering, dropping, bringing down, %i'j lj» : Jljj I 
taking down 

revelation, revealing, inspiration 

unloading, discharge, unlading; steve- iljlil jMjjl 
doring; taking off, taking down 
landing, putting aIJ iljf^ ji I:./., [y, t)l jij 

ashore, disembarkation, debarkation 

airdrop (oiLLiL o4- ji ujll) cS>r l)I> ' 

to rush, dart, dash, shoot, drive, spring, jiL I : «i jj I 
fling, run, hurl, hurtle, burst forth or out, move 
suddenly and rapidly, advance violently and 
quickly, move in a headlong manner 

to flow, stream, run, pour forth or j» .G : »iaJ I 
out, gush forth or out, well out, spout forth, shoot 

to start, begin, set out 

*." - - » 


to plunge into, dive 'jo\±- « jikal :(JJ < j) iilbl 
into, rush into, burst into, break into, storm into, 
penetrate; to embark upon, engage in 

to let oneself be J '.llrll < J jUil : \j£ gljj lilbl 
carried away by, let oneself be overcome by, give 
oneself over to, abandon oneself to, follow, yield 
to, submit to, be led by, be guided by 

to be pounded, ground, crushed, jj*«Li I : 3 Jii I 

bruised, brayed, powdered, beaten, stamped, pul- 
verized, comminuted, pestled, triturated 

- * , * s , • 

to be hammered, percussed, t-ji ( J^i : Joi I 

struck, hit, beaten, banged, rapped; to be knocked, 
tapped; to be rung, sounded, tolled 

to be or get broken or fractured; to ^LSCi I : <j oi I 

break (up), fracture 

" -. • 
outbreak, breaking out, flare-up, u'jjj ' *-?y* '• f '•>* I 


to stick out, hang out, loll 

' ' •'.* 

to break out, o- 
flare up, erupt 

to make repent, make regret 

^Joiil Jj*j :<LJjul 
rj»- :uL-LII jJju} 

jUI j! L'yX\ cJj'jjl 

j»j-j <Oju>- : * Jul 
* • 

merger, merging, consolidation, union, jUJl lAiJiil 

fusion, coalescence, coalition, incorporation, inte- 
gration, affiliation, combination, blending 

inclusion, embodiment, incorpora- r}jX>\ : r-UoJ I 

* *•' * * 
nuclear fusion, fusion ^y r-UoJl 

to merge, consolidate, unite, join, fuse, jm I : n* jJ ] 
coalesce, incorporate, integrate, affiliate, combime, 
blend; to be or become merged, amalgamated, 
consolidated, united, joined, fused, incorporated, 
integrated, affiliated, combined, blended 

to be or become included, embodied, VJs,\ : ~aj I 

(jr 1 



i'~ffiii"ii ' ~' 



ering, slipping); skiing; skating 

to slide, glide, skid, slither, slip; to ski; { j^-Ji ■ j! j*\ 
to skate 

to retire, withdraw (into a cor- *j*i\ ' J>"! : &}j?\ 
ner), seclude oneself, isolate oneself, be secluded, 
be isolated, be alone, keep to oneself 

to retire (with), (^. jl j) J^-l :(j- ji -;) <ij>! 
withdraw (with), be alone (with), meet separately 
(with), hold a closed meeting (with) 

retirement, seclusion, >^»-| ' J ' j*?\ ' ^> : *^i'j>\ 
isolation; solitude, loneness, privacy 

displacement, dislodgment, removal 

enzyme **jjl '(£/' 

enzymology oltjj xl jj* 

' -'A 

enzymatic (^-i^ J 

» - . t , f 

to be sociable, friendly, amiable, LJJ l~Jl 0^ tyJl 
affable, genial, kind, nice, gentle 

to be or become tame(d), UJI jU» :ul>J-' cr'' 

to like •o^lc i<Gj-lt t_^-l t ajJI :<JI jl <> y-il 
someone's company, like to be with, feel at ease 
with, get along with, get on intimate terms with, 
be friendly with, be intimate with, associate with, 
mix with 

•"if '' S 'C 'Ti ' *\ 
to get used to, be accustomed <uJ U o iyu : <J 1 ^ 1 

to, be habituated to, take to; to be familiar with, 

acquainted with 

to entertain, amuse, divert, keep uil> *5l i (jL : y-J I 
amused, cheer up, put in good humor or mood, 
put at ease, make feel at ease, create a friendly 
atmosphere to; to be friendly to, nice to 
to perceive, notice, observe, j ,_,-»- 1 i Ja*-^ : y-i I 
remark, realize, recognize, discern, make out, feel, 
sense, find, see 


to tame, domesticate 

sociability, amiability, affability, cordiality, genia- y-J I 

ejaculation (^l) (Jj* : Jlj^J 

putting up, lodging, accommodation > I jj I : J I j I 

reduction, lowering, mark- <_y»lij I i ^ . i^ : Jl_)i I 
down, decrease, decreasing, diminution, lessening 

subtraction, deduction -rjio : J I _>> J 

, .» , J " '" I 

to be restrained, checked, prevented,*- jj < «_^ : jarj^! 

to be driven away, ousted r_J^~ ' "^ ' >!">! 

to be rebuked, reprimanded, re- ~j i j+> : >r> ' 

disturbance, annoyance, discomfort, inconve- -r U _)J I 
nience, trouble, disquiet(ude), uneasiness 

to be or become disturbed, annoyed, upset, un- ■**'J>\ 

comfortable, uneasy 

f* * »t • ^ # » 

LijJ p-lj-^LJl o»_)ll i^l CJJjl 

to bring down, ,k-» I i j j»- i J»- i J jjj <i«»- : J_)J I 
take down, cause to come down, cause to descend; 
to lower, drop 

to reveal to, send down Jc <^->N J* <*& «& 3>l 


to unload, discharge, un- (^t jl [j>) ii^lll ij>l 

lade; to stevedore; to take off, take down 

to land, put ashore, £)J <Li j- jl <L-i~ (j- J> I 
disembark, debark 

to air-drop, drop, o^LkiL ( I jj^- j I o I ju ) J> I 

to put up, lodge, quarter, accommodate, cSjl : i}'J> I 
room, house, provide lodgings for, receive (as a 

to settle, settle down j>1»j : 0j> I 

to lower, reduce, mark down, u oij\ i yi»»- : <J> I 

decrease, diminish, lessen, cut (down) 

'. ~y'\ 

to deduct, subtract, discount «-»- <. -rjjo : oy ' 

to demote, degrade, disrate, jJ J <llJj jl *i«- jj 0>l 
declass, lower or reduce in rank (status, class, etc.) 

to dethrone, depose u-!^' u* (<iUU) J> I 

to inflict on, impose upon JaJI : I Ji" *j Jjil 

sliding, slide, gliding, skicKding), slith- $>-j '■ J^! 

l. l ...r. J ^ ' .... ' :-.-.,",Vr^L ' . l -S -TTl 


humanity, mankind, cJ^iilll (j-jl-l '<?j-^j :X-jJL» J J 
humankind, human race 

humanity, humanness, ^^Jl i*_JaJI :iliLol 
human nature 

humanities, human attri- il^^lll oli-JI :CiLjl 
butes or qualities 

humanity, humaneness yo~ < > <lic 1 iiit, : <LjLj I 

humanitarianism, oLa-j t*U!l _,lAI t^o- :<CiLjj 
humanism, philanthropy 

to be cast, founded, smelted, molded; to be dllij I 
shaped, formed, formulated 

young lady, young woman, girl, miss, mademoi- i—i I 

selle, demoiselle 

- f f * - 

Miss.. .."<,% i-J^I 

harmony, agreement, accord, concord, unison, f Ut-J I 
concurrence, conformity, compatibility, sympho- 
ny, consistency, consistence, consonance, congru- 
ence, congruity, coincidence; rapport, intimacy, 
closeness, affinity, affection 

to harmonize (with), <_iL!l < j^J I ( -iL : («*.) **»•>' ' 
be harmonious (with), be in harmony (with), agree 
(with), be in agreement (with), accord (with), be in 
accord (with), be concordant (with), get along 
(with), get on (with), comport (with), correspond 
(with), go well (with), match, square (with), blend 
(with), tally (with), fit, suit, adjust (to), tune (with), 
be or fall in tune (with), be or fall in line (with), be 
in keeping (with), be in conformity (with), be 
consistent (with), be compatible (with) 

<f*~ £f 'j ' 

;JL : 

withdrawal, retreat, pullout, pullback, evacu- oUvJj 
ation, fallback, recession, retraction; retirement; 

walk- IjlSCld,! jl £-l»i.l (jJJ ^1^.) Ll*Jl 

contrition, penitence, repentance (Cu) i_JU)l JiUvJ I 

to withdraw, retreat, pull out, «p j t «■ \'y : uaJ I 
pull away, pull back, fall back, draw back, recede, 
retract; to retire; to evacuate; to secede 

walk out, leave 

to be pulled, drawn, dragged, hauled, ^m I : '_ '-,' ■'• I 
tugged, towed, trailed 

to apply to, be applicable to, Jx. jlkil : Jx. L 

lity, friendliness, intimacy, familiarity, friendly 
atmosphere; amusement, entertainment, delight, 
pleasure, fun, joy, cheerfulness, joviality 

mankind, man, human race, people, men j£> : yj I 
(and women), human beings, humankind, world, 

to make forget ^ : ^ 

to stream, flow, run; to leak, flow out; to<i^»- :oLjl 
move smoothly; to glide, slip 

to widen, broaden, expand; to extend, 

t-! : £ 

Li I 

mJo I ! ^Lm> 1 

to spread 

to drift, be carried away, be swept away; to be jLI 


procreation, reproduction i_>U«jl :JLI 

to be ordained, consecrated wlj L»IS" 1-j : f L} 

human being, human, man, person iiL I 

j>JI 6LJ>I 


oLiJII pLJlle 



humane, humanistic ^^lliU^I 

• , - - - , *• . J - .-"- ■"' * • 

jl (jt_^ii .^"--v '-'jjj "-*>■»* « <J>*-' ■(•>'— •>' 

humane oUjlil 

<jL»-jlj ,/?»■' o^cy i j *- — " ■* ' (Sj^>~ ' ^^*" '(Jl— J' 
humanitarian, philanthropic 

pupil of the eye 




human rights 



woman, human being, person 


ian, philanthropist 




CiLjl f>U :oLLj 

•Hi I 


=♦ #c 

separated from, disengaged from; to separate from, 
break off or away from; to secede from, with- 
draw from, pull out or away from; to be alienated 
from, estranged from 

intoxication fl^j! 

to humanize 

0— '• 



human being, human, man 


u^*-- 1 


streaming, flow(ing), running; leak(age), V^sr'! 

outflow; smooth movement or motion; gliding, 

streamlined, streamline; flow- 1-i Cj I 

drift, driftage ^^r'! 

inch i j*\ 

to establish, C^-\ i a»-jl i,_>JU- i ujp '(^1 :uLil 
found, set up, institute; to create, originate, make, 
build (up), form, start, bring into being, produce, 
generate, engender, give birth to, give rise to, bring 

to build, construct, set up, *U1 i ^> « .ui. : Lli I 
erect, put up, raise; to install 

to write, compose, draw up, pen <_ill i i_j3" : lli I 

to make, manufacture, fabricate 

to begin, start, commence, initiate I ju 

establish- £>\j&-\ i jUuI i J^U- i (>>£ i cr -.t : *l±jl 
ment, establishing, foundation, founding, setting 
up, institution, instituting; creation, creating, 
origination, originating, making, building (up), 
formation, forming, starting, bringing into being, 
production, producing, generation, generating, 
engendering, bringing about 

building, construction, setting up, i«l»l i «L> : «Lii I 
erection, erecting, putting up, raising; installation 

composition, writing; art of illlf i i^ulu : «lij I 

style, phraseology, CLiCJI jl i_«Jul tjjill : »Lijl 

composition, essay iJli. i /JLljl £>*>>• : *Lljl 

(_}•»« hi I 

hold good for, be true of 

to be crushed, pounded, ground, ciui I : j*-j I 

bruised, stamped, brayed, powdered, beaten, pul- 
verized, comminuted, pestled, triturated 

to be blocked (up), barred, obstructed, choked; JuJ I 
to be plugged up, closed up, stopped up; to be 
stoppered, plugged, corked; to be sealed, shut (off), 

block(age), obstruction, stoppage, occlusion jlxJ I 
embolism (cS>«J slij) jIjuJI 

coronary occlusion or thrombosis , &■ t 

<jr^ jI-ujI 

to hang down, be lowered, be dropped, be 


to hide, crawl into its lair 6l>^il u^l; I 

- 5 - " * - * • 

to be shed; to flow, pour out, pour forth 

to pour forth, be poured, be shed, be spilled LiCj I 

- •* ^ '^ 

to beget, sire, father, procreate, i_o%J I i jJ j : Jli I 

to molt, shed, casUjjct. j! a-!j j jl tiyo r^ : J— il 

- 3 - ' s - • 

Jl-J «j»-lj - J— ij 

to be dispelled, driven away ( Jl I ) ^ilj I 

separation, detachment, ■ ■>- ■! ■ Jl.-;'.l • j.>1 „•■! 
disengagement, breakaway, withdrawal, pullout, 

alienation, estrangement X£>- j : ^^L-i I 

metamorphosis [ « L»- 1 ] f ^L-i I 

ecdysis (Ujjii ^ ol^-lll) r-^L-il 



*J^ 'J — ^J"* 


to slough, be cast off, be shed, be dis- 
carded; to come off, peel 

to slough (off), cast off, slip U jJ>- ^ O-l cj«Lj 
(the slough or the skin) 


'•* . 

to elapse, pass, go by, slip by >tr i. : jJJ ^lll ^LjJ 
expire, be past, be over, end 

to be detached from, 

il i (J>n'ft\\ '. ^j£. *JuJi 



occupy oneself, busy oneself; to be or become 
preoccupied, engrossed, absorbed, taken up 

to make smell or inhale, give to smell Jj 4i>u>- : Jjij I 

to split (apart), crack, cleave, «■ juoj < «li> I : ^li I 

fissure, rift, break, rip, rend, rive; to be or become 
split, cracked, cleft, fissured, rifted, broken, rent 

to break (dawn) J»J>i\ '^J I 

to secede from, J*, -r ji- i jc J^aii I : ^ J^J I 
separate from, dissociate oneself from, break away 
from, withdraw from, draw away from 

split(ting), fission, cleavage, (jblil I i jlUv.l : JUli I 
cleaving, cracking 

secession, separation, dissociation, JLaiil :(iLLUl 
breakaway, breakup, disunion, detachment, with- 
drawal, schism, split, rent, fissure 

secessionist, separatist, separationist, .JLaii I : { J\ilJ I 
disunionist, schismatic; dissident, dissenter, non- 
conformist, maverick; separatistic, schismatic(al), 
breakaway, seceding, dissenting 

separatism, secessionism, disunion- iuLaJjl icjliijl 
ism, nonconformity, nonconformism ' 

to be or become grilled, broiled, roasted, (Sy. : t$>ij I 
barbecued; to broil, roast 

- "\ 

song, chant; hymn, anthem oiyJ I 

-'' -'i \'.\ 

, * „ > -, _-'•- 

knot, noose, loop 


listening; attention 

to yield to, submit to, surrender^ i I t *Ja»- : J f Lai 
to, succumb to, give in to, defer to, acquiesce in, 
obey, comply with, abide by, accede to (someone's 

justice, fairness, impartiality; equity <_»LaJ 

equity ciLoi^lj JjJJI {<ijL. itiLaJlj Jjx- 

to tire, fatigue, exhaust i_««J I : ^— aj 

to fix a share for W^ ^ d"*" : S— ■*> ' 

to be poured (out or forth), be ,yi ■ i_-C.jl : u« 
shed; to pour forth, flow, outflow, stream, gush 
forth, effuse 

to be intent on, bent ^c L£j\ i J* (3* : ti* S-'^l 
on, out for; to apply oneself to, devote oneself to 

installations; constructions; fixtures; facilities &\ f\lj\ 
structural, constructional, constructive ^JLj : r_jliij 
compositional iJUSJI /\ <-jJu)Ij <>>U- : 7y Ulj I 
stylistic c*;^-'' : <y^-'! 

recitation, recital; singing, >Lc 4 J-J^J : jLijJ 


to thrust, infix, insert; to stick; to attach, fix, L-iJ I 

to sing, chant, vocalize ^j. : jJU I 

to recite or read poetry (to) _^ui)l (o)jLli I 

.-'' , , , ~ " , ^ •* 

amazement, astonishment, (jiU -l> I 1 <Lt» j : 1 JwJ I 
wondeKment); bafflement, perplexity 

to be or become amazed, ^tAjjl iylaj :ojJLil 

astonished, astounded, stunned, wonder-struck, 

flabbergasted, baffled, puzzled, confused 

, ~ ~ .^ , - -, .-^ •< 

ease, relief, comfort, relaxation; joy, (jjuoJI) r}j~i\ 
happiness, delight, pleasure; cheeKfulness); high 
spirits, euphoria 

to be pleased, delighted, (ojJ>U- jl ojju^) rA»J 

happy, glad, cheerful; to cheer up; to feel at ease 

to split, cleave, crack, rend, rip; to be or J^ll I : fjii} 

become split, cleft, cracked, rent 

- 5 - --. ' • < 

,rt*i <Uflj — Jlijl 

fission, splitting), breaking up, division 


nuclear fission, fission lijy j^^i 

fissionable, fissile, fission- cSjLkU 

to split, fission, break up, divide 



busyness, occupancy, engagement, being busy JUiJl 
or occupied or engaged; preoccupation, engross- 
ment, absorption 

to be or become occupied, busy, engaged; to J*ii] 

■ ~ — 

fusion, melting jW^! 

melting point jl^aj^l (*»-jJ j') *-l«J 

to fuse, melt V^ : j+><»'! 

• * > • 

yielding, submission, submis- u^ij « fy*»- '• F}t^\ 
siveness, surrender, giving in, deference, acquies- 
cence, obedience, compliance, abidance 

to emaciate, waste away, make lean J^» I : ,jJai I 

to wear out, fray, tatter <jL< I : (j^> ' 

maturation, ripening £^»il jJ-a. : £UiJ] 

to be added to, subjoined to, an-Jj oi-jil : <JJ LiUiJ I 
nexed to, appended to, attached to, spplemented to 

discipline -^r^ I 

disciplined; disciplinary 

discipline Ss*T^l 

to be or become disciplined lk..^ i . ' ,« o^ : k i Jn'A 

to ripen, mature, make ripe, bring Uw>U <u»- : ^ai I 

to ripeness or maturity 

to cook well, do well ^ UJI ^JiJ I 

compression Jr\iJai\ 



to be compressed, pressed, squeezed 

to be braided, plaited, cued; to be interwoven, 
interlaced, (intertwined, (intertwisted 

to join, Jj o— o| 4 j J»>"1 < -> ii^! : <Jj ("-*! 

enter, accede to, become a member of, affiliate 
with, associate with 

to unite, join, merge, consoli- w ju| t j*! I : ^aj\ 
date, coalesce, affiliate, integrate, combine; to be or 
become united, joined, merged, consolidated, af- 
filiated, combined 

joining, entering, entry, en- i_jLjJ j i (i^»fJ} : f le^J 
trance, accession, affiliation, association 

union, uniting, joining, join- rl*J->^ < jLaw \ '■ f 1^1 
der, junction, merger, merging, consolidation, co- 




*-LIdl pj 


to be directed to, orien- ^»i jl J J Ou I : J* i 
ted to, aimed at; to aim at, tend to, turn to(ward) 

to listen to, hearken to, give or lend one's ear J c~oi I 

to, pay attention to 

ounce, oz. <Lai jl : 4^aj I 

to break, dawn (morning) 

departure, leaving, leave, goingJ-»-j iul»i :l»\ja>\ 


turning away from, giving q& )!L|jl : y* i_>l_^l 

up, abandonment, relinquishment, renunciation; 

abstention from, abstaining from, refraining from 

devotion to, devoting Jt 0L&I : <JJ cil^^ajl 
oneself to, dedication to, dedicating oneself to; 

engagment in, occupancy with, pursuit of 

• * • . • - '} '• 

i^>\ J ^oj'i\j ul.i_f:„,.l nJ\j^oJ^i\j 0i>— i-l 

to leave, depart, go away, move J»-j 1 i_-a i : <-*j-ai} 
away, turn away, take off 
to turn away from.^c J^ i ,j* ^>\ '■ o* <Jj-aJ J 
give up, abandon, relinquish, renounce, forsake, 
quit, leave; to refrain from, abstain from, desist 
from; to stop, discontinue 

to devote oneself to, j ,Js. < J* i_- &\ : J J i_»j-oJ j 
apply oneself to, dedicate oneself to, turn to; to 
attend to, look after, take care of 
to be inflected (word) [ lii J ilKJ I ci j-ai I 

to pass, go by, elapse, slip by, expire, {J ^^>\ '■ fj-**} 
run out; to be past, bygone, over 

to be cut off, severed daii [ : ^j**> \ 

to recognize, acknowl- <-*j^-\ <■ j* ' : jJJ Ji»- v £^ 

to right, do justice to, treat fairly, JjuJU 3-lc- : uLoJ I 
treat with justice, be just with; to establish some- 
one's right 

to be just, give a just judgment "Jlilc 6^ : < 
, .*• *^ , ", ^,^' • * 

' « .-"'il *jj- I j — ^* ^» iju t ' a^ n ■ 1 1 I *(<*«' 

to be polished, burnished, refurbished, Ji^> : JiuoJl 
scoured, smoothed, glazed, glossed, lustered, 
buffed, finished; to be or become glossy, shiny, 



C"" fl '! 

"••■;: / - 

•■■■■:■*'<■?■: ~~ 

straint, uninhibitedness, liberty, freedom 

starting point, point of departure, J^LL "ill <kLl 
takeoff, jumping-off place, springboard, base 

to dash, dart, rush, shoot, spring, fling, «J jj I : jlLj I 
run, race, hurl, hurry, move suddenly and rapidly, 
advance violently and quickly, go at top speed; to 
burst forth or out, break forth or out, erupt; to go 
off, explode, blast; to be launched, discharged, 
released; to take off, start off, depart; to go ahead, 
get going, set out, start, begin, advance, proceed, 
move; to get underway, start moving or ad- 
vancing, be in progress, be on foot 

to be or become free, released, Jpu| i jj** '■ J^*>\ 

liberated, unchained, unrestrained, relieved; to run 


>' , , -- • 

to be or become fluent, eloquent *jLJ tj^*>\ 

his face brightened, flashed up, lit up; *+*■ j jiL \ 
to cheer up; to be cheerful, delighted, happy 

to be or become effaced, obliterated, wiped Lr uJaJ I 
out, blotted out, expunged, extinguished; to be or 
become extinct, forgotten; to fall into oblivion; to 
be suppressed, hushed up, blacked out 

to fold, double up; to be or become {J £>\ : iSjJ^} 

folded, doubled, pleated, rolled up, tucked; to 

bend, flex, turn; to be or become bent, flexed, 


to disappear, vanish; to be or become^jili- 1 : <i>kl I 

hidden, concealed, covered 

to pass, go by, elapse; to be past, ja <. <jjui \ : iS^* \ 
bygone, over 

to involve, imply, carry, Jli. i <y-A» : <J* <S^ [ 
include, contain, comprise, comprehend, embrace, 
embody, encompass, cover 

to introvert, be or become introver- <— ii <J* <5^L I 
ted, practice introversion, withdraw within oneself 

introversion; withdrawal; unso- (y-i-JI <J*) ►'>!*> ' 
ciability, unsociableness 

4-^ii J* jh.» «jf I j — /-J \yjaj I 

ontological *yr^\ t*^ li^-* • (jT^J^" ' 

* * • ^ ^ * * •* 

ontologist 3 yr^ A?. <^*-'- tjr^i^^ 

ontology fjrjJI (*Lc : ^r^>^' 

to respite, grant (someone) a respite or (jj jJI o) jlai I 

to reproach (for), rebuke (for), blame (for) ( Jc) ^ I 

alescence, affiliation, integration, combination 

i. only tudi /"f'J ~'. ';"!" Tw.^ 

to dry up, wither, wilt, shrivel, wizen 3* •> : 

to join, attach oneself ~*j I :(<jI>) om jl «JI)iS^iil 
to, follow, adhere to; to rally around 

to rise in the air f lyll j jiij! : jLkil 

rationalization [oLj»Lj J jjJJ-l (Ji»- rJLkil 

impression, impress, effect ic LJu I i f LJu I 

impressionistic) ^cLLI 

impressionism XI* Lju I 

> - - t - - • 

to be or get cooked, to cook i_j> : ^LLjl 

to be printed; to be stamped, imprinted, «_J» : -J It- I 

to apply to, be appli-J* i_ o»-J I 4 ^c i£j~ : <J* jLkjj 
cable to, hold good for, be true of 

(f ) dH^" J^'j-J^U* '(f) J^ : \f) J*^! 
to be or get closed, shut j^Lu I : jJaJ I 

to flop, throw oneself, fling oneself, ^ j\ : r>ki I 
prostrate oneself, fall (down) 

to be thrown, cast, flung, tossed, ^Jjl i ,_. j : r)a> I 

to go out, die, be extinguished 

extinction, being put out »UJu I 

to make (someone) speak or talk or J^Lj <il»- : jJaj I 

to rationalize [oLiLj J jjjJ-I (_»i»- :j>^il 

he was deceived, fooled, (<M-I *e* °-) (j^*< ' 

tricked, duped, bluffed; the trick worked with him 

to be painted, daubed; to be coated, ,JJ» : /JAx> \ 

dash(ing), rush(ing), dart(ing), break, <i^Uul iJ^LLj 
springing), fling(ing), run(ning); outburst, out- 
break, eruption, surge, surging; explosion, blast-off; 
discharge, release; takeoff, starting off, departure; 
going ahead, procession, advancednent), moving 
forward; getting underway, progression); unre- 

I" 11 ." 1 . . ' :' ' "" '" " j " , "' ' • i ...?«»» , i,.'.i'>j)a fc 

curvature, inflection, flection, flexure, deflection, 

to bend, curve, flex, deflect, incline, bow, < iU*'t\ 
twist, turn; to be or become bent, curved, flexed, 
inclined, bowed, twisted, turned; to turn (off), 
make a turn; to bear; to detour, proceed by a 

congealment, congelation, con- jL±Z t ju>u : jUuu] 
gealing, coagulation, clotting, thickening, solidifica- 

convention, convening, meeting, f\^r\ '■ J ^! 
session, assembly 

session , term j li*j "il 1 j j j 

to congeal, coagulate, clot, thicken, jl>C <. -u»- :mju\ 
solidify, set, jell 

to convene, meet, assemble, />ul i f»Z>-\ : Ji»jl 

gather, sit, be in session 

, .j • ,*.' 

to be concluded, made, entered ^ l i ( j-Jl : -ii»J I 


to be knotted, tied, knitted S!>\ i Jau j : .uuul 

to crook, hook, bend, U^uu jU» i cS^JI : uu«i I 

curve; to be or become crooked, hooked, bent, 
curved, falcate, uncinate, aquiline, adunc 

reversal i_.^il! : ( _ r .lSC*jl 

reflection (wlj ljyA\ ( tyjA\) ^-ISCjuI 

reflection, effect, JyJu i joU i ji I : (Jc) ^ISCjo I 
influence, impact, bearing, action 

repercussions o Ui Uk : o L ISCjo I 

reflex jjljl'il ^-ISCjJ 

reflectional, reflective; reflexive, reflex £_* \SJu I 

to be reversed, inverted LJii I : ^.S^u I 

to be reflected, mirrored, thrown «JJ tya}\ Sm\ 

to reflect on, redound on, affect, j J I : Jc ^.SCajI 
influence, act upon, produce an effect upon, have 
a bearing or impact or influence upon 

to bestow upon, confer upon, i_-» j i ,>• : j <ULc »«j I 
grant, give, accord, award, present to or with, gift 
with, bless with, endow with, favor with 

' <y.. ".••"• . ."'. " ' ' '" ' >»a--',l 

refreshment, refreshing, freshening; revival, Ji[u I 
revivification, reviviscence, resuscitation, reanima- 
tion, recreation; invigoration, bracing, animation, 
stimulation, exhilaration, enlivening, inspiriting 
social welfare "^.^l oiLil 

erection i_.Laiil :JjL«jl 

livestock, cattle tr^y •' f l*J I 

gift, present; donation, grant; largess; ^ i ilki : »L«jJ 
favor, benefit, boon 

scrutiny, careful or close examination jJaJI />Ujl 

i - - * 

freedom, liberty, unrestraint; release, jj*Z : Jli»i I 
disengagement, disentanglement; liberation 

to be or become free, freed, liberated, set jJ*C : j£*i I 
free, released, unchained, unrestrained, relieved; 
to free oneself, liberate oneself; to disengage 
(oneself), disentangle (oneself), release oneself 
to be or become obscure (to), ambiguous (<ult) Imju I 
(to), incomprehensible (to) 

weightlessness, zero gravity Oj>JI (I-ulII 
- J . , •• • 

to bend, curve, incline, lean; to be or LiLij I : VJii I 
become bent, curved, crooked 

to wind, meander i«lj i tsyJI ( iliill : i^l; I 

isolation, seclusion, retirement, ilj^ i ^^ : <J'j*' 
reclusion, detachment, segregation; solitude, priva- 
cy, loneness 
isolationist iljIj^L J5U OljaJl 

isolationism ^Clll JI^J^I illl. :lljl_)jul 

to be or 6 1 j J* J^lii I 1 <L«ii J j* t Sjju I : Ll^i I 

become isolated, secluded, solitary, separate(d); to 
isolate oneself, seclude oneself 

to make sleepy (j-^JI Jc- oiui- : ^ I 

to refresh, freshen; to revive, revivify, resusci- Jii; I 

tate, reanimate, recreate, pick up; to invigorate, 

brace, animate, stimulate, exhilarate, enliven, 


to be pressed (out), squeezed (out), ex- j^c • j "-•■! 

pressed, compressed, wrung 

turn(ing), detour; bend(ing), curving, curve, LJlLu I 

■ .. • ■w. ' -iaa 

to indulge in pleasures), give way ol ilil j , 
to one's desires, dissipate 

to be seduced, tempted, enticed, lured, allured, iSyj\ 
inveigled; to be misled, misguided 

to disdain, scorn, ^ «iy :(<!» jl f<JJI) uiil 

despise, look down upon, turn up one's nose at, 

reject haughtily 

"- ."f 

spur, mountain peak 

(oU) jk«JI lit 

to die a natural death 

preceding, previous, ante- ^SHU <. o»)L i J^L : <_iJ I 
cedent, anterior, foregoing, prior, former, earlier, 
past, last, pre-, pro-, ante- 

Ljl *JJ \*y i liil *JJ jll* 4 Ljl j^S Ju i ji -Jl < aj t 

above-mentioned, above, aforesaid, aforemen- 
tioned, previously mentioned, (the) said, (the) 

• i ' - 

above, supra, in the foregoing, herein- «}UI : liil 
above, hereinbefore 

previously, formerly, earlier, before Uj L : Ui I 

spending, expenditure, outlay, disburse- (JUl) JUij 
ment, paying out 

passing, spending (ci^ll) jliil 

no JiUjl 

.». --•« 
to apply oneself to, devote oneself to ja j I j ^ I 

-' * ,-•< 
to scrutinize, look closely at, regard j j_k_Jl „» I 

attentively, examine carefully 

good U-LU «* i U-Ua pAJl nil»-CU <il pAJl 


JiUil j^lj-JiUJl 

to stick into, penetrate deeply into, pierce, j jjia I 
sink into; to be or become stuck into, inserted into, 
(in)fixed in, (im)planted in 
to be planted c j j : J-«"ju I 

to be (im)planted, (in)fixed, em- c 
bedded, set, inserted, put, placed 

to be (im)planted, (in)fixed, in- J*Jl\ j ^->i I 
stilled, inculcated, infused, (en)graved 

to be washed, rinsed, cleaned; to be laundered £-ii ' 

" '-' , v *-: -"1 

disdain, haughtiness, { _ r ia ijc-i »Ijj-S iv y :<j>jI 

pride, superciliousness; sense of honor, self-es- 
teem, self-respect 

openness r^**) 

open-mindedness, openness, broad- (y*-Jl) j^f>i 
mindedness, large-mindedness, receptiveness (to 
new ideas or arguments), liberality 
to open, open up, unfold, unroll, spread »^ij : p+ii\ 
out; to be or become open(ed) 

to be or become open-minded, open, \*Sj> j) »CjjI 

; jj* •urj^i 

' *■'■ \ ' '-'A 
to be immersed, plunged, dipped ,i: | : Jaij | 

. - s " . a -• 

to be or get closed, shut, locked, bolted; to be jLu I 

to isolate oneself, seclude oneself; £ I j ^c jiij I 
to be or become isolated, secluded, solitary, sepa- 

jUi-l jjt-Ij-^I 

plunging, plunge, diving, dive, ^y. i cr Lc ^I^J 


• • • . *■ • 

plunging into, throwing lil^l ijl^~l : J trl^l 

oneself into, giving oneself up to; engrossment in, 

absorption in, preoccupation with 

indulgence in pleasures), olJtUI j (j-l^l 

self-indulgence, dissipation, epicurism 

to plunge, dive, submerge, sink; to be plunged, j»ij\ 
dipped, submerged, immersed; to be flooded, 
inundated, deluged, drowned, sunken, over- 

to be dipped, plunged, immersed, cr Lc *. Jaw I '-ij~t*j\ 
submerged, steeped; to dive, dip, plunge, sink, 

to plunge into, throw S^>\ i ij^ilL \ : j i-- 1 
oneself into, give oneself up to; to be or become 
immersed in, engrossed in, absorbed in, wholly 
engaged in, lost in, preoccupied with, taken up 

autocracy; monocracy; dictatorship <kLJL jl^ill 

alone, aside, apart, separately, isolatedly, jl^l <^c 
in solitude, in seclusion; privately, in private, con- 
fidentially; singly, by oneself; solely 

jointly and severally jI^aj^Ij jUw^L 

solitary, alone, single; isolated, separated); i$i\jij\ 
individual; isolationist 

solitary confinement (3jI^I {<y>*- y) (j-l* - 

to open, open up, unfold, i_-«-U ^ «_J I i jwjj} • £/**! 
spread out, open wide, part widely, gape, yawn; to 
be wide open, opened (widely), separated, split, 
cleft; to diverge, divaricate, draw apart, spread 

to be dispelled, driven jjl-j : £JJ JJI jl Jk\ rj^>\ 

to relax, become relaxed; to Lj»- 1 ^ I ^ I : r>j| 
ease, remit, lessen in tension, decrease in intensity 

to withdraw, retire; to iso- tl>jl ' <- *J <JJ ^»- : *j*j\ 
late oneself, seclude oneself, be alone (with one- 
self); to be or become isolated, secluded, solitary 

— • ***• 

to be alone with, retire with, j <J^*-\ '■ -> *j*j\ 

withdraw with, meet separately with 

to j-j^-H -yi •• i ';j« c^ ' ( ;) j^ : '\ '( ;) v^l 

stand alone in, be distinguished by, be marked by, 
be characterized by; to be unique, singular, single, 
individual, matchless, unmatched, peerless, unpar- 
alleled, unequaled, incomparable 

to do alone or by oneself, «o»-j <lUc : ^ jU j^iJl 
perform singlehandedly 

to be loosened, unfixed, unbound, disen- *$au\ '■ ^jt>\ 
gaged, detached; to break up, be broken up, dis- 
solve, be dissolved 

to break up, dissolve, disband, ,j».u* J»j±>\ 

disperse, scatter; to be dissolved, broken up, dis- 
banded, dispersed, scattered 

to be rubbed, scrubbed dJ> :d>ii] 

to burst (open), break open, split (open); Jpj \ : j)L I 
to be burst (open), split (open), torn, rent 

-' i" '''A ''\ 
more precious, more valuable, cost- <L.UJ jiS I : y-ii I 

lier, more invaluable 

' ' '•" i 
to widen, broaden, expand; to be or become £-*i] 

broad-minded, large-minded, receptive (to new 
ideas or arguments), unprejudiced, liberal 

* * ~ — • 

to be twisted, twined, entwined, curled Jj : J^i] 

to calm down, cool down; to abate, L*»- i yiC : liii] 
subside, remit, let up 

explosion, blowup, detonation, blast, J^"**] 

bursting); rupture; outburst, outbreak, eruption, 
flare-up, gust 

population explosion ,Jl£l. jUiill 

explosive, volcanic, volatile &j\j*ij\ 

to gush out, gush forth, burst out, burst Ji -l> : jJ**J J 
forth, erupt, break out, break forth, spout forth, 
spurt, shoot out, pour forth, pour out, jet, well 
out, stream, flow, flow out 

to explode, go off, blow up, (tJJ XJLjJI o.) ^mj I 
detonate, burst 

to (pJJ CfvjJI >l*jJI ' 4^JjjJl SjjtjfJV o.) ^k-ul 

rupture, burst 

to break out, flare up, erupt Vj*-' c, ^ 9 *^>' 

to burst into tears, break into tears *lSCJl 

to explode with anger, burst (out) in i_.,^,IL 
anger, flare up with rage, flame up with rage, fly 
off the handle 

rennet; abomasum 

to be(come) or get perforated, punctured, 
pierced, holed 

to be redeemed, ransomed 

to be or get broken, smashed, fractured; to 
break, smash, fracture 

openness; splitting); diver- 
gence, divarication 

relaxation, »U-^J i rj* « rM->! ' **"'-' : r'^l 
relaxedness; ease, relief; remission 

detente {£&}\ olT&l j)^l^l 

isolation, seclusion, solitude, «>i»- < «J_>* : z\j*> 

loneness, loneliness, privacy 
being alone with, meeting j £jL*-h.j jl^ijl 

separately with 




: __i____ 

to be exposed, unmasked, shown up, compro- jwaii} 
mised, disgraced; to become notorious 

to split, cleave, break; to be or become J^Jl '-j^\ 

split, cleft, broken 

- -» , ' '• 

- * -' '• 
to be weaned (J»» : (JuJ] 

more useful, more helpful, i jJ li JS \ i li-i*- 1 : jJJ I 
more beneficial, more advantageous, more profit- 
able, more serviceable; more wholesome, more 

passivity, (state of) being affected or acted y\> : JliuJ] 
upon or influenced 

emotion, passion^l^^kil t (^»J»Lc) ^Lf*! • ( J^** i ! 

agitation, excitement 

strain [iSLilSL.] JUiil 

emotional; passional; passionate; excitable, ir- t^*&\ 
ritable; intense, hot, ardent, fervent 

emotionality, emotionalism; excitability, irri- <J Laj I 

to be affected, influenced, olswl « ^j t y\i • J*»i] 
acted upon, be passive; to react, respond, act in 
response, act in return 

to be or get emotional, agitated, jli i ojJa-i) : J**j) 
excited, upset, deeply stirred, wrought-up, ner- 
vous, edgy 

to be done J*i : $»*>\ 

to open wide, be agape ^*ii] 

to spend, expend, outlay, lay Li^» : ( jJJ SlL) Ji; I 
out, pay out, disburse, defray 

to spend, consume, (J ^\ 1 .u . ': ,.. I :(~IJ »U) J^iil 
exhaust, use up, waste, squander, dissipate 

to spend, pass u>a*\ <<j«a* «ti_ r « :(u»j),_jijl 

to open; to be opened, ripped open, (iJJ J- jJI) ULL> ] 
slit open 

to be gouged out, scooped out, torn ^»i\ ouUJl 
out, knocked out 

to unravel, untie, unwind, loosen; to be J*i \ : dJlii] 
untied, unfastened, undone, unbound, unraveled, 
loosened, unwound, untangled, disentangled, dis- 
engaged, freed 

to disassemble, break up, • j I J*- 1 ci ^Li : iiu> ] 

come apart, fall apart; to be disassembled, dis- 
mounted, dismantled, taken apart, taken to pieces 

J^ki :^.LwJl 

wide, roomy, spacious, vast, ample 
to be revoked, repealed, rescinded, Jlul i u aiJ '■ j-*jj 
annulled, nullified, abrogated, invalidated, negated, 
defeated, voided, canceled, abolished; to be re- 
versed, overruled; to be quashed 

to be or become dislocated, disjointed, jl»«i I : £-*J\ 
luxated, disarticulated; to disjoint, disarticulate, 
come apart 

to be or get torn, split; to split (apart) J^J I : *%-ii I 

separation, secession, disunion, dissociation, JLaiil 
breakaway, breakup; detachment, disengagement; 
disconnection, disjunction; schism 

separatist, separationist, disunionist, seces- (JLaiil 
sionist, schismatic; dissident, dissenter; separatists, 
schismatic(al), breakaway, seceding, dissenting 

separatism, disunionism, secessionism <uLaii) 

split(ting); schism JL«jl i Jliijl : {Laii\ 

schizophrenia *Lai :(iL.aW»JI) |>Leujl 

dissociation <L«aaJjl jl JiJI fLaiJj 

schizophrenic, schizoid 

to separate (oneselO from, dissociate one- (^^c) J^diil 
self from, detach oneself from, disengage oneself 
from, secede from, withdraw from, break off from, 
break away from, part with, leave, quit, break (up) 
with, abandon, walk out on; to disunite, split (up), 
divide; to be separated, dissociated, disunited, 
disjoined, disengaged, detached, divided 

to split, cleave, crack, break; to be split, cleft, ^aii\ 

cracked, broken 

to use up, exhaust, consume .u ■ "„ .} : JaiJ I 

to be reduced to poverty j*£ I : JoJu I 

to shake (off) someone from -l* \>% Jajit I 

to be opened, unlocked, undone; J-£j\ <■ r**»\ '■ tj&\ 
to be broken 

to scatter, disperse, break up, disband; J^Li :Jaju\ 
to be scattered, dispersed 

to adjourn, rise, be adjourned; to be Jd j\ : Jaju\ 
concluded, closed; to dissolve, break up, disband; 
to be dissolved, broken up, disbanded 

to be settled, solved (5>- : tJ aJu] 

dissolution, breakup, dispers- 3jiJ i J^~J : (ji»'Liaii\ 
al; adjournment; conclusion, end, close, closure 



: " .'/iff 

to, abandon oneself to, let oneself be carried away 


deliverance, rescue, rescuing, saving, ^JWi :il£j] 

salvation, salvage, salvaging 

to be measured, gauged, quantified; to be ^Jj : <j*Ui] 
tried on (a garment); to be compared (with), con- 
trasted (with) 

decrease, decreasing, diminution, ^..i :j :^Uj] 
lessening, reduction, lowering, cut, cutback, 
scale-down, minimization, abatement 

weight reduction o'j^ ijo\ju\ 

debris, rubble, ^)'j*- ' J^L' ' f U»- '■ i>»^ ' 

wreck(age), ruins 

contraction, constriction, shrinking), yJiiJ lyiLijI 

depression, dejection, low C US' : (jli-aJl) t>Lii I 
spirits, melancholy, gloom(iness), blues 
constipation dJLll : *LlVl jl ( >14" (>>Lijl 

- , - ^ • 

myosis iioJ-l u i>Lju\ 

* • ** } • 

systole i^LiJl :i_JLiJI yiLiJl 

systole (_JUJI *J»LiiJ 

„ *" - ^^' 
to contract, constrict, draw together, be o»liJ :<>»?*' J 

or become contracted; to shrink 

to be constipated o„».i,il i ^JaJt ^.iil 

to be or become depressed, dejected, (ojjuo) Ja^u I 
dispirited, down(cast), downhearted, melancholic, 
gloomy, heavyhearted 

to be received, collected, cashed (*%M JUl ) yiJLi I 

to save (from), rescue (from), deliver ^JU- : (^.) Jii I 
(from), salvage (from), salve (from) 

extinction, dying out, cessation of being yil^ij] 

to become extinct, cease to exist, go out of 
existence, die out, perish 

division, partition, splitting), Jliill i jlkiil : fLiij 
breakup, fission; schism, rent 

fission; division [ , L>. 1 ] - Lij I 

cell division 




j~y* j~B- y (J*~* J< /Jyi j>LjL>I 


• ll * '^ * 

f L^. 

to be separated, disconnected, jj'^"- 1 : tllii I 

disjoined, disengaged, detached, disentangled, dis- 
united, dissociated; to separate (oneself), disengage 
oneself, detach oneself, dissociate oneself 

to unscrew, be or become <jf^JI j' J \ t _JLI liliil 


not to cease or stop I ii" Jii, ('■ > ly_- J) liLil L 

doing, keep doing, keep on doing, go on doing, 

continue to do, persist in, persevere in 

to be or get sprained J&ju I 

to blunt, be or become blunt; to be or be- lIH : ^jii I 

come notched, (in)dented, jagged 

to be defeated, vanquished, routed .j^j I : ^Ij I 

split(ting), cleavage, cleaving, cracking, fission; f^j 
bursting, breaking open, breaking apart 

fission, split(ting), cleavage, jLLi; I < Jliii I : J^Ui I 
cleaving, cracking; bursting, dehiscence, breaking 
open, breaking apart 



to split (apart), crack, cleave, jIL I i JJJ I 

fissure, rift, rip, rend; to burst, break open, break 

apart; to be or become split, cracked, cleft, fis- 
sured, rifted, rent 

to split (apart), crack, cleave, «ill I i JJJ I : jiJu 

fissure, rift; to burst, dehisce, break open, break 

apart; to be or become split, cracked, cleft, fis- 
sured, rifted, broken, rimose 

to break (dawn) 
influenza, flu 

nasal, rhinal, nas-, naso-, nasi- 

l* 1 

to be elegant, stylish, fashionable, 
dressy, chic, smart 

LljI ijlS" : iji\ 

to please, delight 

- - • * '-'I 


g.\ J - l y\ 

to be led (by), guided (by); to follow, obey, (J) alii] 
yield to, submit to, comply with, give oneself over 



■ ■ ■ ■ -■- 

termination, suspension, shutoff, shutdown 

withdrawal, separation, Jl^i c JL»iil :(&*) ^Uaiil 
dissociation, detachment, breakaway, breakup 

desistance, abstention, Lj5f i fL«-l : (jc) j-UaijI 
refrainment, storXping), stoppage, cessation, quit- 
ting, discontinuation, giving up 

devotion to, devoting iyiS 4 cjl^ajl : <Jj pLLnl 
oneself to, dedication to, dedicating oneself to, 
exclusive occupancy with 
pant, gasp, breathlessness; apnea; dys- ^-iJI ^LLii I 
pnea, difficult breathing, labored respiration 
incessantly, unceasingly, ^Uaiil (j^s. ^ t %) Oj-u 
continually, continuously, constantly, without in- 
terruption, uninterruptedly, nonstop, unremit- 

to be cut, cut off, severed, separat- «J»iJ i %Li : jJ»ii I 
ed, torn apart; to be chopped off, lopped off; to 
break,' break apart, be broken; to be interrupted, 
disconnected, shut off 

to stop, cease, halt, discontin- u^>\ ' <~Hy : f-k*'! 
ue, end, terminate, come to an end, come to a stop 
or halt, come to a standstill; to be stopped, discon- 
tinued, ceased, halted, suspended, interrupted, 
broken, cut, ended; to lapse, elapse, expire, run out 

to withdraw (j& j-aijl ijjli i^jI -^ {-!»*>} 
from, separate (oneself) from, detach oneself from, 
dissociate oneself from, break off or away from, 
break (up) with, part with 

todesist from, LJijI t.,jc- -»-l 1^ i-iS" :,jc- j-^i 
abstain from, refrain from, stop, cease, quit, dis- 
continue, halt, give up 

to devote oneself to, J fyij t <JJ t-i^ajl : <JJ j-k*j| 
dedicate oneself to, apply oneself solely to, occupy 
oneself exclusively with, give all one's time to, give 
one's entire attention to 


to pant, gasp, be out of breath, be 

>* "- *' ' 

mJajU I 

to be or get closed, shut, locked, latched, jiiJ I : ^i£ I 
bolted; to be or get padlocked 

to return, come back, come home «r j : J*i> I 

, > * 

to be fried; to fry <Ji : Ji 1 

coup d'etat, coup, overthrow; revolu- i jy : uiUi 1 
tion; upheaval 

to be divided, parted, split, separated, partition- '-, «•■! 
ed, sectioned, subdivided, broken up; to divide, 
part, separate, break up, scatter, disperse; to be dis- 
tributed, parceled out, apportioned, allotted 

dispelling, scattering, dispersal, dispersion, pLiii j 
disappearance, dissolution, breakup 


Cjfrl j-Liil 

to be dispelled, driven away, scattered, dis- '*£& I 
persed; to clear away, disappear, break up, scatter, 
disperse; to clear (up); to be or become visible 

to decrease, diminish, lessen, reduce, uaiu : {J aii\ 
lower, cut, cut back, cut down, scale down, 
minimize, abate 

to be cut, cut off; to be mowed, *_Lt t J-a» : Jilaij I 
cut down 

j_Xj c^wvj! '. A^AJ I 

to snap, break, be broken, be 

to swoop down, pounce down, dive (J*) ^iui I 

down; to descend upon, pounce upon, fall upon, 
rush upon, leap upon, spring upon, make a sudden 
attack or raid upon, attack, assail, assault, charge, 

to pass, go by, elapse, J 1 rj~aj I ' j* <■ <j&+ '• tfjaii I 
slip by, expire, run out; to be past, over, bygone; to 
lapse, terminate, come to an end; to be completed, 
finished, terminated, concluded, done, wound up, 

passing, passage, elapsing, Jljj 1 ►Uf i ! ' °'y : »Uuil 
lapse, expiry, expiration, termination, coming to' 
an end 

lapse, abatement, extinc- jJj jil J»>i- : »L»Iil 
tion, extinguishment 

swooping (down), swoop, pouncing (down), yiUaiu I 
pounce, leap, spring, dive, downrush; onslaught,' 
onrush, sudden attack or assault, violent raid 

dive-bomber u o\JaJa\ 5^JU» 

severance, sunder- Uiy 1 Auj i JLoJ I -ui : flLii j 
ance, separation; disconnection, disconnectedness; 
break, breaking, breakoff, rupture; interruption, 
discontinuity, discontinuance, discontinuation; 
stop, stoppage, cessation, halt, standstill, pause, 

more harmful 

=J$> <$= 



\js* j£\ :(j^) ^Cil 
worse l^ll :([^.) (JCll 

denial, disavowal, disownment, disclaimer, j&j, I 
negation; repudiation; disproof 

self-denial, self-abnegation, self-renun- olill jl£jl 

to apply oneself j J*-tJl i J J i_»j-ail : ^ L«£jl 
eagerly to, devote oneself energetically to, dedicate 
oneself wholeheartedly to, attend to, turn to; to get 
to work, buckle down to, knuckle down to, turn 
one's hand to; to be or become engaged in, occu- 
pied with, busy with 

devotion to, devoting oneself JJ <J>\j*u\ -.^c i_»L£jl 
to, dedication to, dedicating oneself to; engagement 
in, occupancy with, pursuit of 
to be pressed, compressed, squeezed -Li-ai I : \jl£± I 

to give in marriage (to), marry (off) i j j : *&i I 

to bruise, be bruised, be contused 


to deny, disown, disavow, Sm* i'^ \'Jj t^L, :'jSii 
disclaim, gainsay, contradict, impugn, disaffirm, 
repudiate, refuse to have anything to do with; to 
controvert, disprove; to renounce, recant, retract, 

to be ungrateful to (someone) *^yr £> I 

to deny someone his right 
to deny oneself 

'*.- "'*••' 

<i»- »_^jl 

to disapprove of; to criticize, cen- I iS" <lJU ^^j I 
sure, blame; to reproach, reprove, rebuke 

breaking); brokenness; fracture; 1» ( ^_5o : jLJjl 


defeat, rout, debacle jU-oil liiji : jLSCil 

refraction [*liji»] ►j-* 11 jL&l 

refractive [ «. Ljji ] £$j L& I 

- S -~ - S ' ~ - * ,,'• 

to be or get broken, J»j i ^LSo i^i" :jL£jl 

fractured, shattered; to break (up), shatter, smash, 

to be defeated, vanquished, ^»- oi I i « j^i I : ^l5d I 

bloodless coup d'etat 


change, turn, alteration, ^jj i JjlJ i J^ki : cj"to I 
conversion, transformation; turnabout, turn- 

reversal; inversion 
winter solstice 
summer solstice 
solsticial colure 


l£«;l :o5Lul 

[dUi]( tr llll)otol 

„ »~ „ ,» * 

to be turned; to be turned about, «_JLoJ « i_ii : r .1^; | 
turned around; to be turned over, overturned, 
tipped over, upset, capsized; to overturn, turn 
over, upset, capsize; to be turned up(ward), 
upturned; to be turned upside down; to be turned 
inside out or outside in, be turned out 

to be reversed, inverted \j£*J I : y^ ; I 

to change, alter, convert, trans- $y>u : (J J ) ilJVr I 
form, undergo change or conversion; to turn 
(into), grow (into), become, assume the state or 
form or shape of; to be changed, altered, con- 
verted, transformed 

to stage a coup Jc jt i Jc i_»"iLi;L l|j : Jc LiiJl 
d'etat against; to carry out a revolution against, 
revolt against; to turn against, rise against 

to be extracted, plucked out, torn out, pulled il& 1 
out, pulled up by the roots, uprooted, deracinated, 
eradicated, extirpated, exterminated 


eelgrass (oLi) ( _ r JUj , ill i. 

to restore to health, heal, cure, make <jii, i ^y I* : <£ I 
healthy, make well 

to make understand, make comprehend ^i I : Ai I 

columbine, aquilegia (oL>) *l)»i;l 

obedience, compliance, yielding, submission, jLii I 

(«fU-) y-JSil 

Ji~ ^»-lj — iLii"ill Ji- 

more irritating, 
more annoying 

& - *. '.-..'.> 

lpl»j| 4il«U»lil >l:(^)^j| 

r. ^ 

' « C ; I 


3# *= 

to contract; to shrink; to -l»j«j i (_^aJLaJ i l^j-jj : yL»XJ I 
deflate; to wrinkle, become wrinkled 

to cower, cringe, shrink (away), wlj liy- <_£&>[ 
recoil within oneself 

to introvert, withdraw within *-Ju J* (jil&l 
oneself; to be reserved, shy 

verily, truly, indeed; but, however, yet; rather, on \^\ 
the contrary 

development-, developmental 

to perish, be destroyed, be<jawl <. Jjw>| ^ ^ ■ if>^>\ 
annihilated, be exterminated; to be effaced, obliter- 
to wane jlkll j J»-j : j-iJI J»»wl 

spotted, speckled, flecked, mottled Ja» j* : ^*j I 


» ■ • . A • I 

w>^ll ^-Ij liiG :<Lj1 

to fall out (hair) 


- s -- - '"* - i' " i 

- - '- - ': , - -• >\\ '• 'tl 

to end, finish, terminate, bring to an end, jj 1 : ^ I 
conclude, wind up, complete, finalize; to be or 
become finished with, done with, through with 

- ■'-•! i i 5 - -'• - -'*\ 
to put an end to, termi- oujl i J lo»- »«<>.• : <jt> i 

nate, stop, halt, cease, discontinue, suspend 
to inform of or <> *lUI i oL\ *A>\ :<JJ _^J-I ^^ 
about, tell about, bring to someone's knowledge, 
notify of, apprise of, advise of; to report to, relate 
to; to convey to, communicate to, impart to, trans- 
mit to 

ending, finishing, termination, bringing to ^1 : *l^] 
an end, conclusion, windup, winding up, comple- 
tion, finalization 


to abate, subside, drop (off); to ease, '<J»- : J~&\ 

remit, lessen 

* ** t , , - • 

to go bankrupt, fail Lr Ai I : j~&>\ 

to be refracted j>JI jl *>-i)l y^A j~&*\ 

to be eclipsed ( tr ~^' 1 (r-) <-»-&! 

Janissary, Janizary (3jl£&l 

Janissaries, Janizaries c j l£& *i I 

disclosure, being disclosed; exposure, being Lt\j£j I 

exposed; coming to light, coming out, show, 


to disperse, scatter, break up; to be dis- J^ij : ji&l 

persed, scattered 

to be scraped off, scratched off, rubbed off, , li d I 
shaved off, abraded, grazed, excoriated, galled; to 
be removed 

to be or become uncovered, unearthed, < a A Ci ] 

exposed, bared, laid bare, disclosed, revealed, 
unveiled, known, brought to light or into view; to 
come to light, come out, show, appear, open, de- 
velop, manifest itself, reveal itself; to be removed, 
lifted, raised (a veil, covering, etc.); to be dispelled, 
driven away (worries, grief, etc.) 

<J£- "<~& f-r'j ~i>* <-*&] 

to retreat, withdraw, fall back, JL& t £r'> 
draw back, retract, revert, back (away), recede, 
regress, retrocede, retrogress 

retreat, withdrawal, fallback, ji+ij i «■!> : *^f-<! 
retraction, reversion, backing (away), recession, 
regression), retrocession, retrogression 

to repel (from), drive »i j i juu I i <_» j^» : (^ *-) JXJ I 

back (from), deter (from) 

Anglo-Saxon ^ ^ Sm^j I 

English; Englishman &'J&\ 

English £jjlS^I&&l:£jfclSi}ll 


retraction; shrinking), shrink-^Lill tyjiij : < 
age, contraction, deflation 

deflation; downswing, (^jL>j1 _•! JL) <j-\£>\ 
downturn; recession 

introversion; withdrawal <j-»-JI li* trt~' 

retractive; contractive 

lfA>; : lr*'\£'\ 

Liy ] 


1'""-: «.'.•"• ■'-"•!", ":-r 








to be digested 

to exhaust, fatigue, 




< jijl :il*il 

tire out, overtire, fag, sap, wear out, wear away, 
wear down; to strain, stress, overstrain, overexert, 
overtax, overtask; to emaciate, enervate, waste 

to fall heavily, pour down, flow in torrents jJJ.1 J4J I 

downpour, pour, heavy rain, rainfall, (^Jill) j^ I 

engrossment, absorption, preoccupation; d)^ I 

engagement, occupation, occupancy; dedication, 

to be poured out, be shed; to pour down, fall ja^\ 
heavily, flow in torrents; to rain heavily 

to be or become engrossed in, absorbed in, j dl^i j 
wholly engaged in, lost in, preoccupied with, 
taken up with; to engage wholly in, occupy oneself 
exclusively with, dedicate oneself to, devote one- 
self to 

to shed abundant tears, be bathed in djllll c-_) Jiii] 

to rain steadily ( luL}\ o_) Ji+i I 

t£>* p-lj -Jail :i5j4i] 

collapse, breakdown, crash, fall, falling down, jll^J I 
downfall, cave-in 

prostration, collapse .lie _$l tiJ— »- jL+il 

nervous breakdown ^ocjL^jl 

landslide (j- 1 ^-* -»-^ *j^j *' jl jj^LaJI) JL4J1 

femininity, muliebrity, womanliness, woman- iJjJI 


r t ,f 

anode [ ►l^+S'J Jjjl 

, ^~ -- •* 

to come to light, appear, show, emerge, ^Ji : jy I 

manifest itself, reveal itself 

* '1 

*>'•" "--j . '\ 

disdainful, proud, supercilious, ^-5jj 1 »JjJU :<-»jJl 



putting an end to, ending, (JliJJ 1 J j»- «*ij : t\+> \ 
termination, stopping, stop(page), halt(ing), cessa- 
tion, discontinuation, discontinuance, suspension 
to collapse, fall down, tumble (down), U;'. ijljjl 
crash (down), fall in, cave in, sink down, founder, 
give way, break down, crumple 

exhaustion, exhausting, fatiguing, S^> I j_ua* : dJljJ I 
wearying, tiring out, overtiring, fagging, sapping, 
wearing out, wearing away, wearing down; 
straining, stressing, overstraining, overexertion, 
overtaxing, overtasking; weakening, attrition; ema- 
ciation, enervation 

to be heaped up, be poured (in a heap), t^x> I : LII4J I 
fall (in a heap); to pour forth, flow 

to follow without interruption or^l^J 1 «jL; : 3Wi I 

to shower with, (rJJ ^j^ii < r^^i) *-J* ul*>l 
assail with, heap upon 

to put out of breath, cause to pant C-4L *!*>■ : gfj I 

to fall down, collapse; to be de- ,j^ 
molished, pulled down 
to flow down 

to be demolished, pulled down, torn * 'S+, I : I4J I 

down, razed, wrecked, destroyed, ruined; to col- 
lapse, fall down, break down, be broken down 

,,-• „ .• _ .• • 

to be defeated, vanquished, ^liJ I < ^ 1 l-JLe. : f^** 

routed, conquered, beaten, overcome, overmas- 
tered, overpowered 
to lose 

defeat, rout, debacle 



to break, be or get broken; to crack; to strain, ^jl 
be strained; to wrench, be wrenched 

to raise, lift (up); to make rise .\i I : Ja^> I 

■ ■ ■ ■. ■y.T-.,^. :.. »^> 



preparation, preparedness, readiness, jl jjL_I : ILil 

-*' -"1 
equipment, outfit, gear »o* : <-* I 

ready, prepared; on the alert, on the (liST) ilil J* 
mark, on call, in a go condition 

to lower, drop, bring down, take down, <jy I : JjJi I 
cause to come down, cause to descend, cause to 

to lower, reduce, cut (down) Ja»± I : J*j> I 

-•* ,. < 

idiotic, weak-minded, stupid; idiot, imbe- *L\ : J*»l 

cile, simpleton 

sigh, moan, groan <a I 

to be rightly guided, be on the right way, (<JJ ) £\~'n I 
follow the right way; to find the (right) way (to); to 
find, discover, come upon; to hit upon; to arrive 

to dot, become a dotard Li^- -,'jjS <.'JjS\ 

- - ' - .( - - . » 
to rave, become delirious <ii* : ^*\ f ^* I 

to shake, tremble, quake, quiver; to jog, joggle, u» I 
jolt; to sway, swing, rock, vibrate, oscillate, jiggle; 
to move; to be shaken, moved, agitated, jolted, 
jerked, joggled, jiggled 

shaking, trembling, tremor, quiveKing); j| u» I 

rocking, swinging, vibration, oscillation; shocki 
convulsion, concussion, jaKring) 

to wrench, bend down and break »JJ j'o-H .' /1 "» I 

>* * f.~ 

to rush into danger, imperikiUliil j <i_ii ^yjl -.'1I : >1 
oneself, act desperately 

to worry about; to be or become worried jJi : j J^i I 
about, concerned about, anxious about 

to be or become distressed by, grieved JUcI : j jU» I 


to take an interest in, be interested j ( j^. : j ,*j» I 

in; to concern oneself with; to care for, feel inter- 

i-A-wii- —-rr> 

Egyptian vulture \J U> ) <»»- j : (jjj I 

to act slowly, take one's time, slow down J+»J : ^ I 

to be late; to tarry, linger; to be U»ili>-U:^jl 

present, present-day, current, actual, ^JU- : *jT 


instantaneous, instant, immediate, iSjyt : <y I 

prompt, direct 

sociable, companionable, friendly, i.«.kl i t_*J 

amiable, affable, genial, debonair, kind, nice, gentle 

< < 

tame(d), domesticated) t_*J I i tj^- 1 j : ^-J I 

(close, intimate, bosom) J^i j » (,«»- ) Jjjuo : ^,-J I 
friend, companion, comrade, pal 

anise, aniseed 

elegant, fashionable, stylish, dressy, chic, spruce, Jj I 
smart, trim, jaunty 

anemia f.JI jiii :L*jl 

moan(ing), groan(ing), whimpeKing), wail(ing), ^ji 
whine, whining 

to moan, sigh, groan 
oh! ah! 

Lai i«l tol iol iol («l 

to appeal to, call upon, request, tt j i j^.1 : _> <_>l*1 

to call out to, shout to <5 jl i _> »-L> : _; i_>li I 

skin, hide; cuticle; integument i_>Ia I 

Jil gplj-tylliSll) JUI 

a.'' - 1 - - -* 

to insult, offend, affront; to humiliate, J jl i Jia- : (jul 
humble, abase, debase, degrade, demean 

to despise, scorn, disdain, treat Jily I i <5j jjl : 6« I 
with contempt 

insult, affront, offense, outrage, indignity, con- ij t» I 

to wake up, awaken, rouse Jaiul : (^y ^ a.) ,_-*l 
(from sleep) 

to alert, put on the alert yLLL. I : <_J» 1 

to prepare, ready, make ready 

jx-I :i_-»l 


■M.'.sT. 1 ..■■■■ ■■■■■■■ .Lfmumma 

((0* l»Ay«) fb* 1 

V^ jfrb 

I rft •H i * .' 


to shed, spill, pour out 

to make decrepit, make senescent 

to weaken, enfeeble, debilitate 

;Jj» :'3'jk\ 

to emaciate, waste away, ^j'jv >j?*> ' J** ' : li j* ' 
enervate, attenuate, thin, make lean or thin 

song <u-*l :*»-.JjaI 

to marry, get married, wed, take a spouse r-jjj : Ji I 

3*1 p-ij-iudii j*t 

to be or become in- 
habited, populated 

J* gr'j 

* .- • s » - * 

to invoke the name of Codicil I J* j. «...tHj J* I 

U :J*I 

upon an animal when slaughtering it 
and that on which hath been <> <j)l Jji 3»' L»j 
invoked the name of other than God 
to qualify, fit, make fit, ( JJ) £JU iiii- : (J.V) J* I 
adapt; to enable; to prepare; to habilitate, rehabili- 

to welcome, greet, hail, receive j s-»- j : -> J* ' 


•» • » 

relatives, relations, kin, kinsfolk, kindred, *Uy I : J* I 

kinsmen, kith and kin, folks, people; family; 

inhabitants, residents; &— > u>l* I i J U I : J* I 
natives, nationals, citizens; population 

people, men, members (of iilli- i *Lacl : Ii5f J* I 
a group, class, occupation, etc.) 

followers, adherents c-Lj I : Ii5f J* I 

possessors, owners, holders l_>Lw<>I : lis J* I 

masters ,>LL.I : liS" J*l 

household, ijJ\ i<JlSC- :jllll J*l ic-llll J*l 

the family of the ^J Jj-^J 1 5^1l : cJll I J* I 


;.- :.■*• i j?..:"^.?-j--.y 

_j Ji»- i j (jlU : j pi* I 

est or concern about or in; to take care of, look 
after, look to, attend to, see to, tend, mind, watch 
over, keep, devote one's attention to 

to pay attention to, heed, 
mind, take notice of 

to attach (J\ k± jim j&> < J* A^at I J^l* : j »i* I 
importance to; to take or consider seriously 
having no front teeth uyuiu 

ti <L.Q 6L--I 'i :~*l 

toothless, edentulous 

interest; concern; care, solicitude; attention 
heed, notice 



to appease one's hunger 

lampoon, satire, satiric poem <*maI toy**! 

la* «jflj - la* :lj»l 

jUjl I'o* ^Ij-jliJl I'ail 

to give as a present or >w i i_-» j i "j-^ f-*» ; liJ*' 
gift to, make someone a present or gift of, present 
with, gift with, donate (to), give (to), offer (to), 
bestow upon, confer upon 

to dedicate (a book, JJ »JJ il^ ill _ji LllsCll (io* I 
song, etc.) to 

presentation, presenting, donation, (i a* I jjuo< : »l jl»I 
donating, giving, offering 

dedication, inscription(^_jJ I J il jl i_.b^Jl) »la*l 

having long lashes 

i_.lj*"i!l Jj>1» :u>a*l 

to outlaw, proscribe, declare killing someone*- j jj*l 
lawful; to shed or spill with impunity or in vain 

J l_»0* 

Jj^l. «-lj - JjaI 

jJ* jjflj-jjll 

! S* gr'j 

- 'j£\ j\ pill l>l 

shedding, spilling, 

pouring out 

Jy»l jjuo* :<jilj*l 





ir/r,,',';.. ;,.,.,,;, ■T. , ;„/'-'--f^ , ;:tfa 

more important, more significant, 

superior; most important 

negligence, neglect, omission, dereliction, J^ I 

remissness, slackness, carelessness, heedlessness, 

inattention, inadvertence, disregard, nonobser- 

vance, ignoring, overlooking, oversight; disuse 

gross negligence (?r »- J|,»l 

to flow, stream 3L : <n* I 

to neglect, omit, leave out, disregard, ignore, 'J^jk I 
overlook, fail to, slight, bypass, pass over, forget, 
pay no attention to, be inattentive of, be heedless 
of; to disuse, stop using 

to leave unpointed or un- dSCJI jl Li^il 3*» I 

importance, significance, moment(ousness), "' ' 
weight(iness), gravity, seriousness, consequence; 
magnitude; account, worth; interest 

to attach importance to Jc *-_»» I ^i* 

L-*jl» «LS»- 1 J - uL 

I s • --I 't -' "1 

-•* -. * 

to drop, throw down ^1 : iJ^m I 

to stretch out or extend one's J jl J J ojuj <5>» I 
hand to, reach out for 

to strike, hit; to fall upon ^t t$y» I 

reckless, rash, thoughtless, fool- jc j I i ^ U> : rj» I 
hardy, imprudent, giddy, harebrained, light-head- 
ed, frivolous, flighty 

easier uj» I 

the easiest oS**' 

,}» * -. < 

the lesser evil ^ ^ I ,jj» I 

of the two evils choose the least ^^1)1 0>» I ./j>- I 
(the less, the lesser) 

svelte, slender, slim J_mj : < '•"* I 

.< .« 

or f l : } \ 

unless, if not, except if, except i>l ?l < J L : jl 

until, till cr^"'^*J! : J* 

experts, people of experience, specialists, «jlil J* I 

free non-Moslems enjoying Moslem <.JJl J» I 


the Sunnites, the Sunnis 


till J»l 

the people of the Book, Christians and (-.LSJl J» I 

Seven Sleepers of Ephesus 


inhabited, populated 


•* • - > I- 

destruction, ruin(ing), wiping out, annihilation, iiJ}Ul 

bristly, setaceous, hairy, hirsute, shaggy i_J* I 

" . ' ' . -. » 
to giggle, titter, snicker jyi j tH»w» : ( _U I 

to destroy, ruin, wipe out, annihilate, extinguished* I 

national; domestic, home, family; native, in- T_li I 

civil war ill* I <~jj9- 

domestic(ated) animal, tame(d) animal ^1* I 6 In- 
capacity, compe- (jUkz. I i ij I jjt > *~*-^*<> : ill* I 
tence; aptitude, fitness, eligibility, qualification^ 
capability, ability, efficiency; merit, desert, worthi- 
ness, worth 

legal capacity (competence, etc.) <Jy \i ilU I 

rehabilitation j^i^' ^j : *^* *' *J 

sui juris, legally competent ilijjliJI <ui* VI J-.15" 

l^LI j ^Ij-ilii^l 

elliptical, elliptic 



'.■f8w.;,i'. aw ^ m: 'arngMjawaMgaiM^ <$EI 


Vr :^J 

from all sides, from all direc- (o^» j) o jl JJT ^> 

side, direction 

from all sides, 

tions, from everywhere 

rabble, riffraff, ragtag, mob, scum pi* j : ^L j 

> *' ' ii •' 
opal |Cj5 j»- :JUj 

-» -» «^ • ^ 

return(ing), coming back, going back fyj '• *ii 

Si (frb~s.l 


opera, opera house 


to destroy, ruin 

to degrade, humiliate 

Si tfrh-j>.S 

4 ifl . ,*y <»»■ j^mA i oUjL* ! I u J 


iuil '■•■ 

opossum (ij !>•>-) fymyij 

Si ffr'j-j^J 
-:- -5- , --•' 

to string (a bow) (tr^O^i 

bus, autobus; trolley bus y-jjjjl i &%y} 

highway, expressway, freeway, autostrada }\jL,yj 

autocratic I*^'j*>i 

autocracy «li lji> J 

automatic; power, power-driven, (JwUyj 

self-driven, self-acting, self-propelled, automotive; 

automatism; automation, automatiza- <LiwLjjj 

car, automobile J^j^^j 

hotel, inn, hostel, hostelry; motel Jjj 

Ej^ij-Qjjj ';$% 

to tie (up), bind, fetter, shackle, <jl}jJL oi i al» : Jj j 

to tie, fasten, bind j£ ( J* j : Jp j I 

J ' 1 -^ 1 " ■■■■'•; •" ■ .■ ' - " ■' ■ .: ■ 

to lodge at, take up lodgings at,j \ tf I « j Jjj : JJ ^1 
put up at, stay at, take up quarters at" 

to take refuge in, seek or take Jj ti : JJ <3j1 

shelter in, harbor in 

to go to, betake oneself to, repair <JJ Lii : <JJ ^jl 

to; to retire to 

to go to bed, retire . ^ ji «i l^i J I ^\ 

^J 1 fi-'j-j 1 . 1 O*- 1 *«J>' :i$jl 

to lodge, put up, quarter, accom- J&\ i ~S'j\ ■ lijT 
modate, room, house, provide lodgings for, receive 
(as a guest), provide with living quarters 
to shelter, harbor -l^o*. UJL. *J >j : lSjI 

tfji C^'j- j 1 . 1 6^-1 'l)>' : i*J* 
t5jl cfrlj--t fl»l < j Uy :JJ tSjl 

repentant, penitent, contrite 

heat, ardor, torridity 

Sa»I ««-lj - Juljl 

■bJli. (jlkc : »ljl 



burning thirst jj 

time, season l y**- i i^ij : (iijl r) uljl 

u' jr'j -ulj^l ul 

from time to iij^/lj i>/i\ J~> i (i>- j'j <<j^l ytrf 
time, now and then, once in a while, sometimes, at 
times, occasionally 

it is too late o'j jII oli 

timely, opportune, seasonable, well-timed, «Jl_jl J 
at the right time, in season 

untimely, inopportune, unseasonable, <i I j I j~c. j 
ill-timed, (done) at the wrong time 

premature, too early, precocious; prema- <lljl J-i 

before it is too late u'j *l oly Jli 


■ ■ t 


oh! ah! 

to return, come back, go back 

return(ing), coming back, going back f&J '• Vi 

J; J I 

to be desolate, deserted ui£il J-*-i 

to mire, cause to stick fast in J»->ll J Vj' : J*-J 
mire, throw in the mud 

to bend, curve, flex, twist, turn <^>- t i_il»c : jj 

crook(edness), bend(ing), twist(edness), r£->cl : JJ 
curve(dness), curvature 

toil, labor, drudgery; hard work; fa- (_-*> t jS : jjI 
tigue, tiredness 

sustenance, support, maintenance, pro- ilUj : jjI 
vision, keeping 


Jio- :5jjl 

bent, curved, crooked, twisted, (V*^ ' £■>*-• : AJ 

turned, tortuous, sinuous; bowed 

to perish, die <iU» : i£ i) 

to destroy, kill 

burden, load 

to deposit, bank (cJj-a. j) pjjI 

to deposit, reposit, ( jJJ iiU jl <«jj>S ) **>j : fojl 
lodge; to bail (goods); to consign (to), entrust (to), 
trust (to), commit (to), leave (with); to give (to) 

to deposit, put down, lay down, place **> j : t- j j I 
to include, embody, incorporate qLj> : f- jjI 

to commit to prison, throw in prison ty>yJ\ 4*jjI 
to confide or entrust a secret to ^Jl 4*jjI 

to strike fire jj^JI tSjjl 

to kindle, fire, take fire jj^JI (ijjl 



to reflect on, cast J* <ji*»l i i_.l.<l i '. ■"■■ : cl.jjl 
on, bring on, cause 

to lead to, take to, bring to <JJ J^ojl : jjjl 

to mention, state, report, j Jjl i fji i £ j : jjjl 
cite, quote; to adduce, bring forward, set forth 

to import 

j j>-"! :j jr 

^ 2? 

<f> ■ ■ ■:: ^-/.j/r „> ,,;„„■; -.av , , ' ,■ " "Z3 

-* «1 
peak, climax, apogee, acme, apex, culmi- <Ji : rjl 

nation, top, tiptop, crest, crown, zenith, summit, 

pinnacle, highest point; height, heyday, prime 


f j i H mi l ^jX> jjX^J U JjU 1 

,jt. iLil jujI :[dLLiJ rj'ill iJaii 

stove (Jli-j : JUjl 

to impose (as a duty or obli- »'J\ i ^^ : (J*) i_«ifjl 

gation upon), enjoin (on), make incumbent (on), 

make something someone's duty, obligate, bind 

- - , , - ,», ,,.» 
to necessitate, make (J Jai i ^^i i *i»- : >_^r j I 

necessary, make obligatory; to require; to decree, 

prescribe, ordain 

to necessitate, (»JJ 4.>J..'5') «.^:.:...l ( -.^Jj-L I : i_-*-jl 
involve, imply, entail 

to create, make, produce, origi- CjJs-\ i ofi '• J*-jl 

nate, engender, generate, bring into being, give 

birth to, give rise to, birth, bring about, cause, 


to make or let find (obtain, oil *JU : <j>lix. »-i»- j I 

get, acquire, attain, etc.) 

* '' - • ' 

to compel to, force to, oblige to <JJ j ' J* »-»Jr j I 

to abridge, summarize, epitomize, synop- f^LSGl Jj^jl 
size, sum up, condense, digest, abstract, brief, 

to misgive, feel fear, be fearful or (»JJ <i~i~) y-^rjl 
apprehensive; to apprehend, fear, dread; to have 
apprehensions or presentiments 

to feel, sense, perceive, realize-. ( _ r »- 1 t (j-J : ,_,-»■ j I 

, .' t * , .» 
to hide, conceal, harbor, entertain, j^il : cr »- _jl 


to hurt, pain, ache, cause pain to; to excru- Jl : «►} 
ciate, torment, agonize, anguish 

to agitate, excite, stir up d^»- i jIj I : caif j 

to frighten, scare, alarm ci^- : Ji-j' 

to distinguish, honor ci^ : «j»j 

to inspire with (or to); to reveal to J I : j aJJ ^j 
to suggest Jc Jj ijj jb,l i j ^j :,j»-jl 

. f 

r— — 



■.- .-J!."- ■"?»: 

beat severely, strike repeatedly 

wider, roomier, more spacious, l*Ljl ^1 : £»j 
more extensive, broader, larger 

to be on the point of, on the verge of, on theul ^J 
brink of, about to, close to; to verge on, border on 

to bequeath (perso- *jy>jju clu i <~fy> £>jj : ^i 
nal property), devise (real property), will, give by 
will, make over by will, transfer by will 
to make one's will yj (dj jl) i_-^ : <^»ji 

to will, determine \jS *f~oj j jjt :{0>) (j*y 
(order, direct) by a will (that) 

to appoint or institute as u«»j <-L* : J J ^jl 


to entrust (commit, commend) -j <JJ 04* : j ^j I 

to someone's charge or care 

», - .« 
to recommend, commend ^ j : -> ^j I 

to recommend, j *JLc jli.1 t _j ^aj : j <^«jl 


to order 

1^ ^iia^k'aBfeaij'a 

; V' 

' '1 

S*j 'i>*j {f b - J^j 

Joj*\ '•*-*•£} 

, -' » - - _ 

Jiel :Juej 

to sicken, make sick, make ill 

to close, shut 

to take to, get to, bring oijl 1 <i jl 1 V^l : ( Jj) $-03 
to, lead to, show to, conduct to, convey to, drive 
to, steer to 

to transport, carry, convey, JL. ijii : ( JJ ) J^ j I 
transfer; to deliver, transmit, communicate; to pass 
(on), hand over 

to give someone a lift or a ride, \i% «_-^'jJ' S-*i ' 
drive, convey, take 

to accompany, escort, go (along) with, Ji I j : 3^» j I 
take along; to see off 

to conduct fj-aJI 1 O^all t Sjl^il ' ^li^dl jUji 

to clarify, clear (up), make clear, explain, ^ij I 

expound, explicate, elucidate, illustrate, shed light 
upon; to show, manifest, reveal, bring to light; to 
indicate, state, set forth 
to make someone tread or step on ^j jj <u*»- : U»j I 

lower ,j>jl :U»jl 

aortic, aortal 

(/MJ 1 ul)^. '(^Jjl 

* -•! * 1 ''\ 

to leaf, foliate, put forth leaves, send out jj*JI <Jjjl 


orchestra '>-5jjl 




goose (pi. geese) 

.. * > i 

f * 

barnacle goose, barnacle ,_J»» j I i^jai j 3 1 

* -1' *•' 1 


ozone t > t ^ r S'jSll JlSCil ^> ^jki : ujjjl 

black-backed jackal (0 1^ ) ^j I 

middle, central, median, medial, inter- jL.^ : Jbujl 
mediate, intermediary, midmost, mean 

middle; center i.«*i;;,« 1 J>l.j : Jaljl 

middle finger aJCIJI^ j<\;.\\ '^yS »^>! : ^Llj 
Central Africa (_^-y\ ^y ' ' ^>y ' J«-ljl 

Central America ^•'^ ^jv?' ' VS'jj-l J*-ljl 

Central Europe <_^»->ll IjjjjI < Ljjjl J»Jjl 

the middle of the month ^Jl J»-,l j I 

middle term [j^-*] J^-j^l _x3- 1 

midbrain Ja^jil plljjl 

the Middle East, the Mideast ±L j*)ll J^JJI 

the middle class, the bourgeoisie ^~£\ ii-i»JI 
the Middle Ages (^«>ll (j>La«Jl) uj^JI 

f J {f 'J ~f J -fJ' 

to be or become rich, wealthy Lii j L> : »- j I 

to heap abuse(s) or insults upon Lll *«-.j I 

to beat (up), wallop, sock, hit forcefully, L^ *lljl 

r .^ 

luckier, more fortunate; more successful; (ki- ^i j I 
likelier, more likely, more probable, more prospec- 
tive; stronger, more powerful 

offset [ieU.Jc-.jjl 

to burden, oppress, weigh down on Ac 'A£*\ : 't?/\ 


GUI) 'ijl 

to kindle, ignite, light, start 

to burn, set on fire, set fire to 

to overburden, overload; to op- J* jl ( Ac jjij! : jj°/\ 

press, weigh down on, overtax 

to be overladen with fruit ^,2)1 j'j\ 

to drop, let fall, cause to fall, make fall, Jail' : *jj1 
tumble, throw down, bring down, topple 

H £»J p-'j ~iJJl» «,Jrl» 'J* ijli- :.; £jl 

to inflict on, cause to J^JI 4 Jj^l : las' -u iij* 

to inflict or cause £lj oLUj 1 ^JlLi < Ijl^il lijl 

damage, losses, casualties, etc. 

to inflict or impose a _> jl J* G>C»» jl iJjic «ij I 

punishment or a penalty on, punish 

to levy a distress upon, distress, Ac I jki- lij* 

distrain, attach, sequester, impound, garnishee, 

seize, confiscate 

to sow dissension 'JS Jj t'JZ'j'j: 'J^ If j I 
between or among, stir up discord between or 
among, sow the seeds of discord between or 
among, drive a wedge between 

to throw into, plunge into, hurl 

to (enHrap, (en)snare, (en)tangle,ii jf S'j, j ujl 
enmesh, gin, catch in a trap or snare' 

to stand, make stand, set *yu ^JLii- , ' f \i I : i_i» j I 

upright, raise; to make rise 

to stop < a* yj j I 1 \\, tXj^. ; ,j,i j l 

to stop, halt, cease, J loi- Li} i J^\ t lLj :Liij* 
discontinue, suspend, interrupt, break, cut, put an 
end to, end, terminate 

to stop, halt, arrest, stay, 'j\c\ 1 1U 1 «i. : Liijl 
check, suppress, prevent, hold up, hold (back), 
obstruct, hinder, hamper, impede 

to [jy\i ] j^ 3 \ jy- jKi 1 _,! ^t ^ £. : Lii-;t 


J p** 1 -j j»jl 


JC* : jlijl 


bushy-browed i>^f W ^ ' \A< :ujj»j' 

to put into a vessel or container ^lij j Lij : ^j' 

. -*- --.» 

to insinuate to, intimate to, J J ],lil <. J J idJ : J J ^ijl 
suggest to, point out to 

to advise, counsel, recom- ^J < Ac ^iLt : J I >jl 
mend to 

to instruct, direct; to 'J»\ , oUl; Jail : <JJ jij* 
order, command, enjoin 

to embitter, envenom, venom, excite or o^luo ^ijl 
arouse anger or bitter feelings in, fill with spite or 
hatred, kindle rancor in 

August , ,T ^..Vy 

to penetrate deeply into, delve jj£j , jji-j : J ij*j* 
into, go deeply into; to study thoroughly 

to go quickly, mend one's pace, jLi\ j jjijl 

hurry, hasten, speed 

to exaggerate, overstate, overdraw f$£l\ j jjij 1 
to insert into, push into, plunge intoili j>l : j ilij! 

i c/j cr'j - ^ <yj' 

to come to Jt:Jjl 

to approach, be or come near to L>j\i : Ac J j I 

to overlook, tower over, JJ» I 1 cijil : Ac ,J j I 
overtop, command, dominate 

to exceed, be more than, be greater jl j : Ac ,i \ I 
than, be above, be over; to go beyond, transcend, 

to delegate, depute, deputize, send as one's 
delegate; to mission; to send, dispatch 

to increase, augment, multiply ~j£ :'j'j 

more abundant, more plentiful, jjc\ < ^S\ :^j) 
ampler; more numerous 

more economical, 


IjLajl j^\ liiii Jil :^jji 




to interpret, construe; to explain 

— ? 

foremost, chief, principal, main, cardinal, »»l : Jj 
key, most important 

earlier; former, previous; earliest, JjL. iJ>~«i '• Jj 

beginning, start, onset, outset, Sjl-u i «.ju : Jj 

prime, first, incipience 

first, firstly, in the first place, first of all, to %\ 

begin with; at first, in the beginning; originally 

primarily, initially 

* \t 

forefathers, ancestors, forebears, JjIj"^ tujJj^l 

grandfathers, primogenitors, progenitors, ascen- 
carbon monoxide 6^>^3l -*--^\ uj' 

^1 lia-jUl Jjl 

at first, in the beginning 

the day before yesterday, Jj^l 
two days ago 

for the first time, first <_,!_) jll 5%JiJ 1 5^. Jj^ 

at first blush, at first sight, Jjill ilijil i «!* j Jj^ 
prima facie; at first glance, on first consideration 

first class Jjl **-jJ 

first lady Jj Si I l'J!L\\ 

from beginning to end, from A »j±-\ J) <Jjl ,j» 
to Z 

, • - s< . ' i -' s 

at first sight; at first SjJii Jjl ^ i ^j al S^JiJI (j* 


the former Jj^ll li* 

to entrust with, commission j *JJ j^p t ^y : Jjl 
with, charge with; to entrust (commit, commend) 
to someone's charge or care 

to place one's confidence in, have confi- <iiJ o^jl 

dence in, trust 

to do someone a favor, render a servicelij^Aj »^l_jl 


worthier, more deserving; i5>>-l <■ &■ ' : (-; ) Jj' 
more entitled (to); more appropriate, more proper, 
more suitable, more adequate, more suited, more 

to suspend, stop or cancel JJat i J^t : i_»» j I 

temporarily, ban temporarily, make temporarily 

inactive # 

to call off, cancel u^l : >-«*j I 

to stop, quit, cease, ^ 1j£ i ^ jJa«-i| '•((>*) *-*»jl 
discontinue, halt, give up, desist from, abstain 
from, refrain from 

to detain, hold (take, jx>- i ,j~»- ' Ji-^l : i_»»jl 
keep) in(to) custody, arrest, put under arrest, 
apprehend, seize, hold, jail, intern, confine 
to acquaint with, inform (j* <uii>l : (j* U^li i_iijl 
of or about, apprise of, advise of, notify of, let 
know about, make aware of, tell about; to reveal 
to, disclose to 

i_o* j >l»-Ij - 4iCL jl *JL i_i»j 

t- i - . '- s- 

to stay the execu- jJj jlydl jl jXAl -^i-^i t-ii'jl 
tion of a sentence; to arrest or stay a judgment 

to stop or slow down, brake J-»y : »jW-" *-*»j' 

to park rJJ t_«»>» j 5jLU\ i_i»jl 

ocean -W?** ' O*^ t*J ' 

oceanic ^y ^»i' 

oke, oka; ounce ujj »jj-j :< s*J' 

to support one's weight on, lean Jx. l£j I : jx. a jl 

on, recline on 

sale, clearance, clearance sale 6>> joy 

eucalyptus (j*i) (jtyLJ'&y i ^jlJ lSjl 

octane uusjl 

October Jj^l i>-^ : ^>^J' 

octane JirP-i' 

to lose, suffer or incur a loss ^,-y- : <j£ i ' 

oxalate o'JlLi'jl 

oxygen Jif^r^i ' 

oxygenic, oxygenous y j*?jirV ?' 

oxide ■ A sr^-J 

'&'> erlj-'J?^ 
-Oil <> 3sdl p-lj- oisle L^J* 


p— 32: 


■■^■- ,r ^ 



ilii-l 5-u»-j olil^*»- :oUjl 


axiom, truism, fundamental or <*>■>* '■ *-Jj' 

self-evident truth 

oligarchic, oligarchical 'jS'j UJ jl , 'ji j UJ jl 

oligarchy il^j UJ j1 t ill j UJ j1 

ohm iJL^^SJI <.jliil 5o»-j :»jl 

to make a sign or signal; to beckon; to jlll :(<Jj) Ljl 

signal, motion, gesticulate; to gesture, make a 


to flash, gleam, glint, glimmer, shimmer, kJ : Joa'j I 

sparkle, twinkle, scintillate, flicker, wink, blink 

to wink (at) 

to glance furtively, look 

omnibus, bus 

gentleness, mildness, leniency, *-aU < ^ ' ,j>» j : uj I 


calm(ness), peace, tranquility, * j jla i <LJL. : j I 

quiet(ness), quietude 

-< •, . • 

-* .' - 

ounce, oz. 

**ajy icJjl '(j-Jjl 

to moan, sigh, groan 

oh! ah! 

i» 1 4 o 1 : o jl i »_j 1 

to weaken, enfeeble 

to light, kindle, ignite 

J*i.l :g»jl 

to make someone think or believe «*Jl j lijl : lijl 
(that), give the (false) impression (that); to delude, 
deceive, mislead 

to weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, sap, m.^l : ^ajI 

undermine, undercut, waste (away), devitalize, 
enervate, unnerve, attenuate 

to discourage, dishearten, frustrate, if>JI ij*j' 
unnerve, enervate, depress, demoralize, dispirit 

black-eyed jackal (j\y^-) yJjl 

bilberry, whortleberry (oL)iCJ}1 

with greater reason, with J'y ikiu t ^jl ljL ^. 

all the more reason, the more so, a fortiori 

these, those ddjl , ,^1 

to enter, make or let enter; to introduce, J*-il : ^Jjl 
insert, intromit, thrust, put in, drive in, stick in, 
work in 

to enamor of, inflame (someone's) love j ( liSii ) «J j I 
or desire for, make very fond of; to interest in, 
arouse (someone's) interest in 

to be (very) fond of, (passionately) attached to,j ij jl 
(deeply) attracted to; to love, adore, be (madly) in 
love with, be enamored of, be infatuated with; to 
like; to fancy, have a fancy for, have a liking for, 
take a fancy to, take to; to be interested in 

to give a banquet 

^ -' 

Olympic, Olympian 

Olympic Games, Olympics, 



u> er'j 


possessors of, owners of, holders of; masters of; ^Ijl 
people of, men of 

men of understanding, those gifted with^U^I >lj1 
understanding hearts 

those charged with authority, those j^i\ ^yi 

responsible, authorities, rulers, chiefs, heads, presi- 
dents, leaders, superiors, masters 

priority, precedence, preference; seniority; pri- Z, Jjl 
macy, supremacy 

first, initial, primary, prime, Jj "ill jJui, t ^±L>I .-'Jjl 
primordial, original, earliest 

fundamental, elemental, primary, ba- 
sic, principal, main, chief, prime 

preparatory, pre- 1$ » : a'.i it£jljil <. 
liminary, introductory 

elementary, rudimentary, incipient, 


primitive, primeval, rudimentary 

raw, crude, unprocessed, unrefined 

first aid ilfjl oliUl 

prime number 

raw material 









1 t ,Jjl ljIa-I 


r u 


»y : i 


force, power, might, strength 


to drive to despair, ^Lj *i*»- i (^-U* J* *"»■ : yV 

*l. :j l:i 

deprive of hope, dishearten, discourage 
province, district 

piil t *iui:4jCl 

when? at what time? 
if, when 

sign, mark, token, indication *■• >* : "*•> I 

miracle, wonder, marvel, prodi-<i>»»*i <■ «>*** '■**< 

gy , . „„_ 

example, lesson, warning • j-s. : <> I 

exemplar, example, pattern, para- JU* i £J>«-> '<>\ 
gon, paradigm 

Koranic verse 


(l_rJJLt i_jI^ (j^) <<l 

• * > - 

verses of the Holy Koran (SX I _/ iJ I <J I 

giving, granting, bestowal 

rt^jt t (Ike I : fUj] 

preference, preferring Jr^*-" : J^ij 

altruism, unselfishness, ^-ill c-»- ' <;j-^ : jwj 


altruistic, unselfish, selfless; altruist <i^ : iij^i! 

ethanol I * L_*^ J J** ^ ! 

ethane I *W*^ J Oi^il 

obligation; obligating, binding; Jo^ <■ f\J\ : oUuJ 
imposition, imposing, enjoining; decreeing, pre- 
scription, ordainment 
affirmation; affirmative <jii tw* t oLJ I : t->^ j 

offer [u^l»] (>j* :^^v| 

to answer in the affirmative, say yes ^Uu^lL i_V I 

positive; affirmative; constructive; active; plus ^jI»^>! 


• • .. . • • 


that is, that is to say, i.e., namely, [j-J^) yJu : til 
viz., in other words, to wit 

O.oh (»lxJJ)l:Ul 

who? which? what? what kind of? what sort of? ?iil 

any; every; either; no matter what; who- \ ri \ aj,\ 
ever, whosoever; whatever, whatsoever, which- 
ever, whichsoever 

• ' * \ 
anything; no matter what; whatever, i^ ijl 

whichever, whatsoever; which thing? which one? 
whoever, whosoever, whomever, whomso- 6^ \j' 
ever; no matter who he is, whoever he is, anyone, 
any person at all; whatever, whatsoever, which- 
ever, whichsoever; no matter what, anything; re- 
gardless of, irrespective of, notwithstanding; at any 

in any case, at JU- *jl Jc i JU- ijl jc iO^ l* U 
any rate, in any event, anyhow, whatever the case 
may be, be it as it may 

0, oh U<l \i ' V' 

then which of the favors of olj-i& l^j * *' i5V* 
your Lord will you deny? 

he is a true (real, great, etc.) man; J»- j (il J»-j j* 
what a man (he is)! 

1 admired him greatly! how i-jL*cJ !<-j I *j e. ■ •» ■ «• ■ I 
much I admired him! 

verses of the Holy Koran f&J.\ j£jl\ til 

yes! certainly! sureOy)! indeed! truly! U»- t p*J : cjl 


yes, by God! a^j (ij 

0,oh (,ljJJH:li1 

take care not to, be careful not to; don't, u' <ilL>l i Ul 
don't ever 

beware of, be wary of, guard j tiJU i ,y* dJU 

against, be cautious of, be careful of 

Thee do we worship and 
Thine Aid do we seek 

st\j £J dl s i 

he gave it to me 

returning), going back, coming back 

1_jU j a»-'j 

support ic^-" *e -^i ^* :j «! 

O^JU fj-l j - C-tLjj t--»Uj ft^. 




..v^'.r':,;.::.:,, ;,- .- : 

harming, hurting, damaging, j iii)ll Jl»JI : ,lajl 
injuring, doing harm to, wrongdoing; annoying, 

announcement, declaration »^Ul nj^UI : ul jj I 

sign, indication £. }tc : j I jj I 

indicating that, announcing that; indications G I jj I 
of, announcement of 

mention(ing), stating, citing, citation, quot- jfi : jl^l 
ing, quotation; adducing, bringing forward 
importation, import, importing ^jt--' : j'jjl 

income, revenue, incomings, «jj i Ji-j : jljjj 

returns, proceeds, takings, receipts, earnings; yield, 


funds, finances; revenues 


foliation, leafing 

(oLJI j^e) (jj>ll u^>j :<jIjj! 

10 despair (of), lose hope (of), J*J i [^ : (^) ^j 
give up hope (oO; to despond, become discouraged 
or disheartened 


f 'J _ LTi' 'LTi 1 

to be or become rich, wealthy 

left-hand, left 

left-handed, left-hand, a\J. 
sinistral; left-hander 

u>*l < J*- 1 


bequest, o^il j<j liLLJ i <L««jj vioj^i : »LaiI 

bequeathal, bequeathing; devise (by will), devisal, 

testacy i^oj c-J.1 <1)J> '■ ►La; "ill JU- « *La;l 

appointment of a guardian 'ijt^i 

recommendation, commendation XS Jj 
recommendation, advice, counsel 



Jliil «J^il .-jLail 



closing, closure, shut(ting), 

conveyance, transport(ation), car- JLJ t ji : JLaJ I 
riage, carrying, transference); delivery, transmis- 
sion; communication; passing (on), handing over 

'-'■:" .■•■■■■■■ : 

(jUul jL»- 

positive neutrality 

positivism, positivity, positiveness iL Im I 

creation, making, production, ti.ljj-1 <. i>_>£> : jU^I 
producing, origination, originating, engendering, 
generation, generating, bringing into being, giving 
birth to, giving rise to, bringing about, causing, oc- 

rent; lease; letting (out), leasing, renting out, jU^I 
hiring out 

sublease, subleasing, subletting, ^Ul ^ jUul 

rent, rental, hire jLs^j'ill JU 

lease j^i^l ■*** 

for rent, to let, for hire, on jUj^il 1S^ t jUj)L1 

-~ .* - . - . 
abridgment, summarization, epit- j^-jl j.Lai : jUu I 

omizing, synopsizing, summing up, condensation, 

abstraction, briefing 

brevity, shortness, conciseness, jLal»- 1 : jU>J I 
terseness, succinctness, laconism, brachylogy 

in brief, briefly, in short, in fine, concisely, injUJU 
a word, in a few words, shortly, in a nutshell, in a 
capsule, to sum up, in summary, summing up, to 
make a long story short 

apprehension, fear, dread, anx- jJi i <_»^»J : <j-U»j I 


suggestion; inspiration »l*»il 

autosuggestion, self-suggestion 



to support, back (up), stand by, stand up for, '1 

advocate, champion, uphold, be in favor of, go for; 
to confirm, affirm, sustain, corroborate, second; to 
endorse, sanction, approve, approbate, counte- 
nance, consent to, assent to, agree to, concur in, 
accede to, subscribe to 

»y : Jul 

force, power, might, strength 

depositing, deposition, lodging; sojl jjuk :pl. 
bailment; consignment; entrustment, commitment 

ideological, ideologic 

' '' I 

{ ••• 

arousal, (a)rousing, SjliJ i >»- "Ajj** : J»^J 
stirring up, excitation, exciting, working up, awak- 
ening, wakening, provocation 
alerting, putting on the alert, jjJm i <~-o : -bli»J 
putting on one's guard, warning, alarming, cau- 

dropping, letting fall, causing to fall, J.U1.I : £& I 
tumbling, tumble, throwing down, bringing down, 
toppling, topple f 

rhythm; harmony; cadence (jJJ Ifhrr) f^i\ 

rhythmic(al); harmonic; eur(h)ythmic; i/*^ij 

cadent(ial), cadenced . , • , 

eurythmics, eurhythmies i^^S cr°*J 

raising, setting up £» j » <«l»} : tili J 

stopping, oi»>i 6,^1 jl u^^lll J»»- :<-»UjI 

stopping, stoppage), J j»- j-ij t *l^l t jti :<-»UjJ 
halt(ing), cessation, ceasing, discontinuation, dis- 
continuance, suspension, interruption, shutoff, 
break, putting an end to, ending, termination 

-frr ■" ■- ' ■'■■-■"^ j ■•■■■g - - ■'-« 

stopping, stoppage), 


> ( m-l» 


halt(ing), arrest(ing), staging), check(ing), suppres- 
sion, prevention, holding up, holding (back), ob- 
struction, hindrance, hampering, impeding 


suspension, suspending, tern- JJ»« 'J^*> :i -*^;] 

porary stoppage or cancellation, temporary ban, 

temporary inactivity, abeyance 

calling off, cancellation »UI : cilij J 

stopping, stop(page), j* i_iT 4 j* j-Uaiil : c_»Uj I 

quitting, cessation, ceasing, discontinuation, giving 

up, desistance, desisting, abstention, abstaining, 

refrainment, refraining 

detention, arrest, appre->«- 4 t _ r -»- 1 JlKtl : ljU 1 

hension, seizure, confinement, custody 

stay of execution, arrest -iG-l cJlil 1 .». i::l l <-Jli>] 

of judgment 

parking jJJ ^-i»>« j 'J 1 —- 11 l -»^(j 

to wake (up), awaken, waken, yswol : ( jy &) Jai;' 
awake, rouse (from sleep) 

conduction t^JJl iOj-JI ijjl^l 1 s^^^pJ' J^j 

receipt; voucher (^iL.'Jllj) jUj : JLajl 

conductive t^^! 

conductivity, conduction <u Laj I 

r *i * 
metabolism I * ^ ' J i>*i ' 

anabolism [ *^»-l J y(Lj ; o^' 

catabolism U^ ' J t/?- 1 * t« ' 

also, too, as well (as), equally, likewise; along Ul. I 
with, together with, in addition (to), besides, fur- 
ther, furthermore, moreover 
clarification, clearing up, making £»<>_) I jj-<x. :rLajj 
clear, elucidation, explanation, exposition, explica- 
tion, illustration, shedding light upon; showing, 
manifestation, bringing to light 
illustrative, clarifying, elucidative, demon- ^f Ul>J 
strative, expository, expositive, explanatory, ex- 
planative, explicatory, explicative 

repitition of the same rhyme "Q>^ j\j& '■ «U»j) 
flank, waist, middle j^± <■ "oj^- : Jiul 

intimation, insinuation, suggestion, hint ^-Jl :jl*j] 

■ •• • 

advice, counsel, recommendation £~oi : jU»j 

instruction, direction; order, command, y\ : jLjj 

fUj **-Ij-(tJJ o^JL ij*>)Ij) *Uj1 

solvent *^i^ (i* J^ 

solvency *^»^' ci* 'J-** 

delegation, delegating, delegacy, aijl jj-<x. : jlijj 
deputation, deputization, legation, sending forth of 
a delegate; missioning; sending, dispatch(ing) 

kindling, ignition, lighting; burning, set- JU^J : jliLl 
ting on fire, setting fire to 

awakening, waking up, wakening, {jy Q+) -tUu J 
awaking, rousing (from sleep) 






gesture, gesticulation, motion; sign, signal ofl^j <. #1^1 
pantomime tUfV' o» 

gestic; pantomimic; mimic l^WJ 

pantomime V'W! V"^- '<y!U5l J^ 

pantomime ill |^ I 

belief, faith u|<JI 

fiducial 'j |^ I 

fideism JiJl ^ "iCJ o 1^)1 1 <> j|^I :&UJ 

widowhood, viduity J^'j : <uj I 

to go to the right i>~r" >~ S-*^ : 0*i' 

right-hand, right; dextral, (<&£) J~i\ li : j*J I 


right-handed, right- oLll J-L t ^lil "x* :J*1\ 

hand, dextral; right-hander 

.«., - . .« > , .» 

by God! I swear by God! 4&I ^2 1 

to ionize oljjl J I 'J^, : 'J I 

where? in what place? at which place? 'J,\ 

where to? where? to where? whither? ^'l J I 

whereto? to what? toward what place (direction, 
end)? how far? up to where? 

where from? from where? wherefrom? ^j* ^ 
whence? from what place? 

wherever, wheresoever, no matter where, £* 
anywhere, where 

how far we still are from.. . . \'jf [y. 'j^ 'JA 

ripeness, mellowness ~j^ : p L, I 

to ripen, mellow, grow or become ripe or t--^ '■ £+> ' 

O, oh IfcH ' Wi I 

delusion, deception, deceit, misleading, imposi- » I4J I 
tion; make-believe, pretense, pretension 

lodging, putting up, quartering, ISCL 1 1 Jl^l : .1^1 

to arouse, rouse, stir jlil, ^ii- 4 ^i- t <il^i. ; Jjij I 
up, excite, work up, awaken, waken, whet, pro- 

to alert, put on the alert, put on jx>- 4 4.J : J»ij I 
one's guard, warn, alarm, caution 

to ascertain, find out or learn with (aj jl ^l"ill) jijl 
certainty about, know for certain; to be or become 
certain of, sure of, convinced of, confident of 

icon [ ij I jj± ] CyL I 

*.t >~ - 

iconology, iconography olijij'ill i-ljj 

- '.A 
iconic u'i*'' 

thicket, jungle, wood, brush, <L»»- li^r-l :i£JI idCl 

stag, deer (0 \y^. ) Jj J < J* 1 < J2 1 1 Jjl 

musk deer (ul*»-) <iC-ll 'jl\ 

leading to, resulting in, <JJ Jojl* 1 <JJ jj^ : <JJ Jj I 
producing, bringing about, causing, giving rise to; 
conducive to, contributing to 

accruing (<1£L« jl J>^) <JJ J«" : '» :Obli J J JjI 
to, devolving upon, devolved upon, vesting in, 
vested in, transferred to 
oath, swearing oili- 4 _» : »bU 

entrustment, commitment; commis- ,j^>yu ~t-%\ 
ion(ing), charging 

intromission, thrusting, insertion, intro- JU-il '■r%\ 
duction, putting in, driving in; penetration 

convenant, compact, pact, agree- Jl£-. t xyc- :<-*^U 

hind J^ljilti&l 

holly (oL) u Jk£l 

ailanthus, tree of heaven (oLj) yJjJbj 

September ^ 

* * -\ \*\ 
return(ing), coming back, going back 9-yrj '■ ^yi ' 

devolution, accru- (rJJ jp. jl <L50u) JUjLil :iljL I 
al, reversion 

to widow, cause to become < 

i widow 

i\').\ pi 



widowhood, viduity 

J* J : ^ 

by God! I swear by God! 


f^* 1 



f 1 "" 1 " ■,■?•--' - ■•,'■■, ^ 

widowhood, viduity 




accommodating, accommodation, rooming, hous- 
sheltering, harboring JJLjJU IkL jiy : >I»J 

large sitting room, hall S^uS" ii ^ : 6l>> j 

palace, mansion j^ai \o\y\ 



pitiful, woeful; deplorable, lamentable 

seller, vendor jb, jui : »j I 

dealer, merchant, tradesman, trader 

j»- u : «jU 


retailer, retail ^LLiJI jl J^ljl ji *5>Jjl IjL 

wholesaler, wholesale dealer 

iCoJI jjl 

hawker, peddler, huck- jljj ji ijl^i- ji ij^kli tjl 
ster, crier; traveling salesman, drummer 

auctioneer ((/^O , jl ^ £ V 

calamity, misfortune, disaster il~*J : iii L 

I *' ■ M 

OiW J^U. . ^SL 


final, irrevocable (divorce) 

dowry, dower, dot aj>jj 

baobab (^) v Lj1l 

door, gate ji-lull <> '^4 j\ til L :<_,l 

opening, entrance, passage, way in, Ji-lu : i_jL 

entryway, doorway, gateway, inlet 

section, chapter (tolls' ^y) i_,l 

category, class, grade, group, range; ■ i\p : i_,l 
type, sort, kind, variety 

matter, affair, concern, Ji,- ( <ryoy* i 6^ : v^ 
business; subject, topic; question, issue; field, 
sphere, domain, realm 

Sublime Porte, Porte QlJ^O Jl*JI L\J\ 

open door (pol icy) ^£& I v U I (L L- ) 

-• * -• » . 

Jj 1 Jf 'j-Jj 1 yL. ^ 

j>- <-»j»- :_, 

in, at, on; with; by, by means of, 
through; for 

without; excluding, with the exclusion of;0 jl 4 % 
lacking, wanting, missing; deprived of, free from 

with what? wherewith? 

since, in view of the fact that, as, because, 
inasmuch as, considering, whereas 
including, inclusive 

by God 

to come back, return 



4-J L. 

to bring back, return; to 



bring in, come back with; to bring on oneself, 
draw on oneself 

to acknowledge, admit, confess 'jl :(_,) ([, 

to fail, be unsuccessful, miss theillliJI ji jillL rL 
mark, lose ground 

he draws on himself the wrathaiil jy •_ ji - , si jli 
of God 

stale, old ^^ 

vapid, insipid, tasteless, dull, fiat, uninteresting, «JL 
boring, stale, wearisome, jejune, colorless, trite, 
banal, silly 

extinct, dead; past, bygone; passing, transitory, jj I 
temporal, transient 



u°r) jy -ji 



fallow, uncultivated, unsown, un 
planted, wild 

unsalable, unmarketable; un- (iiUu) 
sold; dead stock 

stagnant, dull, slack, inactive (j^l) jl-IS" : Jl 

miserable, wretched, unhappy, unfortunate, yJl 
distressed, afflicted, forlorn, suffering, sad, poor, 





earth, make known 

to unbosom (oneself), disembosom, <_ ij 5 jj^-j 7-1 
reveal or give vent to one's feelings or secrets 
open space; courtyard; square, plaza; hall i 


to discuss with, hold talks with, talk «^ cL->-LJ lii-L 
with; to argue with, reason with; to negotiate with 

scholar, researcher, research worker; investi- ■* j-lj 
gator, examiner 

to fade, dim, bleach, wash out, decol- <>]} 
orize, discolor, become colorless 

to be vapid, insipid, dull, uninter- 
esting, colorless 

to subside, abate, let up _,j iia» ,ri 

steamer, (steam)ship, steamboat *j*\ 

liner (7_-UiJ J*>- J* Jl«u) ilk>- jl aI^Uu »j>-Ij 

to perish, pass away, become ex- u°y^\ ' ^* : J ^ 

tinct, cease to exist 

apparent, visible, obvious, evident, ^Lb :((5:>UI) jL 

manifest, distinct, plain, clear 

Bedouin, nomad; nomadic (ij-u : *\> 

to take the initiative, make the first step I -u i j ju : I jL 
or move; to start, begin, initiate 

to accost, speak first to, rJJ <-^)\ jl |»j 
address first, greet first; to open the conversation 
or talk with; to approach, overture 

initiator, originator, starter, beginner, Iju Jtli : »ii jIj 
commencer, launcher, mounter, the first (person) 
to do something; creator, maker, author; begin- 
ning, starting, commencing 

"'s ■ III 

first-mentioned, above-mentioned, o^Sj 2i5jUI 
aforementioned, previously mentioned, aforesaid, 
above, (the) said, (the) same 
first, firstly, in the first place, first of i\ ls) i<S^>. 
all, to begin with, to start with, above all, before 
anything else 

at first, in the beginning J*H\ *i$al < j- *l nS-^. j 

prefix (U iiij Jjl j) ii jL 

to take the initiative, make the first step or ( Jj ) j jU 
move; to begin, start, be the first (person) to; to set 
out to, embark upon, enter upon, set about, under- 
take; to proceed to, move, act, take action, begin to 

r ^SCJL o\ il 

■ ■'-■ . m^- ..■.?■'■. 

.. .: m r • i 

out of, by way of, as, as a matter of, as liS" ul ^ 
a form of 

imminent, impending, forthcoming, vlx^l (J* 
approaching, about to happen 

pupil of the eye (^liJl)^j^j 

pope; the Pope, the Vicar of Christ, JLcH\ _ / lll : LL 

the Supreme Pontiff 

daddy, dad, papa, pa, father i_j I : L L 

Santa Claus 

slipper, pantofle, scuff, mule 

Ji>" yy 



chamomile, camomile 





(oL>) ^J^jIj 
jap*" ^r ' j ~ (Sy? V j^~ 

to spend or pass the night; to stay %i fli I : oU 


to become, come to be, grow *^o I i jL> : o I 

(into), turn (into); to be; to reach a stage where, get 
to a point where 

to continue to do, keep doing, J^>lj <■ 3-k : ° V 
keep on (doing), go on doing, stick to 

categorical, absolute, unqualified; ~~U- i p-4»l» :oL 
definite, definitive, decisive, conclusive, peremp- 
tory, positive, final 

cutting, incisive, sharp, keen jU- i j-tli :^'1j 

batiste ,3-j j ry— J : \V . .7 U 

pathological) (j^j- 1 ' ^j^My Ji*^* : (•'■.jJ.j^ 

pathologist ^ja^ Jx. j <yLa»-) :,jrjJjSy 

pathology ja\jA^i\ ^ : Lj^JjUj 

beige, ecru, light tan (u>J) rU 

to be or become known, revealed, disclosed, JJ\ ^L 

divulged, uncovered 

to reveal, disclose, divulge, uncover, un- ^L ^L 





to stagnate; to be or become stagnant, ii>JI OjL 
dull, inactive 

bar, barroom, pub, tavern, taproom, saloon <ll»- :jL 

pious, dutiful, devoted, faithful, loyal,»JL> < ^jj : jL 
reverent, obedient, true, kind; upright, righteous 

the Creator (God) 


artesian well 


to compete with, vie with; ^Li i J^L i^-ili :i5jl 
to rival, emulate, strive to equal or surpass; to race 
with; to match, compete with successfully, be 
equal to 

the Creator (G od) ^J li- 1 : »(3j U I 

paratyphoid d>j-) JtJjiJljL 

parachute J,^ iULk. :o^iljL 

paraffin £>^JI j^> j J»k-J i^j SjL :^jl^L 
para V-^ »j»-j " a jy 

focus, focal point; center; pit; seat ijL 

-'* • "■' .- -' i 

4-J J>- A. .Hi.. . <lf J Ij 

battleship, warship, man-of-war; £ 

to leave, depart from, go away from 

^jM 1 p-lj-^ 1 

yesterday ^1 :ii.jUl 

the day before yesterday, two days ago X*. jUI Jjl 

last night; yesterday evening £*jUI iilill 

cold, cool, chilly, frigid jU- o-i : jjL 

cold, cool, frigid, chilly, tepid, JC^ 4 _^U : jjL 

unfriendly, indifferent, nonchalant, disinterested, 


silly, dull, stupid juU : jjl 

••' I **' 



weak argument 

cold war 

easy (smooth, comfortable) life 

easy prey, unearned booty 

to duel (with), fence with, fight (with), combat, jj L 
fight a duel with, encounter in a duel or combat; to 

act, resort to; to hurry to, hasten to, rush to, run 
to; to come early to; to get ahead of, forestall, 
anticipate, act in advance of; to surprise, take by 
surprise, come unexpectedly or suddenly upon, 

sign, indication, symptom; herald, JJ'j 4 <$*. :5jjL 
harbinger, forerunner, precursor; prospect, out- 



*iJ»lc ,vt >~«J iiil :i oL 


f^'j - °j J ~ : °j J y 

to exchange, interchange; to exchange (for),j!b : tl'jL 
commute (for), give in exchange (for); to replace 
(by or with), substitute (for), put in place (of); to 

to barter, exchange, trade, swap, truck, 'j^\» : J'i[> 
bargain, give in exchange (for) 

to reciprocate, return in kind «JLUj *£*. j)jl» :JjIj 
or degree, repay, requite, pay back 

desert; semidesert; steppe 

luxurious, self-indulgent, lavish, prodigal, HJ1 :fiL 
extravagant, spending lavishly 

haughty, proud, arrogant 

<y~^> p-'j - 

- u jL 

eJu «jp- \j 

- ojL 


-V vr'j 


£?■■->■* : c^ 
(oL) uUuiL 


to perish; to die; to be destroyed, ruined lilii : jL 

to be futile, unsuccessful, unprofitable, JUJI jL 
unfruitful, unavailing, useless; to fail 

to lie fallow, remain uncultivated or 'joj \\ OjL 

to be unsalable, be unmarketable, be aitUiJl c/)l 
dead stock, find no market, remain unsold 

high, lofty, elevated, exalted 
eggplant, aubergine 
to dig a well 

to focalize, focus 

ijr^i - 



■ :rr: -i 

bazaar j>- : J'jy 

falconer WfJ- 1 -* j' *'jr' (jJv-* ' jM' J?^»" : j' j J^ 

basalt Jl«\ll ^J^^fl'j^ki- :cJjL 

bezoar oUjlil ^ a** j oL»- i^jL 

bazooka oi^SJl J* Jlk; i.i : i>- t-}L : ISjjb 

to kiss Jr* -Lr 1 ^ 

to be or become strong, brave, bold, «i i tjyi : y*^ 


to be or become miserable, wretched, LSL olS" : y-L 

poor, distressed 

courage, bravery, valor, boldness, prow- itlki ■ i_y\j 
ess, intrepidity 

strength, power, might Syi : ^X 

suffering, pain, agony, anguish, tor- ol J* : yl 
ment, torture 

fear, dread, terror, panic <_»^- : ^.U 

harm, hurt, damage, injury jj^> i^-t 

never mind! it doesn't matter! it's all right! [jX "i 
it's OK! 

there is no objection to it, there is **j jl aj yC *i 
no harm in it; not bad, fair, unobjectionable, so-so, 
moderately satisfactory, passable, tolerable, just 
good enough, pretty good, acceptable, average, un- 
distinguished, run-of-the-mill, ordinary, common, 
mediocre, medium, middling 

considerable or large quantity or 1+j yL *i *_.< 

don't worry! don't be afraid! it won't liLlIi [jX *i 
do you any harm! 

brave, bold, courageous, yL ji i ^Ul jjj£ 

gutsy, valiant, intrepid; strong, mighty, tough, 

misery, wretchedness, unhappiness, distress, u>'y 
suffering, ill-being 

what a bad..! how bad..! what an evil..! . . liS" y-L 

how evil..! 

* * s • 

what a bad man! 0*-J\ w^> 

> ti - ' - '*-- >i V- 
and his abode is Hell, - an juaM y^j n^r • IjUj 

evil refuge indeed! 

compete in a contest with 

prominent, conspicuous, ^l» <■ j^ <. jkJi oill : jjb 
salient, noticeable, striking, remarkable, marked, 
distinct, outstanding, noted, notable, distinguished, 
eminent, illustrious, commanding; important, ma- 
jor, main, chief, principal, leading 

protruding, projecting, prominent, pro- * ^ L : jjL 
tuberant, protrusive, salient, sticking out, standing 
out, bulging out, jutting out 

embossed, in relief, raised 

A^ : JJ^ 


skilled, skillful, proficient, dexterous, adroit, deft.fjL 
expert, adept; cunning, clever, ingenious, brilliant; 
efficient, able, capable; superior, masterly, mas- 
terful, artful, subtle, workmanlike, workmanly 

very beautiful, very pretty JUJ-I itjl 

glimpse of hope, gleam of hope, ray of 
hope, trace of hope 


the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit [ <J I jwal ] Jkltjl 

to bless, invoke a blessing on; to sanction, ap- liljL 
prove, endorse, subscribe to; to congratulate, felici- 

'iiLj ill djL 

.if' .-•■»■ 
-» #* •» * • • * . 

a*jj ijji oli i»L»il« : iijL 

God bless you! 


rifle, carbine, gun 



barometric pressure 



the Creator (God) 



lS^»jjM' ."'"fi'l 





) f>L>l* 

falcon, hawk, accipiter, goshawk (^JU>) jL t jL i jL 

to sleep with, lie with, make love to, have »u.L»- : «J>L 
sexual intercourse with 

to procrastinate, stall, temporize, <J>y* » Ji»L : U»L 
put off, delay 

null, void, null and void, invalid, jy*+* < f-Y '■ JJ»l; 
of no legal force, not binding, not operative, in- 
operative, nugatory, ineffective; abolished, cancel- 
ed; obsolete, outdated, out of use, in disuse 

futile, vain, useless, unavail- *it i iSj-^r "% '-J^y 
ing, of no avail, unfruitful, fruitless, ineffectual, 
ineffective, abortive, of no effect; worthless; ab- 
surd, groundless, baseless 
false, untrue ljSI j i oiK : Ji>l> 

falsehood, falsity, falseness, untruth, lieu^ : J^*y 

wrong, injustice, oppression jyr ' iJ-k '-J^y 

» * * - 
vanity, triviality, trifle Ait jl p j\i f^ : Ji»L 

unemployed, jobless, workless, idle, J*«JI jc- Ji»L 
out of work 

false accusation or charge iU»l <L»4j 

interior, inside, inward; bottom; within; J»- 1 j : <^J»L 
sub-, under- 

essence, substance, core, pith, gist, y»>=r : i>^ 
intrinsic nature 

sole of the foot (.Jill ^L 

palm of the hand olll ^L 1 1 — «SCJ1 ^L 

inner self, inward thoughts, iJU-lj iSjj^-. :<J»Ij 
innermost feelings, heart, soul, mind 

internal (disease, medicine, etc.); inner, " ( js- 1 j : <^«J»y 
interior; inside; intrinsic 

hidden, concealed, covert, latent, eso- 'jp- :<<~! ! »y 
teric, occult, mysterious, secret, unknown, with- 
held, veiled 

subterranean, underground, subsur- "(J>yr '■'if^^i 
face; plutonic, hypogene 

concrete, beton, cement i_.;.,J :u>J?Ij 

reinforced concrete, ferroconcrete »«L-. (jy\>\> 
tankard, beaker; pitcher, jug j-£ fil :cJ»Ij 

calamities, misfortunes, catastrophes, cr Jj oLj i^^JIj 

war, warfare, fight(ing), battle, combat <_> ,»- : »L\j 


u*x (f*j- try 

to be nice to, kind to, friendly to ljJ.^1 : J^L 

to speak (out) frankly, talk freely; to be^jlo : J»-L 
explicit, clear, sincere, candid 

extensor ik-L <Loc :<k««L 

high, tall, towering, lofty {-^ j-* ' <Jl* : J^y 

brave, bold, courageous, valiant, valor- pl»»i. : J«U 
ous, intrepid, fearless, dauntless, undaunted, stout- 
hearted, lionhearted 

smiling; smiler 

hemorrhoid(s), pile(s) 


basilic vein 

senior, chief, head, president 

chief clerk 

ury-i (f>J- cr>y 

pasha (v^) ^y 

to undertake, assume, set out to, take Iju i ^y : jiU 
up, apply oneself to, attend to, pursue, practice, 
exercise, perform, carry out; to begin, start, com- 
mence, set about, set to, embark upon, enter upon, 
go into; to launch, initiate, mount 

to have sexual intercourse with, make .-U : ^.L 
love to, go to bed with, sleep with, copulate with 

sparrow hawk (>U») j£u ' j-y 

bus, autobus try.yy "u*y 

eye ij^c ■»j^> 

to lay eggs 'j^S\ Jilt : (>'ll)l ji i^il) ^iy 

Girl* £' J>"y 


crrJJ -a*y 

to stay in, remain in; to settle 
(down) at 

_; «UI :j (jiu 


„ raw, , w&\i. 


. i •> ' ' 

bean(s), broad bean(s) Jy : »>*l i »il»L ijtfl i^lil 
mug, drinking cup 

LJlj A»-lj - ***L_ 

weeping, crying, tearful, in tears; weeper,(,/Ul) tDL 
mourner, wailer 

to be or get ahead of, arrive before, come j£l '-£\i 
earlier than 

early, premature, precocious j$L* :j£\s 

early in the morning jS Ul »-Cjl j ( I^S"L 

early; prematurely; soon 'j^-« : 'vf L 

»j^$ L *»-lj - S^S y 

J—* J-i 
early, premature, precocious yL-i ij^ay 

firstfruits; firstling, first (early, earliest) produce SjjS'L 
or product or result; first sign, first indication, 
herald, harbinger, forerunner, precursor; begin- 
ning, start, rise, dawn; first, initial, early 

to urinate, micturate, make water 'Sy : JL 

mind, heart; thought jii t Je\± : Jl 

condition, state, status, situation m>j i JU- : JL 

attention, heed, regard, notice; £J±\ <. JjLc : JL 
concern; care; interest 

patience, forbearance, endurance j-^o : JL 

whale o^a- : JL 

to pay attention to, heed, J ^L (Ji)\ jl) JLt- 1 
mind, take notice of; to take into account or 
consideration; to care for; to take an interest in 

to occur to, strike, aJL ^t- jl <JL j jl <dCj _^Lt 
come to someone's mind, cross someone's mind 

important, significant, grave, serious; JL ji 


to forget, slip from someone's memory ,<JL ^ i_jL> 
neglect, omit, overlook 

what's the matter with you? what's ?idUL l> 

wrong? what's the trouble? what's up? what have 
you got to do with this? why? why are you...? 
what do you want? 

y, , JUI J^ « JUI y|U . JUI J^j , JUI J-LV 
tranquil, peaceful, at ease, com- JUI ^cSjUiJUI 

to sell <5>£l ^ui :^Ij 

to retail ,«clUi!l jl J^ill jl *J>»JL s-L 

to wholesale aJlLmJIj «■ L 

to hawk, peddle J.y*JL jl si jLIL s-L 

to auction (off), auctioneer, sell (^jJUI) jIj^L c- L 

at (or by) auction, sell under the hammer 

span of the outstretched arms (y-Lii) fl 

juai i JjjJ» «jflj— p-UI _/u<»» 'fUl Jj^J» 

incentive, motive, impulse, impe- i_-_- i «J I j : u~cL 
tus, spur, drive, inducement, stimulus, stimulant; 
cause, reason 

to separate, isolate, set apart or aside; to keep oc L 
(far) away, keep or place at a distance; to space 
out; to alienate, estrange, disaffect; to sow dissen- 
sion between 

Easter; prayers said on Easter [<J Ijwai ] &>cL 


oppressive, unjust, tyran- jlJw ( Jib : (,-cUl) pi 
nical, despotic; oppressor, tyrant, despot; wrong- 
doer; transgressor; aggressor 

seeking, aspiring, desiring, j i_-i-lj i j^-. : pi 
desirous (oO, coveting, wishing, wishful, wanting 

^cL aj>-Ij-C £u 


t^aio »»-lj-»^i lyicl 

remaining, staying; lasting, J I j / j; :,.,.. : (jJiLJl) jl 
continuing, enduring, permanent; everlasting, eter- 

surviving, staying alive, existing (»Q.I juj J*) Jl 

remaining, left, left over, resid- Jj>U i dlj^£. : jl 

remainder, remnant, residue, rest, ilii i iLii : jl 

leftover, remains, surplus, overplus, remaining 


remainder; balance; outstanding account -w>j : (jl 

j - 

the Everlasting, the Eternal (God) «I)I : ,iUI ,il 

the hereafter, the afterlife, the 5j»-^l :*jUI oQ-l 
afterworld, the life to come 

bouquet, nosegay, posy; bunch, bundle ill 

sly man, shrewd fellow, crafty person Xl»t ^ : i**l 



1 ;-v-v '<>»;«:■:« ir,3n; 


builder; mason 

(«JUI) 6L 





cinemascope screen 


i fcj \i 4** L* 


f LLjl ) 

i pkji Ll 

bathtub, tub 


to vie (in glory, beauty, elegance) with j>- 1» : ^L 

pale, pallid, wan, faded, dull, washed- i_~j-lt :oj»L 
out, faint, dim, lusterless, lackluster, drab, sober, 
sordid, ashen, blanched, muddy, rusty, lifeless, 

'•' i . '~ . i 

*— '.Mr-* w'j — •— ■ '.M-r* ■ "--* V 

dazzling, brilliant, splendid, wonderful, marvel- _^L 
ous, spectacular, magnificent, gorgeous, superb, 
fine, excellent, sensational, exquisite, superior 

exorbitant, excessive, immoderate, extortionate, Ja*L 

unreasonable, extravagant, enormous, fancy; 

expensive, high-priced, costly; heavy, burdensome, 

ponderous, cumbersome, oppressive, onerous, 


V , 

pound jujIj 

bey (s-il) (ilj 

cr^y Jf 'j _ cr?y 

(cry) crP' J i- L -' f'r'j-LrW" J 2 J -' 

baseball; Softball (i jGl o£Jf ^) JjLJb 

to pay homage to, pledge allegiance to, acknowl- vb 
edge as sovereign or leader; to induct, inaugurate, 
install, appoint, assign 

he was recognized as caliph, he ii^UJL *J >-±y 
become a caliph 

to leave, quit, part with, separate (oneself) Jjli : jjL 
from, dissociate oneself from, break (up) with, 
desert, abandon, forsake, walk out on 

to differ from, be different from, be LiJU- : jj U 


to contradict, conflict with, disagree ( Ja»\> : ^j u 

fortable, untroubled, relaxed, relieved, free from 
worry, carefree, happy-go-lucky, easygoing 

worried, concerned, anxious, appre- JUI J^Li* 
hensive, unquiet, uneasy, ill at ease, troubled, up- 
set, restless 

old, worn, worn-out, shabby, dowdy, ((JM' ) <J^ 
shoddy, battered, ragged, tattered, threadbare, 
frayed, frazzled; decrepit, dilapidated, run-down; 
decayed, decomposed, rotten, moldy; corroded, 
eroded; obsolete, timeworn, ancient, age-old, anti- 
quated, old-fashioned, outdated 

to care for or about, feel interest £>^£\ t ~»\ : _; JL 
or concern about or in; to pay attention to, mind, 
heed, take notice of, take into consideration or 

bundle, bale; parcel, package, pack <«>- :*JL 

coat, overcoat, topcoat >UIj 

to exaggerate, overdo, overstate, overdraw, j jJL 
magnify; to draw the longbow 

of age, of full age, of legal age, Sj ju t jJi. I j : jj L 
(legally) major; pubescent, sexually mature, mar- 
riageable; adult, grown-up 

mature, ripe 

t^ Cf'j" 

sink, drain, cesspool, sump; gutter 


trial balloon 


E-^ 1 


i i-JL> : i— 1 u 








ballerina, danseuse 

okra, gumbo 

cJL "Uailj 

(oLj) <L^«L cI-»Ij 
, ' » ,,- 

to appear, come out, come to light, r^\ <■ Jt^> '• uL 
come into view, come into sight, show, emerge, 
surface, crop up, manifest itself, reveal itself; to be 
or become visible, manifest, distinct, clear, patent, 
plain, evident, obvious 

tr x -> 


<j* uy 

ben tree, ben-oil tree, horse-radish (jx-) <J^ 'u'j 



■■-', ::":,*::"• i r z r 



petal V»>i ; *-^ 

■ _ j^ 
virgin, maiden *lji* : JyJ 

the Virgin Mary, the Virgin t \j j*)l -i^ : J>^JI 

' '*' 
birch, betula (v-^J »-) Xj*j 

virginity, maidenhead, maidenhood Sji* :<J_ji 

> • f * . *> 
virginal, virgin, chaste, vestal, pure (Sj->*- '■ tJyj 

.->_> " .=. >> 

'- I 1 "- -' 

LJ « Jf 'J ~ ifi 


bitumen yi i j**- : ^^Jj 

... -,.*-'*'• 

bituminous i5jl» n$j^»- ij-L^^Jj 

to spread, disseminate, propagate; to J^i i ^1j : i-j 
diffuse; to scatter 

to broadcast, radiobroadcast, transmit, (jj jI^JL) iIj 

to telecast, broadcast, televise, (ujjjJJIj) iij 

transmit, air 

to mine, lay mines in or under j pLJ il lio 

- •- --*' , -•-'-'. •.*,, * - 

to disclose, reveal, divulge, make known; ^_JI c*j 
to let out a secret; to let someone in on a secret, 
tell someone a secret 

spreading, dissemination, propagation; dif- _p; :£J 

broadcasting), radiobroadcasting, (jj jl^JL) cJ 

telecasting), broadcast(ing), (o»J^UIj) iJ 


grief, sorrow, distress, anguish lc 1 0>- : oJ 

to break out with pimples or pustules, Ju 4 jL t JL> 
form pimples or pustules, blister, vesiculate 
pustulate, pimpled, pimply, blistered, bullate, jli 
vesicular, vesiculate 

pimple, pustule, blister, vesicle, boil, papule, bleb Sjl, 
blackhead, comedo tr'jJ' i\*y *=r>JI j °jZ-> 

pustular, vesicular iSjli 

with; to be contradictory to, contrary to, opposed 
to, at variance with, inconsistent with, incompati- 
ble with 

tiger (olj^-)jlj 

parrot (^U») >\£, 

bibliographical) Cif^Jljl Jj i_- > _^. ijjl^ijlili 

bibliographer Li I^^JLJl JU : <> I ji-y±~> 

bibliography G I jc. j_l'.. 

to cut off, sever ll»» : cJ 

to decide, determine, settle, resolve, jyi 4 jjlai : cJ 
judge, adjudge; to make a decision, arrive at a reso- 
lution, have the final word, cast the die 

cutting off, cutoff, severance 

»_L» U 

settlement, decision, determination, ._». t J»oj:oJ 

definitely, decidedly, positively, absolutely, LLJ : ULj 
unquestionably, categorically, peremptorily; abso- 
lutely not, definitely not, never, not at all, not in 
the least, by no means, under no circumstances, at 
no time, in no way 

cutting, sharp, incisive, keen «_tli : jkj 

absolutely not, definitely not, never, not at Cj iCJl 
all, not in the least, by no means, under no cir- 
cumstances, at no time, in no way; whatever, 

to cut off, sever, lop off lJa» :'ji, 

to amputate, cut off, remove (»JJ Caj /\ I j Ar ) j£ 
(by surgery, etc.); to mutilate, maim; to dismem- 
ber, disconnect; to cut short, bobtail, curtail; to 
bob, dock 

amputation, cutting off, cutoff, removal; j»» :jL 
severance; mutilation; dismemberment, disconnec- 
tion; cutting short, curtailment; bobbing, docking 

petroleum, oil 
petroleum, oil 
hydromel; mead 
to cut off, sever 
to cut off, sever 

* * 

J 9 ". 



ease and comfort 
middle, center 


pure, sheer, mere, ox^]^- ' <>»»• ' <->j*o '■ '"v 

absolute, downright, outright, true, real; unmixed, 
unadulterated, plain, straight; exclusive 

hoarseness, huskiness, raucous- o^oll j "G^_l=» :o» 
ness, harshness, throatiness, gruffness; dysphoria 

to search for, look for, seek, i_JLi i j^Ij : (^t) £j« 
quest, hunt for, fish for, try to find; to grub for, 
rummage, search about; to prospect for, drill for, 

to discuss; to consider, look into; to ^ j j : ■,_•■-.; 
study, explore, inquire into, delve into, scrutinize, 
examine, investigate, inspect, check out; to deal 
with, treat; to research, do research 

search for, quest of, search- i_., i:"< <. J!~zju : (,^.) * ' 
ing for, looking for, seeking, hunt(ing); prospec- 
tion, drilling, excavation 

discussion; consideration, o»«» ' <j» j •> : '.*■-»; 

looking into; study, exploration, inquiry, scrutiny, 
examination, investigation, inspection, checking; 
treatment, treating, dealing with 

research, research work; study; sur- <Llj j : ',_•■-.; 
vey; report; treatise, paper 

in quest of, in search for jt. Ilk? 

under consideration, under tiowJI -u» <. ii-kJI 
discussion, on the tapis, on the carpet 

to scatter, disperse; to waste, squander, dissipate 

to be or become appalled, dismayed; too^i i f- ji : j*y 
be or become astounded, bewildered 

to be very thirsty, to thirst 

^ * Ui- 

jJ\ i_»">U- :j»tt 

meter, measure 

a noble man, a great Jit j\ <Jit jl e £ J»-j : ^ 
man, a scholar 

high seas, jl^l JQ i ^klll ^^ i ^IJI ^klll 
open sea 

submarine, underwater, j^v" ( 7*^~) '-'* l " 




to spout, spurt, squirt, jet, 

£>*"' l L>rri 



shoot out, cause to flow or gush out; to extrude, 
force out, push out, expel, eject, emit, discharge, 
throw out 

to cut open, slash open, slit open 
squab, fledgling pigeon 

C> : iC^ 


to rejoice at, be delighted at 

root, source; essence, heart Sjuhj iojj*j 

the right man (for); expert, specialist, l^ jk, ^ I 
connoisseur; well-informed (about), acquainted 
(with), familiar (with), aware (of), cognizant (of), 
versed (in), conversant (with) 

navel o^. :«^>u 

ruj^i J oJic i jj A.-.. c-UjjI : i^pu 

to spout, spurt, squirt, shoot o^s»i : ( grill ) ( _ r »u i^j*j 
out, jet, cause to flow or gush out 

pelican jjS Ji\* ^jU> :<ju»u i«j»j 

'i ,> , - ' , 
to be venerable, honorable; to be %*^> o^ '■ J~ 

revered, venerated, greatly respected 

to revere, reverence, venerate, dignify, ,Ur. : Jiu 
glorify, exalt, honor, esteem, respect, have great 
regard for 

to be or become 


to clinch, rivet 



.* J 8- - . 

to be or become hoarse, husky, l*-w* jL> : ?u i?u 

researcher, research worker; scholar 

sailor, seaman, mariner 

crew (of a ship, etc.) (*JJ 

) ^J^V 

affluence, opulence, prosperity, (life of) j*>j :<^£*m 




" "•■ • -?"■' - 

unlucky, unfortunate, co>..ll J^i* t c.wJI J^— . 

luckless, hapless, ill-starred, star-crossed, ill-fated 

• , > , • . > •- 

fortune-telling, divination.osyJ I °i\ji tc.Ty.ll »ci 

soothsaying, augury 

^r^ fr'j -^^ 

to steam; to evaporate; to boil ojUo -u-LaJ : jiu 

to have bad breath, be bad-smelling, be (nill) j*j 

to vaporize, evaporate, volatilize jUo J J J*>- i^ay 
to steam, fume j^-U i^S* : j^ 

to fumigate ja^r^i J*^ '■ j^V 

to incense, cense, perfume with jj»«JIj 

halitosis, bad breath, 
bad-smelling breath 

to decrease, diminish, reduce; to depreciate, less-^piu 
en the value of, disparage, belittle; to undervalue, 
underestimate, underrate 

to wrong; to withhold someone's due 

low; very low; too little; cheap ua^-j 1 u 'ai ■» ■ » : (j-s^ 

tip, gratuity, baksheesh jZ,\j 4 6l>L»- : (j~— ^ 

to gouge out, scoop out, tear out Uui : (yl«Jl) <J»«j 

to be or become stingy, niggard- }Lau 6^ : J*i ' J** 
ly, miserly, parsimonious, avaricious 

to stint, scant, scrimp, <u* _jl <LU ( Jmj jl) Jmj 

skimp, penny-pinch, (be)grudge, withhold (from), 

treat stingily, refrain from granting (to), give with 

reluctance (to), give too little (to) 

.• > 
stinginess, niggardliness, miserliness, parsimony, Jm 

closeflstedness, tightfistedness, penny-pinching, 

penuriousness, avarice, greed 

veil, kercheif, shawl, head cover- ^l^U <Lkc : £Ju 

incense; frankincense 


lucky, fortunate 


stingy, niggardly, miserly, parsimonious, (iiuo) J-au 
closefisted, close, tightfisted, tight, cheeseparing, 
penny-pinching, penurious, churlish, hardfisted, 


.. . > > , 


in the course of, within, 
during, in (a period of) 

J^U- j:\jk j^, j 

crisis; delirium; coma 

[v*J»] (</^»^*) 


pond; pool 


■ ij9*> 

• - 4 
marine; maritime; naval; nautical; jj«Jl (>>U- 


■^J 9 ". 

sailor, seaman, mariner 



submarine, underwater, undersea 1$j**> c-»J 

maritime law, marine law 

naval forces, sea forces 

.2 • - * n\ 



pebbles, little stones; gravel, 
rock; road metal, macadam 

ballast, crushed 





Cj\ j .-^iJU \jO&- ' 


to snore 

'*'■ •'■ ■ '1 '• .'*■' 

to spray, sprinkle, shower, splash, spatter, ,jlj : ~ 
spout, squirt; to atomize 

to drizzle, sprinkle I il ij o_^k.l : i\^J\ oj*j 

spraying, sprinkling, showering, splashing, ^J. j : tu 
spattering, spouting, squirting; atomization, atom- 
bravo! well done! excellent! great! 

spray, sprayer, spray can; atomizer; 
sprinkler; squirt 

vapor; steam; fume 

water vapor 

steam, steam-driven; steamy; vaporous, 
vaporish, vaporific, vapory 

steam bath 

steamship, steamer, steamboat 


steam engine 

steam iron 

to snore 

luck, fortune 

bad luck, misfortune 

JCf JCf 'Cf 

•* r. 'V' 
■* ]'."-'. .- 

- V.". 1*- ' 

s '. •:' ■ s i '• .'•-'•- 




?.'r!R^ • '.iM\dJ*?w.>amHm^ 

primitive, primeval, rudimentary, pri- IJIju '^'-V 
mordial; elementary, elemental, primary, prelimi- 
nary; initial, first, original; archi-, arch-; incipient, 
inchoate, embryonic 

of first i nstance [ o>> l» J y> I Jj 

court of first instance iJlju i«iCj« 

primitiveness, primitivism <LjIju (<UjIju 

*jj a»-Ij-»JLL« ijjl :5lju 

whim, caprice, fancy ijj> :5lju 

hurry! hurry up! quick! fj-^ : jl-V 

grocer, greengrocer JUj : Jlju 

money-changer eil^ :JIju 

(telephone) exchange, central; switch- (o>iL)l) i) I ju 

obesity, corpulence, fatness, plumpness, ii»~ : ij I ju 
stoutness, fleshiness; overweight 

intuition; spontaneity, impulse; naturalness ialjj 

intuitively, a priori; spontaneously i* I allL i i* I ju 

nomadism, Bedouinism, desert life, Sjlju iojIju 

Bedouin life 

*ju »j;-Ij-»JLL. ijjl :XjIju 
at first, in the beginning J* H\ l> I ju J 

court of first instance i; I ju kSm 

i - '\ ■ - v .- - '.' > 

(*ju) »aJI -Lj. »j>-Ij -AjIjJI 11, 

,,» -5- , s * , s , 
to scatter, disperse, diffuse, J I jl i oii. c 3^ ■ J-u 
strew about; to disband, separate, break up, dispel, 
drive away; to remove, eliminate, get rid of, do 

away with 

s .- -s- 

to waste, squander, dissipate, fritter uJju i j-u : j -u 

away, throw away, lavish 

to come unexpectedly upon, come J»-l* < ^-"v : j-4 
suddenly upon, surprise, take by surprise; to 
descend swiftly upon, overtake 
to hurry to, hasten to, rush to, run to <rj~.\ : <JJ jju 

full moon J-IS" j*i : jJj 

broom (oLj) Jljj ioISCju 

1 ■ » tfff. ' ■■■■ ■ -«i 


grudging, avaricious, greedy 

miser, niggard, skinflint, penny-pincher.L^l) J-au 
churl, muckworm 

jLh9- ( , >« Il» t 


jjj »J>-lj - Ju 

^*- : jj 

Jjj5,yiJU J 

escape, way out; avoidance 
alternative, choice, option 

definitely, certainly, ju ^_* j^ i jj jj j* 
assuredly, sureOy); without fail, by all means; inev- 
itably, unavoidably, inescapably, necessarily 

it is inevitable, unavoidable, in- <u^ ju "il t j^. jj "il 
escapable; it is necessary, essential, indispensable, 
mandatory, imperative 

I must, ought to, should, have to, have no ,J jj "il 
alternative, have no choice 

match, peer, fellow, equivalent, equal, coun- jj&> : ju 
terpart, parallel 

to begin, start, commence, initiate, <i j\ f<JJI Iju 
institute, introduce, open, set about, set to, go into, 
enter upon, launch, mount; to originate, create, 
make, produce, engender, generate, bring into 
being, give birth to, bring about 

to begin, start, set in, commence, origi- l^J^h l-u 
nate, get under way, come into being, come into 
existence, arise, rise, spring up, crop up, dawn 

to appear, come out, come to light, come '^> : I ju 
into sight, come into view, show, emerge, loom, 
crop up, surface, manifest itself, reveal itself; to be 
or become visible, apparent, manifest, distinct, ob- 
vious, evident, plain, clear; to seem, look, sound, 
appear, give the impression of being 

it seems, it looks, it appears, jjuI L. J* 4 (uO i^i 
it sounds; apparently, seemingly, to all appear- 
ances, most likely 

to give precedence to J* Jjai i J* ^ j» : (J*) I ju 

(over), give priority to (over), give preference to 

(over), prefer (to) 

beginning, start, commencement, out- »ik. i Jjl : »jj 

set, onset, inception, incipience, rise, dawn, first, 

alpha, prime, early stage, first appearance; starting 


beginning, start(ing), ^Ijj! i i'jtC. i J^ll : *JJ 
commencement, commencing, initiation, initia- 
ting, institution, instituting, introduction, introduc- 
ing, opening, launching 

• - *'t 
from the (very) beginning, from the out- , jJI 11. 

set, ab initio 


to be or become fat, corpulent, obese, ,j*~ : uJj 'UJj 
stout, plump 

body; trunk; torso; hull, body (of a ship, — -»- : u Jj 
airplane, etc.) 

(ul**-) J*j '-0-4 

mountain goat 

(o'>^-) tM-l Jf-L. :0-4 

bodily, physical, corporal, somatic, fleshly, ^Jju 


physical education 4-jjj 4-j^j 

.' - .i " *.' ' 

to surprise, take by surprise; to come cJu itli : »ju 
suddenly upon, come unexpectedly upon 

nomads, Bedouins <C jUI ijlSL. : jju 

wandering nomads J»- j j-u 

desert <CjL : jjo 

j jj-lj - % :6jJb 

Bedouin, nomad; nomadic iSjju 

wonderful, marvelous, amazing, p- jJL--. i «j I j : v Jj 
splendid, magnificent, superb, gorgeous, admira- 
ble, excellent, fine; unique, unprecedented, origi- 
nal, novel 
creator, maker, author p- jl-i i ,J)U- : ujj 

rhetoric, good style, the art or science of «j1)I Ac- 
figures of speech 

rhetorical 'i£% ' cf^i ■lf*i J i 

substitute, alternate, alternative, replace- J-u : Jj ju 
ment, standby, stand-in, reserve; spare; relief, 
understudy, double 

fat, obese, stout, corpulent, fleshy, plump, (>-— : (jjju 

intuition; spontaneity, impulse; improvisation i^ ju 
intuitively, a priori, spontaneously; *i>^JI <J* 

^ :**ju 

'^'" ■■-■-■■■WF7TI 

to be wonderful, marvelous, UjujI Uj-u ols :f Jj 
amazing, splendid, unique, original, novel, unprec- 

to accuse of heresy iijJI J J <l__; :ijj 

- • * - • 

new, novel, unprecedented, Cjjim i jja»- :p jl> 


innovator, originator, inventor, creator ,p^~> : p jj 

no wonder! pjj M 

novelty, innovation, new creation; 
fad, craze, rage 

heresy, heterodoxy, ik\>jt> :(»JJ iljj) <cx> 


to change, alter, vary, modify, convert, JLc. : Sju 
turn, transfer, transform, trasfigure, transmute, 
commute, reduce, reverse, make different; to 
mutate, permute; to shift, switch 

to exchange (for), give Jju^.1 ( JjuI : (^ ( _,) 31J 

or receive in exchange (for), commute (for); to 

replace (by or with), substitute (for), put in place 

(of); to alternate 

- > , ;- >> -,s- 
to commute WJJ J ^ **>** (J -4 

consideration, equivalent, return; Jjli» i (jijc : Jju 
exchange; substitute, offset, setoff, recompense, 
compensation; reimbursement; payment; allow- 
ance; price, rate; fee, charge 

Ji:4 (fr^J ~i)i? J . : d-4 
apposition, appositive [iil]jal 

instead of, in place of, in lieu of, as a ^. SIa< i tJ-4 
substitute for or alternative to, in replacement of, 
in exchange for, in return for 

subscription rate; participation fee S\ J ~ S 1\ J-b 
rent, rental, hire jkj^l SA 

(ji:) a* 


cr 'j _ o- 


suit; costume; uniform 

substitutive, substitutional; substitute, 
alternate, alternative 



_i. j- . ■ •„-»—; 


seed(s); seedling(s) 


seed; pip, pit, stone, kernel; germ i\y <. ij'y : i'jju 

to give generously, grant J^ijl i j jU- itjkcl :jjj 
liberally; to offer, extend; to spend freely 
to sacrifice (y»*>:JJj 

'{■- •' *&'{■' '' '• ' \ '"' \'"' Y' 

JJb 40049- ^Jj (JJb t fl jjq^h jl 0-X49- J' 0O49- UJJ 
■ ' • 1 s i2- !'"' -1'' ••* '1' - 

to spare <u_j j L Ji jl <u-j J-b 1 o-^j:- lijLoi 
no effort, make every effort, do one's best, do 
one's utmost, do all in one's power, do all what 
one can, do anything, stop at nothing, leave no 
stone unturned, take pains, go to great pains, go to 
any length, go to all lengths, go to great lengths 

to exert (strength, »JJ I jjii jl Ij>*^v ji »y J-b 
effort, influence, etc.) 

to obey, follow, submit to, yield to,u jW icUJI JJu 
surrender to, defer to, succumb to 

49-jJI fL. JJb 
f> » , ' * ' * 

to sacrifice oneself o^i o* ->' *J^* U -J J 4 — *• J- 1 ? 
for someone 

to lose face 
to make efforts 

giving, granting; offering, extending 

• Uu 



spending, expenditure 



generosity, liberality, openhandedness 







* * - 


generous, liberal, openhanded 



suit; costume; uniform iJju 

1 ojj :i) jj lilJu 

^ ffrlj 


obscene, ribald, dirty, foul, filthy, vulgar )cr i»-U : »(3Ju 
indecent, bawdy, nasty, scurrilous, shameless, 
lewd; abusive 

tobe pious, dutiful, JJ (j-*-\ <■ p LU I 1 1 jL. 0^ '-jj 
devoted, reverent, faithful, kind, true; to honor, 
revere, venerate, treat with reverence or kindness; 
to obey, be obedient to; to do good to, be charitable 

to keep, fulfill, carry out, <u--j jl *Jji jl o-itj J ^ 
live up to, redeem, make good (one's promise, 
one's word, one's oath) 

extempore, extemporaneously, offhand(edly), im- 
promptu, without preparation, on the spur of the 

self-evident, axiomatic, taken for granted, "irt-i- 
a priori, obvious; intuitive 

,-- f ,\ - -,. - * ? * 

1 yt-*^ Cr? "-" </*-i; 

it goes without saying (u\ 

(that); it is self-evident, axiomatic, obvious, un- 
questionable, undeniable, indisputable 
axiom, truism, self-evident truth, fundamental '■ 

to defeat, beat, overcome, get the better of Lie : jj 

to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, outclass.Jli : Jj 
overtop, beat (out), outshine, eclipse, be or prove 
superior to 

slovenly, slipshod, shabby, frowsy, un- <Lil iij : J|j 
tidy, ill-dressed, wretched 

to use obscene language; to be or be- l$jj i_j jj 1 1 jj 
come obscene, ribald, vulgar 

li *j>-Ij - IJb 

i l-b «jj- \j — *l jj 

obscenity, ribaldry, dirtiness, {{&1\ j) j£*i :'i(\jj 
foulness, vulgarity, indecency, scurrility, bawdi- 
ness, nastiness, shametessness; abusiveness 

slovenliness, shabbiness, untidiness illil iSlS j : a j IJu 

seeder, sowing machine jJUl i)l :5jlJb 

to spend lavishly; to be lav- (jiliJI jl JliJ)/l j) i ju 
ish, prodigal; to live in great luxury, live in opulent 
comfort; to be self-indulgent 

to be or become haughty, proud JSS : i- jJ 

to be or become high, lofty, elevated «jj jl : r-Jj 

lavish expenditure, lavish- (<J^*)\ jl jlil'l/l j) f jj 
ness, prodigality, extravagance; luxury, high living; 
pomp, splendor 

haughtiness, pride JSS :rl> 

to sow, seed; to disseminate, spread, jlj < y^ : j jj 

to waste, squander, dissipate, fritter Jyu t jjj :jjb 
away, throw away, lavish 

sowing, seeding; dissemination, jJb jj^u ijl, 

spreading, strewing 

<*»i^j rr> 

recovery, recuperation, convalescence, * lii : tji 
healing, cure 

dust, earth; soil i_»I^J : iSji 

free from, clear of, exempt from; innocent of ,y> 1\ji 

innocence, guiltlessness, inculpa- 
bility, blamelessness 

* - I • - . - ^ 

7* "" I j* "" - " ^ 

innocence, naivete, artlessness.ingen- ii-lJL- : 5 i 
uousness, guilelessness 

i" . * 

freedom from, being free from ^ ji»- : ^ i i 

patent, letters patent; license, S jl»- 1 i ~<*o- j : 5 £ 
permit, authorization 

certificate, diploma, degree 
patent (on an invention) 

jo l^ : o i 
■ > 


*i) *i 

acquittance, discharge, quittance, quit- i. i i i 

patentee e-l^l SzQ J^l»- 

pocketknife, penknife <_"~ c j t £— :i'fl^j 

pencil sharpener ( f$i\} ii\'J> 

vast expanse, empty stretch of*£ jli ^> jl i «.„.:.. : ^l^j 
land, empty space 

departure, leaving, going away Sj jU> : -Ay, 

openly, overtly, publicly; <>■ \'^> i l^ii- : £• I^J 
frankly, explicitly, straightforward(ly) 

refrigerator, icebox ii-Si : jl^ 

cold storage plant a, Jz J^U : z\*y 

(iron) filings aj^J 'jJs- <u. Lal.J L :(jjjil) o'i\'ji 
excrement, feces, stool J>3lc : j)^ 


to accept, approve 


: uSli » J)l 

to be true, truthful, valid ciluo ^..^ll 

land, mainland, terra firma, earth, ground i 

5 - 


by land, sea and air 




ff 'j-j^ 


charity, beneficence, benefaction, benevo- uLj-l :^j 
lence, philanthropy, performance of good deeds 

piety, dutifulness, devo- r%o i <cU» i v "^*"] '• y. 
tion, fidelity, faithfulness, loyalty, attachment; obe- 
dience; reverence, veneration; kindness; upright- 
ness, probity 

filial piety, filial devotion, filial duti- t jjjJI_jJL ^1 

fulness, filial obedience, etc. 

„ — »,, 
to create (said of God) JJJl»- : I^j 

ti^! (fr h~ ^ '-\y. 

,to recover, recuperate, convalesce, heal, JiL, : lSy 
regain health, get well, be cured, be restored to 

to be or become ,y> tyAsC <. <j> !A»- : ,ja Isy 

free(d) from, cleaKed) from, exempt(ed) from, 
released from; to get rid of, rid oneself of, free 
oneself from 

Crt ^ty ^ '-Crl &>. 

to be innocent of, guiltless 

to create (said of God) 

&y jf 'j- ty^\ L* 

to sharpen, point; to scrape off, abrade, £^1 <Sj> 
chafe, fret, excoriate, scratch off, rub off, shave off, 
wear away, wear off; to whittle down, taper off, 
pare; to trim, shape 

to emaciate, enervate, attenuate, thin L/ a3^JI <Sy 
out, waste away; to weaken, enfeeble, debilitate, 
sap, devitalize 

to acquit (from), absolve (from), excuplate (^) I^j 
(from), exonerate (from), clear (from), find 
(pronounce, declare) innocent or guiltless or not 
guilty (of); to free (from), release (from), relieve 
(from), discharge (from) 

creation jii : t-y 


r """ f j 


(Cr'jjt %) J>Ji 

orange, orange-colored 

claw, talon 

tower; castle f^ j* ^- J . ' r** ' Cr°^ '• T-J'- 

sign (of the zodiac) i!»lil i^U if, t ^i 

constellation, <ljl5 

l*^9u A£>y3%A l <*5 jS ! 7*^j 

dovecot, pigeon house 

f^l £>! 

ivory tower 

watchtower, lookout 

<J\jL\ rjJ 



JTJ^ 1 »>J J 


i_io* \(jn\^ji 

compass(es), dividers 

jOjj 1 jlxL • LHTji 

knuckle, finger joint 

«-«o^ll (* :*aj»^j 




-s.i • ' 


(v»0 ur&ji 

to leave, depart from, go away from 

j->^ : C^ 

still, yet; to continue to be; to con- J I j L. : *yj L. 
tinue to do, keep doing, go on doing 


he is still strong 

to torment, agonize, excruciate; to trouble, 

harass; to fatigue, exhaust 

» .-.- 1- -•* 

agony, pain, anguish; distress Sol < oloc : >U-^ 

paroxysm; fit <j>; i Jo'}\ jloli.1 : ȣ- jj 

to be or become cold; to cool, cool off, I jjL jU> : iji 
cool down, chill 

to feel cold ^J^. j*~ '■ *y. 

to file, rasp »Lii 1 ^ :(jj~tf) iy 

to mail, post, send by mail • x ij4^. J-j' : i Ji 

j'a . 

to cool off, lose ardor or enthusiasm or <cl»* o j^j 
interest, start to feel indifferent or unwilling; to be 
discouraged, disheartened, dispirited, chilled 

to cool, chill, make cold; to refrigerate; bjU <lu»- : iji 


■ '• • ..:vi; ? ; ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ . ■ "?■' - , 

skill, skillfulness, proficiency, dexterity, Sjl** :**^ 
adroitness, adeptness, deftness, knack, expertise, 
expertness, know-how; cunning, craft(iness), inge- 
nuity, ingeniousness; mastery, artfulness, artistry; 
efficiency, capacity, ability; facility; finesse; crafts- 
manship, workmanship 

>&. •' . >.-•'• Its • > *s. ..-- 

paraffin p>*-J' f~o J JuT,,,'! **_j»j Sju :^j)^j 

shining, sparkling, flashing, gleaming, glit- £."ll : <j\jj 
tering, glistening, glimmering, shimmering, radi- 
ant, dazzling, bright, brilliant, refulgent, resplen- 
dent, beaming; shiny, lustrous 

miller o&^> '-^ji 

outer, outside, outward, outermost, lyrj^- : Lr»L* 
out-, ect-, ecto-, exterior, external; extraneous, ex- 
trinsic; foreign 

pencil sharpener ( p^lil) <u'^ 

"- - * .-.-> 
shavings, parings, chips, splinters, slivers *JU»i :<j^ 

_, > >. , .-. - . .-•- 

Oj^miU t Jjj 3 *-* ' t-fj*AA 'Fiji 

drain, culvert; sewer 
(pipe); water pipe 



to babble, jabber, gabble, gibber 

the Berbers 


'• 'II •* I * '•' 

barbaric, barbarous, barbar- /-^»-j 1 iff* ' ^S-rt-rt 
ian, savage, uncivilized, wild, inhuman(e) 

barbarism, barbarity, barbari- ~<~-»-5 <■ \?y* '• ^jiji 
anism, savagery, savageness, wildness, inhumanity 



silurid, catfish, sheatfish 

red mullet 


caryopsis Sj»-Ij Ify oli '• 


navel orange 


ill) iyc '-litjl 

\iSj+> &-*) jy.j> 
(ifU-.) ijxjt '6>jjj 

(HSj*> &*~) uriiji 

(oLj) Oj** y\ JUj^j 

:*-'- i 'i s ': -.*-: .'. s - 

isthmus [jvjJjj Lil^i»-] fjy 

partition, screen, divider, bar j* U- : f- jy 

interval, time cij i ^j J*>li : fjy 

sesame rusk, sesame zweiback viij'^ r) **jy 

protozoan l+< JjLti. jl oljJ^JI o»-l :i3jj^j 

Protozoa *4^-' '-^J °^'.»^' :Cj liJJjr" 

cotton ^yk* '-ijuji i u*ji 

pleurisy \ty>y) S--4-' °'^ : f^"^ 

cudweed (^Ly) *~-jj 

clover, trefoil, berseem (cjLj) a^^j 

mat •ji^ 1P " • cA^ 

rivet * li.^j jLL. : » Li^j 

cachet, capsule ( * I j j l^I*- 1 jj ) ilJ. <j Li^ 

Host, wafer, particle [ i-J I j^al ] ii b ^i 

soft-boiled (eggs) (i/*r! ) "~"^ 

to rivet, clinch ^kj : pi^ 

to be or become a leper; to be or become leprous ^ay 



doorstep, threshold, doorsill ili : <jiU»^ 

to bribe, buy off, corrupt L j : JJ»^j 

bribery *JJ»^ 

to pout ?L-_1 4 ; 7nT.. Uil '-nJ»ji 

to be or become angry, cross, irritated <_~ai : rX>y 

bribe; hush money; bribery iy. j : J-J»^; 

to be skilled, skillful, proficient; to l*jL olS" :( j) f_^ 
excel (in), distinguish oneself (in), do excellent 
work (in); to master, be an expert (in) 

to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, out- Jli : f y 

shine, eclipse, be or prove superior to 

~ * ~ * ~ *~ 


to freeze 



to air-condition 

i\jk\ iJ^S : *y 

to soothe, alleviate, mitigate, <ijj- 
relieve, allay, assuage, ease, lighten 


hail, hailstones 

|.LjJ' i_-»- : $y 

cold(ness), coolness, chilliness 

y>- JU*> ' Jjj 

filing, rasping 

( J ^) >sl 

garment, gown 

^y '■** 

ague, feverish chill; malaria, 

(u^s*) **?j! '■ »'•** 

pitcher, jug 

3iy.\ '■^ i ji 

curtain, drape(s), drapery, hangings) 5 jL- : "L I iy 

blind(s), Venetian ijjji* ( $'%i>\ ol j) Cl *y 


hailstone j^j io- :5jjj 

.- - . .< 

garment, gown <_^ li'j^j 

saddle, packsaddle, bard (<1\ aJl) it jy 

papyrus (oLi) ijj^j 

papyrology oCj^I JLc 

saddle, packsaddle, bard (ill aJl) it j^j 

workhorse, jade, nag; hackney (o\y^-) ujj^j 

to justify, warrant, vindicate; to account for jy 

to rationalize [o-*J ] jy. 

to appear, come out, come into sight, come J^> : jy 
into view, come to light, show, emerge, surface, 
crop up, rise, arise, spring up, manifest itself, 
reveal itself; to stand out; to come to the fore; to be 
or become conspicuous, prominent, outstanding 

to occur, happen, take place Cjjs- : jy 

to protrude, bulge, jut out, stick out, stand Uj : j'y 
out, project, poke 

to excel (in), be outstanding (in), be pre- «■ y : ( j) j'y 
eminent (in), be excellent (in), distinguish oneself 
(in), do excellent work (in) 

to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, (jili : (J*) jy 
overtop, outshine, eclipse, be or prove superior to 
--.< "'i * --•* - s - 



ule i 



y (?r ] j-u*iJ '£ L 


to bless, invoke a i^^Jlj <J tc^ : *j ji <^ ^y 
blessing on 

compass(es), dividers j\£L> '-j^y 

volcano jlj Jli- : u^^j 

volcanic; igneous ,J 1£"^j 

blessing, benediction; good fortune; prosperity; iS - ^ 
continual good, abundant good; felicity 

mallard, wild duck 
pond; pool 
swimming pool, pool 


parliamen- iJU^lJI oUI^V)" j s-jIj : 7y LJ^> 

-jj^^JI ..IkJI i-Lilfl^ i*>SC»- 'i^ljJ^ iiLoj- 
to twist, twine, entwine, curl, kink Jo*- t jzi : »ji 
to be or become weary (of), (sick j*yi> » ^L. : ( j ) »^ 

and) tired (of), bored (with), fed up (with); to tire 
(of), weary (of); to find wearisome or boring or 
annoying; to be or become impatient (with), dissa- 
tisfied (with), annoyed (by) 

boredom, weariness, tiredness, ennui, js^o i ^L : ^ 
tedium; impatience, restlessness, uneasiness, an- 
noyance; discontent, displeasure, dissatisfaction, 

weary, tired, bored, fed up; impatient, js^o i -L. : ^ 
restless, uneasy, unquiet, annoyed, vexed, irritat- 
ed; dissatisfied, discontent, displeased, disgusted 

amphibious; amphibian , ^ U j 

twist, twine, kink 


roach; rudd 

bud, burgeon, sprout, shoot 

•*\j>. £>"' : (*/! 

f-y ^r'J-^i^ji i $3*j> ' 4 * c ^ 
mosquito(es), gnat(s), midge(s) (<1c^j U j^L.) fj&'ji 
to granulate, grain 
bulgur, crushed wheat; grits 

flea (»j*^>-) &5£j> 

shrimp, prawn u^jj ' w-^J '■ y*J\ ^t^y 

, ■, .* r ' • > 
chigoe, chigoe flea, chigger, (ij^>-) J—JI ^ti-y 

jigger, sand flea 



(oU) d..i.l^l ill 

o^yry 'My 

to flash, sparkle, shine, glitter, glisten, gleam, VlJ : j^j 
twinkle, glimmer, shimmer, radiate, beam 

it lightened, there was lightning JllLlI ci^j 

spangles (^H (j-^&ll Cru''^) yy : J^ 



oy ' tr» j : yiijj 

to variegate; to color 


to veil 

veil, yashmak (worn by women) 

plum, bullace 

blackthorn, sloe (^^j) jt^— " <3y y 

telegraphic, telegraph-, cable (j»'y^ : l/*'y 

telegram, cable, cablegram, wire, telegraph ili^j 

to kneel down; to lie down, rest ^ j i j-LiLl : Sji 

to make (a camel) kneel down 



■■ ■■■ ...:..;-L /. — 

protest (of a bill, for non-acceptance, for 





protein, proteinaceous 

trumpeter, bugler, cornetist 


* ' t 

> > 



cold(ness), coolness, chilliness, fri- °jl>>- x»o 'iijjt 

coldness, coolness, frig- til^i I »a& , jyi : Sjj^j 
idity, tepidity, unfriendliness; indifference, non- 
chalance, apathy, disinterest(edness), lack of con- 
cern or interest 

(sexual) frigidity; anaphrodisia 
frozen (food, etc.) 
to frame 

, >> * '. , 

jLL>L> J»l="-I '-Jiji 

emergence, emersion, appearance, rise, j^J> : jjj, 
manifestation; prominence, conspicuousness 

occurence, happening 

>> > > 

protrusion, prominence, projection, 
protuberance, bulge, jut 

prostate gland, prostate oblj^l Sac- lOUwjjj 


brooch, pin, breastpin ,Jj J> y-y j : y-jjj 

test, experiment, trial; tryout; rehearsal ij 

fitting, trying on of new clothes 

proof, proof sheet 

professor jj-jj^ 

asphodel (oLi)jjjj 

proletarian lijlzJjjj 

proletariat CjlzJjjj 

* .» 
bromine ubfJji l ?3ji 

• .- ' > 

bromide -^^iji l -h*iji 

• * 
bronze j'iji 

■■■.:. ■ ..: ..-:"■ . .»»: 


to program 





c-j^jjJI jl aJUuJI j^,'jj 


l>->'j j j' J-Jj 


Oulii.i ij 

barrel; cask, keg; tun 



program; plan; schedule; curriculum; list ^, Li^j 

agenda, schedule 

i]\^c\ Jjj»- : ^.U^jj 

platform (^i.^ ji v>J) 

software ^yjj3G)ll Jiill jl jJ^-J.^CJI p-*\'J* 

burnoose, hooded cloak 


to varnish, lacquer, japan 

clay vessel, clay pot 


varnish, lacquer, japan 

-'*- -'1 •■:•■' 

hippopotamus, river horse ^»JI jl _^l y-jj :JJjj 

proof, evidence, demonstration Sj—j 1 JJj : uU^j 

evidential, probative, demonstrative, proof "^Xuji 

while, period, time; instant, moment, minute, 4*^ 
little while, short while, short time 

to prove, demonstrate, establish, substan- c-J I : j*jj 
tiate, verify, show, evidence; to testify, attest to, be 
evidence of, bear witness to 

proving, proof, establishment, verifi- oL5 1 : <ui^ 
cation, substantiation, demonstration, showing, 












1 * " ' ■'■■•• ~^ 

British, Britannic ^j LL^ 

shine, luster, gloss, sheen; glitter, glisten, ol*«J : jj^j 
brightness, brilliance, radiance, sparkle, twinkle, 
effulgence, refulgence, resplendence 

beryl f_/ >w- : Jj^ 

rope; string, cord, twine; lace; gimp J»l»- . Jl»- : ^ 

drill, borer, gimlet, auger, wimble, bracei_jlii. :«U-i^ 
and bit, broach, awl, perforator, driting machine; 

to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, overtop, Jli : jj 
outshine, eclipse, be or prove superior to 

to defeat, beat, overcome, get the better of i_Ji. : j 

linen oU»Lj . <Lju5 V^ 'ji 

cloth; dry goods, textiles; f\yr ' ' *-~r* ' ' cr 1 ^ : ji 


clothes, clothing <_r?^. . uU : ^ 

seedsman jjj-r-" ^ '-^j 1 . 

seeder, sowing machine 

:-'■■■' ™ --'-■ 


draper, cloth merchant, mercer, dry 
goods merchant, dealer in textiles 

spit, spittle, saliva 

jjlll ill :SjIjj 
3' Jjl 

: JL* 

snail; slug (jl Jj £/ iiljj 

Jljj luflj— i_JLJ ^Jljj 

bunghole, bung (of a cask) ( J^^Jl) Jf^ 

drill, gimlet, broach, perforator; cork- i_JLL. : Jljj 

trocar, trochar J^JJ <L» 

nozzle; spout, waterspout 

uniform; suit; costume; dress; clothes, i_jCi . l-j^ :5^j 
clothing, attire, apparel 

falconry LjJjxL^j -4-« a " j' •'j~" S- J j J -' ^j'Oi 

to sow, seed jjj :jjj 

sowing, seeding j^j jjua. :jJj 

seedtime j^JI ijljl ' j>JI «->• 

seed(s) (jj> £■) jjj 

linseed, flaxseed 0^1 1 jj^ 

5I'j!:JI> ; 

bronze, bronzy ^iji 

terrestrial, land <■?->*"* *■*«? : t5jj 

wild, undomesticated, untamed (ol>*il o**) t5-rf 

wild, uncultivated (oLJI ^) Js^ 

innocent, guiltless, not (**— • ^ 1 i_-jju ^ : »i$^j 
guilty, inculpable, blameless, clear 

innocent, naive, ingenuous, Ja~~j . -r iL : «c$^> 
guileless, artless, simple, unsophisticated 

free from, clear of, ^ <>»)U- ; ^ JU- : ,3-1 )!<5^ 
exempt from 

abrasion, fret(ting), wear, wearing <Sy jJ-a» : ijji 
away, scraping off; whittling down, tapering off, 
taper; sharpening, trimming 

beriberi (i>»j-«) t5jj <£j> 

creation, creature(s), created c.I»^JL»m . ji»- '~<>_ji 
being(s); mankind, people, human beings 

wild, wilderness, wild land, desert, waste, jii : <o^j 

mail, post 


surface mail 

registered mail 

postage; mailing charges 

to mail, post, send by mail 

postpaid j 


mailman, postman, mail carrier 

post-office box, P.O.Box, P.O.B.; 
mailbox, postbox 

stamp, postage stamp 

post office 

bridge (game) 

postal, mail 


(postal) money order, postal order 

postal address; mailing address 

plug; outlet; socket 

* "i ' f * 1 * ' 

. >'.- ? v -' * '- 
' '"1 

-b^JI J>»-l (j^Jv^ 
Jj^JI |»^- 

oj^JI (jcL. 
jj^JI iijxi*o 

jj^JI iuLt> 

*jAj^i iiUaj 
"". 1 '•* 


spades (<_^>JLI1 iijj J) ijy—i 

to frown, scowl, glower, lower ^-x. : j-j 

, ,',. .* ,.'_-,.'. - - , 

unripe dates C"^ ^ C^ ° J—i 

to spread (out)', outspread, stretch out, j-li <. 1* : Ja_j 
outstretch, extend, expand; to unfold, unroll, un- 
wind, open, roll out 

to level (off), even, flatten, flat, iSy <■ J+* '■ SL-> 

to set forth, present, lay open; to rj, i Jojt. : JaL 
explain, expound, elucidate 

to please, delight, gladden, cheer (up), ^» : JjLj 
make happy 

to Tay (set, spread) the table S jj U I JjLj 

>' >> ' 

to dominate, control, command, J* ozyu SL~> 

sway, hold sway over, impose one's authority 
upon, have a dominant influence over 

to lend a (helping) hand to, J 5 jx.Ql jj J»_j 

extend aid to, come to the aid of, help, aid, assist, 

to be simple, plain; to be light, slight, LL_j ylS" : JaL 
trivial; to be naive, ingenuous, artless 

to simplify, make simple; to facilitate, j-j i Ji- : JiL 
make easy 



; ,)i,,,i 

extension, expansion, spreading, stretching, 1* : JaL> 
unfolding, unrolling, opening 

leveling (off), flattening, grading >.|." : JjLj 

setting forth, presentation, laying open, Jojt. : J»Lj 
exposition, explanation, expounding, elucidation 

delight, pleasure, joy, happiness jj^. : J»_j 

numerator [oL^jIjjJ ^Sl\ Sj^> : Ja-j 

abundance, plenty, profusion iji j i d : <Ua_j 

affluence, opulence, wealth <j~r*" *^*~i i<I»-j 

expanse, extent, scope, c-LJl i jIjC^I i (^jj :ikLj 


to be high, tall, towering, lofty *jL> jl : J_j 

bicycle C-J-Cj 

LWV!'!' , '' r7-; 

i 1 

:4 J^ 

seed; pip - , pit, stone, kernel; germ 

to rise (sun, etc.); to dawn (day, era, etc.); to «ii> : <f\t 
break (forth); to appear, emerge, come out 

to cut, slash open, slit open, rip open 

to spit 

lute, mandolin 

to tap, broach, puncture, pierce, perforate, 
make a hole in 

paracentesis, puncture, tarXping), 3_^> j ,ua,4 : Jjj 

bismuth [ * \.,S \ £jyt\i i O u \> 

rise (of the sun, etc.); sunrise; dawn; emergence, ejjj 
emersion, appearance, coming out 

to crumble 

and the mountains shall be crum- Lj JL»J' 
bled to atoms 


carpet, rug, drugget; mat 
funeral cloth, pall 


on the carpet, on the tapis, under 
discussion, under consideration 

simplicity, plainness; naturalness, unaffect- iiCJ 
edness; modesty, humbleness, unpretentiousness; 
naivete, artlessness, ingenuousness 

courage, bravery, boldness, valor, valiance, iJCJ 

prowess, intrepidity, fearlessness, dauntlessness 
smiling; smiler .llJ 

cat, female cat, she-cat Sy» : X~> <. Z-> 

garden; orchard, grove, fruit garden yl£^ 

gardener; orchardist; horticulturist T^JUi- :^jl£^ 

garden; horti- ^L-JL ji»i. 4 i^>j*- ijjU-j 


to pasteurize ' -' , '. 

pasteurization »' ,"' , '• 

to garden 

gardening, horticulture 

garden; horticultural 





to rejoice at, be happy at, be delight- jr_,i:j Lil 
ed at, be cheerful about 

to bring good news or glad tidings to, announce -> j^j 
or give good news to; to augur well, bode well, 
portend good, be a good omen of, give promise of; 
to presage, foreshadow, portend, herald, harbinger, 
indicate or suggest in advance, show signs of, be a 
sign of something to come, signal the approach of 

to preach, propagate l.u^ } \ <_, 

<jj> hi 


human being, human, man 

Oi— J i 


people, human beings, mankind, ~<>j£> i <j~\j 
humankind, human race, humanity 

joy, happiness; cheerfulness, gaiety ii,Ll i -^Jt : jli 
good news, glad tidings; good omen i'j\l> : iSjLj 

epidermoid S^illl «ui, I'jlj^j 

epidermis, cuticle, outer skin; skin, complexion Ijlt 

JU jU» :, 



human _^illl jiLu t^jLij :siji 

human being, human, man yLjl 1(3^ 

epidermal, epidermic; Is^r i »Lillli J>I*"-» :ii^ 
skin, cutaneous 


iSj—i ir* 


• Vj™^ 

humanity, mankind, humankind, j£> ( iliLil 
human race, human beings, people 

to be or become ugly, unsightly, repulsive, »iJi : «_ii 

to uglify, make ugly, disfigure, distort Li ( -rCs : Lii 

ugly, unsightly, hideous, repugnant, «-ii, i ^J : «Jj 
repulsive, repellent, unpleasant, disagreeable, of- 
fensive, disgusting, loathsome, horrid, grisly 
poker, fire iron jUI <Z)\ja* :_,^i 

towel ii. 

to be or become fed up with, Li J 4 ^Ja : [y Ll> 
disgusted by or with, sick of, nauseated by 

to be satiated; to suffer from indi- («lLUI ^) Lw 

i - ■■' ■ -!--■■ 

biscuit OjSw ""-jj^T'lj 

* - - -■ - 

to be brave, bold, courageous, fearless, "iLL 0^ : J— ' 

pea(s), green pea(s), sweet pea(s) (oL) <l_j 'jJL* 

to smile -_jj I 4 -Ij : ^ 

smile iul—jl :<u_j 

to say "In the name of God, Most Gracious, J*l-i 
Most Merciful" 

simple, plain, uncomplicated Ji^lc 

slight, small, little, light, trivial, insig- 
nificant, minor, petty 

unaffected, natural, simple, plain, 

unpretentious, unassuming, simple, *»«lLu : 
modest, humble 

naive, simple, ingenuous, artless, inno- r jL : 
cent, guileless, unsophisticated 

the earth, the world JUI < yij^l : 

to have a cheerful face; to smile, wear a smile, 
look happy 

to smile on, receive cheerfully or kindly ,j 3 \ J "^ 
receive happily with a smile 

• '*' I '-' 

good omens, propitious signs, favorable indica- Jt {£i 
tions; first signs, first indications, portents, augu- 

moth (ij± 

shavings, peeling(s), paring(s), scale(s), 
flake(s), chip(s) 

good news, glad tidings; good omen 

Gospel, evangel 



- - * , - > 

OjLlJl JuC 

happy mien, cheerfulness, gaiety Aa->ll ii^Lt liilii 

ugliness, unsightliness, hideousness pji :iclij 

liar oLtfidJlii 

to grate; to rasp; to scrape off, shave off; to Lii : jli 
peel, skin, pare 



— r=s~rrs 

onion(s) (<jjLj) Sa> 

. **. - 
Tripoli onion j»»- « J-^ 

green onion, scallion, spring onion j*ai- I J-aj 
squill, sea onion '{Sjt S*> ' 'j~>\ S-**. ' J»*" iW 

bulb (^JJoCJl)iLu 

bulbous; bulbar <j~* 

to (im)print, impress, stamp; to ^.j i j^p- i £-• j : |>a 
make or leave a fingerprint (imprint, impression) 

imprint, print, impression, impress 



emberts), firebrand 

endowed with eyesight 

<•_» 1 Hut} '■ 4 4 id I 


discerning, shrewd, sagacious, astute, jjJii ij^ 
perspicacious, endowed with insight, perceptive, 
percipient, penetrating, clairvoyant, acute, keen, 
sharp, clear-sighted, clear-eyed, clear-headed, pre- 

knowing, well-informed (about), j^S- t {Xc. : jwl 
well-acquainted (with), familiar (with), aware (of), 
cognizant (of), versed (in), conversant (with) 
insight, discernment, sagac- JLc <. *Ha» <. j~*~> : ojj-a? 
ity, acumen, perspicacity, shrewdness, astuteness, 
mental perception, clairvoyance, penetration, per- 
cipience, acuity, acuteness, keenness, sharpness, 
clear-sightedness, vision; foresight, prevision, pre- 

deliberately, designedly, Ij-o» i Ijux- :Sjwjj un- 
intentionally, on purpose, purposely 

glow, glitter, glisten, shine 

glimpse of hope, gleam of hope, 
ray of hope, trace of hope 

bulb, root (of the hair) (y^O ' 

bulbil, bulblet (oCJl) ' 

tender-skinned, thin- jlU-I JJ> j i -JJ-I p*lj '.Jcu 


goods, merchandise, commodities, (j-5U»j r) icLi; 

lm"^ i>* u n . ' .; n .' 



I" "■"■"■ ■!■..*■■ 

to rivet, clinch jau : ^ 

-- .-• ' ' - 
satiety, surfeit; indigestion; disgust, ciy t **»o : ^ 

nausea, loathing 

loquat (c>Li) Co ,/l 

millet, sorghum (c>L») 

smiling, cheerful, bright-faced, good-humored (J>y-> 

bringer of good news, bearer of glad tidings; j^> 
herald, forerunner, harbinger, precursor; presage, 
foretoken, portent, omen, augury, prognostic 

to glow, glitter, glisten, sparkle, flash, gleam, '^i : ya 

beam, shine, radiate 

fortune-teller, diviner, soothsayer, augur cil^c : jLjj 

(<uiij i_Jl£Lll) (jn. ,ni 

4,.,.? ( 0JO9- t o J-*^ '4-^lJ 


spit, spittle, saliva 
to wag the tail 
emberts), firebrand 

to see; to look at, set eyes on, lay tSl j : j j^oj i j j-oj 
eyes on, catch sight of, descry 

to understand; to know, Jic i «^i : j ^aj i j ^.o; 
realize, perceive, discern 

to enlighten (on); to inform (of or lie! i j>i : (j) j-oj 
about), let know (about), make aware (of); to make 
see, make understand, make realize 

to tell fortunes o.-hJI ^j : j-«aj 

vision, sight, eyesight, seeing jhj '-j*ai 

.- - , «-:.''.- - 

c* 1 cr 

optical), visual, ocular 


to spit 




-oil J-a. 




greeting card 

ID card, identity ^L-oj^JI oLil iilL i<>>» i*LL 
card, identification card 

rationing ^^Jju :oliLLJI ^Uu 

unemployed, jobless, workless, J-jJI (jc Ji»U : JLL 
out of work, idle, inactive 


,1, , ■>* , 


~J-I (_4>_jU»j i^a~i iJllc liilkj 




i_JlsJI iiLL 

blanket, cover; quilt, 

comforter ljIjJ ifl>»- :SliLL) 

knotweed, polygonum, smartweed, (^jLj) J»L-Lj 

to quack (duck) ( U J 1 ) U Li 


calf (of the leg) 

to prostrate; to throw down, fell; to stretch (out), ijjj 
outstretch; to flatten, level (ofD 

basin-shaped valley; wide riverbed, wide bed of »L>»Ju 
a stream or torrent; level land, plain, level, flat(s) 

flask, vial, flacon, small bottle ""y^r° *~-* ' <*>^> 

cyprinodont (i , l...,) * «.U. 

to be ungrateful, unthankful, thankless; to be j}u 
careless, reckless, wanton; to be discontented 
(with), dissatisfied (with); to despise or disregard a 
grace; to be arrogant, proud, vain 
ingratitude, ungratefulness, unthankfulness, ^ 

thanklessness; carelessness, recklessness, wanton- 
ness; discontent, dissatisfaction; arrogance, pride, 

•■-■ .'■-■*=: .?TT 

wares, articles 



iC»L) icUu 

to cut, cut off, amputate, re- Ji, 1 «Jai : «Jjj 1 «Jjj 
move; to cut up, carve (up), dissect, anatomize; to 
lance; to incise; to cut open, slash open, slit open 

amputation, cutting off, cutoff, remov- ji 1 Ait : «Jt 
al; carving (up), dissection, anatomizing, anato- 
my; incision, -tomy; lancing; cutting open, slashing 
open, slitting open 

some, a few, several 

piece (of meat) lnju 1 tjuu 

duck(s) ^L*^LU:i 

to be slow; to decelerate, slow, ILI 4 lL~L 6^ : ylu 
slacken, delay, move at decreasing speed, go slow- 
ly, become slower; to lag, linger, loiter, tarry 

to slow down, slow up, decelerate, j>-\ 1 ILI : Uu 

slacken, retard, delay, detain, hold up 

slowness; slowdown, slackening, retardation, t Mi 

tardiness, lag; sluggishness 

slowly, slow, leisurely, unhurriedly, slug- *Jal? 


delirium, raving, rave, irrational talk oU-i* : rLL 

roe (of fish); liLIJI lj~- n J l.,,.ll Ja~j, :*-jUaj 'rjLL 

battery , pile (il5 L j£ ) c j Uu 


(KljSiLc.) ijjlij 

Is LIS Ij^j l^—jJ Ji*-*^ tJni M * lijjUaj 


strong, powerful; vigorous; violent; brave, cou- ylUu 
rageous, intrepid; destructive, ruinous, devastating; 
deadly, lethal 
potato, potatoes (oL ) ^JjUu <. lilt 

sweet potato, yam S^li- LU Lki 

card; ticket; label; tag 


ballot, ticket, vote, voting fl^Sl jl c-j^-aJ iilL 
slip or paper 

ticket, admission card, card of admis- J>»- j iiLL 

invitation card 

calling card, visiting card 

iys.} iilkj 
ojljj iilki 

> > 




- :■■ T."-."T:7-5- 

fruitlessly, futilely 

nullity, voidness, invalidity, ineffectiveness; OxL 
vanity, futility, uselessness, fruitlessness; falsity, 
falseness, falsehood, untruth 

heroine; (woman) champion; Ji»j c-J y> : <JlL 

(female) star, (female) lead; (female) protagonist 

* »i * " * \ " ' i'i ' 

clam; limpet ^1* ti^j *J'>^* '(j*.? - ".' 

terebinth (^1 Uu 

to be hidden, concealed ,«i»- : jJ»j 

to be or become paunchy, potbellied<Lik> J»* : { ^l> 

to line (a garment, etc.); to fill, pad, (»JJ ii LLj ) jJ»j 
cover the inside of 

to have bellyache or colic ^a** i <llu> <JI : jiu 

bellyache, colic ^ai* i (jJa-JI J I : jlu 

paunchy, potbellied, big-bellied i>l*JI j^ '■ j^H 

gluttonous, greedy, voracious, rav- ojt < ^ : t ^Jsu 
enous, edacious; glutton, gourmand 

abdomen, belly, venter 
interior, inside 

(Jf-l-a ' »-»>r : (Jo* 

phratry, sept, subdivision of a iL-i ^ c- ji : ,ji»j 

litter »o»-lj i*i j u'>r^ ^*-4> *'^=r **>•*"* : 0-' 1 i 

upside down; topsy-turvy; ^JaJ I J^i> 1 ^^kJ LL 
bottom side up; inside out, outside in 

\ ' ■ "i - • 
inside, within, in, into, in the u>i»j J 1 j^ J 

interior of, in the middle of 

belly dance 0>lxJI (>»» j ' O-^' i>"» J 

gluttony, gourmandism, ravenousness.oji <.<+> :<Liu 
voracity, polyphagia 

indigestion, dyspepsia; surfeit, satiety il»u : iik> 
abdominal, ventral ^— lJxj 

ventriloquism ^L pK; 

-- ' > 
heroism; bravery, valor, intrepidity; champi- *)>Lj 

onship; leading role, starring role 

world championship JUI il^L 

leading role, starring role iJ>JaJI jj j 

heroic, heroical IJ^i 

'"■" ■•■ • •'•' " ~ 

ungrateful, unthankful, thankless; careless, reck- jLj 
less, wanton; grace-despising; arrogant, proud, 

roe (offish); spawn 









d^JaJ : d^L 
(i J l . ,.) rujJaj 

to assault, attack with violence; to knock _. ^pJu 
(out), strike sharply; to destroy, ruin, devastate, 
ravage, crush, stamp out 

violence; force; strength, power, bravery, cour- ^jJu 
age, valor, intrepidity; oppression, tyranny; as- 
sault, attack; striking; destruction 

to be or become null, void, null and lli^ jU> : JJ»j 
void, invalid, inoperative, nugatory, ineffective; to 
cease to be valid or operative or effective; to be or 
become abolished, cancelled; to be or become ob- 
solete, outdated, out of use; to fall into disuse; to 
cease, stop, be discontinued 

to be futile, vain, useless (ijjJ-l s->s- 0^ '■ Ji»j 

to be false, untrue I itf 0^ : JJ»j 

to be or become unemployed, J**! I ijc- JJ»«j : J1»j 
jobless; to be or become idle, inactive; to remain 
without work or employment 

to be or become heroic, brave; to be ^LL jU> : JJsj 
or become a hero 

to leave without work,Jlc % (*Lce jl) *£ J> :JJ»j 
leave idle, make jobless 

hero; champion; star, lead; protagonist 

heroic, brave, valiant, intrepid 
world champion 


( r l)JJ4 


in vain, vainly, to no avail, uselessly, 



i ^ L> . 

revival, revivification, reviviscence, re- *L»-I : 
suscitation, reanimation, revitalization 

resurrection jyli 4 k. d : 

'•' \'- '■•' 

Day of Resurrection 
mission, delegation 

diplomatic mission <^.L.jL j iiu 

group of exchange students <L»I jj jl <L~ j-u iUj 


T~ ■•' .1 f '^ 

to disarrange, <_Jj t olki ji <uJ>; alii : jiu 

disarray, disorder, disorganize, disturb, confuse, 
jumble (up), muddle, mess up, make a mess of, 
throw into disorder, upset; to upturn, overturn, 
overthrow, overset, turn over; to turn topsy-turvy, 
turn upside down 

to scatter (about), disperse, litter, strew \jji : Jji 
about, fling about 

to waste, squander, dissipate, fritter away jJu : JJu, 

to dent, indent, notch, groove; to slit open, slash ruu 
open, rip open 

dent, indentation, notch 

Jjul fJ»'j — JUy 
0-«j «j>-lj - juy 

after, following, subsequent to, in the wake of jJu 
after UjjujjjiLjjuijIjjuujI -i<u 

afterwards, subsequently, thereafter, after dLJ i UJ 
that; after some time, later, later on, at a later time, 
then, thereupon 

in the afternoon, after noon, P.M., post jj^ 11 luj 

A.D., after Christ ^J.\ UJ t *%1\ UJ 

(jju) tHJj jju «j»-lj-jli jjo : jju C_i ijjy 

yet, still; until now, so far, hitherto, oSl J^>- : oiy 
to date, up to now 

he has not come yet .JJ ot lJ 

he is still young jj^o .JJ yi 

slow; slow-moving, slow-motion, slow-paced, f( _ki 
slowgoing, snail-paced, tardy; sluggish, inert, dull, 
torpid; lazy, indolent, slothful; slack, leisurely 
low-frequency jj^JI ijb 

watermelon (oLi) 

muskmelon, cantaloupe, (sweet) *CLi, : ^j^l '^Au 




ventricle (of the heart) 



clitoral, clitoric 


to babble, prattle 

bugaboo, bugbear, bogeydnan), hobgoblin 

babble, babbling, prattle, prattling 

to send, send out, dispatch, forward, ex- 

to delegate; to mission; to send oi jl : i 

to emit, emanate, send out, give rj»- 1 i jLUl : i 
off, give forth, discharge, issue, release 

to arouse, rouse, stir up, l y-. 

excite, awaken, provoke; to evoke, draw forth, 

elicit, call forth 

to prompt, incite, spur <jj '%* i ( J* 'J^. : J* 'c^> 
on, urge on, induce, move, actuate, impel, moti- 
vate, stimulate, inspire, urge, cause, trigger 

to resurrect, raise from the jU : ojll \y>'" 


to breathe life into, infuse Ci-I : j sQ-l *-jj 
life into, revive, revivify, resuscitate, reanimate, re^ 
vitalize, give new life to 

sending, dispatch(ing), forwarding, expe- JLJ' ■ * 

emission, emanation, dis- -r I ji- 1 i J}U» I : <iJu 

charge, release, issuance, sending out 

arousal, (a)rousing, stirring up, Sjli I t Jilijl : iiJ^ 
excitation, exciting, awakening, provocation; evo 
cation, elicitation 

i jlj I t Jauijl : 




certain extent, in some degree or measure 

one another, each other 
husband, spouse 
lord, master 
god, deity 


aji : jl; 

^Uj «-lj-Jaii ji»Jlj (J**"* 'l3*-! 

wife, spouse 



unirrigated, unwatered (land Jaii _^»JIj (^— • : (^*~ 

or plant) 

mosquito(es), culex(es), gnat(s), (ijJ^- ) <-iayu i <>>j«j 


',' -' '' 
fungus gnat, mushroom fly J hil\ "<^>y^. 

' " '-' '' 
anopheles \>jW "*^°i MJ . 

far, distant, remote, faraway, far-off, y*ai : ju*j 

outlying, out-of-the-way, far-flung, secluded 

far-reaching, extensive, mas- JLLJI jl y a I -u»j 

sive, sweeping 

unlikely, improbable, farfetched JUis-^ll j-»j 

ambitious, aspiring, aspirant jUl x^ 

famous, well-known, renowned, cele- c~-aJI -u-j 

brated, noted, famed, eminent, illustrious 

unfathomable, fathomless, soundless, jy&\ -u«j 

bottomless, abyssal; profound, deep, abysmal 

long-range, long-distance; wide-ranging, <i-»il -u»j 

wide-range; far-reaching, extensive, massive, 


unattainable, inaccessible, unobtainable, JLil _u«j 

unacheivable, impracticable, unavailable, out of 


farsighted, longsighted ^aJI jjx. : jJiJI -u*j 

* -'■* i.*n ' - 
discerning, shrewd, perspica- j^^- '■ s*^ s ■*•*?. 

cious, sagacious, clairvoyant 
from a (far) distance, from afar 

■^ u? 



shortly after, soon after 

(ol>-a-) Jl*- :j)* 

to wrong, oppress, tyrannize, mal-cJAZc| i (JJ> '• ^> 
treat, treat unjustly or badly, be unjust or oppres- 

-t,-- ••* 

remoteness, farness 


dimension o- 

fourth dimension 

wide gap 

repute, reputation, fame, renown, celeb 

insight, discernment, acu- s^uoj ' r^ • jJ»^' -^ 
men, perspicacity, clairvoyance, shrewdness; fore- 
sight, prevision, prescience 
farsightedness, longsight- [t_J> J ^-aJI jl j-^ -^ 
aspiration, ambition ***! -^ 

away with..! -J '-^ 

from a (far) distance, from ^Jn^o^'^i/ 


. t _- -- .^ 

at a distance of three meters jU-l ii>J ^ ^ 
remote control -^ Or* ' ^^ J ' ' r^ 

,f f '* at * 

three-dimensional jLj^I ^^ t jI«j' *^* J^ 

equidistant J^ 1 (ijL-^ 

after ^J* 

following, succeeding, subsequent, ^->\j i J^-^l :iiJ* 
posterior, consequent; a posteriori 


, % * *, - > 


Jpj '■' » :i$j*j 

, B ^ ^«* ^ 5 , 

>vJ' t/ 1 ' : >V <-j1 


to drop dung 

dung, droppings j~rj ' t^jj '■ j*> *-j*> 

to waste, squander, dissipate j Jj : J>e 

to scatter, disperse, strew about 3j» '■ l3>j 

wasting, squandering, dissipation jjlo :**^*j 

scattering, dispersal, dispersion Jw>J '*J>? 

to divide, part, split, break up, parti- l>»- i ^j : (>»»j 

tion, section, subdivide 

some (of>, a few (of); a little (of); certain; one; Ja*> 

part, portion 

somewhat, a little, slightly, fairly, *^UI <>»j 

rather, to some extent, to a (certain) degree, to a 


with a view to, in an effort to, so that, in order 
that, so (as), in order to, to 

hateful, odious, detestable, loath- ,»■-. « *j ^ : ^iJu 
some, abominable, abhorrent, obnoxious,' offen- 
sive, repugnant, repulsive, disagreeable, unpleas- 
ant; hated, detested, abhorred 

steak, beefsteak <'l "|j f ,<M I-.-',j. 

to spout, spurt, squirt, jet, shoot out; j£ , Liii : ji 
to eject, discharge, throw out 

**! J^-'j""(< i ^»-) Jj 

remaining, staying; stay, sojourn 

continuance, continuity, continuation, »lj j : >UJ 
duration, endurance, persistence, subsistence; sur- 
vival, existence 

immortality, perpetuity, 


■>_jij* ' *Uj 

eternity, eternal life, eternal existence 

survival of the fittest '_■ , ■■ >< j 1 TiLa'il £lu 

- * 

conservation of energy iiLUI Jlij 

conservation of matter or mass iLSGl jl Sjlil }\mj 
the hereafter, the afterworld, the afterlife ,Lilll _,l j 

cowboy, cowhand, cowherd, cow- ^illl ^.\j -.jfc 
man, cattlehand, cattleman, cattle-herder 

talkative, garrulous, loquacious; chatter- jii^i : j'Uj 
box, prattler, blabber 

grocer, greengrocer uC , JljJ : Jlii 

grocery, grocery business SJli 

to gurgle, bubble, splutter ( jJJ jUl) jJu 

to chatter, prattle, blab, prate 'J' J : j' ; !jT 

gurgling, gurgle, bubbling, bubble, ( *Ul) iiu 


chatter, prattle, blab, prate; logorrhea, i'J'Ji :ijLJL 
talkativeness; gossip, chitchat 

bug (ijl^)i 

bedbug, bug, chinch, cimex (s^»-) ,jil>JI i 
elm jljjj:jPls^i 

sive (to); to offend, outrage; to infringe upon, en- 
croach upon, transgress; to attack, assault 
to fornicate, whore, commit adultery ^'j : ^ 

*uij «flj — *UJjl : > Liu 

prostitution, whoredom, harlotry SjIcj : «Cy 

o— j «»■ lj — tUJI c*~> 

muleteer, mule driver JLiJI jl jljl jJL : jGy 

to come unexpectedly upon, over- ji^» t tli : Cju 

take; to surprise, take by surprise, take unawares, 
take aback; to flabbergast, shock, stun, thunder- 
strike, dumbfound, strike dumb 

surprise; sudden or unexpected event or ilki : C<u 
occurence, bolt of the blue 

unexpectedly, suddenly, all of a sud- ilJ Jp ( iiij 
den, unawares, by surprise, surprisingly, without 
warning, without advance notice, out of the blue 

to drizzle, sprinkle e-»J : ( iCljl o.) m£*> 

drizzle, dribble, sprinkle, light rain ■ ^_i— ^J»» : **^ 

to hate, detest, loathe, abhor, abominate o^ :[jaiu 

" ~ ~ , - -* - 

to be or become hateful, odi- Lo-ju jU> : yiiu i/ii) 

ous, detestable, loathsome, abominable, offensive 

to make someone hate something or^ii-j 4lju>- : yiju 
someone, make hateful to 

hatred, hate, aversion, dis- ojS :<uuu i A 't'-- lyiiu 
like, detestation, odium, abhorrence, repugnance, 
disgust, antipathy 


green (unripe, immature) fruit(s) 


prostitute, whore, harlot, strumpet; '• 

wrong, injustice, oppression; tyranny; juJ 4 JLk :,Ju 
outrage; offense; transgression; aggression 

0_JJU 1_JJU 

(oLj) Cj^ju 

AaJU JC* I J ■ 

wish, desire, aspiration; aim, i_io» t iJLt < ilc^ 
purpose, object(ive), end, goal 

for, for the purpose of, with the aim of, !iCl 


doing, persist in, persevere in, stick to, adhere to 
to keep (or stay) in touch with or j JLaJ I ^c Ji> 
in contact with 

to survive, stay alive, 
remain alive, exist, live 

L>- ijLt t SL^-I 



— \_Jil 

remainder, rest; remnant, residue, leftover, <Ju 

remains, surplus, overplus, remaining part 

the remaining members, the rest of the > Lac "ill *-«-> 

members, the other members 

continued on page.. . . liS" i»«i-all ^c <CiUI 

coreopsis, tickseed (^L>) *^> 

bilharzia(sis), schistosomiasis (jojj) C-jW^ '-6J& 

bey (t-»*J) 4i :t ^ 

to cry, weep, shed tears, break or burst into tears ^> 

to lament, mourn (for), bewail, wail olil {£-> 

(over), weep (for or over), moan 

to make cry, make weep ,^-j a!«- : ^L> 

crying, weeping *&> : (j*-; 

lachrymose, tearful, weepy, given to *l£JI j^ : *1£j 
tears or weeping, inclined to shed many tears fre- 
quently , , 
crying, weeping ^>. '■ *^ 

baccarat S-?^' <JJ.W J^** V^ :4 L>^ 

virginity, maidenhead, maidenhood Sji* :SjI£j 


tackle; pulley block; 




bachelor's degree 



to censure, reproach, rebuke, reprove, 


bacterium, bacillus 




— 1 



bundle, pack(age), bag (of (<-jLJI t>v ~°-r° : *^ 

parsley ( ^j) cr^J-^ 

to cut open, split open, rip open, slit open j£ : JL 

cow(s); cattle, bovines 
sea cow 

antelope, addax, oryx 

bovine, cow, cattle 



box, boxwood 

rusk, zwieback 

tip, gratuity, baksheesh 

• % * ' - 


Cr* £>" : 

j-»i A » ■ 

to spot, stain, blot, blotch, splotch, smudge jJJ : jJL 

spot, stain, blot, blotch, splotch, smudge; iiJaJ : i*L 
macule, macula, patch 

spot, place, site, locality; plot, lot, area, O^SL. : <**+ 
region, tract 

blind spot (lk*N S^-r- J 6 ' *^ ^H 

to grow; to sprout, germinate c~J : JiL 

legume(s); herb(s), greens, herbaceous 4ii i Ji 

plant(s); vegetables) 

purslane, (<-jLj) ■^"jV* ^H ' *^- 4J * - *^4 ' *^i 

pussley; endive, chicory 

hyacinth bean, lablab 



logwood, campeachy wood 


(oL>) SjjL Aiib 
(oLi) ciliil *li 

(jj'U>) *i>yij 

to remain, stay; to be left over, be left behind; to ^L 
last, continue, endure, persist, subsist, go on; to 
keep on (doing), keep doing, continue to do, go on 



i t 


: - ' ' ■ • 

moistening, wetting 

J? 1 ^"'j - ^ : Jj 

(Jr™ • lW 
rather; even; but, yet, however °Jj 

yes! indeed! certainly! surely! truly! verily! Jj : JL 

wear; impairment, damage, loss; decay, decom- Jj 
position, rottenness, deterioration, disintegration, 
degeneration; erosion, corrosion; shabbiness, rag- 
ged ness 

wear and tear (JLLL)ll) J>Jlj JUI 

affliction, trial, tribulation, ordeal, distress, cS^ij : f iC 
trouble, woe; misfortune, calamity, disaster, catas- 
trophe, adversity; plague; scourge, evil, curse 

bravery, courage, boldness, valor, ilCJ : ( i y^-) ,% 
prowess, heroism, gallantry 


t% jtf 





dullness, stupidity, silliness, obtuseness; slug- SjSC 
gishness, laziness, indolence, slothfulness, slow- 
ness; inactivity; sleepiness 

belladonna (oL) <J j j it 

palladium (j^c) f>o& 

anacardium, marsh nut (oLi)jjSC 

cashew (oL) ^> j I ^J ji£ 

plasma ^j^ 

blood plasma /j| Cj,SC 

plasties) '' L ;. '■''- *^J 

flagstones, flags, floor tiles, slabs, U.l'rll s^lka- : ±>% 
pavement, paving 

tiled floor, pavement, paving, ikL. ^ijl : J>^I 






to get up or rise early (in the morning); to 'j£j t'jZ 
come early (to), be early (at); to do something early 
or too early or permaturely 
young camel jjU*^ : j& 

firstborn; eldest jf\ \^ : jj 

primipara ^^ < Zj^ 4 j^. Jj\| ^.U : ^ 

virgin, maiden ,|j ji : Jn, 

new, novel, unprecedented; first, Jjl < jy oi : Jc, 
virgin ' : 

pulley; tackle; reel, spool, [ I5w \SL. ] i'jZ < S^5C 
bobbin, coil; roller 

trochlea [ ^^ ] s'jc < ijZ 

all of them, all with- -4LI i'jZ ^* 4-4! I S^SC J* 
out exception 

early morning Sjji. :5^j 

early in the morning \'jS\, 'ij^ 

in the morning and in the evening lliij ij^ 

firstborn, first, eldest j^jty ££{ -/^Ji, 

primogeniture °j& '-<i^> 

primipara ^ j> , ji, < 5^. Jj^U : il^ 
to buckle, clasp, fasten; to button up 'J& 

buckle, clasp, fibula, fastener, clip 


to be or become silent, keep silent, hold ciC : 'Sj 

one's tongue 

to be or become dumb, mute u">»- 


dumbness, muteness, mutism 

early, premature, precocious JsCL t £\j, -ji£> 

earliness, prematureness, precocity j<SZj .' j«£j 

albacore (S^.) SjjiC 


early, premature, precocious 





iC/ : i £^ 

moisture, humidity; wetness, moist- JL i Sjl-ii : <L 
ness, dampness 

to dawn; to shine (3^ ' : g^ 

to be or become happy at, glad at, 
delighted at, pleased with 

(unripe) dates MrO J^ 

mussel (ol*»-) ^v 11 j^; 

to stay in, remain in, dwell in, reside in, _i ^ li I : -j aL 

live in, inhabit; to settle (down) at 

to be or become dull, stupid; to be or I j-Jj 0^ : A> 

become lazy, sluggish 

to acclimatize, acclimate, adjust, adapt, j>c t pli I : aL 

habituate, accustom, season, inure 

country, land; homeland, fatherland; town; city Ai 

country of origin LiJI oL 

town; city; village; borough; township 


native, indigenous, home, local, domestic; 
municipal; provincial 



mayor, head of a municipality 

to crystallize 


elder, elderberry 



(oLi) oCi 

to dress, bandage; to cure, c5_jl j i (jii. i j-^> : j«-1j 
heal, remedy, restore to health, make healthy; to 

balm, balsam («— k 

balm of Gilead, balsam of Mecca (oli) i5c j»lL 
balmy, balsamic i^""^ 

lentil(s) (^M) cr-"- : i>4> 

heron (^U,) ^1 ilJU :ujli 

egret (>U») cAri' 0>^j 

to extort (from), exact (from); to (4JL. & a_) yaL 
racketeer; to rob (of), strip of 

..V ' !--- 


paved surface 
(royal) palace 

(royal) court 

paver, pavior 

eloquence, good style 





S&\ '^ :{'<££) ±% 

&L : 1,% 

flagstone, flag, floor tile, paving stone, slab <b% 

tombstone, gravestone, headstone jv^l *^^ 

, * ' ~- *.' 

communique, bulletin; state- jly 4 u^-J ' o^> '■ £*> 
ment, declaration; release; announcement, procla- 
mation; notice, notification; communication, mes- 
sage; edict, ordinance 

c^^; 'i/Q : i^f^ 

stupidity, silliness, fatuousness, idiocy, imbecili- i»^L 
ty, foolishness, simplemindedness, feebleminded- 
ness, weak-mindedness, doltishness, brainlessness, 

anxiety, concern, uneasiness, i_jljia*>U^ 'uLL 
disquietude), discomposure, perturbation, per- 
plexity, befuddlement 

to confuse, disconcert, dis- i_>l j-U«^I j £» j' : J-A; 
quiet, discompose, disturb, perturb, agitate, upset, 
fluster, flurry, confound, befuddle, perplex, puzzle, 
bewilder; to muddle, jumble up, unsettle, mix up, 
disarrange, disorder, derange, disarray, disorga- 
nize, throw into disorder or confusion; to compli- 
nightingale, bulbul (yU») J4e 

ortolan (>U>) .a^ 1 J4; 

spinning top, peg top, (JUJ»>J i~J) <->jj-^ : J4> 

confusion, chaos, jumble, muddle, ^\jL^\ : fLL 
clutter, upset, mess, mix-up, tangle, disorder, dis- 
organization, disarray, disturbance, hubbub, hug- 
ger-mugger, tumult, turbulence; anxiety, uneasi- 
ness, disquiet(ude), discomposure, perturbation, 
perplexity, befuddlement 

pintail -M 0? £> : <J>rt 




climax, reach its highest point, come to a climax, 
come to a head, peak (up), top (off or out) 
to come to a head, reach a crisis or ^Jl ' j'* .1 1 VjJ 
climax; to be or become too aggravated, too crit- 
ical; to be or become unbearable, intolerable, unen- 
durable, extreme 

to affect or influence jjl. ^ (o^i [^ '^Si\) ijj 
deeply, penetrate, touch, move 

to attain a high llL. ( pLjl j _,!) ^1 ^ Mj 

degree of knowledge 

to be eloquent f^J LLC o IS" : 'ji 


phlegm; expectoration, sputum 

phlegmy, phlegmatic * *''X 

to be piebald, pied, pinto, skew- jL'l oK : jL' , j£ 
bald, spotted, dappled ' ' 

mica (u-^) <jIj 

merganser, goosander JaJI ^ c-jj :ililj 

wasteland; wild, wilderness, wild land; jji : . j jl 1 


balcony; veranda 6«SCL 

to moisten, wet, bedew; to dabble, <i jj i ^ : JL 

drench, sparge, sprinkle, spatter, splash 

wetness, moistness, dampness; mois- 5jl jj i <L : jt 
ture, humidity 

anchovy (j^ iC) ii^iil : ^ 

to be or become stupid, idiotic, imbecilic,-dil o^ :ili 
imbecile, foolish, empty-headed, simpleminded 

i»bL «>-lj -4jj 

let alone, not to mention, tiUi so < ^. liliS 1 1 j : ijj 
not to speak of, to say nothing of 

bilharzia(sis), schistosomiasis (<_r°j-«) C-,jLjL 

Pluto [dUi]^ 

plutocratic; pultocrat ^JjlJ^jL 

plutocracy ili'J^'^ 

Plutonium (j^) tyj£h 

extortion, forcible exaction; racket, [jA> j 'W - ■ u s \\'< 
racketeering; theft, robbery 

to' pave (with flagstones or floor i>!&JL J^'j : ii 

tiles), flag, lay with flags, slab, tile, floor 

ax, hatchet u Ji ; i'\,Y. 

tilapia, cichlid, chromide (dL- ) !_klj 

to swallow, gulp (down), gobble, ingurgitate; i_Li ( i£ 
to swallow up, engulf, gulf, absorb, take in, devour 
to make swallow ijj 

swallowing, gulping, deglutition, gobbling, ingur- «i 
gitation; swallowing up, engulfing, absorption, 
taking in 

gulp, swallow; bolus XjL 



to reach, arrive at, get to, come to, go as <JJ J^j : ii 
far as, attain, hit 

to jt^ji ^ 'ji; « ri,t g , jjii 'J; « (^i) 'g 

attain puberty, reach sexual maturity, be or be- 
come sexually mature (marriageable, pubescent); 
to attain manhood, become a man, grow up, be- 
come an adult 

to ripen, mature, be or become ripe k-aJ : j^ '& 
or mature 

to amount to, come to, IjfT (?->JJl ji jlolll) 1L' 
make, reach, add up to, sum to, total, number 

to come of age, attain or e'jj^j iij ( _£^ll ^ Ill 
reach legal majority or legal age, become an adult 
to come to one's ears, aj 111 i <u)J ^Li : _^i.| <Jjb 
come to one's knowledge, reach, hear of, get wind 
of, learn about, come to know about, find out 
about, be told about, be informed about, be re- 
ported to 

to take to, lead to, convey to, J J aIXoJI : J I <i iij 
drive to, steer to 

to become serious, grave, critical jj-l ijl. 'j.'i] Iij 

to culminate, * 


4 iijjjjl jl 

»i <rJ^ S 




eloquent; fluent, well-spoken £-^i : j-L 

serious, grave; intense, deep, profound, jj-£ : j^Jj 
strong; keen, acute, sharp; violent, extreme, exces- 
sive, drastic, severe; considerable, significant, enor- 
mous, substantial, great, large, big; far-reaching 
cool and moist wind or breeze; fresh (air, etc.) JJb 

billion; milliard oj-L 

lowest string of a musical instrument [ J^y* J (W 

ill. j^-lj-S^ 

wry p-lj -<-?">*? 

coffee; coffee beans Ji 

to build, construct, erect, set up, put Lli I i -ui : ^ 

up, raise, rear; to build up, develop, create, 

establish, make, form 

to base on, found on, ground on, ^c u — I : ^c <_^j 

rest on 

to consummate the marriage y jl ^=rjj t> <>* 


to give a word an indeclinable ending, iJSJl ^ 

make indeclinable or uninflected g 

mason; builder yl» : »^ 

constructive, positive 

Freemason, Mason 

building, construction, erection, *liij < x^S : *y 
setting up, putting up, raising, rearing; building up, 
creation, establishment, making, forming, forma- 

cr^ CT'J 

1 , -XjL) i 



**r\j ~ A ^> • * . 



syntax, construction, sentence structure illaJI *y 

Freemasonry, Masonry ili^U : jkll {LJI 

on the basis of, on the ground(s) of, on the <_^c f y 
strength of, based on, relying on, by virtue of, by 
authority of, pursuant to, in accordance with, ac- 
cording to 

to crystallize j>L 

crystal h^i '»J>y 'J>^ '•Jyi 

rock crystal, transparent quartz '^j^° JJ^ 

crystalloid j^LJU A_>i. :,^jljjL 

crystallization j>1j jJ~o» : Sj^L 

crystalline, crystal ^J^i ' S?J.r* 

crystallography oUj^ilii ^U 

blouse «j>1j Oj^ 

oak (^r-^J -rf*-") J»J*i 

acorn, oak nut J»>L> »'jyr '■' t ^>y j . 

, > > . \> 
reaching, arrival; attainment, achieve- Oyo) : ^L 


''., t 

*" • »-l I 

puberty, (sexual)-£^]l y» i tilljj] : ^jllll i>- ' jl>^ 
maturity, adulthood, adolescence; (legal) majority, 
full age, legal age 

'■•.- V 

maturity, ripeness gu*> ■ ^> 

to be or become old, worn, shabby, ragged, tat- ^L 
tered, threadbare; to wear (out), fray, frazzle, tat- 
ter; to deteriorate, disintegrate, decay, rot, molder 
away, decompose, degenerate, spoil; to corrode, 

(Jill) J; 'yjil erlj-.i^ 

clown, buffoon, harlequin, merry- 

(i_«J) jjjLL ojLL 'jLij 

jUJI Cai 

marble, taw *^ : *^ 

weld, dyer's weed (oLj) >b«~L; 

mignonette, reseda (^L-0 *s!jJ»* *^»~^ 

dull, stupid, doltish, slow-witted, dense, thick- jJL 
headed, thick-witted, obtuse, daft, silly; sluggish, 
slothful, lazy, indolent, inert, inactive, torpid, 
lumpish, spiritless, exanimate, listless, languid, 
sleepy, lethargic; slow, slow-moving, slow-motion, 
slow-paced, slowgoing, snail-paced 

billiards; pool 




sugar beet (°Lj) tSj^~ ^ ' ^—-1' j**^> 

Abraham's balm, chaste-tree (oU) c-iSlj^j 

clause, article, item, paragraph, sec- Syii i oL : Juj 
tion; term, provision, stipulation 

banner, flag, standard «.I^J t JLc- : _lJ 

penal clause 'ji\j>- jj! 

optional clause jCJ-l jL 

panda (o !>?■»-) »J^ 

- •- ft-- . -'.- 

seaport, port, harbor, haven, an- 

coastal city ilU- L -U; .u : j luJ 

commercial center c5jlk; jfT^. :jU 
hazelnut(s), filbert(s); hazel (<^>Lj) cJJuj 

hazelnut, filbert Jj^JI Sa>-lj :ujlo 


rifle, gun, shotgun 



(oLi) SjJJuj 


-3 ^ s - -*•- 

flag, banner; pennon 

JLc :5jjJuj 

benzol, benzene 


gasoline, gas, petrol, benzine 

benzene uij-J 

premium gasoline 

•hi"- •"• 

gas station, service station 

(ji.Jr^ *U*s»t<i 


l>Ii :.i 

pension(e), motel, hotel, inn, hostel, hostelry; iiy^i 

ring finger ^--ali-lj <jL'^\ ^1' ^U)ll :^«aJ 

point [i^j^j iiQ.] i^j 

trousers, pants, slacks JUjJj 1 u «Ual( 

table tennis, ping-pong JJjlUl ijZ :iJ4j ii> 

bingo (-V-J) >IL 

violet (oU) 




«J 1W ill 1 J 


accordingly, thus, hence, therefore, con- O^ *^ 

reconstruction, rebuilding t LJI SjUI 

constructional, constructive, building; struc- 
tural; formative 





(oLi) SjjjUj 

at your disposal, at your service, at your liLUJ s-p. 
command, at your beck and call 

building, structure, edifice; premises 

girl; daughter (of someone) 

queen (i_«*J 

niece o»- il jl r- il c 


pebble, small stone sl*»- i^j^l e. 

calamities, misfortunes, di- y»oJI 0L0 1 (j-L oL> 
sasters, catastrophes 

stepdaughter **rjj\ j' rj^' c-^> 

word <JS : iiJJI 0^1 

worries, anxieties jlill oLj t joZJI oUl 

cousin iJlil jl illJI jl Jlil jl Jjl c-^j 

wine fJ^K-JI j' f^l jl ^'■■ill c-1; 

tear <u<j i^^JJI cul> 

thought, idea, concept, conception, no- ^SCJI c-^j 
tion, mental image 

poinsettia, spurge, euphorbia (oLi) J%:;ll c~j 

goddaughter, godchild <jjj-k.Jlj o-j 

,j1aj »j>-Ij -[iiUi J (jliij 0L0 

prostitute, whore, harlot, strumpet cSjil c-'; 



to anesthetize 


henbane, hyoscyamus 

red beet, beet 

Jj*0 J*0 'U'-^JJ C' ■ ' ■ ! 

LJ^r *•■■' ■■ .' 
-a- , »- 


diant, dazzling 

beauty; splendor, magnificence, gorgeousness, 
glory; brilliance, eclat, radiance 




slanderer, calumniator, traducer 

pepper; spice 

to astonish, amaze, astound, flabber- i y^o <. o*. 
gast, bewilder, shock, startle, stun, thunderstrike, 
dumbfound, strike dumb 

to fabricate lies against, ac- <_jjlSCJ1 oic (Sj^s I : c-*j 
cuse falsely of; to slander, libel, calumniate, de- 
fame, malign, vilify, asperse, traduce, speak evil of 

o*j ff 'J - t -* 1 

to fade, dim, pale, wan, dull, <_*«w> : (rJJ ujill) C, 
wash out, blanch, tarnish, faint, lose brightness or 
luster, grow dim or pale; to bleach, lose color 

to be or become astonished, J»^» « j~sZ < ,_£».> : 
amazed, astounded, flabbergasted, startled, bewil- 
dered, perplexed, stunned, shocked, aghast, thun- 
derstruck, dumbfounded, speechless 

• -» • -* 

slander, calummy, defama-iyiS" ijil <■ ^j^>\ : <J^ 
tion, aspersion, vilification, traducement; fabrica- 
tion, false accusation; lie, untruth, falsehood, fal- 

to be or become beautiful, splendid { j-a- : n+t 

^ ^ - - - 
joy, delight, happiness, delectation, rjt i jjj~ 

glee, gaiety, mirth, hilarity, cheerfulness) 

beauty, grace; splendor, resplen- »l«j 


to dazzle, daze, blind; to overwhelm, (~IJ J**A\) jt> 


< fi' - ■'"■'■ " 



bench; seat 

bank of issue 

credit bank 

savings bank 

blood bank 

eye bank 

central bank 



banking, bank 

sonship, filiation 


my little son 



"Sit *iLJ 



» > >, 


* *' 



lij^j <_U~ t^ 


cr^* {f 

*-lj — AjUj 4 




structure, setup, makeup, constitution, construe- *«, 
tion, composition, physique, build, make, frame, 
formation, morphology, form; fabric, texture 

infrastructure, substructure 


weak, feeble, frail, delicate 

able-bodied, strong, sturdy, husky, burly, 


penicillin ^ 


structural, constitutional, constructional <3fc-J 

to be or become beautiful, pretty, charming; to be 1$j 
or become splendid, gorgeous, glorious, magnifi- 
cent; to be or become brilliant, bright, shining, ra- 



calf, lamb, kid 

lobby; foyer; hall; parlor 

beautiful, pretty, charming; splendid, gorgeous, ( ^i 
glorious, magnificent; brilliant, bright, radiant,' 
shining, dazzling 

happy, glad, delighted, cheerful, joyful, jj ^— • : **$> 
joyous, gay, merry, gleeful 

delightful, pleasant, gladdening, cheerful, jL : rt-jj 
cheering, happy, bright 

charming, graceful, beautiful, 
splendid, magnificent 

black, pitch-black, jet-black, ebony 

beast, animal, quadruped, brute 

beasts, animals, quadrupeds, brutes; livestock, Jl+j 

bestial, beastly, brutish, brute, feral; animal i»*-fc 

bestiality, brutishness, ferity; animality, animal 

young camel 

to install (in an office), induct (into an^^-x- 1 i_«aj : \y 
office), invest (with an office), inaugurate; to ap- 
point (to an office), nominate 

to put up, lodge, quarter, accommo- J^l i (3jl : \'y> 
date, house, room, provide lodgings for 

to settle (down) at; to stay in, reside J^ < *UI : I^j 
in, dwell in, live in, inhabit 

boa 'jir^ <y»*' : *\y 

doorkeeper, gatekeeper, e-s^U- i jyl>\j '(j-jL- '-^y, 
concierge, janitor; porter; doorman 

pylorus [ £, jjj ] <_> I^J 

gate, portal ^uS" <_>l :<t\y 

pyloric [^j^"]^ 1 * 

stagnation, stagnancy, dullness, depression, jUT : j\y 
recession, slump; unsalability, unmarketability 

fallow land, wasteland, waste jy Jaj\ '■ j\y 

ruin, destruction 

dJ^U :jl* 

■./■■*'-.- , ."^i 

gyaac s'HT'.wwn 

'■■ ■■-'' '"-^ 

to dazzle, shine, glitter, sparkle jyC <. *U»I : '^> 

to be or become dazzled, dazed; to be (wJJ Yj^>) '^ 
or become overwhelmed, overpowered 

to pant, gasp, be out of breath, be <u*ii ^ '■ I : ^ 


to pepper, spice, season jl^l) I ■_ V : j^, 

pant, gasp, breathlessness; apnea; - -II p-Lklll :j^j 
dyspnea, difficult breathing, labored respiration 
middle, center, heart ,L- j : Sj^j 

to adorn, embellish, ornament, garnish, 'Jl'j : rjti 
decorate, deck out, bedeck, dress; to overdecorate, 
bedizen, prank; to tinsel, spangle 

to falsify, fake, counterfeit LiJ j : -rj+i. 

false, sham, fake, phony, nS ->j < (_U»L> t UZ\ j : r>fc 
spurious, untrue, counterfeit, mimic, mock, bogus, 
dummy, fictitious, make-believe; vain, worthless; 
bad, inferior, poor, low-grade 

counterfeit money t-iS I j JL : -r j+j 

tinsel, spangle; frippery, cheap a* I j_» i»>-»- :0U-j4j 

sham splendor, empty show, hollow pomp; *^j4j 

showy adornment, cheap ornamentation, gaudy 

embellishment; showiness, gaudiness, tawdriness, 

flashiness, garishness 

_ ». > . 

safnower y — ■- i r>i»j» '• u L ^41 i fj^i 

suberous, suberose I?'- 1 * ■ I»rfc 

holly, ilex ('"' l .') ****!; 

to weigh heavily on, oppress, Ja jl < J* JiS I : Ja^j 
overburden, overload, surcharge 
.... - ; <• -- 

vitiligo (#r^ i>->* : J** 

lichen (^Li) ^JLI J^J 

to curse, damn, execrate, imprecate J*} : 'J+> 

acrobat, tumbler, equilibrist, rope walker, tight- u'jlij 

rope walker, ropedancer, funambulist 

acrobatic *: I'J^ 

acrobatics 'C'I>hj oli - ^- jl ^^c'Sl lOLilUii 


-»*- * i s .|'T" 

jester, fool, clown, buffoon, harlequin, 


(°M) u4 




^..'.> j.^ 


trumpet, bugle 

mullet, striped mullet, 




boric acid 

to pout; to sulk 

ice cream 



bus, autobus 
mail, post 


ditch reed 





crucible, melting pot 

potentilla, cinquefoil, 

ice cream 

metatarsal bone 








gray mullet (iiL»— ) \Sjy 

- -a ' 

o j^o>- i j?e>- '■ <j jy 
[*^^J (J-^iJy i U-^ L iJy 

, ,, , . '. *-■* -a- 

(T^t 4 % '■'- " ■»■' t 4 ; 7 j iw Uj 1 >J4J 

**x : »j>; 'jx 

^Ja^^j **-lj — <C*d^j 

(oLi) (j<»^j 
• M , , * 

- ..« „~> ,* 

(oLi) jj^ay 
(oLi) J»^j 

--.:•-* -'i •' 

five-finger (^Li) *jj^jay 


-. ** • - 

*-» *>- 


'i:r xr' , c , ,! 

.; l .'«gsa 

hell, perdition 

(*-«■ -J 

I^Jl jlj 


hemorrhoids, piles ji-lv 

hemorrhoidal Jij^J^ 

trumpeter, bugler, cornetist ij^JI J r«-»UI : jl^j 

polyuria J>JI »j^ '~^y '<-"x 

, », „ a- 

to divide into chapters or sections; to clas- <_iUo : Ljy 
sify, class, categorize, tabulate, arrange, sort (out), 
assort, group, grade 

flycatcher (^jU.) iiC.jj 

poplin (crle») c^x 

potash uL^-' -c^X 

caustic potash, potassium hydroxide 








crucible, melting pot 

(spark) plug 

divulgence, disclosure, revealing, reve- *llil :(-;) ^ 

lation, revealment, uncovering 


crucible, melting pot 

Buddhist li A y 

-a. >.. _s. > 

Buddhism V^Xr" '*i J X 

to let lie fallow, leave uncultivated or (^ j all ) j^j 

fallow, uncultivated, unsown, unplanted, wild jy 

.> ■> .» 

wasteland, waste, fallow land jy_ Jof, 

borate <A>j>J' *Jo**- r«J^ '-^jy 

bourgeois <Sj\y:jy 

bourgeoisie ^.j'yrjy 

porcelain, china oj^- t /-~*« : ijJ**jy 

stock exchange, stock market, ex- J>i*»- : *«ej>j 

change, bourse 



[ »L*^ J 3jy 
\o^^) C~jjy 


uric, urinary, urinous 
urinary system 
uric acid 

policeman, (police) 


vice squad 

* 4 ' 

',•'*.•' <■,--■>. , 

, ', 3' . ^ *■ .- - 

(urinary) bladder, vesica <£)>> iiu« 

.' • ' ' 

police, policemen, police force <Ja; Li 1 aJ» J^ : y-J^j 

military police (^^v— c J' («;>*■ 

secret agent, detective, sleuth; secret iSj^ cr J>; 
police, secret service, detective squad 

traffic police j-UI jl jjjll ^-4y 

' ' >V 
police commissioner, commissioner of ^-Jjj jyl> 


police station; police post 

police; detective 

police state 

detective story 

police dog 

policy, insurance policy 
bill of lading 

Jy <0jJ 

.3 > t- - 

4 I ^j 4jljj 

■*■ 1 "* ** '> 

,— ~J_jj C-A5 


difference, disparity, discrepancy, 
dissimilarity, contrast 
distance; interval; remoteness, 

drops, candy, bonbon 


^_,G *>n.\y (J^U- 

V: -•: . •- 

u t Ai Lj . \Jy 



straits, narrows 

bugloss, anchusa 

buffet, sideboard, credenza 

i> ?j ^* : y*y 

(oLj) ^aiiy 

o< y -<^y 

to trumpet, bugle, toot, blow 4_i +±> : (jjlll j) ijjj 
the horn or trumpet, sound the bugle 

horn, trumpet, bugle, cornet, eupho- jyo 1 jju : ay 
nium, tuba 

. ' : -fi *'. -" 

4^-j ol Jl i jytj .Uy 
' I *\ *' V 



mouthpiece, spokesman, ^JJJi _. 
speaker; trumpeter; agent 


(fallopian) tube, salpinx, oviduct 

mug, drinking cup 


sarracenia, pitcher plant 




, > 


J^ (3>X oi'y»- '■ Uy 

[rij^l &y 

• < , 

i_j,UI i3j>j jL>i a-jJ '• & %i 



to urinate, micturate, make water 



retention of urine; anuria, anuresis JjlJI yC-i- 


i>l)ijjJi 11 a 

urethra, urinary tract or canal Jjlll (i^^v 



urea, carbamide 

boulevard, thoroughfare, highway 






man- l+zJ^*»- jl S^JLLII jl *:. »...!! ol^j slf-y u^h 


memorial, statement of facts [ oy l» J j-j 1»>I I o ^ 

explicative or explanatory appo- [i«j] uQ oiL* 

rhetoric O^-JI jJLc 

it goes without saying (that); it (ol) u£JI t>* (£■*■ 
is self-evident, obvious, unquestionable, undeni- 
able, indisputable 

piano, pianoforte (i-JL-.>* *JI)^>Lj :uLj 

^ ^ -*.^ -• ^ 
data, information, facts J^l**- ' Cj ^ , y*-' :i -'^^ 

piano, pianoforte (£!*--.>• ill) ^iL; 

pianist >£-^ (s-f ^ j') <-»jl* 

rhetorical OUl r*L*» jJL"-^ ' <«f >; : ^ ^ 

illustrative, clarifying, demonstra- 
tive, explanatory, expository 

graphic LjLJI J»^L>JI jl ^^L jl*^. i^u 
graph, diagram, chart ^jC ( Jjjb>- i Jx>-) |»»j 

(/■^j : v! - 




JLC itjlml 

to contrive, scheme, (tJJ Ij^I jl S^^j jl ii*i-) r,y 
plot, intrigue; to hatch, brood; to premeditate; to 
harbor, hide, conceal 

to lodge, put up for the night is jl i oC I : l^Z 

to castle [^J^Je^ 

house, home, apartment, flat, resi- j£Ll» i Jyl» : oli 
dence, domicile, dwelling, place, abode, habitation 

family, household, house 5^1 :cJj 

case, casing, covering), housing, vO i »U»* :eJj 

sheath, box 

compass 5 ^))" ^-sf 

toilet, water closet, W.C., *>»«JI o-j i c-o jI c--j 
bathroom, men's room, ladies' room 

parliament, people's assembly or council <• jl o-j 

prefabricated house, prefab _>»W- c-j 

paint; shoe polish 
bootblack, shoeblack 

J^ Jf '-'"t*-* 
microspore; sporidium #**> *y : fay 

environment, surroundings, milieu, Jalj 
setting; medium; ambience 


mullet, striped mullet, gray mullet 

infantry, infantry soldiers 

orange grove 

whiteness, white 

blank, (empty) space, blank space 

albumen, white (of egg) 

white (of the eye) 

whitewash (jlj-^' *^H u^rH 

daylight jW~" u°^>. 

fine character; good reputation 

iLjl ,0* 

' •» ) J* - s, 

sULI jjjJ-1 :<oLj 


white goods, linen(s), linen ^^Uj *^a*' : °'- i ^; 

day and night, by day and JJJI jI>-j f>JI yiC 
by night, (a)round-the-clock 

blank, unmarked; in blank 
carte blanche 
blank check 

the Kaaba 

i^SGl :J^JI '^Zi\ > r i>i ^i 

u^>^ jf 'j ~l>*^; 
j^^ jf'j-^ 

statement, declaration, announcement; pj-aj :uC 


communique, bulletin; announcement, f% : oC 

proclamation; notice; manifesto 

report, memorandum, account, state- jj^iJ : oQ. 
ment; representation; release 

index; catalog, list, register, roll; |_rj4» i iaw^ :oLh 

style, diction ljjJl.1 :oCj 

eloquence, good style <z% : o^t 



5>JI <_A-II Cr? : <J> 

>**-/ u$— -j 

*L- oLJ 


baseball; softball 


aconite, monkshood, wolfsbane 

to whiten, make white or whiter 

to tin, tinplate «L»U>jl <Si\ (ji-j 

to whitewash 

to bleach, blanch, discharge 

to make a fair copy of 

may God make him happy! 


a_j SjUj WlJ 

jljjLl ^o*j 

soft-boiled eggs 
hard-boiled eggs 
fried eggs 
scrambled eggs 


testicle, testis, spermary 


<U^U*j ojU-^ •tjj** (<*-* (j^yi 

(_^i-ji ^T'J — »' 1 ^1 j.* 

B Jj»- 

« •*' 

an impossible thing; something that liLjJI i. 
happens once in a lifetime; extremely rare 

in broad daylight jt" <■««?? J 

oval, ovate, ovoid, egg-shaped, elliptical ^y-^i 

farrier JJ-I Jf-i J?^ -J" 1 ^ 

veterinarian 'Sj^'. S -; -:- k '-J^rt 

to horseshoe, shoe a horse, fit with aJI; : oLaJ-l ^JiL 
a horseshoe 

farriery v'j-J' J^~" : °J^4i 

veterinary medicine 


veterinary medicine (Sj^>. s-J» 

veterinarian iSj^i 

(3 j h-f ( <-J r> I Oj h.i 

: — n 

brothel, bordello, bawdy »U_JI c^ t SjIcjJI euJ 
house, whorehouse, house of prostitution 
marital house, conjugal home *^>-JS" cJj 

dermoid cyst [ (_J, ] ^,1 ^.U 

tent iVl. 

verse, line (of poetry) 
cobweb, web, spiderweb 

Jl lllll 


essence, quintessence, core, pith, gist, 

treasury, exchequer 



business establishments, commercial ijjlk; ot w 
houses, firms, institutions 

jit r ij-c4Ji jii 

domestic, house, home, family, house- [Jy^ '•!**■*! 
hold; homemade; private 

i_AJI 1 (js>-l j :<<—; 

domestic(ated), tame(d) 

beige, ecru, light tan 

pajamas, pajama 

desert; wilderness, wild 

pedagogical ) 


but, yet, however, still, nevertheless, on the 
other hand 

threshing floor 


pawn (in chess) 



flag, banner, standard 


( rujja^jl) jjuj t JJuj 

standard-bearer, color-bearer (i^r~~" J*^ - : j'^ji? 

bureaucratic ^_l»lj»jj)j 

bureaucracy "utl^ijjy 

beret i *-^ * jjj \"„ k » ey^Jji *4jjy 

peso (XL*) j>j 




gR^jg.MjTjX '«. . iftTi 

sodium bicarbonate 

elder, balm 



(^)ut ... 

lunatic asylum, «-jjuoi ^i^.,^ 

insane asylum, mental hospital 

- - . « - - '. * - »- 
to show, demonstrate, manifest, j«^»j' ' j***' : Cx! 
display, exhibit, present, bring out, bring into view; 
to bring to light, reveal, disclose, uncover, expose; 
to clarify, make clear; to explain, expound, eluci- 
date, illustrate, shed light upon; to indicate, state, 
set forth 

clear, plain, distinct, mani- t-*?\j ' iJ*r ' _>*U» '■ Cxi 
fest, evident, obvious, patent, conspicuous, visible, 
apparent, marked, unmistakable, intelligible, lucid, 
explicit, express 
separation, division, disunion, disunity is ji '.^ju 

enmity, hostility, <->^f- < «jIj* : i>~" °^ ' i>e 
animosity, antagonism; dissension, discord, dis- 
between; among; admist; through ^ 

medium, middling, mediocre, just fair, not ^ ^ 
bad, so-so, neither very good nor very bad; betwixt 
and between, in an intermediate position 

while, as, during (the time J^U- i i Li I : UL <. L-L-> 

that), at the time that, at the time of, in the course 


while, whereas, when on (ol) ^>- j : LL < £-4> 

the other hand, while on the contrary 

cS>- *'j ~<>jl\ !>o '>-ij (j*? Ck>. '^'j <~-*l Cr* 
from time to time, now and then, once in a while, 
occasionally, at times, sometimes 

with him, in his posses- 4J jLy j i a« : 4j x> ,j-j 

sion, in his hands, under his control 

before him, in his presence 4jLI : ajOj ^ 

between ourselves, between you LjI; ( Cj ) L» j 
and me, as a secret 

Crr! {fh~ \+s> 

evidence, proof JJj i oLil :<iu 

testimonial proof or p>t^ o^W-j) <~oa.i. aj_j 
evidence; testimony 


sale, selling, vendition 
fraudulent sale 


? S "* ,, • „^ • s , <*•' 

(jcLkill jl (j^^iJI jl 4jJ,s*jJlj »-j 


clearance, clearance sale, sale «.ui.a,.j i »_j 

installment sale, sale in (or by) install- ,k,..«:Hj vj 


execution sale 

forced sale 


optional sale 

sale on credit 

sale on approval 

sale, public sale 

judicial sale 

auction, sale by auction, public (7-dlJl) jIjIHj j^j 
sale, public auction, vendue 

conditional sale ^>ij^» >e 

hawking, ped- J>*»JI jl Jl^kJI ^o i si jLJI £j 
dling, peddlery 

cash sale 



for sale, on sale 

resale, reselling 

vending machine 


homage, pledge of allegiance 

Kyj\ fl~* ji I : « ■■■■ I . ! 

«lJI Sjitcl 

sale; commercial transaction.ili^a ( «-j illlc : i*-j 
business deal 

(good) bargain, favorable transaction or iru lj ii^o 


into the bargain SillJI J* 

church cSjLMaJI i—^S" :<<uj 

synagogue j^^lJI a ..jjT :ilL 

vetch (^Lj) Sf^ '<**J 


compass(es), dividers 




£-* fr* 

". ' 'gagsf .; 


butane (j^) CkI*?. "j">rt 

biotin (u^^*) <j£>* 

pyorrhea iiLII i_<l+JI ioj^ 

oviparous, egg-laying, producing eggs cAfcri 

biological) (/^' : i/r>>* 

biologist ifr^y?. f^ 

biology f L^- , !l! (Jf- : L»->>- 

small house jj^> c~j 

ovum, egg; ovule [ * L»- 1 J 


,U : 

circumstantial evidence 

evidence in writing, literal proof 

to be fully aware of, well-informed ^ <c_j ^c 0^ 
about, acquainted with, abreast with, on top of 

table tennis, ping-pong iljlkll ip : v^j j»-j 

bingo (-LJ) 

stale, old 

\^ ^Jr >r >r ^r ^^'^^ ^^r \^^ ^^r ^^ ^^ ^^ 

^^ ^^ ^^ n^ ^j^ ^5r ^r ^r N^ n^ nJt ^jr >J^ 

notice of; to study, examine; scrutinize, inquire into 

to look for, search for 




to agree with someone on Jx. <Ui I j : Jx. GSi jut 

or in, concur with someone in 

>* ft ~~ 
to continue one s studies, study, attend a-jjj »jU 


j^ju j I LJLaJ «j 



to prosecute, sue, bring suit Lj 
against, take legal action against 

following, succeeding, subsequent, 


t* - 
attached, added, appended, ?>—** 

annexed, joined, subjoined 
appurtenant, appendant, acces- JjJl. i JyU>J '■ f->^ 
sory, auxiliary, ancillary, supplementary, subsidi- 
ary; accompanying, attendant, collateral, concomi- 

appendage, adjunct, ap- jjj i iiU>j i JjJl. :.«_jL; 
purtenance; addition, addendum, annex, attach- 
ment, appendix, supplement 

secondary, minor, subsidiary, tributary, l$y^ : £->^ 
accessory, ancillary, sub-, side 

subordinate, subaltern, infe- u-jj j-« t **»U- : ^jt 
rior; subject, vassal; under someone, under some- 
one's control (authority, command); dependent; 
subsidiary; heteronomous 

servant, retainer, follower, factotum 

r- jt 

follower, adherent, partisan, disciple j^ 

subject, national, citizen JL> \'y, 


appositive; apposition 

<-Lt ^1 t-o^i J>** JJ-^ Jrr* { *-^ ^ 


tt L 

by God 

repentant, repenting, penitent, contrite »jU :i_Jlj' 

straying, wandering, roaming, roving, 3U> :«jIj 

errant, .erratic, lost, stray, astray 

proud, haughty, arrogant, supercilious, jSjl> : <Ju 

absentminded, distracted, distrait, ,_y» JJI jjlt : <J li 

to repent, be or become penitent 

to repent, turn from sin; to re- 
nounce, forswear, forsake 

to turn to God in repentance 4&I <JI Lt 

to forgive, pardon <d jki. :<uic *j)l L.U 

to refuse, decline, reject, turn down J&j '• uH* 

to £e or become permanent, 
lasting, eternal, everlasting 

„..< * , s »- 

Jul vr'j - ul>J-l jjIj 

to carry under one's arm; to put one's arm ij U 


to continue, go on 

, carry i_iiull 1 J^slj 1 _ / *-^l : ,v^' 

on, proceed; to continue to do, keep doing, keep 
on (doing), keep (up), go on doing, persist in, per- 
severe in, stick to, adhere to; to resume, recom- 
mence, renew, begin again 

to follow; to pursue, follow LiiiJ 1 J*- "il 1 «_J : ^ t 
up; to chase, trail, track, trace, run after, go after 

to watch, observe, see, jj-jj 1 Jii-'il 1 Lilj :pt 
look closely at; to mark, pay attention to, take 




^ss^^^ 4fci^ 


to pursue, follow, chase, 
track, trace, trail 

to imitate, copy, emulate, follow the j iS±3\ : J\j 
example of 

(state of) being influenced or affected or Jlujl :^Ju' 
impressed; passivity; emotion, affection, affectiv- 
ity; agitation, excitement, stimulation 

-* I s - 'f: 
sensitivity, sensibility, excitability ^Lj- : Jb 

i^Ls-J : jiu 

4_f Uaj I : ij^j 

feeling, sensation, perception 
impressionistic; impressionist 



to shun (avoid, turn from, abstain £ )ll 
from) sin 


'■' • -\ 



-« '.■«•- J- 
effect, influence; impact, bearing; y\ <. o>*** '-j^y 


impression, impress, effect; impact, *ij : jyt 


effectiveness, efficacy, efficiency 

influence, sway, authority, power,Aj»L, <. iyii : jOu 

leverage, clout 


side effect, side reaction 





capital, chapiter 

to burn, blaze, flame, in- jiJl i J*^.U <_-4-JI :£»■ 

flame, deflagrate 

burning, blaze, flame, deflagration p»t 

to trade (in), carry on trade (in), traffic (in), ( j) jyXl 

deal (in), do business (in); to sell, merchandise, 

handle; to commercialize 

merchant, dealer, trader, tradesman; business- ^li' 



+J I : m^ U 



satellite, moon [tfili ] 

satellite (state or country), de- £jt jJl> i i<ot i)_j j 
pendent state or territory, vassal state (or country), 

-- i- -- * '.' 
subsidiary a*jU a— y 

nationality, citizenship *~~~>- '■ <1«j U 

' ; '.* 7-' 

spice, condiment; seasoning; dressing (JjI_>j r) JjU 

painting, picture; tableau, tableau vivant 9 ^i^ 

to be far above; to remain <jc %iy i <ji ojjj :<ji oU' 
aloof from, turn away from 

coffin, casket (c~J0 £>y>& 

' " ' - * ', 
sarcophagus i_rjj" '■(Sj***- X" 

box, case, chest, coffer Jj-lUo : o_jjU 

ark (of the covenant) _4»J I o^> t 

eternization, perpetuation, immortal- jiJlliw : jljU 

pollination ^>l j 

eulogy, funeral oration; commemoration 
eulogistic; commemorative 



■ t- 

to stammer, stutter UU :U'U' 

to arise from, result from, ^ i lii : <jx. jl ^ ,jj t 
stem from, originate from, spring from, derive 
from, issue from 

to result in, end j jl JJ j^ljl i JJ cS^l :<ji ^ylj 
in, end with 

to be or become easy, facile, feasi- J+Lj : _,-• Si <_y t 
ble, attainable; to go well 

stammerOng), stutteKing) SUU :i'UU 

to be furnished oli /JA\ j I lili^L jj j 4 iil : iit 

to succeed, prosper 

to be or become wealthy, rich ts ^t- 

to be affected, influenced, acted (^ jl J jl _>) j5\j 
upon, be passive; to be impressed, moved, 
touched, stimulated, excited 

to feel, sense, perceive j*^. : y\> 


3~ - ft & " 

backwardness, underdevel- j>J»i jl fjJu 
opment, retardation 



default, failure to pay on time, being »jjJI ^t 

in arrears 

to border on or upon, abut on or jjU 4 ^o *$ : n*-\j 

upon, adjoin, neighbor, touch, be adjacent to, be 

contiguous with, be next to, lie in contact with 

delay(ing), postponement, deferment, Jer" '-jar^ 
putting off 

retardation, hindrance, imped- iilil 1 JjjoJ : j^-fc 

ing, obstruction, holding up, blocking 

setting back, putting back iiCJI *»-t 

to be performed, carried out; to be { jJai 1 iij : lioli 
discharged, settled 

to get ready; to be ready, be prepared a«i»l : cjjti 

to be conveyed to Jj jji : JJ tS jt 

to arrive at, reach, get to JJ J*>j : JJ (i jt 

J J (i^l p-lj-J.I </j* :JJ (i*^ 

to be well-mannered, well- v-^> ' v-*** 00 :ojU 
bred, refined, polished, cultured, educated, polite, 
mannerly, civil, courteous, urbane, fair-spoken; to 
be well-disciplined 

to educate oneself, study ^ j j 1 <ujj i_iii : ujI" 

to imitate, copy, emulate, <> ijjui\ : <> jL i-O" 
follow someone's example or model, pattern after, 
model after, take after 

deliberateness, slowness o^> '-iiy 

deliberately, slowly, J+, Jc <. <juj '•»*£> <• »J>> (J* 
unhurriedly, without haste 

education, refinement, polishing, culti- i_-j J«J : v^ J " 
vation, culture, discipline, disciplining 

discipline, disciplining, chastisement, ilill* :t_ojt 
(disciplinary) punishment 

disciplinary; punitive I*~!' J " 

to suffer (or incur) damage or inju- <ji jl <JC»I : liit 
ry, be harmed, be hurt, be wronged 
to be someone's contemporary or <> Jl <jo : cjjU 
comrade or peer 


0^4 . OJU 

wholesaler, wholesale dealer 

retailer, retail 
white slaver 

^cLUI ji ii^Jjl ji j^l 

lArf 1 ^' JHj^' >^ 

salable, marketable; selling well, in »>rt <uUu 
demand, popular, hot (merchandise, goods, items, 

to be postponed, deferred, put off, i^ jl 4 'Jar' : J*.U' 
delayed, adjourned 

coronary; coronal; mitral 
coronary occlusion or thrombosis 
coronary artery, coronary 


,j!-lJ ulj^ 


lighting, kindling, inflaming, in- «- 1 ja-a- . n»j>- 
flammation; setting ablaze, stoking, stirring up 

letting, letting out, renting out, leasing, hiring jjfU 
out, rental, hire; lease 

» - - > i' 
charter, chartering »JJ ij\l> jl *■■''- ju-U 

subleasing, subletting, underletting; ^U I J, j^t 


rental (value..) tij«r^' 

postponement, deferment, putting off, t \arj\ : J-*^ 
delay(ing), adjournment 

to be easy, facile, possible, L^ 1 jj^lj 1 jllj : rlj 

feasible, attainable, obtainable 

to be foreordained, predestined, predeter- jji : *-U 

fraternization, brotherly association, (,>LJl) f-Xj 
fraternal or friendly terms; fraternity, brotherline'ss 
to fraternize, associate or mingle as brothers or ^-Li 
on fraternal terms, be on fraternal or friendly 


„ 3^ .. ' s f' 
to be late; to tarry, linger, delay; to lag, i^iLa^ -ji-u 

fall behind, stay behind 

'5'' - * y~ 
to retard, slow, delay; to be delayed, oy* ■ >■£ 

retarded, hindered, impeded, obstructed, help up, 

to be delayed, deferred, postponed, put 3r*J : >■ « 

to default, be in arrears, be behind- 

• Jl, 

hand, be bebind, fall behind, fail to pay on time 

delay, retardation, lag, falling be- i.ifcj 1 J^J :^u 
hind, staying behind; tardiness, slowness, lateness, 
belatedness, tarrying 


yj ' l ' ," '' 




aggravation, worsening, complication; critical »Ju 
development; impasse, deadlock 

aggravation, worsening, complication, f'j I jjusu : £jt 


mutual consolation; <_,-!_; jjua> :(,--UJ l) ^U 

mutual assistance 

to console or comfort one 

to assist or support uj"" ' L»»L .»« • » »: uj^c : <_j-Lj 
one another 

to be consoled; to find solace or consola- ti^nJ : iJ m\j 
tion; to console oneself 

JL«UmiI ju»- I j *- JL«f u 

to be founded, established, set up; to be iJ ^. 1 : (_,»! u 
instituted, built, created, originated, formed, orga- 
nized, constituted, made, started 

to be based on, founded on, grounded on >( J* ^j-lb 
rested on 

(the) ninth tr^' 'fr*^' 

ninth, ninthly lL.ll 

to regret; to feel or be sorry (for) uL. I : uu* 17 

regret; sorrow, grief i_««. I : uLi U 

atavism, throw- (J^C^I olw Jj ojj* i iy^rj : lU^ 

back, reversion 


4> * 

4j j iU • Cmiu 

lj-1 C <_>— I £»- I J - ,j«<lj 

consolation, comfort, condolence, 

founding, foundation, setting up, establishing, Lr --. .t 
establishment, laying the foundation or substruc- 
ture (of); instituting, institution, building, creating, 
creation, originating, origination, organizing, orga- 
nization, constituting, constitution, forming, for- 
mation, making, starting 

based on, relying on, on the basis of, on <J* C--.U 
the grounds of, by virtue of, on the strength of, 
pursuant to 

founding; foundational, fundamental; insti- ^-?*u 
tutional; organizational; formative; constitutional, 
structural, constructive 

constituent assembly t*r-" u-^v 

sometimes, at times 

* • » '- 

sometimes... and 'j>J»j ■ • • »jt ' »jtj ■ • • Sjt 

sometimes, at times... and at other times 

from time to time, now and then, i£>-l j • jt [>1j 
once in a while, occasionally, sometimes, at* times 

to blaze, flame, glow c-juul i cJuli.1 : ( jUI o.) tiijU 

to rock, swing, sway, fluctuate, oscillate, rurjt 

vibrate, vacillate, seesaw, teeter, totter, wobble 
rocking, swingGng), swayGng), fluctuation, ruj-jt 
oscillation, vibration, vacillation, seesaw, teeter, 

to leave alone, let go, release, oj^*- 4 <jc_j ai ^ : djU 
free, unhand 

to suspend hostilities with, jU i 1)L 4 iJU» : djt 
make peace with, conclude a truce with 

historiography; chronicling; chronology; dating fuju 

history; chronicle; annals; date; time; period 

due date, date of maturity 

case history 

biography, memoir; life 
history; curriculum vitae 



undated, dateless, with- 
out a date 
historical, historic 


grounding, earthing 



VjUl ^ Jii 

l CJ 


to help (support, assist) one another; to Ojli; 03^ 
cooperate, collaborate, work together; to rally, 
unite, come together, join forces 

cooperation, collaboration, mutual Ojl«J : jjL< 

assistance, working together; rallying), joining of 
forces, uniting of efforts; synergism, synergy, 
cooperative action, combined action 

to become critical, aggravated, JiUj i " 


worse, complicated, strained; to reach a crisis or 
deadlock, come to a head 



seek to ascertain, check, verify; to reassure oneself 

making sure, verification, check(ing); reassur- jS U' 
ance; ascertainment; certainty, certitude, assur- 
ance, conviction, sureness, positivism 
to plow, till, cultivate cj_p- 1 jS I : ji U' 

to oxidize, become oxidized or rusty juSu' 

oxidation juS"ll' 

taxi, taxicab, cab V^ 

to corrode, erode, wear out, wear away, JSU' <■ Js 1 L7 
abrade, fret; to be eaten away, corroded, eroded, 
worn, fretted, abraded 

corrosion, erosion, wear, wearing away, JSIj 'JSu' 

fret, abrasion 

confirmation, affirmation, assertion; assurance ±Su 

stress, emphasis ((Jt) juSC 

certainly, of course, positively, definitely, jl^uI 
surefly), for sure, to be sure, assuredly, absolutely, 
by all means, unquestionably, undoubtedly 

confirmatory, confirmative, confirming, affir- liJuS" t 
mative, affirming; corroborative; emphatic 

following, next, coming, succeeding, ((J&O <J^' 

subsequent, sequent, consequent; later, future, ul- 
terior, eventual 

consequently, hence, thus, therefore, U U i (JUL 

accordingly, so, as a result, then, subsequently 

as follows (J&^ 

«# *: 




to follow 

to agree with J>*'.J : <jlt> 

to participate in, share in, <$j^*\ <■ ^'^ '■ j <jlt; 
take part in; to associate (with someone) in 

to conspire against, plot against J*. ^U : J* LJ U' 

to gather (against), rally 11»J : ( !w» _ji Jt) v_Ju 
(against), band together (against) 

conspiring, conspiration, conspiracy, yXl, :Jt 

gathering, rallying, banding together ^Ju : i_Jb 
old, time-honored, long-possessed, inherited eji : jJL" 


marking, checking off; s^jiul ««i»j i ^s- i J.} : jjJiU' 
signing; stamping; official endorsement 

visa s'jwt 

Oj<LmpU *jy>Vi 


ljj» : »J»->I 


to take root, strike root; to be -lL>I 

£-j ' J J 

or become deep-rooted, firmly established, deep- 
seated, inveterate, ingrained, innate, inherent 
to derive one's origin from 'qa Jjm : [>. jj!Uu 

deep-rootedness, rootage, inveteracy, innateness J-aU' 

allotropy [ ( L^S"] J-slj 

allotropic [ »l,,..,_<] l^o^> 

rooting, founding, foundation; jl>l j >'■»- : J__^U' 

consolidation; establishing the origin of 

bending, curving ^ :jiiU' 

framing, rimming jlLl iJ»l»-j :j<J»t 

cr^ £f'j ~ erf ^ 

to grumble, mutter, grouch, complain, whine, <_ut 
repine, fuss 

grumble, grumbling, complaint, mutter, whine, <-ii 
whining, grouch, displeasure, disgust, discontent 

insignificant, trivial, trifling, paltry, J~U> . 



negligible, inconsiderable, worthless, petty, unim- 
portant, fiddling, fractional, frivolous 

tasteless, insipid, vapid, flat; Jj—. t Jj> % :ajU 
bland, dull; banal, trite, commonplace, stale' 

stupid, silly, absurd, ridiculous *.»,-»,., : Ai U 

trifle, triviality, vanity *4»Ij 

to long for, yearn for, hanker (Jj) jl^l : (<Jj) tSUT 
after, pine for, hunger for, thirst for, die to; to 
crave, desire, desiderate; to miss; to aspire to 

to acclimatize, acclimate, adapt (oneself), oilSo : ( 
adjust (oneselO, habituate oneself 

acclimatization, acclimation, adaptation, oiJCj : (Jiu 

to be or become confirmed, affirmed; to be ^"511 liSTu' 
or become established, proven; to be or become 
certain, sure, definite, positive; to prove to be true 
or correct, turn out to be true or correct 

to be sure of, certain of, convinced j* Si <y> j&K 
of, confident of; to ascertain, find out or learn with 
certainty about, know for certain; to make sure of, 

'jft r-\r 


joining, combination, combining, connection, con- 
necting, integration, integrating 

synthesis S-?f > : >-*& 

reconciliation, peacemaking; i^cL. t ^yiy '■ oLJfc 


domestication, taming ^j^ i^j-jj :<_jJk 

by, written by |JlL : (u^i ) <-«Jt 

synthetic ifT^ -^ 

deification, apotheosis, idolization 111 j-un :*JU 

£ cf rlj "'r l; 

perfect, consummate; complete, full, whole, total, ^ U' 
entire, integral, thorough; plenary; absolute, un- 
qualified, outright, downright, out-and-out, sheer, 
utter, - stark; completed, finished, concluded, 
wound up, finalized; accomplished, achieved; 
perfected, consummated, rounded off, rounded 
out; performed, done 

full moon 

f b J- 

It Jli 


perfect square 

to plot, conspire, col- U»ljJ n_Jt < ~°y\y ->*l •j*^-' 
lude, intrigue, scheme, connive 

to confer, deliberate, consult, hojd talkSjjLj : _^U 

to be imperious, domineering, authoritative, j*u 
tyrannical; to have one's own way; to be fond of 
giving orders; to domineer, bully, browbeat; to 
dominate, control, be in command 

plotting, conspiring, i y\y jIjicI t^U jj~a* :^Li' 
conspiration, conspiracy, colluding, collusion, in- 
triguing, scheming, conniving, connivance 

conferring, conference, deliberation, jjUJ '■ j*<-> 
consultation, talk 

°y'y f^'j - °j*'y • j*^-' 

imperiousness, domineeringness, authoritative- j*u 


to Americanize, become Americanized 

conspiratorial, collusive 

to look attentively (carefully, 'JLZ t Jt^j : ( j) '£ U 
closely) at, scrutinize, regard (watch, observe) 

to be formed, set up, es- s^ii 1 <■ oy^i <■ ^-^ ■ uu U* 
tablished, created, built (up), constituted; to come 
into existence or being, see the light 

to consist of, be J* J*ii| ' ,y» oy^> '■ Cr? '-*'" 
composed of, be made up of; to include, contain, 
comprise, embrace, embody, encompass, involve 

to unite, combine, merge, co- piJUjaul 
alesce, join forces; to be united, combined 

to gather, rally, band together 


damaged, impaired, spoiled, bad, <_aLJI ajU>I : <_iHj' 
decayed; broken; ruined, destroyed, wrecked; 
worn, worn-out; useless, worthless 

to shine, radiate, flash, beam, glitter, glisten, '^J : Jj] t 

gleam, luminesce 

radiance, brightness, brilliance, shine, effulgence, JjJU' 

refulgence, luminosity, glitter, glisten; splendor, 

resplendence; glory 

to feel pain, suffer (pain), be in pain; to £-y : jj u 

agonize, anguish, be excruciated, be tormented 



to deify oneself 

to be deified, apotheosized, idolized 


perplexed, puzzled, at a loss, bewil- J* I i < y U : *J U 

dered, startled 

absentminded, distracted, distrait, ^JJI jjb. :*Jt 


incitation (against), incitementLJ I jjuo* :(J«) uJl" 
(against), stirring up (against), instigation (against), 
provocation (against); rallying people against, 
banding people together against; setting people 
against each other, sowing dissension or discord 
among or between 

formation, forming, O'-sfc ' *^! ' J^f--" : <-**J« 
establishment, establishing', setting up, making, 
creation, creating, building, origination, originating 

composition, rJJ oUJil jl <_«j5lll «^ij • l -^'" 
writing, compilation; art of writing, art of compo- 
sition, etc. 
authorship; writing CL£JI iiL* \<JlSg 

• ' •: * : . . \k 

union, uniting, junction, %**■ i ju»- y i**o :uJb 




insurance company 

premium, insurance premium ( j r _.L 

slowness, deliberateness, deliber- J4I; : ((Jllll) oU 
ation; patience; carefulness, care 

slowly, deliberately, unhurriedly, without olL 
haste; carefully 

make haste slow-£.ljJl iikiJI jj k."$L}\ JIIjI j 
ly; more haste, less speed 

to act slowly, take one's time, slow down; j+*j : ^U 
to be patient, deliberate, careful 

betel (oL) J^JL" 

to be or become effeminate, womanish, <_-_j_7 :dJU 
womanly, unmanly, feminine; to feminize; to dis- 
play effeminate manners 

to become feminine, be (put) in [ iil ] illSG! c-iit 
the feminine form 

effeminacy, womanishness, womanliness, i_«J U 

femininity, unmanliness 

to become incarnate (rv^O cr^ 

i_r" p-'j "a-; 1 •cr' t 




to dress up, spruce up, smarten up, doll up; to be JJ U 
elegant, fashionable, stylish, dressy, chic, neat, 
smart; to be fastidious, squeamish, overnice, dainty 

elegance, fashionableness, stylishness; fastidi- jjU 
ousness, daintiness, nicety 

euphuism, ojlLSlI j j,..-:.; :^iC _jl *Jilj jit 
floridness, flowerinesSj grandiloquence, ornateness 
of style, pomposity of speech, affected elegance of 

reprimand, reprehension, reproach, 

?WJJ . «~M. 


censure, rebuke, reproof, castigation, upbraiding, 
scolding, chiding 

qualm(s), compunction(s), pricking of jjJ-JI l~jt 
the conscience, twinge of conscience, pangs of 
remorse, remorse 

making feminine, putting (a word) in the [-jj] _^jt 

feminine form; feminine form 

taming, domestication ( _ r >a-lb ly-Ju 

to lose one's way, get lost, go astray, go 

to contemplate, meditate (on),^Sj 1 ^£-J :( j) S& 
consider carefully, ponder (on or over), reflect on, 
cogitate (on), muse (on or over), pore (over), spec- 
ulate (on), think deeply about, think over 

scrutiny, careful or close examination ^y-J : J_. U 

meditation, contemplation, re- j&u 1 jfjj :J-t 
flection, consideration, thinking, cogitation, pon- 
dering, muse, musing, speculation 

reflective, meditative, contemplative, cogitative.Tju U 
speculative, thoughtful 

to go to, betake oneself to, repair JJ 
to, take to 

to follow someone's example, be _ 
guided by, copy, imitate 

to be nationalized 

i '-f+u 

cS-Uj! :_> M>\j 


pericardial, pericardiac 
insurance, assurance 

(-Jill (J^i- '.jy»\i 

security, collateral, surety, 
guaranty, guarantee, warranty 
pledge, mortgage 

deposit, trust ii _. I 1 <L . j : ^_w.t 

•" •: 1 *■ ' ' . •: • : h 

securing, _. Jjjy 1 J* Jy_-»- 1 jo^j 1 J ■,»■»-> ly-^Li 

ensuring, guaranteeing, assuring; procurement, 
procuring, bringing about, achievement, attain- 
ment, accomplishment, realization, fulfillment, 
working out; furnishing with, providing with 

0:.;"' 'CKi" 

reassurance, assurance 

social insurance; social security (Vl^r ' Oi^ 

maritime insurance \$j>*> i>^^ 

fire insurance 3*Ji-\ Ju« _«"" 

all risk insurance jLk»-jl . . ,~ ■ ■> j .-!' 

life insurance sQ.1 J* ^f 

reinsurance, reassurance ^tll s'jlil 

policy, insurance policy l j~.t i-Jj 1 i>~«t "U-J>j 
policyholder ^.t C-Jjj J_.U- 





- ■ -■-• 


confirmed, affirmed, sustained, seconded; to be 
endorsed, sanctioned, approved, approbated, coun- 
tenanced ^ 

taiga ^ijiy*° **•* • <*£« 

to lose one's husband, become cJu> :(sl>' c-) jiju 
a widow 

widowhood, viduity u^y'-pi* 

to ionize, be ionized '-jkjjl J J J> 3 *> : Oi" 

ionization t^lijjl J J -!>"« : 0i" 

support(ing), backing (up), advocacy, advoca- juj u 
tion, championship, upholding; corroboration, 
confirmation, affirmation, sustenance, susten- 
tation, sustainment; endorsement, approval, sanc- 
tion, assent, consent, countenancing 
ionization ^^jjI dj Ji> 3U : us!" 

to perish, be destroyed iiU* : <-J 

woe to him! may evil befall him! fie on him! <d & 

to feign misery, pretend to be o~y^ V j* ^-" ■ (J* i M 


(utter) destruction, ruin; doom; perdition, liJ^U : oLj 

eternal damnation 

to confide their secrets to one {j\jJi\ ^ I ) ii Lj 

another, tell their secrets to each other 

to discuss, confer, hold talks, talk (about, i*-UJ' 

over), dialogue, have a dialogue, hold a conver- 
sation or discussion, exchange views; to delib- 
erate; to debate, argue; to negotiate 

• C J~f 


- - f* 



to imitate Bedouins 

to show open hostility (or Sjl.uJl> p>ill lijLJ 

enmity) to one another 

to occur to, strike, come to jiai- : (t>» JJI Jj) jjLj 
someone's mind, cross someone's mind 

to hurry (to), hasten (to), rush (to), run sy-l : jjLj 

to exchange, interchange, j*-*i\ j*-\)i\ Ji\j :d -&' 

to barter, exchange, trade, swap, o-yl-j : J.iLy 
truck, make an exchange (of) 

to alternate, rotate J) I Sj i i_JLj i <-jj^ : J J ^-> 

!' ' ' ■ ■ 

. - 

amiss; to stray, wander 

to swagger, flaunt, boast, brag 


to be or become proud, haughty, arrogant JSS : ot 

to be or become perplexed, puzzled, be- j^Z : ot 

wildered, baffled 

to perish, be destroyed <^* : «^> 

to get ready, prepare oneself, ready oneself, <_J»u 

make (one's) preparations, gird oneself (for action), 

gird (up) one's loins, prepare (oneselD for action; 

to be ready, be prepared; to be alert(ed), be on the 


preparedness, readiness; alert(ness) 

to marry, get married, wed, take a spouse -■ jjj : jjiu 

to be qualified, fit, suited, adapted, pre- {j^i) 3*^ 
pared; to be habilitated, rehabilitated 
rehabilitation, habilitation, orientation; *\ jxl : J*»Ij 
qualifying, fitting, adaptation, preparation, en- 

welcoming, welcome, greeting, i_~T> : (-;) J??t> 
gracious reception 

to culminate, climax, reach its highest rji\ iJb : ^jlj 
point, come to a climax, come to a head, peak (up), 
top (off or out) 

to twist, bend, turn, curve, wind; ts'^\ ' jt>*| : JJ " 
to be twisted, bent, crooked, winding, tortuous, 
sinuous; to bow 

to iiijl < ii»l_T l)£\ : (^\|| j! i'^\ o) _jti 

(over)burden, weigh down on, oppress 

to be interpreted, construed; to be j~* i liy ■ Jju 


to interpret, construe; to explain JLi 1 Jjl : iJjU 

to see promising signs in, expect (a lot^^il <J Jyj 
of) good of, set (great) hopes on 

to moan, groan, sigh, wail 

moan(ing), groan(ing), sigh(ing), wail(ing) 

interpretation, construction, explanation 

interpretative, interpretive, constructive, 


tili. : lib" 
Jul : JjU 

to be supported, backed (up); to be advo- 
cated, championed, upheld; to be corroborated, 

Jte r-n 

delay, move at decreasing speed, go slowly; to lag, 
loiter, linger, tarry; to procrastinate, stall, gain time 

slowdown, slowing down, slowness; decelera- jJjQ 
tion; delay, retardation, slackening, tardiness, lag; 
tarrying, lingering; procrastination, stalling 

successively, in succession, consecutively, one UUi' 
after the other, one by one, in turn, by turns; re- 

to be Ci2j ii»C \£S e-jlS" t^nill :(uI*'.m,1I) j*Uj 
separate(d), lie apart; to diverge, draw apart, spread 
apart, branch ofT 

to separate, part, part company, go in J^Jj I : jsXz 
different directions, break off, leave each other; to 
be or become alienated, estranged 
to be or become far, faraway, L5Li I .ljo <j\£ \js\Z 
far-off, distant, remote 

to move away (from), go I -u»j i_j» i : (,jx.) -nclll 
away (from) 

to keep away or ^ i_jU i ,jx. Ij^jo JJi ijjt j^-Cz 
far from, stay away or far from, distance oneself 
from, withdraw from; to absent oneself from 

to quit, leave; to avoid, s-^" ' ^y -u* J*V> 
shun, keep away from, keep clear of 

separation; divergence, <_»*-iJ i JLaiil : jcLj 


farness, remoteness; distance ^iLi^y: jlcLJ 

difference, dissimilarity, dis- ^Lj t <_»^U»- 1 : At Li 
crepancy, disparity, divergence 
discord, disharmony, dis- jli j o^> i (-»>»• : jlcU 
union, disunity, dissension 

alienation, (mutual) estrangement jyu 

moving away (from), jLjjI i Ljlii : (,jx.) jlcC 
going away (from) 

keeping away ^jc^JLi. <.,jc. I-uju tU-JI : ,jx. jicLJ 
or far from, staying away or far from, withdrawal 
from; absenting oneself from 

leaving, quitting; avoidance, i_~ju "^j- 1 : u x - -^V" 
shunning, keeping away from, keeping clear of 

to wrong or oppress one LiL «*-i»j JJi : f^ill <jcLj 
another, be unjust or unfair to one another, do 
wrong or injustice to one another 

to hate each other Uuu ^Juu (>i<u I : |»>«JI yic Lj° 

mutual hatred; hate yic UJ 

to feign crying, pretend to be slSLJI i-tl.C : ^Uj 



^ ■•«*■ ■' ■-•'-■^ /■-■«■■■ , ■--, - . ■ -'"!^1 
exchange, interchange, commutation ibC. : J jUi' 

barter, exchange, swap, truck, trade, <Lajll4 :JjLj 


reciprocration; reciprocity J~^ iLli- : J-jLj 

alternation, rotation JjIjj lOjLJ :JjLJ 

commutativity [^k^j oLilj] JjQ 

exchange of views jJiJI olf>-j _>l slj^l JjLj 

exchange of toasts (_. Uo ^ I J jLj 

reciprocal, mutual; commutative, exchange; "^^? 

alternating, alternate 

reciprocity; commutativity ill jUj 

permutations [oLilj ] JjjCj 

to focalize, be or become focalized; to £ j+* '■ j^*> 
focus, come to a focus 

destruction, ruin d^i : jCj 

focalization, focusing <, ' J^ '-jyi 

to separate, part, part company, jjii I i J '^■■1 : IjlJ 
break off, leave each other 

to compete, vie, ^Cj ( sljL. j JJliu i^piLj :i5jCj 
contest, contend; to be rivals or competitors, strive 
to outdo one another; to meet in a contest; to race 

to duel, meet in duel or fencing, fight (o%\ld\) }jlJ 
a duel; to combat, fight 

to vie, contend, compete (_r*Lj i (ijCl : JjCj 

duel(ing), fencing; combat, fight; contest, match, jjCj' 

to be blessed Sj'y : dJ^Uj' 

to ask the blessing of 

'<CS'J> LlL :(_,)dljllj 

be He blessed, blessed be JU; <. Jj-lij : jft S'jCz 
God, blessed is God, be He raised far above 

to see a good omen in, regardj fill 4 j^lj : _, dJjQ 
as a good omen 

foretokens, portents, (jljl oLi tJJ^j :j«-iCj 

presages, prognostics, omens, auguries, first signs, 
first indications 

beginning, dawn, rise, first ap- Jjl i «ik. :^Cj 

good news, glad tidings 5jL jL>-l i <Sj^> : ^P 

to be slow; to slow (down), decelerate, slacken, UjCj 




i* #: 

to devote one's life to Jil Jj LjjJI y* £^"1 "• J~" 


celibacy, chastity, sexual abstinence, abstention JlJ 

from sexual intercourse 

to boast, brag, vaunt, crow, swagger, swash, ^syJ 

boastGng), boastfulness, bragCging), vauntGng), gky 
crowing, swaggeKing), swash(ing), gasconade, bra- 
vado, fanfaronade, rodomontade 

to be revered, reverenced, venerated; to Jj>u : Jj«-j 
be honored, dignified, esteemed, greatly respected, 
highly regarded; to be glorified, exalted 
veneration, reverence, esteem, honor, defer- J-»-j 
ence, great respect, high regard; glorification, exal- 
reverential, reverent; honorific, honorable < J u.-«».i." 

to be or become prosperous, affluent, opulent; ^»yj 
to live in comfort, live in easy circumstances, 
enjoy a comfortable life, lead a life of comfort and 

to study thoroughly; to penetrate deeply ( j) j*^ 
(into), delve (into), go deeply (into); to be well- 
versed (in), conversant (with); to be an authority 
or expert (in) 

thorough study; deep penetration (into), ( j) __ 
delving (into), going deeply (into); conversance, 
versedness, knowledge 
to strut, swagger, prance, mince J In- 

structing), swaggeKing), prancing, <JL^»- 
prance, mincing 

to evaporate, vaporize, jU%j JJ J>» 
volatilize; to steam, fume 

to be steamed, fumed j^v^ d°j*- 

to be fumigated j^r-^i j&° 

* -\\ - *1 - 
to perfume oneself with in- j.vyJv V^" 

cense, incense oneself; to be perfumed with in- 
cense, be incensed, be censed 

evaporation, vaporization, vola- jLso (Jj 05*1 '• j*+j 

vaporization, evaporation, vol- jlao Jj Jj>»«j -j^J 

1 --. 

weeping, shed crocodile tears 

spice dealer, spice seller, seller of Je'yJI glj : d\+> 

spices and condiments 

to feign stupidity, pretend to be : j^GU j» Uii : J C' 

stupid (dull, sluggish, etc.) 

to feign stupidity, pretend to be ii^lJL j» Uxl : ti LJ 

stupid (foolish, imbecile, etc.) 

straw vendor, straw seller, straw dea- ^IJI jil : uUj 


swimsuit, swimming suit, bathing i»-LUl ^y :OLj 


Milky Way; galaxy 5^11 :iiUI ljj j «**^j 

pride, boastGng), boastfulness, >-L; : (^UJI ) olJ 
brag(ging), vainglory; flaunting, show-off, ostenta- 
tion, pomposity 

to boast of, brag of, crow j^i \<. >-liJ _ 

about, be proud of, pride oneself on, pique oneself 
on, plume oneself on, preen oneself on, glory one- 
self in; to flaunt, parade, show off 

to vie in boasting with Ja** ^c ^ ^ v >«» : <j» V 
one another 

(j) ^i} j^-lj -(-j) 2»^j' 

adaptation, adjustment '-4^-' 'it : ii^ 


to curse each other 
to adapt, adjust 

focalization, focusing 

steaming, fuming 


u^ij" '■ji^ J 


to sell (to) one another, agree jj-*i\ j*-\y*\ ^U : gLj 
on the terms of a sale, conclude a deal or tran- 
saction, strike a bargain 

to differ, vary; to be different, OjLj 1 Liln-I : ^Uj 
disparate, varying, dissimilar, inconsistent, incon- 
gruous, conflicting, opposed, contrary, contradic- 
tory, incompatible 

difference, dissimilarity, dis- Ojlij <. *S'tef-\ : Oi^ 
parity, discrepancy, unlikeness; variation, vari- 
ance; contrast; contradiction, inconsistency, dis- 
agreement, disharmony, incompatibility, incon- 
gruity, nonconformity, conflict, clash, opposition 
differential, different, differing; varying; con 
trastive; conflicting, inconsistent, incongruous, 
to live in celibacy, live in chastity ^3')^ ^y '• J^J' 

<^ • 



■ mil i M m i| 

Jl-i-fj} tJJLJJ Wrlj-Jjuj' ItJJuJ' 

wasting, squandering, frittering away, throwing jj air 
away; dissipation, wastefulness), extravagance, 
lavishness, prodigality, profligacy 

gold nuggets, gold-ore, raw gold; gold Jj 

to disavow, disown, deny, £j I <. ^ JZa^J : ^ l^j' 
disclaim, repudiate, renounce, wash one's hands ot 
to be acquitted, absolved, <G el y c-Jicl : I j-j 1 

cleared, exculpated, exonerated, declared or found 
innocent (guiltless, not guilty) 

disavowal, disownment, denial, jlSJl <. J ,a. J :jjlj 
disclaimer, repudiation, renunciation 

acquittal, absolution, exculpation, exon- nsjs : tjjj 
eration, clearance, clearing; discharge, release, 
freeing, relieving 

to adorn hererself, groom (herself), (sl^Il c*.) r>y 
bedeck herself, preen herself, primp, toilet, dress 
up, smarten up, spruce up, doll up; to make up, 
paint and powder, use or apply cosmetics, put on 
makeup; to display her charms 

toilet, toilette, grooming (oneself), adorning ria 
oneself, bedecking oneself, primping, dressing up, 
smartening up, sprucing up, dolling up; making 
up, application or use of cosmetics, putting on 

to cool oneself off, refresh 


to be cooled, chilled, refrigerated 

to be air-conditioned »j ; >» '-'■p : jj-h 

to be soothed, alleviated, oiij- i ,j5L. <. i.akl : *jZ 
eased, mitigated 

to be justified, warranted, vindicated, ac- j j> :'jj3 
counted for 

to be or become pious, dutiful, bJL> I jL jU> : j^-j 
devoted, faithful, true 

to obey, follow, submit to t-LU I : fjz 

to excrete, defecate, egest, evacuate the ±>'yu : j^J 

excretion, defecation, egestion, evacuation ±ya : Jj-j 
of the bowels, stool 

to take bribes, accept a bribe, be bribed ^ jl : Ji^lj 

to flame up with rage, flare up, L-a* i>Liill : Ijjjlj 
lose one's temper, be or become inflamed or furi- 


J ^ : *J? 

J ^ : VH 

incensing, censing 

to live in the desert 

-i , - i: 

Jo »j>-lj - IJb :(3Jty 

to be dispersed, scattered, strewn J I j i j^ : j jl; 
about, dispelled, driven away; to scatter, disperse, 
separate, break up, disband, melt away, dissolve, 
disappear, clear away; to be removed, eliminated 

- * ' -2-' 

to be wasted, squandered, dissi- f-U> t jjj : jjlJ 


pated, frittered away, thrown away; to go to waste, 
be lost 

dispersal, dispersion, scattering, separation, dis- jjui' 
solution, disunion, disappearance; waste, dissipa- 

to originate a heresy it .ui ^ I -c,^; 

to change, alter, vary, convert, mutate, jIaJ : ' L \"\'~ 
transform, transmute, shift, become different, un- 
dergo change or conversion; to be changed, alter- 
ed, varied, converted, transformed 

to turn (into), grow (into), iJJUl ijUi Ll^k; : J!uJ 
become, assume the form or shape or state of 

to be exchanged, substituted, replaced J a.,:.,, I : JoJ 

change, turn, shift, transition, mu- Jjj«J i j-ju : J jlj 
tation, conversion, transformation, transmutation, 
alteration, modification, variation 



dispersal, dispersion, scattering, 

■ Jw^*- 1 • Jj J^ 

dispelling, separation, breaking up; removal, elim- 

wasting, squandering, frittering away,; : jyjil; 
throwing away; dissipation, wastefulness), extrav- 
agance, lavishness, prodigality, profligacy 

change, changing, alteration, Jj^kjij^ :JjJuj 
modification, variation, conversion, transforma- 
tion, transmutation, shift(ing), switch(ing); permu- 
tation; mutation 

alternation iljL. :JjjlJ 

replacement, replacing, sub- Jl.ur.1,1 i Jljjl :Jjji1; 
stitution, commutation, exchange 

, • -«f .- *> '. .- 
commutation i t :. ,«olj <j^ie Jj-»-j 

to be wasted, squandered, dissipated, sj>Z » jJu : jJuj 
frittered away, thrown away; to go to waste, be 

'■'!*?-"■■■"■-:; -. ,■-•■" MJ! 

allevia- i_a,.Ji.-<J n_iJaiJ i tyS-Z :WJ iJ *0 • i 4j~> 
tion, easing, soothing, mitigation, assuagement' 

frozen (food, etc.) (»JJ pUi>) Ju^-J1j ijijn 

cold storage plant jj^J JlL. 

justification, vindication £>"*' ' Ji^ 

rationalization [^-ajj^j^-j 

justificatory, vindicatory (J*^>~' • ^JiJ^ 

blessing, benediction iS"^ :dLj-J* 

good wishes, best wishes <Cli> oLi : liL^J 

to be simplified, be made simple; to j^_ i J»-j : ,h, i; i 
be facilitated, be made easy 

to be extended, expanded, stretch- jjjl i jl> : Jal~J 
ed (out), spread (out), unfolded, unrolled; to ex- 
tend, expand, stretch, spread (out) 

to talk freely, ij-l j^i Kj** £>-*»«!! : ( j) 
speak frankly; to be sincere, be' explicit 

to set forth, lay open, pre- ^yt t ,_^>j£ : ( j) 
sent; to explain, expound 

-. ? .a-- . • 

to elaborate on, enlarge <_«««. I t J *->> : J 
upon, expand on, expatiate upon, dilate on, speak 
at great length about, state or develop in detail, 
treat exhaustively 

to scowl, frown, glower, lower ^j-s. : Jill' 

to smile «~» Zj\ 

smiling; smile f^l 

simplification; facilitation jt-Ji ' J^*~' : ^yi~ 

to be or become ugly, unsightly ~J t l»^ jU> : «i*j' 

announcement (bringing, giving) cSj-lJI i^Ji-j tji^-J 
of good news or glad tidings to 

preaching; evangelism, evange- ( ~l J i_j» Juj ) jw 
lization; missionary work or activity' 

missionary, predicatory li-*r-H 

to reflect (on), contemplate, jSiiJ t J-fc : ( j) j^J 
ponder (over), meditate (on), muse (over), consider 
carefully, cogitate (on), pore (over), speculate (on), 
think deeply (about), think over 

to look attentively (carefully, close- j ^*-J : j-aZ 
ly) at, scrutinize 

reflection, contemplation, medi- J»lij ' J-t : j-= 

to contribute, donate, grant, give l Jaz\ : ( j) p^Ij 

' s 1 - / \ ' a '- 
to volunteer fjlu : ( j) f^y 

... . j-^ 
contribution, contributing, dona- r^ t >Uacj : f-j 

tion, donating, granting, giving 

-a. - 4-; 

donation, grant; gift, present <^ 1 4-jit : £y^-> 

volunteering, voluntariness p->laJ : 9r? 

> • » 

to bud, burgeon, sprout, shoot 

*-»?'yi £>*" : (» 6 'J1 J 

budding, burgeoning, sprouting, shooting 

to granulate, ^-r~H>" j' ^*j-r* J^° ' 
grain, become granulated or granular 


to be or become stained, spotted, 
smudged, blotched 

to be or become variegated, colored 

to veil oneself, put on a veil 

to be blessed by, get the blessing of <cS" jj JU : j d^ 

to ask the blessing of ^ j>. «-*U» : -; &s? 

to see a good omen in, regard D i\Ju t ( j>*-j : j ilJ^J 
as a good omen 

to be or become fed up jmJo 1 J~« : (^ jl j) fj-J 
(with), bored (with), (sick and) tired (of), weary 
(of); to tire (of), weary (of); to find annoying, 
wearisome, tiresome; to be or become annoyed 
(by), dissatisfied (with), impatient (with) 

to complain, repine, growl, grouch, _^JJ : f ^-J 

boredom, weariness, tiredness, pL 1 JL t js^o : fjj 
ennui, tedium 

,' > *-: 
dissatisfaction, discontent, displeasure, h.<... : ^^-j 

annoyance, vexation 

impatience, restlessness, uneasiness J-JlJ : ^jZ 

complaint, complaining, grumble, 
grumbling, repining, grouch 

dandruff, scurf 


jj\ j^tS '. 4j^-J 

torment, agony, anguish, pain, excruci- (_>l Jic '■thjZ 

ation, suffering 

torment(ing), agonizing, excruciation, i_-ji«J : THsr> 


cooling, chilling; refrigeration; bjL s^l S*r '■■ x ij? 

freezing; cold storage 

air conditioning »I^Al <- > ;: C i : ■^>j~i 

u OA r l 


3* ^ 

dinate to, inferior to, under someone, under some- 
one's control (authority, command); to be a subsid- 
iary to; to be dependent on 
toimitate, »Ji\ ^yLJn i »j o»- la»- i*j <5-U»J :j--j 
copy, take after, pattern after, follow someone's 
example, tread in the steps of, follow in the steps 
of; to follow suit 

to belong to, pertain j Jl^i 1 1 ^ai- i ->. I y^> ■ {-f 
to, relate to, be related to, be connected with 
to follow from, result from, ^ ■pZ> « (j* Llj : j_J 
ensue from, derive from, spring from, originate 
from, issue from, come out of, be the result or 
consequence of, be caused by 

t?" Cf r,J "tt ; : C? ; 

-* -J ''. 

- s "- i V. .'< 

pursuant to, in conformity with, according J Uii 
to, in accordance with, corresponding to, com- 
mensurate with, depending on; with, as, in pro- 
portion to, in the same degree that; due to, owing 
to, because of, by reason of, as a result of, in 
consequense of, in view of, on account of 


■ jfeA* '■> ,»--» 

lover, adorer; Casanova, <■ L~JI vii* t J^-lc : »_> 
Don Juan, Romeo, philanderer, ladies' man 

J Ir- 

responsibility, liability 
consequence, result 

J C" 

A-%. *■"> t 4^jlt 1 4juo 

' j j ' » >' •' - 'f -V'' 

to be disarranged, <_Jii i olki jl A^Jji j-j1 : ^JLjuT 
disarrayed, jumbled up, upset;' to be overturned, 
turned over; to be turned upside down 
to be scattered (about), dispersed, lit- J ji : ^^-J 
tered, strewn about 

to be wasted, squandered, dissipated, 
frittered away 

to be divided, parted, split, parti- ~-iil 1 1 jay : Jo*^* 
tioned, sectioned, broken up; to divide, break up 

'*.■* -;•-: 

tation, muse, musing, pondering, cogitation, con- 
sideration, speculation 
scrutiny, careful or close examination ^j*+> 

enlightenment; instruction; *- J. i j «JjJ t jjyj ■ 'j^J! 


» .. f - »' 

fortune-telling, divination, sooth- c-iJI i(\ji '■ j^i 

saying, augury 

to shop, buy, purchase, make i5^| ' ii>-J : £•*■*> 

shopping, buying, purchasing, »l^ i Jj-j : £aj 

to lie prostrate, lie face down; to^yJol i ?«J»~>| : ^M 

lie down, lie 

to stretch, extend, spread (out) "xu\ <. Ja-lij : ^xZ 

prostration, lying down «.liLL.I i *■ Lk-j| : ^h+j 

to idle; to be or become idle, inactive, JJ»»j : lUj-j 
faineant, indolent; to be or become unemployed, 
jobless, workless, without work or employment 

idleness, inaction, inactivity, indo- illL i jLu : Ji-J' 
lence; unemployment, joblessness 

- V - s i '- 
to be lined; to be filled, padded ,jJ»j : j-a-j 

lining; filling, padding <jJaj jo-a^ : Ck^ 

to follow; to succeed, come after oJjo fU- i % '■ j^J' 

to follow, walk behind, go after, AiU- 
proceed after, come after 

to pursue, follow up; to i_JL«. 

chase, go after, take after, run after, hunt, trail, 

track, trace 

to follow, pursue; to adopt, take ( _ y uj i ^s. jL : «_J 


to adhere to, stick to, *ijUj J > -> jiju 4 (j^i : j-^i 
cling to, keep to; to keep close to, stay constantly 
with; to haunt, continually seek the company of 

to observe, comply with, abide j -Uij <. ^jJI : «_J 

by, adhere to, stick to, keep (to), follow, maintain 

,~ - , ' < , - 
to obey, follow, submit to, yield J %Jxi- t «-U» I : «_J 


to be subor- J l»J»U- 1 ^ i-jj^ « J t«j^ 0^ : j-r> 


' J>""^ 'p^ : t^ 

■ '" ' ' ' =» 

(oneselO, adjust (oneselO; to get used to, be accus- 
tomed to, take to 

to be or become dull, stupid; to be IjJL *<—»<» I : jJLJ 
or become lazy, sluggish, indolent, slow 

acclimatization, acclimation; adap- ljISJ 4 Jib : >l '■' 
tation, adjustment 

to crystallize, be or become crystallized j^LJ : JLj 
crystallization j^JlJ : JlJ 

to be informed, told, notified; to be served; %L : «iJ 
to be reported; to be conveyed, communicateaT 
transmitted, delivered 

to content oneself with, settle for; to _* «_Ji : j illj 
be or become content with, satisfied with 
to become wet; to be moistened, wetted, JLii 

drenched, dabbled, sparged, splashed 

JL «j-Ij -SjljJ 44L :JLi' 

polimerization [ , I , .<"] , t \'-~ 

41. «j-Ij -<dLJ' 

to crystallize, be or become crystallized jy^> 

crystallization jy^> 

acclimatization, acclimation, adap- jj>«j 1 <CJil : 1 . 1 " "• 
tation, adjustment, habituation, accustoming, in-' 

paving, flagging, slabbing, tiling, JaL jj~oj. : U.l'.v 
tile-laying, flooring 

moistening, wetting JL j-uo« 4 Jj : J . 1 . v 

adoption (of a child) jJj iUjI : (■_.•.. r.l I) j^y 

adoption, »<JJ jly>JI t (3jiCUI 4i~_aiJI 4i^SCi)l (_LJ 
espousal, taking up, embracement 

adoptive (father, son, etc.) <«~^ 

straw, hay, haulm; chaff jl; 

to adopt (a child) I jjj ^J 

to adopt, em- *«JJ 1 jl^ 4 (5>£- ' *~ai 1 ijS^J (J-J 
brace, take up, espouse 

straw, strawy, flaxen, straw-colored 



anesthetization; anesthesia 

jj-t»»j '■ r>-'-y' 

ancillary, subsidiary, accessory, auxiliary, «_;U : j_*J 
appurtenant, appendant, supplementary; inciden- 
tal; collateral, concomitant, attendant, accompa- 
nying; consequential, consequent; sequent, resul- 

subordination, subordinateness, depen- f-y^al- '" 
dence, dependency, subjection, vassalage, heteron 

nationality, citizenship i J ...:-. 

consequently, accordingly, hence, as a i.-'rll. 

result (oO, resultantly; incidentally; concomitant- 
ly, collaterally 

division, dividing, partition, 
parting, splitting 



to remain, stay; to be left over, be left 

* 8 ^ 

to be or become spotted, tJJG i>ii Ij 0^ : pJLS 

stained, blotted, blotched, splotched, smudged 
spotting, staining, blotting, blotching, %h j 
splotching, smudging 



■ fa" ! ' 

' C.-V..." 

reproach, reprimand, rebuke, 
reproof, censure 

compunction(s), qualm(s), twinge of _%~ai\ '-^-^ 
conscience, pangs of remorse, remorse 

earliness; precocity; prematureness 
to sicken, make sick 



to exhaust, wear out, wear away, (j^bl 4 lii^l : JIj 
wear down, waste away, enervate, unnerve 

to spice, season 

J.I^I^JlLiUf :'j£ 

to be or become con- ^jL^>\ 4 JaU»- 1 4 ^J-yZJ : JlLj* 
fused, disconcerted, discomposed, disquieted, 
disturbed, perturbed, agitated, upset, uneasy, 
anxious, flustered, perplexed, bewildered; to get all 
mixed up; to be or become muddled, jumbled, 
unsettled, disarranged, disorganized, disordered, 
deranged; to jumble, clutter, run in disorder or 




to dawn; to shine 

to acclimatize, acclimate, adapt 

iyu 4 -Jit : jlLj 



to be tinned, tinptated 

4— U*J1 <J Jl CmA>*J 

to be or become clear, ^t < j*J>Jl :(^^l) jlj 

patent, evident, obvious, plain, distinct; to appear, 
come out, emerge, surface, manifest itself, reveal 
itself; to turn out (to be), prove (to be); to follow 
clearly (from); to be realized, perceived, noticed, 
observed, seen, understood 

to seek to ascertain, try a^jjI <.*i"jMJ :(^">ll)^lj 
to know for certain, check, verify, examine care- 
fully; to ascertain, find out or learn with certainty 
about, get to know; to know; to perceive, notice, 
recognize, observe, discern, distinguish, realize, 
identify, see; to discover, detect, find out (about), 



bleach(ing), blanching, discharging 

tinplating, tinning 


[r<jjjai. J i~„,.i.i.T 

Lliil <S*i\ 

making a fair copy (of), 

bleaching powder 




showing), demonstration, mani- rUJl i jl^il 
festation, displaying), exhibition, presentation;' 
bringing to light, revelation, disclosure, uncover- 
ing; illustration, shedding light upon, making clear, 
clearing up, clarification, elucidation, explanation 

to follow in succession, follow or succeed one *j\Zi 

another, be successive or consecutive, come 

successively, happen consecutively; to form an 

uninterrupted sequence; to continue, recur, occur 

repeatedly, be constant, be continuous 

succession, sequence, consecution, progression; «jUj 

continuity, continuation, continuance 
successively, in succession, con- «jbJI J* < juLzJU 
secutively, running, in a row, one after the other, 
on by one, in turn, by turns, in order; respectively; 
continuously, continually, constantly, regularly, 
uninterruptedly, without interruption, unbroken- 
ly, incessantly, unceasingly 

j^J\ f^f'j — jUJi 

" -- i " r« 

anesthetic; narcotic 15 jj 

to adorn oneself, groom (oneself), r'jz i 'Jl'y : '- ,'f" 
bedeck oneself, preen oneself, primp, dress up, 
spruce up, smarten up, doll up 

to be or become obscure, [ r ^i\ -[ jl-V- l :(j*«Ml) '4 : V 
vague, ambiguous, equivocal, recondite, incom- 
prehensible, unfathomable, impenetrable 

to hold, occupy, fill, be in (»JJ L^aL,) Jii, : \"yj 

charge of 

to assume, hold, take over, (*JJ I. ,->•'.) jLu : Y^Z 
take charge of, take control of, take command of 

to come (in)to power, assume ikLJI /\ 1JQ.I I^J 
power, take (the reins of) power 

to accede to, ascend (the throne) o 1 ^' 'Sr- 1 

holding, occupation, filling (of I^J jjua> ( jy; : j^j 
an office, position, etc.); tenure; assumption, take- 
over, taking over, taking charge of; accession, as- 

to sporulate, undergo sporulation 


to urinate, micturate, make water 

urination, micturition 

enuresis, involuntary bed-wetting or ls>s\ j\ "i <_£j 


•)fjJI J>J 

classification, categorization, tabu- (_>^j jjua» :i_«j«1j 
lation, arrangement, sorting, assorting, assortment^ 
grouping, grading; division into chapters or sec- 

^■ ^ "M *ifr t 4mJ 


to be whitened 
to be whitewashed 

to be bleached, blanched, dis- ayu} (jiLiJI u ^ ; ." 

to be copied fair »JJ Jliil ^*'" 




Tatarian, Tartarian; Tatar, Tartar 

V £?' 

to be or become a pupil or a student; to be or 

become an apprentice; to study (under), learn 

pupilage, studentship; apprenticeship; studying 

continuation, sequel, epilogue, postlude, con- t» 
eluding section (of a story, literary work, etc.); 
supplement, complement; end, conclusion, termi- 
nation, close, finish, windup, completion 
continued on page.. . . \'j£ iklljl j il^JI 

1 {?■■-> 

tobacco g : J£ 

tetanus (^^ ^^ 

to be crowned; to be enthroned d^ill) rw' 

to be crowned, topped, capped ( il-ill) »^ 

coronation, crowning; enthronement ( o»i*ill) *jj£' 

crowning, topping, capping ( s!jJI) p,^" 

to yawn ;_, r £- 

yawning, yawn J^ 

to slacken, slack; to lag, tarry; to be J>\y : (^*) Ji£- 
slow, sluggish, dull, slothful 

to disturb, trouble, incon- jJU> ( ii jl : J* jJiL; 
venience, molest, pest, vex, harass, bother, annoy, 

to oppress, encumber, (over)bur- J* jl : Jc jj*& 
den, bear down on, weigh down on, lie heavily on 
to be hard to JljJ V /\ J^Vl LJ^ olf :|ji£ 
bear, unbearable, cumbersome, burdensome 
sluggishness, dullness, laziness, o'jl : (cr*) JJUS' 
slothfulness, slowness, tardiness, slackening, tarry- 
ing, lagging) 

disturbance, molesta- isjCai < r It jl : ( J*) Ji£ 
tion, harassment, vexation, annoyance, irritation 
oppression, encumbering, jU jl : (J*) Jȣ 

(over)burdening, bearing down on, weighing down 
on, lying heavily on 

to make sure of, seek to ascer- oSu i Jiaj : ^ r- J '-v 
tain, verify, check, examine; to ascertain, find out 
or learn with certainty about, know for certain; to 

succession, sequence, consecution, pro- (jbJl) Jb' 
gression; continuity, continuance, continuation; 

successively, in succession, JbJI J* ( JLJL 
consecutively, running, in a row, one after the 
other, one by one, in turn, by turns; respectively; 
continually, continuously, constantly, regularly, 
incessantly, unceasingly, unbrokenly, without 
interruption, uninterruptedly 

to follow in succession or without interruption, Jljj 
follow or succeed one another, be successive or 
consecutive, come successively, happen consecu- 
tively; to continue, recur, occur repeatedly, be 
constant or continuous; to alternate 

to be or become complementary, integral, inte- "*\h 
grated; to be or become complete, whole, total, 
full, perfect, consummate; to be or become com- 
pleted, finished, concluded, perfected, consummat- 

tetanus (ui^)o-jfe 

to follow; to pursue, follow '• , _■•'.: , j^. "^ 4 1_J : l^jj 
up; to trace, trail, track, chase, run after, go after 
to watch, observe, see, \_rji < Ja»- V < Li I j : '£$ 
look closely at; to mark, pay attention to, take no- 
tice of; to study, examine, scrutinize, inquire into 
to look for, search for 

to prosecute, sue, bring suit against, ,Ji>\i : '££ 
take legal action against 

to affiliate, trace the origin of '&J\ '£s 

following; pursuit; ^jj^ , &.$. < £JUi : £s 

follow-up; chase, chasing, tracking, tracing, trait 
ing, running after 

watch(ing), observation, seeing; cJ«J 4 <3\'J. : £~3 
study, scrutiny, examination, inquiry 
prosecution, suing; suit, legal action sUlii : £s 
spicing, seasoning J J JjlyJI iiUI -J. '•'- 

the Tatars, the Tartars J^i I 

one after the other, one _pOII aij ja-l^l : \'jh t jp- 
by one, successively, in succession, in a row 
to be or become dusty, covered 
with dust or earth 





education, (mind) cultivation, culture, cultur- 
ing, refinement, polishing; enlightenment, edifica- 
tion, teaching, instruction 

educative, educational, cultural; instructive, ^ n . iiT" 
informative, enlightening 

to freeze, frost, ice (up), turn into ice; to be or ^Lj 
become frozen, frosted, iced, icy, ice-cold; to be 

tripling ^> j-»-^. * <— ~-.- l . " i. » 

doctrine of the Trinity ; Trinity [ 4-J \ j~a> J i^,„.l?"> 

freezing, freeze, icing, glaciation, frosting; gJiJ' 


estimation, appraisal, assessment, evaluation, ^Ju 
estimate, valuation, rating; pricing; appreciation 

to be doubled; to double, geminate, cic Li 

become double 

to be repeated, reiterated, redone 

to sway, swing, roll, walk with a 
swinging gait 

doubling, duplication, reduplication, 

repetition, reiteration, redupli- 
pleating, plaiting, goffering 







to face one another, confront each other, *»- l>l : o 1*J' 
meet face to face , 

to argue, debate, dispute, contend, quarrel, al- JiXsy 
tercate, wrangle, bicker, squabble, join issue, enter 
into an argument, have a disagreement, lock horns 

Jl-k»- 4 JjL>- *Jflj-JjU>J 

to attract one another >- "511 [^ JS" v^r : V^W 
to pull back and forth, pull in <_-»«- <. oi : t_o^" 

be sure of, certain of, convinced of, confident of 
to act slowly or carefully, take one's^t : ( j) c~U 
time; to be careful, deliberate, patient 
to be or become established, o-j i Ljt jU> : c~-l> 
proven, confirmed, affirmed; to be or become 
fixed, firm, stable, solid, strong 

i,~ iP-_ &-'„ i- 

verification, check(ing), jj~j i Ji t> i Ji^ :c~. 
making sure (oO; ascertainment; certainty, certi- 
tude, conviction 

to slow (down), act slowly, take Ji»j 4 ijy 
one's time, be slow or patient 
to be frustrated, discouraged, disheart- Ja~> : J^-> 
ened, dispirited, demoralized; to be deterred, pre- 
vented, inhibited; to be hindered, impeded; to be 
thwarted, foiled 

fixing, fixation, fastening; establish- c~J j 
ing, establishment, settling, settlement, stabilizing, 
stabilization; consolidation, strengthening; confir- 
mation, corroboration, substantiation; proving, 
Sacrament of Confirmation 



frustration, frustrating, disappointment, disap 
pointing, discouragement, discouraging, disheart 
enment, demoralization; prevention, inhibition 

J^JI Jii- 

thickening, inspissation, 

making thick or thicker 

blame, censure, condemnation; reproof, ^ : «_. 

reproach, rebuke 

siphoning; siphonage i_~»2 j-ua* 4 i_»»J : 

to sediment, settle, deposit, pre- 4— j 4 i_»- Ji : JiiJT 


sedimentation, settlement, pre 


sedimentation, settlement, deposition, 



to be or become educated, cultured, cultivated, 
refined, polished; to be enlightened; to learn, 
study; to know 

education, culture, cultivation, refinement; en 
lightenment; learning, studying 



> _ , 


3#> #T 

another; to meet, assemble; to hold a meeting or a 


to sue one another, bring one^li; < IS'liJ : \J&a*J 

another before a court or judge; to litigate, carry 

on a lawsuit 

to compliment each other, payo&.lkil Jjtj : jj^ljj 
compliments to one another, flatter each other, be 
courteous to one another 

to be or become homogeneous, ijQ5 4 Ifi £; : ^J l^J- 
identical, similar, alike, akin, cognate, homolo- 
gous, analogous, comparable, corresponding, con- 
formable, uniform, consistent; to resemble 
each other 

-* ,^ > _ ~ 

homogeneity, homogeneousness,4jLj iJiC; lyjlsJ 
identity, similarity, (a)likeness, resemblance, ho- 
mology, analogy, comparability, correspondence, 
conformity, consistency, uniformity 

to deviate from, turn away from, <J^ I : ^ Lii l»«i' 
skew from, swerve from 

to incline to, tend to, lean toward JL : J I Liilkj 

■ -* , - 
deviation, skew(ness), slant(ing), <J I ^ I : uij \^j 

swerve, swerving 

facing, opposite (to), in front of, face to a b«J' i ab>«j' 
face with, before, vis-a-vis; in the face of; to- 
ward(s), to; in view of, with regard to 

to ignore, disregard, bypass, slight, JL* I : Ja^J 

neglect, overlook, pass over, skip, pay no attention 
or heed to, be inattentive or heedless of; to blink 
at, wink at, pretend not to see, refrain from no- 
ticing, abstain from recognizing, shut one's eyes to, 
turn one's back on 

to feign ignorance, pretend to J^J-l y»LLi' :'Jt>\*i> 
be ignorant; to pretend not to know (of), pretend 
to know nothing (about) 

ignoring, disregard(ing), slight(ing), J\*\ : jill*; 

neglect(ing), overlooking, passing over; inattention 
to respond (to), act or feel in i_>I-h,,'1| : (^4) ojliu 
response (to); to react (to); to have a positive 
reaction (to), adopt or show a favorable reaction 
(to), be favorable (to); to comply (with), consent 
(to); to be interested (in), show interest (in) 

to harmonize (with), be harmo- -ill; : («J.) <_>j1jJ 
nious (with), accord (with), be in accord (with) 

response, reaction; favorable or posi- ^lyy I :<_,jl»«i' 
tive reaction; compliance, consent 

different directions 

to converse, talk, engage in c-jjAI iiljJ>l \# jlkl 
(a) conversation 

attraction; interattraction; gravitation; affinity oiUj 

commerce, v*^ l^j*^ ^' \r"i frrf ' 'j'r^-' : »j«J 
trade, business, traffic 

merchandise, goods icUi; : »jt>«J 

retail yclkill jl (j^ill jl iSj^l SjUu 

wholesale iui-l SjUu 

slave trade (yi*J>\ »jk" 

white slavery, white slave u^>^ d^O' "C^ 

commercial, mercantile, trading, trade, busi- l5jIj«j' 
ness; merchant 

commercial house, business establish- i5jl»J c~j 
ment, firm, institution 

trade, traffic "<ij^ ^ j*~ 

trade wind "S;j«" rvj 

merchantman Kj^ *'■■*'- 

trading company, corporation, firm *jjIj»j *S^ 
trademark, brand *jj«v ifjl* ' *j j!j»j i-itc 

store, shop iSj^v J**" 

isomerism [ »l,.,.<] ilj _)L»J 4_jjU«J' 

to dare, venture, risk; to 1^^ I 4 j^j- : ( Jx) ^l»J 
have the courage or audacity to, have the cheek to; 
to be or become bold, daring, audacious; to be or 
become insolent, impudent, forward, impertinent 

wrinkles, furrows, lines jl^IsJ 

to engage in a swordfight, meet<_»^LJl i_>jU»J : jJLki' 
in duel 

to sit with one ^-»-^!" ' ' (>»" J />-* m rm> ,jJl>- : ^J b«j' 



** ♦ 

gard(ing) condonation, connivance, winking at, 

shutting one's eyes to; excuse, pardon, remission; 


omission, leaving out, skipping, Jlicl : {^1 jj^y 


giving up, relinquishment, re- ,y- J~ '-(o^) ji^y 

nunciation, forgoing, waiver 

abstention from, abstaining ,y- ^Lf»l : (o*-> JJ^" 

from, refrainment from, refraining from 

misuse of power, i-j-XaJI jl UAUI (j»-) jj^ 
overstepping the proper bounds of authority; ex- 
cess of powers 

to be or become haughty, arrogant.xJ^i t /J° -.rt'*' 
proud; to be or become tyrannical; to behave 
arrogantly or tyrannically, show one's strength or 
power, show oneself strong or powerful, act 
strong, throw one's weight around, play the ty- 
rant; to tyrannize 
to be set jySl\ (Jill I j~~ 

to curdle, curd, turn into cheeseUJ- jL» :,j^\ i jm 


to caseate 



orthopedics, bonesetting, (sUu-lll j 

setting or splinting of broken bones 

orthopedic ^>f^ 

curdling, making into cheese (o4J0 CxfP 

to be renewed, to renew; to be renovated, re- zj*? 
stored, reconditioned, refitted, refurbished, refash- 
ioned, remodeled, overhauled, revamped, redone; 
to be reestalished, rebuilt, reconstructed; to be 
modernized, updated; to revive, regenerate, rejuve- 
nate, refresh; to be revived, regenerated, rejuvenat- 
ed, refreshed t 
renewal; renovation, restoration; revival, regen- *j*u 
eration, rejuvenation; modernization, modernity, 
modernness a , 
to be braided, plaited, cued J J^ 

renewal; renovation, restoration, refitting, re- .u j*J 
conditioning, refurbishing, refashioning; reestab- 
lishment, rebuilding, reconstruction; moderniza- 
tion, updating, bringing up to date; reform, reorga- 






>, - 

harmony, agreement, accord, con- 
allergy I'-r-kj 

to be neighbors, live near ^'j^!- ^y^ '■ f^ j3^y 
each other 

to be adjacent, contiguous, adjoining, jibu : jjUo 
neighboring, proximal, close, near 

•Jjk. p-lj - jysy 

to pass, go past, leave behind, <i-uJ i ^^^ ■ js^y 

overtake, outstrip, outdistance, get ahead of; to go 

beyond, overstep; to exceed, surpass, transcend, 

outreach; to overreach, extend beyond; to be past 

(a certain age) 

to go too far, overstep all oil jjl»- i i>> I : jj^ 

bounds, exceed the proper bounds or limits 

to trespass, transgress, encroach Jt j-i^l : jjlk 

upon, make inroads upon 

to surmount, overcome, master, J* i_-UJ : jjl~ 

get over, get past, cope with; to triumph over, 

outdo, defeat, beat 

to overlook, disre- ^c li* i ^ <ji>\£ "•( l > t ) JJ^V 
gard, condone, connive at, wink at, blink at, by- 
pass, pass over, shut one's eyes to, let pass, let go 
unpunished; to pardon, forgive, excuse 

to omit, leave out, skip, bypass, Jiil : (^) jjUv 

pass over, neglect 

to give up, relinquish, re- ^ ,J^ ■ (,y-) jjlk 

nounce, forgo, waive 

to abstain from, refrain from, ^ j-U^I :^t jjUu 

desist from, forbear 

passing, passage, going past, leaving .uj i Jaau : jjUu 
behind, overtaking, outstripping, outdistancing, 
getting ahead of; going beyond, overstepping; ex- 
ceeding, surpassing, transcendence, transcending, 
outreaching; overeaching, extending beyond; being 
past (a certain age) 

going too far, overstepping all J»l ^i 1 : jjUi 

bounds, exceeding the limits; excess 
trespassing), transgression, en- ^c t\j^t.\ : jj£*j 
croachment upon, inroad(s) upon, making inroads 

surmounting, overcoming, master- J* i_Iij : jj£*J 
ing, getting over, getting past, coping with; tri- 
umphing over, defeating 
overlooking, disre- ► liplijj* i^ilij '-(,y-) jj^y 

ojtij*u VVV 

to devote oneself to, dedicate J i-'^u : J**}} j^k; 
oneself to, apply oneself to, occupy oneself with 

... . i~ " * &* - 

impartiality, unbiasedness, objectivity, y^ jui : j^*J 
objectiveness, detachment 

stripping, undressing, taking off one's ^ : j^k 
clothes; striptease, stripteasing 

freedom (from); emptiness, voidness ^a ^i>- : j^kj 
devotion (to), dedication (to) ( J) ij£ : (J) j^k 
to drink, swallow, gulp 

trial, trying, test(ing), examination, j Ly. 1 : i_^k; 
sampling; experimentation, experiment(ing) ' 

experimental, empirical, experien- "t£ J [sj-\ i^-w^kr 
tial; trial 

empiricism, experimentalism XI j 

defamation, slander, libel, calumniation, T-Ji : ~k7 
vilification, vituperation 

»• a - a - 

challenge, contestation j t yJ» : ry>»«J 

invalidation, refutation yii- j : ry ^kj 

divestiture, divestment, dispos- yj <■ o\*'j*- ■ Ju kj 
session, stripping, deprivation; denial 
freeing (from); ridding ^jaAiZ < jj ^k : Cy) jjJaC 
(oO "' ' ' "' ' 

emptying, voiding, vacating, evacua- pj*> '■ -b ^k 

denudation, stripping off, dismantling;^^ : ju _kj 
disrobement, undressing, unclothing 

peeling, paring, stripping, barking, skin-^ : jj ^k 
ning, scaling 

abstraction («JJ z'J^l /\ i'jjii\) jj^k 

sending or dispatching of (J*) olyi /\ iiui- -u _kj 
troops (against); attacking, launching an attack (on) 
denaturalization 2".,, -I I 'y _u ,k 

reduction (of an officer) to the ~<Z J\ ^y -u>»J 
ranks; demotion, degradation 



Cr? ->i. 

jl ij^SlliJI ;jlj)ll jl ii-JI ^ (iiil.) Jb^kj 

demilitarization j-^iljl 

expropriation, confiscation, dis- ilsdil ^ Jj^k; 
possession, deprivation of property 

(military) detachment, (body of) troops »'-*i^> 

■±>MM»^"iw ms^n 

i'T a ,:sni 

nization; innovation; origination 
rejuvenation, reju- S^iJI jl J.Qjl jl oQjl jjjk; 
venescence, reinvigoration, regeneration, revival, 
refreshment, refreshing, recreation, reawakening, 
reanimation, revitalization, resuscitation 
reelection olki^l jjjk; 



blasphemy, profanity (j)l J^) oLjiij 

rowing, row, oaring ((j I okil ) <_i, ak5 

braiding, plaiting, cuing Jj-^ 

to take root, strike root, root; to be or be- 'J?Js : jjk7 
come deep-rooted, firmly established, firmly set- 

taking root, striking root, rooting, root- jt»E : jjki 
age; deep-rootedness 

evolution, root extraction 
rowing, row, oaring 

((JlikiL) Ubd. 

experiment; test, trial; tryout; rehearsal, j 
practice; audition; probation 

experience; practice i'j. 

attempt, try, endeavor 

trial, tribulation, affliction, ordeal 

proof, proof sheet 

trial and error 

trial balloon 

I I s "- 


' ti ' *' a - 


to be divested of, dispossessed of, ^. *^»- : ^y j^kr 
stripped of, deprived of, denied 

to be or get free(d) ^ ^>>lk; . [y j^k : ^. V^k 
from; to get rid of, free oneself from, disentangle 
oneself from 

to strip, undress, disrobe, take off one'sii^o ■ . 
clothes; to striptease 

to be impartial, un- J^ki. ^j. I 'sj*^ jlS" : Y^ 
biased, objective 



^•Hj 9 ? 

x* * 

gage in espionage; to try to get information about 
to tap, wiretap ljuUI J>>i»»- J* 

spying, espionage 

* i- : 

wiretapping, topping ljjUI J»>iw- J* 

to materialize, take form, take shape, 

assume concrete form or body; to be embodied 


embodiment, embodying, incorporation, incar- , 
nation, substantiation, materialization; personifica- 
tion, prosopopoeia, typification, symbolization 
enlargement, magnification p*-*> : fir*" 

exaggeration *^^*'^r a ^ 

embodiment, embodying, incorpo- .u-aJ :,^~ 

ration, incarnation, substantiation, materialization; 

humanization, anthropomorphism 

protrusion, causing to stand out; relief; jl^ J : (^-^ 


to belch, burp, eruct, eructate 

belch(ing), burpGng), eructation 

to suffer, undergo, bear, endure, sustain; to j*i»J 
assume, undertake, take upon oneself; to incur, 
bring upon oneself, expose oneself to ^ 

to bother to, trouble to, take pains liS" *Lc ^y 
to, take the trouble of, go to the trouble of 
plastering, whitewashing; u*^ j±~** '■ u^r^y 

to curl, frizz, frizzle, form curls (hair); to become iw 
curled, curly, frizzed, frizzly, kinky, wavy, 
crisp(ate), rippled (hair); to wrinkle, furrow, shriv- 
el, become wrinkled (skin or face); to crease, crin- 
kle, crumple, pucker, rumple, corrugate, cockle, 
crimple, ripple, become creased (cloth, etc.) 
curling, frizzing, frizzling, crispation, crispiness, W 
curliness, crimpiness (of the hair); wrinkle, wrin- 
kling, furrowing, shriveling (of the skin or face); 
creasing, crease, puckeKing), crinkling, crinkle, 
crumpling, crumple, rumpling, rumple, corruga- 
tion, cockling, cockle, crimpling, rippling, ripple 
(of cloth, etc.) 

- " - • - \' ^' "L 

abstract, abstractive, nonrepresentational, *&Hfy 


abstractionism, nonrepresentationalism, \±ifp 


making (someone) swallow £y»- j^** '■ gj*» 

curettage [ ^ \ ^ ' ^J^ 

incrimination, crimination, inculpation, iil i\ : fjtu 
conviction, condemnation 

unloading; stevedoring *lyJ-\ g j" ■ f.jf 

" '* *»' '. 
to be divided, parted, separated, parti- ^+>\ ■ '>>> 

tioned, split, sectioned; to break up, break down, 

cut up, divide, split; to be divisible 

indivisible ! >^ ^ 

- 1 , . - * i I 

division, partition, splitting), breakup 

division, dividing, partition, parting, ^ '• *^>y 
splitting, separation, section(ing), breakdown, frac- 
tionation a t f 

j45 '^ jr'j - * 5 
divisible, partible 
to break apart 

to be veined, grained, marbled 
grain(ing), veining 

divisional, separative, fractional 

veining, graining, marbling i?^" 

to materialize, assume bodily (material, con 
crete, definite) form, take shape, take form, be- 
come corporeal; to be embodied, incorporated; to 
be shaped , „ 

to become incarnate I "^ \j*°> J - 

materialization, embodiment, incorporation, 

Incarnation C?~ 

to spy (on), snoop (on); to be a spy , en- ( J*) 

>t- - 



*>=•- f^r'j ~~ r^^l t jl^Ji 1 :cJj»j' 

u>ij : 


superiority; excellence, distinction, 

freezing, freeze, icing, gelation, 5 jj^JL j^IJ : i-l^,7 
glaciation, frosting, congealment, congelation, 

bookbinding, binding (i_JiCJl) juik; 

bibliopegy ,_J£j| .^Gj ^i 

bookbindery, bindery i_jiCJI ^ }<s JlJ^. 

to freeze, frost, ice (up), congeal; oij^Jl Idk; -'u^T 
to be or become frozen, frosted 

to solidify, harden, stiffen, set, indu- 
rate; to be or become hard, solid, rigid, stiff 
to coagulate, clot; to congeal; to curdle ^i= 

to be frozen, blocked (assets, jjl Jl^.^1 oluij 
funds, currency) 

freezing, freeze, icing, congela- sij^Jl jlk; : aln 
tion, congealment, congealing; frost 

solidification, hardening, indu- X>%e i <_JUa; : .ill 
ration; solidity, hardness, rigidity 

coagulation, clotting; congelation, con- 
gealment; curdling 


freezing point 

to gather, assemble, congregate, get together, '£*J 
meet, collect, come together, band together, flock 
together, throng together, pack, troop, crowd, 
muster, swarm, teem; to rally; to concentrate, be 
concentrated, be massed (troops, etc.) to aggregate; 
to accumulate, cumulate, collect, pile up, be heap- 
ed up; to cluster, agglomerate, conglomerate 

gathering, assemblage, assembly, llij j'jLoa : >uj*j' 
congregation, meeting, coming together, banding 
together; rallying; concentration (of troops, etc.); 
aggregation; accumulation, cumulation, collection; 
clustering, agglomeration, conglomeration 

crowd, throng, gathering, (y-LJI ^.) 1^. ; A^~ 
assemblage, assembly, congregation, concourse, 
multitude; rally; mass meeting 

group, band, troop, iLS" i H ji t icCJ»- : -Jj 

curling, frizzing, frizzling, crimp(ing), crispa 
tion, waving (of the hair); wrinkling, furrowing, 
shriveling (of the skin or face); creasing, pleating, 
puckering, crinkling, corrugation, crimpling, 
crumpling, rumpling, rippling, cockling (of cloth, 

coat of mail, armor, cuirass; p- j i : cJUkj' i cJliki" 


to be dried; to dry, be or become dry 

drying, desiccation, exsiccation; dehydration 

(food) dehydration (<J-i^ 

drainage, (£jj L^lll j\ jJLllil s \ <sj*\. 
draining, emptying, drying out, drawing water 

startling, starting, scaring away, driving away, J*iij 
frightening, shocking 

>* *~ 5 tf - * 
revelation, manifestation, appear- j^ :( ( A>id\) J»J 

ance, emergence, coming to light 

Transfiguration of Christ 
Transfiguration (Day) 

7 1 ■ i.i l l (J^SV 

*_ s > 

to be or become clear, plain, dis- ^i t • »;< "' : .Jij 
tinct, manifest, patent, evident, obvious, explicit, 
unequivocal; to manifest itself, reveal itself, come 
out, come to light, show, appear, emerge, surface; 
to be revealed; to be manifested; to be expressed, 
find expression, take expression 

to wear, put on, dress, clothe *JJ L>LJJ-1 ' l • ' .'■)'•," 
oneself in (a garment, gown, etc.) 

to endure, suffer; to be (or show jZo i $m : As%i 
oneself) patient, tolerant, forbearing, long-suffer- 
ing, firm, fortitudinous, tough; to have patience 

to be bound obSOl IdiJ 


^r\j - j~a 

freezing, freeze, icing, »^j^Jy -uj« : Jb^ 

frost(ing), congelation, congealing, congealment 

thrombosis j^> : M~<" 

to be exalted, glorified, dignified, es- ',h-" : JJbu 

teemed, honored, revered, venerated 

to cover oneself with, wrap one- _j J<^-~ : _> jjlk; 
self in 



parlor, beauty salon, beauty institute 
cosmetics, makeup, maquillage S^> ^'^» 
cosmetic, beautifying 
cosmetic surgery; face lifting; plastic ^LL^J 


false accusation, false charge 

to accuse falsely of, charge falsely with, im- J* Jl»? 
pute guilt unjustly to, lay the blame unjustly on 

to avoid, shun, eschew; to avert, ward off, fend 
off, stave off, parry; to keep away from, keep clear 
of, steer clear of, keep out of the way of; to keep 
off, obviate, prevent; to flee from, run away from, 
try to escape from-, to evade, elude, get around, 
circumvent, bypass, sidestep, dodge; to give some- 
one the slip, turn a cold shoulder to 

*- :. 
avoidance, shunning, eschewal; averting, ward-t_^»J 

ing off, fending off, parry(ing); keeping away from, 
keeping clear of, steering clear of, keeping out of 
the way of; keeping off, obviation, prevention; 
fleeing from, running away from, trying to escape 
from; evasion, elusion, getting around, circum- 
vention, bypassing, sidestepping, dodge, dodging; 
giving someone the slip, turning a could shoulder 
to s , 

to be drafted, enlisted, recruited, conscripted, Jjy 
mustered in, enrolled in the armed forces; to be 
mobilized 3 

to be or become naturalized; to acquire citizen- y-jy 
ship or nationality 

naturalization, acquisition of citizenship or y^ 
nationality s 

keeping away from, warding off <_-^»- j 

from, guarding against, protection from, shielding 

from, sheltering from; saving, sparing 

draft, recruitment, enlistment, j>J-I g>^ 


mobilization, calling up *~*> ' 

conscription, compulsory ^.1 $\ jl tij^l 
recruitment, compulsory military service, com- 
pulsory service in the armed forces 
levy en masse f ** <£>**■ -^rff 

naturalization *4r*fM £*■* '-unr*? 

< f * ". • *+.: - ... it 

company, party, collective, team, body; clique, 
coterie, faction; squad; bloc, front; pool 

to adorn oneself, groom (oneself), (y.y * £yr" : J*»" 
make oneself pretty; to make up, apply or use 
cosmetics, put on makeup; to be beautified, embel- 
lished, adorned, made beautiful 
to be (or show oneself) patient, for- j^\ J**" 
bearing; to have patience; to endure, suffer 
to grow luxuriantly iy^ UJ ' j^ :(oLJI) |v*»u 

(profusely, vigorously), thrive, flourish 
to gather, assemble, congregate, jJJ>I i j-w~ 'ji^y 
crowd (together), collect in numbers, band togeth- 
er, flock together, throng together, pack, swarm, 
teem; to rally 

gathering, assemblage, assembly, jlifa- 1 i j-w~ '-j***** 
assembling, crowding, congregation, banding to- 
gether, flocking together; rallying 


freezing, freeze, glaciation, ic- SjjjJI? oJiJ 
ing, frosting, congelation, congealme'nt, congeal- 
ing, gelation 

solidification, hardening, stiffening, c-i-a! : -u»»J 

coagulation, clotting; congelation, j^> : -'■■ . ■■ •»> 
congealment, congealing; curdling 
freezing, freeze, blocking (of as- jJj J V^ -h^y 
sets, funds, currency) 

accumulation, amassment, piling up, heaping ^*m 
up, stacking; gathering, collecting, collection; as- 
semblage, assembly, assembling, putting together, 
fitting together, joining, uniting, grouping, bringing 
together; aggregation; congregation, crowding, 
rallying, rounding up; concentration, massing (of 
troops, etc.) 
associativity [^^bl^ 

summation Lo- ij J fc-J 1 *' 

assembly line ^ i; ^ f ^ 

beautification, prettying up, making beautiful, Js*»" 
embellishment, adornment; making up, putting 
cosmetics, application of cosmetics 

cosmetology, jJJ jilb'Jllj J^i \j^ (ir^°" 
beauty culture t 

beautician, cosmetologist S^yV'yif-iy^f' 

beauty shop, beauty J^" v-**** ' r *> *— " y 





intonation, reciting, recital, modu- (ielyiJI j) Jj^ki' 

improvement, betterment, amelio- ^- ,■'-," : ju^ju 

starving, starvation, famishment, t-^p- 

: e^" 

hollow, cavity, pit, hole, excava- i'jju i Xad : ubyu 
tion; sinus; bore, aperture, opening; socket; pocket 

hollowing out, caverning out, Ltyj- y\n- : ^ijyxj 
excavation; boring 


cr^r p-'j ~( 


endorsement (^JJ .uUI jl < J 1 M l) ^U; 

levy(ing), raising, mobili- ^J- j.uaf. i .uJ;J • J *.. ; '-," 
zation (of troops, of an army, etc.) 

to love one another, share La»j ,4 ^n.r t_>»- 1 : i_>li«j° 
mutual love 

mutual love; concord, ac- Jli j < J jd i_o. : L>lij 
cord, harmony 

to be or become twined, entwined, twisted, ilb 1*7 
interwoven, interlaced, intertwined, intertwisted, 
interlocked, knitted, meshed, snarled, tangled; to 
intertwine, interlace, interweave, interlock, inter- 
twist, snarl, tangle, knit, mesh 

to abrade, fret, scrape off, chafe, wear away, olij 
corrode, erode; to be abraded, scraped off, fretted, 
worn away, corroded, eroded 

detrition; corrosion, erosion, wear; abrasion, olij 
fret, scraping off 

to argue, debate, dispute, quarrel, join J jUj : il*J 

to converse, hold (have, engage in) a conver- '<L> jlij 
sation, talk (to one another), speak; to discuss, 
carry on a discussion 

conversation, speech, speaking, talk(ing), £jG«7 


to be opposite (to) each other, ii- \'y 1 3^ : j jlij 
face each other 

to be parallel (to each other) (S'fy '■ <ii£i 

to be adjacent, contiguous, neigh- jj£o" : (iil» 
boring, proximal, close, near 

to fight (one another), combat, battle, make uylij 

~ 1 

paronomasia [iJ] ^'^ ' ,_.'l,: 

to be equipped with, furnished with, _, jj '•} : _, j^»j 
supplied with, provided with, fitted with, outfitted 
with; to equip oneself with, furnish oneself with, 
provide oneself with, supply oneself with 

to get ready, prepare oneself, L^; 1 'n'l- 1 : '^J 
ready oneself; to be ready, be prepared 

equipment, getting or being equipped; prepara- jpu 
tion; preparedness, readiness 

to frown, scowl, glower, lower; to become or '<£u 
look sullen, glum, morose, sulky, surly, gloomy, 

frown(ing), scowl(ing), gloweKing), lowering); ^! 
sullenness, glumness, moroseness, sulkiness, the 
sulks, surliness, gloom(iness), grimness 

preparation, preparing, readying, IL^ 1 jljil : j)^j>J 
making ready 

equipment, equipping, fitting (out), jjj '"> :j&>Z 
outfitting), furnishing, supplying), provision, 

equipments), sup- S^» 1 ( ^j\'^ , ol jll : ol j^»J 
plies, furnishings, fittings, outfit, gear, apparatus, 
ringing), tackle, materiel, material(s), parapher- 
nalia,' appliances, implements, tools, utensils, 
articles of equipment; fixtures, installations 

to put on or wear one's socks oj^J-l j^-J : Ljj'yC 
to tolerate, bear, put up with, suffer 'J^. I : j j>»J 

0* JJ^> £?■ I j - a*- 

LLc 1 , 

O* tr»l« ^ j**> 

to hollow, become hollow; to be hollowed out, Uy* 
caverned out 

to wander about, walk about or around, L»U> : Jyu 
go about or around, ride about, roam, rove, range, 
stroll, perambulate, itinerate, cruise, tour, travel, 
patrol, go from one place to another 

travel(ing), cruising, roving, cjlji 1 sJljL; : dyy 
rove, roaming, wandering (about), going about, 
perambulation, itineration, itinerancy; trip, tour; 
round, patrol 

curfew J^JI ')±>- < Jj»dl ££ 

weathering *j»*^ 




to pretend to be stupid or fool- S*Q-Ij ^*UiJ : J*Ui' 
ish, feign stupidity or foolishness 

to discriminate JJ» t ^ jW- ' -v> )j>I : J* J^UJ 
against, be prejudiced (biased, partial) against, take 
sides against; to wrong, oppress, do wrong to, do 
injustice to, be unfair or unjust to, treat unjustly; 
to maltreat, ill-treat, treat badly 
to force oneself (to do something <Jl> J* J-UJ 
with difficulty), constrain oneself (to); to gather 
(collect, rally) one's strength, muster up (summon, 
call forth) one's energy; to struggle to one's feet, 
rise with great effort, brace up, pull oneself togeth- 
er; to overexert oneself, strain, exhaust oneself 

discrimination; prejudice, JJi i j>»- < >j~ : J*wJ 
bias, partiality; wrong, injustice, inequity, unfair- 
ness, oppression 

to dialogue, have a c t»'-j i ti*-Li <■ £>&>* : jjoJ 
dialogue; to converse, hold (have, engage in) a 
conversation, talk (to one another), speak, hold 
talks; to discuss, carry on a discussion; to debate, 

to neutralize Ju wJ 

neutralization, neutrality Ju UJ 

to show love or affection to, U jlc t j j>! : <JJ 1--..W1' 
endear oneself to, ingratiate oneself with, curry 
favor with, flatter one's way into; to seek some- 
one's love or friendship; to court, woo, pay court 
to, seek the affections of, speak words of love to 

to granulate, grain, become granu- J* j+> : <-.~*t 
lated or granular 

endearment, showing love oriljU* t ay :(<JJ) '-■ ;*" 
affection (to), currying favor (with), flattery, sweet 
talk; courtship, court, wooing 

granulation, grain o*j-? '■ < -r^ M 

, i, '_*. ^ i' '_ 
pet name <^ JU (""' ' V***' 

approval, sanction(ing); endorse- .L»- j.un : !«" 
ment; advocacy, espousal, support, upholding, 
championing; seconding; acclaim, applause, praise; 
recommendation, commendation; preference 

adornment, embellishment, de- ( >.■ > ■*" ' (>>»> : J)« JU 
coration; refinement; improvement 

writing, composition ijl^f : J~ J *' 

war, be engaged in war 

lowest water level (of a river); low water JiiJ wu 





to settle a mutual account 
to envy each other 
mutual envy 

avoidance, shunning, i_,,.:.>i :(,«^U*JI) (jibJ 

eschewal; averting, warding off, fending off, 
parryGng); keeping away from; obviation, pre- 
vention; fleeing from, running away from, trying 
to escape from 

abstention, refrainment, desis- (jc pL~«J : (.r^u 
wariness, caution, cautiousness jju- t 6 liJ| : jllau 

to avoid, shun, eschew; to avert, ward ^_ 

off, fend off, stave off, parry; to keep away from; 
to keep off; to obviate, prevent; to flee from, run 
away from, try to escape from; to give someone 
the slip, turn a cold shoulder to 

to abstain from, refrain (jc ^~»\ <■ Cj& SL*\ : ^ Uu 
from, desist from 

to guard against, beware of, be ji»- <. JiJ\ : jil* 
wary of, be cautious of 

ln.T>-l iu»-lj — Julow 

" , »> •- --- -;,- '. 
to harbor a grudge against Jo** J* (*-i*j >**»■ : J* 

one another, bear mutual rancor, hate one another 

to lower oneself, cringe, truckle, ^iUiJ :yibJ 

behave in an excessively humble or servile manner 

to rub or scrape against each other; to &»-l : dJUu 
jostle, come in close contact 

dJlS^-l ^rlj-dlliJ 

to sue one another, bring one (jcIjl! <. (_^»lij : (^UJ 
another before before a judge or a court; to litigate, 
carry on a lawsuit 
osmosis £*ilo :<JUJ 

to join in alliance; to ally (with), ally {^») ui\au 

oneself (to or with), be allied (to or with), make or 
form an alliance (with), confederate (with) 

alliance, confederacy, confederation <_A)Im 

- *- : ' y '. 
to avoid, shun, eschew, keep away s- 1 -*?-' • u* ^" 


to guard against, protect oneself Jiy i Ji>\ '■ y»bu 



on order; on demand; demand 



entitled, under the title of 

subscapular, infrascapular " { J^ 

sublingual, hypoglossal, ,jG 

subcentral \s>J> j* cm <. 


^ *: 



under his authority or control, in his a jj i 
power; in his possession, with him, in his hands 


lower, low, subjacent, under-, sub-, at the 
bottom, down, inferior, underlying 

underwear S''^ 3 " tr!*-' 

to be or become necessary, requisite, 

obligatory, mandatory, imperative, indispensable; 

to be inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable 

to be incumbent upon, be <JLc. i_j»-j : <Az 
someone's duty, be imposed on 

he has to, he should, he must, he j\ aJLc 

' ,»■', •* .! 

ought to, it is his duty to, he is duty bound to 


to veil oneself, put on a veil; to hide, conceal 
oneself; to be or become veiled, covered, screened, 
sheltered, hidden, concealed 

*'• i i - s i -'*'■- ' s ' - 

to petrify, be or become petrified, turn into 
stone; to concrete, solidify; to fossilize, be or be- 
come fossilized 

petrifaction, petrification; concre- 
tion, solidification; fossilization 

ossification, fogyism, fossili- ilc«-j i 

zation, narrow-mindedness, fustiness, fanaticism, 

bigotry, intolerance 

petrification, petrifaction; concretion, solidifi- j)j«w 
cation, hardening; fossilization 

curtailment, diminution; stunting, dwarfing; £*■*" 
incapacitation, disablement; weakening, enfeeble- 
ment, undermining, undercutting, devitalization; 
subduing, taming 

challenge, defiance (ciJu>^JI) JbJ 

« • . » . - . - 

filling (something) with ink \j~>- t^JI {J* :ji-j»j 

impregnation, fecundation J-i- j jua. : J--»«i' 

under; below, beneath, under- Jy 
neath; down; downstairs; sub-, infra-, hypo- 
under, on, in, at, being, subject to, J* j i jui 
the object of, in the stage or process of, undergoing 

infrared ► IjU-l om i j*>-*i 

underground; i>>j^l ( r^»-") *i 

submarine, under- J*J\ ( r^*-) o 
water, undersea 



on probation; on trial; in an expert- ij jjJI 
mental state; being tested or tried; in training 

in preparation, being prepared jwaklJI 

subsoil <>j^\ 

at his disposal, at his <ULL> jl o^.l jl 4j^>j c-»»J 
service, at his command, at his orders, at his beck 
and call 

in training, undergoing preparatory 

subcutaneous, subdermal, (5aL>- c-; 

under consideration, un- <iJ»JI omJ 

der discussion, on the tapis, on the carpet 

at the mercy of I Ji" il»-j i 

under the aus- l-ii" cm i IJi" <Cl*j o 

pices of, under the patronage of, under the aegis 

of, sponsored by, under the sponsorship of, under 

the wing of, under the protection of 

-•* * • * * * $ - - 
outstanding, due, Jj^LjJI jl jjjudl jl jIjUI 

unpaid, unsettled 

9 j 


under arms 

under his thumb, under his ayu ji ^ 
influence (sway, control, power, authority) 



subcostal *(j^*° 

subject to punishment.., under 
penalty of, at the risk of 

in press 

U ( JJU n . l l C 



JJ 9 " 


sharpening, honing, stropping 

forging, hammering, beating j^jjaj :0.ul! jjJju 

price control, price fixing jL-^l jj jj>u 

$' 3 • i -* • c 


arms limitation, limitation of arma- 
ments), disarmament 
birth control J-~^ -^^ 

specifically; to be exact, strictly jj->j>»JI (a»-j) <J* 
speaking, precisely, accurately, exactly; namely 

staring, stare, gazing, looking (sharply) t3i^*> 

- * * ** 

to feign skillfulness or Sjt^ilj Jii-I oiLSJ : JiaJ 
proficiency, pretend to be clever 

to Sj£U ^ ojl^ ClA' <y^l 'J-^ 1 **>\ :jlJ» 
be pedantic, parade one's learning, display or feign 
knowledge, make a show of skill, pretend to be 
smart or skillful 
pedantry; preciosity; affectation JyJau 

warning, caution(ing), forewarning, monition, jiJau 
caveat, admonition, admonishment, exhortation 

investigation, exploration, exami- (^) (c^*JI) ^ 
nation, inspection, scrutiny, study, surveying), 
search(ing), inquiry, fact-finding; seeking; detec- 

detective, secret agent, sleuth, 
intelligencer; investigator; inspector 

secret police, secret (i^^Jl ia.La-1 i (i^*^' <U»^ 
service, detective squad 

to investigate, explore, examine, inspect, {^jt) iSj*i 
scrutinize, study, survey, look into, inquire into, 
go to the root of, delve into, search out; to inquire 
about, make inquiries about; to search for, look 
for, hunt for, seek, try to find out (about), seek 
information (about), try to know or ascertain, try 

to detect or determine 

- '- : -"• i /• \ ' *' - 
to refrain from, abstain t-^jy i <jt {~*\ '■ [&) &>» 

from; to avoid, shun, eschew 

' • 1 i ' * 1 •'*'■ 

*-*llV' *'- 

to be afforested, forested, wooded 

- 9 ' A C - 

to have the audacity or courage to; to ^ £j»k pJ 
feel free to 

it -. '*''„ 

to be or become free, freed, liberated, \j»- jU» : jj>u 
set free, released, delivered, unchained, relieved; to 


iftfflHIII llllllllll ' llll f|MHIttfftf*»i»KM»iMKa^M™&«': 1 :.y-r- :sa^K.-m 

to challenge, defy, resist, oppose, withstand, i£jw 
stand up to, face (up to); to throw down the gaunt- 
let; to compete with, vie with 

. * - - - » - ; 

to speak (to someone of or about something), i j«j 

talk (to someone about or of something), converse 

(with someone about something) 

speaking, talking; speech; conversation, talk, d>j»J 


to be defined, specified, ^a^oi- <. c*^ < ,j~c. : jjuu 

determined, pinpointed, fixed, individualized, 

particularized, itemized, designated, identified, 

marked out, indicated, pointed out, set, assigned, 


> > > . 'ft -3, ' 

to be delimited, demarcated, oj_jj»- & :.c : jos«j 
delineated, defined, circumscribed, marked off 
to be limited, restricted, confined j^s- i ju» : josw 

tjjii :ujj«l' jl JbJbLI JO; 

to be forged, ham- 
mered, beaten 
to be sharpened, honed, 

- ^ - • - ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 ~ 

3-.< . » . -s- ; 

to descend from, be descended y-« J*el ,y» joaw 
from, be born from, derive (one's origin) from, be 
derived from, originate from, proceed from, stem 
from, come down from a stock or source 

, • , ' >' 4- 

jIasuI Vf'j - jloawl I U)'j> 'jJ* 

descent, derivation, origination y-« J*el ^ joau 
(from an ancestral stock), birth, lineage, breed 

narrating, narration, relating, h I jj 4 jLj-l : liw j* 
relation, telling; speaking, talking, conversation 
modernization, updating, bringing jjo»J : ti-jOa«j 
up to date 

definition; specifi- uo^opu i (>-— «j ' mj^j : Jj j» 
cation, determination, pinpointing, fixing, fixation; 
individualization, particularization, itemization; 
designation, identification, marking out; setting, 

laying down, assignment, appointment 

> > • 
delimitation, demarcation, de- jjjJ-I , 

lineation, circumscription 

limitation, restriction, confine- 

^3 3--»^ •* > i t " • 

pointing, tapering, tj^ij I Jj^— • >(*iJI J«»- "•- 1 J ; k*« 




to fee! burning desire for, burn ( Jj) wJJ U^i, ij^ki 
or pine away with desire for, burn to, yearn ar- 
dently for, long desperately or keenly for, hanker 
after, hunger for, crave, die to; to eat one's heart 
out, be consumed by an emotion 

burning desire, yearning, longing, han- j£i :3jau 
kering, pining, craving, hunger 

anxiety, anguish, agony, pain, suffering, ii^J : Jjm 
torture, torment, grief, sorrow 

to move, budge, stir, be in motion, change placedl^iw 
or position; to start moving, get moving; to start, 
get underway; to begin, set out to, embark upon; 
to make a move, take a step, take action, take an 
initiative; to react, respond 

-3- * 

motion, movement,moving,locomotion;move, dl_^*«7 
step; action, activity; initiative; reaction, response 

to be or become prohibited, forbid- jh*- i ^j*- : *jru 
den, interdicted, unlawful, illegal, illicit, unautho- 
rized, banned 

to be or become sacred, sacro- C^U j\^> : VJ»u 
sanct, holy 

: ©V" 

afforestation, forestation, wooding, 

narrowing, tightening, straitening J,,,, a? : kJ^ 

prohibition, forbiddance, interdiction ej»u :~^ 

insistence, importunity, urging, j'j«o' : tkJ*' 
pressing; persistence 

liberation, liberating, freeing, j!}U>l i \jp- aLij- '.jij** 
setting free, turning loose, release, deliverance, re- 
lief; liberalization 

manumission, emancipation, jU*l :x-lJI jjj** 
liberation, freeing, enfranchisement, disenthrall- 

emancipation (<jC»j jl iLL ^.) Jj jj,J^ 

ridding of, freeing from, ^ o»JU^ : [y. jj^ki 
liberating from, saving from 

disburdenment, * Ij^iJI jl tu-c jl J1p- ^y jj^*j 
discharge, release, freeing, relief, clearance, disen- 
gagement, exemption, exoneration, absolution, 
acquittal, redemption, extrication 

disenchantment, disillu- j^Li\ jl ^1 ^ j>^ 

editing, redaction; writing, icC* i CLS" : jjj*u 

free oneself, liberate oneself; to disengage (oneself), 
disentangle (oneself), release oneself, extricate one- 
self, disencumber oneself; to be liberalized 

to be manumitted, emancipated, J^il : ollJI jja^ 
liberated, freed, set free, enfranchised, disenthrall- 
ed (from slavery), released from bondage or servi- 

to be emancipated (CC»j jl ^ U' , - 'y) ji^JI 'fJ»C 

to be edited, redacted; to be written, '_■"< : j^J 
composed, compiled, drawn up, drafted, indited, 
put down in writing, reduced to writing 

freedom, liberty, unrestraint; disengage- jll«jl -jJsJ 
ment, disentanglement, release; emancipation- lib- 

liberality, broad-mindedness, open- ~ liii I : J^ 
mindedness, openness, large-mindedness; progres- 

■ Jj^- 

I **-\ 



to molest, make improper (aLj*. <JU) _, ^yj 

advances to; to make passes on; to proposition; to 

to pick a quarrel with, start (jU^JI 
a brawl with 

to provoke; to excite, rouse, jfc I ( 
arouse, stir up 

to intrude upon, obtrude upon, Jc 'J& : _, j£iJ 
force oneself upon (others), poke one's nose into, 
nose into, meddle in, interfere in 

molestation, making passes (XL. 
on; proposition(ing); solicitation 

picking a quarrel with, ( jU^lJ I 
starting a brawl with 

provocation; excitement, Sjfc I i jl 
excitation, rousing, arousal, stirring up 

intrusion, obtrusion, forcing( Jt) JJUaJ : ( _>) ij-jau 

oneself upon (others), poking one's nose into, 

nosing into, meddling, interference 

n *i " '*'- '•*•' - .*■* - •*- 1 
to be distorted, M\ sUu j-ju i U3«< i ( -*v 9 " • ( -* j y*< 

perverted, corrupted, misrepresented, misstated, 
falsified, twisted, wenched, misinterpreted, mis- 
construed, altered, changed 

i>* <-»j* i ! p*b ~ w* t)l* :^ Li^*; 
---'.• i i ---•:• i -~ s - . 

: w) <Ar»J 


^ ^ 





starting, beginning, initiation, com- 

vowelization, vo-o|,l£JI jl iJj^J-l Jtf--* : *As^*" 

-.3 > 

revival of action, setting action in <5>c Jl tlL^aJ 
motion; prosecution, institution of a lawsuit 

moving, touching, impas-^tLLu jl uiklyJI ciL^au 
sioning, commoving, stirring, affection, arousal, 
excitement, excitation; thrilling, electrification, 

prohibition, forbiddance, interdiction, Ji*- : psJ 
proscription, ban(ning), barring; taboo; embargo 

prohibitive, prohibitory, proscrip- <Sj^>- '■ i^-ij^ 
tive, interdictive, interdictory 

to side with, take sides with, be Jbl i J j~su : J i r >j a "' 
partial to, favor; to support, back (up), stand by, 
champion, patronize, sponsor, advocate, go. for, be 
in favor of 

to form a party; to rally, %+»S i yj>- Jx-i. : <-> j*> 
unite, join forces, come together for common 
action, gather, band together 

partiality, favoritism, favoriing), ju_jt < 'j~>u : lj)**! 
one-sidedness, taking sides (with), siding (with), 
bias, prejudice; support, backing, patronage, advo- 
cation, advocacy 

formation of a party; £±*J i <->£■ J^j : Vj 9 " 

rallying, uniting, coming together 

.» • *- : 

partisanship, factionalism ^.j? '^j** 

-?" ">''. 
to be or become notched, incised, nicked, jJUj : fjau 

snicked, crenated(d), serrate(d), indented, jagged, 
grooved, fluted, furrowed 

crenation, serration, indentation j^*u 

to gird oneself, put on a belt f I jJ-l ^^J : f j»« 

to drink, sip <-*i j < V/- : u-*" 

to seek information about, try to know, ci^ : 
inquire about; to inquire into, investigate 

*Z^\ «jflj— -> (j-jl '-J l^*- 

<inij J* 


— 4— ij J* 

to bemoan, deplore, lament, regret, sigh ( Jc) j-s 
for, grieve at, pine for, yearn for, long for, pant for 
or after; to be or become regretful, sorrowful, 
sorry, grieved, sad, distressed 

composition, compilation, putting down in writ- 
ing, drawing up, drafting, inditing, formulation, 
recording; editorship 

consecration to the service m <*o*J i-iij : jiy^ 
of God 

(piece of) writing; ii^j ' VCj : ( jj jlkl r) jiyu 
letter, dispatch, message; note; paper, document, 
instrument, deed, record 

editor-in-chief, editor jij^^ cnsiJ 

. * i'.- • s -*- - 

board of editors, edito- jj^p^JI *~j> i jj^^JI »j'j] 

rial staff 

women's liberation movement Sl^il jij** *£ j*- 

liberational; j^JIj jhc^lj JbU>^ <_^»U- :iSjij^> 
emancipational; liberal 

written, in writing, record- ^[^ i < -r , >-^-" '-^jij 9 " 
ed (in writing) 

provocation, instigation, incitement Ja*^ : (j^jpu 

sowing dissension (among), {(^ Ck!> <j**j j *-' 
stirring up evil (among), setting people against each 

instigation, incitement, provocation, abet- J^ij^ 
ment, inducement, rousing, stirring up, fomenta- 
tion, motivation, stimulation, prodding, urging, 

induction [ ►Lji* j <-J> ] uktj^ 

instigative, instigatory, inciting, provocative, "^uj^i 

provoking, stirring, rousing, stimulative, motiva- 


inductive [ f\>j?i s-t) (jfuy** 

distortion, tJJ (_^*il juu i <-i j ».aj t *jy£ '■ <Ji>j3%i 
perversion, corruption, misrepresentation, mis- 
statement, falsification, twist(ing), wrench(ing), 
warping, misinterpretation, misconstruction, alter- 
ation, change 

slantGng), canting, tip(ping), tilt(ing), i)Cl : *Juj*u 
inclination, swerving, swerve, deviation, deflection 

moving, movement; mobiliza- liij^i *i*=r '-"^.j** 
lion; driving; stirring, stir, shaking 

stimulation, whetting; -j&- ( 1^- % i'j§ I : &jj>u 
actuation, moving, motivation; arousal, (a)rousing, 
stirring up, working up, awakening, awaking, 
inspiration, excitement, excitation; provocation, 
instigation, incitement, fomentation 



to result, be a result, ensue, come out, 

: JLaau 

follow, proceed, issue, arise, originate 

to be collected, raised, levied ,-j* i J**-u>. : Jn't" 

to be obtained, acquired, gained, <Ulc J~o-<- : Jn~ t ~ 
received, attained, achieved, procured, realized 

to be or become fortified, <_^I»- 1 i «^lj <. i^yu : j ■**■"• 
strengthened, entrenched; to be or become well- 
fortified, inaccessible; to be or become secure, safe, 
protected; to fortify oneself; to strengthen one's 
position, protect oneself 

to be immunized, be iij-uJI jl i_^>J-\ -u« u n-." 
made immune 

(j-a»- ««■ 1 j - "Ci-ic C-jli :Sljil C,.„q.-Hj 

allotment, apportionment, al- ^ iu i <uj>> ' j^„ ""■*" 

location, portioning, lotting, prorating^ distribu- 
tion, division, meting out, dealing out 

quota system u a^a^i\ *Lkj 

collection, collecting, raising, levy(ing) <LC>- • J n-" 
•ft? • , ,^ , ^ 

18 ~ • - *4* *■ • - 

learning, studying), -*JJ ^j-u jl ^Jie. J....--.--J 
education, scholarship, knowledge, lore, erudition, 
information, letters, academic attainments, schol- 
arly accomplishments, scholastic acquirements, 
educational achievements; pursuit or acquisition of 

indisputable, «-i J I a»- "il i <U* p-j>L. :J-ol»- J-^»sw 
incontestable, unquestionable, indubitable, un- 
doubted, undeniable, undisputed, beyond ques- 
tion, beyond doubt, beyond dispute, certain, sure, 
clear, definite 

fortification, entrenchment, strengthen- <iyu : 
ing, reinforcement, manning, bracing, cementation 

immunization -»JJ ^joj* jl iijJ* -u« ifrf 9 " 

fortifications, entrenchments; reinforce- 

to be or become civilized; to be or be- OjIj : 
come urbanized or citified, be or become a city 
dweller or a town dweller, live in a civilized or 

to grope for, probe for, finger, handle, y -■" : (J JL»J 
touch, run the hand over; to fumble, grabble; to 
grope about, feel around, feel about or search 
(with the hands), feel one's way, find by touching 

to seek information about, try <_^aij i ii^3«J : ^ "— " 
to know, try to find out (about), inquire about, 
make inquiries about, search for, look for, hunt for 

* .% -.- , , . , ,,; 

, u-*" jf ; j 

■J Uj i J u^f . T»l 

4- ' 

yl— ^" I W^ Ij — (J-L^-l I/JIH **> 

^ '^f ^t*^^ 

I .* .» - » - 1 

to improve, ameliorate, become (get, grow) o— »<j 
better; to become nicer, more handsome, more 

improvement, amelioration 0— »" 

improvement, amelioration, betterment jj^ju : j^ '•>" 

beautification, prettying up; ^jlt J ; ,.>" : ^.^.J*." 
embellishment, adornment, decoration 


^) u i ■ 1 1 / j i i n*% ) | »L f - 

ameliorative, improving; beautifying, embel- 

( ( jlli 4-»Ju) 

(j^UJ ^>-lj ■ 


to wear shabby clothes, be OL CCj ^J : ' ' 

shabbily dressed, dress slovenly 

insertion, foisting; interpolation; stuffing, yi> 
filling; wadding, padding; cramming, ramming, 

annota- -J J t^Uf yi-lji j ^1^11 Ji-llj : il^-J 
tion, glossing, commenting on; commentary, 

• - » .» ■*- . - 
hemming, bordering, fringing s> m jl o>ill •■ *■-»" 

lithiasis [oJ»] ^^1 OjSi i^ta^dl) yoij 

urolithiasis J)lJI ta-wJ - 7J_^J [^ 

appendicolithiasis SoJI^JI **<• 


'. k«—. 

r-'vv- 1 ■■:■■■:... :.;,■;...—-: 

to have reservations, jj^*- 1 t i>Li-J :(^ jl ,j*) JaiMj 
make reservations; to be reserved, aloof, reticent, 
discreet; to be cautious of, be wary of, beware of, 
guard against, be on one's guard against; to take 
care, take precautions, be careful, watch out 

to take care of, look Jt Jai U- 4 j ^c : -> . hiVi 
after, attend to, keep; to protect; to preserve, 
maintain, keep up 

to memorize, learn by heart, com- jt\i:,.\ : Jiiki 
mit to memory, con 

reserve, reservation; (self-)restraint, J»l~»- 
aloofness, reticence, closeness, discretion 

caution, cautiousness, wariness, j^sy^l 
circumspection; care(fulness), watchfulness; pre- 
caution, precautionary measure 

reservation, proviso, limit- <!> P -^ ' J»^ '■ ■»«■»"< 

ing condition, conditional stipulation 

with (full) reserva- .Wit," J£j < ,hi-»:ll u < ,hi-»7; 

tion, with (all) reserve, reservedly 

without reservation, without reserve, JaL»u iL 


precautionary, T^lij 1 l^jl^l « ^Li- j : ^jiW * 

preventive, protective, safety 

precautionary mea- (J*^*" JM-^ ' tjf*** ^jt\ 
sure, precaution, safety measure, safeguard 

attachment, provisional seizure ( .jiiii _>«- 

fossilization -£?""■' '-*?*" 

catalysis [ fL^-^ J j*»- '• js*"' 

catalyctic [ t\^ ] (5>»- : &M*' 

memorization drill, drill, inculcation 

'J* -^ ff'j ~~ (i 6. 



S, jS"t i tu 


to materialize, actualize, ji U 1 >w> 1 c-J : ja i\ juw 
become a fact, become real, come true; to be 
realized, achieved, fulfilled, effected; to turn out to 
be true, prove (to be) true; to turn out to be right, 
prove to be correct; to be confirmed, affirmed, 



M I C (j-*-J ( (\A*J . 4— • J I ^ 

make sure of, seek to ascertain, check, verify, reas- 
surre oneself of, try to know or convince oneself 
of; to ascertain, find out or learn with certainty 
about, know for certain; to be sure of, certain of, 
convinced of, confident of; to identify 


1. ...;,,;■-;... .?■-?—, 

urban region, be or become an urbanite or a 

to be or become ready, prepared; j^>u <. L^J : jJm 
to get ready, prepare oneself, ready oneself 

civilization; urbanization, urbanism 0-**" 

preparation, preparing, readying, j^»u < j\js-\ : j^ 
making ready; making, producing, production 


- if J ~V 3J ' 

j^i^— '■'" Jui tjwufcjl 

ijLkll I~hIt»1I 

in preparation, being 

preparatory, preparative, preliminary 'iSj^a^Z 

-s>- - s t - :. 
to break, smash, crash, shatter, come or j£~> : nJuu 

go to pieces, break into pieces, break up, wreck, 
fragmentize, crumble; to be or get broken, smash- 
ed, shattered, destroyed, ruined, wrecked, frag- 

to be wrecked 

to crash 

breaking, breakdown, smash, shatter, j~SZ : nhaii 
crash, wreck(age), destruction, ruin 

crash S^Lkll JLmj 

break(ing), breakage, smashing, ^S 1 j-SZ : <JaM 
crashing, shatterOng), crush(ing), destruction, 
ruin(ing), wreckage, wreck(ing), demolition, de- 
molishment, fragmentation, crumbling 

to be or become banned, prohibi-, f^p- t J^r- : jJisJ 
ted, interdicted, proscribed, enjoined, barred, out- 
lawed, unlawful, illegal, illicit, unauthorized 

masterpiece, masterwork, chef d'oeuvre; iiilj :ii»J 
gem, rarity, curio, curiosity, objet d'art, work of 
art; showpiece, piece de resistance 

-* - -'• '. 
gift, present <>ja :<uhj 

to get ready, prepare oneself, i_«it 4 j«i* I : JisJ 

ready oneself, make (one's) preparations, gird 

oneself (for action), girder one's loins, prepare 

(oneself) for action; to be ready, be prepared; to be 

alert(ed), be on the alert 

>>• f. --. -»- - 

to get ready to jump 

readiness, preparedness; 


bU 1 jljuu. 

i ■■■"..; : 



■^..'^?? ^— i 

dictatorially; to tyrannize (over), domineer; to be 
arbitrary, tyrannical, despotic, imperious, domi- 

to control, be in control of, ^c jiaL^ : ( j) Sm 
command, be in command of; to dominate, direct, 
govern, rule, reign, sway, hold sway over, gain 
power over, be master over; to prevail over, in- 
fluence, have a dominant influence over 

arbitrariness, despotism, auto- ^t i jla~X-l :«£*« 
cracy, absolutism, dictatorship, tyranny, highhand- 
edness, domineeringness, imperiousness, authori- 


,' •- t - - 
control, command; domination, 'j^y '■£-»" 

dominion, sway, power, authority; prevalence, 


remote control -uu ^ Sm> 

arbitrary, despotic, autocratic, "i£*\j-S~,\ : ,.»v-»7 
absolute, dictatorial, tyrannical, highhanded, impe- 
rious, domineering, authoritative 

9 - " 


% . ,i 


compromis d'arbitrage, arbitration 

award, arbitral (or arbitration) award, 

arbitral tribunal; court of arbitration 

arbitral, arbitrational ,-tJf^u 

to adorn oneself, bedeck oneself, '^-} i Jik; : { J^ 
spruce up, make oneself pretty; to be adorned, 
embellished, beautified, bedecked, decked out 

to be endowed with, distin- i-o,^ I i j^-J : _j l J^ 
guished by, marked by, characterized by 

to be sweetened, sugared j£~. <. I^ii- J*»- : 1 Jm 

to ooze, seep, exude, tran- JL t ~i,j i jw»i : l-JjJ 
sude, leak, trickle, drip, dribble; to run, flow 

to water (his mouth watered); <jU JL:^j i_JLjJ 
to drool, drivel, dribble, slobber, slaver 

oozing, ooze, seep(age), exudation, ^.'j < »wij : • .1 V 
transudation, leak(age), trickling, dripping, drib- 
bling; running, flowing 

dispensation; absolution ( l^j| t 6'>i :«l»w 

'■'■ '■-"■'- ' ~ 

materialization, actualization, becoming (^^ll) Jiuu 
a fact, becoming real, coming true; realization, 
achievement; turning out to be true (right, correct) 

making sure (of), verification, \y>^\ Cr?> t5***> 
check(ing), checkup; reassurance; ascertainment; 
certainty, certitude, conviction, sureness, positiv- 
ism; identification 

degradation, abasement, debasement, J^il '.jJiaii 
lowering, demeaning, humbling, humiliation; dis- 
paragement, depreciation 

insult, offense, affront iilil :j*i»J 

contempt, scorn, disdain, misprision Jjjjl : jm 

contempt of court i*So«il jjm 

realization, carrying out, achieve- ,»., « :"< i jUul ■<j-J' 9 " 
ment, accomplishment, attainment, consumma- 
tion, fulfillment, execution, effectuation, perfor- 
mance, working out, actualization, bringing about, 
making real, making come true, putting into effect, 
giving effect to, bringing into effect 

securing, ensuring, procuring, ji'y i ,j^fc : 
procurement; yielding, production 

satisfaction, fulfillment, meeting, -> <li j : 
answering, serving; adequacy, sufficiency 

granting, compliance with, accedence ilij : 
to "' 

verification, establishment, jja»J 4 oUI : 
substantiation; confirmation, affirmation; determi- 
nation, fixing, pinpointing; identification 

inquiry, inquest, examination, ^yS'SJ i tij»> : Jj : ; «-" 
investigation, inspection, exploration, probe, 
study(ing), scrutiny, survey(ing) 
interrogation, examina- J IL. •,:,.,, I iul^L.1 • J «'-" 
tion, questioning, investigation, inquiry, inquest, 
inquisition, hearing 


-Mi T - s '■ * 

reportage, report 
probate of wills 


u"l» f=Hj ' 

I yjitt 

to pick a quarrel with, start a _. ,_^^m : _. dLSow 

brawl with; to provoke, stir up 

to have one's own way (in); J+& i -> o-JL.1 : (J) Sm 
to rule tyrannically, handle arbitrarily, manage 




'■:■■■ ■- ■■.'■'.•i.wxs^hsa 

compounding, breaking up, breaking down, -lysis, 

legalization, legitimization; authoriza- 5j,li-j :J-ikj 
tion, sanction(ing); permission, permitting, allow- 
ance, allowing 


JyJl <±A^ 


oLJI 3^ 

electrolysis; electroanalysis 

{£}*.■*£ b~~ 

chemical analysis 

ifS^Z J^" 




/jL-ii jl /-— ij (J-J«j 



analytic geometry 

•LIJlmj i-.UA 

to be or become enthusiastic, zealous, ardent, y-taw 
eager; to enthuse (over), show enthusiasm, thrill, 
get all worked up, get excited 

1 '• ' i -, a - i- ' 

to roast, be or become roasted \»}»ij v*' ) j^m 
to toast, be or become toasted v»>m j >J-1 ) u n.-*< 

to sour, become sour; to acidify, UkL- jU> : u a*»u 
become acid 

to be developed »JJ jLill u ^,~" 

to bear, stand, endure, toler- jylc i jL««j i jU> I : Ji»J 
ate, put up with, abide, brook, stomach, sustain, 
support; to undergo, suffer, experience, pass 
through, go through 

to assume, <UJ lc Jf J»- 1 i ^Jy i _; »lk./> I : J*j«i 
bear, undertake, take upon oneself, take on, take 
over, shoulder, carry 
to depart, decamp, leave, set out S 9 "^ '■ J**" 

endurance, toleration, tol- sUli* i Jb>- liilij: J!*m 
erance, bearing, standing, putting up with, sustain- 
ment, supporting; stamina, fortitude; undergoing, 
sufferance, suffering, experiencing 

assumption (of), undertaking J>i i _i ^L^>\ : Jlsu 
(of), bearing, taking upon oneself, taking on or 
over, takeover, shouldering, carrying 

durability, strength, hardiness, solidity, aju. : J-mJ 

firmness, toughness 

to blacken, black, become (grow, turn) "*y.\ : pi*u 


■ ■■y^v ■;-aaPTra 


to move, budge; to be dislodged, dis- r->-> : JaJUJ 
placed, removed 

to gather in a circle (around); to sit in a (li^~) jl*J 
circle (around), form a circle (around); to sur- 
round, encircle, ring 

to disengage (oneself) from, disen- ^» )j**> '■ '{j* Jl»*> 
tangle oneself from, detach oneself from, extri- 
cate oneself from, release oneself from, free oneself 
from, relieve oneself from, rid oneself of 

disengagement, disentanglement, detach- jj 
ment, release 

proteolysis ir~>ij>. O^ 'Crr'Jjv' J"« 

^ - ' + $~ " 
thermolysis i5jl>>- J"« 

^ » - *£•>*$*' . s * • £ > &, ~ 

lipolysis.yj^t, jl ,^ij JJLsJ i( ^»JI jl ^Jl JL>J 

photolysis (ji**'' J^" 

•» . » * > &. - 
histolysis *j»_J "ill _jl g,.,..JI JW 

sweetening, surgaring jSlz i I^Li- eJ^DI jl»- :«Qa«7 

• '- - ' , - 

desalination, desalini- (^) tJULI illjl :(»Lil) illkj 

zation, desalting 

adornment, decoration, em- J~J*j « ^y : aIIm 
bellishment, ornamentation, beautification; candy- 
ing, sweetening, sugaring 

making someone swear; i_ilkj z.'J.\ jU»- : ' i.l>: 
swearing in, putting to (or upon) oath, adminis- 
tration of an oath on (or to) 

jury [o^lt] i-t.,1.^ iiS i oLik; <lkj 

flying, flight, soaKing), winging, hov- i>\'^> ■ j 'V 

rise, nsmg, towering, j >w » c plii jl : J-Jki 

soaKing), ascending, ascent 

analysis, analyzation; as- »^Uc JJ >yiJl jj :JJbJ 
say; dissolution, resolution; decomposition, de- 

JiJ 8 " 



! cr ,J ~^' 


"i""i '*'- 'I s '- 'I s ' - 

to change, alter, shift, Ji^J » j^> <■ J-V : <J>»»» 

switch, convert, transform, transmute, mutate, 
undergo change or conversion; to turn (into), grow 
(into), pass (into), become, assume the form or 
shape or state of; to be changed, altered, shifted, 
switched, converted, transformed; to move, trans- 
fer, be moved, be transferred 
to turn away ^ (J^il i^c (j^-ajl :^c J>» 
from, turn one's back on; to relinquish, renounce, 
give up, abandon, forsake, leave, quit; to move 
away from, go away from, withdraw from; to 
deviate from, depart from, deflect from, turn aside 
from, divert from, diverge from, digress from, 
swerve from 

change, alteration, conver- JUlzjI i j~ia i J xS ' uyu 

sion, transformation, transmutation, mutation; 

shift, turn(ing), switch, transition; metamorphosis; 


metamorphism (j»La\\ i-Jj j) J>» 

transmutation [ »^-^ J J**" 

deviation from, departure from, deflection^. Oyu 
from, diversion from, digression from, swerving 
from, turning away or aside from; relinquishment, 
renunciation, abandonment, leaving, quitting 


turning point U>»*> 

modification, changing, change, JjJlJ 'Jj^»J : jip*" 
alteration, conversion 

distortion, perversion, cor- Aj^JJ i <Jujau : jj>» 
ruption, misrepresentation, misstatement, falsifi- 
cation, twist(ing), wrench(ing), warping 

change, alteration, conversion, Jii « JjJ-j : Ji>*" 
transformation, transmutation, mutation; shifting, 
switching; transference) 
transmutation [ t.^-^ J Js>>»«J 

transfer, alienation, conveyance, dis- ££iil Jj^J 

posal of, cession, delivery, assignment 

» >i > . - 
remittance, sending, for- jJJ JUl jl Jjiill Jj>»w 

warding, transfer 

„ t * i * t ~ 

diversion from, alienation from, ^* Jj>»*> 


■ ' - "'-^-'J 

heating, warming (up), calefaction 

enthusing, making enthusiastic; ( _ r »»- jJUa* : y~**u> 
thrilling, electrification, galvanization; (a)rousing, 
arousal, stirring (up), working up, excitement, ex- 
citation, stimulation, whetting; kindling; embold- 
ening, encouragement, animation 

roasting; toasting u a^- j-xaa : o^*»w 

" • s ^ • ~ . * c 

souring; acidification, UwU- fci^JI J*»- '■<J a ** a ^ 


development, developing f$*i\ Ja~*»i 

loading, lading, freighting, y»i i J-j : Sz**> 

freightage); stevedoring 

burdening, charging, (J*) JUS) « (J*) »UJI : J-*a« 
encumbering; overburdening, bearing down on, 
weighing down on 

r 1 • "£•■** 

bearing [1£LjISL» j Jr?* </r.r 

suppository [i_J»]*L*aw 

to devote oneself to the ser- J^ll ifJ jj i ju«j : ti«i»Ji 
vice of God, practice piety; to refrain from sin 

to be embalmed, mummified (iiJ-l eu.) Jmw 

to be stuffed C>*J»1I j> ^l^lll 9-) -J"^*" 



embalmment, mummification (^4-1) 

stuffing, taxidermy ( jyJoi I j I o li l^li I ) 

*T' s ' 7. 

to coil, twist, turn, wind, writhe, wriggle tfyj : i£yu 

to contract 

to seek, try to obtain, ask for 

to shop, purchase, buy 

to be modified, changed, altered, con- J-uJ : jyH 


to be distorted, perverted, corrupted, (_i^! : jj^J 

misrepresented, misstated, falsified, twisted, 


to writhe, wriggle, coil, twist (5>b '■ jy*> 



• ^ j « Jii^ : J»>«" 


letters; to inform one another, keep one another 

to fail, weaken, lose strength or power, 
languish, droop, flag, slacken 

weakness, feebleness, languor, droop, 
effeteness, failure 


deviation from, deflection from, detraction from, 
turning (aside or away) from, keeping (away) from 
switch, shunt (*^jjj2-\ isdjl) £L »»J 

hovering, circling, revolving, rota- £Ji- />'n'- : f^j 

defeatism iLlj^il :<1)jU; 

to part company, separate, break off; to disso- r'j\i£ 
ciate, disassociate, disengage 

separation, dissociation, disassociation, disen- rj&> 

- •"- - ■»- ,'-- 

to feign roughness or rude- ii > li I i_ilSC; : ^ UJ 

to put one's hand on the o 

to hold hands 


*^ - ,' - 

Jj *-^J .^ 


to quarrel, dispute, argue, wrangle, 
Tight, contend 

to litigate, carry on a lawsuit; to sue ^tu : -»»1>J 
one another 

-'"■'• i ' i'.- 

to converse, talk or speak to one iiola«J : i_J>Uw 
another, hold (have, engage in) a talk or conver- 

> „ - > - - 
conversation, talk(ing), speaking (to ii< jl*J : i_J»l»7 

one another), speech, discourse, interlocution 

to bet, wager, make a bet 0* ^ '• Jk&> 

telepathy _^tljil &£ < .^Wjil Jjl^ ijiUJ 

to snatch (or seize) from one another tjiUj 

to whisper together; to exchange jllj < ^li; : ciiij 

to be or become friends, associate (with u> jCjj : DU«3 
one another) 

to be or become quits, even; to settle Lllk> : \jA\iC 
a mutual account 

to agree, come to (reach, bring ^* U; i j£> I : ^JU^I 
about) an agreement, come to terms 

to be sincere toward one another, be,y Cu : jjJUu 
honest with one another 


greeting, salutation, salute; cheer, welcome >%. : il» 

military salute l :j < ..r i^; 

(liT) c5^J *li.l prlj -(fir) c5^J 2*1 

compliments, greetings, regards, ollj : olLJ 
respects, good wishes, best wishes 

to be or become j j^ : t itj j| ( f^ll j ^ : 'j^j 
confused, puzzled, perplexed, 'bewildered, non- 
plussed, confounded, distracted, mazed, baffled, 
embarrassed, discomfited, disconcerted, perturbed, 
dismayed, at a loss, at one's wit's end; to hesitate, 
waver, falter, be unable to choose (between), be 
unable to decide, show indecision or uncertainty 

to side with, take L>J i ^U- i jU»il :<jj jl J 3^ 
sides with, take someone's part, favor, be partial 
to, align oneself with, be biased for, have a bias for, 
be prejudiced for 

partiality, favoritism, ^>« <■ Silk* i jL»«Jl : \Iki 
favorGng), one-sidedness, alignment, siding (with), 
taking sides (with), bias, prejudice 

to menstruate (^ Sll cu_) Jj?^" 

to wait (watch, look) for an opportunity; i^>^ii\ ^1»J 
to bide one's time 

neutralization Ijjlk* t!«l)l jli- 

putting aside, keeping asideOU >!-ijl «J>j : j 

confusion, confusing, puzzling, per- ciJLjl : ^ 
plexing, bewildering, nonplussing, distraction* baf- 
fling, baffle, discomfiture, disconcertion, pertur- 
bation, dismayGng) 

to become sour; to ferment (^a^Jl)*; 

to rot, decay, putrefy '^ , Hi : ^ 

to behave maliciously or wicked- IV* I I ^i I : iJU; 
ly, show malice; to be or become vicious, wicked, 
evil, evil-minded; to be or become sly, wily, foxy 

to communicate with each other, contact each y\*Z 
other, get in touch with each other, call one anoth- 
er; to correspond, write (to) each other, exchange 

i- - 
coagulation, clotting; curdling; congealment, 

congelation, thickening, solidification; thrombosis 

coagulation, clotting; curdling; congealment, 
congelation, thickening, solidification 

to groove, furrow, wrinkle; to be or become jjAJ 
furrowed, grooved, rutty, wrinkled 

to be anesthetized, narcotized, ^pj-l ju» <. ja»- : jJjw 
doped, drugged, stupefied, dazed, (be)numbed 
to stay at, remain at <»') : 6^*> j-^»u 

furrowing, grooving, rutting, wrinkling ju jj%j 

anesthetization, narcotization, doping, drug- jj jj%j 
ging, stupefaction; anesthesia 

anesthetic; narcotic iSjjjSu 

scarification; scratching cr-^ ■ i ^>^<j 

to be or become ruined, destroyed, wrecked, u^w' 
havocked, ravaged, devastated, demolished, deso- 
late, damaged; to go to ruin; to be subverted, sabo- 
taged, vandalized 

to graduate (from); to be educated ( j jl ,ja) ^»J 
(in), trained (in) 

graduation £^»" 

commencement, graduation (exercises) rj^ *^»- 

to fabricate lies against, accuse Jc <Sj^*\ '■ i^ u°j>*> 
falsely of; to slander, defame, calumniate, malign, 
vilify, asperse, traduce, speak evil of 

*'.', -_*-: --*'.- 
to be or get torn, rent; to tear, J-j\ i j>u : (J^ 

rend, rive, tatter 



destruction, ruin(ing), (o^*" ' ji; 4 ' ' (Cr 1 *-* •'ri/*' 
ruination, wrecking), wreckage, havocking, dev- 
astation, ravage, demolition, demolishment, dilapi- 
dation, desolation, laying waste; sabotage; subver- 
sion; vandalism 

subversive, destruc- (I j* 4 cS^-^ ' i^i^v '• ^yf-J^ 

tive, vandalistic, devastative 

* ' - *i" 
(act oO sabotage yst>" J** 



' ""'I 

to intermix, intermingle, interblend, r jCj : JJl*i' 
blend, mix, mingle, commingle, commix 

intermixture, intermixing, intermin- r jll> : JJUJ 
gling, interblending, blending, mixture, mixing, 


;<> ' j) 


] jfr'J "l**- 11 


J ~ j&> 

hiding, concealment, concealing 

1 t (Ju*. I tah 



to flounder, stumble, blunder, 

move unsteadily or confusedly, proceed clumsily 

or blindly, act aimlessly; to grope (about, for), 

fumble (about, for); to bump, proceed in a series of 


to welter, wallow, roll (about), toss i_JUJ : JaLau 

to stray, wander; to get lost, go ot < 3** : ■J*'-^" 

to fall victim to liif X«,ji jl il>w> oj :( j) 
or of, be or become a victim or prey of 

to be lost in, j Jji i J Jail i j s-U» : ( j) 

l^j h«/n c (J-JL*j I ,h ■ •* > 

to sink in, be immersed in 

to jumble, clutter, run in 

disorder or confusion, get into a state of unrest or 

turmoil, be in a mess or chaos; to be or become 

disturbed, unsettled, disordered, muddled, 

jumbled; to get all mixed up 



bed; bedstead 

sofa, couch; bench; seat 

throne cr^i^O 

capital yl« : (fJjjJI jl iSQlll) 

wardrobe, closet; cabinet, cupboard, ii I J»- '. c»»J 
chest; locker 
orchestra, band 

to coagulate, clot; to curdle, curd; to congeal, 
thicken, solidify 


L. ,. ■ ■ a . 

-v-HHrf Ui.^W*id!W»Bfca«ai« JWMMjfr 


cation, assignment 

-5" - a ' - 

to be dyed, tinged, tinted, colored, 0>li : ' .-..n-wi 

painted; to be pigmented 

■ «s8«gi»aia»ow»»g«i Mi iM wi» ^)aiKi;ai«ii«MBiai5^tM»»iwa»!g 

to be or become bloodstained, stained r jJL i_ 
with blood, ensanguined, bloody, gory 

making (something) green j^o±-\ t i J^\ J«- -ji-afu 

overstepping, going be- -uj i jjUJ : (<«ks»dl ) i~ 
yond; exceeding, surpassing, transcendence, tran- 
scending, outreaching; overreaching, extending be- 
yond; passing, passage, going past, leaving behind, 
overtaking, outstripping, outdistancing, getting 
ahead of 

trespassing), transgression, en- J* *'-*-*} : J*»" 
croachment upon, inroad(s) upon, making inroads 

skipping, disregard, omission JUi-l : inj 

" I- • \ 'i ' ' 
crossing, traversing, traversal, jyj. c jlw- 1 : Ju^i 

passing through 

to overstep, go beyond; to <sSz i JjGJ : w V>" 

exceed, surpass, transcend, outreach; to overreach, 
extend beyond; to pass, go past, leave behind, 
overtake, outstrip, outdistance, get ahead of 

to trespass, transgress, encroach J* (iluil : JLk; 
upon, make inroads upon 

to skip, disregard, omit, bypass '^ki.\ : JLk; 

to cross, traverse, pass (proceed, ^li < j^r ' : j jr ^ 
go, move) through 

to strut, prance, swagger, mince JUi- 1 < >a^J :'Jkiu 

'l' i ' '■•'■'- '* '■ 'V-'- 

' " ,- i ' ' 

strutting), prancing, prance, JLj*-I <■ >^> 'j 1 *^" 
swaggeKing), mincing 

■*. ■'.' i - ' A ' ' 

,i,. -I s ,'- 

to be or become striped, streaked, stripy, JLu : Jxluw 
streaky, barred, ruled; to be or become striate(d), 
lined, banded 

graduation £>^JI '•& Uf> : £>>^' 

interpretation, exegesis, expla- _£-*: i JjjU : »y>J 
nation, exposition 

facing, lining (ilCil j) £,^ 

commencement, graduation (exercises) ruj^> *^- 

piercing, punching, perforation, puncturing, fj»u 
puncture, riddling, drilling, boring; (needlepoint) 
lace, openwork, lacemaking, lacework, filigree 

(needlepoint) lace, lacework, openwork, filigreeii^aJ 

to lignify, become juk; c C.':j. jl Qi. j\^o :L 
wood or woody; to stiffen, harden, solidify, freeze 
to be or become stiff, hard, rigid 

lignification, becoming wood or woody; stiff- 
ness, rigidity, hardness 

rigor [t.J,] ( l^S\ 

catalepsy ^J f\^\ SyJLiC 

to show reverence; to humble Yj^> « '**>*■ '• si*w 
oneself, show humility, be or become humble; to 
implore, beg, supplicate 

lignification, conversion into i_-^. J J Jj^k; : ■ 'v 

wooden shed; hut, cottage, shanty, 

to specialize ,. > LJI ^ pic j ^i-j : j jl j \jLaiu 
in, major in 

specialization; specialism; specialty, y«L 
field of specialization; major 



specification, particulariza- q :.:."' ( jjjaj - u ^. «±~ 
tion, individualization, itemization; specialization 
earmarking, singling out, designa- j I ji I : u fT _ ^J 
tion, destination, assignment, appropriation, set- 
ting aside, setting apart, marking 

devotion, dedication, consecra- (j-j Ji£> ' yr_ n -n. 7 

allotment, apportionment, alio- ^.,-A" : ^a^aij 

u Aau 

ti.MS'ii... '"W.'l'v MwM 

softening, lightening, miti- { jS-^ <■ i-O H - Mi : '-^^ 
gation, palliation, mollification, alleviation, easing, 
easement, soothing, relieving, relief, allaying, 
appeasement, assuagement, attenuation, extenua- 
tion, relaxing, relaxation, qualification, modera- 
tion, tempering, toning down 
dilution, diluting, thinning, j^J > i i*^. : i-i^ 
attenuation, weakening 

relaxation (reduction, easing) of jjjill »oj- <-*?*»« 

deceleration, slowing down, slow- 
down, slowness, going slowly 

commutation (of a punishment or 


weight reduction u jj 



-'• 4 n 

extenuating circumstances 

extenuating circumstances *. . ■ ,;, ■,; • *» l -»j^ 1 » ' y±!* 9u 

abandonment, &y i (jt- Jji^ :(,>£•) ( (i? 'j»^0 J»" 
giving up, relinquishment, surrender, yielding, 
renunciation, forgoing, waiver, disclaimer, cession, 
leaving, quitting, dropping, laying down, putting 
away; abdication (of a throne or high office) 

to abandon, give up, relin- Sy i j* J j^ '• 0* u^*" 
quish, surrender, yield, renounce, forgo, waive, 
disclaim, cede, leave, quit, drop, lay down, put 
away; to abdicate (a throne or high office) 
to desert (in time of need), d y t iji^- : o* <J^ 
forsake, walk out on, abandon, let down, fail 
someone when most needed ^ ^ 

to be or become disjointed, dis- ttLiJ \ i «JL»j \ : Jj»1*j 
located, disarticulated; to be or become disengaged, 
disconnected, detached; to loosen 
to be shaken, convulsed, S'jx, :(ajI^ <ja) Js»L»«J 
rocked; to be displaced, dislodged, removed; to 
move, budge 

to be or become worn, shabby, ragged, ^ : JjJjw 
tattered; to wear out, fray, tatter 

to rarefy ii\£ Ji\ jl* : JiJ-^ 

rarefaction, rarity ii\^ *li : J*»L»ii' 

to get rid of, rid oneself Jl jl i r^>\ < -V : i>; u^**» 
of, do away with, dispense with, dispose of, make 
away with; to discard, throw off or away; to re- 
move, eliminate 

to escape ja Uy < & jj*>> ' i>? ^ '■ J* u^^ 

r j 

I i_am7 

to strut, prance, swagger, mince \}\z*-\ t j^jyj : JJj*j 

drawing, ruling, lineation, «dij i jJ»-J < fj '• >v Jt»" 
lining, tracing; striping, streaking; striation; stripes, 
pattern of stripes 

delimitation, demarcation, jjjJ-I Cr^*> • •" i j * "*' 

planning, designing, projec- J»]ai.l jj>j : I vj-i^.' i 
tion, projecting, scheming, schematizing, charting, 
laying out, layout, mapping out 

plan, design, project, scheme; ,Mr»» i <U»- : \* . U -* i 
pattern, sketch, outline, diagram, layout 

audiography £»-JI - ^ :.}■•*" 

echography, ultrasonography tSjUl Ja..ja -* j 

»* > • - 
cardiography; electrocardiography i— J-SJI J»Jw 

sphygmography yilJI • ^ ■j* '* '' 

graphic ^L; : 

sketch, design, outline, schema, 
graph, chart, diagram 

disguise, masquerade; hiding, conceal- ((^^i^l) lj» 
ing oneself; concealment, hiddenness 

to disguise oneself, be <3jl>> <■ y— > <■ j$~- > '• u"" 

disguised, be in disguise; to mask, masquerade; to 
hide (oneself), conceal oneself, keep oneself out of 

- " ' ' . a .'.'~ 

--■ \ - ?.-.'. 
to hasten, hurry, rush £y-l 

to wear or put on slippers $*Z>\ * <-j«il ^-J : i 
or sandals or shoes; to be shod 
reduction, lowering, decrease, ^llll '. J a. ^^ 

decreasing, lessening, diminution, cut, cutback, 
cutting down, scale-down, minimization, abate- 
ment, pulling down, markdown; turning down 
disarmament, arms limitation c^' u*t*~ 

devaluation; debasement iLJI (i^i) y 


decrease, decreasing, ( > > : « •*' ' ' i>»^J : '-i- ^-*' 1 

lessening, diminution, reduction, cutback, cutting 
down, abatement; turning down 

weight reduction 

mindedness, moronity, idiocy, imbecility 
to be molded, shaped, lilSLi, Jm I i JSdj : ji»u 

formed, fashioned; to take (take on, assume, 
acquire) a form or shape 

to acquire (attain, adopt, l^j JLk; : 1 iST J%.\ jlkj 

take on, assume, receive) the manners or character 


to affect (feign, simulate) the<Ul£j : 4iU- ^^Ju jiaJ 

manners or character of 

formation; genesis oy^J < J>^J : Jjli»j 

morphogenesis; genesis; differenti- [ *L»-I ] jL«J 

morphogenetic; morphological jf-HK" 

to intervene, interpose, intermediate, lie Jaly : J1»J 
(fall, occur, be, come, go) between or in between 

to permeate, pervade, percolate, 3j^- 1 c Juaj : JLiJ 
(inter)penetrate, infiltrate, spread through(out) 

to pick the teeth <iL- 1 (jii : JLsJ 

to acetify >j- jU» : JL»J 

intervention, interposition, intermediacy, Ja-^j : JL*; 

permeation, permeance, perva-jl^i-l i iUj :jl»u 
sion, percolation, (inter)penetration, infiltration, 
spreading through(out) 



y&- 6/<tJ' °jjj^*° -cU»j 

leaving, leaving alone, letting alone, un- S'y : i-lp«j' 

handing, release, freeing 

it " - - ■ - 
abandonment, giving up ^ Jm : <1*J 

« ** ■ , ■ - 

desistance, abstention, <-»1*j] ij>cfL^«l :<JlmJ 

refrainment, forgoing; discontinuance, stopping 
• , > / * - 

perpetuation, eternization, _ujt i JL»- j-uo* : i ; l^,T 


commemoration 0-J^) c5^i -4^*" 

in commemoration of, in mem-(l J5") (i^iJ I jlJl»^ 
ory of, in remembrance of, in memoriam 

salvation, deliverance, rescue, jjjm i ilijl 'jiiJt 
rescuing, saving, salvage, salvaging; liberation, 
freeing, setting free, extrication, release, relief; 

from, get away from, save oneself from; to be or 
become free(d) from, liberated from, released from, 
relieved from, cleared of, exempt(ed) from, saved 
from, rescued from, delivered from; to free oneself 
from, liberate oneself from, disengage oneself 
from, disentangle oneself from, release oneself 
from, extricate oneself from 

getting rid of, ridding oneself of, doing ^ u AsJ 
away with, dispensing with, disposal of, making 
away with; discarding, throwing off or away; 
removal, elimination; escape from, getting away 
from, saving oneself from; freedom from, 
liberation from, release from, disengagement from, 
disentanglement from, extrication from 

to be or become disjointed, dislocated, SSLiu : «ikj' 
disarticulated, luxated; to be or become discon- 
nected, disjoined, disunited; to be or become disas- 
sembled, dismounted, taken apart, dismantled, dis- 
membered; to disjoint, disarticulate, disassemble, 
come apart, fall apart, break up 

to drink heavily; to be addicted to <_>l^l j «ls«j 

to lag, fall behind, stay behind, jj-U : (,jc.) Li 
remain behind, drop behind; to tarry, linger; to fail 

to absent oneself, be or remain j>«aJ-l i>c i-iUJ 
absent, be or stay away, fail to appear or show up, 
fail to attend or be present 

to default, be in arrears, be behind- %» _dl ^ i_iLa^ 
hand, be behind, fall behind, fail to pay'on time 

to default, fail to appear t Lai ,11 «UI Jj^ll jjx. i_iL»J 
in court 

to be or become mentally retarded Liit i_iLa^ 

lag, retardation, falling behind, staying jj-U : 
behind, remaining behind, dropping behind; tarry- 
ing, lingering; failure to 

nonattendance, nanappearance, j>«aJ-l j>c i_aU^ 
absence, nonpresence, being away, staying away, 
remaining away, failure to attend or show up; 
truancy; absenteeism 

default, failure to pay on time, «j 111 ,ji i_iLj 

being in arrears 

default, failure to ap- <,Lai,H -LI J^il ^ <_iL^; 
pear in court 

underdevel- j^k; j\ ^juu j*i :(»JJ JijU»-) i_ib%; 
opment, backwardness, retardation 
amentia, mental retardation; feeble- 

(jlic l_«Iiu 




=♦ ^ 

ness, femininity, unmanliness 

*Ul) ,>^- jjtIj -Jeuy^ 

frightening, scaring, alarming, g jy « V^* j) : "-"i.** 1 
intimidation, terrifying, terrorization, panicking 
entitlement; authorization, empower- Jaijfc : Jj^j 
ment, accreditation, delegation (of authority); in- 
vestiture, investment; commission(ing), charging; 
entrustment, commitment 
granting, giving, accordance, bestowal, ^ : Jj>^ 


jUji-l I jL»-| ff 'j 


to imagine, fancy, conceive, °jy» : *(^N J*"j> 

ideate, envisage, visualize, picture (in the mind), 
envision, vision; to think, suppose, assume 
to seem to, appear to, look <d j>-aJ : S^iJI *J Jl*« 
to; to present itself to, reveal itself to, show itself to 

to see promising signs in, <+~.y ■ ^li-l <£ J-*" 
expect (a lot of) good of, set (great) hopes on 

imagination, imagining, JL»- i p»>> ' j>^ : J^-> 
fancy(ing), conception, ideation, envisaging, visu- 
alization, vision(ing), fantasy, phantasm 

lli- •jj-Ij-^JJ l.'-ii. fill I j£_C ^(V-*J 

frustration, thwarting, foiling, defeat, iLa- 1 : i— «-»J 
discomfiture, balking, blocking, forestallment 

disappointment, frustration; JL.'ill jl Jl jI '-•tq-*'' 
dashing the hopes of 

letting or making someoneJ jLi»- ^1 <j^ £^ : j)!^' 
choose, granting or giving someone the option or 
choice or alternative 

j\~>-\ jfrb 

- (J. . .na t :j < . ^i 

(-jt^ 1 

i jLjj-jl jp- ijLj»-J 

tSA^l Jf'j 



camping, encamping, encampment; 5 j£_c : p+iu 

redemption, deliver- [iJlj^iJ ] *~Ja^' i>? u 4 ^" 
ance, salvation 

clearing, clearance, clarifica- iJLJ t ^-j-^j : v**^ 
tion, purification, refinement, refining, purging 
clearance, clearing (CS"j^»-) jjUjJI c^f" 



dislocation, disjunction, disarticulation, dL£iJ : jJjJ 
disconnection; disassembly, dismounting), dis- 
mantlement, taking to pieces 

photosynthesis ^y* 

acetification J>- (Jj Je.* 3 *' : Jr^»" 

acetification >i- &J^JI »jj^«* ' Jk" '-S^ 

to delimit, demarcate, define, la»- *J J*»- i io»- : ^u 

fix or mark the limits or boundaries of; to limit, 

confine, bound 

.- • ' - 1 - . :. 
to suffer from indigestion; to be or <*JiL> t_w» I : piu 

feel satiated, glutted, gorged, overstuffed 

boundary, frontier, border, <J J* '>:(>*'(>* 
borderline, limit, confines; edge, end, extremity, 
fringe, margin, verge, brink 
indigestion, dyspepsia; surfeit, satiety **»J 


J • - 

fermentation, ferment, zymosis 

fermentative; zymogenic 

fermentation, fermenting 

leavening, raising (of dough) 

brewing, brewage, brew (of £lj i*i-l jl oji^ jif*^ 

beer, etc.) 

sweating (of tobacco leaves, £l] j^JI Jljjl jj*^ 


guess(ing), conjecture, surmise, gues- j>- : j**»« 


assessment, appraisal, appraisement, jj-uj : ( >^»" 

estimation, estimate, evaluation, valuation, rating 

to be or become effeminate, womanish, iiJU : 

womanly, unmanly, feminine; to feminize; to dis 

play effeminate manners 

effeminacy, womanishness, womanli- ci*iu : 



r'V ■■ ' ' ■ , ■'>■■-, 'T- 

l;. -^-! *,,. . ■:■. -'■' ■■.■."•yna 

tot- J=.^i — II jl jL^I |}li L i Jill; i^ljjl) pIjJ 
tering, falterGng), unstableness, unsteadiness, shak- 
iness, precariousness, insecurity, imminent col- 
lapse, dilapidation 

i" ' 
collapse, fall, falling J°y^ ' jW : p'-^ 

down, downfall, cave-in; crumbling, breakdown; 

litigation, <*y*a*- i <ui U*. i SUilL. : pi jj 

prosecution; judicial or legal proceeding^); law- 
suit, suit, action 

association (of jllil jl _^>l>il jl jiSCi'ill ,-cIjJ 
ideas, memories, etc.) 

free association of ideas 'jX I j LSCi ^ I ^c I jJ 

to totter, falter, jlj-j jl .,la«,„_i (jl tibjl t JjlLu :,jcl-b 
threaten to fall or collapse; to be or become tum- 
bledown, dilapidated, ramshackle, ready or likely 
to fall or collapse 

to collapse, fall in, cave in, fall <ji>ij 4 j\+>\ : (jcl-b 

down, sink down, tumble, founder; to crumble, 

disintegrate, degenerate, decline 

» ... >' ., , . ,,- 
to call each other, call upon UJu .^ ,;>«,> lc j : ^1 jj 

each other, summon one another 
to sue one another, _rf>Uj i jflki i ^liJ ^^l-iJ 
bring one another before a judge; to litigate, carry 
on a lawsuit 

to joke together, jest together, have fun -r'^J : i_«cl jJ 
together, make fun, play 

to push one another, shove one another; »^il I «i I jj 
to scramble, struggle or rush pell-mell, move with 

jju vs-lj-^J-UI «j| 

.-• "."'■{.' . 

(jam (jj> ,t4 , .n« .i Lo ., 

to come near each other, 

approach one another, get close to each other, be 
or become close together 

receiving or seeking of medical treat- ((ijl jjl) jl Ju 
ment; (course of) treatment, cure, therapy, medica- 

to be treated; to receive or undergo medical 1S3 1 Ju 
treatment, submit to or be under medical treat- 
ment; to treat oneself 

to confer, deliberate, consult, jjUj 1 Li^-Q :<jjl jJ 
discuss, hold talks, hold a discussion, exchange 
views; to study, consider; to negotiate, parley 

to circulate, put into circulation; to 3*^ : cJjljJ 
pass around, pass alternately, hand each other; to 

pitching (setting up, erection) of a tent 

to stand back to back, face JJ UJ jl 4»- \y 1j> : y I j£ 
in opposite directions 

to disagree, disaccord, be at (i-ilii t <-il,rj- 1 : j> l-u 
variance; to dispute, quarrel; to be enemies, be 
hostile to one another, harbor mutual enmity 

to overlap, ^ J aJmj J»o 1 liLlij < i_. ^ l^j : Js^Iju 
imbricate, be superimposed; to interpenetrate; to 
interlock, intertwine, interlace, mesh; to inter- 
grade, merge, blend 

J»-Ij j^-lj-^U- :J*-IjJ 

overlapping), imbrication; tiLLlJ n_-^ly : J*-Iju 
interpenetration; interlock, intertwinement, inter- 
lacement, meshing; intergradation, merger, blend- 


to study, consider carefully, examine, scruti- u»j\jj 
nize, investigate, look into, inquire into, delve into; 
to discuss, deliberate, exchange views (on) 

studying), consideration, examination, scruti- qojIjJ 
iy, investigation, inquiry; discussion, deliberation 

to make right, set ^.'ll jl. < «w> t »JlUI : dJjIju 
right, put right, put in order, correct, rectify, 
emend, amend, remedy; to repair, redress, make 
good, make up for; to supplement, supply 

to prevent, obviate, ^ I 1 LuI*J < 15 jLj : d)j llu 
forestall, anticipate; to avert, ward off, parry, fend 
off, stave off, avoid; to take precautions against, 
guard against, beware of 

to follow (up) with, j »lJI t_; J^JI :_; dijljj 

cause to follow, cause to be followed by; to sup- 
plement with, subjoin to, add to 

to follow one another, follow \£o-% >>«-ll dljl-u 

in succession, come successively 

85 ^ ' t" \ f r ' 
making right, setting right, ^yii.'ll jl- 1 tm\ :ojIjJ 

correction, rectification, emendation, amendment, 

remedying; reparation, redress(ing), making good, 

making up for 

prevention, obviation, »UJ I < t_Jj»J t jUj :&j\£ 
forestallment; averting, warding off, parryGng), 
fending off, staving off, avoidance; taking precau- 
tions against, guarding against 




^ *: 


~^«» ; - 



management, handling, direction, SjIjI :^aJ 
disposal, disposition, administration, conduct(ing), 

economy, economization, frugality, >\~***\ '-ja-^ 
thrift(iness), husbandry, providence, saving 

procurement, procuration, pro- <_^c d>-»»- '-jn^> 
curing, securing, getting, obtainment, acquisition, 
acquirement, attainment, achievement, accom- 
plishment; wangling, finagling 

measure, step, procedure, action, *\j*r\ '-ja^ 


housekeeping, household J>dl jjSJ i yly- jx^ 

management, menage; domestic science, home 


pre- J^Li-l jl tSj'^rH J 1 c/r**' -»' </**■? -W"*' 
cautionary measure, precaution(s), safety measure, 
safeguard, provision 
to take or adopt measu res or steps jo I jj l*u 1 

to cover oneself with, wrap oneself in _j ^Jjl : j jjjj' 

to be or become heavily armed, armed **■%. j 2^"^ 

to the teeth 

, t > . s , ; - i - - 
to be tamed, domesticated j*- J ' i>»j j* '• uT- 

taming, domestication u*i)j> '■ Cr^r-^ 

to roll ^*""^ 

to intervene in, interpose Jiiu t 4_iJ J»- jl : j J*-jJ 
in, step in; to interfere in or with, meddle in, 
intermeddle in, nose into, poke one's nose into, 
intrude upon, obtrude upon, force oneself upon 

intervene [uy\i J <5>cj j (tlJli jjj-i^) J»-Jj 

intervention, interposition, Jal.jJ t JiJaJ : Ji-jJ 

stepping in; interference, meddling, intermeddling, 
nosing into, poking one's nose into, forcing oneself 
upon (others), intrusion, intrusiveness, obtrusion, 

intervention [ 0>» I* J i»5l» l5j*J j j^' o*-£ 
nonintervention, noninterference Ji»-Jlll {•**■ 

interventionist i^*""^ 


use, make frequent use of 

to alternate, rotate VJ^ n_iu> : Jjl jj 

to circulate, pass from mouth to JiS Si *Jjl jJ 
mouth, be on everybody's lips, be the talk of the 
town, run through the town 
to circulate, pass from hand to hand, c$jj jII cJjl jJ 
change hands 

circulation, currency 

jLliil i ^Ijj : Jjl 

alternation, rotation 

u >jLj ti_JiUj tjjljj 

i«JrL> iii-»-L> :JjIju 

alternately, in rotation, succes- <— .^LJIj : JjluiHj 
sively, in succession, one after the other, one by 
one, by turns 

to contract a mutual loan, borrow mon- (fjiJl) jjIj 
ey from each other; to be indebted to each other 
to reflect on, ponder on or over, contem- jit : j,j 
plate, meditate on, weigh, consider carefully, pore 
over, cogitate, speculate on 
to manage, contrive, work (out), succeed yiijjjj 
in handling or accomplishing; to wangle, finagle; 
to get, obtain, procure, secure; to take care of 

to manage with, do with, get by j u^^-l '■ ->. A -^ 

reflection, pondering, meditation, p*Ju i J*U \ji. 
contemplation, weighing, consideration, cogita- 
tion, speculation 

to be birdlimed, caught with ^jJIj ■hff'-J'}^ t£- 

to be or become sticky, gluey, U-^liojloiJ^JJ 
glutinous, viscid, viscous, limy, gummy 
viscosity, viscidity, stickiness, glueyness, *^-jy : j*. 
glutinousness, gumminess 

embellishment, adornment, ornamenta- ^y :««j. 
tion, decoration 
composition, writing ijbS" i cjJt : rt-j-b 

arrangement, S^-\ ' J»^H" ' r"J » ->l -**■] '■ M- 
planning, designing, plotting, scheming, projection, 
concerting, charting, laying out, mapping out; 
devising, devisal, contriving, contrivance, framing, 
making, working out, thinking up; concoction, 
hatching, trumping up 


culate(d), tubercled 

J^ :6jJu 

pulmonary tuberculosis 
tubercular, tuberculous; tuberous 

training, drill(ing), schooling, ±,£ t ^^ : l-j j jj 
coaching, exercise, practice, rehearsal; traineeship"; 
apprenticeship; habituation, accustoming, inure- 
military training, drill JiJCLi lojU 

vocational training r^ ^^ 

graduating, graduation, grad- otj; J J jLi; :~jJJ 

ing, gradation, gradating, scaling 



'Ji 1 " : £VJ- 

circulation, spreading, promotion, 

^f-J^ £*■ ' J - jvj JJI (^ jl ) Jc < g. jldL. < lit j J: 

gradual, step-by-step, piecemeal, progressive j-jtj jj 

gradually, step by step, by steps, by degrees, iLt j !i 
little by little, bit by bit, piecemeal, progressively 

teaching, instruction, tuition, schooling, JlU Ij-jjJJ 

instructional, educational, teaching; didactic J—jj JJ 


pjill £j-b 

d* cr J ^-Ij-^! 1 -^ 1 Jj <>. ^IjJ 

to be inaugurated, dedicated, 

inauguration, opening, dedication 
inaugural, opening 

.. *■ - j ,. ~ ,. - 

C^**! 'l>- J : i>iju' 

to warm oneself 

heating, warming (up), calefaction 

central heating 

• /j M III JJ 

to flow, stream, pour forth or Ji oJ 4 ^il» : ^jllll o jJ 

out, gush forth, well out; to dash, rush, dart 

to flow, flow out, outflow, ^ili c ^lu5 i iSjsr : j» jJ 

i^«»»«^4 l 3 aUWk»w»»'T*' 

I s '- 


to be smoked; to be fumigated, fumed '^si 

smoking (jjj sjl^.) ^1,; 

fu- *ijaij^ jl 4j j^- jl oU-JL. ikllL. r^J: 
migation, fuming; smoking 

to lie in wait for game fiakll ju!jl J^. 

to practice, drill (oneselO, exer- 6^1 : : ( j < Jc) L,j'jJ 
cise, take exercise, do exercises, train, rehearse; to 
be or become trained, drilled, exercised, coached, 
tutored, practiced, skilled, experienced 
to be apprenticed 'J£ ■ ( j c j*) 'J^'j- 

to get used to, be or become j^J :(J t Jx.) L,^ 
accustomed to 

training; practice, exercise, drill; rehears- OjZ : oj'jJ 
al; traineeship 


habituation, getting used to 

to advance (proceed, 'j^, , Ji; j I , ^^ : ( Jj ) ' * '_J- 

approach, go) step by step (to), graduate (to'); to 

progress by steps, make gradual progress; to rise 

(ascend, go up) gradually 

to gradate, ol^ ( Jl p /\) ^ ^ : ^ 

grade, be or become graduated or graded or 


to train, be trained; to be 'J^J 4 Ljlu t o^J : ij jJ 
apprenticed; to be or become a trainee or an 

gradual advancement) or progress, progression r-j jj 
(by steps); successive steps; gradation, graduation, 
graduating, grading; training, traineeship, appren- 

*y u '• So- 1 -' 





gradual, step-by-step, piecemeal, 

hierarchical; successive 


to armor oneself, put on armor I joJ I ^J : c^ 

to be or become tuberculous, tubercular, tuber- uj jJ 

r. \ 

y. ■ 


!■- ■■■■■■'■■•' J v.^.^1 

IT ■■"■'-,"!' 

■ ~ '- —1 i i^a-i 

to go crazy or out of one's mind (with love or <J jj 
grieO, be passionately stirred by love or grief; to 
love, fall in love with 

dangling, dangle, suspending, <J,-Uj S/JJI J»»- :u^" 
suspension, hanging (down), lolling, drooping, 
lowering, slinging 

fraud, deceit, deception, JLil t «-la»- ■ ( J^ i^^JjJ 
cheating), defraudation, swindle, swindling 
fraudulent, deceitful, deceptive tjp'-^ • ltt^ -^ 

pampering, spoiling, coddling, jtt— ^ ' J^-^ • fcJ ^ 

mollycoddling, indulgence, babying, cockering; 

caressing, fondling, petting, dandling 

massage; rubdown, rubbing; embrocation, dU XI 


proving, proof, establish- <^»^> ' oLj I : (J*) JJju 
ment, verification, substantiation, demonstration, 
showing, evidencing 

auction(ing), sale by auction, public iuL J* JJ^J 


pampering, spoiling, coddling, r<— »j » *Jjb : JJ aJ 

mollycoddling, indulgence, babying, cockering; 

caressing, fondling, petting, dandling 

to be or become destroyed, ruined.o^J i fj+i :^ jlT 
wrecked, havocked, demolished, razed, devastated, 
ravaged, wiped out, crushed, smashed, broken 
down; to be subverted, sabotaged, vandalized 

destruction, ruin(ing), ^j**> • (.Jaiu . £-1^ : j^ Ju 
ruination, wreck(ing), wreckage, devastation, 
havocking, laying waste, demolition, demo- 
lishment, ravage, wiping out, crushing, smashing, 
breaking down; sabotage; subversion; vandalism 

destructive, devastative, subversive, <<j>>«J : <i-<r? jL ' 

drorXping), sinking, jo\*U\ <. J»>-* :(,Jjdl) Oju 
fall(ing), fall-off, decline, decrease, diminution, 
shrinking, shrinkage, dwindling, slump, depres- 
sion; depreciation 

low level; inferiority, i (\ ij <, u ' aii ^ ' ■ « iSy-~ • • 0-»-> 
poorness, badness 

to sink, drop, fall, decline, go u aju*j\ . Jal* : t> -^ 
down, decrease, diminish, shrink, dwindle, slump; 
to be or become low, low-grade, low-level, infe- 
rior, poor, bad 

to approach gradually, (^) ^Lli bLli U j : ^ju 

stream, well out, spout forth, spurt, gush forth, 
gush out, effuse, issue forth, jet, pour out, pour 
forth, shoot out, break forth, break out, burst 
forth, burst out, erupt 

flow, flowage, flux, effluence, flowing out or Ji 
forth, pouring out or forth, effusion, efflux, influx, 
outflow, outpourOng), gush(ing), streaming), 
spurt(ing), jet(ting), issue, inflow, inpour, inrush, 
onrush, outbreak, outburst 


scrutiny, closeorcarefulexamina- J^LxJ • C-sw : JJJu 
tion, investigation, inspection, scan(ning), inquiry, 
probe, exploration, studying); checking (out), 
check(up), verification 

«-lj - Xej}\ j <>y*o :J^»-^I J ^j»\ '(i^JJ 


audit, auditing oULJ-l Jjijj 

(i»j) i»Jj «j>-lj - J^JjuJl iJ^J-Cj 

dangling, dangle, hanging (down), (<JjJ0 J -^ 

pendency, suspension, lopping, lolling, droorXing), 

prolapse; ptosis Ls-^J 

^ . ■* *^ ' 
orchidoptosis ^r^' d^ 

■» ■» »u- 

coloptosis u>J>»JI (J^J 

hepatoptosis -u5JI (Jju 

gastroptosis »J*il ,}■£> 

to hang (down), dangle, suspend, Ja~» . jLJ : J jJ 
lop, loll, be suspended; to droop, sink (down), sag, 
descend; to be lowered, be let down 

"iSyA\ ^-fy* O* ( pf^) >*"J' ^* : (^-^ 
to prolapse I <~A > \ 

to dangle, hang down, suspend, L) %J < <J, jj : J jJ jJ 
loll, lop, droop, sag, sink down 
to be rubbed; to be massaged iiU j : dU jJ 

to rub oneself; to massage oneself • j-»- tiU j : lilljJ 

to perfume oneself; to be per- t -. ;li" '• s-«JJ^ ^J^ 


to coquet, flirt, play the coquette £^! : JJ jj 

jft ^Ij-jf'i 



=♦ *s 

t^- j > 

recording, recordation, taking juJLI < J-*>-J : OlJjJ 
record of, putting on record, writing (down), 
setting down (in writing), putting down (in 
writing), taking down, noting (down), taking notes 
of, registration, registry, registeKing), marking 
(down), entering, entry, listing, inscription 

codification t>^'^' if-i'-^ 

entry, register, record, note, item, articleoli lytjjj 

religiousness, piety, godliness, devoutness s-j j : jj jj 

to kill (slaughter, massacre, slay) one another ry I Ju 

to confer, deliberate, consult, ii*. Cj i ijj I jj : ^1 jj 

discuss, hold talks, hold a discussion, exchange 

views; to study, consider; to negotiate, parley 

.. - - > * ■■ - 

S^Iju w-Ij - £\'Si 

to dispraise one another; to slan- Luu r*-a*j ^ : »l JJ 

der one another, defame one another 

to oscillate, vibrate, swing, sway, vacil- J±±- : Li jjjj 
late, waver, wave, wobble 

to hesitate, waver, falter, vacillate, iiy : <_>jj JJ 
vibrate, fluctuate 

oscillation, vibration, swinging), i>\Jb>- .'ljIiJu 

sway(ing), vacillation, waverGng), wobble, wob- 

hesitancy, hesitation, irresolution, njl ^V-Jjjj 
indecision, waverGng), falterGng), vacillation, vi- 
bration, fluctuation 

to climb (up), ej^ ii>%. :(',Ju'jL\'o\£l\) jj£ 

ascend, scale 

to take shelter or refuge in, seek _; <_^»- 1 : -> cSj JJ 
protection in 

to be winnowed, fanned liji : i_J-l (jjjj 

to scatter, disperse, t$j£ i jjILj : »JJ ol ^lll (jjJu 
spread, diffuse, rise; to be scattered, dispersed, 
spread (out), diffused 

^jJj ' ^jJj jfr ' J ■ 

C-J- 'C JJ 

to use as a means or as an _; -^>- 1 e -> J~y : -j Pj JJ 
expedient; to advance (offer, use) as an excuse, as a 
pretext, as a pretense, as an argument, as a plea; to 
plead, invoke, allege, claim, maintain 

$ " " 
use of a means; offering of an excuse or plea; fj JJ 

pleading; claiming, alleging, maintaining; allega- 

move gradually (toward), become close(r) or 
neaKer) (to) 

to be or become impure, unclean, dirty, foul, ^J jj 
filthy, soiled, sullied, besmirched, tarnished, 
stained, befouled, defiled, polluted, contaminated 

soiling, sullying, dirtying, be- lijjb ( iyr ^Z : y-j jj 
smirching, staining, defilement, pollution, conta- 

profanation, dese- i^judl jl i»jj-l dJl^l : u ~i-b 
cration, sacrilege, defilement, violation 

to fall, tumble; to crash 

to deteriorate, decline, degen- 
erate, sink, descend, fall, tumble, slump, drop, ebb, 
retrograde, retrogress, regress 

3 - ' '' *• -' 
fall(ing), downfall, tumble; crash .,U->,"< i f-yj : jyi jj 

'.-- • >. ,' 

deterioration, decline, de- Jk^u i i>Ua3wl : jy»JJ 

generation, decadence, declension, fall, tumble, 
slump, drop, retrogradation, retrogression, regres- 

to round, be or become round(ed) or IjjIj otf : jJJj 

roundness, rotundity, circu- Cjl-uLl 1 Sjl j£.I :jjjJ 
larity, circularness 

- #> ■- s - " 

to be recorded, put on record, written ujj : ujJu> 
(down), put down (in writing), registered, listed, 

turning, rotating, rota- jj-y t. ( jl}\ Jju»- t /jju : ^jjjJ 
tion, revolving, wheeling, spin(ning), whirling, 
twirl(ing), reeling, swirl(ing), circling 
operating, operation, running, work- J,«,,tJ : jj jlu 
ing, starting (up), moving, actuation, setting or 
putting in operation; turning on 

rounding, Ijj. 

making round or circular 

winding, winding up icGl jjjjJ 

jl Ijjj^ t^UI J«- : jjjo: 

JijJI jl j-JJI jjj-kJ 

rounding off 



spin(ning), whirl(ing), gyration, revolu- u'jjj : es Ju 
tion, rotation, turn(ing) 

turning, revolving, rotating, rotation, jjjjj :/;jlj 
spin(ning), whirling, twirl(ing), swirl(ing) 

t v» 



biecome shy, bashful, diffident 

r ^ 

to avoid blame, avoid censure, ^ JJI <_ ..■>'! 


avoid dispraise 



to taste; to savor, relish, enjoy, appreciate, 


delight in 




tasting; savoring, relish(ing), enjoyment, appre- jjjJ 

4jl Jl 



appending, subjunction, annex- ii U>1 i Jl»J) : J-j JJ 
ation, addition, supplementation; attachment, af- 
annotation, glossing, commenting on i~l»«J :J^-^ 

footnote; marginal annotation or noteiliU- : J^JJ 
or gloss, scholium, comment, commentary 

1 wonder; do you think? <sji J» Li i ti^J L ni^' 
would you say? what's your opinion?..; in the 
world, on earth, ever, at all 

to appear to, seem to; to show itself 4J I jj : 4J ii i \J1 

to, manifest itself to, present itself to, reveal itself 


to imagine, fancy, conceive, jy-aj 1 Jl~ : 4J (£i\y 

envisage, visualize, envision, vision, picture (in the 

mind); to think, suppose, assume 

to see one another 
earth, dust, dirt; soil, ground 
to bury, inter, inhume 

^ > 

to correlate, interrelate, be or become correlat- ju 1^' 
ed or interrelated; to connect, link, associate, 
attach, unite, join, couple; to be or become 
connected, linked, associated, attached, united, 
coupled, joined, joint; to be or become inseparable, 
inherent; to be or become coherent, cohesive, 
well-knit, consistent 

correlation; interrelation(ship); connection, Ju l^j' 
connectedness, link(age), linkup, association, 
relation, attachment, union, unitedness, junction; 
interpenetration; inseparableness, inherence; 
coherence, consistency 

association (of jlill jl _J/I.»il jl jISj^I J«l> 
ideas, memories, etc.) 

tion, claim; plea, excuse, pretext, pretense 
winnowing, fanning (of grain) (<LLJ-l) ijj JJ' 

ablation [Ls-^J^j"-] (^IjjJI J*»j) <ij-»J 

atomization oljj JJ Jlai :«jjJJ 

souvenir, keepsake, token, memento, remem- jIS'Jj 
brance, reminder, memorial; memory 

memorial, commemorative iij lS"Ju 

monument, memorial 

to remember, recall, recollect, bethink, £ j '■£•£ 
revive, call or bring to mind, think of again; to 
remember, keep in mind, bear in mind, think of; to 
remember, retain in the memory 


remembrance, remembering, recollection, mem- jS ju 

ory, reminiscence, anamnesis, recall; retention 
reminder, memento 

ticket, card, slip 

ticket, admission card or ticket 

> > >, ' , 

return ticket, round-trip ticket uCjj <_>U i ijijj 

permit, pass, laissez-passer; passport jjy, a J* jj 

identity card, identifica- (_r>«-i °j£ Jj <■ <u* °j£jj 
tion card, ID card 

reminding J> -Cj tj>\ J»- 'jSt-^ 

making masculine, putting (a word) in [iiJ J £& 

the masculine form 

gender [iilj ti~jtj j^f-u 

to humble oneself (before), ^- <. ^aj\ : ( J) JJ Ju 

lower oneself (before), cringe (before), grovel 
(before), act in a servile manner (before) 
servility, subservience, obsequiousness, cringe, JJJj 
groveling, submissiveness, bootlicking 

surmounting, over- (pJJ ol^wJI) J* i_JiJ : JJ Jj 
coming, defeating, triumphing over, getting past, 
getting over, coping with; ironing out, smoothing 
out or away, elimination 

J"iil &\j - JUL** :JJJj 

to complain, nag, repine, grumble, growl, j> Ju 

grouch; to express one's displeasure 

complaint, complaining, nagging, grumble, jjjJj 

grumbling, repining, grouch 

to be ashamed (oO; to blush; to be or ^1:^1" 


5 »- Me 

■':, .■.. .I a;' -'v/ ■■■■■■■ ■ 

^ ^ 

succession, sequence 

jLj :uj 

! -H 

corpulence, obesity; plump- -Lj.1 2}L^I 
ness, fleshiness, fullness 



^jlSCli-l jLmJI 

to correspond, exchange letters, write LJ ISS : JJ-" l> 
(to) each other 

correspondence, exchange of letters, communi- jll^J 

to pelt one another (with), throw (hurl, (J) Ji, \'jl 
fling) at one another; to throw to each other, 
throw back and forth 

to compact, press together, press close, jill : "o^'y 
crowd together, crowd closely, pack; to be or be- 
come compact(ed), tight, close, pressed tightly 
together, compressed, closely packed, crowded, 
serried, crammed, rammed 

compactness, closeness, tightness 


to align, line up, queue up, fall in, ■ i n-,r i : > * r \jt 
stand in formation, be aligned, be lined up 

to be well set, compact, ■-■ \-j\'~ : uL^-^l •z-\^ y 
well strung, regularly set 

to stratify, be(come) olilL j i_Jjj : ■ Kt >\y 

arranged in strata, be(come) tiered 

mutual consent or agreement (^1^1)1) Jo(jl 

consensually, by mutual consent or agree-ygil^L 

to come to terms, agree, come to (reach, bring igeS'ji 
about) an agreement 

to help (aid, assist, support) one another; Jjfc : jj I^j 
to cooperate, collaborate 

> ,- ' ,' 
cooperation, collaboration, mutual assis- oj«" : oiljj' 

tance; synergism, cooperative or combined action 
to plead, argue or present (a case in a court) «i I^J' 
to plead for, defend ^ 1» 1^; 

pleading; defense; argumentation); presentation «i Ijj' 

i^ 1 ^ 

as- jtfl ji ^#.1 ji jKi'ni jji'^1 j££ r^jjl^- 


earthy, earthen; dusty; powdery; gray ^ r\y 

to follow in succession or in sequence, Jlilj : Lj I >? 
come successively or in proper order; to be hier- 
archical; to form a series, be arranged in a series 

hierarchy, (hierarchical) sue- Cgj*) J— ilj : i_J I J 
cession, sequence, order 

hierarchical; successive *_j I J 


heritage, tradition, legacy, patrimony £ \Ji 

to retreat, with- )*.-*>\ i y\"-~ 4 ^lk;l t jJjl : ;«rl'v 
draw, fall back, draw back, move backward, go 
back, retract, revert, back (away), give way, 
recede, regress, retrocede, retrograde, retrogress; to 
deteriorate, decline, degenerate, degrade, wane, 
subside, ebb, abate, fade away, shrink, slump 

to retract, recant, J jl y* «■ j <. L-kl : (^) U» I^J 

withdraw, take back, back down (off, out) on; to 

unsay; to go back on one's word 

• *%" • . > ,- 

retreat, with- i>U»a^l i ji t ~g", ( jL>*;l i jljjjl :«rljj 

drawar, fallback, moving backward, going back, 
retraction, reversion, backing (away), giving way, 
recession, regression), retrocession, retrograda- 
tion, retrogression; deterioration, decline, degene- 
ration, degradation, waning, wane, subsidence, 
abatement, slump 

retraction, recan- (^c) ^j t ,_^L, : (^ ^L \'^ 
tation, withdrawal, taking back, backing down (off, 
out) on; unsaying; going back on one's word 
tragic, tragical 


- . - >* .- ~ „ ,, ,~ 
to be merciful toward one an- Laiu . j^-. ^j : li-fj' 

other, show human understanding for one another 
slackness, slackening, droop, (^1^1)1) ^I^J 

sag(ging), languor, lassitude, flagging, indolence, 
inaction; relaxation 

to slacken, droop, sag, flag, languish, relax (j^'jj 
trachoma (<J>y) ^^y 

to be synonymous, be synonyms (01,1531 o_) iJ'djj 

to follow or come in succession, 
follow or succeed one another 

synonymity, synonymy 



^ #= 


to range (from... to, between... and); to vary rj'> 
(between); to alternate (between); to fluctuate 
(between); to sway, swing, wobble 

ranging (from... to, between... and); variation; rj\j> 
alternation; fluctuation, sway(ing), swinging), 
wobbling, wobble 

to bargain, haggle, chaffer 




nightly prayeKs) during the (<itj> U j^) ~jl> 
month of Ramadan 

to be or become dusty, covered or *j \J> ^ : o^j 
abounding with dust or earth 

to be or become poor, needy, destitute y\i* I : \->y 

,& a - '- a- 

to cover with dust or earth 
dusty, full of earth 
poor, needy, destitute 

CjIjJ »Ij— (_Jljj ■*—>jJ 'OjJ 

contemporary, coeval, person of the (ol J,\ *•) <^Ji 
same age; coetaneous, contemporaneous; compan- 
ion, comrade, friend, colleague, associate, mate; 
equal, peer, match, fellow, counterpart 

to be brought up, raised, reared, bred, fostered, ^y 
nursed, nurtured; to be educated, taught, cultivat- 
ed, refined, polished 

bolt, bar; latch; lock 

soil; ground; land; earth, dust, dirt < 

cemetery, graveyard, burial ground 

grave, tomb, sepulcher 


pedology; agrology 

to bolt, latch, lock 

.» .»_,.* 

„ ,«, _^, > 

..& >• 


to lurk, lie in wait for, ambush, ambuscade, j u&>y 
waylay; to await, wait for, look for 

to sit cross-legged (*->W J) *?> 

to sit on or mount the throne u'j*" (J* fv?> 

turpentine * ■ " • f> T i j„"'-j~ 

educational, educative, pedagogical) (3>^ 

educationist, educationalist (3»> (J^ 

- • s -*■ ~~ »~ 
education, pedagogy, pedagogics <^^ rS? ^J> 

to associate (with one another); [£» I _y 4 JjCaJ : ji \Ji 
to be (become, join as) friends, companions, asso- 
ciates, comrades 

to accompany one another; to Jalj jl 1 '.j% : j» \'y 
go together; to be or become joined, associated, 

accompanying, accompani- i>Lj jl < -j^t : Ji I JJ 
ment; going together; association, junction 
to watch one another, ^■'il ^ Ji" ^Jflj :tJ(lj; 
keep an eye on one another 

to pretend to be asleep jli^Jl ji U»j 1 V)LJ : liljj' 

- 5^ - - ,^ 

to overlap, imbricate; to be or become super- Liflji' 
imposed, superposed, overlaid 

overlapping), imbrication; superposition, ^\ji 
superimposition, overlaying 

tractor, bulldozer 


to race, compete in a race 

- ,„ v ... , - , * - ,' 
to kick one another Loiu f^Juu JS" j : JS^ 

to accumulate, cumulate, accrue, pile up; to be S\Ji 
or become accumulated, amassed, cumulated, 
piled up, heaped up 

accumulation, cumulation, accrual, piling up £\jj 
accretion [ i_J, \S\Ji 

accumulative, cumulative <j-»^Lh 

to pelt one another, throw at one Jp, \'y '-^Ji 


to extend, reach, stretch, spread, 
range; to be vast, wide, extensive 

to come to one's knowledge <iL : ^lil 4JJ ^1 Jl 
or ears; to learn about, hear of, get wind of 

tramway; streetcar, tram (il^jljj 




to bet, wager 






tifiybjKsh-M I 


IaJLc i 

10 result from, be <J i^^o jo 4 <uc rto : a_lc i-o^j 
the result or consequence of, follow from, issue 
from, originate from, stem from, grow out of, be 
caused by, be occasioned by 

to be incumbent *JU- ~z»u 1 <ulc i_-»- j : aJLc *-Ji j> 
upon, imposed on, be someone's duty; he has to, 
he should, he must, he ought to, he is duty bound 
to, it is his duty to 

to be or become necessary, req- ~m 1 t-cpj : i_-j_^> 
uisite, obligatory, mandatory 

to owe, be indebted 

spangles (jJJ 


crt^ 1 ^ is-y) Jiji 

arrangement, arranging, array- J^— J 
ing, disposal, disposition, marshaling, ordering, 
organization, fixing up, systematization, putting 
in order, setting in order, regulation, regulating, 
making up, tidying up; classification, categori- 
zation, ranging, assorting, assortment, grouping, 
putting together 

order, arrangement, array, regularity, (»lk> : <~-^>y 
tidiness, neatness 

preparation, preparing, ready- j^jy 1 jIjx-I '■<~ r ~?y 
ing, making ready, laying out, layout, dressing, 
making, doing up 

makeup, setup, structure, con-o— S"^j <. i~j : >_~J> 
stitution, construction, composition 

alphabetical order 

^ y ^ui 

arrangements, prep- o I jIoj^l.1 1 oU 
arations, plans, measures, steps 


ordinal number, ordinal 

slow recitation or modulation (ijl jii\) -L>y*> '■ S~iy 
(of the Koran) 

psalmody, hymning, sing- (~)J i%ai\) ^>JJ '-iS~ty 
ing, chanting, intonation, modulation 

hymn, psalm, anthem, chant, song <-*>ji '-OHy 

to preponderate, predomi-l»^. jl l»lj 0" •J^V' 
nate, carry greater weight, exceed in weight or 
value or influence; to be or become preponderant, 
predominant; to be or become (more) probable, 
likely, likelier 


education, teaching, cultivation, 
culture, refinement, polishing 

upbringing, bringing up, iLLJ :(j^j^l) *LjJ 

raising, rearing, breeding, fostering, nurture 

breeding, ^IJ ^IjjJI jl tiULI jl oUI_jlll i-j^J 
raising, growing; zootechnics, animal husbandry 

pisciculture, fish culture liLIJI i~>y~ 

aviculture j>^" ~*-?>.y 

physical education 
civics, national education 
vocational education 



Ministry of Education, Education 


Minister of Education, Education 


patting, dabbing, caress(ing), gentle or light <~>J> 


pat, dab, gentle or light stroke *~ty 

squaring, multiplying (a 4JLL. j ( jIuJl) <-jjJ> : vj^' 
number) by itself, raising to the second power 

quadruplication, quadru- Cj\ja «jl iiiLi. : vo> 


squaring, making square 




square, checker 

universal joint or coupling 

quadratic, square 

quadratic equation, quadratic 

turbine ii-j- : <±jJ* <■ CK>y 

- *> - t-'~ 
to be or become arranged, arrayed, i_J j : l-j^ 

disposed, marshaled, organized, fixed up, ordered, 
systematized, put in order, set in order, regulated, 
made up, tidied up; to be or become classified, cat- 
egorized, ranged, assorted, grouped, put together; 
to be or become prepared, readied, laid out, dress- 
ed, made, done up 

\*jj* i(J^' i_>v : J-^> 

iiU- i{uj* '**iiy 

[iSCjlSC-.] ~<*Sy 
• ' *'- 1- ' 



""▼ V- 

to be or become sad, grieved, distressed, u>- : r > 

- -• 1 - s- 

to sadden, grieve, make sad, fill with sad- u>- 1 : r y 

grief, sadness, sorrow, distress, heartache u>- : r ji 
sad, grieved, distressed, brokenhearted ^j*- : ^^ 

J-»-j «j>-Ij -JU-jj' 

nomadic life JU-jjJI 5U»- 

to lead a nomadic life; to jji-j i iJ^>J i JJLJ : J*-jJ' 
migrate, wander, roam, rove, range, go from one 
place to another; to travel 

nomadism; migration, 

wandering, roaming, roving, rove; travel(ing) 

to ask God to have mercy upon J* ^-Ji 

welcome, welcoming; greeting; hospitality, i_~*-^j' 
hospitable (hearty, friendly, kindly) reception 

evacuation, expulsion, eviction, forcing out, J^fjj' 
ousting, dislodgment, driving out, driving away, 
sending away; banishment, exile, expatriation, 
relegation; deportation 

carrying (forward or over), carry-. oLLi-l J^»-> 
over, posting, bringing forward 

df»u < Jio i ojIjj : J^jj 

)&\ « 

J '■u a i*'j' 

authorization, licens- t-IIL i ii-Gl < 5jli-l : 

ing, permission, permitting, allowance, allowing, 

legalization, legitimization 

price reduction, price cut ^^Ljl uaJuxJ : Lr a 1 J-'j^ 

apocopation, apocope, elision, contraction,[iiJ] ^.'ji 
shortening, aphaeresis 

fall, tumble; descent, J>U»jl i Jj^i- :((3j^1)I) sji 
decline, deterioration, lapse, backsliding, retrogres- 
sion, retrogradation, regression 

cacogenesis, cacogenics Jljt.^ jl o^XJI (jzjl 

to fall, tumble, precipitate; to Jw*j I t JaiL. : i^iji 

descend, sink, decline, deteriorate, lapse, backslide, 
retrogress, retrograde, regress 

repetition, reiteration j\j&:z\zji 

to hesitate, waver, falter, vacillate, vibrate, JLsu : Yiji 
act hesitantly, show uncertainty or indecision, be 


— 'X- i " -■t .'*-'. 
-*-•*, , -* - •! '" -'~ 

to flicker, tremble, quiver, shake; to be ^» I : r^Ji 
shaken, moved, agitated, jolted, jerked 

to be agitated, upset, troubled cj^kil : r>»-> 

to dismount, disembark, debark, alight, get Jjj : ^^v- 1 ' 
down, get off, get out (of) 

to assume (adopt, J=rS^ ^jl** :~»\')S o1»-^j 
possess, display) masculine manners or qualities, 
behave or act like a man, be or become mannish or 

disembarkation, debarkation, dismount- Jjy : Jjj-^j 

ing, alighting, getting down, getting off, getting out 


to translate; to interpret (i>»-l J J iiJ ^ Jii • 'n*ji 

to interpret, explain jli : ^ y 

to write someone's biography u Li I »C»- j-jl :«»■> 

to translate (ideas) into action (llLx.) ^-JJ 

translator; interpreter fr-j^ 'o\+»rj> 

guide, tourist guide, cicerone, if\~> JJj :6U>-> 

translation <3>»-i tJj **J i>? J^ : ** s rv-' 

interpretation, explanation j^-AJ :ili-^J 

biography; memoir "CL* - 5 jir : <jLi| 5L»- <u»-^j 

autobiography, memoirs ijlji»»-^j 

f>~ - > - - . - 

introduction, preface, fore- aJj^I* : <_il£JI i»»-^j 


- , ~ * s .» « - • ^ 

making something out- £=fji *(*-" <3*^f '•V-frJ' 
weigh (another); giving preponderance (to) 

considering ^L^. jl l»^ fe^^Ul jL-^l :ti-»-^j 
something (more) probable, likely, likelier 

preference (to), preferring (to), J;;^*" : TV^r^ 


-» - •? , .» - .« •; 

echo, reverberation, reecho, reso- (i-ua)l v>»-j^ 

l-**«j «j-lj— (Ji—I (j\ Jag..* *i-***jj 
> > * » t + * * i-- 

-." | - -: -, s f- .-.*-- 
i - 1'* i* f- • •*-- 

to proceed slowly (in), act at leisurely J^lj : ( j) jjl/^J' 
pace (in), take one's time (in), be slow (in) 

to write, compose, draw up, pen, <IL j U; I : JLy 
indite (a letter) 

art of letter writing JjI~JI <i\s£ ji : JLjj 

to follow (someone's example or « ^j I jyjji I : j^^j 
model), follow in the steps of, imitate, copy, emu- 

to look (attentively, carefully, ,JpG i JJ jiaj : 1*J> 
closely) at, scrutinize, regard, observe 

to remember, recall, recollect ^f Jb : ~- j> 

i -'- * .. v 
precipitation, settlement, u—^ &--JJI Jju* :t-~-» ^j 

sedimentation, deposition 

establishment, establishing, settlement, c.> ; .S : ji^y 

settling, stabilization, stabilizing; fixing, fixation; 

consolidation, strengthening 

candidacy, candidature^.. ^ : .,1 Lsiij-. s^l u^ : j^> 

nomination; candidacy, (»JJ oU.ii'il i ^...^.■ l ) >-£> 

filtration, filtering, infiltration.jJaiJ t * :; ■ "'» : jw- ^J 
percolation, exudation, leach(ing) 

rationalization idit : -u~ > 

to lie in wait for, lurk, am- tjy t j i>4 ^J : -I -u«> 

bush, ambuscade, waylay; to await, wait for, look 


to observe, watch; to surveil uJllj n_Jj : ju»> 

observation, watchGng); surveillance 



j* . JUOjJ 

u^'j-" ff'j - ^y^oji 

to be inlaid (with), set (with), enchased ( J) Caji 
(with), studded (with) 

B >'■■>.«* .I" ■■ , ■ ■ '■■■ ■ ■ 

unable to decide 

to reverberate, re- L r^- < "' ' <^J J • (^.v^O J ^> 
sound, re(echo), rebound; to ring out, boom; to be 
reflected, be thrown back 

to frequent, go irequently to, come 0^ JJ jj^J 
constantly to, visit often, haunt 

to be circulated, rumor- <L_J i\ J* iiy <. (ijl) **y 
ed, frequently stated; to circulate, pass from mouth 
to mouth, be on everybody's lips, be the talk of the 
town, run through the town 

hesitation, hesitancy, indecision, irreso- ij*j- : jj^j 
lution, waverGng), falter(ing), vacillation, vibration 

frequentation 6^ J J <-»^»-} : ■>■>> 

low frequency 
high frequency 

superhigh frequency; ultrahigh 




repetition, reiteration 

to show sedate or grave Ijjij 0^ ' jl»>JI _^iiil : ujji 
manners; to be or become grave, sedate, staid, sol- 
emn, sober 
tailor J»ll»- '-iSjJt 

to shield, provide ^yj^ oUatl t y^ a-JI : ^.^j 
with a shield 

Shield olij-aJI l^j ^yJ-Jo-Lo L-ijijJll 1|1 i-»>i <jJai : (^^J 
-LLC (jJlS) iy^> j' *. ■ hf- <j<~i+e t-f-ji '-ixS> 

scute, scutum (aluJuJI 

disk (j-Ul^e^:^^ 


gear, cogwheel, sprocket wheel; 


driving wheel; steering wheel 

differential gear, differential 

gearbox, transmission 


<! ' . '- 


shipyard, dockyard 

(^U-JJI,, ikll'il) iC^7 

[^i-JI «..'.^a> 

:i>C , 

' ■ ■ • •■-»'- - ' ■ ■ > <fr 

to proceed or go slowly or Jfc , ^1; : ( j) Ji> 
gently (in), do slowly or gently, go about some- 
thing gently or carefully 

3>J Jf!" I J - J*t-J ' (>J « lAI : Jl^j 

to strut, swagger, mince 
strut(ting), swaggerGng), mincing 

to live in comfort and luxury, lead a life of 'SjZ : ts'J; 
ease and comfort 

promotion, advancement, upgrading, £j>^ :^J> 
uplifting ^ 

amusement, entertainment, recreation, fun tJt'J 
amusing, entertaining ' , ' f "; 

,U)jl j^lj-j.oi; :(<y^JI) j'^- 

to expect, anticipate, look forward to ii^ : Ij'j 

to wait for, await, look (out) for ^Url I : Li> 

to lie in wait for, lurk, ambush, am- J lu»^; : ^J^; 
buscade, waylay 

expectation, expecting, expectan- jLLjl io^J .•i-iy' 
cy, anticipation; waiting (for), wait, awaiting; sus- 

expectative, anticipatory, anticipative t*4> 

to water, tear, fill with tears; (^oJl ^llll c^) 'J'j'J; 
to overflow with tears, be bathed in tears 
to flow, run, stream JL t t$\i- 

to ripple; to undulate, fluctuate, wave r%S 

to glitter, glisten, sparkle, glimmer 

to be or become variegated, mottled, dappled, Jj'J; 

to dance; to move; to oscillate, swing; to trem- [jai'Ji 
ble, shake 

to be or become speckled, flecked, spotted, dap- '^'J; 

clavicle, collarbone [ -jjjj ] jy 'J; 

clavicular j^'~ 

promotion, advancement, uplifting, »i'j i %j'J :Xa'ji 

< fr ■' ■ ■■':■' ■ ■ ■ ' 

balancing (of accounts) 

(olLJ-l) i o 7 

inlaying, inlaid work, setting, enchasing, stud- «^^' 
ding; marquetry 

compensation, solatium; satisfaction, gratifica- tLa'Ji 
tion, pleasing 

consolation prize "^°'y »y W- 

to dampen, wet through; to be or become '.-.l y 

moistened, dampened, damped, wetted, dabbled, 
humidified; to be or become moist, damp, wet, 

moistening, wetting, damping, dampening, i-~J>> 
dabbling; humidification 

to be or become (over)full, &'j£> jLe 4 5lLl I : e i 
brimful, replete, filled to capacity or overflowing ' 

canal, waterway, watercourse, conduit, 3 Li -."t^'j; 
sluiceway, aqueduct 

to grow up; to develop; to flourish, LI < t£ : e^^j 
thrive ^^ 


(jJU.) il^; ,iu^; t ^; <3*> 
J J- 

arousal of an interest, awakening 
of a desire 

to live in great luxury, live in opulent comfort, Ijji 
lead a luxurious life; to luxuriate, be self-indulgent ' 

- .' "* - .5' 

luxury, opulence, affluence; high living; self- u'J; 
indulgence; lavishness, extravagance, sumptuous- 


(oU) ^li^; 

to be far above, be too great Lii I <. jt- '/y3 : ^ p'J; 
for, be too proud for; to disdain, look down upon 
to be promoted, raised, advanced, '/jX> « '^Jj : li^J 
upgraded; to rise (in rank), advance, progress, 
make progress 

disdain, haughtiness, pride 




z$, <$c 

be synthesized; to be composed, made, formed, 
fabricated, constructed, built; to be mounted (on), 
fastened (on), fixed (on); to be fitted (in), set (in), 
inserted (in) 

estate, patrimony; inheritance, heritage, iST^7 ~t£ji 
bequest, legacy 

administration of estates o IS"_^J I S j I j I 

.' ' * > > 
administrator *£ j^\ jj-u 

_- ' .' *" i- ' 

to concentrate; to condense ijitSCi :^jj 

b,' . ,' ,» ,- 

focalize; to localize 

to center on, focus on; to be or Jc jl j : Jc ^S" ^J 
become centered on, focused on, concentrated on 

to settle (down); to stabilize; to c~3 i *y\L. . I : jif ^J 
be or become settled, stabilized; to be or become 
fixed, fastened; to be or become (im)planted, ram- 
med; to be or become positioned, stationed, 
concentration; condensation ljISj ;j5 J! 

centering, centralization; focusing, ^ j*J : JS y 
focalization; localization 

settlement, settling (down); oQij 

as- JU- jl . <L«UI (. >Ltjl i oiJu i ~i» i f- : -«->' :i_»OjJi 
sembling, assemblage, assembly, putting together, 
fitting together, piecing together; setup, setting up; 
installation, installing; combination, formulation, 
preparation; synthesis, synthesizing; composition, 
composing, making, forming, fabrication, con- 
struction, building; mounting, fastening, fixing, 
placing, setting, fitting, insertion 




i-i ju 7 .i. I i ? «-j y 

structure, setup, makeup, constitution, ilo :^~~£y 
composition, construction, build, make, physique, 
formation, texture 
installations, fixtures, fittings olji^aJ :oL-S> 

UJjj »»-lj— "U^J '.<+JiJ> 

synthetic; structural, constitutional; con- 
structional, constructive 


V, . .■ .. . .: 



upgrading; raising, elevation 

layerage, layering (of plants) (oLJl) jjf>; 

hatching, brooding, incubation (of ( ^aVjll) ±3y 



-ii -' i' 1 1 *-i''.' - -•- 

skin grafting 

dilution, diluting, thinning, 

attenuation, weakening 

foliation, beating, lamination T^-i^aS iJjjJaJ '.<j>J> 

numbering, numeration J »lijl _>l Jj ilkcl :&»jj 

paging tJJ oliS" ol w ^jJ 

punctuation, (joi jrJJ J^ljilljJaiJl Jl,*!^ :,ri^j 


punctuation mark (iU>Ulj ikiJlS") *i'y i*%. 

hatching; hachuring ((«-0' j) Jr^ : Jifj 

to leave; to quit; to give js jJii I . je (jUJ . >»* : Oji 

up, abandon, relinquish, renounce, forsake, turn 

one's back on; to desist from, abstain from, refrain 

from, forgo; to discontinue, stop 

to leave out, omit, drop, neglect, J^aI < Jicl : <Dy 

skip, overlook, disregard 

to leave behind, <L-*j jl iS"jJ jl 13 jl oilj- : dJ^J 

leave, bequeath, make over (as an inheritance or 

by will) 

to allow, let, permit <u ~- : o > 

to leave alone, let alone, let go, unhand, <,\Z,j a<T y 

release, free; to let someone do what he likes; to 

pay no attention to 

leaving; quitting; aban-,^c p^UI . ^ Ja»J . y*> : Sy 

donment, giving up, relinquishment, renunciation, 

forsaking; desistance, abstention, refrainment, 

forgoing; discontinuance, stopping 

omission, leaving out, skipping, Jl^l . JUi.1 : Sy 

neglect, overlooking, nonobservance, disregard 

to be composed of, be ^ Ciyjl . ^ L»)t : ^ u^> 
made up of, consist of 

to be assembled, put together, fitted uijii-iy 
together, pieced together; to be set up; to be in- 
stalled; to be combined, formulated, prepared; to 


x\ > 



to become a monk, take the L»lj jL> : J»-^JI Li^ 

to become a nun, take the veil Sl^il •:'*•■'/• 

to threaten, menace 

zja t jx^j : l«*a^j 

•**• i 

trifle, triviality, vanity; lie, falsity, falsehood, "<nji 
falseness; farce, sham; nonsense, drivel, humbug, 
rigmarole, balderdash, rubbish, flimflam, twaddle 

to be or become ,-»HI j-j" - ^E/'.t jl..r • Jkjj' 

flabby, flaccid, loppy, soft and limp 

flabbiness, flaccidity, limpness J*^' 

to deliberate, premeditate.^t t ^5^J : (y^ j) i5j> 
think over, revolve in one's mind, reflect (on), 
meditate (on), contemplate, consider carefully, 

to take one's time (in), act yi t : ( ^ "il 1 j ) ^y 
slowly or at leisurely pace (in), be deliberate or 
leisurely or careful (in) 


to fan oneself 

: C^ 

to diffuse a strong odor, aZm\ j o^JJl t ^-li 
exude a specific fragrance, be fragrant 

trust ^j IsCi- 1 jUJ] : cZ*)y 

to be tamed, domesticated; to be housebroken; yijjj' 
to be subjugated, subdued; to be trained, drilled, 
coached, schooled; to practice, drill (oneself), 
exercise, take exercise, train; to get used (to), be or 
become accustomed (to) 

trolley; trolley bus Jj> 

hi j jflj -<tiy~ 
circulation, putting into circulation, i-jj /-V- -tu/jj 
spreading; promotion, merchandising, sales pro- 
motion, furtherance; propagation, propagandizing, 
publicity; popularization 

fanning; ventilation, airing C^; : tu/jj 

,'<-■■• !,'■■■'■ 


:. ff:'V»l 

Spencerianism, synthetic philos- i 5 yjl iilliJI 

fixing, fastening, settlement, ^ij <. jji. ( ■ -—*" : ■jS'ji 
stabilization; planting, implantation 

centering, centralization; focusing, ~°y'J* •J^'y 
focalization; localization 

concentration; condensation { -^~^' '-'J^'y 

concentration (on), j\ J,\ ( ( Jc) jjjjj" : ( Jp) j^^; 
focusing (on); emphasis, stress(ing), underlining, 




(oLj) u^tjj 


<^-JaS '. {jMtjt 

to lose one's 

wife, become a widower 

Jj-^I Jay 

to lose one's 


become a 




to be or become repaired, over- jo»- t *Juel : (v«jj 
hauled, fixed, restored, reconditioned, rebuilt 

incineration; cremation 

4» ; ji' '(j*yj> 

repair, reparation, overhaul(ing), jjok; i r^Co) :<^»> 
restoration, mending, reconditioning, rebuilding 

lemon balm, bee balm 

canary; serin 

to stagger, reel, totter, sway, falter, wobble 

(oLj) Ol*«Jjj 

staggerting), reel(ing), totterfing), sway(ing), 
falterting), wobble, wobbling 

bluebottle (oLl)oLiJ^; 

^y 'r' J f J - ^ '(*> 

intonation, modulation, recital; chanting, sing- *i'j 
ing; hum(ming) 

hymn, anthem, psalm, chant, song **y> 


to concern oneself with trifles oUjJJI j »ij :o^j 

t& ___ __ _ * s 

to synchronize, concur, coincide, happen j^ \'Ji 

together, occur at the same time, be synchronous, 
be simultaneous 

synchronism, synchronization, synchronous- j^ I y 
ness, simultaneity, simultaneousness, concurrence, 
coincidence, conjunction, contemporaneity, contem- 
synchronous, synchronal, synchronicKal) ^i* iJj 

to intermarry; to mate ( jJJ f>»J0 jrj'> 

intermarriage, endogamy; mating (jly Si) £jl^ 

to exchange visits, visit one another ( f>»J I ) jj \y 
jlj j^-lj -'^ /^ ' Jlj :Jil> 

to outbid one another (iiiJI ^ j fjill) JjI> 

jljjj| £>-lj - J^Jj}. ^y 

to separate, part, divide, scatter, disperse, u>> : Jj \y 
break up; to be separated, disunited, divided, scat- 
tered, dispersed 

to be or become satisfied with, con- j Jp^\ '■ ->. iyry 
tent with; to content oneself with, settle for 
to vitrify, be or become vitrified; to be or be- j^y 
come glazed, glassed 
vitrification gyrj cJj 6iy** '• &?> 

i' *n * ' : '•'• 

glazing, glassing £ • -A Jii - J ' '&?■>' 

> »~ 
penciling of the eyebrows (_«*■ I >i 1 jyfr y 

to budge, move; to be dislodged, displaced, £y*y 


to slide, glide, slip, skid, slither; to ski; to skate j£*-y 

sliding, slide, gliding, slip(ping), skid(ding), j^-y 
slithering; skiing; skating 

to be embellished, adorned, ornamented, <-»>■> 
decorated; to adorn oneself, dress up 

to shake, totter, wobble; to be shaken, 'S&Z ■ {Jfy 



r ~-^~ 

refreshment, revival, i»- 1 jl i >-«*<■■*)> ' uil*J J : tvj^ 
animation; soothing, easement, easing, relief, 
relieving; resting, giving rest to, relaxation 
recreation, amusement, entertain- ^-iJI (>c pj>> 
ment, distraction, diversion, fun 

taming, domestication; breaking in; subjuga- Jai_jy 
tion, subduing; training, drill(ing), coaching, 
schooling; habituation, accustoming, inurement 

frightening, scaring, alarming, intimida- <-»;j3»I : Hiy 
tion, horrifying, terrifying, panicking, terroriza- 
tion, shocking 

clarification, clearing, purifica- ~<LlZ i -Li-aJ : jjjy 

tion, elutriation, fining, refinement, refining', 


breakfast ^-LlaJl fUJ» '-~<Liy 

antidote, theriaca; antitoxin; panacea, cure-all jL^Ji 

antidotal, theriacal; antitoxic 

J jJ jf 'J' 

chest, breast(s); thorax; rib 

to linger, tarry; to slow, delay; to take one's 
time; to bide one's time, wait, be patient 

A '* 

to practice, exercise, do physical exercises, take J&y 
exercise, drill (oneselO, train; to promenade, walk, 
take .a walk, go for a walk 

<-»ji« vr'j — *- ^ty 

spinster, old maid 


to compete, vie, rival, contend, jostle 

to crowd together, throng together, 
swarm, pack, press together, jostle 

competition, rivalry 
competitive; emulative, emulous 

to associate, be(come) or join as colleagues 
(associates, comrades, fellows) 

iJUj »j^Ij - J^\y 

i • ■ '■ - ■-•^ 

to get (be, become) married (with, (_,),jj-jl '-T3J* 
to), marry, wed, take a(s) spouse; to join hands, 
become husband and wife 

-^ ^ 


to take along provisions 

to be supplied with, provided with, j J^ '■->. S)j> 

furnished with, equipped with, fitted with, 

outfitted with; to provide oneself with, supply 

oneself with, furnish oneself with, equip oneself 

with, outfit oneself with 

~ * * - * --■ 
to be forged, counterfeited, falsified, rigged; jjj : j^'Ji 

to be pirated 

to lie, tell a lie; to commit perjury jj^ll J\i : jjy 

jjj £r'j - jjj • jjy 
angulation Ujj li j^JI jij- rijj^i' 

marrying (off), giving in t-'j.)" J»l> -J^j : W-5.> 
marriage; marrying, marriage, wedding' 

supply(ing), providing, provi- j,^ i j^k; :(j) jjj}; 
sion, furnishing, equipping, equipment, fitting out, 
outfit(ting); provisioning, purveyance, victualing 

forgery, falsification, counterfeiting, rigging; jt.3'j> 

embellishment, adornment, orna- Jjj jj_oj : jjjy 
mentation, decoration 

to dress (in), clothe oneself (in), be ^-J : ( j) Ujj' 
clothed (in), be clad (in), wear, put on 

to make (unnecessary) additions; to iJl : ( J) jj_^' 
exaggerate, magnify, amplify 

to increase, rise, go up, soar *jjjl : jj>U\ jjy 

exaggeration, magnification; redundancy; ( j) jjy 

to be counterfeited, forged, falsified, ljj _} : uLjJ' 


to be adorned, ormamented, embel- <->>»-./ : Jijj 
lished, graced, decorated, dressed 

to adorn oneself, groom (oneself), be- -r j-S '■ <ji j 
deck oneself, preen oneself, primp, dress up, toilet, 
smarten up, spruce up; to make up, put on make- 
up, use or apply cosmetics, paint and powder 

toilet, toilette, adorning oneself, grooming -rj^ ■ jj_)j 
(oneself), bedecking oneself, primping, dressing 

convulsed, unsettled; to be or become shaky, un- 
steady, insecure, precarious 

to lead, head, run, be at the head of; to be or ley 
become the leader (chief, boss) of 

»j J 


asphalting; pitching 

gavagei-jjjl <LL.I>> 5a*il JJ ?JJ ^Qjl JU-il :«iy 

to give alms or charity Jf' ,-" : j£ y 

to be or become pure, righteous, llS'j j\+o '■Jfr'j 

to grow, increase, flourish, thrive 
purification, chastening 
unopposed, uncontested 

to ski; to skate; to bobsled; to sled, sledge, sleigh; pfa 
to slide, glide, slip 

to water-ski, ski *Ul ^c iJ^ 

skiing; skating; bobsledding; sledding, sledging, ply 

sleighing; sliding, gliding, slip(ping) 

waterskiing *lll ^c Jj; « 'JL »J> 

to quake (earth) (^ij^l o<-) ijy^ 

to fawn on, curry favor with, ingratiate J J LiJy 
oneself with, toady, bootlick; to adulate, flatter 
(survilely), coax, cajole, wheedle, blandish, 

adulation, (servile) flattery, cajolery, blandish- ijJy 
ment, sweet talk, sycophancy, toadyism, fawning 
(on), bootlicking, currying favor (with) 

lubrication, oiling, greasing '-■■:£ '• &}'j> 

to be or become strict, rigorous, stringent, se- c^t'ji 
vere, stern, prim, puritan(ical) 

strictness, rigorftsm), stringency, rigidity, se- C^t'Ji 
verity, sternness, austerity; primness; puritanism; 

to be or become an atheist or unbeliever J jujj 

to put on a belt Ijbj Lr J : J,y~ 


lapse, breakdown 

snowfall £>£" j' £^' Jai'LJ 

loss of hair, alopecia .^^Jl Ja»LJ 

rainfall, rain; shower; pour, jlL.^1 jl jJail JailJ 

to live together, share a £» ( I jJX~ j I) L£- : jS"L- J' 



to compete, vie, strive to excel one 


to vie in glory with one another 


1JP- \ J — /j£ l**M ( Lw '. ^-*U-J 

to overlook, excuse; to tolerate; to |Ja Q : ( j) jw O 

be indulgent, tolerant, forbearing, lenient, merciful 

indulgence, tolerance, toleration, JaLJijJj- :jwL. J' 

forbearance, leniency, lenity, clemency, mercy, 


to chat with one another in the %i i^oU^I :^l— J' 

evening or at night, spend the evening or night in 

pleasant conversation 

to pass from mouth to mouth, be on ^-Ul 4j £• LJ' 

everybody's lips, be the talk of the town 

to support (assist, aid, help) one Ojfc ' jj^J : •**'*- ' 
another; to cooperate, collaborate, work together; 
to unite, join forces, rally 

to be or become lenient (toward or with), (^) 3*^-J 

indulgent (toward or with), tolerant (toward or 

with), forbearing (toward or with), mild (toward or 


leniency, lenity, indulgence, tolerance, tolera- JaLJ 

tion, forbearance, mildness 

equality, equivalence, parity, evenness, ( lijllJ I ) jLJ 

sameness, identity; equal rights, equality before the 


isomerism »'>r^' (ijLJ 

equidistance J*r" &y-~' 

(5ljd) SljCil f M Jc ^rlj -(ijCjJl* 

to be or become equal, even, ujl>> « J-i^ :i5jl— ' 
alike, similar, balanced 

up, smartening up, sprucing up; making up, put- 
ting on makeup, application or use of cosmetics 
lubrication, oiling, greasing c ~jy 

counterfeiting, forgery, falsification, rigging >-i^iy 

adornment, ornamentation, embellishment, ^y 
garnishment, decoration, decor 

to ask onese'lf (whether); to ask, query, ques- <j«LJ 

tion, inquire (about); to wonder 

question, query, inquiry Jjl— J' 

'f l 

to curse (abuse, rail at, Laiu ^ - m , 

insult) one another 

to race, run; to compete, vie, contend, jostle; to JjLJ 

strive to outdo one another 

V ' 
race, racing, run(ning); competition; emulation JjL. > 

to compete, vie, contend; to i5jLj ' iSi^ ' J* - ^-' 
strive to excel or outdo one another; to meet in a 

to show oneself generous, lib- 
eral, openhanded 

to whisper together 

»UvUl ljIxj :,^-L_J' 

to exchange secrets or sentiments, talk ^LJ : jLJ 
confidentially, commune 

to hurry, hasten, rush, dash, run; to accelerate, Pjl—j' 
move faster, gain speed; to quicken, become more 
rapid; to flow in succession, follow or succeed 
one another 

hurry(ing), hastening, rush(ing); acceleration, PjLJ' 
pickup; quickening; succession 

acceleration of gravity ^fU-' f-jLJ 

nine at a time; by nines, nine and nine f LJ 

to help (aid, assist, support) one another;uji> : oel—j' 
to cooperate, collaborate, work together 

to fornicate, whore, commit adultery <y j : «iLJ 

to copulate, engage in yr~^"' JLaj^l -i»l : jjCj' 
sexual intercourse 

copulation, coitus, coition, sexual inter- p-L>- : oiLJ 

course, sex 

to fall, fall down, come down; to collapse, JaiCj' 

break down 

to fall out j*^\ J»»LJ 

> „ - 
fall, falling (down, out, away), dropping); col- Jai'LJ 



* «c 

to be registered, recorded, put on record, Oj-*J : J»*-J' 
entered, listed, inscribed, written down, put down 

to enroll, register, be enrolled, be- (>io ) J*-j 
come a member; to join, enter 

to be recorded, tape-recorded, ( Ja>j^ ,Jc) J=*lj 

registration, registry, registering), juJJ ijijoj: J^*-j 
recording, recordation, taking record of, putting on 
record, entering, entry, listing, inscription, writing 
down, putting down, taking down, setting down, 
noting (down), taking notes of, marking down; 

recording, tape recording, taping(Ja;^. ^c) J~*~J 
tape recorder, recorder (o^la)l) J~*~j ill 

cash register jUI J-j«— i ill 

land l fJo\j y }\ J~*~J »^jl J ' (ijlie J-r*—' *j?' J 

registry office, land registration department 

* - > >\* 
registrar, register, recorder Je»— ' jy\* 

to have a light meal (uUfj j) jy>LS\ JS"! : ^P*-J' 
(shortly before daybreak during Ramadan) 

to bear ill will or malice against, ^c juu>- : ^c (*>*-J' 
harbor rancor or hatred against, hate 
exploitation; utilization, employment, subjec- 
tion, subjugation 
heating, warming (up), calefaction ^ 

to be paid, settled, discharged, liquidated, «j j 

cleared, squared, balanced 

to be aimed, pointed, directed, leveled ^yo '■ jj— > 

- -i -»-: 
to be guided, led, directed j£jI : jj— j 

-,"• , -s- : 
to be or become right, correct, proper fLLLJ : jj— j 

JjIjI j^-Ij - Jjlj' 

payment, settlement, discharge, liquida- «j j : Ju j-j 
tion, clearing, paying up, defrayal 

aim(ing), pointing, leveling, direct- 
outstanding, due, unpaid, unsettled 

olliikil iUJl:((i%ljl) 



to take a concubine, keep a 

Ckju JlmjI : l5j — J' 

to be or become coherent, consistent; to be or Jjl— J' 
become harmonious, proportional, symmetrical; to 
be or become successive, continuous 
coherence, interrelation(ship); consistency; <J)jLJ' 
harmony, symmetry, proportion, regularity, con- 
gruity; unison 

to bargain, haggle, higgle, chaffer fjLi' 

to engage in a swordflght, 
meet in duel 

i_»jl-)L i_jjUjj : ■ oj I J" 


*l J 

to result from, follow ^ *<-^ i (js- ^ '■ ,j* >-r— ' 
from, ensue from, arise from, spring from, stem 
from, grow out of, come out of, be caused by 

to trade, do business; to sell yr t>' : vr— ' 

to abate, subside, remit, let up; to 
calm down, cool down 
causing, causation, occasioning, t-~- jj 
bringing about, giving rise to, giving birth to, 
resulting in, making, triggering, effectuation, pro- 
duction, creation, engendering, generation 

glorification, praise, eulogy, extolment (of (4JSI) £~— J' 


doxology, hymn, anthem < > ■■ ; " 

COma Aa . »j. <y& jjt <>y—£- '• p. ' . i ' " 1 


to cover oneself, screen oneself, take cover; to 
hide (oneselD, conceal oneself, keep oneself out of 
sight; to disguise oneself, be disguised, be in dis- 
guise; to be or become covered, veiled, concealed, 

to harbor, shelter, hide, conceal, mask, ^c j^Jl 
blind, obscure, cloak, cover (up), veil, hide from 
sight or knowledge 

covering oneself, screening oneself, taking cover: 
hiding, concealing oneself; concealment, hidden- 
ness; disguise 

harboring, sheltering, concealing, con- Jx. jZ. 

cealment; covering, veiling; cover-up; disguising 


> . > 


Uj y**ti aVini 

stowage, stowing, steeving 

v j. ' ., ' "' 


acceleration, speedup, pickup, f ^- jjua^ : Hj—> 
expedition, hastening, hurrying, quickening 

to be spread (out), out- \>.y~~ • j^° ' . k ,,.. i j '■ ^i>— J' 

spread, unfolded, unrolled; to be levelled, evened, 

flattened; to flatten, become flat 

to lie down (on one's back), j-uJ i (_^~i : ^L-J 

be supine; to stretch (out) 

writing (down), jotting down; composi- l>\^ : jJ»-J' 

tion, drawing up, drafting 

> > ><, * . - 
ruling, lining, drawing of lines; J»>Jail p~j : y^aJl 

streaking, crossing, striping, barring 
one-ninth, ninth 


to be priced 


the ninetieth 

pricing; quotation 

tariff; quotation; price, rate 


( \ . ) uj*-J' 

to stoop, lower oneself, abase oneself, demean Ji_J' 
oneself, debase oneself, degrade oneself, sink low, 
act in a despicable manner 

to gather, pick up, hunt for, search (»J J jLi-^l) Jai-J 
for, nose about for, seek (news, information, etc.) 

tempering, quenching 

roofing, ceiling i-«~ j- 

to loiter, loaf, bum, idle, hang around, wander j£_S' 

(about), lounge (about), gad, meander, ramble, 

dawdle, putter (around), poke along, tramp 

i — '_ 
loitering, loafing, bumming, idling, hanging j*— j 

around, wandering, lounging, gadding, meander- 
ing, rambling, dawdling, puttering 
sugaring, sweetening *lii« : ji*— J 

candying; conserving, j£— ^ (*i^Ul) Jii*- : jSlZ 
preserving with sugar 

saccharification j£— <JJ Jj^J : j*f—j 

calming, quieting, pacification, t-i^« ' *$■**> '■ 0s~-' 
tranquilization; soothing, relieving, relief, easing, 
easement, alleviation, allaying, assuagement, 


1 ', 1 

to leak, seep, ooze, infiltrate, flow out, pZ. j : Oj-J 
outflow, run out, escape 

to infiltrate, ^--u I 1 JLJ : (^ i j ; <Jj) u^J 

enter, penetrate; to sneak (into or among), slip 
(into or among), steal (into or among), creep (into 
or among), insinuate oneself (into or among) 

leak(age), seep(age), oozing, ooze, infiltra- *£.j : Oj_J' 
tion, outflow, outward flow, flowing out, running 
out, escape 

infiltration; sneak(ing), 
slip(ping), steal(ing) 

to wear, put on, dress 

to swallow, gulp, bolt 
to cancerate 

J^L-jl 4 (Jjl1_ j :u_, 


s • s •*-».- ''i ■- ~ 

iL* w j *>*^ Ji n* 

to be or become hasty (in), rash (in), ( Jj 1 j) 


precipitate (in); to do in a hurry; to hurry (with) 
hasten (to do); to rush (to), dash (to), run (to) 

to jump to conclusions r-l^U-^l j 9j— J 

hastiness, rashness, precipitancy, precipitance, £^-J 
precipitation, impetuosity; hurry, haste 

to wear or put on (one's) trou- Jlj jlJI l _ r J : Jjj— »' 
sers or pants 

leak(age); infiltration 
basting, tacking 

discharge, dismissal, firing, (£.ail ^ ^Ji^Il); 

release, discharge (j^-j^JI jl iJyjil) jvj— J 

, ••* » .- , 
demobilization, disband- (jjJ-I jl (jSJ-l) jsj— J 

ment, deactivation 

divorce, divorcement, divorcing (i»-j^Jl) £;/— ' 

transhumance P^f 1 ! : (<«r'>^) J*/*"^ 

combing, doing, dressing, styling, (j*iH) «<j— J 
coiffing, coiffuring 

coiffure, hairdo, hairstyle (y>^) ^^ . 



to climb, scale, ascend, mount, go up ji_j' 

to mountaineer, climb mountains 3tJ-l jl'.J 

to climb (up), creep (_r j^' : oLJI jLJ 

climbCing), scaling, ascending, ascent, mounting JLj 

mountaineering JllJ-l jllj 

to sneak away, steal away, slink away, ( l y>) JJLJ 
slip away, escape 

to sneak into, steal into, slip into, creep JJ JJLJ 

into, insinuate oneself into; to infiltrate, penetrate, 


infiltration; sneak(ing), slinking, ^j~> '■ Jl—i' 

slipping), steal(ing) 

offside (»JJ (.Lill iji j) jllj 

to receive; to get, obtain; to take; to J jLj 4 (jib : JLi" 
collect; to take over, assume 

to extradite, obtain the extradition of \*jx* J-J 

amusement, entertainment, diversion, dis- ^J : * I " 
traction, pastime, fun 

amusement centers, •LL.JI (jjj i^U) j^l^ 
places of amusement 

arming, armament, rearmament -, l' 7 

credit, advance; lending, loan 

credit bank 

.a..:JI <iLl 

handing over, turning over, <)jL. . £juj i «j j : «J_j 
handing in, turning in, submission, submitting', 
presentation, presenting, referring, giving (in), de- 
livery, delivering 

extradition »^L>5G>- JJ t>jUJI jl ^j^^jJll J— j 

service (of summons, [u>il»] vJLJ 'j-^j! : fJ— ■" 
writ, notice, papers, etc.), delivery, notification 
salutation, greeting; salute il^l £liJI : JLJ 

saving, rescuing, rescue, deliv- Jjlij i u ^l--," : JL-J 
erance; protection, preservation, guarding, safe- 
guarding, keeping 

acceptance, approval; consent, ^j i J>JI : J—J 


appeasement, mitigation, mollification, palliation, 

ijlx».l luflj— iji^wl t^j-^—J 

to amuse oneself, have fun, have a good time; to ( _ f LJ 
delight (in), take pleasure (in); to console oneself 

to arm oneself; to be armed 
armament, rearmament 

arms limitation, limitation of arms, 

jJiljJI jj 

arms race, armament race 


'jiji ^ij-jo-i £L; 

to flow (down), run; to trick- jLi io:i iSyr '■ JXj 
le; to drip, drop, dribble, fall in drops 

to follow in succession or in sequence, «_> Li : Jlllj 
come successively or in proper order, be succes- 
sive or consecutive or continuous; to form an un- 
interrupted sequence; to form a series, be arranged 
in a series, be seriate(d), be serial; to be concate- 
nated), linked, connected, interlinked, interlocked 

i'. v_: i' re- 
sequence, succession, consecu- r-jjj i »jLj : J.,-1 „i 

tion, progression; order; hierarchy; gradation, 


train of thought jlSCilJJLJ 

- - +.> \' ' 

hierarchy, hierarchical succession <-.y. JJLJ 
(sequence, order, etc.) 

in order, in proper sequence, in succes- J. JljJ L 
sion, successively, consecutively, serially, seriatim, 
in series, one after the other; continuously, contin- 
ually, without interruption 

hierarchical; serial, seriate; successive, con- 'II' " 
secutive, sequent, sequential 

to overcome, overpower, overwhelm, J*. Jai-J 

prevail over, have a dominant influence over; to 
overrule, dominate, predominate, command, 
control, govern, rule, reign, sway, hold sway over, 
gain power over, be absolute master over 

mastery, sway, reign, power, authority, com- kv " 
mand, control, domination, (predominance, as- 
cendancy, supremacy, upper hand, hegemony 

to become sultan LiUaL. jLo : j-kl—i' 

to chap, crack open j: *" : jLLI -1 " 


w*- J 

thickening, making thick(er) 

poisoning; envenoming, venoming ~*~. j 

fattening, plumping ,jl~ j 

to be or become easy; to J+Lj i _ rr J t LtJ : ^.^l j^i— i - 

be facilitated, be made easy; to be (become, be 

made) possible, feasible 

to be or become possible for, feasible ^.^l <d 

for, easy for; to be able to 

to ascend, mount, scale, top 

to accede to, ascend (the 


'£ :(^l) 

accession, ascension 

to be or become indented, dented, J. ^ i pis : 
jagged, notched, toothed, serrate(d), crenate(d) 
indentation, dentation, serration, ^.j-J < pJJL> : 

supportdng), propping (up), crutching, ^cj : „ 
staying, resting, shoring up, holding up; staking, 
staking out (a plant, etc.); consolidation, strength- 
ening, reinforcement 

to be or become easy; to be facilitated, be _^~J ■ Ji— '> 
made easy; to be (become, be made) possible, feasi- 
facilitation, facilitating, making easy ju~~ > : J^*-j 

facilities oiLf— i 

to scale, climb J>Lj '-jy^ 

to be or become worm-eaten rJJ ^ UJl u*y-Z 

to be or become carious, to ^jJall jl ij-JI o->-J 

to decay, rot (J»*JI u->-J 

(dental) caries, tooth decay, cariosity 0^ jl u - ^ 


to shop, purchase, buy 

to trade in the market, buy and ti^i. Ij ^\> : J>J 


shopping, purchasing, purchase, buying; trad- J> 

ing, trade 

to beg, ask for alms tiJ^v- \ ' J»i : J> 

assent, agreement 

admission, admitting, conces- <-»> ^| <■ £ J\ '■ ^-> 
sion, conceding, allowing, acknowledgment, ac- 

taking for granted, granting, conceding, ^a>- ( <J_JJi 
concession, postulation, postulating, presumption, 
assumption, presupposition 

delivery order ^LJ ^.1 

- * ' * - 7. 
to be named, called, designated, nomi- ( j*~ : u»— > 


to be nailed, fastened with a nail jlf-*> o 

to stand as if pinned to the *J l£. j oJ 

to auscultate «,■ .. rl L jJJ jjJaJI j j-uaJI y^** : £»-j 

s - - 

4 ' s n * *i * • ' i ~ 
auscultation ^ .■... ri b ^J» ,>»«» t j-»—> 

auscultatory [ t--i> J i^?*— ' 

to be poisoned, envenomed ^ 

poisoning, toxication, toxicosis 

toxemia; septicemia, blood poisoning ,oJI 

lead poisoning 

industrial poisoning 

food poisoning* 


naming, calling, denomination, 
nomination, designation 
name, appellation, designation, nomen- ^,\ 
clature, title 

fertilization, fertilizing, manuring ju~ j 

• ■? 
nailing, fastening with a nail jlc-^ ^ 

.* --. « . * ' » .,' 

tanning, browning, OjJJI _^—l t^' J**" 

(nappy) rash 

making hear, letting hear 

recitation, reciting 

■ JS*— ' 

juvjjjl Jl I Ij !■■ > 

■ Lm^ 


■■■ ■■■■■...■■■■^ rT^n 


ling, driving forward 

driving, setting in motion; <^ry 
steering, directing, direction 

management, running, direction, han- SjU : 

starting, operating, operation, jj_) _u . J-«LiJ : 
running, working, actuation 

sending, dispatch(ing), forwarding JLJI : 


i::~'**. *i 


circulation, putting into circulation, jvj>> '■ j^r-> 
spreading, promotion, popularization 

politicization u"-.'.--"^' 

to be or become pessimistic; to see an evil omen* *lij' 
(in), regard as an evil portent 


* 11 *~ 



to be or become interlaced, interlocked, inter- tiL ll7 
twisted, intertwined, twined, twisted, entwined, 
interwoven, knitted, meshed, snarled, tangled; to 
interlace, interlock, intertwist, intertwine, inter- 
weave, knit, mesh, snarl, tangle; to interpenetrate; 
to overlap; to be or become complicated, complex, 
intricate, confused 

to synapse; to reticulate, become [ * L>- 1 ] liljGj 

interlacement, interlock(ing), intertwist(ing), tiL lij* 
intertwinement, snarl, tangle; engagement; inter- 
penetration; overlapping); complicatedness, com- 
plexity, intricacy, confusion 


to resemble each other; to be or become similar, <j Lj' 
alike, akin, analogous, parallel, uniform, corres- 
ponding, correspondent; to be or become identical 

>.' - 
resemblance, similarity, likeness, alikeness, o lij' 

analogy, similitude, affinity, parallelism, corres- 
pondence, parity; identity 

cha-cha (<-"j) LU'LIj 

to curse (abuse, revile) one 



i if*- 

to quarrel, fight, hassle, iiQi! . _<>UJ <. t-'j[£ -j^^j 
wrangle, squabble, spat, brawl, jangle, scrimmage, 


■'. . ■■» »- ^ : *i>- ' 

; %£ S '. 4jj~ -J 

begging, beggary, mendican- 
cy, mendicity 

leveling, planing, flattening, flatting 
grading, smoothing 

leveling (to the ground), j^lb id)j i^jVL) -C>lj 
razing, flattening, tearing down, pulling down 

dressing, making, Jj-i*J i ia.'.^ . s-e^ : Kty-Z 

preparation, preparing, doing up; arrangement, 
arranging, arraying, organization, fixing (up); 
adjustment, regulation, regulating, settlement, 
settling, putting in order, setting right 

equalization, equalizing, Sl^C* 4 aJjIL. :"Cy\Z 

equation, equating, putting on the same level, 
putting on an equal footing, treating equally or as 

settlement, payment, squaring, 
balancing, clearing 

settlement, reconciliation, ac- &j°y . 'S*- : V»-J 
commodation, adjustment, arrangement, compo- 

compromise ,LL,j Ji- : -Lj— J 

outstanding, due, unsettled, unpaid -L>L dl ■_:■-■" 

blackening u n- ■'" lui : Jj>- J' 

permission, permitting, allow- ii-Cl 1 5j>^=r ! : Hi-* 
ance, allowing 

justification, vindication jj^iiu^lj 

rationalization [ ^.ij ] »j>-j 

justificatory, vindicatory tijij^ •lf*i)~' 

procrastination, stalling, temporiza- ilLC* : uLi_j-j 
tion, putting off, postponement, delay(ing) 

dilatory, delaying, procrastinating, stalling ^>-i' 
marketing 3ij~* 

to be or become politicized \j*?~ '• 

leaving, abandonment, forsaking, J|,*l 4 S'jj ''.--, " 
relinquishment, renunciation; neglect, leaving out ' 

release, liberation, freeing, setting jj^JJ : ■_ ■ ■ _* " 

fencing, hemming, hedging, railing, enclosing, g<-Lj> 

propulsion, drive, impulsion, impel- 

^j*^" ' TX ' 



bornness, obstinacy, pertinacity, opinionatedness 

to be or become saturated (with), sated (j) *-Jij 

(with), soaked (with); to be or become filled (with), 

full (of); to be or become charged (with), loaded 


saturation, satiation, satiety, fullness; satisfaction *Li; 

liLLij i liLlij 


to imitate, copy, ape; to assimilate oneself to; _> 4-ii' 
to match, equal; to compare oneself with 
imitation, imitating, copying, aping; match- (_») '' *■" 
ing, equaling; comparing oneself with 

celebrating in love poems, rhapso- i_~^- j-wu : <— -— -.-.- r'* . V 

dizing about 

love poetry, erotic poetry <j!> ^»- : l-...... ' 

pL^I *j»- 1 j — * 1 1 "i i 

likening, comparison, assimilation .ui j_ua^ : 4—11' 

simile [iiJ]4---iJ 

to scatter, disperse, break up, dis- j xJ . Jjii : c; 
band, separate; to be scattered, dispersed, dispelled 
strewn about 

dispersal, dispersion, scattering), dis- Jjjj : c: 
union, separation, division 

distraction, absentmindedness ^jJi c-iij 

dispersion, dispersal, dispersing, jj-u! i J«>j :c~ 
scattering), dispelling, separation, breaking up 

to be afforested, forested, wooded 

to arborize jy^* >*J c^-J *i j^v fy*- 1 : S+- ' 


* I* M.I 

to pluck up courage, take heart, brave, make 
bold; to be encouraged, emboldened 
afforestation, forestation, tree-planting, 

Arbor Day ji*-^ 

encouragement, encouraging, emboldening, 
heartening; furtherance, promotion, support 

pruning, lopping, trimming, clipping i_. olii : J-^-h-j 
greasing, lubrication, lubricating 

t^ 7 


to be diagnosed 

<c"J ^'» 

■- ■ ■J. ' L-. 1 ^ - ■ *■.,■: ' : : : 

scuffle; to come to blows, come to grips, grapple, 
engage in hand-to-hand fighting 

to spat, squabble, wrangle, ~o\*^ . >r^> '■ o-»-L£->' 

hassle, jangle, quarrel, fight, altercate, dispute, 


to hate each other JaiXZ : i y>- lij 

-'' \" * * \" " 

LI; t. ij^-Lii t jvs^L^j : jLw 

to dispute, argue, alter- 
cate, jangle, squabble, quarrel 

to pretend to be a poet 
to pretend to be busy 

to complain to one 

- Ltj t cjaJUj*- 1 : tvS L£J 

to quarrel, brawl, wrangle 

to resemble each other, conform, Ji LJ <. «j LiJ : J^LlJ' 

correspond; to be or become similar, alike, akin, 

analogous, homogenous, homologous, uniform, 

corresponding, conformable; to be or become 


j,, j,, >,, 

similarity, likeness, resemblance, JJ LJ . «j LU : JS"liJ' 
analogy, homology, homogeneity, uniformity, 
conformity, correspondence, isomorphism; iden- 

to deliberate, confer, consult, jS"l_b . Ujl jj :jjliJ' 
discuss, hold talks, exchange views 

consultation, deliberation, counsel, conferring, jjlii' 
conference, discussion, talk 

to agree (upk>n or about, reach J* J^Aj 1 : J* vlii' 
an agreement on or about 

'_ ■■'■■ «Jf l J — ( i> l J*l if j£- Uj l ) I-.,. Ml" 

to stick to, adhere to, cling to, cleave to; to _•. d-liJ' 
hang on to, persist in, hold by; to be or become 
tenacious, opinionated, stubborn, obstinate 

tenacity; adherence (to), sticking (to), clin- (j) i *.;.*." 
ging (to), hanging on (to), persistence (in); stub- 






trimming, clipping, pruning, par- i-> J-" jj 

ing, lopping; refinement, polishing, improvement 

to absorb, soak up, imbibe Vj—' 

absorption, soaking up, imbibition, imbibing; ljj— > 

absorbability *^j— ' 

to tramp (about), vagabond, wander (about), j^iJ 
roam (about), rove, straggle, hobo, bum; to be 
made homeless; to be displaced, driven away, dis- 

vagrancy, vagabondage, wandering about; home- j^ii' 
lessness, displacement, dislodgment 

to be or become serrate(d), indented, ,j^JJ '■ j^j^ 
toothed, notched, jagged 

serration, indentation l y_J '■££> 

to impose severe conditions i~-U U> jji yi^i : -b^ii' 

to be meticulous, scru- J^ i i Jjfc : (*ilc j) J»j^J 
pulous, accurate (in one's work) 

to have the honor (to, oD, be honored ( j ) Lij^J 


to split (apart), cleave, crack, rend, jj-lil t J^LiS : fjii 

rip, slash; to be or become split, cleft, cracked, 

rent, slashed, slit 

basting, tacking C*/""' : G~s~' 

slicing, cutting into ")lljJ» U»» **i»» :^1J |^»UI ^J— ' 

((/A? y°j^J £L 

anatomy, anatomization, 

vivisection '(jf^f u*^) *— ""^ £ij— ' 

autopsy, necropsy, (»U>)I i_~-« $>-f*^) ^4-1 C/"' 
postmortem examination, postmortem 

anatomy jvj-^ll (J-c 

anatomical) ^ U -J~' 

displacement, displacing, making homeless, j*j2Z 
driving away, dislodgment, expulsion, eviction 

legislation, lawmaking, ^l^ill ^ i c- t^i, I : vj^J' 
making of laws; enactment, passage, passing (of 

legislation, law, statute, act, enact- 
ment; code 


• » t* ^ ** 

■j j^JJ I 4a ..ill 

to appear to, be revealed to, *J <i i\JJ : aJ 
reveal itself to, show itself to, manifest itself to 

personification, ^c ijj-iJI oli-aJI jLij : 






to be or get broken, fractured, 
smashed; to break (up), fracture, smash 

to be (become, be made) strong, intense, (i>ij : j j£j 

violent, vehement; to intensify 

to be or become strict, UjU» L-li u^ : ( j) ^j 

severe, stern, stringent, austere, hard, hardhanded, 


to be or become inflexible, un- i_Juoj : ( j) jjlIJ 

yielding, adamant, intransigent 

strictness, severity, sternness, aus-ill^ 4 Sj-» : joIj 
terity, stringency, rigoKism), hardness, harshness, 
hardhandedness, toughness 
inflexibility, intransigence i_JLaJ : jj— > 

to drawl; to mouth, declaim, (<ui jl ^^JL) j oiJ 

harangue, rant; to vaunt, brag 

drawl(ing); mouthing, declamation, ranting j J^> 

emphasis, stress; jl^>l <■ y£ y t -h$y '■((}*■) -M^ 
focusing (on), concentration (on); accentuation 

pressure, oppres- x-H i J w> i J^-"*" • (ci*) -^■^ 
sion, bearing down heavily upon; restraint, con- 
straint, curbing), check(ing), control(ling); restric- 
tion, limitation, limiting 

JJLiJ *^-\j—Kt\j*0 i'iy~i '((_^t) -bJ-tj 

insistence; persis- jlj-<»J i r^l :(<jc jl j) -b-i-ij 
tence; importunity, urging, pressing 

intensification, liS" 5a»- 5jC j i ij>iJ '. jyj-ij 

strengthening, aggravation, heightening 
intensification, doubling, gemination <->Ji-\ jujlIj 

accentuation, «Jaiil jl iJiSJl jl o>!*aJI jjj-ij 

accent, stress, emphasis 

to scatter, disperse, separate; to be scat- J^il : jJIj 
tered, dispersed, separate(d) 



■ ■■■ . i :--..fca--*i 

to chap, crack open 


• • • l~ - 

to somersault, somerset, tumble; to be upset, 
upturned, capsized, overturned, turned upside 
down; to be disarranged 

complaint, complaining; nagging, re- (,~£Lldl) 
pining, grumble, grumbling; suffering (from) 

• .» ,-- 4 , , ,s - - 

( j) 2ai p. i j -Ltji :( j) dki; 

to be formed, shaped, jL»J i 0>£j i LiJG : JSCij 

fashioned, molded, formalized, framed, worked; to 
take (take on, assume, acquire) (a) form or shape; 
to be created, made, originated, built; to be estab- 
lished, set up, instituted, constituted; to come into 
existence, come into being, see the light, form, 
arise, develop 

to consist of, be made,^. Ojpu ' Cr! { -^' • a? J^j 
up of, be composed of; to comprise, contain, 
include, embody, encompass, embrace, involve 

i ' ' 

formation JfCiJ' 

i ' * >• 

morphology J>Jtdl JLc 

j * - - 
morphological <J&£> 

forming, i_«Jt i (jl£j <■ jiya> ' **^~ - ' ' p>< • J-^— ' 
formation, shaping, fashioning, molding, forging, 
formalization, framing, working; creation, creating, 
making, origination, originating, building; estab- 
lishment, establishing, setting up, institution, insti- 
tuting, constitution, constituting 

diversification, variation, variegation vy* : J-f-il 

vowelization, o^i3l /\ cij^il *iL>^J«j '-JSJZ 

formation ^^>u :J_>_iJ 

»' >• - „-:-•- 

assortment, collection, variety, selec- <zy**y : *l C*v 
tion, choice; formation 

plastic (arts) (i-LSLU uj-ii) i..LSw 




legislative; statutory, legal lt*ij^ 

honoring, bestowal of honors upon, doing uLj^iJ 
honor to 

ceremony, protocol, etiquette 

master of ceremonies, 
chief of protocol 





\J^ i ^ij^ J 

• A** 

x**y : i^^" uj^i 

to splinter, be splintered, sliver, chip, frag- V A r 

ment(ate), fragmentize, break up, shatter 

fragmentation, fragmentizing, ^^ii, jju 
splintering, slivering, chipping, shattering 

to ramify, branch (out), bifurcate, fork, radiate; 
to divide, subdivide, split; to diverge, divaricate, 
branch off, spread apart; to be or become ramified, 
branched, branching, bifurcate(d), forked, furcate, 
divided, subdivided; to be or become divergent, 

ramification, branching, bifurcation, fork(ing); .. y , 
division, subdivision, split(ting); divergence, divari- 
cation, branching off 

to be or become unkempt, dishev- (»JJ ^Ijl ) .'*. ^» , 
eled, tousled, rumpled 

to radiate, eradiate; to irradiate 

radiation, eradiation; irradiation 

employment, hiring, hire, taking on, ^I.l-^zI.1 : J J , 7 
recruitment; providing employment or work for; 
giving work to; making work, keeping busy 

working, running, operating, jj-Lj « jj } jj : J-iii 
operation, actuation, starting, setting in operation, 
putting or keeping in action 

to intercede (for), plead (for), me- iii, : ( j jl j) iiii' 
diate (for), use one's good offices (for) 

... i" 

intercession, mediation .;*? 



ger-mugger, chaotic; to jumble, clutter, run in 
disorder or chaos or confusion, get all mixed up 

confusion, chaos, jumble, muddle, clutter, cr'i— '' 
mix-up, tangle, disorder, disarray, disorganization, 
mess, hugger-mugger, disturbance 

interference, noise; static; t«JJ ,-cl il ,jl>iJ 


to look forward to, look <JJ i^i t <JJ »li»j : <JJ (Jji? 
to, look for, expect, anticipate, hope (for); to aspire 
to or after, long for, yearn for 
looking foward (to), looking to, looking (Jj) ci^J 
for, expectation, expecting, anticipation; aspiration, 
longing (for), yearning (for) 

Ijy. i((jj) ljUil %s~\j - 3}Zj c((jj) <i>ij' 

tobeorbecome (jJJ 4^-^JI jl -1J.I jl JSUI) o>U' 
deformed, disfigured, defaced, misshapen, mal- 
formed, unshaped, unshapen, marred, mutilated, 
mangled, ugly 

to be or become <~>j*- '■ (jJJ <i?iJ-l jl tr^O »>-' 
distorted, perverted, misrepresented, misstated, 
falsified, corrupted, twisted, wrenched, warped 

deformity, defor- (jJJ a»->II jl «-J-l jl JSUI) »yZ 
mation, disfigurement, defacement, misshapen- 
ness, unshapenness, malformation, ugliness 

confusion, mixing up, jumbling up, muddling, ^y-1 
derangement, disturbance, disorganization 

jam(ming); interference, noise; t«JJ /-pi ij J~>y£ 

* *= 

jamming station 

</? IJ ] .tr^^— 1 

suspense, thrill; excitement, thrilling, motiva- t>>>iJ' 
tion, stimulation; fascination 

deformation, (w)J a^-^JI jl — J-l jl JSJUI) aj>1j' 
disfigurement, defacement, distortion, mutilation; 
mayhem; deformity, misshapenness, malforma- 

distortion, per- Uujm :(tJJ (^lil jl fi^iJ-O ^^ 
version, misrepresentation, misstatement, falsifica- 
tion, corruption, twistGng), wrench(ing), warping 

defamation, slander, libel, c-~UI jl <«UI 4j^J 
calumniation, calumny, denigration; defilement, 
soiling, sullying, tarnishing, dirtying, staining, 
smirching; disgrace, discredit, dishonor 

J?Ur A>* 'J ' 

C£ iuL 

! ff'j 


undressing, unclothing, disrobement, X>Jv : j^iiJ' 
denudation, stripping off 

robbery, robbing, rip-off 

^^J j^i. «-lj - ^}ll jaIj 

to sun (oneselO, bask 
to be or become waxed 
to be or become cirrhotic 

"\ .'<,'■■ 

[l_J» j » « M l " 

[i_J»J f a *" 

to wrap oneself in, cover oneself j <_iilj : _> J*ij 

to nose about for, search for, seek, jJJ jLj-^I /. *."> 
hunt for, gather, pick up (news, information, etc.) 

sunning, insolation, solarization (j_»i, jj 

waxing «^i j_ux. : iii *" 

to suffer from a spasm or convulsion or cramp, 7y£> 
to cramp; to contract, constrict 
spasm, convulsion, cramp; fit, paroxysm; con- nltj 
traction, constriction 

eclampsia M°j^ j' J**-' »^' ??— -> 

spasmodic, spastic, convulsive, convulsionary, t 

to wear earrings (»l^il ex.) < aim" 

vituperation, revilement, (j) j^Ij c Jo : (Jc) £~iJ' 
vilification, calumniation, calumny, slander, defa- 
mation, libel; pillory 
uglification, disfigurement, distortion £~i-J : «^..;.'o 

to utter "there is no god but Cod and ( jLil) j^iJ 
Mohamad is Cod's Apostle" 

libel, slander, defamation, vilifica- Jl j i <_>i» : (j) jj^Sj 
tion, vituperation, invective, calumniation, calum- 

libelous, slanderous, defamato- ,J j* < ,«>- o» : lijjrfiJ' 
ry, calumnious, vituperative 

to be or become confused, mixed up, jumbled <j->ij 
(up), muddled, disordered, disarranged, disarrayed, 
disorganized, unsettled, deranged, disturbed, hug- 



10 be or become difficult; to be or become <_*c Lai' 
strict, severe, stringent, hard, harsh, tough 

to rise, go up, ascend, lift, mount jl j 4 «jjjl : j*Coj 
(up), climb, tower, soar; to increase, grow, swell; 
to build up, intensify, heighten; to escalate 

to rise from, ascend from, ii>«-Jl : (,>•) jsX*H 

emanate from, proceed from; to be emitted, sent 
out, discharged, given off, diffused 

rise, rising, going up, ascending,.^ jjj 1 p^ji : J*UaJ - 
ascension, ascent, lifting, towering, soaring, uprise; 
increase, growth, swell, hike; buildup, intensifica- 
tion, heightening; escalation 

rise, rising, ascending, ascension, dL-Jl : jsX*z> 

ascent, emanation, emission, discharge 

* ' 1- ' 
progressive; cumulative, increasing, growing, iiJ*UaJ' 

rising, mounting; swelling; heightening, intensify- 

progressive tax(ation) ijj£.\L£ <^j^> 

to cringe, truckle, lower oneself, act in a^ita :^Coj 

servile manner 

j , ^ 

servility, subservience, slavishness, cringe, ^cUoj 

groveling, truckling, humility, humbleness 

to be sincere toward one another, be honest ,yCaJ' 
with one another 

to shake hands 

handshake, shaking hands 

to conclude (make, strike) a (<£j^1\j jSUl) jiCoj 
sale, a deal, a bargain, a transaction, etc. 

to cross, intersect, decussate, cut, cut Jain : LJCaJ 

crossing), intersection, decussation; chiasma lJCoj 

to make up, make peace, become ^UJ If : iJCaJ' 

.» , ^ 


(clojil ,>*) fL»7 
3»i . LJuiUaJ' 

'9 • .. , - - 

to guard against, be on one's guard ^ij I : ^ ujUai' 
against, beware of, be wary or cautious of 

to give a deaf ear to 
compilations, books, works 
to become related by marriage 

~ "~ n 

to behave like a devil o^il; : Vl»'"*"" 

to side with, take sides with; to v>" : (J) -'/^ 

support, champion, patronize, sponsor, advocate, 
be in favor of; to follow, adhere to 
to become a Shiite \" - j. jU, : '.''■■: 

sectarianism; partisanship, factionalism; ad- (J) ■*'*" 
herence (to), following, support, advocation, advo- 
cacy, patronage; partiality, bias, prejudice, favo- 
ritism, one-sidedness, taking sides (with), siding 

building, construction, erection, setting f (j : > *~ 
up, raising, putting up 

constructional, constructive, building; ^JL -^ 1 _ A v 

seeing off, bidding farewell to; iii \'y, 1 «j if : «_ *" 
escort(ing), accompanying, accompaniment 

escorting the deceased to his 5 jLJ-l j\ 

n •• !■ t 

final resting place, paying the deceased the last 
honors; funeral, burial 

to behave like a child, act in ^.I'-nll []li 3*» ' '*"'■" 
a childish manner 

to incline to youthful pleasures^! I Jj JL : ^yCiJ 

to woo, court; to seduce, tempt, entice, i\'J.\ ^CjJ 
allure; to deceive 

to associate (with one J^ \J1 t (j jdi : L^Coi' 

another); to be or become friends, companions, 
comrades, associates 

4*>>L^« «j»-lj — 4i jUa* •■ .—1 v.* 

accidental, fortuitous, casual, TyJ LaJ I c ^«^ i^JjCoj 
incidental, haphazard, chance 

to associate (with one anoth- Ji I y 1 i_^> Cai : <j jCoj 
er), be or become friends 


■ iiil^. i<i_j-Lh« :<jjUai 


liw>l t « liw>l 


)LaJ° ifjUoJ' 

to wrestle (with one another); to struggle, fight;fjCaJ' 
to conflict, clash 




..-■'-. :l. 

to, embarking upon; taking up; turning to, apply- 
ing oneself to, concerning oneself with 

to confront, face, front, defy, <»-l j i 4jU : J (Jjuoj 
challenge, oppose, resist, counter, face up to, stand 
up to, withstand, intercept, counteract; to deal 
with, cope with, grapple with; to fight, combat 

to set out to, embark J J i_» j-aj I i J Jojm : J ii"''n" 
upon; to take up; to turn to, apply oneself to, 
occupy oneself with, concern oneself with 

to head, lead; to be on top of; ij\ _u»JI j o\£ : j juoj 
to have the front (seat), take the first place 

to crack, split, cleave, break, rift; to be or JJJ I : fjua7 
become cracked, split, cleft, broken, rifted 

cracking, split(ting), cleaving, cleavage jU-li I : f Jua7 
i • ' ".1 i - - 

-.-- I ' -•{ - •'- ~ 

(j* i_»_ue v>-'j _ o* L/^J*' '0* UJuaj 

to give alms (to), give t j-j»- 1 i ii _uo ^^kcl : (j*) j JuaJ' 
charity (to), be charitable (to), philanthropize 

almsgiving, charity, beneficence, benefaction, j juoj 
benevolence, philanthropy, dole 

exportation, export(ing) {-rJ<L\ Jj »JJ JUI) jjJusj 

preface, foreword, introduction, ex- <*aLi ■ j: i..n" 

export lijjJuaj 

belief, believing, credence, (»JJ <*}& jl oSii) j; 'Vi 7 
faith ' " 

certification, attesta- j.t jj j t jl^il t Jjjj : (jj .i,!a." 
tion, authentication, legalization, verification; rati- 
fication, confirmation, endorsement, sanction(ing), 
approval, consent, assent, subscription, adoption 

credulous Jjjuxdl «j^~ 

to behave, act, conduct oneself, comport liUl : Li^ai' 
oneself, deport oneself 

to cijIaiJI (<LkL. jl) ^ ^jl* :(j jl j) l-ij^aj 

dispose of, deal conclusively with; to act freely, 
proceed independently 

to be inflected (a word), declined (a [ iiJ ] Li^aJ 
noun), conjugated (a verb) 

disposal, disposition, L»^a£\ (iiJL jl) ,_£»• : LSj^u 
power or authority to dispose (of) 

behavior, conduct, manners, de- dJjJL. : t-»j+*> 
meanor, deportment, comportment, action, (way 
of) acting 

to shout at one another jy^ 

to pour forth, flow, stream, jj^ I t L^aJ I : ' ^ -" 
gush forth, effuse; to fall down, come down 

to ooze sweat, sweat, perspire, be wet lij*. i_4-aj 
with perspiration, break into sweat 

to meet (encounter, come across) in the j J*?-* 


to be embalmed, mummified cJvjJ : iiil 
tobestuffed oJa^>J : j^JJI jl oljl^J-1 

to saponify, undergo saponifi- 6>jU» J I 3>=*J : O-?" 3 ' 

saponification Ojj U» J J J>a«J : j-* - *' 

taxidermy, stuffing j^JJI jl oLil^-J-l ju-aj' 

'* ' . - 
embalmment, mummification e~LLI jwij 

snack, collation, light meal ii-ji- <«»- j : »j^ : ""• 

saponification (jy> \*o J I Ji> 3 " • j; "" 

sanita- <<UJI <j«-aJI jj>-> ' l.--*^> t<<iJI (>»- '- 1 — "■ 


to misread, mispronounce, 


to be misread, mispronounced, mis- Ltyi : < «-in" 
spelled; to be distorted, perverted, misrepresented, 

correction, correcting, emendation, rectifica- - yn" 
tion, adjustment, fixing, repairing), mending 
proofreading, a... till jl LfUJI i_jjL>JI u^; 
proofing, reading 
corrective; correctional 

misreading, mispronunciation, misspelling; 
distortion, perversion, misrepresentation, misstate- 
ment, corruption, twist(ing) 

confrontation, *ii-l>« ' <*>*&** :(J) ((iJ^Jl) JuaJT 
facing, defiance, challenge, opposition, facing up 
to, standing up to, withstanding, interception; deal- 
ing with, coping with, grappling with; fighting 


setting out <JJ cil^ 



I . I i,fH 


diminution, decrease, decreasing, reduction, 
lessening, minimization 



^ ^3" 


l_ g ' * ■»" 

[1 • / \ '• 

to skim (through or over), browse (wlj i_-l^JI) ^i^J' 
(through), leaf (through), page (through), run over 

skimming (through), browsing (through), rJuai 

leafing (through), paging (through), running over 

clarification, clearing, r-~ry 'Jwjy '^r*-^ '■* :}><!' 
clearance, purification, refinement, refining, defe- 
cation, screening, fining; straining, filtering, filtra- 
tion, infiltration, leach(ing) 

dissolution; liquidation (pll tf^l) '■ 

settlement, liquidation, discharge, ljCJ-I 
payment, clearing 

clear- (oK,.n.ll JjLjj ^>-r" Oil' oLL-i-l <,.j.,a " 

ing, clearance 

i, * i' - -- • ' 
elimination jJJ </*«-> J*^ S** 

„- * * *»^ _' • 
clearance, clearance sale, sale <LL*idl u i " 

plating, overlaying, foliation 

9uli*dj 4^Jaju> ly nfl i fl t 

foliation, lamination, leafing )L ^iy i Jj^Lu : r^i-xl 

combing, doing, dressing, styling, ^LlJI 
coiffuring, coiffing 

coiffure, hairdo, hairstyle <£j~J :(^) ' 

applause, acclaim, acclamation; hand di-u^l) Jj; n n~ 


decantation (JSI^lJI) J^J-oj 

to warm oneself ii jj : yUaJi 

to be or become inflexible, cUJ i jjJj : ( j) <. 
adamant, intransigent 

inflexibility, adamancy, intransi- c— J t jL* : i_JLaJ' 
gence, willfulness, obstinacy, stubbornness, obdu- 
racy, toughness 

hardening, solidification, stiffening, jumJ : <_.LaJ 


freely, free, liberally 

free, liberal, not literal 

[u*J V- 5 '] <->j^ 

statement, declaration, announcement, o^> '■ fHj-*' 
proclamation; release 

permit, license, authorization X*a±-j 1 5ji»-| 

drainage, draining, drawing off, rj> i i^jju : uL^-oi' 

abreaction, catharsis; release, dis- <_r^> : >-*; j-*> 
charge, letting off, giving vent to 

is\j*& «jflj — iij~0 <.is\ J *o :i_4jj^d 

selling, sale, marketing, dispos- wj^J ' f-e : , -«i^' 
al, promotion, merchandising 

management, jv^' j' ujj^J' j' Jlftjl Mjj-^j 
managing, conducting, handling, running, admin- 
istration, administering, disposition, disposal, 
settlement, windup; caretaking 

conjugation (of verbs), inflection (of [ lii J la j^H 
words), declension (of nouns) 

discharge valve 

to escalate 



to evaporate, vaporize, volatilize; to 
sublime, sublimate 

s i i * \~ * t 
escalation SjJ-1 jIoji 

a .- 
evaporation, vaporization, volatiliza- 
tion; subliming, sublimation 

escalation, aggravation loS 5oj- J.sIjj:jl. 

evaporation, vaporization, volatiliza- j«»lj 

•-II " ,: ■ 


subliming, sublimation 

• UJ ! 

ft ', ,n i 

I "'-■'■ ■-' •-• •:■■'■ ' ' -■ •..■■■■'••'•■:•-■■ V ■' --.m, 


classification, categorization, classing, <_>>>J 
arrangement, tabulation, sorting, assorting, assort- 
ment, grouping, grading, labeling, ranking, rating, 
ranging; systematization 

classification l*^*'] 

compilation, composition, 


Lji*JU t k*s» '. Lju-^aj 

taxonomy, systematics 

- i_jbi" 1 1_«) ! 

l-4.,..fll'll JLc 

to imagine, fancy, conceive, ideate, ^ i JLaJ -j^ai 
envisage, visualize, picture (in the mind), vision, 
envision; to think, suppose, assume, take it, take 
for, take as 

to seem to, appear to, <J u a.<^ < <l I jl> : aJ jj-aJ 
look to; to present itself to, reveal itself to, show 
itself to 

to be shaped, formed, fashioned, J5w : jj-aj 

molded, created, made; to take (take on, assume, 
acquire) a shape or form 

imagination, imagining, fancy(ing); JL»J '.j^ai 

conception, ideation, visualization, envisaging, 

vision(ing); fantasy, phantasm 

'"- *- : 
conception, concept, notion, idea (•>♦*-• '■ jy^> 

- i ■"<■■- 
preconception J>jU j>-aj 

-" I *'" -II '-" 

i_j-— fjr\j - jya~l\ ,_j-— 

on purpose, purposely, in- f^j jj-aJ (^jjL.) ^ 
tentionally, deliberately, willfully, premeditatedly 

imaginary, unreal, fictitious, fanciful, fancied, i5j><aJ> 
imagined; ideal, ideational, conceptual, notional 
idealism, conceptualism tij^oJI 

to be or become a Sufi or a mystic 


Sufism, mysticism (J>aT 

to protect oneself, guard oneself a— ij Jiia- : oyai 

to uphold one's honor, live chastely 5 1 ^il oij-aj 

or virtuously; to be chaste, vestal, decent, virtuous, 


aim(ing), pointing, directing, 


correction, correcting, rectifica- 

tion, emendation 

hardness, solidity, rigidity, stiffness, t}C» : i_JUaj 
callousness, callosity 









hardening, solidification, stiff- 
ening, induration, concretion 

hardening, solidification, indu- 
ration, concretion 

(_JjL«- i_.l\a,"i i jJLi-l i-.l.a, 1 

i4«tif- i—.l^i t |Ua«Jl i_JUa> 
,J.r-»a« >_.•' »ai i (jidjll i—.i^i 

*-* j J I (...l.a.'i i tl I* j i_-Laj 

«j-lj - <_aLa7 n aliiiT 

- rv-LaJ 

gi » (ii 

ff* J 

A^LaJI v«i»j : <.■ . a" 

pasting, gluing; gumming 

determination, resolution, resolve, deci- (^ :*, 
sion, purpose, intention, intentness, will 

design(ing), styling; planning, 
laying out, layout 

design, plan, project, ,lih-»» > .li.h-i.'i <■ aL>- : <.. , <v 
layout, pattern, sketch, outline, model 

couture iJL-JI ^"jUI jl *l> j jI jm-«*> 

'., . * * .- 

to afTect, feign, simulate, assume, fake, t_ii£> 
sham, pretend, dissemble, put on 

to industrialize, be or UcUo jU> :(^IJ jJ-JI) ^<»j 
become industrialized 

affectation, afTectedness, mannerism, 

artificiality, airs, theatricality 

to be classified, categorized, <_<>j . 

f\ id i 

ljIxj : «j idV 

classed, arranged, tabulated, sorted (out), assorted, 
labeled, grouped, graded, ranked, rated 

to be compiled, composed, « oJ 1 : i_>lz£JI lj 


i "17-- ■ ,:„■: 


painting, oil painting 
filming, shooting 

'. . i .., J y, ...■ l r..-..v: i^T 1 .^ 

i_ •jyAi 


y i^j ***** 


photography; ^yi> jl ^^ jl J> \ji-yp ja-a> 
taking pictures or photographs, shooting, filming 

{j£. 6jy0 7>I^3«I^I t 9i«J • (7JJ Ol * .',7 .nil) jJ^*OJ 

copying, photocopying, duplication, reproduction, 
xeroxing, photostating; mimeographing 


ji>- 1J 


copier, photocopier, photo- «1J 01 1 n ^j>-aj 

stat, duplicating machine, duplicator; mimeograph 

statue; sculpture JLilj : tjiyai 

, •- _-•' .. •': 
°jy° f^'j — (•"•J ' °jy° •°jiy a > 

pictorial, picturesque, graphic; scenic; photo- 'iSjtytu 

program music 

panning, washing, elutriation, 
leaching, lixiviation 


to dwindle, wane, diminish, decrease, lessen, <j*Ca7 

abate, decline, shrink, drop off, fall, grow less, 

become (steadily) less; to be or become small, little, 

slight, meager, scanty, sparse, thin 

* - , 
dwindling, waning, wane, diminution, de- JjLa7 

crease, lessening, abatement, decline, shrinkage, 
shrinking, drop(ping), fall(ing), fall-off; sparsity, 
scarcity, scantiness, meagerness, exiguity, paucity, 
insufficiecy, slightness, smallness, littleness, insig- 
to laugh liLsLi : tiU-Caj' 

to force a laugh 

<fU^ji Lii& :<itu; 

to contradict one another, be contradictory, be jLa7 
opposed to each other 

contradiction, opposition, antagonism, contra- jLa7 
riety, inconsistency, discrepancy, antinomy, anti- 
thesis, contrast; counteraction 

antibiosis [ >L»I ] (*JJ ^,Uj»».:.. JZ) jUai 

to fight, quarrel, brawl, come yr\^ t iiQ-1 :L»jLi7 
to blows, come to grips, engage in hand-to-hand 
fighting, strike one another 


•\ e?'j- 

l^j y(\> ml ' _'J ^' 

voting, vote, ballot, poll(ing), casting «• I ^i I : c-jya> 
of ballots or votes 

pho- JjJ 1 jJai c i-w."5l5CJl ol^^j *l t-I>"! :c*i>-aj 

nation; vocalization 

.» ;. j . - 

unanimous vote or voting 

vote or voting by show of 

vote or voting by roll call 

vote of confidence iiill p^j jl ilill J*, c-jj-aj 
vote of no confidence iiill ( ^ juj jl ) i_--yy c*<>^ij 
to abstain from voting .-.jj'^rll ^ '. ::'J 

iiUaj «-lj -C*)>«aj (*»JJ jO i»Uaj 
*> - ■ s £ - 

to vote down u*>liJl> (C-ljJjlJy^ij 

to put the question to the .--.j'^rll ^ illlll i-Lt 


drawing, painting, portrayal, representa- 1,'j '-jiy^ 

tion, figuration, depiction, picturing, illustration 

description, depiction, picturing, < iVj : jj^Iij 
portrayal, representation 

forming, formation, shaping, fash- J-SJJ : ^jjloj 
ioning, molding, creation, making 

radiography, roent- ^ Ui, ^j>-aj 1 i>^L> jj>-aJ 
genography, skiagraphy 

angiography, vasography (C^jJl) iltj'iil jjjl^ 











phlebography, venography 



J3JI c5j^-« jj>*^ 



3» #E 



-(-; J 1 a?) > 


to flicker, vibrate 

sacrifice; sacrificing 

. * » ., ->•'_,'' 

sacrificing, sacrifice, u^jj» jl ^»»?;J /C-**j : *~*-a> 
immolation, offering up 

self-sacrifice ol ill jl u „a;.ll i-j«-aj 

to swell, distend, inflate, expand; to be or be- n~ '-" 
come inflated, distended, expanded, enlarged, mag- 
nified; to grow or increase in size or volume; to be 
or become huge, sizable, big, large; to be exagger- 
ated, overstated 

i - - 
swell(ing), distension, inflation, expansion, „~ ~~ 

enlargement, magnification 

inflation [ jLsuil] (TjL.) 




[l_J»J (y^C j) 

1 '.: 

.. • ■ ■ • ai 

i ' .'. 
| . -» . ai 

_s J - - 


inflation, distension, blowing up, «w >u i jj-i*-' : *?*"* 
expansion, swelling, enlargement, magnification 
exaggeration ijjll. :.i.,a; 

amplification [ t I ^ ] ,~ n ~ 

to be or become bloodstained, stained with^jJl 
blood, ensanguined, bloody, gory 

to be damaged, harmed, hurt, injured, preju- jjJaH 
diced; to suffer (sustain, incur) damage or loss 

to supplicate, pray humbly (to God), ( Jj) pV«aJ* 

invoke (God), implore earnestly, obtest, beg, 
beseech, entreat; to humble or humiliate oneself 

supplication, invocation, prayer; entreaty; im- ?\-a> 
ploring, begging, beseeching, obtestation 

quilting (cilsJUl) k-oj-iJ 

quilting, sewing, stitching; whipping, jjj : i_-j^>J 

mixing, mixture, mix, mingling, jJU- :i_-jj-aj 


to decline, wane, decay, be or become dilapi- '• ~- ~~ 
dated; to weaken, fail, languish, droop 

to conflict, clash, i-al '.'■■>■ I i^^oiLj lyijUJ :i_jjLaj 
disagree; to be contradictory, conflicting, disagree- 
ing, incompatible, inconsistent, inharmonious 

> — > ,- > - - 
conflict, clash, disagreement, (^LJ lyijljJ :<_>jLaJ" 

discrepancy, inconsistency, incompatibility, incon- 
gruity, contradiction, opposition, contrariness, 

hand-to-hand fighting, jlki t dlQil : i-jjUu 

grapple, brawl, quarrel 

relief, topographic relief, elevations, undula- LriJ \^i 


to be doubled, duplicated; to double, gemi- Lac LaJ 
nate, become double; to multiply 

doubling, duplication, gemination, multipli- ujcdj 


contents; folds uuc LaJ 

within it, contained therein 

4i_^cLaj j 

to harbor a grudge against one another, oilkj : jtLaJ 
bear mutual rancor, hate one another 

to help (aid, assist, support) one another; to jj LaJ' 
cooperate, collaborate, work together, combine; to 
unite, rally, join forces, coalesce, come together 

cooperation, collaboration, working together, ji LaJ 
mutual assistance, combination; uniting of efforts, 
joining of forces, rallying), coalescence; unity, 

to compact, crowd together, pack; to be j^l J> : »LaJ 
or become compact(ed), tight, close, firm, closely 
packed, tightly pressed 


» \ '. aUoj 

compactness, closeness, tightness, firm- \jo\J> :j»LaJ 

to unite, be united in solidarity, stick Ji ISCJ : 'j* LaJ 

together, join forces, combine; to be jointly liable, 

have joint liability or responsibility 

* * _ > ~ - 
solidarity; joint liability Jj \£z : j* LaJ 

jointly and severally JilScJI j j. l,y ll. 

■ LaJ 

^.LiZ* £>-lj -(^l 

to be or become annoyed, vexed, irri- 
tated, disturbed, upset, uncomfortable 

annoyance, vexation, irritation, d 
comfort, inconvenience, trouble 


£*>! ■ Ji 

annoyance, vexation, irritation, dis- r-^>' :<>>Laii 




•amtait ^m 

a pleasant odor, be fragrant 

to emanate, diffuse, spread o> \i : ikS Q I m>jj 

emanation, diffusion, spread(ing) f>* 



' U.,»r> J^j : i a^ ,n" 

ijUs «jf I j — «_J I _W3 : J i ,nV 

- *' - a- - 

to be narrowed, straitened, contracted, ^^i : Jj^ai 
constricted, constringed 

stenosis, stricture, coarctation, con- [ t_J> ] jl-ii 
striction, narrowing 


J^?' J^ 


C*^l '-* 



phlebostenosis -^j^' 

narrowing, constriction, constringing, tight- 
ening, straitening 

confinement, hemming in, straitening, J* , 
hampering, constraint, restraint, restriction, limita- 
tion; pressure, oppression, bearing down heavily 
upon, harassment 

to be or become J^ijl ij*\y i'Jj&> :(**) <£U»J" 
identical; to correspond (with), conform (with), 
coincide (with), agree (with), harmonize (with), 
accord (with), match, fit, suit, tally (with), be or 
fall in line (with); to be or become congruent, 
corresponding, conformable, consistent, compati- 
ble, coincident, concordant, agreeing, harmonious 

to be or (^1 jkl ^ ^alil jklll) jJLk7 

become superposed; to coincide 

to stratify, be or jlk> i(oUll> j) <Jw>\y :J>jU»-> 
become stratified, be or become arranged in strata 

identity, identification, jLul <. £\y iJSLj :JjLa7 
sameness; correspondence, conformity, consis- 
tence, consistency, compatibility, coincidence, 
congruity, congruence, agreement, concordance, 
accord(ance), harmony, fitness, matching 

superposition; (^j-1 JSli u /jj-xil JSllll) JjUu 

stratification (olilL j) uLol^J :J>jU»j 

to exchange, interchange JjUj : ^jLLi' 



ijLwal >c>- Ij — i_Jl*J»l : >-«.«,.a." 

to be or become versed ^yG I i ^^SClj : ( Jic ^.) « j r" 
in, conversant with, skilled in, proficient in; to 
master, know well, gain mastery in, have com- 
mand of 

mastery, command, con-oUil t J&J :( Jlc <^.) jJuaJ' 
versance, versedness, proficiency 

ribbing s-^Li'ill <LL» <_^t t^\ J*i- '.*_\ <n~ 

bending, curving, curvature, ^1 1 .^ : vJuiG 

crooking, twist(ing) 

misleading, misguidance, misdirection, perver- J.lJiT 
sion; delusion, deception 

JJLi* lu^lj — I,! 1 1 ifii 

,S-' - i- - * - 2' ' 

to perfume oneself; to be jJ»<J i u,.'^ : <_.,. t-a.IL «*«ai 


, , ' , -. - - 
to be bandaged, dressed, swathed 

to contain, include, comprise, jll < cS>Xa-l : j*Jai 
comprehend, embrace, embody, encompass, 
cover, carry, imply, involve 

implication, inclusion, contain- J^Ji i t\y~>-\ : j**i> 
ment, comprehension, embracement, encompass- 

dressing, bandaging, binding up, swathing 

inclusion, implication, embodiment, r^jA '■ 
incorporation, insertion 

fining, amercement e jij : t ^jj 

modula- »JJ iJl^iSUl oU-^il njl j^jC ; ( j J .. t .Ji" 

frequency modulation, \'M jj^I & ? •■<* < 

-.t,.t ■ - 
amplitude modulation, AM Sjj JJl 

damages,indemnity,com- jjJjjJJati j\ j^\ •'"■!: 1 ^v 
pensation, reparation, satisfaction, redress, amends 
to feign illness or sickness, pretend to JoJJi : { j^u 
be ill or sick; to malinger 

transillu- LJ> <umt i-«j ^k J^U- j^i _;lj-«! : >^^iJ' 

to writhe (with hunger or pain) ( U I j I t>>- ) j>a7 
to exhale fragrance, exude <m\j o^lzil ( ^-li : fj-aV 



* #E 



application, applying, putting into 
effect, giving (practical) effect (to), implementation, 
effecting, effectuation; enforcement, carrying out, 
execution, fulfillment; honoring, observance (of), 
compliance (with), abidance (by), adherence (to), 
following, keeping; practice, practicing, putting 
into practice 
applied; practical 

drumming, beating a drum Jli jj^a* : J- ■ k" 

<_j^J» *>■ I j — S^^ 9 • L-> Jaj* 
-*' -s- - 

to be embroidered, brocaded; to be hem- jjL : j^JiJ' 
stitched, stitched 

to wear fine clothes; to dress up (<l.G j) jj^u 

to go to extremes, exceed the proper limits or LJ^JiJ' 
bounds, be on the extreme side, take or hold an 
extreme position or view; to be or become extrav- 
agant, excessive, immoderate; to be or become an 
extremist, a radical 

extremism, radicalism; extravagance, <_j^kj' 

excessGveness), immoderation, intemperateness, 
going to extremes 

1 " ' } j> it" " 

(-tjht »*■! j - 4J jhj 

to touch on, treat, deal with, take up, go <JJ j^kj' 

into, broach, bring up, raise; to get to, reach, arrive 

at; to penetrate 

& i ,, , a , ,, 

admitting no doubt, not open to tiUI ol JjL^j "i 
doubt, beyond doubt, indisputable, indubitable, 
unquestionable, undoubted, undisputed 

embroidery, embroidering, fancywork, needle- _^_>JiJ' 

hammering, forging, r-^^ ' 3**^ ' <i^» : Sf.j^> 

beating, foliation, lamination, leafing 

to taste <j»l i :JJjj' 

to be grafted, engrafted »JJ oLJI jl ^uJI JJaj 

5 Z ~ * s ~s~ ' 

to be grafted, transplanted U^-I^rr ,J-I r^—JI [J«i»j 

- % , *•> , s - - 
to be inoculated, vaccinated; to be ojj <. «J : JJ»J 

injected, shot 

tO be (tJJ ilaiJI jl l_-» jjl jl (JjUlllj) >uOj : JLkj 

inlaid (with) 

grafting, graftage (rJI oLJI } \ { y^\) ^*i»j' 

to feign deafness, pretend to lt^JJIj j»\iaj : (jijLL' 
be deaf 

to be or become low; to drop, sink, yiiaol :U»LLj' 
fall, decline; to be lowered 
to lower oneself, cringe, truckle >£* : U»lkl 
to thrust or stab one another; to attack one jt Uai' 
another, fight, combat 

to dare, have the cheek to.l^l i j-lau : ( J*) JjUaJ' 
have the audacity to; to be or become insolent, 
audacious, impudent, impertinent, forward 

to attack, assail; to encroach t$-u*l : (<_^c) Jjlki 
upon, make inroads upon, trespass 

'JUL gflj-JU. :JjU»: 

to scatter, disperse, j*Cai! i j-lol i 3j±> :^>Uu 

spread, diffuse; to be or become scattered, dis- 
persed, spread (out), diffused; to emanate, rise; to 
fly, fly apart, fly in all directions; to vanish, 

to volatilize, vaporize, evapo- j^S t j^eu : ^jLLj 

dispersal, dispersion, dis- jx-Lai i jllzjl i Ji^ij : jjUaJ' 
persing, scattering, spread(ing), diffusion; ema- 
nation, rise, rising 

volatilization, vaporization, j^S i a.^ . jt 

to be treated medically, receive or undergo 
medical treatment, submit to or be under medical 
treatment; to treat oneself 

to acquire (attain, adopt, assume, J% p-L-kf fr-I" 
take on) someone's character or manners 

acquirement (adoption, assumption, 6^> fL-Ly • , *•" 
taking on) of someone's character or manners 

adaptability, adjustability cjlxJI ilLli :»;k" 

* r . 

or manners 

to be or get closed, shut 3^"\ '■ tjh^" 

to stratify, be or become (olilL j) <Juo\Ji : jlLj 
arranged in strata 

stratification (olilL j) jLLj' 

flatulence, tympanites, tympany d>kJ' ) J-i-^' 

medical treatment, treating, medication, > .._. Wi 

doctoring, curing, remedying, remediation 

normalization (of relations, etc.) (rJJ oli^lJl) * , , hV 

'iL : 

acquired character i-1^51. (<ji}U-l ji) <L 



■■a".mw»g;r .wwm^ < fr -, ..■■■ ■ .a ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ ■ -— 


to wander about, travel through 

ay** '■ ry*> 

to go about, wander about, travel 
through, tour 

to develop, evolve, grow, advance, progress; to /yhj 
be or become developed, advanced, sophisticated 

development, evolution, growth, advancement jjJii' 
evolution, evolutionism 

evolutionary, evolutional, developmental 
evolutionism, evolution 

to peacock, flaunt, parade, 
show off; to strut, swagger 

to primp, spruce up, dress 
up, adorn herself 
to volunteer 

-j~} lol^il Ll»- yjaj 

to enlist, volunteer 

( jjj yiii j) yi: 

volunteering, voluntariness; enlistment, volun- f jJ»J' 

tary service 

volunteer, voluntary ls^jP^ 

<_»U» v»-1j-JU- tjlj :L»jJ»J' 

beatification; canonization (<*~i J ) { -rty^> 

registration, registry (t^jUi) i_-j>IiJ 

o^lj lUflj— (3jlic l_»J^iu 5^1 J 

development, developing, promo- jp» j .ua,« '-y_^ii 
tion, promoting, advancement, advancing, further- 
ance, furthering; evolving, evolvement; sophisti- 

subdual, subjugation, subjection c-L»- 1 : vjJ»J' 

recruitment, enlistment, draft, levy ,>...',>i : >uji>J 

^ ^ , • - 

encirclement, encompassment, sur- iLli-l :JjjJ»j' 
rounding, circling, ringing, enclosure, banding, 
wrapping, envelopment, confinement, hemming in 

control(ling), containment, check(ing), ^S : Jy >i»J 

iKLl ^Ij-J,,^ 
to perfume oneself; to be perfumed ^,-LJ : ■ .1.7 

to see an evil omen (in), regard f ?Lj : (ly. jl _.) j_t-" 


inoculation, vaccination, injection 
inlaying, inlaid work; marquetry 

(ilUfrt-^i e—JOe-i: 

% • **> jj : aaJu 

to intrude upon, obtrude upon, force (^c) J^Ur 
oneself upon (others), poke one's nose into, nose 
into, meddle in, interfere in ; to sponge (on), leech 
(on to), parasitize - 

intrusion, intrusiveness, obtrusion, obtru- (^c) Jiiu 
siveness, forcing oneself upon (others), poking 
one's nose into, nosing into, meddling, interfer- 
ence; parasitism, sponging 

to require, call for, <JJ -A^-\ <. (jAil.1 ' <^-"l •■ lV" 
demand, claim, take, need, want 

i_JJ> >u»-lj - t_JLl» :i_JU»j 

to look forward to, Jit «jy; t <Jj Li^j : <JI iiki" 
look to, look for, expect, anticipate, hope (for) 

to aspire to or after, long <jj C» ( <jj |jt : <Jj lik; 
for, yearn for 

to look at, regard, eye <JJ ^k; : <JJ iHaJ 

looking forward (to), looking to, expecta- (<JJ ) A'k 'i 
tion, expecting, anticipation; aspiration, aim, hope; 
longing (for), yearning (for) 

**rj Jk'-I*'! p-'j - <vrj ,iL!»i' 
divorce, divorcement, divorcing ~ ^lj t J^Q. : jj 1 hv 

to clean oneself, cleanse oneself, clean up, wash ,jUv 
up, wash (oneselO, perform an ablution; to be or 
become clean, pure; to purge, scour; to be or be- 
come cleaned, cleansed, purged, scoured, purified, 
deterged; to be or become disinfected, sterilized, 
antisepticized, decontaminated; to be or become 

disinfection, antisepsis, ster- l^*U» t-iJA\ J»i- • j- j 1.7 
ilization; decontamination; purge, purging, purga- 
tion, scouring, purification, deterging, cleaning, 
cleansing, chastening; clearing up; refinement, 
refining; expurgation 


to coil, twist, turn 

to fall, drop, tumble 

.ran <•> '. rxj2j 

i -- '" 


one another, be or become enemies, harbor mutual 

to be or become equal, even, on a par . t5jllj : 1} jLni" 

to be or become balanced, be in equi- o j\y : J jlii 
librium, be counterpoised; to equilibrate, balance 

to neutralize jjlkl :'Sifc 

to tie (oljL. j) Jjli; 

equality, equivalence, parity, evenness jllj : J jL«u' 

balance, equilibrium, equipoise, ujl>> : JjIIj 


neutralization, neutrality jjl» :JjCJ 

tie, draw (iljC. j) Jjlij 

ol^>"5ll JjUj 


tie vote, equal number of votes, 
equality of votes 

to blame one another, censure one another 
reprove one another 

to conflict, clash, disagree; to be conflicting, (ji>j\ju 
contradictory, disagreeing, inconsistent, incom- 
patible, inharmonious 

conflict, clash, disagreement, discrepancy, i^Jdu 
incompatibility, inconsistency, contradiction, con- 
trariety, opposition 

to become acquainted (with one another), get Lij & 
to know each other, know one another 

acquaintance, becoming acquainted <Jjl«u 

to fight (one another), battle, combat Jj lij : i3'j L«u 

fight(ing), battle, combat dljUi' 

zigzags; windings, meanders, sinucfeities, mu^> 

curves, bends, turns, twists, waves 

misery, wretchedness; unhappiness, misfortunejiwliu 
distress, suffering 

■ ■■■• > JL>-lj — ufUl 

to associate (with another), be on i_^-Uaj i^Ui' 
intimate terms 

to live together ^LJ : ^iUJ 

to be contemporaneous, contemporary, coeval j^jUJ' 

to support (help, aid, assist) one another;ojlj«j : jJjUj 
to cooperate, collaborate 

cooperation, collaboration; mutual aid, Oj^ : J-oUi' 

as an evil portent; to be or become pessimistic 
pessimism .j\Jl, "j; **■ 

flying, winging, giving win^s)^^ s^l J«- :jsJw 

volatilization, vaporization, j^L> <. > -'^" : juJ»j 

luting, mortaring, plastering, { Jii> jjL** • j ^" 

whitewashing; puddling; mudding (off), claying, 
covering or treating with clay 

L>Jia± «jf Ij -LjjUiJ' 

ylAj t^iLaj «flj — jliij tjliij* 

to pretend (to be), simulate, affect, ^c ll : _; jiUi; 

feign, assume, sham, fake, dissemble, put on, act as 

if, make believe 

~ - ' f - * * ' * 
to demonstrate, make a de- syilw> ^U : ^aUu 


pretense, pretension, pretending, simula-tlcol :^aUu 
tion, feigning, faking, assumption, dissemblance, 
make-believe, show 

demonstrating, demonstration ijt> 1 u - ■ ,>L> : j* ILj 

- - - % ~ f * ' 
demonstration, manifestation i^tlL :<>'jaUu 

to affect humor or wittiness, ii I Jki\ i_ji5C : Li^JaJ' 
show oneself humorous or amusing; to affect 
charm or elegance 

to sit in (hide in, seek) the shadow of, be _j jBju 
shaded by, shade oneself with or under 

to complain (of, about) ISi : Ahj 

, • - i' - 

complaint; grievance; claim; protest; <£}&. : Aiaj 

shading, overshadowing, J^ Jkll *l«J) :JJJij 

casting a shadow over 

shading; hachuring; hatching^^ :( ~-^il) JJLLj 

endorsement, endorsing j^r^ '■ f.A ^" 

development, developing ( j.^i "i I ) ^Jij 

to admonish one another, reprove one another i_j'l»j' 
mildly, blame one another (in a friendly manner) 

to accelerate, move faster, gain speed e- jllj : J»-Iju 
acceleration, pickup f-jl—J : J».UJ' 


- *' .. 

be or become hostile to Laio .^.Juu (3 jlc : i^jUi' 



** ♦= 

- — i 

come! come here! come on! jji : JUu' 

transcendence; superiority *>*r~\ : (<^^ ) <Juu 
»^l* '(jl* i^Lt «-'j ~ y*- : <JUj 

be He exalted, be He raised far above ( «Sl ) J& 

to be far above, rise above, ,jt. ji J> : ^ jUj 

tower above, be too great or proud for; to disdain, 
look down upon 

Far is He above having the <j£ jIj Li <j!L; 

partners they ascribe to Him! 

pl-K;,. )U»-lj ~(J t **i Ail, 1 *; .. " J>l 

to be treated; to receive or undergo medical ^1 ^ 
treatment, submit to or be under medical treat- 
ment; to treat oneself 

receiving of medical treatment; (course of) treat- nil* 
ment, cure, therapy, medication 

to feign knowledge, pretend to knowjjujl ^jl : iJUu 

jji »j>-Ij -pit IjJUJ 

<Jlaj «Jf I j — «J bj' 

to pretend not to see, feign blindness; to (^) ^ \ju 

shut one's eyes on or to; to be blind to 

to treat one another; to deal (with one another) >L )j \jj 

do business (with one another), trade (with one 


* - - -" 

to deal in, do business in, carry on _* jl j J-.UJ 
business in, transact business in, trade in, carry on 
trade in, traffic in, merchandise, sell, handle 

dealings, intercourse, trade, busi- »Uat) i»- 1 : Ji, Ui' 
hess, transactions 

dealing, transaction, trans- Sj*-^ <■ J»l*J :J-Lj 
acting, carrying on business, doing business, 
trading, carrying on trade 

treatment, treating, <_> ^^u i i-Jli. i iitL!. : J- LJ 
dealing with, handling; behavior, conduct 

usage, practice, custom i_»^ : J- Uj 

to embrace each other £ \*i 

(j»Ufc «jf I j — Jp Uj' 

to covenant, contract, enter into a cove- ji\*j : oalju 
nant or compact or contract; to agree 

mutual assistance 

taking; practice, practicing, pursuit, (^tlljl) iU' 
pursuing, handling, dealing (in); dealings, relations, 

to take; to practice, pursue, engage in, deal in, jadi 

to sympathize with, empathize with, feel £. ^jjjliu 
for, be favorably disposed to, be attached to 

to sway, swing, roll, walk with a 4^-i* j oil. l«J 

swinging gait 

sympathy, empathy, feeling (for) ( £•) uU»liu 

to intensify, heighten, increase, J.^* : ,..l i Jiii.1 : jjiliu 
grow, build up 

to be or become proud, arrogant, jl£> : JiUJ 


intensification, heightening, increase, ^^*\ '■ (Jiuu 


pride, arrogance, haughtiness jl£j : jJiUJ 

recovery, recuperation, conva- *lii. : (yi LJl) cJIju 
lescence, healing 

to recover, recuperate, convalesce, heal, ^ : j l*J 
ragain health, get well 

to succeed or follow one another, follow *jLo : i_j'Ui' 
in succession, be successive or consecutive, come 
successively, happen consecutively 

to alternate, rotate Jjl S> « vj^ : s-»fc 

succession, sequence, consecution, pro- «^tj : uil«' 


alternation, rotation; vicissi- Jjl-G 4 vjLj :i_Jibj 

tude, regular alternation, alternating change 

successively, in succession, i_JuJI J* i i_-j1jiI]L> 
consecutively, one after the other, one by one, 
respectively, in turn, by turns, in order; alternate- 
ly, in rotation 

-' ' - i -' 

* * , '^ ..'-' 

to make (enter into, conclude, t<JJ lilij I jit : jjW 
strike) a contract or an agreement; to contract; to 
agree, reach or come to an agreement 

making (entering into, conclusion of, conclud- jj'lju 
ing) a contract, contracting, contraction 

contractual; contracted, contracted upon ijiliu 

lt*-~! (fr h -ySto 

t - * 

to worship, engage in c- '--^ i ijLJJ i-"jJC : jlL 

worship or religious devotion, devote oneself to 
worship or to the service of God, practice piety 

to be paved .uc t 

worshipGng), adoration, devotion, piety, 
devout ness 


( _ r ~t j»-ij -^t-jj 



ji. ■'.',.. i «j«- i j — jjij 

expression, 1^) ^lt jj-x. i i^) v 1 ^) : (iy-) jir^" 
expressing, voicing, uttering, utterance, articula- 
tion, giving expression (to), declaring, declaration, 
stating, statement, indicating, indication, bringing 
out, putting, phrasing, wording, couching, formu- 
lating, formulation 

expression, term, word, phrase JaiJ i ijLc : j^ 





wording, diction, style, ex-j«_«JI (*a>j1> jl) <^>^L\ 
pression, manner or mode of expression, phrase- 
ology, phrasing, writing 

so to speak, in a manner of 
speaking, as it were 


*C"° J 

jLc.) (_Sjj-l 

o jLju «J* \ J 

jj- I j^-j»-o 

Cr-" Jf 'j 

expressive, expressional, emotive 

lij!-* 1 ' 


(^jyjjl l_-AJiil 


to stammer, stutter, 


(*,:& j) £j 

to shake, stir, move 

^jjili : f-*-*-* 

aging, maturing, ripening, mellowing ^t j. 

darkening, dimming, obscur- L-^u 4.JJI J**- :«Jau 
ing, overcasting, clouding, blinding 

blackout, suppression, 
hushing up 



4j^»- ojU- (JJ^>" (i*-***- 1 

dimout, incomplete blackout <j5 ./?" ^" 

to stumble, trip, tumble Jail, i 3 j : _£*> 


to alternate (in), do by turns; to befall or afflict jjUj' 
alternately or successively 

to help (aid, assist, support) one another; to 6jL«J' 
cooperate, collaborate, work together; to rally, 
unite, join forces, come together 

cooperation, collaboration, mutual assistance, 6jIju' 
working together; joining of forces, uniting of 
efforts, rally(ing); synergism, synergy, cooperative 
action, combined action 

in cooperation or collaboration with 
cooperative; collaborative 

t* y j 




cooperative society, cooperative, VJ^ ***-*: 

cooperative store, cooperative, co-op ,yjlju 0>« 

collective farm 

cooperative, co-op 

to coexist, live in peace with each other, live 
peacefully together 

coexistence, living (peacefully) together 



symbiosis; commensualism 
peaceful or pacific coexistence 

(o- r. - 1 ^ * '■' 1 


i/*™ cr 

cr* 1 

to be or become tired, fatigued, exhausted, i_. 

weary; to tire, fatigue, weary, jade, fag; to exhaust 
oneself; to work hard, toil, labor, sweat, overwork; 
to drudge, slave 

fatigue, tiredness, weariness, exhaustion; toil, i_. 
labor, drudgery, sweat, hard work; trouble, incon- 
venience, difficulty, hardship 

tired, fatigued, weary, exhausted, O^J ' s- * «■■ ' ■» '■ <-> 
worn out, overworked, run-down 

mobilization, calling up; «>iai . ■ ■ : ■* '! :( ^/iJ-l 

- s i *■ 
general mobilization -uU. 

filling, stowage, packing, pack- i_~i<J i t J- : 
aging; boxing; casing, encasement; canning, tinning 
bottling (oUU-j j 

charging, loading, filling (up) 


J* : 


outreach; to overreach, extend beyond; to over- 
step, go beyond; to cross, traverse; to pass, go past 

to transgress, infringe, infract, LilU- t J^- : eJjjJ 
contravene, violate, break, breach 

to be or become [ jIl^j oUiljj iil] ii!uj 


enumeration, listing, count(ing), oLl^- i It : jljju 
calculation, computation 

statistics; poll iljLu-l <. t Lu-l : jljij 

census u".^' j' O^x-JI j'jj«j 

to be or become numerous, manifold, multiple; jjmi' 
to multiply 

multiplicity, plurality, pluralism, multitude, jjju 
numerousness, variety, diversity, multifariousness; 
poly-, multi- 


,1^11 '& 

polyandry, polygamy 
polygenesis, polyphyleticism 


vUJ^I &j 

polyvalence, polyvalency 

-* ' * .1 S, ^" 

- „ 

multiculturalism oljUil j 

' 3 -* j -' 


lilil &j 

polygyny, polygamy 
multilingualism, polyglotism 

oUlll JJJO 


-yQl JJjo 

*-: , -« *-- 

to change, alter, modify, shift, ^ i JjlJ : J jmi' 

undergo modification or change or alteration; to be 
modified, changed, altered, commuted, qualified, 
amended, improved, adapted, revised; to be 
shuffled, shifted 
to be amended [ oy l» J '6 Jj«j 

modification, change, changing, j^m <. Jj-uj : Jj jju 
alteration, commutation, qualification, amend- 
ment; adaptation; revision; shuffling 

amendment [ij>>l» J JjJj^ 

modulation [*^^*^]ji 

to stumble, halt in one's speech, stutter, JJ& : jIjJ 
stammer, falter, hesitate 

to be or become hindered, blocked, Jij*' '■ j^ 
obstructed, hampered, impeded, delayed, retarded; 
to meet with obstacles or difficulties 

to wonder at, marvel at; to be i_»« i Jl* j : [y <_J> 
or become astonished at, amazed at, surprised at 

astonishment, amazement, wondeKment), 


exclamation mark 
exclamatory, interjectional 

to be or become haughty, arrogant, supercil- <-J»«J' 
ious, insolent, overbearing, presumptuous 

iJr^ ff 

:\ h.1 

: Jm> 

disablement, incapacitation, weakening, crip- jouu 
pling, hamstringing, paralyzation, paralyzing, 
making powerless or ineffective, making it impos- 
sible or too difficult for someone to do some- 
thing; frustration, thwarting, foiling, balking, de- 

impossible, hopeless, insuperably difficult, tooJijouu 
hard, unfeasible, impracticable, unacheivable, unat- 
tainable, insuperable, insurmountable, impassable 

acceleration, speedup, pickup, expedi- « j-J : J^«J' 
tion, expediting, hastening, quickening, precipita- 

hurry(ing), rush(ing), iliuJI J* '<^>- :J~>Ju 

urging, impelling, pressing 

hurry(ing), haste(ning), rush(ing), f-'j-! ^J? 5 **-' 
speedup, acceleration 

*l Jlcl «-lj - *Iji*I :(ejjjiJI) jju' 

transgression, infringement, iilUn i J^- : ju^ 
infraction, contravention, violation, breach 

exceeding, transcendence, tran- J»>J ( jjlkj : juJ 
scending, surpassing, outreaching; overreaching, 
going beyond; crossing, traversing; passing, going 

transitivity, transitiveness [ jL-j oUilj] 1*1 

ojJ to exceed, transcend, surpass, J^«J <■ jj^ '-isiuu 



sure to, incurrence of, being or becoming subject 
to; encountering), being confronted with, being 
faced with 

resistance, opposition, *-^L>" . jl^u : J i^j^ 

confrontation, facing, challenge, standing up to, 

interference with, lTj*" ' J»--»J : -! u^r" 

meddling in, intrusion upon; molestation; having 
words with 

touching on, dealing with, jC^u . ^'~.' : : J ,_>^J 
treatment, treating, going into; consideration, 
examination, exploration, survey(ing), studying), 
discussion; undertaking, embarking upon, setting 
out to, turning to, applying oneself to 

to identify, recognize, know, S'j'z\ . 'Jls i jl. -.'dt'^j 
realize; to ascertain, get to know; to try to know, 
seek to ascertain 

to get or become acquainted jJJ <JJ 3 \ o^L. iJ^J 
with, meet, make the acquaintance of, be 
introduced to 

to be or become definite [iij] ll^l Li^ 

identification, recognition, dl/jl < jjjj :l»j£ 

realization, knowledge, cognition, perception 

acquaintance (with), (tJJ aJJ jl o%j) <-»^ 

getting or becoming acquainted (with), meeting, 
being introduced (to) 

tariff iijjjj :li Jj 

to be veined, grained, marbled Y'j*? '• '<3j^> 

perspiration, sweat(ing), pj-l ^ Jj^JI -^i^; \tjjjZ 

hidrosis; transpiration; diaphoresis 

grain(ing), veining c. jk; : Jj^l; 

grain ^ 

venation, nervation 

to be or become blocked, obstructed, hindered, Ji'^ju 
hampered, impeded, encumbered, delayed, retard- 
ed; to meet with obstacles or difficulties 

translation into Arabic *-fy<J' <JJ *~=r y : y j J J " 

Arabicizing, Arabiciza- IL^t t iJ Z}\ J*»- :>-o^ 
tion; Arabizing, Arabization 

adjustment, regulation, *yu . .!»*> . Cjlj : Jj-Ju 
regulating, settlement, settling, straightening out, 
fixing, putting in order, setting right, putting right 

constitutional amendment (^j^jloJjjjJ 

(cabinet) reshuffle cSj'jJ Ji-^ 



to suffer, feel pain; to agonize, anguish; to be L»jmi' 
tortured, tormented, agonized, anguished, excru- 
ciated, afflicted; to be punished 

to be or become impossible, impracticable, un- j ■•»'■" 
feasible, hopeless; to be or become difficult, hard 

impossibility, impracticability, unfeasibility; jjij' 


torture, torturing, torment(ing), agonizing, L-jjiu 

excruciation, affliction; punishment 

masochism olJJI i_oiU 

undressing, stripping; striptease, strip- (ii^>!)l ) ^jj 
teasing; nakedness, nudity, nudeness 

to undress, take off one's clothes, disrobe, strip; ts'jH 
to striptease 

to Arabize, assimilate oneself to the Arabs, L/^J 

acquire (adopt, conform to) Arab customs or char- 

to zigzag; to wind, meander, sinuate i-^j 

zigzag (course); sinuosity, tortuosity, meander tj*> 

to climb (up), creep oQll ]j?j>a 

to be or become -v^-lj . J l^>jc jl li_u» oK : J 'tjejii 
exposed to, subject(ed) to, open to, liable to, vul- 
nerable to, susceptible to; to come under; to incur, 
contract; to meet, face, encounter, find oneself up 
against, be confronted with, be faced with 
to resist, oppose, face, con-o U- <. J t£i'n~ : J \jo^ 
front, challenge, defy, stand up to, withstand 
to interfere with, med-j \j-'jx . j JJ-.G : J Jo^> 
die in, intrude upon; to molest; to have words 

to touch on, dealJ (iluaJ i tioj i J Sj^j '• J [y>"J^ 
with, treat, go into; to consider, examine, explore, 
survey, study, discuss; to undertake, embark upon, 
set out to, turn to, apply oneself to 

eXpO- K^ \'^ . J l^'Jc /\ H 'ji j^J| '^'g : j *J*£ 




become promoted, furthered, advanced, boosted, 
fostered, supported, enhanced 

condolence, consolation, solace, comfort ijjjj 

censure, rebuke, reproof, reprimand, reprehen- jj'jjZ 
sion, scolding, chiding, tongue-lashing 

consolidation, strengthening, reinforcement, j,yii' 
bracing, cementation, fortification, bolstering; cor- 
roboration, confirmation; promotion, furtherance, 
advancement, forwarding, boosting, fostering, 
support(ing); enhancement 

exorcism; Jj>«j t^y^JL Sjj^JJI r-ljj^l J^i» ■(O* 1 

exorcistic(al); incantational, incantatory 


o-r j=r'j 


to make miserable, wretched, unhappy Lr ^l 
to destroy, ruin 

a- 3 



to be or become miserable, wretched, 


to perish, be destroyed 



woe to him! may evil befall him! il Liu 

to be or become difficult, hard, adverse 

arbitrariness; tyranny, despotism; abusiveness, 

arbitrary; tyrannical, despotic; abusive ,_i_ «j' 

to dine, sup, have dinner or supper (j— ~ 

to dine out Jj-ll rji>- ^^u 

to gear, engage, mesh, interlock, u-.}^' c.ii *«"i 
come into gear or mesh, be or become in gear 


i>-f p*'J ~i>-* -i*-* 1 

disrobement, unclothing, undressing; -u>>i • <>>" 
denudation, stripping off, baring, dismantling, 
laying bare, uncovering 

denudation, erosion, corrosion, Jit i'o '-<>j*> 


divestiture, divestment, deprivation, uL«jf '■<>;*> 

depriving, stripping 

zigzagging wry^ t^\ J*=r ' <^l : p>" 

stopping at, making a stop ,>ij«i jl u^SC J* jy^J 
at; stay(ing) at; visiting, paying a visit to, calling on 
(someone), calling at (someone's place or house) 

trellis, trelliswork, treillage, lattice, latticework, iij^u 
espalier; arbor, bower 

broadening, widening, expanding, ex- r~y?y '■ u^tj*Z 
pansion, extending, extension 

exposure J U>jjl« jl <j>js. i- l jA\ J*>- : J ^yo 
to, exposing to, making subject to; subjecting to, 
subjection to, (pre)disposing to, (pre)disposition to, 
making liable to, making vulnerable to, making 
susceptible to 

sunning, insolation, insolating, ^pl^M -ut,")! ^^j 
solarization, solarizing, exposure to the sun's rays 

endangering, endangerment, imperil- j_kaJJ ^yo 
ing, impediment, jeopardizing, exposure to'danger 

intimation, insinu- tv^ ' flf" : U j' -;) u*ij*> 

ation, allusion, hint, indirect reference, indirect 

suggestion, indication 

-- . ■>.- ■> 
innuendo, insinuation 1 _ r a3it, SLi ^ j^i :_> l/jj^" 

definition; determination, specification, jojjJ : uujjii 
pinpointing, fixing, identification 

acquainting, informing, infor- ^ 51*1 . jL*-j : <-a>j*j 
mation, notification 

introduction, introducing, pre- j>-\i ^jo^L ^Juy^ 

sentation, presenting, acquainting 

.' > . - .- > .* 

definite article kJujC <-*jj- . i-iujju Si jl 


veining, graining, marbling 

45 j-aj i 4Jj^JU 

g>" '■3iJ*' 

to be consoled, comforted; to find solace or tS^tZ 
consolation; to console oneself 

to be or become consolidated, strengthened, fyu 
reinforced, braced, cemented, fortified, bolstered; 
to be or become corroborated, confirmed; to be or 


z+ & 

rupted; to be paralyzed, neutralized, counteracted; 
to be deactivated, inactivated; to be defused 

unemployment; idleness, inactivity; (jlill Jt.) jl*; 


suspension; interruption, stoppage; oiiyi : jii; 

paralysis; deactivation, inactivation 

to ret; to macerate ( jj I i LS3 1 ) 'J& 

perfuming, scenting; aromatization 'Jxc jUt. : j^ 

breakdown, breaking down; disablement, J- kfV 

incapacitation, mayhem, crippling; suspension, 
temporary ban or stoppage; abeyance, temporary 
inactivity; disruption, interruption; paralyzation, 
neutralization, frustration, putting out of action; 
deactivation, inactivation; defusing 
retting; maceration (jjl oLSGl) j. y n ~ 

to be glorified, exalted, extolled, 'J^Z t ^iaJ : JiiJ 
dignified, honored, esteemed 

to ossify ^ J | 'S'^, : ^ 

ossification; -ostosis ^s. <Jj J^kl ( fLLJI o^ ■ , V n y 

osteoblast Ailll ilU- 

glorification, exaltation, aggrandizement; es- 
teem, honor, veneration 

to roll in (wallow in, welter in) 
the dust 

to be covered or soiled with 

to behave like a devil 

J\j2\ J fj*> '■ jSUJ 

-: '' - .- 

<it i i_«c 

sepsis, septicemia, blood poisoning 

to pursue, follow, chase, go after, run 
after, trail, trace, track 

pursuit, following, chase, chasing, trailing, ££ :i_jj 
tracing, tracking 

to complicate, snarl; to be or become (^1^1 ) ji 
complicated, complex, intricate, knotty, tangled, 

! e-'j 


gearing, engagement, engaging, 
mesh(ing), being in gear 
dovetailing; coupling 

gearing, engagement; engaging, 

gear, mesh, engagement 

' -II - - 


to organize 

to be or become fanatic, bigoted, 

to side with, take sides with, J '-^si, : Z> 3 
be partial to 

fanaticism, bigotry, intolerance, narrow- 
mindedness, zealotry; partiality 

innervation, supplying [^J* ] (_jlai.t \s} : ■ .. -ly 
with nerves 

organization ;' ;,!•■ 

to perfume oneself; to be perfumed L!ii -j VnV 

to thirst for, long for, yearn for, pine for, Jj jJzm 
hanker after, die to, crave, desire, miss, aspire to 

thirst, longing, yearning, pining, hanker- ( Jj ) J%'j 
ing, desire, eagerness, aspiration 

to deign, condescend, J.~i: ( 'J jLj 4 Liilj : r AU^y 
vouchsafe, be so kind (to do), be gracious enough 
(to give or grant) 


to put on a coat 

to be or become unemployed, 
jobless, without work or employment; to be or 
become idle, inactive; to be or become disabled, 
incapacitated, maimed, crippled 

to break (down), go out of order, fail, *})l\ cJlLJ 
become inoperative, stop operating or working 
to be suspended; to be disrupted, inter- JL* : [jLil 

* ■ 1 •! 




Jju :J1ju 

dependent on, be depending on, be contingent on, 
be conditional on 

to relate to, be related to, j S^\ ' u**" '■ -i 3**^ 

have to do with, concern, regard, be connected 

with, pertain to, belong to, appertain to 

concerning, with regard to, regarding, -> J^j L-i 

as regard, with respect to, in respect of, respecting, 

with reference to, in relation to, in connection 

with, in terms of, as to, as for, re, about, for that 


hanging (down), dangling, dangle, 


clinging to, cleaving to, ci—j i ii~- » : -; ij^j 

adherence to, sticking to; grasping at, holding, 
holding on to, hanging on to, clutching, gripping 

attachment, affection, love, fondness^.-*- :[->) J^*j 

connection, relation(ship), J»o t *»%■ '■$*> 

bearing, relevance, pertinence; business, concern 

to offer (advance, use) as an g^l ' £.->-^ : i <-^""' 

excuse or justification; to use as an expedient or 


to occupy oneself with, busy oneself JiLiJ :-> Jl*^ 

with, distract oneself with 

* S> " " 

offering of an excuse or justi-^L»^»-| <. pjiS 
fication; use of an expedient or makeshift 

to learn, study; to be educated 

learning, studying); education 

canning, tinning; packing, packag- i_ix- j 
ing; boxing; casing, encasement 

raising, lifting (up), hoist(ing), J^s. 

upliftGng), elevation, exaltation, sublimation, 
boosting, hiking 

hanging (down), suspending, suspension, XJSi : ^Am 
dangling, dangle, slinging 

attachment, attaching, fasten- p .;" i J>>j '-S~^ 
ing, tying, affixation, fixing, fixation 

suspension, 4-j J^oiL. j^s. ULu fc,^JI Sy :,j^«J 
suspending, stay, leaving undecided or unsettled, 
keeping or holding in abeyance, keeping pending, 
holding back, deferring of action 

suspension, suspend- ljUj It <_*» j t J- J m. 1 ! : &^*J 
ing, temporary cancellation or stoppage, tempora- 
ry inactivity, abeyance 
adjournment (jJJ <-M-l) J^J 



i\ p-lj- 



I j - 4jQ Jio 

complicatedn.jss, complication, complexity, intri- Si 
cacy, knottiness, entanglement, tangle(dness), snarl 

to listen to reason; to sober up; to be or become Jjuii 

prudent, wise, judicious, discerning, sapient, sage, 

sensible, rational, reasonable, discrete, cautious, 


prudence, wisdom, judiciousness, discernment, Jiu 

sapience, sageness, rationalness, rationality, discre- 
tion, cautiousness, carefulness 

commentary, comment, remark; J^" • '-■■ . ' . ■ ^"'' ' 

review, critique 

.-' • - •: -'>' ' 

gonorrhea (i>'^) o>~« : 

complication, entanglement; complexity, com- 
plicatedness, intricacy, tangle(dness); sophistica- 
tion, sophisticatedness 

sterilization, disinfection, antisepsis; pasteuriza- guu 

to lean on (a staff, etc.) J* >£* 

muddying, muddling, roiling, making turbid; j&jZ 
disturbance, disturbing, troubling, derangement 

O* J^ ff'j - ^ £V : o* J~ 

justification, excuse; pretext, i*j j i t *»- t 

pretense; expedient, makeshift 

to hang (down), dangle, suspend, be J SI : JU>' 


to cling to, cleave to, adhere dLLH 1 o . ^ : -> J^L«J 

to, stick to, keep to; to grasp at, hold, hold on to, 

hold fast to, hang on to, clutch, grip 

to be (passionately) attached *-»-! :o jl U>i J^Lo 

to, be (deeply) attracted to, be (very) fond of, dote 

on; to love, be in love with 

to depend on, hinge on, be i_ju^ : J* J^Ijo 




to penetrate deeply into, delve into, go ( j) j£ 

deeply into; to study thoroughly 

deep penetration into, delving into, going ( j) j, '„~ 
deeply into; thorough study 

to be generalized; to be popularized, univer- lit : l^i; 
salized, made accessible to all; to be circularized, 
publicized, circulated, spread 

to put on or wear a turban ilC*JI ^«J :llJj 

blinding; mystification, obscuration; J^ /'V - : c*»ju 
obscurity, ambiguity; camouflage, disguise 

baptism; baptizing, christening, immer- ( J^JI 

confirmation, settlement »L 

longevity, long life 

building, construction, erection ,Lj •j.,1t 

deepening, making deep or deeper j£c jjual : Jd-" 

(J) jll; ^■\ J -(j) j 

generalization u n n-^T jj> i J^j»l : 

popularization, universalization; ru/y i jlj : *Jo 
making accessible to all, opening to the public at 
large; circularization, publicizing, circulation, 

circular, circulated note ,,.-- 6L> i 

J " 

■ ^ > » .- 

to toil, labor, sweat, work hard 

; j j « .MM 

to be or become obstinate, stubborn, 
opinionated, inflexible 

to vex, annoy, molest, harass, jJUmiil 
distress, trouble, oppress 

to confuse, puzzle, embarrass 'J^. 

obstinacy, stubbornness, obdura- ._ 1' n" i jLc : 
cy, opinionatedness, inflexibility, adamancy, rigor- 
ism, rigidity 

to be or become arrogant, <-»»»j ' l^'^kiu : ' ~i:'.~ 
haughty, supercilious, insolent, overbearing, pre- 

to boast, brag, vaunt, swagger, show «"-J : u ^"--" 
off U " 

to be entitled, titled; to be addressed; to Jys. : uyjj 
be labeled 

scolding, upbraiding, chiding, jjj^; i f^'y : ' '" 
tongue-lashing, reproof, rebuke, reprimand, re 

■ - 

making \L 3j £. S ^*JI ^ : (V^,) Jc ^J 

conditional on, making contingent on, making 
dependent on 

annotation,*!^; :(iJ^ J^'i* j) yr'S^- 1 l^" 
glossing, commenting on; commentary, com- 

commentary, comment, remark; ...Vv : ,_£Jiiu 
review, critique 

caption <^»i^ jl 4i^ j jjj^ c^ ^ :,^JiiJ 

(marginal) annotation, (mar- ^_,' 4 ' t illU : ' 'i , 1 m 
ginal) note, (marginal) gloss, scholium, commenta- 
ry, comment(s) 

(coat) hanger (. ..I'Ml) l\ l'- 

justification, explanation jj_i; < jj^ : JJui' 

justificatory; explanatory, cSji^ 1 1SjiJ~> ■'^JLi* 

teaching, instruction, tuition, schooling, ^ j 

marking, designation, labeling 

r j 


teachings, tenets, i_J> jL. 1 15 jC t CC»j : JCj 

precepts, doctrine, dogma 

-* .- .- 

instructions, directions, ^Ijl ioI^-j-^; :ol<JL«J 

elementary education 

secondary education, high school 
education, college education 

higher or university education J-^l=>- jl JU J^; 
coeducation JaUiw Jll; 

instructional, educational, teaching; didactic r„.llv 
didactic poetry or verse C5*-^" j ** 1 

to intend, purpose, design, mean, do t£y t juoj 
on purpose, do intentionally 

to be baptized, christened, immersed (jJ^Jl) ', 




=+ ♦: 

making good, making up for 

compensatory, compensational, reparative ^ij* 1 ' 

reliance, dependence, trust, 

flotation, float(ing), launching, buoy- f> c j 
ing up, setting afloat, keeping afloat 



miserable, wretched, unhappy; distressed, y^' 

suffering, sad, poor, pitiful; unfortunate, unlucky; 

deplorable, woeful, lamentable 

to makeone's yillJI sjL-L.1 (\jj ,j«~ 'Jj^l : u~*" 

living, earn one's bread, eke out a living 

to see, view, eye, witness ii' j '■ c**> 

to be appointed, assigned, \]£ j* jl u.. yv » j) j^aj 
nominated, designated, named 
to be specified, determined, fixed, jjl>- t j-ia*. i^-jj 
pinpointed, individualized, particularized, item- 
ized, designated, identified, marked (out), indicat- 
ed, pointed out, set, assigned, appointed 

- t< - * ' - s < 
to be earmarked, singled out, *ji I i yo-^ '• o^j 

designated, destined, assigned, set aside or apart 
to be allotted, apportioned, allocated, y*» : ^^j 

to be incumbent ^> * <y^}. ' <-r-»"J : V* CrA> 
upon, be someone's duty 

he has to, he should, he must, he u> <^± Cx" 
ought to, he is duty bound to, it is his duty to 
faultfinding, criticism, censure, blame 

gibe, scoffing, taunting; reproach, re- j~c j j-o* : j^ 
buke, upbraiding; humiliating, degrading; shaming 
specification, determination, fixing, fixa- jjusJ : j-**}' 
tion, pinpointing, individualization, particular- 
ization, itemization, designation, identification, 
marking (out), indication, pointing out, setting, 
laying down, assignment, appointment 
appointment, assignment,(j^j-« jl u.. yi: « j) (j^ 
nomination, designation 

earmarking, singling out, jI>J <■ w:.^-*'' '■ Crr^ 
designation, destination, assignment, setting aside 
or apart 

allotment, apportionment, alloca- 
tion, assignment 

proach, reprehension, censure 
to take care of, care for, look after, look to, yC j : j^i 
attend to, see to, tend, nurse, watch over, keep, 
devote one's attention to; to maintain, keep up, 
service; to cultivate, develop, improve, promote, 
further, foster, nurture; to sponsor, patronize 

to undertake, take upon oneself, f p\ : (-;) M^ 
assume, bind oneself, commit oneself, engage one- 
self, obligate oneself, pledge, vow, promise; to be 
or become bound (by), committed (by) 
care, charge, protection, custody, keeping, Clij : 4" 
guardianship; maintenance, upkeep, servicing 
commitment, engagement, obligation, f I _)d I : M" 
pledge, undertaking, vow, promise 
contracting, contracting work(s) o^ljliL. : olo#»J' 


(5acj : i3-4«J' 

to get used to, be accustomed to, take to, habitu- jj* 
ate oneself to, make a habit of; to develop (acquire, 
contract) a habit 

habituation, contraction of a habit; getting used iyZ 
to, being accustomed to, taking to 

to take or receive as compensation or substi- Joyi 
tute; to be compensated, indemnified, recompensed 
to retard, slow, delay; to be delayed, retarded, 'HyS 
held up, hindered, hampered, impeded, obstruct- 
ed, blocked encumbered, detained 
retardation, delay <i>*J' 

habituation, accustoming, inurement j^c j j-a* : jjyii 

exorcism; >r>i '(Jj^i \jij~^ x} 3J **" '^■^* > 

charm, spell, incantation, amulet, talis- l^ : oltyu 

man, periapt, fetish, hex, voodoo 

exorcistic(al); incantational, incantatory ^hi^ 

compensation, indemnity, dam- (oUjj>«j £■) Jajyii 
ages, reparation, redress, satisfaction, recompense, 
amends, solatium, setoff 

compensating, compensation, Jo'yc jj~a* : <jvy^ 
indemnifying, indemnification, recompensing, 
repairing, reparation, redress(ing), remedying, 





alimented; to feed on, live on; to eat; to be fed 
(with), charged (with), provided (with), supplied 

nutritional lSjJju 

nutrition, feeding, nourishment, ( u^aii) X> jjii 

nourishing, alimentation 

feed(ing), charging; providing (~M j'ji ( ill) ZjXi 
with, supplying with 

dietetics, sitology 

'JJ 1 

*v>- >*_ I 4j» 

to be glued, fixed with glue, conglutinated, tSj£ 

agglutinated; to conglutinate, agglutinate 

to sing, warble 

3uu 1 I j-flj • l_*J I jJU 

to take sides with, side with, be partial '£*! : J JoJ* 
to, be biased for, have a bias for 

bias, prejudice, partiality, one-sidedness ^m -ij°j*j 

to gargle 'j^ji.:'jt'j^ 

to be bathed in tears «_.jJL ,jJJJI o^^C 

gargling °AA '■j^j*' 

to be fined, mulcted, amerced olyL. r ^l t (.yi : »jju 

banishment, exile, expatriation, 

estrangement, alienation j^LJ i^^JJ 

gluing, conglutination, agglutination^^ jluxl :£>jju 

singing, song, warbling, warble jj£ 4 *Li : ju^JLi' 

deceiving (with vain hopes), * l_ji I 4 J.l.y : j ^j ^ju 
deception, deceit, delusion, beguilement, mislead- 
ing, misguidance, leading astray; luring, allure- 
ment, enticement, inveiglement, temptation, se- 
duction, seducement; dazzling, blinding 

endangering, endanger- ^^kiil ^y^ : -> jj>j 
ment, imperiling, impediment, jeopardizing^ expo- 
sure to danger 

fining, amercement 

Jjli f^r'j - J jli :_j Jj|ju 

- .V" ■■' 



to ignore, disregard, overlook, be unmindful^ J, U; 

to wrong one another; to cheat one another 



to court or woo one another; to flirt with one J jli; 

overlooking, disregard(ing), (^H^Ldl) ^U; 
condonation, connivance, winking at, blinking" at, 
shutting one's eyes to; excuse, forgiveness, 

to overlook, disregard, condone, connive ^ ^UJ' 
at, wink at, blink at, bypass, pass over, let pass, 
shut one's eyes to; to excuse, forgive, pardon 
to close one's eyes / " c 


J** 1 p-'j -0 s - 3*^' 

to feign inattention or inadver- iiillL) ^iLk; :'ji[£ 
tence, feign negligence or carelessness, pretend to 
be inattentive or inadvertent, pretend to be negli- 
gent or careless 




to wrestle (with one another); to strug- p- jCaJ : LiUj' 
gle, fight 

to wink at one another >^J 

to sway, swing, walk with a swinging gait,jj£j : luliJ' 

to differ, vary; to be different, dissimilar.Liili- 1 : Ji \i^ 
disparate, heterogeneous 

difference, dissimilarity, disparity, dis- (J^ii-I :^>\£ 
crepancy, heterogeneity, contrast, unlikeness, vari- 
ance, variation, inconsistency, incongruity, contra- 

calculus of variations 


-I'll J *'~ 

v^ cr lj 

to lunch, have lunch 


j»Lij JjLj :tjjju 


*-2 *-- 

to be nourished, fed, nurtured, li-Lil : (_>) i5Juu 



• -'»•: • •" • ". A ^feg 


immersion, dipping, plunging, ^-kt j-x*»« i ^ . m h« i 

to surmount, overcome, master, ^i i J! i : Jt u-Lu 
get over, get past, (be able to) cope with; to tri- 
umph over, vanquish, get the better of, over- 
power, overmaster, overwhelm, outdo, defeat, 

surmounting, overcoming, mastering, ( Jt) i_Jii' 
getting over, getting past, coping with, triumphing 
over, defeating; mastery, superiority, ascendancy, 
upper hand 

to permeate, pervade, interpene- J»- j c JuJ : j J*L«J' 
trate, infiltrate, penetrate (into), enter (into), spread 

permeation, permeance, perva- jLo < jL> :( j) Jilii' 
sion, (inter)penetration, infiltration, spreading 

to be enveloped, covered, wrapped (up), l Jaiu : i_al*T 
enfolded, enwrapped, lapped, swathed; to be 
coated; to be cased, encased; to be packaged 
to be bound (a book) <_>L£)I i-jl^ 

to penetrate (into), enter (into); to J»- j : j JUi' 

permeate, interpenetrate 

thickening, coarsening Jili- j-uo* : j nX » " 

enveloping, covering, wrapping, oil <. <J»iJ : ' -' ':)*" 
enfolding, enwrapping, lapping, swathing; casing, 
encasing, encasement; packaging 

binding °- L r'^" ^'^f-" 


to cover, shelter, protect; to cover up 

or conceal someone's offenses (faults, sins, etc.) 

to encompass or cover someone a!»»- ji 4)1 »juj«j 
with His Grace (said of God); to have me'rcy upon, 
be merciful toward 
to mumble, mutter, murmur 

to sing, chant, vocalize 

to sing the praises of, praise, laud, 

extol, eulogize 

to coquet, flirt, play the coquette 

to play the dandy, act like a fop 

I jit. i jlU I : (jJu 

to celebrate in love poems, ( » I JL jt- U I ) Jy£ 
rhapsodize about 

to sing the praises of, extol, laud, i5j*>' '■ -> uj*> 
praise, eulogize 

to be or become hazy, misty, cloudy ,J^\ jL> : ^jZm 
foggy, dim(med), obscure(d), blurry, blurred, 
fuzzy, filmy 

to be or become covered, enveloped, i Jom : ^io 
wrapped; to cover oneself (with), wrap oneself (in) 

to be or become overlaid, coated, plated ,A1> : ^^iAJ 

hazing, misting, fogging, jL-cl t^li\ J*j- 

clouding, obscuring, obscuration, blurring, fuzzing, 


covering, coverage "S4** 

overlaying, coating, plating ^i> : < 

to wrinkle, pucker, crease, corrugate, j*m 
crinkle, crumple, rumple, cockle; to be or become 
wrinkled, wrinkly, puckered, creased, corrugated, 
crinkled, crumpled, rumpled, cockled 
wrinkle, wrinkling, puckeKing), crease, -u 
creasing, corrugation, crinkle, crinkling, crumple, 
crumpling, rumple, rumpling, cockle, cockling 

wrinkling, puckering, creasing, corru- ju«j 
gation, crinkling, crumpling, rumpling, cockling 

to be or become covered, wrapped, enve- (->) iJ i>jj 
loped, mantled, concealed, veiled; to cover oneself 
(with), wrap oneself (in) 

to be or become haughty, arrogant, JS3 : yjiiJ' 
supercilious, insolent, overbearing, presumptuous 

to strut, swagger, prance, j^*~J '■ 5~r~? J ir^* 
mince , f . 

covering, coverage, wrapping, *L»-I i ^i~ :* ,,"" ' 
enveloping, envelopment, capping, casing, man- 
tling, concealment 

t ., s •, j, •- -z >_, '- • *. i- , ■; 

coverage, covering ^JJ ^wl j .^^ 

back- ilJIil ol iljua'ill jl iU*JI -LLS liJL SJw 
ing; coverage, covering 



cider, apple juice 


»- Laj" 


>'.,,-' ,- -- 

to vie in boasting with cr o«j Jt ^Jmj _pj : ^i-Uj 

one another, vie in glory with one another 

pride, boast(ing), boastfulness, brag(ging), vain- ji-\£ 
glory; ostentation, show-off, pomposity 

avoidance, averting, obviation, preven- (lijUJl) jUj' 
tion, warding off", fending off, parry(ing), keeping 
away from; getting away from, running away 
from, fleeing (from), (trying to) escape from; eva- 
sion, sidestepping, getting around; guarding against, 
taking precautions against 

to avoid, avert, obviate, prevent, ward off, fend li'jliJ' 
off, parry, stave off, keep away from; to get away 
from, run away from, flee (from), (try to) escape 
from; to evade, dodge, sidestep, get around; to 
guard against, beware of, take precautions against 

3ej*> £r'j - t3tj^> 

to agree to revoke (repeal, (jJJ loii i>Lai^\) iuuUj' 
annul, cancel, abrogate, etc.) 

to affect eloquence; to orate ii-Cai)l iJiSj : twjUj - 

to contend for precedence or superiority; to jJloU; 

claim to be superior to 

rivalry for precedence or superi- J^dJ jjLa* : jloUj 


differential; differentiation [oLilj] J^>U; 

differential calculus J^jUjJI i_.ll*>. 

calculus J^l5_Jlj Jj>ll_"l L>L*. 


differential gear, differential 

differential equation 
to react; to interact, interplay 
reaction; interaction, interplay 
chain reaction 

4_U»l_ italic 


reactive, reactional; interactive, interactional r_l*U; 

't *% ,-~ 

- ■ 


pampering, spoiling, coddling, mollycod-JJJ; • - ■ -" 
dling, babying, cockering, indulgence; caressing, 
fondling, petting 

(J) j^ fr'j - u°\*- l O*- J : (J) jyu 
j\z *»-ij — > <n.-*.il 

to excrete, defecate, egest, evacuate the 
bowels, relieve nature 

excretion, defecation, egestion, evacua- 
tion of the bowels, stool 

- i . * * - - *- - 

f > >~ * 

to change, alter, vary, convert, Syv <■ JjIj : JJu 
transform, transmute, shift, become different! 
undergo change; to be changed, altered, modified, 
varied, converted, transformed 

change, alteration, variation, modi- J^ij t JjlJ :Jj£ 
fication, conversion, turn, shift, transformation! 

to decrease, diminish, recede ^__»;l <. ^Jj 'u'n-" 

'■'"'- .V'- 
*"•• 1.'''- 



i e-'j- 

change, changing, alteration, Jjjki i JjoIj ' j_-'n~ 
modification, variation, conversion, transforma- 
tion, transmutation; shift(ing), switch(ing) 
to spit J^_J:L_ 

dirt under the (finger)nails ^iljl 1_j : __• 

fie on you! phew! _J fc 

to be or become optimistic; to see a good omen [JzLtf 
(in), regard as a good omen 


optimistic, optimistical 

to assume the air of a young man; to 
behave like a young man 

^LaJ :,jj"Uj' 


to whisper together; to (\ < ^> ,.^501 i)la£}\) '*£[£ 
exchange secrets, talk confidentially 

apple(s) (oLi)ii-U; i^llr 

mayapple, Indian apple (—-Li) ^-UJ 

[t ,- ', *•» 


' ■ ' ' 




¥X«f«ei»!!i»J<R*i^«a^^^»3!«^KI^^^«I^« 3 ««1t!^ 

ment(ate), fall (in)to small pieces or fragments 
crumbling, crumble, disintegration; detrition 

crumbly, friable, fragile, easily crum- c, M i vl l J4-. 

bled _. a „ 

to open, open up, unfold; to be or become*iiiJ| : plUi 


to bloom, blossom (out), flower, efflo- yt J I : jCiJ 

resce, be in (full) bloom, be fullblown 

florescence, efflorescence, bloom(ing), jU jl : ^Xij' 

blossom(ing), flowering, flowerage 

to be or become unsewn, unstitched, ijy^\ '■ <S*£ 
ripped (open), torn, rent, slit 
to produce, bring about; to contrive, ^ J^iJ 

devise, originate, create, innovate 

mitosis [ *L»-i] (j? L^i fLul : Jj^j' 

mitotic I'W* - ' J <^~^' 

crumbling, frittering, fragmentation, fragmen- c .. v V i V 


lithotripsy, lithotrity [s-^»J «L»il c .:«i 

crumbly, friable, fragile, easily e..,Ji:ll Ji~ 


search(ing), inspection, e.. ; «. ' i 4 l!j»j :((>*•) lt~^' 

examination; investigation; looking for, search(ing) 

for, seeking, hunt; drilling, prospection 

(t-y^- £%■ <j£- l^«w *jQ u-^i jje^i^l cr^ 


Inquisition ^ . T i tI I (i^Lk. jl) O^f 

to be painfully afflicted, distressed, agonized, »kij 
anguished, tormented; to agonize, anguish; to suf- 
fer, feel pain; to lament, wail, cry 
affliction, distress, suffering, pain, agony, an- ^iu 
guish, torment; lamentation, lament(ing), wail(ing5, 
crying out in grief 

exploding, explosion, ( jJJ u\£l\ 1 s,»iJI « iLjill) jy»iJ' 
detonation; blowup, blowing up, blastfing), burst- 
ing; dynamiting 
to examine, scrutinize, inspect, sur- jc yasui <■ ^a^ 

feet (of a verse meter) 
to kiss each other 

to be or become aggravated, exa- Jki^-I 1 a^.1 : JlliJ' 
cerbated, grave, serious, critical, drastic, severe, 
intense, extreme, excessive; to worsen, become 
worse; to reach alarming proportions, spread 
dangerously; to build up, intensify, grow, increase 

aggravation, exacerbation, JU«ii».l 1 jljuij :JiUi' 
worsening, (increase in) gravity or seriousness or 
severity; buildup, intensification, increase 

to joke together, jest together, have fun 7- jQ : o lii' 
together, make fun 

spit, spittle, saliva jLu : JUi' 

(wholehearted) devotion, (total, entire, (^iUJl) uliJ' 
complete, full) dedication, self-denial 
to dedicate oneself heart and soul (entirely, (j) J>\£ 
completely) to, devote oneself wholeheartedly to, 
lose oneself in, sacrifice oneself for 
insipidity, tastelessness, vapidity, flatness; trite- l*\ju 
ness, banality; silliness, stupidity, absurdity; trivi- 
ality, insignificance, paltriness, worthlessness, 

to understand one another >>-*' l ^- a ' - . ' (•*» : (J»wj 

to reach (come to, bring about) an l yZ\ :{^c) ^IJu 
understanding or agreement, conclude or strike an 
agreement, come to terms, agree; to arrange, settle 

(mutual) understanding, agreement, accord, ^Ui' 
arrangement, settlement; entente 
misunderstanding ^LjJI ty. 

to differ, vary; to be different, ^Cj <. <_Allj-l : OjliJ' 
disparate, dissimilar, varying 

difference, disparity, dissimilar- (jjLj n_i}Lj^ :OjUj 

ity, unlikeness, discrepancy, contrast, divergence, 

variance, variation, unevenness, disproportion-, 


differential, different, differing 

to negotiate, parley, confer 
negotiation, parley 

taffeta £U g^ : ^ 

to crumble, disintegrate, fragmentize, frag- 



to ramify, branch (out), bifurcate, radiate.LJLiJ : ? "jilt 
fork, divaricate; to divide, subdivide; to be or be- 
come branched, branching, ramified, bifurcate(d), 
divaricated, forked, furcate, divided, subdivided 

ramification, branching, bifurcation, L i n ,', " : f jilt 
fork(ing), divarication; division, subdivision 

to be or become arrogant, haughty, (j^-^Jl) jj*>»j' 

to thrive, flourish, grow luxuriantly (ollJl) '^'jilt 

to devote oneself J SU- t J j^kji < <Jj u>'J~c»\ : J fju 
to, dedicate oneself to, apply oneself to, turn to, 
attend to, give one's entire attention to, engage 
wholly in, occupy oneself exclusively with, give all 
one's time to, work full time on 

to be unoccupied, unen- JUJI \ja lllU- olS" : i-jilt 
gaged, free from work, at leisure, idle 
to transfer (the ifji- <. <£SHa [}fi> : qc i-jij 

ownership of something to someone), convey, 
alienate, make over, pass (on), dispose of, cede, 
deliver, assign, deed (over) 

*■ & - ' *■ • **i" 

devotion to, devoting J j^»J < <JJ ijl j^ail :J?jitt 
oneself to, dedication to, dedicating oneself to; 
occupancy with, engagement in, pursuit of 

transfer (of <S^ J*y*> < iisCJLil jii :^c i?j£ 
ownership), conveyance,' alienation, making over, 
disposal of, cession, delivery, assignment 
to separate, part, divide, scatter, disperse, break '3 jilt 
up, go in different directions; to be separated, 
disunited, divided, scattered, dispersed 

separation, disunion, disunity, division; disper- a jilt 
sal, dispersion, scattering 

Je>j £r'j -tijitt 

racial discrimination, racial segrega- "^j n't is jilt 
tion, apartheid 

Ck> iiji £r'j ~ Cut *»>i^l ti*J 

to crack, snap, pop, explode f^'jH' 

to be rubbed, scrubbed djilt 

to adopt or acquire European manners or cus- pj'jilt 
toms, become Europeanized, imitate the Europe- 
ans, assimilate oneself to the Europeans 

dispelling, driving away (of (aIJ Jjill /\ Jjil) njjit 
worries, grief, etc.) 

relief, relieving, giving a sense ofii-ljl : (^) -,^ 
ease to; easement, easing; soothing 

:# #: 



vey, explore; to search into, inquire into; to search 
for, inquire about 

scrutiny, close examination, inspection, ^japtili 

survey(ing), exploration; search(ing), inquiry 

to carbonize, char 
carbonization, charring 


carbonization, charring^so JJ Jj>» < <Jji '-*mj 
to be or become proud, haughty '^Ss ijitilt 

glorification, exaltation, aggran- J-aJj i Auu : £*it> 
dizement, magnification; honor, esteem 
emphatic pronunciation; U;ll l j , t^J I .^ 
emphasis, accent(uation), stress; intensification 
gran- J^^iuUJIcjjILjII jl fblSOlf-LixUl '.(Suit 
diloquence, pomposity, euphuism, floweriness 

interstice; opening, aperture, gap, breach, hole H>rjilt 

to do alone, do by oneself, > j ->JLc : _^ al J^iJ' 
perform singlehandedly 

to possess alone, appropriate, take j y ull : _j j^AJ 
exclusive possession of 

to be unique, single, jjkJI • j~- ' - I jj ji o^ : V^AJ 
singular, individual, matchless, peerless, unrivaled, 

to isolate oneself, seclude oneself; to be 'Sy6\ : '/J£ 
cr become isolated, secluded, solitary 

unique- Ji kJ\ ^Lil. I jb> ^ailjl /\ i.'Jli\ o£ : j^i; 
ness, singularity 

isolation, seclusion, solitude, ijj^. < J I j^il : j^l; 

appropriation, exclusive possession j l*?r*.. l : _, j^I; 

to gaze at, stare at, look 3-« « ' cJj ii ^- : J o*jil> 

fixedly at, eye, scrutinize 

to be or become notched, (in)dented, J£ : Jojii 
incised, crenate(d), jagged, toothed; to be or be- 
come grooved, furrowed 
indentation, crenation ij^jUt 

to flatten, become fiat, become oblate; to r^'jH> 

broaden, become broad 




degeneracy, decadence, decay, rot, putrefaction, 

to phosphoresce 

explanation, exposition, expound- rUijj 4 -r^. : jj—aJ' 
ing, explication, elucidation, illustration, making 
clear, clarification 

explanatory, explanative, explicatory, S*-*r^ 

explicative, expository, expositive, illustrative; 
interpretative, interpretive, constructive 
outbreak, raging, spread(ing) ( ^i^ I ) J-£ 

to rage, break out, spread, spread about, spread J& 
unchecked, spread uncontrollably, prevail danger- 
ously; to be or become pandemic, epidemic; to be 
or become prevalent, prevailing, rife, rampant, 
widespread, massive 

interpretation, construction 






to drip, dribble, exude, ooze, ^.j i tSj*- ' JL- : -wmJ" 


detailing, particularization, J^j J-i> t vU-J : J*-* 41 

elaboration; dividing into sections, itemization; 

elaborateness; detail, attention to particular items, 

extended treatment, detailed statement, detailed 

description, minute exposition 

cutting out V^ 1 J~°^ 

detail(s), particulars), nicety, o^L^il 4 Jr^ 

niceties, minutia(e) 

in detail, minutely, elaborately, %«*£ <■ J, ' .y" : ^ 


cut, style, form v^ 1 J^^ ^J* : 4i ' ' . ' . - ; rt l " 

to devote oneself to, dedicate oneself '^ju : J <J Jaij 
to; to have (free) time to ^ s 

to be silvered, silver-plated, plated <>^» : yi-a^ 
(coated, covered) with silver 


i»-^ij ylj-f£j*J 

incubation, hatching (jJJ (>>~r") ji^ 

germination, sprouting (oLJI) gjij 

incubator ts-^ '■^ vr l t^ J " 

negligence, remiss- Mr*" <Jl«*! 'Ji?"-* ■' s?' , "i^ 
ness, neglect; losing, loss, forfeiture; missing, 
throwing away; wasting, waste, squandering; 
waiver, abandonment, renunciation 
abuse, misuse J| C *^J o grl—, 1 : J JajjJu 

i»lyl ylj-Jslyl '.JajjJu 

branching, ramification, bifurcation, £yi j-ua. : g^ii' 

dividing (up), subdividing, sectioning 

emptying, voiding, vacating, evacuation, *%-\ '■ £>£ 


drainage, draining, i i. i y t i-«j j-ai! i ^jj : £^ 

drawing off, emptying, drying 

unloading, discharge, jJJ iJ>J-l jl a : ..j, „H j^^iJ 
unlading; stevedoring; taking off, taking down; 
landing, putting ashore, disembarkation, debarka- 




deflation jUJl jl sl^il ^ ( jJj vXj j ) £>^ 

discharge rod 

vacuum gauge 
separation, parting, division 
dispersion, disperal, scattering 



distribution, dealing (out), allotment, ^ jy : Jj>^ 
apportionment, portioning out, giving out 

differentiation, distinction, discrimina- y^ '-^y^ 


separate parts, single portions Jij^ 

in parts, in portions; by retail Jy jUJIj i jj^iJlj 

jj^\ y'j-jj^' 

to disintegrate, decompose, decay, rot, putrefy, £_ij 

molder away, crumble, fall to pieces, degenerate, 


disintegration, decomposition, degeneration, £_ij 

OL4J f i\ 





(j) >J fr'j-fj) J^ 

to be or become disassembled, dismounted, dlilij' 
dismantled, taken apart, taken to pieces, dismem- 
bered; to be or become disjoined, disconnected, 
disunited, dissociated; to be or become dislocated, 
disjointed, unjointed; to come apart, fall apart, 
break up, disassemble, disarticulate, disjoint 

i " 

disassembly; disjunction, disconnection; dis- dlixij 
union, dissociation, breakup; rupture, split; disinte- 
gration, decomposition; incoherence 
dissociation [^r A 'J f 1 ., .< J ,'I<V 

to amuse oneself with, be amused by, have _> <&J£ 
fun with; to enjoy 

amusement, enjoyment, delight 

thinking; cerebration; consideration, contem- j&ju 
plation, reflection, meditation, cogitation, ponder- 
ing, muse, musing, speculation; thought; intellec- 
tion, reasoning 

disassembly, dismount(ing), dismantlement, dL£iT 
taking apart, taking to pieces; disjunction, discon- 
nection, dissociation, disentanglement; dislocation 
dissociation [,..;•. j f 1 . , < 1 ,'\ <i~. 

to spit jlaJ : [£; 

malodorous, foul-smelling, stinking.ikll^JI Ajji : Ji; 

fetid, rank 

, > •> 
spit, spittle, saliva jjLa, : J»; 

, ' , • -■ *> 
dregs, lees, sediment, settlings; <>jl£t i JiS : Jij 


to delouse one's head, remove or pick lice from ,JUj 

one's head 

to split (apart), cleave; to be or become split, cleft idij' 

split(ting), cleavage 

to philosophize 

to flatten, broaden, become flat or broad iiiiij 

9->iJl 4 «JLijl wrlj - vuj 4 jJUj 

• - - — • &-* „ 3'- 

(3>ij J i i_jiijj vr lj - Jjlij i Jjlij' 

rail (^jih 

delousing, lousing, picking or remov- ( jliJI ^.) ilili" 

to deign, condescend, JjLj i ■ »!? -" t < ^ n l: : J ^: 
vouchsafe, be so kind (to do), be gracious enough 
(to give or grant) 

to oblige, favor, do a favor for, Jj t j_a- 1 : ^ J>»' 
do good to, confer a benefit upon 

here you are! here! please! take! help j± : J>»' 

come in, please! J^. jl : J,;.;: 

after you! please! ( Jui ^. : j%;: 

please! if you please! ^yr'j\ '' S^'"" 

condescension, condescendence, JjLj i • M" • J Wk~ 
deigning; courteousness, civility 

silvering, silver-plating \ja~t* jjLoa : u '~- ~»~ 

preference (to), preferring (to), favoring, J _ys. 

choosing to, opting for 

elative, comparative and J y~~ Jii I t J~Jxu 2, 1 
superlative adjective 

comparative (degree) J..;.; -I I al r 

,• > • s ■ - 

superlative (degree) l.l.ll J..^;rl l 

preferential, special, privileged, favored 

j nail a>-Ij— jjaij 

' ' ' -'' - - •» ,' -*-- 

Jiai t tjJa* <(>la» jj>-Ij - djjl i ^i \ J jii; 

activation k. • :: : J ,^7 

foot (of a verse meter), measure [ jo j ^t ] ^ n a " 

to express one's disgust by saying (oJ) u; Jli : uuj 
"fie!" or "phew!" 

to visit, call on; to inspect, u rj-" I 1 ^^ 1 j\j : juuJ 

to seek, look for, search for .-. 

i i )\j 


visit, visitation, inspection, 

to study jurisprudence; to l+Jii jL» t iiill ij :iii; 
become a jurist, jurisprudent, legist, (legal) scholar 

hatching, incubation ( u n*'ll ) j-^^t 

incubator ( Ja^A\) . -■"•'" ill 


a >Uj 



:# *= 

superiority complex 

to utter, pronounce, say -j J^ • -j °^ 

utterance, pronunciation, saying (-;) »j*> 

authorization, empowerment, accreditation, Jaiy* 
delegation (of authority), delegacy, deputation, 
deputization, investiture or investment (with 
authority); entrustment, commitment, consign- 
ment; commission(ing), charging; mandate, war- 
rant, writ, authorization, authority, power, proxy, 
power of attorney, procuration 

general power of attorney, unlimited JJJx. Jaiyu 
authority, full power, carte blanche 

*i'i '" i r*'~ 
to shade oneself with or under, seek j Jii^-i '• Uaj 

shade under, sit in the shadow of, be shaded by 

to face each other, be opposite (to) each '^\y -J-i^ 


to face each other, meet face to face; ^r \ : J» & 

to meet, get together 

opposition, oppositeness *r \y ' *♦»■ \y '■ J-i ^ 

meeting, get-together; meeting face to f\^r\ :Jj^ 

face, facing one another 

opposition [^k-H'UiJI J.U: 

to fight (one another), combat, battle, vj^*" : J^ 
make war , _ 

fight(ing), combat, battle J^ ^ - 

prescription [6^^ J u*^ 1 JJ^ : f J ^ 

prescriptive [ u^ l» J y* *& 

to pelt one another (with), throw (hurl, (-?) <-» i&' 

fling) at one another; to throw to each other, 

throw back and forth 

to be tossed ^}y^ *> oiiU; 'jr'v »' *iilH 

about by the waves 

to approach or approximate one another, come uylE 

(get, be) near or close to each other, converge 

(mutual) approach, (mutual) approximation, u>jl£>' 
convergence, convergency; rapprochment; affinity 

to exchange, interchange J^P : i>>juj' 

al of lice from, ridding of lice 
scrutiny, examination, inspection 

declaration of bankruptcy lt^*)" ^^S : u-t^ 

receiver (in bankruptcy) <_-iiJ j^U 

split(ting), cleavage, cleaving, crack- jJi j 

ing, fissuring, fission, rifting, rending, rent, ripping, 

bursting, breaking 

to anastomose; to inosculate p*£ 

anastomosis, inosculation <**> 

to be or become varied, variegated, £>Z '■ j^> 

diverse, multifarious 

to diversify, give variety to; to master, be a j t >iJ 

specialist (expert, master) in 

diversity, variety, multifariousness; versatility, j^> 

many-sidedness; mastery 

disproof, refutation, confutation Ja»- j : -i^iJ" 

to be insignificant, trivial, little, paltry, l.u»j J£ '■& 

to be tasteless, insipid; to ln : ^.. j\ <+b % Ju '■ **> 
be vapid, uninteresting, fiat, jejune, banal, trite; to 
be silly, stupid, absurd 

insignificance, triviality, paltriness **> 

Ait «j«-Ij - *ii' 

to understand, sympathize with; to be under- fiH 
standing, sympathetic, considerate, open-minded, 

understanding, sympathy, considerate ness, con- <*$£ 
sideration, open-mindedness, broad-mindedness 
to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, outclass, Jc l>^ 
overtop, top, beat (out), outshine, eclipse, exceed, 
transcend, be or prove superior to; to prepon- 
derate, predominate 

to do excellent work (in), distinguish [ Jj uyu 
oneself (in), excel (in), be outstanding (in) 
superiority; excellence, transcendence, distinc- 3$u 
tion, preeminence, mastery, ascendancy, suprem- 
acy, primacy, preponderance, predominance 
with distinction, cum laude d>*^ 



(t>t) -uiJ jj>-Ij -(ije-) Aclil 


ilidl , iUj 

pensionary, retired J3oc lij' 

to tarry, linger; to lag behind, fall (^y) '^tij 

behind; to slacken; to neglect; to fail to 
lagging), falling behind; tarrying, linger- (^t) ^U; 
ing; tardiness, dilatoriness, slackening; negligence; 
failure (to) 

■>...lib iuf- 1 j — Jul \jj 

to gamble (with one another) 


firmness, solidity, strength, toughness; i; \£> : Jj li' 

perfection; accuracy, precision, exact- ^ISCi-l :i;li; 
ness, exactitude 

technology L*-^J^SC; :ijLiiJ' 

to barter, exchange, trade, swap, truck, J'jIj : 'jaj li' 
make an exchange (of) 

Amoj liL* jw*- I j — /Jit liij* 

to dome; to be or become domed, I A- jL> : ' '■'»" 
domical, cupolaed 

to contract, constrict, draw together, be \jaiJu : JaJZ 
or become contracted; to shrink 

to be constipated i\jiM\ 'jrna"i." i jJalJI JcLz 

to frown, scowl, glower, lower; to be- t^-j J**** 
come or look sullen, glum, morose, sulky, surly, 
gloomy, grim 

S. — , - 

to accept, take; to admit; to receive (jlL; i Jji : JlH' 

to hear, answer, grant, accept, *J ( I e t li j «iil t ^X, 
fulfill (someone's prayer, etc.; said of God) 

acceptance; taking; admittance, ad- ji; < JyJ : Jli' 
mission; reception, receipt, receiving; receptivity 

hearing, answering, granting, i^JL; liL^J :Jli: 
acceptance, fulfillment 

receptive *< ,. 

uglification, disfigurement, distortion ,-..**" • -. .^'v 

rebuke, reproach, jlC :?'..! t Aj t fyj'y : ~_-"~ 

reproof; censure, criticism; denunciation, condem- 

,., ,..ij;»,v. — -r- 


to fight, quarrel, come to blows, come LjCiJ : f jl£ 
to grips, strike one another 

to cast lots it.'jii\ J& : c- jll; 

to couple, pair, join, form a pair;JJl^; i t-j'^j' '-u'j&i 

to unite, associate; to be or become joined, united, 

connected, linked, associated 

coupling; (close) connection, J»U jl 4 jJ'^J : uj&' 

(close) union, (close) association, link(age), linkup, 


I J^-lj-(V-/Lib' 1/kxiULi 



- ^ ^ 

to shorten, dwindle, di- (^aLu ( J eLaJ t j^ : "^oUi" 
minish, decrease, shrink, contract 

litigation, prosecution; legal or s-l lb : (^LJl) ^iU; 

judicial proceedings 

to litigate, carry on a ^ik; ( IS" ^J 4 (^llb : ^U: 

lawsuit; to sue one another, bring one another 

before a judge or a court 

to get, receive, draw, collect, (_-lS" 1 3<4* : L _i»Ul 

cash; to earn, win, gain 

to charge, fix or ask as LlJ (LiJ» jl ) ^>y : ^liJ 

fee or payment 

^ . — 
polarity i_J»U; 

to flock, come lj i',:^l tolcllg- IjjU :(^l) jilii 
in successive groups; to crowd, throng 

to flow, stream JL :(J5LJl) jili; 

j\a» »-Ij-L»Jj li^i s^ 3L :(jiLJi) Jill; 

to intersect, cut, cut across, cross LJCaj : iitiy 

to break off relations, part 'J'~:: I ( j 'j£ \ ; 'A, \£ 
company, separate 

intersection, cross, crossing; decussa- t_JLaj :«JjLib 
tion; chiasma 

>' > ,'• > > — 
crossroads, crossways, intersec- J^Ja J^jjU : ttlil 

tion, crossing, junction 

*»J»» «»-lj-oU^UJI «Jai njl>»» :»i>UJ 

■ ■ ^ ,i ■ ]u»- 1 j — ■ ^» vij' jclilll Jj J^-l i^llJI 3>il :j*liJ 
pensioned off 

i>* ■*«*' ^'j-c^- 





.Wj. . *.-. ' W 

have) previously said or stated, as we have said 
earlier or before 

progress, progression, j~* t jyjai i <-^>j\ <■ <y j • f-w-> 
advancement), headway, breakthrough; develop- 
ment; rise; procession 

improvement 0—»« : f -^ 


antecedence; priority, precedence; lead, J-. : f-uu 


present, gift, donation, grant 
offertory, oblation, offering 


eSiu »jflj — fji j l.m '(C-'i 1 K»jii 

progressive, progressist, liberal i^f JulJ 

progressivism 'Sr?"^ 

estimation, estimate, iref~' t^^jj ' O: - , ' "*"' -Ji-^ 

assessment, appraisal, appraisement, evaluation, 
valuation, rating 

appreciation Uj-& J*- ^J *iy^0 ji^i 

appreciation; under- (jJJ pLbj'il i LJjjiJi) jj-uj 
standing, sympathy; taking into consideration or 

supposition, assumption, oL—»- ' u^'j-j' : ji-p^ 

presumption, hypothesis; thinking, believing; 

judgment, opinion; reckoning 

prospect(s); expectation; projec-Jl^j i xiy : jj-uj 


discretion ^Ut^l ' V^~ ~*1 

esteem, regard, respect, honor f I _^>- 1 1 j^*1 

account, worth, importance; <;>>_. i <~»»i 

standing, rank, credit, prestige 

dosage [i_J>] olc^jU jj-uJ 

in appreciation of, in recognition of J I jj-uj 

at least jj-^ J»' J* 

at most jjjij jlS"! Jx- 

the matter was left to <SJS\ jj-uJ iJLil o5"jJ 

the discretion of the court 

discretionary, discretional .yl-^J -iSji* 

estimative, evaluative ij^r^ ' <j^i^ '-^ji^ 

suppositional, suppositive, <jf^r?\ ■^Jt-P" 

assumed, supposed, hypothetical, presumptive 

T! WA " . T- 


J— iij' 

penny-pinching, stinginess, niggardliness, Jju : jUiJ' 
miserliness, parsimony, tightfistedness, closefisted- 

killing, massacring, slaughteKing), butch- ~ j : J-^iJ" 

massacre, carnage, butchery, slaugh- iiux. : J^pj 
ter, blood bath 

to be or become a whore, a harlot, a \'i\ JS cj i-^iiij' 
prostitute; to whore, fornicate, commit adultery 

to be slit, cut lengthwise, cut into JjJJb «J»i : jjul7 
long narrow strips 

to be jerked; to be cured ^jJJI j-iii 

to be determined, destined, (j-uij *U»ij)jjuiJ' 

ordained, decreed, appointed 

to be estimated, assessed, y4ji|J< t >^- : jji> 
appraised, evaluated, valuated, valued, rated 

to be hallowed, sanctified; LjJL. Jjc»- < ^--u :(j«Jiaj 
to be consecrated, dedicated; to be glorified 

to be canon- olij jjo <Z-Ijj c-JLtl n_j^ij i^-juLi 


to precede, antecede, forego, be ,j-— : (jx) ^ julT 

(come, go) before or ahead of; to antedate, predate, 

be earlier than, happen before 

to be at the head jIj J ii" ^-Ij Jx u^ :((Jx) fjij 
of, head, lead 

to advance, proceed, go for- (C*i\ <JJ jL : j-jul! 
ward, move forward, go ahead, go on, march 

to progress, make jL 1 Lk»- 1 ^yLJjl 1 j>Jai : f-iiu 

progress, advance, make head, make headway, 

gain ground, make way; to proceed, go on; to be 

going on, underway, in progress, in process, on 


to improve, become better (>-» : {■& 

'■ ; • :, -»': 
to approach, accost <L-. jl *JJ |.ji> 

to age, grow old, get ,jLn aj c— j^ 4 (j—H j f-iij 
old(er), be advanced in years, be aged 
to submit (oneself) to an examina-uL^"^ <Jj (^ 
tion, take or sit for an examination 

as (we have) already mentioned, as (we ^ jjLJ t»^ 





ulcerous, ulcerative; cankerous 


to be decided, determined, jj i aJLc (il^JI y : jjiu 

to be established, settled, fixed o-J : jyu 

to pirate, befori^o^l J\^cX> fli . liLoji ulS" :,yaju 
act as) a pirate; to privateer, freeboot, buccaneer 

to wear (put on, adorn oneself with) (si j.\ o.) i^ii' 

to be peeled, pared, barked, skinned j^Ju : Li^ii' 

to keratinize 0>ij 

cornification, keratinization 


approximation ( -~>>»j 

adduction [ L*-^)^— i j ( j^kll ^>«j) i_-j^aj 

approximately, almost, just about, nearly, roughly, 
about, around, circa, more or less, some 

approximate, approximative, rough, gross Lrri^ 

report, memorandum, account, statement; jC ■jj.j^> 

determination, decision, resolu- r'jt . e**~ai '■ j>j& 
tion, resolve 

determination, decision, ,j>- . c*> . ~~a- : jjyu 
resolution, settlement, fixing, fixation, setting, 

decision making j'^' J^ 

establishment, confirmation, xS'G 4 oLS 


establishment, settlement, fixation, cx-I 


police report 

-1 •*•! ' '■■- 

7 ' ' - 

to report; to submit (present, 


_^^l, ^ r o» ji; oj 

render, file, hand over, turn in, deliver, hand in) a 

affirmative, confirmatory, corroborative;deter- ISjijiu 
minative, decisive, definitive, conclusive; regula- 

sanctification, Lai. s,JI jl ^^i-lJI J»v»- :,_,jjii' 
hallowing; consecration, dedication 

can- <Cli j j*j 1 _ J o. -» «.t. <L.ljJi u^Jc-l ' * jj ^" i^-iiu 

celebration u-ljill i».l»l : Lr e-uj 

presentation, presenting, offering; offer, Jo'jc : rj£ 
proffer, tender; production, exhibition, display, 
showGng), demonstration; staging 

presentation, presenting, offer- *U»cl . »-_L. :r-uJ 
ing, giving, granting, according, accordance, 

submission, submitting, filing, illi-l <. oj vjju 
referring, referral, reference, presenting, 
presentation, rendering, bringing (before), laying 
(before), putting (before), handing over (to), 
handing in (to), turning in (to) 

advancement, advancing, bringing jjj-U ju« v-uJ 
forward, moving forward; making or letting 
precede or go before or lead the way; doing 
(something) before (something else) 

introduction, introducing, presenta- <. 
tion, presenting, acquainting 

introduction, preface, fore- jj-uoj 4 <Uju-« vjJu 
word, exordium 

presented by.. 

*S° : f~' 

(*M jwli^lS') u"& SJJJ 

j - U . T .. H I «j- 1 j — jj 

to turn away with disgust from something ^ jjuu 
dirty; to be disgusted by, be nauseated by, loathe, 

j ' ji i Tm I a>- 1 j — j I J£j 

keratosis Ls-J 3 ] uyu -'01^' 

to approach, approxi- <_jjU t lj^j : (<u* jl 4JI) ISjili 
mate, be (come, get) near or close to 

to curry favor with, seek to gain j% <JJ lj^; 
someone's favor, cozy up to; to endear oneself to, 
seek someone's love or friendship; to try to 
establish good relations with; to approach, make 
advances to 

approach; approximation; rapprochment ljjJu 

to ulcerate, ulcer, fester; to canker 
ulceration; cankering 

j UaT 


flaking off 


to lead an ascetic life, renounce worldly < g r'r JiV 

pleasures, practice asceticism; to live in austerity, 
tighten one's belt 

asceticism; abstinence; austerity < g r': ii'i 

ascetic(al); austere ( .;''• ii'i 

peeling, paring, skinning, scaling, shelling, husk-j^^il' 
ing, shucking; exfoliation; scraping off, shaving off 

caning, cane work 

(jJJ ^l>^0cr~£>' 





Jplii-I ^..nii) 

/j, ri a ' ■ ' ■ " 1 >^'J — ^ ^ 7fl » 

.aji »^. | j _ juas : juaij' 

to track, trace, trail, follow the tracks of, oy I u n,nnT 
follow the traces of, follow the trail of 

j_*5o 1 I J~3s_) ■ LJ1 

to snap, break, be broken, be 

brocading, embroidering (with gold jj^ • ' .v.; 1 ''' 1 '"' ' 
and silver threads) 

shortening, curtailment, abridg- <Jj>k ■>** '■ Jn a *' 
ment, reduction 

nonfeasance, default, failure to -iujiu t J),*] : jj-oIj 
do what ought to be done; neglect, negligence, 
omission, dereliction, delinquency, remissness, 


' '.. • - !.: 

failure, flunk(ing) kjJL. U^-jj jl oUwl j) _%?£ 


lopping, pruning, trimming, clipping 

. jj»rt< i 

drip(ping), dropping, dribble, drib- < ol j> i Jot :^i£ 

bling, trickle, trickling, percolation, ooze, oozing, 

seepGng), seepage 

strangury Jjlll 

, ,,., ? .„,. ,., — , 


tory: decision- 
praise, commendation, laudation, »l^i>l i ,-li. '-^JS 
extolment, eulogy, panegyric, encomium 

commendatory, commend- Tjl j±> I t 'j- !u : ^Jii^' 
ing, praising, laudatory, eulogistic, panegyrical 

scolding, tongue-lashing, up- 7y?'y <■ • *■ '"" : £•>>£ 
braiding, chiding, reproof, rebuke 

dispersion UjlaJl) r-^' 

iridescence ^^J ,-^L; 

to be disgusted (oO, be nause- ei^i i jUil : (^.) Jjjii' 
ated (by), be sick (of), feel disgust (at, for), revolt 
(at, against), loathe, detest 

disgust, nausea, revulsion, loath- iJ^i <. _)lj%*-l : j'yu 

dwarfing, stunting 

Li »j»- I j 

j 1 xp- \ j — ~ , ju I ; a infl > 

. p—AJ 

hardening, induration, solidification 
stiffening, concretion 

payment in (or by) installments 

in (or by) installments Ja—idL 

installment sale, sale in installments Ja aJL 

installment plan ■k„.„aV.IL 

jiUi ,1k; 


division, dividing, partition, parting, split-i! JjJ : &_ij' 
ting, separation, section(ing) 

distribution, apportionment, ^ja^asZ i «jj>; : ^_i' 
allotment, portioning, dealing out, sharing out 

SOlO [ fjLy^y J jiw. \ju 

division of labor 

divisional, separative, fractional; 

to cream 


to be or become peeled, pared, skinned, scaled, jiaJ' 
shelled, husked, shucked; to peel off, come off, 
scale off, flake off; to exfoliate; to be or become 
scraped off, shaved off 

exfoliation; peeling off, coming off, scaling off, jiii' 



* ^'"'" 



I «-l 

8 ^' u 4 -*! p-'j ~ u"** 

to be rhymed, put into (^Jl jl ,»}lS3l) <jiJu 


contracture Is-kJ M* 1 

assonance; ryhme; ryhming ILiij' 

to (w)J At, Iji Jt) i_-jU- J] i_*iU- ,j^ dJ^i' :*.,liiy 
toss (about), twist and turn repeatedly, move rest- 
lessly, roll (about), roll over and over, turn over 
and over, tumble, welter, writhe 

t ■ 1 n i ' «- I j — i_^L* t L-.ln ' i ! t ■ 1 n i 

to change, turn, alter, be Jl j t Jy*i i ^-iS : i_Jii!i' 
changed, be altered; to rotate, alternate 

to fluctuate, swing, (*JJ ^»UI) rc*-jt :i_JuLi' 


to be or (^J a^Ij^ jl AjjM^ j) Ujl^. o^" :>- r J L ^ 
become changeable, fickle, inconstant, unsteady, 
capricious, whimsical, moody 

to roll or wallow lJjJI jl jl jJI jl <u«JI j i_JLiu 
in luxury or money, live in luxury (affluence, opu- 
lence), lead a life of ease and comfort 

he held numerous Sjjjx. i_ilU»j jl i_moLJ j i_JIaj 
offices, various posts (positions, jobs, etc.) 

turning; turning over; i_-iU- J J i--jU- ^ J^ ' '- ^" 
tossing (about), twisting and turning, rolling 
(about), rolling over and over, tumbling, tumble, 

change, turn, alteration, transfor-JjjJ < ^Jj :i_JiiL> 
mation; variation; fluctuation, flux, swinging); 

change- (~)J ^l^il jl ciil^ll j) JjZ i 0>lJ : Jill 
ableness, fickleness, inconstancy, unsteadines, in- 
stability, unstableness, variableness, capricious- 
ness, whimsicalness, freakishness, moodiness 

j»i «j»-lj-j*jjl oLliij 

** - } &- 5 > - It- 5 t „ 

i_.<.la ','■• aj>- ■ j ~ <—«la Til jO i (mJLDji u^« 

to assume, «£*-' j' <U»LJI jl i_~odl JLJ i Ij-j : joiu 
hold, take over, take charge of, take control of, 
take command of, take or hold (the reins of) power 
or government, come to power 

to put on (wear, adorn oneself Sj^Ul u~J : jiiJ 
with) a necklace 

to be cut, cut off, severed, sundered, discon- «Jaii' 
nected, torn (apart); to be chopped off, lopped off; 
to be divided, partitioned, sectioned, separated; to 
segment, be segmented; to be dismembered, cut 
up; to break, break apart, be or get broken; to be or 
get interrupted; to be discontinuous; to be inter- 
mittent, sporadic, spasmodic, irregular, occasional 

to be at one's wit's end, be at a t_.L— jl <o c^tLu 
loss; to be unable to do or become, be incapable of 

intermittence, intermission, fitfulness, irregula- «Jaii' 
rity, casualness, unevenness; discontinuity, discon- 
tinuance, discontinuation, interruption, interrupt- 
edness, brokenness; break(ing), breakoff, rupture; 
disconnectedness, disconnection; severance, sun- 
derance, separation; segmentation 

frown(ing), scowl(ing), glowerting), ^j^t : ' ■_^"~ 
loweKing); sullenness, sulkiness 

seam(ing), sewing, stitching jjj i ji) : . ■ 1^~ 

distillation, distilling; filtration, filtering, infiltra- 
tion, percolation 

destructive distillation; cracking >l j 

cutting up, cutting into pieces (into parts, <Jai : * U»*t 
into slices), carving; division, dividing, partition, 
section(ing), separation; segmentation; dismember- 
ment; tearing, rending, laceration 

scansion, scanning, scan (isj*~) • - U'~ 

colic, gripes L) oiu> 

stature, figure, frame; form, J£Li, i i.l» < aii ; . . W*~ 

(aj-^JI) vJ>fc 

features, lineaments 

to desist from, abstain ^ «_^*l i ^ iiL~J : ^ juuu 
from, refrain from 

to neglect, omit, fail to J*» I : ^ -uiu 

desistance, desisting, ,.L«- \ 1 f L^], ' dJL^I '-(j*-) -^ 
abstention, abstaining, refrainment, refraining 

neglect, omission, slackness, dere- Jl,* I : (^) -uU 

basophilism [ > L»- 1 ] -uii 

to be convave, dished, hollowed out; to be deeplyyuii' 
excavated, deep 

to speak gutturally a^SK J J*H 

rgj^-uvi^-.i- j-.-- ■ ■■■■■--■ ■ . -■■■■■wv. .*..»■ •>■ 

counterfeiting, forgery, imitation ^i'y '■ 

investi- Crz?" ' ^~-^ l *^y :(l..*a. ' .« 6>j) 
ture, investment, installation, installment, induc- 
tion, inauguration; appointment 

•» • ' * i!.' 
traditional, customary, conventional, v/- : (i^r^ 1 


contraction, constriction; shrink- y^U jjua* : u ii,J'a"i' 
ing, shrinkage; deflation; reduction, decrease, dimi- 
fad, craze, rage; innovation, novelty Xc'jj :i*JiJ' 

calking <>»-Jl *»^» :uLliJ' 

lessening, decrease, decreasing, dimi- Jl* j j-a. : JJjj 
nution, diminishing, reduction, reducing, minify- 
ing, minimization, minimizing, making less, 
making small(er) or few(er) 

clipping, trimming, paring, pruning, i^jli : «jjb 

striping, streaking; striation; stripes, ,!»,, liVi :Juu 
pattern of stripes 

to transmigrate, pass into another (rjj\ c^) u "t»" 

reincarnation, transmigration (of souls), metem- u ^t»~ 

to be swaddled (a baby) ( JiLl I ) $*jr. 

lousiness, pediculosis, phthiriasis Jiil 

toasting u a ,,,i, -w :js*ij 

collection, collecting, gathering, picking w- :J~ml> 


research, research work < 

swaddling (a baby) ( JiJJl) 

technician ,-i ^oL^-[ :Jij 

skilled, skillful, proficient, adroit, j»L <. <j iU- : ,jju 
adept, dexterous 

to mask, masquerade, disguise oneself, be uii 

masked, be disguised; to veil one's face, put on a 
veil, be veiled 

technical; technological 

/iiil fl I 

c^» (^Uaii-I :(^X 


technique; technicality; mechanism, mechanics 

masking, disguising, hiding, conceal- ( p-Uli) j-iiii' 
ment, veiling 


to gird oneself with a sword • i ,11 jLu 

to wear a cap o^.,. ■ 1 5 1 1 ( -J : ■ I «" t /»JJiJ' 

to contract, constrict, constringe, be or Lr al i J : ^alJiJ' 
become contracted; to shrink 

to shrink, dwindle, recede, J }\J£ t <_^»i3«j I : (^aLu 
diminish, decrease, decline 

contraction, constriction, ^iLijI 4 

shrink(ing), shrinkage 

* , , 

shrinking), shrinkage, JjUu 4 ^Uaul : 
dwindling, diminution, decrease, decline 


to be shaken, commoved, convulsed, unsettled, Jiiij' 
upset, agitated, stirred, disturbed, troubled, dis- 
quieted; to move, stir; to be or become shaky, 
unsteady, unstable, insecure, precarious; to totter, 
falter, wobble 

to be or become [ f L»l t eljti 1 t L.. < i'] JlLL! 
labile, unstable 

shakiness, unsteadiness, unstableness, instabi- Jilii' 
lity, insecurity, precariousness; tottering, fal- 
teKing), wobble; commotion, disturbance, trouble, 
unrest; agitation, stir, convulsion 

r ' i " — 

lability, unstableness, [ f L>-l t *Ljj» t t l..,< J Jilij 


(Jfl i'm I J«*l 



to be or become striped, streaked, stripy, ,kksu : Jli 
streaky, barred; to be or become striate(d), lined, 

„ it ,3-, 

to be clipped, trimmed, cut, cut back, ej-Li : Jul! 
pared, pruned, lopped 

to wear a cap »j, „: ,la, l l ^-J : (j-jju 

i_Ji «> I j — i_Ji : i_»>. l flj 

turning (over), flipping, leafing; (oImIJI) 4-JUJ 
paging through, running over 

thinking over, reflec- j**i\ j\'ijSLii\ j\ 13I jJI i_JL«j 
ting on, meditating on, turning over in one's mind, 
careful consideration or examination, study(ing), 

alkalinization, alkaliflcation Ljii jjJJI J«r- : <^> 

tradition(s); conventions), cil j*l < c»^ : jlJUj 1 juiiij 
custom(s), usage(s) 

imitation, copying; mimicry ol5flk« : xiii 


itt* tu 

't-'a smawabi 

tion, heightening; hardening 

hollowing out, scooping out, goug- 
ing; excavation, caverning out 

neckline (of a garment) 

bending, curving, curvature, bow- ^-y jj 
ing, crooking, arching, vaulting 

demolition, demolishment, pul- ^y" j±*a* : ijai_yj 
ling down, tearing down, wreck(ing), wreckage, 
ruin(ing), ruination, destruction, crushing, smash- 
ing; subversion; undermining, sapping 

catabolism [ >L>-I J /-*•>* • ^ 



evaluation, appraisal, assess- jjjJu 4 ,j^J <■ *■£> '■£}£ 
ment, estimation, rating, valuation, estimate 

rectification, correc- Jj-uJ 1 r-x^J . t^****' •£>" 
tion, reform(ation), amendment, adjustment, fixing, 
making right, setting right, reconditioning 

calendar, almanac 

<*^j>j '■(.)£ 



.LkJI jl fcLocjl ryi-i 


Jj-^JJJ ijU^jl r>iu (^-b) 

evaluative, estimative 

l3jJ-*JiJ ' (.»■,■.;■»' : ij?iy u 

corrective, reformative 

(/"^»! ' (/*■">■"■'' : <^>" 

Or- |»LkjJI jl sLac jl £>"•-"; J>'" " '« ' l3jir^" '• (Jtii*-' 


orthodontic <>-i*x\ u^ j' (Ch-j (_>->-»-^-» : (J?J> i - , 
plastic surgery Sr^-V" *"* ' >r 

God-fearing, godly, devout, pious, religious ^L' 

to vomit, disgorge, spew, puke, throw up?- jJlL*\ '■ Lii 

vomiting, vomit, puking, puke, disgorg- H>~-l :>j" 


to suppurate, fester, matter, gather **ju 


suppuration, maturation, purulence, pyogenesis *JHi 
pyoderma, pyodermatitis, pyodermatosisjJJ-l t<-JL> 

to observe, comply with, abide <jcl j 1 f >■»■ J : -> J^i 
by, conform to, adhere to, stick to, keep, maintain, 

codification ,jJl^i!l (jjjjj : j^iaJi 

rationing jCH < jiy tJI-Utl jl Jju«j *>j>> : 0r'*-' 

to retreat, withdraw, fall back, draw ffr^y :Jiffi 
back, move backward, go back, retract, revert, 
back (away), recede, regress, retrocede, retrogress, 
retrograde, decline, deteriorate, degenerate, 

retreat, withdrawal, fallback, moving «■!> :ji+£ 
backward, going back, retraction, reversion, back- 
ing (away), recession, regression), retrocession, 
retrogression, retrogradation, decline, deteriora- 
tion, degeneration, degradation 

to be (become, be made) xxZJ . ££, I 1 \$£ : ti^iu 

strong, powerful, forceful; to intensify 

to take heart, pluck up courage jx^j : iSyl 

God-fearingness, fear of God, godliness, ^Ju : iSyiil 
devoutness, piety, religiousness 

OLjl >u>- I j — Cj yiu 

to bend, curve, bow, arch, ^-^illS" jL> . ^»>\ : y>ij 
camber; to be or become bent, curved, bowed, 
arched, cambered 

curvature, curve(dness), bend(ing), bow(ing), y*j£> 
arcuation, crook(edness) 

to collapse, fall down, crash down, ^i 1 jl+ll : yi^i7 
fall in, cave in, sink down; to be demolished, torn 
down, pulled down, razed, wrecked, ruined, de- 
stroyed; to be undermined 

collapse, fall, falling down, downfall, cave-in, yijiji 


to confine oneself, be or become con- J>J } • V>u 
fined; to seclude oneself, isolate oneself; to be or 
become secluded, isolated, solitary 

confinement; seclusion, isolation, reclusion, *iyij 

detachment; solitude, loneness 

to fabricate lies against J* DjZj 

to cast, be formed (or take form) in a mold; to t_JjJLJT 
be cast, molded, blocked, formed, shaped, fash- 

strengthening, fortification, consoli- liy jj^a* : ~<t_<jiu 
dation, reinforcement, invigoration, bracing, cemen- 
tation, bolstering; enrichment, enriching; boost- 
ing, promotion, furtherance, support(ing), under- 
pinning; corroboration, confirmation; intensifica- 



exchange letters 

„-' 'j * - - 

-,« , , ,- ,--- 
to support (help, assist) one jl»j I i Ojl*> : uL" l£> 

another; to unite, join forces, come together, stand 


to increase, grow, augment, multi- jbjl i j£ ijilSo 
ply, proliferate 

to multiply, propagate, prolife- ^iLo t jJI^j : J3lSC> 

rate, reproduce, breed 

% - ~ 
increase, growth, augmentation; multiplication, J\SJi 

propagation, proliferation, reproduction 

to lie to one another ^ (J* .^.-ay s->-^ -'i— > jlSsJ - 

to match; to be equal, similar, i_— .Lj t. <ijd : Ijl£j' 
equivalent, corresponding, commensurate; to 

(counter)balance, offset 

> " .' > - - 
equivalence, equality, parity, <_— .Lj i jLJ :$»[& 

evenness; commensurability, proportion(ateness) 

valence, valency [ t l... < T J j» l£> 

covalence, covalency [ « 1 , <" ] ^.j» Ci y isi 

equality of opportunities; equal op- ^^Lll y ISCi 

to fight (one another), combat, bat- (Oyj 1^1 1 ) r<i l£j' 
tie, clash 

to clash, collide, popple 

* & 



to vouch for each other, guarantee ^LaJ : jjilisi' 

each other; to be jointly liable or responsible, have 

joint liability or responsibility; to unite, be united 

in solidarity, join forces, combine 

t , - % , * 
joint liability or responsibility; solida- ^LaJ : Jil£i' 


• ^ - '.* ** *** **} * * ~* •* - * 
symbiosis CkV, ^— -• j~f- Q : ; ■<" "■» (j*i «« : J* ^> 

j - s ^ - s 

jointly and severally ^LiJlj JilScJU 

to rush madly upon; to contend for; to be Jt LJI&' 
greedy (for) 

greed(iness), avidity, cupidity (Jc) i_Jl&' 

to talk or speak to one another, con- iiolaw : jj ISJ 

follow, honor, respect, live up to 
to bind oneself, commit one- J»lj jl t *j!)l : (_<) '>*;" 
self, engage oneself, obligate oneself, undertake; to 
be bound, tied, committed, engaged, obligated 

to be bound, tied, shackled, i^- t JlS" : ■ -«" 

(en)chained, (hand)cuffed, manacled 

to be limited, restricted, confined; to be j~a»- : '"*' 
qualified, tied; to be restrained, held (back), 
checked, curbed, bridled 

to be registered, recorded, written i>3 * < [^y : '""" 
(down), noted (down), set down, put down (in 
writing), entered, listed; to be enrolled 

to enroll, register, be enrolled y n .< 'JLz, 

observance of, observing, 

1 olt 


compliance with, abidance by, conforming to, 
adherence to, keeping, maintaining, honoring, 

obligation, engagement, com- i>Lj jl t *\^\ : jlJG 

to track, trace, trail, follow the tracks a 'j I 7 f'j : 

(traces, trail) of 

Jli «j«-Ij -ilyLji i^-l .'JliJ' 

binding, tying, fettering, shackling, J^j : ' Ji v 

(en)chaining, (hand)cuffing, manacling 

limitation, restriction, confinement; J~co~ 
restraint, check(ing), currXing) 

registration, registry, regis- jy lu t J-*lj 
ter(ing), recording, entering, entry, listing; enroll- 

*-' 1 - :.:. 


Lr -, f r ' J ' 


ij-Lill Jk>-I 

to tick (iill)l c^) dL' 

teak (<j^.j J ^,) dJu 

to correspond, write (to) each other, 'J~. \'y : Ljlisj 




■ ■■■■■ ~ 

ticktack, tictac, tick(ing) &£j 

to agglomerate, conglomerate, mass, s-4^ • J-^ 1 
gather into a mass 

to unite in a bloc or front; to (rJJ L-.L—) J-^J 
form a coalition; to coalesce, unite, join forces, 
confederate, band together 

agglomeration, conglomeration S-4^-" ■ J-^ 1 

bloc, front; coalition (,-,L~.) JSJ 

to keep silent, hold one's Uyi" <j^ 4 c.,.. ^H ,■>! : ^&i 
tongue; to be secretive, reticent, reserved, taciturn, 

secrecy, secretiveness, reticence, reserve, 
discretion, taciturnity, silence 





agglomeration, conglomeration, Ji^ jj^r. : J-*£i' 
conglobation, lumping 

jjlSL) «J»lj — jjljO •J***> 

to condense, concentrate, thicken, be(come) or u£& 
grow thick(er), dense(r), (more) concentrated; to 
intensify, be or become (more) intensive or intense 
condensation, concentration; intensification; u££j' 
intensity, intension 
to become (a) Catholic \&4y l^ jU> : iilli£y 

increase, increasing, augmentation, ^ j j^r. : js^xJ' 
multiplication, proliferation 

condensation, concentration, *Jc£ j j^r. : i-a- J - C j" 

thickening, inspissation; intensification 

to darken (the edges of) the eyelids with kohl; J*£i 

to use an eyeliner 

to beg, ask for alms CJ 1* «< " ..M 1 3j_J : ti-iSo' 

to be or become turbid, roily, muddy, cloudy; toj J1S0 
be or become disturbed, troubled; to be or become 
annoyed, vexed, offended, displeased, sore, 
peeved; to take offense 

to accumulate, cumulate, pile »lau <. fS\y '-W-&J 
up, accrue; to be or become accumulated, cumu- 
lated, heaped up, piled up 

verse, have a talk or conversation 

to be or become integral, integrated, comple- S* ^ 
mentary; to be or become complete, full, whole, 
perfect, consummate; to be or become completed, 
finished, concluded, perfected, consummated 
integration; complementarity; completeness, JjI£j 
fullness, wholeness, perfectness; completion, per- 
fection; integral 

> - £ > 

integral calculus J^lSUl i_jLj- 

> - i > -S > , 


integral; integrative 

to ball, conglomerate, agglomerate 

conglomeration, agglomeration 

to suffer, bear, endure, sustain, ^LaZ 1 Jl»« : ±£Ji 
undergo, experience, go through, pass through 
to culminate [liUiJalSj 

sufferance, suffering, bearing, endurance, J+au : -u*j 
enduring, sustainment, sustaining, undergoing, 
experiencing, incurrence, incurring 
culmination [£j 

to be or become proud, 1 jSs* o^ <■ <-ilu» -j-Sj 
haughty, arrogant, supercilious, insolent, overbear- 

pride, haughtiness, arrogance, superciliousness, JSj 
insolence, conceit(edness) 

to be shackled, fettered, (en)chained, xJiJ : J-*-> 

(hand)cuffed, manacled, bound, tied 

conglobation, conglomeration, agglo- J^£j : '- ■■ , ' .:* ■' 

enlargement, magnification, ^au 1 ^-a^ai '■ Jxf+i 
aggrandizement, blowing up, expansion, swelling 

exaggeration iJL. :jl^j 

ampli fication [ > L j& J j>Sj 

exclaiming God is great jS I -oil <Jy : j±Sj 

shackling, fettering, (en)chaining, jl-Ju : J^&' 

(hand)cuffing, manacling, binding, tying 

ticktack, tictac, tick(ing) iiGI o)L> : S5o 

waistband Jlj^ijl J>lj :i£j 

to fold or cross one's arms jju» <Jj <> jj pi> '• uiSS 
to tick (SitUl a) dL& 




i " -". ' ■ 

refining, refinement, purification, 
clarification, filtering, filtration 




dedication, consecration, 

sanctification, hallowing 

.' . - •- p • ' 

laying the >>u t jw- > & c>.,.. ' j 4 ^^-r-ti : o-^J^ 
foundation of; establishing, establishment, setting 
up, founding, foundation; settling, settlement, 
stabilization, fixing, fixation, making firm or stable; 
consolidation, strengthening; confirmation, corrob- 

honoring, bestowal of honors upon, doing efij 

honor to; honor, tribute, respect, deference; 
hospitality, welcome, welcoming, hospitable or 
kindly reception 

tetanization [ i_J, ] Jg^jj 

to break, shatter, smash, crash, ^liC ' <■ 'X~i~ '-JjS^J 
come or go to pieces, break into pieces, break up; 
to be or get broken, shattered, smashed 

breaking, breakdown, shatter, smash, crash JSs 

cracking; destructive distillation (.Ija jJaiu -j^SJi 

•^- -* « - 

broken plural j^-*-J f-T 

to grin; to grimace JiSj 

I tu.\j\ 



to show, display, manifest, exhibit, ^e. LiiiCi 

evince; to expose, uncover, reveal, disclose 




cubistGc) i^«SCJI Jj 

cube root 

»•■" '■■ 

accumulation, cumulation, accrual, -S"l^ : lm yj^i 
piling up 

roiling, muddying, muddling, jjfT j^i : jjJi& - 

making turbid; disturbance, disturbing, troubling, 
ruffling, embitterment; annoyance, annoying, 
vexation, offending, offense 

accumulation, amassment, cu- j^-jS" jlua. : Lr ,JS^i 
mulation, heaping up, piling up, stacking 

denial, disavowal, dis- yiwo <■ ,yiJ <. jlSCil • ■ - , \£j 
claimer; refutation, disproof 

accusing (someone) ^JSH[> { ^ac^) fl+il iooiSCi 
of lying, giving the lie to (someone), calling 
(someone) a liar 

to sleep, slumber, be asleep .1 '■&& 

repitition, reiteration, doing or saying again or j\j£i 
anew; recurrence, reoccurrence; frequency 

repeatedly, frequently, quite I jl^j Ijl^ 1 G'^ 
often, time and again, time after time, again and 
again, over and over again 

to carbonize, char Cj>& 

carbonization, charring &'£* 

to recur, reoccur, repeat, be repeated.luti ( 'i\c :'J'j3 
be reiterated 

to be refined, purified ( j±o t ^ : j^3 

frequency; reoccurence, recurrence; repitition J<z 

, * > '- - 
to be dedicated, consecrated, devoted ^a^ai- : 'ir-Ss 

- a * - ' - - 

to be hallowed, sanctified ^ji ; ^"jZS 

to be established, set up, found- f^j ( e-li : ^ jZz 
ed; to be settled, fixed, stabilized, consolidated, 
strengthened; to be confirmed, corroborated 

paunchiness (ji»JI i-liJs :<£»&' 

to wash one's feet or legs c "£z 

to be so kind (nice, J jLj 1 LiLlb 1 3-i>Ij : (J*) ^£j' 
generous) to do'; to deign, condescend, vouchsafe 
to oblige, favor, do a jl>- 1 Jx. 3 -'•" : -j <Jt *^£> 
favor for, confer a benefit upon; to present with, 
gift with; to donate graciously (to) 




^ _ . _„, — 

charging, commission(ing), entrust- Ja^yu '■ uulSJi 
ment, assignment 

commandment; order, u-sr-lj t yiji t y>\ : i-i.l'C 
command, instruction, charge; duty, obligation; 
task, assignment 

charge, burden, onus n_-t : <-ii£ 

(ovee)burdening, encum- JUS I i jUjI : >-ii5^ 
brance, oppression; overtasking 

ceremony, ceremonial, formality oll»-,j : <~iJ$J 
*•* — '• , 

AJJL5 »jflj— Aiij : >_a...l,VJ 

tax, imposition, levy "S(j-« : «-«^Ci 

* j « ^ • ^ 

taxation, taxing, imposition, i-j^ill yi^ : >-a—15vJ 

levy(ing), encumbrance with a tax 
servitude (>>-^ j^* J* «~-J>^») <-*•&* 

cost of living iLljJ.1 i_iJl£j 

coronation, crowning rxyZ '■ lM^° 

supplement, complement; continuation, ili : il*£j' 
sequel, epilogue, postlude, concluding section (of a 
story, literary work, etc.); end, conclusion 

fomentation, packing, poul- ol ilSi\ «J>j : * S" 
ticing, application of (hot) compresses 

complementary, supplementary, supple- * *-n^" 
mental, additional 

muzzling ^1 Jjf '■$&> 

to be known by the surname of; to be _; y£j 

surnamed, nicknamed, called; to call oneself by the 
surname of 

technocracy iUsly^iu' iJ->lji^£j 

^ ° -■• 

technocratic; technocrat tJ i>\JiySJi 

* >* * ^ *r*> , > >* 




< .^. j>j 

*_^*So <J^Lu 

cubic equation 

cubism c-kJIj _-jJI J v_«aju :<lL ; *£j' 

to beg ^ " ■■ I : uia5w 

to vouch for, be responsible or liable for, (j) S&i 
guarantee, warrant; to undertake, take upon one- 
self, assume, bind oneself, commit oneself, engage 
oneself, obligate oneself, pledge, vow 

expiation, atonement, penance (^jc) jj&i 

expiatory, atoning, propitiatory 

shrouding, enshrouding 

dependent, one who ,> t e^j. Jc JSiu : il£j 
relies on another (for support), hanger-on, 
sponge(r), parasite 

to calcify, calcine ir&> 

calcification, calcination , ■TC"? 

to burden oneself, be burdened; to un- Jl*j : uil5o 
dertake, take upon oneself, assume, take over, bear 

to affect, feign, simulate, assume, fake,»,:„a.7 : <-a15C 
sham, pretend, dissemble; to show oneself. 

(\j£ i\ls.) A_dLl (-ilS" «u»- 1 j — 1-LS" i\jjt i_a15CJ 

» .. ' .«a.i : i a I So 
airs, artificiality, theatricality 

affectation, affectedness, mannerism, 

il :iiiSo' 

to be crowned; to wear a JJ^)" (^ ' r-j^ : Ji& 

to be married uL-j^jJI jl£> 

to be crowned by success; to succeed, 7-Ij*J^ JiSw 
turn out well, work (out) 

to speak, talk (to, with, about, of); to say, Cjj&u : JSiH 
utter; to treat, deal with 

to ventriloquize clL> ^ JSJJ 

speaking, talking; talk, conversation, discourse; J5o 

ventriloquism ^iJ Jfc 

somniloquy ^^Jl j JxJ 

plastering with lime, whitewash- ^-ifJlj Ji : u ~1£j 

calcification, calcination Lf J£ J J Jj ^ : ( _ r _iSCj 






constitution, constituting 

structure, constitu- <LL» i JSLi. i fly i <Lj : i>X 
tion, composition, construction, formation, setup, 
makeup, physique, build, make, frame; form, 
shape, figure, configuration, morphology 

the Genesis 

jjijSjJI jJUM 


structural, constitutional; genetic; formative 

hospice; asylum (for the needy), almshouse; 

sacculation [ 7^_^ J ( _ r X' 

to adapt (oneself to), adjust (oneself to), ( %J) • i Cv 
accommodate (to), conform (to); to be formed, 
shaped, fashioned; to form, take (take on, assume, 
acquire) a form or shape 

adaptation, adjustment, accommodation, con- uiX' 


accommodation (of the eye) 

adaptational, adjustmental; adaptive, adjustive; J-aX 
adaptable, adjustable 

adaptability, adjustability; adaptiveness, adap- UiX" 

adaptation, adjustment, accommodation, uLX 

conformation, conformity, conditioning, fitting, 
suiting, making fit, framing, gearing; regulation; 
forming, shaping, fashioning 

air conditioning *lyll <~« rr X 

-" " "•'' .'(■■ 

(_l^jjl Lj ^-' 

hill, mound, elevation, knoll, high- 


to follow, succeed, come after 
to ensue from, result from, 




spring from, arise from, originate from, stem from 
to read, recite 

to follow, succeed, come after 

to suit, fit, match (with), harmonize (with), («^) WSk 
agree (with), go well (with); to be suitable (for), fit 
(for), convenient (for); to be appropriate (to), 
adequate (to), suited (to), adapted (to) 

to kiss each other >»-^" U-* lK cM : iw 5t 

to follow in close succession, 

ji - . J 4 aj 

US : ji-^ll- 

■•-- ■ ■■■■- —r- 

technique; technicality; mechanism, mechan- > * V , ; *s" V 

technical ^i :X-X 

technician ,_J .wal^i-l :,>-_£-> 

to be electrified <— '.^X 

electrification <-oX' 

to predict, foretell, forecast, prognosticate, (_;) j^Sw 
prophesy, presage, foreshow, vaticinate, foresee, 
soothsay, divine, augur 

prediction, foretelling, forecast(ing), prog- (_;) j$Sw 
nostication, prophecy, vaticination; soothsaying, 
augury, divination 

to roll, ball, conglomerate, agglomerate; to curl jX" 

conglomeration, agglomeration jjX" 

to stack, pile up, accumulate; to be or (j-X" : »yio 
become heaped (up), piled up, stacked (up), 
amassed, accumulated 

stacking, piling up, accumulation i_rX; : »X" 

to be formed, shaped, fashioned; to be created, OjX" 
made, built, originated; to be established, set up, 
instituted, constituted; to come into existence, 
come into being, form, arise, see the light, develop 

to consist of, be made up of, be composed ^ oX" 
of; to comprise, contain, include, embody, encom- 
pass, embrace, involve 

genesis, coming into being or existence, birth, 6>So 
nascency, origin, rise, development; formation; 

calculogenesis, lithogenesis 

<_^>J-I 0.X 

cytogenesis ^^-' oX" 

hematopoiesis, hematogenesis fjJI oX" 

osteogenesis fUx«JI jl JxJI oX 

conglobation, conglomeration, j^f jjua> '-jifi^ 

heaping (up), piling up, stacking (up), (j-jXi : efi± 
amassment, accumulation 

forming, forma- £j\ jt»- I i jUu I i jl»- i (LSlii : (>„Xi 
tion, shaping, fashioning; creation, creating, making, 
building, origination, production, bringing into 
being, giving rise to, giving birth to; establishment, 
establishing, setting up, institution, instituting, 





* ♦: 

,nsai jt jiiiiSiu LI* 

to play on words, play, Cj\J£}\ ji JiU^L Li* 

pun, make puns 

play; cheatGng), fraud t-* 5b' 

manipulation, jJJ oLLJ-l jl ^Uj NL i_-c* 

rigging, doctoring, playing with, tampering with, 
falsification, juggling, juggle, wangling (of figures, 
accounts, etc.) 
pun, play on words, 

paronomasia, play, wordplay 

» ., >> ., .. ,- , , — 
to curse one another Uuu ^juu ,yJ : jc iu 

avoidance, avoiding, l.;W i jLj ^jj^LJI) t_»>j' 

averting, obviation, prevention, forestallment, 
warding off, fending off, parry(ing), staving off, 
keeping away from; guarding against, taking 
precautions against 

making right, correction, r^C>! ' dljl jG : <J* 
remedying, reparation, redressGng), making good, 
making up for 

to avoid, avert, ,Ju I i ,J* iki t i_.,:.>i t (j jUj : ^y * 
obviate, prevent, forestall, anticipate, ward off, 
fend off, parry, stave off, keep away from; to guard 
against, beware of, take precautions against 

to make Lr aiLJ I jl> t «<rf i tJL^ I i d) j I jl> : ,j * 

right, put right, correct, remedy; to make good, 

make up for, repair, redress 

convolutions, gyri i-GjJI i_iiit' 

'* * 
omasum, psalterium ljJ^LJI oli 

in the depth of, inside (of), I -i5' <-iJ* (^ jl) j 
in, within 

to box, fight (with the fists), engage in boxing *£"& 

boxing *£"$> 

to shine, glitter, glisten, sparkle, gleam, 111 : J* 

beam, glimmer, shimmer, twinkle, luminesce, 

shining, shine, glitter, glisten, sparkle, sparkling, jJMl' 
twinkle, twinkling, luminescence, coruscation 

to touch each other, be in mutual con- j^Ci : Lr » *' 
tact, be contiguous, be adjacent 

contact, touch(ing), contiguity, i«j-u. <. ^-u; : Lr -»X' 
adjacency, tangency, contingence 

contact [ * l;^] y— * 


follow or succeed one another, be successive or 
consecutive, come successively, happen consecu- 
tively; to form an uninterrupted sequence; to 
occur repeatedly, continue, be continuous or 

succession, sequence, consecu- j I j i j ■■ l < »jL£ : ( jp->i' 
tion; continuity, continuation 

to correlate, be correlative or correlated; to 



accompany one another, be present with one 
another, be inseparable; to be or become attached, 
connected, joined, linked, associated, coupled; to 
concur, coincide, happen or come together 

correlation; accompaniment, accompanying, fjx" 
concomitance; inseparability, inseparableness; as- 
sociation, attachment, junction; concurrence, coin- 
cidence, conjunction 

equivalence [jk:.j oUabj] ^j* 

agglutination; clumping [i_J»]l>j* 

to argue, dispute, quarrel, have words together; j-. * 
to insult one another, exchange insults or affronts; 
to tongue-lash (abuse, curse) one another 

disappearance, vanishing, evanes- {j*)k}\) yiSt 
cence, fading away, dwindling, decline, wane; dis- 
persal, dispersion, scattering; annihilation, ruin 

to vanish, evanesce, disappear, go (away), clear (^i* 
away, melt away, fade (away), drain away, 
dwindle, wane, decline, die away, peter out; to 
scatter, disperse, be scattered, be dispersed; to be 
annihilated, destroyed 

to cohere, adhere, stick together, cling Jj^rJI : J^j^t 
together, cleave together 

cohesion, adhesion, adherence jLaJI : ^"X 

<i«o>^ «»-lj - 4i*j}U : ^a"% 

to show oneself kind and friendly; to be nice, ' iU\" 
kind, gentle, friendly, courteous, civil, polite 

to clash, collide, popple (waves) (r-l^^l c^) (J»St 

to exchange blows, come to blows, slap Ail I J»Su 
or strike one another, fight, quarrel, brawl 

to play, act playfully; to act fraudulently; to t-^^t 

to rig, manipulate, jJJ oLLJ-l jl (Uj'SlL i_»c* 
doctor, play with, tamper with, falsify, juggle, 
wangle, alter, change (figures, accounts, etc.) 




'"^" ■ '-'■ 

(musical) composition; melodizing 

to be summarized, summed up, 

abstracted, briefed, digested, abridged, condensed, 

epitomized; to boil down (to), amount (to) 

summarization, summing up, j 

abstraction, briefing, abridgment, condensation, 
epitomizing, boiling down, synopsizing 

to be old, time-honored, long-possessed, ^ j» : jJj 


to stay in, remain in, reside in, dwell in ^l»l : j oij 

_; jJj «l»-Ij-^1»I :j jlLj' 

old (time-honored, long-possessed, jlL>' ulL>' i jJL' 

inherited) possessions or property 

to turn right and left ' j^-ej l~— i <^«*k : J-^ - 

to be bewildered, perplexed, confused ^m : ij£ 

(.,)'jdl plj-W J*JL- 

. J .,T. 

enjoyment, relish, zest, gusto, pleasure joL 

to be sticky, gluey, viscid ^r')o^'- £jk> 

granting or giving a concession <■') j-ua» : ^rJ-Ll* 

(franchise, enterprise, etc.); farming out, farming 
telstar, communication satellite, artificial or j^-iJ' 
manmade satellite 
telescope i_>j£-1j 

to become a thief CaJ jU» : u n.n l 7 

tospy(cJj)'jJ^JI li'^l j(Jt)^-l~ ^JtJy^aL; 

(on), snoop (on); to peep (at), peek (at) 

spying (on); snoopGng); voyeurism, ( Jt) y^uaL' 

peeping, peeping Tomism, peeking 

to be or become stained, blotted, spotted, nJali' 

blotched, splotched, splashed, sullied, soiled, 

(besmeared, (besmirched, tarnished, bedaubed, 

blurred, smudged, smutched 

to be or become bloodstained, stained ^ -J I Tikt 

with blood, ensanguined, bloody, gory 

* *> * * ' ^ $ — 
to be softened, lightened, mitiga- oiia- t i_«iJ : i akU' 

ted, palliated, mollified, alleviated, eased, soothed, 

relieved, allayed, assuaged, appeased, attenuated, 

extenuated, qualified, moderated, tempered, toned 


reading; recital, recitation oy&i 

to blame each other UJu ^ ■^.• > ^i : fj>j 

telepathy ^J>Ui '■ iji^i 

to get ready for, prepare oneself for, J jjllJ : J u^ii' 

gird oneself for 

to linger, tarry, hesitate; to abide, stay, remain u«11j' 

to perfume oneself; to be prefumed (eJJalU) jlL' 

to mat, felt, become matted *JJ >iui]l jl iJjUl jIL' 
(together), become felted; to stick together; to 
compact; to be or become compact(ed), compress- 
ed, pressed; to flocculate 

to overcloud, cloud (over), (y^>. il*JI ojJu 
overcast; to be(come) or grow overcast, 
(overclouded, clouded (over), cloudy, dark 
to get involved in, be drawn into .^^^ y-H^ 

&JI ^ij-dlL" 

to suffer from indigestion or dyspepsias jlm c.S,..l> 

collar, neckband J>>1» : '-■ v:^' 1 ' 

to collar, seize by the collar or neck ^^-i -*»■ ' 

Compliance, tUii' n_JLL> cJj *jutJ t ajU»^-, | :**-J£ 
accedence, accession, granting, response, fulfill- 
ment, consent, assent, acceptance, hearing, an- 
swering, carrying out, meeting, satisfaction 

upon (or at) his invitation, in response <J>*-J *L^ 
to his invitation, in compliance with his invitation 

dressing, clothing, garbing; covering, u-r?^ 

enveloping; facing, draping, lining, casing; coating, 
overlaying, plating; inlaying; inlay (work), inlaid 
work, marquetry, incrustation, overlay 

to veil one's face, put on a veil, be veiled i_..-x^ : n^lii 

■e^ _ 

r^J jfr'j ~ f^ 



telpherage ^.j^j 

to televise, telecast, broadcast jii7 

television; televising, telecast(ing), broadcast(ing) Sjib 


television, TV; television set ijj 

televisional, televisual, televisionary, 

to pronounce, utter, enunciate 

_, j^lai • _j w* It 

3 — 

pronunciation, utterance, enunciation U«1t 

to wrap oneself in, cover oneself j Jliil : -> «iii' 

C^*- j' UJ*' <-*^\ ff'j ~~ t*^ "J* ■*' ■**" '' "^ 

to wrap oneself in, cover oneself j J*ril : -> ujJUL' 

to be covered up, concealed tJJ <L-ai)l ujUl." 
to telephone, call, phone, ring up, buzz; to dial( J) jdJ 
telephone, phone ujAli' 

telephonic, telephone- 
convolution, gyrus ( J-U Jl) iLii 

fabrication, invention, making up, man- &tef-\ : J^iL' 
ufacture, trumping up, creation, feigning, faking, 
framing, concoction, contrivance, devisal, devising 

receipt, reception, receiving; taking, (,JlLJI) ji7 

acceptance; taking in; getting, obtainment, obtain- 
ing, acquisition 

.s » • *" 

learning, studying, taking o-J-^ j' pJLaJ I <JiJb 

to receive; to take, accept; to take _L»- 1 ij.;;..! : ^jki 
in; to get, obtain 

to learn, study, take lessons; to u - j jJ1 jl JjJI ^yLlu 
be taught, instructed 

illi^L i tlil iu>-lj-olix. i fill : »UL' 

— ~ f , ~ f 
opposite (to), in front of, facing, iJLi t olkj : tXik 

face to face with; before 

spon-olllljl ^j—i-J I tUJb ^ i <Cli jl <u-il sUJb (j> 
taneously, automatically; of one's own accord, of 
one's own free will, voluntarily, willingly 

I ■ .,t..'.! >.■».»■.*■ "V . 


to deign, condescend, J jLJ t JJuj i i_iLu : i_*]»lj 
vouchsafe, be so kind (to do), be gracious enough 
(to give or grant) 

to be lenient (toward or ,>»U- i j ,_£» j : j i_ikU 
with), mild (toward or with), indulgent (toward or 
with); to treat with kindness, show kindness to, be 
nice (gentle, tender, kind) to 

to proceed or go slow- J+J i Ji y : ( j jl j) i_iklj 
ly or gently (in); to go about something gently or 
carefully; to do slowly, act gently 

condescension, condescendence, JjLl ij-iij •< «l»l" 

civility, courteousness, politeness *-^ • 1 -*^J 

kindness, gentleness, J*Lj i Ji j i ljJJ : >— aJa lj 
leniency, lenity, mildness, indulgence, clemency, 

softening, lightening, mitigation, i_iL) jjlo* : uiJaL' 
palliation, mollification, alleviation, easing, ease- 
ment, soothing, relieving, relief, allaying, appease- 
ment, assuagement, attenuation, extenuation, 
qualification, moderation, tempering, toning down 

very playful i_jJJI jgS :i_iI*1j ioULj 

to play, act playfully i_j-St : i_ r jJL7 

hill, elevation, mound iJu i [p :<ulJ 

to stutter, stammer, falter, stumble, {<& J) '£& 

hesitate, halt in one's speech 

stutteKing), stammeKing), falteKing), hesitation ^JL 

telegraph 3^ \Li\jiXi 

telegram, wire, telegraph, cable, <L»^ : <_»! j^JJ 

telegraphic, telegraph- ,J IjjJb 

to be damaged, spoiled, j_j i iill» i i_iilll «jU»I :uilj' 
impaired, worn out, destroyed, ruined, wrecked, 
wasted; to perish; to wear out, deteriorate, decay, 

damage, harm, loss; destruction, ruin, spoilage, uiJj 
wreckage, wreck, impairment; waste, wear, deteri- 
oration, decay; wear and tear 

television, TV; television set jUL' 

olizJI i c. 




ing; failure to 

telex w~l 

furrow l>j^' j ^"'j*4' **-s! I* : (*^ 

to have for a pupil or student or I JuJb »Jl>u| : J-Jj' 


school days, college years; period iJjJI o» j : 5 -uiJ' 

of study, pupilage 

studentship, pupilage i-^j : » J-^> 

i-'. •-. .:■''{. 
apprenticeship <j4r*> 'i>-j-»-> :••*■»!> 

- » - ; ' s it. 
to grope for, probe for, finger, handle, ^—a* '• (^-*" 

touch, run the hand over; to fumble, grabble; to 

grope about, feel around, feel about or search 

(with the hands), feel one's way, (try to) find by 


to seek, look for, search for; to ask for i_JU> : lJ ~Jj 

to smack one's lips J-^ : ■**" 

to taste ii' i : J*»1j 

smack ejJa-^ : J**" 

Talmud J>*^' 

intimation, insinuation, allusion, hint, indirect g»*lj> 
reference, indirect suggestion, indication 

student, pupil, schoolboy i_JU> : JuJj 


disciple { ~!->}p' '• 

day student (fT-^" X ^ J - 

boarder ^- 1 ^ -4^L> 

cadet *~i'j*~ *?^ J i_JU> :(5j5CLc JL*lJ 

polish(ing), burnishing, scour(ing), jll j-uo* : ^Jj' 
shining, glossing, glazing, furbishing, refurbishing, 
lustering, buffing, brightening (up) 

to be perplexed, startled, bewildered, jm t J* i : *ij" 
puzzled, at a loss 

to amuse oneself with, pass the time with; to j (^jjlj 
take pleasure in, delight in 

to seek distraction or diversion from; to be ^ J^J 
distracted or diverted from 

to sigh for, regret, deplore, bemoan, grieve Jc ui+lj 


spontaneous, automatic, unprompted, impul- ^jUIj 

spontaneity; automatism *^?^ 

- *■* - ?.r 
to be surnamed, nicknamed, called, j c-iJ : j i—Jiij 

styled, denominated, designated 

to be pollinated; to be fertilized, impreg- t_ 

nated, fecundated 

to be inoculated, vaccinated; to be (jjj <. |JJ> : pilj 

injected, shot, given an injection 

,1a 5 1 f»-lj - Jaiil - 

to snatch, snap at, grasp, grab, **j-i JjLj : <-*&> 
seize (quickly), catch 

to be or become shaky, unsteady, un- JiiiJ : jiiL' 
stable, insecure, precarious; to be shaken, corn- 
moved, unsettled 
to understand, grasp <^cyL.\ i ^ : Jiij 

to learn from, receive from, get from ^ (^iU 

surnaming, nicknaming, calling, c-JLl j j~o* : L . .jil7 

styling, denominating, denomination, designating, 


pollination; fertilization, impregnation, <_jLo»-I : j-iiAJ' 


vaccination, inoculation, injection 3j j ' jr*l*> ■ ^r^ 

cross-pollination, xenogamy 


self-pollination, autogamy; autoinocula- ^jli ^il> 
tion, autovacci nation 

vaccinal, vaccine ^^ 

feeding (bit by bit); spoon-feeding (^JJ ^^Z.) fj&! 

feed(ing), charging; providing (^Jj u> t *! ^ 

with, supplying with 

loading, charging (^Jj lijli ^5L t £j j-j) j^iij 

feedback ilcU-^-l ij-uj i^tU-^J ^ 

instruction, teaching; dictation (jil j-un : v >jilJ' 

prompting, cuing (^y-N *r-»" c^ J—-*) i>^ 

that, that one (SjliJ ^0 ^ 

to lag, loiter, tarry, linger, be tardy, be dila- i^) ISCLi' 

tory; to fail to 

lag(ging), delay, tarrying, tardiness, linger- (,,>*) j£lj' 




brandishing, flourishing, wav- (^Jj (_i_JL) ~^b 
ing, wave 

(marginal) annotations, oLlLJ < J^l^*- :oLst^ij' 
(marginal) notes, (marginal) glosses 

reprimand, rebuke, reproof >^J : c ^ 

coloring, coloration, tinting, tinging, ojJ j ' n- .'(jiUJ' 
painting; staining 

angiography [ i_J, ] Cjt-i^ 

angiocardiography ^I^JIj *_JLiJ 1 &-)& 

jJt «-lj - jJLj 

to form fibers, become Qj jU> i li Ul Ojp : uilij' 


(uoj*) li-^ 

.• j , 

> J" 

fibrous; cirrhotic ; lv 

malacia, softening, ramollissement [ i_J» ] jib" 

arteriomalacia ^I^UI (jlU 

osteomalacia ..UiuJI ^JJ 

softening, mellowing, making soft or ^J j ',-i- : v lv 
tender; suppling, plasticization, making flexible or 
pliant; moderation, tempering, mitigation, allaying 

relaxation of the bowels, relieving the t>Ll]l ^ - 1 " 
constipated bowels, purge, purging 

to be complete, full, whole, entire, total, perfect, li' 
consummate; to be completed, concluded, fin- 
ished, done, over, through, wound up, finalized, ter- 
minated; to end, finish, terminate, come to an end, 
come to a close; to be accomplished, achieved, 
carried out, executed, performed, fulfilled; to be 
rounded off, perfected, consummated; to happen, 
take place, occur, come to pass, come about 


yf'^f jjj : (* 
'"-li '■''■ 

to resemble each other 

to be or become similar, alike, corresponding; to be 

or become identical; to identify 

at, pine for, yearn for, pant for or after, long for, be 
eager for 

distraction, diversion *'j\" 

writhing, writhe, wriggling, wriggle, ((5^LJl) ^li' 

squirm(ing); twist(ing), turning, winding, meander- 
ing, sinuosity, tortuosity 

dependent, subsidiary, subordinate, j*iU-i*_;U : £ 
subject; follower 

following, succession, sequence, JUJ <. "& jjua^ : ^L' 

young, young one <jl>il jJj :>Lj 



-JC :>!: 

after, upon; following, immedi- liiT ^51 j 4 J>\ :'£> 
ately after, directly after, in the wake of 

to writhe, wriggle, squirm, wring, wry; to twist, t^L" 
turn, wind, meander, coil; to be twisting, winding, 
tortuous; to be twisted, crooked 

to be or become polluted, contaminated, CjjiT 

impure, dirty, unclean; to be or become defiled, 
befouled, besmirched, soiled, sullied, stained, 

pollution, contamination, impurity; dirtiness, li^L' 
filthiness, uncleanness, dirt, filth 

water pollution 
air pollution 
to tarry, linger 

Si 4 'ii^L : ( j) ^L - 

to be colored, tinted, tinged, painted; to color, u^ii' 
take on color; to stain; to be variegated, dappled 

to be or i_JUu :(~JJ <uilj^ 1 4jl_jil 4 aj^U-I j) o^i; 
become changeable, fickle, inconstant, unsteady, 

coloration, taking on of coloKs) i/Jj 

change- (_Ji;:(jJ J yuM^iW Jl^^liJi^U-'}!! j)o»J£ 
ableness, fickleness, inconstancy, unsteadiness, 

pollution, contamination; defile- c/^i jjua^ iii-j^L' 
ment, befouling, besmirching, soiling, sullying,' 
dirtying, staining 

waving, beckoning; wave, sign, signal(~JJ jlJL>) ~^JU' 




e# #s 

to hate each other 
to help one another in 

tenacity, cohesiveness, holding together, cohe-duUi' 
sion, coherence, adherence; firmness, solidity, con- 
sistency; solidarity 
cohesion [ tLjji J dCCj 

tangent i^*"^ 1 

to walk together, go U« Cj-. : (aIJ uLiiiJI) ^Uj 

to control ,j* ttUllj » wlj AjLocI jl 4_jj dULJ' 

oneself, restrain oneself, contain oneself, withhold 
oneself, hold in; to keep from, refrain from, avoid 

self-control, self-command, ^Lac^l jl Lr J-JI dJUUJ' 
self-restraint, self-mastery, discipline, temperance 

completeness, wholeness, fullness, ilLS" < JLf : fa 
totality, integrity; perfection 

completion, conclusion, consumma- fa?\ '■ fa 
tion, termination, windup 

full, complete, whole, total, entire, ft i ^*}6 : fa 
perfect, consummate 

completely, entirely, wholly, fully, in (.131 i CCj 
full, totally, in toto, altogether, absolutely, utterly, 
thoroughly, quite, perfectly; downright, outright, 
sheer, stark; exactly, precisely, just 

full moon 




at 5 o'clock sharp, at exactly 
(or precisely) 5 o'clock 

(.uj j^-lj-ilLi" iJLi' :*-fUJ' 

identification Llt^ J ((j?^**-") °fa 

to identify [cr^] (j*^ 

to reel, totter, stagger JJCj : ^ UJ' 

to sway (back and forth), v-V-^ ' ' j-** d*^*-' • JL i^*' 
swing (from side to side), oscillate 

differentiation, distinction, contrast JjUj 

to reel, totter, stagger, teeter, waver; to sway, Sfa 
swing, roll 

to convalesce, regain health, recover, ( »li *,ll) JiLj 

recuperate, get well 

> - - *,- * - - ' ,' 

similarity, similitude, JjLLj ' ^ri^J t <bliJ : JjUj 

resemblance, likeness, alikeness, correspondence, 
parallelism; homology; uniformity; identity, identi- 
fication, sameness, oneness; symmetry 

convalescence, recovery, recuperation t U,v,ll JjLj 

to wrangle, altercate, biker, ~*>\±u t ^ Lj : db-l*J' 
quarrel, stickle 

to bargain, haggle ffa : ii£- tj 




persistence, continuance; excess, exces- ((ijlllll) jUj 
siveness, immoderation, exceeding the proper 
bounds or limits, going too far, going to extremes, 
going to excess 

in the long run iij£i)l ^ 

to persist in, persevere in, continue (to do); j lijUj' 
to go too far in, go to extremes in, go to excess in, 
carry too far, exceed the proper bounds or limits 
in, overdo, be excessive in 

to continue, last (long), be long *(*^' li-illj 

to praise one another 

dates seller, seller of dates 

to fight, come to blows 

to feign illness or sickness, 
pretend to be ill or sick 

to malinger J** jl 


p*-*V ^ • £■ 


i_j j Li, : ijij I^J 

Jo)\> jto^eu '-JeS\^ 

JaJUu : rj«J' 

to intermix, intermingle, interblend 
mix, mingle, blend, commingle, commix 

intermixture, intermixing, intermin- 
gling, interblending, blending, mixture, mixing, 

JaJUu '■ rjUJ' 



to joke together, jest together, have fun ^c\ 
together, make fun 
to touch each other, be in mutual con- ,_,-•!& : y»UJ' 
tact, be contiguous, be adjacent 

contact; touch(ing), contiguity, adjacen- iJ S% :<_j-UJ' 
cy; tangency, contingence 

demarcation line(s); con- ^-uJ i^Jxj- <. ^uJ J»- 
frontation line(s) 

to hold together, hold fast, stick together, cling duUi' 
together, adhere, cohere 



representation, representing, por- jiy^ 
trayal, depiction, description 

exemplification, exemplifying, Jlil^l ^Jj*> :J-±1j 
showing by example, illustration (by example); 
giving (as) an example, quotation as an example, 
citation (by way of example); saying or giving a 
proverb; setting an example (for others) 

likening, comparison (_,) <u^j : (_,) J^ 

exemplary punishment; torture S^> '■ -> !j~^ 

mayhem, mutilation, Aj^i; : ili-L jl J-iilL *&j£ 
maiming, mangling 

assimilation ^ I ii ^£j t ^ Qj | ( J^£j 

acting, playing, play, (^11 ^(.L- < J^-^.) J^ 
representation; starring; performance 

(commercial) agency, (commercial) (isj^) J-£u 

^ -*• ,« , - 
diplomatic representation (j-l^jLj JJUJ 

proportional representation */j 3r-^ 





theatrical, dramatic, scenic(al) 
representative; representational 
play, drama; performance 
morality play 
mime and pantomime 


to be glorified, exalted, extolled, lauded, 'J!ai 

glorification, exaltation, extolment, 'j&L > 
praise, laudation 

■J 3 *** 



to seek to attain by cunning 

to seek (make, use) pretexts or 

testing, thorough examination 
clarification, purification 

reel(ing), tottering, staggerGng), waverGng); Jj U; 
swayGng), swinging) 

(Persian) tobacco d)L*J' 

to enjoy; to savor, relish, get pleasure from; to j «u*; 
take pleasure or satisfaction or delight in, delight 
in; to have for one's use or benefit, have the use or 
benefit of 

enjoyment; fruition; relish, zest, gusto, pleasure •"»" 

to mumble, mutter, murmur; to recite under l^J 

one's breath 

sumac jC : £1 

mumble, mutter, murmur 

strengthening, consolidation, fortifi- '^L j'x^. : j_"'»" 
cation, solidification 

statue; sculpture , IH'j 

dummy (jjl ol^l^l J ^^il ^^Jl^; 

to imitate, copy, pattern j is ju» I ( j ilij : j J-" 
after, take after, model after, follow somoene's 
example or model 

to imagine, fancy, con- <dlij ( oj^tu : i' L l}\ 'J^j 
ceive, ideate, envisage, visualize, picture (in the 
mind), represent, form an image or representation 
of in the mind 

f -s- - . * j- , 5,- 
to appear to, present itself <l j^^ : ijJjl <l JlJ 

to, reveal itself to, show itself to 

to appear, show, emerge, J^C < j^i j I : ^JUI 

manifest itself, present itself, be represented, be 
manifested, be visible, find visual expression, take 
pictorial expression 

to assimilate £, : (4_^ii jJJ) IQjl 'j'',-. 

to assimilate, be or become assimilated *LJ»JI J ." 


imitation, copying, following 1 1 ju» I t 4-JJ : _, ^)V 
the example or model of, patterning after, taking 

representation, (J.\ jl s^i jl jy* jl yaii) J^' 



tomed to, be inured to; to be or become experi- 
enced, long-practiced, worldly-wise, sophisticated 

to rub oneself with or against iit>- 1 : -> ^ j^> 

pratice, practicing; experience, sophistica- ( J) <j*^*J' 

to roll (in), wallow (in), welter (in) i_Aiu : ( j) £^»j' 
to waver, hesitate, falter >*y :(^*^l j) jy*J 

to center, centralize; to focus, concentrate, £j*> 
focalize, localize 

centering, centralization; focusing, concentra- '£j£ 
tion, focalization, localization 

to practice, drill (oneself), exercise, i_/> -^ : ( J*) Uj±i 
take exercise, do exercises, train, rehearse; to be or 
become trained, drilled, exercised, coached, tutor- 
ed, practiced, skilled, experienced 
to be apprenticed t>«-»-> : (<>fc) o s*> 

to get used to, be or become accus- *ya : <_^c u^j 

tomed to 

i - : . * - :. 
training, practice, exercise, drill, rehears- uji; :o j hw 

al; traineeship 

habituation, getting used to 

anointment, anointing, 
inunction, unction 

o* j 'c-* 'c-^ : 6 ! ^*' 

pass L^-4 ^yjj 'jij^j' 

inurement, accustoming, seasoning jj>«j : u-jjaj 

nursing l/^j-^' (Jf i u*ij*' 

exercise, practice, training, drill(ing), coaching, <>„ j*Ji' 
rehearsal; traineeship; apprenticeship 

to be or get torn, rent, lacerate(d), shredded; to Jy^ 
tear, rend, rive, tatter 

to rupture (^JJ liv-^' S^jll '>^0 di>j 

tear, laceration, rupture 

tearing, rending, ripping apart, divulsion, ii;>J - 

laceration, shredding; rupture, disruption 

crocodile \^x?~) £*— *? 

alligator; caiman t^J^' c'—*^ ' ^-*f' £.^— *^ 

to produce, bring forth, bring ^ _ / i-l : <jz ^ 
about, give rise to, result in 

to be churned (>JJI i/x*-*> 

the mountain was in labor \ jii jJy J^J-I iy»»"J 
and produced a mouse 

<ujl ^ J>U«il ^-jj-l : Ja'Ht'i 


= (-.) 

to blow one's nose 

to glory in, boast of, brag of 

to extend, stretch, spread (out); to jj- <. 
expand, distend, dilate, lengthen; to be extended, 
expanded, spread (out), stretched (out); to be 
lengthened, elongated, protracted, prolonged 

to stretch (oneself), stretch out, extend JaJ : jaJ 
or stretch one's body or limbs 

to lie down, lie, «j»l»*ij < -^aJJ i <Jf^~"\ '■ J - u ^ 

stretch (out) ^ . 

extension, stretching, spreading; *~.y i J>l_J| : jjuj' 
expansion, distension, dilation, dilatation 
lying (down), recumbency, prostra- f UJu-l^ : j-uj 

to be or become civilized; to be or be- 
come urbanized, citified 
civilization; urbanization, urbanism 

extension, stretching (out), spreading (out); ex- ju j^! 
pansion, distension; dilation, dilatation; lengthen- 
ing, elongation, prolongation, protraction; laying 

installations, fixtures, fittings oIju-uj 

U-U-> 'U^ V!" 'J — !^R>->-a-> i,jjJ*J 

toembrace, follow, adopt, profess ^J U J*--*! : -; '-«*■>•» 

dates, dried dates j£ 

henna blossoms, henna 


dovecot, pigeon house 

date, dried date j+^\ Sap-I j : 5^' 

to rub oneself, oil oneself, anoint oneself fj^ 

to rebel (against), revolt (against), mutiny ( Jc) j^' 
(against), renounce allegiance (to); to disobey 
mutiny, insurrection, insurgence, rebellion; dis- j^' 
obedience, insubordination, recalcitrance, refrac- 
to get used to, be accus- l£ik« jLo 4 j>«j : (->) u*j±> 


5 '- - - 


(J »<*ni a > 




to become populated, inhabited; to be- (olSQl) ><: 
come a city 

to sip, sup i i/i'/i ( ; 

to rinse (out) the mouth a ^ .> ', r 

spending, passing i_»^» i »loj •(<-■« j II ) *\j~\" 

carrying out, execution, ^1 ( jL*;l i ilijl * : ~.~ 
performance, accomplishment; conclusion, com- 
pletion, windup 

to stretch (one's body, one's limbs, j ±J : . J^\~ 


to stretch, extend, expand jjhJ : , kV,v 

JiuJu : (jna'i 

to smack one's lips 
to taste 

smack U.I : ; jV,v 

to meander, wind; to writhe, wriggle, <3^b : rii*i' 
squirm, worm 

meandeKs), windings); sinousity, tortuosity, ruL^i' 
flexuosity; vermiculation; writhing, writhe, wrig- 
gling, wriggle, squirm(ing) 

peristalsis [ U->l >r J ] »!; 

peristaltic [ U-jJj-J ] ^*^i' 

to scrutinize, look closely at, regard attentive- 3 J»+i 
ly, examine carefully or in detail, pore over 

scrutiny, careful or close examination J^J 

postage stamp, stamp iS-^jt *jU> :<i^i *jU> fU»J - 

fiscal, revenue stamp, ^j^l >uU> :iil> «JU> liilj 
tax stamp 

stamp mark; imprint, impression, im- Ail j : iij 
press, print; hallmark 

stamped paper iilj j'jj 

^^aij ' (_fO«u« ««-lj — (jaiaJ 

to stretch, extend, expand; to be stretched, .k n.aj" 

extended, expanded 

elasticity; stretchability 

to be magnetized 


to articulate, be or become jointed J^oaoj 

articulation, being or becoming jointed J.-^V: 


crocodile tears <_ols o>- :?y— .Ul s-y* 

to wipe oneself, wash oneself; to be wiped, twj 

to cling to, stick to, adhere to, cleave to, keep j i'l y 
to; to grasp at, hold on to, hold fast to; to hang on 
to, persist in; to be devoted to, attached to 

clinging to, sticking to, adherence to, ( j) i ! l '»v 

adhering to, cleaving to, keeping to; grasping at, 
holding on to, holding fast to; hanging on to, 
persistence in; tenacity; devotion, attachment 

to become poor, be reduced to I --<" , ,- ^Uo : j ^"i" 

to pretend to be poor, feign i-iClil ^ll : j<° '," 
poverty; to feign humility, show oneself humble or 

massage; rubbing; stroke, stroking, caressing >■ \" 

' ~ * *2 .4 ,- 

walking, walk; taking a walk, go- ,-L. : ( ■■ ,'H) jV" 
ing for a walk, promenading; strolling, sauntering 
keeping pace with, keeping up Sl _,lk« : (>u.) JU1 
with, keeping step with, keeping abreast with, 
going along with; following, proceeding in 
accordance with; conformity, agreement 

in conformity with, in accordance with, in «^ I *'■',' 
keeping with, in line with, in agreement with 

to walk, go on foot; to pace; to take a (j 1a : u -%v 
walk, go for a walk, promenade, take a prome- 
nade; to saunter, stroll, walk in a leisurely or idle 
manner, walk slowly 

to keep pace with, keep up ^JL t lijU- : >u. L JLJ 
with, keep step with, keep abreast with, go along 
with; to be in agreement with, in conformity with, 
consistent with, compatible with, in accordance 
with, in keeping with, in line with; to proceed in 
accordance with, (be able to) follow; to adapt or 
adjust (oneself) to 

gametogenesis ^Ll^l 'o^S :^£^ 

to comb one's hair U%v 

to be or get torn or shredded 

combing, doing, dressing, styling, 
coiffing, coiffuring 

carding, teasing, combing ( l ^illl jl iJ^Jl) U. ■-','-, 
combing ^, , j^- 

coiffure, hairdo, hairstyle i^ L 

fir* 1 


i\> » i 


>-:.::■: w .-.j ?•'..-..:■ -■■■■- -.■- 

ment, sweet talk, lip service, sycophancy, toady 
ism; fawning (on), bootlicking 

to become king over-^lLc ISlL jL> : ^yi\ J^ lilLj 

possession; acquisition; taking possession, duUJJ 

taking over, seizure; domination, control, mastery 

possessive, possessory; proprietary tjf-^*' 

l>* ffr'j ~u" -(JjAi 

to fidget, be fidgety, be restless JJUI : JLJ 

to embrace, adopt, profess j^fJ :(iL) JJuj 

to fidget, move or act restlessly or nervously; J»i*j' 
to be or become fidgety, restless, uneasy, nervous 

fidgets, fidgetiness, restlessness, uneasiness, JJUJ' 

salting; curing, corning 

Q ;,;,"< '■ ia ;l o ' i 

smoothing, rolling, sleeking, 

mortaring, plastering 

investment with ownership, put- lilL > 
ting in possession; transfer (of ownership), convey- 
ance (of property), alienation, making over, assign- 
ment, delivery, cession 

wishing (for), desiring; wish, desire; ((^-^ ) <j*i 

wishes, compliments 


optative mood, optative 


to wish (for something); to wish someone { j^i 

something; to wish (that); to wish to; to desire; to 
desiderate; to hope; to hope for; to look forward to 

to gird oneself, put on ^ jpu < *JiL'.> aI>1, j oi : Jj h ; « V 

a belt 

to be or become a logician J>^' <^» Lj : J j li ■ .'i 

to be or become inaccessible, '1- l > as " : £«-*J 

fortified; to be strengthened; to fortify oneself; to 
strengthen (one's position, etc.) 

to seek protection in or with 

"- ' " ' ■ - ' ■..■ ■■ ' '" ~ 

can; to be able to, be capa- s-lkl. I < J^ j ji : ^ j£»J' 
ble of, be in a position to, have the power or abili- 
ty to; to be or become possible for, feasible for; to 
afford to, manage to 

to master, command, gain mastery of, have com- 
mand of; to be or become versed in, conversant 

to be or become firmly [fyi i c-J i f^j : lj£»j 
established, deep-seated, deep-rooted; to be or be- 
come firm, fixed, strong, solid 

0JlL£- (^X-« f*"'j — -Lit iy^J 

- . > - ' . J,, - 

ability, capability, capacity, Sjoi <. icLkL.1 : JSi£ 

power, faculty; possibility 

mastery, command, conver- 0^ ! ' J-aJ : jjiCj 
sance, versedness, proficiency 

to be mechanized j^w 

mechanization j^w 

strengthening, consolidation, cementa- c>.y"< : <j£*j 
tion; establishing, establishment, settling, settle- 
ment; fixing, fixation, fastening 

enabling, enablement J^ Ijjli aJLw- : ( > : ^-^i 

&.I jrlj-5^1 :Sk 
to wrap oneself, put on a wrap 5 1 ji\ o>J 

to be smoothed, smoothened, evened ^Ju. : ^JLj 

to slip away, get away, escape eJi I : y-UJ 

to dodge, shirk, evade, elude, ^j£ '■ (<>?) i^aUJ' 


to glide, slide, slip; to slip cJil t jJj :(,>•) ,>»L^ 
away, escape 

dodge(ry), shirking, evasion, elusion, escape, ^aUi 

slipping away 

to amalgamate /JlLj' 

amalgamation /wJuw 

to flatter (slavishly), adulate, <jj LiJy <. ^ I j : ji»j' 
cajole, coax, wheedle, blandish, sweet-talk; to 
fawn on, curry favor with, toady, bootlick 

adulation, (servile) flattery, cajolery, blandish- J^Li" 

I — ~ 


11 " ;•'" 

to move to and fro, move from side to side; to 


undulate, wave, swing, sway; to surge, heave, 

undulation, swaying, swinging; 
heaving, upheaval 

surge, surging, J"^ 


'1 '■• i: - 

to localize, focalize 

j^j^ :j-o>w 

localization, focalization 

to be financed, capitalized 

JUL jjj, :<j^ii' 

to be or become rich, wealthy 

l^t-\ '-UJ-W 

to store (up or away) provisions 

*^s'^ >- J ! :6>*J' 

lay in provisions, provision oneself, hoard 

rippling; waving, undulation; 'J"y* j '-n - '-ryiu 

crimp(ing), crispation, curling, frizzing, frizzling 
financing, finance Sy> j '-n - : Jj **j 

provisioning, purveyance, purveying, supplying (jjaj 
with provisions; victualing; catering; (food) supply, 
(food) supplies, rations, provisions 

ration card i>~j-" ** ^ 

camouflage, camouflaging (^JJ iL^il slti^l) <u_^i' 

camouflage, camouflaging, dis- iLJj ( f lii-l iajjI; 
guise, disguising, concealment, hiding, blinding 

whitewash, glossing over, (Jl^il jl J?'v") AjjIj 

misrepresentation, falsification, dis- 

» j*** '• ^>* J 

coating, plating, overlaying 

dilution, thinning, attenua- 
tion, weakening 

to reel, totter, stagger 

to strut, swagger, prance 

^~ :^ 

to be preferred; to be pri vi- 1 jLi. I pj*. t J^ : jlj 
leged; to be distinguished, honored, favored 

to be separated, set apart, singled j jj I ( J*aj : ^_J 

I •i : :>w.v-!iuarr. 


to remind someone of a favor (/it) jl«j' 

to weaken, enfeeble, sap 
wishes, compliments 

l_4a*0l : u^J 

l y~**u 


fortification, entrenchment, 

immunization l y r ^aau -(t^J u°j* ^») ,■ - : 't" 

>■ i ♦ i 

to be paved, cleaKed); to be leveled, even- 
ed; to be smoothed, smothened; to be arranged, 
settled, (put) in order; to be prepared, made; to be 

to act slowly, take one's time, slow ,Jt : J^«V 

(down); to be slow, deliberate, patient, cereful 
slowness, deliberateness 

to be apprenticed 


leveling, planing, flatten- 
ing, grading; smoothing 


lj : ji*j 

arrangement, arranging, settle-<j>-j i i-.'^" 
ment, settling, putting in order; preparation, pre- 
paring, making 

facilitation, facilitating, making easy J / " : -u< 

preface, foreword, introduc- ia^li t i,_uj : 
tion, preamble, proem; prelude, prelusion 

in order to pave the way for, in prepara- J 

tion of, as a preliminary step toward; in order to 


preliminary, preparatory, introductory, prefa- {t i /« '■' 
tory, prelusive, initiative; draft; interlocutary; pro- 

to ripple; to undulate, I»->1l. olS" i rp& dl^k; :*■>« 
fluctuate, wave; to sway, roll 

undulation, fluctuation, oscillation, vibration; r>»J' 
wave, waviness, ripple, rippling, curliness, crimpi- 

, - *-:. 


U ". ' . * 1 

melting, liquefaction 


I . « I . » I 

catheterization; probing, probe Lv*^] Jsc*" 

hydration; hydrolysis [ *L^ ] ^^^J' 

tuna, tunny (<iL»-») i> 

to move away, go away; to keep jjlo I : (^ ) t$ i Lj' 
away from, stay away or aloof from, distance 
oneself from, separate oneself from 

to quarrel, dispute, argue, fight ~o\±u < (_iL»-| : JjLj 

to separate, part company, break off 3^i\ '■ J^^ 

to be scattered, dispersed, strewn about, sprin- J Lj 
kled; to scatter, disperse; to fall, fall out 

dispersion, dispersal, scattering; fall J> Uj 

to commune, converse or communicate inti- ^ Lj' 

mately, talk confidentially, exchange sentiments or 


to fight (one another), combat, battle ^ ^ : 'yr ^ 

fight(ing), combat, strife, struggle ^ L? 

to fight, combat, battle; to quar- p«U»j 4 3^ : y^> 

rel, wrangle 

fight(ing), combat(ing); contention; quarrel, ^Lj' 


to call each other, summon one another^ I ju : tiaLJ 

to meet, get together, assemble t*-^! : cS- 5 ^ 

to tell (each other) jokes j jUj 

to drink together, have a drink (cJ^JI jx) f jLj 


syndrome [<_J»]jiLj 

to dispute, contend, quarrel, fight p« U«j : f\J^' 

to litigate <^>^J : f_ jL^ 

to pull back and forth, pull in v^tx* : p- j^> 

different directions 

to snatch (or seize) from one anotheri_il>U^ : p- jLj 

to obsess, possess; to engross, <Jj; j>»^-| : f jLL> 
absorb, engage, preoccupy, take up; to overcome, 

overpower, overwhelm, take hold of, seize, grip 

- ., > ' >,--, 

to be distinguished, differentiated, dis- 3j» '■ j^ 

to be brought for cassation, be [ojjli J S-^ >^> 
brought before a court of cassation 

to burst (flame, flare up) with L-ai- jl Lk-i j^-J 
rage or anger, fly off the handle, seethe, boil, burn, 
be or become inflamed or furious 


liquefaction, deliquescence 

"-II '•■' • '■'■ 

Jj_j*j : 4 a ■ a ' 


amulet, charm, incantation, talisman, 

fetish, periapt 

to hydrate 4-^J' 

hydration <u»i' 

distinction, distinguish- Jjii\ dljjl jl JjjJj : jj-*J 
ing, differentiation, discrimination; perception, 
discernment, judgment, realization, identification, 
noticing, recognition, knowledge 

discrimination (in sULau jl J-lk; : (aJl.Q.1 j) j^j 
treatment); partiality, bias, prejudice; favoritism, 

preference, preferring; favoring, fa- J;/»" -j^ 
voritism; privileging 

separation, setting apart, jl j»\ <. iji t jlai : jwJ 
segregation, singling out 

specification [iiJ] 

cassation; bringing appeal for cassa- [ Oy ^ J 
tion (against a judgment), bringing before a court 
of cassation 

racial discrimination, racial segrega- 
tion, apartheid 

good sense, common jwJI Jx. ijji 
sense, sound judgment, judiciousness, discretion, 
discernment, discrimination, perception, penetra- 
tion, acumen, insight 

age of discretion 


(?r'J ~ J^> 


discriminatory, discriminative, discriminating; li j-*j' 
preferential, special, privileged, favored 






transmigration (of souls), u^.?" :( rljj^O twjLj 
reincarnation, metempsychosis 

succession, sequence 


to coordinate; to be coordinated; to be harmo- jIuLj 
nious, congruous, symmetrical, regular, consistent 

coordination; harmony, congruity; symmetry, ^Lj' 
regularity, consistency; ordonnance 

to propagate, breed, procreate, _^lSi i Jl^j : J1.LJ' 
reproduce, multiply 

(sexual) reproduction, propaga- J\SJ < Jly; : JlLj' 
tion, procreation, gamogenesis, syngenesis 

sex(ual) organs, genitals, genitalia jlLJI j\,as.\ 
genital, sexual; reproductive; procreative ^J—^J' 

reproductive system ^LLJI jl^J-l 

gonad ilL-Lj ijx 

venereal disease 

^L.Lj ijoj* 

to help (aid, support) one another OjI*j : j-oLj' 

to osmose ?w»Uj 


j.U-1 J twjL" 






to vie or compete with one another (ijp : J»<jbj 

to butt one another ^j-^l lla-ia-lj »J»i :iiiLj 

to debate, argue, discuss 3 jlkj i ,_^iLj : jJjLJ 

to face each other, be opposite <o r \y i JjIju : ^i»Lj 
(to) each other 

to be corresponding, analogous,^ Lj t JjCj :^J»LJ 
homologous, similar, alike 

to be symmetrical; to [ »JJ «.L»- 1 t oLil j ] ^J»LJ 
be corresponding 

symmetry [*JJ f L»-l ioUiLj] jiij 

similarity, resemblance, like- J5LJ t ajLJ : ^i»LJ 
ness, alikeness, analogy, correspondence, parallel- 
ism, homology 

analogy [ *L»- 1 ] ^Jij ^J»i2 

to pretend to be sleepy ^,-LJJlj ^a LkJ : ,-c Lj' 

struggle for existence 
conflict of laws 

to give up, abandon, renounce, ^t ,jL»»J : pt 3 jLj 
relinquish, surrender, yield, resign, waive, forgo, 
cede, disclaim; to abdicate (a throne or high office) 

to cede, transfer, assign, alien- ~JJ <CSCL. ^c 3 jlo 
ate, make over, dispose of 

to condescend, deign, J-^»" t i_tJalj t i_tk.j : 3 jLo 
stoop, lower oneself; to vouchsafe, be so kind (to 
do), be gracious enough (to give or grant) 

relinquishment, giving up, abandon- jkj :((>c) JjLj' 
ment, surrender, yielding, resignation, renuncia- 
tion, waiver, forgoing, disclaimer, cession; abdica- 
tion (of a throne or high office) 

cession, transfer, assignment, alien- ilsCL. jjx. Jj>Lo 

condescension, condescen- J.;.;" ( ■ »U." : JjLj 
dence, stoop, deigning 

concession(s) (o^jLj r) JjLo 

to pretend to have forgotten 


to try to forget »L~o j\ JjU- : (j-lo 

to suit, fit, match UlSCi tji \y i ,-sbk :(«_.) L^lli' 
(with), harmonize (with), agree (with), go well 
(with), tally (with), be in harmony (with), be in 
agreement (with), be in conformity (with); to be 
suitable (for), fit (for), convenient (for); to be 
appropriate (to), adequate (to), suited Tto); to be 
proportionate (to), proportional (to), commensu- 
rate (with) 

to be or become related to one pUn-*,*,!! i_».LJ 
another, be or become relatives 

proportionality, JjjLj ii*iX> <-&\y iylSo :^««iLj' 
proportionateness, commensurability; proportion, 
symmetry, harmony, conformity, congruence, 

relation(ship), connection J»Lj j\ l ii%. :i_».UJ 
proportion [oL^Lj J i_— .Li 

direct proportion [oLilj] £ C* jl cSj^ i_—LJ 



to succeed or follow each other, 
follow or come successively 

to transmigrate 








z^> <$c 

to decrease (gradually), diminish llsrjjj (^oii : ^^aiLj' 
(progressively), dwindle, grow less (by degrees), 
lessen (bit by bit), taper (off), decline (off), shrink, 
drop (ofO, fall, wane, abate 

decrease, diminution, dwindling, decrement, yai'Lj' 
lessening, decline, skrinkage, shrinking, drorXping), 
fall(ing), fall-off, waning, wane 

law of diminishing returns iLJI yaiLj 0>l» 

to contradict each other, conflict, (jijk : J& LJ 
clash, disagree; to be contradictory, conflicting, 
disagreeing, inconsistent, incompatible 

contradiction, opposition, contrariety, incon- ya»Lj 
sistency, incompatibility, discrepancy, antinomy, 
antithesis, contrast 



- oLaiLj 

to carry, transport; to transmit, convey, jjij : jjiLj' 
communicate; to report, relate, pass on; to spread 

to pass from mouth to mouth, be on l j-J^I <d»Lj 

everybody's lips, be the talk of the town, run 

through the town, spread, circulate, make the 


to pass from hand to hand, change ii-y^' <d»L> 

hands, circulate 

to abut on each other t-^LJ' 

abutment, abutting t-^Lj' 

but joint aIoLo 4Ju«j iooLj aJu«j 

to i ntermarry r J ' y : pf ^ 

to pretend not to know, feign ignorance; J» by : jS"Lj 
to ignore, disregard, turn one's back on 

to grow, develop, increase, build up Li : ^ Lj 

finity, finitude, finiteness (^LJI) »Lj' 

to come to one's *»*- JJ (j»Lj 'j^-' ^J <j»^> 
knowledge, reach, come to one's ears, hear of, get 
wind of, learn about, be told about, be informed 
about, be reported to 

to race, run 

J^LJ : <_*aLJ 

to go at full speed 

JjjjJall jl (jij jl t_-»uj 

to share the expenses 

oliiJI jif^ll :j»LJ 

to alternate, rotate 

Jjl-u i i_-iUj :i_i,jLj' 

to harmonize (with), be i_iL5l 4 »»«-jl :(fc») (tcLj 
harmonious (with), be in harmony (with), agree 
(with), be in agreement (with), accord (with), be in 
accord (with), blend (with), fit, suit, tune (with), be 
consistent (with), be compatible (with) 

harmony, agreement, accord, conso- Aaf^>\ : (tcLi' 
nance, concord, symphony, compatibility, consis- 
tency, congruity 

contradiction, incompatibility, incon- (^JLlJI) <_JLi' 


to conflict, disagree; to be con- Joi Lj t Ja^j : |y Lj 

tradictory, incompatible, inconsistent 

to osmose 

tw>Lj : JuLJ' 



Lj : JjLj' 

S * * — 

to be or become discor- pi Lz. ^ ' j*^* o^ '■ jiLj' 
dant, disagreeing, inharmonious, not in accord, 
inconsonant, conflicting, disharmonious, incon- 
gruous, incompatible, inconsistent, incoherent, 
bizarre, grotesque 


Lxj : jLj 

to quarrel, dispute, contend 

to vie in glory with one another j3~ Uj : J> Lj 

(mutual) alienation, (J jLu) o^f 4 (J *\~u) j>ii : jiLj' 
(mutual) estrangement, (mutual) aversion, antipa- 
thy, repugnance, repulsion 

dissension, discord, disagreement, con- ^ Lai- : J> Lj 
flict, strife, dispute, quarrel 

discord, discordance, disagree- -cLj" jui : yLj 
ment, inharmony, disharmony, inconsonance, 
incongruity, incompatibility, inconsistence, inco- 

dissonance, discord, dis- (fLi^l jl ol>^l) yLj 
cordance, cacophony, disharmony, inconsonance 

repulsion [ *Lj<j J jiLj 

to compete, vie, rival, contend, jostle <*-\'j> :<_>«» Uj 

> — 
competition, rivalry <_r*Lj' 

competitive; emulative, emulous j^-jUj" 

to debate, argue, dispute; to discuss 






'•■■ '■ ■ ■-'■ ' " 

=♦ *: 

03 Lj 

to wake up, awaken, waken 


'\ t^-'j 

stimulation, excitation, arousal, ijlj I niL^ 
stirring up 

warning, caution(ing), fore- jlJul i jjiku : ■■■■■•' 
warning, monition, caveat, admonition, exhor- 
tation; alarm(ing), alert(ing) 

awakening, waking up, rousing Jilij I : t r. 

note, NB, PS, remark illU- < iki-ii : a..': 


J>"j '^ 

J ill. 

jj Uj 

jjrij - _ / — 1 

to be or become impure, unclean, Chj jU> ij-kj 
dirty, soiled, sullied, tarnished, defiled, befouled, 
polluted, contaminated 

tungsten, wolfram 

to observe the stars 

to practice astrology 

rescue, rescuing, saving, deliverance, 
salvation, salvage, salvaging 
upholstery, upholstering 

JUyj I JC»- I j — '■•H.'j 

soiling, sullying, dirtying, defile- 
ment, pollution, contamination 

(_j-^J j X ^.» '. /j.., ^ I j 

divination, fortune-telling, soothsay- ijl^t :**yj 
ing, augury 

astrologic(al) i^—" ^ *»^* J- 5 : (j*?»^' 

to withdraw, retire, if_^ t luiJl ( J^il :( L>t ) ^j 
retreat; to step aside, make room, make place, 
make way; to abandon, give up, yield, surrender, 

to clear one's throat, hem, hawk 

hem, hawk 



to befall or afflict alternately ori_jC»l < jjfc : L/jLJ 

alternation, rotation; succession i_JiUI :i_jLj 

alternately, in rotation; by cjjLjJI J* 1 i_jjLJI> 
turns, successively, in succession, one after the 
other, one by one 

to take; to pick up, reach (for); to receive, I»- 1 : [jjlij 
get, obtain 

to take, eat, have (^'^ j' ££L) 3jLJ 

to deal with, treat, handle, (-JJ ll^^.) 3jLj 

tackle, approach, take up, discuss, study, consider, 
examine; to include, comprise, encompass, cover, 

to communicate, receive Commu- (^>L^iJl) 3jLj 
nion, partake of the Communion 

taking; receiving, reception, getting; in- js- 1 : J jlJ 
take, taking in; eating, having 

dealing with, treating, treatment, ikJL. : JjU; 
handling, tackling, approach(ing), taking up, dis- 
cussion, study(ing), consideration, examination 
Communion [ <j \ J ^ ) ] JjL; 

to pretend to be asleep >^JL y»Lk; : mLJ' 

to predict, foretell, forecast, prognosti- ^5d : (_,) LjJ 
cate, prophesy, presage, foreshow, foresee, vatici- 
nate, soothsay, divine, augur 

to claim to be a prophet 5^-JI ^ jl : llj 

prediction, foretelling, forecast(ing), prog- t >pi : j-JJ' 

nostication, prophecy, vaticination; soothsaying, 

augury, divination 

• > 

(Persian) tobacco d)LjJ' 

prophetic, predictive, fatidic, vatic(inal) tij—iJ' 

(Persian) tobacco 

lazy, idle, shiftless, sluggish, dull, o%~£ <■ -4-L; '■S**' 

short f-ai : J~o 

to perceive, realize, notice, see; to be or(JJ jl J) 4-li' 
become aware of, conscious of; to take notice of,, 
pay attention to, heed, mind, be heedful of, be 
mindful of 

(J ) " ' ' 


',;v ar-: .. 

demotion, degradation, dis- i»- jJI ji vV (_kej-J 

rating, declassing, reduction or lowering in rank or 


tennis u^oll iji ''jj-^i 

to get torn, lacerated; to be frayed, (tJJ vj^O j— ^ 
raveled, unraveled, unwoven 

- * ' - * ". 
to be coordinated; to be harmonized; to be ,_£_; : J— J 

arranged, put in order; to be classified, assorted, 


to lead an ascetic life, become an ascetic, ji j> : 

practice asceticism 

to be pious, practice piety, devote j-«3 

oneself to the worship of God 

. > i -- 

asceticism, reclusion ja'ji.ja'j> 

piety, devotion, devoutness SjLc i j-j.1 
ascetic(al), reclusive <^~^ 

to be raveled (out), unraveled, ( jJJ j^-JO J— >J 
untwisted, unwoven, frayed; to ravel, unravel, 

to breathe, respire iJ J>^> '■ jv— j 

to blow gently yy^l c.. „ ,. ^ 

to be redolent (with a scent), be isJI^Jl CjVSCJLI ~jj 
fragrant, exhale fragrance 

to nose about for, hunt for, (tJI jLj-^l) j»Lo 

gather, pick up (news, information, etc.) 

coordination; harmonization; concert, harmo- 
ny of action; arrangement, arraying, ordering, put- 
ting in order; classification, ranging, assorting, 
assortment, grouping, putting together 

upbringing, bringing up, raising, rearing, i^ : iLZ 
breeding, fostering, nurture; education 

i !er , j- 


to wipe oneself dry, towel, rubor o 
dry one's body (with a towel) 

to be dried; to dry, become dry 

to absorb, suck up V^-" 

to inhale, inspire, breathe in; to sniff, snuff, 


inhalation, inhaling, inspiration, breathing in; 

sniffling), snuffling), smell(ing) 

putting aside, setting aside, laying ,j>u jj 

aside; displacement, removal; dismissal, brushing 

aside or away, shelving 

to expectorate, cough up and spit out, ^ : «tJ 
hawk and spit 

to sift, bolt, sieve out Jj>LJ' 

to expectorate, cough up and spit out, hawk and »*^i 

, •* , - . f i" 

to joke, jest, make fun *- j,. 4 c-iO : jjLJ' 

joking, jesting, fun(making), amusement jjLj 

tundra [ Li I ji^. ] 'ij jLJ' 

moistening, wetting, bedewing i^ju j'jLoa :*j.j^j' 

criticism, censure, condemnation, denun- (j) JjJuJ' 
ciation; revilement, disparagement; defamation 

to stoop, lower oneself, abase oneself, J«„.'i : JJJJ' 
demean oneself, debase oneself, sink low 

to go for a walk, take a walk, walk, i» y\i -r j±- '■ oj^J' 
promenade; to go for a drive or ride; to picnic, go 
on a picnic 

to be far above, too great^ 3=r ' o* (f > ' ■ u* °"j~* 
for, too proud for; to disdain, look down upon 
promenading, walk(ing), going for ijt^Si r)>- '-"'j^ 
a walk; going for a drive or ride; picnicking 
disdain, haughtiness 

tV '■°j~' 

■Llii-1 i ia 

:(tLil^)/' : 


honesty, integrity, probity 

infallibility, inerrancy; im- 

revelation, revealing, inspiration ,y>-j '■d*j~' 

> -. > •» 

the Holy Koran ^,501 Ol>JI : Je>^ 

inlaying, inlaid work, marquetry ^°y '■ Je >J 

reduction; discount; rebate ,^-»- i <>»^>«j : Jj>J 

subtraction, deduction ^^ : Jj >j 


to affect eloquence; to be extravagant; to be «Jtu 
overstrict, overstringent 

to gird oneself, put on a belt jii.'.'i : jlLj 

to scrutinize, look attentively j J^ i 3^t ' j Ji " 
(carefully, closely) at, regard (watch, observe) 

to be patient with cJ* cy" : j^" 

to be cleaned ■ °l^ : > » U • v 

to clean oneself <u-iJ ■ »U; : . ;h ■" 

theorization, theorizing, specu- ot^JiJI %^>j 'j?.J» : " 

viewing, observation, -scopy iki-'iL i ijj : jJiJ 

urethroscopy Jr^-)" jiJ*-^ 

otoscopy J'^i\ jJ»-J 

rhinoscopy i» 


abdominoscopy jh'H j-h v 




spectroscopy <j*~k Ji^ 

ophthalmoscopy ,^111 1 jJi^i' 

cystoscopy iillil ^Ji^' 

gastroscopy sluil jJi^ 

vaginoscopy, colposcopy J-^i 

cleaning, cleansing; deterging; scouring, scrub- 
bing; purgation, purge, purging 

dry cleaning 


*-£■_) 'ill jJilj 

vacuuming, ilsL^iOl i-liQL <-«,JiJ 


J?l* ^ 

J -LJ 

jl ■ */"' : " i_mIc 

organization, organizing, arrangement, i_-J ^J 
arranging, arraying, disposal, disposition, marshal- 
ing, ordering, systematization 

activation, stimulation, energizing, Uv. j 
vitalization, animation, invigoration, enlivening, 
inspiriting, vivification, quickening 

promotion, sales promotion 

wiping, toweling; drying, ■ »"■ j 

desiccation, exsiccation, dehydration 

to eavesdrop, listen secretly (to) •'- H lijji-l : c 

> > 
to wiretap, tap i_ii'lil J»jjji- J* 

eavesdropping .'-I I Jil^- 

wiretapping, tapping 

oijlil isjiii- (J* 

to become a Christian, adopt 


jL« : 

j-^li **- \ j — J 

to disavow, disown, disclaim, deny, re- [y S"" : 
nounce, repudiate, wash one's hands of, clear one- 
self of; to free oneself from, rid oneself of 

disavowal, disownment, disclaimer, de- ([y) JlaJ 
nial, repudiation, renunciation 

installation, installment, indue- ^...Jj ( ijy • . .. ~:~. 
tion, investiture, investment, inauguration; appoint- 
ment, nomination 

christianization Lj\J^, wJJ i^.\ jii- ■ j. ~~ 

baptism, baptizing, christening j 

halving, bisection, bisecting, c~Ju i jJai : i 

dividing, division 

decolorization, bleach(ing); fading, (j>U0 J *'■" 

to be tiered; to be piled S j i oliJ» j oJ JJ 
up, stacked up 

to be arranged, arrayed, put in 

to be well set, compact, '•-.\^\'y 
well strung, regularly set 

to be composed, set, typeset 


typesetting, composition, com- * i'r : (^.Q.) i . ; 

to examine thoroughly, ^niiv',,! : (^ i j) ^A'v 
investigate carefully, scrutinize, survey 

to be choosy (in), dainty (^'^1\ ji JiTUl J) ' . U.-: 
(in), overnice (in) 

to breathe, respire 
to dawn; to shine 


v>-lj — £IJjL*aJI ( j i.a ■ ' > 


respiration, breathing 

artificial respiration 

respiratory system 

scuba u°y^ *^' ?^' 



respiratory system 

to ruffle the feathers 

to bristle the hair j^ (J^> 

to blister, vesicate, break out with pirn- (aU-0 Jaki' 

pies or pustules; to erupt, break out in a rash 

to perform more than is required (as prayers, JiJ 



t j. .n .".'il ^-*t t ^j.i f i ■ " • 'I I ^ . ^ 






carrying out, execution, effec- J^-Jjj i J>>-! 
tuation, implementation, enforcement, putting 
(bringing, carrying) into effect, giving (practical) 
effect to, application; accomplishment, realization; 
performance, fulfillment, discharge; honoring, 
observing, observance, living up to, compliance 
with, keeping 

sending, dispatch(ing), for- JLajJ <■ JLjl : xj^> 
warding; transmission, conveyance, delivery 

execution f'-, ' (•*■** X ^ J 

.* ' . ". '•*• 

stay of execution; arrest of judgment ■>■ ; «■ " 1 1 *-«» J 


the executive, executive power 



alienation, estrangement, disaffection, >1 j-wi* :jiij' 
disinclination, repulsion, repellence; startling, 
frightening, scaring away, driving away 
abreaction; catharsis; giving ventoi>j-ai :\,jt-) ij~&*> 
to, release, discharge, letting off 




n*"-'< -■- '-■•■■• 

r~~ 3 

control, regulation, adjustment 

preparation, preparing, laying out, 


planning ^ . b- HJ :<^k--> 

drawing up, drafting, ict-o ' V^-f ' ji 
writing, formulation, making 

orderOiness), arrangement, array, 


organization; formation 

family planning °^- 

traffic control _^~Jl ( *i»Jj 

c 4 n h ■' • t *> h . t 


organizational; regulative, regulatory; syste- 
matic; planning 

to live in comfort and luxury, lead a life of *s JJ : ^i 

ease and comfort 

to enjoy; to bask in kUI : -> p*^> 

-- '{.- J '.:. 
luxury; ease, comfort S? ^ J • j***- 1 

*■■'■■{ \ *" 
enjoyment £--•-> • \-> ) p*- 1 

softening, smoothing; pulveri- Lcli t^l J*»- :|(juj' 
zation, powdering, fining 

affording (someone) a luxurious life, <ui ^' : ^> 
letting (someone) live in comfort and luxury 

tungsten, wolfram (j^^c) j" . ,« ;7 

to be or become embittered, disturbed, j-kSo : yailj 
ruffled, spoiled 

hum(ming), croon(ing); singing, chanting, into- jfJuJ 


to brag, boast, vaunt, swagger » jl^. ^-J U> >»» : giu 

to be carried out, J-±> i (i? «a» <■ {3/>- !'■»*>: Ja~i 

executed, effected, effectuated, implemented, en- 
forced, put (brought, carried) into effect, applied; 
to be accomplished, realized; to be performed, 
done, fulfilled, discharged; to be honored, ob- 
served, complied with, kept 

i'"..-v,w.. ,- ■,..■ . ■■:-. ., ' ,:.,.. ■ ' ■ ■■■ ■— t— ;;■■;— i-a ■■■ 

to disguise oneself, mask, masquer- (_^»J i >^u :^5^J° 

ade, be disguised, be in disguise 

- 3 " 
to snub, treat with contempt or neglect; to J j£jj 

shun, avoid; to turn away from; to give up, 

abandon, renounce 

disguise, masquerade jSjJ 

■» 4-" 
masked (ij>-ij 

fancy dress, mas-Oj^S^J (<_,-; )L) uLJ . iSjSJj ±>y 
querade costume 

degeneration (j-5>JJ' 

joking, jesting, funmaking; joke, jest, banter, .-..<•" 

embitterment; disturbance, trou- jSCj j 'V- : juSJJ' 
bling, ruffling, spoiling, spoilage; vexation, annoy- 

hanging or putting at half-mast, lower- JjJI y^fjJ 
ing to half-staff 

exemplary punishment; torture J—*-' ' -? J**-*J' 

flavoring 4& j.i.La.. : <;idj' 

to lose one's temper, flame up with rage, turn J±£ 
into a tiger 

J^j «^>-Ij-ja»- :J*ii' 

development-, developmental (ji^! ^J*-^ 

development; promotion, furtherance, ad- ^l :<L«JJ' 
vancement; cultivation, improvement, strengthen- 
ing; buildup, increase, augmentation, enhancement 


embellishment, ornamentation, 

composition, writing 

LKij' ' £ri" 

euphuism, »JJ J,L, j\ .JiiJ jpt ii^^LMl j j^; 

floridness, floweriness, ornateness, grandilo- 
quence, pomposity, (affected) elegance of style or 

J~> £f ' 

: J_jjj' 

to sigh 


to oscillate, swing, sway 

to sway, swing 

tjj Uj t *-J JL> JLt : r* oij 

tBad^wagaart.HBW «g),- 

to dispraise, disparage, censure 

to move, shift, change J^>J . 3^-^J ' *>l£« ^~t : Jiii' 
position or place; to change one's residence or 
location or station, remove; to migrate; to wander 
about, go about, move about, roam, rove, range, 
stroll, walk around, travel, go from one place to 

to be transferred, moved, transported, Jii : Jiu 
carried, removed 

moving, motion, locomotion; movement, changejiii' 

of position or place; move, remove, removal, 

change of residence or location or station; 

migration; transportation); travel(ing), roving, 

roaming, wandering 

drilling, prospection, prospecting; ( j t ,jc.) ■ -■»■" 
excavation, excavating; search, quest, hunt; explo-' 
ration, examination, investigation; research 

purification, refinement, j^\H • * i n" i jjj£S '■■ ri ' *•* 
refining, clarification, clearing (up), elutriation, 
leaching; cleaning, cleansing 

water purification f Hi i. 

revision, revisal, review; emenda- 

£U J. 


tion, rectification, correction, redaction, adapta- 
tion; editing; retouch(ing) 

pointing, dotting (ills' /\ <J^-) )»■•'" 

punctuation, J*>l^iJlj JmJL «-»■>.>./> -(u^) ^ •"'" 

spotting, dotting, speckling, ,1« :■ ^..LU : .h. 5 ."i 
flecking, specking, stippling 

tin, tinplate dLJ' 

to deviate from, swerve from JL . jU- : qc Li^J 

to avoid, shun, eschew, turn a i_,:>; : ((ji) <_X^j 

cold shoulder to, keep away from, keep clear of 
to shoulder, take upon Jlkj . *Ult J* ii-l :i_3ijj 
oneself, assume, undertake, take on 
to lean on, recline on, rest on, J* ISCj I : J* <_X^j 

abut on 

can, tin, tincan 


to be embittered, be made unhappy, jj£j : jiCj 

become miserable 




to desert one another, part jj^i I i *i> Uj : jp- l^j' 

company, separate, break off relations 

to attack one another ji-H\ Ciai-I ^ U : ju>- l^J' 

to exchange presents Cljil OjCj iiiilgj 

to walk with a swinging gait; to sway, [£>& : tJ}^+> 

swing; to stagger, totter, reel 

to become reconciled, make I^JL^ : *ji)l uilflj' 

peace, make up 

to conclude a truce or an armstice 0.>jjb»^l Col+J 

to follow in succession « l£ : CJ I^j 

to crowd, throng, flock f**j\ '■(<}*■) o»li> 

to pounce upon, fall upon,.*** » J*iL>\ :((^c) oifc 
rush upon, spring upon 

to collapse, fall down, break fj+i t JaJllj : oifc 

to disintegrate, decompose, decay, ^au\ : oi l^i 
crumble, deteriorate 

to contradict each other, conflict, Jai Lj : oi l^i 
clash; to be contradictory, conflicting, inconsistent 

succession, sequence ^Lj :cji$j 

congestion, overcrowdedness; j.U- j _}} : oi t 

crowding, flocking 

rush, pounce <•>»•* ' t>>L«»«j \ : oi t 

• * ^ - * ,^ 
collapse, breakdown jL^iU Ja» L-j : oi t 

• * ,.- 
disintegration, decomposition, J^f^i :o»lij 


contradiction, inconsistency ,_/>JLo :c-»t 

to strive, endeavor, exert oneself a*- : ( j) dLllgj 

to pounce upon, rush ***» ic-itjj :(<^c) liUliJ 

to covet greedily i>»>»" : (ci*) t ^"i' 

to drop, fall, throw oneself, fling ,jj jl : ( Jc) liUl^J 
oneself, flop 

to whisper together jCj : ^ Ijj 

to fall (down), drop, tumble, sink; to collapse, li^l^T 
break down; to throw oneself down, plunge down 

to neglect; to be negligent in, remiss in,J*»l :_> u^l^J' 
slack in, lax in, careless in 

fr'j - -> 


-) oj 


to be lighted, lit, illuminated 

,5 * ft 5 '^. ,» ^^ '2*' 

to be enlightened, illu- (L»-jj jl QUJ ) 0^» j>j 

enlightenment, illumination (/^-jj jl («»"") j>J' 

_ % >.* 
oven, furnace, kiln 

skirt, lady's skirt 

to swing, sway 


to be or become diverse, various, til^l 0^ ^j)-^' 
varying, varied 

diversity, variety, variousness f yj 

to be fastidious (in), finicky U_j 0^ . £> U : (J) j>u 
(in), choosy (in), dainty (in), overnice (in) 

enlightenment, illumination, ((jf-jjjl (y^l^i-J 

lighting, illumination 5JU : j>yj 

flowering, flowerage, bios- jU 'j\ . jl ^* jl : jj^J 
soming, blooming, efflorescence 

diversification, variation, variegation; change n±ya 
putting to sleep; putting to bed jli jl : eyj 

narcotization, anesthetization j. 

hypnotism, hypnosis 
indeclinable, diptote 



[iJ] ui>J" 

tribute, encomium, praise, commendation, t-jl. :tjyii 

mention(ing), refrence 
hint, allusion 

(J) li>^ £rlj _ 'J' t*^ 1 

to fling false accusations or charges at OV^-' > l^J' 

each other 

j * ^ " *' 
to be contradictory, conflicting, oljlj-DI o^l^ 



dragon; sea monster 
Draco, Dragon 

I s "" 



. ., ...■■■ ...1"H: !-,:-. .'I 

calming, quieting, pacification, tran- lj* jju»- lij-ifj' 
quilization; appeasement, allaying, assuagement, 
soothing, relieving, relief, easing, easement, allevi- 
ation, mitigation, mollification 

to tremble, quaver, waver (o^Lall) r j+i 

jjj^j i joa »l»-Ij - jjfj' 0J4J" 
to dangle, hang (down) ^uJ : J j^j 

to flow, hang loose 3- j*-- ' : Jj*j 

to be or become torn down, pulled j\+> I t (>>jl>' : f J4J 
down, razed, wrecked, demolished, destroyed; to 
be subverted; to fall down, collapse, break down 

collapse, breakdown, downfall, fall, falling down » j^i' 

threat, menace; threatening, menacing; intimi- ju jtjj' 

blackmail jt.4 ■'"'■% •kM' 

threatening, menacing, minatory ^juj^i' 

. - ■* 


pulling down, tearing down, razing, wreck(ing), rj^i' 
wreckage, demolition, destruction, devastation; 

subversive, destructive, devastative IrH-H-' 

to be well-mannered, well-bred, refined, (_> jU : oJtjJ' 
polished, cultured, educated, polite, mannerly, 
civil, courteous, urbane, fair-spoken 

to be rectified, corrected 

to be purified, refined 

good manners, politeness, iiG 1 i-Ci" 1 c_>jl : >-^.-^->' 
civility, courtesy, refinement; decorum, decency, 

refinement, polishing, culture,«_jjj ( : t-o j4j 
cultivation, education, discipline, disciplining, edi- 

rectification, correction eyu 1 r<- :r y<£ : 1— jj^j 

purification, refinement i-LJ t j<^t" : S-j^ 

educational, educative; instructive; edificato- ^ J4J' 
ry; disciplinary 

to be overdone, cooked to shreds (j^JJLi) -jjLJI Ij^i' 

* .3 * 
to fray, frazzle, wear out, tatter; to »JJ (_j^J 

' —".'■',— 

1 1 


neglect, negligence, remissness, slack-J^I : (_.) ujLjj 
ness, carelessness 

to adapt (oneself), adjust (oneself), ac- IJSS : U Ljj' 
commodate, conform 

to agree, come to an agreement [yu I : U I4J 

adaptation, adjustment, accommodation, dUSZ '■$»)£ 

to throw off one's inhibitions; Ijilj 1- l~ jlS - •'*> j"' 
to be or become dissolute, profligate, dissipated, 
uninhibited, immoral 

to be shameless, impudent, «Q-I JJ^i olS - :S^£ 

to be exposed, shown up, disclosed; -*~aju I : Sz+> 
to be disgraced, dishonored 

to be or get torn, rent, lacerate(d); to Jj-J : iiL^ 
tear, rend, rive 

profligacy, immorality, dissoluteness, ic^U : <*! f 

shamelessness, impudence *L>- ili iiiu^J 

to stammer, stutter 
to spell 


to watch, stay S jLJI j JlUI ^^l < xJ jujJ : jl»^' 
awake at night in devotion, keep religious vigil, 
spend the night in prayer 

night prayer JJJI i%a : ±*£ 

- ' ' ' ' - i '~ J 'T. 

spelling o>f 

displacement, displacing, making home- -bj^j '■jj*+> 
less, driving away, dislodgment, expulsion, evic- 

hybridization, interbreeding, o'iS-Jl £> : Or!**' 
crossbreeding, crossing), intercrossing 

cross-fertilization, xeno- 




lij+i-l «j>-Ij -lij^li 




■ ■ : .. ■; ,e >^..r.<.^:, ix:.- 

■f, ■':■■*,* ZZ 



peril, jeopardy, danger, perilous situation, 
dangerous situation; destruction, ruin 

to shine, radiate, beam, gleam 

to beam with joy; to radiate, irradiate, 
light up, brighten, flash up 

to exult, jubilate, rejoice, cheer; J j»- 1 v^\ '■ cUi> 

to be or become jubilant, exultant, exuberant, gay, 


exultation, jubilation, exhilaration, Ji»- i^U^j : Jt 

glee, gaiety, joy 

radiance, brilliance, brightness, shine jl jt.\ : Jl^J 

acclamation, acclaim, applause, cheer, <JU* : J^' 

accusation, charge **+> 

to cry, weep ^~> : jajj 

to feign crying, pretend to be weeping <_^uj : j»*j 

to flow, fall, pour down JL : ~IJ *ULI jl ^>J\ £*+> 

(marginal) annotation, (margin- <CiU- iiiJ^ : *V«|" 
al) note, (marginal) gloss, scholium, commentary 

lullabying, lulling a baby to sleep by ( Jikl I ) ^j' 

lullaby, cradlesong, berceuse » jy>»J : 4»,, ^ ^ V 

-j f^r* £r'j -(->) ^+> 
congratulation(s), felicitation, well-wishing 

*\- . 

to dress up, spruce up, smarten up, doll 


to be ventilated, aired; to be fanned; to be <iy» : iSyi* 

aerated, aerified 

to become a Jew, to Judaize ^>t> j^° '■ *)$> 

to be or become rash, impet- ,j*jl LiU> J^ '■jyt' 
uous, precipitate, too hasty, reckless, heedless, 
careless, harum-scarum, foolhardy, daredevil, 
temerarious, imprudent, frivolous, lightheaded 
to crash down, fall down, j[^[ <. Jai- : jy£ 


-' " +•', *-- 
rashness, impetuousness, precipi- <>jf j i J^Ja '.j^t 

tancy, precipitateness, recklessness, heedlessness, 

carelessness, foolhardiness, temerity, frivolity, 


-'.'■ -'''\'- i '- 
extravagance, unreasonable )ic i Ujk* : jy^ 


be or become worn (out), shabby, ragged, tattered; 
to be or become torn, lacerated 

wear; shabbiness, raggedness y^ 

to elude, escape, get away from, run away (^.) i_/^ji' 
from; to evade, get around, dodge, shirk; to avoid 
to evade payment of a tax L^i Jj^. vS^ 

elusion, escape, escaping; evasion, evading,^) cj^jj 
evasiveness, getting around, dodge(ry), shirking; 

tax evasion ^l^^l ( *i j) ^ vS+> 

evasive, elusive; escape tftjP 

to be or become a heretic or a Li^i»y» jU> : £l>j4> 

smuggling, running, contraband ( «JU>l)l) e-j^' 
buffoonery, clowning; jesting, joking P±j$ 

chopping (up), mincing ^j>\cj^ 

to sing, chant; to intone t-j* : r^fr>' 

, ,, , , . « , s-- 

to smash, crash, shatter, break _^liJ 1 Jakj : nJ^J' 
(into pieces); to be or get smashed, shattered, 
broken, destroyed 

smash, crash, shatter, breakdown 


1 -:. 

smashing, crashing, shattering), breaking into gl+1 
pieces, crush(ing), destruction 

to mock (at), ridicule, ja j*~ :(-» jl Jc) (X4J' 

deride, gibe, make fun of, poke fun at, laugh at, 
scoff at, jeer at, sneer at 

sarcasm, irony, mockery, ridicule, den- <>^»- : j»5^j 
sion, scorn, sneer, scoff, gibe 

sarcastic, ironic(al), sardonic, satirical), ^j-L : ^j^ii 
mocking, derisive, sneering, caustic 


arousal, arousing, rousing, moving, kindling, 
inflammation; stimulation; provocation; irritation 

at once, immediately, right away, promptly, yll <■ \£ 
directly, forthwith, straight away, straightway, 
instantly, on the spot, without delay 

he has just.. ••;>~ ) 

to agree, harmonize, be in agree- p*Uj i J^ \y >?I^J' 

ment or harmony, suit, fit 

harmony, agreement, accord, concord ^j \£ 

''• i s ' 
forgiving, merciful jjic :y!>> 

the Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving 4&I : <->\yi\ 

to recur, occur again after an (oljii ^c) £>Lj : ^j' 1^7 
interval, happen or appear at intervals; to follow in 

recurrence; frequency; succession 

frequency [ »La?-Jj oL*>Ijj] j>\y 

TAO o*& 

► < » I 

■> „ , , , , $,' 
to be or become a maniac; ^yi *j jUo 4 ^-yi : (j-j^j 

to be or become infatuated, crazy 

\}» £r I j - £^" 
(■y» jf'j - fS*' 

ventilation, airing; fanning; aerifica- <ij» j.uu : *j^j 
tion, aeration 


* - 

to agree; to covenant 
to affect passion 

1— *>j «fij — i_«iijj 

(fjill) ji\y 

o»-^JL ysUxi :ja»l^j' 

to face each other, be opposite (to) ( \LJJ I ) *»• ly 

each other 

to face each other, meet face to (uUa^-iJl) <?-\y 


opposition, oppositeness Jjll>' :<sj-Ijj" 

meeting; meeting face to face, facing t- ^ 
one another 

t i J!^»j 

to like each other; to be friends, be on i_jUw : "z\y 
good or friendly terms; to love each other 

friendly relations, good terms, harmo-i_jU«I 1 jj : ±\y" 
ny, concord; mutual love 

to become reconciled, make \yJCaJ : ( |>>2J I ) f ±\y 
peace, make up 

to say good-bye to La«j p4~3Jo soj :(|.yi!l) f-i\y 

lullabying, lulling a baby to 
sleep by singing 

lullaby, cradlesong, berceuse 

4 t ■ B|t lOJU^J 

exciting, excitement, agitation, (_£>» j .uu : ij-jyy 
stirring up, rousing, inflaming, incitation; sowing 
dissension among 

frightening, alarming, intimidation, daunting, Jj^j' 
bullying, browbeating, hectoring; alarmism 

variegations; (florid) OJ 1 iiLjM d\<^\ : JjjWj 
embellishments, (ornamental) flourishes 
to be or become ready, prepared; to get *jjS~.\ : lljj' 
ready, prepare oneself, ready oneself, make (one's) 
preparations, gird oneself (for action), gird (up) 
one's loins, prepare (oneself) for action; to stand 
by, stand prepared, keep in readiness 

to be or be- aJ J4IJ t aJ ^t klX-I : ^\ *i L4J 
come possible for, feasible for, easy for 

readiness, preparedness; predisposition, j 

preparation, preparing, readying, making jI.u.1 :iU 
ready; fitting, fixing, setting up, arrangement; adap- 
tation; working out, drawing up, drafting 

i_j!a x3-\ j — i_jU :*_. ,31 

to awe, inspire with awe, fright- p j> I t ljU- I : 1--4J 
en, scare, terrify 

to infatuate, enchant, captivate (~IJ L-il *-) j^' 
excitation, excitement, agitation, stirring up, 



- ■'■ ' -'*- • -f^ 

J 1 * 

r " . * . ■ 

to interconnect, be or become inter- Ja«l>i : J*0l>> 

to communicate J^l : J-^Ijj 

continuity, continuance, con- ut t jl j*f-j : J-ol^J' 
tinuation, persistence; succession, sequence 

interconnection; connection ~M>> 'tS~°^y 

communication, intercom- J-uJ i JL»j j :j~°\y 
munication, intercourse; contact; connection, rela- 

to behave humbly and modestly; to be humble, j»il> 
modest, unassuming 

to agree (up)on or about jiJj : <_jt j-i»l>i 

humbleness, humility, modesty, unassuming- j-ily 
ness, unpretentiousness 

to collude, act in collusion, connive lily 

collusion, connivance j^y 

collusive ti^jjly t(_U»ly 

to promise one another, >*-^l U*^ JS" -^j : J*l> 
make mutual promises 

to make an appointment (a ^cy> ^t. liij I : js.\y 
date, a rendezvous) 

to arrive successively, come one after the other; jj \yl 
to flock, throng, come in crowds or groups, come 

to abound, exist in large numbers or jX '■ £\y 

amounts; to be or become abundant, plentiful, 
ample; to be or become numerous, many, much; 
to increase, grow, multiply 

to be found; to exist; to be or become jt>- j : ji \y 
available, obtainable 


to agree (with), be in agreement (with), ( **) ji \y 
harmonize (with), be harmonious (with), be in har- 
mony (with), accord (with), be in accord(ance) 
(with), comport (with), get on (with), go well 
(with), match, suit, fit, square (with), tally (with), 
coincide (with), conform (with), correspond (with 
or to), be or fall in line (with), be in keeping (with), 
be in conformity (with), be consistent (with), be 
compatible (with); to be suitable (for), fit (for), 
agreeable (for), convenient (for) 

one another, bid farewell to one another 

hiding, concealing one- tijljj j-u<r. :(<ijlyJl) j\y 
self; absconding; disappearance, vanishing 

to hide (oneself), conceal one- t yU»- 1 i J z£~\ : i£j\y 
self, keep oneself out of sight; to abscond; to dis- 
appear, vanish 

to inherit; to be transmitted (to someone) by £>j\y 

succession; inheritance 

to arrive successively, come one after the other; sj(y 
to succeed or follow one another, follow in succes- 
sion, be successive or consecutive 

to coincide, happen to be ^J> I yi- 1 jl jlSCi^l ^-ojI^j 


successive arrival; succession Jj'>> 

telepathy; accidental iden- _^>ljil ji jISj^I *j\y 
tity of ideas or thoughts 

parallelism; equivalence, correspon- (<ijl>^0 Jl>> 

to be parallel (to each other), extend or run lijljj 
parallel to one another; to be equivalent, corres- 

to balance, equilibrate; to be or become 3juj : Ojly 
balanced, be in equilibrium, be counterpoised, be 
in equipoise; to be or become even, equal 

to stabilize, be or become stable jiJL* I : o j\y 

balance, equilibrium, equipoise, counter-Jjllj '-uj\y 

poise, poise; evenness, equality 


balance of terror 

political balance 

balance of power 

hydrostatics [tiuJ>j J?l>-" Ojl>> (J-t 

J-j" lOjiyJij J^i 'OjiyJi J^-i '^jlP J-* - ! 

to be entwined, inter- Jul^J <■ j»-l-»j itHiltJ '■■pZ\y> 
twisted, interlocked, interlaced, meshed, snarled, 
tangled; to be interrelated, connected 

to continue, be continu- ,J\y <. «l£ < s~~\ : J- fl '> 
ous; to form an uninterrupted sequence; to follow 
in succession 

j 1 jJlL** I I 

Ji l j\ 







3> ] y 







?l - ,uUl".' 

slackening; lag(ging), delay, tarrying, (^pO oljl' 
tardiness, lingering; slowness; slackness, remiss- 
ness, negligence, neglect, omission, dereliction; 
nagging, languor, lassitude, weakness 
to slacken, slack; to lag, loiter, tarry, linger; ( j) J- \y 
to be slow, slack, remiss, negligent; to nag, lan- 
guish , „ _ ., 
topaz (./ j*!*~ '-Jyy 

repentance, penitence, contrition *jy 

to spice, season Jr 1 : <>iy 

^jiy^^ji-y^ p-ij - \*^y.y ^^yy 

scolding, upbraiding, chiding, tongue-lashing, ^y 
reproof, rebuke, reprimand, reprehension, re- 
proach, censure 

black mulberry 




to be or become strained, tense, taut; to strain, yy 
tighten, tauten, tense 

tension; strain 

nervous tension; ner- 
vousness, nervosity 



sea urchin, echinoid, 





^Jlli o^XJi '^J'> 

fey ff 'j 


strain(ing), tightening, tautening, tensioning, 


agreement, harmony, accord(ance), concur- Jji \y 
rence, concord(ance), conformity, correspon- 
dence, coincidence, congruence, congruity, consis- 
tency, consistence, consonance 

adjustment lo-*^ J ii* '>" 

ji\y± g~\j-^y 

longing, yearning, craving, hankering, Jpt : Jlj^ 
pining, eager, anxious, athirst, desiring, desirous, 
wishful, aspiring, aspirant 

to synchronize, concur, coincide, hap- <y\y :cJ\y 
pen together, occur at the same time, be synchro- 
nous, be simultaneous 

synchronism, sy nchronousness, sy n- ^\y :cJ\y 
chronization, simultaneity, simultaneousness, con- 
currence, coincidence, conjunction, contempora- 
neity, contemporaneousness 
synchronous, synchronal, synchronic.^ly '-^^y 

to behave in an insolent manner, display ^\y 

impudence, show oneself impertinent 
to rely on each other, depend on each ( ^yi I ) JS" l> 
other; to trust each other 

(mutual) reliance or dependence; (mutual) trust Jifly 
or confidence 

succession, sequence, S-^y ' ffe : (yf'>-") Y y 

consecution, progression; continuity, continuance, 


alternation, rotation ^fe '<-*»&> '-^y 

Metazoa, ljZSS\ C^tt-I olj'i olil^l : yjlpl 

successively, in succession, consecu- <^>~" t^ 6 
tively, running, in a row, one after the other, one 
by one, by turns, in order; respectively; contin- 
uously, continually, constantly, without inter- 
ruption, unbrokenly, incessantly, unceasingly 
to follow in succession or S* \y <. g £ : J •> 

without interruption, come successively or inces- 
santly; to continue, be continuous 
to alternate, rotate uJLJ i ^fe '-ij^y 

to reproduce, multiply, proliferate, propagate, J \y 
procreate, breed 

reproduction, multiplication, proliferation, pro- ji\y 
pagation, procreation 



♦ «■ 

steering, steerage; directing, -s^j! ' 5-sL* : *t J f>' 
direction; channeling; guiding, guidance, leading, 
piloting; instruction; advice, counsel 

orientation, orienting (L. oL«il jJ»^) *-;»■> 

.- £ „ - 

control, controlling Ja~*> . (XxJ : *~>ry 

remote control jju ^ <~*ry 

directions, instructions, directives; guide- cA^y 

instructive, educational, informative; direc- t j^^yi 
tive; guiding 

to be alone, by oneself; to Jyol . o-ip-j fju : J*^ 
isolate oneself, seclude oneself, live in solitude or 

to do alone or by oneself, 
perform singlehandedly 

oa»-j <Lfct : jjk iL 

j -i>-^j 

«j>-Ij — jjwI : j»->i 

solitude, loneliness, loneness, soli- ^j^>\ ' <!>■ : j^jj 
tariness, reclusion; isolation, seclusion, privacy 

. , . .« , i -: 

oneness, singleness, unity *~i I jj- j . oa»-j : o»->j 

to be or become wild, savage 
, - .* 

cr^"^^" J^» •Lr*y 

• uisai 

to be or become muddy, miry 


-) p-y 

unification, union, uniting; integra-a»-j j jua* : ju*-_jj 
tion, junction, joining, combination, consolidation, 
conjunction, merger, merging, amalgamation, fu- 
sion; standardization 
funding or consolidation of debts 




ju»-yJI JLc 

unitarianism li-JLUll jf-Z «Lilj~aj ii>>- i-uju*-^ 

muddying, soiling or staining withj»-j jo-a. : J-f _jj 

mud; mudding, muddling, puddling, making 


to intend, purpose, design, <Jj ,j^ . j~ai : (y^jj 

mean, have in mind, aim at; to seek (to); to aspire 

to; to strive for 

*"■""" "•■'! 


to be or become firm, solid, strong, consolidated, £y 
firmly established 

to act with confidence (in) (^ jl j) ^y 

consolidation, strengthening, ^ 

documentation »JJ ^tt^JL ^*j jl -ujy -^ y 

authentication, attestation, certi- J* Jj-^-aJ ^J^^ 
fication, legalization 

notarization (~JJ J.uJI i_JlSlll Jli ,j*) ^ y 

registration, registry, registeKing) J-*li : ii^>" 
notarial; documentational, documental Lt^?y 

to crown; to enthrone (L»«i) rjj' 

to crown, top, cap (\~r-) ttjh 

to listen apprehensively to 
to nibble, taste 

■ . . i * - 
u>»- • -) -**->" 

'- ' -\ .- ''-'■■ 

-tr*-y ■tr'ry 

OjUl u-»ry 


tr-Wi] (frh 

i -' 

to feel pain, suffer (pain), be in pain; to J U : *>?y 
anguish, agonize, be excruciated, be tormented 

to go to, repair to, betake oneselft_-*i . juai : J J 4j>y 
to, head for, make for, take to, proceed to, be 
bound for, be headed for 

to pursue, proceed along, follow (a <l»u ' : Jj **-y 
specified course, action, plan, etc.); to turn 
to(ward); to aim at, be aimed at; to be oriented 
to(ward), directed to(ward) 

to address, address oneself to <jj ■u^lSL **-y 

»Uul «JJ- 1 j — olj»*j l 

sending, dispatch(ing), forwarding JL-jl : cj*jj 

airrKing), leveling, pointing, ojjuJ . l-j^^j '•'Sr!">' 




whitewashing v 

to become a minister 

to be distributed; to be divided 


■ ■'•■' ■■■■ ■■•■■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ~ 

ji'ji }~° '-jjy 

distribution; allotment, u a.. ^^\ 4 ^J£ 4 Jj^j • HJy> 
apportionment, dealing (out), portioning out, 
giving out; division 
delivery (^IJ JjC^I) gjy 

distributive yf-j}' 

to pillow, lay or rest one's head on or as if on a ju^i' 


to mediate, intermediate (rJJ ci^U- <;>-J) Jaly 

to intercede for jj-ti : J J»->> 

to be or sit in thejlsu 4 Ja-^Jl ^j-Jb* jl uli : Ja-^ 
middle or center (of); to intermediate, interpose, 
intervene, lie (fall, be, occur, come, go) between or 
in between 

to hold (stand in, keep to) <-» jJ»i (J <. J-ut^ : -^y 

the middle, take a middle course; to follow a 

course of action midway between extremes, be 

middle-of-the-road; to adopt the golden mean, be 

moderate or temperate 

mediation, intermediation; (»iJjJI jl ij>_JJ) jaLy 


intermediacy, inter- J»-jJI J zyri 4 JL>u : Ja-jj 
mediateness, interposition, centrality, position in 
the middle 

moderation, moderateness, golden J'-^-l : J»->> 
mean, temperance; middle-of-the-roadism 

mediative, mediatory ^>L.j:^L^y 

to expand, widen, enlarge, dilate; to ex- XJ>\ : ^y 
tend, stretch, spread (out); to be expanded, wid- 
ened, enlarged, dilated, extended, stretched (out), 
spread (out) 

to sit comfortably, have enough (<clJL>. j) ^.y 

to elaborate on, expatiate upon, en- <_^- 1 : J ^*y 
large upon, expand on, dilate on, discuss at length, 
speak or write in detail about, develop or state in 

to show love or affection to, endear oneself Jj j iy 
to, ingratiate oneself with, curry favor with, flatter 
one's way into, seek someone's friendship or love; 
to court, woo, pay court to, seek the affections of 
endearment, showing love or affection (to),( Jj) j iy 
currying favor (with); courtship, court, wooing 

<j>*\y~ jjj-Ij -La*. ^m> \j>) :(f>iJU ^Jy 

farewell, leave-taking, adieu, valediction; bid- u iy 
ding farewell to, seeing off 

farewell, valedictory tfi*¥ 

Torah, Pentateuch; Old Testament '6\jyl\ t»\jy 

turpentine * ' • ;" > ] jy ' j^tjy 

, > 
torpedo •hiJS 

• * '• -* 
turbine ^-xijy '■LKiJy 

~~ • * 
pie, tart; cake *j 'jy 

to redden, become red J +s-\ : ijy 

to glow, blush, flush, rJJ %**■ ijy 4 ji-l ijy 


glowGng), blush(ing), flush(ing), reddening; rosi- s'jy 

ness; redness 

to be or get involved, implicated, entangled, ±>jy 



involvement, implication, entanglement, em- 

to refrain from, abstain from, avoid; to^ jl ,jt- fjy 
be cautious of 
to swell, become swollen, bulge pj : ^jy 

swelling, (intumescence, tumefaction, turgor, ^jy 

turgidity, turgescence; edema 

double entendre; equivocation; innuendo, hint, <ijy 

allusion, insinuation; paronomasia, pun 

bequest, bequeathing, bequeathal; ljjj j 

devisal, devise, devising 

supplying), provision, providing, fur 


importation, import, importing i\j^\:jojy 

involvement, implication, entan- J»jj j-uo* : Jx> jy 
glement, embroilment 

foliation li'jjj : 3iJy 

papering, wallpapering o'jjJ- 1 6jy -^jy '-3iJy 



** * 

f > 

embroidery, embroidering; embellishment, or- ZJly 
namentation, adornment; variegation, dappling 

to be (chronically) ill u*s* '■ ' . ^ y 

to reach, attain, arrive at, come to, get to; to <JJ S°y 
obtain or gain access to 

attainment, achievement; arrival, reaching S°y 

recommendation, commendation XS'j'~<~oy 

tUajj «l»- I j — «Lojl :<^ay 

letter of recommenda- <~0y V^X-j >■ v^) V^ 
tion, recommendation 

limited partnership (iLwj) <~*oy i£ J* 

o-°i £> ' j - Oj* ' (**» ' -*»?j : ur°y 

conduc- ty^\ i o^JI t Sjl^jLI i jL^SOl J~»o^J 

connection; contact 



to perform the ritual ablution 

(performance of the ritual) ablution 


run I »»■ I j — p'Oy 

arrangement; preparation; dressing; packing, i Jsy 

packaging; boxing; casing, encasement 

leveling, flattening; *'■'{• i >_/." 4 ij^lj : iLb^J' 

smoothing; preparation, preparing, making 
preliminary step ^ y\ iy^. : ilky; 

introduction, foreword,^ U i >_i-" <£.juLi :<H>y 
preface; prelude, prelusion 

to be firmly established, iSyH i •-"'" t r^'y '■ J&y 
settled, stabilized; to be strengthened, consolidated, 
braced, cemented, reinforced, firmed up 

firmness, stability, steadiness, solidity, strength jJj^j' 

establishment, settle- 

>/° i ^TJ J '» 

: jlJjv 

ment, stabilization; strengthening, consolidation, 
bracing, cementation, firming up, reinforcement 

settlement, settling olO » Jly I : jU»> 

detail, treat exhaustively 

to give or grant generously, liberally, *lLjl J '^.y 

to spend lavishly, make great ex- iiljl J '>L'y 
penses, increase one's expenditure 

expansion; enlargement; dilation, dilatation; ex- *-*>>' 
tension, extending, stretching; elaboration 

varix(pl. varices), varicosity, varicose Sjjj^l %*.'£ 
veins; varicosis 

vasodilation, hemangiectasis (<J^.jJl) ilcj^l v-y; 


expansionism, policy of expansion, 
expansionist policy 

•jail iu.jj 


%3~ \j — *JU*y 

expansionist(ic); expansionary; expansionist 

({—>>) j->^l *-^rr ffp'j 

({*">• J {-->•■" i-L- »»-ij - S* - ^ 

• Lw *J«" Ij 

to entreat, 

implore, beseech, beg, supplicate, obtest, plead 
with, appeal to, adjure; to invoke; to solicit 

to use as a means or as an expe- _, s-jjj :_, jl^; 
dient, make use of ' ' 

entreaty, supplication,^!^ I , Juki. I t p^ : J~y 
imploring, beseeching, obtestation, adjuration; 
invocation; solicitation, (earnest) request 

petition, application 
use of a means 

to scrutinize; to stare at, gaze j Jiuk t j ^^ : ply, - 

to see promising signs in, expect (a 'Jj~\ <ui 'L'^ 
lot of) good of, set (great) hopes on 

widening, broadening, enlargement, extension, %~,°y 
expansion, dilation, dilatation; amplification; de- 
velopment, elaboration; spacing (out) 

£-'>> p-'j - g^y 

to don, put on, wear (a sash, scarf, etc.); to ( j ) 'pZy 
throw on loosely (an article of wear) 

to gird oneself with a sword 
to whisper together 

' A " A ' •• 




saving; economizing, economiza- ju-G < jLajjM : jjy 
tion, economy, frugality, thriftfiness), providence 

i * ■ . 'C 
saving; putting by, laying by, laying jU- 1\ '-j?y 

away, putting up, reservation (for future use) 
furnishing, providing, provision, sup- j^i :jj>y 

■ : Y- . ■'- 

ensuring, securing, procuring, < j : «-*> 'e^u M? 


increase, augmentation, multiplication j^Z '-j^y 

savings bank M^ \^>J- >J ^> J') "■«* 

. •: ' ,- 
savings account js»> i_>Ua- 

conciliation, reconciliation, ^U> i ajJLo* : &*y 

peacemaking, restoration to friendship, reestablish- 

ment of normal relations 

harmonization, reconcilia- <* (>* <■ *-iu. : ^y 

tion, bringing into agreement or harmony, attune- 

ment, tuning, matching, making compatible or 


adaptation, adjustment, accommo- i-i?^ : &Jy 

dation, conformation, conformity, suiting, fitting 

success (granted by God), success- ( «i)l ^) £jy 

fulness, succeeding, prosperity, good fortune, good 


compromise -t>-j J^v o-*y ' -"-J o^-V 

(re)conciliatory, conciliative, peacemaking *yH>,5> 

syncretism [ *i-A* j i>-> J S*s* > 

*Uol p-lj -(^jJI) J>p' 

longing, yearning, craving, hankering, pining, 3y 
hunger, thirst, desire, wish(ing), urge, eagerness, 
aspiration; nostalgia 

'jJi >gij .jJj ^Ij-jJ^ 
jlSJ 1^ : jiyi 

_J3_jl : JSy 

* £-:. 

jUjI «»-Ij - Jiy 
ij»Jj\ Jiy 

to glow, blaze, flame, burn 
to kindle, ignite, light, start 

intelligence, smartness, brightness, 


to expect, anticipate, look forward to i-i y : £>y 

to foresee, forecast _> <jfr-> <■ -> \~-> '■ £*y 

■ "■' " ~ " 



to be employed, hired, recruit- ^c < ^^*^-| : <-»!»>? 
ed; to be appointed; to get a job; to hold an office, 
have a job, work 
to be invested ./?---"! ' '-^•y 

employment, engaging the l ^— Z i (\j±z~\ ■ '-^y 

services of, hiring, hire, taking on, recruitment; 


investment jlrr*! '■'~*^y 

to threaten, menace joa : My' 

to be or become indisposed, un- iSlcj 4jjU»l : dLe_y 
well, out of sorts, ill, slightly sick 

' • - & - * 

indisposition, illness, sickliness, malaise i£cj : die^J' 

enlightenment, education, edification jjyj : <+ey 

warning, cautioning, alarming, 4~~u <. jjJjJ '-<^y 
alerting s 

to boil or burn with rage, seethe, steam, be or jiy 
become furious, fly off the handle 

to penetrate deeply into, delve (y^> i J»- j : j J*^j' 

into, go deeply into; to study thoroughly 

deep penetration; thorough study Jey 

to take (receive, get, obtain) }Uls oii- 1 : *i»- ,yy 
one's due or one's share in full 

' *•*'' '■ '?'' 

-- - , ^ -■»-, -?-- 

to be fulfilled, satisfied, met jJJ J»j jill o>> 

to fulfill, satisfy, meet jJJ J»jjJJI *-» o^ 

to devote oneself to, dedicate Jc i-^j' '-J* j>y 
oneself to, apply oneself to, attend to, turn to 

* -; ' ' 'J-c 
availability j^Z i iyr i '■ j y 

,i >&,■■ 
fulfillment, satisfaction, meeting £)J J»jjJJI >> 

to get ready, prepare oneself, t--»t> < j*^-^ : ji>j* 

prepare (oneself) for action; to be alert(ed), be on 

the alert 

-.*.* , ->- 

>, >*.' , *^-» 
to die, expire, pass away, give up the i3il <,\iy : ^y 

ghost, breathe one's last, part with life 





timing; scheduling 

daylight-saving time 
Greenwich (mean) time 
local time 

reverence, veneration, honor, great respect, highjii^i' 

reverential, reverent, honorable, honorific &jiy 
signature, subscription, hand; signing > Lx^l : >u» jj' 

J** Cfr 'j ~ ttfJ-" u? J** 

<_»li>l j>'j - *-&£)> 

to be confirmed, affirmed, asserted, corrobora- j&y 
ted; to be emphasized, stressed, underlined 

to be sure of, certain of, convinced of; to ^ j£ y 
make sure of, seek to ascertain, check, verify 

, -0 f * „ „ „ S „ - 

to be appointed as represen- JS" j 4 ^LS"j jU> : Js>l' 
tative (agent, deputy, proxy, etc.); to be authorized, 
empowered, deputed, deputized; to be invested 
with (full) power, be given power of attorney; to 
be retained, briefed; to be commissioned (to do or 
with), charged (with), entrusted (with) 

to guarantee, warrant, ensure, t ^i 4 JiS" : -> J£y 
secure, vouch for, be responsible or liable for 

4J>I Jc 'j&\ ^r 1 ; - Jil Jc $'£ 

confirmation, affirmation, assertion; assurance; Juf> 
corroboration; emphasis, stress 

self-assertion oljjl J^f>> 

confirmatory, confirmative, confirming, affir- '\S±£ y 
mative, affirming; assuring; corroborative; emphatic 

authorization, em- AjW i^jij '■o^i jJ-<x. :J-S>> 
powerment, delegation (of authority), delegacy, 
deputation, deputization, appointment as agent 
(representative, deputy, proxy, etc.), procuration; 
retainer (of a lawyer, attorney, counsel, etc.); 


. -» -• ' m 

expectation, expectancy, anticipation, <_i y : *»y 
prospect, foretaste 

prospects, o^Lji-i i JUj>I :cj\jSy 1 «ijj 

chances, odds; projection(s) 

forecast(ing), foreseeing j^j : «i^J 

- £-- 
expectative, anticipatory, anticipative l*?*>> 

to stop, halt, cease to move on, come to a i_j» j : tJiji' 
stop or standstill 

to pause, suspend, stop (temporarily) (U» 1.) 1 

1^.) <jiy 

to stop, quit, cease, jz «-Ll; I 1 ,j£. LiS" : ^ i_j»jj 
discontinue, halt, give up, desist from, abstain 
from, refrain from 

to stop, cease, halt, discontinue, come <j^l : <Jay~ 
to an end, end, terminate, come to a close, come to 
a stop or halt or standstill; to be stopped, discon- 
tinued, ceased, halted, suspended, interrupted, 
broken, ended 

to hesitate, waver iiy : ( j) iJiiy" 

to depend on, hinge on, be ^j^ : ^c j^i\ <Ji y 
dependent on, be depending on, be contingent on, 
be conditional on 

to break (down), go out of cJQku : »JJ il^l c^ii^j; 
order, fail, stop operating or working, become in- 

to cease Qy > :.■»• I :(jjjuoJI <jt) »JJ ojjjJ-I oiiy; 

(discontinue, interrupt) publication 

to suspend (stop, withhold, cease) «j jjl ,ji *J*y 


stop(page), stopping, halt(ing); 

pause, pausing, (temporary) stop 

(oil.) 1 

stop(page), stopping, ces- (.jS" <■ ^\LX>\ : (,_^.) <_«»>; 
sation, halt(ing), standstill, termination, suspen- 
sion, shutoff, shutdown; interruption, discontinu- 
ity, discontinuance, discontinuation; desistance, 
abstention, refrainment 
breakdown, failure J1»j : <~iiy 

dependence on J* <-*»>> 

suspension or cessation of payment %i J I ^jc <-*>y 

i ' 1 •' • 1 \ ' 
nonstop, uninterruptedly, iJiiy \j~c- ,j* <. "%) uj-*j 

without interruption, incessantly, unceasingly, 
continually, continuously, constantly, unremit- 



i£ <y ■■**[ 


nascent; newborn, neonate 

aJ j i <0 j »j>- 1 j - dy 

tulip (^MJ'Wy 

inauguration, investiture, invest- ,j-ju i s-.- ^ ,. ^ : iu_jj - 
ment, induction, installation, installment; appoint- 
ment, nomination 

entrustment, commis- iLU 1 Jj>»»j ' Jan>J '■ gJ y 
sion(ing), charging 

midwifery, assistance Ljjj^j jl^c J^U-I SacC-. -J-Jy" 
at childbirth 

obstetrics, tocology, illli : jJjJI (o* j'' (^* ' -^-V 

generation, generating, pro- ^Lij 1 <il jy 1 : aJy 
duaion, producing, engendering, creation, origina- 
tion, bringing into being or existence, giving birth 
to, giving rise to, breeding, begetting, bringing 
about, causing, occasioning 




jjy (<kda I jl j) (ji 

blending, mixing, mixture, min- i_i)j jj~cu 
gling; synthesis, synthesizing; tuning 
blend, mixture; synthesis *y> 

: <~i>J y 

r y cr 

j -(oL) r y '.fy 


fUjj f^r'j 


tuna, tunny 

(iiL-») 4j^j' i6_jj' 


cr 1 * 


to destroy, wipe out 


V p-b - 

" j?^ ' J**' 


to glow, blaze, 


to incandesce, be or be- 


come incandescent; to flash 

to imagine, fancy, conceive, think, suppose, as- ^y 
sume; to take for, take as; to suspect; to miscon- 
ceive, misunderstand, misconstrue, misinterpret 

commission(ing), charging, entrustment 

power of attorney, <>Lj * Jatyu <■ il^j : J~Zy 
proxy, procuration; mandate, authorization, war- 

assumption (oO, undertaking _; p-^k^ il^yJI) J^j 
(oO, taking upon oneself, takeover, taking over or 
on, shouldering, carrying 
taking care of; care iiLt 1 j 2^*! : J>" 

occupation, holding, filling ~JJ £ j* y <-■■<■*■ ' ■• ^y 
(of an office, position, etc.); tenure; assumption, 
takeover, taking over, taking charge of 
tulle Jjj jij>- -uy 

to assume, undertake, take _> fli t -> «lLi»l : ,Jy 
upon oneself, take over, take on, shoulder, carry 

to take care of, see to, attend _> *J» j t -> <j^*i : ^jj 
to, tend, look after, watch over 

to be in charge of, manage, handle, tend, jl jl : ,Jy 

run, operate, keep 

to hold, occupy, fill, be in ( jJJ I ..a : .) Jii : Jy 

charge of 

to assume, hold, take over, (~IJ L.^..) jJLij : (_,!>! 

take charge of, take control of, take command of 

to come (in)to power, aJJlJI y~ ^X\ (f £j) <Jy 

assume power, take (over) or hold (the reins of) 


to turn away from, avoid, shun^i Jojc-\ : j* ijy 

to refrain from, desist from, quit, j* cJi" : jt- <Jy 
give up, leave off 

to enter (into), penetrate (into) ijy •> : ( j) g!>i 

, . * , s - - 
to assume, undertake, take upon oneself, j*i\ ^Jy 

take on; to be in charge of, run, manage 
to be born; to be generated (from), produced^) jJ^i' 
(from), bred (by), caused (by), occasioned (by), 
brought about (by); to originate (from), arise 
(from), spring (from), stem (from), emanate (from), 
issue (from), proceed (from), derive (from), follow 
(from), result (from), grow out (of), come out (of) 

generation, production; origination, genesis; Jy 
birth; reproduction, propagation, procreation 

abiogenesis, autogenesis, spon- <Jki£ y (j) i -Jy 
taneous generation 


. ; {.j—B iwig'a«w^ > ^e 



to be or become easy; to be facilitated, be made 
easy; to be (become, be made) feasible, possible; to 
be or become available, obtainable, accessible; to be 


facilitation, facilitating, making easy; simplifi- 
cation, simplifying; making available, making 
obtainable, making accessible 

cattail; bulrush (oLi) LiJ' 

typhoid \<jbj*) *i*~> ''-^>^J 

typhus (u i j-') Lfi^ri 

typhoon </'■>?■*' J* - "! : ">*^ 

Jaiu k3*\ j — jj&- t 4... ' . ' .i 1 ■ JaiLu 
k« " - 1 VT"'j — (*"•>• tr*' ' . ' . ' 


this, this one; that, that one 

hibiscus, ambari, hemp 

staple, fiber 

to enthrall, enslave, infatuate, (i_~ 
captivate, capture, enchant, fascinate, spellbind, 
hold spellbound, mesmerize, hypnotize, over- 
power, overwhelm, bewitch, drive crazy, drive out 
of one's mind 

to wash with clean sand or earth where (i%ali) n±J 
water is unavailable 

to intend, purpose, design, juoj i juju 4 <j-y : ^Ji 
mean, aim at 

to see a good omen (in), regard as ij i LkJ : ( _j ) j*»J' 
good omen; to be or become optimistic 

(seeing a) good omen or good augury; JjUJ : j*-j 

fig (oU)jJ' 



imagination, imagining, fancying), fantasy, ,+y 

phantasm; illusion, delusion 

morula [ »L».| \<±y 

coronet jj^, _. t : n>_£ 

i'A\ 3 ZjL% JuJl j^ltdl liiill :(5>^l) 





current, flow, stream 


'•' . '-I'- 

trend, tendency, drift, movement, iiy 1 »L>J I : jtJ 
course, run, current, stream, orientation, bent, 

electric current 

water current 

draft, current of air, air stream 
low-frequency current 
high-frequency current 

*•*--' *■ ,S~ 

jl JJ^. 


alternating current cjjI 

direct J^jI^i* ji ti-i^ jl j^^Ih jl ^— . jLJ 


to be or become lenient, indulgent 3*^ : j-"^ 

to go to the left jLJI jj«i i_^a j : ^^iJ 

to go to the right 

y*v u4J • j^ 



\j -»vli' 


stiffening, hardening, solidification; stiffness, <j— ~' 
rigidity, hardness, solidity; dryness, aridity, desic- 
cation, exsiccation 

rigor [i_J> J tUc jI 

drying, desiccation, exsiccation; stiffening, 
hardening, solidification 

tetanus (i>>^) O"^^ 

to be or become an orphan, be bereaved of one or*LJ' 
both parents 

orphanhood, orphanage f>~J' 

billy goat, he-goat (o \y?- ) u-~> 

~ a l I - '- 


* * 

arrogance, vainglory, conceit(edness), swaggering, 
brag(ging) ( boast(ing) 

straying, going astray, deviation; error J^U» 
wild(s), wilderness, desert, wasteland jii 

labyrinth, maze iiu. 

labyrinth [^yj^ 1 (ui »0 «~i 

avalanche J>fcJ 

theocratic(al); theocrat (j^'Afce 

theocracy Ctlji'^j' 


capriflg, wild Tig 

banyan x^l ^ i JUlJI j^J 

prickly pear, Indian fig, opuntia, nopal ,j> £. <j~> 

•'»' '■' ' 
beccafico Crz~ i[ J t*^*- 

. * '- 

■ * •*■ ■'''-'•„ 

sycosis ^Jl (/»'/ , 'i^u i / ,: **^ 

s - « - 

to mislead, lead astray, misguide, misdirect J-il : ' 

-s- -»; 
to confuse, confound, bewilder, perplex, j~*- : <o 

puzzle, maze 

pride, haughtiness, »l~> i i_-»«* i j* j i jj^ i j^Xj : < 

^^^ >^^ ^^r ^^^ ^^^ ^^r ^N^^ >^^ ^^r >^^ ^5r ^Q^^ ^H^ 

^^ ^J^ ^^ ^jr ^r >^ ^5r ^r^ ^^r ^^r ^r Mr ^^^ 

stationary, immovable, J^LL. ji dl^^L-. ^ : e-?lS 
immobile, motionless, static, fixed, still, standing; 

established, proven, proved, con- jS^. i j^JL. : c-jU 
firmed, affirmed; certain, sure, definite, positive, 

constant, invariable, unvarying, un- JLiLL) ^ : c-jU 
changing, unchangeable, immutable, steady, stable, 
firm, fixed 

permanent, lasting, enduring, du- JL i J I j : c< 13 
rable, continuing, continual, standing, abiding 
maintaining, keeping; adhering i-J»l>» : Jt ojti 
to, sticking to, clinging to, abiding by, standing by, 
keeping to; following, observing, complying with; 
persevering, persistent, diligent, sedulous, assid- 

remaining at, staying at, residing at, <JL. : j e->l3 

settled down at 

constant [oUiLj] c-U 

steadfast, staunch.unflinching, undis- J^U-I o-li 
mayed, fearless, bold, brave, courageous, tough; 
unruffled, self-possessed, composed, calm, col- 
lected, undisturbed 

resolute, resolved, determined, decided, ^jUl e-»ti 

unwavering, unshaken, unfaltering, purposeful, 


real estate, real property, iott (dl^LI j I ) J '>» ' 

realty, immovables, immovable property 

constant [oL»olj]ijtt 

to persevere in, persist in, devote oneself J* ji IS 
assiduously or steadily to, apply oneself eagerly to; 
to work hard, be diligent 

to bleat Ui :cij^il r1i 

bleating, bleat 


^->y° •£' 


bleating, bleat <_i_j^J-l Cj'^o '-r}y 

rebel, revolutionary, revolutionist, {tJ^'iSjy '-J>y> 
insurgent, revolter, insurrectionary, insurrec- 
tionist, mutineer 

revolutionary, revolutionist, re- (*Juo) "\Sjy> '■ J& 
bellious, insurgent, revolting, insurrectionary, 

excited, agitated, aroused, roused, r«JU : y\j 

stirred (up), astir, wrought-up, overwrought, mov- 
ed, kindled, inflamed, impassioned; stimulated; 
irritated; hot, wild, rampant, frantic; enraged, 
angry, furious, seething, horn-mad 

rage, fury, wrath, anger, ire i_— at : ^Ij 

avenger, revenger 

jUii 1 

tumult, turmoil, uproar, upheaval, commotion, 'ij> li 
unrest, trouble, disturbance; agitation, excitement; 
outburst; rage, fury, wrath, anger, ire 

to yawn 

to return, come back, go back 

> U- 1 *j»j : ljU 




to recover, recuperate, convalesce, get 
well, regain health 

to turn to God in repentance; to repent, 4lil JJ 
turn from sin 

to recover Alit j( »ji j *JJ i_j11 4 »jij JJ i_jU 
one's senses, come to one's senses 

to regain consciousness, come to *-Ju Jj i_jli 

yawning, yawn >lijj 

' - '' ' ,* 

firm, fixed, stable, steady, L ^JL* 1 jii— . <■ t^--Ij :c-j!j 

firmly established, well-established, ingrained, 

solid, strong, tough, enduring, durable, lasting, 

permanent, unchangeable, unshakable 



(oLj) fLj^J Ij^U 

.Ul c 

J* 1 

pansy, heartsease, wild pansy 

wart, verruca 


(the) eighth 

eighth, eighthly, in the eighth place 

(the) second; (the) next 

another; else; different; one more, second, >- 1 :uIj 


second(ly), in the second place Xjl juu : Lil3 

again, anew, afresh, newly, de <3>-l »^ : Vr"^ 
novo, once again, once more, over again, a second 
time, another time 

carbon dioxide oy. 







secondary; minor, petty, unimportant, insig- tSjjU 
nificant, fringe, marginal, side, sub-, subordinate, 

-■" . U -' ' " ' "— ' . |A 


secondary school, high school, 


rjl^ ^ :Zj\S 

LiU »j>-I j — < 

firmness, stability, steadi- iilz* i j\ j-i^-l i tvj-j : 
ness, fixedness, solidity, solidness, strength, tough- 
ness, durability, permanence 

constancy, invariability, unchang- j-ju ^ac- : oL 
ingness, unchangeability, immutability, steadi- 
ness, stability 

permanence, durability; duration, > ll> t ^ I j * : oLJ 
endurance, continuance, continuation, continuity 


j-'-- • ■ - '■'" 

to revenge (oneself), avenge oneself or one's jt 

honor, avenge the blood of, take revenge, take 
vengeance, get or have one's revenge, retaliate, 
make reprisals, requite 

to be (become, get) excited, agitated, moved; ^U : jU 
to be or become stirred up, aroused, roused, astir; 
to be stimulated; to rise; to spring up, awaken, be 
awakened; to erupt, break out 

to revolt against, ^c 5 jjJj ^ l» i J* f U : J* jt 
rebel against, rise against, mutiny against, stage or 
carry out a revolution against 

to flare up, rage, storm, steam, seethe, boil,»^lj jU 
fume, flame up with rage, burst with anger, fly off 
the handle, be or become inflamed or furious, lose 
one's temper 

to arise, spring up, come ~IJ ilfJil jl Jlj_JI j£ 
up, come forth, present itself, enter the picture 

to rise, swirl up AlJ jL-iJI jl5 

revenge, vengeance; retaliation, reprisal, retortion, jli 

return match jul o'jL-. 

revengeful, vengeful, vindictive; retaliatory iSjG 

£ JpU:(yfUl) £tt 

bleating; bleater 

he has absolutely nothing 

J*i p-i 

penetrating, piercing, sharp 
shrewd, sagacious, perspi- jLJ\ 


cacious, clear-sighted, clear-eyed, clear-headed, 
sharp-witted, sharp, astute, acute, keen, discern- 
ing, perceptice, clairvoyant 


immobility, immovability, Jii jl <3 

>~ c J 


to fence with 

bereaved of a child 

(the) third; tertiary, ternary 

third party 

third, thirdly, in the third place 

Third World 


trinity, triad, triple, triplet 


W 3jW 



cement, firm up, reinforce, pillar 

Col «jflj-jjl i jo I :c~j 

to fix, stabilize, peg, maintain at a fixed jLL xl oly 

level; to valorize 

to fixe one's eyes on, gaze at, stare at -> • j~*> c-J 

to gain or secure a foothold; to take root, a-, ji c4S 
become firmly established (settled, consolidated); 
to gain influence or power or weight; to 
strengthen, become stronger) 
to appoint permanently, install, instate « — «i»^lt o~S 

oCi «.! 


jLj : c« 

proof, evidence <jl»^ :c—j 

-» ' -' .- -: 
document, writ, deed, instrument <a«- i4a-jj :c-~> 

trustworthy, reliable, depend- iiS i *j 3yy '-<^ 
able; authoritative; authority, expert 
index; list, roster; catalog <UJ U i trj*t '■ °*^ 

table of contents, contents, index oLjidl c-J 
bibliography jjCail jl j-r^l «— ^ 


4^ 'cry** •'-*■ 

: J^ 

to perish, be destroyed 

to destroy, ruin 

to destroy, ruin cuai :j-j 

to frustrate, disappoint, discourage, dis- Ja-i i Jali 
hearten, dispirit, demoralize, depress, daunt; to 
prevent (from), keep (from), hold back (from), 
deter (from), inhibit (from); to hinder, impede, 
block, obstruct, countercheck; to thwart, foil, 
defeat, balk 

lap, fold; pocket; bag <C-j 



destruction, ruin 

affliction, distress, woe, grief 

to flow, stream; to squirt, spout, shoot out jj 

' 1 

motionlessness, stillness, fixedness 
perseverance, persistence, dili- ijIj i »^ju* : olJ 
gence, assiduity, sedulity 

maintenance of, keeping; ad- J* iiilk. : Jc ou 
herence to, compliance with, abidance by, follow- 
ing, observance of 

" •' r; 
resolution, resolve, determma- *y~o i fj* : olo 

tion, firm will; steadfastness, boldness, courage; 

self-possession, composure; resistance 

certainty, certitude, sureness, jo U i Ji~ : oL5 

truth, trueness, verity, i-X. 1 Jjuo i <*•? '■ oU 
veracity; correctness, Tightness; soundness, validity 

staying, remaining; stay i-UJ i o^L. : ou 

• UU-J 

to be or become firm, fixed, stable, " 

steady, solid, strong, enduring, durable, lasting, 

permanent, unshakable, unchangeable, established; 

to stand firm; to set, become fast or hard 

to be or become constant, invariable, jJiJ ^ : c-3 

unchangeable, steady 

to be or become stationary, immov- dij^JJ ^ : c~j 

able, immobile, standing, motionless, static, fixed, 


to be or become established, jSt t Jia^l : c~J 

proven, proved, certain, sure, definite, positive; to 

prove (or turn out) to be true, correct, right, valid, 


to maintain, fjl jj oJilj i (.jj'j JiiU- :^e cJ 

keep (up); to adhere to, stick to, cling to, abide by, 

stand by, keep to; to follow, observe, comply with; 

to persist in, persevere in, continue to do, keep 

doing, keep on (doing) 

to remain at, stay at, reside at, fUl : (o^Sd j) <^y 

settle (down) at; to stay put at 

to resist, withstand, hold -u-oj fjU : **»-j j c~I 

out against, hold one's own against, remain firm 

against, stand up against 

to be brave, courageous, bold, U jU- UUi J& : c~ 

fearless, resolute, steady, tough, steadfast, firm, 

unflinching, unfaltering, unyielding 

to fix, fasten, make fast; to -J» j t (J±-» <■ £- j : c- 
rivet, secure; to implant; to establish, settle, 
stabilize, steady, make firm, make stable; to make 
permanent; to strengthen, consolidate, brace, 




bigmouthed; chatterbox, babbler, blabber; prattler 

to chatter, prate, babble, blab, blabber, tattle, Jiji 


chatter, chat, prattle, prate, blab, blabble, blab- iJJ 

ber, twaddle, tattle; gossip, chitchat; talkativeness, 

garrulity, loquacity; logorrhea 

to crumble and sop (bread) in broth ( 'Jj- 1 ) ij 

to knock someone's tooth out, break someone's ^Ji 


to have a broken or fallen tooth f Ji 

thermostat otjjjji 

thermometer jU$*Ji 

wealth, fortune, riches, opulence, affluence, ijji 

abundance; treasure 

_ s - , •is.-*,.- 

national wealth V^J j' *r?>* °iy 

to be or become riche, wealthy 

rich, wealthy, well-to-do, well-off, affluent, ^-t :&J 
opulent, prosperous 

nouveau riche, upstart, parvenu; war v^' <£y 

(o^l ij^H) l£i 



chandelier, luster 


porridge, gruel 

to siphon 

siphoning; siphonage 

snake, serpent 



serpentine, snaky, snakelike, ophidian 

fox (<jl>r>-)' 

otter (o'>~>-) *Ul 

alopecia, loss of hair y^lJI Jai't-J :i_Juti!l «Ij 

fox grape; (black) nightshade i_Ji»i!l i_~*& 

vixen, she-fox, female fox i_»ucji ^i 

tetter, ringworm iiJJb>- ^^ : 

foxy, foxlike, vulpine ^^ 

^pJUji : till ijV*j 



'■a8':/Si'S5dg«.'i- -. •' i'JASiiitamMi^ »'!■#.. 

flowing, streaming, running; pouring, falling, £ 

torrent, torrential stream; flood 



thickness; density; consistency 

» - , , ■> - 
to thicken, inspissate, be or become Lj^! jU> : jiu 


to thicken, inspissate, make thick or Lj«j aLo-- : j»u 


thickness; density; consistency 

thick; dense; consistent j~iu 

breast(s), bosom(s), bust; mamma j j+*> •. o+i : iS^ 

udder, dug f-^ :o'>^-l i5->j 

bras, brassiere ^o-iill 4jjj.w> 

*^ • - 

". .A .A 

buxom, bosomy, full-bosomed, j-uJI 
having large breasts; sweater girl 

mammary i5_dl i»}U ji :,^jj 

mammal oLj^UI (j* i>\y?- •(*j j j 

Mammalia, mammals »ljj^ll olji :oLjj£M 

torrential; abounding in water till ju$" i yjc. :Ji 
wide, spacious, vast, broad, large ^J j : y 

Is) gelj -&. 'j£ :# 

soil, ground; (moist) earth i$> 

what a big difference! what has l^JJI ^ li^JI ^1 
the ground to do with the Pleiades?! 

may God rest him in peace! God rest »l y "Oil ^Jjt> 
his soul! 

wealth, fortune, affluence, opulence, lJ ~f : <SJi 

prosperity, abundance 

to blame, censure, reproach, ryj t fi :ljJ) <.i->Ji 
rebuke, upbraid 

omentum cj?^' s^" 1 " tbiitjjj 

omental i_jjJL> ii^i ji :,^jjj 

talkative, garrulous, loquacious, chatty, gossipy, jli^J 


f " 

'■■-'■■■-■- ■-■ :--.■•■■■ :-- :.r<K.--rtr. 

hole, bore, perfora- J j*- i < •y''- K-&y '■ <u£ > *_ 
tion, puncture, punch, slot, slit, aperture, orifice, 

eye, threading hole 

confidence, trust, faith, reliance 

certainty, certitude, assurance, positivism ( j_«j : iii 

trustworthy, 3yy :iiilL jj 

trusty, reliable, dependable 

authority, *=«- t (£>*>>• j) j^ : *i. jj-^ i <ii 
authoritative source, expert 

confidence (£.j£J-L) iii 

self-confidence, self-assurance lt*-^ *^ 

distrust, mistrust isjjl -j^. 

'* < . - 

vote of confidence iiill J*. c-;^-aJ 

-* «\ .,*',' 

vote of no confidenceiiill ( *jjo jl ) ._.»,-.. ^z^yaj 

-# •,' j, 

theygavehimavoteofconfidenceiiJIo^Uj \y^e 

to surpass in skill, be more skillful <jjj.l j ilii. :uiii 


to lance, spear, pierce or transfix with a ~^)L tOl 

lance or spear 

to be or become skillful, skilled, pro- UiU- jU : Lai? 
ficient, expert, subtle, clever 

to reach, attain; to grasp, comprehend, iifp' : Liif 
understand, perceive 

to educate, cultivate, culture, refine, L>ii ( 111 : LiiS 
polish; to enlighten, edify, teach, instruct 
to straighten, adjust ly : Lii5 

to be or become heavy 'IJo- "jj> : \$& 

to slacken, lag, tarry; to be U»Ci t J> \'y : ^ ^li 

slow, tardy, sluggish, slothful, dull, lumpish 

to be hard of hearing i*^. Jii 

baggage, luggage iu* I < ji Ql tL : j£ 

heaviness iii. l,i ; J£ 

sluggishness, tardiness, dullness, slow- _JJ» L" : JiJ 

to bleat 
bleating, bleat 



to perforate, pierce, punch, hole; '^S t 'ji t Lx :y,J 
to notch, indent, cut; to break 

u«n * \ p Jul* . jju 


front teeth 

port, harbor, haven, seaport (L^. 

bay, inlet j'y. 

coastal city or town, ilU-L ijxi 

fortified borderline jjoi-l Jc i_*aa« ijx^ : >i 

gap, opening, aperture, breach, i*-ji < i^ : iji$ 
hole; crevice, fissure, crack, crevasse, rift, inter- 
stice; cavity, hollow, yawn; break, chasm; lacuna, 
hiatus, discontinuity 

crupper ^Jj\ Jj.'^. j *J^, : j& ,j£ 

to sediment, settle, deposit, precipitate L-L^ : l)^ 

dregs, sediment, lees, settlings; residue; marc Jii 

to become callous (hardened, rough) by (o aJ c^) ^ji 

callus, callosity jtli- •' ilai i o^ 

match, matchstick , .UJJI \£. 1( _,Ui 

borer (ijJj.Ji.Ui 

culture; education; refinement, cultivation iiUJ 

cultural; educational 'JUJ 

cultural attache 'jlH j^j^ 




to pierce, puncture, perforate, punch, hole,ij>- : i 
bore (drill, make) a hole in 

to light, kindle, ignite 

- - •* -* , S- 

piercing, puncture, puncturing, per- L*iS j. 
foration, perforating, punching, boring, drilling 

7 - * - * 

jjr'j _ iij*" ' v^*** f-^y 


Mardi Cras, Shrove ^\').\ &"% ,. p).\ 'X^ 

three (r)ii^ 



the thirtieth 




tripartite, ternary, trinary, triple, threefold, ..Jit 

trinal, trine, trinitarian, triplex, tri-, three-; ter- 
nate; trio, threesome; troika; trinity, triad, triplet 
triliteral [ij ] <_i/,il ^ 4 J^ 

three-dimensional, tridimensional jUj^I ^5}b 

trilateral ^Sll ^>' 

trivalent jilS^JI ^ 

trinomial [oL-iLj] jjlil ^^L* 

trilinear i^Lil ^^ 
triceps ^Jl >-^ j iJUt i^-jj^JI ib^ 

triangular Llj^II ^jSL' 

trihedral; trihedron ^U II *^ 

trilobate, trilobed; trilobite u -j.-.;,ll ?}U 

trilingual oLiJI \pi 

triaxial j^kll ^^ 

trisyllable «J,liIl ^j^J 

trillium, wake-robin iJxJI iy»^l 
trivalence, trivalency 

>lsdll ij>' 

iceman, ice vendor, ice dealer Jl*)I IjL : r& 

refrigerator, icebox jl^:i».^ 

freezer ^ J x^kJI i'_^J- : ^^J 

to criticize; to blame; to slander, Jo i i^ i ! 
defame, calumniate 

criticism; slander, defamation, calumny Lli j. 

.. . ~ . > , . * *> 

group, band, party, coterie, clique S^ j t itU^ : 4JJ? 

(military) detachment (kJSZ2) ili 

ness, slothfulness 

weight; gravity 

heaviness ^ 

weight(iness), moment(ousness), impor- 
tance, significance 

load, burden .!^, 


specific gravity 

weight lifting 
center of gravity 

JLj^l «ij 

skilled, skillful, proficient, ^»L < JiU :uLii " « f, 
adroit; clever, smart 

heavy, weighty ^j^ ^ : J^ 

burdensome, onerous, oppres- ri_t> 1 J>*^« :J?*j 
sive, troublesome; hard to bear; unbearable; un- 
pleasant, disagreeable, offensive; bothersome, 
vexing, annoying 

sluggish, dull, lumpish, lazy, in- (( JjJ « jJb : J_iJ 
dolent, slothful, slack, slow, heavy 

weighty, momentous, grave, serious, JlU : J_ii 
important, significant 

antipathetic, repugnant, r/j I _jl *Jki\ jl >l)l J_ii 
repulsive, disgusting, disagreeable, unpleasant, un- 
bearable, intolerable, insufferable; boring, dull, tire- 
some, wearisome, uninteresting; a bore 

hard of hearing .',^.11 J;: 

slow-witted, thick-witted, dull, doltish, ,^Ill ,J_iS 
obtuse, dense, silly, stupid 

indigestible, heavy 

heavy industry 

heavy water 

to lose a child 

bereaved of a child 


to destroy, ruin, subvert, overthrow, 
topple, bring down 

three at a time; by threes, three and three 







reason, on that account 

then, thereupon; afterwards, thereafter, after that, «J 
next, later, later on, subsequently; moreover, fur- 
thermore, besides 

r<\ k • . ■■>'. • 

residue, sediment, dregs, settlings, i-jb i v-'j : *J& 

heeltap ^roJl j ^^Cil i_,l^l i-JL. :i)Ci 

foam, froth, spume, scum i'y,'j : *J^ 

millet (oLO^jjU r^Ui 

eight at a time; by eights, eight and eight u& 

eighty (a.)u>;U3 

the eightieth 6>iCljl 

eightfold; octonary; octave; octet !_; U? 

octahedral: octahedron j- > LUl jl «iL.^I ^tj 

octagonal; octagon p-^U^Ij Uj^JI fjll; 

eight (a)cjU3 

eighteen (u)^oUJ 

there, over there, in that place; there is, c^u <■ <ui 

there are 

- - •« ,,- 

^Jl p-lj-^J 

fruit(s); fruitage, result, effect, outcome, pro-»^»2 ij£ 
geny; upshot; product, produce, yield; profit, gain, 

to be (become, get) drunk, intoxicated 'gL : J^S 

intoxication, drunkenness, inebriety )*L. : J^i 

drunk(en), intoxicated, inebriate(d), 
sottish, boozy, tipsy, in one's cups 

iltJ ^-ij-iili ( <UJ 

jU> : j*i 

to be or become valuable, precious, 

to estimate, assess, evaluate, appraise, ^y ( j ji : j^J 
valuate, rate; to value, prize, esteem, treasure, 
cherish, appreciate; to price 

invaluable, inestimable, priceless J', f . 'i 

price, ante, cost; rate; value, worth j^i 

to triple 

one third, third 

to snow (it snowed) 

/ \, •> » 


to be or become pleased, ^,-iJI •- -.'? < j-uJI iJi 
delighted, happy; to be or become reassured, 
secure, at ease 

to ice; to freeze, glaciate, frost, jii- t jui- : j^JI j>B 
congeal; to refrigerate 

snow; ice -ii 

snowball, snow cone tJu 5^ 

ice bag; ice cap Jij .< 

snowcapped r.£&> J^-. 
snowflake _i£J| iijj 

snowy, snow-; icy, ice-; glacial; snow-white, j"jdJ 

snowstorm, blizzard, ice storm 
snow blindness 

to blunt, notch, (in)dent, jag, jjb- ( 

tooth; to groove, furrow, rut 

to defile, sully, dishonor, dis- wJI jl e~laJI JtS 
grace, discredit, tarnish, (be)smirch, soil, blacken; 
to defame, slander, calumniate, backbite 

ijj p-lj- ■>->»■ ' l>— ' J* : (Jj 

notch, indentation, nick, snick, Sy»2 t jjji-l < j». : JJ 
cut, incision, score; furrow, groove, ridge, rut; gap, 
opening, breach, hole, aperture, crevice, crack, 
fissure, rift 



defamation, slander, calumny, 

there, over there, in that place; there is, there are 2' 

hence, therefore, thereupon, thus, so, conse- li ^. 
quently, whereupon, as a result, then, for that 



binomial, having two names 



dipteron, two-winged fly 




» - i J -•• 

>15oJI ^Li 

c G.i bil' 

j£l ^d 

Is 4 -' 

bicephalic, bicephalous, dicephalous ( _ r -l_ / JI ^Ui 
biangular <;j'>" yf^ 

• s 4 -' 

biform JSUI ^Uj 

diphase, diphasic, two-phase, biphase jykJI ^U 

bipolar, dipolar 

<uL>JI oLjLj 

. > s, -> 

I-. nail /yLo 

iiljl ^5ll* 

bicolor, bicolored, two-colored, u>UI ^LJ 


• ' i '* 

bicameral cr^ 1 yi^ 

i -' 
biaxial jy>4' i/.^ 

' . - 4 '' 

bicentric j^>A' y(^ 

,s 4 -' 

binucleate, binuclear Sl^JI ^yUj 

dualism, duality, duplicity, doubleness 

mJ Uj 

duet, duo [ ( Lij (ji—-^. J iJU 

fold(ing), doubling; tuck(ing), rolling up; 'A i ,J» : ,_£ 
bend(ing), flexing, flexion, turn(ing), twist(ing), 
curving, curvature, inflection 

turning (away or aside) from, ^ J^o : ^ ^ 

bivalence, bivalency 

male breast 
dualist; dualistic 

par, par value, nominal value, l ^,\ jl /^l-l ^ 
face value 

cost price y"""' ij"" 

, ,> >' 

/ « \ . a . A 

one-eighth, eighth 

jl^ 1 £»-*j-j>« 



valuable, precious, costly, invaluable, priceless, j~t!i 

to fold, double; to tuck, roll up; to i_ikt i i5>t : ^ 
bend, flex, turn, twist, curve, inflect 

to turn (away or aside) from, ,jc. J^ : jt- <yJ 
keep (away) from, dissuade from, divert from, 
alienate from, discourage from, deter from, 
prevent from 

to double, geminate; to ljcLj i l j~^ I *&>■ : ^J 

duplicate; to reduplicate 

to repeat, reiterate, reduplicate, jji i jUI : <y5 
redo, do again 

to pleat, plait, goffer LU aJ Jju- :o>»«j ^-jj-iJI <y2 

to provide with two diatrical points <J ^il <yJ 

to form the dual (of a word) ilKJI <y2 

to second (a motion, a nomi- rJJ t-I ^ I J* ^ 

nation, etc.) 

to follow (up) with, cause to ji-\ **Z\ : j* r* ^ 

be followed by; to supplement with, add to 

praise, commendation, laudation, J%yu <■ ^-u : > Ui 

extolment; encomium, eulogy, panegyric, tribute; 


laudatory, commendatory, commend- <_^--u : ^ Lo 
ing, panegyrical, eulogistic; complimentary 
twofold, double, dual, binary, bi-, two-, tjj> : ^ Ui 
di-; bilateral, bipartite 
duet, duo I fUtj (J L^y\ ^Lo 

biliteral [iil] <-ij^l ^& ' ^ 

quadric [oLiLjJ ^Lj 



bifocal »j>J' (ji^-J 

-* I 1 - 'a 


moil, tumult 

revolution, rebellion, revolt, uprising, insurrec- 'ijy 
tion, insurgence, rising, mutiny; coup (d'etat); 
eruption, outbreak, outburst, flare-up; excite- 
ment, agitation; upheaval; commotion, uproar 

.- * * « - 
bloodless revolution t^?. °jy 

counterrevolution oLi» ijy 

revolutionary, revolutionist, rebellious, (*i-o) tjjp 
insurgent, revolting, insurrectionary, mutinous 

rebel, revolutionary, revolutionist, in- (,*J) 'iSjy 
surgent, revolter, insurrectionary, insurrectionist, 



swarm (of bees), colony (of jkJI itCi- i^jis- :Jy 


thulium Kj-aU.) f>J>I 


chive, chive garlic 

to be buried 


• • s - ii *'' * \'e" ' : 

guestroom; guest suite; guest t-«., . a 11 -u-. u^ :ii>> 

(oL.) »j2 

(oLj) ^»- ^ 
. > . > 

1 -lSjj 

wife, spouse 
sheepfold, fold 

not virgin, deflowered 

divorcee, divorcee 
bubal; hartebeest 
theoCratic(aI); theocrat 


■■«" ' "■ »=- -■ - 

keeping (away) from, dissuasion from, alienation 
from, diversion from, discouraging from, discou- 
ragement from, deterring from, determent from, 
prevention from 



'j~V^ '-^ 

from time to time, 


and then, 

once in a while 

first incisor; front tooth 




defile, gap, gate, col, moun- ^Li- ^« i i_-»i : *_J 
tain pass, mountain path, mountain trail 

in, inside, within; among; be- CUi 1 >-j i IjLlS j 

tween; amidst, in the midst of 

high-aspiring, ambitious-, adventurous, liLill p 1)U> 

bold, courageous; efficient, powerful; vigorous 

fold, pleat, plait; ply; tuck; crease; bend, flexure, LJ 

flexion, curve, turn, twist 

cuff, fold o>U»~JI ( JL) £-1 

to die, pass away oL : iSy 

- ■' - t 
to be buried cA * ' ^y 

reward, requital, repayment, rec- «lj»- t SUlSL. '^y 
ompense, retribution; merit, credit 

garment; dress, robe, gown; suit, costume; cloth, ljjj 
fabric, material; garb, cloak, guise, covering, ex- 
ternal appearance 
clothes, clothing, apparel, attire, garments vQ 

swimsuit, swimming suit, bathing suit is-LlJI 


signpost, road sign, guidepost, mile- 
stone, milepost 

bull, steer, ox (o l >e-) j> 

bison (u'>~>-) ijt f*\ jy 

eruption, outbreak, flare-up, outburst; agitation, u\jy 
excitement; upheaval; commotion, uproar, tur- 

^S^ ^ftr ^^r ^N^^ ^B^r ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^r ^ft^^ ^^r ^^^^ ^^^^ ^H^^ 

^^r t^^ ^^r ^^^ ^^^ ^>^^ ^^^ ^▼^ ^J^ Mr ^^K ^^r ^^r 

Olt>»" : 5-5 u» 


gusted, qualmish 


hungry, starved, starving, Tarnished 

to travel (through, about, over), explore, t_»U» : <_>U- 
tour, cruise, patrol, wander (through or about), 
roam (through), rove (through), range, perambu- 
late, itinerate, stroll, go from one place to another; 
to go about, ride about, walk (about or across); to 
cross, traverse 
to pierce, penetrate, perforate, bore 3j*~ 

to cut, cut off j-la» 

to pocket, provide with a pocket Ll»- aJ Ja»- 

collector, tax collector, revenue officer; (^U-l) uU 

(bus, etc.) conductor 

centripetal j^^il jjiI c_oU- :JuU- 

centripetal force °-vW- °.H 

bonesetter, orthopedist sLa&'il jl r^" r^y '-ji^r 

to face, confront, meet (with), J <3 tuaj c 4j>- I j : *j U- 
encounter, face up to, front, defy, challenge, 
counter, stand up to, withstand, show a bold front 
to, intercept, counteract; to deal with, cope with, 
grapple with, come to grips with; to fight, combat 

basin; pool; trough; tank, reservoir Jo^s- : *r;W 

kneeling ^Ij :(yJU-l) 6U 


catholicos tJ ~ 

perching, roosting, sitting; crouching; prone, 

prostrate, lying face down 

nightmare, incubus <j~y 

prow, bow, stem 

to come, arrive, show up; to reach, get to ^ I : *U- 

to bring, bring forward, fetch, get, j~a»-l : _j rU- 
produce, advance, present, introduce 

to do, perform; to make aJuj : ^'il jl s^yiJI fW- 

to commit, perpetrate <15CJ jl :^^l jl f^^iJI eU- 

to be mentioned, stated, £ i c jjj : ( j) *U- 

reported, said 

the newspaper reports that.. 

»_3I j j-j- : (J» 

circulating news; talk of the town; 


epidemic, prevalent, prevailing, widespread, £-?W 

pandemic, permeative, sweeping, overwhelming, 

devastating; disastrous, catastrophic, calamitous, 

cataclysmic, destructive, ruinous 

cataclysm, catastrophe, disaster, calamity, i»«5U- 

scourge; epidemic, plague, pandemic 

unjust, unfair, inequitable, wrongful; op- |JUi ^Im- 
pressive, tyrannical, despotic, arbitrary; oppressor, 
tyrant, despot 
low(ing), mooGng), bellowing jl^ :(j^)0 j'>r 

roarGng) ju [j :(j-jI) jljr 

permissible, permitted, allow- 

'Lj : '41^ 

able, allowed, admissible, lawful, legal, licit, 
legitimate, authorized, sanctioned, warranted, 
unprohibited, unforbidden, unproscribed 

possible, contingent, potential, J*Jj«j i Crf-" : syr 
conceivable, thinkable, imaginable, probable 
perhaps, maybe, possibly, probably, jIU-l ^ 

conceivably; may, might 

prize, reward, award, premium; bonus; stakes SJhW 

nauseated, sick, queasy, dis- 

: ( _ r iJI 



=♦ ♦= 

centripetal force 
gravitation, attraction 

-'" . -* ■ i 
attraction, attractiveness, appeal, *^» : <rf:?^ 

magnetism, lure, allure, charm, pull; fascination, 


sex appeal * 


s-^-oj : 4)1 JJ jU- 



to low, moo, bellow 

to roar 

to supplicate, pray ardently to 


to deviate from, depart from, turn jt- JL : jt- jla- 

away from 

to wrong, oppress, tyrannize, jib : Jt jl»- 

persecute, aggrieve, do wrong to, do injustice to, 

treat unjustly or inequitably, be unfair or unjust to 

jly- p-'j _ j«r 

neighbor o*js4-' -*r'j : jW 

alder (>^) *^l J^ 

preposition l^Jj^- 

pulling, drawing, dragging, tugging, (_-»- L : j la- 
hauling, towing, trailing 

flowing, streaming, J^ . 


running, racing 

current, present, present-day 


JU- t _/«<»la- : jl»- 

taking place, i-i^H jl J^JI -ui i ^51 i <. vioU- : j la- 
happening, going on; under way, in progress, in 
process, on foot, afoot; current; circulating 
cursive, running (<> jla- <i\^) cij^l J-ai* '• jla- 
current account; checking account jla- <-A—*- 

to keep pace with, keep up with, go along with, (Jjla- 
keep step with, keep abreast with; to follow, be 
able to follow, proceed in accordance with; to act 
in agreement with, adapt oneself to, adjust to; to be 
in agreement with, in conformity with, in line 
with; to agree with, concur with; to humor, corn- 


,Jl3jl jl 

denying, disavowing; denier ^U:jia-la- 
unbeliever, infidel, disbeliever, atheist jte : Ja- la- 
apostate, renegade, turncoat, defector, <ijL : Ja- la- 

ungrateful, unthankful, »JJ <u*JI jl J-»atU ja- la- 

exophthalmic, pop-eyed, goggle-eyed 1 >1— *ll iaa-la- 

to be or become good, well, t >_au i 1 o-a- jU> : j la- 
fine; to improve, ameliorate, become better 
to give generously, fjfc <. l Jai.\ t J-»j '(^ 1 _>) fla- 
grant liberally; to be generous, liberal, open- 
handed, freehanded; to be so kind (nice, generous) 
to do; to bestow lavishly upon, shower with 

'' "' '\'-' '" '■ ' ' 1 
to sacrifice oneself, give <*_jj J-o 1 [j*^> '■ ^^ i - 

oneself up 

to shed abundant tears j-*-^ Lr-*-" 9°^" 

to rain heavily, pour with rain JA\j i]^J\ cola- 

to be heavy, copious, abundant ^Jail J W- 

serious; earnest, in earnest; diligent, assiduous, jla- 
sedulous, painstaking, hardworking, industrious; 
hard worker 
street, road, avenue, boulevard Jh^ ' £j^ '-'^ 

middle of &JA\ <tjl» ' «-^* ' <*~3 '-Jij*** 5 ->W 
the road, roadbed, road(way), pavement 
to argue with, debate with, dispute with, ^U- : J la- 
expostulate with, join issue with 
to quarrel with, wrangle with, bicker pola- : J jla- 
with, altercate with 
to dispute, contest, contend; to polemize j Jjla- 

saffron, crocus ("-jl^) o^y^-j : ^ J ^" 

to contend (with some- »UI <c jU : ( t ( _ f l)l *-) oila- 
one) at pulling; to pull in a different direction 

toengageina c-j jX I iJ I ^L\ j I fblSCJI -oi la- 

conversation with, talk with, converse with 

attractive; gravitational; pulling »jli j_o : i_>ila- 

t-jtjla- o- 1 j — »— j ' -la- ! t_-ola- 

centripetal £ JA y* v^W- 



3#> #= 

dogmatical); absolutely certain jS'u* i «_L>U> : pl»- 
(oO, perfectly sure (of), positive (about) 


(j. n S : ..[ : ( j<'l»' 

to explore, investigate, inquire into 

search out 

callous, tough, hard, rigid, stiff, rough, i_Juo : ^l»- 


spy (j«^wu>» 

spy-, espionage-, of spying, of espionage ^^U 

spying, espionage o^U 

to be or become jli' i <^>j^o\ : (4 — iJ cj (jiU- 

agitated, upset, disturbed, troubled, perturbed, 
disquieted, uneasy, worried, anxious 

to be oro^lS j[i <. (_j^Jxj»l :(j_ila)l jl l _r«-" c — ) tr'W - 

get agitated, excited; to flare up, flame up with 

rage, rage, storm, steam, seethe, boil, burn with 


to surge, heave, swell (up), roll, t-L. 1 r-l* : ,jiU- 

welter, billow 

to boil, simmer, bubble up 

j\i l(J U :,jiU 

to nauseate, feel nausea, be cult :-uiJ c^U- 

nauseated, feel or become sick, be disgusted 

emotional agitation, perturba- Jli <. c_>I^Lil : J&. 
tion, anxiety, worry, uneasiness 

heart; soul ^Ju 1 <_Ji : jjib- 

to be or become hungry, feel hungry, feel hunger.pU- 

hunger; to starve 

to bribe, buy off L^JcU- 

to stink; to rot, decay, putrefy jJJ I : cjU- 

dry; xer-, xero-; arid; dried (up), ^L 1 i_*il • <-*l»- 
desiccated; dehydrated 

dull, lifeless, dry, arid, tedious, boring, 3^-* : L»\*r 
uninteresting, unexciting 

rude, rough, harsh, unfriendly, blunt, Jjj :i_»U- 
discourteous, boorish 

ball-point pen, ball-point i_>U- j-j- Jl» 

rude, rough, crude, Ja» 1 jj^JjJI &.\t. .(^ U-l) (JU- 
harsh, gross, boorish, discourteous, uncivil, 
uncouth, ungracious, churlish, surly 


ply with, indulge, be willing to please; to match, 
cope with, compete with successfully, be equal or 
similar to 

injurious, injuring, wounding, hurting, r j*u '-rj^r 
painful; stinging, sharp, cutting, piercing, incisive, 
biting, acrid, poignant; offensive 

predatory, predacious, rapa- j_tf l^jUl* '-rj^r 
cious, raptorial, ferocious 

organ, limb, member ^_at:-v»-jU" 


crj-*- >-"*r- J 1 y. 


predatory bird or 

grinder, molar cAiW 

torrential; violent, stormy, vehement; sweep- cijU- 
ing, overwhelming 

• ' '1 
drawer rj^-'JiJ^r 

quern, hand mill -Vj-V; <J>»-U> : *A5j^r 'lASjW' 

ii _^« iuf I j - ii _^« : Li i j U- 

odalisque, female slave, slave girl, bond- <*l :i>jU- 
maid, bondwoman 

girl, young girl, maid 

A , . *r> '. 4j jb- 

to be or become permissible, per- ?->~~i ^ o^ '-j^r 
mitted, allowable, allowed, admissible, legal, law- 
ful, licit 

to be or become possible, conceiv- U5ll_. j\£ : _)U- 
able, thinkable, probable 

the trick worked with him, he illi-l aIU o_)U- 
was deceived 


jU. :jU 

to reward, requite, repay, recompense, UlS" :iijU- 
remunerate; to compensate, make up for 

to punish, penalize, chastise, discipline^' L :<5jU 

to risk, hazard, stake, venture, adventure, [J] <-JjU- 
take a risk, run a risk, take a chance 

decisive, definitive, definite, categorical, oL : * jU- 
absolute, unqualified, final, positive, conclusive, 

I— ■ ■ ■ r .... a! 

stagnant, dull, slack, sluggish, o-K i of I j : j>U- 

inactive, flat 

dull, inactive, inert, sluggish, -uL 4 J-U- : -**l»- 

exanimate, languid, listless 

dull, dry. arid, lifeless, boring J** : J-U- 

inanimate, lifeless, inor- ju»- 4 sLil ^-it : x.U- 

ganic; solid; mineral; inorganic body; inanimate 


defective, aplastic 1 «*J J ■** W- 

to have sexual intercourse with, make (s I j.\ ) £• U- 
love to, copulate with, go to bed with, sleep with 
mosque .i*—* : s-» «r 

collector, gatherer 

compiler, author, writer 

typesetter, compositor 



■L-» .4 . «_«l 


comprehensive, inclusive, all-inclusive, J-li. : *-U- 
well-rounded, exhaustive, extensive, expansive, 
broad, thorough, large-scale, massive, universal, 
sweeping, general, generic 

university d^ 1 " £~^ * — .j*:«*«U- 

league, union, confed- •uJi-^ 4«u.op 4<Uajlj :«u»U- 
eration, association, community, organization 
League of Arab il>^JI <«>U-I 4*1>^JI <J)-dl <u.U- 
States, Arab League 

storage battery, accumulator ^^ : «.Ij J&i\ i«^U- 

.- - * *''' * 
university, collegiate, academic i»v.U»j J^U^* : iy"^* 

., . * *- " - . 
university graduate «u»U- ^ ^y*-^ 'i^f 1 ^ 

university student yf- 

to compliment, pay or make a compliment to; Jj U- 
to flatter, butter up; to be courteous to, nice to, 
civil and polite to; to show courtesy to 
palm pith iiiuJI ^. :j>«U- 

buffalo io\y*>-) iry\*r 

hippopotamus (0 !>->-) J»*^\ u->*W- 

jinn, demons, fairies ^ :0U- 

felon, criminal, perpetrator, ^11 4 {j*v> :(,jU-l) uU- 
culprit, malefactor, wrongdoer, delinquent; guilty 
reaper, harvester, harvestman, gatherer -u>U- : W 

^ ..„'.■: 

coarse, crude, harsh, rough 
dura mater 

4 J»-li :i_»U- 

to offend, be offensive to, be ^ Ci 4 i-jJU- : Jf U- 
repugnant to; to disagree with; to conflict with, be 
in conflict with, be inconsistent with, be contra- 
dictory to 
jacket, coat *~-~>^ lC - r-^T 

to engage, absorb, engross, a_» i jl »^»l»- j <JW 

preoccupy, occupy, take up; to be on someone's 

mind, pass through someone's mind; to occur to, 

cross someone's mind 

to declare publicly, announce, _, ^* U- : _. J U- 


%■ p-lj-jwsjl 4^1 :_> JW- 




tL :lJU 

to fight (with a sword), «■ jLa 4 oil—ll; ^j^i : -" W 
meet in combat or duel 

to sit with; to keep someone company; to ^J U- 

associate with, socialize with, be a companion of 
sitting; participant (in a meeting, gathering, etcJ^JU- 

gallon u.jl W 
colony, community <u La- 
gallery; furniture showroom i^W 
cup; drinking glass a"" : C • 

to wreak one's wrath (upon); ( Jt) *~ic f U- 4_~*> 
to vent oneself, give vent to one's anger or rage; to 
attack, assail, bombard 
jamboree iili£U ^Ijj jl ^>) j^-l : tij>^ur 

unruly, ungovernable, intractable, wild, re- £_• ^* 
fractory, recalcitrant, runaway, restive; unrestrain- 
ed, inordinate, excessive, immoderate, extreme 
solid, hard, rigid, stiff, inflexible <-Xe : .u U- 

frozen, frosted, congealed, 

iced, icy, glaciated 

immobile, motionless, stationary, iS^I f_js. : j>U- 

immovable, still, static; inactive, inert 




i ytllv 


3$. <^ 


side, flank, wing 

delinquent; mis- 

1*4— • ' oy 

-p"^ 1 

perverted, perverse, cor- j— l» t JUj i <J 

rupted, depraved, errant, erratic, erring, devious 

rib *Li> :o»iU- 

green plum t°^>) ^j->^- 

to resemble, correspond to ; to be JJ U t JS'lC : ^ U- 
similar to, like, akin to, homogeneous to, analo- 
gous to, of the same kind or nature as 

L*jl?«JL» 4Ja>- 



to homogenize, make homo 

high rank, high standing; glory, ^t i i»_i j iiy~. : oU- 
honor, prestige, esteem, fame, superiority; power 

to strive, endeavor, try hard, make every effort; jaU- 

to fight (for); to struggle (against), contend 

(against), battle (against); to wage holy war or jihad 


diligent, painstaking, industrious, laborious, as- jaU- 

siduous, sedulous, hardworking; zealous, intense, 

strenuous, fervent, energetic, wholehearted 

to declare publicly, state openly, say in public, _j ^U- 
proclaim, announce, annunciate, enunciate, pro- 
mulgate, profess; to disclose, reveal, expose, make 
known, lay open, speak out about, express freely, 
voice frankly, air, publicize 

ready, prepared, all set Lj^ 

-i-J ■> '. . 
ready-made, ready-to-wear; LjJL. 9-y~a- '■ J»l»- 


available, ready, handy, at JjLdl j t jSy-* '■ j»W- 

hand, in stock, obtainable, accessible, at one's 

disposal or command 

*" " 
prefabricated house, prefab ^oU- o*~> 

ignorant, uneducated, unlearned, nescient, J*W- 

unenlightened, benighted, uncultivated, unwitting, 
unknowing, not knowing, uninformed (about), 
unfamiliar (with), unacquainted (with), unaware 
(oD, unconscious (oD; ignoramus, know-nothing 

pre-lslamic; pagan; ignorant l/^^T 

pre-lslam, pre-lslamic times, pre-lslamic i ^*^ p r 

epoch, pre-lslamic paganism; state of ignorance 

' ; ' - ' ' "W 

to walk by the side of 

Jl jL. :lJ» 

to skirt, flank, run along the jjU- 1 li^U- : i_jU- 
border of, run alongside of, run side by side with, 
be at the side of, be beside; to neighbor, adjoin, be 
near, be or lie next to 


side, flank, waist 



part, portion; some, a j\ jju. <. u^iu t >j^«- 
few; quantity, amount, deal, degree 

aspect, <ij>-j i j^xa :(i)L-t jl ilU- <_Jl>»- ^) i_jU- 
phase, facet 

aside, away, apart, off, out of the way, by; LiU- 
alone, by oneself, detached, isolated, secluded; 

unilateral; unilaterally ju-Iji_-;U- 

on his part, on the part of, from, by 

3 y,^ Cr" 

4_JU- ,•_* 



on the one hand... on 

the other hand 

side by side with, at <-> ji t <_~»- : uil* i i_JU- Jj 

the side of, beside, alongside of, along, next to, 

near, close to, by, at 

(dU'i) JI 4iU>l :(4l'i) uJli- 'M s-^ Jj 
besides, in addition to, along with, as well as, over 
and above, furthermore, moreover, other than, 
aside from, apart from 
to be or become safe from, secure from 4_jU- .>• I 

to put aside, lay aside, lay out of the LjU- 


way; to shelve, brush aside; to put off, postpone, 

defer; to omit; to save, lay away, set apart, set 

aside, reserve 

very important, •C^'il <y ( e^) j^4 v^W- (J* 

very significant, of great importance, of great 


i^UI jL^jut-I j-i_^U-l jJi i_jU-I jjjti i_jU-I JJij 




side, by 

; fringe; 







detour; byway, 
side road 

i^^r (ii>=v 

' j-*-) 






gypsum quarry; plaster kiln 

coward, poltroon, craven, (^l) p li»- -^ : "!■*»■ 


cowardly, fainthearted, (kiuo) f-lV- - 1 -* • ^^ 
chicken-livered, chickenhearted, lily-livered, 
weakhearted, fearful, fearsome, timorous, craven, 
pusillanimous, recreant, poltroon, yellow 

cheese dealer, cheese merchant, Cr^' M.^ -ui^r 

cheesemaker ,^J-I »_iU> :u<^»- 

err 5 !" /"f J — ** ^*"" ~^° ' 4J ^*' ' *^ ^T 

cemetery, graveyard, burial ground 'j^ '■ <i ^r 

collection, collecting, levy(ing), raising J--a»w :<■£»■ 

tax, levy, excise, impost, duty, ~» j t io j^> : *jL»- 
rate, charge, fee 

jubbah Jj>» v>* :< 4 J T 

arsenal, military depot, artillery depot; ii Uil*- 


to pull, draw; to attract *_>■*=!■ : J^ 

to set, splint (broken bones) jy-^ (J»*JI rr? 

, i, '. t 

to repair, mend, restore (to good ,_>>£ 4 ^Lo I : j~r 

condition); to correct, right, adjust, remedy; to 
redress, make good, offset, make up for, compen- 
sate for 

to help, assist, aid, relieve, <JJ <j_»- 1 1 j*L : j-»- 
support; to do good to, be charitable to 

to comfort, console, solace; to concili- »jJ»U- j_»- 
ate, placate; to please, gratify, satisfy; to do a good 
turn to, treat with kindness, oblige, do a favor for 

to set, mend, grow together ^ \ : jJklJl j^ 

to set, splint (broken bones) jy-^ (J**" j^r 

setting or splinting (of ijySl\ *ILJI ^xUl :j^>- 
broken bones), bonesetting, orthopedics 

reparation, repaiKing), u<»;>*j ^r)Lo\ : j_»- 

mending, restoration; correction, adjustment, 
remedying), making good, making up for, com- 

jL*-l tU*\j—o\jS\ (. »\£-j\ '. j~3? 

■■■■■- " ■"- ■■■■■•:■■ '-'■•■' ' 



(oLi) j\ jjU- 

to neighbor, live near, live close to, live next jjU- 
door to, be the neighbor of; to adjoin, border on or 
upon; to be next to, close to, near, in the neighbor- 
hood of, in the vicinity of, adjacent to 

millet (c>Li) {j"j3^ 



l^ JJ^ 1 ' p-'j ~l^ ^ 'o* cr*^ : u* JJ^ - 
jj* jjl»u p-lj - dl>i 'Jit' :o* jjW- 
benzoin, benjamin 

to cancel, annul, invalidate, nullify, void, 
make null and void, negate 

to preponderate, predomi- i_Jut ( jL 1 
nate; to prevail; to overcome 

to cut off *Ja> 

well, cistern; pit 
to collect, levy, raise 

y&- t j-j 

to prostrate oneself (in prayer, with the jlmm 
hands on the knees or on the ground) 

basin; pool; trough; tank, reservoir u*}*- '■ ^r 

gigantic, giant, colossal, mammoth, j'^Lc 1 JjU :JC> 
titanic, cyclopean, superhuman, herculean, 
formidable, stupendous, prodigious, enormous, 
tremendous, immense, massive, huge, great, large, 
big, sizable, extraordinary; a giant 

strong, powerful, mighty, forceful, toughciy : jC* 

tyrannical, oppressive, autocratic, des- j. ...■'■..• : jlli- 
potic, arbitrary, highhanded; tyrant, oppressor, 
dictator, autocrat, despot 

arrogant, haughty, over- ( _ rj JaiL t jSju \j Li- 
proud, supercilious, overbearing, insolent 

the Almighty, the ^.'mJ-I dill eL^I ^. : jCi-l 


Perseus [dUi ] jCl-l tir^T 

orthopedics, boneset- iLoc'JII jl ^ Lk«J I j>^ :<>' jil- 
ting, setting or splinting of broken bones 
splint flkaJI <i j~»u L. 1 »jj~>- '•'j'-^r 


natural disposi- i-j 4 i*~J» • «JL»" <■ *i-^r ' «!«»■ ' «-u»- 
tion, nature; constitution, makeup, setup, compo- 

plasma Uj'ilj '■•&?*■ 

protoplasm ^'j%y3s>. '■ 1J3 ' ^r 

mountainous, mountain, moun- JLJ-L ^ v . - ^,. : ^y^- 
tainy; montane 

mountaineer, highlander JLJ-I ^L :,jll»- 

to cower, cringe, quail, <ui» i_«*J> 4 LiL»- 0^ 
shrink in fear, recoil in dread, chicken out, lose 
heart or courage; to be a coward; to be cowardly, 
fainthearted, weakhearted, chickenhearted, fearful 

to make into cheese; to curdle Ll»- 0^0 : ,jlDI j- 

to accuse of cowardice 

Lj-J-l; *^4jI 

.',-'- . •- •' 

cowardice, cowardliness, «u.lj»i _ui 4 <-»>»- : t>^r 

pusillanimity, cravenness, timorousness, faintheart- 
edness, poltroonery, recreancy, Tearfulness, cower- 
ing, quailing 
cheese y .' S «, v ,. jjj ^ *-^o; ^ l»J» : ( j-j- 


caseous, cheesy 



forehead, brow, front i ^. 

front; front line;jUI J»- 4 <_^>>- <W>« i»- : 

front, bloc 





forehead, brow, front 



l>UtuJI Aj *Jl>&> U 4 «J<u-»- • j— »■ 

haughtiness, arrogance, super- iljii* 4 ^Jd : j-*- 
ciliousness, insolence 

power, strength, might Sy : ^r 

decree of fate; fate, fate and divine joi j |!U»» : j-j»- 
decree, destiny, predestination; act of God 

algebra Jj~\ JLc 4 J^ 

forcibly, by force, coercively, SjilL 4 1^ : Ij-j- 

omnipotence; might(iness), Cjj-j* 4 0jj-»- 4 0jj-j» 
power; tyranny, despotism, dictatorship, arbi- 
trariness, highhandedness; arrogance, haughtiness; 
greatness, grandeur 

algebraic j~L\ Jl»j jini* : iij^»- 

fatalist, determinist, j-^'j tU»i)L| ^y '■&s?r 

house arrest ii j-j>- i.U I 

- s •' -T-r' 

forced sale 

algebraic equation 

fatalism, determinism, jJiJIj tUaiJL u^')" : 

to plaster; to parget; to stucco; to put in a cast, 
set in plaster 

watermelon (^Li) 

gypsum; plaster of Paris, plaster; parget; ^a^ '■ y~yr 


gypseous; plastery cr 3 ^" ' <J^" 

to mold, fashion, form, shape, jl»- 4 jyo 4 j-L» : J*s^ 
frame, work, create, make 

to knead { yn£. : Jli- 

to blunge Cr^ 1 S^r 

to have a natural disposition (propensity, ,^c J*»- 

tendency, aptitude, inclination) for, be disposed by 
nature for; to be innate (inherent, inborn) in some- 
one, be in someone's nature 
mountain J+*r 



to side with, take sides with, fa- J j~*u : « 

vor, be partial to, have a bias for 

legion, large army ( <Ja£ { J~~r : Ja»^ 

lip ~IJ jiJ-lj Jli-I i»i :<lii» 

Jn- U- «f I j — Jy«»" 
• J J 

denial, disavowal, disownment, dis- jlSJl : jy«s«- 
claimer; repudiation, refusal, rejection 

apostasy; unbelief, disbelief, jiS 1 3)y '■ •>>»*»■ 

infidelity, atheism, irreligion 

,. s • ' > > * 

exophthalmos, proptosis, abnormal ( _ r jJI Joyo? 

protrusion of the eyeball 

hell, hellfire; fire; inferno $**■ 

hellish, infernal i^*-^" 

to be or become new Ijjjn- jL> :j»/ 

to have happened lately or li 4 S-°^ ' ' ^° • -^ 
recently, be a recent development; to arise, crop 
up, appear, develop, emerge; to happen, come 
about, occur, take place 

to be or become important, UU jl L . hr - jU> : -in- 
significant, weighty, serious 

to strive, endeavor, try hard, make j+^\ : ( j) j»- 
every effort, take pains; to be diligent, industrious, 
hardworking; to work hard, exert oneself 
to take seriously; to be serious about Ju*l I : ( j) -in- 
to be serious, earnest; to be L-^j jl I jU- jlS" : -»»■ 
sedate, staid, solemn 

to hurry, hasten, speed, rush, run, mend £y 
one's pace 
to cut, cut off jJai : jjt 

grandfather joll ji v^ 1 >> l : 

ancestor, forefather, forebear, i_«L. : (^l -i»- 1 j»- 
grandfather, primogenitor, progenitor, ascendant 

paternal grandfather 

■ « »- 

'V V 

Jan- : Jn- 

diligence, assiduity, sedulity, hard -iWr=r ! : Jj r 

work, industry, painstaking; perseverance, persis- 

maternal grandfather 
(good) luck, (good) fortune 
seriousness, earnestness 

s'. a ,w.-.. : 

to kneel, rest or fall on the knees; to 
genuflect, bend the knee 

nightmare, incubus 

corpse, body, dead body, remains, 


body u-b 1 ~«n- : 4l>- 

carcass o-il u'.*J-l <!•>■ 

thick, dense i- ^ . t'T 4 Ji-U : Ji«- 

catholicos ( _»->SCJ ^J K : jJJL*- 

to alight, sit, perch, roost, light ( ^iUaJI) ^ 

to crouch, cower; to lie (jl>lil j' jl— i)ll) pis- 
face down, fall prone, lie prone, prostrate oneself 

to sit or lie heavily on, J* J\ t Jt 3^ ' : J* (*^- 

nightmare, incubus 



kneeling fjS j : ^j» 

barrow, (_^J Jy) <>jl»»>- jl v'y *-*^ •< l >^ '' ) >* 3 ? 
tumulus, mound 

to deny, disown, disavow, disclaim; ji£ 4 _^jl : . 
to repudiate, refuse, reject; to disbelieve; to aposta- 
tize; to abjure, renounce, forswear, recant, retract, 
renege (one's faith or belief) 

to be ungrateful to someone ^-^=r 

to deny someone his right *!>■ 

to be ungrateful (for a benefit, grace, 

to hide in its hole or burrow 0j 

or den 

to fall in, sink in; to be or be- o jli. : j~*i\ Cjy> 

come hollow, sunken, deeply set, deep-set 

hole, burrow, den, lair jWj 

young donkey, young ass, (ass's) foal jLJ-l jJj : ji 
trestle, horse Jrj' i i s~ 
to bulge, protrude, pop out 

to scrape off, scratch off, <-»>r ' j-i» ' ^£ 
shave off; to peel off; to sweep away, carry away 


landmark, mark 

wealth, riches, opulence, luxury 

ability, capacity, faculty; power, 
strength, potency 

newness, novelty, recency, recentness; <SI_u>- : S jjj- 
modernity, modernness, up-to-dateness 

grave, tomb, sepulcher j-i : d> a»- 

cricket JJJI jl^> : J*-"*- 

to renew; to renovate, restore, refit, Ijj-u>- o^-i* : j-i»- 
recondition, refurbish, refashion, remodel, over- 
haul, revamp, remake, redo; to reestablish, rebuild, 
reconstruct; to modernize, update, bring up to date 

to rejuvenate, Lj>-I :5^ill jl J»IUI jl i_jL_i!l jjj>- 
reinvigorate, regenerate, revive, refresh, freshen 
up, recreate, reawaken, reanimate, revitalize, 
resuscitate, give new life or vigor or freshness to 
to repeat, renew, redo, do again, jU.1 i j^S : jjj>- 
remake, make anew 

r ^ Vr'^ " i 

■■■■■ -' 


renew, extend jiJI jl i-ai-^l jl <>ju>-)" jj 

»r 1. ? - 

to reelect 

to be worthy of, de- ^ ^A^J J %l u^ :-> jJ 

serve, merit; to be fit for, suitable for, appropriate 

for, proper for, becoming for, befitting for; to befit, 


(it is) worth mentioning £ JUL jJju <. »/i jjlsu 

to have smallpox 

Uo\ .jJj» 'jJ* - l J tia T 

to build a wall; to wall 

oLj : jIjJ-I j j* 


JalU :jji. 


[ «_ -J9 J 'jJ* 1 i 'j JJ T 

smallpox, variola 

(j»j*) &•>*■ 

cowpox, vaccinia 

'•'11 * '' 

chicken pox 

till iijlx»- 

to amputate, cut off, lop off; to 
mutilate, maim 

jli 1 xiai '. pJ* - 

amputation, cutoff, cutting off; 

S-Jj>- j_Ua» IpJJj 


"... * • - 

L^lSL. j Lj«-Ij-Ijj>- 

1.- *' 
very great xUi* -l»- 

* . * 

seriously, earnestly, in earnest jj>- ^ 1 jl>u 

to give (to), grant (to), donate (to), ( J*. I : (J*) I j*- 
award (to), accord (to), present (to or with), 
bestow upon, confer upon 

very, much, very much, so, extremely, exceed- I j*- 
ingly, greatly, enormously, tremendously, consid- 
erably, highly, by far, quite 

<3jJjf fJf'j - MJ ' •■ 

Sli :*Ij* 


• l~«H Jju y j a *i I (y fju u :<Ci> 

wall -ialU- :j'j*- 

paries, wall [^j^ J jIjj>- 

sound barrier, sonic barrier o^aJI jIjj>- 

worthiness, worth, merit, desert; fitness, suit- 'ij\ .in- 
ability, appropriateness; aptitude, qualification, ca- 
pability, ability, efficiency, eligibility; competence 

mural, wall; parietal ^-iajU- :i5jl j*- 

disputatious, argu- JjJ-1 *)>* t J'-xJ-l .b-C : JIjj>- 
mentative, contentious, controversial, quarrel- 
some, polemical), dialectical; polemic, controver- 
sialist, disputant, disputer, contester, contender, 
controverter, wrangler 

(heated) argument, arguing, quarrel; dispute, Jl jj>- 
controversy, debate, discussion, expostulation, 
contention; argumentation, disputation; polemics; 
dialectics; wrangle, bickeKing), altercation, 
squabble, row 

indisputable, incontest- aJ JIj*- "il 1 JIjJ-I J-jj "il 
able, unquestionable, definite, undeniable, undis- 
puted, undoubted, incontrovertible, indubitable, 
irrefutable, unassailable, conclusive, absolute, 
certain, sure, clear, beyond dispute, beyond doubt, 
beyond question 

ijlSCIl i_»jj>-' £*r*j-o 

ISCil u> iu> 

barrenness, sterility, infertility, aridity, jk. : oj* 

grandmother fi\ ji s^l f' :Sjj>- 

*i **' 
paternal grandmother i_> * 5jj r 

-l.i* s - 
maternal grandmother ft 5jj>- 



* *= 

J^l fc 

agenda, schedule 

stock list 

chart; diagram; graph 

curriculum; schedule i-l jJI Jjj»- < (/r'j J ^J-^ 

docket (L <u5Ck< l^j ^k_— jJ') iSjlioJI uj-i»- 

payroll t-Jlj^JI Jj-l»- 

timetable, schedule 

multiplication table 


j Jj-^ 

tabulation, arrangement, listing, Jj-l»- j-ux. :i)jJ»- 
classification, cataloging, categorization, indexing, 

generous, liberal, openhanded, t JS t '<J*"" ' S? JJ ^ 

kid, young goat j^UI jji^ : lij*. 

Capricorn [ciUj ] cSJil r^f 

serious, earnest; grave, weighty, jb>- i lL>- : ii jl»- 
momentous, significant, important 

seriously, earnestly, in earnest Uo»- 

Ui^l «JJ-lj— jwl cj^-l« It— jJu* 

seriousness, earnestness a»- :*jJj» 

seriousness, gravity; weight(iness), Sj^Jaj- :<.o»- 
moment(ousness), importance, significance 

new, novel, recent, fresh, neoteric, neo-, ne-; mod- Ju jj«- 
ern, up-to-date; unprecedented; brand-new, unused 

nova [tiUi J |W*i p-l : jjjJ-l 

again, anew, afresh, newly, deS-uo*- ij* . jj-l»- ^ 
novo, once again, once more, over again, a second 
time, another time 

day and night J^'j jU^' :oIjuj1I 

worthy (of), deserving, meriting, meritori- (j) ji j»- 
ous, worth; worthwhile; suitable (for), fit (for), 
proper (for), appropriate (for); apt; befitting, fitting, 
becoming, seemly; capable, able, competent, quali- 
fied, eligible 

'* ■* ' 
trustworthy, trusty, reliable, dependableiiJu ji jl»- 

worth mentioning 

noteworthy, notable, re- oUj^I jl ik»-^IL jjop- 

to row, oar ijIjJJLI Jjs> 

to blaspheme, curse j)l ^t cjja>- 

to row, oar (jlojJLL t-»ju«- 

to twist, twine, entwine, strand, (»JJ Jill) J^i : J j»- 
weave together, interweave, intertwine, inter- 
twist, interlace 

to braid, plait, cue ( wJJ jj>ll)l) ji»b : J Ja» 

(J1 as*- f»-lj - J- 4 *- 

polemics JjJ-I (JU jl) ^ 

Jlo»- »j>-Ij - JjjLIj *J>« ijlji' Jjjii. :Jj»- 

twist(ing), twining, twine, inter- Jjj- jj^a* : Jj*- 
weaving; braiding, plaiting, cuing 

controversial, argumen- o ^iui^ jl JjjJJ ^ : <J.*sr 
tative, disputatious, debatable, moot, polemical), 
dialectical, forensic, contentious, questionable, 
contestable, controvertible, dubitable, problem- 

disputant, disputer, JjJ-I J J l=»L [y :^Ijj- 

debater, arguer, dialectician, polemist, polemicist, 
polemic, controversialist, contester, contender, 
controverter; disputatious, argumentative, contro- 
versial, polemical), contentious 

dialectical materialism illjJ-l "C^W 

dialectics) ilia*- 

use, usefulness, utility, avail, «iJ 4 Sail* :i3jo»- 

benefit, advantage, profit; feasibility, workability 
gift, present ilLt : iij Ji- 

useless, of no use, futile, iijJJ-1 (fjx. 1 iS)'j^ % 
unavailing, of no avail, vain, unfruitful, fruitless, 
abortive, unprofitable, unproductive, otiose, 
empty, worthless, ineffective, of no effect 

zedoary ^ J -* l^-)* Ci ^ -j'-J-^r 

to tabulate, arrange, list, classify, catalog, <-1j-a»- 

categorize, index, schedule 

- ■> .- ,- • - 
creek, bayou, brook, small stream, f**o j^> : Jjop- 

rivulet, rill, runnel, runlet 

table, chart; schedule; list, roster, i-Jl» :Jjo»- 

scroll, roll, register; index; panel 



square root 

cube root 


radical sign, radical 

radical; basic, fundamental 

radical, radical expression 


trunk, bole, stock 

stem, stalk, caulis 

torso, trunk, body 

torso, trunk of a statue 

shaft, arbor 

brain stem 

to row, oar 


^ TO^ 7 

(oLi) „#!! % 

j Jil (ijlil ji) t% 
■» *.- * •: 

- - s * °. 

oL-iV ?■-*»■ 

to rejoice, exult, cheer, jubilate; to be or i^i : U ji. 

become happy, exuberant, jubilant, gay, cheerful, 


hilarity, rapture, exultation, elation, r'ji : Jji- 

exuberance, jubilation, exhilaration, glee, gaiety, 

joy, happiness, cheeKfulness) 

exultant, elated, jubilant, enraptured, u^-'ji ■ J J*- 
rapt, hilarious, exuberant, happy, cheerful, gay, 
glad, joyful 

stump, snag, stub (of a tree) (i^ijl) Jjj>. 

J^=r vr 

lj -O^i*- 

to cut off, chop off, lop off 

to ampu- jjj 

i )Jai 

: r^ 

tate, remove; to mutilate, 


to have leprosy 



root, origin 

J^>l 4 ji»- 

: f^ 



firebrand, embeKs) 


rootlet; radicle 

ft- .» 

to draw, pull, drag, tug, haul, tow; to jLi 1 < 
trail along (on the ground), drag along 

to bring (upon JJ (ill ( t_.lL. iLii- :(Jc) >>- 

someone), draw (on someone); to entail, lead to, 

markable, noticeable 
chicken pox 

braid, plait, queue, pigtail 

to cut off, clip 

... i •' * .-' 

>LLI lijjJj- it5jjJs* 


6 </* Of °JS*"° 

to hurry, hasten, speed, rush 
mend one's pace 

fragment, fraction, Jji»-« 
cutting, chip, shred, scrap 

attractive, charming, fascinating, ^U 1 t_oU- :i_»ljj» 

captivating, magnetic, magnetizing, engaging, 

catchy, catching, taking, appealing, cute, sweet, 


shreds, scraps, cuttings, chips, "»j*^> /*-»» :ol jlJu- 

clippings, fragments, fractions, bits, small pieces 

card, index card, slip, label, tag, ticket i»U_> : 5 jl Jl>- 



" < t- > S O? U^ '<UljHf 

to attract; to gravitate; to pull, draw, o'/m: L> j*- 
drag, tug, haul 

to attract, draw, appeal^ 1 i5j«£.l t JClLl : oii- 
to, magnetize, charm, captivate, fascinate, enchant, 
win (over), bring over 

attraction; gravitation; pull(ing), »i j juo : i_> j*- 

draw(ing), drag(ging), tug(ging), hauling 

attraction, drawing, appeal, i_j 1 iJC__,l : i_jii- 
magnetizing, magnetism, lure, fascination, captiva- 
tion, winning (over), bringing over 


1 4j__» :ojj- 

sex appeal 

piece, fragment, fraction, cutting 

to uproot, pull out, pull up by the roots, \j*o __. 1 . jj 
deracinate, root up, root out, eradicate 

to root, consolidate, make deep-rooted J^ol : j i»- 

toextratthe [oL^lj] jLvlll jj_» Vj±JL.\ : jii- 
root (of a number) 

root [ »JJ oLj>L j i oLi J j jjf 1 j jjf 

base, stem, root, radical [ iiJ ] j jj>- 

root, radical, origin, a js.\i 1 _j.ll I 1 Ju>l : j _»■ 

bottom, base, basis, foundation 

r-' 1 -- 1 , 1 .. : - ■■■■■■ ■ ■-, ....,,.■:■.■-.■■. ■ ~t$> 

practice; to be practiced 

to dare, venture, risk, hazard, \"j»H 1 1 >jfl : (J*) j^ 
take the risk of; to have the audacity or courage to, 
be bold enough to; to take heart, pluck up courage, 
make bold; to be or become bold, courageous, 
plucky, daring, audacious, adventurous, venture- 
to encourage, embolden, hearten J*l : l^». 

because of, due to, owing to, on ac- f \"j>- ^ i t \"j? 
count of, by reason of, in view of, in consequence 
of, as a result of; for, for the sake of 



bag, sack 

cover, covering, case 

sheath, scabbard i.«',„ll <_»^i. <. 

scrotum l yu^ t i j~ 

J -Vyr 

marsupium, pouch, sac; (»JJ /^-ty) y-^" ^v'^ 


marsupial oL»ljJ-l ^ ol>^ "(jf'j'r 

Marsupialia, marsupials olLl^LI 

courage, boldness, guts, bravery, intrepid- ai\ J s r : Slj*- 
ity, fearlessness, undauntedness, pluck, stoutheart- 
edness, daring, audacity, nerve, enterprise 

bacteriologic(al) ^^yij^j : J i-**j\j* 

bacteriologist ^»-jl>»- JU 

garage; parking lot, park r\'ji i ^1 jlS" : r^ 

surgeon i»-l^i-l ^jUj uJ> : r'>r" 



plastic surgery; face i.JL.i.y i»-l>»- t *1*j>«J *»-\j>- 
lifiting; cosmetic surgery 

oral surgery .all *»-l>r 

BMMTOMMaj* . ,aai» j; 

result in, cause, create, produce, occasion, arouse, 
provoke, prompt, trigger, give rise to, elicit, call 

to put a word into the genitive 

to commit a crime; to sin, do wrong 

to shuffle along, drag one's feet 

'jij'r j=r 


' >> : 

to be in shackles; to be chained, fettered, i sy^ >»- 

draw(ing), draft, pull(ing), dragging), Jai <. t_*k- : j 
tug(ging), haul(ing), haulage, traction, trailing (on 
the ground); tow(ing), towage 

bringing (on), drawing (on);i_. , _. ,,.1 i i_Jb- : ( J*) ^»- 

causation, causing, bringing about 



JL :<5/j- 

pre position 

and so on, and so forth, etc. 

to flow, stream, run 

to run, race, rush, course 

to happen, take place, occur, 
transpire, come to pass, go on, pass 

to be going on, under way, in fjju <. jL : <5>»- 
progress, in process, on foot; to proceed, go on 

to be held Sic : ii>»- 

to happen to, occur to, l_>C»I i J Cj_l>- : J ii>»- 
come over, come upon, befall, afflict, hit, strike 

to head for, make for, go to, <a^J I t juoi : J J ii>»- 
take to, bend one's steps toward 

to circulate, make the rounds, be in^^J^I J* <5y>- 
circulation, be current, spread, get about, pass 
from mouth to mouth, be on everybody's lips, be 
the talk of the town, run through the town 

to take or adopt the same course as, » I j^u. <5>»- 
follow or pursue the same way as, proceed or act 
in the same manner as; to follow someone's 
example, imitate, be guided by; to be like, similar 
to, analogous to 

to be in force, in operation, in effect, J*«JI <u ii>»- 

operative, enforceable, valid, effective, applicable; 

to be applied, observed, followed, adopted; to be 


to be customary, conventional, com- o jUI o^ 

mon, usual, habitual, familiar; to be a common 


i w 

* #= 

microbe, germ; juL i ljj_^j : ^^i'j*- 1 {pjr 

bacterium, bacillus 

. * ., ». > >. > 
germ, origin, source, root J^»l : **yyr <■ {£ jr 


microbic, microbial; bacterial; germinal ^tfj^ 


to gargle 

to trail, drag j^ <. jj>- : j^r yr 

' > - ' , , . - 
to shuffle along, drag one's i^rj jl °U»»- /■>► 


broad bean(s), bean(s) (oLi) Jy '-j*rj*r '■j^j^ 

thresher, threshing machine 

rocket; watercress 

to wound, injure, hurt r j* 

to hurt (the feelings of), offend, (j% ^pli^) *->>- 
outrage, affront, insult 

to challenge (as false), contest, liS" ***a j jjli» : r/> 

impugn, call into question 

to invalidate, refute, disprove Ja>- j : ■*_,*■ 

to defame, slander, libel, calumniate,^ i t-jj : t-^>- 
vilify, vituperate 
wounding, injuring, hurting 

wound, (uUj^j ^}j=rh ^yri £J>r %) £j*" 
injury, cut, lesion, trauma 

to peel, pare, strip, bark, skin, scale, husk, jli : Aj*? 
shuck, hull 

to take stock, *JJ oljjj-^il /\ tjLaJ\ s^ 

inventory, make an inventory (of) 

to be or become hairless; to lose y£. % j\£ : Ajp? 
one's hair 

to be or become barren, desolate, oLi ij!5': *j>- 
bleak, waste, without vegetation 

to be or become shabby, worn, ragged, ^Jb : j^ 

tattered, threadbare; to wear (out), fray, frazzle, 


to divest of, dispossess of, strip of, p 'j <. *j*- : (j> Aj* 

deprive of, deny, take away from; to withhold 


surgical; operative 

surgery, (surgical) operation 


grasshopper v 

crayfish, spiny lobster, langouste 


tractor, bulldozer 

: J.UJ jl> 

j\ji~\ jjU :jl>»- 

*' - s - 

huge, big, large, ((^illJJ ii^a) J5U i |>a»J> : jl^»- 
massive, tremendous, gigantic, giant, cyclopean, 
mammoth, colossal, titanic 

sliding door jl^>- t_jL> 

tractor, bulldozer Ji ^\Ji :'ij\j^ 

harrow, drag; rake; snowplow; dredge ii \j* 

bulldozer, earthmover (iiji»II [^) Wj*- 

graphite c-i \j* 

gram flj»- 

granite c*J \ J a : 

ration(s), daily ration(s) i> I ^ t <L I j*- 

to be or become mangy; to be or ^j jJ-1 «uU>l : oj*- 
become scabby 

to try, try out; to test, 4j>^j ,»l» 1 (>»»» 1 j^±- I '■ y^ 
examine, essay; to put to a test; to try on; to sam- 
ple; to experiment, make an experiment 

to experience, have experi- S^-f- i_.'„:. < r I '. vS^ 
enced, have tried, know or learn by experience; to 
gather (gain, have) experience, be experienced 

to try , attempt, endeavor, essay, seek (to) JjU- : i_j^»- 
mange; scabies, itch (u^j^) Vj*!" 

mangy; scabby, scabious Vj4-^ s- , ^ a - i : u^^r "rOT 
jerboa (o^) ^>>>r 

sea bream, sparid (iiL— ) i3j-jj^ 



**» <JJ aJ. 



I — ^ 

to criticize, condemn, denounce, j jjj :_j ^yr 
decry, find fault with openly; to defame 

to sophisticate, make experienced or iiL>- : u-'j*- 
worldly-wise; to inure by severe trials 

bell; gong 



■ . " 


ltj 1 " -VLr'j^ 1 £> c/VT 



rattlesnake, rattler (^)iJL=»L>- 

sound, tone, timbre, strain, ring Cj^o : ^^ i^^- 

defamation, exposure; disgrace, shame, dishon- <u,^ 
or, disrepute, discredit, ignominy, infamy; scandal 

to grind, mill, crush, bruise; to grate yl^. 

,jljj- jj-<r. '-(J>j»r 

grinding, milling, crushing, 
bruising; grating 

to choke, suffocate, strangle 

L*-^ '-UOj* 

he choked on his saliva, he could not 4jj^> Joj>- 
swallow his saliva 

to swallow, gulp (down), drink,i_>^ i «Jb : e ^ t p ^ 
pour down, quaff 

to make swallow «Jj i «JLj 4i«>- : e ^ 

dose, dosage; potion; gulp, draft, 4* j*. 4 4c j*. 1 4c j*. 
swallow, mouthful, pull, drink 

to sweep (away); to drift, carry along, carry L»^»- 
away; to wash away, wash out; to carry off, tear 
away; to erode; to shovel (away), spade; to scoop, 
plow; to dredge, remove 

>u 4. 1 if tSjT* ' c--<S :<J> j>- 

to curette, \^> J i 


cliff, steep slope, escarpment, precipice, l»j* i<-J^»- 

bluff; undercut bank or shore 

continental shelf lijtf <-*>r 

to bone (J»*JI ,jc- f*&\ *j*- '■ f>r 

to incriminate, criminate, incul-u W ' {j*x (•+"! '■ {j* 
pate, convict, condemn, charge with a crime 

undoubtedly, doubtless, no doubt, without f^r "il 
doubt, unquestionably, certainly, sure, surely, of 
course, definitely 

to free from, disentangle 
from, rid of 

to empty, void, vacate, evacuate i-ji : Jjjt 

to disrobe, undress, unclothe; to <Sjt. '-(,j*) J>r 
denude, strip off, bare, dismantle, lay bare 

to unsheathe, draw, pull out 4k~l : >. «l ,.. l l j^j- 

to abstract jJJ o j5LaJI jl £^1 Jjjt- 

to send or dispatch troops ^c oly j I iLi- j^j;- 
against; to attack, assail, launch an attack on 

to denaturalize 4...... -L I ,y> Sj*- 

to reduce (an officer) to the ranks; t04_J^JI ^ j^j- 
demote, degrade; to disentitle 

to disarm ^%J\ ^ (jJJ iiji i l.a V .) j^j- 

demilitarize ^LJI 

to expropriate, dispossess, deprive of^LSQll ^ j^j- 
(property, possession, ownership, etc.), disseise 

stocktaking, inventory j^J-I 'Q-'*- : J>r 

inventory Sj^j- 4 j^J-I i-^iU 

Jjjfl «j»-lj— 4_j oLi j 

jjj-l «-lj -Jl 
high and barren mountains 

"' ' '**■ 
inventory j^J-I -LJU :i'jj*. 

bucket, pail JJa- <. jJj : J j>»- 

spavin iiUI uy"/ j ^ jj : jj*. 

rat (tjl>e>- ) Oji>»" i i>»" 

to cut off, chop off, lop off jJ»» : j^ 

to devour, gobble, swallow up, gorge ^\ : jj*r 
to ring, sound, toll, knell oLo i Cjyt> : ^.j*- 

to talk, speak; to say, utter jji^j : ^j*- 

. - - -• » , i, 
to disgrace, discredit, dishonor; pJat i(3>-l : -> ^^ 

to compromise, expose 

i5> t^ 

daily, daily newspaper, journal ^?>f •■&>(■ 

(official) gazette, official journal, offi- i~»- j i jy j*- 
cial paper 

news, newscast, news jLj- 1 ij^> '■ jL>-' »Jj>»- 


palm branch stripped of its leaves ( Jj«JI ) » jj ^r 


guilt; offense, fault, misdeed; <Uy»- i J I i <_Ji : a^jjf 

bellflower, campanula; bluebell (^M) irij^r 

grits; crushed grain 


r 1 '^ - -* **^ 


t -> ■> . 
choking or suffocating saliva <u ^aiu ^j : <>V.>? 

grieved, sad, gloomy, melancholic 

I**** '-L&j^r 

bulky, gross, huge, big, large, sizable, «a«J> i ^>- 'gjT 
massive, voluminous 

• •* . ' 

crime, offense, delict * j^ : 

« - •■- - 
war crime <~jj3~ **_,»■ 

murder; assassination; homicide, man- Jji <tj»- 
slaughter, killing 

criminology ^^hM Ac 

threshing floor jxo : ^.j*- 

to cut, cut off, clip; to shear, shear off, fleece ^>» : j»- 
(wool); to mow, cut down (grass, etc.) 

cut(ting), clirXping); shearing), fleecing; mowing j»- 

I s -' I -*'■ •!'•' 

to take a part of ^ I ? >- .U- 1 : 1 >>- 

to content oneself with, settle «_J i (^i^l : -> l>>- 
for; to be or become content with, satisfied with 

to satisfy, give satisfaction to; to suffice, ^ : tS'j*r 
be sufficient 

*'- * %• 

iSJT' VT'J — <l - £ ' j' *->-• <3JT 

boat, watercraft; lighter, barge i_i" jj. i jjj j : f^ 

_' ' " ' 
offense, delict, crime Itj^ : ^ 

>• ' •' 

in the very act, red-handed, flagrante j^lLl fA-^i 


body j*-ar- ■{_#■ 

mass, bulk, volume, size, magnitude ( ^«- : ^ 

celestial body, heavenly body <>-Lj jl (^jL-, f^- 

- •■ .', s .> . ' •' 
cub scout, cub j<^> i_»ui : j>*>r 

overshoe(s), (3jUI *liJ-l ciy ^-Ju Slip- :j>»jj«- 
galosh(es), gaiterfs) 
criminal; delinquent 

mens rea, criminal intent 

criminality; delinquency S?>T 
basin; trough; mortar jy^> (j» j') *^! : <->>»• 

threshing floor jxo :6yr 

baptismal font Ajjj^jiil 0>>- 

genet (ij'>^-) *Hj^ 

puppy, whelp; cub; young jj»- tjj*- 'jj»- 

potion Ls~k] ^i>^ 

running, run, race, racing jjs. <. «Jc& j '■ ii>»- 

according to, in accordance with, in Jt ly»- 

conformity with, commensurate with, pursuant to, 
after the manner of 
sheatfish, catfish, silurid (iiL~) i£j»r 

bold, courageous, intrepid, fearless, dauntless, *ii>? 
undaunted, brave, plucky, hardy, stouthearted, de- 
fiant, lion-hearted, gutsy; daring, audacious, ad- 
venturous, . venturesome, enterprising; forward, 

flow, flux, outflow, flowage, flowing, running, 0Lj»- 
streaming, stream; course; current; circulation 

follicle [ Vij>~> \ '-rijt ' '-rtjf 

hagfish (dL-») ti-ij*- 

wounded, injured, hurt rJ^=v -Vj-^ 

palm branches stripped of their leaves (Jj«JI) jjj»- 

newspaper, paper, daily, journal **?**> '■ '• x ij^ 





abundance, plenty, plentiful ness, ijij :ill>>- 

plenitude, ampleness, amplitude, profusion 

partial, halfway, part, incomplete; ^JlS" j^» Oj*- 

minor, trivial, insignificant, 


unimportant, inconsiderable, fractional, slight, 
small, tenuous 

petty, minor; summary [<JV^]ty>r 

partly, in part, part, partially &>- 

4^Xj*« a»-Ij — <*j'j3? <t>*J*» 

details, particulars; specific items; minor Gljj» 
issues; particular aspects; subordinate parts; 

fleece, clip, shorn wool (<-»><» o-) SJj* 

purse, bag, handbag; wallet, billfold, pocketbook ul J>T 

to slaughter, butcher, kill pi :'y^y. 

to ebb, flow back, reflow, wane, ilil jl ^kJl y^- 
flow out, recede, subside, sink, drop off 

carrot(s) (olj)j^i. 

parsnip (cAS) u a~>\ jy>- 

ebb, ebb tide, reflux, refluence H -ui : ( J*Jl) jj^» 
slaughtering), butchering, killing *J j : jj^- 

insular ijjjpj (J>-^» y °jij*?> J> '».'■'■» •tSjjT 

?^* * - * 



to worry; to be or become j.-'.aJ ll 4 iJi i jli : e\i. 
worried, concerned, anxious, uneasy, impatient, 

to be or become sad, grieved, unhappy 0>- : 9 >■ 

to pity, compassion, feel pity for, ( yu.\ : ^c s- j^- 
feel regret for, feel sorry for 

to vein, grain, marble j^c : cj£. 

to cut up; to tear (apart); to break ILi : c-^i- 

worry, concern, anxiety, appre- «• j> i Ji i ^ii : e ji. 
hension, uneasiness, disquiet(ude), unrest, restless- 
ness, impatience; fear, alarm, dread, fright 

■ > 
sadness, grief, sorrow o>- : p>- 

to divide, part, separate, break up, break 1L» : l^i. 
down, cut up, split, partition, fractionalize, frac- 
tionate, subdivide, section 

part, portion, fraction; section, divi- iiJai i Jji : »>. 
sion, segment; piece; constituent, component 

volume, {^jS <cy^. jl >_.^ Cr*) -^v ■ t'yr 

part (jjl ^bf ^) ^ 

section of the Koran; the 30th part uljiJI o-« *>r 
of the Koran 

part and parcel, inseparable part, I jki ^ ?j^- 

integral part 

reward, requital, repayment, oUlSC 1 i 
recompense, retribution 

punishment, punition, penalty, sane- <_»lic : »l^»- 
tion, retribution 

fine, mulct, amercement i.l^t : «.l^- 

penalty [ij_b 4*ilj] >!>► 

penalty kick 

'y ■ * ] j* 


>U .1 


' > * 

penal; criminal; punitive, retributory, 
retributive; vindictive 

butcher, meatman >lk) 4 <_.Loi : jlji- 

butchery i^Cai 4 jljil li'j*- :'ij\'' J a r 

shearer, woolshearer <_»jL»JI j^ ^ : jl > 

mower, mowing machine, lawn mower Jjdi- : SJ l^*- 

label; tag; card; index card iiLk, : ijl>- 

slip (of paper); clip, clipping, cutting i*>Lai : jlj^- 

sale or purchase in a lump or in gross tJI^*- '(-ilj*- 

at random, haphazard(ly), random(ly),ljlj^- 4 lilj^- 
aimlessly, purposelessly, blindly 

random, haphazard, aimless, purposeless; alea- 1j \^- 
tory, risky , chancy , chance, hazardous, venturesome 

eloquence; purity of language or style ii-Cj :ill>. 

i ni ^ 



dogmatization, dogmatism, asser- j5U i -bit : ^ 

tion, positiveness 

resolution, resolve, determination, decision ^-jc'.^yr 

imposition, imposing, enjoining; obligat-^^i : ^ 
ing; obligation 

apocopate (form or mood), jussive (form [ iJ ] ^ 
or mood), imperative (from or mood) 

boot(s), shoets) &>£> *IJf :£•>■ 

dogmatic yj \*i J : ^ _)»■ 

dogmatism <-j I,* j j : c*?^ 

slaughter camel or sheep jy Ji) ci}>- jl J-r : jjj*- 

L f-\>j*} *W*^J trO^ ' *&j* 



tribute; tax; poll tax, capitation 


island, isle ^>}v>r J5" y» eliL> <U>Um ,_^>jl : »^3»" 

islet, isle 

*J J^ Ariww 

insular °ji> l v lP^-* j 1 ;^>»v iy*~ • '-^jij 9 : 

* . * ' ' > 
many thanks! thank you very much! y -%'yr \£z* 

thanks a lot! 

to touch, feel, handle ^ t l _ r J : (j«»- 

to palpate, examine L r^^> (^») a 05 ** : cr^" 

(medically) by touch 

to probe, sound, L ^*»* i j^ '■ I -^ ^i-J (_,-»- t (j-»- 
explore, examine, test; to try to find out (about), 
try to gain information about, inquire about, 
search for 
to feel someone's pulse O^i c/-V-> (j-*- 

touching, touch, taction, feeling; ^->- jjl^. i^*. 

palpation; probing, probe, sounding, exploration, 

examination, testing; inquiry, search 

, -,,j -. 
soft, smooth, tender, delicate to the touch lJ J r \ <Ss" 

, > - ,■»,«,.. 
to be or become callous, tough, ,^i»- i <_Ju> : L*- 

hard, rigid, stiff, rough, rugged 

worried, concerned, anxious, »Jj> t jli : f>- 1 f>- 
apprehensive, uneasy, impatient, restless 




small or little quantity 

rest, remainder 

watch, part of the night 

to cut, cut off 

to coo 




Jo* : |»Lil J_)»- 

to abound; to be or become abundant, ji£ <. Jt) : J^». 
plentiful, ample 

to be eloquent, pure, clear, Jiiill jl J^'ll J^ 


abundant, plentiful, ample, copious, pro- j> lj : Jy* 

fuse; much, many 

eloquent, pure, clear, lucid JVr^ : <-!>^ 

is > *, .. ^ 
judicious, prudent, having sound (il^JI j-j;- :Jj>=r 


generous, liberal, openhanded, ^j. t f_£ : J^>- 

free handed 

coo(ing) Jj-u» :( (Q-l) J>r 

piece, slice **!»» ^il^ '^i 8 !" 

to cut off, sever, clip jt»» : f3^" 

to decide, determine, settle, resolve, judge.oo : fj>- 
adjudge; to have the final word, cast the die 

to be positive about, be absolutely jil : ( j ) (>»- 
certain of, be perfectly sure of; to dogmatize, assert 
authoritatively, state positively 

to reswlve to, decide to, determine to, ^jc- : (Jt fj>- 
matte up one's mind to, be determined to, be 
resolved to 

to impose upon, *J>ji i a-jtj' : 2<«^' t^ {>* 
enjoin on, make incumbent on, obligate 

to put (a verb) in the apocopate or [*jJ ] jliH ^j^- 
jussive or imperative 

to pronounce the final consonant [^JJaII^JI fj*r 
(of a word) without a vowel 

cutting off, cutoff, clipping jk» : ^ 

settlement, decision, determination, c-j : ^y>- 





bridge; viaduct 

beam, girder, rafter, joist, 
transom, support 

axletree, axle i»j* y^"** 6e -"?-* 

(dental) bridge; bridgework 

airlift, air bridge 

pontoon bridge, floating bridge 

drawbridge, movable bridge 

suspension bridge 


g,-' .:■:.- ■■■■ ■ ■i.--.:i.w,-w.^ 

J I* 



,' - ,' - -' - 

to be or become big, large, great, f*-J>3 (J»* : (*-r 

sizable, bulky, gross, huge, massive, voluminous, 

vast, immense, enormous, tremendous; to grow or 

increase in size or volume 

to enlarge, magnify; to make pA*> <. jS <. ^c- : p-»- 

big, large, great, sizable, bulky 

to exaggerate, magnify j i)L : p— >■ 

to embody, incarnate, incorporate, sub- j_»- : in- 
stantiate, materialize, give concrete form or body 

to; to humanize, anthropomorphize 

, j- » , s , 

to protrude, bring out, cause \j> U *1«- i jj>\ : p_»- 

to stand out; to raise in relief, emboss 

to make three-dimensional jLu^I ^J^ 4l*5>- : p— >• 

to make stereophonic, make stereo OjlJI p-j>- 
body 6-V : (<— f 

5jU : 

substance, matter 

object, body 
form, shape, figure 


(^X-» : p— »■ 

body, institution, icU»- 4 <ilJL. 1 jl^*- i *JL* : p— »- 
organization; corps; cadre; staff; board; group 
size(oftype) [icU.] (iJ^Ll) p-r 

hull, body jJJ »y'U»)l ji i-^ 11 rf 


callus, callosity 

. • urr- ^ : ..v . ■ .■-* ■ .: j;.;v.. a::! 1 .. ' .1 

Cud .tL> 
j - <s - 

boldness, intrepidity, courage, pluck, 5l>»- :»jl— 
daring, audacity 

impudence, insolence, impertinence, X*-\ij :»jCj>- 
brazenness, effrontery, cheek(iness), nerve, gall 


antenna, aerial 

•* j 

(jrf ' ' yi '->* : lt l 

bigness, largeness, greatness, sizable- i-iU^i : i* I— 
ness, bulkiness, grossness, hugeness, massiveness, 
voluminosity, vastness, immensity, enormousness, 

fatness, obesity, stoutness, corpulence, ii I jj : £.Li- 
fleshiness, plumpness 

gravity, seriousness, grossness, heavi-is-lji :£.CJ>- 
ness; enormity, exorbitance 

importance, significance, 
weight(iness),moment(ousness);gravity, seriousness 

size, volume, bulk, magnitude 



to embody, incorporate, incarnate, materialize, 
substantiate, give material or concrete form to, 
render or represent in corporeal form; to 
personify, typify, symbolize, embody, be a symbol 
or perfect example of 

body; soma; flesh _-»- : 

Corpus Christi (Day) 

jj-Ij -ijl 


bodily, corporal; fleshly, carnal, corporeal, ii 
physical, material; somatic; sensual 

corporality; corporeality, carnality *j 

(J*) j-«" p-b -'>■*■! 

to cross, traverse; to span 

to bridge, build a ( Jy jl J*) 

bridge (on or over) 

to bridge a gap, fill a gap 

if. -j- 

to encourage, embolden, hearten 



to impose upon, burden with, i-ilS" 4 Jl»- : «£»- 

charge with; to make sufTer, cause to undergo 

pipit (j^l «^r 

groats; grits; coarse meal or flour Jkyr '■ urrr^T 

ground, milled, crushed, bruised J^^La :J^>- 

plaster, plaster of Paris; gypsum; l j~j r : ^a^ i yo* 

parget; stucco 

plaster kiln; gypsum quarry i-L»- :i,oLas»- 

to plaster, whitewash; to parget; to stucco l _ r ^ r : l >u2sr 

plastery; gypseous (jr~? '-t^ 3 ^ 

jli- «J-lj-Jj«i- : ZJltUP- lill«3» t<L!l«3>- iJUuf 

bribe °>^ j • ^J^" ' 4ju^- < 4juj- t u«^" 

quiver (for arrows) ii Uf : 4-a»- 

beer °jx • 4**- 

brewery 4*J-I *...a.« 

noisy, boisterous, clamorous, blatant, voci- f Uuc>- 
ferous, roaring 

to clamor, roar, shout, vociferate, bellow, bawl, *m* 
din; to be noisy, boisterous, clamorous 

clamor, (up)roar, (out)cry, shouting, hubbub, l*w* 
din, fanfare, hullabaloo, racket, rumpus, tumult, 
turmoil, noise, pandemonium, hurly-burly, boiste- 
rousness, bellowing, vociferation 
much ado about nothing LjJ> iijl jj <Umu>- »*-l 

to curl, frizz, frizzle, crimp, crisp, wave (the hair); j^ 
to wrinkle, furrow, shrivel (the skin or face); to 
crease, pleat, plait, pucker, crinkle, corrugate, crim- 
ple, crumple, rumple, ripple, cockle (cloth, etc.) 

curly, curled, frizzly, frizzled, jj^v <. jju»- I : jju* 

frizzed, crisp(ed), crispate(d), crispy, wavy, rippled, 
ripply, kinky, crimpy 

curl, frizzle, lock, ringlet (of hair); wrinkle, 5 jju* 

furrow, line (on the face or skin); crease, crinkle, 
crumple, rumple, pucker, corrugation, fold, ripple 
(on cloth, etc.) 

•»'.- - •# >•$ -.-- 
to drop its manure or dung 42 jj ( Jii\ : v-JI j*>- 

manure, dung, droppings cjjj : J »» r 

rivulet, stream, small river, creek j^> :yuo r 


ii " i ^ 


bodily, corporal; fleshly, corporeal, (i- 

carnal, physical, material; somatic 

corporality; corporeality, carnality <!->—=r : S'lc~ s r 

callousness, toughness, hardness, rigi- 4j^U> : f j_j» 
dity, stiffness, roughness, ruggedness 

bold, courageous, intrepid, fear- s-U«i t tS^r : j>-»- 
less, dauntless, brave, valiant, plucky, hardy, 
gutsy, stouthearted; daring, audacious 

impudent, insolent, impertinent, saucy, to j : j>- r 
forward, brazen 


LT-J-" 1 

big, large, great, sizable, bulky, gross, huge >( *i^ : £_»- 

massive, voluminous, vast, immense, enormous, 


fat, obese, stout, corpulent, fleshy, plump^-b : 

gross, flagrant, glaring; grave, serious, »■ jli : 
heavy, bad,_grievous; exorbitant, excessive, unrea- 
sonable, enormous 

^Ja>- t aIa : *w *»- 

important, significant, weighty, 
momentous; grave, serious 

particle [ »Ijj<j J iiJo : 

corpuscle [ *Lj- 1 J <u~-j? 



to grind, mill, crush, bruise 

to belch, burp, eruct, eructate 

belch(ing), burpGng), eructation 

hoarseness, huskiness, raucousness 
harshness, throatiness, gruffness 


4ju '. 4Jm,^ l 4,^^ 

to be or become greedy, Li»- u ^ ' jli : n-^r 

covetous, avid, avaricious, grasping 

greed(iness), covetousness, cupidity, avidi- «li» : %?&■ 
ty, avarice 

greedy, covetous.avid.avaricious.graspingf- Ilk • « *~ 




,, , 1: .^.., ,. .;.L.. t .... !tlg .,j ; ,gj 

phytogeography a_>LJ L»'j*=>- 

to dry, dry up, dry out, become dry, ^^ i uLLi : Lis«- 
dehydrate, desiccate, exsiccate 

to drain r-Lj j^L <_j»=>- 

to turn away from, avoid, ^J I Jui i ,^c ^^1 : U»- 
shun; to abandon, desert; to walk out on; to treat 
harshly, roughly, rudely, coolly; to be rude (cruel, 
unfriendly, cool, discourteous, boorish) to 

to be or become harsh, rough, ^H- i JiU : Li- 
coarse, crude 

to find no sleep, be restless, J^l^ill (Jt) A_i lli- 
be unable to stay in bed 

to alienate, estrange, disaffect, 
disincline, repel, disgust 

alienation, estrange- (<j£) ^ljx-1 i iy^- t jyj, : t Lu>. 
ment, disinclination, disaffection, aversion, dis- 
taste, disgust, antipathy, repulsion, repugnance; 
roughness, harshness, rudeness, coolness, un- 
friendliness; turning away (from), avoidance, 

refuse, scum, dross, slag, clinker, scoria, <i~. 

useless, futile, vain iSjJil xj* : 

jJLt t ^AJ>U 


dryness, aridity, desiccation, exsiccation 

t>~*y ol j <jjlj :c«iu» 

drought, aridity, dryness, lack of rain Jaki : <_»Li- 

dullness, lifelessness, dry- x** jjJjl Cj£ :<-ili>- 
ness, aridity, jejuneness, tedium, tediousness 

doubled-muzzled gun, 
double-barreled gun 

cipher, code *Q *.■.*■■ : j J >»" 

divination, fortune-telling, soothsaying, ^iil jx. 

pit, hole 

to dry, dry up, dry out, make dry, 
desiccate, exsiccate, dehydrate 
to drain, dry out, empty 


to start, startle, bolt, shrink, ll^j ^aSJ i jjL> : ^jut 
draw back, recoil, wince, shy 

to startle, frighten, shock, scare away, i-'/j t ^ii : jjii- 
drive away 

:.~ ... '.g» • . . -.- ■., .■ • 

broomrape (jv.'^* '-'v • Jt^** 8 ! - 

to make, render, cause to be or become Ji*o : J*s«- 

to create, make, form, fashion J^- t w» : Jli- 

to put, place, lay (down); to position, %^>j : Jli- 

to appoint, assign, nominate (c..,^,... j) Jlc 
to fix, set, determine, specify ^ i jas- 


to make, prompt, induce, <JJ «i j t Jx. J*a- 
incite, move, actuate, impel, motivate 

to think, believe, assume, suppose, JU- t *Jt> : Jl>- 
imagine, take for 

to give (to), grant (to), donate ollail : liiT il 3^r 
(to), accord (to) 

to provide with, supply with, <> ojj : \j£ il Jli- 
furnish with, equip with, outfit with, fit (out) with 

to begin, start, set (out) to I jj t f-^i, : liS" J^ij Jjl»- 

scarab, dung beetle; chafer; ^j Li I ,y><ry '■ J**- 

salary, wages, pay, emolument, J>-\ n_Jlj : Jj«» 

fee, charge, rate iiij i o ^- 1 ( , 

1 f-J 



_)l 4j»-J ^ ,jC f-^J»ll jl I oJ^JJ «ijj ill. 

royalty, royalties iL_ 

commission, brokerage; factorage aJ^.x : jl>- 

prize, reward, premium; bonus sti ISC 1 1'} lU- : ji> 

economic geography 
human geography 
historical geography 

i; jLalil Li I jjc>- 

- s ',- i-. i V 

4_jtjt Lil jjc>- 

physical geography, physiography 




'•'■■■ • ' ■ 

surface, come to light 

to clarify, clear (up), make clear, tw>j! i ^^1 : %r 
elucidate; to unveil, uncover, reveal, disclose, 
evince, manifest, show, bring to light 

to polish, burnish, scour, glaze, ill 4 [^Co : "%*■ 
gloss, shine, refurbish, furbish, luster 

to dispel, drive away 
(worry, grief, etc.) 

to evacuate, pull out of, ^^U- 1 t ^ ry>- : \<j.) %r 
move out of, withdraw from, depart from, leave, 
quit, go away from, clear out of; to vacate 


%■ «-l 



Jf - £>«.} 


Oil J>'J 



matter of great significance, momentous ^ U ^1 : ,-U. 

tW" 1 Jf 'j _ l«- 

clarity, clearness, lucidity, plainness, ry°5 '■ t^r 
distinctness, obviousness, explicitness 

clarification, clearing up, rUv! ' j^>\ '■ *"$*■ 

making clear, elucidation; unveiling, uncovering, 
revelation, disclosure, showing, manifestation, 
bringing to light 

evacuation, pulling out, mov- t-"%-\ <■ rsj>- '■ *>*r 
ing out, withdrawal, departure, leaving, going away 

polish(ing), burnishing, «^JC! i Ji^> : *%- 

scouKing), furbishing, glazing, glossing, shining 

kohl jkiT : *%■ 

clearly, lucidly, plainly, distinctly, manifestly, t-%v 
evidently, obviously, patently, conspicuously, 
markedly, explicitly, expressly, unmistakably 

evacuation day (of foreign troops) t SU-l -up 

kohl J^T : ,5U 

slave trader, slaver J-i'^JI >>-tl i ,j~\*u •( » --H) i_ibl»- 
julep ^ia- ^\'jl :i_>iU lybU 

rose water jj^JI £L :v^=r 'V^r 

galabia, djellaba u ;.!;.;,; Jj.j!> v> :«L>5l»- 





"Ml'"'' '' 

J»r jfr 

- J > u r 

u~» : > a. ai»- 

iTO Ji*. 

fright, alarm, scare, dread; startling, j^ii ( J > i =r : ji^ 
starting.bolting, shrinking, recoiling, wincing, shying 
eyelid, lid 



grapevine, vine 

vine-plant, vine-stock 



hay, straw, haulm; chaff 

<_»U- a»-Ij - <-»i»- : 

to be or become great, lofty, exalted, sub- Ji* : "^ 
lime, dignified, grand, august, stately, imposing 

to be far above, be be- ^c oj^j 4 ^ %i Jl : qc 3^- 
yond, be too great for, be too proud for; to disdain, 
look down upon 

to be innumerable, countless, incal- J^i-\ Jc ^ 
cu table 

to age, grow old, get old(er), jjl I ( ^Jl j ^Su : 3^- 
be advanced' in years, be aged 

to take most of, take the .uii*, j±- 1 : i { Jj\ Jj- 
bulk of 

God, the Great and Almighty; God, to ^- j j^. *iil 
whom belongs might and majesty 

most (oO, the majority (of), bulk, major JiL. : 3j«- 
part, main part, greater portion 

horse cover, horse-cloth; packsaddle, (i^llll) 3^r 



" .*l 

Or* : J*" 


old, aged, advanced in years 

to be or become clear, plain, distinct, uj 1 ^J> : ^r 
manifest, patent, evident, obvious, explicit, 
unequivocal; to manifest itself, reveal itself, show, 

"Jrrr :uW 




- ' ■ ■ ;:.■- <;•■ - 

noise, din, roar, uproar, clamor, c.^.^ t <mJ> : u-li- 
hubbub, hurly-burly, tumult, turmoil, fanfare, 
racket, hullabaloo, clatter, pandemonium 

c r l >Lv %3? ' j — ^y^** ' *—■■■■>■>' t < — Jl»- 

bringing, fetching, getting jU»»-) :v-A»- 

importation, import(ing) jIjuL.1 :i_Jbr 

bringing (upon), drawing (on); l_,..,....,J : ((_^t) i_Ji 
causation, causing, giving rise to 

attraction, drawing 

earning, getting, obtaining, obtain- 
ment, gaining, winning 

arraignment; summoning, <S^A\ Jj i_Jb- 

subpoenaing, citation 

subpoena, (<u£Lk. <JJ) i_J>- *»jj i i_Ji S^Ju 
summons; writ; writ of habeas corpus 

heartwood, 5^>viJI s-jj«- j i_J_*aJI *_JLaJI ^1±- :v_J*- 



gown, loose garment 

chickling vetch 

L-— J '. I — •!*- 

J+-** if~* t - J ~ • ~T 

j- 1 J vr 

jLJL*- toLi* 


(oLi) uui*- 'uU*- 

to dress in, clothe with, garb withoLLL 
(a garment, gown, etc.) 


scab, crust, scar 

dung, droppings, manure 

basket, scuttle, frail 

t-^I oj-ii :*-!*?■ 
"<ii :aJL»- 

to rattle, clank, clink; to jingle, tinkle; to o^ : Jal*- 
resound, reverberate, ring out, peal 

- * " i' \' 
small bell; sleigh bell; cowbell jJ**o ^j* : Js*!*- 




rattle, clank, clink; jingle, tinkle; peal, ringing, «i*l»- 
resounding, reverberation 

skull, cranium <*>u>- : <lL»1»- 


executioner, hangman, 

leather merchant; skinner 

ljtc.)JI -&■ Ju-i* : jit 

• t:^ 

clay; mud, mire l jA> : uiU- 

rudeness, roughness, coarseness, blunt- iii Uij : ii ill- 
ness, gruffness, impoliteness, uncivility, uncouth- 
ness, boorishness 

loftiness, exaltedness; tl^j t k> t. i iJit 4 >*- : Jit 
sublimity, augustness, magnificence, grandeur, 
grandness, greatness, majesty, stateliness, portli- 
ness, dignity, gravity, solemnity; splendor, glory 

aJ'SU-I (L-L>)iLo-L> 



His Majesty, the King 

Her Majesty, the Queen 

His (Her) Majesty 

fleece, clip, shorn wool 

to bring, fetch, get, bring 
forward, introduce 

to import jj^lJ :i_Ji- 

to bring (upon someone), ^>- i u-L. : (<J*) i_Jur 
draw (on someone); to cause, entail, result in, lead 
to, create, produce, occasion, arouse, give rise to, 
elicit, call forth 

to incur, contract, bring (down) a_jj Jt i_Ji- 
upon oneself 

to attract, draw 

to earn, get, obtain, gain, win 

to clamor, roar, shout, cry, din, vocifer- ■rJo 
ate; to be noisy, boisterous, clamorous 

to scab, scar over, J> jjl t ,.uJI i («il : r^4-' s-W 

heal (up), cicatrize 

' '*' ' ' s ii ' T' 
to coagulate, clot, harden Lrri i ^Uu : f-ui i_Jl»- 

to arraign; to summon, subpoena, cJoJJ Jj >_-i=>- 
demand, cite 




^IjJI o_lU- 

subcutaneous, subdermal, hypodermic JJ-I 

lash, whip, stroke -kj-J^ <> j^> '■ a-i-lsr 

skin; hide; piece of leather jjjU. 


binding, cover; jacket i_>b£JI S_lU- 

our fellow tribesmen, our compatriots, L>' A>- ^ 
our countrymen, our fellow citizens 

dermal, cutaneous, skin; endermic (medica- ijji»- 
tion); leathern, leather- 

dermatologist iJjLLI u >.l j) .Ml . ...L , g ii r , ...^ 

dermatosis, skin disease ii-il=r l^j-* 

dermatology ^ilj^lj JJ-I Jj. :oI>jL>- 

mole _Jl^ :(o»-Il. t-) jli- 

to sit down, sit, take a seat, seat oneself alii : __[». 

to convene, meet, assemble, (.til t oil; I : j^Ji- 

gather, sit, be in session 

to accede to, ascend (the throne) t_rj*l\ <J* l _ r ii- 

to straighten, make straight L,.a '/„■>. aLc>- <. ^ : ^^Jj. 

session, sitting, seance; hearing; meet- f-Li-l : i_U- 
ing, gathering 

sitting l _ r l>- ^ ijll :<CAj- 

opening session <L>- Lui I ilJi- 

closing session V*^- *— W 

_ — . j > * aj , j, ... 
meeting in camera, secret ses- Aili^ jl Sj ^- <_L>- 

sion, closed session, closed-door session 

extraordinary session, emergency <5jU> <_U- 


pie- tUit'il (J-lSJ jl) J-lS^j i_l»- ciJu^SC <_L>- 
nary session 

I — 4_Jl3- JUX- 

a* «e 

sedentary, doing much sitting 

'■" J ' ..." 

posture, seat, pose, manner of sit-^-jLU <L, j±* :i_U«- 
ting; sitting 

to graze, abrade, excoriate, «•- i Ja^i" : ( JJ-I ) jjl — 

1 ■ ■ ■ ■ j 

rattlesnake, rattler (<£»-) ^^j!-^! oli rilLjJ^. 

to be or become bald «_L» : £_!»■ 

baldness, alopecia jJCa : nL>- 

to whet, hone, sharpen, strop, jj- i jj»i : *i- t rl*- 

whetting, honing, sharpening, stropping, *Jlkj :rJj- 

whetstone, grindstone, hone 

Cr-* : j"f 

to whip, lash, flog, flagellate, slash, l>j-Jl L.^i : jX*. 
thrash, lace, scourge 

to force to, compel to, coerce to, J*. *£ \ : J*, jii- 
constrain to, oblige to 

to be or become patient, tiyj j-:-o i I jA^- 6^ : jIs-- 
tolerant, forbearing, long-suffering, firm, fortitu- 
dinous, tough, hardy, strong, sturdy 

to freeze, frost, ice (up), jJuj i ojj^L jilaJ : jlU- 
congeal, be formed into ice, turn into ice; to be or 
become frozen, frosted, iced, icy 

to freeze, ice, glaciate, frost, i'})jj[> lui- : il~ 


to bind (a book) 'JJ-I i_j'l :( v lis3l) 'jL 

endurance, stamina, fortitude, ^^o i Jlk; : Ja- 

toleration, tolerance, sufferance, patience, forbear- 
ance, long-suffering, hardiness, perseverance, 
steadfastness, firmness, self-control 

firmament; sky X~* : -i=r 

whipping, (logging, lashing, slash- i»LUU lj^s : Ja- 
ing, thrashing, lacing, scourging, flagellation 

patient, tolerant, forbearing, oLJ j ,'jc ji : jii- 
long-suffering, perseverant, steadfast, firm, con- 
stant, fortitudinous, tough, hardy, strong, sturdy 

masturbation, onanism 

skin; integument; hide; leather 

patent leather 



■UjIjjIj jLLI pic 





hazelnut(s), filbert(s); hazel (oLi) Jjlj : _}jL>- 
policeman, officer, police officer c^»j- : j>^ 

sitting, sitting down, taking a seat 
accession to the throne 

audience, attendance, 


'■ • l' 

clear, evident, obvious, plain, patent, jy*»'j : </^ 
manifest, distinct, conspicuous, marked, unequi- 
vocal, unmistakable, explicit, express, lucid, un- 



• >» i I I I 4 (Ji<« -(J* 

apocalypse, vision, revela- tjj i t-itS" :uUb» 'uLli- 


,•4 >• ,* ,-, 

the Apocalypse, the tj^l ^^i- :uUl»- i oUbr 


obvious matter, sure (certain, positive) thing; 
plain fact; true report 

truth, reality, true state of an affair y* jl ilU- 

ice jumJ £L : Jul* 


iceberg -db>- Jli- 

- ,■>,• - , .-> 

membrane;cuticle, pellicle, filmiijijijlj- 1 f l^:i'juL>- 

• - .'* 

film Jlj :Sj_U- 

icy, ice, glacial ii-4^ 

iceberg l5-4^" J-**" 

Ice Age, Glacial Epoch 15-4^' J-a*l\ 

cutin ut-4"r 

companion, comrade, associate, friend, person (j~i»- 
with whom someone sits 

glycerin(e), glycerol (j ^ . J . -* - 

lofty, exalted; sublime, august, magnificent, JJi- 
grand, great, stately, imposing, portly, dignified, 
solemn, grave; splendid, glorious; venerable, 


— — » »^M 

gall, chafe, scrape off, rub off, scratch off 

to shave jL>- i^l^JI) Jali- 

clot, coagulum, lump 
blood clot, thrombus 

.* " t' '> 

rude, rough, crude, coarse, blunt, gruff, Jii : uiL- 
impolite, uncivil, uncouth, boorish, ill-mannered 





to calk 

to galvanize 



^Uii- (j-v. 

to cover, wrap, envelop, overspread, 
spread over, drape, clothe, dress, cap 

important, significant, momentous, ^ U i .Ji* : Ji»- 

weighty; great; grave, serious 

to shear (off), fleece; to cut (off), clip [^ ( j^- : Jj«- 

shears, woolshears; clippers Jjk : *!»■ 

merlin ji**° J*~° ' i jrf • (•kf 

rock, boulder 
pomegranate blossom(s) 

rose honey 

eglantine, sweetbrier, wild rose 

to be or become bald 

baldness, alopecia 

black alder, alder buckthorn 

policeman, officer, police officer 


collective farm 
collective bargaining 
collective ownership 

"Cs. Ua» 

beauty, gracefulness), prettiness, handsomeness, Jlii 
loveliness, comeliness, shapeliness, charm 
aesthetics JCJ-I Jlc- 

cameleer, camel driver JCJ.1 'ji\i :Jl^ 

aesthetic(al) 4^^" 

aestheticism; aesthetics; beauty, grace, ill Us«- 

splendor, finesse, fineness 
excess (of a brimful measure) 


the masses, the multitude(s), the 

public, the populace, the rank and file, the people 

(at large) 

(3jLjj>- :(3jLjjf 


gymnastics; calisthenics 

gymnastic; calisthenic(al) 

shrimp; prawn ^ jj Ji : i$jl«9> 

jamboree ii LSJl! (Jjj jl ,-U.j pier 1 : iijj^«r 

ham oj-jW- ' r*i 1 — 

forelock S^»^ ' 

wig, peruke, periwig, toupee 

to maunder, drivel, talk incoherently (iJ* : ou> 

skull, cranium 


to bolt, run away 

rii •: "'-' .■■■ 

i_> jJaj i o I »a f- U» I 


to be LJjJaj ioly» S-Ual t (j.-a.-i,'...,. I : ( _ r aiilJI w 

recalcitrant, refractory, insubordinate; to be 
whimsical, capricious, fanciful; to go to extremes, 
be excessive 

to desert, forsake, <o>*a : U^-jj (^>«) Sl^il ■.-■-■.■V 
walk out on, run out on, run away from home 



honorable, respectable; momentous, weighty, 
important, significant 

to gather, accumulate, collect 

to increase, grow; to abound; to be or 

become much, many, abundant, plentiful, copious 

... v .'... 1 %3*\j — r\ jZ~*\ :~>- 

much, many, numerous, abundant, jJls. . y^£ : ^ 
plentiful, copious, ample, plenty; a great deal, a lot 

greater portion, major part, mam part «ii«> : ~>- 

I love him very much ll>- L»- <u»-l 

caprice, whim, fancy, fantasy i/^i ni>» : r^*»" 

i " r 

a solid; solid body; mineral; inorganic body; jt»j«- 
inanimate body, inanimate being 

soil, ground; earth j±'j\ : jlli- 

rainless; dry, arid JA\ -»'^_- ll : jll»- 

stingy, niggardly, miserly, close- J-jJiLiSCll jlli- 
fisted, tightfisted, hardfisted 

palm pith 

collector, gatherer 




storage battery, accumulator '(J_^'J^ ?■£»■ 

sexual intercourse, copulation, coitus, il^liw : p U*. 
coition, lovemaking, sex, carnal knowledge 

orgasm, climax f llJ-l »>* 

group; company, band, troop, body, collective; **[««► 
clique, coterie, faction, party; squad; community 
pressure group, lobby <U»pL> icLa- 

in groups and individually, jointly Ujjlj otL> 
and separately, jointly and severally 

collective; mass, team, group, concerted; (jf Ui- 


genocide -LcCi- siCl 

collective agreement ytL^-iJjliJl 

collective security ^-tlli- ,jll 

teamwork <V^ J** 




customs union 

customs barriers 

customs, customs duties, customs 

*i~ ; i 

,J Tj^jf ( ^fn. 1 - ■» «■» i J^-j) J^*c 


customs broker, 
customs agent 


to gather, collect; to pick (up); jui»- i J^jj « jw» : j^ 
to combine, group; to join, unite, conjoin, connect, 
couple, pair; to assemble, put together, piece to- 
gether, fit together, joint; to raise, collect (funds, 
money, contributions, etc.); to aggregate; to accu- 
mulate, amass, pile up, heap up, stack; to assemble, 
bring together, congregate, crowd, rally, round up; 
to band; to muster, summon 

to contain, comprise, include, Jli. i c5j-j>-I : *-»*- 
comprehend, encompass, embrace, embody, hold, 
take in, cover 

to assemble, convene, f-il^r I Jj Uo i Jic : «-c>- 

convoke, call (together), summon 

.». «, .». . 

to add, add up, total, sum»JJ jl acjI jl f\iji\ *-*»• 

* .- -*. r - • ",,--- 
to compose, set, typeset <_«*» t j-a> : <-»j jJ-l *-»*- 

to compile, compose, write <_*) I 



to pluralize, make plural, put in the [iJ] illS" «.»»- 

to reunite, reunify; to bring together, jlill *-»?- 
assemble, round up, group; to unite, unify, inte- 
grate, merge 

to accumulate, amass, pile up, heap up, stack; to «*»■ 
gather, collect; to assemble, put together, fit togeth- 
er, join, unite, group, bring together; to aggregate; 
to congregate, crowd, rally, round up; to concen- 
trate, mass (troops, etc.) 

gathering, collecting, collection; jJ-p- < jloj t li : n^a? 
picking (up); combination, combinirig, grouping; 
joining, junction, uniting, union, conjunction, con- 
joining, connection, connecting, coupling, pairing; 
assemblage, assembling, assembly, putting togeth- 
er, piecing together, fitting together; raising, collec- 
tion (of funds, money, contributions, etc.); aggrega- 
tion; accumulation, amassment, piling up, heaping 
up, stacking; congregation, crowding, rallying, 
rounding up; banding; mustering, summoning 

addition,adding,summation7Jjjlj£^lljl «itj^l«^j>- 

p-lj- j^> 

to stagnate; to be or become jLS <. j5"j 

stagnant, dull, inactive 

to be or become iiT^il /it j\£ tolj : lu> 

immobile, motionless, stationary; to be or become 
inactive, inert 

to be or become dull, in- }LU- IjuL J& <■ -Ju : -uj>- 

active, inert, sluggish, exanimate, languid, listless 

,,' - » 

to be or become stingy, niggardly, Jio : o-u o.uj>- 

closefisted, tightfisted, hardfisted 

x& & lj - ±ta 
- * * ^ s - - s - 

to freeze, frost, congeal, ice, glaciate 5 jj^JI j!»- : jl« 

to solidify, harden, stiffen, set, indurate, i_JLo : .un- 
make solid or hard 

to coagulate, clot; to congeal; to curdle jls- : jus>- 

to freeze, block (assets, funds, currency) Jl^.'il jus>- 

to immobilize, prevent themovement^lSC* j o 
of, keep in place, make immobile 


i juU- : . 


ice; frost 

ice; frost 

freezing point 


to roast, toast, broil, grill 

to be on tenterhooks, be on _^J-I ^ j*-\ Jti)K 
pins and needles; to be in suspense, be filled with 
anxiety, boil with impatience 
firebrand, embeKs), live coal 

small stone, pebble 

anthrax iu^j*) *■ 

to pay customs duties (for or on) 
customs; customhouse 
customs; tariff 




to be fit for, suitable for, j { j~s- uj>:j J-^»- 
appropriate for, proper for, becoming for, befitting 
for; to befit, behoove 

to beautify, pretty up, make %^r °^> ' Oi J '■ S&r 
beautiful, embellish, adorn, garnish; to make up, 
put cosmetics on, apply cosmetics to 

camel (tjl>^-) J*r 

dromedary, Arabian (one- (fLJI -±*-j) (jtj*- J*r 
humped) camel 

llama (*jl>^-) ^jv?' J^r 

chameleon (ol>^-) <\>j>- : j>»1JI J*>- 

mantis, soothsayer (°j>i»-) (<-JI tj-y : j>«-JI J-^»- 

use of the letters of the alphabet Jli-I i_-L»- : J*^ 

according to their numerical value 

sentence, clause, proposition Sjllc :*!**■ 

several, a number of, numerous, Xu t ijs. : <Ju»- 
many; most (of), the majority (of) 

totality, total, sum, sum total, aggre- fy^y : *Jujr 
gate; whole, entire, all 

group, band, troop, body 

itlli- :aI1t- 

system ^ UaJ 

nominal clause (or sentence) 


circumstantial clause 

iliu- iil»- 

conditional clause 

4_J>^^ ^*^T 

verbal clause (or sentence) 

illij aJlL>- 

parenthesis, parenthetical clause 


-T°' '•. 

nervous system 

altogether, wholly, completely, total- iLJ-L ' iL*- 

ly, in toto; as a whole, en bloc, en masse, in bulk, 

in one lump, in general, on the whole, at large, 


all at once, in one stroke, at a blow So*- 1 j iLj>- 

in short, in brief, briefly, in a word, Jjill iJu>- ( j) 
in a few words, in fine, to make a long story short, 
shortly, summing up, to sum up, in summary, in a 
nutshell, in a capsule 

typesetting, composition,i_»rf> t ,>.. .» ■ > :i_»j^l £»*- 

compilation, compo- (<_J33I) <-iJt aJ^J^ai '■£**■ 
sition, writing 

plural [iiJj j-»r 

reunion, reunification; bringing together, J-^JI £*>- 
assembling, rounding up, grouping; uniting, union, 
unification, integration 

V'- *" 

broken plural jfc~>~> £**r 

plural of the plural, secondary plural £*J-I £»*- 

sound plural, complete plural (JL ^ 

* ~ .»» , 
collective noun 

Day of Resurrection 
fist, clenched hand 




Passion Week 

Good Triday ^p- 1 i*»j.l ' "^r^*" ***4-' 

collective; additional, additive iy u *^ 

society, association, club; institute, institution, 
organization; assembly 

constituent assembly 


legislative assembly, house, parlia- i-*j j-1j «L 


cooperative society , cooperative, co-op <u> jUj 

charitable organization (association, i;^- ^»=r 
institution), charity, philanthropic organization 

_s " 'Us ■- .a. ti •- 

general assembly; gener- <^»>*£- V*? - ' ^^ 'S^r 
al meeting; plenary session, plenum 

the General Assembly of ij*il\ ~,yi i*UI *-jl»J- I 
the United Nations 

to be or become beautiful, ^r^ >J^ ' ir-"" ■ cU»r 

pretty, graceful, good- looking, comely, handsome, 



u _ udlb _ u _^^ l> ^_ 

J >*»r 

solidity, solid- jLJ-I ilU- <. IjU»- *,<lll uj^ : ■>>«■»- 
ness, solid state; inorganic state, inanimateness 

immobility, motionlessness, still- *S jJ-\ ^js. : jj*»- 
ness; inertness, inaction 



."'■' - 1- •" 
inactivity, indolence, dullness, J>*»- io)l: jj*»- 

sluggishness, languidness 

I' > i-' " 

stagnancy, stagnation, standstill, jL5 4 j^S j : j>*»- 
recession, slump, inactivity, dullness 

standstill, deadlock, stale- ■Ujjj 4 ^ l> <_ai>> : J}**- 
mate, impasse 

*>■ '. " 1 _- ■" 

sycamore (^L->) ii_^*»- '^*r 

all, all of; every, each; whole, entire, total, J£ : %^ 
totality, entirety 

all (of), the whole (of); all without exception, l«~*>- 
one and all, everybody, everyone; altogether, 
wholly, totally, entirely, completely, fully, in full 

synthesis (ilSL^SCllo) ****»■ 

beautiful, graceful, pretty, lovely, ^ j 4 ^1»- : J-*j>- 
handsome, comely, good-looking, fair, sightly, 
shapely, dainty, charming 

favor, service, courtesy, good <-»jyi* 1 JJ»» : J^»- 
turn, kindness, kind act, grace 

grati- JrfJ-lj cil^cU (J— »J-l i»yi« 'Jrt^' ol»,ff 

tude, thankfulness 

grateful, J..7.II ^li. <. J—^J-L ^i. 4 J~J-l> <-»j^ 

thankful, appreciative 

ingratitude, J-jJ-l j^au-4 J-^il jISjU J-.J-I i>\jyj 

ungratefulness, unthankfulness, thanklessness 

- * ** 

ungrateful, unthankful, thankless J...«.>LI ^Li 

fine arts, beaux arts iL*J-l Oj-j-H 

to cover, veil, screen, enshroud; to hide, ^ : j* 
conceal; to shield, shelter, protect 

to become dark; to descend J»- 4 ^Lbl : J-UI t >»- 

to be or become insane, mad, crazy; <uic <_-* j : j^ 

to go mad, go out of one's mind or head 

-1. v '' * ' 
to be or get madly excited, wildly jl> : ^y*r ^ 

agitated, frantic; to go mad or crazy, lose one's 

on the whole, in general, generally, by iilil J* 
and large, generally speaking, altogether; in short, 
to sum up, in a word, briefly 

(one) of, (one) among; I JLS" iu»- j 1 liS" iJu»- ^ 
inter alia, among other things 

wholesale [ijLf] iCi-L 

wholesaler, wholesale dealer<LJ-l ^t 4iLi-l «jL 

^. -* 

to wholesale ii—jj-Lj f Ij 

-.» ■>., -.». 

iUi-1 vj 4<LJ-I «_i 

<LJ-I yc- 


wholesale price 

mass production 

to grow luxuriantly, be lush, be J$ : oLJI li». 


to fill a measure to the brim 0% : JLSCil ^»- 

abundance, muchness, large quantity, great ,>»»- 

number; excess (of a brimful measure) 

gymnasium, gym IS^ *-*>^j] f^j'-^ 

to gather, collect; to crowd, assem- j!*- 4 «-u>- : j^**- 
ble, congregate, rally, round up 

gathering, collecting, collection; j^>- jj~a* : 4^44*- 
crowding, assembling, assemblage, assembly, con- 
gregation, rallying, rounding up 

crowd, throng, gathering, f >**- ' -^>- 'j&*»r 

assemblage, assembly, congregation, concourse, 

rally; multitude, host, great number, plurality; 

the majority; the public, the populace, the people, 

the rank and file; community 

' '• ' ■' ?\~ ' ' '' ' 
audience, atten- Oj« < r,„« 4 iijUu 4 jyia*- : jy+**r 

dance, attendees, attenders, attendants, assembly, 
gathering, people present, persons attending, spec- 
tators, viewers, watchers, listeners 

l^jlx^ j U^'j ~ j£'* J r 

presidential palace 

recalcitrance, refraaoriness, disobedience, r>*^ 
defiance, unruliness; excessiveness, excess 



division, section, segment, com- 

*> 'r* 5 : c 


under the wing of, uSi A^r j . O^U f-Li c-k> 
under the protection of 

by radio ju'Jll *-Li J* 

as soon as possible, quickly, is-JLi\ »-Li J* 

speedily, rapidly, swiftly, promptly, hastily, fast, 
with winged haste, wingedly 

misdemeanor; delinquency; t_J j <. J I . ib>> : rLi 
offense, fault, misdeed; sin, wrongdoing; guilt 

alar, alary; pterygoid, winglike 


pterygoid, pterygoid bone 



green plum 


requiem, obsequies, funeral rites; funeral jL*. . jU*. 

funeral procession; funeral; obsequies, SjU*- .ijlisf 
funeral ceremony 

funereal, funeral 
heart; soul 


^•jj i t_*U : uLi 

steadfast, staunch, unflinching, undis- uQ-l c-li 
mayed, fearless, tough, bold 

shield . ~ J .iili .uli 


felony, serious crime, capital offense 


to put aside, lay aside, push jjj I <. «j j t ^^ 
away; to ward off; to send away, dismiss 

to worry about, be anxious jUi I j [pS : J I L 
about; to miss, long for, yearn for 

to ejaculate, be ^-^i ^il Liii : J*-^ 1 i- 

impure, be in a state of major ritual impurity 

> -•» > * 
to suffer from pleurisy, be v^-4-' ^^ol 


to keep away from, Jx. ji j . ^. Jii t ^ luj I 
ward off from, guard against, protect from, pre 

head or mind 
jinn, demons, fairies 


to pick, gather, reap, harvest, 
pluck out, pull off 

to earn, get, obtain, t_Ji . <_£!»- < i_^lS" : ^^i 

acquire, receive, gain, win, profit, reap, harvest, 
realize, derive, draw; to attain, achieve, accom- 
plish, secure, bring about; to incur, bring upon 
oneself, draw on oneself 

to commit, perpetrate i_-5C' jl : lJ ^> r 

to wrong, aggrieve, harm, hurt, j ^>l : Jx. ^^i 
victimize, do harm to, do wrong to, injure by 
injustice, disadvantage, bring or lead into trouble, 
inflict an evil upon, plunge into misfortune, cause 
losses (disaster, misery) to 

fruits, yield, produce, J^ ju . Jj^aaw t ili : 
crop, harvest, revenue, returns, receipts, proceeds, 
earnings, takings, incomings 

funereal, funeral tijLj* :l$'J>^*r 

Hanging Gardens, hanging gardens of iiull jSUi-l 



gardener; orchardist; horticulturist 
criminal, penal 

Esq., Esquire, Mr., pCl^pi*. . S^^ :_SCjLi- lyLi 
Messrs., Honorable Sir, Right Honorable, Your (His) 
Excellency, Your (His) Honor 

pleurisy {j°jA J& 

major ritual impurity [ V^-J **ij^ ] *j Li 

■CJJI., ^-llLlI lj^J-Ij iUl_, o'jjllllj ^lill) j-Li 

wing (of a bird, airplane, building, (ilili^JI 

political party, goal game) 

ala, wing ["-J^J £Lr^ ] j;Li 

annex, wing ClLj ,_^Ju : ,-Li 

suite (^JJ Jjlj j) tiji <t>«jv i iii : »■ Li- 


stand, stall, booth 
flank, wing 

^H 1 : c 

u°j** 3) ^ 





to strand, run aground 

to deviate from, depart from, turn ij>*i[ : o* £-^ 
away from, diverge from, digress from 

to be delinquent, is»j«- 4-£> j| ' w«W 0« : ^*r 
misdemeanant s 

to wing, provide with wings <i*^r I *J J*»- : ^»r 

to accuse of a sin; to charge LI j *JJ s— > '■ ^r 

with an offense; to impute guilt to 

watch, part of the night ^j* iii3U» :(J-ill (>») j>- 

in the dark of f ^UiJ I ^ c^i t JiiJI j^r J 

night, under cover of night 

side u^U-:^ 

misdemeanor;delinquency,delict,offense[ijyl» J 

to draft, enlist, recruit, conscript, ( j>J-I) £>i» : 
muster in, sign up, induct, enroll in the armed 
forces, levy troops, raise troops 
to mobilize, call up ^ ■ -*■**■ 

soldiers, troops, soldiery, army ^xlc : •*■*■ 

grasshopper (v^-) -^ ^ ^-^ 

gendarmerie, gendarmery, gendarmes, <• j-^ 


oysters UT^ 

to fell, throw down, knock down, strike £y«o : Jo^r 
down, bring to the ground 
rock, stone _^> : Ja^r 

cataract, waterfall, falls, chute; cascade JbL '. J-i^>- 

j, ■ * 

,J»L>I <3;>-jr 


soldier, private 

reserve, reservist 

private first class; lance corporal 

recruit, cadet 

Unknown Soldier 


the army, the military, the armed forces; mili- ijJ 
tary service; military life (career, profession) 

general (o^- 1 j) ^>Lt ' *'>! : <JL 

fa' & * ' 

serve from, safeguard from, shield from; to save, 

side Sf ^ ' *«■ : ^r- 

side, flank, waist S^U- i ^S : i_~^»- 

(u-iU-) V^^V 'U-jisr (JJ £*-'j _l r— ^ "-r~^ 

side by side (with), <_— >J Li i s—^- J J L^- 

abreast (of or with) 

aside, away, apart, off, by, out of the way ; <_~»- J* 
separately, isolatedly; alone, by oneself 

pleurisy (i>v) S—-^ 1 '' J ' V-^ 1 °' ■> 

pleura I ro rJj I i_-J-l £Lt 


impure, in a state of major ritual ijLU *iL>l :t-~ J* 

horse dealer 
shrub, bush 

al L'LU 

side; region, area, territory, 
land; district 

what one avoids 

shrimp; prawn 

lateral, side 

shrubby, frutescent 

paradise, heaven 

paradise, Heaven 



shelter, shield, protection, screen 


i^-jJ^jiJI l^jijJI CjL>- i4J-*-' 


gentleman ^U--^ 

knotweed, polygonum, smartweed, (^L) j*w> 


hop (oU) jLJI i^-l»- : J^r 

to incline to, tend to, learn to(ward); to JL : J] j^r 
turn to 



scoliosis ^JiiJI j^JI j ^jU ot. « jjj : 

oiiUo »j»-l j -tjlj^jl : i_a.,_ r 

sackcloth, sacking, bagging, gunny, ^ n'j i''- i ^lili- 
burlap, canvas, hessian 

dipper, water ouzel, water crake JyL. "pU> : t 

to madden, craze, drive mad, drive I 
crazy, make insane 

grave, tomb, sepulcher Jj : -^ 

shroud, winding-sheet J& -.Jj^. 

<~>y*r (frh -j-»> 
so" 1 " JllJI^lL" ^Jl i^j-ho^ 

southward(s), south, toward the south C^ 

southeast, southeastward Jy^ill lj^J.1 

southwest, southwestward ^>JI (L-jJ.1 

southern, south, southerly <_<»J.I Jl L*li. -'_,»ll 
southerner c.,^1 6 |J| ^1 ^^ 

southeastern, southeast "jj'Ji ( j,^>- 

southwestern, southwest '.^i. ^^ 

inclined to, well-disposed to(ward), j£. : Jl 1^. 
tending to, apt to, given to, prone to 

inclination, leaning, tendency, disposition,^ : r £> 
bent c 

delinquency; criminality ^JrY\ <JJ *S~* '-ry^r 

juvenile delinquency £>\S*H\ T '^ 

stranding, running aground iLilll t>4- 

delinquency; criminality ry j r : ^ 

insanity, lunacy, madness, mania, dementia, 
craziness; foolishness, folly 

'■ '.' -.,'•' - " 







frenzy, temporary madness 

crazy, insane, mad; frantic, frenzied, wild, 

raging, hysterical), uncontrolled 

freshly picked or plucked (fruit) (^1)1 ^) rj» 

to say the burial prayers for, kSc Ju : olll 
conduct the funeral service for 



to naturalize, confer citizenship 
upon, admit to citizenship 

kind, sort, type, species, 

variety; class; category 

race, stock JJ£. < j^ : J^ 

genus [.L^l], 

sex (male, female) (iiy l\ 3 \ S^jSoJI ^li- ^.) ( 

gender [id] (i^i&l _,! ^jdl ^ ^) 

sex, sexuality, sexual drive * a ,,-. r i'^Ji : ^^ 
(urge, instinct) ' ' 

sex, sexual intercourse, tH>- : u ll\ 'tL'j'C l{J i, 

copulation, coitus, coition, lovemaking, carnal 


human race, mankind, humankind, ^^illl ^Jj.1 

humanity, human beings, people 

the stronger sex, the sterner sex l ^i.\ ' u li.\ 


the fair sex, the gentle sex, the 
weaker sex 
generic noun 

<_r~?" f""| 

cr-^4-1 f.^e- 

asexual, sexless, neuter 
sexology y-J-l JL 

ethnology t^£A\ ^\^i\ ^ 

sexuality ^1 3 \ \'js\ ^\ ^ . £ 

sexual, sex; sexy, erotic; generic 

JLaij jj>- I j - (j— j«- JLaJl 

: s '• - a -i ' 

sex appeal 
sexuafactivity, sexuality 


nationality, citizenship 

sexuality ^1 } \ \'j\ j^JI j^r ( £ 

registry, flag S^UJI _,! 

stateless, having no nationality St— =H iCJ 

g enti an (oLj)L LLi. t ,;,r |, : . 





# # 

a-' J,- 

respiratory system 
nervous system 
muscular system 

digestive system, diges- 
tive apparatus 

vascular system ^y- i jWr 

steering gear; control(s) SjLiJI jl ^>*" jWr 

transmission iS"^LI Jij jU^r 

transmitter, trans- «J-j' J^j" J** - "J^-jJ jW^r 
mitting set 

re- jJlLi jl J-""* Jl^- « JLii.1 ji J»^l jli? 

ciever, receiving set 

'• i- V ' • '• -i- "V 
television, television dyajili ji^ <. ^^,'j^ j\^r 

set, TV 

radio, radio set x*\j jUfr 

wireless set, radio (set), walkie-talkie ^^-^ j vr 
scuba (u*£" *^' >u -' opu) u-Ld) j\+*r 

systemic; systematic ^J*^* 

abortionist i>U*v' ( -»> a " '-J°^V: 

great scholar; expert, adept, master, J*«j» ' -u*»- 

authority, connoisseur 


side; direction 

region, area; part, section; 
district, quarter 
locality, locale, place 

party, side 

authority, body 


AJLb cikL i 

cardinal (u^ i ij^ i ^y^r 

toward(s), to, in the v>° ' j^~ '■ '-*^ *♦*" <-»,! 

direction of 

concerning, _; jH^ Cj : l-ii" <i=r i>? ' '-^ ^*^ 
regarding, as regards, as to, as for, with regard to, 

picking, gathering, harvest(ing), 

reaping, plucking 

earning, getting, obtainment, 



i^r 4 -*" 

ii i <— < . nS 


acquisition, acquirement, gaining, winning, reap- 
ing, realization; achievement, accomplishment 

jinni, demon, fairy i>4-l •&■* 

bush, shrub 

crime, offense, delict; guilt 

fairy, female jinni, female demon 


elytron, elytrum 

fetus; embryo 


(^ • cr'- 1 

garden ajujj>- : 

fetal; embryonic, embryonal ^ 


pound sterling, (ij*^' *~*- ' if^J~ "' *^**" 

English pound 

Egyptian pound ^.r^ <L ^" 

jihad, holy war (by Moslems); struggle, strife, jl^- 
fight(ing), battle 
utmost, most, limit, utmost degree (ijLai :c5^U»- 

sonority, orotundity, loudness (o>LaJl) Sjfe" 

apparatus, set; appliance; Sac i Si al : (5j^»-l j-) jU* - 
gadget, contrivance, device; instrument, tool, imple- 
ment, utensil; equipment(s), equipage, outfit, gear, 
paraphernalia, materials, materiel; rig, intsallation 

system, apparatus [ a) J tv^t— > J f U»J '■ jvr 

body, institution, organization; corps; *JL» : jI^j- 
cadre; staff; panel; board; group 

trousseau o"1j"^ J^r 

machinery of government; organ of pSCll ji^ 


urinary system <Jy jl*»- i J>JI jWr 

reproductive system ,J— Lo J^ c J-LJi jl^ 


to equip with, fit (out) with, outfit _, '4j : -e >=r 
with, furnish with, supply with, provide with, rig 

to rig (a ship) ;'.;'. I I ^. 

to prepare the bride's trousseau lr/^ >=r 

to prepare (the deceased) for burial lzll\ '£*■ 

toman ^%'Jt>r 

miscarried fetus, abortion u';... : j^j~ 

not to know (of), have no knowledge 'St. i*> : J4* 
of, fail to know (of); to be unfamiliar with, unac- 
quainted with, unaware of, unconscious of, unin- 
formed about: to be ignorant, uneducated, unlear- 
ned, nescient, unenlightened, benighted, unculti- 
vated, unwitting, unknowing.without knowledge 

to attribute ignorance to; to 3+4- ' ^ s— '> '• S&T 

accuse of ignorance, charge with ignorance 
ignorance, nescience, benighted- jjL xi> < ill^- : J^i- 
ness, lack of knowledge, unenlightenment, un- 
learnedness, unfamiliarity (with), unacquaintance 
(with), unawareness (of), unconsciousness (of) 

3+>- j^-lj -*J*r 
snipe (^U,)^ 

hell, hellfire '"■'.'-. 

hellish, infernal "^»'-'l— 

orotund, sonorous, loud, stentorian, strong l&jyQ* 

orotundity, sonority, loudness £>j «»■ 

3* W- CT'j ~~ '-'XT 
*- r. . ■■- >> 

miscarried fetus, abortion J»L < u ^ r : Ja*#> 

abortive, unsuccess- ii j ui- i t ^ t jiij : ,_,;,. t V 
ful, fruitless, unfruitful, futile, ineffective, of no 
effect, unavailing, of no avail 

atmosphere, air *£!)!_, Jo'}l\ 




with respect to, respecting 
from, from the direction of 
from, on the part of, by 
on the other hand 


* - * 1 .- 
- -• » - - .» , ., 

effort, endeavor, attempt; pains, trouble; 
(strenuous) exertion, overexertion, (over)strain; 
fatigue; toil, hard work; power 

voltage, tension, potential [ *L ^ ] J^. 

with great difficulty, with great effort, ju^ j^iu 
with strenuous effort, with much ado, only 
arduously, only laboriously 

Jjj ;u>-lj— »J4>- Jjj 




I J - l'j£ Jl ^ 


to appear, come out, come ^j I ( LjiiiCi I ( ^i :^. 
to light, show, reveal itself; to be or become 
known, revealed, disclosed; to be made public; to 
spread, get about, circulate 


to raise the voice 
to dazzle, daze 

■uij :o^LJI _^»- 

to be or become loud, sonorous, <X> jl : o^Ljl *$»► 

to dazzle, be or become (^1)1 jl ^liJI o) ^ 

dazzled or dazed 

dazzling; day blindness (j-*A\) j^> 

openness, overtness, publicness, publicity i_j5ii : J&- 

publicly, in public, openly, LjSLt : ^II t l^i- 

- - ■ * ... 

to prepare, ready, make ready ta < jit rj^i- 




Trt'.v'Eny-,; amp. 

EK^ ^^^ 

near, close to, in the neighborhood uy : j\yu 
of, in the vicinity of, next to, next door to, by 
good-neighbor policy yy\\ i>-»- *-Vr- 

permissibility, ad- *j U-^*— lyW- t^l 0^ :jlyr 
missibility; legality, lawfulness 

possibility, potential(ity), Jl^l ' V^-*i : J'**" 

contingency, propability 

permit, license, authorization <*a±-j : j\y 


laissez-passer; pass 
poetic license 

>- yyr 

(oLj) i»l^»- '*»!>? 

globe-trotter, traveler, rover, v 'jr ' *■! «"" J : J ^y 
wanderer, bird of passage 


boy scout, scout 




»iL »»-ij — Ji 

y gS 

sack, bag; saddlebag 

o\y y'j~ ^'^r 

«_iuf 4*s»iuf vr'j — p—> 'y 
inner, interior; internal; inside; indoor ^»-\* : i^'>^ 
jewelry; jewels, gems c>\ j» y* : j»\ y 

jeweler tjrj*y ^'Sj^y : ii j*^yr 

travel(ing), exploration, touring, <_»l>Lj' tjyy ^y* 
cruising, patrolling, wandering, roaming, roving, 
rove, ranging, perambulation, itineration, itineran- 
cy; crossing, traversing, traversal 
piercing, penetration, perforation, boring 3y : <->y 

hole, pit; hollow, cavity, excavation S^i»- : Kiy 

lacuna I jv^ J ■>>=*» • ^.y 

jute *j>sr <-&yr 

•*-Ljj*-i jc^-Ij — t-Ljj^-i 

broadcloth; cloth; suiting 



weather (j-^ 'y 

environment, surroundings, *1~> i Ja^f«* : >r 

milieu; medium 

atmosphere, air, l^ jj*i. jl » jjL iJU- : ^ lc >»- 1 y 
ambience, feeling, climate, tone, mood 

iJU- i ?w>j : f\c- y ' >»- 


situation, status, condi- 

tion(s), circumstance(s); position 

rainy weather ^iU jl ./J»*» >r 

air-to-air >J-I Jj >4-' t>« '>»■ ->»■ 

surface-to-air, ground-to-air y -Joy\ 

by air, by airplane oyUaJL \y\-\ Jjj^ '■ y\ ' '>r 
airborne i>r 0y~* <■ 'y Oy*** 

y\ )l iJj <_jI*K 


airsick y\ j'j-V V 1 - 

to weather i^J- 1 Jf'>^' J*^ j'jP-^' i\y^>J°jz-.&y 

passion, love; intense emotion -i»- j : ii>sr 

Cj» «j»- I j — u-J 1 «»• 

answer, reply; response ij-.^y 

plea [uri»] £»■> :^l j' ^r^ 6 c^^' V 1 ^ 

» .-- -s' j -- 
rejoinder (_ylill ^r"- c^-^' V^ 

" ' » .-, - i' ' -- 
rebutter cJlill 4-ic ^jII s- 1 ^ 

octave lty^r->* J V^ 

apodosis l^J -bj-iJ' v'>t 

globe-trotter, traveler, explorer, ills- j : <u I y; 1 1_> 1^- 

wanderer, rover, bird of passage 

wanderer, tramp, vagabond, hobo, vagrantjili I i_jl^>- 

answering, reply 

Passeriformes, passerines 

yf— ' (c/ - : dyr 

generous, liberal, openhanded, 

freehanded, bountiful, munificent 

horse, steed; charger, courser; (j^) 0^»- : ^yr 

race horse, racer 

^yr jf'j-gc*^ '(-/ : ^yr 

neighborhood, proximity, vicinity, near- <_jj* 'j^yr 
ness, closeness, propinquity 

protection; security, safety; uU\ i i» i t j^c '■ j\y 
safeguard, guarantee 

L) 3 3 r 



to starve, famish, hunger 
hunger, starvation 

to be or become hollow 

to hollow out, cave, cavern ^ <. i_>^>-l °jr*> • ^y? 
out, excavate, bore, make hollow 

interior, inside, heart ,jja. i ^jj, L t Ji- 1 j : (J js* 

-« - 

abdomen, belly, venter /c^ 11 iJ^U- . ,jjj 
coelom jjialll ^L 

hold 2 .' . a". I 

inside, within; in(to); in the middle of ijji- J 

interior, inner, inside ^U- 1 j : ^J j*- 

abdominal, ventral '■It •* «j~ 

underground, subterranean, ^j^l ok>' :^y>r 
subsurface; plutonic, hypogene 


troop, company, group, band 

choir; orchestra, band 

theatrical troupe *L>-jI~j. ii^- 

Legion of Honor lj^JI ii'jj- 

jockey jLUl j Jlil l_-S"jj ^.jli : (jf>»- 

J^3«J lj)»l )L»-lj-JjJ«- I. (J ^ 


J>X" ffr ' j ~ u «>?■ 

round(s); patrol; circuit; tour, (round) trip, voy- <J js» 
age, journey, excursion, outing; cruise; ride; errand 
round (^JJ djL. . olS jlaj t il^Cjl ^.) aJ^. 

golf (ij) ^J)^ 

furze, gorse, whin (oL) jl^»- 


ham ri^-jU- 

inlet, bay, gulf 

to improve, better, ameliorate, upgrade, ,jli. : Yy- 
make better 

to intone, modulate, recite cSjUJI Jjr- 

heavy rain, downpour jj ji jJx. : jj*. 

generosity, liberality, openhanded- *U»I. . *^ : j^. 
ness, munificence, bounty 

goodness, excellence, quality, fine ^JT ' ">■■>>■»■ 

quality, high quality, fineness, superiority, su- 
perbness; perfection; efficiency, efficacy 

judo [i-j^j 4^>Lj] jj^s. 

injustice, unfairness, inequity, wrong; JLb :j^»- 

oppression, tyranny 

jjU- *»- 1 j - J U» ijjU- : jy>- 

sock(s); stocking(s); hose(s) 

damask rose 


- '- * B ^ 


jU-' «-lj-J^»- ijjil iijjl 'rv' inu '-jjT 

walnut; nut (oU) i'jjj* . jjj* 

nutmeg <3^ J)S . t (.--Ul o_)^>- . i_3JI j^ 

nux vomica t( jUI sj,^ 4 t( jJ| ^ 

coconut Jerj^l °j>^ ' iiJ-* j>»- < alii j^i- 
butternut, white walnut 

middle, center, heart <LI-j : ,>,JJI jjj- 

most (of), bulk, major part -uJiL : ^^1)1 j^. 

Adam's apple Jjjjl i j^ , ( ._jilil 5 j>»- 

temini [iiUi] »l j^il ^' . »lj^il 

Orion [iiUi] »lj^LI i^T^T t Jj^.1 

Betelgeuse [t»Ui ] »l j^J.1 IXl. 

squab, young pigeon Jjlij : J j^p- 

nut-brown, hazel; nut ISjpr 

Juglandaceae ^Jjj-I iL«aiJI :olJj^J.I 

hickory j^J. I iLoj ^ _^ki : JJ j^. 

palace, mansion; belvedere _aii : ,i^ «» 

chest, breast, thorax Jj^o : ji^"- 



'■- ■■' 

^ j ■ *-».yr" ' -^j 




dowel; peg, pin 

coming, arrival, advent, incoming i{ ^A 

back and forth, to and fro,lybij IL^r <. bUij *1jt 
up and down 

<L^ :i'jUs» 

quicklime, unslaked lime 


agitated, excited, kindled, inflamed, over- 
wrought, impassioned; wild, hot, enraged, horn 
mad; surging, rolling, heaving, rough; ebullient; 
boiling, bubbling up, simmering 
to pocket, provide with a pocket Lli- *J J**- : i_~j; 

pocket ( j 1 ] V^O'r^ 

heart; breast, bosom j-uo i i_ii : i_~»- 

sinus L jLr- 1 J S-^" 

nasal sinus(es) [jvj^j] (*^0 V>rr '(y^ 1 ) S-^ - 
sine [cjI^Ij] Cjl>JI >_-»- is~»- 

cosine l^^r^j] f^**" S-^" 

pocket(s) of resistance i^jliil v>rr ' ii^— *• S-^" 

air pocket, air hole, pocket <j !l^» i--»- 

j-* « "»' * • 

sinusitis V*^-' J 1 S-^-' vW^l 

.^ ■*- 
pocket watch <—«?»- <fr '~ 

- ' <- 
pocketknife, penknife <-^r Crr^-r 

pocket book, pocket v-^' **^ ' v44-' V^f 


pocketbook, wallet, billfold 

pocket money S-r^' J^* 


to pocket, put in one's pocket 






black-bellied sand grouse 

essence, quiddity, quintes- oL. t >_J i *jiL. '-j»y>r 
sence; essential nature, intrinsic nature; gist, pith, 
core, marrow, kernel; substance; matter; content 

jewel, gem 

atom; monad 
jewel, gem 

* \-\ ' - •- 
substantial, substantive, material; es- ^ L. I : iSj»yr 

sential, intrinsic, inherent; radical; fundamental, ba- 
sic, principal, main, chief, major, prime, primary, 
cardinal, key, master, capital, leading; crucial, vital 


i/rj*yr <-i£j?\yr '■<->/>>*■ 
to be passionately stirred by love or grief 

i.iiiiiU *jjkj :<u»y? 

air, aerial, aer-, aero-; atmospherical), airy, \S^ 

meteoric; weather, meteorological) 

air fleet, air force(s) ij>»- oly i <Sy*- J^L.1 

* * '■* ,\ ^ *- *"i 

(oSUill jl> ji jjJ) i^r Jl>! 



airlift, air bridge 


airlines, airways 

aerial photograph (s^lkll Si^j-l.) <>>»- Sj>-» 

atmospheric pressure ii>>- i**^ 

meteorology <;>4-' ^j '' (J-f 

air raid 

air cover 

air base 


aviation, air navigation 


weather report 


-S*' ^^^ v *- ii . 

ij jsr ilk-, t li^ ?U»i 
-«- *- ,'. 

.5*- *"-'.: 

Aj o^ o i^j 

ii > 


carrion; carcass; corpse, cadaver 

generation jj>- 

generation, group of people; ^LH 
nation; race 


age, era, epoch, period, time 

ice cream 

gelatin(e), jelly 

gelatinous, jellylike 


genie, genetic 




1*' f 


% :;^j-5u 

I^Uc/jv : t 














U— JO^**-u Jit ! tf~iSy-j? 

tljjj-i-u Jit \ t^jiyj)- 

(Lj^J-L Jit : ,y 1 ..,..i y^ 
Lj->I>j-u Jit :<«»■ >!>-»- 

' > , > > ■> ., ' * . > > 

geomorphologistL=!-jJy j^.^J-1 Jit: /rr>ly jyy^r 


to have a long and graceful neck '1^~ I o 

good; perfect; fine, well 

well; excellently; fully, completely, thoroughly 

very good |^_ 



-U»-l «j>-lj -4JljU»- i f ljU 

to endorse, back (~JJ llul t iSC-i) ^k : j* 

to plaster with lime, whitewash JjAj .11, : ^li. 
to calcine, calcify J^. <JJ 3^»- : ^la- 

yes! surely! certainly! truly! verily! 

quicklime, unslaked lime liin jlj. 

slaked lime, hydrated lime, calcium 





calcareous, calcic, limy, lime 


to levy, raise, mobilize (troops, an 
army, etc.) 

army, troops, armed forces; the military 

X'"' ' : ''.- 

ut i -U» 

occupation forces 
army reserve(s) 
regular army 



agitation, excitement; commotion; eruption, <j l*'- 
outburst, outbreak, flare-up; raging; surge, surging, 
heaving; upheaval; ebullition, boiling, bubbling, 

nausea, sickness, qualmishness, ^ .11 o\L^>- 

queasiness, disgust 

to stink; to rot, decay, putrefy j^il 

'" S^r ' ^Jr ^5fr ^k ^r >r Nr >$^ ^^r Xr ^r ^^r ^^ 

'^Mr'^BSr^^^j^ ^r >r >^^ ^r ^J^ ^^^ Nr ^^r ^^^ 

magician, sorcerer, wizard 

everything became confused, JjUI JjU-I JakaJ 
muddled, jumbled, disorganized, disordered; every- 
thing got mixed up, was in a mess or chaos 


corrosive, erosive 

judge, justice 


inauspicious, ominous, ill-omened, 



yili :jJl»- 

jj-> I : ,»> I 



to argue with, debate with, dispute with, Jjla- : ^la- 
expostulate with, join issue with 


:£■»• r) ^ 

VV 1 

pilgrim; hajji 

to propose a riddle to 

to riddle, speak in riddles, speakjU^L J£; : ,y«-l»- 


doorkeeper, gatekeeper, doorman, <- r jl>j :<-«» 

concierge, porter, janitor 

chamberlain j~Jl jl liUil 

bailiff, usher, crier, tipstaff iȣk* 

eyebrow, brow (>>?"'' 

edge, border, end, tip, point <_»>» i «-»>> : 

veiling, covering, screening, hiding, 


dashboard; windshield, windscreen 





^jJI i_-a-la« (j. l*" .» : («^'*" 

need, want; necessity, exigency, *L^i I i fj_>) : i*-U- 
requirement, requisite, prerequisite, demand 

confused, puzzled, perplexed, bewildered, jLa»» :>'la- 
nonplused, confounded, distracted, embarrassed, 
baffled, discomfited, disconcerted, perturbed, 
dismayed, at a loss, at one's wit's end; hesitant, 
hesitating, irresolute, indecisive, undecided, wa- 
vering, uncertain, double-minded 

holder, possessor, owner; occupant, occupier; J^la- 

bachelor ^-^j^llSC (iol^i) ') ! la- 

menstruating, menstruous, sick «JuU> lyiS la- 

wall j\jo? : Jsj la- 

Wailing Wall JCil JaSU- 

to brush aside (away, off), JaSU-l yij* 4j v^ 
throw aside (away, off, out), discard, refuse, reject; 
to belittle, make little of, make light of, under- 
value, think nothing of, attach no importance to, 
not take seriously; to disregard, neglect, pay no 
attention to, ignore 

wall, mural (3j I ja- Ij-Jjj la- 

unjust, unfair, inequitable Jib : i_ij la- 

weaver; knitter ciLla- :d)ula- 

obstacle, hindrance, impediment, obstruc-jplc : Jjla- 
tion, bar, barrier, block 

partition, screen, division, di- >-l»- ' J-«l» :J5la- 
vider; baffle; buffer 

J^aw *a- \j — ij>l** ' t^Uii.^ t j , ■■ »' ■ ' .« ' (J->la- 

to favor, be partial to, side with, take J j^> : ^ la- 
sides with, take someone's part 


liLa- ja-lj- 

weaver; knitter 
hunter, huntsman 




" " ■■- '.V'-T 

sharp, keen, cutting, acute, i_ilj i «i>lj' t ^L : jU- 
incisive, piercing, penetrating, pointed ' ' 

intense, violent, extreme, acute, keen, jj ji, : jU- 

sharp, severe, strong, vehement, fiery, hot, heated, 


acrid, sharp, pungent, poignant, so j i uij? : jU- 

piquant, hot, caustic, tart 

high-pitched; strident, jL> t o^-JI Jlc : jU- 

harsh-sounding, grating, shrill, stridulous 

mourning (for), ( Jc) yijs- i (J*) ob> : (J*) 1 la- 
in mourning (for); mourner 

sharp-sighted ^iS\ jU 

sharp-witted, sharp-sighted, sharp, (j*>^\ jl»- 

quick-witted, acute, penetrating, discerning, percep- 
tive, perspicacious, shrewd, astute, keen, subtle 

quick-tempered, irascible, irri-r-l^l jU- i alUI J ^»" 
table, short-tempered, hotheaded, hot-tempered, 
testy, nervous, hot-blooded, excitable, ill-tempered, 

acute angle 5jU- i>jlj 

cameleer, camel driver J Hi- :((ijU-l) jU- 

to speak to (or with), talk to (or»j C jlki t iLf : doU- 
with), converse with, discourse with; to hold a 
conversation with; to hold talks with, confer with 

occurring, happening, taking place, jJIjijU- :iijU- 
going on; under way, in progress, in process 


Cj-^- f^'J ' 

■ <— _*x* ! Cj jl>- 


incident, occurrence,event,happening, episode; iJ jU- 
accident, mishap; case; fact 

'"■'- i 

traffic accident 
fat, thick 

J— 6 ^^*" 

to be opposite (to), in front of, fO ijlS" . |JjIj : ii iU- 
facing; to face, subtend 

to parallel, be parallel to (or with), <Sj\j '■ <i iU- 
extend parallel to 

to neighbor, be next to, adjoin, border jjU : t£ iU 
on, be adjacent to 

skillful, skilled, proficient, dexterous, ^»L : (J jU- 

'?»;' ..'^.^^^.^^fc'a. ;; i^zion/.. *: .' "r ':!'" 'J ^r? 

" -l 

sj'^^l fi li-U-1 

need, want, lack; u-™' i jlizil t jjii i J^c :i»-lp- 
neediness, poverty, destitution, indigence; short- 
age, deficiency, insufficiency 

desire, wish; object(ive), i_»ja ( Jojk- 1 <Ltj : <U- U- 
aim, end, goal, purpose 

thing, object *^i : ii-U 

needs, o I jv^^-J i ol^j^Js i fjl^) :?«J I )*■ ioU la- 
necessities, necessaries, exigencies, requirements, 
requisites, prerequisites, demands; objects, effects, 
belongings, possessions, materials, stuff, articles, 
equipment(s), supplies 

necessity is the mother of 

ji c iii gcij-ji £-u joir 

there is no need to (or for); it is not J jl <JJ i^-U- ^ 
necessary, not required 

if need be, in case of need, if necessary, i»- U-l jic 
when necessary 

to meet, ful-4_j>-U- <JJ 4jli- 1 ( .c»-U- (^J 4 ( _^ai') ju» 
fill, answer, satisfy, carry out, grant, comply with 
(someone's need(s), demand(s), wish(es), etc.) 

to relieve nature, excrete, J?^ i jjZ : <U-U-I ^^isi 
defecate, egest, evacuate the bowels 

partition, division, divider. 1- i «i>lji ( J^U :>>U' 
screen; rail; fence; baffle; dike 

barrier, bar, block, obstruction, obsta- <_y lc : y- U- 
cle, hindrance, impediment 

roadblock, barricade; checkpoint (jjj^J» J) >r U- 
hurdle (-uiy J-J-l jl Oj-ilj^l >i»j) ^rip- 

septum; dissepiment [oLij t L>- 1 ] y»- la- 

sound barrier, sonic barrier CJjlall Jp-lp-. 

customs barriers k£ j*>- y>-\y>- 

distrainer, seizer, confiscator j-jJI Jl>«l Ac 'j>-\*- 
diaphragm, midriff [~j^] >>-U-l vl=»J-' 

(i»-l»-) pji\)?- iol=>-l»- «j>-Ij — oL^U- 
rabbi (j^JI 1^) ^ : f U-U- 

to deviate from, (^) Li^jl c^) 3L. -.(jt) jU- 
depart from, turn aside (or away) from, swerve 
from, skew from, deflect from, diverge from, 
digress from, drift from, divert from, wander from, 
stray from; to turn off, branch off, take a turn(ing); 
to change direction, alter one's course 



to punish, chastise i_il* :i_»jU- 

, > 

to probe «^r- : £>*"' «-*.>*■ 

arsonist, incendiary ^j-JJIJ»I>>-/II if ^s-f-'j-' :<Jjl*- 

burning, incinerating; incendiary; u>»- :jj^- 
scorching, searing, singing, scalding, charring; 
burner, incinerator 

incendiary bomb 

-. * 

withers J*l£JI ^1 :dJjU. 

to hold, possess, own, have, j>»l ' ^ J-*>- : jU- 
take or gain possession of, lay hands on, lay (or 
take) hold of, take, occupy, seize; to acquire, get, 
obtain, win, gain, earn, receive; to achieve, attain, 
accomplish, procure, realize, score 

to be or become at_- j>- J J ^Ju I <■ <>>»■ ,y J^° '• L r0'*" 
partisan of, an adherent of; to join a party 

^^OA Ilia. L. I J » 

Kt:'.'^. *S; -■• 

misfortune, adversity, distress, V^f-* ' 
trouble; disaster, calamity 

resolute, firm, steadfast, unflinching, r _)U- <. r jU : ^ jU. 
unwavering, unhesitating, strong-willed, sturdy, 
gritty; severe, strict, hardhanded, stringent, aus- 
tere; drastic, tough; decisive, definitive 
judicious, prudent, reasonable <-> « . «* . ■> ■ : fjU- 

hiccup(s) <3 ! y : **iJ^ 

to settle an account with, get even with; to call ,_««,U. 

to account, hold responsible or answerable 

to guard against, be on one's (^) <-±> J* s— ^ 

guard against, beware of, be cautious of; to be 

careful, take care, look out, watch out 

teller, counter, calculator, computer, jI* : ^-"^ 


computer ^ J> vi-'^J S-r^ - 

arithmetician L^Ci-^ jjl* :i--.^ 

calculator, calculating machine V--^ *M 

calculator, calculating machine ^rr^- *" : Vr*^ 

computer O j' VJJ^J V-*^" 

sense; receptor, sense organ 4~<U- 

adroit, adept, subtle, well-versed; clever, smart 

* -' "n ' '» ~ • i 
very sour; tart, sharp, <-*;j»- ' <*»>»J-i jj-u. : jjL»- 

pungent, acrid, hot, biting 

to return to, go back to, come back to «- j : JJ jU- 
hot, warm ^LijU- 

hot, pungent, piquant, acrid, sharp <-*> j>- : jU- 

* i" 5 ' "i 
ardent, glowing, fervent, fiery, ^U*- i -u-^. : jl»- 

passionate, vehement, hot, zealous, enthusiastic 
warm, cordial, friendly, intimate, ^^Ju < lSjj : jL»- 

hearty, deep 

f'-JI V 

the five senses 

o^-I^P- 1 

to fight, combat, battle (against), wage war ljjU- 
(against), war (against), go to war (against), enter in- 
to a war (against), carry on or engage in war (against) 

quarter, district, part, section <j- i *1»» : Sjl»> 

fuse (*^ji*") »jj^ 

guard, watch(man), lookout, i_~i j i ^U^- : <j-j^ 
sentry, sentinel, patrol(man); escort; bodyguard 
doorkeeper, gatekeeper, doorman, \J\y_ : ^jU 
concierge, porter, janitor 

guardian, curator, caretaker, cus- ^>) t ^ : ^rj^ 
todian, keeper, supervisor, superintendent, over- 
seer, warden, trustee 

ibis \J>^>) J-x- y) : ij-J*" 

ranger, forest ranger ijUl ^jl*- <■ ^j*-^ u-j^- 
administrator (of an estate) ii'^JI ^jU- 

gamekeeper ojI^JJI ^jU ' -4-*" u-j^ - 

receiver (in bankruptcy, in a lawsuit, Ji)~°* u-j^- 

etc); sequestrator; custodian 

night watch, night watchman (^ ^rjl*- 

goalkeeper t**^' u-J^" 

actinomyces J^jU-l ^^ ->J>i lijif^ t/^" : tA>^* 

actinomycosis jJJ yiJI v ^/v fJ°J* '■ij'j'*-' J°y 

to treat, deal with i>l* : UjU- 

to reward, recompense, repay U IS" : i_»jU- 

-flU- iiO 

to turn away from, turn ^_. <_^* i ^* j__j I : ^* '{jo\*- 

one's back on; to run away from, flee from, escape 


to share something with someone <>»l-» 

storm, violent wind, tempest, gale ii»olc : ■_m f | i- 

alopecia, loss of hair 

SjL__»- i jL__-- 

jaJJI JalLJ :C_>b»- 


-»JL_>I_»- (JU->l-» 

to blockade; to besiege, beleaguer, siege, lay ^_>l_»- 
siege to 

brackets), brace(s) [ icU» ] Sj^^ 

happening, taking place, occurring, jl»- i i_oU- : J-_>U- 
going on; in progress, under way, in process 

total, sum; totality, sum total, ill*- 1 £>-*-« : J-«U- 
aggregate; score 

total, sum «lilJ^»U- 

, s * 

/»^liCJ! Jj-_om ^lj -•___• c»jl_t4 :»15_CJI _J*oU- 

in short, briefly, in j___-»-l; i JjiJI i»«^L»- iJ-oU-l 
brief, in fine, in a word, in a few words, to make a 
long story short, shortly, to sum up, summing up, 
in summary, in a nutshell, in a capsule 

tj l* a i u »jflj— _J*oU- J—---U 

to menstruate (^ti ?l c-.) jil»» 

to lecture, deliver or give a lecture S^-sU* ^yJI :^_»l»» 

present; attending i_JU ^li ( -j=>- j_ : >_»l_»- 

ready, prepared, all set j*U- 1 £^« : j-»U- 

current, actual, present, jl»- ( ^Jl_» ( ^|j : ^__U- 


the present, the present time, the time being; ^-aU- 1 

the moment, this moment; today, now 


intelligence quotient 

warehouse, storehouse, 
magazine, depository, depot 

remainder, rest 


sixth sense 

i-.llJI ilU-l 

bare(d), uncovered, unveiled, un- jl* i (_>y_C_ :^_«l_» 
dressed, nude, naked, denuded 
bareheaded, hatless 

unarmored, unshielded 

(_j-l^jl ljj^S^* '. j>*\*- 



j wi . M jfc—^ «^lj — maJI ^-In- 
decisive, conclusive, peremptory, <_L«li i olj : *-__»■ 
final, definite, definitive, absolute, categorical, un- 
qualified; critical, crucial 

to treat with kindness, L_l» > _ i ^.'..J-lj jj^l* : ^liU- 
treat well, be kind to, be nice to, be friendly to 
to drive into a trap ( ollaJ I ) \f\p- 

to round up 


except, excepting, with the exception > l.:tr'.l) : LiL- 
of, save, but, excluding, with the exclusion of 
God forbid! d liu. «4_-| llu 

(Ol) iJiiU- < (ol) -UJ ilu 

far be it from you.. 

Jf ! J -Jij* '(«f a > 




— ojl^I*- : jJmI^. 

battery; storage battery, accumulator »j_Sl_» 

border, edge, margin, rim, i__iU- 1 j*- 1 ci^t : <^-«^ 
fringe, hem 

-■» » . s > 
hem, border, edging, ,ji_>_JI jl oyJI i_-jU- :i~-U- 

edge, selvage- 
margin 4-*-_a)l jl <_j__CJI (_-jU- :<C_.U- 

footnote (*JJ oLS" J) ^t-U :iliU- 

(marginal) annota- « ' : ,\~, i iiJ-u : (£jbij) iliU- 
tion, (marginal) note, (marginal) gloss, scholium, 
commentary, comments), explanatory remark(s) 

postscript, PS, note, NB <£*■% : iLiU- 

retinue, suite, entourage, cor- __»- < iilL : iliU- 
tege, train, servants, attendants; dependents 

collaterals, collateral yr'y'-' t^jtWi ^'y- 




msm&'iiw am 

to keep, preserve, protect, guard, Ju^- : J* JiiU 
safeguard, shield, defend, secure; to maintain, keep 
up, sustain, uphold, vindicate, retain, hold; to take 
care of; to have in custody, take custody of; to 
save, conserve, store 

to observe, comply J* i_J» I j i j ^ I : J* J»i U- 
with, conform to, abide by, adhere to, stick to, 
keep (to), maintain, follow, respect, honor, live up 
to; to persevere in, persist in, continue to do, keep 
(up), keep on (doing), keep doing 

to control oneself, <£.U- <U>Ijj jl ^Lail J* JiiU- 
restrain oneself, contain oneself, withhold oneself, 
hold in, keep or remain cool (self-possessed, calm, 
composed, collected, unruffled) 

to be punctual, be on time, keep or jlc^II J* JiiU- 
observe an appointment 

keeper, guardian, caretaker, Jlj i J>\+o i ^jU- : Jiil*- 
custodian, curator, trustee; protector, preserver, 
guarder, defender; conserver, conservator; main- 
tainer, sustainer, upholder, vindicator, retainer, 
holder; preseivative, conservative, protective, 
defensive, preventive; preserving, guarding, pro- 
tecting, keeping, maintaining, sustaining, retaining, 
holding; saving, conserving 

memorizer, one who i_ii J^ ^ j\ LI* JiiU- 
learns by heart; one who knows by heart 

face-saving; face-saver a*-jJI t\} JiiU- 



fL"*-- * , j " A h**-* :<i2il»> 

full of, filled with, replete with, rife with, (j) Jil*- 
abounding in, rich in, loaded with, charged with, 
fraught with, crowded with, teeming with, 
swarming with, well-attended by: (over)flowing 
with; (superabundant, plentiful, ample, copious, 
profuse; numerous 
bus, coach, autobus, omnibus y^U : iliU- 

(railroad) car, (railroad) coach; XI jc : ( jLui) iiiU- 


to surround, enclose, embrace, en- j J»U-I :j t»U- 

compass, encircle, confine, hem in, beset 

to befall, afflict, happen to _; ^ : j jiU- 

to affect, act upon, influence j y\ : j JU- 

to penetrate, pierce » «'.,,. II o jU 

quick-witted, ready- j£jA\ /\ jiJJI ji «i>jlll j*>U- 
witted, quick, quick at repartee, nimble, alert, 
acute, sharp, keen, shrewd, subtle, perspicacious, 
perceptive, intelligent 

i '•' '■'.■' -\ 

capital, metropolis; city <Lj.u ■« il«eU : S^U- 

brooder, incubator, hatcher p?" ' J • tr*^*" 

nursemaid, nurserymaid, dry nurse, ( JUL^Il) cJo\* 

nurse, nanny; baby-sitter 

incubator (rJJ (jillll) iw»U- 

to guard, protect, preserve, keep, ^ j i Ju»- : •tU- 
safeguard; to take care of, look after, attend to, 
tend, watch over 

j j»U-l luflj — Jp» i j Jo»-l :_; j»U- 

wood gatherer, collector of <_Ji3-l «_.U- : t-J»U 


digestive, peptic pill J* j*C :f>jil»- 

bad year <L_. i^, : ^U- 

to wrong, oppress, aggrieve, J* jU- 1 pii : J* <-»!*• 
do wrong to, do injustice to, treat unjustly, be 
unjust or unfair to 

surrounding, encompassing iJlsSL* t _i J>um : <-iU 

> .-' > .'- { ' .... 
evil eye, evil-eyed, *^-* j-rr^" C^* J 3 • u '^" 

having an evil eye 

plain bread uU- _)~»- 

barefooted), unshod (;Ui- ^) (^U-l) til*- 

edge, border, margin, rim, brim, <J^i> : iiU- 1 iiU- 
brink, verge, tip, point, fringe, hem 

on the verge of, on the brink of, at the I iS" iiU- J* 
point of, about to, close to, near to 

hoof (^l s Jl)jJU 

at once, immediately, right away, SlU- : jiU-l J* 
straight away, on the spot, directly, instantly, 
forthwith, promptly, without delay 
Ungulata, ungulates Jt\i-\ olji :0Ujil»> 

incentive, motive, inducement, spur, ii*cU i «i I j : ji l*> 
drive, urge, impulse, impetus, stimulus, stimulant 
catalyst [»L»-5']jiU- 




per; to debar, preclude, shut out 

to intervene, interfere, interpose, come |^Lj JU 
(be, stand) between; to separate, keep apart 

to elapse, pass, go by, expire, run out <_^«jj : JU 

to bleach; to fade, tarnish o^ 4 Ci- : (ujiJ I ) JU 

JtU-l ^Ij-'Jl^-l :JU 

state (of affairs or things as they are), ilU < <wsj : JU 
condition(s), circumstance(s); situation, status, 
position; case 

the present, the present time, the jj»[i- 1 : JU- 1 
time being; the moment, this moment; today, now 

circumstantial expression or phrase [ iiJ ] JU 

immediately after, right after, upon, on, j'y : JU 
just at, as soon as, no sooner than, the moment 
(that), once 

immediately, at \'y 1 1 Jy : JUJJ 1 JU-I j 1 SlU 
once, right away, straight away, straightway, forth- 
with, promptly, instantly, directly, without delay, 
on the spot 

in case (of or that), in the ^J Cj 1 L. I il : . . JU- j 
event (of or that), if, provided that; when, when- 
ever; whether 

by t£ : JU (tl) Ul , (Jl>^l ^) JU &') j 
no means.'in no way, under no circumstances, not 
at all, never 

in J.\'ja 'j& |^:JU (£l)t5l J*<JU j£ J* 
any case, at any rate, in any event, anyhow, any- 
way, whatever the case may be, be it as it may 

how are you? ?dJU LilS" f JU-I ^ 

weather (or atmospheric) conditions i; y* J I y I 

personal status 


«^ Jl^l uvl» 


solvent, dissolvent 



l^U j l+o-lj- JU 
(jJJ l^' l iJLSCii)j^^.:JU 

[ v J, l ,L^i]JU 
JU p-lj-^U 
AjVill J I d£jl ^ Jpl jL : Slli :uJU. 

to contest someone's right ^li c c-jU 1 ~»»U : jU- 
to something, contest in law, sue, litigate 
middle; center, heart <.«, <*:.;.« 4 Ja- j : <jU 

calamity, disaster, misfortune <.,... a « : oU 

resurrection i.lli:i»U 

Day of Resurrection, Judgment Day i»U- 1 

$y*- •j^lj-JjU- 

cultivator, tiller, plowman, plower it>\'J>- : JiU- 

suffering from strangury or retention of urine ^SU- 

to weave; to knit dLU- 1 ri_i : d)U- 

to hatch, concoct, contrive, weave, J^J 1 ^ j : d)U 
devise, plan, think up, frame, trump up, fabricate, 
create, invent, make up 

abrasive, abradant 1 «-L : d>U> 

phonograph, gramophone <J%\ji.yy : (,/U.I) dJU- 

narrator, relater, storyteller ^Hai : (,/U-l) d)U 

to imitate, copy, ape, mimic 'Ai : ^U- 

to resemble, be similar to, be like Ajli. : ^U 

to sue, prosecute, J* (5j* J f^"l ' (j*^ ' <^»^ ^^ 
litigate, bring suit against, take legal action against, 
institute legal proceedings against 

to try, conduct the 0^ wl* ^y ' j J*> '• f^- 
trial of; to judge, hear and pass judgment on 

-JlJI UJJ- ji-^i Cr" : C? 

ruler; governor 
judge, justice 

commander, commandant; head, chief, jj : ȣU 

superior; master; leader 

ruling, governing; dominant, jjy..* 1 -lIL- :»f U 


dictator, autocrat, absolute master «^L ^U 

justice of the peace, magis- sjl* «SV t »»U« «5U- 
trate; district judge 

dynasty <S\»- ij~\ 1 i*S"U i)}L 

ruling class ilS'U iilt 

governorship; rule; command; dominion, i-j*^'*' 
authority, power, sway 

to prevent, hinder; to keep (from), Jlc 1 «^ :OjJ JU- 
deter (from); to obstruct, block, bar, impede, ham- 



.■ '!v \-.?w .- rvjaama.?.. ..'■ •■■>: '■! , 

ju :/ u 

now, at present, presently, tJU-l cJ>)l j « UU 

actually, currently, at the (present) moment, at this 

time, at the present time, today, nowadays, these 


to hover, circle (in the air) ( »l^il j) ^U- : »U- 

to hover about, swarm around; to ^c jl 'Sy- »U- 
hang around, loiter about 

protector, defender, jw»i i p-lj ' j-i'-^ : (<«?L»-l) f'*" 
guardian, keeper; supporter; patron, sponsor 
hot, warm; heated, violent, uui i jU- i jl 
vehement, fiery, strong, keen 
fierce, grim, bitter, intense w^^ ' </?L»- 

praiser, commender, extoller .u*- JcU : -u I* 

acrid, pungent; sour J**^ « '-'•of ' p)^ • j?^*" 

(oLj) yi«l»- U>*~> ' l>*? 

<>!»■ jflj-^lj Au^ 1 u*?^* - '(/"r? 1 v**^ 

carrier, bearer, porter; -phore; JJli < Jli- J*U : J? !*■ 
conveyor, transporter, deliverer; carrying, bear- 
ing; holding; conveying, transporting, delivering 
bearer; holder, posses- jJU- 1 liUL. i i_-»-L» : J?L»- 
sor, owner 
pregnant, gravid, expectant jL»- : J* U- 

holder, hanger; stand, <L.Icj i i_..o, : .* i il£»- '.J^U- 
tripod, rack, hold, trestle; support, stay, shore, 
prop, brace, beam, girder, post, pillar, pier 
easel l»LjJI (ii.Uil jl) Sj^lJ J^L»- 

shareholder, stockholder j*l. ^1 1 J- U- 

writers, authors, men of letters f^iH\ <U* 

patentee Hj**"' if\jt ^\»- 

policyholder ^t JLiJ^j J^U- 

bondholder, bill holder jlU I J- U- 

bachelot y-jjj^JlsC (jjiil) J-U- 

sour, acid 

acidulous, acidulent 
lemon; lime 

-"■» • ' 

milker; milkman 

ureteral, ureteric 

case; situation, position, status; state (of JU- : «Jl* 
affairs or things as they are), conditions), circum- 
case; mood [iJjiJU- 

the status quo, the existing state of ii» I jJ I iJ U- 1 

state of emergency J$ j I ya) I iJ l»- 

_ *^ 
such being the case, things being as they »i* iJU- 1 j 
are, under these circumstances, given such a 

• • JL*- j £»-b -..jUU j 

in the very act, fla- j^*-LI f >Ll> ^lUl ill»- j 

grante delicto, redhanded 

lysin [i_J» i »Lj-I] «JU- 

to ally with, become an ally of, enter u LiJL»w : LiJU- 
into an alliance with, confederate with 

to keep to; to keep close to, 4ijU» !j i VjH : LilU- 
stay constantly with 

to be lucky, fortunate J»i( ^JU- 

shaver Jlki [y ^l*- 

ji«jJI ^t UjlpLj ilLJI qa x-ij (<J>J <)*■ ^L* - 
tendril, cirrus 

high barren mountain j^»- I Jit J-j>- : jJU- 

high, elevated, lofty, towering **i'j» : ^Jl»- 

deep-black, pitch-black, pitchy, t \'yJ I ju-ci. : dJJ U- 
intensely black, coal-black, coaly, sooty 

dreamer; visionary A»u ^. : |JU- 

soft, dreamy, romantic, poetic Isjt- Li. : |JU- 

as . . ^^ . . ui "i| yf L.J ; jy i liS" Jj*-w : LJL* 

soon as, no sooner than, the moment (that), once, 
immediately after, right after, upon, on, just at; no 
sooner had he than.., it was not long until.., at 
which point 

present, current, actual, jl»- 1 j*»\*- ( ,j* I j : ^JU- 
existing, present-day 

instant, instantaneous, immediate, \sjp '■ ^L» 

prompt, direct 

circumstantial [iiJj^lU- 

I - ■ - • ■ 



''-'' '- ■-■ ". .■■'■"■■' "..-r'-i 

to dialogue with, hold a ,jiil; (( . 

conversation with, talk with, speak with, converse 
with, discourse with, confer with, hold talks with; 
to discuss with; to debate with, argue with, reason 

to circumvent, outwit f-_ii- i i-^lj i jjl j : ijU- 

to try, attempt, essay, assay, bid, make a L-^»- : JjU- 
bid, endeavor, seek (to) 

biennial o-J**- ^1 j , ,>J— JS" iioU- : 63'y 

' \- *- - ' * \ ' * 
prevention, hindering, hind- *iUI i .J^ : o>* us'y 

ranee; obstruction, blocking, blockage, barring, 

impeding; preclusion 

Oy>u £»- 1 j - J>»w : J )yr- 

ul> : J33^~ 

(jt Ju»- v>-lj -J* l_» jf 3»)l 1 j* JL ^-bU- 

to avoid, shun, eschew L~j«j : IbU- 


to neutralize 

■ I «-l 

grain, cereal(s), corn; seed(s), berries; (v>r>- ?-) '--»■ 
pulse; pellets 

pimples, pustules, blisters, boils; 

acne Cljl 1^. , i_,llljl 

pills, pastilles, tablets, 
lozenges, troches 




chuffa; groundnut 
hail, hailstones 
Abraham's balm, chaste-tree 
abelmosk, musk mallow 
croton seeds 

(oLj) Ua II i_^>- 

cardamom (oLi) jlil L^- t JUL I Li- 

love; passion; affection, attachment; J^. 1 (^yt : i_». 
fondness, liking, fancy; inclination; interest 

vat, tun, cask ilj U- c o J : !-=► 

curiosity, inquisitiveness f-^lLi^l LJ- 

Ai ' . r F - ■ ■ — ■■ 8 

J-*^- j^ 

licentiate ^-iLJ (oj^.) J^U- 

those who know the Koran by heart <j\ jA\ iLi- 
titleholder; titular <_JL) J^U- 

carrier ff)j^ j' u^-A' d?^" 
carrier current 

to bearer; bearer (share, bond, etc.) -tJulaJ 

bearer bond *L.UJ x— . 

j.u x^-ij-iLu- 

aircraft carrier ol^Jlt <LU- 

key holder jv^ <L«L>- 

dodder (oLl)J><U- 

torrent, torrential stream; flowage Jl- : iJ^ U> 

garrison; escort *f»'* - 

to come, approach, draw near; to J\ <. ^J : Im- 

mature, ripen, become ripe 

the time has come, now is the time, it is oijJI up- 
time, it is high time 

the time has come for him to.., it is time j\ *i J^- 
for him to.. 

haven't you understood yet?! .^ j' &i uU- Ul 

*' - • >• . - 
he happened to turn around ii'U-JI 4.L. c-iU- 



bar, barroom, pub, tavern, taproom, ijCi c jl :iiU- 

perjurer; oath breaker 

store, shop 
wineshop, tavern 

(4J-J J) iiU 

storekeeper, shopkeeper, store- o^J i_-^-U> :,«J'>;U- 
owner, shopowner 

wineshop keeper, vintner 



undertaker, mortician, funeral ^ j j^Ju ^^U- 
di rector 



>l»-Ij— jl*>- tij^J i_->-La ^(.jlm i(3>'l»' 

snake charmer (illlll) ol!il ^j.%. :((3jU-l) jU- 
juggler, conjurer, prestidigitator '* )'-*- '■ i^~ 


"'■' , :»-V ' ■:'■■ '" "•'- 

grain; seed, kernel, berry; pellet <_J-I »o»-lj :< 
pimple, pustule, blister, boil; petechia ijl> : i-> 
pill, pastille, tablet, lozenge, lJ J> ^Ji : t\)z «-» 

."'■J*-'. .' - .'*, : 

"■■-•t: -.1 

I i 


bead (of a rosary) 4ji_ji 0jJ ^- : *_>• 

black cumin, (oLi) «. I j_jHJI ilil ciS'jJI V>- 

fennel-flower; corn cockle, wild savager 

drop, piece of candy iS}^- 

> * - ,j is- 
anise, aniseed o>— y' :S>U-I O-l 

• » • ' is- 

terebinth pJu : > 1 j— ail O-l 

eyeball; pupil of the eye 

bean Jy jl L>jJ jl Uj-oli «^»- 

apple of one's eye, dar- jijc h_jj_ji» :>_JuJI a_j- 
ling, beloved, love, dearest one 

to make a mountain out of a <-i «-i-l ^ J*>- 

molehill; to make something out of nothing; to 


pip, seed 5j>> :<u 

to flow scantily ( £lil) i_j>«. 

to approve (of), think favorably of, have or ex- Ju 
press a favorable opinion of, sanction; to endorse; 
to advocate, espouse, support, uphold, champion; 
to second; to hail, acclaim, applaud, cheer, wel- 
come, praise; to recommend, commend; to prefer, 
how nice! how lovely! how excellent! very well! I Ju 

hpw nice it would be if., if only..!, I wish., ^i I Ju»- 

to gladden, delight, cheer up, exhila- t^jI < j~ '-j- 
rate, make happy 

"*- i - *- '*-..— 

to be happy, glad, delighted, cheerful; p*^.\ <■ s~ '■ j-: 
to rejoice 

to adorn, embellish, decorate; to l j-*- i jij'-j? 
refine, improve 

to write, compose t-Ji" : j~*- 

to ink (in) aJlc i_~3" : J j>i I j~y 

to fill with ink, to ink \ jr i>- o^L. : »JJ JUJI j-y 

pontiff, bishop, prelate (<5jdJI j_&) u«i-l : j« 

self-love, egoism, selfishness, egocentric-ol Jl L^- 
ity, egocentrism 

altruism, unselfishness, selflessness jl*}\ >LJ- 

patriotism ,>°>" •— •»■ 

out of, in the desire to, out of love for J LmjL>- 
out of curiosity f'5Uȣ.'il j Ls- 

to fall in love with.. . . i_-»- j «i j 

to crawl, creep; to go on all fours L-. j t c_i»- J : U*- 

to endow with, gift with; to \_-*j i *<-_■ :(j) Ci- 
present with (or to), give (to), grant (to), accord 
(to), bestow upon, confer upon 

aljUu *j^ij— ouLu " *T^" 

beads, bubbles, foam 
firefly, glowworm 

trace, mark, welt, wale, weal 

squid, sepia, cuttlefish, pen fish 

ink merchant, ink dealer 


weaver; knitter 

weaver, weaverbird 

palisade, fence 

weaving; knitting; crochet 

rope maker, cord manufacturer 

rope dealer, cord merchant 

jli-l j' fill jiiu *-»li» :<— >l~» 

J' :j^ 

*- ".- ' - ' ,'' 

j-J I i>- 1>- j : (3 j u^ 

JCJ.I J_iU:jG. 
JU-I Jjl:jt- 
p-lj-iiJ^ :*JU*- 

to make someone love or like Ij 
something or someone; to endear (to); to make or 
render beloved, dear, well liked, lovable, lovely, 
attractive, pleasant, nice, acceptable, desirable 

to seed, go to seed, run to 1-*- 1 j jU> : f j jJI i_-L>- 
seed, bear seed(s), produce seed(s), develop seed(s) 

to granulate, grain Ji y\ i_-j>- 

beads, bubbles, foam ^JJ-I jl till ^UJ vJilis : l- 



=♦ * 

sional detention, detention pending investigation, 
protective custody 

solitary confinement 

endowment, mortmain 
aphasia; dyslogia 


to weave; to knit; to crochet 

4j j '*=r^J ^r'j-cr^- 1 (tilj) 'ii-li-j t(J i^. 

to fail, miscarry, go ii-u i_j»i 4,^-1 :,k_» ti_^. 
wrong, come to nothing, be abortive, be unsuc- 
cessful, fizzle out, miss the mark; to be futile, un- 
availing, of no avail, useless, vain, unfruitful 

basil, sweet basil (»jjL_;) rL*. 

dJU- i 7u : dlu*- 

to braid, plait; to twine, entwine, — Cli 4 ^ij> :_Ui. 
twist, interweave, interlace, intertwine, intertwist, 
interlock, weave together, knit, mesh, snarl, tangle 

to tighten, make tight; to tie, jii 1.2: _G- 

fasten, make fast 

weaving; knitting; crochet iiflla- : dili- 

texture, fabric; structure, constitu- ^ly 1 i_J :i£l». 
tion; stature, build, body; consistency, firmness 

plot "£*-'jA\ jl AjIj^JI i£la- 

J~~-l p-lj-iilji j jj'jl :J^. 

to be or become pregnant, to cJUa- : (ol^il c^) J_»- 

to make pregnant; to impregnate, fecun- (sl^il) JI*- 

pregnancy, conception, gestation jli- : J^. 

Immaculate Conception, Virgin Birth ^j % Jlil 
rope, cable, hawser; cord, string J»ljj : Jl*. 

cord, chord 
beam (of rays) 
train of thought 

dragrope ^i-l ji i_.jtl.ll Jli- 

umbilical cord (_9^LJ1 J-J.I 

jl£il J^ 

rabbi (j^I jl^) ^UU li^iCJI ^-J j :^li- 

scholar, learned man; authority JU : ^li- 

the Pope, the Supreme Pontiff, the ~ki"5ll ^lil 
Vicar of Christ 


India ink, Chinese ink 

mere ink on paper, of no effect, Sjj J* J^>- 

ineffective, useless, of no avail, unavailing, futile, 
fruitless, vain 

wrap; veil <JLj i^x. :i'j-»" '5j^»- 

pontificial [<Lilj»_i] ^ .!». 

pontificial Mass iSj^- a"'- 1 * 

inky, ink- _^J.L ijl^L ji :iij^f 

to imprison, jail, lock up, incarcer- Ji^t I 1 1 

ate, intern, confine, detain, take into custody, hold 

or keep in custody, seize, arrest, apprehend 

to withhold, hold (back), «__. t (jjlx.1 1 o-S" : ^^-^ 
keep (back), restrain, suppress, repress, check, 
detain; to retain; to confine, constrain; to obstruct, 
block, bar; to debar, shut out; to prevent, hinder 

to foreclose (a mortgage) i>0' 

to endow, give as a mort- <uij : liif J* 3^1 
main, donate or grant for a charitable purpose 

to distrain, distress, se- »>v :<j^ JU J* ,j~?~ 
quester, attach, seize, garnishee 

JUI ,_-»»- *>lj-<uij :JUI ,_--»■ 

imprisonment, jailing, lockup, incarcera-Jliuil 
tion, internment, confinement, detention, custody, 
keeping in custody, arrest, apprehension, seizure 

withholding, holding (back), £_« ii\s.UizS: Lr ^>- 
keeping (back), restraint, suppression, repression, 
check(ing), detention; retention; confinement, con- 
straint; obstruction, blocking, blockage, barring; 
prevention, hindering 

distraint, distress, sequestration, JUI 
attachment, seizure, garnishment 

prison, jail, lockup U J3.\ ol£. < t jk r : u l^- 

provi- {tS'/j£-\ i^)/ i A^)^C±\l r ^- 




amicably, in a friendly manner 

sweetheart, lover, love, 

darling, honey, sweet, pet. dear one; beloved 
well-beloved, dear, dearly loved 

granule, little grain 

little pimple, small pustule 

granular, granulated, granu 
lose, grained, grainy 




hermit, recluse, solitary; ascetic 

cry?" ^J~ Cj y^-' 
> a , <* • , 
endowment, mortmain <->jiy ^~* <■ <-*».} 

endowment, mortmain <-»>»>■• <^L« ' <-*».? 

necklace; lavaliere, pendant o^li :i_ 

j^X\ i^U-j «-ij - 

tuft, lock, wisp, tress j*i *L-a»- '■*£-?:*• 

oleander, rosebay (oLi) j^*- 

agama f Uk«Jl ^ [ _ r ^r t Ja^ijJas. : <'> ..;■ ■» • 

to scrape off, rub off, scratch off, abrade, ii^ : c»- 
chafe, fret, excoriate; to corrode, erode, wear away 

scraping off, rubbing off, abrasion, JS t . iSjj : £~*- 

fret(ting), excoriation; corrosion, erosion, wear, 
wearing away 

until, till; up to, as far as; to ^1 t 0' J] : <J± 

so that, in order that, that, in order ( ^0 t ^ : J^- 
to, to, so as, with a view to, for 

even; including, inclusive; along^j Uj . Lajl : ^>- 
with, together with, in addition to, also, too, as 
well as 
in order not to, lest 

even if, in spite of the fact that, (even) 
though, although 

till when? how long? 

spinal cord 

vocal cord(s) 



hangman's rope, cord 

spermatic cord, funiculus 

jugular vein 


to give free rein to, give uj^' J* JP-' (*J) <j^" 
vent to, unleash, release; to slacken the reins (of, 
for), give a free hand to 

to be or become disturbed, confused, aLj- <_jjJa^»l 
unsettled, muddled; to jumble, clutter, get into a 
state of disorder or disorganization, be in a mess or 
chaos; to decline, decay 

to play a double game, work both ,jlLJ.I J* <_-«J 
sides of the street; to be a double agent; to 
double-cross, deceive by double-dealing 

pregnant, gravid, expectant J*U- :Sjx* '(JL* 

ol. i .. 4 -l ^ o'>rr»- ■ t« y ■*** 
jlil^lil ^ S_ij .oULi-l 

(oLj) j*»- 



ascites; dropsy, edema 

oleander, rosebay 

abscess; sore, suppurating pustule 

monkey, ape 


(oLi) Jlil l_o- Iljlfl^ 

crawl(ing), creeping, creepage 


*■ he- •i>>^»' ">t^ '°>t* 

joy, delight, happiness, gladness, 
cheeKfulness); pleasure 

endowment, mortmain <-»>>>• ^-" ' >-«»j '-Lyy^ 

failure, unsuccess, fiasco, fizzle, <L-^- <. <J>Uj- J : lay*- 
flop, dud, nonsuccess, defeat, frustration, discom- 
fiture; futility, uselessness, vanity 

friendly, amicable, peaceable, peaceful; cordial, ( _^. 
warm, hearty; loving, love, lovesome, affectionate; 
amorous, amatory 



♦ + 


to outstrip, outdistance, <L~* :^\ ^ill 4^»-j j Li»- 
overtake, leave behind 

to shame, put to shame, <Jk>-l : jll^JI a^j j Ui- 

to skimp, scrimp, stint, scant, *Ac Jjiu : *i IS- 
penny-pinch, (be)grudge, give too little (to) 
trachoma L^ I ^ ij\Z*. 

dregs, lees, sediment; fag end, last and worst ij Im- 
part; dross, scum, refuse, waste, scrap, offal, 
garbage, rubbish, trash, junk 



fast, quick, prompt, rapid, speedy, swift, hurried ii. 

fast, quickly, promptly, rapidly, speedily, 

to go on pilgrimage, visit the 4 oil i>f L^ll 'j\j :» 

holy land(s), make the pilgrimage (to Mecca), 
perform the hajj 

to go to, repair to, betake luai t Li j : (<JJ ) li- 
oneself to, take to 

to confute, overcome by argument ikj-L LJU : » 
or proof; to convince, persuade 

pilgrimage; hajj, pilgrimage to Mecca 
to think well of 

intellect, mind, brain(s), rea- i'j^ 4 jii ; l^. t^y. 
son, intelligence, sense, wit, understanding; dis- 
cernment, insight, sagacity, acumen, perspicacity, 

veil, yashmak (worn by women) 

'. j 

veil, screen; coverfing), mantle; cur- 
tain, drapds) 
screen, partition, division, divider 

amulet, charm, periapt, talisman 
diaphragm, midriff [ » jJZ ] j*- 

orbit, eye socket, eyehole 




argument, arguing; dispute, debate, JO 
controversy, expostulation, argumentation 

stonecutter, stone- ojliv »J>1» t jlsv-l olki : jl»- 
dresser, stonemason; quarrier, quarryman 



.61 "ill 

? r U 

detritus; debris; scraps, crumbs, oLj ;~C\^ lOlli- 
morsels, crumblings, fragments, pickings 

rim; frame; border, edge, verge, iiU- 4 _>lil :jU^ 
margin, lip 

helix 6 j^'| 'j\^. 

till when? how long? * i+* ^i- 

to be of pure or noble origin jlo^l ^JU- J^ : 


to die ii^. 'jj 

to die a natural death <ijl Li- bL 

to necessitate, make cr ia» < \j°\p <. Li- jl : £*■ 1 *i 
necessary, make indispensable, make inevitable; to 
require; to decree; to prescribe, ordain; to impose 
(as a duty or obligation upon), enjoin (on), make 
incumbent (upon), make something someone's 
duty; to decide, determine 


necessitation, necessitating; requirement, 
requiring; decreeing, prescription, ordainment; 
imposition, imposing, injunction, enjoining 

definitely, decidedly, positively, certainly, ab- 
solutely, of course, sure(ly), by all means, 
undoubtedly, unquestionably; inevitably, unavoid- 
ably, inescapably, necessarily 

definite, definitive, determinate, decided, deci- " , "- 
sive, positive, absolute, unquestionable; inevitable, 
unavoidable, inescapable, necessary; obligatory, 
mandatory, imperative 

determinism; definiteness, definitiveness, * » "'- 

decidedness, determinateness; inevitability, un- 
avoidability, inescapability, necessity 

indeterminism V*-*-"^ 

to urge, incite, prompt, egg on, spur on, (J*) L»- 
prod, goad, impel, motivate, stimulate, inspire; to 

to mend one's pace, hurry, hasten, <>U»- La- 

speed, make haste 

urging, incitation, incitement, prompting, Li. 

prodding, motivation, stimulation; exhortation 
induction [ e I ^ ] Li- 

self-induction [el^S"] ^lj c-i- 

to pour dust (earth, soil) upon 4_^» :<_.! _pl 4JU Ui. 


^s. r :* f *&T- 

-$. <^z 

to fossilize 

to concrete, solidify, harden, ,Jj i i_-L« : 
stiffen, indurate 


jewel (oltLJI ~**-^*f j) 

greenstone; nephrite j^ai- 1 

foundation stone, cor- ,,-L. jI ►«- i[-.U 


Black Stone (fc!3 V^ 11 j) ^'"^ '^ Ll 

lunar caustic, silver nitrate (U*>- >«- 


serpentine *J-I 

it « a- 

pumice, pumice stone u^il jl <_»Lil 

bloodstone, heliotrope; hematite 



o^uji ji » 

cornerstone, foundation stone; quoin 4jj I ) 

S J *■- - 

' J, 1* - , 

f-j* *rr 




semiprecious stone 

grindstone, whet- j«r^" j' O-*" j' -^J' >*»" 
stone, hone 

pawn, man Tu^JaJJI >«- 

^ '. *- - 
soapstone, steatite; talc ^jiU/y 

stumbling block, obstacle, hindrance, ijlc 
impediment, barrier, obstruction 

philosophers' stone iL-^LII 

flint ii-ljiJI 

cassiterite, tinstone jj^^-^l 
moonstone; selenite j-LaJl 

precious stone, gem, jewel t £ 

flint, firestone jUI >«- 

- *- I * •"T''- - 
meteorite tSyr j I <ji >j >«- 

■ " ~*^ 



jU^-Sn jj^iyi :s3l«- 

belt; girdle; waistband, cummerbund fi 

^Lo* <. i«UJ-l ij^ju : f«» 

rope for tying a camel's 




to veil, screen, cover, curtain; to <_,*>• I i _^- : k-~* 
hide, conceal, obscure, mask, blind, wrap, envel- 
op, (en)shroud; to cloak, mantle; to make invisible; 
to obstruct, block (the view); to make inaccessible 

to separate, keep apart; to stand (come, 

be) between, interpose 

to disinherit, cut off lij^l j* 

veiling, screening, covering; ir-*«- j- 1 

hiding, concealment, concealing, obscuration, ob- 
scuring; making invisible 

vote of no confidence iiill \m*u ojj-ai 

argument; plea, excuse, i5>*o ' ji* ' *jyj ■> : 

pretext, pretense; allegation; claim 

proof, evidence, demonstration JJj <. oU^> : 

authority, authoritative source, 

deed, document, instru- iiJ s 
ment, paper, muniments, record 

title deed, deed, title, muniments 

cogency, power to convince, persuasion, £s*J-l oy 
persuasiveness, convincingness 

r /* ?\ " S * 

under the pretense that, on the plea of, (ul ) *mu 


on the pretext of 

Jj 1 ^'j-Jj 1 ** 

to limit someone's legal competence; to (J*) ^v 
place under guardianship (after declaring legally 
incompetent); to interdict, enjoin (from), prohibit 
(from), forbid (from); to prevent (from); to restrain, 
detain; to deny access to 

to quarantine (1r*r° »*■■• j) ^ v ° "r^ 

to petrify, turn into stone >«- JJ J>>- 



attachment, distraint, distress, JUI ^_lk : jkk 
sequestration, garnishment, seizure, confiscation 
reservation, booking jlsC ;kk 

, *- - « i - , ■>, 

attachment, provisional ^"-~ jl yl.Ui-1 >«- 

to hop, leap; to skip, prance, gambol Lo j : J\kk 

partridge: bobwhite (^U») Jkk 

anklet JUJk rjka-cjk*. 

Jk»- «-lj-(^U>) iilkk 

ladies, women Jlkil ol!j 

hopscotch (i_jj) iJkk 

to cup r kklL jJlt : j^k 

to curtail, diminish, minimize; to ^_ikil t l^ji : Ikk 
stunt, dwarf; to atrophy, degenerate; to incapaci- 
tate, disable; to weaken, enfeeble, undermine, 
undercut, devitalize; to humble, subdue, tame 
volume, bulk, mass, size, dimensions, magnitude m~ 
size (of type) [<tU»] (<J^l) ^kk 

to bend, curve, crook, hook i_iii < ^ : ^ 



Aj^JI j &\)» i j*; 


to mourn, wear mourning, wear 
black clothes 

to bound, be a jjU ij^t Ji£ jjo*- LiJI : ok 
boundary to, border (on), adjoin, be contiguous to 

-*- , --.: -",,-*' *- 

to punish, castigate <JiL. t jtil OLt ..Ul :i_Jill jk 
to sharpen, whet, hone, strop laik^ :^>Jclll ok 

to limit, restrict, Liik t iilS" t ^lai- < xj .(^) ak 
confine: to curb, check, control, restrain, repress, 
hinder, hold back; to curtail, reduce, decrease, 
lessen, mitigate, alleviate, moderate, soften 

-U»-) «-lj-Jj»iJl i i A,ni : Jj- 

boundary, border, frontier, borderline, ^ :jk 

confine(s), limit, mete, outline 

edge, border, margin, brim, brink, iiU ( (J^J, : jj. 

siifgg^a»i.i«g;HBE, gM ftaefc 1 '.a.A'.i}ae"':«raa 

lithography ,kll J* iiQ, t ^kil i^Q, 

',kil ilijl 

to dumbfound, nonplus, strike dumb; 
to silence, shut up; to confute 


limitation of someone's legal competence; (J*) ^k*. 
placing someone under guardianship (after declar- 
ing him legally incompetent); interdiction, prohibi- 
tion, forbidding; prevention; restraint, detention; 
denying access to 

quarantine "tj*~ jV=- 

forbidden, interdicted, pro- 
hibited, banned; taboo 


!*>*■• t 1 -^" '-j**- i j*y 

O-* 3 ?" • jXf ' jf>- 


lt> '■ r^r 

room; chamber; cell; compartment ij ji. : 'ijs^- 


4_i- J ijx>- 

waiting room 

jlh'-'tl 6 j3*&- 

living room, sitting room 

dining room 

J5I jl »UJ> o^ju- 

bedroom, bedchamber 

stony, stone 


Stone Age 

tSjkil _A»*J' 

to restrain, constrain, contain, j_ji ( «_-. < ^aa- : \sy 

hold (back), withhold; to keep, retain; to hinder, 

prevent; to keep away (from); to limit, confine, 

restrict; to isolate, seclude; to make inaccessible 

- '.» - — • -, , 

to detain, keep or hold in cus- i_iii } \ c Ji^.1 : j^«- 

tody, confine, lock up, arrest, hold 
to attach, distrain, distress, levy s^Jjl } \ JUI ^kk 
a distress upon, sequester, garnishee, seize, con- 

to reserve, (^)J iljU. Jjiiil lii^i) llsC jkk ' 
book, make a reservation (for) 

to separate, keep apart; to interpose, 
come (stand, be) between 

t Vw« i j*a&- '. j»t9- 

restraint, constraint, holding 
(back), withholding; keeping, retention; hindering, 
prevention; keeping away (from); limitation, limit- 
ing, confinement, restriction; isolation, seclusion 

detention, confinement, ■ '• i j" t Jlji-'^rl 

arrest, lockup 


r .- ■ ■- ■■ . .' ■■-.■■!'-.'-.-..'-^»-..;.--.vf J ' 

v.T,y.v..».ff,.v-, ' i' ■.".;-,.' ;■.' ~ 

i i*' '' ' 

to put an end to, end, terminate, stop, J l j»- »-i>j 
halt, cease, discontinue, suspend 

per se, in itself, intrinsically, 4JI j jjw i4jIjj»- J 
as such 

within, within the framework of, not(lii ) jj-u- J 
beyond; not exceeding, not more than; about, 
approximately, nearly, roughly; in the course of, 
within, during, in (a period of) 

double-edged, two-edged (jjjj- j* 

binomial [oL^IjjJ ^.a*- ji i -J-l (jjuJ 

binomial equation, [oLJjIjj J jjjj- ^ J ilaU* 

to J* ijJJ t( jj jJJ'J* Jli- :JJ «j 1-^ 'Jt las- 
prompt, incite, induce, spur on, egg on, urge on, 
impel, drive, move, actuate, motivate, stimulate 
to urge forward by singing Jj "^ I I o»- 

cameleer, camel driver JU>- i jU- : <S J*- 

singing of the cameleer, camel- ( I-J-I jLc : Jjo- 
eer's song 

kite, glede (yll») Slj*. tSlj*- 

newness, novelty, recency, recentness, So*- rii'ljo- 

originality, freshness; modernity, modernness, 


youth, youthfulness, juvenility, boy- L^ liSljj- 

hood, puerility; minority 

blacksmith, ironsmith, smith ol-J-l <■ * ■ ' , *> ^ : jIj*- 

-s ' .' » 
mourning jl^JI l _ r J i 6>- : y> -if 

mourning, black clothes, sables jl-J-l <_>.»j 

mourning band jl-J-l J»ejiijl-J-I ijli. 

smithery jl-J-l i-4? :i'jla»- 

anger, rage, fury, wrath 

kite, glede (yU.)ijla»- 

to be hunchbacked, hump- j^JiJI i_<a»-l u^ : V^ 


to be convex, arched, cambered, \> jl>m jlS" : v^* - 

curved, crooked 

to sympathize with, feel for, J* i_ii»t : J* v^* 
feel sympathy or compassion for; to be kind to, 
nice to; to care for 
to hunch, hump; to arch, L>jl»m jl i_>.a»-I 4L0- :i_ij*- 

verge; limit, end, extreme, extremity, terminus, 

terminal point 

limit, bound(s) Jlki : _u- 

--•' --,. •- -- 
limit, utmost, extreme, (j»^~» >■ <>l* ' (J-*-* : - u >- 

extreme limit, utmost degree 

• '• > .- -- 
extent, degree, measure; point; ijj~. .«»-j::^>- 

level, standard 

definition -yJJ«J • ^-*> y«J : ■*»■ 

penalty, punishment (-.lie. 4 ^Lai : -u- 

term [j^k-.j oLj>ljj J J*- 

limitation, re- oi~ii«J i r^S i j~ar- i j—JLI U^) j»- 
striction, confinement; curb(ing), check(ing), con- 
trol, restraint, repression; curtailment, reduction, 
decreasing, lessening, mitigation, alleviation, 

strategic arms limitation ils^J I jiJ I ikL-'il ^ -J-l 

-.« *- 
minimum; lowest, least ^^ jo- 

minimum wage(s) 

'< *, 

cr** 1 

•c^ 1 

maximum; ceiling; utmost; 
greatest, highest 

middle tern [l^*-*] Ja-J^ 1 '^ 

as far as, up to, until, till, (liS") -uJ <(liS") -k»- <JJ 
to the extent of, to the degree of, to the measure of 
so far, till now, until now, upo^l ujJ . 0^1 j&- <Jj 
to now, hitherto, to date; still, yet 

to a (certain) degree, to some extent, in a L. jo- Jj 
measure, in a sense, more or less, somewhat, 
fairly, moderately, slightly 
to a considerable extent, jJ$ j*- <JJ t -u»j -i»- <JJ 
to a great degree, most, quite, considerably, exten- 
sively, extremely, very much, very, exceedingly, 
greatly, highly, by far 

*' "5 1 1 
extremely, to the utmost degree, in the jo- -ujI <JJ 

extreme; most; beyond measure 

unlimited, limitless, infinite, unbounded, <i j*>- i 
boundless, illimitable, immeasurable, measureless, 
immensurable, beyond measure 

according to, as (tJJ u^» j^ j' Jy) ■**■ J* 

equally, alike, likewise, iSy ■*>■ J* ' » '>- -^- J^ 
in like manner, in the same manner, evenly, 
without distinction, all the same, making no 


to be new, recent 
to be new, recent 

Jj~a£ i J-t»- lujy 

to tell (about), report to (ijj t ^1 : (^ t _,) oi 
(about), relate to (about), narrate to (about); to 
speak to (of or about), talk to (about), converse 
with (about) 

to modernize, update, bring up o, 
to date 

to say to oneself, tell oneself; to (<j>) ■ 
occur to, come to someone's mind 

to talk oneself into, try to believe; to _j <_ij Cj*. 
indulge in the hope that, entertain hopes of 

to forefeel, presage, _j *-JL> a£j*- t _> «_Ji «ja»- 
have a presentiment or foreboding of, have a 
premonition of, have a hunch of; his heart told 
him that, his heart misgave him that 

to be grateful, thankful, appreciative £ji_IL c/S*- 

event, incident, occurrence, happening. Hi jU- : 
episode, development; phenomenon 

accident, mishap; misfortune; cala- * - —■ :£> 

mity, disaster 

novelty, innovation, new creation itLo 

excrement, feces, stool JjJL 

ritual impurity k, La- 

juvenile, youth, youngster, young oL 
man; young; minor 

delinquent juvenile, juvenile delinquent »«;U- 6j 

juveniles, (the) youth, (the) young, ^j : Cj\ j! 
youths, youngsters, young people, young men 

misfortunes, calamities, disasters i_Jllx. : lilal 

to stare at, glare at, gaze at, look 
sharply at 


j La* 


load, burden jla- : r-lt»- 

to define: to specify, deter- iJ aLa>- i tSjc t J^c : ij*- 
mine, pinpoint, fix; to individualize, particularize, 
itemize; to designate, identify, mark (out); to set, 
stipulate, lay down, assign, appoint 

to delimit, demarcate, delin- J*^> <. jjjJ.1 l ^ r s, : j_t»- 
eate, define, circumscribe, mark off, determine the 

^ : ' - '•-•—' ■ ----■-■■ ■ - , ««8 


vault, camber, curve, crook, make convex 

sympathy, compassion, feeling, affection; ■ «Ur. ; ,_, j 

care, kindness 

+ > > 

acclivity, upward slope -u-Le jja»- ri-j- 1 *" 

kyphosis jluallj ,jJ»JI J^oj ^^JJI £_•>- : i_*ai- 


I — L_jl» 


1 f^'J- 

from all sides, from all direc- v>< J ' 
tions, from everywhere 

i , > , . » >.» ..« 

l_t.LT*.* (yjyl VT'J ~ i-^-L T *.* tl_J-L»-l .'(_>Jl9- 

sympathetic, compassionate, oy-^- <■ <-»>Ut : <->j»- 
affectionate, loving, tenderthearted), warmhearted, 

hump, hunch J^i I J i_»ai. I ?~o'y : «L> j»> 

convexity, camber, vaulting, ^i i tUaul :i>-t»- 
curvature; protuberance, prominence, projection, 
protrusion, bulge, boss 

tuber, tuberosity [ tvj^j ] <£ ai- 

cam [lCjlC-.]<Jai- 

solitude, solitariness, loneness; aloneness jl -ju I : 5 j*. 

separately, alone, aside, apart, in solitude; 5a»- J*. 
privately, in private, confidentially; singly, by 

sharpness, keenness, edge, acuteness, «Lal : a j» 


intensity, acuteness, keenness, ijy. <. o-u. :ojj- 
sharpness, vehemence, violence, severity, strength 

pitch (o^1JI)oa»- 

acridity, sharpness, pungency, poi- ( JJail) ojj- 
gnancy, piquancy, hotness, tartness 

fury, rage, anger, wrath, ire, heat 

j.n.ll eji 

sharpness, acuteness, acuity, discern- J* ill »1»- 
ment, perception, perspicacity, shrewdness, astute- 
ness, keenness, subtlety 

irritability, irascibility, r-l ji.1 5a»- <. «.,.LII Sa»- 

hotheadedness, testiness, nervousness 

to happen, take place, occur, come (3^>- i «j j : u'j 
to pass, transpire, go on, pass 

to happen to, occur to, i_>L>l i J iSj^- '■ J ^j*- 
come over, come upon, befall, afflict, hit, strike 

happening, occurrence, incidence, taking place Oj.i»- 

-**■«■' j ~ Si-**' 

borderline, border, frontier jjjJ.1 J*. «_» I j \tSzsJ&- 

, , , * - 

to remain at, stay at, keep to 4-y 1 : olSQL Isj*- 

j -a - 

marginal; limitative, restrictive 

marginal return 

, * - ■> ' > 
marginal producer ii-»*- p~r- t 

marginal utility <> 

~£j&- iU 

new, novel, recent, fresh, neoteric, neo-,jyjj- :cjJl 

ne-; modern, up-to-date; unprecedented 

speech, talk(ing); conversation, dis- f& : iio jj- 

course; word(s), utterance 

report, account; tale, narrative <Ujj <■ j~±- '■ c-j^- 

i nterview iL li. : c-j ji»- 

Prophetic tradition, Hadith <Ju ^-1)1 i^-joJ-I t ^-j->*' 

newlywed r'jy' ^J^ 

young, youthful, junior; youth, young- l j_JI lUj je- 
ster, juvenile 

recent, new, fresh, young, of recent datejt*«Jli^-j ju- 
novice, beginner; _; -i^c djj* i j jijjJI tio jj- 
inexperienced (at), new (at), naive (at) 



newborn, neonate; nascent J^JI jl SjfjJI iJUj 
recently, lately, of late, newly, not long ago \i> 

cast iron 
wrought iron 

jLLi ju 




railroad; railway 

Iron Age 

strike while the iron is hot 


piece of iron 

%*.*Si,* ' 


- 2^ 

iOA jJu>- 

boundaries of, fix the limits of 

to limit, restrict, confine, bound ^_a»- i ol» : jjj- 

to forge, hammer, beat u-i*il jl +>->3-\ Sj> '■ ->J^- 

to sharpen, whet, hone, strop l* ia«i : i j-SLJ\ jls- 

to point, taper, sharpen iJ^UI Jj_u_> . .d**- : jjj- 

to stare at, gaze at, look sharply at j o ^_aj j_u- 

to fix, control, peg (prices) jIjJ.^1 jj^- 

to assess u&jljJL. jl »JJ <Lj^i> a ; jj^- 

to descend, come down, go down, glide Jy : jJj>- 
down; to flow down, fall (tears) 

to bring down, lower, drop Jy I : j _u- 

to slant, slope, incline, cant, tilt, tip UC I : jjj- 

to read rapidly, rattle in reading o^l^ill j jj*. 

■or* ■ ->• 



to shed tears 
to be fat, thick 
to be fat, thick 

slope, incline, inclined 

plane, inclination, slant, declivity, downgrade, 

descent, dip; steep, escarpment, cliff, precipice 


to surmise, guess, conjecture; to 


intuition, anticipation, foreknowledge, presen- ^jj- 
timent, feeling; hunch; guess, surmise, conjecture, 



(<L_aj 4_) JjjLj. 

to stare at, gaze at, look sharply at, eye, ( j ( Jj) ju 
fix the eyes on, peer at, regard 

iris; pupil of the eye 



to flatten, level, roll 




charily, on one's guard (against) 


cautious, careful, wary, circumspect, pru- jj»- 1 jj»- 
dent, chary, vigilant, alert, watchful, on one's 
guard, on the alert, on the lookout 

to delete, cancel, strike out, strike J»i~l i : i_»J_- 
off, scratch (out), expunge, cross out, cross off, 
write off; to eliminate, remove, cut out, take out; 
to omit, leave out, drop, skip; to take away, clip off 

to deduct, subtract, discount, (»-»- i *■ jj» : i 

take off 

to throw at, fling at; to 

pelt with, strike with 

to elide, apocopate 
to rationalize 

j i_jj» i _■ 



r i ' '■' ' •'■ 

to trim, clip; to do up, make, dress t£y < i_jj» : tiJ*- 

teal >£*->" iS^*" -**; : <-*->*■ 

deletion, cancellation, canceling, J»lil.l i :i_»o»- 
striking out, striking off, scratching (out), 
expunction, crossing out, crossing off, writing off; 
elimination, removal, taking out; omission, 
omitting, leaving out, dropping, skipping; taking 
away, clipping off 

deduction, subtraction, discount (»-»- 4 r-^i :<_ii>- 

elision, apocopation, aphaeresis, ellipsis [ij] <_ii>- 

rationalization [oL-bLjj jjJJ-I <_iJi»- 

side i^jU- :(ji\l>- r) j^iJ^ ijliJ*- 

all of it, entirely, wholly, completely, ojii\JM 

altogether; in detail, minutely, elaborately 

to be or become skilled, skillful, I^aL olS" : j j»- 

proficient, adroit, adept 

to master, know well, gain mastery in ^yL>' I 

to become sour 

- '. - - ' ' * * - .. 

skill, skillfulness, dexterity, proficiency, Sjl^. : Jj*. 
adeptness, adroitness, expertness, expertise, 
know-how; cleverness, smartness 

J^Jiau iJ^Jisv xj«-Ij - 4i)i^ ijpj*' 

lead, example, model j\ ji. : jj»- 


plowshare, colter oj^il j 

• '- 

<_<I_^JU ijjJJ- 

bit (of a bridle) 

fUJJI SjjJ*- 

iron; ferric, ferrous, ferruginous 


ironware, hardware 

iron curtain 

' V- 

railroad; railway 

•UJj-U>- i£- 



zoo, zoological o\y~* iijo*- i 

OUl^T- 4JuO>> 

public garden, park, commons 

•Lalt iijj*- 

garden, horticultural 


to cut off; to chop off, lop off 

via* : 19- 

to imitate, copy , emulate, follow someone's(o ji»- ) I a*- 
example or model, pattern after, take after, model 
after, be guided by, tread in the steps of, follow in 
the steps of; to follow suit 

shoemaker ^J*-"^' *->Lo : *' J»- 

shoe(s); boot(s); sandal(s); footgear, |»jjlII l _ r U : J j*. 

opposite (to), i_~j>- ' »l*" ' *' j' : *'-i»w ' <l J*- 

facing, in front of, face to face with; parallel to; 
along, alongside of; beside, next to, near, close to 

beware (of)! be careful (of)! watch out (for)!(^>) j\ j». 
look out (for)! take care (oO! (pay) attention! 

flywheel iijl^ll i_j Jjj :*il j»- 

•jp-Ij -ii'l 

piece; portion; slice 

»>OSU 1 frl_U- 


to be cautious (oO, be wary (of), beware (o0,(^>.) j'x 
guard (against), be on one's guard (against); to be 
careful, look out, watch out, be alert, be on the 
alert, be on the lookout, take care, lake heed 

to warn, caution, forewarn; to admonish, exhort j 1 

caution, cautiousness, care, carefulness, wari- j j. 
ness, circumspection, vigilance, alertness, lookout; 
prudence; diligence; precaution 

cautiously, carefully, warily, 



ardor, fervor, passion; enthu- <L*»- 1 <LL»- :»jl>>- 
siasm, eagerness, zeal, warmth; vehemence, vio- 
lence, intensity, vigor 

cordiality, warmth, warm feeling, i *y : ij\y 
friendly feeling; intimacy; affection; emotion 

latent heat -L^lf 5jl>»- 

specific heat A-tji »j'>»- 

thermometer °jl^-' u'ji? '»j'jil <_rM-* 

thermal, thermic, therm-, thermo-, caloric, cSj'j*- 
calorific, heat-, fire- 

calorie <jj'>»- °j*-j 

calorie <jj'>»- »->*-j '■'hj^j*- 

guarding, watching, ward, keeping watch <-'jf 

over; watch, guard, guard duty, sentry duty, vigil; 
patrol(ling); escort; protection, preservation, safe- 
guard(ing), safekeeping, shielding; guardianship, 
curatorship, care, custodianship, custody, ward- 
ship, trusteeship, trust, tutelage; supervision, 
superintendence, overseeing; administration 

coastguard J»-l>Jl <-l^ 

receivership; sequestration; custody iJLai <LI y>- 

pungency, acridity, piquancy, hotness, Sa»- :ti\jf 
sharpness, tartness 

burner; geyser; heater 'y^, :<jjl^»- 

tinder,touchwcod,punk,amadou 6l»><»:<il^»'' j'j^- 

torpedo boat; warship, battleship, i-j^ 


inviolable, taboo; c r-ii-» ' -U«>»- <A*^j J : Aj*- 

sacred, sacrosanct, holy 

ill-gotten V*j- jr^- 

sin, wrongdoing; offense 

the Kaaba 


(.I'^Li 'JlJ 

(.I'jli iLi 

-l : 


illicitly, unlawfully, illegally, by illicit or ^l^lLL 
improper means 

to be hot 

heat, hotness, warmth, warmness sy jj» 4 Sjl ji- :^»- 

- . » •■ • 

capsicum, red pepper j^>- 1 Jiii : j*- 

free; freed, liberated, set free, ,>,„»,. j_i i ,3-J.i. : jy 
released, at liberty, at large; emancipated, 
manumitted, enfranchised, disenthralled; loose; 
unchained, unrestrained, unattached; freeborn; 
freeman; freedman 

free, independent; autonomous, self- Ji;,.,. : y>- 
governing; unattached; free-lance; free-lancer 

open, unrestricted; uncoerced, Jlk. i ?->iLi : ;>■ 
unconstrained, unforced 

Liberal j'j*~ *' Vjf J y-^ : >»- 

noble; genuine; (_»L> 4 ,_^JU- t J—-<» I '/C^ : >»" 

pure, unadulterated, unmixed 

'i .. - * ' ' * > 


i>r v^» '• j*~ 

IVeemason, Mason 

'/" & 

free market 

2 % *i_ t t 

free verse 

J 9 " J~? 

freestyle wrestling 

free zone 


j* p-'j ~i- 

1 _,»- ^y : cSj*' 



' Ji>»- jr'j 

-lijjlj*- 'jJI>»- 

plowman, plower, tiller, cultivator 

iJjjU- :o'j»' 


>>■ jJf'j-iJ'j?' 

auction, public sale 

jl> :^l^ 

forester ^-y.t... ^r'j*- 

criticality, criticalness; gravity, oio c »j>J*»- : ^Ij*- 
seriousness; complicatedness, difficulty 

forestry i>-ljJ.I J* '<»-lj*- 

forester i»-ljJ.I JUj j^J- '-u^j>- 

silk weaver, silk manufacturer jj^ll «_iL> : jfj*- 

, > > , 
heat, hotness, warmth, warmness oj^j -w» :»j'j»- 

- . - !- -- • • <- '- - - 

temperature, Sjl^il ia-jj i^-J-l jl ^j-l ijl jj>- 

degree of temperature 




warlike, war, bellicose, belligerent, martial, lt?j*" 


l i - s "i i -' i' -»•-•!--•- - • - * ' 

\+SL\ j 

volcanic and *i'jjjw jl j^. ij\x>- oli ^jl :<>j*. 

stony area, lava field 

basalt iji. | s^lka. 

to plow; to till, cultivate 

plowing.tilling, tillage, cultivation, culture *j 


4£>\jyj a . .4.* (_^>jl : 

arable land, arable, tilth, 

to be or become narrow, tight, close; to be ijjlo : r^ 
confined, straitened 

to sin, err, do wrong, be guilty 

Pi' : E^ 

to be forbidden to, prohibited ^y : i { J^\ <As. 'rj>- 
to, interdicted to 

to narrow, make narrow(er), tighten, jli '■r'j*- 

to straiten, confine, hem in, J* jli : J* i-^i- 
beset; to corner; to restrain, restrict; to press, 
constrain, coerce, pressure, exert pressure on; to 
push; to harass; to oppress 

to forbid, prohibit, interdict fj>- : rj>- 

to persist in; to insist on; to urge, Jx. j*o\ : j -r j*- 
press, importune, besiege 

to afforest, forest, wood, plant with 
trees, cover with trees 

J*~ : ^j^ 

embarrassment, disconcertion, discom- dlljjl -rjp- 
fiture, uneasiness, perturbation, perplexity; critical 
situation, difficulty, strait(s), fix 

- * * 

criticality, critical ness 
narrowness, tightness, closeness 
prohibition, forbiddance, interdiction e 

sin, wrongdoing; offense,. 


fault, misdeed; guilt; blame; objection 


forest, wood, thicket, woodland 

critical; ticklish; grave, 
serious; difficult, complicated 

narrow, tight, close; straitened, confined £i> : ~J>- 

ill-gotten gains never prosper ^jjj "i (1^2-1 JUl 
(woolen) blanket, cover ^^JL) djy<o) )fU»t : plj*- 
thief, robber, burglar ^J : r_. I^i. 

very thirsty j'W.W jjji :6l^- 

thirsty, athirst, eager, anxious )a iii. t Jl^ :u^ 
desiring, desirous, craving, longing, yearning 
hot, passionate, ardent, fervent '«"- <. jU- : o\'j>- 

to be or become furious, angry, en- <dili jui.1 •'o^*- 

raged; to rage, flare up, flame up with rage 

war, warfare, hostilities; fight(ing), combat, i_/^- 


war of attrition 

U 1 '^■'■^ 1 ^j^~ 

war of nerves 

LjLocI l_J _p- 

economic warfare 

♦jjUalil V^* - 

civil war 

4-UI O^ 

cold war 

biological warfare 

conventional war 

5 ',>■>., 

germ warfare, bacteriological warfare i—^Jy.- i_*y>- 

blitzkrieg, blitz 


World War I 


World War II 


Ul *LJUI v>l 

guerrilla warfare 

OoLa£ (_ »^j- 

chemical warfare 

4-oi. 4 .S V >>■ 

psychological warfare 

nuclear war 

state of war 

enemy's country, hostile state 

v>l jli 



Ofl ,7,5 t (— * ji~\ OuJij 4 


1- - s : 

bayonet; spear, lance 

(v'^r %)~<!j»- 

annular astragalus 

(oLj) £~>j^ 



^ «E 


nable, unconquerable, well-fortified, strong, secure 
to be pious, godly, devout f j j : "jjy 

well-fortified place, inaccessible i>?-»- pr^v-J^ 

refuge, retreat, shelter, sanctuary, harborlsJL. : 

share, portion, part, lot i-a»- < u^u 

amulet, charm, incantation, v^**" ' *•-*< 
talisman, periapt, fetish 

to guard, watch, ward, keep watch over; to ^y 
protect, preserve, safeguard, shield, keep safe from 
harm; to escort; to sentinel; to do sentry duty; to 
patrol; to oversee, supervise, superintend, watch 

guard, watch; patrol; escort; bodyguard Lfj*" 

honor guard ij^l ^j*- 

royal guard ^SCllI ^^ILI 

National Guard tr-ki" ltv^-' 

ur J 

to scratch; to chafe 

to be or become rough, coarse, scabrous 

to provoke, instigate, incite, abet, stir up Joy 


to sow dissension among, ~$±j o-j I : ~+±j J^y 
stir up discord among, cause mischief among, set 
people against each other 

liyLj- '-J»y 


roughness, coarseness, scabrousness 
rough, coarse, scabrous 
forest, wood, thicket, woodland 

cardoon uf>- csf'J "^ °V' • t -^->»- 

scales (of fish), squamae liULJI jZi :<JCj>- 

scale, squama ij^-i '->j&j>- 

scaly, squamous, squamosal y°~'J*' 

Lepidoptera 4j "- s r '' '-'W**^*' 

to desire, wish, want, crave <_^jj <■ j s-f j '■ ^ u*y 
after, covet; to aspire to, seek 

to be greedy, covetous, avid, 


to be stingy, niggardly, 

critical angle 
critical point 

rj*" w'jry'''^'' ' r l^p 'rw; 

: E^ 


sylvan, wooded, woodsy, woody, ,j 


to be or- become angry with, cross <_ ■ „ar. : Jc j^ 

with, grumpy at 

anger, ire; grumps, sulks, sullenness zy i j^- 

angry, cross, disgruntled, grumpy, sullen, 01 zy i j^ 

lizard (ulj~») 0}i^- 

to liberate, free, set free, \y *!«»- 1 ^-LUI : jy 

release, set at liberty, turn loose, deliver, unchain; 

to liberalize 

»." . < - . - - ; - 
to manumit, emancipate, liberate, <u^cl : a-*JI jjj>- 

free, set free, enfranchise, disenthrall (from slav- 
ery), release from bondage or servitude 

to emancipate (*jw>.j .>' '-'"J 1 - CrV '^-> Jj 9 " 

to rid of, free from, liberate ^ ^^olU- : ^ j>>- 
from, save from, rescue from 

to disburden from, (\'jA\ j' Sc_-t .jl J*»- ^ jy 
unburden from, discharge from, free from, release 
from, relieve of, clear of, disencumber from, 
disengage from, extricate from, exempt from, 
exonerate from, absolve from, acquit from, redeem 

to disenchant, disillusion ^p^JI jl *>^\ ^ j^ 

, ' , '* t , s - 

to unleash, release, give free or J oLjJI J>Jl!> I : j>>- 
full rein to, give vent to 

to edit, redact; to write, pen, in- i-L> 1 1_-^ : jy 
dite, compose, compile, put down in writing, re- 
duce to writing, draw up, draft, formulate, record 

to adjust, regulate, fix, set right, jj'j <. Jalvs : jy 
render precise or accurate 

to consecrate to the service of «uj! *-• jjJ i_i» j : jy 


to keep, preserve, guard, protect, safe- Jai»- : jy 

guard, shield 

to be inaccessible, impregnable, i»~-i U~a»- o^ '■ jj*- 
impervious, impenetrable, invulnerable, inexpug- 



'-.!'' ?.i;:%giaiK»iiaSli'.-ffe^siiegjM^Sgl 

edge, torder, margin, rim, 'j&- i iiU- i <J^I» '■<-*]>*• 
brim, brink, verge, tip, point, fringe, hem 

ridge^jjj^-. j . -o h. . i j~i (^U^l «J>LjJI J»- :i_»^j- 


letter, character f U«Al <-Jjy»- -*»-l :(i3-*j«jU <-*>»■ 


interrogative particle 
definite article 
guttural letter, guttural 


I*- '' f * 

vowel SjS^* )\ ijy~o i 

sun letter 
moon letter 
conditional particle 
sibilant, sibilant letter 


1 ut.rt* 41 C-jU^ CJ 

J 3 " 

[-1(1 1 ' ""• ** ..' J -•**».«- 

coordinating conjunction, conjuction ^k^ <-*j*- 

weak letter, soft letter, vowel ^ <~»^ t <Lc <~»^ 

vocative particle, interjection , Ijo <~»^ 

dental, dental letter ^L <~»^i- 

negative particle, particle of negation ^ <~»^ 

type, letter, character ^...k. jl ^Lk i_i^»- 



small letter, lowercase letter yJ^> <-*_,»■ 

capital, capital letter, uppercase letter, j^S un- 
block letter 
italic [itLt.] JJLi iJ^j- 

alphabet, alphabetic t\>Jk\ iJj^j- t <.a»u jl (Jj^i-I 
letters, letters of the alphabet 

initial <JS jl —.1 ^ Jj'lll ij^il 

to initial jj )ll i_J^j-"ilL> >>) 

cress, watercress, garden cress; nasturtium(oLi)ci^»- 
cuckooflower, lady's-smockr-j^il <->^»- i till iJ^j- 
professionalism ilili'j- 




£-*- : i>»^ 

miserly; to stint; to economize; to be economical, 
thrifty, frugal 

to adhere to, keep to, stick to, j ■■*'■" : J^ i>»^»- 
cling to; to hang on to; to persist in; to be devoted 
to, attached to 

to observe, comply -, f '^J\ ( Jt JaiU- : Jt ,>>_^- 
with, abide by 

to be punctual, be on time, -x^c-t^ll (ii'j) J^ u^j 3 " 
keep or observe an appointment 

desire, wish, aspiration; ^Lwl ti-i-j '((it) i>»j*- 
desiring, wishing, wanting, craving after 

greed(iness), covetousness, cupidity, 
avidity, avarice 

stinginess, niggardli- Jiltl^l j jdii'l ',i*v : <>»./?■ 
ness, miserliness, penny-pinching, closefistedness, 
tightfistedness; thrift(iness), frugality, economy 

adherence to, keeping to, (_<) dCj : (J*) ^oj^- 
sticking to, clinging to; hanging on to, persistence 
in; devotion, attachment 

observance of, observing, (J) ^Ijfll : {^-) u^j 3 " 
compliance with, abidance by 

care, concern; attention; interest f\^i> I :(J*) ^jp- 

punctuality J rrt'>^' (**•>) (i* u°jT 

~ ~ - , > 
to decay, decompose, disintegrate, 


to instigate, incite, abet, foment, stir Clo- : (J^) Jeja* 
up; to provoke, rouse; to motivate, stimulate, goad, 
prod, egg on, spur on, prompt 

glasswort, saltwort (oLi)oL^':/ 

• u° j*~ ' U^J 3 " 


o~ b x ■<>»>'- •■u°j*- 

to be or become pungent, acrid, U?./»- jL> : i-Jj*- 

piquant, sharp, hot, tart 

- - * - .i~ 
to slant, cant, incline, tip, tilt, swerve, JUI :u^s» 

deviate, deflect 

to distort, per- rJj (^-»il ^i- ' > «^«^ i o>i. : i-JS 3 " 
vert, corrupt, misrepresent, misstate, falsify, twist, 
wrench, warp, misinterpret, misconstrue, alter, 

to sharpen, point ol^. : Jlill i-»^j- 




,,:- l ;»r, .;,:,;„ &Z2 

provoke, incite, instigate, prompt, prod, goad, egg 

on, foment 

», . ' s , 
to start, begin, initiate, commence, get I -u : Sy 

started, get underway 

to vowelize, vocalize, *JJ <Ai jl li^a- j£i : tfy- 
point, provide with vowel points, add vowel 
points or signs to 

to revive action, set action in motion; toci^i jjl S'j* 
prosecute, institute legal proceedings or a lawsuit 

to move, touch, impas- ^Uil /\ LiLI^JI S"J>- 
sion, commove, stir, affect (the feelings of), arouse 
(an emotion in), excite; to thrill, electrify, galvanize 

active, lively, dynamic, sprightly, i-«.iS- t ,kJJ : <iJ^ 

spirited, brisk, spry, agile, nimble, swift 

J-' - • ->-■ 
movement, motion uy—- -u» : o ji 

activity, liveliness, briskness, sprightli- J»Lj :*S >>■ 
ness, dash, vivacity; (full) swing 

move, step ilil i S^Jw- : *S y 

gesture, gesticulation, motion; Sjtl iifCl :*S j*- 
sign, signal 

physical exercise, sport iiC j : <tf >»■ 

vowel point, vowel, <j^ Jc JSCi : iS - ^- 

diacritical mark 

movement, organized (»J ( I CtCil til-ll*) ii'jj- 

effort; organization 

.» ■>- , - 
turnover Jlv" 5 " *^>»" 

». - . - >- - - 
women's liberation movement ol_p.l 

traffic JZA\ IS j 

kinetics; dynamics; kinematics *S ji-\ Jlc 

kinetic; dynamic; motor; motive; movement-, \S y 
organizational, organization- 
is >>■ jjt-Ij -*5"^ll ,Jic :c.LS"^- 

to deprive of, divest of, dispossess of, strip of, in- 
take away from; to disentitle; to deny, refuse (to 
grant), withhold from; to debar, exclude, preclude, 
bar, shut out, keep out 

to excommunicate, unchurch; to \'...?S ^y 


to disinherit, cut off 


Of {J" 

to be or become forbidden (to), {^, "i\ tAc) »y 

prohibited (to), interdicted (to), unlawful (to 



craft, handicraft; occupation, vocation, 
trade, calling, metier 

literal; verbatim, word-for-word 

literally; verbatim, word for word, in the & in- 
exact words, in precisely the same words, to a 
word, ad verbum, letter for letter, to the letter, 
literatim, ipsissimis verbis, exactly, precisely 

artisan, craftsman, iijj- 1_-»- L» i ^J L-o 
handicraftsman, artificer, workman 
handicraft, trade, *ij*- Jj i_jj. 

handicraft economy '> '^- M'n"« 


artisanship, craftsmanship, workmanship Kjj*' 

- - • * 

to gnash one's teeth 




burn; scorch, singe, scald, sear Jjl jJi- "i 

first-degree burn^j i\ i»-jjJI j* Ji^- i .n.,,,,.1 j^.- 

burn(ing); smart(ing); Ji^i t <*■>! <. <>jl>»- :ii'^- cii'^- 
anxiety, anguish, agony, pain, suffering, torture, 
torment, grief, sorrow; ardor, vehemence, intensi- 
ty; burning desire, yearning, longing, hankering, 
pining, craving 

heartburn, pyrosis, water brash ojljJLI j *iy 

Adam'sapple \.VjJ-^ J f J ' ^^ '■'•Xj* 

ilium; hipbone, innominate bone [ rujJZ ] iii'U- 

iliac lytfj*" 



' JLi- : J s . 

to move; to budge; to mobilize; to S 
drive; to stir, shake 

to stimulate, whet; to ji»- i ti»- i jli I '. dJ>>- 

actuate, motivate, move, drive, impel; to (a)rouse, 
stir up, work up, awake(n), inspire, excite; to 




■ - -.-•.■■■■■ 

Z$> <%£ 




pungency, acridity, piquancy, sharp- *i\js 


hot wind ijU- 

balky , restive; stubborn, obstinate, ■ r : Oj^i- 

refractory, recalcitrant, unruly, ungovernable, 
intractable, fractious 

appropriate (for), proper (for), J_U < y^ : ( S) ^^ 
fit (for), suitable (for), worthy (of), worth; becom- 
ing, befitting, fitting, seemly 

worth mentioning j^^ iSj^ 

freedom, liberty; unrestraint, license; full swing £T£. 

freedom of assembly and of»lkdlj f-C^-^l "kj>- 

freedom of choice, option, free 
choice; free will 

free will 

freedom of the seas, mare liberum 

freedom of trade, free trade 

jL^ jl <; J- 

freedom of contract, liberty of contract oiLJ I "Cj>- 

freedom of J\')\ /\ r ^JI /\ J^Jl ji ^Jdl 't'^ 
speech, freedom of opinion 

freedom of move- >l]l jl JlLl^l /\ Jiljl i!^. 
ment, freedom to travel 

freedom of religion, religious freedom, ilj j C^a- 
religious liberty 

political liberty 
personal liberty 
freedom of the press 
freedom of worship 
freedom of labor 

4jU_aJI <ij>- 



free hand, latitude, free- (iJ^adl jl) JUJI C^- 
dom of action or decision, free play, free scope, 
elbowroom, full swing, license; laissez faire 
freedom of thought ~£ Jyj t?^. < JCiJI ~4'J>- 

silk .. _. 

asbestos ^^> '*.;* 

rayon ^U ji ^Lk^l ji ^L^, ^^. 

illegal (to), banned (to) 

to forbid, prohibit, interdict, proscribe, Ll. t ^Jii : »%. 
ban, bar, outlaw, enjoin, declare unlawful, make 
illegal; to taboo 

to declare sacred, <l.js- •'i l '-" ^ LaJL. *lii- : l^i- 
sacrosanct, holy, inviolable 

to deny oneself something; to abstain <_^ J* ^ 
from, refrain from, keep from, forbear, desist from 
sanctuary, sanctum, sacred (holy, inviola 
ble) place or precinct 

wife, spouse 



^j* '**-jj '-{j*- 

f^ 5 " (frh -£>■*- < 
campus iliSCJI jl 

r>** •(•>- 



Mecca and Medina 

Or.'>l cJli ltr ^l r '^il 

excommunication; anathema 

deprivation, privation, divestiture,^ < x,J^ '-olt'j* 
divestment, dispossession, stripping; disentitle- 
ment; denial, refusal; debarment, preclusion, ex- 
clusion, barring, shutting out, keeeping out 
lack, want, need(iness), privation, ^y ( j^i : oU^- 
deprivation, destitution, poverty, indigence, 
penury, beggary; misery, distress, suffering 

disinheritance ^j^| ^ ^'^ 

---> . ..->> 

sanctity, sacredness, sacrosanctity, holi- il \'ji : X*'L 
ness, inviolability 

inviolability, immunity, security, <JH>- ( <. j : £.^- 
protection, safeguard(ing), safekeeping 

wife, spouse ilj , i, j; : <,'J» 

woman, lady ;^1 < s |^ | : i,^. 

African rue, harmel peganum (oL)j.,'^. 

to balk, jib; to be or become jCii "ill ^J ^ : ^ t ^ 
restive, refractory, unruly, stubborn, obstinate 
burn(ing); heartburn ii'^. :»V^. 




dandruff, scruf 

lichen, moss, alga (oLj) <uil : >«laJI J 


l> 4 jl> 

(oLj) (j-tLlaJI jl j»- 


hatred, feud, antagonism, rancor, 

gall, grudge, spite, malice, ill will, malignity, 

malevolence, venom 

belt; girdle; waistband, cummerbund; strap ^jf 

safety belt, seat belt c~'"H (.!_)»■ njt«»l (•*>- 
(saddle) girth, cinch jr j— -" fljf 

truss Ls— 1» J l^ 1 (•' j?" 

to befall, afflict, hit, happen to v^>' : V>" 

to intensify, become serious or aggra- -uil : i_>>- 

to rally, round up, assemble, gather, k**- i ^r : lj)*" 
bring together; to unite, join 
to form a party Uj^- i_i)l ^j'- 

party, political party; faction V(/-Vr) 

group, band, troop, company, body icL»- 
the 60th part of the Koran (ol>H o* 

ruling party 
party; factional 
party member 

•. "'..?-' .-' •. 

partisanship, factionalism; party life (spirit, LjJ^- 
activities); partiality, bias 

nick of time, time of Jjjlt t oj£ i s-rr* 4, C - , J • ° J 3 " 
need, critical moment, crucial time, juncture, pass, 
emergency, contingency, exigency, pinch, straits, 
crisis; distress, trouble, hardship, adversity; 
dilemma, plight, predicament, fix 
to guess, conjecture, surmise; to esti- j-ui 4 ,_yj- : j'j»- 
mate, assess, appraise 

guess(ing), conjecture, surmise, ^jJju 4 l j r ^ '-j'j»- 
guesswork; estimation, assessment, appraisal 



J 1 jij^ Cr? ty-^'-^jif 

silken, silk-, <uJJ i_j 
of silk, silky 

silk weaver, silk manufacturer jijl-\ j_iU> \{Sjij>- 

inaccessible, impregnable, imper- £~w 4 1 >-^>- '■'ji.j*- 
vious, impenetrable, invulnerable, inexpugnable, 
unapproachable, unconquerable, unassailable, 
well-fortified, forbidding, strong, secure 

1 ■-•'..' 

centipede (»j^-) c^j'j £j' (■' : trij^ 

rhinoceros (oI>j-) 0-^^ '-ij-ij*- 

narwhal (&~*) j*>^\ ij-ij*- 

desirous, desiring, wish- Lr »aii> 4 4_»cl j : (<J*) ^yjj*- 

ful; eager, keen 

greedy, covetous, avid, avaricious ^i>- i^^ 

stingy, niggardly, miserly, . u a ' . ' i i . 4J-J0 : L ^;^ 
closefisted, tighfisted, penny-pinching; economical, 
thrifty, frugal, sparing, saving 

adhering to, j fjiL 4 _> iiL^» :((_^) l^;^ 

sticking to; complying with, observing, abiding by 

punctual J rr t '>^' »ltlj-« J* u<^ j*- 

pungent, acrid, piquant, hot, sharp, jU- 4 po^I : 

fire, conflagration, blaze 

arson, incendiarism 13-u* jl J*^-« JJjj^- 

harem; women; female members of the <. Li : jw^ 



r>^ jf-'j-u-^ 

, j u*j : («aj j^ 

women's, lady's, for women, female, Jf\ 


to notch, incise, nick, snick, indent, jJj 4 ^ojs : j*- 

dent, jag, cut into, make an incision into; to flute; 

to groove, furrow, rut 

to cut, cut off j-i»> '■ >■ 

to hurt, pain; to excruci-aJji jl oj-u> jl 4_-H j y>- 
ate, torment, agonize, anguish; to sadden, grieve; 
to disturb, trouble, annoy, harass 
notch, incision, nick, snick, cut, inden-i«i>jj 4^:3*- 
tation; crenation; flute; furrow, groove, ridge, rut 



sad, unhappy, grieved, doleful, j/£J . ot> : 0i> 
grief-stricken, dolorous, sorrowful, sorry, 
mournful, depressed, dejected, down(cast), down- 
hearted, low in spirits, low-spirited, out of spirits, 
dispirited, gloomy, blue, melancholy, melancholic, 
heavyhearted, brokenhearted, dismal 

mourning (for), in mourning ( Jt) lU- : ( Jt) j^ 
(for); mourner 

♦ ♦= 


Good Friday iLj^LI Julil 

heron (^jij.) j^il dJU 

\-f) u**"' jf 'j - ^j->I '-? y^ :(-e) ,^>- 

to sympathize with, feel Jt eiLt . J jj : J *^. 
for, feel sympathy or compassion or pity for, 
commiserate, pity, compassionate 
to curry, currycomb '£fj\ ^ 

lt^-H (fr Ij-t^-Li-l : l _ r ». 
^Li-I p.lj-jj.Li-1 :^ 


sense i^^. • 

faint sound, low voice l^**" *^'yo '■ [r^~ 

hunch; presentiment, fore- ^.^ : JUj. I j ^ 

knowledge, anticipation, feeling; intuition 
receptor, sense organ ^J.| ^jj; 

to drink, sip <_£j < V ,I : U* 

soup; broth; pottage e )_,. 

arithmetic l^CJ.1 jU tt _,L»- 

calculation, computation, re- «La»- 1 . oi : i_.L». 
ckoning, counting, enumeration 

consideration J \^ Cr \ i^C. 

accounting; settlement "CLKaL \^JL»- 

account v l_^ ^ ^JL.t.111 ^ L : V L^ 

statement v L>Jl jCJ : V L,. 

profit and loss account jlCilj A>fi\ v^-r 

calculus of variations Jlljl IjQ. 

differential calculus J^lilll .L,C. 

calculus J^lsdllj J^luJI LL^ 

integral calculus J^LCJI L.L*. 

nut (of a bolt) 

to pack, package, parcel, tie up, wrap (up), ' f 'Jj : »jp. 
bundle, bale, stow 

to tie, bind, fasten, make fast »Lj : l^i. 

to girth ^.'jijl 3 \'C\'j\ r > 

to take matters firmly in hand; to make »'J.\ ^ 
up one's mind, resolve, determine, decide 

to be or become resolute, firm, unwa- C jU- jtf : »^ 
vering, gritty 

r> &■*■>' fa 

packing, packaging, parceling, tying J»Ij . f'j'j : >'y* 
up, wrapping (up), bundling, baling, stowage; 
tying, binding, fastening 

firmness, resoluteness, resolu- <L.I j^> 4 , ,'n~ : »>• 
tion, resolve, determination, decision, firm will; 
strictness, stringency, severity, austerity 

judiciousness, prudence iidi- : »^i- 

bundle, bale, fagot, fascine, sheaf, wisp; bunch; <*'}>■ 
parcel, package, pack, packet; beam (of rays) 

to be or become sad, grieved, Uck\ , !lil < ' t : oj^. 
unhappy, gloomy, distressed, sorry; to grieve, 
sadden, gloom, sorrow, feel sorrow 

to mourn over, grieve over, wear Jto>:^ j^. 
mourning over 

rugged and hard ground iLii ^>jl : j>- 

sadness, grief, sorrow, unhappiness, XXS t j£ : J >. 
depression, dejection, dolefulness, mournfulness, 
low spirits, melancholy, gloom(iness), blues, dol- 
drums, heartache 




cj^- cr^-r 


»l— ^ 



arithmetic(al), mathematical, ^LaJL jl»l< : (^;^-»" 

.5 - .- -'* 

arithmetic progression 
arithmetic mean 

sensitive; sensi- jy^ J*J>j i^-i— »- ji -u-c :<j»i 
ble; susceptible; impressionable; sentient; senti- 
mental, emotional, feeling, sympathetic, compas- 

sensitive, delicate, touchy; -rjf i J^i J : ^-La- 

critical, ticklish 

accelerator i»-r" *-Ijj :^L-»- 


sensitivity; sensibility; susceptibility; 

allergy *L«llil (yi^- jl) i 



: f 


sword edge 


- . < s~ - - - 

to calculate, compute, reckon, (j*o>-l ' J* : ^ — ' 
count, number, enumerate 

to consider, deem, count, J^J» i ac i ^-itl : ^—s- 
regard as, look at as, hold, judge, rate, think, 
suppose, reckon, take for 
to credit with J% i_>L-aJ a-i : J i_ — *■ 

to debit with, charge d% (_>£-?- J* -^ : J* S— *■ 
to someone's account 

to take into account, take into consi- *jL- f v— *■ 
deration, consider, reckon with, allow for, make 
allowance for; to heed, mind, keep in mind, bear 
in mind; to foresee, apprehend, anticipate 

to attach importance to L> L»- «J <-*-»" 

_ •* - - - 
to have a thousand apprehen- J i_>L»- » — oJ 1 i_— .»■ 

sions about; to count the cost of; to guard against, 
be on one's guard against, beware of, be wary of, 
be cautious of 

savings account 

current account; checking account 

S*=r ffr 


i— >L«^ 




i— >L«^ 

final statement of account, 
final accounting 

credit account; account(s) payable 
Julian calendar 
Gregorian calendar 
mutual account 

pl+j jl i**^" v'— f 


settled account 

debit account; account(s) receivable 

payee account 

joint account 

bank account 

suspense account 

overdrawn account 

deposit account 



i— »L«*- 


without measure, without uL>- "% ioL>- j^i 
limit, to excess, to an unlimited extent 

. . .- . '— . « '-.- - - - 

■J LI— »■ J^Jt l4jl— »■ J <i»-jl l4jl— >• L-.. ..., > - 

4jLm9- L-- >■■■ > • 

■J i_.L»- i_ill i *■ iIjLj- *J ^ — j>- 

^ '• - 

to settle an account i_> LJ.I \ij^> <■ v j) J-i- 

on account; on credit ^Lil J* 

at the expense of, at someone's expense; *jL»- J* 
to someone's debit 

at the expense of his health 
to credit with 


account book 

to debit with, charge to some- 
one's account 

statement (of account), bill 
to someone's credit 

J , ^ s - 


probate court ^li ^J^. 

to envy, feel envy toward, regard with (Jt o) 1l_ 
envy, be envious of; to (be)grudge; to covet 
envy, invidiousness; jealousy j_^ 

to uncover, unveil, bare, lay bare; to Lais' : 'l± 

remove, take off, pull away, lift, raise (a cover, 
veil, etc.) 

to be uncovered, unveiled, bared, '• •'< \ I : ^li- 
laid bare; to be removed, taken off, pulled away, 
lifted, raised (a cover, veil, etc.) 

to be or become tired, fatigued, ex 
hausted, weary 

to become dim, feeble ^ t 

Wflj - j~a~i\ 
p-lj - j-m 

J—*- *>-lj — l^iu : j. 

to grieve, sadden, make sorrow- i^lil J LI- 
ful, cause to regret 

to fatigue, tire (out), exhaust, weary Lii I : ~L 
fatigue, tiredness, weariness, exhaustion e-*J : 

myopia, nearsightedness, shortsighted- ^»JI 'j. 

' " -' i * ' ' ' 

regret; sorrow, grief, sadness, heartbreak, smart »'L 

alas! too bad! what i^laJJ I ( ^ 
a pity! unfortunately! 
thorns, spines 


awns, aristae, beards 



(oU)^^j ti 

thorny, spiny, prickly 

to cut off, sever 

to decide, determine, settle, resolve, f y>- 


to be highborn, wellborn, noble, of l".-~ olS" : I 
noble birth or origin; to be esteemed, respected 
to think, suppose, assume, ^jil <.~joj£\ t ^J» - .' . 
take it, consider, deem, regard as, take for, take as, 

ancestry, pedigree, noble jU^I li'ji ( oik. : t__ 
descent, honorable lineage, distinguished origin; 
esteem, respect, regard 

extent, degree; measure, num- jjj < j\ juL. : (_„ i. 
ber, deal, size, quantity, amount; value, worth 
according to, in accor- i_*_i- Jt 4 i_li« < L-li 
dance with, in conformity with, pursuant to, 
commensurate with, depending on; on the basis of, 
on the strength of, on the authority of, by virtue of 




l JLC 

sufficiency "tj^ • , .' , 1 . 

you need only..; it will be enough to.. jl dlli- 
one dinar is enough for you jLo lillk, ji dllli- 
it suffices to say, suffice it to say 'S^l\ 

Sufficient unto us is God ial 

only, just, merely, solely, (and) no more, 

and nothing else, and that's all, no more than, 

without anything further 

calculation, computation, reckon- *L»i-l 4 'js. :6 
ing, count(ing), enumeration 

supposition, assumption; "Jn, ,ja\^\ :,jlli- 
thinking, opinion, view, idea 

to be expected, anticipated, foreseen ;uLli I j jlS" 
to be taken into account or consideration 



salary; recompense, reward 

. « _„, 

price J-jKilj JLJ0 <S\'J» <. jLl^l til'_4 :CL 
control; weights and measures control 

as, according to what, depending on how 

id ■ N> 


'«■>■" ^ 

i.?.»fe u fefe 

— i 

quality; superiority; perfection 

.* > • * 

euphemism .Ar*^ 1 tr-*" 

good luck, good fortune, ^JUJI jl JaJ-l l >-»- 


»i > . > 

good behavior, good conduct, good ii)jlDI ,>->- 

manners, politeness, good breeding 

good reputation, repute, stan-c4-a" j' **-UI l >-»- 

ding, credit, good name, honor, fame 

hospitality, hospitable Sjlijll jl iiL-aJI ,>->- 


good opinion, favorable judgment jiai\ l j-»- 

Jl ^^-s- 

good faith, bona fides, sincerity, JuaiJI jl 
good intention, good will 

in good faith, sincerely ^ l >-»- o* ' *rr" Cr- 8 ** 

fortunately, luckily iiil o-*" i>* ' -*"- 1 Cr- 3 *' 

belladonna, deadly nightshade (oL) (yJ-l c-- 

good-neighbor policy j'>=^' a-* - *-Vrr 

good result, good outcome <— »■ 

• » -.^ 
kindness, kindliness, friendliness <_*!») : ^-~*- 

'. > • » 
the 99 attributes of God i^—J-' f L- jI 

amicably, in a friendly manner; with kind- <>-*J^ 

o*-l /"-r'j — l*^** 3 *. °-^*' 

beautiful; a beauty, a belle, a beautiful woman, 

a good-looking woman 

charity, alms, benefaction, handout, dole i»ju» 

good deed, good turn, J^»»- < <~>)j** ' J-a» : 

favor, kind act 

advantage, merit, virtue, ameni- a, L Ji > 4 <> J^« 

ty, good quality, good point, good feature 

1- ' • - ' ' • 
soup; broth; pottage * i~ »- • >-*■ '>-*■ 

sip; drink, mouthful, draft, <*>>- < *i^ j : »>-»■ ' •>-*■ 


envious, invidious; (begrudging; jaun- [<^> ) jj-s* 

diced; jealous 

envier, (be)grudger, ill wisher LJ) jj_o- 

j~blA\ j~j- ^»-'j — j-- -^" 

goldfinch (^U») 

sensory, ^-Ip-I J 1 o-f V ^J-V ' o~f ^ J^* : i^-*" 

have the final word, cast the die 

to end, put an end to, terminate, stop ^ I : ,*-»■ 

to discount, deduct, rebate, take jJ*i»| <■ ^-o»- '■ (•-»• 

off, subtract 

severance, cutting off ^» '■ (v-»- 

settlement, decision, determination, ,.^»- 1 c-j : p—»- 


ending, putting an end to, termination, t \^\ : ^-y 


discount, rebate; deduction, f-U^' ' (►-»»- : p— »■ 
discounting, subtraction 

to be or become handsome, beautiful, L_»- 60 : j_>- 
lovely, pretty, comely, graceful, nice; to be or be- 
come good, fine, well 

,>. . >. , > - 
to be fit for, suitable for, j j .a»- 1 j J*jt : j o—'" 

appropriate for, proper for, becoming for, befitting 

for, seemly for, advisable for, expedient for; to 

befit, behoove; he ought to 

to improve, ameliorate, better, upgrade, iyr : j— *■ 

make better 

to beautify, pretty up; to adorn, ,jj j 1 Jl»- : t>-»- 

embellish, decorate, garnish 

handsome, beautiful, graceful, pretty, J~^- : j_>- 

comely, lovely, good-looking, sightly, shapely, 

dainty, fair; nice, agreeable, pleasant 

good; fine, well J~»- • l >-'" 

well, good, all right, OK; excellently, beauti- 
bravo! well done! very good! excellent! (el»i) 

lucky, fortunate -tJ-' 

well-behaved, well-mannered, 
well-bred, polite, mannerly 

reputable, of good repute, c>..^ H jl w 

having a good reputation, well-thought-of, respect 
able, estimable 
bona fide, well-meaning, sincere ju^aji j 

beauty, grace(fulness), prettiness, hand- JLa- : 

someness, loveliness, comeliness, shapeliness, 


goodness, excellence, fineness, fine i j^»- : l >-»- 


1 ,isUi 


#> #E 

to concentrate, mass, gather *^>'J> 

to mobilize, call up 'Jj^. c ^ : ^. 

ij~ Ji 4 £•»■ 

to gather, collect, assemble, con- 
gregate, crowd, rally, round up; to accumulate, 
amass, pile up, heap up, stack 

to side with, take sides with, be J C_,jpJ : J lei- 
partial to; to support, back (up), stand by, go for 

crowd, throng, gathering, (^LJI ^.) " : 

assembly, assemblage, concourse, congregation, 

gathering, collection, collecting.^okj t »li. : ola- 
assembling, assemblage, assembly, congregation, 
crowding, rallying, rounding up; accumulation, 
amassment, piling up, heaping up, stacking 
mobilization, calling up < . -1, 7 ( iUj : J^. 

concentration, massing 

to wedge, cram, ram; to insert, l^-'j ( ^,j t ^ 
interject; to stuff; to squeeze; to congest; to jam 
(together), crowd (together), pack (tight), serry, 
press, compress, impact, crush, push; to thrust, 

to gather, assemble, crowd, congregate, »li. : ^la- 

to resurrect, raise from jZJ 4 o^il ^, '•:■'.'. : ^_Li- 
the dead 

to poke one's nose into, Jii^' t Ji- jj : j *ji, \ 'j^. 
put one's oar in, (inter)meddle in, interfere in, 
intrude upon, obtrude upon 

wedging, cramming, ramming; in- '^,'j < ^uj 
sertion, interjection; stuffing; squeezing, squeeze; 
congestion; jamming, crowding, packing, pressing, 

gathering, assembling, assemblage, -1^. : ^-*- 

crowding, congregation, overcrowding 
resurrection CCiicJu': Ji- 



sensuous, sensate, sensational; perceptible, 
perceivable, sensible, palpable, tangible, tactile 

tangible, palpable, percepti- L r>-k- i L r>Ju : ^Jl*- 
ble, sensible, corporeal, concrete, material, physi- 
cal, real 

sensual, voluptuous; fleshly, Jyl>ii i [s^- 
carnal, erotic 

percept, perception 

highborn, wellborn, i_— s- j j i jukll e J, : i _ 

highbred, noble, of noble birth or origin; esteemed, 
respected; nobleman, a noble 

enough; sufficient, adequate (JlS" : i_— »- 



Ciod alone is sufficient 

sensuality, sensualness, voluptuous- 
ness, carnality, eroticism, erotism 

tired, fatigued, exhausted, weary 

myopic, shortsighted, nearsighted; ^alll 


faint sound, low voice 

to mow, cut, scythe, weed 

to stuff, fill, fill up, fill in-, to {(.^1) 

pad; to wad; to cram, ram, pack, charge; to insert, 

foist into; to interpolate 

to stuff, fill, wad, pad i*>j^j S XjJI Li- 

tostufT, fill, dress jjl ijU^JI ji *^!dl L^ 

to load, charge jjjlaJI Ul jl ^JLjl jl ts'jZi\ Li- 
to fill *> ji ^-^1 Li 

Ui^- «j»- 1 j — ( L» 

>*t^ j-la- t^L. : 

to hem, border, fringe 0> ki jl L^JI 

to annotate, gloss, yiljil <As- jii. :LL£jl ^li- 
comment on, furnish with marginal notes or 



(Li^-l f-) (-ip- i Lij- 

hashish smoker, hashish addict 



last breath, last spark of life^-j^JI ili :iilii lu iLii 

1 ■ • - gg 

filler, panel, inlay jJj ^S- j«J»- ^ v^ J °P 

cytoplasm I <■ ^- ' J S P 

»Li»-l *3r\j -oyZj* to 

mattress lt'^ : ' 

pillow, cushion; pad oUioUj 

gasket [l^^.]^ 

grass(es), herb(s), herbage, pasture; 
weed(s), wort(s) 

hay, haulm 


hashish, hash, charas; cannabis; j^^> oU 


herb, plant; weed, wort 

cleavers, goose grass 

moss, lichen, alga 




coltsfoot, cough-wort 




jlllll il 

angelica, archangel 
worn garment 

*» » - 



to be someone's share, fall as a 
share to someone 

saffron, crocus 

to pebble, pelt with pebbles, stone, Lr ai^ ^.j : {J a^ 
hurl stones at 

pebbles, small stones; gravel, ^ax> i *L-«- : (J ^y 
ballast, crushed rock; road metal; macadam 

pebble, small stone 


insect, bug 
scale insect, scale 
aphid, aphis, plant louse 




to rattle in the throat 

(death) rattle, rattling 


- ' ' * 

oijiii jit 

- , J J 

■>*,-> , - , 

insect, insectile, insectival, 

entom-, entomo- 

entomological ol^^iil jJju ji»i> : <3-r^" 

insectivorous, entomopha- ol jZX\ Jfl '-<Ss-*- 

gous; insectivore 

entomology ol^^iil jJj- :oLj. 

to smoke hashish ^ ... t .. ! ! jjo 

glans (i_-~iiJI) iiJi 

to shame, put to shame J=«- 1 : (>£»■ i (vi»- 

servants, retinue, entourage, suite, 


: r* 


j^aj-l »^»-'j : Sua*- 

\ fir' J 

stuffing, filling; dressing; wadding, Ui- j^a. : ^i»- 
padding; loading, charging; cramming, ramming, 
packing; insertion, foisting; interpolation 

padding4jJU>)l ^ 1*j t_y^*> <jjjj-^ ^ 

pleonasm, redundancy, tautology, v^i - 
wordiness, verbosity, verbiage, prolixity, circumlo- 
cution, periphrasis 
stuffing, filling, fill, wadding, l*. 
wad, padding, pad, loading; packing; filler 
stuffing, filling, wad, wadding, U^j i> jU^II Sj 
pad, padding 

stuffing, filling, jJ] jjji^ 1 J 1 *■»-*■ -^ s 3 


load, charge 
filling, inlay 

< * « • * '-'.■ 

0-" j' lT^' "^ 


i •■-.■■■ l:- r.jii .■.■:.•!•: \ss> :-. 

<■■■ .Igfc'H.."., 

inviolability; impunity 

chastity, chasteness, virtue, vir- ii* :(»I^Il) iLa»- 
tuousness, continence, purity, modesty, decency, 
immaculateness, immaculacy 

diplomatic immunity <~« L^L j Xi Lai- 

parliamentary immunity i->LJ^ jl Llli <; Lai- 
privileges and immunities olLo»- j ol J,L£, I 
horsepower <jLo»- Sjji - - I ^- 

to pebble, cover or pave >LlalL ^l^j : ' ""'- t ' ~- 
with pebbles; to gravel, cover or spread with 
gravel; to ballast; to macadamize, metal 

to have the measles, be 4_*oJ-l CjUol : ■ - -- 
infected with measles 

pebbles, small stones; {je*u <■ <««*»■ '• A -*— n. 
gravel, ballast, crushed rock; macadam, road metal 

l»- «jflj— <i»olc : 

measles, rubeola 
German measles, rubella 

share, portion, part, lot, allotment 
allocation, cut 

quota, quotient 

period, class period, class hour, class, 

T J^ 

dividend, share of profits 

founders' share 

quota system u a^J~\ j.lkl 

to appear, come to light, manifest J^> i oL : \joaLo9- 
itself, reveal itself; to be or become clear, manifest, 
plain, patent 

to harvest, reap, gather, crop; to 
mow, cut down 

to kill, claim, take 

(jJJ &) 

i La»- 

to limit, j-l»- i j_t>- < j i>U- 1 i ^c J_> t jui : j» 
restrict, confine; to bound, set bounds to; to 
enclose, shut in, hem in, straiten, hedge, beset, 
hold in check, keep within bounds, surround, 
encircle, encompass, ring, embrace, environ; to 


calcu-t^] (jJI Sjl^il jl dkjl ji ilull j) :CJ» 

lus, stone, concretion; gravel (pi.) 

i .-* - - 
urolith, urinary calculus XAy »La»- 

gallstone, chololith, bilestone, biliary JjjI^Lo »La»- 

nephrolith, renal calculusi-iSJl sLa»- 1 4j>1^ »La»- 


lithotripsy, lithotrity 

*-f i>>- CilJu <;L*ii ;Lo»- j-' 

( jlj ijl'jil j) iCall #5 

harvest(ing), harvest home, reaping, jua»- : jLai- 
gathering, cropping; mowing, cutting down 


r*>* ' 


harvest, harvest time, harvest 
season, harvest home 

reaper, harvester, harvestman, gatherer, -u»l»- : s£a>- 


harvester, reaper, cropper; mower, 
lawn mower, mowing machine 

combine, harvester-thresher 

<^lj^ oLoy 

blockade, siege 

■jUaJ-l »ij i j Lai- 1 cjijJj-l 


sound judgment, cjl^JI 5j^>- iilsC»- liiLa* 

judiciousness, wisdom, prudence, levelheadedness, 

reasonableness, sapience, sageness, sagacity, 


rosemary (,-,l.;) /M.ll ^ ,.- .<MJ ",.l. ,i\\.\\'~L 

money box; collection box 

horse, steed 

hippopotamus, river horse 
Trojan horse 


horse power 

CtLd^ ijji !(jUa»- 

iyi ' uLm- 

inaccessibility, impregna- j : /i3-' iJl»- liill. :iiLfl»- 
bility, invulnerability, imperviousness, impenetra- 
bility, forbiddingness, strength, security 

[-I c _ , , , + , * ^ 



gj- ' . . ■ ' - ■ U.±U> 


"■■'■ ra.;.'M.^,j ■ r>fe.a 

retention of urine; J>Jl ^rQi-j :(<J>J0 j-«»" ' 
anuria, anuresis 

constipation Ja£ < dJlJj : ((j^JalJl) j^as- i 

unripe grapes, sour grapes f.HT 

exclusive, sole; restrictive, limiting, limitative lij**- 

exclusivity, exclusiveness ~^j-o»- 

to allot, apportion, allocate, portion ^Li 1 * jj : yo^a*- 
(out), lot, share out, prorate, give out (in shares), 
distribute, divide, mete out, deal out, parcel out, 
dole out, dispense 

to have sound judgment; to be or li~<v o€ '■ 
become judicious, prudent 

to happen, take place, occur, go Cjj*- t ci^- : J^a*- 
on, pass, come to pass, transpire 

to happen to, occur to, comej Jp- i i_jL»I : J J-a»- 
over, come upon, befall, afflict, strike, hit 

to originate from, arise jt *Z> i ^ ui : ^ J~o»- 
from, stem from, spring form, emanate from, 
derive from, proceed from, grow out of, ensue 
from, follow from, result from, be caused by 

to obtain, get, acquire, win, j j»- 1 i |jL : J* Jla»- 
gain, earn, receive; to attain, achieve, accomplish, 
procure, realize, score; to possess, own, have 

to collect, raise, levy (jr s r : Jlar- 

to recover >s**l '■ J-»»- 

to infer, deduce, conclude, gather p^-; : J-»»- 
to protect, (safe)guard, preserve, shield t ^»- : 

to be well-fortified, inacces- L-a*- 0& ■ oVSHI 
sible, impregnable, impenetrable 

to be chaste, vestal, conti-ii^i* oils' : Si J.I o , : .< r» - 
nent, decent, modest, virtuous, immaculate 

to fortify, entrench, make u^-a*- *^r ' ciy : O* 8 * - 

inaccessible, strengthen, reinforce, man, brace, 


to immunize, give £lj yi J.I jl (5j-»*J1 -u> Cr"* - 

immunity to, make immune 

to proof <«jli» **jo ?/«^JI (>»*' 

restrain, constrain, keep, check, curb, control; to 
narrow (down), condense, contract, reduce (to); to 
concentrate; to centralize; to fix, determine, 
specify; to arrange, compile, list, put together, 
bring together; to squeeze, press, cram, jam 
(together), crowd (together), pack (together) 

to parenthesize, bracket SjUc jl <J£ 

to count, enumerate, calculate, ^jao- 1 i uc : _ 
compute, reckon 

to monopolize, obtain exclusive j^^-\ '■ .re- 

possession of; to corner, get a corner on 

•I , , , - 
to hem and haw, be unable to ex- J^kJI J ^ -j-or- 

press oneself, falter, stammer, stutter, splutter, 

stumble, mumble, mutter, maunder, be inarticulate 

• it,. - - 

dyslogia; aphasia J>i»-JI u"^»"! -J- 3 *" 

„ •- j, , , , 
anxiety, angst ^-ii j 

limitation, jla- i joomj i <U>l»-l i j^Ju i . 
limiting, restriction, confinement; enclosure, shut- 
ting in, hemming in, straitening, encirclement, 
encompassment; restraint, constraint, keeping, 
check(ing), curbing), control(ling); narrowing 
(down), condensation; concentration; centraliza- 
tion; fixing, determination; compilation, listing; 
squeeze, squeezing, pressing, cramming 

parenthesizing, bracketing SjCt jl illif 

counting, enumeration, calcula- *Lo»- 1 <. js. : 
tion, computing, reckoning 

monopoly; monopolization; corner jlSCi*- 1 : 
limitation of succession ^j^l 

tobacco monopoly ill) I 

rationing (>•**■•" 

strictly speaking j-^-^t 

exhaustively; exclusively j**i-\ (**■) jl) J^— Jx. 
unli- j«ai-l c.v J*"-^ * ' j-*^-\ i3>*j ' *J j~a*- i 

mited, limitless, infinite, unbounded, boundless, 
illimitable, immeasurable, immensurable, beyond 
measure, numberless, countless, innumerable, 
incalculable, myriad, untold 

parenthesis, parentheses, bracket(s), jLoJ.\ **%■ 



nursing, nurture, nurtur- ^"5) i iJ Caj t iL^i : ij Lad- 
ing, raising, rearing, upbringing, bringing up, 
breeding, fostering; custody, care, guardianship, 
curatorship, tutelage 

incubation, hatching, brooding ^-j ' U n : -H iiLa»- 

* '' '--.- 
nursery, nursery i<La»- jlj ii;Li»- i-jju iijU»- 

school, day nursery, creche 


to attend, be present, be J? I i jU i Lie li : jjw 
there; to report (for duty, to a certain place), 
present oneself; to come, show up, appear, arrive; 
to reach, get to; to visit, go to 

to attend, go to; to view, see, j^i < jib, : j^y 
watch; to witness 

to be recalled by, come to *JC jb±- : ^i\ ojJo- 
someone's mind, occur to 

j -a "y I «j»-lj-0^il o 

to prepare, ready, make ready; to j^>- <. js. 
make, produce 

to civilize; to urbanize, citify uJ-« : 

j^o*~\ a>-lj— J jil (^ ?U" t L r »l. , »- ; 

urbanism, urbanization; civilization; Sjl-o -ui» :^i 
urban or civilized regions, cities and towns 

urbanites, townsmen, townspeo- _ r oi-\ J» I i jJay 
pie, city or town dwellers, settled population, 
urban or civilized people 

Mr., Messrs., Esq., esquire, £j^ 

Honorable Sir, Right Honorable, Your (His) 
Excellency, Your (His) Honor 
urbanite, townsman, city or town dwel- ,j ju : lijJw 
ler, citizen; urban, urbanized, citified, city- 
dwelling, town-dwelling; civilized 

* *= 


> > > > 

4 Aj »J* 



fort, fortress, stronghold, hold, bastion, Jili : jla^ 
citadel, castle, tower; fastness; bulwark 

happening, taking place, occurrence, ^ j*- : Oyo* 

obtainment, getting, acqui- jl>>-j i Jli : J* J>a»- 
sition, acquirement, winning, gaining, earning; at- 
tainment, achievement, accomplishment, procure- 
ment, realization, scoring; possession, owning, 

stony, pebbly, gravelly <^-»il j^ '■ lSya»- 

calculous, gravelly [ i_J> ] '&>■■*>• 

concre- [»_J»] (j|JJ ilHl jf £J&JI /\ i/)\ j) i 

tion, calculus, stone 

crop, harvest, yield, produce, fruits 

(straw) mat juw> i>Cj :S 

judicious, wise, prudent, tS'"j\ ->-»■ ' (*£»- : ^ 
well-advised, levelheaded, reasonable, sensible, 
sage, sapient, discreet, endowed with sound 
judgment, sagacious, shrewd 

outcome, result, upshot, conse- i 

quence, issue, effect, end, aftermath, aftereffect, 

fruit(s), outgrowth, sequence, sequel, resultant 

remainder, rest 

by-product *ry!»- j' «-ifc j' "So^ " 

well-fortified, inaccessible, unap- jj jy t » : - : j ~~ 
proachabie, impregnable, invincible, impervious, 
impenetrable, invulnerable, inexpugnable, uncon- 
querable, unassailable, forbidding, strong, secure 

immune, insuscep- (»JJ ^^> /\ i£j ji ^-) j_, « ~ 
tible, unsusceptible, proof 

to urge, exhort, incite, prompt, spur lIj- : (J*) *^f 
on, prod, goad, impel 

urging, exhortation, incitation, incitement, ti^- : ^ii- 
prompting, prodding, impelling 

civilization; culture ilix. ; O-uJ :ojUa»- 

j*ay %y\ j — j^ay- lojUa^- 

civilized, civilizational; cultural 




vanguard, van, **?U» ' *<• Ji- ° ( <j44- ' ) •ji^» - 

advance guard 

bottom, rock bottom, lowest *l» t jlji idJjJ : 
level} depth; lowland; foot of a mountain 

perigee [iiU» J ^^jj-l <l*iu 

to put, place, put down, set down, lay «-ij : J»> 

down, station, deposit 

to lower, drop, bring down; to pyi I i Jjj I : J»- 
unload, discharge, take down, take off 

to descend, come down, go down; lijj < iui : J»- 
to fall (down), drop, sink (down); to decline; to 

to alight, perch, sit, roost, light Jl>- : ^5UJI Ja»- 

to land, touch down, alight c.ii ; » : S^jUJI oi»- 

- - < s - 
to halt, stop, make a stop, dismount, JU-^JI ,k» 

aligh(; to encamp; to camp 

to demote, degrade, disrate, C»- jj jl Coj ^ J*»- 
declass, lower or reduce in rank or status 

to degrade, 4^*Ji jl <ili. jl ol£» jl »jji ^ J»- 
abase, debase, demean, humble, humiliate, lower, 
dishonor, discredit; to disparage, belittle, derogate 
from, detract from, put down, diminish; to 
depreciate, lessen the value of; to undervalue, 
underestimate, underrate 

woodcutter, woodchopper, woodman, woods- ljUw 
man, logger, lumberjack 

papule; pimple, pustule, blister, vescicle, lji> : ijjllw 

debris, ruins, broken remains, rubble, <u Ua»- > »Ua»- 
wreck, wreckage; fragments, broken pieces 

wreck, wreckage, shipwreck, wrack; <:.j„.ll f U»- 

vanities or transient things of the world Li J I ^ U»- 

firewood, wood 

degradation, abasement, debasement; lowness, 
baseness, meanness; humiliation, insult, indignity 

to break, smash, crash, shatter, crush, J». i ^Jv. 

break (in)to pieces, dash into pieces, break up, 

destroy, ruin, wreck, demolish, crack (up), frag- 
mentize, crumble 

to break (or beat) the record t*-^' i»0' <J»*- 

(J*) 'Jbo- £>-lj -(^t) 

to embrace, hug, cuddle, jp It t » j-w> <JJ _« : ju 
enfold, nestle, snuggle, clasp (in the arms), take in 
the arms, press to the bosom 
to nurse, dry-nurse, nurture, raise, rear, ,J>j : 

bring up, breed, foster, cradle 

.~ .. , • . * s 
to hatch, brood, incubate, ,^-j : (>4^ ^i^»" 
sit or set (on eggs) 

embrace, embracing, hug(ging), cuddle, iiil!» : ,• 
cuddling, enfolding, accolade 

nursing, nurture, nurturing, raising, i_,y 
rearing, upbringing, bringing up, breeding 

incubation, hatching, brooding »>-j : i_^-" 
lap ^k 

bosom, breast jlu> : 

to receive with open ijLai- jIL jl jj-aJ-l; Jlilll 


amid, amidst, among, . . ijl«a»- 1 ^o i . . <j\Ja*- 1 j 

amongst, in the middle or midst of, in the heart of; 

encompassed by, surrounded by, in between; with; 

in the arms of 

't > > ' 
presence, attendance, 'ltV ' J*-" ' J >=!"J 

attending, being there; reporting, presenting one- 
self; coming, showing up, appearance, arrival 
reaching; visit(ing), going to 

- - ." ' ' 
attendance, attending, going to; i j* Uj 

seeing, watching; witnessing 

audi- t)j«»7,,.» t ojlkj t t)j«tT-»i,» i J>»-t»- 

ence, attendance, attendees, attenders, attendants, 
those present, gathering, assembly, spectators, 
viewers, watchers, observers, onlookers, listeners 

presence of mind, quickness ^jJI ji ^Jl jy-Ja*~ 
(of intellect), quick thinking or perception, alert- 
ness of mind, acuteness, sharpness, keenness, 
shrewdness, perspicacity, subtlety; intelligence; 

in the presence of, in his presence; before ej^-asw 

, .- ' > 

in presence <j?^J 'liji : *~ 

in the presence of the parties (after uȣ- j : \lj^a- 
oral proceedings) 
section, squad 

iiji \(X1£Ll) ejj^ 


+ + 


to acquire, get, obtain, win, gain; to attain, j k- 
achieve; to be privileged or honored to (or with), 
have the honor to 

to find favor with, be favored or u^Li -^* <«iaj>- 
honored by, enjoy the favor of, be in the good 
graces of 

pen, yard, corral, fold, enclosure, stockade, 
zareba, pound, coop, cote, hutch; barn 

hangar, shed ol^JU. SjJi»- 

lucky, fortunate Ji^Jik. : JaJii*- 

to surround, encompass, <o J>l»-I :(<J>»- jl <<) ui^ 
enclose, ring, encircle, border, rim 

to rub, scrub; to rub off, e-»- i <ilj- i diji : Li»- 
scrape off, scratch off, abrade, fret 

to trim, clip, cut Jji : U^j i-kUl oi>- 

to depilate; to shave y<JI Jl jl : <-*»- 

- , . , , » 3 , 
to rustle, whish, swish, hiss, l^*" ^- t *-' : <-*>■ 

barefoot(ed), unshod (slip- r) (--iil) ui»> 

bare footed ness, going barefoot(ed) «li». .^i*. 

digger; excavator; driller, borer; engraver, jlii- 

inscriber, chaser; carver, graver 

wood-carver i_~ii-l jli»- 

graved igger j>r^" J^»" 

• ■» • > i* > * ~ 

(wood) ri\ (_»lji.j£ij jli»- t OJ4. : .J>..I.Cll jlil 

engraver; etcher; phbtoengraver 

digger; excavator; dragline; drill, borer; graver i'jli*- 


diaper, nappy, napkin 

to diaper 

diaper, nappy, napkin 

[ »l..«.. 5 J ii jUj- o jU : ju^ 


• * ', - - 3- 

(JaJJI j^U^ _^>* 

*' ' ' ' * ' 

(jiiii) JilL- 

i !—■■■ > • y . <>U»- aSjU^ ii_jU»- 

to dig; to excavate; to spade; jJLi . j i^i*- 6; 

to bore, drill, hole; to sink (a well, etc.); to drill (for 

oil, etc.) 

u . c>xi : Jav 



. jO» 






J , - 




discount, rebate, reduction _»■ :i.kJ»- 

to be or become lucky, fortunatelb>iij»-u^- J»»»-' J»i»- 

luck, fortune; chance, hap 

good luck, good fortune 

lot, fate, destiny 

share, portion, part, lot, allot- '-■ , ■ . .•■» 

prosperity, affluence, wealth, fortune 

lucky, fortunate 

good luck, good fortune, luckiness 

bad luck, misfortune 

unlucky, unfortunate, Jill (j>£jj ' JJj) *<jr- 
luckless, hapless, ill-fated, ill-starred, star-crossed 

fortunately, luckily Jill { j^>- ,ja i Jill u -~sJ 

unfortunately, unluckily Jill iyJ 

abatis; screen, partition, wall; fence, jUi*- tjUil 
rail(ing), palisade, hedge, enclosure 

to ban, prohibit, forbid, interdict, * _p- .^^ ijjj*- 
proscribe, enjoin, bar, outlaw; to taboo; to 

to pen (up), SjJij- j I4-I9- -ili-Ul _^il <^Jil 
fold, impound, corral, coop (up), shut up, fence in, 
hedge in, enclose 

ban, banning, prohibition, forbiddance, r^kj :Ji&- 

interdiction, proscription, barring; taboo; embargo 

s > • , 
test ban ^jU^JI _^- 

i^ * * • ^ 

curfew Jvvll _J»-»- 

prohibitive, prohibitory, interdictive, (-fj>»" :iijJa»- 
interdictory, prescriptive 

favor, favored position; privilege; supe- o^k»- li^Jj*- 
riority, precedence, preference, priority; prestige, 
standing, stature, dignity, rank; credit, esteem, 
honor, respect, high regard; influence, power, 
authority, weight 

J% -U* Jil Vr'j -0& -J-^f- »>liw (Jli jl) (JiJ 




to keep, preserve, protect, guard, ,y j i uU» : Jii*- 
safeguard, shield, defend, secure; to maintain, 
sustain, uphold, vindicate, keep up, retain, hold; to 
have in custody, take custody of; to save, con- 
serve, store, put away; to reserve 

to observe, comply jjj i »>j-I i j »>JI : J»i»- 
with, abide by, adhere to, stick to, conform to, 
follow, keep (to), maintain, respect, honor, live up 
to, keep faith with, make good; to carry out, 
execute, fulfill, perform, meet 

to memo- j^\\':..\ : Lli Jat»- i (i_. JL» j^o fjc-) dia- 
rize, learn by heart, commit to memory, con; to 
know by heart 

to reserve for oneself, keep for oneself, 4_»J dis- 
appropriate, take for oneself, take possession of 

to keep a secret J ~i\ Jap- 

to save face *»-jJI si* Jai»- 

to conserve, preserve; iwJ.'il jl o'il^Ul Jaij- 
to can, tin 

to be loyal to, be faithful to, be J eli^JI Jip- 

devoted to, keep faith with, stick to, stick by 

to file 


sjUJjl _jl ooL* (J Jai^- 

may God protect him! till <!ip. 

to have someone memorize something, (iLi *_) iii»- 
make someone learn something by heart; to drill 
(in); to inculcate (in) 

keeping, preservation, protection, CUj 1 0>-» : Jja^ 
(safeguarding, safekeeping, defense, defending, 
securing; maintenance, susten(ta)tion, upholding, 
vindication, upkeep, keeping up, retention, retain- 
ing; custody; conservation, saving, storage, storing; 



■I t i\c\ i* '. Jai^- 

of, observing, compliance with, abidance by, ad- 
herence to, following, keeping (to), maintaining, 
living up to, honoring, respect; carrying out, exe- 
cution, fulfillment, performance 

memorization, memorizing, learning jL>Ja£. I : JaL>- 
by heart, conning 

filing < 


• S > » it* 

U*iJj\ Jai?- lOljJI Jai>- 

peace keeping 

f £ji jii* 

peace- keeping forces 

*XJ| Ju>> oly 

to engrave, incise, inscribe, chase; c*» i ^lii : ji»- 
to sink; to carve, grave 

to engrave, etch, photoengrave »JJ A.,t,.l<Jl _,*». 
to fossilize y**- : jir- 


digging; excavation, earthwork; spading; £> : J&- 
drilling, boring; sinkage 

engraving, incision, inscription, c-» <. (jiil : jk>- 
chasing; sinkage; carving, graving 

wood carving t_~ii-l jl>- 

gravure, jJJ ^ji-^jj yL»- i ol+.y > ,.l.<JI ^ii 
photogravure, photoengraving, wood engraving, 
etching, zincography, graphic arts 

inlaying, inlaid work, marquetry K~as'-J*j~'}S L *- 

-> >,' , ' , 

(oil) rig, oil-drilling rig, (oil) (J-kiJl) ji2-\ jl+»- 

hole, pit; hollow, cavity, bore, excavation, ija*- 


fossa [jvj^ J ijJL>- 

crater tLJi jl ,»«J jls*ijl U^-'-'v l^J*' J •>*»■ 

digging, excavation V>*»" 

excavations \zJCjky 

to motivate, stimulate, actuate, dJ>»- i ilo- : (J*) ji»- 
move, drive, impel; to stir, (a)rouse, inspire; to 
incite, prompt, egg on, prod, goad, provoke 

to catalyze [ , \ . < ] j^ 

to stab, pierce, thrust, transfix ^li : ~j^. 

to catalyze [ »!....< ] j^»- 

motivation, stimulation, actuation, dLj>^ tCio- :^i»- 
moving, driving, impelling; stirring, arousal, 
inspiration; incitement, incitation, prompting, 
prodding, provocation 

catalysis [ , \, < ] j^- 

catalytic [ (.L+S ] tsjj&- 

sturgeon (iiL-) J&* 

to diaper ^lii ^^i*. 




soiree, evening ,^1 <U>- 4 ^^^ <U>- io^aL ilii- 
party, evening show or performance; fun party, 
amusement party, entertainment gathering, enter- 
tainment, show 

motion picture show, movie show, 
film presentation 

beach party 
tea party 

-*'■ .. 
- *-• „ >*< , , > *,. , 

wedding, wed- <_»li J ilia- t r-ljj <LUi- « ^^c ilii- 
ding ceremony, marriage ceremony 

song recital, concert of vocal music, i_JLe ili>- 
music(al) party (show, performance, etc.) 
variety show 

concert; recital; performance; 

farewell party, farewell c- 1 jj ilii- 

to scoop (up) with both hands JjJ UdLSC; <-»^>- : ji* 

to give a little to }Lli oLLcl :aJ ^ii- 
handful, fistful; wisp 

to go or walk barefoot(ed) 


to have sore feet 

^1 i'^S" , 

welcoming, receiving hospitably, entertain- (_>) r_i»- 
ing; hospitable 

grandson, grandchild 

grandnephew, great-nephew 






Jyl Jj : Jui 


»^ljl ^15 


ij** - • S J&**' 'Ji 4 * - 

anger, fury, rage, wrath, ire '_ Ar : iiidii- 

grudge, rancor, spite, venom _uL>- : iLuii- 

1 --' "' ■ 

1 ' ■ ■ ■ ■ '" 

'■' ff "i 

face-saving <=r>il sL« 

conservation, preserva- iliJi'ill jl o'il^'Ul , 

tion; canning, tinning 
conservation of species 

t ;jl 



■o i>tl :(<!>»- jl *j) *-«i> 

to gather, assemble, rally, congre- -CIj- I ( »1»J : Ji*. 
gate, crowd (together), throng (together) 

to flow with, j ^L.1 i j yili i j ^- j : _, Ji»- 
overflow with, abound with, superabound with; to 
be full of, filled with, replete with, rife with, 
abounding in, rich in, loaded with, charged with, 
crowded with, well-attended by 

to mind, pay attention to, heed,jJU»l< -ij)\>: -> jli- 
take notice of, take into consideration; to care for 
or about, feel interest or concern about or in 

to adorn, decorate, embellish, ornament, '^'j : [$*■ 

gathering, assembly, assem- ilii- 1 

jyA>- t k+j* 

r : J*»" 

blage, congregation, crowd, throng; audience, 
attendance, attendees, attendants; ceremony, 
celebration, festivity, festival, fete, gala 

attention, heed, notice, care, *Cl»l 4 5"ilC : Jii- 
concern, interest 

party, social (or public) event or gathering; get- ili»> 
together; show, performance, presentation, enter- 
tainment; celebration, ceremony, festivity, festival, 
fete, gala, festive event 

reception L l l.;r... l ilii- 

- • **• 
opening ceremony ~l^i I ilii- 

premiere, first performance .J 3 \ iiii- 

eulogistic or commemora- ,^-jU iili- < 2" : - . . E iii^. 
tive ceremony for a deceased person, commemora- 
tion, eulogy, funeral oration 

commencement, graduation t<jjju jl t-jju <Li>- 

masquerade, masque, masked ball, 
costume ball 

■ - ''• ^ 

dance, ball, dance party, dancing party i*ai\j iiL»- 

benefit, charity performance or event C 

burial ceremony or rites, obsequies, 
funeral ceremony or rites 


lil^fflMW ^^ gwa^ ^ s ' , 
admission, admittance, access 
special drawing rights <UU- 

political right(s) 


_5 •'!* '.» j, • ' i ^ 

right(s) in personam; 4..A -W .*.. j>»»- i ^C J}*- 

personal (private, individual) right(s) 

■ i j, 
(right of) preemption <»iJI j*. 

natural right(s) * .,■■■ >> ii>»»- 1 jj^-J» t** - 

right(s) in rem <u^c ii>i>- i { J~t Jp- 

right to speak, floor; freedom of speech (OlSOl J>- 

(right of) asylum ^llJl eyJUl J>- 

civil right(s) cjju ii>»»- i (Jx. ^J*- 

'>>. t - 
right-of-way, right to pass, passage jjJlS J^>- 

innocent passage 

tS^ j/jA & 

acquired right(s), vested 4 ,„„:u J>i»- i i. - . ?> ■■■ Jp- 
rights) or interests) 

(right of) veto J& J\ jl ^l^jl jl yiiJI J>- 

rightly, rightfully, justly, fairly, equitab- jlL t jiu 
ly, by right(s), with justice, properly, duly, fitly, 
appropriately, correctly, truly, honestly 

with respect to, with regard to, • • J*- j « ■ • (^y 
respecting, regarding, concerning, as to, as for; on', 
at, about 

(piiiJ) . . Jay 
J^- Jc ulS" 

T- * -, 


to be right, be in the right 

liLlc (3*- y> 

you are right, you are in thej*- Jt 

you are wrong, you J>- Jc oil c-il i tillit ji 
are in the wrong, you are at fault 

it is your duty 

you owe me this, you owe this to meJylc,JL»- 1 i» 

. i - ■»-.<<■.. 

to be entitled to, have the right to j^J-IaJi o\ <**■£?; 

to (. . ^1 i jJUjl) ii^l J»- (. . |^i i jji) d>jt. 
know (understand, etc.) exactly, precisely, accu- 
rately, fully, thoroughly, very well, perfectly 

> .~ * .' 

bill of rights JijiJ-l (• -i*S^ 'uQ ijL^.) ii 
law school, faculty of law 

I; ?y r^H^TPyr' "■-'".^j.^vT^^T^ 

- - - - - : * 

rustle, rustling, whish, swish, hiss, murmur 

to be or become true, prove to be (J-uo < c-J : "j* 
true, turn out to be true; to be or become estab- 
lished, proved, confirmed, certain, definite; to be 
or become right, correct 

to ascertain; to be sure of, be certain of ,jiJ : J*- 

to be or become necessary for, <Js. i.-*- j : *lic ^>- 
requisite for, obligatory for, mandatory for, imper- 
ative for; to be incumbent on, imposed on; to be 
adequate for, fitting for, suitable for 

to deserve 3*^- ' : 4^ l**" 

many deserve punishment <_jli*JI 4_L J>- j££ 

to be entitled (to), have the right (to) *i J^u 


D^ p-'j -v* 



right, title, claim; <21L t JL. i OtlJUJ jjju jl ^m L : Jp- 
property, rightful possession; one's due 

truth; reality; correctness, ^^JL 4 (j-uo 4 *i^i>- : J>>- 
rightness; certainty, certitude' 

true, real; authentic, genuine; right, ?v*m> : jj- 
correct, just, fair; sound, valid 

one of the attributes of (_^-J-l <I)I t\^.\ ,ja : jil 

law u>ili : (J>>iJ-l 

easement, servitude; common JjLlIj^I J>- 

eminent domain *UI dl^'.r!.^! Jj- 

right of action, right ,-c 1-dl J^- ni^pjjl i»UI ^»- 
to sue 

suffrage, right to vote, <_jU»H^I jl 5-1 ^i^i\ J^- 

franchise, vote, ballot 

- ff * - * 

divine right, divine rightyjJVl dJjlil J»- t ^J| Jp- 

of kings 

usufruct c-li^l ^3- 

' '' 
human rights uL-J>l ii>»>- 

- V'h '- ' 
primogeniture °ji*-?< S^ 

copyright ^^LJI jl *JJI jl >_»Jul ((3>1l>-) ^ 

right of search 

(right of) self-determination 

(right oO option 


' 1,. i 

(right oO entry, entree, right to enter, J^j-jJI 



to yield, produce, bring in, return, pay Jc : ii* J " 

to satisfy, fulfill, meet, answer, JfS i _; ^ j : ,_yb- 
serve; to suffice, be enough or adequate or 

to grant, comply with, accede J i_jU«^J t ^J :^i»- 
to, respond to 

to verify, establish, substantiate, jos- t c~2 1 : <£&*- 
prove (to be true); to confirm, affirm; to determine, 
fix, pinpoint, identify 

to inquire into, examine, investi- Ji 1 1 iJ-aw : Ju- 
gate, inspect, probe, study, scrutinize; to check 
(out), verify 

to interrogate, examine, j h . : ..l 4 i_j»~»! : f i-***" 
question, hear 

to identify; to ijyU jl i_-»JI jl <-jlJJI Ji>- 
determine or establish the identity of 

to probate (a will) ~*-rf^ ti* 3 " 

■* 1-' 
field (>>jl : J*»" 

field, domain, sphere, realm, area Jli^. : Jii- 

column j^x : (Ai_»w» jl <s^a ,^) Jia- 

mine field 

oil field 

guinea pig 

magnetic field 


field; agrarian, agricultural, farm 


to inject, shoot, syringe, give an injection tojijj : Ji*- 

to withhold, hold (back), keep (back), ( _ rr j- : { ji^- 
detain, retain; to restrain, suppress, repress 

to spare someone's blood i\» Jl ,yj- 1 o^> f* jji*- 
or life; to prevent bloodshed 

to save face 

injection, injecting, shooting 

withholding, holding (back), detention, ar j- :;>*»• 
retention; restraint, suppression, repression 

prevention of bloodshed; sparing the 
blood or life of 



injection, shot; hypodermic, hypodermic ii j j : iii 

hollow, cavity; socket of a joint 




- ■■» - > 

lowness, baseness, meanness, lowliness, 5 jli j : Sjlii*- 
ignobility, vileness, villainy, abjectness, inferiority, 
beggarliness; misery, wretchedness, poorness; des- 
picability, contemptibleness 
insignificance, inconsiderableness, i»lij :5jUa- 
worthlessness, paltriness 

right, rightful, lawful, ^^ 1 jil <jj v>-^ : i/j^»* 
legitimate, legal, valid, sound, correct, proper 
just, fair, equitable, impartial, even- J^Lt : ^ Un- 
handed; honest, upright, straightforward 

• > >_> 

4^49- »J*-lj — I— -J^ 

epoch, era, age, period, time; long time, long 
stretch of time, long period 

1 -?••" 
small pot, little jar, box, jug; container, *U-j : <a»- 


hookah, narghile, water pipe, hubble- il~rjli '■<*»■ 


to bear a grudge against, bear malice^ jlav 1 ^ juL»- 

or spite against, feel malice toward, harbor hatred 


spite, grudge, rancor, malice, venom, ill will,jui»-t jui»- 

bitter feeling, spitefulness, malignity, malignancy, 

malevolence, gall, hatred, antagonism, hostility 

to be or become low, base, \jH>*- jL> 1 3i '-ji*- '>»»■ 
mean, lowly, vile, despicable, contemptible; to be 
or become insignificant, inconsiderable, negligible 

to degrade, abase, debase, demean, cjl* I ' Jil '•y^ 
lower, humble, humiliate, dishonor; to disparage, 
belittle, put down, depreciate, decry; to insult, 
offend, affront 

to realize, carry out, achieve, juJ t ^ I : Jfii»> 

accomplish, attain, consummate, fulfill, execute, 
effect(uate), perform, work out, actualize, bring 
about, make real, make come true, put into effect, 
give effect to, bring into effect 

„ s - ,5* ^3>^ 

to secure, ensure, procure ji) t ^\ : { yu>- 




■ ■ ~^~t 

really, in reality, ^"ill iiub- J < ii-jU-l ( j) i ii-i»- 
truly, in truth, actually, verily, indeed, in effect, in 
fact, in point of fact, as a matter of fact 

facts, data, information oU^JlL. : JJli>- 

real, true, genuine, authentic, substantial, veri- * v"~ 
table; actual, factual, effective; intrinsic, essential; 
positive; right; very 

to rub, scrub; to scratch; to scrape Li»- i Sji : di*- 

to scrape off, rub off, scratch off, w*~ i o»- : tili- 
abrade, chafe, fret 

to itch ililjl li'j>:iLu^£. 

rubbing, scrubbing; scratching; scraping; friction, dU- 
chafe; scraping off, rubbing off, abrasion, fret 

compass "**y. '■ uU- 

to tell, relate, narrate, recount, jj*. t j^ai i <3jj : (J fc*- 
recite, report, give an account of 

lapidary («.£ll jl~-^l jl i_-io)l) dllki- 

prurigo, itch; pruritus, itching; (yij-0 JlSi : dJISCi- 

story, tale, narrative, narration ilaJ :£>l£»- 

narration, narrating, lioail <Ujj i j^- - Aj LS^1=»- 
relation, relating, telling, recounting 

fairytale uU-l jl <_>J-1 VSi*- 

fable; allegory 


monopoly, monopolized e^&^u iJL. i^^i- '^^S^- 

jlxl»-l (Wflj— i^Xy '_^^ '^^^ 

ground rent; quitrent . ^J-l °>»-l '^^f 

to rule, reign, dominate, sway, jli 4 ^-L i j I jI : ȣȥ 
hold sway over, have power over; to govern, 
administer, manage, direct, run, lead, control, 

to order, command, direct, dictate;^^ i j*\ : Sj>~ 
to enjoin, ordain, decree, prescribe 

enema, clyster 
loin, groin 

spiteful, malicious, rancorous, venomous, male- jji*- 
volent, malignant, hateful, revengeful; ill wisher, 

, •• '..> 

juristic, jural, legal cy>>^ ' o>«J-L» jL>^ : Ji<ji* 

jurist, jurisprudent, <cJii t ojiiy u ^wiati. : Jiyi*- 

jurisconsult, legist, (legal) scholar 



-*' * . ■ : 

(jfl-*- L4JM 

suitcase, (traveling) bag, valise, trunk, port- ji- ! 

briefcase; portfolio ljIjjI jl s-^ *-r^* 

' i- ' - 
handbag, bag, purse; satchel; briefcase jj i^is- 

pocketbook, porte-monnaie, t_ 
purse, wallet, billfold 

diplomatic bag, diplomatic pouch 

baggage, luggage, bags, suitcases, 
trunks, valises 

i >> >_ 

\ ■''■''' 


low, base, mean, lowly, ignoble, v^j « *<«»J : jjfi*- 
vile, villainous, abject, menial, dirty, inferior^ beg- 
garly, cheap; poor, wretched, miserable; despised, 
scorned; despicable, contemptible 

insignificant, inconsiderable, _u» j i *i\j :jj**~ 

negligible, worthless, paltry, trifling 
worthy (of), deserving; fit (for), suit- jjo»- : (_j ) JJt*- 
able (for), appropriate (for), proper (for); becoming, 
befitting, seemly; capable, able, competent, quali- 
fied; entiled (to) 

truth, reality, actuality; ix« < j-ilj t J»- :«Jlj»»- 

facts, true state of affairs, state of things as they 
are; trueness, verity, veracity, authenticity, genu- 

essence, substance, true nature, j»yr < <uS" : ilJb- 
essential nature; core, pith 

real meaning, true sense, proper jlki. tuo : ii^i»- 



~*. . ***-> 

autonomous, self-governing, J^jlJJI ^J-\> ^L» 

-*••' *\<" *< - ■•' *'<■' 
martial law *r*j* fix*- 1 <■ ^ \jc ^Xj- 

* i' *'s* 
judgment by default, default judgment, ^ Lc ^Xj- 

judgment in absentia 

monocracy; autocracy; dictatorship j>JI £**■ 

technocracy u • . ■ :.' • < ^ <&*" 

the rule of law u>> W ^S**- 

oligarchy ZSiH\ y iliJI ,JG- 

verdict Cr~^ p*-*" 

absolute (or authoritarian) regime, jlk. ^Xj- 

absolutism, autocracy, dictatorship, despotism, 

legally; definitely, certainly, positively, sure- Lxj- 
ly, inevitably, unavoidably, inescapably, neces- 

by virtue of, on the strength of, on the . . »Xjw 
basis of; by force of; pursuant to; by reason of, on 
account of, because of, due to, owing to 

practically, in effect, virtually, as ..IJo Sj- j 
good as, for all practical purposes, all but, almost 

ipso facto fr-^' t&t 'J*^' p^^ 

j • f ' 

ipso jure u>>li!l .£■>« 

• > > - • > * ~t 
machinery of government ^J-\ j^- . £J-\ i\*\ 

bit, curb, curb bit, snaffle ^^S-" : *+£*" 

wisdom, sapience, sageness, sagacity, i» L»- : <&*■ 
judiciousness, prudence, foresight, insight 

ft- *,•'. --V- 
aphorism, maxim, gnome, pro- jy U Jy : <ux*- 

verb, adage, saying, saw 

philosophy i^- 1 * : *-^r 

legal; definite, definitive, determinate; inevita- if***- 
ble, unavoidable, inescapable, necessary; obligato- 
ry, mandatory, imperative 

aphoristic, gnomic Kfi^" 



•vi^b'l i.jki 

* '- **> 

coalition government 

government of national unity, ^> 3 jU^I <.£*■ 
national unity government 

to decide, judge, rule, ^ia :(J ji J* ^toi) ^xj- 
adjudicate, adjudge, pass (pronounce, deliver, give, 
render) a judgment or sentence or decision or 
ruling or verdict (against or in favor of); to 
sentence, impose or inflict (a penalty on); to find 
(for), award (to) 

to be sentenced to death; to get a (1-u-^t <1U rf^~ 
death sentence or a capital sentence 

to be or become wise, judicious Wf-*" J^° '• p*- 9 " 

to appoint (or choose) as ruler L£V aIo- : (»£»■ 

to appoint (or choose) iJG- *L>sr : ( l j~> jl J) <£*■ 
as arbitrator (in, over, between) 

to empower, authorize, invest ^j . ,_>>» : (J) ^xj- 
with power or authority, give a free hand to; to 
put in charge of; to entrust with, charge with, 
commission with 

to resort to, have J, ' ., '«v ,.[ . -> o^-| ' cJj » : (•£»■ 

recourse to, turn to, make use of, use, employ, 


arbitrator, arbiter; umpire; referee 

rule; government, 'j^y <■ <1»L, <■ °^ ' <>j\*\ '■ $£**" 
administration, management; direction,- running, 
leading, leadership; control, command, dominion, 
authority, power, sway, reign 

reign, rule, period (of <C"ij t j+c- : ^J-\ 3 x. « ^Xj- 
rule), regime, time 

judgment, decision, sentence, >L»» . jly : ^xj- 
ruling, holding, verdict, award, adjudication 

(oL jl u>l» j' »J*U> (•ISCi-o ) J»^i. i^^ai :«xj- 
provision, stipulation, term, clause; principle, pre- 
cept, rule 

death sentence, capital sentence (•!-"• )^ £»■ 

provisional regulations; transitory V^f"' (*^Ci-' 

republican (form of) government, lSjj*-**- ^~ 
republican regime 

judgment (delivered) in the y»l»-j y <Sji~<x>- r*^- 
presence of the parties (after oral proceedings) 

award, arbitral (or arbitra- ^..v^ll jl <SJ-\ ^S^- 
tion) award, arbitrament 

autonomy, self-government, self-rule, <j\ j j^»- 
home rule 





at, take lodgings at, take up quarters at; to settle 
down in, reside in, live in, dwell in, inhabit 

to descend upon; to J J-a»- 4 i_.U>l : Jx. jl _j Jj- 
befall, afflict, strike, hit, happen to, occur to 

to overcome, *j j-JL.1 1 aILc :(»JJ ^j-lilll) aj 3»- 
overwhelm, overpower 

to set in, arrive, ^1 1 Ioj :(»J] p-^II 4 J-aiJI) J»- 
begin, start, dawn 

to be enjoined on, be aILc (-*»-.) •(j-»^0 <~l* <3»- 
incumbent upon, be someone's duty 

to fade, dim, pale, wan, blanch, e-*. : (u>UI) Jj- 
tarnish, faint 

to be or become lawful, legal, licit, ^%- J^ '■ J»- 
legitimate, permissible, permitted, allowable, 
allowed, admissible, unprohibited, unforbidden, 

to mature, become (or fall) j>*-^ :(rJJ (jjoJI)j3»- 
due, become payable 

to be true, truthful, valid o y '-Cr?**^ 

££-* ^ 


J* J' 

J s>- 

to replace, take the place of, substitute for, Jk. Ji- 
be a substitute for, displace, supplant, supersede 

untying, unfastening, unbinding, undoing, Si : 'J*. 
unraveling, loosening, unwinding, unscrewing, 
disentanglement, disengagement, freeing 

solution v'>=r : J* - 

solution, solving, resolution, v'ji' J ^l '-'S*- 

settlement, working (out), unriddling, unraveling 

dissolution, dissolving, solution, t-jj-u 4<Uil :*J*- 
melting, liquefaction 

- - • ' 4 .- 

electrolysis (y^^*^ J*" 

dissolution, disbandment, (»JJ oi~J^J0 <>»» : <3»- 
breaking up 

loosening, slackening, unloosing, *U-jl :^- 

unstringing, easing off; relaxation 

release, releasing, freeing, libera- jj^jw 4 Ji^i>! :^ 
tion, discharge, discharging 

absolution, acquittal, discharge, release, f I J> I : J»- 
disengagement, clearing, relief, exemption, exoner- 
ation, freeing 

absolution [i-jlj«aj] LLLLI J»- 

federal government, 


, ■ « >, * > 

iLJl jl aIU^I i.^G- 



pro- J 1^1 t_ij 

visional government, caretaker government 

republican government 

theocracy ilj j *!>£*- 

puppet government 

monocracy; autocracy; dictatorship j^jjl <*>£*- 

commission plan 

representative or parlia- 
mentary government 

governmental, government; public, state ltȣ*- 

wise, judicious, prudent, sapi- JiL 1 1, « ; ^v :«is^ 
ent; sage, wise man 

philosopher '-Jj-M : ^f-»" 

to untie, unfasten, unbind, undo, unravel, Si :*J». 
loosen, unloose, unfix, unwind, unscrew, untan- 
gle, disentangle, disengage, free 

to solve, >JJI ji iLJ-^l )\ iltil )\ ikHl ^ 

resolve, settle, work (out), unriddle, unravel 

to decipher, decode, break (a code^^i^iJI jyj J»- 

to dissolve, melt, liquefy i_.ji 4 i_.l jl : J»- 

to analyze; to decom- o^<»L2 JJ a jj 4 JJl»- : J*- 
pose, decompound, break (up), break down, disin- 
tegrate, dissolve, resolve 

to electrolyze • tLj^xJL jl CjIj^^p J»- 

to dissolve, disband, break (»JJ O^J^llO ^<>» :3^- 
up (a parliament, an organization, a company, etc.) 

to loosen, slacken, unloose, unstring, (j»-jl • J»- 
ease off; to relax 

to release, free, liberate, set free, jy>- t ( _£JJ»I : *S>- 
discharge, let go 

. S-« . -5- . *- •*. • S- 

(jt <J*-\ (fr^J~Ot J j 9 " i ui 'j^' '-Ot J"" 

to halt at, stop at, |»UI 1 JjJ :(,Jx. 4 j^s. 4 J 4 j) Jj- 
make a stop at, alight at, dismount at, camp at, 
encamp at; to stay at, lodge at, put up at, stop over 

8L ■" ■■■ ■•*»■..■ :»',.'-v,.^.T.v».w;^r{da»»^ 

allowable, permitted, allowed, admissible, autho- 
rized, unprohibited, unforbidden, unproscribed 

legitimate son; respectable or decent man J%- ^>l 

solver Jau (j* t JU- :J5U- 

sweetness; deli- l>L>- u asJ^\ jl i<JA\ u£ :Sj5U- 

ciousness; pleasantness, delightfulness; beauty, 


halvah, halva a., : ,.. - ^! -. iyb- i ij%- 

oUyi>- )l»-Ij— olj^U- : oj >^- 
to milk i_Jl^-I :t_J»- 




racetrack, racecourse, 
course, track, turf, -drome 

arena, sphere, field, j\r^* ' o^-h* ' J«v '■'-^ 


dance floor ( ,_^aii^Jl) ilii- 

ring (iJr^ui ji ii jCJl ) tx^ 

motordrome (oljLIJI jC.) illi- 

milking i_j£- ^ S^il :*lli- 

fenugreek (*-jLj) i-i*- 

spurge, euphorbia; ivy (*-jLj) i_>xlf 

mercury (*-jLj) i-'>-1»" 

cooking pot tv-^ j- 4 * :4 -^ 

garment; dress, robe, gown; vestment; ay i <-jjS :ii». 
suit, costume; uniform 

r- ~\ '' - s 

absolution; dispensation [i_jlj^»i J Oljii :4l»- 

asafetida ijl.ia.jil <u»vs :c. 

to gin (cotton) 

ginning (of cotton) 

to move, budge; to dislodge, dis- t-I jK r -j> -j : J*U- 
place, put aside, remove, drive away 

snail 4il^j :4jjj,l^ iujjI*' 

spiral; helix i_Jj) :<ijjli- < OjjJb- 

spiral, helical, helicoid(al), cochleate, ^J>) irjjU*- 
volute(d), winding 

cyclone iji')^- jL-«*! 

saddlecloth 4iy jl r-j— )' c-»u v-»jj U '-^9- 'it-b- 

denouement (<Us- J _ - jl ijljj j i Sai«JI) Jj- 

compromise JaLj ^*- 

those in power, those charged JaJ^JIj Jll J* I 
with authority, those responsible, authorities, 
rulers, leaders, influential people 

in all his actions (doings, movements)<IL>- ^j<d»- j 

to be free from, exempt(ed) from, ^ Jj- jjl^ 
released from, discharged from, absolved from, not 
bound by 

the food of the J&J ^- <_,llsOl 1^" jl ^ JJI pliij 
People of the Book is lawful unto you 

to sweeten, be or become J i (_-U» t I^L>- o^ : bU 
sweet; to be or become delicious; to be or become 

to be or become beautiful, pretty J^»- : %. 

as he pleases, as he likes, as <l jl?u (US' jl) I, .~ 
he chooses, as he wishes, at his discretion 

to sweeten, sugar jS^. i IjL*. o^^-^j :,J^ 

to desalt, desalinate, (^.)iJil Jl'jl :(»Ql) Ji- 

to adorn, decorate, embellish, jli- t jjj : ^li- 
ornament, beautify, bedeck, deck out; to candy, 
sweeten, sugar, make attractive 

milker; milkman i_»JJ-l «JL ( i_JU- :i_r^»- 

cotton ginner Jb£\ ?Jj» ja '■£%■ 

ginning; cotton ginner's trade^^U-l ii j>- <. »«Jb- :i»-bU 

confederation .JljjiljS' jU^I :<_»5U- 

barber, haircutter, hairdresser, coiffeur, jS*- 


shaving, shave; hairdressing, hairstyling, ii^U- 

haircut(ting); barber's trade, hairdresser's occupa- 
tion; hairdo, coiffure 

(safety) razor; shaver i»%- i_5"L t ii%- ill 


shaving cream; shave foam i»%- 0. 

lawful, legal, licit, legitimate, permissible, j-L. : J%- 



^ — » 

annual ring (i 

vicious circle 

missing link, intermediate form 

in his fifties, in the sixth 
decade of his life 

throat, gullet, gorge; fauces; pharynx 

Adam's apple 

Turkish delight 

guttural; faucial; pharyngeal 

annular, circular, round, ring-shaped 

guttural; faucial; pharyngeal 

guttural letter, guttural 

Annelida u'-V-J' 

( . > iU-l Aa-lj 


to be or become deep-black, o jl^-, jui I 

pitch-black, intensely black, coal-black 



intense blackness, intense darkness jl^Ul Sj 

to analyze; to assay; to resolve, o^Li <JJ o jj : Ji*- 
dissolve, decompose, decompound, break (up), 
break down, disintegrate 

to electrolyze X .^SDL _>l U t^p JIj- 

to hydrolyze *UIj ji &L jjli- 

to psychoanalyze I ....«; JI»- 

to legalize, legitimize, make lawful;^- 1 1 t jU-l :Jij- 
to authorize, sanction, warrant; to permit, allow, 
make permissible 

C£ J* - ' ^J~Cti J^~ l Oi '-tf 1 : Cr? l^*- 

to expiate an oath i>^' J^- 

to dream (of) »JJ oL. _>l **'y j <s\'j • (J*- 

to attain puberty, reach sexual jL t Sj jI : »L>- 
maturity, be sexually mature 

to be or become patient, forbearing, LJo- 0^ : fJ*- 
long-suffering, meek, lenient, clement 

puberty, sexual maturity dljjl i i-^L : J*- 

<> >> 

to swear (by God) 
to take an oath, swear 
to perjure, commit perjury 

(<IiL) oiU 

AjjlS" L^»j i_iU- 

to make (someone) swear; to swear oils*. <djii- : i_«i»- 
in, put to (or upon) oath, administer an oath on (or 


1 Cf'J- 

: i_ttl.-»- 

: 1 al>. u .»!,>■ 

oath; swearing, taking the -_i t ^^j : 
oath, oath taking 

perjury, false swearing i_oK i.iU- t t-^ <— iQ-t 
alliance, confederacy jLmSI:^]^ 

ally, confederate i.a.i.T : i_»U- 

esparto, alfa (^tj) iiL*. iSlil*- 1 c UJl»- 

to shave, shave off; to have one's ^ol JI3I : jl»- 
hair cut, have a haircut 

to barber, cut the hair of, shave (the beard oDJ,jii- 

to fly, soar, wing, hover, circle *jl^li> j «ijjl : jl» 
(or climb) in the air 

to rise, tower, soar, ascend, %. 4 «jj j I : j^U- 

mount, climb (up); to be high, lofty 

to round, make round, make iiiiK iL^- : jJii- 
circular or ring-shaped 

earring(s), eardrorXs) 

throat, gullet, gorge; fauces; ^y*L <. jj^. 1 c>iU- 

iiSU- p-lj-i»%- :jli- 



ring; annulus; annulation; circle; link (of aS^JIj :<ib- 
chain, etc.); loop; ringlet, annulet; circlet 

earring, eardrop i»yi :(oiil) iii»- 

circle, group; company, body; (|_rUI (>•) i«ia- 
clique, coterie 

episode, installment, (?JJ iLil^* di ^.) iiij- 
number, part (of a serial story, of a series, of a 
program, of a sequence, etc.) 

connecting link J-°>" j' JLaJ^I iiia- 

seminar; colloquium; symposium; *rr"'jJ i«ia- 



r ' 

^sm;r : ^ F ;.si:mi;-vima!isixtamiXiwimXli 

ment, displacement, supersession, supplantation 

subrogation y>-\ Jjm ,_yb J>1»- 

-S '' '■>. ' - •.- 

immanentism; pantheism Jjlil i_jb-u lO^l*- 

sweets; candy, candies, sweetmeats, ol>^l^ iljU^Jl^ 
confectionery, confections 

jewelry, jewels; trinketry, trinkets((Jj-j i Jj>- r) ^f 


whole milk, full cream milk ^jjl J-IS" ■ 

dried milk, milk powder, powdered <-«A,-»«.. 

jewel; trinket; ornament, finery, ((J^-j (_^- r) <^*- 

ginned cotton r>^** Cr^ : ^*" 

ally, confederate; allied i ■ a . 1 -> - 

the Allies *lilil 

shaved, shaven; cleanshaven; smooth-shaven, jJb- 

ringlet, annulet; circlet "j^° ***»■ :< " . ;, I . •» • 

husband, spouse rj j : JJ*- 

wife, spouse i»-jj:J_i»- 

wife, spouse <L>-jJ :«Jl1»> 

patient, long-suffering, for- slj'il Jj>1» i j>w» : ( *J L »* 
bearing, meek, mild, tolerant, lenient, indulgent, 


. •*.' • *.■> 






'. /--Li— O^Jb- 

papillary, papillate, papillose; papilliform yi^*" 

to heat, make hot; to warm (up) U :> < t^a*- : (•»■ 

to blacken, become black :>>-} : ^ 

to fever, contract or be in a fever, be J,J-\ 4JjU>I : (>»■ 


"'-" "" ' •" ■'.' ---■■! -■■■ I'-™ 


daydream(ing), reverie ^M' j^»- 

dreamland, dreamworld fbb-^l jJU t f^U-^l ^jl 

oneiromancy f^U-^l ^»r'>> Cr*^ ' f^»-^ .Ar"" 

patience, forbearance, longani- ~Lj t »U i j~& : (J*- 
mity, long-suffering, meekness, mildness, toler- 
ance, toleration, leniency, indulgence, clemency 

discernnent, insight; prudence, Jiu cj-a-jijjL*- 


to hydrolyze Uli> 

hydrolysis SUU' 

nipple, teat, tit, mammilla ( cS-^0 <ui*- 

nipple-shaped, mammillate(d) <Jl\Z : lx^*" 

mammillate(d) ollLi- <d '(,Ju- 

sVveet; delicious; pleasant, delightful, nice; beauti- £*■ 

ful, pretty 


candy, confection, sweetmeat t\£*- i(i>L^ 

dessert fl«UI l*> p ", ^ i3>L»- 

- s - i !' 

tip, gratuity, baksheesh; douceur, <>ja t ^lj :ol>l^ 

gift, present 


milk, milch, giving milk; milker 

milk cow, milch cow, milker, *j>lb- j\ v^ 'j^> 
dairy cow 

dairy cattle 

wisteria, wistaria 

^IjjX^j i syj-l ojill :<i^I» 

(oLj) o^i^- 

storXping), stopover, putting up; i.U| s Jjy : J^ 
stay, sojourn, residence; staying, residing, dwel- 
ling, living, inhabiting 

beginning, start, dawn, rise; set- */**-• <■ *-4 : *Sy&- 
ting in, arrival, advent, (in)coming 

i- : , '' 
incarnation j__»u :o£>- 

--!.., . - « • - > >> 

substitution, replace- j±- 1 J»m s^i, jl ^/u^i. J^)b- 

r" ■■■■:-•■ 



donkey driver 

donkey, ass 


wild ass, onager 

_/uJ-l JIL "jU* - 

female donkey, she-ass, jennet, jenny ijtil :»jU^ 

acridity, pungency ( JJJI) Sa»- ri'jUi- 

enthusiasm, zeal(ousness), ardor, fer- y»U»> t«Lil*»- 
vor, fire, warmth, glow, intense interest, eager- 
ness, keenness, heartiness, ebullience 

enthusiastic, zealous, ardent, fervent, fiery, ^U*- 
glowing, vehement, warm, hearty; thrilling, elec- 
trifying, galvanizing, stirring, (a)rousing, exciting, 
stimulating, inspiring, sensational, breathtaking, 
hair-raising, soul-stirring 

acidosis (t^j*) ty*^**- 

(wood) sorrel, oxalis; dock 

(oLi) Lr iU» i 

chicken pox 

in 5 ' " 

pill (3jjJ»- c iSji- 

stupidity, silliness, foolishness, folly, fatu- J^»- :ii'U»- 
ity, idiocy, imbecility, weak-mindedness, feeble- 
mindedness, fat-wittedness, thick-wittedness, dim- 
wittedness, brainlessness, dumbness, doltishness 

UjlJa.JI iJLi- 

porter, carrier 

stretcher, litter; palanquin; sedan 
sedan chair; handbarrow 

suspenders, braces, galluses 


brassiere, bras ^ jdJ <!U»- i jjuilj ilLi- 

key holder 7V^-» <N*»- 

porterage, porter's or carrier's workjQ-l l^. :i)U*. 

pigeon, culver, dove ( >U>) £.lli- : »U»- 

rock pigeon, rock dove, wild pigeon^Jus- _}l<ijjfL»- 

carrier pigeon, homing JU>- jjl fll*- t l 3= r I jjl ^Ci- 
pigeon, homer 

rindgdove, wood pigeon 

ij>>**» fif 





or become feverish, have a fever 

heat, hotness; warmth, warmness °j'1p- : n*- 

to clean out, dredge (a well) I^U; : ^jUI l^ 

to be or become angry with, mad at L«o«. : ^c f^^*- 

to defend, protect, (safeguard, Ji } 4 ^c «i I j : ,j4*. 
shield, shelter, preserve, keep, maintain, vindicate 

to support, stand by, stand up for, j^>\> : ,-»j- 

advocate, uphold, champion, patronize, sponsor 

to diet ^ju -L^j- ^LkJ Uij tiii -cr* 3 " 

to heat, make hot; to warm (up) Ho i ^_ : ,jii. 

father-in-law ^.i. : {**. 

fever, pyrexia, temperature [i_J> ] ojl^»- : ,j^». 

tularemia, rabbit fever ^'j^l 

typhoid, typhoid fever jj 

typhus, typhus fever u-j".." 11 ,- 

trench fever (jjjLil 

hectic fever 

relapsing fever, recurrent 
fever, tick fever 

quartan, quartan fever 

yellow fever, yellow jack i^jl^ojl £l^> J^- 


tertian fever 

scarlet fever, scarlatina 



(_-«ji <_,*>- 

hay fever, rose fever, rose cold jj^JI ji ^iill ,-»j- 

foot-and-mouth disease, ilc. 1 ^' ..Is- 

foot-and-mouth, hoof-and-mouth disease 

brucellosis, undulant fever, Malta feveri^-^^ J+*- 
puerperal fever, childbed fever ^.UJI ( _ k5 - 

4jU^- «j-ij— AjUj- : (_£»»• 


refuge, shelter, sanctuary IjJJ. 

mud, mire, sludge, slime; slough JLi, : sll^. 

mother-in-law *=rj>" jl t-j^I fl :<>'L»- 

sweet basil (oL) *&■[+*■ 


whinny(ing), neigh(ing) Jr4r° '■ 

to praise, commend, laud, extol, eulogize Jc ^ I : jl*>- 

to say "Praise be to God!", to « 4l! _uil » Jti : 




say "Thank God!" 

praise, commendation, laudation, extol 

ment, eulogy, encomium, panegyric 

praise be to God! praised be the «5>J.w»- <■ <ti -uJ- 

Lord! thank God! 

_u»- <c>-Ij -« <i) -uil » Jl» : J. 

to redden, make red ^ 

-I <Ov : 

to roast, grill, broil; to fry; to brown 
bitumen; asphalt, blacktop 


redness, red colorfation), red coloring j I j^-\ : 'ij. 
rouge; lipstick; blusher, blushing (J... J »«, vl , l ) ij^r- 


bituminous; asphaltic 

to bite (or burn) the tongue; to be 

acrid, pungent, sour 

^ > - 
to be or become bold, cou 

rageous, brave, intrepid 

- ,. * - ' 
_ ~* * * * 

*^-« I^-A> t ( - T'**' 't/***' 

to enthuse, make enthusiastic; to thrill, electrify, 
galvanize; to interest, arouse the interest of; to 
rouse, stir (up), work up, excite, stimulate, whet, 
fire, inflame, kindle; to embolden, encourage, 

bold, courageous, brave, 


Ij t f-Uii, 


intrepid; unflinching, steadfast, staunch 

* ' '.' *' '..' 

terrapin <L>JbrJI oLU SlijJL . • * t — 

to enrage, acerbate, vex, irritate i_..a r .i tyi**- i JU>- 

to roast; to toast (jJljI>JI ii_-il), 

chick-pea, garbanzo (^L-j) 

to sour, be or become sour; La«U- o^ '^rn— ' (>!*»■ 
to acidify, be or become acid 


dovecote, pigeon house fLJ-l 

verbena, vervain; burdock (^L-i) fQ-1 ,y-j 

bugloss, alkanet, (oL) ^t^LI J»- j i j.Q-1 J>^- 

bathroom, bath, toilet, lavatory, ( .l ( jw« , }ll £fy> '■ fl*i- 
washroom, water closet, WC, men's room, ladies' 

bath(s), spa 

seaside resort; 

beach lS>=v c^~ 

steam bath; 


jla»j (»L»»- ' iSj^i f ^*" 

blood bath 

f 3 flii 



o^i : f L»- 


(u°J*l {J*\*^ 

heat, hotness; warmth, warmness °j\j>- ^o'jUj- 

protection, defense, defending, p-U j i ijlij :<iU^ 
(safe)guarding, sheilding, sheltering, safekeeping, 
preservation, keeping, vindication 

supporting), standing up for, S^L. : <jC»- 

standing by; advocacy, championship, upholding, 
patronage, sponsorship 

consumerism, consumer protection, tiller.,,! I <CCp- 
promotion of the consumer's interests' 

protec- \j. ,-*~i °jy~& <!j-V ^>^' aJjjJI <L>^U :iiLj- 

under the protection of, under the \j& AjL»- c-a«j 
wing of, under the auspices of, under the patron- 
age of, under the aegis of, sponsored by, under the 
sponsorship of 

(oL;) ^iL**. 

j\&- £u a-j i frlil ojW- ^J-^ ' 449> 



geyser, hot spring 

sting, stinger; dan 




to whinny, neigh 

.. s -* 

borage; bugloss, alkanet, oxtongue(oLi) 

(****?" 'i*'**'" 




-!»?»» iEfc«»» ■e»5j-a»iaci 

to bear fruit, fructify, fruit 

4-L*Mrf j-~i- (J* aJu>- 

^•j I : j -»t i''.ll 3- ,J " 

to carry, support, bear, sustain, lio t 111. : J^i- 
hold up, prop (up), shore up, stay, brace, pillar 

to undertake, take upon one- aju Lc Jx Jt»- 1 : Jli- 
self, assume, carry (the burden of), shoulder, bear 

to harbor, entertain, ^5"! ij^l t j^il :(Jx.) 3-^- 
cherish; to conceal, hide, secrete 

to incite, prompt, spur J J o j t Jx. CiJJ : Je 3-*- 
on, induce, move, actuate, impel, drive, motivate, 
stimulate, inspire, cause, make 

to know by heart (Is. Jaii- :(~JJ oI'_^Jl) 3^- 

to predicate, attribute [ jU:. ] 31a- 

A—ii J* JjlaJ «j«-Ij - A_ij J* Jli- 

to interpret, construe; to take I iff J*j« ,lt aJuj- 
as, take to mean, regard (as if it were), consider, 
look at as, suppose, think, hold, take for 

to misinterpret, misconstrue, 
misunderstand, mistake 

to take seriously jj-l 3-J" *Il»- 

to take up arms (against) (!u») i-^iLjl 3-a- 

to attack, assail, assault, «a-la : (it (illj-) 31a- 
launch or make an attack on, charge, raid, bear 
down upon, fall upon 

to load (with), lade (with), freight J^ t ^_ } : Jl»- 
(with), put or lay a load on or in; to stevedore 

to make or have carry or bear 3-« J v *^**r '■ S**~ 

to burden J* 3^' '(' Ji") *«jI* J* (_y>JI :3-^- 
(with), load (with), charge (with), impose (on), 
saddle (with); to (over)burden, (over)load, weigh 
down on, bear down on, encumber, oppress 
lamb, yeanling jjio lJj>- : J*p- 

Aries, Ram [iiUi]jlll^ 

plantain (oLi) 3lil jO 

carrying, carriage, bearing, portage; 3^" ' ^ j : 3*»" 
holding; lifting, raising, picking up; conveyance, 
transport(ation), transporting, delivery, delivering 
pregnancy, gestation, conception 3r»" 

fetus; embryo o— ^" 

fruits(s); bearing, crop, yield, SyaaL ( ^ 



■ .*?*::• '..:'.- .,v ■ ~ "^ 

gijjfig^ 5 ' 


to sour, make sour; to acidify, 
acidulate, make acid 

to develop (a film, etc.) 


amino acid 

boric acid, boracic acid 

uric acid liUjJI _jl JjJI L 

U»>U- .tlla- : 


y~*l L/>^ 

iJLiJW ji Jul ^ s ^^ 

acetic acid 

fatty acid 

tartaric acid 

sulfurous acid 

sulfuric acid 

carbonic acid 

lactic acid 

citricacid &> s~J\ /' liLijlLJUl } '\ O^JJI 

nitric acid, aqua fortis liLljj^ll _jl cil^l 

• ' » '.» * . 
formic acid liL-j^JI 3 \ liLJLJI <ji»»- 

'• > . > , 

hydrochloric acid liLj^jj^-il ( _^ >J . 

acid, acidic; sour 

citrus trees, Citrus 

citrus fruits; citrus trees, Citrus 


acidity, acidness; sourness 

to be or become stupid, foolish J-j-l j\i : J**- t J*»- 



■J L„Ja.a>- i <£.lj j 


l ' .." ..•' 

jj^j-l *a-'j — fUaa- 

to carry, bear; to hold; to load up, lift, J±, t %ij :3*»- 
raise, pick up; to convey, transport, deliver; to 
transmit (to), communicate (to), bring (to), take 
(to); to carry with oneself, bring along, bring 
forward; to carry away, take away 

to be or become pregnant, e~La- :('i\ J.\ o_) 31=- 
to conceive 

i • - i ■ ' — 

seaweed(s), wrack 

burden, capacity, (load) limit or 


cargo, load, burden, freight 

--• ' -'' \ -T " 

J*»" p"'j - J*il 



manifest {& IS" j si,- 1 jl 


(jjJL il^^j- 

to be or become hot, warm; to^ju*-! i 1 jU- jU> : ^a^ 
glow; to flare up, become violent (fighting, etc.) 

to be or become angry with, *_U 
furious at 

ah. : -4 Lc- 


V?~ CT J ~<^~ 

ojLj- *»- 

febrile, feverish, fever-, pyretic, 


emotion, passion, excitement, 

heat; fury, rage, anger, wrath 

vehemence, violence, intensity, 



zeal, enthusiasm, ardor, fervor 

zealotry, fanaticism 

diet; regimen, dietary 


praiser, commender, extoller -uU- : J. 

benign, harmless ^i»- ^ t C~~^- ^ : J. 

good offices 


German measles, rubella 

£ l 


(wood) sorrel, oxalis; dock 
fetus; embryo 

Ij-.itn ^oli 


. ?-U«^ :, 

v_ ■ l 


Ja-JU ! (J"^>- 
„ it 

intimate, close, bosom, cherished, tijj « i_-j ji : m*. 
chummy, familiar, (very) friendly; warm, hearty 

predication, attribution [ J^kL. J jl»- 

convection [ *l»ji» J (ij'^»- J*»" ' lW" 

incitement, prompting, induce- y&- < C-»- : J**- 
ment, actuation, impelling, motivation, stimula- 
tion, causing, making 

pseudopregnancy, pseudocyesis, false t_j ilS" J-u- 

carriage, porterage, transport charges, J-J-l S>»-l 
transportation costs 

contraception J-J-l j-^ 

. - • ■> . - ■ - *' 

contraceptive JlklJ *JL i J-J-l »— J <i_-j 

load, cargo, burden; weight Jii * J-ju L : J^ 

burden, charge, load, encumbrance n_-t : J-»f 

blowpipe, blowtube; bellows 

J^U- w-lj -(J-U- Uj^) <!»#■ 

attack, offensive, assault, onslaught, onset, <U>- 

charge, raid; campaign, drive, crusade 

expedition (for explora- <u>>>- jl <LiL£l-l iLi- 
tion or battle), reconnaissance or military expedi- 

_s . ■•. ■:-.- 

election campaign, electoral campaign<u> U«Jj I <Uj- 

press campaign 


to glare at, goggle at, stare at, gaze at 

predicative, attributive 

convectional, convective 

Juo iLi- 


J) J&- 

' -» 

acidity, acidness; sourness aJ?^^*- 

patient, forbearing, long- suffering, ^U- i J>rh a : J^^*- 
tolerant, meek, mild 


larynx, throat •>*-> : jyv»- 

melilot, sweet clover (oUjjyjii. 

lacertine snake ^£il 0-« f-ji '-it^*- 

viper, adder, asp, snake, serpent ^i I : ^li 

to embalm, mummify <Ll.| V-l 

to stuff j_^jj| jl olil^ll J^. 

wheat (oU) ~li :I ' 

buckwheat (oU) »bjL 

> ' , > > . 

victoria, cabriolet, cab, light j>1»-»- i>^t ' j>k^ 
carriage, coach 

wheaten, tan, light (yellowish) brown 1, 

j .- ' • ■ 


^Oill 7-li- 


stag beetle 


to be clubfooted, taliped 

clubfoot, talipes 

faucet, tap, cock 

to be or become i_.,^»f. i J»Lc.l : (*Hc /\ ^L.) J^. 
enraged by, furious at, angry with, mad at; to dare 
up, rage, storm, seethe, steam, boil, flame up with 
rage, burst in anger, lose one's temper 

rage, fury, wrath, anger, ire, exas- ■. -nr i k'y : Jii 
Deration, irritation 

to sophisticate, make ISLi. -di : dL*» 1 dL»- 

worldly-wise, make experienced; to toughen, hard- 
en by experience, inure by severe trials 


jaw, jawbone; lower jaw, 
mandible, submaxilla 



(worldly) experience, worldly <, J^ 
wisdom, sophistication 

eel u-iiif Jy-isi. 


to blossom, bloom, (lower, be in y» j! : ^k2)l ^*- 


intimacy, intimaieness, closeness, familiarity, il*.**. 
friendliness, warmth 

to long for, yearn for, hanker after, <JJ jUil : Jj ^ 
pine for, hunger for, thirst for, crave, desire, miss 

to sympathize with, feel for, feel Jj. r ;Ur . : Jx. ^ 
sympathy or compassion or pity for, commiserate 
(with), pity, compassionate 

to incline to, lean to(ward), J J JL : <jj _jl Jt Li- 
te inclined to; to like 

cr*" £=r ' j ~ try < <3>J * oik*. : Li- 
to tend, curve, flex, inflect, ^.y , <3^J 4 LiLi : .Ji. 
twist, turn, bow, crook, incline, incurvate, arch 
to bow, tend (the head or body),o^4i /\ i^fj J±. 
stoop; to hunch 

to henna ( LJ.t '^1^ :Gi. 

tr*" Jf 'j _ Lry 4 <3>J ioiiaf. :,y*- 

to henna 
henna, camphire 
robin, redbreast 



wheat seller, wheat dealer 

->La»iJ Ajjj As«Jj oCi : »U»- 
(jIU.) .LLI jjt 


J. Li 

jsr-lj -iiL». 

p-ij-ij.1 Jll :^L^ 

sympathy, compassion, commiser- iiii ( ■ h' r : 6L*. 
ation, pity, mercy, feeling, affection, love, care, 
tenderness, warmheartedness, kindness, kindliness 

u>j>- £»-lj-<j>ii. nJ^Jat :6L*. 


to break (or violate) one's oath; to 

to sin, commit a sin, do wrong 
oath breaking; perjury 

(oL) u^^L^. 


sin, wrongdoing 
larynx, throat 
laryngeal, throat 

.'-"-■I •* *--' - - '- 

flacon, (scent) bottle; flask; small jj^o t\,\ -.j 
container, little jar 



draft, (written) order (of pay- Jj>*j ^> '■ ii\y 
ment), bill of exchange, (promissory) note, 
transfer, remittance 


- J*. ' 

(postal) money order, postal order 
buzzard f^y J^ 'Hi* - 

helicopter j^>y\A* :<*\y 

jugglery, conjuration, prestidigitation 'i'*y£. '~*^}y 
soul (j-ij : t^>y 

whale JL :Oj#- 

.-,« * .» 
salmon Olf^— '-'>»■ 

~. - > *■ . > 
finback, fin whale, razorback, rorqual iJuc^a &y 

Pisces, Fishes [iiUi ] op- 1 ryj 

Cetacea CiUy 

flask; vial; bottle 

buttercup, ranunculus, crowfoot 

coachman, driver, cabdriver, 
cabman, hackman 

y i zy i zy 

(oLj) L)\'iy 

Jjb i Jjx- '• jy 

oy** l l_> ^»- '. jy 

to modify, change, alter, convert 

to distort, pervert, corrupt, mis- 
represent, misstate, falsify, twist, wrench, warp 

to roll out (dough) (^^juJI) jy 

to bleach, blanch; to whiten Ja~> : jy 

marked contrast between white and (i>~»^ j) jy 
black, intense whiteness and deep blackness 

poplar \* 

abele, white poplar 

black poplar 

-i s*-~> jy 
,.* *,, 

u^} jy 

iy\ jy 

£}j*j jy 

jy jf 'j 


-»•} ^x-^ jy 

having eyes with a marked con- j^- 1 iiJj> : Jjj*- 
trast between white and black 

intensely white and deep black >'j.y Crr*- 

nymphiL.lSOIS J J-i-l l _^~o(iJJI j>DI jij-i»- : *'j>»- 

-T - - s ,"' i '•- - s •' 
nymph ^-^r Sr* ' >»" ^'jJ* :< iJ>»" 

houri (<LJ-l) ilj^»- 

r^-'^- ■ " 


; . i .. »" M 1 



«j^.|j — <Ai^, luiac '^^ 

sympathetic, compassionate, piti-Ji>it. c i_i)J»c :6>> 
ful, merciful, loving, affectionate, tendeKhearted), 
warmhearted, softhearted, kindhearted, kind(ly) 

pia mater [ jv^r— ' J 0>il f *' 

bending, curving, curvature, flexing, ,J i «, «lir . : (_> 
flexion, inflection, twist(ing), turn(ing), bowing, 
crooking, inclining, inclination, incurvation 

bend, curve, flexure, flexion, crook, turn, il^- i«Li*- 

anticline [ L»- j)j-»- J ojy*- 

orthodox; true eyi : <, 

Islam, the True Religion i,« : ..«.i jjj. 

JJu k>-1 j — 4_-M,ilp t J>U*-» ! ( v 

longing, yearning, hankering, pining, Jy : 
craving, hunger, thirst, desire; nostalgia 

homesickness, nostalgia O^^ cJj or*"" 

to gather, collect; to combine, join, unite **»- : <Sy 

to possess, own, have jy \ : iSy 

Eve ^illl ^1 : t\y 

dialogue, conversation, ou< i<^>-L. cAjjIsm :j'^»- 
interlocution, talk(ing), speech, speaking, discus- 
sion; debate, argument(ation) 

dialogue ( jJJ ^ ^— 4 ^1^ ' yi'jj) j'>T 

dialogist j'>J-' S-^^ 

chalk jir^* •*->'>*■ 'tSj'^** 

disciple, apostle, follower «_)t i .i. .11 i J>-j : (3j'>»- 
chalky, chalk-, cretaceous ijj^LL : t£j\y 




i-L»- ^»-lj — (i-U-' UjjjL.) u»\y 


■U 1 ^ 1 ) 

(J3U- »j«-Ij - j^-L»- tJ.aU 'J>jl* •'-''>?■ 

about, approximately, around, ^y^ <■ >**> '-^y 
circa, roughly, nearly, almost, some, more or less 


'V jfr'j -Oy (j* 

'J>»- ; J'>^ 

assignment, cession, transfer, (il^liil) Jj>>u liJij*- 
alienation, conveyance, delivery 




J»\>- >u>- I j — (jC j i Jiiy : i»>J- 

framework, cadre; frame; rim jU»l : <jy 

pericycle S^JllJI J>>- 

weaving; knitting iill»- i ii"C»- :dljp- 

basil, sweet basil (oLi ) j-j- : Syr- 

to squint, be or become cross-eyed 3>>- 1 : Jy 

to change, alter, convert, trans- J±, . JLi. . J Sj : Sy 
form, transmute, mutate; to switch, shift; to turn 
(into), make (into), reduce (to); to transfer 

to shunt, switch, shift, j±-\ <JJ J»i- ^. IjUj Jy>- 

transfer (a train or a railroad car from one track to 


to transfer, alienate, make over, *^-Lil JiJ • Sy 

pass (on), convey, cede, dispose of, deliver, assign, 

deed (over) 

to remit, send, forward, Jl»jl : Jul _>l jjiJI Jj»- 


to divert from, alienate from, ^ <Jj^> : ^ <J^»- 

deviate from, deflect from, detract from, turn 

(away or aside) from, keep (away) from 

to divert, deflect, (<J>)U <i^v jl J—- t jt) 'Sy 


squint(ing), strabismus, cross-eye; (i>r"J0 Jy 


year f l* .-til : J^i- 

power, might, strength; ability i jji . iy" : J^a- 

around, about, round; peri-, circum- Sy>- [>» 4 3>i- 

about, on, concerning, jLij jil^ Lj t ^ : J^i. 
re, regarding, with regard to, with respect to, in 
respect of, in relation to, in connection with, with 
reference to 

,jll>>- «jflj-Li^iJ 1 yx± -Jy 

* * * * * f j j e - 

I J W~y J I Lie ,_/••*) . (3>-— : (J >■*■ 

4-w* j*£- '. (-)>»■ 



yearbook(s), annual(s), annals (oU^>- *■•) «u^»- 

jlXL.1 ifjl-.fy 

to circle, hover in circles; to 

water nymph, naiad, Nereid, Oceanid, >Ul «Cj>>- 
nixie, mermaid 

enclosure, enclosed r<__. jl j^um M*y '• jy 
place or area 

to hiccup iijjU-l jl Jjl^iJL, i_.,„^l 1 Jjli -iJjy 

to gather, collect, amass, accumu- y jl . »^>- : <ji^»- 
late, pile up, heap up; to save, store away 

ojJaa- '-/Jiy 

jl-Ji J>>' "^-L- '. ^y 

enclosure, enclosed area 

courtyard; backyard 

wild; strange, odd, queer, 
quaint, unusual 

narrowness, squint (of the eyes) ( 1 j',:.'.«JI) ,joy 

colic; gripes ( _ r ai< : ^oy 

*L&y »j- I j — < Xaj»- 1 S-oy 
craw, crop 3_ r ii-l jl yliJI ojjw i-d^*- 

basin; trough j, 

tank, cistern, reservoir, container 
pool; pond 
swimming pool, pool 


^ j? 'd°y 
•*■»• L«JI i Jo^>- 

o^_syJl jl _^«JI _)! ^Jl ^^a- 

dock, basin; marina; shipyard jjl )l (_>>>- 

aquarium J-Sl. ^^ :iiL»Lll (_>>>- 

bathtub, tub, bath .hi.* : j-llll _jl ^^,'..^1 t>jj- 

bed |<ij j*- j J j* j* ' *— >^-— • • ?■ j j ^J°y ' ^J°y 
pelvis [jv^Jj]^^- 

dry dock <JU- (_>>>- 


floating dock 

coal and iron deposits -W-Alj ^S\ ^^ 

to defend, protect 4 - i t» _ s - (v^) J '^ 

pelvic [»v J JJ , 

columbine, aquilegia 

f '>* L^V 


(oLi) *~Jsy 

to wall in, surround with a wall; to im- jy* : ij*. 
mure, enclose 



memoir; curriculum vitae; life history 

life (member, sentence, etc.), sQ-l t$lu (JIj) 

lifelong; for life, for a lifetime 

lifetime, life span, life J+s. : sQ-l t$lu 

life cycle sQ.1 Sjjj 

life, lifeway, life-style, »Q-I j (v.^' jO ^j^> 
way (manner, style) of living 

biology sG-l -L 

standard of living, living standard sQ.1 <£yL* 

alive, living, live, existent sQ.1 jli ^c 

{£>. p-lj-sQ-l xi Jc Ju 

living; subsistence-; life; vital; everyday, daily rjilli" 

neutrality; neutralism jl_^ 

neutralism, positive neutrality '«, UJ I jll^- 

armed neutrality 

neutral jCJ.1 J*. 

neutral iijll*. 

possession, holding, seisin, hand(s), control, SjU*. 
grasp; occupancy, occupation, seizure, taking pos- 
session (of), laying hands (on), taking hold (of); 
acquisition, acquirement, obtainment, getting, 
gaining, winning, earning, receiving; attainment, 
achievement, procurement, scoring 

in his possession, with him, held by him, C'jCp- j 
in his hands, under his control 
girth, cinch 

7 * 1 jLj- 

u a i^ £fr'J ' 

weaving; knitting 

in view of, with regard to; toward(s);o Ik; < jljl :'6^ 
in the face of; in front of, opposite (to), face to face 
with, facing, before, vis-a-vis 

snake, serpent, viper, adder, asp 
ascarid, ascaris 
water snake 

(jJalll Cs 

snakebite ( t. ill I ) ill I ii U 

where; wherein, in which, at which; wherever, i 
wheresoever; whereas 

revolve, go around, rotate 

hovering, circling uLy i^y 
turmoil, thick, heat (of a battle or fight) (JLill ) X»y- 

coil, convolution, curl, roll, twist ill : iu »i. 

intestines, bowels, guts, >lii-l ( »Lul • jVl l U^i- 
entrails, viscera 

vesicle; blister, bleb "' 

gallbladder, gall bladder 
vesicular, vesiculate 

alive, living, live, existent ^illc < sQ.1 jlj Jc : J^ 

vivid, live, graphic, C^liL tf^ cSQ-L ^U :Ti- 
picturesque, pictorial, striking, vibrant, colorful; 
lifelike; lively, animated), vivacious, full of life, 
active, energetic 

live, broadcast directly, *lyl I ^t ( i'^C \\x, i'J. 
on the air (program, performance, etc.) 
quarter, district, section, part iill. < ii^. : |j- 
the Everlasting, the Eternal (Cod) <J»UI fil 

conscientious, high-principled, scrupu- jjJlall ( ^- 
lous, upright, honest, incorruptible 

houseleek, sempervivum; sedum, (oLi) JUI fi 

live ammunition i^. 5^. i 

living being; creature; organism 'L J^tf 

biology *Li-^l pL? 

come to prayer! s^JI Jc ^. 

to greet, salute, hail Jc iL : lli. 

to keep alive, grant a long lifeo^li Jli.! t ^1 : £,. 

shame, shyness, bashful- .lli- 1 ( ^ii. t Ji^. ; f ^ 
ness, timidity, diffidence, coyness, pudency, 

life; living, existence; lifetime 5^ 

<J>L js-lj-OUl sCIl 
extraterrestrial life Jo}i\ i-jU- 5Q.I 

life insurance sllil Jc ^.f; 

biography, 5Q.I £yjl" < oLij »Ci- (ij^ /]) t^r'J 



■ - V ■ iw ■■: - 

confusion, puzzlement), iiy < dC jl :«^1»- 'i'^1*- 
perplexity, bewilderment, nonplus, distraction, 
bafflement), embarrassment, discomfiture, discon- 
certion, dismay; hesitation, hesitancy, indecision, 
irresolution, wavering 

space, room; Jlk. tjUai . i$jl njfc :_)!»■ t^li- 
place, spot, site, location; area; scope, range, 
compass, reach, extent, ambit, expanse, stretch, 
spread; field, domain, sphere, realm 

hag, crone, witch, old woman jy*t. : uyt'~*- 

mediastinum, middle of the chest jluJI JjIj : fjjli- 

spatial; local rjlSC.:^^. 

to be on the horns of a u a^i ,ja~>- j »i j <-\ja+y 

dilemma, get into a fix, be in a predicament or 
critical situation 

menstruation, (monthly) period; menses, 

menstrual, menstruous, catamenial 




- iH* t *!<* 


wrong, injustice, inequity, unfair- 
ness; oppression 

s-* • - 

strength, force, power, vigor, energy, i>Li 1 Sy : J-*- 

trick, artifice, stratagem, ruse, subterfuge, icj^- :iu». 
wile, fetch, fraud, sleight, ploy, dodge, shift 
mechanics ISLilSL* :J-J-I ~Lc 

dynamics ISL-Lo : Jj.1 J0c 

t t-r 

ujj Jj>>- p-lj -iiUl . «^ :Ojj *J>Ll»- 




to set (appoint, fix) a time for; to time ci j : 

(utter) destruction, ruin; death o^. ( &$* : J^. 

ordeal, tribulation, (severe) trial iLk, : t ^li- 

time; period (of time) ^ j < oi j : jl». 

whereas, in view of the fact ol tilk t u | c^. 
that, due to the fact that, since, as, because, consid- 
ering (that), inasmuch as 

so that, so as to, in £>l ■*■•'*■ ■ i o\ •i''-i ' . ■_*'», . 
order to, in such a manner that; since, as 

where, to the place where, (up) to where, c-li- J I 

from where, wherefrom, whence; where; <iJj- ^. 
as far as., (is) concerned, as for, as to, in terms of, 
concerning, regarding, with regard to, with respect 
to, in respect of, in view of, because of 

without.., not., (being, knowing..) 

as such, in itself, per se, intrinsically 

wherever, wheresoever, no matter where, 
anywhere, where 

anywhere, haphazard(ly), at random, ji; 

randomOy), casually, slapdash, hit or miss 

whereases); findings); (jJI j\j /\ ^ j)illl*. 

recital(s); consideration(s), legal reason(s) 

point of view, viewpoint, jL^. I i ^k; <^>-j : * ' — 

standpoint, outlook; angle, aspect; regard, respect, 


(high) standing, rank, stature, ii 15c 4 iJj^. : il£i 

to neutralize ta^J. aLo- : lu^. 

to keep aside, put aside, lay aside, Cj U- \*> j : ju»- 
lay out of the way; to shelve, brush aside 
deviation, deviance, departure, <Jl^i I . o^C : ju^ 
turning aside (or away), digression, swerving, 
swerve, skewness, deflection, divergence, diver- 
sion; turning off, branching off; changing direction 
reef "^J™ "j^. 

coral reef J-lU^jui- 

j-~>- fjr'j _l -*'^»'i ' u^L« : 

to confuse, puzzle, perplex, iCjl » i^lll j jjf 
bewilder, nonplus, confound, distract, maze, 
baffle, embarrass, discomfit, disconcert, perturb, 

cumulus ,/1'jiiLlkL,.^ 



zoolatry, animal worship oll^lil jl uljlil SjLc 
zoologist d\yjX JLc 

zoology oljlil JLc 

animal; zoological); zoogenic, zoogenous; ^J 1^*- 

bestial, beastly, brutish, brute, ruffian, feral 

j, *». - 

animal charcoal 


animality, animalism; bestiality, brutishness, kJ \y*- 
ruffianism, ferity 

diffraction [ *l_)ji ] (o^-oJI jl s>-oJl) j>^»- 

vital, essential, fun- (j^t-l ' tSjjj*> ' (iyjr : (ifcr* - 
damental, cardinal, crucial, central, pivotal 

biotic il»- oLllS" ^t ifjj^lj :t5>-»- 

biologic(al) (fry^y?. ' <j?^"" ' : <Sy?~ 

biogeography Ky?- kl^V»- 

biophysics Ky^- *lsjs» 

biochemistry Ky^~ *W*^ 

lebensraum, living room, living space \$y~>- Jl=v 

vitality, vigor, energy, liveliness, animation, £>>?*■ 
life, spirit, sprightliness, vivacity, activeness, 
activity, vim, dash, verve, elan, pep, zing, drive 

full of life (vigor, energy), C^llLL ( JuL. jl ) uJl. 
lively, amimate(d), spirited, sprightly, vital, vigor- 
ous, active, energetic, dynamic, brisk, vivacious, 
peppy, lusty 

to live, be alive, exist, subsist; to lead a life ^iU : \-&- 
long live! viva! vive! y -'tj*^* x 'tj*r* 

(i>?) c^"*-! £*"'j ~(v>f) c^"*""! : d>V (/;*■ 
shy, bashful, timid, diffident, coy, modestJ>» :j*_ji. 

animalcule, animalculum^J > SC!.j J 3yr• o\'y»- ' C)ixl~ 


spermatozoon, spermatozoan 

when, at the time when, as; upon, on, at 
for some time; once, one time, one day 

sometimes, at times, occasionally, from time j*-^ 
to time, now and then, once in a while 

most of the ij^ liLi-l « oL^-^ll (J&\ /\) i_iil j 
time, more often than not, very frequently; in 
most cases, by and large, generally, in general 

for some time; for the time being, tempo- ( j-*~ <JJ 

rarily, provisionally 

*'* ■ i / s *\ ■ 
whereas, while, when on o\ l j r *- J* i(oU C^f J 

the other hand, while on the contrary 

then, at that time, at the time; duly, in due <ul»- j 
time, when due, on time; at the right time, in 
season; timely, opportune, seasonable, well-timed 

at the wrong time; out of season, out of<u<j- Jj. j 
time; untimely, inopportune 

immediately, at once, right away, instantly, j^laJJ 
promptly, on the spot, forthwith 

(ever) since, since then, from j^lj-l c£Ui (ly, /\) Ju» 
the time when, from that time on, from then on 

unexpectedly, un- ilii JL*- J* i S^i. ,^1». J* 
awares, by surprise, surprisingly, suddenly^ all of a 
sudden, without warning, without advance notice, 
out of the blue 

then, at that time, at that moment, by ■'!! "■:'» t "■?:'■ 


when, at the time when, as; while, whilst, during 





>4-J- i-J}j>-y 



animal, beast, brute 

o !_>-»■ 



spermatozoon, spermatozoan 

zoo, zoological 0'>~*- *i» 

j»- i 

JJUI^~»- <ajj»- 


^-^-*-+-+'+-+' < *-*' < *- < *'*'^ 

^^T ^^^ ^^r ^^r tKt ^5^^ ^^^ ^^r^ ^r Nr^ ^^r ^^r ^^r 

jUi- ^-lj -^J'U- 

J^ jf 'j -JiV 

ring, finger ring 

( «^o)ll) 1(>J'U- 

wedding ring 

c''/^' ^ 

postmark ju ^ll I J Li- 

Solomon's seal, Solomonseal (oL.) ul<J-- fJb- 

last; end 


jT ] •(*• 


the Seal (the last) of the Prophets, 

end, termination, close, closure, con-^»-Wi;lii:i»j In- 
clusion, windup, finish, last part, final stage, finale 
epilogue, concluding sec- ili! :(»JJ c_<L53l) <uJU- 
tion; postlude; sequel, continuation 


- s - 

all's well that ends well 

; he laughs L^J 

'>*? J>* j" 

best who laughs last 

lady; noblewoman 

Aju j*m Ol h«l 



".' '* 







t jjjt-t 

: J? U 








-p jU- 


jyS c_<L> 

J •' * i 



(domestic) servant, manservant, menial; valet; 
page; attendant; waiter 



failing, unsuccessful, abortive, futile, , ^uu :lJU 
fruitless, unfruitful 

disappointed, frustrated, thwarted 

afraid, scared, frightened, 93 j* ' j>* -*-• ' p j* •' ^Jfc U- 
terrified, alarmed, dismayed, appalled, aghast, 
horrified, panic-stricken, terror-stricken 

i_» l^>- >«>- 1 j — o w>- ii_»ji-l jjji :lj3L»- 

apprehensive for, anxious about, jli : J* ljJ Li- 
worried about, concerned about, disquieted about, 
uneasy about 

traitorous, treacherous, perfidious, jb»- i jl ji : jjU- 
faithless, unfaithful, disloyal, false, untrue, unreli- 
able; traitor, betrayer, double-crosser, deceiver, 

to fail, be unsuccessful, fizzle out, 


flop, miss the mark, miss, miscarry, be abortive, go 
wrong, come to nothing 

to be or become disappointed, frustrated *JL.I <_>U- 

*}*■ p-'j ■ 


to contact, communicate J~lj ' J^ < J tj-iij •'^U- 
with, get in touch with (by telephone), reach (by 
telephone), call, ring (up), (tele)phone; to speak to, 
talk to; to write to, correspond with, exchange 
letters with 

(oLi) jyU- 

cotter, wedge, peg, pin 

elder, elderberry 

vat, tun, cask, barrel, large vessel, large jar 

C^ jr'j ■ 




E# #1 

zinc (uJjm) iiij j c >Lj>> :j— sjU- ij-^jU- 

penetrating, penetrative, piercing, <_-» li <. Jil> : jjU- 

extraordinary, i*^-!^ ojl»- 1 o jULI JjU- 4 3j\j- 
exceptional, unusual, uncommon, uncustomary, 
unprecedented; supernatural, preternatural, tran- 
scendental, metaphysical, unearthly, miraculous, 
wonderful, marvelous, paranormal, supernormal 

treasurer JUI o-> j~>\ tOjil ^^.l :6jU- 

warehouseman, warehouser, u>>»il irr^ : OjU- 
warehouse superintendent, storekeeper, store clerk 

nuthatch (^jU») lsJ— Jl ujL»- 

stake, pole, post, pointed stick <J?j^ 

low(ly), mean, base, despicable, jJ^>- <. JJ j : ^-U- 

ousted, sent away, driven away, j*Lh >j^ '-[f^ 
kicked out 

loser, forfeiter; losing; lost, hopeless; involving j-iU- 

afraid, apprehensive, anxious; i_j5U- ^^li-l) yiU. 
fearful, timorous 

submissive, humble; showing reverence; godly, «_iU- 
pious, devout; sincere, earnest, heartfelt 

to maltreat, ill-treat, treat rudely <ij,.<; J^U : jJiU- 
or roughly; to be rude to, rough to, harsh to, 
boorish to 

special, particular, peculiar, specific; '^y^a*- :1jo\i- 
characteristic, individual; distinguishing, distinc- 
tive; exclusive; private, personal; confidential 

related to, relating to, concerning,^ JL>^ :_> ^ la- 
pertaining to, appertaining to, belonging to, 
connected with 

private sector 

(^U- p-Ua* 

.* , t 

private school 

la- jca- ij - ° jir* -4-^la- 


.~ ^ 

m<9 la- 

maid, housemaid, maidservant, female servant c. jU- 
or attendant 

to befriend, make friends with, L*»- U> < ci jU> : o jU- 
be or become friends with, be or become a friend 
of,- associate with, hobnob with, be on close or 
familiar terms with 

Ji»- £»-lj - JiU- 

to weaken, fail, Ian- UiU«J <■ ^?~\j> 'l»*J ' '■'•^ '-j^- 
guish, droop, flag, slacken, lose power or strength, 
decline in force or vigor; to be or become weak, 
feeble, asthenic, languid, flagging, droopy, flabby, 

to abate, subside, let up; to Ija 4 jj^C 4 j^i : jU- 
cool down, calm down 

to low, moo, bellow -A*> : j^jJI jU- 4 o^IJl OjU- 
jLj»-l %sf I j — j Lj>- 1 : jU- 

outside, exterior, outward; coming Ji- 1 j Cuo : r-j la- 
out, going out, outgoing, going away, departing, 

.... .. -:• ' *-'' 1 - ' •' 1 

dissident, dissent- jj^ 4 Sj+^a 4 <_^>U 4 J ' - : rjt 

er, nonconformist, maverick; separatist, schisma- 
tic; insurgent, rebel; renegade, turncoat, apostate 

outlaw i)l_Jjl jj^ :u>>li!l J* £J^ 

quotient [oL-bLjJ <u_iJI £jU- 

irrelevant, impertinent, inappo- f->-o>il 0* ^J^" 
site, extraneous; beside the point, wide of the 
subject, outside the topic 

outside, out of; extra-, exo-, ex- 


outside, out, without; t- jli-l <JJ 4 r jli-l J 4 U- jU- 


abroad ^ ,lil L i 4 j^UI r jU- 



external, exterior, outer, outside, out- 
ect-, ecto-, exo-, ex-, outward, outermost; extrane- 
ous, extrinsic; foreign 


day student 
exterior angle 
day school 

ji>;ni ^jU 

ya-jU- .LJj 

-*' ' I - "' 1 - 
A_a-jla- AjjIj 

' **^ ^ « ^ 


to sew, stitch; to tailor 

to suture 

wrong, incorrect, erroneous, false; 
mistaken, at fault, in error 

sinner; sinful, sinning, erring; i_ 
guilty (of error), at fault, in fault 

'pi' '■[^'^ 

to address; to speak to, talk to; to iioU- <. jjtf :^J»U- 
converse with, discourse with 

fiance; suitor; engaged, (<>%) '--.-.tvi- :^J»U 

betrothed, pledged in marriage 

matchmaker r-ljj Ja_-j :i_J>U- 

fiancee; engaged, V.*^*" ' (o^) Sr^>- : <ul>U 

betrothed, pledged in marriage 

matchmaker r-ljj Ja_-j :ill>U- 

to risk, hazard, stake, venture, ad- <_»J,U»- : (_;) ^J»U- 
venture, run a risk, take a risk, take a chance 

to bet, wager, stake ^Iji^iU- 

idea, thought, notion, concept(ion) ijSli : ^U- 

mind, heart <_Jlj 4 ( _ r i-l 4 JU : ^i»U- 

will, volition; wish, desire; jli. 4 Ccj 4 <LJ^> : ji>U- 
inclination, liking, interest 


^> ^Ij-dJ^U J^ .dyJ.UJ u/j 

telepathy ^»'>^' *j\y 

as you like ^ j^- (i* 

of one's own free will, of ^U (illi>) <_Jj» ^ 
one's own accord, willingly, voluntarily; gladly, 
with pleasure 

kidnapper, abductor *Jj L»^» i-ak-y ^ : k-aJjU 

hijacker, skyjacker i^lkll i_il»U- 

swift, rapid, quick, fast, prompt, u r : ljJ»U- 

sudden, flying, hasty and brief, lightning, short, 
cursory, momentary, fleeting 

ravenous, rapacious o-j-*-* : 1 -aJ»1>- 

upper class, prominent people, (^-Ul ^y>) CaU-l 
people of distinction, elite, notables, dignitaries, 
leading or superior personalities, VIPs 



9^<a>- *j?\ j 

- 4-^U- 4 4*0U«j 

to put one's arm o^» ^--aj- ^c <>_y jw>j : ^U- 

around the waist of, clasp around the waist 

flank, side, waist, middle 

7%— -5 

to quarrel with, dispute with, argue 
with, contend with, fight with 

to antagonize, provoke the hostility of <i->L- : p*>l>- 

to litigate, contest in law; to ( *U>ill f £l) pol>- 
sue, prosecute, bring suit against, take legal action 
against, institute legal proceedings against 

characteristic, particularity, peculiarity, ij** :*~«U- 

specialty, property, quality, attribute, feature, trait, 


to wade into, squelch into; (jJj cj»-jJI jl s^l) (^iU- 

to sink into; to ford 

to plunge into, dive jlX 4 -9*^*1 4 *» jj| :( j) ^U- 
into, rush into, go into, take up, embark upon, 
engage in 

to go into, take ^Jlc 1 lJjL-J : r«Jj 9yoy^ (J) l/^ 
up, deal with, treat, tackle, discuss, consider, enter 
into or upon 

to enter the iS'^iil ^U 4i_j^ll (jCi) ^U- 

war, go to war, carry on or engage in war; to fight, 
combat, battle (against), engage in a battle or 
fighting (against) 

to run, stand for election, clU^^I (iS" j*>) Jo\>- 
be a candidate (in an election) 

to face death ILil ^U- 

submissive, yielding, obedient, pliant, of-^ '■ Jr* 1 *- 
compliant, tractable, docile, manageable 
subordinate, subaltern, inferior; subject, (J) j-?U- 
vassal; dependent, subsidiary; subject (to), under 
(someone's authority or control), controlled by; 
governed by 
taxable, assessable i^jJaU *^> \±- 

tax-exempt, »JJ e**J\ j' ^j^ £5*^" -r* 


J-a»- jjj-Ij - J-iU- 




(maternal) aunt 
grandaunt, great-aunt 

pied, unpopulated 

(£JbLI j>LJjl ,y|l^.l Jlfr) r >^ « ^t, :JU 
past, bygone 

single, unmarried, celibate; bachelor vj*' : J^- 
to coax, cajole, wheedle, c-ji»- n5_^l i ^j* I j : <_J U- 
blandish, sweet-talk; to lure, entice, inveigle; to 
beguile, deceive, dupe, take in, gull, cheat 

^i ji v Si au- 
to be on someone's mind; to preoc- Jii, ( ^.U :rJU- 
cupy, engage, engross, take up; to worry, trouble, 
disturb, disquiet 
emotion, passion; sentiment ^Lt-I (.libit- :oJU- 

obsession; misgiving; scruple^l^-j 4 ^^U :ikJU 

immortal, deathless, undying; eternal, jjjjl : JU. 
everlasting, perpetual, sempiternal, aeonian, end- 
less, ageless, timeless 

(JI) 'Xi\ 'J^\ p-lj-CjJUl L) 'J\± 

to act with sincerity toward, deal ^ U> : [jA U 

honestly with, be sincere (loyal, devoted) to 

to settle an account with, «^ ajL»- i j^o : « ^JU 
get even with, be or become quits with; to 
discharge from a debt or an obligation 

pure, clear, unmixed, c**u nj^i ^ii nJU> : ^al U 
unadulterated, immaculate, plain, straight; sheer, 
mere, absolute, downright, true, real 

free (from), exempt (from) ( ju^ 4 JU : (,^.) ^JU 

i j-J ' J>T" ' o^ **- 

tax-exempt, duty-free _-^JI jl i-j^-all (^) ^JU 

to mix with, associate with, mingle with, ^ilt : Ja)U 
hobnob with 

to intermix (with), intermingle (with), r jL. : JJU 
interblend (with), mix (with), mingle (with), blend 
(with), combine (with) 

<Cl^.l «JU «j-lj-Ail^.l JU 

divorcee, divorcee; divorced, repudiated iiiL. : *JU 

to contradict, conflict with, jAi. 1 |jJL « ^iiLi : LiJU 
disagree with; to be contradictory to, contrary to, 

bjy& tU_p- «>-lj— 4jLtU 0J>^ c 4ju»1»- c-t ^- 

to fear, apprehend, dread; to f > ' <<-»- : dy;) <-*U 
be or become afraid (oO, scared (oO, alarmed (by), 
frightened (by), terrified (by) 

to fear for; to worry about; to be or <_^li : J* ljU 
become apprehensive for, anxious about, worried 
about, concerned about, disquieted about, uneasy 

y^ t^ lj ~y^" ^y?^ 1 ) ir^*" 
to lower one's voice (*jj-a; j' J^^e) £-*U 

faint, dim; soft, low, subdued cj Un- 

easy, comfortable, smooth |^» :,ji»U 

palpitant, palpitating, throbbing, beating, JaA> : jiU 
pulsating, pulsative, plusant, pulsatory 

fluttering, flapping, whipping, ^j'y : l*»^*" 

streaming, waving, flying, flickering 

flag, banner, standard i, I j 1 Ji : Ji U 

East and West uUiUI 

secret; mystery ^liLiU 

secondaries,^ LU I ^j^ol^iiliJIi^lyi-ljLJl^ 

king, monarch; emperor; jl-. 1 £\*- t liLL : OliU 
(over)lord, sovereign, supreme ruler 

to think, believe, suppose, J»y>' 1 i_ — »- 1 ,>!;> : JU 
assume, imagine, fancy, take for, take as, take it, 
consider, deem, regard as, hold 

to befriend, treat as a friend; to be or lJ->U> : JU 

become a friend of 

(maternal) uncle (•''>=*■' •' J^ 

granduncle, great-uncle JSlI jl i_^l JU 

mole, beauty spot, nevus i.b : JU 

empty, void; vacant, unoc- ^L < e- jU :(,Jltl) JU 
cupied, open; free 

vacancy, iJU ii-Ji j 1 JU j^"^. ( JU <_~^a-_. 

vacant post (office, position) 

JL r lj-JUI <JU 

ij* >U- jjtIj ~(C^ 'of >¥" : t>? P^ 
uninhabited, untenanted, unoccu- olSC—JI ^y JU 





undistinguished, inglorious, unrenowned, unnoted 
to betray, sell out, be disloyal or faith-^^i j jj*: uU- 
less to, act treacherously or perfidiously toward; to 
be unfaithful to; to double-cross, deceive, cheat; to 

to break, breach, commits 3*-' ' *— «il»- i yiSJ : ul»- 
a breach of, violate, infringe, infract, contravene, 
transgress, fail to keep or meet 

caravansary, khan; inn, hotel, hostel Joj :6U- 

khan; prince; sultan uU»L- ' ^ <■ £*■ j '■ ul»- 

digit; place *rr;t- f ^Jr- 4 :«jU- 

column j>ȣ :ijU- 

square (on *JJ ~jJaJI i«ij J oly^l _t»-l :iiU- 

a chessboard, etc.) 

entry, register, item iijju S jL i jJj t j_i : i;U- 

choking, choky, throttling, strangling, JjLi- : Jj U- 
strangulating, suffocating; suffocative, stifling^ 
smothering, smothery, asphyxiating, asphyxiant; 
strangler, throttler, choker, stifler, asphyxiator 

throttle, throttle val ve[ ISL; ISL-. J £> U- f L^> i ^j U- 

choke (~Jj SjC. j) ii\'jL i ii_j^ i^U- 

gorge, canyon, ravine, e-*i i •U-JjJj^I. i jlj : JjU- 
gulch; bottleneck, narrow route; (mountain) pass, 
gap, defile 

wolfsbane; monkshood, aconite, (oLj) i_J.UI JpU- 

dogbane (<-jLj) <_JLSG I jiU- 

diphteria (^^") L^Jjj : jjjU- 

croup, angina <, jji <» i <. JjLj- : Jji U- 

empty, void; vacant, ^ii. i i-j\i i JU- : (lijlil) jU- 
unoccupied; desolate, waste 

relationship of the maternal uncle ~^3y- 

to compete with (in), vie with (in) ^Jli :( j) ^U- 
to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch 'y 1 3\i : jjU- 

inconsistent with, incompatible with, at variance 
with; to differ from, be different from, diverge 
from, be unlike, be dissimilar to, be in contrast 

to dissent from, disagree Joj\c i ^c rj*- : LilU- 
with, be of a different opinion from, differ in 
opinion with, think differently from; to object to, 
oppose, take issue with, be against 

to break, breach, com- l ^ r ac <. _; 3»- 1 ' ii>- : <-«l~- 
mit a breach of, violate, infringe, infract, contra- 
vene, transgress; to disobey 

to treat with kindness or courte- aJuII* ,-,_»• I : ^JU. 

sy, be kind or friendly to, be polite with 

j&i <ji& p.ij- jJiii «j|U 

raw, crude, J. 

yJL-A» y~£- ( u j ■ i ■'■ • >-£■ t j 




unrefined, unpurified, unprocessed, unworked, 
unwrought, unpolished 

calico, cotton cloth ,ji»» ^iLi : f U 

raw material 
crude oil 


* U- (t— v j t UJ^) Jai-t 

stinking, foul-smelling, malodorous, -u.l» i ^ :»U- 

bad-smelling, ill-smelling, evil-smelling, fetid, rank, 

rancid, noisome, fusty, musty, offensive, smelly; 

rotten, putrid, putrefied, decayed, decomposed, 


** ■ ' «' 


infective, infectious 


extinguished, gone out, juU t ^S" L i Liu : jul^ 

dead, extinct; abating, subsiding; still, quiet, silent, 
calm, quiescent; inert, inactive, passive 

to preoccupy, engage, engross, J>- \ j i rJU- : j^ In- 
take up; to have, feel 

to suspect, question, doubt, distrust,(j)iiUI o^. Li- 
have or entertain doubts or misgivings (about) 

(the) fifth 1 _ r .LiK tr .U- 

fifth, fifthly, in the fifth place C.U- 



pentoxide j^~> i ^^i 

sluggish, dull, lazy, indolent, slothful, juL : J^U- 
inert, inaaive, torpid, lumpish, spiritless, exani- 
mate, listless, languid, sleepy, lethargic 

obscure, unknown, nameless, jyj^ '■ ^i)l J-l»- 



to try, test; to experience, *j>>«j (>t pli 4 ^>j>- '-j-?- 

have experienced, have tried, know or learn by 


to know well, know thoroughly, have fulllli- : ^1»- 

knowledge of, be fully acquainted or familiar with 

news; information, tidings, intelligence; u ij-*- 

report, story, news item, dispatch; announcement 

predicate, enunciative [ Ail ] j^i- 

news jM""' 

newscast, news, news bulletin JL±\ ijJJ 

experience; practice; expertise, expertness, IjS- 

know-how, knowledge; expert's advice 

to bake; to make bread j^. 

baking, bake; bread-making j*»- 

bread '^ 

plain bread 



breadfruit tree, breadfruit, bread tree ^J~\ ijsJ. 

batch, baking i_kt : 5J^»- 

loaf of bread; piece (or slice) j-j- <uia> . >.<.j.j : 'iyS- 
of bread 

to mix, mingle, commingle, JaU- : (t'J^^ ^JJI)(>u»- 
intermix, intermingle, scramble, muddle 

to hit, strike, beat, bang; to iji j 1 Jjl* . u^i : ]xS- 
knock, rap (on or at a door) 

to stamp (the ground, etc.); to ^ I j 4 * J» j : J»j*" 
trample, tread 

hitting, striking, beating, bang- ijj 1 Ji^ 1 t_>j-* ■ *^ 
ing; knock(ing), rapping 

blow, stroke, hit, beat, iij tix-ji lii^ t ijj-i :*J»1*" 
bang; knock, rap 

to besot; to madden, l jjj r . JiiJI l-,.,1... : J-*- 1 J~»- 
derange, make insane, drive crazy 

to be or become mentally deranged, -die J^ I : J-*- 

(oLj) i_jIjjJI j,-»- 

to trot; to pace; to amble ~)J ^-^Jl L^- 

to surge, heave, billow, swell (up), roll, J*J\ L*j- 
welter, be rough 

to go out, die, be extinguished; too^ 4 lui 1 lui- : L> 
abate, subside, cool off; to fade, tarnish, grow dull 

to hide, conceal, secrete, cache; j— . ^l>- I : Ui- . Ili- 
to shelter, harbor^ to cover, veil 

what the future has in store for usUJ-JU-JLU'.-;.., L. 

> ■ 1 » ■ 1 ■ 



hullii^lJI j jv>i)l jl ^liJI 

f • '0 J 

impurities, impure food, JS"^ "ij j.u:„o L. :dJ Li- 
foul flesh 



(oLj) oju*- 'J~*" "^j~*" "^J^* - 
jUil ii j^- : SjL*- 

•LjLil .il..~;ll :oljjL> 

•> >> ,' 

insanity, lunacy, madness, demen- <Ct t o>~»- • J?l«* i 

tia; idiocy, imbecility, mental derangement 

baker's trade 

Jr»- Jf ' 

trot; pace; amble 

f .- * 

to be or become malicious, \jS\* jN^j^ J\£ : 
malevolent, vicious, wicked, evil-minded, evil, 
bad; to be or become sly, wily, foxy 

to be or become noxious, \.^ y\ Lij* o^ '■ £~>- 
harmful, injurious, pernicious; to be or become 
offensive, repugnant, obnoxious, abhorrent 

to be or become malignant, rJJ ^ J3 i\ _jl ^^il £~j- 

refuse, scum, dross, slag, cinder, clinker, *Ui- : i-j 

malice, maliciousness, malignancy, ^SC i ^1 :ii--j 
malignity, malevolence, viciousness, wickedness, 
evilness, badness; slyness, wiliness, foxiness 

noxiousness, harm- ly.^ jl l ij* s^' o>^ : '-i-~ i - 
fulness, injuriousness, perniciousness; offensive- 
ness, foulness, repulsiveness, obnoxiousness 

malignancy, LL_i- ,^1 jl ^^il 6>^ : ^ 





treacherously toward: to double-cross, deceive, 

betrayal, disloyalty, treachery, perfidy, iiC^-ijji- :j± 
faithlessness; double cross, deception, cheating) 
to deceive, double-cross, cheat, defraud, p- -t>- : Jl»- 
dupe, trick, chicane, cozen 

deception, deceit, trickery, chica- JiLLl <. p-l j*- : J^»- 
nery, fraud, cheat(ing); double-dealing, duplicity 

to seal, signet, ^J liL «^J» 4 J* ^1 j-ij 1 j+< : ^i- 
stamp, impress, imprint, rubber-stamp 

to postmark -^s^ f^". c-=" 

to seal (off), shut (off), close (up), plug ju. : ^ 
up, stop up 

sealing, stamping, impression, ^ 1 ^1 «-ij : ^ 
impress(ing), imprinting 

sealing (off), shutting (off), closing, plug- 1- : (pa- 
ging, stoppage, stopping up 


I vr^j - j»|(j J ' fvj • c- 5 " 

seal, signet; cachet; JU- -.{^y^-j ^\i±-\ r) ^>- 
rubber stamp; stamp, imprint, impressGon) 

postmark -^ij~^ ^~ 

carte blanche u^V; J* <»-»■ 

to circumcise (T_JlaJl) jl»- 

to be circumcised ( yJLaJ 1 ) jZ*- 

son-in-law <L)^I r-jj :^^ 

brother-in-law c**-i\ rjj :(>ji- 

circumcision 6^«- ^j^* 

mother-in-law ilia- :iu*- 

hornbill (y'U.)^- 

circumcised 0>^«-« : J***- 

peat, turf f lil j oLJI Jlr»o Oj&j JflJ r._J :u«*. 

dregs, sediment, lees; \Ju 1 illi»- :5jli^. ijU»- 

remains, remnant, leftover; remainder, rest 

curd (jJJI ijlij- 

to coagulate, clot; to curdle, curd; to congeal, jli- 
thicken, solidify, inspissate 



mentally disordered, unbalanced, crackbrained, 
demented, insane, crazy 

insanity, lunacy, dementia, 0>> : Jl»- 1 J-»- ' J-*- 
madness, mental derangement, mental alienation 

wood owl ( y U> ) Jl»- 

extinction; subsidence, abate- j>»» 1 j>*»- : yS- ^yS- 
ment, cooling off; fading, tarnish, dullness 

cache, something hidden, hidden £^»- L : il-*- ' ^*»- 


caviar jLilS" :iijLi»- 

malicious, malignant, malevolent, £ L. t jj^. : u .. m . t - 

spiteful, viperous, vicious, wicked, evil-minded, 

evil, bad, blackhearted, dark; sly, wily, foxy, 


noxious, harmful, injurious, 4j jS 1 ij^ : <J~. -j- 

pernicious, pestilent, dangerous; offensive, foul, 

repugnant, repulsive, obnoxious, odious 


malignant, virulent *JJ fjjJ jl ^^J *j»*» : ^-^ 

expert, authority, connoisseur, adept, profi- (->) j#. 
cient; specialist; experienced (in), expert (in), 
skilled (in), practiced (in), worldly-wise (in), 
conversant (with), versed (in), familiar (with), 
well-acquainted (with), well-informed (about), 
cognizant (of), knowing, learned 

J*>»" •>>»■ 


(oLi) 'i'y^i 

traitor, betrayer, double-crosser, ,jjU- <. j\ It : jli- 
deceiver, cheat; treacherous, disloyal, perfidious, 

sealing wax 

<AjU- »*-l J " 

. 4jl^ * c*^'* 

in conclusion, in closing, finally, j 1 Ub»- 
lastly, at last, at the end, in the end 

final, terminal, last; closing, con- 
cluding, conclusive 

closing session 

Jrv '■ ixf ^?" 

circumcision ^- :iiL^- tul^- 

to betray, sell out, be disloyal to, actu^ * -e j->* -^^ 




to cover oneself, screen oneself; J>^-l <■ jJL^.1 : jJ*- 

to hide (oneself), conceal oneself 

to keep to, stay at, remain at <*^ : oI£-»j jJ&- 

to be or become numb, be- J*i i jjJ-l 4jI«I :jj»- 
numbed, torpid; to prickle, tingle; to crawl, creep 

to anesthetize, narcotize, dope, ^J-l jiil i yy-i ^j-J*- 
drug, stupefy, benumb, numb 

anesthesia, narcosis, numb- Jli i ^J-l o\ oii : jJ*- 
ness, torpor, stupor; creep, tingle, prickle 

narcolepsy (f.y oL^J j-^j <«*»,»-•) j-*»- 

numb, benumbed, torpid, stupefied, J*J i jJljm :jju»- 

doped, drugged, narcotized, anesthetized; creepy, 

creeping, crawling 

boudoir, woman's private room or (<>l J.\) jjj- 


curtain, drape(s); screen, ccveKing), ji~ : jj± 
shelter; veil 

to scarify; to scratch; to cut, Jui- : yi a*- ' <ji a*- 
score; to chafe, abrade, scrape (off) 

scarification; scratching yijj- j-la. i^tjjjjJ :yijj» 

scratch, scotch, score, mark, i ji-l 


to deceive, fool, delude, ^ii t J* JL»- 1 t Jjj- : fj. 
bluff, beguile, mislead; to cheat, defraud, swindle, 
con, double-cross, rook; to trick, dupe, gull, hoax, 
humbug, play a trick on, pull someone's leg; to 
circumvent, outwit 



trick, artifice, stratagem, subterfuge, ruse, ill*. :i*j 
wile, fetch, deception, fraud, sleight, ploy, dodge, 
shift, hoax 

to serve; to attend, wait on; to work (for); to * J 
render a service to, do someone a favor 

service; favor; attendance; duty; employ(ment), <u j 
work, job 

conscription, compulsory a__.I^JI jl *jjL>-| <L.oj- 
(military) service 

military service, duty <;^--t <».*»- 

active (military) service o'alll j -La*- . ilui -Uaj- 

2~ J 

thrombosiS(3 > .jJI slcjJI JUj>>-j jliiJlJ-l <J£z :J± 
clot, coagulum, lump <Db- : S^i^ 

thrombus, blood clot <;>«.5 <L«r : S^U- 

thrombosis _^»-:o_^»- 

thrombin (j-j** 

hypogastrium iiUlj S j_J I ^ L. :<d^ ..di^ 

hypogastric j^iii- . tj? l£»- 

to be ashamed of, be ashamed to (_^-l : (,>«) Jj*»" 

face someone; to be abashed by, be(come) or feel 
embarrassed by; to blush, feel shame or embar- 
rassment; to be or become shy, bashful, diffident 

to shame, abash, embarrass, put to J«v *i«- : Jj>»»" 
shame, cause to feel shame, make ashamed 

shame, shyness, bashfulness, diffidence, f Ci- : J»- 
timidity, coyness, abashment, pudency, modesty 

abashed, ashamed, (-»- , *w_ : J^sv- iu>»» ' Jj*»- 
shamefaced; embarrassed, self-conscious; shy, 
bashful, diffident, modest, coy, timid 

to furrow, groove, rut; to wrinkle, ji*- i JH : J* 


-J •■ 

prematurity, prematureness ijlj^l Jli Sj^j ^r'a*- 
abortion, miscarriage (>>U=r' 'r'- 1 ^ 

j-*»- Jf'j — ->'■**" 

swindler, impostor, deceiver, sharper, tricker, fla»- 
trickster, fraud, bluff, cheat, crook, rook, double- 
dealer, double-crosser, humbug(ger), hoaxer; de- 
ceitful, tricky, trickish, double-dealing, double- 
tongued, wily, dishonest, insincere, disingenuous, 
devious, crafty, sly, artful; deceptive, delusive, 
illusive, illusory, false, fallacious, misleading, 

deception, deceit, fraud, trickery, swindle, p I jl»- 

swindling, wile, roguery, duplicity, double-dealing, 
imposture, cheat(ing)r, delusion, dupery, bluffTing), 
chicanery, cozenage, beguilement, defraudation, 


1^.1 t \. 

deceitful, fraudulent, deceptive, delusive 



re — ! 


■ ■::■■'!»?■.■ -'.r.-. -7.- ..:.,,■ -:^a 

to defecate, excrete, egest, evacuate the J»j-i : tSj*- 
bowels, relieve nature 

excrement, feces, stool Jail* : *lj*- 1 fj*- 

ruin, ruination, destruction, devastation, jl_o : olj*- 
desolation, havoc, ravage, wreck, wreckage 

land tax; tax, tribute, duty <L>^» < £>- : ^'jf- '^'j* - 

j, _„ z'/ _, ,' s -» -•»_ 

abscess J-> j : <*#■ Ij*- ' **-1j»- ' ^'j* - ' ^'j* - 

murmuring, purling, gurgling, (>L) jj>J-I jt£ o'j* - 

snoring ((JL) jiji-\ j^ :jl>- 

spinning top, peg top, top( <JLJ»}UiJ_ )i_ijj i»- : Sjlj*- 

maker or seller of jars l^L jl jl^i. 

filings; shavings, parings, chips 
splinters, slivers 

liar t_*liST 

turner, lather 


'--* ^^^ ',-» 

filings; shavings, parings, chips, £lU»; ( 2jl^ :iilj#- 

splinters, slivers 

turnery, turning, lathing Jbl^J-l J.* 4 i>^ :<klj#- 

earthworms, night crawlers; JoJi\ i>\ jj . : l j*tl3*' 

1 u mbricoid *: . !■ I "^. 

, ^^ 
superstition; fable, legend, fairy tale, myth iilji- 

superstitious; fabulous, legendary, mythical, tj)j*- 
mythological, fictitious, fabled 

chimaera (dL-)ililj*. 

punch, perforator, drill, borer, gimlet,,. : i_> l^*- 
auger, wimble, awl, broach 

■> j±- »j- I j — |Ja_»- 4 ^J i j»J 

to ruin, destroy, wreck, havoc, Jaa- t ^j t ^a* 


lay waste, lay in ruins, wreak havoc on, devastate, 
ravage, demolish, desolate, dilapidate, damage; to 
subvert; to sabotage; to vandalize 

ruined, destroyed, Ja-w « J»'jj> <. u^. : ^ji- 

wrecked, havocked, devastated, ravaged, demol-' 
ished, waste, desolate, dilapidated, ruinous, in 
ruins, tumbledown, fallen, ramshackle; subverted; 

ilijil CjJ-I ^Jkl 

Coil J 
i_.ji-l rjU- 

civil service 

civil service board 

on duty; in service 

off duty 

at your service, at your disposal, at your ttL. j»- J 

in the service of; in the I JiO £.o»- < I iS" £• jj- j 
interest of, for the sake of 

to render a service to, do J i-jt»- (<_;.l jl) (i__-l 
someone a favor 

(jt-to- p-lj -6a 

premature (baby) 


premature (baby) 

' i i T' ' * ■ 

«.lo»- «_-lj - 5-lj»- :<i-UJU>- 

icj_» »j-lj-iL>- :i_uo»- 

friend, companion, comrade, t_-»-Ua i Jj -u-< : yi j_i 

pal, confidant, intimate 

^ •- -• * 

khedive Jlj '-iSyi^ 'tS^J* - 

■*- • - ^ • ', .' *' ' 

I i(iJi>»--.l «>-lj - tSJ*- ' IJ*- 



spinning top, peg top, top (JU»^J illj) JJb : Jjjj_i 
to sling, toss, hurl, fling, throw ^.'j , Li Jul : LiJii- 

to let down, fail someone when tii'jj 4 ^ Jui : U ji 
most needed, disappoint, betray, desert (in time of 
need), leave in the lurch; to abandon, forsake, 
walk out on 

disappointment, letting down, 6*51 j_i 4 (j"5l ji i JJi 

betrayal, desertion; abandonment, forsaking 

to murmur, purl, gurgle, bubble b^_» : *W ^i- 

to snore 


to fall (down), tumble (down), sink 3^ I t -Ul : ^i- 
(down), collapse 

to prostrate oneself, sink to the ground lo»-L >- 

to fall (or throw oneself down) at «!_■. 
someone's feet 



only, just, simply; it is limited to 

- - • * , - • « - »- 

to graduate r>>"^" ° J V- £~ • 

to train; to educate, bring up Jx i uj: 

to interpret, explain, expound JLi 1 3j I 

to face, line (iiCj-l J) » 

^Lj « JjJ^ : £>*" 

land tax; tax, tribute, duty r-l jj- : r j*- 

expenditure, outlay; expenses), cost(s) iiij : r- j±- 

output, turnout; production, 
produce, yield, returns, proceeds 

saddlebag; carpetbag, portman- (^iJI jl ijljJI) rj* 
teau, traveling bag 

, ". - •'. 


cantilever; projection 

to snore 

to murmur, purl, gurgle, bubble o^> : Jill jj->i- 

murmur, purl, gurgle, bubble «lil c<>^> :ij±j*- 

^LJI **' '-*'• : o 

^ , -^- 

snoring, snore 

rale, rhonchus^-i-JI 

to be or remain (a) virgin, »lj ic o-i> : sLill (o),}^- 
untouched, chaste 

scrap metal, scrap iron, scrap Sj^ 

hardware, ironmongery, notions, haber- oljjjj- 
dashery, sundries, smalls, miscellaneous small 
articles or goods 
ironmonger, haberdasher ^ ijj- 

shot, small shot, pellets, buckshot ijiji- 

mustard J ij»- 

,.' -- .' 

to pierce, perforate, punch, bore, drill >_Ju : j^»- 

bead(s) ('jj^ \**j**) jj^ 

vertebra oyii : _^Ji)l • jj»- 

to be or become mute, dumb, 

to be or become silent, keep silent, 

cx> : 


sabotaged; vandalized 

eye, threading hole '^V s-*J :a ij^ "r0*" "tO*" 

ruins, site of ruins c-t\^l-\ %^>y,:\jj±- iijji- 

to scribble, scrawl, scratch, scrabble, squiggle J^j* 

scribble, scribbling, scrawl(ing), scratch(ing), ^->j*- 
scrabble, scrabbling, squiggle, squiggling 

hellebore, veratrum, Christmas rose, (oLi) Jjj*- 

winter rose 

to pierce, perforate, punch, hole, bore, L-iS : Cij*- 


hole, bore, perforation >_»iJ i i_-iJ :Ojj- iuj»- 

rhinoceros (o'>^-) u'i^ :, ~ej»" 

to go out, come out, emerge, issue, jjlc t lli : r-j»- 
egress; to walk out, drive out, ride out, move out, 
exit; to leave, depart, go away 

to dismount, disembark, alight, '$>-y i S^ : r >»■ 
get off, get out of, step out of 

to protrude, project, bulge, stick out, jut outj jj\ *■>- 

to take out, bring out, get out, let Vji- 1 : j Vji. 
out: to drive out, oust 

to conclude, infer, deduce, LJilS" I ( p"~'l :_j 'Jji. 
gather, figure out; to discover, find out 

to revolt against, rebel Jt j^J i J* jli : Jt r>- 

against, rise against, mutiny against 

to go for, go at, attack, assailli- Ui <dLif,^: Jtr->- 

to dissent from, ^jlc ( LiJU- : i>* jl (J* r->»- 
disagree with 

to secede ^ Jlaijl ( ^ j_^ I : ^ jl J* ^>- 
from, break away with, draw away from 

to violate, LilU- 1 ii£bl t |jj^. : ,j* jl J* Vj±- 
break, infringe, transgress, contravene 
to deviate from, ^ LT^J t ^ jU- : ^ r>- 
depart from, turn away or aside from, swerve 
from, diverge from, digress from 

to derail, go off the rails, Jail Jc (~)J jlkill) ^>- 

run off the track 

to be an exception to I f \ ■■■:■' A ^l_< ;^j '-'j- 

to exceed, go beyond, S "' ' JJ^" : a* T- j*~ 

overstep; to be outside (a certain topic), be beside 
(the point), be wide of (the subject), have nothing 
to do with, be extraneous to or from 

it is nothing but, no more than, merely, ^ r j^i ^ 



ate; to tatter, shred 

to pierce, puncture, punch, <jiji»-l » i— iJ : (im- 
perforate, bore, drill, make a hole in; to penetrate, 
transpierce, break through, cut through, pass 
through, run through 

to break, breach, com- jj£*i i lii^i I t LilU- : j^i- 
mit a breach of, violate, infringe, infract, contra- 
vene, transgress; to trespass, encroach upon, make 
inroads upon, intrude on; to exceed, go beyond, 

to be or become clumsy, awk- Jj^j-I j\i :'ijjj- <.<jj»- 
ward; to be or become stupid, foolish 

(J>>>- £=r'j~d>> '•&J*' 

^j*~ (frh 

-i»L»- i • 




tearing, rending, laceration, shredding J^^ : ii'jr- 

piercing, puncturing, puncuire,J»l^»-l <. i_X :Sj*- 
punching, perforation, boring, drilling; penetra- 
tion, transpiercing, breaking through 

f * ■• ■ '-^^ .' 

breach, breaking, viola- jjUJ 4 dl^l i iiJU»* :<_$>■ 

tion, contravention, infraction, infringement, 
transgression; trespassing), encroachment, 
inroad(s); going beyond, overstepping, exceeding 

hole, bore, punch, i»»j 4 **rj ' V**^ ' S-*^ : <->>»- 
puncture, perforation, aperture, opening, orifice 

tear, rent, rip, rift j£ 4 j'y, : J>- 

clumsiness, awkward- 4iL»- 4 itl^j jJo ::tij±- j,*. 
ness, maladroitness, ineptness, ungainliness, un- 
handiness; stupidity, foolishness, silliness 

..- ' *, - ' * f s '-" 

rag, tatter, shred; piece of <->y ^ i*Ja» tii^, : ii^j. 

polishing cloth; (dust) cloth , duster <■»'„*■. : it j±- 

to pierce, punch, puncture, J£ i i_-ij : »^». 4 »j*. 

perforate, riddle, drill, bore, make a hole in; to 
tear, rend, rip, rive 

piercing, punching, puncturing, <r^J 4 i_*ij : /^. 
puncture, perforation, riddling, boring, drilling 
hole, perforation, punch, puncture i_-«i 4 i_Ju : fJ ±- 


hold one's tongue, say nothing, shut up, stop 


muteness, mutism, dumbness, speechless- £-> : y*>»- 

ness, voicelessness 

large jar, vat, tun, cask 

* - -- s „■»- . 

4,T»,1 ..,* <j Li 

•trv 'irj*" 

concrete, beton, cement c>.,«... I 1 o£>\> : iiL«3» 

reinforced concrete, ferroconcrete 

to scratch; to scrape (off), chafe, ^J. 

artichoke (^^) ti^i^ - 1 j.*.^ 

tern, sea swallow (^JU*) iii^. 

to lie, tell a lie i_>i^ : <j<»^ 

to guess, conjecture, surmise, jji 4 jj^- : ^ ^»- 

earring, eardrop o'ii\ <0LL»- 4 i^i '.(joj* hj0j»- 

to turn, lathe <U» jjJ.1 ii^~ : J»^». 

turnery, turning, lathing 4JjjjJ.l1 ij^J 4 iiljj- : J»^»- 

oats (oU)JlL^. 

cartridge; cartouche ii ^i>^- 4 yi>tj»- 

trunk, proboscis ( J-i)l) fjbj*- 

Jiose o l^i ?}*> j^~ 4 « U (•^-o _^ 

hydrant, fireplug li^ji' ^^-kV ^^ f>^»!r»- 

Proboscidea oILjjJI ^ i-Jj :oL»^t^»- 

earthworm, night crawler; lum- yij ill 5jjj :6>tj»- 

to slack(en), sag, droop, Liu>4 U J U "jl:s^ l c^ 
languish, flag, weaken 

flaccid, flabby, limp, slack, soft; *-i-»^ <■)*•'; '•? j* 

droopy, drooping, flagging, langujd; weak, spine-' 

less, nerveless, rickety 

'-■• ----.. - >~ 
to dote, be in one's jSS\ ^ -die jl-» : Li^. 4 L»^». 

dotage, become a dotard, become senile 

dotage, second childhood, ^SJ\ ^. JiUl ji_i :<J^. 
senility, childishness 

dotard; senile, childish <-»jilj v^" : <-' J >»' 

to shuffle, jumble (up), mix (confusedly) jJi : Jj'j*- 
to tear, rend, rip (apart), unrip, rive, lacer- Sy '■ 3ji- 


autumn(al), fall ^-J^ 

to pierce, transfix, stab; to prick, sting lili. i j*±> :'ji- 

piercing, transfixion, stabbing; pricking, j>- jj 


silk jif '•>■ 

marten (ol>^-) >»■ 

silk manufacturer or dealer 4juL. jl jjyil jJU> :jlj»- 

(oU) ^l^ 

potter; ceramist 

pottery; ceramics 

lavender; tulip 

reservoir, fountain; tank; dam 

fuel tank 

wardrobe, closet, locker, cupboard, cabinet 
chest, case; safe; strongbox, coffer 

^ :ul> 


i_-i" ill 

treasury, exchequer, coffers 



myxedema; edema 

to look askance at 

lumbago J^\ Jill jjl : iy^. 1 5^ 

buck-rabbit; male hare L-Jlj'il ^5"j : j\±. 

amusing story; tale; J-*^ i«JL*>> ' J-c> < J-*>- 
fable; cock-and-bull story; lie, falsehood; hoax; idle 
talk, nonsense; superstition; joke, jest, witticism 
lameness, claudication, limpftng) -^ ;i^'2. 

to limp, go lame, walk lamely Vjc- : Jc ji. 

pottery, earthenware, crock- <Li _^- <Lj I 1 jUo : ij ;*■ 
ery; porcelain, china, chinaware; ceramics; faience 

earthen, fictile; porcelain, porcelane- eSjUj '[J'^- 
ous, china-; ceramic 

potter; ceramist 

to pierce, transfix, stab 

i-ij3- ajflj -~K±j±. <J| 

0*^ -<j>- 

V f> 

> '* 
spur, mountain peak J-J-l i_iil : ^j>- 

agrostemma, mullein pink (^l-j) tj>- 

Japanese quince (oLi) U^- 'Uj»- 

(iiL~) ul«>- 

1— «jlj jfl jyw : Jhj* - 
1 - > . '. > > . 

gar, garfish; billfish 

leveret, young hare 

carob, locust 

carob bean juice 

going out, coming out, emergence,^ Aiun p^li» : rjj*- 
egressfton), issuance; walking out, riding out, 
moving out; departure, leaving, going away, exit 

disembarkation, dismounting, Ja-y t J yj : -rij*- 
alighting, getting off, getting out of 

" >> >» 
protrusion, projection, promi- t> i t jj^ '-rij>- 

nence, protuberance, bulge 
exodus S*U»- S>*a ^l-Jr rj>- 

Exodus — jjjj.1 _ / i - 

primipara ;% J *yi J, U- 4 ^JiL, , Jc. : ^j^- 

castor-oil plant, palma Christi 
castor oil 

sheep; young sheep, lamb 
manatee, sea cow 
graduate, alumnus 

virgin, maiden 

J-j»- ' 6 w> : <-t3jr- 

, ^ J ' 

*- -■« < 

°-V>- jfr'j - Jt>>- 

unbored pearl, unpierced pearl ^..i".\ J i^ : Sjj^p- 
murmur, purl, gurgle, bubble »lll Cj'^o : j±j>- 

snoring, snore JUI J»J»t : ^j^j- 

map; chart; cartogram ii jU- : SJu S. 

horoscope rjj-J' ^ij^ 

cadastral map 4^»-L». <Lk> ^j- 1 i»-Lil '^j*- 

cartographer Jall^il *Lj 

cartography Jai 1 '^- 1 r"J (t>» J 1 ) (J* 

^>" ^?-lj -'-« , ■■ « . >> '>»-j :^!^" 
autumn, fall 

4j uL^ 



' ■ q 

lowliness, ignobility, vileness, villainy, sordidness, 
abjectness; despicableness, contemptibleness 

to lose, forfeit; to suffer or ^-Ja i oii 4 r^>j jui 
incur a loss 

to go astray, get lost, lose one's way J^» : 

to perish; to be destroyed ttUi : 

to cause a loss to, make lose 

to destroy, ruin, wipe out 

to mislead, lead astray, misguide, pervert JJa 

loss; damage; forfeiture SjLj- :<j' 


to sink down, fall down, collapse, jU. 1 
cave in, fall in, give way; to subside 

to be eclipsed s>^\ 

to cause to sink (down) or to give way jJJ Jo ^ 

humiliation, disgrace, shame, igno- J i : i_i 
miny; baseness, lowliness 

eclipse, lunar eclipse; occultation 


mean, low, base, lowly, vile, vil- j*»- 1 \j j : 
lainous, ignoble, abject, dastardly, sordid; despica- 
ble, contemptible 

villainy, infamy, mean act, vile act (^L*- r) <— .■...■ ■> • 

to enter, go in(to) Jj-j:j(ji»- 

to frighten, scare, alarm, fill with fear <J>»- : ^S- 

mastoid J'*i\ uili- {jjUl pJk*J I : *li»- 

roughage <j±±- ftLL : jjL*- 

mastoid tlii-l jl»-^ :,Jli»- 

wood (timber, lumber) merchant, i_«i»- >»-^ : v'— *" 
lumberman, timberman 

logger, lumberjack, woodman, i_jU»- :<_> Li- 

woodsman, woodcutter, woodchopper 

leftover, remainder, rest, remnant, iLai :3jL*- 

remains; refuse, offal, garbage, rubbish, junk 

compote u\Li- 1 i_»li»- 

anosmia «JI <LU- 


to cut, cut off, sever >Ja» : J _)»■ 

paresis [ i-J» J J^ 

paretic [<_J» J ^I^*" 

to store, stock, warehouse, reposit; j±- *\ : o'jj- 1 u^ 
to store up, lay up, lay by; to hoard, amass, accu- 
mulate, stockpile 

storing, storage, warehousing, reposition; (X) 5 *! '-i>jj- 
storing up, laying up; hoarding, amassment, accu- 
mulation, stockpiling 

storage o^ fj 

to be or become low, lowly, despicable, ul» <■ J i : <$j»- 

to be ashamed of; to befcome)^ ,y^—\ '■ d>?) Isj*- 
or feel embarrassed by 

disgrace, discredit, dishonor, jU 1 u'>» ' J J : tSj?- 
shame, humiliation, ignominy, infamy, odium, 

abashed, ashamed, shamefaced; 0%??- : o\j)j- 


treasury, exchequer, coffers (<ljjjl ) "L>j»- 

safe; strongbox, coffer ii I /*■ : i_j ^- 

' ' * % t 

treasurer *-j>J-I Cr^^ 

* * ~ _ -* , i -- 

to be or become low, mean, base, yv>- 1 Jij : y^- 

lowly, vile, villainous, contemptible, despicable 

to decrease, diminish, lessen, become less >u ^ij : " Lr s- 
drop (off), decline, depreciate, fall (in value, etc.) 

todecrease, diminish, lessen, reduce, lower^^aij : ^-i- 
lettuce (cA^j) u^- 

alkanet (oLi] jLJ-l ( _ r i- 

to chase away, drive away, kick out jujI 4 j^i. : L»- 

to go away, be driven away 
to go away, be driven away 
beat it! scram! fie on you! 
loss; damage; forfeiture 
losses, casualties 
general average 


J* J* I* 

<S JL*>* 4j At ktltM^ 

what a pity! too bad! alas! woe! SjCi- I 

meanness, lowness, baseness,3jlii-t ofli.>:<LfL^t<L 





or become coarse, rough, harsh, tough, hard; to be 

or become rude, boorish, crude 

to coarsen, roughen, toughen; to Lf»- *!*»- : ^»- 

make coarse, rough, harsh, tough, hard; to make 

rude, boorish, crude 

coarse, rough, harsh, scabrous; tough, ^li -ui : j±± 


rude, rough, crude, coarse, harsh, gross, Jii : 1 ^p- 

indelicate, boorish, gruff, rowdy, uncouth, uncivil, 

mannerless, ill-mannered, ummannerly, impolite 

-- - * 
hoarse, raucous, husky, harsh, gruff, ^>-\ '■ o~*~ 

gravelly, throaty 

the stronger sex, the sterner sex l j^i- \ ur ^r I 

reverence, awe; submissiveness, submission, fy-* 

humility; devoutness, godliness, piety 

coarseness, roughness, harshness, k>^mj _wj : tjy^ 

scabrousness; toughness, hardness 

, , .. - > > 

rudeness, roughness, crudeness, ikUii :~<>y^- 
coarseness, harshness, grossness, indelicateness, 
boorishness, gruffness, rowdiness, uncouthness, 

hoarseness, raucity, iau 4 <1»- :o^JI j aJ>^»- 
huskiness, harshness, gruffness, throatiness 
to fear, apprehend, dread, be afraid (of); tO(_»U- 
feel awe or reverence for 

fear, apprehension, dread, anxiety; awe, 


lest, for fear that, so that... not 

■Jii : 

to distinguish with, favor jj^Iij J-ai '■-> i>»- 
with, single out with; to endow with, confer upon, 
bestow upon, give to, accord to; to dedicate to, 
devote to; to assign to, allot to, allocate to 

to pertain to, belong to, appertain to, _; J& -u^- 

relate to, be related to, have to do with, concern, 

regard, be connected with 

to be or become special, ^c -ui 1 G>U- 6^ : i>»- 

particular, peculiar 

to be or become poor, needy, destitute j*zi I : ,>»- 

to take exclusive posses-^-iJ i ( j3\ u a*-i _;*_ iJ L/ o»- 
sion of, appropriate; to keep or reserve for oneself 

to lignify, convert into wood i_*i»- <JJ J>»- : <--^- 

wood, timber, lumber 






# U 'j 



1 f>*-* <-r 

(ol*J) ^v-* * r<l3«--^ 

j_JI l_J* 

piece of wood or timber, timber; i_Jj»- iiLi : <ui»- 
log, block; (wooden) bar; stick, rod; plank, board 

stage, boards rj—^ 4 -r— »■ 

bier, coffin ^i^ : oJ.1 V-*" 

j' - 

wooden, woody, wood, ligneous, timbered, 
timber-, lumber- 



corn poppy 

opium poppy 



papaverine j-i 

to clank, clink, clatter, rattle; to rustle, Jj*1»- :jl»»i*- 
crinkle; to jingle, tinkle 

clank, clink, clatter, rattle; rustle, iUJU- : ii»ii>- 

crinkle; jingle, tinkle 

• * • *» , * ~ » ~ * a ~ * > 
rattle JUJ.^1 ioJ :*.t. ; .y„i- li.UH.i- 

swarm (of bees), colony (of bees) Jj«JI if.L=- : ^p#- 

to submit, yield, surrender, humble one- ^-a±- : *Jl*~ 
self; to be or become submissive, yielding, humble; 
to show reverence 

fawn, young deer i*JaJ' -Jj :^-i^f- n-ii*- '^-ii»- 

yaK (a'>^-) flii*- 

anosmia p-DI i-b- -ii» :(»i*- 

- - - , ' - 
to coarsen, roughen, toughen; to be L-^- jU> : jJi*- 



-■ •—' 

to mend, repair, sew (~)J t\JJ.\ /\ [£j\) i 

habit, practice; (natural) disposition; ili ( ; jit : iila^ 
quality, property, attribute, peculiarity, character- 
istic, trait 

tuft, lock, wisp, tress, ringlet, curl (of hair)(_^Li.)iiIa^ 

"> .-• ' 

bunch, cluster, tuft 

to overcome, defeat, beat, triumph over <_Jlt :lLx»- 

to discount, deduct, rebate, take 

off, subtract 

to discount (a bill, note, etc.) 

opponent, adversary, antagonist; 
enemy, foe 

litigant, party (in a ((i^coj) ^iliz* i^ji :^ 

discount, rebate; discounting, f-LLil i —>• : ~«x»- 

deduction, subtraction 

discount(ing) *JJ o^L^lSCJI _«x»- 

> > 

respect, regard, relation, concern, 
matter, connection 

liabilities, debts 
assets and liabilities 
discount rate, bank rate 

> >_ 

}j*o '.yoyo*- 

concerning, ^joya*- ^ i ^joyja*- j <. ^y . a , -» < 
regarding, as regards, as to, with regard to, with 
respect to, in respect of, respecting, with reference 
to, in connection with, in relation to, re, about 

in this respect, in ^^^il I j» ^ t ^o^oX-X \1& 
this connection, in this matter, concerning this, 
regarding this, with regard to this, with relation to 
this, about this 

especially, particularly, ^oyoXX (aj-j) Jx. i uo^aj- 
in particular, specially, specifically, expressly 

privacy; confidentiality 




-- > ' 
quarrel, dispute, argument, controversy, (■ I y :<« ye*- 

conflict, discord, disagreement, dissension, conten- 

•J>... >z ' 

to make special mention of, mention J> JJU -u»- 
specifically or in particular, specify, specialize, 
make special reference to, refer especially to 

concerning, _> Jj l «.o L-j :<_ro»- Lj i ^0x1 uj 

with regard to, regarding, as regards, with respect 

to, respecting, with reference to, in relation to, in 

connection with, as to, as for, re, about 

' j f - 
this does not concern you, this is <idiij ^ li* 

none of your business 

> j > 
hut, cottage, shack, shanty +£ : iJ ai- 

to castrate, emasculate, geld ll*»- Aiii- : is ^- 

testicles, testes (i— a»- Uj^i*) (j-a»- 

, •-- , -* '■ ■ 

orchis, orchid (oL) l_J^JI is a±- 


castration, emasculation 


crevice, crack, interstice, opening, <>-ji <■ ^ : <j<jL»- 


poverty, need(iness), destitution, penury jii : LsCosi 

to be or become fertile, pro- L*»- olS" : ■ - *■>- 1 

ductive, fecund, fruitful, prolific 

- - • » - . • t 

fertile, productive, fat, fecund, fruitful, ^~a±- : 

prolific; prodigal, profuse, lush, rich 

„ > > 
fertility, productivity, fecundity, fruit- i;>-a»- :>- 

fulness, prolificness; profusion, prodigality, lusti- 
ness, richness; abundance, plenty 


cold(ness), chilliness 



waist, middle; waistline 


j^l o__j (3^ vW^I : 


3 ■ 

to special- ^^t 1 jj»- i L^Iosm jl UoU- aLu- 
ize; to specify, particularize, individualize, itemize 

to earmark, single out, designate, j jj I : u n-n~ 

destine, assign, appropriate, set aside, set apart, 
mark, design, intend (for a specific purpose) 

to devote, dedicate, consecrate tr j^ : u n"n~ 

to allot, apportion, allocate, assign u n^~ : u n"n~ 


« T— ■> ^ '^/ - ■ 

to be or become green, verdant ,-a»- 1 

to green, make green 
green, verdant 

green, verdant j-a»- 1 i^Jj^ : 

vegetables; greens, greenery, j^aj- : 


greenness, verdancy, viridity, verdure j\ 

vegetables; oljlj_a»- < jU»- :(j-i>- r-) »j 
greens, greenery, greenstuff 

greengrocer, grocer ^-oil >uL> 

evergreen 5^_ail Jlj 

greengrocer, grocer JLu i ^-ail >ul> -.jjjja*- 

to submit (to), yield (to), surrender ^ il : ( J) «J»- 
(to), succumb (to), give in (to), give way (to), defer 
(to), obey, follow, comply with; to be subject to, be 
under the control of; to be governed by 

to undergo, be subjected to, go^lt i jLi-l : J «ui>- 
through, pass through, experience 

(J) j-x>-l j»-lj -(J) fja»- 

to wet through; to be or become (3jJ 1 3-?' : S^" 
wet, moist, damp 

to moisten, wet, bedew, damp(en); to <ili i ^ : ij-**" 
dabble, drench, sparge, sprinkle, splash, spatter 
moist, wet, dewy, damp 

(3~-* ' <£■?* ' *r"-k j : J-as" 

sea; ocean 

crowd, throng, congregation, 

submission, submissiveness, yielding, ,jl*Jl : p »Jj»- 
surrender, giving in, deference, obedience, com- 
pliance; subjection, subordination, vassalage 

dyed, tinted, tinged, colored, painted j- } 

green, verdant 
greenfinch j<jLuJI ^ s-jj -.^j^ai- ' , ~~ 

bee eater (^U>) jljjj : fl^Lii. 

to write, pen, inscribe L-if : Jai 

< P ■■ ■' ' " - ' "' 

,-- -- ' ' 
antagonism, hostility, enmity, feud >loc :<*ya*- 

litigation; prosecution; judicial or (<u5L»») ktyas- 
legal proceeding(s); lawsuit, suit, case, action 

eunuch, castrate; castrated, emasculated^uu '*/~- 
castration, emasculation X*±- '■ , 

testicle, testis, spermary 

I *'' ' . 

to agitate, stir, shake, jolt, jog, jerk, rock j* i i-j : (jii- 

agitation, stirring, shaking, jolting, jog- j* i £■ j : yii- 

ging, jerking, rocking 

dye, dyestuff, color, paint; tint, 0>l ' »;.■/> : i_<La^ 


pigment L^J-I y\ ow^l j iijill ijlll :<_>Lw- 
hemoglobin j^jw ^jJI v'-aj- 

greengrocer, grocer Jli> 4 ^-ail «Jl> :jU»- 

- > - * 
vegetables; greens, greenery, greenstuff j-i>- :jLa»- 

bee eater (y^*) j\)j3 '■ jLo»- 

wild duck, mallard if jj iliy <L> : (ijLo»- 

agitator <UjUi»- 

to dye, tinge, tint, color, paint, 6>l ' jr<> : ' '"-■ 

imbue; to pigment 

to be or become green, verdant 
to be or become green, verdant 

chlorophyll jy^H <■ iS^ijy^ 

. " t , •* >.,*> >i 
pigment LUil jl i=*_i^l j iijiil ijlil 

convulsion, concussion, shock, jolt, i ^a i <>■ j 
jerk, jog 

fuel oil J y>" °^j :<ji>l9wa3» 

(_/»- '(_/«► ^>-lj — < ,<i^tiitT»- i.^japt~a^ 

to break; to cut off «J»i i ^S : jJa»- 

to subdue, humble, tame; to under- O £. -uo»- 
mine, undercut 

I :.. 




■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .-. ■ .■■•,.■■ ,/;;■,' v±:: 


front; front line; firing line 
chiromancy, palmistry 
quarter, district, section 

to step, pace, walk, march 

L^J\AA Li- 

tut ^ij-yi 

(j^« '■ Lor 

to proceed, go on; to progress, make fjju : ILi- 
progress, advance, make way, gain ground 

to take large strides; to make i«— \j ol^Li- ILi- 
significant progress 

to accuse of an error or mistake, put some- jJi- : Ua*- 
one in the wrong, find fault with, condemn 

error, mistake, fault; blunder Lli- : Uv- 

wrong, incorrect ry^° J^ : '^*" 

erratum, misprint, typo, typographical ^»'.k. U*i- 
error, error in printing 

by mistake, erroneously LLJl : ILi-L i lk»- 

wrongOy), incorrectly, amiss, l^>\*~ y*> <J* : tk»- 
faultily, improperly 

^4— «j>-lj-Uailj ^IJI Ijlc (L) 

Uai- ««-lj — «Lk^ i *L>- 

fault, offense, misdeed; sin; guilt J I t *_-Ji : *L>- 

address, speech, harangue; oration illai- : <->Uv- 

letter, note, message, dispatch ^Jc£ i aJL j : i_>ILi- 

■*• \ r •■ - 

credentials; letter of (Jj-.L^Lj) j^I i_>Uai- 


letter of credit QL) ^1^1 vlki- 

irrevocable letter of f-yr jU JjU ^~c J^l v'Li- 

— Lujl <Jai- »»-l j - »-L^il i_>ILi- 

speech from the throne o- j*" v^ 1 ?- 

J^aj «j-lj -i_>ILjLI J*oi 

* " - i " -~ " " 

oratory, (art of) public speaking, ilLil ^ i*jUv 

elocution, rhetoric 

oratorical, elocutionary, rhetoric(al), speech- (^U»»> 

pendulum u«^j :(<cl— II) jlL»> 

,"■ ;■ ■! 


■•■A~ J „*3wS 

to draw, trace, line, sketch, design _. j : J«i- 

to inscribe, carve, engrave ,_,!*; i j&- : J»- 

Jaki- ««-lj-<k»- («j jl) v*i) : Li- 

* *' - * * f * > 3 3 - 

to grow, develop c-J : ^jJLII i_jL>- jl i_>jllll Li- 

his hair turned gray i..,.,.t„ll .daj- 

to furrow, wrinkle, become jjl»J : *JJ 4»->!l J»- 

to snore j*- < Mc : .u^. j J»- 

line ^L- : Li- 

'■'"■' .V- 
curve Ly --H...» : J»- 

stripe, streak, bar; stria, striation, -L ^ « jji : J»- 

line, band 

handwriting; writing, script, inscription ijL5" : J»- 

calligraphy, penmanship J»il ^ t J»il ^ 4 J»- 



front lines 


Jloi^l tki- 1 * 1^1 "ill tu- 


i-^LI Jj^Ja*- 
-» i - 

UmjU Ja9- 

graph; diagram, chart, schema ,JL> J>t- 

j ^ ^ i ' 
isogonic line i_»jU«dl -Li- 

telephone line 

^U jl y^>*lJ Li- 
,, --' '' ^ ,' I ' 

demarcation line(s); con- ^Lj i»>L»- i^rLJ Ja>- 
frontation line(s) 

airlines, airways h^r- i^Ja»- 

railroad line, ijjjjil iSC-JI J»- ttSjyjy -Li- 

railroad track 

meridian jl+JI i_a-oj L»- i Jlj>JI Li- 

longitude, meridian JjLlI -Li- 

latitude, parallel (of latitude) u^J^\ 3*j- 

>- *, - 
vertical, perpendicular <iJ>»*- -i»- 

i ' 

borderline, dividing line; demarcation J*oli Li- 

diagonal Cjl jjl Li- ili^Li Li- 

aclinic line i_»I j mI'^III Ja>- 

straight line 


i^ 2 ^ 


* *: 

to strut, prance, swagger, mince 

to be or become grave, serious, ljJ»- 0^ : jl*±- 

weighty, momentous, important, significant 

danger, peril, jeopardy; hazard; risk (j\Li- 1 £•) jJj»- 
stake; bet, wager ul*j ' J— : (j^»r jr) -4"* 

dangerous, perilous, risky, hazard- rjy i j^* '-j^- 

ous, unsafe; critical 

' •'- i .' - - 
swinging), sway(ing), oscilla- v-4-J" ' £=!■>> : 6IjJj»- 
tion, vacillation, vibration 

time lt^ ' • _/■• '^jJ39- 

to draw, rule, line, trace; to sketch, ^Ll i ILj : iai*- 

to stripe, streak; to striate Ji : J»k»- 

to delimit, demarcate, delineate jjjJ-I j-c : J»k»- 

** ■* ,« .. »i .- ^ - " & - 
to plan, make (form, lay) iL»- (p-j jl) »^»j : -kLi- 

plans, design, project, scheme, schematize, chart, 

lay out, map out 

to snatch, grab, seize, wrench i_JL i e- _^i I : uih*- 
away, wrest away; to make off with, take away 
to kidnap, abduct *JJ I .a V,. i_aL>- 

to hijack, skyjack 



to dazzle, daze .r^r" l -*|»»- 

sriatch(ing), grabbing), seizing, seizure f Ij^i j : oLL*- 
kidnapping, abduction rJJ ^L^i^l i_ik»- 

hijack(ing), skyjacking ol^iUJI i_ik>- 

martin, martlet; swift; swallow ( jXh) uii*- 

to talk nonsense Ji»-i : JJ»»- 

nonsense, drivel, idle talk, prattle p- jli ^ Sif : JJ»»- 
garrulous, loquacious; driveler j^ J> '■ JJ*^ 

stupid, foolish J*»- 1 : Ji»- 

to muzzle; to bridle ~kJ i jl^ : (J*»- ■ (Ja*- 

to silence, shut up, muzzle, gag cX~ I : Jv- 

nose, snout, muzzle, muffle o'j^il <— ju I : (Ja* 

hollyhock, rose mallow, hibis- (oLi) t *»- - '-t k~ 



calligrapher, calligraphist, J»il ^ ^Li^-] 
penman; engrosser; sign-writer 

tracer, tracer bullet <J»U»»- iu»U>j t J>U»>- 

s > 

robber, thief, burglar ^ : ciUi»- 

s ' . s •* 
hook, grapnel, grapple, grab v^ : <-*U»»- 

tenaculum i»-I^J-l j JJ.1-J oljl :( ^I^J-l) i_»U»»- 

martin, martlet; swift; swallow (^JU») i_»U»»- 

tern, sea swallow (^jU») ^»r" <_»Ua»- 

noseband; halter; bridle, rein(s) (Cl 111) fU»»- 

to make or deliver an i-Ji»- 3 \ LU»»- <yiJI :( j) <— 
address or speech; to speak; to address; to preach, 
deliver a sermon 

to propose to; to get engaged to; to sUiJI i_J»- 
betroth, affiance, engage; to ask for a girl's hand 

to woo, court, pay court to, l*J :>>» ji Ujj i_J*»- 
seek the affections of 


matter, affair, business, concern o^ <■ y 

*'f i 
misfortune, mishap, misadven- ojjX. < Soi : 

ture, trouble 

what's the trouble? what's wrong? ?iiLJ»- L. 

what's the matter with you? what do you want? 



c u-J^l^- • 

address, speech, harangue; oration t-.Ua*- : * ; hi- 

sermon, Friday sermon i*»J-l ilJi»- i (<Lj j) iJai- 

^ • ^,« > 
opening address or speech, inaugura- t-Lj I iJai- 
tion or inaugural address or speech 

engagement, betrothal, espousal(s) ~<>.}^>- '■ t -f^ 

stroke JU i"J>- :ii»- 

plan, project, scheme, design; course, line <Ua»- i«Lk»- 
of action, policy 

to occur to, *JL J* jl *JL j jl *JL< jJj^ 1 *J jJj^ 
strike, come to or into someone's mind, cross 
someone's mind, be recalled by 

to swing, sway, oscillate, v-^ ' 7*rj> '■ j^ 

vacillate, vibrate, wave 

to brandish, swing, »- j\ <. j> 1 j j-^J : j ^J»»- 

wave; to rock, sway, oscillate, vibrate 

sole (of the foot) fluJI y-UL : 1*>- 

hoof; pad; foot (ijl>iO ti»- 

lady's slipper, lady slipper (c*Li) S.» : ...ll oi»- 

to return empty-handed, accom- ^j-yiio «>_, 
plish nothing, fail, be unsuccessful 

'^ - l'.'. 
disappearance; hiddenness, conceal- j^b juo : »U^ 

ment, covertness, secrecy, furtiveness, stealthiness, 

hugger-mugger, surreptitiousness, clandestineness, 




veil; coveKing); mantle 

guarding, watching (over), keep- ill j>- \ij\ii- i»jU^ 
ing watch over; watch, guard, guard duty, sentry 
duty, vigil; patrol(ling), escort 

bat ^>\£>i '-{j^- 

ChirOptera; VeSpertiliOnidaeO^LJJUI^i^j:OU!lU»■ 
pumice, pumice stone ljUjU >>•»- i<JU»- 

whisk, (egg)beater, whip im*. :(jJJ ,^^1-11) XiU»- 

pumice, pumice stone 

to die down, die LiU- jU» : »JJ i^JJI jl o^Ul 
away, fade; to be or become faint, soft, low, 
subdued; to dim, grow dim, faint 

lightness, levity Jii tui : *ii- 

levity, frivolity, lightness, flightiness, i jlA> : iii- 
lightheadedness, temerity, foolhardiness, impru- 
dence, indiscretion, recklessness, rashness 

slightness, triviality, insignifi- i* LaJ < iJU» : ii»- 
cance, pettiness 

nimbleness, agility, briskness, spry- {*£ Ji~\ ) ii»- 
ness, sprightliness, liveliness, swiftness, quickness, 
litheness, lissomeness 

wit, wittiness, Jiill ii»- i t-j^JI <U»- i >jJI ii»- 
esprit, humor, jocoseness, jocularity; gaiety, 
joviality; charm, amiability, geniality 

feeblemindedness, weak-mindedness, Jill I il±. 
dim-wittedness, stupidity, foolishness 


deftness, dexterity, adroitness; sleight of jlJI <a~ 

cus, althaea, marshmallow 

stepping, pacing, walk(ing), march(ing) ,-1. :yh± 

engagement, betrothal, espousal(s) XA>±- : "<>£*■ 

~ • - * • ■* 
step, pace, stride; footstep; move Zyh»- <.iyh»- 

step by step, by steps, iyLj- iyLj- i e^JuJ S^l*»- 
gradually, by degrees 

to take a decisive step or move <_ U- <>>1*»- iaw I 

to take large strides; to make i«-lj ol^ia?- U»- 
significant progress 

to follow in someone's footsteps, fol- olk»- j jL 
low someone's example, imitate, copy; to follow 
the tracks (traces, trail) of, track, trace, trail 

gravity, seriousness; weight(iness), <CL*I 
moment(ousness), importance, significance 

written, in writing, on paper; v.***-* ' ye ^ ■' l**** 1 
documentary; handwritten 

linear J»>1»»- <jj « aJ^« jl .j:,,.. : ( «k»- 


1 . U^. 


linear equation 

'Clap- *ii\m, 

sin, iniquity; offense, fault, misdeed; guilts j 

i-jlj^J ilL»l <klJa»- 

(public) speaker; orator; preacheriJii-l ,J^i^ '■ 
fiance; suitor <>"% uJ»U- : <_ 

fiancee o^i <;>^" :< r^ 

grave, serious; weighty, momentous, 

important, significant 

critical r-^1 ( ^Jai : aJx»- 

eloper l^i* I ^j ^Ju ^j^lJ Jlj l^ikiuSbi :<uJa»' 

to lighten, be or become light(er), Jii !li : Li*- 

decrease in weight, lose weight 

to decrease, diminish, lessen, u oi\jZ 1 {yiLt : Lii- 
drop (off), taper (off), decline, fall; to ease, remit, 
abate, moderate 

to be nimble, agile, brisk, swift li-i. j 0^ : 1*»- 

to hasten to, hurry to, rush to, JJ t-'jL\ : JJ lij- 
mend one's pace to 

slippeKs), scuff, mule, pump; Jjo- 1 XAL* :u&- 

sandal(s), shoe(s) 

> V 

to ease, lighten, soften, palliate, jSZ. « r 4 J : , ' 

^'^ • * - 

mollify, alleviate, mitigate, soothe, relieve, allay, 
appease, assuage, attenuate, extenuate, relax, 
qualify, moderate, temper, tone down 
to dilute, thin (down), j» j t - »-r- : (JJ u I 
attenuate, weaken, water (down) 

to slow (down), deceler- <Jx^- ^i jl <ic.j- LJi»- 
ate, slacken, delay 

-- >> , »- 
to commute (a punishment or penalty )i»^i*l I LJii- 

to beat, throb, palpitate, pulsate, pulse t-iiJI ja^> 

to flutter, flap, whip, stream, wave, float, JuJI ' t y&- 
fly, flicker 


to flap the wings, flutter, flicker,*!^. Li- ^LLII 
beat, flail 

to waver, flicker »JJ 2.. 'I I o. 

to flash j^lJl j^i. 

to beat, whip, whisk (fLJ» ^ «>»«ij) u n- -II j^i- 

to nod (from drowsiness) ( _ r cUy»jAi' > »-:<„l^ jii- 

to set, go down Ji I ( ulc : pj»JI Jii- 

palpitation, throKbing), beat(ing), ( i_JLaJ I ) oliii- 1 ja»> 
pulsation, pulse 

beat, throb, pulse, pulsation; heartbeat, 

tap, rap, knock; stroke, beat, blowiL*- i i» j 

(j*-***! : <^*»" 

to disappear, vanish; to hide (oneself), 

conceal oneself; to be hidden, concealed, obscured; 

to be unknown; to remain (a) secret 

it is well known (that); it is obvious (ul) ,J^i II 
(that), it is clear (that), it goes without saying (that) 

hidden, concealed, invisi- 1s^ < (jJ4* < .>" * ■ ■-- : T_jii- 
ble; veiled, disguised; ulterior; obscure, dark, cryp- 
tic; occult, mysterious; unknown; secret, covert, 
furtive, hugger-mugger, stealthy, clandestine, sur- 
reptitious, underhand(ed), undercover, under- 
anonymous; anonym 

r*^' <^H" 



secret, mystery ^- : (llii r-) ili 

secretly, in secret, in secrecy, privately, in <La» 
private, covertly, clandestinely, furtively, stealthi- 
ly, surreptitiously, underhandedOy), underground 


t;.-..- " " 


hand, legerdemain, jugglery, prestidigitation, 

nipplewort (oLi) nii 

to guard, watch (over), keep watch '^J>- \yti- i'li- 
over; to protect; to patrol; to sentinel; to do sentry 
duty; to escort 

to be or become shy, bashful, diffident ^jL I : J± 

shyness, bashfulness, diffidence, pudency ,Li- :ja±. 

guard, watch; patrol; escort ^^. : ^ 

coastguard J^-ljLjl ^ii 

shy, bashful, diffident, timid, coy, modest " ( J>- :Si. 

Sjlii- (SjLij. t»- 1 j — i^, I j*. '.jif- 

day blindness, hemeralopia iSj£i (Jli •■y'if- 

to lower, drop, bring down J '-j\ \ ' ;.;! 

and behave with humility; and di- Li 'jai^'i 
lower thy wing in gentleness 

to be or become easy, comfortable, (j^*i I ) Job*- 

to reduce, lower, lessen, decrease, dimin-^^iil • J~*~ 
ish, cut, cut back, cut down, scale down, 
minimize, abate, pull down, mark down; to slash; 
to turn down (the volume or intensity of light or 

to disarm, reduce armaments 

to demote, degrade, disrate, <^ jj /\ *£j j ' 
declass, lower or reduce in rank or status 
to devalue, devaluate; to debase iiuJI (C-i) 

take it easy! never mind! calm down! liLlic ,' 

lowering, dropping, bringing down 


\i I . /^3A^ 


ease, comfort; luxury, affluence, wealth^ilill^iii 
preposition j^. [j'J^ 

to lighten, make lighter, reduce the Ji5 '±* 
weight of, reduce in weight 

to decrease, lessen, diminish, Ja*>- 1 ~~.\ I : r ;;- 
reduce, cut down, cut back, abate; to turn down 
(the volume or intensity of light or sound) 




^ #: 

to pass, elapse, go by; to be (s*±>\ ' j* ' (j** '• ^ 
past, over, bygone 

to be or become tranquil, peaceful, at ease, *Jl %■ 
untroubled, relaxed, free from worry 

it is useful, it is not quite useless SjJli 


for the past ten yearsoi»- 

except, save, excepting, with 5U U-i 1 5U l» * >»■ 
the exception of, but, excluding, with the exclu- 
sion of, without; apart from, aside from 

to leave; to leave alone, let alone; to dl y : djt) ^ 
let go, unhand, release, free 

to abandon, give up <>c ^^ : d>c) (jU- 

to desist from, abstain lju jl « ,j* £^*J : (jjc) <jU- 
from, refrain from, forgo; to discontinue, stop 

to release, discharge, let go < ' ■ ; -:■>» (jl»- 

•- ^ - - '■' 
emptiness, vacuity; empty space, >L»» i j^l^i : >>*■ 

void, vacuum, vacancy 

outdoors, out of doors, in the open, in the #^il j 

open air, in the fresh air, under the open sky 

• - " •* • - 

fascinating, captivating, i_<l i»- 1 iU-l i (j>}& '• V^*" 
charming, enchanting, entrancing, thrilling, spell- 
binding, taking, winning, engaging, gripping ^ 
acetate OjU- 

mulatto j>-1 >■ Jlju^rf' V*-** - ' t^oe 1 lh! •(^r ,J r - 

salvation, rescue, deliverance, liberation, elsju :<>>>»■ 

riddance; escape 

redemption, salva- [iJl^ J (ilJail ^) yoSi- 

tion, deliverance 

afterbirth, secundines, placenta V - . ---* : u*^*- 

extract, extraction, essence; 5joj i rjj t Sjk* :<LoiU- 
quintessence, substance, gist 

summary, recapitulation, y^y < 

resume, abstract, epitome, outline, conspectus, 

digest, synopsis, precis, abridgment, compendium, 


in short, in a word, in a few J>iJI i*o%- <. i^^U-l 
words, to sum up, summing up, in summary, 
briefly, in brief, in fine, in a nutshell, in a capsule, 
to make a long story short 


guard, watch(man), lookout, sentry, sen- ^-jU : j^ 

tinel, patrol(man); escort 

coastguardsman, coastguartKman) J»-ljUI jjl»- 

low, soft, subdued o» U- 1 u n i ■» »■ • « : ui^ 

easy, comfortable, smooth [j* ■ Jo^y- 

light; mild J^> 

weak, diluted), thin, J» ^ i J-u : (vj^^J) ' 
watery, milk-and-water, wishy-washy 

slight, -little, trivial, insig- «it> * -u* j ' J— «» 
nificant, unimportant, inconsiderable, petty 

nimble, agile, brisk, J-i j <. Sj*- : (*£'Ji-\) < 
spry, sprightly, lively, swift, swift-moving, 
easy-moving, light-footed, light, quick, lithe, 

witty, full ofjjkJI t- ^ j- T - 1 rj^JI >-«t**" ' f^' °^**" 
esprit, humorous, jocose, jocular, funny, amusing; 
gay, jovial, merry, mirthful; charming, nice, 
amiable, genial 

feebleminded, weak-minded, dim- JiJI oLi»- 
witted, stupid, foolish; lightheaded, frivolous 

nimble-fingered, deft, dexterous, adroit xJI <-«^»- 

0^ ijjj 

to pierce, puncture, perforate, punch (_Ju : J»- 

to pick the teeth J}Uj UliS : <iU-l Ji- 

vinegar jl^' t>? <>»*»■ I* : J*" 

*i't \ ' " 
acetic acid JJH 

vinegar eel 

friend, intimate friend, close uiJI i Js>-u« : J»- ' J»- 

friend, bosom friend, intimate, pal, comrade 

-" ''' <j' 
to be or become empty, void, vacant, jii. i^ :>■ 


to be free from; to be <JJ JSH\ <. & HSy. '■ O? ^»" 
devoid of, void of, destitute of, lacking; to lack, 
want, need, be in need of 
to be alone (with), (j) J^i-I : (<JJ « ^ <. ->) Si- 
retire (with), withdraw' (with), meet separately 
(with), hold a closed meeting (with) 

to withdraw, retire; to li^>\ < *j±>\ '■ 5r*^ t>» -^" 

isolate oneself, seclude oneself, be alone (with 


to devote oneself to, *1) I (Jj-ajU*J j-jii :^bU ^)U- 

dedicate oneself to, apply oneself to, attend to, give 

one's attention to 

■■.■■■.■■■■:^.t:. ■■■! 

to clutch, seize with the claws, i-Jb*ilj J»- 1 : t-ii- 

pounce on 

rainless cloud(s) ■ .1- 

lightning without rain i_JU- <3^j i t_J»- ijy 

claw, talon oi^u : ■ -l~ 

(natural) disposition; property, i^'*" ' *£**■ : <!»■ 
quality, attribute, characteristic, particularity, pe- 
culiarity, trait 

friendship, intimacy iijl < ii 1 j*o : <U- 

to wink at o^c. : <;.«; oJl>- 

to twitch oij ^ij^JJI c->L-»- 

emotion, passion; sentiment yLi- 1 i iiJ>l* : o>JU- 
obsession; misgiving; scruple ^I^Lj <. ^-^-U :ikU- 

o-^-l <£^J grlj -**■**■! :i*U- 


to dislocate, disjoint, unjoint; to Si i *1»- : J»Jji 
disengage, disconnect, detach; to loosen, unloose, 
unfasten, unbind 

to shake, convulse, rock *-rj i S*j>- '■ tS*^ 

to rarefy ii lif 'ji I <0ui- : JaJy- 

anklet Jr^' J y^ "M? : J*^ ' J»»l»" 

rarefaction iiliCJI JJlu :il>J»- 

to remain forever, last forever; to be eternal, ^ I j : jl* 
everlasting, perpetual; to be immortal, deathless, 

to abide in, remain at, stay at j ^li I : j jl <JJ jJU- 
to rest, get rest, relax; to take a rest i»-\"J\ J J jlU- 
to perpetuate, eternize, immortalize juj- i -Jl : j]*- 

, • * > , • 3 ,a- 

to immortalize, give lasting iSj$ ■«' jl ,p JJI jJU- 
fame to, perpetuate the memory of; to commem- 
orate, memoralize 
to abide in, remain at, stay at j ^ lil :<JJ jl j -»1»- 

mind, soul, spirit, heart <_Ji i ^-ij t JL : j]»- 

mole (o\y^) ( J»-L. ^) j]»- 

platypus, duckbill (ol>^-) *Hl jii 

mixer, mix; blender 


locomotor ataxia r^JL<uJI jl^XI J ^y JiLji-l igifc 

dissoluteness, profligacy, dissipa- jy*i itiL+l :*6jU> 
tion, libertinism, rakishness, wantonness, lewd- 
ness, licentiousness, debauchery, uninhibited- 

pornographic; obscene, indecent, ^jjj i \j?ty : ^«*^»'■ 
immoral, bawdy, lewd, salacious, libertine, rakish 

- > ' 
disagreement, discord, conflict, K>ya±. i e- 1 y : ciiU 

contention, variance, clash, difference, dissension, 
disunity, quarrel; controversy, dispute 

opposite, reverse; other j~i. i <_rSic- 1 Ja^> '■ <-*^»- 
than, different from 

beside(s), apart from, aside i_jU- J J : <-*^Uw t <-*^f- 
from, other than, as well as', in addition to, over 
and above, along with 

unlike, contrary ,j£s- : IjjS" u»^U- J* ' l-ii" ti^fv 
to, in contrast with 

and the like, and so on, and so «^»- 1 J J : **%■ j 
forth, etc. 


>-*-£■ jj ,/ ^^ — 

, »i> » - - 

CjJj oJU jl ii-Ii-l 

controversial, debat- oli p- jli. i <_»}U- Jki : Jj iU. 
able, disputed, contested, in dispute, at issue 

creative, inventive, originative, jS^-* ' p^r* : ^ J*" 
seminal, fertile, Active, artful, artistic; creator, 
maker, originator, inventor, innovator, author 

the Creator, the Maker (God) <i)l <. tS j M ( : <3^- ' 

toothpick uUll j>* :J5U 

during, in the course of; within, in J^U- J i J^U- 
(a given period of); through; between 

meanwhile, meantime, int the mean- Si i J}U- J 
time, in the interim 

through; out of; from, by; on the basis of, jS»- y- 
on the strength of, based on, relying on 


uUll j^c liJiU 

to fascinate, capti- 9- o»- 1 ^ I j t c$x-^« I ' o** '■ k r - ^*' 
vate, spellbind, enchant, charm, attract, bewitch, 
thrill, entrance; to allure, lure, entice, inveigle; to 
coax, cajole, wheedle, blandish; to beguile, deceive 


[-.«,, ... - . ■ ■ ■■■■!■. 







company, companionship, fel- S^iU. 

lowship, association, intimacy, social intercourse 

humoral jiil J J L^ll. rJ^jJU 

to take off, doff, put (*JJ i*li i ?li»- 1 1^5 ) e-^i : «L* 
off, slip off 

to undress, take off one's clothes, <i^*j : (*jCj) Ui 
disrobe, strip; to striptease 

to cast (ofl), shed (off), (»oL- Ol>lil) ^1 : f&- 
slip, slough (off) 

to extract, pull out, pluck out, tear out, <Ju»l : JU- 
uproot, root up, root out, deracinate 

to dislocate, luxate, wrench, »>L : ( J^^iill) JU- 
disarticulate, disjoint, unjoint 

to depose, oust, remove iSjc : (l~oJ ,ja) Ji 
(from an office), dismiss, discharge, displace 

to dethrone, depose <J-'j^\ o* («ilill) »ii- 

to throw off one's restraint or liL^i : jlJuJl di 
inhibitions; to be or become dissolute, profligate, 
dissipated, uninhibited 

to bestow (or confer) a *JJ £JU- jl l^i <uLc «JL»- 
robe (of honor, etc.) upon; to grant (to), give (to), 
donate (to), award (to) 

to disown, repudiate 4^ 1^ : »JJ o Jj «JU- 

^<- . , — 
to divorce or repudiate one's wife (in & I y>\ A>- 

return for a monetary compensation to be paid by 
her to him) 

. - , , •»' 
to be or become dissolute, profligate, LJs- o \£ : «1»- 

dissipated, libertine, fewd, licentious, uninhibited 

to dislocate, luxate, disarticulate, disjoint, tUSCi : «1» 
unjoint; to disconnect, disjoin, disunite; to disas- 
semble, dismount, dismantle, take apart, take 
down, take to pieces, dismember, break up 

taking off, doffing, putting off, slipping off 

undressing, stripping; striptease 

casting off, shedding off, (ooL- uljlil) r^i> : «ii- 
slipping, sloughing off 

extraction, pulling out, plucking out, «■ ^Li I : «JU- 
tearing out, uprooting, rooting up, rooting out 

dislocation, luxation, wrenchGng^jJu^J^iiil) J£- 

deposition, discharge, dismiss- J^c : (t— a^. ]ja) A±. 

'■■ ■- --'■'; 

paradise, Heaven jlil <> t jlil jl j 

— • < _- •' 

something stolen or embezzled ^.L.-iu L : <Jl»- 

opportunity, chance, occasion <*t> ^ : <JU- 

stealthily, by stealth, surreptitiously, i_i»- : <JU- 
furtively, clandestinely, secretly 

to be or become pure, unmixed, unadul- LU : L /Ai- 
terated; to clear, clarify, be or become clear 

to arrive at, reach, Jj ,j£>\ <■ d\ S*i '• d\ u^~ 
get to, come to 

qa (>iUu jjtIj -qa tjA*^ :^a u^U- 

to be redeemed, be [i-llj^al] (ilJail [y,) ^JU- 
delivered, attain salvation 

to save from, rescue from, j^»- « ^a i iii I : ^, \jA»- 
deliver from, salvage from; to free from, liberate 
from, set free from, extricate from, disentangle 
from, disencumber from, discharge from, release 
from, relieve of, rid of 

to redeem, deliver [iJlj^ai ] (ii-Jail qa) \j£±- 

to clear, clarify, purify, refine, J£ i { _^o :,jaU- 
purge, defecate, rectify 

to clear (goods, etc.) wJJ iiUiJI \jA±- 

confidant, intimate, Jjjuu <■ ^.o*- : ( *dL- -A (jJU- 
friend, companion, comrade, pal 

to mix, mingle, blend, commingle, i-ji : (j) iii>- 
admix, combine 

to confuse (with), 1i<f j IJiiT ^1 JiU- 1 \t'.'> J»U- 
mix up (with), mistake something for another 

to alloy Lit :'oi\A\ JiU- 

to shuffle, make (the cards) wJJ <_^JlJI yjj J»li. 

mixing, mixture, mix, mingling, blending, 



commingling, admixture, combination 

confusion, confusing, mix-up, liS'j liS" t j-j JiU- 

i-ij'^l ,J4I J.^.I^I:jJ» 


wr I j - »v ja i J»-l>- : cLU- 



■■■■■!■ j! 1 -^ 

to be or become old, worn, shabby, ragged, |JC : ji*- 
tattered, threadbare; to wear (out), fray, frazzle, 

to perfume, scent; to aromatize, u-li t J*& : Jjli- 


old, worn, worn-out, shabby, shoddy, rag- <JL : ji*- 

ged, tattered, threadbare, frayed, frazzled 

creation, creating, making, origina- ijlj»-l i tJ > : J^U- 
tion; molding, fashioning, shaping, forming, forma- 
tion; production, producing, bringing into being, 
engendering, generation, generating, bringing 
about, causing, occasioning, giving rise to 

creatures, creation, created olt>L>u i Zjj : jl>- 
beings; people, mankind, human beings 

4JLI9- «j*-lj — Ail»- •(_y^ p 

character, nature, jJ» < <Lau :(i3^U-l H (jl*- ' J^*- 
(natural) disposition, moral constitution, temper, 

morals, ethics; morality; (good) manners <jftlU-l 

*' *~ ** * *' ** i' 

nobility J^U-SlI ^ j!5c « &i*h\ \j> c J^U-SlI ^11 
of character; noble-mindedness, noble character; 
good or noble manners, high moral standards 

vice squad J^U- H\ ii'ji ij^- ?' <L^1 

ethics, morals, moral philosophy J^U- jII Jlc 

rag, tatter, shred ti'jj- : ill*- 

nature, (natural) disposition, innate <L»- t »^Jai : iii»- 

(physical) constitution, makeup, iL* <. iLj : iiir- 
setup, composition, structure, construction, 
physique, build, frame, formation; morphology, 
form, shape, appearance; physiognomy 

by birth, congenitally, innately, connately; by iiU- 

ethical, ethic, moral ,J >»- 1 : (jii*- ' (jii*- 

congenital, inborn, 'i+r^' ' ^-^ r^JLU- '(*»!*■ 

innate, connate, inbred, inherent, native, natural 
caldron, boiler Ji- j* : l >Jii»- 

to acetify JL»J 1 >»■ jU> : JA*. 

J?' '-*- -,' 1. -.«- -.?- 
to acetify 



>»• j^ 1 3»- JJ J^»- : JJU- 

al, displacement, ousting, removal (from an office) 
dethronement, deposition ^J-'^ J* (tiUil) vU- 

divorce (in return for a monetary compensation *li- 
to be paid by the wife to the husband) 

* - * ****** „-" 

robe of honor <>*~, ^J~ : L->y : iuU. 

to succeed, be the succes- »a*j ,J 1 1 <ci-i»- Ou : uil*- 

sor of; to follow, come after 

to replace, take the place of, substi- "^» 3*- : l -^ J - 
tute for, be a substitute for, displace, supplant, 

to leave behind, leave S'jj : Lili- 

A " a.1 > - 4±a&- '. i_aL>- 

i.«1.. -ui> : uil^ 

it i jj» : 

to appoint as successor 


descendant, offspring, scion 

offspring, progeny, issue, posterity *^ji : d&± 

substitute, alternate, replacement Jjjj :i_iU- 

back; rear (part), hind (part), ij*-y> <■ Ui 1 ^J> : uil*- 
hinder part, rear end, rear side; reverse 

behind, in the rear of, at the back of; (\jj : lj»L»- 
post-; after 

behind, at the back, in the rear lJL»- ^ t <_iU- 

backward(s), back, to the rear oiiil JJ 

from behind, from the rear ljJj- ^. 4 oiiil jj- 

nipple, teat, mammilla fj-*J' <*»■ •'_i l r- 

anorexia, inappetence ^l*Ljl Jj »j«-lN oii :iiii 
.-■»■* - -'■ -'•' 

l_>>»- »jf I j — <<^ar 'p'y •♦ii*' '*ii» 

back, rear, hind, hinder, backward, rearward, ^ii*. 
posterior, retro- 
backdoor TyJbi- ul 

background, setting, ground, fond *^*" 

to create, make, originate; to ii>j»- 1 i J-j- 1 1^> : J^U- 
mold, fashion, shape, form, work; to produce, 
bring into being, engender, generate, bring about, 
cause, occasion, give rise to 

to be fit for, suitable for, appro- j jj»- : J j\ j JL» 
priate for, proper for, becoming for, befitting for; 
to be worthy of; to befit, behoove 




arrival at, reaching, getting to, J>-»j : cij l>°J^" 
coming to 

good faith, bona fides, good intention, CJI ,jo£±- 
good will, sincerity 

high-minded, i_aJJ < v-*** ' (i^-^ f.J '■ &!^ 

noble-minded, having a noble character; 

well-mannered, well-bred, polite, mannerly, civil, 

courteous; amiable, good-natured, good-humored 
, . f% ft *> 

river mussel (ii>>-j ol>*) JjJil f ' ' u>L»" 



cellular tissue 

isolated, secluded, solitary, lonely 

rural, rustic, country 



J .-, -s 

• "i- i" ' • "i- ."' * i' 

Cr? J^T Cf'J "(^ 'u? -VT -Lri iff 

heart-free, fancy-free, not in love JJiU ^ : <^»- 

acetic; vinegary 


beehive, hive 


germ cell 

neuron(e), nerve cell 



gulf, bay 

A. <Jlv 

mixture, blend, admixture, melange, mix, £<_>• : Jl1»- 
medley, hodgepodge, farrago, mishmash 

alloy ijli' :^"l jl ae^'" i>? -M^ 

friend, companion, comrade, fellow JjJU* : ,ki»- 

to pickle; to preserve in vinegar; ji. i Lr JS : JU- 

to marinate 

to pick the teeth J^Uu Ulii :a;LL,1 Jl»- 

to run the fingers through; £> <. jl j : (W^j) JU- 
to part, separate, spread apart; to space out 

defect, flaw, blemish, fault, a.a.I. 'i i *lc i i_~c : Ji»- 
failing, imperfection, deficiency, shortcoming, 
drawback, disadvantage 

trouble, disorder, upset 3^f-\ ' ^j^°\ '■ lM* - 

imbalance, unbalance, disequi-uj'j^l ^f-\ '■ J^"" 


interstice, crevice, fissure, opening,: yu i i»- jj : JL»- 

gap, breach 

heath, erica (oLOgU*' 

brier (oLl) (3>»»i. ^i»- 

• >> 
galingale (^M) u^*^»- 

emptiness, vacuity; vacancy ^\ji « >^U- : jl»- 

• * ," • *i' 
freedom from, being free from ^ » * \ ^ : ^ >1»- 

goodwill (jJJ CjIkJI ill^LI)^- 

free from; devoid of, void of, ^js. 4 ^ JU- : ^ ^1*- 
destitute of, lacking, wanting, in need of; without, 
-less, un-, in- 

privacy, solitude, lone- ilj* 1 *\j*i\ ' «'^f : '-i : *>^*" 
ness; seclusion, isolation, retirement, reclusion 

conclave, closed (private, secret) jiii-. *r\*?r[ :5^L»- 

retreat, recess, place of privacy i^z^i\ o&-» :»>L»- 
or seclusion or retirement, secluded room 

cell, hermitage, Jjj->J' -^-f ; J ^' °^ :•>!*■ 

religious house or assembly hall of the Druzes 

alone, apart, separately, in jl ju I J* : »>i»- <_^c 
solitude, in seclusion, in retirement; privately, in 
private; singly, by oneself; solely, solitarily 
immortality, perpetuity, eterni- Co^ 1 1 >LiJ 4 flj * : J>i*- 
ty, eternal life, eternal existence 
abiding, remaining, staying i^lil : j^l»- 

clarity, clearness, purity, 


:* ♦= 


«_)Lo jl (-»uj>- 

quinqu-, penta-, pent-; quinquepartite; quintet; 


quinquennial, five-year (olyjjl) <^U*- 

quintet [ *Li*j u*t->'] (/r^ 

quinqueliteral, consisting of five [ ii) J ^-Ui- 



pentameter [u°lj*\ J^^' yr^ 

pentavalent, quinquevalent[ ♦L^i' J y l£dl <^L^ 
pentagonal; pentagon p^U» jllj Uj^ll ye-^" 

quintet [ *U*j Jf^-y J *^* «*■ 

khamsin (^-.U-l ^>j i^^L*- 

scratch, scotch, score, mark Jui- i (jio^ : iiu»- 
elder, elderberry (oUJuU*- 

stench, stink, fetor, malodor, foulness, ilb : <**■ 
mustiness, fustiness, putrid smell 

- , ' , s,^ , 

to rot, decay, putrefy, decompose o-j <. <>i-J : £_*»■ 

rottenness, rot, decay, putrefaction, ij^it i jam : gt*- 

putridity, decomposition 

infection u&J : £•»■ 

sepsis, septicemia, blood poisoning |.jJI £•»- 

.» •■ * • t 

a - - ' • ', 

to twang, snuffle, nasalize, speak through ji- : (***»■ 

the nose, speak in a nasal tone or manner, speak 


to go out, die, be extinguished; ju» i L>- : jl*»- i ju»- 

to abate, subside, let up, die down, die away, fade 

away, cool off, calm down 

to ferment, cause to undergo j ^ - ^ i ****? '• j**~ 


to leaven, raise (dough) t>r>*" j-**" 

to brew (beer, etc.) i-J-l jl »>JI ./*»- 

to sweat (tobacco leaves, etc.) tJJ j^-JI ijljji j*»- 

to veil, cover; to hide, conceal j^- i t^kc : j^»- 

wine; port; liquor, alcoholic beverage, »j*»- ij*»- 
(alcoholic) drink, intoxicant, inebriant, booze; 
alcohol, spirits 

dissolute, profligate, dissi- J-li « j*\ j i Av< : gl»- 
pated, rakish, wanton, lewd, licentious, uninhib- 
ited; libertine, roue, rake, debauchee, lecher 

successor o_^c (_»la« ^. : <tui»- 

caliph (jj-J—ll) ii-I»- 

the orthodox caliphs uj^Ql jUiil 

fit (for), suitable (for), appro- \sj>- « jj J*- : (-?) jfck»- 
priate (for), proper (for); worthy (of), worth, 
deserving, meriting; becoming, befitting, seemly 

acetic ^r^* - 

*^ j . , 
acetic acid ^M^-' i/** 3 * 

friend, close friend, intimate i_«JI « Jj ju« : J-U- 

friend, bosom friend, pal, intimate, comrade 

boyfriend, sweetheart, paramour, J~* : J^*" 

girlfriend, sweetheart, par- *r^** ' * i -r c • 4 ^»* 

amour, mistress, concubine 

cellulose Ji^ 3 * 

to stink, emit a strong offensive smell; jl-» t ^1 : ^ 
to be or become bad-smelling, malodorous, stink- 
ing, fetid; to rot, decay, decompose, putrefy, spoil 

to sweep, broom, scavenge ,^S : pj- 

coop, (poultry) pen; hennery ( ^li-^ll) ^j- 

vintner, wine merchant, wineshop J^i-\ jJL : jt 


hangover j^J-l s-Ijuo :jL»- 


veil, yashmak (worn by women) »i^ 4 V"*?- : j«f" 

wineshop, tavern o>iU- i jLi-l u^-> : 3jU»" 

bar, barroom, tavern, pub, tap- jL i iiU- : 5 jL»- 

room, saloon 

five at a time; by fives, five and five <j»U»- 

fivefold, quintuple, quinary; five, quinque-, j— . U»- 



obscurity, ingloriousness, namelessness^ iil Jy*- 
leavened bread t^y. j+^y- 1 y^~ '■ ja*»- 

leavened, raised; fermented ■/ , «■ " - •* ■■» -J^ 

drunkard, drunk, tippler, toper, sot, ^jS- : jg^ 

inebriate, soak, winebibber, hard or heavy drinker, 
boozer, alcoholic, dipsomaniac, swiller 

yeast; leaven(ing), sourdough; barm; ferment »js*^ 
brewer's yeast, yeast 

baker's yeast 

enzyme, ferment 



enzymology; zymology 

yeasty l*. 



Corpus Christi Day 

Holy Thursday, Ascension Day ly^a) 

'« ■<, - 

jl OjtJ-1 JJ l-JJ—L. : <^J)!**' 

:{ - '-. 

' rj~' 

Maundy-4«JI L 

thicket, wood, brush, brushwood, scrub iSo I : «!*•»■ 
velvet; plush *".■}'' t S**" '■ *^r^ 

to twang, snuffle, nasalize, speak through (j^j- ■ j*- 
the nose, speak in a nasal tone or manner, speak 

to use obscene language; to be f^SUl j 

obscene, ribald, vulgar 

obscene language; obscen- S i\ ju i ^^153 1 j (_£»•» : fjS- 
ity, ribaldry, vulgarity, indecency 

misfortunes, calamities, disasters 4_! La. : yuJI (^j- 

- -'. - ">'• 
(oLi) £>.jL> 

scrofula, king's evil 



the Devil, Lucifer, Satan 



vinous, vinic; alcoholic, spirituous 

russet, vinaceous, wine-colored, jlil ujl; '.'iSj**- 
vinous, winy, burgundy, reddish brown ' 

wine poems; bacchanalian poetry oLj**- 

to take one fifth of ^Ji\ ( _ r ^- JS- 1 : y-**- 

to quintuple, make fivefold, ol ^ <_r**" *-»* w> : u-*»" 
multiply by five 

to make penta- p}U» xlj Uj^ll lst^ - 4 ^=r : cr*»- 

(one) fifth 

quintan, quintan fever 




the fiftieth 


(-) Lr *^ 

t * 

l _ r *il {J ^- 



A ft^ 



( • ) u>-*»- 

i>r*^ C*J 

i*Lfc>- ' 

Whitsunday, Pentecost S^.a. ' .JI jut :<j.,,,. t ;l l 

quinquennial, five-year 


to scratch; to scarify; to cut, score ,J-j»- '-Juj- 'yl**- 

scratching; scarification ^1*7- j juo* t (_/— »j«j : (jl4j» 

scratch, scotch, score, markyi^il ^i 1 1 ^jS- : ,j**j~ 

to be obscure, unknown, undistinguished(o^5f i) J*»- 

to be or become sluggish, dull, lazy, indo- jL : Jl»- 
lent, inactive, languid, lethargic 

nap, fluff, down, fuzz, fibers i_«c j i ^J j : J*»- 

velvet; plush ^kt i Jliw. : <U^ 

to guess, conjecture, surmise yjf : j»»- ' \>*- 

to assess, appraise, esti- ^y i jjj i ,>u : ,j-j>- i ,j*>- 
mate, evaluate, valuate, value, rate 

a^ J « J Jf 'J 

extinction; subsidence, abatement, j>*» < ^j- : jj*»- 
cooling off; stillness, quietness, calm, lull, quies- 
cence; inaction, inactivity, inertia, passivity 

sluggishness, dullness, laziness, indolence, o^L: J)**- 
slothfulness, inactivity, languor, lethargy, sleepi- 
ness; apathy, indifference 

capybara, water hog ( Ul \ ■ 

guinea pig, cavy CLi jl jjl\ ^js. ^J 

', * 

warthog JSj y\ 5 \ "^J>\ ^i-j "^ 

pork; ham 


scrofula, king's evil 



snub-nosed, pug-nosed 




Venus's-flytrap, Venus flytrap (oL) <__.lj JUl jjlii- 
croup, angina £,$ £>J i : <jL>. 

angina pectoris 

diphteria G^jjiJ Li- 

neck; throat, throttle 

-• 1 r *-r 
■ • * ' * 


little finger, pinkie, fifth c$>w»)l w^l :^ 
or smallest finger 

to cringe before, truckle £^»- 1 JJju :<Ul jl <J «^. 
before, humble oneself before, lower oneself 
before, degrade oneself before, abase oneself 
before, grovel before, act in a servile or subservient 
manner before, act or behave in abjectness before, 
submit to, yield to, surrender to, stoop to, bow to 

beetle, coleopteron 

to strangle, strangulate, throttle, choke to death; 
to suffocate, stifle, smother, choke; to asphyxiate 

to throttle (down); to choke [ ISCjlSlw. ] 

strangulation, strangling, throttling, choke, chok-j; 
ing, suffocation, stifling, smothering; asphyxiation 


piglet, piggy 

subservient, servile, slavish, menial, j£-LeiJJ'y.c.yj. 
obsequious, cringing, truckling, abject, humble, 
submissive, yielding, meek, spineless, spiritless 
subservience, servility, slavishness, f->~a*- c Jj :p yj- 
obsequiousness, cringe, truckling, groveling, 
abjectness, humility, humbleness, submission, 
submissiveness, yielding, meekness, spinelessness 



J l-V 

(nasal) twang, snuffle; twanging, snuffling, £U 


,s ii V*. - •' *-C' 

strangling cord or rope; garrote -o jjjiu L. : Jls- 

to collar, seize by the neck <u Lsu (lid I j I ) lU- 1 

to tighten the grip around some- ^c <jiLJ.I jli 
one's throat, tread on someone's neck, oppress; to 
beset, besiege, corner, hedge in, hem in, shut in, 
hold in check, keep within bounds, check, 
suppress, straiten, confine, restrict, limit, hamper, 
restrain, clamp down on, close in on 

(nasal) twang, snuffle ^js- : <L 

to effeminate, feminize, womanize 

hermaphrodite, bisexual, androgyne; gynan- 
dromorph; intersex; epicene 

asphodel (oLi) 

hermaphroditic, bisexual, androgynous; 
gynandromorphic; intersexual; epicene 



to trench, dig a trench or ditch 

trench; ditch 

moat ( 

trench fever 

dagger, poniard, stiletto 

pig, swine, hog 

aardvark, African ant bear 


(wild) boar 

cP" £*"'-> - cP" : CP***" 

•"'Ml' ■"■• ' 
-p"r' jj j-f- 



weakness, feebleness, JiliJ 4 £l> 1 o»J ' '-*-* : J.** - 
frailty, debility, asthenia, languor, droop, impo- 
tence, powerlessness, flabbiness, effeteness 


valley; wadi, gorge, canyon, ravine 

inlet, bay; gulf ^f- '■ jy»- 

*- ' '.' • ' ' '. ' '. 
choir (of a church) { ySl y iiyr '• (jojy ' LfJi* 

., * 

curate, priest, clergyman, parson, ^-i 1 ^tf : ijjy- 
minister, vicar, pastor 

to impale 


to countersink, ream 

to wrong, oppress, aggrieve; to prejudice <!*■ *-y- 

palm leaves, fronds 

i>«"- jf'j 

wading into, wade into; (wll J»-^l jl *UI) <>>>»•■ 
sinking into, sinkage into; squelching into; fording 

plunging into, Sjill. ifU^JU^U-u} :(j) Ja^ 
plunge into, diving into, dive into, rush(ing) into, 
going into, taking up, embarking upon, embar- 
kation upon, engaging in, engagement in 

going into, takingik) l*» 1 J j Uj : ^1 J ^>i jl I ( j ) (>»>»- 
up, dealing with, treating, treatment, tackling, 
discussing, discussion, entering into or upon 

to frighten, scare, alarm, ^jj 1 <_-cjl 1 £> I : <-»>»■ 
intimidate, terrify, fill with fear, terrorize, panic, 
dismay, appall, horrify, daunt 

fear, fright, dread, alarm, i_^.j 1 _^i 1 9 J» 1 ^^i*- : <-»>»■ 
trepidation, terror, panic, scare, dismay, horror 

phobia <_»lj»- 1 v**J '-(jfy < -'>^* 

for fear of Cr? ^>** 

to entitle (to); to authorize (to), j J»lil 1 ,» : J>»- 
empower (to), invest (with), vest (with); to entrust 
(with), charge (with), commission (to do); to 
entrust (to) 

to concede to; to grant (to), give (to), ^» : J>»- 
accord (to), bestow upon, confer upon 

slaves, chattels; servants f ■**- <■ -i^-t : uy 

boxthorn, matrimony vine O^Lj) £->* : "V 

empty-bellied; hungry jJU- 1 ,jaJ\ ^U- :((iA0 $* 

to be or become empty, void, vacant, ^j 1 %■ : ^y 
unoccupied; to be or become desolate, waste 

to be or become hungry or empty, feel j-W- : (Sy- 
hungry, feel hunger, hunger; to starve 

emptiness, vacuity; empty ply t »^U- : *\y- njy 

space, void, vacuum, vacancy 


hunger, emptiness (of the £>»- : *'^- ' tS>»- 
stomach), inanition 

vacuum ^^'■\J')y^ 

Mr.; sir; gentleman -u- :**■!>»■ '^'j*- 

weak, feeble, frail, debih-JjU^. ' u»'j ' '-» . ' . ? > rt : J'^*" 
tated, asthenic, languid, flagging, drooping, power- 
less, impotent, flabby, effete, nerveless 
cowardly, fainthearted, weakhearted, JL*- \j\y- 
low(ing), mooting), bellow(ing) >JI o>*» "Jy- 

secondaries, ^UJI (J w Jt] ^.olj ; jl»)l:( t ^l^i.l)Lil^- 

fearful, fearsome, timorous, 6 ^r '<-*> J - 1 Ji^- :<-* 1 >»- 
timid, fainthearted, chicken-livered, craven, cow- 
ardly; coward, poltroon, recreant 

phobia v>* J : <-*'y 

buffet, sideboard, credenza 

ty '■£)!)»■ 'Ol>a» 

table, dining table »jjL« 1 i)jU» :ul^f- ' ul>»- 

..5 • ' *-•- • 5' 

kickback, coercive payment ij^-i i«j j 1 j' jf^! :5 >*" 
• ^ '•-*',•' *.- -' ' • ' 
bluebottle (>kJI il» jj <-j^> i*lj i : ^>»- 

plum, bullace (^Lj) ciy^H : f_y- 

peach (^W 1 ) ti'j J : ^J* 

ri>- f=rb - ( l - J ^') r>^' • J f'j :<^j*- 

skylight j>^» : <»->^- 

wicket j*£ oL j jy«-« v^ ' **f >*■ • *»■>*" 

helmet, casque Vj""^ **?• : » J>*" 

galea l*^'] 5 ^^ 

jU- p-lj -JiU; i i y-\J» ij»j "-«fc« :j>»- 'jj*- 


scarecrow t \j»Lai\ jQ- :ilCi- 

cavalry, horsemen, chivalry oL.ji :*}\li- 

imaginary, unreal, fanciful, tijj-aJ i <«**J ^^ 
fantastic, chimerical, visionary, quixotic, Utopian, 
impracticable; imagined, fancied; fictitious; ideal, 
ideational, conceptual, notional 

visionary, Utopian; dreamy; 

imagination; fancy, fantasy, vision 


iLit* :iill_j- 

treason, treachery, perfidy, betrayal, jii- <. jji. :iill»- 
disloyalty, faithlessness, unfaithfulness, infidelity; 
double cross, deception, cheat(ing) 

breach, breaking, violation, j J^Ul tL^aii :iiL>- 
infraction, infringement, contravention, transgres- 
sion, failure to keep or meet 

breach of trust 

itS\ iiu 

high treason, treason ^-^ f - "<^->- 

treasonable, treasonous, trai- iiL>- (Jc j U .■ . :?_;L*. 
torous, treacherous, perfidious 

to frustrate, thwart, foil, defeat, balk, Jali- 1 : i.^ ~ 
discomfit; to block, forestall; to abort 

to disappoint, frustrate; to dash -(Jul jl <LI t_~i- 
the hopes of; to fail, let down 

failure, unsuccess, fiasco, fizzle, J»>~»- « iju>-| 
flop, dud, nonsuccess, defeat, frustration, discom- 

disappointment, frustration, letdown 


mirage, fata morgana; phantom 


: t J 

to let (make, enable jLju u' *J 7-tl H^j-j jl j) ^ 
to) choose (from or between), give (grant, offer) 
the option or choice or alternative, to option 

to prefer (to), like (better than), jlij : ^ JL± 

favor, choose to, opt for 

charitable, beneficent, benevolent, e£ 4 Q ;■■-»■» : j^ 
philanthropic, almsgiving, humanitarian, doing 
good; generous, liberal, munificent, bountiful, 
freehanded, openhanded; gracious, benign, kind, 
obliging; benefactor, philanthropist, humanitarian, 
well-doer, almsgiver 

galingale (oL) oU»Jj»- 

supervisor, superintendent, over- ~j 1 lJj^> : (J j*- 

seer, guardian, keeper, caretaker, custodian, 


foreman, ganger Jlllll y-Jj :^1^- 

to charge with .uiU j dli. 1 iiLi-l J J <t— J :6>»- 
treason or treachery, accuse of betrayal or disloy- 
alty; to regard as traitorous, treacherous, faithless, 
disloyal; to mistrust, distrust 

option, jl^^l ^^- 1 jQi-'il ^ t jQil ijlli. 
choice, alternative, preference; right of option; 
freedom of choice, free choice, free will 

optional clause jlli-l _ul 

cucumber (oLj) jCj- 

cassia, purging cassia, drumstick (oLj) j-^. jd- 
tree, pudding-pipe tree 

trepang, beche-de-mer; (iSj^t <->l>~>-) J*il\ JC± 
holothurian, sea cucumber 

(5jLi»-l f^f'j _ cSjV*- 

tailor, seamster; dressmaker JaJU- : illi 

needle i'J,\ :i,U^. 

seamstress; dressmaker iiaSU- :iilli- 

sewing, stitching; tailoring, dressmakingJa-^J : iiL*. 

suture, suturing t-jjJ-I ii»L>- 

- „ *— 
sewing machine iilli- ill 

imagination, fancy, fantasy, Jl^ ( jy^ < ^j : JL*. 
phantasm, vision, chimera; fiction 

ghost, spirit, specter, phantasm, 

Ami ( 

t «"■ K : JL»- 

eidolon, phantom, vision, apparition 

shadow *J^ : JCi 

reflection, image Sl^ j i_Soi^. »j>>« : J Li- 

scarecrow Xe\'j :(sl^klall) Jlli 

horseman, rider, equestrian; cavalier, ^-jlj :Jui 
knight; cavalryman 

JL»- »»-lj— »yi, t i_a.i» :(o"iL»- T-) <UL»- 


:?i: , ta?--s;" ; ■.,:»«■ $.*.■.> ^ . . ' : 

branchial; nasopharyngeal 




f |ji^i otj^li 

j»u- «-'j - -14* - 

thread, yarn; fiber, filament; ^J j jli- i <ilL : ILi- 
string, packthread, twine 

suture (r}'A-\ ^^& J (^<~'-~i) J»e*" 

first light (or gleam) of dawn Ja^> H\ Jali I 

glimpse of hope, gleam of hope, ray of J* I 
hope, thread of hope, trace of hope 

fibrous, filar, threadlike, filose, stringy, l*^4»" 

thready, filamentous 


ijl-bjJI ^ iiiLt 


filaria; threadworm, nematode 

to make someone believe -» jl :(uU <1 j' ,*JJ J*»" 
(that), give the impression (that), make as if 

to imagine, fancy, think, jj-oj i ^^1 :<l jl *JJ J-»- 
believe, suppose, assume, take it, take for, take as; 
to seem to, appear to, look to 
horses ^J^i^l itLi- : J-»- 

horse race, horse racing Jlil J>^ 

conceit(edness), jSS i jjjx i S- 3 * 6 : *^»" ' *^jr ' »^**" 
self-conceit, vanity, vainglory; haughtiness, arro- 
gance, pride, snobbery, snobbishness 

sirenian ouxil <j- 0\y*>- •i^'^s*' 


equine, horse, horsy 

5' •* 


to camp, encamp, <«-»■ i_~aJ i U.-»,« (U 1 i ^^—* : j*-*- 
tent; to pitch (set up, erect) a tent 

to stay in, remain in, reside in, f\i I : u^i^ f^ 
dwell in, live in; to settle (down) at 

to reign in, be predominant *t i jL : j jl J* ~>- 

or prevalent in, prevail in, predominate in, spread 

through or over, pervade 

(natural) disposition, nature, temper, vli < i~v : *S- 



good, benefit, advantage, interest otuu i *aj : _ 

welfare, well-being, weal *~*\*j i »U-j : ^,-i- 

blessing, boon, benefaction <**> : j-±- 

"I ■' 

wealth, fortune, riches, opulence, ijj> : ^,-i- 


general welfare, common- i»lc i»«Lx. : <\t j^>- 
weal, common good, public good, public interest 

charity, beneficence, uL-i- 1 : jA\ Jo i ^li-l Jl* 
benefaction, benevolence, philanthropy, dole, 
almsgiving, performance of good deeds 

• v '.*. - *•' 
better than ^ J-ai I : (j* j~>- 

the best (of all people, etc.) |^Li» I : ^-Ul ^ 

the sooner the better; he gives twice *L>- It ^Jl j-»- 
who gives quickly 

prevention is better r%. jUaJi ^ j~>- jLUj ^ jj 
than cure, a stitch in time saves nine 

a bird in theS^jtiJI (Jc S^^it <j^ j-»- jJI j jji. np 
hand is worth two in the bush 

well; fine, good, all right, OK jm i 1^ 

•^ > ~- 
good morning! ^J-l r^-° 

good deed t^^- J«i : (^ j~^ %) 'Jt^ 

blessings, boons, good things; jjl>. 4 p«j '^j^- 

resources, treasures 

choice, pick, prime, J-ai i\ i io»J i iyue :«j-»- 'S^^ 

flower, cream, elite, top, the best or choicest part; 

the best 

philanthropic, JJ-\ J»- )j i ^li-l Jj v*—- : S?v^»" 

charitable, benevolent, beneficent, eleemosynary 

gillyflower, wallflower 

^-(l5>- « ilii-) i^-: 

cane(s), reed(s) 
cane, reed, stick 

(oLi) iSjt-r 

(oLi) 6ljj«»- 

' '- • • !''•"■ 

Lot 1 4. tfii : 4J i j j^ 

jute; sackcloth, sacking, bagging, gunny, ^ lL> :JL 
burlap, hessian, canvas 

gill (of a fish), branchia (i5ClLll) f>i^ 

nasopharynx ((-iiil) 

filament; fiber 



iijudl |I...Ol : ft »-~ 

jULJI ^ <l_u 

tent; pavilion; awning 

umbel j_>4-^ otLJI (j^u j jl_>*jl (>Uu : 


\jfP^w^w^p^^^y^p^^^^ >ir hk >^ ^^r 

'^^'^fr^fr^^^gr^fr ^jr ^^ ^~ ^V N^ ^^ ^W 

department, division, sec- ( _ii i is«La< i Sjl jJ '-"'y)^ 

tion, service, office, bureau 

circle, division, dis- (t5jb)ll jUJI ^-uj)iy\i 

trict, province 

misfortune, adversity, calamity, disas- <* ■*■• '■ °y)> 

ter, catastrophe 

(electric) circuit 

execution department, execution 

(area of) jurisdiction 

constituency, electoral district 



police headquarters 

land registry CjUx. yjjj' lij^-s-;^ j' j^-'y) 3 
office, land registration department 

circuit i-jLiu °y}* 

Antarctic Circle i^^J-1 X-JiiJI-Sy'l Jl 

Arctic Circle 


census office u^p^'y^ 

official (political, (il-L^L j i *1-C- ' *^»-j) ^'j J 
diplomatic) circles or quarters 

ill^l il^ 1 •y' ,J - dl 

circular, round, rotund 



circularity, circularness, \ y-*^~ • s^l OjS' : "Si^' J 

roundness, rotundity 

lasting, enduring, abiding, cjIj i ti>L> i ^ .i ' . ' ,,. : ^jlj 

i£Uil JIj^jLJ-I 

OLJaj i ■'.J I 

disease, malady, ailment iU i 

alopecia, loss of hair 


scrofula, king's evil 


taeniasis, teniasis 

trichinosis, trichiniasis 




shingles, herpes zoster, zona 

dizzy, giddy, vertiginous j'j-V v'-** •£-V' s 

wormy, worm-infested, worm-eaten jj-u :juo 

tailing place, occurring, happen- iloU- i jU- : y I j 

ing, going on; in progress, under way, in process, 

on foot, afoot 

current, circulating, in circula- JjIju* <. riJIj : _^Ij 

tion, going around 

running, moving, operat-(jJJ d^pil jl iJ'illS') y\i 

ing, in operation 

circle jjXL^i^j^) JUt, :ijj\i 

ring, circle <iL>- tS^lj 

sphere, scope, range, compass, JUn ' J>U»J '• »y) ■> 
extent, province, purview, latitude, ambit, area; 
domain, field; realm, circle; framework 



^ #= 


dark, gloomy, dusky, murky, pli* rf-^-loJl) r-lj 

to dissemble with, dissimulate J Cjlu* tJ ii.l i^lj 
with, play the hypocrite with, conceal or disguise 
one's enmity or hostility from, pose as a friend of 

to flatter, adulate, cajole, coax ^JuJ : ^ I j 

to flatter, adulate, cajole, coax, JUl <. j* I j : j». I j 
wheedle, blandish, sweet-talk 

tame(d), domesticated) >~»J J : jT ' J 

domestic animals <^r I j oil l>-»- 4 ^ I j J 

poultry, fowls i^-l j j>J> 4 c^"'j J 

whitlow, felon; agnail jjJill J^-^jiJ^^-ljty-flj 

to be or become dizzy, giddy; to jljl Lw»f : i-l j 
giddy ' 

to submit, succumb; to humble '^- 1 £j i : i- 1 j 

to subjugate, subdue, conquer, vanquish ^i : i I j 

to preoccupy, engage, engross, take up; ^.U- : ji-l j 
to have, feel 

to interpose, introduce or put iii-ljuj 1U» : 3^- ' ■» 
forth between the parts of a conversation or 

inside, interior, inner, inward, inter- r-jU- ju« : J^l j 
nal; entering, coming in(to), going infto), getting 
in(to), stepping in(to), moving in(to), walking in(to) 
included in, jll^ j <^, ^ < j ^.^ : j ^-lj 
falling under, coming within, being within or 
among, pertaining to, belonging to 
within, inside, in; intra-, intro-, end(o)- '^4. 1 j 

inside, within; inward(s) }U | j 

from within; from (the) inside Ji- 1 ill ^ 

interior, inside, inner self, inmost i^i 4 yj»l, : iJU-l j 
being, inward thoughts, innermost feelings, heart, 
soul, mind 

intent(ion), purpose, design £j : iii- 1 j 

internal, interior, inside, <!•>*. < ^s-jU- li : r_i»-l j 
inner, inward; end(o)-, ent(o)- ; intrinsic; domestic, 
home, inland; local; indoor 

endocrine jl>?> yfr lj 

standing, permanent, persistent, durable; eternal, 
perpetual, everlasting, endless, sempiternal; con- 
tinual, continuous, continuing, constant, regular, 
uninterrupted, unbroken, incessant, unceasing, 
perennial, (a)round-the-clock, running 

■ fj* j^S\ j*** (3JJI oLJJ ' 


: ri' 

Bj^Ojl-l -Jlj 

always, at all times, all the time, constantly, lli I j 
continually, forever, ever, eternally, permanently, 

creditor .JjJI e-»-l« : 



credit account; accounts) payable 

iU-l : 



to persevere in, Lilj ( ^Jtt 4 ji- : Jc jl j olj 

persist in, devote oneself assiduously or steadily to, 
apply oneself eagerly to; to work hard, be diligent; 
to keep doing, keep on, continue to do, do 
persistently or regularly 

to have the habit of; to make a habit jLil : Jc Llj 
of, be accustomed to, be used to 

perseverance, persis- «-Ji 1^ 4 jj ll. 4 u»- : o I j 1 o I j 
tence, diligence, assiduity, sedulity, painstaking, 
industry, hard work 

habit, habitude, wont, custom, 

dab (ifU-,)olj 

creepy, creeping, crawling; repent, rep- i_i»- 1 j : L>l j 
tant; reptilian; reptile 

sumpter, pack animal; i^^S J\j J_*kil) 6l>_i- :Z\i 
riding animal 

5 jIc :i_jI j 1 1 >l j 

animal, beast 
past, bygone 
extremity, end, limit 
root, origin 

spur; heel 
birdlime, lime 

jjlc 4 ^L : jj\ 1 
j&- 4 <_i^J> i jj-l : jjl j 

^Jat j^lj-liS" jjlj *Jai 

datura; jimsonweed, thorn apple 


ojjj I J 




by misfortunes, be afflicted with disasters 

to pass around, j*li* ojbl : ^>iH ^ e^Jl; j'j 


house, home, abode, dwelling, residence J>^ : jl j 

seat, center j^j- : J^ 

country, land; area, region, territory ajlLl. . A> : j\ > 

house, (business) firm, («JJ iljliu) d^. : j\ j 

(commercial) establishment, parlor; institution, 


museum (of antiquities) jtt^l jIj 

orphanage fl~»^' j\> 

post office -^y-P' j' J 

theeternal jlydl jlj ii-»UI jUI . *UJI jb 

abode, the hereafter, the afterworld 

maternity -^y j\* 

enemy's country, hostile state V^i' j* J 

paradise, Heaven <J-I : f!0 jl j 


mint j^lJI u^i jl j i(_jj-oJI jl j 

infirmary, old age hospital »>**" j' ■> 

the temporal world, this world »LiJI j\ j 

(public) library 

amusement center; nightclub 

teachers college 

normal school i- 

publishing house 

iiL-JI j\i 

l-j£JI j\i 

*'' ' i 

f "* ' 

I • I '• •••-'-' 'I 

productive, fruitful, fructuous, ^L> i J*« : jl j 
yielding, profitable, lucrative, remunerative 

knowing, cognizant of, s-ijU ijJU :-< (cSjI-JOj'j 

aware of, acquainted with, familiar with, informed 


to humor, indulge, comply (with jjL 4 i-it^ : i5jl j 

someone's moods or whims), favor, be willing to 




internal security jJj-IjJI ^ jl 

boarder, boarding student ,«U- 1 j ( uJU> _jl ) i~Jj 

civil war 
interior angle 

boarding school 
interior; inland 



ilia-lj ijjlj 


.- *- *— '-' - "-' " 

smoky 0*--Jy *-r~" J' o«>-J ^-« ii*»--^ '•{£•)* 

chimney, smokestack, funnel i^-x.:iL»-lj 

'In * 'n ■ * ' "■' - s 1 
dada, dadaism i_o alj ^ill j i_-a.u :cjo 

manna lichen JS"J,> <Li. jl jl jlj^-l ^ p->> :IiJl j 

to turn, revolve, f jj c u^ >-^;»- JJ ^J ^^*J :j'-> 
rotate, twirl, spin, gyrate, roll, reel, whirl, swirl, 
eddy, circle, orbit, circulate, go around, circuit 
to circuit, circle, circumambulate, JjjJ < <_>U> : j\ j 
go about or around, walk about or around, ride 
about; to wander (about), roam, rove, range, stroll, 
perambulate, itinerate, cruise, tour, travel, patrol 

'i s ' - '■ 1 -1 '*'■ '1 
to turn, shift, veer, change Jjsw 1 <» L>u I j^s. : j\ j 

direction or course, take a different direction or 

course; to change, become different 

to circulate, (~)J Jj~i\ ^e) c5>r ' s—>\ ' ^J : j'- 3 
go around, make'the rounds, be current, be in cir- 
culation, spread, get about, pass (from mouth to 

to take place, occur, happen, go tSj*- < iio»- : j\ j 
on, pass; to be going on, under way, in progress, in 

process, on foot; to proceed; to be held 

*,■" ~*^^ ^*-' * '» * * - 

to center JjLJ u jLo 1 J* £ Jj '-<3y jl <J* j\ J 

on or around, focus on; to concern, have to do 

with, be connected with; to deal with, treat 

to run, move, operate, be jJJ d_p.ll jl il^l Ojl j 
in operation; to start up, start running 

" \' - , 

to be or become dizzy, giddy; to giddy <. I j j I j 

to break out, Ojl j 1 o^l ((^-j) Ojl j 
up, erupt 

to suffer adversities, be stricken J* \ _j J I 4JU o j I j 


J-a* : pj 

- .■"■■> 

invites; host; inviting 

prayer, one who prays, suppliant, 

propagandist, herald Cclj t s^J -~ ijg . : p 

by reason of, because of, on account •_■'■'. , ,, : ^ll. 
of, due to, owing to, in view of ' ' 

there is no need to (or for), J U-U "il : J ^c I j "tf 
there is no cause or reason for (or to), one need 
not; it is not necessary 

to argue with , dispute with t- U : .i. I j 

to joke with, jest with, make fun Li^ t t-JL. :L*Ij 
with, banter with, tease, kid; to play with, sport 
with, trifle with, toy with, dally with, flirt with, 
coquet with, play around with 

dissolute, dissipated, profli- ^-U- < >>- li < j_. U : j. I j 
gate, wanton, licentious, lecherous, lewd, lascivi- 
ous, rakish, unchaste, uninhibited, whorish; 
bawdy, obscene, indecent, immoral, salacious, 
pornographic; roue, rake, libertine, debauchee, 


propagandist, herald 
warmonger i_/^- i*lj 

for health reasons, for reasons of health*!^ c I '/J 
it gives me great pleasure.. (Sj/J* ufljJ '& 

kneepan, kneecap, patella ili^JI Lr \j'j^:Z a ^\ i 
spite, grudge, rancor, hatred _iL- : iU I j 

to mix, mingle, blend jj£. : jj| 

to beat, whip, whisk jli- :(jJJ ^J|) Lib 

warm; hot >'yf^b 

to defend, protect, (safeguard, shield, ^ : ^ U I j 
shelter, maintain, keep, vindicate 

to support, stand by, stand up for, ^»L : ^t li I j 
advocate, champion, patronize, sponsor 
to plead for, defend 0* ^ ' ^ : 0* ^ ' ■> 

to resist, oppose, withstand .jli : jj | j 

repelling, repellent, pushing back or jlj < lU : «Jb 

— — «M 

■ - ".I 

to flatter, cajole, coax, blandish jL; :<Sj\i 

to deceive, fool, beguile, mislead pjii- :^l j 

halo (of the moon) (^0 «JU :5jlj 

circle, ring 4it«i>;ij:i3lj 

(electric) circuit (<?Vj£) 0> 

villa ii:0'i 

jlj j=rlj-J>L4 t jl j : ojl j 
current, preva- ^J.1 ^| J^ c ^L < ^Jl j : ^1 j 
.ent, prevailing, circulating, in circulation, wide- 
spread, common, general; popular, hot; in vogue, 
in fashion, fashionable, a la mode, modish, stylish 

colloquial, slang, vernacular, 11 L < 1£** : r j I j 

to study with ~ ^ : ^ | ^ 

LTJ J jr'j _ ^J (J^JI j' l_.L53l ^.jj I^-jlj 

studier, learner; ii». L < JLjb t ^ jlJ [>. : ^jl j 

student, pupil; scholar, researcher, research work- 
er; examiner, investigator 

i •"'.' ''■' , 

cinnamon (oL) ^Uajlj 

pj-^ {frb-fj-^ :pjb 

to tread on, step on, foot on; to set ijo j i ^2 j : ^»l j 
foot on; to trample down, trample underfoot, 

to run over ^jr^lj 




a- > 

propellant, propelling, propulsive, ^^_ ( «il j .-^Ij 
impellent, impelling, impulsive, moving, shoving, 
driving forward; propeller, propellant, propulsion, 
impeller, shover, mover 

propeller, airscrew, screw propeller i^llu : ^.1 j 
s Py o~y\>- '■u'^i 

cause, reason, i'jjj^> i i_o-^ 4 i_^_ :(yc.l!dl) c|j 
motive; need, exigency, requirement, necessity * 
inviter, one who ^-^ ' 5>c jJI l-»- La : p I j 




dahlia (^> ok) Gbbill*- :Gb 

vine, grapevine f^b^^ii. :iJlj 

noria, waterwheel Sj^cli :iJlj 

varix(pl. varices), S-jj^ll ^.y; ^IjjJI) Jlj. 
varicosity, varicose veins'; varicosis 

to last, continue, go on, persist, ^ i s~~\ ■ f I - 

subsist, endure, remain 


Cl_Jl'' ' 

Hi!ji t»;j\Ci!diLij 

as long as, so long as 

bloody, sanguinary; bleeding 

checkers, draughts 

checker, man 


dark, dusky, gloomy , tenebrous -Ik. : n-» b 

demijohn, carboy <_»>J-I i*-lj ~oj±£ i»-Uj liiUwb 

• j 
dark, dusky, gloomy, tenebrous, murky -Ik. : l _ r » I _ 

deep-black, pitch-black, pitchy, coaly tiUU : Lr -I _ 

tearful, in tears, teary , weeping, watery, lachrymal £« I _ 

irrefutable, irrefragable, cogent, ~m- iJo*-jj> * : j«b 
convincing, conclusive, decisive 

to owe, be indebted (to) (_; <d) bju <jtf : (-; *J) ub 

tjljJL-l «^>- 1 j — b_ .As* I (j^^Zli !(jb 

ubl «j»-l j - ubl : Ob 

-' ' * a.'* - 

tosubjugate,subject,sulxiue,conquer*_-»-l( J jl: ob 

to submit (to), yield (to), be sub- «^»- t _! i : (J) ob 
ject (to), owe allegiance (to), obey 

to profess, adopt, Jj-^-l : rJJ <LUju jl ^.jj <jb 
embrace, espouse, take up, follow, believe in 

near, nearby, close, close at hand, t_-jji :(,JljJl) 6b 
proximate, proximal, next (to); approaching, 

imminent, impending, forthcoming &~~i '■ u' •» 

\ji io«-lj-i_»jl i_j^-il iu^ •ty'J 

inapproachable, inaccessible; unequaled, (jib "^ 


lace, lacework iLn I j i J-i; \ 2 < *JLu I j t Ji; I j 

away, driving back or away, shoving away; parry- 
ing, warding off, fending off; repeller, repellent, 

propellant, propulsive, propelling, _^_» i ^b: ob 
impellent, impulsive, impelling, moving, shoving, 
thrusting, driving forward, pushing forward; 
propeller, propellant, propulsion, impeller, shover, 

motive, incentive, inducement, j U- i vi-tL : »_» I - 
spur, drive, urge, impulse, impetus, stimulus, 
stimulant; cause, reason 
payer, payor (rJJ JJblSCJI jl Jlil) «Jb 

taxpayer oiliC :i_JI_---ll «Jb 

out of, because of, by reason I ii" i_,..,.„j : I ji" »_i I jj 
of, motivated by 

*- '' 

burier, one that buries oii-J'^Jj^ijilj 

to taste, sample tib : <jjb 

dark, blackish, dusky, swarthy, deep -jtf : J>\ s 

to change, turn; to rotate, alternate t— ii^ i ^i> : J b 
to come to an end, be over c-J»ii| : I iS" ilj- eJb 

j* in j 

indicative of, suggestive of, denotative of, 
argumentative of 


— 31: 

indication, sign, denotation JJ_ i<l"ilj :Jb 

familiarity, intimacy; il>>- < i«J_GJ oj liill :i)b 
informality, unreserve; liberty, freedom (that one 
takes with someone); audacity, boldness 

function [oL-bljJilb 

exponential function [oL-blj] XL, all JJIjJI 

explicit function [oL-blj J ~<4:J~ab\ ill-JI 

•* -- „» '• 
daltonism, color blindness J I^J "i! I (__** : ij y] I j 

£.-»■ :^Jb 

to deceive, beguile; to defraud, cheat, 
cozen; to dupe, gull 

ricochet *~ay. (jc yJ~> J t_i.uU Oj-L" 




ojjl : i__!l. 
i3__w__ i__JIj 

^ 1 - ooli. 

ji i 



to creep into, enter (into), spread j tSj-~ '■ j s-o 
into or through, fill, pervade; to rush into, stream 
into, flow into 

to flow, stream, run cS^i- : Jjlxil /\ _^JI Oj 

creep(ing), creepage, crawl(ing) 

o»»-j :i_o 


brown bear 

black bear, American bear(o 

grizzly bear 



I* '' 

polar bear, white bear (ql^-j-) (>»-jI j\ t,-Wi uj 

ant bear 

Little Bear, Ursa Minor 

Great Bear, Ursa Major 

calabash; gourd, pumpkin 



[iiUi]>^,Si LI) i 

(oLi) £y» : »U j 
(oU) jiil it\ 

seller of silk brocade or silk garments r-LJ I «3L : >-C j 
seller of molasses or treacle trJ-J' *jL i^Uj 

tanner .jjLU iu_u ^ ielo 

tanning, tannage ->>4-l «•> :i£loipLo 

tan; tannin 


humus ijjjl ^ (i^siuJI j^J-l JSLii 5jL. : Jlo 

fertilizer, manure, dung jC : Jt j 

humic JfJjJL Ji'.:.. i^Jl-o 

to sharpen, point, tip J..I :uij 

to embellish, adorn, ornament, decorate Jl'j :»; 

to write (compose, put) in an ele- «_,:.< ( jjl; : tJ j 
gant or good style; to pen, write (down), compose 


to turn the back 

to pass, elapse, go by 

1/6 dirham; small coin («*j-JI o~'->-~ :,JjIj '^1 J 

a_aIj vr-lj- >*■> jj :(,yljJl) olj 

to break in(to), burst into, storm into ^J\ : «aI j 

to raid, make a raid on, attack sudden- «»■ U : .* I j 
ly, make a surprise attack on, fall unexpectedly 

to descend suddenly upon, come cUj i U- U : «» b 
suddenly upon, overtake; to surprise, take by 
surprise, take unawares 

to flatter, adulate, cajole, coax, JJ ijiy i ^^Li' : j*\ j 
wheedle, blandish, sweet-talk; to fawn on, curry 
favor with, toady, bootlick 

sly, cunning, wily, crafty, artful, subtle,*!*.} ji :ijilj 
foxy, foxlike, vulpine; shrewd, astute, politic, can- 
ny, smart, clever; resourceful; fox, crafty person, 
smart fellow, man of resource 

misfortune, calamity, disaster, ilL i i_*a* : <L» I j 

catastrophe, adversity; scourge, evil 

to treat, remedy, cure, medicate, doctor rJL. : (3$l j 

a hair of a dog that bit youill)l^»cJlS' ( ^)L ^Jjl Vj 

persevering, persistent, diligent, jj li. < jU- : lj$j j 
assiduous, sedulous, painstaking, hardworking, 
industrious; hard worker 

to dodge, evade; to circumvent; to L/,1 j 4 ijlj : jjb 

equivocate, tergiversate, prevaricate, quibble 

to turn with, go around with «1 jlj : jjlj 

to alternate, rotate, cause to t-jjl ( i_JilHj 4Juu»- : Jjlj 
succeed or follow one another 

to confer with, talk with, hold talks i^-L :Jjl j 
with, discuss with; to negotiate with 

to persist in, persevere in, pursue J* L-Jilj : J* ^j'^ 
steadily, continue to do, keep doing, keep on, go 
on doing, stick to, adhere to 

midwife, accoucheuse I jiy, iiLU :i,l j 

diet ol-O ijiju j j^uj-iJI ^-IkJJ ~- 1 : Co I j 

dyne [ .Ljj J Sy 5ja-j : jjlj 

to creep, crawl; to go on all J^li <. Q- ( Loi- j : u'j 
fours; to move (proceed, go) slowly, be slow 

on ^j 


i* ? 

tenacious, viscid, viscous, gummy 
birdlime, lime ~!j jJJI a~-») r>l t\j? 

mistletoe (oLi) Jjj 

to fertilize, manure, dung ju~ : Jj j 

bubo ^jj^-J •■** J fjj : JjJ 

.'••■ _-.' 
lump, chunk; bulk, mass iL3" :<1j j 

diploma f>^9 

diplomatic i-.U^LJI JJ i_j^-^. i^U^Lj 

diplomat, diplomatist (ji«-» ' i>»^>) 7«-UjJL» j 

diplomatic representation Ltr^i^f ? Jrr'" 

diplomatic immunity i_.LjL j iiLaa- 

diplomatic corps or ,,-UjLj dLL 4 i-_-U^Lj tL» 
body; diplomatic career 

shuttle diplomacy 



bubonic plague 

,jL.j 6>*U» 

zephyr, west wind 

-5 • ' * -»- 

hornet; wasp 

pin; safety pin 


safety pin <jQi\ ^j-yi t 'ij>^>^ 

jl cSjif&i <j~x> 

brooch, pin, breastpin 

hairpin, bodkin, pin 

ursine; bearish 

4j ^M> 


<-joJI iJL^ai :cllo 

creerXing), creepage, crawl(ing) 

Ljiy j !ujj 

tanned skin 

garment; dress, robe, gown 

i-jjj :jIjJ 

coat, overcoat 

i air» : j\j i 

blanket, cover 

tUafr t f '^/^ ' jl» 3 

pad, cushion 

<i*>j oUj : ju 3 

to arrange, make l*^*"! ' -J*!**- ' p*j ' •**' : ^-> 

arrangements or preparations for, prepare, plan, 

make (form, lay) plans for, engineer, design, plot, 

scheme, project, concert, chart, lay out, map out; 

to devise, contrive, frame, make, work up, think 

up; to concoct, hatch, trump up 

A.'. -*- 
to organize ^> ■ y ■> 

-i-f -'" 
to manage, handle, direct, administer, j\ jl : y j 

conduct, run 

to economize, husband, manage well or jua^l : y* 
economically; to be economical, frugal, thrifty, 

to procure, secure, get, obtain, J* J^»- : y j 

acquire, attain, achieve, accomplish; to wangle, 

rear (part), hind (part), hinder part, rear »j»-'y -j>i 
end; back 

buttocks, posterior, behind, backside(s), "- <-"■ : y* 
seat, rump, fundament 

end, tail, last or lower part ji- 1 : y i 

** • 

from behind, from the rear A* & 

Jj p-'j-ojM Jj 'j^' 1 Jj "jj-j Jj 

Aldebaran [ifUi] uI^jJI 

gall (jJJ.^jl ^jii\ iJi^ j)ij Air ia-ji :ijji 
(too) late, belated; behind, back jj- u. : i£jj j 

_^Oil j^-lj - LS**1 : J jJ 


molasses, (black) treacle 

carob bean juice 

rubbish, trash, junk 


to tan (hide) 

tanning, tannage 

tan; tannin 

tan; tannin 

'.' > . 

— •■ ~- 

cUil ,Un . ^(jij J 

'*• ' •"— J _- . 

to birdlime, catch (a 
bird) with birdlime 
to stick to, adhere to; to cling to, cleave to-jj^J: -> &* 

sticky, gluey, limy, glutinous, adhesive, 

- J 



togild t_-» ill ,jU> i (_-» i :J»-j i Ji- j 

to manure, dung, fertilize j1» : jjj>- j 

charlatanism, charlatanry, quack- pi juJ- i J^r-o : J»r J 

ery; imposture, humbugging, swindle, fraud, 

deceit, deception, cheat(ing), delusion, dupery, 

Muffling), defraudation 

--• * >•- - - - 
to be (become, grow) dusky, gloomy, JLkl : ..^Jl j*i 

murky, tenebrous 

to darken, blacken, be (become, jj- 1 : JJJ I ^ j 
grow) dark or black 

to remain in, stay in, reside in »UI :ul£lt o 3 ?* 

to be or become ^U- 1 ilj«JI :ul>J-l jl ,^tk)l O^- 3 
tame, domesticated) 

to tame, domesticate u^jj c Ls>- 1 j <d*»- : jj* j 

dark(ness),gloom(iness),murk(iness) <JJ»: <Jj«- ji <Jj«o 

dark(ness), gloomftness), murk(iness) <JJi : Cj»o 

to spread out; to level (off), flat(ten) JjLJ : ^ i 1 1*. j 

dumpy, squat, stocky, Or?-J Ji^» : £-k»J irljio 
chubby, pudgy 

to drive away, expel, force out, put out /,!>< jjuh^j 

to defeat, vanquish, rout J~6 t > j» : _^»- j 

driving away, expulsion, forcing out, ij±> i jUjI 'j*-i 
putting out 

defeating, vanquishing, routing fja : >»o 

to roll ^V* 

rolling, roll 

roller 5_Py :4*-_5j*-j 

to be affected by a whitlow (j-~u»)n o_) ^^j i^^j 

to refute, confute, disprove, rebut, 4-a.i.l JJ»jl :yi»o 
controvert, falsify 

slippery, slippy, slick, slithery ^J j :yi^j 

refutation, confutation, disproof, *j«J-I JLLil :yi»o 

tobacconist »JJ jjlSCLllj iljl «jl j^-jUo 

smoke, fume, vapor jUw 4( j». j :uUo iuUj 

tobacco Lj :jtj t <jUo 

<^» — ■ ■ ' i 

to wipe out, annihilate, destroy completely liUil :Jii 

to cover, wrap, envelop, overspread ^k. : y j 

extinction; oblivion jliajl : j«Jj 

thrush, fieldfare, throstle, song thrush, (^iU») rJ 


to darken, darkle; to be (become, llil :(J~UI) Ij>o 
grow) dark, gloomy, murky, tenebrous 

dark(ness), gioom(iness), murk(iness) 

chickens; poultry; fowl(s) 

guinea fowl; turkey 

hen; fowl; chicken 



guinea hen, guinea i_l 
fowl; trukey 

moorhen, water hen 


gallinaceous*^ oJI ~<Zj [y oC»-ls-aJl ^>L»- :fj>-Uo 

poulterer, poultryman rtrjJI /ut r^-lio 

Galliformes r-l»-jJI <Li'j roll^l^j 

manure, dung, fertilizer ;C i JJ j : JU» j 

quack, charlatan, moun- p I a»- 1 1_> I iff ( J lik. : JUo 
tebank, fake(r), fraud, impostor; cheat, swindler, 
deceiver, bluff, crook, humbug(ger) 

Antichrist JU-jJI - ■ 1 1 

intense darkness, pitch-darkness <ulk :4^j 

to arm to the teeth, arm heavily or fully j-SiLlL «a>o 

to be or become embarrassed, at a loss, J^ : j^i 
dismayed, baffled, confused, bewildered, perplexed 

-Ui-. Ui j: ii I jji 


£JJi : (J »o 

^lll isrli-J 

► 111 i^l^'j 


si- triii ilir^<r 

stake; prop; sticks ^^IjlijLu^lolJLJJi-.ltyAjl^ j 

to lie; to quack, play the quack; to 
be a quack, a charlatan, a fake(r) 

to deceive, fool, delude, pa»- : ^c <J^- j ( ^c ,j^- j 
bluff, mislead; to cheat, defraud, swindle, con; to 
dupe, gull, humbug 

to cover; to smear 
to tar 



t *. >'. 

low-income, limited-income 

income tax 

he has nothings jl j <l 3»- J "^ ' j J 8 * - J (#' ^ ltt 
to do with, it is none of his business, he should not 
meddle or interfere in 

(,511.) «&i 

warbler, chiffchaff 
wedding night 

iU-lj :*Li-j 

iU-JI iLJ itis-s 


j-lj j^ij 

1 , -iU-lj :IUo 

- j* ' * 


il ,„tvi 


to smoke, fume, emit or give off smoke( jUI i^) j*- a 

to be or become smoky; to taste or (^IJ ^ ukll ) jf-i 
smell of smoke 

(jUI cJ^p-lj-jUl e^ 

to smoke (a cigarette, etc.) (^JJ ° j^»^ ' l^° 

to fumigate, 0^"--^ ^y^lj pll* jl >ii> '-j*-* 
fume; to smoke 

r ' i' ' 

smoke, fume, vapor jbu i u>»--> : j** 

millet, pearl millet (^M) a* 

smoke color, smoke ui»--»Ji u>> : *^J 

miliary ls-J»J i/**° 

miliaria c5-^k- vU^i : *^"*° 

entry, entrance, entering, ingress, £J>- -^ : ^y 

coming in(to), going in(to), getting in(to), stepping 

in(to), moving in(to), walking in(to); admission, 


penetration, piercing, transpiercing, d\j^-\ '-0i±-> 

breakthrough, breaking through; interpenetration 

• • * * 

joining, entering, entry, en- ii^}\ ' fit?*'! : J>»" •> 
trance, accession 

beginning, starting), commence- S^L. 1 « jl. : J^i- j 
ment, entering upon, going into, embarking upon, 
taking up 

" - i V i " 
beginning, start, dawn, ^ j j» i >(i? »m t Oy*- '■ uy J 

rise; setting in, arrival, advent, (incoming 

"■ ft ^-"' ■ 

•- - -~" . i 

* .1 • 

- J 



to enter, come in(to), go in(to),^>- j-i:(JJ jl j)|j»o 
get in(to), step in(to), move in(to), walk in(to) 

to penetrate, transpierce, Oj^\ '■ (<Jj jl j) l)^ J 
pierce through, break through; to interpenetrate 

to join, enter, ^°j^>\ ' (5*"*'! '(~**! : V' "-^ 3 

accede to, become a member of 

to come { j^i> o\£ ' £J-^! '-<-* j' i>r^ j' J J* - J 
or fall under or within, be within or among, 
belong to, pertain to; to be included in, embodied 
in, incorporated in, inserted in, entered in, listed 
in, put down in 

to start, begin, commence, enter ^Ij i I ju : j J»- j 
upon, set out on, go into, embark upon, take up 

to visit, call on, drop in on j\ j : Jc Ji- j 

;>ij p-ij-^u i|>ij :(j ji jc) ;>^ 

J»-jl j^lj-Ji-J iji-jl :j (>-J 

to consummate the marriage with, <U»- j ^ J»- j 
copulate with, sleep with, go to bed with 

to set in, arrive, begin, start, dawn I ju 1 3»-' : iJ^ J 

to enter the war, go to war, carry on or i_j jXl 3»- ^ 
engage in war 

to be or become abnor- (oj-j- jl 4i«x. J) Jf-J'tif-J 
mal, (mentally or physically) disordered 

Ji-jl j^-Ij-J^-jI :J*-j 

(mental or physical) disorder; abnor- J^»-| : J* 1 '' 


defect, blemish, vice <U <. i_^c : J»- j 

income; revenue, incomings, returns, gj i jl ^j| : J*o 
proceeds, takings, receipts, earnings; yield 
doubt, suspicion, misgiving &Z. t aL j : J»- j 

defect, blemish, vice <U i i_^c : J»- j 

business, concern; connection, i»S* i ut< : J»- •» 
relation(ship), bearing, relevance, pertinence 

iU-lj »-lj -iU-1.5 :J»-j 

• ^" jj ^ ^ • * 

per capita real income ji»- l>)l j^ilJ («»^-l J»--JI 

* •- V ' 
national income y<y J»- j 

low income, limited income jj-^sw J»- j 




*► ^ 

(^U») l _ r ljj 


ltj- 3 •'cr'LP 

motorcycle, motorbike O jl <jjL»u jl ijjl; i»-ljj 


eager student, zealous studier 

thresher, thrasher (of grain) 


threshing, thrash(ing) (of grain) 

threshing machine, thresher, thrasher r-j>i : i- j 

combine, harvester-thresher illj'j SjCai- 

LTJ- 3 Jfr-'j-LTJ- 3 : *-ljJ 

study; survey; research, c.Uj :(oLljj r-) illjj 
research work; treatise, paper; report 

of or pertaining to study or studies; scholastic, 't^h* 
school; academic; instructional, educational 

jubbah, loose outer garment (slit in front) £o- : i* Ij j 



catch! get! take! 

efficient, successful 

continuous, uninterrupted, unbroken J^a 



knowledge, cognizance, awareness, ac- JLc : i> lj j 
quaintance, familiarity 

know-how, expertise, expertness S^^U- :4jIjj 

to train, drill, practice, rehearse, oy ■ (j < ii«-) ojj 
exercise, coach, school, tutor, discipline 

to habituate to, accustom to, j>t:(ji ^c) vj j 
season to, inure to, make used to, familiarize with 

path, pathway, trail, track; road; way, Jj ^J> : ojj 
route, course 

Milky Way; galaxy »S^' : *j^' Vj j 

bolt, bar; latch; lock u-^.Ji '-W^J? 

admission, entrance fee; toll; octroi 

(Jji-i) Jjrf-ijl 

j^»-jjl l^»j 

l~J j^-o 


foreigner, alien, stranger, out- 

(<-Jf l ' <*r*ij& 

sider; foreign, alien, strange, extraneous, extrinsic 
adventitious, added from £$jU> « J^i^i : J-j-'j 
another source, accidental, incidental 
loanword, foreign or iL»- j iLJ j I ills' i J-i- j 
adventitious word or expression 

iUij jj-ij-^-ij ij^j 
iuij «-ij-iuij ■•iL*-i 

milium, whitehead [ l _J, ] <ul»o 

DDT ol^lJ ll^:Ooo 

play, fun, amusement l,^ , ^J : <j j j 

to flow copiously or abundantly, ^ ( ^y aj i JL : jj 
stream, well out, spurt, gush, pour out or forth; to 
be or become abundant, copious, plentiful 

3- ' .*-'•' ' * s ^ ' * * 3 ' ' 3^ 

jjl jjr-lj-ljjjj^ jl ili ^Lcl (Jil :jJ 

milk uJLi-c^'.-jJ 

what a generous man! how good he is! oj j 4I 


to ward off, parry, fend off, stave off, jlU 4 ii j : lj J 
keep off, avert, turn away, repel, repulse, drive 

to know (of), have knowledge (of); to 'St. : (_, ) lSj'j 
be or become cognizant of, aware of, acquainted 
with, familiar with, informed of or about; to learn 
(about), come to know (about), find out (about), 
hear (of), get wind of 

parry(ing), warding off, fending off, X* , US : »j j 
staving off, keeping off, averting, turning away, 
repulsion, repulse; repelling, driving back 
railing, rail, handrail, banisterts); <j>.£ \j j 1 6jJ* lj j 

balustrade, balusters; parapet 

3 , if 
earthen hand drum *^JjJ : *3yb J 

cyclist, cycler, bicyclist, bicycler ii-ljjJI Li"lj '-rfji 

hedgehog (o^) iili : ?& 

francolin, black partridge (yU>) r}j'i 

bicycle, bike, cycle, wheel (i!s lyt ) i»- lj j 

watercycle ClL.4i.ljj 




way, route, course, path ijj^ : rj-> 

roll, scroll jL^t :^jj 


♦ # 

jjj»- -^j 

drawer; till 

step, stair, flier J^l oU- jj (3jl»-! t <uL, :4j»jj 

doorstep, doorsill, sill, threshold "Lit ^i-jUI) i>-jj 

degree, grade, rank, level,^t <Jj:i»-j.i 
rate, class, category; position, status; standing 

extent, degree, point; measure, j\jl* <.j*- :i>-jJ 
magnitude, level, size, proportion, rate 

stage, phase, period, step, iii- ^ t j j j <. j£> :i»-jj 
point, grade 

degree (C*l&) i»-j:> 

mark, grade ^J-*-* **-"^* : *=r J- 3 

« " - i- '' .' - - 

graduation,»JJilc.jjl ^Uljx-jj jlill Lr Ui'L.^U:i>-jj 

mark, degree 

point <iaij :i>-j i 

degree [<illi i Ljl^i»- i oLilj] <L*-j j 

degree, pitch, tone, step [^yL-jj t °>-^] *=rj-> 

first class ( jJJ Jjui jl <>^jU> j) Jjl i»-jJ 

to travel first-class ^j al *=rjAH j jjL 

first-class, first-rate, jLL i^j jI *»-jaII ^ 

first-string, top-notch, tiptop, of the first degree, 

excellent, superior, outstanding, exceptional, 

fancy, fine, exquisite, select, choice, superb, super, 

extra, premium, deluxe 

- I .- '- '.-- • - 
court of first instance ,Jy **rj> i*£>»* 

melting point j\+*a>*i\ **■ j * 

lreezmg point 

boiling point 

(degree of) temperature 

twenty degrees centigrade, 20"C «j>L. **rj} ojj^z 

tourist class; economy class; coach *-^-Vr" "<=rj^ 

(degree oO longitude J>L)I <>-j} 

(degree of) latitude JojiW iarj* 

to the extent that, to such ijl a^-jjJ i ijl ii- j j <J 1 
an extent that, so much that 


: Lrvji> 


doorkeeper, gatekeeper, concierge i_jI^j : uViji i uLj J 

zebu (o\y~^-) (^Vv J 

experience; practice 

courage, boldness, intrepidity 

habit, habitude, custom, practice 

to bolt, latch, lock 

earthen hand drum 



5 jit : ijj j 

to toddle, walk with short steps; to walk (go.^^irjj 
proceed, advance) slowly or gradually or step by 

to circulate, be in circulation; to be^-il i r-lj '-rj* 
or become current, prevalent, widespread, popu- 
lar, in vogue, in fashion, fashionable, a la mode 

to die, pass away; to become u*j^ ' "- J ^ • FJ * 

to die childless 

to roll up, fold up, furl 

jjj i-ttl >' Jj Oli •77J' 3 

to take to, get used to, be accustomed to, ^c r-j j 
be used to doing, make a habit of; to adopt a 
certain practice, develop a habit; to follow a 
certain course, proceed along a certain line or in a 
certain manner 

(<Jj) £j-»J ^r'j _J ^» 'u^j! ' r- 1 ^ : &> J 

to graduate, grade, gradate, scale, ot j j <JJ -li : rj j 

divide into degrees or grades or steps, mark with 


to calibrate jAc- '-rji 

to circulate, spread, promote, popularize, t-jj '--rj* 
put into circulation, give currency to, make 
current (widespread, popular, fashionable) 

to approximate to, rv>j-dL> <U. olol :<JJ r-j-J 

approach to, bring or move gradually close(r) or 
neaKer) to 
to roll up, fold up, furl Lil t (3^t : -r j j 

stairs, staircase, stairway, flight of steps JL. : rjj 


i > 


eration, deliberation, thinking about or over, 
weighing; scrutiny, examination, investigation, 
looking into, exploration 

discussion ..;.-,' 4 iiii Lt 

lesson il^l 4 i'J.\ iS*JJ L 4 ^-jlu L 

lesson, chapter ^jjull <->\^ ^ Jlaj 

lesson, class, period i >lj.ii»a>- 

threshing, thrash(ing) (of grain) ikj.1 u-Ijj 

obliteration, effacernent, wiping out, y>i> 
blotting out, expunction 

o-J- 3 

LTJ- 3 


jGjljl 4 fUfcil 4,j~ljjjl i^f-jJ 

j*"'j _ LTJ 



J I 

( jjLL) iwjj4iwjj 

(jjU>) OuJ i~jj liiljl i_jj 


indigo bunting 

to armor, cuirass; to mail; to arm s- jjjl <u_ll : p3 j 

(coat of) mail, hauberk, armor, »'.,.-JJ Jl j jfiLi : c jj 
cuirass, breastplate, armature; shield 

- •* ., '- -:? 


mail; carapace 

tJJ SlikLJI pjj 


scute, scutum 
leaf, shutter 
leather shield 
thyroid; thyro-, thyr- 
thyroid gland, thyroid 

(s'jiui ji v ui)xij'j 

bottom, rock bottom, lowest level J»i 4 A A~- : d'/i 

gendarmerie, gendar- &'jj}\ 'ji-j t iif,!dl Sy t iif, j 
mery, gendarmes, police 

descending step, downward step <JjL i»-j j riS^j 
lowest level, (rock) bottom u ^~^>- 4 t _^Li_ilj r J. : ^'j 
gendarme, policeman S'Jj)\ J£-j ai-1 '-'jf/i 

to lose one's teeth; to be or become ajLLI ol»i : jjj 
toothless, edentate, edentulous, without teeth 

elm ; ash (*r^J>»i)jljjj 

Edentata oL-,^1 iiji olllcll ^ tjj :oljljjj 

hag, crone, old woman 

eddy, whirlpool, vortex 

dregs, lees, sediment, settlings jli 4 «_-. \j 4 J^ ;£jji 

tartar jJ»^=i,^ 

to sew, stitch, seam; to whip, jlj 4 LJai 4 J.U : j^J 

to suture '°J_\ '^ 

sewing, stitching, seam(ing);ji) 4 ■ ■ -U;-; t iill^ : jjj 
whipping, whipstitching 



stitch; whipstitch; seam 


' '1 '" 

..'■' ..-• ' - . * 

<LiJ 4 4^ijj 4 J^i : SJj j 

tailor, seamster; dressmaker i,£i. :^jjj 

Druze (i^ E )ij:i 

to study, learn L.L5CJI _,t jJUl ^j j 

to study under, learn under, luLS : Jc JLjl ^jj 
be someone's student or pupil 

to study, peruse, J^L\ 4 Lii" 4 J 'JCi : ^j j 

consider carefully or in detail, deliberate, think 
about or over, contemplate, reflect on, weigh (in 
the mind); to scrutinize, examine, investigate, look 
into, explore 

todiscuss '^ iJS\± -.'^'j'i 

to thresh, thrash (grain) iLJ.| ' 'j 3 

to obliterate, efface, wipe out, blot out, lij : ^j j 
expunge, extinguish 

to teach, instruct, school, educate, tutor Ac : [^j j 
study(ing), learning; education pLi' 4 ill jj i^jj 

studying), perusal, consid- t l,n';:l..l 4 j ^sdi : ^ jj 

/MftMf * 


* & 

to intrigue against, scheme against, J jIS' : Jc ^ j 

machinate against, plot against, conspire against 

to betray, denounce, inform _> ^j : <_^c ^-i 

against, report 

to intrigue, scheme, plot, jylSllI ^0 r^LJI ^ j 

machinate, conspire 

dowel jLj 

intriguer, intrigant, schemer 
machinator, plotter, conspirator 

sand snake 



sand snake 

plug, stopper, stopple, cork, tap, spigot i jI 


: r 


L*0 i ^U- |>L^3 : *U- j 


heart valve, valve of the heart 


place of honor, seat of Sjl -w> ' c~JI j-w» 

honor; position of prestige; front 

council o-Jfy '■ '■ 

throne; seat ur->^ ' a" J* • (•*■*"' "■ 


constitution <j^ 

, » j * _ ^. > 

L.1 u>>ui ■ jy*»i 

' ' ' .. '• ' 
rule; regulation; law, codeO>>^' fUiii Sucl» : j>i~ j 

>. i ■> > •, * ■•. ' 

(3 jy~. J 4-iJ t (3 jy~. i 

* '• ' * *. x . 
<J>jy~. j Oy <» 

* '• ' *i1 

constitutional regime, constitutional 6jy~-* fU»J 

system, constitutional form of government 



permission, leave 
constitutional law 

4j jy**»> J 
1 (ki^ ; j-j j 

to propel, drive forward, push, shove, 

impel, thrust, move 

propulsion, drive, driving forward, ji— >' 1 ji j : _^ J 

push(ing), shoving, impelling, impulsion, moving 

* ; * " 

to trim; 10 manicure (ojLtl) fjj 

- - ? , -• - 
to be or become dirty, filthy £->[ ■ ujj 

din, filth f^j'-bji 

tubercles, nodules, excres- ait 4 _ r *»t 4 olj j : uj J 
cences, outgrowths; tubers 

tuberculosis, consumption 

pulmonary tuberculosis, phthisis 

tubercle, nodule, excrescence, outgrowth, small *J j 1 

tumor; tuber 

tubercular, tuberculous, tuberculate(d); tuberous ^ji 

dirham oL. i*L» :^jJi^jJ 

dram, drachm, drachma J j) °-&-} '■ f*j? ' ^ jf> 

money;cash j^Li:^ljj 

^^ p-'J' 

the Druzes 
dervish, fakir 


glittering, glistening, sparkling, glimmer- yiu* :iijJ 
ing, shimmering, twinkling, brilliant 


i_»j* '<*ij3 

(hunter's) blind ollJI p-iilJ JkSCaJI aj 

3\iy fr^j~ t^HJ? 

dunlin; knot 


fraxinella, dittany, burning bush 

(oLi) jIjJjj 

dried clover; hay, straw 

criJ' 5 


(oL) <aJji 


*-iJ J 




Cj jj 

to foist into, slip into, put into, ^i»- 
shove into, thrust into, insert into, 
insinuate into; to bury in, hide in, 

to interpolate *i y&** y u* 

1 'D^ 1 :(j)u-'i 
introduce into, 
conceal in 

to pray for, invoke God for, bless, JJ-\ li l»-j : 1) li j 
invoke divine care for, wish someone well 

to curse, imprecate, invoke j-JI J i_JlL : «Jx li j 
God against, invoke or call down evil upon 

to call (for) a meeting; to convoke, p 1^1 <JJ li'j 
convene, summon, call to a meeting, call into 



the resolution has called for 

JJ jl^iJI li'a 

the resolution has called <JJ <_jl jj»"il jl^l li j 
upon the parties to 

call frlju : «Uj 

prayer, invocation (of God), (4X1I <Jj) S^tj : f lt j 
supplication; (good) wish 

imprecation, curse; ill wish j-DL ^Uj 

joking, jesting, fun(making); humorjc^J 4 -A'ja :ijl*j 
joke, jest, banter, gook-natured teasing, pleasantry, 
raillery, frolic, waggery 

prostitution, harlot- ic^U- 4 jjj%i i^-i :»jl*jiojl*j 
ry, whoredom; dissoluteness, dissipation, profli- 
gacy, libertinism, lechery, debauchery, lewdness, 
licentiousness, rakish ness, immorality 

pedal i-,ljj:iH*j 

support, prop, stay, rest, jllc 4 -u- : * l* j 4 <u Lc J 

shore, brace, hold, underpinning, buttress, bracket, 
beam, stake, pillar, post, pier 

basidium [oLi J oLiLjJI j y^ai. :*J(c z 


<Lw»lfj j>1>> :oLjLcj 

propaganda; publicity, advertising^^! tiijlij :<oLcj 

advertisement, ad 

3L>-ij — i-o^i t ^- jU :u 

joking, jocose, jocular, humorous, <~jy& 4 »■ I j, : i_«c j 
waggish, playful, frolicsome, frisky, sportive, 
gamesome, trifling, dallying; joker, wag, humorist, 

frog spawn, frog's eggs poi^JI yiw : J-c j 

meekness, mildness, gentleness, mansue- *s. I Vj : i* j 
tude, tameness, peaceableness 

black and large (eye) (J^t.) t \m j 

village, small town 

to be or become fat(ty), greasy, oily 

to add fat or grease to 

fat, grease 

fattiness, fatness, greasiness, oiliness 

fatty, fat, greasy, oily, rich, adipose _. jJI yj£ : »-, j 



Ol>-j-)u| c liJ 

decibel J;;."' 

intrigue, scheme, machination(s), plot, S j_5c : *'„ ■ , , f j 

fl )1UmJ 




shower, shower bath, douche i 

callus ij^LSQl j-LkiJ 

to inaugurate, dedicate, open 

to rebuff, snub, turn down, repel 

, jw^^-J 

LUI oU : j 



.* J 

^J fr'j-^J Lr? s^" 1 c>* : £-> 

to call, call out to 

jjCjl-j :(j) Ctj 

to call upon, appeal to, invite, request lib : LVj 

to invite, ask to i^c-i <il)l ii-j :(~)\ i£jj <Jj) £j 
come, request the presence of, send an invitation to 
to prompt, induce, i_Jl 4 ^t. '£*■ :(J jl <Jj) IVj 
move, actuate, drive, motivate, stimulate, inspire, 
cause, make 

to propagandize; to publi- j-li 4 o^ijj y/j : JJ tcj 
cize, propagate 

to call, name, designate, denominate, ^,11 : j lio 
dub, term 

to pray (to God), supplicate, V^a* 4 'j£\ : (ill) UV j 
invoke God, implore 




" '- •■-■■ ' «» > 

on the pretext that, under the pretense (Ov lS>*--ij 

that, on the plea of 

call; ,l*j£.l :( jU*I*5I» i'\ f_L^I jl jy J*tt)opi 

convocation; summons, summoning, sending for, 

calling for, calling in, calling 

invitation (j<J] ilJj J]) S>cj 

call, appeal, invitation, request; callingiaiu. : ijtj 

upon, appealing to, inviting, requesting 

request, demand; claim i_Jd» :S>cj 



^**> 4 fl_j£ J 

mission, missionary work or 
activity; call; propaganda 

prayer, invocation (of God), (<Iil <jj) eli-J :5>cj 
supplication; (good) wish 

imprecation, curse; ill wish jJJl? 5>c ^ 

(jyu^ ^jU>) 4JU^J 

host; inviter pi j * ■ 


adopted son or child 

bastard, whoreson, love child 4^-J J *£* : ^ * 

to tickle, titillate £j*j 

to attack, assault, assail, fall upon ~>-U : <J* j*.s 

kleptomania ii^UI ^^a :^*j 

dark(ness), dusk, twilight f& : ilc j i <_£* j 

jungle, thicket, bush, dj-l :(JUo_) JUjI r) J* J 
wood, brush, brushwood 

corruption; defectiveness, faulti- i_~x- <. jL» : Ji j 
ness; imperfection, defect, flaw, fault 

bushy, brushy, wooded, woody, sylvan "^ U : J* a 

secret; mysterious 

corrupted), defective, faulty, 


dark(ness), dusk, twilight 

to flap the wings, flutter, 
flicker, beat, flail 


; JU li : Ji J 

Jij £»-lj -*Lf J 
-Li- jli- :^SUJI Cj'j 


v ill :jj 


to be or become dissolute, »!»• 1 j-i i _pj '.jziijZi 
dissipated, profligate, wanton; to lead a dissolute life 

to tread on, step on; to set foot on; ijb j t ^1 j : (j-cs 
to trample down, trample underfoot, stamp 

pedal illjj:i_cj 

ladybug, ladybird, lady beetle ij^o >l—i-j- :<u^— a 

to rub; to massage; to scrub, Sji <. jl~ • i liljj : dies 

to support; to prop (up), shore up, stay, jL~ :^m^i 
rest, hold up, bear, sustain, pillar, buttress, under- 
pin; to stake, stake out (a plant, etc.) 
to consolidate, strengthen, jjc i i$y : ^io i p* j 
fortify, reinforce, brace, cement, bolster; to boost, 
promote, further, forward, advance, foster; to 
corroborate, confirm 

to support, back (up), stand by, stand up jyl : ^a 
for, advocate, champion, uphold 

to subsidize ( jJJ Uj^ jl y^i <*^SCil o.) ^j 

supportGng); propping (up), shoring up, ju^J : ^ j 
staying, resting, holding up, bearing, sustainment, 
sustenance, susten(ta)tion, pillaring, buttressing, 
underpinning; staking out (a plant, etc.) 

consolidation, strengthening, for- jjya t <L>iJ : ^x-j 
tification, reinforcement, bracing,' cementation, 
bolstering; boosting, promotion, furtherance, ad- 
vancement, forwarding, fostering; corroboration, 

supportGng), backing (up), standing by, j-j U : ^ j 
standing up for, advocacy, advocation, champi- 
onship, upholding 

subsidization, subsidizing ^jJ I ilkil :( ( ja<^-) pxo 
iJL iiu.1 ^^^L*-) «cj 


• Ico i <L»Uj *»-l 

larva; caterpillar; maggot <i U jj : o>>«* J 

lawsuit, suit, action, case, cause, litiga- *~fi '■ li^c J 
tion, legal proceedings) 

civil action (suit, proceedings, etc.) V-*-* (i** 3 
cross action; counterclaim oLa> jl iLli* lS>c j 

i_ . . — . : 





iilll Jb tiijjl 

helmsman, steersman, wheel-iiJI jIU liiJI jj.u 
man, pilot 

to contain, in- J* Jl^i. 1 c <ijJj»- 1 : «l~j j ,j1j «_*»- 
elude, comprise, comprehend, embrace, encom- 
pass, enclose, embody, cover 

notebook, copybook, book, writing book; <L \ £ :jj j 
pad; booklet; register, roster 

ledger [SjU] iULil ^lij 

account book CLlk. _^jj ioICs- jl oil* _p j 

^ • ^ — * "• — 
bankbook, passbook ,j j^n i_»l_»- _^i j 

booklet (book, etc.) of conditions or i»j j^, _^j j 
terms or stipulations; prescribed procedure 



•• ''■* ii "■■■ 


album vil^l jl *-jI>DI jl jjUI ^j j 

cadastre i»-Cil ^j 

daybook, journal K**yi\ ^s* 

bookkeeping ^lilll iiL_. 

book iijiij 

book value C^ji^Ji 


to push, push back 

to stink 

stench, stink, fetor '• 

stinking, fetid (.U- t ^~* :jn 

to push ojj- io:«j: 

to push back or away, drive back I jj i -u> i jj : «i j 
or away, shove away, repel, repulse, turn away, 
ward off, parry, fend off, stave off 

to get rid of, rid oneself of; to Jl j\ i ^ i_/AjJ :«jj 
throw off or away; to remove, eliminate 

to refute, confute, disprove, rebut, ^a*- j : «j j 

controvert, falsify 

to plead; to [uy\i ] Jojls-\ i (jvLail Jfc) 'ij : ijj 

rebut; to demur (at), except (to), take exception 
(to), object (to), challenge 


to be (become, feel) warm, to warm 

to warm (up), make warm; to keep 
warm; to heat, make hot 

warmth, warmmess; heat, hotness 

warm; hot 

warmth, warmness; heat, hotness 

(heating) stove, heater 

warmth, warmness; heat, hotness 

' 1 

* - - ''. - f- 


I ^- : *L»j 

defense, protection, guarding, shield-<jlL»- : djs) pl» j 
ing, sheltering, safeguarding, safekeeping, main- 
tenance, keeping, vindication 

support(ing), standing by, stand- 5 j^L. : (,_,*) s-li j 
ing up for; advocacy, championship, patronage, 

defense; pleading [u>il» J **i\ s> <. i»jl.u :p-li j 

the [u>>l» J oj^Ijmj <uit (jt-jit : c- U _Jl i^*- 1 s-li J I 

defense council, council of defense p-liJI ^j-^u 
Ministry of Defense, Defense Ministry plijjl ij\ jj 
Minister of Defense, Defense Minister *-liJI jjjj 
defensive, defense; protective; vindicatory L« t ^ J 

rudder, helm, steering gear, steer- (i - II) jlSC- :iij 
ing wheel 

side ij'ji. 1 1_^>- : is'} 

leaf, shutter (siiUI j\ <_.Ul) ii j 



in self-defense 

civil defense 

national defense 

line of defense, defense line 

burier, one that buries 

payment, settlement, discharge, clear- . 
ing, liquidation, paying up 

disbursement, spending, expenditure, 
outlay, paying out 

COD, cash on delivery J,„;ll 3 \ fbL—^l 

cash against documents ol a.,.„..U sjjuj. 

■*. . :• \ | "_ :=j| » ..-; 

push, shove, thrust ij^o : iji'i 

impetus, momentum, thrust, <«ilj »y t<j::4»i: 
drive, impulse, impulsion 

payment; installment Ja_i ( t-y ju JL : <«i j 

down payment, deposit Cjj-w. jl (jljl <«i j 

disbursement, expenditure, outlay 


-— z — ■ 

Hi I : ki j 

* -» * 5 


5j^-lj <«i j f-f'j 
gush, spurt, burst 
group, batch, lot, set 
class (-*j-'j fit j 


4jLl> ; 4«j j 
ij* :i*i j 

,fc»-lj <Uij 
.' ■• • -■ -'V 

a- .-•' 

'' i '-' : ' 

all at once, all at the same time, all at 
one time; in one stroke, at a blow 

to hurry, hasten, speed, mend one's pace i- j~.\ : u* j 
to pour out, pour forth Lw> : ji j 

J^-u £»-lj- Ji-J :jjij 

ejaculation 'JLI 

gush, spurt, burst 

all at once, all at the same time, all at 
one time; in one stroke, at one blow 

oleander, rosebay 

to bury, inter, inhume, (en)tomb, lay to rest ^li : ji j 
to hide, conceal, bury, keep secret ^S i ,_,!»- 1 : ^y j 

burial, burying, interment, inhumation 

hiding, concealment 
warm; hot 

to challenge the [o>il»] ^Lxo-'ill fol. o j 

competence or jurisdiction (oD 

to propel, move, impel, drive for- ^1 j t ^11 : li j 
ward, shove, thrust, push ahead, push along, push 
forward, rush 

to prompt, incite, Jc Jli- < Jc Ci-JJ i >i- : <JJ o j 
egg on, prod, goad, induce, move, actuate, impel, 
drive, motivate, stimulate, inspire, cause, make 
to force to, compel to, Jc ^-1 4 J J "JL*\ : J\ li \ 
oblige to, impel to, coerce to 

to hand over to, turn over to, hand J 1 ill : J J li j 
in to, turn in to, present to, submit to, give in to, 
deliver to 
to send to <JJ ^Ijl :<JJ jj j 

to pay, settle, discharge, clear, jjl :(tJJ Jill) li'j 

liquidate, pay up 

' '** ' -~- 

to disburse, spend, expend, lay jiil :(vJJ Jill) «i j 

out, outlay, pay out 

to pay the price; to jJJ 4^Lit Vj £j j < V^| ^j j 

pay (one's) dues; to pay for 

• ft * . - » 
cash and carry Jii I j «i j I 

push(ing), pushing back or away, ( j j t jue ( jj : «j j 
shove, shoving, driving back or away, repulsion, 
repulse, repelling, parry(ing), warding off, fending 
off, staving off 

getting rid of, ridding oneself ill j\ t ^ ^A^ : «j j 
of; throwing off or away; removal, elimination 

refutation, confutation, disproof, falsifi- iJ a^'i : *i j 

plea; [ 0>J I* J u o\j^£.\ iiiXc. (jtlil vlji- i j^ : £» J 

pleading; rebuttal; demurrer, demur, exception, 
objection, challenge 

alibi [o>il»]illlll «jj 

propulsion, impelling, impulsion, jjjj t JJ~> : o j 
thrust(ing), drive, driving forward, push(ing), 
shoving, shove, moving, rushing 

prompting, incitement, incitation, prod- yiS- : «j j 
ding, inducement, moving, actuation, impelling, 
driving, motivation, stimulation, inspiration, 
causing, making 

forcing, force, compulsion, coercion jU«- ! :«JJ 

handing over, turning over, handing in, Jiz : o j 
turning in, presenting, submitting, giving in 
sending JLjhJ'j 




grinder, crusher, pounder, ,>*-* jl d>-o ^ :Jli j 


fine dust 



: JU: 

powder ls>»— • ijuj 

flour, meal i>rf^» ' i^* •* • ^ •* 

crumbs, morsels, crumblings, scraps oLi : JjU j 
knocker, rapper, clapper ((-0) <iilij 

blow, stroke, hit, beat, bang, thump, icy ( iJ»lj- :*ii 
tap; knock, rap; toll, ring, peal, sound 

beat, throb, pulse, pulsation; i-a-i ( iiij- :ii j 

heartbeat, stroke 

fine dust 

ji mi 


Ji^_« :ij j 

thinness, fineness, delicacy, delicateness, ii j : 4J j 
slenderness, tenuity, tenuousness 

smallness, littleness, tininess, minuteness j^> :ii j 

subtlety, subtleness, obscurity, Joyu. i ~<ty^o : ii j 
obscureness, abstruseness 

accuracy, precision, exactness, Jal*« i ^ISli- 1 . is <i 
exactitude, definitude, correctness, perfection; 
nicety; finesse, refinement, delicacy 

strictness, fLbj^ll J *j>«w» i,^*^! J -k'j*j : *»f 
exactness, exactitude, attentiveness to detail, punc- 
tiliousness, scrupulousness, meticulousness, par- 
ticularity; fastidiousness, finickiness, finicalness, 
squeamishness, nicety, daintiness, delicacy, fussi- 
ness, pickiness, choosiness 

punctuality -4f'^' <J* u^jT '■**? 

delicateness, delicacy, SJuo 1 Sj>k»- i i»-l>»- :ii' j 
touchiness, sensitivity, sensitiveness; criticality, 
criticalness, ticklishness; seriousness, gravity; 
complicatedness, difficulty 

exactly, precisely, accurately; punctiliously, ii-o 
scrupulously, meticulously, minutely 

- •> •'. .. ;. 
duiker _£»«e ,—fa :jjjj 

.' . * . - 
to grovel, cringe, cleave to the dust; to be »ijl : »j j 

or become miserable, wretched, abject; to live in 

extreme poverty, bear destitution impatiently 

to scrutinize, examine carefully or ,Jij- i ij-aw : Ji j 

closely, investigate, inspect, scan, probe, inquire 

into, explore, study; to check (out), verify 

toaudit oLLJ-l £s 

greenhouse, glasshouse, 
hothouse, stove 

latent, hidden, concealed; 
buried; secret 

* 4 , > * 
■Jul. . ' , 1 . 1 (Jf l>*j C 


j- tf: Os!' J 

treasure trove, (hidden) treasure ^ j yS :«LJ,s 

to be or become thin, fine, delicate, slender, ijj : 3 J 

to be or become small, little, tiny, minute 

to be or become subtle, obscure, u ~,r i 
abstruse • 

to pound, grind, crush, bruise, ^^s*- < Jj*- : Jo 
bray, powder, beat, stamp, pulverize, comminute, 
pestle, triturate 

to hammer, percuss, strike, knock, .U..-j- <. Jj^t> :jj 
hit, beat, bang, tap 

to knock, rap, bang, beat (on o'^i i vy : <_jUI jj 
or at a door) 

to ring, sound, toll (a bell) vy :^r^il ij»J 

to sound the alarm ^Jai-I ^.^i- Jl j 

to drive (in), ram (in), hammer (in) »JJ ^(,111 Jo 

to type, typewrite (on a iJlSjl iftl J* 'j j 


to play, beat, percuss, strum (a^i.,.^11 iftl ^c Jo 
musical instrument) 

to ring, toll, peal, sound c^yo : ^-^l Jo 

to strike, toll; to oSL^J lili^JI o-lil :iSCJI c^i j 

to beat, throb, palpitate, pulsate, Jii- : i_ii!l Jo 

pounding, grinding, crushing, bruis- t y»L i jkl. : 3 j 
ing, braying, powdering, beating, stamping, pul- 
verization, comminution, pestling, trituration 

hammering, percussion, strik-t-y i U'l 4 j^l, ; jjj 
ing, hitting, beating, banging, tapping; knock(ing), 
rap(ping); ringing), toll(ing) 

hectic fever 

flour merchant, flour dealer ii?*- 1 " v^j : <J'Uj 

J i A 



leveling, flattening, planing, rol- .u+w i -Cj-J : <il j 
ling, grading 

filling, stuffing; loading, ^j i jta- i yL»- : dlj 

charging; ramming, cramming, tamping, wedging, 
packing; squeezing, squeeze; pressing (down) 

plain, level, flat(s), level land ~K,y~* ^jl : dlj 



shop, store 

bench, seat; terrace 

shopkeeper, storekeeper, shop- o^jJI i_-»-U> :^ioj 
owner, storeowner, retailer 

bench, seat; terrace i . W,a* c .>«/«.. : Xi" j 
ballast, crushed rock; rubble 

waistband Jlj^Ul J»Lj iiSo :Xa j 

dictator jy\z£s 

dictatorial 1$jy\j£} 

ir; J 'ir» :*$"•» 




dictatorship of the proletariat UjLJjjJI Ajj^LS'j 

Dictaphone, dictating machine 
doctor, Or. 

Doctor of Letters, Litt D, Lit D i_jI j"5ll j j>^j 
Doctor of Laws, LLD, SJD, JSD Jijiil j j>^ j 

Doctor of Medicine, MD i_A)l j j>^j 

••• * 
doctorate, degree or title of a doctor a \jy& >» 

honorary doctorate ijjjo olj^j 


dextrose, grape sugar 

to mix, mingle 

to darken; to grow or become jl^JI <JJ <i^l JL : jS" j 
dark, blackish, dusky 

darkness iuifj 

to show, indicate, point out, jlil i JJ jtl ij* Oj 
imply, suggest, be a sign of, be indicative or sug- 
gestive of, bespeak; to denote, designate, signify, 
mean, import 

to be or become li_i /\ (3-»ji)l j^ o^ '■( j) J* J 
strict, exact, punctilious, scrupulous, meticulous, 
particular; to be or become fastidious, finicky, 
squeamish, nice, dainty, fussy 

mast (of a ship) i_i'^il <ijL> : Jij 


fine, thin, delicate, slender, tenuous Jji j : Jjj 

ujJI ^^uy j^U-^ r^ij 

small, little, tiny, minute 
subtle, obscure, abstruse 



i '' ' >• ' 

accurate, exact, precise, ex- j>j.«a> ( p^" 
press, correct, refined; precision 

strict, exact, punc- J^J ij^iijJI j^ < J».u :j-i j 
tilious, scrupulous, meticulous, particular, (very) 
careful; fastidious, finicky, finical, squeamish, nice, 
dainty, delicate, fussy, picky, choosy 

punctual -4f-l>M 5»J <^* D°ij^ '■&*> 

delicate, touchy, sensitive; ,u«> i ^i"* ( r-^i. :j^i j 
critical, ticklish; serious, grave; difficult] compli- 
cated, complex 

flour, meal Crr*^" : J^*^ 

sago JiJI jjij 

small intestine Jh!*^" <^4' 

minute iiCll ,>■ — :iijj 

particle [ »l jj ] jJL*- : *i-» i 

detail(s), particulaKs), i^~*\ju 4 J-"*" :jili j 4 ii-Jf j> 
nicety, niceties, minutia(e) 

to tear down, pull down, faze, \jo^ t ^ j i *j* : ii) j 
wreck, demolish, destroy, ruin, crush, smash, dev- 
astate; to undermine 

to level (off), flatten, flat, even, j^l t i^y- : d j 

plane, roll, grade 

to fill (up), load, stuff; to ram, J^j t jl*. ( Li- : <i)j> 
cram, wedge, tamp, pack, charge; to squeeze; to 
serry, press (down), compress 

tearing down, pulling down, razing, jjjj ( ^ j* : dl j 
wreckage, wreck(ing), demolition, destruction, 
ruin(ing), ruination, crush(ing), smash(ing), devas- 
tation; undermining 

e- ■■■■<?■■ - ~.'?r wsammunatm 

to conceal the defect(s) of 

to cheat, defraud, swindle; to 

to forge, falsify, counterfeit 



to stick out one's tongue; to loll or aj->-I : *Jl — I *J j 
hang out the tongue 

to pamper, spoil, coddle, mollycoddle, Jh : »Jj 

indulge, baby, cocker; to caress, fondle, pet, dandle 

to toddle, walk with 

* J 

Ojudl .J ***.' 



short steps; to saunter, stroll, walk slowly; to 

to advance, proceed, march, go forward, ^ -uLJ : Lib 
move forward 

to drip, trickle, dribble, leak, fall t_iS"j t J*i : Lib 
or flow in drops, ooze, seep, percolate 

drirXping), trickle, trickling, dribble, drib- JLiJ : ui j 

bling, leak(ing), leakage, ooze, oozing, seep(ing), 

seepage, percolation 

' ' ■!' 
dolphin cr 5 " : k>!fJ J 

Delphinus, Dolphin [iiUi ] ^lll ilsT^iT 

to unsheathe, 4J^.I t^g-^l :(ejufc ,y> *-«,.,., J I) j)i 
draw (a sword) 

to spill, shed, pour out l_w» 4 «- i Jiljl : jJj 

marten; fisher (ul>^) jJj 

to massage; to rub, rub fj* 1 j!«. nilcj :dJjidUj 
down; to scrub, scour; to embrocate, anoint 

to set, go down, be vjj*" JJ ^^ : cr*-^' oSLb 
about to set or go down 

to pamper, spoil, coddle, mollycoddle, r^i 4 *b : JJ j 
indulge, baby, cocker; to caress, fondle, pet, dandle 

to prove, establish, verify, ^ji 1 c~j l:jtjl) 
substantiate, demonstrate, show, evidence 

to auction (off), auc- (JLiill jI>Ij) ililJI Jc jb 
tioneer, sell at (or by) auction, put up at auction 

<l.b «jp-Ij -iJj 

to drive crazy, drive out of one's mind, overpower, J,} 
overwhelm, bewitch; to bewilder, confuse, distract 

pitch-black, deep-black; dark, tene- ^Lk. <. s^-\ :^z 
brous, gloomy 


to prove, establish, verify, sub- ^y <. c~o I : J* J j 
stantiate, demonstrate, show, evidence, betoken; to 
attest to, testify, be evidence of, be proof of 

to show the c5-i» 1 jijt :(r«JJ jj^iJI) Jj jl <_^c <_b 
way (to), guide, lead, direct, conduct, pilot, usher 

to dangle, suspend, ,jIxj <L»- ijj-j' 'i^* • ^ J 'u' J 
hang (down), let hang, loll, droop, lower, sling 

watermelon j**-\ f^lu : P^ J 'P "^ J 

coquetry, coquettishness, flirtation, dalli- -ryj. :Siz 
ance, coquettish behavior, flirtatious act or attitude 

auctioneer lt^*" J 'jA^ fJ^> '-Sii 

broker, jobber, middleman, J»r-J ' jLL- : J"ij 
agent, go-between 

showing the way (to), guidance, guiding, jLjl riJ'ij 
leading, direction, directing, conducting, piloting, 

sign, indication, mark, denota- <L.^i iojLI :<U"llj 
tion, token, symbol, symptom 

meaning, sense, signification, (VH*-* • (_^>-* : ili J 
significance, import, purport, intent, content, 
denotation; connotation, concept(ion), notion 


auction, public sale, vendue 


brokerage, commission, fee 

iri'j j^ij-yTj :iJi> 

semantic(al); indicative [<U] fj^j iLJ^j 

plane, platan, sycamore, buttonball, but- (»i.) i-J J 


gladiolus, sword lily (°Li) li^Jjiojlta 

delta Uj 

daltonism, color blindness ul>M ^j** :ijyJj 

to bail (out), lade ( *lil) «J j 

to swing (the arms or head) in walking (<_ i* j) J jJ j 

porcupine, hystrix (ijlj^) JjjJ.s< JjJj 



r ■"■»' * 

blood analysis 

f 5jl JJbi 

blood count 

fjjl .sl-Uj 

bloodstone, heliotrope; hematite fUl J**- 


f 'ji ;&. 


fjjl «JJJ 

blood pressure 
blood group, blood 


blood test 

5 ii ' ■ ' 

blood relationship, blood, »jjt iiulj i fjJI iJl^i 
kinship, consanguinity, agnation 

blood serum -jjl jlai 

to bleed, cause to bleed » jjl ^ i-^- 1 : ^, s 

gentleness, mildness, kindness, friend- (j^U-Sll) ijG j 
liness, amiableness, aflableness, cou'rteousness, 

destruction, ruin(ation), devastation, ir>l^»- : jC j 
desolation, havoc, ravage, wreck(age) 

tearful, watery c-^o : f \* s 

brain, cerebrum; encephalon e U J 

midbrain J»lj ill c-CjJI 

encephalitis s-lloJI cjI^JI 

brainwashing, brainwash s-CoJI jLi 

computer </-»-^J t - 

ijjlfi j «>-lj - Cj^jcU j i L»jcLj 
cerebral, brain-, encephalic ^c G j 

manure, dung, fertilizer id : JUj 

paint; pigment; dye, dyestuff 
rouge; lipstick 

*-*« i »^U> :fUj 

((J^jjLjJ) » j^>- : j»U i 

ugliness, unsightliness, hideousness, 
grisliness, horridness 

manure, dung, fertilizer 


bucket, pail; bail J'^'Jr - - >Jj 

Aquarius [ t»Uj ] jtjl -^ 

liniment, embrocation, ointment, unguent.*^* : ilI^J j 

sunset, sundown; setting (of the sun) ( ,-' ,'l l) dl^l j 

sign, indication, mark, denotation, i.^i « Sjbl : JJj 
token, symbol, symptom 

evidence, proof, demon- Sjl^i. i i^j i u\»jt '■ JJj 
stration; testimony, witness, attestation 

clue, key £)J ^ J»J »ki- : JJ * 

guideline, guide, <o <5J^i> tf^i. i jLJw » fLI : JJ j 
index, reference, source; criterion, standard, 
yardstick, test; model, pattern, example 

guide, leader, conductor, pilot, usher j£^. : JJ j 

(tourist) guide, cicerone, \>r'j ■ (JV ll~ ) JJ J 

(traveler's) guidebook, »- CU I <. I j^J i_> Ui" : JJ j 

guidebook, guide, manual, 

index; catalogue); list 

telephone directory, tele- 
phone book 

exponent, index 

conclusive (decisive, (» jU < « _.U JJj 

cogent, convincing) evidence' or proof 

circumstantial evidence ^j ^i JJ j 

bureau of criminal identifica- CJLi-l iJj VI LiiiC. 
tion, criminal identification bureau 

evidential, probative, demon- JyU^j i "jf U I : ^JU j 
strative, substantiative, proof 

to be or become ugly, unsightly, hideous 

aj -£,^-> i_.Ui : JJj 

cry** : J^ J 
uuUl j! 0>ilJI JJj 

[oUiLj] J.1 : JJj 


dragon's blood tree 

, „ •*-• f •',,1 
(3>^>- j-»>-i JiL« :»j 

globe amaranth, red globe ever- (oLl) ^,UI 

blood plasma 

blood bank 


f s JI L'j% 

« f ill 


00 > 

to invalidate; to refute, confute, Ja>- j « JLj I : v. j 


to stamp, imprint, impress, print ~oj < -^ : £. j 

to hallmark *JL_JI jl olc^lail ^..a 

to brand ul>~J-l {-•■> 

invalidation; refutation, confuta- ^^jiJLLI :j*,s 

tion, disproof 

stamping, impression, imprinting, printing—^- : i^. j 

hallmarking «JlJI jl oli^ail v.j 

branding oUjlil j*j 

stamp; stamp mark; imprint, impres-il-aj i ii«J : iuu J 
sion, impress, print 

hallmark «JlJI jl oli-^ail iio 

fiscal, revenue stamp, tax stamp 

stamped paper 

damask; brocade; silk 
damask; silk, silky, silken 
to bond; to course 

iiuti lulls 


to manure, dung, fertilize 

furuncle, carbuncle, boil; fester, suppurat- £u j i Ji 

ing pustule, sore; ulcer, abscess 

'• > >. 
bracelet, bangle, armlet jl^~ : r-_ji« j t nL 

to paint, daub, color, tint, tinge; to coat, ^jli :«i 
smear, besmear 

to manure, dung, fertilize .w : j^ 

manure, dung, fertilizer jllL : jl 

dunghill iL'y. : (J.ij <j*i ^) iu 

ruins, vestiges, relics, remnants, remains jlil :<J,j 
tearful, watery e-Co :p>« 

blood-, bloody, sanguinary, san- ^ JL J.U-"- : iSy 
guine, sanguineous, hemic, hematic 

bloodthirsty, bloodguilty, ►to dlUl i ^Ul :<i>^j 


1 ' - ' ■ •■ "■ ' ' .-■ • ' ■ ' . ' 

■■m ! '* '-'^a 

to be or become gentle, mild, kind (<ul>»-l c) C^> i 

to soften, mellow jjll :i«i j 

gentle, mild, kind, nice, friendly, (j}U- i\) dm^ui 
good-natured, amiable, affable, courteous, polite, 

to merge, amalgamate, unite, join, fuse, ~col :rw»j 
incorporate, integrate, affiliate, combine, blend 

to incorporate, embody, include, ryjl i J»ol : ~ j 
insert, enter 

merger, merging, amalgamation, uniting, fUol :«^j 
union, consolidation, joining, junction, juncture, 
fusion, incorporation, integration, affiliation, com- 
bination, combining, blending 

incorporation, embodiment, in- r \ ol i JU jl : ~i j 
, . . t. -' » » C 

elusion, insertion, entering 

manner, mode; way, method, process iij^i :iiu'j 

: r- 

to mutter, mumble, murmur; to j j* i 
grumble, growl, snarl, rumble 

dumdum u aU>^l ^ p^i :^jt«j^jt«j 

mutter, mumble, murmur; grumble, growl, <* ju j 
snarl, rumble 

to perish; to be destroyed, ruined 

: J^ 

to destroy, ruin, wreck, devas- IJji- <. J»- i *j* :^ J 
tate, havoc, lay waste, lay in ruins, wreak havoc 
on, demolish, ravage, wipe out, crush, smash, 
break down; to sabotage; to subvert; to vandalize 

-'- B- * - - n - ,-, 
to cover; to conceal, ^ j i U»- t ^ : ,««» j 4 ,_« j 

hide; to bury 

to water, tear, fill with tears, shed( t jl*ll ex.) %a j iu'j 
tears (said of the eye) 

crocodile tears 

tear, teardrop 


lachrymal, lacrimal 


■-• ' '■"•"' •."" 

to soil, sully, dirty, besmirch, stain, cj^I < ^ao : yj j 
tarnish, defile, befoul, pollute, contaminate 

to profane, desecrate, <CL_.ji jl <i.jj- lil^J : yi j 
defile, violate 

impurity, uncleanness, uncleanli- ij\j* t illk; : cr > j 
ness, dirtiness; dirt, filth, squalor 

Immaculate Conception, Virgin Birth (j-ij ^L J~2-l 

impure, unclean, dirty, foul, filthy, soiled, ^ao :yj j 
sullied, stained, tarnished, besmirched, befouled, 
defiled, polluted, contaminated 

to be or become seriously ill 

serious or long illness, 
chronic disease 

cachexia, marasmus 
seriously ill, chronic 
to winterkill, die of cold 
dipper, water ouzel, water crake 
a measure of land, lOOOsq. m 

to buzz, hum, drone 

>> .' *>> 

nearness, closeness, proximity, ^jj* <. ^>ji : y J 

propinquity; approach, oncoming; imminence; 
coming, advent, arrival, incoming 

low, base, mean, lowly, vile, jjii- 1 ^~ : »(J J 
villainous, ignoble, abject, inferior; despicable, ' 

world; earth; land; realm Jlc : Li j 

•& ' ., •> 
life in this world, the present life, U Jl sLil i Lo 

worldly existence 

>'■-■■ -~ 



1 -b-& {j° j* 


[<-*i J Ljijj 



J^l ,j»» CjU 







vice, blemish, fault, defect, failing, de- 
merit, shortcoming, drawback 

►(Jj ««-lj - *(J-> vi-j^» '*~J-> 
buzz(ing), hum(ming), droning, drone t ^ r J> : jj j 

bloody, sanguinary, sanguine, sanguineous, 
murderous; butcher, cutthroat, manslayer, killer, 
murderer, assassin 

to bleed 


* " i s n **r'' ' ' 

doll; dummy; toy, plaything 4_J : c< J 

puppet, ajjU J^JLmJj jj-l «u i^Tinj (_,-■■- -■ i Jl jl :a_j 
cat's-paw, tool, instrument, vehicle, hireling, 
servant, agent 

marionette, puppet iSy*^**.* 

lachrymose, tearful, weepy, readily I flSC> i «l5y : «_. j 
inclined to shed tears frequently, given to tears or 

ugly, unsightly, hideous, grisly, horrid »wi : m J 
to buzz, hum, drone ^ : o j 

vat, cask, tun, large jug or vesseli-jU- i ji-^ jy lj :<JJ 

DNA iilj^JL -C»«i (ji«»- : 1. 6- j 

to be or become low, base, mean, Lr i- t JL>- : y j i U j 
lowly, vile, despicable, contemptible 

to approach, «_»jl 'Sj^jI io^ :(<J jl cJI jl <u») Uj 
approximate, come near or close (to), draw near or 
close (to), be near or close (to), get near or close 
(to); to draw near, come, approach, near, impend, 
be imminent 

J>l\ ^>-lj-(JJ) u) :,y'j 

lowness, baseness, meanness, SjLi- t <L^- : SiU j 

lowliness, vileness, villainy, ignobility, abjectness, 
inferiority; despicability, contemptibleness 

dynamo, generator >*U>^ : f ^ J 

lace, lacework iLw j i J-ii j i iiil j t *& j 

to buzz, hum, drone y» : 6 jj j 

to hum, croon; to chant, intone ^iJj: u-»-> j 

buzz(ing), hum(ming), droning, drone Crr^ '-^-^i 

hum(ming), croon(ing); chanting, *x£ <■ fjj> : <i-u j 


'■fei*'.i.»i|,-;b-s ^ w "''il t !tft- al '^^ 


to fill (up), fill to the brim, brim, overfills- yli %: Jai 
to spill, shed, pour out 4-*~ ' <3' j I : J» •> 

stocks Vi^" *" : <3*' 3 

leader, chief, boss or?, J ' (** j : uU* j i uU» j 

to crush, grind; to mash J*i> : dl* j 

dahlia (oL) QU»I :*ll»J 

vestibule, lobby, corridor, passage- i* jj t Jljj : jjIaj 

fe^^^aij^B^^yg' 1 ^ ^a^gi^g'a^: ?>r 

way, hallway 

gallery, drift, adit; tunnel 


Jaull : jjl*jjl ^ I 

to blacken j>- :j*»j 

rabble, mob, riffraff, ragtag; the t U>c i ^lij : >|<aj 

masses, the populace, the common people 

demagogic(al), mobbish, rabble-rousing^lc>c : ^i ),» j 

„, . * * . ^ «• • ~ ,, •-- 

lijl<*J ff 'j _ c^lt* J O"^ '(/l<* J 

demagogue), rabble-rouser &&* 

demagogy, demagoguery, demagogism *ijl<*'' 

blackness jI>.:<**j 

to paint, daub; to varnish o'^> j^> '■ J* J 

to anoint, £JJ ,\» j jl oj^ £— • i r j* i tiJJj : j* * 
embrocate, rub; to oil, smear, grease 


painting, daubing; varnishing 

anointment, anointing, inunc- ^-* i liUoi : ^ j 
tion, unction, embrocation, rubbing; oiling, smear- 
ing, greasing 

fat, grease; lipid, lipoid; suet, tallow; c-j i .»•£. : jij 

sebum <lj*jJI jJJ-1 jo* Ujjjj Vj»j »jU i^J 

„^ • ^ «~ • -» 
piece of fat i*»i. : <i* J 

j. • * 

fatty, fat, greasy, lipoid, adipose, aliphatic, ^jh 

stearic; oily, oleic; sebaceous 

lard jilr^ <j* j 

t > • > 
lanolin, wool fat cij-JI ^» j 

sebaceous glands *~* J JJ * 

worldly, earthly, mundane, terrene, secular, ii>^ J 
temporal, material 

to befall, afflict, strike, hit, j J»- i v** 1 : ^ J ' ^ J 
come over, come upon 

slyness, cunning, wiliness, cil^JI • *yr i j£» '■ *Uj 
craftiness), artfulness, subtlety, foxiness; shrewd- 
ness, astuteness, canniness, smartness, cleverness; 

brimful, full, replete, overfull <j^ ■ JU j 

y»JI (iiJI :uu»J 


painter, house painter 

paint; varnish 

ointment, embrocation, liniment, 

unguent, unction; salve; cream 

painting, daubing; varnishing <jm j i ^Lt : u* j 

painting, daubing; varnishing ^U» i ^ j : <J U J 

age, epoch, era, time, period; Jjji u^j ' _h»* : v* j 

aeon, long period of time, long time 

era I \?r£x?r \ j*> 

vicissitudes ofyi -ul (^-* i oULi> 4 oj^; i^ujUm 
time (or fate), changes of time (or fortune), ups and 

downs, good periods and bad periods 

•-» ^ • ' 
atheist, infidel, unbeliever, freethinker jmL : t£jM j 

, ' , .» 
age-old, ancient, |C^» : S?v* J 

to run over ^.Ijiy-*^ 

to be or become astonished, c^> <■ !-• ■< •*"< '■ ,Jj> i ' yi* J 
amazed, astounded, surprised, flabbergasted, 
stunned, startled, bewildered; to wonder (at), 
marvel (at) 

<1»j f'f'j — iJjh 

astonishment, amazement, wondeKment), il»J 

surprise; bewilderment 




Rotifera, rotifersijjiaJI cAj\yJ~\ ^ *ji\±> :oljljj 
whorl, verticil j>»»* J>»- iiia»i* i^Lli* jSLocI :5jIjj 

pedal; treadle 

accelerator ii^Ul jl ^.^Jl <Jjj 

Ob ^ -iij^l Ji^ :(y|li!jl) JI3'j 

and so on, and so forth, etc. ^'jJ lj£*j 

continuance, continuity, continua- j>JU- 1 ,li : »lj j 
tion, duration, endurance, persistence, subsistence; 
survival, existence; immortality, perpetuity, eterni- 
ty, eternal life 

working ^ I /J\ eij t (IjjJI olijl 1 JjjJI olcL 
hours, office hours, business hours 

top, spinning top, (JU,5U i-*J) <jjj ii- < JJj : <« Ijj 
peg top 

whirlgig SjljjiiT^- oli JLUiil ilJj :t.ljj 

merry-go-round, roundabout, whirigig(jlil)£.ljj 

whirlpool, eddy, vortex jj^jj :£.Ijj 

Ferris wheel 

ijIjjj jrb -(u'jjj Uj^L.) i>_jIjj 
bureaucracy ilt I ji iJi , : ilj j 1} j 

double entry r/ J > -4* : Qi J 

couplet, distich [ Jojjs. ] c— 1 j J 

dot, dowry, dower 
large tree, lofty tree '-Uf. s_p^, :4*-jj 

to daze, stun; to dizzy, giddy, make ^-l^JI jljl :£jj 
dizzy or giddy 

to humble, humiliate, degrade Jil : f-^ j 

to subjugate, subdue, conquer, vanquish ^ii : i-j j 
vertigo, dizziness, giddiness jl j j : i»j j 

* 3 - - s , 

to be or become wormy, jb 1 j_j Jl <ui jU» : jjj 
worm-eaten, worm-infested 

worm; larva, maggot, caterpillar (o\ -ujj jjj r-) Sjjj 
earthworm, night crawler ^j jll Sjjj 

I-' ' *\ i ' * M •* -'I s ' 

,%-.: -A"MS t :i> 1 


fats; oils l -'^-* J 

to hurl down, throw down, tumble down «*jl : jj*J 

- • - * - 
ointment, embrocation, liniment, ^jj. : 6j» J 

unguent, unction 

to be or become sly, cunning, crafty, 




*-*l j »*-lj ■ 
7 * 

to sound, boom, ring <5.u>l 1 jj j <J «*«. : c$jj t(ijj 
out, peal; to echo, resound, reverberate, reecho, 

disease, malady, ailment; sickness, illness j^J* : iS/i 

sick, ill, ailing j**^ ; ^ j 

medicine, medicament, medication, drug, jUi : Jjj 
remedy, cure 

cure-all, panacea , ,il ,l\ll 

cro'-f ' 


medicinal, medicative, therapeutic, curative, l v'j J 

inkwell; inkstand 



revolving, rotary, rotatory, rota- o\//d\ 'j& :j(}i 
tive, rotating, turning, twirling, spinning, gyrating, 
gyratory, rolling, reeling, whirling, swirling, cir- 
cling, circulating 

itinerant, ambulant, ambulatory, peripa-JI^»- : jlj j 
tetic, wandering, roving, roaming 

(traffic) circle, rotary 

sunflower, turnsole 

vertigo, dizziness, giddiness 

seasickness, mal de mer 


dizzy, giddy, vertiginous 



compasses), dividers 

whirlpool, eddy, vortex 

(weather) vane, weathercock 







e Mj 

tjljjj i_jL<k 


jljJU (_jLa^ 


jljjj i_jLaj 

jlsC, lJ l5'^. 


^. ^ 

-'I s ' 

jJJjJ ' 

oljj :< 







vicious circle *£■_,** *ii»- : jj J 

piece (of music), (musical) *J->i *«Ja» : jj a 


round (^IJ • bv* O?) *J>*" : JJ J 

ground floor i/f->^ J-***" 

downstairs J*- *' jj-dl 

basement i^^J' j' </~" Ji ^ 

session, term jli*J^II jjj 

leading role, starring role Si *\ j)^ ' «J>J*JI jja 


period, menses, time of menstruation ei-JJ I jj j 
final(s), final round [■^•^ **°\u] <J I }*> Ji i 

it is your turn itijj* 6^1 "^jJ J ^ "^J Ji^ 

to play or perform a Ijj j <ij! < jjJj |»l» i \ji J s-aJ 

role or part 

alternately, in rotation; by turns, VJ^^ : J) -^ 

successively, in succession, one after the other, 

one by one 

as, in the role of (^IJ jillS - ) jjJj i jj j j 

turn(ing), rotation, revolution, j\ i jx^u. : uljj J 

twirl(ing), spin(ning), gyration, whirl(ing), circum- 
volution, circling, circulation, circuiting 

circumlocution, periphrasis^ j\y : t5 J«il J>»- u'jj^ 

turn, revolution, rotation, iiJ i jl j ^ 5^1 y\ '■ 'hi* 
gyration; circulation; circuit 

cycle, circle, round jj * '■ »jj a 

period 5^» i5a» :5jjj 

round(s); patrol; circuit; tour, (round) trip tiyr : » jj j 

round (^IJ »ljil« i>?) ^J*" : s J-> 3 

* * * *.' • ^ • - 
tournament; series ^jM' i>? *-Mr : 5 JJ J 

business cycle <> J Ua-J i » j j j 

session, round oliUwl 5jjj 

turnover JUl ^Ij Sjjj lieUiJI Sjjj 

course, session *^»'j J J' ^rriJ-^ ->' * ? ?■ : ■' " 'J-* 3 
life cycle »^J-I »jj j 

skipper, cheese maggot 

vinegar eel 


tapeworm, cestode, taenia 


hairworm, gordian worm 


ascarid, thread- i^r i' 
worm, nematode; filaria 


helminth, intestinal worm 

s '- ' 
»jjl SjjJ 

<>, < 

-s •; *- ' 

-- ' •-H-' ' 

-s - *- ' 

armed tapeworm, pork tapeworm i j-»- _) 5 jj j 

,Ui\ll oIj-jJ ajU, 

anthelmintic, vermifuge 



vermiform, vermiculate, vermicular, wormy l$jjj 

.» ' *- 

to round, make round, make circular Ijjju <A«»- : jja 

jN »^>-lj-Jlcl tjil. :jjj 

to wind, wind up icGI jj j 

to round off (jQl jl ajJI jj j 

role, part (I 'j'/i c5jI i jj-u ^li i Ijjj s-J : UjiS) jjj 

(one's)(dljjj 6^11 < dljj a ?U- . IflJ jjjJI : U^iS") jj'a 


time »^ : jj j 

period, time cij i»^» i«a» : jjj 

epoch, era, period, age j**»c i j+c : j.j j 

stage, phase, period, point, i»-jj lili-^ i j>i» : jjj 


fit, attack, paroxysm; spell Joja <>y : jj j 

--'I'-" -— ' 

shift, turn, spell, tour; rotation, <j jUj « <>>> : jj J 

cycle, circle, round 
floor, story 


to internationalize 
wheel; tire 
spare tire, spare 
Terris wheel 
waterwheel, noria 

wheel and axle 


iikt : Lj'iji 

(^JJ jjLU) tj[**\ <-r'^JJ 

.111 L.V*'^l> vV»* 



.''*' - 1 

Rotifera, rotifers ij^^jJ.! oU^lil ^ iiSU» ioLj'JIjj 

dollar ~IJ ijxi'j *^J!*\ *£*■ : J^i-» 

state, body politic; country, nation XJjp 

His Excellency «jj!j| Lo-L> ( (o^i) <fjj 

federal state 

police state 

welfare state i* li ^1 1 i) j j 

thebig (great, world) (^jiijl ji (i'^l 'j'/j I 

powers, the superpowers 
suzerain, suzerain state > 

city-state, polis <L 

mandatory, mandatory power 

' -T 1 - 

• -' « ■!-; *- -J ^', - 

Ijj i Sri-'-' *1} J 

dolomite (o^.) c-^jl/j 

state a7-JI JJ V^^ji 

international ^J^ :rjjJ 

internationalism; internationality cJ jj 

international^) (jJI Ce.^. i vfl^Ll) iljjj 

to turn, revolve, rotate, spin, gyrate, whirl, jl j : »j'j 
swirl, eddy 

to turn, revolve, rotate, spin, whirl, jj j i'j\ jl : IjS 
twirl, swirl, eddy 

doum (^) r jj 

- M . , 

dominoes (s»J) i : r j .> 




»«fclW*.*««M» t*i 

blood circulation, circulation «oJI ojj j i *j^.j 5jj j 
(of the blood) 

pulmonary circulation cS^i** i>>» j Sjj j i i;^5j Sjj j 

crop rotation 


session, term (of ilCi ijjj , J^LJI ( _ r l»Jl ijj j 
parliament, etc.) ' " 

lavatory, toilet, bathroom, water closet, «Gl ijj'j 

flask; beaker 

periodical); regular 
series; tournament 
periodic table 
periodic law 
round, patrol 

■ i)j_)JI SjJ-JI 
[i-jjb i^>ljj (ijJJ 

L '^^JtijJJ Jj-T 
(yU.) (5jjJ jjJuat. nijjj 

•" >''*.'" -s " . - 

patrol, reconnaissance^-^-i (j— *•: (<JLSl£.l )Cjj j 
squad; watch, guard 

periodical, journal ^>jjj ("^ jl) <1jv :<;jjj 
periodicity Cjj'j i{ jA\ ^ -Xj'/i 

to tune, string, adjust, voice v^l i)T 1j '> :ujjj 

tuning, stringing, adjustment, voicing iijj'j 

treading on, stepping on; setting foot on; *i>j : ^jj 
trampling down 

shower, shower bath, douche <l»i^j s ri«a-L. : ylj j 
dot, dowry, dower i^l : <tjj 

dogmatic ^.j^. :^jVjj 

dogmatism *r*>- : Sr i 'l«*J J 

duke (jjj 

duchess ojj 

ducal ^ijj 

dukedom, duchy <jjj 


- • * •; . i • 
-- ... -'*'.* — i • 

dialectics) ZjLs&lllo 

one of the attributes of 3^J >■ *^ *W"' i>; : <jC jJ I 


religion, faith, belief u«ii i .u : j».« 4 ^.j : <t\>_ j 

silk garment; silk brocade 

preamble, proem, preface, exor- 
dium, introduction 

face, visage 4*-j : i»- L> j 

style; elegance of cj^jI ^Ll ccj^JL-1 :i»-L.j 

blood money, wergild Jt^' tr*-* <■)•*? : *i^ 

•-* ^ — > .~ 
dark(ness), gloorrKiness) <Ji> i f}Ui :jj*jj 

guard, watch, sentry, sentinel (^jU- :6bjbJ4i-'JjJ 

habit, habitude, wont, custom, prac- i_<l j 1 Sjlc :6jjJ 

monastery, abbey, oL»l_^l jl 0^»^JI 0™** : ji J 
convent, cloister, friary, priory 

* - 1 -- •{ 1 - **\''' * .1 •- 




monastic, monasterial, S 

jj i u j 1 jijj Jj.l-«-'-' : iSjj J 



diesel engine, diesel 


(ij*-j ^jU^ji^ 


ji»- j : LjUaJjj j 


[«L*^J JljJLjJ 

jungle, thicket, wood, forest 

ijlc :<CJj 

slipped disk, slipped disc 

(i^iiJi j>Uji j) dL j 


amaranth, blite 

(oU) ^j'j 


Jj^l o>V ijjL-J 


JmmJ J 


(u*^) <3>J^- : vj&ui 

cock, rooster 


to record, take record of, put on xi 1 Jj»- : <JJJ 

record, write (down), set down (in writing), put 
down (in writing), commit to paper or writing, 
take down, note (down), make a note of, take 
notes of, register, mark down, enter, list, inscribe 

to stipulate (a condition) U» 

* , . - , f 


, s -' * * % 

to codify (laws) 

low, base, mean, lowly, ignoble, 
menial, inferior 

below, beneath, under; sub-, infra-, Ji ji 
hypo-; lower, inferior, subordinate 

- .- . > > . , > 

without; exclud- "% 1 j~i- ,j* : uj-V ' uj-> i>? < ujj 

ing, with the exclusion of; lacking, wanting, mis- 
sing, deprived of 

before, in front of ^U 

here you are! here! please! take! 

infrared j^s-i\ Ojj 

infrared rays >! jlil OjJ *■«■ *' 


a measure of land, 1 000 sq. m. 


inferiority complex ^jjJJ' ••J*** ' ^J^' <--S ./* 

to be or become sick; to be or fall ill u°s" '■ t£3* 

sound, boom, peal, thunder, roar, cSju> 1 jjo» : (3j j 
ring, wham, bang; echo, reverberation, reecho 

small reptile, Sj-~»- ijj^a o'y^- ' °jy>^ *j'j : **jJJ 
small crawling animal; animalcule; insect 

[1 j "> 

cyclamen ( Cj ^ > ) J-fl dujj 

, - *-. - .-.-> 
small or petty state (country, nation) ij^> iJj j : aL j j 

diabase [jjt; jiwj :juLj 

diatom cSj^v j' cS^*J uliJi i^'Lj 

monastic, friar, monk S-*'j ' j> jJ' o^L- : jC j 

diaspore (o -**-) j>*- C J 

diastase j£*. (J J iLUI J>» oj>*»" • jv-"y j 

dialectics) dL^JCj 






dynamo, generator 


dynamism, drive, energy 








dynamism, drive, energy 

dynamo, generator 


doom, Last Judgment 

religious, spiritual 


a» *: 


j) ifj&.i 

. * > . 


' I- i ' ' 

j^-^i\ (_>LJ.I :ii^jj 
"" i -•'• s m '"•- 

i' *. J' '•-.•!- 

divan, collection of poems, 

poetical works 

book, register, record ^j nulls' :o\'y, j 

divan, council, department, i_-lC < ^^-Lkl : u \'y> i 

office, bureau 

divan, sofa, couch i£>jl :ol>o 





deuteron ray a 

deuterium, heavy hydrogen JJu <j~>r jjxj» : »jj^_j 

CUCkold <LL-UI iljil r)j :£>o 

pimp, procurer, pander 

-"- M ..^. ,--?-• - 

' - "11 - s ' -,'• . '1 '- 

ji ojj oijj :uj a «j j 

cock, hammer 



cock of the rock 

yjjj dlo i cr llJ.I til j 


■ »iiiii 

crows on his own dunghill 

decaliter J^lS^i 

lecameler j^.l£o 

* • > • 

decoration, decor j&>* 

'.-* ---•- , J- ' *-' J- - --*- 

dungeon; vaultjuij'ill ok; jjQi. ofc : L r'l < jJ'Lr'W' 3 
crypt; catacomb(s) 

.» ■ - ^ . - ^ ' 

<u\jn «j>-lj -<u»-^cUj iL^jcUj 
democratic ilil^ifJU ii^i ji i^I^j 

democratic; democrat ilil^jJLI j*>L* •/ ( J>\ J ii} 
democracy iltl Jiij 

popular (or people's) democracy *'■'-% ill, I jA j 
demographic Cil^^jJL jU':.'. -.jAjegz 

demograph y j iSCfj I ^U : Ui I ^.£ j 

religious, pious, godly, devout p jj i J£ : ^ 

debt; liability "JL * f \y3\ < J^-]i ^.y : jj'j 

preferred debt, privileged debt j\^L> Jj * 

on credit 
sale on credit 
religion, faith, belief 


l_ JbJL* t - U ..JC* 

i iiljj :(j<j 

(X-^ p-'j - £JJ : i>-? 

\^P'^ttW ^bT ^S^^ y^^ n!t ^slr ^^r >^^ >^^ ^^r ^^^^ ^H^ 

^^r ^^^ ^^r ^^r tWt ^2^^ >^^ ^^r^ ^^ Mr^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^r 

well-known, widely known, eminent, distin- 
guished, illustrious 

j y . --* 
toxin; deadly poison <_»lj> p- i<_jlji 

sudden death, immediate death i_>l j J> o>* 

Jjjj )l>-Ij -JjjiJI -L.U- ijiji :«julj 

to dissolve, melt (away), liquefy, deliquesce, thawi_jl J 

to pine away, wa 

ste away 

■* ■ ■»■ (_|l J 


(li-^- i>j-) yli 


(il>l>^-) s-j i 


sea bass, bass 

(tiL_) ^JtJI l_J J 

wolf in sheep's clothing 



(ii-^r l>j-) ^j> 

slaughterer, butcher 

jl j*>- t ^-U j : «j i j 

withered, wilted, 
eled, faded, dry 

wizened, shriv- *.«,..«,.<> t jl j :JjI j 
dried up; dull, languid; 'weak, 

self, person; subject; being; essence, j*yr ' u^> :ol j 

ego [yil^holJ 

thesame.the 4^_* < 4__ii :.ull> i .ulj t (l J5 ) ol j 
very same, the very, the selfsame, the identical 

rattlesnake, rattler (£j-) L r'./=! - '^ °'^ 

Cr^ f^ J ~ Cn~ o 1 j 

this, this one; that, that one «£J i .dU j .ii)lj.lj» Ji 

because, for, on the grounds that; owing to, j\ iil) j 
due to, in view of, on account of, by reason of 
so, thus, like this, in that manner, (in) that tSJJifT 
way; as such; too, also, as well, equally, likewise; 
besides, in addition, furtherimore), moreover 

thereby, by that means, by that liUl . II. 

therefore, consequently, according- II4J <. lUJII . II! 
ly, hence, thus, that is why, for that reason, 
because of that, on account of that, as a result of 
that, in consequence of that 


in spite of this, nevertheless, none- 
theless, still, though, and yet 

so, thus, in this manner, like this, (in) llCi <. US' 
this way, (in) that way; as such; sic 

such and such, so-and-so liS'j 1 15' 

what? ?lil. 

why? what for? for what reason? for what ? I ill! 
purpose? wherefore? 

dissolved, melted, molten, liquefied, deli- i_JI j 

quesced; soluble, dissoluble, liquescent; solute 

forelock o~\J^ (-^ j*~- ' *r*" '■'i'l* 

lock, tuft, wisp, tress (j*^-) iLa»- :<?lj i 

coma [liUj J i_Jlil ijlj j 

defender, protector (\p- <. *i\j^ :( i je-) jj\* 

widespread, current, rife, preva- Jjl-u- 1 ^.V.',... : «jl j 
lent, prevailing, circulating, in circulation, popular, 
common, general, public; widely known, 

famous, renowned, celebrated, noted, c~^JI *jI i 




Of 1 * 

paramnesia J^IJI J^Lil 

- * j • _ & t • .. 

amnesia, loss of memory S^ I III ^l-ui i »j^l JUI jli 


to confer with, talk with, hold talks Jjlj < 
with, discuss with; to negotiate with 

tooth wort 



(oLj) tJ ijVl Ov5 J 

going (to), heading (for); departing, leaving(J ( l) < «l j 

. * -• 

distracted, absentminded, abstract- ^*jUI jjli:J*lj 

ed, distrait 

negligent, unmindful, forgetful, Ji U : J» I j 


astonished, amazed, surprised, ^iU- 1^1^*11 : J*l j 
flabbergasted; confused, puzzled, bewildered, 

withered, wilted, wizened, shriv- JJ j :(iSj\'j\) )\ j 

eled, faded, dry, dried up, decayed 

to drive away, expel, force out IL'l i j^J» : Co 

W" '0^ £»' J : 6 X - VJ 

to defend, protect 
defense, protection 

defender, protector 
fly, housefly 

<LLs- if-Uj :((jx.) i_o 

(ijjj~) <LL j iolo 

tsetse ^^J I ^^ ij L j i (—J ,«_ J ^ I j 

horsefly, gadfly, tabanid jlil tlTj 

sand ny j^| ^ 

u na«ll <i\i j 


fruit fly 

nesh ny 


slaughterer, butcher 

angina, croup jU>- i <, jj] 

wick iLsi :i)rj'i 

to slaughter, butcher; to 3^* ' j>- ' ^ : £? J ' p J 


: C 


j -'rlj J irL j t^L j 

omasum, psalterium 



L.-..J- 1 Ol j 


ii^Ji oii 


(iLai.) Cr~.\*J\ olj 

to the left, left 


to the right, right 

jj-fcJI olj 



once, one time 

o^« Olj J ny Olj 

one day, once 

f jj 1 j J i *jj 1 j 

personally, in person; none other than; ol JL 
the very, the very same, the same, the selfsame^ 
the identical 

■*»■ £»-lj-4jl-b l *Jl j j i<0'lj As«j i *il j ji- j 

|Jl» p-lj -Ajl-b JU 

jl&J 'fl^l p-lj ■ 

-ollll jlSCJl .olill ^1^1 

sUJG 1L»-Ij-Ajlj jUij ,>• 


-uiUljJL JJU^Ui 


tji-Jj c-a-u :<-JU'l j 

personal, subjective, auto-, self- '.^y. : ^v 1 

subjective '^^'^ii^lj 

spontaneous, automatic, unprompted ^ i lit : ^J I j 

autogenous, autogenic jJ^JI *Jlj 

automatic, self-acting; automotive, iSf^il *J I j 
self-driven, self-propelling, self-propelled, auto- 

i^u j ^ij-jji ^ii 'J^ : c^ij *uji 

identity; personality; subjectivity 

subjectivism jjilii t-ix. :i 

to drive away, chase away j^J, , jj 

to defend, protect ^li 4l >c ^ilj r^ Sli 

to spread, circulate, get about, be in circu- ^ili I : p I j 
lation, be current; to be or become widespread, 
widely known 
to taste, sample jj I j , iljj, 

to test, try; to taste, experi-^U < L^i- 4 ^1 
ence, have experienced, have tried, know by 
experience; to suffer, undergo, go through, pass 


4o J 


C J 

small ants, Argentine ants jli*» Jl; : j j 

to create <_£!»- : I j j 

to multiply, increase ^o : lj j 

to winnow, fan (grain) (iJa-J-l) iSj j 

to scatter, disperse; to blow (ol ^1)1 *y^JI o) tSji 


to ablate, wear [L»-jJ^»-] (C^lll ~ ^Jl o) cSji 


to atomize olji <JJ Jlsi :i3j i 

protection; refuge, shelter t^- : iSj i 

under the protection of, under the wing of lij i j 

pragmatic; instrumental; pragmatist; instru- fjj Ij'j 

pragmatism; instrumentalism 
sharpness, keenness 


glibness, volubleness, volubili- i»-La» :,jL±ll iljj 

ty, fluency, eloquence 

' ', * *, .- 

impudence, pertness H>%, : ol— Ul <>\ j j 

cantharis, Spanish fly, blister beetle (5j*i>-)r- 1 j i<.r\j j 

arm (^IJ oLi^l) pljj 

cubit (li; J U cJl>>-) J>UI ii-ii (j-lli Sji-j :&lj j 

ell (LliJ to) (jiLill J^LJ (j-Uf 5jj-j :^\'ji 

■ s *■**.>* 


steering arm 
connecting rod 

brachial, arm- 
sharp, cutting, keen 

iijJI p-lji 

glib, voluble, fluent, eloquent, ry^ :oLJLII i_.j j 

massacre; to slay, murder 
to sacrifice, immolate, offer up 

<bu: fji 

C J 


1 j 3 " : £ : 

slaughtering), butchering; massa- 
cring; killing, slaying, murdering 

angina, croup Jjli :(ijj^)) oJ j ii*j j 

angina pectoris, angina -Sij-uo <»■> 

(myocardial) infarction ZLAi iaui 

to vibrate, oscillate, swing, sway, wobble j» : L> Ju j 

vibration, oscillation, swinging, swaying j* : a^-Vj j 
oscillation [ ^L^^i"] Cjj j 

to wither, wilt, wizen, shrivel, fade, <ij j : Jo ; Jjj 
dry up, fla'g 

shell * 1 .li.ll olikilJI Ji& : Jjj 

withering, wilt(ing), shriveling cjj j : Jjj j 

£#■** Jf'j - ^- 1 - -J^J 

sacrifice, offering, oblation, *~»««<» ' ul>yi : i»«-j i 


carcass *=»^' J —*r '*»^J 

>' .- - ', • ■« , - 
supply, supplies, store(s), uj>>" 1 <>}'y '■ j*- i 'Sjif- J 

hoard, provisions; reserve, reservoir; repertoire, 


ammunition, munitions, (war) materieli-j y>- 5jj>- j 

Is- •*- ' 

live ammunition a_»- ojj»- j 

(holy) relic (i_jJL.) 5j^- j 

to sprinkle; to strew, bestrew, scatter jJj t ^j : j j 

to throw dust in the eyes; to 0—-*" j jC^JI j j 
deceive; to cheat 

to rise, ascend, come up, go up jJJ ^-^Jl Ojj 

to sprout, spring, come up, tJJ oLJI jl 0>>JI j j 
rise, grow, emerge, come into view, appear, show 

sprinkling; strewing, scattering 

motes, dust specks, tiny dust 

J~> 'lTJ -jJ 







atomic number 

atomic energy 

atomic age 

atom(ic) bomb, A-bomb, fission bomb 

atomic mass 


reactor, atomic reactor, atomic pile, 
chain-reacting pile 

atomic theory <>j^ **J^\ 

atomic weight <Sj^ oj>M 

progeny, issue, offspring, Jl» :ijj J '*jj J '*jj J 

descendants, posterity, children 

impudent, pert, saucy, tSJj i J >.1.- :o^JJI <-r>jJ 
sharp-tongued; foul-mouthed, obscene, dirty 

i3jjjl t_**iil 

quick, rapid, fast, speedy, prompt 

means, medium, instrumentality, instru- iL-j :<u>j J 
ment; expedient, resource 

.5 ' - ' 

excuse, pretext, pretense, plea; argu- <» :<«jjj 

ment; allegation, claim 

(deadly) poison (Ji^») p- :<-»£ i 

• r ' * •- 
sudden death, immediate death <_>lc j o^j 

to frighten, scare, alarm, terrify, panic dty- : f. j 

to be or become astonished, amazed, ,jl» j : j* J 

astounded, surprised 


to panic, fear, dread; to be or become <_>U- :^ j 

terrified, frightened, panic-stricken 

panic, terror, scare, fright, alarm, c-t j i <->>»- : ^t j 
fear, dread, horror, angst 

wagtail (j!U»)S^i 

J jijl j^-lj- J 0*J 

stench, stink, fetor, malodor AjUi i <*i. :^»j 

mental, genial 

»^ll Jill JjjUl * jil: Jl j< Jl j 


JJL , -oU- : 


to blaze, flame, f-^i '■ ( HJ v!^-' ' j^' ^) ^ 

glow; to flare (up), erupt 

to exude or diffuse a 

4jjwlj > 


li:tf ■ 


JliLL* a^'j ■ 
small ant, Argentine ant 

0)J (JuL~* t Oj J 

atomistics; atomics 
corn, durra, sorghum 
millet; sorghum, durra 

(oLi) i'j j 

sweet corn, sorgo, sweet sorghum, imphe&C j£~ S j j 

maize, Indian corn 


^-* 3 S - - s ~ 

to powder, sprinkle with powder J* jjjJJI J^j :jj i 

to measure 





= tJ- 

to cross, traverse, walk along, 
stride; to cover (a distance) 

to pace, walk back and forth LU ij iL> 0^' pj J 
across, stride to and fro across 

ability, capability, capacity, power i»U> : fj j 

endurance, toleration, bearing, standing i»U»l : s-j i 

to be unable to stand or bear or ^ j\ j tj j JjUj 

put up with, be fed up with, be tired of, have no 

patience with; to be unable or powerless to do or 


to shed tears; to weep, cry 

to flow, well forth, drop 

to mute, drop excrement 

droppings, excrement 

melilot, sweet clover 

JL : iwjji ujj 

£.JI Lfj j 

summit, top, peak, pinnacle, climax, Sjj j '<"Jji 

culmination, acme, apex, apogee, crest, zenith, 
crown, vertex, tiptop, highest point; heyday, 
prime, height 


powdery, powder, powdered 



invocation of Cod, men- 


* *: 


tion(ing) (utterance, pronunciation) of the Lord's 

Sufi ritual consisting (^IJ ,jZj£al\ 'Lt. t J-J j) Jf j 
of the repetition of words in praise of God 
the Koran, the Holy Koran f S2.\ 'j'^\ 

verses of the Holy Koran ( g±\ j*2\ ^1 

speaking of, apropos (of), concerning, in j j Jc 
this connection; incidentally, by the way, by the by 

« Jtji \'xOL , Jrji jjL < Jtjji oil < Jtjji LJ 

. f 'J -, -P? ->- '• S'i illl 

memory, remembrance, recollection, 

memories, reminiscences, remembrances, olj^j 
recollections; memoirs 

anniversary Z^, ^'j^ 

centennial, centenary, 100th anniver- i!yL ^'jSl 

millenium, 1000th anniversary iliJI isj* 

male, masculine, virile, manly l$j£ J : isio 

having a good memory j£\ : j Xj 

masculinity, virility, manhood, manli- i!j^S"j iSj^j 

male, masculine, virile, manly i^i : <Sj oS" j 

to be or become intelli- 
gent, bright, clever 

intelligent, bright, brilliant, clever, ilLiJI L ^ ; "<\ 
smart, sharp, sharp-witted, witty ' 

fragrant, redo- ikSI^JI \Ja, , X*zfj\ ' y^', : '<\ 
lent, aromatic ' 

having a good memory j£ \ : Jk'i ^j$\ 

to be or become low, lowly, humble oU < 'Ji- : O'i 
to submit to, yield to; to cringe J ^i < J ^ : J fc 
or grovel before, humble or lower oneself before 
lowness, lowliness, humbleness, abjectness SjU^ :0l 

' &S" ^"^ ^ : i^ 

strong odor; to be fragrant 

to emanate, diffuse, spread Li- I* : *» I^JI cio 

to slaughter, butcher; to immolate, sacrifice^ j: IS" j 

^j £>-lj -illaiJI ^ l!s"'i Oli" I^/'j 

intelligence, brightness, brilliance, id* 4 iLjl : ( lSTi 
smartness, cleverness 

intelligence quotient *IS"oJI 3-»U- 

to mention, make mention of, V,ji « JJ jlil :^'j 
refer to, make reference to, name, specify, state, 
indicate, point out to, cite, report 

to praise, glorify, eulogize, £ji- _, ''^ J^L : iil '^i 
laud, extol (Cod) 

to invoke Cod, mention (utter,^ &: • &\ 
pronounce) the Lord's name ' 


r \'jS- 

worth mentioning; noteworthy, JfJI 
notable, remarkable, noticeable 

not worth mentioning; J2\ J-.V '. "i : j£ V 
inconsiderable, negligible, insignificant, trivial, 

to remind (of) J" j& ji ^ jy Jjfc. : (_, ) £\ 

to put in the masculine form, make illiCJI '£\ 


penis, phallus 

having a good memory 

mention(ing), referring (to), (Jj) ijlll t j| J\ : jj 
reference (to), naming, specification, sta'ting, indi- 
cation, indicating, pointing out (to), citation, citing 

j^->j" 'CSjifjiJfj 

remembrance, recollection, 
reminiscence, memory 

reputation, repute, renown, fame.wl 4 r,/ : j£ z 
name, standing, credit 

praise, glorification, eulogy,^- } "y. "~ ' J : j)l ^JTi 
laudation, extolment (of God) ; 





(financial) obligation, debt, liability 

receivables ij^j 

oil oLL-»- : , 

. » S ' - - .5* ' • * 

to roar 

a free non-Moslem under Moslem rule ^» s 

dispraised, disparaged, censured; jmi < ^Ju : ** j 
vituperated, vilified, slandered, libeled, defamed; 
ill-favored, objectionable, offensive, ugly 

tail Jjjii-Jj 

follower, adherent; (p-U l) j-jli idj-UI i_>lil)i_-o 
servant; subordinate, inferior; dependent 
horsetail (°Lj) J-*' 


i j 

offense, fault, misdeed; sin; 
crime; guilt 

caudal, tail- 

(oLi) <1j j 

foxtail lily, eremurus 

stalk; petiole, leafstalk *— ^ 

panic grass (oLi) i_o t «.Llo 

going; leaving, leave, departure ljU j 

back and forth, to and fro, Ll» j>« ills- c l>Cl« LI* j 

up and down, backward and forward 

- - - 1 - • ' 
return ticket, round-trip ticket v^jj v^* J "l^"^ 

*. • ~ *• • - •■ 

psychosis ,Jiix. ^\ J^o\ :ul» i 


</>■"' J ' </ 

to go to, repair to, betake oneself to, 
take to, head for 

to go, go away, leave, depart 

to take along, escort, go (along) withwusww I : <ji_-« j 

to take away; to remove, eliminate <dl j\ : <> i_-« i 

to be (i'^JI ill'i (W) i*lj : l'-^ Jj <<jtil j) Li i 
of the opinion (that), hold the view (that), think 
(that), believe (that) 

ignominy, disgrace, shame, humil- <syi- « ul>» :J i 
iation, degradation 

subservience, servility, obsequiousness, p-j^- :Ji 
cringe, submissiveness, meekness 

glibness, volubleness, volubility, i»-Cai lillji lii'ilj 
fluency, eloquence 

having a small and turned-up nose oil il c-ij^ : <-liI i 

to sharpen, hone, whet, strop ia^ t jo»- : JjTi t jjl j 

jj j *^-\j - n-ai i (_>ji :JjJ j t,jl j 

tip, point lJjJ» i o»- :JjJi 

jjj £»-lj - jwai t i_jjj : jJi 

to surmount, over- (jJJ ol^JaJl) J* i_JjJ : JJ j 
come, master, get over, get past, (be able to) cope 
with; to iron out, smooth out or away, eliminate 

tractable, manageable, docile, «li» ' ^LJLi^t Ji- : <Jj] j 

glib, voluble, fluent, eloquent, rv^ ' Vj- 3 : <jJ J 

low, lowly, humble, abject jji>- : JJ i 

subservient, servile, obsequious, cring- <ry± : JJi 
ing, submissive, meek 

to dispraise, disparage, censure; to vituperate, *-_ui : » j 
vilify, slander, libel, defame, malign, calumniate 

dispraise, disparagement, censure; vitupera- *-_u : » j 
tion, invective, vilification, slander, libel, defama- 
tion, calumniation, calumny 

last breath of life 

sacred or cherished things 


family; relatives, kinsfolk 

protection, security 

right, claim, title 

i^- -r u , J 
,-» .-•' .» . 

protection, care, custody; secu- 04c 16UI1 <*>»■ • ">«^ 
rity, inviolability, immunity; safeguard, guarantee; 
compact, pact, agreement 
guarantee, security Lw> : <• i 

relatives, relations, kin, kins- 6>» jji i ^ jill jji 
folk, kindred, kinsmen, kith and kin, folks, people; 

to wither, wilt, wizen, shrivel, fade, dry up, '^ i : (£jj 
flag, decay 

U rodela, Caudata ili 1. p j Li : JJ \'j j 

soluble, dissoluble, liquescent (_._, jj 4 t_Jli :u,l}i 

notables, dignitaries, prominent peo- (u-UI ^) olji 
pie, people of distinction, elite, upper class 






defender, protector 


l>l Olji 

Gil oiji 

jiULI olji 
^^iiiJI olji 
j.L>- 1 .jljj : jljj 

epicure, gourmet, connoisseur, gastro 
nome, bon vivant 

JIJli «>-lj-JJ> :Jljj 

solution JjJiJmIojj 

dissolution, solution, melting, deliques- J"5L^I :6ljji 
cense, liquefaction, thaw(ing) 

instant uCjUl tSjji ^ uCjjJI «^1 

solubility £ ^'j 

to defend, protect 
defense, protection 

JijJJI <LL>- i<ji_jj 

'0* £» lj : t>* JJJ 

til*- < j-Ui:^) j}i 

taste, sense of taste, gustation, 
gustatory sense 

taste, inclination, liking, gusto, relish jll : jji 

tact, savoir faire, diplomacy, sua- iiCl ( H Cj : jj j 
vity, urbanity; propriety, decency, decorum 
tasting, gustation, sampling jl j y\n- : jji 

good taste ^lll| jjjjl 

gustatory, gustative, gustato-JijjJ I illk. jl-'- i^jji 
rial, (oO taste 


to be ^LjJI r'jjl s-*i i ljo» i_j»i i tSo- Lii 
futile, vain, in vain, unavailing, of no avail, use- 
less, unfruitful; to come to nothing, fail 

1 * " 


» III <jj v>— ■ : (j**'* 

tip, point 

<_»'> < 1*. : jjjj 

to gild 



gold standard 

golden; aurous; auric 

golden age 

golden rule 

to forget, overlook, omit, neglect^iil < y-i : (o-^ij* j 

>*. ,,' , - 
to be or become distracted, absent- <U»i j^ : Ja j 


to be or become astonished, as- ]j* * i l^i : 3* i 
tounded, amazed, surprised, flabbergasted, stun- 
ned, startled, bewildered 

mind; intellect vjij 

o_l»- i jl»- «j>-l j - ^y> jjl 

mental; intellectual 

"III iU 


absentmindedness, absence of ^-ill j)j^.:J)»j 
mind, abstraction, abstractedness, distraction, dis- 
tracted ness 

stupor; amazement, i j^- t O* * ( » I _uii I : Jy» j 
astonishment; perplexity, bafflement, bewilder- 
ment, confusion 

possessor of, owner of, holder of; en- <_j- U> : j j 

dowed with; having 

Auriga [ifUi]^l/i 

important, significant, grave, seriousolL j i 4 Jl ji 

double-edged, two-edged (jj-a»- ji 

binomial [oL^Lj] ^j!^ 3 \ 

in a difficulty, in straitened circumstances; lj-c _> j 
insolvent; poor 

intelligent, bright; rational, resonable; wise Ji* ji 
rich, wealthy, well-to-do; solvent JL ji 



0^ <S3* 

3» <%T 

end, extremity i_>^J» i j>- 1 : Jj i 

bottom, foot, tail, end, lower part i_Jd i Ji-I : Jj i 

train (of a gown) ((_jjI)I)Jjj 

appendix, addendum, supplement, addi- JjJL. : Jj i 
tion, annex, postscript, rider 

iJ^jwU JC*-'j~ <-^U- 'Jjj 

aftermath, aftereffect (L ~&J6 jl iJ jU-) Jjj i 

foxtail, foxtail grass (^v) s-kJI J> J 

*'■'■' i"' 
caudal, tail- (<j ■> : tr^ J 

• *•• 
spread(ing), circulation, currency, jLlil :p ^>j 


, * , j>„» ^ >* 

Macrura oUjlil ^ iJj \cMyi'i 

withering, wilt(ing), shriveling, decay J^j i : iij j 

Macrura olil^lil j* i-jj :o^Uj 

'• i "'• 


to tail, provide with a tail 

toappend, (~M <J& J\) <_»U>I i vyl i JjJI : Jj j 
subjoin, add, supplement, annex, attach, affix; to 
add an appendix or a supplement or a postscript to 

to annotate, gloss, comment onl<->\&\ ) <ji»- : Jj J 
furnish with marginal notes or glosses 

tail (_Jj:JjJ 

^^^ ^^^ ^^r ^N^^ ^B^r ^^^r ^^^r ^^r ^n^^ ^^r ^^.r ^^^r ^^^r 

^^ ^|^r ^^ ^^^ ^r >r >^^ ^^^ ^^r T^^ ^r ^^ ^lr 

pioneer; explorer, path-c 
finder, reconnoiterer, scout 
boy scout, scout 

>4 . „> ^ • Jj ' J 



guideline, guide; guiding principle, ,.1.1 iJJj : juMj 

rule, standard; model, pattern, example 

major 4j^5wc *~>'j : juIj 

pioneer; pathfinding 
astronaut, spaceman, cosmonaut 
test; examination 
tester; examiner 

presidency, presidentship; headship; cheifship; «LUj 
leadership; principalship 

chairmanship u-"»*l jl <J>UI jl <UU-I i-Uj 

presidency, presidentship ijj^J-l .Lllj 

prime ministry, (IjjjJI jl <>jlj>" jl CjSQ-l illSj 


presidential lr»^j 

tamer; trainer u°Jj a 'u^'j 

wonderful, marvelous, splendid, gorgeous, «j jj : «J lj 
magnificent, superb, admirable, impressive, daz- 
zling, charming, terrific, exquisite, fine, excel- 
lent, superior 

masterpiece, masterwork, chef d'oeuvre <L«j«i' : inj lj 
in broad daylight jl^JI illlj j 

clear, pure; undisturbed, untroubled, calm, Jjlj 

quiet, tranquil, placid, serene, limpid 

(33 J £T I J -"UjIj ijwlj 

to patch (up), heal, make (w)J f^Ill jjli t s-luJl) oi^ 

to see; to behold, view, descry, catch sight j^u\ :^\j 
of, perceive, discern 

to see, perceive, discern, observe, ^^-J 4 dljjl :<ilj 
notice, realize, recognize; to conceive, apprehend 

^ "B ^ .-' B <- 

to regard (as), look at (as), view .uj.l 1 j ,...'^r.l : <5l j 
(as), consider, deem, find, think, believe, hold, 
judge; to be of the opinion (that), hold the view 
(that); to feel, view as right, deem appropriate, find 

to try, hear, take up, look 
into, examine, study 

to view, inspect, examine, survey 

to see with one's own eyes 

., , », «, 

to see the light, come into existence, j^JI <il j 
come into being 

seer, beholder, looker, viewer, ji»\j :(<«5I^Jl) Sslj 
spectator, observer, onlooker, looker-on 

to dissemble, dissimulate, play the hypo- ^i I : ii i\j 


widespread; current, circu- rj\ j t «j t t ^ 
lating, in circulation; popular, in vogue, in fashion 
salable, marketable, in (iiLaJJ ii^>) ^l i^Jlj 
(good) demand, selling well, selling like hot cakes, 
hot, popular 

brisk, active (J-JI jl <j>JJ ii-o) J»iL : jyJIj 

goi ng (away), lea vi ng, departi ng i_j» I j : jvJ I j 

smell, odor, scent, aroma; fragrance, perfume <Uu lj 

malodor, stench, stink, bad (foul, evil, ^ ^f i»Jlj 
offensive) odor or smell 



r " ■' - - 




tt^JI oli 

jellyflish, medusa 



salary, pay, wages, emolument, stipend ^»- 1 : i_. 

base (iilliil olji-JI ^ I a%i) J^XSlI Ljfy 
pay, basic' salary 




gum resin; asafetida 


to drop dung or manure 

* '. -I 

(oLj) 4. j»i J,. 7 1 j 

to circulate, spread, be current, be in ^li. i _^il : ^b 
circulation; to be or become widespread; to be or 
become popular, in vogue 
to sell well, find a (good) market, be iiliJI o»- 1 j 
in (great) demand, sell like hot cakes,' be sold 
rapidly and in large quantities, be hot or popular, 
be salable or marketable 

J*<JI rb ' <3j-JI Jr"°r b 



to be brisk, active 

hopeful, hoping, full of hope; 

looking forward to, expecting 

preponderant, predominant, superior, 

outweighing, outbalancing 

preferable, preferred; (more) accept- J-oi* : £-r b 

able, having more in its favor 

likely, probable J»^*» ' j*y- : £-*" b 

to consult, refer to, turn to (a JJ UJ i <JJ j-r j : j^-b 
source, book, etc.); to look up (in a book, dic- 
tionary, etc.); to resort to, have recourse to 

to review, revise, Ji»- i yaai <■ j j)aJ\ atl : «■ b 
(reexamine, reconsider, go over, run over, check 
(up), verify 
to audit (accou nts) ( o L LJ- I ) jr b 

to repeat, reiterate, iterate atl i j^ : p- ' j 

returning, coming back, going back; -kilt 

! ' !J ■--■• 

up, mend, repair, fix; to reconcile, conciliate, make 
peace between, reestablish normal relations be- 
tween, bring together 

to curdle, curd (o^ 1 ) vb 

vb 1 «-b-^' J cfJ 1 : vb 

patching (up), healing, (rJJ fjiJI j>~; i ^j-JI) udj 
making up, mending, repairing, reparation; recon- 
ciliation, conciliation, peacemaking 

stepfather, stepparent 

to practice usury 



stepmother, stepparent 

winner, gainer 

&.J* jf b 
kneeling down; lying down, resting 




" L-*>— >—* 







to be stationed, positioned, posted, 

garrisoned; to take up positions 

binding, tying, fastening, attaching; con- Ja> jj : iu b 

necting, connective, conjunctive, linking, joining, 

uniting, coupling 

J»Lj •j r \j - i>Lj :J>>b 

connective [jJa^JJwIj 

<kjlj »»-lj - iJajlj lii^li- i iJu> : Jai I j 

cool, composed, collected, unruffled, ^U-l J»b 
imperturbable, self-possessed, calm, placid, undis- 

bond, tie; connection, link, nexus; ii^i 4 ilu> : <lu b 
relation(ship); tie-in 

league, union, confed- *^*^r ti»-U-''V ,AC :< ^b 
eration, association, society, organization, club 

copula [ jJaii] ik>lj 

(the) fourth ^I^JI ijjIj 

fourth, fourthly, in the fourth place U> 1 j 

fourth dimension ^jl^JI j 

hill, hillock, mound, hummock, knoll <S\ 




deterrent, disincentive, discouragement; (~l) f jlj 
restraint; inhibition; sanction; obstacle, impediment 

deterring, deterrent, discouraging; 
preventive; inhibitive, inhibitory 

to ride behind someone 

(ii^.) £ j 

i ] J 

to be synonymous with, bea J lij>l^. ijlS' : Lijlj 

synonym of 

radical ^Jl£olj 

radicalism OlSL jlj 

radio; radio (receiving) set y j I j 

radiology (jp^-l «r^» : wr^J>»jlj 

radium (^*) f^b 

to roll one's eyes {p j I a I : * . : . n ■ !j lj 

nystagmus JjIjIjUI g^Ul ,_>L^JLiit i_>Jui: :Sljlj 

to test, examine, assay, analyze; to weigh 
provider (with the means of subsistence) 

to head, lead, be at the head of, be in ^ \J> : \y\j 
charge of; to preside over; to chair, be the chair- 
man of, take the chair; to be or become the presi- 
dent (head, chief) of 

to be or become (the) president, LJ j 6 IS" : ^jj 

chief, head, leader 

to make or appoint as (a) president, chief, head [j*\j 


pLf.1 ^ yfl.^1 jl J^l i-ji,\:^\j 

tip, point, apex; end, extremity s_»^J» <. ill I : 
top, summit, peak, acme, vertex, apex 


*~» :, 

cape, headland, promontory, fore- [ Li I 


vertex, apex [ i_ _L* ] ( _ r 

head (il^ltjl oU^il ^.) ( _ r 

clove (of garlic) ( r yJ I ^ ) ^ ' 

beginning, start, onset, outset, first t lu 1 Jjl : ^ 

main part, principal «.l>>l Jiil 'JWj *> :u" 
part, chief part, most important part 

1 .- -. " 


r i "t > 


headnotes; headings, titles; short notes, f$i I ^-j jj 
concise notes; outline, summary, brief, synopsis, 

reverting; recurrent; returnee, returner 
due to, attributable to, JJ »j^. < J J jilt : J J «_»-lj 
ascribable to, referable to, traceable to, going back 
to, stemming from, springing from, caused by 

relapsing fever 

to God we belong and to 
Him is our return 

going on foot, walking; pedestrian, walker ^L : J»-lj 

rocket launcher, Stalin organ (fuj\'^o) <*a>-lj 

to go, go away, leave, depart (S ^. < LJ» j : ■Aj 

to begin, start, set out to Ijj ( s-^i, : liS" Jli, ,-lj 

wine J^. : ^\j 

rest, J^jJI ^ s-LLiil t i-*lij 'i^£— <i_-*J jJ> :i»-lj 
repose, relaxation; ease, relief; comfort, conve- 
nience; leisure; vacation 

palm (of the hand) <LiST ( jlJI j^il :(^Jl) **-\j 

peace of mind, heartsease, tranquility, JUI i^-lj 

calmness, peace, ease, security 

>•> >, 

Turkish delight ,-^iU-l i?-lj 

conveniences; accom- ii-Ql <_>Lll iii-I^JI J5Cj 
modations; comforts; luxuries 

departing, leaving, j^L>. < ^jLl 1 _^l_ < «_-»li : J*- lj 
going away, moving away, parting, outgoing; trav- 
eling, journeying; migrating, migrant, migratory, 
immigrating, emigrating; traveler; emigrant, emi- 
gre, immigrant 

the departed, the late, the deceased Ja- 1 'J I ( \.*\\ \) 

-* £ »» if - 

riding camel ^£ J& £-ILo J*i- :ii»-lj 

palmar, volar jjl la-\ j, ju:.. :^flj 

fil»- ^ / 

brooder, incubator, hatcher 

to explore, reconnoiter, scout; -Hi"*- 

to pioneer 

to look for, search for, seek 

contemporary, coeval 

shoot, sprout 

repelling, repellent, driving back or jL> <. 
away, warding off, parrying, fending off; repeller 




Bissaa«s.!«SiiS!i!»iiiS»»ia«««6'!W» : 

capital, floating capital 

capital (j^i.1 JJ CLL) iSTjllI < „*C tJl^-O 


(oLi) j—lj 

s >- 


joint stock 

capitalist(ic), capital 




head, cephalic 

vertical, perpendicular, upright 


vertically; perpendicularly 

Cephalopoda olj^^JI ^. iiiU> : Jj»j \ll oll-V, 

heading, headline, head, title, streamer o\ys. :<L»V> 

.» •«- .« t- 

to become rich or wealthy; to feather (^^i-l : \j. I j 
one's nest 

briber i^ ^ ^ : {^.fj\) JAj 

(legally) major, of (legal) age, of full age; iJL : jui I j 
adult, grown-up 

juij vr'j ~ » " <.» i f^ 9 " 'J*** utilj 

orthodox zji : jilj 

the orthodox caliphs uj-^l^l iliii-l 

tip, gratuity, baksheesh u !_>!»• :jiL> 


to feather, fledge, wing, plume, 
furnish with feathers 

to fledge, grow feathers 

observer, watcher, watchman, watchdog, i_~i j : 
lookout; spy 


paver, pavior, floorer 

.»!;.» t i_irf»j (_|cU : ' ' "' 

satisfied, content, contented, pleased; (<<»Q0 yilj 
agreeing, consenting, accepting, approving, 
OK'ying; willing, ready 

pleasant life, agreeable life *~»'j *-~ e - 

hh^-xjx^u .... .-j** s':".; 
resume, precis 

New Year 

New Year's Day 

J^t; jrlj-JUl 'J\'j <JU ^Ij 

Pollux [tiUi ] >jil r I^Jl ^! j < Ji> 'J\'j 

i- ?- 
directly, straightway, straight, point-blank; LI j 

immediately, right away, forthwith 

upside down, topsy-turvy, head over i_JU <_^c LI j 

sui generis, unique; individual, separate; V'-* 
independent, self-existent, self-contained 

with pleasure, gladly; at your ij^i u-Q' J* 
service, at your command 

in public, publicly, openly, for jl+i.^1 ^jjj <^c 
all the world to see 

anchored, at anchor jj-^l j t-iilj :(/«-Ql) <j-L> 

firm, fixed, stable, steady, firm- r^—l j i cjIj : ^1 j 
ty established 

successful bidder jljll <Li* ^Ij 

unshakable mountains (,-.lj^Jl) <^«ljj ioL-Ij 
precipitate [ »L^J <- r ~-j J -* • L r — 'j 

deposit, sediment 5 j I ji : c-w. I j 

-• ' ^ ' ^ •■' 

dregs, lees, sediment, iLai 1 S jl£Le- i Jaj : i_— lj 

settlings; residue 

failing, flunking; failure ul»wl j J»»L :c_«-.lj 

deep-rooted, deep-seated, o?l! iJ^U* :rt-«b 

ingrained, firmly established, well-established, 
well-founded; firm, fixed, settled, stable, steady, 
solid, strong, fast, constant, steadfast 

versed (in), conversant (with), (*JJ Jit j) A-^j 
well-acquainted (with), skilled (in) 

to correspond with, exchange letters i_J IS" : Jli I j 
with, write to, communicate with 

capital; fund(s); principal d\^Jj 

reserve capital ^J.ll^i-1 Jl^-lj 

fixed capital ojIj <JU-1j 

working capital, circulating Jjloi. jl J>lc JU-1 j 

<Jlj ov\ 

".r-. "I 

reluctant, unwilling, disinclined, averse, ^ t--*lj 

unwilling, reluctant; compelled, coerced, forced Jz \j 

to have mercy upon, be -> <Juj t -> l$$j i -> l$\j 
merciful toward, have compassion or pity for, pity, 

.— - -'>- 
mercy, clemency, lenity, leniency; compas- *i\j i*ilj 

sion, pity, graciousness; kindness, kindliness 
to support, assist, aid, help ~jj{t : jj lj 

tributary, branch, affluent i'js. L : oilj 

supporter, assistant, aid(e), helrXer) OjL. : j» I j 

rafter, beam, girder, joist, tran- £.li j ( <^>jl* : soi lj 
som, support, prop 

keel (iLjl j) l^\ 

refusing, rejecting; refuser, rejecter 

raiser, lifter, hoister 
weight lifter 



J ffr'j 




• ^ *~ 
crane, winch, windlass, f^^f lijlj ill :i»ilj 

hoist, lifting apparatus, hoisting gear; derrick; gin; 

tackle; jack 

minesweeper fUl i»ilj 

to associate with; to consort i_-»- U> i J jU> : ji lj 
with, keep company with; to be or become a 
companion of, an associate of, a comrade of, a 
friend of; to make friends with, be or become 
friends with 

to accompany, escort, »-t i u-S'lj < u j «.^. ~ .«| : J^ lj 
convoy, attend, go (along) with, take along; to see 

to accompany, attend, be i_-»- U> i ^-j "i i ^ j'il : J^ I j 
present with 

to clear, clarify, be or become clear or pure L*> : Jlj 

to appeal to, please, delight j~ i u.>-y-l : Jl j 

high, elevated, sub- >jii. i uj^ i *L :(,Jl^Jl) <jlj 
lime, grand; superior, high-ranking, high-class; top, 
upper; cultured, educated, refined, subtle, exqui- 

- " • - * * 

fr^j j^-Ij-j-<»jj Jit : j^»'j 
milk tooth iijil ^Ij^l oL/il (ilii-l :i*.ilj 

, -» , , . » , 

jUI i t-.-v-l : p I j 

to appeal to, please, delight; to 
thrill, excite, electrify 

to grow, increase; to thrive, flourish Li i jl j : f\ j 

shepherd, herdsman, vJaill ,y-ji o- : (yf 0") £,'-> 
herder, neatherd 

cowboy, cowhand, cowherd, cowman, jilll ^c-lj 
cattlehand, cattleman, cattle-herder 

guardian, caretaker, custo- ~s < (j-jU- <. ^oj : 9- 1 j 
dian, curator, keeper, supervisor 

patron, sponsor; protector, defender j-aj : f lj 

pastor ili,^j :ll j-clj 

Bootes [^] *^" (/-'j 

to observe, comply _. -uij i ^ jJ> I 4 J* J»» l»- : ,jC I j 
with, abide by, conform to, adhere to, stick to, 
keep, maintain, respect, honor, live up to 

to take into consideration, jLic^l i j~*j i»-l :^\j 
take into account, allow for, make allowance for 
to humor, comply with,^^-li(ijU-:(o^l>U-) ( jclj 
indulge, be willing to please; to defer to, respect 

to observe, watch, regard, i-ilj :(rJJ f»JI) <jdj 
eye, keep looking at; to gaze at, stare at 

to listen to, hearken to, give or lend •'-■II oLIj 
one's ear to, pay attention to 

thunderous, thundering 


tip of the nose 

having a nosebleed 

bleeding nose 

j* 1 j 

i_iil : uiclj 
ij all <_»^J» :i-ac!j 

ijl* >> t_jLa< : 



to dodge, evade; to turn away furtively (^ 1 ^j-) fjj 
from; to deviate from, swerve from, skew from 

desirous, desiring, wishful; willing; inter- ( j) <_. *lj 

J' J 

to desire, wish, want, crave after; to jl jl i 1 

aspire to, seek, aim at; to have in mind 

well; fine, good, all right, OK J'J U Jc 


*J : f '-> 

to stay at, remain at, abide at 



if J 

to leave, depart from, go away j'jlc : (^ t ^.) 1| j 



>V J''> 

to fondle, caress, handle tenderly, i_-»- 1 

treat affectionately; to love, be fond of 

white gazelle, white antelope u ^ 1 j ^ o*j* ■ntj 

thrower, hurler, flinger </•!* i>" : (<«?O0 fb 

rifleman JbLJI iili- ^. iJjlj.- : ^Ij 

marksman, sharp- <Jliil ilUsj J e. jl ^^i, : Jj 

archer, bowman 
Sagittarius, Archer 
spear fish 

specimen, sample 
code, cipher 
grave, tomb, sepulcher 

ft j a ■ ■■' . j^« tj 

to reign in, prevail Jc Lit ( jL i Jc lli- : Jc ulj 
in, predominate in; to overwhelm, overcome, seize 

thenar ( (1*1)11) iiilj 

iftl li'> 


tip of the nose 

monk, friar, monastic 

nun <L*lj 

agglomerate (ililS"^) "dakSj 

- ' i - - * , » - 
to be or become adoles- _£^l ojli ( U*l^ jto : jilj 

cent or a teenager; to approach puberty or sexual 


to bet, wager, gamble, stake ^ilj 

mortgagor, pledger, 

current, present, actual, exis- j^l»- t 
ting, present-day 

permanent, lasting; fixed, estab- cil! i 

storyteller, nar- iLll*. 4 j^li « ^/J, ^>. : (cij I^JI ) ^lj 
rator, relator 



site, fine; advanced, developed; ascending, rising 
advanced country, developed country Li\ J ii i i 

the upper class iJil^JI iilkll 

charmer, enchanter, sorcerer ,i^ ^1 « t li^ : Jl j 


to watch, observe, regard 


)L-Jj .t JU^J 

attentively, eye, look closely at, keep looking at, 
keep an eye on; to surveil; to monitor, check (on) 

to control, supervise, super- ^i» li « ^c \j'j. I : Li I j 
intend, oversee, watch over 



to tap, wiretap ouUI i.^ki- i_jlj 

to fear God J»-j j*. <iU- : <I>I 4JI j 

sleeping, asleep; dormant; recumbent, reclining, jilj 
lying down, resting 

to dance with %^ [jd'j '-\jt*\j 

dancer ^^ ^ < ^Uj :,>silj 

dancing, dance 

• 3 + *,' * 

(female) dancer, dancing girl 

ballerina, danseuse 

vat, cask, large vessel or jar 


«j«-lj - <«ailj <L»>. 

■) Jy'j 

to overlap, lap, imbricate; to superpose, super- LiTlj 
impose, overlay 

riding, mounted, up; traveling (in, on, by), t-S"lj 

going (by); rider; passenger; occupant; guest, 

cyclist, cycler, bicyclist, bicycler is^l jjj\ i_-S"lj 

stagnant; static; dull, slack, inactive, flat, sluggish j£\j 
reagent [ *L~i"] cjiilS" : u £\j 

to race (with), run a race with Jt£*}\ j ^jL :Jb&\j 
running, racing; runner, racer »l ji < jl»- : i j&\j 

kneeling, bowing; kneeler il>\>- :k£\j 

raccoon io^y?-) ujS'lj 

to slaver, slobber, drool, drivel, dribble <jU1 JL : Jlj 
young ostrich ^lljl Jj :JY, 



white Hag ( ( .^l£.1ll /\ i> !4JJ) ft Lillll il^JI 

president, head, chief, (_r-jjj-« -ui i ^ j « -u- : y«J j 
leader, boss, principal, superior 

.' i - »- . .- 

chief of staff, chief of general staff o& ji\ u-4j 

archbishop, primate, metropolitan iiiCSlI ^Jj 

mayor, head of a municipality 'CjJLJI y-Ij 

editor-in-chief j*j*^\ trr^J 

chief of protocol, master *-ljil jl oLb^-tJI yJ; 
of ceremonies 

chancellor, president iuli-l ,_,— J j 

chairman er«v' j' i^jJJI jl i—U-l a — I j 

president; head of state, i)jjJI jl ij j^»J-l g-Ij 
chief of state 

honorary president; iSj^i {j-4j ' *-».>- o-e J 

president emeritus 

archdeacon il_.UJjl yJ; 

foreman, ganger JIlJI u-J j 
chieftain »ji»^ ** 
chairman of the board 

• y ejv~£ jl 

• LTIriJ 

si ' '. - > 
speaker, president (of parlia- v'.H' w^yu-^j 

ment, of the house of representatives) 

chief justice, president, head 
president designate 



president-elect l---*....^ ^^—j j 

premier, prime SjCj" y* <*j&\ j'\ *ljj>ll [j-^'j 

Primates oil Id I J?j J^\ :oLJ^II 

main, chief, principal, prime, primary, Jj-Cl i^—J^ 
leading, major, cardinal, capital, key^ master" 
central, head, foremost; basic; fundamental 

"jjjj jfrb - uLJj 
rayon (jf 1 *-" j^j*" : <->>;' J 

to rule, govern, control, dominate, be thejLi ^L :L>j 
master or lord of, have command or authority 

to collect, gather il*»- : oj 

to raise, rear, bring up, foster Jij : oj 



to mark time «jl£* r-jlj « (_^»i-l £jlj 

to seduce, tempt, entice; to proposi- (<ujj j* «) jjlj 
tion, molest, make improper advances to 

to cajole, coax, blan- p j*- nijl j < ^ I j : (J*) yijlj 
dish; to deceive, fool, mislead 
to dodge, evade; to circumvent; to equivo- jjl j : f jlj 
cate, tergiversate, prevaricate, quibble 

to play fast and loose; to deceive; to t- j*- : i-jl j 
cheat, double-cross; to trick 

merciful, lenient, clement; compassion- g>-j '-^iiJ 
ate, pitiful, gracious; kind, kindly 

loving, tender, affectionate oy*- < i-o«* : mjj 

rhubarb (oLi) jujlj 

filter, strainer slila* : jjjlj 

pulmonary, pulmonic, pneumonic, lung C$>5j 

opinion, view, consideration; idea, ij£i 4 j£j :&j 
thought, notion, concept, conception 

personal opinion, subjective [i^^LJ ijojsi] c$lj 

suggestion, proposal, proposition 

advice, counsel »j>^-» 

advisory opinion (ijLl^.1 (ilj 

public opinion »UI (i'^JI 

-1^1 :(i*j 


' > f .' » ,» 

dictum, obiter dictum » J^ j-i- $ I ^ L j I <w»^t 

ijOJ^Lt jl OtlUu (^lj 

i>lJI (i'j liC 
fill j oljj U : Ljj 

dissenting opinion 

in my opinion, in my view 

to see with one's own eyes 

vision; dream 

apocalypse, vision, revelation *Jl1£ 1 ull*- : IJj 

the Apocalypse, the Revelation Cj^Jl jk~ 

seeing, view(ing), look(ing); vision, jiaj t j-aj : <Cjj 
sight, eyesight 

view(ing), inspection, examination, 

visibility ijJ^JI JU*. 1 «j j^JI r><»j ' <; jj 

flag, banner, standard; ensign « I^J 4 -U : <L lj 

--.-' .'*.' 




shoelace, shoestring, bootlace, lace *!jj-l J»Cj 

equanimity, composure, self-possession, <jiU.I SiCj 

presence of mind, imperturbability, sangfroid, 

coolness, collectedness, calmness, placidity, 
serenity, poise 

weight lifter; athlete [iJaj iiLj] plT, 

four at a time; by fours, four and four f Uj 

fourfold, quadruple, quadripartite; tetramer- [^ C j 
ous; tetra-, tetr-, quardri-, quadr-, quadru-; 
fouKsome), quartet(te), tetrad, quaternion 

quadriliteral [iil] <Jj^ll ^Cj S^i'j 

four-dimensional jLJ \ll (,ct>j 

quadruped, four-footed; J^-jlll jl ^loi^l ^Cj 

tetrameter [ ja _, jc ] J.*. Q] I ^ fj j 

tetravalent, quadrivalent [ f L^S ] ji ISsJJI ,«c Cj 

quadrinomial [oLilj] jjjll ^cCj 

quadrangular, quadrilateral, piCiilj CljjJI ?«eljj 
tetragonal; quadrangle, quadrilateral, tetragon 
tetrahedral; tetrahedron j-^LUl <,eUj 


i_<Lo i\ <~cUj <i^ <u ' <t>Jai« • *^yj 


biquadratic, biquadratic equation 



plumpness, fleshiness, chubbiness, Jj.1 i"^£.\ :*i\j'j 
fullness; corpulence, fatness, stoutness, obesity 

rabbi f^r^- '-uCj 

captain, shipmaster, skipper (i-£'J.\ jl iL-illl) OUj 
pilot, captain, skipper (o^JLUl)u^j 

copilot (s^Jli, j) uljjJI otC 

divine, of God, from God JjjJI :TjIjj 

usurious |£jl ^U : tSjCj 

to raise, rear, bring up, foster jTj : LJj 

to pat, dab, caress, stroke gently or lovingly (Jc) cJj 
goddess, deity i^JI : £j 

mistress, lady ; all : £j 

to increase, augment, multiply 'i\j\Xjj 

god, deity *JI :L«j 

the Lord, God (the One and ^i- _, > iiil : L,^JI 

lord, master j£, : ^ 

owner, possessor, holder, 3 j t liUL i i_o-L» : L/> 
proprietor; endowed with, having 
paterfamilias, master, ollJI /\ i'J^i\ /\ iL'UI i/j 
male head of a household, householder, father of a 
family, family man 

employer, master, principal JJJI t/j 

thickened juice (of fruit) j^d\ jLJI j^ai : uj 

many a (time, man, etc.) («Jj J»-j t s^.) o; 

to deem far above, consider too exalted for ^c <, Xj'j 

to increase, grow £; t jlj : \jj 

to exceed, be more than ^c jlj t Jc LiU :Je- ^ 

to grow up Uj : J^JI Cj 

to bring up, raise, rear, breed, foster, olH : ( H^Jl) yjj 
nurse, nurture 

to educate, teach, cultivate, 4jjI 4 <Uii :{J>JI) ^jj 
culture, refine, polish 

to breed, raise, grow »J p l j>~Ll\ jl oU^lil ^ 

to develop, make grow, promote; to a ill : (Jli\ Jfj 
cultivate; to build up 



favor, grace, service 

rebec, rebeck 


baboon, drill 

ojjli : Uj 

- - £~ -' -- -' 

(_j^ ill Itjljj 'Oljj 

JJ ■ ' M l l lS (jl^A* 1 I^UJ 

-*^ 3 -^ : L- J 
ribbon, band, bond, tie, bind(er), k, J»jjj L : iLj 
binding, ligature, ligation, strap, lace, cord, string 
bandage, dressing, swathe i jll^> 1 iJdt : J»lJj 
ligature [i»- \j>- ] C^.lll C*j xl JJ^I lis- : J>Uj 
ligament [jy^Jj.^ 



bundle, bale, fagot; bunch; parcel, pack- <*jr : <Jjjj 
age, pack, packet 

garter ijtJl ik>j 

_,- s > ** \' .. 

necktie, tie, cravat <J J\ jl J>^»JI *i»jj 

to stay (in), remain (in) flil :(j jl -?) jjj 

to take one fourth of t^\ gj j±\ :gj 

to square, multiply (a num- <LL. j ( jjuJI) (_>^> : £j 

ber) by itself, raise to the second power 

to quadruple, quadruplicate ol^ £jl i_*cU» :^j 

to square, make square l<y^ <l*r : £ j 

9y_y juflj— i*liJI ■ ".y j I gj 

house, home, residence, abode, dwelling jl j : jjj 

quarter, district; region, area, iik^. i *L>« : £ j 
land, territory 

group (of people) ((j-UI ^J ipU»- :^j 

,, , _„'.,, 

quarter, (one) fourth \ 7 ) 


quarterfinal ^4}v £J 5 'j^~* ' y?^ £j 

quarto gj\ ^» 

quartan, quartan fever ^jji\ <j*»- <-^jj 

>, , .- ' .- . - 

9yj* fJflj - *>l*JI ■":"'.? '**JJ 

1 ' C?J 'fiJ 

lasso, lariat 
noose, loop 

plujil ^Lil |«j3»i— j Sol 'Cjuj 

- • -» -~ • ~~ • - 

'Jj£ '**JJ '**JJ 

V/ 1 fr'j 



plump, fleshy, chubby, full; corpu- ~J-I yUl» : Jjj 
lent, fat, stout, obese 

calf (of the leg) 

perhaps, maybe, possibly, probably, likely, poten- l^j 
tially, contingently, conceivably; may, might 

— —■■■■- j . ■ ■ 

•■ - . -r . . . ; 

housewife, fe-i'^l jl iiiUl ji jjl\ ji oJ~!l Cj 
male head of a household, materfamilias, mistress 

muse i>*^ j' ^J' *?j 

to gain, profit, win s— £ '■ £->j 

to pay, yield, return; to allow a profit, 4—5 1 : gj 

make gain or win 

profit, gain, winning(s); proceeds, J»- s 1 i_«-£ : pj 

revenues), returns; yield, produce 

interest (on money) 

dividend(s), share(s) of 


gross profit 

net profit 

(Jill Jp)s^SU : e j 

to kneel down; to lie (down), rest pt>- 1 J^ : (jij 

suburb, outskirts, precincts, environs <^U> ^u^JJ 

pen, fold 

to bind, tie (up), fasten, make fast, 

attach, moor 

to connect, link, join, unite, attach, cou- J^oj : J»jj 

pie; to tie (in); to ligate; to correlate 

'-' '■ '1 " 
to assess, rate, impose *-j j-o mjj 

to bandage, dress, bind up, swathe \>-j>- Jeuj 

to ligate (diy* i^-i o? ^^ l r*y) -^".J 

to associate, connect, relate W**? ^IJ 

to strengthen your hearts ^-iy^ J* ^.j4 

binding, tying, fastening, attaching, attach- It. : iuj 

ment, mooring, moorage 

connection, connecting, linking, link- S*>) '■ -^".J 

age, joining, junction, juncture, uniting, union, 

attaching, attachment; tying (in); ligation, ligating; 

correlation, correlating 

assessment, rating, imposition * r j J ^\ Ja>j 

bandaging, dressing, binding up, ^^J-l Jeuj 


ligation, ligating feyi t\tj ^ iJu^S\ i-Hy) Ja>j 

' " ' ', .'.-.- 
association, connection, relation <X*i • J 

attached, enclosed ILj 


*"*i J J 



-V >■«!■) )"■■■ TCT 

to prepare, ready, make ii^L ( j^i- ( oc I : i_J j 
ready, set, lay out, dress, make, do up 

f- •* - - . « - s , 
to give rise to, produce, bring L; I t ii j»- 1 : i_J j 

about, engender, generate, cause, make, occasion, 
raise, induce, result in, make the result or conse- 
quence (of), make result or accrue (from) 
to entail, involve, imply I'—'. l : \_^'j 

rank, degree, grade, order, class, ii-jj < ijj^ : Xz'j 
category; level, echelon; position, status; standing 

order [»LJ]£Jj 

to bolt, bar, latch, lock 'Jii I i jlil t Ijjt : ^ 

to revel (in), carousej^i (<_. J 2JI J J5' Ml)^^ j) ijf, 
(in), luxuriate (in), indulge oneself luxuriously (in); 
to live in great luxury or opulent comfort; to enjoy 
to graze, pasture t^cj :i*ilil cJu j 

to mend, patch, sew up, darn, fine-draw U j : jij 

mending, patching, sewing up, darning, y j : Jpf, 

to be or become regular, sy mmet- ',li ■ I < J^L, LJ : |jj j 
rical, in good order, well-organized, well-ordered, 

to recite or intone (the Koran) slowly (o I >JI ) Jj j 
and distinctly 

to hymn, sing, chant, l*> p'j> : (fJJ 5^aJI) [fi'j 
intone, modulate 

line, queue, file, row, iii It t jy\l> ( Jj^L . ^ : Jjj 
rank, column; train, caravan, convoy 

to utter, pronounce, say 

err- 1 ' 



; e l» : (<ul£j ) »Jj 

retem, broom, furze, gorse (oLj^j 

thread wound around one's finger as a reminder <»j j 

retouch, touch-up 

monotonous, J*. i (J-?jjiiJ*-\jij?j J* jl»- • ■. ,_j j 
monotone, routine, humdrum, tediously unvary- 
ing, boring, dull 

officer, noncommissioned officer (^^L^-' j) s-»y j 

suborder [ , L»- 1 ] 1".: ^ 

harvestman, daddy longlegs; tarantula (ijJi-) *5C"j 



bronchial asthma 

divine, of God, from God 

V^I : &* J 

divinity, deity, godhood, goodhead 

Vrf'j jfr-'j - 

reportage, report 


» ■ - 

usurious 1 * u«^ : l$*j 

to grow up tii:j£ll^jj 

divine, of God, from God 'jl^j :^Jj 

stepson, stepchild ^j^ 1 j' rJ^ 1 Crf' : *— 'J 

foster son, foster child, fosterling <1»>JL ,jj I : i 
foster father J^ W? 5 '!4' 

ally, confederate ■ ._— . ^j 

stepdaughter, stepchild i=rj>JI jl rj^JI c~J :ilo3 

foster daughter, foster child, <e,rJl? cuj : L-j j 

foster mother Jj <d Ja*. Jl <>- j j : i.., j 

(female) ally or confederate ii-Ii- : ilo j 

dividend, share of profits ^J\ *^j '.Za+jj 

spring, springtime ^J\ ^lai ^j 

vernal, spring \**?j 

(wild) boar 


monotony, monotonousness, routine, hum- 
drum, dullness 

gate, portal j£ Ll < Cl^I : r^j 

wicket jyS i_>l. j ^jiU i_>L li^^i. ir-tj 

bar, bolt; latch; lock Jii s -.^ 

to arrange, array, dispose, marshal, ^li i Jil : Lj^ 
organize, fix up, order, systematize, put in order, 
set (in order), regulate, make up, tidy up; to classi- 
fy, categorize, range, assort, group, put together 



purpose of, so as, so that, in order to, in order that, to 
shaking, jolting; trembling, tremulous j\ > : j-li-j 

wisdom, sapience, sagacity, prudence; (Jiill) i»-^j 
composure, equanimity 

swing; seesaw; cradle <r-yrj\ :«*-^j '«*-^j 

thunderous; roaring, surging .rf^' ->*;*-" '-u^J 

iun.i j* «j>-Ij — t-9u*j 

men's, for men; male, masculine, manly i^«rj 

stake; prop; stick ii I ^ j . i* W i : -u^ 

convulsion, concussion, shock, jolt, 
jerk, jog, jar; tremor, shake, quake 
to outweigh, outbalance, overbalance, over- r^-j 
weigh, exceed in weight or value; to preponder- 
ate, predominate, exceed in influence or power 

to incline, tilt i)\jl\ rvr-j 

to weigh something in the hand »juj «(*^' rfrj 

to make outweigh; to give prepon- 
derance to, give greater weight or value to 

to give preference to (over), ( Jt) jlii : ( Jt) ^-j 
prefer (to), favor 

to consider (more) 

£?rji *^r : £?T-) 

probable, likely, likelier 

preponderance, predominance, superiority oUi»j 

— '-' . | " 

flickering, trembling, tremulous, 



to flicker, shake, convulse, agitate, jolt 'jl '-t j^j 
dirt, filth, squalor jji '-'j^j <-'j^j 

punishment (inflicted by 

idolatry, paganism u^^l oiUt 

to be or become dirty, filthy 

- - , -■ » ,- 

to commit a shameful Lwi ^Li J^i : l^j . (_r»- j 
or abominable act 

dirt, filth, squalor 

dirty, filthy, unclean, squalid 


to be or become ragged, tattered, threadbare \£> :uj 

ragged, tattered, threadbare, shabby, dowdy, Jl \\L>j 
shoddy, worn-out, worn, old 

shabby, ragged, slovenly, frowsy 

to elegize; to bewail, bemoan, lament (c^lil) Uj >t yj 

to deplore, lament, mourn for; to *JUJ jl <d ,J j 
pity, compassionate, feel sorry for, commiserate, 
feel for, feel compassion or sorrow for 

deplorable, lamentable, regrettable, unfortu-*J ,Jjj 
nate, pitiful, pitiable, piteous, rueful, woeful, mis- 
erable, wretched, poor 

elegizing; bewailing, bemoaning, lamenta- c-jju : f Uj 

pity, compassion, commiseration iiii, : >t j 

elegiac poetry; elegy, elegies ,Jt j yti. : * 13 j 

elegiac ^j tf j 

arthritis, gout, rheumatism J-aLil c_jI^JI :Ljj 


to shake, convulse, agitate, jar, jolt, jerk,^a»- <.jt :rj 
joggle, jog 

shaking, convulsion, agitation, jarring, [yxi- . */> : £j 
jolting, jerking, joggling 

to hope; to hope for; to look forward to, expect; U-j 
to wish (for something); to wish someone some- 
thing; to ask (for), request 
! hope; I look forward to; I wish; please, will y>-y 
you please 

to raise hopes (in), inspire hope (in), give jUl : ^j 
hope (to), let or make hope 

side; direction; region, area i-»-li : ( *U jl ^) U-j 
vastness, (vast) expanse; (open) space a-j- j : U-j 
throughout, all over, all about *l»-jl j 

hope; expectation; wish; request J-.I : etj 


>?-j ; jf 'j ■ 

• li-jJI 

with a view to, with the aim of, for, for theO' °Wj 



echo, reverberation, reecho li-uoJI *j>- j 

atavism, throw- ci^L'Jll olu> <JJ Sjjc ijlt :(ynfj 
back, reversion 

> > '.—_ _. ,.- _-. - 

fyrj p 3 ? ' J — ^*t* J ' JiJjjl io^t '^^J 

return to one's wife 4 .ilk. Jj jlLH ?->«- j : *«»-j 
after divorce, remarriage with one's divorced wife 
reactionary <*?-"-■ -^ : (j?TJ 

old-fashioned, luuJi Ij*- JaiUu :(jtSCiJl) ^4-j 
narrow-minded, intolerant, highly conservative, 
fusty, illiberal, ossified 

is-j J>ai 

y^-J W.»«*- J J '<^V"J 

retroactive, retrospective 
retroactive effect or force l ja r j ^J I ( J«*=r j J>»i^ 
re vocablef i-. ^L I i*,^ ]( J}UJ IS" )i Uj (j& : "^ 'j 
out 01 season 4^_^. ^_t j Jj,.a-w lj^»j : <yc>- j 
reaction, reactionism a.. ■;. 1.;. •* — ^ 

narrow-mindedness, iiai U*. .i-..o.'> 4 jjw" :<Lju>-j 
fogyism, fossilization, ossification, fustiness, intol- 
erance, conservatism, conservativeness 

retroactivity of laws ^j-jl^ill 

clonus; fibrillation 

tremor, tremble, quiver, quake, 
shudder, shiver, shake 

to go on foot, foot, walk 



security forces; the police, peace officers^ t\ JU- j 

detective, secret agent, i^-»-Lll ^1 (i^JI Jrj 
sleuth, intelligencer; investigator; inspector 


, • ? v - 

■ • v - 

layman, ordinary person, average cJjUI J»-^II 
man, man in the street, commoner, rank and filer 

--1- V ' 
gangster *j'- a f 0»r j 

guerrillas olCaJI (i_>>»-) JU-j 

' 1' ' V - 
astronaut, spaceman, cosmonaut »U» J*- j 

dirt, Tilth, squalor 
abomination, atrocity, enormity 

-V' • * 
f 1 ^ : tr ! rj 

to return, come back, go back; to revert; to jlc : 


to retreat, withdraw, fall JL^u 1 UfCiJ c aj j\ '-srj 
back, draw back, move backward, go back, retract, 
back (away), recede, regress, retrocede, retrograde, 

to resort to, have recourse «■ I j < <JJ UJ : J J *j* j 
to, fall back upon; to consult, refer to, turn to 

to resume, recommence, do jjlc t i_iluL.I : JJ vr j 
again or anew, revert to, return to, go back to, turn 
again to, take up again 

to be due to, go back to, be <JJ (<-'. „.ll /\ j^l) *»■ j 

attributable or ascribable to, be referable or 

traceable to, be attributed or ascribed to, be 

referred or traced back to, stem from, spring from, 

derive from, be caused by 

to be due to, belong <JJ i}\ 1 J* )\ <JI jIc : <JJ £»■ j 

to, accrue to, redound to, revert to, fall to, go to, 

pass to, devolve upon, vest in 

to refrain from, abstain ^c m- I 1 je- <-«S :jc- ^j 

from, desist from, leave off, give up 

to withdraw, take back, i jA\ 1 1--»»- : jt- ^r j 

retract; to recant, revoke, cancel, recall 

to go back on ^c ^»-lji :(^JJ *>^ls ) j jl ^ ^»-j 
one's word; to unsay; to back down (off, out) on, 
take back, retract, recant, withdraw 

to claim from, demand from( _*) a!JU» : (->)<J* vr j 

to entail; to bring about; to jt i (_J»- t ^ : j «■ j 
bring in, return, yield, produce, pay 

to retrace one's <JU jl ■cit J*. u>-j 4 <t»-l jjl »■ j 
steps, go back (the way one has come from), turn 

to echo, reverberate, resound, resonate, (5 .ua) I <J- j 
reecho, rebound 


I*-*-. • ' 


* «E 

ment from, refraining from, abstention from 
claim(ing), demand(ing) £Jlk. : J* f\>»- j 

irrevocable 9-yrjU J;^ .«* J lr*' (v^"- j') V^ 
letter of credit 

manhood, manliness, masculinity, virility 
manly, masculine, virile, male 

1.1 -» Is - 

hope; expectation; wish i^l i J-l : *-»-j 

• ~ •' .» . C *• . - ^ .. 

out of season <u~>» ^i- j J>*»»«J i_i>o j : «~rj 

dung, droppings, manure iijj : w- j 

sweat, perspiration Jj^t : w- j 

stalk; pedicel; petiole, leafstalk 

cursed, accursed, damned, evil, 

wicked Jy^ -t^-j 

stoned, pelted with stones 

fyr^ '-ffrj 

diet; dietary, regimen, regime 

*?•?" '•£?-> 

quern, hand mill 

molar, molar tooth 

ITS? '-(J* J 


(J~J\ >=V 

war broke out, flared up, erupted v^il ^j Ojl j 

wideness, spaciousness, roominess, capa- s-Lj I : «j \»-j 
ciousness, vastness, commodiousness, ampleness, 

magnanimity, generosity, forgivingness;jluJlil»-j 
largeheartedness, good-heartedness; liberality, 
broad-mindedness, open-mindedness, tolerance; 
patience, forbearance, long-suffering 

traveler, explorer, wanderer, rover, ilU-j i Jli-j 

globe-trotter, bird of passage; nomad; nomadic; 
migratory, wandering, roaming, roving 

metritis, uteritis f?'^ vV*" •f^*"-' 

to be or become wide, spacious, L*- j Jo : u-#-j i (_»-j 

to welcome, greet, hail; to receive (graciously j lJ*-j 
or hospitably) 

wide, spacious, roomy, capacious, ample, *-lj :<_. »-j 




: :■ " ; ~~1 

Jf'j {f-'j-^L* 'Jr'j : J»-j 'Jtj 

alkanet, (dyer's) bugloss, oxtongue(oLj)>Q-l ji-j 
club moss, lycopod (^M) S- 1 ■*" Jrj 

purslane, pussley (^jU) «I»-j 

to stone, pelt with stones, throw 
stones at 

to divine, soothsay, augur, predict, 

foretell, prophesy, presage; to guess, surmise, 



stoning, pelting with stones, 
throwing stones at 

missile; projectile 


'<■'.''■*''' . • - 

divination, augury, soothsaying, ...'.11 1, Jj.j 

fortune-telling; conjecture, guesswork 

tombstone, gravestone, headstone rv^-aJ I <LL>}1 :i*»-j 

return(ing), coming back, going back; 
reversion; recurrence 

'^ : t-^" J 

retreat, withdrawal, fallback, Jk^Z <. jl-J jl : c.j»-j 
moving backward, going back, retraction, backing 
(away), recession, regress(ion), retrocession, retro- 
gradation, retrogression 

resorting to, recourse to, having JJ £>jJ • JJ f-yrj 
recourse to, falling back upon; consulting, consul- 
tation, referring to, reference to, turning to 

resumption, recom- SjjIa* < <_»Li£.l : JJ *•>>- j 
mencement, doing again or anew, reversion to, 
return(ing) to, going back to, turning again to, 

taking up again 

• . - •> > > 

withdrawal, taking back, « Ul t uv, : ^ f-yrj 

retraction; recantation, revocation, cancellation, 


• * *» f f 

desistance from, refrain- s-L-jl <. flw- 1 : ^ 9-yrj 



# «■ 

mercy, clemency, lenity, leniency; com- iilj :i*»-j 
passion, pity; sympathy, graciousness; kindness 

at the mercy of.. ..iL>-jC*i 

the(Most)dracious,the(Most)Merciful (Cod) j*»^JI 
uterine -*■ J I jl»-^ :<«*»■ j 'i»*f J 

rotary , rotatory, rotative, rotating, revol vi ng j I j y lSj^j 
capstan,^. I^ilj I JUj "ill j*^)u^»-Sill»jjjj5ljl:Xji»-j 

nectar; exquisite wine titfj 

departure, decampment, leaving, going away, S^j 
moving away, setting out; traveKing); migration, 
immigration, emigration; exodus 

merciful, lenient, clement; compas- jyi. <. <Jjjj : *fj 

sionate, pitiful, gracious; kind, kindly 

the (Most) Merciful (God) dl : ^') I 

to dilute, mix with water ( UL r> : fj 

• ' t -' * „ > 
roc, fabulous huge bird of prey Jw> j> \ji- j$\b :fj 

•,' * ' . *,' , > 
rook, castle pfj^\ ^* <j* i»-l»» : rj 

to be or become easy, comfortable, luxuriouSj^illl 1 U-j 

welfare, well-being, j-j < o4*" **- ' *4*^j • *^J 
weal; ease, comfort; luxury; affluence, opulence, 
prosperity, abundance 

gentle breeze, slack wind *— J ~ j : »U-j 

comfortable, easy, smooth, pleasant f«J» : f^j 

\> i ',,*' ' i'. ' 

marble uU yJ5 j»- : *U-j 

marble, marmoreal ,_• U-j 

flaccidity, flabbiness, limpness; looseness, slack- »j\*j 

ness, laxity; softness 

— * - ' - 
to cheapen, be or become cheap or }U ju» : <^d»v 


^ ' - * * * 
to be or become supple, tender, soft^J»i u s i'-u ai 'j 

to cheapen, reduce (lower, cut) the ^«UI ^ii*- '-uoj-j 
price of, make cheap 

to authorize, license, permit, r-y>\ i J>U-I :i>»-j 
allow, warrant, sanction, legalize, legitimize, make 
permissible or lawful 

■" *i *"\ '• ' 
supple, tender, soft <£jb i ^J : u&j 

commodious, vast, expansive, broad, large 
generous, liberal, openhanded ?-ljJJIjl f-UI s-»-j 

magnanimous, generous, forgiving; j-u»)l c-»-j 
largehearted, good-hearted; liberal, broad-minded, 
open-minded, tolerant; patient, forbearing, long- 

-- - - i ! • * 

4j I*- j ju»- 1 j — p U-j I I u*^ j 

welcome! iZJIj i-j-jJI J* 

vastness, (vast) expanse; (open) space; (open) <L»-j 
square, courtyard; plaza, public square 

wide, expansive, broad «_. I j : rj^j » r '^j 

c?refree, pleasant, comfortable, jij : t-j^-j 'V' j^-j 
easy, luxurious, opulent 

to rinse, wash (out), flush Jli : Jafj 

to depart, decamp, leave, go away, part, move J*-j 
away, set out, take off; to travel, journey, go on a 
trip; to migrate, immigrate, emigrate 

to evacuate, expel, evict, force out, oust, J*-j 

dislodge, drive away, send away; to banish, exile, 
expatriate, relegate; to deport 

to carry (forward or over), post, 
bring forward 

saddle; packsaddle; saddlebag 




baggage, luggage, bags 

Jr'j cf 'j -J*v 

:£t j liii-j 

trip, journey, voyage, travel, <U^j>- i S 
tour, excursion, jaunt; cruise; ride 

flight il^i- iii-j t (s^jUaJL) iii-j 

bon voyage, pleasant (^LJJ JUj) Sj-*- ii»-j 

to have mercy upon, be merciful toward, _j i_»lj : ^j 
have compassion or pity for, compassionate, pity 

womb, uterus yi\ t j^u j (j^il £*>• : p*V ' j»fJ 
metritis, uteritis r?0' vUr'! 

kinship, relationship, cognation ill ^» : ^ j i «p- j 
relatives on the maternal side (^■j'^ 33* 



to repel, repulse, drive back, I j i i ju« i ji J : J j 
drive away, turn away, ward off, fend off, stave off 

to turn down, reject, refuse, decline Jot j : ij 

to refute, disprove, confute, rebut, con- u ar- j : j j 
trovert, falsify 

to rebut [ uy>\i J J°r*\ < j» J : J j 

to answer, reply, respond, retort oli- 1 : (J*) j j 

to attribute to, ascribe to, trace JJ l^t : JJ j j 

(back) to, refer to, impute to 

to turn (away) from, keep jc L>j*o i ,jc ^ : jc- i j 

from, dissuade from, discourage from, deter from, 

prevent from 

to yield, return, pay, produce, bear, ji\ i Jcl : j j 

bring (in or forth) 

to reflect, throw back iJ S^ : j j 

to close or shut the door oUI jj 

to rehabilitate Jj ill* "ill ji jL^I Jj 

to (*lc uji-JI *~jj— ■• J»li-^) (j-l*ll J^f*' i J 


to dismiss, quash, set aside £)J i$j*-JI Jj 

to repay or return a visit or call • j\> j j j 

to refund, repay, pay back, re- (Jj t*y-Ju) "ill* Jj 
imburse, return 

to reciprocate, repay, pay £)J %^r jl lijj« Jj 
back, requite, return (in kind) 

to retaliate, make reprisal, ^>\ :*JLUj t^l J* Jj 
retort, requite, repay, return or answer in kind 

returning), giving back, restoration, J jUI i p U-jl : Jj 
restitution; sending back; bringing back, taking 
back, turning back; putting back, laying back, 
replacement, replacing, placing back 

repulsion, repulse, repelling, »j j t ju« i ji j : j j 
driving back or away, parryOng), warding off, 
fending off, staving off 

turndown, rejection, refusal Jci j : Jj 

refutation, disproof, confutation, flasifica-yis- j : j j 


reply, answer, response <-r>\yr '■ J j 

rebuttal [u>>^] u^'jf*] ' Jf J : ^J 

cheapness, inexpensiveness »blt -ui : l^j 

license, permit, authoriza- oil iif\j> i i jU- 1 : *-a^j 
tion, warranty); concession, franchise; permis- 
sion, leave 

driver's license, driving permit, J}-, jl jjjLi • 
operator's license 

pumice, pumice stone o^-l j»v ' u^»" '• ***J <■*-*? j 

meerschaum (o^**) ***-j « *-Jf-j 

to hatch, incu- ( yil-JI ^ jl y*»~J' ^^r-^' !r-) (•*•-> 
bate, brood, sit or set (on eggs) 

to be or become soft, mellow, melodious ( o^-aJ I ) (*^j 

to soften, mellow (o^-J I ) (^j 

to apocopate, elide, contract, shorten [ iiJ J ^ j 

Egyptian vulture (^ U» ) <*»-j ' ^-j 

> • - 
incubation, hatching, brooding yi^JI Cr**" '• (**•-> 
' '. ^ -. --" ^ 

loose, slack, lax; limp, flaccid, flabby; ^-j i^-j <-y*-j 
languid, indolent, inactive; soft 

mollusk, mollusc oUy-jJI ,j* u'>^- '-^i^J 

molluscan, molluskan oU^-^JU Jl*^» : iSy-j 
Mollusca oUjUiUII j* i-j^i. ioC^j 

easy, comfortable, carefree ~tj> i \j* : ,^j 

cheap, inexpensive, low-priced JU oJ» : 

cheap, contemptible, scurvy, yjii. i jj&- :v*~>-j 
mean, low; tawdry, sleazy, inferior, worthless, 
low-level, poor 

supple, tender, soft iijJ> i ^J ■u a -^ m j 

soft, mellow, melodious, sweet-sounding, dulcet, pf-j 

tuneful, euphonious 

, - » -- .« i- 

to return, give back, restore, restitute; jUI <. «r jl : Jj 

to send back; to bring back, take back, turn back; 
to put back, lay back, replace, place back 



- ■" ■■' ■■■■■.:■'.■' 


to deter (from), discourage (from), prevent (jt) *sj 
(from), keep (from), restrain (from), hold bade 
(from), inhibit (from) 

deterrence, determent, deterring, discourage- 
ment, prevention, restraint, inhibition 

deterrent, deterring, preventive ^ J - ) 

slush, mud, mire, ooze; slurry i* jj « i* jj 

to follow, succeed, come after Lj : Lfjj 

to ride behind someone *iL>> Li" j : ci'j j 

rump, buttocks, posteriors, j»«* i Jis : ul*jj i u»jj 
backside(s); croup, cupper (of a quadruped) 

3$ <$n 

to fill up (with earth) 
filling up (with earth) 
debris, rubble 
to spin 

»U»- i(_^iviil 'fJj 

iJ> :'u3j 

hall, lobby, lounge, foyer, entrance hall, vesti- ii Jj 
bule; parlor 

floor (CBJ^JlJiiij 

to perish, be destroyed dUi :iiJj 

to fall, tumble ,LL : Is *j 

bad; ill; evil; inferior, poor, low-grade, low-level t$ Jj 

rear man, one riding i_-$"l J I uti>- (--fQ I : ^ Jj 

behind another 

* i i • i * "■* . - 
reserve, reservist ,J»Li»-l <i-U»- :<-*»jj 

substitute, alternate, standby, stand-in, Jjju : >-*> Jj 

reserve; relief, understudy, double 

» - *.- 
to spray, sprinkle, shower, splash, spatter yij : Jj 

to drizzle, sprinkle I 31 ij o^L* I : f|,D I oij 

drizzle, dribble, sprinkle, light rain, uLi*- >U» : 31 ij 
light (rain) shower 

spray u-^j : 31 ij 

lowness, baseness, meanness, vile- il*- 1 i)U~ : <U I jj 
ness, despicableness, contemptibleness, depravity 

fag end, last and worst part; waste, refuse, *J li»- : <J I Jj 
scrap, garbage, rubbish, trash, junk 

to atomize ilij Jj (5^1-) Jy : 33j 

to reject, discard, cast off or away ili :«J3j 


:-■■■'■■•-•- «l 












3di ' j 

jJJ tf^oJI jj 

j-j jj 


refuncKing), repayment, paying ( fy !u) JU Jj 
back, reimbursement, returning) 

retaliation, reprisal, retortion, retor- »l£jl : Jill jj 
sion, requital, repayment 

to be or become bad \Ltij 0» ' : JJj 

to fall, tumble Jm- : i$3j 

ruin, destruction; death, demise, c*y > dljU : iS Jj 

-'ft ■* 5 •* 

divorcee, divorcee 4iLU» :i£Jj 

dress, robe, garment, gown, apparel, y-U i op : »l Jj 
attire, clothing, clothes; suit, costume; wear 

gown; robe ^L /\ yj-U- _jl J^> t\'ij 

badness; inferiority, poorness, low level »t\ij 

steatopygia ciljj"5ll £Um<> :*^Ijj 

croup, rump (o lj^-1 ) <-*' J J 

blind alley, dead-end street, dead jj j— J^ ^t : c» Jj 
end, impasse, cul-de-sac 

reaction J«j 5jj 

apostasy, defection, wlj *oJU jl r#i y* jIjujJ :5jj 
desertion, tergiversation, backsliding, lapse 
long (period of) time *\»>i» •-'-• : ^ J j 

for a long (period of) time t>*S" j' ^*-^' O? *" J J 
to repeat, reiterate, iterate jjS :jJj 

to echo, return the echo, reverberate, ^juJI j'jj 
resound, resonate, reecho, rebound 

to flatten, roll, level (of!) &- j i IJj*- : y- j j 




♦ ♦ 

parcel, package, pack, packet; bundle, baleoj*- : o jj 
to weigh in the hands <J-u« u jj : ujj 

to be or become sedate, staid, grave Lo jj u^ : ujj 
calendar, almanac **«jj 

•' i -: '•■?-' -/> ■' 

sedate, staid, grave, solemn, sober, <>-»j 4 jyj :^ jj 
sober-minded, sobersided, calm, composed, self-' 
possessed, unruffled 

to anchor, cast anchor, (i.'.i'.l I o—j < l^^II ) Lj 
drop anchor, ride at anchor, come to anchor, 
moor, berth, land 

to be or become firm, fixed, stable, »v. j 1 e~J : C j 

to be the ( jJ) LjLII . fiLJl) iljll U* Cj 

successful bidder; to be knocked down to, land 
with, go or come eventually to 

> - .- r > 
sediment; sludge; alluvium Vj- j '■ <> ^j 

> - „ .- > 
sedimentary; alluvial </>"-> : V- J 

letter, note, message, dispatch, <~>y£j> ( o^r : *^J 
communication, missive, epistle 

thesis, dissertation; paper; <ijw 1 i*-jj> l : i)C j 
treatise, study 

mission, calling, sLjJJ <_»ja j I t_-»- I j 4 «!+» : iJL j 

*- ' -Tr 

the Prophet's mission ju»m <)L.j 

draftsman, drawer; painter, artist ^-^ ^ : fL.j 

caricaturist, cartoonist '<£jy'&ij6 <^-j 

ordination, ordainment, consecration oL :oLj 

to precipitate, sink (to JA-I J] J»i- < <-—> : <r-"J 
the bottom), settle, subside, deposit, sediment 

to fail, flunk ~IJ 0^f*l j J«*- : v— J 

' ' . :. . >- 

to precipitate, Ji-I Jj 
settle, deposit, sediment 

to fail, flunk 
roast meat 

to take root, strike root; to be or be- cuy<j!Uu :^>j 
come deep-rooted, deep-seated, firmly established; 

-i 3 

jJI yUjil J ' 

. I— ■** J 

.1 ' 

Jijl-I /uflj-iLjij ojlc 

» - '- , . , > . 
to be or become low, base, vile, 5L. ij u ^ : J jj ' <J Aj 

rejection, discarding, casting off or away jui :Jjj 

low, base, mean, vile, despicable, LrlrT *- < JiL : Jj ij 
contemptible, depraved 

vice; depravity *^*»» V* : *^Aj 

to drive in, insert; to staple Ji- !> I « j ^c : j j 

rice (oLi) jjl Oj 

to prejudice, injure; to cause a loss to; (»JJ *JU •) I jj 
to deprive of; to wrong, oppress 

to suffer or incur a loss; to lose; to be afflicted (j) £$jj 

with, befallen by, stricken by, hit by 

t . > 
disaster, calamity, catastrophe <:■.■«*» : » jj 

JL>" C^ : J'JJ 

sedateness, staidness, gravity, <iC*j 4 jlij : ij \}j 

solemnity, sobriety; calmness, composure, self- 
possession, poise, equanimity 

staple; screw eye; spike ijj 

to sink (under), fall down *U 1 Ju. : (cum) ^jj 

(under), collapse (under), succumb (under), labor 
(under), be burdened (with) 

to burnish, polish, glaze, gloss ji*> : jjj 


rice merchant, rice dealer 

the Provider (God) 


to provide with the means of subsistence; to <j jj 
bestow upon, endow with, bless with 

to be endowed with, blessed with 

.- f" - - 
to be blessed with a child, have a baby I s£y J j j 

livelihood, subsistence, means of living; suste- Sjj 
nance, living, maintenance, daily bread; blessing or 
boon (of God); property, possessions, wealth; real 

to pack, package, parcel, wrap up, (>- : }'jj * }jj 
bundle, bale 

packing, packaging, parceling, wrapping up, ^ : {jj 
bundling, baling 


fee, rate, charge, io yo i ^S^ i s^»- 1 » Jiur '• (*- j 
dues; duty, duties, impost, toll, excise, tax 

graph, chart, diagram, schema ^iC jv-j 

_5 *>• * * * * 


customs, customs duties,customs tariffs£l5f j 
drawback *^^*4-' (>•>' J J 

storage ojil |»-j 

> t >. - 
admission, entrance fee; toll; octroi J>»-aJI «-j 

tuition, fee(s), tuition fee(s) A»s\\ ~.j < <<-lj a «-j 

quayage, wharfage <Ju*oJ\ 2,'j 

photograph, photo, picture ,i l^c>>y jl ,,.....*. ~.j 

cancature, cartoon 
aquarelle; watercolor 
animated cartoon, cartoon iff , 

landscape painting <L*~-Ul o*lill _.j i jiLil ~.j 
for, intended for; c/o, care of ISjt 

for rent, to let, for hire, on hire jUj Jl I JL^ 

for sale, on sale «11] I ~.y 

duty-free, tax-exempt —L-^JLl «J»U- jli. 

to capitalize Jli-0 d\ Sy- 'J*^j 

to fund (a debt) (J?ji \)'S^-'j 

capitalization; funding J*~ j j -^ : *i*-«j 

official, formal; ceremonial, ceremonious u**"J 

official, officeholder, civil 
servant, public servant 

officially, formally; ceremonially, ceremoni- u. j 

unofficial, informal, officious, uncere- 
monious, casual 

^ • - ■* *~ 
full dress; uniform y^j <->£ i t/*~j tr L 

public school ^...j i-jj 

formalities; ceremonies, ceremonial(s) cX~»**j 

halter, leash (i^ljJl) »£ j : ,>»j 

anchorage, anchoring, {l'..»,.,\\ /\ u-5fjil) >-j tj-«j 
lying at anchor, moorage, mooring, landing, 


"•:•?: ■':■; .-. ,. ~ 

~ 1 

to be or become firm, fixed, settled, stable, steady, 
solid, strong; to set, become fast 

to be or become versed (in), (~)j JUI j) £-j 
conversant (with), skilled (in) 

to establish, settle, stabilize, steady, make c^J : jl»j 
firm, make stable; to fix, fasten, make fast; to se- 
cure; to implant; to strengthen, consolidate, firm up 

to (im)plant, (in)fix, instill, inculcate, ^JJI J ~-j 
infuse, (en)grave, impress permanently 

wrist, carpus (^0 j-j 

• * » ^ ~ ■*•-» 
ankle, tarsus J=!v" j' (•**" j-*j 

» .• ■* 

carpal; tarsal ( yu-j 

to read slowly and distinctly (• f\jA \ j) JLj 

easy, gentle, leisurely, slow J+^> > J*- : J- j 

slowness J**j :J—j 

slowly! gently! take it easy! take your dlL j J* 
time! ' 

to draw, trace, sketch, delineate, j^ i Jal»- 
design; to describe (a circle, etc.); to paint 

to describe, depict, portray, picture 


to decree, ordain, prescribe, aM f>-^»j ^> I : «-j 

lay down as a rule; to enjoin, command 


to ordain, consecrate (a (wlj UiLl jl Luis') ~.j 

priest, bishop, etc.) 

to plan, make (draw, lay) J»Ja^- ' > ^ : (<L»- ) «- j 
plans, design, project, scheme, schematize, chart, 
map out 

to cross, make the sign of the cross i_. ; l'nll»jbl — . j 

drawing, tracing, sketching, delineation, je^u : mj 
designing; painting 

description, depiction, portrayal, repre- oCoj : J. j 

planning, designing, projecting, m^-oj i jy-u ; _.j 
projection, scheming, schematizing, mapping out 

drawing, figure, picture, portrait; illus- » j^» : ~Lj 
tration; painting; sketch; pattern, design 

trace, track, vestige, mark, sign, <*%■ <. 
print, imprint 

>' : r"J 



■ ■ " ~^ 

gracefulness), elegance, shapeliness, ( ^ l^i) I ) iilij 
sveltness, slenderness, litheness, lissomeness 

/'"\ s ' ' ' 
nimbleness, agility, briskness, \^Ji\)ii»-:ii\l. J 

sprightliness, swiftness, lightness, quickness, lis- 

sprinkling, sprinkle; dash i-j 

sprinkle, drizzle, dribble Ja* ~Cj 

to ooze, sweat, exude, tran- <~-j-J <■ p*ai <■ i_JUJ : jwj 
sude, seep, leak, percolate, filter, infiltrate, strain 
to sweat, perspire; to transpire Jji :(jdi-0 ^.j 

to nominate, name, propose(«JJi_.Uii^l< L .. .a :il )yj 
(for office), run, put up (as a candidate for election) 

to run, stand (as a candidate, for ~.j : <L-ii *w j 
election or for an office), be a candidate (in an 
election or for an office) 

to filter, filtrate, infiltrate, perco- jd i i j*e : ~~j 
late, exude, strain, leach, distill 

oozing, ooze, exudation, tran-o^-i t mu 
sudation, seerXage), leaktage), escape, percolation; 
infiltration, filtering; drairKage), draining 

sweat, perspiration; transpiration 
(common) cold, coryza 

r ->■£-■> 

to be on the right way, follow the <s xi I : .Li j i jl- j 
right path, be rightly guided 

jijl «>-lj-(3a» :Jiij 

to rationalize ylie : Ji j 

jlij ( jij Mf I J — -L*J 

reason, mind, rationality; senses, J*c i ol^o : jl^j 
conscious awareness, consciousness 

right guidance (jo* : ji j 

(legal) majority, full age, legal age, ji^J I ^ i ji j 
maturity, adulthood; age of reason, age of consent 

tender; fresh (5jJ» : yil^lj 

to sip, sup, suck 'fjot i p^j«J : utij < utij 

todrink(up) (<J L. ££) o^i. : fU^I Lii,j iLiij 
sip, sup iiij 

K:A».-»»juM.afc.'ji>. :.. ; 

coming ashore, berthing 

firmness, stability, steadiness r-_j~ j : >- j ' >• j 

, , > > - 

sediment; sludge; alluvium -o Lj : ±>yj 

-. » . <• >> t ,' > > 

precipitation, settlement, Ji- 1 J J J»^L. i 1-—^ : *-?yj 


. . * *> > > 

failure, flunk(ing) o^-*' j J»ji- '-^yj 

* .- ' * » - 
sedimentary; alluvial (rf^-j : i/*>"J 

rootage, deep-rootedness; firmness, oCj < J-«u : r>-j 
fixedness, stability, steadiness, solidity, strength, 
constancy, steadfastness 

messenger; runner; cou- c^j»~» » pL < JL-j* : <J>«j 
rier; envoy, emissary, legate, delegate 

prophet (^j : J^-j 

apostle, disciple '<Sj\y '-dyj 

the Prophet, (pLj aIIc <bl JlU) <il J^j i Jj-^JI 
God's Apostle, the Messenger of God, Mohammed 
(God's praise and peace be upon him) 

plover (jjU») ^i-^l J>»j 

apostolic, papal J^J 

■^ -* - •* 
apostolic delegate (J>-j - U0 ^ 

the Apostolic See, the Holy See 'jy-*J ' Lr^ ' 

to sprinkle, spray, sparge, shower; to Jj ' ry : LAj 
(bespatter, splash, splatter, spout, squirt; to water 

sprinkling, spraying, sparging, showering; ^ :^jSj 
spattering, splattering, splashing; watering 

buckshot, (small) shot, pellets J j>- : ,jt j 

to bribe, buy off, corrupt S^'j>. '• ^*"J 

rope jl»- : >Lij 


peppergrass, cress, garden cress (c*L>) jllj 

spray; splash il Jj : <j-Lij 

machine gun lt^-j V-^f '<j*"j 
submachine gun, Tommy gun <j^J cr JL ~* 





plumbing, plumbery 

leaden, lead, made of Lr oC»^Jb' 4 <_^>£/,)l j< '."i^Laj 
lead; plumbeous; plumbous; plumbic; leady 

leaden, plumbeous, of the ^Co^JI o^Ij :^<eC«j 
color lead, dull gray, lead-colored 
, ... . „-,**-- 

lead poisoning; saturnism Lf°^°J .■■ ■■" 

compactness, solidity, firmness »l£»- I < oCj .: ii Ca j 

sedateness, staidness, gravity, sobriety; i; I jj : ii Ca j 
equanimity, composure, calmness 

to, monitor;to surveil,_j;|jii_j;j:a^j 

to appropriate, earmark, set (*JI < iU)i > ua»- :lw>j 
apart, set aside, designate, dedicate, destine, allo- 
cate, allot, assign 

to balance (the account) (c->LJ- 1 ) -Utfj 

_-' --< - - • - 
observation, watchGng), monitoring ; <L» I j* : j*oj t J*aj 


appropriation, (w)J Jlil) u q.,,a-i«J : j^»j ( j+oj 
earmarking, setting apart or aside, dedication, 
destination, allocation, allotment, assignment 

meteorology <£il jUJ'tfl jib « i^i- jUJI 

to lead, cover or coat ^^o'Ji, (ji j I ) ^^Lt : (>>-«j 
with lead , s 

to inlay, set, enchase, stud (with jewels, 
gems, gold, etc.) 

to pave, lay with flagstones, flag, jlk 4 jjj : IXoj 
slab, floor; to macadamize 

to parquet (<_.},il,) Li^j 

to stratify; to tier oU,.i> j <_J j ( ^U> : L**>3 

to align, line up, row, range, array, 1.i^> : i.t^j 

arrange, marshal 

to be or become compact, solid, firm o— ! : uLoj 


paving, flagging, slabbing, floor- 
ing; macadamizing 

stratification; tiering 

ju i Ja.l.j : uLej 
(i_.. t . j -lj) i_irf»j 

to pelt with, strike with; to j <J Ji < j ^ j : _, Jpj 
throw at, hurl at, fling at, toss at 

to shoot (at), fire on, open J* jU I . Jli» I : { j ) Jp j 
fire on, gun 

to bombard, bomb, canno- o IjHj jl JjUilU ^>i j 
nade, cannon, shell, attack with bombs or artillery, 
fire, fire guns at, open artillery fire at 

to seal, stamp 1^- : **j 

bribe; hush money; bribery J^»^ : »>-j ' • y>j ' • jhj 

sweat, perspiration; transpiration J^c : r^iij 

rational, reasonable, sensible, intel- S^- t JiU : xjf, 
ligent; wise, prudent, judicious 

rightly guided, following the right path, jii*. : jui j 
on the right way 

submachine gun, Tommy gun *~-j ' ij-r'J 

graceful, elegant, shapely, svelte, slen- ( » l^iJ I ) J-Ji^ 
der, lithe, lissome 

nimble, agile, brisk, sprightly, {*£ Ji-\) i <.>■> :J^i.j 
swifts swift-moving, easy-moving, light-footed, 
light, quick, lissome 

germ ; j jj t <*yt^- : n+Zj ' «b£j 

embryo **-a> 4 l ^ r j r : _i, j < -w, j 

to impact, fit or force tightly together, jLa- nilj: yej 
press closely together, compress, compact, crowd 
(together), pack (together), serry; to cram, ram, 
tamp; to stuff 

impaction, pressing, compaction, jLa- i d)j :<j*j 
crowding, packing, serrying; cramming, ramming, 
tamping; stuffing 

lead (D-^*- 1 ) {jo^aj 

white lead Ja^} ^i^tj 

bullets, lead £)] oLllilj JjLlll i_iJIJi t^C^j 
pencil, lead pencil (>>U9 j Ji 

rubber-tipped pencil (sLmL «j|)sU»Lj ^tX^jSi 
bulletproof y^UT^I , ^> ;3i ^ ^ io>U>^LI j-«U» 

plumber, tinker tSj^ll : {jotaj 

bullet, pellet ^IJ ^.o-il /I i-i- 1 — -" "^-^ : <*-<«^j 

coup de grace 

4^>.^J| i^Ltfj 



to, surrender to, succumb to, defer to, acquiesce 
in, obey 

to suck (at the breast), suckle, nurse *Joj . *Jp'j 

patella, kneecap, kneepanilif^l ^'j^Xc-ilLoj^lLoj 
patellar Lf**oj i <j**'>j 

yielding, submission, submissive- fya»- i yUil : rj-«j 
ness, giving in, surrender, deference, acquies- 
cence, obedience 

to be or become satisfied (with), ( J* 4 ^ 1 j ) j-ij 
content (with); to content oneself (with), settle for; 
to be or become pleased (with); to accept (to), 
agree (to), consent (to), assent (to), accede (to), 
approve (of), subscribe (to), sanction, OK 

may God be pleased with him 

satisfied, content, contented, pleased 

pleasant, agreeable J>r** ' u^j* '■ u^J 

affectionate, tendeKhearted), 

good-natured, amiable; friendly, 

obedient, compliant «.j». : ^ j 

bruised, contused v°y*y '■ J"..'~j 

suckling, sucker, nursling, infant, %u>^ jii. : %^'j 
newborn, baby; sucking, suckling, at the breast 

foster brother p \J»J L v-l : •-*» j 

jargon, gibberish, lingo J^j '• ii Ujj 

to dampen, wet through; to &x, 1 Ji I : >_Jjj < LJjj 
be or become humid, moist, damp, wet 

to moisten, humidify, damp(en),t5li 1 Jj»- ( ^ : L«ij 
wet, dabble 

to refresh, freshen, cool 
humid, moist, damp, wet 
fresh, cool 
ripe dates 

' ^> <fr - — ■ 

alignment, aligning, lining up, rowing, 1X0 : oiUj 
ranging, arrangement, arraying, marshaling 
to be or become sedate, staid, grave L-*j 0^ : j^j 
balance; remainder; outstanding account; funds x^j 
stock on hand mU>1JI \."'j 

medallion r. . ^ 

side walk, paveme ntt LtJJ ,jo-»sJ I jj^JJ I i-J U- : uL*a j 

quay, wharf, pier, dock, <>iUl oi^j 1 »Lil 1 <..oj 

colleague, associate J~aj:<.' 

compact, solid, firm vo\f-* < i»*-»*« : ^ 

quayage, wharfage 

sedate, staid, grave, sober, sober-minded, jljj : ^--tfj 
sobersided; equable, composed, calm 

to bruise, contuse; to traumatize ^ '*i^j 

bruise, contusion; traumatism) &>j \Joj 

to satisfy, gratify, please, content; to compensate ^j 

contentment, content(edness), satisfaction, ^j 1 Loj 
gratification; consent, assent, sanction, approval, 
OK, agreement, accession, acceptance, willingness; 
goodwill, favor; pleasure, delight 

mutual consent or agreement J jCl. L>j 

&°-> '^v cr' j ~ *^ j 

consensual, existing (or made) by mutual ^j Ujj 
consent or agreement 

saliva, spittle 

Jy j i <_jUJ : l_ rLij 

suckling, suckdng), nursing ii Lij 1 iiLij 

>, , > , a , 

nuising bottle, feeding bottle pU»j)ll i»-U- j : i*Lij 
bruise, contusion; trauma(tism) ~*Joj 

to yield to, submit to, give in J >Ja± « J ^ il : J j^j 




• ^ • .■ 

fright, fear, terror, panic, scare, horror, i_ij»- : i_«*j 

dread, angst, alarm, dismay 

caruncle ( jJ ) Sj jJ I ) iij 

to thunder (o la«L) I ) j*j 

thunder i_jb«~JI &ye : j*j 

tremor, rigor, tremble, shudder, ii»-j :»j*j iSj*j 
shiver, shake, quiver, chill 

thunder-; thunderous c$J*j 

.i >- *.- ".' 

thunderstorm <i->*-j **«»U 

cowardly, fainthearted, weakhearted, o^--*- :-4J*j 
pusillanimous, lily-livered, white-livered, chicken- 
livered, chickenhearted; coward, craven, poltroon 

to make (someone) tremble lt~> *£"r : cr*j 

cowardly; coward <j£>- : erf J 

tremor, tremble, shiver, thrill, quiver, i»- j : \£s.j 


orgasm, climax ( p-UJ-l) ii*j 

to have a nosebleed ui*j i cic j 

wreath, garland JJ^ [ : iJij 

to be sunstruck, have a sunstroke (u—^l I c) j*j 

to be or become lightheaded, jt. ji o 
frivolous, thoughtless, reckless 
sunstroke, insolation 

., , .,. 

spur, mountain peak 

* - '-• - . - 

JJ-I < — ii I \jt-j 

»-: .' ' ' 
lightheadedness, frivolity, flightiness, lev-^i-b :*jj*j 

ity, folly, heedlessness, carelessness, inconsiderate- 
ness, thoughtlessness, recklessness, rashness, fool- 
hardiness, temerity, imprudence, indiscretion 

pastoral literature iSy-j <t°' 

pastoral, bucolic 

citizenship, nationality 



grazing, pasturing, pasture, pasturage (i^lil) Je'j 
may God protect you! God be with you! dU Li j 

alfalfa, lucerne (oLi) i-ai-ai :<utj 

rotl; pound JJ»j <JJ»j 

to jargonize, jargon iiU» j> J£j : jj»j 

humidity; moisture; moistness, damptness), 


V-ij £T 

jargon, gibberish, lingo iilL j : (jilJ»j 

to take care of, care for, look after, J*j»- 1 _> ,Jx : ,jCj 
attend to, tend, watch over, keep; to guard, protect 

to patronize, sponsor; to cultivate, ^ <. jl*iu : ^j 
develop, improve, promote, foster, nurture 

to govern, rule, regulate, <J* jll» i jL 4 j^»- : ^ j 
control, apply to, be applicable to 

to graze, pasture, grass; to j--^ 1 j' i^\l\ ^j 
shepherd; to herd, tend 

to graze, pasture i~l.U.l c*«j 

pastoral, bucolic (i>*j : i/?*J 

electric ray, crampfish, torpedo (<£l*~) J^*j 

electric eel (>^U-) <j**j 

rabble, mob, riffraff, ragtag >lc^i i »|,* j : p l*j 

nosebleed, epistaxis, nasal hemorrhage (oiljl) <_»Uj 
glanders, farcy JJ-I i,.,..^ (_^>^. :^Uj 

pastoral, bucolic cS>*j : (ij^j 

care, keeping, protection, ijll»- < Sa^c i ijLc : <Llij 
charge, custody, guardianship; attention, consider- 
ation; patronage, auspices, sponsorship 

-'* -. i ' . - 

most-favored- nation clause Llij ^^11 iljjJI J»ji 

ease, comfort, opulence, affluence 
ease, comfort, opulence, affluence 


♦ # 


- .» ■ * *, - 


pleasant, comfortable, easy, care- ^j»-j i -ufj : 
free, opulent, affluent 

despite, in spite of 

in spite of Ol o? r^A'^'cr? r*^ 1 (J* '"' r*J 
the fact that, although, even though, though, albeit 

in spite of that, nevertheless, nonetheless, tJUi -pj 
though, notwithstanding, still, and yet 

• '* ".'n i *' "- s ii •!! i*'' ••! '*•' 

spite of him, in defiance of him, against his will; 

unwillingly, reluctantly, forcedly 

- * ' - *. * 

' •. * ' *. - 

foam, froth, spume, scum; lather S^ij <-»pj 

Plasmodium Uj^lUjJjjJl ,j* iliS" :ti>*j 

foamy, frothy, spumy; lathery cS-uj '■'&?■■> 

desire, desideratum, some- <ui»l i cj i_-cj,j U : <_>*j 
thing desired; wish, aspiration, object of desire 

loaf of bread ^-f^j 

to quiver, tremble, shiver, flutter; to flicker ^Lv] '■'Lij 
totwitch c-jJu»-I - .jj-*JI oij 

* *' , > s s ~ 

to flap the wings, flutter, flicker, (_»y j : jJUJ I (_>j 

beat, flail 

*- -• > • » >' ' *- „ .- 

shelf; rack; ledge iiLiw {Li, I Lit £<>y i*>jL : dj 

bookshelf >_-j <-»j 

flight, covey (of birds) jliJI ,j* i*L»- : (_»j 

to shelve, put aside, brush aside 'd>'J I J* j«i» j 

to darn, fine-draw, sew up, mend, patch Jp j : \ij i Uj 
to felicitate the newlyweds l j r . iJ ^\ \ij 

darner, fine-drawer, mender wJJ oLJI u : 
harmony, concord, accord 

live in harmony and have many ,jJ^ I j »iij)l> 
children! (a felicitation to newlyweds) 

grass, herbage, pasture ^t. i ^ : Je.j 

verbena, vervain; burdock (oL) fQ-l <^cj 

subjects), citizen(s), national(s) o>J» \yij)»\y\ ~C*j 

congregation, parish [ i-J \j^> J <Lc j 

herd, flock, drove ^J»» : <Ltj 

'• > 

advanced party (of men or horses); leading Jj*j 
group; generation 

****** s - ' - 

to foam, froth, spume; to lather iyij *i jL» : ^j i Uj 

to grumble, growl 

to rumble, peal, roll 

grumble, growl 

rumble, peal, roll, roar 

ease, comfort, opulence, affluence 

earth, dust; sand 


windpipe, trachea 

tracheal, tracheo-, trache- 


JL£j)l Uj 

-- >• > _- 1-- 

'* ',- ' , - > 

to desire, wish, want, crave after; to aspire ( j) ^j 
to, seek 

to ask (someone to do some- (ol » J *JJ) s-f j 
thing), request (someone to do something) 

to detest, dislike, loathe; to be disinclined, jc i_-ij 
reluctant, unwilling (to accept or do); to turn away 
from, avoid, shun 

to make desirous (of), awaken one's desire ( j) <--*j 
(for); to interest (in), arouse the interest of (in) 

desire, wish; craving, longing, appetite; interest, il*j 
inclination _ ^ 

sexual appetite, carnal appetite, (sexual) *.,,.■ > *^j 
desire, concupiscence, lust, eroticism, erotism 

to be or become pleasant, comfort- (<J^»i\) j*j ' J*j 
able, easy 



3* <*= 

repudiate, disapprove; to deny; to veto 

refusal, rejection, nonacceptance, turndown, Jaij 
repudiation, denial 

(right of) veto 


to raise, lift (up), uplift, hoist (up), elevate, J/s. : £»j 
boost, upraise, upheave, jack up, hike, up 

to raise, increase, step up, boost, hike, up, J I j : v j 
scale up, jack up, skyrocket; to heighten, intensify, 

to raise, erect, set up, put up, build, jli. < ^J : >* j 


to remove, take away, eliminate; to lift, J I jl : «i j 

raise, end, put an end to 

to submit to, J\ Jl»-1 « JJ JL « Jj f^» : Jj v j 
refer to, file to, present to, render to, put before, 
lay before, bring before, deliver to, hand over to, 
turn in to, hand in to, give in to 

to adjourn (a meeting, session, etc.) iJLi-l %ij 

to raise or lift the siege or the blockade Jiai- 1 >* j 

to bring suit against, bring ^t. 'LJai jl tfjo V j 
(take, file, lodge) legal action against, institute legal 
proceedings against, sue, prosecute 

to raise one's voice C^o «i j 

to turn up (loudness, volume, tJ I p-Uill o>U ji j 


*^ * *^~ ~^~ 
to hoist, run up (a flag) ijlj jl Li* •* j 

,. — •* ,~, 
to make free with, take liberties with %a iilSG I •* j 

to unhand, release, let go (of), ^>c (ajju jl) «jj •* j 
leave alone, let alone; to desist from, refrain from 

hands off. don't interfere! don't touch! (jc ) <ii jj •* j \ 

hands up! tiljjj «i j] 

to be or become high, high-ranking LL : *»j 

to be or become thin, fine, delicate JjiJj:vj 

to promote, raise, advance, upgrade, uplift, Jij : *»j 

to thin (out), make thin; to fine, make fine Jij : Jj 

raising, lifting (up), uplifKing), hoist(ing), 

(mortal) remains, corpse, body 

debris, ruins, broken remains, rabbit ^ Uav- : oli j 

dressing, bandage, pad, compress » jLy» : o'jljj 

pad, saddlecloth rj—M ^>»" ^>>> « A P :5jUj 

(spiral) spring; (screw) propeller t/"^J 

welfare, well-being, weal; luxury, opu- *l*Uj ' i*Uj 

lence, affluence; ease, comfort 

welfare state aaU^JI iiji 

euthenics "C* \i'J\ /\ iiU^JI ,Jf 

to break, smash, crush ^-S :ojj 

'■*' ' '' 
to be or become obscene; to use obscene jJu : dij 


obscenity; sexual intercourse tiij 

the approach to your wives p^LJ J J tiijH 

to support, assist, aid, help Oj^ : -tij 

to support, prop (up), hold up j— i »* j : -ii j 

present, gift ilLe : aij 

support, assistance, aid, help iilil :jJj 

share, portion, lot V m ' /" t <*»>■ :^ij 


eJJlj w-lj-i*ltJ i<L»jU :jjj 

kingfisher (jilt) <J\jj 

fender, (^11 • jl!~ J) o'SljoJI jl «£«JI til>j 

to flap the wings, flutter, flicker, beat, flailjJliJI iJ Jij 

to flutter, flap, wave, stream, float, fly, JuJ I \Sj j 

whip, flicker 

pillow; cushion; pad 5jLj :<-»jij 

shelf; rack; ledge Lij : <-*jj 

fender, (jJJ jjll- j) <->% Jl j! «I>LJI l/> j 


continental shelf iSf* <-*j»j 

to kick lKj : cr*J 

kick ik'j-XJij 

to shovel, spade <_>/•■ ijiij 

shovel, spade ~**j*? '-J^j 

to refuse, reject, turn down, decline, Jli Jj : Jotj 

r . ' ■ - , " ' -•-:■■■:. ■■ ' —v.-".-. ■ : ^~t^ > 

to make life comfortable and pleasant (_Ar*-" **j 

to afford someone a luxurious life, let li^li *ij 

someone live in comfort 

darning, fine-drawing, sewing up, mending, J£ j : <jtj 


high, high-ranking, high-level, top-level, 

: fc^ 

lofty, exalted, elevated, sublime, grand, eminent, 
superior; blue-ribbon; cultured; refined; subtle, 
exquisite; fine; artistic 

thin, fine, delicate, slender JJj : j~» j 

iris, fleur-de-lis, lily (oL>) ,j-y '• uuij 

fremitus f^Sii\ sLil jJuaJI o^*"*- :*^*j 

companion, associate, comrade, J— • j < Jj-w> : JJ j 

fellow, consort, mate; friend, pal, chum, crony 

• . *■ 
comrade <_»_)»■ J JJ j 

*, . » - ■> 
boyfriend ~»\j*\ jl sUuJ J^i j 

classmate, schoolmate, i-jjil jl oiLJI J^ij 


kind, gentle, lenient, mild, J*Li» 4 Ji JL, : ^J j 
clement, merciful, forgiving, indulgent, tolerant 

light, soft, mild, gentle, tender >. ». U 1 i- a .i -i - :J^i j 

to thin; to be or become thin, delicate, fine, J * : 3 j 
slender, tenuous 

to soften, relent o^ '3j 

to pity, compassionate, commiserate, 4JU jl <J Jj 
feel for, sympathize with, feel pity or compassion 
or sympathy for 

parchment, vellum; scroll, rji < 

turtle, tortoise; terrapin 

cJLc t-^SL _ib«- :jj 

: Jj 

slavery, serfdom, servitude, bondage, *4?y* : <5j 
thralldom, yoke 

white slavery 


uj : Jj 

j '• j *» • 

to stop, cease flowing or J«iil:(fjJI jl j^jJI) Uj 

to charm, enchant, use amulets (charms, i^* : Jij 
incantations, spells) on 


elevation, boosting, hiking 
raising, increasing, stepping up, scaling i jC j : v j 
up, hiking; heightening, intensification, enhance- 
ment; rise, increase, hike, step-up; raise 

promotion, advancement, uplifMing), ~<j'j> : «i j 

raising, erection, setting up, putting up, ju, 
building, construction 

removal, elimination, taking away; aJ i ji : «j j 

lifKing), raising, ending, putting an end to 

submission, filing, referring, refer- illi-l c ^juu : «* j 
ral, reference, presenting, delivering, rendering 
weight lifting JUI^I «* j 

adjournment (of a meeting, session, etc.) X—LLI *ij 

bringing suit (against), bringing ( J* ) <ij* jJ I »» j 
(taking, filing, lodging) legal action (against), 
institution of legal proceedings (against), suing, 

nominative (case), indicative [iiJ J *ij)\ iJU- 1 «* j 

sublimity, highness, loftiness, exaltedness; high iiij 
rank, high standing, superiority, eminence, digni- 
ty, prestige, glory 

to treat Ji^ <LU :(*_k jl <J jl <j) Jij 1 Jij 1 Jij 

with kindness, treat gently; to be kind to, gentle to, 

friendly to, nice to; to be lenient toward, mild 


kindness, gentleness, leniency, J* Lj t ^J 1 i_aJJ : jtj 

lenity, mildness, clemency, mercy, indulgence 

company, companionship, ij^c t <L>w> : *i»j <.*Jitj 
fellowship, association 

company, companions, o>«» \j* <■ *^»j : ^j ' *•*» j 
associates, comrades, friends, fellows; group, troop 

accompanied by, in the company of, with <iij> 

to strut, swagger j^yj :jij 

train (of a garment) (i_yJU Si * '• J* J 

to be or become luxurious, comfort- (<_^1«J I ) «i j <■ «ij 
able, easy, pleasant 

to entertain, amuse, cheer up, provide 0^» i>* *Jj 
recreation for 

to amuse oneself, recreate, take recrea- kJu ^ <i j 




i - 

--vawa>jfa?ritB.atai. i 

to stagnate; to be or become o j— 5 : u^-J I ooij 
dull, inactive, stagnant 

to hatch, brood, incu- jd^\ Jc (isr^r -Jl p)-^»j 

bate, sit or set (on eggs) 

. -• » 
to neglect, omit, ignore, overlook Jicl : ^ -i j 

-'• * - *- 

sleep, nap 

<Ujj '.OJij 


sleeper, one who sleeps much, ^y t *\ij\ j^f :5oij 
one given to sleep; late riser, slugabed 

glittering, glistening, sparkling [£&> '■ & 'j» J 

--.- - 3 - 
to dilute, thin (down), attenuate, ^l»i i o»*»- : j^i j 

water (down) 

to variegate, dapple, mottle, speckle, fleck 'jij Sjij 

to dance u°*J 

to frisk, gambol, dance with joy, U-^ /\ \>-j u^ij 
prance, caper, frolic 

to dance, make dance iWjtf A -" u f ' u°*j\ '■ u^J 

dancing, dance; choreography o&j 

eurythmics, eurhythmies (jclil^aij 

> > > •- • , ~ .» •.- 

belly dance <jyLA\ ^ j i j>kJ I i>»»j 

i '■»»*.-*•- 

folk dancing, folk dance <5 j^lxJji j I ,^«i yai j 

dancing master, dancing instructor ijoiJ\ ^> 



to speckle, fleck, spot, dapple 


speckle, fleck, spot, dapple 


to patch (a garment) 


to be stupid, foolish, fatuous 

J^»-I 6^ =£»J 

to be shameless, impudent, 

.O-I^-Otf :'{fj 

tf> jfb _ i*J 


patch; spot l*Jj»- U* S^j*. 

:' .- .-' -- .- '--'-' 

lot, plot, area, spot 

</Ju ', ***J 

label; tag 

olL :i*ij 


a i :***j 

'• ■■..'V.i.: 

to promote, raise, advance, uplift, jf j < jfj : <y J 

upgrade, elevate 

charmer, enchanter, sorcerer ,Jjj ^ : »lij 

supervision, control, superintendence, ci I J- 1 : i* lij 
oversight, surveillance, inspection 

observation, watch(ing), keeping an eye juoj : iilij 
on; surveillance; monitoring, checking (on) 

censorship ~l^lj f^^lj olcjlUI ^c ilij 

review, judi- ii^-1 4*£su #l£»-l <^c i*£k* ijlij 
cial review, judicial reexamination 

sleep, slumber; dormancy; repose; recumbency, jlij 
lying, resting 

dancer u ai\ J : iJ o\ij 

pendulum jJJ itCll yelij 

i-ailj »- 1 j - 4-etf j 
chip, flake; wafer ulij 

foil, thin sheet of metal; leaf, lamina <lJjjc oli j 

- *-: - *-: - '.- 

to watch (over), keep watch over, guardy-^ : i_J j 

to guard (against), be on one's guard jJl>- : *_-• j 
(against); to watch out, take care 

to respect, heed, observe, honor, keep ^Ij :i_ij 

to fear God ^j^ow .«hljj 


slave, bondman 


thinness, fineness, delicacy, delicateness, ii * : *ij 
slenderness, tenuity, tenuousness, flimsiness 

softness, tenderness, gentleness 

-- '' _ 3 



tenderheartedness, warm- 
heartedness, feeling, mercy 

to sleep, slumber, be asleep, fall asleep; to go ^ U : jij 
to bed, go to sleep 

to lie down, repose, rest £>Jkil : jij 

to repose, rest in a grave, lie dead jJ j jij 

to abate, subside, calm down, remit i_i»- 1 l ^L, : jij 





spell, charm, incantation, amulet, i»_» 
talisman, periapt, fetish, hex, voodoo 

stupid, silly, foolish, fatuous 

(OLJ) jj.ii 1*11 L-».Jj 

►Q-l JJ» :»Jj 

shameless, brazen, impudent, 

slave(s), bondman (bondmen), j_-c i j-x : Ji-ij 

bondsman (bondsmen), serfts), thralKs), chattel(s) 

white slaves 

.-•**■ .- 

tfj'J^- 5 : J^j 

thin, fine, delicate, slender, 
tenuous, flimsy 

soft, tender, gentle p*U rj^ij 

amiable, yfl^l-l J^ij i «1^.U-I J^ij , t_jU.| jjj 
good-natured, kind, nice, friendly, affable, genial, 
gentle, mild, bland, civil, courteous 

poor, needy, indigent, destitute JU-I Jjij 

sensitive; sentimental, emotional jyJA I JJ j 

•- > -» > ', 

tenderhearted, softhearted, <_Ji)l ^ij t jljill jjj 

warmhearted, affectionate, loving, merciful, com- 
passionate, sympathetic, pitiful 

foil, thin sheet of metal; leaf, lamina 

inscription, tablet; letter, message 

lettre de cachet 

to be or become weak, poor 

rider, horseman, equestrian; jockey 


(riding) camels 




runner, racer 

weakness, poorness 

pile, heap, stack 

cumulus (clouds), cumulo- 


A>- ijjju ii«l»- 'jvij 

chessboard, checkerboard Ulllljl rujLli\ inij 

to thin (out), make thin; to fine, make fine «i j : Jij 

to dilute, thin (down), *Ju>- i <■».,,'.«■*. : JjQ I Ji j 
attenuate, weaken, water (down) 

to foliate, beat into foil, A»jio i *ijl> : Oj*II Ji'j 

to number 

to page, paginate, number 

Ulijl jl Lij *J J«j>- :(>lj 

jlloUf . 



to punctuate, point J^ol^Jlj JullLi «jjj : di Jj 
to write, pen i_j3" : Ji j 

number; numeral, figure, digit jo* : «ij 

serial number J,,,!,,,:, .Jj 

* - *■•- 
record (jr^r* i«*j 

to set a record C-Q» ^»»j (v^ jU J^- 

to break (or beat) the record "^ QU 1 1»^J I li»- 

digital; numerical, numeral <j** J 

to hatch; to hachure (<»-v" j) J^* • j* J 

hemostatic; styptic tijJJ «i>l» : >yj 

,'> '- 'i > -. ' - 

to date (back) to, go back to, Jj <C£ jlj jU : Jj ,J, 
belong to a definite period in the past 

watermelon ^»- 1 ^J»; : jJj 

i " ^ -■ 

progress, advance(ment); development; rise *j*u : ,Jj 

observer, watcher, watchman, watchdog, ±u> I j : ^-~ij 
lookout; spy 

watch, watchman, guard jJl>- i ^-jU- : i--ij 

supervisor, superintendent, ^> li 1 1_»^- : t_-J j 
overseer, inspector, surveillant, controller 
censor ^-.f^Jlj c^i^lj oU^lkll i_-»l^ :i--ij 

sergeant <;jS^-t <J j : i— ~» j 

staff sergeant ij^X-t iJj : Jjl (--ij 



prostration, bow <u!f j 

to kick tr'j'-'J^j 

sale, clearance, clearance sale uyj^y '■ f^j 

kick i-jj :ii!fj 

to accumulate, amass, cumulate, »yf i ^ jS" : o"j 
heap up, pile up, stack (up) 

accumulation, amassment, cumulation, ^jiCj : «Sj 
heaping up, piling up, stacking 

to lean on; to rely on, depend on, <J I <£ j < <J I ^Tj 

count on; to trust, have confidence in 

_ ^ ^ f ^ 
to be or become firm, steady, solid c-3 : ^j 

,*, ^ 
to be or become sedate, staid, grave o jj : (£ j 

corner; nook hj^j'-Cr-) 

support, prop, stay, shore, pillar i*li j i . 

basis, basic element ,-«u-i j*xLc- i ^u. i . |j-> j 

generalstaff oUI otfj"^ "vj^l O^jl 

chief of staff, chief of general staff 

staff officer 

corner v*^ 

mount, riding animal t_-i ja !>«»■ ' «<J»» : «jjS j < ljjS j 

• -* > 

riding, mounting, getting (up) on; *lk^ I : t-ySj 

boarding, embarkation, going on board, getting 

aboard, getting in; traveling, going by, taking 

horseback riding, horsemanship, equi- J-i-l <_j_j5 j 
tation, manege 

coffeepot 5j>^j 

Little Dipper [ dli ] <i>-aJ I S^J I 

Big Dipper [tUli J <i^£JI i^JI 

stagnancy, stagnation; stasis; recession, jji j 

depression, slump, standstill, inactivity, dullness, 
slackness), sluggishness, lull 

^' - - • •* ^ 

kneeling, bowing £j jj-o* : ^jSj 

reliance, confidence, trust iii i i\^\ '■ uy j 

well £> '• <Sj 

support, prop, rest, stay, brace, bracket, itli j : a'j$ j 
shore, stanchion, pier, pillar, post, pile 

M '<r4'j 

■^^MMiiViCi^wiHtwBiMtt»i l TagJA%'''yaa*ai' , 'X>iKi'3 > '*^MB 

to ride, mount, get (up) on, seat '^lL. I > ^Lr*. I : Li" j 
oneself on; to board, embark (on), go on board, go 
aboard, get aboard, get in; to travel (in, on, by), go 
by, take 

to commit, perpetrate LiCj jl t '<SjS\ : Li 'j 

to be or become obstinate, stubborn, a-« I j uij 
opinionated; to act rashly, be reckless 

to assemble, J»- j 1 i fUl iUjl h_aII i^i w- :i_-Sj 
put together, fit together, piece (together); to set 
up; to install; to compound, combine, formulate, 
prepare; to synthesize; to compose, make, form, 
fabricate, construct, build; to mount (on), fasten 
(on), fix (on), place (on); to set (in), mount (in), fit 
(in), insert (in) 

caravan; convoy; proces- oyS\j t i_o y « ilili : uij 
sion; riders 

to stagnate; to be or become stagnant, jli" i jL : jS"j 
dull, slack 

to stagnate, make stagnant I oS" I j aJi«- : j5f j 

to fix, fasten, settle, stabilize; to «^>j i j^c i c-li :ji j 
plant, implant, ram, insert, stick; to position, 
station, place, emplace 

to center, centralize; to focus, foca- jC i ]£ y> : J^j 

iize; to localize 

to concentrate; to condense lj^S" : £ j 

,,.* ,s' ,*, 

to concentrate on, focus on; jj>\ i^ j j£ : ^t _)^j 
to stress, emphasize, highlight, underline 

whisper; (faint) sound djaJ^-) Oj*o i i— 1» :j^j 

shoot, sprout iL_ » 4 ^ i aJ j : SjSj 

to react, respond jjjll L-ila^L.! : ( _ r S'j 



reaction, response 

to run, race; to jog 

running, run, race, racing; jogging 

to kneel (down); to bow (down) 

lot : ( >aS'j 

to make (someone) kneel down or bow down 

I. .-■■■■ ■ ' — 

to have sore eyes 'S*) ' •** j 

to be or become inflamed, sore J^\ I olu j 

to incinerate, jC ~j Jj "3^ J^i- 1 « 'S» jl : ju j 

cremate, burn to ashes 

ophthalmia; conjunctivitis t jliJI 0I4JI :juj 

trachoma L^. I ^ « jUi- : ^i- 1. j 

sore-eyed ^ j| : j^ 

to symbolize; to represent, stand for |ji« : (<J,I ) > j 

to indicate, point to; to t. j I « (<jj )'jC\: ( Jj ) >. j 
motion (to); to make a sign (to) ' 

symbol; token, sign, mark; em- jlii , i'Jc , li.%. ;y,j 
blem; insignia, logo 

allegory, figuration, imagery _)£J ;y.j 

symbol, embodiment, image, pic- Jli. 4 jl^i : y'j 
ture, typical example, incarnation, quintessence, 

cipher, code S^Lf-.j^j 

symbolical); nominal, token; figurative '&y>j 

allegory iy'j *£,» 

symbolic logic '(S^j Jjti''- 

symbolism <>y»j 

to bury, entomb, inter, inhume ^i i : ^j 

burial, burying, entombment, interment, ^i j : yJi j 

grave, tomb, sepulcher c'j^- 4 pj^> ijj-.^j 

to take with the fingertips «_,L* VI (JljLL [JjUi ly^j 

to blink, wink, bat Li^L : (<ul~) u 1 - j 

conjunctivitis Ji±.\ ^L ol^zll ijLij 

eyelash(es), lashtes); cilium ol-iil 1 olu :jitj ijU'j 
(pi. cilia) 

rheum, white secretion of the eye <joCc : y^j 

to be burning, scorching, intensely hot J^'j 

swelter, scorching heat, excessive heat Ja*'j <. XiLj 

to glance at, look at, regard, eye <JJ 'J& t Ja^J : 'jp j 

to stare at, gaze at j j!^ : j£ j 

(last) spark oflife, (last) breath of life ^'Vlj^ll ijij 


^ *: 


is j 

weak, poor 
firm, steady, solid 
sedate, staid, grave 

1 « : ; . rf> :<^-Sj 

to decay, rot, disintegrate, decompose, JJlj : V, 
molder away 

rum jSC^ol>:p 

to throw, cast, fling, hurl, toss; ji^ ' '<-*'■£ ' <>Ji : t^j 
to pelt (with), strike (with) 

to shoot, fire, open fire jlll I jli I : ^ j 

to charge with, accuse of _j '1$ \ \ _, Vj 

to drive at, aim at, intend to, Lili* « juai : J I ,1 j 
purpose to; to be aimed at, be intended to 

to sow dissension or stir up discord m j I : 'JS J, j 
among or between, drive a wedge between 

spearman, lancer, piker, pikeman ~^JI J.U- : ȣj 

ash, ashes, cinders jQj 

Ash Wednesday [ iJ I ^ ] jt.^1 1 *UJ j | 

ashen, ashy, ash-colored, gray ^ j Uj 

^d seller J^M Jsi? :<j£j 


saprophyte £JU I X^lilll jl^il J* 

J»3^ v^j i>* : J£j 

* --.« 


(oLi) 4jtjj 4(jLij 

pommel, knob £j J till) I JoJla j 5 jjl. s^j^c : <i u j 
hand grenade, grenade i! jIlJ ij£j 

a piece of a worn-out rope JL Jli- ^ i*Li : Z»j 

entirely, wholly, fully, totally, completely, tJL'j* 
altogether; all, all of; entire, whole, total 

(log) raft, catamaran, lighter, float 

to spear, lance 

spear, javelin; lance, pike J,j 

javelin throwing), javelin [iJ-b i-»ljj] ~^JI 'j.'j 


to gaze at, stare at, look at, eye, regard, turn 

the eyes to 

ringing, resounding, resonant, sonorous, sound- u^j 

ing, high-sounding, pealing 

tuning fork <i ^ j *^>^ ' <J ^ j 

reindeer, caribou (u'>^-) *jj 

*-'- 'T-- - *- 
to sway; to stagger ^j^-j *J*»- : £<j 

to incline, bend <^»- * J^ I : ^J j 

laurel, noble laurel, bay laurel, sweet bay; (oLi) jJj 
artemisia; aloeswood 

brooder, incubator, hatcher ^\j < Cif^ '■ *^J 

herring (^*-) *^-<j 

to intone, modulate, recite; to chant, sing; to hum ^>j 

ringUng); toll(ing); peal; ting; tinkle; resonance ^j 

to amble 

JJIj jL : Uj 

..-*.. ' .' ' 



claus- iCai\ ji Xillil jf C'^l Lilij i jlxr* - ^ 1 V^j 

algophobia (J "ill ijU_ 

agoraphobia ^LJI t_.l»j 






thinness, slimness, slenderness; fineness, delica- iil*j 

cy, delicateness, flimsiness 

bet, wager; stake(s) u»j 

to fear, dread, apprehend; to be or become (JU- : k-*j 
afraid, frightened, terrified 

- - . » , s - 

- .i • ' " .i • ' 
monastic ^j ^*j ' ^ ^*j 

at the point of death; on the verge of J» j 
exhaustion, on one's last legs 

, » t, it + ,. _, , „ 

brood-mare J~JJ i*w (^-ji : *£• j 

to sand, sprinkle with sand J-^)l *-l* ^ij : $*J 

to widow, cause to become a widow J^ j I Jui- : J- j 

greensand yK>" J^*' & \i* 

cystic calculi, gravel iiUll J- j 

geomancy J-^)l Jlc t J-j)l <-jj*> t J-j)U oj-aJI 

sandy, sand-, sabulous, arenaceous '^» j 

* .- *- -' 
sandstone <^j j«- 

sandglass, hourglass <~Lij «*L 

to repair, overhaul, mend, fix, make whole, ^L* I : ^,j 
restore (to good condition), recondition, rebuild 

throwGng), cashing), fling(ing), Ji j e <Ji» : ^.j 
hurKing), toss{ing); pelting 

shooting, firing, fire, opening of jU I J5U» \'-^j 


marksmanship, sharpshootingiJjllijUa^jiii: ^ j 

riflery [<!-^r] 3>Q\ y»j 

javelin throw(ing), javelin [<Li-b "U»^jJ ^«jJI (^j 

discus throw(ing), discus [ij-b *-i»*jj] ck>>»)I (^j 

shot put, putting [v-4 *- i Wj] x i^!^'-' ;1^' </"J 
the shot 

game animal; target **»j 

throw, cast, fling, toss ^ j & ij.\ : i-»j 

shot (<i>) JU. :i-j 

it is more by hit than by wit j I j j± & Vj 

lancelet {&~) ^*J 

decayed, decomposed, rotten, moldy JU :^j 

to ring; to toll; to peal; to ting; to tinkle; to uj 

resound, resonate 




crane, demoiselle {j U» ) ^* j 

ambler b*j jw ^ji :Oly»j 

terrible, awful, dreadful, fearful, frightful, terri- - _ Vj 
fying, horrible, ghastly, grisly, gruesome, macabre, 
horrendous, horrific, dire, direful, monstrous 

^J»ja %a- 1 j - ULJtj 

hostage j»J* i.i.r,l o ^is 3>«i*v ^^ : *' *j 

to irrigate, water, supply with water; \Jj. ( t yL- : j/j 
to give (someone) to drink, quench someone's 
thirst, sate 

to narrate, relate, (^) [ji « 'j^L. i ^ < <^- : cSjj 
tell, recite, recount, report, give an account of; to 
transmit, pass on; to quote (from), cite (from) 

&>s erb-G^I J) &J 

fresh (waterj'Spc \ ^ ) ( ,L ) J^ ■ , \'/j 

thirst-quenching (of^JI _,{ 6 UI ^) j_^ : ,f,j 

beauty, grace, prettiness, comeliness J^. : , \'/j 

upper ends (of valleys) (jy j j*^ | ) ^j £, 

novelist, fictionist, oU j^l I LJji < y^lU : Tj 1^ 
romancer, storywriter, storyteller ' ' 

novelistic, fictional, oUj^lb jkil < Lp*-" : TJljj 
narrative " ' 

fiction; narrative literature Tjlj^JI t_.j*^l 

circulation, currency; popularity; salability, r\'/j 
marketability; (great, good) demand 

bestseller, top (j|JJ ijci) £■ \'/j 'jk\\ 

going, leaving, departure '^ « olii : ^\'/j 

rest; repose; relaxation; ease ii- \j : ^1 jj 

unshakable mountains (yrr'jS") o'bj 

milk teeth (il*»b Uj>.) jjilj^ll o^lVl <j-«ljj 
dodge, shift, trick, artifice, wile iL>- : c. \'/j 

t?b* Cfb-£bj 

portico; open gallery, colonnade, loggia; j \'jj , j |}j 

awe, dread, veneration, reverence; fear, fright, ijij 
alarm, apprehension, terror, horror 

monasticism; monastic order, friary cl*j 


riot, tumult, disorder, unrest 



*.i '.\ *'■ 

to tread on, trample down; to run [^'i i \j^- i '• tr*j 

group, troop, band, company, body iilli- : Jaij i JaiO 

family, kinsfolk, kindred, ^y ( J* I : Jij t JU j 

kin, people 


individual, person 
fifty persons 

iL-i : J»» j i Ja» j 

j^aaii i Jj» : Ja* j t Ja»j 

IL" '• '•'• 

to thin; to be or become thin, fine, delicate 'Sj : Liij 

<3*> c?-b-'J*j 

J*>- c?"b _ J*j 
to mortgage, pawn, pledge, hypothe- ji^" ^li :'jij 
cate, give in pledge, deposit as security 

mortgaging, pawning, pledging, 'J*j j^°- : 0*J 


mortgage, lien, pawn, pledge, {cMjs 0>»j r) u»J 
security, guaranty, gage 

subject to, conditional Jc eJi^L. -.^j t j ^j 
upon, contingent upon, dependent on 

pending; under, on, in, at, being, cJ«J i 'xJ : '^'j 
subject to, the object of 

at his beck and call, at his command, at <C jlt,l ^»j 
his disposal, at his service 

pending investigation j _;'-,- 1 1 'J/j 

pending trial iS Iki I ^» j 

foreclosure ^ I ^Ji « ^ | £& | 

amble jJH. ^11 : j» j 



to circulate, put into circulation, spread jii : £jj 
(rumors, news, etc.); to propagate, publicize, pro- 
pagandize, carry on propaganda for; to popularize 

to promote, merchandise, oU-JI jl ieliJI rjj 

push the sale of 

to fan; to ventilate, air <i^» : ^jj 

to refresh, revive, ,je. *i j < ^1 j\ < J^\ : (c^) qj 
animate; to soothe, ease, relieve; to rest, give rest 
to, relax, make relax; to entertain, amuse, cheer 
up, provide recreation for 

to amuse oneself, recreate, take <Jl> ^ ^j j 


soul, spirit, pneuma ^^J '■ £jj 

essence, extract, extraction ijLac i **o>»- 

Archangel Gabriel 


evil spirit 

morale, spirit(s) 

Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost 

sense of humor 

'*\ ' ' ''w ' *ti 

y-Oill ^JjSy-Oill £Jjll 



ffr'j - ^ 1 


spirituality; spiritualism; animism 

spiritual, pneumatic; immaterial, 
incorporeal; animistic; animist 
spirituous, alcoholic 


spiritualism, spiritism; animism 

alcoholic beverages, spirits, spiri- 
tuous liquors 

spirituality; spiritualism; spirit t r?3J 

rhodium isy* j-au* : ^ jjj 

testing, examination, assay, analysis j\j jj^oa :j)j 
calendar, almanac *-• ^>j)j 

roast meat ir—iJ 



porch; corridor, passageway, hallway, vestibule, 


Stoic(al); Stoic ^»ljj 

Stoicism ^jlU (_•*■*•• :«l»l.jj 

slaver, slobber, drool, drooling saliva JJL uU : Jljj 

novel, story, fiction; narrative, £l£»- « i~ai : oljj 
narration, tale; account, report; version 

narration, narrating, *j~ « u*» * <Jj j j-i-»» : *i I j j 
relation, relating, telling, recounting 

detective story *rr^-* **'■'-' 

historical novel 
romance, love story 

novelette, novella; short novel, short 




to curdle, curd d>«U I ) Vi-> 

* ~~ * - 
curdled milk, curd(s) ^J'j Cr~ '■ ViJ 

". • -* 

dressing gown, robe de chambre; robe Jju- : ojj 

rupiah *tr^ J •** » *^** : V y Jj 

rennet, rennin; curd (p^O VJJ 

sleepwalking, somnam- ^jJI J5U- j~JI :*^»jJj 

bulism, noctambulism, noctambulation 

ruble S^rJj * i * £ : JiJj 

shrimp, prawn; crayfish, lobster 

rupee "< 

rubidium c5_>l» 

to retouch, touch up 

retouchdng), touch-up 


red tape, governmental officialism or ^y**- Cr~>u 
routine, bureaucracy 

routine, monotonous, monotone, humdrum tj~>ij 
dung, droppings, manure ^ j < j«j : ijjj 

ruthemum (5>» j-o-Lc . ^y^jj 

^^ • > * .» 




' ' ' " ■ '" "■'«>"■ ■■'■■•* ■ -a"v- 

J ^ 

(i-fiij) C_Jj 


rhubarb (<^G) JtJJj ' ^ij 

glamor; splendor, luster; beauty, grace Jlii- <. »l^ : jj'yj 

to quench one's thirst, drink one's fill; to &y jl :i£jj 
be irrigated, watered, supplied with water 

rhyme letter, rhyming letter, final ili Ul I Sj>- : "ij/j 

thirst-quenching (<_jf^JI jl *Ul ^«)>- : *,» :&jj 

t f- J--- -i - 
deliberation, permeditation, fore- <j\> i jSsjJ : <j jj 

thought, reflection, meditation, careful consider- 
ation; deliberateness, leisure(liness), slowness, pa- 
tience; carefulness) 

deliberately, premeditatedly, leisure- <aji < "C jj y* 
ly, slowly, carefully 

slowly, gently, deliberately, leisurely, at leisure, Ijujj 
without haste 

gradually, little by little, slowly Ijujj Ijujj 

slowly! take it easy! take your time! ^^iij 

dodge, shift, trick, artifice, wile iL»- : iijjj 

irrigation, watering; quenching (of thirst) "iSj i'iSj 

fragrance, scent, perfume, aroma Ili, t j^lc : Lj 

hypocrisy, dissimulation, dissemblance, JjU; : t \jj 
double-dealing, duplicity 

exploration, reconnaissance, recon- i_»L5C£. I : S a C j 
noitering, scout(ing), pathfinding; pioneering 

pioneer; pathfinding j j C j 

4—Uj a»- 1 j — OLj 

furniture, furnishings <iUI:ylCj 

attire, apparel, clothes, clothing y-G : yiC j 

sport(s), athletics, gymnastics, physi-(~JJ ililu) i«eUj 
cal exercise(s), physical education, physical training 

spiritual exercise, retreat; religious <~>-jj *-»^j 
exercise, devotions 



J.iw . -■■■'"T^^jB^'g^ggr! 

cliche, gravure, engraving, copperplate, 4..:..,K : /»wjj 
(printing) plate, photoengraving 

seal, signet; stamp 
skylight; scuttle 

1*^ yt -'(v-Jj 

to tame, domesticate; to housebreak; to break y*jj 
(in); to subdue, subjugate; to train, drill, coach, 
school; to habituate (to), accustom (to), familiarize 
(with), make used (to) 

garden; meadow rj» <■ iija*- : (jijj '*-*)j 

kindergarten JUi^l iLijj 

to frighten, scare, alarm, intimidate, c-ji I 4 L»^»- : fjj 
overawe, dismay, horrify, terrify, panic, terrorize, 

fear, fright, dread, alarm, terror, t-ji i i_i^- : ejjj 

panic, horror, scare, dismay 

heart, soul, mind jii ( ^ji : fjj 

splendor, magnificence, superbness, Jui- i "<^S : i*jj 
glamor, charm, magic, beauty, loveliness 

dodging, evasion; turning away «• I j,. : ul*jj 
furtively; swerving, skewing 

to clarify, clear, purify, elutriate, fine, Jfi t jio : j "/j 
filter, leach 

tent, pavilion 


prime, bloom, heyday 



f-liJI ij y* 

1JA <~>J*0 

to awaken one's desire (for), make u-i-j : ( -») mj 
desirous (oO 

desire, wish i_i.j : * jj 

earlobe, lobe (of the ear) o i il iu«i. : »j j 

rum j£__. <_> Iji : »jj 

the Greek Orthodox; the Greek ^£ iy'yi I '^) I 
Orthodox Church 

the Roman Catholics; the Roman ifLJ^JlSG I -j^l I 
Catholic Church 

rheumatism f3? u .JJ 

rheumatic i/fJi^^J 


. ■ ■ ■ . — a^» <^ . .~- , 


monsoon, seasonal wind 

to break wind 

basil, sweet basil 

aeolian; windy 

(oLi) uI»ijj 
featheKs), feathering, plumage, plume ^SlLlI {Cf : (jijj 

feather, plume, quill j5U»" cr*u Ot 5j f '-> :4 "~^ 
pen, quill £J> ' |J» : "*^i j 

nib, pen point (Jil I <-»j]» : <A; j 

brush, paintbrush ~ll y»lJI jl ^jJI 5^j» :*~>j 

'.* 'V. .-,'-. ' 

quill; plectrum, pick *~^y *~ij ' ( -*> J ' *-* J 

" - • *~ ' 

blade; vane jJJ *»\jjM *A;j 

featherweight <->>' ujj 

feathery, pinnate, plumy, plumate yrrij 

to increase, augment Jl j ' <j«-> • £j 

revenue, income, proceeds, incomings, ilc i J»- j : £ j 
returns, receipts, profits, takings, earnings; yield, 

prime, bloom, heyday l>Uj j 

country, countryside, rural area i-i>j 

rural, rustic, country, countrified, ljjjJU (joU- : yfjj 
provincial, pastoral, bucolic 

countryman, rustic, bucol- *^>l 0*— -a*- 1 : y£J 

ic, provincial 
saliva, spittle 


-* -• ** i'*-'-' • -I s '-<" 

addax, white gazelle, white antelope (>uj I Jl> : j£j 

- *,. *" "' '. 
rhenium iSyi s*^* '■ f>^iJ 

sport(s), sportive, (Sjjjull) <u»^^ ji*^« : i^*MJ 
sporting, sporty, athletic, gymnastic 

mathematical oL-ilj^l; ji^« '-^Hj 

athlete, sportsman, sport, yr^J S-f "^ ' ye"* J 

mathematician oL-iU^l; ^J^ ly^yj 

sport(s), athletics, gymnastics ^r^y j <t»^ ' 

- s • r ** ' 
sportsmanship *~"vj £JJ 

mathematics oCiC^I |Jf 'CiL-aUj 

riyal; rial £lj i^ iu* : <Jmj 

slaver, slobber, drool, drooling JIL uU : J- j 
saliva , 

succulent, juicy, fresh, tender ^U i <>c : Ob j 

plump, chubby, fleshy, full J^l* i J^ j : l>1>j 

sated or full (with liquid); 'iSij* <■ 6^»* -^ : O^j 
well-watered, well-irrigated 

doubt, suspicion, distrust, mistrust, uncer- tUi : l-jj 

tainty, misgiving, doubtfulness, dubiety, dubiosity, 

skepticism, incredulity 

undoubtedly, doubtless, no doubt, without i_-»j % 

doubt, indubitably, unquestionably, certainly, sure, 

surely, for sure, to be sure, assuredly, positively, 

definitely, absolutely, by all means, of course 

misfortune, adversity; vicissitudes of uyl\ <~->j 


gooseberry, currant, currant-fruited (oL>) y^jj 


reportage, report ^>j^ij 

pending, while awaiting: until, till; while, as Ulij 

long as 

diet; dietary, regimen, regime *«*»■ -p£j 

*w' '- • " 
windy {Vj>> Ji^- -J! J 

wind tiTpi^ <lj* '-{Hj 

wind, flatulence, flatus, .U.^! jl 5j*1I j jli : p j 
gas in the stomach or intestines 

trade wind 

Ktj^ri j*j 

^^^ ^j^r ^^r ^S^^ ^B^r ^^^r ^^^r ^o^r N^^ ^hf^ ^^^^ ^^^r ^H^^ 

^^ ^J^ ^^ n|k ^f^ >^ ^5^ ^r^ ^3^ n^^ Nr mt ^^^ 

nap; fuzz, fluff, pile, down jjj « i_jj :^JJ 

mercury, quicksilver (uJ*«) i>yj 'i>yj 

mercurial, mercuric, quicksilver 


green vitriol, copperas, hydrated ferrous jjzi- 1 -r I j 

blue vitriol, hydrated copper sulfate Jjjl rlj 

oil of vitriol, vitriol, concentrated rl^JI oJj 

sulfuric acid 

restraint, check; inhibition; colj i «■ jlj i «JU :>*lj 
deterrent, disincentive; obstacle, impediment; re- 
straining; inhibitive, inhibitory; preventive, pro- 
hibitive, prohibitory; deterrent, deterring 

conscience jy-*» : >t'j 

to go away, depart, leave Li j : -r I j 

to step aside, make room, make (^J :(,ji) j-lj 
place, make way; to withdraw, retreat, retire 

creeping, creepy, crawling; repent, rep- ii»-lj iuWj 
tant; reptilian; reptile 

reptiles, reptilians; Reptilia <_«- lj J 

creeper lJ&-\ j oLi 

to compete with, vie with, contend with; y-iU : (*»-l j 
to rival, emulate 

to approach; to border on, verge on 


additional, extra; supernu- ±>ju> « yiSU « TjU»1 : jlJ lj 
merary, excess, plus, surplus; exceeding, in excess 
(oO; overabundant, superabundant, superfluous, 
redundant, more than enough, more than neces- 
sary; excessive, immoderate 

plus, added to, increased by, in addition to, « : jj I j 
with the addition of 

excrescence, outgrowth 

iijj i i«*^» •oJblj 


Cuijl oJkjlj 

appendix, vermiform 


ijjjJI SoJI^I J 1. a ':....! 





visitor, caller; guest 

aberrant; straying; perverted, perverse; deviat- *J I j 
ing, divergent, swerving, digressing 

false, counterfeit, forged, rj^> < oili" i j^y : u& I j 
falsified, spurious, fake, phony, pseudo, sham, 
bogus, unreal, flash, snide, mock, mimic, dummy, 
fictitious, imitative, imitation, feigned, pretended, 

transient, transitory, ephemeral, <JljjJ t ^^ :Jjlj 
evanescent, passing, fleeting, short-lived, imperma- 
nent, temporal, fugacious, volatile 

sudden, violent (death) i&y) f 'ij 

darnel (^^j) "'ij 

blackhead, u-ljJI £!:>>- ^Jl J ~°j^. :*jljj «uljj 

*4jij n.r 

to disappear, vanish, clear (away), l _ f ^*>\ < J£*-\ : <J'j 
go (away); to abate; to cease to exist; to end, come 
to an end, terminate 

still, yet; to continue tojl j> ^< J^ J < JI_)j L. i Jl j L. 
be; to continue to do, go on doing, keep doing 

constrictive, contractile, J^ic i i/ojI* i ^^aJLi. : ^ I j 

constringent; astringent, styptic, puckery 

to be or become a colleague <u» I j ( <iL. j 0^ : J-» ' j 
of, an associate of, a comrade of; to associate with, 
keep company with 

to synchronize, make synchronous cilj : j* I j 

pilot fish (liL-)j^lj 

beech (*—■»" J >=*■-) u'j 

adulterer, fornicator j»-lj < ^jj^ ^. ^(JI^Jl) olj 

adulteress; whore, harlot, prostitute °>>-l» : i*J I j 


bright, brilliant, shining, shiny, J^l* : (<ji 1 3) I ) olj 
beamy, radiant, resplendent, glowing, rutilant, 
bloomy, gay, lively, vivid 

ascetic A. .;.r.. niLli :j*lj 

indifferent, apathetic, disinterested, ^^ ^ : o*l J, 

bright, brilliant, shining, luminous, radiant J^-* : jAlj 

to couple, pair, J^j i J*j iu> UOr^ 1 <>rf) £j'J 
twin, mate, join, link, connect 

to double, geminate; to duplicate <yj 1 oicUi : r-jl j 
to practice, pursue, engage in ^L. :Ujlj 

mercury, quicksilver jlij :Jjjlj 

angular; corner <3jlj 

corner; nook 6^j : *ij'j 

angle [i-jL*]i»jlj 

square, set square; bevel jJJ y-ju^llj jUJI ijjlj 
small mosque, prayer room i%a\] jji# olSC. : ij j I j 
angle of friction dJlSCli- "itt <»jlj 

angle of reflection u-^~ "5" *j 3 ' j 

angle of refraction jL£j "51 1 Jj j I j 

full of, filled with, replete with.^iJli 1 JiU- : (_,) j»-lj 
abounding in, rich in, loaded with; (overflowing 
with; profuse, (superabundant, copious 

generous, liberal, openhanded, i\yr < ej£ :j>-\'j 

to increase, grow, augment, multiply, jS < j£ : i I j 
swell, build up, intensify, heighten; to be or be- 
come more, great(er), large(r) 

to exceed; to be more jjtitj < <J* C j : <J* jl ^ s\ j 
than, greater than, above, over; to surpass, tran- 
scend, go beyond 

to increase, augment, raise, jS 1 ^£ 1 »» j : al j 
swell, step up, scale up, boost, hike up, jack up, 
up, skyrocket; to intensify, heighten, enhance, 
build up, add to, enlarge, magnify 

moreover, furthermore, further, (o\)Si'i ^ ij 
more than that, what's more, besides, in addition 
(to), over and above 

provisions, supplies, supply, store(s), victualsii j^. : j I j 

.*, •.*'- > 1 - > * '•■, ' *r 

input (ij—U-) ill I4J 3jy oL._jiw jl iilt : jI j 

to roar (ju.^1) jlj 

to visit, pay a visit to, call on (lil£* jl li^i) jlj 

(someone), drop in (on), call at (someone's house 
or place), drop by (at) 

sower; planter, cropper; cultivator; c. j j Jxli : f j I J 
grower, producer 

minelayer fUM i*jlj 

alleger, claimer, contender, pretender; alleging, «*lj 
claiming, contending, pretending 

to deviate from, depart from, turn ISJ»J I : (^) pi j 
aside from, turn away from, swerve from, deflect 
from, diverge from, digress from, divert from, 
decline from; to stray, wander 

crow GlU») plj 



I > - »_*j •> : ul 

ij £T*J~^iJ 





* #= 

ment, angels who thrust the damned into Hell 
hirsutism jLUI ijS : ^j 

to cream, foam, froth jujJI »>* : Jbj 

foam, froth, scum, spume iyi. j : ju j 

scum, dross, refuse, slag, cinder »U»- < cl-j- : juJ 

, ■> , • .» 

cream; butter ; jjj < s.uli : ju j 

cream of tartar jJ»jJ»)l -Vj 

butter jo^JI jy i«Ja» :5jbJ 

cream, prime, pick, flower, top, Sjl»- i S^Cs : S ju j 
elite, the best (finest, choicest) part 

* ' . .- , -■* , ..« 
extraction), essence, oJ < j*j»- ' *•#$»■ : 5 ju_) 

quintessence, substance, gist, pith, core 

foamy, frothy, spumy 

butyric, butyKo)-; buttery; 






- s ..t i' - s • • 

ornament, embellishment, decoration 



aquamarine; peridot 

olivine, chrysolite 



to dung, manure 

dung, manure 

(Book of) Psalms, Psalter 

client, customer, patron 

clientele, clientage, clients, customers, 
custom, patrons, patronage 

fierce (hot, violent, internecine) war 

raisin(s); currants), sultana(s) 

height unreached by water, elevated 
place above the waterline 

„ >.. ■>. ... 

■»— : Jf j ' J? j 
jL— : *-yj l viJ 


4 'i ^ J t L^ uj 

frail, scuttle, basket J_j j : Jjj 

angle of contact 
acute angle 
exterior angle 
interior angle 
dihedral angle, dihedral 
right angle 
alternate angles 
complementary angles 
supplementary angles 
straight angle 
plane angle 
reflex angle 
obtuse angle 

- S I • t -' I--''.- 

-- ..'• ' -' 

<jj ' ■ ' ■■■* 4jj I j 

-- '"' --' 

jLJ^LZa L)^4> 

(ju^UlZ« O^m' j 

Wi ^ 

cornerstone, foundation stone; quoin <i j I^J I j«- 

to outbid, overbid, bid or offer more than; to bid ju I j 
up; to vie in quantity or number with 

roarGng) (jlL.*J||) jy j 

to leave, quit, part with, separate ^ L < lijli -iSi^j 
(oneself) from, break (up) with 

= ^3 

Viverridae oC^JI ^ iL^i :OUjLj 

garbage collector, scavenger, street sweeper, JGj 

street cleaner 

garbage, refuse, rubbish, waste, sweepings ilCj 

antenna, feeler y.v'.. I oj» : <y ^ j 

sting, stinger; dart 5^1 ;^| , i^. : ,y l, j 

patronage, custom L. Uj^C *j*>J Jjtf} I 3~^ : "^ ^ j 

angels of punish- l^JJ jUI ^)il o^iJ- *5^i« :*^^3 

civet cat 



# ♦ 


* r ' 

moan(ing), groan(ing), whimpering) 
dysenteric tSjlLijjj iiijli-j 

i_*»-ljj i1i»-l j ti_i»-l j «j»- I j — olitj i*llij iLltj 

* ? -* -. -- -. 
to groan, moan, whimper o' : j*j i j^j 

to move, budge, dislodge, displace, remove rJ*J 

to crawl, creep; to go on all fours (_o : ui»-j 

to march, advance, proceed *juj i jl» : i_o- j 

crawKing), creep(ing), creepage i_~j i ■ ui»-j 

march, advance 

army <J~?r : '-** , j 

to move, shift; to slide, slip (*j ISC ^*) Ji-j 

to remove, displace, dislodge; to put ( yu < .uj I : J*-j 

Saturn [tiUi]Ji-j 

to slide, glide, slip, slither; to roll jtj 

skid; sledge, sled, drag; ski **y»-j 

to crowd, overcrowd, throng; to jam, pack, 'j^y : ^j 
jam-pack; to congest; to press, squeeze, crush 

jam; crowd, throng, crush; congestion fl*-j '■<**■ j 
tenesmus [ t_J» J jf j 

tenesmic [i_J> ] lijif j 

dysenteric tSjU* j, * t cSj£- j • "iijsr j 

to be full of, filled with, re- _i ^iU i j Jii- : _. j*-j 
plete with, abounding in, rich in; to flow with, 
overflow with, abound in 

to swell (up), surge, rise; to Jj> : »J \ j*A I ^ j 
overflow, flow over, flood 

to boast of, j^ihj^j-j 

proud of 

to ornament, adorn, embellish, garnish, ^ j : Ltjp-j 

decorate, deck, bedeck 

ornament, garnish, embellishment, adorn- <jj : <-tj*j 

ment, decoration, decor; vanity, vanities 

ornamentation, adornment, embellish- ,jJji : *ij*j 
ment, decoration, decor; ornament 

arabesque l^J" ' ** J*" } ' O* ' " t -^j t **>»■ j 

to throw, hurl 

to shove, push, thrust, foist, intro- »»»l i ^ j : r) 
duce or drive forcibly; to force, press, squeeze, 
cram, ram 

to entangle, embroil, implicate, involve J»jj : -rj 

ferrule *■?•'•** *^ '■ vj 

arrowhead, spearhead v*)\ j' (•*-"" J-** : rj 

olecranon Ji^il iJ^i :'rj 

t/rjl jrlj -{»■> 'J 1 - : ( J s rJ llj rJ 

glassmaker, glassman r^r j) I j-i I* : r !*■ J 

glassman ^li-^JI «Jl; :U»-j 

i- a ,, •* i-' i 5 - 
glazier r«rjJ' s-Jj-* •£ •-) 

r -" 
glass j:U-j 

safety glass u^^l rW j 

water glass, soluble glass, sodium silicate JjL r^rj 
piece of glass rW-jJI Cr* **J»» :o r' j rJ 

bottle, flask, vial; flacon 
nursing bottle, feeding bottle 
glass, glassy, hyaline, vitreous^l*-^] I Jj o^j-. :^jfl*-j 
glassman jrWjJI & '-(/r-^rj 

glassware, glasswork, glass olLfli-j <il»-lj>-j till 

to vitrify rAi- j Jj tl^»- : »J 

to glaze, glass W-li-j <J J*»- ir-li-^JL jjj :p^-j 
to pencil the eyebrows Lj>- 1^3-1 w-j 

to restrain, check, hold back, prevent, ^ i ^ ij^j 


^ ^ " ^ ^ ^ 
to drive away, drive out, put out, oust sj» '■ j*'j 

to scold, chide, tongue-lash, j+i < j£> I :>r j 

rebuke, reprimand, reprove, reproach, upbraid 

restraining, restraint, checking, prevention, ^ :y^j 

driving away, putting out, ousting, ouster /,!» : J*') 
scolding, rebuke, reprimand, reproof jl^ I : Jr-'j 
dysentery tSjlLij^j -j^-j 



birthwort, Dutchman's-pipe (oLj) -ujljj 

reproach, rebuke, scolding; blame, ^ i «^u : <C I j j 

to pen (up), fold, impound, corral, shut (iltlil) ojj 
up, fence in, hedge in 

to flow; to run (out), leak, escape, seep ( fill) ojj 

pillow; cushion S j L j : «-j j j i ^jj 

carpet, rug SjIj*-. : Vfjj '<j!jJ 

,- ' , ' * ' > -, 
vine branches C^SJI Oi-^l '-uyrjj 

vine, grapevine p^-ll • /*- : o>rj j 

.- •> -' ' -- 

grapevine, vine; vine-stock, vine-plant OjS : <Jyrjj 

to strangle, strangulate, throttle, choke '^S- : Jjj 

(coat of) mail, hauberk, armor «• jj : ijj 

zebra jj^)l jll». 

ring, annulus, link (of a chain, etc.) 


pliers i jj^o ii, UiT : <u jj j 

to button, button up 


to sow; to plant, raise, grow, crop; to cultivate pjj 


to lay a mine, mine LiJ c-j j 

sowing; planting, growing, raising; culti- iiljj : pjj 

plant(s); crop(s); plantation pjj> ^»u» : f j j 

mining, mine laying, laying of mines fU "Jl I «• j j 
heart transplant o^iill jl l-.UJI s-jj 

to mute, drop excrement ^JC. i <Jj i : ^5 UJ I IS j j 

^a^J-l ^jlcl j Obi : o Jjj 

/ i \ * * * * * * 

ornamental, decorative 

to impel, propel, thrust, push forward ii j : \j-j 

to stink, give off a strong unpleasant smell j^> I : '*j-j 

stinking, malodorous, fetid, rank, rancid ^ : nf-'j 

momentum,impetus,impulsion, impulse;sy 1 «i j : ^j 
thrust, force 

stench, stink, fetor, malodor 
to button, button up 
button; push button 
cuff link, link 


jjjjj j'jj 1 ^'^ 

to reproach, rebuke, scold; to find (*Jui *_!*) <5jj 
fault with, criticize, censure, blame 

maker of (coats of) mail or armor j y) I «J U» : j I "Jj 

agriculture; farming, husbandry; cultivation, **0j 
culture; planting, growing, raising; sowing 

silviculture oLUIjl £■!>»- "ill **'jj 

- .' - s » . « >, , ' 

floriculture «j?^' oULJI jl jUj'Jll itljj 

"•- ,, f ~ ^ ' 

horticulture, gardening iu_o r^LJI itljj 

agriculture; agronomy 

-- i'*n * 

agricultural, agrarian, farm-; agronomic 
arable land 

land reform; agrarian reform, agrari- T«pljJ r^**i 




in groups and individually, jointly U I jl»- jj oli 1 j j 
and separately, jointly and severally 

syringe, injector 

iduw :uIjj 

anuria, anuresis; retention of J^l) I y-lli- 1 : ^ I jj 

anuric, anuretic 






azarole, thorn, medlar 

(^) jJj*j 

hawthorn, may 


(oLi) tfjjjl jjji-J 


to shake, convulse, unsettle, upset JiLi : £_ jc j 

violent gale, tempest, hurricane s-)c j »yj 4 £_jc j 

shaking, convulsion, concussion iiiii : <* jc j 

zaffer [fL^i - ] ^iej 

safTron, crocus (oLj) tSiU- :o^>icj 

to cry, yell, shout, scream, shriek, +/* 1 £-L> : Jc j 
screech, squall 

cry, outcry, yell, shout, scream, o»l^> ' **[r° '• **" J 
shriek, screech, squall 

to allege, claim, maintain, profess, pre-jjli 1 ^ jl : «*j 
tend, purport, contend; to say, state 

allegation, claim, contention; preten- <«- 1 f lcjl : »*j 
sion, pretense, pretext 

fin (of fish) (cHilJ I ) iiLej i iilc j 

flipper t«JJ iuiill jl Oji-I iiLcj 

Pinnipedia <CjJJI oU_)13-l ^ i_Jj >lji^ll oCiij 

leader, chief, head, boss, strongman ,^-J j : ^ j 

colonel J-jjJjS" :,^ej 

down, pile, fluff, fuzz, nap j>'^ 1 J>1 j : L;«i j 

downy, fluffy, fuzzy, nappy, puberulent, i_«* jl : i-«*j 
pubescent, villous 

dormouse ^ijl^iJI ^ ol>^- : *-? 6 J 
nap; fluff, fuzz, down 

to utter trilling (and shrill) cries of joy ijt j 

shrill, trilling cries of joy (jyj^j r) ° j j*j 

to hide, conceal J>»- 1 : £_ j* j 

to pour out, pour forth IL-* : Jc j 

to adulterate; to debase JL± 1 JJu : ^i 3 

adulteration; debasement jt^ < JJu : J* j 

squab, young pigeon Jj^»- :JjJ*j 

j-?j '•j+'j 'j**J 'ji*J 

< fr 

to inject, shoot, syringe, give an injection ^yw- : Jjj 

blueness, blue, blue color i» j j : Jjj 

glaucoma jj-jJI j iLc : Jjj 

injection, injecting, shooting yi»- :jjj 

injection, shot; hypodermic, hypodermic <j»- : *jj j 

blueness, blue, blue color Jjj : *ij j 

cyanosis ['-r-kj'^jj 

yellow wasp («j^) ckijj 

to brocade, embroider, embellish with brocade j£j j 
embroidery; to ornament, embellish, adorn, decorate 

brocade, embroidery j£jj 

arsenic [ >L*^J j^jj 

arsenate [ *L*^J £»b*^jj 

arsenical, arsenic, arsenious [ *L»^J ij**ijj 

disparaged, dispraised; <iU 1 v-ij ' jyi*- ' £*'* '■ lijj 
despicable, contemptible; miserable, wretched, 
poor, bad; cheap, inferior, menial, low, base; 
insignificant, trifling, worthless 

jay (>U») lj\jjj 

pen, yard, corral, fold, stockade, zareba, SjJu- : *-?>jj 

pound, pinfold; barn 

>> >, — - 
seed(s); seedUng(s) J} 1> <. jl> : <tjj 

* t~ *» 
plant(s); crorXs); plantation f\>j> ^V» : *~ j j 

. >.. ■> .% ., ', 
plot, planted ground; planted **jj> i>>j' '• "^yj j 
land, plantation 

jay (>U») Jijj^l 'Jjj J 

genet jyL^ o'>^»- ' rvj • *^*iJJ 

deadly (poison) (jU) <-il*j 

bitter; salty, salt jfJU * ^. : J Uj 

leadership < j 1 jlli : <uU j 

-''• '. -' • ." 1 ••!' '• 

thyme (oLi) ^ j 



I " ■ - ■ ' .■-■ ■ ' ■ ■■■■■■ ■ ■: ■■ T — -- 

to dandle (a baby) JiD I <Jj»J 

to swallow, gulp, gobble xJj : lij 

an infernal tree with bitter fruit; zachum oil tree »yj 

tunicate; ascidian °^»jJI i>f y?^* <j'>~'" : Lf*J 

ascites .Jij j(U_jl.I 




ascomycete Tyj ^Jai 

Ascomycetes j^JaiJI ^ iiJU> :oLij 

S J s* 

Tunicata; Ascidiacea aJL. oU_^j- :oLi_) 

linnet j^i* ^;U> : cJLiJ 

to grow, increase, flourish, thrive j|j t Cj : lifj 

to be pure, righteous, honest US' J olS" : \£ j 

to suit, fit, be suitable for, be fit for J jJuo : j IS" j 
to increase, augment, make grow, develop ^ : Jpj 

to purify, chasten 


' • * J" 

to give alms or charity, (-Ut) sliT^ll 13 j| : (aJL.) ^ j 
pay the alms tax 

to justify, vindicate 

to recommend, commend 

purity, chastity, innocence; righ- -r%o i Sjl«J» : >l£j 
teousness, uprightness, honesty 

almsgiving, alms, charity; alms tax[ i r .^Lji»jj>i ]» lifj 

(common) cold, coryza «ij : »lff j 

apperception; intuition; flair <Lj IS" j i ii \Sj 

(wine or vinegar) skin (^i I j I J >*=»JJ) <> j» : 5^ j 

navel, umbilicus i>M' •>- : °j^ j 

to catch (or take) a cold fiS^l I aJ£> I : S'j 


to hurry, hasten 


W i^j 

to carry home the bride in procession; yjj*J I <-» j 
to give away (in a marriage ceremony) 

to bring good news or glad Jj jJ-\ /\ iSj^J I L»J 
tidings to, announce or give good news to; to 
inform of, tell about 

wedding, wedding ceremony, marriage, mar- cilij 
riage ceremony, bridal, nuptials 

nuptial, bridal 

to pitch, cover or smear with pitch; 
to asphalt, blacktop 

(wedding) procession 

time; one time 


pitch; asphalt, blacktop 

to exhale, expire, breathe out; to 
sigh, let out a deep breath 

greasy food 



exhalation, expiration, expiry 


expiratory, exhalant 

to feed its young 

(water)skin; bottle 

ascus, asco-, sac 

to crow, cheep, peep, chirp 

lane, alley, alleyway; corridor 

darter, snakebird 
plover; dotterel 
lapwing, peewit, pewit 

to chirp, cheep, peep, tweet 
to feed its young 

,' '•- ■* " _-'•'. 

4±'ji jjlill 3 j 

cr^ : <J J 

Jjij : jJLUl lij 

i «3flj — JjJLsa (jlij 


- - ■- ' s -~~:.- 

Jjmii. : jjliall iijij 
'' '' ' ?\ - -"- 

to approach, come near (to), draw near (to) U a : <J I uiJ j 
to exaggerate, overstate «Jlj : ( j) LiJj 

iilj *»-l j - i^rji ijja ■ (j^J '(-Juj 4<_oJJ 
approach; nearness, closeness, proximity 
degree, rank 


(first) part of the night <u. _i jl JJUI Jjl :iiJj 

• s , *'.» - 
and at the two approaches of the JJU I ^ U jj 


to slip, stumble, trip; to slide, ji»->i 1 1) j : 'ji j <■ J^j 
glide, skid, slither 

to stumble, trip; to slip, slide, glide, J^». j i Jjl : jJ j 

to make slippery; to slick, ^JL 4 Uj aj^a : jJ j 

to lubricate, oil, grease pj*! 4 oj j : jJ j 

slippery, slippy, slick, slithery, greasy, ^J j : jJ j 1 jJ j 

slippery place, slippery ground jj j «^» : JJ j 

hyrax, daman, dassie, coney (ol>^-) Jj 

chuffa; groundnut (oLi) Jj 

featherless arrow used by ancient Arabs in ^ : J j 

slippery, slick jj j : ^J j 

faience <j»^J : ^j 

to tighten, draw tight; to tuck, ^aiS 1 ^ai i oi : p 
pucker, draw together, gather up in folds; to con- 
stringe, constrict, contract 

piper, oboist, flutist j^-vP <J* <J_)lc : jG j 

sandpiper, sandlark, sandplover, (^SU> ) J*'J I jll j 

(warning) siren jlJj^(l SjU*» :SjU j 

copious, abundant jC$ 1 jj ji : fjd j 

colleagueship, associateship, association, com- aJU j 
panionship, comradeship, fellowship, friendship 
rein(s), bridle »lkl : f U j 

pure, chaste; innocent, blame- pj Us 1 jj jj I j»U> : '<£ j 
less, guiltless, cleanhanded; righteous, upright, vir- 
tuous, honest, good 

fragrant, sweet-smelling, redolent Jbc <■'<$*'■ '<$'j 

to slip, trip, stumble Uf « jJ j : I) j 

to slip, lapse, stumble, blunder, trip, err, Ua^ I : t) j ■ 
fall into error or fault, make a mistake, commit an 

pancake, crepe *e^j 

slippery place, slippery ground 

albumin , albumen 
gluten, vegetable albumin 
albumen, white of egg 
fresh pure (cold) water 

j? ff'j -**">■ J :i »"*J 

slip, lapse, stumble, trip, misstep, faux » y» 1 SjO : II j 
pas; (slight) fault, error, peccadillo 

slip of the tongue, lapsus linguae o^—l SJ j 

dyspnea ( _r i —-' ' J >- c • ^ J 

to slide, glide; to slip jJ j : >J j 'glj 

L.UI 'jjjl grlj-LUI ^''j 

slippery, slick jJ j : gl j 1 gl j 

earthquake, quake, seism ilij I 5j* : J I jl J ' J I jl j 
concussion, convulsion, J3J j jjuu : JljJ j 1 Jl_>) j 




to shake, rock, convulse 

when the Earth is shaken I4JI j) j (jij^l cJj>) j I il 
to her utmost convulsion 


t° t 



desalination, desalinization, (ȣll) *1 


to be chronically ill, infirm, invalid L. j o^ : lt*j 
time; period; age, epoch, era 

r**- ' «^»j • J* J 


^'•''ltV u« J rt l r l1 

chronically ill; 
infirm; invalid 

temporal, secular, worldly, earthly 
lay, laic(al), secular 
temporal, time, of time 

■Of J 

tf^ : yr-'j 

transient, transitory, 
passing, momentary 

time, timed 

bitter cold, severe frost 

to dehydrate 


colleague, associate, companion, com- j^i j '. J-* j 
rade, fellow, friend 

classmate, schoolmate, 

fellow *Li\ .1 <U« <J^»- j 4^»£ :Xj>\ 

to commit adultery, fornicate, whore,yjJlLio jl : ,jj 

adultery, fornication; criminal conversation *L»J <. J> J 

incest fj^il iyj 

. * > . 

Oil jf'j ~tyj oi\ 

UU9u '.Ktkyt'j 

cock, hammer; firelock, gunlock; trigger(ilijjJl)jlJj 

i Sji - 

(oLj) <i*jj 's>yJ 
(oLj) «.ILI j^jj 

y iijU» :j*JI J^j 
jjll iL-iill :olJuiJ 
(oLj) <^iyj 

belt, girdle; waistband 

collar, neckband; throatlatch 

spring; spiral spring 


water lily, pond lily 

lily of the valley 

Cronoidea j>LS\ olilj-*- 



hornet; wasp 

halter, leash ^jlj : *£ j 

(reins of) power or government, SX\ /\ J.*i\ j.Cj 

to hold or take the reins of govern- SX\ -U j <Jy 
ment, assume power, come (inHo power 

time; period; age, epoch, era 

chronic illness; infirmity; 

J*** ' lt?> u»r 

' • l" I'' • -"• 
Csu.) .Ill £'j 

,, . „ < 

->* ,£" 

lUJ iJu) J^j 

J* J 'J* J 



sea gull, gull, mew, kittiwake 

to roar; to snarl, growl 

roarOng); snarl(ing), growl(ing) 

to blow, play (a wind (ili. 

blowing, playing (a wind instrument) J* j jjur. : jj j 

.- • < 
sound; song *_icl ( o^o : j* j 

group, clique, coterie, faction, set, circle, icL»- : Sj^ j 
troop, band, company, gang, squad 

/Jl 5 

•J* J 
* i> > 

(ijj i 

; r>j 

blood group, blood type 




emerald, bright green 

to roll, rumble, peal 

to pucker, tuck, draw together 

copious , abundant 

roll, peal, rumble 


s s > 

uropygium; rump (jjUaJI) ^L* j tdL j 

to desalt, desalinate, desalinize (oCil) Jb- : »i j 



■■■-'■■. aaaa 

ignoble, mean, low, evil, wicked, villain- «JJ : *j j 
ous, miscreant 

to be or become proud, conceited.^C; ( 'JSz : ( J) Uj 
overweening; to boast (of), brag (of), pride oneself 
(on); to vaunt, swagger; to flaunt, show off, parade 

to grow, thrive, flourish, prosper 111 : U j 

to bloom, blossom (out), flower, be in jh'j\ : lij 


- » , ,• * 

to shine, gleam, beam, radiate *U>I i 3J.\ : U j 

about, approximately, around, J \^y t Cy; : *lij 
roughly, nearly, almost, more or less, some 

insignificance, inconsiderableness, Alii < i)Li :5 jUj 
pettiness, littleness, smallness; slightness, meager- 
ness, scantiness 

florist Ijjuj a-aii Ltjjj tj* j I jy>j$\ /uIj o&J 

- - ~ * ~ 

to abstain from, renounce, aban- a^c jl s,-JI j jj»j 
don, forsake, give up, withdraw from, turn away 

to renounce worldly pleasures, lead an Li J I j o*j 
ascetic life, become an ascetic, practice asceticism 
to induce to abstain from, do away with ^ jl j jij 
one's interest in, put an end to one's desire for, 
arouse one's dislike for 

asceticism till; « i£Li . ±*y : jaj 

renunciation, absten- fl^l (.j* iyX. ijl^ojl :a*j 
tion; indifference, apathy, disinterest 

to shine, gleam, beam, radiate, to brighten, uf^i 'j*j 
light up, flash up 

flowers, blossoms jy :jkj 

dice £|J iijllll 'j,'j i >'Jh\ 'j*'j 

cast iron jfy\ 1,^ 

orange-flower water ^*^ll fL. 

flower, blossom, bloom i'Jy « j*^l I i j*. I j : s^* j 

< y . ■ ■■ - 
frail, scuttle, basket 


cinnabar; vermilion 
Negro, black 

(oUi) J. . -» «jj 

4..,,L.->»j^l I «1. .nail :CiUL*mjJ 

[ >li « A J yo<uj iji*uj 

to be or become rancid, rank L^J j jL» : *J j i^Jj 


rancidity, rancidness, rankness iiU; 

rancid, rank ^ :«Jj 

forearm; antebrachium, cubitus; wrist [ ruj^ ] jlJj 

ulna, cubitus jjy 1 \ L'r. 

ilij Mflj -(jLtjUjI) OJj 

••* '^ *^ 

atheism, unbelief, disbelief, infidelity, j£ : <ijuj 

cubital, antebrachial; ulnar [ rvjw ] jj^IL. jl--- : tSJJj 

atheist, unbeliever, disbeliever, infidel, j\£ : JjjJJ 
miscreant; irreligious 

to belt, girdle, gird, begird, bind, wrap IjUj il_JI :^jj 

to glare at, stare at ijli- : *•%, aJ I ^i j 

(prison) cell; dungeon f,^ j ) ij Ijj j 

azedarach, chinaberry (>v>) »^J^j 

to tighten, straiten, constrict; to ^i- 1 jl^» : JJj t Jij 
jam, compress, squeeze 

to scrimp, stint, scant, J* j* : J* jj j , J* j: j 
skimp, penny-pinch 

lane, alley, alleyway j\s j : iij 

zinc io-***) f^j'y <. { j r f J \i- :dLj 

tragus [ jyj^" ] ( 6 i^l ) X^ j 

outsider, stranger i^r*"^ : ^» J 





^ ^ 

pride, haughtiness, JL^»-j 

arrogance; vainglory, vanity, conceitfedness), 

self-conceit, self-esteem, self-importance; show-off, 


vanity; falsehood, lie oiif < JJ»L :^*j 

splendor, brilliance, radiance; glamor; Jijj :^*j 

tisane, ptisan ijliJo oj^< :olj^*j 

perishable, dying, bound to vanish iiU U : <j>» j 

vain JJ»L :Jj*j 

malodor, stench, stink, fetor i>Lj : oykj 

insignificant, trivial, trifling, paltry, J-i» i J : '^> : ju»j 
inconsiderable, negligible, petty, little, 'small; slight, 
meager, thin, scanty, sparse 

, , * ~> 

floret °ji**0 »j*j '■ >js*j 

to frown, knit or contract the brows 44* '^ U \Si'j 

*~* i>e ^ (ijj {fb _< ~* oe ^ (ijj 
marriage, matrimony, wedlock; wedding o\J ■ ^}i'j 




temporary marriage 

i^ll ^Ij'j 

civil marriage 

marriage of convenience 

oJloil r-ljj 

disappearance, vanishing; cessation; end, / ■ '-"• I : J I j j 
coming to an end, termination; abatement, lapse 
noon, midday j& : Jljj 

in the afternoon, afternoon, P.M. , post Jl jjj I ajJ 

elite, top, flower, prime, cream, 
choice, pick 

viper's bugloss, blueweed 

passionflower, maypop 


coreopsis, tickseed jJl 5j* j 

pansy, heartsease, wild pansy i^jJtUI 5j*j 

trillium, wake-robin *Jj ju! 1 5j*jJ I 

columbine, aquilegia <>>>»- ' °j*j 

snapdragon ~kA.| Sj*j 

primrose, primula; auricula, bear's-ear; *f,)\ ij*j 

aster <J>lJI 5j*j 

Venus [ttUijo^AjJl 

to dehydrogenate j* jj^jjxjLI Jljl :^>»j 

^. , •>- , 

dehydrogenation j* j^jj-uAI illjl :**-j*j 

pink, blush-pink; rosy, rose, roseate, iS^'ji : tSj*j 

.* i * . - 

floral, flowery jU 3 % ,_^»U- : 15^*3 

syphilis ((>^-) u-^r ■ *<sj*j 

$ * > * • * 

venereal diseases <._>* _} JoSj* I 

(flower) vase 

to vanish, disappear 

to perish, die 

to give up the ghost, die 

malodor, stench, stink, fetor 


fatty, fat, greasy, oily J»i) I j& < ^'j : ^ j 

• * ■ * . f 
grease, fat ^ji,/;! ^ : j>aj 

civet jU_):^_) 

sebaceous; oily, oleic; fatty, fat, ,-J» j : ^**j 1 ^»*j 

fetid, malodorous, stinking 

of : r*j 



doubles( t ^SJI l ^ t >^-jj l jL)il^jj|Sl J C. i^-jj 
<^j t?^ - <j?^ J 'y^J ^JJ 

marital home, conjugal home 

to supply with, provide with, furnish _. jji- : _, VJj 
with, equip with, fit (out) with, outfit with 

to provision, purvey, supply 't\"j\ »lkcl ( jj^. -.Y/j 
with provisions; to victual; to cater 


to incline, slant, slope 

to counterfeit, forge, falsify, fake, doctor, L£j : jjj 
rig; to pirate 

inclination, obliqueness, obliquity, rJarjcS ' J~* '-Ji'j 
slant, bend, turn; crook(edness), twist(edness), 
curvature, curve(dness) 

scoliosis tSjiA\ i^«jJI j /<jW- 0%^ ' '- «-r :jjj 
squint, strabismus, cross-eye; walleye J^i- : jjj 
thorax, chest, upper part of the chest [ n>j*Z ] J/j 
falsehood, falsity, falseness, untruth, lie oiS^ :jjj 
false, untrue, untruthful, spurious <_. jlS" : j j j 


•y : jj j 

, l J3J 

by force, forcibly, coercively, compulsorily J/J L 

falsely, untruly, untruthfully 

false witness 

false testimony, perjury 

boat, dinghy, skiff, watercraft, ^'J- ' <-»jl» : jjjj 

torpedo boat _u,jJ> Jjj j 

lifeboat ;l^J| Jjjj 

boat race JjljjJI jC- 

scaphoid, navicular (of [ jv ^ ] ^-» j j j Jkc i ^Jf, jj 
the carpus or tarsus) 

hyssop (oLi ) , lij j < ^ j » L»j j 

to embellish, adorn, ornament, decorate L/^-j : 3/j 

tfe-Msyiffy :-""" 

before noon, A.M., ante meridiem J'j>' cM 

meridian <JIj3" ^ 5 Ji' J ' <JL)>' *^*" 

midday, meridian, meridional <ijs>-l» i iS>i» :^J(jj 

(jiS'j) d#» '-^ erij-JiiSn '^ t'jijj 

hurricane, whirlwind, cyclone, ii*>U i jLai-l : iijj 
tornado, storm, tempest 

tempest in a teapot, much ado about ol^i j i*j j j 

to marry (off), give in mar- r\/J I J»£> J=»jj '-rJJj 
fiage (to); to marry, wed, couple, unite in wedlock, 
join in marriage 

£»'J jf'j~J-*J <^j 'Oy :^jj 

husband, spouse, mate, consort jJu i jiji : *■ jj 

wife, spouse, mate, consort ii-j J : r-j j 

mate, one of t jri\r' l«~- -^ 'u^-jj - i »-' 
a pair 

oLi] :ol»-jj 'jrjj 



pair, couple, couplet, duad, 




brother-in-law r/j\ ^ 

stepfather, stepparent 


polyandry, polygamy 

wife, spouse, mate, consort 

stepmother, stepparent 


sister-in law 



polygyny, polygamy oU-jj>JI j-uJ 



«' 0- * 

olive oil, sweet oil 

cod-liver oil 

fusel oil 

engine oil, motor oil 

mineral oil 

vegetable oil 

fuel oil 

olive(s); olive tree(s) 

olive, olivaceous 


-ull jjS c-jj iiiUlJI c-jj 

*' i ' " 

-' •*» - - 1 . - 

(oLi) <-i>jj 'U>jj 

oily, oil, oleic, oleaginous; greasy, fatty, unctuous \J^j 

olive-green, oil-green (o^JJ I ) '^'j 

., . .. .. -s - •*- ' '.» - *-'.r 

oil painting, oil -ul,j 5j^,o 4 <cjj j 4,-^J 

ephemeris .Xli ^yc :™±j 

level *LJI ~j 

marital, matrimonial, conjugal, connubial, ^jf- j 

nuptial, married 

J lj Jff'j - ^ '^ 'Jfj :j iJ 

large jar, vat, cask u^ ' »js^ »>r : jiJ 

i ' - * \ ' 
ladies' man, gallant; Don Juan, philan- ( «l J I ) j> j 


highest string (of string 

cicada, cicala 

J^i^ ui l*^ 1 : >J 

linden, basswood, lime, tilia (oLi)oyjiJ 

Tiliaceae iliyjjjJI iL-aiJI :CilliyjJj 

aberration, aberrance; perversion, perver- 6U; j ' jij 
sity, pervertedness; deviation, deviance, departure, 
turning aside or away, swerving, deflection, diver- 
gence, digression 

to counterfeit, forge, falsify, fake, doctor, rigjjj:uijj 

falseness, falsity, unreality oiST : uij j 

i— *5I j v^lj— i_«Slj :<-j«jj 

■ - '■»= ■-''•■•■-^'- ~^ 

' ■■■ ,!J "^ 

venemous trefoil 

dress, garment, apparel, attire, clothing, 
clothes; costume, suit; wear; uniform 
garb, appearance, form, shape 

(oLi) <,i';TljJ 

fashion, style, mode, the vogue 

.- > * 
<-*y> '-iSj 

fashionable, in j-jjil ts^ d*^" ni^jil ti^JI ^e 
(the) fashion, stylish, modish, a la mode, in vogue 

to dress, clothe, garb, attire ' tr J\ : Cj 

oil dealer, oil merchant, oilman cJ^J I «l> : oC j 

(religious) procession (p:**: H ^*) r^J 

increase, increment, addition, growth L ^aij j*i :« jCj 

overabundance, super- L^ali i^li 4 ±>j :5jCj 
abundance, excess, superfluity, overplus, surplus, 

increase, raise, allowance, subsidy; Sj}L : 5 jIj J 
bonus, premium; addition 

increasing, augmentation, raising, scaling «i j : 5 jIj j 
up, stepping up, hiking up; intensification, height- 
ening, enhancement, buildup, enlargement; in- 
crease, rise, step-up, hike 

over and above, in addition to, <J* jl pt • J ^ j 
more than, exceeding, in excess of, beyond 

moreover, furthermore; more than iiU j J*. ;'j1j j 
that, in addition to, besides, over and above; aside 
from, apart from 

visit, call; visitation; tour 


visiting card 

beautiful, graceful, pretty 

to oil, lubricate, grease ol j : c-jj 

oil »H1 j ojij "51 ^jJ 3iL : C-lj 

essential oils, volatile oils ojlli jl <CCl Ojjj 

lubricating oil 
animal oil 
castor oil 







beautiful, handsome, graceful, pretty, 
good-looking, nice; good; fine, well 

cockscomb, crest *ijc :tiL Jl ^ j 

embellishment, ornament, adornment, *_>>- j : <-j j 
garnish, decoration, d.cor 

*-: , *-: --•. 

CMS £rb-£jr> :4 -*J 

ornamental, decorative i/j^j'-ir^iJ 

collar, ,ji— Jt> <_. J»_-l l_ :( u n.jill jl <_j>-)I) Jjj 

hem, border, <_j.u- > <--.-»- : ( u n : ..ll jl v^-ll) __> j 
edging, fringes 

level *UJI J. j 

to separate; to scatter, disperse _ju ( JG» : Jj j 

to adorn, ornament, embellish, garnish, <_i^_-j : __) j 
grace, decorate, deck, bedeck, dress 

^^^^ ^^r ^^r ^N^^ ^B^r ^^^r ^^^r ^^S^ ^^^r ^!^r ^^^r ^^m^ ^C^r 

^^ ^^^ ^f^r ^^r ^Qr ^S^ >^^ ^^r m^^ n^^ ^^r ^^^ ^^r 

agreeable, acceptable, tolerable 

permissible, permitted, allowable, Ul. i j^W- : j-SL 

allowed, admissible 

driver, motorist; chauffeur JjjL 

taxi driver, taximan, cabdriver, <jr^LII <£)- 


to call to account, hold accountable, i_—U- : U *L 
hold responsible, hold answerable 4 

inquisitive, curious tJ>^* ' Jlj-ll ji~^ : JIL 

question; inquiry; query f W*j-j : <J'>» 

request, wish, demand t_JJ» :JI>- 

begging, beggary, mendicancy, men- » U » > . : ...j : Jl>- 


questioner, asker, inquirer "il^- JLj <j> : JjL 

beggar, mendicant Ja», : , „ . '.JjL 

liquid, fluid; flowing, running, -l.U- -u« i ul> : JjL 

liquid; fluid illL JiL. i JjL 

* ~' * 
semen, sperm, spermatic fluid $y* JjL 

hydraulics tf^dl JJl/jl jji* < JJIjLjl SS^ (J* 

(grazing) livestock ((j*/ ) *~"^ : <»j L< 

(_>Lj1 «-lj _ (5./r : v^*" 

captor Jju«* i j-l :(/jCJl) oL< 

captivating, fascinating, enchanting, ^U : uL 

will, shall <J>~ :— - 

to be or become bad, evil, poor, vile, wicked j * j : * La 

to deteriorate, worsen, become JiUi < j^aju : *L 
worse, become aggravated 

to sadden, grieve; to dis- oj.o i <*jj»-l \j» y\ « jL 
please, annoy, vex, offend, hurt, pain 

j ^JiJI *LI p-lj - Lb <. *L 

left, abandoned, forsaken, dere- jym* •. <iijj^> '■ v-> l— 
lict; relinquished 

loose, free, unrestrained, unconfined ^Jd. : i_-JL 

tourist; traveler 


ruling, governing; prevail- «JL n_Jli iji»l--* : -*j1— 
ing, prevalent, (pre)dominant, common, general, 
current, widespread, rife 

walking, going on foot; walker, pedestrian ytL. :jjL 

going (on), moving (forward), ^jiii : (ft. "511 cJJ)jjL- 
proceeding, advancing 

going on, under way, afoot, on J)* <■ jW : j;^- 
foot, in progress, in process 

current, circulating, com- JjIjll. i ^jl j i »L :_^L 
mon, widespread 

the remaining, the rest of, jS iili: II _^L 

the other; all (of), the whole of, every, each 

proverb ^JL. Jt« 

stableman, groom, hostler ( jli I ) ^ L 

ruler, governor; manager; leader; jiiU i £\»- t^-Sl- 
head, chief 

palatable, tasty, savory; pleasant; Jj-JU ' JL>JJ : j-JL 





to compete with, vie with, contend with; to J*-L- 
rival, emulate; to debate with 

dog collar, collar for dogs i_J£J I ; j^i : j^j-L 

to tour, travel, journey, voyage, 3U- ij»i-: ^L 
cruise, rove, roam 

| to flow, run, stream t$j»- : ^L 

pulling, drawing, dragging, hauling, tug- jU- :i_-^-L 
ging, towing, trailing 

1 drawer liLJJI jl jZjl ji iil^LI L»-L 

square, public square, plaza; space; courtyard; i*-L 
yard, court; arena (of politics, etc.), field, sphere, 

battlefield, battleground *£ J*l\ j\ JLiJI *»-L 

apron jU»ll *»-L 

abrasive, abradant >^^> 

magician, sorcerer, wizard, en- j»L. Jl> J^li : j»-L 
chanter, warlock, charmer, conjurer, voodoo 

charming, fascinating, enchanting, capti-^li : j»-L 
1 vating, spellbinding, glamorous, magic, charismatic 

witch, sorceress, enchantress »j»-L 

crushing, smashing, overwhelming, sweeping, Jp-L 
extensive, great, decisive, conclusive 

landslide, overwhelming majority ii»-L ijJS I 

coast, shore, seashore, seacoast, seaboard, seaside J*-L 

coastal, littoral, seaboard ^J»-l** 

Nemertea <i^r-" u'-V-J' <j* V>^ :oUUL 

to sink, subside Jala "■«■"■'■■' I t jlfc 'rL 

sarcastic, ironic(al), sardonic, satirical), sneering, j»L 
mocking, derisive, cynical, cutting, caustic, bitter, 
biting, acrimonious, mordacious 

discontented), dissatisfied, malcontent(ed), dis- i^L 
pleased, disgruntled, indignant, resentful, annoyed, 
irritated, vexed, angry, exasperated 

hot; warm \j> b ( jU- : jr-Lt 

to be or become master (of, S^~ i ( J*) lo_. jU» : jLw 
over), lord (of, over), chief (of, over), head (of, 
over); to have command or authority (over); to 
rule, govern, dominate 

to prevail (in), reign (in), predom-( J*)ll»- 1 It : jL 
minate (in), be predominant or prevalent (in), 

arcade, archway 

jh'ttm j^ja 


swimmer, bather; swimming, bathing; natant, «j L 

fine cloth, transparent cloth <Sj>\~ <jiU* 'Is^j L 

coat of mail of fine workmanship 

x-jLJI («_jL« 

- s i 

t* 1 

(the) seventh 


full, complete, perfect 

ample, abundant, plentiful 

to race (with); to compete with, vie with 

previous, preceding, anteced-oiiT< >.ui. i caJL : JjL 
ent, anterior, foregoing, prior, earlier, former, ex-^ 
onetime, once, past, last, old, pre-, pro-, ante- 

previously, formerly, earlier, before, J^LJ I j i liL 
in the past, once, at one time 

premature, (too) early, precocious <l I j "Jl Jj L 

the status quo ante J^ CJ I jui^J 1 

without prior notice jlJul J^L ij^ja 

precedent (j«JJ ili^li i i2Uu) iiL 

previous convictions; antecedents #^ll ^»L. : JjIjI. 

previously convicted; J^tj-JI (t5j J jl)oU«Ul ^. 

much-frequented road, much 
trodden road 

passers-by, pedestrians, walkers SjL :iLL 

satin i$jij*- ryr- ' ' cr^ 9 ' : uUL 

to conceal one's enmity from, pose as (s j I jl! I ») ^;L 
a friend of, play the hypocrite with 

covering, veiling, screening, hiding, con- i_^-U- :^;L 

screen; mound, rampart, barri- ^y\j^ '>r^- :>L- 
cade; barrier, obstacle, block, obstruction 

teak ( Zjj- j %1) P L 

calm, quiet, tranquil t$jU «,jfL ^^j-lljl) »L 

prostrate (in worship), bowing (in adoration), jj*L 
kneeling (with the forehead touching the ground), 




night traveler; traveling by night xJ jIL : jL 

remainder, rest; remnant, leftover, remains <Ju : ejy 

to hurry (to), hasten (to), rush (to), dash ( Jj ) Pj L 
(to), run (to) 

thief, robber, burglar, housebreaker, pilfer- |^J : jjL 
er, purloiner 

plagiarist, plagiarizer, (literary) jJA\ oiily JjL 


column; pole, post 
flagpole, flagstaff, staff 
mast, shipmast 



Cjjj -L5 


JbJI 4jjL 

to govern, rule; to administer, jIjI t ^j t .^Ci- : y-L 
manage, direct, run, lead, handle, conduct 

to groom, tend v'jJ 


to whip, flog, scourge, flagellate, XjlJU <-jj^> : i>L 
thrash, slash, lash, lace 

glaring, glary, radiant, bright, J^lL i [giu : ^JsLw 
brilliant, luminous, shining, splendid, dazzling 

glaring, obvious, evident, clear, plain, rw»lj : jJ»L. 
manifest, patent 

cleaver, butcher's knife, chopper j^tL 

messenger, courier; office boy, Jy. j : (^cUl) p L 
delivery boy 

calumniator, slanderer; denounc- ,jllj i ^lii : e-L 
er, informer, informant 

postman, mailman, mail carrier -^jr" <«f^- 

watchmaker, clockmaker; horologist ^jlcL 

- - - i .- . 
hour <OJo tjy^. :«xL, 

.» •- > * * > *'~ 

clock, watch, timepiece e-iyl l*> cj^y ill :icL 

counter, meter jIjlc :iiL- 

the Hour of Resurrection i* Ci) I cij : iiCJ I 

now, at present, at the (present) mo- o^ll : '*s\-A I 
ment, at this time, currently 

immediately, at once, I jji : Cj.L ^ i 4^j.CJ i itlLJ I 
right away, instantly, promptly 

spread (through or over) 

obstructive j— j < (jyv ' Jh 1 * : *-» 

glory, honor, dis- «-ij jji t ci^ i jm : ay, i ay. 
tinction; eminence, high rank, prestige, dignity 

careless, heedless, reckless cr?^ 'J?** : j j ^*" 

dazzled, dazed ^aJI j^*~i : jjL 

(the) sixth ^jLJI i^-jL 

custodian or gatekeeper of the Kaabai_l5Cl I * jU- : 6 jL 

sadist; sadistic t$jL 

sadism ojL 

naive, ingenuous, innocent, artless, guile- rji* ^r JL- 
less, simple(minded), unsophisticated, gullible; 
gull, simpleton 

to remain, be left over ,Ju :j~* 

to walk, tread, go on foot; to pace; to march ij 1a : jL 

to move (on, along), be in motion; ^ jjJ t d^3«j : jL 
to go, get going, set out, start; to proceed, advance 

to go away, leave, depart, move away jji- j : jL 

cO progress, make progress, ad- {Sj>r ' '{-^ '■ j^- 
vance, make head, make way; to proceed, go on; 
to be going on, underway, in progress, in process, 
on foot 

to run, function, work, operate, jl j i 3^~ ' : j*- 
go, be in operation 

to circulate, get about, make the c-Li. t c-li : jL- 
rounds, be current, be in circulation 

to behave, act, conduct oneself <S^eu < liUL : jL 
to follow, pursue; to adopt, take up,ylj i «^> I : J* j L 

.- s- » „ t.-.i i . 

<JI jJ\ «>-lj— j~j "uJj.| :jL» 

•* < 7 t , , s 
to whisper in someone's ear <i il j ^-^a : jL 

delightful, pleasant, cheerful, cheer- rjii i 7^> : jL< 
ing, gladdening, gratifying, happy, glad, joyful, 

contagious, infectious, communica- j« : (<i jLJl) jL 
ble, catching, transmissible 

effective, operative, valid, in effect.JjliiliijLi jL 
in force, in operation, enforceable, applicable 


I—. .. ■ 


., ...... v-.-^-r— 

to travel first-class 
unveiled, wearing no veil 

Jji\ ii-jjJI j'j\~ 

barefaced, unconcealed, open, f>-*»l» 1 rjL» : j»L. 

overt, blatant, clear, obvious, conspicuous, brazen, 

shameless, flagrant, gross, glaring, egregious, 


scribe; writer i_J If : ji L 

aspirator itLL < J»lil :<LijJL 1 JjiL 

low, base, mean, ignoble, vile, L ,,.,..,^ ( Jj jj : J»L 
villainous, despicable, contemptible, depraved; 
scoundrel, rascal, villain 

dirty, obscene, ribald, vulgar, indecent, £$.u : Ji L 

JiL j^lj 

-JiL iiuj* :<iliLi 

buttocks, posterior, behind, seat, 

y i ( ooaju :iiiL, 

backside(s), rump, fundament 

lower part of a spear 

tv>3JI iliL 


jLc : *LiL* 

to drive; to pilot, steer 

jli : JLi 

to drive, urge on, goad 

ii»»- : JjL. 

to carry (along), transport, jl.j I 1 |jli- 1 Jii : JjL 
transfer, transmit, deliver; to convey, communi- 
cate, impart, bring, transmit; to send, dispatch 
to carry on a conversation; to relate, tU> j2- I JL 
narrate, recount, report 

leg, shank, crus [ r^j^Z ] ^ \ } <Sji I ^1J L : j L 
trunk, stock, bole W^J^r : "'j=r^ ' J^- 

t • ',5 ^ 

stem, stalk, caulis, shank W* .i»- : <~~1 1 JL 

side, leg [*_jlj»] JL 

bugloss, oxtongue, alkanet 

shinbone, tibia 

(oLi) f Q.| jL 

JLJI ~Ja£ 
[ <L.jlL» ] (^-iCj I (5 jCjL. 

to break out, flare up, erupt L^L ^ ojil t 

f J 

■ JL , 


cupbearer, butler 
barman, bartender 

1 £r'j - ls^-j f-u 
_j|^JJI j.juu : ( < JiCJl) j'L 
(iiL>- j) JL 

----■■ - ■ - -JJ* 


.:,. ' :i 

stopwatch («JJ oliLDl) o-i^ icL 

• - -^ 

pocket watch ._, - icL 

: \'/> jsrlj -J^JI jl r ljlll oUL 

hourglass, sandglass ilLj icL 

sundial i* .,*.. iiL 

zero hour J i* n l| ^ I,.. 

'. * » s - * 

overtime U^-l _,l LiLbJII JJJI oUL 

water clock, clepsydra i_JL icL 

wristwatch m r- icL 1 jj iiL 

to help, aid, assist, support, back up, lend Oj^t : jiL 
a helping hand to, extend aid to, come to the aid of 

' ** s * 

to contribute to, con- J J ( _ f ±i\ 1 J J i$.sl : J* _u.L 

duce to, be conducive to; to lead to; to help, pro- 

forearm, antebrachium, cubitus [ ru^ij ] o*L 

he is my right hand, he is indis- ^^11 iS-u-L ^ 
pensable to me 

juLi.1 r*r\j — o-lcL. XLl.\ 

cj *»-Ij-o_lcL. J cj 

tributary, branch, affluent oi I j : So* L 

antebrachial, cubital jxLJLj ,_^L«j^ :iio*L 

to bargain (with), haggle (with) *jL :j*L 

to be or become permissible, permit- jL>- :^1 ^1 pL 
ted, allowable, allowed, admissible 

to be easy to swallow, go *Li»JI 3 \ ol^ljl c-L 
down easily; to be palatable, savory 

hungry, starved, starving, famished 


jIt- IlmcLo 

sago jiJlj-ia :_j*L 

savanna, savannah [ Li I jc* ] Li Li L 

to fornicate (with), whore (with) l^ J, j : (i\'Ji\) ioL 

to cover, mount; to copulate with, «U- ( \'y> : jjL 
have sexual intercourse with 

to travel, journey, trip, voyage, go on or make a jL, 

journey or trip; to leave, depart, go away 

to fly, travel in an airplane s^UJ L y L 





population density, density of popula- olSCJI iiUiT 

populous, crowded, densely 6^-JI (jUS" jl) <~*~£ 

to ask, question, query, inquire ^.V.'..] : (^) JL 

to ask for, request; to call upon, appeal LJJ» : JL 
to, entreat, beseech, implore; to demand 

to beg, ask for alms i^***-*! ' '$- 

to be (become, be held) responsible (for), (,jc) JLj 
answerable (for), accountable (for), liable (for) 

to flow, run, stream l5/r : J L 

to liquefy, melt, dissolve pU . t_<l i : JL 

>> > , 
his mouth watered; to drool, drivel, drib- *jUJ JL 

ble, slaver, slobber 

request, demand, wish 


bereaved (of a child) 

inquisitive, curious 

L-JL» c JLj I* '. 4J %*t iuy*i 

UjJj OOii i (jl^J I i_JL 
' I '■'■ i ,-=*■ .. ' >> ~"0' 
*, f 3 - ^ . . 

r*L» luflj — Til— • :»iJLu 

previous, former, preceding, ante- J^L i <-ijl : uiJL 

cedent, foregoing, prior, earlier, pastl bygone, old, 


sideburns j^ji^U 4»-l^ll ^IjJI j»i :i_illj— 

previously, formerly, before, earli- LL i LI : U1L 
er, in the past, at one time, once 

amaranth (oL) ^-jjlJI <_«JL 

passable, ridable, practicable, clear, open, pa- dilL 
tent, free, unobstructed, unblocked 
to make peace with, make up with, be- iJL> : JL 
come reconciled with; to keep peace with 

to be or become bored _^>vi i J- : (<o j I (,Jii I ) aI* 
(with), fed up (with), weary (of), tired (of), sick 
(of); to weary (of), tire (of) 
to offer for sale «llil Jojc : f L 

Aquarius [ iiU» ] /J>LJ 1 

to conclude a sharecropping (yij'il i*lj j j) <yL 
contract with 

rear, rearguard, rear lines jLX I ~»j>-y> : i*L 

falling, dropping, tumbling; sinking, JuU t j-*'j • Ja*L 

declining; fallen, dropped 

caducous, deciduous [ t_J» . oLi ] ^Jw : JatL 

null and void, invalid, ineffective, p^l i Ji»l> : JaiL 
unenforceable; abolished, canceled 

fallen, degraded, disreputable, low, JiL : J*»L 

base, vile 

failing, flunking; failure uLi* I j l_— -lj : JaiL 

crural [ «^J ] JL)1> <_^>U- : ^iL 

barmaid (<jL j) ciL 

jl*** Jj^jf ;*^L 

rivulet, rillet, brooklet 
waterwheel, noria 
irrigation ditch or canal 
to clean, brush (the teeth) 
pourer, shedder, spiller 

Sj^tli i jJU < T '^.J• 5 •'L'L 

<3jJJ sti :iJiL 

(ulL^l) dIL 
i_-SL Jx-lj :u)L 
[Sli] ,111 LfL 
silent, mum; quiet, calm, still & jU i e~.L> : cS L 
lintel (of a door) (t_<U ' ) *«£- I : Lif L 

to live with, share a house with u j^sC : jS" L 

to cohabit with r'jj^' *~f j^L .yS'L 

calm, still, motionless, quiet, quies- juU . J$ jU : jS" L 
cent, tranquil, serene, at rest, inactive, dormant 
static [^j4^]ufL 

vowelless: consonantal; consonant [iil ] <jfL 

inhabitant, habitant, resident, ^U . £&• :j£ L 
dweller, occupant, lodger; living, residing, dwel- 
ling, lodging, inhabiting, populating 
population, inhabitants yliCJI i u^L 

census ij\SZJ\ jIjuj < o^—— ' ' fLai-l 

*• ■ - 
consonant J> L ti^ 

demography O^LJI (J-f 





ful, unaware, forgetful, oblivious, absentminded, 
distracted, negligent, neglectful 

sleepless, insomniac, awake Jjl :j_>L 

to contribute to, share in, dj^tl < SjC : ( j) IaL 

participate in, take part in, partake of 

to cast lots (with); to draw lots (with) e- jU : 1*L 

to equal, be equal to, lii (»jl-u«) jL i Jilt :(i.jL 
be equivalent to, be worth, amount to, make 

-Jilt i ^jL«uJ LjCi. <J*i- :(^li u) ^jL 

to rush upon, leap upon J_ ^ii I : jjL* 

to overcome, grip, preoccupy, J_ V^vvl : jjL 
take up 

- '• < 
to beset, trouble, worry, disturb jiil : jjL 

to harmonize, balance, bring UjLj_ 4JLo- i ^U : j_jL 

into harmony or proportion 

j > * 'i > ' > 

inquisitive, curious <Jy** ' J Ij-J ' j^ '■ ^i'y 

to bargain (with), haggle (with), higgle ^.L : VjL 

(with), chaffer (with) 


to humor, comply with (someone's wishes), <3jU- : ^L 
indulge, favor, be willing to please; to appease, 
pacify, try to satisfy; to adapt oneself to, adjust 
oneself to; to conform to, proceed in conformity 
with, keep in line with; to keep pace with, keep up 
with, go along with, keep step with, keep abreast 

to fight (with a sword), i.a'lJL i_jjLj i jJL>- :uL\*i 
meet in combat or duel 

oajw jc^-1j — L-i^*-Jlj c-ijLoj iL^ajL. 

to curse, swear (at), blaspheme; to insult, -II : L^ 
call (somebody) names, abuse, revile, rail (at) 

cursing, swearing, blaspheming; insult; ~1. :'LL, 

abuse, vituperation, revilement 

to capture, take captive, take Jx. ' V ^J ( jit : ^ 

t-.-'-jw.. :.■■■.: ■ 


to impose upon, force upon <Ji. -uiy :J>*i\ *^L 

to humiliate, humble, degrade, <ul£ t <J jl : L_> 4^L 
lower; to wrong, oppress, treat unjustly 

to ordain, consecrate 4*— j : ~Jj L»li 4^L 

boredom, weariness, ennui, tedium, jsJo 1 Jil : »Li 

bored (with), fed up (with), weary (oO.^i : (^.) ȣ. 

tired (of) 

- ' -1 
poisonous; toxic, toxicant; venomous __ : »L. 

.,.> >» , ■< « 

1 * ''- 


high commissioner 

to sublimate, sublime 

l»L Joy* 

pL. (_jjj 

to compete with, vie with 

high, lofty, exalted, J_J ( JJ*. ( ^jj i^llll) fL 
elevated, eminent; sublime, august, grand; superi- 
or; high-minded, gallant 

(i-a»j) L*L 

to forgive, pardon, excuse, overlook, ^ mM> : » L 


to chat in the evening or at night with, while '^, L 

away the night or evening in conversation or 

entertainment with 

'* _- , 

ear ^il :<juL 

Jit :J^L 

lofty, towering, (very) high 
loon, diver 
Santa Claus 


favorable, good, advantageous, (__.ll. ( ol j*. : «J L 
propitious, opportune, suitable, appropriate 

opportunity, occasion, chance <*e^ :i»»iL 

to support, sustain, back (up), 6j -^ 1 Icj 1 j jl : ju L 
stand by, stand up for; to assist, aid, help 

noria, waterwheel i-iL iSj^tU :iliL 

inattentive, inadvertent, unmind- JiU- : (^LJl) »L 




<Q>- ju"Ij — (jLUl ijlj^« iJiLUl <4*" 


founding, foundry 
plumbing, plumbery 
dotage, senility 
dotard; senile 

(ujl«il) tft- 

(oLj) jvj'-!-' '^W" 

to cause, occasion, bring forth, give rise to, give 
birth to, result in, induce, effect, bring about, 
trigger, provoke, arouse, inspire, prompt, produce, 
make, create, engender, generate, account for 

reason, cause, motive t- 1 j i iic : 

means, medium, instrumentality iL- j : t_— . 

rope jli- : (___ 

raison d'etre ^^^ ' S— 

because of, for, by reason of, on (iJi") i_, : „■ 

account of, due to, owing to, in view of, as a result 
of, in consequence of 

(JJ l_...., l l W-J 

causal, causative i^r - 

causality, causation 

to rest; to sleep; to be dormant, 
lethargic, torpid 

to keep the Sabbath '-'* 1 1 Jiii. : c~- 

Saturday (.^) ■-■'■' H 

Sabbath( jljjJ I jjj- ljill«a.\aji^ L-u-. L.^.u^?^) 

Holy Saturday 


shame, disgrace, dishonor, opprobrium j 

September JjLI 

Adventist, Seventh-Day Adventist 

sabbatic(al),5 jLcj i»- 1 j »jj <U^j 

Ijy^L^ :, 

i.;. 1 ■ -;.-■ ■ ;." -g?a 

to captivate, capture, fascinate, enchant, ^ : ( 
charm, enthrall, thrill 

swearer, curser, blasphemer; abuser, 
reviler; abusive 

Azl. :i_iL*a 


— LjLa* 

forefinger, index finger (J L.yij ( .l4J^ll t j-j»^>)ll:ij Li- 
lethargy, torpor; dormancy; sleep, slumber f'y : oCl 
coma * i . i r. <~Joj* ^.y-^- ioL. 

hibernation jjjl tol— «l : »LUI oL « 

estivation, aestivation i_*— aj :i_i_ oJI ol— 




L~Jl) ( j^ l>- • /-j L-* 

(i_-«UI jjj J) yjL- 

C1 L 







t a>-L-. o^j 


j jLmM 





carotid, carotid artery 


swimmer, bather 

forefinger, index finger 

swimming, natation, bathing 

swimming pool, pool i»-l 


probe; sound 

pagrus, porgy 

seven at a time; by sevens, seven and seven p^U- 

sevenfold, septuple; seven, heptad, septet <jf ^-" 

seven-lettered (<_»_,»- "ill) yeL— 

(J0Jj£ J J-tUlJ I (jCL— 

heptagonal; heptagon p.^Li'illj LljjJI yfL- 

' i i -> 
heptahedral; heptahedron ry^ ' (j*-^-— 

- >- •- * . 
spaghetti; macaroni iij^^Jw iiJLil— « 

forerunner, precursor; first; winner (in a contest) J U- 

race, racing, run(ning); contest; competition JL- 

arms race, armament race »J1jJ I jC. 

horse racing, horse race jli- 1 Jt— 

rally ol jL— JL-. 

cross-country i»*-LaJI jL— 


=♦ #C 

alcohol, spirit 

to be lank, straight J->—l : (^«JJl) ,L. 

to be abundant, copious jji- : 

lank, straight J-.^l_. : Jill* ; ia_* . ia_* 

abundant, copious, heavy, torrential jj^i- : .ill. 

openhanded, freehanded, generous, J>'^\ -il- 

grandson, grandchild 


to septuple, make sevenfold, 
multiply by seven 

I JA JU*»> < 

sLe : 

* iii ii 

beast of prey, predatory animal (^»>^* 6 \y?- '■ J-— 
seven ." 

the opening chapter of the ikj U) I 
Koran, the name of the first sura 

(one) seventh 




the seventieth 

j&i " s 

( ^)fr^ 


h y) >i* oL. 

(y«) o>»«~ 

JM" ■ ml I 

to be completed, finished, terminated; to be jj : *** 
achieved, accomplished, consummated 

to be long IJU» : CI 

to be comfortable, opulent, affluent 1* j : ill 

to precede, antecede, forego, be (go, J* llij r^ijl-. 
come) before or ahead of; to antedate, predate, be 
earlier than, happen before 

to outstrip, outdistance, overtake, leave jjllo :J— - 
behind, pass, go past, get ahead of 

to beat, defeat, overcome, outdo i_Ji- : J* jl- 

the die is cast, it is too lateUilJI 3 \ jjilJI tjlljl jll 

unprecedented, Jjl <J j-11 Jj , *li* Jj jlLj Jj 
novel, unexampled 

as we have said earlier or before, as Ui» 3 J_- Ui" 
we have previously (formerly, just, already) said 







to swim, bathe 

to praise, glorify, extol, laud, eulogize ai^ j^_ < Wl« 

glory to God! praise the Lord! 

God is far above... 

" i* •!<"'* r •*• " 

44JDI o 

Glory to God! He is free from Oy^i £c «il b 
the things they ascribe to Him! 

Glory to my God, the Greatest! ( JiU I \lj 

God to Whom be ascribed all 
perfection and majesty 
swim, bathe 

a *tl)l q1-»."...i, » Jli : JiVi.i.i 

rosary, beads 

to say "Glory to God!" 

to sleep deeply, be sound AJI 3 jj*— I : ^-1 '£r" 

to abate, subside; to cool down 1 1* t jjSC : aII. 1 -fy. 

to allay, alleviate, ease; to calm, jSL. 1 i-*i»- : t^- 


' ^™^* - 


briny, saline, salty 

salina, (salt) marsh, swamp, 
quagmire, bog, moor 

marshy, swampy, quaggy, 

to shave, shave off ji»- : ( ^LU I ) Ju» 

goatsucker, nightjar, nighthawk (>LU) ju 

to probe, sound, explore, examine, jji j~~ t^~w 
test; to fathom, bottom, get to the bottom of, 
plumb, understand or study thoroughly 

unfathomable, fathomless, soundless, »j^i ^_j 1 
bottomless, abyssal; profound, deep, abysmal 

probing, probe, sounding, exploration, j~. jj^a* \j~m 
examination, testing; fathoming, bottoming 

root, origin Jl>l :_,**, 

color o>l '■ jr? 

beauty, gracefulness) JL>- : j~* 


"I IT 

' ■' ' ■ J- 

alcohol, spirit >*j!--" 

lil_}-— . V»- I j - 1,1 l.l, ..HI 

ingot, bar, bullion, cast, mold *^r' 

way, road, path, track, course, iL- j i Jj^l. : J;—- 
route; channel; access; means, medium 

drinking fountain, (public) fountain (ojiil) J_-_ 

last resort, last recourse yS- *i I J..'J I 

for the sake of, for, in the interest of, in J--— J 

behalf of, toward 

by way of, for, as a way of J-j- Jt 

by means of, through, by Jrr-J ' Jrr- O* 

• - ' S ' • 

-• » , s ''■»',-• » 

six 4JL. lio^i : c— « 

belladonna, deadly nightshade (oLi) ( >-i-l e— 
veil, screen; coverGng), mantle »U»c c ot«- : jL- 

cover-up, front; i»jj i i i«- i oili - j^Ji. : jLl. 
guise, pretense, pretext^ excuse 

iron curtain (S- 

barrage (il*i 'A I ) 1 ^ ^ j L. 

under the guise of \j£ jL- e~ 

behind the scenes, jliJI sljj ^ i jLlJI rljj 


curtain, drape(s), drapery, hangings) ij I iy : 5j L-, 
blind(s), Venetian blind(s)i_jjj-. ( «-">U>l ol j) 5jL- 

'J^<_r? J L 

jL-. j^-lj 


sixteen (\"0 

studio; atelier 

to cover, veil, screen, curtain, enshroud; to JL* i 
hide, conceal, mask; to disguise; to shelter, shield 

> > 

jL-. j^-lj- 

. . aasacggS 7, 

to set forward icQl j** 

%^ * 
to gain, go faster, be fast iiO I c.«y« 

' ,'' > , ,'/ 

stake (in a race) ji»- i ojiu\~A\ <uIlc ^l^j I* : Jj~* 

illjl 4 |»J 

antecedence; precedence, priority 

premeditation, jj-<»JI jl f,...v.',ll jl j 1^)1 1 J~- 
willfulness, forethought, preconceived malice 

scoop, beat u* 1 *** i>r— 

to found, cast, smelt; to mold; to shape, dL— 
form, formulate 

founding, foundry, cast(ing), smelting; molding; 

shaping, forming, formation, formulation 

.- % * * 
metallurgic industry o&\\ c£L- icL*> 

- , * - . . » , i- 
to let hang down, let down, lower, ^jl 4 Jj-I : J—* 


to dedicate to charitable or pious purposesjlil Jll 

ear, spike 



iLhk ! A.i >.— 

whiskers^lll jl^yiyjU- Jf-ilaJJI,^. )Tj^- :iC- 

to dote, become a dotard 

dotage, senility 

dotard; senile 

(good) swimmer 

swift, fast, smooth-running 

blackboard, board 

captive, prisoner (of war) 

slough 4.-J..L.J (^111 L»Jc>- :iQ.| T^l, 

. * 

capture, captivity jj\ '■ ^j** 

captives, prisoners (of war) ^j.)J.^-'-• 'Cij-I :(<— 

slough 4jJlJ (Jill L»j1»- :iJ-l ,«-« 

• '''■' 

tuft, lock, wisp, tress, ringlet, j*l. iilaj- : i~-r" ' '—■.'.-:■" 


white lead, ceruse t- I i. . ,. 1:^1 ju^ 

squid, sepia, cuttlefish, pen fish tSj**. u'>r*- : r-^rr - 





to fire up, heat (a furnace, an oven, etc.)»JJ j^JI^^**^ 

to cause to overflow, let flow or pour forth fill J*l* 

to swell (up), heave, surge, roll, run high J*J I '^» 

to rhyme (i_Jl£L)l jl <-.. kil) «*w ' wu 

to coo (c^-O v«- ' vv 

rhymed prose, rhyme, assonance ^ii* |.>S : *m«, 

coo(ing) |»llil uu 

rhyme, a passage of rhymed prose 

rhymed, rhyming, assonant 

curtain; veil J^. i Jc : t_i 


to register, record, take record of, put oli 4 uj-> : J^- 
on record, enter, make an entry of, list, inscribe, 
write down, put down, take down, set down, note 
(down), make a note of, take notes of, mark down, 

to enroll, register, list {y^JS USi) J**- 

to record, tape, tape-record ( JajjZ. J*) Js»- 

to score (a hit, a goal, etc.) jJ I lio* jl JjUsI Jk- 

to patent (an invention) U l^i»- 1 Ja»-. 

to register (a letter) ilL j jk- 

to set a record ^— W» **j J*»- 

to credit with u^» oC»J J*»- 

-* -' ' - - 
to debit with, charge to some- 0^» <->C» J* jk- 

one's account 

register, registry, record, official record book, 3 s **" 

book; log, logbook; journal; list; scroll, roll 

records, archives o}L»~ 

commercial register cSj^ J*- 

- s » ' s j 
log, logbook, journal ijJlkll jl <:.«', 1 1 Js*-. 

cadastre, ^^^1 y^lj^ljl ^Liljau-i t^jlic. Ja^, 
land register 

journal j*»^" l^t 

archivist o}L»Ul ^1 

registry D^' p^ 

registrar, register, recorder 3 s *- j>*^* 

I I um, 

shelter, shield, protec- 
tion, screen, guard 


lijljfJJ *J 



jacket; coat; tunic 

to stow, steeve, stack, store (up) 


studio; atelier 


the sixtieth 


stereophonic, stereo 

to be or become calm, quiet, tranquil 

to shroud, enshroud, cover with a 
winding-sheet; to lay out 

worshiper (of God) ( <i) 

carpets, carpeting, rugs 

carpet, rug 

prayer rug 

Persian rug or carpet 

curtain; veil 

*■■'> > i 

I J 

J M I'I 

/ > 

(■\.) ii^-f 



'. > 

» t (jX-« : Im« 

(^0 L*^*" 

I^ V i.i J I J^S '. J 1^*4 

jUaUl Sji».|j :ojln« 

1 jLl« :ajImm iCjImm 

competition, contest; emulation, rivalry 


their battle has its ups and down, Jlk- f>4— r 1 Mj^- ' 
the belligerents are fighting each other with alter- 
nate success, victory is shared by turns among 
jailer; warden; prison guard uliu* 

tO COO fill I «u 

to insinuate, intimate, refer to, J J *<ll : _> p*- 

to prostrate oneself (in worship), genuflect, kneel 
(with the forehead touching the ground), bow 
(down), throw oneself down, fall down in adora- 
tion; to worship (God) 

genuflection, prostration (in prayer) 5jj 

Whitmonday SjklJI ,v-ol 




meningitis Cl^ljl ol^JI 

meninx ^J| L'lkl ^li-l :ol*-, 

to pull, draw (ofl), draft, drag, haul, tug, 
tow; to trail along (on the ground), drag along 
to withdraw, draw back, draw "sjL. I « kt'jL. I : -_,V,- 
off, take back, recall, call back, revoke, repeal, 
cancel; to pull out; to take out 

to retract, recant, unsay, jc '^-'j < ^ '£. \'ji ; [_^, 
withdraw, draw back, take back, back down (off, 
out) on 

to draw 

to call in, recall, retire, take out of Jj lid I ^ Lk~ 

circulation, withdraw from circulation 

to overdraw ti^iSQl J* '_'~^. r 

to draw lots it i '_'^,. 

pull(ing), draw(ing), draftGng), drag(ging), ^ . _ 

haul(ing), haulage, tug(ging), tow(ing), towage, 

traction; trailing (on the ground) 

withdrawal, taking back, recall(ing), fU^Ll : <_J»~ 

revocation, repeal, cancellation; pulling out; taking 


retraction, recantation, ^ <ryr'j i { jt-'Z r \'J; : ■_,'>.'. 
unsaying, withdrawal, taking back, backing down 
(off, out) on 

drawing (in a lottery) 


special drawing rights 

bill of exchange, draft 

ill-gotten property, illegal possessions); 

unlawful trade; something forbidden 

to scrape off, scratch off, rub off, shave off,«»«, i'^L, 

abrade, graze, excoriate, gall, chafe; to plane 

abrasion, scraping off, scratching off, rubbing off,n»»- 
grazing, excoriation; planing 

to bewitch, witch, conjure, magic, o^k-o <,Co\ :'^ 
spell ' ' ' 

to bewitch, witch, charm, enchant, fasci- jjli in- 
nate, infatuate, enthrall, spellbind, mesmerize, 

time before daybreak, early dawn, p'^l I '£j L. :^ 
early morning 


to flow, stream, run, pour forth 
to shed, pour forth 

to jail.imprison.lock up,incarcerate,intern )a 4»- : j*»- 
confine, detain, keep or hold in custody 

imprisonment, jailing, lockup, incar-^k- j'jLL : J^, 
ceration, internment, confinement, detention 
solitary confinement c$ j l^ii I j^Ul 

life imprisonment £'£ ^J, 

prison, jail, lockup JpLl I £,IS£. * l _ r l* : J*u* 

prostration (in prayer), genuflec- 'SsL. y\A- : i^L 
tion, kneeling (with the forehead touching the 
ground), bowing down; worship, adoration 
nature, (natural or innate) disposi- jli. 4 kJ, : "iLaL, 
tion, (inborn) character, moral constitution, tem- 
per; quality, trait, characteristic 
shale; marl; baked clay; argil IJ J[ i ^J, : JJL„ 

prisoner, prison inmate, con- u-y^* <■ Jllii : j-j*- 1 
vict; imprisoned, jailed, confined, detained 
to flow (down), stream, run jJL : ) 

to shovel, spade 


zipper, zip, zip fastener, slide fastener(,J IljCIu)^^ 

cloud XUiiolk- 

throughout, all through, over, (all) J l^i 'i, Ikl 
during, during all, ..long 




all day long, all day 
burette, buret 
tearful eye 

(jJI ijU- 

*- Or 6 



lesbianism, sapphism 


filings (of gold or silver); swarf 



*pt\j - j>LA\j J« r , * . :j[»Li 
- • - ~-* - 







:■;:;■ . :::/tx" 

to blacken, make black 

to pulverize, triturate, comminute, Jp» « y^ : o^" 
powder, pestle, pound, crush, grind 

pulverization, trituration, comminu- Jpv. « y j : jm» 
tion, powdering, pestling, pounding, crushing, 

appearance, look(s), iii : »Li»- tiLJu tiL** tLJt* 
mien, air, aspect, visage, physiognomy, facial fea- 
tures, facial expression, fades 

gallinule yjl. jJU> i^i^i :u>j»- 

last (light) meal before _^»JI jli ~l£al\ {&> -.jyL 
daybreak during Ramadan 

remote, distant, far, faraway, far-off .uaj : J^»»- 

immemorial, ancient, very old »jii\ j t jw :J^»- 

abysmal, bottomless, deep, profound j_.r 'J.-»'r 
- '•- , . '•- . - 

U^s«««« «»- 1 j — ijjs»_« . Jin. 

generosity, liberality, openhandedness ^ : »ImL 

soot, smut, crock; lampblack; carbon black ^U- : ^Ul 

heater, geyser; boiler; warmer <J Iw- > ul»i- 

' -* ^ »' ' - 

<>^Mm «9^Ij— <JImm 

morocco (leather), tanned goatskin uL;^,,. < uC 


placenta; afterbirth, secundines XLj 

to mock (at), ridicule, deride, j tej* : ^. j I j ^f* - 
taunt, gibe, make fun of, poke fun at, laugh at, 
sneer at, scoff at, jeer at, fleer at, flout 

to exploit; to utilize, employ, use, make use of, j»»-> 
make serviceable; to subject, subjugate, make 
subservient; to drudge 

corvee, forced labor, un- (i^r I %) lsJ-» Jl* : 5j*»-> 

paid labor; involuntary servitude; fatigue, fatigue 

duty; drudgery 

-, > • i -• > 
laughingstock, joke o um>1 :•>•- 

• iy* 'tj** 

lung iij i^m. 

lung *Jj ij>u i^iki 

magic, witchcraft, sorcery, wizard- j»-CJ I iiL* :^ 
ry, witchery, witching 

magic, charm, charisma, spell, glamor; *js» :^. 
fascination, enchantment, bewitchment, infatua- 

magic(al), sorcerous; occult; wonder, miracu- \$j»? 

to crush, pound, grind, beat, bruise, ^»»- t y * : J**^ 
stamp, bray, powder, pulverize, comminute, 
pestle, triturate 

to crush, suppress, repress, jU uu»- 1 1 ^^f-ai '■ Jp»~ 
stifle, quell, quash, stamp out, squash, squelch, put 
down, smash, trample, quench, destroy, kill, 
extinguish; to overpower, overwhelm, overcome; 
to annihilate, exterminate, wipe out 

to be or become remote, distant, far, 

crushing, pounding, grinding, beating, J»L < ufj : Jm* 
bruising, stamping, braying, powdering, pulveriza- 
tion, comminution, pestling, trituration 

crushing, suppression, re- i jQ 4 *\f- 1 c Jc fUu : J*L 
pression, stifling, quelling, quashing, stamping out, 
squashing, squelching, putting down, smashing, 
trampling, quenching, destruction, killing, extin- 
guishment; annihilation, extermination 

remoteness, farness j*> :Jm* 1 J** 

away with him! 4J Uo.-, 

to file; to plane, smooth; to pare, peel, '^i < V^ :'J)u 
shave off 

to drag along, trail along on i>j^ll Jc 'jr '■ J*«~ 
the ground 

orchis, orchid (^^j) '->l ^ « 

salep, saloop J^>>j j-J* *S>j-^ • ^ '■ <~*&— 

saloop, a drink made i_-UlJI ; il* ^* ol^i : <_Jim1. 
from salep 

Orchidaceae i-Jb»JI iL. 

orchid; lady's slipper (oLi) ili 

lizard i tlti- : ill**- 

to blacken, become (grow, turn) black 'sy\ '■ »*»- ' tiw 


to plug up, close up, stop up ; to stop- 'jic i jit I : "j. 
per, plug, cork; to seal, shut (ofl), close com- 
pletely; to block (up, ofl), bar, obstruct, occlude, 
obturate, barricade, choke (up), clog, congest; to 
stuff (the nasal passages) 

to fill , bridge, close (a gap, breach, etc. ) i'jl ll, 

to fulfill, satisfy, fill, meet; to supply ii- U- ll, 

(with), furnish (with), provide (with) 
to keep barely alive, keep body and soul iij Z. 
together, provide with a bare existence, keep at 
subsistence level, allay someone's hunger 

to replace, take the place of, substitute for o!»_l H, 

to repair, redress, make good, make up ^.Jj | H, 
for, remove (a deficiency); to supplement, supply 
plugging, stopping up, stoppage, clos-iilil , J}U| :'Z 
ing, closure, shutting), shutoff, sealing; blocking, 
blockage, obstruction, occlusion, obturation 

satisfaction, fulfillment, filling.oli-U-l ji ii-U-l ll 

reparation, redressing), making good, ysZl I ''L. 
making up for 

block, barrier, bar, obstruction, jJl* i ^ U- : al, 
obstacle, hindrance 

barricade, rampart, bulwark, 

dam Ol>:l- 

levee, dike (oLiOM ^S)'L. 

embankment (,Ul !uJ J^ !1;U. Jt) H, 

weir (laljk. J^ /\ ? Li| &'£L gj)'L. 

barrage (jllll s'jLj. \ <j^. j ^li ^Uo) Z. 

cataract J^\ C'ji ^Li| :'j! 

■J-" wfij — a— : j— 

wa T (o^Jl)il'jl:i5ol. 

in vain, vainly, to no avail, unavailingly, lii : 15'jl 
uselessly, fruitlessly, futilely 




»jp*~ *»- I j — tjj**, : i5j9u 

sarcasm, mockery, irony, ridicule, deri- S^il t o>l 
sion, scorn, sneer, scoff, gibe, flout 

irony jiiil jl jloftl (l^) t>l 

to be or become discontented, dissatisfied, ( Jt) ', 
indignant, resentful, annoyed 

discontent, dissatisfaction, displea- ,Lm* ( J»l_ 

sure, indignation, resentment, annoyance, irrita- 
tion, anger, ire, exasperation, wrath 

to be or become silly, absurd, ridic- iLil ^IS" : \ 

silliness, absurdity, absurdness, ii Ul : oik- « uikl 
ridiculousness, foolishness, foliy, nonsense 

lamb J^:iiL 

to besmut, smut, soot, crock, blacken with '^L :'^L 
soot, make black 


il_j— : 



to heat, warm (up), be Li- L j U> : j^-, i 'jk-. 4 '^L 
or become hot or warm 

to heat, warm (up), make hot or 

hot; warm 

heat, hotness; warmth, warmness 

fever, pyrexia, temperature 

*'*~ ^ * , 

enthalpy, heat content cSjO*- (5>^" : ^A- 

■>'>»■ '(CjS" :'y*- 

to be or become generous, liberal 
openhanded, freehanded 

generous, liberal, openhanded, 
freehanded, bountiful 

lavish, profuse, bountiful, plenti- ^yi. , j, I j : ^1 
ful, ample, abundant, provided in abundance 
silly, stupid, absurd, ridiculous, foolish 

rancor, spite, grudge, ill will, 
malice, malevolence, hatred 

hot; warm ^ b 6 >. : ^^L, 

painful; tormenting Jji 


dizziness, giddiness, vertigo 



carelessness; recklessness 



confused, puzzled, perplexed 


^ :jj- 

dazzled, dazed 


: J,-^ 

dizzy, giddy, vertiginous 

jljjj (—»L<H 



nabk, Christ's-thorn, lotus jujube (olo) SjJ-. 'j-ju. 

to sextuple, make sixfold, multiply by six; to u» j— 
make hexagonal 

(one) sixth ( - ) (j*J~> i^ju. 

dark(ness), dustiness) 

curtain; veil 

Jj-.l «Jf I j — UJUi lUJUi 

tight, shut tight, tightly shut, airtight, her- ^£ : jj. 
metic, hermetically sealed, impermeable, impene- 
trable, impervious 

apposite, relevant, pertinent, apropos, i_JL> : oj. 
appropriate, apt, to the point, right, correct, sound, 
well-advised, unerring; hitting the target 

haze; mist 


hazy; misty 

nebulous, nebular 




(oLj) oil 

» - - - 


naivete, naivety, ingenuousness, innocence, o-IJ— 
artlessness, guilelessness, simplicity, simplemind- 
edness, gullibility 

to delight, gladden, rejoice, cheer (_^jl ' ry» I : j- 
(up), make happy; to please, gratify, satisfy, give 
pleasure to 

to be pleased (with), delighted (at), g+j\ i rj : j* 
happy (at), glad (at), cheerful (about or over); to 
rejoice (at), jubilate (at); to cheer up; to take plea- 
sure (in), delight (in) 

* ** n V'i i ■"' 
umbilical cord cSj-JI J-J-l '.j* 

-* " . » . j' 

funiculus ol_JI tLitl ^ :^- 


i^)\ j <s_fjl\ j^mJI :;l 

appositeness, pertinence, relevance, ^-Ayo :jIju« 
appropriateness, lightness, correctness, soundness 


j : jIjl- 

obstruction in the nose 

0-i^l) jI'ju. 

plug, stopper, stopple, cork, tap, spigot; SjIj— i jI-u- 
obturator; seal 

embolus, embolism (i$^.j slij j) SjIj— 

six at a time; by sixes, six and six ^Iju. 

sixfold, sextuple, sexpartite; sextet, hexad(e) ^r">l->-« 

Jo}ji-\ J_cliJI y-lj- 

hexagonal; hexagon s^Li'jIj Ujjll 

hexahedral; hexahedron ry 


curtain; veil 

office of the custodian or gatekeeper of (iJ^Ul) ijlj-. 
the Kaaba 

j— ioj-Ij — Jplc i^sfl*- :Sjui 


; jli- :iil' 

embolus, embolism 

fo^o »li, j)sl 

jL» ; o. 


position, post, office; rank; status 



door, gate 


to pay, settle, discharge, liquidate, pay ^jj ' j» J : ■>•*•» 
up, defray, clear, square, balance, satisfy, extin- 
guish, cover 

to aim (at), point (at), direct (to), *»- 3 1 1_^> : j j_ 
level (at), deliver (at), shoot (at) 

to guide (someone's steps), direct, lead, (»Ux>-) jj— 
show the right way to 

jIjl* *>■ I j — <_> \yo : jx- 
to be or become confused, puzzled, per- jl*; :jju« 

to be or become dazzled, dazed oj^u jj_ 

confusion, puzzlement), perplexity Sj~»- :j.l* 

dazzle, dazzling, daze {^Ll\) jj_ 

lamp; light 
firefly, glowworm 



r"l >*Jl AJ >>- !4j»! ww 

dismissal; release, discharge 

jilt e-ij-^G- jiti 
- ' * .' . ' > 

pavilion, large tent; canopy s^J" i*^. 4 U l L ; : j jl^, 

lineofthepalmor iilil jl LiSCll yiL. J ^i- .-jl^,, 

lineaments, features (of the face) 
way, path, road 

place; government house 

to leak; to infiltrate 


gallery, drift, adit 

burrow, hole, lair, den J^. : ^'J* 

flock, herd, drove, group, troop «jj : i_/w- 

flight, flock, bevy, covey, group, troop j£\^ I '^ t_/w- 

swarm >Q\ jljklll^o^. 

school (of fish), fish school .>!'.'. I 

squadron, flight, formation, 
wing, group 

shirt; coat of mail; garment, dress J L, 





J?l ww 





( Ul MM 

' cS'j— < 



- l_)^ww 

J diju>- 




(p'V* J) <rO~ 


r'JT Jf'J" 



to dress, clothe, attire 
navel, umbilicus 
navelwort, pennywort 
navel orange 
to braid, plait 
to baste, tack 
saddle; packsaddle 
dung, manure 

((jJaJI) oj-/ 

(illlll) £^ww 

secret; mystery (j'^j-I H ^» 

secretly, in secret, in secrecy, private- ^Lj I J ( 1^. 
ly, in private, in camera, behind closed doors, co- 
vertly, clandestinely, furtively, surreptitiously, 
stealthily, underhandedUy), underground 

trade secret il^il ^, 

secretariat ^Ul iiUI 

secretary *Jj\ £\£ /JLi\ L*\£ t*Jj\ 'j~a\ 

password, watchword, countersign, parole JJ I <J£ 
to travel by night ^ill jL :(3j-« 

to circulate, go around, make yUi 1 1 i I i t jl j : <5^1 
the rounds, spread, get about, run, be current 
to flow, run, stream 'JLSLi t jjL i iSy>r : <s'J~ 

to come into force, take J^iil ^jL p^l : (£j~, 
effect; to be or become effective, "operative, valid, 
in force, in operation, in effect, enforceable 

to apply to, be applicable to, J^ j' lv I : J* <3^L 
hold good for, be true of 

to creep into, enter (into), spread J Lo : J tSJ~ 
into or throughout, fill, pervade; to rush into, 
stream into, flow into 

to dispel someone's worries, drive <M ^ j I <uc ijj^, 

away someone's grief, relieve, comfort, cheer, 


larva; caterpillar; maggot iili'" 

jjrf ■ tj** ' *j** 

spawn; roe 



joy, happiness; good times, good >U- j t jj^ : * f£* 
days; prosperity, welfare, weal, well-being 

for better or for worse, in sorrow el^IaJ I j sl^Lj I J 
and in joy, in good days and bad days, in good 
times and bad times, in weal and woe, through 
thick and thin 

mirage, fata morgana; phantom, ignis fatuus, i_> fw«, 


t ,~ i a *,„ 

highest point, top, summit (( Ji \ l l t \ : J 1^, 

middle, center *^J| J»l.j :j|^l, 

... i< <ii ,. 

beginning, outset, first >( JI Jjl :5l^« 

leaders, chiefs, heads; elite -^iJI oljjl. 

II 1 " ,, , v ■ - 

* ** ii V'i i " 

umbilical cord iS^-" Jr**' '■jjt' i ->J^ '-is* 

".- * - ' '' >* 
lines of the palm and i^li-lj «-i$Ul J»>1»- : j^- 


to swallow, gulp, bolt «LjI : i»^ < J»^ 

crab ijfiJaL, :uU>^ 
lobster iS^**" uU».f» « ,>~l oU»j-» 
land crab i-jUl o^>j- ' jr" 6^» J >- 
crayfish iSjv oU>^- i j*JI oU» cr- 
eancer; carcinoma (yijoJoUj^,- 
breast cancer 

Cancer [ tJUi ] olU^J I '££ 

cancerous; cancroid (-ilk^i 

to cancerate 4J^j- *l*»r : u^j" 

canceration ^U^ *<*-^ J**" : *-J»>- 1 

^ , , .*- 
to be or become quick, fast, rapid fj* i £^ 

to speed up, accelerate, expedite, hasten, hurry, <£j* 
quicken, precipitate 

how quickly..! soon, L» o\tj* iL» ultj-i iL» ulcj— 
before long, in no time, in a short time; it was not 
long until.., no sooner had he., than.., at which 

speed, velocity, pace; haste, hurry, expedition, 4*^ 
dispatch, quickness, fastness, rapidity, swiftness, 
promptness, promptitude 


S$> #E 


* * J 

credulity, credulousness 


.' - » • *. * i- • •* 

presence of mind, it-uJI jl i>»^JI jl j**' **>- 

quickness (of intellect), alertness (of mind), quick- 

wittedness, repartee, acumen, acuteness 

,s k , > 

speed of sound o^aJ I itj- 

. s >, . ^ 

speed of light *yah I i*j-» 

-. •» i- .i 

speed limit <i^»i)l icj-JI 

~~ • f 
quickly, fast, promptly, rapidly, speedily, ic^ 

swiftly, hastily, readily, in a hurry, without delay, 

as soon as possible 

. . > .> 

weasel \o^y^) Vi*^ - 

, .„-.>.> . ' <> 
mantis, soothsayer \«j^-> *i^j^ i<Jj*^ 

. \ . > 
sargo \A^-A 0*3*1* 

gjr -.£;* 


to go out; to depart, go away 

to graze freely, go out to pasture 

to go about one's business; to >*- o jy \ j rj>- : r _>- 
proceed freely or without restraint 

to send to pasture <~W r-^- 

to send away; to dismiss, «4»^ i r^-»jl : ^ I rr« 
grant leave (to) 

to discharge, dismiss (from (i.jAI ^) i_ik>il re- 
employment), release (from an office), fire, sack, 
lay off 

to release, discharge, let go, i>~*-JI jl <~*s>^ rj~ 
free, set free, set at liberty 

to demobilize, ijjSll<J I 5jl»-jJ1 /\ jlJ-I jl <jlJ-l rj- 
disband, deactivate 

to divorce, dismiss (by divorce) "^rj j r/- 

to comb (the hair), do or do up (the hair), j*J^ I rr- 
dress or style (the hair), coif or coiffure (the hair) 

to card, tease y-l*"' jl i_>j-aJI r r 

to send (out) to, dispatch to J J jjljl : J J r^- 

to relieve, comfort, dispel or drive rj> : <^. r r 
away someone's worries or grief 

tolookaround,letone's<tHa-l : ( j)jlaln jl jJaJI r^« 
eyes wander about; to look at, set one's eyes at 

wolf i_-5i lul^j-i ' JU'j-' 

fern, bracken (tj^j) lt*"^*" 

Pteridophyta oULJI ^ iiSU» :C 

to enumerate, list 

to relate, narrate, recite, recount, 

report, give an account of, tell 

to present, set forth; to quote, cite, state Jaji. : j^- 

enumeration, listing jIoju : ij* 

relation, relating, narration, narra- ^ iij\jj : *j» 
tive, narrating, recital, recounting, telling 
presentation, presenting; quotation, Jojt- : ij» 
quoting, citation, citing, stating 
vault, cellar; crypt; tunnel o I *j? 

commander in chief aJ- I ^-J j : j I Jj- 

sardine(s) jjj*o tJL- :q>j_^-i 



;— ...a 

derground; hidden, veiled, dark, cryptic, mysteri- 
ous, occult 

top secret i.UJ ^^ t I j». <ij-, 

-'!' i ' i - s * -' !' ' * '•* i ' 

spread(ing), circulation, currency Jj l-u i jLlZJ I : OLjii 

flow(age), flowing, running, streaming 6^>r : 0^j~ 

validity, effect(iveness), opera- iU; : (Jjliil) 0^- 
tion, coming into force, taking effect, enforceabi- 
lity, applicability 

company; detachment, brigade ^llJ-l ^ iiiai : Z,J», 

fire brigade »UL^II ijjl 

(cavalry) squadron iJlli- ilj-, 

battery <Lojm ij>» 

concubine, mistress, paramour iLU- i ilkjw : Xtjm 

secrecy; privacy, confidentiality; covertness, fur- i^-i 
tiveness, stealth(iness), surreptitiousness, clandes- 
tineness, hugger-mugger, underhandedness; hid- 
denness, darkness, mystery 

bed; bedstead 
single bed 
double bed 




O^c : liUil jj^» 


inner self, inward thoughts, inner- %,£> i iU- 1 j : iy_^» 
most feelings, heart, soul, mind 

intension), purpose, design 


&■ cr'-» 

clinical (>*jiU Sjf C. i-lii-SL. J* JjI. -.ISjiJ* 

clinic ^jjjjl, t_J, 

fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift, prompt, expe- *j^, 
ditious, hurried, hasty, instant 
soon, before long, shortly, in a short time, Cujl 
presently, directly; quickly, promptly, rapidly, 
speedily, fast; immediately, at once, on the spot, 

>\j~\ «-lj 


caterpillar; larva 



to steal, pilfer, pinch, filch, purloin, abstract, jjli 
thieve; to burglarize, housebreak; to rob, rip off; to 
hold up, stick up, rob at gunpoint 
to pirate; to plagiarize j^\ oU£. J^- 

stealing, pilfering, pilferage, filching, pinch(ing); tij* 
theft, thievery, larceny; robbery; rip-off; burglary,' 
housebreaking; holdup, stickup, armed robbery 

plagiarism, plagiary, jjj\ oUj^ iij~ c *-jjI tf^. 
piracy, literary theft 





\5jvi>*j <_j^-ju tuta^*** 

to eternize, eternalize, perpetuate, 

eternal, perpetual, everlast- JU- < ^oj I i ,J j,l : cSju^ 
ing, sempiternal, endless, ageless, timeless; undy- 
ing, immortal 

eternity, perpetuity, eternal existence, iaj I : *j ju^ 
endless duration 

cypress (ilt»- j %i ) _£* 

L>- Jfr 


trousers, pants JLLo ' O^U*^ : Jljj-* 

underpants, drawers (y>^*J jl u^ J'jjt 

panties J LiL "il I j s l_U ^i ^k; ^J | ^ 

joy, delight, happiness, gladness, ik^j i t-^j :jjjl 
delectation, cheerfulness); pleasure 

generous, magnanimous; jll < cjj^ ( ^ t sjZ : 1$^. 
noble; high-ranking, eminent,' distinguished; 
noble(man), peer; notable, person of distinction; 
leader, chief, head 

rivulet, stream, creek, brook jJ^o ^ t j^ : tSj^ 
umbilical, omphalic^^JI jllL jl 5^-JL ^L :1sJm> 
umiblical cord lij-i\ Jill 

secret; private, confidential, classified, esoteric; (jf^ 
covert, furtive, stealthy, clandestine, surreptitious, 
hugger-mugger, underhand(ed), undercover, un- 

(J*- 1 


surface, external, exterior, outward, "i/rj^- '■'i^^- 
outer, outside 

surface mail 

superficiality, shallowness 

to write (down), jot down; to 
compose, draw up, draft 

to rule, line, draw U>jJ»- _. j ■ 

J^IU . «hm 

lines; to streak, cores, stripe, bar 


to glare, shine, radiate 

to spread, diffuse, emanate; to rise _p 

thump, thud, plump i-.jJ I j I ijj-^J I o^e : jia- 

F-J ^* ■■ *>*ij ~ j* rl hi 

to intoxicate; to dumbfound, startle, shock, JL-i 
flabbergast, astound 

bucket, pail jJj : JL-» 

to close, shut jlil : (t_>LJl) /Ja*. 

burglary, housebreaking; holdup, stickup, armed ^Li 
robbery; theft; illegal seizure, usurpation; breaking 
in(to), bursting into, storming (into); attack, 
assault, charge, onset, onslaught, rush, raid 

influence, sway, authority; 'j^r- ' ^ : »}** 

power, control, leverage, clout; domination, upper 
hand, ascendancy, hegemony 

radiance, brightness, brilliance, efful- jib : p ^JaL 
gence, luminosity, shine 

diffusion, spread(ing), emanation jLLz; J i ^y : p->k. 

nja-** ju^Ij ~ yr h. .'• t ■ « .... ■ ' • ly v rim 

terrace (*JI o~J0 ***^>*" 

(water)skin; canteen S^l*. . <jj : <■»■. Li... 

toseek(to), loS'J-^akzjjU*! i'i3 3 \*-:{(\j 3 <. J 4 <Jj),y<-< 
attempt (to), endeavor (to), try hard (to), make 
every effort (to), strive (to); to pursue, strive for, 
seek after 

to go about, be occupied with, be busy J*i : i ^~ 
with; to work; to toil, labor 

to pursue, chase, run after, J*-*i i jjU» : i\ jj i ^~ 
go after 

to proceed to, head for, go to, take to, _uai : <Jj ,j-. 

instantly, without delay 

flammable, inflammable, 




quick-witted, ready-witted, quick, 
quick at repartee, nimble, alert, acute 



transient, transitory, ephemeral, flee- Jlj^H £^~ 
ting, passing, evanescent, short-lived, imperma- 
nent, temporal 
quick-firing, quick-fire, rapid-fire oliUJ I 

fragile, frail, delicate, tender 


quick-tempered, short-tempered, i__o«j i «^ 

hotheaded, hot-tempered, easily angered, irascible, 

choleric, testy, tetchy, touchy, irritable, 


express train, express £^~ jUai 

hair dryer, hair blower j \y~* 

to burglarize, housebreak; to hold up, stick J* LL» 
up, rob at gunpoint; to seize unlawfully, usurp, 
take by force; to break indo), buret into, storm 
(into); to attack, assault, assail, raid, fall upon 
plug, stopper, cork, tap 5 * \ -u. : f LL-i 

poker jUI -u dTp«j ty^*-* S - - .V/ 1 ' • f^- 

to spread (out), outspread, unfold, unroll Ja-j : ^Ja-. 
to level (off), flatten, even, plane, surface <j^. : jJal. 
to stretch; to prostrate tJ»> : jJal- 

to fell, throw down fj*o : *Jal, 

•TIA* JUJ- 1 J — ?SAM 
• *»•* * o ~ *,- 

surface, face o!xtl jl s,JJ I j*U» . *»- j : rJa~> 

plane; surface [ i- -La ] «Jal 

(sea) level (Sy~* '■ [rvJ I ) j^L- 

roof, rooftop, housetop, terrace >LJ I j I e~J I jJal 
deck(ofaship) « : , : , n „l l »Ja~ 

inclined plane JSU »Ja- 

-. ^ j • - 
plane _^— • tJ-u>,^** j-i : i jiL< 



rabies, hydrophobia, madness 

"s * ' 


starvation, violent hun- ^ i «_>i. < jj-ii pyr :^ 
ger; bulimia; voracity 

heat, hotness, inferno 

iLJ-l jiu. 

1 At* 

.1—1 *• 

calorie 'jij 9 " '^j'j* - • a * - j '<ij^^ : >*~ 

price; rate; quotation 


wholesale price 

discount rate, bank rate »J»»JI jl ^i-\ j»~ 

market »iJ I j) I j«lJ I <. jJU I j (i jU- 1 j*~^ I ' <i>— I I >^r 

price, prevailing price; market value 

• •* 11 '• 
exchange rate Uj^ti\ y^. 

rate of interest, interest rate 5 jjUJ I 

cost price 

price list 

price index y*~ \ j~y 

at.., for.. (liS')j»_j 

calorie 'jij*" 1< S;jL>*" • J * - j 'tSj^" :aj*~> 

to snuff, sniff i*-i t iio- 

1- j<« — I *»-lj - 

palm leaves or branches, fronds ( Jj»J I ' 

Palm Sunday i_i*_JI . 

palm leaf or branch, frond ( Ja»J I 

.s r- ' , -' -'■•- 
tinea, ringworm <uib- ifLy : *ju»~i 

* /i >- ' * - .~ 

tocough JL-JI «Jl»-I : J*- 

f '•< • . '. 

ogress, female demon JjjJI ^1 :»5tu. 1 »^Uw '^fliu^ 

-' •.-;«' 

cough; coughing JU- : u«- 

^ j. 
Saudi, Saudi Arabian &?)** 

Saudi Arabia <>iyLS\ <Ljj*JI iSLLil iOjj*Ul 

snuff ij^J : J>j*-i 

sneezewort (oLl) J»^»— 

effort, endeavor, attempt; seeking, striving ,-»-» 

(for); pursuit; labor, toil 

happy; blissful, blessed; lucky, fortunate; auspi- 

to move; to walk; to run I. 


to slander, calumniate, tra- j ^j 1 Jx- ^ : j <_,«-. 
duce; to inform against, denounce, betray 

sedge (tJ^-0 li-it"— 

happiness, bliss, felicity; welfare, well-being, weal i jU- 
Your Excellency, Your Honor ^ jU- 

His Excellency, His Honor SjlilJI U*U 

eudaemonism 5jL«UI (ii—li jl) ^j>Jj> 

cough; coughing il»~ :JU- 

whooping cough ^jj Jill 

tussive, tussal, cough- JillJl> *?$£■ j i :^JU1 

slander, calumny, calumniation; JjLj 1 ^u_*j : oU- 
denunciation, informing against 

capacity oU_— I :<«- 

volume |»=v" : **- 

capacitance, capacity [ »l>j*SJ i»-l^. : i»- 

amplitude [ *L»ji» J <u_ 

plenty, abundance, profusion, amplitude ij j 

affluence, opulence, wealth; ^llll I i»- « i»- 

luxury; ease, comfort 

welcome! i«Ulj i_-»-jJI J* 

ihyme (tJ^- i ). 

to be or become happy, lucky, fortunate jju* 1 jju- 

, > *~ 
good luck, good fortune, luckiness ^ : j*- 

galingale; sedge (tjL->) -J*- 

monkey, ape (ol>~>-) ul-J*- 

to kindle, start ('-r 1 ^ j' j^O j*-" ' v >*- , 

to price (rJJ ilLJI jl itUiJl) jl» 

to go mad, go out of one's mind or head, be ^ '.j^* 
or become mad or crazy; to run mad, be affected 
with rabies, be or become rabid or hydrophobic 

madness; frenzy 

1 r-l— J 

f t >> ,* 

I t jy> I yu«i t yu«i 

I - 

-■■ • » 

wasting, squandering; prodigality, prof-j^il; :£•£. 
ligacy, extravagance, dissipation 

bill (of exchange), draft, promissory aJL-IS" : 

to shed, spill, pour out 
shedding, spilling, pouring out 
foot, versant (of a mountain) 



to skewer, spit, put or fix on j^-J I j aSw : JJlJ I oi- 
a skewer or spit 

to unveil oneself, Wrj 6* '- : (»'!A' *i«-) j* - 
unveil her face, remove the veil (from her face) 

- -• * ' » .-, 
to shine, radiate, beam; to bright- jp.1 i fU»l : ju. 

en, flash up 

to mediate between, «Ju>l i ^Ly> : * yi\ J^ j>~ 
intercede between; to conciliate, reconcile, make 
peace between, bring about an agreement between 

to send on a journey; to send away, evacu- \ **■<:. jl* 
ate, expel, compel to leave 

to send, send off, send forward, dispatch, iUUu j** 
expedite, forward, consign, ship 

travel, journey, voyage, trip, tour; travel- J-*- j : jl* 
ing, journeying, voyaging, tripping, touring; depar- 
ture, leaving, going away 

book oils' -.jL, 

the Genesis 

Ui^XJJI ju. 

the Deuteronomy 

c.\j^t j| 4 , ; , j j^, 

the Exodus 

the Apocalypse, the Revelation 

the Numbers 

the Leviticus 
the Pentateuch 

-' ■ "i -'■»■».•* 

journey, trip, voyage, 
sion, jaunt 

dining table 


tour, excur- iii-j '.ZJl* 
jjf'lll s'jJL. :5jil 

quince (oLi) Jjrji- 

sweetsop, sugar apple (oLi ) tS jU* $*jL* 

^xss'*ma-i,i'\'!^.^.^.- " .rjgi . '■■ ;.<■ ■ ■■ ■ . ■■■ ■ ■■ ..-ia i 
blaze, flame; fire; hell, inferno jyL, 

hunger, starvation &»»■ :t_Ju< tiolili tuLili 

to be or become hungry, feel hun- c-U- : \ 
gry, feel hunger, hunger; to starve 

hungry, starving, starved, famished gl»- : uL*. 
malnutrition; dystrophy i jjd I (L. : JJL 

to swallow, take; to eat; to drink 

to raise and scatter the dust (L. \jA I -jj I oj ^L 
(said of the wind) 

butcher, cutthroat, manslayer^^j 4 »Lo tllLil. i^LL 
assassin, killer, murderer, shedder of blood; blood- 
thirsty, bloodguilty, bloody, sanguinary, sanguine, 
sanguineous, murderous 

adultery; fornication 

tyj : C^" 


embassy ji*-JI i_..«.,« 'j**-JI _/•<• ^ojUw iojLL«i 

mediation, good JuJ I| c i±> Lj : s jLil i s jU- 
offices; conciliation, reconciliation, peacemaking 

aspirator <Q»iL c JaiL : <U?Ul* i J>UL 

aponeurosis [-uj^] JU- 

assassin, killer, murderer, cSj-j i t-Ll. :(sC j) dJlLi 
shedder of blood, manslayer, butcher, cutthroat; 
bloodthirsty, bloodguilty, bloody, sanguinary, san- 
guine, sanguineous, murderous 

lowness, baseness, meanness, igno- XL*- c ill ij : iJ La- 
bility, vileness, villainy, despicableness, contempt- 
ibleness, depravity 

dirtiness, obscenity, ribaldry, vulgarity, SflJu : if ill 
indecency, scurrility 

bottom, lowest part Ji» i ,<«JI JL.I : «JUw 

J i > 'i 5 - 

shipbuilder, shipwright (^iUl «JU« ijyUl ^jL :6Uw 

■"* '-- 't ' _'.- 
shipbuilding jjiUl <cU<» tt jjlJl Jl_ :*J Li- 

foolishness, stupidity, silliness 

iiUi- :olL 

scurrility, abusi veness, indecency, S f I Ju : i* Ul 
dirtiness, obscenity, ribaldry, vulgarity, bawdiness 

impudence, insolence, shamelessness, o-lij :i*Ul. 



3#> <#C 

to be foolish, stupid; to be scur- Lj-i- j\i : 4i«. i *i- 
rilous, ribald, vulgar; to be impudent, shameless; to 
be prodigal, profligate, wasteful 

to stultify; to discredit; to depreciate «L 

skewer, spit, brochette 

Ulia »»-lj — 44w 

Rmi ' J ft ill H 

unveiling of the face, removal of the veil (from j^iw 
the face) 

(medicinal) powder ('IJj ) ci^o* 

-'," /' -'* \- - 
to scatter, disperse; to be scatter- j>\£ : (o 1^ I ) ,Ju. 

ed, dispersed 

ambassador iljj Jl*- ^j^i- 

mediator, intercessor 

nuncio, papal ambassador, papar legate iSy^> j*- 
ambassador extraordinary s'jLJI ijjy jJu. 

ambassador designate 
ambassador plenipotentiary 

1,> J , 
ambassadress j^L. i»- j j i jyL. C-ij^ : i jj~< 

<< jUo . 

wedge, cotter; peg 

ship, boat, vessel 


steamship, steamer, steamboat 

merchantman, merchant ship ~£ jlkj 


liner <u«Uu jl ilL»- 

sailboat, sailing vessel, sailer <^^ 

spaceship, spacecraft »LoaJI iLiL « ill Lai 

Ark (of Noah), Noah's Ark ^ i^il. 

^ . * 

foolish, stupid, silly; fool j^j- I : *■«■■■ 

scurrilous, abusive, indecent, dirty, fil- JjJu : 
thy, obscene, ribald, vulgar, bawdy 

impudent,shameless,insolent,impertinent»oi j : v 
spendthrift, squanderer, wastrel, <J^L* ( > 

waster, scattergood, careless spender; prodigal, 
profligate, extravagant, wasteful 

bad; poor, inferior, low-grade; silly; ajU i Cs j j : ciL-L 
trivial, insignificant 

sophistry; sophism ill LL-iw ; * ^ » ■ 

sophistical); Sophist ^J Lk-i- ■" L «'■■ 

nonsense, rigmarole, balderdash »l^* : ; » «'■■ 

to scale lil^ljl Li^l^- ^ i^ii :iu- 

to aspirate^. £}\ lu-uaJI jl ^oJ I ji jUI L^l : J»L 

scales (of fish), squamae uii. I^p- i ■4'/. I I ^ii : 1»« ■ 

basket; scuttle; frail iui ( iL. : .}»- .. 

scaling dUlJI t-jii.l^»- c-jj i^lii :iu* 

aspiration, ^)J ju-uaJI jl (111 jl jLJI <_ ■-«'■■ • ^ - 

scale, squama 

to tan; to sunburn; to scorch, burn, sear, *jL t *jL 
singe, scald, char 

t AAmI 

melanism; black spot, dark spot; (sunHan 

(sun)burn, scorch, singe, sear, scald 

to slam, bang, shut 5^i ^1 : (c-AJI) JL* 

to slap, cuff, buffet; to strike, ijj : (j% X* j) jil 

to shed, spill ^ i Jj»l « Jljl :(£lj ^Jl) dLL 

shedding, spilling j»L i Jl^kl i i»l jl : tlL 

bloodshed ,0jJI ilL 

* , _ ^ , .*, , -^ 
to be or become low, base, }liL o^ : J*- 'U*- 1 'vi*- 
mean, vile, despicable 

bottom, lowest part iJU- i »!jij| jlLl : jL, i jL. 

(Jj»— I *>-lj — L^i—I ii«jj» : (_j1a-> 

to asphalt, blacktop; to tar, pitch jS < oi j : ■" 'i,- 

syphilis {joy^'iS^-.^jSi*. 

lower, at the bottom; low, subjacent, down, ^iL, 
inferior, underlying, under-, sub-; downstairs 
basement tlLlljjlLjl 

sandpaper, emery paper J^wJI Jjj : jL 

skate, ray (tlL-) <jL 

savanna, savannah [ Li ly>- ] UUL : > Lt- 

sponge 7y*— I * Ti'ii"' ' fr'^ • ' ~'^ j ( njL 

rubbish, offal, trash, junk, lumber s-Ldl Jai_ t Jul 


error, mistake, fault 

dew; snow; hail 


miscarried fetus, abortion 

fall, drop, tumble 

slip, lapse, stumble; error, 
fault, mistake 

junk dealer 

to roof, ceil 

ceiling; roof, rooftop 

roofing, ceiling 


to be or become sick, ill, ailing 

to sicken, make sick or ill 

illness, sickness; ailment, disease, 
malady; infirmity, invalidism 

1 UnL * y*'k ... 
Jaa— ju»-1j— pull JaJ— 


y P*" ' 

, ■> . - »•-, 

skink «.LLJI ^ Vj-* : j>i-J- 

fall, falling (down, out, away), J»jr» ' f-yj : -»>»-< 
drop(ping), tumble, tumbling; lapse, slump; de- 
cline, downfall, descent; collapse, breakdown 

* - ' *> 
lapse, abatement, extinguishment, jil J»_ji- 



loss of hair, alopecia 
failure, flunk(ing) 
.irrigation, watering 
tempering, quenching 
dew; snow; hail 

*'jj! '(ij : (/*" 

shed, shelter, awning; portico; roofed passage; 
roofed gallery 

sick, ill, ailing; sickly, invalid, unhealthy, Jai^* : *jL 


(j 4 *" 


4- — 

to give (someone) to drink, bring (jj j i <_/)i : jji.. 
(someone) water; to quench someone's thirst; to 
irrigate, water, supply with water 

to temper, quench 
to temper, quench 
water carrier 
; unk dealer 


■Ha .M wU : J?Uu< 

A |^a... 

(door) latch; click, catch, detent, dog, pawl 



(/- cfr'j 



hell, hades, hellfire 

heat of the sun 

plover, crocodile bird 

to chirp, cheep, tweet, peep, twitter Jji j : jJLUI 

chirp(ing), cheep(ing), tweet(ing), peep(ing), 


to fall (down), drop, tumble; to sink (j jjj i o j : jajL 

(down), decline, lapse 

to slip, lapse, stumble, blunder, trip, err, 3j : J"- 
fall into error or fault, do wrong 

to fall out j*iJ I J»i- 

to fail, flunk ^_— j :6l3«^*l j J»i- bL. t Jii :(o^il jl i^jiil j) J»L 

killed in battle, die 

to abate, cease to be valid or JL? : kS^- Jail. 

effective; to be or become null and void, invalid, 
abolished, canceled, unenforceable 

to prescribe i>*S" J3J*^ (j^-0 ■J^- 

to hit upon, stumble upon, light J*. Jic : J^ Jail 
upon, come across, find 

down with! 

to be at one's wit's end, be at a loss; to be o jy j Jul 
or become confused, bewildered, perplexed; to' 
repent, regret 



to be (become, get) drunk or JJ : (vO-*- 1 ! C? ) jf-" 


to sugar, sprinkle or sweeten with ^S—JL. Ji- :j£- 


to candy; to conserve, j£-Jl> (iiS'Ull) Jmj- : jSL- 

preserve with sugar 



to saccharify j£— <jj J^»- 

. '•< 
to close, shut, lock, bolt Jiil 

,- . » -^. - '--- 

,x—l )«»■ l j — ^>—j aJl*j»- 

sugar j^-j 

blood sugar f -u I ^S— 

maltose, malt sugar ^*_UI jS_ 

dextrose, grape sugar; glucose <_~jJI jS_ 

fructose, levulose J— »Jlj iiS'UI jSL- 

sucrose, saccharose, cane sugar >_— ai) I ^S— 

lactose, milk sugar ^^JJI j£~. 

barley sugar, rock candy, (sugar) candy oLi JL~ 

- $ >^> * 
glucose tllJI JL~ 

sugarcane ^£JI i_^iji 

diabetes ^SCJI Joy 

• * 
intoxication, drunkenness, inebriety J-J :p**, 

Shutoff; Sluice -l-J j\ Jvu jl iJiiy obi '-jSLj 

drunk(en), intoxicated, inebriated), JJ :ulj£~< 

fuddled, sottish, boozy, tipsy, in one's cups 

• > , • _ 
drunkenness, intoxication, inebriety jS— : S^S^ 

agony of death, death struggle Ojll oj£~ 

piece of sugar, cube of sugar, sugar £L i*J»» : i'j£- 




secretariat; secretaryship 

platter, plate, dish, bowl 


jjy^i 4 j^jjy^t 

sucrose, saccharose, cane sugar >_— ai) I ^S— : jj^SL. i 
sugary, sugar, saccharine iij£— 

poor, weak, faulty 

to mint, coin, monetize 


to lock, bolt 

( v Ul)k- 

mintage, minting, coinage, coining, 


shoemaker, cobbler 

LJlSll-l :<_»ISC* 

shoemaking, shoemaker's trade 


candy, candies, sweetmeats 

confectionery, jS"lSC* 

confections; sweets 

cutler [t*j\j j\ ,yS\HJ\ «_iU> :ul£~i i^-LjS'lSd 

rudder, helm «,.'.t,,„ll i»j :6lSd 

demographic; population- '.Jl£L 


to pour (out), shed, spill, empty 

WLm ( 



* !—■> uiii I ! l-->—* 

pouring (out), shedding, spilling 

***-* t 


to be or become silent or quiet, keep c.„..^> : ciw 
silent or quiet, hush up, shut up, stop talking, say 

nothing, hold one's tongue 

'-'i >'- - » , ~> 
to have a stroke, be struck with <S-J I <^U>I : ox- 

- >• * ~ s ^ 

«J-bO»- iSL- 4 -boil i£L- 

iil^pJ.1 D-bjiv :i^L- 

Jlll'\ III 

(minting) die 

road, way; street; lane 

railroad; railway 

plowshare, colter 

apoplexy, stroke 

heart failure 


to close, shut; to lock, bolt 



gnatfs), midge(s) 

(jit P ^ O*— V m» 

drunkard, drunk, alcoholic, hard or heavy j*li- : _*£-. i 
drinker, tippler, toper, sot, inebriate, boozer, soak, 

knife £Ju i^llj j^ Sl'jl :ilJL. c^JL, 

pocketknife, penknife v_J^ ^JL 

calm(ness), quiet(ness), tranquility, i~jUJ» : i^SLv 
peace(fulness), repose, quietude, quietism, sereni- 
ty, serene, peace of mind 

to unsheathe, draw, pull out Vji- 1 t V^ : "J^ 

to have or be affected with tubercu- lyJi; <— ~*>l :jL 
losis, be or become tuberculous or consumptive 

tuberculosis, consumption (u^j*) 3— 'Ik* 

pulmonary tuberculosis, phthisis, phthisic '<5yj 'jL 

to clarify (butter), melt (fat) (Jit) I /\ 'Jjj I ) 5L 

to forget, think no more of; to ^-J : (<ut } \ o) iL 
console oneself on or for 

to amuse, entertain; to divert, distract (jjJ I i ^ I : l J~, 

to make forget ^,—j <Luj- f ^1 : ^L 

to console, comfort, solace, condole ^ 1 1 (5ji : li- 

amnion ^^.J-l flli. : JL 

spoliator, spoiler, despoiler, JjL i cjI+J : <_i5L 

plunderer, looter, rifler, marauder, robber, thief 

mourning, black clothes, sables jloi-l <_>^J : o5L 
droppings, excrement, dung Jl : r- SI 

weapon, arm; arms, weapons, weaponry, 

air force 



firearm, gun 

with cold steel, with swords 

under arms 


«l*iail t-^L 


<m = — 


— -— . L— J 

sugar beet 

sugar bowl 

jX—JI >lcj :<u^5Lj 




(jv>«« jilt ) ^««« 4 **>_>* ■* : Qj) Vin 


< .,i,...,._^« <ll :uji^— x-» 

to live in, dwell in 

, reside in, ^Li f '^lil : ( j) '^£1, 

lodge in, house in, domicile in; to inhabit, popu- 
late; to settle (down) in, stay in, remain in 

to calm down, cool down, Li»- < jus- <. I ji : ^SC 
repose, rest; to be or become calm, quiet, tranquil, 
still, motionless; to abate, subside, remit 
to trust (in), have confidence or o^i> I : <J I ^SC 
faith in, rely on; to feel at ease with 

to calm, cool, quiet(en), still, pacify, Liii- 1 1 j* : 'jS^ 
tranquilize, lull; to soothe, relieve, ease, alleviate, 
allay, assuage, appease, mitigate, mollify, palliate 
to make vowelless [iiJ ] Li^Ll jC. 

dwelling, living, residing, inhabit- Cli I : l _ 5 lS^l, ij£i. 
ing, housing, lodging; residence, stay, sojourn 

oxymel Crr*^-* 

residential; housing- ,j5CLJli i_^>U- : <jSL* 

squash, squash racquets, [ V-V <-^ij ] Jfi^*** 

squash rackets; squash tennis 

'- - !- 
taciturn, reticent, uncommunicative, cjj*^> : O^Sw- 


silence, quiet, hush c-nr» : 0_>SL* 

cyclamen (oil) j5"^£- 

calm(ness), quietness), quietude, »j j> : u_jSL- 

tranquility, peace, stillness, repose, rest, inactivity, 
dormancy, quiescence, silence 

static [ ♦Lj^S'] T_i jSL, 

static electricity i-J^SL. tLj^S 

statics olli^SLj 

poured (out), shed, spilled l-.C.;.. 4 v^— * : ^r^-" 

y-L "vr^ 

offal (iit^JJl) t_JL 

spoliation, despoliation, spoilage, iij- i i_-+l 
spoil(ing), plundering), pillage, pillaging, rapine, 
loot(ing), rifling, ravishment, robbery, robbing, 
theft, stealing, rip-off, fleecing, abstraction 

negation, negative vU:! J-^» ' <j°*j ' J» '■ 4~^~ 

negative, negatory; minus; passive ^U: I o*« : ^L, 

negativism, negativeness, negativity, negative 

attitude; passivism, passiveness, passivity, passive 


to extract, pull out, draw out 

basket; frail; scuttle 

wastebasket, wastepaper basket 


lis :il 

(oLj) jIjjU- i Jilt- : c«L » 

(oLi) (vajJ-i 


turnip; rape, colza 

to mute, drop excrement 

to arm, weapon 

droppings, excrement, dung 

turtle, tortoise, chelonian 

sea turtle, green turtle «l j-a»- oUkL. 4 j»J I slia»L, 

to skin, flay, strip off the skin of jJJ-I pjj 1 j^i '■ jJ— 

to detach, separate, disengage, take <^y ( J~ai : ^JC 

off, pull off, strip off, peel off 

to spend, pass jj-ai 1 ( _ 5 -a-t I : rU- 

skinning, flaying y^-iu 1 j-j : jl— 

slough, skin l+^t yv.i l .. .11 Uj1»- : (ill-l) rUl 

slough, skin \^s- rjXJll Ujdb«- :(0-l) jL- 

to be or become mild, smooth; UL J^ '• cr" 'tr" 
to be or become docile, tractable, flexible, obedient 



enuresis, incontinence of urine, 


mild, light, smooth, soft; pleasant, jil 1 «-a.ja l : y-Li 

agreeable; fluent, flowing, easy, facile 

docile, tractable, pljJa- < i_-lU- 1 t>J : (* CiJ I ) yJ*" 
manageable, pliable, flexible, ductile, complaisant, 
compliant, obedient 

■ ■■ ... - — I 

disarmament 7-5LJI ^y 

equerry, sword-bearer; squire »-5LJI J-U- : jI-a^L 

mildness, smoothness, softness; iJ^-. t <_ik) : o jU 

fluency, ease 

docility, tractabili- jCuI ii_jU-I ^ :(j^0 *-^- 

ty, flexibility, ductility, manageability, compliance, 


salad <kL :<Us^L 

impudence, insolence, o^— LM ijlji t i»-l*j :ii»bL 

pertness, sauciness 

choicest wine; best part iiiL ' *-»it-i 

thrush \J°y) J'^-* 

saluki, greyhound i_/)l5JI ^ p-jJ 1 o?-^"" • t^ 1 *** 

basketmaker, basket weaver <J}LJ 1 jJU> : JiL 

progeny, offspring, descendants, issue ij jii J— i : iliL 
lineage, descent, parentage, ances- J*ol 1 i_~J : ii>- 
try, pedigree, genealogy, stock, strain, line; breed; 
race; family 


safety, security 

greeting, salutation, salute 

tsw ij'i 

ou\ ' (j»\ '■ <*>— 


: r 


phalanx, phalange, digital bone £-*)M X--li* : cf ^ 

safety, security; soundness, intactness, integrity, <uX* 
wholeness; faultlessness, flawlessness; fitness, 
health(iness); correctness, Tightness; validity 
good faith, bona fides, sincerity, good ilJ I obL 
intention, good will 
in good faith, sincerely <~> <*)L-j 

goodbye! farewell! so long! i. "%J I &j* \j <■ i*^— ) I m 

to steal, rip off, rob, abstract, yL>\ 1 J^" ' S-*' ' ^r*" 
fleece, plunder, pillage, rifle, loot, spoil, despoil, 
spoliate, ravish, ransack, maraud; to strip of, dis- 
possess of, deprive of 
to wear mourning, be in mourning cjXJI ^-J : uXn 

loot, plunder, pillage, spoil(s), i^-Lc 1 il+ 

booty, prize 




""•■ " '•- 

sultana o^-U-> ^>-jj 'uUJL. ^Jj^ :«JLLL< 

sultanic; royal, imperial, sovereign ^ ILL 

bowl; tureen a*~oj 4 <, ju J :cj U1L-1 

salad iii :iiJL 

authority, power, reign, iyu 1 5ji»I— ' Sy * »£»■ : <J»l-< 
rule, sway, command, control, dominion, domina- 
tion, influence, clout, upper hand 

the executive, execu- <j,i,i.:ll 3 \ i_ilj»-)l! iiJUl 
tive power 

the legislative, the legislature, 
legislative power 

discretionary power, i_>L 

i„.T,„l jl \jjjjju <LL. 

Fourth Estate 

iufyi yJiji 

spiritual or religious power or 

authority il*- j j <kL 

temporal power 

KJ** j <aL 

military authority 

4jj£L«*& <kL. 

high authority 


the judiciary, judicial power 


the competent authorities 

ilalijl OUZJI 

separation of powers 

olkl— 11 dyj) Jlaj 


ijUjj- :Uj«nli« 

to proclaim sultan 

UliJlii^- :'jiL 


* : Ul ... 

to chap, crack open 


to crack, split, break 

Jp :*L 

goiter, struma UjJI SjjJI ^ :«*L 

commodity, article, ware, piece of merchandise, «*L 
piece of goods 

goods, merchandise, commodities, articles, «L. 

consumer goods i3"%^«l «L. 

to pass, elapse, go by, be past, be ,j^u I 1 ,_,-»* : uiiL 
over, be bygone 

to precede, antecede ^c '^jZ < jll : 

to harrow, drag ilillL ^ij^l 

to advance, lend, loan (money to) J°j>\ 

fresh cool water i_-ii jfL. : J......L 1 JL_L 

to seriate, J,, I ,:IL _^J ( J,„l,„:Jb i_J j : J— L, 

sequence, arrange in a series or sequence; to 
serialize, publish in serial form 

to grade, gradate, graduate, scale -r j j : J-il. 

to concatenate, link together in a series Jajj : J—L, 
or chain, interlink, interlock, connect, unite 

to (en)chain, fetter, shackle iLLo ±L j <. Ivli : J_ll. 

to recount, relate, narrate, give an j r : J_L 

account of 

to pour down l~-> :(rJI till) J_L 

to trace someone's lineage back to J J i"_ .' . • 1 1 J_L 

fresh cool water i_< ii jfL. : J I ■ 

chain (<-J.bu«) ollJb- :<1,,„L 

- •' ^ ~ "^ *• . < * ° * ' • 
series; chain, JJu— kuuUI* tM^»-l jl <Lil :iL_L 

train, succession, concatenation 

• « • ■«. i .- ■> •,. - - • 

hierarchy »Lil _jl y^liil ^ ^^a ^j^J :iLJL 

range, mountain chain, series of JL»- ii_L 

(connected) mountains 

spinal column, spine, rachis, vertebral ^^JiJI iLJL 
column, backbone 

genealogy, pedigree, lineage, line of i_,'„,.ll iUL 
ancestors, ancestral line, family tree 

to be or become impudent, LUX, olS" : JLL 1 JLL 
insolent, pert, saucy 

to set up as absolute master or J»\ 1 £^- : (J*) JaL 
overlord or supreme ruler (over), invest with 
power or authority (over); to empower, authorize, 
give a free hand to 

to highlight, shed or throw J* i \y^i\ 3 \ iyJail JaL- 
light upon, spotlight, limelight, illuminate 

^* ' ■ iu»- 1 j — ^* ' ■ * h i h i 
sultan pS'U- :uUaL> 

(supreme or sovereign) iy; « SjL;..,. t s^L. : oU»L- 
authority, sovereignty, power, rule, reign, domin- 
ion, sway, command, influence, domination, as- 
cendancy, hegemony 

red mullet (^l*-) a^I^I ul^- 

honeysuckle, woodbine (^^j) JJ-I ul^- 

gloxinia (^~>) j>»S" ul^- 



sound, intact, unimpaired, unharmed 

to be free from fault, faultless, flawless(<_ r j. t ^.)lil 

to hand over (to), Jjli i(<Jj) fli t(Jj) «jj :(<Jj) ,JL 
turn over (to), hand in (to), turn in (to), submit 
(to), present (to), refer (to), give (to), deliver (to), 
pass (to) 

to extradite <o^£»- <jj I jli li»-^ jl Ujjw 111, 

to deliver, notify, serve, [cjjjli] jJUl « »Ij :((Jj) X- 
(a notice, writ, summons, etc. to or on someone) 

(J) ,,l i,7 nl «^lj — jliil l tuja*- :(t»l) ~L. 

to save, rescue, deliver; to ^j t i/aLt- : (^.) 111, 
protect, preserve, (safe)guard, keep (from harm, 
injury, etc.) 

to salute, greet C*. : Jx. Jjil 

to accept (to), approve of, J-i . _, \*fj '. -> '£» 

sanction, consent to, agree (to) 

- ,'. j'< ,*, 

to admit, acknowledge, allow, <j^*l ijt\ : _, JL 
concede, grant 

to take for granted, grant, concede, ac- "io*- "JL 
knowledge for the sake of argument, admit as true 
without proof, postulate, presume, presuppose, 
assume or suppose to be true 

JLI «sfi|j — -till (J J (<— ij jl) oj^l JL 

to give oneself up, surrender (*JI itj^JJ) -u-ii _L 
(to the police, etc.) 

give him my best regards! remember A-lt (^J J_. 
me to him! 

(oLi) J— 
J-» ' (• jL • (JLi 




ladder ( <JL>- j I 

stairs, staircase, stairway, flight of steps r-jj : _L 

fire escape ul>J I 0? »«»JI J— ' ^^-1 J— 

gangplank, gangway ■?.•.»,,, 1 1 J_ 



(musical) scale 



oiy 1 Jlmi 

tjy.jv j' j'j j jl <il^s^. J— 

ijhri* (J- 

(*i-JI J-" 

/• >— 1 ; ,>L 

ancestoKs), forefathers), fore- ^ul oi- . ai- : uiL 
beaKs), grandfather^), primogenitors), progeni- 
toKs), ascendants) 

predecessor, precursor (£j* jl i-~a— • j) <-*L 

advance, advance payment, pre- ^^ji . iiL : oil- 
payment; free loan, loan without interest 

in advance, beforehand, in antici- Ul_ . . L. ji. : UL, 

brother-in-law (Jj»^)I jl sl^l) uLL 

sulfa drugs, sulfas, sulfonamides ULJ I ji»U* . UL 

sulfate [fL^JoULioUL 

advance, advance payment, prepayment, Joji : <uL 

sister-in-law (sl^l)iuL, 

ancestral ciJUL. J\»it : j-iLi 

sulfide [ »L....< ] J-iL . juiL 

to boil, cook in boiling water (^UJall) jJL 

boiling, cooking in boiling water ( ^UJall) jJL 

chard, white beet (oLi ) JL* 

to behave, act, conduct oneself, comport (j^-aJ : LLL 
oneself, deport oneself, demean oneself 

to follow, pursue; to proceed j\£>- 1 . »J I : liLC. 
through, pass through, travel along, go along, take, 
enter upon 

iiLi p-ij-Ji-ii :(j) dL 

to unwind, unreel (yarn) JJi-l jl Jj*JI ^i^-" 

to clean, clear (a pipe, a pipeline) i_j_j-J jl liiil. 

wire, cable; string; thread; line J»l»" : l 

barbed wire, barbwire iSCjb dlbLI 4 tiUli liii- 

cadre; corps; body, institu- i-^. 4 *JL* . tillL. : lili- 
tion; profession, vocation, career, pursuit 

diplomatic corps or body, ^Lr- J ' \j? ^•y^ i C ^ L - 
diplomatic career 

wire, wiry ijf-' - ' 

Nematoda cjl-*jjJI ^ Ai5U> :ollSJL( 

threadworm, nematode; filaria i^i- »JjJ i -ufCLa 

to escape danger; to be safe, secure; to be(ji»- 1 ^.) |JL 


' . •"' „ .:■ I 

Chinese cinnamon tree, cassia-bark tree (oL>) < JA i L 

impudent, insolent, pert, o^-lll Jj^i> 4 £_»j : iJL 
saucy, sharp-tongued 
loose, vicious, sharp 

jl»- :(ol— il 4j««) JaJu 

nature, natural disposition; <jj jl> 1 Sjj^t , 
instinct; intuition 

boiled food Jjl— » ^ UJ> : iiJL 





descendant, offspring, scion, son ,y I 1 J j : JJL 

drawn, unsheathed (uilLJlif ) J>lL. < jl-* : JJ- 

(female) descendant, daughter ijl :<iLL 

polyp, polypus [ i_J» J iLL. 

sound; intact, unimpaired, undam- ryjw» 1 JL : JL 
aged, unharmed, unhurt, uninjured, unscathed, 
whole, perfect, complete; faultless, flawless, un- 
blemished; good; well; healthy, fit, in good condi- 
tion or shape; normal; correct, right, proper; valid; 
safe, secure 

free from; without, -less, un- ^ y^- :,j» JL 

healthy, fit, able-bodied, sound ~J-I jl ijJI Ju. 
(in body), in good condition or shape, well 

sane, mentally sound, normal Ji*ll ^L. 

bona fide, well-meaning, (_Ju) I /\ ijjJaJ I j I ilJ 1 Ju. 
sincere; guileless, artless, simplehearted, simple- 
minded; good-hearted 

good taste (rJLJ I Jj JJ 



■UjJ^i Lin 



to poison; to envenom, venom **~. : n* 

poison, toxin, bane; venom ■oL. jU : w <. w < p-* 

eye, threading hole s^jl i_-i> i|>- ^ ' ^ 

poreoLJI Jljjl ii^» ' jlLLI i_jji3 o»-l :(/>L_« r-) ~. 

step, stair, flier jJU I ol» j j (3al» I t a»- j j : iuJL 

salmon (tiL— ) 6^*L 

trout (<i^~) J**^ u>*£» 

peaceful, peaceable, pacific, amicable ^J,- 

peacefully, peaceably, amicably CJl- 

consolation, solace, comfort *\y. 1 jjlji-. : (5_)1~. 
honey J— ■& ^cS^— 

quail (^5U>)(3yL- 

pitcherplant (oLi) cSjJl. 

consolation, solace, comfort *\y. '■ ul>L 

oblivion, forgetting, forgetfulness ijLr-J :6l>L- 

comfort, ease, comfortable life, easy oij : 5^1- <. S_jL. 


catfish, silurid, sheatfish 



saluki, greyhound o^J I ^ t^J : (J^L< 

behavior, conduct, manners, demeanor, (J^^i: dJ^Li 
deportment, comportment; attitude 

behavioral (jf>L 



■>*.''>**. * i> 

tubercular, tuberculous, JU I Ja^ ^^ : t-L/ 1 (JL 
tuberculate, consumptive, phthisicCal) 

' e - >' ~ 

tasteless, insipid, vapid, flat Jj> ^L> : »JL 

■■. - *. - " . " 



i , , - ~ 

listen! do hear! 


U- :«-Cl 


obedient «J»« : pC— 

(telephone) receiver (u_j*Cj I ) «* £- 

earphone, earpiece; headphone (»JI jjjI^JI) XcUl 

stethoscope (<_-~-Ul) iill- 

■» • - i " • - .- \" 

sanctioned by (or derived s-LUb jji-U :!j.C- 
from) common usage, accepted by hearing 

traditional, unwritten l/'j* ' <j^ 'jj r *'■ '•• 

sumac jlLw 

porphyry '."Cl * 


fishmonger, fish dealer 
fisherman, fisher 

wlj c 

-t :«Ul 

liL-. jlC» :<ilC- 

ichthyosis, fishskin disease (u°j* ) & Cl 

thickness Jiii. iiib*J :iS"Cl 

pisciculture, fish culture dUl^l il^J :iS"C~i 

ichthyology dU^I '^s. : tfC 

swift (jJU»)£.Ul. 

butter merchant, butter dealer; JUj i ,jlL) I «Jl» : uC- 

quail (>U») iyd 

grocery, grocery business JJlL : SjC 

samovar jUI jIj^ Iflll :jjC- 

heavenly, celestial, supernal »Cfjl J I ill; :cS$C~. 

sky-blue, azure, cerulean >C-JI y^L : t$jd- 

divine; spiritual ^ jj « ^Jl : t$ jCl 

celestial body, heavenly body cSjCl <•>>- 

celestial sphere i.jLlJI ilill 

celestial globe i. jLU I S^SJ I 



oleander, rosebay 


to rise (high), tower up, go up; to be '%£ j I » }C : d 
or become high, lofty, elevated, exalted, sublime 

to be far above or beyond, rise ^ «* J> : ^c Cl 
above, tower above, be too proud or great for; to 
disdain, look down upon 

to raise, lift (up), uplift, elevate, 'p'j < Jfs. : _, CI 

:o aspire to or after, aim at, yearn for (J J «lL> : (J J Cl 

to name, call, designate, nominate, de- j C'j : J/L* 
nominate, dub, term, title, style 

to pronounce the name of God, 4Jbl 11 1 p j : ^i, 
invoke God 

he was named after his father » Jl j JLL ^L. 

sky, blue; heaven(s), firmament ( 1L 

ugliness, gracelessness, uncouthness; repul- i^C-, 
siveness, odiousness 

permission, permitting, allowance, 5 jC- 1 4 i-Gl i^C— 
allowing, letting; authorization, sanctioning), legit- 
imation, legitimization, legalization; licensing 

forgiveness, pardon; indulgence, jiCj t ^il* : — C— . 
tolerance, forbearance 

magnanimity, generosity, forgive- jlC> ££• j : i*-Cd 
ness, good-heartedness, largeheartedness, liberali- 
ty, tolerance, leniency, kindness 

generosity, liberality, munifi- ^ i *y>. : ii-Cl 
cence, openhandedness, bounty 

His Eminence i»-LUl i_*»-Le i(j^li i»-Cl 

fertilizer, manure, dung jlj : jC^ 

chemical fertilizer of ^■*" j' j 1 t .< " jC- 

rush (oLj)jlfc«« 

gadwall i.^ iki :ijjU^, 

tablecloth ^uJJI <lii Jj,^' slxJlll iLU : i>C- 

hearing, listening, audition, audi- c-lld. I i »L. : p CI 

usage; acceptance by usage 


I_jjjy3«,ll IJOW-" 

uiAM ; (Jo*«— 


cirrostratus «j^» 

periosteal jl ■» ■ " ,. l b yoU- : ^ «*»i 

to fertilize, dung, manure L b j : -u-« 

to chat in the evening or at night, while xJttiOa^ : j*- 

away the night or evening in conversation or 

entertainment, have an evening of entertainment 
s, . ,, . » , - - -*- 

j~\ c?* l J - j— ' J 1 -" : Jf" '->**' 
to nail, fasten with a nail jl~*> c~j ij*- 

to tan, brown, embrown 

evening or nightOy) chat or conversation or en- j** 
tertainment; pleasant conversation, talk, causerie 

>**-! «»-lj — ^*— I c-j^-i ■ *' 
brownness, brown color; tan j \ J +- 1 : oj*- 

rose-colored starling (^UjJj^j*- 

broker, jobber, middleman, agent, go-between jL-*-« 
stockbroker ill HI -^-^1 jl <u»j>JI j 

to job, act as a broker or jobber or middleman 

Jy*£. ! 


brokerage, commission 

marjoram (^jbj) 

sesame (<^bj) 

to depilate 

to scald j\±*A 

depilation; scalding 

poor, needy, destitute, indigent 

string, thread (of a necklace) 

to hear 

' * , • , . 

tooverhear lilul jl Li^ jl ii jLo» »*-, 

to understand, grasp, comprehend ^ : (|«!il£ll) m— 

to hear of, learn about, be told about, getjji : _. %+~ 

j! jbLI *Ub ' 

6iib dljjl :^-« 

**'-,' > 

wind of; to come to one's ears or knowledge 

-I j' <JJ j^-| p- U — cy»— »' :(J j' JJ) £~ 
to hear, accept, J ob*l~l : *lijJI «*- t (J Jil) »*-. 

l »?■■»•■■,; M-y 1 ,: ' ■:,■■■.,.■■: - 

' -I ' 


way, road 


equinoctial colure 

solstitial colure 

zenith, vertex 


mark, sign, stamp, token 

[ifUi]o2jl t,lj, 

[ciUi] Jl^l'ol- 


stamp, impression, imprint, print i^aj t ii* j : <_ 

characteristic, feature, mark, iio t «U» t Sjj> : i*-. 
property, quality, character, attribute, trait 

visa Ijy t Sji£.U : J_^ j 4*-. i a^_ 

, . s _ s - . -. » . '' 
stigma »y3" ** JL * Cr* cr*^' *j4-' : '*■*-* 

trademark, brand *ijb»j <*^ 

stigma, brand, mark of disgrace (jUl)*^. 

* ' , -- -■- 
to be ugly, uncouth; to be antipathet- Uu*. u^ : £*-" 

ic, repugnant; to be boring, dull 

ugly, graceless, uncouth; antipathetic, re- £**" ' £-**" 
pugnant, repulsive, odious, disgusting, distasteful, 
disagreeable; boring, dull, uninteresting 

to allow, permit, let, give o il < jM '• (-; jl -I) £*■" 
permission (to); to admit; to authorize, sanction, 
warrant, legitimate, legitimize, legalize; to license 

to entitle (to); to authorize ^iy t Sy- ■ (-0 £•- 
(to), empower (to) 

to grant generously, give liberally ^^kc 1 1 jU- : . 
God forbid! 

M'^. H 

to be or become magnanimous, gen- b*l« o^ : J**" 
erous, forgiving, tolerant 

magnanimous, generous, forgiving, jjuJI v_-*-j :rw-i 
good-hearted, largehearted, liberal, tolerant, indul^ 
gent, lenient, kind 

generous, liberal, openhanded, {_£ t i\yr : ^-> 
freehanded, munificent, bountiful 




<■>■»■*- 1 (jiWi in 



*■■ '■-■■ ■:■.,- ' •■".■'■- — 
globefish, puffer 
flatfish, fluke 


pisciculture, fish culture 
fishing, fishery 
roof; ceiling 

di^i jidllii^ 

JaU lijUJ iiS"C- :dU- 


jU CjU 


Pisces, the Fishes 

(oLi) jk*JI LJjl : i5C^_ 


plumbing, plumbery; tinsmithing iS"C_ : Sj£*-< 

plumber, tinker; tinsmith, cS^Cl- i dlC. : *\$£U~i 
tinner, tinman, whitesmith 

fishy, piscine, fish liULJL ii%. j* '■'<£*-> 

ichthyology d \. ^ I pL : O ll&l> 

to gouge out, scoop out, tear out, UtU : <^~c J*- 

knock out (someone's eye) 

- ^ .» . s ^ - , 
to be or become worn, tattered, Aj : lj^D I J*-. 

ragged, threadbare, shabby 

tatters, rags, worn clothes (Jit- 1 r) J*- 

worn, tattered, ragged, threadbare, shabby JL : J*- 

to poison, envenom, venom J^. :^ 

to put on weight; to fatten, plump; to be or j*w 

become fat, corpulent, stout, obese, plump, fleshy 

to fatten, plump (up), make fat or plump ji-« 

(cooking) fat; (cooking) butter; ghee; short- <L*~i i j*- 

thrush, fieldfare (^U.) "' 

fatness, corpulence, stoutness, obesity, illjj : < 
overweight, plumpness, fleshiness 

salamander (ol^~»-) jJ-U-« i Jjm 

newt, eft »lil Ji-. 



respond to, answer, grant, fulfill 
to obey 

unheard-of, unprecedented 

to make hear, let hear 

to recite, say 

hearing, listening, audition, audience 



JU ii' l) J 


*Lc»- : 


^-jjJI j~- 

hearing, audition, sense of hearing, «11J I ilU- 1 **~ 

I hear and obey! at your service! at youritU»j LL. 
disposal! at your command! 

reputation, repute, standing, name, ^ i . i 
credit, fame, renown 

auditory, auditive, audio, audible, hearing-; ij**-" 
acoustic(al), aural, auricular 

^ - - i .- 

audiovisual lij-^ ^£+~- 

eustachian tube, salpinx, syrinx 4.«... sL» 

acoustics, phonics olV.,,,,,11 Jlc. iOLum 

symphony [(jL-.^.] ilj^i*- 

to be or become lofty, high; to rise high, rZ jl : <>•— 
tower up 

to thicken, be or become thick l£...... jL» i 1 ^«j 

to thicken, make thick(er) l£.,..,. aJl«j- i l ^j 








flying fish 

pike, luce 



* & 

LJji» i ^ 

point, nib, tip 

notch, indentation, crenation 

clove (of garlic, etc.) 

age of discretion 

Jit. j a>- 1 j — <*J «j li (%*- 

cog, sprocket, tooth ^^1 jl v JjJI jl iU*JI ,j-. 

tusk, ivory J^ill ^ 

incisor iii>U * 

milk tooth, deciduous tooth i.J.1 

plowshare, colter 

bit (of a key) 

menopause, female climacteric 

toothache oL— ."ill «■ j i <j^^ rJ 

'cr'j -Or 

J*- 'r^ •Or 

u*» "•(c ) J r>^or 

.^1 ^j. 


Or 'Or^' Or 

, • i, i ' 

^A} Or 

• .j, 

u~ . ' ur 

ijL— jl <_J» 



denture, set of (false) teeth 




to flash (lightning) 

to shine, gleam, glisten, radiate 

to facilitate, make easy 

senna, cassia 

brilliance, brightness, t\+> < oUU t X~o : j^, i LL, 
radiance, resplendence, splendor 

lightning j'J> : (j l, i Ll 

sublimity, exaltedness, highness; high rank.iii j : *L- 

eminence, glory 

"* * * **■ „ ^ ^ _ - _ 

' % ~ 
senator j^i'L* 

soot, smut, crock; lampblack; carbon blacky lil : rL 

rankness, rancidity, rancidness ijLj ( il»- : o-L-, 

. • f ' ' ' - 
(oLj) I— 

highness, loftiness, sublimity, exalted- J^- t iii j :^*- 
ness; eminence, dignity, prestige 

height, altitude, elevation c-Lu jl i^it :^»~ 

His Highness, the Prince 




Her Highness, the Princess 

His Grace, the Duke 

His Royal Highness <jP^' >*— " ^^» 

sable, beaver (<jl^>-) jjH* 

height, altitude, elevation; highness, s- UJ j I 1 £s. : uy*~i 

simoom, simoon, hot wind 
namesake, homonym 

r 1 - jf'j" 

•— ' O* : l^**" 

toxic; poisonous 

(vJl> iijAi jj : l/*"" 

c*- cr'j 

- <jT i i\yr i jJ-aJI 

-j : £?»-' 


companion (in nightly entertainment or evening jj*- 
chat), conversation partner; entertainer; conver- 

, * « ' - ' i n * *3? \ J — % * 7m * I * lfl <H 

the All-Hearing (God) ^Ull jil ^1 ^ : ^_^ljl 

thick JjJj ! j^^jJ 

porous, pored 


j j 'u? 


fat, corpulent, stout, obese, overweight, iji-u 

plump, fleshy 

toxin u U|:i 

to whet, sharpen, grind, hone, strop rJi- i Ju>ii. : j— 

to enact or pass (a law); to legislate, »J J lijjli ^ 
make laws; to establish, introduce, prescribe 

whetting, sharpening, grinding, hon- *Jb>- i Juo^. : j- 
ing, stropping 

enactment, passage, passing (of »J J ^J l^il I ^ 
laws); legislation, lawmaking, making laws; intro- 
duction, prescription 

tooth (jjJI jLllll ji Jalil j\ pi] I) 'j- 

age j^-'-Ot 




flying squirrel 


gray matter 



JlC I <LI_ 

province, district, county 

standard, flag, banner 

to occur to, come to someone's ^Li- 1 Jojc : (J) tv— 
mind, cross someone's mind 

. , t », ,> 
to come, present itself, offer c-*uJ I : i^yJ I ■---,',■ 

itself (opportunity) 

he had the chance, he was given i*ojii I aJ c-v.- 
the opportunity 

to be or become easy, possible, J4I J « jlj : »vL. 

to dissuade from, keep away 

rankness, rancidity, rancidness 

rank, rancid 

root, origin 

alveolus; socket 


iiLo i ' 


Of 1 '£-|J : £-~" 
J*»l : ji-< 

1,-JJ lull] :JJ 'jL 

-I Jf 'J 

to support, prop (up), crutch, stay, rest, I* j c lia : jl 
shore up, hold up, buttress, bolster, sustain; to 
stake, stake out (a plant, etc.); to consolidate, 
strengthen, reinforce; to corroborate, confirm 

support, prop, stay, crutch, rest, iyS >'j 1 £.lc. j : jl 
shore, stake, bolster, hold 

bond, bill; security; ilS 3 1 >■"' - t &**. c iiC» : jlI 
debenture, promissory note; document, deed, 
paper, (legal) instrument, act, record, muniments; 
authority, source 

bill of sale, act of sale 


treasury bond or bill 

' f-fj-* : J— •>» 


t)U<i jl |>-"Ij -LL«< 



spearhead, arrowhead 

cW"' Jt^ <J *?■*»" ' f '""■"' 



7**j)< J-aJ :ul**« 

fer-de-lance £L (jjl : oil- 

annuity j^l, ji- i j I t_J I j : cJ»liL- 

emery S^iu» : r J^-« 

toe (of the hoof), point (of the hooO^iU-l <_ijJ> : ,il : : - 
awl, punch, drill, borer, perforator j^. : ciLL. 


to ear (up), form ears 

ear, spike 

spikenard, nard 




skiff, small boat 


(oLj) l_.. tall J~L- 

~''i > •> 



academic year; scholastic year, school 

calendar year 


leap year, bissextile 

fiscal year 

- s 1- ' 


rubric, norm; rule; law; custom, practice, usage, < 
convention, tradition, mores; line of conduct 
mode of life; nature 

Sunna (of the Prophet) <j>-J I i^-J I « <Sy-'J I <^~ 

the Sunnites, the Sunnis 

iL-JI Jil 

doze, nap, slumber, (light) sleep 


(telephone) exchange, central, central (ojllIlJ) JI>L*. 





k!-.? . - ■:■■•■ 

to be or become old 

lm« ■■■■■ 1 a-j*c ' " ^- : a . ... 

to spoil, rot 

decay; to mold 

t ji»j :^- 

(i>— £r 1 j - 1^- 



'i - ' . ' * 


civet cat 

jyi j^l. 

^jjU»/ oyy^i iyy^ui 
1 ' ' ' '' 

feline \ijy~* 

Felidae oLj.Lt) I ^ <LL-ai :oijj«lw 

tooth powder; toothpaste; toothbrush 


tern, sea swallow 

annual, yearly livL- 

annually, yearly, per year, per annum Gyl 

annuity ^^L. J»_j . ^^ Ji. j 

semiannual, biannual, semiyearly *i£y~- ■ i*/rr 

annuity ^^1 ^i-'j _,! 1j I j : ojL 

sublime, high, exalted, grand, emi- .Lifjj :^_L«, 
nent, splendid 

Sunnite, Sunni i.'JI Jkl ^lj • : ... 

dental ol^M 1-L jl ul~-% ii^c jj :^L 

dentiform, toothlike, tooth-shaped, jklj I 

spikelet »jv»-*» 

to forget, overlook, neglect, omit; jjl* 1 ( ^J : ^ 1^1, 
to be inattentive of, inadvertent of, unmindful of 
dim star in Ursa Minor [^] (•»•» '4- 

insomnia, sleeplessness ijjl lal^-. 

nighthawk, night owl ^!j I ^ST : j 4- 

Steppe; peneplain[^: r J^ .jj .._]. .g..,, j.,. .g... 

to find no sleep, get no sleep, be sleepless, ijjl : j+m 
suffer insomnia 

to make sleepless, deprive of sleep, keep Jjl : j^l, 


*'>*f .'>%'* 


bill of exchange , draft, prom- "^ j I 
issory note 

bill of lading 

bail bond, bond, bill 

bearer bond 

41. Ux 

securities; bonds; stocks illL. olx 

title deed, title, deed, muniments ilSCL jl 

anvil (tilSCljIl jl jl!il)olaLiO 


sarcenet, silk brocade 

sandwich ~*j^- " l i > :j ,: '■■■ 

oak (oLi) «JljjLw«( i6ijJLw«( 

syndic; (official) receiver, liquidator, trustee, ■'!; ■ :'■■ 
procurator, agent, assignee, director 

marten (o\y^) jll 

acacia, mimosa (oLi) 

■ . 

santir, santour, dulcimer 


metacarpal jjjJL ^U- :^vu- 

pod, hull oLJI oil*- ei}U : 

j_JI J^l» : 

. < i. n i 

ojj. ■■■ ' I \3j} 
/ ..1 \ ••".' iV 

\ji\JB) J}!**, tjt^l 


sandpaper, emery paper 


(3j^-k- «*-lj — ^Jjx^w 
synaxarion; martyrology [ ij I j^; ] j I ,c'„ 

anchovy (tiL-«) 'jj\' ■ 

to (in)dent, jag, notch, tooth, serrate Ji 4 ^^j : ^, 

to clean, brush (the teeth) (0 Ll^ I ) ,ji. 

way, method; course iijj, : ^C 

road, way, path jjjl, : l v- 

road, way, path j^^L -.^i^jL.jL 



f~~ ■ - ' r ' ■* '^^^^ 

welcome! ">U~j ^*l 

to pale, become pale; to pine Jj* 1 4J_jJ c-*> : ^ 4.4*4 
away, waste away 

to frown, scowl, glower, lower u ^t. : a^»- j -+- 

arrow; dart iLj : ^ 
share, portion, part, lot, allotment *_,,,n.; t Ca*- : ~+~ 

share (^IL.)^ 
last resort, last recourse 
founders' shares, original shares 

bearer share <d.UJ -+- 

stock(s), shares «i J, J ^\ 

rocket(s), skyrockets); fire- ijjli ,*~l 4 i^U ~+~. 

inattention, inattentiveness, inadvertence, absent- #** 
mindedness, distraction, forgetfulness, negligence, 
neglectfulness; oversight, unintentional mistake, 
careless omission 

inattentively, inadvertently, absent-mindedly, \yt- 
negligently, by mistake, unintentionally 

E and OE, errors and LkUj ^i-JI Ijlc- (L.) 

omissions excepted 

t* >f ,~ >> 

I— ■<■- 1 I— ■<■- 4 ' -■< " w^lj — 4 J ^- - 

ease, easiness, facility; plainness, simplicity; aJ^u 

Canopus [liUi ] p^iaJ I oj-u. pj«j : Jli- 

-- •» «i- 
to spoil, impair, damage j_j I : I3- 

to censure, blame, find fault with *Ju* <uJi£ 1^- 

to level (off), even, plane, flat(ten), yJu 1 jl^. : cij-i 
roll, grade; to smooth(en), slick, sleek 

to level (to the ground), |.a* id j cj^j :,ji>fi\> iSy 
flatten, raze, tear down, pull down 

to dress, make, prepare, do Jit 4 J»^i> 4 i_J j : iSy 
up; to arrange, array, organize, fix (up); to adjust, 
regulate, settle, put in order, set right, right 

sleepless, insomniac, awake Jjl :a^ 

insomnia, sleeplessness Jj\ :jl^ 'JhH 

to stay up (late) at night, sit up (late); to ( jli) I ) j+*> 

stay awake at night, wake, pass the night awake; to 

burn the midnight oil, spend the night (in some 


to take care of, attend to, look _j < js. 4 ,y- j : Jx. ^4- 

after, watch over, guard 

to keep awake; to make sleepless j*_j <du> : J^ 

staying up at night; staying awake at night,(JJJl) jt*> 
burning the midnight oil 

watchfulness, vigilance, alertness, ja»- 4 JuJ : j+~ 


care, keeping, protection, charge, IA^ 4 ilij \j^ 


awake, wakeful, unsleeping, up *-L> : ul^> 

watchful, vigilant, wide-awake, alert, Jii :o'j«— 
on the alert, on one's guard 

evening; soiree, evening party or gathering, ajt** 

evening show or performance 

evening dress, evening Sji-J I t_.lli 1 iJ^J I ^G 
clothes, formal dress 

to stink; to be stinking, malodorous j± I : dl*- 

stench, stink, fetor, malodor i>L; : *£+», <■&+* 

stinking, malodorous, bad-smelling ^ : dl^l 

to be or become easy, facile L-i (jlS" : Ji* 

to be or become smooth, even, levelC^L. 0^ '■ S*~ 
to facilitate, ease, make easy u^» 4 jlo : Jhh 

to smooth, level, even \Sy 4 a^ : J+- 

easy, facile, simple, uncomplicated »L_j 4 jjIa : J4-1 

4 •pjo^jt 
r * . f 

fluent, flowing, easy, facile 

smooth, plane, flat, level, even 

plain, flat(s), level, level land 

docile, manageable, tractable, jlliJI /\ jCii^l J4I 
flexible, controllable, wieldy, obedient 

crumbly, friable, fragile, c """ ' 
easily crumbled 

light, easily digested, easily digestible, ~ok\ J4I 
easy to digest 

j\ di, Tn7l ) (J^— 





unfortunately, unluckily Jail ^j_J 

except, excepting, with the ills- ( *Ui£,U : ts'y* 

exception of, save, but, excluding, other than 

, ";"•;'' 

equal, alike, similar, the sameujjtJL. . u^j^» 

equality, similarity, (ajlikenessj^jt-sj . JjC : *lj«. 

i - *' 
normalcy, normality 'Ly. ill»- : * l_j- 

whether... or, no matter whether... (jl) ^ I ... f l^- 
or, irrespective of whether... or, be it that... or; 
both, together, altogether, all (of), equally, alike, 
without distinction 

the right path, the straight path J„.!.„H j\^. 

they areequalu>iWI ft* I (i_J_)-. ^1^) tfl^ -* 
before the law 

private parts, loins, genitals, genitalia, i j^c : S j^, 
genital organs, pudenda 

shame, disgrace, oppro- »»~i J^t ( il*-\i : i iy 
brium, odium; abomination, atrocity, disgraceful 
act, turpitude, vile deed 

blackness, black, nigritude <J°*->. J-*> : ^y 

mourning, black clothes, sables jlliJ.1 iSy : jI^I, 

majority; greater part; multi- ijS . "CJS I : j 1^1, 
tude, host, great number 

the great majority, the largest part; Jit "ill j I_jL) I 
the great mass 

the masses, the populace, the common ^U I j \y* 

iris; pupil of the eye, apple of the eye J^ I j 1^1, 
grackle (>U») ojl^L 

bracelet, armlet, bangle jl>-l : jl>» 'j'>« 

equal, alike, similar, the same tl^l. : iC-J^-i 

they are equal before the law yyliJI »ul -LJ^ p* 
breviary [ ij I j^ ] il* I 'y, 

excipient, vehicleUlLj^loJ sljjJIJjciUiis'lU: p 1^, 

.-'-* .* , ~> ^r'- 

to equalize, Jile . S^lll- C^Li. aLj- : (^li) j^l 
equate, make equal, put on the same level, put on 
an equal footing, treat equally or as equal(s) 

to straighten, make straight Civ'.,.. Alii- : j^l, 

to settle, pay, square, balance, ^y j <. YjL : j^l. 
clear, compound 

to settle, fix, resolve, adjust, *JJ U^U- jl lll^J c5>- 
compose, reconcile, accommodate, make up, patch 
up, regulate, arrange (a dispute, a controversy, 
differences, etc.) 

to reconcile, conciliate, make peace lt - '' j^l 

between, make friendly again, restore to friend- 
ship, bring together, reestablish normal relations 
between, bring about an agreement between 
to compromise Jal, j Jiu j^ll, 

evil, ill; mal-, mis- ^i, : f l„ 

S ?L« [ «jf I j — ; £L« I : >_j— 

breach of trust u 1^ "^ I Z>~ 

maladministration, mismanagement, SjIj^I iy 

abuse, misuse, misapplication tJ^L^il i^, 

abuse of right jll J^l 2^1 

abuse of power iJaLJI J),*^.! iy 

malnutrition; dystrophy JjJUJJ, ^_ 

misunderstanding j^'jl -*liJl >^- 

maladaptation, maladjustment ■ « < "'< I £^. 

bad luck, misfortune, «JUJ1 3 \ o.-^Jl _jl J»il ^ 

misconduct, misbehavior, < «j ^"1 1 j I dyLJ I ly 


disrepute, discredit, disesteem, disgrace, will ly* 

infamy, notoriety 

mistrust, distrust, suspicion, doubt, evil ^iiJ I i^ 


-, , > . > 
maltreatment, mistreatment, iLuil ly» 


bad faith, mala fides, insincer- jlai) I j I ilJ I ty* 
ity, evil intension), evil will, malice 

indigestion, dyspepsia 
in bad faith, insincerely 




*~y jf'j ~( i j^-) 

g-\j-\,j^»-) ^y 

(oLi ) ,j-y 

>_, > 


(oUjj ^yy ' 

licorice, liquorice 
mite, moth; weevil; beetle 
woodworm; borer; deathwatch 
iris, fleur-de-lis, lily 

flag, wild iris 

Iridaceae tr«>-JI *^°* '-d\^y 

sociologic(al) ^^yyy 

r i '• ' 

Sociology L^)}y*,y 

sociometric £jL>ymy 

sociometry <jji>ymy 

whip, lash, scourge \+> u_>i jl oJbu i\ jl : J?^- 

flagellum [ *L»-I ] J»^_JL i*-^ 5oJI j : J»^- 

flagellate oUJ» j-J I j* o l>^»- : t^°y 

Flagellata oCJj^ll O? *«i^» : oQ>>. 

to allow, permit, make permissible Uj| i jU- 1 : 'fy 

to justify, warrant, vindicate jji : fy 

to rationalize lo-^ J fj— 

to procrastinate, stall, temporize, put off, 3-k^ ■ l -Jy 

postpone, delay 

will, shall — :Uy 

sophistical) ; Sophist ^J> ILL* y 

sophism, sophistry \*j\h-iy 

soviet oLijlJI (_r"V 'OL*j«i 

Soviet ^^Jy i^LJy 

to market, sell (icUiJ I ) 'J >- 

driving, drive; piloting, steering 5 jL» : t>^ 

carrying (along), transpor- JLj[ t Jl»- i Jii :Jj- 
tation, transport(ing), transferring), transference, 
transmission, transmitting, delivery; conveyance, 
conveying, communication, communicating, 
imparting, bringing; sending, dispatching) 

5jl»-[ >uf \j — 3y *-^»-j i 3y ~°'j^\ 
market; marketplace; emporium, (Jl^-I ^) Jy 





^L «►!>- jl 

^d 1 - Jf'j 



sideburns J^ i^L) *»■ 1^1 1 ^ \) I j»i : til I >- 

brassiere, bra 



\j3y) <j\, <!»■*> '.j^y 

iy I M>- 1 j — Ay 

to blacken, black, make black *y I 1^ : sy 

oSy* u*\j—aSy* JW9J '. ly 

to make master, lord, chief, head Ix-. <dv- : j^~ 

J^»l iuf lj — iy\ Coy '.tiiy 

melancholia, melancholy, blues QyjA* : t \*y 
black bile juil J.^U-1 ^. jJ* : *1 ^ 

Sudan 6b>Jl 

Sudanese ^ I J>» 

peanut(s) (y I *y 0)* 

melancholic, melancholy; melancholiac "iS}\iy 

melancholia, melancholy, blues t l sy : o j I j>- 

to enclose, wall in, fence in, rail in ^>'y :Jy 

wall Ja5l»- :j^«< 

fence, enclosure, raiKing) 

'L-M* 1 


[oLiljjj J^i J j^- 


vehemence, violence, intensity, sever- Sji»- •. fj£ : ojy 
ity, strength 

sura, chapter of the Holy (fj^\ olji" c>V 'jy 


colchicum (oLi) d^ujy 

Syrian iij>" 

Syria *^.jy ' ^.j^-* 

surreal(istic); surrealist ^JL j^, 

surrealism ±J\jjy 

ijr} — • j^ - ' j _ try '■ij'y 





^.:^j,-.:ms,-, : 



l (jy 


unlucky, unfortunate, «JUJ I ji c„Vjl ji JaJ.1 {^1 
luckless, hapless, ill-fated, ill-starred, star-crossed 
ill-natured, ill-tempered, jUJI } \ jlil J^^ 

bad-tempered, surly, sulky, cross,' peevish, 
petulant, morose, fretful, fractious 

disreputable, ill-reputed, infamous, 
notorious, in disgrace 

ill-intentioned, evil-minded, 

sin, iniquity; fault, offense, mis- <_J3 
deed; evil; vice 

disadvantage, draw- ^JLt i ij±* ju» 4 i— j 
back, shortcoming, handicap 

fence, fencing; paling; hedge; enclosure; 

raiKing); palisade *~ 

tourist; traveler; globe-trotter ii-Cjl jCS : r-C* 

tourism; touring, traveling, journeying, jL : Z*X~* 
voyaging; tour, travel, journey, voyage 

tourist(ic) I«»-t— > 

tourist class; economy class; coach i~»-L_ <>■ jj 

sovereignty; sovereign authority, rule, reign, 5 jt-« 
dominion, domination, dominance, command, 
mastery, mastership, predominance, prevalence, 
supremacy, primacy, ascendancy 

Your Excellency, Your Lordship JCjoC 

His Excellency, His Lordship SjCLjI c^-U> 

rule of law; supremacy of law OjjW JaL 

, , * *■-. ' 
sovereign state S j L_ o I i iJ _> j 

locomotive, mobile, moving; motor, ambulatory, j\L» 
ambulant, itinerant, wandering, roving, roaming; 

planet jC. i^S'jZ 

car, automobile, motorcar dlo.^ «_J ilS",^ :S)C* 


taxicab, cab, taxi 


fire engine 


truck, lorry, camion; pickup 


trading center, commercial center; outlet 
free market y^. J^. 

bazaar, fair, charity festival or carnival ZJ**- J^~ 
black market 

common market 
money market 

rabble, mob, riffraff, ragtag, common f \j> j 1 ptt j : iij^. 
people, populace 


yr* 1 * : </>- 

common, vulgar, pie- *i£j\ <jj ^ 
beian, mobbish 

logistics oC£-»-jJ :olli'j-i 

to clean, brush (the teeth) (oLl'tfl) dJ^». 

to entice, seduce, tempt, lure, allure <3^cl : J '£y» 

to impose upon, force upon *lli <u«y : (^"ill *.) Vj-. 

sauna U^, 

sonar j U *-. 

to be or become normal, sound, right, »UlL I : \$y» 

normal; sound, intact, unimpaired JL :i$j!* 

straight, upright; even, level y...„. c A~ ■ : <j_^ 
regular, normal 1$ j Cjlc I s £s j l*. : 1$^, 

right, correct, proper TVf -9 : cS>- 

^>- Jf 'J 

-u- -x. 


together, jointly; in common; with one ill : i^l 
another, with each other 

Jj>- Wf Ij — clJLi^u 

fine flour ^U ^-jJ. ^li-"^ 

stalk; pedicel, peduncle; petiole, [ *L»-I ] <uj^-. 1 jj>- 


the same, alike, equal, similar 

y ■^ 

bad, evil, ill; poor; vicious, vile, wicked 



f?«S"l" .TF7 



"■■ ■■■-'■' - •■•■■■! ,' , '^'"-*.v:a ■ 

to fence in, hem in, hedge in, rail in, r-C_ > J»L»- 1 : plw 

cigar j 

cigarette Sj 

to make flow, cause to run i^j^ \ i n^ 4lor : «*«< 

skewer, spit, brochette j ji- : m^, 

master, lord, chief, head, leader 


gentleman uIc^-j- 

a descendant of Prophet j—J I SJ>L ^ ^oaii. 

sovereign; independent Jar,,,, i SjL- j j : jl 

absolute master, dictator, autocrat J11.H 

sir <ix-« 

lady, woman, mistress; Mrs., madam(e) jj^, 

first lady Jj^ll ;ji!lj| 

fljjbul jW^-'j — *Jy» o I i ...I I ( *1jJbul 5i.E . ■■■11 

ladies and gentlemen ,-i j C j ,J I _u~. 

to walk, march; to make walk, ( JUj .do;- ' <^-» :j^-» 

cause to walk, let walk 

to drive, set in motion; to 

jl» l*»-J l 


steer, direct, orient, lead 

to start (up), operate, run, 

work, jbl 

l Jii. 


to run, direct, manage, 

Jjl'^l Jy 


handle, conduct 

to propel, move, shove, impel, drive 

to send, dispatch, forward 

to circulate, put into circulation, 
spread, promote, popularize 

to stripe, streak; to striate 

walk(ing), march(ing); motion, 
movement, moving 

progression), advancement), proces- 
sion, course 


. . . * *i, 

(J-*j> '• jy 

£J J '£JJ '-Jr- 
Jj t Jaia>> ' jy 


\j?V t 14^* • >*-*" 

«fs'«.-" ■>•> — rr — -! 

armored car 

-' 3 - * * 


policy; politics 


open door policy 

good-neighbor policy 


1 (*j"»^ ^*" «— * 



4«*«j|j <LL. 

politician; statesman 

political science(s), politics 

political; diplomatic 

oLJli ,y.»,..« !,_**Lh** 

politician; statesman 

A— Lm« 

political circles or quarters 

4—* I— jj 1 j J 

political sciences), politics 

-3 - * '' 

diplomatic corps, diplomatic body 


executioner, headsman 

j*r : cJlll. 


(<iL— ) ^3«lJI (-ill- 

context, connection; course 


succes- jj L^, 


flowing, running, streaming; torren- jl ji. t jU- : JlH, 

tial ' ' ' 

fluid, liquid JJL : JC. 

current; stream, flow jCl : Jill. 
ordination, ordainment, consecration oLj :i^l^-i 

the same, alike, equal, similar f \y- : ull- 

cyanamide ju« U L-< 

cyanogen Cr^y ^" 

cyanide j_j L- 

cyanine 0^^*" 

to leave, abandon, forsake; to relin- ,_Ua I i Sy : • -■— 

quish, renounce; to neglect, leave out 

to release, liberate, free, set free jZtl i j^s- : (__*, 

stepladder Jli Jl. ( i\ij» : t^. 

tripod ^ly- cSi ji (^.la- jl) L-^l. : £-. 

sitar < 



'w* - 



* & 


shore, coast, seashore, seacoast Jf L 

continental shelf t5jli i_i~- ( SjUJl t-i..- 
steel wool, steel strands, utility pads(t.<,-k.:ll)i-iL. 

cutlass fish (tl»-) <-«~* 

CIF [jjljt]i_il. 

siphon i_.«*» :6^i—« 

cigar j^L-< 

cigarette SjlSwu 

psychopathic; psychopath [tr** ] <j?kj^s*" 

psychopathy [ ^-ii ] «uJ L y>Lw 

insurance jrrU :»ljj^SL-i 

psychosomatic ,-jLj-^SL* 

psychological, psychologic y-ii :^j»jJ^SL^ 

psychology cr*^' (Jf : W^J^r" 1 

flood, inundation; flowage; (J jU- f L i t>»»i : Jl- 
torrent, torrential stream 

torrent, flood, (»JJ JJL^JI /\ ii£-"5ll o*-) J^j : Sy 
deluge, shower, hail, stream, fusillade, volley 

flow(ing), flowage, running, streaming o v>r : u^- 




t^j* f *■:■■■ fl*-* ; o J 

leukorrhea, whites, vaginal (j^** jl c/*rf' uV 




mien, expression, counte- ILj> i Law i i<JJ» : e^ 
nance, visage, look(s), aspect 

thong, strap, belt jU j i f\jr- 1 Ju^i- : ^^- 

sleepwalking, somnambulism, j.yJI iJ^U- jl-JI 
noctambulism, noctambulation 

on foot, afoot, walking l*"^ <J* ^jy 

traffic police j~J I ^-J.* ' j--) ' **^-" 

conduct, behavior, demeanor, deport- <£JjL. : a j** 

line of conduct, course; way of <i jJ» i cl. : S^--. 
life, mode of life 

case history [ jJJ i_J» i ^-ii ] lj^ 

biography, memoir; life ^a*^ •£»■ »y^- i »^ 
history; curriculum vitae 

— '.i .i .*-' 

autobiography, -uii. i_jl£JI SL»- i-»» : <Ljli o^~. 

sesame oil 


to politicize, Jx C-L— UjU> <JU>\ 1 C-l— aLu>- :^— j 

make political in character, give a political tone or 

character to 

j • >< >- 
spinal column, spine, rachis, isjit iy^c : «. 

backbone, vertebral column 

sesban (oLi) 6 

to dominate, predominate, control, Jx jOy* 

command, rule (over), govern, sway, hold sway 
over, reign over, gain power over; to override, 
prevail over, have a dominant influence over, take 
hold of; to overpower, overcome, overwhelm, 
sudbue, conquer, get the better of; to suppress 

domination, dominion, (pre)dominance, reign, Sjial*" 
control, grasp, grip, hold, command, rule, power, 
authority, mastery, sway, ascendancy, supremacy, 
upper hand, hegemony, influence 

sword; saber; rapier 

foil, saber, e'pee, smallsword 

cutlass fish; swordfish 

gladiolus; sword lily 

the die is cast, it is too late 

jJL p-lj 

— ^-***( 

f L->- 

t a . )1f 

5 j jLJLI L-a— 

((•*!■■>) oa-— 

(oLo) (— jI^«JI ^- a — ■ 




4-Jjiii mii 


filmic, movie-, cinema- 

movie star, (J>}~~" ( J~*-* ' ^ y) f^ ' (ji^rr 
(film) star; (motion-picture) actor or performer or 

synod ls~^ f*^"" ' ty^y^ 

liquidity; fluidity ^^r" 

.-' *,» 
asteroid, planetoid, minor planet '-r^-ty' : ^ 

sign, mark 
scenario, script 
scenarist, scriptwriter 




cinema, movies, motion pictures (^i j itL*») l*-. 

cinema, movie house, { ,. : ... . jbi U . ' ..« *JL> i 
motion-picture theater, movie(s) 

cinematographic, cinematic, I . ■■ " ■ I I; J^» : i^^**? 

' \^ ^r >K ^r ^r Nr ^r ^^^ >^ '^^r Mr ^^ ^^ 

^^ ^tjr ^J^ N^ ^jr >^ ^r ^r ^^ ^^^ ' >r Nr >^ 

to admix, mix, mingle, blend i-j* ' -^" : (-*) V^* 
to vitiate, corrupt, spoil, oU i p-o j i j_j I : <_jLi, 
impair, mar; to stain, taint, tarnish, blemish 

to become white-haired, s^, u^i I : <_jL 

white-headed, gray-haired, gray-headed, hoary 

> • s 
to gray; to turn or become gray, white, _^ll I <_jli 

grayish-white, hoary, grizzled, grizzly 

youth, young man, youngster (^ l) t_>Li 

young, youthful (**~*) v^-" 

young woman, (young) girl, lass X.Jy> : o Li 

to interlace, interlock, intertwist, intertwine, dCLi 
twine, entwine, interweave, knit, mesh, snarl, 
tangle, lattice; to reticulate; to clasp, buckle, fasten, 
attach, join, link, connect 
shad (A^,) J, li 

to resemble, look like, bear a resemblance to, be ili 
like, be similar to, be analogous tn, correspond to, 
assimilate to 

afi '^Li, L, 

(Jib L» sU 4jL ^ 
- - , t''> '" 

and the like 
like father, like son 
(rain) shower 
ewe, female sheep 

rainy, pluviose; wintry, 

(3>— • » j hi » ^(jjuJI) oL£ 

r- cr 

1 j — rwLi 

(•ULi- «*■ I j — pJL*i 

to quarrel with, fight with, wrangle '~A±- < c-jU :>rLi 
with, brawl with 

; ^U*i 

to want, wish, desire, will, be willing (to); jIj 
to intend, purpose, have in mind 

u»' jf b ~cj>' f' *Li 
God willing, Deo volente, please God, iftl *Li [jl 
if it is God's will, if it pleases God, let's hope so, I 
hope so, it is to be hoped 

forever, forever and ever, perpetually, *b\ *Li, L. Jj 
eternally; for good, permanently 

'" * '" * 

blemish, stain, blot; impurity; defect, il* i ^J : i. : «LjLi 
flaw, fault, deficiency, shortcoming, imperfection 

gangue ilijJc. <_Jl',^, 

widespread, current, rife, prevalent, «3li i 


J Li 

prevailing, circulating, in circulation, popular, 
common, universal, general; widely known, 
well-known, public 

pw*« «*■ \j 


rumor; hearsay 

iiLil :ajuLS 

-*'.' I -*■.' . -.1* 

thorny, spiky, spiny, spinous, prickly dly. j j : dU Li 
thorny, spiny, spinous, ^Ji i y-^a- < >_Jw9 iiiiJLi, 
difficult, ticklish, critical, delicate 
acanthopterygian (c£L- ) oi; U^J I *£j Li. 

barbed wire iL;L dJ^Cl < littLi ilL 

disgraceful, dishonorable, discredit- ^* < t ^ r l. : jjli 
able, shameful, infamous, scandalous, ignomini- 
ous, flagitious, outrageous, indecent 





al, bizarre, grotesque, eccentric, queer, odd, 
strange, weird 

; • i 

perverted; pervert I j» jL 

„ . — 'tit 

foreigners, aliens, strangers; travelers JliVl ilii 
fountain, jet s^lj :6ljjjli 

lightning rod 


; :j l 

to drink in someone's company, have %» L>^t : i_>jb 
a drink with, drink with 

drinker; drinking 



t >Lc :S jLi 

badge, ensign; insignia; emblem; 
symbol; sign, mark, token 

chevron <!JCL*JI jui^JI 5jL 

explainer, expounder, expositor, Vj. J*U : rjli 
explicator, elucidator; commentator, annotator, 

stray(ing), straggling, wandering, roaming, j,li 

roving, erratic, errant; running away; fugitive, 
runaway; tramp, vagabond, vagrant 

absentminded, abstracted, ^SCill /\ j£]\ jjb 

distracted, distrait 

nothing escapes him, jjjlj Vj S jjL iiy; "i iSjjLi 
he does not miss a thing 

to stipulate, specify as a condition; to contract, ijli 
make (conclude, enter into) a contract or an 

street JoJ-^jli 

thoroughfare, main street ^J j «• jL 

to vie in honor with ci^ljl j >-U :L»jLi 

to share someone's opinion or view <j I j *S"jL 

vast, wide, large; great, big, huge, ^ , ^\j : »-«.lA 
enormous ' 

remote, distant, far, faraway 


pale, pallid, wan, dull, faded, faint, dim, o*L : <_^li 
lusterless, lackluster, lifeless 

grinder, sharpener, whetter, jJ^, t j^. JtU : i^-li 
honer, stropper 

jj— • < i»^ ill :S J^Li 

beggar, mendicant 

grinder, grinding machine; 
grindstone; whetstone, hone 

far, distant, remote, faraway, outlying _lju : Ji^Li 

to spat with, squabble with, 

»u» i (^Lt, 


wrangle with, hassle with, jangle with, quarrel 
with, fight with, altercate with, dispute with, argue 
noisily with 

to hate, detest, abhor L) ^ r^L 

shipper, freighter, forwarder, consignor, JiU : j*-li 
transporter, carrier 

loader, freighter, stevedore jl*w : ^li 

charger ~4j\Li I ^kil jl^ : ^ L 

truck, lorry, camion; pickup; van; wagon iL*-Li 

to age, grow old 

staring, gazing 


IJJjm : (o i .no ) ufl^Ll 

^j-^a-j^ (j^^l 




pole, stake 

to dispute with, argue with, ^.li ( ^.Li ~*>U- : jLi 
altercate with, jangle with, squabble with, quarrel 

singer, chanter; songster, warbler; ^ : (^ jLJ I ) jli 
singing, chanting, warbling 

tensor ;jL 21 ^ f 4 5jLi 

tent; pavilion; awning XZj. :jjL4 

fawn, young deer ^ijl Jj : <j.sl4 

amazing, astonishing, astounding, jiftju iJa-L. :»jLi 
stunning, baffling, perplexing, confusing 

shadoof, sweep ,Ql gj. Isfjt :<Jjjli 

songstress, woman singer, chanteuse, 2. n. : c jLi 
songbird, warbler 

irregular, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, unusu- iLi 
al, aberrant, deviant, deviate, unnatural, exception- 





conclusive, peremptory, ,Joj» 't~" ' Jr : i J '-' 
decisive, positive, definite, definitive, categorical; 
cogent, convincing, persuasive; satisfactory; un- 
equivocal, unambiguous, clear 
root Jlohiili 

to speak mouth to mouth to cJ»U- : 4Jli 

hard, difficult, tough, arduous, stren-J^.1 1_-»^>: jli 
uous, onerous, laborious, toilsome, burdensome, 
exacting, grueling; exhausting, fatiguing, tiring, 
trying, wearing, wearying, wearisome, tiresome 
hard labor, penal servitude oli. JUi I 

plumb lime, plummet (&?>**■) Jyli 

level, spirit level 
vertical, perpendicular 

to prick, sting, pierce (with a thorn, (^JJ aS"j-^) ii"— 

doubtful, doubting, in doubt, feeling v^j* : ^ >- 
doubt, suspicious, distrustful, distrusting, uncer- 
tain, skeptical, incredulous, unbelieving; skeptic, 

fully armed, armed to the teeth, ^%J \ dJli. 

bristling with arms 

>' • , , , „ -.> ... 

thankful, thanking, grateful, >-L> 0" ' Cr-" : J 5 ^ 
appreciative, appreciating 

to pick a quarrel with, quarrel with, start ^-li. '.^ \i> 
a brawl with, brawl with, wrangle with 

to conform to, correspond to, *jL <■ JSL- : JS U> 

resemble; to be like, similar to, analogous to, akin 
to, homogeneous to 

jki £rlj-£> OL^ < 5 jA li 4* : *Jf^ 

flank, side, waist "'jf^ '■ *~ ^" 

to rise, go up ^>j\ '■ J^ 

to raise, lift (up), pick up; to carry, J»i- t^ij-.lj^. 

convey, transport 

shawl, muffler ^U :Jli 

cabana, beach cabin *J^ 

screen; scanner *->•* 

cinemascope screen ^r?'jj^ *~'^' 

to burn; to be burned, scorched, singed, seared J»li 

shore, coast, strand, bank, beach; seashore, 
seacoast, seaside, seaboard 
coastal, littoral, seaboard 

to share equally with, go 

halves with 

to share (in), participate (in), take j dJ jli. : ^tli 

part (in), partake (oO 

to share someone's opinion or view *j I j o^J» It 

to sympathize with, empathize ^JJ <ijp- ejiu. 
with, feel for, share (in) the sorrow or distress of, 
participate in the feelings of 

sly, cunning, crafty, shrewd, Sj^a i i-*l j : jM- 
clever, smart; experienced, wordly-wise, sophisti- 

to spread, circulate, get about, make _p3 I < ^1 i : '^li 
the rounds, be in circulation, be current, run 
through the town, be the talk of the town, be on 
everybody's lips; to be or become widespread, 
widely known, public 

poet r-^ 1 r^ : J*^ 

poet laureate 

feeling, sensing; perceiving, tiJ > 




noticing, realizing, knowing; aware of, conscious 

of, cognizant of 

poetic(al), romantic, dreamy, soft 

poetic talent, poetics, poeticalness, poetry 

to riot, disturb the peace, make trouble 

vacant, unoccupied, empty, open, free 

vacancy, vacant post or position ^L P j» 

occupant, resident, dweller "i^— Ji-ij o* '■ J*'-' 

. > j ■ > 

cascade; waterfall, cataract, falls, chute J^L : j^eLi 

curative, remedial, healing, ^-^ci jl-t. : (yjLDI) c»lS 
sanative, medicinal, medicative 




what's the matter with you? what's up? dl;d L. 
what do you want? what have you got to do with 

important, significant, weighty, ^J^. < ^U :od 3 \ 
momentous, grave, serious 

(person) concerned, J^ :oltll L»-L> i o^JI ji 
involved, interested 

hangman, headsman, executioner j^i- : £ Li 

oljj»l j}Jb\j*a\ :ob 

£»>LJI *ii» ^ iJ»» :»lt 

chestnut (oLi ) t lZZ : J,_,t i It 

checkmate (^T^JI J) .Ul oL i oL. .It 

fumitory (oLi) £>ib 

to see, view, witness; to ^»i- t Lilj t ^Ij : jib 
watch, observe; to attend 

witnesslLtoalt^ Ijutt^JuJ jU'jl^ jl^ : j*Li 

evidence, proof, demonstration; *j!j i JJ j : a*lt 
testimony, witness, attestation 

example, instance, illustration, case ji. : a* It 

quotation, citation ^LJliailt 

tombstone, gravestone, head- ™ r ai\ i±>% : a* It 

witness for the prosecution, prosecu- oli I a*lt 
tion witness 

false witness J3 j j^Lt 



=* #£ 




(jLc o*lt 
witness for the defense, defense witness Ji, a* It 

Jehovah's Witnesses 

a*lt j=rlj - ^.j-aJl V»% :Sj*b 

to rent by the month; to hire or employ on a ,ab 
monthly basis 

high, towering, lofty, elevated, tall ^'J. : Jab 

tremendous height Jalt ill 

whooping cough ^ j ^Jlll : j^Li 

evil omen, evil portent; bad luck, misfortune »p, 

shampoo ^L- 

beauty spot, mole, nevus JU- : i. b 

sense of smell, smell, olfaction j£j | il U- : o b 

rejoicing at (gloating over, enjoying) an- ( _, ) c- b 
other's misfortune 

high, lofty, towering JU : j_« b 

proud, haughty, disdainful, su-^ls^l : (oii'^l) 
percilious, arrogant 

sunny; sunlit 


try-" ^rh~tr^- : Lrf^ 
comprehensive, inclu- ^U t ^ < J^tf 4 „U- .J^b 
sive, all-inclusive, encyclopedic, well-rounded, 
exhaustive, thorough, extensive, expansive, broad, 
large-scale, massive, mass, wide, sweeping, gen- 
eral, universal, generic, complete, total, aggregate, 
full, all-out, wholesale 

(J*- J~^- jrlj- Jt J^JLl. :J-lt 

to disgrace, dishonor, discredit, taint, stain, l^j :6b 
soil, sully, tarnish, smirch, mar 

matter, affair, concern, business; case; J.\ 1 <ft_ : oli 
question, issue 

business, concern; relation, con- ii^Lc 1 J^-'j : oil 

condition, state, situation JU- : yd 

importance, significance, weight(iness), i!l»* : oil 
moment(ousness), gravity, consequence 
standing, prestige, stature, jUil t V,-^ t ^ : d 
rank, credit, esteem 

foreign affairs <^P~ I Ojjlj I 

he is (in this respect or in this od iUi j lid 

matter) as, like 

concerning, regarding, with regard to, as odj 

regards, with respect to, in respect of, respecting^ 

as to, as for, about, in reference to, with reference 

to, re, in connection with, in terms of 

in this respect, in this matter, in this oGj Mii J 

connection, concerning this, regarding this, about 


please yourself! suit yourself! do as you iudj ci! 
like! do as you please! 


; .'.".v .vf '■?:•■ ttjw . ~~ 

■"'■ Al 

steer, young ox 

ramp; capriole; prance (^^ilOili 

young woman, (young) girl, lass ijli. : "<^ 

dill (oli) c~A 


tarantula; spider (l 



ghost, specter, spirit, phantom, eidolon, appari- ^Ji 

tion, phantasm 

to span, measure with the span jltJlj y-l* :^ <^ 

of the hand 

span of the hand ( xJ I ) ^^i 

- i - > ' 
slipperts), scuff, mule i»li« « i-A»- : '■■■. * : . A i 

to eat one's fill, satisfy one's appe- (f UL) 1 & ) £^i 
tite; to be or become full, satisfied, sated 

to be or become fed up (with), sick 3- : (t>? ) tT" 
(oO, tired (oO; to have enough (of) 

satiety, satiation, sufficiency, j-~i- j.*-** : j-1 1 j~i 
fullness, satisfaction, gratification 

fill, full supply, quantity that satisfies 

* 1 • ' * 

tf c^'j'fcr* 

L. : 



full, satisfied, sated ul*li 

lust, erotism, eroticism, illt 1 "Cl^ : < 1 S ; ,* 4 J^i 

prurience, libido, satyriasis, concupiscence', sala- 

ciousness, sexual appetite, carnality, sensuality, 


nymphomania <i>-> ,^— 

lusful, erotic, libidinous, (Ji « ^J 1^ : ^*~£ ' J^i 
prurient, carnal, salacious, concupiscent, over- 
sexed, randy 

chibouk; pipe i^ ' u>^* : «** 

net; dragnet, fishnet, dredge; network, netting, iSwi 
mesh, reticulation, reticulum, grid; reseau; system, 
set, suit 
retinal ( jliJI i^iCJo ^U- :^x-i 

appetite <+- :«^*\— 

falcon, peregrine jl> « >ua : o^^- 1 
aim, goal, end, objective) iU. : jU 

ambitious, aspiring, aspirant jUJI -u*j 

sergeant hjfLs- Ljj : JJjjll 

tea li^i 

to follow, adhere to, stick to, J <_^»w < jjI 1 £-j : vLi 
support, stay firm in supporting; to be or become a 
partisan of, an adherent of; to side with, take sides 

to grow up, become a youth, Lli Uli jL» : u~£ 

become a young man 




to shoot up, rise, spring, go up 

to rear, ramp; to capriole; to prance 

to break out, flare up, erupt <_/^L I j I jU I 

alum *— ^ I 


four-o'clock, marvel of Peru, 
afternoon lady, jalap 

morning glory, three-colored 


youth, youthfulness 

(the) youth, (the) young, youths, t( JJ 1 0^ '• v^ 
young men, young people, young generation, 

acne t -r , ~^' S-**" 

flute, clarinet j\*j? : VW** 

tip, point; end; edge -i»- 1 <->^> ' i_r' j : 5ui 

sting, stinger; dart; prick 5jJJ-l 5^j[ 1 <-j- : sLi 

, ^* 

February ji'^r? :J»Li 

window o-i»^> :ii)Ui 

- s -* 

box office; wicket (jJj JJJI < jjJl <.^f IJUi) tiJlIJ- 

to celebrate in love poems, (5 \'JX> jflil I ) t-~£ 

rhapsodize about 


h— MHtMBgf. 1 ' Ltm x.vr.susirrvKBi 

suspicion, doubt, dubiosity ; tr^ I « «^ : *V; * 

uncertainty, obscurity, vagueness 

y ml »>■ 1 j — 

ol|. mil (jy 

above suspicion 

outbreak, flare-up, eruption 

trumpet, bugle, horn 

carp (gjv liL-) J,^i 

Cyprinidae <;^-ll ciJVcr-*"^' Cr? ^r -1 * ^l^j*- 

; _•' '' 

cyprinid, cyprinoid 





ju_i* *>■! 



*--< . eerier <j- 

like, similar to, resembling, (just) J Jiu. i J*j : j c*. 
as, analogous to, akin to, parallel to, corresponding 
to, comparable with; identical with 

match, like, ,»-l)< 

l jiiiJt (J->-^a ^ 

parallel, counterpart, analogue, double, duplicate, 
twin, image, picture, congener 

(scattered) fragments, (separate) pieces, 


to winter (at), pass the winter (at) 



i LJw 

various, different.^liverse, mis- £jj, < i_iii=^. : JLl 

cellaneous, sundry, manifold, multifarious 

-* > . - 
winter, wintertime, wintertide *LMJI J-ai i >Li 

(Sy^- ' (i>^ £»• 1 j ~ (^3 L\i 

ei. f o -V- I - ,- - v . -, 

curser, swearer, blasphemer; abuser 
reviler; abusive 

there is a great difference between them! [ t '' : ' : ijLi 
what a difference between them! how different 
they are! 

to disperse, scatter, dispel, strew Y±> i jiji •'■'■' !« 

about, break up, disband, separate 

to cut off; to tear, rend [yy, ■. 'Aii : .Li 

L :oLi 

VMmxm-s ^<vrs.i"^m?..s,w^'T; 

■• -\ 

reticulate, reticular, retiary, liLliL t •*?■ ■ : t^Cli. 
netted, netlike 


(lion) cub 


a chip of the old block; 
like father, like son 


.'ill dii^jj^Ji ijioi 

to liken to, compare to; to assimilate to; to j ili 

make similar to, make like 

to be or become dubious to, doubtful ^.111 olc <ui 
to, uncertain to, obscure to, vague to, ambiguous 
to, equivocal to 

^ * i * * . /* 


_^»«tfl (j-L 

semi-, quasi-, para-, L,j2 t 4jo < s^^i" is- j j J J 
-like, sub-; almost 

J w> 


semitropical, subtropical ^1 

Anthropoidea, anthropoid apes y Lj II I » Li I 

rhizoid 1°^ j jJl»- *_i t jJl»- A^i 



semiofficial, semiformal 

ojifr * 


quasi contract 








,i* *li c (£ji» A. 

-A*** - 



S ' ' 

to afforest, forest, wood, plant with trees ^jy : j»- 
trees, arbores j** 


clump, stand, crop 

tree, arbor 


arborvitae, thuja 

breadfruit, bread tree 

birch, betula i 

genealogical tree, family tree, iliUI jl 


arboreal, arborous, arboreous, arborescent, 

dendriform, dendroid, treelike 

to be or become courageous, brave, bold, valiant j»»i 

to encourage, embolden, hearten; to further, £*£ 
promote, support, foster 

to sadden, grieve oy ' "■ j*Z ' J*" 

~ * ~ " ~ * ' 
to be or become sad, grieved, un- of '■ J*" ' O*" 

happy, distressed; to sadden, grieve, gloom 

■ r ** - ' 
anxiety, worry; sorrow, grief, sadness, 0>- <■ p* : J*" 

melancholy, blues, heartache 

'-- - 


branch, twig 

Cr°* : U J !* i 



to be or become sad, grieved, distressed; to be or ,^*i 
become worried, anxious, troubled; to be moved, 
touched, stirred, impassioned 

sad, grieved, distressed; wor- J^li « f>»+» ' i>->>- : i^**-' 
ried, anxious, apprehensive, uneasy, troubled 

moving, touch- ^Li«iJ Sj*<» i iitUU ^ : ^y- 
ing, pathetic, affecting, emotional, sentimental, 
impassioning, soul-stirring 

melodious, tuneful, soft, tender 

bad companion, bad company 


: > w~ 


to plant; to transplant £j ' j! ' £j J : J*- 1 

cutting, set, transplant, sapling, seedling ilj> : *il- 

to curse, swear (at), blaspheme; to call L- : (til 

(somebody) names, abuse, revile, insult, rail at 

cursing, swearing, blaspheming; abuse, i_— : pl£ 
revilement, vituperation 

(rain) shower jU.\ ,y **i * ' »Jf '• »>^ 

winter, wintry, winterly, hibernal li^ ' '••fir*' 

swearword; abuse, vituperation, revile- *~— : <-»-~i 

ment, insult 

to break, fracture; to split, cleave Ji \ jli" : gi 

grief, sorrow, distress, affliction ^ 1 0>- : «- 

anxiety, worry jli i ^ : l*i 

affection, emotion, passion iitU : ^ 

arboriculturist j^"-^' f j' j : j^~ i 

quarrel, fight, hassle, wrangle, alter- o^p-Ll* : j^ 
cation, squabble, spat, argument, brawl, falling-out, 
fracas, fray, jangle, scrimmage, scuff 

ur^.Ji : J 


jUi'il «ifjj:Sjlki 

bar, bolt; latch 

courageous, brave, bold, valiant, £s^»- 1 ^ I oiU : f_l*- 
valorous, fearless, dauntless, undaunted, gutsy, 
plucky, intrepid, stouthearted 
Hydra [dUi ] ^IkJ I i^ < fj^l) I 

courage, bravery, boldness, valor, i\j>- 1 ^ Ijil :<xb^i 
valiance, guts, fortitude, pluck, prowess, intre- 
pidity, fearlessness, dauntlessness 

to condemn, denounce, censure, £^-*\ : V^ 

decry, criticize, disapprove of, deprecate 

grief, sorrow, affliction, distress u>- : v^" 

condemnation, denunciation, censure, jlSL^—l : <-«*" 
censuring, criticism, criticizing, disapproval, dep- 
skull fracture; head wound (er^ S?) *^ 



to load (with), freight (with), (-; ) rJ I 
lade (with) 


to charge with, load with, fill (up) 

to charge (with), load (with) [ >\jj£ ] \ 

shipping, shipment, freighting), freight^iiUiJO^^ki 
age, consigning, consignment, transportation, for- 

loading, freighting), lading (i:./,„\ I ) t ^ki 

charging, loading, filling (up) ^. :J*^ 

bill of lading . • j»i 2\~ . I y 

"L- «^-ij — (V*— 5jl*-« 

enmity, feud; grudge, rancor 
cargo, load, freight, lading 
shipment, consignment 

i ojl 

illL i 

> > 

charge [►L.j^] 

> ' .' 
police, police force, policemen ,^-Jy, i it^t 

paleness, pallor, pallidness, wanness 

blackbird {£&) J)*£, 

stingy, niggardly, miserly, tightfisted, J_iJ : £j»£ 
closefisted, penny-pinching, avaricious; miser, nig- 
gard, penny-pincher 

scarce, short, insufficient, scanty, J.*> : r^> 
sparse, meager 

match, matchstick oUill jj 

fat, fatty, fleshy, obese 

to urinate, micturate, make water 'Sy. <. JJL :*i 

boat, barge, skiff, rowboat, punt, ship ajyiti, tjyjC 

to snort 

to rattle, clatter, clank, clink JiJi. 

rattle, clatter, clank, clink ilkii- ( < 

rattle JuLSLl Ijj : J 

to rise, ascend, tower, go up iii. < i*l j I : { 


shrub, bush Zj^. 

shrubby, frutescent "ijr^r '■ <ij*»**" 

to be or become stingy, niggardly, J^C; < ,Jjv : Li 
miserly; to stint, skimp, scrimp, penny-pinch 

to run short, fall short, run out, ^i ( 'J i(j^ : Li 
fail, be scarce or insufficient, decrease, diminish, 
decline, dwindle 

stinginess, niggardliness, miserliness, Jiu :«_£ iki 
tightfistedness, penny-pinching, avarice 

scarcity, paucity, insufficiency, i jju t ili : ^_i ( Li 
deficiency, shortage, dearth, lack 

beggar, mendicant ,li -' ,„- 1 Jj, '- : jIm£ 

sty (oPO ^^ 

beggary, begging, mendicancy, mendicity J^J : 5 jl*«i 

to be(come) or turn pale, pallid, 

wan; to pale, wane, fade, dim 

to whet, sharpen, grind, hone, strop iJi- < jjL : Jj 

to beg, ask for alms ij ■'•■-••'■ I ( Ij^lj 

whetting, sharpening, grinding, honing,»Ji- 1 ^L : 



to be or become far away, distant, remote jj 
to strike (a match) Jli I : i_,Ulll j^c 

-* ^ < .- . - 

i_jlitll iyc :<UaLi 
-*■- ' 3 - - s ' 

dash; hyphen 

match, matchstick 

to prune, lop, trim, clip 

to be or become fat, fleshy, obese 

to grease, lubricate 

fat, grease; lipid, lipoid; suet, tallow 


piece of fat 

earlobe, lobe (of the ear) 

fatty, fat, greasy, adipose, lipoid, stearic, 
aliphatic; sebaceous 

to ship, freight, consign, transport, «IJ iiUiJ I 'jaZ 

oftl tk 





then, brace, bolster 

to tighten one's belt, economize, 

live more thriftily, be frugal 

to pack up, set off or out, start out, leave.JG-^l j£ 

depart, decamp, move away; to travel, journey 

tightening, tautening, strainOng), »U-jl 'xja < jjy : 1 

drawing tight 

tying, binding, fastening Ju j : li 

pull(ing), draw(ing), drag(ging), j»- i u>». '. -ii> 
tug(ging), hauKing), haulage, traction 

(LJ>Ijj iJJ) Jlil j£ 

-3-. *-. r 


how much! very much 

to sing, chant, warble 

/S- - - - \ »' • »T, _■ 

pull, draw, drag, tug ^ (»--»»-; J— ^ »^U : • 
accent, stress, emphasis »^-> : • j- 

playing cards, deck, pack i_-«iJ I Jjj : • a£ 

strength, power, force(fulness), vio- lJllc- t »y : 5 jj 
lence, vehemence, intensity, intension, severity, 
sternness, austerity, stringency, rigoKism), hard- 
ness, harshness 

distress, hardship, difficulty, trou- j~* 1 J^J> : ix» 
ble, suffering, adversity, misfortune; straits, pinch; 
straitened circumstances, need(iness), lack, want 

to break, smash, fracture; to crack, gash £x£ <. £x 

to emphasize, stress, j^l 1 J* jSj » J* j5"I : J* jj. 

focus on, concentrate on, highlight, underline, 


to press, pres- jlj 1 J* jVm> 1 J* jl*> : J* j-a! 

sure, exert pressure on, bear down heavily upon, 

oppress, harass; to restrain, constrain, curb, check, 

control; to restrict, limit 

to insist upon; to persist in; ^<» I t»JI :<>* jl J JJ^ 
to press, urge, importune, besiege 

"3 '''A*'\" 3- '*» 

to strengthen, consolidate, J^jiSI <JU»- 1 i$y : J J— 
make strong(er); to intensify, aggravate, heighten, 
make severe(r), make more serious 

to intensify, double, geminate tijil jj£ 

to stare at, gaze at, fix one's eyes J J (aj^j) < 


to leave, depart, go <_-*i :(JJ ij* 't>*)< 

to diagnose (iJU-l jl yi^ll) < 

to personify, personate ^c *jjLj **f ^o\ : u a»J. 

person, individual, man, party oa*£ 

someone, somebody u , 

third party cJIj, 

natural person 

f * 

artificial person, legal jLi* I j 1 15^*» <>»»£. 
juristic person, juridical person, body corporate 

persona non grata, undesirable *-i *->)*j* j^- cx*^ 

per capita, for each ^oi^. J£J < jj- 1^ I ,j<aa«HJ 


- - ','. * - '.- -3 . 
personalism y*-** i r **- L * :< ^ 

personal, individual, ^U- < '^yoi- 1 ^ I i : 
private, subjective 

personal; in personam 
personally, in person 


<j?* *?■ '■ ge* 1 *" * 

u>^» p"lj' 


personality; individuality; character; identity 

personage, personality, notable, social- SjjL 
ite, distinguished person, eminent man 

artificial personality, legal <Cj£j*l jl C^Ju i l a x t. 
personality, juristic personality, juridical person- 
ality; body corporate 

-3 " * - 1 • ^ 

identification ^L«xmJJI JJ»w 

.3 ' ' •*- - 
personality cult i.. . u >-w* . l l iiLf 

snorting, snort ji»- 

to tighten, tauten, strain, draw ^- j I ju« < jj j : j 
tight, stretch tight, pull taut 

to tie, bind, fasten, make fast Si»-\ 1 Jjjl 1 Ju j : oi 
to pull, draw, drag, tug, haul ^ ' <-•*»- ' ^-^r : - L - 

tO SUppOlt, »Jj (_^c Jl^i e_Uat JL^.1 •jjl(> > ■*-> « 'J J' •>*" 

back (up), help, aid, assist; to encourage; to streng- 



centricity, queerness, oddness, oddity, strange 
ness, weirdness 

perversion, sexual deviation 

*■ > > 

fragrant, sweet-smelling, aromatic, odorous, r- jl : <3J£ 

evil, ill; bad; badness; wickedness, J*j. jui :^i 

viciousness, malice; harm, damage, injury 

worse, more evil; the worst, 1^.1 <. \£. j£\ :( ( y,) jl 
the most evil 

he brought utter defeat upon them iiji "j, !*■ ji 
to buy, purchase t5^i I ( c. Uj I : i/ji, 

urticaria, hives, nettle rash ci-u»- pit : lij-S 

buy(ing), purchase, purchasing pQJ I : jj^A . « I^Ji 

purchasing power »I^UI 5y 

'* t * 

purchasing, buying t \j^i\j y^U- : |J I^Ji 

purchasing power iljl^t 5y 

drink, beverage Vx^— • : v0*" 

syrup, juice, sherbet; potion j-L-ai . olT^ : ol^i. 

alcoholic beverage, drink, spirit(s), (jfl~*) vG- 
spirituous liquor 

heavy drinker 
tassel, tuft, bob 
glue, paste 

quarrelsomeness, truculence, pugnacity, iwljJl 

pugnaciousness, belligerence, contentiousness, 
aggressiveness, unsociableness, ill-temperedeness, 
ill-naturedness, petulance, peevishness; wildness, 
fierceness, ferocity, ferity, savagery, grimness, 

sailing, sail- 


tassel, tuft, bob \> \J. : i» IjA 


shoelace, shoestring 

*IJJ.| >L^:dJI 


to accentuate, accent, pull } I illSO I ^ I b^J I j xi 
stress, emphasize 

piece, fragment; part, portion, section, <Lia* : iixi 

corner of the mouth -il | <,_,! j : jxi 

'. « i - . 

mandible, lower jaw, submaxilla, Ji-^l tiUl : Jxi 


buccal JjlJU U5U t 'i : ,y xi 

to amaze, astonish, astound, stun, c-*i . ^ii'jl :»xi 
startle, flabbergast, shock, dumbfound, thunder- 
strike, baffle, puzzle, confuse, nonplus, perplex 

singing, song, changing), warbling, x^l . »Lc : /xi 

subdeacon; deacon [-Lil^**,] JL'xi 

strong, powerful, forceful, jU- . «-Jj . i.*,.,.f.. ^$y : xxi 
vigorous; severe, stern, rigorous, hard, harsh; 
intense, violent, vehement, intensive, acute, keen, 
serious, grave, drastic, exterme, great, tough; bad, 
evil, difficult 

S - • f " 


to be or become irregular, abnormal, anoma- (y*) xl 
lous, deviant, odd, queer, strange, bizarre; to devi- 
ate (from); to be an exception (to) 

to become perverted, become a pervert 1" , "- j£ 

ijjj* v^lj — x£ 

fragrance, scent, perfume, aroma, redolence tuj I : Ixi 
tsetse ^J| yi^ AjUi :»IJti 

to trim, clip, prune, lop, pare, cut back; tooli .Lixi 
refine, polish, improve 

helter-skelter, pell-mell, in all 

particle, bit, speck, fragment, tiny piece 


0J J** 

odor of musk, fragrance of musk, tUlil ikilj : jii 

irregularity, abnormality, anomaly, atypicality, jjxi 
aberration, aberrance, deviation, perversity, excep- 
tion, bizarreness, grotesqueness, grotesquerie, ec- 


:: # <#c 

O^iJ '-^j" 

I - ^ 

to vivisect ((/T^f c^j^) *^"^' r/-" 

to autopsy, necropsy, (sli^JI i_-~» -u jj»J) iii-l r>£. 
perform a postmortem examination upon 

explanation, elucidation, explication, ^_jj : rjZ> 

expounding, exposition, illustration, description 

annotation, glos- lJc£ ,_£• l_j* J ^ \$i-\ JjJ^J : rai- 
sing, commenting on; commentary, comment© 

explanatory, explanative, explicatory, explica- ^-j* 
tive, expository, expositive, illustrative, descriptive 
prime, spring, bloom, heyday 

to bolt, start ju :(<j«>iJl) iji> 

to run away, flee, escape, break oii I i <->j* : ijZ. 

to stray, go astray, straggle, wander, oU i [^o : ijj. 

roam, rove 

to be or become absentminded, distracted A^*i ij. 

to frighten away, scare away, chase away, j* ■ Jj— 


to displace, make homeless, drive away, J^* : i'ji. 

dislodge, expel, evict 

group, troop, band, company ii^i i ly> j : o ijZ 


0j~ jr) *jj~ 

quarrelsome, truculent, pugnacious, belligerent, ^ji, 
combative, contentious, aggressive, unsociable,' 
petulant, peevish, ill-tempered, bad-tempered, 
ill-natured; wild, fierce, ferocious, feral, savage, 
grim, rabid 

r -\ • ' •' 

rib cartilage; epigastrium [ t^s-J J <-*j-v- 

r !-.'•' 

epigastric [ gjZ J tfyj* 

to serrate, indent, tooth, notch, jag ,y~ \jitji, 

bedsheet, sheet, bedspread, (j>JJ\ jl i/HjjJl) <-i-j- 
bedcover, coverlet 



bishop bird 


teal; garganey; wild duck 

to drink 
to smoke 

o^jJI jl 5 jU 

jl iiUJI cjji 

to drink to, drink in honor of, drink (to) 4-AJ cj^. 
someone's health, toast, drink or propose a toast to 

to give (someone) to drink, bring iSjj « <ji~ '■ <-/s* 
(someone) water, let or make drink; to water, 
irrigate, supply with water 

, -• « -"„■»- s- 

.1 I ... » I * 

O^l «^|J — JUL* C/y-»"l 

i_j^t» jjui* • Vj*" "tO*" "tO** 


drinkable, potable o^Dd jiJ^> 

sherbet, syrup, juice jvxa* < <->l ji : dl^A 

.. ... „-.' .-.- 
drink, draft, mouthful; dose, dosage, 4x.^»- : Oj^ < o^- 


laxative, purgative, purge, aperient J+_ : i>ji 

evergreen cypress G*^) l**^ 

vitality, vigor, energy, vivacity, vim, zing J»Lli : 5^, 


to baste, tack 



enema, clyster 

anal canal 

to explain, elucidate, explicate, J*_j ; ,jl. i jli : r- ji 
expound, illustrate, make clear, describe, depict, 

to annotate, comment i_*l^ J* ^.I^LI ^li :^i 
on, gloss 

to delight, gladden, **• I j\ i o^. : »^I»U- jl ojm r-^> 
please; to comfort; to relieve 

'£). £r\j -"5l^i» lilt iJJ :^)J jilll ^ 
to slice, cut into slices ^lji> ULi uki : *JJ **U I ^^i 
to anatomize, dissect ('(j^f J°^) rJ" 



string, catgut jj j : **j- 

law; bill; statute; charter; 0^*1 ' (i^ ' u>*^ • **J*" 


- *■» -i ', . 
the Charter of the United Nations; j*A\ ^i\ is.£ 

legitimate, legal, lawful, rightful, right, valid, ufj- 
fair, just, licit, permissible, permitted, allowable, 
allowed, authorized, admissible; de jure; juristic, 
jural; statutory; religious 

forensic medicine; legal medicine i/P-^ S-r 

illegitimate, illegal, unlawful, illicit, ^c-jl yj. 

wrongful, unauthorized, prohibited, forbidden, 
outlawed, impermissible, unpermitted 

legitimacy, legality, lawfulness, rightfulness, in- 

illegitimacy, illegality, unlawfulness "V-*/^ 

to be honorable, noble 

**. > •- '■' . •- 

A - -a-, - ■z\ 

to honor, confer honor upon, do |J*c i ^J> : <Jj-« 
honor to, give (someone) the honor; to ennoble, 
exalt, dignify 

honor; dignity; glory; nobility, ^- « jjw < <• \J : Ltj* 

distinction, high rank 

' '* -' i' • .'' 
honesty, integrity, uprightness iiL.1 ( i»uiJ : eip. 

in honor of, in someone's honor ua» ti^ J* 

terrace <tf ■> i 

balcony; veranda; terrace 
honorary, honor- 

to choke, become choked 
to go eastward) 

to slash, slit open, gash, rip J£ < j-»j : i>j^ « -hji, 
open, unrip, cut open, tear, incise; to lance, 
scarify, scratch 

sign, indication, portent i«^c : i>/£ 

condition, precondition, prerequisite, (J»j^ r) -^j-" 
requirement; provision, stipulation, clause, 
term(s), proviso; qualification; specification(s) 

stipulation, stipulating J»jj-JI j«i) i J»l^j : J»^i 

condition, protasis [iiJ] J»p 

slash, slit, rip, gash, long cut, rfr <. J£ : J»^- 


provided that, on o\ J»^i. J* < u' J»j^ ' u' J».^ 
condition that, if, as long as 

most-favored- nation clause lAc-j ^"i\ flj-JI J*^ 
conditional particle J»^i. uy>- 

dash; hyphen (-) il»»i. : iiji 

police, policemen, police force *J»jU> « u-^y. '■ *J»j^ 

vice squad 

criminal police 

traffic police 

military police 

judicial police, peace officers 

to ordain, consecrate (^)J L*15") ^L ( — . j : (jij^ 

conditional clause *r-"j- ''^ 

policeman, (police) officer ^-J^ J*-j i cr^>i • yrrJ-' 

to begin, start, commence, set about, set I ju : ( j) ?ji, 
to; to go into, enter upon 

to attempt (uyl«U o«JU" J«i j) p^. 

to point, aim, level, direct j-l. < i_i^» : p^i. 



splitting), cleavage, cleaving, cracking;^ jj~*» : ^ 
rending, rent, ripping; slitting, slashing 

cleft, crack, split, rent, rip, slit, slot Ji i Ji : pi 
bay, gulf, inlet u>»- ' p^»- : p- 

cocoon i»Ju» i is*ij* : *ii/£ 

to be or become gluttonous, greedy ( J* j I JJ ) • >* 

gluttony, gourmandism, voracity, ravenous- ^ : »^ 
ness; polyphagia, excessive desire for food, exces- 
sive appetite 

greedGness), covetousness, avidity, w- : o^i 


gluttonous, greedy, voracious, edacious, de- ^ : »^- 
vouring, consuming, insatiable, ravenous; glutton, 
gourmand, ravenous eater 

greedy, covetous, avid, avaricious w- : «ji 

honey J~* : ij^ '■Sj*' 

like, similar to J^f - 6}j2 

he has absolutely nothing, he is jjii tSjji <^1*; ^ 

extremely destitute, he hasn't got a red cent to his 


trousers, pants ^ijr'-^ijf 

heavy drinker ^j^ y^f 'Vij - 

drinkable, potable 

l_j|ji «»-lj — Ljlji :(_JJji 

(_j^l! »«JL» :lj)jZ- 

straying, straggling, wandering, roaming, roving; Jjj£ 
running away, fleeing, escape 

absentmindedness, abscence jXiJI jl ^111 aj^i 

of mind, distraction, distractedness, abstraction, 


beginning, starting), commencement »jj : piv*" 

attempt (rJI iji- j) p-j^i 

sunrise, rise (of the sun) ( ^.^J I ) J j_>- 

colocynth (oLi)jJii»- :ijy- 

artery uUji 'ul^/i 

aorta j^l jl yf jjl uL>jf 

coronary artery, coronary ^- 1 o^jf 

pulmonary artery <5y j u Vj~ 

east y-*. iJI Jjji *4pt '■ &j~ 

the East, the Orient, the Levant Jp I 1% i Jp I 
the Near East j}h\ J^JI 

the Far East ^ 1^1 jp I 

the Middle East, the Mideast J»- j ^1 1 jyJ I 

eastwarcKs), east, toward the east \i'j. 

roller (j\l>) li'j'ji 

eastern, easterly, east; jp)l J J oj— ^ : ^^ 

Oriental; Levantine 

Easterner, Oriental, Levant- jp)l sUjI j»-I ^ji 

er, Levantine 

Julian calendar ^Jj^JI oCJ-l 

sirocco; levanter 

sirocco; levanter Uji » j : i-*^ 

trap, snare, gin, net iSLi i 1)^1 : &j2> 

polytheism 1^1 jC* jl i^JI 5j*j oUijII : ^j*» 

company, corporation; firm, business; if j»« * ii jJL 
partnership; association 

association of capital 
insurance company 


, , , >, 

partnership, joint-liability company, ^LaJ B 

joint company 
limited partnership 

airline olj^» Bji 

4**0U O^i 

jl JJuli Bji 


holding company 

particular partnership <Ulk< Bji 

limited liability company, (iJjjLll) Soju»». Bji 

limited company 

--- 1- ■* i> ' 
joint-stock company, stock company ***L-. o ji 

„. , *, ' , 
joint-stock company; anonymous iliL. Bji 


to split, cleave, crack; to rend, rip; to slit, Ji : p- 



•J J** 

law; code <jy>\* '■ **is* 

Sharia, Islamic law, law of Islam (i^.^L'jII) i»jjJJI 

*/ ^ 
law of the jungle oUI i 

~. '^ <v 
canon law, ecclesiastical law 

noble, highborn, highbred; a t_~. 

noble, nobleman, peer, honorable 

honorable, honest, upright, ^ I i 

straightforward), righteous, virtuous 

sharif, sherif VJr-' I »>*J I lM~ : ^j- 

the nobility (Jl^l 

partner, associate; sharer, participant &ts* 

accomplice, accessory («*j»- j) &i_r- 

acting partner 

liquidating partner 

silent partner, sleeping partner, dor- 
mant partner, limited partner, secret partner 

Ahmed Hussein and Company • JIS^S. j , 


'' *i '» 

• i » • . * 

to look askance at, glance sideways \/J. <J I ^Ju 4 jj-i 
at, skew, squint 

(sandal) thong; (boot) strap (jUj I ) jLi 

fishhook i i r.,„ll .u<aJ ojiuu 5oj-l»- :yai iy^i 

to deviate (from), depart (from), turn away (^) ,k£ 
(from), digress (from), diverge (from), stray (from); 
to drift; to go to extremes, go too far, exceed the 
proper bounds, overstep all limits 

sucker, tiller, shoot [ oL» ] j&j, : » J»I 

slyness, cunning, crafKiness), &i»- 4 »Uj :5jLki 
shrewdness, cleverness, smartness; experience, 

to scarify, scratch, incise, slit, slash, i-^i, 1 j[ji 
cut, make incisions into; to slice, cut into slices 

to strike off, strike out, cross out, Ik* < cii^ : 
scratch out, write off, cancel, delete; to eliminate, re- 
move, take off, take out; to erase, efface, expunge 

to strike off the roll (^)J ^GJl) Jjji- 'j* \_' W;~ 

[,.'■■ ,- TTEgl 


carotid artery, carotid 

arteritis; polyarteritis 

arteriosclerosis; atherosclerosis 


drinkable, potable 

heavy drinker 

slice; section 

steak; rasher ry^* ^ **^» : <i^ 

slide (^)J ojSL-jj^-JJ <UJ ji« il»-l»- j) igji 


ijjjl jJS 





(*-• ' *j^ 


wicked, vicious, malicious, malevolent, jj^ 1 jijii 
bad, evil, ill, evil-minded, blackhearted, dark, 
sinister, iniquitous, villainous, nefarious; evildoer, 
sinner, wrongder; scoundrel, rascal, rogue, villain 

tape, ribbon; band, strip; line; string, cord, lace; JL.^i 
wire, cable; braid, galloon; stripe, streak, bar 

(typewriter) ribbon 
absorption band 
(magnetic) tape ^p. 

shoelace, shoestring 
animated cartoon 

film, motion picture, movie; 


tape measure, tapeline 

adhesive tape 

documentary film, documentary 

*lifl Jajjl 

JajjZt %3*\j"-J*iy* '.KAijJ* 

Pw MP* 

^lj — JffjM, HJagj* 


tapeworm, cestode, taenia 

*Jaj J* «JjJ 

O - 


chip, splinter, sliver 

sandwich J^jjjL, '-ay^* 

to fragment(ate), fragmentize, splinter, sliver, ,jJii 
chip, shatter, break up 

to be or become hard, harsh, uncom- (yiliJ I ) < i jift 
fortable, rough, rugged, austere 

hardship, difficulty, discomfort, suf- ( yilkJl) < ihi« 
fering, straits; harshness, ruggedness, austerity 

hard, harsh, rough, rugged, austere < ijift 

splinter, sliver, chip, fragment, e^JLi. <ulJ : <uJi2 

fibula g^V^" 1 t5 ^ JI P** : 4^ 

sequestrum jj^"* 

'>"' •* " ■"■» 

cobweb, spiderweb, web oj-S-JJ I c~> : v» 

-■* -■* -.•• 

Sjjai fJflj — ("Ji**" L»Jj*») ^jl*i 

ritual(istic), ceremonial, liturgical ^^**" 

slogan; watchword, password; catchword; jU£ 

motto, logo; emblem; insignia; sign; graffito 

coat of arms, escutcheon i)LJI jUi. 

heraldry oljUl (,jLc. j I ) ,j :SjUS 

,- * - ,•» 
ray, beam, streak yi*** ^/* ' £, 

radius [ oLJ»1j j J ^J»» i_i.aj : pUi. 

spoke J-^H :*JLs«*JI jl (-j^j-JI pUi. 

radial ^-* U* 

Radiolaria "Ho»»«J' °^^^-' Cr* Vj :oll*Ui 

PalmSunday o^^*~" -*»■' 'i>^'**" 

to ramify, branch, bifurcate, fork, divide py : u-*i 
(up), subdivide, section 

people; nation; public -y : i_. 

mountain pass, defile, gap, gate, col J-j>- j jjjl. : i-jci 



to nonsuit, quash, drop c5y>J I <-J*S> 

to bevel, chamfer (»JI ^U-j>JI iiU) i_J»i. 

slash, slit, incision, cut j£ i J£ 

striking off, striking out, crossing yu . (J Jl»- : <_J*t. 
out, scratching out, writing off, cancellation, 
deletion; elimination, removal; erasure, effacement 

nonsuit iSjc- jJ I 

beveling, chamfering (»JJ y-«r\>JI iiU-) i_- 

to halve, bisect, divide *Ju» i jii illi iLCaj ijJki 
into two (usually equal) parts; to split, intersect, 
cut across; to sunder, sever, cut off 

to split, fission i I yj I j I » j JJ I jjai 

to separate from, dissociate oneself J'^«- 1 : ^ ^Li, 
from, break off from, secede from, withdraw from 

to be or become sly, cunning, ljJ)» b olS" : ^Li 
shrewd, clever, smart 

jjoi, «a»lj — «Ja» '(j>^» ' <*~* ' ' '"*" 'jam 

halving, dividing, divi- «Jm « J^li i ^Ju i i.^j :^ki> 
sion, bisecting, bisection; splitting), intersecting, in- 
tersection, cutting; sundering, severing, severance 

half, moiety i-«laj :Jh^ 

hemistich j*^JI ^ o~j >.<.aj :^Ja^ 

part, portion, division, section >j»- <-Li :jJai 

direction »Uu 1 1 i^ j i i^a- : J^- 

* .^ * ^» ' 

towarcKs), to, in the direction of <->y* <■ oUuL : Joi. 

chess (*r»J) g'j^ 1 *" 

*,* * j- - 
pawn, man gj^leCJI j>y 

chessboard ryj*Zi\ \**-j) j') ***j 

^ '■• ^ • * ji •. ^ 
binary iy^ '?TJ J ^* : i3j^**" 

excess; going too far, exceeding the limits, jjUu : -kh£ 
overstepping all bounds; encroachment, inroacXs), 

to rinse, wash jjli : • «'l«ft 

rinsing, rinse, washing, wash Jli : • »■«* 

piece, chunk, lump <uiJ : <lki 



•i* * 

blank verse, unrhymed verse ,j«i. _>~c j I J-^ ^ 
epic(al) or heroic poetry i/^*^ -^ 

elegiac poetry 
love poetry, erotic poetry 
lyric poetry or verse 
narrative poetry 

verse, line (of poetry) 

Sirius, Dog Star 


dog days 

hairy, hirsute, shaggy 

a hair 

[Sli]£iQ\ u>lll .tf>il 

,5 ^, , , - 

hairy, hair *i« fy-<« jl ^yi-iJI JJ cjj— l» ^v*- 1 

capillary aj^lJI iusU-L J^* jl !>*»■ jjj '-iSj** 

„ • - •> >'t 
capillary, capillary tube <Sj*~ oj-y I 

.5 • - t> <■'''•>'.,-' 

capillary attraction <>j*Z- *e^=r ' <3j*~ o iu«J 



poetic license 

jjuJu (jevi- '.lijtlt 

&j**r yyr 

■„i' > *'_ _ 

lattice, lattice-tlLUjJ ^»- U- 1 ixll* SiiLi i ii^ : Oj»S 
work, trellis, trelliswork, grating, grate, grul(e), grid 

vermicelli i>h** Of **-Jj J^ ' V**- : **j*~" 

capillarity *j^ <-*\*- '■ <ij>^- 

.». . > ' *. - *- > _s'.- 

trichinea >U-. al J l J r M <uJj oijj :*jj*^- 

trichinosis, trichiniasis <>j^i\ l\i 

poetics; poeticalness *iv*r" 

to dilute, mix with water, thin «.U.L> r-> < <-*«>- : vIam 
(down), water (down), attenuate, weaken 

to radiate, shine, beam ^.1 : «^*i 

dilution, mixing with water, «.ULLj r> 
thinning, weakening, attenuation 

J*i.l JJflj- Jjki lj*i 


coral reef i^!^V *■• 

branch, ramification; fork; offshoot, shoot; «yi : 
section, division, subdivision; department 


(oLJIj Ulj^*-' l.'t ytfii j) 



bronchial tube 

bronchi, bronchial *t?lyll j L . nil 




popular; people's; public; folk 

popular (or people's) democracy i^S- iU» 



folk dancing, folk dance .--*i. (>u j 

bronchial iJ 



I ^-lyulj jtioU ji : ^^-jfci 


i***-" t-^l^jl 

bronchial asthma 


to dishevel, rumple, 

tousle, ruffle (^J 1 ) iJci 



to feel, sense; to perceive, notice, dJjil i ^-p- 1 : -> jt^t 
realize, know; to be or become aware of, conscious 
of, cognizant of 

to sympathize with, empathize ^c i. a J n c- : « j^ 
with, feel for, participate in the feelings or ideas of, 


, • * ~' ' 
to poetize, versify, compose poetry ytJ I p-L :^ 

hairy, hirsute, shaggy ^1 i^lJI jUS :j*i 


pubes, pubic hair 

wig, peruke, periwig, toupee 

poetry, verse 

didactic poetry or verse 

free verse 



.■ . ■■■ ■;.i-,vji??..-T-rn 

endocardial (_ii)| ijLLj Ji«li :^JU-1 

pericardical, pericardiac i_li)l ci^Lu jL^ : ,jUi 
J^»i £?■ ' j _ ^ ' 'J^U :JLiLi 
J' "* » ylj - J» r , * ,» :Jl»i 

riot, disturbance, trouble, unrest, disorder, . .** 

tumult, strife, uproar, commotion, turmoil 

to be or become vacant, unoccupied, empty, free j*i 

- . i 4 - » ' 

to love, adore, be madly in love _> «Jj 1 1 i_j- 1 : 

with, be infatuated with, be enamored of, be 
passionately fond of, dote on 

(passionate) love, passion; fondness; s-^J j < L*. 
strong enthusiasm; interest 

cilii )«»-lj 


• * ** " '-•'» J -•,*-■ „ *■*•,.*•', - ' - 

occupy, busy, make busy, keep busy; to preoc- 
cupy, take up, engross, engage, absorb, fill up, fill 
completely, take one's entire attention; to be on 
someone's mind 

to worry, disquiet, trouble, *JU jli, ( J.*}\ *ili 
distrub, upset, disconcert, discomfort 

to distract (from), divert (from), ^ I : (j*) Jii 
keep (from); to hold in play, keep the attention of 

to occupy, fill (up), take up ljjl»- jl UI5C- ,jli 

to occupy, reside in, dwell in, live in ^j^. jli 

to occupy, hold, fill, be in charge of l' ,- *'. jl*, 

to employ, J^ ii^ < }Lt »U^. | t '^j^L \ : 'Ji» 
hire, take on, recruit, engage the labor or services 
of; to provide employment or work for; to give 
work to; to make work, keep busy, busy, occupy 

to work, run, operate, make J**! tJ1r . < jbl :Jii 
work, set in operation, put or keep in action, 
actuate, start (up) 

to be distracted or diverted by something^ k> 3ii 

»■■'■•' ' -• 


torch; flame, blaze, fire 
Palm Sunday 

violent, vehement, fierce, volcanic, wild; mas- f \^i, 
sive, large-scale, sweeping, all-out, thorough 

to juggle, conjure; to quack, swindle, humbug, i'^i, 


jugglery, legerdemain, sleight of hand, presti- 5 i^i. 

digitation, conjuration, conjuring; magic, sorcery; 

charlatanism, charlatanry, quackery, swindle, 

humbug(ging), mountebankery 

feeling, sensation, sense; consciousness, aware- j^i 

ness; perception; sensibility, sensitivity; sentiment, 

affection, emotion 

presentiment, feeling, intuition, hunch "Jj.\ j "j^l. 

\+,\&. j \ 4 * 3r \j- J ^,'i 

subconscious ,«lJI c* (L.) 


unfeeling, insensate, insen- jyli\ o»U « jyli I -rju. 
sible, insensitive, insentient, unconscious 

conscious; sensory, sensuous, sensible, sen- 
sate; sentimental, emotional 






(.Li-^1 L. 

(oLi) jyu* 

malt (J^£ll £-J) *UI j jiJU 

rite, ritual, (religious) ceremony, cere- (jilli r-) ojyui 
monial, liturgy 

small hair, little hair 

capillary, capillary tube 


primer, (percussion) cap, detonator 



i_-UJI iiU»j iLJljLi 

'f: "' ' - : - 
j^,U i »_JLaJ I cibli- : (jUi 

«_iill iiLL L.I4JI :<_»lii 
>}» ) • .> 


curative, curing, healing, remedial, medicinal, ^JliS 

<J»L- « t j 


intercession, mediation <U»L-j < «iU :<£ 

transparent, diaphanous, gauzy, thin, sheer, ijlii 


tracing paper, transfer paper uUi. Jjj 

transparency, diaphaneity, diaphanousness, cjlii 
gauziness, thinness, sheerness, pellucidity 

translucent, translucid i_ilii. L -u ii : ^J liLS 

translucence, translucency CilAi *<*iJI 6^ :iliLii 

lip ^1 ^. ^-jU-l ^JJI (J-iJl :iii 

labium, lip [*L»-l]iit, 

edge, border, rim, brim, lip, flange, yju. i i»U- : iit, 
verge, brink 

word <uu : iiiJ I c— j 

edge of the eyelid (^yiJ- 1 ) j£~ 

labium 5 1^1 rji (Sj^ ■**■' '• j*> 

labia minora o l^^ilaJ I <j\j^ I 

labia majora o I/lX) I 6 1 y^ I 

blade J-^l is^^ii 

(razor) blade (ii^U-l ) 5>i 

plowshare, colter ^'.P*^ •j*- 

cipher, code •./>—" ■ *^*" 

sleet jJ»ll -u»- :<-»liii 

to give the right of preemp- i*il) I J*- o U»c I : «i 
tion to 

to double; to add, oy i »J I ( (_>U»I < uicU : jit 
attach, subjoin, append, supplement; to enclose; to 
couple (with), accompany (by) 
diplopia, double vision j- 3 ^' r'j J j' : J*- 1 

even Jb uj-u t ,J* .»., ■* ■. ' ■» i (yrjj : ja- 

* . "t - — •' 

J>»- t 4 llfl Ml 

(right oO preemption 

occupancy, occupation, 
filling, taking up 

work; labor; job; occu-ii-Ji j i i^. « <^> t Jlc : Jvi 
pation, vocation, business, profession, career, 
calling, metier, trade; employment; function 
work [ t b yj ] jli 

(Jii* j^-lj— ^Jiu* j.k ^ai t jlitt/1 ^(JjLi 

> • > 

needlework »y!^ Jii 

piecework, taskwork, work by the job ickilb Jii 

chief concern, preoccupation; foremost JiL Jii 
activity or occupation 

hard labor, penal servitude iili, JUt I 

J • c 

public works 

handwork, handiwork; hand-ijjjj Jli^U tSjjjJii 
icraft, handcraft; craftwork; manual work or labor 

o«tLl* «>■ I j — \^>yu» 

vacancy e-ly i^U- i IjiL s,^JI o^i 0>*i 

* . ".' * • '' 

laborer, worker, workman, work- ^ I t J^U : jJui 
ingman, wage earner, wageworker; employee 

the proletariat, the working «,Ly.lJ I iili> i a,!,.,.,;,! I 
class, the laboring class, the workers, the labor 

to be or become transparent, U Ui. ol^ : i-ii 

diaphanous, thin 

gauze, gauzy fabric J^J j ji—J : <Jl» t <Jl» 

to cure, heal, restore to health, make l^l : ,jii 

healthy, make well 

to quench or satisfy one's thirst (for re- *JLU ( yi- 
venge, etc.); to revenge oneself, avenge oneself, 
take revenge, get or have one's revenge; to wreak, 
give vent to (one's anger, etc.) 

edge, border, rim, brim, verge, brink iiU- : lii 

on the verge of, on the brink of, at the I Jcf Ui. ^t. 

point of, about to 

recovery, recuperation, convalescence, ty : «U£ 

healing, cure 

cure, remedy, medicine, medicament, r-^L. : »Ui. 




, < .. , .. 9 

to split, cleave, fissure, crack, rift, «-*> i J^-* ' £^ : I*-" 
break; to tear, rend, rip (apart), unrip, rive; to cut 
open, slash open, slit open, cut, incise, make 
incisions into; to carve up, dissect 

to break (dawn) 

to build (a road, street) 

yt ' '.ft ' I (*— 
* - t * - ~ - 

* -' * *" s - 
to excavate, dig, hole (a tunnel, *JJ sLi jl Uil Ji 

canal, etc.) 

to open one's way, force one's way, push <uj^i» ^ 
one's way, shoulder one's way, elbow one's way, 
plow one's way, hustle, thrust (into), pass 
(through), squeeze (in); to make one's way up, 
work up, rise, advance, progress, make progress 

to rebel, revolt, mutiny, renounce ic-LDI d& Ji 

to sow dissension or stir up discord »^i) I Cai ^ 
among or between, drive a wedge between 

to break forth, shoot up, sprout, germi- oLJ I ^ 
nate, spring, grow 

to break through, erupt, grow ^L) I ^ 

to be or become hard (for),JiJi L.«^»: jr »^ll(AjL&)jt 
difficult (for); to be or become hard to bear (for), 
unbearable (for), oppressive (for) 

fissure, crack, cleft, rift, chink, chasm, «■ Ju> i jj : ^i 
crevice, crevasse, break, split, rent, tear, rip, 
fracture, cranny, slit, slot 

radical [ »l. ,«...<] jl»l : J£ 

split(ting), cleavage, cleaving, fissur- J£ j.i'a. :J^. 
ing, fission, cracking, rifting, breakGng); tearOng), 
rending, rent, ripping, riving; cutting open, slash- 
ing open, slitting open, cutting, incision, incising; 
carving up, dissection 

half; side; part, section tJ >- icJUi i_«-x, :jp 

gibbon jj^l ^ ^J : ji, 

• s * 
with great difficulty, hardly, barely, y-iJ I JJj 

scarcely, (only) just, by a narrow margin, narrowly 
'• * t, ' >'.. - -'* ,:.' 

lj£*\ «J*lj — UIm 4iiU»- Ijjatul I UW 

unhappiness, misery, wretchedness, lit i *lii 

ill-being, misfortune, distress, suffering 

■■' • : 

-S: ..■> .'.a'J.".1 




to arouse pity in, fill with mercy, Jiij -d*^ : J>i£ 
soften someone's heart, move, touch 

twilight, afterglow l^ j^c juj a „.„'„l I e^ ili : Jii 

o^- : l ^i-. 

fear, fright 

aurora australis, southern -j --j-l - ^H J-' 11 


aurora borealis, northern lights (JL-U I - ^1 1 JiJ I 

pity, compassion, commiseration, i*»-j njUi- :iiii 
deep sympathy, mercy, feeling, affectionateness, 
tenderness, kindness, kindliness 

oral, spoken, verbal, parol 'i^^ ^> '*.!** 

labial, lip JiJjL jLi. : ^ii, 

orally, verbally, by word of mouth C^ii 

compassionate, pitiful, sympathetic, merciful, J^ii 
affectionate, tendeKhearted), softhearted, warm- 
hearted, kindhearted, kindOy) 

labiate ijyt oCj i ijyt 

Labiatae, Lamiaceae(oLJ I ^ )<Jy^J I*l I : oC^ii 

to recover, recuperate, convalesce, heal, get ,-ii 

well, regain health, be cured, be restored to health 

edge of the eyelid {j^L I ) jj^i, 

edge, border, margin, rim, iiU- t j»- i ci^i» : jJ& 
brim, flange, fringe, verge, brink, point 

on the verge of, on the brink of, at the \jf jj& Jx. 
point of, about to 
intercessor, mediator 

patron saint 

a rl i ■ J y filt~J ir* I li ft mi 
it - ' 

J» J H I |Wj^J 

OUm jup^Ij— UUm 

(_>u^i «3»-lj— ciliii ' I a ■ ^ *■■ 



*> ♦= 



anemone, windflower 
sea anemone, anemone 
sister, full sister, whole sister 

(oU) j^ii. 

r» : 

(oLj) (j^jcJI J^jlii 


anemone, windflower 

to doubt, suspect, question, distrust, i_>lj jl : ( j) dJUtr 
mistrust, raise a doubt (about), entertain or have 
doubts or misgivings (about), call into question, be 
suspicious (of), be skeptical (about) 

to stick; to drive in, insert; to pierce, jr-j « jji :<iii. 
transfix, stab, thrust, jab; to prick, sting 

to stitch, sew, seam; to whip, Ji) i jjj :i£L. 


to baste, tack ^ j^JI ^ jlcL i r-^- i ry- :<iJLC» 

doubt, suspicion, distrust, mistrust, misgiv- i_-j j : dLS 
ing, doubtfulness, uncertainty, dubiety, dubiosity, 
skepticism, incredulity 

reasonable doubt 

jjjfc, i 

undoubtedly, doubtless, tHi^.tHiuji^nHi^j 
without doubt, no doubt, unquestionably, indubi- 
tably, certainly, sure, surely, for sure, to be sure, 
assuredly, of course, by all means, absolutely, 
definitely, positively 

to complain, lodge (raise, JfJZ <. Jfi£.\ '■ i££ i w\-i 
make) a complaint; to complain, nag, repine, 
growl, grumble, grouch, express one's discontent 
(grief, pain, etc.); to suffer (from) 

peevishness, petulance, pettishness, fractious- ~kJSJ± 
ness, fretfulness, moroseness, morosity, grumpi- 
ness, surliness, sulkiness, sullenness, ill humor 

hobble, fetter, shackle, trammel, clog, brace jui : JwCi 

. if 
snipe ( J JU.)i r iLi 

prick, sting; jab, stab, thrust '"j^i '■ ^-» r 

to thank, express or show gratitude or appre- (J) JSLZ 
ciation to, be thankful or grateful to 

. f o > 

thanks, thankfulness, gratitude, grateful- uljSLi i^SLi 

'^■■v •'•'■■■•■ 

<uJ£ »-lj - («a,.y. \*ljkt) Jjlii 
anemone, windflower (oLi) jlii 

dissension, discord, disunity, disunion, schism jlii 

distance iiL* :*ii 

--■' I -- ■' "- ■ 

wide gap 

apartment, flat, suite, tenement; 
house, place 

strip, slip, long narrow piece; 
splinter, sliver 

half, moiety 

wide gap 

to be or become blond, fair 

blondness, fairness 

* - * I . ~ " A / " A 

J ' ' >>f, ' 



rust jjJ»i 

blondness, fairness 

to chirp, cheep, peep <j)jj : ji}. 

to tumble; to upset, overturn, upturn, turn 

over, capsize, overthrow, overset, turn upside 

down, turn topsy-turvy; to mess up, disarrange 

somersault, somerset, tumble, tumbling; 
unseating), overturning), upturning, turning over, 

to be or become unhappy, miserable, tr L> « ,^-J : ^ii 

unhappy, miserable, wretched, (J-5L i (j-^ • i/** 
unlucky, unfortunate, distressed 

• ' * ' \ 
scoundrel, rascal, rogue, villain; ^jsy i jjjl. : ,j~ 

criminal, culprit, evildoer; outlaw 

brother, full brother, whole brother, £l : J-ii 




:\ ^ij-^t !=»:] 

formal; nominal; pro forma (invoice, etc.) ^JSLi 

formally, in form QSCi 

formalities oUiSLi 

formalism illSLi 

to bridle; to curb, bit, snaffle l^J :ȣLi 

complaint, grievance; protest; claim (<5jlCi. r-) tijikJi 

•jf I j — dLiJ : tS)£~- 
L$^—" ^r'j - <>^*—» 

• > > » 

r i -»^ J ' 

[oLjJ «Jal> '■ jS~t* 


sucker, tiller, shoot 

bit, curb, curb bit, snaffle, bridoon 

to paralyze 

JUL, oC»l : J£ 

to paralyze, cripple, immobilize, (ol^i /\ <SJ>-) Ji, 
neutralize; to overwhelm, overcome, overpower 

to be or become paralyzed, paralytic JUL, i 

paralyzation, paralyzing jji,» :Ji 

waterfall, cataract, falls, chute; cascade jjili. : Jxi 
hank.skein <£ i**J ( J^li>^- ^ iL»^ :iii 

: ^ 

to undress, unclothe, disrobe; to denude, 
strip off, bare 

to rob, rip off; to strip of '^ V^i- 1 

to dribble, trickle, drip 'jj /\ ^U : *Ul /\ f\l\ 'Jila 
lamprey (i£L~) jQi- : jLi 

paralysis, paralyzation, palsy JJLi 

palsy ^ji- ji^jL^jjlJli 

poliomyelitis, polio, infantile paralysis JUi^l Jii, 
paresis i^it ji ^^ Jii 

quadriplegia iyj^l <JlJ>'Sl! Jii i^-cCj Jli 


WJiJ.v.L^ 1 - iv ■ -■ 


feu) iSsd, 

ness, acknowledgment, appreciation 
thank you! thanks! 

Thanksgiving Day ^sCi) I Luc 

to be or become peevish, LSCi 6^ :(j-£jl <-\jSJi 
petulant, morose, ill-tempered 

peevish, petulant, cross, pettish, fractious, fret- (j-Ss-i 
ful, morose, crabbed, crabby, grumpy, surly, sulky, 
sullen, querulous, ill-tempered, bad-tempered, 
ill-humored, ill-natured 

to misgive, suggest doubt t_jl j I i ctLD I j «jj I : dl£i 
to, fill with doubt or suspicion, make doubt, make 
doubtful or skeptical 

to hobble, fetter, shackle, tram- Lui : (JLCllL.) JSw 

mel, clog, brace 

, -.- '».- , - ~ 

to plait, braid j>J> : (U^ 5 1^1 e~) jCi 

to form, shape, fashion, < aJ I i Oji « jyo t j-U» : J£i 

mold, formalize, forge, frame, work; to create, 
make, originate, build; to establish, set up, insti- 
tute; to constitute, make up, compose 

to diversify, vary, variegate, give variety to Vy : JSli 

to vowelize, vocal- iiTp- : (»J J <JS j I U^»- ) JSll 
ize, point, furnish with vowel points or signs, add 
vowel points or signs to 

to plaid, braid y^e : (U^, sl^ll c~) J£i 

jsi £-lj-'4i :(JlsdjL,) jki 

form, shape, figure, (outward) ap- 5 j^> i ill* : J^* 
pearance, (con)figuration, outline, conformation, 
build, semblance, morphology 

type, pattern, cut; make, build; s-'y i jl^i> : JSli 

model; mode, manner, fashion, style; kind, sort, 


figure, drawing, picture; illustra- l^yo < -lj : JiCi. 

tion; design, pattern 

vowel point, vowel, diacriti- <J^»- ^c iS"j»- : JSLH. 
cal mark 

J-fl : j^lj-ol^l jl .Jj^Ll 4;^ :jCi 
figure yr^* J^- 

in form, formally ^LSCi 


northern, north, northerly jdJI <Jj o, „ :'. :^JUi 

northerner JL-UI *L.I o»-l :<JLi. 

j- • ' $ 
northeastern, northeasterly) J>jZ. (J Li. 

northwestern, northwesterly) ^ji. ,JLi. 

north wind, norther, northerly V^*- rvj 

left, left-hand (^i')^jLo i^Ui 

y^ui jrlj-yJLt :y)Ui. 

jd*0l 7i*Jaj I ^LaJm 

c> : - 

muskmelon, cantaloupe, (sweet) 


to rejoice at the misfortune o^-i 
of, gloat over someone's grief 
to disappoint 

to tower, rise; to be or become high, lofty "ic : n*£ 

to turn up one's nose (at),jJCj : ( J*)<uil j! Aiil i*»i. 
scorn, disdain; to be or become proud, haughty, 
arrogant, supercilious 

to tuck up, roll up, (<JiL. jl 4jatL ,jt oyJI)^^ 
turn up, gather up, lift 

to get 



tL. , 



ready for, prepare oneself for, gird oneself for, gird 
(up) one's loins for; to buckle down to, knuckle 
down to, apply oneself to, get to work, embark 
upon, set out to 

to break out, flare up, erupt IpL jt. <_/yU o^li. 

stalk; raceme; thyrse, thyrsus til*" ' T v** 

fennel (oLl) S^li 

to balk; to be or become balky, restive, oj>- '■ w+Z 

to be sunny (day) 


to be sunny (day) 

(f^Jl) (j-^i 

to sun, insolate, solarize, 
expose to the sun's rays 

(j***— J 1 4a*« t (j&y£" ■ M«tm 

sunny; sunlit 



v r;i-:.»B.-« „^ y^-^"^- 

Parkinson's disease, paralysis 
agitans, shaking palsy 



Uj JLS. 

caisson disease, decompression sickness ^l^ii I JlL 

hemiplegia ^^ Jil 

paralytic TJULi 

shilling; schilling <<.uj •■*»■} : j~Li i^LS 

(torn-off) limb, (severed) member; ( *}L I r-) ^Ji 

fragment; stump, remaining bodily part; remnant, 
remains; corpse, body 

to smell, sniff, scent, nose, snuff Amj\J I J^_J :li 
to be or become haughty, proud, arro- jlSCj : li 

gant, supercilious 

smelling, smell, olfaction 

sense of smell, smell, olfaction IJJI *LU- i ll 

smciling salts JA\ r>»\ 

schadenfreude, glee at^JJI a . . ,n . > -rjt :oUi <«wl»J!i 
another's misfortune, gloating over another's grief 


^.Li p-lj- 

- — liji 


J 1 oji y?Vr* c*J J^J 


n*li ■■■) 1 Jiti M^- 1 * ' >* ' 


I4UU jl p-^JJI «_>L« 








north wind, norther, northerly JLlJI .wj : Jui 
, >, > ,t *_ ' 

north S J >-4-' J<^ ijJ' *i4-' : JUi 

north wind, norther, northerly JL-tJI »yj < Jut 
northwarcKs), north, toward the north "5ui 

northeast, northeastward (V^ ' < J^ ' 

northwest, northwestward ^.^iJ I JLlj I 

left, left side, left-hand side, left hand jl_> : JUi 

a 1 . i,.*» ^r'j ~ a I . i,r. :(JjL^. r) Jl*i 


to make smell, let smell, give to smell 

»—J ' 

pride, haughtiness, superciliousness, iil 1 1 JSZ ■ |**£ 
disdain; self-esteem, sense of honor 

height, altitude; highness, loftiness pUj j} ' '£* ■ ^ 


beet, red beet 

sugar beet 

highness, loftiness; height 

lJ £LJI 


pride, haughtiness, arrogance, 
superciliousness; glory, honor 

balky, restive, unruly, fractious, intrac- o)j>- '■ try*" 
table, refractory, recalcitrant, stubborn, obstinate 

sunny; sunlit o-f*"* ■ o*>*" 

inclusion, containment, t\yf\ ij^l ij*, aj :J>*i 
comprehension, embracement, encompassment 

comprehensiveness, OS" i Cl^i i il»U- 1 : J^*i, 
inclusiveness, exhaustiveness, thoroughness, ex- 
tensiveness, expansiveness, massiveness; generali- 
ty, universality; completeness, fullness 

olfactory j£|| il^ j]^ :'^ 

merit, good quality, good feature; ( JiCi £■) ii-»-i 
trait, characteristic; character, nature 

to wage (carry on, make) war (against), J* C'J*- 'jii 
fight, combat 

to make a raid or an invasion (against (J* ) SjU ^i, 
or on), raid, invade 

to launch or make an attack (J* ) illi- j I £j»» ^ 
(on), attack, assail, assault; to campaign, go on 
(conduct, wage, launch, make, mount) a campaign 
to hate, detest, loathe, abhor [^ \ : UJi, 

disgrace, dishonor, ignominy, infamy jic :j\li. 

** '- " 
ugliness, unsightliness, hideous- -J> c iilij : i*Li 

ness, repulsiveness 

atrocity, abomination; iiLLi tii-lo* i »lik» :<cLi 
enormity; outrage 

, 9- 

to convulse, cramp; to contract, constrict, n— 


alkanet, dyer's bugloss (oLi)jUii- 

H»» i 


sunstroke, insolation; heatstroke 

sun worship 

solar, sun 

sun letter 


calendar year 

calendar month 

([■■•■■■II o jl*£ 

i — ^iL 

solar system i". , *l l 

umbrella; parasol, sunshade 


to wax, treat (rub, polish, cover, smear) with wax jli 

wax «^Ji 

sealing wax 
beeswax, wax 
(wax) candle, bougie 
(spark) plug 


candlewick, wick 

candlepower; candela, 
(new) candle 

(jJ! i'jC. j) jui?l 

_, .9 >, , > ,,'>,,> 

<«-4-tJ\J OjJUJI tAl|*. SjjJ 

candlestick, candleholder, candelabrum, can- 6 1 


waxy, waxen '.'^ 

to include, contain, com- (jliJ i c$j^»- 1 : J*^ ' U*-* 
prise, comprehend, embrace, embody, encompass, 
enclose, cover, involve, imply 

to prevail in, reign in, spread jL i 1c : J*i, 1 3*^ 

through or over; be or become general, universal, 


to take care of, care for, look <u\cj /\ c'lly iiui 

after, attend to, take under one's wing, protect 

union, unity jU^; I : J»Ji 

cloak, mantle, toga 
turban, headband 



i»La* t i«Cc :( ijxl^l) illi 


[ ' ""l 



false testimony, perjury 
hearsay evidence 
certificate of origin 
evidence for the defense 
birth certificate 

•- •■, -- 

^ "- >* -' 
ill j tiji+i 

magnanimity, generosity; gallantry, noble- l+£ 

mindedness, chivalry, knightly conduct 

grayness; gray 4*4-" ' i_«t£ 

to witness, see (personally or for jJ»- 1 15 1 j : Jtj-i 
oneselO; to attend, be present at 
to testify, give evidence,* jI+Jj ^bl 1 : o+i. 
give testimony, witness, bear witness; to depose 

to certify, confirm, authen- (liS" <y>w> J*) o+i. 

ticatejto witness, testify to, attest to; to betoken, 

evidence, prove, demonstrate, furnish proof of, 

serve as evidence of 

to witness, be*,-! Jj-^cA* jjO^CJ^-j-'O^: •*+. 

the scene or setting of 

honey; honeycomb J-* : •**- ' ■**-' 

to make famous, well- c . 'nl l gli lj_j*^ *i«r : v*- 1 

known, renowned 

declare, announce, proclaim, 
to declare war (on) U-JLcl : (J*) vj^-' >- 

to draw, unsheathe, pull out <U-I : £)J i^-JI >i 

to libel, slander, defame, malign, ciJi 1 f i : j ^ 
vilify, vituperate, calumniate 


«ylj — C" ill' fJ'J 

1' '"•' 

: > i 


>^l -**-' :^i 








land or 

real estate registration 



•j? ,J ct'j 


fame, renown, celebrity, eclat, e,.^> 1 jl^li I : Sjt 
glory, repute, reputation 

goodwill l|.,.,:Ci <*J> '(5j^*j (*-) :(jj—~jlQ »>^ 

to disgrace, dishonor; to defame, slander; to ( Je) ^i- 

blame, criticize, censure 

,*' .. — 

to be or become ugly, unsightly, hideous, ^J : <*£ 
horrible, atrocious 

to uglify, make ugly, disfigure, distort *Jj 1 ^J : jJ-i 

to vituperate, revile, vilify, _j j^ 4 ^ i : J* ^Ji 
calumniate, slander, defame, libel; to pillory 



to delight or please the ears 1 i "il I 

'- ' * " * 

earring(s), eardrorXs) jl»- : (i_»Li I j i_»_^ r-) <-** 


f-LCl .J— I 

to hang, halter, gibbet, execute by liLi, 

rope Jli- :Jli 

hanging liii. »l.ic^ll 1 j>~^ jj-a* :J>1£ 

snipe (j^>) '-< *! ■'« 

ugly, unsightly, repulsive, repugnant, ~-i : v^Li 
abominable, hideous, horrid, horrible, heinous, 
disgusting, atrocious, gruesome, outrageous, 
monstrous, offensive 

to whet (stimulate, appeal to) the appetite; to be un- 
appetizing; to arouse one's desire (for), make 
desirous (of), allure, entice, invite 

meteor, shooting star, falling star 



testimony, evidence, testimonial, wit-jl^iL <Lj: 5 jl*-i 
ness; deposition; attestation; affidavit; statement; 
certificate, certification 

certificate, degree, diploma (<C»lc.) Sjl+i 

»~.' ^ . ■* * * ~~- 

martyrdom IjlJLI J_- J o^» :Sjl+i 

' " • f * *' 
evidence for the prosecution olJ 1 5 il+i. 

scrip, share certificate, stock 

certificate of deposit 
certificate of good conduct 

> >. t k ,- 

£jy~- ij—^ il^' 


■■■■ •- . i.-. „ _ - : . 


» 'A * * 

i alii ji «fcl Jj-1 j "[^ ■ Ju+A 




inspiration, inhalation, breathing in ji j jJ» : J*** 
sob, sobbing jj^i : J^S- 

bray(ing), hee-haw J^} : ( j'Cj. I ) Jj-ji 

to grill, broil, roast, barbecue (*J I JJJ i ) \$y« 

broiler, griller, roaster, barbecuer {Syi-t 'J» '• »l>- 

grill, broil, roast, grilled *J J -iJ^ &£• U : #l>- ' »lj^« 
or broiled or roast(ed) meat, etc. 

scalp u-0" »"*W :i '>** 

mustache yj I jJS 

^' ' ^ ^ 

• »- 1 *i •* 

cr>- J Cfb - ^ 1 ^ 

flame, blaze c..,^ < i_4l : ■*!>- 

homesickness, nostalgia ^i^JI J J { jJa- : Jl>i 

admixture, mixture, mixing, min- r-> ' -^- : <->>- 
gling, blending 

admixture, mixture, blend, mix ~ jl 1 ^JU- : o^i 

• '-• " .. * 
rolling pin Jli^. : db_^i < J^yt 

fir (^) c £ 

kite, gledej Egyptian vulture (yU>) **>*• 

(J!) >! plj-til :(Jl)^ 

.. - ..It.. 

.. . - .. * 
soup; pottage ,l_a- : ijj^i 1 \jjy> 

to confuse, mix up, jumble CJk& Jii- 1 Jl£ : yi>- 
(up), muddle, disorder, disarrange, disarray, disor- 
ganize, unsettle, derange, perturb, disturb, disrupt, 
throw into disorder or chaos or confusion 

to jam jJI ^t I'jJ JL j\ J* ^i^i 

. .. * .-. -. s- 
to singe, scorch, scald, sear J^j- 1 1 «- : i>ys 

round, half, course; cycle; run; race; stage, phase i>^i 

surname, family name, last name iilUJI .ll : S^i, 

sheldrake ,kJI ^ c.y :uL^Jl 

monthly, mensal £$^» 

monthly, every month, once a month, by the t_£. 
month, per month 

monthly salary, monthly wages 


to bray, hee-haw 

to inspire, inhale, breathe in Cii Jt»-I tJi-J : j^i 

to whoop 

to sob i 

» * 



to tower, rise; to be or become U»li (jii" > vj jl : Jj^ 
high, towering, lofty 

whoop Uw> :«i+£ 

whooping cough ^X» j Jli- : ii^. 

bluish-black color of the eyes ( p.^- 1 1 ) *4- ' Ji- 

magnanimous, generous; gallant, noble, chival- ^ 
rous; gentleman 

lustful, erotic, concupiscent, Ji < J-i : 6I34A ' lV 'ii- 
prurient, libidinous, carnal, salacious, sensual, sen- 
suous, voluptuous, voluptuary, uninhibited, over- 
sexed, randy 

lust(fulness), erotism, eroticism, ill* t jit : Zj I34A 
concupiscence, prurience, carnahty, salaciousness, 
sensuaUty, sensualness, sensualism, sensuousness, 
satyriasis, excessive sexual craving 

nymphomania <j^L; ill'ji^ 

appetite, appetency, desire, J^t, < i_ij ( i^i : 5>J^ 
craving, hunger, hankering, longing, yearning 

libido, sexual appetite or drive, carnal <L— >■ »j*i. 
appetite, lust, (sexual) desire, concupiscence, eroti- 
cism, erotism 

pica ( jJJI %y£, 

fleshly, carnal, sensual, erotic £» : Isyi* 

appetizing, palatable, savory, stimula- JbJJ 1 *i» : ^j£ 
ting or appealing to the appetite, mouthwatering,' 
tasty, delicious; desirable, pleasant 



EchinoderiTiata<.^*Jlolil^J-l^i-*i: jJi.1 ollT^i 

nimble, swift, quick 



granary, garner; barn 




black cumin, fennel-flower 

to deform, dis- ™~* :(jJI o-^JI jl ~J-I jl J£ill) «>£ 

figure, deface, misshape, distort, mar, mutilate, 


to distort, pervert, iSjf : ( jJJ ^jj.1 jl <i«JuM) «^i 

misrepresent, misstate, falsify, corrupt, twist, 

wrench, warp 

to defame, slander, wJJ ^.^11 jl c.fwill jl wJI »_ji 
libel, calumniate, denigrate, malign; to defile, soil, 
sully, tarnish, dirty, stain, (besmirch, blacken; to 
disgrace, discredit, dishonor, degrade, debase 

iy~i «j»- \j — oy*t 
-' - ' 

l\y* . t\y* ft' J ~ t^J** 

poetaster, versifier, rhymester, ballad- jjj^- -juyi 

monger, inferior poet 

thing; object; stuff; something f !_i 

something L. t^ 

some, a little (of), a certain amount of j» t<J^ 

little by little, bit by bit, gradually, step by LLii iLi 

step, by steps, by degrees, piecemeal 

nothing; none; naught, nil, nihil, zero t( Ji, *} 

grilling, broil(ing), roast(ing), barbecu-<5>i, j.lUT. :^_i 

porter, carrier 



objective, objective lens, object k. 

to make white-haired or gray-haired 
to cause to turn white or gray 

Jl**- : J LJm 



half (jJJ r 'jOJl 5/ j) J»>L 

stroke [iSLilC-] J»^i 

to progress, make (^ jUdl j I j_»j jl) Ij^Jf U»_^i. *Jai 

good progress, make head(way), advance (in great 


horseradish tree, ben tree, ben-oil (»t) icjji t f jji 


harrow, drag ii> „• : cjjji 

oat(s) (oLj) Oli^i 

chauvinistic); chauvinist l*~j>"' 

chauvinism ilLJjJi 

to fill with desire (longing, interest, suspense, &'y, 
etc.); to excite, work up, thrill, move, motivate, 
stimulate; to fascinate, interest, hold the interest of 

longing, yearning, craving, han- l j~^- . jQi I : j yi 
kering, pining, desire, wish, hunger, thirst, 
eagerness; nostalgia 


liL'li js-lj-d, 

(dill i) d^i 

li)^JI j^ 


(^)l«l>ljl r CJJl)^ 

thorns, spines, prickles 


hedge sparrow 


thorn, spine, prickle 



spur (j.>~»JI c/»vj tiXjjJI jj-j j) tfj^. 

power, might, force, strength; ^U . 5y : iS"^i. 

bravery, valor, prowess, intrepidity 

tuning fork ^..tII iS"^. i -LiUj *S"^i, 
hemlock (oLi) ul^j- 

cowbane (oLi) ^L olj^>i 

chocolate ij^^^i t *^£ y> 

spiny, thorny, prickly, spinose, echinate, tJJjll '-\S'yt 

spinal, vertebral t$^ i '(Sjti : ^/>i 

artichoke (oLj)^/^i yr»jl 

to see off, bid farewell (to); to escort, llV^ J^i I j : jli 

to escort the ijUil 'Q. <.j± y l\ \\yj. J I cJll 'Zi 

deceased to his final resting place, pay the 

deceased the last honors 

sect, denomination; faction, party; *i'j> « &lt : 2 


• » 
followers, adherents, partisans, disciples «■ Li I : *■_£. 

the ShiaCh), the Shiites iLli I 



-- * i ' - '•- 

Shiite; Shiitic 


4 1 . ♦.•».) luLJtf 

cipher, code 

Jsu-l* ^ 1 j — J>u-1* i J}-"-** 

moray, moray eel 



Q^") 1 ^ 

traveler's ,j.j>LA\ liLi. 

t i»*L— t 3 !...*, t /^l*— « i l..*» 


- '- » - / ■; *v ' * , 

bad check, false *6jy j\ j^aj (jL jl) Oj-V oLi. 

check, check without provision, uncovered check 
blank check yiC ,1* iiLi 

checkbook olSlJ: ^J i 

load, cargo, burden; weight 
rye; darnel 

habit, custom, practice, 

manneKs); nature, (natural) disposition, character: 

characteristic, trait, quality, property, attribute 

porcupine, hystrix, quill pig (ul>^! 

spread(ing), circulation, currency, jlliil i e-^j j :f«li 

condominium, coparcenary, JJ<"y A . Jj"Cl. 'r-j..* 
community, joint ownership 

in common, jointly, in joint ownership frj-ill ^* 
communist; communist(ic) 


little thing, small thing, trifle 

JS*"» *, 

gr -*i^- 

gray or white hair, hoariness, grayness or(^*J I ) t-^ 
whiteness of the hair 

old age ij-y»Ji : i_-J. 

mottle, colored spot, speckle, fleck iL» j i <Lu : cJ» 

mark, sign i« Xc : i-i 

" "i ' * 
chintz, (printed) calico ,JJi» r>~~> : c— -< 

wormwood (oLj ) £-i 

to age, grow old 

old man; old, aged, advanced in years 


sheik(h); chieftain; chief, head; leader; 

master; elder 


f/'C U: C^ 

£f j : j^" 

senate r>~" tr^u 

fleabane (olJ) ^^1 j^ < J-J-! j^-i. 

old age, senility, senescence ^y» : ir-y*^ 

geriatrics «j-y«_Jl i_J> 

gerontology i^^-JI Jlc 

senile, aged, geriatric '^yt** 

to build, erect, construct, set up, raise, put up ^j : jli 
plaster, plaster of Paris; parget, stucco j^»- : xJi 

sesame oil 

>.j '•TL-X?' '£>>r* 


*1. i *Lai i LJljijjy* 



foil, saber, epee, smallsword 

skewer, spit, brochette jy- 4 £— . : jl^. 

• * £-•' 

fencing, swordplay, swordmanship (_r~ J I V^ 

narghile, hubble-bubble, water pipe, '^rj^> '■<?- 


to singe, scorch, sear, burn slightly 

the Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Shaitan; 
devil, fiend, demon 

devil's advocate 


devilish, satanic, fiendish, diabolical), ^l 

demoniac, demonic; hellish, infernal 

to behave like a devil 'j^> )'~ ■ j\}- 

devilry, deviltry, reckless conduct or fun, 


>^r ^Jr \£r ^^ ^^ ^^ >r ^J^ >^^ ht ^r ^^ "^^r 

^^ ^J^ ^^ n^ ^jr ^5^ >^^ ^r n^ ^^^ Mr ^r >J^ 

cake of soap O^UaJI ^ <ui»# : <J vLa 

soapy, soaplike, saponaceous <~. jl o^UaJlS' :^_i vl^ 
soap boiler, soap maker ijy £*l I j-i U> : Jy^ U> 
bouncing bet, soapwort (oLi ) «li ji Lo 

saponite c-j«jl^ 



to sound, ring, toll, knell, make a U^o liui- 1 : bL« 
sound or noise 

to phonate, produce 
speech sounds; to vocalize 
to shout, cry, yell 

sheet iron 

baking tin, bread tin 

i-tblS" Ul»«el ri i-l :oU> 


•7- ».- ." . ■ 

Olc j^ju <yJj 


J>J» '.rLo 

to cry, yell, shout, scream, screech, shriek, ■fj* : r-la 
squall, whoop 

clear, cloudless, serene, yi* > <_»L> : ((y-CUji) rla 
bright, sunny, shiny, fine, fair ' 

to crow 

to call out to, shout to 

my friend! 

awake, wakeful, unsleeping, up 
watchful, vigilant, alert 



* ; " ■■ ' ■« t Jii 
o'jx— J— t 

to be or become a companion of, jU- 1 J jU> : L^L 
an associate of, a friend of, a comrade of; to make 
(be, become) friends with, befriend, associate with; 
to keep company with, consort with 

to chirp, cheep, peep ^U. : ( £l J £>J I ) Jic 

right, in the right, ^f- ■ > X^ J> . . ,_ _ ,-'. • , j\_ r 
correct; unerring, faultless, hitting the mark; 
well-advised, prudent, sound, reasonable, rational; 
apposite, apropos, relevant, pertinent, apt, to the 

.- '- .- _- - > 

nit J^ill l^j :olj«o 

*- > 


goldsmith, jeweler 
fasting; faster 

t-L.^ »■ I j — *u L0 
jLvj «-lj ~ JbLtf 

(ol^lllj ^lill^piU 

preserver, conserver, keeper, guard- Jlj « JiiU- : ^ La 
er, guardian, protector, caretaker; niaintainer, sus- 
tainer; preservative, conservative, protective, de- 
fensive, preventive; preserving, conserving, keep- 
ing, guarding, protecting, maintaining, sustaining 

(_>u«i »-ij-(Uj*) oLtf 

JliJI (^^j :{<>\'yo \*3jiu) 0LU0 

shad; clupeid; pilchard (til—) i*jjl« 

soap *UI j ojjj 1 «Jj;,. , J^.1* : ujiLa 



JjU nAi 

i— ^Lfl 

' -'■ ' -" 

to hunt, shoot y^i : »J I ul^*-lj ^liJI jUo 

to fish, catch tHUl jU> 

j - „ 

to (en)trap, (en)snare, (en)tangle, (en)mesh, w jU« 
gin, catch in a trap or snare 

to angle, hook ; jl ;.** jU« 

repelling, repellent, driving back or away, j I j : 'jL? 
keeping off or back, holding off, parrying, warding 
off, fending off; repeller, repellent 

very thirsty jiJl -ooi :(i$.iLaJl) jLs 

singer, chanter; singing, chanting, warbling i\i. : r jLo 

to confiscate, seize, sequester, impound, 3*-»- : j J ^-» 
requisition, expropriate 

published, issued, put out, brought (~M ol^) jjLa 

pronounced, delivered, passed, Qliilki-) jjU 
handed down, rendered, given 

issued, given (^11 *j\'j /\ *J.\) jjU 

emanating, arising, stemming, ,«..':. ^^ 

originating, issuing, proceeding; outgoing 

exports ^l^jlj -u» :ol^jl^ 

to come across, come upon, run ii'iCa* Jpi I : ti'jl^ 
into, bump into, light upon, hit upon, chance 
upon, fall in with, happen upon, encounter, meet 
by chance or unexpectedly 

to fall on (a given (J^a «» jU j) J» Ij : L» jL» 
date); to correspond to, coincide with, concur with 

to happen, happen to { yi\ <. i» jLx. c* j»- : «J jU» 
be, chance, come to pass, take place by chance, 
come about by chance 

to make friends with, be or ^.U t Li-U. : j'jLs 
become friends with, be or become a friend of, 
befriend, associate with 

Jc J-w» gr 'j-f^l 'j»l iJ3j :Jc J^U» 

'- >.- 

true, truthful, veracious, rvj* <■ *->)& j^ '■ 3 jI^ 

veridical, honest, sincere, candid 

sincere, honest, candid, faithful, yjii : Jj^> 
loyal, true, truehearted, devoted, constant 

true, real, genuine, authentic, m^ i "yh'*- : J ^ 
truthful, veritable, veridical 

wholehearted, hearty, heartfelt, ^Ji" . & \' } : j jU 
sincere, unfeigned, earnest 

to accompany, escort, convoy, ji I j ( L-STl j : Li- U» 
go (along) with, attend, take along 

to accompany, attend, be J» lj i^J"^^ :Li-L> 
present with 

to accompany [ »Li, ,yL-.>. ] Li- U 

companion, comrade, associate, Jj> -u» i jj j : t— *-Ls 
fellow; friend, pal 

owner, proprietor, possessor, holder cJUL. : i_j- L» 

originator, creator, maker 

concessionaire, concessionary, j^^l s-»-U» 
concessioner; proprietor, owner, publisher (of a 
newspaper, etc.) 

master, (over)lord; ruler; commander; jl'ill t_-»-L> 
chief, head, boss, leader 

governor; ruler Jill I L*-U 


His Majesty 

host; inviter; inviting 


His Excellency, His Honor 

His Eminence aLJuII /\ ii-CllI i_-»-U» 

His Royal Highness ^Oil ^lljl 1— U» 

His Excellency, His Lordship ; j Cl) I ^ U> 

(person) concerned, involved, ^JJ> : ouJ I <--»-L» 


- > > > 
His Grace, His Excellency ii^LJ 1 t_-»- U» 

His Beatitude, His Eminence *LLJ 1 i_j- U« 

employer, master, principal Jllll t_-»-L» 

His Excellency Jliil jl *Jj!dl jl CU>Ill t_-»-L> 

His Holiness olltijl i_^>U« 

His Excellency, His Eminence 

my friend! ^U. L, 4 <*f U» L 

u*^L*» m^Ij— i^-^Ud (>to^« :<*^l^ 

*'* . 

Her Majesty 

Her Royal Highness y£^' J 1 ' " V*-U» 

noisy, loud, clamorous, boisterous, vociferous, <-~»-l^ 
tumultuous, uproarious, riotous, roaring, rackety 


;:•.;, ' , r;i 

rising, going up, ascending, ascendant; «JLU : a* La 
climbing, mounting (up), scaling; upward 

and upward, and more; forth, onward, llcdi 

stalagmite j* f£j I So»- 1 j : S j* L» 

dumbfounding, astounding, astonishing, J*i* : J*L» 
amazing, stunning, startling, shocking, staggering 

sudden, unexpected, abrupt, sur- J/rU- : JcL» 
prising, flash, like a bolt from the blue 

lightning, swift, fast, quick, uj. » o«J» U> : j*U» 
rapid, prompt 

detonator (iy*^ 1 j&W ji jy*^J I ) J* U» 

flash tube j*U o^jt . J*U 

thunderbolt, bolt (of lightning) iic L» 

lightning rod j* |^J | iljU 

to form, shape, fashion, mold, frame, jjsi :^L» 
forge, work; to create, originate, make 

to draft, draw up, formulate, 'Je. 'Jj. « j^i- : pL, 
frame, put down in writing, reduce to writing, 
write (down), pen, compose; to phrase, word, 
couch, put, express, articulate 

to coin a word 

servile, subservient, slavish, JJi ( t-y± :j*L» 

menial, cringing, truckling, humble, submissive, 
yielding; low, lowly 

(_,) LilLoj js!-lj-(j) L»L» 

clear, crystal, fine; pure, ^J U- ( ^Ju : (,> llaJ I ) e#L» 
unmixed, unadulterated, plain, straight, sheer, 
mere, absolute 

clear, undisturbed, untroubled, calm, j£ I j : «JU» 
tranquil, serene, limpid 

clear, cloudless, serene, fine, fair jj*^ i ,-L> : (JL> 



■»' Pi 



bona fide, well-meaning, sincere; candid, ill) I ,JL» 
honest, guileless, good-hearted 

net profit ^ I ^i U < eiU ~ j 

net weight <JL, ^jj 

.-^■j-. Wj.'^LiJ.-.. T- 

to become, come to be, grow, turn oL i ■ 
(into); to be; to get or come to a point where, reach 
a stage where 

to happen, occur, take place, isjr- « boi- : jU» 
come to pass 

to end (up) in, J J 3^, ( J J ^1 : liiT J| jU 
wind up with, result in, lead eventually to; to 
reach, arrive at, get to, come to 

stridulous, strident, harsh-sounding, l^j^iiok. : jL» 
shrill, grating, jarring, creaking, ' squeaking, 
screeching, stridulating, chirping 

mast (of a ship) Ji'j : (<ijCJl) jL» 

to speak out frankly (to), talk openly (to), ( J) VJla 
express oneself freely (to), be frank (with), be 
candid (with), be sincere (to); to be clear (about), 
explicit (about); to avow, admit, confess 

flagrant, glaring, gross, jJii ( «^>U , jiL : fjla 
egregious, unconcealed, clear, blatant, brazen, 
shameless, outrageous, monstrous, shocking, hei- 
nous, abominable, atrocious, horrible 

glaring, gaudy, flashy, flamboyant; jU. . Jjjji : £jL» 
startling, screaming; sharp, stark 

to wrestle (with); to struggle (with), fight (with), Yjl* 
tussle (with) 

severe, strict, stern, austere, »jU ( ^-U ( jjj£ : »jL» 
rigorous, stark, stringent, hard, harsh, tough, 
ironbound, drastic, extreme, inflexible, unrelent- 
ing, grim 

sharp, cutting, keen, acute jU- 1 yiU iJ>li: ^Ue 

rocket, missile rjjL» 

intercontinental ballistic oljUL 

missile, ICBM 

rocketry jvj1>«JI JJ* 

5jlj»» jfrlj-iijjjL» '»LujL» ijjjLs 

to measure; to weigh [yS 1 1)\£ : p Le 

measure JLCt : p L? 

tit for tat, an eye for an eye p Caj l*L» 

to pay someone back yl*L» *£a} I ii Qtf" ji) V, 
twofold, bring double retaliation on 



the good deeds, the good works 

salon, saloon, parlor, reception room 

salon, saloon 

barbershop X%- 0>)U» 

to fast (vG-^'j f^»" 0*) f' 

to abstain from, keep from ( ji^ll o*) f ^* 


'y>'i\ (j>)U> 

silent; quiet, noiseless; soundless, 
voiceless, speechless, wordless 

surd, voiceless 


:J juUo 

steadfast, staunch, perseverant, firm, 

resistant, resisting, renitent; resister 

proof against, impervious to, invul- J ( 

nerable to 

bulletproof u^oJS juL» 

waterproof ►l f U juL» 

fireproof jUJ jl.L» 

nut (of a bolt) ii'jc- < iJ^s : i)^ Le 

to preserve, conserve, keep, {Jt 9- i ^) i Jiii- : uLe 
guard, protect, safeguard, save, shelter, shield, 
defend, vindicate, secure, retain; to sustain, keep 
up; to maintain; to service 

to flatter, cajole, coax, blandish j* I a : jj Lo 

to bribe, buy off, corrupt JJ>^ i L j : «jU» 

maker, manufacturer, pro- 
ducer, creator, author 

yfjUtf JJ-lj' 

^-" 'J^» ij" •£-> 


V^ -K 


to be or become related by marriage to i_— 1> : j»Le 

to pour, pour out, pour forth, empty, i_-£— 
shed; to fill 

to cast, found, mold; to (»JJ t_JL» j) ttC. : 
shape, form 

to cut a key U-Li. 

to flow (into), pour out (into), ( j) »J I j«J I 

to be sincere (loyal, devoted) to, act J ^^ \ : ,j La 

with sincerity toward, deal honestly with 

to shake hands with xj I ju aIIc JL : £»L> 

oriole (jlU»)jiLtf 

saphena JiUI j »**» jjjj :^iLa 

polisher, burnisher, smoother j£« Jcli : JiLe 

ax; hoe; pick, pickax Jjiw < ^U : jyla 

to jump on, leap on, spring on J* i_J j : J* ULa 

to attack, assail, assault, fall upon ^U : Jc JU» 

to cross, intersect, decussate %^A :LJLtf 

hall, room; auditorium iJLa 



showroom; gallery ^i^ iJU» 

to make peace with, make up with, become J L : jJLs 
reconciled with 

to compound (a crime) ^»- J* (JU Jjjli.) iJU« 
good; right; valid r^*~° ' -^ : r»Jl«« 

fit, fitting, suitable, appropri- S%> « i_-~u. : ^JL> 
ate, proper, adequate, good, suited, feasible 

useful, serviceable, instrumental, us- «JU : «JL> 

able, practicable 

competent, ^Lai^-I jl i_»-^Uo ji i^uu :»iJUfl 

having jurisdiction, legally or duly qualified, 

authorized, responsible 

qualified, competent, fit, fitted, jjj&- tj*>* :^JL» 

suited, good; eligible, capable, able; deserving, 

meriting, meritorious, worthy (of) 

virtuous, righteous, upright, jL t ~i£_. : ~JL» 

honest; devoted, pious, dutiful, true 

.it'''' * * 

seaworthy; navigable 

edible, eatable 


drinkable, potable 

airworthy ij^J-l i»-}UJ ji uljr^ J* - "-* 



~ — ~ 


dyeing, tinting, tinging, coloring, color- 
ation, painting 
soap boiler, soap maker 


:i*l— d 


jUtf :6ws 

slope, incline, declivity, descent, 
decline; steep 

to radiate, beam, brighten, jj^i I : (jl J i»-jJ I ) jylo 
light up, flash up 

to be handsome, comely, beautiful }LJ>- JjlS" ; 


to come in the morning to 

1>-L*« »UI iM 

to wish a good morning (to) 

»L*0 »^»" • r«~* 

morning sleep 

morning, matutinal 
early morning 

morning visit 

to be patient, forbearing; to J**J i jJbJ : (J*) j*. 
have patience, take patience, persevere; to bear 
patiently, put up with, stand, endure, tolerate 

to ask to be patient, ask to [y^»i ij I <-• LJl» :^< 

have patience 

to comfort, console, solace 

to embalm, mummify l,U-~ : ij. 

tostuff Ui.:j^ill jioLilj^LI^. 

aloe (oLi)j, 

patience, forbearance, longanimity, _di- : 1 

long-suffering, endurance, tolerance, toleration, 
perseverance, self-control 

to lose patience 



severe cold 

heap, pile, stack "C'k \ ilLa 

to point with the finger at -> ji <i* '{~e 

to insert one's finger into ( j ) Z^» 

^cifc : «ta,.T- 


disembogue (into), empty (into), discharge (into) 
to love ardently, adore, be _, Liii ( j^i : J J L^, 
passionately in love with, be very fond of 

pouring, pouring out, pouring forth, i_JC : \ 

emptying, shedding 

castGng), founding, foundry, mold(ing); iiL 
shaping, forming 

ardently in love (with), enamored (of), JiU : I 
infatuated (with); lover, adorer 

cast iron LtaJl Iji- 

to grow, break through pj, : ^Lj I L^ 

to grow, break forth, shoot up, ill : ollJ I t*» 
sprout, germinate 

to apostatize, tergiversate, »JJ 4jj j ^i. jj jl : L*» 
renegade, defect (from), renounce 

to yearn for, long for, hanker after, jU < ^ : J I Q» 
crave, desire; to aspire to, strive for 

to incline to, tend to [}\. ■ J I \"~ 

east wind, sirocco; levanter *~»*A ?vj • C* 

youth, youthfulness, juvenility, iilai- ( olli : C0 
boyhood, puerility 

yearning, longing, hankering, ^ 
craving, desire; aspiration; nostalgia 

; (j>~, 

r%~& 'ry~0 

ardent love, passion ^U. : Xi C0 

craving, longing, desire, hunger jy. : CC^ 

rest, remainder, remnant, residue, leftover ili : Xjll^ 


in the morning £. l'^ 

good morning! tCU 1* i^lil l l'^ 

handsome, comely, beautiful, graceful, J-J* : *KLe 
pretty "' 

beauty, grace(fulness), handsomeness jCi- : ii-Ca 
morning, matutinal ofr^ : ijf^" tf 

cactus; prickly pear, Indian fig, (oLi ) jLa ^jt~a 
opuntia, nopal 

severe cold jyji j^ -.iji^o iSjCs 

_'• > 




girl, young girl, lass, maid 

radiant, bright, beamy, shiny; 
beautiful, pretty 

Jv^ iJj^A :g_* 

' '- i '- . ' 

jL*» t jL*» «r lj - (oL>) j»J 

to recover, recuperate, get well, regain yji : ^o 

health, heal 

to be healthy; to be sound, CI- ulS" 'jX- :**» 
intact, unimpaired, whole, perfect, complete; to be 
right, correct, proper 

to be true, real, veritable l^*- 0^ ■ j*» 

to turn out to be true or right, c~J i Jm> : »w» 
prove (to be) true or correct; to come true, become 
a fact, become real, come into effect, materialize, 

to hold good for, ^t uiwl i ^c gjm : ^c »w> 
be true of, apply to, be applicable to 

to wake up, awake(n); to get up ,bi,r,.j : JU I Im 

to sober up JUI :olj£«JI £»•» 

- i'f ' i • i- - 
to come to, recover conscious- JUI : »| r cl y* U*» 

ness, revive 

to clear up; to be or become UU : »J I ^Jl ImU 

clear, cloudless, serene, bright, sunny, shiny 

the Companions of the 

a Companion of the Prophet il*-JI j*-Ij :^1*^ 

journalism; the press, the Fourth Estate uIm iuIm 

freedom of the press iil*l»JI j^^> 

journalist, newspa- iilk-Jlj Jiii. '-'yi^** i \^"^ 
perman, newsman, reporter^ correspondent 

companionship, company, comrade- ilU j i iii j : <-» 
ship, fellowship, association, friendship 

companions, company, com- »1»ju»I i »U» j : «lj 

4I1I J^-j AjI^U liuUCJI 

» •■■:■■.■ :^: .-< . ■!• 


to dye, tint, tinge, color, paint, 
tincture, imbue; to pigment 

to baptize, christen, immerse 



juc :(»UU) f~«o 

. . - ' r; ..- 

dyeing, tinting, tinging, w> jjua» i yt^L. : £-<s 

coloring, coloration, painting; pigmentation ' 

dye, dyestuff, color(ing), paint; pC*» < *> *llaj L : jLf 

tint, tinge, tincture 

pigment uiU-ljl Jj^-J^I J i^ulSaUl <(_-««»■ :m 

tincture ,-J» Jjla*. : w 

. - ••-. > — 

< .rf» (Uflj — pu*» 1 4j « ■ .ill U 

tint, dye for the hair 


tincture of iodine, iodine tincture j)J I 

. - >,. ~> 

tincture, cast, charac- j>\ < i*l— < j«l* «L' 
teristic quality, distinctive feature, character, 
stamp, mark, color, tinge, tint, shade, air, hue, 
touch, trace, streak, bit, smack 

chromosome ry~yj£ •lj*; 1 * 

chromosomal ^y^^j^ : i+~* 

chromatin ^Jltjji ^i':"" '****^ 

„ , - • , m .» ,*.',., 
to cog, direct they^J I j-ai aJU) | jup j^JL JCm : j~* 

fall of dice fraudulently 

to soap; to saponify, convert ij#U» J J iJj*- : 0** 
into soap, subject to saponification 

youthful passion or desire; childish »ir° '>->* 


breakfast „ |j :r yLa 

patient, forbearing, long-suffering, Ji 4 _^U* : j^Lo 
enduring, tolerant, perseverant 

boy, youth, lad Jii 4 J ' 3 : ^« 

childish, childly, childlike, boyish, puerile, T-jLLo 
juvenile, immature, silly 

childishness, childlikeness, boyishness, puer- 4ljLl« 
ility, juvenility, silliness 

sweat, perspiration 



wakefulness, waking 

consciousness, awareness 

clearness, cloudlessness, serenity, 
brightness, fineness 

healthy, healthful, wholesome, salubrious, TJm 
salutary; health-; sanitary; hygienic 

quarantine ( y»^ >*«*• < <w»^* ./*»■ 

true, real, veritable, genuine, authentic, ^Jw- : r**>*o 

right, correct, proper, just, i»y~±* < <-<!>>» : r*t»** 
straight; exact, accurate, veracious; valid, sound 

sound, intact, unimpaired; whole, ^ U < Jl : r^> 
perfect, complete, integral, entire 

healthy, well, sound, healthful ^L. t ^ £i : ^mU 
integral [oLi^j] ijjLS' jl* :« .mU 

strong [iij]3iw jl*:£j»* 

sound plural, complete plural [ iii ] ****** lli- 
whole number, integer [oU\u ] r^o j a* 
leaf, sheet; page 4mL* < ii^j : " 

newspaper, paper, daily, journal * \^ : <iu»*> 

declaration, initiatory pleading c5^*^l ** 

cadastre 'Cjli 

daily, daily newspaper, journal 


clamorous, boisterous, vociferous, bla- r&o : oUv*j 
tant, roaring, offensively noisy 

to clamor, roar, din, vociferate, shout, 
yell, cry 

clamor, din, noise, (up)roar, <_ii- ( y 

tumult, turmoil, hubbub, hurly-burly, shouting, 
vociferation, boisterousness 

p* 'f? 



volcanic rocks 

jji^ei\ jyi i fSj**o -j»>-0 

,t* > > 

4«ju jj jyi**fi 

.<- > 

rades, associates, fellows, friends 

accompanied by, in the company of, 

health; good health £j U 

hygiene, hygienics 4^J I Jii»- pL < ^Jl jj* « w 

truth, trueness, reality, <u£. ( jl* ( iiji. : «L^ 
verity, veracity, genuineness, authenticity; light- 
ness, correctness, justness; soundness, validity 

• ' '•' i - s * ii ' • - '' 

Ministry of Public Health £ui ^Jl ijljj 

to correct, emend, amend, rectify, ^i , UU I : m*^ 
adjust, make right, set right, put right, right, put in 
order, restore, fix, repair, mend, reform, straighten 

to cure, heal, restore to health 

to sanitize (~l J ^rllji. *_ly-i'r) 

>r-- - » - 

to proofread, proof, read «1«.C_L)I L<jlkJ I '«k-> 

desert; wilderness, wild »ljui:»l" 

desert »lji^aJI J J o^li :^l 

azalea (oLi) vj'j 

to misread, mispronounce, misspell; to distort, 
pervert, misrepresent, misstate, corrupt, twist 

bowl, dish, platter, plate *»-j£> : 

.',- * n*1''' * ." * .' ' 

press-, news-, <iL»waJlj JjJUi« :<j»**o i,vuv0 

newspaper-, journalistic 

reportage, report (j**""" (j****' 

.»." *(.- 

press campaign *-a»w> <U»- 

* > > * „ 

scoop, beat 

press conference, news conference 

press photographer 

dish, plate 

yard, courtyard, patio, court, dooryard jIjJI ^iw> 

ashtray ijL»»-— y*««« i j^U»l« ^»^ 

flying saucer, UFO jill ^^w* 

saucer o^^JI (j»*<« 

nave <—S}\ j\ j*Ll\ J**e 




■■■■'', i.-g,, a 


Jbjw :rlj 

■!-■»* -r 

singing, chanting, warbling, warble 

vest, waistcoat jluaJI <jLy i_/>3 :jl x? 

front, forefront, lead, first place, foremost • j I ju« 
part; position of prestige; precedence, priority 

headache ^fyl jjl :gjju« 

. . - .• .*.-* 

migraine { j**i *l.u» 

psoriasis fe^r J*j*) *^-*** : ( -»'j^ 

dower, dowry J+t : JUjua > JIjua 

friendship, amity idl ( J j^ : **' ■>«* 

repulse, rebuff; push, shove ili j : 5 ju« 

to sing, chant, warble jj* "r^* 

to play pi J <L^« il jl <y~->ll o»-a^ 

•- • - 
singing, chanting, warbling, warble j^» j£ : £ju« 

to suppurate, fester, matter, gather '^Z : ij~e 

respect, regard, relation, con- fy*y <. u oy^>»- :jju« 

nection, concern; matter, subject matter; subject, 


intention, purpose, design, aim, *j\i < juai : »J^e 

end, goal, objective) 

side; direction i_Jl»- > il»-U : joU 

opposite (to), Jjl*« t *UI : j-uoj > jj-« ^ ( ij^ 
in front of, facing, vis-a-vis 
concerning, regarding, respecting, jIuu > jX» j 
with respect to, in respect of, with regard to, as 
regards, as to, with reference to, in connection 
with, in relation to, re, about 

in this connection, in this respect, in j j-J Mi* j 
this matter, with regard to this, with relation to 
this, regarding this, concerning this, about this 

he is busy with, occupied \j£ (*.C*u) ix*> j y> 
with, engaged with, working at; he is about to, on 
the point of 

to be published, issued, put out, (~n i_jL53 I) jxa 
brought out; to appear, come out 

to be pronounced, passed, (»JI .JUiill £J-\) jj*# 
handed down, delivered, given, rendered 
to be issued, given (wlj jl^iJI /\ J,*i\) jju» 

to happen, occur, take place '$***■ « tiui- : jlu» 

Plutonic rocks <3I^ jI j>»-» ' *^*yr j>»-* 

sedimentary rocks 

metamorphic rocks 

igneous rocks 



petrosal, petrous 


-* ,.* V 

» • , i , 
--, a- »-, a- 

to repel, repulse, drive back or »i* < jj < I j j : ju« 
away, keep off or back, hold off, ward off, parry, 
fend off, stave off, avert, turn away; to check, 
rebuff, stop; to force out, put out, shut out, fore- 
close; to hinder, prevent 

to keep from, hold back from, '%£, < Vs'j : je tu« 
turn away from, restrain from, prevent from, deter 
from, inhibit from, dissuade from, discourage from 

to turn away from, turn one's ^jc <je^ I:^m 
back on, avoid, shun, keep away from 

repulsion, repulse, repelling, j~« ' Jj < »j' J : '•>•* 

driving back or away, keeping off or back, holding 
off, warding off, pany(ing), fending off, staving 
off, averting, turning away; checking), rebuff(ing), 
stop(ping); forcing out, shutting out; hindering, 
preventing, prevention 

deterrence, determent, deterring, v£. > * j j : x* 
keeping, holding, prevention, restraint, inhibition, 
dissuasion, discouragement 

turning away (from), i J j^o iu i>\Jt\ f :{ l jt) *** 

avoidance, shunning; alienation, disinclination, 


very thirsty jLUJI juai. :(tS-uaJl) Ju« 

to rust, oxidize, corrode, be IjuoJI •>* '-\ixe ijju« 
or become rusty 

to applaud, clap the hands j^» : (<4^e ) &•*•* ' ' •*"* 

rust, oxidation, corrosion I ju« 

rust ulj*- :ij-«)I <Ij 

rusty IjuJI »^Uj :£$ju« 

echo, reverberation, reecho (5juJ I «cj > (ia-e 

- < - - », 
extreme thirst jl> oi. (jJJUe : c$o^ 



^ ♦= 

half of something split or tjjuall »J^JI CjilaJ :i*Ju* 
cracked or broken 

temple y.tyl 'j, yiTllj ^liJI ^li U : £\Lo 

temporal f -"-*« t^** : <«* Ju* 

temporal bone l*^- 4 ** i^** 

to turn away from, avoid, shun ^* t>>»l :i>* < -* JU * 

to turn away from, dissuade l j t '<J>'J*: l jt.'d>j^0 
from, discourage from 

shell, conch, oyster J jU*. < jIm : ujla i (J ju« 

concha, conch; helix j »}\ 4*1* 

psoriasis (k^ {j*j*) *?*•*-* :«JJ^JI <!•» 

OJUa. «jflj-i»JuJI J^^iv «A»JU«JU <4*.U0 

testaceous; shell; nacreous ^»ju* 

psoriasis (tS^f t>j-*) «-»Ju*>" tfj :<■>»■»«* 

to say (tell, speak) the lijU» jlT <ij-uJI <jl» :jju« 
truth; to be true, truthful, sincere 

to prove to be true c-j < t** < J^ c J«m> : Jjl* 
or correct, turn out to be true, come true; to be or 
become true, real, valid 

to apply to, be appli- Je <$'^. i Je ^* : Je u»ju» 
cable to, hold good for, be true of 

to keep (fulfill, live up • ji j jjU* < • jij J Ijx* 
to, carry out) one's promise 

to advise someone sincerely <,h,aJ I tix* 

to be true, truthful, valid ^j^A I ci'-ua 

to believe, accept as true («l J *iSS" jl U!JU ) j ju« 

to certify, attest (to), au- yj>\ « j»l 4 Jij : Je jjx* 
thenticate, legalize; to verify; to ratify, confirm, 
endorse, sanction, approve, approbate, consent to, 
assent to, subscribe to, adopt, pass, validate 

to countersign *Jy 3 \ »Lnl Je Jx* 

believe it or not J-u*; j j I Jx* 

incredible, unbelievable J-u^ ^ 

truth, trueness, truthfulness; veracity, w : J Jua 
verity; validity 

sincerity, honesty, candor; faithful- u o^»~\ : Jx* 
ness, trueheartedness 

to emanate from, proceed c^i\ • & : j* j I [j* jxi* 
from, issue from, arise from, originate from, stem 
from, come out of 

to come back from, return from ^'ury.^e.'/j^e 

to go to, repair to Jj Li'j : Jj 'j 1^ 

to reach, arrive at, get to, come to Jj 3^j : Jj ji* 

to have a chest complaint »j!u» l£i : j x* 

to export (jyU.1 Jj jj | gj|) ^ 

to preface, introduce, ( jl J jiuiL oLSCJ I ) 3 x* 
commence, begin 

to put (place, seat) in the »'j\ x*J I J Lij : jx* 
front, give the first place to, give precedence to 
— ' \ - --• f -»- 

jX*l Mflj-jX*! IjX* 

chest, breast, thona^jjr.j^kJIjjiJ I ^JU :>l* 

breasts), bust, bosomU) & lu : jl* 

front, front part, forepart; fore- iLli. « <uxU : jl£» 
front, lead 

jl ijlk. < »x. : jju« 
ment, outset, onset, rise, dawn, prime, early stage 
first hemistich ^JJI cJJ J±* 

worries, anxieties jjloJI oLJ 

sternum, breastbone jjuo) I Ji« 

- -'.ti ' ; •* ii ' • - •» n - -i- - 

vest, waistcoat ^-^ ' yM» vj 1 : »j "-^ 

pectoral, chest, thoracic jjualU y»U- :tjjJU« 

angina pectoris c5j-u» Ju»- 

(Orf"^) *iJ^«» 

-• s i, 1:" •: -» ••* 

brassiere, bras 
vest, waistcoat 
to split, cleave, crack, break, rift Ji, : iju« if^ju* 

to declare (publicly), disclose, («IJ ^1L ) tj^ 
reveal, make known, uncover, unearth 

to have or get a headache pljuJI oC»l :p!u* <p^ju« 

crack, break, split, fissure, crevice, rift, cleft, ji : c Jl* 
breach, chasm, chink, cranny, interstice, rent, 
flaw, fault 


* In '" • * " 



PWf "., it'W.':,'.;^^^ 

to stridulate, creak, squeak, 

grate, jar, screech, chirp 

to gnash (grate, grind) one's *iLll ^t. jl «jUl>L ^0 


bundling, baling, wrapping (up), Ju j » f jj 4 fj»> :^ 

packing, packaging, parceling; binding, tying (up) 

1-*" * 
severe cold ^jl* ij> '-j* 

' * * 
gale, violent cold wind J!* ffJ 

pure, unmixed, unadulterated, oU« 1 yJU- : ^j-a 
plain, straight, sheer, absolute; clear 

* * — .— 
frankness, openness, candor, sin- Jjua 1 r>»j : *^l_^« 

cerity, unreserve, explicitness, expressness, straight- 
forwardness, directness, flatness 

pureness, purity; clearness, »Uo t y»>l»- : *»■ \j* 


frankly, openly, candidly, straight- ii-lj-a* « X»-l^ 

forwarcKly), aboveboard, unreservedly, explicitly, 

expressly, forthrightly 

crier, shouter, screamer; crying, yelling, ^Li* : r 1^0 

shouting, vociferous, clamorous, noisy 

crying, yelling, shouting, scream- ^Lf t j»jil» : £l^ 

ingt shrieking 

cirrus; rack J-ij ol*>L. : t\j* 

cricket ■*»■■*»• : J-U' j 1 ^ 

bachelor; single, unmarried, celibate iSyei : »j\j-c 
serpent eagle j>ill j£*»j pC^' >^^ '-'j^r* 
way, path, road J,jjJ» : J»lj^ 

struggle, fight, strife, tussle; conflict, clash, p I ji : flj«« 


conflict [jJJ ptifl iojI ((j-iij plj«» 

class struggle oUJJ I *\jf > ^Jp» p \jf 

struggle for existence »UJI jl Jj»-y I J*- 1 ^> pl^ 

money-changer; cambist yiSr* : t -»'S^ 

morphologist, grammarian <SJ^ I (JU» J U : ti l^« 

money-changing, exchange ii jl* : li \'j* 

severity, strictness, sternness, ^jr- <. ly-i 4 «a~ : <u I j.* 
austerity, rigor(ism), starkness, stringency, hard- 
ness, harshness, toughness, inflexibility 

sharpness, keenness, acuity, * j»- 4 *Um : £• I j^ 
acuteness, edge 

i—.—.-., 1 - " ■■>:". ■ V 


truly, really, verily, in truth 
alms, charity, d 
dower, dowry 


alms, charity, dole, benefaction, handout »:..»• : ujuo 
^4* :«j-j iOw '*»w '*»•*-» 

to shock (LJ l/>£ J I ^ ^ j' «>■*■* j' W^) f'" 1 "* 

shock; blow, stroke, bump, hit, impact, jolt; £. Jus 

1 . I * I . " 

publication, issue, (»dl vUJI jl oUSCJl) jjjue 

issuance, appearance, coming out 

emanation, issue, issuance <^i*r> j < *y^> '■ jj- 4 "" 

emanation, emana- (JUJt jU- J) jjjuoJI <gJ»i 

i" - *- 

reliable, trustworthy; sincere, 
honest, truthful, veracious 

to be or become very thirsty 

- , ^ - , , 

yjfci :JiJjJua 

p_jJ-H» %l*\j— pJ«A« i pjjua* . KjJLtf 

<£JU0 «r I j - p jjuaLI »(JJI oLaJ ; fj-ua 

friend, pal, chum, crony, com- ,^-i j i c^-l^ : Jy jua 
rade; friendly 


very thirsty 

pus, matter 

purulent, pussy, suppurative 

brassiere, bras 

•frl J 


amicus curiae 

a friend in need is a friend 

friendly state (country, nation) 

veracious, very truthful, hon- ^Ji:."„.4 ( Jjo^ : Jj ju« 
est, sincere; righteous, upright 


. - ' V -'- ' 


J»-jJ iix^a 

to bundle, bale, wrap (up), pack, Ju j 1 f jj 1 ^ :^# 
package, parcel; to bind, tie (up) 

to prick up one's ears (p \^-"^S ) *i iL j I <C il ^> 





*J>y> ( <*JU : <f j*0 

(^ii » JiJl : (Li j) i_»jU 

fad, craze, rage, fashion, style, 
vogue, mode 

epileptic f/^^ Jl»i» : u*j^ 

• >- * t * ,„ 
to dismiss, send away <Jlj^jlfL *J 6 il : <Jj«« 

to dismiss (from employ- (C oi- 1 ^ Lii^i I ) Li jU 
ment), discharge, release or remove (from an 
office), fire, displace, sack, lay off, cashier 

to turn (away or aside) ^c 'Sy- < Qt <yJ -.Qt- '<SJ* 
from, keep (away) from, dissuade from, alienate 
from, divert from, distract from, deviate from 

to dismiss, drop, put aside, bar from^ ^LJI ij^* 
attention or serious consideration 

to spend, expend, outlay, lay out, Jiil :("5l.) Lij^» 

pay out, disburse, defray 

to spend, pass 

to change, exchange l^jjj : j^£j | Jj"^ 

to inflect (a word) [iiJ ] ij£J | <_»j^ 

to creak, squeak, grate, jar c£« < JU : Li j]U 

to drain, empty, dry out, Lii»- « £^i » rj; : ( fUl) u£* 
draw (water from); to bail out, clear (water from) 
to discharge, empty l^i : L»^* 

to vent, give vent to, ^ ^u : (tjisCi I jjii) L»^» 
release, let off, discharge; to abreact 

to change, exchange LJ jj : j^iJ I L»^U 

to sell (out), market; to l«i- j j ( Ljil : iiLiJ I li^U 
dispose of; to promote, merchandise 

to U>% « Ujl^T :j^l j| b_,£j| jt 3^1 Li> 
manage, conduct, handle, run, direct, administer, 
dispose of, settle, wind up; to take care of 

to conjugate (a verb), inflect (a word), [ U ] Li^U 
decline (a noun) 

to give a free hand to someone j»i\ j li^U <jj* 
in something, let dispose freely of; to authorize to, 
empower to 

dismissal, sending away (Jl^ullL oil : <J'J* 

dis m issal, discharge, (i.oi-1 j* olbjll) <J^* 

removal, displacement, firing, layoff 

turning (away or je. *^^ <-<jt*Jl :o*tijU 
aside) from, keeping (away) from, dissuasion from, 
alienation from, diversion from, distraction from 

bundle, bale, packet, pack, package, parcel £. ji- : i^ 
severe cold ^jlj **y : jj^ 

to be or become pure, unmixed, liU<^JU-:£j^ 
unadulterated; to be or become clear 

to declare, state, announce, pro- j j*l». ( |jitl : r>* 
claim, make a statement; to tell; to avow publicly, 
say in public, make public; to speak out, express 
(oneself) freely; to be clear, explicit, frank, candid 

to make clear, clarify, clear (up), jii I < 'pi j I : 'J^# 
explain, elucidate 

yo*-j < j* I : j r^<« 

to permit, allow, admit; to 
license, authorize 

( jSJj}\ ji iijliu <u*>u.i *jisului ji aL.j)^ ~^» 

to declare, make a statement of (one's taxable or 
dutiable property) 

edifice, tower, high building, im- J*i i JU flL : *■ la 
posing structure; palace; castle 

to cry, yell, shout, scream, shriek, screech, i-L» :i-j^ 
squall u u 

to call out to, shout to; to call o'jU : J ijU 

cry, outcry, yell, shout, scream, shriek, X»L+ : ii.j^ 
screech, squall 

tad, craze, *^. <**j^ 4**oj :*^»j»-I i *»- J ^ 

rage, fashion, style, mode, vogue 

severe cold ^jt V^ : jj^ 

shrike (^JU.) j^ 

to prick up one's ears (fcjc^ )'^7j* 

to stridulate, chirp, squeak 

gale, violent cold wind 

cocKroacn o'^jj oJj \j&j& tjyaj^ 

. . .•?.. ' .»' j •> '» •> > .> 

cncKet (Jt^' yj^ 4 -^-^ • *0*0 * j*^>^ 

to throw down, fell, knock Jlii- » U jl V^i, : i ^ 
down, strike down, bring to the ground; to knock 
out (in boxing) 

to be epileptic; to have an epileptic *'J*} I <iC»l : P j-a 
fit C ' 

epilepsy ^ ji ^.i <| j : ^ 





l| ^g l >i^»."^:p'w»iWM^PA l :«»!^'!^B , e«Jj | t-aaa 

... •» H * i- ' 

epileptic fy-»Jy uLm :jij«* 

felled, thrown down, thrown to U»jl rj^k* : «/«* 

the ground, knocked down 
victim (to, of); overcome (by), over-i-^» : I iS" «^« 
whelmed (by), overpowered (by); addicted (to) 
creak(ing), squeakGng), grating, jaKring) j^^* : uLj^j 

honeysuckle, woodbine (^<^») li'jjM *i»o«0 

to be or become difficult, hard ^s. 
to make difficult or hard, complicate 



difficult, hard, arduous, tough; com- 
plicated, complex 

hard to please, difficult, fastidious, »U»j"5ll u<u« 
finicky, squeamish, overnice, fussy, picky, choosy, 
dainty, particular 

hard to manage or overcome, difficult, (j-ljil t-*«« 
ungovernable, unruly, intractable, indocile, un- 
manageable, refractory, recalcitrant, headstrong, 
obstinate, stubborn 

hard currency V* ^^ 

thyme (oL)^ 

"ii '-•- 
savory jr" j~" 


to ascend, climb, mount (up), i* ( 4i « ^yu j] 
scale; to rise, go up 

to escalate, aggravate 

to evaporate, vaporize, volatilize 

sublime, sublimate 

to sublimate, sublime J^. I y> U J ( l U^- i ^L : 

j»u : .ik»<» 

■*?* gr'j ~(J* j' J) ■**• 

7» ,. ^ S' 

to heave deep sighs, sigh deeply o I j>y\ 

height, altitude jU. : jjuo 

(deep) sigh iji'j : »l jjwj 

to sigh (deeply), heave a (deep) sigh; * I -u_J I ^^LJ 
to breathe again, breathe freely, enjoy relief, have a 
feeling of reassurance 


money changing; exchange \}J^-\ »y^i\ <-»J>* 

»* • * •- 

spending, expenditure, outlay, *i\X\ : JUl «J^« 

disbursement, paying out 

>' ' ' '. > ., 
passing, spending .JUxi :<iijJI <_»/* 

• ' • ^ •' ^ .* • - 

i^j^&i «j«- 1 j — »-jj t ujii : ouil ijj*o 

inflection, declension [ li\ ] <_»^U 

morphology ci^aJI Jc i eij«e 

»- » - » ... 

exchange rate <_i_^JI j»- 

paymaster (_»^ jj»li 

indeclinable, diptote ti^JI & 9j~* 

pure, unmixed, unadulter- yJU- i oiw * yii*]. : <_i^ 
ated, plain, straight; sheer, mere, absolute, down- 

morphological <j^ai\ «ic Jj v.*-*"-* '-\jj* 

morphologist, grammarian ci^JI JLu JU :^>jU 

to cut off, sever U>i : *^ * *^« 

to desert, forsake, leave, separate ^m* : V^U 

(oneself) from, break off with, part with 

to be or become severe, strict, L-li I jjji o^ : f/* 
stern, rigorous, hard, harsh, drastic 

to be or become sharp, cut- I il»- \li U o^ - : (><• 
ting, keen, acute 

cutting off, severance ^U : *j* > («^ 

shoe(s) »li»- '{j* 

.- .-- . — » 

' i" i * •*' »' '- •*- 

frank, open, candid, sincere, JjU» > j>-^»lj : n^ 
unreserved, outspoken, forthright, plain, explicit, 
express, straightforward, direct, flat, downright 

r\j*o «■ I j — <-»L« i ijal\»- : Vis* 


■I, -J 

..-*l" I*' '*' 

cirrus; rack Jjj ol*. > il^« : j^j^ 

stridulation, stridor, creak(ing), grating, t_iij^» :^j-<» 
squeak(ing), jaKring), screech(ing), chirrXing) 

gnash(ing), grating, grind(ing); bruxism oli- » I j> j-» 



to be younger than (CL .) jie 

to be or become small, little, tiny, mi- ^Ji > y'j :jLe 
nute; to decrease, diminish, lessen, shrink, wane, 

to be or become lowly, humble oU ' Ji :>-» 

'*•' i s i- s -' .'•' 

to be younger than 

to diminish, decrease, reduce, lessen, 
minimize, make small(er) or little(r) 

to belittle, disparage, derogate from; to jo- ;j*b 

degrade, abase, debase, lower, humble 

smallness, littleness, tininess, minuteness i» 3 :^m 

youthfulness, youth, youngness, juve- (jL) I ) j** 
nility, boyhood; minority, infancy 

chaffinch (JU, ) ^JLU < jy.£ : g^Ls 

small, little; tiny, minute, diminutive, ( J»2.|) jj*u« 
petite, miniature, mini- 

young, youthful, junior; child; minor ((jD I ) jj*# 

low(ly), inferior; humble, servile, e-y*- «jj5»- i^u* 
subservient, cringing 

minor sin; venial fault; triviality, trifle (^UU ^) ijsjie 

to line up, align, row, range, rank, array, Lm> j : tiu» 
arrange, marshal 

to set, typeset, compose juij : (ll*Ct ) L«U 

lining up, alignment, aligning, rowing, ■ «Vj : < »> 
ranging, arrangement, arraying, marshaling 

typesetting, composition, ■_.:■•: : (^cCt ) £ 

line, row, queue, file, rank, range, jy^i^y 

class, grade 

(^J gr'j? J 1 yrJ- 4 -)^-* 

noncommissioned officer ,Lli 


to be or become clear, pure, undis- Ci L» '<j\£ : \lie 
turbed, untroubled, serene, limpid; to clear, clarify; 
to be or become pure, unmixed 

to clarify, clear, purify, refine, ■*£. j 1 & 3J ( ju : Jl* 
defecate, screen, fine; to strain, filter, (infiltrate, 
leach; to drain (draw off, remove, pour off) liquid 

to dissolve; to liquidate (*J| Xji) jt* 

' -p^ , - j i f 3 ■$&*?& -, f P ^f * &%&&■ ' ^' '■ ■ ■' ^' j SS^-'" *I^ :| pii^^ 

jLlj jl AacLoj) (3*a0 

rise, ascent 

to be awry, wry (face) 

to turn away the face in disdain, put on a »*j± J** 
contemptuous mien 

torticollis, wryneck oliiJ *i I u. jji^ ili^JI j jrl j : ^ 

to strike, hit, (^l^^l jUI ^<^&»ll ic_) jiu* 

- - •« , ,, 
to thunderstrike, dumbfound, J*il 1 o* : J»*> 

strike dumb, flabbergast, shock, stun, stupefy, 
startle, astound, astonish, amaze 

to be struck, hit, 

to be or become thunderstruck, dumb- o*j : J^» 
founded, dumbstruck, flabbergasted, startled, 
shocked, aghast, stunned, astounded, astonished, 

to faint, swoon, lose consciousness <lc ' ( JH. :' { y^> 

Oy~o^ ^ I j - 0^4^ . Jm 


pauper, have-not, wretch; oLaJ> t jO». <. jJi : •'lyrr 

poor, miserable, wretched; low, base', vile, menial, 
inferior; powerless, spineless, spiritless, nerveless 

wren; kinglet Gl*** >^) •>*«* '.j** 

difficulty; hardness, toughness, arduousness; ■£>*"* 
complexity, complicatedness, complication 

with (great) difficulty, hardly, scarcely, just, Ajj**^ 
narrowly, by a narrow margin 

■*■* . >> 

rise, rising, going up, ascending, p^U> 4 ,l£ jl : j^« 

ascension, ascent; climrXing), mounting, scaling 


U»;;> «■ I j - J^o-aJ I J—t 1 Jja*aJ 

highland, upland, plateau, tableland 

C$j " i " * '• -Law ? 

level, standard, plane 
scene, sphere; field, domain 

.' ' - '- 

lowness, lowliness, inferiority; py». 4 SjUi- : ; jU^, 
humility, humbleness, servility, subservience, 
cringe, groveling 




to forgive, pardon, excuse, condone, «L :^ mLo 
overlook, remit 

to plate, overlay, <jj^* i«Jl£aj (J^c. j\) ^iL : mm 
foliate, coat or cover with metal plates 

to foliate, laminate, beat j» j < J^i> : rU*> 

to armor p J J '• f**** 

•- 1 •, 
pardon, forgiveness, remission, condona- d\j& :pue 


U*»U- '.fU 


±>j* prh 

*3f J t TU*" ' 



sheet, leaf 

surface, face 

to fetter, shackle, chain, Jc > jlJ > Jjjl : jm i jum 
enchain, bind, tie (up); to handcuff, cuff, manacle 

fetteKs), shackle(s), chain(s), J* i jui i Jttj : jm 

bond, tie; handcuffts), cufKs), manacle(s) 

« - , , , t ,~. 

to whistle; to hiss, sibilate; to toot \jj**e 6o>- 1 : y^ 

*-» -• ,-, 
to wheeze u -'H .l* ^^u« 

to be or become empty, void, vacant &■ : ^ 

-. » ^-,, -»- 

to yellow, make yellow j*e\ *L*- : ji* 

« ,», 

^U« «f lj - IjyL* i±u^l :^U« 
-• » ,», 
to empty, void, vacate ( Js- 1 :^U0 

jaundice, yellows, icterus 

hunger, starvation pj»- :_ / Lo 

empty, void, vacant; devoid (oO JU- :^« > ji[J 

•' i * i- • • '•' 

(a^j*) O^jt '-J** 

JU- :^u« 


empty, void, vacant; devoid (of) 

zero, cipher, naught [ dU\i j ] >i-« 

empty, void, vacant; devoid (of) JU- : >*> 

empty-handed ^xJI^U* 

zero hour ji«aJ I i*L 

bile, gall -u£JI Ujji^ i\j>*o » jl* > J^. : «I^U0 

maraKiai— K»wittjt " 

to eliminate, drop (»JJ L^j l^ji) <y«* 

to settle, liquidate, dis- «i j > jjl. : *Jj UL»- ( y^ 
charge, pay (up), clear, square, balance, extinguish 



to settle an account with, get even *■ . 
with, be or become quits with 

clearness, clarity, fineness, refinement, ,£ : ,iLo 
pureness, purity 

clearness, cloudlessness, serenity, fine- ^> : »ll* 
ness, fairness 

happiness, felicity ;,'ll | \ \\^ , 

good faith, bona fides, sincerity, good Zj\ ffc* 
intention, good will, candor, honesty 

tinsmith, tinner, tinman, white- *<Sjfc~ : ^ l£» 
smith, plumber; tinker 

•j*** CJf'j" j'j**] «•>««• :jU»» 
(egg) yolk, vitellus, yellow ~ : yilll I jUl» 

Whistle IjJ Juaj ijJ^e i\i\ \oj\Lo 

(warning) siren 


typesetter, compositor 


peritoneum ^lLJI yij^kiJI jil^ : JIL0 

fascia ~i-l jUicI Ju^ »U» ^j :JU^ 

impudence, insolence, impertinence, i»- lij : iilLs 
sauciness, brazenness, cheek, nerve, effrontery 

peritoneal JU-JU ii^U j i : ^»tu« 

shelf, ledge; molding; stone bench <i-s 

quality, property, attribute, charac- i^» 1 aI^U- : ii-s 
ter, characteristic, feature, mark, peculiarity 

adjective, attribute [ iJ ] cJu : ii* 

capacity ijil : ii^ 

in the capacity of (in his capacity as), as, IJ^ *•• n~ 

1' "• 1 -» \ • -' 




to decant 
slapping, striking 
slamming, banging, shutting 


deal, transaction, bargain; package, package il 

(good) bargain, favorable transaction or i*u I j 
deal; good buy, advantageous purchase 



cnoice, pick, cream, prime, *-»«J > • >«»■ : 5 «i«tf '»i* - 
flower, elite, top, the best or finest part; the best 
i {'■' *- ' .-'• 

forgiving, excusing, condoning, ready to jy*. : ryuo 
forgive; indulgent, tolerant, placable, lenient, 
merciful; forgiver, pardoner 

sincere friend, honest friend, true yJUw J^ jU ''l£o 
friend, best friend, bosom friend 

i • - .- •* ?'.' 

leader's share of the *, _-' I ^ jJU I £ 

tin, tinplate; tin plates, tin sheets *wjue 

plate, sheet, leaf, foil; lamina; tinplate iii j : ouw 

lamina, blade, limb oLJI *i'j } jL»J : 

can, container(jJ J Ji \'£j I Jil*J ^.Jt. ) ,1*, : i 

jerrican, jerry can (jJJ j^) 

table [ e ^] 


whistling, whistle; hissGng); toot(ing) jjio 

wheezing, wheeze 
sibilant, sibilant letter 

jji^ (jj*- 


:Jui$m^m:^' ' 


yellow fever, yellow jack 

bile duct ♦IjiuaJI ;Gi 

biliary, bilious, bile-, i^il ^1 t\jLl\> ^,U- :iijl>i* 
gaU- ' 

bilious, choleric, peevish, ill-natured, ^l^ I cijIjiU 
ill-tempered, bad-tempered 

oriole (y^U) <*)£* 

whistle; hiss; toot 'jL* ^. ij\ : ijia 

yellowness, yellow color; paleness, j \jL* I : »jLe 


corncrake, land rail (/U.) jji* 

Ascaridae ^f^\ 0^'^'^%^ -oCjLe 

ascariasis oCj^JI jh 

Chalcidoidea ol^ill ^ iL j rt 'f :oC>^ 

ascarid, ascaris l j^A\ <^>. :<,jLo 

willow (^,) t i l „\„ 


iliL^uaJI iil -'l | 'i-il i l ~i /. 


even, level 

to slap, cuff, buffet LiSCJl, o^i : k^o 

slap, cuff, buffet, flap, blow LiSO L t/^» : <^o 

to comb, do, do up, style, dress, coifiure,^»dli_i 
coif (the hair) 

to slap, strike 
to slam, bang, shut 
to flap, flutter 
to decant 

to be or become impudent, insolent, £j> jli" : JLe 
shameless, saucy 

to be or become thick, heavy, \< ■_,, - oli" : J^o 
close in texture 

to applaud, clap the hands W-h> ) j** 

to flap, flutter /»['>. ^lin j;'„ 

, 9. 



title deed, deed, title, muniments 




to rattle, clank, clink, clash, clatter;^ 
to rustle; to jingle 

asp; cobra CL ^1 :J«« 

to roast, broil, grill &£. : Jus 

(jUal «-lj _ J>»-l 4jLJI *l»-jl I^J** 

to cock ^jlJLI jl a*» >,.;,! I (jUo 

- -/ , '« »- 

to pray 5iUJI f Ul : Jus 

to bless djUiJcitl JU« 

God's blessing and peace be JL, j olc 4iil JU 

u*- : u^ 

upon him 
to warm, heat 

solidity, hardness, rigidity, firmness, j^**- : o m 
stiffness, induration, concreteness, inflexibility, 
callosity, callousness 

prayer J^] : »^* 

blessing **\j£- ' *^ : (& Oi ) **•* 

goodness; rightness; validity £*« i 5 jjj>- : r iws 

fitness, suitability, appropriateness, *> t >- : ^jua 
propriety, adequacy 

serviceability, usability, practicability; 
usefulness), utility 

righteousness, uprightness, probi-^j i Cli£Ll : ^%o 
ty, integrity, honesty; piety, dutifulness 

r : c 





competence, jurisdiction; power, ^Ca^-j : tlf^ws 


^^Le «flj-«ii 4«U*>» 

»^Uo)l f.1* 

f J 

incompetence, incompetency, non- 
competency, lack of jurisdiction 

plenipotentiary <L*->U)I ^Um 

hardness, solidity, rigidity, firmness <> )ue '• i a jus 

to crucify v.,,l^> ^* jlc : uJua 

to be or become hard, solid, UL» otf :LL» <L«us 
firm, stiff, rigid; to harden, solidify, stiffen, tough- 
en, indurate, set, concrete 

»' - *' 
to harden, solidify, stiffen, indurate, set, ,jj : *_Jua 

Jjjl oyL :j&e 


impudent, insolent, shameless, -J j : (*i-^J I ) J-i-a 
impertinent, saucy, brazen, brazen-faced, cheeky, 

thick, heavy, dense, compact, ljlJS t <'I,,.,1. : j,,.iTu» 
close in texture 



polisher, burnisher, smoother 


falcon, hawk, saker, accipiter 


J»u» :Juu» 

i*' '\* I s ' *■-' 

' - s ti ''i' ! .' -' ' -" 

»...ii<all <ouel .Kjue iKjue 

to be frost-bitten; to be 
covered with hoarfrost 

to be or become ice-cold, ~& t %JL^6 I *j\j jL» : m.* 
icy, frozen; to freeze, frost 

frost-bitten; covered with hoarfrost j^iUJL oCa* : vm 

region, area, place, land, terri- j£ i *jLL. i i-j-Li : uus 
tory, country 

frost, hoaKfrost); freeze *J*o : X*La 

to polish, burnish, scour, smooth, sleek, slick, '$Lo 
brush up, glaze, gloss, shine, (re)furbish, luster, 
buff, lap, finish; to calender; to refine, cultivate 

polishOng), burnishing, scourGng), smoothing, jius 
sleeking, slicking, brushing up, glazing, glossing, 
shining, (re)furbishing, lustering, buffing, lapping, 
finishing; calendering; refinement, cultivation 

milkweed, silkweed 

(oL») uiMius 

frost, hoaKfrost); freeze 

-' -' w 


ikJuaJI 4« .J 

to beat, strike 

O^J» :dL0 

to shut, close; to lock, bolt 

Jlil :iiL» 

document, deed, instrument, i» < iiJj i .>,;:,,. : due 
paper, muniments, act, record 



bill of sale, act of sale 

•- *i- 



to be or become hard, solid, rigid i_JL» : iU < jJLa 

to harden, solidify, indurate, concrete Jj « 

hard, solid, rigid, firm, concrete 

clay, argil, argillaceous earth 

argillaceous, clayey 

sauce; gravy; dressing 

tomato sauce J> L^l I 

to clatter, clash, clank, clink, 
rattle; to rustle; to jingle 

clatter, clash, clank, clink, 
rattle; rustle; jingle 


to be or become bald 


; ij_)Jj-J 

i rJuS .J nliil 

• *.. '. '' 

jlzJI XyL- t J>^ : jte 

baldness, alopecia 

to boast, brag, vaunt, swagger, bluster m*^ • t 

boastdng), brag(ging), boastful- j^ji. i «yj 
ness, vauntfing), swaggeKing), blustering, vain- 
glory, self-importance 

boastful, bragging, swaggering, j 3j iu> ( »w»w : oiLa 
blustering, vainglorious, self-important; braggart, 
brag, boaster, swaggerer, blusterer 

to cut off; to maim, mutilate; J*e>lL\ /yj :'pLo ijXo 
to eradicate 

-, * 

•.» •- ••- 
hard, solid, rigid, firm, concrete i_JL» i jJuo : JjLa 

^ '^ - f > 
hardness, solidity, rigidity, firmness <>%* : S JjLa 

catfish, silurid, sheatfish (</L..) jjla 

Siluroidea dl^l ^. C'j :o£jjltf 

to burn; to endure the heat of fire (\+t j I jU I ) ^JCa 

to suffer, endure, sustain, oils' : (<> j! ^ '0 7jU« 

undergo, experience, go through, pass through 


Southern Cross, Crux [cJUU ] o^l I <. 

:-■■-■ - -.,..r-r- 

~^f '": 


concrete, callous 

to make the sign of the 
cross; to cross (oneself) 


hard, sohd, rigid, firm, stiff, con- jl.U- < ^U 
crete, inflexible, callous 

c-il.a.,» «jy lj — c~*<rf i 1. .,c 
' .» 

steel j^ly 

spinal column, spine, rachis, cj^iill jjlJJI 
vertebral column, backbone 


body, text 


heart, innermost, core, essence, pith, ^o : 
center, middle, bottom 

point, main or essen- 'Lw.L.I (s^SCi jl) <Lu :<_JU« 
tial point or idea 

a solid i_.Uo fi— j- t flUa 5 jl« 

sclera, sclerotic, sclerotic coat y»- jU- 1 jjlll I flic : < 

^•i f * 
scleritis iJUJI c-^yjl 

steel, steely (3) V : i^r** 

scleral, sclerotic iJUaJlj ii^i j i : ,-X* 

connection; contact; relationship); <LLIj i ii^i* : iJLtf 
tie-in; bearing, relevance, pertinence; link, tie, 
bond, nexus 

present, gift, grant ilkc : iL« 



V * 

to be good, right; to be virtuous, UJl* olS' : j*L> inU 
righteous, upright; to be pious, dutiful; to be fit, 
fitting, suitable, appropriate, adequate; to suit, fit; 
to serve (for); to be serviceable, usable, practicable, 

useful; to be competent, qualified 

- '. » ~ ?- 

peace, peacemaking, conciliation, reconciliation «L« 

(preventive) (y^l o-) Jlj jl <^£«»-l ^» 
composition, arrangement 

l^U Jl4»*-lj -»^(»j*l«jA*SC»»*fpS'U-) < -<»li 
peace; conciliatory, reconcuiatory (j?*^ 


embolus ti>*i ^*j j i^l.*- : 

to withstand, resist, c*y i (j\i : (\j£ **■ j j _jl (£l ) 
oppose; to hold (out), hold one's own, endure, 
stand, last, remain firm, be steadfast 

eternal, everlasting, perpetual, sempiternal «JI j 

lord, master -ul 

the Eternal, the Everlasting (God) 4&I : . 

to paste, glue; to gum jn» 

gum; paste, glue; adhesive g** 

gum resin; asafetida 1/^ '-> &*** 

mucilage ^ioJI JIL 1 JiL j^ 

.. '„ -»., 

gum arabic, acacia 


gummy, gummous, mucilaginous 

to be or become rigid, stiff, hard, firm 

rigidity, stiffness, hardness, firmness 

earwax, cerumen d'i jll Uj^il i 

to determine to, resolve to, decide J* f >» : J* (*-* 
to, make up one's mind to; to be determined to or 
on, resolved to or on, decided on or to, bent on, 
intent on; to set one's heart or mind on; to intend 
to, purpose to, plan to 

to design, style; to plan, J»L»- « J l...«ii ^i) : ~~e 

lay out 

to deafen, make deaf 


silent, taciturn, reticent, reserved, 

silence, quiet, hush Oj£~ * c-«» : C>**0 

steadfastness, perseverance, firm- <UjUu « oLJ : *$*~o 
ness, endurance; resistance, opposition 

rigidity, stiffness, hardness, firmness <u jU* : J>*-« 

„ * - - • - . > . >> 
catalepsy ^" <^cl <»ju»- :Jj*«» 

nut (of a bolt) 

real, true, genuine, sincere, pure, til* 1 yJU- : £4-0 
straight, absolute 

vsv^-^.,. -'-J* -■■.'■ 

Northern Cross [<iiii ] j£J I LjL 

. '•- * 
swastika o^iu 1 

peony (oLi) ^ J .a l l j^c 

crusader i — L» ill*- j dl >H< : .. mI^i 

cruciferous 0L--L1JU J>1*1» '•(«~« 

Cruciferae (oLJI ^) «*.,l.rtll iL-a«JI :oll~Xtf 

crusade 4,,, l . rt (o^y jl) "' 


rattle, clank, clink, clatter, 
clash; rustle; jingle 

to cork, plug, stopper 
to be or become deaf 

i <ua> : iJ-J-tf 

to learn by rote, learn by heart, jt*z-\ < ■£*»• : ^ 
memorize, con 

rote, rote (verbal) learning, learn- Ju*- < jW»r*! : ^ 
ing by heart, memorization, memorizing, conning 

" \ 1 ' \ ' *■'•* 1*' 

• " r '- 


headcloth, headband 


electron tube, tube 

safety valve, safety 

discharge valve 

throttle, throttle valve 

heart valve, valve of the heart 

vacuum valve, vacuum tube, tube 



valvular, valvar; valvate 

to be or become silent or quiet, keep ciC : c 

silent or quiet, hush up, stop talking, say nothing 

- >• \ - * 
to silence, hush, quiet, shut up ox— I : 

silence, quiet, hush o_>x_ : 

cork, plug, stopper 5 jIju. « ilo-' : 

sandalwood (■■ *-j ^ki) J 

sandal(s) ,li»- ,Li»- :Jlua 

lighter, hoy, barge, scow ^'j* < Vj^ : J-^ 

case, box, chest, trunk, crate, con- ;^S <ULc : jjjL 
tainer; package, pack 

safe; strong- (a...MI »Li jl ji j^iJ I ) i; I j»- : Jj-L^ 
box, coffer; till; money box 

treasury, coffers <^j»- : Jjjj^o 

pay Jj >. .nil l j i »\ i_.r.C« < JUl v j 0^C« : Jj-l^« 
office, treasurer's office, cashier's office, business 

fund "Jlljrfl j^jJ <—~y jl *- 1^ 1 - ijjj^tf 

case [icLl»] <Jj»-jl Jjj^« 

sinking fund d^l^ll JjjJU 

ballot box; polls fc.'j?'^' (3i?£*°) Jj-^>* 

i ' -ii '- *'.* 

f*K '. *'* 

insurance fund 

credit fund 

development fund 

savings bank or fund 

peep show, raree show 



treasurer; cashier; teller 


i>- L 

> ft 

»^i jl jl *..::M Jij-L-rf 

'"• ' -n '- •"•' 

-- ''n t i't*ii '. '"' 
<*r J *i\ jl u>jJI uijju«« 

--i* s n '- ''■' 

»jU— Jl Jj_U*£ 

• ''■* w' I 

(JjJLmoJI (j«-»i 

- '*•' II "> 

l>j i : .fill _^»j 

valiant, brave, bold, courageous, stout- pUi : ju JLU0 


to make, do, perform; tiui-l < JJU- ik^l ijj^i :'^e 

to manufacture, fabricate, produce; to fashion, 

form, create; to work out, bring about 

to industrialize LcU**!^ :(iiL-i jl IjlL) ^e 

manufacture, manufacturing, vU« jjua* * V^ ijJL^ 
fabrication, production, making, make 

craft, handicraft; trade, occupation, voca- ii'j*- : 

tion, profession, metier, business, career, calling 

*. .. ,', 
workmanship, craftsmanship, Jl*J I j ls.\jt •*- y 

artistry, art, skill, craft, finesse 

. • _ a 


?L*0 Mf I J — 


heart, innermost, core, essence, pith, 
middle, center, bottom 

from the bottom of my heart, from ( Jl* ^o 'j* 
the depth of my heart, wholeheartedly 

to the point, in point, relevant, per-p^i^ll >«« j 
tinent, apposite, apropos 

handicraft, trade, *»',^» <JJ o_j— • « jyj* - : |/ilu« 

artisan, craftsman, <u^» ir-f^* 'yjjf : yfi^* 
handicraftsman, artificer, workman, skilled worker 

artisanship, craftsmanship, workman- i-i^»- : il/uU-a 

platan, plane, sycamore, (j*^. ) <_J j : j L-o 1 j L-o 
buttonball, buttonwood 

hook, fishhook; (fishing) rod »j L-o 



skilled, skillful, dex- fjl « j»U ^^jJl jl J^O £,£* 
terous, adroit, adept, proficient 

yfilU* wflj-**^ i_*»-Ue l t/j 9 " : f^~«* 

industry; manufacture 

heavy industry 
light industry 

■Lr-lUo J|^l :£cL-o 



4JlJu icL>fl 

^ \ \~- ^ f . 1 * ^* 

* "■' I * 1 '•'• ' '•* * 1' 
industrialist '^Lf (J|^l ^i-j ji) ^_zH : ^ U* 

tap, cock, faucet 
odor of the armpit 


•> 1 j . «— ^ 

malodor, bad odor, often- <iUj < i^jS" i*JI j : i_^> 
sive smell, stench, stink, fetor 

cymbaKs); castanet(s) <^r>* ^ ' : (jy*** p) S*^ 

to encase, case; to box; to (JU.Jjj^tfjjij :'j 
pack, package 

encasement, casing; boxing; packing, ■. }'-' • "^'•' < r 



=# *= 

tf*- 6 

?rm:^-wmMmzm»... :Sm^'m:S: 

fc-Hf-V -XWWKWH 

wine j-*- 

, -« — 
to fuse, melt, smelt ol il : j+* 

fusion, fusing, melting, smelting £ I i[ :>h« 

son-in-law ij'il rjj : >h* 

' I.. ' •- • 
brother-in-law o*- ji £jj : j*f 

cistern, reservoir, tank, container Jop- '■ Txjb? 

tank truck, tanker JSIjUl JiJ i^-li ig.^ 

to neigh, whinny oU» < OjU : ^^i) 1 Ji* 

horseback, back of a horse ^Ji I Jji : S ji-e 

'• - i 

neighdng), whinny(ing) cr>" °>* : J-*"* 

Zionist(ic); Zionist ^ J">4"« 

Zionism 4-J^-^a 

i '* ' ' i" 

right, correct, proper; accu- J>^Ju < ££*« : V '>* 

rate, exact 

lightness, correctness, propri- » I jl. 4 iiw> : o l^e 

ety; appositeness, pertinence, relevance 

• > •- 
reason, mind; consciousness, jl^j 1 Jic : ol>* 

senses, conscious awareness 

to lose one's mind or <u l^o jll> < <j 1^0 ( ju» jl) f U» I 

head, go mad Or crazy, get madly excited or wildly 

to lose consciousness, become <> \ye yt uU 

unconscious, faint, swoon, pass out 

l_Jlt0 Mflj— (_jl^«« (_^t 

'.'> * ''.> 


* .. '. 


wool stapler, wool merchant, li^aJI jJL : til^a 
wool dealer 

flint, firestone jU I j»*- : 6 1>« 



cupboard, case 

buffet, sideboard 

auricle, pinna Oi J I (u^) u'^ 

flint, flinty; siliceous, <jl >*J I Jj V.*-^ : ^ '>* 

silicious, silicic; granitic 

ii\'ji- :u\)-a 'u\'y? 

artificial, synthet-^u-J. jl* « ^f UX«I « T-f U*« : ^-« 
ic, factitious, man-made, made, ersatz, imitation, 

s , »s 'J 

artificiality i-cLkol :< A «;^ 

to classify, categorize, class, arrange, tabu- oj* 
late, sort (out), assort, label, group, grade, rank, 
rate, range, place (with); to systematize 

to compile, compose, write <U) I 1 <u*a>- : \i\£ 



sandpaper, emery paper 

idol, image 

category, class, grade, range, 0^0 ' fy -uL* id&* 
group; kind, sort, type, variety, species; brand 

[ >L*-I j 1 i:^ < i- «,,'.<<> 
'1 '.' .--'•'.' 

-'"* \\'-~ 

»jt 1 1(1 1 1 (J J J 

(full) brother; twin, double, !o « ^Ju < J-ii. :^c 1^0 
duplicate; one of two, one of a pair; equal, peer, 
match, fellow, equivalent, counterpart, parallel 

pine \*-r-*"J >*«•/ •#>*"* '^i>*"* 

pine nut, pinon, pine seed ^>-<* V*- : •»-* 

pinery, pinewood, pineland, pine forest ^>U» *;U 

Pinaceae XJ-**" iL*»i 

-•:- '' <• 
pinecone, cone ^>-^ j^ 

pin(e)y, pine; pinaceous, coniferous; pineal Isji'j^* 

.*'. , -» -•'- v. 

-» - *,•',« ,s -.'- 
Coniferae oULJI ^ <Jj :ol^i>U 

conifer ou^j_j1^JI ^> ij*u :<ijiy*e 

deed, act, action Jli : vJ^ 

^.- ■ - 
good deed, good turn, <-*j^* < J-i» ' <^-»> : >..'o 

favor, kind act 

' •:'• - , '• - '.- 

creature, servile depen- (£)J (^uWi ^ j) :l jI :<« j . ;^ 
dent, instrument, tool, cat's-paw, puppet 

1 • '•- i*.' -'" -- .- 
iimi* «f 1 j - cjjjiu < (j-^* < * 1 111^ : *«...»> <» 

hush! sh! mum! quiet! be quiet! silence! ciCl I : i-o 
magma [ L*-^1^j>- ] »j+a 

reddish, russet; blond, fair «_-♦«» I tiJ>« :(o>UI) »*-*>« 


• •■'■ -■■ -"■•■ ''^- < 

phonetic; phonic 

<jH V> 

sound barrier, sonic barrier 

vocal cords 


supersonic, ultrasonic 




caustic soda, sodium hydroxide il jtf I j^« 

sodium fy. A i^ 

to draw, paint, portray, represent, figure, 11. j i^jla 
depict, picture, illustrate 

to describe, depict, picture, portray, i_i*$ : ^>»o 
paint, represent 

to shape, form, fashion, mold, create, 3^~ : jy* 

to copy, ^ J-* "5l! J^lt i»«_J ry*~- 1 ' r«— > ■ j>^ 
photocopy, duplicate, make a(n exact) copy of, 
reproduce, xerox, photostat; to mimeograph 

to photograph, take photo- &>*> j I Ui \j*y>y jy* 
graphs, take pictures; to film, shoot, snap, 

to film, shoot \^~r ■)*"* 

to imagine, fancy, think, suppose, *J J-*- : *J jye 
assume, take it, take as, take for; to seem to, appear 
to, look to 

horn, bugle 3# \jye 

picture, portrait, drawing; illustration, ~.j : »jye 
figure; painting; image 

form, shape, figure, appearance 1L* <. JSCi. : 5 j^« 
form [ J ylj-jllj jjwj U : s j^« 

image, picture, likeness 
copy, reproduction 
face card 

-'. ■'.-■' 
4 Win t toj^d 

manner, mode, fashion; LjiS iy»j i ii»ji» : 5j^« 
way, method 

-*.! I -a. tii *- ' -»A '.' ' 

profile *rr^W »j><* 

aerial photograph (JjjLUIj Si^»-U) ij^ »j^« 

'i i *- ■• 
snapshot, snap, shot <UtU- 5j^> 




to aim (at), point (at), level (at), direct o-^ i Vx, : ^/yo 
(to), take aim (at), train (at), deliver (at) 

to correct, rectify, emend, right, make «w> :<_/>!* 
right, set right, put right 

--•'-• i . ' " '.' \ ' '" 

direction; side il»-li i *i». :\Sye 

toward(s), to, in the direction of ^*u i oU^Li : o^ 

from all sides, from o jl«> (*■* i v^-) ^jl tK o* 
all directions, from everywhere 

to soap, clean with soap o^taJb oiki : ^>« 

to vote, cast a ballot, cast a vote, poll 





(<_il»«IJ I j) dy& 

majority vote 

casting vote, casting voice 

votes cast in favor of J J jl J i* 

to vote, cast a vote, cast a ballot, poll 

•* II ' ' "*i 
supersonic, ultrasonic Oj-aJI ^ 9^-1 

sound barrier, sonic barrier o_jU I j I o»- 

. » i- • •> 
speed of sound o_>-aJI *cj- 

acoustics, phonics o^all JLc 

phonetics (ijjilJl) pl^U'ill {jj^u jl J^i) ^i* 

volume, intensity oj^JI »y 

loutKly), in a loud manner JU o>Uj 

audibly; aloud, with the speaking fy—* &y*i 

softly, in a low voice; iJ a *>--> j I *yf I i &y** 
under one's breath, in a whisper 

road sign, signpost, guidepost; landmark, Jul : fye 


sonic, sound-, acoustic(al), phonic, l**~ '•'&>* 

sonant, voiced, vocal 

.*' ■* I -*- •* -I-' *-" 



; ■ •„„', y'v- 1 ..:-: 1 . 

Lent [^ljwai] (i ^«jj , Sll (>^tf (jj-SCll (.j-aJI 

Somalia Jdj!Ul 

Somalian "^Kiya 

cell, hermitage (<r**L>" jl t£L.UI) j-«>e i**«^« 

preservation, conservation, £ll»> i £lij < Jii»- : b'ye 
guarding, protection, safeguarding, (safe)keeping, 
saving, defense, defending, vindication, securing, 
retaining, retention; susten(ta)tion, keeping up; 
maintenance; servicing; service 

soybean, soya (c>Li) Cj-aJI Jy '£>« 

crier, shouter, screamer; crying, yelling, — JUe : rC« 
shouting, vociferous, vociferant, clamorous, noisy 

crying, yelling, shouting, screaming, 
shrieking, whooping 


o3Ue : oL^ 

(jsa)dOi iC. 

hunter, huntsman, shooter 

fisherman, fisher 


flycatcher (jlU»)oljiil jC* ioC-UI jC« 

butterwort (oLi) oljiiil jC» loCiJI jC« 

goldsmithery, goldsmithing jJUaJI i»j»- :i«l— « 

forming, formation, shaping, fashion- J^X^J : i*C* 
ing, molding, framing, working, forging; creation, 
origination, making 

drafting, drawing up, formu- ^c ^uu « >jm '• <^L^ 
lation, framing, putting down in writing, compo- 
sing, composition, writing; phrasing, wording, 
couching, expressing, expression, articulation 

wording, l+> ji-*iJI ii/l»j o>Ll5CJt jL^-l :<cL* 
diction, expression, phrasing, phraseology, style 

coinage, coining \»j&Si\ : olJ^J I <i\~* 

drafting committee 

fasting, fast 

maintenance, upkeep; ser- £ll»- i illij < J»i»- : <il— « 
vicing; services; susten(ta)tion, keeping up; preser- 
vation, conservation, guarding, protection, safe- 
guarding, (safe)keeping, saving, defense, defend- 
ing, vindication, securing, retaining, retention 

rain cloucKs) 

*■■ '■ "■ ■■-■■ • — ' 

„S .- *- ' 

• • * * • •■- J 

jit «3flj-J^jl ,_^J» »J><« 

« . - » ••-. • 1 '•• ••, j 

photograph, photo, pic- 
ture; snapshot, snap, shot 

cartoon, caricature 

oil painting, oil 


x j?y9 *jy* 

r l • ' ■*' •* 

animated cartoon, cartoon 

blowup, enlargement, enlarged photo- iJSu> lj^ 

.> " .' » ', . .a, .- > .«.._-•• 

formal; nominal; pro forma d*-- : *#J>* ' <£»* 
(invoice, etc.) 

false, sham, fictitious, (-ill j > oils' : ifj^* « tSj><* 
mock, mimic, make-believe, dummy, artificial, 

simulated, unreal, imaginary 

.* ' *.- V 

puppet government 

formal logic 

formalism <ij>* '*ij>« 

chick, young chicken jij-aJI r^r^l fj : o"> a 

wool; fleece wlj -jJ I ^ : CJj«« 

tinder, touchwood, punk, amadou J\jr- '-<j\*ya 

ii •* '"- f • 4 ii - * •*• - - • ' 
woolen, <J\ i_jj-«l» jl (jj»aJl ^ < rj^ aj - '• (j*>* 

fleecy; woolly, wool 

Sufi, mystic(al) "Sf-J - ^' <-^J V>-^ : (ji><* 

Sufi, mystic S^>-*J ^ j ' 0^>^ I j^ I j : (V >^ 

Sufism, mysticism 

Sufis, mystics 

to pan, wash out, elutriate, leach, lixiviate Ju : Sy>a 

attack, assault, onslaught iili- : ii'^a 

power, authority, influence i^L. : ii'^o 

scepter, mace, wand, (il^jJI ilJuJI jl dUil) uUj^ 

crosier, staff (*~^j-^l ilJuJI /\ tJuL\\) u^><« 

fasting, fast ^Ca : ^^a 

*■*' '.* . *■ * -*■ ' 




money-changer; cambist (J I j*o : Llj^a t ^* j— « 

becoming, growing, turning (into); getting or Sjjj— e 
coming to a point where, reaching a stage where; 
end, outcome, upshot, issue, result, consequence 

formula, formulary, formulation; form, J£i. : <*— <s 
shape; fashion, mode, manner 

wording, version; text u*> : i*~» 

iiL,» «»-lj - l^j jwidl ii>ji»j oljXJI jUi»-] '■**-?? 
formula [ rJJ oL*>l> j i »L~S' ] i*~» 

form, mood, voice; tense [i*J J i*~» 

imperative, imperative mood j- >l **--» 

comparative, comparative degree J.y»«:ll i*~« 
superlative, superlative degree LLJI J.yii:!! i*. 
active, active voice 
passive, passive voice 
active, active voice 
passive, passive voice 

summer, summertine 
summerfy), (ajestival 
daylight-saving time 
summer school 


uLIaJI J-ai ■' * *« 
* i. .- •" 

4! a. ■/> <m tJm 

polisher, burnisher, smoother J W i J»U» : J*~« 
porcelain, china, china ware, faience (Jj»- i^-L^tf 

tray, salverolj^JI jl (•I^I^IjIaIUajuJ j-i> :<,,;, ^ ^i 

r i ' -" '* • ' 

faceplate [ ISLi l£~. J iiyJ ' Sr-* 

tent, pavilion, marquee J»UiLi i i»-»- :u!>- « 

loud-voiced, having a stentorian Oj-oJI -u-ii. : c 

reputation, repute, standing, name, credit 
fame, renown 

cry, outcry, yell, shout, scream, screech, l^'j^a : 

shriek, whoop 

war cry, battle cry <_>^i-l 

. . .-. > .-•- .-• .-.-•» .r -' • - 

tad, craze, c^» t <t^> « ** ju : <m^ j»- I i o>~^> 

rage, fashion, style, vogue, mode 

hunting), shooting) y^J : wlj oUjlllj j_j~UI ju. 

fishing, fishery 

angling, hooking 

game, quarry, kill u^J i i.u,a» oli \y~*- : ±~* 

pharmacy, pharmaceutics, pharmacology *J«4-* 

pharmacist, druggist, apothecary, ^«i ^1 ol* : '^J jLc 

pharmaceutical ihC«JL jl i).u*JL jlli* :^-V> 
pharmacy, drugstore ill ju^ 

chipmunk oIm^JL <u^ jU*o ul>^>* : l/^ j 4-* 

to make, render, cause to be or <JJ Sy>- <■ S**r -jr* 

become; to reduce to, turn into, make into, put 


salted anchovy ~L* Jb \j~e 

crack, fissure, cleft, crevice Ji : ^o 

money-changing, exchange ii 1^ : iijl^ 

^^^^ ^l^r ^^r ^N^^ ^B^r ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ft^r ^I^r ^ft^r ^^^r ^^^r ^H^^ 

^^r ^^^ ^^r ^^r ^Qr ^^r ^^r ^^^^ ^y ^M^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ 

to joke with, jest with, banter rjL i « ciU«i : ii^U> 
with, make fun with, tease, kid 


( rlj^» r) V^^ 

bicuspid, premolar (tooth)di. 

suburb(s); outskirts, environs, 

cross-country i~»-L»JI JL— 

to contradict, counter, oppose, ^l; i lui 0^ : jU> 
antagonize; to be contrary to, opposed to, 
contradictory to, inconsistent with, incompatible 
with; to counteract 

to starve (to death), suffer violent \'jy£ f U- : j Ua 
hunger, be extremely hungry 

harmful, injurious, detrimental, preju- *y> t^Ju :'JLe 
dicial, hurtful, noxious, damaging, deleterious, 
nocuous, obnoxious, evil, maleficent, inimical, 
adverse, unhealthy, unwholesome 

harmless, unharmful, innoxious, innocu- jU> y-c. 
ous, inoffensive, safe, good 

predatory, predacious, rapacious, rav- ((5jL»JI)jUj 
enous, voracious, ferocious; savage, feral, ferine, 
wild, untamed; fierce, violent 

beast of prey, predatory animal, predatorjU>ol^*- 
to speculate <>j^l ~*>.J^\ J Ji^l :^^ 

to fight with, come to blows with « dlii.1 : L/jU> 

beating, striking, hitting; knocking, L^-» Jcl* : o>U> 
punching; beater, striker, hitter; knocker, puncher 

lost, missing; wasted jj— i j^u : jjUj 

financial straits, insolvency iJ^* i*J^» 

to dwindle, decrease, diminish, (_,»«»■ i ^^ii I : J i Us 
lessen, reduce, deflate, lower, cut 

officer (^)J itjJJl jl U £J-I j) iuU> 

* '> 
regulator, governor, controKs) Jii. : JuU> 

control, restraint, check; j>-\j i p a! j < p j\ } : J»^ 
deterrent, disincentive 

control ^.1 iaw» y< J>i»»JI_} iLUJJ y«Lu :,LU> 

criterion, standard, yardstick, measure, jLJc : *LLo 

rule, precept, principle, maxim, norm Jj^li : ,LU> 

- * » T ' ' 
liaison officer JLiJl jl J»Ljj! ^uU> 

staff officer 

noncommissioned officer iuU> 


police, policemen, police force 

criminal police 

judicial police, peace officers 

liU _Ltl_» JuUo 

<Lk w> I ^ L . 1 ^ 

^Uwi «jf I j — rU> 

to have sexual intercourse with, make »U : *j»U> 
love to, go to bed with, sleep with 

- : t? 1 

"»«<> «-lj - J>-^ ip-UJfci'SlI ^^ :»_»-U» 




' ■"■•.'•'•^ 

object or goal of persistent search or (« *y~» ) iJ Uj 
pursuit; (long-sought) goal, (long-pursued) aim, 
(long-desired) objective; wish, desire 

to wrong, do wrong to, oppress, treat un- jJJ» :fU» 

justly, aggrieve, injure, harm, hurt 

connective, connecting, conjunctive, binding, f U» 

joining, uniting; retractive 

retractor i«U» *LA* 

atrophied, atrophic; emaciated; lean, J~m '-j>\-o 
skinny, thin; slim, slender, svelte 
guarantor, guarantee, warrantor, surety, J-iS' : j* Uj 
security, bailsman), bondsman, sponsor 

*'•' • i • 
insurer, assurer ,yy •&r* 

liable, responsible, answerable <J.j>— ■ '-(j^° 

"■' • !'• 
sheep j»ie :uLtf 

mutton uUJI p»J 

mutton oUJI c~ : i/^^* ' i^*** 

ovine, sheep- (-»it : <jU> 

to match, equal, parallel, & jL» « *jU» : u»Uj 

correspond to, be similar to, be like; to compete 
with (successfully), rival (successfully), emulate, 
strive to equal or excel 

incomparable, matchless, unmatched, (j»Ujj "51 
peerless, unrivaled, unequaled, unparalleled, sin- 
gle, singular, unique 

emaciated, wasted, gaunt.J.*; i Jj>* -.((ijUJl) jUj 
haggard, rawboned, skinny, scrawny, spare, bony; 
lean, thin, spare t ,, 

- , .< - -. 
to annoy, vex, irritate, irk, bother, disturb,** j\ : (J>jUj 

trouble, inconvenience, pester, molest, harass, 

upset, offend, disquiet, discompose, discommode, 

incommode, distress; to oppress; to tease 

small, little, slight, meager, scanty, -u»_) « JJU : JJ-o 
sparse, scarce, thin, slim, slender, exiguous, insuf- 
ficient, inadequate, fractional, insignificant, trivi- 
al, inconsiderable, negligible 

lizard; dabb, dabb lizard (ij\j-»-) k-U» 

fog, mist V^ 

foggy, misty, hazy, murky, cloudy, clowded, "iff** 

> 8l""l'iffll'WIHffll^^^' w ^ l * <i ** llli * AM '^ wa ' - '^'<i*w 
typist vjlSaijftl JetejU 

geomancer J*S^ Vj^* ' J*S" Vj^* 

-ish, -y, somewhat, rather, JL** o'^ Jj VjU* 
having a touch (trace, shade) of 
yellowish, yellowy 

striking force, force de frappe *<>>« »y 

to match, equal, parallel, be similar <j»U> > <o^ : PjUj 
to, be like; to rival (successfully), compete with 

matchless, unmatched, peerless, unparal- p-jUu *} 
leled, nonpareil, unequaled, unrivaled, incompa- 
rable, unique 

ijiLal\ (J I OjU> 

<t iW) »• 

1 Jlj l JjU 

i :'pUj 

to be lost, get lost; to go to 
waste, be wasted; to perish 

to double, redouble, duplicate, geminate; ^J :u&Lb 
to multiply 

compressor; compress; compressing, compres- Ja*U> 
sive; pressing, squeezing 

pressure group, lobby ikcU> (Sy i iLS") icU»- 

*■" - 
compressor il»cU» iLi* 

compressor; compress XJaiUi 

nightmare, incubus tr»^ : J»j*L« 

to stay with as a guest, reside Ul*i ojlLc <j^j : (*.) (JUj 
with temporarily as a guest, visit 

abundant, copious, ample, jilj < jjji :(,jLaJl) cJUj 

detailed, elaborate J-ai* : eiU> 

to help, aid, assist, support Oj^ :j»Uj 

to narrow, contract, decrease in r>»- < «_J] -U> : J Us 
width, tighten; to be or become' narrow, tight, 
close; to be straitened, confined, limited 

£j^ {f 'j~6* j'-i **ji d*° 
- - ^ -'■- 

straying, wandering, stray, (going) eijk^mJl; :<JUj 
astray, lost, aberrant, errant, erratic, devious, 
deviating, perverse 

' ' ' ~'T ' 

JjUaJ w-lj - «JL«<> 




ryr.^^.-.a 1 ,: 



birth control 

i3^j»ii t (J^.V.M.'i : ^*; ■'* 


iJa. - in i Ja. .<a,lli 

j\jt+o :^Uh0 



self-control, self-command, self-restraint >cr iJ I 
discipline, temperance 

remote control 

exactly, precisely, accurately 

ticket, traffic ticket 



to clamor, roar, din, vociferate, shout, cry; i_.w :'pj> 
to be noisy, boisterous, clamorous, uproarious 

noisy, clamorous, boisterous, uproari- 
ous, roaring, rackety, vociferous, vociferant 

noise, din, uproar, roar, clamor, o-U- 
hubbub, hurly-burly, tumult, turmoil, racket, fan- 
fare, clatter, pandemonium 

to be or become bored (with), ^ i J— : ( _* jl ^) j»J> 
fed up (with), weary (of), (sick and) tired (of); to 
tire (oi), weary (oi); to be or become impatient 
(with), annoyed (by) 

boredom, weariness, tedium, ennui, (J> ( (L :^J> 
tiredness; impatience, restlessness, uneasiness, an- 
noyance; discontent, displeasure, dissatisfaction 

bored (with), fed up (with), weary (of), ^J, ( Jl :^e 
tired (of); impatient, restless, uneasy, annoyed; dis- 
contented), displeased, dissatisfied 

slugabed, late riser, J^lS" , tlkki ^ I ^ : Xm*Jb 

sluggard, slug, lazybones; lazy, sluggish, lethargic, 

'•l ' '• 




to appear, come to light, come into view; J^» : \aia 
to be or become visible, apparent 


• ■• ..-, - * 

■•ii ^j 

**o i *»»■ - j** '.j*** 

jjttf iJj 

blurred, blurry, dim, obscure, vague, indistinct, 

fogginess, fog, mistiness, haziness, haze, murki-iLl^i 
ness, cloudiness, blur, obscurity, vagueness, indis- 
tinctness, nebulosity 

insole (tliJ-l)uLi 

bolt, latch, lock (oU I ) w> 

to gather, collect, assemble; to 

bind, join, unite 

armpit; axilla U'.l ■ ' ^ 

to catch, seize, take hold of; to appre- Jx ^J • V.% 
hend, arrest, capture; to hold 
to seize, distrain, impound, 
sequester, confiscate 

to control, check, curb, contain, ^5" : 

restrain, subdue, hold (back), keep under control, 
keep down, keep back 

to control oneself, restrain <»La*l j I <Ju V> 
oneself, contain oneself, withhold oneself, hold in, 
keep cool or self-possessed, remain calm or 

to do (something) accurately, 
precisely, well 

to check (up or out), verify; to 
determine precisely, pinpoint 

to adjust, regulate, tune, fix, set 

to correct, emend, rectify, set right, 
make right 

' s- - a - ' -' 

to vowelize, point Sj»- <. J£i, : V> 

seizure, seizing, catch(ing), taking hold <Jx u aJ : t-'A 
of, holdGng); apprehension, arresting), capture 

seizure, seizing, distraint, 5 j'jCo* < ji>» : .L' ; > 
impoundment, sequestration, confiscation 

controKling), curb(ing), checking), j^i" : V.^ 
containment, restraint, subdual, keeping under 
control, holding (back), keeping down or back 

accuracy, precision, o^J I < f&»- 1 < *»■> : V- > 

exactness, exactitude, correctness 

checkCup), verification J**^ i J-ik; : V.^i 

adjustment, regulation, tuning, «JU < J^-uJ : .L'> 

fixing, setting 

correction, emending, rectification, 

making right 


»■".■'■..' ■- ■ ■-■■■■ -.-■- — 

or become a victim or prey of 

to pump (j)J Jlil.fliOjvi 

pumping j*» j-**" : C** 

hugeness, bigness, largeness, i»Li- 1 jS : <u l*-i 

greatness, sizableness, bulkiness, grossness, 

voluminosity, vastness, immensity, massiveness, 

enormousness, enormity, tremendousness 

corpulence, stoutness, obesity, fatness, i» I ju :i»Uw» 


hypertrophy [ <_J» J ^ . a j : ( j-ic) i»Uw» 

to be or become huge, big, large, bulky, ^ : ^a 

sizable, voluminous; to grow or increase in size or 

volume; to swell, distend, inflate, expand 

to inflate, distend, blow up, expand, -,!»• <. jS : m 

swell, enlarge, magnify; to make huge, big, large, 

bulky, sizable 

to exaggerate, overstate, magnify j «JL : ls>^> 

to amplify [ ,1^ ] ^Li 

huge, big, large, great, sizable, JJU i <wJ>- ijj$ : ~**Js 
considerable, bulky, gross, voluminous, vast, im- 
mense, massive, enormous, tremendous, formida- 
ble, astronomical, king-size, gigantic, giant, colos- 
sal, mammoth, titanic, cyclopean; magnificent, 
corpulent, stout, obese, fat, plump i>oj : ju> 

opposite, contrary, contrast, counter, reverse; 'jJa 
converse; adversary, opponent, antagonist; ant- 
onym; against, opposed to; versus; anti-, counter-, 
contra-, counteracting; -proof 

to be sunstruck, have a sun- tr Jii\ «jjU>I : U**» 

to sacrifice U^-J (JJu : (-j) J^Jb 

to sacrifice, offer up, \j\jj jl o»jji f^i :(-j) ^w» 
immolate, victimize 

to sacrifice oneself 
forenoon; morning 

,111 tui 

fireproof jUI 



nothing is good or ill but by jJJI <_ 


to harm, damage, hurt, injure, wrong, prej- ^>l :'jJa 

udice, damnify, endamage, disadvantage, disserve, 

do harm to, cause damage to, be harmful to 

"■ , "• .-'. -'■ 

distress, adversity, misfortune; woe, *% i Sol : »l^i 
trouble, trial, tribulation, ordeal 

i\j. «f \j - »lj*i)lj »lj-JI J 

*-?JjM0 «f Ij — (i-J^^ Ujji*) L-jljJj 

- • - - "V 

shallow, shoal Jm> : w.n'n^ t ^Laivi 

to flicker, vibrate (t_» I^LJ I ) y%,<i'*.fr 

to laugh d l jvj 

to laugh at, poke fun at, j*~ : ^c jl j jl [y <ii>fci 
make fun of, ridicule, mock, deride, scoff at, jeer at 

to pull someone's leg, dupe, gull, pa*- : J* <il»*i 
fool, make a fool of, bluff, deceive; to cheat 

he laughs best who \j±\ dU»^j ja \j±£ S^oj 
laughs last 

laughter, laughing d l jva td l jw? idl»vj 

laugh i£»woii£»wo 

sardonic (bitter, sarcastic) laugh ibjl^s i5ow> 
f * * - $ > * \? > > m ~ * > 

Sj»*Ja vr I j - t^j-ij ' d l.-»,aJ I j^£ : <5ow i <5ow 

mocker, derider, j»-L i ^Ul ^c dlk^jj ^ : «£»•*» 
ridiculer; mocking, derisive, ridiculing, sarcastic 

laughingstock, butt, joke 
shallow, shoal 

forenoon; morning l^*** : y»* ' • j**^ 

laugher; (frequently or J.y^ ( c J U^J I jg : d^ 
constantly) laughing, risible, riant, cheerful, gay, 
merry, bright-faced, good-humored 

LmJ* ylj — (j.n.'ll OUal ij^Ji : rj»*<* 
... .--«., ., : _s -. 

Victim COf (<JV < *-s! J* : ***• 

.»•...* «.f . .. -i .- '.' J> ■' 

forenoon; morning ;^w> t (j»w» liST C*«i (vj jl) Lii 





to set a record S-"^* £*j <-*j*» 

to impose, levy; to \+*j : i»>j.l jl <u»^JI <->_/<» 

assess; to tax 

.'- » , • 3 - ,' 
to drum, beat a drum *JLc jl Jikll o^i 

» - - '■»"* . --!.» ,' ,- 
to coin, mint, monetize I4SL. : jjiJI jl iLJI o^ 

to multiply (a number by another)^! j I j j* L/^> 

to behead, decapitate, decollate *llp 0^9 

to give (as) an example, quote as an "& L^i 

example, cite (by way of example); to exemplify, 
instance, show or illustrate by example; to say or 
give a proverb; to set an example (for others) 

God set forth a parable ^L. <Al 0^ 

to participate in, share In, J <--~aJj ~jij <_/>*> 
take part in 

to turn away from, avoid, ikia 4^i LT^> 1 o* L>» 
shun; to disregard, overlook, ignore, pass over, 
bypass, pay no attention to, shut one's eyes to 

to quilt (L»lijJl)L£i 

to quilt, sew, stitch; to whip, 

to mix (with), mingle jJi- :(s^JL. f!jJl)L/£> 
(with), blend (with) ; 

beating, striking, hitting; knocking), J»li :<_i^i 
punch(ing); slapping, flapping; tapping 

knocking), rarXping) y j « cy : oUI L/^> 

ringting), touting) £j , jj : ^.^Ll l/^> 

battery, assault [o>ili] ^ t-u-uJ ji f llil : <_/^» 
and battery 

multipli- [oLj»L.j] o^JI iXi i(jIj**>II) <_/^» 

giving (as) an example, quotation as J\i. "Jl I c/^> 
an example, citation (by way of example); exem- 
. plification, exemplifying, showing by example, 
illustration (by example); saying or giving a 
proverb; setting an example (for others) 

minting, mintage, coining, SL : jjljl jiiilljl L/^> 
coinage, monetization 

typing, typewriting & ISCJ I ifil I J* L/^i 

kind, sort, type, species, variety c^j : <_/^ 

variety [,L*l]<_/^, 

tax-, taxation 

predation, predacity, rapacity, ravenousness, ojl^i 
voracity, ferocity; savagery, ferity, wildness; 
fierceness, violence 

to beat, strike, hit; to knock, punch; to 
slap, flap; to tap 

to move 


i) ~ : 

to roam, rove, wander, yL < JiJ : (^ij^l j) <_/^ 
range, migrate, go from one place to another; to 
travel, journey, trip, voyage 

to migrate Jj^JI j^J c-*i '-J^\ c-j^ 

to beat, throb, ji». < jjij : (_ii)| ji J^JI <_/^> 
palpitate, pulsate, pulse 

to ache, hurt **i-} oii I : ^-^J I ji i-^L I <_/^> 

to shoot (at), fire (at), open cSjU I ^JLJIj L/^i 
fire (at), gun 

toshell, bombard, bomb, «i laiu ji JjQjL, L^j> 

cannonade, cannon, open artillery fire at 

to type, typewrite £j ISCJ I <jfr I J* L/^> 

to play, play on (a musical ili—jil ifr I J* L/^» 


to sting 

to incline to (a color), 
shade into (a color) 

to fix a date, make an appoint- llc^l ji %.\ 


to take root, strike root, be- (J* < j) £u,| L-^i 
come settled (established, deep-rooted); to prevail 
(in), reign (in), spread (through or over), pervade 

to knock, rap, bang, beat (on or iiy : L.U I L/^» 
at a door) 

to blow (a trumpet) ij; : J^J I j l/J* 

to beat, whip, whisk lili : £|J [^ \ o^i 

to ring, sound, toll (a bell) a* J : [/J. \ L/^» 

to blockade; to besiege, (Sy- jt J*) jlU-l L> 
beleaguer, siege, lay siege to 

to pitch (set up, erect) a tent illi L/^> 






& cr ■> 

— oUil* i <jLm* 

: t> 


"'•I i '*'• 

hound, hunting dog ju^ tJ^ i jU> tJ^ : jj-e 

necessity, need, exigency, demand, i»-U- : ajjjis 
requirement, (pre)requisite; must 

necessities, necessaries, (pressing or ol j 3j * 

urgent) needs, exigencies, demands, require- 
ments, (prerequisites 

necessarily, of necessity "'jir^ v ' 'jjs* 

poetic license <y^*~ ~»j)j>* 

in case of need, if need be, when 
necessary, if necessary 

in case of dire (extreme, iSyati I ijjj^i I J^f 

urgent) need or necessity, in case of an emergen- 
cy, when worse comes to worst 

necessity o I j^JiiJll £~J tz>\jjjJai\ i fl£»-l 5jjj-aU 
knows no law 

necessary, requisite, needful, prereq- ^j"i '-'{Sjij^o 
uisite, indispensable, essential, required, needed, 
imperative, obligatory, mandatory, incumbent; 
inevitable, inescapable 

fierce, violent, *£L*» i<L»-U> ^jj-i ±>j>- i o*)j^ 
hot, destructive, ruinous, deadly, internecine 

tax, duty, excise, imposition, levy, cess 

- •«.« • - » • , . , 
inheritance tax, i)>L jI jl iS^JI jl ii,ji\ <*j*> 

death tax, death duty, succession duty, estate tax, 
estate duty 

surtax iuiLil ij J> 

property tax ilsOil j' 5^4 1 ji ^^ Kis* 

progressive tax(ation) Jjj^Uu i^i 

income tax J»-jJI <L»^ 

. ». » •«* •«, '- 
capitation, poll tax jLiil jl ^jj^JI i-o*> 

equal, peer, match, fellow, Si ijvL <J^ loj^ 
parallel, like 

last foot of the second hemistich [ <_^> jji ] <_/>-» 

geomancy J-v" Vj** ' J-*jJy ^j^^ 

>t .- > '.* > 

mint j^iJI (_<j«i jIj t cj^^I jIj 

~ '. » «.- *,, .« 

blow, stroke, hit, beat, knock, i» j t iijJ» i ii»I»- : <j j-i 

punch; slap, flap; strike, military (air) attack; tap; 


beat, throb, pulsation, pulse iii»- i iJ»lj : */>*> 

plague, affliction, trial, tribulation, <3^1b « ii I : Xiyla 
ordeal, heavy blow, misfortune, calamity, disaster, 

penalty kick l*e-V *^»yjj *'>r 'y^ 

sunstroke, insolation; heatstroke ^^^ i^i 

knockout (in boxing); deathblow, <?*\i <>s* 

fatal blow, finishing stroke, coup de grace 

masterstroke, coup de maitre Jbu <>jj» 

fellow wife (of a polygyny) W j»3 • I j* I : (• I jl Sj-tf 

udder, dug ^» : s^i 

to stain (spot, smear, imbrue) ( ^ lIL ) V^i t ^^ 
with blood; to ensanguine 

*'. | -'''• 


damage, harm, injury, hurt, wrong, preju- cSJl :j^«i 

dice, detriment, lesion, loss, disadvantage 

damages, indemnity, compensa- jj^ 3 JJ»c i jl^>l 
tion, reparation, redress, satisfaction, recompense, 

to bite firmly or strongly S j-X. 'jot. : u>jio 

to be or become dull; to be set on (ou-'ill c) yn^a 

to toughen, harden, make tough, make dL»- : ^^0 
battle-hardened; to sophisticate 

to make dull, render dull (oL-'ill)^^ 

molar, molar tooth, grinder 
wisdom tooth 


to humble or humiliate oneself (*JJ /\ <l) p^j«i t p^i 

udder, dug wlj s^illl (iJu :pj«tf 

E .■■■■'■■..• ■":,... ■■..'-.■..■ V\ WSiMZ.iXI&KJHHL'^ 

weak, feeble, frail, delicate, weakly, £sy Ju* : '-'.,».<' 
debilitated, asthenic, flagging, languid, enervated), 
powerless, impotent 

weak-willed, weak-kneed ijl'.^l i-«,.^ 

weak-minded, feebleminded, jiiJI <-«■«.<» 

dim-witted, fat-witted, stupid, foolish, idiotic; idiot, 
imbecile, moron, fool, simpleton 

bunch, bundle, bale oj»- :i!m 

chimera(s); confused dreams ^ >»■ 1 ii>U*> I 

to press, compress, squeeze ^*j* > ^4^ : ialiio 

to press, compress, push, force jl*- : JmJj 

(together), serry, pack (tight), jam (together); to 
squeeze; to wedge, cram, ram 

to exert ^t ^mo i •jS'l t ^ LLw> (j-jl« : J* J*m> 
pressure on, pressure, bring pressure to bear on, 
put pressure or stress on; to push; to press, con- 
strain, compel, coerce, force; to oppress, bear 
down heavily upon, harass 

to economize, tighten one's belt, live oUiJ I 
more thriftily; to be frugal, thrifty, economical 

pressure, pressing, compression, J*u. t u lS : , 
compressing, squeeze, squeezing 

pressing, pushing, packing, jamming; _^i» 
squeezing, squeeze; wedging, cramming, ramming 

pressure, exertion of J* &??£ ioIjS'I :(J*) J^-» 
pressure on, bringing pressure to bear on, putting 
pressure or stress on, pressuring, pushing, 
pressing; constraint, compulsion, coercion, force, 
forcing; oppression, bearing down heavily upon 

pressure; stress Jm-oJI »y i . 

barometric pressure cSj^jj^i 

atmospheric pressure "Isyr 

blood pressure '(£y* X*** i i»jJI 

diastolic pressure ^tCj'ill »jJI Jm-n 

systolic pressure ( w»CiJ l ill »JI J»V-b 

air pressure »l^il J»»-b 

pUjjl vrlj- (ij-oJI Jai-aJI f'lujl 

pressure group, lobby ,L*-e icll»- 

• ■- *.. '' 
pressure cooker Jm*« Sjkit 

to bear a grudge against, bear malice J* lui- : J* jjuo 


,. . ,ijt ...- ^;'_ ■ ■■?. ■■■,;.■■- 

>M*L-t >•*& <Lu m^9 

tax evasion Si^^l ( V •») o* <-r>j4J 

direct tax 
indirect tax 

tax-exempt, duty-free 

tax-, taxation i_-Jl^iJI jl "Lj^AJIj yoU- '-tfujio 

grave, tomb, sepulcher 


lowliness, humbleness, meanness, iiU»j :<uu> ii*Js 
baseness, lowness, ignobility, vileness, inferiority 

to undermine, weaken, sap, o^*- s i_W>l : •'*• '- 
debilitate; to impair, cause to decline or decay; to 

to tear down, pull down, raze, wreck, *jl» : - ,~- J* 
demolish, destroy, devastate 

undermining, weakening, s-;>»J > (JU^»I 
sapping, debilitation; impairment; dilapidation 

pulling down, tearing down, razing, ^ l»i : 
wrecking), wreckage, demolition, destruction, 

to weaken, fail, languish, droop, U_»-e jL» : uim 
flag, slacken, lose power or strength, decline in 
force or power; to be or become weak, feeble, 
debilitated, frail; to waste away, pine away 

weakness, feebleness, frailty, »y .ui 

debility, asthenia, delicacy, languor, powerless- 

ness, impuissance, impotence 

(sexual) impotence 

weak point, weak spot, lj**« tjJ»>« ' >-««J» 
weakness, fault, defect, failing, shortcoming, 
drawback, disadvantage 

double; twice (as much); multiple; ((_»U*>I r-) 

triple; thrice (as much), threefold <_>U>I ii^i 

• » • » 
many times as much or as many, a 4iU^»l (JL*>I 


", - > • • » 

many times, a hundredfold iuU li U*> I 



"gfesagi y«gs'" 

;,.:'■■ jr-xr ;tti 

; 1 

cutlet, chop; rib p^Li^ll ^ i «Li 

rib, vein s^lil ^-Ui- jl oLJI iijj j Jj* : «JU» 

side [i-x*]«Li 

stave (j^Jl)«U> 

role, part, hand L ( j '/* : *U> 

he had a hand in, he played an active J «Li <J o^ 
part or role in, he had to do with, he was an 
accomplice or accessory in 

equilateral p^Li^ll t$jLi* 

costal, rib- [ g> ^ ] ^«JU> 

to mislead, lead astray, misguide, misdirect, <u> : jLo 

to mislead, beguile, delude, deceive, pa*- : JJui 
fool; to cheat; to trick 

versed (in), conversant (with), skilled ( JU j) j— Lo 
(in), well-informed (about); learned, erudite; ex- 
pert, specialist, authority, connoisseur, proficient 

strong, sturdy, robust l$ji : jJLi 

JU» «-lj - JJU» 

to join, unite, bring together, conjoin, £o i£»»- :li> 
connect, bind; to combine, merge, amalgamate; to 
group; to couple, pair; to gather, collect 

to join, subjoin, attach, annex, append, JjJ I : -* 

to assemble, put together, fit together, i_o j : -* 
piece (together) 

to contain, comprise, comprehend,Jli.t i$^>]:l*> 
include, encompass, embrace, embody, cover 

to embrace, hug, cud- l ya>- iJpU ■(»;'•>** tij) j** 
die, snuggle, take in the arms, press to the bosom 

joining, junction, uniting, union, bring- » * < *»»- :l«i 
ing together, conjunction, conjoining, connection, 
connecting, binding; combination, combining, 
merger, merging, amalgamation, grouping; 
coupling, pairing; gathering, collecting, collection 

joining, junction, subjunction, attach- J UJI : I* 
ment, annexation, appending, addition 

assembling, assemblage, assembly, put- i_-f > : JU> 

or spite against, harbor hatred against 

spiteful, malicious, rancorous, malevo- iy&- : J^a 
lent, hateful; hater, ill wisher 

rancor, spite, grudge, malice, ven- oi»- : ^iui <■ *.'•■■* i> 
om, malevolence, ill will, bitter feeling, spiteful- 
ness, gall, hatred, feud 

to overflow, flow over ^ili : U-a 

to abound, superabound; to be or be- yy. : u^> 
come (superabundant, plentiful, copious 

(saddle) girth, cinch rjlJI .Ijp- :jU-i 

bank, shore, riverbank, riverside, waterside, uj t <uJ 


frog (u'.^) iiaii tp jiJ> 

toad (o I^-j- ) J-J- 1 £■***» ' Cr^ ' f^f 

frogman f^f J 3 !" J ' (Sj-i f^f 

to braid, plait, cue; to interweave, jjo*- :^ <.juo 
interlace, intertwine, intertwist, entwine, twine, 
twist, weave together 

braiding, plaiting, cuing; interweaving, J.l»- :jba 
interlacing, twining, twine, twistGng) 

braid, plait, queue, pigtail ^^r '-j**» 

(saddle) girth, cinch rJJ \ f \j>- :ju* 

easy (comfortable, pleasant) life; -itj : ( J^»\ I ) a^Lo 
ease, comfort, opulence, affluence 

braid, plait, queue, pigtail ^j^r : »j^ 

pleXUS [ ru jw J o^fti-ii 

to go astray, stray, go wrong, deviate <-»>~ j : 0-* 
from what is right 

to lose one's way, get lost, »ij : {<Lc j\ JjjJaJl) J>i 
go astray, stray, wander 

to fail, go wrong, come to oU- : *J I **«*. ^)J> 

nothing, miss the mark; to be unsuccessful, futile, 
fruitless, abortive, vain, in vain, unavailing 

*i)Lo hJ)Lb w-Ij- Jj» ijj» 

going astray, straying from the right <L)5U> i Jili 
path, deviation from what is right, aberration, 
aberrance; error; perversity; delusion, deception 

to be or become strong, sturdy, robust C^i 0^ : fti 
to rib p5U"Sll iili J* iiu^. :;&> 

to bend, crook, curve, twist, incline r^c : «p» 






implied, implicit, tacit, underlying, hidden t/^* 

> ' -■> >'. 
atrophy; emaciation; leanness, skin- oyi « Jlj* : jj*-* 

niness, thinness; slimness, slenderness, sveltness 

conscience; heart, <cJ»ljj I oLj)I I iU-l jujIj^-j : JS*"* 
mind; innermost 

pronoun [iil]jw» 

». s £ - 3 .1 • , s -*fz 

•■•'.-, '".-.' '• 

addendum, appendix, supplement, addi- jkU : ~t 
tion, annex 

to (be)grudge, concede or give reluctant- (J* i _») &o 
ly (to), refrain from granting (to), withhold (from), 
give too little (to) ^ s 

exhaustion, weariness; weak- Jlj* i <_*»*» t &+> '■ i jJo 
ness, feebleness, langour; emaciation 




j^jl :yj) t^i-i 

to weaken, be or become weak 

to be or become narrow, JU> : (jJJ J^\) tiUi 
straitened, barely sufficient, hard, difficult, miser- 
able, wretched 

straits, pinch, poverty, need(iness); 5j£ i J^-i : & \ ' , i > 
distress, hardship, difficulty 

hard (difficult, miserable, tiL*> sL»- i iiL«i> (_^c 
wretched, etc.) life 


to waste away, pine away; to Ian- Jj*j i_ji»^> : ^-a 
guish; to be or become emaciated, gaunt, lan- 
guished, enervated, exhausted 

grudging, avaricious, niggardly, <_><*)>>- ' J^fv • Cjr^° 

stingy; sparing, thrifty, frugal, economical 

***''* i * * '■ 

clinging to, sticking j <■* ! ,.■ : « i Jc cxa^"- : j i>r«» 

to, adhering to; hanging on to, tenacious of; 

devoted to, attached to 

*3 • ' . 

summit, top, peak JJ-I <ui :>h» 

to join; to resort to <JJ UJ i <JJ ji-aj] : <J # I ii>« 


ting together, fitting together, piecing together 
dressing, bandage, swathe, pad, pled- i j\*J> <■ *\+Ja 
get, compress, stupe 

guarantee, guaranty, warranty), ilUS" :<jU-<? njU-i 
surety, security, collateral 

liability, responsibility <U j^— • : uL-i 

insurance, assurance ^U : uL*» 

social security; social insurance if^^r ' u^ 9 

collective security c»f ^f u'—* 

,» ■»- - 
reinsurance, reassurance O^-aJI JaUl 

. -■ >- -' 
insurance company ,j^J> ^^ 

embrace, hug, cuddle jLc : <*«« 

vibrio *S ji-\ jJS jCS^ 4 uj : <«-i 

to perfume, scent, anoint or rub 1.4JJ Ij ~-i t j»»i 

with perfume 

to bandage, dress, bind up, swathe 

to atrophy, waste away, fail to devel- Jj» \j*Jo ij*Ja 
op; to be or become atrophic, atrophied; to be or 
become lean, skinny, thin 

to guarantee, warrant, ensure, secure, JiS" : j*J» 
sponsor, vouch for, be responsible or liable for 

to insure; to secure, ensure, guarantee, j» I : j»J» 
assure; to procure, bring about, achieve, realize 
to include, enclose, insert, embody, incor- ^j s\ : ,j*Jo 
porate, enter 

to fine, amerce, mulct pi : t >*-i» 

to modulate jJJ iJljji^JI oU-jil jj^j jli ^cA-^ 
inside, interior, inner J*- 1 J : i>^» 

within, inside (of), in, among ^ 1 jj^- b : l ^*J» 

among, within; includ- J J*-b 1 jIjlc J it^-i o^ 
ed in, implied in, falling under, belonging to 
inclusively; inclusive 
enclosed, attached, herewith 4— \> : « 

</r*5° CT J ' 


f ■■•■•• '• " ■-■■■ ■-■sunn 

he is my guest 


#> # 


pi— <> :i»~ t<i 

harm, damage, injury, wrong, prejudice jj* \jJo 

pUil v»-lj ~&° 

loss; forfeiture; waste pC<» : «ij> < v-i 

(small) village, hamlet (Ci*-*') *o» : ' 

country estate, landed property jlii : 

loss; forfeiture; waste 

<_»l.a,:,.. I vrlj -ciUi^-l '■< *•_*> 

guest; visitor j?' J ' Ji> : ( ^-* 

to narrow, make narrow(er), tighten, UL*» *!*>■ : J*^ 
straiten, contract, constrict, constringe 

to confine, hem in, straiten, J* r^»- : Jt jl*> 
beset, besiege; to corner; to hamper, restrain, re- 
strict; to press, constrain, coerce, compel, pres- 
sure, exert pressure on; to harass; to bear down 
heavily upon, oppress 

' • - - *' . 

narrow, tight, close; r- j»- i jj-«»»« i £-»!.} -u» : j~e 

bottleneck; straitened, confined, limited, restricted 

impatient, restless, restive, fidgety, ner- jli-l ^yj» 
vous, high-strung; annoyed, vexed, angry, upset 

narrow-minded, one-track ^C^Jt 3 \ JSaJI J_i 
minded, hidebound, obstinately conservative, in- 
tolerant, illiberal, ossified, old-fashioned, fusty 

narrowness, tightness, closeness s-Lj I jj> : J— a 

distress, difficulty, hardship, j«i i ^.t ( i jti : j^i 
trouble, sufTering, adversity, misfortune; straits, 
pinch, crisis, critical situation; straitened circum- 
stances, poverty, destitution, needdness), lack, 

dyspnea u .j,;:ll jl*» 

wrong, injustice, inequity, injury, grievance; UJ» : ,v-i 

wildcat "iS^j'^-.CiyJa 

to attract, draw; to join 1*» < o ji- : <jj <3^i 

marasmus -jujjb Jlj» :<3j-0 

emaciation Jfj» :<3>-i 

f^l *Uil j^Ij-.jUI ^(^Jl l>« 
light; brightness, glow, gleam; illumination jy : t'ya 
limelight £)J s^ill Jjjij : Ay^^ 

the green light, the go-ahead, signal ^u-^ll iyail 
(permission, authority) to proceed, OK, approval, 
consent, assent, authorization 

sunlight, sunshine , M f^i 



searchlight; spotlight 


speed of light 

in the light of li£ t-y* ( j /\) Jx. 

light-, luminary, luminous, photic fpiJL ^»U- :^J>^ 
• : ' , - .•'. - • : 

j>yAl g-\j - ^yO jjytu 

light-year &p, Cl. 

starvation, extreme or violent hunger ju jii t-yr '-Jy* 
bulimia (jfj* 'J- '-jy* 

noise, din, uproar, clamor, hubbub, <£■*<> : Xeya 
hurly-burly, tumult, turmoil 

emanation, diffusion, spreading) 
goatsucker, nightjar, nighthawk 

*» iy* 

cjliS" £i 
jl^JI l'yi> 

'iJj* : <3>«« 

loss; forfeiture; waste 

alienation, estrangement ili-} « v'jr*! : p^>* 

entertainment, entertaining, having as a guest; ull^ 
accommodation, holding, housing 

' ^^r ^Jr ^Qr ^r yy >r >r >L^ >^ >»^ Hr ^^ ^^ 

^^ ^Jr ^^ n^ ^T ^jr ^r ^1r ^J^' T^'^jr '^jr Sjr ' 

aircraft carrier °L>?U» ^^~ 

reckless, rash, impetuous, precip- ^*jl <■ jy&> '•J>*y» 
itate, heedless, careless, thoughtless, inconsider- 
ate, harum-scarum, foolhardy, temerarious, impru- 
dent, indiscreet, frivolous, lightheaded, hare- 
brained, giddy, flighty 
aimless, desultory, random, stray <_»ji %: ( Ji\i» 

sect, denomination, confession; cultiL :(*1jj) «uSU» 

group, troop, band, company, body; 4*U»- : **JU» 
party, faction; community; people 

class [»L*-1]^U 

part, portion; section; piece &!• « «L* « »3«r :UU> 

watch, part of the night %ji:(jJJI j*)iii\it 

sectarian, denominational, confessional I*j?^» 

sectarianism, denominationalism, confession- <uiiU» 

enormous, immense, huge, great, big, jjj' : JJ U» 

use, avail, benefit i jJU t ««i : Jilt 

might, power, force, strength ijai : JJlL 

useless, of no use, unavailing, of <J jt <iWI ^I^L H 
no avail, futile, vain, unfruitful, fruitless 

J I J^»-» Jill* 

,»- ■*•" f *:' '•-. ■'„, 


bird of paradise 

diving bird, diver 

wading bird, wader 

songbird, singer, warbler 


omen, portent, augury, <* f fl^j ji DfUi L. : jJU» 

flying; in flight, on the wing o\jtU\ <J^*- J : j?^ 

flying saucer, UFO jILL ^mU 

bon voyage! have a good trip! u>4^' j*^l ' J* 
pleasant journey! happy journey! Godspeed! 

airplane, plane, aircraft ijlIL :#^l 

dive-domber yiLoil JjJll 

warplane, military airplane ~^JSZ-z j\ il/p- i^ILt 

glider, sailplane (<il^i i) v*f£ J^U 

helicopter i»I^J» jl i.1^ ji <^jj» y itiyu- Jjllk 

seaplane UL ijJll 

, - < , ' > */ 

- ■*- - -.» *,' 
fighter, combat plane JLi JjJlL « iUU- Jjllk 

- »- *," 
jet airplane, jet plane, jet, jetliner ttU; ijJlk 

airUner,Uner(yfLLJ»^J*j!Jj)iJ»-jli«rfUiii J Jlk 

kite "Cs'Jj i'jiM, 




- '■' -•■•: 

"•"^" : 

line, queue, file, row, rank, Jj^J» LaU i JJj :j^jU» 


the fifth column 

frying pan 

to lose one's way, get lost, go astray, stray, »U : ^ Lt 

to perish, be destroyed 

(iUi:' c ll, 

grinder, molar, molar tooth ^-^i : i> U> ^ i ^ U> 

fierce, violent, hot, destructive, ^-j^ ' J^» : uf^ 
ruinous, deadly, internecine 

mill, grinder <Li^»-Lt iuj»-lk 

water mill iJL ij_j»-ll» ( ,UI ii^»-ll» 

windmill Se'^* ii>»-U» « »l^il i^j»-lk 

quern, hand mill <L)jj ij^»-U. i jlJI ij^»-ll» 


to fly; to fly away, take wing jii- :^Lt 

to hurry to, hasten to, fly to, wing <jj '<Qj\ -. <jj ^U» 
to, dash to, run to 

to be or become famous, o^ *J jU» <<u~<0 jll» 
well-known, renowned, celebrated 

to fly off the handle, fly into rage, flare i^JU. jU> 
up, burst in anger, lose one's temper 

to lose one's mind or head, go cra-*j|_j^» 3 \ .die j\i> 
zy or mad, get madly excited or wildly agitated 

to rejoice, exult, take wing; to be or &-'j jll» 

become overjoyed, elated, ecstatic, transported or 
carried away with joy, beside oneself with joy, in 
seventh heaven,, in high feather 

accidental, inciden- jJiii. jlc 'y*»j* ' t>j^ =t5jlt 
tal, adventitious, casual, contingent, unexpected, 

foreign, alien, extraneous, ex- j-j- J i <r*j*- '■ c5jU» 
trinsic; foreigner, alien, stranger 
extraordinary, unusual; emergency tjL?.rll : JjjU, 
emergency, contingency, con- £$jU, & jU- i JjjU» 

_ _~»- ^' ' " ■ ■■ '*■ -^— 


to be or become good, pleasant, "£>■ ( jj ( ' { j^ a - : Lilt 
agreeable; to be or become delicious; to be or 
become sweet 

to be or become pleasant, comfort- jj.j : ^ilj I i_<U> 
able, easy 

to please, delight, give pleasure to, \}\ j « ^» : -J V^ 
appeal to 

to give up, abandon, renounce, (iJ^ : je Cli Lit 
relinquish, forsake 

good night! ^SliLJ e^U> 


cook; chef 

stamp, mark, im- 5^_. i »^»< 
press, character, characteristic, distinctive quality, 
distinguishing feature, property, particularity, 
peculiarity, trait, color, tinge, tint 

seal, signet; stamp, imprint, impress(ion) 

f~ : C 


postage stamp, stamp jjjlll «jll» ( (i-o^ ull> 

pit v»-lj-<oll» :»-;U» 

printer, pressman, typographer 


to identify with, be or become JfTL t'jil. : jilt 
identical with 

to correspond to, conform with, coin- J> I _> : ^U» 
cide with, agree with, harmonize with, accord 
with, fall in with, tally with, match, fit, suit; to be 
or become corresponding to, conformable to or 
with, consistent with, compatible with, harmoni- 
ous with 

to superpose; to bring to («L,jlI| JUCi^Il) J^U. 
coincidence, cause to coincide, make congruent 

to stratify; to tier oliJ» J <~Jj i <-**»j ^U. 

floor, story iill» ( j^j : JjU» iJjU» 

> , » ^ » ' 

ground floor yjij "51 1 J^ U») I 

downstairs Ji-^l JjLWI 

basement yj 1 -^ ' j' y^ ' l^^ ' 




allegiance, fidelity, fealty, loyalty, 'j> i »"ij : i*U» 
homage, devotion; piety; pious deed 

**!. 4t)Ju »-lj-i*U.j Ul- tyiU i*Ua)l JJb 

to eat with jl ^l :^U» 

to feed, give to eat, nourish, aliment 

old, aged, advanced in years 

plague, pestilence 

bubonic plague 

pneumonic plague 

tyrant, oppressor, despot, jjlfe i 'xjLa i^UsJl) £U» 
autocrat, dictator, absolutist; tyrannical, oppres- 
sive, despotic, autocratic, dictatorial, absolute, 
totalitarian, arbitrary, highhanded 

prevailing, prevalent, ^l* « jj». ' ..« i juL : «-U» 

(pre)dominant, preponderant 

idol <1>I OjJ -uc l> :Oj*U» 


& <*\j 



to circle, circuit, iJU- i jlj :(jijtij ' J^»-) i-»U» 
circumambulate, go about or around, walk about 
or around, ride about; to wander (about), roam, 
rove, range, stroll, perambulate, itinerate, tour, 
travel, cruise, patrol, go from one place to another 

to circumambulate the Kaaba, l+l^?- _>l v>5Jl< <-»U» 
perform the circumambulation of the Kaaba 

to show around, take around, guide o^> <-»U» 
around, take from one place to another 

-» - *~ f - 
to circumambulate someone iJ>5Jl [}y o^*» <-»U» 

around the Kaaba 

to overflow, flow over, run over, Ui» i (>»l» : <-»U» 
spill over; to flood, inundate, deluge 

to appear (a specter) to ^yJI J oljl : Juil <> <-*U» 
someone in his sleep or dream 

floating, afloat, (super)natant ^Ic : (yjUJl) tiU> 

' "■■ * » * 

replete, full, brimful, overfull, fj^> i M - , . : joUj 

filled to capacity or overflowing 

buoy y*J I jL j)l i. I^c : cjU» 

life buoy 

arch, vault 


tingent; accident, mishap, incident, fortuity 

iLJbr «ap.|j-iJjU. ilii- 

industrial accidents, occupational acci- J^i J$jl^l> 

dents, accidents of labor 

,» .<- 

state of emergency J$ _> I jJJ I iJ U- 

', » * , • , 
emergency exit t$jl >U I r>" 

hoop, ring, circle, frame jU» 1 1 J>J» : SjU» 

tambour, embroidery frame ji^^' •j^' 

to exchange (with), interchange (with) J jU : £jU» 

to chase, pursue, follow, run after, take j»-^l:jjU» 
after, go after, give chase to, hunt, track, trail, trace 

expeller, evictor, deporter, banisher i)» Jf\i : JjU» 

anthelmintic, vermifuge *U-. "il I 6 1 Jy ^ J j U» 

centrifugal jf ^>ll o? J J^ 

centrifugal force jf ^>ll ^ 5 j jU. 5y 

newly acquired ^j^»- jj»-l ' ii«jJ*- : <JjU» 

night visitor, night comer ^U ^J I j : JjU» 

hammerer, striker, knocker, beater, J^L ^ : J jU» 
tapper, rapper; hammering, striking, knocking, 
hitting, beating, tapping, rapping 

misfortune, calamity, disaster, blow * . .. ::: n . : <ijU» 

fresh, new 1sJ» <■ Jy J*r '• £JU» 

bowl, drinking vessel; cup; (drinking) glass, ,jJS : y»U» 
tumbler; goblet, jorum; finger bowl; tazza 

hubcap (jJJ 5 'jC. j) (-.^IjjJI CU. 

to be or become reckless, rash, impet- /^ i J^J : ySU» 

uous, heedless, foolhardy, frivolous, lightheaded 

to miss the mark; to miss, (>>JI jl cijil ^t (jlU» 

fail to hit 

"•- - ii 
to fail, be unsuccessful a^-. ytlt 

to bow, duck, lower, bend, incline (one's (C\ j) U»U» 

obedience, compliance, 9yo»- 1 u^*->[ ' **U»| :<*U» 
yielding, submission, submissiveness, surrender 




=♦ #: 



university student, collegiate 
day student "u^M *~-IU> 

boarder, boarding student "As- I j L-J U> 

cadet <Jj* tli jt-JU. i^JClilJU. 

suitor j-ij j Liu. « s'^ii s,_ Liu, 

student, student's, of students "^ ^J, : ^_J U» 

bad, evil, wicked, vicious jJL» jui . j^ : «JU» 

to read, peruse | y ; ~J\^ 

to bring (to), present with, _, j j j 4 _, ^ I : _, .JU, 
offer; to furnish with, supply with 

rising, ascending, ascendant, going up; ocL» : *JLt 
mounting (up), climbing, scaling; upward 

ascendant, (^JJ ( j i Sj.\ lu*) <o (J*Ui! U : .JU, 
nativity, horoscope, auspices 
luck, fortune 

U*u J Wij-tJUJKj^.^.vj.): 


often, frequently, often- Ijl^ « U 1^ : ULU . UU> 
times, many times, many a time, in many in- 
stances, repeatedly, continually, constantly 

as long as, so long as lb l# :llJU> 

since, as, inasmuch as yl Uj :y| UU> 

calamity, disaster, catastrophe i'. , n - : o It 

menstruating, menstruous, sick 

greedy, covetous, avid; desirous, JI^J 4 till, 
desiring, wishful, craving, aspiring, eager, anxious 


roll, scroll 

cook; chef 

clean, pure, immaculate 

chaste, modest, virtuous, pure 




/JLi 1 1 a . hi : j*Us 

innocent, cleanhanded, blameless, fa J, : J^JJ | j,U, 

strand, ply J^l jl J^il jl tiUlJI ji jj.| jU. 

P'y yiil j\oy£i\ ji Jj^JI JU, 

energy; power; capacity; ability, capa- 5 joi . Sy : Silt 
bility, faculty 

olil j^Ij-^U,! l jl 3 J : i-u, 

bunch; bundle; bouquet £.y. : yu» 

radiant energy, radiation, radio-, radi- ilcLil i»U> 

kinetic energy tS'j>- iiU» 

atomic energy £j* \ yU, 

solar energy ;' .','*. yy, 

potential energy iL. IS" ii U. 

electrical energy; power, electricity, i^L^ iiU» 
electric current 

mechanical energy kSL-ML* iiU, 

nuclear energy g^ yy, 

energy crisis yUJI £.jl 

conservation of energy iiUJI ilii 

energetics yUJ| As, 

jji jar-lj-iiUJI jlii J* ciiUJI jli 
crew (s^JOJl jl iLiljl) piLt 

to be or become long; to lengthen, %^> jU> : J U» 
extend, elongate, stretch, grow longer;' to be or 
become high, tall 

to last long %L r b:3U» 

it took him a long time ^J I -o JU» 

to claim, demand, lay claim to ; to reclaim (_,) LJU» 
claim back, demand back, demand the return or 
restoration of, call for the restitution of; to call 
upon, request, ask (someone to do something), 
appeal to, invite 

student ;.. i; :,_JU» 

seeker, pursuer; requester; i_J_L ^ t uJLL. :,_JU> 
claimant, claimer, demandant, demander; seeking, 
asking for, calling for; requesting; claiming, de- 

applicant, petitioner, suitor / -1 - , colli :,_JU> 




'■■—■'■ ■■■1-J 

s^i j\ aisui Lt 

psychiatry; psychotherapy 
preventive medicine 
medical treatment; medical profession 
cook; chef 

family medicine 

cuisine, cooking, cookery 


chalky, chalk-, cretaceous 

printer, pressman, typographer 

printing, press, typography 

offset, offset c~—»j jl> **Q> « 

printing, offset lithography 

lithography j*il J* «*Q» > j*2-l **Q» 

' — 
press, printing press, printing machine i*£J» *J I 

typographic(al), printing-, press- iiLUli <>>U- : (^*U1» 

antithesis [^Ji*^ 

counterpoint [yi < Jiyy ] tiQ* 

antithetical, antithetic [ "*ii ] ^»U» 

drummer JJJI J* o^i. ,j» :JC1» 

to tHeat medically, give medical treatment tSjb : i-«J» 
to, medicate, doctor, cure, remedy 

cap, plug, stopper 

to cook 

cooking, cookery; cuisine 

cooked food, cuisine 


P» "■■ ' :- ■ ■ ■ ■ 

guiltless, inculpable, clear 

righteous, virtuous, upright, £f~-* : J*-^' j*^* 


hungry, starved, starving jJU- : (t$ j UJ I ) jU» 

to consent to, assent to 'j? I j : (J* j I J) £jU» 

to procrastinate, stall, put off, temporize jJJ»L :JjU» 

to compete with, vie with; to rival, (ijl; : <JjU» 


table <JjU> 

ironing board, ironing oLJ I <i" iJjU» 4 <^J I iJjU. 


backgammon, trictrac iJjU»ll *-*J 


to joke with, jest with 

»■ jl« : t_Mi"U» 

medicine; medical treatment v-J» 

otolaryngology J^kJ-lj yii^lj OJ *l <-4* 

dentistry oLl^l i_J> 

radiology yf ^"4 ^4* 






veterinary medicine <Sj** <-J» 

• » • '.« i 
anesthesiology je-**^' j' * : ■:■■" S-r 

.* * 
obstetrics -^^ s-4* 

psychosomatics, psychosomatic gj-ii (i J-»- v^* 

gastroenterology yif-^' J^ - ' Vrf* 

internal medicine </4*^ ■* V^ - ' 1 * ^ 

clinic t *>/" 'H* 

forensic medicine; legal medicine ^ j. v? 

folk medicine 

a!jlLli yii^iLt 



** . u 

vn jJ» 


, s-j »*_ , - 

revised edition 

to apply, put (bring, carry) into effect, give iii : <>J» 
(practical) effect to, implement, effectuate); to 
enforce, carry out, execute, fulfill; to honor, 
observe, comply with, abide by, adhere to, stick to, 
follow, keep; to practice, put into practice 

to spread (through), pervade; to be or be- JU : j£J» 
come widespread, universal 

to cover, cover up { Ja^ ■ Jh» 

his fame spread throughout the Jli^ll aj^ cUli» 
world, he enjoyed (or achieved) world-wide fame; 
to be or become very famous, very well-known 

plate, dish 

tray, salver 

according to, in accordance with, in J UJ» i jJ» 
conformity with, pursuant to 

true copy, (exact) copy, J-^al JJ» («A-J j\)ij^o 
replica, duplicate, fascimile, (exact) reproduction, 

layer; stratum; bed; sheet(jJJ sl^ij jl yij^l^jiiulj 

coat(ing), film, screen, thin »li* : (il*- jU-) iilt 
outer layer, fine surface 

floor, story ^U* i jj j : ' 

class, category, grade, <Jji*>jji u l Ua : ' 
range; degree, level, rank 

pitch, tone [ JL^yj cj^o ] (ojLaJ I ) < 

(social) class, rank (ilc Lij- 1 ) iiJ. 

the lower class L»oJ I (ilcll^»- "il I ) iiJJ I 

theiLlllI ji jOl ill i£.;>l£JI jl Lui iiill 
proletariat, the working class, the laboring class, 
the workers, the labor 

the upper class UuJ I iiJJ I 

the middle class, the <ULjdl jl ^k-jJI iiJJ I 

caste 4*1*4 jl 

battle-ax; ax, hatchet ^U i ojil <_/■& : Cj;JyiJ» 'j<* 

chalk jsidjl^fiiiiji)^! :6i^J» 

bat, mallet; racket (<f£) I ) cj^-a. : o LLU» 

to gurgle, purl, murmur "j>- : ( {Ul) *_Jili> 

to print (jJJ ollfJl) 'Qa 

to type, typewrite Cj l£J I i) "il I J* jP» 

to stamp, impress, imprint -it : ^ ^J> 

» , , 'i ,,' 
to mint, coin, monetize \4SL- : jjiil I ^J> 

, * . ■> 

to inculcate, instill, impress deeply in ^JJ I J *J» 
the mind, imprint, (en)grave, (im)plant, (in)fix 

to mold, fashion, form, shape, jlai 1 JIjt- : (J*) jP» 
frame, work, create, make 

to impress, leave (place, set) one's **j^ <*-!• 
stamp or mark or impress on, impart or lend one's 
character to 

to have a natural disposition (propensity, J* ^J» 
tendency, aptitude, inclination) for, be disposed by 
nature for; to be innate (inherent, inborn) in some- 
one, be in someone's nature 

to normalize C; . ; : J> «i*i- : jJ» 

printing, print (^JJ s-^CJl) jjj» 

typing, typewriting i-JlSJl iWI J* kJ> 

stamping, impressing), impression, JJ- : £-l> 


nature, (natural or innate) disposi- jJU- 4 i-*-. : «^J» 
tion, (inborn) character, moral constitution, tem- 
per, makeup, make, setup 

naturally; of course, certainly, sureOy), j^DL 1 l*J» 
for sure, to be sure, definitely, positively, absolute- 
ly, unquestionably, undoubtedly, assuredly, by all 


• * '- - 
reprinting, reprint v-UI 5jU| 

press, printing press, printing machine ^J> i) I 

in press v-U I cow 

copyright ^Ulj jJJI Uijia-Jjp- 

edition, impression; printing, print («J J obS'^) <u. 
stamp; imprint, impress, impression U*i : 



— : — ' 



T-' * L 
L ' -l '■'■* I 

ophthalmologist, oculist 



obstetrician, accoucheur 

gynecologist > LJI ^l^l 

psychiatrist; <h*i\ yil^'ill 

cooked food, cuisine 

, ,, .- . .- . * a . 

nature j»_j»- i jjill jly^JI j»y <oL!lC!l JLc : 
• ^ - M -■ 

physics *^m-'»" (J 1 * ' **rr^ 

ipso facto, by the very nature of the JU-I «■■■ ;■!».; 
case, naturally, (as a matter) of course, certainly, 
surely, for sure, to be sure 

nature worship 

geophysics i>j^ 

supernatural, metaphysical, transcen- 

natural *»rr-'»" Jj V>— • : /^ 


natural, native, innate, inborn, 

inherent, inbred 

normal, regular, ordinary, usual, 

natural, standard 

natural, unaffected, simple, native, 

plain, unadorned, ordinary 



u ^je>\>" ( 


(Vi. . till i_«*Jll) <3jUj j* : //«■■; ;-k 

0*1 Cf'J' 



physical geography, physiography 

natural rights) *:.":.:" 3y&- ' ,yuJ> ,>»- 

natural person 

natural gas (j^° J^- 

natural law, law of nature (y-j-.-k Oy\* 

s * * '* 

natural sciences); physical stienceUJi-A-J*!! />^L>JI 


class struggle 



class struggle 

class consciousness 


caste; casteism 


to drum, beat a drum 

eardrum, tympanic membrane, tympa- 



a low round table 

pistol, gun, revolver 

crab louse 

medical; medicinal; -iatric(al) 

physician, doctor, MD 



radiologist, roentgenologist 

pediatrician, pediatrist 



tjaji\ oU-J» Jlc 

^lll o> :'j3> i'J-i 
«JLt i Jli 

i' ' *' t' -s •' 

iiUI iUi :p>J» 









medical examiner 

geriatrician, geriatrist 

» ' .s t 



r *— -J 1 j ' *^~ **v^-J ' 

'* , 

family doctor, family physicians^! j I ji ii3UJ I t_~ 

y rr 

., ,,, jy^ uvvtgvi'SjtrgE; 

to occur to, come to someone's mindil '^- ; <l l^i 

to soften, mellow, make soft, make tender ^J : ci^Jj 
to refresh the memory ij> I JJ I ($^i» 

cruiser ^j>- "*— J- :SjIjJ» ' j'jJ» 

embroiderer j^L o* < jjj»« : jl^J» 

style, fashion; type, model, make, e^i ( J£i. : jl^J» 
brand, class, kind, sort 

order, style («jL«JI o* j) »UJI ojL.1 :jl^i» 

first-class, first-rate, first-string, Jj^ll jl^UI o? 
top-notch, tiptop, of the first degree, excellent, su- 
perior, outstanding, exquisite, consummate, select, 
choice, super, extra 

old-fashioned, jl^JI (jsfc) f.ji '(C-^l j'^»" Ot 
outmoded, demode, outdated, out-of-date, anti- 
quated, obsolete 

originality, rarity, rareness, U^J? »!jill o'^> :iilji 
uncommonness, novelty, curiosity, strangeness 

softness, tenderness, mellowness; fresh- ii^J : Sj I^Jj 
ness; suppleness 

to be or become delighted, gleeful, i- j» < jjii- : LpjJ» 
hilarious, rapt, enraptured, exultant, jubilant, 
transported with joy; to exult, jubilate 

to sing, chant, warble {J Lc- : \Jjb 

joy, delight, pleasure, glee, mirth, ;yu i Jii- : <_,ji 
hilarity, rapture, transport, exultation, elation, 

singing, song, changing), war- <ji^->» ' *l^ : o^t 

bling, warble; music 

,' -* — 
musical instrument o^L> il I 

delighted, joyful, gleeful, mirthful, o l>^ ' J-"r : <->ji 
hilarious, rapt, enraptured, exultant, elated, jubi- 
lant, transported with joy 

tarboosh, fez tr'S^ trP '•(J'yjb 'cA^ji 

crosshead [ l£jl5L. ] ij-y'j* . tr>!ji» 

(tender) twig, sprig, spray Or^i- <■ J>L.l : u#jJ» 

natural resources 




-J^U*. ijt-tj? 

Ji:(' f tJJl)'J?i«oiJi 

t)l>J» tioy« :<jlnj) 

to fry 

splenic, lienal 

moss, alga (oLi) -Lil t j 

seaweed ^^, ^-UJ. 

fucus, rockweed 

Bryophyta, bryophytes 

Bryozoa \?4« olj L.. 

to grind, mill, pulverize, crush 1} * < o*-» : 0*"^ 

grinding, milling, pulverization, j»A* JjI^a : o**t 

flour, meal o^» ' J^ : 0*^ 

much ado about nothing L*J> ($jl ^|j >U3uu>- f*~' 
flour, meal j^" j : ^^jj, 

ground, milled, pulverized, crushed O^ia* : Or^ 
tahini, thick sauce made of sesame oil 
mealy, farinaceous 
cirrus r-fj* ^1=*- '-ji^» i<JUi 

to whet, sharpen, grind, hone o~ ' -^ : ji 

to grow, sprout, come out lH i »ii. :^1» 

altogether, all (without exception), one \*~>- : \jb 
and all 

to happen (unexpectedly), occur, take oi- ( bo»- : Iji 
place, come about, develop, arise, emerge; to have 
happened lately, be a recent development 

to come suddenly upon, descend il»-U :<Cic f^> 
unexpectedly upon, overtake, happen unexpect- 
edly to 


dismiss; to drive back, repel, repulse 

to expel, deport, banish, exile ,Ju : j^J» 

to fire, sack, expel, iJ^o < J~ai : (i,.^;. ^) j^J> 
oust, cashier, dismiss, discharge, displace, lay off, 
remove from an office 

to exorcise ~>jij^\ r}ij^ i j^' 

to centrifuge Juiil 1 1J : £J.\ ^ j^]» 

driving away or out, expulsion, throwing jUj I : jji 
out, forcing out, putting out, ouster, ousting, evic- 
tion, ejection, dismissal; driving back, repelling, 

expulsion, deportation, banishment, exile ^Ju : j^J» 

firing, expulsion, ousting, ouster, uij* i jL»i : *^> 
dismissal, discharge, displacement, layoff, removal 

VTi JUj> 

< fcBMMBWH^jmMIIMiWIHBtJ..'!aBlgWK:iiW "."1" "T? g W™a 

torpedo •h'.j^' :j ^j* 

small table; coffee table; end table ijt^o i) jU» : « j^jJ» 
forehead, brow, front y—»- : 5jJ» 

(j-l J I * JUL* >a** C <**0U ' o^i* 

iLol : j5 jil ^y J^ 



parcel, package o jj 

forward and backward; from all sides, LSLc j I j^> 
in all aspects 

direct [»JJ ♦L^] L5Jp» 

direct current &?j* J^ 

to embroider, brocade; to hemstitch, stitch {Cy ) j^i 

sheet, leaf; paper iij j i <,*.. •» ■/> : ^jJ» 

red mullet (<iL~.) ^jlw^i 

to be or become deaf I* : yijj» 

deafness m^o : cijjj 4 yijJ» 

tartaric acid liL^UjJJI (ji**- idL>jJ»jJ» 

tahini sauce (with lemon and garlic) J>^jJ» 

conical cap; foolscap ilLj^. s^lJii ij^jjjjj 

tartar ti^j J '-J**?^ 3 

argol, crude tartar l>U- jJ»^J» 

tartar emitic J^JL. ^^ 

tartaric j^KA" dj t r J >— -• ^js^j* 

to blink, wink, bat jL. j : (<y^>) d)Ja 

to be newly acquired; to be original, Ujl> 6^ : '-»ji» 

•JaJl 1 j^-»- : TjJ» 


to subtract, deduct, discount 

to throw, cast, fling, toss, hurl, ^\ 1 ^j : rjL 

to cast (off), shed (off), slough (off), slip 4^ : £ji> 

to jettison( J^i) I tip- jlLc jpL) I j v-ifjll i)^*j- ) £^J> 

to miscarry, abort, have a , " '•ir 1 '„'. '/"J 1 * 

to throw or put a garment on «ll* i_>yU I r^> 

to put forth, put forward, raise, bring up, pose, 
introduce, broach, advance, set forth, propound, 

C-i_j-aJ »»■ I j — c-j_)-<iJ I jic 4JLAI TJr° 

to float, put into circula- jj-JI j (~)J -♦-'ill) rj» 
tion, place on the market 

to invite tenders or bids for i^iiUll j rji» 

to abort, cause to have an abor- >«^«r I : <jl^J- 1 r jJ» 
tion, induce or effect an abortion to 

subtraction, deduction, discount ^»- : ^^J» 

throwGng), cast(ing), fling(ing), »U [ 1 (-. j : ^jJ» 
toss(ing), hurKing) 

^\j»\ j^-lj-iJ :^> 

jettison (aJLH^J U-iiJ. ^^ 1 j ^^11 *J>»»-) t)» 

put-(»j] p^^liS^^liC-iilli JI^JJl)ijlSI :^J» 

ting forth, putting forward, raising, bringing up, 
posing, propounding, presenting, presentation 

miscarried fetus, abortion J»i- : r'jh 

mantilla, scarf, throw; veil jl^- « ^b j : i*-^J» 

dandelion, taraxacum (oLi) 6>ii*-ji 

tarragon ( l ^L : -') <J>»-j^ 

to drive away or out, expel, throw out, jju I : sja 
force out, kick out, put out, oust, evict, eject, 



instantly, immediately, in a trice, in no time, like 

- , -- \> -'-\ 
anecdote, witticism, wisecrack, gag, ; j jli < oJL. : *tjb 

drollery, joke, jeu d'esprit 

masterpiece, masterwork, chef d'oeuvre;ii»w : iijL 
showpiece, piece de resistance; rarity, curiosity, 

- , ' '■* *,*■-'% 

terminal; extreme; border- ^J U- n$ * 3 j»- < j-j- 1 : ^i jh 

line; marginal; fringe; lateral, side 

terminal "4*jJ» *»• 

to hammer, strike, forge; to o^ ' -~»" ' l> j : cfjJ? 
percuss, knock, hit, beat, bang, tap; to batter, 
pound, ram 

to knock, rap, bang, beat (on *ii i *x.ji : (_>UI J^i> 
or at a door) 

to come to one's ears, <G jl _jl a*»1~. _jl ■*.... J^fa 
come to one's knowledge, hear of, get wind of 

to tread, beat, walk on, travel along, go li J* j'^> 

along, take, follow, pursue 

i- ' •- - -i 
to broach, bring up, raise, treat, touch Ic^j* Jjh 

upon, deal with 
to come by night 

• -- 

: 1 


to hammer, strike, forge, beat, ~L»» i J»j i <j^i> :dTp» 
foliate, laminate 

hammering, striking, forging; <_<^i i Jili- 1 £j'j : Jji 
percussion, knockGng), hitting, beating, banging, 
tapping, rapping; batter(ing), battery, ramming, 

knock, rap, tap, bang, beat, blow, iL»- iiii : «ijjj 
stroke, hit 

time; once, one time u;ii^ : *j^i» 

merry, gay, lively, gleeful, mirthful, jaunty ry> : oj^Jj 
malleable, ductile J..L. i JjiU Jjtf : Jjji 

malleability, ductility Jj^ll jl J^kJI ilLU JCJjji 
to be or become soft, tender, fresh CjJ. o^ : iiji 
soft, tender, mellow; fresh, new; supplest 4 ^ :£$ i 

bedridden, confined to bed crG*" rvjJ» 

thesis (ilfLjSCJC'j) utji 

rare, uncommon, novel, curious, strange 

to put at the end (edge, border, iJ^JaJ I j <L*- : <J^k 
side, etc.) 

to walk at the edge (border, IJtf dijh J* jL. : Li^J» 
side, etc.) of 

edge, border; limit, end, extremity, Jt^- < !»■ : (J^i 
extreme, terminus, termination, terminal point 

tip, point, apex iLI « y-l j : (J>J» 

side; area, region; part(s) il»-lj n_JU- : iJ^i 

party, side jj^i : ij^i 

limb, extremity, appendage **■ jU- i ^c : ti^i 
term [j^* *j t ^'^r , *^jJ ( -*^> 

touch, trace, tinge, tang, smack, bitik!_ i ^1 : <j^» 

extremities (of the body), limbs, o^J I (J I ji» I 


- ,-■» * • » 

the contracting parties s^iUdll iJIji VI 

- * • < 
outskirts, suburbs, environs, precints ijjil <jlji> I 

' s . »,» 

morning(s) and evening(s), in the jl«JI ,j^]» 

morning and in the evening 

at variance, disagreeing, differing ^a.;.; !>^i» J* 
in opinion; different, discrepant, divergent, con- 
trastive, conflicting, inconsistent, contradictory, 
contradicting, opposite, opposed, contrary 

on the part of, from, by S-j'tJi '■ ( -*j^ 'o* 

eye ^li ij^i 

glance, look, eye ij^ \ <j^l» 

yit «f Ij — (JjJaJI (jac- 
(ii'j>) yli ii^l» j js>-lj-<j^L)l il^j^ 

with a stealthy glance, stealthily, t>»- iJ^i ^. 
furtively, secretly 


in the twinkling of an eye, in a jiffy, ^li ii^i. j 

twinkle, twinkling, winkGng), flicker (of {J~c-) *ijk 
an eye) 


# <# 


to inoculate, vaccinate; to inject, Jjjj t ~Ll : 1«J> 
shoot, syringe, give an injection to 

to inlay (*JI <_J>JUI jl JJuJI jl <_»xLaJl) J»V, :1*J> 
(with) ' ' it' 

taste, flavor, savor, relish 
graft, scion 

bait, (^Jol^U'i^jijJlllljitlOl)^ 
lure, decoy 

vaccine, inoculum Uil : JJ> 

to be consumed or destroyed by ol>JJ *i»J> 0^ 
fire, burn, be afire, be on fire, be ablaze, be aflame 

to stab, thrust, pierce, lunge, transfix, tJli i jp-j :^ii 

to defame, slander, libel, vi-j^ii i Li ii : ^cjl j ^«i> 
lify, vituperate, calumniate, malign, speak evil of 
to contest, challenge (as £»■ 3 \ ft<«i. U« j yLt 
false), impugn, call into question 

to appeal Aiili-I : ,jU»* ,£»■ J j<J> 

to be old, aged, advanced in years; to ^J I j ^J> 
age, grow old 

stabbing, thrusting, piercing, lunging, trans- jp-j : o*i 
fixion, jabbing 

defamation, slander, libel, vilifica-^^JJ « <_i.ii : yii 
tion, vituperation, calumniation, calumny 

contestation, challenge^ JC»- _>! i^l. i^ j) y«i> 

appeal (yi^ /£*■ j) 0"^ 

incontestable, unchallengeable, <J ,j*i»U iJIjv ^ 
indisputable, unquestionable, irrefutable, unassail- 
able, beyond dispute, beyond question 

stab, thrust, lunge ^yJ> 'q* S^ll : oJ» 

to exceed the proper bounds, be exces- jil j_)U- : LJ> 

to overflow; to flood, inundate, deluge ^ili : UJ» 

to surge, heave, swell (up), rage, run »-A* : ^J I UJ» 
high, be rough 

to be or become tyrannical, oppres- £»C <■ a-il I : (yii 
sive, arbitrary, absolute, despotic, autocratic; to 
tyrannize (over), oppress; to rule tyrannically, 

fugitive, runaway, on the run ojU : jjjl» 

outlaw iJljuJI jjjl» 

game, quarry k'j^i -h** O") •«*ij* 

original, rare, uncommon, singu- i_y^ i jjL :uLji 
lar, unique, exquisite, novel; curious, strange, odd 
newly acquired loj»- <_. .<- : i-ij^t 

way, road, path(way), drive(way), oj: i J-.- : Jj )a 
trail, track, course, route, channel, avenue' 

street t,L : j^jl 

diplomatic (or official) 

shortcut, cutoff 

by means of, through, jy^L 4 j^j. ^* i j,,^ ^ 
by; by way of, via 

on one's way to, bound for, going to, <JJ -Ofji j 
heading for, destined for, proceeding to 

way, method, procedure, tech- <JlS i <_»jill : *ijJ» 
nique, process, system; manner, mode, fashion 

means ^-r-j :**oJ» 

approach a!mJL> j! f^»^il *£ **ij)» 

order, religious brotherhood or com- <_-»!. : iiv^J* 
munity; creed, faith, belief; doctrine; school 

washtub; washbowl, washbasin; basin r.*,h.r.' in 

food, nourishment, nutriment, aliment, Js I : »Ub 
foodstuff, victual 

to taste jj|j:j*j» 

to eat <J^ : p^» 

to graft, engraft aM oLJI jl y^ill f*b 

to graft, transplant ^*-'j? <y^ w....:ll -*i> 






(skin) eruption, rash, exanthem, efilo- (cJjL>-) »J> 
rescence; id 

eruptive, exanthematous »uL)l» ^oU- :^j*iL 

to jump, leap, spring, bounce, bound, prance Ljj i^il* 
to frisk, gambol, caper, frolic, prance, skip U-^» jiJ> 
jump, leap, spring, bounce, bound XJj : ijbo 

frisk, gambol, caper, prance, skip r-j* iJj : ;^it 

.. ,- < <•!-- .. .- •? ••.3-- , • -'•; 

mutation if^' j-^ « <y' J »* J J - j < *uv»' :5jit 

, , , «■- ^ ,•- 

upswing, upturn, rise jujJI 1 SatLa iS"j»- :5^il> 

boom, prosperity, heyday j[tn'j\ :ijiti> 

gust, surge, outburst o Ij^J i j»i; : ijb 

to give a deficient or insufficient measure (J*) uiiU? 
(to); to stint, scant, be niggardly (toward); to make 
deficient, insufficient, scanty, small 

to begin, start, set to, set about ( I iff JmJu ) Ji±> 

- ' - ->' V'i 
to be or become tender, soft, supple ,ja±- j •. ^ : jib 

^ » - >> 

JUJ» «3flj — JLaJU« 't>^» •J''* 

tender, soft, supple o^j ' <i*^ : tW» 

infant, baby, child 

test-tube baby 

infantile, infant, childish, childlike, babyish; ^-Ut 
child, baby, children's 

floating), flotation, flotage, buoyancy Ac :yak ijib 

emergence, emersion, rise, j^h i jjj> \yi> t^i> 

(early) childhood, infancy, babyhood ~*Sjib 

buoyancy yl)| «lLU :i^^i 

j«urf> jJj : Jib 

manage dictatorially 

to prevail (in), predominate^ ijJ»L.i jL:(J*) t yJ» 
(in), dominate, preponderate; to be or become pre- 
vailing (in), predominant (in), preponderant (over) 

Ui» «»-lj - r-U ijjili i jJ-I jjl»- : (j«J» 

rabble, riffraff, mob; populace, ^-Ul £U i plij : fUJ» 

common people 

^•^ * * 

iSjib ' »lj*J» 

tyranny, oppression, despotism, jl.u:...l i JJ> :6L*t 
absolutism, autocracy, dictatorship, totalitarianism, 
arbitrariness, highhandedness 

flood, inundation, deluge Ql^i-i "u 1 nt* 

monogram, cipher 
band, troop, group, party 

tyrannical, oppressive, despotic, (ji\ 

J Ufa 

absolute, autocratic, dictatorial, totalitarian, arbi- 
trary, highhanded 


to float, buoy 

to emerge, surface, crop up, rise, 
spring up, appear 

skimmings, froth, foam, scum 



't-^ 1 ^-: 

j4j» ( jji : Lu9 

- '•* ~ «' '•* 

5jUl» i -Uj :i^Ufa 

clay, potter's clay, argil, argilla- JlJu« t ^ : Jlifa 

ceous earth; loam 

- » - » , .. 

iiyJm «aflj-<J_jit :*JUL 

iL.JJij'^1! ^C^iu^^liiJUi, 

infantilism p>M' j»"« 

, '■» , -A 
scum, foam, froth, skimmings -u j i o-lit : SjUfa 

halo Sjl^iJU^jUi 

to brim, be or become full to the ^bli < }£i I : «ii 
brim or to overflowing; to flow over, overflow, 
overfill, run over, spill over 

to be or become unbearable, intolerable, jlXJI **& 
unendurable, extreme; to come to a head, reach a 
climax or crisis; to be or become too aggravated, 
too critical 

to brim, fill to the brim, fill up, overfill, fill Vji I : «ii 
to overflowing 

superabundance, overflow, surplus 

(jaJ :^Ju> 


( i.ijy 

■"■ ^""V^ 

r>" '-■: ■ ■ i 

to enamel U)^4^ <J^ 

fawn, young deer JljiJI -dj : <jU» 1 5U» 

pleasure, delight 5 JJ : jJLt 

coat(ing), covering, overlay, plating; o^» J ' *^f : »^U» 
facing; paint 

nail polish jiUiSlI fit 

Jfc£ jjj-lj-iJUJll ^S" :u& 

<_JU, «-Ij-(lJU» Uj>) U& 

student, student's, of students <JU» :^iU> 

badness, evilness, wickedness, ^5tU Jui : ^5U» 


eraser ;l»L* :il/5U> 

curious, inquisitive, nosy (<J/uJI Jj) p 5U» 

divorce j5U» 

final divorce, irrevocable divorce Jj\j <j}U> 

revocable divorce <jf*"J c '** 

ease, relaxedness; freedom, freeness, openness; o^U* 
unrestraint, uninhibitedness 

fluency, eloquence, volubility, voluble- otJd I ii^J» 

ness, glibness 

. ^ -■' — 
cheerfulness, happy mien o-^l ii^U» 

beauty, gracefulness), pret- ^1»- 1 Jlli- : Sj bU» i Sj 5U» 
tiness, charm, elegance 

to ask for, re- «cJ »_-ej i»jljl i<» j»\ i<dl>iJjU- :»_JJ» 
quest, seek, try to get or obtain; to order, demand, 
require, call for; to want, wish (for), desire 

to seek, look for, search^ j*» t » jUul JjU- : i_-ii» 
for, try to find 

to ask (someone j£l> i li j i JL : (^. _jl J J ) (_JJ» 
to do something), request, call upon, appeal to, 
invite, entreat; to demand, order, require, direct 

to send for, call for, call, j^J»rlj i <jC 'xL\ : i_JLJ> 
summon, demand 

to move for, make a fL-u-l (.oi i (jCjjl-I : <_JJ» 
formal request (application, petition, motion) 

to order, place an order (for) *JJ icLii <_JJ» 

slight, tenuous, small, little, light, J^i-» t JJ^ : ' 
insignificant, trivial, inconsiderable, negligible, 
minor; deficient 

parasite, sponger), hanger-on, leech; uninvited ^Lib 
guest, intruder, obtruder, prier, meddler, inter- 
loper; parasitic(al); intrusive, obtrusive 

parasites oULit 

parasitology ollillkll ~U 

to crack, pop, snap; to burst, explode jm> \ <. J^Lii : jJ» 

weather jJ-l ill*- : < _ r JLi» 

rite, ritual, liturgy, (religious) ij*^ : Cy*?) u-^* 
ceremony, ceremonial 

yew (<^?J ) o»y&» 

ritual(istic), liturgical, ceremonial iSJi^" '<^^ a 

to crackle, crepitate, clack, click, j]» < ii^i : Jjiit 
rattle, clatter; to crack, snap, pop 

crackle, crackling, crepitation, clack(ing), iiiaii? 
clicking); crackling), snarXping), pop(ping) 

to harness, bridle (odJ-l) (At 

to man JW-jJ^j Jj j '• ^ 

set, kit; suiKe), group; series <c-y*r '■ (**» 

suit (of clothes) 

suite (of matched furniture) 

denture, set of (false) teeth 


service, set 

tea service, tea set 

(<_lCj) pit 

i-jjl qa Jib t ijL* «ib 

to emerge, rise, show, appear, surface ^J» :0J» 

to drizzle, sprinkle, bedew 
drizzle, fine rain 

dew tJJb : Jl» 

to paint, daub (ujij) o*^ : <jU» 

to coat, overlay, plate ii-L (^-S" i »^ i ^Ic : (jU» 
to gild i_-* JJIj (jU. 

to electroplate «^ji^J^ (J 1 ^ 



to go out (from), come out (from), V^i- : (^ ) ili, 
get out (from), step out (from), emerge (from) 

to come suddenly upon, overtake, c-iL : J* iii 
surprise, take unawares 

to mount (up), ascend, climb, jL; i %. ( j»^> : *U» 


•-" - fl - - -- - - ^ ' 


look(s), appearance, aspect, mien, *H~- i llki : <uli> 
visage, countenance, face 

rise, ascent ilii^» i^J. ^. 5^il liiii 

curious, inquisitive, nosy p }U»}U i_ , -» - : i*Lb 

to be divorced, get a divorce (l^j j ^.) sl^il c .;l]. 

to be or become cheerful L^ y tf : jli 

to labor, be in labor, be jiill UlJl :(J>U-I e^) Jjli 
in the throes of childbirth 

to divorce, repudiate \^~ j j 'r-s>t- ( ili-jj jli 

to divorce, |^ j-lj^il Itf* ^i- : <>liJ I \ c ^li» 
separate by divorce 

to leave, quit, part with, separate 'j'Jj ( S'J : jlL 
(oneselO from, break (up) with, desert, forsake, 
walk out on 

shot, gunshot (cSj^j) J& 

labor, travail, pains, throes of child- ; j "i^J I 1 1 ' : jii 

► < ^ ' — i 

to propose to, ask l«li^ :;Ui 'L Lil « sUi Lil 
for a girl's hand 

demand, request, claim, call (for), invitation (to), ■_ 1 li - 
wish; order; search, quest; seeking, looking for 

order; demand ( £)J iiUJ < ^^ ) ^Jj, 

demand [jL^il] ^JO, 

application, ,Lclull : (^JJ sliLi ji iLlij) tJl 
petition, motion, appeal, request, instance 

form, application form, appli- <_,lt. jjLi-l t vJLt 

(i5>i JJ Sj'j '£&) utjUi i->ii ,X; Lii 

supply and demand 

on order; on demand; 


JJjJ <^ J~aj (SjJ> iJJjw •<J^' 

free, open, unrestrained, unchained, '~t- jlc :<j^J» 
unconfined, uninhibited, uncontrolled 

fluent, eloquent, voluble, gjib ijCU I Jjii 

cheerful, bright-faced, good- £kll ji 4\>J I Jii 
humored, smiling, friendly 

openhanded, freehanded, generous, jJjlJI jiL 


J&ll (tfldY-ll*) 

■>' * 


made to order, custom- tile ,l*y 

made, custom-built, custom, tailor-made, tailored, 


request, demand, wish, desire t_JQij L. : *'ll- 1 *'^ 
litany, prayer i%o t ^o^i^. its. j : i-ii 

order ( jJJ jiUJ) ^jl*; til : cLIi 

to be or become bad, evil, wicked, lk)U» ii" : rJi 


sheet of paper ijj j ; ilJli 

to efface, obliterate, blot out; to erase, Ik. r^ii lyJU* 
wipe off, rub out, sponge out 

talisman, cb arm; enigma, mystery (*JLt - ■,' 'J- - ,' Ij. 

to rise, go up, ascend '£ j | ; ijQ, 

to rise; to appear, come out, come j'j, t j^i : iii 
into view or sight, show, emerge, surface 
to break through, erupt, grow l Jj I ijQ, 

toirise ' (J ^J\ ^Q. 

to dawn ^kiJI ill 

to sprout, shoot up, break forth, germi- oLJ I ' «ii 
nate, spring, grow 




3#> #E 

foremost, headmost, advanced), ahead 

free, freed, liberated, set free, released, dis- 'j>- : jJJ» 
charged, at large, at liberty; loose, unrestrained,' 
unconfined; freeman; freedman 

to overflow, flood, inundate, deluge j*i. : jj» 

to overflow, flow over, run «1> < yiU : ,j»J» i UL 

over, spill over 

to surge, swell (up), billow r>U <. r>L : J*l> <. Q> 

tomato(es) (oLi) Sjjxo :J»Ujj 

greedy, covetous, avid, avaricious, «_i»- : p Ujj 


to reassure, assure, « la* t iLJUi) I ^ 4il»- : 6Ui 
restore to confidence, give confidence to, fill with 
confidence; to relieve someone's worry or fear, set 
someone's mind at rest or at ease; to quiet, calm, 
pacify, appease, assuage, soothe 

tranquility, (re)assur- (j»\ <<Lu5C» t QlJL J» I :!LjuJj 
ance, peace of mind, (heartsease, peace(fulness), 
calrrtfness), repose, quietude, quietism, serenity, 
serene; confidence, trust; security, safety 

to menstruate o*»U- :((jtJ i\ c*.) '*-« ^ ■■* t ^ 

menstruation, (monthly) period; menses, (jiL.- :ii«iJ» 

menstrual, menstruous, catamenial yc^*" : Ii**^ 

to aspire to or after, seek J J jjU i J J eij^J : J J «*i> 
(to), aim to; to long for, yearn for 

to look up to, raise one's J J »^-»~; jl o^u ~J> 
glance to, rise to see 

to rise; to be or become high, elevated u jj : ~J> 

to be or become proud, haughty, arrogantAjiL ~J> 

to bury, inter; to embed; to fill up (with earth) JJt 

burial, burying, interment; embedding; filling up £» 
(with earth) 

rags, tatters, shabby clothes ( j U» I r) j*^ 

to efface, obliterate, erase, wipe out, jCl i Gw :j_ r »i 
blot out, expunge, extinguish, destroy, eradicate, 

talcum powder jUJ I j j j i i c »iii) I 3y^* 

in the open, in the open air, in the jUal I sl^i I j 
fresh air, under the open sky, outdoors, out of 
doors, outside 

shot, gunshot (£jlj) iilb 

ruins, remains, debris (Jjiij JbU»l r) jii 

pump i^JxA : if. Jj» 

4* ** * * f / ^ 

rise, rising, going up, ascending, ascen- e-Uj j I : f>Lt 

sipn, ascent 


climrXing), mounting, ascent, JLJ i j^-a : c-^li 

ascending, ascension, scaling 

>* ■>■> 

rise; appearance, emergence j^J* : c-^li 

going out, coming out, getting out, 7~ij^ '■ p^> 
emergence """ 

sunrise, rise or rising of the sun y— -^ I f>U» 

painting, daubing; coating, overlay- ^U> jjuu : ( JJ» 
ing, plating 

gilding <_*ajJIj ( JJ» 

electroplating ^j£A\> i ±±> 

enameling (»)Liil> ,JJ» 

front, forefront, lead, head.iu ju> < Sjl-uo t j-w? : «uulb 
first place, front place, foremost part; vanguard;' 

vanguard, van, advance guard (j~4-l **~Lt 

pioneers; explorers, Q^i '■<.:,„» t jIjj :»JiU» 

pathfinders, reconnoiterers, scouts 

forerunners, heralds, harbingers, jij i f\jlj '•h^ 
precursors; presages, portents 

signs, indications, symptoms oL!& i JjVj :>j^U» 
beginnings Jiljl :j-J^U» 

at the head, ahead, in (the) front, in the i^JlLI I j 
forefront, in the lead; leading, foremost, headmost, 
ahead, advanced); on top (of) 

avant-garde; pioneer; pathfinding; leading, ^j,„U> 



■ - ■■-■- -- '^'"* 

U" *i h 

*-^-y> ill -jy~Je 

mandolin, lute 

drum, cylinder 

cooker, saucepan, cooking «1LU J'.-'' ~ joi :»^li 
pot, cooking pan, casserole 

pressure cooker j »n > ? j~ • I. 

to ring, sound, peal, tinkle; to buzz, jji 1 j : jiit 
hum, drone 

ringGng), peal, tinkle, tinkling, tintin- jj± : ' h > 
nabulation; buzz(ing), hurrKming), drone, droning 

ledge, eaves, molding, cornice, frieze, jjj I : < «:.!• 
curb, corbel 

top, summit, peak 

promontory, bodily prominence t$jl»- tfjii : 

carpet, rug 1,1'. ■ , : ill.'. • ;' ;■ L. ,;' ;• j. , ;' V- j. 

buzz(ing), hurrKming), drone, dron- iijj'a 4 jjjl : ^^J* 
ing; whiz(zing); ringing 

'i ' ' 

tinnitus, ringing or buzzing in the ear o i J I Cr^> 

to cook l^li • 1||. 

cooked food, cuisine .^J, ;^J, 

cleanness, cleanliness, purity »li ( ii LL : 5j l^i 

chastity, chasteness, modesty, virtue, iit : ; jl^L 

innocence, blamelessness, guilt- i(\'j> :jJjJI Sjl^i 

righteousness, uprightness, ili£«l : jliJI Sjl^i 
probity, honesty 

to be or become clean, pure; to f^U, olS" : jii <.'Q 
clean, cleanse, purge, scour 

to disinfect, sterilize, antisepticize; l^ali, Jlii- r^Ji 
to decontaminate; to purge, scour, purify, deterge, 
clean, cleanse, chasten, clear up; to refine; to 

to circumcise Vj£. - w 'J^ 

cooking, cookery; cuisine «li :^J, 

to suppress, hush up, black out J LUj'5ll^.l£.:| J «J, 

effacement, obliteration, wiping out, s^U <.^. ■ J -' t U 
blotting out, expunction, extinction, eradication, 

suppression, hushing up, jGjj *i\ ^ Ij. : j^^J, 

to be or become greedy, covetous, avid, iji- : j*i 
avaricious, grasping 

to covet, desire, wish J* (>>j»- « <j*^>l : j ji j * t'k 
for, crave after; to aspire to, seek 

to make desirous or covetous (of), ■'- 1~; *Lu>- : ( j) «ii 
awaken one's greed (for), fill with avidity (for); to 
allure, tempt, entice 

greed(iness), covetousness, cupidity, avidity, *i»- : >ui 

grasp all, lose all «ii L. j 3^> '{X\ I 

overflowing), flowing over; surge, £i j ''-v :>»i 
surging, billow 

ambitious, aspirant, aspiring, high- ^-lli •-<,!■ 

aspiring, high-aiming, longing, yearning, eager 
ambition, aspiration; longing, yearning *- **i> 

alluvium, alluvion, alluvial deposit, silt, ^.^i. : ,-li 
sullage, wash 

j- 1, {f b -<j^» j-*-^- i^ 
alluvial '^Ji. :^J, 

to buzz, hum, drone; to whiz; to ring Oa « jl : oi 
ton ojj5-^j:oJ» 

ringing, (refunding, reso- ^^kll ju.ii i o^j :uUi 
nant; buzzing, humming, droning 

pompous, (^JJ iilJ 1 1 <_j>L/j|| ) jIl! , yiU«ii : ^lL 
bombastic, high-flown, grandiloquent, flowery, 
euphuistic, high-sounding, resonant, resounding, 
aureate, turgid, orotund, stilted 

hummingbird ( J It ) & LU 

bumblebee Or^ 1 • J i^ s j^ *^*i :iiUJ» 

- •' * .- ••■ -'-' 
tent rope i._l | Jl». : ■ :j. < ■ rj. 

sinew, tendon [ ~jw J Ji j : ■_■■!• t <_jj» 

' ''. >-'*,,' 


?'..« imimM t> $ f ii /LM. . v i . wmwan 11111111 1 j fr 'fllFTy 

very long, extra long, maxi- I oar Ji>k : J '>!» 

$\£.\ '£l c^L^ J2^± c£rj a'^\ :«J_lji 


frying pan 

to j^U-U 
beatify, bless 

to canonize 

to register 

brick(s), adobe(s); cob 

tile(s), baked brick(s) 
beatitude, blessedness 

blessed is.., blessed be.. 

blessed, beatified, canonized 


utopianism; utopism; Utopia 

beatitude, blessedness 

brick, adobe 





i»loi ijlil :<-r>j)» 

JL^j* : J f** -1 V^* 

Silil. liklc '(jO^ 

• > t * *,'> „ •. > '. 

" ' J ■• 

to fling, hurl, throw, cast, toss <jiJ I : ( j ) £jJ» 

to endanger, expose to peril ^ yi^c : ( _>) £jJ» 

mountain J-*r : •»>!» 

echo, reverberation i$ju» : Jji»Jl j*] 

to develop, promote, advance, further; to evolve; jjj» 

to sophisticate 

phase, stage, period, degree, X»- jj i iii-^ i jj j : j>]» 


state, condition, status JIj- : j>i» 

■*" ■ "\ 
limit, bound -^ : j>» 

-*' . *'l 
time; one time «^ • j>» 

hungry, starved, starving j3 U- : (tS>U I ) >1» 

to fold, double; to roll up, tuck, pleat; to <_^ : liji 
bend, flex, turn 

to keep secret; to J6- 1 i juJf : J* *kiS" (£jJ> i t£)J» 
cover up; to conceal, hide, cache 

to end, bring to an end.dJjJ < ^ I : <Jj*L»t5^i» i tSji 
finish, wind up; to be or become finished with, 
done with, through with; to give up, renounce, 
relinquish, abandon, forsake, turn one's back on 

to cross, traverse, go across, pass jL>l i jJai : t£>J» 
through; to cover a certain distance or stage 
to spend, pass iJ J**\ i t ^ai : t£ji» 

to let bygones be bygones, ygiUl (iaJuo) tSy*> 
break with the past, bury the past, turn a new page 

to introvert Itr* J (Sy^ 

•' * 'i 
hunger, starvation f-jr : i$jJ» 

sidewalk, pavement ^-*?fj '• j'>J» 

circumambulation, circling, circu- J^»u 1 6' jj ^ : (JljJ» 
iting, going about or around, walking about or 
around, riding about; wandering (about), roaming, 
roving, rove, perambulation, itineration, itineran- 
cy, touring, traveKing), cruising; round, circuit, 
tour; round trip 

ambulant, ambulatory, itinerant, Jl^»- f Jy*^ ■ i_»ljJ» 

peripatetic, perambulatory, going about, walking 

about, wandering about, roving, roaming, touring, 

traveling, cruising; rover, wanderer, traveler, 


helicopter <• \'y i j^j jiCl* : u 1 ^J» 

during, all during, during all, throughout, iilJ» :iJIjJj 
all through, over, ..long, round 
throughout the year, all through the kLi I iJI^J» 
year, round the year, all year round 

all day long, all day fjlJI JI^J» * jWJl JI>J» 

jLji VYT 

f ■■T-" i . ..::■■.:-:,-::.■■; .:.:■, '.. .■" ^..'•^.■ ; ,j.; l .^^j.ay7-^> 

confine, hem in, beset 

to control, contain, check, curb J»l^» < j*e : &^° 

to embrace, hug, clasp, take or wrap <uc I j-u <uy» 
in one's arms 

neckband, collar (j^li I ) Jji 

hoop, circle, ring, rim 5 jU» : JjJ» 

band; ribbon; strap; girth, JjlL ' f Ijf < J»£j -J^» 
girdle, belt , \ 



XiU»J *»-lj-J*kj iiiU»l :JjJ» 

to give (someone) time; to respite, a!^ I : *J U^J» 
grant a respite or delay to 

to be patient with aJLc aJIj iJ>J» 

might, power, strength ; jji i »y : J>i» 

stilt C^-llj I ^ Jjl. ^U» : d£ 
length i>»j* -^ ' j^> "^ : J>* 

height ^U i p U> j] : JjJ» 

lengthwise, longitudinally Jj-Wl; ' i£> 

» -» * . ' 
patience, long-suffering, longa- JUI jl sU^I JjJ» 

nimity, forbearance, endurance, tolerance 

might, power, strength; ability, capability, pU I J^L 

efficiency; knowledge, information, conversance; 

generosity, liberality, openhandedness 

' * » , , i ,' 
farsightedness, longsightedness, jbJ I jl j-aJI J>1> 


longevity, long life J**l\ JjJ» 



wavelength **r'jL\ (J>1> 

throughout the country, all W»^cj j}U I J>1> j 
over the country 

longitudinal, placed or running lengthwise ,J "i^J» 

linear, longitudinal J>Lil> y«U- :^J^i 

roll, scroll r-jj : j^ji 

zjv&.:**s».™: , *^e**v~. i^jfea^^tats^r Ajm:- 

time after time, time and again, again j^J» j*j I j^J» 
and again, continually, often, repeatedly 

Wj-j'A'^ 1 U> 'jj^ 1 1?^ 'j^ 11 fc? 1 ^ 

mountain Jli- :j^J» 

wild, savage tr^j-" : <£;>* ' 1/ ' J>* 

torpedo -hi J* '■ Je j&° ' -^ JjJ» 

to adorn, embellish, ornament, decorate j» j : (j*^o 
totem (*^>^ 

totemism <1«J»^J> 

,- • » , j-. 
to subdue, subjugate, subject, render «-»■ 1 : p ^J» 


to enlist, recruit, draft, conscript, (jyJ-l)j->- :p^l» 

muster in, sign in, enroll in the armed forces, raise 

or levy troops 

itU» «■ I j - i*U» : p ji 

voluntarily, willingly, of one's own accord, of UjJ» 
one's own free will, with all one's heart, readily, 
without demur 

willingly or unwillingly, willy-nilly, U^S" j I lcjJ» 
whether he likes it or not 

voluntary, free, freewill, freely under-^s jll^-j : ^*>i» 
taken or chosen 

<jU» »-lj -lJU- i jIj :(j i J* 4 -j iijy) L»>1» 
'," ' ' - i' 

(log) raft, catamaran, lighter, i. I^c 4 c- j : cJ^J» 
float, pontoon 

patrol, night watch(men) cr - * 4 *jjj J '■ <-»>!» 

flood, inundation, deluge, c>\*Li 1 <-»jW- J~- : uli^Jp 

to surround, encircle, encom- j J j*- 1 4 j J»U- 1 : <jjj» 
pass, round, environ, circle, ring, enclose, cordon 
off, embrace, gird, engird, band, wrap, envelop, 




■ % 

to make good, pleasant, agreeable, UJ» <u»- : *-~b 
delicious, sweet 

-*\' ' *'\ 
to scent, perfume Jot. : i^-i 

J-' - " 
to aromatize, flavor, give or add flavor to oJ : 

to spice, season <jj JjlyJI eilil i,JlJ u 

to soothe, mollify, appease, pacify; to o^tU- Lit 
humor, indulge, be complaisant toward 

iSj jsrlj-.l> ill L 

good; pleasant, agreeable, nice ^»- < . 

delicious, tasty, tasteful, savory, palat- JyJJ : t 
able, toothsome, good, delectable, flavorful, dainty, 
luscious, ambrosial 

good-hearted, kind, generous, ^Jiil I iJJ* ' s4^ 
good, kindhearted 

good-natured, good-tempered, J^LLI t-lt 

good-humored, amiable, affable, genial, pleasant, 
agreeable, complaisant, obliging 

sweet-smelling, fragrant, aromatic, i«! \') 1 t_ 


simplehearted, simpleminded, unso- ijtJJ I 

phisticated, sincere, artless, guileless, ingenuous, 

innocent, naive 

perfume, scent Jae- '■ *— ^ 

.* ••-.- .* *.- 
nutmeg l.. : 1 «I I • jyr ' s-> : -l» l I jjar 

jj»l»- »Sf Ij — jj»l»- Li;B y* 

delicacies, dainties, delights u*U»l :ol~J» 

goodness; pleasantness, agree- C]> »Jjl)l Oy : *~>J» 
ability, agreeableness; deliciousness, tastiness, 
tastefulness, savoriness, palatability, palatableness, 
toothsomeness, delectability, delectableness, 

good-heartedness, kindness, good- v_iil I <-J» > 4-J» 
ness, kindheartedness 

fold, pleat, ply; tuck; bend, flexure, flexion, ilJ : SI* 

cuff, fold uyi^JI (<Jl-) «-i 

anticline [ L^jJ^p J •>>■ : £o»*« i-t 

to involve, imply, carry, include, *Z\J» jli 3** 

to be or become hungry; to starve p U- : iiji 

pliable, pliant, plastic, flexible JJ > u./> : (ijJ» 

subclass (^L^-^l oL^dJ j) oli>l> 

interior, inner self, inward jji U i iU- I j : <u jJ» 

thoughts, innermost feelings, heart, mind 

conscience ^*i : i»ji> 

intension), purpose, design ilj : '££> 

long (J^iJ^ ■* k *° <-Jr** -^ : LH>* 

high; tall; big t*-^ : ckp» 

long, (for) a long time %^> 

long-term, long-range, long-run jl. "jl I j I J*- *i I Jj^J» 

patient, forbearing, rj^l jl JM' j' ;^' Jip» 

long-suffering, enduring, tolerant 

mighty, powerful, strong; able, capable, pUl Jj_>J» 

efficient; learned, well-informed; generous, liberal, 

openhanded, freehanded 

farsighted, longsighted, jkJI y\ jJJ\ Jj>L> 


long-lived, longevous JJ>i\ Jj^J> 

tall iUJI ^A 

impudent, insolent, pert, saucy u*-IJ I J^J» 

foloXing), doubling; rolling up, tuckXing), ^J :^1» 

pleating; bendUng), flexing, flection, flexion, 


enclosed, attached, herewith <J» j * I jl* ,J» » <J» 

under the seal of secrecy, ul^fj 1 ' (J» (j <o)») 
kept (secret), covered up, undisclosed, hidden, 

pilot, aviator, flier, flyer, airman, iSyr £>* : jV«* 


volatile j*U»- "-/J* 

. . . .. i*'i ' *v .' i»'i 

aviatrix, aviatress, woman pilot jUp c^y • ijUi 

JjJU» m»Ij — »jJU» :»jUjV 

ornithology jjj*" fJLf :<GQ» 




precipitateness, heedlessness, carelessness, 
thoughtlessness, inconsiderateness, foolhardiness, 
temerity, imprudence, indiscretion, frivolity, 
lightheadedness, flightiness, levity 

sandpiper; redshank (>^>) iff j *•'_ ^ 

vision, apparition, phantom, specter, jCi- : ' »'■> 
phantasm, eidolon 

«lj jj J *>~aJ I l-a.i> i !.a.J> 

absorption spectrum ^La^^ll i_Jj» 

diffraction spectrum ;^i.luiJ> 

solar spectrum " '.* 

prismatic spectrum iSj^y 

spectrograph ■ *WI iu-.^ 

spectral; spectroscopic ' r> 

.« .-; *- '' 
.spectrogram <uiJ» Sjj»a 

pallium JjjL J^-j )fl Jj :uUU» 

to lute; to mortar, plaster; to whitewash; to pud- jlj» 
die; to mud (off), clay, cover (coat, treat) with clay 

clay, argil; mud, mire, slime; lute, luting; mortar, jljj 

to aggravate (complicate, worsen) the iL (jlkll jI j 
situation, make things (even) worse, add fuel to 
the fire, add yeast to the brew 

nature, (natural) disposition, iil»- i iL»- : <.\i> 
(inborn) character; constitution, makeup, setup, 
composition, structure, construction 
clayey, argillaceous * '' )r 

grouse (jJU.) £j*li 

Inula viscosa (oLi) uj«J» 

contain, comprise, comprehend, embrace, em- 
body, encompass, cover 

destination iij>-J I jl+li I o^ ' <»»-j : <£-!» 

to fly, wing, give wing(s) to jJku a1»j>- :JJg 

to volatilize, vaporize, evaporate j»u « .w> : jit 
bird; fowl jJU» : ^li 

birds; fowls; poultry j^J» t j~i» 

predatory bird, bird of prey, -r- jU- j I ^.IS" jit 


ornithology j>j-"»J' <i^* 

birds of a feather flock uu l^lSCil J* j>J»)l uj 

motionless with awe, silent ^LD I |»*-j Jj J* u^" 
with dread 

flying, flight; aviation, air navigation ulj^i 

aeronautics ulj-^H (o» jO Uf '6ljJ» 

aerobatics; stunt flying ,j l^j o I jj» 

gliding, glider flying yf Of ii ' jP» 

civil aviation tjU uG^» 

airlines, airways ij\jAA\ \>^j- 

air force olj^JI r^~ 

airline oljJ» ~*£ j* 

flight engineer pl^ ^..l^,. 



ol^~UI ((>» jl) (J* :oL;f>li 

flightiness, levity, frivolity ( jLl> i i»»- : »^1J» 

evil omen, evil portent, bad »ji i«}U : iQij « Sj-i 
augury, foreboding 

avian jj.hll) ii^ii ji ^^^ 

recklessness, rashness, impetuosity, il^cj < jjii : <jili 

^^r ^Jr ^Jr yy ^^ >^ >r a^^ >^^ >ir Hr ^^ ^^ 

^^ ^tjr ^|^ n^ ^jr ^^ >^ ^r n^ ^^ ^r "^^ "^fflr ' 




(>k) jtk \* J* 
«.<,,. It <ijiu :<LjIjaUj 

outward, outer, outside, out-, external, ISj*Uj 

exterior, surface; superficial; ostensible, seeming, 
apparent, appearing, professed, alleged, pretended; 
prima facie 

outwardly, externally, outside; ostensibly, Uj*U» 
seemingly, apparently, professedly, allegedly, with 
pretense; prima facie 

edge (of a sword, etc.) 
antelope, buck; gazelle, deer 
black buck 



» * ~ . < *• ,' 


doe, roe, female gazelle 

flint, firestone 

l_»jj» »l 

•HI ^ 
(ol**) <~i 

■i-LS" ii»lSo liil^Js 

polecat, fitchet, fitch(ew); zoriKle), (ol^s-) uCji 

skunk <jfjv?' 0^jJ» 

to be or become witty, humorous; to \juJ» tjlS" : <-»ji 
be or become charming, nice, elegant, graceful 

envelope ^ij** < <-*l*-' ' <->** : <-»jJj 

receptacle, vessel, container »l*j : <J^J> 

circumstance, condition, c-»j « m>j i JU- : (_»],]> 

wet nurse, nurse 
midwife, accoucheuse 
wet nurse, nurse 

.- -- *, .> • 

' V' -' ' Vi. 
SjJj^ lijli :»j>JJ 

victorious, triumphant; successful; ^ 
victor, conqueror; winner 

lame ^Jc\ :j-IUi 

unjust, unfair, <£*U» i tur.*.,..« i J jU ^Li. i jjl»- : Jit 
inequitable, wrongful; tyrannical, oppressive, des- 
potic, arbitrary; tyrant, oppressor, despot 

chaffinch (j^>) p~^> l jy^'j^ '-J^ 

accuser, indictor 

j l * u«- 


p+s o* <■<+"' ' <JU ' 

»- '- »- ^ 

tjUJi »»-lj — dyJo i(jUi» lij"-" 

to help, aid, assist, support, j^oli < jjL < OjLc :jaUj 
back (up), stand up for, champion, uphold, patron- 

apparent, visible, distinct, mani- ^Li- ij^n\* : j*Uj 
fest, patent, plain, clear, obvious, evident, conspic- 
uous; prima facie 

external, exterior, outward, outside, ^»-jl>- :j*U» 

outside, exterior, surface, face,jj»l; jj» < ri. : ^»U» 

form, letter, literal meaning, l _ r J^ jjs t J»ij . j»U» 
external sense 

substantive [ iil ] .» U» 

,gj» vrv 

to continue to do, keep J^ I j » j^-\ '■ I -^ J**i lM» 
doing, keep on, go on doing, persist in, persevere 
in, stick to 
to remain, stay ^ '■ J* 

to last, continue, go on, persist, subsist, f I j : JJ» 


shadow, shade, umbra lU» 

cotangent [oLiLjJ f^' Jr 

tangent [oUiLj] ijjl^ll JJ» 

under; under the protection of, 3^» ^^ ' J^ s? 
under the wing of, under the patronage of, under 
the auspices of 

shadow cabinet 3^» (**.}£*■ i ' ) 5 J ' JJ 

darkness), gloom(iness), murk(iness), ilU» : f 5U» 
dustiness), dimness s , 

,Jlt ylj-fSUi 

grievance, complaint; injustice, injury, wrong <* 5U» 

-.- . a " * i > -?'.. 

awning, sun- <*!»■ ly-JI o? ^J SiiUI J^i ^ :4 >*>» 
shade; canopy, marquee, tent 
kiosk; stall, stand, booth <iLiS" : *U» 

to limp, hobble, go lame, walk lamely ^ ■ gU» 

lameness, claudication, limpOng), ^y- '■ gU» ' jU» 

hobble, hobbling 

hoof; cloven hoof or foot 

>--.■ ■■.:.■, ■■:-o-ir".y- J ---.. 

■ — ^ 

& 5^ Jifl :'JJi 

to shade, overshadow, cast a 

shadow over 

to shade; to hachure; to hatch Jtj : (L- j ) JU» 

to wrong, oppress, tyrannize, aggrieve, Jx. jU- : jji» 
maltreat, treat unjustly (inequitably, tyrannically, 
badly), be unjust (unfair, oppressive) to, do wrong 
or injustice to, commit outrage upon 

injustice, unfairness, j|jui-j « ^ i ^i> « jj»- : j>U» 

inequity, wrong; tyranny, oppression, despotism, 


unjustly, unfairly, inequitably, wrongfully UJ> 


[i»j] u^j <-»ji» 
[iil] 0^5c <JjJ» 

<LJL'.t.r... I <_>jji» 

."'.' *• '1. 

occasion; situation, case; time, period, juncture, 
point of time 

wit, wittiness, esprit, iCCS" i ii^i i ii l^k : <Jji» 
humor; charm, cuteness, elegance, gracefulness) 


adverb of time 
adverb of place 
exceptional circumstances 
extenuating circumstances 
aggravating circumstances 

according to (depending on, in the <J jjiJ 1 1_— »- 

light of) the circumstances 

within, in (a given period of); duringiJjJij i <Jji> j 

circumstantial (^J* 

adverbial [^Jyjj^ 

circumstantial evidence j^jJi JJj ' *^j* *~rf 

witty, full of esprit, humor-*£i « ^1^ « <Jji> j i : <-Lji> 

ous, funny, amusing, comical; charming, nice, 

cute, elegant, graceful; humorist, wit 

to move away, go away, leave, depart, ji- j : j*» 

part, decamp 

howdah; litter, sedan **»- * jr-^ 

wife, spouse *rj j : ' 

riding camel <lic Jjwjj J-^>- < *if I j 

to win, gain, obtain, get, attain, 'J\^ t ^ j\i : (^) jit 

to win or gain a victory over.j^ii i_ii : -» jl Jc- jik 
triumph over, conquer, vanquish, defeat, beat, over- 
come, overpower, overwhelm, get the better of 

to grant victory over, oj^i ^ aJC :(j jl Jt o) jit 
make triumph over 
victory, triumph 

nail, fingernail 


idc ( 

jilli w-lj-jib 


• »^ >> 

JUS) ; UU9 t dU9 

J 1 ' 

»jill »— <«l jib 

"l * -' •*' '■"' 
Ktyu ,*>-lj ~ ojUi»l 4*yu JJ-j> 

jlkll. iilic j i :^j« 

., .»' 





*■ - ,»j 

suspect; accused; charged, indicted; f j.-,- t -^. 
suspected, suspicious 

backache ^JiJ| J| =J ^Jj 

outside, right side (of a iiiL o-i :(t-->Jl) Sjl*Jj 


backing <ui'J ^ '£> <, ( _ r JcJ L. :5jl*Ji 

facing (.ii> t ( _ r Jc :ij\^, 

[ *\?- ' J ^vyy (j-^ j I [sJa~ ySL, ^j, : s jl^Ji 

epithelial i^]iij^> 

to appear, come out, come to light, IjJ < ^ ' 0^- ■" >i 
come into sight or view, show, emerge, crop up, 
surface, rise, arise, develop, manifest itself, reveal 
itself; to be or become apparent, visible, manifest, 
distinct, obvious, evident, clear, plain, patent, 
known; to seem, look, appear, sound, give the 
impression of being 

it seems, it looks, it appears, j+k, L. Jx. t (ol) j\k' 
it sounds; apparently, seemingly, to all appear- 
ances, most likely, most probably 

to occur, happen, take place, transpire, li-ji- :^i 
come to pass 

to mount, climb, ascend, scale ^I_J ( %. :^Jj 

to get the better of, overcome, <_ii. : _, /\ A& ^i 
overwhelm, overpower, conquer, vanquish 

to know (of); to be or be- ^ c Jc «li I : Jc ^i 
come aware of, acquainted with; to learn (about), 
come to know (about) 

to endorse, back (wJJ IxL. 1 ISLi) jl»- :J^i 

to develop ( -d I CLi ) 'j^- : 'Q, 

back ^JaJI JjU L. :jii 

back; rear (part), hind (part), hinder oiU- 1 Us : jii 
part; reverse; verso 

surface, face, top, upper part -JUL. : ^ii> 

deck -j»l :i^uifjl j| t_i^Il ^i 

tergum [,L>-i]^i> 

shell ' '■'■' '°' i ' 


/jt rtllll oU-%1 i.JI y^JO 



Centaurus, Centaur 


silhouette thi 5^, , ;*t ); 

shady, shadowy, umbrageous jjjj _, j : J.l> 

male ostrich »lill I ^'j : jjQi 

r> Ui. ^lj- r> Ui. : j *JJ» 

to be thirsty, feel thirsty, suffer thirst, thirst^i-Uc : J^Jj 
to make thirsty, cause to thirst ' ti' r : ^jj 

thirst ylLii.Uii.JJi.Ui 

thirsty uLU^:uUi ( ^J» 

to think, suppose, assume, imagine, j"U- ( r_ . , 1 : Vjj 
guess, believe, take for, take as, take it, consider, 
deem, regard as, hold 

to suspect; to accuse (of), j jL^l « H iliil :(j)^i 
charge (with), indict (for) ' ' ' ' 

supposition, assumption; <i I j « yi I ji I , L-9. : ^Jj 
thinking, belief, opinion, view, idea 

doubt, suspicion, distrust, mistrust, mis- ill : £_t 
giving, uncertainty, dubiety, dubiosity 


to live up to, measure up to . . ^Ji jj* 1-* \S" 

most probably, most likely yil I (Jf* ) ,_ii | j 

suspicious, distrustful, distrusting, ilL < u> Ji : uUi 

suspicion; accusation, charge &£ : cj> 1 ij UJj 

shinbone, tibia ^^| J ill I pi : < .j''> 

tibial <->£&&> «*"& /j : #j3 

uUi «>-lj-<ilL njLli :y>iij 

hypothetical, suppositional, supposi- ^iljli I •" *> 
tive, supposed, assumed, presumptive 

accusatory, accusative, accusing, y? U* I : J*J» 

hypothesis; supposition, assumption 4**^ : "4-i 




JJ4 ]i]| 

JJ4 ]i]| 

exhibitionism, show-off; ostentation, 


help(er), aid(e), assistant; supporter, j^ 
backer; patron, sponsor; partisan, adherent 







. - ■ . . ■ ' . . — - - ---. . . - . 

(£)l {Jil\ if j) jsji 
(»JJ fOiJI if j) -LpL~> J4& 

in their midst, among them ^*>J»I jl ^l^ ^ 

noon, midday S^^ii i Jlj j i »j*-\* « jW-J' l -*- aL > '-j^ 3 
.,-'... A - •- .* - • ■ 

dorsal, back; tergal j*J»J^ J^* •<£>*■* 

midday, meridian, meridional '(Sjr^ ' ^j j : ^Jt^ 

■ ""• "■ " . "v, 
appearance, emergence, emersion, rise, J}J > -j&b 


occurence, happening 



\^ yy ^r ^r'yP'^P'^P'^^r'l^r'^^r'^&'^^'^P' 

^y ^flr ^j^ ^P ^flr ^jr ^r '^Qr'^yr ^^ Nr ^jr ^r 

hindrance, obstacle, impediment, «_iU c 


encumbrance, obstruction, bar, barrier, (stumbling) 
block, balk; deterrent, disincentive, restraint; 
handicap, disadvantage 

delphinium, larkspur (oLi) ^iLt 

poor, needy, destitute, indigent jj* : Jjle 

family, household, house 

royal family 

family, familial, domestic; homely, homelike, ^JL5Le 

floating, afloat, (super)natant 

swimming, natant 

pontoon bridge, floating bridge 

D y* I 



handicapped; disabled, incapacitated 
infirm, invalid 

to find fault with, fault, juUil i 
carp at, criticize, 'censure, blame 

to disgrace, dishonor, discredit, ~oj ijli: uU 
stain, taint, soil, sully 

to mar, disfigure, spoil, «y. 1 1_ c I i <<!«»- : <_»lc 

make defective or faulty; to vitiate 

to be or become defective, faulty, i_lc I i jU> : i_.Lt 
imperfect, blemished 
indifferent, unconcerned, uninterest- 
ed, apathetic, nonchalant 

frivolous, trifling, dallying, fiddling; prankish, *_jlc 
mischievous, wanton; licentious; fribble, trifler, 
fiddler, dallier, frivoler; abuser 

i* u js* '[y^ 

i_jllt v?-lj - i_jL-t :_JU 

ravager, devastator; troublemaker cXc Jcli :£JU 

returning, coming back, going back; «_»- lj : jjls 

reverting; recurrent; returnee, returner 

due to, going back to, <JJ o'z'Ja ( <JJ *j- I j : <JJ jjLt 
attributable to, ascribable to, referable to, traceable 
to, stemming from, caused by 

related to, relating to, concern- jjL^. : J jl <JJ jJlc 
ing, regarding, having to do with, belonging to, 
pertaining to, appertaining to, connected with 
visitor, caller ,5 \) : jjLt 

f>»- p-ij- 


proceeds, revenues), returns,iii.i Jp-Lu i «Ij : CiljJls 
yield, receipts, takings, earnings, incomings 

taxes, duties; dues, fees, >^.j 4 i_Jlj_i : ol-uL 

rates, charges 

-■ f » *-' > . 
royalties, royalty .^1J f- j^A\ jl _4J^1I oIjuIp 

benefit, advantage, profit, gain i»i_* ri'jjle 

Oljjlc ^»-Ij — Jbl_j* 

one who seeks refuge or protection ilt J*l» : JJls 

alive, living, existent 

well-off, well-to-do, rich, wealthy 

disgusted, nauseated; averse, J o j\£ < ^ _)1 


weak, feeble, frail, powerless, j*\j i i-i...,^ '■'^■^ 
impotent, impuissant, helpless, effete, feckless, 
incapable, unable, ineffective, ineffectual, ineffi- 
cacious, inefficient, incompetent 
disabled, crippled, incapacitated, j* j i -*»i» : j»-U. 
infirm, invalid; basket case 

decrepit (V* : >"^ 

i s '"■ *'■ \ 
impotent ^r**" Jf 

•>' . 
unable to, incapable of jt- >r v* 

infirmary, old age hospital s>v-)l (i$ju jl) jl j 

to anticipate, forestall, act in advance of; to Js>-U 
overtake, catch up with, descend swiftly upon; to 
hurry, hasten, rush, speed up, accelerate 
immediate, instant; quick, fast, speedy, prompt, Jj»U 
rapid, expeditious, hurried, hasty, brief, flying; 
precipitate, sudden, abrupt; accelerated; urgent, 

summary (jurisdiction, actions, [ >Uai' J J»-U 

matters, proceedings, trial, judgment) 

soon, before long, shortly, in a short time, %r\s. 
presently, directly; quickly, promptly, rapidly, 
speedily, fast; immediately, at once, on the spot, 
instantly, without delay 

sooner or later %r I j I %r U 

life in this world, the present life, worldly iL»l*) I 

tooth • — *<° ' . '"• : *-*^* 

u~yf 'Or 

ivory tower 

jlaiit i 

J**i CS : LrT L 

jrUI J I 

to return, come back, go back; to revert; to *»- j : oU 
recur, reoccur 

to revert to, redound J J *»- j i J J Jl : J* jl Jj jU 
to, accrue to, fall to, go to, pass to, devolve upon, 
vest in, belong to, be or become due to 

to go back to, be due to, be Jj (< r ~~J\ jl j»"i\) jU 
attributable or ascribable to, be referable or 
traceable to, be attributed or ascribed to, be 
referred or traced back to, stem from, spring from, 
be caused by 
to relate to, be _» 'J^\ < ,>*>- i -; J^ '• J jl Jj ^ 

worshiper, adorer 

! U* 


passing, fleeting, transient, <JI jjJ I «jj- 1 JjI j :jjU 
transitory, ephemeral, evanescent, short-lived, im- 
permanent, temporal, fugacious, volatile 

incidental, desultory, passing, acciden- ,jf^ :y\* 
tal, casual 

past, bygone, elapsed 

ytfU I (_/«—• '-Jjl 

crossing, traversing, going across, jLJo 4 _ r *j : _^U 
passing over or through 

Jrrr— J^" ' J — Jrrr— 


»-jjL« ju^Ij — ol jUJJ ^^-c- T*jj^ 

frowning, scowling, glow- jjli' ij^J-l t-JaiU :<_ r jU 
ering, lowering; sullen, sulky, surly, glum, morose, 
gloomy, grim; stern, austere 

redolent(of), full(of); scented, fragrant j^c :(j) JjU 

insolent, overbearing, ^ j)a*^* <. j-^* : ( ^ U I ) oU 
supercilious, overproud, arrogant, haughty 
tyrannical, highhanded ,i. :' ... t (JU» : oU 

strong, powerful, forceful; violent, i_»— t < (5y : oU 
fierce, ferocious, wild 

to admonish, reprove mildly, reproach (J*) t-jU 
gently, blame (in a friendly manner), twit 

shoulder <-*£ :jj'^ 

beam l r' l > , 4 1 J 1 ^W 1 tii^ 

to ravage, devastate, havoc, dam-( j) IjI—j <i>U ni>U 
age; to make trouble, do harm, cause mischief 

to squander, dissipate, waste aJL. j <iU 

' '■' >" ■ -w 

J 1 J> j- : j?^ 

bad, ill 

stumbling, tripping, tumbling 


finder; finding t.^ J* >«y j* < 

pitfall, pit ij>&- 

■'J : Ji l 

V^j : J> 


to stop at, make a stop at; to stop over Jj^ : -> j I J* ^U 
at, put up at, lodge at 

ivory 7JJ iJrr^' V^-*' U~* u^*— 1 • J '-* : P* 

dentin(e) j-N r 1 ^ 




'i^-i LI ,j L*«j»- I j - BjUlljyi ojUlliijU-ii jUJIoyr 

to equal, be equal to, l-iif (ejloi.) »ii nfjL :<j'.sU 
be equivalent to, be tantamount to, be worth, 
amount to, make, come to 

to balance, equilibrate, counterbalance, ojlj : J'jU 
counterpoise, countervail, poise, offset, compen- 
sate (for) 

to equate (with), equalize, ^jL t <jy* : {{1° ■) JjU 
make equal, put on the same level, put on an equal 
footing, treat equally, treat or regard as equal(s) 
to neutralize [ ,1^ } »!...< ] _uL- : J jU 

just, fair, equitable, impartial, f^~* < * «.n , . :JjU 
unbiased, unprejudiced, evenhanded, fairminded, 
rightful; honest, straightforward, upright 
exhaust [iSLjlSL.] fjU 

• >'t 

exhaust pipe .oLJI ^->yj\ 

ordinary, common, usual, customary, (5-iCjil :l$jU 
conventional, habitual, familiar, accustomed, won- 
ted; normal, regular, standard; run-of-the-mill, 
average, mediocre, middling, medium; plain, 
simple; everyday, routine, commonplace, work- 

old, ancient, antique eji :^jU 

Jj UJ i j ,^i»-l :_> iU 

antiquities, antiques 
wrong; offense; outrage 
adversity, misfortune 
vicissitudes of time 

to seek the protection of, 
take or seek refuge with 

God forbid! God save (or protect) me ^ «iil, i^tl 
(from)! I seek refuge with God (from)! 
God forbid that I o^ji^-W \j* 'd£\ Ol <5>L, i^l 
should be among the mockers 

Say: 1 seek refuge with the Lord ^li I L.^ j^.] Ji 
of the dawn 

censurer, blamer, critic, carper Jj i* : J iU 

to wander, roam, rove, straggle <_»U> t »U : jU 

shame, disgrace, dishonor, disrepute, [j i t (^j^ : j U 
discredit, ignominy, infamy, opprobrium, odium 

related to, concern, regard, belong to, pertain to, 
appertain to 

to resume, recommence, do J^lj tLiiull : J I jl* 
again or anew, revert to, return to, go back to, turn 
again to, take up again 

to withdraw, take back, recall, ^1 t i_o^- \.jc jU 
retract, recant, cancel, revoke, repeal 
to desist from, ^t. Jjl& t ^ ^ I t ^ L^ : ^ jU 
refrain from, abstain from; to leave (off), give up, 
abandon, relinquish 

to entail, bring 'js\ j"^i. ( J&. ,^- : _, (^lli) jU 
about, bring in, return, yield, produce, pay 
to claim of, demand of (_,) *JU> :( _») <uit jU 
to become, grow (into), turn (into) jL» : jU 

to visit, pay a visit to, call on ", I ) : jU 

to retrace one's steps, go back (the way 
one has come from), turn back 

to regain consciousness, come to 4_ij J I jU 

the situation returned to ItjUw J I »Ql o'jlt 

1 couldn't., any longer, I can no (. .. U : '.. l) liil 1) 

teller, counter, calculator, computer, i_^-U- :jU 

running, racing; runner, racer <>»flj : ((5 J Wl) J ^* 


\ji\ jU 

enemy, foe ' }JJ . ; ^U 

to antagonize, provoke or incur the hostility i$jU 
of, contract the enmity of, feud with; to treat as an 
enemy, show enmity toward; to make an enemy 
of, be or become hostile to, act hostilely toward; to 
oppose, act in opposition to, set oneself against 

habit, habitude, wont, use, custom, usage, prac- 5 jU 
tice, convention, consuetude; manneKs) 
usually, as a rule, generally, ordinarily, habit- i'jl*. 
ually, customarily, commonly, normally, in the 
usual course of things 
as usual S^UJIST 



masturbation, onanism 

jiar- :ijj-JI ojUJI 




great, tremendous, enormous j^f '■ fj^ 

sweeping, overwhelming Jp"^- 1 ' £-r^ ' f J^ 

Gymnospermae oULJI j» iiiU» :ji>JI ObjU 
loan i» : V.j^ 'V.j^* 

7 ■*-- 
loan for use d)^-l <j j^ 

loan for consumption JW - ' ^J^ 

loan for exchange J- 1 -; ^j^- 

to need, require, want; to liS" ojy-l i Jl £^] : j* 
be in need of, in want of, lacking, wanting 

player, musician, instrumentalist, { { Ju rr .y) cijU 

recitalist, perfomer 

insulator; nonconductor; insulation, insulant; Jjle 



dielectric; insulator; nonconductor 


buffer zone 

resolved to or on, determined to or 

on, decided on or to, dead set to, intent on, bent 

on, out for; resolute, unwavering 

night watch, night watchman yU <_,. jU- : y»U 

to live, be alive, exist, subsist; to lead a life ^ : ylU 

long live! viva! vive! ! cr^ ! trf^ 'lt^- 

grassy, covered or abounding with grass i_-^« : > r ~*'^ c 

herbivore; her.bivorous i-.Ui'ill JS" I ivf^* 

Herbivora, herbivores i_.*.«ll o~^5"l :oLiU 

to associate with, mix with, hob- <_^»-U« i JaJU- : ^U 
nob with, be on intimate terms with 

(the) tenth jfUl i^U 

lover, adorer; fancier; fain; passionate- j r ju> : Jil* 
ly in love with, enamored of, infatuated with 
disobedient, j^* lie-Gall jc ^jU- ^y^Ull) <_^>U. 
insubordinate, refractory; insurgent, insurrection- 
ary, rebellious, mutinous; rebel, insurgent, insur- 
rectionist, mutineer 

ir > 

^ ■ ■ ■ ■ - - ■ ' ' "' • • ! - -- '•'• ' ■' l| "- T ^EJ^a 

naked, nude, ^jyzSi^ nSj** <■ j*^ UcSj^U j^* 

undressed, bare; stark-naked; bared, stripped, 

denuded; exposed, uncovered 

divested of, stripped of, ja £± t j* syy '■ cr" X s - 

deprived of, dispossessed of; free from, devoid of, 

void of, destitute of, lacking 

barefoot(ed), unshod J?-*-^ (Sj^ 

unfounded, ground- ^-Ll Ji jt- jlc- 1 o«^aJI ^ jLt 
less, baseless, untrue, false 

Ajjle- lijjli «j>-lj-i'jU 

to oppose, resist |»jl» : y^jl* 

to oppose, object to, take Ji ^p- c i_«JU- : Jaj^c 
issue with, be against; to dissent from, disagree 
with, differ in opinion with, be of a different 
opinion from 

to contradict, conflict with, dis- jjLc <. ^U : ^jU. 
agree with; to be contrary to, in disagreement 
with, at variance with; to differ from, be different 
from, be in contrast with 

to compare with, contrast with oj^> <■ JjI» : h J°}^ 
exhibitor, demonstrator, exposer J°j*a J* '-J°J^ 
cheek; side of the face aj-^JI i_-lU- i ■**■ '-<Jo^ 
fit, attack, paroxysm; spell '^>y : ^j^ 

accident, incident; contingent, ^jLL ^ jU- : ,>>j^ 

CC^ ^J~ ijfJ^ : i>A 
beam, girder, rafter, joist, transom, sup- iji\j :i«ijU 
port, prop 
jamb (soiLJI jl uUl) i-bjlt 

cheek; side of the face aj-^JI 

mannequin, model 

knowing, learned; acquainted with, jJU :( j) iJjU 
aware of, cognizant of, familiar with, informed 
about, versed in, conversant with, on top of; 
connoisseur, expert, authority 

to fight (with), combat, battle ^-li <. 'Ji\i i : JjU 

against; to quarrel with, wrangle with, brawl with 

very cold j^JI jj^ :^U 

violent, vehement, intense, strong -uj^. : pit 

» * '..■ 

— " ■ ■" II $' 

devoid of, destitute of, lacking 'ja ^U : ^. Ji U 
snuff (3>li i J»^»- i^jJsU 

to loathe, detest, abhor, feel dis- ^. jLll ( .J' :L»U 
iiust for or at, be disgusted by 

loathsome, disgusting, detestable, abhor-^Jd I li k 

effaced, obliterated, wiped out '^L*, : (.iUI ) (JU 

to restore to health, heal, cure, make heal- jl : ^ U 
thy, make well 

to protect (from evil), ((^il ji ^i ^.) ^^ : ^U 
guard (against harm) 

bravo! well done! IdlUU 

(good) health (s^ef) **« l » : ***l* 

undutiful, impious, disobedient, jL o*i t jyi : jU 
faithless, disloyal, untrue, ungrateful, unthankful 

to punish, penalize, chastise, castigate, J^U : t_iU 
chasten, discipline, inflict or impose a penalty or 
punishment on 

to alternate, rotate, cause to i_.jU c Jjl a : Lib 
succeed or follow one another 

>.'. . > >• , . , 
successor; following, succed- «^Jj jl o«JUj ^ :t_JU 

ing, subsequent, next 

end, issue, effect, upshot, outcome, result, iswj :<u»U 
consequence, aftermath, ramification 

oiUj «j>-Ij-jJJ UUJI jjlc :jJU 

oiLw «-lj-oiUi« :ju»U 

to be or become addicted to J*. V.">] :^iU 

barren, sterile ^c :^U 

rational, reasonable, sensible, sane >( *£»- 1 djlu : JiU 
intelligent, prudent, wise, judicious, discerning^ 
sapient, sage 

initiate, sage (jj 'fj | ^) JiU 

to contradict, counteract, counter, oppose j Li i^-TU 

to make passes on; to molest, prop-_, ^^J ■' l _ r ^^- 
osition, make improper advances to; to tease 
reflector; reflective, reflecting^^-Slc J*U : i_S"U i^-TU 


to be a contemporary of, a coevalJ l^lli 0^ '-j^b\c 
of; to be contemporary with, contemporaneous 
with, coeval with 

sphincter ;"^U iLii ci'^eU 

stormy, windy, gusty, squally, rough, tempes- JlJ\s. 
tuous, violent, boisterous, turbulent, tumultuous, 

storm, tempest, gale, windstrom, (ei^l^i J) ~tju>\c 
violent wind 


snowstorm, blizzard, ice storm 

ice storm 




protector, preserver, guard- J\j < ^L» < JiiU : ^U 
ian, guarder, defender 

capital, metropolis 

* ..' - * 

i yy* I t 4jl»l V*-lj 

Ul ^,1 <iw»UI iU 

biting, mordacious, snappish 

^Jac *»-lj - ji»U 
( j* i I t ' ■ ' ♦ i pi Tilir- juj-Ij — ^jijjlt 
LJjiifc «►■ I j — <_» «i»£ .'oLLiLc 

copulative, syndetic [ iJ ] ^J, U 

sentiment, feeling; emotion, affec- (i_aL \yt. r) iit>U 
tion, passion 

sentimental; emotional, affective, emotive, lj*^ 
feeling; passionate, full of passion or emotion; hot, 
warm; intense; romantic; moving, touching, 
pathetic, poignant, affecting 

sentimentalism, sentimentality; emotionalism, iiai»U 
emotionality; emotivity 

unemployed, jobless, workless, idle, (j-ill js.) JiU 
out of work 

fU vi 

approach, take up, discuss, study 

to process, work, treat; ( jJ J v^oJ I *U I ) J- U : ^J U 

to handle, manipulate 

jLu. o^lj-4^ t}y0tj> j~i- :JpU 

world; realm Li j : J U 

universe, cosmos u^ .jJU 

kingdom [ *U»-I ] jJl* 

Third World viJUJI JJUI 

New World jy-iil pJUl 

Old World (TjijljJUl 

the animal kingdom OljJ-' (J^* 

scientist; scholar, savant; expert, specialist, (^l) JU 
authority, adept, master, connoisseur; knower 
knowing, knowledgeable, learned, (iJuo) _< jJU 
erudite; (well-)informed about, acquainted with, 
familiar with, aware of, cognizant of, versed in, 
conversant with, abreast of, on top of, expert in, 
worldly-wise in 

world, worldwide, global, universal; interna- ^Jl* 


universality, internationally 

to float, buoy 
to swim 



Ui: r U 

J^. i <^. : »U 

public; general; common; universal; sweeping; f U 
prevalent, prevailing; generic 
general staff i.UJI O^j^l 

public works i* U J Ui. I 

_s -' - * 

secretariat-general, secretariat i.Lc iiul 

public domain, public property, fU ttll. . i. U tlJ^L. I 
public lands 

public security; public safety £ UJ I i. ^lJ 

public garden, park, commons a-. U *±jJ*~ 

commutator ^U^i^-ll jU-JI err ^ 

reverse [&JK-] «^l o-f^ ^IjI .-CfU 

devoted to, dedicated _< liL*!* . J* ^_X~» : J* u&U 
to, intent on, engaged in, occupied with, busy 
with, working at 

i_a.\.'.',« » >j>-Ij — i_«5vJj.» :ouU 

JUI «jftj-*i.lll J»\ toJjU fli :JU 
to have a numerous family aJLx. ^ : JU 

to be or become poor, needy, destitute; toJLJ\: JU 
be reduced to poverty 

to be unjust, unfair, ineq- UU» 6^ : ( j~£*- j) J^- 


to lose patience «j~^ J^c . 0jr ^ JU 

high, elevated, tall, towering, lofty,j-iJ^:( J^ l*JI) JU 


high, high-ranking, high-level, top-level, ^ij : JU 

lofty, exalted, elevated, sublime, eminent, superior 

loud, strong; high-pitched, shrill, o^lxLI *Juo : JU 


high-frequency jj>JI JU 

high-tension j>f^\ jl J**- 1 J^ 

ambitious, aspiring, aspirant ilil J^U 

high frequency JU ( j>y j I ) j j J> 

higher (advanced, su- jJI iJU oLIjj . JU ^ 
perior, university) education, studies, etc. 
hypertension, high blood pressure JU iSy J J*"-" 
louddy), in a loud manner JU o^-<aj 

dependent, parasite, hanger-on, (»^ Je) ill* 

sponger), leech 

burden, charge n_-*:i)U 

poverty, destitution, needGness) JU :i)U 

shelter from the rain; iJLli . ^i»ll ^ y^ U : *JU 
awning, canopy, marquee 

J-i Jf'j-J^ J* 3 !" :iJ,Ji 

to treat, remedy, cure, doctor, «_~ll» ' <S}\ J : gll* 

to treat, deal with, handle, tackle, 





•■■■■•- ■ ':■"■■ ■ 

active, effective 

j>y» . Jlli :J-.L 

workers, workmen, work- iLU jui . iLU jij . Jul 
people.workingmen, labor, manpower, hands 
telephone operator, telephonist <jy& J^U 

sweeper, scavenger; street oli~kJ jl ■ »-U.-: J^U. 
sweeper, street cleaner, garbage collector 

Rh factor, Rhesus factor "u^j J-^ 

common factor .'ly'.. J^U. 

foreman; ganger Jll»JI 

the proletariat, the work- Jll»J I iili . iL U I iii) I 
ing class, the laboring class, the worders, the labor 
active member J^U. "^ix. 

Labor Day, May Day Jlllll jit 

work force, labor force, manpower iLU 5y 

personnel; staff ^JuUI pjlki 

s-* -*- ' 
labor union, trade union, union Jlli ijUj 

annual, yearly 

slang, colloquial, vernacular, 

common, vulgar, plebeian 

- -•-■ *, 

commoner, rank and filer, ^ U I ~£ U oi- 1 : ^j. U 
layman, man in the street, ordinary, person, aver- 
age man 

slang, vernacular, colloquial (o^l ji ill ) ill U I 
(language), spoken or popular language 

to suffer, undergo, experience, pass juIS" . ^U : ^ U 
or go through, meet with, sustain, endure, bear 
pubic region, pubes [ -j ^ ] i; U 

pubes, pubic hair iiU I ' 


to oppose, resist u«j^ : JjU 

spinster, old maid £j^J jjj ^Jl j o^if ^. i^U 

to embrace, hug, cuddle, oj.u» Jj Li » (jJaa- : ^U 
enfold, nestle, snuggle, take in the arms, clasp (in 
the arms), press to the bosom 


, . .- _ \ ■■ 


public opinion 

general principles 

director general, general manager 

C? ] j-}^ 

nJUo li.1 

JjLali :<uU 


raft, pontoon, float 

the common people, the <_JJlJI ji ^llll iuU 10UI 
commons, the commonal(i)ty, the masses, the 
populace, the rank and file, laymen, laity 

/ ' ' \ ' " -» - is 

inhabited, populated; populous o£-~* . J* I :^* U 

flourishing, thriving, prosperous, ^?J> :>>U 

booming, full of life 

ample, abundant; full j \ _, : ^ U 

big, large, sizable, huge, substantial, con- j^ :^L 

full (of), filled (with) ^L. : (_,) ^L 

full of hope J^l^L 

buxom, full-bosomed, bosomy, busty jluaJ I s^. U 
hyena ^ ^U. (.1 

to treat, deal with; to handle «- J^lii . u ij^LiJ : ji* U 

to trade with, carry on trade with, ( t j \^ ) Ji U 

deal with, do business with, carry oh business 

with, transact business with 

/ 'i ' f \ - - 

to process, treat, work (..;.^JI ?UI) J^U. 

to reciprocate, return in kind or degree, jill JJ.U. 
repay, requite, pay back 

worker, laborer, workman, work- j^- 1 . Jjii : J^ U 
ingman, wage earner, wageworker; employee 
governor, ruler, regent Jlj « ^U : ( Ju Jt) J^U. 

factor; ^aic i U is^j cIa>-J j t< ■■_■ L. JS" : J^U- 
agent; element 

agent [ f La-lj ,1^ ,1^5"] J.L 

factor; operator [(i^j ^>^^ j ] Jf I* 

word go verni ng another [ iil ] J^. U 

working, acting, functioning, func- J*H* : J-.U- 
tional; running, operating, in operation 



own eyes, look at or over, examine, inspect, 
scrutinize, survey 

to quaff, drink deeply; to toss (down or (cjf^Jl) L* 
off), drink up; to pour down, gulp (down), lap up 

sleeve pS '6 J j •<-■* 

not to care for, not to give a jCJu^ijCcUiLc 
hoot for, pay no attention to 

negligible, insignificant, inconsiderable, 
unimportant, trifling, trivial 

to mobilize, call up; to recruit pjJ» i j-> : (111*-) U* 
to fill, fill up; to stow, pack, package % : uc 

to box; to case, encase; to pack, package; <_Jlc : Le 
to can, tin 

to bottle (oU->*- j j) Ci 

- , - >»- 
to charge, load, fill (up) ij^ : l~& 

to wind, wind up icCll Cc- 

burden, onus, charge, load, encumbrance Jl»- : * i_«c 

burden of proof, onus probandi, onus oLS^II £i_~t 

aba, cloak; frock; gown j-lj Jj^1» *Ijj : >L* tS*Lc 

torrent, torrential stream; flood u aJ i jl~ : i_>U* 

waves, billows, surges, swells, seas ^j* : uU 

sunflower, turnsole, helianthus (oLi) Lr *ll\ jLc 

litmus paper u-— -" J^* JjJ 

jut «-Ij-jCjJI i (<i>l) iLc 

worship, adoration; cult; devotion(s) 5 jU* 

ancestor worship <Jx-^l SjLc 

idolatry, paganism o^j jI SjLc 

« ', , 

zoolatry, animal worship olil^J-l jl ol^*-' »J^f 

personality cult 

sun worship 

nature worship 


expression, term, word 


pubiC iiUJI (Ji»J jl ijUJlj yoU- :jr»l* 

handicap, (physical) disability, dis- (^M Co-*-) i*U 
ablement; (bodily) defect; deformity; infirmity 

to promise, pledge, vow, aiUj t j+ju i I j+t ji»» : -u»U 
undertake, take upon oneself, bind oneself, 
commit oneself, engage oneself, obligate oneself; to 
covenant, contract, enter into (make, conclude) a 
covenant or compact or contract with 

adulterer, fornicator ^p-li i 6' j : j*l* 

adulteress; whore, harlot, prostitute <^\ j : S^aU 

king, monarch, sovereign dlL : JaU 

to return to, go back to, come [} h o\ } t <jj jU : jjU 
back to, revert to, turn again to, take up again, 
resume, recommence, do again or anew, 
to recur, reoccur £>■ j i jU : jjlc 

to befall again, seize again, attack ^Jj yi^ll oJjlc 
again, come again over, affect again 
to repeat or reiterate a question to, ask iJL-ilj » j jit 
again (and again) 

iyZ £!-lj-((i*) f>~~ :i J^ 

to help, aid, assist, support, back o\c-\ i AtL : ujl* 

(up), lend a helping hand to, come to the aid of, 

extend aid to; to relieve, succor 

to wish (someone) a merry j-JI fjjuu oL* : Jul* 

feast, felicitate or congratulate (someone) on the 

occasion of a feast 

to gauge, test the ( jJJ iftl ji o\jd\ _ } \ DLSCll) jjU 

accuracy of (measures or weights); to assay, test, 

check; to modulate, regulate, adjust, tune, fix; to 

standardize; to calibrate 

to titrate 

to live with 

to cohabit with 

delphinium, larkspur 

to view, eye, see with one's 

(oL) J*U 

i y~£- 




to shed tears, cry, weep ( iC : ^li 

to carry (take, transport) across or through _, ^i 
or over 

to shed tears, cry, weep jfc {^ 

to express, voice, utter, give expression (to), (jc) '^s. 
articulate, declare, state, indicate, bring out, make 
clear, speak out (on), put, phrase, word, couch, 

„ .. 

across, trans-, over; through, via, by way of; by ^li 
means of, by 

tear, teardrop i^'j : 5^ 

example, lesson, warning «J»c , ii^ | : j^l* 

that which has to jUi'ili l]> l J u iii-* L^J U is^lp 
be taken into consideration or account, that which 
is important or significant, that which is conse- 
quential or of consequence, something decisive or 

what is important is. . , decisive is. . , the j i'J^l I 
crucial factor is.. 

Hebrew, Hebraic; a Hebrew; Hebrew, IsJ^i I ^^1* 
the Hebrew language "' ' 

Hebrew, the Hebrew language o 1J I 

to frown, knit or contract the <^-j [_'Uf -■/*-* - , <■ 
brows, scowl, glower, lower 

to be redolent of, full of, filled (ikJl^L olsdl ) '^s. 
with (a scent); to be fragrant ' 

redolent (of), full (of); scented, fragrant JjU : (_.) J-i 




plump, chubby, well-rounded,,^^ < Mr'/. : J*i 4 Jle 
full, fat; huge, big, bulky J 

storax, styrax (oLi) ,'j"r- 

refill I. jWr sj- 5ii>!ui ^ : J^Ii 

bomb (iL,L) i^lc 

is, consisting in, equivalent to, tanta- 'Jc ijLc 

mount to, meaning.. 

in other words, put differently, put <j'J± I 5 jCo 
another way; to wit, namely, that is to say,' i.e. ' 

►Lc iSfLc 



to play (with), toy (with), trifle (with), L*J : (_,) I 
dally (with), fribble (with), frivol (with), 'fool' 
(with), tamper (with), monkey (with), mess around 
(with), putter around (with), fiddle around (with) 
to abuse, misuse *i\^L\ fC*\ :_, 

play, frivolous play, (_,) l^t. j'jL** « ii± , L, 
frivolity, lightness, levity; license, licentiousness, 
wantonness; playing (with), toying (with), trifling 
(with), dallying (with), fribbling (with), frivoling 
(with), fooling (with), tampering (with), messing 
around (with), puttering around (with), fiddling 
around (with); abuse, misuse 

futility, vanity, vainness, use- jU^ 1 ^S*. ^ :o~i 
lessness, fruitlessness, ineffectiveness, unavailing- 

(the) absurd; absurdism [ ^ l« ] .*.'' f . 

in vain, vainly, futilely, uselessly, fruit- (JjL : Uli 

lessly, to no avail, unavailingly 



to worship, adore 

to pave 

(ifil) jl* 

J+« :(jjjljl) Ju* 

slave, bond(s)man, serf, thrall, chattel 


(oL) lijJJu* 

servant (of God), man, human being 

people, men, mankind, human 
beings, humanity 

orange melon, melon 

to cross, traverse, go across, pass across jli- 1 : ^ 
(through, over), transit 

to pass, go by, elapse ^~ rA ( {J ^> : jli 

ur 6 


sJ >r* 

!,»..,.■& jU« i *jS : J£* 

strain, stock, line, ancestry, lineage, iJx- i J-ol : oj^ 

descent, parentage, pedigree 

.• - .n'. -' 
progeny, offspring, issue, descen- J-J i <> j j : Sji* 

dants, posterity, children 

marjoram (oLj) ijLz- 

to be or become old, ancient, 

antique, age-old, timeworn; to age 

to mature, mellow, age, ripen J*3-\ c-ii* 

to mature, mellow, age, ripen J*3-\ gie 

oldness, ancientness, antiquity ^jj : J£* >. J£* i gs. 

to carry J~»- : ct* 

• j „^ _ . '- - 
lever, crowbar Jjm i io I j : «-£* 

to darken, dim, obscure, overcast, LJw *1a»- : ^ 
cloud, blind 

to black out, suppress, j^^l 01 £** : ^^ (*** 

hush up 

it did not take long before he.., presently ol ^ ^ 

he.., before long he.., soon he.., in no time he.., he 

lost no time in.. 

wild olive 

dark(ness), dimness, gloom(iness) 


(oLi) (U* <-^s. 

^ , , ^ - *, ■ > ^, • > • > 

jj.rvll Jl=Jil j iJLL. i»i. : <»Ic 
«" '.,', , > , , 
to be or become idiotic, imbecile, U>i<m jU> :*1c i*lc 

imbecilic, demented, mentally deranged 

idiocy, imbecility, dementia, mental i»uc :CtiCt 

derangement, insanity, lunacy, madness 

insolence, superciliousness, arrogance a^^Lc : yt 

tyranny, highhandedness jI-l. 

power, strength; violence, fierce- 
ness, ferocity, wildness 

.pi]. \yS. 

to be very old, be far advanced in Lit j-uJ I <j» jJj 
years; to become decrepit 

servile, menial, slavish, subservient ci-u* : <i j^-* 

slavery, serfdom, servitude, bondage, J j : oy 

thralldom, yoke 

crossing, traversing, traversal, traverse, j^frj '-jy*- 

transit, passing through or over, passage, going 

through or across 

transit [tiUi ] J>r t 

*' *> 
frown(ing), scowl(ing), glowerGng), s-r^ : cr"** 
loweKing); sullenness, sulkiness, surliness, 
glumness, moroseness, gloomCiness), grimness; 
sternness, austerity 
fragrance, scent, perfume, aroma, redolence I .Li. : j-* 

to be or become insolent, overbearing, Qlt o^ : ^* 

overproud, arrogant; to be or become tyrannical, 

highhanded; to be or become strong, violent, 

fierce, wild 

to age, be very old, be far advanced ^y> : ( ^J I ) lu. 

in years; to become decrepit 

admonition, admonishment, gen- i^Js- 1 i«jU* : oil* 

tie reproof, friendly reproach, blame, twit 

tabbi <^-> i J*' C^ 'f! 

zebra ^j^' j^ : <^*-* 

equipments), outfit, apparatus, olj*^ i Ij^c- : Jtt 
gear, material, materiel 

(war) material, (war) materiel; ammuni- (^j^ ) J Li 
tion; ordnance, military supplies; accounterments 
oldness, ancientness, antiquity ^jS : ii't* 

porter, carrier JLj- : Ju* 

porterage aJ^I jl JliJI 4-4* :*Juf 

opacity, opaqueness 5->-»i : <-• ^* 



■ iaLc 



threshold, doorstep, doorsill, sill ( £JJ vWO 
to be or become ready, prepared 
to prepare, ready, make ready 

ocl i 11a : ju£ 

miraculous, wonder, magic(al) ts ^k- iJjU- :^-Jl»i* 



— CjIs^C 


vociferous, vociferant, clamorous, 
shouting, crying, yelling 

hasty or hurried work, rush job; quick report *JImc 
(discussion, conversation, talk, etc.); brief or flying 
meeting; short time 

kneader a 3 ! - '- 6 'tr**; *y : *jl** 

perineum [g^] uIj>»c 

perineal [ ^jJZ ] Tj Ij>ic 

to amaze, astonish, <i*jl n_,y«ll J* *JLj- : i^mc 
surprise, strike with wonder or astonishment 

astonishment, amazement/wonderment),^ j : u-j^* 

wonder, marvel •>»««-• ' <^>**i : <--■**■ 

.* > ■* - - 
wonder of wonders, most wonderful oUit (_-»»* 

(amazing, prodigious) thing, strangest (oddest, 

weirdest) thing 

how wonderful! how astonishing! i_..ti« 1 1 L i Lki 
how strange! how odd! 

no wonder! s- 3 ** ^ 

conceit(edness), self-conceit, j^ji- 1 J\-^*-\ ' >* j : '-rf t ' 
self-importance, vanity, vainglory, pride, arro- 

omelet, omelette ^Jl* ciyiu (^^-j : o%t 

to raise, swirl up (the dust) ( jLJ I ) jU I : ««r* 

node, nodule, tubercle, knot, knob, knur, iXLc :«/■«* 
knurl, protuberance, excrescence, outgrowth 

haughtiness, arrogance, o^kc i ^A_> t o^nu : **/<«* 
superciliousness, insolence, presumptuousness, 
presumption, conceit(edness) 

buckthorn (oLl) (>jj»* 

future, prospective, forthcoming, intended J-i. : .xJ* 

prepared, ready L4* : x..:* 

old, ancient, antique, age-old, timeworn eji : J^ 

»,* »,.< ' 

li^** jfr'j- <>•■»* '-li-r* 
'.^ -..■ 

(>•■*■* ^ ' j - li--*-* •J^rf* 

theKaaba ^uJI e.^JI 

*' "'/ "\ ■» ' 

to cause l>^- li j-aJ eij-aJ < I jLi tile : (j£* < lie 
mischief, do harm, make trouble, act wickedly 

moth; mite \ijZ*-) *lz 

. - >*> 
sea moth, dragonfish >v" *-* 

clothes moth 

to stumble, trip, tumble 

■ riii ... 1 Jj Iji* 

to find, hit upon, come across, come jl>- j : J* jit 
upon, stumble upon, strike upon, light upon, 
chance upon, happen upon 

to stumble, trip, cause to stumble or trip j^ju -dm"- : £& 

stumble, trip, tumble, fall, slip, misstep, iLi- : »jic 
false step 

stumble, trip, slip, lapse, error, iy* 1 ii'j : ijic 
fault, misstep, faux pas, peccadillo 

panicle o>.,.; II ^y jyUe :dyj£ < JV>Jlc 


goatee; beard «-*J : u>ii* 

" ' j ^» 
finding, hitting upon, coming across, coming Jt j^ic 

upon, stumbling upon, striking upon, lighting 

upon, chancing upon, happening upon 

dust r-U.x. t cjlji :j*ic 

to vociferate, clamor, roar, shout, r-Uo 1 >_..■»■ ^» : gft 
cry, yell 

to swarm with, teem j -»- j jl « _; .Ji^l : j iu- 
with, abound with; to be or become filled with, 
(over)crowded with, congested with; to throng 
with, congest with 

to wry, make a wry face (*ui jl Hrj) ij^ 

to hurry, rush, urge, impel, iliJJI Jc vi^- : Jj^c 


to speed up, accelerate, expedite, hasten, ^- : jkt 

quicken, precipitate 

to pay in advance, prepay; to liS" 1 ^1JI ^ Jj** 

pay spot cash 


: -a ■". .Tag.-r.vy-'- 1 . 

ygg -■'•:■-..■ :g.-:...i:.[7M 

Jsr-U p-lj-J^i 'Jj** 

calf (u^) O^ 1 -^J : J** 

seal, sea calf ((JU ^jS u\y?-) <•** : >*r" J^ 

veal <_P"^ f* 3 *' 

J.-»«,«.r..,.» vrlj - o>** 

hurry, haste, speed, expedition, dispatch, itj- : <Hmc 
quickness, fastness, rapidity, promptness, promp- 
titude, swiftness, speediness 

hastiness, rashness, precipitance, pre- c-^_J : iL** 
cipitation, precipitancy, impetuosity 

summary (jurisdiction, actions, pro- [ * Lai J <L«£ 
ceedings, matters) 

wheel vX)- 5 : ^ L => t 

wheel and axle 

steering wheel; driving wheel 

in a hurry, hurriedly, quickly, fast, rapidly, 
speedily, swiftly, promptly, hastily, readily, 
without delay, as soon as possible 

heifer, young cow (ol^»-) ij^> aj^> '■ «i** 

to try, put to the test; to test, ex- j-Jji- 1 i ^yii- 1 : ^ 

to point, dot, vowelize, vocal-^J ijS j\ \ijs-)^c 
ize, furnish with vowel points 

" ^' ' ' ' 
to speak incorrectly or barbarously ^^SJ : ***£. 

Persians ^^i :,>»■* 

non- Arabs, foreigners, barbarians 
stones, kernels, pits, pips, seeds 

5jLill iLstC 

beast, animal, brute 

to age, grow old 
to age, grow old 

to fail to, fall short of, be unable ^c j-uy J : jt. J* 
to do or become, be incapable of, lack strength for, 
be too weak to 

. > , . , ,'*. ' *~> 

\'jjM. OjUo :(sljil Cj) j» 

to disable, incapacitate, weaken, cripple, ^c\ : j* 
hamstring, paralyze, make powerless or ineffec- 
tive, render helpless or impotent, make it impos- 
sible or too difficult for someone to do something; 

to frustrate, thwart, foil, balk, defeat 

, i . . . >t.- „i , 
to age, grow old I jy^c- Cjj\*o :i\J.\ oj>j*p 

buttocks, rump, backside(s), posterior, <J j j i Jii :^» 

. * „>i, 

ytjj I C....I \>«-£ 


second hemistich 

weakness, feebleness, frailty, powerless- 
ness, impotence, impuissance, helplessness, effete- 
ness, fecklessness, inability, incapability, incapac- 
ity, ineffectiveness, ineffectuality, inefficacy, ineffi- 
ciency, incompetence 

failure (to), falling short (of), inability, jy*i : ^hs. 
incapability, incapacity 

disability, infirmity, invalidism iiUj :^»ut 

decrepitude ty : y>LC 

deficit, deficiency, shortage, insufficien- ^aij :jj»p 
cy, lack, want 

impotence, impotency iLc : ^-jr '/**■ 

to clamor, roar, vociferate L_»»i«e : g«u«* 

clamor, roar, uproar, din, vociferation 
to be or become lean, skinny Jj* : i. 

leanness, skinniness; emaciation JI^a : uinc 

to hurry, hasten, speed, rush, dash, run, c-^-l : J*t 
be in a hurry, make haste, mend one's pace; to 
quicken, be or become quick or fast or rapid 

" ( 1' 



to number, lis (ejlai. jl axj*j*>) «Ju : _> juu i j j* 
total, sum to, amount to, add up to, reach, make, 
come to, be worth 

counting), enumeration, il i.: - ,!,-■'«■ I < ,jl.' ■- -jlt- 
calculation, computation, reckoning 

considering, counting, deeming, yLl»- 1 jLix-l : ai 
regarding as, looking at as, taking as, thinking, 
rating, reckoning, judging, holding 

countdown /«-£-£• ■** 

acne i_.LlJI C-». :a* 

to run, race, course; to jog <jj»- < ^^aS" j : la* 

to wrong, treat unjustly ljj» : J* lai 

,_^c <ja^cj «j»Ij-(_^c. (iaJj.1 :(_^c. Iac 

'-•> ' •- - i" • * "- 

it is no more than, <u^5 ja*; ? 4 yj£j ol jj*j J 

nothing more than, just, only, merely, solely 

to make (a verb) transitive [ iiJ ] ( Jj»*J I ) (3 J* 

to turn away from, give S'j <. jt- d>j^> I : ql <jai 
up, abandon, leave 

- -■ * i- 

to pass over, leave out, omit Jiil :,ji (3_u. 

to overlook, disregard, bypass, jt. ^Ui : ^ 1$ a* 
pass over, let pass 

to turn (away or jt. *JUi i^u^ :,j* (Wli) i$ai 
aside) from, keep (away) from, deviate from, divert 

except, save, excepting, with the la* t»J 1 la* L 1 la* 
exception of, but, excluding, with the exclusion of, 

besides, apart from, (iiU j) la* (L) ( (iiUi) I a* Li 

aside from, other than, in addition to, over and 


E and OE, errors and omis- U»i I j ^J I la* ( L ) 

sions excepted 

runner, racer u^h '■ »' J* 

enmity, hostility, antagonism, ani- Sjla* : Ja* 1 >fa* 
mosity, feud 

hostile, antagonistic, unfriendly, inimi- ^JIj* iTjIj* 
cal, aggressive, offensive 

aggressiveness, aggressivity, aggression, ilS la* 1 ili I a* 
offensiveness, hostility, antagonism, unfriendliness 

stone, kernel, pit, pip, seed ; Jy 1 5 \'y : X*a*z 

* >' - • -* , j 
barbarism, incorrectness; accent o^J t iJCJ : Iumc 

'' . -. •• 
obscunty, ambiguity u^*** ' <*UjI : -u>»* 

.- • ' * 

4*J** «flj — UM 

( jll ^Jj| 


to knead 
to blunge 
batch, baking 
pressed dates 

old woman; old man; old, aged, advanced in jy* 

hag, crone, old woman 

hasty, rash, precipitate, head- «• ^_ 1 ib«J I ^^f : J01* 
long; quick, hurried, fast, rapid, speedy, prompt, 

wonderful, wondrous, mar- i_-j^ 1 ■_ V- 1 1 jji. : • — ,<- 
velous, astonishing, amazing, prodigious; strange, 
odd, queer, weird, uncanny, eerie, quaint, unusu- 
al, extraordinary; bizzare, eccentric, fantastic, gro- 

miracle, marvel, 
wonder, prodigy 

Seven Wonders of the World »llj I LJ aJ I Li Ik* 

clamor, din, uproar, roar, vocifera- ,-Ce < e. 
tion, shouting, crying, yelling 


lijjsfctl :(<_JU«* t-) 

I «- 1 j - <Jj_>* : i -a j-y c 

Jy«. 1J9-U ^-Ij-Jjjirf 

dough, paste; pasta 
doughy, doughlike, pasty 

to count, number, reckon, enumer- ^^as- 1 1 ■_ ■ ~ : a* 
ate, calculate, compute 

to consider, count, deem, regard i_— »- i^c-l : J* 
as, look at as, take as, find, think, rate, reckon, 
judge, hold 




,; J.'-' —j "73 

odd number, uneven 

the Numbers 

* ** - * * * i 

<£ljt jl iji* jl {S J j i ijs. 

(oLi) ij,js. 

numerical, numeral; digital 


lens iilli i'jL. 

objective, objective lens, object glass 

contact lens ~<kS] i-ai 

. - » '. >, , , 
eyepiece, ocular, eyeglass o^*; jl j*>JLI i-a*. 

lenticular oL—uj jl i-a*j J>-~- :(_-j* 

lenticel oULJI ,_>u <j^. j pLil o»-l :i— js. 

to act justly, establish justice, be just, "ijlc tjlS" :lIj* 
be fair, be equitable, give a just judgment 

to right, do justice to, jluJL J^U iLilaJl : Jai 
treat fairly, treat with justice, be just with 

to deviate ^ jlt.^ LiS" i yt J^l : ^i Jlu. 
from, depart from, turn (aside or away) from, 
digress from; to refrain from, abstain from, desist 
from; to leave (off), give up, abandon, relinquish, 
renounce, forgo, drop, waive 

to change one's mind ** G dr*- $•>*■ 

Jj-c «>-lj - ^ii^t. ij\£ .-lIj* 

to adjust, regulate, settle, -y 4 U '■ , ''■ i <Sy- : LI J* 

straighten (out), fix, put in order, right, rectify, set 
right, put right 

to modify, change, alter, commute, '^i. t 'Jx, : 'Jxc 
qualify, amend, improve; to adapt; to revise; to 

. i ' 5'--* *>,>*- 

to amend (^JJ Li^li L»; « li^li 4 Ij^l-j) Jjlc 
to modulate *JJ illL^Ul ol»-^il jj^ jit :Jjx. 

justice, fairness, equitability, equitableness,«jllu.:jj* 
impartiality, unbiasedness 

straightness; straightforwardness, ilii.1 :Jax. 

•Mt!tmm'■^.'ismlmsil"xmsl?JUN'f!lV"""'• •; ".'■■;*»?« 
counter, meter jl ji 

speedometer itjUl j I ox- 

equal, parallel, match, peer J_i. t yy : jl j* 

among, one of jilt j 

J-lc «>-lj - <LiUi-l i Jac- :<Jlji 
equity <JLaJ)llj *JI_l«J1 icj.iL. nJLailj ilia* 
metallurgy; mineralogy o^l JU :ijlj* 

equipments), oljj^ 'Sj*>-I toljjl :(ijs. t-)Sj* 
stock-in-trade, outfit, apparatus, equipage, gear, 
rig(ging), tackle, set, kit, tool(s), instruments), 
implements), appliances), devices), gadget(s), 
article(s), contrivance(s), material(s), materiel, 

«r-lj — jlo«^«l :ijs- 
>-i > s - « -s > i - » 

-<iOi _Ltl i SjaJI j^.| 

promise _^ t oi j : S j* 

several, a number of, many, ^ joi t ill*- : 5 js. 


iddat, period of waiting, period during (i l^ll ) ij*. 
which a widow or a divorcee may not remarry 

to enumerate, list, count (off), number ^^a^-l :jj* 

to eulogize, praise, celebrate, enumerate(c-il) joi 
the merits of (the deceased) 

number, numeral, figure, digit Jj : jji 

number, issue ( jJJ Sjj^- jl iLv [j>) jlu. 

- s i •'[•' '.=■ • *■■ 

ojs. »j>-Ij-<Uj>- i oac- :^ jac- 

cardinal number t L*>\ sjs. 

irrational number, irrational 

prime number, prime 


ordinal number, ordinal 
atomic number 


(ijj J-Lt 

even number ^-j'j /\ ^ii ji lii j^i 

whole number, integer 

complex number i_o j^ 

rational number, rational 'L*\ ^li. jl j'u' . j^. 

J^Sl oUji 



I ■ ' ' ; -. 

running, run, race, racing; jogging, jog Jc6 'j : } J* 
infection; contagion [i r J>Jtij.i* 

aggression; assault, attack, offensive; outrage; uljJ* 
wrong, wrongdoing 

aggressive, offensive, hostile, antagonistic, yj lj J* 

inimical, unfriendly - . , 

bank, shore, river- c5 J '>" s~»W ' **^> : »J->* 'SjJ* 
bank; side, slope (of a valley) 

deviation from, departure ^ Jjlc j jua* : yt Jj-ic 
from, turning (aside or away) from; refraining 
from, refrainment from, abstention from, desis- 
tance from; abandonment of, giving up of, relin- 
quishment of, renunciation of, forgoing of, drop- 
ping of 

numerous, many, several j j*j-« 4 f~> ■ M-^ 

> ,. > . - « .- 

JJLC v»-lj- «ij 4 JJLC IJuAC 

.» -■> 

lenticel <~.js.:*~jJ* 

h , ,j • i % » - . 
brother-in-law, husband of <rj_>) I ?*»■ ' jrj j : Ji J* 
one's wife's sister 
equal, parallel, like, match J-t. 1 jUii : Jj-lc 

(J) Jjlli jjrlj -(J) Jjlii :Jjji 

lacking, wanting, in need of, defi- ^ _jl»- i ji\i : £■« 
cient in; bereaved of, bereft of, deprived of des- 
titute of, devoid of, void of; without, -less, un-, in-, 
im-, non-, dis- t 

.» ■ * ' - 
incompetent; incapacitated V* *' (C^* 

stateless, having no nationality *r—4- ' ^ 

inanimate, lifeless i\~i- 

- ■ ■ ■■■.•. .■■■■ . ., 

1 j %*!* **■ 1 j — ^-Lm^-^I 

j I j*n ml 1 / JL 


Apoda ^^^1 olilj^l ^ i-ij : J^rJ' 1 °^^* 


uprightness, probity, integrity, honesty 

JIjujcI «>-lj - Jljujtj 

Jjlc t»-lj — Jjlc 

equity (jLii^llj JjuJI ><i jL. i <jLai [ j J-u- 

l^U j 
sack, bag; saddlebag J^ Ij.*- 1 5j l^i : J J* 

equal, like, match, parallel J-l» « jUii : Jac 

(J) Jjl^ jsrlj-U) <_b^ :J1lc 
judicial, juridical yi^ 1 * : i^"" 1 

court, tribunal Jj* u-^*- 

JjLC «Jflj -*JJ* 

to be or become bereaved of, bereft of, dep- Sis : f j* 
rived of, destitute of, devoid of, void of, lacking; to 

lack, want, be in need of; to lose 

, > - f 
to be lacking, wanting, missing, non- J I j 1 -ui : f j* 

existent, absent; to be lost; to disappear, vanish 

nonexistence, nonbeing, nonen- ill-i^I t J>rj^ : f-** 
tity, nothingness), nihility, nullity 

lack, want, absence, nonexistence; loss; ol-*** : f-** 
privation, deprivation; non-, un-, in-, im-, dis-, 

incapacity; incompetence; disability 


nonintervention, noninterference 


J^-jlJI ^jlc 

nonaggression pact 

Ajj^JJ^JU I f JLC 

► IjJLcl *J^t 5jl»Lm 
.' ' ''. •' 

destitution, abject or extreme jti 1 j^c- ■ f ■&■ <■ f •** 
poverty, penury, beggary, indigene*, privation, 
need(iness) , ^ „ 

»JLC »»-lj - olj^ '•{ JSt ' f -^ 

nihilist; nihilistic) [ **-!* ] i^f - 1 * 

nihilism [ii-Jjl^f-" 1 

to mine l(i-^j-.l jl 6jU.I ^t Lio« :u^* 

enemy, foe r*^»- : J-J* 


uLili'il oUj^ 

: y. Kg.: " ' ,g > ;r > "'!t'*sa M 'i'»gjgig.. 

to blame, censure, reprove, reproach, fV :<ji* .Jje 

blame, censure, reproof, reproach, ^ : Jit 4 J jc 

J^-. «j>-Ij - JJLJI jl JjlJI 1 «.T,.II j^». 
' - .. — ^ 

_- '> 
sweetness; pleasantness, delightfulness, charm 4jjJ* 

censurer, blamer, critic, carper Si : Jj jc 

-• * s- 
to disgrace, dishonor <3j»-l .j* 

■I i - i_jU»I :<Sjt ' 1^ 

to disrobe, unclothe, i_xi^ . nLt. 1 ij*- : (^.) ^^c 
undress; to denude, strip off, bare, dismantle, lay 
bare, uncover, expose 

to denude, lay bare by erosion, erode, o»- : ijjt- 

^j-*J £*■ b' 

to divest of, strip of, deprive of, *j>- 1 »p- : ^ (Sjc- 
dispossess of 

■' '' 

nakedness, nudity, nudeness, bareness gjt. : tjjt 

the open, outdoors, open air, open >}U- 1 ..Lu : «. I^c 
space, unenclosed area 

in the open, in the open air, under the f \jJ I j 
open sky, in the fresh air, outdoors, outside, out of 

godfather, sponsor [ <Li I jwai ] i_»!^t 

godmother, sponsor [ cj I jwai ] o l^e 

diviner, fortune-teller, soothsayer, augur jCiJ :cjl^t 

divination, fortune-telling, sooth- j^-oli . i;^ .iil^ft 

saying, augury 

Iraq jj|^J| 

deep-rootedness, rootage; ancestry, pedigree, ii'l^i. 
noble descent, honorable lineage; old origin, 
ancient ancestral line 

Iraqi '^Jr 

impediments, difficulties, <_*cLa!. . ^I^i iJJiljt 
encumbrances, hindrances, obstacles, obstructions, 
blocks, barriers, bars, stumbling blocks 

fightOng), combat, battle; melee; jlki . Jlli : tDl^t 
quarrel, wrangle, brawl 

to translate into Arabic ^-jj*JI Jj J^ :L^ 

to Arabicize, make Arabic, give an L>j£. *!*»■ : i_>j£. 


Apterat-ji.i.r-nu ^ .wj ; *-l 

torture, torment, agony, anguish, pain, excru- t_»lji 
ciation, suffering, affliction; punishment 

cheekpiece, cheekstrap; headstall ( fUU I ) j I Ic 

sideburns i_j»J 1^1 : j I lc 

beard iljj : jIJlc 

cheek li- :jlJu. 

modesty, pudency, chastity, reserve, «.£>• : jIJlc 

*-!»■ . «i>- «jf lj — jlJi*JI a^J^ . ojIJi* «i>- 

'.- ' _- s - s - 
Jjjlc »j>-lj-iJlie .JIJ* 

to be or become sweet, pleasant, agree- ulc £>\£ : i_» j* 
able; to freshen, be or become fresh 

to torture, torment, <_jU*JI jl oIjuJI .u oj! :i_»jlc 
agonize, excruciate, pain, afflict; to punish 

sweet; pleasant, agreeable, delightful, ■_ , )» : i_,ji 
charming, nice 

fresh water 


to excuse, forgive, pardon 

to circumcise 

excuse; pretext, pretense, plea 

' ' 1 ■*' '•■' ' c ' '.' 

"- .■- » ".' 

'- • • ^ 

virgin, maiden 

pupa, chrysalisAjlijJIJJ^Jl j^iJI js^ii- . f ljii 

the Virgin Mary, the Virgin, <. I j 
Mary, (the) Madonna, Our Lady 

Virgo [dUi] ,1^1 ^' 

virgin, maiden, maid »l ,i* 5 Li 

virginity, maidenhead, maidenhood 

Platonic, spiritual; virgin(al), maiden, chaste, \SjJs. 
pure, vestal 

platonic love iSji* (ii>*) v*'*' 

'•> .' 
bunch, cluster; raceme r'j"*r ' 'j" :f - :t»J* 

corymb jji.'.ll 4^ jl^jil ^ JSC^, : (3.1c- 

jJaJI pj^ 1 Jj-JaJI 




* ~ * . - - - 

to ascend, mount; to rise jj^> : Jc j I J ^j* 

to stop at, halt at, make a stop at; o jl 6^. J* £^* 
to stay at, stop over at, put up at 

to call on (someone), drop ti^ J* /\ o^» J* £j* 
in on, visit, pay a visit to, call at (someone's house 
or place), drop by at 

to turn off or away from, swerve from, y* gj* 
deviate from, depart from, leave 

to zigzag W■> , -- , , ^ L * J f ' (i^ : to* 

lameness, claudication, limp(ing), jib : ul^c i £j* 

hobble, hobbling 

mange; scabies, itch ljj*- '.jj£ 

hut, cottage, shack, shanty ^jf : J'jjf 

wedding, wedding ceremony, marriage, <JU j : <j*j* 
marriage ceremony, bridal, nuptials 

spouse, husband or wife *»■ j j jl £j j : <j*jf 

erf I jfrlj - Of^ 1 ,uvf u*! ' trjf <J>\ 

to trellis, train on a (ollJI jl ^yUl) o-^ '<A>* 
trellis; to espalier; to bower, embower 

to creep, climb (up) ( oLJ I } I pSJ I ) yt^c 

throne <LLAJ > j < jJj <dUil ^ / : <jij* 

courtyard, court of a house j llJ I i»- L. : «-«>& 

to show, demonstrate, exhibit, dis- <jjj\ i>l»l :(>j* 
play, expose, lay open, present, produce, bring out 
to offer, proffer, tender, extend, present fit : Jajc 
to bid, make a bid, offer, tender I j«- Jojt. 

to submit to, Jj L)^-l ' lij £»j '•(fW ' li*' (A>* 
refer to, bring before, lay before, put before, pre- 
sent to, hand over to, turn in to 
to put forward or forth, bring up, jUI t ^Jt> : Jojc 
advance, set forth, propound, present 
to offer, suggest, propose £>S] '• Joji 

to review; to C~»w <■ pJl* < l/o^—! : (-1 ) l/*^ 

examine, survey, consider, look into, explore; to 
discuss, study, treat, deal with, take up 
to review; to parade J-J- 1 upj*- 

to flaunt, parade, exhibit ostentatious- L*l^ Jojc 
ly, show off 

Arabic form to, incorporate into Arabic, adapt to 

the pattern of Arabic; to Arabize 

to give earnest money, make a (jy^\ iJ^A :<-jj*- 

down payment 

,,.» , -. « -.» -»- - s- 

y* v^ 1 Jf ^"Cr 1 * 1 '15-M 1 'o* .k* : 0* t rV c 

Arabs <->Vj* "r0* 'SO* 

. '•' i ■ '•' . -i •' 

carriage, vehicle, wagon, van, cart; trolley i^c 

(railroad) car, (railroad) coach; wagon ( jUa») <>jt. 

cab, cabriolet, hack, (_pl jl u>-»f <*>»•*) **j* 
hackney, victoria, hansom, carriage 

baby carriage, baby buggy, perambulator, J lit I ~<>jl 
pram; stroller, pushchair, go-cart 

truck, lorry, camion; wagon; van jaJi. ~k>jl 

% »^ * 

trailer 'Jt^** V^ 


handcart, pushcart, barrow; wheelbarrow jj k>jc 

to put the cart before the dLai.\ yL» i>'^l I j-i>j 


to revel, carouse, roister, romp; to make i_i-ai : -ij>c 

an orgy 

revelry, revel, carousal, vf-^» & ' l - i - a ' ' '^J* 
roistering, boisterous festivity, noisy merrymaking, 
romp; bacchanal(ia); orgy 

to give earnest money to, make a oyj^ ' » 1 -' at ' : u^j* 
down payment to, handsel, give a handsel to 

earnest (money), Lji» ^io« o*^' Of tj* '■ <J y-) t 
down payment, handsel, deposit 
tribute, pledge, token jJJ 5 j^ jl *r« oy.j* 

Arab, Arabian, Arabic v^ I JJ v^-« : tf.j* 

Arabic ilj»JI iilJI J J ^>>— -'i^'j 1 - 

(an) Arab ^-^ ' -f- ' 3 '■ <j!j* 

Arabic, the Arabic language C,'^i\ iJii\ ■ *e^J ( 

reveler, carouser, bacchanal, roister- oj^j ^ : ^^f 
er, romper; roisterous, bacchanal(ian), bacchic 

tic rJJ O-^ll o"5La* j (3f>lj[ i u^^ '-'J* 

mange; scabies, itch 

^-jr : 'J* 

to limp, hobble, go lame, ^cl ol5" c »ili : ^j* s ^>t 
walk lamely, be lame 




putting forward or forth, ; jlil ( J^> : j^^. 

bringing up, advancing, setting forth, propounding, 
presenting, presentation 

submission, submitting, refer- ill^-l t »jj : yi^c 
ring, referral, reference, bringing (before), laying 
(before), putting (before), presenting, presentation, 
handing over (to) 

review; survey, Cm i ikJlu i jb\^L\ :ja^. 
examination, consideration; discussion, studyGng), 
treatment, dealing with 

parade, Sj^JI jl iiQl /\ S^iil jljil \J^y. 

(pompous) show 

parade; review jui-l yi^i i lijZl^t J^^c 

supply [jU^"l]yi^c 

crosswise, crossways, across, cross, yi^JL <. Li\c 
breadthways, breadthwise, widthwise, widthways, 

supply and demand i_ii»J I } 'jo^ I 

fashion show »l>jl yi\i. 

premiere (jjJJ Z*-'J~* /\ ,jLiJ) Jj\ll yi^JI 

petition, application, memorial JU- yi^p 
beam pi* ^11 iLilll yi^* 

invitation of offers ij>ijz r I j J-^- 1 

to invite offers ^»j^ *■ j-ll. I 

.-'-*.- . - i~ ~- . - £ - 

O-jJ I Jx»- W-lj - yij*JI i»"jJ lyij*J! >k»- 

showroom; gallery 

show window, shopwindow 



high seas, open sea 

honor ci^i :<>^ 

target ij^ : i^,^ 

intension), design, purpose . ili < alai : ;Ci\* 

subjected) to, exposed to, liable J ^,^1 : J t^ 
to, open to, vulnerable to, susceptible to, apt to, 


yij* iJLe 

to appear, show, be or become visible or^i : yi^* 

to supervene, gy+ ^1* j I yj L> I i^JS boi- : yi^* 
follow, ensue 

to happen to, befall, afflict, 0L0 1 i LCe I : J yi^p 
affect, hit, strike, come over, come upon 

to occur to, stike, come to «£, i 'jLi. : J Jojt 
someone's mind, corss someone's mind 

to broaden, widen, expand, be or dj i jL» lyii 
become broad or wide 

to broaden, widen, expand, extend (jajjc *&*■ :<Jap 

to expose to, make J U>^1 /\ 1^,'Jc iiii- : J 'jo"^ 
subject to; to subject to, make liable or vulnerable 
to, cause to undergo or experience; to (preMispose 
to, make susceptible to 

to sun, insolate, solarize, expose u ■'. *l| i^.'i Jo^. 
to the sun's rays 

to endanger, imperil, jeopardize, peril, ^Jakll yi^* 
risk, expose to danger 

to insinuate, intimate, <JJ jlil ( <JJ l^J : J /\ _, 'jj^, 
allude to, hint at, refer indirectly to, make an 
indirect reference to, suggest indirectly, imply 

to innuendo c ^'&'&'-o&>. d°^ 

accident; something nonessential l^ijsr ^Jj L : Jof. 

vanities of the world, transient 111 il I ^ lii- : yi^* 
things of the world 

symptom, indication [ ^J, ] j^^ 

by chance, casually, incidentally, by accident, U»^c 
accidentally, fortuitously, haply, haphazardly, by 

symptoms, indications [ ^.J, ] yi I ^* I 

syndrome [ i_J, ] i_. VjL yi \ Jz I 

breadth, width J^J, li : yi^p 

presentation, demonstration, jl^i I : ^'Jc. 

show(ing), exhibition, displacing), exposition, 
exposure, expose, laying open, bringing out 

offer, proffer, tender; offering; presen- rj£ : jo^t 
tation, presenting 

bid, tender, offer jUll 'j^^s. 

offer, suggestion, proposal, proposi- AjS\: J^jt- 
tion c ' ' 



traditional, formal, habitual, common, usual 

*.•>■> \. -'■'' ',/-'! - ••' *>' 
martial law ,jjc- ay* <-*-*jt- (&**-\ <■ ,/y (**■ 

,..'* ..- .».-' *-->■- 
court-martial ,/y ^r*** « V^ <^J»* 

' -— -:* -_ - 
to sweat, perspire; to transpire liy j> I : 3jt. 

.'•- '\~ '■■-- 
to sweat, cause to sweat or perspire; j^u *U»- : j^t 

to promote perspiration 

to mix with water, add water to, di- »li^ £> : Jy 
lute, thin (down), water (down), weaken, atten- 
to vein, grain, marble \jr '■ Uj* 

sweat, perspiration M>*^ 3Ji " Oj*-' J?*- : <Jv* 
transpiration ^»j :(jJJ oLJI) ciy 


arrack j> — • ^ij-* 

bond, course (ilUx. 

vein, blood vessel <Sy * *ttj ' -^ jj : i3j? 

race, stock, descent J*>l i i)>— « ^a^ i ,j-jr : Jy 

yellow race ^>H\ Jj»JI 

• . < 

root jJr <tH»l :Jjf 

vein, rib 5^2-1 ^L*- jl pLJI *»jj J gf '■ &J? 

stem ijjl\ ji oCJI iijj ji oCJI JL : J^ 

vein £l] v— 

lode, vein, reef 

bouncing bet, soapwort 

ipecac, ipecacuanha 

licorice root, licorice, liquorice 

mother-of-pearl, nacre 



sweaty, sweating, perspiring 

to hamstring 

to hinder, hamper, impede, obstruct, block, JU : Jij* 
(en)cumber, create difficulties for, make difficult or 

* '5 . ■* " 

., i_. 

(cAj) Sj^i-I J> 

(oLi) i_-*AJ1 Jy 

err- 11 i3Jf 

prone to, (predisposed to 

accidental, nonessential, unessen- 6j*yr r? '•\^j^ 

tial, inessential, incidental, adventitious; extrinsic, 

extraneous, external, irrelevant 

accidental, jjU i £sjU» i ,j aLaJ i (J»^>j : y5"->* 

fortuitous, contingent,' casual, chance, incidental, 

passing, desultory, haphazard, random, occasional 

symptomatic [ s-J» J gc^ 

cross, transverse, JoJJ^ i J°f*- 
transversal, traverse, horizontal 
cross section 

«yW* V : <^j* 



to know; to be or become cognizant (il/il i |Ji : Ijjf. 
of, aware of, acquainted with, familiar with; to 
familiarize oneself with, acquaint oneself with; to 
learn, come to know, find out (about); to recog- 
nize, perceive 

to inform of, acquaint with, advise ^> I 4 (J* I : i~»jc 
of, apprise of, make aware of, let know about, tell 

to introduce someone to another, j>\> L»i cj^c 
present someone to another, have someone meet 
someone else, acquaint someone with someone 

to define; to determine, specify, pinpoint, jo*- : Li^c 
fix, identify 

to make (a noun) definite [ iii J ( ,»- "* I ) »-»j* 

fragrance, sweet smell, scent, perfume, g jl : U^t 


custom, usage, practice, conven- 5jU i^1Lo\ :i_»^c 

tion, conventionality, consuetude, tradition, 

mores, habit 

comb, crest 


°>* J J 



customary, conventional, lSj^' ' <jr'^* \ '• ytJ* 




the newlyweds, the bride and (brideJgroomoLjjll I 

.* > *, 
muse j- *l| u-jyt- 

f~ ,.~ *~ 
bride ^rij*- '• 4 - a Jj* 

butterfly fish (iiL~) ^kJl il.jji 

prosody j*l} I o l^y. : ijajyz 

foot of the first hemistich 

> ~ *' 
metrics, prosody, poetics d°5j^ ' (J~ c 

prosodicCal), metrical yij^L y*U- : (j-^jj* 

prosodist u^jj^^i J^ ■Lr°ij c - 

to be naked, nude, bare LjU <j^ : <3j* 

to be or become free^. I^U- /\ iV^v <J^ : o- <5j* 
from, devoid of, destitute of; to be or become di- 
vested of, stripped of, deprived of, dispossessed of 

nakedness, nudity, nudeness, bareness <j yc . <3j* 

jU «-Ij-uL>j* 

bridegroom, groom a_^£ j ^.Ij L. ,-j^JI i^j* 

lair, den a-VI c5jU i o^ •'•Ujj* 'u-ij? 

arbor, bower *A;^«o : u-i j* 

shaft, (carriage) pole i,^J I J^jt. 

broad, wide; extensive, vast *_Jj .Jj^L !*> '-uhijt 

flatworms, Platyhelminthes i-a,^ oil. j : C-Ujjj* 

- v ' . . > . - ' 

petition 5^ _u « >Ux_ I 4 JU- yi^c : ijijj* 

memorandum; pleading, brief ii->*-J I i^ji 

to petition il^c }jS 

petitioner Uu^i\ ^jji. 


monitor i_Jilj> 4 rJJ ^-J^l jl JjJI _lcI~. 

introducer |.yj I ci^y ^ 

(_jjLt «-lj — <-*jlc 

deep-rooted, firmly established, in- 
grained, inveterate 


slow the progress of, interrupt the course or prog- 
ress of, stand in the way of 

hindering, hindrance, hampering, imped- mil : ili^e 
ing, obstruction, blocking, blockage, encumbering 

impediment, difficulty, encumbrance, JJU : iii^t 
hindrance, obstacle, obstruction, block, barrier, 
bar, stumbling block 

Achilles' tendon 
hock, gambrel 
perspiratory; sudoriferous 

sweat gland 

racial; ethnic; racist, racialist 

racism, racialism 

to rub; to scour, scrub 

to harden by experience, toughen; to (ill*- : tif^c 
sophisticate, make experienced or worldly-wise 

S\j£- jj-lj-jlki, tjlii :iS"^i 
rick, stack (jJJ ikJ-l ^) i.^ :<u^* ti.ji t*^c 

violent, vehement, strong jujii : f>V»ji 

huge (big, numerous, enormous) army fjlji jlli- 
exostosis i Ur. j j 1 . k r j_^ (j ; o x 

distaff Jj^J | ilii- : ^Lj* 

,i > . ' 
corncob, cob, ear ijjjl ^U^t 

, ,> ,. .- ' ,-* 
chill, ague t l j^ . Sjj^^ : > lj^* 

-3 ^ »- ^^ 
Arabism; Arab character; Arab nation- <u<jj* ' VJ^>* 

alism; Pan-Arabism 

j^JI 4^j Jj^jj U :(i_._jill) 5j_^* 
iiyjl .iiii- :(^Jj Jlil) i } 'jc 

u^ '■ ( j!J Je/)") °}y- 

iLlj :(rJJ iillllaJl) Sj^t 

loop, noose 
ear, handle; tab 
tie, bond 
bridegroom, groom 

country estate, farm, manor **j> : **j* 

female fawn, young female deer J I3J I c~j : 5J* 

3* Cff'j -! 3* 

sense of honor, self-esteem, self-respect, ^-iJ I • j* 


to censure, rebuke, reprove, reprimand, £jj : j'y. 1 jj* 

reprehend, scold, chide, upbraid, tongue-lash 

to consolidate, >\j < ^»- 1 jJ>j 1 «*j t c-J 1 cSy : jj* 
strengthen, reinforce, brace, cement, fortify, 
bolster; to corroborate, confirm; to promote, 
further, advance, forward, boost, foster, support, 
underpin; to enhance, improve, augment 

to play, play on (a musical <^y *JI <^* s-^J : <-»3* 

to play a tune UJJ <-»> 

to abstain from, refrain je- <~ii tij^t 1 ^ (-»>■ 

from, abandon, give up, turn away from 

playing (on a musical instru- (XuL-y. i)l ^*) <J)e 

ment); recital; performance; concert 

to hoe, dig up, dig in the ground, hack, ((jij^l) J> 


nut (of a bolt) 

to separate, isolate, seclude, segre 
gate, set aside or apart, remove 

to insulate (SjG^-I jl OjlaJI jl hj£i\ (jt) <J> 

to seal off, close tightly or completely u£j ju. : Jj* 

to depose, oust, remove (J^o 1 *^> 1 ji»- : J_>* 
(from an office), dismiss, discharge, displace, expel 

separation, isolation, seclusion, Jlai 1 >\*> I : Jj* 
segregation, setting aside or apart, removal 

insulation (00^' jl o^JI jl *Ijj^JI) Jj* 

deposition, dismissal, dis- (_»j»» 1 a^t 1 ji»- : J j* 
charge, displacement, removal (from an office), 
ousting, ouster, expulsion 
racial segregation, apartheid <3^«aic J_)* 

isolation, seclusion, retirement, * \ju\ 1 Jl^jjj : <).>* 
reclusion; privacy, solitude, loneness 
isolationism <UjJl *-L- 

highbred, highborn, wellbornjLJJl ^jS\ J—*' : Jo* 
old, ancient ^ji:jjjt- 

disposition, nature, character ij»~ > vJ» : i£j^* 

lair, den »JI -u-'lll i$jU :ij^* 'y;^* 

" 1'' 1 ''11 ' '•' \' " "' 
nudist <~ jU» jl cS^I i_-»-uj iU* i^^e 

nudism (5/J I »--».** : *s> j* 

to be or become strong, powerful cSy =3* 

to be or become rare, scarce jX> :jc- 

to be or become precious, costly, U-J UU oli" : _)* 
valuable, dear 

to be or become dear, dearly loved, \ty»* 0^ ■ 3* 
(well-)beloved, cherished 
to pain, hurt, be painful for, be hard (uO^ii^* 
for, be difficult for; he is sorry that 

glory, honor, prestige, esteem, 5y « **» j i »U- : j* 
fame, superiority; high rank, high standing; power, 

to ascribe to, attribute to, im- t_— i : J I <S'j* ' Jj lj* 
pute to, refer to, trace (back) to 

to console, comfort, condole, J J <j jlij ^ jS l J*~ : iij* 
solace, offer one's condolences to, express one's 
sympathy to, give comfort or solace to 
consolation, comfort, solace 6l^- : *lj* 

snake charmer t*f^' v*?^-* ' J^* : f'j* 

enchanter, sorcerer, j»-L. i£\j*l\ J*»^-> Cr* '■ f lj* 
wizard, magician 


to be single, unmarried 

to be or become far, distant 

to be forgotten, sink into ,j»JJ I jl JU I ^t 03* 

_S J^ _- " — .' 

celibacy, bachelorhood <Lj j_>* 1 *jj^* : *j3* 



you dislike a thing while it is good for you 
what could he possibly say? ? Jji »L* I iU 

tyrant, oppressor, despot; arbi- i_o,.^.r.» i Jib : cjlli 
trary, oppressive, tyrannical, despotic 

^ J— «JI » ■ ■ »■ . > ^yi :JL* 

honey collector, 
honey gatherer 

beekeeper, apiarist, apiculturist Jlki : JlLi 

beehive, hive J»«i ili»- :«Ju* 

honeybee *-* (J»«j il»^ :iJL-c 

aardwolf ((jl^*-)^-* ijL-* 

gold i_-*j : 

to be or become difficult, hard 

to make difficult or hard 

to oppress, bear down hard on; (J* J^-i : <J* j— c 
to constrain 

jut «^ij — Jjc* *^" * 

hard [ A.-*..-^ ] j~c 

indigestible, heavy ,.a^l j_c 

hard water j_t j[L 

difficulty; Jit i ^J» i s jl! i i^j»»» : »j-s- <-j-* i j-^ 
distress; straits, - pinch; straitened circumstances, 






financial straits, insolvency 

indigestion, dyspepsia 

patrol, night watch(men) 
patroKling) ^-t j, 

to oppress, tyrannize, treat unjustly 

i-s «... 

^L jit 

cr* •<_r-~ £ ' 

i& " 

to act arbitrarily or abusively 

to do recklessly or at l i)J % <0uj :jaH\ j 

to resolve to, determine to, decide to, make J* fjc 
up one's mind to; to be determined to or on, 
resolved to or on, decided on or to, intent on; to 
set one's mind or heart on; to intend to, purpose 
to, plan to 
to enchant, spellbind i^lj^JI J.J«--- 1 i j»~ i (_)t 

to enchant, spellbind fi'ji*" Jl«i-I «j»»- ^^ 

resolution, resolve, determination, deci- udj :yjc 
sion, purpose, intention, intentness, firm will 

moment [ISLilSL*] ry. 

ascription, attribution, imputation, tracing <—> '-i'jc 

celibacy, bachelorhood ij^x. : t*j.}jc ' o j^ 6 

disinclined, averse, loath, J »jS i ^c i_-*lj : ^ CJj^c 
reluctant, unwilling 

abstention, refrain- -ia_) i iJ l^^-aj I i «• \jjl> I : ( ^ ) <-Jjjc 
ment, abandonment, turning away 

r. •' i, >, , t 

to take patience, <_jJ (5j^ i oLel L ^ ^-^ : i^) 6 
console oneself 

precious, costly, valuable, dear ( j y ^ i JU : jj)c 

dear, (well-)beloved, dearly loved, ^y^** '■ j.y- 
cherished, darling, honey; dear one, sweetheart, 

rare, scarce jjU :>_)* 

noble; honorable; honored, «£_• i i-jj^i. : _),;_)£ 
revered, venerated 

mighty, powerful, strong; influential (<_->ULl) JefJ-c 
(my) dear (£>_>* 

the Koran, the Holy Koran jjj^J I oL5U I 

pipit (j5U») »!>> 

incantation, spell, charm i-ij : ix^t 

to patrol (at night), keep night }U ^jsu i_»U» : y-c 

patroKling) u— * ' ^r* ja-a> : y- 6 

maybe, perhaps, possibly; it may (might, could) ,j-* 
be that; I hope 

It may be that «SJ ^»- yij ULi ly»jSJ ol ^-^j 

"A - 


( ■ I 


clannish, tribal 

'yp :^L* 

clannishness, tribalism 

Oli :o^Lic 

tither, tithe collector 

j^*JI Jl»-I :jli* 

ten at a time; by tens, ten and ten 


Decapoda oCjUiSUI ^ Vj : f*JJ3ll oIjj&p 

• s - - -• - 1' ' 

night blindness, nyctalopia JJJ1 J j-aJI *>- :Sjli* 

^ - s, _ „ , '. 

t^M* J--X- I JCf 1 I J _ <■■■!■■£ t <■■■■■■& t <■■■■■■* 


grass, herbage; pasture; herb ^ 



<»-• * 


herb, plant; wort 

pitcher plant, sarracenia 


cattail; bulrush 


cinquefoil, five-finger potentilla 

manna grass 

herbaceous, herbal, gramineous, grassy 

to take or collect the tithe 

(one) tenth; tithe 

ten (\.)i'j£e. 

' • _'• _, . * *• 
association, companionship, <kL»- liiiji «-»■*» : Sji* 

company, fellowship, intimacy, social intercourse, 

social relations 

twenty ( T . ) Oj£* 

the twentieth u jj^*J I 

decimal [oUiLj] ISj^t- '£r* 

decimal fraction (i^--* ^ 

decimal system ci^i*JI (UxJI 

to nest, build or occupy a Li* HJ\ : (jJUJ I ) Jli* 

^L*JI i»-l i^ t>lc 

nest, settle in or as if in a nest 

'- - \ - 'A --»- 

to love passionately, adore, be i_-»-l t -j (j*\ : Jf* 

passionately in love with, be enamored of 

to dovetail, fit together; to couple, connect, join Jit. 

A ■ ■ ■ ' . ■ ' ■ i ..' . . . -i 

to deviate from, stray from Jo^J ' i>* ' 

tyranny, despotism, arbitrariness, i-*.„<u i JJ» 
oppression; injustice, inequity 

tuber *^lJ* •>!>• 

to camp, encamp, tent <~± '■£-* 

soldiers, troops, soldiery, army Ji^ « Ju»- : j»— £ 
camping, encamping, encampment ( ^»J :Sj£-c 
military, army-, martial ye>»- -'tSjX-* 

soldier, private ^^" • <£)> — t 

military service, duty 
military police 
militarism «*!!» jl jX-jJI <^» •<i£—* 

military service, duty *jj» — c a-ij»- : ajj> — «• 

to honey, sweeten with honey Jlillj Ji»- : Jl* ' J-* 
honey Jj^JI 4jii^»j ^i»- J5L. ijUi i o^i :J-* 

honeymoon J-*" j*" 

honeycomb J—J I (>>j» 

sprig, (tender) twig, spray l j r . ai- 1 j ji« I : £ji-e 4 gL* 

• s ^ '. * 

graft, scion f^*^ ' rJ^^ 

honeyjhoney-coloredjUJI O^j tjUJl; y^U- : y^-* 

ciLi «r I j - <j_j«* 
difficult, hard, arduous, tough Jjli i <_^ue : j—* 

nest jjSj 'j^j :(jlLUl) tr« 

to be night-blind jllJI j »j^u (L. : Li 

to be dim-sighted »j«iaj i-*« rf» : Lc 

to give dinner to J *L*J I ^ ai : ^1* 

night blindness, nyctalopia JJJI j j-aJI iy :L* 
dinner, supper >Ql i-jfj i *Lil fUJ» : »Llc 

(Holy)Commu- i^JI j\ ^*J\ j\ ^\ i&)\ 
nion, Eucharist, Lord's Supper 
evening, eve *\-* ' y^ : »L* 

evening prayer »L*JI »^L> 



' ■■■-■ ' ' ' -■ • ' ■ " 

i_f"ljil ijLae 

knot weed, polygonum, smart- (oLi) <«e-l^ll L\»i 
weed, knotgrass 

mercury (oLi) tr*j" ^** 

rampion (tjLi) Vji's £<»* 

Jp, wr-lj — »jiJI j I <cUaJI Lai- Jp, 

neurosis I*M»J i*-*** <- r 'lj-l*<<>l :oLae 

psychoneurosis ^ij oLat 

gang, ring, cabal; band, group, icL»- i 5^.j : <oUa* 
troop, company 

band; bandage, dressing, swathe ,Ui j : *jL\»* 

headcloth, headband, fillet 

blindfold ^« :], « 1 1 ijLae 

guerrilla warfare oLCa* i_/p- 

guerrillas oLCmJI (<_/p-) Jli-j 

gangster <uLac j yjn- 1 *jLac J?- j 

neurotic oLoaJL iilic j i ^^ 

neurotic oLajJU oLa. :,jLa£ 

,', * ' r "* 

SjLat f»-lj - jUac 

juicer, press, squeezer, wringer, mill ^laiJ I i) I : SjLa* 

juice, sap; extract, extraction, i*»}U- 1 jwi* : o jLa* 

... .»-*-.-•' 

gastric juice <»j.u- SjLat 

chaff (iij-l) iiU 

glume (a\ ;'.„.l I ) ii Cac 

strap, thong ^L. i Jtu^ : f Uoe 

loop, noose <u» p 1 1 Sjji : |»Lae 

•- '- •' -- • - , H- - i' 
self-made 4 ,..«■'> -i—ii ^j ^yj 4i^ : j_» Lac 

to fold, tie, bind, wrap Jtuj 

to bandage, bind up, dress, 


to blindfold, muffle 

to innervate, supply with [ i_J» J <_>La*L jj j : <_JLa 




[jf^] «r- 

to gear, put into gear, engage the gears ILr j^J I Ji* 
interlock, mesh together 

(ardent or passionate) love, passion L-»- ' fl^c : ii-* 
narcissim il.*-^ :olJJI J^c 

amorous, amatory, love, loving <«• l^c : </*~* 

night blindness, nyctalopia JJJI j j-aJI f>- '-y* 

dark(ness), gloom(iness) il)J» i |»}U> : »lj-lc 

random, haphazard, aimless, purposeless ^j l_jic 

at random, randomOy), haphazard(ly), aim- LjI>^ 
lessly, purposelessly, blindly, hit or miss, slapdash 

dark(ness), gloomCiness) ilLb i »^ki> : Sji* iSjic 

Lie »;«■ lj - (^lc 

evening, eve *C « »ll* :^i* 

evening, eve *C i ^Lc 

on the eve of liif i 

overnight, very suddenly, all of lilku>_j ilic j^J 
a sudden 

companion, associate, comrade, friend JJ j : j^c 

clan, kindred, kinsfolk; tribe; phratry 4.1...J :iL 

love(r), sweetheart, paramour 

sweetheart, paramour, beloved, mistress 

to harden, be or become hard xJ^\ t (_-U» :o^* 

to disobey; to J* j^»J i fjli 4 icLUI ^t ^»- : ij** 
resist, oppose; to revolt against, rebel against, mu- 
tiny against, renounce allegiance to 

stick, staff, rod 

walking stick, cane 

scepter, mace, wand 





; 1 s*r. 

jl£c : Lac 

„^ll ii^iJI jjli Lac 

jJJ Jlijlll Lai 



Stone Age 

(3jj«J-l j*a*i\ 

Iron Age 

JbJbt-l j*a£ 

golden age 

Cretaceous Period 

(ijiiQjl ^La*JI 


Carboniferous Period t*?^ ' J ' <jy-.r^ ' -/^~ ' 

economization, economizing, j*y :ouiJl j-^»t 
tightening one's belt, frugality, thriftOness), provi- 

to modernize, update, bring up to date tt> j*- : Oj-ac 

modernization, updating iiooa«j :<Lijl<ac 

modern, up-to-date, neoteric, recent, iio.L>- :cSj-oc 
new, novel 

modernity, modernness, up-to-dateness, iJ I -l>- :ijj«ac 

M^J J tj0)»,nC t U !l»,(1C t u n«,<ic 

[i > ••• •• 

to storm, rage, blow violently ( p^J I c-) uuc 

to blow away, carry away; to shake (up or j t_i« 
thoroughly); to devastate, ruin, destroy 
storming, blowing i-»^f. j-uo* : ( muj I ) i 

glume (iL-^JI) ui«a 

gust, blast, blow il» : ( mj) «" 

glume (il.,;,,,!!)^ 

safllower (^^->) (J»j» :>£«* 

sparrow; finch; bird ( J\±> ) jjLat 




hedge sparrow 

>. > 

_»- > '• > 

liJ^Jjl j ^a ,i -if . 

a bird in the Sjj»JJI ,_^e S^lt ^ j-»- xJI J jy^xc 
hand is worth two in the bush 
to bend, crook, twist, warp 

to prevent, hinder, restrain, hold back %^ : —at 

to preserve, (safe)guard, protect, <y j i Jiii- : ^ac. 

sinew(s), mainstay 
vagus nerve, vagus 

neurology oLac'ill Jlc 

agnation, consanguinity, blood i_..a.l I ii ly : <u 
relationship, blood 

neuron(e), nerve cell 

~**\ <~a£ 

league, union, confedera- i,V:. liiuUi <L I j : viae 
tion, association, community, organization, coali- 

coterie, clique, circle, set, group, it Lj- 1 S^> j 
troop, band, company, gang, faction 

League of Nations _• . 

neuroma — <■ »jj : ty-as- 

neurorKe), nerve cell *~~ a * S^ : L'j; -"~ 

nervous, neural, nerve-, neuro-, neur- 1*!-^* 

nervous, high-strung, irritable, excit- r-ljil tjr as 
able, irascible 

nervous system <<-"«■ jWr 

neuron(e), nerve cell c.,at illj- 


j— at (uu) jl) tH+i 

' -»,< > -: -s - - 
party spirit, team spirit, group *JL» 1 1_— a«u : 4. . .nc 

spirit, esprit de corps; partisanship; fanaticism; 
tribalism, clannishness 

nervousness, nervosity (rG^' J) Vr-** 

to press (out), squeeze (out), express >cr l^< J«««« : j«a* 
compress, wring 

pressing, pressure, squeezing, j*ac jj-a* : ^^a« 

squeeze, expressing, expression, compressing, 
compression, wringing 


age, era, epoch, time, period 
age; period 

Ice Age, Glacial Epoch 
Jurassic Period 



■ :.i .;■-■,.?.; . ...■,.; , ?fb 

(jic ^y 5^11 :<. n c 


to support, back (up), help, aid, assist 6lii : juoc 

upper arm, brachium 

Lrv-^] ' 



JUOaJI pjic 

juoaJL J^u!* :i3jutf 

brachial, humeral 

Bracruorjoa^ j ^loU J l^^l^i^«i:J*.jiloljJuac 
agama >U»J I ^ (^-i*- 1 i^»- : J»y^Jjc 

- ' » S* ~ , s ^ 

to bite strongly or frequently l^^i" j I ;yj ^ic : JaJu. 
to prevent (a woman) from marrying (jl^l)ijji 
to be or become muscular oiLalJI l$y jLa •[} '■"■■ 
gerbil jUI 

muscular, brawny 

, 4 , 


voluntary muscle 








flexor; constrictor 



involuntary muscle 




• - '» ' i" - 

t j— — I jj I oli<LLa«JI 

■*,» is -i '" - 

ij-iij\ <?£■{> J I iL»«JI 
** — - 

*■ — - 

.s •- i" - •- i~ - 

muscuiar, musculo-, muscul-, muscle- * Pi* - - 

muscular system * I'n'r jl^*- 

organ, member, limb, (bodily) (»LJ-I *La*l ^) j ^ 




5 j^U : 


preservation, (safe)guarding, protection, J»i»- : 

prevention, obviation, hindering »i» : 

infallibility, inerran- iLJJ-l jl UJ-I ^ji. oj^J :< 
cy; impeccability; sinlessness, virtuousness, virtue 

bond of marriage 

covert; married to 

lady of high social standing 


timothy, herd's-grass 



< ■,.a«.l 1 <*^wa 

(oLi) rj^l ^i>^6 

disobedience, insubordina- j^J licllJI »jx. :<_>L-ac 
tion, refractoriness; insurgence, insurrection, rebel- 
lion, mutiny 

civil disobedience 

critical, crucial, acute, grave 
serious, difficult 
little rod or stick 

porridge, gruel 
juice, syrup 

to bite 

.- .- i- - -»- ' 
ejtju^ Lac- ' l " r - 

jyAiut %^\j— jyAtub Jl<i1C 

-s- ' .- -:- -;-*-' 

<iLLL liC-il :^iac 

to pain, torture, torment, agonize, Jj I i L.ii : *Jac. 

biting (jic jjua* : yic 

-s •.' .-• ,. 'r-- *.- 
to organize AjyJxc *_J I j *U»- : ^^i* 

alidadeyjilj'ill ^LJs I jl^-.jTtj'Sl^Jal.'SlI^. <ji- : a ^Lae 

jamb £jj iiiUI _jl cjUI SjLie 

biting, mordacious, snappish Ja*i I ^jii" : jjiLac 

chronic, inveterate, incurable, u i«,;.„. i ^^ : J Lac 

remediless, irremediable, obstinate 

sharp, cutting, keen, incisive, piercing iU- : 

> ike 

*'gfciiM!MliBS a»<HiBBM^EM 

ment, spoilage, ruin, destruction, wreck(age); 

fragile, frail, delicate, tender 



to perfume oneself; to be perfumed 
to perfume, scent; to aromatize 

sweet-smelling, fragrant, aromatic, ^ j\ <. Jt\s. , 
redolent, odorous, perfumed 

perfume, scent; essence <_J-I» : jJ>* 

cologne, eau de cologne Li^jSCJI JL i Ci>lj^ : jJaf 


attar, essential oil, 
volatile oil 

to sneeze 

(J" " c 

to cause to sneeze 

(-Jaiw 4aa>- 

(J" " c 

sneezing, sneeze 


(J" " c 


^Jat ^ 5^11 

A Ue: 

to be thirsty, feel thirsty, suffer thirst, , (J J^ 

U"," 6 


to make thirsty, cause to thirst U» : (jiic 

thirst U» ijii* 

thirsty ^i < olli :<jii»* '<jtii* 

*. u*". - -- 1 j — * I*.". ; (Jim rif- 

to bend, incline, curve, inflect, flex, ,yj c (j^»- : uLkc 
deflect, bow, twist, turn, arch 

to incline to, lean toward <JU : Jj i_ikc 

to sympathize with, empa- <_jjl»- i ^»- : J* oojac 
thize with, feel for, feel sympathy or compassion 
or pity for, commiserate (with), pity, compas- 
sionate; to be favorably disposed to, attached to; to 
incline to, have affection for 

to turn away from ^c LiJa* 

to couple, join (by means of a tSjiA Jc iltf > «Vc 
conjunction) ' a 

' «lar. j^-lj-j^j- :<_Lkc 

sympathy, compassion, commiser- y*- < uli- : uLkc 
ation, pity, feeling, affection, love, care, tender- 
ness, warmheartedness, kindness, kindliness 

member (~JJ il»li- j)^«i* 

receptor, sense organ ^J-l j,n«-- 

*■* ■* 

active member J^U y^s. 

honorary member 

£*—" erf 1 *' ' J'-*"** 

organology »L»i > !)l Jlc 

physiology ►Uii'ill oaJlij Jlc 

organicism [iiJij *Lp-|] ClI^JuJI XjjJij lilil^a* 

associate member 

biting, mordacious, snappish 



membership (~)J <<1»1j«- j) <4><a* 

organism [ ~)J tUp- 1 ] i^Jic 

gift, present; grant, donation; bonus la^j> : Uj* i »lkc 

»Uacl «;■ I j - «Uacl : »lkc 

tender, bid, offer yi^c : »Lkc 

perfumer, druggist jiaJI «jI» : jU»* 

spice dealer o I jLjJ I jl JjlyJI jl Ajjli^l «5l> ijLke 

perfumery, perfume business or ^LaJ 1 5 jtau : SjUtf 


spice oljL|JI jl JjIjJI jl Ajjli^l SjUu :5jU»t 

business or trade 

Mercury [<il!i ] J»jU»* 

sneezing, sneeze ^Jac : y»U»* 

polydipsia <5^- ^-i. jl juj^ ylkc :y»U»* 

coat, overcoat i_A« :<JUtf 

inertia ,J I i jj-a» : illLe 

to be damaged, spoiled, impaired, iiUi i LilJ : <-J»* 
ruined, destroyed; to perish 

damage, injury, harm, loss; impair- &%> i ±Aj ■ <-Ja« 



gift, present; grant, donation; bonus k»~^ : 4__Lc 

lizard *j iL. t ill.-*... : S > Lkc 

Lacertilia <Jo-\^\ ,y> i-_Jj :oUiUic 

sermon; preachment, exhortation ik*^. : iLkc 


■ I Ur. 

lesson, example, warning 

to be or become great, big, I.. U<-. jL^ t J£ : , Uc 

large; to grow, increase; to be or become grand, 
grandiose, magnificent, splendid 

to be hard for, difficult for, painful <JU. ^i\ Ike 
for, distressing for, oppressive for 
to glorify, exalt, extol, dignify, '%£ < 3^ , -li : 'Jke 
honor, ennoble; to value, prize, esteem; to 
aggrandize, enlarge, magnify, make great(er) or 
big(ger) or large(r) 

bone, os ^ h«ll J5CjLI <u^ oiJu> i_~Lo p~—> 'rJa* 

nasal bone 

frontal bone 

parietal bone 


J)<£jl-*f (J»* 

pterygoid, pterygoid bone 

ilium; hipbone, innominate bone 

carpal, carpal bone 

*Jic i j-«^ 1 pJic 

ulna, cubitus 

JujJI Jic 

scaphoid, navicular (of the 

carpus or tf'j'/j ^c 

shinbone, tibia 



(j>-jU.| JLJI pjic 

sternum, breastbone 

jJ-oJI (Uic 

temporal bone 

' ••' •'V' 


SjUl Ja£ 


jauJI |Jic 


,l,,a«ll pile 

femur, thighbone 

occipital bone, occipital 


anklebone, talus, astragalus; tarsal 


bone, tarsal 

scapula, shoulder blabe 

oiZxIl -Jic 


ij-jtXJl ,,hc 

bending, inclination, inclining, 

if 'if* 

:< akr- 

curving, curvature, inflection, flection, flexion, 
flexing, flexure, bowing, twisting), turn(ing) 

bend, curve, deflection, turn, u^" ' *r>*" : ' "^ 
twist, flexure, flexion, crook 

coupling, syndesis [ iil ] oiJac 

explicative or explanatory apposition oQ ' «k'c 

coordinating conjunction, <_ikc S I j I 1 i »Wc- <Jj»- 

side (of the body) i_jU- :i the 

( a h« ■' ' u>lj - <iJa£ 

(Ji UacLu i...:\\ 


■i t*j yjy *> : *^»* 


tendril, cirrus 

to be or become devoid of, destitute ^ ^U- : ^ ^J»i 
of, lacking; to lack, want, be in need of 

to break down; to leave without work, leave JJ»* 
idle; to disable, incapacitate, maim, cripple; to sus- 
pend, ban temporarily, stop or cancel tempo- 
rarily, make temporarily inactive; to dispense with 
(a law, etc.); to disrupt, interrupt; to paralyze, 
neutralize, counteract, frustrate, thwart, put out of 
action; to deactivate, inactivate, make inactive or 
ineffective; to defuse (a bomb, a mine, a crisis, etc.) 

failure, breakdown (in operation or function), JJ»* 
trouble, disorder, a condition of being out of order; 

devoid of, destitute of, lacking ^ £± : ^ JJ»c 

- . ' _-• > 
holidays), vacation, recess <*>} : «J-kc 

weekend p>r-^" (**W0 " i ^ at - 

to ret; to macerate (^JJ u^CJ I ) i>^* ' <J^* 

to rot, decacy, putrefy ^ 1 1 ^ : ji* 

putrid, rotten, decayed; stinking ^ : jj»* 

sympathetic, compassionate, pitiful, u>~»- : <-»^Jj* 
affectionate, loving, tendeKhearted), warmhearted, 
softhearted, kindhearted, kind(ly) 

His Grace, His Excellency ii^LJ I (_-»- Uo t ( o!ii ) ii_jij* 
cudweed (oLi) fji* 



♦ # 


misfortune, adversity 

ossicle »jv^» i-Ji* : */ ** f - 

to abstain from what is forbidden or indecent; to Lie 
be chaste, modest, virtuous, pure 

to abstain from, refrain from, keep from jt- Lit 

nit juflj-nic :>— ic 

to forgive, pardon, excuse, condone ^i* i j-a-o :^ Uc 

to efface, obliterate, wipe out Ik. : Ui 

to be effaced, obliterated, wiped out ^yoil I : Ux. 

let bygones be bygones ( ^^i. j I ) ljL. U* till Ux- 

to efface, obliterate, wipe out Ik. : (jic 

effacement, obliteration »lk* I i ^kl : »U* 

extinction »lk. I : »Ux 

dust cjlji : »Uc 

abstinence, continence, virtuousness, vir- cJUe ciic 
tue, chastity, chasteness, purity, modesty, decency 

duodenum 'iSj^c UJII ^kLI :^c t^c 

jJ*JI Ll«Jl 

ju*JIj J^Ul. : () ^«* 
. ,t .. ,*, ,-, 



to cover or soil with dust 


(wild) boar 

afreet, demon, devil, fiend 

sly, crafty, cunning, wily 

malicious, mischievous, wicked '*■„;' 

(automobile) jack X*s I j ; ( ; 'j£Ll I ) c-<>f- 

astringent, bitter, acrid ( JJaJl) oaic 

gall oak ij^) u^** 

gall(s), oUuii juUj oLJI r«~— > J ,»•» ,n'i l^^aic 

gallnut(s), oak applets), oak gall(s) 

•, -*^ ,-* 
gallfly u^j.H iGj 
•, •„ *, •, 

,_^aix. juf I j — l _ r ai«J I oJ^-lj • < rflfl C 

to rot, decay, decompose, putrefy, o_i i ,^4*; : jic 

: Jic 

hyoid bone ^."il Jix 

calcaneus, heel bone i_JiG I Jix. i fjl) I ^^. Jix 

zygomatic bone, zygoma, i-s-jJI Jax. i ,y-»-j Ji* 
cheekbone, malar, malar bone 

ossification »ILJI Oj>S>-> 

osteology j.Lk«J| ^ix- 

osteomalacia flLJI ^ 

greatness, bigness, largeness; magni- <<Qu> i jlf : Jie 


significance, importance, moment, < 


acromegaly [eJ> ] t_»l J»^ll Jax. 

osteoid JaiJl) 4—^. :^J|<ii* 

grandeur, grandness, greatness, <J%r i 1>Uj :«»hc 
magnificence, splendor, stateliness, augustness, 
majesty, sublimity; exaltedness, loftiness 

mightiness), power °jj^r ' »y ; iJi* 

megalomania <JuJI 0>-»- 

His Majesty <J«JI o*-L> 

piece of bone; bone, os Jix. i JaJI j* ijJai : cJic 

osteoma (/"-^ fJJ ° f3'" 6 

osseous, osteal, bony, bone-, osteo- ^f^** 

skeleton <jf' ic J^* 

Teleostei dJ^I ^. iiJU. :olLJii 

great, big, large; huge, enormous, ~*mo < > ^ r S' : <Ja« 
tremendous, prodigious, gigantic, giant, colossal, 
mammoth, titanic, formidable, considerable 

mighty, strong, powerful tjy t jC>- : jjix. 

grand, grandiose, imposing, ^-~+* ' JJ^" ' r^* : j^* 
stately, magnificent, glorious, splendid, gorgeous, 
sublime, superb, august, dignified, majestic; exalt- 
ed, lofty 

significant, important, weighty, _jJ*»- < j^U : <Ji£ 

Good Friday i*.J»*JI w-l 

, , •*, • , ,.- < .-. « 
ossicle »jyt«o i-Jix- ' <«.hc : p ^h c 

stapes (oJ il J) ^yl^j pliix 

calamity, disaster, catastrophe, great «. 


eagle (>U») jli :oli* 

Aquila [ iiUi ] oU*J I r-^. i ulk 

punishment, punition, penalty, o^ic < »lj»- :oUc 
sanction, retribution 

aquiline, eagle- <Sj~> : («jI** 

-."''' - ,~ 
punitive, penal, retnbutory, retributive; (j^i* ^Itf 


maker and seller of W»j^j r«JJ -1»>J-I j-jL» : J^** 
cords, tassels, braiding, trimmings, etc. 

real estate, realty, real property, Jyu* j~i- JL. : jUi* 
immovables), immovable property, landed prop- 

drug, medicine, medicament, medication, *ljj : jU* 

pharmacology jJliJI ^U 

wine j*»- :jU* 

barrenness, sterility ,Uc : »j«* 

landed, land, real, real estate, oIjUaJIj ^oU- :iijl** 

pharmacology jJliJI JLc 

pharmacological) ^L*lLj| JLu jllL :£Sj<^U* 

pharmacologist joliJI J* j j-JLai-l :tSjolic 

♦ ♦ 

stomach cramp 
hobble, fetter, shackle 
headband, headcord 
sucker, tiller, shoot 

JbCf : JUft 

[oLi] *J»i :6Uc 
f — , --, 

to follow up with, cause to be followed j «^J 
by, cause to follow or succeed 

to comment on; to remark (with J* jix. : J* 
regard to); to critique, review, criticize 


t_~io l f-uJI 


J 4 * 

spoil; to mold; to mildew 

to rot, decompose, decay, putrefy; to mildew a-i I : y« 

mold, must, mildew; rotten- »Ui c ^i«j < <iy* : y« 
ness, rot, decay, decomposition, putridity, putre- 
faction, putrescence 

rotten, putrid, decayed, decomposed, j-U ( <j»Zj> '■ o«c 
moldy, musty, mildewy, foul; septic, putrefactive; 
putrescent, putrefying 

forgiving, excusing, condoning; indulgent, ryuo : y» 
tolerant; forgiver 

pardon, forgiveness, condonation «-« : y* 

effacement, obliteration y»:y£ 

favor, courtesy, kindness ^-*ij** ' J-<»» : >^ 

young donkey, foal Jul- 1 Jj :^*£ 

I beg your pardon! pardon me! excuse »j juu : lye 

spontaneously, automatically; by one- Li lib : ly* 
self; incidentally, without design 

don't mention it! not IjSwJ C l^>- JUJ ilK : ly* 
at all! you're welcome! 


(general) amnesty 
young donkey, foal 
astrrngency, bitterness, acridity 


jLU-I Jj :^ic 

,-- '/ *,' -- V 

rottenness, rot, putridity, jLj i ye t ,y«J : oyc 
putrefaction, putrescence, decay, decomposition, 
moldiness, mustiness; mold, must, mildew 

spontaneous, unprompted, automatic, TJliiJ :cSye 

spontaneously, automatically ^^ ; Ciy* 

spontaneity; automatism *e^ : *i^* 6 

chaste, continent, pure, modest, vir- <uJ I j i : i 
tuous, incorruptible) 

to be undutiful (to), impious (to), ( » jJ I j jJ^J I ) J>c 

disobedient (to), ungrateful (to) 

>> >> „_, 

(i^it p- 1 j - <iy* : ti* 

ideological; doctrinal; dogmatic 




to pin (set, attach, hang, base, ground) J* jl "ill -u* 
one's hope(s) on; to count on, rely on, depend on 

to knit or »JJ <C^<oLi ' ^rrf*' ' * ■ ' . ' . : f ' ***r J !" - lic 
contract the brows, frown, scowl 

to marry, contract a marriage U1^» jl U- 1 j j Ji* 

to conclude (strike, make) a transaction iii-o ait 
or deal 

(> r> cr 1 - 1 "(i* ^ ->' r^ 1 -*** 

to >JI oUijli* iOljjLl» tdlty-L* iOIjjIsm -lit 

hold talks, discuss, talk, dialogue, confer, parley, 

consult, negotiate 

to be or become tongue-tied, speechless (<jCJ) j*£ 

to complicate, snarl, IjljLu <iw- i tiuU. i (_-«-<> : jic 
entangle; to make complicated, complex, intricate, 
tangled, difficult; to sophisticate, make sophisti- 
to knot tightly, knit tightly ,£»- 1 i J»j j i -u* : -u* 

to congeal, coagulate, clot, thicken, J± i ju»- : -tic 
inspissate, jell, solidify, set 

contract; agreement jLiJhjii* 

(legal) act, (legal) instrument, deed, i«- i xl- : -u* 
document; bill 

arch, vault S^kJi : -tic 

decade, decennium, oly- ^^ :(ol^-JI ,y>) -u* 


half-score, group of ten, tens ( j I a* "il I ^ ) -u* 

knotting, aic jx& i f^"[ ' -^j : (HJ j- 1 **) - Lic 
tying, knitting; fastening, locking, joining, junction 

conclusion, concluding, (1^1 : (tJJ J>Ujl) aic 

making, entering into 

^ - • > •' 
social contract <«c L^«- j I oiJ I 

• > ■- 
lease, contract of tenancy or rent jUu I -u* 

contract of sale; bill of sale 


j~! cnr? 

articles of incorporation; 
memorandum of association 

(insurance) policy; contract of o\^o jl ^ i. 
insurance, insurance contract 

marriage, contraction of mar- C>\ji}\ jl r-ljjJI oic 

articles of partnership tfl^l /t iS^JI j** 



•* - ■ >\ - 

calcaneus, calcaneum, heel ^_ii!l j^-y ^at. : k_ 


child, offspring, descendant, scion jJ j 

grandchild, grandson -LuL>- i jJjJI jJj 

. "' , -=■*'■ 
children, offspring, progeny, issue, de- <, j j : i_~i* 

scendants, posterity 

end, last part; remainder, rest; butt, ili» ' jf ' : 

stub, stump 

butt, stub, stump jJ J y^U*^ I pli j I S jl»~- ) I 

Achilles' heel J^-l i_~"- 

immediately after, (directly) I -^ oUil j i li^ i_-i* 
after, subsequent to, following, in the wake of 

jl 4-it (_^t ( i-bjl) ««-j 


obstacle, hindrance, impediment, bar, JpL : -Li* 
barrier, obstruction, (stumbling) block; handicap, 
disadvantage; difficulty 

mountain road, pass yLw»- ^y> : i-i* 

' -< / - >• > 
aftermath, result, consequence y I i o^fi : J^Ji* 

sequela yij- ^Jl < JU tSy& t\i -Jy^c- 

herpes, herpes simplex ^^" y*-^ • J^r^ 


A . Uf. 

j I f-uJI j>-y-f 

ii%. .i : 



to knot, tie, knit; to ^e t ^- 1 i J*>j : ( jJJ S-up) jif 
fasten, lock; to join 

to conclude, make, strike, enter into 

to arch, vault jLJ : oic 

^ ^^ ■ ^ ^ 

to conclude (make, strike, enter into) a! J liUJ I oi£ 
an agreement or contract; to agree, reach or come 
to an agreement; to contract 

to hold (convene, convoke, «J I ill»- & ULj> I aic 
call, summon) a meeting or session 



—-•- ' ■- -*-*•-■ ■- ■ 

Scorpio, Scorpion; Scorpious [iiUi J i r >Ji»i\ gj> 

barrenness, sterility ^U : 5>i* 1 S^i* 

to braid, plait 

braiding, plaiting 

braid, plait, queue, pigtail 


to crook, hook, bend, curve t5 ^»- 1 j^c 

- ,. « . - -.;-. 

to realize, understand, comprehend, i£J jil . ^ : Ji* 
grasp, apprehend, conceive, perceive 

to hobble, fetter, shackle AlSlt :jj«^JI Jit 

to constipate «£—.l :4-J»j Jlj-JI Jit 

to pay wergild or blood money <Uj j i^il : J-JJJ I Jit 
(for the slain) 

to bring to reason, make reasonable or^iU aLu>- : Jis 

mind, intellect, brain, head, reason, intelli- ,_,«- : Jic 
gence, sense, understanding, mentality 

computer J>ijS^ \ J** 

the unconscious^ jy£ >J I j I ^ \ j>J I j I <jl> U I Ji«J I 

theconscious(ness)(3j^«JJI jl .jtljjl jl ^»IUI JuJI 

active intellect Jllill Jill I 

\^S U I j l^»j«- 1 j - <d«jPjU»i JiuJ I JT j «.» t JiiJI >-J»^i»- 

rational, reasonable, intellectual, intellective, ^jm* 

rationalism; intellectualism ^J^L«*JI i_-»Jll 

rationality, reasonableness; rationalism <Li il«* 

to rationalize; to intellectualize oi. j : jii* 

rationalization; intellectualization JLic» : «Jli* 

mental, intellectual, rational, reasonable, intel- ^iic 
lective; phrenic 

>-«1.t«j ju^Ij — (Jiit 

mental age TjLsi- jl* 

rationalism; intellectualism TJLiiJt i_-»Jll 

mentality, mind Jit i ilii : cJie 

to be sterile, barren L-it <j^ : (*** ' p* 6 ' (»** 

collective labor contract 
aleatory contract 
nominate contracts 
innominate contracts 
quasi contract 

necklace; collar 

" - ' -'-' ' - ■ ■ ■'"* H 

«f^J-* : 

j~t ijic 

U^ijl «j»-Ij - «*J 

OA£ <~» 

Lt J»jiu\ 

knot, loop; snarl 

JJuJI f— oj-« i<U»yUl :S-UC 

knot, knur, knob, node, 

nodule, tuber- i^t :i-iic 

cle, protuberance, excrescence, growth; joint 


- • - *, -- " h :-• - .- :.' 


\^S ja '. (* n.i) oJLit 


[jVJ^J (Sr-a*)s^i* 


(il»-jlll jl ijljjJl) o-iifc 

riddle, puzzle 

^<J : ojux 

problem, knot 

superiority complex 

JjiJI jl t'>LLi«. > lll o-lifc 

Electra complex 

IjixJl o-lifc 

Oedipus complex 

k_jjjl o-lifc 

inferiority complex 

"Lij-JI jl (__,«-» a ■" 1 1 ojit 


Jj) 1 >lji<« oJit 


i^oillj : i5^>* 

decennial oly- ^t* (^Jli jl) ^ lJ^ i^^ 

to wound, injure -rj* '• /& 

to slaughter, butcher; to slay ~ i i j*i> : ji*. 

to bite Jot- : jlc. 

to be barren, sterile lyU 6^ : >>* 

•j ;/ 
barrenness, sterility ^U -Jit- 

■ * 
barren, sterile jilt : Jis. 

on his own ground, in his own house ojli^itj 
(place, country, etc.) 

scorpion <«U <-jji -V^ 

hand, pointer (icllJl) u^it 

second hand (itL j) (Jlj-UI Vj** 



# + 


carnelian, cornelian; garnet 


canyon, gorge, ravine 

wife, spouse 

sterile, barren 

<Ljj» < i»-j j : <L..itf 

futile, useless, unavailing, unfruitful, <ij jl»- ^L : ^ic 
fruitless, barren, abortive, ineffectual, ineffective, 
unproductive, vain, empty, otiose, of no avail, of 
no effect, of no use 

to be sultry, muggy, sweltering ( ^ I ) die 

crutch; walking stick, cane; staff, stick »jlx* i jlx* 

cobweb, spiderweb, web o^X^JI c~j :LilSLc 

propolis JaJI >« 1 . »" ..■ ;> 5jU :j-£c 

to be or become turbid, muddy, joSJ> i j£»j : ^£* 
roily; to be or become disturbed, troubled 

to muddy, muddle, roil, make turbid; ^y. i jjS :Jyjz 
to disturb, trouble, disorder, unsettle, derange 

turbidity, muddiness jj& :j£jz 

sediment, dregs, lees, set- JiS 1 i_— I j 1 1£ j j j : j5sLc 

turbid, muddy, roily; troubled, dis- ^-ji* i j^ : j£* 

turbed, disordered, unsettled, deranged, muddled, 


to fish in troubled waters J^A I *Ul j SlLlo I 

quack grass, couch grass, quitch ( oLj ) ylikc 

to lean on (a staff, etc.) J*. j3^" : (i* j^* 

to reverse, invert l_Sj \ \j£s- 

to reflect, throw back, »JJ Sjj-oJI jl fj^oJI u-Slc 

to commutate ^Jl/,i£JI jQJI a JCc 

to reflect, mirror, show, demon- (ilol < ^iil : |j-£i 
strate, express 

reversal, reversion, reversing, inversion, >_jij> :,_£* 

reflection, reflecting «JJ ij^ai\ jl »j«aJI jj lu-Sic 

reverse, inverse, converse, coun- oJ> i ^..i; : (jj^i 
ter, opposite, contrary; anti-, counter-, contra-; 

to sterilize, disinfect, antisepti- j^» :(<a\ji~\ ^) Jit- 
cize; to pasteurize 

to sterilize 
sterility, barrenness 

penalty, punishment, punition, 
sanction, retribution 

moral sanction 

SjUf •*,»*■ t»i* t*A£ '(>*£ 
— '-' 

1 ' _ " 

capital punishment, death penalty c'-^)" '^.i**- 

i , '• *. >> 
economic sanction ojjLaiil "<>ys. 

' '> ' ' . 

<jy\i p-lj ' 

j lie 

Jf'j - ^^* 

mordacious, biting, rapacious^Lici jiu u'>^- • ji** 

^ " ^ >^ 

impiety, undutifulness, J^^J-I ■>>»■» '^ -w> :jji* 
disobedience, ingratitude, ungratefulness, unthank- 

- • - * '.. ,, ', 
costive medicine t>M' im "j- 4 : J>»* 

astringent, styptic, puckery Joi \i i ^ I j : J^it 

meconium oJjxj j_»j j^J^II ^ r-^p" » J ^* :<«£* 
pure gold (>JU- <_^»i : (jLi» 

following, succeeding, subsequent, next Jt : « 
successor i_«L. j^ i i_ii»- : i. 

harrier, marsh hawk j^i-Jl ^ p^i : 


belief, faith, creed; cult; tenet, doctrine; i_«*.u : « 
dogma; ideology; conviction, persuasion 


»j~3*£ '.tX^A 


Cj^o :»£*■ 

braid, plait, queue, pigtail 

ijfjtMO '* ~Zr 


chalcedony, calcedony 




to raise one s voice 

to turn up (loudness, volume, rJJ c-LjII o^> ju. 

on, upon, on top of, above, over jjy : fjjt 

at, on, by Ilc : Jii 

for, to(ward), on ^L j i J»- "il : Ju. 

according to, in accordance with, pursu-i_Li- : (Jii 
ant to, commensurate with, in conformity with, 
as, depending on, to (one's taste, mind, etc.); on 
the basis of, on the strength of, by virtue of, upon 

against, in spite of, despite *£ j « jj» : (J Lc 

in addition to, on top of, over and Jj iiU>}llj : Ju. 


in, in the state of, in the manner of 

by, through 

provided that, on the condition that, if, as 
long as 

however, but, yet, nevertheless, still, on 
the other hand 


(ijU-l <JLl\ o- 's£i\ LlU-l :*lli 

accordingly, consequently, <lili 4 aIIcj ( Alii 

therefore, hence, thus, then, so 

you have to, should, must, ought to; it is (<jl) ^ 

incumbent upon you, it is your duty to 

have! take! make use of! adhere to! stick to! _> iiOi 

give me! bring me! get me! let me have! 

wherefore? what for? why? 

from above, from upon, from the top of 

highness, sublimity, loftiness, exalted- i*i j : ,% <J^ 
ness; superiority, eminence, high rank, high stand- 
ing, dignity, prestige, glory 

anvil uIjll- :«Ste 

remedy; cure, medicine, medicament, 
medication, drug 

*\ 3 >--&r 


«-ij -Sljlju 

therapeutic, remedial, curative, medicinal, Ij?^* 

seller of provender i_jllll uL :<_»5te 

relationship), connection, contact; bear- iJuo : iiit 


— ■ 

contrary to, in contrast with, . . y-SCi J* 1 . . j^-SCi 
in contradistinction with, in opposition to, unlike 
on the contrary <_r£>JI J* ' o-*-*^ 

vice versa, conversely ^JCJIj ^JCJlj 

contrary, opposite, antithetical), adverse, ^_,„<>- 

counter, counteractive, converse; inverse; reverse, 

backward(s), backwardly, in reverse, reverse- CsCi 
ly; conversely; inversely; contrarily; adversely 

disheveled, unkempt, shaggy, matted .ilil : j£e 

to devote oneself to, j &"(> I , J* Lij I : J* ^ ^r- 
dedicate oneself to, apply oneself to, be dedicated 
to; to engage in, occupy oneself with, busy oneself 
with; to be or become engaged in, occupied with, 
busy with 

to adhere to, stick to, cling to, keep Xo\) : J* LiSCi 

to keep from, hold back from, pre- ^.'%La\^. L«£i 
vent from, restrain from 

to bundle, wrap (up), pack 

layer, "shoot, scion 

to be or become sick; to be or fall ill 

perhaps, maybe 

from above Jy ^. : ^Lc , 

[oLj] (j~£e 
d°j* '• J* 

err 'J* err ' J*i>r 'J* 

to rise (high), tower up, go up, ascend, lift; Lijjl : %. 
to be or become high, lofty, elevated, exalted, sub- 
lime; to be or become loud 

to overtop, top, tower ( <Ul& j I a^c j I ?,^J I ) %. 
over, rise over or above, be over or above, sur- 
mount, be or lie at the top of 

to mount (up), ascend, climb, scale '.\jje> : ic 

to be covered by rust, etc. wlj lalaJI »^ii 




to raise, lift (up), hoist (up), uplift, elevate, o j : Jt 
exalt, sublime, boost, upraise, jack up, hike, up 




■ ■ 

to can, tin; to pack, package; to box; to case, 

box, case; pack, packet, package 

can, tin, tincan (J» 

gearbox, transmission 


boxmaker, boxer 

disease, malady, ailment; <_>l Jail i »l j 4 ^Joj* 
illness, sickness; disorder 

defect, flaw, fault, A^.a; 1 ilili 1 Jl»- <. i_~*£ : iU 
blemish, imperfection, shortcoming, deficiency, 
failing, drawback, disadvantage, disorder, trouble 

cause, reason i_— : iic 

cause and effect 

First Cause, God 

raison d'etre 

weak letter, soft letter, vowel 

as is, without modification, in spite of its £%. ^c 

\ * ' ' ' V 

infidel, unbeliever, atheist 

toad (0 



to feed, fodder l«lii] : (Cl jJl) uil* 'Liic 

to stall-feed, fatten l+il« : ( <C I jJ I ) ljJlc 1 i_oLc 

fodder, forage, provender, feed »JJ <_>l jjJ I (Q» : uil* 
to get caught in, catch in, get stuck in «i j : j jl* 

to conceive, become pregnant 

:<, ji G* J^i 

to hang (down), suspend, dangle, let hang, <J j : Ji* 

to attach to, fasten to, tie to, affix o~J 1 Jau j : _> Jle 
to, fix to 

to post, placard, J^J I : J* ( £JJ U}U| < I jj^*) jJ^c 
affix, stick 

to suspend, leave <*i Jj-^i* ^~c Ui** Ojj ijlc. 

0«j oli>e 

ing, relevance, pertinence; bond, tie, link 
international relations o jj o 

public relations £u olh&c 

s . t * s ,. *. ., 

affair, amour, liaison 

interrelation(ship)s, mutual relations, ifjlli. olilic 
terms; intercourse, dealings 

(coat) hanger 
key holder 
petiole, leafstalk 
wherefore? what for? why? 

[oLi] i_Jji :iiSft 

Thou art the Knower of the v^r^ ' r>* oi I cfiu | 
things unseen 

mark, sign, stamp, indication, jij < JJ j ( SjlLl :oit 
token, symbol, symptom; insignia; emblem 

check »JI f-»-jj Ji li^t< u' <<j«j »j^-[ :i*iLc 

grade, mark i*-jj :(»JI o^-l ^ iil-jlu) olic. 

score, marker fy^f* ' J^»^" : oL^i* < £.lic 

question mark ^i:,.! C^Lc 

quotation marks (j.Qi'ill \LSc 

. - ' «j ' . 8 - -», ^, 

punctuation mark (iJuoUl j ikiJlS') ^dy i-.^li 

if- « t ,- ', -, 
exclamation point jJu jl c-j«j i*!xc. 

trademark, brand <>j^v <L>!^c 

mark of identification, identifying mark, iij\i i*iLc 
distinguishing feature, distinction, distinctive qual- 
ity or property, characteristic, particularity, pecu- 
liarity, attribute 

so-and-so o'ili :u^c 

openness, overtness, publicness, publicity J**- :il<^* 

openly, overtly, publicly, in public l^r : ililit 

increase, raise, allowance, subsidy; bonus, 5 jC j • o^^L 
premium; addition 

in addition to, over and above, on (tJili) tJ U iy^ 
top of, plus, along with, as well as,' other than, 
aside from, apart from, besides, moreover, further- 
more, more than (that) 


distinguished personality, eminent jjL y««£, : J* 
man, great figure; master; authority; star 

chief, head, master 
harelip, cleft lip LLJI ii-UI , 

proper noun, proper name 
flag day 


*■■'- ■ \' 

science; knowledge, learning, lore, information, JLe 
scholarship; education; cognizance, awareness, 
acquaintance, familiarity; cognition, perception 




social science 



paleontology iJU-)ll Jlc i ol^«»dl jl jjil*-^ 


analytical analysis 

descriptive analysis 



ethics, morals, moral philosophy 

management science 


«£4-i iU# 








undecided or unsettled, keep or hold in abeyance, 
keep pending, hold back, defer action on, stay 

to suspend, stop or ( I iff liy^) Liijl jl JL* : jl* 
cancel temporarily, ban temporarily, make tempo- 
rarily inactive 

to adjourn 


> • ,. >'* .. 

to make condition- j It 3J 1* <dli- : ( J»^i) j* jl* 
al on, contingent on, dependent on 

to comment on; to remark (with J* i_JLc : J* jl* 
regard to); to review, criticize, critique 

to annotate, gloss, ^i*. : (oUfT J* ,-i.ljil) Jjii 
comment on 

to set (pin, attach, hang, base, ground)j*ijG^I jl* 
one's hopes on; to count on, rely on, depend on 

to attach importance to 


blood clot, thrombus 

to chew, masticate 
chewing, chew, mastication 
chewing gum, gum 

j^jJI Siji (f£k 
ij^»i <1»L>- : Jit- 




(oLj) Jiii»- 


to justify, warrant, account for, give ^li « j^j : JIc 
reasons for, ground, explain, furnish a justifying 
analysis or explanation for 

to busy (with), keep busy (with), Jii : (->) lM* 
occupy (with), distract (with) 

to entertain hopes, indulge in JU "JlL l _ r iJ I Jl* 

to busy (distract, put ofl) with promises, j^JIjaII* 
leave hanging on to promises 

to know (of), have knowledge (of); to be or (_») 'J* 
become aware of, cognizant of, acquainted with, 
familiar with, informed of or about; to learn 
(about), come to know (about), find out (about), 
hear (of), get wind (of); to perceive, discern 

to teach, instruct, school, educate, tutor J-j j : J* 
to mark, designate, label _,j : J* 

flag, banner, standard ,I^J « £ I j : J* 






applied science, technology 

dietetics, sitology 

iJ a\j**i\ <■ < .. ' . a" Jlc 

•LjulJI Jlc 

phonetics (Cylll) ol^Io'Jll (jjj^laj /\ J-ilj) Jlc 














enology, oenology 




atomistics; atomics 


uajj»^\ pit 







( -.y~±u ) c .t,.',u''i, 

Sjjjl jJlc 
i_JbLijJ 1 jl i*li^l J..C 

divination, fortune-telling, soothsaying, 

dermatology ^\ja\ } jJl=L 

aesthetics JUJ. 

sexology ^j-jl- 

forestry ir I^J- 

kinetics; dynamics; kinematics iS"^l 
hydraulics iS'jkdl JifjlJI Jlc i JjI^JI iS j*- 

arithmetic <JCJ- 

ISlilSL-. : Jj. 
IC-Lo : Jj- 

organology «Lai^ 

ophiology oLil jl ycli x 

economics, political economy j drill 

electronics ojjQ ^ 

chromatics u\^ 

pathology Je\J*H 


enzymology; zymology 








i>L^Ul Jlc ( (jLJ i 

rhetoric, the art or science of figures of 













jl it— 1 


(J^olkllj l^liitj) Slx-ljjJI C^ll 

education, pedagogy, pedagogics *~ i .J^ 

cosmography u>£JI <-r^j> 

anatomy tvj^-J 

taxonomy, systematics 








aBa»!n'n«»:s::aia- ; .ar-.rr.t- ■ 




law of distribution of estate 






radio astronomy 


ulj**JI (JL? 
„i ,> >> 


i-l^ill JLc 

OuiLaill JLc 

i • > » > > >• 

olj^klll jl jjjaill JLc 

AniiUll JLc 

^ui^ltJlIijI JL 

> i ,, >• ,, ~> " )' 

astrometry c^vJI m'>* Af ' lij^' cilUJI JLc 

physics ^j-jJI (JLc 

law, legal science, jurisprudence, sci- o> Lil I lie 
ence of law 

obstetrics, tocology, s'j^l j\ aJyJI ji iJCill lie 
midwifery ' 

(scholastic) theology 
theology, divinity 
linguistics, lexicology 

*(/• J£? i^f- ' ^ pi? 






oceanography, ocean- oLjiLijxl } \ oLLjJI JLc 

therapeutics sljloil pi* 

terminology (ilJJl) olaJLlall ,jL 

serology J^-all jJLc 

mineralogy; metallurgy u^Liil JLc 

informatics, information science; data oL.^Lil JL 
processing; information retrieval 


agriculture, agronomy 






political science(s), politics i~«L- f^lc « i-LUl JLc 


oL^jC^JI JLc 
ii^UI icljj JLc 

Jj^jJi JL 

dLl^l jl c*lZJI Ju 

(£«~iii jl) ts\jl\ CCj\ JL 





hygiene, hygienics 




acoustics, phonics 










metrics, prosody, poetics 





j-H it. 1 1 JLc 

li--<jLiu_) (jijjl JSwi. (JLc 
Lj^-L_.j yij^l JSJi (J^? 

S * " J * 3 

dj^ajl Ju>- JLc i <M*aJI 

4~f jj I JLc i Ji; ,a,l I 



, .« » 









to be or become known, open, public Ji* i jJi ' jls 

open, overt, public ^ ' ^ft 

openness, overtness, publicness, publicity j^ : <lil* 

height, altitude, elevation; highness, s-lu j\ <. y*. '.yz 
loftiness, exaltedness, sublimity, superiority; loud- 
ness (of sound, voice, etc.) 

.',.■* > . - * ' * •- •? 
ileus ►(V i Jy \->y-At jjjZ, (>»-• : y^>r 

stall-fed animal cJ^iL. u!^»- :*i^k 

fodder, forage, provender, feed i_aU : ii^li 

conception, pregnancy J**- 1 < ^ - y .- < I r«iij :c»jl* 

Alawi (^ojJuJI ju-1 :tijlt 

the Alawis 6>;jJ^J I 

- ,'' - " •'. ' Y 
upper, higher; upstairs; over- (ii- jjo < ^y : (iy* 

head; superior, supreme; heavenly, celestial 

the Most High, the Supreme (God) j)l : ^i! I 

l^ilSC. j L««-lj ~f>iJI ill* 
-'' ■» i 

casual, causative 
vocalic; defective 

f yJ| Olc p-lj - fjiJl ^i* 

heaven(s), sky, firmament 

»C : *U* 

lofty height, elevation Jl* o^-» ' r*>j* '■ t^-*- 

'**> *'> '- 

f yJI Li* j^Ij-*lLji ^»l 

small box, little box 


attic, garret, loft, upper room, upstairs (c-llJ *^* 

*^ill iJlc il»-Ij -*_ji)l OLC 











grammar; syntax 

histology (ijjJuJl) 


experimental psychology 

educational psychology 










j LilJl «Q 





oiili^l jj* i »Lii^l yilUij (jLc 
'.' * ,- ' '.' * 

Jl»- I M«- I j - -J Lit i»- I 

faculy or school of sciences) *jLJ I illi" 

secular, lay, laic(al); secularist; layman ^J |<i* 

secularism, laicism i-J |<i* 

lJ" - 

<jjc <.<Je. 

harelip, cleft lip LLJI 
to secularize, laicize Li (,1c. aJl«- : j*!* 

secularization, laicization jjlii jola^. : iui* 

secularism, laicism ili 1,1* : <Llc 

scientific; learned; scholarly; academic ^*1* 

scientism *-*!* 


a " * * ° 

snow blindness 
night blindness, nyctalopia 
day blindness, hemeralopia 
heavy clouds 

1 ».".S ola*— : *Uf 

support, prop, stay, rest, shore, jll. . oU j : jU* 
brace, buttress, bracket, pillar, post; mainstay 

general, major general Jlj^r < »I^J : jCx 

baptism [i«. 

t\j*aj J 

deanery, deanship 

ju»JI i_.,n.'.« :» jut 

faithful, believing; pious, 
devout, religious 


£jj '«?>* : J^ 

tolerant, indulgent 

J*- :jUjt 

grave, sedate, solemn 

uOj : j 1 -* 

mason; builder 

*Lj : jUx 

fleet, squadron 

ij Jim 1 : o j Ux 


<L~Ji :ojL«jc 

building, edifice, structure 

<jLj : ojUx 





1 <L.jl* iSjLjJI jji 

rheum, white secretion of the eye ^ j : ^lle 

full employment 
treason, treachery 

aJLL ju« :i]U* tiJU* liJLc 

J^»*' JUflj ■ 

labor, workers', working class, blue-collar 





ignorance, benightedness; 
folly; error, sin 

aunt, paternal aunt 
grandaunt, great-aunt 



^IJ :<L»L* 
oil e-»-l :a*c 

><. • «. 's- 

upper class, elite, prominent people, people »jiJI cJb 
of distinction, dignitaries, notables, leading person- 
alities, VIPs 

causality, causation il_— : ill* 

provender, forage, fodder, feed lUU : j>Ji 

bramble, blackberry; lesser bindweed ( oLi ) JJ& 
raspberry J..UI o^l 

J-** «" I J ""£*■•• i {J a iJ» -tM* 

soft, gentle, mild, light, pleasant J XJu> < >,«.l»l : JJl* 

the Omniscient (God) <iil : Jul I 

debit (ijU-l v Ci.l^.^lLjU.I:cJt 

to prevail in, reign in, spread J* 'Is- 1 jL i ^jli : 1* 
through or over, pervade, predominate in; to be or 
become prevalent, pervailing, general, common, 
universal, sweeping 

uncle, paternal uncle i_>^l 

father-in-law o-jjljl r-j_)JI ^1 :^ 

granduncle, great-uncle ^Sl /\ o'tfl ^ 

cousin ^1 ijl t(V JI ^1 

aunt ^1 <>-/j 

about what, whereof, of what lie .1* 

blind JJe\ :(^i\) ^ 

ignorant, benighted, unenlightened i_iill ^ji 
good morning! I^CJ? 

good evening! 
to blind, make blind 


C*** 1 ^^ -(j* 6 

to mystify, obscure, make mysterious or 3*J I : (J^ 
obscure, make vague or ambiguous, make cryptic 
or enigmatic; to riddle 

to camouflage, disguise, blind, Jp- 1 t oy : ^ys. 
hide, conceal 

blindness j^^ o'-*** : <«** 

color blindness, daltonism ^y (J «£ i u'jJ^I <j»* 




# ^ 

grant someone long life; to keep alive, preserve 

someone's life 

to build, construct, erect, raise, put up, ^ : j+s. 

set up 

to populate, people, make inhabited >*l *!»»- : j^c 

headkerchief lt'^ i-W^r* '->** 

religion jjj :^ 

■' i -i" '- . •' 

religion ^j i^^** 

by your life! SjSi 

upon my life! by my life! by my religion! c5jl*J 

by God! by the Eternal God! *i)l 'JJc . Jil ^lll 

• * * ■» 

age ^ :^U 

life, lifetime, life span slli- i^ 

chronological age 

mental age 

how old are you? 

I am thirty years old ii» Oy*X> (Sj**- 

building, construction; development; civiliza- u lj*t 
tion, culture; populousness, inhabitedness; pros- 
perity, boom; activity 

ekistics ijl>»»JI i»*-f 

constructional, structural; developmental; ^_i lj*c 
civilizational, cultural 

headgear, headdress lt'S^ ltP • •.>** 

minor hajj, minor pilgrimage to [i^^LJ a-jj^. J <>J»* 

to be or become blearty) (<^-* o»J JU* 

Weariness, blear-eyedness ( ( jl»J I ) <_£** 

to deepen, be or become deep(er) or U_«£ jU» : <_£*c 

(more) profound 

to deepen, make deep or deeper liL^c .d*^ : <_£*c 

depth, deepness, profoundly, pro- J** ij*c .J** 
foundness; bottom, innermost, inmost 

in depth J^aJ! j 

k ...^ 





j : ju£ 

(j- J 1 

to resort to; to undertake, ^.L; . j jL> . IkJ : J j! J J j* 
embark upon, set out to, proceed to; to turn to, 
attend to, apply oneself to; to carry out, perform 

to betake oneself to, repair to, t^-y . i_-*i : J J jux 
go to, take to, head for 

to support, prop (up), shore up, stay, ... 
rest, pillar, buttress 

JU* p-lj -(jj^ll) JUj 

to baptize, christen, immerse ( jJ^J 1 ) , 

to confirm, settle 

intension), purpose, design 

premeditation, willfulness, fore- jl^'jll jl 
thought, preconceived malice 

on purpose, purposely, intentionally, olc ^* 1 lolc 
deliberately, designedly, willfully, premeditatedly 

jLt ii»-lj — jj-» . <uLcj < jLp :sjlivc 

mayor; governor; chief (*J I S-dJI jl ijjJLI) Sjux 

faculty, professoriat (j-JI •L.jjj.l jl <LUCJI) S-ux 

intentional, deliberate, willful, .u.«.:.» < ijjuoi : li j*c 

to inhabit, live in, dwell in <jSC -.jt* 

<r - - >'~ — 
to fill with life, cause to thrive >»l \yXe- *!»»- -.j^c 

or prosper, make prosperous; to populate, people, 

make inhabited 

to be or become inhabited, popu- Llj5Cl_. otf : j*£- 
lated, peopled, populous 

to live long, be longevous 

>iy* ^jilc 'J - - 6 

» », , J 


to grow, increase, develop; to thrive, y» j j] . Li i^^** 
prosper, flourish, boom 

to live long, be longevous %y& ^p*- ■ j& 

to live long, be longevous ^L^L. jtl* : ji»* 

to prolong someone's life, oli> I . oj^c JU> I : -til >^£ 




work (of art), objet d'art ^i Jli 

field work ",j 

complete works 
selected works 

handwork, handiwork; hand-Cj-u Jl^cl i Jij-u J*i 
icraft, handcraft; craftwork; manual' work or labor 
business administration; management Jl^cxl SjIjI 

industrial accidents, occu- jlx (cSjfji jl) oL>L»l 

pational accidents, accidents of labor 

division of labor J*«J I ( « j>> j I ) x^-«J 

..2*' -- tin* 

employer, master, principal J*<JI (^*-L» jl) vj 

. » j j , 
businessman Jl*' lWj 

business hours, working hours, office J*«JI oUL 


overtime ^»>»-l j' i-iUijI J-mJI oUL 

collective labor contract <jC U»- J-x ait 

Labor Day, May Day J-*J I -uc. 

JIjv j^lj-J^Jl JU~ 

workday, working day J-** fjj 

giant (^l) j^Lf 

gigantic, giant, colossal, mammoth, (i-U») J^Lc 
titanic, cyclopean, superhuman, herculean, enor- 
mous, huge 

gigantism, giantism iiilc : CJ^I** 

evil deed 'J^^J.:*^ 

currency, money 
hard currency 


t oii :<i*c kiJUc 

•jjLi jl 

• •",.- <■-. > 

specie, coin(s), hard or metallic money <L>j— iLx 

s .-■*'.> 
paper money, paper currency *?*jj *l** 

- - '•- *■»■' -ii- - 
gigantism, giantism &y. jJ. yi> : <ii*£ 

practical, practicable, feasible, workable, realis- ^J»« 
tic, down-to-earth, matter-of-fact, pragmatic, posi- 
tive; applied; realist 

practically, in practice tlLlc 

impractical, unpractical, impracticable, ,Jux j^c 

from the bottom of my heart, from ( -Ai J \^.\ '^ 
the depth of my heart, wholeheartedly 

to do, make; to act; to perform, %^> i <5 j I i Ja> : J*c 
carry out, execute, fulfill, accomplish; to produce, 
manufacture, fabricate 

to work; to toil, labor; to function Ji^j : J*i 

to operate, run, work, func- Ji^i.1 i jl * t jL : J*x 
tion, be in operation 

to act or proceed tJJ t___»- jl ^-jtj-h jl -< J~t 
according to, in accordance with, pursuant to, on 
the basis of, on the strength of; to apply, put into 
effect; to enforce, carry out, execute, fulfill; to 
practice, put into practice 

to work toward(s), endeavor to, strive to, J* J*x 
try hard to, exert oneself to, take pains to, seek to 
accomplish, aim at 

to act upon, affect, work on, influence, have J J*i 
an effect or influence on 

togovern [ <J ] i»KJ I J ilKJ I cJui 

i_. !. •» • t c-jL-*- ajt'j — J ul— »■ ( J*x 

to appoint as governor (over or of) ( JlJ I J* <_) J*c 

act, deed, action; doing, acting; «_«« i J*> : J*c 

working; performance, execution 

making, production, manufacture «^> : Jli 

work; labor; job; iiJi j i i-i- t iu^» i Jii. : jlc 
occupation, vocation, business, profession, career, 
calling, trade, metier; employment; function 

operation, act(ion), activity ilLlt : Jli 

pursuant to, in pursuance of, in execution -> bl*i 
of, according to, in accordance with, commensu- 
rate with, in conformity with, on the basis of, on 
the strength of, on the authority of, by virtue of, 
depending on, under, as stipulated by, as provided 
for in 

province, part, section (_ii-J I) jLc-l 

in Toulouse, France l_Jy J 1^1 ^ i jjiy j 

teamwork u?^" J^- 6 - 

e ' s ' f - - 

J-^~ Jf 'j _ ^^' J - *" 6 

insurance business or activities o ^-« J \f- 1 

in general, generally, f^l*JI *Jr^ < f^»*J' <j* < \»y* 
on the whole, by and large, generally speaking, 
altogether, in the main, all things considered, in 
most cases or instances; as a whole, at large, 
overall, en bloc, en masse, in a mass 

• ' ** * i* ' 

-~ * * 
uncleship, unclehood <*y*z 

public; state; general, common, universal is?*** 

-'- " *h ' i 
public works *r*>** J«-' 

generality, universality, commonness; public- *~»y*t 

>~ * * * — 

to be or become blind, lose one's sight »j^u juii : i ^ 
to be blind to ^ (j»* 

to be obscure to, vague to, ambigu- ^>^I1 clc y^ 

_5 •• -S - 

ous to 



fff'j - ' 

<b^JI olyJI j >.»C 

chief, head, («IJ <*£»- 4 vjf) tr^ J ' Jk r 

master, leader, president 

dean (of a faculty, school, etc) (^IJ <■&) 

doyen, dean (of a diplomatic ^-.Lyij J I tJlLJ 1 

brigadier general 

J ^ v. 
infatuated with, enamored of, madly ~z* : ( j ) . 
in love with, mad about, crazy about, captivated 
by, fascinated by t 

apiary ii»»i» : » jj** 

masturbation, onanism • jr»* ■*"!■ ' ».«** 

deep, profound J^£ j i : ,3-** 

deep (sound, wakeless, unbroken) sleep J^c ^ 

agent, representative; commis- ^S j : (tSjiiu) J-** 
sion agent, commission merchant, factor 

client, customer, patron Oy/j'-S^- 

agent; hireling, jjU- < j^»-U i o'J>j» 'X^^rr) J??* 
mercenary; traitor 

4jjUu <,lif. 

unfeasible, unworkable, unrealistic 
pragmatism tJ**JI c-i-iil 

operation; process; procedure; action), activity 
transaction, deal, bargain; package 
(surgical) operation, surgery ^f'j 

a ' •'- *i -- 

(military) operation ~*i£--* <i** 

cesarean, cesarean section 

to generalize 

to popularize, universalize, general- Vj j < jlj : 1^ 
ize; to make accessible to all, open to the public at 
large; to circularize, send out, publicize, circulate, 
put into circulation, spread 

to attire with a turban iCJI a_JI :11c 

about whom, whereof, of whom, from whom jii 
to wander about, stray, rove *U < 3-» : <** ' <»* 

apraxia [ t_J» ] \S ^- <*& 

column, pillar, post, pole, pier, i»li j i <Jlt : }y*t 

' * '. ' . -_m ? '*- 


drive shaft 



spinal column, spine, y£>-" j' (5>uJI j^IjJI 

rachis, vertebral column, backbone 

crankshaft [ lSLil£~« J Ji^il j^** 

capital, chapiter j^JJI ^lj 

vertical, perpendicular, upright ^.Ij : <3j>** 

columnar j^jJIS '•&****■ 

vertically; perpendicularly *;?>** 

helicopter ****** 'Jt^ 

commission, brokerage; factorage s^— *~ : *J>»* 

generality, universality, commonness J^i : ^ _;** 

„ ' >> 
whole, entire, total, totality; all, all of jS : ^y^ 

>.' >> 
the public, the people, the masses, jj+»J- I : fy*i \ 

the populace, the commons, the rank and file; all, 





stubbornness, obstinacy, obduracy, head- ojjll* : jLc 
strongness, opinionatedness, willfulness, self-will, 
pertinacity, bullheadedness, pigheadedness, hard- 
headedness, mulishness, doggedness, unruliness, 
intractability, inflexibility, adamancy, intransigence 

Auriga [tiUiJ iLc^l jj : jL* 

she-kid, young she-goat jiJ.1 j'jljl ^1 : jLi 

caracal, desert lynx 

embrace, embracing, hug(ging), cuddle, iiill. : jLc 
cuddling, enfolding, accolade 

periwinkle (oL) <u»Lc 

clouds oikl. :uLi 

firmament, sky, heaven(s) «lllJI (jl_p 

rein(s) (UJJI ^_. :<jLc 

care, keeping, protection, charge, *llj»l 4 ilej : iuLc 
custody; attention, consideration, heed, notice; 

carefulness), caution, pru- ii»l»- 4 J»C^-I : <>(~c 
dence, providence; diligence 

divine providence 

intensive care (»JJ 


fox grape; (black) nightshade 


pokeberry, poke, pokeweed 

berry of grapes, a grape 

acinus io^iLLc Sui. j oL^JJl 

' ■» - - t ,.',* *t .- *i 
ambergris j>UJI jxL^ J Ji.:.,J L*^. SjL. :j^Lc 

sperm whale, cachalot 

,«,*:, ,,4 j) iiiU <jLc 

(oLj) i_.U^ 
(oLi) OjJI L 

warehouse, storehouse, mag- oj±* < P'j" 1 ' 'j' f 
azine, depot, storeroom), stockroom 

hold, cargo deck i; : »„M o'y>^ 

hold, cargo department iJ[U\ o'yii. 

hangar, shed ol^'U> S^Jij- 

*»-!j — j~jJI o-L»-l_j •Oj^-* 

customs broker, customs agent cr J*^" Jr** 

all-inclusive, inclusive, comprehensive, thorough, ««c 
massive, sweeping, wide, general, universal; 
whole, total, full, complete; ample, abundant, 
plentiful, copious, large, great 

to occur to, suggest itself to, present itself jji : J j* 
to, appear to 

concerned, interested; worried, {$+*• < i^** : (i***) ') u* 
solicitous, preoccupied 

from; off, away from ^ : j* 

out of, motivated by, because of, i___> 4 «J I-l. : ^* 
for, by reason of, due to 

about, on, over, concerning, re, olL 4 Sy '-'c^- 
regarding, with regard to, with respect to, in re- 
spect of, respecting, with reference to, in relation 
to, in connection with 

for, on behalf of, in behalf of, in ,y. ijLJlj : ^ 
someone's name, as a substitute for 

after _uu -.^ 

to, toward(s), at, on i-j-li 4 jJs- 4 J* 4 J J :^t 

to yield to, submit to, surrender to 


:J Li 

to take by force S^illj jl»-I : Li 

to concern, affect, interest, mean; to wor- j- jl »Lt 
ry, disquiet, preoccupy 

to mean, intend, purpose, have in j| jl 4 .uai : ^j* 

to mean, denote, signify, Jtjj; ^^ jU I : ^^j. 
import, designate; to imply, suggest 

to concern, affect, interest, mean; to wor- jSi\ «Lc 
ry, disquiet, preoccupy 

LvlC j Ljiurlj-^ y^ 

i.e., that is, that is to say, namely, viz. ^s-\ 4 i jJu 

, -•» , s, », 
to torment, agonize; to burden, J* Jiil 4 ujk : { ^a 

overburden, oppress, weigh down on 

pains, trouble, effort, toil, labor, hard jS 4 i_jw : >Li 


I jjL :i 

seller of grapes 

jujube (&^>) 

reddish brown, russet, burgundy (u>UI) ^uc 

lumbago j«i»JI Ji-I Jl 4 (jU»i :rL* 




subjectivist £>jl*JIj JJli ■.'^jj^. 

of his own creation or invention, <jC -ll& ^. i Ob ju 
from his own mind 



iron-tipped walking stick 

.-» — * , ** , 3, ^ , ^ ', 

to be or become (;lr;ll i-. ) ■,..:«•- ',, :r - '.r :r - 'j :r - 

a spinster, an old maid 

race, stock, descent u ^j r ( J^c 

' i" * ' "' 
origin, root J*e! : j*a^s. 

element; component, constitu- J«lc. 4 J jU i^^a.'.c 
ent, ingredient; factor 
(chemical) element 

Whitsuntide; Whitsunday, 

racial; ethnic; racist, racialist 
elemental, elementary 

* n * ' •> 

• - ■" •" °* * * '- 

racism, racialism Vjf : Ssj-*- 6 

squill, sea onion (i-.l.;)^ J'-/! - J >.'<•. 

to intensify, heighten, strengthen; to ^jy , 

be or become (more) violent, (more) vehement, 

fiercer), harsh(er), (more) intense, severer) 

i-a -J - J*- 1 j — (^* bJ : (J* J I 

to scold, upbraid, berate, chide, j^t 1 t_J I 1 ry j : <. 
tongue-lash, reprove, rebuke, reprimand, repre- 
hend, censure 

to treat harshly, severely, roughly, ^c lli 
cruelly, without mercy 

violence; vehemence, iyt 1 5 ji : uLc 
fierceness, intensity, roughness, harshness, sever- 
ity, sternness, drasticness, toughness; force, use of 
nonviolence; passive resistance olL&^I 

turbine *~!S ''r\' e - 

vigor; prime, bloom; power, might, force; ul^ii* 

leverage, clout, authority; pride, haughtiness, 

neck <Jj :jie tjip 

severity of winter 



uveal, uveous 




i_J» J j«ac J ,, ^ i.aj : 4 1 1 ; 6 

[wjw] 4 ; : . : , ; , I Ij ii^i ji : u*** 

(oLl) il. 

[mjw] iljUjJI ^jliJI iili :4;,...j 

i* - - 

to meet with hardship, be in distress 5 jJJ I ,i] 
to sin, commit a sin J I : 1 

to constrain, coerce, compel, force o^i I : c 

- '•* - s - 

to overburden, oppress J* JiJ I : c~Lc 

distress, affliction, hardship; i_j lii « ; li 1 jl^> : .-/p 
agony, torment, pain, suffering 

constraint, coercion ol^S'l : o^* 

impotence, impotency (*~jr .)»•* : *-i* 

arrogance, haughtiness, pride, ^-5J 1 il/^Lc : cL^mIc 

to be or become stubborn, obstinate, lx— t u^ : Jui 
opinionated, pertinacious 

to deviate from, swerve from ^ i_» j»i> I : jj* j^c 

- '' ^ , ,. •■- 

at, by, near; on, upon; with; u^jj u^£. i_»^i» : ju* 
when, at the time when, as 

if need be, in case of need, .La^l lie lii-U-l jl_& 
if necessary, when necessary 

I have tHJL.1 <^jJ :(5jlLc 

in my opinion, in my view, I think, ^ j j : gjjj, 
I believe, to me 

from; of 

then, at that time, at that moment, 
by then, thereupon, whereupon 

logwood, campeachy wood (4— 1 

when, at the time when, as; while, 
whilst, during 


■ Ot 


tfy*y jr^'u^'- iS^ 

the New Testament 
the Old Testament 
a long time ago 

roil i j4»ji 

-U»J U4P 0_i 

J** YAO 

I-' -•• - T .- r .-.^.,..^^.. „ .^ ( 

interest in, be interested in 

acinus **?&*■ ;•«■ J oLiJJl J^ 1 • y^'- 

*-• -^ ^ 
stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, <_l'n"- < jjli* : ■ ■ ■ '«-- 

headstrong, opinionated, willful, self-willed, perti-' 
nacious, bullheaded, pigheaded, hardheaded, 
mulish, dogged, unruly, intractable, refractory, 
die-hard, inflexible, unrelenting, unyielding, un- 
compromising, relentless, adamant, intransigent, 
bard-line, inexorable 

violent, vehement, fierce, fiery, ^.U t jjji : , i.:' r . 
intense, hot, volcanic, rough, harsh, hard, severe, 
stern, drastic; strenuous, exacting, tough 
impotent ill;. ^ ^ : ^ 

to know; to be or become acquainted with, Li^t : j^c 
familiar with 

to entrust to, com- J^»- 1 ^i^i i _j (j<»jl : -j *lJI J4* 
mit to, confide to, assign to, delegate to; to entrust 
with, charge with, commission with; to authorize 
to, empower to, invest with authority 
to keep (fulfill, live up to) one's promise «a*j j«i 

as far as I know, to my knowledge j^i.1 I',.; 

covenant, compact, convention, pact, (*("... •■■jr. 
treaty, agreement 

pledge, vow, promise, word; com- >ljill 1 o*j : 04* 
mitment, engagement, obligation 

keeping, fulfillment »li } : oi* 

protection; security, safety; guaran- ijU 1 1 i. i : o^t 
tee, safeguard 

friendship; love j j 1 ; j^. : o^i 

knowledge ii^. : oi* 

oath ^J 1 ^^j : o^t 

firman, decree, edict, order j'Cy : oi* 

epoch, era, period, time, age o^ j ' jjj ' ^A"- : -4* 

reign, rule, period (of <> "ilj « ^SCil Sx. 1 ^. : o^t 
rule), regime, time; tenure; term (of office) 






Adam's apple 

phoenix; griffin, griffon 

cluster, bunch; raceme 

bunch of grapes 

aciniform, botryoidal; racemose 

racemose gland 

cluster bomb 



cobweb, spiderweb, web 

.1 "> t\>" 

Arachnida oLLaii! ^ iiJU. :oL£ic iGU^Xi 
arachnoid matter tj jJdc jflli : ^j/JT_^-. 

tendril, cirrus 

title, heading, headline, head, streamer 

address (tiCj I _,| ylSQl ji y-ill I ) lyi 

epitome, embodiment, symbol, JlL 1 > j : 1>^ 
image, picture, typical example, incarnation, quin- 

cable address 

postal address; mailing address 

entitled, under the title of \^s. c ■'-,•; 1 y ly«j 

force, coercion, compulsion; vio- i_ij. 4 oljiTl ;iys, 


by force, forcibly, coercively, compulsorily syi 

to entitle, title; to address; to label ly*j o'j j j : y^i 

to work hard, toil, labor, drudge LJ : ^_i 

to take care of, look after, look to, j jUil : -j j^Lc 
attend to, see to, tend, watch over, keep, devote 
one's attention to; to care for; to nurse; to be con- 
cerned (about); to concern oneself with; to take an 




dry palm branches <~i^ J^JI oLatl :^*l>* 

to ramble, talk at random •u» I yc- J*- f}l£J I jyJ I 

to bend, crook, curve, twist, incline, <s^ <. ^- : £ <>c 
warp, distort 

to accustom to, habituate to, .otJu *!«*■ : ^c s$z 
inure to, season to, make used to, familiarize with 

to do (start, begin) it all over again «jl> Jc I jj*. *& 

- 1' - •' 
stick, rod l.» ^ 1 Lac : jjc 

wood v^Jji- : jjx. 

aloes (wood) 


body, build, physique, make(up), >-~^jJ ' *^j : ■>>«■ 

match, matchstick 

1 ' v. . " 

jjac i_,u,>- : J^c 

, « -* J.J 

C-Jj-SJI J I LjliuJI ijC- 

returnung), coming back, going **»■ j 4 9yrj '■ • ■*>* 
back; reversion; recurrence, reoccurence 

resumption, -Culia . ilu»l>» . <JLLl»I :JJ «j^c 

recommencement, doing again or anew, reversion 

to, returnGng) to, going back to, turning again to, 

taking up again 

. *^ * ,- 
recidivism r'j^! tij 5 - 5 > c 

• • *■- « - 

withdrawal, taking back, «U I . 1_,-»,„ : ^ S j^c 

recall(ing), retraction, recantation, cancellation, 

revocation, repeal 

desistance from, refrain- Jj-lc 4 r=^-\ : u* •■ 5 > c 
ment from, abstention from, abandonment, relin- 

claimGng), demanding) £Jlk. ij*- Sj^c 

to charm, protect or fortify with a charm ^J j : j^c 
(an amulet, an incantation, etc.) 

to pray that God protect some- JaoJ-L «J li j : i^c 
one, invoke the protection of God upon someone 


\j - UJJ. : S$« 

5- ~ • - ~ ~ ~ o' J ~ * ** • ~~ '. ^ * 

(Jj 1 U4JI f-k» 1J4/JI lUiJj- . 1^4* 4_JlC JL>I 

care, keeping, pro- <Jjj— » < uL^> ' *jUj 1 ijU- j : 004c 
tection, charge, custody, guardianship; trusteeship; 
trust; guarantee; responsibility 

to commit adultery (with), j Ji j : ( J J ) j4* ' j** 
fornicate (with), whore (with) 

> > 
adultery, fornication; prostitu- jy*i < ^ j \jte. .^c 

tion, harlotry 

j, , *• f > 

wool; colored wool 'ryr a * <-*y* ' <-»>•« : ij4* 

ally, confederate L -«r^" : •**** 

to howl, yelp, yowl (<£> I (jj I . i_J iJ I . t_i£J I ) i5j* 

much-howling; howler »lj»JI jU^ : *!•)* 

Bootes [Alt] .Lin ^Ij : ,I^JI 

howKing), yelp(ing), yowKing) (tJJ i_i5kJl) *!•)* 

CjIjjU ji»-Ij - («oJU \jhJl*) Jjl^* 
ijjU »»-lj- (ijilc L»Jji«) ((^jl^iJl) jl^C 

lutist, lutanist jj*JI cijU : jI^c 

defect, fault, blemish iU 1 1_.— t : jl^c ijl^* 

anaphylaxis [ i_J» J j lj* 

swift, swallow, martin ( j> lU»)jl^* 

average \<Sj& oy^i] *ijl>* 'j'>* 'J '.J* 

Herbivora, herbivores t-»i«JI o^5"l :i-Jil^* 

plankton •L.- l jJr> oil Li jl oLj^--*- JJh'^* 

swimmer »-C» :^l>* 

floating dock *l>t u«^ 

buoy |>Ul jlij)l^iJU» :olj>ft 
raft, pontoon, float ii- j . ci^i» : i* I j* 

life buoy 5 i>»J I i* I j* 



fierce (internecine, endless, intermittent) 6 1>* <-r 


" w: '■;; ■■,-■ ,■,- ■■ ~ 

Jj^»i »»-lj-JlSCil < j^il :Jj* 

to float, launch, buoy up, set afloat, »yi *L*- : Vj* 
keep afloat 

floating), flotation, flotage, buoyancy yj> : »j* 

swimming, natation &-C. : »^c 

abstruse, recondite, obscure, oiuu i (_««*« i ,*-• : (^ajj* 
difficult, hard; complicated, complex, intricate, 

wail(ing), lamentation), lamen- *-l^j i t_— »j : Ji.j* 
ting, crying out in grief 

subkingdom U^^l j-*r-<*> d) ek)* 

• ' . •> ^ - 

inarticulate, unable to express one- ajlL j _)»-U : ,«« 

self, faltering, stammering 

unable, incapable, powerless, impotent j^-Lc : ^t 

inarticulateness, incapability of jJLJI j j« :^ 
expressing oneself, faltering, stammer; aphasia 

*Ljtl «flj— Ja»£ < <_*»j : (jC 

incurable (irremediable, remediless) disease »Cc if I j 

faultfinding, captious, carping, alii "ill. J^. : i_,lli 
censorious, hypercritical, very critical, cynical; 
faultfinder, captious criticizer, chronic critic, carp- 
er, censurer, blamer 

repitition, reiteration; recurrence, reoc- j \£z : jC* 

visit, call ijCy.a'iLe. 

clinic, office (of a physician) ( ■ -_- W I ) JjCc 

clinical J^^. ^C^. 

j^t fr'j - «^JI < ^Laicl : jlic 

taking or seeking refuge, seeking *lidl i ^ 

J ^ 

: J>C 

to lose an eye, be or become one-eyed J^.\ jL> :'j^ 

to deprive of one eye, make blind in j^. I »^l»o : Jp. 
one eye 

to gauge, test the accuracy of U^U : (^-jISQI ) j^c 
(measures or weights) 

one-eyedness, loss of one eye jy. ^ I i) U- : j^e 

private parts, loins, genitals, genitalia, i t^. : ij^g. 
genital organs, pudenda 

defect, fault, blemish 

to be or become poor, needy, desti- Jui I : J*-^) I j^* 
tute; to be reduced to poverty 

to lack; to be lacking, want-ji-^ Jj, ji : f!jJI jji 
ing, missing, nonexistent, absent 

lack, want, needGness), privation, depri-.o* ( Jii : j^* 
vation, destitution, poverty, indigence, penury 

boxthorn, matrimony vine 
kestrel, windhover 

-* ii '' * •'• ■■■'•' 

to be or become abstruse, recondite, Cajji 0^ : l>*J* 
obscure, difficult, hard 

to compensate, indemnify, recompense; to lAj* 
repair, redress, remedy, make amends, make good; 
to make up for, offset, compensate for; to give in 
exchange for; to substitute for, replace with 

substitute, offset, setoff, compensa- Jjli. i |Jjj : ij>^ 
tion, recompense, indemnity, reparation; consid- 
eration, return, equivalent 

instead of, in place of, in lieu of, as jc U»^c i \joyc- 
a substitute for, in replacement of, in exchange for, 
against, in return for, for 

to rely on, depend on, count |J5Cj I i olil : J* Ll j* 
on; to trust (in), have confidence in 

to resolve to, determine to, ..".,.» < ,jt : J* J^t 
decide to; to intend to, purpose to 

to wail, lament, cry 
sustenance, support, food 


i :'Sjt 

oy t iJ^ju U : j j* 




# # 

SjllJI x-c 

»&! jl* 
jill |*-^r x-c 
-'*n' "l- '•"' 

4i. n iiM (t^'J X-C 

Jt '- *■ • 

l5j~* J-£ 

jS3i a-* 


jl u^j^l x 


Transfiguration (Day) 

evacuation day (of foreign troops) 

All Saints' Day 

New Year's Day 


Thanksgiving Day 

Ascension Day, Holy Thursday 

Epiphany ^UajJI jl jjiiJI x-c 

flag day (JlJI x^c 

Labor Day, May Day Jill I j I Jllll t -uc 

Whitsunday, Pentecost ^--li I x-c ioj^ijJI x-c 

Easter <«LiJI x-c 1 »«,nill x-c 

Lesser Bairam yJitA I x*J 1 1 jiaii I x-c 

Corpus Christi 

national day 

centennial, centenary, 100th anniversary "iSy^ x-c 

carnival *ij.\ x-c 

the Prophet's Birthday lJj^—II cS>-JI -iJjil x-c 

Christmas, Xmas T^r^ J ^r* -4* ' J ^' -^f- 

birthday i>»*^ ■?>?■? x-c 

festive, festal, festival (V^rji? ' xjJL J»U- :tsx\* 

feast's gift or present xjJ I «_L»j ^U-" i,x» : «jX*c 

(given on the occasion of a feast) 

,• t , *,, ,-„, 

to gibe, taunt, scoff at; to cSj»-l i ult i _> lj» :jl* 

reproach, rebuke, upbraid, blame; to humiliate, 

degrade, disgrace, shame, discredit, dishonor 

■ -ii V - • ' *V 
wild ass, onager cr"->" j 1 *?- ' (jr^J J*-*f '-Jtf 1 

nb, vein oLj <»jj j Jjt- \j~c- 

caravan iiili i^;* 

insignificant, trivial, unimpor- j<jJ I j ^j jl»JI j "Jl 
tant, worthless; neither here nor there 

to keep alive, let live, make live tr-^i *!*»■ : yll* 

life; living, existence, subsistence »Ci- : jl** 

('iU) 4J>L ijii p-lj -Jil. iC«JI 

wandering, roaming, j^^x. ( «£lx. i <_»l^l> : jilt 
roving; wanderer, rover; loafer, loiterer, idler, 
bum; vagabond, vagrant, tramp 

standard; gauge, (standard) measurednenOj^Lli : jll* 
caliber; fineness 

shot, gunshot 

standard; normal 

bread seller 

shouting, crying, yelling, screaming 

(jUlc i I 

family, household, house, dependents J_c : JL* 

tired, fatigued, exhausted, weary; 0^ ' J* j* : oCc 
faint, feeble, weak, languid 

incapable, unable, powerless, helpless j»-U itjL* 

- 1. 




r^jjl UU 

• -f'r 



-i-x- f»-lj ' 

- <-»llf 

" i' ' • r 
view(ing), seeing, witnessing 5jl»1x» : uUf 


ijLc jl»L1 


0^ y£J ^ ci* yr* : g^ 


~»*j?& <ji*^. <£* : </!^ 


(jLf jlaIx. •(j^* 


defect, fault, vice, blemish, flaw, imper- 
fection, deficiency, failing, shortcoming, drawback, 

shame, disgrace iijf- 1 jU 

bag, trunk, suitcase i-- 

to celebrate (observe, keep, hold) a xJU Jxj- j : x** 

feast, feast day, festival, holiday ±j» 

Father's Day <Si\ x-c 

Independence Day J^-.'ill x-c 

Greater Bairam j^-SCJI xjJI i ^f^^ jlj 

millenium, 1 000th anniversary Jp I x-c 

Mother's Day ^ i\ x-c 

Assumption ►Ijilll JUijI x-c 



specie, coin(s) 
cash, ready money 

<u <Lc :, 

property, assets, personalty, cilL. i Jl^»l i JL. : l j~c. 
personal property, chattel(s), goods 

usury; interest 5ojI» i C j : l j~c 

4A*0 i oj*>- 

choice, pick, prime, flower, 
cream, top, elite 

notable, dignitary, person of distinction, <u*-j i^-t 
prominent person, leading personality, VIP 
lord, master, chief, head x~. : j-t 

substance, essence 
the same, the < 

j*>f : i>* 



*" .'li'- 

very same, the very, the selfsame, the identical 

opal {(j*j*~)&.&--i£&'£* 

second radical of a verb 


in kind, in specie 

an eye for an eye, tit for tat 

with the naked (or unaided) eye 

none other than, the very, the very iulc yi , 
same, the same, the selfsame, the identical; per- 
sonally, in person 

-.- * - . •- - - < 

concrete noun [ iwJ ] jli ' I 

with one's own eyes <j^\ .{, t <ulc IL 

..' . \, «„' 

to see with one's own eyes i>*" <-S'j <i'j 

individual duty 

• - f • - 
LTJ* (J* J* 
. « J . . 

wild cow, antelope, oryx tr*~^ ' >4 • t>* 

sample, specimen, pattern, sampling 


random sample 

. • - »'*- 

ocular, eye-, ophthalmic, optic t jl*Jlj **& j J : Ir^ c 



mushrooirKsJ.champignontsXoLi)^: <-XjA 
life, lifeway, life-style, ylllJI j (o>L.I jl) <SjjJ» 

way (manner, style) of living 

g jt^ all lS_> " " * 

standard of living, living standard 

fjr* f-f'j "cr-*" J ( Vj^-I j') **>./!» «»LJ- :<~ 
to shout, cry, yell, scream . i-U> : Jalc 

disgust, aversion, loathing, jlj?,«.r.l i «j^ : uUl* " *./- 
detestation, abhorrence 

Jul oflj-*il*l ^yl ioJjL |.li :J1* 

to have a numerous family iJLc ^£ : Jli 

JL oflj-jijj :J1* 

to lose patience a^ J~c 

family, household, house, (iiLj Jjllij Jllc r-) Jr^ 

to specify, determine, fix, pinpoint, individ- joj- : j^* 
ualize, particularize, itemize, designate, identify, 
mark (out), indicate, point out, set, stipulate, lay 
down, assign, appoint 

to appoint, assign, nomi- ( £ j* jl i_,,n:« j) jlc 
nate, designate, name (to an office or post) 

to earmark, single out, designate, j j I < ^w : j-f 
destine, assign, set aside or apart 

to allot, apportion, allocate, assign 

to identify, establish or deter- i" .a,-*,.'.' 
mine the identity of 

eye j~aJ I ^.i* : j** 

evil eye >j-j <-;- — a.- j^c < <• j ^j.* * ^j-i 

spring, source, fountainhead, head- *ry—i '■ (j^- 

spring, wellhead, wellspring, springhead, fountain, 


> *~ 

spy wy^r '-Ck* 

• '. * 
scout, reconnoiterer, 


overseer, inspector, supervisor, 

lookout, guard, watch(man) 
eye, threading hole 

1 J 1 ^ 1 Cx* 

Capella [dli]j^i 

to fail to, be unable to do, be incapable (_* jl ^) ^ 
of; to be unable to find the right way or method 

to falter, hem and haw, stam- f^l&l jl jJ«JI J ^ 
mer, stutter, splutter, stumble, mumble, mutter, be 
unable to express oneself, be inarticulate 

eyelet; ocellus 

real, real estate, lancKed) 'tsj&* 

in rem lu>>^ J <««<'•»«.. j«* 

corporeal, material 
in kind, in specie 
right(s) in rem 
contribution in kind 
eyepiece, ocular, eyeglass 

*;■■■■■& <» M i m « 
,. 'i _ s ., 

j4S>>il <L.O£ ,J _-^ f - 

S^ \y >Jr yy '^^ >^ ^r t^ >^ >^ Mr >^ ^^ 

^^ ^^ ^^^^^fr^^^^^fr^^r^^^W'^Kr'yji^ 

to lose consciousness, <ucj jl ajI^o ^ oLc 

become unconscious, faint, swoon, pass out 





law of the jungle 


forest, wood, thicket, woodland, jungle <=>->>- :oLc 

past, bygone, elapsed 

*j*aL* i i^ysrjt • y If 

the past 

ye*W :^UI 

old times, ancient times, ^jUI raill i SjjUI uLj^I 
remote past, immemorial past 

sylvan, wooded, woodsy, woody, wood-^«»-ji- :^-jI« 

to succor, relieve, aid, help '^ ( ^,li| : Ole 

to send rain upon, water with rain '}%} I iil oU. 

early comer; one who goes or leaves (cS jUI) jU 
early in the morning 

going back and forth, walking to and fro; ~JI J3 jli 
coming and going 

to go early in the morning to \'j£\* «l; | : &s\h. 

(delicate) young girl, (tender) iLJ iltll I \'J. I : SjU 
young woman 

to leave, depart form, go away <jt Ji-j i d^ . - j jU 
from, go out of, quit; to walk out of 

paddle (Jlik. :tijjl* 

to sink, sink down, sink in, fall • «'Vt I i LL»- : jU 


absent, not present, not there, away; j*>U- ^lc : i_JU 
absentee; truant 

hidden, concealed, inivisible, unseen y~' - : t_JU. 

third person [iil] >_JUI iil^ it _JU 

hollow, sunken, deeply set, deep-set, cavernous jJlc 

diver, plunger; diving, plunging; sub- ,_^>l^* :,>ajU. 
merged, immersed; sunken 

pearl diver o^kij jJ jL I J* ^k-I I j '^yi [>. : ^U 

feces, excrement, stool, evacuation, dejec- jQ : iaJU 


calamity, disaster, catastrophe 

cloudy, clouded over, overcast 

final; teleological 

finality; teleology 

to absent oneself, be or remain j^aJ- 1 ^ i_iU«J :<->U 
absent, be or stay away, fail to appear or show up, 
fail to attend or be present 

to disappear, vanish; to hide jzL I ( i jzi- 1 ;LU 
(oneself), conceal oneself, keep oneself out of sight; 
to be or become hidden, concealed, sheltered, 
mantled, covered 

to set, go down, sink oji. < Jj I : uli 

to be or become far Jjli i <j> \> i ^ o*j : ^ uli 
from, faraway from, distant from; to absent oneself 
from, withdraw from; to leave, quit, part with, 
separate (oneself) from, desert 




j— HMnmwaBig»jM,v 

er; marauder; conqueror; ghazi, warlord, champi- , 
on, hero 

to court, woo, speak words of love Jj L... -» , ' i : UjU 
to, show love or affection to, seek to attract by 
flatteries; to flirt with, dally with, philander with 

spinner (of yarn) J !>• ' Jj*j o - :Jjl* 

gasoline ^^ : jJjjU 

gaseous jUI J J ^y^» : <ij* 

carbonated water, soda water, soda, pop <> jlc »L-. 

soap oyS^ : Jynle 

lye <3^1j J^-j. : Jj-.U 

marshmallow, sweet weed ( oLj ) Jj- U 

unjust, unfair; oppressive, tyran- t_«eU « (JU» : j*il* 
nical; wanton, outrageous, malicious; brute, brutal; 
oppressor, tyrant 
pericardium i_. U II <-*>£■ :<*»»l* 

misfortune, calamity, disaster v - - .a« : *tr^* 

resurrection <* ^* : <^ ^ 

servants, attendants, retinue, *^^ ' f •*»■ : i-i U 


to dive into, plunge into, submerge in, J* jl J y<»U 

sink into, become immersed in 

choked (jJj <->\'J^\ ji f£J»M '^ 

- •' * 
overcrowded with, congested [1* ip*-ij>:-> ^U 

with, jammed with, packed with, crammed with, 

serried with, full of, swarming with, teeming with 

'" f 

to decrease, diminish, recede yiisu 1 4 y-aii : yi I* 

' ' *•' ' '• 1 • 

i_..ncl <uf 1 j — t_«rf>le 

angry, furious, wrathful, irate, mad, en-O^-^ • t rr*^* 
raged, infuriated, angered, exasperated, acerbated, 
incensed, inflamed, irritated, vexed, embittered, 
seething, steaming, boiling, out of temper 

diver, plunger 
draft (of a ship) 

(i, , : iiM.ll) Lr I>U 

JiU.1 (uflj-JiU 

in, cave in, collapse, go down, subside, give way 

to penetrate (into); to plunge y^U 4 J»- * : j jU- 
into, dive into 

to be jealous of ^ jU- 

to protect jealously, be jealous of or for, be J* jU 
vigilant in guarding, be watchful in keeping, be 
solicitous for, show care or concern for, display 
zeal or enthusiasm for 

(oL>) jU 

cave, cavern, grotto 
laurel, bay; daphne 
laurel(s), bay 

withers J?^ J 1 *' ' ^j^" ^jl* 

JV-^lj-ojUl j* :p.i (ii) ^ii 

raid, invasion, incursion, inroad, f^so 1 5 jy- : SjU 

foray, attack 

air raid *j>r »ji* 

gardenia V^y) ^*i^J^* 

ingrown (toenail, etc.) I,|J»1I I j) jj I* 

planter, grower; cultivator; arboricul- «> jlj : y-jl* 


drowned; sunk Jj^c : Jjl* 

sunken, submerged, flooded, inundated j^uc : JjU 

Lauraceae oLJI j? ii~ai :oUjU 

agaric oyjj^l _/!»» 'Ujiijl* 
gas jl* 

flatus, flatulence, gas, wind SjuII jl t ji*Ji j jU 
mustard gas J^>J-I j^- 

poison gas f L jU 

natural gas oC^' J^ 

coal gas fiJ^JI jl* 

tear gas, lacrimator ^* -»D J--^ jU 

gas mask jliJ I fki 

invader, raider, attacker, aggressor, harri- {<s jUl) jU 




to cause to commit a JJui i J»lill j <uijl : JaJU 

mistake, cause to err; to seek to involve in errors 

or mistakes, induce into error; to mislead, deceive, 


mistaken, at fault, in error, wrong 


gallery; furniture showroom 




to cloud (over), grow or become 
cloudy or overcast 

to venture, adventure, risk, hazard, (JjU- : (j) y U 
stake, take a risk, take a chance 

overwhelming, overflowing, all-engulfing, j£$ '-j*\* 
all-encompassing; (super)abundant, copious, plen- 

obscure, vague, ambiguous, equiv- jiL. t ^. : Ja» I* 
ocal, unclear, indistinct, uncertain, dark, dim, 
cloudy, misty, hazy, abstruse, recondite, incom- 
prehensible, unintelligible, inscrutable, cryptic, 
enigmatic, mysterious, mystic(al), occult 

dark, deep ^lii^biJ^U 

successful; winner, gainer; looter, plunderer, (»j U 
spoiler, spoliator 

beauty, belle, beautiful woman, 
pretty girl 

aberrant, errant, erring, deviating, stray, 'Jli> : jle 
(going) astray, misled, misguided 

.-••» -- -' —i. 
purpose, aim, goal, end, <_ij n_»a* i^iji. :ol* 

objective), design, intension) 

utmost, extreme, ^ ju i _t>- 4 ^^ai I « ^r,:.. : i, U 
limit, extreme limit, utmost degree, highest degree 

as far as, up to, to the extent of, to the liS" iC U 
degree of, until, till 

extremely, exceedingly, highly, \'jS iU j t £U1J 
greatly, too, very (much), most, to the greatest or 
highest degree 

the end justifies the means iLL. \ji I j^-J ij IaJ I 

to differ from, be different from, diverge LiJU- :jjU 
from, be unlike, be dissimilar to, be in contrast 
with; to be contrary to, opposite to, inconsistent 

MaMMMJMK^Hini r-< 

:■-■- ■ ■ >!=' , 'iJ 

asleep; sleeping; slumbering, dozing, J I; :( i j\ii\) <JU 



jys. p-lj -jili 


to take advantage of someone's inad-.clii.3m I : ^il* 
vertence (inattention, heedlessness, negligence) 

to take unawares, take by surprise, o*L : ^iU 

inattentive, inadvertent, unmind- *■'•- ^j. « «L : JiU 
ful, mindless, unaware, negligent, heedless, care- 
less, incautious, unwary 

And God is not unmindful 

cormorant, shag 


padlock; lock, latch 

expensive, high-priced, costly, 

olj* : Jit 

dear, valuable, precious, costly, 
invaluable, priceless 

dear, (well-)beloved, dearly loved.i 

extremist, radical; fanatic; (J^k^* : (»^ tt) J^- 
extreme, immoderate, unrestrained 

boiling, ebullient, bubbling (up) o&ill iJU- j : JU 

to exaggerate, overstate, overdo, i>y I < iJL : j JU 
overdraw, magnify, be excessive in, exceed the 
proper bounds or limits in 

to raise the price of, demand too 4_ui o j : _, ^U 
high a price for, overcharge for, charge too much for 
to fight, combat, try p jL> 1 y 3 \i t LjJj Jj| JjU- :LJU 
to defeat or overcome; to contend with, struggle 
with, wrestle with 

victor, conqueror; winner; victo- j^a, tjiU» :^JU 
rious, triumphant; overcoming, triumphing over 

(pre)dominant, preponderant, ji»ll- « aJL : i_JU 
prevailing, prevalent 

in most cases, mostly, for the most i_JUI j ( ClU. 
part, largely, by and large, generally, in general, 
most of the time, more often than not; most likely, 
most probably, in all probability 



the Earth yij'ill : »ljll)l 

the poor, poor people, paupers »l ^liJ I yj i *\j^ >j 

barren (unproductive, unfruitful) year »l^«i iL. 

dust jLc- '-"ij-A 

dust color 

gabardine ^—j r»— «J :^jj-c 

dark(ness); dusk; twilight ii-* lyl-i 

- ". * 

'■» , • *,'',' 
to envy o^» J^- J~? cr-*^ : J"-** 

to make envious Jalil I J* <dui- : Jalc 

envy J»~c j j«<h : Jale 

envy Jalc ^ j^u : <Jalc 

happiness, exultation, bliss, felicity « jUI : iJalc 

beatitude, blessedness wi^* '• *^rf 

- . > ' i' • 

His Beatitude, His Emi- iklvJI i--»-U« ' u^» <J»~? 


to wrong, aggrieve, treat unjustly pu»- 1 ^» i Jd> : l ^i 
or inequitably; to prejudice, injure, disadvantage; 
to cheat, dupe, defraud 

to take in, tuck oyJ I jj-i 

injustice, inequity, unfairness, wrong; j-c « ^^i < l ^*c 
injury, prejudice, loss, detriment, disadvantage; 
fraud, deceit, cheating), defraudation 

to be ignorant of, have no 4lt>- : <lLc j I *,-i) I ,_*e 
knowledge of 

to be unknown to <Jlc S t — 1J1 ,^i 

'.» -. « „ - 

stupid, foolish, silly, dumb, dense, 4L I t L ^>- 1 : ,_»« 

dull, thickheaded, thick-witted, dim-witted, fat- 
witted, unwise, idiotic, imbecilic, imbecile; fool, 
dolt, imbecile, idiot, simpleton, dullard, dunce, 
dunderhead, thickhead, blockhead, fathead, 

sorb, rowan, mountain ash, service tree (j*Z.) «l^llc 
to dip, plunge, immerse ^JLc 1 J>i : c^ 

to suppress one's laughter tSU^oJ 1 cui- 

to be or become lean, thin, meager; to be lli 0^ :£x 

with, incompatible with, conflicting with, in 
conflict with, at variance with 

J»U.l «j«-lj - iajU 

to visit at intervals Lc jl j : <_^ 

to visit every other day^l *£ j) Ujj oljl :<ci L»i 

to attack every other day 

after, following 
to visit at intervals 
tertian fever 


volcanic dust 
cosmic dust 

irreproachable, unimpeachable, impec- *li* jC* "il 
cable, immaculate, untouchable, faultless, flawless, 

unsurpassable, unrivaled, jLc *J t pj x 1 a jL* j^i. * 
unequaled, unparalleled, unmatched, matchless, 
peerless, incomparable 

to dust off, shake (off) {jt.) jLJ I yiij 

dusty, pulverulent, powdery tSj^* 

stupidity, foolishness, silliness, dumbness, «Lc : Sjllc 
thick- wittedness, dim-wittedness, fatwittedness, 
idiocy, imbecility 
dewlap, wattle; double chin, gill(s) juJ : v 

to pass, elapse, go by; to be past, elapsed, ^ : j-i 

,' - * ' -s- 

to raise dust 

to dust, soil or cover with dust 


recrudescent or reopening wound 

remainder, rest 

'■** '** 




scrofula, king's evil 



prostate gland, prostate 

gonad, sex gland 

mammary gland 


exocrine gland 

thyroid gland, thyroid 

lacrimal gland, tear gland 

sebaceous glands 


endocrine gland, ductless gland 

(5jjjL»- 1 j> jUi- 

4-jJu OJLC 


i^ ; : 


4-» ij o-LG 

.» ■ * * - ' 


»Im0 oJLC 

pineal body, pineal gland, pineal organ, <»jjy-« S-ii- 
pineal, epiphysis 

-S - *» 

sweat gland V^ •- 

racemose gland <> jjJLLc 5jlc 

adrenal gland, suprarenal gland, supra- ijjJiS' 5jj 

salivary gland i-jU Sjlc 

lymph node, lymph gland <jj^J «ic 

pituitary gland, pituitary body, hypoph- l^Aa ijJ. 

parotid gland, parotid 


plail JJill pic 

to betray, sell out, be ^- njU- :(<u jl U>i) jJ* 'jJ* 
disloyal or faithless to, act treacherously toward; to 
double-cross, deceive, cheat 

perfidy, betrayal, treachery, disloy- j^- « iiCi- : j ji 
alty, faithlessness, unfaithfulness, infidelity; double 
cross, deception, cheating) 

to be copious, abundant, heavy jji. : ^Lll jjx 

copious, abundant, heavy jj^i : Jjx 

going or leaving early in the morning; »jj* i jj* ijjx 
morning errand 

- V - ■ '■ 
early morning S^SL :ijj* 


! .,". ' ' .a§— mhsu 

or become weak, poor, inadequate, inferior 

to suppurate, fester, matter, form or ^iJ : L*ij 

discharge pus 

lean, thin, meager, scanty; weak, J$ /, 4 Jj>» : ^* 

poor, wretched, miserable, inadequate, inferior 

SCUm ojUJ» i Ju j : *ii* 

leanness, thinness, scanti- ; f I j j i Jl^» : XJjle t <jI£* 
ness; weakness, poorness 

to nauseate, feel nausea, be nauseated, (<uij c-j <j*« 
feel or become sick, be disgusted 

nausea, sickness, qualmishness, queasi- (jLi* ' j^i* 
ness, disgust 

pus, matter »Jj : c..^ 

Gypsies, Gipsies jki) I < j*c 

Gypsy; gypsy c5j*c 

tomorrow, (the) morrow, (the) next or fol- jil I <■ J* 

lowing day 

tomorrow j*J! j i Ijjj 

the day after tomorrow jjj o*j 

to go or leave early in the morning ojjjj i_-» i : 'j* 
to become, grow, turn (into) jU> : 1 jjj 

to go back and forth, walk to and fro; to ^1 jj \jj. 

come and go 

to give lunch to J fljill »jj :u>ji 

lunch, luncheon j+kll ^Q> : *Ij* 

breakfast v-CaJI *Q» : f lji- 

->' -•' -i-' 
early morning S^Sy i »j jx. : o I j* 

perfidious, disloyal, faithless, unfaithful, jjU :j'-"* 
treacherous, traitorous, false, untrue; traitor, be- 
trayer, double-crosser, deceiver, cheat 
fusil; carbine; gun <3jU »-M« :ojIj* 

raven; rook (>">) i*^-' j' J >-l *->l^c :<Jlj« 

coracoid L?VJ , ~ J J t> v^ : yt 


clothes peg, rail, rack, hook oLJI olc ju; L. : 61 J* 


#> •#■ 




blade (of an ax); edge 


raven; rook 




night heron 

l*n '*•'•'. r' 
(j-'j" j»">* •Vj* 

y '-•; -'. 

(jJU.) Jiil ol^i 

strangeness, oddness, oddity, iL^c *,«1J I o£ '• *j Ij* 
queeraess, curiousness, peculiarity, weirdness; 
bizarreness, eccentricity, grotesqueness 

coracoid [~jw] T^ I jlc- :^'j» 

coracoid y?'^* p-^* 

Corvidae O^jf" *. L .a. » :OUjIj« 

deceptive, delusive, illusory, illusive, p-loj- :jlj* 
false, fallacious, misleading; luring, alluring, tempt- 
ing; dazzling 
edge of a sword '-*r-" -^ 'j'j? 

lead, example, model, r Jj— ' ' J^r ' J-^- : j'j* 

pattern, type 

in a hurry, hurriedly, hastily iliuu : j\yt Ac 

like, similar to; after the pattern *JLL. : 1 j£ j\ji Ac 
of, after the fashion of, in the manner of, after 

alike, similar, after one o^^-* : -f- ' J j bf ii* 


inexperience , naivete , naivety , artless- i»- 1 i~ : 5 j l^e 

ness, gullibility 

sack, bag Jj* 'ii">?" :5 j'j* 


*-o* cf-'j • 

l O~J*i 


planting time o~S^ ' °*J ■ lt' A 

arboriculture; cultivation, culture; plant- i* I jj '■*~*\je. 
ing, growing, raising 


jiiJI |.Ui» tJjlJ :i5j* 

to lunch, have lunch 

to have (take, eat) break- j-CaJ I ^lli> cfjLj : <5-ki 
fast, to breakfast 

glandular; adenoicKal) jo£ _>l Sot J I o^-L. :i5j* 

brook, creek, rivulet, rill, small stream 





braid, plait, pigtail, queue, <>l j i 1 5^iu» : (^w<) »ji>& 
tress, lock (of hair) ' s 

oil j»-lj- J* 

(jii. »-lj-IJ* 

to feed, nourish, nurture, aliment 

to feed, charge; to provide with, tJI Uy /\ ijl (jit 
supply with 

nourishment, nutriment, nurture, nutrient, oy : »l J* 
food, foodstuff, aliment, victual 

diet, dietary, regimen i_l»- :(Ji^» /\ {j*^) *!->-& 

alimentary, alimental, nutritious, nourishing, ^J I Ji 
nutritive, nutritional, trophic, food-; dietic 

food(s), foodstuffs, victuals, food sub- i-jljie jI^. 


dietetics, sitology <> Ju^J I Ac- : olli I J* 

to deceive (with vain hopes), mis- ^ 4 <jjil i poj- : ^e 
lead, beguile, delude, fool; to lure, allure, entice, 
inveigle, decoy, tempt, seduce; to dazzle, blind 
edge of a sword >.j,., „ , l l ju- t^c 

fold, pleat, plait, ply *Ii» i *^ : 'ji- 

inexperienced, unskilled, untrained, ijli-l f_js. :*jz 

unsophisticated, green, fresh, raw; naive, artless, 

gullible, ignorant, tyro, freshman, colt, tenderfoot, 


cadet, recruit jt oJu i jt 

- - "* 5'. 

to glue, fix with glue, conglutinate, J^aJ I : (3^e 1 1 ^c 

glue *lji : 1^ 

-'■i i ''•! ' *'•' I s ' 

coot ^JL. ^Jll : .1^ 

glue jUoJ : »lj6 

Westerner, Occidental 
Gregorian calendar 

.» > . 

4> * 



first, beginning, start, commencement, .Ik* i J j I : a ji 
outset, onset, rise, dawn 

blaze, white spot on the ^jii I "<+*>■ J (>>4-> : 5 ji- 
forehead of a horse 




inadvertence, inattention, inattentive- ^- 4 iUi- : S^e 
ness, heedlessness, negligence 

to sing, warble I -C 4 (j^c : j,* < jj* 

singing, song, warbling, warble »Lc < ±ijZ, : j,* 

gardenia (^WO \~4?j* 

to endanger, imperil, jeopardize, ^J»JJ Jojt : j jj* 
risk, expose to danger 

risk, hazard; danger, jeopardy, peril jLi- : jj* 

aleatory contract jji- jic 

to stick into, insert into, drive <d»- jl : j f^^jji'jji 
into, thrust into, plunge into, stab into; to (im)plant 
in, (in)fix in, embed in 

to prick with a needle, etc. tr j*J : «J I »y, *5lVj tjji 
leather stirrup 1s-&*r o^O '■ jj* 

Stitch ijji li'jji '.ijji 

to plant p j j : (j»j* 

to (im)plant-, (in)fix, embed, set, cuy 1 j^i : \yji- 
insert, put, place 

to(im)plant, (in)fix, instill, inculcate, ^iJI j ^-ji- 
infuse, (en)grave, impress permanently 




i *~ij£' f-T ' J ' 


: ov* 

K^jji- ff'j — <*y* 'LTV* 

love, passion, fondness 
gram, gramme 


Ji* 1 1-^- : f lj* 

■i>jL£ji ; 

: r lj* 

fine, mulct, amercement; penalty, forfeiture o lj* 
gramophone, phonograph d)U- itil^ijjy .ujij^lj* 
amorous, amatory, love, erotic yi^c : ^ lj* 

amours, romances, love affairs, amorous oU-» lj« 


granite o\^'.C0»j\^ 

granitic ,«> lj*» : ^**j lj* 

to set, go down, sink Ji 1 4 <->U : o^e 

to go away, depart, leave i_-* i : o^ 

to be or become strange, odd, t_ijJ u j~c u^ • cjj* 
queer, unusual 

to be a stranger, a foreigner, an L«j>- 1 u^ : o^ 

'- -,.« , a'. 

to banish, exile, expatriate, expel ^ii 4 juj I : o^e 
to estrange, alienate ju 1 ^^ : o^t 

to go away, depart, leave l-»: : i^ji 

to go westward) Ljjii I yj o«J) : i~>ji- 

west (jn. .Ml <- 'j^ 6^-« :i -o* 

vehemence, violence; vigor, vital- J»Li 4 • j*- : o^ 
ity, energy 

to West, the Occident <_/^J I ji 4 <_,>) I 

the Far West J*i H I t-.>) I 

westward(s), west, toward the west 
sieve, riddle, screen 

estrangement, alienation; loneliness, 
forlornness, desolation, dreariness 

to sift, sieve, riddle, screen, garble 

sifting, sieving, fiddling, screening, gar- 
bling, garble 

western, westerly, west; oj*' ' <ij 

Western, Occidental 

' '' 

i.-. --•'■ 

4 Ojaj '• <J j£ 

: ^^ 




loss, damage 

crane (>U») ij^j* ' ^yj* 

geranium, cranesbill, pelargonium (oLi) \fyjp 
no wonder! iSjj^ "^ « 3j* ^ 'lii^ 'i^ 


setting (of the sun, of a star); sunset, sundown; «->3j6 
nightfall, dusk 

'-•--•» , >-. 
gargle <« ^>i I* : jj^ 

' . - . * >'. 
conceit(edness), self-conceit, self- yj i i_.-i.fc oj^ 

importance, vanity, vainglory, overweeningness, 

pride, arrogance 

, - >> 
deception, delusion, illusion pljL>ul : j)ji- 

vanities, trifles JJ» L I : j j^ 

gluey, glutinous, sticky, viscid, viscous iij^* 

colloidal cSj^ *tr 

strange, odd, queer, unusu- 1_.. ■».«•• i iJjJ U ^ : v--^ 

al, extraordinary, uncommon, unfamiliar, curious, 

remarkable, peculiar, weird, uncanny, eerie, 

quaint; exotic, wonderful, amazing, astonishing, 

fanciful; bizarre, eccentric, outlandish, fantastic, 


strange, foreign, alien, extraneous, J-s^ * : u-j^ 


* '■ * 
stranger, foreigner, alien, outsider <<-J!-l : s-;^ 

eccentric, odd, queer jl^J» "i\ <-r-iji- 

foreign body, extraneous 

-- • \? i 

oddity, curiosity; wonder, 
marvel, prodigy 

singing, warbling; songbird, singer, war 
bier, a bird that sings 

badger (ol>r»-) jij* 

instinct; impulse, urge, drive; nature {y)ji- r) 'jij* 

- -. . < > •- > 
instinctive 5 JO""' <JJ Vj-*-* •^JiJ* 

''- i '*.' . '• 

purpose, design, aim, end, Uj < «jlc « tio» : ytf^c 
objective, object, goal, target, intention, intent 

objects, things, effects, ~J \y « ol»-U- :jo\j.\ 
belongings, possessions, materials, stuff, articles, 
utensils, equipment 

bias, prejudice, partiality, one-sidedness ^mJ : c>4/ 
to gargle ^i^; :'ji.'j* 

to simmer, bubble, gurgle ^Ju t^^ 

guinea fowl, guinea hen; turkey *~io- i»-Uo : j*j* 
gargling jt-jZ -ojiji 

gargle <* j^j*-** ** ■ ^j^j^ 

to ladle, scoop (up), dip out (J^c 

ladling, scoopGng), dipping out ci^ jjua* : Ltji 

room; chamber; cell; compartment »>v • u ^ 


waiting room 

chamber of commerce 

living room, sitting room 

chamber of industry 

dining room 


bedroom, bedchamber 

to sink; to founder 

to drown 

*'. f 

•»-. •» 

try*- **y- 

- -•'» --a'. 

: J^c 

u^ J' 

sinking; drowning 


foreskin, prepuce 

to pay a fine 

to lose, suffer loss; to forfeit j~»- : ^ 

to fine, mulct, amerce, impose a fine i*lj«u ^)\ '-{j* 

iiic i iiij : 4J^6 

Jj-c v^ 

invasion, invading, raicKing), attacking), SjU-l :_j^c 

invasion, incursion, raid, inroad, foray, attack, Sjje 
assault; military expedition or campaign; conquest 

gauze (jlL iJij* 

abundant, copious, ample, plentiful, ji I j (jjiS - :jjje 
profuse, heavy, exuberant, superabundant, torren- 
tial, opulent 

washer, washerman, laundryman J-lc : <JL* 

washerwoman.laundressoLJ I jLiti/jo i \ja I : i) Li 

washing machine, washer 


dirty wash water, wash liquid, 
washGng), slop(s) 


Jli 4jf:(£jT)4Jlli 
(ilil) uywe iJlli 
k> J— c fU :i)Lc 

U>>waJI i)Lc 

^ ,* ^ , ' 

(_jLJI (J— C 

ardor, vigor (of youth); 
prime, bloom, heyday 

dusk, twilight, nightfall, gloaming 
to wash, rinse, lave, flush, clearKse) 
to launder 

to brainwash pill] | J'}. 

washing, wash, rinsing, rinse, lavation J.,-:' : JL* 
lavage (l!lt ^l sliil oi-i) jLi 

JLfi.1 g r \ J - [ v^-J -L*j^] J-ft 
brainwashing, brainwash p LjJI jli 

J— c {Jflj _ J— ft 

(J—*- {f 'j~j— ft 'J— ft : J-"ft 

wash water k> j~Ju U : J .A 

wash water *j jJlJJ L. : iJli <J^ 

wash water <, JlJL U : J / r 

lotion, wash JJL (j? LJ»J ji ^Ll» *j^LL : J^Li. 

collyrium, eyewash s^iJ : ^liJJ 1)^1* 

marshmallow , sweet weed ( o Li ) J jli 

(nursery) plant, sapling, seed- iki 1 ^Sjiu U : 
ling, cutting, set, transplant 

fresh, tender 
drowned; sunk 

(5jJ» ' r jU» : u^ij^ 

opponent, adversary, antagonist, rival Lai- : fji 

creditor ^y I j : /; ^ 

debtor (jtj^ '-f.ji- 

alluvium, alluvion, silt, sullage ,«J> : ,jj. 

alluvial ^iJ, :^_> 

to invade, raid, attack, assault, harry, Jx jLcl : l^t 
make a foray (a raid, an incursion) against or on; 
to maraud 

to flood, inundate; to ^i. 1 i-Lv 1 <. p'- r<\ ; \'y. 
invade, overrun, overspread, spread all over; to 
sweep (away); to overwhelm, overcome 

ijjt Wf I j — l^ft 

abundance, copiousness, amplitude, ijj < ij£ : Sjl^t 
plenty, plenitude, profusion, heaviness, exuber- 
ance, superabundance, opulence 

gazelle; deer (uL.*-) <-"3* 

spinner (of yarn) J^, ^ <. J _}U : J I jt 

'•1 _- -- 
doe, female gazelle or deer JljiJI <jol liJl^ft 

-•"> -'' 

to abound, superabound; to be or become JS :y^. 

abundant, copious, plentiful, ample 

to spin oJj :<J_)ft 

Jjlft ««-!j - _; J)ft 

flirt, flirtation, dalliance, dallying, l^w i iJ jU> : J)t 
philandering; courtship, court, wooing; words of 
love; love 

love poetry, erotic poetry ,jy. ^. : Jj^c 

spinning, spin J^c j.t-a,. : J \i 

yarn, spun thread Jj^"-* -^-*- : J>ft 

cotton candy, spun sugar "C j> <Sji&- : oLJ I o'yi. 

amorous, amatory, love, erotic Jj^J I <JJ oj--. :^J3* 

love poetry, erotic poetry llji- J^i. 


SjLXfr Ajflj— oylz (tile co 4^ 

to frequent, go to; to come to, visit jl j ( J J j V^ : ,_!* 

to cover, envelop, wrap up, overspread JLc- : [jj. 

to befall, afflict, hit, come upon, oL^I i j ^- : , A ,r 
descend upon, overwhelm 

to be or become dark lii. I : Jill I '^J. 

to sleep with, lie with, copulate with, ul, : ' l jl 
have sexual intercourse with 

to cover, mount, copulate with 



to whip, flog, flagellate, lash <,'j^> : i^LJL. a_1c 

to faint, swoon, pass out, lose conscious- -»'l' f ,_ic 
ness, become unconscious 

frequentation; visit; coming *~i t jjCj ( jVp : uLic 

incest (jjjill ^U- :,.jbJll OLif 

swoon, faint, syncope, unconsciousness, sus- 
pended animation, fainting spell; trance 

to choke, be or become («1J t^ljl) I j I *l«JaJlj) "^a* 

to be or become overcrowded }L* I i -a- j j\ : _, u^i 
with, congested with, jammed with, packed with, 
crammed with, serried with, full of; to swarm 
with, teem with 

to force to, compel to, coerce J. j\ i ^ 1 : J* ■ *'•■■ 
to, oblige to, constrain to 

force, forcing, compulsion, coer- fUjI i jL^- 1 : *_ 
cion, constraint 

by force, forcibly ,_.' n :ll, , l"„'r 

in spite of him, in defiance of him, against a^c >'Vir 
his will; unwillingly, reluctantly, forcedly 

that which chokes or causes ^lil j ^jUj L. : 
choking, a lump in the throat 

•> *~ i * 
pang, torment, agony, distress, jy* t ~» : iL»i 


washed J^lil -J ^ 

washGng), dirty '£jj\ ^:..'J ji ii^lil ull; : J—i 
or washed clothes, clothes washed or to be washed 
to cheat, swindle; to double-cross; to de- f-'jj- : "j± 
ceive, fool, delude; bluff, beguile; to trick, dupe, 

to adulterate, debase, extend Ji. j t jl. : 'jJc 

to rig, manipulate, juggle, falsify j Li£ : ^ii. 

erf c^'j-lt* 
cheating), swindle, swindling, im- ^—lll < s-lli^ :^i 
posture, double-dealing, deception, deceit, fraud, 
beguilement, blufKing), trickery, duplicity 
double cross, betrayal, disloyalty, faith- iiCi- : JO. 
lessness, perfidy, treason, treachery 

adulteration, debasement Ji. 'j t jl. : ja. 

to frequent, go to; to come to, visit jl_) t Jj j j^ : £* 

to haze, mist, fog, cloud, obscure, JlJ, I iiii- : J^k 
blur, fuzz, film, veil 

to cover, envelop, wrap up, overspread ^^Lc : (J ^i. 

to overlay, coat, plate JQ, : Ju. 

membrane; thin layer, thin sheet, fine surface; »L* 
integument, tegument; diaphragm; screen; film, 
pellicle; coatfing); coveKing), envelope 


arachnoid matter 


mucous membrane, mucosa 

serous membrane; synvial membrane ' [ 'W- jfLli 

membranous; integumentary "Jt^ 

Hymenoptera ol^il ^ ijj :o*J»il oULlc 

cheaper), fraud, crook, swindler, impostor, <j£li* 
deceiver, double-dealer, double-crosser; adultera- 
tor; deceitful, double-dealing, dishonest, insincere; 
deceptive, delusive, illusory, false, fallacious, mis- 

haze, mist, cloudiness, blur, film; veil, wrap, ojli* 
coveKing), envelope 

to wrong, oppress, treat unjustly 'Sii : *lc 




£V"" if J ' 



e- - ' 5 ' 


to give up, abandon, ^ ei^ I i ^ J ji : ^ ^as. 
renounce, turn away from 

to be or become lush, rich, luxuriant L-oj- ijJai 

lush, luxuriant; rich, opulent ^Jin_— oj- r^^ic 

cartilage, gristle [ „ ^ J i_»j^a* 

cartilaginous, gristly [ ^jZ J ^ jj-a* 

to wrinkle, shrivel, pucker, crease, corru- lui- : jjji 
gate, crinkle, crumple, rumple, ripple, crisp, cockle 

wrinkle, pucker, crease, corrugation, crin- jjjji tjjjji 
kle, crumple, rumple, ripple, cockle 

during, in the course of; within, in (a p yn'r- j 
given period of) 

meanwhile, meantime, in the mean- lilli ij J 

time, in the interim 

lion j_ 

fresh, tender, succulent; lush, luxu- j«ai- 1 ^it : j_ '"<■. 

tender, fresh, succulent, juicy 1s^> < j-^ : j\, V- 

to immerse, plunge, dip ■ > ■ ' ij-»* ■' -^* 

to snore ^»- : JUI Jai 

immersion, plunging, dipping ^-/.j"-' 4 ( _ r lc : ,kc 

to cover, cover up, wrap, enve- l jj- 1 1 ^£, 4 jL- : Jhz 
lop, overspread, spread over, cap, mantle, conceal, 

tocover (^11 jLJ.^1 <oUljl) Jai 

to eclipse, outshine, outmatch, over- jjjlj ( *y : L; 
top; to outweigh, overshadow 
cover, covering, wrap, wrapper, wrapping, »LLc 

envelope, mantle; veil; lid; top, cap; case, casing; 
hull; housing; bonnet; jacket 


branch, bough, twig ^JJ s^JI cy : J^ai 

twig, sprig, spray jw> (j^oi 4 t:^ 1 --* : Os - ** ' * "' r ~ 

to •Uaii- : oj*aj ,j« j I oj-aj j I 4j^J» ^ j I 4J^J» (jic 

lower, cast down (one's eyes, one's glance, one's 

to overlook, disre- 3»lki :,jc- ci^JJI jl jJilll ^»i 
gard, ignore, bypass, pass over, wink at, blink at, 
pretend not to see, shut one's eyes to, pay no 
attention to 

to derogate from, detract from, • j Ji j- Jw- : ',y "jai. 
put down, disparage, belittle; to lessen the value of, 
diminish the prestige of, lower, humble,. degrade, 
abase, debase 

* - t s ^ 

to be or become tender, fresh, ^ : ( oLJ I ) "jai. 

And say to the ^»jLajl ,j» ^aj« oL-jJJ Ji_, 
believing women that they should lower their gaze 
tender, fresh, succulent, juicy "tsj±> ij-iU '-Jot 

lowering, aver- jJkJ I Jaij- : jn \ \ j I <j\il I ^»t 
sion (of one's glance or gaze) ' 

overlooking, JaIjJ : ^ iJ^LH j I ^JiJ | ^ii 

disregardGng), ignoring, passing over, winking at, 
blinking at 

J^ f 'j ~i>* J^ 1 <>»v 

'. ' ' ' *:'.'. 

clay JLii^ i^J, :jUi* 

freshness, tenderness; lushness, luxuriance; SjUi* 
luxury, affluence, opulence; ease, comfort 

clayey ^IL»L> i^J. :iijUi* 

shortcoming, drawback, fault, t_l^ 1 1 ^ . ; ; : <LbLo* 
defect, blemish, imperfection 

tenderness, freshness, succu- 5jl^J» i SjLaJ :<^>U»i. 
lence, juiciness 

to take no offense at, have no j i^Lii. Jjhj ll 
objection to, find nothing wrong with 

to be (become, get) angry with, ( <lii 3 1 <o ) l-Jj* 
cross with, furious at, mad at, enraged by, irritated 
by; to rage, flare up, storm, seethe, steam, boil, 
flame up with rage, burst in anger, fly off the 
handle, lose one's temper 

anger, rage, fury, wrath, ire, exas- Jilt <. ^- : ■ _ '^ 
peration, indignation, irritation 






- ' * - . — . 

to make inattentive, make heedless, ^ lc 4±«i- : Ji* 
make unmindful 

unmarked, unidentified, undesignated 4-i i.^i'il : Ji* 
blank i^UfJl ^ JU- : Jii 

anonymous, without name, name- (^—^11 (j>) Jii 

less, unnamed, innominate; anonym 

» , j •'. 
undated, dateless, without a date rvj^JI Cr* J** 

".» , ' j •' 
unsigned, without signature, anony- j-i^JI j* J** 


,«,. -»^ • .* 

inadvertence, inattention, inattentive- iji- 1 y+~ 
ness, heedlessness, negligence, carelessness 


ur*" ff'j - *^** ' *^** ci* ' *^** c^* - ci* 

sudden death 

slumber, doze, nap, snooze 



'' ''. 

forgiving, condoning, ready to forgive, ry^> '-j^ 
ready to pardon; tolerant, indulgent, lenient, 
merciful; forgiver, pardoner 

great, large, numerous 1»- 1 j£$ :jJ& 

crowd, throng, large gathering, jjlc *+*- i jjlL ^r 
swarm, host, multitude 

to handcuff, cuff, manacle, fetter, Sua uui : Jc 

shackle, chain, enchain 

to insert, introduce, put in, stick in ^'i\ : ( j) Ji- 

to enter, penetrate Js- j : ( j) jc- 

to be filled with hatred or rancor, bear a Ska- : Ji- 
grudge (against), harbor malice (against) 

to burn with thirst, be very <jii»»J I St. I ^iitf- : Jc 
thirsty, suffer extreme thirst 

handcufKs), cufKs), manacle(s), aio uui :3c 

fetterfs), shackle(s), chain(s) 

rancor, grudge, spite, malice, ill will, spite- Si*- : 3* 
fulness, malignancy, venom 

to be or become expensive, high-priced [ja>-j jJ» : 5lc 

air cover '(jyr *^ 

bedcover, bedspread, coverlet, sheet jjjIJI iUac 
tablecloth S.ulll iLU 

hood cy-^' 5jC-JI tiJ^pw £U»t 

diver, plunger u«lj>* ' o-^^ ' lA^* 




haughtiness, arrogance, supercilious- ii jkt : <L*jJic 
ness, insolence, presumptuousness, presumption, 

to dive, dip, plunge, sink, sub- ^Ic t ,_,...,«.; I : ^Jic 

to dip, plunge, immerse, submerge, sub- (j_»i. ."(jJic 
merse, douse, sink 

diving, dive, plunging, plunge ^oyi. i t _ r \ju\: yJic 

jim nm ) «*■ 1 j — ,-wJaiu :,, nr 

dip, dive, brief plunge, brief swim *,„hc 

,'• * - ~ - 
to be or become dark -Lb I : (_pJ»* 

snoring, snore J LI I jj^ : ^jic 

to slumber, doze, nap, take a ^ li <■ lL^ L*^J ^ U : lie 
nap; to sleep; to fall asleep s 

cope yJj^S" t-iji :5jU6 

cover, covering >Uaf : SjU* 

kerchief, headcloth 

(w*«l Ju /y-uJ : 5 jlit 

to forgive, pardon, excuse, condone, ^ i*Ltf r^ 
overlook, remit, absolve 

unforgivable, unpardonable, inexcusable, juu, 'i 

pardon, forgiveness, remission, con- -^o \j& iciljic 
donation, absolution 

"' i i- 
indulgence ol>* &~° 

cover, covering; lid; case, casing uLLi : S^ 



" ' ""g 1 ." -''* ; .^^aifcaBHii Bgw 

3* *B 

■■■■ "..■'-"■ '■■■-■'■ ■" ' ' - ■ 

(pre)dominate, preponderate 

to be probable, likely ^^Ul J* cJLt 

to be or become helpless, powerless »j* I J* i_JLc 

to make triumph over, grant victory over; to J* Li* 
put above or before; to give precedence or priority 

conquering; defeating, beating, over- Li* JXa> : t_Jc 

victory, triumph j]l> <. j*aj : i-ic 

(pre)dominance, superiority, suprema- SjiaL. : ill* 
cy, ascendancy, mastery, upper hand 

yield, produce, crop, harvest, J?- j < J^uu : <li 
fruit(s), bearing, returns, proceeds, revenue, re- 
ceipts, takings, incomings 

marginal return *j^»- *Jlp 

- * - - .**. 
burning thirst -ujii (jliac : «J* 

darkness; dusk, twilight J-i. i iJJ> ly-ie 

epiglottis [ 7Uj-Z J eL«J : 4 tl nl c 

to make or commit a mistake, commit an Ua»- 1 : Jalc 
error, err, be mistaken, be in error, be at fault, be 
wrong, mistake, blunder; to do wrong 

to accuse of an error or mistake, put some- Ua^ : Jaic 
one in the wrong, find fault with, condemn 

mistake, error, fault; blunder Ua^- : iic 

wrong, incorrect r?** j^ '■ -J»^ 

erratum, misprint, typo, typographical ^Lk* JaU 
error, error in printing 

by mistake, erroneously JaLJL 

mistaken, at fault, in error, wrong ur^" : oU»i* 

JaU ^Ij-Qai- :cLJ* 

,/; li« Jalf -~lj — * - I— <UaLc 

to thicken, coarsen, be or be- UaJLc o^ : <^ ' J»l* 
come thick or coarse; to be or become rough, 
harsh, crude, gross 

to thicken, make thick; to coarsen, Ua~U *&*r '• &*■ 
make coarse; to make rough, harsh, crude, gross 

to swear a solemn (strong, binding, j^J I JaU 
sacred) oath 

thickness, heaviness, denseness i2fC : iali 

to exceed the proper bounds or al I jjU- : ic 
limits, be excessive, go to extremes, go too far; to 
overdo, exaggerate 
to boil, bubble (up); to simmer j\i ij* 

to boil Jui Aili- : Jii 

to boil JUi Aiii- : J* 

high cost, high (level of) prices, rise in^nai- j 1*> : *S* 


high cost of living i}.„...[\ (& 

£jli* f»"lj - LJ^lt 

envelope, coveKing), wrarXper), »l2i. « ( lLc : (Jilt 
wrapping, coat(ing), mantle; case, casing, encase- 
ment; hull; integument, tegument 

pericarp ij'yj\ } \ i_^h\ iS^i. 

atmosphere lS>M ci^LJI 

perianth ij*jl\ u&i 

pericardium e-lijl i_>}U 

cover, binding; jacket <_>L£JI i_»}U 

mantilla, light shirtlike gown, diaphanous dress iJiU 

nightshirt, nightgown, nightdress »yj I *J5L 

" ' V- 
boy, lad, youth ^ : £>i- 

catamite (J»y oo^Jj o_jjU : ^ >i 

servant, valet, page ^ aU- : (}U 

slave juc : ^ }U 

youth( fulness); adolescence *Z*\ J * t uLi :<~«^ 

boiler, kettle, pot; caldron J^j? : *2^* 

steam boiler 4j jUu ij}U 

to defeat, beat, triumph j jl J* ^ii < J*, ^aii I : Lit 
over, prevail over, win or gain (a) victory over, get 
the better of, conquer, vanquish, subdue, over- 
come, overpower, overwhelm, outdo 

to overcome, overwhelm, J* j^*£. I < j'ji£. I : Lii 

to prevail, ^-JUI j\n.»\\ QJ5 - i'aL :Jx.LJi- 



boiling, ebullition 

boiling point 

glycerin(e), glycerol 

thick; heavy, dense; viscous, 

gluten, vegetable albumin Cxi^* 

glucose Jy S^ 

S "* -S ** «' *\ 

youth(fulness); adolescence *~*^- : Vrf^* <<u«J« 

„-- ,'- ,- .. »' •' 

o\Aii\ (irjj jl) <*£> 

coarse, rough, harsh, hard ^y^*- : > l^- 

rude, boorish, churlish, rough, coarse, Jii : M^. 
gross, harsh, ungracious, crude, gruff, uncouth, 

uncivil, indelicate 

„ * ' i > - 
antipathetic, repugnant, JJaJI jl pJI J-iJ : Jvlr. 

repulsive, disgusting, unbearable; boring, dull, 

tedious, uninteresting 

large intestine Ja.lill ,yl\ 

solemn (strong, binding, sacred) oath <kJi- l _ r -+ i 

glycogen, animal starch (j^ j&J c 

- •* 
burning thirst 

' ■* '. - 

thirst for revenge pUiJ^LI ,jil»«J : JJLc 

(tobacco) pipe {^s- Id I ) 6>J* 

galleon s^^ i^-ljf *• • - \oyli. 

to cover, envelop, conceal ( _^ac : li 

grief, sorrow, sadness, dejection, dis- ijLS" 1 0^»- : "nf- 
tress, low spirits, melancholy, gloom(iness), blues, 
doldrums, heartache, anguish, depression, worry 

to roof ■ «s,.. : (««* i (««* i [*£ 

to cover j-kc : J^i, 

roof, ceiling i_ail. : «Ui 4 Jii 4 t*i 

coarseness, roughness, harshness li^is- : JjLc 

rudeness, boorishness, roughness, iJ»lk» : Jaii 
coarseness, grossness, crudeness, gruffness, un- 
couthness, uncivility, indelicateness 

Jaii «-lj -cbi* 

to envelop, cover, wrap (up), ILi) 4 ,-kc : ciJi 4 cilc 
enfold, enwrap, lap, swathe; to coat; to case, 
encase; to package 

to bind (a book) , jii- : L-LSlI I L*U 

foreskin, prepuce iiji. 4 iili : <uU 

4jjJj»- 4 ( jibr- jls>- I j - <iilt 'ijiic 

to be foreclosed, forfeited (^J | ) j|* 

lock; padlock Jjj ; j\i 

Ji «>-lj - -i«*« 1 _u» : JJ* 

lustful, prurient, salacious, over- ^J l_jii 4 ^i : jJ* 
sexed, incontinent 

lust, libido, sexual appetite, car- <J l_^i, 1 ,_$li : -ulc 
nality, prurience, salaciousness, incontinence 

nymphomania <>^_J <*U 

excess(iveness), extravagance, o^k; 4 i>lyl :>l« 
immoderation, exceeding of proper bounds 

exaggeration, overstatement fiJL* :_jic 

r t ' '" 

hyperbole [iiJJ Jl^il :>U 

jlc «j>-l j - _jii : »l_jic 4 >l_jic 

ul>U «.|j-oClj| {I^U (otjJI JI}U 

vigor, vitality, liveliness, ardor (of (cjLjJ l) 6l>l« 

1 '• /. 
globulin ^jjjjl* 

globin Cxi^* 



pangs of death, mortal throes 
in the midst of, amidst; during 
to wink (at) 
to feel, touch, palpate 

to slander, calum- -u 

i J*-" 

i OLC (JaJ» '.^l-L J I 4J j*i 

niate, defame, malign, speak evil of 

to innuendo <u Jojt. : o% ~ a }~* (jt >** 

wink(ing) (,jllJU)j»* 

innuendo, insinuation <u JaiyJ '-ty**^ Su^ J*c 

wink, eyewink ijj*^ °j^| : «>* 

to dip, plunge, immerse, ^Jac i J»i : t _ r *c iy-»* 
submerge, steep 

dipping, plunging, immersion, u-^*" ' ^»* : u-»* 

submersion, steeping 

to despise, scorn, hold in contempt j«Jj- \ : u a»^ 

to be or become bleaKy) (<j~*^ !f-) u°** 

Weariness, blear-eyedness { J^u- : u a»i 

rheum, white secretion of the eye ^oCt : ^j**s. 

to be or become obscure, UuU (J6 : Ja»z <■ Jo*z 
vague, ambiguous, equivocal, abstruse, recondite, 

to obscure, obfuscate, befog, U^U 41**- < »*j I : <>»** 
make obscure, make abstruse 

to close or shut one's eyes ■>.:.& (^alc 

sleep »y '.{JaJi 

blink, twinkle, wink (cr^) <uue 

in a jiffy, in the twinkling of an eye, in t jlf <<n\i j 
an instant, instantly, in no time 

to despise, scorn, hold in contempt yis- 1 : Ja*6 

to deny someone his right, refuse to <&>- 4_k»i 
recognize someone's right 

to be ungrateful ~JJ dJI J»*i 

to mumble, mutter, murmur p_J : »a*c 

mumble, mumbling, mutterGng), KiLi 


battle cry JUill _,! <_/,il 

hood, blinder, blinker u"'^ *^** ' u".A" lt»* 

ij*& vf'j — '^'■j !«jU* iSjl»* tjL** 'jLkC 

trigger (^jllll ^ij|)j^* 

dimple jil J s^iJ :5jUi 

clouds cjIaI^ : fUi 

hail, hailstones $y : »Lil I i_j- 

cloud 4jl»L, :<uUi 

blinder, blinker, winker (for horses, (*JJ jlil) <ul*c 
etc.) ' ' f 

to sheathe, scabbard, invaginate juiJ I j Jj^ j I : -ui 

to plunge into, thrust into 

to cover, shelter, protect 

to cover up or conceal some- 
one's offenses (faults, sins, etc.) 

sheath, scabbard 

VMM ', A fcJ- 

case, outer covering or housing ^ jU- ci^Lc : jui 
condom (J»^»» J j^ : -*■»* 

vagina; theca [ ^Lo- 1 ] jli 

Coleoptera ol^lil q* i-Jj :i*faj»- jl ObjL.»i 

to flood, overflow, inundate, ^L ■ ^^kc . ll» : j»* 

deluge, drown; to engulf, gulf, overwhelm, whelm; 
to cover, overspread, spread over, suffuse, fill, fill 

up, pervade 

^ " * ~ " 
to immerse, submerge, plunge, douse <_•— lac : j*i 

-'~ --*■'. 
to abound, superabound; to be or become jji : j»* 

abundant, plentiful, copious 

flooding (over), overflow(ing), inun- j*i. jjua< : j** 
dation; submersion, immersion, plunging 

flood, inundation, deluge pLa;» tj^-f i(U ij^-t 

generous, liberal, openhanded f_£ : j*i 

inexperienced, unskilled, green ^i- : j** 

distress, hardship, adversity, trouble ilt : »j*e 

flood, inundation, deluge; »jl>- ' Jo^ '■ 5j** 

(superabundance, plenty, copiousness 

jam; crowd, throng, crush -u»- _) : 5j*i- 



■ ■■ T'rar 11 ■■ vv: , LXfa.'"?gs 

lyric, lyric poemyjL^I^JI^Sxj^aii iJL* 

lyricism, lyrism 


(nasal) twang, snuffle 


^^jji- ci^- :iu- 

to pamper, spoil, coddle, mollycoddle, baby, [JJ j : gl* 
indulge, cocker; to caress, fondle, pet 

coquetry, coquettishness, coquettish behav- J"JIj -fy* 
ior, flirtation, dalliance 

dandy, fop Jh'-* i>»- : jJJ-* 'jJ- 1 ** 



to take as booty; to capture; to gain, 
win, get; to loot, plunder, pillage 

sheep (and goats) ( j* L-j) oU» : ^i 

ovine, sheep- ^yU» :^*i* 

to be or become rich, wealthy l$J : ( _^ 

rich, wealthy, well-to-do, well-off, affluent, 1$J> :^-i* 
opulent, prosperous 

rich in, full of, lush with, abounding Ji U- : j ,«Lc 
in, filled with, loaded with, charged with 

--, >- - » , - 


war profiteer, nouveau riche, upstart, 

spoils, booty, loot, plunder, pillage, <_JL, i A-+1 : <U*lc 

gain, profit, advantage, benefit iS.J£* : a1..:.t- 

easy prey, unearned booty ; ijo <*jj. 

ji* jj-lj-UU :((i_jiJl) J* 

to go astray, stray (from the right path), J^ : i$)t 
deviate from what is right 

inconstant, fickle, unsteady, i_.L^ : nUc i ni»i < r ^** 

disastrous, calamitous, ominous*! j\SJ 

-'-'■' ■•!• . •"• 

penetrating, penetrative, 

perjury, false swearing 

obscurity, obscureness, vagueness, ambi- J.I4I I : ^^ti 
guity, equivocalness, equivocation, uncertainty, 
darkness, abstruseness, reconditeness, unintelligi- 
bility, inscrutability, confusion 

•r- - '. ' .---'. 

blindman's buff (i_«J) Cal** 

to nasalize, twang, snuffle, speak through the jj»- :^* 

to sing, chant, vocalize 

to sing the praises of, praise, laud, 
extol, eulogize 

to enrich, richen, make rich 

5 ' > ~~ - 

wealth, riches, affluence, opulence, »l^j i jCJ : ^i 
prosperity, abundance, luxury 

sufficiency, adequacy; satisfac- »U^I 1 ijUi" : ^^ 
tion, contentedness, contentment) 

he can do (or manage) without it, he <Cx (^i- J ^» 

can dispense with it, he does not need it 

indispensable, essential, necessary; *ic ^ "il 

inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable, mandatory, 

useless, futile, unavailing, of no use, of <ui f Li "il 
no avail, vain, fruitless, unfruitful; insufficient, 

singing, song, changing) ju^ 1 jjii : »L* 

singing-, song-, vocal; lyric(al) 


«Iiy Wflj 

- iliLi aLu- 

lyricist, lyrist 

jtLi ^tli* 

lyric poetry or verse 

'•l'; , '•* 



setting, sinking Jy I . ojji : oU 

in absentia, by (or in) default 


succor, relief, aid, help 

d'yi :ii>£* 

■/**" Jf \j~J~£ 

spare parts 

jCiA\ Jii 

to take away, carry away, send (ji*- 1 
away, remove, cause to be absent, cause to disap- 
pear; to hide, conceal 

to bury, inter, inhume, entomb iSjii 

the invisible, o^-i)ll C^ ^^ ^ J^ : Vrr*-' ' ' '— ^ 
that wich is hidden or unseen; the supernatural, 
that which is metaphysical or transcendental; 
(divine) secret 

by heart llli 

Jii»- «j«-Ij — L~c J»i». 

the Knower of the things unseen (God) o^-il I fXe 

f £c ^Ij-O^l ' f ^c 'eJl ill I 

i_jLp a»-Ij ' 




trance, daze, stupor; swoon, faint, uncon- ^j^ 6 
sciousness, syncope, suspended animation 

coma *'.■. if ' *^°j* ^.y-^ 

* >° ~. 




delicacy, tenderness, softness 

delicate, tender, soft ilcli i IlS'j .liJ : »l jli. 

to change, alter, modify, vary, 'Sy- > jjai .'Jjj -Jt^ 

metaphysical, supernatural, transcendental; ^-c 
invisible, unseen, hidden, secret 

. ~i . -s-. 

<Li-.j^ ill :jt--i 
4«jai :j_t 

t5>l f»-lj-<3j* 

.- ,- ,' 

succor, relief, aid, help tj>i : ti»lj* iti»lj* 

gouache iJlil ol^y p~^l J iSj^ :<jilj* 

diver, plunger <j-l»tc ' (j-U»c •'o»l>* 

pearl diver ojj«ij j) yJ I J* ^>i«J I J {joy* (j> '■ {jo\y 

loon, diver; grebe 

submarine »lil j-Ja- . 


(oLi) iil^* liil^c 

succor, relief, aid, help »jx.L-4 4 Xitel : £»>* 

depression, sinkage, pan; hollow JatsL^ \jjt 

*' at *■* 

bottom; depth j I ji . j*i i ^c : jje- 

gorilla (6l>r , -) ^iJ>* 

to plunge, immerse, submerse, submerge 'Ur : o»^* 
diving, dive, plunging, plunge „Uc. : <>»>* 

depression, hollow j^£ i c ,ai.-i.„;.. : «Jjj* i -b^* 

' *■- «' = -* 
fertile oasis i.;-.^- o- lj : ii»^* 

mob, rabble, riffraff, ragtag e-tcj t »),* j : >Lc^c 

demagogic(al), mobbish, rabble-rousingtJI^ji^jLc^* 

demagog(ue), rabble-rouser ^vtc^i- (joatt, ttJlc^i 

demagogy, demagoguery; demagogism S^>* 

alcohol ^yS : J^* 

ghoul, goblin, ogre, bogey, v» i y^j 6l>r , - : <-!>* 
bogy, hobgoblin, bugbear 

golf (i-jj) t^J^c 

alcoholic *<Jy^ '-"di* 

error, sin; seduction, temptation, entice- ij l^i : ^* 


absence, nonattendance 

nonpresence, nonappearance, being away, staying 
away, remaining away, failure to attend or show 
up; absenteeism; truancy 

fy* A* A 

i-'.- ; --» ■ ■ ■ ■ ,■■ - . <* '■■::■•",& —■■■:: -v tfr < 

altruism, unselfishness, selflessness iJL; I ju» : Aj^ 

little, small, slight, scanty; few; a ,j* JJi» t JJi : yi.* 
little of, a small number or quantity of 

thicket, jungle, wood, forest k^-\ :*Ja+e 

* >. , * .« *, . - 
field; tillage, cultivated land *j^>>w (>>jl i Ju- : i-c 



iU.-x.LJ I jS"J 

rage, anger, fury, wrath, ire, exas- 
peration, irritation 

thicket, jungle, wood, forest 
assassination, murder(ing) 
male tortoise or turtle 

clouds; mist, fog i_»laJ. : ^Jt 

cloud ijlaJ. :<*t* 

cloudy, clouded over, overcast a^J. i JU : (j**c 

dark(ness), gloomGness) OJ> :>j-* luLjlft 'u-4*e 

«^ -■'. 
jealous; zealous, enthusiastic, ardent, u'^ : J>^ 

fervent, fervid, keen, eager, eagerly intent, much 

interested, solicitous; enthusiast, zealot 

cloudy, clouded over, overcast 

ri u : r>^ 

convert, turn, transfer, transform, transmute, com- 
mute, make different; to mutate; to shift, switch 

to change one's mind <b \j ^ 

other than, different from, unlike, not, not the ^1* 
same, un-, in-, im-, non-, dis-; except, save, but; 

third party or parties, (the) others ^!jj I 

yet, however, but, nevertheless, still, on the o' j^ 
other hand 

etc., et cetera, and so on, and so o^j i tHJ j J^cj 
forth, and the like; and other things, and others, et 

more than once, several times, often, i'J» ^lc 


only, just, merely, solely, (and) no Jj- j^Jj i J~i- "} 
more, (and) nothing else, (and) that's all, no more 
than, without anything further, nothing but 

without; excluding, with the exclusion of; ^Ic j< 
lacking, wanting, missing, deprived of 

jealousy; zeal, enthusiasm, ardency, ardor, »jJt <. tjJt 
fervor, solicitude, vigilant care or concern; sense of 

altruist; altruistic, unselfish, selfless ^Lil jui> '-<Sj^- 

y^^r ^^^^ ^^r^ ^^^r ^C^r ^^^r ^^^r ^^W* ^^^^ ^^^r ^^^r ^^^^ ^H^r 

^^r ^^^ ^^r ^^r ^rfr ^B^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^fflr ^^^ 

superfluous, excess, surplus, more than enough; 

abundant, copious, plentiful, 
profuse, exuberant 

profluent, effluent, torrential, jU- 1 ji jii : yiJU 
outflowing, flowing (out), pouring out or forth, 
issuing (forth), streaming, running 

surplus, surplusage, overflow, over- SjC j lyiJU 
plus, excess, superfluity, superabundance, over- 

surplus value i'. jl | ^U 

superior, ascendant; excelling, sur- jji, i oyiL, :Jpli 
passing, transcendental), excellent, tor/ping), out- 
standing, distinguished, (pre)eminent 

exceeding, extraordinary, * t l: "'■. I : (s'jUJ) j;U 
exceptional, unusual, uncommon 

supernormal tSaUl jl JaLydl ji kjijl Jy : jJU 

excessive, exceeding, ex- ^jU>[ i «JL ( jjji :^JU 
treme, utmost, greatest, maximum; drastic, se- 
vere; considerable, extensive, marked; intensive, 
increased, stepped up 

intensive care (vJI ( y,*; j) iiiU i;Lc 

to pass, elapse, go by, slip by, 

( _ r iiij 'j,^ 


expire, run out, be past, be over 
to escape pU>l t Jiil 44JL ^ i_jIc :(jjl) 4il» ioli 
(someone), elude (someone), slip away (from); to 
miss, overlook, omit, neglect, let go by, let slip, fail 
or forget to do, fail or forget to make use of or take 
advantage of 

to exceed, surpass, transcend; to 


Uw :oli 

then, and then, thereupon; so, thus, hence, there- j 
fore, consequently 

fjrf ' *(/- Jf'J 



to return, come back, go back 
to shift 'j^C :'^\ ( \i 

to take as booty; to capture, gain, win, getii-jJ I (\i 
past, elapsed, over, up, at an end u ^»:- : cJli 

passing, transient, transitory JJI j : e-!li 

lost, missing, absent; missed jjiLi 1 *JU> : c-I j 



use, usefulness, avail, benefit, advantage, »i; : » j^li 
profit, utility, Worth; interest; good, welfare 

interest (on money) ( Jlil J*) slu'li 

simple interest * \\ ,, ■' Sjjli 

compound interest 
interest rate 

«Cj -• Sjjli 

Sjjlill i}jjLt 

useless, of no use, unavailing, of no 5 jjU I r jlc 
avail, futile, unproductive, unfruitful, fruitless 

ebullient, boiling up; bubbling, bubbly; fy : J\i 

effervescent; gushing, jetting forth, shooting out, 
welling out 

boiling over, seething, flaming up with ^!U :^Ili 
rage, inflamed, overwrought, hot, wild, horn-mad, 

winner; victor; victorious, trium- t«-»-Ij ' j»U» :jjli 
phant; successful 

superabundant, overabundant, J-ili 1 jj! j : (jijli 




■:. -'• " 

languid, listless, slack, i-a.,...^ i »J^. : (ilil) jJU 
loose, lax, flabby, weak, feeble 

dull, stagnant, listless, cSjlsv^l i>LUI JJi : y\» 




O^i lyjli 

fascinating, captivating, charming, en- 
chanting, entrancing, thrilling, breathtaking, spell- 
binding, ravishing, winning, winsome, attractive, 
engaging, glamorous, magic, sweet, pretty, cute, 
beautiful, exquisite, lovely; tempting, seductive, 
alluring, luring, enticing; tempter, seducer 
invoice, bill »jyb 

pro forma invoice Jjjl } \ iJo-i _jl 4jj>*> »j>ili 

to surprise, take by surprise, take unawares, cJu : U-li 
take aback, come suddenly or unexpectedly upon, 
descend suddenly or unexpectedly upon, overtake 

dissolute, profligate, wanton, jc.\i « «JU- i J-.U :^s»-U 
dissipated, debauched, licentious, lecherous, lewd, 
lascivious, rakish, unchaste, uninhibited, whorish, 
immoral, bawdy, obscene, indecent; libertine, 
roue, rake, debauchee, lecher 

adulterer, fornicator u 1 1 : *■ li 


adulteress; whore, harlot, prostitute 

painful, grievous, distressing, cSjLU ( *ma :fj*li 
afflictive, tormenting, agonizing^ heartbreaking, 
heartrending, calamitous, disastrous, catastrophic, 

disaster, calamity, catastrophe; :Lu t <-~*oa :<usj-li 

- s- - >', . ,- -• , 
to diffuse a strong odor, t-yiu i o»J I j o^tu I : r- li 

exude a specified fragrance; to exude a pleasant 
odor, exhale fragrance, be fragrant 

to emanate, diffuse, spread ikj I^J I oi- li 

to smell of; to suggest lis ia«J \j <u- c-»-li 

obscene, ribald, dirty, foul, filthy, vulgar, fe±, ij^li 
indecent, bawdy, shameless, lewd 

exorbitant, ( ^ r t jil j^lkl. i Ji»L : j^- li 

excessive, immoderate, unreasonable, extravagant, 
enormous; grievous, onerous, oppressive, heavy; 
grave, serious; gross, flagrant, glaring, atrocious, 
monstrous, outrageous, abominable 

whore, harlot, prostitute s^aU i <j<*y ■ ii^li 

go beyond; to pass, go past, leave behind, overtake, 

> '- » > ,» „ 
it is too late cJjJI t \ olj'Jll oli 

he missed the opportunity <u>^iJI .cJli 

he missed the train jlLil I -G li 

group, troop, band, company; 1^,'j *. iiCi- t iiiU> : <& 

faction, party 

class, category, group; kind, sort, type <Jl~o : iJj 

rate(of (jJI ^J^lll ^b _,! ^I^jJI ^.) iii 
taxation); (tax) bracket 

denomination, value ( jJI j-jf^LlI jl Jill ^.) iii 

(of money, of a postage stamp, etc.) 

platoon (ijjSCli) Sli 

blood group, blood type * J I iii 

to approach, overture, accost, f^lSGLi \jL» : (_j) »jl» 

open a conversation (talk, subject) with, speak first 

to, address first 

light, bright j*U. xi 

first Jjl :»«_>li 

opener, beginner, starter, commencer, JjjL : -Jli 
initiator, originator, launcher, mounter, the first 
(person) to do something 

fotune-teller, diviner, soothsayer, augurc~%JI «Jli 

conqueror, victor *%i\ -Jli 

introduction, preface, foreword, »-|," t iijjL. : owli 
preamble, proem 

beginning, start, commencement, jjwj i »lu :£>«Jli 
opening, outset, onset, inception, incipience, rise, 
dawn, first 

the (Cj^JI oljiJI i^J'li < v^-" **«^ jiauUI 

opening chapter of the Holy Koran, the name of 

the first sura 

* ' *"- , 
prelude i.-;....j. ouli 

lukewarm, tepid, hypothermal ijy^JI J.l'j.. :Ji\» 

cool, cold, JL.'jl ii-Lil e'jyC i ci'jj j-i :^U 
chilly, frigid, tepid, lukewarm, halfhearted, spirit- 
less, unenthusiastic, unfriendly, dispassionate, 
indifferent, disinterested, nonchalant, apathetic, 





fugitive, runaway, on the run; a fugitive, a <_jjU : jli 
runaway; escapee 

deserter *i^4-l Of J^ 

farad ilJLjiSDl ii-JI 5jj-_j : jljli 

faraday ^ji*^ 1 *r^ JI Jj »\> :iiljljli 

mouse; rat (u'>^") ej'J '«jU 

plane, jointer, block plane r^"-? ■ J^"-J ' • j^ 

oU-y '£> jjtIj -£jU 

comma («) SUeli :5jjli 

semicolon (s ) <U»^1l. SjjU 

horseman, rider, equestrian; knight, Jll»- : y*jli 
cavalier; cavalryman 

cavalry, horsemen, chivalry i) Li- : 6^-y 

Persia (j-J^ ^ ' ltJ^ 

horsewoman, equestrienne ^jli cJy» :<*ij\t 

Persian (/T-^'i^V^ 

Persian *~"j^" *^"' lilmjUl 

farce cJ_)» o-^ i <«»j» 'c^J^ 

tall; lofty, towering, high ( £j J £. U I « J>1) I ) £j li 

empty, void; blank; vacant, unoccu- jib « JU- : £jli 

inane, vacuous, meaning- j ^ic i AiU i <) ^^jw "il : p jli 
less, senseless, pointless, silly, stupid; vain, hollow, 
empty, idle 

impatiently, on tenterhooks jZaJ I p jib 

to part with, leave, quit, with- ^c j!-xijj t ^L : dijli 
draw from, separate (oneselO from, detach oneself 
from, dissociate oneself from, break (up) with, 
desert, abandon, walk out on 
to die, pass away, give up the ghost »Q-I JjU 

distinctive, distinguishing, diacritical, dif- j~~« : <jjl» 
ferential, differentiating, discriminative, discrimi- 

Jy v>-lj - iS^i-\ « Jj» : Jjl» 

O^x. wr Ij - iijli i*^i 
Fahrenheit (.iljjjli ic«jljjjli 



- t UJj :ii»-li 

examiner, tester, assayer, checker; ,>»ij j>« :oa»-li 
investigator, inspector, scrutinizer 

auditor; comptroller oLC>- ,>»- li 

coal-black, jet-black, ^U j^-I i jIjIJI ^U t^li 
pitch-black, deep-black, coaly, pitchy 

ringdove, wood pigeon (>U») *2»l» 

to vie in glory with j*»*J I J v^* : j*"^ 

excellent, superior, of superior ^** i ju*< :j>-u 
quality, fancy, fine, exquisite, select, choice, pre- 
mium, first-rate, first-class, top-notch, exceptional, 
extra, super, superb, splendid, magnificent, luxu- 
rious, sumptuous, deluxe 

* ' ' >-. , - ' .. 
pottery jl»i)l *L*a* :3jjj*li 

potter <_»ji-l j-J^» ' <-»lj»- iiij^li 

redeemer; ransomer jui. :(i5jUI) jli 

to sacrifice -» <ji.J> : -» li'jli 

to redeem, ransom <Cj jj »j j i <i-u : (5ju 

gross, flagrant, glaring; grave, seri- Ja*L i ^-^r : r ili 
ous, heavy, bad, oppressive, burdensome, griev- 
ous, onerous; exorbitant, excessive, unreason- 
able, enormous 

> — i- 
misfortune, disaster, calamity 4 -r^ J -* '■**■?* 

>_, - . J,-- '* ~t 
plumb, plummet, w)J j I jJ- I i« UiL, I Ijj j^ji»«j s I j 1 : 6 ili 

plumb line 

to boil over; to boil, bubble (up) Jut : jli 

to effervesce, fizz (jl^ill oljiJli') jlj (ji-jl :jU 

to boil over, flare J*AJ I i r-U* I i jlj : ojJli jli i jli 
up, steam, seethe, storm, rage, flame up with rage, 
fume with rage, fly into passion, burst into pas- 
sion, lose one's temper 

to rankle, irritate J^*! : j^ 

to gush forth, gush out, gush up >( y .u i «^J : {111 jU 
shoot out, shoot up, well forth, well out, flow out, 
outflow, spout forth, spurt, jet 

mouse; rat (o'>r»-) jli 'jU 

polecat, fitch, fitchet, fitchew (ol^^) jlil j^ 




•j i 

«li i,JL-Z.\i 

ye-r** Jf'J ' 

ili /^li 

phlebotomist, bleeder 

jLai : jloIj 

separative, separating, parting, dividing; tjji* : J«eli 

isolating, insulating; insulator JjU :J*>li 

decisive, conclusive, definitive, oL i ^-.U- : J*>li 
peremptory, final, crucial 

interval, break, inter- i»- I ji-J 4 iLeli 5^ : J*>li 
lude, intermission, pause; entr'acte, intermezzo 

interstice «jjj" *W-' i>* ^fj* : J*»l* 

screen, partition, division, divider; j»-l»- : J*>li 
bar, barrier ^ 

Ja»- «j>-lj - J^»li Ja»- 

* '1'' 

play-off, final(s) ilu»li »ljL» 

comma (1 ) il^i. : *Lo li 

semicolon (s ) it^L^ iL^li 

• '- -* •* -r' , • 

bar j-u :oL-»j-i *X+o\t 

bearKs), kidney bearKs), string(ed) (oLi) U>u»li 
bean(s), lima bearKs) 

to flow over, overflow, overfill, run UJ» 4 ~ii> : yili 

over, spill over; to flood, inundate, deluge 

to flow, run, stream, flow Ji jZ 1 \sjk ' iJl~ : J°* 
out, outflow, pour, pour forth, pour out, issue, 

to abound, superabound; to be or fji. 4 j£ : JoM 
become (superabundant, plentiful, copious 

to flow with, overflow with, j J«- ij/j:j JoM 
abound with, superabound with; to be full of, filled 
with, replete with, abounding with, rich in 
to unbosom (oneself), disembosom; to ^L : _» yili 
reveal, disclose, divulge; to spread 



to give up the ghost, *»-jj c— o\s 4 a-jj c— o\t 4 ,_^>u 
die, pass away, expire 

spacious, roomy, wide, large j_-lj :(yjiUI) yili 
empty, void, vacant, unoccupied JU- : ^li 

shameful, disgraceful, scan- f jLe 4 ji L 4 J>\^ : j-^l» 
dalous, infamous, ignominious, dishonorable, out- 
rageous, flagrant, egregious, flagitious, glaring, 

lively, active, nimble, agile, brisk, <.«.»t- 4 J»_ij : ejli 

comely, beautiful, pretty, handsome JJ»- : »jli 

one who distin- JJ»Ulj jJ-l ^ tijij ^ : cijjUII 
guishes truth from falsehood 

murid, murine oUjUJl; ^»U- :iijl* 

Muridae ^ijl^iJI ^ iL-ai :oIjjU 

to win, gain, obtain, J* J^a»- 4tjlj u jib :(_;) jli 
get, attain, achieve 

to succeed, be successful «j : {J) jli 

to triumph over, -» j I Jc j*J» 4 i_Jlc : j jl J* jli 
win or gain a victory over, prevail over, defeat, 
beat, overcome 

to escape Ikj :j» jli 

vaseline *\j*a i»-jJ SjU :,jJjli 

ax(e), hatchet; hoe, hack iijL 4 iLL : ^U 

battle-ax ^^ o~u 

resolutory, resolutive, revocatory, revok- JJ»1- : jrr"^ 
ing, rescissory, annulling, nullifying, abrogating, 

redhibitory »— JJ j*-^li 

decayed, decadent, rotten, i_*)U 4 Ju. 4 Jlj 4 ^k^. : 
decomposed, putrid, spoiled, bad, foul, disinte- 
grated, degenerated) 

corrupted), depraved, pervert(ed), ^JJ J^U-^I ju.l» 
perverse, immoral, degenerate, vicious, wicked, evil 

invalid, null, void; vain, unsound; false, JJ»L : j— li 
wrong, incorrect 

dissolute, dissipated, debauched, »_U-4jj«-li :JhI* 
profligate, wanton, licentious, lecherous, lewd, 
lascivious, rakish, immoral, unchaste; libertine, 
debauchee, lecher, rake, roue 

fascist(ic); a fascist cjc-r 1 ^ 

fascism 4 .J * li 

unsuccessful, failing, abortive, futile,^ 4 ,^ia« : JJiu 
fruitless, unfruitful; failure 

Oli A\f 

to surpass, excel, outdo, outmatch, Jx. jj < y> : j\i 
outclass, overtop, top, beat (out), outshine, eclipse, 
be or prove superior to 
to outweigh, outbalance, overshadow Jx. «■ j : Jl» 

to exceed, transcend, outreach jjlkj :Jli 

to hiccup <JJj*- ; i3^ 

to die, expire, pass away oU \< r j^> Jl» 

poverty, need(iness), indigence, destitu- j^* i ys :iili 
tion, penury, pauperism, privation, want, lack 

bereaved of, bereft of, deprived of, ^» Js- 1 ^ : aili 
destitute of, devoid of, void of, lacking, wanting; 
without, -less, un-, in-, im-, non-, dis- 

loser, forfeiter j-U- : oili 

incapacitated; incompetent "4^^ -^ 

amnesiac, amnesic; amnestic l£ IJJ I -u li 

unconscious, swooning, in a swoon ,-cjJ I o» li 

bright, brilliant, gay, vivid, intense Jiy i »l j : *Jli 

bright yellow ol j J^o\ : »Jili 

*- '.' i' * •*-• » . s - -- ,-.. 
to aggravate, exacer- 5 jjJa»- -£ I j 1 1>- 1 *<JJ I J-ur : Jiu 

bate, make worse 

to joke with, jest with, banter with, make »- jU : iS" li 
fun with, kid 

fruiterer, fruit seller, fruit dealer i^UII «JL i^JlfS'li 

fruit(s) (^ly ^) i^fli 

good omen, auspice, favorable sign <u J *UL U : JU 

loose, free, unrestrained, unconfined, un- jJlL> :cJli 
chained; at large, at liberty; escaped 

hemiplegia [ i_J> ] nJ li 

successful; prosperous »«_»-L; :«Jli 

waltz, valse (*~**j) yJli 

S|x>tted dung beetle <Lll< i jL-ii»- : <LI li 

evanescent, transient, transi- d)U ( JJI j : (<JLJl) uli 
tory, ephemeral, passing, impermanent; perishing^ 
dying; perishable 

,._,.„ „..,. , . y;-. r ,;y. 

mortal, must eventually die, subjects 
to death 

.Jli :ij\i 

to compare (two things in order to C)j^> '■ U-4; S^* 
determine which deserves preference) 

to contend for precedence or J "^1 1 j aIIIc : [j^»\i 
excellence with 

virtuous, righteous, honest; Jj»i jl iL-oi jj : Jj>li 
good, very good, excellent, superior;' meritorious, 
praiseworthy; kind, obliging, generous 

remaining, left, left over, residual; j1\ j i JL : J^»l» 
surplus, excess, overabundant, superabundant, 
superfluous, more than enough 

creator, maker, originator «_iU» i ^JU- : jj»li 

the Creator, the Maker (God) Jil « jJlil : jJ»UI 
not fasting, breaking one's fast jj»i. : jj» li 

to react, cause to react Jilii; aII*- : Jjt\i 

active, acting, effective, efficacious, Jlli i .k.,',.1 : J*ti 

doer, actor, author llli JiiJ ^i : Jxli 

perpetrator, committer '^>>j» <■ <-*jZL> : J*l» 

worker, laborer, work- J-ii i j^ I « J>lc : Jxli 
man, workingman, wageworker, wage earner 

subject [iij]jili 

benefator, philanthropist, well-doer, J^ J*U 


active, active voice JtUJ I ii~^ 

subject of the passive Jxli ^U 

ilJUi w-lj - ilkli 

radioactivity *j*^»-l ^^^ 

to emanate, diffuse, spread (oul^II c^) p li 

open-mouthed, gaping, agape, ringent ^ I j*li 

to kiss l£i :*±\i 

henna blossom *U-I j>j .'<L«li 

to stammer, stutter, falter, stumble, hesitate, UU :Uu 
halt in one's speech 

stammerGng), stutterting), falterGng) sUU :SuU 



3b li 

■ a ™ 

to crumble, fritter, fragmentize, ij«-<» I jlf • jJ : c^» 

fragment(ate), break up, break into small pieces or 


heartbreaking, heartrending jLs jl jl i_JUul c^u 

to open, unlock, unclose, unfasten, jUI jui : jCi 
unfold, unwrap 

to grant victory or success to; to open *-U «ll *^i 
the gates of profit to; to endow with, bless with; to 
reveal to, disclose to; to enlighten, make see, make 
understand; to show; to inspire with 

to tell fortunes c~»»JI ^* 

to conquer, capture, occupy j^UI ~i 

to turn on, switch on iyal\ j\ il^ll jl jl^i-l ^» 

to open an account (cij-a* j) UL»- «k* 

to turn on (a tap or faucet) *~^- )l ^» 

to stimulate or whet the appetite *-+J I ^J 

to build (a road, street) U jli j I Uj^t ^» 

to dig, excavate, hole (a canal, ^JJ Uij jl 5Ui ^i 
tunnel, etc.) 

to broach, bring up (a subject) \y°^ £** 

to open fire, fire, shoot jUI ~j 

opening J'iUI jui :ji|j 

»-Lii I »»■ I j - j-lni I : rCi 
conquest; occupation (i^Ul) »wJ 

victory, triumph j-aJ : »^i 

opening, aperture, breach, gap, hole; ijZ <. i^-^i : Oi^ 
orifice; slit; slot; slash 

Sluice i_ij^«aJI *atj 

to become tepid, become lukewarm, tepefy, ( *Ul) j£ 

cool off 

to abate, subside, let up; to calm I jl» i ^x- : jii 

down, cool down 

to languish, flag, lag, slacken, uiu) 4 ^\j> '-j* 

relax, sag, droop, weaken gradually, grow weak or 


decrepit; very old, very aged, far advanced (j»'-ij\* 
in years 

flannel ^U'L-J :«Iili i&li 



magic lantern 


to utter, pronounce, say 


(JUm (ja?** :iL>li t ^Ijli 

~- '* V 

jJai ( JaiJ : J oil 

pi :«li 

to negotiate (with), parley (with), (j-.) i>jUJ : <>>jli 
confer (with) 

group, class; sectarian, iiiU» jl ili J J o_j__. : (3$ii 

February J»Li< iji'jiji 

to undermine, undercut, <>j*L jl o-uic J cJ 

weaken, enfeeble, sap 

to refrain from, desist from, stop, j* Lif : ^c y£i 


still, yet; to continue to do, keep Li L. < £^ L 
doing, keep on (doing), go on doing 

youth, young man, youngster, adoles- f ^c ( uli : Jtt 

cent; boy, lad 

youth, youthfulness, adolescence <_jCi i 5^i : *Li 

crumbs, fragments, morsels, bits, crumblings, oLi 
scraps, fractions, pickings, small pieces; detritus 

young woman, (young) girl, lass i—*«> «. SjLi. : SLi 
conqueror, victor j}UI «Jli : ^L» 

God (the Opener of the gates of profit) <&l : ^UiJ I 
can opener, opener ry^»JI s-J^c W; j^«J Sl^l li^lii 

j>j p-lj- jti 

hernia, rupture 

deadly, lethal, murderous, fatal, iiU^ t JUi : ifJto 
mortal; destructive, ruinous, devastating, annihi- 
lating; assassin, murderer, killer 

ropemaker, cordmaker 





to be infatuated by, fascinated by, charmed by, j ^yj 
enchanted by, captivated by, enthralled by, thrilled 
by, enamored of, in love with 

charm, glamor, magic, spell, charisma; en- js«-. : <Cli 
chantment, fascination, captivation, bewitchment, 

seduction, seducement, temptation, Jjil : Lsj 
enticement; appeal, attraction 

sedition, riot, disturbance, <__>ljJ»*»l t <_jii. :iui 
trouble, unrest, disorder, strife, tumult, commo- 
tion, turmoil 

trial, ordeal, affliction, distress o>u : Lsj 

sweet acacia, cassie, sponge tree (oLi)iui 

(formal) legal opinion; advisory opinion Vsi : iSyJ 

Z-, Ji, 

- >> 
youth, youthfulness, adolescence <_jLi. :5^j 

.-. >> -,>> 
magnanimity, generosity, chivalry ^ ' »*)j-» '-iy* 

conquests clijZi 

' * & . ■> - • ", 
tepidity, tepidness, lukewarm- iijiJJI j JI jjlc-I :jyi 


', " ~> . >> " 

coolness, coldness, S^A»- i j^AJ 1 5^1—4 ^ « Sjj^> : jyi 

frigidity, tepidity, lukewarmness, halfheartedness, 
spiritlessness, unfriendliness, indifference, disinter- 
estedness), nonchalance, apathy, unconcern, cool 
lack of concern or interest, lack of emotion or 
warmth of feeling; alienation, estrangement, disaf- 

languor, lassitude, listless- *_a«.,f> i fAjl : (ili l) j^ii 
ness, slackness, slackening, laxity, flagging, droop, 

to be youthful, young, adolescent WZ. o^ -i^i 

youthful, young, adolescent uL :^j 

olii «j>-lj - oi 
young woman, (young) girl, lass ZL+o i <uli : <1J 
wick ( T-Cail jl ii^JJl) J^ 

fuse, slow match, match cord (i»i^ill ) ^si 


tired, lose strength, become less intense 

to tepefy, make tepid or lukewarm ( ?lil) jj 

to allay, mitigate, ease, soothe, 
abate; to cool, calm 

. jjS^— : j^» 


to weaken, enfeeble, sap, make languid, ■ °-^\ :j^ 
make listless 

small span k>CLi\ ci^tj fWJ)" <-J/k J* ^ : j** 

period, time, while, interval, iii-^. < si. < j j j : J^j 

spell; epoch, era; stage, phase 

.m >% ^** 

transition(al) period, stage illliiil Sj^i i Jliiil syi 
of transition, interim period or stage 

period of doubt ( cr -'iL»^ll jl+il J....J) iujJI 5>l» 

now and then, from time to time, jjj- 1 j Sjli ,3-1 
once in a while, at times, sometimes, occasionally 

to search, inspect, examine;i_.a.i . c*»u : (^f.) yiJ 4 ^Jzt 
to investigate; to rummage, grub, ransack, search 
about, make a thorough search through; to look 
for, search for, seek, quest, hunt for, fish for, try to 
find; to drill for, prospect for 

to frisk (r"^- Cr* ^** "V^e (j- 5 ^ l~»i) <_^» 

to unsew, unstitch, undo the sewing of, rip, £j <.£* 
rip open, unrip, tear, rend, slit open, slash 

rip, rent, tear, slit, crack, cleft, rift, fissure ji : ,£j 

hernia, rupture [ i_J» ] Jii 

hernial [ i_J» J tJui 

to kill, assassinate, murder, slay; to_j ^ik. . J^j : _j tiLi 
destroy, ruin, devastate, ravage, crush, stamp out, 
wipe out, eradicate, extirpate, exterminate, anni- 
hilate; to assault, attack with violence 

assassination, killing, murder; des- - ^^L 1 J^ii : dlli 
truction, eradication, extirpation, extermination, 
annihilation; attack, assault 

to twist, twine, entwine, curl, kink J _l>- : Ja . Jii 

twistGng), twining, twine, torsion, kink iki 1 Jii 

to fascinate, charm, enchant, captivate, ^J 1 j*~. : jZj 
infatuate, enthrall, spellbind, mesmerize, thrill, 
(be)witch, entrance 

to seduce, tempt, entice, allure, lure j^cl : ,j^i 

i ' ' ■ .'. . ... ..■.■■ ■ •■ ■■■r- 

to distress, afflict, pain, agonize, torment, »ki 4 «ki 

make suffer 

to suffer the loss of, be afflicted with (stricken j kjJ 

by) the loss of, be bereaved of, be bereft of 

gluttonous, greedy, voracious, edacious, o^i. : ulnki 
insatiable; glutton, gourmand, ravenous eater 

radish (oLi) Jki 

gap, opening, hole, breach, aperture, ijiu : S^ki 

crevice, fissure, crack, crevasse, interstice; chasm, 
break, discontinuity; lacuna, hiatus 

crater iLJijI nil jkiil l^jtxj yij jl J iuj 
' • - - - , - ■ ^ 

libertinism, dissoluteness, Sjli'j i £c}U- i J-i : j>»i 
profligacy, wantonness, dissipation, debauchery, 
lewdness, lechery, licentiousness, rakishness, im- 
morality, uninhibitedness; whoredom, fornication, 

adultery, fornication ^ j : jyti 

to hiss, sibilate 
hiss(ing), sibilation 

- > ' 
potency; virility *J_y»i :i)lk» 

coal merchant, coal dealer .^iJI «JU : flki 

to be or become obscene, ribald, LLJu {JS : yisd 

dirty, foul, filthy, vulgar, indecent 

to be or become exorbitant, exces- U»*Ij o^ : J^i 
sive, immoderate, unreasonable, enormous; to be 
or become grievous, heavy, grave, serious, gross, 
flagrant, atrocious, outrageous 

obscenity, ribaldry, vulgarity, indecency, if\l>: Jm 
filth, bawdiness, shamelessness; obscene language 



' JOJU J I VkJ _^l l^jlsO 

adultery, fornication, whoredom jli t ^ j : * liki 

atrocity, abom- J»-Li 4 Ijl»- (^l-v jl j^-i j^I : >La«i 
ination, monstrosity, enormity 

to examine, test, assay, check (up); to (^c) ydki 

investigate, inspect, survey, scrutinize, explore; to 
search (for, into), inquire (into, about) 

l> W: L J!V'i 

primer, (percussion) cap <L*i : ( jmA I ) J-ii 
marline, cord (o^^ J*) J^" : J—-* 

vermicelli 'Slk*^ : cn« 0? **^j j Ji'-' 

twisted, twined, entwined, curled 6y^» '■ J~r* 
wick ( »-LL»il jl iil2Jl)iL^j 

suppository ^^-^ : *J— - 1 

to quench; to cool, calm, allay, still, soothe ^SC- : lii 
to straddle ^=r j ije ^ -**^ : 2* 

mountain pass, defile, col, ,jXj>- ^-j Jj^ 4 i_«*i. : pt 
gap, gate 

from all sides, J^-c pi JS" ^ 1 <-jj»« j pi Ji" ^ 
from all directions, from everywhere 

unripe, immature, green, raw 


rude, crude, coarse, rough, blunt, gruff, Ja» :kj 
brusque, curt, abrupt 

to open 

elk* Vflj -S?lkj 

surprise; sudden or unexpected event or 5 f Ik* : olki 
occurence, bolt of the blue 

suddenly, all of a sudden, unexpectedly, slk* 

unawares, by surprise, surprisingly, without 
warning, without advance notice, out of the blue 



abyss, chasm 5y> : ou 

to lead a dissolute life, indulge in /:■ j_j i^ki 

debauchery, dissipate, act immorally or sinfully; to 
be or become profligate, dissolute, dissipated 

to commit adultery, whore, fornicate ijj'-j**J 

'J*i (orlj-ijll *UI) 'j^i 

to cause to overflow, let flow or pour (fA\ f\i I ) ^ki 

forth, cause to gush out, spout, spurt, squirt, shoot 


to explode, deto- ( ^J I olSQI < *JjJ I 4 il.:«ll) 'J*j 

nate, set off; to blow up, blast, burst; to dynamite 

dawn, daybreak, aurora jl^J I «.jJJ» 1 »-LJkll iyi> :jkj 

dawn, rise, outset, onset, inception, incip- *lu : jk* 
ience, beginning, start, commencement 

I - - # > i 

nificance, import, purport, intent; effect, tenor, 
essence, (main) content, substance 

potency; virility <l^- j . ^XJ. I J* ; j ji : i}yj 

hissGng), sibilation ( ^i ^ I ) uj 

to snore ^ 4 J»i :(jjL)|)j*i 

to hiss, sibilate c--if : O-l 


to emanate, diffuse, spread o»-U :i*3Ql o. 
trap, snare, gin XJ^i. I i dfp. :ii 

glory, pride; honor yj : jlki 

pottery, earthenware, crockery tijp- : jU«i 

jar ;^»- :5jU«j 

earthen, fictile "jlj* '-isj^* 

potter cijil f-i^ ' <-»ljji- :cSjUJ 

stateliness, splendor, magnifi- J^i- i ilki : <u Uj 
cence, grandeur, greatness, superbness, sumptu- 
ousness, luxuriousness 

His Excellency £.l»Jj I t_-»-L> t ( u-^J I ) <ul=J 
to perforate, puncture, pierce, hole Lii :c»J 

to booby-trap »yi J S^%i^ SjL. ^ii-l :«u 

thigh tfJjjJlj i-S^JI t>e L. : -u»i i j*i 

legjgigot (jJJ^lllI (jJujUill j^J) JiaJ 

moiety, subdivision, sept <1..» ^ p ^i : JLii 

femur, thighbone illl | p^i 

femoral iAil! J^ jl iaiiJl; ^>L>- :{ji»J i^j^j 

to be or become proud, haughty 'Jsj :'Ju 

glory, pride; honor jlki : Sj^i ^Jo ij* 

honorary Wj** 

honorary president; president emeritus & j>* ^-J j 

honorary member (5>»J yi>s. 

to boast vainly, brag; to be boast- ^Q i ^Lj : «i»^ 
ful, vainglorious 

boasting), brag(ging); ostentation <>C: i «4j : 


to audit 

test, examination; quiz; checkup, checking); ^ar* 
testing, assay(ing), investigation, inspection, sur- 
veyOng), scrutiny, exploration; searching), inquiry 

physical examination, physical, {[lL [j^r) u*^ 

audit, auditing 

blood test 

hoarse, husky, raucous, gruff 

male, bull 



stallion, studhore,(j}L^^)t-^. j> li. l jC < a^: jki 

potent; virile pjij. I Jx j j li , \' ,„;■> £jy : jki 

poet laureate; eminent (superior, master, jki ^eli 
outstanding, distinguished, great) poet 
to be dumbfounded, dumbstruck, & \'^~ '■ Ur' 1 "J :^ 
nonplused, flabbergasted, unable to answer 

to blacken, become or turn black 

to carbonize, char 
coal; charcoal 

bituminous coal, 
soft coal 

animal charcoal 

(•** JJ <Jj 

i^,\ :^vMt 

bone black, bone char, bone charcoal " ■ U'«-. J*i 
coke i£j_jSCJ| pj 

activated carbon, activated charcoal 

charcoal, coal, wood coal ■ 1-1 | 

urea, carbamide 

piece of coal, lump of coal 

darkness, dark 

coaly; carbonic, carbonaceous J>«iHj jl - - '"i**** 

rr 1 * e^b 


^U J^-l <r? -lj iyjjO 


Carboniferous Period 'cJ»^ I j'n-l I 

meaning, sense, signification, sig- iSj" <■ tj** '• <Sy* 



'J, J 



Laid Jjj U :ojj 

to break, smash, fracture 

federal; federative 

federation, federal union 

federal state 


to break, smash, fracture 

cretin; cretinous 

to fatten, stall-feed 

ransom *JJ j* jl <j» o**— (>»; 

unique, singular, single, individual, match- juy : jj 
less, unmatched, peerless, unequaled, unparalleled, 
nonpareil, unrivaled, incomparable 

resume, summary, abstract, £*>}U- « (_£** : i£J Ji 
outline, epitome 

premises, explanatory part(*«JI jJUJl) £.-uL. :i£Jjj 

to escape, flee, run away, take to flight, get u/ :^i 
away, get free, turn tail, break away, abscond 

to desert ^j- 1 -^-' (Jt f 

toelope L^jjJIj iiil^. uj-5. jr'jj^ J-o*J oLill Oji 

to elope l$J Ji^* m W*-j j c~j ^ oljil Oji 

c5^il »3rlj -( jlj V^O ^i* iij» 
to cut, split, tear, rend Jp t »Jai : (Sj> 

wild ass, onager cr*".^' J^f : *'j* ' 1/ 

furrier sljill («JL» jl) j^-lj : *l^i 

fuKs) jy : *l^» 

sweet (water) ( >L. ) olc : o f>* 

singly, individually, separately, severally, one iS^j 
by one, one at a time, one after the other 

misfortunescSjIji ,JU U Ijill (i_-t.liil jl)i_JL»il 
(or troubles) seldom come singly; it never rains but 
it pours 
slippery juJI 'j* o^i)ll <JJ ^Xy ijfy 

j 1 * jt'j-j 1 * : jG* 

pomp, splendor a«jI 

« • - - -' ' 

to be or become stately, imposing, Lm* u^ : (<*» 

splendid, magnificent, grandiose, grand, majestic 

to glorify, exalt, extol, dignify, honor, Jj«j < ^Ji* : ^a 
ennoble; to aggrandize, magnify 

to pronounce emphatically; to JiiLII J tijjJ-l (►»» 
emphasize, accentuate), stress; to intensify 

to make grandu-ljLL(^Jl'o_^l < jll l ' r SisOl)iJ«- :j^i 
oquent, bombastic, pompous 

stately, imposing, splendid, j»-li i JJl=>- t *Jic : ami 
magnificent, grandiose, grand, majestic, imperial, 
regal, superb, deluxe, sumptuous, luxurious 

proud (of); boastful, boasting; ( j ) jj,»i < ( j ) j^j 

to redeem, ransom »>» j I JW ^M^^l ^^^aL*- :i3jj 

to sacrifice oneself for, give aJ L>«j jl *-iJ ol-ii 
one's life for, risk one's life for 

C$'ji ^Ij-ti'jj 
redemption, ransoming JjuiJ ii^ai 

ransom <;JJ :ii->J 

sacrifice *~J" *~ > :<i-*» 

for, for the sake of, as a sacrifice for, to liS" ^ jj 
save or liberate someone or something 

he died for his country cJ*'^ &■** ^* 

(£.ii «-lj - »lji 
jiS j^rlj- *Ij*JI J^ 

fedayee, commando; one who sacrifices Tj I jj 

himself (for his country, etc.), one who risks his 
life voluntarily or recklessly 

fedayeen, commando(s), shock troops uj^j I -" 

enormity, exorbitance; gravity, serious- CCJ* : ii-l jj 
ness, grossness, heaviness, oppressiveness, burden- 
so meness 

cretinism ii'Cj :<dljj 

acre, feddan *»■ LJJ (j»Li« : u I JJ 

yoke jw |^-j o>v u'j^ 'u'^* 

to oppress, (over)burden, weigh heavily on Ja«j : ^ji 




" ■' '■' - ""^ ! 

' ■ '■ ■ ■ '■ ' "^"« 

liveliness, nimbleness, agility, brisk- i»- 1 J»L; riil^i 
ness, swiftness 

comeliness, beauty, prettiness, hand- j^ : i*l^» 

strawberry (<-J^) >> : *Jj [>» 

euphoria, spurge (<^^j) <Jj**j» 

feces, excrement JuU : d^i 

to open, open up, open out, j*L i 'C.' 3 i '-^i : 'rj 
spread (out), unfold, open wide, widen; to part, 
separate, diverge, divaricate, draw apart, spread 
apart; to space out; to split, cleave, gap, make an 
opening (in or between) 

to dispel, drive away (worries, *J J m I /\ li I Vj 

grief, etc.) 

>. ,* >•, , ,- 
to relieve, comfort, give a sense of *»- 1 j I : aj^. rji 

ease to 

relief, ease, comfort; relaxation; i*- 1 j i r- 1 jii I : rj 
happy ending, happy denouement, happy out- 
come, happiness (after suffering) 

vulva, pudendum {i\')s) rj 

.-•' -•' -.- - •' 

vulvitis _^lj| 0I4JI 

compass(es), dividers jlSCl. t jlS"^ : j^'j 

opening, aperture, gap, ijZ « 5yo s i*jj : ii-^i 

breach, hole, fissure, interstice, crevice, crack 

show, spectacle, sight, view 

peep show, raree show 

currycomb, brush ilk. : u**r'j 

vulval, vulvar, vulvate, pudendal rjii\j u^U- : ^^ 

- -' B s * _ -, 
to be or become glad at, happy at, t+l> I < ^ : _, r-ji 

pleased with, delighted at, cheerful about or over; 
to rejoice at, jubilate at 

' -"* - s- 

joy, gladness, happiness, delight, X*^, 1 j^L : »• ji 
delectation, cheerfulness), glee, gaiety, hilarity, 
mirth, exhilaration; rejoicing, jubilation 

wedding (feast), marriage <_ili j t ^'Jc. : ~'j 

(ceremony), bridal, nuptials 

••11'- '■' 

quicksilver, mercury <i~JJ : j'S* 

flight, escape, fleeing, running away,o^j» < <_/,» : J(j 
runaway, getaway 

separator; sorter jyJl, .^i; ill :aj\j 

lion _l.| \fj~\jt y>\ t^jt 

- s " Y -' r< 

physiognomy il l^iJ I (^i _,!) jjU t L. 1^ 

insight, acumen, perspicacity, discern- j^J :ill^» 

ment, clairvoyance, vision, keenness 
physiognomical) ill^iJI |i« t^ : <jr"lj» 

horehound, hoarhound (oLi)u*ll<frf 

wheel (of a mill) 0^. UJ I o ^ j : yi lj* 

screw propeller, propeller ( l: ;'l |) '.|^ 

iily p-lj-(illy Ujjii) (jil^i 

bed; mattress il^. 1 jjjl :y-l3» 

deathbed jLii-'Jll _,! o)il J.\'j» 

bedridden, confined to bed i_rG^ ' rij^ 

butterfly; moth ( ijj^. ) ii, \'j 

codling moth 

« - ^ -, ^' ,- 
death's-head moth o^il i.^Lc ii,ly 1 ; 


^liill iilji 


-I iil^i 

„s e - +' ~~ 

vacuum, vacancy, void, empty *ly- ( »^U- : p Iji 
space; space; blank; gap; emptiness, vacuity 

finishing, ending, termina-o ^L^ 1 1 <* ^ I : Jlc^ *■ ly 
tion, completion, conclusion, windup, winding up 
leisure, sparetime, free time i- l^ill (olijl) cJi^j 
vacuum "(J)'y- : ^j 

solid geometry A-i-ly c^j» 

dissociation [ ( _ij]<jil'j 

separation, parting, departure, iiji 1 Jl^i I : j'lji 
leaving, farewell; disunion, disunity, dissension 

<*JLm AJJ-lj— <4 Iji 

brake(s) i£.y : Jj Ijj 

baker jts- -.ijfj 



♦ ♦ 


paradise, heaven <L»- : <j«j Jj* 

paradise, Heaven jt-J I ol> i <LJ- 1 : ^j JjiJ I 

bird of paradise u-j ■> jii I jS U» 

paradisiac(al), paradisal, paradisaic, heavenly ^->jV)i 

••4 - *' ' »'•-.' 

Paradisaeidae jj~™' Of *^** •'-'^f J J J? 

-•» .- -■* j .'. 
single, solitary; singular; solo; ijiu i jy i jy^ : iS?j* 

one-man; single-handed, unassisted by others 
individual, personal i>>^»- ' yc as »-' : i£?j* 

odd, uneven yfi- j^e- 1 J>i« 4 c5> j : <£?j* 

individualist ililjjiJI jl ijj^iJlj Jili :(iJji 

singles (tennis) 

individualism ^*jjJii jl i_*».u) 4-jby :<Oj< 

individuality, selfhood, ioU- 1 ii»Jji c^>t :i>Jj» 
singleness, singularity 

to separate, set apart or aside, isolate [)}£■ i J^ai : jj 

to sort (out), classify, categorize, class, ljL*» : jy 
assort, grade, group 

to partition, divide, part (ULL. jl I jUi) jy 

to count votes cAy*i\ jji 

separation, isolation, setting apart or J j* i J-ai : jyi 

sorting, classification, categorization, t. i . ; . ^" : jy 
classing, assorting, assortment, grading, grouping 

partition, division, parting ( pLi* jl jlit) jy 

' •*. '•' 
color separation ol^Jal jy 

•- • * *' - • . 

queen £>j^l &-• :uljji 

loaf of bread l -*??j '■<■>*& 

crumbs, fragments, morsels, ( }J- 1 ) oUi : J J j y 
bits, crumblings, pickings 

dough, paste; pasta oyr* : <3-> jj» 

horse, mare (u'>r*") c/o* 

knight ( £iji»l)l) (j-ji 

Pegasus [tiUi ] (Ji*^! y-yJ I 

glad, happy, delighted, cheerful, joyful, uUji < rj 
joyous, jolly, merry, gay, gleeful, rejoicing, jubilant 

jlUJl yU 

jklji jioillii y 

to germinate, sprout 

to have young ones 

to hatch, incubate 4. n ..n o*-y 

to hatch, incubate AM <^4-r" £/ 

to be dispelled, driven wH s-j^ll jl (J^i-I f^t 

away; to disperse, disappear, clear away 

young bird, young, nestling, fledgling^ ID I jJ^o : ff 

cygnet, young swan ^ I jA I j j )i I ^y i pJ I £y 


shoot, sprout 


bass; perch 

young female bird 

chicken, pullet, poult 


to be single, sole, solitary 

to withdraw from, retire 

from; to isolate oneself from, seclude oneself from 

one, single, sole, only, solitary a»- I j : jy 

individual, person u^*^ : i'y 

one, one of a pair, one of a r- jjJ I i-A-aJ i » jy : jy 

.. " '-!' / :- - '•' •: 

odd, uneven sju. i <Sj>) ' c5 Jj» : J j» 

I^jlji «j>-Ij - Ij^i by 

per capita, for each person jy JSJ i a»- I^J I j^il 

jy j»-Ij-j*-Ij :uIj>» 

individualist <J I jyl {, Ji\i : (_i I jjj 

individualism (*jjJi> jl s-*J-«) <|jj» : "4j' j j* 

•' i ,s ti ' •• . •■ --•• 

Jj» »»■ I j - r)jJI i-«-<aj i ijt loijt 

jyfcJ i J^j : jy. jy 



— mgmi;.ifi»BH'jE«l 

■::*:■■.•■.■> .-..■"■ — 

incumbent (upon), make something someone's 
duty; to ordain, decree, prescribe; to dictate; to 
order, command, require 

to appoint, assign; to allot, alio- ^jtLaa- i ^c : Joj 
cate, apportion 

<» cf'j ~>- : (» 

to force (work, impose) one's will J* <C jIjI ^iy 
on or upon 

to besiege, beleaguer, siege, lay J* jCaXI ^y 
siege to; to blockade 

to impose, levy, assess, tax ~M <L>^ \j>j 

to notch, incise, nick, snick, indent, dent, j»- :<>^i 
jag, make incisions irKto); to groove, furrow, rut 

imposition, imposing, injunction, oUJI i »lj) I :<>>/ 

enjoining, ordainment, decreeing, prescription, 


taxation, imposition, levyGng) »JJ t-Jl^aJI ^iy 

duty, obligation; task, assignment (_^- 1 j : ^'j 

order, command, dictate, precept, injunc- j* I : yi^i 
tion, decree, ordinance 

homework, (school) ( olll I j jJu i ^-jlt« ) , 

religious [i_.}LJ iu^vi ]'^j (_-»- I j ( i-i;ji : Joj 
duty, religious obligation, ordinance, divine pre- 

statutory portion, legal portion, lawful [ <?*%■} 
share, prescribed share 

given [oUiLjJ ^U* 

:'•'••' i i: '•-' 

individual duty [i_.!iLJ <»ej>i] ,j-^ <^>y 

collective duty [i_.^LJ iuj>i] «jU5" ^'j 

2 * 

supposing that, assuming that, on the ol (>>j» J* 
assumption that 

<—•>-.] ijujZ.] ,jajjai\ jji i u i>jjii\ i_>Um»I 

heirs, heirs at law, those entitled to a statutory or 
legal portion in the estate pursuant to sura IV: 12 
of the Koran 





mantis, soothsayer 

hippopotamus, river 


league; parasang 
equine, horse, horsy 
to spread, spread out 

(JL-JI jl yU^JI u~ji 

(•j^*-) <-*y-j~ : (^' o-j» 

tie.* : j~' j' j*JI y-j» 

JjJaU u»Li» '.ri^jt 
* i ' '. ** ' ' 

to pave, tile, flag, slab, floor L«*>j i JaL :^ty 

to furnish, provide with furniture ciJ I : <J-j 

spreading, spreading out tu i V ; : yl^i 

paving, tiling, flagging, slabbing, i_*U j « J*JLJ : ,jiy 


furniture, furnishings 

mat, rug, carpet 



shaving brush 



to brush 

-> 'cry 
Li. j ji> t CjU I : (jtji 

. » "' . •• 

.5 » . * ' • 2 ' .' 

' ,5 •■ . •■ 

to straddle, stand or sit with aJl^j Uj :ki^i tki^i 
the legs wide apart, spread the legs wide apart 
mulberry (oU) cSy : jLj^i 

farce ill j* il»-^L. : i^i 

opportunity, chance, occasion SJ4J i (_— u* cJj : *~oji 

'' > - .' 
holiday(s), vacation, recess iU»c : i^»ji 

«JJ^] «^- lj - irf»^iJI (_)fol jl) ^Ss-\ 
> * , ^> >r ~ * 

ylCl «»-lj -(jo^jiJI ylCi 

- - .t . . , ,- 
to impose (upon), enjoin(on), make<_*?-jl :(J*)<>^» 





descendant, offspring J j i J-ll : ^j 

Pharaoh uje^i 

branch, subsidiary, tributary, secondary, sub-, '^'j 
by-, side; marginal, fringe 

* •' •■ i' 'i 
by-election yf y v^f 1 ] 

bystreet, side street; i-cy j I yC^i Jy^k i yfy ^jli 
byway, bypath, branch, side road; bypass, detour 
subcommittee i-e-y <^«J 

affiliate *^cy a_^* 

to be or become empty, void, jii i SU- : (y-) £^* 

vacant, unoccupied 

to finish, terminate, end, bring <*> I : J*«J I y* £y 

to an end, conclude, wind up, complete, finalize; 

to be done with, through with, finished with; to 

achieve, accomplish, carry out, perform, execute, 

consummate, round off, round out 

to pour (out), pour forth, empty aL*o : rlil £y 

to empty, void, vacate, evacuate, discharge Js- \ : pj 

to drain, empty, dry out, (_ii»- < ci^o i r)J : pyi 
draw (water from) 

to unload, discharge, *JJ iJj*J-l jl <LJ-JI py 
unlade; to stevedore; to take off, take down; to 
land, put ashore, disembark, debark 

to unpack, remove the (jJJ -L-i*-) ou^jm fyi 
contents of 

to deflate, release jUI _,! sfyil ^ (jJI CV J ) £/ 
or let out air or gas from 

to pour (out), pour forth, empty aIo : rlil 9j» 

frigate ^rfj* - *~f- : *-k^>! 

Perseus [ <iU* ] j&- I <S'£ : y-jl*> 

portulaca, purslane 
small bird 

gallinule ^JL. jJU. i u>j»-" : jj»j* ' j» y 

^S» Jf'j ~ J-»» : (oe) £>* 

notch, incision, nick, snick, indenta- Jb i }j- : iJj^i 
tion; groove, furrow, rut; opening, gap, crevice, 

jetty; har- »L~< i j»»^l j y*— II J»* :(4j^mj) i^i 
bor, (sea)port 

hypothesis; supposition, assumption ilJ» : <L^i 
to precede ^ jij i ^. : J»^i 

to slip someone's tongue, escape Jy ^ J»y 

inadvertently; to say unintentionally 

• - > ' '. - ' 
to escape; to miss, lose t^ <^ J»y 

( j) J»^i w«-lj - t^ie 4 Jl»l i^^-ai : j J»y 

to neglect, omit, be negli- *!*> i Jlil iJLai :( j) J»^i 
gent, be remiss, be lax; to lose, forfeit; to miss, let 
go by, let slip, throw away; to waste, squander; to 
waive, abandon, renounce, forsake, give up, leave 
to abuse, misuse *}\j*z~.\ rCl : j J»y 

excess, overabundance, J»ly 1 4 Ja^i (.isC'j : ^j 

superabundance, superfluity, overplus, surplus, 

surplusage; immoderation, extravagance; hyper-, 

super-, over- 

hypersensitivity, oversensitiveness, <L r ] lX\ J»y 


hyperacidity i^j^J-l J»y 

,5 ,.5 * ,- 

hyperphagia |»UJ»JI Jj S^UI i»y 

hypertension, high blood pressure ^ jd I J«i-i J»y 

to flatten, make flat, make Joj* l \jJ» ju> <i«- : «J»^i 

oblate; to broaden, make broad 

to surpass, excel, outdo, overtop "y 4 Jjli : e U 

to ascend, climb (a mountain) »,!,«,*» : Jli- ' fj* 

to go down, descend (a valley) *iy : tiil^ I py 

to branch, ramify, divide (up), subdivide, u-«ii. : fj 
section, bifurcate, fork 

branch, ramification; fork; offshoot; _Ji t. i-*i, : p ^ 
section, division, subdivision; department 

branch, bough, limb, twig, ( 
offshoot, shoot 

branch ('SfjO' *-—•>* Of) £j* 




J\y jjflj-Oji 

group, band, troop, company, Sj^ j i icCi- : ii^i 

body, party, faction, squad; detachment; team; 
division, section, unit; grade, class 

sect, denomination, confession iilU> :ii'y 

division; squad; contingent (-CjC-s.) iiy 

troupe (<L?-JS) ii'y 

band; orchestra ( i .;. .. j.) ii^j 

ensemble ( L ^_i_-.y.l J ^ill ,^.) ii^i 

two bright stars of Ursa Minor [ Sii J 6 Yji'y' ' jj ''y 

to crack, pop, snap; to crepitate, crackle; to «i^i 

explode, squib 

crackGng), pop(ping), snap(ping); crepitation, ijiy 
crackle, crackling; report; explosion, exploding 

to rub, scrub; to chafe 

to brush 

rubbing, scrubbing); chafing 

fructose, levulose 

to mince, chop (up), hash 

mincing, chopping (up) 

firman, decree, edict, order 

to brake, slow down or stop by or with a ^S : J*'y 
break, apply a break on 

brake tv^-* '■'■bj* 

tfj^i j_un : £}y 





(baking) oven, £-Q> 1 ~lL. 1 ^JJ I j I _)li I il I : o y 
(cook)stove, cooking stove, range, cooker 

i* •'. 

u>>l '-uy 

furnace, kiln, oven 
blast furnace 

bakery, bakeshop, bake- 

to Europeanize ^"j* ^**r '• 7v'j* 

Europeans; foreigners ***0* ' pj* 

European; foreign; foreigner I/!"^ 

sword; sword of fine workmanship ljL* : jj^i 

to part the hair 0j ^, dy 

to be or become afraid (of), scared p y 1 (_»U- : Jy 
(oO, frightened (by), terrified (by), alarmed (by); to 
dread, fear, panic 

to separate, part, divide, disunite, sunder J-ai :'Sy 

to scatter, disperse, diffuse, strew about j jj : j"y 

to distribute, allot, apportion, deal out, p jj : Jy 
give out, mete out, parcel out 

to part the hair oj£, oy 

to distinguish (between), make a dis-jl* :(,>-;) <i^» 
tinction (between), differentiate (between), discri- 
minate (between) 

to sow 

Or* *»>^l ^ 'Or* iyj 'Or* £»j' : Or* l3j* 
dissension or division among or between, stir up 
discord among or between, sow the seeds of 
discord among or between, drive a wedge between 

to frighten, scare, terrify, horrify, dismay iSyi- : Jy 

divide and rule! j_J J^i 

fear, dread, fright, alarm,, panic, scare, dis- d>y- : j'y 
may, terror, horror 


morning *w> : Jy 

&^ tf ' J ~ &y : Jy 
fearful, fearsome, timorous, tim-ciy-l juj£ :&y my 
id, fainthearted, chicken-livered, craven, cowardly 

difference, dissimilarity, dissimilitude, (_»}L»- 1 : Jy 
discrepancy, disparity, unlikeness, contrast, 
distinction, variance, variation 

parting, part (of the hair) juli I <jy\* : Jy 

it does not make any difference; making no Jy *i 
difference, all the same, without distinction, 
equally, alike, likewise, in like manner, in the 
same manner 

part, portion, division, section, unit ._i : 3y 

*iy r Li r'j~°j*j lieu*- '-3y 

flock, herd, drove 

frigate bird 


proof, evidence 

the Holy Koran 

oI»^j -C>\iy 
fip\ o\'yi\ :oli>JI 

r " 

victim of, fall victim to or of 
Pharisee; pharisiac 



flesh or muscle below the shoulder 

to tremble, shake (all over), writhe -uaJl^i cuij jl 
with fear 

duty, obligation; task, assignment ^ r ~ r \ i <. u ±>' J >:'iJi i j 

religious [ <L*}L J <*jj£ ] ^-j j i_j«- Ij s ,ji/ : <uo^» 
duty, religious obligation, ordinance, divine pre- 

obligatory [i-^^LJ **jj^\ ~Ki>jju* i%o :*~oj ji 
(required, prescribed) prayer 

statutory portion, legal portion, lawful [ i~«}L J 

share, prescribed share 

[-, *' f' * • * 

"L^jLJ iujvij (^l^l Jji ^(jiSI^I l_>U«»tfl 

heirs, heirs at law, those entitled to a statutory or 
legal portion in the estate pursuant to sura IV: 12 
of the Koran 

law of distribution of [ i^^LJ <*ij^ ] Ja> I jiJ I JLc 

party, side <J^]> : Jj j 

party, litigant (in a (<£ji j j) yiliL « ^la». : Jj^i 

team, group, band, company, troop ii'ji : Jj^i 
team ii^ij) Je> 

lieutenant general (tr~4-l JJjsO* 

vice admiral (ijja*JI ol^ill j)jjj^ 

rubbed, scrubbed <^j>" : ^i j» 

crushed wheat, bulgur, grits Ji^j : dL^i 

cooked green wheat Ij-yAu J!l*- : dL^i 

to be or become frightened, terrified, startled t-y :'j 
to scare away, frighten, terrify, startle cj* I : 'j 
tigress; leopardess s^J : 5 j Fji 

scarecrow >ljklaJI Jll»- i jCj- liclji 

one who inspires fear *_. 5-_)i» ^ : <u.l_)i 

to burst (open), break open, split (open), tear, Jji : jj* 

to be or become afraid (of), scared (of), c»U- : (o?) f, j* 

brightness, brilliance, glit- <JU*J i -Uj^j °.i-«~JI ju^i 
ter, shine 



iLSjai 1 iAJJ 1 : il—j ji] 1 

juJ o-l>-ji i aJu£ : dljjJ 

> £r 

j — <■ a.a-»- t *■* *'■ I ojl 

* , j» : »JJ» 'JL>» 

lLr 1^1 Sj^ 



chestnut; marron »L:I,.< : 5j^i ^j I 

chicken, pullet, poult, broiler, fryeri»-li-A)l r-^i : rjji 

.» V . - >>. 

chivalrous, chivalric, gallant, knightly; eques- ifjjt. 

horsemanship, horseback riding, equitation, <^-»jj* 

manege; chivalry, knighthood 

emptiness, vacuity, voidness, vacancy i- \ji : ej^i 

imaptience j',all i-jji 

furry j^iJI Jj <_jj_*^. :tsj>» 

wonderful, amazing, strange, new ia l*x. 1 1 

quail (jU>)"&A 

unique, singular, single, individual, ^UiJ I » lia : < : ju^j 
sui generis, matchless, unmatched, peerless, unri- 
valed, unequaled, unparalleled, nonpareil, incom- 
parable, unprecedented 
alone, single, solitary, lone, lonely „u>- j : ju^i 

precious gem 

solitaire ili»- j 5-l>-Ij 5^»^>- :5ju^» 

braize, braise, red porgy, sea bream (tiU-) (i^j* 
strawberry (oLj) *Jjl^ i^j^i 

prey; victim *-?-*> ' crr^ Lt : *—iji 

to be or become a prey or Ii5" i-j^ ( «*j j I ) i_j» i 



plenty of time; (time) margin 

wideness, roominess, spacious- plJ I <. **- 

ness, vastness, ampleness, amplitude 

^ ' .* .. " ~ - ~ 
to revoke, repeal, rescind, counter- JJ* I t (jou : j-i 

mand, annul, nullify, abrogate, invalidate, negate, 

defeat, void, make null and void, cancel, abolish, 

recall, repudiate, disaffirm; to reverse, overrule; to 

quash, vacate 

to dislocate, disjoint, luxate, jJu i A*- : (j-aiil) £~i 
wrench, disarticulate, unjoint 
to detach, disjoin, disconnect, separate JL»» : »«_i 
to tear, split J£ : fLs 

to tear to pieces, tear apart, lacerate, mangle ij> : juj 

to disintegrate, decompose, i_iU 1 « o-i I 4 Ja- : ~Li 
rot, deteriorate 

revocation, repeal, rescission, coun- JIL I < ^oij : «li 
termand, annulment, nullification, abrogation, in- 
validation, negation, defeasance, voidance, void- 
ing, cancellation, abolishment, abolition, recall, 
repudiation, disaffirmance; reversal, overruling; 
redhibition (of sale) »_JI f<~i 

dislocation, luxation, jJu 1 jU- : ( J^oiil) ~_i 

wrenchGng), disarticulation 

detachment, disjunction, disconnection, jlai : **_i 

tear(ing), splitting) Ji. : ri-i 

splinter, sliver, chip, fragment; £_-i L« i*Ja» : o«_J 
shred; slice 

to decay, rot, decompose, LiU 1 jic. i"^,\ 1 ^Ju : j_J 
spoil, putrefy, corrupt, disintegrate, degenerate, 
deteriorate; to be or become decayed, rotten, 
decomposed, putrid, spoiled, marred 

to be or become corrupted), depraved, \jj»u I : oli 
pervert(ed), immoral, vicious, evil 

- ' ' ' * '. 

J_j ju-Ij - J— J 

J_jl «J«-Ij - J—J 

to explain, expound, explicate, ^ 1 *w>jl 1 7-ji. i^^-J 
elucidate, illustrate, make clear, clear up, clarify, 
shed light upon; to account for, give an explana- 
tion for, give reasons for 

to interpret, construe 

(Jjl :J-i 

alarmed (by), frightened (by), terrified (by); to 
panic, dread, fear 

to resort to, have recourse to, turn <JJ tkJ : <JJ p ji 
to (for security or help), take refuge or shelter in or 
with, seek protection in or with 

'p_>l ^rlj-lXy- :'<& 

fear, fright, dread, alarm, terror, panic, <_ij»- : f_^» 
horror, scare, dismay 

frightened, terrified, scared, afraid, pjj> n_«JL»- : fji 
alarmed, dismayed, horrified, panic-stricken, 

fearful, fearsome, timorous, c>U>- t <jjil jy.C : **)» 
timid, fainthearted, chicken-hearted, cowardly, 
craven; coward, poltroon, recreant 

to break wind, fart Ut j rji- 1 : Ci 

decay, rottenness, rot, decomposi- Ju i J^U»;I : jLi 
tion, putridity, putrefaction, spoiledness, disinte- 
gration, degeneration, corruption 

corruption, depravity, <_i!^»«Jl :tJI ,>iL»- jLj 
depravation, perversion, perversity, pervertedness, 
immorality, turpitude 

invalidity, nullity, voidness; vainness, 0^» : ^—* 
unsoundness, imperfection, incorrectness 

dust, scattered fragments jCJ : iJLi 

^ • , ^ .» 
scale 5j-ii:iJCi 

«.-.»'.- . i 
(woman's) dress, (lady's) gown sljll o^i :OULj 

pistachio i'lfr^) <>— ' 

peanut (.uJJl) j:l„> 

pistachio, light green, yellow-green L***-* 

--'* - S ' ~ ~ ' 

«— *l ( »i— * ju^Ij — ru-J 
, % ~ * f '. 

to be or become wide, spacious, roomy, «-, _j : r*J 
capacious, vast 

to widen, make wide or spacious, broaden, *1 _> : j*L» 
expand, extend; to space (out) 

space, spacing; interval, interspace i»-y 

empty space, open space, free p \ji <. f Lai : i»»-j 

enough time, ample time, 

Of t— • 




•;' . ' 


to stride (over), take a long step (over) (Jx-) jii 

*■-• ' ~' ' '. 
stride, long step i»- 1 j 5jJ»- : is»ii 

cartridges) ii,jj> j»- i u»>i» j»- '• *Sj^t <. dlii 

to fail, be unsuccessful, miss ul»- i J»-i- 4 Ji»- 1 : J^i 

the mark, flop, fizzle out, lose ground, be unable to 

do or become, miss, miscarry, go wrong, come to 


to lose courage, lose heart, cower, j-j- :JJi 

cringe, chicken out 

failure, unsuccess, fiasco, flop, ill*- 1 Jlii- 1 : Jli 
fizzle, dud, defeat, nonsuccess, frustration 

cowardly, fainthearted, weakhearted, oCj>- : Jii 1 Jli 
chicken-livered, fearful, craven, yellow 

stone (of a ring, etc.) jki- :(»JJ JU-l)^ai 

clove (of garlic, etc.) jj-, :(»JI jijiJl)^ai 

lobe [ «^ ] iiii : ^ai 

eloquence, fluency; purity of language o-l_ai 

phlebotomist, bleeder 

^Ua* :JllaJ 

<■ ..t>«miII i»l,finil : i»L^2J 


: r L 

weaning, ablactation 


schizophrenic, schizoid 

alfalfa, lucerne 

to be or become eloquent, fluent \r*» r a* 0^ : v-e* 

Easter ,.n, ..» -ut : £«^ 

Passover, Pesach <i^^> -»-t : »*«ai 

- ;* " - • '., - • '■ 

to bleed, phlebotomize, draw ( J^J I j I yijjil ) 
blood from; to open a vein 

bloodletting, bleeding, phlebotomy, .uai j.ila. : 

venesection, opening of a vein 

alfalfa, lucerne (oLi) <U: 

to separate, part, divide, disunite, dissoci- Jy : J*ai 
ate, disconnect, disjoin, disengage, disentangle, de- 
tach, break up, resolve 

pavilion, large tent; canopy; illi- : J^Uali 1 J»Lkli 

(woman's) dress, (lady's) gown ijL--» :uLkL» 

. > , > 

oLl«y ,u>-lj - oU-j 

to phosphatize oLl«y (J I J^»- : ■" * * 

phosphatization oLly J J Jj^mj '■*"■ * 

-*. j ', ^ ^-, - 
to phosphorate j^L-^jJlj r-> • j« » 

bedbug, bug, chinch, cimex \ljX*-) (jil^l iij 'j' ' 

to dissipate, lead a dissolute life, jco ijs*i :Jj-J iJ-J 
live in debauchery, act immorally or sinfully 

to stray (from the right path), go 3** : 3~* ' 3~* 
astray, go wrong 

debauchery, dissipation, dissolute- ic}U- <. jy*i : J|_j 
ness, libertinism, profligacy, wantonness, lechery, 
lewdness, licentiousness, rakishness, immorality 

fountain »jy^ ' '*„'' * 

cutting, set, transplant, sapling, <£*_>£ 1 iiii : Jli 

stupid, silly, foolish, idiotic; fool, idiot, jlj- 1 : Jli 
imbecile, simpleton 

(jf^J^-J i L^-^J^j «j>-lj— (j»«i-J i4j*LJ 
• . - ' '■ 

wide, spacious, roomy, vast, capacious, .l-. I j : »wj 
ample, commodious, expansive, broad, large, great 

salted fish Ju^ < i l..,- : jw-j 

• ' '■' 1 .'•-..; 

^>-*« £T>J ~ ^>-** -C^* 


mosaic, tessellate(d) 

(palm) shoot, (palm) seedling 

physiologic(al) L^-^J^lLiJlj JUi^ : ,-*£>Lj 

physiologist L^-^J^-I-iJlj Jl* : ,j>-^-J 

physiology «La£^ll yull>j Ju. : L^^J^li 

to spread, circulate, spread about, get about; ^JuJ I : Li 
to be revealed, disclosed, divulged 


I — 



— Z33 

sound judgment, unmistakable judg- oUJ- 1 jlai 

ment; decision; conclusion, termination, end 

• , • ' ft ~ 

extract; excerpt; offprint r-^»LL»* i o ik jU : «J-o» 

quarterly i^*"* 

,5,. T 

quarterly Ul-»* 

quarterly j#il iJili 3^ j- 1 -^ "^v :< 4" a * 

to split, cleave, crack, break; to separate, part ^a> 

Cj^Uu jjj-Ij- Q><»» 

lobar iili c$l o»» <jj v_j—^ : (^-«» 

eloquent, fluent, well-spoken dLli I t^j i i j-1j : j-^* 
pure, literary i*k»J I ^ JU- i i_»L> : £^i 

phlebotomized iyajm : i ; yii 

young (weaned) camel ( ^j-laall) i»U I J j : J-« a* 

iLwaJ V!"lj ~~ <1 : l ^ r ai 

family (»LJ-'jl <..»._:*•'> j) 

platoon, squad, detachment ijji* :(Z^Li) *L-a* 

faction, group Xj> i ili : <l v .o > 

blood group, blood type ^ J I iL~ai 

subfamily ( *li- *i\ c.*...-,U; j) iil-ai 

to open, unlock, unfold, unwrap, jli' i »ili i »vj : ijat 
undo; to break open, force open 

to unseal, break or remove the seal of ^ I Jei 

to pierce, perforate, bore i_-iu : ,Jai 

to scatter, disperse, break up, disband J^i : 'ja* 

to adjourn, close, con- *JJ i — LJ-I jl pL^r J I (>>» 
elude (a session, meeting, etc.) 

to adjourn, dissolve, break up, ~)J O^Jj^l 'j°* 
disband (a parliament, etc.) 

to deflower a girl slliJI SjlSo l/»» 

to settle, resolve, pJI iifLiil _,l uWU-l _,l ^l>JI ,>» 
make up, patch up, reconcile, adjust, compound (a 
dispute, conflict, controversy, etc.) 
bravo! how well you have spoken! d)y <Jat *i 
opening, unlocking, undoing; breaking ^£ i *cj :Ja» 
scattering, dispersion, breaking up jj^iJ : 'jai 

'■■ 'xx'.-'w. . — ■ '■ :■•■: — : 

giV aBM-l 

to cut, cut off, sever, sunder, break »_L» : Jloi 

to segregate, isolate, seclude, separate, O^c : Jlai 

set apart 

to separate, partition ( \^L> ) J-oi 

to discharge, dis- (i* jil /\ Jilll ^y) ui^ :Jlai 

miss, fire, sack, expel, lay off, displace, remove, 


to decide, deter- Jyi i Sj>- « ^->- i gj : ( j) Jlai 

mine, settle, resolve, judge, adjudge, adjudicate, 

make a decision, render a judgment, arrive at a 

resolution, have the final word, cast the die 

to wean s-Ui^ll ,jt. jJ_jJI J-oi 

to detail, particularize, J.^ivlL. (yi^t jl) r^ : J-^* 
state or set forth in detail, develop in great detail, 
give the particulars or details (of), speak or write 
fully (about), elaborate (upon), expand (on) 

to divide into sections, arrange in <Jl*<> : jlaj 

sections, classify, categorize, class, tabulate, group; 
to itemize, list 

to make clear, clarify, explain 7^°^ '-o* * 

to cut out, make to measure iJiJ I j I c_>jJl) I Jlai 

separation, parting, partition, division, Jj>»J •' J-^* 
dissociation, disconnection, disjunction, disen- 
gagement, detachment 

severance, sunderance, cutting off Jai : Jlai 

segregation, isolation, seclusion, separa- J^t :J-ai 

discharge, dismis- (i-jjJ-l jl J-jJI ja) <->j*o : J-ai 
sal, firing, expulsion, layoff, displacement, removal 

decision, determination, S^- <■ *~*~ <■ oj : Jlai 
settlement, resolution, judgment 

separation of powers oLkL— 11 ( ( j-j) jlai 

s' > • - 

disengagement of forces olyJI J-ai 

chapter (v^f J*) J- 3 * 

act (of a play) 



semester, term,il-l jj 
trimester, quarter 
class, grade 


' ' '' * 

. Jj^ai j»- 1 : 

'•(yrJ J> ) lH»» 



I ^i» 

to remain, be left over, be left behind; jl j <. ^ : Jjsi 
to be surplus, be in excess 

to excel, surpass, outdo, outshine, out- JU : J-ai 
match, overtop, prove superior to, be better than 

to be good, honest, virtuous iL-o* _j J~a» I i C)\i : J«ai 

J-oi £»-lj - jlj 4 (jiu : J«fll 

to prefer (to), like (better than), favor; to 'j"\ : 'Jjai 
choose to, opt for, think proper, deem wise; to 
give preference or precedence to (over) 

favor, grace, kindness, oLJ- 1 4 J- • j- i <->)J^ '■ J-oi 
kind act, good turn, service; gift, present 

merit, credit; advantage; excel- 
lence; superiority 

preference, precedence, priority M-n« I : J-oi 

surplus, overplus, excess, overabun- SjC j : jlai 
dance, superabundance, superfluity 

leftover, remainder, remnant, rest <1±> : J-ai 

excrements, excretions, secre- <Cljji« • , -j- 1 J^-oi 

surplus value i^-JLl! jj»i 

besides, aside from, apart from, in (iiU i) ji }Laj 
addition to, over and above, on top of, along with, 
as well as, other than, moreover, furthermore 
thanks to, by virtue of J~ai> 

please! if you please! will you please! liLLii j> 

leftover, remainder, rest, remnant, i jL j < ili : <JLoi 
remains, residue, surplus, overplus, excess 

waste, refuse, scrap, offal, garbage, rub- £>Lj :iUu 
bish, trash, junk 

*Lai> >u«-lj- J^jJI j I c. J .. J I cj_jJ :<Lo» 

excrements, excretions, secretions Jj-I o^U>» 

curiosity, curiousness, inquisitive- JiJ* 4 Jj-_b : JjJat 
ness, nosiness, officiousness, meddling, obtrusion, 
obtrusiveness, intrusion, intrusiveness 

excrements, excretions, secretions 0->-JI J>-ai 

curious, inquisitive, prying, nosy, meddle- <-J>>a» 
some, officious, obtrusive, intrusive; busybody 

silver, silvery, argentine; argentic; argentous ,-Jai 

adjournment, conclu- j%M iJJ.1 /\ c-C^^I ^ai 
sion, closing 

disengagement dlOi^ll 'jai 

adjournment, dissolution, breaking jJ J uL\Jjlll Jot 
up, disbandment 

defloration SjlSCJl ^a» 

settlement jj| pl^JI (jii 

to be or become spacious, roomy, ^lj| :((jlSQl) Lai 
wide, large 

to be or become empty, void, SU- : (jlSQl ) U»i 

vacant, unoccupied 

• », *- - '- '— • 

space ,>jjl ^»- ^jU- iol^JI iii»dl :>Lji 

empty space, open space, »^U- « il^i 4 i^_i : *Lai 
air, void, vast space 

outer space o?"J^"' *^' 

- ~ j j , ~ - > 
astronaut, spaceman, cosmo- *Lai Jj-j t »Lai oilj 


spaceship, spacecraft t UuJ I o^ 1 *LoJ I *■,/'■■ 

" " i * ' ' 

spatial, space *L«JL ,_^>U- ^Lai 

*Lai j^-lj - *Lu Ji-j 4 »Lii _ulj :^JLoj 

►L»» «j>-lj — <L!Lai A^i"^ liJLaj i: A... 

astronautics oil! Lai) I JLc 4 oCJLfli 

J Lai* .j-lj-jlaiJI y^£ :Jla* 

*l - oft * m^Ij-,_LjJI jl c-'...l I cj_ji :JLia* 

<Lo> u>-Ij-4jLj iojLjj 1 <Jb :<JLoJ 

silver (oa*-) i-ai 

to expose, unmask, disclose or un- ■ i*<" i ttL* : rwii 
cover the faults (offenses, sins, etc.) of, show up, 
compromise, shame, disgrace; to disclose, reveal, 
divulge, uncover, unveil 

exposure, expose, (public) disclo- > «*.< t lib* : «-ai 
sure, unmasking, showing up 

to silver, silver-plate, plate (coat, a~:W. Ai, : 'j* ^« 
cover) with silver 

wide, loose, baggy, flowing ««, \ 3 : j«l^« 

pompous, bombastic, high- jl^i 4 yLt : u ^U. nf 
flown, grandiloquent, aureate, flowery, euphuistic, 
high-sounding, turgid, orotund, stilted 




♦ ^ 

*-: -■»•■;. v. 1 ^ 

mycology oC JaiJI jl j_^JajJl Ju. 

mycosis JaiJI £1.5 i JaiJI <ji/» 

fast breaking C^laJ I ^^ 4 jUai I : jLi 

Lesser Bairam Jail I -t^t 

nature, (natural) disposition, iL»- 1 i_a»- t jjl»- : ojLi 
(innate) character, moral constitution, temper 
instinct °jij*- '■ 'j^ 3 * 

primitiveness *JIjj:5jL* 

creation, origination p'-vl ' J^-** • "'J^* 

by nature, by birth, innately, congen- » JaiJl; 1 ijlat 
itally, connately 

fungal, fungous, fungus, fungoid, JaiJL Jill* :ii>J*» 

fungi-, myco-, myc- 

j. ' * *■ ' ' ■> -- 

mycosis (Sj^» t\* t cSjJai <Jay 

natural, native, innate, inherent, ^JLU- < ^rJ» • <£A? 
inborn, inbred, congenital, connate 

primitive tyl-M : tij-i»» 

to die oL. : y-Jai 

to kill, put to death oU I : y-JJ 

to wean s-U»JI y* Jlai : |Jai 

weaning, ablactation Jd» < «LLi : pi*i 

to realize, |^i id/jl :(j jl JJ jl J) jJai cjii tjii 

discern, notice, see, understand, comprehend, 

grasp; to be or become aware of, conscious of; to 

learn (about), come to know (about), find out 


* * , - - ^-*' ^ - -■ 
to be or become discern- LL» o^ ■ ,>la» 1 t >l»» 1 t >l»» 

ing, sagacious, perspicacious, shrewd, astute, 

acute, intelligent 

to make realize, make understand; (<JJ jl J jl _») j^ai 
to remind (of); to bring to someone's attention, call 
or draw someone's attention to 

discerning, sagacious, perspi- ^U :jJai tjJai 'jJai 
cacious, shrewd, astute, acute, keen, sharp, bright, 
intelligent, clever, smart 

acumen, discernment, insight, sa- JJlv- 1 ijwu :4^Jat 
gacity, perspicacity, shrewdness, astuteness, wit, 
acuteness, acuity, keenness, sharpness, intelli- 
gence, cleverness 

silverware, silver plate, silver cX~Jat 

scandal (^JLat -A owd 

virtue, morality, moral excel- CaJiJ j iL j j xi : iLjji 
lence, moral quality 

merit, virtue, advantage, excel- ~Cy 1 <L.--»- : i,l.,.^i 
lence, good quality 

His Eminence i 

>1 . ,rtilll (_J-Ua ( ^*~" <t;»^* 

Your Honor 

( J > ljJ 1 «| , ,n> ( ^J.l.-Ma.' 

great scholars 

.Uliil 1 Or ^* 


(i>r) j 1 ^ 




((>J-) <^4- J^*» 


j(LA\j ii^ii ji :jjUxi 

weaning, ablactation 

Jdi :^Uxi 

iJai £>-lj-«jUxi liiUxi 

great scholar j^S JU : ( J*-lk» ^J J*J»i 

to create, make, originate, bring Li 1 1 J-j* 4 ji»- : jjai 
into being 

to split, cleave 

ip : ^»» 

to have (take, eat) breakfast, »-C!<aJI .l«i> J_)l_.' :^iai 
to breakfast 

to break the fast, eat and Vj^j 3^' : J^ ' j^* 
drink after a fast 

to have a natural disposi- ^t. *_J» i ,J* J^ : ,J* jJai 
tion (propensity, tendency, inclination) for, be dis- 
posed by nature for; to be in someone's nature, be 
innate (inherent, inborn) in someone 

to give breakfast to j-CJI |.Q> oLLi-l :jj»i 

to break someone's fast Jtii* *ii»- : JUaJ I ^Li 

to split, cleave ^i, : j^» 

splitting), cleavage, cleaving ^t jj^u 1 J^. : jjai 

crack, fissure, cleft, rift, crevice, split At 1 Ji : jLi 

mushroom(s), champignon(s), fungus (pi. (oLi) ^Jai 

fungus gnat, mushroom fly jLii I iij*j 



;> Li 

-— ; 


'"' ■rs> , ™\-::-4 

deed, act, action; doing, acting; • ■ ■ -s> i J^i : Jii 


effect, influence, impact; action jy t i jj I : jij 

verb [ijjjjj 

actually, as a matter of fact, in fact, in J*iJL ( ^li 
point of fact, indeed, in effect, verily, really, in 
reality, truly, in truth, quite 

jz*~ Jf 'j ~ ji*' J*? 
perfect *fi jlj 

irregular verb 
regular verb 
intransitive verb 
transitive verb 
passive verb, passive 
auxiliary verb, auxiliary 
active verb 
defective verb 
reflex, reflex action 
conditioned reflex 

f t - ft * 


<J>tx* J*» 
' '. - j . ' 

infinitive, verbal noun, nomen verbi jij L, \ 

due to, owing to, because of, by reason ( Ii5") jli, 
of, on account of, as a result of, in consequence of 
reaction J«j jj 

deed, act, action J^c. < jli : il»i 

actual, factual, real; de facto; effec-^piilj i ^Jj.sV :^J«i 

tive, effectual, active 

verbal [iJJJJuJ 

(Jli) jliJL ,£i jP-lj-lli^ 

verbal clause (or sentence) ill«i iU»- 

active service (ol-uil j) *li«i <*-^- 

to gape, open (the mouth) wide (<li ) jii 

-stomy [i_J.]j*j 

enterostomy jUl^l ^ 

* ^ ,., 
colostomy ujlyd\ jii 

mouth of a valley tSiljJI J :5j*j 

L laali 


■ i 

^CL»JI (.lli :j>ii 


unleavened, unbaked, p-^ ^* < j .'~- J~i. -j^ 
half-baked, underdone, soggy, sodden 

fresh, new, newly made 
pastry; pie; pancake; patty 
weaned; weanling 

rude, rough, crude, ki i j^s- « L»U- i <^iL>- : Jii 

coarse, harsh, gross, indelicate, blunt, gruff, 
brusque, curt, abrupt, impolite, uncivil, uncouth, 
boorish, discourteous, ill-mannered, mannerless, 
unmannerly, surly, churlish 

walrus l$J*j ^^ ",j\'y^- : Jii 

rudeness, roughness, coarseness, harshness, iiLti 
grossness, bluntness, gruffness, brusqueness, 
impoliteness, uncivility, uncouthness, boorishness, 
discourtesy, bad manners, churlishness, surliness 

horribleness, horridness, hid- £jai s^lll d£ :**U»i 
eousness, ugliness, terribleness, abominableness, 
atrociousness, atrocity, outrageousness 

atrocity, enormity, outrage »_Jii ( J^i jl ) J, I : itlii 

to be or become horrible, horrid, ugly, I.. h« 0^ : jJ>J 
terrible, abominable, atrocious, outrageous, fla- 

horrible, horrid, hideous, hineous, ugly, jJii i vJai 
terrible, abominable, detestable, atrocious, outra- 
geous, monstrous, shocking, flagrant, egregious, 

good deed, good act JJ*. jii : JUi 

generosity, liberality .'j£ ; Jlii 

effective, efficacious, effectual, Ji\i tj^ t Jx.U : JUi 
efficient; active; operative; influential 

efficiency, efficacy, effective- i^ii i jut i ilUli iXJlii 
ness; activity; performance; influence, leverage, 
clout, power, authority 

to do; to act; to perform [^c : J*i 

to act upon, affect, influ- J J»c t j J, I : j jl j J»j 
ence, have an effect or influence on 
to scan (a verse) {j^\ ^>) S* 

to activate U*.; ■'JLi 




:# <#: 

paragraph; (cjI^ ji oU»- jl Jli« ^J jJai* : !>ii 


clause, (iiJ j jl JUjI jl S-i*U* jl oy\i fj*) j^> '■»j>* 

paragraph, passage, section 

part, section (jJJ ili>- jl jvU^j ^J >^»- :ijii 
spinal, vertebralj^Jil I j_^»- J J oj— ^ . ^y- '• i3>i» ' i5>i» 
vertebrate oUjUiJI ^ u !>?■>- '-iSj^ i <5j** 

to hatch, incubate (an egg) ( i ^~^ £^ ' ) cr** 

to break, crush, split j-i^ : yii* 

to write the word «only» after the total; oCJ-l iaiJ 
to spell out the figures, write figures in words 

only, just, solely, merely, (and) no ^i. "il . i_~j*» : Jajj 
more, (and) nothing else, (and) that's all, no more 
than, without anything further, nothing but 

to be bright, brilliant, gay, vivid, intense; to (u>U I ) ja* 

be bright yellow 

to snap, crack, pop ( <uj Ls I ) jii 

talkative, garrulous, loquacious; chatter- j\lj> : JiUii 

prognathism, prognathy Crh^ ' Jx* : (•** 

seal (ul>^»-) <■*£» 

to understand, grasp, comprehend, appre- ^ :iii 

hend, realize 

to know (of), have knowledge (of) (Jlc : *Jii 

to have legal (juristic, jurisprudential) l^-ii 06 : -ui 
knowledge; to be a jurist, jurisprudent, legist, 
(legal) scholar 
to teach, instruct, educate, school, tutor pii : ili 

_ s . s . » j- ;.. 

jurisprudence; doctrine <^j-^l flx^-jl Jlc :-ui 

doctrinal writings, writ- fl^iiJI (i\j\ jl)oUj< : Aii 
ings or opinions of jurists 

understanding, comprehension; jJlc . ^ : >Ui 



henna blossom 

to open, rip open, slit open, lance Aii :(*JJ |>-^0 *** 

to gouge out, scoop out, tear out, l+L— : (t^jJI) Ll» 
knock out 

vertebra j^\ ijj*- . ijii (■ ijti '-oju* 

vertebrate oLjliiJI <j* ul^e - : i£>^* 

spinal, vertebral jiJi) I J^»- J J oj_^ . M?>i :(ij'-i» 

Vertebrata, vertebrates jUi oliolil^j- :OujUii 
bubble; bleb (j^"^ jr) **& 

to lose, forfeit; to be or become bereaved of, bereft -lii 

of, deprived of, destitute of, lacking; to lack, want; 

to miss; to mislay; to fail to find 

to lose hope, despair, give up &*r)\ jl J- jl Aii 


loss, forfeiture; privation, depriva- ulaii lOljii 'Juii 
tion; bereavement; lack, want, absence, nonexis- 
tence; in-, im-, dis-, non-, un-, -lessness 

abulia » J b)" (•***) o'-*** 

analgesia (Jjl (-ui) ul^ii 

incapacity; incompetence; ill* j I ( -iii ) 1 •*«* 


amnesia, loss of memory i J> I JJ I ( oii ) 6 1 ^ii 

inappetence, ^UDI Jl J^lll jl il^l (-^) ul^i* 
anorexia, loss or lack of appetite ' 

aphonia Oj-a!I (oii) ul->i» 

unconsciousness, swoon, faint, ,«c>J I ( Aii ) u I ->^* 
syncope, suspended animation, fainting spell 

to pierce, perforate, bore 1 Ju :jii *.jii 

-— '' -- - - - I, - - -i- 

^lUi I v»-l j - 4JU i_J»i 1 Ijyii iju ' j>t :>>* 

proverty, needdness), destitution, jyc ii»U :ji» ijii 
indigence, penury, pauperism, privation, depriva- 
tion, lack, want 

anemia ( jJ I JH 

vertebra J^\ ijj*- :ijii lijii 

tr& Arr 

disengagement, detachment, disentanglement, 

,-s » « t - 

release, freeing, setting free, lib- <JJ\ 3 \ ^^1 Si 
eration, manumission, emancipation; ransoming, 

disengagement J»G" j^l j| dCfL^I di 


cadastral survey 


jaw.jawbone o^ jI 4^ (i-^' p-^"! "^i»- :di 

mandible, lower jaw, submax- 'TjLi-J I j I jll "51 1 dll I 
ilia, jawbone 

maxilla, upper jaw 

ransom Clxi : dJISCi i dJlSCi 

e;^LJl ji Ji'^ldJi 

ili ^rlj-di j'o^. cili :dl£i «dl& 

humor; joking, jesting, funmaking, fun, jocu- la l£i 
larity, banter; joke, jest, drollery, witticism, wise- 
crack, gag, jeu d'esprit; anecdote 

humorous, comical, funny; humorist, wit ^-Al£i 

to think (oO; to cerebrate; to think out ( j) ^Sj ij£j 
or about, reason; to think over (deeply), "consider 
(carefully), contemplate, revolve or turn over in 
one's mind, reflect (on), meditate (on), cogitate 
(on), ponder (on or over), muse (on or over), 
speculate (on), pore (over) 

thought; idea, notion, conception); opin- <il j : j£i 
ion, view 

intellect, mind J*'}-.JSL» 

train of thought jlSo I J_»- 4 jlSo I JJLJ 

idea, thought, notion, conception); view, opin- 3j£j 
ion; impression; motif 

by the way, by the by, incidentally, speak- i£i J* 
ing of, apropos (of) 

intellectual, mental; ideational; ideological, spec-i$j£i 

to sprain ij£i 

sprain *£i 

juristic, jurisprudential, of or *iiJ I J J o^l^ : T^ii 
relating to jurisprudence; doctrinal 

Egyptian cucumber jLi-lS" oL i^^ii i<j*«ii 

the departed, the late, the deceased J>. 1^1! \^l 1 

poor, needy, destitute, indigent, necessi- j^. : jjii 
tous, poverty-stricken, low-income; pauper,' poor 
man, have-not 

poor, wretched, miserable, inadequate, c~c. : jii 
insufficient, inferior; lean, thin, meager, scanty; 

the poor, poor people, paupers *l^iil I 

jurist, jurisprudent, legist, jurisconsult, (legal) oii 
scholar, (legal) expert 

to i_i"j xi, lo^li j| £Xi J*ai ie(\y>-\ Ifji :Si 
disassemble, dismount, dismantle, take to pieces, 
take apart, take down, break up 

to separate, disconnect, disjoin, detach, jlaj :Si 
disengage, disentangle, disunite, dissociate, break 

to untie, unfasten, unbind, undo, unravel, [£- : Si 
loosen, unloose, unfix, unwind, untangle, disen- 
tangle, disengage, free 

to lift, raise, end, put an end to 'J\ jl t'^i'j-.Si 

to release, set free, free, liberate, ili^JI j'\ 'jJi\ Si 
manumit, emancipate; to ransom, redeem 
to unseal; to break open li I Si 

to decipher, decode, break (a code) s^L-D I Jy ,j Si 
to redeem, pay off, dismortgage 'Jt^J I Si 

to unbutton *jj | Si 

to dislocate, disjoint, unjoint, '^Ja\ /} ' h- ' I Si 

to unscrew yrf j~" j' jl^-4 1 ^ 

to open one's hand » jj di 

untying, unfastening, unbinding, undoing, 3*" : ^* 
unraveling, loosening, disentanglement, disengage- 
ment, freeing 

disassembly, «J»i)l jlai ( »ljl».^l j^y; :di 

dismounting), dismantlement, taking apart, taking 
to pieces 

separation, disconnection, disjunction, jloi : Si 



unexpected event, sudden 

slip, lapse, error, (slight) fault iJ j <■ S^i* : <uli 

unexpectedly, suddenly, all of a sudden, ii : ili 
unawares, by surprise 

filter; filter tip T^Jt ' 5 ^*- a ? • j*l? 

to split, cleave J^ : gli 

to be or become hemiplegic «JUJL <_-««l : jit t ji* 

cleft, split, crack, fissure, crevice 

to till, cultivate; to plow 
to split, cleave 


piece, portion, slice 



nonmetal, metalloid 


nonmetallic, metalloid(al) 


Xaiai loilj 

-i- '' - ' 

to declare or adjudge ~)J y«»i (^-^ I (jUI : t^-i» 
bankrupt or insolvent 

to bankrupt, reduce to bankruptcy y-Uj <U»- : ^-Li 

filS yj^ Jlii l^Jj i^pjj 


scales (offish) 




to philosophize 





*j— J ! 



i,a,„lall JlC 

to disassemble, dismount, dismantle, take toiiU : dl£i 
pieces, take apart, take down, break up, dismem- 
ber; to disjoin, disconnect, disunite, dissociate; to 
dislocate, disjoint, unjoint 

to dissociate [ l _ r ii $ *^*-^ ] >££* 

to be or become witty, humorous, jo- \+fj o^ : *f* 
cose, jocular, jolly, jovial, merry 

to amuse with jokes oUliCiJ L. <J^i» I : <£i 

witty, humorous, jocose, jocular, <JuJn> l i*l£» j i : *fl» 
facetious, merry, jolly, jovial, fun-loving, good at 
banter, bright with amusing remarks; comical, fun- 
ny, amusing 

vicuna, vicuna 

meditative, pensive, thoughtful, 

to notch, blunt, dent, indent, jag 

jujil ;jI y :Ji 

notch, indentation 

iron filings 

group, troop, company, band 

defeated, vanquished 

Arabian jasmine 

to delouse, louse, pick lice from, (jlill ^) ^ t ^i 
remove lice from, rid of lice 

to scrutinize, examine, inspect l ^>mj -.^i^ 
desert, wilderness, wild *l jlj i «l jh*o : a"$i 


fj*- -J* 

l*j: r ^ 

success; prosperity 

salvation, deliverance 

peasant, farmer, husbandman; tiller, cultivator £% 

cultivation, culture, tillage, tilling; itlj j « iSlj»- : i*-ili 
agriculture, farming, husbandry 

peasant's, farmer's, country, countrified, .jjj : ,-»■ % 
rural, rustic, pastoral 

flashbulb, flash lamp, flashcube; flashlight; flash <_£>% 

* • 
flamenco (i~aij) j£u% 

so-and-so uili 


*uLU-« JU»- I 



■ - 


■ ■■•■■■ 

cotyledonoUCJI <>»»4 jj> J>» l> 

orbit, circuit 






Ark (of Noah), Noah's Ark 




astronomical unit 

to notch, blunt, dent, indent, jag 

colt, foal 



fluorine; fluoride 


fluorite, fluor, fluorspar 



jt ii j j : iili 
jlx. :di* 
[«iUi] j, jld I <ilii 
tiUiJI (ILp 

^-jji duiji pL 
' ••* 

j j o 
* • > '. 


-- • - -*- 

felucca, sloop, sailing ship, boat, dinghy J j j j : iS"yii 

green pepper; red pepper, capsicum; paprika, iliJi 

• > . ' .'' 
microfilm JlJ j±*£ : nlli 

--■ * «~ *- * *' 
cork cJj ii-Ji c,_^ii i jJi 

* -. *■ 
cork, corky; subereous, suberose j^Jb i -Jy 


mouth t \i ,y :^ 

orifice, opening, aperture ik^ : j 

head (of a canal, bottle, etc.) jj I iLsJI ji slliJI j 

to flatten, broaden, make ^i^i i IjJJjl. Jli- : *jji 
flat or broad 

voltage [ t \jj^ J ijjy : cJJii 

to split, cleave, crack, fissure, rift, jii i ji, : jJj i«Jj 
rend, rip, tear apart; to burst, break open, break 

crack, cleft, split, rift, fissure, pj 
rent, rip, crevice, chink, slit 

'l>t 'i* - - c? 


to pepper 


white pepper 

red pepper, capsicum 

green pepper 

black pepper 

J I jlilll Lilil r'Jiii 
Jili i Jili 

- . » ,, j.j 

^r^uM (Jill 
,. « j '" 

Jj-.l Jilt 

chili, hot pepper, cayenne pepper <-*/,>■ ji jl>- jlii 

pimento, sweet pepper, paprika, ",j^>'ji I /\ *£* jlii 


• >•> 

peppery, pepperish, pepperlike ^Jili < '^litf 

j j.j j, , ' s 'j.j 

Piperaceae iiiLJI iL-aiJ! •<-■ !. 1;1» 

to split, cleave, fissure, rift, rend, iii 4 ji : Jli 4 jjj 
rip; to burst, break open, break apart 

to cause dawn to break, dispel the ^LaJ I ill jli 
shadows of night (God) 

dawn, daybreak, aurora J»j : jij 

j. „ .^ 
creatures, creation, created oli tJU« i jU- :jlj 


- ,j , -, >%'%>*&' 
bastinado Li«j i_jLJI /Jj-j o^ <-»!>» olic ijii 

ilc »j»-Ij - J^Lill (_<jj ij*l Ji 

split(ting), cleavage, cleav- jii j'jua. t jli i ji : jjj 
ing, fissuring, fission, rifting, rending, rent, ripping, 
bursting, breaking 

fissure, crack, cleft, split, rift, fx** < ji 4 ji : jii 
crevice, chink, rent 

fault ^j'^ll ;^li j "Jj 


j.~ , * " j '• 

one half (of a split thing); split J^Lill j^J I ..^ : iili 



-•jk.-*,:ji .. Mt^uti 

t ■ ■" ■ ' ■ ' ■ -- .-■a-; 1 .:: " <■.. -..■. .. -■ ■ -;3 



to diversify, vary, variegate 

to mix, mingle, blend 

branch, twig 

to perish, pass away, cease to exist, become jj : <^J 
extinct; to evanesce, vanish; to be consumed, 
exhausted, worn-out 
artistic(al); art-; technical yiJo ijo\i- : <^J 

**'.* i- ' '. I - * • 
techmcian ^ ygaLa^*-] < ^* 

artistry; technicality; technique *^J 

cheetah, hunting leopard ( \y?~ ) -4* 

to index; to catalogue) cr'ji' 

(table of) contents, oU^aJI ^rji* i (oLXJl) <^»>ji 

catalog(ue); list; bibliography CjU t o^j : ^jV 

biography, biographical names, index ^ys- jl y-j«i 

bibliography jjdll jl jjpljll erj*J 

indexing; catalog(u)ing; bibliography *-»j& 

Fahrenheit Tjj l^jjii < Cu I4J jii 

atlas <Jj j" ii^*JI •>»* : *«i» 

globefish, puffer («£l~) *^i» 

to understand, grasp, comprehend, ^1* ni)j j I : ^ 
apprehend, realize, conceive, perceive, discern, 
see; to know (of); to learn (about), hear (of) 

. * 1 .- < - - 

quick-witted, sharp-witted, jj»iJ I jU- c^' g^- : ff 

keen, acute, astute 

understanding, comprehension, apprehen- liJIj jl : ^t 
sion, grasrXing), realization, conception, percep- 
tion, discernment, seeing 

discerning, perceptive, perspicacious, sa- ^ j j : ^ 
gacious, judicious, shrewd, intelligent; knowing, 
learned, erudite 

mouth of a river, embouchure 
mouthpiece; cigarette holder 
embouchure, mouthpiece 
oral surgery 

i^il mJI ill J 

to inosculate; to anastomose j>«i 

oral, buccal, mouth- ««JL y«l*- :j^** '(•** '(3>j 

art; technique ji 

kind, sort, type, variety 

abstract art, nonrepresentational art, 
nonobjective art 

plastic art(s) a,. 1 .,v. 'J Oj-* ' /J-;-*- * '-' ^ 

iL-J-l oj-jJI 

' - • ; * : 

5jJ-l Oj-j-II (aILuJI Oj-jJI 

extinction, passing away, cessation ii)Si 1 j^] : »^ 
of being; evanescence, vanishing; annihilation, 
utter destruction, total ruin 

courtyard, yard, court, dooryardjIoJI,^*^ i»-L: »Ui 
lighthouse SjL. :jUi 

artist iilii '6li 

fennec (ol>^-) jjii 

cup uUmJ 

teacup tiLlH u^»^» 

to disprove, refute, confute, rebut, contro- Jar- j : Jui 
vert, impugn, oppugn, attack or challenge as false, 
oppose with argument, call in question 

hotel, inn, hostel, hostelry J^i 1 J-Jjl : JJuJ 

tank; cistern, reservoir, container <J°y '• cr*U»i» 

broad- nosed i_ij xl ^j* : 

• f * 
snout (of a swine) ji>^- ' r^" ; 

fine arts, beaux arts 
folk art; pop art, pop 
liberal arts 
art for art's sake 



away, straight away, straightway, instantly, 

promptly, directly, forthwith, on the spot, without 


ebullition, boiling (over); bubbling; o I jy i oLU : uGy 

effervescence; flare-up, outburst, flush, gust, surge; 

eruption; agitation, extreme excitement; upheaval 

outburst, flare-up, ebullition, 5^ii» i <j\jy i>«J '.oj'ji 
flush, gust, surge, flurry 

boom, prosperity, heyday jUjjl :Sjy 

intensity, vehemence, violence, s ju, t • j»- : ij'ji 

formica l£l«jy clSCLjy 

instant, instantaneous, immediate, TjU- e TjT : t5jj» 

prompt, direct, spot 

victory, triumph ^laj < Jii :jy 



winning, gaining, getting, ob- jli i Jc Jj-w : jy 

tainment, attainment, achievement 

escape slij : jy 

phosgene ^y 

phosphate oU-y 

calcium phosphate .j ,.1C_|| olily 

phosphatic ^Uli«i 

phosphatide, phospholipide xjULy 

phosphorous J**-y 

phosphoric, phosphorous 

phosphorous acid 








(oLi) <~«y '*~*y 'U£y 
to authorize, empower, accredit, delegate, depu- yiy 
tize, depute, invest with authority, furnish with 
power; to entrust (with), charge (with), commis- 
sion (to do); to entrust (to), commit (to), consign 
(to), recommend (to) 

anarchy; chaos, disorder, disarray, confusion, ^y 

mouth \ ; -j 

passing, passage, elapsing, lapse, bit jZjL : oly 
expiry, expiration; escape; missing, losing, loss 
before it is too late ^ \ j ^ | o ly [£i 

redolent, fragrant, aromatic, exuding J**. ( r j\ :*-ly 

effervescent, fizzing; bubbling, bubbly; boil- J\i :jly 
ing up, ebullient; gushing, jetting forth, shooting 
out, welling out 

effervescent drink, fizz jly ofp 

fountain, jet; geyser ,L ^J < ijy\ U : oj ly 

hiccup(s) *»jjl»- : J'y 

bean seller, seller of beans JyJI »JL :Jly 

~ * - - -* 
voile jjij -^j : J|y 

FOB, free on board 2:.; .1 1 j^Jj J.c ,1 -I | : i_,y 

phobia [jj 

oly «jf lj - oli jj^oa coly :oy 

space; interval; distance iiC ( ii-y : oy 

madder (oLl) Sy 

to bill, invoice ( ; jy U ) j y 

photographic \j)j t £9 

' *r* ' j^y^ °jy° ' ^f 'j^^y j><* ' yi \j* >>y >j*^ 
i <"i f • i i * . i "• - ' **' •* 

14-il.l J Ifa*- 1 j - yj lj«_^y j^-»- 

photography LJIjiyy' 

photon yi>^' (^-" i-i^-yUy^ 

battalion; regiment (<5j£li) ^y 

group, troop, band, company, iill*. < i»^i : r-^i 

crowd, throng, multitude 

emanation, diffusion, spreading) 



oty i^y 

immediately after, right after, Q U- 1 JU- : jy 

upon, on, just at, as soon as, no sooner than, the 
moment (that), once 

at once, immediately, right ?J )i ^ i jyJl Jc 1 1 j^i 

»y Arv 


from... up, from... upward(s) 

from above Jy j* 

upper, higher; upstairs; overhead; yj liy i ^y 

super-, superjacent, overlying; superior, supreme 

superstructure i^»y <r^f 

fox-trot (i-»»j) <Z>}J-&? 

bean(s); broad bean(s), fava bean(s), horse- (oLi) Jy 

bean(s); black-eyed bean(s) 


^Ij>- Jy 

soybean, soya 

G^LaJI Jy 


i_Ju» :i"iy 

stainless steel 


cast steel 

^_y 1 jl t_..all ijy 

steel, steely 



[,L>] J> 




*JuJl ^u^ Jjj :cyl5LJy 



_, L. (_-*i oIjU :jy£Jy 

folkloric, folk W^-V 

garlic Cr : fj* 

phonograph, gramophone </^ i d)U- :<jly\>jy 
phonographic (/l/Vy 

phonological) «L"}l£J I £j\yo*i\ -Uj ^U- i^yyy 
phonologist il«^Jl ol^»"ill» Jlc '-(fr^y)* 

phonology V"^-^ ol^-o'ifl ,»U :L»-y , yy 

phonohte tj&j'. j*-° '•'-~)y} t 

phoenix, phenix ,j I ^»- jjU» : u&-*>? 

phoneme (.jy-oJI ^^531 ola*-j <io»-l :<* t Jy 

phonemic I**?"y 

phonemics Of^y J~^" 

phonemics oll^Jy 

madder (oLl) »y 

mouth 1^ :«y 

mess, jumble, muddle, clutter, mix-up, hugger- 

anarchist; anarchic; chaotic, disordered, ^i^i* 

disarrayed, confused, messy, jumbled up, mixed 
up, muddled, hugger-mugger 

anarchism, anarchy 

apron, coverall, pinafore 


napkin, serviette 


sanitary napkin 

diaper, nappy, napkin 

pleasant smell, fragrance 

prime of youth 


J^ ja :*J»y 

ili_ :ii»y 
• ,,, ' - , * 

JjjU-i t K*j?*a :4j?y* 

' i '.'■,•'. 

tjjs»~ai\ <U»y 

(ilil_j) UwJ iiy 
- ' • * ' ^- . ' 

uiU*- :Ji-UI <U>y 
« '.-*-; *- ,, - •'. 

~ji i<-~i» *a»Jij :4 *y 

t_iL-l]l icy 

virulence, viru- (j-xftill jl ^^jJ-l 5a»- jloi« :<ty 

pellicle, membrane «llc i ii-i j J^^i : iiy t e»y 

Fauvism »~.^JI j i_-»Ju« :*jy 

to prefer to, give preference to (over) J~ai : Jx. Jy 

up; above, over; on, upon, on top of; ca! tui : Jy 
overhead; upstairs; super-, supra-, ultra-, hyper-; 
epi-, ep- 

more than, over, above, beyond ,j» j£\ : Jy 

, - . » .- 
superior to; above, higher than; more^ t ^»-l : Jy 

eminent than 

on top of, in addition to, over and above, (iiUi) Jy 

plus, besides, beyond, moreover, furthermore 

superhuman <3j^> Jy l j-~J\ Jy 

ultraviolet ^ -h .., ^: . . \ \ Jy 

supersonic, ultrasonic yf* - ^i* ' </->"" t *->* 

supernatural, metaphysical, transcen- A*.. : i» l l Jy 

extraordinary, exceptional, unusual, 5jUI Jy 
uncommon, uncustomary; special, emergency; 
supernatural, unearthly, paranormal, supernormal, 
miraculous, wonderful, marvelous, transcendental, 

surrealism i - *'.^' J->* ^ 

and upward, and more, upwarcKs), Jy I* j i Jy Ui 





rue (dL) j*1* 

to scatter, disperse; to dissipate, squander JJi, : rCj 
vastness, wideness, broadness *jU-j <■ ill : rJj ' rwJ 

T»J I *»■ Ij — »yj I ti«jj< 

: >l»ili 

illljai ttJIjjj **-lj- SJIjJui OIjJlJ 
video >!- k -' 

turquoise (uJ— ) jj^ 

turquoise <Sj3x* 

- > ' . 

virus iu>- r^jjjJ 

bacterial virus, bacteriophage, phage cS/uiC ^j^o 

viral ijj. tji.\s /\ ^ijJu JiiH :^jj)> 

visa i^. ( i'jcfc : \'yj 

physics ,1^1 ^Lc < *L js» 

geophysics ^j'^l ^ 

particle physics, high-energy physics o \^J. I iLjji 

biophysics ^^ ,1^ 

astrophysics *-^li »^»jl» 

nuclear physics J^j ^ jj 

physical .Lj^L, ^Lii :^Ljji 

physicist ^LjjjiJL, JJU : ^Ljj^i 

Physiocratic; Physiocrat ",Jb\fy_-jj 

physiocracy t^hSf^ji iLilJ^jti 

physiographic(al) Lil^^ilL, ^,U- : jl>>!jii 
physiographer Q I>jOs*^ jjl* : ^ l>jOij 

physiography ^J, Ci l^ii- : Li l>^ js» 

(electric) plug ( tL'Jgl I ) ii-i < JLJ 

chip, counter (j|JJ J^ I j) <_-ll I iLj 

arbitrator, arbiter; umpire JCi- : JX,' 

(decisive) criterion ( J*el» ) jL*> : j'-'j 

cutting sword «_kli ■ «_ - - J'- * 

flood, inundation, deluge 0^>l» ' u 1 -^'* : u^* 

mouth, opening, aperture, orifice, J < iki : iiy ciay 
hole, vent 

nozzle, spout 
in; at; on 

'•=-■« '- 

in, in the state of, in the man- I iS" i)U- j * Jii : j 
ner of 

during, within, in 

among, in the company of, with 

about, on, over, concerning, <j\lj t 

for, for the sake of, because of <_."',. i ji- V : j 
times, multiplied by; by j C/^ : j 

while, whilst, as, during dli : Cj 

in the past, formerly, previously, before, iS ^» Cj 
earlier, once, at one time 

in the follow- yjt L. j « ^t tLi « ^ L. j « Jb C^i 
ing, in what follows, hereinafter, hereinbelow, 
below, infra; following is (are) 
including, inclusive a_> Cj 

to shade, afford shadow, be shady jjli •' *s* 

shade, shadow 3^» : *l«* 

booty, spoils, loot, plunder, pillage, prizeil-ic: »!i 

return(ing), coming back, going backs j^c i f^»- j : iili 

bountiful, liberal, generous e£ ( jl^i- :r£j 

wide, spacious, vast, broad, large, «-_» > j--lj : r^lli 

profluent, effluent, outflowing, flowing Jixu : yiUi 
out, pouring out or forth, torrential 

profuse, exuberant, abundant, j>y. ij\j\ <jiLi 
copious, plentiful 

bountiful, liberal, generous fjS <.i\yr x . yilli 

elephantiasis jliJI ilj :JCj 

vitamin j./~ : j^LJ 

" :s ",, J- '_"• 
veto yiiJI j»- :>1J 



'jl '■"■* 

film, motion picture, movie ( ( ^U^_.) ( J-i 

animated cartoon «5 j»~« f^-j (J-^ 

documentary film, documentary (#^ J r"^ 

_-a • ^ *,'.< ,, •» ' . 
philological i*UI *Z*> J^* '-^yy^* 

'i ' ■> ' ' ' . 
philologist iiUl Aii. (JU : ^^Li 

philology ^'^^y^* 

time, period, while; instant, moment i*^ i ^^- : *iJ 

from time ill* jku i-LJ '<i>*"'' ^ ''-4 i " l4 -~ i " 
to time, now and then, once in a while, at times, 
sometimes, occasionally 
phenol, carbolic acid ctl— L-oJI (jc*\»- ' ' ■ ^. ■ .';.» '<■!>*?? 

phoenix, phenix yf '->*" Ji^* : ir*-~-^ ' Js^s? 


phenyl; vinyl 

phenylene i>rs*s? 

eloquent, fluent .£??* '*** 

mouth (•» : ^ 

fiord, fjord LM'>rJ J J>J 

great flow, flowage, flux, efflux, efflu- Ji -C : yi-i 
ence, outpourGng), stream(ing), emanation 
superabundance, overabundance, ex- 5 jU j : <>tj 
cess, superfluity, overplus, surplus, surplusage 

abundance, jilj jl-iij i»jl_}^ '»j*j iS^p :<_^j 

plenty, copiousness, profuseness, exuberance; 

spate, large number or amount 

superabundant, overabundant, superflu- ail j :<>uj 

ous, excess, surplus 

abundant, plentiful, copious, jjji. i jt 1 3 i jtf : JaS 

profuse, exuberant 

emanation, emanationism( JUJ I J^U- jJ^iliJ I ij^ki 

flood, inundation, deluge o^>I» : u^* 

desert, wilderness, wild *lxo i *l>>»*9 : »UJ 

viscount OjjM' <-*yj ojjXJI Oj- 3 Jrr> :c - ^.J*"** 
elephant (ijl^r') St* 

bishop ( £^»-^0lH 

elephantiasis J^ *' J 




corps, army corps; legion 




I fc*«* I 

^SG- :<-f>Lli 

S^ >r ^k ^r ^r >r >r >^ >^ ^k ^r >r ^r 

^pyqf '^p ^^ ^^ ^F ^r ^r ^v ^y ^j^ '^jr ^jr 

right-angled, right, rectangular (£ j 1^1 1 ) JU 

right angle iliU £, I j 

right triangle, right-angle(d) triangle^ 3 fj I JU tii^ 
gross weight ,JUJI Oj^JI 

leg, foot Ji-j :(jj| ^£J1 ji jJjUJi j| jjfoi) i^jU" 
foreleg, forelimb ^.C.' £ju 

hind leg, hind limb <J>}&- illli 

post, pillar, pole j^li : £jl» 

list, roster, roll, scroll, regis- ( _ rj ii ( yC ( iiw'tf : ilili 
ter, table, schedule; manifest; index; catalogue) 

price list 

jC^i iJu 


•Oi-i Iju 

invoice, bill 

oCJ-l *Jl» 


»ijpi L'uji 

menu, bill of fare 

r dji L;u 

(table of) contents, index 



ji jjrl^il &U 

district commissioner, deputy gover- *li. JU 1 »UuJUf 
nor; lieutenant governor; lieutenant, deputy, sub- 

(administrative) district 
(short) distance, (small) space 

space between the middle and the end ( ^.^i) I ) ol» 
of a bow 

at two bows' length (from), (^. ) tjlly oli J* 
within an ace (of), very close (to), very near (to), 

to vomit, disgorge, spew, puke, throw up Uu : f I* 

leader; chief, head; commander, commandant jjli 

commander in chief, supreme com- lL /\ Jil oJU 
mander, high(er) commander 

jl1\ 'jSU 

army commander, commander of an 

army, general 

captain, pilot ij(Li\ji\i 

captain <yf^.j &j, ^" 

conductor, maestro *"_*_ ... ,. ij\i ^JU 

sultry, sweltering, very hot, canicular ^il jj jI : Juli 
sayer, teller; saying, telling 'J\i J*U : Jjli 

advocate, proponent, supporter, sponsor -> JjU 
noon, midday j^Ji : iill* 

nap; siesta *J>^J : *^ 

rising, getting up j* I; : ^ \i 

standing (up); upright, erect, ^^aiL , , oiil _j : JU 
stand-up, straight (up), sticking up, vertical 

vertical, perpendicular, upright 



situated, located, lying (L. ol5£i j) «_»lj t JM 

existing, existent, actual, tJU 4 jU- 4 jji-^. : -Jtt 

current, present, present-day'; standing 

gross, total, entire, overall i_»L> ^li , *J £ I : J U 

based on, founded on, grounded J* jfi^ : J* JU 
on; resting on 

charge d'affaires 

self-existent, independent, indi- 
vidual, separate, particular 



^— ~- 


assenting, approving, OK'ying; willing, ready; 
accepter, acceptor, consenter 

capable of; -able, -ible; J i^'j. < \'j£ '^yjL \ J ^jU 
allowing, admitting, susceptible of; subject to, lia- 
ble to, susceptible to, (pre)disposed to, apt to 
combustible <J \j^. }U ^ U 

renewable .b.ikJll JJjLj 

divisible, partible i'-' :l I j| ii^klu ^U 

indivisible I'.'.; 1 1 j| ij^kiij Jjli ^li 

irrevocable <^yr^ J^U ^li j|^I (olii- /\) oils' 
letter of credit 
midwife, accoucheuse 

»jly> iijb :<lLLj 


disposition, tendency, inclina- jl. ( i 
tion, liability, susceptibility, predisposition 

faculty, power, capacity, capa- SjIa»- i5j!u :*!LU 
bility, ability, aptitude, competence 

appetite il+L i ;^L : £±, \i 

-ability, -ibility; capability (of) li£J ill, Li ( liiT Z±,\i 

divisibility I. .;ll ^| ^_^J| ilLU 

olil wrlj -oli 
kat (oLi) oli 

to fight, combat, battle (against) L/,U- : Jjlj 

damn him! may God fight him! ! il J£ l» 

killer, manslayer, homicide; murderer, jlijcli : Jjrli 


arbutus, cane apple, strawberry 

orchis, orchid 

(oLi) v* k"li 

* .. 


J- 1 JjU" 
J-l ^P li- 

on the point (of), on the verge (of) 

plug; outlet (#}•[£) iriti 

astringent, styptic, puckery; U ^L, i ^ I j , J^u : yili 

constringent, constrictive, contractile 

costive, constipating dLl^J *_*'.i- i^U 

depressing, de- J*.'L\ , jUi « ^^ : ( jl£»JJ ) ^ U 

pressive, melancholic, gloomy, cheerless, dismal, 
bleak, dreary 

holding, grasping, gripping, _, dLl, : ( Jc) ^li 
taking hold of, catching, seizing, grabbing, grap- 
pling, clasping, clutching 

controlling, holding, dominant, JilL : ( Jc) ^U 

arrester, arrestor, captor, confiner Jilii : J* ^ili 

receiver, recipient 


holding company 

flexor; constrictor 

keeping at, staying at, remaining at; (oLC J) ^ Li 
withdrawn into, retired at, secluded at, secluding^ 
oneself at 

to be opposite (to), in front of, ii-lj < l£l ^Lf :'Jj\i 
facing; to face, subtend 

to face, confront, encounter, meet iJU- < ii- lj : JJU 

to meet (with), encounter; L»'jL» i o- 1 j i J>*i : 'Jj\i 
to come upon, come across, run across, light upon; 
to find 

to meet (with), get together with, J J Z^. I : Jjli 
have a meeting with; to interview, have an inter- 
view with, see (personally), speak personally to; to 

to correspond to, match, be simi- Jil. « <s'j\ _, : Jjli 
lar to, be analogous to, be equivalent to 

to compare (with), collate j lj < j Li : (-; ) ^ l» 
(with), oppose (with) 

to oppose (to), place oppo- I Ji" .UJ C^>j : (j) 'Jj\i 
site (to), put in front of, set against 

to reciprocate, return <dL, "^12 JJU t (jill) ^Li 
in kind or degree, return like for like, requite, 
repay, pay back 

accepting, agreeing, consenting, ji l^i < <>l j : J,li 



tf l 

i . " ' y 

tar; pitch; asphalt, blacktop; bitumen Jj ■ jli 

cold, chilly, cool j jIj : j I* 

reader; reciter \J J*U : C5j^* 

mind reader jISj^I {$j\i 

fortune-teller, diviner, soothsayer, c-^J I fcjli 


palmist, chiromancer t-id I Jjjli 

to approach, approximate, be (come, get) near orojli 
close to; to border on, verge on; to be on the verge 
of, on the brink of, at the point of, about to 
boat, dinghy, skiff, bark, water- ^y <. <Jjj j = yj^ 
craft; canoe 
lifeboat i\»J\ ojli 

continent [lil^] Lr Li-\ oljlill <i-J>-|:ojli 

cold, chilly, cool jli Li»jj« 1 5 JjL> : 5jli 

omnivorous; C« illLJIj <iij 1^12-1 ol£i* :Ojli 

polyphagous pLLlI ^ jju-i* pl^jL jju. :ojli 
Omnivora, omnivores °j'y 

severe, bitter, biting, cutting, (j-JJ j^;) jjju. :<j-jl* 

piercing, chilling, chilly, nippy, sharp 

biting; stinging; nipping, nippy; ^fry* i tJ^'' <>V^ 

bitter, sharp, acrid, cutting, mordacious 

rodent Jo j U 6 l>r»" ' U°J ** 

Rodentia, rodents (j°/j* 

to fight (with), come to blows ojLaJ t ojU> : £jtf 


to cast lots (with); to draw lots (with) p»L : £jli 

knocker, beater, striker, hitter ^J^° '■ £,J^ 

drumbeater; drummer JliJI £jli 

' — i- 
calamity, misfortune, adversity *■ ::.?" ' < *-' 11 

Day of Resurrection, Judgment £ QJ I ^ : ii jlil I 
Day ' , / 

middle of the road, roadbed, J«j^" **J^ 

roacKway), pavement 

to commit, perpetrate ^j^\ ' S-^j] • '-'-'^ 

to compare (with), contrast (with), '£>\i : (^ i ->) ujli 

* «■ gfrfBgra.a a 

matricide **1 JjU 

insecticide ol^^iA-l JjU 

uxoricide *frjj Jj^ 

infanticide jJji jl Jii» Jjli 

dark, deep, dim, dusky, gloomy, murky, | JJm : pi* 

cloudy, overcast, tenebrous 

black j>-I :^jU 

pitch-black, jet-black, coal-black, deep- ^U j^-I 

black, pitchy, coaly 

to suppurate, fester, matter, gather »ilij : ^\i 

dry, arid, barren, waste '-r'^v : J^ 

to lead; to guide, conduct, direct; to drive, steer, jli 


able, capable, competent, powerful, having j>ji : j i\i 

sufficient power (skill, resources, etc.) 

able to, capable of, in a position to Jt j jli 

potent, able to copulate p Lil Jc jjli 

coming, next, following; future; i_-jj» ioli JJL. : f jli 
forthcoming, upcoming 

coming, arriving; incoming; comer, ol i -ii I j : jol! 
newcomer, arriver, arrival 

primaries, primary quills } U>) 1 ,_£. j jLi : ^ j ly 
hopper (^Miall jllc i_J-l cJ £»jj jfUj :<j-«jJU 

(waterwheel) bucket 

„ -• J J - _s * ._ 
Shortcut, CUtoff S^a^a... Jjji : «^?J J * 

ejector, expeller; thrower; expellant, i_»ii J*li :cijl» 
expelling; throwing 

bomber (jjUiJl)oili 

flamethrower jUl jl <_— *iJ t iiili 

squeamish, dainty, finicky, fastidious, fussy J^l :jjil* 

Jf 'J-J J 

abomination, enormity, atrocity 
garbage, rubbish, trash, junk 



oljliJ :oljjili 



'■■'■ ■'• " ■';.■.■■■!:, 


to set off, offset, clear; to (»J I Ojj-J I ijll j) ^>U 
settle accounts with; to be quits with, be even with 

going to, heading for, headed < 
for, bound for, destined for 
apostolic delegate 

minor; underage 

unable to, incapable of 



_^»j -u^ 

pealing, rumbling, roaring, thunderous, jlu : uusli 

resounding, loud 

cutting, sharp, incisive, keen «J»U : J^li 

deathblow, fatal blow, coup de grace; J^ I *,.^U 
disaster, catastrophe 

Jlii i c ,..«.» : yili 

judge, justice, magistrate 

deadly, lethal, fatal, mortal 

examining magistrate, Juu u ^u , j ^-,-1 ) >l; 
investigating magistrate, juge d'instruction 
justice of the peace, magis- jJlL. yili t ~Lai\ ^>li 
trate; district judge 

chief justice, supreme judge 

5 Lai) I 


Rodentia, rodents 

to sue, prosecute, bring suit J* ^'jl i ^cl j : ^l* 
against, take legal action against, institute legal 
proceedings against 

rodent — «U ylj,*- («.ili 

o_j> :il«sli 

all together, all without exception, one !•_■?• : ilk I* 
and all, all and sundry 

towing, tugging, hauling, trailing i_*»-L « jU- :^l»\j 
dragon's blood tree (oLj)^i>U 

locomotive, engine; car i^e. : s^kli 

k,.-'.amA.:' ."i TTTH 

collate (with) 

to associate with, unite with; _» o'ji\ i L^- U» : 'ij'jM 

to be connected with, linked with, joined with 


flask; vial; bottle 

.- > ' * 

i- -. -. -'- --•-" -- ; ,- 

(tlL-) (j-jjli 
* -> * ■<• - ,_ 

.- .- *- r '• -'• V 

SJUU0 4jfl»-j •«.;.}.;« 

to measure, gauge, quantify . «^U i aICj Jl»- I : ^.li 
to try on (a garment) ( Cy ) ^. U 

to compare (with), contrast (with) jili i Ojli : ^.U 


bituminous; asphaltic 


continental shelf 


amphibian; amphibious 


vial, phial, small bottle 

' f ^ : JJ^ 

hard, solid, rigid, firm, stiff, juU- 

concrete, inflexible, callous 

severe, strict, stern, aus- jujiI 

tere, rough, rugged, rigorous, stark, stringent, 

hard, harsh, drastic, tough 

cruel, merciless, unmerciful, inclem- ^-'j "i : ^U 
ent, pitiless, hardhearted, ruthless, cutthroat,' un- 
feeling, unkind 




inflexible, adamant, unyielding, 

relentless, tough 

to suffer, endure, sustain, bear, 

undergo, experience, go through, pass through 

to share (equally with); to participate, ^L li, : 11, \j 

partake (of) 

to bind oneself by an oath (to someone I j£ J* <ul U 

to do something) 

divider; distributor ILi JtU ( , .;. : ^tf 

divisor, denominator [oLiLjj] _.U 

common denominator, common Sjil* ~.l* 



to punish, chastise, castigate, chasten, 
discipline, inflict punishment on 

(3j*Ij Aii 

alligator ^/f*l r~*i -Ji^* 

to be or become sultry, sweltering, very hot jl+JI J»li 
bottom; bed; floor; depth jS ■ £J* 

seabed j*^\ £l» 

hall, room, chamber; auditorium <1L» : iili 

ballroom o»0" **^ 

courtroom i»£i»LI i*li 

to sit with; to keep someone company ^JU- : j*U 
sitting; seated ^JU- : j*li 

rule, precept, principle, maxim, norm, I ju> : 5 j*l* 

standard, rubric, fundament 

base, basis, foundation, groundwork, yC I : 5 oc-U 

ground, bottom, foot, fundament, seat, support 

model, pattern; method, Jali <. (c$jum) JLL« :;jlcU 

manner, mode 

base [fL*-^] eOili 

base (ofa triangle, etc.) [i— jua] (»JJ tliiil) »j*1» 

capital, seat 

(military) base 

air base 


, a J, ' 

l_-»jJI S-Lcli 
_» J, ' 

. * » jT ••, ' 

dill s'-^li 

^ 4 

gold standard 
silver standard 
pedestal, base 
seat (of government) 

rules, principles, elements, J^»l < J$ jCi : acly 
fundamentals, basics, rudiments, essentials, funda- 
mental concepts 

grammar O^O Jf'y 

rules of procedure [y^UJ olfljs-'ill JLcly 

etiquette, decencies, proprieties, rules liJ^LJI Jicly 

of decorum or conduct 

basal, basic 5jLf.liJLj ii^U ji i^jlcU 

basic, alkaline [«L^]c$acU 

basic [ L»-_jJ_>~»- J cS J*l» 

basal [ > L»-l J tJjili 

regular, normal, stan- ijL> i yp- - ' a?^ : ^rf ^ 
dard, typical, classical) 

»T'-V «.,,■ ■ 


to interrupt, cut in on, break in (liajil *Ul) jtli 

on, cut off, cut short 

to boycott *• (J-UiJ I Jaij : jJ»U 

to break (up) with, part company with, <c~*- Lu 
break off one's friendship with, end a relationship 
with, stop associating with, break off or away 
from, separate (oneself) from, dissociate from, 
withdraw from 
cutting, sharp, incisive, keen y»L < jU- : ^)»\i 

convincing.'cogent »_JL« : j-^»^ 

dogmatic(al); decisive, con- ^U- i oU < ^ jU- : «_J»U 
elusive, definitive, definite, positive, final, absolute, 
peremptory, categorical, unqualified 




[i-ju>] «_1»U 

partition, screen, division, _^«-U- < J*»U : jJ»l» 

sector; section; strip plL» : «J»li 

ticket seller; conductor (in a train, bus.jS'l.LJI «_J»li 

cutout, switch; contact breaker [ *Uj4if J jLJJ I «J»li 

interrupter, circuit -uiU^isG I SjIIjJI jl SjI jJI «J»li 

highwayman, highway 
robber, bandit, brigand 

Lenten food 

migratory birtKs) 


£J»U y. 

«_t ly __>J» i «_l»li j-t 

iJ.Uy- :oJ»li 

fruit picker, gatherer, reaper, har- eiJai J^U : uiisli 
vester, harvestman 

inhabitant, resident, dweller; living, dwell-^fL : jjptf 
ing, residing, inhabiting, populating 


the time for prayer has come; prayer i^Ltl I oili 
has begun 

to rise from the dead, be resurrected clll lis 

to perform, do, make, carry out, is'Jt I i <i j I : -> j. l» 
execute, discharge, accomplish, fulfill, exercise, 

to assume, undertake, take upon one- A'£ \ _, J.U" 
self, take over, take on, shoulder, carry 
to support, provide for, sustain, -CUi jl ,jjL J.U 
maintain, keep, subsist, supply with sustenance, be 
responsible for someone's support 

to stage, carry out, £!J i£*UiL < oblillj « ij^L 
make, engineer (a revolution, a coup d'etat, a 
demonstration, etc.) 
to play or perform a role or part j t \ j. \j 

to visit, pay a visit to, call on (someone), ij^j, '.\i 
drop in (on), call at (someone's house or place), 
drop by (at) 

to rise against, revolt against, rebel J* jti : J* «tf 

to rest on, be based J* ^E « J*. j£j| : J* ' f U 
(founded, grounded) on 

to take care of, look after, _, J^X : (JjJ ( Jc) Itf 
attend to, tend, watch over 

to be in charge of, manage, handle, jl'jhjtlli 
tend, run, operate 

to resist, oppose a^ j '\j 

to replace, take the place of, substitute £. li. j. li 
for, be a substitute for 
to begin, start, set out to 



r £i jrlj 

ii Ja«j *li 

J 'tr^ = fli 
stature, figure, build, frame, body, phy- ji < .ly : iu li 
sique, constitution, setup 

fathom (.IjjI 1 (ijCJ ,Q| jl^J ^.li, : £.U 

to gamble; to bet (on) 

dictionary, lexicon 



bloodred, sanguineous 

.1*1 .1 


f i JlS'^l:(^liJ|)6li 

^r** Cr'J-i^ 


«i ' ■ ■- ■'■■ 

returning, coming home; homecomer jJU : Jili 

caravan; convoy; train jLLi , j_^ : iiitf 


to cackle, cluck 

raven, crow 


sea rocket 
ermine, stoat 


(t-lVoJIeO 'ill 
(JLj,U).UI Jli 

(oU) JSli 

(oli) «Jffli 

(o !>->-) fyli ((till 

to say, tell; to speak; to utter; to state, JiU , ifc : U li 
express in words 

to profess, teach; to advocate, support, spon- _, Jli 
sor, stand up for; to maintain, hold, state; to allege, 

to nap, take a (midday) nap, take a iljili ii I : jjli 

<-K*» S^ jr I j - JjjJ <Jli 
mold, die, block, matrix, formUlJ dlljl) tJli nJtf 
last (U*JuJ ji i«.'.^l) Sii-ty Liu- 

shoe tree, boot tree (l^lki J»1»J) iiii-^l LJU 
chunk or loaf of cheese 

*' Liu- 


sugar loaf 

cake or bar of soap 

* * > - 
j*~~ t_JU 

jrlj-CJU-j Cli 

1 -**J 't>HJ : fll 

to rise, get up, stand up, 
stand erect 

to set out, start (out), go ahead, get goingjj^Lil : \\i 
to take off, start off, depart 

to lie, be located, be (U olSd j) £»!_, o^ < Vj : j«l» 

it has been established Jt JJ jJI /\ oU^JI *U 
(proved, demonstrated) that, proof has been 
furnished that 
to break out, flare up, erupt o^L I c- U 

to be or become manifest, plain, clear, *J I jil '.\j 
evident, patent; to appear, manifest itself, reveal 


i ijy 

patent lawc.Ulj^-'iljilfUlJI ^fiil (££*-) 0>itf 

private law l/»^ *J^^* 

domestic law, mu- y^J»j jl y£" jl y^f-''> Oy* 

nicipal law, internal law, local law, national law, 

state law 

bylaw; rules of proce- (ill* «l il—iJ) ,i*-lj 4Jtf 


constitutional law 

periodic law 

international law, law of 

nations, jus gentium 

private international law, conflict J»U- J^jajy^ 

of laws 

public international law (U i/j* oy^ 

i ' ' • * > ' * ' ' * ' 
personal law, S L a ^ r. J\y\ Oy^ •■ ,£><> ■** • oy\* 

personal statute, personal status law 

company (companies, corporate) law otf^JI oy<i 

social security law yfL^-^l 6^JI oy^ 

natural law, law of nature yC^ ^ ^ 

-* ' ' . 

aviation law O'^r^ u>J^ 

'i "• V 
public law f\s.oy* 

-'■'' *\f \ - ■•' *'r' * •*' *• -I- 
martial law ^^ (&j-i i ^fj* j^»- : y£ j* oy* 

t\ji-\ oyti «"lj -oLjinJI U^Ju" 



labor law 

canon law, ecclesiastical law 

lex fori 

lex loci 

> >. 

Jill I uyb 

j, — < ■• 

-- . ' > * 

JLSCjJl <jy\i 

lex loci domicili ij^l u>>^ « *«l» Jll J*- u>J^ 

lex loci solutionis 

lex loci delictus 

lex loci contractus 

lex loci actus 

civil law or code 

')*ui\ ji '>.«:rll Jl«- oy<* 

fj4-' J* - Oji^ 
JJuJI (J-~ o^J'J' 

J**JI J*- 0>>u 
o^law JjJ u>>^ jj>-Ij -oUilj* 0>J^ 

obediant, submissive, humble; p jj < jJ»» 

devout, pious, God-fearing a 

gizzard [u^j* %) G^O *-^ a 

despondent, despairing, desperate, hope- yJlj : iuli 
less, disheartened, discouraged 

satisfied, content, contented 



law; statute, act, legislation, enact- g^ i l^J. : 6>iu 
ment, code; lex ^ »'»,.. > 

law |J»lllj gCrJI **>^" :oy^» 

law, code, rule.jyL.ii 



regulation, precept, norm, established principle 

t *', 

zither, dulcimer, dulcimore Zjij <~*??y U\ \oy^ 

c.^^** J><*' 0^ vr-lj -oltlj»-| 0^ 

procedural law, adjective law yj'j*"!^^ 

administrative law 


fundamental law, organic law; consti- yft-l 0>J^ 


articles of association (<C1>» jl j^j^) yr^-"' ^^ 

law of procedure, code of o^U- J^»l 0^ 
procedure, procedure law or code, procedural law 
or code 

criminal (or i-iUar jl <^>>r o|,5 U»» J^»l 6>i^ 
penal) procedure law or code, law or code of 
criminal (or penal) procedure f 

civil procedure law or ilj -u o^"Ij»» J^»l o^^* 
code, law or code of civil procedure j 

law of the sea 

jiiJI u^JJ' ' J^JI U><^ 


t5j=r 0y 

- " Y-*- -i- 

maritime law, marine law 


commercial law or code.SjljvJI u^^ « (ij^i tJ^"' 

code of commerce, law merchant 

law of diminishing returns iLJI L^aiLj 6>>^ 

^> ' >•• * " * * * ',. 

0y\* 40ULJ-I 6^^" 'yi'jT u>>^ ' *lj4-l Oyui 

criminal law or code, penal law or code yi^* 

- *- '. V 

aviation law <Syr oyv 

copyright law V^JIj <^'^ ^$ty ($***") ^^ 


to negotiate (with), parley (with), confer ^>}li : Ujl* 

to dispute with, argue with JJ'jU- : 'Jj\j 

to make or conclude a contract, a jjilii i liU : [}j\i 
bargain, a deal, etc. 

to resist, oppose, counter; to fight, combat; to »jli 
withstand, hold (out), hold one's own 
irresistible '|£j ^ 

halcyon; kingfisher (j^>) aljll 

cap iL_jL 5^Ui :jjjli 

melon; muskmeloii cantaloupe (oLi) Gjjli 

to compare (between) Om'':) [n li 
to barter, exchange!, trade, swap, truck, 'J* I : 'jei li 
bargain, give in exchange (for) 

to build a dome '£j '' '" 

</ J >' 1 

to chop off, cut off, amputate pj : t_j 

hub, nave (of a wheel) (i£jj| _,i o^,lj|) Li 

to vault, arch, camber, curve, bend ^/y , ~'\ t : \Jj 
apsis [*iUi]lj 

outer garment *ijrj^%y--& 

distance, space, interval o li ( ii C : , Qi 

•'. •' _- -' 

C^ C?"' J ~C^ : **"^* 
atrocity, abomination, lo»- 1J ^' ( ,Liki : o-Ci 
monstrosity, enormity 

contravention [ 0> li ] ill iki : o- Ci 

hedgehog ( 6 \ y , ) £j ; c li 

responsibility, liability "Oj^-* :*JLJ 

obligation, commitment, engagement 
contract, agreement jU:| f .'^ 

surety, guaranty, guarantee qI'.> 

opposite (to), in front of, facing, face j.L.1 « ilij : «fti 

to face with, vis-a-vis; before 

midwifery, obstetrics, tocology ijQj | 1L , tf Q; 

obstetric, obstetrical ilQjL jfc£ , cS-d); :'JLj 

steelyard; platform scale, platform balance o I jl. : <jl!i 

to dome, form into a dome i-i JSCi <J* -Jli- : L^i 

to dome, cover with a dome <Ju JLi : Lli 

omj" :i)Li 

~ — i 

banking law 
press law 

.i* ' .1 - 1 

dUjJall ij^ili 

iij^lil > j^Ij oljlS^I oJlS^ ^j|y 

antitrust laws 

>t * t > 

law of obligations and con- j^iJIj oL^il o^ili 
tracts ' ' 

substantive law (jf^j- Gjili 

positive law '^j " 6 J,\j 

* * * > * * 

rule of o^li) I J&i- 1 0>U I 6^ < OjiU) I SiC. 
law; supremacy of law 

law, legal science, jurisprudence, science o J li) I ~L 
of law ~ 


code, corpus, body of laws 


> * 2 * * t r* 

bill, draft law, draft of a uy\ii jj— ( oy li p- j ^ 
law ^ 

law-abiding Oj-JUiJ (^ , " t }£S) "^ 

legal; jural, juristic 
legal, statutory 

yp*/-' V-^ 1 

legal, lawful, legitimate, licit, valid, '^'j. :' i Ay\i 
rightful), fair; de jure ' 

jurist, jurisprudent, <Ji < tfyC- « u>l* J»-j : ^J^li 
jurisconsult, legist, (legal) scholar, (legal) expert 



illegal, unlawful, illegitimate, illicit, 
wrongful, outlawed 

legality, lawfulness, validity cj^j li 

vanquisher, conqueror, victor; victorious; JU i^ali 

vanquishing, conquering, overcoming 

mighty, strong, forceful, powerful iy" < jlli- : j»li 

tyrannical, autocratic, despotic; tyrant, V"!,' ;j,\i 

autocrat, despot, dictator ' 

the Subduer, the Omnipotent, *J^-' 3 ji Ji| : j> UJ | 

the Almighty (God) 

force majeure {^\j ;^- 

to vie in strength with i£l I j £Ju : jj tf 

tractable, manageable, docile, obedient jQj I J^l, : jjji 

r s ' ' ■ ■ - ' ■■- ^^ 

God made him die *»- j j *»\ J*? « * 

to die, pass away, give up the ghost <»-jj c .a ; i 

- ?C - .^ 


r- , rttii..: r»a';.gT! 

to contract, constrict, constringe, draw 

together; to shrink 

to contract or knit the 4-L-* <j~j 

brows, frown, scowl, glower, lower __ ^ 

to pay QlilU^i)^!* 

grasping, grip(ping), hold(ing), {->) <i)L* [ < tSL- : ji* 

taking hold of, catch(ing), seizing, seizure, 

grabbing, grappling, taking 

arresting), apprehension, deten- J^*] : <J* J*-* 

tion, capture, seizure, custody 

receiving, receipt, getting, collecting, (^M Jill) J*£ 

collection, cashing 

contraction, constriction, drawing w*^*> '■ J*-j 


constipation (^L~i\ j\ ()^\) SJ»\'-J^» 

-- ' - •' '•* 

paymaster J*? ■'■' " '* 

grip, hold, clasp, clutch *£— * : *-M 

handful, fistful i^- 

hold, grip, grasp, control, authority, S^^Jal- '• *- 

fist -4^ £**" '^ 

in one's possession or hands; «jj <LiJ» j i * J > " : » j 
under one's thumb (control, authority, grasp, hold) 

handful, fistful "<^> 

to knit or contract the brows, frown, scowl, **»■ j JaJ 
glower _, 

captain, shipmaster, shipper (o^>l jl j. ^jT .. ! !) uU^* 

captain, pilot, skipper ( 5 jlUa) I ) 0^ 

to keep to, stay at, <J iSiy\ <■ **J '■ (u^* j) Jj* 
remain at; to withdraw into, seclude oneself at, 
isolate oneself at 

to retract the head »jLt j *-l j J^^l : iiUJI ^i 

to grunt oLo i o_j«« ;^yi-\ gi 

to trumpet oU> i Cjyo :J-a)I j-i 

hedgehog (u !>*■ ) -^ : fr* 

to build a dome <J ^> ■ <-~* 

collar ; uL» : (t_.jill) <ui 

dome, cupola ( *tiJ ' ) M 

the blue, the sky, the firmament Mjy I iliJ I 

celestial sphere JjjLUl «IiJI 

partridge (>U») gJ 

to be or become ugly, unsightly, U-^S. u^ o^ : p* 

repulsive, repugnant 

to be or become ignominious, infa- IJL o^ : g* 

mous, disgraceful, shameful 

to uglify, make ugly, disfigure, distort ^Li. i j-1j : j*J 

->:• . •'.' - *'. 
to rebuke, reproach, reprove; to cen- *i*t <A* ^j 

sure, criticize, denounce, condemn, find fault with 

ugliness, unsightliness, hideous- iiLi. i icUj : j*J ' j*J 

ness, repulsiveness 

fie on him! shame on him! «J ^ 

to bury, inter, inhume, entomb, tomb, lay to 'q» j :3»* 


burial, burying, interment, inhu- jS jj-o* i & * : j«5 

mation, entombment 

grave, tomb, sepulcher juJ i <J-v»- ' ^ J"* ■ J? 

lark, skylark (>U») »£ 

firebrand *-4* 'erf* 

to pinch, take up with**;G»l <-»lji»L aJjLj : ua^nj^t 

finger and thumb 

a pinch (of) <^!«* '*-»i* 

to grasp, grip, hold, j c£L-l : (<ri* jl *(^J0 J** 

take hold of, catch, seize,' grab, grapple, take, clasp, 


to arrest, appre- J* JaJS \ Jfi\ <■ j£^-\ '■ J* t^* 

hend, detain, capture, seize, hold, take prisoner, 

take into custody 

to receive, get, collect, cash (^IJ Sw t>Ji 

to contract, constrict, constringe, draw yaii : JaJ 

together; to shrink 

to constipate *\ajM\ j\ jkJ\ J^i 

to depress, deject, dispirit (jalaJl) JaJ 




turn in prayer (toward the Kaaba) 


center of attraction (attention, interest), jUki^l illi 

polestar, cynosure 

tribal ^Ji 1 ^ : '^* 

anterior, prior, preceding, f oil* i i_a)L i ^L : j^i-* 

antecedent; a priori 

tribalism ' 4: rfi c ' ' ^ij}— c '■ *^~ 

anteriority U-iiii jl UiL. s^iJI O^j : *~^* 

to weigh with a steelyard 0^ ^ jj : u-r* 

vault, cellar v'^ : ^* 

tunnel J>*J ' Vj- : .H 

gallery, drift, adit (f^* J) *~?y '-y* 

small vault, small cellar 


acceptance; consent, assent, ap- u* j i iii 1^. : J$-i 
proval, OK, sanction, agreement, accession, will- 
ingness; admittance, admission; admissibility 

reception, receipt, receiving, taking (in) jJu : J^Ji 

>> . •*>.>'„ 
admission of new members j^»- sUicI J^j 

Jh jjfb ~ <<H 

domical (J^O i^* 

ugly, unsightly, hideous, repulsive, j^~i. i »JIj : nJ 
repugnant, disagreeable, offensive, ' disgusting, 
abominable, monstrous 

> ' ' , i - 

ignominious, infamous, disgraceful 


obscene, indecent, foul 

abomination, shameful deed, dirty act^wi J-x.: o^JI 

guarantor, guarantee, surety, J-j^ ' y*U» : J^J 

bail(sman), bondsman 

by way of, as, as a matter of, as a form of I iS" J_Ji y- 

of this kind, of this type, of this sort, J-Jill l.i»'y* 

like this, similar to this, such 

shortly before, (just) prior to Jill 

tribe ij^s. :*Lji 

tribal ^i :'^y> 

trumpet, bugle, horn 


clog, patten; sabot 

JJI p.|j-i_.j» cUi : Jj 

J* Jlil jf b "-I r*! ' J. 1 "-^"l ' <^J j' j1 + : J* Jr* 

j J^i jf ^"Or^ : -- ^!* 

to accept (to), agree (to), j ^ j ' J* j>» '.» : (-<) <-M 
consent (to), assent (to), accede (to), approve (of), 
subscribe (to), OK, sanction; to take; to settle for, 
content oneself with; to admit 
to guarantee, vouch for jyla : -> J^> 

J Jjli j^-lj-J l^tjc i J J^li :li5 J-ij 

to kiss i_r^ ' (^ ■ cM 

before, previously, formerly, earlier.Xi i JJ» y. ' JJ 

in the past, once, at one time 

before, prior to, previous to, pre-, pro-, ante- Jli 

before u' J?* 

premature, (too) early, precocious; prema- *il _jl JJ» 


before noon, AM, ante meridiem Jjjii I jli 

before it is too late Ob *' oly J-» 

above all; first of all, to begin with, »yi J^ Jli 
firstOy), in the first place; before anything else 
BC, before Christ J^Lil jli i jw-Jl Or* ' 

before, prior to, previous to Jli y* 

..than before jli (ii y* . . < jli (5? Cr? ■ • 

prehistory C^*""" •■** ^* 

prehistoric(al) 7-vj^" tM ^ tr*^ 

»"' r'- i"- 
forepart, front part, front, face f-ii. : J-J i J-« 

power, faculty, capacity, ability, capa- 5 jjS i i*U» : J-* 

bility, aptitude 

toward(s), to, in the ^»C 1 i ^Jai. i <-?ye> ; «UuU : J^» 

direction of; facing, in front of; before 

on the part of, from, by Jli y? 

^Li ijli y* ij-i w-lj-JiiJ 

kiss *-^i ' < **J ■ *r* 

kiblah, direction to which Moslems (jjUl Juail) *M 


r " — ■ 




jJj jl JiL JJ 

premedi- j\^o*i\ 
tated murder 



enemy, foe 

jjs. : Ja 



to darken, darkle, become dark lit I : Ij 

to rise (dust) ^J j I : j llil I j^i 

to darken, dim, obscure, overcast, cloud lie : jU» 
(over), obfuscate, shade 

killed, slain; murdered, assassinated; fallen, killed Jji 
in battle; casualty 

(Egyptian) cucumber (oLi) ,lli ( »Ui 

catheter * V ~<>yj\ ijLLi* 

pure, straight, genuine, real, true <^> t ^U- : *J 
torrential, sweeping, overwhelming 
whore, harlot, prostitute 

cijU- :cil*Ji 

to be withheld (rain) 
to be rainless (year) 




rainless; arid, dry, barren 

rainlessness, lack of rain, drought, aridity, dry- 

to sweep away, carry away; to scoop Li^i- : Lui 
to scrape (off), graze V'.< ; 

to gulp (down), swallow <^»" : »^l J U 
skull, cranium; brainpan, braincase [ ^j^ ] , 
cranial [&*]'&* 

to dry up; to be or become dry, arid, J»J l J»i l Jij 

iJjaji f*r I j - J»«i 

J»-l* jsrlj - J»«i ij»«i 

dryness, aridity, drought, barrenness Jki : ij_ji# 

joi js-lj - JjiJlj ^U :tj 

stature, figure, build, frame, physique, *ly » ili : ji 


■ ■'■ ' 
(oLi) oLi 


smell, aroma (of something cooked, fried, etc.) j hi 

deadly, lethal, fatal, mortal, murder- dlii < ■_-■_ . ' : J& 
ous, deathly, pernicious 

fighting); combat, battle; hostilities, <JJ>- ( JJU: : JU» 

battlefield, battleground 
fighter, combat plane 
fighting-; combatant; combative 

dark(ness), dimness, gloom(iness), 
murk(iness), duskiness 
blackness, black, nigritude 



to penny-pinch, stint, scant, JiJ : Jc ^* ' J* J** 
scrimp, skimp, (be)grudge; to be or become stingy 
toward, tightfisted toward 

to kill, slay, murder, assassinate i;C I « ii-jj jij* : JJ 

to mitigate, alleviate, soothe, i;!^ '^S ( Lili- : Ja 
ease, temper 

to mix with water, dilute o«i^ ( ,LHj Vy ; J-s 

to study thoroughly; to ill* jt Cj j j I liiJ illi 
discuss or treat exhaustively; to know thoroughly, 
master completely 

to kill time, waste time, fiddle away ^i^J I jii" 
(one's time), frivol, loiter, idle, fool around, twid- 
dle one's thumbs 
to kill, massacre, slaughter, butcher « \ : Jtf 

killing, homicide, manslaughter; murder, assassi- jij 



fratricide ^ 





manslaughter, accidental homicide 

euthanasia, mercy killing 

#1 jt c/JI JJ 

^1 jl '^1 jli 


C5-J-I JJ 

CLii jli- 



■»'.:,- j: ...--I 

narrow strips 

to chop off, cut off, amputate J^>u- J i j-L» : jjj 

-• ?n -*- 
to jerk, cut into long slices or strips and ^ii I ao* 

dry in the sun; to cure 

jjj £-Ij-£LLl.I :(ol '(j*) /■»•» 

can; to be able (to), be capable pll»ilj : (<j\ < <J*) j J* 
(of), be in a position (to), have or possess the 
ability or power (to); to be or become possible for, 
feasible for; to afford (to), manage (to) 
to estimate, assess, appraise, eval- ,yi i ^» i t >U- : JjS 
uate, valuate, value, rate 

to appreciate, esteem, value highly, (»jji J»- t)Jji 
prize, cherish, treasure 

to appreciate; ,jc I j 4 ^u : (jJJ j-^JI 1 LijJkJl) Jji 
to understand, sympathize with; to be under- 
standing, sympathetic, considerate; to take into 
consideration or account 
to suppose, assume, j~~c\ 1 1_— ^- 1 (>»_/»] : jji 
presume; to think, believe, consider, judge; to 
reckon, guess, count, figure up 
to anticipate, expect, foresee gy : jjj 

to predetermine, predes- (joij tL^u) ^Jai : -till Jji 
tine, foreordain, preordain 
to enable (to), put ^SC <. ( Jx.) \'j»\i *&* : ( Jx.) jji 
in a position (to), make possible (for) 
invaluable, priceless, inestimable; immea- jjub 1 
surable, immense, huge, enormous, tremendous 
God forbid! itl j!>i" ^ 

fate, destiny, lot; predestination c-.. y<i 1 illi : jji 

*La» «3flj-jjij <La» 

amount, quantity, < 

=rj J 


magnitude, size, volume, proportion, deal, num- 
ber, measure; extent, degree, scope, range, rate 

worth, value; account, impor- o^ ' *r**' ' *~? '■ J M 

tance; standing, prestige, rank 

.» ' *.\ . . 
bar K ^r-y &■** '■ j-** 

in proportion J Ulj 1 liS" <L. — J : ^oi Jx. 1 jjuu 1 jjti 
to, in the same degree that; according to, in accor- 
dance with, pursuant to, commensurate with, 
corresponding to 
equal to, equivalent to, J jC» : jji Jx 1 jjuu 4 jjj 

^ JJ 

constitution, body 

size, proportion; measure jIjuU 4 !^»»- : oi 

of the same size (or measure), of equal size • oi <J* 

(or measure), equal (in size or measure) to, just as 


already (j?\ J* Sljif t jJ i, »7ll ) Ji 

may, might; perhaps, (^»»u oi dU^iS" 4 Cj j t ^J>*; ) -u 
maybe, possibly, probably 

cod, codfish (*iL~) Ji 

cod-liver oil Jill J^ o-jj 

strap, thong 


fire steel, fire iron jU I 1+j ^juu : i^ji : ^1 Ji 

lighter it^lj :o.|jj 

>."*'... ' 


pontificial Mass 

holiness, sacredness, sanctity, sacrosanctity; <-.Ijj 
saintliness, sainthood 

His Holiness (the Pope) i-lji)l i^*-U> 1 L.UI iJji 
fore part, front part, front, face f I ji 

in front of; before ( I jlj 

slat, strip, lath; raU^^(^JiJjuwiai» jlji^li- :»o» 

to slander, libel, defame, malign, ^i i _> jji : ( j) £JJ 
vilify, vituperate, calumniate, asperse, traduce, 
speak evil of 
to pierce, perforate, bore i_-iJ : ( j) ^jj 

to strike fire (with a flint) jU I ^jj 

cup; (drinking) glass, tumbler; goblet ^yS : ^jj 

slander, libel, defamation, vilifica- ^i 1 (j) j^^ : ^ Jl * 
tion, vituperation, invective, calumniation, calum- 
ny, aspersion, traducement 
arrow shaft; arrow ^ ■ £Ji 

slanderous, libelous, defamatory, *j>ji <. "Isj^Z : ^ ji 

calumnious, vituperative 

to slit, cut lengthwise, cut into long Jy»lL> %iai : jjj 


sanctity, sacredness, holiness, sacrosanctity; "tUji 

to precede jll : \ jjf 

to be or become old, ancient, u ji jU> i j£c : # j£ 
antique, age-old, timeworn; to age 

to come, arrive, show up; to reach, get to *U- ( Jf I : * ji 

to return, come back 

- s . ? * . 

<u«-j i iLc : »_ki 

to advance, bring forward, move 

forward; to make or let precede, make or let go 

before, make or let lead the way; to place at the 

head; to do before (something else), do earlier or 


to J*3-ii «J £Liiy\ /\"4&*i\ JLil :J*f^ 
give precedence or priority to (over); to prefer (to), 
give preference to (over) 

to offer, proffer, tender, extend, present; l^'Jc. : »!i 
to produce, bring out or forward, exhibit, display, 
show, demonstrate; to stage 

to offer, present, extend, i Ju-\ i (_-*j < -±> ; .ji 
accord, grant, give, donate, award 

to submit to, Jj lN*- I « <JJ ji j « Jj j£. : <j J ^!u 
refer to, file to, present to, render to, bring before, 
lay before, put before, hand over to, turn in to, 
deliver to, hand in to, give in to 

to advance, put forward or '^jt i jU I « V^ : YjS 
forth, raise, bring up, set forth, propound, present, 

to adduce, advance, present, j <J*\ i^ii V,jl -.Vji 

offer, bring forward, set forth, mention, state, cite, 


to provide with, supply with, furnish _. Y/j : '{ji 


to make a formal request (application, i\s.'xL I »oi 
petition, motion), move for 
to tender one's resignation, resign, 4JU1I 

to arraign, bring before a ili'lkil /\ iȣkll <JJ .ji 
court; to bring to trial 
to take an examination, sit for an exami- li 

to render or give an account C {La- 

ta render a service to, do someone a J £• 'jj- 

r J 

r J 

■ "3 

amounting to; worth 

as will t \ cjCH\ jl ^Iklil (j^L « jU J*) > 
much as possible, as far as possible, as much (or as 
far) as it is feasible, in the best way possible, to the 
best of one's abilities 

inasmuch as, insomuch as, insofar liS' jji 1 L. jluy 
as, as much as, as far as, to the extent or degree 

very important or illi'ill ^. ( £e. /\) jj£ JjS J* 
significant, of great importance or significance 
a sum of.., an amount of. I j£ ,j'ji JlS 

3'. , .'_ i , >~s' 

(cooking) pot, kettle; jar ( ^JJJ) ,U : jji 

ability, capability, capacity, faculty; 5y « £L\i : J^'ji 
power, strength, potency, might, leverage 
output; power [ ,1^ ] s^lj 

a - *- . ■* , ■» . ' 

horsepower i-jL»». ; joi s oL»»- ; joi 

candlepower; candela, *-- 'll ; 5 J _»j»J| ( i^i gj^i 
(new) candle 

omnipotence »i/> D*" J* »j^» « 4^ S J^» 

cogency, power to convince, per- sLi^l J* ijji 
suasion, persuasiveness, convincingness 
potency, ability to copulate tUil J* 5j-ui 

fatalist, determinist, necessitarian (ij^t- :t5jji 

fatalism, determinism, necessitarianism Cjli- : Jji 

to be holy, sacred; to be pure ^J» < Coi. 5^ : <j»ji 

to hallow, sanctify; to consecrate, Cj*. a!«- :^»j» 
dedicate; to glorify 

to canonize "Glij jju ^^oa^i. i- 1 oi(^l* I iL>p» 

to say Mass, celebrate 

to officiate 


cr J 


sanctuary, sanctum 
holiness, sacredness, sanctity 

f f ' (J"*** '• (j - J* ' u* •** 

cloi :, -jj 1 


'cr- ' 

(j-JLiil C* 

■LT J 

the holy of holies, sanctum sanctorum y« I oi ^1 1 ^ lu 
holy, sacred, sacrosanct; divine ",-»'. 


from antiquity, from olcKen) or ancient j> juJ I JLl. 

times, from times of old, from time immemorial; 

long ago 

immemorial, ancient, j>juJI J Ji}- i (Jill J y*~ 

antique, age-old, very old 

pedal |.uiJL iiSii ji :^«'jj 

example, model, pattern, exemplar, Sj jj> i «} ji > »j jj 
ideal; lead; pacemaker 

most holy; sainted a"J ■" ' oO-^ 

the Most Holy, the All-Holy (God) <i>! : ^ jtuJ I 

adz, adze jJJ okJJ sb! :j>jjj 

arrival, advent, coming, incoming **< : »jjj 

JJuu «*J : JjJJ 

jerked meat, cured meat 

able, capable, competent, qualified; c$y ' j^* '-ji-* 
powerful, potent, mighty 

the Omnipotent, the Almighty, the M : jjJ*} I 




saintly, sainted 

patron saint 

All Saints' Day 

old, ancient, antique, age-old, timeworn j,.,7j : e j 

the Infinitely Preexistent, the Sempiter- <lil : /c-^J I 
nal, the Eternal 

(j^mj ul l *-^>* 

the ancients 


in old(en) times, in ancient times, in r-uJ I j i U ji 
former times, in the past, of old, once, at one time; 

long ago 

-* -* > - 

long-acquainted with, _. j** roi i _. j^JI roi 
long-familiar with, of long acquaintance or famil- 
iarity with, long-experienced in 

mote, speck; particle of dust; foreign body 5 1 j£ nS Ji 

tO SWallOW (iiiJ I (_^£ 4JJ49- (/uc < (iiiJI J* (j^xcl 

r. ■■■'■■ "r.-gj- '-::;■. g. ■.■'..■' 


to bring suit against, take (file, J* ji jJ» t$j" j ^ li 
lodge) legal action against, institute legal proceed- 
ings against, sue, prosecute 
to sacrifice, immolate, offer up *»«^ (•■** 

to hesitate, waver, falter, <3^»-l y-lj >»-j fj£ 


to set forward iclLJ I f jJ 

to gain, go faster, be fast icLJ I c-«l» 

to tender, bid, offer, make aU>^c jl ?U»c jl I j*- ^ ji 


present arms! dli-^L /.jj 

to introduce someone to another, ji- 1 JJ.L»s»i. ^ ji 
present someone to another, have someone meet 
another, acquaint someone with someone else 

to thank, extend one's thanks to J jSCU I f jj 

to lodge (file, make) a complaint tSjS^ f Ji 

to apply, make or submit an application or UJ» j>ji 
a formal request, request 

tO apply ii- b j (_JJ» />ji ( i*J»J J* J^-aaJJ LU» *ji 

for a job 

to petition <uojjc /.jj 

to preface, introduce <_>L£U 

to advance, make earlier 

cubic foot 

jx-jil /«ji 

JjJalJ tj-Ui* : (•Ji 

athlete's foot, ring- ji» (5jI»- yi^« :^<<»^l A» 
worm of the feet 

biped, bipedal j~> ji j j 

in full swing, afoot, on foot, under JLj *ji ^ 
way, in progress, in process 

oljL»4 »>-lj — SljLAI *JJ ,1c 
j.Ijul. »a>-lj-»ji t»j£ i»ji 

ahead, forward, onward, on LjJ 

oldness, ancientness, antiquity J_t i iilic : »j£ 

antiquity, old(en) times, ancient <tjj jj-o* : |>oi 
times, time immemorial 

Preexistence, Sempiternity, Eternity 

tXtl -ji 

f " ' 



to bomb, bombard, batter, •_» loiU ji JjUiJU LiJi 
cannonade, cannon, shell, attack with bombs or 
artillery fire, fire guns at, open artillery fire at 

throwGng), cashing), hurKing), ji j < J. j : ij Ji 

flingCing), tooting); pelting, striking 

ejection, ejecting, emis- Jul i J^i> I i r-'>- 1 : <-* Ji 
sion, emitting, discharge, throwing out, expulsion, 

defamation, slander, libel, j^ i jii ( »■ ji ; <_> Ji 
vilification, vituperation, calumny, calumniation 

vomiting, vomit, disgorging, 
puking, puke 

rowing, row, oaring 

ejaculation ^j!I r-jj»- : <-i JJ 

bombing, bombardment, j_» fai I _, I Jj Lil L ijii 
bombarding, shelling, cannonading, cannonade, 
cannonry, artillery fire, artillery firing, artillery 
fighting, gunfire 

defamatory, slanderous, libelous, "(Sj&£ « "{£"'•** '-Ijj* 
vituperative, calumnious 

squeamish, dainty, finicky, fastidious, fussy jj : jj jj 

missile; projectile; grenade; shell, t 

»mb ijuji 
- ■ ** - 

aiju iijjj 

guided missile 

hand grenade 

-S -' *-' .' 

to be cold, chilly, cool 

J JJ -J» 

to be delighted, glad, happy, <llj. cj i LI* J 
cheerful; to be satisfied, contended); to be tranquil, 

restless, upset, uneasy; unfathomable, jly <l jij ^ 
fathomless, bottomless, profound, deep 

cold(ness), chilliness, coolness 

>S. -J» 

to read, peruse 

£JU» :i^~ 

to recite, read 

% -AJ 

to read between the lines 

Ji*~^\ L»e 'j» 

to study under someone 

0* J* Ijl fa 

fc. .:,„-■■■:- . i,::';;i^.via ■■::■ ■ , aj.wj;; 

the bitter pill, bear patiently, tolerate, endure, put 

up with 

fine dust j^Jj oljj :(jjj 

dirtiness, filthiness, uncleanness, jji lij-C'j : 5^ I Ji 
uncleanliness, impurity; dirt, filth, squalor 
thrower, hurler, flinger ^1 j ; ijl ji 

i_iil» j»-I i -<_»il» 




ballista, catapult, mangonel 

occiput, poll y-I^il >■>• : JIJi 

occipital JliiJlj jLlj : (JIjlj 

occipital bone, occipital tj I Ji Ji* 

to be or become dirty, unclean, I jji oo : j jj ( j jj i j jjf 

filthy, foul 

to dirty, soil, sully, stain, defile, ^.j i I jjj *Ju»- : jjt 

befoul, contaminate, pollute 

dirt, filth, squalor; dirtiness, unclean- Sjlii i -fJy :jjj 

ness, filthiness 

dirty, filthy, foul, unclean, un- ju— j : jjj <jjj ijjj 
cleanly, squalid, impure, defiled, polluted, con- 

to curse; to call (somebody) names, abuse, '—. : pjjf 

revile, insult, rail at 

to defame, malign, vilify, vituperate j ^i. : e- Ji 

, •> . ' 
obscene language; obscen- i f\ 1> i ^}S3 \ j J^i : p ji 

ity, ribaldry, vulgarity, indecency 

dirt, filth, squalor; dirtiness, filthiness jji : s- JJ 

obscene, ribald, vulgar, indecent, £$ j.1 , yl^-U : c ji 

dirty, foul, filthy " ' ' ' 

to throw, cast, fling, hurl, toss, jp, j i ^ j : (j) L» Ji 

pitch; to pelt (with), strike (with) 

-. " - '•. * - - . * - -• * - " 
to eject, emit, dis- J*J i jU> I i J-jl i r-j»- 1 : (J Ji 

charge, expel, throw out, extrude 
to defame, slander, libel, j ^ll> <. _. ^ji. i i-ji : Li Ji 
vilify, vituperate, calumniate, malign, speak evil of 
to accuse of, charge with j ^ j i j ^ I : j ti Ji 

to vomit, throw up, puke, disgorge f\» i uil : Li Ji 
to row, oar ijjj- : (J Ji 

to ejaculate ^jII LiJi 




deposit, sediment 


sour cherry; cherry plum; prune(s) 

clothes moth 
nippers, pincers 


bill i^:cilj» 

clippings, cuttings, parings, 




Piciformes j>^" ' Of *~" j : ^^ 'j* 

cemetery, graveyard, burial ground ijlli- : iil^i 

the Koran, the Holy Koran ^ j$J I o I ^iJ 1 1 6 l>i) I 

marriage, wedding, matrimony r I j) : 6 \ji 

(close) connection, (close) ,L \'j ( J>lJ j I : o \J 


Koranic o l>J I J J o_>-~-« : ^ *J 

cornel, dogwood ij^") ^ 0* 

to approach, approximate, be near or (<u I j I a^. ) ljj» 
close (to), come near or close (to), get near or close 
(to), draw near or close (to); to border on, verge 
on; to draw near, come, approach, near, impend, 
be imminent 

to approximate (to), approach (to), J> j> I : ( J J ) o^i 
near (to), bring nearfer) or close(r) (to); to advance 
(toward), move (toward) 
to adduct [ L^y^-i ] (j_>s«ll >»»») t-»j» 

to bring close(r) together, reconcile, ^j oj» 

make peace between or among 
to take as close companion <U| jJJ Xi% <_>j» 

(friend, associate, etc.); to show favor to; to bring 
over, win over, attract 
to offer up, present, sacrifice, im- 

to administer Commu-oUyJI *Jjli : ll}U ^ISlll oji 
nion to 

nearness, closeness, proximity, vicini- y i < i_ < " : ijjt 
ty, neighborhood; approach, oncoming, immi- 

~> j |>oi : Uj» 

to greet, salute; to send or extend f°£j I <Sc \J 

one's greetings or regards to 

to entertain, host, guest, receive *iLiZ~j : <.«'.al I ijjt 

as a guest, give hospitality to 

menstruation, (monthly) period; menses, yiu*- : ♦ji 


entertainment, hospitable reception, hospi-iiCji:^ 


reading, perusal i*l Uw : 5 f I ji 

recital, recitation; reading S jSj : 5 * lj» 

mind reading jl£i "il 5 *lj» 

• ^ > / 
fortune-telling, divination, soothsay- cj»...I I 5 *Ij» 

ing, augury 

palmistry, chiromancy jlJI J>_jJai- jl o«£)l »%\j 

sheath, scabbard >.«',,. I 1 (Jit. < .ue : o \'J 

(family) relationship, kinship, cognation ^ji : <u Iji 

consanguinity, agnation, blood i_.,<a«l I _> I ^ jJ I <, \J 

relationship, blood 

relationship by marriage, affinity, alliancer-l jjijlji 

LjjSj »a>-lj— <Uljl 

pure, limpid, clear 

decision, resolution, resolve; ruling, judg- S*- \j \Ji 
ment, sentence; award; adjudication; decree 

bottom; floor; bed Jj i c-U : j \'j 

refrain, burden, chorus; key- [ (J^-y ] <* j"i : j \J 

note, tonic 

depression, low ground Jaki*^ \j\J 

indictment; information «l+il jlji 

verdict ^jr^al^JLI jlj» 

>u * p-lj-4] jljf ^ 

0) jl>" i 

depth; bottom ^^ : oj \Ji 

depression, low ground uni-*;* : ij\ Ji 

in the depth of one's heart (soul, mind)<u^u ij\ ji j 



Barbary ape ^/i d^" J J* ' V 1 ^' J j» 

baboon, drill j^i" jji : rj Jji < r jji 

to decide, determine, resolve, make ^t. *y. < l^o :jji 
up one's mind; to be determined (to), resolved (to), 
decided (to) 

to decide, determine, 3-»» ' }'^r ' r* - ' ^ : J J 
resolve, settle, fix, set, regulate 
to establish, settle, fix 

-Jl.^ "'- 

to make (or force til ^"511 J* Jli- « ^i, Jii- : 'JJ 

to) confess or acknowledge 

to be or become severe, bitter, j£i I : ( j^J I ) ^»ji « ^i 

biting, cutting, nippy 

to freeze, (be)numb, nip 



whale shark 

to pinch, nip, tweak 

to bite, sting 


*.* + >'. 

(■ukl) 'u*Jt 

(J0jt jJ~OA '•(J0jt 

*lt tP : O0» 

to make (dough) into flat loaves (cLn»*J I ) y*j» 

pinch(ing), nip(ping), tweak(ing); 
biting, bite 

disk, disc, plate ,L:i j>j— *,-, , 

round flat loaf (of bread) ( jli I ^. ) ^y 

discus [^-4 ^Ijj] o>j» 

disk 5^1 jl JjA\ ji ^-iJI ^>y 

tablet, pastille, lozenge, troche, pill ,li» y^y 

dial y_ j £| 1 ji (j^iJd I ^oy 

honeycomb J_^. ^ i 

slipped disk, slipped disc iiL> j : jj_^. ^J 

pirate, corsair, freebooter, buccaneer^iL^lj* r-) ut«>» 

pinch, nip, tweak; bite, sting ^oy ^. ;^Ll : c«y> 

round flat loaf (of bread) ( jli I ^ ) cc}* 

eryngo (oL) Cm^ iCm^i 

piracy, free- i_XJIj jU .ll< yL^^ill aISw^ L :*^yt 

near, close to, in the neighbor-^ c/^Jl; < iSjl ( oy 
hood of, in the vicinity of, next door to, next to, 
beside, toward 

from (or at) a short distance, closely iSj 'Jc- 

* ~' **> 

' -••* '' 

sacrifice, offering, oblation, immolation i»^. j : 0l/>» 

Host y- oill u^jil I >»■ ' u^y 

Eucharist, Communion 

to receive Communion 

to administer Communion to 

Corpus Christi 

good deed, pious act 

skin, bottle; canteen 

bagpipe(s), pipe(s) 

(_f"jjill (jlijil 1 

- .-" J-, 

IjlfjiJI <Jjli 
.' * . 

IjljjiJI J— c 

-*. •* *' ir- -'• * • 

( jiPO a*^j» 
deposit, sediment s j I y 1 1_— I j : 5j» 

delight of the eye; joy, pleasure, delight; J^ I s J 
dear one, darling, sweetheart 
cress, watercress (oLi ) ^^ I ij <. j i 

cold(ness), chilliness, coolness *'J, : ijt 

to wound, injure 1^. :^J 

to ulcerate, ulcer, fester; to canker 

to wound, injure; to ulcerate, li-^L. <dui- 
ulcer; to canker 
ulceration; cankering 

ulcerous, ulcerated, sore 

ulcer, sore, fester; chancre; canker rjt < ii-^i i «i.\i 

chancroid, soft chancre i^j ^.^ 

ulcer of the stomach, gastric iju« i^-ji 4 slull ii-y 
ulcer, peptic ulcer 

ulcerous, ulcerative; cankerous If^ ''ty'f 

tick fj yij s^la- : iji 

ape, monkey (olj^-) jj» 




knock, rap; tap, blow, stroke, hit, 

beat, bang; toll, ring 


i«uj :<£jf 


to cast lots 
to choose by lot 
to draw lots 

.- .•• - - -• 

;- .•" - ,. * V , , ,' 

Cucurbitaceae (oLJI ^*) il^ji" J '_ n i l l ■CtCt'j 

to peel, pare, bark, skin, scale ^*i : ci^i 

to be disgusted (of), be nauseat- ''yjZ « jti I : (o-) tiji 
ed (by), be sick (of), feel disgust (at, for), revolt (at, ' 
against), loathe, detest, abhor 

to disgust, nauseate, sicken, j I jL^. *i I j IS I : Liy 
cause to be disgusted or sick, arouse disgust, be 
disgusting or nauseating 
disgust, nausea, revulsion, loathing 

disgusted, nauseated, sick, revolted 
rind, peel, skin, bark, crust 


cinnamon, canella 

to squat 


to cluck 

titmouse, tit 


(i»-li-jJI o.) 'J'J 
(jSU.) J'j 

to rumble, growl; to gurgle (^IJ CA\ /\ '^ty'j'j 

to bray (&\)'j'j 

to coo C r U.\)'j'j 

rumbling, rumble, ( ^JJ ^ | _,! foil ) j£| 

growKing); *gurgle, gurgling 
titmouse, tit 


to nibble at, gnaw 

(jSU.) Jj* 

discoid, disk-shaped, disklike (jkl) I ) '^a'j 

to gnaw, nibble at, champ, >J « '£ I , llii : ^| , ^J 
bite, eat into, eat away, corrode 

to clip, cut, cut off £jj i [^ : j^ , ^- 

to poetize, versify, compose or write ')j£ I ^i 

loan, advance Ji£, : ^i^f 

versification, poetizing, poetic com- )j£ I p«j : ^^i 

loan, advance jlH, : ^'j 

to mince, chop (up) yj , ^ : i^| , i^j 

earring(s), eardrop(s) jj£. ; i^j 

paper, sheet of iijj < *»sj»^ :y*U»>l <y*U»^i cy*U»>> 

stationer ^-<lk\i 

stationery "?. , f 1 U' y 

safflower (oLi) ylai :*t\i 

chickling vetch (oU) utii^l 

to praise, commend, laud, extol, &JL I , 1 ji : '^j 

to knock, rap, bang, beat (on or at a door) LU I *j 

to ring, sound, toll (a bell) '^'J. \ lj 

to beat, drum, roll, percuss ' J'.'u \ lj 

to knock, hit, strike, beat, Jili , j'J, ( j'j : lj 
bang, tap t - 

to beat, strike, hit i^i : U^i l^i 

to gnash one's teeth .cl, c^j 

to be or become bald, bald-headed IX. : pi 

to scold, tongue-lash, upbraid, berate, i!j « Li!i :c^i 
chide, reprove, rebuke ^ 

baldness, alopecia J^, : cj| 

knocking), rap(ping); o> « J^i , <j^ « Jj' a : e\f 
tapping, striking, beating, hitting, banging, percus- 
sion; ringGng), tollGng) 

gourd, pumpkin; squash; calabash (oLi) s.'j 

zucchini, vegetable marrow 
bottle gourd, calabash 




horny, corneous 

leguminous, oLJI <j* <?j>l\ j- l . yi i l l & ^j* 


Leguminosae, (^liU I oljioULJI ^iLjoi :ouJj» 


cornea (of the eye) {J^ I ) <& j» 

trough; basin yi^*- :jj» 

village, country, countrified, rural, -Lj^sJU (>>U- : iijj» 
rustic, provincial 

,.' ****** 

villager, countryman, rustic, hjii I 6^- -^ I : tSjj» 


^ * -„ 

near, nearby, close, close at hand, j jUm 1 1 j : t-u j» 
next (to), next-door, in the neighborhood or vicini- 
ty (of), neighboring, vicinal, proximate, proximal, 

imminent, impending, dLS-j : ti>j jlJ-I i_-»j» i i_-»j» 
forthcoming, approaching, about to happen 
easily understood, simple ^ii I J«~ : <~~>j 

relative, relation, kinsman, kin, kins- i_~_J : <~*>J 
folk, kindred, sib; kin, of kin, akin, cognate, related 
by blood or family (to) 

(ojil) C>xJ\ 'tjj^l (fr lj ~ »^fj»l 

soon, shortly, before long, in the c-»j» U* i L»ji 

near future, in a short time 

" > '. •- 1, ' '. 
inexperienced at, new at, j j** c-j j» * -» -^ ' s-o» 

naive at, not long familiar with; novice, beginner 
recently, lately, not 4~»ji S^i jl^ < c~>j» j** j^- 
long ago 
utricle, utriculus 






village, small town, hamlet 

pure, limpid, clear 

nature, (natural or innate) disposition, 


genius, talent, faculty, gift illic *SX> i i~»y : i£j 

shrimp; prawn O^j\'-o*^ij 

delighted, glad, happy; contended), satisfied; ^l^^t 
tranquil, peaceful 

,-* ., I- , -Si 

, ,.» 

lord, master, chief 
to plaster 
to tile 

plaster, plaster of Paris 
kermes, cochineal 
crimson, carmine; scarlet 
scarlet fever, scarlatina 
cochineal insect 


sheatfish, catfish, silurid 
tile(s), baked brick(s) 

.a . i> 

to couple, pair, join, con- JUj * ,»*> i Jauj i jy I j : bj 
nect, link, unite, joint 

coupling, pairing, joining, *»-j •> ' oj» j-»-<»* : u> 
junction, juncture, connecting, connection, lin- 
king, linkage 


antenna, feeler 

top, summit, peak 

the first visible part of the rising sun 

pod, capsule 



'■£'■ ■ 

-' ' '- •■: 
cM-l (j-b :6j» 

century ii. II* : u j» 

age, generation Jl»- 4 ^«a* : a J 

the Middle Ages ^^-^ I 6 j>J I 

rhinoceros \b\yi*-)ojA\ ±^j 

equal, peer, match, parallel, like *x> <. J-l. ^ j£> : uj 

longicorn u^j*^ *^.J^» »^-*^»" : t»^J* 

cauliflower (^VO -"^yj* 

corner, nook << j I j : «J j» 

cusp [»jV*j ^W^^Jj *^J* 

carnation, pink, dianthus (^^>) 6^'J 

clove(s) J»jj» err 



'"■ '"••'-"vW 


son, pastor, vicar, curate 

to be or become hard, solid, rigid, firm, i_J*« : Li 
stiff, concrete, callous; to harden, solidify, stiffen, 
toughen, indurate, concrete 

to treat severely, harshly, roughly, ■ »-r- : J* Li 
cruelly, without mercy; to be or become severe 
(stern, hard, harsh, cruel, merciless) toward 

to harden, indurate, sohdify, stiffen, con- LJL» : Jli 
crete, set, callous 

beauty, gracefulness), elegance ^li- : lu Li t »Li 

metamere oil*- :oLi 

o_j-J *»- Ij — SjLi 

to coerce (to), compel (to), force Icjl 1 7/ 1 : (J*) ^— » 
(to), constrain (to), oblige (to) 

f Uj. « . 

coercion, compulsion, constraint, 
force, forcing 
coercively, compulsorily, forcibly, by force 
coercive, compulsory, forced, forcible 

1/1 : >" 

to be just, act justly, establish justice "jjU o^ : 
to pay in (or by) installments (wlj ^ jj | ) 

to distribute 1 j j , j*j : ^ 

ankylosis (<*"»>*) 

share, portion, part, lot ._., n .; i ita»- : 

quantity, amount, measure, extent tlS i j I ui. : J»l 
installment ^ j ^, L a .^ . $ ji. : ^ 

justice, fairness, equity J Ji : ,kl 

just, fair, equitable L Ulr. • U'. 

premium, insurance premium yyEX 

'yfJ-^ j' </?•'->? 

tuition, fee(s), 
tuition fee(s) 

by (or in) installments ,tLi I J* 

very, highly, so, to a large extent, ^. jjj' J»li J* 
having a great deal of 

balance, scales 

water pipe; tube 



<->0s? •Lr ,u *-> » 'L>" L 
Sj_^«L i >UI o_j--il -ijn i> 
(oLj) »l.r,„<" -il U'.t , J L* ; 

cottage cheese c/4^ 1 p^- 1 0- f> : *^ij* 

poetry ^ lyigi 

husband, spouse, mate, consort jJJ ( -j j : y, ^i 

companion, associate, fellow, jljS- i JJ j : juj 
mate, consort 

ujj** Jf ' J ~ i uj j" : i>j» 
wife, spouse, mate, consort ii-jj : <lj ^J 

presumption, inference, evi- r-LliL I « JJ'j : ij^i 
dence, indication 

context jC-:( f S^Jl)iljji 

connection, relation; link, tie, iL» i i»ic : <l,J 

presumption of innocence [ oy U ] ; % \'JJ I ij^i 

r i ' a *' - 

benefit of doubt I u> l» J <iLJ I ij J 

silk ^ : •;- 

'•-II -' ' 

-*> .- i 

to disgust, nauseate, sicken, j ' j— -^ "^ I j IS I < e»/ : jji 
arouse disgust, cause to be disgusted or sick, be 
disgusting or nauseating 

rack, wind-driven broken clouds 

cumulus; altocumulus 


tuft of hair 

to dwarf, stunt 


silk dealer, silk merchant 

to disperse 


iris (of the eye) 


\jj> oi*- '-f-ji 
- - *. , - — -- 

'•' i'« ' —si 

j»i <La^ :*cji 

-9 - -9C 

dwarf, pygmy, midget, manikin, ho- o liJ I j;ua» : ^.J* 
munculus, lilliputian, hop-o'-my-thumb, runt, ban- 

tuft of hair *£, iu*»- :<juj» 

priest, clergyman, presbyter, minister, par- -'*-j :^J 


share, portion, part 



♦ ♦ 


to collect (gather, pick up) from ii)u> j u> ^ £»»■ : J5* 

here and there 

to sweep, broom, brush away ^_ i ^,-i : Ji* 

straw, hay, haulm; chaff y5i 

* 'n *' 
hay fever <_£"! <yk»- 

skimming j-iilljJjCJI »Ja- ^ pjij U :5jIH 

peeler, parer, scaler, husker ji-*^ 1 5 1 j I : • j lii 

peeling(s), paring(s), jj-lill j^l ^ g>j U :SjUi 
shavings, scale(s), flake(s), chip(s) 

belt; strap, thong jy t (Ijf : J»li» 

j, > ' - 
drive belt, transmission belt aj»l\ J»L* 

phlegm, mucus, sputum, expecto- i*Uvi c jUL : i*LH 


to chap, crack open 

chap(s), crack(s) 

a straw 

(Jj.1 j) J£ 


to skim, cream, remove cream je- 5-l^U I U I jl : all 


cream (^JJ s-^J-0 • -^> 

creamy • J-i>» <^* >-»** : l ^^- J 

creamer, cream ;xliU j«-* tfUj : o Jul 

to peel, pare, skin, scale, shell, husk, shuck, 'jiJ I'jiJ 
hull; to exfoliate; to scrape off, shave off 

grouper l 1 ^*-) jr* 

peel, rind, skin; sheU; hull, (jJJ 5>Jl) »'JJ <.p 

husk, shuck 

cortex (of an organ), outer layer [ gjZ J S^ti 

crust of the Earth u°j*\ >j~* 

'- s •*-' '. 
epicarp 5j*JI ijii 

to divide, part, split, separate, break up, f)»- :^li ij.1* 

partition, section, subdivide 

to distribute, deal out, parcel ^a***- <. p jj : j*li i j»-i 

out, apportion, allot, give out (in shares), portion 

out, share out 

to halve, bisect, divide into two 

parts, split 

to divide (a number by another) 


u& •• r » 

I swear by 

part, portion, division, section, segment »j»- :^-t 

share, portion, part, lot, cut i-as>- : *-i 

department, division, sec- «-*i < oJuo* i » j! j[ : j»-j 
tion, service, authority, administration, office 

district, province, section, area, iJ.Lt. <. <;!».•» : «-» 


part, section ( jJJ oLi - ^J j»-i 

lineaments, features£>}U i j> jll I : (illi U j^i») o^-» 

division, dividing, partition, parting, split- ^ 
ting, separation, sectioning); distribution, appor- 
tionment, allotment, portioning, dealing out, 
sharing out 
division [ oL*iU j J 

fate, destiny, lot; portion, share jji i i_~-<»J 

distribution (or division) of estate *£j$ I 

divisible, partible <■ „ i ll Jjli 

indivisible i.-iU Jjli j~c 

divisibility 4,"„nll *lLli 

severity, strictness, sternness, auster- 5 jLi r^li i5>J 
ity, rigortism), stringency, hardness, harshness; 
cruelty, mercilessness, pitilessness, hardhearted- 
ness, inhumanity 

lion - 1 - 1 : »J^-* 

.* •*. - >l 

ministry, priesthood, presbyterate 

- C i •* - 

>c r>i jJf lj _ - 




straw, strawy 

ilid :iiJL» 

s * ■*. - ' 

new; clean; pol- ol i»- i J^i-a* i oLiaJ i jj-l»- : ■ ,_*,? 

ished, burnished; attractive, charming, cute, pretty, 


gleanings itlil • ■)*-*» 

sweepings, rubbish, garbage i-Li" : , 

rustle, rustling 

to cut, cut off, clip, snip; to scissor; to jjf i «J»» : ^ai 
shear, shear off, fleece (wool); to mow, cut down 
(grass, etc.) 

to trim, clip, pare, cut back, lop lli ( o li, : ^o» 

to narrate, relate, recount, tell, V,- <■ Jfc^- <■ is/j '■ 1/* 
recite, report, give an account of 

'-:? - * -.: , >--* > - 

cut(ting), clip(ping), sinp(ping); scissor- 'y* « .iJ :^ 
ing; shearing), fleecing; mowing 

trimming, clip(ping), paring, lop- Ju: it^li: :^o» 

narration, narrating, relation, relat- iljj i ij* :£^J 
ing, recounting, telling 

.' - ' .--■*.»- 

sternum, breastbone j Jl»J I ,1^- : j^ 

haircut, haircutting J^\ yj 

keel (iLi- J) yaiJI jjj I j 

carina ^iJI ^1, 

episternum, manubrium j^oiJI odj 

y^ai jjrlj -juj :Cai 

remoteness, farness; distance jju : ,Caf i Cai 

butcher, meatman jlj*- :oCai 

butchery «j'>" ' ^'i * 

papal legation *^ >-j SjCai 

*' •' - ^ 

bleacher; fuller 



layer, veneer 

dandruff, scurf 


veneering, incrustation 

scales, squamae 

bark, rind, bast, cortex, »UJ i i_ili : »J J jkJ I ^ 


-, » • •« ^ • 

crustaceous, crusty, husky _pi)l5 jl _p» jj : j^il 

L j; j^J J &/* 

oU^ill j^-Ij :cS^ii u(je- 'cSj^» 

4 ■ . J J D JmJ 






to cane 

oUjliJI ^> i^jJ* •»^»"J *^Cj-» 

to take off, strip off, remove p j,; : '!■*£ 

to scrape off, scratch off, rub off, ««~ i JjiS* : .t~'*i 
abrade, raze; to plane; to rasp 

to strip of, dispossess of; to rob, steal, plun- LJC : ill 

taking off, removal p j; ; ^*f 

scraping off, scratching off, «»- i U*< ; t.'t 

rubbing off, abrasion; planing; rasping 

sweetsop, custard apple, sugar apple (oLi) ; L *? 

to dispel, drive away, break up, scatter, 'j'j ( j jj : kii 

shudder, shiverOng), trem- »l j^c i ,1'j^ i J^*j : o'Jtj^J 
ble, trembling, tremor, shake, quiver; gooseflesh; 
chill, ague 
lion jll ■ .'.*i 


calamity, disaster, misfortune 




to live in misery, be LJU o^ « *JU- o (L 
miserable, be wretched 



', "i"MalBa.te5E«aliia 



phalanx, phalange, digital bone 

nasal bone, bridge of the nose 


shin, shinbone, tibia 

(fishing) rod 

gullet, esophagus JjJLl 

windpipe, trachea HJ I *~ai i i-jly> 

cut(ting), clipping), snip(ping) ^ [j- S^l! : "Cei 

haircut, hair cut _/£• i-ai 

»».. *'>>.' .- -a i 

forelock <j"L>" | ,JUu j*- l< ^» lj • < ^ t 

.' ir- ' .a { 

lock of hair, tuft of hair j»i. *Jua»- : «-aJ 

story, tale, narrative, narration, Cl£*- 1 <C Ijj : <*i 
fiction; novel; account, report 
detective story; police story 

-a . >*.* . 

love story, romance 

<j jaw <*ai 



to go to, repair to, betake one- t_-*i i <i-jj : ( Jj) Juai 
self to, head for, take to, be bound for, be headed 

, ~- '- - -* -a-- -' -- c 

to intend, pur- J J <yij < (^ < jI jl » -u»j i ^ : -w»i 
pose, design, mean, have in mind, drive at, aim at 
to seek (to), strive (to); to pursue, J/L. : J J 
strive for 

>-'.- ,'.- '- • '." '~ 

to follow, imitate, copy »jji»- 1 jl»- : oj-u j-a» 

„a • « 

intension), purpose, design, i>U i yi^ i iJ : -u>» 
aim, end, goal, objective) 
temperance, temperateness, modera- Jl-^j : Juai 
tion, moderateness, golden mean 

jLalil «j>-lj- jLalil :.Ua* 

intentionally, on purpose, purpose- jus* ^c i 1 
ly, deliberately, designedly, willfully 
for, for the purpose of, with a view to, so lii" . 
as, so that, in order to, in order that, with the aim 
of, in an effort to 

'i -- - f 
utmost, most, limit, utmost degree, JjU < ^ai I : JjLai 

highest degree t 

<J>* JfL> - JjiJI c5jCai 

bleaching, trade of a bleacher jCaJ I <4? : «j^* 

novelist, fictionist, romancer, oU I j J I i_j)^» : o»La» 

storywriter, storyteller 

storyteller, narrator, relator <i)U- 1 jlj : ^edi 

punishment, punition, penalty, *f)»- i olit : y* Cai 

sanction, retribution 

punishment, punishing, <_jli*J I pUj W i-iul. : ye Lai 

chastisement, castigation, chastening, infliction of 


retaliation, reprisal, requital, jU > pUi I : ^oCai 

revenge, vengeance 

cutting, clipping, trimming, chip, snip, j^i U : i-oCai 

clip; scrap (of paper); slip (of paper) 

punitive, retributory, retribu- ^Jl>r i ^»U* i^flCai 

tive; vindictive 

brittleness, crispness, fragility, o Cu" i it Lli : ii Cot 

frangibility, frailty, delicacy 

cutting, sharp, incisive, keen «J»U : J Cat 

chaff, husks, shucks Jlai « Jlai : ( ^LiJ I ) iJCal 

brittleness, crispness, fragility, itlii i ii Ga* : d Lai 

frangibility, frailty 

to cut up, cut to pieces »-k» : u. 

to brocade, embroider (with gold and j^> : <■ 
silver threads) 

cane(s), reecXs) u'ji^*" :v r*" 
sugarcane yoll i_«<aj ijS>-JI i_«a» 
gold or silver threads 4-J»» jl *--* j '*>?»■ : <--«»» 

j^l «j>-lj— Jy r -i\ >— ..a> jj*-l 

cane, reed 
perch; rod 

borough, town 

SjJl. : <i . ,«ii 

pipe, reed pipe, 
flute, clarinet, 

reed, iliL- .y. jwu i) 1 1 jU^. : i_-oi 
oboe, fife 


J-5" '. i-Mai 



■■■'■ , -'-' 


exclusive, sole; restrictive, limiting, 

(S jar- '-iSj-ot 




( jfl ia * 

«-kc I ^fl .a i 

narra- ( _ / a«aiJ I jl ilailLj Jill. <^JIjj '* ~ *•* '_ ~ -« 
tive, fictional 

fiction; narrative literature 
to grind, crush, bruise 

to gulp (down), swallow, pour down, (-'J*- : '/Lai 
quaff C ' ~ 

bowl i^ 

sage, clary (oLi) 

f '. .". - '•. * - - ' 

to shell, bombard, J* ^ibil y ^LJ! jiil : 
bomb, batter, cannonade, cannon, attack with 
bombs or artillery fire, fire guns at, open artillery 
fire at 

to snap, break, shatter, smash 

to roll, peal, rumble 

to feast, revel, carouse, roister, 
romp, make merry 
to be brittle, fragile, frail 

Li* li*o£ (jli" : 

to break (into pieces), crack (up), smash, '^S : 

brittle, crisp, fragile, frangible, break- -*i ( ',jj> : < '• -* 
able, frail, delicate 

shelling, bombardment, »J tall j\ JjUiJb tiii 
bombing, cannonading, cannonade, cannonry, ar- 
tillery fire, artillery firing, artillery fighting, gunfire 

snapping, breaking), shatteKing), Jj> : 


roll, peal, rumble, roar, tf/j : ( ~l J Jj?) | ) 
thunder, thunderclap 

feasting, festivity, (noisy) t_^.U» ^J 1 1^,'Jc. : 
merrymaking, merriment, revelry, revel, carousal, 
romp; bacchanaKia); orgy 

to cut, cut off; to mow, cut down iii : jjlai 

- > - „ 

chaff, husks, shucks Ull«i; ■( --in) <_['-»■ - J'-« 

cr* 'lt*- CT'j 
to tin, tin-plate 

intentional, deliberate, willful 



O* J**- '-0*- r°* 

to limit to, restrict to, con- j. 

fine to 

to confine, lock up 

to fall short of, miss, fail to, be 
unable to do or become, be incapable of, fail to 
accomplish or achieve; to malfunction, fail to 
operate in the normal or usual manner 

j^i «^lj — \ji-ai 4Ia»- '.j*ai 

to shorten, be or become short l^wai olS" \j*£ 

to shorten, make short or shorter, \j^ai <diu- :^-a» 
curtail, abridge, reduce 

to neglect, omit; to ^ \'y 4 j \'j , Jli | : ( j ) ^J 
be negligent, neglectful, remiss, derelict; to fall 
behind, lag (behind) 

" '. I " ' • i -* - 

O* r°* c^'J ~i>* ^r* : J y 6* ^-** 


to desist from, refrain from, '^L 1 1 LiS" : 

abstain from 

todefaultjll »liillj.ClJ J *j[|_,i jJ!JI^l£J:^J 

to fail, flunk JiL : £lj y. j j j! l*fl I j ^tJ 

to bleach, blanch, discharge yili : ^LJ 

i ~ J*» j 

' ' ' '"/■-' 

palace, mansion, castle ^ "jj? ol! : ^Lai 

limitation, restriction, confine- >__y ( ^i- ■ * n ; 

- - I ,','.' 

(ijLai JJfb -iSjUai :j»oi 

presidential palace 'tf^j^ (Sjj+^r j-^ 

castles in the air, castles in Spain, 


shortness; smallness 

i-ii • •" ' i 

- * » - '* 
myopia, nearsightedness, short- ^LJI jl ^-»JI ^»» 




to demolish, tear down, pull down f -u» : Ji 

'V- * . - 
to pull out, tear out, uproot gJj : u e» 

to pierce, perforate, bore <_Ju : Jd 

to be rough, hard, coarse; to rob ^JA I *Jut Jai 

someone's sleep, make sleepless 

pebbles, gravel, little stones ( J*l-\ jU-» : 'jai 

>* - » **-.<.- 
all the people came, they all ^at jl ( *Ju ^yu I *U- 

came, everybody came 

to carry out, execute, ^^1 < Jill i Jl t j»ul : ( _ r i» 
effect(uate), accomplish, achieve, finalize, termi- 
nate, finish, conclude, wind up, complete, bring to 
an end; to do, perform, fulfill, discharge 
to comply with, fulfill, accede to, ut I « ^ : j^ii 
grant, carry out, answer, meet, gratify, satisfy 
to pay, settle, discharge, ,y j < j jl. : (^1) W j) j^ii 
liquidate, pay up, defray, clear, square, balance, sa- 
tisfy, extinguish, cover 
to spend, pass ^L kJj^x^^I ".(^*j) u** 

to impose, enjoin, make ^ 4^1 1 yi/ : j^ii 
incumbent (upon); to ordain, decree, prescribe; to 
order, command, require; to necessitate, make 
necessary or requisite 

to foreordain, preordain, ( jjij »LoL) jji : <j«a» 
predetermine, predestine 

to judge, rule, decide ( J* jl J) UJUii (jo- : iS ^i 
(judicially), adjudicate, adjudge, pass (pronounce, 
render, give) a judgment or sentence or decision or 
verdict (in favor of or against); to find (for); to 
sentence, impose or inflict (a penalty on) 
to annihilate, exter- -u»-l < J»- « Jji < jU : J*- <^«a» 
minate, extirpate, eradicate, wipe out; to kill, des- 
troy, extinguish; to crush, suppress, repress, quell, 
quash, stamp out, squash, squelch, put down 
to do away with, put an end to, get Jjl 'j\ : J* ,^ai 
rid of, eliminate 
to die oU '. aJlc ,Jai < *-*»! j I *Jb>- 1 (_j«a» i (_^o» 

to be very astonished at, full of ^ <-jwJ I u*» 

amazement at, struck with wonder at 

-*• t * * 
it is all over, the die is cast >«jl 


■ijp-U.| ,^a» 

< AiMjuuiii«ta^.,^!.wi , > l ft; l .g'..^£;>; ,l ''i l i,r ■ ' — ' ' '.-"«£ a 

to snap, break, shatter, smash ^i : ^ei 

to deal (someone) a deathblow or a fatal • ^ffc ^<J 
blow; to crush, destroy, kill; to annihilate, exter- 

brittle, crisp, fragile, frangible, frail, JJ> t uiai : ^a 

remoteness, farness; distance j*j : ^at iya» 

- '.* ' '.* * *'•* - • i 

failure (to), falling short (of), inability, inca-^j»* : j>a» 
pability, incapacity; insufficiency, inadequacy; 
deficiency, shortage, lack, want; defect; malfunc- 

laziness, idleness, inactivity, inertness, Jli* : jy*ai 

j~oJu «jflj - J^jij 'Jl<*[ -jy-** 

' > ', i * * 
(legal) minority, nonage jy^ ' 0- ' .»><*» 

mertia ^ I •> j>-»» 

heart failure, cardiac failure 

> > ' 

. *.'. > I 

- % ' ' '- 
to be or become remote, distant, far, j*j : ,^d< 

faraway, far-off; to go far away, move away 

far, distant, remote, faraway, far-off, outly- ju*j : ^a» 

ing, out-of-the-way, secluded 

sternal jluall jji* cjl yoiJU iiS* ji :^-a» 


poem •-_, 

lyric, lyric pcem^LjJIjiLlJI^iiJu-aii iJLcJju-ai 
short Ji>i» V : > fli 

short-term, short-range, short- ju'ill jl Ji-'ill jw»» 


powerless, impotent, impuissant, help- jAJI^wJ 

less, weak, incapable, unable, inefficient; stingy, 

niggardly, parsimonious 

stumpy, stubby, dumpy, squat i>-4 ^ 

myopic, nearsighted, shortsight- JilI I j I joJ I jw>» 
ed; myope 

t te 

A"\o »Lai 

to gnaw, nibble at, bite, champ 
stick, rod, staff; bar 

<Jo j» : pjai < |«Ju 

Lie < 


,■» *.. '* ' 


penis, phallus 


discharge rod 

lightning rod 

behind (the) bars yL^iJI fljj 

suit, lawsuit, case, action, cause, (<LjU»i) <Syc.i 
litigation, legal proceedings) 

cause; affair, matter, case; j*l njtl «*IL- :<C- 

issue, question, problem 

proposition, theorem [ oUilj j > J^* ] ilii 

res judicata 

to sharpen, mend, nip 
to cut, pare, trim, clip 
short and curly 

never, at no time, not ever, not at all 

enough, sufficient 

only, just, merely 

cat; tomcat, male cat 


civet cat 

sand grouse 


*- *.- *, - 

•- * : ',; 
jjutj jiuoi : jot 


• s - 'l- 
(>U) JUJ 

train; caravan; convoy; j^U. i t_i^ « iii li : jlLi 

procession; column, file 

express train «j jl. jiLi 

dropper, eyedrop- »^i ijLi JiUl Jl^l/ ;l j| :SjLLi 

per, medicine dropper, pipette, pipet, dropping 

distillate, distillation ji^J' M»* ptu :5jLt* 

yak (uL*^-) yUJ 

turner, lather J»l^»- : J»U»i 

cutter «J»li :pUJ 

judiciary, judicial authorities, courts (in general) 

judgeship, office of judge <**^\ ■.■i- : - : »Lii 

• ~ -*^ ' ' ' 
administration of justice, judica- JjaJI i*lil : »L»i 


judgment, judging, ruling, decid- S~»- jl-u»j : »Lu 
ing, decision, rendering or passing of judgment 
judgment, decision, sentence, j\J i &*■ : ,Lu 
ruling, holding, verdict, award, adjudication 
constituency, district, province c$jl jI j ; " : »L»i 

carrying out, execution, effectua- ^l < jl>ul : »L»i 
tion, accomplishment; termination, finishing, con- 
clusion, windup, completion 
compliance, fulfillment, granting, Ll»- 1 < ilJLi : ,Lu 

carrying out, answering, meeting, gratification, 

payment, settlement, «i'j uj-uJ :(wij ^jJl) ,Lu 
discharge, liquidation, clearing, defrayal 

spending, passing *^'.7 < <_£» : (cJ^Jl) »LJ 

• - .» .' - - 

imposition, imposing, «i*J < ^. 1 1 ^i^i : ,Lu 

injunction, enjoining; ordainment, prescription; 
requiring, requirement; necessitation, necessitating 
annihilation, extermi- j^I tji*- iSjCI : J* tC*i 
nation, extirpation, eradication, wiping out; killing; 
destruction; crushing, suppression, repression, 
quelling, quashing, stamping out, squelching, 
putting down 

doing away with, putting an end to, <1 1 jl : J* t LJ 

getting rid of, elimination, eliminating 

death o^. : «il f Lii 

fatalism, determinism, necessi- jjillj »LallU uLJ^I 

judicial, juridical 



iLL i^-jU- jj«-Ij -iliLiiJl iLLJI i^jUJ crji*- 

, *> ' , . > 
lops, prunings, trimmings, clippings o JLi U : <u Lai 

colic, gripes; stomachache L ^i. : c Lii 

otter ,111 CDu :X*lii 

to lop, prune, trim, clip oii. • ' ^« - ' ^« 

colic, gripes; stomachache ^oii, : «_ai 




. .'■ t .rg.'r.'M 

stitch; seam 


female cat, she-cat, cat 

• j ******* 

c.tiil I (J J (_jj_«i : ^ji hi 

* '' * l'- 

S J» 

to drip, drop, dribble, trickle, i_J j < S^— < 5 j— < L) — :^J— 
distill, fall in drops, flow drop by drop, percolate, 
ooze, seep 
to tow, tug, haul, trail; to trailer \JaL. < ^- :^L» 

to tar, smear or cover with tar O'jkti^i _J» : j^» 

to drip, drop, dribble, distill, let :^Li s^» JLI :^Jai 

fall or flow in drops 

to filter, filtrate, infiltrate, perco- ~i. j < _L* : ^Li 

late, exude, strain, leach 

to distill, extract ^Ja«jJL rj»^-\ '-^* 

Qatar ^jjt jJj : jii 

towOng), towage, tug(ging), i_j_- < ^»- : jLi 

hauKing), haulage, trailing 

rain j_. :^J»i 

syrup (<Ua»;IJ J,>«:„o) _uuj >LHj <_.IJy jSL. :^J»» 

aloeswood; incense *j ^ j^* :^ki 

• • > 

country, land; territory, region, quarter Ji J > jL :^Li 

*» *'t * .> • ' 
aloeswood; incense <> jjy^» j^c : ^Jai 

diameter Q'-^' j— ' 

diagonal J,,„ll 3 \ ujll Jai 

radius pUi : ^J»» <_*— j 

^ , < «■ ~ «■ • •' 

tar iy~\ r)J JiL :ul_>J— iol^J»i 

drop i_ii :i^Li 

collyrium, eyewash, drops ^1*U Jj_i : i^Li 

eardrops <j'yi\ ijai 

- , ',• - 
raindrop jL* ijot 

-- '-'<' 
dewdrop <5_ ijai 

' " : ' 



sector; section; strip 
sector (of a circle) 
private sector 
public sector 


jJ»L uflj-Silii 

j l«<u>-lj - (-fUiiJl; £j ( (-fUiiJl; frU i ^UuJI «jIj 

i_jJ»l* »-lj - (JUai 
picking season, harvest time oLLJI o'jl : <-*^i 

retail, by retail 




cotton merchant; cotton manufac- Jkd\ ^ : uLLi 

lumbago jiikJI Ji-I ^Jl i^Lc :6Lki 

pulse; legumes ^li; o^-j- :^Jlii 

Legumi- t^l^iiiJI olji oUllllI 'j» iL~ai :olljlii 
nosae, Fabaceae 

to gather, collect 

, 9 - 


to frown, knit or ,_,«* : (4j>- j ( *11»-U- 1 ^ : . ; r) 

contract the brows, scowl, glower, lower 


to seam, sew, stitch jja ( ji) : i_J»i 

[ ,Lj-I t .Uj^ t Li Iji^ « dUi ] 


axis; pivot j 

magnate, leader, leading personal- 
ity, chief 
the South Pole 

the North Pole 

cathode, negative pole 

anode, positive pole 


magnetic pole ' 



f ■' ■ ■ ! 

--' - : - J 

j E*^ \' _'•_• t ": 


progress or headway, advance in great strides 

to commit or engage in high- jJLlI jl Jj^UI ^Jai 

way robbery 

to sever or break off relations oli!& I jJ«» 

to pledge, vow, promise, cove- jlc^JI jl Jii*JI jJ»» 

nant, make a pledge or vow or promise 

to spend or pass time; to while away the oJ>>ll jJ»» 

time; to kill time 

to cut up, cut into pieces (into parts, into slices), jiu 

carve; to divide, partition, section, separate; to 

segment; to dismember; to tear (apart), rip (apart), 

rend, rive, lacerate 

to scan a verse j^\ & ^j j-«» 

- * ' •, - • - *■ i 
to have (or suffer from) colic or u o»a : <J»» j jiu 


cutting, cutting off, cutoff, sever- Jlai i jj < ^oi : jiii 
ance; chopping off, lopping off; felling, hewing, 
cutting down (of a tree); amputation; scission, 
sectioning), dividing; segmentation; breakUng); 
sundering, separation, disconnection 
stoppage, stop(ping), halting), ces- i^iij < <_»li) I : »iii 
sation, discontinuation, discontinuance, suspen- 
sion, interruption, shutoff, break 

crossing, traversing, traversal, jj-t i j\^>-\ : *U 
going across, passing through (across, over); 
fording (of a river); covering (of a distance) 

tliuil «rlj — r-jJ» i |*>a»- ((<—»- : f-"' 

dogmatization, (authoritative) xi'U i ^ : jJ»i 
assertion; being positive (about) 

format, size (of a book) |J«i^- 1 y-Q : (oU£Jl) ji»» 
section [<Ljli»] Jai 

' ' 's "l ' 

exchange, money exchange ^^s : jJ»» 

currency, money jui i iu* : Jat 

despair »l*-^i I jl $* "ill jJ»» 

breakGng), interruption, discon-^Jl/^SCJI jLjJI »iat 
nection, cutoff, cutting off, shutoff, shutting off, 
switching off, turning off 

highway robbery, banditry, brigandage J JL) I »iit 

albatross c$j*u j3U» : w'j^* 

to tar, smear or cover with tar olj^iJL) Ji : o^J** 
regional; territorial ^-lij :(3_>L* 

diametral, diametrical »j5UI J^> l jh^' '<sja* 
diagonal J,..L:,..ll jl »)S Jaii $»s* \&Jei 

to turn, lathe; to carve; to cut, pare, (jJJ iliil) jaiai 


to cut, cut off, sever, slit; to J~ai i ji> i '^ai ■ ^Li 

chop off, lop off; to fell, hew, cut down (a tree); to 

amputate; to break; to divide, section; to segment; 

to sunder, separate, disconnect, tear (.apart) 

to intersect, cross, cut across, split I_JU» < ^ : »Ja» 

to stop, suspend, discontinue, cease, ciijl : »Jat 
halt, interrupt, break, cut, end, put an end to, 

lL>U jj-Ij -lU.oJ-1 fUl «J>tf :»Jit 

to prevent (from), hinder (from); to ^-. : (^c) »Jat 

forbid (to), prohibit (from) 

to cross, traverse, go across, pass j~t ( jU>] : Jat 

through (across, over); to ford (a river); to cover (a 


*,.**.,. ,- - 

to dogmatize, assert or affirm oj i j5 I i ^ : »J»» 

authoritatively, state positively, say with certainty; 

to be positive (about), be absolutely certain (about), 

be perfectly sure (of) 

to despair, give up hope, lose f\»-'J I jl 3^1 j^»» 


to cut t-^ill Jljjl vl»» 

to buy a ticket, etc. »JJ iilL jl SjS' JJ »Jit 

to interrupt some- 6^» j^» I (L£»- jl) J--^-J jJ»» 

one's train of thought 

to break, interrupt, disconnect, yJUji^Jl jCJI Ja* 

cut off, shut off, switch off, turn off 

to eradicate, exterminate, extirpate, I JS 'y> b At 

uproot, root up, root out, deracinate; to kill, 

destroy, extinguish; to suppress, repress, crush, 

squelch, put an end to 

>, \. ,- » 
to decapitate, behead, decollate, cut off <l-I j jJ»» 

the head of 

to make good ^J^ll jl ^jU^JI j \jj£ \i»y> »J«» 



paper money, paper <-* jj ( <UL. j I ) <.a*» <ui»t 


piecework, taskwork, work by the job iAu\l> Jii. 



dogmatism; definiteness, definitiveness, posi- 

tiveness, decisiveness, conclusiveness, certainty 

-- - . s , - - .-. 
to pick, gather, reap, harvest, pluck y* : uua 

out, pull off 

orach(e), butter leaves, moun- \^ J3 «LL iLu : uLLi 

tain spinach, sea purslane 

picking, gathering, harvesting), reaping, i jj r ; i 


picked fruit(s) iiyLi* jCj : uLU 

plover (j\l) J>UJJ 

sleet jUl ju»- :J»lki 

to cut off; to fell out, cut down (trees) U»» : jji» 

arbutus, cane apple, strawberry tree (oLi ) cJLLi 

to cut off, sever; to lop off, chop off 'A* : 'Jei 

pellicle iLij 5^i» : j&*JJ 'jl^ 

to live in, dwell in, reside in, lodge ^SL. : -> jl J yJa# 

in; to inhabit, populate 

to settle in, make live in, lodge in ^sCl : _> ^Jai 

dwelling, living, residing, inhabit- ^,3— i ^^SL. : ,jJat 

ing; residence 

lumbar region, lower part of the j^kl I Jiu. I : ^ki 


cotton ijJai > ,jj»# 

lumbar j^LJI Jil-L iibU ji : ■ >•» 

cotton; cottony ■ >•» 

cotton clothes ^^i ^ oLJ : cJiJi 

pulse; legumes ^LL u^»- :{-jLL» ^) i_-L» 

droplet »jvm* • Ja* '• ij-i* 

flock, herd, drove, group, troop o^- : ««LS 

rupture (breakoff, sever- u I j*>* ' oU}U I «J>t : <u~U 
ance) of relations; alienation, estrangement, sepa- 

severance (breakoff, rupture) of rela- oiiS*J I *^i 

definitely, decidedly, positively, certainly, lj Lo : U-Li 
absolutely, of course, sure(ly), unquestionably, cat- 
egorically; absolutely not, not at all, by no means, 
in no way, not in the least 
quarto »J\ «J»i 

hyperbola jkjlj«J»» 

- i '" - J l : 
come section J>jj>i> «Jx 

parabola uj^-* (~ 

hard currency jjU «J»» 

ellipse (J>JlJl»I jl ^U «J»» 

discount rate, bank rate Aid I (Jl« jl) ^L. 

Apoda Jrj^l oU-lc :oljUJai 

* •- .»- 

t> Ul 

iii :( yijl) 

f-jiull <Lij :<uJat 


plot (of land), lot (of land), tract, 
area, piece, land 
a cut, a piece cut off 


piece, fragment, fraction, lump, "Co»- < -Li < i^ : <ulU 
chunk; part, portion, division, section, segment, 
slice; share, cut, lot 
segment [ L. j^* ] OXi 

unit (tJJ iLJI ,j< i jtli-l |j*) »j^»-j :*!!»» 

passage, excerpt JaiU : iuJat 

accessories V^i t'"' 

segment of a circle ijj\ j luLi i SjJI jJI iJJ 

spare parts JjolJI jl jCill jii 

piece (of art, of (~H iL jI i ili^>« > <Ji) X>Xi 
music, of literature, etc.), work (of art, of music, of 
literature, etc.), (artistic, musical, literary) work or 

specie, coirKs), hard or i-J-i»> (v'-* J7 ^i^** **^ 
metallic money 


to dry up, wither, shrivel (j~j :uii 

».* » - " *' 
to rhyme, put into rhyme j*i) I 3 1 |.^SG I JH 

to send after 
back; reverse; verso 
nape, poll, back of the neck 

t?\ '■(->,) ^ 

wrong side, inner side, under oyJIjI yiLiJI Ui 




jumper, leaper; jumping, leaping; jumpy ol3j : jUi 

(oLi)iJiil jUi 

glove; (a pair of) gloves 



basket, scuttle, frail 

to track, follow the tracks of 

desert, wasteland, waste, wikKs), wilderness, iji :ji 

wild land, desolate region 

desolate, waste, deserted, lifeless jii. : ji 

to jump, leap, spring, bound, skip, hop Ljj :yS 

jump(ing), leapGng), hop(ping) i_Jj : J«i 

» •> -; *•' 
long jump, broad jump Jeu ^c j I Jj^J» JS 

+ '~ 

high jump Jlc yJ 

pole vaulting) LaJU 30 

jump, leap, spring, bound, skip, hop <S 3 : i'jiS 

cage {o\y^\j J^\) uaii 

coop, pen ( ^li-jJl),_^iii 

crate (^mJJI) ^oii 


dock; bar 

witness box 

jury box 

thorax, thoracic cavity, chest 

* > " 

'* II ' "- 

> •-■*'.'. 

11:^ ...■■i7.„ ~ 


ration, abandonment 

amaranth; marigold (tjLj) <^ 

velvet Jl^u :<UJai 

plUSh oLjjiil <UJai 

towel; swab 

to sit down, sit, take a seat, seat oneself ^Ju>- : Sti 

.uil «»■ I j - (jJb"- 1 (Jtnil :_» .ui 

to tarry, linger; to slacken; to neglect; to fail ^ 'S*i 
to do or perform; to desist from, refrain from 
sitting jjJ Ijt 5jll :»'jji 

sedentary, constantly JJ»^ « Jj-^ < j^aaJ I j^ : » jjj 

or frequently sitting; lazy, inactive, idle, indolent; 

idler, slacker 

posture, seat, pose, manner of tr>M-l *i>^ : »J«* 


space occupied while acUJI j±LLi ylSQl : o-lo 

sitting, seating place, seat 

• -Lai up-Ij - XiJji ItJjjJi 

to be concave; to be deep U~*£ 0^ ' \j>** u^ : 3** 

to concave, make concave; to hollow lj»i* <U- :^«i 

out, cave, excavate, make hollow; to deepen, make 


to speak gutturally oSS" J jS 

bottom; foot; floor; bed; depth; hollow, cavity, pli : Jii 


pigeon-breasted; lordotic jj*ai\ »yL* i<_ r »i\ : Lr «i 

to clatter, clash, rattle, clank, clang, "J^> < J^^i- : ««i 


magpie (j5U»)j»ii :«jui 

clatter, clash, rattle, clank, clang JJuo > i.l^.l> 

sitting, sitting down, taking a seat 

(young) camel Ci***) J^r : *y* 

>> >i 

* >' 
omission, neglect, failure to do or perform jc iyJ 

companion, comrade, friend, ^^v ' y^*- '• -4** 
person with whom someone sits 


to convert, transform, turn, 
change, alter 

Ai ji i>oJi jt tfl^ii 

to turn (over), flip, leaf; to page 
through, run over 

to think over, reflect j* jl jl »>»^*ji y 
on, meditate on, ponder (on), turn over or revolve 
in one's mind, weigh or balance in the mind, 
consider carefully, study, examine, scrutinize 

4JU.I jl £^11 i\ jj£\ jl jj^ll '^^ : Ji 
turning; turning about, turning around; turnabout, 
turnaround; turning over, turnover, overturn(ing), 
tipping over, upsetting), capsizing; upturning; 
turning up(ward); turning upside down; turning 
inside out or outside in, turning out, turnout 

reversal, reversion, reversing, inversion, Lr SCe- : <_Ji 


overthrowGng), topple, J»lil I < j i»-U» I : <_Ji 


conversion, transforma- j^Ju < Jj-uj i Jj^ki : <_Ji 

tion, turning, changing, change, alteration 

transposition, metathesis, inversion [iil ] <_Ji 

heart aly :i_Ji 

heart, core, gist, pith, essence, ***o 1 <_J < j*y>- : <_Ji 

center, middle, heart 
bleeding heart 



heart and soul; totally, wholly, entirely, Ulij LU 
completely, fully 

heart disease <_iiJI yi^ 

from the bottom of one's <Ji JS" ^ 1 -Ui ^o ^ 
heart, most sincerely, wholeheartedly; with all 
one's heart 

calpac; busby 



C^U- iiJ» :i_Ji <t_Ji 




aMV.-ff." ' <.■ **!£*.; ' . JTBT! 

caftan J,j^t ojj : uUui 

to return, come back, come home ii- j : iJii 

- -» -, 3 i 

Jii-I -.lj-> 

w •.• 

lock, latch, bolt; padlock JU. : Jii 

• ' -*s ' i 

beehive, hive Ji« ill*, ijj^i 

to be or become little, small, few; to Jai^> I : 3» 

lessen, decrease, diminish, drop (off), become less, 
grow less; to be or become less (than), smaller 
(than), fewer (than) 

seldom, rarely, infrequently jjUJIJiIjjI;:Uj 

to fry 
to hate, detest, abhor 
to alkalinize, alkalify 
alkali, base 


reversible, tippable, tiltable 

l!j_>ii Jjui- : JS 

tipcart, tipper; dump track £& i_*-L 1 ii^ii i^c 




heart disease 

tartar jJi" :(yC^l) £# 

necklace; collar, choker; lavaliere, pendant .u* : 5 j5U 

thrush, ulcerative stomatitis (u*^) f 

bark, rind ,£j :ii5li 

'* * •- -' '1 
calking t yUl i. >,.la :u>» 

screw; bolt -tjj^» OJJ^* 

to turn;<Jl»- jl <j^»j jl <»3y jl <U4>-j y* <Jj»- :t-«l» 
to turn about, turn around; to turn over, overturn, 
tip over, upset, capsize; to turn up(ward), upturn; 
to turn upside down; to turn inside out or outside 
in, turn out 
to reverse, invert ]j£*- '■ L^* 

to overthrow, topple, bring .Lil.l < _i ^li I : Lit 

p 5 



to bark, strip the bark from »'j*^ I ' ^* 

to calk < ..<?,. 1 1 Lilt 

to circumcise <uili otii 

to calk i_ilJ| i_ili 

bark, rind »UJ :<_iii 

foreskin, prepuce ilji i iil* : <uli 

to worry; to be or become worried, concerned, jli 

anxious, solicitous, uneasy, unquiet, ill at ease, ' 


worry, concern, anxiety, solicitude, apprehen- jii 

sion, apprehensiveness, uneasiness, unquietness, 

disquietude), unrest, restlessness, perturbation, 


worried, concerned, anxious, solicitous, appre- jli 

hensive, uneasy, unquiet, disquieted, ill at ease, ' 

disturbed, troubled, upset, perturbed, resless 

taro, elephant's ear (oU) ^Uli 

sweet potato 




to shake, move, commove, convulse, unsettle, JiJi 
upset, agitate, stir, disturb, disquiet 

unrest, disturbance, trouble, commotion, disor- iiiii 
der; agitation, stir, convulsion, concussion 

to lessen, decrease, 5Ui <u»»- tJ i*> ((^aiil :Ji» 

diminish, reduce, minify, minimize, make less, 
make smalKer) or few(er) 

,»- ,»',-' 

|JJi jjr I j - oli, : pJi 

, »- ,*- 
to clip, trim, cut, cut back, pare, prune, lop oii, : Jj 

to stripe, streak; to striate ,LL»- : «li 

pen LU5C1J »bl : Ji 

pen, fountain pen, stylograph j~>- JS 

ball-point pen, ball-point ciU- ■!*■ J» 

pencil, lead pencil i^C«j Ji 

rubber-tipped pencil ;Uiw o»C»j J» 

copying pencil, indelible pencil Lij£ Ji 

heart, cardiac V^^ **^* J^ •Ir^' 

hearty, heartfelt, wholehearted, sincere, t$ jj :^Ji 

very warm, most cordial 

jar, olla i^. : «ii 

top, summit, peak, apex, vertex, crest <ui : ili 

littleness, smallness, fewness, paucity; iji£ o-i : iii 
inconsiderableness, insignificance; scantiness, 
sparseness, slightness; scarcity, insufficiency, 
deficiency, lack, want, shortage, dearth; rarity, 
rareness, infrequency 

J_tf ^r\j - JJ» :ili 

impatience jL^\ ili 

tartar ^ :(oLl^l) jJi 

to imitate, copy, ape, mimic Jf\*- :'jl» 

to counterfeit, forge, imitate 

to gird with a sword 

to adorn with a necklace 

I «VmiII »jJi 

to decorate, award a decoration JJIx. jl ULj •uli 

(medal, order, badge of honor) to 

to confer a rank upon iJ j • oii 

to invest with an office, install in an I...... ,jd» 

office, induct into an office, inaugurate; to appoint 
to an office 

to entrust with, invest IsCXI jl iiJ-JI jl ^1 *jdj 
with, charge with (authority, power, rule, govern- 
ment, etc.), give authority (power, etc.) to 
cable, hawser, rope J>..U jli- ( C^. : jji 

to contract, constrict, constringe, draw together; [jaii 
to shrink; to deflate; to reduce, decrease, diminish, 

to take off one's clothes, undress, strip oCi «ii 


fortress, fort, stronghold, citadel, castle, 


rook, castle £j : ( w^kUl ) £J» 

to sweep 


wheat seller; grain dealer 

gambling; gamble 

fabric, cloth 

textiles, soft goods, dry goods 

swaddle, swaddling clothes 





(JAIl) lUi 

5^ 5»- s ^ 

sweeper, scavenger; street sweeper, JL j 4 ^US" : »ui 
street cleaner, garbage collector 

sweepings, rubbish, garbage, refuse iJu j : <» Li 

dunghill XL'y :ili 

top, summit, peak, acme, apex, vertex, rj I < ij j j : 4^1 
climax, pinnacle, zenith, crown, crest; heyday, 
prime, height 
vertex, crown of the head 

: C J 

wheat ik*- 

wheat kernel, a grain of wheat ~i <L*> : 

• - ' * * 
grain j^J (j«Li 

wheaten, tan, light (yellowish) brown (ojli I ) lj?"** 

to gamble; to bet (on) 'J.\S \^a 

to toast [y^>- : (^1J 3^-0 j** 

J>»- ji^ii (Jim*)! (j^ «j^> > «Tinj (5 Jul i_^_5_jSol :^*i 



1 ^Sl <~& fi <J>^ JJ-'i J~" ^-^ r 'J** 

(artificial or man- ^Lkal jl ^..^ jl ycU» ^i 
made) satellite, moon 


snow blindness 

moonstone; selenite 

moonlit, moony (night) 



lunar, moony 

moon letter 

^•ilU (_^U- 'iSj** 


stripe, streak, bar; stria, striation, ,k._£ 1 J»- : ji 
line, band 

office, bureau, department -li 1 ij I j ( i_3c : Ji 
style, stylet u'.j-3-l ,«—>■ j J^f« _£*->» y**- '• Ji 
style <JJI J*iJ «^»jj| iil. ^ tfj* - : *■*-■" (j^ 
by, written by J < (u^* ) <-«Ju : ^1^ 

seldom, rarely, infrequently jjUI j 1 Ijjli : Uli 
cap; bonnet; cowl, hood capuche fj-fji (j-Ci : 5>iii 


alkali, base 

alkaline, basic 



to hate, detest, abhor 


alkali, base 


(/III) Ji :>b- 

(_ f iJJl)jIi-:Ji 

little, small, few; inconsiderable, insig- jZi 1* : JJi 
nificant, negligible; scanty, sparse, meager, slight, 
thin, slim; scarce, rare, infrequent 

a little of, a few of, a small number (quan- '<ja JJi 
tity, amount) of, some (of) 

a little, somewhat, slightly; a bit; some %li 

seldom, rarely, infrequently L. %M 

little by little, bit by bit, step by step, by iii" %& 
steps, by degrees, gradually, piecemeal 

impolite, uncivil, uncouth, discourteous, o'j'jll JJi 
ill-mannered, mannerless, unmannerly, rude, 

unlucky, unfortunate, luckless, c.-^JI jl Jiil JJi 
hapless, ill-fated, ill-starred, star-crossed 

impudent, shameless, insolent, imperti- »Q-I JJi 
nent, cheeky, saucy, pert, flippant, forward, 
brazen, brazen-faced 

impatient ^L*i\ JJi 

i*Li wr 

nightgown, nightshirt, nightdress >jj I 

bloody shirt lr* u~„> : 

worthy (of), meriting; capable (of) ^ ji- : (_,) ^^J 

kiln, furnace, oven 0>« I : if* 

serf jili :^i 

todigacanal U^ii- :2lliJI ,-i* 

spear, lance -J,j : Li 

bract !j»j JL jl jj»j jjicli j iijj :*jUj i4jUj 

- .-.-• ,-i 

canal, waterway, watercourse, ^*» i c$/v ' **> : »L» 

conduit, channel, sluiceway, aqueduct; tube, duct, 

pipe; passage, path 

ditch (for irrigation or (<Ju jLoJ I j I Jj^U ) 2 Li 


j^^LII (_jU- j itjJL :2Li 

j :»Li 

spear, lance 

vas deferens 

eustachian tube, salpinx, syrinx 

^ - > ,, , * „ 
(-JI :Lj liijlj • Li 


political or diplomatic 

anal canal 
spinal canal 
bile duct 

"L—Ljlj i jl i— -L- »Li 

<*3?j* »Uj 

££,i sLi 

t\juai\ 2 Li liijlji^ ;Li 
alimentary canal, enteron 
fallopian tube, salpinx -»-^)l 2 Li i <-jji\i 2 Li 

«tf jl <LjIo* 2Li 

(oLj) JjjLS 

morning glory 

hunter, huntsman, shooter jCo : ^ Li 

sniper 2jUI jl tlj*"}|| i*Tn~- i^Li 

mask, disguise, veil (~J| o>-^Jl) p Li 

gasmask jUI «-Li 

satisfaction, contentment, contenKedness) Lij :i*Li 
conviction, persuasion, certainty jjjy : iiLi 

lunar month, lunation 


to collect, gather, pick up 

to research, do research 

caddis fly, caddice fly 

to swaddle (a baby) 

to curb, check, restrain, bridle, 


repress, suppress, subdue; to crush, quell, quash, 
quench, squelch, put down, stifle, stamp out, 
squash, stifle, extinguish 

repression, suppression, curbing, 'Li y\ n- : k*» 

checking), restraint, restraining; subdual, crush- 
ing, quelling, quashing, quenching, squelching, 
putting down, stifling, stamping out, squashing, 


cupule J»jLll j|^j- 

(JjI^IJI i_-laJ) £4* I jli 

*> v. - fc . '- . ' • . ' 

repressive, suppressive, curbing, »H)L , ; "- :^«*** 

checking, restraining 

funnelform, infundibuliform, cupulate ( JSCi) I ) ^«*li 

foxglove, digitalis (oLi) i 


6? V>» : (**** 
jli li jU» :J*i 


bulging long-necked bottle 

to be lice-infested, lousy 

lousiness, pediculosis, phthiriasis Jli; : Jli 

lice-infested, lousy, pedicular Jli. i Jli jj : J*i 

lice (iili Uiji.) Jli 


crab louse 

aphid, aphis, plant louse 

cretin; cretinous 

gambler, player 


jacket, wrap, cover 


iUI illi 
oLJI illi 

(i-jL5lll) u n, ■» 

''.|.-:* '- 




»„ ,,•• >•- * 3 . 

hempen, hemp i_»^J I ij\ oj— . - : ^j 

cauliflower (t^Li ) J***** 

to be obedient, submissive, hum- U jj UJu o^ : £•»* 

ble; to be devout, pious, God-fearing 

- s - "V- 
top, summit, peak, vertex <*» • *-* 

ferula, galbanum plant 

(sugar) candy, rock candy 


acolyte, sexton, sacristan 


jellyfish, medusa 

«'„,,;,<JI fjU- :ci)'jui 

tuft (of hair); comb, crest; pileum ;^_JI : £>J i **>J 

to hunt, shoot 

to snipe 

game, bag, quarry 

hunting), shooting) 





to despair, despond, lose hope, Lr L> : JjJ i .ki ' Jxi 
give up hope, become disheartened or discouraged, 
lose all courage 

to drive to despair, deprive of hope, dis- y-C I : JJi 
hearten, discourage 

Sjlil jl tl-ic-'jll J~aj : u oJi 


J.yi £fl 



hundredweight, quintal JL^ : jlki 

to arch, vault, camber, curve ul>- c aic : jJkJI 

arch, vault; archway, arcade ( J» Li ^) •jJ»i' 

centaury; centaurea, knapweed 


Centaurus, Centaur [dUi ] ^j^ki 

to be or become content with, satisfied ^j : j ^3 

(oLi) UjjjJai* 

(oLi) tSjr~^ o#j*** 



•Li «>-lj - JLi 
serfdom ***??*■ : <->>** 'OLi 

calyx ijIk^JI y-o :t-Ji 

hemp, cannabis (oLi) •—* 

abaca, Manila hemp 3LiL 

hemp, Indian hemp, hashish, marijuana tS -u* 
twine, packthread, string i__i J»l»- 

long loose-sleeved outer garment Jj_jJ» ojj : jLii 
bluefish (dL-)jli 

lark, skylark (j5U» ) 5^-* ' •««*• 

tuft; crest 

calyx 5 j»^J I y- o : j«J 

glume 4l. . ,'„.il I <juu : «_ii 

to bombard, bomb, shell, cannon, JjLjJIj (JJi :J~* 
cannonade, attack with bombs 
bombardment, bombing, shelling, JjLoJIj <_»j» : *Lii 
cannonading, cannonade, cannonry' 

bomb, shell; grenade ijaUi* j!>»j 5^1»m *jjji :<JLJ 

» '• .'*£ 

armor-piercing bomb 


atom(ic) bomb, A-bomb, fission bomb 

anti-personnel bomb 

cluster bomb 

incendiary bomb 


tear bomb 

anti-submarine bomb 
flare shell, flash bomb 
time bomb 
napalm bomb 
hydrogen bomb, H-bomb 
hand grenade, grenade 

.3*-. *.''>■{ 
y^la^iijl _L*» <>; '■% 

1 "f •>'■>'' 

iijU- j I iijsw iLJ 
':• V- 

p^jJJ il,,„. iLJi 

oL»l_j«JJ SjUx. iLji 


jj iLLi i ijj-b iLJ 




to subdue, subjugate, conquer, fj* > t_JL* < >«a»-l :j$» 

vanquish, overcome, overwhelm, overpower, 

overmaster, defeat, beat, get the better of, crush, 

make helpless 

to surmount, overcome, master, get J* JUi : j*» 


to compel, coerce, constrain, force, ^jl c Jr » r \ \j$ 


subdual, subjugation, conquering, van- pLait.l :^i 

quishing, overcoming, defeating, beating, getting 

the better of 

surmounting, overcoming, master- J* <_JuJ : ji* 

ing, getting over 

compulsion, coercion, con- j^i < flcjl i jLJ-l : j^i 

straint, force, forcing 

forcibly, by force, coercively, compulsorily l^i* 

• > ,, , - • ' 
steward, butler, household man- <_»jl< i J-5 j : 6U»» 

ager, major-domo; maitre d'hdtel, 'maitre d' 
(woman) housekeeper; governess <C/>» <. i^lu : ijL^i* 

compulsory, coercive, forced, t$Jj 1 15 jL»- 1 : jjp 
forcible, compelling 

>♦" cf'j -3 s ** 

to guffaw, roar, laugh loudly Jtc oj-au dU*u» : ii^i 
guffaw, horselaugh, loud burst of laughter <&» 

anorexia, inappetence fUUI <j J ;^lil jui i^ 

coffee ,j-JI <-jlji- :«>M 

to strengthen, fortify, consolidate, rein- uy <d*j>- : (3y 
force, invigorate, brace, cement, bolster; to enrich; 
to boost, promote, further, support, underpin; to 
corroborate, confirm; to intensify, heighten; to 

hunger, starvation 
desert, wasteland, waste 
desert, wasteland, waste 
pimp, procurer, pander 
primaries, primary quills 
Omnivora, omnivores 

jii : »ly i <iy 
Ji :,ly 

(c»jli Uiji*) Ojly" 

with; to content oneself with, settle for 

to be or become convinced of, ^. jS U : j Lj 

persuaded of 

to mask, disguise, hide, conceal, veil ( pUii) jJJ 


jjtf ^Ij 



sea urchin, echinoid, echinus 

echidna, spiny anteater 

Echinodermataijji^J I oUjUi^J I ^ L 

gallfly 1> UaJI tCi 4 5^l :ili 

kangaro (ol>j-)j£i 

to codify (laws) Oj i : (ijry I jil I ) jii 

'*'- •"''., i" t it >i -«- '*' 
to ration ^ i j jua^l » Jj* jl JIjI*U «-jj :,ji» 

bunch of dates 
obedient to her husband 



obedience, submissiveness, humility; p jj i i*U» : o^Ji 
devoutness, piety, God-fearingness 

acquisition, property, possession i jsi\ U :S^J iSjli 


JaiU «-lj - J»>i» 

lessness, despondency, despondence, despond 
satisfied, content, contented /<Jli 


ductule, canalicule 

cannula •— -t> «^i 

acquisition, property, possession ( JJil U :cJi tC;J 

game, quarry, kill, bag .ws i,_^Ji i^^a-JI 

bottle; flask, vial; flacon 5 jjj^ ' **?"!■ j : <—^> 

nursing bottle, feeding bottle f^»j^ ~*~r* 

j»liJI (j»U <uflj - jl^ill (jl^i 

.S « -' 'i 


force [ »lijji ] Sy 

armed forces, troops, contin- i*Ju-. o ly i oly 

gent(s); the military 

occupation forces J}Li-l oly 

J»Q»-i oly iili.QJ-1 oly 

• jIjJII Sy 


r-'-'!- ' " ' "- v : 




motorized troops <uy y <u i oiy 

naval forces, sea forces 
ground forces 

4j^>w Oly 

.3*- * 

4jjj oly 

centripetal force y"jll ^mj iiU- Sy iSJul*- iy" 
air forces «jy oly 

"" «-lj-f.Li)l jlikil Sy 
A-jUa*' »y 

•XJI Jii»- oly 

ȣJI Sy 7: 

*jljM« oy 

-' ' *a* 

<*jU» »y 
.' ' *»■' 

iLkcLi Sy 

iULc Sy 

5yl» Sy 

4-JU Sy" 

-r--- ■ r * i s - 

Ut^xi oly 

**»->» *y 


peace-keeping forces 

purchasing power • 

striking force, force de frappe 

pressure group, lobby 

work force, labor force, manpower 

force majeure 


airborne troops 


cen-y'jll ,j* » JjU» Jy i S.»jU» (ity^*) Sy i SJuli Sy 
trifugal force 

by force, forcibly, coercive- sy* * lj-i i \j$ :SyJlj 

ly, compulsorily 

potentially, virtually; potential, virtual [ii-Ji ] S^dL 

►LjjoJ syJI JUu 

-■» * •* 

track and field (iyll i_>UI 

of sound mind and bodyij j-J-Ij <JU«Jt >ly J-ISO 

food, foodstuff, nutriment, nourishment, »li* : oy 
nurture, nutrient, aliment, victual, sustenance 

yak (l>I*j-) o*£y" 

Rodentia, rodents o»jly 

Amphibia VJ'i* 

bowman, archer fl«JI y^lj '(j-yJ^ (*«l>l : y'i* 
bowmaker y-yJ I «JU* : yly 

Rodentia, rodents (*^'>* 

migratory birds «_X. ly ^li i «^ ly 

buck-rabbit; male hare i_J I j^l I jfi : fly 

•Acli «j»-1j-(sj*U Uij»<) jicly 

ily «>.|j -jlijl :SJIy ijly 

KtM «flj-ai liuli >ly 

consistency ^j^LlljIcSLuJIjIiil^lllijj.j j :^|y 

straightness £li£.l :>ly 

caretaker, custodian, guardian, curator, ( Jc) »ly 

keeper, supervisor, superintendent 

support, prop, stay, mainstay xL » Cli j t jCc : #ly 

basis, foundation, substratum, backbone; y-C I : -ly 
infrastructure, substructure 

staple, chief element, main ingre- ^>Cl <^u : >ly 

dient, principal constituent or component, sub^ 


sustenance, subsistence oyJI ^ < jSZ U : >ly 

consisting of, made up of, composed of I a? o ly 

guardianship, curator- tilji.1 c <Cl^- 1 <CCo_j : o ly 
ship, custodianship, custody, care, trusteeship, 
trust; supervision, superintendence, overseeing 

[i^ili U jj»*] (jlJJl) (jfljly 

- • * — • i - d 

tjjj»- (ji>j* : »^y ' »^^* 

LiJb- Itljy 
Jljy i iikdl 4ljy 


herpes; tetter; impetigo 

ringworm, tinea 

shingles, herpes zoster 



(ifL-) 1$ji> Oy*y> 

strength, force, power, might; vigor; potency; in- 5y 
tensity, violence, vehemence, intension, severity; 
authority, power, clout, leverage; ability, capabili- 
ty, faculty; energy, power, capacity 
power [oLj»Ljj] Sy 


— : ■■ ■'* ■ . : _i 


saying, speech, word, utterance; JlL L. <. ^ : Jy 
statement, declaration 

opinion, view; say & 1 j -. Jy 

testimonyijljiiijljl: j^JI jlo»LJI Jlyl jl Jy 
witness; statement; deposition; affidavit 

saying, adage, proverb, aphorism, maxim, j^jU Jy 

saw, gnome 

by word and deed 

-T* ■* 

unanimously, as one man, with one 

to mold, cast, block, from, pL» i JSCi. i i£L~ : LJy 
shape, fashion 

molding), cashing), blocking, LJy jZ*» : cJy 

forming, formation, shaping, fashioning 

talkative, garrulous, loquacious, voluble fi'j : iJy 

cob (of corn, etc.) 

ascending colon 
descending colon 
colonic, colic 

JxLaJI 0>I^JI 
> > , ' 

to straighten, make straight l«.i.:_ *]*»- 1 ^^J^- : aj! 

to rectify, right, correct, 0^* < r«£<» I ' '^w> : £>» 
reform, amend, adjust, straighten (out), fix, put in 
order, set right, put right; to recondition, rebuild 

to evaluate, valuate, estimate, 'jjf i ^li i lli : *y 
assess, appraise, value, rate 

invaluable, inestimable, priceless ^ jl JC .yu 'i 

people, nation ■_■'-*■■ : »y 

• * .- 

people, kin, kinsfolk, kindred J*l : .y 

commanders) ^jjiiLy 

rising, rise * ^ : iuy 

national; nationalistic) Ir*y 



arch, vault 

to hollow out, scoop out, gouge; to exca- Ctyr \j$ 
vate, cave, cavern out 

- »:.: , - - 

to bend, curve, bow, crook, camber, L> ji- 1 ^ : ^*y 
arch, vault 

cry Cf'j - ^-^ -cry 
^* , ^ *■ , * , ~ 

[i.o^](j^laJl) cr y- 

paranthesis, parentheses (Cli£Jl j) j\~y i ^'ji 

bracket (*jL£JI j) (Jjiiu. ^Sji 

-*.' •'. 

uCXIl cry 

to demolish, pull down, tear down, raze, ^ili : ^iy 
wreck, ruin, destory, crush, smash; to subvert; to 
undermine, sap 



teasing bow 
triumphal arch 

to cackle, cluck 

cackle, cackling, cluck(ing) 

springbok, springbuck 

|J»U* i5j_jj_j :<Jj_ji 

to confine, limit, restrict; to enclose, jjje. ' j-a»- : jjy 
shut in, hem in, keep within bounds; to seclude, 
isolate, segregate 

snail iilj; njjji»- :j*y 

confinement, limitation, restriction; «iy :oiji 
enclosure, shutting in, hemming in; seclusion, iso- 
lation, segregation 

shell >jUu t iij*o : <u»y 

cochlea, conch; helix [ffJ^ ] u* *' ***y 

to put words in someone's mouth; to (*ii; J L. a_) Jy 
attribute false reports to; to fabricate lies against 



-■■•..■ -.-. -rrrr, 

dimensions); gauge; size; format 

comparison; analogy *j jU* : yb 

juristic reasoning (inference, [ *^»5L-J *<uj>i ] crQ* 
deduction) by analogy; analogy 

syllogism [j^*-' ] <jl»-'« tr^» ' cr^* 

analogy [^L-i] J-ilJI ^Ci 

paralogism, sophism, fallacy <Q*)U« : jl.Ij ^lli 

standard, typical, regular, normal; classical); ^-«lj 


syllogistic(al) [ ^k^ ] ^- lli 

record ^.lli Jj 

tracking, following, pursuit 



port, carriage, tJI <-»yyl jl (-ill **ij» ■**& 
bearing, setup 

>' r- 
rising, rise, getting up, standing up Ja^> : f L-J 

setting out, going out; takeoff, depar- J!iLLi j : f lli 

outbreak, breaking out, flare-up, erup- f*i^\ ■ (&» 

performance, doing, making, t.\j>-\ « <» ju : (j) |>ll» 
carrying out, execution, discharge, accomplish- 
ment, fulfillment 
resurrection i »iJ i >i-u : o U 


Day of Resurrection, Judgment Day, 


guitar; harp; lyre < 

aeolian harp, aeolian lyre 



- »': , - »i 

pus, matter ju-uo : jJ 

purulent, pussy, suppurative tS^^» : i^* 

- S .- S,' 'i S > " S i 

to bind, tie (up), fetter, shackle, ju*> < J* i J-5 : Jul 
(en)chain, (hand)cuff, manacle 


nationalism; nationality 

i s - -i 

to beCcome) or grow stronger), (more) Ly jU» : iiyi 
powerful, .(more) forceful, mighty, mightier; to 

strengthen, intensify, grow 

- * — - - 
to surmount, overcome, master, J* i, JUJ : J* ($y 

get over, (be able to) cope with 

.* ~ .* •■* ~ . 

to starve, suffer extreme I jjoi U_j»- c-U- : t$y 
hunger, be extremely hungry 

> .or. - ~ 

tiyl ja-lj-bU- -.u^Cll CSy" 

strong, powerful, forceful, mighty, vigorous, tfji 
potent; sturdy, husky, burly, stout, robust, hardy,' 
tough, able-bodied; heavy-duty; intense, violent, 
vehement, intensive, keen, acute 

(oLi) <-iy 


sage, clary 

straight; right, correct, sound, proper; true; 


to make vomit, cause to vomit Lii Jui- : Li 

,*-*.. "• - . ,'i • i 
vomit >^4 r>"« * : »y ' *<y 

>!** cf 'j ~x** ■ *(/ 

leadership; lead; leading; guidance, guiding; SjCi 
conducting), controKling); command; direction; 
driving, drive, steering, steerage, piloting 

supreme command, high com- LLJ I j I i»U I ; jUJ I 

mand; general staff 

steering wheel, driving wheel i a UJ I ilk* 

-.*. -.- ' 

leading, chief, main, principal, ^jj t T— -C\ : 1$}Qi 

major, key, master 

leader; chief, head ji\i : Is alii 

ltr UI 

: o^ 

measurement, measur- ^J j 
ing, measure, mensuration, gauging, quantifica- 
tion; -metry 
mensuration ^Cill ^ i (/•Ijw-'^Ij oU-Cil) ^-lli 

measure, measurement, 


jJ»» '|»=»»- 


prow, bow, nose iJi\L\\ jl i:_: II /■;. -^Ai 


■ -1 

to tar, pitch; to asphalt, blacktop cii~ i oj j : jli 
tar; pitch; asphalt, blacktop; bitumen jU :jj 

carat, karat .tl^li 

to standardize ij-tllJ I li- j : ^Jjj 

faience wJjijJliJ 

moonfish (<iL«) ijLali tuLaii 

Caesar (o^jj") J-"** 

czar, tsar, tzar ( ^jjl) ^^a-i 

kaiser (oU^O j-^rr* 

Caesarean; czarist, tsarist '&j-*** 

cesarean, cesarean section *o**^ ^A** 

Caesarism; czarism, tsarism; ^4^ ' (♦*■*" : *5 j-"4* 
kaiserdom, kaiserism 

-s - •- is,-- -s - •■; 

cesarean, cesarean section <>j^* V 1 ** : ^t -^ 
lavender cotton; southernwood (^Ly) M-a-J 

to destine (to), foreordain (to), ( I ji" *J «il ) ^aj 

predestine (to) 

to send to, lead to (u^J \&i «il ) 'jcii 

cord, braid, gimp, lace f_j> : uUili 

Cetus [cSUi ] yJ4i 

5 S • s - *■-■.» s - • - 

Cetacea iJlil oCaUI ^ Ljj :oL-ki 

swelter, oppressive heat ^2-1 ili, : Jili 

midsummer, high summer, dog >,<'., J I *^o : J»li 

Cepheus [cJUi ] <^»jlli 

jay (jSU.)jli 

maple (oL)i 

sugar maple (oLi) JL. 

chief, chieftain, leader *s.'j i l _ rr J j : Jli 

gossip, idle talk, chitchat, tattle, tittle-tattle Jtfj ^Jli 

# - -• - * - 4 * - -1-4, - - - 

hydrocele ijlc <L-ail J^»- Jua* JiL *,'<> :*XJ 


to track, follow the tracks of 

to limit, restrict, confine; to ^ oi 

qualify, tie, impose restrictions on, set bounds to; 

to restrain, hold (back), check, curb, bridle 

to register, record, write (down), 6j J « 'S*~ '■ -4* 

note (down), set down, put down (in writing), 

enter, list 

to enroll, register, list j r-< (1:^) Vf 

to debit with, charge to some- *jC». J* /\ CSs. ali 
one's account 

to credit with *jCjJ /\ aJ j!» 

V . 
•• - - 

tie, bond, fetteKs), shackle(s), J)i ( ^V - 1 Jlij : jli 
chain(s), (hand)cufKs), manacle(s) 

• J'- *.».»,, * >■*'* i \ . - 

restriction, j* jm j I j-»y j I xJy L. JS : jui 

stricture, limitation, limit, restraint, check, curb 

condition, proviso, provision, stipulation, J>^£. : jui 
qualification, reservation 

t Jf'j 

i jjj : juj 

-»-.» 's, 

entry, register, record, item, yy-G « iijju 5 jL. : xJ 


double entry C, j : r j J> -4* 

unconditionally, J»^i jl xi (ojJj < Ojj) i 

unreservedly, without any reservation (reserve, 
qualification, condition, etc.), with no strings 
attached; unconditional, unqualified, unreserved 

oil*- wr-lj-sQ-l .ui J* (yiu) 

under, on, in, at, being, subject to, ^» j » c-k; : ali 
the object of, in the stage or process of; pending 
under discussion or consider- ^joJI /\ lI^JJI ali 
ation, on the tapis, on the carpet 
in preparation, being prepared jv-aJJ I J~» 

in circulation, circulating, current, JjilUI 'JLi 

in press ^ill li 

amount, quantity, measure, degree jlji. i jiu : jlj 

distance, space i» !_. : jl» 

hairbreadth, hair, hair's breadth, ijj^ /\ illil jLi 

fi^ 1 




■-■-■ ■■*:■. l .:.,.^,v ; 

>-- l ,.r.".-'a.v. ■".■. ■ ;." 

book value 

*U»I ( _^t i«U-iJI i_ •> - 

ad valorem 

worthless, valueless 
ad valorem 

jw— L— 1 /if- t <>...a l I l- •> - : («4J 

songstress, chanteuse, (female) singer i.,.;.;,. : <iJ 
lady's maid, tirewoman ii»lU : <LJi 

coyote (ol^*-) J»jl» 

the Eternal, the Everlasting, the Self-Existent «il : f_jliJ I 

siesta; nap »jJ I ^ i— , S^k) I -U^J : <J>l^i 

valuable, precious, invaluable, **_» j i i ,_,.., nJ : aIi 

priceless, costly; worthy, worthful, estimable 

• > „ % *' 

guardian, curator, <_»^L. . ^ jU- . ^j . l _ r _. I : ^Ji 

custodian, caretaker, keeper, supervisor, superin- 
tendent, overseer, trustee 

..;• ' , ..:• ' . *- 

value, worth; account, jIjuL. i ,^J f a1»aI < jjj" : uLi 
importance; price, rate; amount, quantity 

par, par value, nominal value, face value i_*-l .wi 




>| l 'jU:J,lS' 

to contend with, vie with 

to defer, put off 


nightmare, incubus 

cavy, guinea pig (3-U» >>> : *^rf^ 

to write to, correspond with, exchange J-lj : (-JlS - 

letters with, communicate with 

writer t-^Ci j* : t-J IS" 

author, writer, penman, man of letters i_«Jj< :c_JlS" 

clerk ( *J J >u5LU. i i_»^L. i jk> J) ^^£jl~. : c_J IT 

L;if (oiL-iiii'ii Ljit 

scribe, copyist 
scrivener, scribe 
notary public, notary 

i Ojliil (_JlS t jjjl. ...I 

secretary bird ( ./ U» ) ' 




one who keeps a secret 
muffler; silencer 

j< « ^ : ili lj juris' 

(just) as, like, similar to; the same as; such as Jz. : £ 

as, in the capacity of (in his capacity IJl5T <uU^j : £ 

as), qua 

such, like this \±£ 

cunning, crafty, sly, wily, artful, designing, ^Sl. : jul^ 
scheming, foxy, foxlike, vulpine 


C j : ju'IT 

plotter, conspirator, machinator,^ 

intriguer, intriguant, schemer 

being; existing, existent 3 yr'y : 0^ 

situated, located, lying (L. ^ISC. j) J Li f .Jlj :Ji£ 

» t > 

being, entity sL>- jl o^5 ii i JS" i^'li" 

living being; creature; organism 


whoever, whosoever, whomever, c>£ '(j» ^>£ 

creatures, creation, (created) being(s), world, oLS ISJ I 



grief, sorrow, depression, dejection, uo iLlS" lolif 
gloom(iness), low spirits, melancholy, blues, dol- 
drums, heartache 


check, curb, control, restraint 



J>ly iiUy :owlS' 

to suffer, bear, endure, sustain,Jl»j i ,yl*' y-U: jljIS" 
undergo, experience, go through, pass through 
to stickle, contend stubbornly, insisted I. i jJU : jjIS" 
stubbornly on 





screw pine 

to rent out, let (out), lease, hire out 


garage; parking lot, park 



u" 1 ^ 

J - ,- 

disastrous, calamitous, grievous 

-U rC^jlS" 

catastrophe, disaster, ca- 
lamity, cataclysm, scourge, woe 




cardinalate; cardinalship 
to vie in generosity with 
to mal e a special price for 

cJ Lulls' 

reluctant, unwilling, grudging, disinclined, ( J ) ojlS' 
averse, loath 

carotene i>-j>!- : *j*>ij^ 

curry; curry powder lijlS' 

caricature, cartoon jy^-i J& 

caricatural, caricature, cartoon £sj_ji' ISw j\£ 

caricaturist, cartoonist (Sjy^-ij^ ^j 

' ■>•„-*' *' ' 

caricature, car- cSj^lS^jl^ r»~j ' *ijy^ij^ »jy° 


kerosene, coal oil i _ rr .j J S :j£ 

refreshment, soft drink; soda water, soda pop, jjjlS' 

caseine Or~r? '-cf.J^ 

casino y-tj^ 

to be courteous, polite, refined, ele- 1—5" c>\£ : yjf 

gant, nice; to be shrewd, smart 

glass, drinking glass, tumbler; cup; ^LL t ^jS : yJS 


cup; trophy 



cathode Ja-4* i v_JL. i_J»« : j^'l: 

the Catholics; the Roman Catholics 


(a) Catholic; (a) Roman Catholic 

cashew (oLj)^l^ 

ankle, tarsus [ ?vj^' J Jf ^ 

to be (just) about to, on the dij I i L>jl» : ( j15C) jli" 
point of, on the verge of, on the brink of; (he, it, 
etc.) almost., 
hardly, scarcely, barely . . jISo "il i . . jIS" U 

no sooner had he.. than >t y> . . j£j jJ t ( _^» ..jli'L 
it was not long until.., as soon as, the moment 
that, at which point, immediately, before long 

to ty-i jIjI t Jx- /U i Jx- ^-j :(sj_^Lij Ijl5) J jIS" 

plot against, conspire against, machinate against, 

intrigue against, scheme against, plan to do harm 


to deceive, delude, dupe, cheat, -> ^> i t-j&- : i\£ 


with great difficulty, hardly, scarcely, jl£JL i jIS" 

barely, (only) just; by a narrow margin, narrowly 

catechu (^L->) ^ 

distress, sadness, grief <j >>- i 5 ai : e I jo 

insurmountable (invincible) obstacle »bo i«ic 
drudging, toiling, hardworking, industrious, -r jIS" 
laborious; proletarian; drudge, grub, hard worker, 

cadre d'i. ^jlS" 

lying, dishonest, untruthful, menda- <_<1JlS' : <_» ilS" 
cious; liar 

false, untrue, untruthful, decep- ljJI j i jj j : <_ol^ 
tive, delusive, fallacious, fictitious, spurious, fake, 
phony, pseudo, sham, bogus, unreal, flash, snide, 
mock, mimic, dummy, make-believe, simulated, 
feigned, pretended 



"»■ ■' ^ 


lie detector 

searchlight; spotlight oil 15 ( tyi» j I ) jy 
lovage (oLi) ^Atf 

cashew (oLiJyilS' 

$ jjrij-fUjjii ^ tsJi jJ^ii L»> :g_ir 

buxom, busty, having swelling breasts (ill* ) o^lS" 

swelling, full, round (<5-*j) 4-clS" 

enough, sufficient, adequate, due; ap- ( J> ISJ I ) (JIS - 
propriate, suitable, suited, fit(ting), proper 
to reward, requite, repay, recompense, t5j,U- : lilS" 
remunerate; to compensate, make up for 
to match, equal, be similar to, be (3jL < JiL. :UlS 
equal to, be equivalent to; to measure up to, com- 
pare (favorably) with 

-Ul :<il£J 


all, all of 

the people, the masses ^ 

the whole of, all (oO; all without exception, all iilS" 
together, one and all, one and sundry; altogether, 
wholly, entirely 

cafeteria C 


to struggle (against), contend (against), jl»U- i ^_jli : jjlS" 
battle (against), fight, combat; to strive; to control 

unbeliever, disbeliever, infidel, miscreant, Jjjj j : jilS" 

ungrateful, unthankful, thankless ?JJ i**JL> ji\i 

to conclude an agreement with, enter into jl»U : Ji\£ 
a covenant with 

•* -^ - 

breadwinner, supporter 


camphor tree 

caviar, caviare 


cocoa, cacao 





"■■■-'■ ■■i-rj 'V.^. " ■ 

chalice, eucharistic cup 

winner, gainer 

sweeping, overwhelming, crushing, 

IjOJI jl u^l ^ 

smashing, decisive, great, total, complete 

dredge; drag, harrow; scavenger i* \'^ : I 

•i •», " 

minesweeper »UJI o^.l5 

unsalable, ummarketable; unsold, (uLu t <!i) ju.15" 
finding no market; selling badly, in little demand; 
dead stock 

stagnant, dull, slack, flat, inactive, ( j^~) (i)j-li' 

breaker, shatterer, smasher; breaking, _^JC [y i^IS" 
shattering, smashing 

predatory, predacious, rapacious, rap- *■ jL»- ij-lS" 
torial, ferocious 

nuthatch ( J U> ) j^i I ^~ IS" 

saxifrage (oU) ^iJLI j-IS" 

lammergerier, ossifrage (>U>) (U»»JI j-IS" 

bird of prey, predatory bird, raptor jj& JA> 

depressed, dejected, downcast, gloomy, JU« : ul-IS" 

Angiospermae oUL-J! ^ iiiU. :j_j_)JI oL-lS" 

sepaJ «yv>" (j-o oli jj <3o»- 1 : "U-o" 

cassette i^Ju. :c«-,lS 

caseine Q„ "!~ •J***^' 

to antagonize; to treat as an enemy, (*j\ jlJU i_) tiAIS" 
show enmity toward; to be or become hostile to, 
inimical to; to hate, harbor hatred against, feel 
malice against, bear a grudge against 

abrasive, abradant iLilS" 5jL. : Jiili 

scraper iSC« :ckil£ 

to disclose to, reveal to, show to, manifest to; _j utilS" 
to inform of or about, let know about; to declare to 

uncoverer, discloser, revealer; dis- ^JJS^, ^ : uLilS" 
coverer, detector; uncovering, disclosing, reveal- 
ing; discovering, detecting 
reagent [fL*^] LJilS" 

isotopic tracer [ >\~>-S J <5^JIL cj^lS" 




latent, hidden, concealed; potential; inherent, ^IS" 


potential energy <L.IS" iiU. 

camera jo-^ *■! ' : ' j!*« ^ 

camellia (<-,! -,)ri. t IC -I'l. t IC 

to be; to exist; to happen, occur, take place ulS" 

the food was delicious IJuJJ -UiJI o^ 

he had a friend; he used to have a Jjjuo *J 0^ 


he was playing; he used to play 

let it be (done), fiat, OK, all right 

as if, as though; like 

semi-, quasi-, para-, -like; almost 



i^ij 4 Jii ii<J»iii lulls' 

U"^ p-lj -(j-jlS* 

minesweeper »UJI ILjlS' 

to help, aid, assist, support, Sack up <j jU : Lii 1$" 

_ •• 

brazier; stove jiy* i >^u : u *i IS 

December jy-j^ : Jj^l oy>^ 

January j>\l> :<>UJI by& 

upper part of the back; withers (of a horse) J* IS" 

;jiii ^ij-iuii" 3iii 

priest, clergyman, minister, oy«£Jl JU-j .l»-I \^S 

caustic ((ijlSJl) jlS" 

caustic potash, potassium hydroxide jlS" ^-ti^ 
caustic soda, sodium hydroxide iJjlS" fj^o 

caustic ajjIS" iiU 

rubber, caoutchouc J»Lk. idly^jlS" 

- s - -" 

rubbery, rubber, rubberlike ,J»lk. i^y^jlS" 

. •■•- **,'^ , -*' 
insurmountable (invincible) obstacle *jfi i-i* 4 jj fi 

kaolin, china clay ^ tJLi JLaiuo :^JjlS" 

how much! how..! many..! much..! \'j£ « ilS" : i^uT 


cocoa butter, cacao butter jtflSJ I s.u j 

alkekengi, ground cherry, winter cherry (oLi) n&tf 
cacodyl o>UI (C^* f 1 -- J? 1 - : Jills' 

khaki (o^ .u^i i(jiCi) ^IS" 

to measure; to gauge; to weigh ojj ' tr^ 1 : «J ^ 

to heap abuse(s) or insults upon JlzUI <l JIS" 

calamine (u-**-«) ^"^ 

gloomy, glum, morose, grim, 



sullen, surly; austere, stern, grave 

•jLjJII /•j,.....1.CII oLi^jS' •'"■■ IK" 







ffr'j ~r" 


to integrate [ oLilj ] 'S» IS" 

perfect, consummate; complete, full, whole, *U : J^lS" 
total, entire, integral, thorough, full-scale; plenary; 
absolute, unqualified, sheer, utter, outright, 
out-and-out, all-out; completed, finished, conclud- 
ed, finalized; perfected, consummated, rounded 
off, rounded out 
plenary »Ui*^lt J- 15" 

sui juris, legally competent V>^ ' ^^ ^ ' J? ^ 
completely, entirely, wholly, totally, fully, aJ^ISCj 
in full, in toto, altogether, absolutely, utterly, thor- 
oughly, quite, perfectly 
ofsoundmindandbodyijolJ-lj ^U'.JI oly J-ISCj 

Teleostei til^l ^ iiJO, : ^UuJl oi.15" 


7*»m :irmmmaimmmai 

^MJW,'M.^&. ■»" 

ball (of thread), hank (of iif :( S>^J. I ji J>J I ) <4 

hearts (s-^ 1 i3jj j) v" 

glomus I *l~>- 1 J ili 

to rein in, bridle; to check, curb, fjtj i Hjo i '^J : ^ 
control, contain, hold (back), withhold, keep 
under control, keep down, keep back, restrain, 
suppress, repress, subdue, leash, inhibit, hamper, 
hinder, prevent 
to brake, slow down or stop with a brake J*^i : ~£ 

curbGng), checking), control(ling), so j t J»lj> : rCS 
keeping under control, containment, holding 
(back), keeping back or down, restraint, suppres- 
sion, repression, subdual, inhibition 

braking iU^i : tCS 

to cause (losses to), inflict (»JJ ijCj-) '£*■ :IS 

(damage upon); to impose on, burden with, charge 
with, make assume or bear 

to culminate [liLLiJal^ 

middle, center JaL,j : jlJT 

heart, interior t_»^>- : -ljT 

middle, center J»-j : -ui" 

hepatitis j-5Jl t^LjJI 

ft' ' - * i — 
cirrhosis j-5J I ^J£ <. j-5J I oill>' 

-ui" v»-lj - Ju^ iJuS" 

hepatic, liver- -"-r^-^ ii}L& ji iiiJuS' 

j' -. • * , *'*..' 
to be older than <u« ^_i'l ^15" : Vj^Li ^ 

»^ *' 

to be(come) or grow great(er), *\ _} i ^> !li : jjT 

big(ger), large(r); to grow, increase, enlarge, aug- 
ment, swell 

to grow old, get old(er), be advanced in ("J-\\ j) jS 
years; to grow up 

to enlarge, magnify, greaten, aggran- 1^- i ~*^> :JS 
dize, blow up, expand, swell, make great(er) or 
big(ger) or large(r) 
to exaggerate, overstate, magnify j «JL> : jS 

to amplify [ *[>_#£ ] jS 

gloomy, depressing, depres- 6>>" ' erf >• ' (•** 
sive, cheerless, disconsolate, dismal, bleak, 
desolate, dreary, grievous, sad, saddening, melan- 
cholic, distressing, distressful 

sad, grieved, (_,*». »..'.» i ,U*.» i ij'-j* - ' <^— »->-• • y * ?* ■ ' 
grief-stricken, depressed, dejected, dispirited, low- 
spirited, out of spirits, gloomy, down(cast), down- 
hearted, melancholic, melancholy, blue, doleful, 

J jlS" «j.-lj-pjb>- i _j £-» :jb»l5 

to return like for like, return in kind JJLL Jj\i :Jj\£ 
or degree, reciprocate, repay, requite 

to overturn, capsize, upset, turn upside Lli : t— «ST 

to pronate ^y j I J J l^i- 1 j 

to stumble, trip, slip 

to fail, miss 

to become dim, grow dim 

to fade, pale, lose luster or brightness 





kabob, kebab, shish kebab 




liver ailment or disease 



stapler ijji Jljjl *f^v 


) Ju-Ji :<£)^Jl oils' 

~oJ obi :iL»L5 'yt«5 

to ball, conglobate, conglomerate, agglom- jif : wJ5" 

to suppress, repress, subdue, stifle, JiS" t (.r-r* : c~p 
restrain, inhibit, keep (back), hold (back), with- 
hold, check, curb, bridle, contain 

suppression, repression, subdual, c.'.f jj-o* : els 
restraint, inhibition 

snap fastener 4J LSI 



to take a handful of; to clench, clutch, grasp J^S 
with the hand, hold fast 
ram, male sheep 

battering ram 


mountain sheep 


scapegoat, whipping boy 

itji <Lj>»- ill :(_pl^ 


:Xi£ <X££ 

hook and eye; hook; clamp; 
clasp, clip, brace, fastener 

to overturn, capsize, upset, turn upside <_Ji : \jSZ£ 

to shackle, fetter, (en)chain, jjuo i alii : J^S" i Jjf 
(hand)cuff, manacle, bind, tie (up) 

shackle(s), fetteKs), chain(s), js. i jJuo i jlJ : JlS" i JlS" 
(hand)cuffts), manacle(s), tie, bond 


failure, fiasco 

stumble, trip, slip, misstep 




- - « t * e , 

aJj : 'iyS 
(oLi) ij^yS 

[ jwjwj j 4 i i iS 

r l '■-' 

[oLiJ A.T.'T 

great, big, large, sizable, bulky, voluminous, vast, jgS 
immense, massive, sweeping, enormous, tremen-' 
dous, king-size, huge, considerable, formidable; 
grand, magnificent; senior (official, officer, etc.) 

old, aged, advanced in years; grown-up, (^j— J I ) j^S 

great sin, grave offense, serious j^ y I : ijjS 

misdeed, atrocious crime, atrocity, enormity 

pickles w_.lS" 4 Jik- r^^i" 

intercalary (^ t iul,) l _ r ~5' 
leap year, bissextile 4 5 iL- 

to exclaim "God is Great!" « jli"! *il » Jli : ^!i" 

caper, caper bush (oLi) jS 

eminence, dignity, prestige, glory; i*ij t ij'jZ. i^IS" 
high rank, high standing 

greatness, bigness, largeness, sizableness, <*\±Lo \j£ 
bulkiness, voluminosity; magnitude, size, bulk, 

old age, oldness (^lj I ) J£ 

to sulfurize, sulfurate, sulfur, sulfate £>s$ 

old age, oldness ^_JI j ^15" : iJS iS'JS 

pride, arrogance, haughtiness; grandeur, glory *l 
sulfur, brimstone 
sulfur dioxide 

match, matchstick 


sulfuric, sulfurous, sulfur- 

sulfite ,-..■:, J.< 

sulfide i ■ V; y.<" 

sulfuric acid liLjj^lsJ I J*** i iILjjJS 



i ,hm.'<r> < 

to press, compress, 


to attack (suddenly), raid, fall upon 

to pickle; to preserve in vinegar; to 


to intercalate (a day in a year) 

to massage 

pressure, pressing, compression, 
compressing, squeeze, squeezing 
raid, surprise attack 

I;. — * -c-i" 

capsule, cachet * 1- ;i - |A -j; '^j '<" 

(percussion) cap, primer, detonator (jywid I ) *J>-1^ 




to predestine (to), destine (to), jjji : (-ULt) oisi i_-^ 
predetermine (to), foreordain (to), preordain (to) 

to be destined (to), fated (to), pre- (aJ ( aJL*) t_0 
destined (to), foreordained (to) 

Fasting is prescribed to you ALa\\ p^-r* S— ^ 

to make write S-^L <d«j>- : i_«^ 

bookish, book- <-^CJ^ ^^i j^ : L*t*^ 

bookseller, bookman <_^ ^-51) : (-^ 

,'• - > « '-* 
librarian i-j^LLI j-jI :(_y^ 

to tie the hands (behind the back); to bind.ct^ i cii" 

tie (up) 

shoulder £ U : cilS" 4 ci^" 4 uL5 

shoulder, blade, scapula 1— a^SCJl Jic 1 1_«^ 

abutment S^iaJi oi-^ 1 >~Jc£ 

buttress, bracket, brace, pier <*\c.s : ^Jc£ 

he knows on which side i_i^J I Jijj' jj I ^ pLu 
his bread is buttered; he has an eye to the main 

scapular, shoulder, humeral i_i2£Jl» ^>U- '■' { Jl& 
chick, young chicken {joy-o '■ £>y*£ 

to agglomerate, conglomerate, conglobate, ball, J^S" 
lump, mass, cluster 

lump, chunk; mass, bulk; block; agglomerate, t±£ 
agglomeration, conglomeration, cluster 

bloc, front i+~>- : (il—C— ) iliS" 

[ .ijjii ] silr 


air mass 

pressure group, lobby 


to hide, conceal, keep secret, ^»-»l 1 j**-\ : «2 ip 
keep to oneself, harbor 

to keep a secret tluD- : "JLi I ^ 

to suppress, repress, subdue, restrain, -r^S : *3 
check, curb, hold (back), withhold, keep back, 
keep down 

school, elementary shool (4I5I.0I) iCjlu :<_ill5f 

book, work, compilation, publica- i_iJ j* < ju* : ul^S" 
tion; writing; volume 

the (Holy) Koran j,j»i I <il oils' < oU£J I 

letter, note, message i_jlla»- 1 aJCj : oils' 

credentials; letter of credence (^—U^L j) jCi I oils' 

letter of credit (^JU) jHil oils' 

irrevocable letter of f-yr'Jl JjU ^ a Hi I oils' 

pocket book; pocket edition 


cSj--" oUS 

textbook, schoolbook, j ^i. j I C ^-1 J " j' (.^-J-^ L r 1 ^ 
class book 

open letter 


the (Holy) Bible, the Book, the 

(Holy) Scriptures 

the people of the Book, Christians and i_jL5JI J* I 


writing 4_Ji" U 4 4_ji" jj~n» :iuL^ 

writing, script, inscription; handwriting Ja»- limbs' 

written, in writing, on paper; documen- ^Jap- '■ tf^ 
tary; graphical) 

adherent of a 
revealed religion 

Ul jb-1 :,^l^ 

clerical work; desk work; office work ^^ J** 

flax; linen ul^S" 

linseed, flaxseed o^i\ jy. 

linseed oil <j,\&\ jy ojj 

linen, flaxen 0^^ ji oSjl ^ :^^ 

Linaceae *ljL5Jl iL-aiJI :cXj\£ 

to write, pen, inscribe, write < ill t jia- 4 j^ : i-JS 

down, note down, put down in writing, set down 
in writing, reduce to writing, enter, record, regis- 
ter; to compose, compile, draw up, draft, indite 

to prescribe (to) Joy : (^lli) *-~3 





■•■••■ """ 

to condense, concentrate, thicken, inspissate; to ' '• < 

Catholicism; Roman Catholicism iSUiSvJ I 

dune, sandhill 


bushy, brushy, thick, dense 

>.. < ■■ .5 4 C-5 < r 

much, many, numerous, abundant, JJi jui : j£ 
plentiful, copious, ample, plenty; a lot, a great deal 

much, very (much), so, extremely, exceeding- \'jyk 
ly, considerably, quite; a lot; often, frequently 

often, frequently L. \'jyk 

by far, far 

tragacanth, goat's-thorn (<-jl-y) f\j~£ '*'jv^ 

Myriapoda oLLaiil j* iiiU. : Ji-j^l Cj\'j~& 

dense, thick, heavy; concentrated; intense; ' k '* 

densely populated, crowded, populousol£— II ■ « --^ 

ophthalmologist, oculist 6>^»JI C--J» : J^i" 

to curette, [ t_J> ] ljj^ XlJUi ts^i- 1 i 'd>^>- : c-siS" 




to darken the (edges of the) eyelids with Ja£ i J^S" 
kohl; to paint or smear with kohl 

to feast one's eyes on ^V- jl ^ ''. . / •"<•- JkS" 
congenital blackness of the eyelids oLi^-^l jI^~ '-Jȣ 

black, darkened (with kohl) 

kohl; eyeliner 

black (eye); black-eyed 

alkanet, dyer's bugloss 

to alcoholize 

navy blue, dark blue 

alcohol, spirits 

alcoholic; spirituous 

alcoholism; spirituosity 


(oLi) .^ 


black, darkened (with kohl) 


to muffle 

secrecy; concealment, hiding, keeping u|^S" i Ji - 
secret; suppression, repression, restraint, with- 
holding, holding back 

soot, smut ,-lL.:^ 

reticent, reserved, secretive, close, close- JS^L : *£& 
mouthed, uncommunicative, incommunicative, 
incommunicable, taciturn, discreet 

booklet, pamphlet; handbook, manual ^fj : . ."■'■< 

battalion; detachment; phalanx (iJ^SCLi) ~* '< 

buttress, bracket, brace, pier CLc j : SJL2f 

impermeable, impenetrable, impervious, jjll, :*£ 
tight, shut tight, tightly shut, airtight, hermetic, 
hermetically sealed 

bushy, brushy, thick, dense ■ „.■'< : >'< 

rocket (oL;)sUSr 

density, thickness, heaviness; concentration; iil2f 
intensity, intension; consistency 

current intensity [ t \,^ ] jCh \ ii & 

population density, iJlSL. iiUS" < olSCJI iiliiT 
density of population 

nearness, closeness, proximity, vicinity i_.j» : ■_ ■*<" 

from (or at) a short distance, closely' ([>• ) o* 

to outnumber, exceed in number Ijai <ul» : ^iS" 

to increase, grow, multiply, IjUs ; L> ( jl jjl :^p 
augment; to abound, exist in large numbers or 
amounts; to be or become much, many, numer- 
ous, abundant, plentiful, copious, ample 

to exceed, be more than ^ jS 

to increase, augment, multiply, \jj£ '<£*. , j | j : ^ 

(f\j-ji£ '■£ <-j£ <j£ 

major part, greater portion Ji« :> ^ 

large (great) number, large quantity, multitude, i'J£ 
host, muchness, abundance, plenty, plentifulness, 
copiousness, ample ness, numerousness, multiplic- 
ity, plurality, pluralism 



i ■. . 



oi&L i^Jl Jo-iS" 

lijrij-djis' jis'j ij£ . i jar 

liar; lying, untruthful, menda- oitf i oj oS" : ol J5" 
cious, dishonest; false, deceitful 
to lie, tell a lie J-utf .ui t y«j>- : o JS" 

to lie to, tell someone a lie J* oiST 

to deceive, delude, mislead, fool JLo i VjS- : oiS" 

to accuse of lying, give the lie to, 

call a liar 

to deny, disown, disavow, Ja»- * i ^ « jSCil : oiS" 

disclaim, gainsay, contradict, impugn, disaffirm; to 

disprove, refute, confute, controvert; to belie 

lying, telling of a lie or lies oiS" JjLoa : o iS" « i_> j? 

lie, untruth, falsehood, falsity, jj _) < JLL : oiS" 

lyingly, untruthfully, falsely, untruly &j£ 

lie oJf 

April Fools' joke, April fool ^Lli XiiS" 

April Fools' Day, All Fools' Day oLli iiS" »^ 

■ dUiS" 

to attack, assail, assault, charge, li- 1» i J* Jjli- : J* ^ 
raid, fall upon, bear down upon 

to turn around and resume JLiLl jLc 12 jlj 


to retreat, withdraw, fall back 

to recur, return, come back 


Cf '> -J 

to roll (on), pass, elapse; to succeed or LiCj : ^ 
follow one another; to alternate, rotate 

attack, offensive, assault, charge, raid iUi- ( *u*» :'$ 

attack and retreat (in battle) (JLiJI j) '} t *J 

by fits, by fits and starts, fitfully, inter- 'jij *ji 'J^> 
mittently, irregularly 

in the course of (jJJ <^'ji\ i jya^\) j_j*jJI ^ J* 

time; throughout the ages 

to dig ^ : ^ « IjS" 

sleep, slumber 

rent, rental, hire 

* ' ~~ ^"' 

to work (too) hard, overwork, exert L-J 

oneself, toil, labor 

to overwork, exhaust, fatigue, Li; I 1 a^i- 1 : !i" 


toil, labor, hard work, Jjjli. 4 i\^-\ <juj£ jli :j£ 
drudgery, strenuous exertion, pains, effort, sedu- 
lity, assiduity, diligence, industry, perseverance 

to skimp, stint, scrimp Jm : iS •& 

to beg, ask for alms (J Li^IJ :<3aST 

heap, pile, stack i*£ : <L I jS" t (^l j5" 

to drudge, toil, work hard, labor, slave, fag, j£ : ^js 
plod, moil, sweat, travail 

drudgery, toil, labor, hard work, sweat, oS" : ^lo 

to be or become turbid, \'jj£ 'J& :'jjS ijJ> i'j'j!> 
roily, muddy, cloudy; to fade, tarnish, discolor, 
lose luster, grow dull; to be or become dingy, 
grimy, swarthy, dusky; to be or become disturbed, 
troubled; to be or become unhappy, dreary, 

to roil, muddy, muddle, make turbid; IjoS" Jii- :'j jST 
to disturb, trouble, unsettle, ruffle, spoil; to em- 
bitter; to annoy, vex, offend, grieve, distress 

turbidity, muddiness, cloudiness, jSSz < ij'jS -.j'JS 
dullness, tarnish, dinginess, griminess, swarthiness, 
duskiness; trouble, disturbance, annoyance, vexa- 
tion, distress, grief 

turbid, roily, muddy, cloudy; j jSL> 1 jSCt : j jS ijj£ 
dull, tarnished, dingy, grimy, swarthy, dusky; 
troubled, disturbed, unsettled, ruffled, spoiled, 

to accumulate, amass, cumu- Iff j i $£ : (_yj£ 4 u» -& 
late, heap up, pile up, stack (up) 
heap, pile, stack <>£ : ^jS 

to bruise, contuse J^T, : » jif 

bruise, contusion <*e'j : c. jfT i /jST 

hardworking, industrious, dili- jlS" ( oSlI I jj£ : jj jS 
gent, sedulous, assiduous, laborious, painstaking; 
hard worker 

* * -. * 

begging, beggary, mendicity *IL*zJ : oaS' 







carbon monoxide 

carbon dioxide 

carbon paper 


sodium carbonate 

calcium carbonate 

carbonaceous, carbonic, carbon 

carbon copy, carbon 

Carboniferous Period 



calcium carbide, carbide 

ljy£}\ -L-.S'I J_)l 
>.' • t 


time, turn 5^* : S^T 

once ay . oji 

once more, (once) again, another time, a i$j*\ i'ji 
second time, anew, newly, afresh 
time and again, time after time, again l£ juy »£ 
and again, once and again, repeatedly 

'. > *t ->-■>. -i. 
ball; sphere; globe jjXL~* jl i^iy r~*r : 'j 5 

s . « >.' 

(terrestrial) globe, earth, world "^fj "^ ' • j& I 

bathysphere j£^ll »£ 

snowball, snow cone 


celestial globe 



table tennis, ping-pong 


football, soccer 


water polo 


iSLJI ;/ 

Sjlc-UJI i£ 
, • » ' ' ',' 

■ ■ ' '- 


■■■■ ■--■ 


garage; parking lot, park 


(oLi) (il> 

booklet, pamphlet; brochure; manual, 


notebook, copybook, (writing) book jSs-.^J 

signature, fascicle <*jL> i^-l^ 

foot, trotter ( j 1^1 1 ) £_r£ 

leg (oU)ll)^ 

necktie, tie, cravat J^c iLj : oliljs 

dredge, dredging machine J*->)1 Vj ill :of£ 
pike (^L-) </l> 

vineyardist, vinegrower,<o (-uiJIj ^SJl o^-L> : ^'jS 

vinedresser, viticulturist 

dignity; honor; respect, esteem; high ii^~ : o Ijlf 


charisma(ta), miracle(s) (oL l^ff £■) C \j£ 

viticulture, viniculture (Jj^l **'jj : *-*0f 

caramel ^L< 1^ ' J»* I j3 

/£ i.^S" jj>-Ij - SJkljS" iiif£ 
cryolite (o^w) c-JjjIjS" 

to anguish, agonize, distress, grieve <j>- 1 i J I : ojS 

anguish, agony, suffering, heartache, o>- < J I : Vjs 

grief, sorrow, distress, trouble, woe 

whip, lash, scourge J>^~ =r^jf 

urea, carbamide ilj* : Jl-^U^ 

to carbonize, char; to carburet ^ =CrfJ^ 

carbonization, charring; carburetion^^T jju^. : Lj^lf 
carbon; coal; charcoal -so '-i)yy 

activated carbon, activated charcoal ,U ' : » u>^ j^ 





chaise longue 
electric chair, chair 
rocking chair 

Ji>^ yr $ 

•I*.- * •<" 

to shrivel, wrinkle, be drawn into ai»u i (jil^ • &£ 

wrinkles, be wrinkled, be shriveled 

to frown, knit or contract the brows ^»- j cJ»» : y-jS 

rumen, paunch; stomach; u'>J-l •■**•» : <A>f l cA£ 


potbelly, paunch j^ yJaj : ytjf i yijS" 

to sip, sup, suck ( *U*itl jl »lil j) ^f 

celery (oU) yJjS" 

(distilling) flask or retort; still; alembic (jUiiJ I ) &j£ 

t\JL*0 oJU£ • & y 

rhinoceros( o l^~»- ) ijyi I ju»- j < c 

to guffaw, roar, burst into loud 


jaeger, skua, great skua 





to be generous, liberal, openhand- Lj^. I j \yr u^ : f jS 

ed, freehanded, munificent 

to be precious l~«ii I jjjc- 0^ : f jS" 

to honor, confer honor upon, do honor to, give fjS" 
(someone) the honor; to ennoble, exalt, dignify; to 
revere, venerate, treat with deference; to receive 
or treat hospitably, entertain, welcome 
may God honor him ^j *b\ ^y 

generosity, liberality, munificence, »Uil i *y* '■ fy 
openhandedness, bounty tf 

noble (pure) descent or origin xj>1\ {£ 

vine, grapevine i-Jlj t pSU I iy*^ : fjS 

i— HtB»V«i'.V"Sy,)l 

1,1 ■"■ '•' I 


shot put, putting the shot *i+i^ *j^' tjj 

hemisphere SjSCJI u 

cardboard, pasteboard, millboard, i$y* J jj : uyy 

paperboard, board 

carton oyy <jjX*o i oyy *^ 

carton Oy y tJj J-^*» « 0>>jS <Jx . «j><j3 

brothel, bordello, bawdy house, 5 jt* j c~j : iiUjif 
whorehouse, house of prostitution 

to repeat, reiterate, iterate, redo, do or say jUI : jjS 

again or anew _ 

to refine, purify, clarify, filter Juo <.J±: J y' 

to preach, propagate j^> : ~> jy 

cherry (°^->) jy 

to dedicate, consecrate, devote m j i (^a-*>- : y-ji 

to hallow, sanctify y-jui : y-^ 

to lay the foundation j^e < ■**. j i c~J i <_,— I : y-^ 
of; to establish, set up, found; to settle, fix, sta- 
bilize, make firm or stable, consolidate, streng- 
then; to confirm, corroborate 
to hamstring, hock W^j* r* '■ **'■*" UL -j i 

ervil, lentil vetch 
carpal end of the ulna 
chair; seat 
seat, chair 

(professional) chair, (***W J < ijil£« il) ^- j£ 

(university) chair 

bearing [l^Ljl^-.] J^»»« yfj^ 'yf!^ 

confessional ijlj^c^l yf jj 

stool y^tlji jl j^li ^ yfjS 

armchair cr*'j^ i* ijp£ 

swivel chair iJUl jl jIjj yfj^ 

the Apostolic See, the e$^U I j I y|l>-jJ I yfj^J ' 
Holy See 

(oLj) 4-i-MjS i<ixjS 

y y ' «JaL. '. ify 

ltj* : yrjf 



ba-JSKV. • < — 




Cjj^.j CjJl-jI ill* : LijjS 

globular, globate, globose, globe-shaped, (J5LJ I ) j/jS 
global, round, spherical, spheral, ball-shaped 

spherical engineering *ejj^ i— la 

caraway (o^j) X>.}£ ^.}£ 

sphericity, globularness, glo- UjjS" s^l ijjS" :*jjj3 
bosity, roundness 

to be sleepy, drowsy Lr *j ■ \s£ 

to sleep, slumber, be asleep ^ : is/ 

crepe, crfipe, crape -u>»- Jj j ^-Uj : l-j j5 

* i " *' ■ '' f 
krypton J jLc ^>_c : oy~t£ 

grapefruit (^WO bj*i£ <-&ij *-!**■£ 

corpuscle; globule, pellet o £ 

leukocyte, white (blood) cell or corpuscle *Lo1j h£ 
erythrocyte, red (blood) cell or corpuscle t \j*»- <>£ 
disastrous, calamitous, grievous OjlS" i »_»-Ij :£->j3 
rattle (in the throat) ii-^ilST jluaJI j o^» : y_£ 
cresol i»L SjU :Jj-jj3 

cricket (*?*J) £ * $! .£ 

generous, liberal, openhanded, free- t>»~ <. *\yr :£jS 
handed, munificent, bountiful 

hospitable i_»L^» :(_£ 

kind, kindly, oblig- Jiil <_~J» ' '-':.;H ' J*-*^ : (C./ 
ing, good-natured, gracious, benign, bighearted, 
good-hearted, good 

noble J--j t *~*ij* : (CjS 

high-minded, noble- (j*Lil itsjQl nJ^U-'il) ^ 

respectable, honorable, decent f>-»»* : (C^ 

vineyard; vinery ^SCJI iil jj 6^c : (v_-l»Jl) ^ 
garden, orchard l)1^-» : f'j 

grape(s) i_~Lc : ^ 

for your sake, (specially) for dll L LjS" « dJL) ^jS" 
you, as a special favor to you, to please you 

grapevine, vine; vine-plant, vine-stock ^jf : <u^T 
cabbage (oL ) (JyJi. : u-ijlf ' t^-J^f 

quarantine cy*"" J 8 !""** • ^^J* 

carnival; kermis, fair; festival, oW-j*- ' -^ :<JUjjS" 
fete, festivity, gala 

crank jjjjdl jl 5jfj)ll plji :dij^f 

to be or become offensive, repugnant, \+>£ 0^" : »js 

repulsive, hateful, detestable 

to hate, detest, loathe, abhor, abominate Jak* : ȣ 

to make someone hate something or tjL <dl»- : o^f 
someone, make hateful to; to alienate from, disin- 
cline from, make disinclined to, make averse to 

hatred, hate, aversion, dislike, distaste, Jaki : »jS i«j5 
disrelish, detestation, odium, abhorrence, repug- 
nance, antipathy, disgust 

unwillingly, reluctantly, grudg- ȣ Jc <. \ȣ 1 UjS" 
ingly; forcibly, by force, coercively, compulsori- 

ly; under duress 

■ - .■ . ' • « . - 

curlew, stone curlew ( j> U» ) u I jj^ 

return, coming back, recurrence fyrj <■ 5 J^* : j}£ 

> ,' >' 
succession, sequence; alternation, i_jI*j : jj^ 

chromium, chrome 

chromate oUjjT 

chromatin o^v** ' "^v - " * <J^*i^ 
chromosphere U „.,MI ^»- ^ LijJI iilJJI :j^y>^ 

chromosome (^«l) (y-r* : tyyiy 

chromosomic (ii^)^-^* :^j-j^jjT 

chromic, chromous \f}£ 

chromite (oJ**) '^■r'i^ 



still, stagnancy, stagnation, dullness, inactivity, 
slackness), sluggishness, lull; unsalability, unmar- 

.IT ^ 

j-u ^r\j-jSj qa :j££ 

nutcracker, cracker ( jJJ JjluJI jl jjJ-l) »jCS 

breaker; crusher »JJ j^ilaJI ^^-Slj ill iSjLi" 

breaker; crushing plant »J J j^aJLaJ I ji-Xj J1«l« : 5 jLi" 

to gain, win, profit, earn, get, jj»- 1 i Jlj t ^> j : i_. Ji 
obtain, acquire, attain, reap, harvest 

i_~SI «jf 1j —i . iS 

gaining, winning, profiting, earning, i_-Li" jjua. : i_«-£ 
getting, obtainment, obtaining, acquisition, ac- 
quirement, acquiring, attainment, attaining 
gain, profit, winnings), earnings; pro- ~ j : i_-li" 
ceeds, revenue(s), returns 
illicit gain, unjust enrichment fsj^* j^- ±~^ 
watchband, watch strap, watch bracelet( juU I ) <— V.T....^" 
cutlet, chop ,J>Jl)I ^. i*J»» :cJtlS" nJitLi' 

chestnut; marron (oLl) < ; 7 S " i »lul^ 

maroon, chestnut, auburn, bay, reddish (oy)^iUil^ 


to sweep; to scavenge u^S : g£ 

to be crippled, become a cripple; to be [ i_J> ] ^S 


lameness, paralysis, palsy; rickets, rachitis [i_J> ] nJT 

sweeping, sweep; scavenging ~JT j jua-. : jwif 

to be unsalable, be unmar ket- ( icLaJ I o < i^JJ I ) xS 

able, be a dead stock, find no market, remain 


to stagnate; to be or become stagnant, yj—J I ojl-5 

dull, inactive; to slump 

to break, fracture, shatter, smash, crash, ( U»- : j-S 

to break, breach, violate, infringe LiJU- 1 Jj»- 
to defeat, vanquish, rout /-Jifj* 

to fold, double; to pleat, tuck c5>L> < <yJ 


precious, valuable trrr^ ' > j* : £j^ 

wellborn, highborn, highbred, J-*» al jl jl^JI ^ 
of noble or pure origin (descent, birth), pedigreed; 
purebred, pureblood, thoroughbred 

precious stone, gem, jewel f_J j**- 

the gentle reader £ JsJ I {$ jlil I 

the Holy Koran f.Jii I 6 1 j»J I 

daughter iJ] liijS" 

unpleasant, disagreeable, offensive, g^i i ijx^ : o jS" 
foul, repugnant, repulsive, abhorrent, obnoxious, 
hateful, odious, detestable, loathsome, abominable, 

stinking, foul-smelling, malodorous, <>»3ljJ! <ij£ 
bad-smelling, ill-smelling, evil-smelling, smelly, fet- 
id, rank, rancid, noisome, fusty, musty, offensive 

> — > 
misfortune, calamity, disaster < : , ,y> . : tfe j5 

corpuscular; globular ij^j^ i y> j5 

to shrivel, dry up; to contract, shrink (_^JiJJ i ^-o : jT 

to have tetanus j'3^ I *jC« I : jS" 

dry, dried up, shriveled; shrunk, 


closefisted, tightfisted, hardfisted J-ju : Jt jlJ I jS" 

tetanus; lockjaw [ i_J> J j IjT 

tetanic, tetanal [c_-J» J jl^SCJL JUI* : iij'j3 

coriander (oLi) ojt£ '»xr 

totetanize [i_J»]jj5 

stinginess, niggardliness, miserliness J»u : jjlT 

to clothe, dress, garb, attire, (jU. i^Jac i^-JI :Ls 

robe; to drape, face; to cover; to overlay, coat, 


garment, dress, robe o^J 4 ^O i »l j j : >Lf 

rickets, rachitis [ i_J> ] ( JU» ^ I ) ^S 

paraplegia [i_J» ] ^li- Jli : (^*-) ^^ 

sweepings; refuse, garbage, rubbish i-Li* : i^Ls 

jli" 4C CS" jjrlj-[U»] ^^ 
depression, recession, slump, stand- j\y t *£j : tC£ 

eclipse, solar eclipse; occultation [ tSUi ] <-»>J 

ecliptic [tHiiJ^ij-S" 

lazy, sluggish, slothful, indolent, idle, o^-S" : JjlS" 
inactive, inert, sluggardUy), dull, languid; lazy- 
bones, sluggard, idler, loafer 

crippled; lame; paralyzed, palsied; «<liCIU <_»Gx. : j—S" 
rickety, rachitic; cripple; paralytic 

JL.IS" «J>-lj -^-^ 
* *^' > 

^ ' ,, • .» *, , , .... ' i. 
secret enmity, rancor, i^*«i> > 5^«-a-. Sj I ±c : <^lia 

grudge, spite, malice 
boy scout, scout 




ciUi - 

^i^sr tills: 

«_»uir ^i 11 : oils' 


searchlight; flashlight 

searchlight; spotlight 

girl scout, scout, girl guide ju oi^ 

thimble J.ui-1 «~^ ^ji*. <U»£ :6Lii5 

to disperse, scatter, send away, drive 'j^I» t 'j'j :'^S 

flank, side, waist '"sf^ ' '- : V : r*^ 

to grin; to grimace j£ C^£ 

to bare or show one's teeth <jLj I y* ^^5 

grimace «3^f '0^ 

to scrape off, scratch off, rub Jjl j\ < ^>- < '«*- : ilS" 

off, shave off, abrade, graze, excoriate, gall; to 


abrasion, scraping off, scratching L'< Jj^, ; ]^£ 

off, rubbing off, grazing, excoriation 

to uncover, unearth, expose, bare, lay bare, lay Lu 
open, disclose, reveal, divulge, unfold, unveil, 
open up, show up, make known or public, bring 
to light or into view; to remove, take off, lift, raise 

imjmj. " 

* » .» 
to refract jjJI jl »j-al 

to mitigate, alle- Liii- < |jiC. < LcD :<; 1»- (^) ^ 
viate, attenuate, assuage, allay, extenuate, mod- 
erate, temper, lighten, soften, mollify, soothe, ease, 

to dilute, <jll^ (*A-l»i t<i»j : J5LJI «o»- (yrf) j_5 
thin (down), attenuate, weaken, water (down) 

to subjugate, subdue, subordinate, con- <£ £. ^S 
quer, overcome, overpower, overmaster; to sup- 
press, repress; to humble, humiliate, degrade, 

to smash, shatter, break into pieces, break II0- : jlS" 
up, crack (up), fragmentize 

breaWing), breakage, fracturing, j^£> < «J»«J : jlS" 
shatteKing), smashing, crushing 

fracture; break; crack ( jyS r-) ^li" 

fraction [ oLiL j ] J~£ 

simple fraction [i-.l^Uj] ).. ..' : '„< 

common fraction [0UiLjlJ3jQi.ljit5jU.jli: 
decimal fraction [ oL*»l> j ] tSjii jlS" 

improper fraction </:«•" ^ ./-* 

complex fraction, compound [oUiLj ] t_i> ^* jl^ 


defeat, rout, debacle iLji '■ >J-& 

fragment, fraction, scrap, j>-SQl feJ I ^ XJai : «j-5 

small piece, bit, crumb, morsel 

casserole J^s. jJ» : *J jj-5 

fractional [oLiljj] tijlif 

to eclipse L» : <-£■£ 

to be eclipsed cJLSJl : L) „' > 'nll c.i'X 

to be lazy, idle, sluggish, slothful; to idle, JJL.I& : J-i" 
loaf, laze, slacken 

laziness, sluggishness, idleness, inactivi- jLl£j : JlS" 
ty, indolence, languor, lassitude 

JjliT j^lj-oiLS' .J-ir 
sloth (0^)6^ 

clothing, clothes, apparel, attire, ^-LJ : «^-f ' »$-£ 


the covering of the iJ>SCJI •^li' 1 (*i»j-lJ I) »>-SCJ I 



't a A < 


to congest, (over)crowd, cram; to 

(over)fill; to overstuff, surfeit, cloy 

surfeit <*^ :*if 

adrenal, suprarenal &J** 

adrenaline, epinephrine ^Ljjjl :<jyJ» 

to suppress, repress, stifle, inhibit, y-j*- i ol^ : (J"^ 

keep (back), contain 

suppression, repression, inhibition ^-j- « oo : (J» 

surfeited, overstuffed, overfilled, cloyed ^mLi : Jijtf 

anguished, agonized, distressed, i_w>lc « ~^li : |*Ji3 

grieved; angry, filled with anger 

thermos cr^Ji 'o-V! : *' . ' ./ 1 ^ 

(_«C.l^ «Jflj - oUS" 

muzzle o£3.l jUJ ^Lf :<*«? 'fuf 

<,....,1 _jl \*-yijt *jUj)I pill j (^«uij tfj- :i.l<0 i(t«f 


j-CaJljl f^SCJli- 

to swell, grow full and round (<5 Jil I ) *-**£ 

to cube, form into a cube ( JSjJ I ) >JjS 

to cube, raise to the third power ( i SjS I ) i_-i^ 

heel ((_»jjil _jl tliJ.1 _jl f Jill) i_JU- : •— J^ 

calcaneus, heel bone ^ juJ I ji-'y jji* : i_Jo 

anklebone, talus, astragalus Jf ^J I (J»* : *-■" 
knot, knob, node ;^>>« i S-ut : i_-«5 

foot, bottom, tail, end, lower m. < Jj i i Ji- 1 : t-oo 


glory, dignity, honor, distinction, om ' "Jj- : s*" 

high rank 

dice iljiy I y> j i jjJI y> j i j^i : i_J>^ 

primrose, primula (oL) gLJI i-JlJ" 

theKaaba J^l ^1 « f l^l c-llJI :£&! 

radius Sj-oJI Jit i«j-*5 

radial, radio- ijlSl\ JaL ^U- '&J?& 

(a covering, veil, etc.); to discover, detect, find out, 

dig out 

to unveil, unmask; to dis- j* pLiJI _jl (_»liJI >-i^5 

close, reveal, divulge 

to dispel, drive away (worry, »J I jUJI j I ^>\ <J£& 

grief, etc.) 

to tell fortunes cS.ll i-ilS - 

to examine medically or physically UU> *JLc i^Lti 

to break out, flare up, erupt l*»L jz oji-l c. < i *< 

to index <j">» :<-i£5 

t_iis «j>-lj - i.<*,s :i.«, *i 

uncovering, unearthing, exposure, oLiS" jj^x* : uii£ 
exposing, expose, baring, laying bare, laying open, 
disclosure, disclosing, revelation, revealing, un- 
veiling, making known or public, bringing to light 
or into view; discovery, detection; survey, exami- 
nation, investigation, inquiry, search, inspection 

revelation, vision, apocalypse oQ^r « y jj : <-»-^ 

list, roll, roster, register; table; £jli i jL; : i_iiS" 
statement f 

discoveries oli *,rC« 10UII2I :cij-t5 

fortune-telling, divination, soothsay- c-»JI ciii' 

ing, augury 

statement (of account), bill <_jll». i_i^i" 

medical examination, checkup (^i» *-»-5 

scout-, scouting-, of or relating iiliSJlj ^U- : i^S 

to boy scouts 

boy scouts (movement, organi- (i. h:« < iff^*-) « . ' j*^ 


kiosk; booth, ( £ij w»> ji jil) i j^J) dif . diir 

stand, stall; box; telephone booth, call booth; 
newsstand, bookstand, bookstall 

ruffle, frill, furbelow, flounce, ruche (o^ill) J&Z& 
beggar's bag J^IjII <-j\j>- '■ J j V * . S 

patchwork, hodgepodge, jumble J»JjJ- : J^SLlS" 
currants), sultana(s); gooseberry (oLi) J-»iS 

cashmere p*U J>yo ytui jl u^> : jj*£5 


(oU) i^^ <■£>£ 




Kant,. ...»•. . aT»ii^r,vM. ijk> , wag. j«i-i agiaiMM«>i»aa»Mh»«8i^ 

, , > , - >> 

(well) qualified, capable, able, #<_is < »uiS" 4 .(JS" i^ 

competent, efficient; fit, fitted, adequate, suitable, 

suited, good; equal, match 

» - - t „ 

qualification, capability, ability, capacity, effi- 5 fUSf 
ciency; competence; fitness, adequacy, adequate- 
ness, suitability, aptitude; worth(iness), merit, 

struggle, contention, strife; JLu t jl^*- < o jli. : *-& 
struggling, contending, striving; fight(ing), com- 
batting); controKling) 

penance, atonement, expiation, pro- *j j«5Cj U : SjUT 
pitiation, atoning sacrifice, expiatory gift 

subsistence, the minimum necessary ( (j'j'j I o?) L *^ 

to support life 

border, edge; margin; hem iliU- « <J^i> i j»- : (JUS* 

contour, outline JSCJI .!«_■— :«jlii" 

hand- *j,j iJ ^\ yil*JI pU-U« yjj jliC "il :^JUa 


„ - < - 
outline, contour .JUS" ,L^ 4,JUr 

bail; guaranty, guarantee, warranty), security, ilUSf 
surety, collateral; bond 
bail bond, bond, bill 

to bail out, release on bail JJUSCj 

bail, bailment iJUSy 

sufficiency; adequacy 

fill, full supply, quantity that satisfies 

'- .— - r". ? 


(jiiC U :<uUT 


capacity, capability, ability, effi- illlo ' » f US' : iUS" 
ciency, competence; adequacy, fitness, suitability 

efficiency [ f L>^j ] iUS" 

sufficiently, enough iUSCJL; <JjU£JI <u» U 

collective duty [<L»}LJ i*jjsi] ills' yi^i 

to turn (away) from, prevent from ^* L»^ : c^T 

Sif c«rfj-(c>ljsil) ~*& 
saucepan u< 9L r lu °' J •ji*- j-*» : ** 

death o^> :ci^ 

hem, border, edge ( ojjj I ) os 



J liisCi' 



to muzzle; to gag 

to refrain from, abstain «^i 4 ol_i i^i ^ 
from, forbear, desist from, stop, cease, quit, dis- 
continue, halt, give up, give over, leave off 

to prevent from, keep 0^3 1 a* j j 1 *j^ : ^ *iS 
from, restrain from, hold back from, inhibit from, 
dissuade from 

to hem, border, edge 

»j*cu 1— «S 


to be or become blind, lose one's sight \Ji. : >J**j oiff 

refraining, refrainment, ab- e-l^JI ( »l»i-l : (^ u6 
stention, abstaining, forbearance, forbearing, desis- 
tance, desisting, storXping), stoppage, cessation, 
ceasing, quitting, discontinuation, halting, giving 
up, leaving off 

prevention, restraint, inhibition p Yj < %£» : (je) LiS" 

palm of the hand jUI ii-lj iiliS" 

hand jj • " i{ 

paw pjQl oli (jlj^-l t-iS" 

purple viper's bugloss (oLj) j^J I oSS" 

sage, clary (oU) old I LiS" 

agnus castus, chaste tree; rose of (oLi ) SJ> L& 

palmist, chiromancer L»5Jl (jjU 

palmistry, chiromancy Li£J I ; 1 1 y 

to risk one's life *iS* Jp *jll»- «J»j 

to turn away from, turn back from Li^ I :<>c tiST 
to turn over, overturn, capsize Lii : US' 

to suffice; to be enough, suffi- <yi. 1 1 Ci IS" IS" : JiS" 
cient, adequate; to last 

to save, spare 

j yitfl jsr-lj- ^1 .US' 

enough! that's enough! it's enough! ! j£j ! jls" 
enough of that! 

Enough for a witness '^j!S j ^ llu^i JjL, ^iS" 
between me and you is God 



... ....,, , TV ..„ ,„.„... 




baiKsman), surety, security, bondsman, sponsor, J-iS" 
warrantor, guarantor, guarantee; responsible, lia- 
ble; guaranteeing, ensuring, securing, vouching 
for; capable (of), able (to) 

to be or become tired, fatigued, exhausted, L^J : jif 
weary; to tire, weary 

to become dim, dull, feeble »JJ J^A\ J5" 

to become blunt, dull *J J ■ «* a .l I '$ 

indefatigable, untiring, tireless, unwearied, 3^ ^ 
weariless, unwearing 

all, all of, the whole of; each, every; »yj. < »«*». : JS" 
whole, entire, total, totality, entirety 
the whole (of); all (of); all without exception; JSl) I 
everybody, everyone; altogether, wholly, totally 

* ■* i * 
every, in each, once, (in) a JS" j ( JS" 

all (of it, him, etc.); altogether, entirely, totally, Ju 

in toto, in full 

all of them -Ji" 

• - * *, 

everybody, everyone, every person, all u^s^i Ja 

•- *i- 

everything, every thing, all * < ^, Js 

every (single) one, each one; everyone, jk»- 1 j JiT 
everybody, every person, all 
whatever, whatsoever, anything that, U 3^ « *■* eK 
everything that 

whoever, whosoever, everyone who ^. J5" 

everywhere, everyplace, in every place 0^£* eK J 
or part 

as a whole, en bloc, en masse, in bulk, JSDIj i J53" 
in one lump, in the aggregate, (taken) altogether, 
on the whole, in general, at large, overall 

per, for each, for every JSl) 

even Homer sometimes nods 

scale or pan (of a balance) (ulj^O *^ 

saucepan ov*? °' J •/£«» j-^ : cJs 

«bl»- <*»-l 

: c* 

to confront, face, encounter, meet 
(face to face) 

to disbelieve (in God); to be or become an ( <i)lj ) j& 
unbeliever, infidel, atheist 

to be ungrateful (for a benefit, blessing, <UJIj ^ 
grace, etc.) 

to cover, hide, conceal j^, ( ^i. :j6 

to expiate, atone for, do penance for, make <j* 3* 
amends for 

to grant remission to (of his sins), for- t_JiJ I <J ^ii" 
give, pardon, grant pardon to 

hamlet, small village •ji*-* *o» : ^ 

unbelief, disbelief, infidelity, *yar < lSjj- : u\j& ij& 
atheism, irreligion 

ingratitude, ungratefulness, »JJ i.--|l ; ol>^ 

unthankfulness, thanklessness 

•JUST ^ij-(jj^)l ^«) tJiST 

to wipe off or brush the tears « Jl LiSuiS' 

to guarantee, warrant, ensure, secure, ^i : J^T 
sponsor, vouch for, be responsible or liable for 

* s ~.» ^ • **** * -*, — 
to bail (out), go LtfJ. a*. I j- J}U> I iJu liy^. JiS" 

bail for 

to support, maintain, provide for Jul : Jjf 

Jif" jsflj-j^i :Jilf (JiS - 

JiS"! «j>-!j-<UiC <di*- :J» 

rump, buttocks, backsides), posteri- <J - jj i^=»* : J^f 
or, seat, fundament; croup, crupper (of a quad- 

to shroud, enshroud, wrap in a (o.U) o» 'j^ 
shroud, cover with a winding-sheet 

shroud, winding-sheet; grave- o-il <u >.«L. I* : jo 
clothes, cerements 

jitf £f-lj-j. 


: -,\< 



Ll . . , 

police dog 

saluki, greyhound 

>_ 4 • * 

hound, hunting dog 

•h*° L r*^ 


> '*' * * > > •' 

•111 uilo i icLJ : »lil t-dS" 

bitch, female dog 

c_isai ^1 riJisr 

canine, doggish, doggy 


Cynic; cynic(al) 

[ii-Ji] t-l£ 


olLltlll ,>. iL^ai :olLi^ 


[iiju] iLK 

marble; taw 

****** ** „ s i. 


«i.u illi :*l£ 

mosquito net 

both (of), the two 


to frown, scowl; to look or become ^j < ^-^ : »Js 

gloomy, glum, morose 

to plaster with lime, whitewash yAf^ J^ : tr" 

to calcine, calcify ^JS" J J Jj»- 'u~& 

lime j-j>- :y-if 

quicklime, unslaked lime U-L« _^-c u ^i i <j- ^JS" 

slaked lime, hydrated lime, calcium uJm ^JS" 



ojl^»- ioLJS" 

> •' j . ' 

(■^...J.'CJI oUl«_y 

> •' > ^«^ 

fy l. X J I Ou^JjS 

»i IxJi jujjS 

to be or become freckled, covered with ( aIj-^1 I ) LilS" 


to love, adore, be (or fall) in _> ou£ iu^I :-> oils 

whitewash; limewater 
socks; stockings; hoses 
calcic, calcareous, limy, lime 



calcium phosphate 

calcium carbonate 

calcium carbide, carbide 


i&g'Bg 1 .: 

to guard, preserve, watch, protect '^j>- « J»«*- ■ *& 
grass, herbage, pasture <_-lc : *& 

no! never! certainly not! not a all! by no means! 5ls 
both (of), the two & 

hook, grapnel, grapple, grab; dog; clamp, cramp u^o 

• ^ • . > if 


o-LxJI ^'>*r*' u> 

classical); classicist 
classicism, classicalism 

fatigue, weariness, tiredness, exhaus- 
tion, lassitude 

dimness, dullness; weakness, <Jm ; iJ^ ( J^5" 

talk, speech; talking, speaking; con- Jy < £~>S»- : ^ !» 
versation; worcXs), utterance, statement, ramark; 
sentence, clause 

nonsense, poppycock, balderdash, rigma- i- j\i ~*))6 
role, drivel, twaddle, humbug, fiddle-faddle, bosh, 
bunk(um), prattle, idle (empty, meaningless) talk 

&Jr: f # 

• f ^JI > , f ^JI <£• 

to ask for the floor 

(scholastic) theology 

verbal; oral; spoken; 
parol; speech 
scholastic, theological 





to run mad, be affected with <_Ji£J I j.llu Lq.pI : i—lS" 
hydrophobia, be or become rabid or hydrophobic 
to covet, crave after J* LAS' 

rabies, hydrophobia, madness (yi^) jUl < jL. : u-K 

burning thirst 
rabid, hydrophobic, mad 
greedy, avid, covetous 
dog, hound, canine 
Cards Minor, Lesser Dog 
Canis Major, Greater Dog 
shark; dogfish; grayfish 

jjjlS. ijJat ii-AS 
<_A$3I iil-b oLfl* :*-Af 

(_^>i-| JjJii, :i_A£ 





''■*' «Bfe^.^r .:r^ 

to become blunt, dull ■ :." 1 1 J1S" 

to wound, injure l^i- :1K 

to speak to (or with), talk to (or with), con- &%. : jfr 
verse with, discourse with; to address 
wound, cut 


the more..., the more- 

term, expression 
speech, address 

... <...ur 

•* * ." 

word(s), utterance; <,.,.<n:a. oC i Jy i ii* j»- : illS" 
speech, talk; brief announcement (statement, re- 
mark, etc.) 
say; opinion, view cib : **^ 

password, watchword, countersign, parole JJ I ZJS 

crossword puzzle, crossword UtuoLK 

keyword ^-Liil iJSJl 

word for word, word by iuli" XJS" ( iJSCi <J£ 
word, to a word, literally, verbatim, in precisely 
the same words, in so many words, letter by letter, 
in the letter, ad verbum, literatim, ipsissimis verbis 

in a word, in a few words, in short, ZJSL, 3 < iJJCi 
to sum up, briefly, in brief, in fine, in summary, 
shortly, in a nutshell, in a capsule, to make a long 
story short 

in other words, put differently, put (Sj>- 1 <U£j 
another way; to wit, namely, that is to say ' 

to agree (unanimously), come to (a ( ^:,..K c-«.^-r I 
unanimous) agreement; to unite, join forces, be 

to make (deliver, give) a speech or an <J£ jfl I 

union, uniting, unification, joining of ClSJ I «!»■ 
forces, unanimity 

come to common terms 



love with, be very fond of 

to charge with, commission ^iy t _, *Ul 'S^c. : j LilS" 

with, entrust with, assign to 

to ask (someone _j j*l c J* ,^'j 1 Jl j_,H - : j LilS" 
to do something), charge (with), require, instruct, 
direct, order, command, demand 

to (over)burden, encumber, J* ^ ' ' l>* j I : '<■%£ 

oppress; to (over)task, overtax 

to impose, levy, tax £)J Lji '^j : L^S" 

to cost 

Ltf &L : L;tf :(li5")Lilr 

to bother to, trouble to, take ( \'j£ *Li) ill! LilS" 

pains to, take the trouble of, go to the trouble of 

» • * - *» , . 
at any cost, at any price, at all costs, jSi\ oils' L*» 

whatever it may cost, whatever the price or cost 

may be; by all means, without fail 

freckles j%\ ; uHS 

(ardent or passionate) love, passion l $U. \ U& 

passionately in love with, very fond jiU : oiiS" 1 oilS" 
of; lover, adorer; fancier, fan 

trouble, inconvenience, discomfort, hardshipiil* : <uls 

ceremonial, ceremony, formality <-.l..,-j : iiK 

cost, charge, expense, expenditure, out- &u : US' 
lay; overhead 

cost of living i.' .1 1 l;l< 

cost price iliiCJI ^L. 

red spot(s) on the face o-^J I ( t^ilS") US' 

-"- - — •■* ,»» 

raft, catamaran, lighter c~>j 1 ij'^L : dLiS* 

chest, thorax J } j, , jl* : JSCiS" 

chalcopyrite, copper pyrites (o-J*-) £~>jy<£J£ 

to crown 'Jy :jls 

to laurel, (en)wreathe, garland jUL 3^ 

to many, wed, couple, unite in Ck~1j^ ' 3" 
wedlock, join in marriage; to perform the marriage 



-:■■ ■ ■: ' .. ..■■■■■. "■v."'- ■ttt-ts 

ObU0 jl XlcLLal ills' 

dsai oi«Ji 

law school, faculty of law 

faculty or school of sciences) 


artificial kidney 



cliche", gravure, engraving, copperplate, ^jj :4i \ , K 

(printing) plate, photoengraving 

tired, fatigued, weary, exhausted uu i <_**j : JJS 

weak, feeble, faint; dim, dull '-« :; *> : J-li" 

blunt, dull, obtuse aU- j^ :^J4 

wounded, injured rij a f Jk ' ffjf • ft" 

speaker, talker, interlocutor; i_J»Uw i tialjw :^i 

epithet of Moses Jil ^ 

to cover, conceal, hide, cloak, mask ^Lc ijZ~'.fS 
to muzzle a-j ^5 : ^ 

muzzling l<iil (*ȣ> :^0 

quantity, amount; quantum <L*T i j I oiu : ^ 

quantitatively and qualitatively U-jj_j US' 

quantum mechanics IsCJI ISCjISL- 

quantum theory ISJI ijjjaj 

how many? how much? (^l«i:I.^J) ?lS" 

how much! how..! many..! much..! I^i^ : !Jo 

how much more..! how much rather..!; <ij2-U Jjf 

with greater reason, with all the more reason, the 

more so, a fortiori 

(for) how much? how much (is it?, does it ? ^ 

cost?, etc.) 





as, just as, like; the way.. 

U. U .4 1 JJL* : US 

.■;;.■&■■■■■■ ■■■■'■ : — — 

kidney [ ~ jJJ J illS" : S^ls 

to chlorinate j^JLSOL (^J» i iJlt) V£ : jjlSf 

' ,•*•*•' ■?• 
chlorine t$ jli j,*.* : j^lS 

chlorate olj^lS" 

chloral OjJJI ^.i* JJL : Jlj^li 

chloramine ^ I j^JS" 

chlorination J^S jLutu : ijjiSf 

chloroform jQ> JJL : fjyjj^lS' 

' * - i • ' ?• 
chlorophyll j>-^*e : J^ Jj>" 

chloric, chlorous iSj.j£ 

chlorite £~>jj& 

chloride Mj^& 

renal, nephritic, nephric, kidney-, nephKo)- (3^1i 

»La> aj*- I j -■» <m1S iiLd> 

total, entire, complete, full, whole, perfect, over- ,Ji 
all, general, aggregate, full-scale, all-out, outright, 
utter, absolute, universal; grand (total, etc.); com- 
prehensive, thorough, inclusive, all-(a)round; 

omniscient (J*JI ^ 

, . > &*>, 
omnipotent 5joi)l ^o 

omnipresent ^^-y i/ 5 

macroeconomics ^ aLajij 

rabid, hydrophobic; mad t-iSJl »Iju ul<u :<■?-« 

school, faculty; college; academy 4*mI? *-« j J- : **1S 

.» '■» -» ,-: I-: -*?{' 
totality, entirety, com- <^y^- ' *^?"-> « f Uj : *~0 

pleteness, fullness, wholeness, integrily; generality, 


wholly, totally, fully, in full, complete- *^JSJ t <JS 

ly, entirely, altogether, absolutely, outright,' sheer 

school (faculty, college) of arts o I a Y I ilLS" 

military academy or school, service <?>j>- V 5 


I. • • •" -"-• -- ~!% > 

dull, dusky, swarthy; to fade, tarnish, discolor, lose 


to pack, poultice, foment, treat J* i jllSJI «J»j : jUS" 

with a (hot) pack, apply a (hot) compress to 

sadness, grief, depression, dejection, i*\S t jU : .US' 

gloonKiness), heartache 

o-uS' ««-lj -((jjill) -US' 

sad, grieved, depressed, dejected, ^ i i_ r ^ : .uS 
gloomy, heavyhearted, heartsick 

xS o-lj- JuS" 

opacity; opaqueness, dullness, duskiness, (ojll I ) •.US' 



to be or become complete, full, 'z : J^S" t^jiS" (JiS - 
whole, entire, total, perfect, consummate; to be or 
become completed, finished, concluded, consum- 

to muzzle <J ^ : ^ 

to provide with sleeves o^J I j I u n..«l I IS 

to hide; to be hidden, concealed, latent; to lie ( j) yS 
in, be in, exist in, be found in 
to ambush, ambuscade, waylay, lurk, lie in J <jS 
wait for 

(JiS :Xs±S 

blindness (from birth), (congenital) ( ^JtiU- ) Jli : kS 

(oLi) UyS 

violin, fiddle 

y»- UJrS 


aniseed, anise 

latency; potentiality **?}*& nJyS 

armed; armored, ironclad t j^ < »JL~. : (_»S 

brave, courageous, valiant, bold pU>i. : ^5" 

quantitative JXJI J J i_j>-U i^S" 

quantity, amount, magnitude, volume, j I juL. : tlS 
size, deal, measure, number 

♦ "' •■"■■ * ■ ■-" ' : =3 

as if, as though; like ^J US' 

as follows; like this (JU £S( ,X US' 

^yul »jflj — i— -=«j U5 i (J^ J -i US 

truffle(s) (olo) SUST c ,j£ 

brake OwlS" i *L^» : Si-US' 

.a~*SC> «jflj-x-»SCi :jUS" 

• jUS" uflj-jjUS" :jUS" 

compress, pack, poultice, cataplasm, [ <_J> ] 5 jUS" 

stupe, fomentation 

pincers, nippers [ \SLj \SLa ] <£ US' 

perfection; completeness, wholeness, full- *Uj : JUS* 
ness, totality, integrity; completion, consumma- 
tion, conclusion, termination, windup 

(j-tf) <L.lL jrlj -JUS3L <4JCL 

luxury, luxurious (J^ i '(Sjjs* J^ : ^JUf 

luxuries, articles of luxury; nonessentials oUlUS* 

muzzle (olj^-l Jj) fUS" liuUS" 

mask; ((jJLjJI Jj.|..."I jl oljUII ^ ijlijil) oCi" 


perianth SjijJI ij^lc :ol^5" 

calyx »j*S" cr" : *-*^ 

violin, fiddle ikUS" : uUS* 

violinist o^^JI tijlt ^US" 

bill (of exchange), draft, promissory i>zi- : «JUUf 


exchange, money exchange «J»» : >--»5 

exchange rate Uj^JI ^«- :>— o 

computer ^jj^l jic ijjjlUS - 

to suppress, repress, stifle Iks' : c*S* 

peaKs) (oLi) lijiiS" 

to pull up, rein in ( "C 111 I ) ruS 

to brake, slow down or stop with ~^S < J*'j : ~S" 

a brake 

to be or become sad, grieved, depressed, ^i.\ : j*S 

dejected, heartsick 

to be or become opaque, jjS\(o^JJl)-uS'ljUe :jjf 

shelter, coveKtng) 

quintal, hundredweight 



frankincense, olibanum 



to hoard, amass, accumulate, «1»- i ^.oS" < ^»- j| :j^ 
treasure (up), heap up, pile up, collect, gather' 

treasure (jjj> ..) jS 

hoarding, amassment, *!»■ < ^.iSCi i jU- j! : jJf 
amassing, accumulation, treasuring (up), heaping 
up, collection, collecting, gathering 
sweater, jumper, pullover ( "Ciyo) »yS 

to sweep, broom, scavenge; to vacuum, y-J 'y-3" 


sweerXing), scavenging; vacuuming, [jjS jjLcL '.y-£ 


ecclesiastical); churchOy) t_JU5" :^ r -iS' 

U^JU ( **ij~ A>-lj — (4""' U_jj** t 4 ■ ■■■ .' i 4aj>m 

kangaroo (u'>^-) J>^ «j« 'Jj^*^ 

Congress Slu^j iiJ» : yj*i£ 

to guard, protect, shelter Jau- 1 o L» : uc£ 

to help, aid, assist, support uj^ : i-^ 

i_jU. :uL5" 



shadow; shade 

protection, care, keeping, charge; £L»- < Clij : ■ \< 
support, patronage, sponsorship, auspices ' 
under the wing of, under the protection of, *j3 j 
under the auspices of, under the patronage of, 
under the aegis of, under the sponsorship of, 
sponsord by 




--s -> '.*.- 9 > tan's 

bay, chestnut, auburn, reddish brown, _'l ■• r , „< : c-*S 

ambush, ambuscade, trap, snare i» 1 J*£. : ^^^ 
(motor)truck, camion, lorry iiwli : u*ytif 

cover, shelter; retreat; nest; home, house, housing jf 

to use metaphorically (something for) (Jc. <j ) J& 

cr^ C^'j ~u*~ ' V^ 1 : U) <>^ 

to surname; to nickname; to call, Jll, < Lil : (_,) Ja 
denominate, designate 

canary (^511.) l$jLY 

sweeper, scavenger^ street sweeper, street j£ j : y-UST 
cleaner, garbage collector 

sweepings, refuse, garbage, rubbish, wasted Li :c-Li 

shelter, coveKing) ^ : uii£ 

quiver (for arrows) ilii- :<jLY 

metonymy; antonomasia [ U ] <u L^ 

is, consisting in, equivalent to, tantamount^ i (j 

to, meaning.. 

callus, callosity JiAi. j\ *xjLoL oU- > stli- : <J£ 

horsetail (oLi) diLJfT 

settee, sofa, couch S*£* ■ <u U5T 1 il^ 

daughter-in-law J,y\ i^.jj :o 

porch; shed, shelter, shed roof, awning <U» < ii-i- : O 



^ i 


electricity ilil/tfS' 

electrification VjP j' 1 '^ : iJji^ 

electromagnet u ;.K>il^ 

electromagnetic, magnetoelectric * .-^jl 

electromagnetism, magnetoelectricity "*;. .. K>tf 

amber ultjtft 

jet j^.,1 o^jp 

amber 4j_jL jl O^ji^JI Jj <-*>- ^ : ^jj^ji^ 

cave, grotto, cavern SjIm i jl* : u^S* 

to be middle-aged %$ ol5" '-Stf '•S^ 

middle-aged; elderly, rather old ju^ « ^J I J>«^l> : Ji£ 

to become a priest 


the clergy, the ministry 

priestly, sacerdotal, ministerial, clerical uj'J-i 5 ' 

middle age; elderliness J4SCJ 1 ilU- 1 J^SCJ I ^ : iJjiS" 

j • " .^ 
electron ojj*^J I : Vjs^ - 

electronic, electron- TjjjiSCJl •*y>^£ 

to iron, press; to launder (^j^lil) tijS' 

to burn J^»-l :j$yf 

to cauterize, burn ^iCJ L t$j I j : t$yf 

to brand, burn <J^ r"J • <*>^ 

ironer; laundryman; launderer (i_»Cljl) »lji 

beehive, hive jJS :ij\'j/S ' »j 1^ < »j lyT 

quartz j'J* '-'jij\£ 

Accipitridae j^-™' 0? *l.,.ni '-^y 

coulisse, side scene, backstage area; corridor, y-J I jS" 
lobby, hallway 

behind the scenes, backstage y-Jly^JI (Lili-jl) (\ Jj 
(drinking) glass, cup, tumbler y-u 1 ^ji : ojS 

to stay (at) home; to make oneself at ^SClLl :^S^ 
home; to nestle, snuggle, snug, cuddle 

, ,, ••• 

essence, substance, true nature, essential j>y :ci" 
being, intrinsic qualities; core, pith, gist 

^ — • >-••* - .. • * 

„-• •-'■ .. • , •-■ 

4.. . 5 ( a . . 'S jc^-lj — 54*5 (0 4*5 

ungrateful, unthankful, thankless J...-JJ o»-U- : &y£ 

> > > >>, 
ingratitude, ungratefulness, un- J^J-I sy^ :&y£ 

thankfulness, thanklessness 

surname, agnomen, cognomen, i_-il :cj5" 'i-^S" 

epithet, nickname 

synagogue j _h~" -V : crs*^ 

nose bag, feed bag ;^U« : ( _ rr i' 

* * s > - . ^ 

church; chapel 


toilet, water closet, latrine 


enclosure, fold, pen, yard, stockade ij^ : • • < " 

hidden, concealed, ensconsed, sheltered, jj£«i : j^j.S' 

divination, soothsaying, fortune-telling, iil^c iSjliS" 



to electrify 






static electricity 


_s . » -•-, 

electric, electrical, electr(o)- .L^i^^ o»^- : ^'^3i 5 ' 
electrician »L>3«5sJW (Jji^* jl) y-«LiJJ-l :' i i\i'J^ 






_s^ '. ' *'. * - > ' 

**.*>'> > . >. 
cunum tSjJj _^ai* : fHjy 

• ~ . ' 

mug; tankard; jug; ewer Jj y, "i\f tf U : j ^ 

corncob, cob, ear 
pinecone, cone 

cosmography Lj\jiy, j£ 

' > . ' 
cosmology Ljf^J^j^ 

*-' S * '- o ' 

square, set square; £|J y-^lj jU»-J1 ijjl j : t ^yS' 

zucchini, vegetable marrow (oLi) ^^ > L«j£ 

shark ^j^jl* <)■.,» « (j*^» : n«#iS 

carpal end of the fl^l ^ (jJI .u^JI t/>k : f j£ 

radius, wristbone 

'. .' 
elbow j»j< : t^S" 

- »•* ,' 

curve, turn, bend i_*Li_. : t^S" 

elbow, angle, bend [ \SLj\$L» ] ( jJ \ o^J jl) p^S" 

Kufic (writing) (,L»-) ,J^ 

kaffieh ^.I^JI *j oiL Jjj^ :cj^5 

coke dJ^SCJI jlki n£J^ 

cocaine jj»- tjy j-a»<-» : l >al5j5 i^lS"^ 

star pM '■'*-£)£ 

planet jllL, (-i^S* 

(j>«- '; » ff 'J - (j'«- : * *-£ y 
constellation, asterism r-^j i oli *^>; i*j*=v : *-yj^ 
star ilkj ( J«j : XlSyf 

group, troop, party, band iilli- : <Ci^ 

section, squad, squadron (CjSCli) ilS^ 

Corona Australis [dli ] ^jj-l JjJT^I l^S" 

Corona Borealis [dli ] ^Jlllj I Jjjr^l ti"^ 

astral, starry, stellar, star, sidereal; stel- ^J»j -'^'^ 
liform, stellate, starlike, star-shaped 

coca ^jlS^SCll l^> r/*-^ *~J : *5"yf 

/ s ' - . \ »s ' ..- ' 









copying pencil, indelible pencil Lu_jS Ji > u^ 

,•, , •' - > 
aperture, opening, hole, loophole; jyj, « i»^i :i^ 

scuttle; small window, skylight, louver 
quota c.... ; ai t *.■....-> <&■ : l;^5 

playing cards, deck, pack c-aJLI I J j j : C-w^s 

much, abundant, copious, ample j& :J,'£ 

name of a river in Paradise iJ-l j j^, .-I iji^SCJI 
stern (of a ship) !:.;*! | ^.J^ : J*^ 

cougar ^T^.1 U :^^ 

hut, cottage, shanty, shack jj^ U ; oJ : ^ g 

hinny (o !>;»-) OJJS" 

. . 'tin - > -' '. >*i~ > > > 

codeine o>J Jl oi ^>-~! j-J^ : o*i^ '6 1 J ^ 

to roll, ball, conglobate, conglomer- "£$ <. [JS : jg 

ate, agglomerate 


• - . ,. , ' 

I uhr"y J u-jj^" ' Lfjy 

corniche, (coast) road, (Ti»-L) Jjjb : ,J~Sj£ 


cornice, ledge, molding j..^ [ : iJ^Jjy* 


district, county 
town; village 
chorus; choir 

i ' ■ ~ 




^— _ — - ■ i 

(l— -ijJ) * nTi^S lym+jjp 

' i 

*;«■■•>« ill :«-*Jj—P^S 

conserves, preserves ill** jl iby^w i^li rSj^-J^S" 

confederative; confederal 

cosmic, universal 

cosmic rays 

cosmic dust 


brandy, cognac 




asteroid, planetoid, minor planet; plan- j!!l» : ^SJ^ 

ironing, pressing, laundering 


cautery, cauterization 


r t ' ' 


> • ' * * 

/Jlj-u;^ jI»»I 

<S£ ili,l 
oLJ_jS0l -i* (OLIOS' 

*JjJj A^m OJU . y*J^3 




so that, in order that, that, in ItlCI i UlS" i JJj i ^ 
order to, to, so (as), with a view to, in an effort to, 
in a bid to, with the aim of, for, for the purpose of 

lest, in order not to, so as £ij 4 "i \f- 1 , SLiT < ^ "i 
not to, that., not, in order that., not 

oils' ^Ij-jCS" 

• ■* '- - > - , ,» ,, 
courtesy, civility, t. j-L.1 ( iLilk* > i»G < i_ol : i-LS" 

politeness, comity, refinement, urbanity, elegance, 

gracefulness), delicacy, complaisance; decorum, 

decency, propriety, amenities 

wit, wittiness, esprit; charm, is \'Jb < ui^k : COT 


- — ' -o. .... . ,1 

cola, kola 


papyrus; rush 





(0-^-*) Cm^uj^S 


&l/^SCJl k!S1\ y.CiJ 5oi-j : fjjj5 


(0u~.) £~+»££ 

cologne, eau de cologne 

jLiCjj^ji *L..u j y 





to heap (up), pile up, stack (up), '^j 4 y. !i" : 'f£ 
amass, accumulate 



heap, pile, stack; pack 

comic(al), comedic 

comedian, comic 



y—lS' : *"»>^ lO^S" 

* j" ^ * 

;1«Jl. :Lj-j_jS" 

to form, shape, fashion; & jl»- 1 1 Lj 1 1 jU- 4 jSCi. : Cjjs 
to create, make, build, bring into being, give rise 
to, give birth to, birth, originate, produce; to 
establish, set up, isntitute; to constitute, make up, 

being; existence; entity ylf J\\ n- : {jfi 

cosmos, universe; world JU : o'jZ 

cosmology O^SCJI <i* 

cosmography oj^JI ^-^> (J- 6 - 

because (of), for, on account of, due to ( liS") <i^SCJ 
(the fact that), in view of (the fact that), owing to^ 
since, inasmuch as, insomuch as, as 
although, in spite of the fact that ( liS") <G^ ^ 

count (<--il) cJ^S" 




' "... . ' ?!»«;•':: 

how? in what way? ? <Ju£ 

how are you? V JU-I t-ili" ViiUU- oils' 

(just imagine) how much more (or . . _> oii£> 

less)..!; with greater reason, with all the more 
reason, the more so, a fortiori 

however, howsoever, no matter how, in what- LiO 
ever manner 

haphazardUy), at ran- (JU-l) 6^ \+*4 'J^' ^4^ 
dom, randomOy), hit or miss, slapdash, casually, 
blindly; however it may turn out, whatever may 
come; no matter how, anyhow, anyway, at any 
rate, in any case, in any event; whatever the case 
may be, be it as it may 

arbitrary, despotic, <j> J I ±~?-\ ' yf 5 ^" ' </*- JU ' y^r 

autocratic, dictatorial, tyrannical 

qualitative "^y '• ^^ 

manner, mode, fashion; way, method; quality, «lio 
property; character, nature, kind; state, condition 

directions for use J |<»f- *i I i^e 

to measure; to gauge; to weigh cJlS" : $£ 

measure; dry measure ^L» : Jo 

vessel (for measuring, etc.), container, can, »lij : <lo 
canister; bucket f 

kilogram, kilo fl^ijLi' : jL£ 

chyle fj-aiil fUkll <_Jb»L~. :<j*jlo i u*i^ 

kilocycle, kilohertz JSL-jLS 

kilogram, kilo f L>*>^ 

kiloliter j^Af 

kilometer, kilo J*?£g 

kilohertz yj^riz 

kilowatt ^}£4. 

kilowatt-hour itt- - J»lj^Lf 

cuteness, elegance, gracefulness) 

shrewdness, sagacity, discernment, <lL» : <CC^ 

acumen, astuteness, cleverness, subtlety 

measurer J-So ^ : JUS" 

entity; being; structure; essence; nature; existence uCf 

a burn; a brand ^Xl I {-*«>* j I cJ^ ij? 0^' : - 

such and such, so-and-so f-oj £«o ' c, ~ J *-4^ 

chitin [ >L>-I J ilj ji s jU : (j-*sf 

cunning, craftiness, slyness, wiliness, c-loi- 1 ^Sl* : jo 
double-dealing, deception, deceit 

vexatious, malicious i5 jo 

bellows j-li^. :(j|jiil)^f 

kerosene jlS" : {j~»}jS 

to refine, make courteous, make LIS" a1*»- : cr-r 

to bag, sack, put or place in(to) ^^S j ***aj : Jl£ 
a bag or sack 

courteous, civil, oiJJ < f\[y> t J*li»* < uiy i^r-i - 
polite, fair-spoken, well-mannered, mannerly, ur- 
bane, well-bred, refined, elegant, graceful, deli- 
cate, tactful, nice, kind, complaisant, obliging 
witty, full of esprit; charming, nice, oojji» : ^-S 
cute, elegant, graceful 
shrewd, sagacious, discerning, perspica- t ^J»» : ^-S 

cious, astute, acute, smart, clever, subtle 


[dii] ( iiJi^4s' 

pillowcase, pillow slip SjI-jJI jl jj^I (^-o 

to adapt, adjust, accommodate, conform, condi- ul£ 
tion, fit, suit, make fit, modify, frame, gear; to re- 
gulate; to form, shape, fashion 
to air-condition, condition fljil <_io 

bag; sack; pouch 
cyst; sac, ascus, asco- 
ice bag; ice cap 
dermoid cyst 








* — * »l' s *\\ 


chemical analysis 

/yl.«;i JJw 


tl.tX.II jLc ( fl i <" 

chemical reaction 

ljl;l;1 (J*Uj 


chemical warfare 


chemical energy 


analytical chemistry 

i^JLlkl »!;.;< 


4^r : ..< SaU 


ijjl^ »C^f 

chemical compound 

(Jl. ■ .1 u5^ 


" s — l' ^ 

chemical engineering 


*^JJ«i »lj. »;S 



physical chemistry 

iliCjj* jl A;«,,..i» »C*J' 

being; existence; entity; isism 

organic chemistry 


Q; ',','','j 


iuoi »L*-i" 




£jij# .C^f 


inorganic chemistry 

<»^ip*il *^*^ 

kiwifruit, kiwi 

(oLi) (i^f 


cyst; saccule 

Icu^J lt4^ 

chemical, chem-, chemo- 

»u**5JU J|1a2* ' .j' v * it 


' \5^^ "'^^^^ "^^^ ^^^r \sj^^ \^^^ \^^^ \^r X^r^ v^r^ V^' X^^ V^^ 

neither this nor that 6 1 i "51 3 I Jii "51 

to be slow, tardy; to tarry, linger U>) I : [$ j 

pearl dealer, dealer in pearls jj jlll ul : ,li 

asocial, antisocial, unsocial; nonsocial '^je. \£t- 1 'i 

list, roster, roll, scroll, register, JjJur ' &^ : **5^ 
table, schedule; panel; manifest; index 

bill, draft law, draft of a law o>i^ pip-* : **»*^ 

bylaw; |>Uu i <JL'y jl 4?'.|1 (-L»-l •> 6>^ :^w^l 


rules of court (<u5Cm) ow^I 

standing order (uU^ J £J-j- I •>) **>5^ 

declaration; pleading; <LjUjI ow^l < (t^elll) ow^l 

plea; pleading 

bill of indictment 

price list 


menu, bill of fare 

(outward) appearance; look(s), 

aspect, mien 

immoral, unethical, wrong 



« *, 



truly, verily, really; certainly, definitely, Lj> i U*- : J 

sureOy), undoubtedly 

for; to; because of, on account of J»- ^t : J 

so that, in order that, that, in order to, to, so \£ : J 
as, with a view to, in an effort to, in a bid to, with 
the aim of, for the purpose of, for 

by, written by (o^») i-*J& 'Ji :J 

credit (ijU-l oCJ-l '& 'j»l*i\ v^M-l :«J 

he may, he has a right to, he is entitled to q\ *] 

theirs j**i^U- > i«4&"-l« : *+! 


he owes me money 

he told me 

let us help him! we must help »-u-l,„;U ( ojlcLJ 
him! we shall help him! may we help him! 

down with! JaillLi i -Ua... ■ 1 

^*c vr'j - til jl*J < cSjl*J ( <l)J»*i 

no!; not; don't; non-, un-, in-, im-, diis-, a-, anti- *i 

nobody, no one, no person, none; j»-!j Hj i jj»I "51 

not a single one, not one 

there is no god but God ill "3 1 ill "51 

especially, particularly, in particu- CL. "5lj i uL~ "5l 
lar, specially, specifically 

nothing; none; naught, nil, nihil, zero 

nor either; not even "5lj 


\ smiA. ' «"!■ T? p " <T " "" . ' . ". ' " ■;gr".»': ' »: , «" •" ' ■"" ". « ' -"Jf^". ' m , V"^!«. . , | A> 

nob with, be on intimate terms with 

to surround, encom- ci^j i j J»l»- 1 1 j Li*- : ^V 

pass, enclose, encircle, beset ' 

to attend, accompany L*- Le i ^ :' Lr )'i 

wearing, dressed, clothed, clad jjj> :y- j 

it is too late to escape y*L-> j*»> o"!l 

indiscrimination jte*^ 

forget-me-not, myosotis (oL) ^i- J "Si 

Latin ^/*s?^ 

Latin, the Latin language *~i^" **^' : S^^" 

to argue or dispute obstinately with — »U- 1 jj j U- : r "il 

refugee j»-l aL J J job ^ ojl» : [^ II 

political refugee ^-.C.^*-"}! 

kiwi, apteryx (jStl>) ^•Li'Sl 

Aptera oQ-oiil ,y iyj :oll^Lj» , !l 

to loom, appear, come into sight, come into Iju : r "Si 
view, come out, show, emerge, crop up, surface; 
to be or become visible, apparent; to seem, look, 
appear, sound, give the impression of being 

to flash, gleam, shine, glint, glim- '^i i Ja» 3 I : ^i 
mer, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle 

it seems, it looks, it appears, r)L U jt i (uU r>lj 
it sounds; apparently, seemingly, to all appear- 
ances, most likely 
electrode 'ifSJf ^* '■ i rf 1 

* • IV] 

< fe .... ... ,t, .' ■/;■".■"'? i'.t""" ""; '"*•' .' "■" ' ':.:" ' :"""" '■".^■'y,i 

agnostic <Sj^ 

agnosticism Vj^'^ 

involuntary, unwilled; consensual; reflex \$ s\jVi 




nonpartisanship S*jf^ 

Coelenterata ill HI olil^il o- i-i lOUji^i 

to observe, notice, take notice <£\ j « ^J 1 1 Li I j : Ja*-"!! 







1 1 I VI 

fit, suitable, appropriate, ^ jj>- < J 5u i (_-~u» : Jp i 
fitting, befitting, becoming, seemly, proper, decent, 
decorous, correct, good; qualified, eligible 

pearl dealer, dealer in pearls jl jilt «JL : Jl l 

to suit, fit, befit; to J £j£ 0^ ' j> lj < bLU : f f "Si 
agree with; to be suitable for, fit for, convenient 
for, favorable for, propitious for, agreeable for; to 
be appropriate to, adequate to, suited to, adapted 
to; to match, harmonize with, go with; to be in 
harmony with, in conformity with, consistent 

to accommodate, adapt, Li^U aLu>- < uo : ^ fH 
adjust, conform, suit, fit, make fit 

toharmo- Jij ( «*lj '.(00* "^ jl Or~-J' Ck 1 ) f ( ^ 
nize, reconcile, accord, tune, attune, bring into 
harmony, match, suit, cause to correspond, make 
consistent or compatible or congruous 

to reconcile, conciliate, .+^j »»U»I : j^ill yj^n 

make peace between, make friendly again, restore 

to friendship, bring together, reestablish normal 

relations between, bring about an agreement 


blamer, reproacher, admonisher, ^ < Jji* :^i 

censurer, critic, carper 



alienation, estrangement 





cr , j 

- s J«i 

to associate closely with, mix with, hob- J,\* : yj'i 


indispensable, absolutely neces- \s>jij+ ' f j^ '■ V j^ 
sary, requisite; inevitable, inescapable 

laser [Aos»] jA -Jp 

to accompany, attend, be present Li-U* t J^ lj : ^J"3i 

to adhere to, stick to, cling *i jli* pJ i j JUI : ( j*!l 
to, keep to; to be inseparable from, keep close to, 
stay constantly with; to haunt, continually seek 
the company of; to persist in, persevere in, hang 
on to, keep doing; to remain at, stay at 
necessary, requisite, needful, prerequi- tSjjj* : f j J 
site, indispensable, essential, required, needed, im- 
perative, obligatory, mandatory, incumbent; inevi- 
table, inescapable 
due, adequa t e, fitting, proper, 
intransitive [<UJ J u»i« j»* : ^/i 

necessaries, needs, necessities, requisites, f jl^J 
prerequisites, exigencies, requirements; fixtures, 
fittings, equipments), supplies, outfit, gear, 
material(s), stuff 

corollary lii^j ^^^j] <■* j^ 

refrain, burden, chorus; [ J/^-y J jlj» : <* ji 

keynote, tonic 

standing phrase, jljlf-l< yaiJ. \*aj JjCc :<<j^l 


lapis lazuli; azurite HiJ^ 

azure, azure-blue, sky-blue, cerulean tyjljl 

. ' \ .'.''. - ' #s i 

-L. (tili" ^j'i 


• L? 


anti-Semitic; anti-Semite 

stinging, pricking, prickly, tingling; biting, f 'si : ^*i 
sharp, cutting, pungent, bitter; waspish, snappish, 
snappy, sharp-tongued 

wireless, radio ^^"^ 

wireless set, radio (set), walkie-talkie 'jf^?*! j^r 

to scatter, disperse, dispel; to remove, 


to annihilate, destroy, ruin 


■ w< 


of, note, perceive, remark, realize, recognize, make 
out; to see, catch sight of, regard, view, eye, look 
at, glance at 


tO follow; to follow UP; to pursue, cjUj imIj' : Jf'i 
chase, go after, take after, run after, hunt, trail, 
track, trace 
to prosecute, sue U^li jl LJLai J^-V 

subsequent, following, next, coming, sue- <JU : J*- "Si 
ceeding, sequent, posterior; later, future, ulterior, 

appendage ^J> U»l j-i* : ifc-")! 

suffix (U ikj j»-l J) ii»- y i 

l^ 1 Jfr'j - ^ 

carnivorous, zoophagous; carnivore 




j jJ grlj-a'S 

to resort to, have recourse to, turn to <JJ ul) \ : j i"i 
(for security or help), take or seek refuge or shelter 
in or with, seek protection in or with 

to observe, comply with, abide by, '^) i Yyl\ : _j **i 

stick to, adhere to, keep to, maintain 

to keep silent, maintain silence, hold c.'.'ollj j'j 

one's tongue 

to take to flight, flee, escape, run away, j \'jS L )>i 

get away, turn tail 

g-.'jl K-ii^- :f : 

burning; hot; pungent, acrid, bit- 
ing, sharp, bitter, poignant, sarcastic, cutting, tart, 
caustic, stinging, mordant; acrimonious, acerb; 
snappish, snappy, waspish, sharp-tongued 

rockrose, cistus (cjI~>) u'ii 

Anura oLjU^JI j» iJj :oCjj"i 

larch (oLi) yJS/i 

sticking, adhering J-aiL. : oj'i 

firm, firmly fixed c-jli : o jV 


^^ ^ 



to torment, torture, make sick (love) i_J-l <c"il 

to tan (sun) u ...,',\ I ^lLc*} 

to play with; to jest with, joke Li I j i L L-J : Li II 
with, make fun with, tease, kid, sport with, trifle 
with, toy with, dally with, play around with 

player i_-»ju ^ 

athlete, sportsman, sport, gymnast (L*>Cj) v*^ 

burning (ardent, consuming) love (p-p'jJ r) p-*^ 
inorganic ii)-ac J 





curser, execrator 

^J Jcli ^"Jl 

nonviolence; passive resistance 



4 1 n : c- *j 

null, void, null and void, l jl» « Ji> L : (<«f }U I ) f II 
invalid, of no (legal) force, not binding, not op- 
erative, inoperative, ineffective, nugatory; can- 
celed, invalidated, nullified, annulled, voided, 
abolished, abrogated, repealed; obsolete, archaic, 
outdated, outmoded, out of use, in disuse 

exhausted, fatigued, weary, languid t.\:.- : u-* j 

>JI {? -l J -> , 5l 

to eat; to chew Lm « JS" I : <_#*jl 

eye-catching, attracting attention, ( cJ"Sl 

striking, remarkable, noticeable, conspicuous; 


sign; signboard; billboard i*-^J rici'Sl 

scorching, searing, burning Jjm : «J j 

invertebrate, spineless Jylii^l 

Invertebrata, invertebrates l^JjUi "ilotil^j- lOUjlii'Sl 

nonmetal, metalloid jJi")! 

nonmetallic, metalloicKal) ^j^^ 

to befit, become, be seemly L— Li i j Ui'Jl 0^ : j jll 
for, be proper for; to fit, suit, be suitable to, be 
appropriate for, be fit for, be worthy of 

' ■ ' ■ l ' * ""■ ' ' •• - • ■■'■■■ ' ' ■■'■■T-rn 

illegitimate, illegal, unlawful, illicit, wrongful, T_*^t*jl 

illegitimacy, illegality, unlawfulness SJ 6 ^**^ 

the unconscious; unconsciousness jyi^\ t-jp^i 
unconscious; unintentional, inadvertent lij^*- J 

s '' 

unconsciously, unawares, unintentionally, Ljj_j*i^l 

»(j£ J 

the unconscious 
nothing, naught, nil, nihil 

nothing(ness), nihility, nullity, nonexistence, ilil*"^ 

nonbeing, nonentity 

to peep, peek «_-«3 '^» Ja> :'^i 

fluorescent i^Lo'i 

to adjion, abut on, border on, touch, *>-\j : ji#^l 

neighbor, be adjacent to, be contiguous with, lie in 

contact with, be next to 

adhesive, cohesive, agglutinant, adher- J-aU : J^'Sl 

ent, adhering, sticking 

adhesive tape J^^l Jjj^i, 

to clay, coat or cover with clay; to plaster, 'JLi> : J*")! 


to stick (to), adhere (to), cling (to) jLd I : ( j ) J»^l 

sessile (»JJ oLi iij^T) S^i-C-* ••**l*ILi J-aL. : y,t^l 

nonsectarian , nondenominational ^ii U? "Jl 


classlessness *^J»^ 

to treat with j Jij < i_»JaJb ^Lc i y-U- : uUp^ 

kindness, treat well, be nice (kind, gentle, friendly, 
courteous, polite) to(ward); to be mild or lenient 
toward or with 

to humor, comply (with some- iSj I j « j»L : iJJ» "il 
one's wishes), indulge, favor, be willing to please, 
be complaisant toward; to flatter, coax 

to caress, fondle, pet, dandle JJ j : iiJ> "Jl 

to be or become impatient, restless p j»- : p")l 

i' ■ ,-,,.- ■ ' . ' ., ■» <-« • -v . . ■ ■ •«■• ■■ ■ ... ^ < 

to repair, mend »Ju»l : ( j 

to be mean, ignoble, base, vile, sordid, L-IJ u^ : f>> 

villainous, miscreant 

to blame, reproach, twit, admonish <j ic : fi 

dressing, bandaging, binding up x^UC : f H 

repair(ing), reparation, mending r^°\ • f ^ 

collector, gatherer «_.U- 1 wu ^ i JL» ^ : ^"Sl 

meanness, ignobility, baseness, lowness, vile- XL*- : $ 
ness, sordidness, wickedness, villainy 

maternal, uterine (*jIj^' l -4*" 0*)f ; 

lama c5^ s-*b : « * 

llama (ol>^-) £"51 

immaterial; immaterialist £$ j L "!i 

immateriality; immaterialism <o jU "!i 

indirect, circuitous, roundabout, devious jJ»L» "!i 

indifferent, nonchalant, uncon- (.Jlli^Jl) JL»"!l 
cerned, uninterested, disinterested, insouciant, 
apathetic, careless 

indifference, nonchalance, unconcern, disin- i 'i L» *i 
terest(edness), insouciance, apathy, carelessness 

(coat of) mail, cuirass, breastplate p j a : <_« S 

llama (u'j^-) i-*^ 


* *■ i 

evil eye 

amorphous, uncrystallized 

infinite, unlimited, limitless, illimitable, bound- oUli "!l 
less, unbounded, immeasurable, immensurable; 
endless, unending, eternal, perpetual 

to glance furtively at, steal a J J ^^ I \r^*-\ '■ 'v* 1 
look at 

unlimited, limitless, illimitable, infinite, jjjjm j 

boundless, unbounded, immeasurable, immensu- 
rable, beyond measure 

decentralized <££ ->* ^ 

decentralization "C £'j* *i 

■ • -• • - ■ -■ -~g«' -j.^. 

to meet (with), encounter; to <_»jL« < *»-l_) i |J^ : ly^ 

come upon, come across, run across, light upon; to 


to find; to meet with, receive, j ^av i o»-j : J**} 

get, obtain, acquire, achieve, attain, gain, win 

to experience, meet (with), J«^ ' <jAc < ^Ji : j>*i 

go through, pass through, undergo, suffer, endure, 

sustain, bear 

to receive; to meet, go to meet, come Jl«i~] : j>*i 

to meet 


Jjj J*U:iJ1l 
o^JI JJ-Sl 



gleaner, gatherer; catcher; finder 


receiver, receiving set 

to chew, masticate 

to slander, defame, vilify, vituperate, £lj 
calumniate, speak evil of 
what is generally rumored, what is (jD'il *^^ l* 
on everybody's lips, what is the talk of the town 

to box (with), fight (with) ^'^S%:'^'i 

to wag the tail 

'"•' dU 

lest, in order not to, so as not to, in order "^ JiCJ : 5U 

that., not, that., not 


mother-of-pearl, nacre 
pearl dealer, dealer in pearls 


pearly, pearl 

daisy (oLi) u\y>*\ -(SJ^> <H^' « <Sj**° <iW 
to dress, bandage, bind up xJo : fi 

jj jjll JiL : ^ 
.»' .-'.f.f 

(olj)«llljl '*j>J>J 





astigmatic _1.;; N 

astigmatism ■LLli'Sl 

infinite, unlimited, boundless; endless, unend- ^^"31 

ing, eternal, perpetual 


lanolin, wool fat 

heedless of, inattentive of, unmindful ^ ( ( ^»^LJ|) a *3l 
of, inadvertent of, forgetful of 

to approach, be near (to) 


panting, gasping, out of j^. ( ^^ij I ^jii:. : ^"Sl 
breath, breathless 

theology, divinity oy»^J I jj* i Oji "!l 

godhead, godhood, divinity *?*>J1 : oy»"5l 

theological o^*}UI pk. i»5l* ji '-Ji^i 

theologian oy^lll JUj JU :^yy»"5l 

distress, hardship, suffering, adversity jLi < ; jii : » l_jS 
unconscious (yflj^") f ^1 

the unconscious <«c I j}l) I JSaJ I 

nonexistence, nonbeing, nonentity, nothing- iyrj^ 

'* • ,' ' , , 

the unconscious; unconsciousness <^jSUI « l**J^ 

the Leviticus Crii^ ' j*r ' ^-J "^ 

slowness, tardiness »lDl :i«S 

distress, hardship, difficulty ;j£ : ^^ 

eventually, finally, ultimately, in the end, & J Iuj 
after all, after great difficulty 

mean, ignoble, base, low(ly), vile, sordid, ■_■■ ~ : «J 
evil, wicked, villainous, depraved, miscreant 

to treat with gentleness and leniency; to LiL ^ : 'Jj "!l 
be gentle to, kind to, friendly to 

to stay in, remain in >|J| : (jlSCJU i_J 

ness, nothing, nihility, nullity 
to peep, peek 

to shell 


Cj j-^l. I j «j»«s : vj J jjil I i_J 

to be in touch with, be in contact jU-U i^-U i^**!! 
with, be adjacent to, be contiguous with, touch, 
adjoin, border on, abut on 

touching ^.U : u ^, y i 

feeler, tentacle; palpus s^iil £ r J£ : ^"il 
irresponsible Jj>-» "^ 

irresponsibility ill j£-» "!l 

shining, glittering, glistening, gleaming, 

ub? : fr? 

flashing, sparkling, radiant, dazzling, bright, bril- 
liant, refulgent, resplendent, lustrous; glossy, 
shiny, polished, burnished, glazed 





theater of the absurd 

(^j — •) J>a*-»'5l 

illogical, nonlogical, irrational, unreasonable, "jiL^t *i 


illogicality), illogicalness, irrationality F.zL-.'. S 

lemming (u^)y»>«^ 

hyoid 'Jti I jJLjl* iSi ji : '^ H 

hyoid bone oLlll 5o*li j J»*. '^ £* 

to be or become soft, tender, flexible, LU jU> : o"i 
pliable, supple; to supple; to soften, relent, yield, 
defer, give way, give in 

inflexible, inexorable, unyielding, unrelent- t jjj V 
ing, relentless, pitiless, harsh 

indeed if [yj 

because, for, on the grounds that; in view of the u i 
fact that, since, as, inasmuch as, insomuch as; due 
to, owing to, on account of, by reason of 
so that, in order that, that, in order to, so as u 7 

tSjUu Jjjj :JJi 

launch, motorboat 





■•-■■■-■■•■- « 

pU>j : up 
t iSCic :oP 

LJ *J jU> :i_-5-l J 


frankincense, olibanum 
benzoin, benjamin 
sucking, nursing 
chewing gum, gum 
wish, desire; object, aim, end 

to kernel, ripen into kernels, 

produce kernels 

martingale rj~*' f 'jf <ij J— j jr- : t-*r 

upper part of the chest I Jx. I : oil 

upper part of the chest j.uaJI ^J^l :<J 

to stay in, remain in, abide in, keep to cX* : -> £J 

it did not take long before he.., presently ol iiJ L 

he.., soon he.., before long he.., in no time he.', he 

lost no time in.. 

>> .1 .-. --. 
stay, sojourn; staying, remaining ii>^. : ii-J < ti«J i £«J 

j,- -..» „-.' 
short delay, brief respite; pause, tern- ^J>iy t iL« : CJ 

porary stop; stopover, temporary stay 

lebbek, siris tree , a variety of acacia ( o Li ) jJ 

cataplasm, poultice, stupe o'jLS" : op 

to remain in, stay in flil : o^IL; Jul (Jul 

to stick to, cling to, adhere to j£«»J I : _* jj i _> jlJ 

- • s * ' J 'St 

to felt, cause to adhere and *JI j<lJI jl (Jj-aJI Jul 
mat together; to mat, pack down so as to form a 
dense mass; to cause to stick together; to compress, 
press, compact; to flocculate 

to (over)cloud, overcast, darken, cover r>lPlj Jp 
(over) with clouds 

(felted or matted) wool (.l-Ll.) <J>yo 

all. jj>-Ij ~(aIJ j^S\ ji (JjlaK) jIL c JuiL. 

felt Jp' 

pad ol>J-l (■*» •* 

mane (of a lion) 


i " J >«..".w i " 'ji«fai!tjft.< 

•~. ~.i#*£ 

to be intelligent, wise LJ 0^ : LJ 

'"' -.-'., f 
marrow, core, pith, gist, heart, innermost; j»>»- : cJ 

essence, quintessence 

mind, intellect, reason, understanding; Jii :LJ 

'' * ' 

heart t_Ji : i_J 

a a - ^ 

kerneKs), core (sl^JI i jjill i jji-l) LJ 

pulp, pith, mesocarp; flesh \»j^ ' ) *P 

crumb, soft part (jli-l)LJ 

centrosphere e^j^ *-J 

to comply with, accede to, ^^i* i aJJ» <JJ <ut»-l : J^ 

grant, respond to, fulfill, consent to, agree to, 

assent to, accept, hear, answer, carry out, meet, 


colostrum SjSjJI <_-**■ fi\ ^ Jjl :U 





i_pJI j-iUe : jU 


r 0? 

LJ ^-(j^Ill «;£JI • $\ ij^l) oO 

lioness J-.1II <j^l :»jJ 

felt Jp : op op 


felt cap, felt hat 


dress, robe, garment, gown, apparel, attire, i_j)j : y-p 

clothing, clothes; suit, costume; wear 

clothes, clothing, apparel, attire, garments; i_J I 


ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear 



headdress, headgear 
full dress; uniform 

S^*l»- i— J I 
•LL^-b i_JI 

0*">' O" 

</T"J cr 


tact, tactfulness, savoir faire, diplomacy, suave- up 
ness, suavity, urbanity, felicity; skill, adroitness, 
subtlety; cleverness, smartness 



,, ^ ,,„. „.„., ^ ^, „..., : — , 

# ^ 


poison ivy (oU) (L o^U 

yogurt, yoghurt; leben i_«JI j !_...!>• : ^ 

milk i_*JU- i^ 

dairy products, milk products uU I 

adobe(s), brick(s); cob <_^1> : ^ i ^J 

storax, styrax (oLi) ^^U 

lactate ouCJ :oU-J 

lactase jLCJ : jUJ 

Lebanon uUJ 

adobe, brick o^i» : iiJ 

milk, milch, giving milk; milker V^* - '■ *-~J 

lactose jj^SCI : jyj 
lactic, milk; milky, milklike, lacteous, lacteal T_lJ 

Milky Way ^IjJLlI 

lioness ju.^11 ^1 :5^l! 

tick OUI_^_i-l «J (jaUj iy^9- \aiyi i J^jJ 

suppository JJL.'iJ :^>J 

milk, milch, giving milk; milker <■?£>■ '■ <J>J ' 6>J 

mammal u>y u>y^ 

intelligent, rational, reasonable, i-»,..^»- < JiU : l.^J 
sensible, prudent, wise, judicious, sagacious, 

a word to a wise man is ^iu ojli^ll ^ i_-JJI ul 

worn, secondhand (clothes) j!'..:.!. ( JL; : Lr -J 

here I am! at your service! dllll 

to pound, crush, pulverize jk» 1 1j j : cJ 

to mix with water »lil> .Lli- : cJ 

"'■ti'':"a»^.t^"^,^'. '..j ■■»;...; j- ..■..», -t-t- 


*"* * . •» » <••' 

matted (felted, compressed, jJu. <Jp« ji j^ : ;luJ 
compacted), pressed) hair or wool 

•Jul «jflj — Sjul 

libra; pound 

^1 *l)i ^JJ £r'j~l>*^' *^* Lr4J 

to wear, put on, be clothed in, be clad in; ti'-u jl :^-J 

to dress, put on one's clothes, get dressed, clothe ' 


to dress, clothe, garb, attire, robe; to cover, US' : 'JQ 

envelop; to face, drape, line, case; to coat, overlay, 

plate; to inlay; to encrust 

to sugarcoat, coat with sugar 


jXmJu /r*J 

to obscure (for), make obscure (for), 'J»)l\ <lJc [jli 
make unclear (for) 

fjjyjji IUMj— (j»Ljjl iy*} 

weaKing); putting on; dressing, getting ► I -u j I : ^ 
dressed, putting on one's clothes 

to kick 

to throw down, fell 

fy* : JaJ 

to be tactful, diplomatic, refined; to UJ ylS" : jj i JJ 

be skilled, skillful ' 

to fit, suit, become '3*i : J j I _, ( j^J) jj 

to fit, adapt, adjust (vj J L>yL) I ) jll 

iiU ««-lj - jll 

tactful, diplomatic, suave, urbane, re- iiU j J : J-J 
fined, felicitous; skilled, skillful, adroit, subtle; ' 
clever, smart 

to mix, mingle; to confuse, mix^t^. « .Lii : JlJ idO 
up; to muddle, jumble 

confusion, muddle, jumble, mess i>^ui- 1 : iSCJ i dG 

ivy; lablab, hyacinth bean; bine, con- (oLi) (_»5G 

clamorous, uproarious, tumultuous, noisy i_-»- U» : 
tumult, uproar, clamor, noise, din i_-»«U > ill*- : oJ 
depth of the sea *J :oJ 

stammerer, stutterer oUJI JJu :r^»J 

to stammer, stutter UU i UU : pikJ 

stammeKing), stutter(ing) suU iJUU :o>liJ 

to bridle, rein in, restrain, curb, check, .JJ I < ^S : »»J 
control, hold (back), keep down, keep back 

committee, commission, board, panel (o^i r) «£»J 



^ .i y. . , .. ■, . , ,; . , ■ „ ■ ■. ,. . ,., . ., , ,.„ 

investigating committee, commission of t 

drafting committee **-\~° *^ 

subcommittee <Lc'j <L*J 

1 _ r _ .L«..J t C .... ' .«... l «»■ lj — fj^Jy tC«u'<il 

resorting to, (having) recourse to, falling back J I fyk! 
upon, turning to, taking or seeking refuge or 
shelter in or with, seeking protection in or with; 
referring to, reference to, consulting, consultation 

(right of) asylum ^-CJI »jjjj! ji- 

. . . . . ■» ■* , 't ' t 

importunate, insistent, insisting, j^ i ^UJ* : ry?i 


unfathomable, fathomless, bottomless, deep^GJ :^»J 


silvery, silver, argentine ^«ai :^_4^ 

to insult, abuse, revile, call t_— < jUi : <yJ < liJ 

(somebody) names 

to bark, strip the bark U^ii :(5j»wiJI; ( yJ iUJ 

from (a tree) 

bark, bast, cortex, phloem ~)J jkil I ^li i uiii : »Im1 

quilt, comforter, eiderdown; cover *ILp i <ij^> '• <-*t»J 

overtaking, catching up with, coming dl/jl :-j JliJ 

up with, catching; reaching 

following, succession, sequence, subse- y2 : jt»J 



jr4 '-P 



olij i j'u*- ( ol**- : f l-J 

gurrtfs), gingiva 

[cu-^J **| 

pyorrhea; gingivitis 


to lisp 

(4iL f j) y 

lisp, lisping 

(<i&\ j) $ r<& 

to kiss 

'& ■'$ 

to veil (the face) 



drr* -1 : c^ 




dl)L«^i /i:l5^J 

to insist on; to press, urge, impor- j*\ 1 »J I : Jx nl 

tune, besiege 

to persevere in, persist in Jx ^U : j iJ 

to be stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, \xJx- 0^ : jJ 

relentless, unyielding 

depth of the sea oJ : kl 

to resort to, have recourse to, fall J J J^»J 1 Jj UJ 
back upon, turn to (for security or help), take or 
seek refuge or shelter in or with, seek protection in 
or with; to refer to, consult, turn to (a source, 
book, etc.) 

tortoise, turtle, chelonian sLikL :5UJ 

importunity, insistence, pressing, urging ^UJI : ijrliJ 

obduracy, obstinacy j Lu : o^ UJ 

bridle, rein(s) («JJ y-^Ill) ^t»J 

to clamor, roar, din (^ I ) LoJ 

to roar, rage, surge, heave ( jkJ I ) L. ? J 

clamor, (up)roar, tumult, din, noise ill*- i < 


r ,,,, „ 

-■ ••'■■•(F- *• ■* • . ■ • ••■•» - 



: ,M ' "1 U Ml— 

(j>lk) jjflj-Jfk) 

to weld, solder; to fuse; to mend ( jJJ Oolil) Ikl tiki 

. s - - - - j - 

to be fleshy, corpulent, plump»aJJI _&£ oli" : «*J t( ^J 

fleshy, corpulent, plump, meaty »klJI jg£ : a*J 

- :-•"•• :.-,, '• ', 


pk) *kL» :i*kJ 
( £~JI) I»kl 

- ^- - ■ -* 

<iulj :ilkJ 
pkUL ju}L ji : ^*k) 

.a ;* <•- -- . - 

flesh; meat 

weldGng), soldering 


pork; ham 




lean meat 

piece of meat or flesh 

weft, woof (of a fabric) 



relationship, kinship 

bond, tie, connection, link 

fleshy, meaty 


to commit grammatical mis- olji^l j iLkl : jkl 
takes, speak ungrammatically or incorrectly 

to compose; to melodize, set to melody, (Q~~^) jkl 

set to music 

to intone, chant (s t \jii I j ) ^k) 

intelligent, bright, clever, smart ,jJai : jjj 

tune, air, melody (tjL^) ^^iJ 

solecism, grammatical mistake oljc^ll j U»k : J*i 
insult, abuse, revilement, vilification »ii. : ,jj i_$kl 
jaw, jawbone dLk i dli : ,jj 

JUJ] «j«-Ij-oLjuI i A\f^j\ :JlkJ 
butcher, meatman jljk i ollai : > lk3 

welder, weldor, solderer >UJJI J^U : ,liJ 

wekKing), soldering jC kb i jjJ : f Ikl 

solder \+> ^L iiL :^UJ 

f lkJJI^ 

f lkliff:Ul5J 

welder, weldor, solderer 

to bury, inter, inhume, entomb ^i'j : jij 

to dig a grave Qi ^ik : oki 

jkJI jj^lj-^f ( IjuJU o^ :jkJ 
grave, tomb, sepulcher Jj : jjj 

to lick; to lick up, lap (up) jj : ^^J 

to make lick (j.kC ilik i^^j 

licking, lick; lapping, lap j^J : ( -kJ 

to j^*"5ll (>yy -i»-l 'Jj V^' 'S-»'j 'tS'j : Ja««J 

regard, view, eye, look at, glance at; to see, catch 
sight of; to observe, notice, note, perceive, remark, 
realize; to heed, consider, pay attention to; to take 
into consideration or account, reckon with, allow 
for, make an allowance for 
look, glance, eye i'Jx : JikJ 

moment, instant, minute, second, little Z*j : ctkl 

while, short while, short time 

look, glance, glimpse ijaj : *J>kJ 

' i-ikkl ji-'\ j 

to cover, wrap 
foot of a mountain 

jr 1 cr ,j ' 

Jljj-I nL. :(_ikl 

to catch up with, come up with, over- d) ji I ;(->) ^j»J 
take, catch, get; to reach 

to follow, succeed; to adhere to, stick J.J : (_>) Jaj 
to, cling to; to keep close to, hang on to; to be 
attached to, connected with 

to befall, afflict, hit, strike, j 'Ji>- i uC« I : -; JaJ 
affect, attack, come over, come upon 



:6 J '6jJ <OjJ <OjJ 

to soften, mollify; to anneal; to plasti- oi\ 4 jjj : J 
cize, supple 

at, by, near 

from o-aj o? 

soft, plastic, pliant, pliable, ductile, mal- oj- t^^J : 6JJ 
leable, yielding, flexible, elastic, resilient, supple, 
limber, lithe, lissome 

mortal enemy, bitter enemy, archene- ijj jjl« < jj J 

~ } * > " *• " >* 

vehement (violent, fierce, it^ai-l jl>.£ -a»- : ijjJ 
tough) disputer 



■ 4jjjJ 

stung, bitten, bit 

to be or become delicious 

Ij^JJotf :jJ 

li j^lj - IJJ 

pleasure, delight, enjoyment, delectation i JJ : i j I JJ 

^i^ £(-1 j - pjjj 

pleasure, delight, enjoyment, delectation i*^. : 5 JJ 

hedonism sill I (iilii jl) i_J»x# 

to please, delight, give pleasure to, JLiL <1*»- : i J 
make (someone) enjoy or savor 

to burn; to bite, sting; to hurt (with Zj ( jli- : p^Jj 
words), offend 

burning; biting, stinging; acrimony, acerbity, p J 
sharpness, acridity, pungency 

to stick to, adhere to o j\ju 1) i ^ : j is JJ 

delicious, tasty, tasteful, savory, ^i»- 1 <_-i» i ^i, : ju JJ 
palatable, toothsome, good, delectable, flavorful, 
sapid, dainty, luscious, ambrosial; delightful, 
pleasant, nice; sweet 

to tie (to), unite (with), connect or (»(-UU *<-iJI)3J 
join firmly (with) 

adhesive, glue, cement, paste *j j'ial.) U : jl^J 

necessary, requisite ^jH 4 cS jj^ : M^J 

long-bearded iliJJI Jj^k ^^*J "JLjJ 

beard 6*-^'j C*^ J*" : *t~ 

goatee Oyi* :o*-^' Jk»jsf«» *-^»J 

salsify, goatsbeard (oLi) tr li)l *t*^ 

fleshy, corpulent, plump, meaty -»«i) I jUS" : «jJ 


to summarize, sum up, recapit- jr j ' < ^"- I : [joM 

ulate, abstract, brief, digest, abridge, condense, 

epitomize, boil down, synopsize, outline 

- '■* - '• 
to stink; to be or become stinking, fetid ^zjl : jM 

stench, stink, fetor, malodor 

to dispute violently with, quarrel 


at, near; on, upon; with 

I have 


iiUj i^ : l ^*J 

j~c- :tjjj 
i/j'tS^f ; ts'-»J 

softness, plasticity, pliancy, pliabili- ii ^J t <i iJt : <j I jJ 
ty, ductility, malleability, flexibility, elasticity, resil- 
ience, suppleness, limberness, litheness, lissome- 

contemporary, coeval, person of the same <Jj : i J 
age; coetaneous, contemporaneous 


«flj-ii^f_jJI liij :»jJ 

to bewilder, perplex, nonplus, confuse '£>■ r'jjj 

to defame, slander, libel 

•i J>r" "t J -^ 

violent dispute, quarrel 

- \ *-' ' ' '\ 

to sting, bite 

C^ ^ 

stingting), biting, bite 


sting, bite 

iilJ :icjj 

snakebite (Z,tl\) «!il j\ ^H\ iiU 

to be or become soft, plastic, pliable, LJ jjlS* : u J 
ductile, flexible, elastic, resilient, supple 




to grant or give a concession (fran- ( Jj jU (J^\) fj 
chise, enterprise, etc.) to; to farm out, farm 

viscosity, viscidity, stickiness, glueyness, £jZ : iijj) 
glutinousness, gumminess, adhesiveness 


J^-J i iiy : j/J 

need, necessity, exigency, require- o-U- 1 ,Li^l : »jj) 

ment, requisite 

«- - >> 

implication j. .^ ^j^J 

in case of need, if need be, when neces- *j j 
sary, if necessary 

tongue (ii-J^ I. JS'j)( r iJl)6U 

language, tongue 



tongue; cape, head-j»»JI J <U-I j ,jijl oJai lyCJ 



tenon; tongue 


ijjt i ji**0 (_^».i» :ijLJ 

borage, bugloss, oxtongue, alkanet,(oL>) j^JJI (jCj 

tongue (^J> ^-*- tf'^O *IjJ-I 0t~J 

plantain (oL;)Jlil o^J 

adder's-tongue (oLj) ^3-1 ot-J 

flap O^jSU I flic jl ilC^I I (j^» otu 

commonash (oLi) jylaJI jl joCaiJI otU 

bolt (of a lock) jlill jCJ 

• - > , 

spokesman, li^ o^-l? Ji^Li j 


hound's-tongue (oLi) i_-KJl o^J 

epiglottis [ ^jJZ ] slil : jUjil jCJ 

bit (of a key) ^lilll oG 

flame(s); fire 


*.. -' !* a ' - 


double-tongued, double-dealing, deceitful,^ CJ ji 
insincere, dishonest 

necessity, requirement; obliga- (-^'j ' fJ^ : f ty 
tion, duty 

to be incumbent upon, be imposed aJ* ^'J'u^ 

on, be someone's duty 

to be firm, firmly fixed lit,l ( oil : LijJ 

to stick to, adhere to j'~-l I : _, L^] 

to cohere, adhere, stick together, unite ~»*zl I : i_ij) ' i-/y 

, ■*, , - - >' 
to harden, solidify, indurate, set; <_Ju> : <_._)) < <_jjJ 

to be or become hard, solid, firm 

little, small JJj : i_i j) 

to be sticky, gluey, viscid £-jJ otf : ^jj 

to stick to j %-l | : _, 1. J 

sticky, gluey, glutinous, adhesive, tenacious, Jo : r)J 
viscid, viscous, limy, gummy 

to compact, compress, press closely together; J^sT, :'j) 
to crowd (together), serry, cram (together) 

to stick (to), adhere (to), cling (to); to j-J : (_,) jjj 
agglutinate, conglutinate 

to affix, attach, fix, stick, paste, glue, agglu- jU I : jjJ 
tinate, conglutinate, plaster, cement 

glutinous, gluey, sticky, adhesive, '<s/jt « J-J : JjJ 
tenacious, viscid, viscous 

adjoining, adjacent, contiguous, in &>% i jlJ : Jj) 
close contact (with), next (to), close (to), near (to) 
plaster J^J : {<1±) iijJ 

to keep to, stay at, remain at; to <*s o~I : 'J^l\ fj 
stay put at 

to stick to, adhere «jUj 1) « _? Z^it\ i J* c4j : } j> 
to, cling to, keep to, abide by; to persist in, 
persevere in, hang on to, hold by, keep on, keep 
doing, keep (up), maintain; to keep close to, be 
inseparable from 

to be necessary, requisite, indis- U jj^ o^ '. fj> 
pensable, imperative 

to require, need, be in need of, J J ^L> I : \'jk <*j 
call for, want, take 

to be incumbent upon, be im- aII* LJ»-j : I JST <C>J 
posed on, be someone's duty 

to keep silent, maintain silence, hold '_■■' .%< I \jt 

one's tongue 

j.». , - - 
if need be, in case of need, if necessary, j» j I *_)) lil 

when necessary 

, iL\ 


[••• - ••.' • : 

"'.V ';; . Vfe^ ■aa«a'«aa, «»«»« 


adjoining, adjacent, contiguous, in J^!^» < u£l : JnaJ 
close contact (with), next (to), close (to), near (to) 

plaster Jj-J « *» ''J '■ *ia] 

robbery, thievery, theft, larceny; bur- ii r : <~0y-0i 
glary, housebreaking 

plaster *»}) : jj«aJ 

paste, adhesive, glue, cement jLaJ : Jj«aJ 

label; tag; ticket iilL : ii-J 

to take or seek shelter or refuge in or (jj la*iJI : Lki 
with, resort to t ^ 

> « Inl ju»- I j ' 

to stain, blot, spot, blotch, splotch, splash, jJJ < jJJ 
sully, soil, (be)smear, (be)smirch, tarnish, bedaub, 
blur, smudge, smutch 

i ' * " 

to ensanguine, stain (spot, smear, imbrue) ^ JL ^-Ll 

with blood 

stain, blot, spot, blotch, splotch, smear, <w : «^U 

smirch, tarnish, slur, smudge, smutch; macule, 

macula, patch 

bloodstain ^ i»J»l 

- • * -'"if 

stupid, foolish, idiotic, doltish; fool, idiot, Jj*»- 1 : oJJ 
dolt, dullard, dunce 

to lick; to lick up, lap (up) ^-aJ : £_kl t jJJ 

to strike, hit, beat L/^ : Jal 

to be kind to, gracious to _j Ji j : J /\ j ljLLJ 
to be thin, fine, delicate U-J j o^ : <-*J*J 


to be kind, nice, gentle, soft 

t U.-LI ^» :ljLL) 

to soften, lighten, mitigate, 

palliate, mollify, alleviate, ease, soothe, relieve, 

allay, assuage, appease, attenuate, extenuate, 

qualify, moderate, temper, tone down 

charity, beneficence, benefaction, benev- oLj- 1 : ulL) 

olence, philanthropy; favor, kindness 

gift, present, donation ~£J* : o>J>J 

kindness, friendliness, amiability, ilCS" <. iSU j : uLL) 
kindliness, affableness, geniality, gentleness, mild- 

^B r*""" - " I 

lingual, glossal £>LAll> ii^liji :,«jLJ 

linguistic, lingual jjil :t_iC-J 

verbal, oral ^il i ^JiiJ : tjQ 

linguistics iiJJI JLc i*1lJI :iliCJ 

to sting, bite; to hurt (with words), f-H < j--J : j_l 


sting(ing), biting, bite fid : *1J 

sting, bite it JJ : oil 

frostbite ^,,,>.JI ill) 

to criticize, find fault with oU : ^U 

to slander, defame, speak evil of VjS : jjll 

to sting, bite £• jj : ^_) 

to be eloquent UJb >>..a< olS" : j^ 

■ '*< M s . '• ' *'\" '*- ' * i 
to point, taper, sharpen u^W I yoi-. <i»- u>: ^_J 

eloquence ii-di :j— 1 

eloquent ( ^Jj i rw>ai : j-J 

stung, bitten, bit p_j jI. i pjli» : £*-J 

ligule, ligula oLJI iijj y* ilJlj iaJlj :(j*~J 'Otj—I 
spline [ l5Cj l£_. J jjIU 

remora, suckerfish (^*-) <i^J 

to rob; to steal y^. : ^aJ 

to do stealthily (secretly, i-i»- jl I^l-Li *!*• : cr ol 
underhandedly, clandestinely) 

u^J W"'j — <3j<-" -u^ '(j^J 
thief, robber, burglar, housebreaker JjL :^a) 

' ' V -i' i 
adhesive, glue, cement, paste *j ^aL L. : jLal 

to fluoresce oilaJ 

fluorescence oilaJ 

sticky, gluey, glutinous, adhesive, ^ i J^) : j^a) 
tenacious, gummy, viscid, viscous 




■■■'.v.?ra."T j'r ■- ■ q 

oath of condemnation; sworn allegation of adul- <jl*J 
tery committed by one's spouse 

to slaver, slobber, drool, drivel, dribble <ulU JL : L«J 

to play, toy, trifle, dally c^c. t Q : LJ 

to play, play on (a musical (<,■.«.■.■■>• *fi <i*) t-*l 

to play, play music, make music 
to play a role or part 

he became the sport of ulj»-VI jl f>»Al ^ '-'- 1 
worries or sorrows 

to make play, cause to play i_JJU *£■*■ : L-*I 

play; playing; game; sport, fun, amuse- uJJ i t_JJ i u-*J 
ment; joke, jest 

gambling; gamble jCiJI i_-*J 

Olympic Games, Olympics, Olym- £.'jyi\ uU ?l 


athletics, sports *r>ȴj S^ I 

jugglery, legerdemain, sleight of hand, "£f>~ uU I 
prestidigitation, conjuration; magic 

track and field 



4J| jli uU 1 

playing cards, deck, pack 

* > .. 

very playful 

* > - „>< 


• ljll» :<£*) 

toy, plaything; game 

L-J Sl'it 

t <o l..«1j u :<CjJ 

doll; dummy 


puppet, cat's-paw, tool, instrument, vehicle, hire- 
ling, servant, agent 

play, game *ZL>J> J u-aUI 'fy '■ £«*) 


to pain, hurt, burn 

Jj»-I '(J! : g»l 

to lick; to lick up, lap (up) 



to make lick 

(3*Jj *!*»■ t Lr »J :<J«J 

salivary gland 

licking, lick; lapping, lap 

tr* 1 ^ 


ness, courtesy, courteousness, civility, politeness, 

gentleness, softness, tenderness, tj>yj i iij : uLLI 
lightness, mildness, smoothness 

thinness, fineness, delicacy, delicate- iijiiii: ulLI 
ness, tenuity, tenuousness 

God's mercy, God's favor, God's (<il j->) uJJ 

kindly! please! UD 

to slap, cuff, buffet; to strike, hit L/^» t «^0 : jwU 

slap, cuff, buffet, flap, blow <*Juo : <lJJ 

kind, nice, y-^ ni- j ty-jl «<IiU-l ,JJj :uuJJ 
friendly, amiable, good-natured, kindly, affable, 
genial, gracious, benign, gentle, mild, bland, civil, 
courteous, polite, urbane, fair-spoken 

gentle, soft, tender, light, <Jlji± < ^li 4 jj j : oiJJ 
mild, smooth 

pleasant, agreeable, fair, hand- J~*j>- . 

some, pretty, charming, sweet 

thin, fine, delicate, tenuous j-i j « JJ j ( j^i \ : oiJJ 

the Most Kind, God <il : uLUII 

my God! good heavens! ! ■ i. LI L, 

L3J :<iJaJ 

i** 5 " <»* : fcM 

witticism, quip, joke, jest 

parentless, orphan 

to inflame, (en)kindle, light, ignite '&J\ i jjjl : Jkl 

fire; flame, blaze i_4) i jli : ^JaJ 

to flare, flame, blaze, burn juuI t J*ii.l :,Ji) 

very playful i_.^U I jj^S" : oft 

saliva, spittle jj j < o U> j : ui U 

* ,■» 

slaver, slobber, drool, drooling saliva, J5L uU 

saliva running from the mouth 

cr lJj| uU 
JL «f lj -*jUJ JL 





dewlap, wattle; double chin, gills <_-»* : jj j*J i juJ 

riddle, puzzle, enigma, conundrum, mystery £»■»■ I : jiJ 

to clamor, shout, din; to be l..-** <■ «J» : JwJ ' Jm) 

clamorous, noisy 

noise, din, clamor, uproar, ljm» i *j«J» : JuJ i Jm) 

hubbub, tumult, turmoil, shouting, babel, clatter, 

jangle, confused voices or sounds 

to mine, lay a mine in or under J UJ £j j : (»*J 

to booby-trap £»•» : ^ 

mining, mine laying, laying of mines; ^ j jum : p*J 
booby-trapping § # f 

mine (fWI ^) (**J 

torpedo (5j»v ^*»" p*) ' c»L«l_jiD (^J 

nonsense, balderdash, rigmarole, drivel *lj» :yl 

chatter, chat; chitchat; logorrhea; loquac- ij'j :yJ 

ity, garrulity 

mistake, error, blunder Lki- :yJ 

null, void, nugatory, ineffective JJ»Ij :yS 

• ^' ■'■' ■•' 

exhaustion, fatigue, weari- JU j 1 i tJi^j : i^i^i) i ui^iJ 

ness, lassitude, languor 

'& ***** ^ "| 
linguistic, lingual iiUU jtu- : <5j»J 

linguist, lexicologist idJL Jlc :t$yd 

to wrap up, roll up, fold up, furl; to wind, is^» : Li) 
coil, spool, reel, convolute, curl; to twist, twine 

to envelop, cover, wrap, enfold, uiU i ^Lc : lji) 

infold, enwrap, lap, swathe, swaddle 

to surround, envelop, wrap, <j£L i j i»li- 1 : L«J 

encompass, encircle, environ, enclose, embrace, 

circle, ring 

to whirl, reel, spin, twirl, go around, ^t ij\i:Uo 

gyrate, rotate, revolve, turn, swirl, eddy 

to detour (around), turn j I j < <_*Lu I : Qj»- ) i-jiJ 
(around), make a turn (around) 

to beat about (or (jJJ f>*>jil t)j*-) jIjj ^ 

■^ ^H 

''"'-"^ ' " ■ - ■■ 


spoonful tfaJU I,}* :**»} 

perhaps, maybe 3* : 0*J 

garnet; carnelian, cornelian ^*>- 1 ,_>-** : J*J 

to resound, reverberate; to boom, roar, i$j j : ^i) 
rumble, peal, ring out 

tulip (^M) v-J>i : ^* 

mirage, fata morgana; phantom, ignis i_»lj- : «JjJ 

fatuus, will-o'-the-wisp 

to curse, damn, execrate, imprecate, anathematize yb 

cursing, damnation), execration, imprecation, ^ 

anathematizing, malediction 

curse, imprecation, execration, malediction, <L<J 


playful, dallying, trifling, sportive, game- i_»cj : V>" 

some, frolicsome, frisky 

coquettish, flirtatious; coquette, coquet Am : i_._j*J 

very playful 

cursed, accursed, damned, evil, wicked; 0jȣ : o^ 

execrable, abominable, detestable 

the Evil One, the Devil, Satan, pH.'.;.! I : t^JJ I 

Lucifer, Shaitan 

to speak, talk JOSS : UJ 

to be or become null, void, invalid; to be j>L : U 
or become abolished, canceled, obsolete, outdated, 
out of use; to fall into disuse 

to talk nonsense JCu J.*- ',j* pJ-SCS : U 

to make mistakes in speaking f&\ j Uai-I :U 

to be or become ex- J* jl i cJi^ : i_Jj i t_JJ i t-JJ 

hausted, fatigued, weary 

language, tongue 6U : i«J 

parlance, idiom vJJaLa^ i juJ I j *iij» : iil 

» *» ' ''*»,'• *"* 
jargon, lingo i-j^c jl <u»U- jl i-»->J«i*l iil 


linguistics, lexicology 

- s *i ii i - s *i -'■? 


i ak\ 




'^^ "^ 

winding, turn 
turn, revolution, rotation 
detour, turn(ing) 
turnip, rape 

turn, turning 



"" :«iJ 

• a- 

cilLul :i*J 
(oL) cj 

nice gesture, good turn, kind act, "CJ» /\ it J <ui 

kindness, favorable act, favor 

to scorch, sear, burn Jj»- 1 i j*~ : j* 

to eject, emit, discharge, expel, ^p- 1 * j^Jj i tiii : JiaJ 
throw out, extrude; to spit (out); to reject 

to pronounce, utter, enunciate, jJ»i : (jJj OS") Ji«J 

say; to phonate, vocalize; to speak, talk 

> > - -- 
to articulate, enunciate, utter distinctly, ^y^y J"-" 

pronounce clearly 

to pronounce (deliver, pass, give) a £JJ ^J-\ J»J 

judgment, a decision, a sentence, an opinion, etc. 
r, •* - — - » „ -» - '- 

to breathe one's last, <-Ujl JiiJ 'j**-^! u-i-JI JiiJ 

emit the last breath, give up the ghost, expire, die, 
pass away _ 

ejection, emission, discharge, ^1 j»- 1 < j^1» i <-iii : W 
expulsion, throwing out, extrusion; rejection 

pronunciation, utterance, enuncia- j^Lj < JiiU : Jul 
tion, articulation; phonation, vocalization 

pronouncement, delivery (of a judg-jJ J ^J-\ JiiJ 

ment, decision, sentence, etc.) 

expression, term, word j^ju : JiiJ 

letter, form, literal meaning, j»U» i ,^** o-» : Jul 
strict (external, outward) sense or significance 

in letter and spirit <^** j UkiJ 

word, vocable, term, expression, verbalism OS" : cbi) 

pronunciational; phonetic; verbal; literal ^Jm) 

gray hair covered his head <-l j >-4-^l J^ 'J*' 

to muffle, scarf, cover 

around) the bush; to go around or about (in a 
roundabout way); to circumvent, bypass, detour; 
to equivocate, tergiversate, prevaricate, quibble 

to connect, join, attach pi < J**} : »,JJL *<^JI ijJ 

to grow densely, inter- ii^U ojl* : wl J jlj*i"5ll c-J 
twine, be or become overgrown or intertwined 

to belong to, relate to, be attached p^iJ ljJ i **J ijJ 
to, be related to, be associated with, be affiliated 
with; to be of the same kind or type as 

wrapping (up), rolling (up), folding LiJ j jL** '• <-«J 
(up), furKing); winding, coiling, spooling, curKing); 
twistOng), twining, twine; enveloping, covering, 
enfolding, enwrapping, lapping, swathing, swad- 
dling; involution; detour, circumvention 

coil cijil* S*y ^Uu> : ^ 

ij] «*-lj-«4*J LJj i*il ijj 

Ueum 'ygUJI ^1 <'^tf 

ileac, ileal y£^' c/4^ ^i' 1 *-• : yji^ 

mandrake (oLi) ^U) 

muffler, scarf, babushka ^Lj < »U»t : ^UJ 

band, bandage, ligature, iii^o < J»C j < <CCa* : iilil 
swathe, dressing 

wrarXper), wrapping, coveKing), <J!Ac i »IL* :iiliJ 
envelop; jacket 

( t^) *^ 


, s ' . -'ri 

LiJ»6 < (5^1 '■ Ci) ' Ci) 

divert from, dissuade from 
to call or draw someone s atten- <uj : (J J «^iu c*J 
tion to, bring to someone's attention, point out to, 
indicate to 

Liii- nlja'jll (jC^j ijJiJI i-iiyL.] :^JiJI C-i) 

to catch the eye, strike the sight or eyes, attract 
(draw, arouse) attention, engage and hold the 
attention; to be eye-catching, striking 





to turn, bend, incline 

to turn (away or aside) from, 

coil, convolution, curl, twist, roll, furl 









dustpan ilUSGl ill!) liilll 

gleanings, pickings, what is picked up or J»li) : <U»UJ 

gleaned or gathered 

glutton, wolverine, skunk bear (<j \y*?- ) f U) 

grasp, quick understanding «iiJ I ii^. : i-J Ul i ii UJ 



jUu itiiU) 

to surname; to nickname; to call, style, ^ : j LJd 
denominate, designate, dub; to entitle, title 

surname, agnomen, cognomen, epithet; ili" : i_JlJ 
nickname, sobriquet; designation, appellation; 
style; title 
title <_i^, u-i! i ( ^Jlc i_-iJ i ilj^JI i_-iJ 

titleholder i_-iJ J-U- 

to pollinate; to fertilize, impregnate, i_,, n~ I : n£J 


to inoculate, vaccinate; to inject, Jj j i JU> : pii 

shoot, syringe, give an injection to 

to pick up, take up, gather, collect, glean; ^'1 1 : JjiJ 

to catch; to find 

to patch tfj : J»iJ 

picking up, pickup, taking up, J»UJ I i J^J jlu^. : JakJ 

gathering, collecting, collection, gleaning; 

catcbXing); fincKing) 

shot; snapshot, snap; photograph, photo, i 'Jy* : tjji 


,•.» - »^ 

a find, finding; waif iliJ : *L*J 

*■-•, .• .. ^-* * ' •' 

bargain i»«lj «ii*> < Lo-»-j t$^At I. :iUJ 

catch (£.J3 jl ^jjj") v Jii^ it J*iLJ L. : UuJ 

LjilLi jj>-Ij -uii) 
stork (jju.) (ftif 



to seam, sew, stitch; to whip, j J* ( '_~\$ : ji) 


to fabricate, invent, mak,e up, dU- 1 jlu»- 1 : Ji] 

manufacture, trump up, create, feign, fake, frame, 

concoct, contrive, devise, think up 

seamGng), sewing, stitching; whip- jj j •. • _■■!«-' : Ji] 

ping, whipstitching 

stitch, whipstitch, seam i; jj'j ( JlLi : Oil 

to cover up, conceal (»JJ i^.aii.1 1 i v.nill) Lili) 

cover-up, covering up, concealment LiiiJ j Za* : «jslil 

scorching, searing, burning iij»* < rJ> 'i '■ r yl 

group; band, troop, body; crowd, x^r i iclli- : duit 
gathering, assembly, assemblage, swarm, host, 

hank, skein 

roll, coil, convolution 

scroll, roll 


reel, spool, bobbin 


levulose, fructose 
to cast to, throw to 
discard, offal 

- • ■* * - . • - .- - 

<j*^ '</* : u*J 

meeting; encounter; get-together, gather- p |^ I : »U 
ing, assembly; coming together; reunion 

interview; audience 


in exchange for, in return^ 0>^c c jjlu i Jj^u : *U 
for, against, for, upon, on 

good-bye! good-by! bye-bye! by-by! by »liill <jj 
(now)! bye (now)! see you later! au revoir! till we 
meet again! so long! 

vaccine, inoculum JJ> : ^U) 

pollen J.U 

vaccinal, vaccine; polliniferous 

I ,a: r liJ 




|||ffi^^^j^ ^|a^^BaiiBMMM B> ^W^^| 


to stay at, remain at 
peg; pin; nail 




to punch, box, strike with the fist 

to thrust, jab, poke; to nudge 

punch, box, a blow with the fist 

poke, thrust, jab, nudge 

to punch, box, strike with the fist 

punch, box, a blow with the fist 

to speak incorrectly or barbarously 

to stammer, stutter, falter, y^ i ajLJ Jiu : <jxJ 

hem and haw f 

(copper) basin (yr^" ) c *"^' : ^ 

but, however, yet, still, nevertheless, on the^£l i^£J 

other hand , , 

accent ***) '■ *& 

-"' -'A 
incorrectness, barbarism <**« : *->J 

statter, stutter, stammer, faltering, inar- ^c : i^J 

pokeberry, poke, pokeweed (oLi) <Sl 

mean, ignoble, base, vile, wicked, depraved £ : jJJ 

to collect, gather j-*- : (J 

to rally, muster, gather together, ^*^ ^i i ^U- |J 
bring together, reunite, reunify 

to be slightly mad (insane, oy±-\ <j* u-* *->U«t -pi 

mentally deranged) 

. . i-. -f 

collecting, collection, gathering ^ jxma « £»»- : ^ 

*' '• *• ' *\ 
~*" ' Ji** J - * 3 ? - •(*' 

crowd, throng, large gathering, 





to clatter oU» 

to loll, hang out the tongue 

to shake, stir, move S'jf : JliJ 

stork (>U»)jiiJ 

to block (up), obstruct, clog (up) o~ : ^ 

to devour, gobble, swallow up '^i I : (Ji) 

to feed (bit by bit); to spoon-feed j^J* I : (^1 J £»^) ^ 

to feed, charge; to providetfi* :(^1J Uji jl ill) pi! 

with, supply with 

to load, charge U»- : (^M LjU U->- j! iJxL.) ,JJ 

bite, morsel, bit, mouthful 



to teach, instruct; to dictate 

to prompt, cue 
facial paralysis 

to die 


'--• - - -T ''1- ' -f 



J , ct'j 


a find, finding; waif 

JvyiJU «■ I j - J»>ii« : J^il 

(female) foundling J»^ ^j >» : *J»**' 

to hit with the fist (on the back) o>>:iiU 

lac oljill ^ Uj>: Sjljlj SiU :2aill ^ .£tf 

lacquer, Chinese lacquer, Japanese tiUJ I Ji*j jj t Si 

lacquer, japan, varnish 

to strike, hit cj>> : l£J 

to whip, flog, scourge, J»j-J^ V/* '• J»>-J^ ^J 
flagellate, thrash, slash, lash, lace 






look, brief fleeting look 

glance, general view, bird's y«JL. « L.U :^ki : XmJ 
eye view, overall view, comprehensive look; cons- 
pectus, brief survey, short account, summary, out- 
line, synopsis 

< . *. . - 
he looks like his father 


features, lineaments; countenance 


to find fault with, carp at, criti- WjJ < jiij < ult :j*J 
cize, censure, blame; to slander, defame, backbite 
to wink at, give someone a wink yU- :'yj 

to touch, feel, handle, finger ^J* < ^J : ^-J 

to feel, sense, perceive, notice, j j«i i ( _ r »- 1 : ^-J 
realize, be or become conscious or aware of 
touching, touch, taction, feeling; contact ^J : Lr J 

.3 * a 

touch, sense of touch, feeling y-JJ I i» U- 

touch <CI 

finishing touches, final touches, finish ij^ I oLU 
tactile, tactual < _ r liH <u£u ^U- :^-*J 


■ iJ 

to shine, glitter, glisten, gleam, beam, flash, 'j'J, : ^J 
sparkle, radiate, glow, dazzle 

all is not gold that glitters Li i **£> I. JST U 

to polish, burnish, scour, shine, «lJu *Lu>- < 3**> : j*J 

gloss, glaze, furbish, refurbish, luster, buff, brighten 


luster, gloss, burnish, JJU < J^ jj : i**J i jl) i uL«J 

sheen, shine; shining, shininess, glitter, glisten, 

flash, radiance, brightness, brilliance, refulgence, 

effulgence, luminosity, luminance 

to gather up, gather, collect 1) < i^- : jjj 

slight mental derangement, touch 0>J-l ^y-:^ 

of madness, trace of insanity 

to whom, whose 4+J 

(_j-Ull <u«.l> :<j>*J 
'.- ■:'■- .• T 

(ji»j u»Aj «-»j»- -JJ 

soft to the touch 
not; never, nevermore 

he did not eat; he has not eaten 'Ji>Z 'J 

didn't I tell you? haven't I told you? ? dU [Jif lJ I 
unless, if not, except if, except when 1) I. ( 1) o I 

TiQ gs-lj-jj 

when, at the time when, as 


whereas, considering that, inasmuch 1 ^-1»- : & 
as, since, as, because, in view of the fact that 

not, not yet oiu i 'J : £j 


J jfrij 


why? what for? for what reason? for what I iQ 

purpose? wherefore? 

glossy, lustrous, shiny, polished, burnished, J 1^ : f l*J 
glazed; shining, glittering, flashing, sparkling, radi- 
ant, dazzling, bright, brilliant, refulgent, resplen- 
patent leather c.£j oL- 

occasionally, at times, from time Ijj.U < ULi- 1 : ll U 
to time, once in a while, rarely, seldom 

lumbago j^kJI JiJ 111 < <jUi» :j*LJ <>ruj 

lamp, bulb "(J^'J^ r^ a ^ : *^ 

collection p ^. s^ll : iu) 

gathering, assembly o^y ^u < «■ ^ I : <J 

hardship, misfortune, calamity sit : <J 

fellow-traveleKs), JLi\ j (oUUl jl) t-»-U> : <*) 
traveling partnerfs), traveling company 

wig, peruke, periwig, toupee 


to glance at, glimpse at; to catch sight of, '^> I : WJ 
descry, espy, sight; to see, behold, notice 

to insinuate, intimate, allude.; Je^ i Jj jlLl :Jj rwJ 
to, hint at, glance at, refer indirectly to, make an 
indirect reference to, suggest indirectly, imply 

glancing (at), glimpsing (at); glance, glimpse rJ' 

m me twinkling^ I ^'(^^il) j.^Jl ^ 
of an eye, in a jiffy, instantly, immediately,' in a 
trice, in no time, like lightning 

glance, glimpse, sight, quickiil. U- /\ ''Co J, ijH : i*J" 




dialect; language; tongue accent; tone; <S3 i i*J : o^J 
manner of speaking s 

strongly- worded ***UI -*i^- > 

dialectal, dialectical) A~iL ^U- :' t ^*J 

to overburden, overexert J* Jii I : -14J 

sharp, cutting, incisive jj»li 1 jU- : f J+l 

regret; grief, sorrow; sigh, la- Jy 1 Jj-»- : <«iJ ' <-«i) 
ment; yearning, longing, hankering, pining, desire, 

alas! fl'^l L 4 4i*J l> < yi+J L ' • W L > U^i l> ( < — *«J l> 
too bad! what a pity! unfortunately! 

gluttonous, greedy, voracious, insatiable; Jjifl :^ 
glutton, gourmand 

amusement, entertainment, diversion, i_-»J < ili-J : ji) 
distraction, pastime, fun; play 

amusement centers, places ^Ll (jflj* 'uf^O js* 
of amusement; nightclubs 

uvular, epiglottal [ £>_,«- ] • Will* u»^»- : (ij*) 

velar letter, velar (i^ <-»>>- 

flame, blaze h-*1 :>-— f^ 

if 01 y «y 

except for, but for; were it not for, had it not ty 

been for; if not, unless 

if it weren't (hadn't been) for him » H'J 

If only ye ask God for forgiveness ilil oijy*—* V*J 

were it not for thy family iilL» j "Jly 

in case (that or of), in the event (that or of), jJ Cj 

he will not cry, he won't cry, he is not ^xu ji 
going to cry f 

lanthanum (j-*^) fj*^ 

launch, motorboat (ij^v ojjj ^tr"- 1 

lymph i-*J : <-*J 

lymphatic, lymphoid, lymph <£?^ : <£? *■**} 

lymph node, lymph gland <ij^ '»•** 

credit (ijU-l oCfl ^ ^"511 c-iU-l :<J 

to play, toy, trifle, dally <--aJ : I4J 

to amuse oneself, disport, have fun, have JJJ1 : 1*1 

a good time 

to (try to) forget, try not to je Jii- ij* %- :&■ 1*1 

think of, turn one's attention from; to pay no 

attention to, be inattentive of, be heedless of, be 

unmindful of 

to love, be very fond of u-»- 1 '. -> W 

burning thirst, extreme thirst .o.C J^e ■ 0I4) 

uvula; epiglottis [ jj> j£ J • ty 

panting, pant, gasp U J^ I f^*>\ '■ £» V 

pacifier Ji^H t=«VSC^ C»C*> ^l*) 

flame, blaze <-r*J : '■r+l 

burning with thirst, parched with thirst ylliai : 0L4I 

burning thirst, extreme thirst jl*^ ^Uic : <-*J 

to pant, gasp, be out of breath, 4— ii ^Lij] :£~+l '£>+l 
breathe quickly or spasmodically, breathe labori- 
ously or heavily; to puff, breathe hard 
panting, gasping, out of breath, breathless £**i : ulli! 

to be attached to, very fond J* ^5^ < j jJjI :-; g^J 

of; to persevere in 

to speak constantly of or about, mention «/Jb ^4) 

continually g 

to praise or extol constantly or <ui »LilL ^4) 



to pollute, contaminate; to iLj « ^JJ , ^ j : &J 
defile, befoul, (be)smirch, (be)smear, soil, sully, 
dirty, stain, tarnish 

to tarnish, defile, taint, sully, soil, -1J Xitl | b^' 
dirty, stain, (be)smirch, disgrace, dishonor, dis- 
credit, degrade, debase, blacken; to defame, slan- 
der, libel, calumniate 

stupidity, foolishness, fatuity, idiocy, iiCi- : '£'£ 

slight mental derangement, slight 

insanity, slight madness 

logistic ^ .'^j 

logistics olli^. rol^Lj-j) 

to wave, beckon, make a sign or 'jd] : (J /\ <Jj) '^1 
signal; to signal, motion, gesticulate, gesture, make 
a gesture 

to brandish, flourish, swing, («IJ o-SL . AilL) 'J£ 
wave ' " '' "" ; 

to tan; to scorch, sear, burn ill : 1^' 

to become or turn hoary, gray, white '_'j) I Ji-^ 
board; tablet, table; slab; plate, sheet; pane; panel r jJ 

slate, slab of slate 



block of ice; sheet of ice 

plate, wall plate 



pane, sheet of glass 


windowpane, panel 


shoulder blade, scapula 


sheet metal 

Jj~l c> ) 

[i-JOj <*>tjj] <i)j»»li »-j) 
* . •"••! 

-" • - ■ -■ •■ — — 

■..:»«l»». ! 11 

although, (even) though, albeit,'^' J*. , o' ^ « ^j 

even if, in spite of the fact that 

if he only knew! I wish he knew! ^j^ '^ 

to twist, curl, kink, contort, i^i , jjli , J£ : jj 
wrench, wring, writhe, wry; to bend, incline, turn, 
curve, flex, inflect 

!- « »- »- 



to turn the head; to turn away 
from, avoid, shun 

to pay no attention to, care »^L /\ £.] Jc ^ ^ 

about nothing; to be heedless, careless, reckless 

to complicate, make complicated lui : j£ 

curvature of the spine J^\ tl».^l : ^ 

gripes, colic ^'-^ 

ueus »<«iuy ujmoi jj.C (_,«« : ($_jj 

wryneck (jjU.) ,1^ 

banner, flag, standard <jl j i ii. : »fjj 

brigade jyj.1 ^ j^i" - tJ *.' 3 : ,|^J 

general, major general ( L fli\ j) jC* < J!>*- : ,I^J 
rear admiral (^j^l pl^iJI j) ,I^J 

district, county, province jjii Ik. i ULlH : ,|^J 

brigadier general 

: ,£) ^.1 « ,iy 1;U" 


sodomy, pederasty, homosexuality, 
buggery, inversion 

00*5/ £>. i j - ^jiy 

lobby iLtUiiCk:^' 

cowpea(s), black-eyed pea(s); snap (oLi) .IL^J « L_ji 
bearrfs), French bean(s), green bean(s), kidney 
bean(s), string(ed) bean(s), haricot(s) 
lotus (oU)^ 

to be slow, tardy, dilatory; to tarry, tkjf : ( j ) il»jj 
linger, delay 




homosexual, sodomite, queer, pederast, bugger, ^J»y 

to torment, torture, make sick y*j* ' > V-** : P_y 

agony, anguish, pain, torture, tor- 5^1*- < ii^i- : **y 
ment, smart, grief, sorrow 

lovesickness; ardor of love L-il i*^J 

logarithm (*~»jl*>) >^jl«^l '(Jjl*>) '(wjU^J 

antilogarithm -IjUjIJI J*^" 

logarithmic ^*Jjl*y tT-^JjlijJ 

luffa, dishcloth gourd, arum (oLi) ti^J 

Araceae oULJI ^. iL-ai :oL»y 

stupidity, foolishness, idiocy, imbecility jjl*- : jy 
chewing, chew, mastication «_i> : i£jy 

leukemia »JI yiLaJl : ^'.^J* 


screw ^c^, : tjy' 

spiral dJ^j j : i_Jj) 

spiral; helix ujj&- : s-jy 

loop Jlil j-J iL» j : uJy 

spiral, helical, helicoid(al), cochleate, volute(d), ^.jy 

to reprove, reprimand, rebuke, upbraid 'fj •. i^ j : »y 

blame, reproach, twit, admonition, ~*jy i Ji* : »^J 

reproof, rebuke, censure 

.» « -. .» 
blameworthy, blamable, blameful, cul- ^ jy..,.. 

pable, reprehensible, deserving blame 


to blame, lay the blame on J* ^ I m»j 

lUmen [»Lji» Jy-^ lyijj lyi^ 

to color, tint, tinge, paint; to varie- o'y 1 I i *i*»r : u>J 
gate, dapple; to stain 

color; tint, tincture, tinge, hue, shade o'^i 

kind, sort, type, variety, species; i^u* ( p^ : o>J 
category, class 

plate, sheet 

painting, tableau, picture, draw- _. 'j < ; j^ : ii.y 
ing, portrait 

plate (i-iLjw. Jjj ^ JjU 

panel »j>-* W^* i»*v» **^ j <j^. ; «^^J 

plaque (ts/jJt jf ^j»^ f^fr V#li» o->^») ^y 

nameplate, doorplate ( -1.^11) ii-^ 

bulletin board, notice («IJ ol*|£ « oUilil) ii-^ 

signboard; billboard ci "51 : *»■'£ 

It,*. . - 
oil painting, oil <Lj^ j i^^J 

- » * •-• * '» . - 
chessboard, checkerboard UlJI jl w^LJI i»«y 

dashboard; control board ;'j QJ I *»■'£ 

-' ■•, .- 

keyboard; switchboard pJUil i»-^J 

laudanum ^ I j^J i ^ I j^J 

sagacious, ingenious, ji»U-l «^ t^fj : l*f ^ 'P$ 

witty, quick-witted 



lorry, truck, camion 

to stuff with almonds 


cotton bolls 






almond; almond-shaped 



(i_-J) JJ>J 


(oij) »3y 


• ;-.* J • . 

V J ' 



• ~ 

I wish he were here! would that he U> JjlS" *LJ 
were here! if only he were here! 

liter jJ :^~J 

lion Ji-I :6J 

/ \ •' ' "7 • " •* '7 
ant lion l»j»-»-J L*j*f t -*r ' OO** ti ~ 

lithium Cr-*^*) fjs*^ 

lira *jjai »jk»-j i*Juc :jJ 

pound, lira <» ju »jl»-j i <u* : ojJ 

laser [ »\jj»i ] jji •■jj) 

lysol JJL y^ j JJL : JjjJ 

not y«J 

only, nothing but, just, simply, ($j- y-J i ill y-J 
merely, nothing more than, no more than, (and) 
no more, (and) nothing else, (and) that's all 

not only., but also Jj..Jui.. Lr J 

isn"t it so? right? VdJiST^I 

licentiate, license S??^* * J ^> : tr i W 

licentiate jl»M i^L-J J-U- :«-_iLJ 




to rub (clean, wash) with a sponge (iLUli)uiJ 

CbeKs); fibr-, fibre- uiJ 

coir (iJi* i 

fa ■ .■;s-JW-- 

4 ijl 4jvu <*» iJU • 





(bath) sponge 

( r lLLyi)&J 

fibrous, fibroid 


fibroma; fibroid 

'*M r' Ji 









chromatic, colorific, color- ojJJ L; *«$* j i : ^j^ 

chromatics 6^^ I J* : OUij>J 

chromaticity ilj^J 

to be crooked, bent, curved, twist- r^c 1 1 c$^J I : l$ji 
ed; to bend, twist, curve, crook 

to writhe, wriggle, squirm, twist »JJ ill! cJ^J 

(blood) platelets ( f jj I ) oUijI 

twistting), curKing), torsion, contortion, ^ :(5jJ i^J 
kinking, wrenching, turrKing), bencKing), flection, 
flexing, flexion, inflection 
skate (<iL-) .U 

mortar; lute, luting; cement J»^L> : J»U 

decorum, decency, propriety, Jj i i o j1 i CCf : i»U 
amenities, polite social behavior, etiquette; good 
manners, civility, courtesy; tacKfulness), urbanity 

competence, capability, qualification, eli-£l*l : i*U 
gibility, aptitude, fitness; worthiness, merit, desert 

fitness £■!&- i iili j : iiQ 

liberal '^Jl^ 

liberalism S^W 

libra; pound o jj •-*»■.} ■ »_^r 

Libyan ^J 

Libya 11*J 

lipid <i^A£ <r*£ j* : -"sftr 

libido [cr^]i Jl ^ 

lepidolite (o-K") ^^i-*^ 

twist, kink, flexure, flexion, bend, fold, ply <j5 : <U 
would that! would God! I wish! if only! l^J ^ i c-J 

I wish I knew..! I would that I knew..! if &j£ cJj 
I only knew..! 

would God I had died for you! dUi-'il o~> ,-uJ 



— : 

:^^^ ^m 




limonite, hydrous iron oxide 

citric acid iiL» ^lllJ I 

to soften, mellow, make soft, make Ul) <dl*- : JJ 
tender; to supple, plasticize, make flexible, make 
pliant; to moderate, temper, mitigate, allay 

to relax the bowels, purge, relieve the ^kJ I jli 
constipated bowels 

soft, tender, mellow »*lj t Is J» : o^ 

flabby, flaccid, limp; loose, lax y-j : ^J 

flexible, yielding, supple, pj>^ ' 0j» ' u ->J : i>J 
elastic, resilient, pliable, pliant, plastic, ductile, 

tractable, doc-(jCiJ l) (^-.uJU- \ i JJi iSOjiJ I jlJ 
ile, manageable, pliable, flexible, ductile, control- 
lable, wieldy, complaisant, compliant, obedient, 

softness, tenderness, mellowness i^l iij\J» : o~ 

flabbiness, flaccidity, limpness; loose- »^j '■ J^ 
ness, laxity 

leniency, lenity, gentleness, mild- JaCj i Jij :JJ 
ness, clemency 

flexibility, suppleness, il* l_^L. i iij^ ( ii I J : ^J 
elasticity, resilience, pliability, pliancy, plasticity, 
ductility, malleability 

tractability, (jCiil) £:&- :i_JU-l ^ <«SCgJI ^ 
docility, flexibility, ductility, manageability, com- 
pliance, obedience 

osteomalacia f^*^' or 

• ■•*.•- 
soft letter, weak letter, vowel ^ (-»j»- 

Malacostraca oCjiill ,j» i-w>t :<Jju»JI CUJ 

•«- v .- *f 

. ~. -> . -> 

fibril, fiber 





tuft of cotton or silk threads (inserted in (» I j J I ) iiJ 
an inkwell) 

putty; mortar; clay 

night, nighttime 

at night, by night, nightly 

fy ju« : JJ 


day and night, night jQ jl) > SUj Ijl+J > I jl+i SCJ 
and day, (a)round the clock, by day and by night, 
twenty-four hours a day 

long dark' night $1 i£L ,!>CJ 

night; evening; soiree JJJI Jo»-lj i JJ :iLJ 

tonight iilDI ooi J t iilLl ? _L» .iiliJI 

opening night, premiere <L»-l^i I ilJ i ^lui I iLI 

last night; yesterday evening i»-jU I iJJJI 

long dark night 
Christmas Eve 

overnight, very suddenly, all of a Ul^>j *JU ^ 

(in) that night; (on) that evening 

lilac, syringa (^^->) <^i) inlll 

nocturnal, nightly, night JJJ I J J oj— . : | JU 


(oLj) 4*1) (nil 




aJ iocJ 

flying lemur 

(<jl>^-) jS^» jjlJ 

lemon; citrus 

(oLj) ujil! 

lemon; lime 

(oLj) ^otlr Oy^r 

tangerine, manderin 

(oLj) tJjLil ujll' 


(OLj; J"JUj# 0>»J 


(oLJ iJ-l 6j*J 

sweet lemon 

(oui) y»- dy-^ 

citric acid 

(jj^lill (jiu»- t (jj!»lljl yaj^ 


^^T ^^^ ^f^r ^^r xj^r >^^ ^^^ ^^r ^r Mr^ ^^r ^^r ^^r 

surrealism j-*l>" i3>* ^ 

prehistory jvj^l J~» ^ 

unless, if not, except if, except when jj U 

of what, of which, whereof 1. 

overseas j^-" *'jJ ^ 

metaphysics *^'jj^* <i»~J»)l fljj U 

metaphysical; extramundane y5'jJ^ 

why? what for? for what reason? for what I iQ < Q 
purpose? wherefore? 



i, i.lil oO 
— , i 

to mew, meow, miaow 


territorial waters 


heavy water 

amniotic fluid^jll J y~J.L J*-** JJL :y~il fU 

groundwater <J^»- «C. 

inland waters, internal waters, <L.y j I <JU> I j «L« 
national waters 

orange-flower water j»jll $U 

freshwater oi* |U 

hard water -«c <U 


with what? wherewith? 
about what, whereof, of what 
of what, of which, whereof 


what is your name? 



what, that, that which; whatever, whatsc- <3 JJ1 : U 


how beautiful it is! 

some, a certain 



r* c'j' 


fliS" J^l U !tiS"^Urt U 

lil w-lj-U lit <l'il u 

. , , > >t . . - 

subconscious (^^ uj- 5 ^ 'jj**-^' ^>>w I* 

Uljp-lj-JIji I- *Lllj V- 

ful, culpable, reproachable; amenable, answerable, 

blame, censure; objection jo\jLt-\ i (jJ :iJ*-\y 

dizzy, giddy jljjj oLa> ■ J i^* 

seasick j'v" j'j-^ '-'>-*• '-^^* 

table; dining table Sji- i l>Ij»- ' iJj^» : ° -^ 

round table, round robin S^-CL-* SjjU 

,» , » ,, « 

tableware, table utensils JoJlil jjljl iS-aIUI 

- ' - ' - '. i'«' 
support, backing (up), assistance, aid, ;.ul— '-'jj'y 


consolatory, consoling, condola- _)»-. : (^1 jil) u^'y 
tory, condoling, comforting, solacing; consoler, 
comforter, condoler, solacer 

consolation, comfort, condolence, 
solace( merit) 

liquid, fluid; deliquescent; liquescent<_J I j i JJL : *J l« 

inclined, slanging), oblique, diagonal, JjmJ :JJl« 
bent, tilted, tipped 

sloping, aslope, declivitous, downhill jjlm^i :J1U 
italic [^^ J Jj^ 1 <-»j»- 

inclined plane JJU *vL- 

plot, conspiracy, collusion, intrigue, scheme, 5j< \'y 

liar; lying 

amusing, entertaining 


ij >*J :sLnl^ 

J— •cr jl >« 

a- 1 cr 

aquatic; water, watery, aqueous; »UI J J 
hydrous; hydraulic 


aquarelle; watercolor ililil oIjJ^Ij >jy*> ' (V^ 1 |*-j 
aqueous humor (tr*" J) *^ **>l»j 

water clock, clepsydra <LSU <cL- 

' T?j> 

troubled waters 

carbonated water, soda water, soda, pop iJjU. oC. 


i - s - " *\' 

JU t <..J. u * oLi 

-. •-. > ' ■>*. 'j . 

ijjjl f-u 

honor; face, dignity, prestige; self-respect; *j-jJI il. 

whitewash; limewater 
cologne, eau de cologne 
mineral water 
distilled water 
aqua regia 
rose water 

f ,~ . > * . t 

to lose face 


to save face 



waterwheel, noria 


water polo 

dying, moribund, in ex- 
tremis, in the throes of death, at the point of death, 
at death's door, at the last gasp, near one's end 

favorable, advantageous, Jilj- 'iȣi* : ((v'j^O p'>* 
propitious, opportune, suitable, appropriate, con- 

unfavorable, disadvantageous, adverse, cAy j~t 
contrary, inopportune, unpropitious, unsuitable, 
untoward, inconvenient 

surging, heaving, swelling, rolling, wavy, jy^J, : jjj U 

blameworthy, Wamable, blame- Jjj— • i ^ji> : J*-l>« 

.HI uV» 


oljj-* :ol*L« 
•T '• '-• ' • - M 




■™» an 

# #> 

uilL^ **.|j-c-ilj'J 

obsequies, funeral ceremony; memorial gathering ^L 

conference, convention, congress, plc^] : ^>* 


press conference, news conference <J^° j*>y 

peace conference jJuo ^«J>» 

summit, summit conference, summit <+s j^y 


conferee, conventioneer jJy j il) jll» '-j^'y 

entrusted (with); confidential; trustworthy, j*^>» 
trusty, reliable, dependable; trusted person; trust- 
ee, fiduciary 


mate, mate 

matinee, matinee Jijai I 


-^l (i* o^'y 

<i LUIS' . 


i 4jbL^ ( Aj JvAJ ^UuL^ I 4 -i i' i J La 



effective, efficacious, effectual; _jut j i i Jlli :x>» 
operative; influential; swaying; acting (upon), af- 
fecting; influencing 

moving, touching, ( jJJ ^cliJJ) jw i dJjs*. : }y 
pathetic, poignant, affecting, affective, sentimental, 
emotional, emotive, impassioning, commoving, 
stirring, exciting, soul-stirring; impressive 
influence, influencing factor; Jy J>U i Jy 


effects °Ly>* 

.s ■> -*-•» 
special effects <Uel»- <s>\Jiy 

.* •- ■> '*',» 
sound effects " t ~i) n0 '-'LA* - * 

'-'■>-- -'J- 
exploit, feat, achievement, remarkable ii J*c :SjjU 

deed, glorious deed 

to resemble, look like, be ^U. i ^Jl*- i *jli : JjL 
like, be similar to, be analogous to, correspond to; 
to identify with 
to compare to, liken to j *-i : _* J3U 

standing; appearing, presenting itself or oneself; Jj L 


visible, apparent, conspicuous, distinct, o^*U Jjl> 

iliU *j\y> 




water resources 


sap, juice; juiciness 

retreat, resort, recourse, place to 

return to 

eternal, everlasting; endless, •LJ>I <i.-u i tj-ul : ±iy> 

unending; lifelong, life, for life, for a lifetime 

life imprisonment ±>y jsy 

packGng) needle, large needle i)—* i s^^S" ;^l :^1< 

needlecase Sj>)!l <J!5U- i^JL* 

anther t-UUI ^ <i>^«ll Slo-JI £}»- : ^JL. 

ham, popliteal space, hollow of XS J I ,jJ»Ij : y^t« 
the knee 







eulogist, eulogizer, praiser ^IJili:^^ 

i , {*'. s --«.-i J . . 'f- 

catamite ,J>_)J oj.^ fiU -uylt 

>,. ' - - , . 
to die, expire, pass away, give up the <ua»j ^^ai : GU 

ghost, breathe one's last, emit the last breath, draw 

the last breath, meet death, relinquish life, part 

with life 

to perish jIj :oU 

to die down, subside, abate, let up I j.» i ^L- : oL. 

(one) hundred ( \ • • ) ii» 

."•* .' 

one hundred and four 
three hundred 
percent, % 

ten percent, 10% 

ilil j . ilLL, 
e- Lt^« c j.i. n * '/J'w 

origin, source, provenance, prove- u.-^ i j j-a- . ^ i 


>.nfl« ( ^i^J 

c*" 1 * 




4j jliLt 


side; face 

<3»J ( A^^- 





to wrangle with, altercate with, pjU t -oU- : lili-L 
bicker with, stickle with, quarrel with 

barren, sterile, infertile 
source, spring 

defect, fault, flaw, shortcoming, repre- 
hensible point 

objection, complaint, criti- i_.,& ^c yiljicl : ii-L. 
cism, disapproval 

way, method; approach; manner JUL* i rs_. : i^-u 
of acting 

outlet; plug (J>Sj& u-i ^ • -^■^ 

bibliography, l^l^ij UjjCt. :(i~ljJl) i»-l_. 
(source) references 

delayed, put off, postponed, deferred, J*ry -j^y 

balance, remainder U»- j «jjj JU -u~»j • >>->* 


recently, lately, of late, not long ago, 




rear, back, rear part, hind, hind part, ,«iU- .»_> : o^->< 
hinder part, posterior, tail, end, rear end 

rear, rearguard, rear lines u~J-' ~'j*'y 

■' '' ii '* '»' 
stern *;,»,. ,11 ~»j>-y 

parturient, in labor jiUI Ui»-I :<>»-Li 

taken; obtained, received; seized, cap- jj- I : ij»-L 
tured; derived; quoted, cited 

surprised, taken by surprise, Cjy^ i ^iaju* : j^»-u 
taken aback, wonder-struck 

fascinated, captivated, enchanted, uyi* '■ >j*-^> 

brothel, bordello, whorehouse, SjliJI c~j :j>*-^ 
bawdy house, house of prostitution 

to be moved, shaken, upset l/jLi>\ i S'^u ' oU 

^m.Mi.:: "■--?? 

. ■ : 

manifest, patent, obvious, evident 

transmitted, handed down, 6y^ <-i->j\y* '•jy j > 
passed down or on; reported, related; quoted, cited 

<Jy Cf'j - jy* ^y 

folklore jjISlly :c-*i olj^JU 

to surge, heave, swell (up), roll, r-U i yiU- : ^U 

welter, billow, wave 

to be or get excited, agitated i_>jiu>] : A* 

rented (out), let (out), leased, hired (out) ( t( J.) j*ry» 

chartered ( jJJ SjlLt ji <u~»-) j»-^. 

sublet, subleased, underlet t>J»UI 0? J*">* 

lessor, hirer, letter; landlord j*-^ ^y :^»r>« 

sublessor, subletter Jk> U I q* f'y 

events, happenings, incidents, oC^sv lOb^L 

occurrences, developments 

master's degree Oulrijl^. :^fl< 

master ji~~*r^ Jf lj - 

postponed, put off, delayed, deferred, U-^. : o*y 

fixed in time, deadlined 


impudent, shameless, brazen, »Q-I JJi : ^L 

brazen-faced, insolent, impertinent, saucy 

dissolute, profligate, dissipated, rakish, »-ii- : l >r^ 

joker, jester ^ jL. :j>-^> 

* .' , - f:- ' *-.'.'{- 

j^j" jf'j - ^ 1 — • 'j^j" -jyr u 

-' '*ii '' ! "•■' ' f' 
mercenary; hireling **jj>' •*»■' 'lij^j* : J> ! !■ l -• 

to strut, swagger, prance 
to waddle 


(fr | j"(^ l j ' J >" *-) o^L. 

yd**. ^ 

eradicative, annihilative, destructive, ru- J--* : J^U 
inous, devastating 




irksome, bothersome, troublesome, vexatious, 

harmless, unharmful, innoxious, innocu- 
ous, inoffensive, safe 

to be insincere (toward) (; V>il j *_) j jL 

muezzin i^LaJI (Jj ^*.l> ^ •■ u'^y cy '• diy* 

minaret (of a mosque) (jj«lil) iijtli 

* > • - >\, 
authorized, licensed; permissible, <, ry+-* : ujiu 

permitted, allowable, allowed 

marriage official r}/J\ jjlc oiiu ^. :(^c^i,) Ojil. 

*JLc jLI «j>-Ij-aJLc jLi 

Saint (^-.jui^l J~-j) jL 

passer-by, pedestrian, walker ,J.\* : (; jU r) j l« 

passing, passing by, going by, going past; ^Lc- :jU 
passing through, going through, crossing, travers- 

to dispute (with), argue (with), Vjli i J jU- : ^L 
wrangle (with) 

dated ^j^ j^ ' Tj* ' r~ji* 

historian, chronicler, annalist, historiographer i.'yL 
giant J^lx. : jjL 

*'-' i *'-' i 

to practice, exercise, pursue, jit i Jj I j : ^.j L 

engage in; to carry out, execute, fulfill 

(^* -Jii-i Pfr^J ~(jl* U»«<<» (_/-jLi 

March jlih^jL 

hospital t y , ■■" , „* 'ulllijlj 

O^ju-j »»-lj — viiuJI ^l^jl jji;,,,! :i)LL.jlt 
march tsJC_c ^k) : yijL 

marshal, field marshal ^1. : J li, L. 

to swing; to sway 

to be or become dizzy, giddy j I j jo i_~-«1 : jU 

to procrastinate, put off, delay jji L. : jL 

leading to; conducive to, contributing Jj (<5 jjll) V£ 
to, contributive to; causing, resulting in, bringing 
about, giving rise to, producing 

to respite, grant (someone) a respite or Jji* ' : (i *\-» 
delay, give (someone) time 

*•- '. - ' - > 
sense, meaning, signification, sig- &ju. i jy ju : ^i, 

nificance, import, purport 

polite, well-mannered, mannerly, civil, o-4» : \Js'y 
courteous, urbane, well-bred, refined, polished, 
cultured, cultivated 

educator, teacher, tutor; discipliner *->M» : o ju 

banquet «~Jj :</jL 

matter; stuff; substance; material (ol jUj j£. ,-) ;jL 

ingredient, constituent, com- oy*-* :(i_-^^-Jl) SjU 

course, subject 

-- » 
article; clause, item, paragraph, l^u i xj : JjL. 

section; term, provision, stipulation; unit 
article, commodity £Jl. :ijU 

raw material; primary material iljjl sSL. < .U. ;jL. 
white matter [ ^jJS ] .Lipl sallt 

gray tco^"] £,^1 ji i^^~JI jt fljlLJI SjUI 

panegyrist, encomiast, eulogist; praiser, J±a : «. jL« 
commender, extoller 

material; concrete, not abstract, real, tangible; £$ jU 
corporeal, physical; materialistic; materialist 

materialism <JiU! i_iiil 

materialism; materiality 
dialectical materialism 


il'jil &UI 

harmful, injurious, detri- £f > ' j ^» : (tS ^ JJ-» 
mental, prejudicial, hurtful, noxious, clamaging, 
deleterious, nocuous, obnoxious, maleficent, evil, 
inimical, unwholesome, unhealthy; annoying, 





to touch; to be in touch with, in contact 
with, adjacent to, contiguous with 









urgent need, pressing need, dire need, i-L. o-U- 
crying need, urgency, exigency, emergency 

tragedy, drama Qjj li^U :i'LU 

tragic, catastrophic, calamitous, «_mu i *_»-li :cSjLL 

disastrous, heartbreaking, heartrending 

diamond C^l :<L.L 

mastodon <>>ji^» i»j-^ 0'>~»- : ujj>^«>U 

to cajole, coax, wheedle, sweet-talk 

bootblack, shoeblack 

(land) surveyor y^ljVI ^-.U 

wiper (jJJ Sjl!fjl rW-^) i ^ 1 — • : **r-^ 

founded, established, set up; instituted, ^Jll : Lr l<>« 
built, organized, formed 

founder, establisher 

foundation, establishment, institution, sllj 
institute, firm, business (firm), organization 


charity, charitable institution, phi Ian- <>j~>- 
thropic organization, eleemosynary foundation 
sad, regrettable, Lf .'i\ Jc c-*L t <_<-» pi 
lamentable, deplorable, unfortunate, pitiful, rueful, 
woeful, sorry, wretched, miserable 

accountant; bookkeeper ji U J I j I oLLJ- 1 <iL L. 

catch, click; latch 

pointed, tapered, tipped, piked v? -*-• : J-* >• 

captured, arrested, imprisoned, 1 > = j»1. < ujV"'- : j>«t» 
jailed; captive, prisoner 

r^i'y tiJ.lL. :«SL.L 


marshalcy, marshalship cLllijL 

margarine ^CJl ,jlLj| ^ ^ :Q;>^. n^jlftjL 

apostate, renegade, turn- s'uiLr. jl ,v j ^t o^ : JjL 
coat, tergiversator, defector, deserter 

- T - T i -*'>' 


trademark, brand 
Marxist; Marxian 
(rabbit) warren 
oryx; addax 
marijuana, grass 


iL 1,3 1 ill =^jL. 
ijjlj»j if jL 

to intermix (with), intermingle (with), JJU- :rjl* 
interblend (with), mix (with), mingle (with), blend 
(with), combine (with) 

to joke with, jest with, make fun Li I j i L Vy, : rji» 
with, banter with, tease, kid 

apron, coverall(s), duster; wrapper; jl jl « Sjjj : j)L* 
coveKing); veil; loincloth 

impasse, deadlock, logjam, stalemate, ii jj : Jjt. 
dilemma, predicament, plight, quandary, fix, jam, 
cul-de-sac, quicksands, deep water, bind, critical 
situation, corner, pickle, scrape, straits, bottleneck, 

gas oil; fuel oil jy ^J | L\J j : C>/jL 

kingfisher (j \1>) j/jL 

to walk with a swinging proud gait; to \j^ '■ w L* 
strut, swagger 





absorbency, absorptivity <u-ai~. :«-«isU 

past, bygone; last, ^^^-» . j;lt t JjL : (.-iUl) yiL 
previous, preceding, prior, earlier, onetime 

the past 


: <^ 


past, past tense, perfect, [iij] y^UI **??» ' ^f^ 

sharp, keen, cutting, acute, jJ»U i aU- : yiU 


advancing, progressing, making progress, Ujli yiU 

proceeding, under way, on foot, afoot, in progress, 

in process 

gflj-yjilll J 

last month 




it. I jjrlj-iU 

jUsLj Jalaw \jbyt 

rainy, wet 
framed, rimmed 

to procrastinate, stall, temporize, put off, <_i^- : JJ?U 

postpone, delay 

to melt, liquefy, deliquesce, dissolve J L <. u* I i : ^U 

goat (u'>r^-)jf^ 

mountain goat (u \y^ ) lM- I jf^» 

she-goat \o^y^~) »jf ^ 

ream (of paper) ( ii jj ) (J^ ^ 

utensil, implement; vessel, recep- »Uj 1 5bl io.^*^ 


lighter, barge, scow J.w> t ^-£ j> . vj^ : uj*^ 

lighter, barge, scow J.w> i ^ j» • <-?}* * «->>*l-> 

periscope J>» jII j^-? "**? 

* - -.» -. * >x 
moron, imbecile, idiot, simple- ,«-& < aL I < ,j*»- 1 : uy U 

ton; moronic, stupid, weak-minded, feeblemind- 
ed, imbecilic, idiotic, mentally defective 

to sob p~i '■ &*■» 

' ' *'"W ' ! 


captivated, fascinated, enchanted 
pipe, tube 
barrel, gun barrel 
masochist; masochistic 

• 'I 


J**" L 

mourned; the late, the late lamented, the <ulx cj^u 
departed, the deceased 

Freemasonic, Masonic; Freemason, Mason tjy^ 
Masonic lodge ,y^.U Jiaw 

Freemasonry, Masonry V^>-^ 

diamond y-ljl:,— -L. 

diamond jubilee or anniversary ,^-u J-j_>j 

Indian pea, gram (oLj) ^iU 

walking, going on foot; pedestri- Jsr-lj -(yfUl) yiL 
an, walker 

infantryman, infantry soldier, sliil ^ iS^r '■ u-^- 
foot soldier 

infantry, infantry soldiers 

C (j-**- 1 Jf'J 

-^iL. 4 (5j^r 

cr- L 


serrate, saw-toothed, notched, jagged j^ :^iy 

marked, checked off; stamped; signed; (*ult) J-'y 

officially endorsed; provided with a visa 

* - > 
indicator, needle, pointer; indication, sign; index jiy, 

price index jU-l J-y 

consumer ii-»i I <iii J.y i<Syl^'i\ jUl^l ji.^ 
price index, cost-of-living index 

lady's maid, tirewoman 
coiffeuse, female hairdresser 
livestock, cattle 

suction pump 



♦ ♦ 

food(s), foodstuffs, eatables, edibles, victuals 0IJ3SU 
makeup; cosmetics r\S It 

machine ill :*-— f ^» 

machinery (iliJi j 5jj-^ ^•y^) c^~* ' oL-i"lt 

hard-Qj^kj>l JiJI ji^^^O^lC . oL-fU 

(safety) razor; shaver ii")U- i~i'l* 

J_yi £>-lj - i]y :JU 

J_j*j «^»-Ij-J_j*j :ju 

to incline, slope, slant, «Ji^_. ^-i- bill* u^" : J^» 
skew, tilt, tip, cant; to be or become inclined, slop- 
ing, slanting, oblique 

to incline to, tend to, Jj "jlC. 0^ ' j^r : cij 3^ 
lean to(ward), be inclined to, have an inclination 
(tendency, propensity, predilection, liking) for, be 
favorably disposed to; to like; to sympathize with, 
feel sympathy for; to favor 

to take sides with, side with, J y^ : u jl J J JU 
favor, be partial to, be biased for, be prejudiced for 

to deviate from, depart from, jU- . dtj>J\ :,jc. Jl* 
turn away from, skew from, diverge from, digress 
from, divert from, decline from 

-0 * 
to turn away from, avoid, shun; y. J°j*-\ -.^y. JU 

to give up, abandon, relinquish, renounce 

to be disinclined to, be averse to; to haveojS" : (j. JU 
an antipathy (distaste, dislike) for; to dislike, hate 

Jo 5 

to decline, sink, be about to set (j-*—" ^^ 

to decline, draw to its end JJJI 3 \ jl+JI JU 

end, result, outcome, consequence, up- ix— 1 : JL« 
shot, issue 

return; resort 

property, possessions; estate; assets, j~& nill. : JU 
capital, fund(s); chattel(s), goods 

wealth, fortune, riches >ljj . 5jji : JU 

reserve fund yjUL^-l JU 

sinking fund d^^-^l JU 

O^J^4 % PJ J I PJ>^< 

sobbing, sob »__> 

disgusted, abhorrent, feeling abhorrence ji«-l> : CJU 

temporary, temporal, transito- ^i»-^ .^JUnI :cJiy 

ry, transition(al), provisional, interim, ad interim; 


transient, transitory, ephemeral, Ji I j . ^; U : cJy- 

momentary, evanescent, passing, temporal 

timed; scheduled; appointed, 
fixed, set 

temporarily, provisionally, ad 
interim, for the time being 

modus vivendi cJy- jujZ . <u»^i •u_j— >' 

-- J-' -'~V -- J-' 

certain, sure, definite, positive; confirmed, jo y 

affirmed, asserted, assured, made sure; established, 
proven, proved, corroborated; emphasized, stres- 
sed; emphatic 

■' J-V 

confirmatory, confirmative, confirming, p.**- : jS ^* 

affirmative, affirming, corroborative, probative, 

intensive; emphatic [iij] ji"^. 

to try to deceive ^lij jl c-jj-u ol Jj^- : jj « 

W^^lj-^jC :>U 

sly, cunning, wily, crafty, artful, designing, jlSCi '■£ It 
scheming, foxy, foxlike, vulpine 

to bargain (with), haggle (with) («^1JI j a.) y^U 
tollman, tax collector 


oxygenator; oxygenating 
oxidized, rusty 
oxidizer; oxidant; oxidizing 




■ y'T :i^"L 

eatable, edible, esculent JS - ^ ^JU . J5^ : J^U 




royal family i£LIL ilSlc 

proprietary CfS^^-" j' ^^ *»>* j i : («S^JL» 

motorized, motor; mechanized, automated; ^Jl : JJj^ 
automatic, power, power-driven, self-driven, self- 
acting, self-propelled, automotive 

motorized troops ill j> ol_ji 

.» » • * 
painful, aching, sore; causing (intense) £-*ry < ^ I : J>« 

pain; excruciating, agonizing, tormenting; distress- 
ful; grievous, sad 

melancholia, melancholy, blues » I j^- : Uy»J U 

familiar, customary, conven- o->>C» i jI^» : (J^JU 
tional, usual, habitual, accustomed, ordinary, com- 
mon, frequent, popular 

financial, monetary, pecuniary; fiscal JliU yaU- :^JU 


financier; financial expert 

fiscal year 

finances; finance 


public finance 

ill Li ii- 

JUJJ 'ij'jj £»-lj _i ^UI J*jj '"^1 Sjljj 

melancholia, melancholy, blues <. I j^- : Uy«J U 

to bleat Ui :Sllll ott ti*j'j-\ LL 


hope, expectation 

nationalizer; nationalizing 

(<-aij) 3~<U 

J?l fr'j - i>j" 

place of safety, safe place, secure i^lu i ^ i o^ 
place; haven, refuge, shelter, sanctuary 

ensured, secured, <Js- J-a»- i j»^« ' J^*« : j-«>« 
guaranteed; procured, achieved, attained, realized; 
obtained; provided; available 

insured, assured, ,j_.uJl> t^** < tj)-*-** : VV 1 *) cr*>* 

ill-gotten gains never prosper ^ jjj "il (I^LI Jlil 
J^ii. jjj-l j - (i-)JyL- jl* jl (i_)jyu.. (Jl_jll) JL. 



treasury, exchequer 

Jl.ll j jrlj-JUl ^.Ij «JL. ^.Ij 

Jtfjj '»j'jj £»"lj-JW jjjj 'JUl ijljj 

to help, aid, assist, support, back up jxL : SlL 

to side with, take sides with, be partial to, ^U- : "ilL 
show special favor for 


to eat with 

salty, salt, saline, briny 


formed, set up, established, insti- oy^> ' J>^- : i_i)^ 
tuted; made, created, built 

written, composed, compiled fye>y <■ v>^-> : *-a)j> 

composite, compound; united, j^-y i *-£ y : *-a! j> 
joined, combined, connected, linked, put together, 
merged, integrated 

consisting of, made up of, composed of ^ i_a) j> 
book, work, compilation, publication obi" : i_a) j> 



l+j ,jli»; 5ljl 




d U 



JJ J,5,J 

and those whose hearts are reconciled («*jj1> <ul^llj 


thousands and thousands 

iiJj> ij^l 

author, writer, penman; composer, compiler udyt 

4iJL< i J>L^ j^-lj-jjL** :JjJU 

trowel rtJ'- : JIj 

owner, proprietor, proprietary, liUil t^U :dJL 
possessor, holder 


er, landholder, landlord u^J^' ^^ 


(jlJI (JI^-]JJ) jlillliuL. 





tr** - 

to bestow (continual) favors upon J* J ji. i ; *w 
granter, donor, donator, giver JaL. injlt 

entertaining, amusing; entertainer, amuserj—. : u-Jy 

ir^-Ji '^" 'j ~ ' a ^*' t >-ft. J 1 i /r^-» ' !j»iy 

to oppose, resist 


i> jLt : jJU 

to object to, make objections to J* yi^d : jjL- 

prohibitive, prohibitory, forbidding, inter- »^>m : t^^ 
dictive, interdictory, banning, prescriptive; hin- 
dering; preventive, preventing; prohibitor, for- 
bidder, interdictor 

preventive, prophylactic, preservative, Jlj : j-iL- 


anti-, counter-, contra-; re- ^jU. i'jUi :(J) «jl. 

sisting; resistant 

deterrent, deterring; inhibitive, j>- 1 j i p- jl j : «JU 

inhibitory; deterrent, disincentive; check, restraint 

hindrance, obstacle, impediment, jJLt : «JU 

obstruction, bar, barrier; deterrent, disincentive; 

check, restraint 

objection J^j^ -f- 1 ^" 

contraceptive J*jJJ .Jl. 

I have no objection «_lU (^ J <_,_] i (^jLx «_Jl. "51 

- >> > 
antiseptic ii^i«JI «JU 

lightning rod jx-ljlaJI i«jL 

familiar, common, customary, usual, ci^J U : i_yyl» 
conventional, accustomed, habitual 

Manichaean, Manichean ^>*^ 

Manichaeanism, Manicheanism ij til* 

model, mannequin 

to mix (with) 

to abound in water 

to vie in skill with 



0-*** CT'J 

insurer, assurer; underwriter, insur- oil ^j-i : j*y 
ance company 

believer; faithful, believing 

a* 1 Jf 1 * : Lr»>* 
•' > « 
Commander of the Faithful, Calif t >~- , >^ j« I 

mammoth ,joj^* Jj : tliy U 

. t >\, 

ordered, commanded, directed, instructed; j.\ '-jylt 


servant ^jU- \jyu 

official, officer, civil servant; func- >_«J^ +, : , +,[* 


registrar, register, recorder 3a- j' 

'>• or 1 
• :"{- 

*AJ I Mil 

official receiver, receiver in equity, 

receiver (in bankruptcy) a iiu jy\* 

' ' ',•'>'}' 

commissioner of police, police^-J^i jl ii>^ jy\* 


.- « .. > >\, 
paymaster jaJ jl ci^o j^L. 

mission, commission, errand, i_j«- I j i <u^ : Oj^< U 
job, assignment, task, duty, function, office 

hoped (for), looked forward to, expected, yry '■ 6y U 

hope, expectation J-U <. Ji. I : Jj^U 

trustworthy, trusty, reliable, depend- <u £# : uy U 
able; honest, faithful 

safe, secure Jai- jJ. \oyX* 

to sustain, supply with provisions iljjil; Jj j : 6U 

to lie, tell a lie 

navel, umbilicus 
umbilical region 

oy >»-ij - o>« '-o^ 

oj>0 '. Oil 

feminine; feminine gender [ iJ J dJ_^. 

mango (oLj) ^uL> co^U iImJU 




"iJ7 J.-.: 

"aw ; 


twenty degrees centigrade, 20C Sjj^ *»■ jJ ujj-if 

XliU p-lj-ojU 

. -** *V 
supported, backed (up), advocated, champi- -u I : My 

oned, upheld; confirmed, affirmed, corroborated, 
sustained, seconded, endorsed, sanctioned, ap- 
proved, countenanced 

supporter, backer, advocate, advocator, ju I Jx-U : ±>_y» 
champion, upholder, patron, partisan, adherent, 
proponent, votary; corroborator, seconder, en- 
dorser, countenances sustainer, consenter, as- 
senter; pro-; supporting, backing (up), advocating, 
championing, upholding; confirmatory, confirm- 
ing, corroborative, corroboratory, aifirming, affir- 
mative, sustaining, endorsing, sanctioning, approv- 
ing, countenancing 
sanctions [u^J (ol-uyi g) ±i'y 

u*\* 'A 1 'r- 1 * 


maestro, conductor 


swimsuit, swimming suit, bathing o-L-JI ^y '■»&}* 

suit, maillot 

mayonnaise jy&\* 

dwelling, abode, habitation, house, home t j£_. : i (\Z> 

permissible, permitted, allowable, 9jj^ < _)5W : ^W* 
allowed, admissible, lawful, legal, licit, legitimate, 
authorized, unprohibited, unforbidden, unpro- 

public, common; free, open to 
everyone; ownerless 

d.,-H,.,» »- I j - (l^JV-* ^* J J»«) ^-fW' 

talk, discussion, conference, conferring, iJ j\ x. : *i»"L* 
dialogue, conversation; negotiation, parley; delib- 
eration; debate, argumentation 

ilU £>-!; -(llU Uj>.) CS^C. 

initiative, lead; (first or introductory) 5 1 jL< <■ oj^W* 
step or move; action, enterprise, undertaking; 
taking the first step or move; beginning, starting, 
initiation, origination 

tgy* ' f ^ : &* 


I j — 5 ou-» 

exchange, interchange, commu- Jj-uj' i JjU hJjL* 

~.TT 7-ggfelBB 

skilled, skillful, proficient, dexter- £jU i JiU- : j*L 
ous, adroit, adept; clever, smart 

qualified for, fit for, fitted for, ( J) jil : ( J) J*>» 
suited for, good for; habilitated, rehabilitated; 
eligible, competent, capable, able; worthy of, 
deserving, meriting, meritorious, worth 

qualifications, abilities, capabilities, aptitudes, o^wj* 
merits, accomplishments, attainments, acquire- 

to practice (one's profession) 
menial servant 

inhabited, populated 

quiddity, essence, essential nature, sub- j>yr '■ "4*^« 


... •, -f- 
shelter, refuge, asylum, retreat, sanctuary, L*L :iijU 

resort, haven; resting place 

dwelling, abode, house, habitation; ac- J£-a :c5jC 

commodations, lodgings, quarters 

orphanage fUi^' iSy* 

infirmary, old age hospital °>**W <Sy* 
metaphysical; extramundane i^L>J^ 

metaphysics iJljjL 

provisions, supplies, supply, store(s), ij^. « ii^. : «JJ>* 

hoard, victuals, rations 

-> • - ** V 
(war) materiel, ammunition, munitions ^.y oy 

centesimal iiil ^ Sl>>-I (j Jji»^» jl) J J (*- " : ii>-? 
centigrade (5 j I j « . ; J : ,. : <3 ^1. 

centennial, centenary 

centennial, centenary, 1 00th <Sy^ j^c < *j>^ <3jS ^ 

bicentennial, bicentenary, 200th Xlili Cy^ tijS'i 

percentage <s>>^« 


ur JjC 


coition, lovemaking, sex, carnal knowledge 

sold ^ :^Ul 

separation, isolation, setting apart "•■!; j i'n- iSjiUl 
or aside; spacing (out); alienation, estrangement; 
sowing of dissension 

sudden, unexpected, surprising, abrupt, ^>- lu :oiL* 
unforseen, unlooked-for, unpredicted, like a bolt 
from the blue 

surprising, surprise, taking un- c«iL j-ux. : ix*L« 
awares, taking by surprise, taking aback 

surprise, sudden or unexpected event sU-li« : iicL. 
or occurrence, bolt of the blue; sudden arrival; 
sudden attack 

mindful (of), heedful (of), ( J) C.jkl. : (_.) (^Lil) J Li 
attentive (to), observant (oO, concerned (about), 
interested (in) 

attention, care, heed, notice, »\^\ i £>\j£\ :'i*l[~t 
concern, interest 


exaggerated, overdone, overstated, A_j ^U* :a_j «JL« 
overdrawn, magnified; excessive, immoderate, 
inordinate, extravagant, exorbitant, extreme, 


exaggeration, overstatement 

hyperbole, intensiveness 

S^C :LJLi 
[iii] iilC. 



homage, pledge of allegiance 

induction, installation, install- ■_ ■ .- , ~ < ij^l : ioC 
ment, inauguration, appointment, assignment 

subject of a nominal sentence; [i«J] (iilJ- 1 ) I ■ ■ ' - 

beginner, novice, tyro, neophyte, freshman, £$.c 
tenderfoot, abecedarian, greenhorn; inexperienced, 
unskilled, untrained, fresh, green, raw 

tation; replacement, substitution; alternation 

barter, exchange, swap, truck, trade, i-ajli. : il jC 
trade-off; bartering, barter trade 

reciprocity; reciprocation, repay- JiiL iLU* :aJjL. 
ment, requital, paying back, returning in kind or 

J-i-* f*-lj - (J-L-* lAjji«) Jill* 

divorce by mutual consent ^\j^\t J^U» :SljL» 

' ~ ~ > , ,j 
contest, match, tournament; competi- iLL_. : S IjL« 

tion; race; examination, test 

game SljL. (^ tj*-) 

singles (tennis) i, j y ; I j L. 

final(s), play-off <U»U jl i-Jl^i SljL* 

finalist i-il^l SljLi J d)>Ll* 

departure, leaving, going away ~ 0J liiu. : £»-jL« 

duelist; fencer, swordsman, sword- jj\j Jx-U : jjLi 
player; fighter, combatant; competitor, contender, 

duel(ing); fencing, swordplay, swordsmanship; SjjLi 
combat, fight; contest, match, competition 

blessed; lucky, fortunate; auspi- Q } .,' . < Sjy : dijL* 


-• .'' *. . . ~> 
congratulations! best wishes! il ^vJJ SjLc : liljL. 

good luck! 

blesser; congratulator, felicitator, dJjLi Jxli ■dij'Ct 

blessing, benediction; congratula- iiij^ jj~a* :iS" jC. 
tion, felicitation, well-wishing; sanction, approval, 
endorsement, consent, assent 

direct, immediate; straightforward, forthright 





<Jt tS — ' '-JT 


court usher, crier, bailiff, tipstaff (<Sm j) _p,C 

~ > >*- 
indirect, circuitous, roundabout, devious ^iL. jJ. 

* • - *>'' -' i-' 

pursuit, practice, exercise, perfor- f ju i of :<> >£L« 

mance, carrying out, undertaking, taking up; be- 
ginning, starring), commencement, initiation 

directly, immediately, straightway, straight; i^L. 

sexual intercourse, copulation, coitus, p-Lj- :i«-«L* 


suppliant, supplicant; prayer, one who py-o^ : J*l«* 
prays; supplicating, entreating 

decided, determined, settled, re- Jj~ai< : ■*-» Cjy~» 
solved; finished, done 

& , > - ,1 , > 

venerable, honorable; revered, J>m i J_»o : J*w 

reverenced, Venerated, dignified, glorified, exalted, 
honored, esteemed, greatly respected, highly re- 

theme, subject, topic; field of research 9yoy '■ u>u 
or discussion; object of research 

research, research work; study; e-ay t i— I jj :^.-h,. » 

examination, investigation, in- 0-ay ' ltj- 5 : ^v 


^, j j , 

investigator; inspector; detective, secret c-a-L" Jj>- j 

agent, sleuth 

bureau of investigation ti*-U. <_j5L. 


vapori meter 


/h ... ' . ' J I <— J (j-LiJ o I J I .' j l*^-* 

jliu Jl JjLJI Jj_p«-j jlt»- : j U «...» 

censer, thurible j.j'v-' ' i j» J K* '■ 

fumigator j\^Ji> j^a^\ 'JC^ \iji^j> 

steamer j^v-^ ^ W- u^fj*-^ °' J ' '•*j*r' 

lucky, fortunate i^Jiiw : 0)>m 

principle; rule; precept, maxim, norm, S-u-U : la-* 
standard, rubric 

ideology; dogma; doctrine, tenet; belief, Sj 
faith, creed 

beginning, start; starting ( _ r .\— I t J^»l i ».y : I j— . 
point; origin; basis, foundation 

principles, rules, elements, J^»l < js.\j» : JjjC. 
fundamentals, basics, rudiments, essentials, fun- 
damental concepts 

contrived, devised, excogitated, j£4-* ' p-H-* : P ■ 
designed, fashioned; invented, innovated, origi- 
nated, created, made, conceived, introduced; origi- 
nal, new, novel, unique, unprecedented, uncopied 

- ' *> * - , - '. . 
creation(s), innova- f-J^> t^J- :(oLtai-. 

tion(s), invention(s), novelty (novelties) 


creator, innovator, inventor, 

maker, originator, author 

' .. -~ •> -.< 

heresiarch <jy>f ' *i*>» jl <*-4 ^u~* : P -^-r* 

trite, hackneyed, common, commonplace, J X. 
platitudinous, threadbare, banal, vulgar, everyday, 
workaday, stereotyped, overused, well-worn, 

cliche, platitude, com- ilJJL-. (<U~*» 1 5jL-t) Sj*-» 
monplace, bromide 

extortioner, extortionist; racketeer; (^-Ul J 1^1) 'J. 
bloodsucker, vampire; usurer; blackmailer 

premature, preco- oljjl J-J (>*-• y) iiol»- '^ 


^ ^ ' j 
smiling; smiler 

sought after, desired, 
wished for, coveted 

original, new, novel, unique, unprece- t-.r... : j>^_. 
dented, uncopied; invented, innovated, originated, 
created, made, introduced; contrived, designed, 

creation(s), inven- j£4-* ^lt- : (^'^-r* r) j^--* 
tion(s), innovation(s), novelty (novelties) 

creator, inventor, innovator, ong- p- j— . 4 c- .i; '. . : j^ " ; f 
inator, maker, author; contriver, deviser, design- 
er; creative, inventive, originative, original, imagi- 

afflicted with, hit by, stricken by, _> ,ii>l : _< ^1" ■ - 
smitten by, sorely tried by; suffering from 
rejoicing, jubilant, exultant; happy, d^-'j '■ - f° t 
glad, delighted, cheerful, joyful, joyous, jolly, 
merry, mirthful, gay, gleeful 



:■.:. "S r^»!V'VM-,^ 

exerted, made, put into action; sacrificed; J Ju : Jjju* 
given, granted; offered, extended; spent, expended 

pocketknife, penknife l...,*- t>^~ : » 'j^f 

pencil sharpener (.^lil);!.^ 

charity, charitable institution, phil- ijj~i- * ■ y ■ Sj-j 

anthropic organization, eleemosynary foundation 

J*. ^ 'J *~ Ji 'U^> ^" ' • o Jy* 

violent, intense, severe, acute, Ijl»- r-*ry <■ jjj^ : rj~> 
sharp, excruciating, agonizing, tormenting 

cooled, chilled; refrigerated; frozen 

j^t J^" ■ ^jr* 

i'I ■* >>' 

cooling, refreshing; chilling, j^o L. i j^ J*U : Jj-j 
chilly, frigorific, freezing; cooler; chiller; refrig- 
erant; radiator; air conditioner 

> ,.> * , « 

file, rasp 


"' 'T ■ 

■o t ) 

justified, justifiable, warranted, j^ 4j i e-^-t Ijj-j 
warrantable, well-grounded, well-founded 

justification, excuse, warrant, good rea- < ry~' ■jjr' 
son, reasonable grounds 

raison d'etre *yry\ jjr* 

unjustifiable, unjustified, unwarrantable, 4J jj~* i 
unwarranted, inexcusable, wanton, gratuitous, 

excelling, surpassing; superior; excellent, JyJL> :jj~i 
outstanding, distinguished, (pre)eminent, illus- 
trious, brilliant 

- .< -.> 
produced, presented, brought out, shown, jjA \jj*» 

exhibited, displayed, exposed; emphasized, stress- 
ed, accentuated; featured, given special promi- 
nence or added force 

exhibit (ol jj~a r) i'jj** i jj~« 

bribee; bribed ty^y '• S^j** 



granular, granulated, granulose, Jic^ 1 i_ 
grained, grainy 



: J*j- 

y-:- , - i :yi. i a':-^T-; r ?,■.?■■■ *•■.*■■■ -" — 

general principle 

a matter of principle 

in principle I j 

tentative; initial, original; basic, fundamental, ^j-a-j 
primary, main 

in principle; tentatively; originally, initially CJju-* 

scattered, dispersed, strewn about; ._-■"'- : j_uj 

disbanded, separated, dispelled, driven away; 
removed, eliminated 

wasted, squandered, dissipated, frittered j jL. : j jl> 
away, thrown away, lavished 

scatterer, disperser; dispersive, dispersing, cu^l. : j-l_* 
scattering, separative, separating 

wastrel, spendthrift, squanderer, waster, jl_. : jj_. 
scattergood, dissipater, careless spender; wasteful, 
extravagant, profligate, prodigal, lavish, profuse 

- ~. % . *> 

p- ■ >■ ' ■ ' ..■• Jt>-lj — p Ju-* 

changed, altered, varied, modified, -jL. :Jjl-« iJjl-j 

converted, transferred, transformed, transmuted, 

changer; alterant, alterative 

record changer 
gearshift, shift 



wasted, squandered, dissipated, frittered jal> :jJ-« 
away, thrown away, lavished 

squanderer, spendthrift, wastrel, waster, jju> :jJu* 
scattergood, dissipater, careless spender; wasteful, 
extravagant, profligate, prodigal, lavish, profuse 

house dress, negligee, undress, c~JI <->y : Ji— . 

casual dress; dressing gown, robe de chambre 

slippeKs), scuff, mule ijLL. » (_i»- 4 r-^jL : J1-. 

in his private life 4J ill* J 

sown; disseminated, spread, strewn jl> Jjjju* 





cigarette holder, mouthpiece 

tf " 

extended, outstretched, 1^- i jjju* : i»>— < 

stretched (out), spread (out), outspread; expanded, 
dilated; extensive, great, large 

happy, pleased, glad, cheerful; enjoy- j}j-+ : J»>-r« 
ing oneself, having fun 

preacher; missionary, evangelist, (*JJ yt-u) jl~t 



.- j* -j 

auspicious, favorable, propitious; boding j^ jl~* 

well, auguring well, of good omen; promising, 

encouraging, hopeful, bright 

• , * ,t 

grater, scraper; rasp jLA I « I j I : 5^* 

grated; rasped; scraped off; peeled, jy^* '-jy-r> 
skinned, pared 

fortune-teller, soothsayer, c.,-^11 tSj^ ' <->ljc : ^- a r* 
diviner, augur 

spittoon, cuspidor iUi. i ii^ : i£_a-i 

(dissecting) knife, scalpel, lancet ^1 J* I ^SC- : j-a-j 

outmoded, outdated, out-of-date, J^i* < j^m^ : JJ^« 
old-fashioned, antiquated, obsolete, out of use, in 

resolutory, revocatory, revoking, ji. i £_-li : JLl« 
rescissory, annulling, canceling, abolishing, invali- 
dating, nullifying; counteractive, neutralizing 


lined (coat, garment, etc.); filled, 

hidden, concealed, disguised, veiled, ^- : J>La 
covert, secret, esoteric, latent; implied 

suffering from an intestinal ailment <llL ^£Jj : 6>a*« 

disarranged, disarrayed, disor- cjjli. > (jt_j-i-» '■ j^* 
dered, disorganized, jumbled up, messed up, upset; 
upturned, overturned, overthrown, turned over; 
turned topsy-turvy, turned upside down 

scattered (about), dispersed, littered, Jju :J*~* 
strewn (about) 

teleprinter, teletypewriter 

variegated, multicolored, parti-colored; ,jiijl '■(J&_x* 
dappled, mottled, speckled 

veiled uwu : V^r* 

irrevocable, unalterable; irreversible; final, ^Jl+i : *>!• 
conclusive, decisive, absolute, peremptory 

ratified, confirmed, endorsed, -uk. JjLu : ^^ 
sanctioned, approved, adopted, passed, validated, 
legalized, upheld, sustained, maintained 

concluded, made, entered into 



programmed Cm^j 

J > i " '-Sir* 

l*i '" 

c-i.ii *n (jf* 

' &■* : S*-** 

*~> * - .-J 

programmer v-*y£ O* '• P-^jr 1 

proved, proven, demonstrated, c~-l* : ( *~±z) j^j^* 

established, substantiated, verified, shown 

filed, rasped \*jr?.) *J. '■ ^jr 1 

accepted (into the grace of God); blessed; right, jj^» 
correct, proper; valid, sound 

framed j^t* ' j^*^-? J»^»»* '•jjj»* 

twisted, twined, entwined, 
kinked, curled 

round, circular 

kr? : E>r? 

lancet, scalpel «,^'... i ^>j 

spittoon, cuspidor iLi. i iua^. : iijl* 

drill, gimlet, broach, perforator t_-U. : J^« 

faucet, tap, cock jy-«*> « *^»* : J>t? 

trocar, trochar 



simplified; simple, plain, uncom- J4I 
plicated; easy 





■'■ ■ -' ■ ■' .■-'■■■'■■■ ■:■■■.■■■. '.'-':■ ' < 

s-' .-:-> 

jJt J*li:^Ll 

confused, disconcerted, discom-tj^vA. « <jl>l* : JXi 
posed, disquieted, disturbed, perturbed, agitated, 
upset, uneasy, anxious, flustered; muddled, jum- 
bled, mixed up, unsettled, disarranged, disorga- 
nized, disordered, deranged 

paved (with flagstones or floor J»ilU (ji)>l : W't 
tiles), flagged, slabbed, tiled, floored 

paver, pavior, floorer 

amount, sum tlS : jll« 

extent, scope, range; limit; ii-Jj i j*- « J LL : ill. 

lump sum; fixed sum f^* 'A~* 

i-L »j»-Ij - .. liS" ill* iJJ 

detective, informer, informant jm : %L* 

denouncer, informer, informant ,^11 _j ; iL* 

> , *„* 
messenger, informant, informer, noti- 6yj '■ f^> 

fier, bearer of news 

wet, moist, damp; moistened, wet- 311. ( i_j> j : JL» 
ted, bedewed; dabbled, drenched, sparged, sprin- 

crystallized; crystalliferous JL. :jji~« 

crystallizer; crystalliferous J^, :j_jJLi 

JL-» a^-Ij-JL-. :J_jil< 

building, structure, edifice; premises 

tLi : 


* . f^ J *" ►'—->' ' ':.,', "'^ • t5*-r* 

form, structure, morphology JSli : 

style, phraseology, phrasing, js^JI o^i-l : 
wording, diction, expression 

foundation, basis 

^L.1 : 

<%fo -...■ . .. ?■!■■:■ ■■ ■■'.■v. 1 ,. 1 ■■■ a. 1 - .' T~ra 

wasted, squandered, dissipated jJL> :y B ,- 

removed, taken away, put aside, set aside; lull : jjill 
distanced, placed at a distance, kept away; sepa- 
rated, isolated, secluded; eliminated, disqualified, 
dropped, excluded; dismissed, sent away; driven 
away, forced out; kept off, driven back, repelled, 
repulsed; deported, banished, exiled, expatriated, 
expelled; deportee, exile, expatriate 

wasted, squandered, dissipated 

squanderer, spendthrift, wastrel, waster, jly : <i>«* 

sent, sent out, dispatched, for- 

envoy, delegate, emissary, legate J 
plenipotentiary jS^ £>y^* i il»- %ai I jlL. '<l>y^» 

dented, indented, notched 

brothel, bordello, bawdy house, s^lio 
whorehouse, house of prostitution 

c^ : c>*^ 


V f J r'j -( -'- u ' ' ^l* '*^j : <j*r* 

<j*r* £*-lj - »u>?* 

hater; hateful, spiteful, malicious, yo n-i 'J* '■ JaiL* 
resentful, full of hate 

taken aback, taken unawares, taken by o»~- : '1-y t 
surprise, surprised; flabbergasted, shocked, stunned, 
thunderstruck, dumbfounded, aghast, dumbstruck, 

(j n .ij *»- I j — (Joy+A 

* ' . * , 

causing tears, tearful, (<iyll) '&* <■ (j£A\) &* 
lamentable, sad, deplorable, mournful, grievous, 
miserable, heart-rending 

weeping place »ISCJ I o^C- : { Jf^, 

Wailing Wall jZl\ liU- 

early, premature, precocious jSy-. i J \> :jl>— « 

early, premature, precocious; going early, JS^a i^ 
coming early, doing early 

early; prematurely; soon; early in the morn- IjSC-. 

( 1 J*?-* 

night; overnight stay or stop 
night-shelter, lodging, housing jC-. t cSjU 

- ** i-> 

contrived, schemed, plotted, intrigued; 
hatched; premeditated, prearranged, prepense, 
aforethought, planned beforehand; harbored, hid- 
den, concealed 

destructive, ruinous, eradicative, JL» i j»-U : 
annihilative, extirpative, extinctive; deadly, death- 
ly, lethal, pernicious 
herbicide oUCJI jl oUi'ill x-~. 

bactericide, germicide, microbicide; ^ljJ-1 x-- 






ovaritis, oophoritis 

whitener, bleach 

bleaching powder 


tinner, tinsmith, tinman 


whitish; white 

fair copy 

ovarian, ovarial 





"j i 

ijA- » U (J' »n. r^l 
j4Xm« '■ c* n .'. : * 

U'jxA-l ^ n^ ■ * 

tL* : *— « 

sale, selling, vendition j-j : ^* 

sale(s), sold quantity i*Q I i-lXJ I < *-l! jlxill : j-^ 
turnover *r^i °W 

sales manager oL-i j>>x. 

shown, demonstrated, manifested, j&\ i ^ : j|L» 

anesthetist, anesthesiologist 


s' ' j .- 

built, constructed, erected, set up, put up, x-i-. : ,-Uj 
raised, reared; built up, developed, created, estatv 
lished, made, formed 

based on, founded on, grounded on, J* <^--« 

resting on 

indeclinable, uninflected, with an [ iJ ] ' 

indeclinable ending 

joy, delight, pleasure, happiness, delight- o^l* < n*-* 
ful thing; splendor, magnificence, pomp 

l - ' " . •' 

ornate, gaudy, tawdry, showy, flashy, meretri- rjf-r* 
cious, flamboyant, florid, overdecorated, tinsel, 
garish, chichi, ostentatious, rococo, flaunting, 
frippery, pompous, cheap, inartistic, bespangled, 
tinseled, adorned, embellished, ornamented, 
bedecked, garnished 

obscure, vague, ambiguous, equivocal, J*»\i- : ^~t 
unclear, dark, dim, misty, hazy, abstruse, recon- 
dite, unintelligible, inscrutable, incomprehensible, 
unfathomable, impenetrable, cryptic, enigmatic, 
mysterious, mystic(al) 

pij^ J |^-» i_-<a* 

astonished, amazed, astounded, flab- oy~ • : Ciyt** 
bergasted, bewildered, shocked, startled, stunned, 
dumbfounded, thunderstruck, dumbstruck, speech- 
less, aghast 

dazzled, dazed; overwhelmed, over- (»JJ jlalll) j>*~* 

breathless, out of breath, y-iJ I « hi:. : j^~» 

panting, gasping 

classified, classed, categorized, tabulat- i. «: „ -i . : u>>j 
ed, arranged, assorted, grouped, graded; divided 
into chapters or sections 

diuretic J>Jl) j ju : il j--« 

chamber pot, potty, pot, urinal **i Jll> *W :<1>~? 

urinal, latrine, toilet, water Jjr-^ 0^-* : *Jjr? 

closet, WC 

spending or passing the %} <*\i)i\ t oU j 

staying behind; back; occurring later, happening 

backward, underdeveloped; re- j>Lz« j~c : j»-u* 

tarded, slow; old-fashioned 

-. > .' t -. > * y> 
overdue, outstanding, back, ujj Jj j.i>7..,.. : y-o 

unpaid, unsettled 

defaulter; in arrears, behindhand, o J I ^c j»- L* 

later, modern (authors, etc.) ( jj I Oy^'y) 0j>-^* 

arrears, unpaid balance, overdue [ <L-U ] o l^-ll* 

adjacent, contiguous, adjoining, abut- Jj*»!JU : «*•£« 
ting, bordering, touching, borderline, neighbor- 
ing, proximal, proximate, in close contact (with), 
having a common border (with), next (to), close 

adjacency, contiguity, juxtaposition, i*U}L : i**-L. 
touch(ing), neighborhood, proximity, proximate- 

slow, deliberate, unhurried, easy(going) J t -'- : >'"? 

fluctuating, oscillating, vacillating, vibrating, «j»j!L 
rocking, swinging, swaying, seesaw(ing), teetering, 

truce, armistice; suspension ^ jL i »»U> i <io* : CjL* 
of hostilities; peace 

cooperating, cooperative, collaborating,uj^* -jj^-» 
collaborative, synergic, synergetic, working togeth- 
er, helping one another; cooperator, collaborator 

*'-■' - ,"> *v> 

aggravated, critical, com- jyu t rj>- i J<jlL> : »}L« 

plicated, strained, tense 

deep-rooted, deep-seated, innate, inveterate, Jle iL 
inherent, ingrained; chronic 

effects, goods, wares; chattel(s), (i»i. I ^) pL 

(personal) property, personalty, belongings, 

equipment, gear, supplies, baggage JLJl 


'- . » 

, suitcases, c-JU*- :>- i»L.I 

trunks, valises 

rubbish, trash, junk, lumber pi 

troubles, difficulties, hardships, discomforts, 

1=11 J. 

displayed, exhibited; revealed, disclosed, exposed; 
made clear; explained, illustrated; indicated, stated 

indicator, needle, pointer J.'^* \ J^, 

* > - 

the Koran, the Holy Koran j^JLl <_jL53 I 

to stretch, extend, expand, spread L : c-j 

to be related to, relate to, be asso- iLa* *Jl o- 
ciated with, be connected with, have to do with, 
belong to 

when? at what time? 
when, whenever 
till when? how long? 

r c*- 



continuation, continuance, ilUl^. i < » l ■•- , .. I ; ^ l~< 
continuing, going on, carrying on, proceeding; 
resumption, recommencement 

-.' .--.'•> 

following; follow-up, follow-through; ii>-^L. : £Jbi 
pursuit, pursuing; chase, chasing, trailing, tracking, 
tracing, running after, going after 

*> ",'> 

watching, observation, seeing; ^-j j i iJI^. : iuli. 
examination, study, inquiry 

agreement, consent, assent 

prosecution, suing; suit, legal action ;U»U> : iuli> 

affected; influenced, acted upon, pas- <ui jjj* :J)jj, 
sive; impressed, moved, touched, stimulated, ex- 

burning, blazing, flaming, deflagrating ■. t "l- : «-ul 

merchant, dealer, trader; trafficker j>-U : >r^* 

exploiter; profiteer tJ^i£Ll :j»-b. 

trade, commerce, business, traffic; trad- ojIm : S^i-li* 
ing, trafficking, dealing 

exploitation; profiteering J ^i.:.'- 1 : J^i- li* 

available, obtainable, accessible, at JjLdl j : r\z* 
hand, handy, within reach, open, at one's disposal 

granted, given, offered, presented i Jtuu> : ^L. 

predestined, foreordained, preordained jXL. : »L. 
late; belated; delayed; tardy; behind, lagging, >-li« 


aureate, orotund, stilted, turgid 

ready, prepared, all set; on the alert, alert(ed), uJ»u« 
combat-ready, on call, on the mark, in a go condi- 

,«, > *,**> *' .' _ '. 
maze, labyrinth °jz** •■***• iSy-i :**l— • 



the Shia(h), the Shiites 

conferee; participant in a con- «*« u> 
ference (discussion, talk, etc.) 

mutual, reciprocal; exchanged 


alternate angles <j^ ■> 

contestant, compe-yJUl. < tSjli [y : (<5jCHl) jl-i 
titor, contender, rival, racer, participant (in a con- 
test, competition, match, tournament, race, etc.) 

*'-■> ''» i-'' 
separate; diverging, divergent, i_.«,':« < J,,™;. : j*Ui« 


far, faraway, far-off, distant, remote _uju : acll^ 

different, dissimilar , - 


1 l-tl...T«.» . Jl£l 

discordant, disharmonious, i_jjLiL. c j» Li» : j*Lii 

alienated, estranged »UJ-I jl j^i^lj (~-^-« : J-cL— . 

infrequently, at wide intervals 5acQ< olyi J 

proud, boastful, vainglorious; j»-li^ ^^Ldl) sLi* 
ostentatious; braggart, boaster, show-off 

different, differing, dissimilar, dispa- <_i l .:. ^ «.. : jtS~-» 
rate, discrepant, varying, contrastive, conflicting, 
inconsistent, incompatible, incongruous, contra- 
dictory, disagreeing, opposed, contrary 

celibate, chaste, sexually abstinent <JlJlc i <_>^c 


braggart, boaster, brag, braggadocio, swaggerer, ■?*?>** 
windbag, gascon, swashbuckler; boastful, swagger- 
ing, bragging 

well-versed (in), conversant (with), ^»Zj> :(j) j*~-t 
skilled (in), proficient (in); erudite, learned, well- 
informed, scholarly, profound; authority, expert 

strutting, swaggering, prancing, mine- JL»m :^ t.* .. t « 

inconveniences, problems; efforts, pains, strains 

acclimatized, adapted, adjust- \JiSs* < .iL:„. : Jj^U 
ed; adaptable, adaptive, adjustable 

sure, certain, positive, convinced, confi- Jilj : Ji L« 
dent, assured 

oxidized, rusty jl^IIj 

corroded, eroded, worn, eaten away, Js 11* * JSXju 
fretted, abraded 

harmonious, in harmony, in agree- i_*Uj- : i_»J Li« 
ment, in accord, in tune, harmonic, symphonic, 
symphonious; friendly, intimate, close, familiar; 
united, combined, joint, coalescent 

shining, bright, brilliant, radiant, flashing, «-«^ : jJlL 
sparkling, dazzling, beaming, glittering, glistening, 
refulgent, lustrous, luminous, resplendent; glorious 

feeling pain, in pain, suffering (pain), 9yr'y> '■ rjfc* 
aching, painful, sore; agonized, anguished, excru- 
ciated, tormented 

conspirator, plotter, in- \J* \'yU ii'J.\£\ Jlu : j*\^U 
triguer, schemer, conniver 

imperious, domineering, authoritative, ±jL*:J»\iu 
masterful, tyrannical, dictatorial, bossy, fond of 
giving orders 

meditating, reflecting, pondering, musing, j£i- : J!» u« 
contemplating, cogitating, speculating, thinking; 
meditative, reflective, pensive, contemplative, cogi- 
tative, thoughtful; thinker 

slow, deliberate, leisurely, nnhnr-J|,-.-( ,l-||) y|^ 
ried; patient; careful 

solidity, strength, firmness, sound- iy i i>%o : «jll» 
ness, toughness, sturdiness, substantiality; dura- 
bility, enduringness 

effeminate, unmanly, feminine, worn- ^i~l*L : iJ u« 
anish, womanly 

dressed up, spruced up, dolled up; elegant, Jiu* 
fashionable, stylish, dressy, chic, neat, smart; fas- 
tidious, dainty, squeamish, overnice; dandy, fop, 
dude, swell 

flowery, florid, euphuistic.llkJj I Li 'jtjjlLjC^l^. 
bombastic, grandiloquent, pompous, high-flown, 



adopted son or child 
followed (by), succeeded (by) 

principal, master, boss, chief, head, 

leader, superior, senior 

. »•- ••-■ , 

suzerain (state) icj_^. iljj 

successive, consecutive, se- J«e\yJ> i Jl^. : «_jlHl» 
quent, sequential; continous, continual, contin- 
ued, uninterrupted, unbroken, unceasing, inces- 
sant, running, constant 

successive, consecutive, t.JiU^i Jly^ :( ( Jl^ll)JLi« 
sequent, sequential; continuous, continual, con- 
tinued, uninterrupted; unbroken, unceasing, inces- 
sant, running, constant; alternating 
progression; sequence; series <J\'+u -ii'll"". 

arithmetic progression 
geometric progression 

complementary, integral, integrated; J-lsi. :»l~^ 
complete, whole, total, full, perfect, consummate 
yawning; yawner . '<('■'■■', 

sluggish, indolent, lazy, slothful, slack, jJL 
slow, dull, lumpish, heavy 

isomeric; isomer 

homogeneous, identical, similar, JjU^-. : ^ b*l» 
alike, akin, cognate, having the same kind or 
nature, the same in structure or quality, homolo- 
gous, analogous, comparable, corresponding, cor- 
respondent, conformable, uniform, consistent 

Homoptera Cj\j1A-\ j* i-Jj ro^'il ol—jU^f 

inclined, slant(ing), oblique, JiL. i <_»jji_ \ui> 
skew, bent; deviating, swerving 

responsive, responding, reacting i ■» •.•..,.. : i_j 

favorably or readily 



passing, going past, leaving 


ing; strutter, swaggerer, prancer, mincer 

changeable, changing, variable, un- 
steady, inconstant, unstable, fluctuating, wavering 


contributor, donor, donator, 
grantor, giver 

j l« 1 1 

■^'j : t-X L ' 

t-. -> t--> 

in bud 

complaining, repining, grumbling, 
grumbly, grouchy 

smiling; smiler , 

discerning, shrewd, perspica- l _ t i^ t jk.H .l..«j • j -* "- 
cious, endowed with insight, perceptive, pene- 
trating, clairvoyant, percipient, acute, keen, sharp, 
astute, clear-sighted; prescient 

i ' ' ' *i ' ' ' 

unemployed, jobless, JJmJL* i J**JI j* J-j»U- • J *• : " • 
workless, out of work; idle, inactive, faineant, 

observed, complied with, followed, adhered to; « ■ " - 
adopted; prevailing, prevalent, common, current, 
popular, accepted, established, practiced, general, 
usual, customary, conventional, habitual, familiar 

spiced, seasoned JjIj^ V[ c-i-J>l :J^» 

, • , » °, ' * 

uM-r* y ^j ~ l M :■ ' '■* 

# ^ ~ * ° *~ * f'' J 
acclimatized, adapted, adjusted; *y^ t JjL. : Jul* 

used to, accustomed to, habituated to, inured to, 

seasoned to 

. 1 ■ ' ■ ' , • w-c t j. L .. ' . ' .« ji 

s '' it''* 

*,-> • -. 
j 1 ■ ' ■ ' . • • j >^: -' ' -< 

crystallized; crystalline 
amorphous, uncrystallized 

crystallized; crystalline 

amorphous, uncrystallized 


adopted; espoused, taken up, embraced; 

> > • ' * - ' ' . 



[oL^oljjj <t»i^ <~*5 

sullen, glum, morose, sulky, surly, (**■>! I) c4^> 
gloomy, grim; frowning, scowling, glowering, 

wandering, roving, roaming, Jl^»- 1 ol^i. : J>m1< 
walking about, traveling, strolling, ambulant, 
ambulatory, peripatetic, itinerant; traveler, rover, 

£{j £rlj-J 


to draw (water) from a well 

to pump 

loving one another, friendly, on good terms, y \»*U 
concordant, harmonious 

twined, entwined, twisted, interwoven, inter- dLl*i« 
laced, intertwined, intertwisted, interlocked, knit- 
ted, meshed, snarled, tangled 

corroded, eroded, worn away, abraded, ■_-— - : Ol>u 
fretted, scraped off, excoriated 

warring, belligerent, militant, fight- J: Ui, : o, 1*L 
ing, at war, in a state of war, engaged in warfare 
allied, confederated) uill»L 

discriminating, prejudiced, jJU- ty^> :J*ls»L« 

biased, partial, one-sided, ex parte; unfair, unjust, 
inequitable, wrongful; oppressive 

dialogist, interlocutor, talker, con- ci^-Cl. :jjl*l* 
verser, conferee 

neutral jjlk. i JjUL. : juU«i« 

petrified; fossilized 

antiquated, outmoded, out-of-date, L 
old-fashioned, obsolete, fossil 

fossil, fogy; ossified, jSLjd\ \+»:j < 
narrow-minded, old-fashioned, fusty, highly con- 
servative, illiberal, intolerant, fanatic, bigoted 

stony, stonyhearted, jy^^ jl jIJJI ^-^ 

hardhearted, heartless, ruthless, cruel, pitiless, 
merciless, unfeeling, tough, callous, thick-skinned, 

behind, overtaking; going beyond, overstepping; 
exceeding, surpassing, transcending 

trespasser, transgressor, en- J»ju i XJu> :jj'->-* 
croacher; trespassing, transgressing, transgressive, 
encroaching on; overstepping, exceeding, excessive 

overlooking, -r^oi^jc ^iU;.. :^. jji. 

disregarding, condoning, conniving at, letting pass, 
letting go unpunished, forgiving, excusing 
haughty, arrogant, proud, over- V"' ■ t JSs^ '-J^U 
bearing; tyrannical, despotic; tyrant, dictator, des- 

renewed; revived, regenerated; new, novel, ' '-•-> 
fresh; modern, up-to-date; progressive, progres- 
sing; evolving, evolutionary 

store, shop; boutique IsJ^y "S 3 ^ : J^* 

department store; supermarket j±£ ' 

'jl~ : 

' **- '- 

5jl>t» k>- \j ■ 

■ L. 

impartial, fair, just, objective, un- y*iL* jJ. : J/v* 
prejudiced, unbiased, detached, evenhanded 

frozen, frosted, iced, icy, i JjjJU .>■>>'>,. : jlU^. 

ice-covered, glaciated, congealed 

frozen, frosted, congealed, iced, icy, (iijjJi,) .u->:. 

hard, solid, rigid, stiff, inflexible 

coagulated, clotted; congealed; cur- 


£--* '( j "' '?* * •' ( j" -'- > >» 



going to, heading for, headed for, bound for, <J1 
destined for, proceeding to; tending to, directed 
to(ward), oriented to(ward); aiming at, aimed at 




museum (oi»-ti. r)<-i»^» tuiiw 

ready, prepared, all set; ready to <_-*u« t a..1...« : ji»il« 
jump (run, start, move, etc.); on the alert, alert(ed), 
combat-ready, on the mark, in a go condition 

reserved, self-restrained, aloof, J»u»m i j^** : .>"-■" - 
reticent, standoffish, close, taciturn, secretive, un- 
communicative, incommunicative, incommunica- 
ble, discreet; cautious, careful, wary 

sure, certain, positive, o^r-* ' lV ' i ' •" *~* • JM^-* 
confident, convinced, assured 

materialized, actualized; realized, o*U i _>»-lJ :,j>i»^ 
achieved, fulfilled, effected; true, right, correct; 
confirmed, affirmed, established 

arbitrary, despotic, autocratic, jJcj, i j ..:.'...» : &j*U 
absolute, dictatorial, tyrannical, highhanded, 
imperious, domineering, authoritative, masterful, 
bossy; despot, autocrat, tyrant, dictator 

enthusiastic, zealous, ardent, fervent, u »-"- 

passionate, impassioned, fervid, strenuous, fiery, 
warm, hot, ebullient, eager, keen, eagerly intent, 
much interested; enthusiast, zealot, fanatic; ardent 
supporter (backer, advocate, champion, adherent, 
follower, etc.) 

changeable, variable, Ojk- ' i-^- ' j^~- '■ uy*-> 
changing, changeful, unsteady, inconstant, fickle, 
unstable, wavering, whimsical, capricious, volatile 

partial, one-sided, ex parte, v^*-* ' <~}j*+ '■ 
aligned, biased, tendentious, prejudiced, unfair 

weak, languid, flagging, droopy, <■■■■,/> : J iUi* 

drooping, effete, spineless, nerveless 

quarreling, engaged in a quar-o jla^L. c s- jLi. : moImI* 
rel, at odds, in disagreement, at variance, disput- 
ing, arguing, wrangling; fighting, warring, militant 

litigant, party((5^t j j) ,_^>liLi i Jj^i i _a»- : ~*»l»«^. 
(in a lawsuit) 

*' '' 

coagulated, clotted; curdled, curded; con- J>\p- \£XU 

gealed, thickened, solidified, inspissated) 
graduate, alumnus »/- : -r jHU 

insensate, brutal, deadened 

fossil j>*»"' : »»•■"• cA»j _jl ul>^ 

challenger, defier; defiant, challenging (^j^A\) j^it 

united, combined, joined, joint, consoli- ±*-y 
dated, integrated, merged, amalgamated; incor- 
porated; standardized, uniform 

the United Nations 5a*dl ^M 

the United States of ZS'j* II I ; j*lll oU ^ 


spokesman; speaker, 6^u i JsCi* i jJ>U : ii«j 
talker, relator, narrator, teller; interlocutor; con- 

i-> . * . **- '> 
descendant; descending from, ^u J^l ^ jjlm!< 

descended from, born from, originating from, 
coming down from a stock or source 

pedant; pedantic J^-J^ £>* '■ JfJ J»" 

liberal, broad-minded, jjSClJ I ,y I «-,lj i ^-^ : jj*i* 
open-minded, large-minded; progressive 

freed, liberated, released, un- f i jj»* : jj»w 
chained, relieved; manumitted, emancipated; free; 

moving, movable, mobile, locomotive; motor; dJ^»«l» 


drawbridge, movable bridge <li , 



animated cartoon, car- OjmJ jj^> i o 


partial, biased, prejudiced, one-sided, 

ex parte, unfair 

party follower or member; t-> 'y>- i o 

partisan, adherent, supporter, backer, advocate, 


regretful, sorrowful, sorry, sad.ul^.^- i *-«+'■ " ■' :j_»«i» 
grieved, heartbroken, brokenhearted 

civilized, civil, cultured; urban, urban- 0-J 
ized, citified; urbanite, townsman 


A • •• 

I-., |T«I » 

""y#";j.g; ; j »"«« :vjkBi 

sated, glutted, gorged, full; dyspeptic, suffering 
from indigestion 

«- -r 




imagined, fancied, conceived, ideated, jy^^ '■ Js*~* 
envisaged, visualized, pictured (in the mind), envi- 
sioned; thought, supposed, assumed 

* ii-' i **-:-•- ,*-. v 

overlapping, imbricate, tlLL^* it-i"!^ : J^l^l* 
superimposed; interpenetrated; interlocked, inter- 
twined, interlaced, meshed; intergraded, merged, 

tottering, faltering, threaten- JiiL* : (^1 aiil) £'-£* 
ing (ready, likely) to fall or collapse, tumbledown, 
dilapidated, ramshackle, shaky, rickety, unstable, 
unsteady, insecure, precarious 

litigant, party ^j <.^a±- 1 <jilii« : ^'- x ~ 1 

close together, close to each other, (yjljdl) u'-d 
near each other 

current, circulating, in circula- ^ j 1 1 1 ^J I j : J j I ■£* 
tion, widespread, common, general 

colloquial, slang, ver- ^.l* i \^ A ' £j' J : Jj'-^ 


covered with, wrapped in j jjJ-> '.-^ >a^« 

meddlesome, interfering, intervening, JiJaL. :Jj^XU 
'interposing, intermeddling, intrusive, obtrusive, 
nosy, prying; meddler, interferer, intervenor, in- 
terposer, intermeddler, intruder, obtruder, prier 

intervenor c£>* J J (^^ J*j" ) J^- x ~' 

accomplice, accessory (**>r J) J*"-*** 

accessory during the fact J*»JI *LSI Jj-jX* 

accessory after the fact J**" ■**» J*"-"^* 

accessory before the fact 

trained, drilled, schooled, practiced, 

lignified; woody; wooden; stiff, rigid, hard i 

specialized (in); special- ^}y^- \ <■ u°^** : w) u nA ^"" 
ist; expert; technician 

overstepping, going beyond; jjU^ : ( <t ^»»^il) i»»^» 
exceeding, surpassing, transcending, outreaching; 
overreaching, extending beyond; passing, going 
past, leaving behind, overtaking; transgressing, 
transgressive, trespassing, encroaching upon; 
transgressor, trespasser, encroacher 

swinging, swaying, vacillat- ojjjLJ t 7»r^ : y»*-» 
ing, oscillating, oscillatory, vibrating, vibrant 

strutting, prancing, swagger- JLji* 4 jf**P- 

ing, mincing; strutter, prancer, swaggerer, mincer 

disguised, in disguise; masked, mas- (,«i3»dl ) 
queraded; incognito; hiding, concealing oneself 

abandoned, relinquished, jy*+* ' <^Jj~* : *-* ir*"*-* 
surrendered, yielded, renounced, forgone, waived, 
disclaimed, ceded, left, dropped; abdicated; for- 
saken, deserted, desolate, derelict, forlorn 

5- J *-_ - * 

•law «Jf Ij — V»fci« 

lagging, falling behind, staying behind, _^i_. : aiWli 
remaining behind, dropping behind; tarrying, lin- 
gering; failing to 

absent; absentee; truant j>-"-' s " '- lt ^"-* 

defaulter; in arrears, behindhand, «j J I ^ oiL*^. 

defaulter >UiiJI (.Ul J^iil ^ i_*L»>,:» 

*'\ '' '•' f' '' 
underdeveloped, backward, jy>^-* j^- '■ i~»«*i» 


retarded, defective; retardate U 


j id). 

,| Llic i.«It»7» 

I> *») i_al-»»7» 

remaining, left over, left; residue, leftover, rem- 
nant, remainder, rest, surplus, overplus, remains; 
waste, scrap, offal 
intervening, intermediate, interposing Ja-^i. : JJuw 

permeative, pervasive, perco- dj^* c i»U : Jli»i-. 

lating, interpenetrative, infiltrative, penetrative, 


satiated, satiate, overstuffed, stuffed, (•>" • (*"*■* 



slack, droopy, drooping, sagging, (,> I 'j± I ) f \'jl» 
languid, flagging, indolent, inactive, lazy, dull, 
sluggish, slothful 

synonymous; synonym <J.»I^. :LJi\jit 

barricade, bulwark, (jjUl ^ *j j"'„.> pli jAJ) ^Iji* 
rampart; mound; parapet 

bolt, latch, lock, bar oLJ 

- s„ '-- '■• 

correspondent JiL^II -u* JjCj <j* :<u Jl»f^* 

compact, close, tight; compacted, pres- yL. :{jo\jL» 
sed tightly together, compressed, closely packed, 
serried, crowded together, crammed, rammed 

stratiform, strati- ijatu <J^i U-^-*-' oU-J» j j 
fled, tiered 

aligned, lined up, standing in r_«Jala.« : i 

well set, compact, (ol^-^J ***°) >.<i-,» : ui-»l^ 
well strung, regularly set 

accompanying one another; J»j \jj> < » j'iL. : jjlji* 
going together; joined, associated, coupled 
conjugate [oUiLj] Jil^i. 

overlapping, imbricate; superimposed, super- ^S \jL$ 
posed, overlaid 

concentric £i\ j*a. :'J>\'jU 

accumulated, amassed, piled up, ^.jSc^ : £ \jL> 
heaped up; accumulative, cumulative 

wide, vast, exten- <J>\ Jt>^i\ ^\ jj. t.\^\ jl\) ^\JL» 
sive, expansive 

ranging (from. . . to, between. . . and); varying r- _j I J^» 
(between); alternating, alternate; fluctuating; sway- 
ing, swinging, wobbling 

well-bred, well-mannered, cul- ui^ : (y»>lil) ojl* 

tivated, cultured, refined, polished, mannerly, 

polite, urbane 

a > - •/ 

dusty, full of earth vLh ' J^ '• ^j~» 

poverty, destitution, need(iness), indigence jti : Zt'ju 

(sitting) cross-legged (t?£r J) Hs-* 

resulting (from), (jt) ^JU i {^t) J^U : {Ac.) <-Jj^ 
resultant (from), consequential) (on), following (as 
a consequence) (from), attendant (upon), ensuing 
(from), deriving (from), arising (from), springing 

skilled, experienced; trainee 

accustomed to, used to Ac s^l. : Ac i_, 'j'xj> 

progressive; graded, gradated, graduated ^jlu : rjs^t 

trained; trainee, apprentice J'l-"- i Oj*^ '■ rj^-* 

tuberculate(d), tubercled, tubercular, tubercu- uj sL 
lous, tuberous 

flowing out, outflowing, <S-f\y* 'i>^J ' j^- '■&•£* 
effluent, torrential, streaming, welling out, 
spouting forth, spurting, gushing forth or out, 
effusing, issuing forth, jetting, pouring out or forth, 
shooting out, breaking forth or out, bursting forth 
or out; running, incessant, continuous 

suspended, pendent, pendulous, ^L. ^Joill) lljul 
pensile, hanging, dangling, droopy, drooping, 

low; fallen, dropped; £5 jj 1 Ja^. : (^jdl) u'xu 
descending, falling, dropping, sinking, declining; 
low-grade, low-level, inferior, poor, bad 

deteriorated, deteriorating, yi"~' ' h-i- ij^»XL» 
decadent, declining, degenerate, slumping, retro- 

*- -*-■ 
religious, pious, godly, devout «• jj : ^ XU 

* - -> .- -» 

oscillating, oscillatory, vibrating, vi- J&*Zj. ioJujCI* 

brant, swinging, swaying, pendulous, vacillating, 
wavering, wobbling 

hesitating, wavering, faltering, iiju ioJujl^ 

vacillating, double-minded, irresolute, undecided, 
indecisive, uncertain 

remembering, remindful, mindful, recalling JiXU 

servile, subservient, submissive, slavish, s-yj- :JJJlI« 
obsequious, cringing, abject 

complaining, nagging, repining, grum- ,'J^:J»XL, 
bling, grumbly, grouchy; complainer, nag(ger), 
repiner, growler, grumbler 

meter J>LU u-^i* '-J** 

correlated, correlative; interrelated; connect- lu \JL» 
ed, linked, associated, related, attached, united, 
coupled, joined, joint; inseparable, inherent; 
coherent, cohesive, well-knit, consistent 

deliberate, leisurely, slow, careful o^-* : ((ijj^O Jj-* 

subway, metro, underground (jijjl o^u jll»i :j>^ 

metropolitan, archbishop [ i-J Ijwm ] c~Ayi}jL» 

abandoned, relinquished, re- J*** i j^**. : tOj^* 
nounced, forsaken, deserted, derelict, desolate, for- 
lorn, unfrequented; left out, omitted, neglected, 

left over, left, remaining, residual; JL i tLai : dj^ 
remainder, remnant, residue, rest, leftover, re- 
mains, surplus, overplus, remaining part 

metrical) iSJ^t 

the metric system <3^dl (ILJI 

competing, emulous u-?^ -pH.)* - 

synchronous, synchronal, synchron- cJl^ : ^ \yu 
ic(al), synchronized, simultaneous, concurrent, co- 
incident, contemporary, contemporaneous, co- 

- ,-> •> . t 
syndrome *jj,\y± ^il^l 

increasing, growing, augment- -u.l,n:. c j-jj^ : -4 I j~« 
ing, swelling, rising, mounting, heightening, inten- 
sifying, cumulative 

shaky, unsteady, unstable, rickety, JiAiii : f j*j^< 
insecure, precarious 

skier; skater; bobsledder 

adulator, (servile) flatterer, cajol-^lxi i jL:» : utljl* 
er, blandisher, sycophant, bootlicker, lickspittle, 

strict (in observing customs, etc.), rigorous, c~»JU 
stringent, rigid, severe, stern, austere; prim, stiffly 
moral or formal; puritanGcal); precisian 

sober, sober-minded, sobersided, sedate, jtjj ■ ujl* 
grave, solemn, composed, well-balanced 

judicious, wise, prudent, ($\J\ jOj > <-«.».ai»- :0)i* 
levelheaded, reasonable, sensible, having sound 

married J*u* :rjj^» 

(from), issuing (from), originating (from), stem- 
ming (from), growing out (of), caused (by), occa- 
sioned (by) 

•r.' , -r.' . '-:/ 

translated; interpreted t$j»- 1 J J iii j, Jyu- : ^rj^ 

translator; interpreter 


j> '•&** 

jL-J I oL**- 


nomadic; migratory, migrating, JU- j i J!:.:.. : J»ji« 
wandering, roaming, roving; traveling; nomad; 
migrator, wanderer, rover; traveler 

declining, deterio- jy»oi. i J**... <. J»»L : (cj/^ll) j£j 
rating, deteriorated, retrogressive; low, inferior; 

hesitant, hesitating, irresolute, jIU- ,. o jl> j^> : jj>L« 
indecisive, undecided, uncertain, double-minded, 
wavering, faltering, vacillating 

alternating current j j 



[.L^lu-lj:^.; 1 ' 

brimful, (over)full, replete, «»i* i J^Ll. 1 £-»U» : f j~* 
filled to capacity or overflowing 

luxurious, opulent, affluent, ti^JU i _ r ^> i <-»jJ : <Jj£* 
self-indulgent, indulging in luxury, living in great 
luxury, living in ease and comfort, sybaritic 

luxurious, luxuriant, sumptuous, ~** i j»- U : <_»^-> 
deluxe, superb, splendid, rich 

disdainful, lofty, haughty, proud, super- ci^j I : **JL> 

expecting, expectant, anticipating.^k^. < »i^L. : lJj^i 
looking forward to; waiting for, awaiting, looking 
(out) for 

staggering, reeling, tottering, swaying, faltering, pjj^t 

flabby, flaccid, loppy, soft and limp „kU \ y-j' S*r* 



# ^ 


•" ^:iL: 

consistent; hannonious, congruous, symmetri- 
cal, proportional; regular, uniform, even 


loiterer, loafer, idler, bum, lounger, gadder, j^— i» 

gadabout, rambler, wanderer, putterer; loitering, 
loafing, idle, idling, lounging, gadding, meander- 
ing, rambling, wandering, dawdling 

serial, seriated), sequenced; succes- J—L-. : J JLl « 
sive, consecutive, sequent, sequential; continuous; 
hierarchical; chain-; concatenate(d), linked togeth- 
er, connected, interlinked, interlocked 

-, 'f * f " 
chain reaction JJl-^ J*uJ 

serial number J...L.. ; * pi j 

-r ;- '' - a - 
serial story, serial 4. UL , : :. *-aj 


masterful, domineering, authori-, 

tative, bossy, imperious; dominating, dominant, 

predominant, prevailing, commanding, governing, 

ruling, reigning 

.' *- '■• .'• - 

suzerain, suzerain state <U_JU ilj j 

climbing, scaling, ascending, mount- J^LJ J*li :jLJa 
ing; climber, scaler, ascender, mounter 

scandent, climbing (oLH i*^) ^j*- :j»i— ^ 

'•' *" i'' ?' '' 
climber, creeper ytj^* 0U1 :,_ji-L. 

' *' '' 
mountaineer, mountain climber JLJ-I ji_^« 

sneaking, stealing, slipping; infiltrating, pene- JJul* 
trating, entering 
recipient; receiver 

marked by, characterized by, dis- 
tinguished by, having as a characteristic or mark, 
possessing as a feature or property 

carious, decayed WJ fUaJlj O^^J) u }-** 

worm-eaten, wormy, weeviled, (^H fU^)^^* 


beggar, mendicant J»« : , „ » : d>-i« 

pessimistic; pessimist Jj^» -^f <■ j^^ '• (*^ *■* 

interlaced, interlocked, intertwisted, inter- dLlil. 
twined, twined, twisted, entwined, interwoven, 
knitted, meshed, snarly, snarled, tangly, tangled, 
latticed, plaited, reticulated); interpenetrated; 

newly married 


Metazoa, metazoans U^J-I 5jj*^ olil. 

racer, runner; contestant, competitor, con- & 
tender, rival, participant (in a contest, competition, 
race, etc.) 

accelerated; accelerating; hurrying, running; f j 
uninterrupted, continuous 

collinear JaiJ-l ^Ju J* j-ilj :c-»L_l« 

*''•* i-'' I-'' 
indulgent, tolerant, forbear- Ji^ i J*l-^> : £-» I— ^* 

ing, lenient, merciful, permissive 

lenient, indulgent, tolerant, **-j <. ^-^-^ : J*Ll« 
forbearing, permissive, mild, clement 

equal, similar, (a)like, even, balanced, (^jClil) jLl» 
on a par 

equilateral f^Li^l cijl— ^« 

•» » ..« - '> 

equidistant jUj jI jl -i«JI i5jl— ^ 

equiangular, isogonal Ltj^JI iijl-^> 

isosceles orr*^-" lSj^* 

o^jliJI iisu> ^ tij :(ji-j*lll j!) flJSlI 'dKifjL 


coherent; consistent; harmomous, J^ 1 -^ '• (J} 1 — +* 

congruous, proportional, symmetrical, regular 


disguised, in disguise; incognito; hiding, con- 
cealing oneself, covering oneself, screening one- 
self; hidden, concealed, covered, veiled 

£-> p-'j ' 

*- -> 

hasty, rash, precipitate, headlong; quick, hur- p^-"^ 
ried, fast, rapid, prompt, swift, speedy 

vast expanse, empty stretch of iijli Ja^\ i ^1^ : j-i« 
land, empty space 

room, space, elbowroom 

enough time, ample time, plenty of ciy I ^ ^-i* 
time; (time) margin s 



claimant, plaintiff 

complaining; nagging, grumbling, j>. 
grumbly, repining, grouchy, querulous, peevish; 
complainer, nag(ger), growler, grumbler, repiner 

cirrhotic [ i_J» ] ««V.'« 

spasmodic, spastic, convulsive, convulsionary, ry^U 

-l„V , ;*'.:.' 

{-' I "'*-' 

juLj jc^-Ij- a*-*j 

behaving like a child, acting in a (,j Call I ) oUdL 
childish manner; inclined to youthful pleasures 

wrestling (with one another); struggling, pjl 
fighting; conflicting, clashing 

nsing, going up, ascending, jy \yu i j-*J^ : J**- 
mounting, towering, soaring, climbing; increasing, 
growing, swelling, heightening, intensifying, cu- 
mulative, progressive; escalating 

rising, ascending, emanating, pro- c ■■«■--» : jLcLa^> 
ceeding; emitted, sent out, discharged, given off, 

crisscross, cross, decussated), inter- «_i»Ul. :t_JLal« 

crossbill ( J U» ) jUJL I tJ dl. 

'• - , *- :' 

pjJUl* »J>-Ij - p I id i I 

almsgiving, charitable, beneficent, be- t >-~ : l» ■/■"- 
nevolent, philanthropic; almsgiver, benefactor, 

ruler, (provincial) governor, ad- Jlj i S\*- : <J^aI» 
ministrative officer 

characterized by, marked by, distin- _; ,.,„:. : _j uLol* 
guished by, having or possessing as a characteristic 
(mark, attribute, property, quality) 

connected, linked, joined, ,Lu I jl> i -^y '■ o-f£+ 

joint, united, attached 

v *' 
adjacent, contiguous, adjoining, J>*>>.» :J ; nr. 

abutting, bordering, touching, borderline, in close 

contact (with) 

related to, relating to, having to j JUi* : _j J.nT. 

overlapping; complex, complicated, intricate, con- 

similar, alike, akin, analo- JJliL < Ji"l21. : o lil* 
gous, parallel, uniform, corresponding, corres- 
pondent, comparable; identical 

quarreling, fighting, ('I.::, i ~f\^ ( e- jGL : jj»l 
hassling, wrangling, brawling, scuffling; grappling, 
coming to blows or grips 


I y~.Z*A %P» i J 


pretending to be busy JyLL. <u L ^Lk^ : JcliL. 

similar, alike, akin, analo- JSliL. i <uliL : JS"liL 
gous, homogenous, homologous, uniform, corres- 
ponding, conformable, isomorphic; identical 


tenacious (of), persistent (in), adhering ( j ) - x **" t 
(to), sticking (to), clinging (to), hanging on (to); 
stubborn; obstinate, opinionated, self-willed, per- 
tinacious, adamant, uncompromising 

clad in, garbed in, attired in, clothed in, jj^. : _j p * r t 
dressed in, wearing 

strict, severe, stern, stringent, aus- pL* i ^.U : < '*"- 
tere, rigorous, hard, hardhanded, tough, drastic, 

inflexible, unyielding, adamant, . \ ~-. : n ■ *.-. 

drawler; mouther, declaimer, ha- (*^LSCJL) l»"' x "* 
ranguer, ranter, loudmouth; braggart; drawling; 
declamatory, loudmouthed 

vagabond, vagrant, tramp, rogue, bum, hobo, j^il* 

homeless wanderer 

#-■ * *' '> 

ramified, branching, ramose, ramous, y-*- : \ •*"• 
branched, ramiform, bifurcate(d), bifurcating, 
forked, furcate; divided, subdivided; divergent, 
divaricated, divaricating; manifold, diverse 

'• - i' ' J 

complainant, grievant, pju i jJLkL. : (<^-^ll ) ^ L* . T « 


3#> <#£ 

inflating, swelling, distending, expanding, 

baggy; inflated, swollen, distended, expanded, 

enlarged, magnified; exaggerated, overstated 

hypertrophic [t-^jpi^ii^ 

injured, aggrieved, wronged, hurt, harmed, jy-ei^* 
damaged, prejudiced; victim 

supplicant, suppliant; prayer, one who J|" : » : c j ^"- 
prays; supplicating, entreating, imploring, begging, 

dilapidated, decayed, declining, waning; • '"• '~~ - 
weak(ened), debilitated, feeble, frail 

(jvLc j) vXi j^-lj -(pic j) jldi* 

included, contained, comprised, im- J>~i« : j« ^"- 
plied, involved, covered, embodied, incorporated 

including, containing, comprising, J* J...'.'..t.. : ^..nVt 
implying, involving, covering, embracing, em- 
bodying, encompassing 

coarctate, constricted 

impudent, insolent, impertinent, for- »i_»j : JjULu 
ward, cheeky, saucy, brazen 

scattered, dispersed, spread (out), j 
diffused; emanating, rising 


■ uy^-' '-ji 

flatulent, windy, tympanitic (oljUlj) o-^' J;k"» 

extreme, excessive, extravagant, immoderate, LJjJtj 
intemperate, inordinate, unrestrained, going to 
extremes; extremist, radical 

parasitical); intrusive, obtrusive, nosy, prying, Jiihv» 
meddlesome; parasite, sponger), leech, hanger-on; 
intruder, obtruder, prier, meddler, interloper 

requisite, prerequisite, required, (ijj^H> : 'r-*-"- ' - 4 
needed, wanted, needful, necessary, essential, 


- - f - *- -.» 
demanding, exacting, exigent i_J LU.I jtf : i-lLlt 

requiring, call- lis (^U-j 4 1 Jo >»r,i : I Ji" yHv- 

do with, connected with, concerning, regarding, 
respecting, pertaining to, belonging to; relevant to, 
pertinent to, relative to 

inflexible, adamant, intransi- c :«•.•. 1 j~s 
gent, hard-line, unyielding, uncompromising, un- 
relenting, relentless, inexorable, willful, die-hard, 
stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, tough 

sclerosed, sclerotic [i_J» J <_JCii. 


'• - ,s- -< »- -' 
imagined, fancied, conceived, Oj-^" ' Jrr*-^ '■jy a -* t 
ideated, envisaged, visualized, pictured (in the 
mind), visioned, envisioned; thought, supposed, 

Sufi, mystic iij-odll jj>-Ij 1 (j»>*» :tJj*al« 

_ , . '.<- -' i. ' -■:*- '•* 

Sufis, mystics 0>*>>a1* t tjyfyo '■ *t)<<*~» 

dwindling, waning, waney, decreas- u ai\jJu> : JiUii* 
ing, decrescent, diminishing, lessening, declining, 

contradictory, contradic- ojLiu 1 ^L^ : iLaU 
ting, opposite, contrary, opposed, cross, contrasting, 
contrastive, conflicting, inconsistent, incompatible, 
inharmonious, incongruous, discrepant, irrecon- 

conflicting, clashing, JeA\^j> 1 ^jLll. : ujIaU 

disagreeing, discrepant, discordant, inconsistent, 
incompatible, incongruous, inharmonious, irrec- 
oncilable, contradictory, opposite, contrary, op- 
posed, cross 

cooperating, cooperative, j jLl. 1 Ojllii : jiUii* 
collaborating, collaborative, synergic, synergetic, 
working together 

compact, close, tight, firm, closely 
packed, tightly pressed 

united in solidarity; joint, joined, combined, j* I 
consolidated; jointly liable or responsible 

acting partner <y\~^j> ^jj^ 

-'' 1'. '' 
annoyed, vexed, irritated, disturbed, ryt-yj* '■ JnUiJ 

upset, uncomfortable, ill at ease, uneasy 

. * •:/ 

o»i>^ : f 


sympathetic with, sympathizing with, «-• uLbULi 
feeling for, favorably disposed to, attached to 
mounting, rising, increas- -Xkl_. t -u-Lol* : JjIjuj 
ing, growing, intensifying, cumulative, progressive; 
intense, strong, forceful 

proud, arrogant, haughty j~>^* '■^f^*^ 

successive, consecutive, sequential, j-»U2i : yjUl< 

alternating, alternate, rotating i_i_jl 


,""* .-'■* 

.'"-' -.''' 

contracting party, contractor 

the (two) contracting parties 1 ji Uii I 

opposite, opposed, contrary, cross, contra- y-i'UL 
dictory, contradicting, contrastive, contrasting 

transcendental) J.:,,,. : (,J Uiil ) JLcu 

the Most Exalted, the Most High, the <i>l : J liiLI 
Supreme (one of the attributes of God) 

orthogonal, orthographic, perpen- [ oUilj j ] ju Ult 
dicular, rectangular 

contracting party, contractor a*Ul* : jl»Uj< 

the (two) contracting parties 1 -a* LajJL) 

cooperating, cooperative, collaborating, j jU-« : OjUu 
collaborative, synergic, synergetic, working togeth- 
er, helping one another; cooperator, collaborator 


t r** J f!" 'J — 
•' - , •■* 

tinng, weanng, wearisome, «-p> <■ J Li t j*^ : 
wearying, exhausting, fatiguing; toilsome, labori- 
ous, arduous, onerous, strenuous, trying, burden- 
some; troublesome, bothersome, disturbing, annoy- 
ing, vexing, inconvenient, uncomfortable 

worshiping, engaged in worship or religious (oil) ■%"' 

devotion, devout, pious, religious; worshiper, 


enjoyment, pleasure, delight, delectation, sJJ : 

treat, gratification 

compensation given J^LLII i^. < iilkll sl^LI iLL. 
to a divorced woman 

temporary marriage i*iil »l& t i*iil *■< _j j 

ing for, demanding, needing, necessitating, taking, 
wanting, deserving 

requirements, requisites, prerequisites, exi- ol~.Lk.» 
gencies, demands, needs, necessities, necessaries 

developed, advanced, sophisticated; progres- jyiaZ* 
sing, ongoing; evolving 

volunteer fsr~" '■ ?}*** 

•1*1 i it 5 ' i*' '' •"'< '' 

pessimistic; pessimist Jill* '.jJ*~» 

?>'■* " if *~ r» '■" 

pretended, simulated, cilxi* i o ur c ju : o j*Uiii 

affected, feigned, assumed, faked, put-on, make- 
believe, ostensible, artificial, unnatural, false, sham 

demonstrator; demonstrating 5^»LL> J dJ^Ll> :j*UkLi 

pretender, simulator, feigner, faker, p ju : _j ^*LLl> 
dissembler, make-believe; pretending, simulating, 
affecting, feigning, faking, assuming, dissembling, 
putting on, acting as if 

complainant, grievant, claimant, » ju i liL-Jj. : Ala." » 


to carry away, take away o (._» j : »,«iJL> *2« 

*..-.. *-•,, ,*, 
to make enjoy uw <U>- : *L« 

to give a compensation *<lj. ULWI -.iiJLUl il^M ^ 
to a divorced woman 

to feast one's eyes (on); to gratify the ( _? ) ^kJ I *^< 

to enjoy oneself, have a good time, have 


equal, even, on a par; (equally) (jj\y~* i ji—^ : J j[«--» 

balanced, in equilibrium, counterpoised 

neutral ^^^ :Jil*^ 

conflicting, clashing, disagreeing, ujUj. : u a J \jLU 

discrepant, discordant, inconsistent, incompatible, 

inharmonious, contradictory, opposite, opposed, 


customary, conventional, traditional, <Ac cJ^ULt 

common, usual, general, habitual, familiar, 

current, prevailing, prevalent, popular, established, 

practiced, applied, followed, observed, complied 

with, accepted, recognized 

contemporaneous, contemporary, coeval, j^LaLt 




polygynous, polygamous, polygam- oU- jjJ I 
ic(al); polygamist 

polyhedron; polyhedral r^~ ' ' 

polyphase, multi- [ »L j^S" ] j I^J» "il I _> I j^Ja) I 

multilingual, polyglot 



polynuclear, multi- SlyJI _«l oC^JI _.l ij'jj\ 
nucleate, multinuclear 

impossible, impracticable, unfeasible, hopeless, jjjiu 
unachievable, unattainable; (too) difficult 

zigzag; winding, meandrous, meandering, sinu- rj*^-> 
ous, tortuous, serpentine, twisting, bending 



!-'■•' i i * •*-:' 

difficult, hard, adverse 

arbitrary, oppressive, tyrannical, despotic; 
abusive; tyrant, oppressor, despot; abuser 

fanatic, bigoted, intolerant, illiberal, (<*««) 
narrow-minded, prejudiced 

fanatic, bigot, zealot 



\f~*\ ) L-'. dTI * " • 


athirst, longing, yearning, pining, hankering, JJJud.» 
desiring, desirous, eager, anxious, aspiring, aspi 

>.*.'> *. ~ > 

pursuer, chaser 

prudent, wise, judicious, discerning, sapient, Jjuu^ 


_ji) i_-»i-. 


astonished, amazed, sur- (jiy»a-i 
prised, wonder-struck 

haughty, arrogant, (over)proud, ^jiaLL. : ' 'j?r"t 
supercilious, insolent, overbearing, overweening, 
presumptuous, presuming, conceited 

■>■>«.» u>-Ij-xju :((3oaj1I) juurf 
transitive [j**'* ' °^»^j ' *»1 ] '-"- 

exceeding, transcending, ^kL i jjlaJu : >-"- 

surpassing; overstepping, going beyond; crossing, 
traversing; passing, going past 

numerous, manifold, multifold, many, multiple, ,>%" t 
multiplex, plural, various, varied, variegated, 
diverse, multifarious, diversified, different, sundry, 
miscellaneous, multi-, poly-, many- 

multidimensional jUj^I 

multiped, polypod .loi^l _,! ji- j^l 

polyandrous, polygamous, polygam- £■!_■_) "ill 2 
ic(al); polygamist 

multinominal »^.'ill 

polygenetic, polyphyletic Jy-»Sll 

polygon; polygonal p^Li^l 

multilateral, multipartite (J I ji. "il I 

multipolar oLLi^l 

multicoloKed), parti-colored, poly- o ^^ I 
chromatic, polychrome 

> - 3 

polyvalent, multivalent ylSCJI 

multicultural oljLai-l _.l oliliiJI 


many-sided, olcl^JI _.i j*U»ll ji i-ol^il 
versatile, all-around 

polynomial, multinomial [ o Lib j ] j j jj. I 
multicellular b^lil 

polyatomic oljJJI 





* - ^^ 

. '■' , .*-:' 

wrinkled, wrinkly, puckered, creased, £»L> : j ^"'t 
corrugated, crinkled, crumpled, rumpled, cockled 

haughty, arrogant, (over)proud, ciji^H : j-jU-~'i 
supercilious, insolent, overbearing, overweening, 
presumptuous, presuming, conceited 

variable, changeable, (_Ji£ ( j'^11 , J* ' '' ""' 

changing, changeful, unsteady, inconstant, un- 
stable, wavering, fickle 

variable [^J oLil^] Jj£ 

variables; new conditions 


cloudy, clouded over, overcast 

optimistic; optimist 


LfJJ oi—iijjj »j\~* 


Jlc : 




proud, boastful, vainglorious; ostenta- oCH .-^iti 
tious; boaster, braggart, show-off 

interacting, interactive, interplaying; reacting, Jclil* 
reactive; reactor; reactant, interactant 

aggravated, exacerbated, grave, seri- J-,r '■ : JiUll 
ous, critical, drastic, severe, intense, extreme, 
excessive; increasing in gravity or extent, intensi- 
fying, growing, spreading dangerously 

(wholeheartedly) devoted, (totally) (^ ulil ) ufcL 
dedicated, self-sacrificing, self-denying 

different, differing, disparate, j>£L « i_iluiJ :OjUll 
dissimilar, divergent, discrepant, mixed, varying, 
variant, uneven, disproportionate, irregular 

negotiator j,,^ -.j,^ 


fullblown, blown, in (full) bloom, abloom,^ : -''^' 
blooming, flowering, florescent, efflorescent 

'■'.' i * "J 

explosive j^£ 5 jL. 

bomb; squib ;'* "* 

explosives; bombs; squibs 

, "> 


sage, sane, sensible, rational, reasonable, discreet, 
cautious, careful 

related to, relating to, _, jj^ < -, ^»U- : _, jLol 
concerning, regarding, respecting, having to do 
with, pertaining to, appertaining to, belonging to, 
connected with, associated with; relevant to, 
pertinent to, relative to 

clinging to, cleaving _, «'£'.,:,'. « _, *y'''z\ : j jfc.' 
to, adhering to, sticking to; grasping at, holding, 
holding on to, holding fast to, hanging on to, 
clutching, gripping 

attached to, fond of, in love with _> "S^ : _, j\'.'-'. 

1 *■ f--* . . * *--> . >• - ■» *,-> 

educated, literate 'if 'jj, ,, , # '. : A^U 

deliberate, intentional, premeditated, s^ak* : uxi , 
willful, prepense, (a)forethought, intended, pur- 
posed, meant, designed, calculated, done purpose- 
ly, done on purpose, voluntary, conscious, witting 

well-versed (in), conversant (with), J^jj, : (j) ££, 
well-informed (about); erudite, learned, scholarly, 
profound; authority, expert 

obstinate, stubborn, obdurate, ■ *'~'-'. « ^i : ■-.■'.'7' , 
opinionated, die-hard, inflexible, unyielding, ada- 
mant, rigid 

contractor, entrepreneur 

^yL, 1 Jjli. .- 

bound by, committed at I j , f jHl < \t~, 'y ;(_>), 
by, engaged by, tied by; obligor; promisor; cove- 
nantor, covenanter 

used to, accustomed to, habituated to, given J* "iy£ 
to, wont to, inured to, seasoned to, in the habit of 

overlooking, disregarding, ^ (y^lidl) J„\^L 
condoning, conniving at, letting pass; excusing, 
forgiving, pardoning 

heterogeneous, different, dif- ^JijL , , \\ : ^, • y yir' t 
fering, dissimilar, disparate, divergent, discrepant, 
incongruous, contrastive, varying, variant 

Heteroptera of^il ^ £jj : i»J r Sl ol^Ull 


"^ g^WgfcVJaMfa&J .' .fe-W&ttt-SIg 

inspector, reviewer; visitor; inspec- olu JtU : -ui-* 
ting, reviewing; visiting # 

spittoon, cuspidor 

philosophizes philosopher, philosophaster 

^ — ■ 
versatile, many-sided, all-around; masterful; 

master, expert, specialist 
understanding, sympathetic, considerate, 

open-minded, broad-minded 

~* '.' f 
superior, ascendant; preponderant, (pre)domi- j^l* 

nant, paramount; top, excellent, topping, excelling, 
surpassing, outstanding, distinguished, (preemi- 
nent, brilliant 

'• ' i s ii\ s ' 
cautious, careful, weary, jo»- <. j>jw : li,^' J l>** 

circumspect, on one's guard 

- .: . - ..'- . .».' 

opposite (to each other), facing each 

fighting, battling, warring, at war, <_-j 


close (together), approximate, con- o*u^. jui : tjjUi* 

verging, convergent 

coupled, paired, joined; united, con- ±> \j^ '■ ujUlJ 

nected, linked, associated 

litigant, party J>j i^ai- « £JJ^* :(yj»lill) <>ULi 

, -» . .--.» 
crisscross, cross, decussated), inter- uJL^* :^J»ULi 


crossword puzzle, crossword i*l»Ui< o\,lS 

retired; superannuated; retiree; pensioner, o*l£^ 

pensionary; emeritus 

• > *,'-> ,r.'' 

laggard, dilatory, tardy; slack; J*** i J/Oi. : y-f Ui« 


contracted, constricted, drawn togeth- ,jaii^ : t > i Ji . " » 

er ; shrunken); contractive, contractile; shrinkable; 

stiff, rigid 


■ ■■■■■ ■'■ ■'-■ - -■ ■ z?- 


viewer, spectator, onlooker, watcher, j»LL* : £>^-» 

bystander, iiiU- jl t<^ J p>^« j^ '•^-* 

chance spectator, mere onlooker 

audience, attendance, spec- jyay 1 5 jUu : uyry^ 
tators, viewers, onlookers, watchers, observers 

possessing alone, appropriating, 
having exclusive possession of 

,., ,•> '•> i — > 

„- -, ,-.-* 

ramified, branching, ramose, ramous, i_-»-^. : ^>-« 

branched, ramiform, bifurcated), bifurcating, 
divaricated, forked, furcate; divided, subdivided 

transferred, conveyed, alien- *if^ c^ j' *-"* &***■* 
ated, made over, passed (on), disposed of, ceded, 
delivered, assigned 
transferee, alienee, assignee <U £j*~» 

devoted to, dedicated to, J J iJj^* : (J; ^_f^> 

entirely- engaged in, exclusively occupied with; 
full-time (employee, professor, etc.); full timer 

transferor, alienator, assigner, (j£P? a 6 ) jv*-* 


part-time; part timer pj*-* Jr 6 

separated), disunited, divided; scattered, dis- JjiZ* 
persed; sporadic, intermittent, occasional, casual, 
irregular, disconnected 

sundries, miscellany, miscellaneous items or oli/i» 
articles, rummage, odds and ends 

'i- ' ' ■''■'' 

disintegrated, decomposed, decay- Jj»^. « ju-U : j-il* 

ed, decadent, crumbled, degenerated), deterio- 

phosphor, phosphore 

pandemic, epidemic; prevalent, prevaiUj-tial) JJZ* 
ing, rife, spreading, rampant, widespread, massive 

agreed (upon, on); generally accepted; <Ac JXU 

conventional, customary 

agreed, agreeing (completely), concurrent, ^y '• J*^ 
unanimous, united (in opinion), of one accord 

J-l&L. \M 


contractive, contractile; shrinkable 

shrinking, dwindling, receding, di- JiC^L. -.^AiL. 
minishing, decreasing, decrescent, declining 

shaky, unsteady, unstable, f j' f -J r - - f- 1 ' 1 '"'- ' J'^'t 
rickety, insecure, precarious; tottering, faltering; 
shaken, commoved, convulsed, unsettled, upset, 
agitated, stirred, disturbed 

labile, unstable [ ,L^| ( ,1,^ < ,L^] JiiiH 

perfect; exact, precise, accurate; masterly, JCk* : JLU 
masterful, artful, dexterous, skillful, subtle, exqui- 
site, excellent, superior, fine, well-done, carefully 
done, proficiently worked out; perfected, brought 
to perfection 

*.'■' , *"_' 

retreating, withdrawing, falling back, [^H. • /f~\ 
drawing back, moving backward, going back, 
retracting, backing (away), receding, recessive, 
regressing, regressive, retroceding, retrogressing, 
retrogressive, retrograding, declining, deteriorat- 
ing, deteriorated, degenerate, decadent 

cri** ffrb - u*j£-» 

confined, confining oneself; secluded, J jiL» : n-i'y^U 
isolated, solitary, secluding oneself, isolating one- 

purulent, suppurative, festering, mattery, mat- r&U 
tering, pussy, pyogenic 

complying with, observing, abiding J cA'J. : _, *?}-\ 
by, conforming to, adhering to, sticking to, keep- 
ing, maintaining, honoring, respecting 

bound, tied, committed, en- ±j'J. , ^ : *'y. 
gaged, obligated; obligor 

rest, back; couch, sofa; cushion, pillow; ■'* - : tSw 
support, prop, stay; abutment 

leaning on, reclining on, resting on, abut- A* U*-» 
ting on 

isobar [ ,L^J"_, ^ ] &$£ , jj|££ 

increasing, growing; multiplying, propagating, J\£u 
proliferating, proliferous, reproducing; numerous; 

*- -> - -.» 

^^ ~ - 


acceptor; receptor; receiver, 

burning, flaming, blazing, ablaze, aflame, 

glowing, ardent, incandescent, fer- ^^z. 
vent, fiery, impassioned, passionate, fervid, vehe- 
ment, sultry, hot, ebullient, strenuous, zealous 

advanced, developed J I j t jVLL. : A n " i 

advancing, proceeding, fC V I ^ki ^; L : » jili 

moving forward, going forward, going ahead 
advancing, progressing, making jSL i jU- : SslL 
progress, proceeding, under way, afoot, on foot, in 
progress, in process 

front, frontal, forward, foremost, first, ^.U : -jiii 
advanced, ahead, anterior, in the front, at a for- 
ward position, in the front line(s) 

preceding, precedent, anteced- o»J L « jj L : » jili 
ent, anterior, previous, foregoing, prior, former, 
earlier, past 

old, ancient 


\ j* ,> fl' .'.* 

j> i «flj-jS'HI .oil* 

advanced in years, old, aged 

developed country, advanced country £jiz* ii'/i 

ulcerous, ulcerated, sore 

iridescent ( t j^)l)^ili 

disgusted, nauseated, sick, revolted^liy, ' y, *'. • j\ jr' t 

ascetic; ascetic(al), abstinent, abstemious 


* "> 

intermittent, sporadic, spasmodic, fitful, - !•«•■- 

irregular, occasional, casual, uneven, remittent; 
discontinuous, interrupted, broken; disconnected, 
cut off, torn (apart) 

fickle, changeable, changeful, in- (J£L <. jliU : ■ &'- 
constant, unsteady, unstable, variable, capricious, 
whimsical, freakish, fluctuant, wavering, volatile, 
moody, mercurial 

contracted, constricted; shrunk(en); JaJiL : ^-JiKt 



tionalist; spokesman 

theologian, Scholastic ,Ol£JI ^ ^ :,J>-^ 

first person [Wj ^Kdl ii~* <.^* 

diviner, soothsayer, fortune-teller, ^-^» : o*>-^ 
augur; predictor, foreteller, forecaster, prognosti- 
cator, vaticinator t t , , t 

sacculated Iffj^ J u '- ft ''* 

adaptable, adaptive, adjustable, i-ilOl J^l» 
pliable, plastic ,,„ 

. - -• ' ,'.:' . - <i-' 
successive, consecutive, unin- j*— • ' j-; 1 — • •t>T JU * 

terrupted, continuous, continued, constant, un- 
broken, incessant, unceasing f 

correlative, correlated; accompanying J»jI>^ : f j*- 
one another; inseparable, inherent; attached, 
connected, joined, linked, associated, coupled; 
concurrent, coincident 
syndrome ^Ir* u i 'j c ' '■<*)*'* 

vanishing, evanescent, J?**-** '• (yr^-^ ) _u**-* 
fading, dwindling, declining, waning 

evanescent, ephemeral, Jl y}\ gj- i J5I j : jj-x^' 
transient, transitory, passing, fleeting, volatile 

choppy , chopping, rough, plangent, ^y J I (J» ju» 
heaving, surging, restless 

squanderer, wastrel, waster, spendthrift, j-L- : <JiU» 
scattergood, dissipater; wasteful, extravagant, prod- 
igal, profligate 


■oiL^ :iJ^Lj 

shining, glittering, glistening, sparkling, £-• ^ : \J *L» 
gleamy, gleaming, glimmering, shimmering, twin- 
kling, beaming, radiant, dazzling 
touching, in contact, contiguous, y£-^ : y-f *"■* 
adjacent, adjoining, bordering, abutting; tangent 

- - - ■ 

equivalent, equal, similar, i_~-Li» < jLjl* : u£^*-* 
(a)like, even, (equally) balanced, level, on a par. 
corresponding, commensurate, commensurable, 

vouching for each other, guaranteeing each Jil£u 
other; jointly liable or responsible; united in soli- 
darity; joint, joined, combined, consolidated 

jointly and severally oj^.LiL>j Ojiio^ 

greedy, avid, avaricious £-t»- : »-J vxl» 

integral, integrated; complementary; ^U^ : J* l&U 

complete, whole, perfect, consummate, total, full, 


proud, haughty, arrogant, overproud, u/u^ '-j^» 

supercilious, insolent, overbearing, overweening, 


having the arms folded or crossed c>p~. : i - « . V ,« 

united in a bloc or front; forming a (C«L«.) JlSLii 
coalition ,, ,, ,, 

condensing, concentrating; condensed, con- iJ.1V, 7* 
centrated; dense; intensifying; intensified; inten- 
sive; intense 

annoyed, vexed, disturbed, troubled, jvf >* : j-o^ 
offended, displeased, sore, peeved 

recurring, recurrent, reoccurring, repeated, j_^-> 

reiterated, reiterative; frequent 

potbellied, paunchy yJaJ I ?**» '• iA£-« 

relying on, reliant on, depending on, J* J£i* 

dependent on, counting on; leaning on; trusting 
(in), having confidence in; relier 
calcified, calcined yJ^. ly-lxi* 

affected, artificial, unnatural, man- ^ U ln . : l i lvr * 

nered, overacted, theatrical, stagy, factitious, 

forced, constrained, strained, stilted, put- 011 . 

assumed, feigned, faked, sham, false 

*-'■' tr'J 
speaker, talker; interlocutor; conversa- ii> ji»^» : pi\— « 



/ J" M '■ t 

each other, alike, akin, analogous, corresponding, 
correspondent, homologous, uniform, equal, even, 
homogeneous; identical; symmetricCal) 

convalescent, regaining health, recov- »ullj^p£li 
ering, recuperating 

feigning illness or sickness, <ji>'J.{> j»Lki» : yijl»i« 
pretending to be ill or sick 

malingering; malin- JJs _,l i_-»-lj ^. Cj^ 'jojC^L 

tangent; touching, in contact, J^i. « y-^lE : y«l*i* 
contiguous, adjacent, adjoining, bordering, abut- 

tenacious, cohesive, coherent, holding dL>l*i< 

together, sticking together, well-knit, firmly con- 
nected; consistent; firm, solid, concrete; united in 

distinct, separate; special, peculiar jl»i. :JjLL 

reeling, tottering, staggering, wavering; sway- Jjt»i« 
ing, swinging 

lying (down), decumbent, recumbent, jl? '- : **\"t 
reclining, supine, prostrate, prone 

expansive, expansible, j->JI jl < '■'" Jjli : j.ui. 
expandable, expansile, dilatable, distensible 

civilized, civil, cultured; urban, ^uuw : Oi- 11 ** - ' L' 't"t 
urbanized, citified; urbanite, townsman 

mutinous, rebellious, insurgent, insurrection- ij»2* 
ary; disobedient, insubordinate, recalcitrant, refrac- 
tory; mutineer, rebel, insurgent, insurrectionist 

experienced, long-practiced, veteran, dL^l : (j»J*z* 
worldly-wise, sophisticated 

trained, drilled, schooled, practiced, <_>jE : un- 
skilled, experienced; trainee 

apprentice Jjlil :0^ 


accustomed to, used to 

clinging to, sticking to, adhering to, cleaving j li 

red-handed, jj£l| ^L, j! fi^LU CE lyJ^tl 
flagrante delicto, in the very act 
veiled J^i,'^L:^L 

voyeur, peeper, peeping Tom, snoop(er) ( Je) ^nlT*. 

^JaU ( w>- 1 j — *M'.'« 

kind, gentle, tender, JaLju ( Ji^ « JJ j : ' «l»l"» 
mild, lenient, clement, merciful, indulgent 
stuttering, stammering, faltering, (**•& j) JJ&L 
stumbling, hesitating, halting in one's speech 


tjJlj »- 1 j - i»jkJ I ^Col : utbt 

destroyer, miner, spoiler, damager, Lib I JtU : '.l il^t 
impairer; destructive, ruinous, wrecking, damag- 
ing, harmful, injurious, detrimental, noxious, per- 

blight, bane, evil, curse, something ti\ < z V •'• : ~i'«\~\ 
that impairs or destroys, source of harm or ruin, 
cause of corruption or evil 

televised, telecastfed) y£ -y ^', 

receiver, recipient; acceptor jliii < /■:' , '. : (JjLdl ) JjE 

laggard, dilatory, tardy, slow, late, ^^OL : \fSL 

yearning, longing, hankering, pining, J \y : • • ^ ~ \ 
eager, anxious, athirst, desiring, desirous 

regretful, sorrowful, sorry, sad, jLkli : . ffy. 


writhing, wriggling, squirming; £^L : (tsjkil ) ^ 
twisting, turning, winding, meandering, tortuous, 
sinuous, serpentine, flexuous; twisted, crooked 

changeable, fickle, inconstant, unsteady, <J$lL* : 6>li« 
capricious, whimsical, fluctuant 

fibrotic; cirrhotic [ ^J, ] ' i'K 

similar, resembling J^lkL. 1 u-iliE 1 olE : JJlE 



wearing a belt 

V'f i-*''-' 
wishes, desires, desiderata oLJ- 1 : i_iu~*«j 

* fT' .*' I*''' 
slow, deliberate, leisurely, unhur- ou* i o-i* : J4*~* 

ried, easy, easygoing 

apprentice Vj-*-* H**— « J' i>**~* 

undulating, undulant, undulatory, undulate(d), £>*i« 
waved; wavy, curly, curled, frizzly, frizzled, 
frizzed, crisp(ed), crispate(d), crispy, ripply, rip- 
pled, crimpy ^ .,,,-, s , 

undulating, undulant, undulatory, swinging, jyZ* 
swaying; surging, heaving, swelling 
amoeba, ameba *^-l ' ^r* ' : »J>^* 

rich, wealthy; financier, capitalist ^1,- 1 j i ^s. :0y^> 

distinct, separate, discrete; special, )~+* c _^U~. :j-»-i 
peculiar; distinguished 

to be or become strong, firm, solid 

to strengthen, consolidate, for- L-f. <U»- i <iy : JU 
tify, solidify; to make strong, firm, solid 

back j^> '■ i>* 

text, body i_A*» :(jJ) yl^JOcr - 

middle of the road, roadbed, road(way), Jwji»H J^> 


aboard, on board, on; by Cr* ii* 

scattered, dispersed, strewn about, sprinkled Jj\^L» 

■ \ '\- * -.<"' 
disputed, contested, in dispute, *-* 3 \ <Js. £jU1» 

controversial, debatable, at issue 
litigated, at issue 


disputing, contending, con- i. «l :^» i ^{^i* : f jLi* 
flicting, clashing, quarreling, fighting; in disagree- 
ment, at odds, at variance; opponent, adversary, 
antagonist, enemy 

litigant, party (iSy-> J) <t >&- « (*-»»■ : ^ J 1 —- 1 

relinquished, abandoned, <^s- ^J^* '<^- Jjul» 
surrendered, yielded, renounced, waived, forgone, 
disclaimed, ceded; abdicated 

:-jW,~ gtixt H2iaaad« 


to, keeping to; grasping at, holding on to, holding 
fast to; hanging on to, persistent in, tenacious of; 
devoted to, attached to 

abreast with; in keeping with, in j. ! , . * .. : « ' j-» y-»i» 
line with, in conformity with, in accordance with 
winding, meandering, meandrous, tortu- £1* : g»*i« 
ous, vermiculate(d), vermicular, sinuous, serpen- 
tine, flexuous 
elastic, stretchy, stretchable j jju. i i>U»« 1 0^« : ■««* " ■» 

- ■-' '.-'' 

articulate(d), jointed J-ai*. : J, /ti i T » 

versed (in), conversant j £-^lj * j j^» '• (o?) u^*** 
(with), well-acquainted (with), skilled (in); learned, 
erudite; proficient, connoisseur, authority, expert 

declinable [^Jc^* 

declinable with nunnation, [ iiJ J <j£* I ij*-*-" 


declinable without nunna- [iiJ J <j£* \ j± op- 
tion, declinable in two cases, diptote 

indeclinable L*^ J cf-^ J^ 

evasive, elusive, dodgy; evader, eluder,<_.jtZ» : yoi+U 

dodger, shirker 

adulator, (slavish) flatterer, o*l ■*« ' <-A'r* '• lir*** 

cajoler, blandisher, toady, sycophant, bootlicker, 

lickspittle t r% 

possessor, proprietor, owner, holder; propri- d. U * " « 

etary, propertied; possessive, possessory 

fidgety, restless, uneasy, nervous; fidget J*J*1» 

completed, concluded, finished, wound J-x. :^u 
up, finalized, terminated; consummated, perfected, 
rounded off, rounded out; executed, carried out, 
accomplished, achieved; supplemented, comple- 
mented; complete, full, whole, total, integral, 
entire, perfect, consummate 
complementary, integral, supplementary; J*C : ^U 
completing, concluding, finishing, perfecting, con- 
summating, consummative 

wishing (for something); wishing \^-+^\ ) O*** 

someone something; wishing (that); wishing to; 
desiring, desirous; hoping (for), looking forward to 

wished (for), desired; hoped (for), looked j>-j> : ^L> 
forward to 


dwEar*."! ";T*: 




inconsistencies, contrasts, discrepancies; paradoxes 

contradictory.incom-yiiUii, <>jliZ: (^Llil)<JLu 
patible, inconsistent ' ' ' 

growing, developing, .of£ « ^ :(^u[|) f £u 
increasing, augmenting, rising, mounting 
finite, limited, bounded i/j^. : LfUlil ) oLu 

extreme; utmost iJL , j,j£ : „& 

'-'■' i "' <"' 

infinitesimal; minute, jL&\ y»L^ « jilJI j oGH 
too tiny ' " ' 

alternating, alternate, rotating, sue- <_j£^ :u>.jLi» 

alternating current < < } \'-\ *l'j 

taken; picked up, reached (for); re- iy-t. : JjLiu 
ceived, obtained 

dealt with, treated, handled, gfai :(iiJ*JL) JjLii 
tackled, approached, taken up, discussed, studied, 
considered, examined; included, comprised, en- 
compassed, covered, involved 

within reach, at hand, close at hand, Jjlldl J 
handy, available, on hand, in stock, obtainable, ac- 
cessible, at one's disposal, open 

communicant [ <j | ^ ] Jj £u 

predictor, foreteller, forecaster, prog- <j&L : ' J'-'-'- 
nosticator, vaccinator; soothsayer, diviner, augur, 

*• '■'-* Vf lj — <ni.l 

recessive character 

•'*'.'-' *?-\- 
V*-* *^}j) 


park; recreation ground 

walker, stroller, promenader; ii^j .y£, V. : ajili 
driver, rider; excursionist; picnicker ' 






CJVjL i C.lij i 

ceded, transferred, assigned, alienated 

transferee, alienee, assignee J <t'jlL : aJ £) jLJii 

assignor, transferor, ceder, alienator (il£L ^i) JjLu 

proportionate, com- J jCii t jil^ t ^^ •■ - - „ rl'V t 
mensurate, commensurable; proportional, sym- 
metrical, harmonious, conformable, congruent, 

proportional [oUilj] C.L^ i!!^ 

coordinated; harmonious, congru- J,Cju : j-\-'~\ 
ous; symmetrical, regular, consistent; systematic, 

propagating, reproducing illy'. • J...l'V t 

corresponding, correspondent, analo- JJllii i^kLiu 
gous, homologous, similar, alike; symmetrical) 

corresponding; symmet- [ ,L>-ij oULi] J»££ 

analogue, analog [»L»-i] JiL^pii < Ji£u 

debater, disputant, discussant yJiC :jtUli 

corresponding angles oU^Lii b£jlj 

harmonious, in harmony, j* r£ < __H : ^ £u 
in agreement, in accord, consonant, concordant, 
symphonious, symphonic, harmonic, compatible, 
consistent, congruous 

discordant, disagreeing, inharmoni- ,*cU^ ^lc : jiLu 
ous, not in accord, inconsonant, conflicting, dis- 
harmonious, incongruous, incompatible, incon- 
sistent, incoherent, bizarre, grotesque; antipathetic 

dissonant, discordant, (o \^> V I } i o (,ill I ) j Lu 
jarring, disharmonious, inconsonant 
competing, emulous; compe- jUu '^f-lj^« :y-iLi» 
titor, contestant, contender, rival, participant (in a 
competition, contest, match, tournament, etc.) 

decreasing, decrescent, diminishing, JJUijj -.fjoil^U 
dwindling, lessening, tapering (off), declining, 
shrinking, waning, waney 

contradictory, contradic- l_jjLj»L < ^JC.:. ■ u Wj\~~, 
ting, opposite, contrary, contrasting, contrastive, 
conflicting, inconsistent, incompatible, discrepant, 

contrarieties, contradictions, oppositions, oLaiLii 




evasive, elusive, dodgy; evader, eluder, ^ ..... : ^->jt^-> 

dodger, shirker 

s ' ' * -'J 

i— '•• 

sarcastic, ironic(al), satiric(al), mocking, f$jl» : (tX^la 

derisive, sneering; mocker, scoffer 

jubilant, exultant, exuberant, gay, cheer- J i»- : JJ^l* 

beaming, radiant, bright, shining Jjl* : JI»~« 

, i .*> 

accused, charged, indicted; impeached; ~£ I : *+-* 

suspected, suspicious 

(the) accused; indictee; suspect (^ I ) »*i* 

^ s ~ « - s ' 

accuser, indictor oik i -+J ^ : *£* 

- .« <-'' 

rash, impetuous, precipitate, too ^jl i J£y* :j>4^» 

hasty, reckless, heedless, careless, harum-scarum, 

foolhardy, daredevil, temerarious, imprudent, 

frivolous, lightheaded 

extravagant, excessive, unrestrained <_»^iw : jy^u 
prepared, ready, all set . u . '- ,.. : \j. : _ i " > 

(_jL> juf-lj— u*— *?" ' JJ*J • ''' . ' . 0' ' 

harmonious, in harmony, in -iLu,. i Ji l_jZ. : «j lyij 
agreement, in accord, concordant, consonant, 

recurrent; frequent; successive 

>3*y £>-ij 

opposite (to each other), facing each JjI^> :tj?\yU 

hiding, concealing oneself; *-«,:■,•»,. : (<j j \yl\ ) j \yL> 
disappearing, vanishing 

hereditary; inherited, ancestral; transmitted, cjj \yU 
handed down, passed down, bequeathed, tradi- 

parallel; corresponding, equivalent, ((3jl^dl ) j\y* 
equal, similar 

parallelogram p^Li^l iijl_^-« 

' j --» 

parallelepiped r>'*~" ^J'-J-* 

-. ' ,-.> 

cuboid o^i. Ur,„ll iSj'y-' 

parallel bars [i-jjj iLibj] u^jl^il 

influential, powerful t$y ( Jlii i oiU : Ja 

breather, vent, outlet, escape iJ Jl. • 

mobile, movable, moving 


JUj I Ja.' '.'4 

itinerant, ambulant, roving, J£ j t J^lu : Js.:« 
roaming, wandering, migratory; nomadic; nomad 

,5 J »S"\* "-■ 

disguised, in disguise, masked, 
masqueraded; incognito 

enlightened, illuminated 

various, varied, varying, pljjjl oii^u 1 py-> ■F\?~-» 
variegated, diverse, different, diversified, miscel- 
laneous, multifarious, sundry, manifold 

miscellany, sundries 
mat 6, mate 

1 '.' . -1 *::.' 

csLJIS" ol^i. :C< 

moderate, low, reduced, lowered, (^ 1 jl>-) jjI+Ij 
marked down, cut 

negligent, remiss, slack, lax, careless j++* : ijy^t 

adaptable, adaptive, adjustable <-<lS:u : ^ I4IJ 

dissolute, profligate, dissipated, uninhib- »J»- : ''! f- 

ited, immoral 

shameless, impudent, brazen- *U- 1 JJi : i'\~\-. 

trembling, tremulous, quavery, J^y <. J^y : rJ^ 
quavering, wavering 

hanging loosely, flowing; JjlJ 4 J-->^-» : J J^ 

hanging (down), dangling, drooping, droopy, 

torn down, pulled down, razed, wrecked, de- f J^l* 
molished, destroyed, ruined, devastated; dilapi- 
dated, ruinous, in ruins, ramshackle, tumbledown, 

OJL44 lUflj — I— 1 >|'i'» 

worn, worn-out, shabby, ragged, tattered, Jb : CSj^i* 
frayed, frazzled 

overdone, cooked to shreds (rJjJL;) tSj*^ 




arithmetic progression h ijs. jl i~<Ls- £JI^. 

geometric progression 

-S - '- l- --» 

slow, tardy, dilatory, laggard; slack, (.Jl^dl) ul>i« 
remiss, negligent, derelict; languid, listless, flabby, 

strained; tense, taut, uptight, high-strung; tight jiy* 

.?- , i-.' 

crowned; enthroned (cx»^) ry-* 

crowned, topped, capped ( »!i) -^ 

solitary, lonely, alone, isolated, recluse, J_^ : ji-^i. 

>\ , > ', i .-> 
intended, purposed, aimed at; ijjLk. ' - j-~"- '■ iy-y-> 

sought after, desired, wished for 

rosy, red, ruddy, blush, florid ^U. : zjy* 

involved, implicated, entangled, embroiled J*jy-> 

*- '-» 
swollen, swelling, tumid, tumescent,.^ 4 -jlj : fj>l* 

turgid, turgescent 

middle, central, J«l_j « Jx-jl c Jx-^J I j «_»lj : J^,yj 
medial, median, intermediate, intermediary, medi- 
um, midmost, mean; midway, halfway 

moderate; middle-of-the-road 

(JJLIaa '. Ja^tyjk 

medium, average, j jU ij^'^i M.' 3 : ^.'yj, 
mean, middling, mediocre, moderate, run-of-the- 
mill, ordinary 

average, mean, medial <U»-j : ■£~'yj> 

intermediary, iJ»C^JI il^ JU i Ji~.j : Jilyj 
acting as a mediator; mediating, intermediating 

average; mean 

'.*,'>*,.- '*- » . - , , , _ 

mean; ik-y^ i»-j j _,l ill*. _,l f^ 4 ,k-, : ^L } 


life expectancy V>^l j*»J I J»~>^ 

Middle English iil^lil tj-isd^l 

the Mediterranean (Sea) Jx-yil yi-j II I js»J I 

Jp ^(j— J I J I j*»JI -ii~)^ 

--'■'■-■ -■' '■■■'■' 

(equally) balanced, in equilibrium, in J.sllH : ujlji* 
equipoise, counterpoised, evenly poised; even, 

stable, stabilized "jdLL : j\yL 

entwined, inter- »L \'j^ < J*. f_L^ < dLl^i : g-i l>^ 
twisted, interlocked, interlaced, meshed, snarled, 
tangled; interrelated, connected 

continuous, continual, continued, "jJLIa : i^o\y* 
continuing, constant, persistent, uninterrupted, 
unbroken, unceasing, incessant, unremitting, run- 
ning, (a)round-the-clock 

interconnected -M^-« : J-*'^ 

humble, modest, unassuming, j < - ,'r • « ^Ij'-'t 
unpretentious, simple 

modest, small, little, insignifi- ■ » -v. 4 xj,j ■. ,^i,-. 
cant, trivial, inconsiderable, negligible, slight 
conniver Lt, |^ V. : ^J, |^£ 

available, obtainable J^r>* « r^* : j*'>^ 

^'J f'j-^'j : ^^ 

"^ ."^ 

harmonious, in harmony, in t_— Lii i «*Lii : jil^l* 
agreement, agreeing, in accorcKance), concordant, 
consonant, accordant, concurrent, compatible, 
consistent, conformable, conforming, coincident, 
coinciding, congruent, congruous, corresponding, 
correspondent, matching, in conformity, in keep- 
ing, in line, in tune, symphonious, symphonic, 
harmonic; suitable, fit, agreeable, convenient 

synchronous, synchronal, synchron- ,y\'yi» 'Cj\y\» 
ic(al), synchronized, simultaneous, concurrent, 
coincident, contemporary, contemporaneous, co- 

successive, consecu- J^ly- t (-f^ : (jlyll) Jl>^ 
tive, sequent, sequential; continuous, continual, 
continued, constant, uninterrupted, unbroken, in- 
cessant, unceasing, running 

alternating, alternate, <_Jl«i. i i_jjL1* : Jlyj 


Shiite ^i : (il jli. ^) J r£ 

reproducing, multiplying, jjlSCL i J-llLi : jJ Iji* 

proliferating, proliferous, propagating 

progression; sequence; series <J^* : *^ ^y* 




* • - I * ?-' I * .t-'> 
dependent on, depend- _; j» j i <_^t Jpuw : ^ uu_jl« 

ing on, conditional on, contingent on, hinging on, 

subject to t 

oiilj >»-lj - < i*l j :oiiyi* 

'•'- '•- .*-'' 

sure, certain, positive, convinced, con- oS U* : jo y* 

fident, assured 

,, ».» + * ' * 

in charge of, charged with, entrusted (,J>^ ) Jjl* 
with, commissioned with; managing, handling, 
running; taking care of; assuming, undertaking, 
taking upon oneself, taking over, shouldering, 
carrying; holding, occupying 
charge d'affaires Jlc*»l i Jy-> 

4 - '* 
imagining, fancying; suspecting; having a false n*y* 

impression, (being) under a delusion or an illusion; 

deluded, deceived, misled; mistaken, wrong 

stiff, rigid, hard, solid; stiffened, hardened, <j-^* 
solidified; dried, dried up, dried out, desiccated, 
exsiccated; dry 
orphaned; orphan, parentless 

■*~> *„'j 

available, obtainable, accessible; possible, 
feasible; easy; facilitated, made easy; simplified 

enthralled by, enslaved by, infatu- _■ oy** '■ -f (*r> 
ated by, enamored of, crazy about, mad about, 
madly in love with, captivated by, captured by, 
fascinated by, enchanted by, spellbound by, 
mesmerized by, hypnotized by, bewitched by 

solid, strong, firm, sound, tough, (£yi i t-Jua : k 
sturdy, substantial, substantive; durable, lasting, 
enduring; heavy-duty 
meeting place, rendezvous; resort, refuge oil* t<_ill» 

like, as, similar to; tantamount to, equivalent ijUL 


persevering, persistent, diligent, assidu- L-tly '■yt^-' 

ous, sedulous, painstaking, hardworking, industri- 

medium frequency 

the middle class, the bourgeoisie 

junior high school, intermediate 


medium wave 

4 -'_> **,'_ 

' 4 *'* ''S 

1 ^ .."11 Aa . Ul l 

.' 4 -' Ji ' 

Middle Greek 

Mediter-4j^»Jojl JaLj^il l ^ , ^Ij»iJIjj^i^.: ( Jiw}1« 

entreating, imploring, y-JU ' . y y.»* « fy -1 -' : J—^ 
beseeching, begging, supplicating; supplicant; sup- 
pliant; solicitor, solicitant; petitioner 

■ JJjya 

threatened, menaced 

4 -' * - '* 

threatening, menacing, minacious, mina- ja^ : J*ji* 
tory; threatener, menacer 

indisposed, unwell, out of sorts, &-c.y uU : o&y* 
not feeling well, ill, sickly, slightly sick, out of 

dead, deceased, defunct, departed, J»- 1 j . 


available, obtainable 


}*a*yA t r"^-» ! Jill 

secured, ensured, procured; Ji»" < (>•>• : fy^> 
fulfilled, satisfied, met 

prepared, ready; alert(ed), on 
the alert; quick, lively 

sharp-witted, witty, sharp, smart, ^ajJI jiy^. 

intelligent, bright, brilliant 

expected, anticipated, J,«. r-> n <. jia^-» <. <~^uy '-^y-> 
in prospect; foreseen; prospective, likely, potential 

it is expected that.. 6 1 j^>^' t>? 

life expectancy V^' j**^' -"->-* 

expecting, expectant, anticipating, look- t-i^ : j»>l« 
ing forward to; waiting for, awaiting, looking for 

'' ' " ' ■■■■■•■■"■.:-. ■" ■■.■"■- rTmw'gr^ 

vesical, cystic, bladder- iililL ,_£I«lL. : («jH» 

fixed, fastened; well-fixed, jj>y> i L >S>-~' i Vw/ : c-l» 
firmly established, settled, stabilized; strengthened, 
consolidated, braced, reinforced, firmed up 

9 Jt 


jf I j - «*TJ» i <Sc 

fixative; fixer; stabilizer; fastener, fasten- f^j, 

mordant (uj' 11 ) •-* "• 

proved, proven, established, veri- <uic Jf'jy : " ,*i 
fied, substantiated 

confirmed, affirmed, corroborated, jTJ. : t ■ ■ ' ■ 
sustained, upheld; certain, sure, definite, positive 

recorded, registered, entered, listed, Oj ■>-• : ■- ."- 
written down, put down (in writing) 

evidential, probative, substantia- jS'y tTjTLJI : ■-■■*! 

tive, demonstrative, proof, carroborative, confir- 
matory, affirmative 

frustrated, disappointed, discouraged, disheart- ' '' 
ened, dispirited, demoralized, depressed, daunted; 
prevented, inhibited 

frustrating, disappointing, discouraging, disheart- 
ening, dispiriting, demoralizing, depressing, depres- 
sive; inhibitive, inhibitory 

bag; sack; pouch tr !S : iiJL. 

i . •"!- 

C m ■ » *»"lj - l_)^*i* 

thickened, inspissated ■ •'< ■ : jj»1» 

thickener, inspissator >.«'C : j*L» 

, .i - •> 
weakened, enfeebled, debilitated, o? ' J ' 0* i ' • a*" 
devitalized; weak, feeble 

beaten (up), walloped, socked, severely L^i t ^ 3 *it 

weakened by wounds; wounded, 



«j»lj - «_iUl« 

ryrg ,„■...,.,. 

ous; hard worker 

perseverance, persistence, diligence, 'Q»\'y '■ i y. lit 
assiduity, sedulity, painstaking, industry, hard 

incentive, motive, stimulus, stimu- .jb ( c*cb : jlL 
lant, impetus, impulse, spur, drive; cause, reason 
object of disagreement or dis- «• IjJ I _j I J jj. I j Li. 
pute, point of controversy or conflict, issue 

raised, brought up, put forth, put for- rjj^* 
ward, posed, introduced, advanced 


jJU £flj-£jU 


fencer, swordsman, swordplayer 
fencing, swordplay, swordsmanship 


C :<!iiilLi 

J<jLvjI ^<_jU« :JH< 

JVf '£■>>" 


type, model, pattern; paradigm; 

ideal, model, pattern, exam- S j-ii i is iou Ji* : JH- 
pie, exemplar 

image, picture, epitome, embodi- y>'j t <j>\yj. : JlL 
ment, symbol, typical example, incarnation, quin- 

example, lesson, warning ;^lc : JlL 

example, instance, illustration, case ju»b i jL : JlL 
quantity ; |ji. :JlL 

J-^* «-lj-J_ti :JlL. 

-■ ^ ' -■ .. - 

Jjl»J <m>.|j — JjUJ :JlLi 

ideal ^1*1 JlL. 

iL j^-lj-Jldl J^. J* 

exemplariness, perfection, jCL I i J^ii ( Jlo : iJlL 
superiority, distinction 

ideal; perfect; idealistic; Utopian; typical, repre- ^JlL 
sentative, model, exemplary; idealist; utopist 

ideally, idealistically 


idealism; ideality; utopia(nism) 

(urinary) bladder, vesica 



I — 77 


^1- *■ • ■-.■■- ■-.:l.--.gJ 

■»gy^> ^ 

( j) iJ^kJI jjj Ji* 

to act, play, represent, 
perform (a part, a role) 

to star (in) 

to exemplify, instance, }L. (Jad jl) v^ : J-- 
illustrate or show by example; to give (as) an 
example, quote as an example, cite (by way of 
example); to say or give a proverb; to set an 
example (for others) 
to compare to, liken to -> <»i : -i J~* 


jJI JtUdl Ji* 

jlu) j.uyi ji* 

to sculpture a statue, etc. 
to assimilate 

to make an example tJjJ «j~c «i*»- 1 j J£j : j Jl* 
of, punish severely, torture 
to maim, mutilate, mangle «^1 :iJ-l jl J^iJL; Jl* 
example, instance, illustration, case i»\Z. : Jl» 

proverb jIL. Jl* < Jl* 

>\, ■> . - 
saying, adage, aphorism, maxim, j^U Jy : Jl. 

saw, gnome 

parable (j»^»"' <ij" °^ ^>"J <>&?■ : Jl* 

example, lesson, warning S^c : Jl* 

Jl. «jflj - *--l i *-l :JL* 

JjuJ »^-Ij-JjLj :Jl» 

for example, for instance, e.g., say; as, such as ^1. 

,,<*»'- -. * ■> '- 
ideal <_^~l Jl* ' yl*l Jl* 

- ', >* ~, 
ideal, model, pattern, example, exemplar i$.ioy Jl* 

• - >>-, 
he is like, similar to, comparable to J-US" aH. 

similar, like, analogous, equal *--i i *-l : Jl* 

Jrr* ^J~J^> : J~? 
Jjlw «^-Ij-JjUj :Jl» 

like, similar to, (just) as; the same as; as J:Ui < Jl. 

much as; such as 

in the same manner, likewise, equally, as well JlLU 

as, also, too 

unprecedented, novel, unexampled aJI. <jj jlL. lj 

- jiiL i£lH t jiiL, iiiCJ. t jliU Jili.jilL J-U 

1^1*1 j l«A»-lj 

whit, jot, scintilla, tittle, iota, mite, (tiny) 5 ji JUl. 
particle, speck, mote, atom, molecule, (smallest) 
bit, a little bit, a tiny amount t ^ 

i_>^Jil> Vr^j 

drill, gimlet, borer, auger, wimble, J_)L. i i* \'y- 
perforator, punch, awl, brace and bit, broach 

Trematoda iulliiill ol-uJI j* iiJU» :oL*il« 

Trypanosoma 4lli-l »-4*-j ^' ' k °^).*^*" • l -'W*f 

trypanosomiasis < 

educated, cultured, literate, cultivated, 

refined, polished; enlightened; learned, erudite, 

well-informed; intellectual 

educator, educationist, teacher; educative, in- uiiu* 

structive, informative, enlightening 

(overburdened, (overloaded, overladen, Jil* ijil* 

encumbered, oppressed, overtaxed, surcharged 

pierced, punctured, perforated, punched, V^*** 

bored; cribriform s „* «jflj — Ou^i—* 

to appear (before), present oneself (to («J jj t ^i) Ji* 

or before), stand (before) 

to appear, come into view, come out, ^b : Jl* 

present itself 

to resemble, look like, be like oil : Jl. 

to compare to, liken to j *-J- : -j Jl* 

-j Jl. vr I j - >j^ 5jrf 4 -' L *^" ' -i J^-* • -* J~* 
j Jl. jjtIj - 4*1 1 ji J-fdl^ Jl* 

J^ ^j"^. J ^ '& 

to represent 1^*1 jl LL1 jl *+>■ j\ Ua*»l Jl* 

to represent, stand for, be a symbol <JJ y j : Jl* 
for, symbolize 

to J l»"i^«J u^"' J>^ ' -J *-r— ^-— "* 1 (_j^aj \— <aJA- 1 J-^- : Jl* 

represent, typify, exemplify, be typical of 

to exemplify, serve as an example <Jc 111. 0^ : Jl* 

of, be an instance of 

to represent, portray, depict, i_i*»j i ^.j i jy«o : Jl* 



. " ■ - ■ ^-n 



fruitful, fructuous, productive, r«-— • i 3*» '-j*^-» 
profitable, yielding, lucrative, remunerative 

eight at a time; by eights, eight and eight 6& : o*** 

estimated, assessed, evaluat- fji* i j ji. i ^ : 1 j*-j 
ed, appraised, valuated, rated; valued, prized, es- 
teemed, treasured, cherished, appreciated; priced; 
valuable, precious 

octagon; octagonal ( p iU^ I j U '/J I ) t jll. 

assessor, appraiser, estimator, »jL* i jji 
evaluator, valuator, valuer 

two at a time; by twos, two and two ^i» 

double, twofold, dual, two- -rj sy : fjl* 

- ' > &'> 
doubled, geminated; duplicated; ucUu : (^l* 


repeated, reiterated, reduplicated, 

dual; in the dual 

folded, doubled; tucked, rolled up; bent, lsy±> : 'ij~- 
flexed, turned, twisted, curved, inflected; pleated, 
plaited, goffered 

abode, dwelling, lodging, house, t j5Cl-. i <5jU : tiji* 

home, habitation 

> •> >> 
boardinghouse; inn, hotel, motel 6>— ' ' oy '■ &y-> 

grave, tomb, sepulcher, final ^J\jS-"i\ &yi\ 

resting place 

' ' < I' 
appearance, presence, presenting one- jyi**- ■ oy* 

self; standing erect 

exciting; excitative, excitant; agita- iti^* i ~~f \j^Jt 
ting, stirring, rousing, arousing; stimulating, stimu- 
lative, stimulant; irritative, irritating, provocative; 
inciting, instigating, fomenting; thrilling, breath- 
taking, sensational, electrifying, galvanizing, spec- 
tacular, inspiring, hair-raising, mind-blowing, soul- 
stirring, titillating, catching, catchy; exciter, stirrer, 
rouser; stimulator; inciter, instigator, fomenter 

stimulant, stimulating, stimulative, exci- <u~. :^ 



. * ' *'.> '.'' 

defect, fault, blemish, flaw, failing, ii* i 1 
shortcoming, drawback 

having three diatrical [ iiJ J J»ii ii^: j j : d-L'.* 
points or dots 

triangle p^Lel iJ!5lJ j i (jr-^** J"^-" : '^'■* 

Triangulum [ctUi J cJdll Li £ < tiJLU 

acute triangle, acute-angled UljjJI jU- (iii» 


right triangle, right-angle(d) triangle i> j I jJ I Jl» < 

equilateral triangle fr}U»jl <5jil— !• ti. 

isosceles triangle Crr* 1 -^' (ij^ 

scalene triangle «■ }U> ^ I 

obtuse triangle ijjIjJI r-ji^« tiii* 

trigonometry olildl pk < ot±dl <-.L>- tOlill* 

'j *» ^-j 

* . . * ' ' * *» ?' ^ 

j -*^ *» -"^ 

triangular Ulj^JI tiil* « JSCJI tiil* :^li« 

iced, icy, ice-cold; frozen, frosted jujv i jLv : »11< 


iced beverages; ice cream; frozen food 

refrigerator, icebox j \"j> i ii-^i : oJ,t» 

cold storage plant ju^J J.^^. : 4mLL« 

glacier (i-^-^ >J : *x^ 

blunt, notched, jo*m « j^a i t j-L_^ i J^ju : J!j 

(in)dented, jagged, toothed; furrowed, grooved, 
corrugated, ridged, rutty, sulcate 

as, just as; like; the way.. to : Uil> 

iced, icy, ice-cold; frozen, «UJL (jLl. i rJLL. : r>ila 
frosted; snow-covered, snowy 

iced beverages; ice cream; frozen food oU-ji£< 

punishment, penalization, infliction 
of punishment 

>V £flj- J— 

I •' ■ ■--• ■ ■ ^$ > 

metonymy, synecdoche J-^* ji*— 

figuratively, metaphorically jUil J~~ J* i I jl»l 

* '• ' \'' .1' ' 

• * - > 

licentiate u-'W J?^" : j^* 

«- -j , , > 
repayment, requital, remuneration oli Ix* : 5 1 jUm 


adventurer; venturesome, adventurous jo U^. : cjjUm 

-•» *--' . .-'' 
rash, reckless, foolhardy, tern- ^cjl i j^> : i_» jU~ 


risk, hazard, venture, adventure SjJ»U~ : iijlk* 

rashness, recklessness, foolhar- *Jy-j i jy£> : *» jl*— 

diness, temerity 

figurative, metaphoric(al), tropical [ iiJ J ^jlj*» 

figuratively, metaphorically y j^v 

famine, dearth, starvation ^UDI S joJ 4 py>- : <cUm 

field, domain, sphere, iS-a- i (ilk; t ul -V* ' J**- : JIj*» 
province, area, ambit, scope, extent, range, com- 
pass, purview, stretch, reach 

room, space, elbowroom *-^ : JIj— 

opportunity, chance ~<*oj : JIj— 

field [ *L>J ] Jli~ 

visual field, field of vision ijjjN jl jUaj*ill JUm 
airspace (5^»- JUv 

lebensraum, living room, living space cS^ JIj» 

range, reach, carry, the distance ^J\ Jlkl 


field of activity, sphere of action, play Jill I Jll** 
field, field of force [ »L jji J S^iJ I J 1*1 

magnetic field 

Jx^ Jl^l 

jwJl »j>-Ij-J jljv (w-»l '£-») £-» 

in this connection, in this field, in this JUJLI I -i* j 
respect, with relation to this, with regard to this, in 
this context 

< fr " f-r. .. : .■■ — ■■■ ■ •":- ''■',*r'i 

tant, excitative, excitatory; stimulus, stimulant, 
excitant; stimulator, exciter 

incentive, inducement, stimulus, j»U- t ii*L : jjl. 
stimulant, spur, drive, impulse, impetus, motive 

erotic, sexy; aphrodisiac i-_J-l 5_j^lU jw 

moving, touching, affecting, affective, iiLUDjili 
pathetic, poignant, sentimental, emotional, emo- 
tive, hot, warm 

agitator, incen- oU^Li^l jl Ji!WI jl iuiJI ./£• 
diary, troublemaker, seditionary, rabble-rouser, 
rioter, demagogue 

like, similar, analogous; identical JSll* <■ <~Ji : J-i< 

equal, match; like, parallel, counterpart, j^> : J-i* 
analogue, double, duplicate, twin, image, picture, 

incomparable, matchless, J-I* *J ^ 1 <J JJ-i "5l 

unmatched, peerless, unequaled, unparalleled, 

nonpareil, unrivaled, unique, singular, single, 


unprecedented, novel, unexampled J-U <J J^-j ^i 

methyl [ »W*^" J J^f 

to spit out, discharge or throw out <J j» 4j <y j : g* 
from the mouth 

confrontation, facing, meeting, ju»J 4 \^ \y : *4jL>v 
encounteKing), defiance, facing up to, standing up 
to, withstanding; dealing with, coping with, grap- 
pling with; fight(ing) 

spittle, saliva 

"• 'jr^*" 

5jLo£- ; A^-l»»^ 1 7v^* 


■ j.>i~ 


JljLaj- Wflj -iJ'jljv 

keeping pace with, keeping up <sj*r jJ-x* : 5ljl*« 
with, going along with; following, proceeding in 
accordance with; conformity, agreement; competi- 
tion, matching, coping with 

* - ^ > 
in conformity with, in accordance with, J i\j^y 

according to 

passage, passageway, way, path, track, lane, j~> : jUm 

corridor, aisle, vestibule 

metaphor, trope, figuration, imagery, [ iiJ J jtsv 
allegory, figurative expression 



r ■ — " ' " :"■• ' ■.. >■'.:". ':-.'. "^. << §> 

- >. , •>" • 
terra incognita, unexplored ter- il^+x* iiL-. : J*l»w 

ritory, unknown land or region 

replier, answerer; replying, answering y/y : <j}lk» 

' • i- ' i' * 
neighboring, vicinal, proximate, <_uji i jl»w : jju>m 

proximal, adjacent, contiguous, adjoining, border- 
ing, abutting, near, nearby, close (to), next (to), 

neighborhood, vicinity, proxi- ljJ isIjUu :»jjw" 
mity, proximateness, adjacency, contiguity, near- 
ness, closeness, propinquity, juxtaposition 

tax, duty, excise, levy, im- — . j i <Cjj*> : (j»s*» ' t/«*" 
post; fee, rate, charge 

set, splint (JjaJIS") Jj&\ o\ Uu Ijlsl ij^v 

bonesetter, orthopedist; (tLai'illjl «UmJ|)j«»u 

forced, compelled, obliged, constrained, »jX-. : 

(cheese) dairy ( _ r J-l %^a* :<:.,.*• i 

set, splint ( Ji^lS") ^_5Jl i>\ UJ iJu«l '-jyait 

*' '~ > *, 
molded, fashioned, formed, JjJb** i j^k : J>«*m 

shaped, framed, wrought, created, made 
kneaded; blunged oyu* '• Jjr^v 

naturally disposed for, J* f >Jsm : J* Jj~>v 

having a natural propensity for, having the innate 
property or characteristic of. 

plucked out, torn out, extrac- J^oui^ ( »izi* : J^ti 

ted, pulled out, pulled up by the roots, uprooted, 

deracinated, eradicated, extirpated, exterminated 

--• ' * . -- -'• ' 
ruminant jjy, ul_j~»- 'j^** 

Ruminantia, ruminants ol^k* 

bold, forward, presumptuous, Jj^ 4 lSj>^ '• CSp!" 
immodest, insolent 

curtailed, bobtail, cut short, jyL^ ( j^m. : lji>M 

deducted, discounted, sub- rj>»* < f>->« : l^v 
tracted, taken off 

■ ■' ''•-■.---- ■ 


to leave no ■*-« l yJaiJ jjliv "il i iiLU Stliv p ju "il 
room for doubt; to be indisputable, incontestable, 
unquestionable, indubitable, undoubted, undeni- 
able, irrefutable, conclusive, absolute 

duelist; fencer, swordsman, swordplayer; jjL. : jJI*m 
fighter, combatant 

gladiator (ir Jill Cjj j) fjLn : aJlk* 

dueKing); swordplay, swordsmanship; 5 jjC :SjJI»m 
combat, fight 

company, association, (social) intercourse i—llsw 

pL»- «>-lj — cuUm 

complimentary; courteous, civil, nice and J< Uu 

polite; flatterer 

courtesy, civility, comity, courteous behavior, «1» bu 

ceremony; compliment, flattery 

comity of nations, comity il) jj jl aJ jj il«U_. 

courtesy call, courtesy visit 
by courtesy, out of courtesy 

etiquette, proprieties, decencies, 
rules of decorum or conduct 

iUlkll J..,. J* 

free, free of charge, without charge, (jl!UiU t lilk!. 
gratis, gratuitously, at no cost 

near, nearby, close, close at jjtsv < i£»* : t-^iUu 
hand, next (to), in the neighborhood or vicinity 
(of), neighboring, vicinal, adjacent, contiguous 

0>V Jf 'j' 

similar, like; identical 

free, free of charge, gratuitous, gratis, JjlLi ^L :^il*" 

straggler; freedom fighter, fighter, lutU- Jcli : ji*lk< 
militant; combatant, warrior 

openness, frankness, candor, forthright- J^ :5j*Um 
ness; avowal, declaration, announcement, profes- 
sion; disclosure, exposure, revelation 

publicly, in public, openly, overtly \'J^- : Sy»^v 

barren, sterile, infertile, waste, ^U. » J»- 1» : v^»" 
desolate, arid; unproductive, fruitless, unfruitful, 

renewed; renovated, restored, refit- Ijjo*- j~* : jjj« 
ted, reconditioned, refurbished, refashioned, re- 
modeled, overhauled, revamped, remade, redone; 
reestablished, rebuilt, reconstructed; modernized, 

revived, ijLi-l jj :(£iJI ji J.GJI ji oCiltf) /jki 
regenerated, rejuvenated, reinvigorated, refreshed, 
recreated, reanimated, revitalized, resuscitated 

renewed, extended( julJ I jl i-»>-J I jl 5 jljrjl^) -j^- 

a;,' a- > 

repeated, renewed, redone, remade j^> : j^*« 

i' s ' •* 
again, anew, afresh, newly, de novo, once boat* 

again, once more, over again, a second time, an- 
other time 

renewer; innovator, originator; mod- jjl»u ^ : j .a** 
ernizer, reformer 

JJ.A9W Uflj-jJWM 'jJ*M 

blasphemer (<fcl <>) <Jj»m 

rower, oar, oarsman (ci I jmIIj ) <-i jum 

Jljjf «*-Ij-JjI»m iJIjj«- :<Jj*t* 

lucky, fortunate J»jJ»k. : Jj-k»« 

1 -' 

CUt, CUt Off ?j*** : J J- X3 V 

- - 'i i * i- ' ' ' ' 

infected with smallpox U>jM-» <-?>*** '-Ji-**** 

, .' ;< i'^- '• - 
pockmarked, pocky iSj-** ' J>-H >-*-* : J-J-^ 

twisted, twined, entwined, woven, Jyu* : uj-k*" 
interwoven, intertwined, intertwisted, interlaced 

"•' \'" 

braided, plaited, cued 

>'-*.- .a- ,-•• 
tabular, tabulated, arranged, Ojo»- o~j : J j-i 

listed, classified, cataloged, categorized, indexed, 


tabulator Jjloi-I <J»j (sIjI jl) iJI :*JjJ*-» 

oar (JIjlm :<jIJj>m 

Copepoda oljjl^l ^ i^^L :J*-j jl oCilJiw 

rower, oar, oarsman lijuw : cjjjw 

f-Uirl :m^jw 

^■■.,,,,,„,,,, ,„■„,„,,,, ,, ; V . Eg ^ ■. ■■ , | ,;„;-, ;J 

* '.' " -'• > 
society, human society, commu- y-UI icLj* : ^ t "w » 


meeting place, gathering p Lji- ^ 1 u l£* '- ;■» "? ■' 
place, rendezvous, place of assembly 
meeting, gathering, assembly, 

meeting, assembled, gathered, convened, in «,>Tw» 
session, sitting; combined, united, joined; togeth- 
er, jointly 

audience, attendance, jy*^>r <■ ujj*»»- : u>»^»v 

attendees, attenders, attendants, persons attending, 

people present, gathering, assembly 

,',-* _~ ~- \ * * ~ * * 
societal, social ^ ■. : . >l l» ii>c j J : y ** "* >» 

, > '. > 
diligent, industrious, hardworking, assid- ju« : . 1 4 7* 11 

uous, laborious, sedulous, painstaking, thorough; 
hard worker 

uprooter oLii^ll <t *)£> il>\^^ *<^m '£&■* uliu 

hassock £^0" (ycl^ JW 5j ^"J : L**** 

roost, perch J»»m : ( jlUJ I ) p£i 

unjust, unfair, inequitable, oppres-^au* 1 ^JLU : c 
sive; prejudiced, biased, partial 

prejudicial, detrimental, harmful, jU» : umu 


scraper iLiC :i 

to be glorious, illustrious as** li u^ :jJ |" 'J*** 

to glorify, exalt, extol, praise highly, laud, pi* : jwm 


glory; honor; distinction (•s'jvI ^) J*** 

morning glory (oLi) ^CJI a>w 

'• > * > 
diligent, assiduous, sedulous, painstaking, j*^v : J*" 

hardworking, industrious, laborious; hard worker 

useful, helpful, beneficial, xJl» 1 «JU : ((i;^!) ^ijw 

advantageous, profitable, serviceable 

effective, efficacious, efficient; ^Ju* ( JUi : o»> 
feasible, workable 

scarecrow <*!_)» :jl-k»« 

oar cjIJlsv :(Jljj>M 




divested of, deprived of, dis- ^ j. _, J^ : '^ V^. 
possessed of, stripped of, denied 

free(d) from, disentangled from [^ '/jj. \ '^ ¥j\L 

free from, devoid of [y, ^Ju- : ^. *}^L 

unsheathed, drawn, pulled ( ■ / 3 .l l<) l£S : }j\!> 

emptied, vacated i^i. ; /^, 

unaugmented; first stem of a verb [ iii ] *^L> 

abstract number [oUiUj] i^J j^ 

demilitarized zone 


Of Ji j»v 

with the naked (or unaided) eye J J>*il J~»1\j 

as soon as, no sooner than, the moment liS" /kl. 
(that), once, immediately after, right after ' 

cotton gin Jj^k.:^ 

toothbrush Ull jli> : /^ 

scoop, shovel, hose; scraper !.'•'■- 1 ii^L. : /k. 

torrent, torrential stream, strong current jll : Jju 

curette, curet 

shovel, scoop, spade, hoe, trow-<Jj jU- ; t/k. : o^k. 
el; mattock 

criminal, culprit, felon, delinquent, malefactor, fjiii 
evildoer, perpetrator; guilty 

3 - - *' 

gnnder; quern, hand millijjjj <j 

war criminal 

recidivist, habitual criminal; j 

wounded, injured, hurt 
shovel, scoop 

peeled, pared, stripped, skinned, 
husked, shucked 

jj^L. : >jj** 

leprous; leper 

attracted; gravitated; '.'j*~ * ' p - **- 1 * >*«* •'ojjljm 
drawn, pulled, dragged, tugged, hauled 

attracted, magnetized, charmed, 6>i» : Vj-^" 
captivated, fascinated, enchanted 

radicand [ oUil, j ] jj ik. 

leprous; leper r l JJ.L oki : (jik. 

watercourse, waterway, stream; gully Q L. ) \$^J 

canal, channel, passage, path; sUi , ^. : <^k. 

conduit, duct, pipe, line 

Pipeline w lj| tki- : tf^k. 

sewer; drain, cesspool, culvert ii^Jlj « jjjk. : <5^k. 
(electric) current; power line Q^oiS") <i>V 

course, current, oUJl : jjJJ j^l _,! iM.^1 ^^k. 
run, stream, drift, trend, tendency, line, (direction 
of) movement, progress, development 

urethra, urinary JJi- 1 : "j^ <^k« < J>J I <i>V 
tract or canal 

respiratory tract, respiratory system ^Jl iSj\*y 

riverbed j£}\ ^'^J 

draft, current of air, air stream »ly» cS/v 

to take its course °l>v -*»■ I 

the situation returned to Uej^v J I »^l cole 

tried, tested, examined; time-tested j'"^- '• '-•j** 

experienced, practiced, skilled, 

subject i- 1 jj jl ijji^J «_-*»■ I »J I y«»»i, : <lic <-j^v 

'■ •» *' J 
tester, tner, examiner, experimenter, J: "^- : ujm 


galaxy; Milky Way [dli ] ;^J[| ,5^. 

mere, sheer, pure, absolute, plain, ij^e i ^ : :tj»u 
downright; merely, only, solely, simply, just, no 
more than, nothing more than 

abstract; absolute jiL. : j^. 

bare, naked, nude, denuded, un- ^y^ <. y\s. : ijm* 





embodied, incarnate, corporeal, incor- .u->:,. 
porated, materialized, substantiated; shaped, 
formed; personified, typified, symbolized 

embodied, incarnate, corporeal, incorpo- 
rated, materialized, substantiated; shaped, formed 

three-dimensional, tridimensional jLj *l yJ>J : p-ay 

in relief, raised, embossed 

enlarged, magnified 

exaggerated, magnified 





stereophonic, stereo 

relief map *»■■■ ? • <-l 

maquette, small prelimi- _£«*« (i^*" ^ J >*^ • 
nary model 

curly, curled, frizzly, friz- ^^»«, t » i A» > r-* ' ■***■ 
zled, frizzed, crisp(ed), crispate(d), crispy, crimped, 
waved, crimpy, wavy, rippled, ripply, kinky (hair); 
wrinkled, wrinkly, furrowed, shriveled (skin or 
face); creased, puckered, crinkled, corrugated, 
crimpled, crumpled, rumpled, rippled, cockled 
(cloth, etc.) s s 

dried, desiccated, exsiccated, dehydrated la! 

dryer, drier; dehydrator; desiccator; *JlL 

desiccant; drying, desiccative, dehydrating 

_- s - > t- \\ ><'.- > 
dehydrated foods *ii*« *~*±> I : OUwu 

*> ,*- ' 
startling, frightening, shocking, appalling ^ ir : Ji*« 

winner; superior, excellent, excelling, (yMl ) J*m 

outstanding, (preeminent, distinguished, brilliant 

• * . ^ *» • ~ *. ^ 

sink jJJ jLi^l J— <J u«^»- : J*" 

- . ^ -. .> 
evacuee; evacuated, expelled, ousted, j*-. : j^Um 

inventoried (ol i^rjll jl «JUlJ^) • *fr f '• *5j*" 

used to, accustomed to J* jj*i« : J* i jj»w 

drawn, pulled, dragged, tugged, j^Jai* 1 1-<^-« : jj^y 
hauled, towed, trailed 

(noun in the) genitive, word governed [iii J jjj»v 
by a preposition 

sewer; drain, culvert; i*>JU i gj> i iJ^a* : jjj»>-« 
cesspool; sink 

ground, milled, crushed, J4^r ' ij-fr '• ufiff* 

bruised; grated 

boned; fillet (^) f }f** 

remunerative, profitable, ^ <. j~* : (ii>»il ) ^»* 

productive, yielding 

shears, woolshears, clippers ^a** :j** 

divided, parted, separated, broken up, ^i- : IJ»m 

broken down, cut up, split, partitioned, frac- 

tionalized, fractionated, sectioned, subdivided, 


slaughterhouse, abattoir, butchery, sham- jJl* -jj>** 


massacre, carnage, butchery, slaughter, i*u J- -»jj*» 

blood bath 

veined, veiny, grained, marbled; vane- Jj«- : £j*» 

gated, dappled, streaked, spotted 

'>»" ' >>V ff 'J ~ »J^** 

brachycatalectic LiAjj*] »ij** 

cut, cut off, clipped; sheared, shorn, ^y^L- '-J3'y*» 
sheared off, fleeced; mowed, cut down 

cut off, severed, clipped 

decided, determined, settled, <J Oji-i : ^ }j** 


in the apocopate or jussive or impera- [iil ] (jj** 

tive; vowelless (of a final consonant) 

place of touch, spot that someone ^-JJI £■*»>• : cr 1 !** 
touches or feels or palpates 

tentacle, feeler, antenna jJJ »j£-\ 0j> '• o-^* 

probe; sound jy * '• w^f 

tentacle, feeler, antenna jJJ »j£-\ oj '■ o-^i 


regional court, regional ^»J» J * u ^> . JjUT ^Ji^. 


economic and social ^c Hi* |j ^ < !%.?; ■ ^J^. 

Security Council 
board of trustees 

T~ ** 

municipal council, city council, town £$.£ (jJbJ. 
council, local council 

disciplinary board or ^jUI ^JiJ. . ^ojU ^-li^. 

constituent assembly d.v It" 1 '"?'* 

legislative assembly, house, parlia- ^fj^ ,^-liv 

junta (oiiii I ) I Jc) ; j^ : ^. 

war council '^^. ^ai. . <_/p- ' U J^. 

probate court ^L». _,! */J- ^J^. 

board of governors »!£»- (^Jbv 

civil service board *~»^l -CLii-l ,„l'-.'- 

people's council or assembly, i.jl jl <_,- , ' M (jJbv 

state consulta- iJ j J I (i jy. ^^ <. <£jy£ I ,^-1^. 
tive council or court, council of state, state council 

senate f-yJ. (jJb** 

court, tribunal , (jJbu 

- >• - f * •' * ,• - 
court-martial tSj*— * y iJj* er«v 

* * * • - 
House of Commons, Lower House »^J I cr liy 

Revolutionary (or Revolution's) SjjJJI »jLi ^-V* 
Command Council 

conclave UUI ola^i'il (fj* iii\'j£ ^JJ. 

House of Lords, Upper 0^*jI jl ol jj^UI (jJbv 

privy council tiUil i^jy- y-1** < o»U-l (Ml (jJbv 

parUament, t ^I^I cr ik-.i ^Li^f iJjJl y-liv 
chamber of deputies, assembly, house of represen- 
tatives, lower house 

council of ministers, cabinet * I j j_^J I ^pJbJ. 

•■■- , - ■• - 

dislodged, driven out, evicted 

cause, reason, motive 1 1 j , 

magazine, journal, review, periodical 




>. i **, - 

■LLai iik-i 

code, pandect, ilJlii |.ISC»- 1 <Lk^ « ^ ly il^. 

blister, bleb 

»^> ' 

ringing, resounding, resonant, rever- o_jla« : JjJ*m 
berating, reverberant, pealing; rattling, clanking; 
jingling, tinkling; shrill, high-pitched 


,5, < , 

sharpener, grinder, whetter, jj-li i ^L*- Jtli : nJUu 
honer, strapper 

grinder, grinding machine, sharpener; ^1_. 
whetstone, grindstone, hone 

frozen, iced, icy, ice-covered, ; jj^JU tuki : jd*^ 
glaciated, frosted, congealed 

bound, hardbound (book) (ollf ) 'iil ^Jt : jLi 
volume, tome i_J^ ii^Jv j' V^ o* <>■ : -^* 

bookbinder, binder 
whip, lash, scourge 


court, tribunal 

council; assembly, house; board, jlk^ « i£J» : {J Sai> 
body; college 

tr>4"' £-?•>■ :y-l*- 

meeting, gathering, assembly, i_i»- 1 f-C-j-l : cr ib ! J. 
session, sitting 

conference room, session s- Lij>- ^11 ii>^c : ,„!-.'. 
room, assembly hall 

board of directors, directorate; admin- i } \ jl ^JbJ. 
istrative board 

salon o^JUe :,jjI ^plk- 

House of Lords, Upper oLt\ tr ij^> 1 0^*^ tr^k* 
House; senate, council or house of notables 

{J** 4 

r^wir^" 1 ? " ' "" '»"" ■ ■ : , ' gjg'«""^! l " | y^!'-gg.wa«!g< 

united, grouped, brought together; aggregated; 
congregated, crowded, rallied; concentrated, 
massed (troops, etc.) 

assembled, put together, fitted »lj»- 1\ <-£ j> : t*^" 
together, pieced together 

complex, ( »JJ A4* i oU»lii i i^j I ) **>»*- : £**v 
compound; assemblage; composite; aggregation; 
group, collection; system 
collector, gatherer mu j» i ^U*- « £?W : J*** 

collector ^Uji&l jUJI j-*>lJ 5bl :jl*« 

>• *' ' 
storage battery, accumulator ^S j* : £^v 

.-, < '*> .'- <, • * 
agreed (upon), unanimous, gen- <JLc Jii. : 4-lc £»** 

erally accepted 

unanimous, agreed, concurrent, united Jii< : ^f* >* 

(in opinion), of one accord 


* - — - • 


^otfl :'^f**- 

academician, academy rJJ ,«*U ^»*w j-a* : yf-***" 

summed up, summarized, out- y>-y <■ j*a^»* '■ J**-* 

lined, abridged, condensed, epitomized, synop- 

sized; concise, brief, short 

.- ',' " * 
summary, abstract, outline, resume, i*>}U- : J»x* 

precis, synopsis, epitome 

>. - ,. > 
sum, total, whole \y^* '• v*** 

* * * - 
gathered, collected; picked (up); com- ^r : ^j**« 

bined, grouped; joined, united, coupled, paired; 
assembled, put together, pieced together; raised, 
collected (funds, money, contributions, etc.); ag- 
gregated; accumulated, amassed, piled up, heaped 
up, stacked; assembled, brought together, congre- 
gated, crowded, rallied; banded; mustered, sum- 

added, (^IJ jI'-u^I ji p'Sty oiJr :^v 

added up 

pluralized, made [ iiJ J (iJ£JJ) c<.«-r : £>v- 

plural, put in the plural 

composed, set, typeset ^-*ij*-* - LA ^ '■ £j*»v 

total, sum; totality, sum total, iLJ»- 4 J*»U- : p>^v 
aggregate; whole, entire, all; score 

all, everybody, everyone; t j r ^s> l^il f>v- ' ^j* 3 !"' 
the public, the masses, the multitude, (all) people, 

trusteeship council <>L»j)l ( _ r l»-« 

regency council crj*^ J* ijLo^JI ^-^v 

in the presence of ^.j***" J '• 5r^" V? 

imported, foreign, brought, introduced i_-J»- : *->?**» 

foreign slave, import- o>liv J^*j : *y"v ' V^" 

ed slave 

whipped, lashed, flogged, flag- J»^Ulj oj^i-. : *y*y 

ellated, slashed, thrashed, laced, scourged 

to write (or speak) indistinctly ~ijl jui 1 j*i- : ^pu 

frozen, frosted, congealed, iced, 5 Jj^b jJj« : .um* 

icy, glaciated 

solidified, hardened, stiffened, v_JLo- 1 tJ -i. : o*>t> 


coagulated, clotted, congealed, curdled J^a : a*jv 

frozen, blocked (assets, funds, currency): jujv (J !>• I 

freezer -u* Jf 1 * : -u** 

roasted, toasted, broiled, grilled <Sy^ ' cr**»»* : ^*" 

• ^ ^ ^- • 
brazier ■**>• ' u><" : • >•* 

censer, thurible •j s *rf ; 

duty-paid li)^- :aj» 

-■:',' -* 

convention, assembly, meeting, j+jy 1 <?*+>■ '■ j**« 


(scientific) academy, (jJJ yf jI 1 ,ji ) i ^ j»*- 


junction, meeting plli'Jll jl jli-l j-^»>* : £**v 

place, place of assembly 

i>> (y^'-f*- 



box, case; can, tin ili* 

college <J}-? i ^\ t* 31 " 

College of Cardinals ibljSJI j^v 

council; synod (^-J £»»" 

accumulated, amassed, piled up, £*>- 1 p>*»v : ^»*» 

heaped up, stacked; gathered, collected; joined, 



v -:g , ia»'-«MJ«<»ms 


strained, stressed, overworked, overtaxed, J^'J. : j£L 
toilworn, exhausted, fatigued, overtired, weary, 
dog-tired, worn out, run-down 

strenuous, arduous, laborious, toilsome, Jm'ja : j^j** 
onerous, grueling, exhausting, fatiguing, tiring, 

microscope cjjx~.jjSw \j^» <jt*u 

electron microscope 
optical microscope 

* - - *-> 

microscopical) , micro, micKo)- [^^L^JL^ :'isJ^h* 

microchemistry ^j^v ^' •* 

microorganism tSj**"-* y*** - 

prepared, ready G^i « lii '•&** 

equipped with, fitted out with, j i 3 y : j j#3v 
outfitted with, furnished with, supplied with, 
provided with, rigged with 

supplier, furnisher, provider, equip- 3+>r J*l» •j&r* 
per, outfitter, rigger; preparer 

abortifacient, abortive; abor- yilti-^U <_*'„. : j^*-- 

abortionist yil^i-^l <JjZm : t/ a^aw 

(J-ij Vf lj — I •i)**" Jij ioJj^jm JJu 
umuiown f>"" j** ' <-*j>" jr* • w ♦♦*** 

anonymous; anonym 
passive, passive voice 
passive verb, passive 
Unknown Soldier 

i. :( jv-'Jll) dy**y 

J^ikil <$JlJ-I 

punch, perforator, borer, drill, 
auger, gimlet 

double-piped flute, double-piped * / j- <JI : j^*u 
wind instrument 

citizens at large, collectivity, society as a whole, 

personnel; staff o-W-^' fy**^ 

grand total J^LS" ^Ik^. 4 ^ £ I ^lij 

group; collection; (jJJ yjj^.1 ji >Lil) i*jl»u 
series, set, suit; pack; compilation, list; block, com- 
plex; aggregate, aggregation; assemblage, system; 
association; community; team, body; bloc, combi- 

to joke, jest; to joke in a <iL# < » JLi- J» j ^.ji : j^k, 
shameless manner; to be impudent, shameless, 
brazen; to be dissolute, dissipated, uninhibited 

shield y.ji :^i,j 

to turn a cold shoulder to, become ^Jll 'J^i <J Lit 
hostile to, treat with hostility 

resource; source, origin, fountain'. ( ij'^. : { j^ ul 

m > -a 

shield ^j ■ ■ 

.' »■ ,^ s - > 

flank, wing 


winged, alate, alar 

Trichoptera iliUl ol^iXl ^ £j j : <u y£ oliJiw 

recruited, enlisted, drafted, conscripted; <f'^L : jli 
recruit, enlistee, draftee, conscript 

mobilized tl. : 

cadet, recruit 

armored vehicle 

half-track; half-track(ed) 


«-' s - > 

-*- ' **'»-> *.-', > 

**• , t > t 

pleuritic, suffering from pleurisycjLJ.1; ljL^ : (_<^i»« 

insane, mad, maniac(al), lunatic, (**-«) u>^v 

demented, crazy, crackbrained, out of one's mind, 

out of one's head; foolish 

madman, maniac, lunatic, crackpot; ( -.. I ) <jyj-y 

victim, aggrieved party, wronged party; <lc *_l»m 
aggrieved, wronged, injured, harmed 

loudspeaker, speaker 

'jyai\ jSuk '.j[^ata 



-■■■ ■• * i 

efface, obliterate, blot out, expunge; to wipe out, 
eradicate, exterminate, extinguish; to eliminate, 
abolish, put an end to s 

partial, one-sided, ex parte, j~*>^ : (^IkU) oik* 

biased, prejudiced, unfair 

favoritism, favorOng), partiality, one- y^ : S L Um 

sidedness, bias, prejudice 

nepotism (oL^^JI j) ojU^I sLUm 

inductance [ »^ ] *J k" 

self-inductance [ »lj >^ J *?J I i *3 l»«- 

_i .- ' 

* - * ~ * i' * 
dialogist, interlocutor; speaker, £>j*>* < jjl»« : ijJ«m 

talker; conversationalist; relator, narrator, teller 
conversation, discourse, dialogue, j\^- 1 ti«j.i»- : O jl»»» 
interlocution, talk, discussion, parley 

opposite (to), in front of, facing, J^li. : (c$ ilkll ) il*»« 

face to face with; along, alongside of 

parallel to J j\y '■ *\*~ 

adjacent, contiguous, adjoining, jjt»« i ^l^ : iU- 
abutting, neighboring, proximal, vicinal, near, 
close (to), next (to) 

adjacency, contiguity, oj» iSjjtx* t<«»-li* :5lil»*» 
neighborhood, vicinity, proximity, nearness, close- 

► liaw i *li»- «-lj -Slilk*J til jlk* j jolila- j* 

. • - - .- - 
oysters, conchs, shells; shellfish, <j|ji*>l 4 <jji*> :jl»*» 


warrior, combatant, fighter Ji^ : yj"*** 


fight(ing), combat, battle; fighting, com- iJJIi. iojU- 
bating, battling against, waging war against, going 
to war against 
oyster, conch, shell; oyster shell, mussel Hj~o :SjUm 

concha, conch; helix [ -gj^ ] ui J I »jl»»» 


Magus; Magian 


S-J i'» .S- ' 

hollow, concave, sunken; hollowed jyu <. j*" : <-»>*« 
out, caved, caverned out, excavated 

airborne \yr 0j^-» '• 0*yy 

,, * i,- . > > 
impudence, shamelessness, inso- ^\y j cx+1 : uyy 

lence, impertinence; buffoonery, clowning, joking, 

jesting; dissipation, profligacy, uninhibitedness 

jewelry; jewels, gems £»•>»>»• 

coming, arrival, advent, incoming p j* ■ ^* 

Adventist, Seventh-Day Adventist ^-~ : i^ff* 

Adventism <~~ : Vij:? * 

i- ' . ' 
replier, answerer; replying, answenng oj^v • ^■■ T" 

»-•',•■ ' 
respondent l^b U jl <3>pj J* <?■:?* 


glorious; illustrious; glorified, exalted; akil ji : . 
laudable, praiseworthy 

proficient, skilled, skillful, adept, jJJ» < £jL 
excellent, superior, brilliant; versed in, conversant 
with, acquainted with, familiar with 

endorsed >Ji* : (jJJ ->— < *^~- ) **** 

plastered with lime, whitewashed jjjLU ^U*. : j~ 

calcined, calcified y^r Jj 6y»* '■ j? 

endorsee *J >J»* • *J j^v 

endorser j*^- : (c'J r 1 -^ 1 -»' ^-^O^r*" 

protector, defender, shelterer, harborer, ^U- : j&* 

giver of refuge, grantor of asylum 

> > 

helper, supporter 
rescuer, saver 

(egg) yolk, vitellus, yellow ^ilJ I jU-o : jm 

. ' t '. > - ' 

essence, quintessence, gist, pith; ^ Ji yJU- : £• 

cream, pick, the best (finest, choicest) part 

to erase, wipe off, rub out, sponge out; to t^p I U- 

Cr** '■**' 




observing, com- J*t,JȣliJ pl^l :J* Jiilii 
plying with, conforming to, abiding by, adhering 
to, sticking to, keeping (to), maintaining, following, 
respecting, honoring; persistent, persevering 

punctual jlc^Ii J* Jiilkl 

• *' - , > 

keeping, preservation, protection, Jtt»- : J* diiUu 

guarding, safeguarding, safekeeping, defense, de- 
fending, securing; maintenance, upkeep, keeping 
up, susten(ta)tion, upholding, vindication, reten- 
tion, retaining, holding; custody; conservation, 
saving, storage, storing 

observance of, observing,*!!. \'y* « i L* \'j» : Jx-iii Ikl 
compliance with, abidance by, adherence to, 
following, keeping (to), maintaining, living up to, 
honoring, respect; perseverance, persistence, con- 
tinuance, continuation 

conservatism, conser- J liJljljjJvJli.^U.:<kilk. 

governorate; province &j I j I £_£; : <ki 1m 

self-preservation ,^-i-JI jl olJJI Jc <ktlk. 

.- *~ ' , > 
punctuality, being on time, keep- o*jil Jc ikilk. 

ing an appointment 

wane, waning (of the moon) <jlk« ( Jtkl « JUu 

imitator; mimic; imitative jJuu : C/lkl I ) <41m 

imitation, copying; mimicry jJU; : 5 1ST Im 

resemblance, similarity, likeness <uli; : slflkl 

trial, hearing, litigation, prosecution; judicial X& XaL 

proceedings); suit, lawsuit, case, action 

double jeopardy ^J^. ^.\ i f ^- Jc Ij'lkl 

J :^""" * vr ij — ^;i«r,ii,» :JL»m 

referred to, committed to, relegated Jc jl J I II^ 
to, remitted to, submitted to, forwarded to, sent to, 
directed to, transferred to, conveyed to 

pensioned (off), superan- ji£j I (J* _,!) J J £)£j 
nuated, retired on pension; pensioner, pensionary; 

accountant, bookkeeper; comptroller; auditor 

auditor, chartered accoun- oiLj jl *j^U" L—lkl 

actu ary ^fc L-l^ 

accounting; bookkeeping; clear- <_>CJ.I f l^-J :cl,lii 
ing; settlement ' * 

accounting; accountancy (il/,^ , ^ « J*) £___, 

calling to account vjj ^j^ J^ C_li_i 

account book C„lkil ^i j 

accounting department; comp-C-lkil (5j5b jt)lli 
troller's office 

kind or friendly treatment, kind(h)ness, iU» ^i : kLML 

shareholder, stockholder, action- dLjL » -*Li :_*>£_> 
ary; partner, copartner 

sharing, participation, partak- ii'jCL. i iliC : i^Iju 
ing; partnership 

particular partnership C>_»1 iS'^t, 

blockaded; besieged, beleaguered ^,9^. :JJi*L 

blockader; besieger, beleaguerer j**l»J ',y> '.jAsL 

blockading, besieging, belea- 
guering, sieging 

blockade, siege 

lecturer, lector, reader, speaker 


. i~ i 

surrounded by, encompassed by, j J>iai : j ■!»--> 
encircled by, enclosed by, embraced by, enveloped 
by, hemmed in by 

governor; mayor J$jl j| ^U- « <k»t=J jf U. : JiiU- 

conservative; old- j-idl ji jbokilJ >jUi : Jiilkl 
fashioned, old-line, fogyish; fogy 

■J**^" p-'j~<ilj '0?^» 'crj^- :Ji»£w 




„ ,„, , , ,, , _ ,. , va ., , ,,„ ,- 7 - r - 1 

lovable; lovely, attractive, desirable, (y-iJI J[) (-4 
agreeable, pleasant, pleasing, delightful, nice, win- 
ning, charming 

granular, granulated, granulose, J*^ '■ 

grained, grainy 

inkwell, inkstand i I j j : »^»*« ' »j-»m 

wedding (or engage- iJjil jl r'j^' (*•*■ : cr^*" 

ment) ring 

prison, jail, lockup jj*- : cr?*" 

i ojl-u. : 

spigot; trap; clasp 

sweetheart, lover, love, darling, honey, sweet, <->y»%* 
pet, dear one; beloved, well-beloved, dear, dearest, 
dearly loved; desirable, lovely; favorite; popular, 

happy, glad, delighted, cheerful jjj-* : J>»" 

imprisoned, jailed, confined, JjUm i u>=»— « : cry* 
detained, prisoner, prison inmate, convict 

>., .•> t. - 
isolated, secluded, separated, Jj>-« i oj^-> '■ crj-r 3 ** 

shut off (from the outside world), confined 

withheld, held back; restrained, in o^A- : u-y^* 
restraint, confined, suppressed, repressed, held in 
check, penned, pent-up, kept in; obstructed, 
shut-off, blocked, barred, locked 

endowed, in mort- (<-*j*y "^ ' ^£y : crj-H»" 
main, inalienable, donated or granted for chari- 
table purpose 

distrained, distressed, ( jy?*** Jw jyf* '-try?** 
sequestered, attached, seized, garnisheed 

woven; knitted; braided, plaited; twined, &y?" 

entwined, twisted, interwoven, interlaced, inter- 
twined, intertwisted, interlocked, meshed, snarled, 
tangled; tightened, fastened; tight, well-knit, firm, 
solid, compact 

in need of, in want \j£ cJlLj <■ \j£ »jyu : J rli»»» 
of, needing, wanting, requiring, calling for 
needy, necessitous, poor, desti- j±* <■ jyw : r^* 
tute, indigent, poverty-stricken 

cautious, careful, wary, cir- ki '- * : * t jj^»* '■ J»ll»*» 
cumspect, prudent, provident, watchful; reserved 
swindler, impostor, cheat, fraud, (jlLlc i f-*\**> '■ Jl^**» 


pulley, block (and tackle) 

iJlL :iJU» 

certainly, positively, absolutely, Li il> ^ :i)li« "il 
definitely, decidedly, of course, sureGy); by all 
means, without fail; inevitably, unavoidably, in- 
escapably, necessarily 
ally, confederate oLb- :uuUm 

alliance, confederacy, confederation i_i)b«j :oJUm 

lawyer, attorney, attorney-at-law, (.^.bJl) fbu 
counsel, counselor, counselor-at-law, barrister, 
solicitor, advocate 
devil's advocate 

the bar 

L)\Ja.n,)l /«*uw 
j>-bJl iL* i ^ bill i*U»- 

bar association, bar 

Orr L 

legal profession, legal practice, the bar 

dialogist, interlocutor, talker, converser;iiolk. :jjbw 

j\y*- ^Ij-SjjU. 

trier, essayer, assay er Jjbu j* • <Jj*" 

attempt, trial, try, bid, essay, effort, endeavor <lIjUm 

attempted (murder, assas- (*JJ jQfi-l < J^i) iJjbw 
sination, etc.) 

trial and error ILL I j i) jbJll 

- -> - > 
neutral jLJ-I ^c- 1 -ub«Li :.uUu 

* ^ ~ - , ~ .- * 
neutrality jybu i aL»- :3-uUm 

* * > • * * « , » ^ * ~ * > 

neutralization l-ubm *<<iJI J»»- ' -^-~ :!jubu 

>.: * > 

loving, affectionate, tenderhearted), warm- (J) 
hearted; fond (of), attached (to); lover, adorer; fan- 
cier, fan, amateur 

self-loving, egoistic, self- £ I i i^m <■ £ 111 ^m 
seeking, selfish, egocentric, self-centered; egoist, 
egocentric, self-seeker 

peaceloving; peacelover »XJI u» t »xJJ < 

altruistic, unselfish, selfless; j_J I i_^>m t ^JM 

patriotic; patriot 



1 ■"■' '" ■ ■ ..:■■■ ■- ----' 



thoughtful, deferential, regardful, observant of the 
wishes or feelings of others, attentive, obliging, 
accommodating, complaisant, amiable, thought- 
fully kind 

inspector of weights and measures; treasurer, i..,,.;<n 

crowded, gathered, rallied, assem- juc ^sy. ,C£— 
bled, congregated; concentrated, massed; teeming, 
swarming; numerous, great, large 

modest, decent, deco- j.Ll^i-'il jl <u. li\> ~u '•^"*» 
rous, chaste, reserved, demure; coy, shy, bashful 

dying, moribund, in extre- oyJ »jJa»- 1 oJU :jjvi» 
mis, in the throes of death, at the point of death, at 
death's door, at the last gasp, with one foot in the 
grave, approaching death, near to death, near one's 

<ij^»- «jflj-,y.u n£j*a»- lj, flint 

meeting place, gather- * H^^l yl£> < ^ju : Jj£»m 
ing place, rendezvous, place of assembly 
celebrated; commemorated; observed, kept.o JjLj*. 
memoralized, solemnized; honored, welcomed 

celebrator; commemorator; partici- Ji^u ,y> : Jii« 
pant in a celebration or festival 

despised, scorned; despicable, con- (Sj 3 j* :>&»*• 

contemptuous, scornful, disdainful; j>y :yu*»* 

despiser, scorner 

congested; engorged; injected; u^*-^ __!• : ^Ijm 


monopolized; cornered jf-**"! :j£iw 

^-. - . - ^-. > 
monopolist, monopolizer, monopo- jSJju ^y : j >xi»w 

ly; monopolizing 

occupied, seized, captured, taken *lic ^y— : J^m 
over, appropriated 

occupier, seizer, capturer, appropna- J^~< : J^a** 

pubescent, sexually mature, mar- lJU i dj-u : jvU»" 
riageable; adult, grown up 

bearable, endurable, tolerable, support- Ju^ : j*ju 
able, sustainable, sufferable 

possible, potential, contingent, ^rj» < o>— • : ( > . "•■" 

tricker, trickster, crook, sharper, rogue, bluff, 
humbug(ger), wangler, hoaxer; deceitful, fraudu- 
lent, tricky, trickish, dishonest, artful, cunning, 
sly, crafty 

protesting, protestant, remonstrating, JojJu, : ^»u 
remonstrant, remonstrative, expostulatory; objec- 
ting; protester, remonstrator, expostulator, objec- 
tor, demurrer 

quarry 5 j^*f j^- 1 

Lklc ». 

. * 

origin, descent, ancestry, extraction, u— • « J^sl : ju» 

lineage, pedigree, parentage, stock 

(J Cfr'j - -J^-il (J 

angry, furious, enraged, infuriat- J«Ui* <. l«»U : . 
ed, incensed, agitated, upset 
glowing, fervent, flaming, blazing, burn- ju-^ : <>. 
ing, aflame, ablaze, fiery, ardent; vehement, violent 

furious, raging, enraged, infuriated, 

burning with anger 

i *- '■* n •' •- '• ' 
cautious, careful, wary, Jii-*:. <. J»Uj« i J; k»- : jjjm 

circumspect, chary, vigilant, alert, watchful, pru- 
dent, on one's guard, on the alert, on the look- 
out; reserved, reticent, aloof, standoffish, discreet, 


...» '. > -. > 
cautious, careful, wary, watch- J»u>»* <. jjow : wji»* 

ful, vigilant, circumspect, chary, prudent, alert, on 

one's guard, on the alert, on the lookout 

studio, atelier ii XJ,\ :Jjju 

professional, pro, careerist i_i/»- 1 q» : (Jjju 

burning, afire, on fire, confla- t-^JL* i J*^-» : i£j^**> 
grant, blazing, ablaze, flaming, aflame 

respected, esteemed, honored, Jy i J^r* : fj*** 
highly regarded, revered, venerated, reverenced, 
valued, admired; venerable, honorable; respect- 
able, estimable, decent, honest 

respectable, considerable, great, big, /ui : ^ 
large, significant, grand, enormous 

honorable, venerable; o^LIJll j (._il : (»j^*ll 
reverend; Esq., Esquire, Mr., Honorable Sir, Right 

considerate, (^IJ n*j*£- jl 6o»"^" 9^'J) fj ;: *»* 


■■-■■• ■ ' ■ '■•■■- --':■•"■'"■ 

stricted; hindered, prevented; isolated, secluded 

>. - ,"'* ' • ' 
detained, confined, held in !j»y**» <■ Jju«-» : j>«" 

custody, arrested; captive 
attached, distrained, (j^uu JL.) ^^^ : j>«" 
distressed, sequestered, impounded, garnisheed, 
seized, confiscated 

reserved, booked ( 

distrainee; confiscate 


convex, arched, cambered, vault- \JX> . (j-j** : V- 1 " 
ed, crooked, curved, bent; embossed, protuber- 
ant, prominent 

concavo-convex, convexo-concave 

biconvex, convexo-convex 

.- ' * - '•• • *- ' 

speaker, talker, relator, narra- Cola*, . £>j*a, : o o*u 
tor, teller; interlocutor; conversationalist; spokes- 
modernizer; renewer 

*- > * - > 

, . i - . > 

produced, created, originated, engen 

dered, generated, brought into being, brought 

about, made, caused, occasioned, induced 

nouveau riche, upstart, par- »l^l jl -UaJI 6o» 
venu, arriviste 

causer, originator, author, creator, maker,.,... „,,. : ojl*u 
producer, generator; causative, causing, producing 

specific, particular, concrete, definite, ^-^ : ^o*u 
clearly or exactly defined or stated, precise, ex- 
press, explicit, clear-cut, determined, fixed, set, 
specified, stipulated, given, indicated, designated, 
assigned, appointed, prescribed, identified, indi- 
vidualized, particularized, itemized 

defined cjjw : j jm 

delimited, demarcated, delineat- jjjJ-I ^ : iiw 
ed, defined, circumscribed, marked off 

limited, restricted, confined 
forged, hammered, beaten 

jyA9*A i 

: ;ox< 


sharpened, whetted, honed, stropped i 

pointed, sharpened), tapering fj-\J\ JXL~> : iiw 

definitive, defining; determinative, _)-~. . ^» : i a*u 
determining; distinguishing, distinctive; character- 

conceivable, imaginable, thinkable, probable, pro- 
spective, likely 

perhaps, maybe, possibly, probably, J ■:•>«■ I ^ 
likely, potentially, conceivably, contingently; may, 

containing, ^..a:. . J* J~^-« : (J*) (ijjiUl) ^»w 
including, comprising, embracing, encompassing, 
embodying, covering, involving 

content; purport, meaning, import, 
signification, substance 

enthalpy, heat content 


inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable; — j*j : ^>^*m 
(pre)destined, (foreordained, decreed, predesti- 
nate, fated, fatal, fateful; determinate, deter- 
mined, definitive, definite, certain, sure; imposed, 
enjoined, obligatory, incumbent 

inductor [ *L j£ J ^jm 

enigmatic, puzzling, cryptic, jiL : (^j^jJLl) ^u 

inscrutable, mysterious 

veiled; covered, screened, j~— • ' i--y»--» : '- ■ " !» * »» 
sheltered; hidden, concealed, obscured, cloaked, 
mantled, masked 

mecca; goal, target, aim; 


(stone) quarry 

eye socket, orbit, eyehole 

(stone) quarry 


( ^l) J^ 

cupping glass -UlkJ- 1 ^a t ^lluLI ^a :<«wu ijimu 

crosier, crook o-'v" ii^i** La* : 0***» 

'. , * . - 
concealed, hidden, veiled, covered, jy—* '■ VJ**" 

screened, obscured, masked, invisible 

(one placed) under guardianship, (one (<JLc) jj*»" 
declared) legally incompetent; ward, charge 

> . , i'> > . - 
restrained, constrained, held jy*** <■ -^ : jj**" 

(back), withheld, retained; limited, confined, re- 




OlJ^I of, 

*- » 

solemn oaths, binding oaths 

embarrassed, disconcerted, j,, Lili ( lili^ : p ^1 
hard pressed, cornered, in a difficult situation or 
position; uncomfortable, ill at ease, uneasy 

embarrassing, disconcerting, per- r-f> ' <&>y : rj**» 

plexing; uncomfortable, uneasy 

liberated, free(d), set free, released, 

delivered, unchained; liberalized 

manumitted, emancipated, liber- j^i , ^jl. : J^. 

ated, free(d), enfranchised, disenthralled; freedman 

consecrated to God j) tjji^. : ;%i 

edited, redacted; written, indited, o>iC. : Jj^. 
composed, compiled, drawn up, drafted 
instrument in iiJ j t ."' 1 : ( | Jj^. -) j^J 

writing, (piece of) writing, written act, document, 
paper, deed, record 

liberator, freer, emancipator, manumitter £ju. \jjru 

editor; writer, scribe; clerk; secretary i_J \i : jj>L 

acquired, obtained, got, gotten, won, jji- 1 : j'^L 
gained, earned, received; achieved, attained, ac- 
complished, procured, realized, scored; possessed, 

acquirer, obtainer, getter, winner, 'j'}- 1 J^li : jj^. 
gainer, earner; achiever, attainer, procurer; pos- 
sessor, holder, owner 

instigated, incited, abetted, fomented; jj^. : <>^ 
provoked, roused; motivated, stimulated 
instigator, inciter, abettor, foment- [^ J*li : u i'^, 
er ; provoker, rouser; motivator, stimulator, prod- 
der ; demagogue, rabble-rouser, agitator, incendi- 
ary, troublemaker; instigative, instigatory, inciting; 
provocative, provoking, rousing; stimulative, mo- 

distorted, perverted, oiim. < .^ii « j^i, -. df^L 
corrupted, misrepresented, misstated, falsified, 
twisted, wrenched, warped, misinterpreted, mis- 
construed, altered, changed 

probe jLl-ijll. iti^i*. 

- '•- , . •• - -•> 

JjU- jarlj-JjU- :J>»m 

istic, peculiar, particular, specific, special 

restrictive, restricting, limitative, limit- IjL : iSsi. 


[oLrf»l)jJ 1JJL>W 

surrounding, encompassing, ambient, (J^sd : jjii 
encircling, enclosing, besetting 

imminent, impending, forthcoming, tfLij : Jj^. 
about to happen 

road roller, steamroller, roller^ I s'j. ( jU-i. :*Li»« 

limited; finite, fixed; restricted, confined; jjj**. 

bounded, bordered, circumscribed, delimited, de- 
lineated; determinate, definite 

~^r cr'j -(illjjlil) s'jjlk: tf^, 

' " ' M i *..>.- > , , 

convex, hunched, humped, arched, o jii : i_« jj jm 

vaulted, cambered, crooked, gibbous 

danger, peril, jeopardy ^ -.jjj^, 

misfortune, adversity, inconve- ,/jZ, : jjikl 

nience, trouble 

deleted, canceled, struck out, struck o^iii. : <Jj iiw 
off, crossed out; eliminated, removed, taken out; 
omitted, dropped, skipped; taken away, clipped off 

deducted, subtracted, dis- ^^Ik- . rt'JL. : <j,ikl 
counted, taken off 

thrown (away, off), r/j^> « <-»> 
cast away, discarded 

calefacient, calefactory; geyser, 
heater, warmer 

mihrab; (prayer) niche 
plow, plough, lister 

I o'j^ :^* 


^>l 5IjI 

-. « j 

iLw* I CJ 


poker, fire iron 




afforested, forested, wooded, timbered, j*^ : *• ^ 
sylvan, forest-covered, arbored, arboreous, bosky 


: C^~ 

dictive, interdictory, proscriptive, banning, bar- 
ring; prohibitor, forbidder, interdictor, proscriber 

Mecca pilgrim who is in a state [ <^%-\ *«j^r- J fj** 
of ritual consecration 

handkerchief JjJ-? '-<*j»* 

- ~ * *~ -. - 
tissue, napkin Vjj **j»»* 

_'■■•' »' '• ' 

> »■ ' 

plowed; tilled, cultivated £,j*. : \L>)fu 

>. - 
furious, angry, wrathful, infuriated, i_.J>U -j)jr»* 

enraged, out of temper 

feverish, fevered, hot, (>*»« ' <j**-h <->^* : jjj»" 
having a fever, having a high temperature 
guarded; safeguarded, protected, preserved, wij^* 
shielded, kept safe from harm; escorted; patrolled 

burned, burnt, destroyed by fire; scorched, Jjjf 

singed, scalded, seared, charred 

fuel jyj : oli}^ 

deprived of, bereft of, divested of, dispos- ^ f }j*» 

sessed of, stripped of; disentitled; denied, refused; 

debarred from, precluded from, excluded from; 

destitute of, lacking 

, * f* ~ 
underprivileged, disadvantaged, ^-51. i jy^ : >• $f 

suffering privation, destitute, poor, needy, neces- 
sitous, indigent, poverty-stricken, low-income, 
excommunicated); anathematized; L-Ji (jj>»* 


, + ft ~ 

disinherited ^j *' Of fif* 

notched, incised, nicked, snicked, ^J> 1 i»* : JJ*** 
(in)dented, crenate(d), jagged; fluted; grooved, fur- 
rowed, rutty, ridged, rugose, sulcate 



sad, grievous, saddening, doleful, dolor- t_-J : oj»*« 
ous, depressing, depressive, gloomy, melancholic, 
distressing, distressful, sorrowful, mournful, woe- 

-I ' VI * * ■ "•*' ' 

focus, focal point 

crematory, crema- <y>il 

holocaust JIj^-^Ij *Ltf 5jU :i»j»»< 

.*;- '-■;:•:- - ->• * 

holocaust, burnt sacrifice «I> 1j-*j l>j»«j "^v-;- 1 : *»j*« 
oil beetle ^Uil ^ p_^ :4»j»m 

focal c5j>? : (/• j~ 

vowelized, vocalized, pointed cijji-l J£l* : iiSjn» 
mover; driver; stirrer "*S^\ y- : — » : (i^** 

engine, motor j^^* '• tJj»" 

motive, inducement, jil»- ; »J I j i ii-*l; : <i)j»M 
incentive, drive, urge, impulse, impetus, spur, 
stimulus, stimulant 

stimulator, actuator, motivator; tj»f* ' jy~« : cJ j»m 
rouser, stirrer, exciter; inciter, instigator, fomenter; 
agitator, incendiary, demagogue; stimulative, stim- 
ulating, actuating, motivative; (a)rousing, stirring, 
inspiring, exciting; provocative, inciting, instigat- 
ing, fomenting 

moving, touching, pathetic, poi- 

jir* '■yy 


gnant, affecting, affective, sentimental, emotional, 
emotive, impassioning, commoving, stirring, ex- 
citing, thrilling, electrifying, soul-stirring, en- 

steam engine 


,*- > 

external-combustion engine Jlj^-'ill <jr jU- *Sf 

internal-combustion engine yljji-'jll yjf-'j <iij»* 

jet engine t^Ui &j*u 

f > ,-».. ••»-•• 

unmarriageable person <^» £'J>' fj*"« O* : fJ*** 




* ' f j^ 1 (> J ' f J^ 1 c^ 

prohibited, forbidden, interdic- py** i j>l»»»» : f j»" 
ted, proscribed, banned, barred, outlawed, en- 
joined, unlawful, illegal, illicit, unauthorized, un- 
permitted, unallowable, impermissible, taboo 

— • , s^ f * — • 

*!<•'• »».|j — <Uj>w 4i la. « 

prohibitive, prohibitory, forbidding, inter- ^ju : fjtv 


discounted, deducted, rebated, ty*»** '• r>-*" 
taken off, subtracted 

scythe, sickle; mower; weeder Jkl. i 'JX\ ill :'j*» 

> s * a- ' * 

poker, fire iron jUI I* d>>J ijb-ii. : ^tk. 

-'.•'- i -V- . {-' 

i - t * ' 

annotated, glossed, commented on, J^*a obi' 
furnished with marginal notes or glosses 

s , > ■> .- 

hemmed, bordered, fringed ^ma o_^ 

insectary; insectarium (of^S-l JiiaJ) S^ii* 
hashishden ( ;V -l l M-'Q '**'-'- - J* 

stuffed, filled, dressed; padded; jj-i*- « >_>U. :>1 

wadded; crammed, rammed, packed; loaded, 
charged; inserted, foisted, interpolated; full, 
crowded, congested, stodgy, tight 

> * * ■ 
wedged, crammed, rammed; ^yo^-.jyL** 

inserted, interjected; stuffed; squeezed; congested; 

jammed (together), crowded (together), packed 

(tight), serried, pressed, compressed; thrusted, 

shoved; gathered, (over)crowded; close, compact, 


resurrected, raised from the o^ll 'j» *.-..''■*. ; jy l>J 

to clarify, clear, purify J/u '.^a** iyj»u 

to test, examine closely; to try, ( Js!>\ i'Jj£-\ :' ^~> 
put to the test 

clarification, purification X.l;"» :ya»M 

counted, enumerated, calcu- u^ju ( jjj** : j,iiki 

lated, computed, reckoned 

ripe, mature ^U 4 xuikLi 

stf ' 

sickle, scythe 

*Ljo» » I j - <»■. rj : J, n»» i 

collector; tax collector; revenue officer; uU ■ J*-~'- 
(bus, etc.) conductor 



[oUi^j »l i j i »] 


^v- ..-- ■■.v J. ■■■: :". . ^7- 

ful, tragic, pathetic, heartrending, heartbreaking, 
blue, rueful, desolate, dismal 

tragedy ^y** <*ai i <c^w ijljj 


currycomb, brush 

* * * 
03 *» 

ameliorative, improving; beautifying, |jLi- J*.U : jj-i*. 
embellishing; ameliorator, improver; beautifier, 

charitable, beneficent, benevo- ^J- 1 (j^' n ~- : j_ «u 
lent, philanthropic, almsgiving, humanitarian; 
benefactor, philanthropist, humanitarian, 
well-doer, almsgiver 

something nice, something good; advantage, 
merit, amenity 

charms, beauties, attractions, charming (j~^** 
qualities; advantages, merits, amenities, good qual- 
ities, good points, good features 

calculated, computed, reckoned, * y 


protege, favorite, pet; follower, (j% J*) o^lL. 
adherent, partisan; spoilsman; obedient to, sub- 
servient to, obsequious to, servile to 

patronage, favoritism, favored position; nep- o>-** 
otism; spoils system "' 

envied, grudged, begrudged i^J 

j-M 1 j*r»- p-'j -j*J\ jy-*~ 
felt, sensed ^ ^im- 

perceptible, perceivable, & jU 1 y-jJU : ^y^* 
sensible, noticeable, palpable, tangible, tactile; con- 
crete, corporeal, corporal, material, real, physical 

I-' • '" 

. * >.. > . , 

cut off, severed 

decided, determined, settled, 

finished, terminated, concluded, com- 





r ~"^*" l ^ ^1 

minutes, proces-verbal, record, report, ^jii 
proceedings ^ ^ , f , 

j^ Jfb-C 1 ] ^ '^J '->*"**" '''^ 

ticket, traffic ticket jr- J*?-* >»»■* 

journal Jf^ <h? 

i ' ' \ '■' i ''• '■' ' 

prepared, ready; made, produced 
preparer; maker, producer 

process server, summons <*x»« J jiu* :_ 
server, summoner, bailiff, usher, crier, tipstaff 
incubator *i-«^ 'CH»~ 

bacteriological incubator ^r^HAr-'. 

poultry or egg incubator Ja~A I j I j^r ^ I 
infant incubator JUfSlI jl +4)^ 

roost, perch <~*r ■ (/'U* 11 ) J"- 

pause, fermata, finale, hold, ca- [j^r-y J ^* 
dence, falling or concluding strain 

object of hope S^ J**- 

•» J . - - 
center or focus of attraction (attention, jUiiil Jw«- 

interest), polestar, cynosure 
degrading, debasing, demean- (jJJ o^» j^» o?) 
ing, humiliating, dishonoring; disparaging, belit- 
tling, depreciatory 

station, stop, stopping place, terminal, i_ii_y : 
terminus, depot a 

broadcasting station, radio (JL jjll jl iili)ll) <]*>« 
station, radio, station, transmitting station 
service station, gas station 

-»a , , 

jamming station 

weatherstation, ijjJ-1 jU>j"ill 

meteorological station 

railroad station, jlLJI ii»»» i .ujAI «5L« <i»»» 

railway station 

terminal ~<?>J> ~^»" 

power Cil^iSCJI »>ill jJr <J»- ' *^jtf **»■* 

S'> a - ' 

fortified, entrenched, strengthened, i$>i* : j-a*** 
reinforced, manned, braced, cemented 

„ « ,. - a . •" a - ' 

immunized, immune, yi/> jl tSj^t -u» i>°"" 


married JJ>* : >*»»* 

chaste, vestal, continent, virtuous, pure.ii^i* : < : , n» « 

modest, decent, immaculate 

married, covert ^sjr* '• <^** A 

^« ~ *■ -* 

measly, infected with measles i-J-aJ-L uU : oj 

* * • - 
harvested, reaped, gathered, cropped; -uo»- : iya** 

mown, cut down 

>. , > . - a-' ' • - 

limited, restricted, jjjjw i j>«»* ' -"e" 'jy**** 
confined; enclosed, shut in, hemmed in, straitened, 
held in check, kept within bounds, surrounded, 
encircled; restrained, constrained, kept, checked, 
curbed; narrowed, condensed; concentrated; 
centralized; fixed, determined, specified; listed, 
compiled; squeezed, pressed 
parenthetical), parenthesized, JS)* ce Jr*** 


- . > > . - 

monopolized; cornered j 5 ^** • J.*"*** 

exclusive, sole iSj^ 9 - :**W jl y**~t jy*** 

yield, produce, crop, harvest, ^Ui « J»- J « *1* : J>-»»" 
fruit(s), bearing, production), vintage, returns, 
proceeds, revenue, receipts, takings, incomings; 
output, make; turnout 

purport, effect, tenor, »IJJ. « • iU* : (}l£) I J>^»" 
essense, (main) content, substance; meaning, 
sense, signification, import 

/ a- 1 ■ l \'.'' 

to be sincere toward, show sincere (^JJ ajJI <-) <>*»• 

affection or love to 

" • -■ ^ • ■- . f ' 
to be pure, unmixed U»»» ijo : (>***• 

to be of pure descent i_-lJ I yJU- o* "• <>»** 

pure, clear, unmixed, un- iz**>> i o»JU- < <-»j-» : (>"" 
adulterated, sheer, meer, absolute, plain, straight, 

^ a ^ • ^ 

of pure descent, pureblood, ^LJ I yJU- : <>*- 

*■■*■■■ ■■• ■■■ --• - .- ^r- 1 ■?',;;■ 


rized, learned by heart, commited to memory, 
conned; known by heart 

frozen (food, etc.) • J Jvr^ **i 

all rights reserved iii^iau Jjiil r .- 

' '• ~ < ' >- ', , 

preserves, conserves; can- ilijisw o^^U : cU>ji»u 

ned foocKs), tinned food(s) 

memorized (_Ji J^ii ,j* ij»^i>n ol»_jlim :olt»i3w 

archives, records 

o^U^. i 



«• "V* «• . '• - 
fraught with, filled with, full j i «..r.V-t :_> cj^uu 

of, attended with, charged with, involving, sur- 
rounded by, encompassed by 

to eradicate, exterminate, annihilate, jll. iill*l : Jpu 
destroy, wipe out, crush 

to efface, blot out, obliterate, erase £J : ji^ 

eradication, extermination, annihilation, 5 jU : Jpu 

effacement, obliteration, erasure ^k. :Jm 

right, rightful, in the right, correct; J jit i >_,„ .a. : ^j«w 
just, fair, equitable, truthful 

degrading, debasing, demeaning, humili- t y+» :Ji»u 
ating, dishonoring; disparaging, belittling, deprecia- 
tory; opprobrious, disrespectful, abusive, offensive, 

certain, sure, positive, c~JU . v Jl ju«- V . xi'l : Jam 
definite; absolute, beyond doubt, undoubted, indu- 
bitable, unquestionable, indisputable; confirmed, 
affirmed; determined, identified 

realized, carried out, achieved, ac-iii* i _>>w : J^u 
complished, attained, consummated, fulfilled, exe- 
cuted, effectuated, performed, actualized, brought 

secured, ensured, procured jy. . ^y, : jiaw 

examined, investigated, inspected, jjiju :j^> 

probed, studied, scrutinized;checked (out), verified 

*- ' 
examiner, investigator; researcher cU»-li : Jfuwu 

, •-• ' .-.>*.> 
examining magistrate, juge jJn .•,:,.,.. . yjr" - : ^yb*. 

d' instruction, examiner, investigating officer, in- 
vestigator, interrogator, inquiry officer, inquisitor 



: - -* s . - > 

broken, smashed, crashed, shattered, JLkl. : Ja** 
crushed, in pieces, destroyed, ruined, wrecked, 
demolished, fragmentized, crumbled 

banned, prohibited, forbidden, /,»*. i^iia** 'jJiiw 
interdicted, proscribed, enjoined, barred, out- 
lawed, unlawful, illegal, illicit, unauthorized, un- 
permitted, unallowable, impermissible; taboo; em- 

lucky, fortunate Jill '-^. : Jj^JiW. 

concubine, mistress, paramour, favorite .C^. 

*- - i . - •* - « 

j~J :oLk»Jl jU;l 


« jf-'j — fl- 
utter, stretcher; palanquin; sedan, sedan XJlli- 
chair; handbarrow 

spade; digger; drill, borer, <. ^mj U : .5jii»M . ji»M 
excavator, graver 

iyu j I (._• 

wallet, billfold, pocketbook, 
purse, porte-monnaie 

handbag, bag, purse; satchel ju 

folder, file, dossier; portfolio; briefcase Jljjl 
pen case .• 

body, board; assem- ^£^. « Lr i^ < : (jilsj ,-) Jii« 
bly, gathering, meeting, get-together, congregation; 
meeting place, gathering place, rendezvous, place 
of assembly 

' A '.» J : (^r^r i ' *^-j J* £•* ^)yr ^- J ' yj—j J*** 
(official or political) circles) or quartette) J.L j I 

Masonic lodge 

dug; excavated; drilled, bored 

engraved, incised, inscribed, o^&J* i { J-y^~> : jyiu 
chased; carved, graved 

kept, well-kept, preserved, protected, oyA> : leyou 
well-protected, guarded, well-guarded, safeguard- 
ed, shielded, defended, secured); maintained, sus- 
tained, upheld, vindicated, retained; in custody; 
conserved, saved, stored; reserved 

memo-(_A»j4iy* jl L_c J»ya».. SjS'lJJI j J>^uw 

1MB— «Sg 


r ,"^"::'-,-i'S3 

arbitral tribunal; court of arbitration *5Ckj <£m 

Court of Cassation, Supreme Court 

court of summary jurisdiction or 

criminal <^l>r jl <eL> <uxjw iolL> i-jG*. 

-"*-'• " / — * *" . - -» ■* -ST -5 \ -S • -'^* r * " 

religious court, spiritual court, per- 
sonal status court 

magistrate's court, mag- ^UU iu5Ck< i *Ju> 4*£jw 
isterial court; conciliation court; district court 

court of equity, equity court ciLaJ U iJlu* i*SCk. 
International Court of Justice <UjJI J-uJI iJCiw 

Supreme Court UuJI <u5vjJI i Lie "kS^a 

military court; court-martial 

court of competent juris- i*J L> j 
diction, competent court 

mixed court, mixed tribunal 
civil court 


u iLSCiw 

sentenced to death 
doomed to fail 

convicted, condemned, sentenced, u'^- :<4^ f .*£*** 

pronounced or found guilty; guilty; convict 

, .-,*■•,, 

J-lilL <uic <jXX 
J. - „ .- ^ -.. - 

told, related, narrated, recount- jjj-» i (3 jj* : Jju 
ed, recited, reported 

colloquial, spoken, slang, vernacular ^.U : ^j*« 

to be or become barren, L'Jfl :J*»j i^*** 'J** 


place, spot, site, location, locality, r->i>y t d^~» ''S** 

locale, locus; scene; position; venue; space room 

object (of) ( liS") £J>'y : ( \'j£) 'S** 

store, shop; boutique; XJL'y i jk£i : (cj jlkj) Jiw 
firm, business, business firm 

~ ' i ' ^ 

domicile, residence, address i.lil Jj>u 

domicile of choice, elected domicile jLjw iuli 1 3^« 


private investigator; secret i^j- jl <>>U- ^i*- 
agent, detective, sleuth; inspector 

syringe, hypodermic sy- 1+j ^ Sbl : 4Juu >t>i»»« 
ringe, hypodermic; injector,' squirt 

. • > '. - 
wrong, at fault, in the wrong £***""•* • J*"** 

to wrangle, ISC»-L. o^ - ' fjL. ip*«U- :dL>u idb« 
altercate, bicker, quarrel, stickle, be quarrelsome, 
be contentious; to be very insistent; to bargain, 

criterion, standard, yardstick, touchstone, jUw : db« 
measure, gauge, test 

touchstone jLi>->J <o cUmj j»»- :(<_-* JJI) ox> 
scraper ikilS - :<i5ou 

5 - 3 - 

currycomb, brush Lm : iSL*^ 

* *■ & ^ * 

arbitrator, arbiter; umpire; referee £j* : Sm 

compact, well-knit, coherent, l _ r -~> ( dULi> : «SJm 
cohesive, tenacious, firmly connected; firm, solid, 
strong, sturdy; secure 

fast, tightly shut, (shut) tight, airtight, ^f : £»* 
hermetic, hermetically sealed, impermeable, im- 
penetrable, impervious 

exact, precise, accurate, ^^il* i J»^Ji» < J^j j : ->->« 
correct; perfect; masterly, masterful, dexterous, 
skillful, fine, well-done, excellent 

res judicata [ oy \* J i*SCk* c.^ii 

court, tribunal, forum (pf ^** r) **£** 

<U5CJu (AjIju <u5Cj>u li-Iljj jl i-jl-ujl Uju 
court of first instance Jjl ii- j j 

court of probate IjCo^JI (jJikj jl) oLJI a!5Cm 

juvenile court tjlo»-l i*S^. 

i - *,' . ~ 
administrative court i> ■ I j I ^u5Cm 

court of appeal(s), <Jl_JU-l iu5CJu i c>l.-lv...l iuXJu 

appellate court 

. » •> - . - 
prize court A^-i V^L-I i*SCk< 

• >^~ , ^ 
court of bankruptcy ^.^li I <u£J>u 




juror, juryman, member i_-*l->" <Lj» j j-ic : i_aL»m 
of a jury 

jury ^ull i!L* njyM.\ 

petit jury (ij^JI p^^kll iL* 

grand jury (ij^J I L«*kU *~* 

soaring, flying, in flight, on the t-Zj* ' j3U» '■ &*** 
wing; high 

(safety) razor; shaver 

ii%- ill :il!k» tjjbu 

analyzed; assayed; dissolved, o^Li J J jj : Jlk# 
resolved, decomposed, broken up, disintegrated 

JU, ^ :Jik« 

analyzer, analyst 
systems analyst 
ginned (cotton) 
shaved, shaven 

* ""ll'' 

Ji»- :j>lk. 

solved, (jj j! o»l jl JJL-. jl ilS-US") ^»- : Jjiiw 
resolved, settled, worked (out), unriddled, unrav- 

Jki. «■ lj - Jkii : Jjij" 

„.< » >. * 

free, freed, liberated, released, set j* < jJJ. : Jjlk. 

free, at liberty, at large; loose 

solution iili* *.L ^iiy^u JJL (<-jji :Jjlk. 

electrolyte c^-ij^ Jjlk» 

local; native, indigenous; domestic, home, in- ^Jk« 
land, regional, topical; internal 

local news 

iJlk. jLj^I 

;.\<- ' 

heater, geyser, warmer; calefacient, 'j*» : (<««kLl) |*u 

pyrogemc, pyrogenous c»**»" ■">• : rf** 

boiler, caldron, kettle 



{111 tJt yiw <lij :j*»M 

Jj|T«» <Uf I J — _J|T»» • 

public place lie Jk. 

• ' 3 - ~ 

amusement center, place of entertainment j«J J^u 

- j , - 
object of controversy, controversial mat- (■ \y> Jk. 

ter; controversial, contested, disputed, debatable, 

disputable, in dispute 

locus yr-^ J*" 

in place of, instead of, in ^ ^.u : liS" Jk. < <dk. j 
lieu of, as a substitute for 

apposite, apropos, relevant; ol£. t :*lk. j 
opportune, expedient, favorable, right, appropriate, 
suitable, fitting), proper, adequate, apt, due 

misplaced, out of place, in the wrong Jk. J^ j 
place; inapposite, irrelevant; inopportune, inex- 
pedient, unfavorable, inappropriate, improper, 
unsuitable, unfitting, inadequate, inapt 

there is no room for; inadmissible, unal- a! Jk. ^ 
lowable, inappropriate 

J=- cf L>-3k. "<$?■ 

J»-l JJ«-lj-Ai_M 4Jl9- I 

barrenness, sterility, aridity, drought <_.Jk : Jk. 
dearth, famine iilk. : jk. 

cunning, craftiness), deceit oli' : Jk. 

sweetening, sweetener jSL- t Jk; U : (Jkll) J*« 

adorning, decorating, decorative, Jlk. « ^^ : l^ 
embellishing, ornamenting, beautifying, bedecking; 
candying, sweetening, sugaring; embellisher, beau- 

sweetened, sugared JC_. < l'^I»- 'J^o : Jtk« 

adorned, decorated, embellished, orna- £y : Jtk. 
mented, beautified, bedecked, decked out; candied, 
sweetened, sugared 

cotton gin, gin j^k. : LL») £_Jk« 

mahaleb (^>Lj) < 

district, quarter, section, part ilk 

cotton ginnery, ginning mill, gin house » Jk JJt. : rJk. 
cotton gin, gin .]k. : (^Li) gik. 

sworn, bound by oath Ck~^ f i - i ' u* : ( -» ' , «» 



a* #: 

carried, borne; held; lifted, 6y^> < fpy '■ Jj*»" 
raised; conveyed, transported, delivered 

airborne l_j»- 0y±*** 

, * • > ' f * - • f f * * 

r "l • *- ^ .• » - 

predicate, attribute 


>. - si. . j .- » '. - 
feverish, fevered, hot, jjj»» ' <j**-y <->La* : ^>*>u 

having a fever, having a high temperature 

*-'•' 'i' ■' *' ' ' ' ' 
frantic, frenzied, jy-^ ' v^r*^ 1 ' ' J^*~* • C>* 3 ** 

frenetic, anxiety-driven, hectic, feverish, delirious, 
nervous, wild, hysterical, raging, stormy, heated, 

protege^ protected, defended, ijGJ-l g» : (j*»" 
(safe)guarded, shielded, sheltered, preserved, vin- 

ajIap j 

-I Ju 


ordeal, tribulation, (severe) trial, affliction, ilL : <j 
distress, woe; misfortune, calamity, disaster, catas- 
trophe, adversity 
embalmed, mummified (i^O 

stuffed ( j^JJ I j oil IjlaJJ ) J«^ 

embalmer, mummifier £jJ?\ 

stuffer, taxidermist jj^Ij oU^il ,ku>w 

angry, furious, wrathful, irate, (_-«iU i J»Ljm : <ji»M 
mad, enraged, infuriated, angered, incensed, exas- 
perated, acerbated, embittered, inflamed, irritated, 
vexed, seething, steaming, boiling, out of temper 
experienced, worldly-wise, sophis-j^ 1 <->j** ■ cJU»w 
ticated, veteran, long-praticed 

erasure, wiping off, rubbing out; iki j jua. : j»m 

effacement, obliteration, blotting out, expunction; 
wiping out, eradication, extermination; elimina- 

Mohammed, the (jL-j aLU «iil <jlu») ^Jl : -um* 
Prophet, God's Apostle (God's blessing and peace 

be upon him) 

-.-.,* -.-.■. 

commendable act, praisewor- juJ-I j ■»:,„.> J*s. : i j*>u 

thy action, laudable deed 

!fa .*-'* 'm.ii*. .''■'. .lc"'' 

M It ■" ■" 

s- ' •>.' 

Mohammedan __ 

roasted, grilled, broiled; fried; browned; ^^- : ^**m 
reddened, made red 

reddish, red, reddening, blusming), *jyu> : ^**m 

flushing, glowing 

roasted, roast; toasted 

roastery, nut(s) i-aljJLl (-jj-AI <-j pL> o^* '• 


. - > - . - .- - • ' 
roastery, roasting mill, roast y<x^>u J*« : cum 


roaster tJJ i_-i-l ^a^sZ ill 

toaster ^^jP >r* 

soured; acidified, acidulated La<U- J«j>- i^rmx 

developed (a film, etc.) (tJ J Jui ) jjji* : <>»law 

acidifier (*!^ ( ; jU) yi 

developer j^k. :( c^LiVl) <>^ 

bearing [iSLilSL.] J-^k; y,-^ : J**»j 

loaded (with), laden (with), uy*^ ■ (j) lU*m 

freighted (with), carrying a load; charged (with), 
burdened (with), encumbered (by) 

loader, freighter, stevedore ^L : J**u 

, .» j » - 
praised, commended, lauded ,u»- : jj«>u 

-» .- * S >. , 
praiseworthy, commend- »Lillj juJ-U ^ov- : j^m 

able, laudable 


s~ > 

concerting, perturbing, dismaying 

escape, flight; alternative; refuge, j~~ i <SJ^ : oj-»m 
retreat, sanctuary; avoidance, shunning, eschewal 

surrounding, encompassing, J ^u « i^jx* : _> Juu 
circumambient, ambient, encircling, ringing, enclo- 
sing, embracing, banding, enveloping, besetting 

acquainted with, famil- _> Jl> i Jx xJJu : _> ■!»■■>•' 
iar with, cognizant of, aware of, informed about, 
conversant with, versed in 
comprehensive, inclusive, thorough, J*li : ]■■■». 
all-inclusive; general, universal, complete, total 

circumference, perimeter, (U^ki jl S^Sl jJ l) . 


environment, surroundings, ,k-j » ; 

milieu, medium, setting 

' '_ i 

^ > * 

* > 






periph-(i^llJ^)^jlil jijJI Jfc^L^eU. :^iu*M 
eral, circumferential, perimetricCal) 

' V- t - i ' 
oceanic .-.jjUijI • u.... 

environmental ^Lj :'Ju» 

Jy* «r I j - jjill I J— ^« ii-S3II Jili :J**m 

cerebrum, brain; encephalon i-U j : ~ 

(bone) marrow, medulla ,Ju t pUw :( »J»»Jl) ru 

(telephone) call; contact, communication; cor- »jjI>m 

intelligence agency, ol^>U» iltfj i ol^U*. SjIjI 
intelligence; secret service; investigation bureau 

deceitful, foxy, tricky, dishonest.ji L. it-jUui JjUu 
insincere, fraudulent; double-dealer, double-crosser, 
trickster, tricker, cheat, fraud, deceiver 

quarreled with, disputed with, con- «. 'jli. : ^a\iL 
tended with 

tion, abolishment, abolition 
modified, changed, altered, converted 

distorted, perverted, corrupted, mis- dtj>i, : jy>L 
represented, misstated, falsified, twisted, wrench- 
ed, warped 

axis; pivot ^J»i , jlx. : j'y* 

center, hub, pivot, heart, core j>'J. : j^k. 

rolling pin ^>^ ' <i>y. '■ jtli- 1 j>>« 

axle, arbor; hub, nave <- r , ^j-J I jl <ii»Jj I j^k. 

axletree <7^J| j^k. 

axis of symmetry ^L^JI jy* 

-> *.\*" ,' * .. '-• ■» <•-• 

x-axis ty" ' J^" - ' < --'~- *" j^ 3 " ' c*~" j^ 3 " 

y-axis (iJj*t j^sm ioIjLoJI j^sm i ( jjLuj j^sm 

asymptote Vj^-* j>*^ 

axial, pivotal, central <ij£>* « j^kiL ^U- '-"lsjy*» 

trans- j^LJl *J J-^ jl i-5Uil *JJ JiJ ( ^ :<U| Jj»m 
feree, alienee, assignee; remittee 

<£" ' 

:<uic J»sw 

. - ' - * .*- ^ 


converter; transformer 


transferor, alien- jjiill J- j» i <jQil JiLi : Jjaw 
ator, conveyer, ceder, assigner; remitter, sender 


<>Jj^»- 4X_> J Jj^>w 7-UJu \*}y*» 

5u^ aj^lj — 5u»- i 

countenance, visage, face, look(s), ilil. i »!,!-- : ll«u 
mien, aspect 

-u»- u>-lj — cil^MJl iij^Li : ■Li.'hi 

-.- .-, «- - 
avoidance, shunning, h'jt* ' j** ' S—* : -^f" 
eschewal; escape, flight; refuge, retreat 
unavoidable, inescapable, inevitable <Cc j^> ^ 

a- ' 

confusing, puzzling, perplexing, bewilder- liL^l : jl*u 
ing, enigmatic, elusive, confounding, baffling, dis- 



ag3t^^^:.->- ...a;;:.;.;.. 

■■■'■-■;■■■ i 

divorce (in return for a compensation to cJ5U» : oJUu 
be paid by the wife to her husband) 

contrary to, opposite to, incon- J Jai\^ : J utJliu 
sistent with, incompatible with, contradictory to, 
conflicting with, in conflict with 

violative of, in violation ^U i j Jau : J ljJUm 
of, contrary to, in contrariety to, against, incon- 
sistent with, incompatible with, at variance with; 
violator, infringer, infractor, contravener, trans- 
gressor; disobedient 

dissenter, dissentient, dissident; (jijl** : ljJUm 
dissenting, disagreeing, differing in opinion; ob- 
jecting, opposed to, in opposition to, unfavorable 
to, against, taking issue with 

- > ■> \. 
dissenting opinion, dissent lj»J U« & I j 

breach, violation, o U>c ( _> J ^U- 1 i Jji- : ii) Uu 
infringement, infraction, contravention, trans- 
gression; disobedience 

petit misdemeanor 

* '' " ' \'' "t\' ' 
dissent, disagreement, J* rjj*" ' **»ju»* :*iJl»w 

difference in opinion; objection, opposition, taking 

issue with, being against 

contradiction, inconsistency, yiiUJ i^ylJ liiJU^ 
incompatibility, contrariety, opposition, disagree- 
ment, conflict, clash 

-.* ,- * — > 

foul It £jj o*l »iJ UIm 

fears, apprehensions, anxieties; dangers, perils <JjUu 

hiding place, cache; hideaway, ♦Lii-'ill £-*»>■ : uiw 
hideout, hidey-hole; shelter, refuge, retreat 

hidden, concealed jj'"- ( <«*»** : yu 

hidden things sCk* fLi I : oCiw 

. « -3- J 




reporter; informer, informant 

denouncer, informer, informant 

detective, intelligencer, secret agent, 


•i • *•' 

quarreling (with), disputing (with), con- pjL* : MtfUu 
tending (with), fighting (with); disputant 

i ''' '■ i'-' 

parturition, childbirth, childbed, labor, jli : yi liu 
travail, pains 

ford (of a river) ( jiJ I ) "La Im* 

(nasal) mucus, snot (i_i» "5l I ) J?liu 

gossamer ullaLlH J»l»»» '(j-*^" J»Um 

addressee; addressed, f^L£Jl *lJI aj-jj [y : uJ^Im 
spoken to 

addresser; speaker, talker, interlocutor tjj Ik* : t-J>^ 

addressing, speaking to, talking &£» i illl£. : i-Jjli** 
to; conversation, talk, discourse; speech, address 

telephone conversation, telephone <LjylI XJ>Uu 
call "' '' 

dangers, perils; risks, hazards jlLtl :jj»l«u 

adventurer; venturesome, adventur- <JjU*» :jJ»Uu 

ous, daring, bold 

risk, hazard, venture, adventure 


mucous membrane, mucosa 


<-*}>- «-lj — *il»M 

• * " -* - 
lest, for fear that, so that. . . not o I it Ik. 

acquittal, discharge, <j_j-J i i. j • rlj* ' *lj»l : caJl** 
release; quittance, acquittance, quitclaim; settle- 
receipt, acquittance J Lu I : iloJ Im 

mentally deranged or disordered, (-die j) JJlkj 
abnormal, demented, insane, lunatic 

sociable, gregarious, •y^JJ <--?*• « yf ^r] : *>** 
social, companionable, clubbable, congenial, con- 
vivial; mixer 


invented, created, originated, innovat- '9 j^-\ ■ f'y*** 
ed, made, devised, contrived 

invention(s),p^»M t\~-i Hjr*-] : (*^j^r)f/J»» 
creation(s), innovation(s), novelty (novelties), 

#> ^ 

inventor, creator, originator, 
innovator, maker, author 

penetrated, transpierced, pierced t5j^-\ :j>jw 

through, broken through, cut through, passed 
through, run through; permeated, percolated, in- 
terpenetrated, infiltrated 

passage, passageway; path, track, way _^ : djj** 

penetrating, penetrative, (transpiercing, Jili :<j^jw 
permeative, percolating, pervasive, interpenetra- 
tive, infiltrative 

stenographed; written (in) shorthand(iLSH!j)J3i*« 

canceled, reduced [oL^Ijj] Jjp" 

reduced [ »ljjjij »l..,<] Jya^ 

stenographer; shorthand (reporter, (ijliSJl j) Jy^u 
typist, etc.) 

- * ' .i '' J . * -' > 

competent, ^La^-I jl <Lv>^ jj 1 »iJU« :^l»u 

having jurisdiction, duly or legally qualified, au- 
thorized, empowered, responsible 

* I- 1 "-I'-' . * '-*.' 

abbreviated, abridged, (jn^J 'j^rj' i^aI»-I • , v~- 
shortened, cut short, reduced; summarized, epito- 
mized, synopsized, summed up, condensed, digest- 
ed, briefed, outlined, abstracted 

brief, short, concise, c-.n"ii» 1 jj^» 1 ji»- j '■ j-- >r ~i* 
succinct, terse, laconic, summary, compendious 

summary, abridg- ^oxii <, «^>»- 1 j».^ :^o^u 
ment, synopsis, outline, epitome, abstract, com- 
pendium, conspectus, brief, digest, resume, precis, 

.< • - — • . 



bakery, bakeshop, bakehouse 

hidden, concealed 

.**■ -J**" 

insane, demented, mentally rj"-'- 1 0>-»" : J 
deranged, crackbrained, crazy, mad, idiotic, imbe 
cile, imbecilic; madman, lunatic, idiot, imbecile, 

? '* ' ''' ", • > "'> 
chosen, select- J»oi* 1 u><r.;.« 1 ^« u.~. 1 ,«":- : j 

ed, elected, picked (out), culled, opted for; pre- 
ferred, favorite 

choice, select, exquisite, excellent, jlil* : jUiw 
superior, fancy, fine 

mayor, chief ( jj i^. J) j[^. 

V'!*^' f^'J 

* > ~ * & , , 
domicile of choice, elected domicile Jlm aa\j\ Jaw 

testamentary guardian 


selections, selected writ- oUL^u i oUi^ : o lj Lju 

ings or pieces, anthology, collectanea, pastiche, 

collection of literary passages or writings, analects, 

collected excerpts 

*'f'> '■- j' •- ■ -'•» • > 
strutting, jr~jt 1 j) j* iyj* < /.'■» , :.4 :JUjm 

swaggering, prancing, mincing; (self-)conceited, 

self-important, vain, vainglorious, overweening, 

snobbish, arrogant, haughty, proud; strutter, 

swaggerer, prancer, mincer; snob 

hiding, concealing oneself; hidden, concealed 

S~ > ,'• > 

tested, tried, examined, checked (out), <_/pv : 
sampled; experimented (upon); experienced 

laboratory ^, ; 

experienced, practiced, tj/v <oL>«. (j! uj 
skilled, worldly-wise, sophisticated 

*' •* '• ' 

tester, tner, examiner, experimenter, (_jj=v ^r^ - *-' 


laboratory '<$j*>*» '■'<Sj^* 

i~> — • > 
concluded, closed, completed, finished, ,."- : 1 ""^ t 

terminated, ended, wound up, done, over, through 


dissenting, dissentient, dissident 

fabricated, invented, manufactured, L yl* : Ji^u 
trumped-up, made-up, created, concocted, con- 
trived, devised, framed, feigned, fake(d), pretend- 
ed, simulated, sham, false, fictitious, apocryphal 

i'> -• > 
fabricator, inventor, feigner, faker, con- JiL : j xm 

cocter, contriver 

stamp pad, (ink) pad ~i- 1 ./^J S I ■> I 

fermented, fermenting; leavened, j^* i j^j^l. 
raised, rising (dough); brewed (beer, etc.); sweated, 
sweating (tobacco leaves, etc.) 

ripe, mature, fully developed v-^> :j*"--<» 

bottleneck; strait(s), narrow(s) Jn-~** '■ t> ^* » 

'" - _ " - .. '". ' 

>., •*• - 
sealed, stamped, impressed, imprinted jyt+* '• fy>** 

sealed (off), shut (off), closed <S-** < j j j— • : f>j>» 
(up), plugged up, stopped up 

-.:•.' , *-.' . :■.- 

S-, ' - . " - 

circumcised j«Ju <. (j~^ '• u^iu 

*- ^ 
coagulant; thickener, inspissator; coagulating, J^u 

clotting; curdling, curding; congealing, thickening, 

solidifying, inspissating; thromboplastic 

thrombin; coagulase 

shameful, arousing shame; embarrassing; dis- Jjou 
graceful, dishonorable, ignominious, infamous, 

pillow, cushion SjLj :5jj** 

furrowed, grooved, ridged, _uow i j^su i JLi* : jjAj 
rutty, rugose, rugged, corrugated, wrinkled 

anesthetized, narcotized, doped, drugged, stupe- j jm 
fied, torpid, benumbed, numb(ed); anesthetic 

„ . **'>*». * -. ' 

anesthetic; stupefacient; narcotic, Sjjbw SjU :jj»m 

dope, drug, opiate 

anesthetist, anesthesiologist jjS 

room, chamber; bedroom, bed- pj 

disappearing, vanishing; hiding, j\^j> : ( ( Jz»A\) u£* 
concealing oneself 

't J 

hidden, concealed, sheltered, mantled, jj__ : 
covered, covert, invisible, secret 
disturbed, disordered, in jl.U i (J-y^ i <~>jh.*a.* : Jjw 
disorder, deranged, upset, confused; defective, 
deficient, unsound, imperfect, faulty, blemished 

unbalanced, out of balance, not in OjlyJI J-^-« 

mentally deranged or disordered, ab- JiJ I Jl*w 
normal, unbalanced, unsound, demented, insane, 

embezzled, defalcated, peculated, mis- <jj^— : U J.7.W» 
appropriated; stolen, pilfered, filched, purloined 

stealthy, surreptitious, furtive, clan- <i/_- : y-loM 
destine, sneaky 

embezzler, defalcator, peculator; stealer, J jL :<jJu»w 
pilferer, purloiner 

eavesdropper «H)I ( _ r Lj*- 

voyeur, peeper, peeping Tom, snoop, Jul! I ( j JlZjm 

mixed, coeducational, (~JJ iljlu < JuJ « ^Uu) J> l7w» 

coeducation ■L I t a * JuJ 

•*• ' m' 1 ' 
mixed, mingled, blended, combined rij** '■ * '"*» 

confused, muddled, jumbled, J-L-t < fj-yl* '• .kl"--*-* 
mixed (up), unsettled, disordered, disorganized, 
disarranged, deranged 

different, differing, dissimilar, disparate,^ Uu : udl-» » 
distinct, unlike, divergent, varying, variant, dis- 
crepant, contrastive, incongruous, inconsistent, 
incompatible, contradictory, conflicting, opposed, 

sjjiU •■fy^-' : pl>"^" yiL:.^ ij» <( pl^l) t-jtll^. 
various, varied, variegated, diverse, different, di- 
versified, multifarious, miscellaneous, sundry, 
manifold; of different (or all) kinds, sorts, types, 
varieties; several 

disagreeing, tjof*-* ' ijoj\»^ <■ Jii« j-* : uu^ -* 
differing in opinion, discordant, in disagreement 
at odds, at variance, disputing, arguing, quarreling. 

turn of cone 

conic, conical, coned ^oj^j, : *)f** 

* i '" ' 
conic, conical, coned ,Jbjj»M 

conic section, conic ,J>jj»u »Jii 

disgraceful, discreditable, J^. i y-«i : (<i>J.I ) j*l 
degrading, debasing, dishonorable, shameful, 
humiliating, ignominious, scandalous, infamous, 

disgrace, shameful jUI^ ij'jL\ J* -±X,j U :»\}iJ 
thing, disgraceful act, infamy 
warehouse, storehouse, magazine, depot.c- ^iL. : u3*w 
depository, store, storage, storeroom, stockroom 

store, shop; department store j*z, ; ojs*- 

arsenal, armory i»JL.I o>>" 

* ,• - * » 

stored, stocked, warehoused, 0j^» : u_)»** ' ujj»" 
reposited; stored up, laid up, stock, kept in stock; 
hoarded, amassed, accumulated; stockpiled 

stock, store(s), supply, supplies, i'J^ i : 6^>>" 

stockpile y^C^-l uj>" 

abashed, ashamed, shamefaced; embar- 0^k»- : i$j»w 

causing loss or damage, dis- jW» i 5jL»- i... 

advantageous, detrimental 


l(CiL>dx«r) *— 


baton, stick, rod, wand (»ji-«») ^"- : • 

scepter, mace, wand 6^J>«« ' ^1 £«* : i^. 

specified, particularized, indi- ,>« ( jjj*. : 
vidualized, itemized 



earmarked, singled out, designated, jji* : umm 
destined, assigned, appropriated, set aside or apart, 
marked, designed, intended (for a specific purpose) 

devoted, dedicated, consecrated tj~J^> '■ 

■ * ■- "^ 

scarified; scratched; scored, cut; j-->^ :<^>jj»m 

chafed, abraded 

deceived, fooled, deluded, bluffed, be- f- -b»~. : ej o*u 
guiled, misled; cheated, swindled, double-crossed; 
tricked, duped, taken in; outwitted 


(i*. : f > 

employer, master, principal J*i L/, : *y 

sling, slingshot, catapult Sj^J-l <_* JuL) e 1 ^ 1 :<ij»u 

to plow (the waves, the sea), move (iij-J I c^) 3»" 
(cut its way, cleave, shear) through water 

to plow 


miner, destroyer, devastator, rav-^.lu : oj»m <o^aw 
ager, demolisher, desolator, dilapidate!; saboteur, 
destructionist, subverter; ruinous, destructive, 
devastating, devastative, desolating; subversive 

exit, way out, egress, escape; outlet, vent; 1L-. : r >" 
out; loophole 

denominator [ oUilj j ] jlXJ I f li. : r->" 

common denominator [ o L*»Ij j ] dl^Ll* rj^ 

articulation, pronunciation, enun- Jail i jiu : rj*^ 
ciation, phonation, vocalization 

director, producer, met- (^)J ^j-^-* i ' i J\'^.....) ^jiL 
teur en scene 

awl, bradawl, drill, gimlet, borer, auger, uJLt. : j>»* 
punch, broach, perforator, wimble 


to fib, tell a fib; to invent, ^x- i J^l>- I ( Li? : j^aw 
fabricate; to swindle, cheat 

torn, rent, lacerated), tattered, u.i.t.. i J^. : j^»m 
ragged, shredded; perforated, punctured, punched, 
pierced, cribriform 

perforated, punched, punctured, pierced, rid- /jiu 
died; done in openwork, in filigree, filigreed, laced 

cone [i_Ai»] J»_)j»J 

frustum, frus- yl^l £>!»*•• -J»j>>" 'i^aiU J»jj»m 


\ .. > 


ruled; striate(d) 

planned, controlled, guided 



plan, design, project, scheme, (olUa^ r-) LU-l. 
schema, sketch, pattern, outline, model, blueprint, 
diagram, layout, chart 

planner; designer, draftsman 
cardiograph , electrocardiograph ( i_Jiil I ) I 

nose, snout, muzzle, muffle Ja»- : /Juu < n t-~ - 

fiancee; engaged, betrothed, pledged <L—L»- : <^>iuu 

in marriage 



JlJIj <-iyS~* \ J»aJuu 
' ' ' ' " - 

(oU»jJ»»« r-) ii>^Jl»M 
--•' . ', ' - 

snatched, grabbed, seized, wrenched f-y~~> : cJjJum 
away, wrested away 

kidnapped, abducted 

hijacked, skyjacked 

police station; (control) post 

/ ' \ ' ' ' 

reduced, lowered, lessened, decreased, ~'-' ■ : uoti** 
diminished, cut; cut-rate, marked down, cheap, 
low; turned down 

dilute(d), thinned out or down, Jij* i • * ., ,t - : i_ii»u 
thin, weak(ened), watered, watery, washy, wishy- 
washy, milk-and-water 

eased, lightened, softened, palliated, ■ «W- : • ii-^- 
mollified, alleviated, mitigated, soothed, relieved, 
allayed, appeased, assuaged, attenuated, extenu- 
ated, relaxed, qualified, moderated, tempered, 
toned down 

... * - > *.'>.*'> 

mitigative, mitigatory, mitigating, L £_. i ■ iw- : lum 

easing, lightening, softening, soothing, alleviating, 
allaying, palliative, demulcent, lenitive, assuasive, 
sedative, calmative, calming, anodyne, attenuant, 
attenuating, extenuating; sedative, analgesic, pain- 
killer, reliever, tranquillizer 

diluent ^ 

bumper, buffer i*ju«JI 

extenuating circumstances 

failing, unsuccessful, abortive, fu- «ii i Jtli : Ji*u 

allotted, apportioned, allocated, 

allowances; benefits; fees, t_.l*J 1 1 oI_lcC : .-.I -.'*.!. 
emoluments; allocations, allotments 

appropriations obl^il :ol^a.^.» 

- i. | - ' '■ ' \. . 

discounted, deducted, rebated, taken (>-s«- : rj -~ - 
off, subtracted 

castrated, emasculated; eunuch, castrate ^_«a?- :^_o»u 

gelding ye"*" ltj» 

to churn <G.u j r-j 3 *-- 1 ' cr^ ' <>**" 

to shake violently SjJj o j»- : f^\ Ja±*+ 

to be parturient, be in labor, (J-U-I c-_) u aru lyaiu 

churning <>»" j-u^. :(>>>u 

dyed, tinted, tinged, colored, painted f-^l^ : 

greenish, virescent i_ r ai-\ J I ljjU> : 

meadow, lawn, turf, sod, r"J* i j^i- olSC : Sj 
greensward, greens, verdant land, grassy plot, 
green field 

one who lived through paganism and Islam; fj~a±L 
one who lived through two or more epochs or eras 
or generations 

subjugated, subdued, subordinated, j-^"»' : mm 
conquered, vanquished; suppressed, repressed, 
quelled, quenched; subjected (to) 

moist, wet, dewy, damp; jL. i tjjj : J«ik* i^-^** 
moistened, wetted, bedewed, dabbled, drenched, 

dyed, tinted, tinged, colored, painted f j : --- : o>a» 

verdant, green; verdured 
virescent, greenish 

to blow one's nose 

•* . -,-{-. 

^1 ^ J.U1I 


mistaken, at fault, in error, i_JL> jlc i o^aii : ' L - L - 
wrong, in the wrong; incorrect, wrong, erroneous 

striped, streaked, barred, stripy, streaky, JL> : iJuu 

faithful, loyal, truehearted, devoted, constant 

sincere, earnest, wholehearted, tJi i £j \ t : yJlk* 
hearty, heartfelt 

disjointed, dislocated, luxated, disarticu- tHisd. : Jk* 
lated, out of joint; disconnected, disjoined, dis- 
united; disassembled, dismounted, taken apart, dis- 
mantled, dismembered 

left, left behind & ' 

*■ '» 


acetified jji <JJ O^i : Jikl 

* > ^' 

pickled; preserved in vin- ~J I JsJL u~y£^ : Ji»w 
egar; marinated 

pickles jj_.lS" i ^^ : (o^Iki r-) Jkj 

mixed, mingled, blended, commingled, rj>-» : i»>i»" 

admixed, combined 


mixed nuts oVjil :ii^l»M 

.■•, * , 
taken off, doffed, put off, slipped off fjj^ : f >i»" 

extracted, pulled out, plucked out, -l-S - : p jJbw 
uprooted, rooted up, rooted out, deracinated 

deposed, dismissed, discharged, dis- Jj_)« : f _ji~ 
placed, ousted, removed from an office 

-■" > " , 

cowardly, fainthearted, chicken- ul~>- : jljill <h£±** 

livered; coward 

>. , '• - 
created, made, originated; molded, J>^=v : <ijl*" 

fashioned, shaped, formed, wrought 

*' .» •' ■" - 

"I • 1 I- .' ■■'■' .' •' 

shock absorber, 
buffer, bumper 

extinctive, extinguishing; extinguisher, l^, 

sweat room; sweatbox j LJ I - Laj | ii i. 

fermented; leavened, raised (dough); 'J^. 

brewed (beer, etc.); sweated (tobacco leaves, etc.) 

tile, fruitless, unfruitful 

whisk, (egg)beater, whip iilii : («JJ yillll) oik* 

escorted, under escort; guarded, o"lj** : J^* 

watched over; patrolled 

hidden, concealed, secreted, mantled, jf ■ : ( j» M 
sheltered, harbored, covered, veiled, screened 

violative of, in violation of, contrary J uiJUm : _j J»m 
to, in contrariety to, against, inconsistent with, in- 
compatible with, at variance with; violator, in- 
fringer, infractor, contravener, transgressor; de- 
faulter; disturber 

immoral, indecent, improper, obscene <-jlaVL Jj« 
lever, crowbar, pry illi « iii I j : jki 

fulcrum Jill -^j, 

n'> , • i " > 

vacated, left uninhabited or i- Ju> i jtC ( ,-U- 1 : j^L** 

untenanted; evacuated, left; emptied 

feed bag, nose bag (<CIjJ|)o}Um 

mixer, mix; blender iL^U- ( i»;jU- : i»}Uw 

province, district 
claw, talon 


-•' -.M • ', ^*» 

disjointed, dislocated, disarticu- SSLiu. <, Ai^. : Jj»1»m 
lated; disengaged, disconnected, detached 

shaken, convulsed, rocked; dis- (^ilsC ,^.) jAik^ 
placed, dislodged, removed 

worn, shabby, ragged, tattered JL. : JjJa^ 

rarefied, rare ii lisG I JJi : jUii 

rescuer, saver, savior, deliverer; jj^, , Ji^ : n^> 
liberator, freer 

customs broker, customs agent \$ r*r u*^** 

~ f — #~ > 
Savior, Redeemer »w_il ^JiJ i^^JjiJI 

sincere, honest, candid, true; ^»j < JaLe : n^> 


itsmmdA> Ac 


ered (to), invested (with), vested (with); entrusted 
(with), charged (with), commissioned (to do) 

conceded; granted, given, accorded, r>-*- : Jy« 

bestowed, conferred 

cerebral, brain, encephalic jjJ.1 <JJ o>-^. : (^m 

cerebrospinal yc-*"" (/*" 

disappointed, frustrated, thwarted ( J^ ^ I ) u-l» 

disappointing, frustrating, thwarting ( J-^U) ^ 

cerebellum [ p jw J j^* 

cerebellar ^"' (J J so-" 1 • y^s** 

free (to choose or undertake), volun- j~-. ju« '-jz** 
tary, having power of free choice, having the 
choice or option, having a (free) will of one's own 

cerebrospinal y£>* i/"" 

buttermilk dpJ I ) J*£>* 

sewn, stitched; tailored; sutured J»j 




frightening, frightful, i_~> j i ^ 

terrifying, fearful, fearsome, dreadful, appalling, 

alarming, horrifying, awesome, awful, terrible, 

terrific, horrible, horrific, horrendous, ghastly, 

grisly, gruesome 

dubious, doubtful, uncertain, obscure, JS-— : J-»u 

vague, intricate, difficult, problematic 

imagination; fancy, fantasy, vision Jl>^J I »y : *4*" 

• * > -\.~ ' . *■ * i~ t > 

camp, encampment j^r*^ ' 6^* < j*— »-• : (»*** 

. i- » . '■ - 
sewn, stitched; tailored; sutured Ji.-i.. : •efcJ'" 

to extend, stretch (out), outstretch, spread J«-j : jl. 
(out), outspread; to expand, distend, dilate 

to extend, lengthen, elongate, prolong, UU» I : 1. 
prolongate, protract, draw out, stretch out, add to 

to respite, grant (someone) a respite or Ji* I : -u 

delay, give (someone) time 

to help, aid, assist, support ji*L < ylil : jl. 

to supply with, provide with, furnish j j j j : _; x. 
with, equip with 

to fertilize, dung, manure t>J^' ■*■• 

to lay (pipelines, plaster, etc.) a) J " {J ai r \ i (-—jlj'ill J-« 

fermentative; zymogenic, zymogenous;^- J*U : 
fermenter; brewer (of beer, etc.) 

winery; brewery }>i-\ jJ-a* :5j*»" 

five at a time; by fives, five and five y.U»- 



pentagonal; pentagon p jU> "ill j Llj^JI ^U^- 

pentameter [ <_/>> jt J J^f ^ I , *.L»»- 

velvet ii.^ 

plush oli.jjiil J*>" 

velvet, velvety -*U i J^iJo i J*iJll <J,I i_j^— L. : ^J*»" 

marigold; amaranth (oLi)«Ju*j 

guessed, conjectured, surmised j y>- : o*** 

assessed, appraised, estimated, ^i^ i j jJU : ,>►»■-• 
evaluated, valuated, valued, rated 

assessor, appraiser, estimator, evaluator, ,yJL* : o*** 
valuator, valuer 

drunk(en), intoxicated, inebriated), Olj£- : jj*»m 
sottish, tipsy, fuddled, boozy, in one's cups 

effeminate, unmanly, worn- tiJj*^. « liJlii : ^ '* i 
anish, womanly, womanlike, epicene, feminine; 
sissy, milksop, mollycoddle, pantywaist 

neck; throat, throttle >j>y*- < j-*- : J-»" 

throttle, throttle [ l5Ljl£~. ] JjU- f~f < JjU- : j-^" 

choke (*JJ jjC- j) iilji' : i> L! v 

strangling cord or rope; garrote aj J-ju u 

choke ( jJ [ 5 jC. j) *» l^i : 

strangling cord or rope; garrote *j j^Liu L. : <a. 

necklace, collar, choker 5 J^i : ' 

strangled, strangulated, throt- ^>- « J^-jw : J>i»M 
tied, choked (to death); suffocated, stifled, smoth- 
ered; asphyxiated 

feared, dreaded <~* ljI^w : Uyu 

dangerous, perilous ji»»- : «jy« 

entitled (to); authorized (to), empow- t>>i* : uy** 


PT-g. ' ^ 

during, all (luring, during all, <ix. J* < <ix. 

throughout, all through, ...long, round 

•L*- «j«-Ij-5UjLI (3_u 

lebensraum, living room, living space Is**- <i J- 

carry, range, reach, the distance covered J/j I <ilu 

earshot, range of hearing -'-' H {$S+ 

eyeshot, range of vision; visual ^-oJI jl ^kJI <ix« 

field, field of vision 

• * , .- 

at a distance of 5 meters jL*l i_^»- <3x« J* 

hypocrite, dissembler, double- Jill. :(<-». I ail) r}'j. 
dealer; hypocritical, insincere, double-faced, 
two-faced, double-tongued 

(slavish) flatterer, cajoler, adulator; Jill. : ^1 ju 
sycophant, toady, bootlicker, lickspittle 

hypocrisy, dissemblance, dissimulation J ill : it I ji 

flattery, cajolery, adulation, syco- jL; : 5li- Ixl 

c jU jrlj-^l'j. 

interposition; interjection (,jiU; jl j\'y j) ili-lj. 

J»-jj vrlj -Jj-jj :iU-lxi 

stylograph, fountain pen, pen J^- Ji : j! ji 

ink ^U- ijIjl 

lamp oil ^I^J I '^'j : j li. 

fertilizer, dung, manure jlll : jllu 

pattern, model, type Jli. : j Ix. 

orbit, cycle, circle; tropic [ tUJj ] j I jl 

tropic [Lilji*.] (^Jl^ill) jlx. 

axis; pivot i_J* , j^. ; jfo 

topic, subject, theme jJJ c^jjII jl lI^IJI jlx. 

tropic of Capricorn (iJJ-l jta 

tropic of Cancer oU>^-JI jta 

round the year, all year round, iZj I j I ju J* 

throughout the year, all through the year 

humoring, favoring, indulgence, com- 5^C : SIjI'jl 

to prolong someone's life (said of God) «'li <&l 

to stike root, take root 
to reinforce (an army) 

(uij'Jll j) \'jJor 

oJjLU X. 

(>J.i ji 1J.1 1. 

to crane the neck, stretch (out) the <U~c /\ ilj j x. 
neck, perk up 

to set (spread, lay) the table 

to flow, rise £j I ^kll | _,! ^J 

to extend (reach out, reach, stretch out, »J I • ju x. 
stretch forth) the hand, arm, etc. 

to lend a (helping) hand to, extend J JxcQl ju ju 
aid to, come to the aid of, help, aid, assist, support 

extension, stretching (out), spreading (out); J»LJ : ". 
expansion, distension, dilation; laying 

extension, lengthening, elongation, prolon-iJU> I : x. 
gation, protraction, drawing out, stretching (out) 

(_i) jIx.^ j^lj-_, jjjj; :(j) x. 
surge plijJkx. 

expansion ( ^J J j j ^ I ) x. 

rising, uprising (-JJ ^li.) ju 

tide, flood tide, rising tide, jji- xi : (~JJ J^J\) x. 

Jrr" • -*■* 


tide, ebb and flow 

flood; flowage; torrent 

eyeshot, range of .uji < „llu : ^JU I j I ^-alJ I x. 

hyperopia, farsightedness, J^i. : JtJI ji ^-alJI x. 

half bushel (a dry measure) J-jlSCil ^ <Jy> :ju 

extent, range, scope, space, compass, Jlin ( JlL : <i jl. 
sphere, latitude, ambit, reach, extension, expanse, 
stretch, sweep, spread 

distance, space, range, interval, stretch iiC :<$ju 

extent, degree, measure, scale, jIjlL. lii-jj i^lu 
point, level, proportion, size, magnitude, range, 



limit, utmost, extreme, extreme J^. <. ili : <$x. 
limit, utmost degree 


treatment, treating, therapy, medica- ikJll* : »lj)fju 
tion, remedying, remediation, curing, doctoring 

physiotherapy, physical therapy; 
naturotherapy, natural therapy 

therapeutics oljloil jJLp 

indirect, circuitous, roundabout, J*\-a j~z : jjl jl« 
circular, devious 

evasive, elusive, dodgy, p j I j> "^ j '>* : jj I J-« 

shifty, devious, indirect, deceitful, tricky, sly, wily; 
dodger, evador; equivocator, tergiversator, pre- 
varicator, quibbler 

dodge(ry), evasion, elusion, <> j \y> « <c j I j> : sjj I -u 
shiftGness), circumvention, circuity, deviousness, 
indirection, trickery, deceit(fulness); equivocation, 
tergiversation, prevarication, quibble 

indirectly, circuitously jiL. j?* y^> J* : Sjjl-u 

(jjj) jjjJIj »j»-Ij -i_jjLJL> :» 

JJ 1 

deliberation, consultation, ijjLl* ii£»-C. : <J_)Ijl* 
counsel, conferring, conference, discussion, talk; 
study, consideration; negotiation, parley 

persistent, persevering; regular j*^— » i i_J»l_j« :m<jl« 

persistence, perseverance, endur- «& « £J> 1^ : <Uj)l ju 
ance; continuance, continuation, duration 

pointed, tapered, tipped, piked, sharp- Jl_J« : t_o jl« 

embellished, adorned, ornamented, ornate, ^y : ry jk 

composed, written (in an ele- o>^ i oil^ : wxi 
gant or good style) 

arranged, prepared, planned, jJlju i ry-y ' J** ^-^ 
engineered, designed, plotted, schemed, projected, 
concerted, charted, mapped out; devised, 
contrived, framed, made, worked up; concocted, 
hatched, trumped-up 

deliberate, premeditated, prepense, 
(a)forethought, designed, calculated 

• -~ - * Z* > 

procured, secured, gotten, obtained, a-LcJ-oj- : jjjl. 
acquired, attained, achieved, accomplished, wan- 
gled, finagled 

arranger, preparer, maker, author, jaJao^ •. j** : jt±» 
designer, planner, plotter, schemer, projector; de- 
viser, contriver, framer; hatcher 

pliance (with someone's moods or whims), wil- 
lingness to please 

flattery, cajolery, blandishment jllj : 5 1 j I ju 

the five senses ^-li- 1 y-ljl I : d)jl ji. 

mental faculties or powers, ^-xo <. ilUt Jj ji : iiJjl.u 
intellectual capacities; perception, perspicacity, dis- 
cernment, insight 

orbital; tropical 
shoe(s), sandal(s) 

jloil (jj <-jy-J> :iijljti 

dalliance, flirtation; playGng); 


ii~c}L :<Lelju 

joking, jesting, fun(making); joke, jest, banter, 
good-natured teasing, pleasantry, raillery, frolic, 

defender, protector, guardian, 

A 41 ' f 

U- :*JIjk 

keeper, vindicator; supporter, advocator, patron, 




condemned, convicted, incrimi 

nated, pronounced or found guilty; guilty; convict 

condemned, denounced, censured cjy*-^ : 6' J- 1 

breaking in(to), bursting into, lib jju&> : i*»lju 
storming into; raid, attack; descending suddenly 
upon, coming suddenly upon, overtaking; surpris- 
ing, taking unawares 

flatterer, adulator, cajoler, blan- i_«Jjz* i JlU^» : i>*lxi 
disher, sycophant, toady, bootlicker, lickspittle, 

flattery, adulation, cajolery, oJjJ ' JJ-" : «ciljn 

blandishment, sweet talk, lip service, sycophancy, 
toadyism; fawning (on), bootlicking, currying 
favor (with) 

remedial, curative, therapeutic, Jyr-S* : ((ijl A\) jl ju 
medicinal, medicative 

physician, doctor; ~J Lw i i_..,.i» : (<3 j I ji I ) j I xi 


^ * 

smoked; fumigated, fumed 

chimney, smokestack, oU- Jl -l_. r yJ u : iL»-Ju 



Ji j-» i oj*JV • *"*^ Ju 

abnormal, (mentally or (»oL»- jl <lii j) J>»- lu 

physically) disordered 

jl» vflj ~ ,h i) : jju 
ju f*-lj — (JLU I : iju> 

aid, help, assistance, support, backing; (oljui r-) jju 
reinforcement; supply 

supplies; reinforcements; resources; auxiliaries j I ju I 

(clods oO mud, loam ~ J JJ, : j a* 

cities, towns o ju : j ju 

city or town dwellers, urbanites, j'A\ jil i jlu 
townspeople, townsmen 

diuretic JjJ I j ju i JjJU j -u 

horn yj» :Sljju nijJu 

. * ■* ■ * • 

comb J»J-i :»IjXi i (ijXi 

torrential, flowing copiously, j>_)c i j> jo : j Ijju 
streaming, welling out, spurting, gushing, pouring 
out or forth; abundant, copious, heavy, exuberant 

showering or pouring heavy or copious jl j Ju ltd 
rain (sky) 

shedding abundant tears (eye) 

trained, drilled, tutored, schooled, ^/jy i Oj** : ojju 
disciplined; practiced, skilled, experienced; trainee 

trainer, instructor Cij*-* '■ <-<j Ju 

,. ■> t , > 

> ' . , ■* t , > 

coach, trainer 

military trainer, drillmaster 

clod of mud or earth j all \y> i*iu : Sj Ju 

runway, tarmac (l+Lj-») oljilLII pbLi^l )rjj- 

way, route, course, path, road ,jjj]> : r-j ju 

S- •• \ s- ' 

amphitheater; stadium; grandstand; (oU- jlu r-) r-j Ju 

ikJBWW* ■" ■ 


manager, director, administrator, han- j>ju. : jllu 

dler, conductor 

economical, economizing, frugal, 
thrifty, provident, saving, sparing 

prelate; administrator 





lsX>i :<iuju 

* *« 

period (of time), time, space of time, {^) I ^ ) i ju 
interval; while; duration; span of time; term, 
appointed time, limited time, fixed term 
during, in the course of; within, . . :!• j i . . sit- 
in (a given period of) 

pus, matter 

covered with, wrapped in 

-! ./J—* • -i ^ Ju 

heavily armed, armed to the teeth, *-^iJ L. » ju 
bristling with arms 

tameld), domesticated lAjj* : 0»r Ju 

to praise, com- j jb! i J* ^ I i ts^L I : r-jn i *-.u 

mend, laud, extol, eulogize 

praise, commendation, laudation, Jajjiii < >Uj : r Ju 

extolment; panegyric, eulogy, encomium, tribute; 


road roller, steamroller, roller il jJu : *]*■ lu i o U- ju 

driven away, expelled, forced oj^Ja* « j*-- : jj»-Ju 

defeated, vanquished, routed ojii-. i /•_>_)*. : j>»-ju 

laudatory, commendatory, yJ~>u < <>^ : <«f Ju 
commending, praising, panegyrical, eulogistic; 

- i "if 

saved; kept, preserved, stored, put by , j»- j I : j* ju 

reserved; hoarded, amassed, accumulated 


savings; reserves) 

entrance, entry, entryway, J^- jJ I a-«>> : J»- Ju 
doorway, gateway, way in, inlet, opening, passage; 

introduction (to U fj-a^ j *e-h**J <-ljJ : J»-J-» 
a field, subject, etc.) 

i}y-i (fr\j~ 6^-i : J»-- 



armored car 

armored forces or troops, *x.jx. Sy i <cj x. oly 
tank corps 

ironclad, armor-clad, *x.jx. *~;>>- *i-i- :<cjx» 

armored cruiser or warship 

armored vehicle or car*x.jx. (5 jl~- jl ) ci j< : *t jx. 


percept, perception 

perceptive, percipient, dis- _j jJU < plj < _)~~. : d!jx» 
cerning, apprehensive, reasonable, rational, intel- 
ligent, knowledgeable, knowing; mindful; aware 
(of), conscious (of), cognizant (of) 
pubescent, sexually mature, mar- Jl^. i «_JL : djx. 
riageable; adult, grown-up; legally major, of age, of 
full age, of legal age 

the five senses {J lii- 1 ^-Ijil :ol£"jx» 

studied, deliberate, measured, *J tSjj* 'wij^ 

well-advised, fully considered, carefully thought 
out, throughtful, forethought, calculated, mature, 
well planned, carefully done, elaborate, worked 
out carefully, unhurried, leisurely 

V , >'.' '.' '•- 

irj-»— • jf ij "ji- 1 -^ 'irj- u -' -trJj-*- 

propeller, airscrew, screw propeller j« I j : 5^ ju 

alleger, claimer, pretender, con- -^Ij^yfxll) pju 
tender, maintainer; alleging, claiming, pretending, 
contending, maintaining, professing, would-be 

♦i - '> $ > 
pretender, simulator, feigner, faker, j j*UiL. : p x. 

dissembler, make-believe; pretending, simulating, 
affecting, feigning, faking, assuming, dissembling, 
putting on, acting as if 

quack, charlatan, mountebank, JLk» t jio : c- x. 
fake(r), impostor, fraud, cheat, swindler 

claimer, claimant; claiming, laying _> i_JU»* : f-x. 
claim to 

0_jjlij <5>*xll ^ (>• : F-x. 
suitor, prosecutor 

pretentious, presumptuous, jjji* i ^^Ux. : «• x. 

graded, graduated, gradated, scaled; rj x^. : rj -^ 


s -' •" i ' 
scale r-J J ** LTrrh 

. * . * - • ' 

included in, embodied in, incorpo- j J»- 1 j : j £jx» 
rated in, inserted in, entered in, listed in, put down 
in, inscribed in, enrolled in, registered in, recorded 
in, classified in 

f - > 3~> 

taught, instructed j»U« :y*jju 

*-> * - > 
teacher, instructor, pedagogue, school- pU< : ^j x. 

teacher, schoolmaster; tutor; lecturer 



school; college; academy 
school, doctrine 

elementary school, grade school, 
primary school 

preparatory school 

commercial college or school, busi 
ness college 

technical school 

JuJI ylC riLijj. 
t_*jixt : *— j x« 

<LjlXul i~jX» 

<jjlxcl <-jX« 

Ajjlpu ^—J- 

secondary school, high school, college 4j_jjIj £- jx. 

military school or academy ilij»- i-jx. 

nursery, nursery school, day nursery, iiLa»- i-jj.. 

day school 
boarding school 
public school 

4Ja»« «l4 

junior high school, intermediate 

training school, trade school *~4* i~ j x. 

correspondence school iLlJLL; JJudl i-jx. 

scholastic, school; academic; classical) (j-j- 

tuition, fee(s), tuition 

yTJ 1 " (^"J 'yrJ- 

textbook, schoolbook, class book 

yrJ J 



armored, cuirassed, mailed, armor-clad, p-jlj :pj. 

jSMsmsmm/mmmMmmM^mjummmm im A 

OljjUaLI jUfc. «ix. 

Ol-u<i «ix« 

antiaircraft gun 

field gun 


gun-, cannon-, artillery- ili oil. /\ olll; jl ,..:.. :^_<jl, 

artilleryman, gunner, .Chilli ^JL j tjju*- :^V»^» 
cannoneer, bombardier 

•I—OX. 4j 

aIujoII t-^L 

artillery; battery; cannonry 

field artillery 



cemetery, graveyard, burial ground iill»- . s^JL. : ji x. 

paid, settled, discharged, cleared, liqui- j j_^ : p y x. 

disbursed, paid out, spent, expended, Ji_. : e.y x. 

pushed back or away, driven back or jj j^. : c-y x. 
away, shoved away, repelled, repulsed, parried 

propelled, impelled, moved, shoved, jlL. : py x. 
thrusted, driven forward, pushed ahead or forward 

-■ ' -•,.< *- ' > ' . - 
forced, compelled, _^u . »jSL. t^Li* : pyx. 

obliged, impelled, coerced 




balance of payments 

olcyxll 6'jy 

buried, interred, inhumed, entombed, jyjL. : Oji x» 

pestle; pounder; beetle; mallet; aj Jju L. :«jx« i jxj 
maul; hammer; gavel 

pistil, gynoecium oLJI J li-jul ^Ji* : iix. 

miserable, wretched; abject, 0-i- < cM i « ^^ '■ M J* 
humble, low(ly); humiliating, degrading, debasing 

abject poverty, extreme poverty, destitu- .Jix. jti 
tion, penury, pauperism, beggary 

scrutinized, examined, investigated, ^ : Ji Ju 
inspected, scanned, probed, explored, studied; 
checked (out), verified 

(j^ J Jf ' J ~ Aj^ 1 * '(•£** ^L**- 1 * 

tafc»aitgc»iiiw;aar < ,E,'''^~ 


presuming, assuming, assumptive, flatulent, bump- 
tious, arrogant, (self-)conceited, self-important, 

attorney general; prosecutor, ^>*»JI jl fUl yfjil 
prosecuting attorney, district attorney • 
alleged, claimed, maintained, professed, fjt-'y '■ ^*±> 
pretended, purported, contended; so-called 

pretended, simulated, feigned, *j jilL... : (*j) Jtx. 
affected, assumed, faked, put-on, make-believe 

claimed, demanded; assumed, *j i_JlL. : (<o) ,y>x. 

i_-»-«-i 1 1_.... :»Uxj 

defendant, respondent 

invitee, guest; invited 

> . - S - f 

called upon, invited, j i_JCL. . xtlL. : ( Jj ) ^ix. 
requested, required 

called, named, designated, denomina- *■' - :^cx. 
ted, dubbed, termed, by the name of, so-called 

supported; propped (up), shored up, ^: ■ : mcx» 
held up, stayed, sustained, pillared, buttressed, 
underpinned; staked (out) 

consolidated, strengthened, jy_. . <_Sji. : fy x. 
fortified, reinforced, braced, cemented, bolstered; 
boosted, promoted, furthered, advanced, fostered 

corroborated, confirmed; supported, xJ_J» : ,y. x. 
backed (up), advocated, championed, upheld 

subsidized (i*£X\ ^.) ^x. 

guerrilla warfare oCd* <Sp- '•*j*>>* 

bushy, brushy, wooded, woody, sylvan tjU : J*'x» 

warmed (up); heated 


warmer, heater, geyser 

(heating) stove, heater 

calefacient, j9wi i^ : £yxj 
iiiixdJ iJI :»1»ju 

hearth, fireplace 

JlL^i* i jj_j> : ol) x. 

gun, cannon 

iljj»- ill : y-^» 

machine gun 

(jllij jJX. 

1. :...-_-.. 

■ -"- - . ■ ---"^ 


pitch-black, pitch-dark, deep-black, -LL. i j>-I i^Jjl* 
gloomy, tenebrous 

meaning, sense, signifi- tSy» ' iSj** » <^-»-« : J>) Ju 
cance, signification, import, intent, denotation; 
purport, content 
bond, course (»Lj j) <£)Lju 

rakeij^jJI ij^-J jl i-.'.ll uJ iju—l ol i sIjI :oju 

i - j ^ * * 

compact, firm; built-in n* ju i jj ju 

destroyed, ruined, wrecked, de- ^j^ i ,, !»■■«» : >» Ju 
vastated, havocked, demolished, ravaged, ruinous, 
in ruins, desolate, waste, wiped out, crushed, 
smashed, broken down; sabotaged; subverted; 


*- > * - > 
destroyer, miner, devastator, ravager, ujiu :>• Ju 

demolisher, desolator; saboteur, destructionist, 
subverter; destructive, ruinous, devastative, devas- 
tating, desolating; subversive 

.5 ., ■>- , .*,> 
destroyer *rrij^ *~r*-" : »>»Ju 

lachrymal canal v* jJ I iSjy '■ j-» Ju 


addicted, given (up) to, chronic, habitual, in vet- ,j» -u 
erate; addict 

alcoholic, habitual drunkard or J>xSJI <J* <j*x* 
drinker, toper, sot, dipsomaniac, inebriate, soak 

drug addict ol jj*J.\ ^ ,j>-u 

-•' , '" 

" - . > • - 
stamped, imprinted, impressed, printed p-j** : f>» Ju 

hallmarked ( ji-JI jl oUjV.ll) £>«-u 

branded ( u \y~>^ ) f>* - u 

to civilize; to urbanize, citify j-i>- : u Ju 

to build or found cities ULj : ,y\'A\ u-u 

urban, urbanized, citified, city-dwelling, cj^i»- : ;/ Ju 
town-dwelling; urbanite, townsman, city or town 
dweller, citizen 

civilized, civil, cultured 



civilian; citizen 



<jW, J x* ' yNjif 1 .** : (/- 

examiner, investigator, scruti- Jiaw i ii»-L :J»ju 
nizer; researcher 

' *- ' 

auditor; comptroller ouL_»- j»ju 

> . - > . . . •*.- 
pounded, ground, crushed, <i}3»— ■ i o>»»— • : (Jj* Ju 

bruised, brayed, powdered, stamped, beaten, pul- 
verized, comminuted, pestled, triturated 

- * ~ ' -*, ^ 
hammered, percussed, struck, «• j» < <J_j» ijyx* 

hit, beaten, banged, tapped; knocked, rapped; 

rung, sounded, tolled 

driven (in), rammed (in), ham- (»J J J \ e l_.) jylu 
mered (in) 

typed, typewritten 

ClSJiifti ,> jyj- 

s' <» .- ^ 

hectic, having a hectic JjJI ^^^w i_jLh. : Jy-u 

ramrod (»JJ ilioiJl) d)ji« 

tamp, tamper, rammer ^^11 jl (iljU 5bl :d)x. 

-»'' •' i '.^ , •' , j,. t 

self-important, self- jjji* i <-ii; ju-m : (■■»■;) Jjn 

conceited, conceited, vain, vainglorious, arrogant, 

proud, haughty 

- *> j- > 
dangled, suspended, hung (down), lolled, ,J j : J ju 

drooped, lowered, slung 

bucket, pail, bail ^ j : oJ ju 

fraud, cheat, swindler, crook, plo*- i jtlii i^Jl* 
impostor, deceiver, double-dealer, double-crosser; 
deceitful, double-deahng, dishonest 

if- ' f- ' 
pampered, spoiled, coddled, mollycod- JJ x. : »J jl* 

died, indulged, babied, cockered; caressed, fondled, 

petted, dandled; mollycoddle, pet, fondling 

masseur, massager, massagist ttU jo ,y : tUJ ju 

masseuse, massager, massagist tUJjJ ^ : *W ju 

pampered, spoiled, coddled, mollycod- «J-u : JJ Ju 
died, indulged, babied, cockered; caressed, fondled, 
petted, dandled; mollycoddle, pet, fondling 

proved, proven, estab- tAc i y k j?' ' c*~- • : *J* JJj-» 
lished, verified, substantiated, demonstrated 

madly in love, bewitched; distracted, l+)j : *J ju 


\* V 


., > f , 

trodden, downtrodden, trampled down )tr lju :<j»jx» 

treadle; pedal 

'Jji :Jjx» 

recorded, (put) on record, written xJL. i Jk— • : ujxi 
(down), set down (in writing), put down (in 
writing), registered, entered, listed, inscribed 

codified <jm : Oj J-« 

-- ', ». - _'i, > 
code; corpus ^ ly it^u : <-i3->-« 

• " « - 's ~ •■ 

record, note, entry, register, item yyx i xi :iijx. 

'l -'5-' 

log, record, register J*-. : ^j x. 

* .,. ' '.-.' -.- 
knife Crr*— ■ ^-^ 'Si- 11 * 'Si- 1 -* 

• - ,, _,, f _,, , 
pocketknife, penknife •'>!*? : *e-»? ' *Si- u ' *i- u 

^>-X. l^X. j^-lj -'^X. i£>X. 

long Jj>i» r-JOJj 

ijXk* «J»-Ij - JjJU* . XX« 

farsighted, longsighted, hyper- ^kJI jl ^aJ\ -ox. 

director, manager, executive, ojbjl ,j)yj ^ : j;->-« 

area manager, regional manager cst^l >^* 



>- x 

director general; general manager fit ^ j 

sales manager 

principal, headmaster, director 

pi. ■■■ .* »>X* 

master of ceremonies, olij^UI jl _.ljll jjx. 
chief of protocol 

directress, manageress, administratrix »jt±* 


_- S J, , 

ii^JI SjjJU 
.- ,. - '- > 

headmistress, principal, directress i~ jx. Jjjx. 

directorate, fLJI ^jxll jl ^xll i_~a^« :*ijjJ-« 

directorate-ge neral 

department, iLjIal 5x*-j iSjIjI iSjjIj :ijjjx. 

service, division, section, office, bureau 

^X. £l» 

^yJU (jl. «rtC- 

: ■' ' -• i'- 

^X. u>>u 
.J - - 1* * - * 

^x. ^J—t* 



civil service 


civil right(s) *~" JU <i.y>-»- ' Jv J> jp- 

civil action (suit, proceeding, etc.) ilix. (ijio 

civil defense 

civil marriage 

civil aviation ^Jx. ul^* 

civil disobedience 

civil law; civil code 

civil engineer 

civil engineering i_ix.i-.j-j. 

civilization ilix» 

cr^*J- (f'j- (ji*->-« 

astonishing, amazing, surprising, as- Jax. : JS* Ju 
tounding, striking, marvelous, wonderful, prodi- 
gious, spectacular, startling, staggering, stunning, 
baffling, dumbfounding 
fatty, fat, greasy; oily ^j** , ^j : j*x» 

astonished, amazed, as- ^^xl. i i_j»*_. : ^yix> 
tounded, surprised, wonder-struck, flabbergasted, 
stunned, startled, bewildered, baffled 

reverberating, reverberant, resonant, re- ((ijxll) jjx» 
sounding, reechoing, rebounding, ringing, pealing, 
thunderous, roaring, loud, noisy 

vertiginous, causing vertigo, diz- <»-jj (jom : fj±, 
zying, giddying 

extensible, extensile; stretch- 
able; distensible 

jl xJJ JjU : jjx» 

wormy, worm-infested, worm- *j * *.> : jjx» i j}x» 
eaten, verminous, vermiculate 

extensibility, extensibleness; JLJ I j I xll ilLU : o jjx« 

round, circular, rotund, rounded jjx 

round^J^y\l jl olill jl^ ijjlu 

S ' J 


8j5 Jt» 



slaughterhouse, abattoir, jyjJI 0^« ' j>v ^-^ 
butchery, shambles 

altar (i__J>J I ) *y Jn 

massacre, carnage, butchery, slaughter, "»yj>y : Ou Ju 
blood bath 

oscillator [ hjv J V -^ J>» "r 1 JL - 1 JL * 

' •- '■.- 
slaughtered, butchered; massacred; j>»-- : r>J -^ 

slain, murdered 

to addle, rot, spoil; to be or become (<UaLJ I o.) j Ju 
addle, rotten, spoiled 

to scatter, disperse <j»^i :jl* 

addle, rotten, spoiled ju- 1 jl.U \j±* 

winnow, win- »JJ »mjJI 1*j <ij-u Sbl :»ljju nijJi* 
nower, winnowing fork, pitchfork 

cloaca (jJJ d^'^lj j^lll) ell : JjJui 

submissive, yield- iLiJjl J*- < jJa* :,j*Jt« lOlc-u 
ing, compliant, obedient, acquiescent, pliable, 
pliant, tractable, docile, amenable 

terrified, horrified, frightened, scared, s-jj» '-j)£±* 

alarmed, aghast, panic-stricken, terror-stricken 

to adulterate, extend ,jli : J 1* 

to dilute, mix with wa- »UU r^> 1 »-l»i 4 uii> : JJL* 
ter, water (down), thin (down), attenuate, weaken 



: jju 

dilute(d), mixed with water, *liL> r-jj—" ' tJi»« "■ <i J-« 
watered, watery, wishy-washy, milk-and-water, 
thinned out or down, thin, weak(ened) 

adulteration JLe- '■ iiJ-» 

dilution, diluting, mixing with water, *lili rj> : Jx. 
thinning, attenuation, weakening 

masculine; masculine gender [ iiJ ] jS jn 

reminder; reminding (of); reminiscent (of), (j)j3 jk 
remindful (of), reviving memory (of), suggestive 
(of), redolent (of), evocative (of) 

memorandum, memorial, note, aide-memoire, SjS -u 
reminder, diplomatic note; notebook; warrant 

bill of indictment fl#Jl SjSx. 

protest note r-L^»-l JjSx. 


province, county, territory, Jiil 1 <u]»li« :<Ljjx. 

debtor; indebted, in debt, in the red; oy>±> '■ £f f ±> 

indebted, beholden, »JJ jSLUU _>l J^iiJU ytx. 
owing gratitude or thanks, much obliged, obligated 

debit iijM-1 oCj-l ^ ^J"5ll i_JU-l :i>x. 

debit account; accounts) receivable ytju <_jI_»- 
city, town (u^-j c^' JU J £■** r) *-<>>• 

Medina Sj^dl ijjil lijjll 


city-state, polis 
civic, city 

city-state, polis 

urbanism, urbanization; civilization 

.- , . - * >> -1 '* - 

indebtedness ^j g* pyj :»uJ>!Xt 

'.'•■ '.' 

JU-» >"»-lj — X* 

dissolved, melted, molten, liquefied u^ : ol Jt* 

.- -' *t '.» 

solute <uljj 5jU :<_jIJu 

"- i'-' 
spread, propagated, disseminated, dif- j>^> : pi ±* 

fused, circulated; announced, proclaimed, promul- 
gated, published, released, made public 

1 ''•1*11 * ' s \ '' 
broadcast ((j>»_>«J^JI jl jjjI^IIj) plx. 

live,ontheair(program,etc.)*l>Ll ( J*jl5ji'C« plx. 

taste, flavor, savor, relish JJ» : jlJu 

insincere, hypocritical; hypocrite J^iL. 1 slj* : jl Ju 

deliberation, consultation, ii»- L* > il j I ±t : 5 jS I ju 
counsel, conference, conferring, discussion, talk; 
study, consideration; negotiation, parley; debate, 

fly whisk j«Jj oU Jl ijU i\ t\ :^i» 


£)J oil JJI jiiJ ilil :i?J- 

\' u 

■•* i *'•' 

pre-seminal fluid, secretion discharged before (3 Jn 
ejaculation of semen; spermatorrhea 


manger, (feeding) trough, crib 

6>ijjSL« :pL>l« 

radio, radio (receiving) set 

i >" , . , • 
talebearer, telltale, tattletale, lj~ .^iC "Jl ^ : tbJu 

tattler, gossip, blabber 

solvent, dissolvent, liquefacient Vj-i* : »— j1» 

spreader, propagator, dissemi- gJu jl ^lo ^ :»u j^ 
nator; announcer, proclaimer, promulgator, herald 
announcer (ojj^illJI jl y*\')\ j) «!• 

reporter, news (ojj_)ildl _jl jjjI^JI j) jL»- jl vJ-« 
broadcaster, newscaster 

caudate(d), tailed jj i J : J^ ii 

appended, sub- ( jJJ ^JcS <Jj) <_ili. ( jkil : j!ju 
joined, added, supplemented, annexed, attached, 

annotated, glossed, commen- (oils') ^i*. : j!ju 
ted on 

to pass, pass by, go by, go past, go along, (J* i _, ) ^» 
pass along 

to tiU- i^c i «Jai 4 jl^rj :(^ ij^ u t-u*Ys 
pass through, go through, travel through, cross, 
traverse, go across; to pass over 

to pass through, go through, jj IS" i ^.U i jl> I : j ^ 
undergo, experience, suffer 

to pass, elapse, go by, slip bli i ^i,;! ( ^^ :^. 
by, expire, run out, be past, be over 

to pass, go through successfully «J J o [3^ "ill "J» 

to be or become bitter 

shovel, spade 

\yt jLo 



search warrant 



brief, pleading 

memoirs, autobiography ij I i s^_ : o IjS J 

- ' .-■>'> ' • 
mentioned, referred to, named, j$j 4 «J[ jli, : j^Tj 

specified, stated, indicated, pointed out to, cited, 

degrading, debasing, humiliating, dishonor- -jiL :t!J 
able, ignominious 

caudate(d), tailed 

guilty, culpable; sinful, sinning; in fault, at fault; i_JJu 
sinner, evildoer, wrongdoer, miscreant, criminal, 

faith, belief, creed; doctine, teaching; (i_j>IJu r-) t-i Jl» 
ideology; school; (orthodox) rite 

gilded, gilt i_-ijJL 0^ : i_J» ii 

dory (ciL— ) ^ju 

denominational, sectarian, confessional; doc- ^_Ji Ju 

denominationalism, sectarianism, confession- c-a Ju 

J>»Ju jj>-Ij- JiJ- 

astounding, astonishing, amaz- jlk. 1. jul. : J* Ju 
ing, prodigious, spectacular, stupendous, stunning, 
startling, staggering, dumbfounding, baffling, per- 
plexing, confusing, bewildering, confounding 

astounded, astonished, amazed, jlik, < L rj*'^* '■ J>* '±* 
stunned, wonder-struck, flabbergasted, startled, 
staggered, shocked, aghast, dumfounded, dumb- 
struck, thunderstruck, baffled, perplexed, bewil- 
dered, confounded, puzzled, confused 

absentminded, abstracted, dis- ^ JJ I .jjb : Jj* JL, 
traded, distrait 

(*- >\j» 


auditor; comptroller 

review, revision, J^mj ((>»*» i^JiJ 5-lil :<m»Ij4 
(re)examination, reconsideration, going over, run- 
ning over, checking), verification, study 

consulting, consultation, <JJ )t}»J i J J p^r j : **»• I j* 
referring to, reference to, turning to (a source, 
book, etc.); looking up (in a book, dictionary, etc.); 
resorting to, recourse to, having recourse to 

repetition, reiteration J -It I 'jIj£j '>j£> ■-**»■ lj* 

application, petition, iUd-. i »1&X-»I :i«!-lj» 

motion, request; transaction, business 

auditing) oLLi-l <u>-l^< 

neck j-* :z\j» olj* 

wanted; wished for, .j__-U <. <-i <-jj*j* ' <-r'>'^* u> : J 'j* 
desired, desirable; sought after, aimed at; intended, 
purposed, meant 

purpose, intension), design, <~c-j i ijLt 
aim, goal, objective); desire, wish 

synonym; synonymous 


gallbladder, gall bladder 


cholecystitis £* :(Jjl 

strength, power 

-'' i •' -T "' -'!" 

ij\ »U tj' <n i Tn'l 

•y : y'jf 
.. > 



correspon- »JJ in_i»,ff _k-lj» i (««**<* J-"L>* ' J-"'y 
dent, reporter, newsman 

correspondence, exchange of letters, ij ISC* : cL Ijj 

iJCj ju»-I j -LjyS-t k_jIL»- i SJL.J :iLI^« 
correspondence school iLljll; J*_i) <L-jju 

ceremonies, ceremonial, ritual; protocol, eti- (v*lj* 

master of ceremonies, p^CA' cr^j ' <~-'j^ >■** 

fjjL*j\ 4ju J.L_j y< :J-«ijj 

slt-kw v. ■■■•,»" " | , 1 ;-" 1 


in the course of time; ~)J j^-uJI i uCj\ y J* 

throughout the ages 

bitter yy -w» :j* 

(Jy -y 

bitter, severe, painful, unpleasant 


myrrh jll ^p*- i}'— (y rj»**~!i («>■■ ; ■; I j j---9 :j» 

colocynth ('- j W') J-l*^- :cijl»»--JI ^» 

to be manly » tjy I- jU» :jj» 

> ,* '>, 

to be wholesome, healthful, palatable ^ l*JJ I tSjj 

man; person; one ,^» « J»-j ( oLil : >^il 

view, sight J> k ; -• -iS'J* 

before my very eyes (<f cS'j* t>* 

hypocrite, dissembler, double- J»L» :((/'lA0 *'^» 
dealer; hypocritical, insincere, double-faced, two- 
faced, double-tongued 

dispute; argument Jj1> : >1^-» 

doubt, suspicion i-U. : »lj* 

repair shop, oljLUl ->xU^I tj\SL> '-^j» 'V'j' 

garage, i_i»^. ioIjL-JI tljj'il o^-* • , -r''^ , "-t'Lt* 

parking lot, park 

hangar, repair shed oljJlt <_.lj-« 

usurer, loan shark; usurious (<y '1A0 V 'j - 

usury, loansharking Cjii Jill »U-cl i Cj :»UIjj 

stationed, positioned, posted, (J3 JC-c jj^. j) Ju Ijj 

marabout JO (,Jj jl) dLU : Jajlj* 

mirror, looking glass, glass ( %\'y j C 1^* r) • b? 

handglass ijjjj Slj* 

reviser, reviewer, (re)examiner, checker, f-T^j* 





^ #3 


wiretapped, tapped 

(t_julil J»jJ»»-) i_jI^« 

supervisor, superintendent, over- jt Li i i_ip. : t-ilj^ 
seer, inspector; controller 

observer, watcher, watchman, watch- j*o\ j : ^J\'y 
dog, lookout; spy 

censor ^Qllj ^*i\j oUjJJ.1 ^Sj :i_jff 

auditor; comptroller olill>- i_JII^. 

foreman, ganger j&\ Jll«J! (J*) t_-il^» 

control, supervision, superintendence, iJlji.1 : "Ci\'jt 
oversight, surveillance, inspection 

observation, watchGng), keeping an Z*j : <J\'j* 
eye on; surveillance; monitoring, checking (on) 

censorhip «Qlj ^"lllj oLt^JLl! (Jc)ilil^. 

wiretapping, tapping ouUl J»^L»- ijlj* 

watchtower, lookout 

W r^ 

partner (in l*** jl aju> uaij> j* :t~a»\j* lyailj* 

dancing (with) 
boatman; ferryman 

wish, desire; craving, longing; as- *iil*. i ilij : *\'j» 

intension), objective), purpose, design, jlai :J'J. 
aim, goal 

kudu, koodoo (o l>^- ) *\$j* \j* 

,>>-■ - *, - , i> 
beech IV^J J^-I^j* 

practice, exercise, drill, training jt.J^ i co*J : u'j? 

^Jj* grh 


adolescent; teenager, teener jZ.J\ lj j\i <ja : jalj* 

Sialyl (j- 4<uaIjj 

adolescence, puberty 
bettor, wagerer 

betting, wagering, staking; bet, wager 


subordinate, subaltern, inferior; j--»L»- < j-;L> : u*jjj* 

markingtime *iLC (IJi - ) i»-jl^ i^^ai-l i»-j!^ 

chief of protocol 

>U>^z~.l «jf I j — oUjIjj 

observing, complying with, J* Jiilk* : (yfl>l) f lj* 
abiding by, conforming to, adhering to, sticking to, 
keeping, maintaining, respecting, honoring 

punctual -lcjJJ f\j* 

erate, thoughtful, deferential, regardful, observant 
(of the rights or feelings or wishes of others), 
obliging, complaisant, kind 

observance of, observing, ^c <Jail>u ,. _> xJu :oltlj^ 
compliance with, abidance by, adherence to, keep- 
ing, maintaining, honoring, respecting), living up 

consideration, considerate- fl_p»-l < jLil iSlcl^* 
ness, deference, respect, regard 

.- ' , ,> 
punctuality, being on time, keeping an -lcjII i\c\j. 


taking into consideration or account; olif^ <l» 
subject to 

pleading; defense; argumentation); »j I j> : <ai \jt 


procedure [ oy l» ] o 1*1 j* I : oUi 1^ 

escort; bodyguard; attendant; jj 'j t y. jU- : jj f^ 
companion, associate, fellow, consort 

accompanying, attendant, <_«».£*• i ^ j& : ji 1^ 
concomitant, collateral 

association, company, com- iL, \'y i i» jCi. : iii Ijj 
panionship, comradeship, fellowship 

accompanying, accompa- <^\y i ^>Ui : iii \j> 
niment, escorting), convoking) 

accompanying, accompa- <u»-La* t *- jjU : <Ui l^< 
niment, attendance, concomitance, collaterality 

shed, spilled, poured out, effused rj*—" : ^'j - 

watched, observed; surveilled; moni- ^y^'j» '• '-r*^j* 
tored, checked 

controUed, super- J^ilil /\ i-il>^J 1-iU- : ^'J. 
vised, superintended 

censored (^-?G 'f^*' icLt^J*.) i_JI^« 


\ «>0 


square, quadrate, four- £ )& '■ J^J I A'y> < Ay 

checkered, (r<J J (J llliJli') vjIjj jl oUj^. ji :«^^« 
checked, tartan 

* i-' 

g^lj Uj^l yflij gflj -^^|lj Uj>!l ^ 

perfect square ^ U «j» 

square meter ^y, ju 

confusing, confounding, disconcerting, ^ : uuj* 
disquieting, disturbing, perturbing, agitating, upset- 
ting, flustering, flurrying, befuddling, embarrass- 
ing, perplexing, puzzling, baffling, bewildering 

asthmatic jjjIu i_>U^« : *^jj^ 'JO - 

'• -» . >S' 

bound, tied (up), fastened, made s^jJu <■ J^y : -l>yj* 
fast, attached, moored 

connected, linked, joined, united, Oy"y '■ ^>y.y 
attached, coupled; tied; ligated; correlated 

assessed, rated, imposed (<~>j^>) ^>y.j* 

bandaged, dressed, bound up, swathed (rfr) *y.j» 

> , >,, 
medium sized, of medium height i-UJI J».,.j :fv^» 


M't """' II -'l I ; ""' -"' 

nursemaid, nurserymaid, dry nurse, i^iU- : il^ 
nurse, nanny; baby sitter 

time; once, one time 




once more, (once) again, overS-uo*- i'j* < <i^»-l »J» 
again, another time, a second time, anew, newly, 
afresh, de novo 

- ~ 3~ ~* ~3~ 3- ~.~ '3- -' < ^.^ -3^ 

ljlv» t ill ^Jb odl ( v» JUU OjA t(3>**l -^*J M 

time and again, time after time, again and Ijljd'j 
again, once and again, repeatedly 

'* '3' 

once (and) for all ju"ill <JJ j i^. 

several times, ol^. (ijit) i (sluji) ol^. i Ijl^ 

many times, quite often; repeatedly 

more than once, several times, 5^. jli- 1 i'J> [y ^S" I 

subject, vassal; under someone, under someone's 
control or authority 

' ' .3 < -3 '.- 

subordination, subordinate- f>-a»- ' V^-r 1 • ^iij* 
ness, subjection, vassalage 

dodgy, evasive, elusive, shifty, ojljo i jj!->.» : f J'j - 
devious, sly, wily, deceitful, tricky; dodger, evader, 
equivocator, tergiversator, prevaricator, palterer, 

dodge(ry), evasion, evasive- <>j\y < »jjl->-» : **J'j^ 
ness, elusion, shiftGness), deviousness, circum- 
vention, slyness, wiliness, deceit(fulness), trickery; 
equivocation, tergiversation, prevarication, quibble 

seen, viewed; visible, visual, apparent, jj^:. : (J j-i 

television, TV 

educator, pedagogue, teacher, 

breeder, raiser, grower jJI j_>~b)lj ol> 1^13-1 .j^ 

aquarium (yi^) crfJ"* 

insectarium; insectary cXjLX\ ^'y> 

jam; marmalade (»JJ i^Ul) ^^ 

brought up, raised, reared, bred, fostered, ,-> j : ^^ 
nursed, nurtured; educated, taught, cultivated, 
cultured, refined, polished 

•> <> 

profitable, lucrative, remunerative, <_— x» : «_; j^ 


pen, fold 'ji^ '■ J^.j* 

launcher (jJJ i^j\^o J^[) J^.y 
emplacement (ilox.) Jaij* 

stall; place where oUI_ ) -il Juj ^>>« : ^j^ '<^j^ 

animals are tied up 

home port ^ ; . jT . M Jajy 

night club; cabaret J^t : jj/ 

square yrr- 1 -* u*-- 't-' - 

square 4, „j: i jjjJI i_>^<» ^ (J-*U-I : i-uJI *;_/• i «_/« 
square, checker *»e> ' *j"^ : £./• 

\ . U 


shaking, quaking, trembling, tremulous; 

rocking, vibrating, vibrant 

r-** : 2V 

yry (fr'j-yrj* 

hope; expectation; wish; request >£-j i JJ.I : (y*J^« 

returned; sent back; brought back; put *->■ j I : vjJ^L 

- '*> * - - *,> 

return, something returned f*Jj* *!■*- '■ ^j* 

returns, unsold returned merchandise CilywJ* 

trembling, tremulous, quivering, quak- jj^'y : '-i-yj'ji 
ing, shivering, shivery, shuddering, shuddery, 
shaking, shaky, quavering, quavery 

improvised, extempo- jJ*m ^j. i <ucL ^ I : J»Jj* 
rized, extemporaneous, extemporary, impromptu, 
oflhand(ed), ad-lib(bed) 

improviser, improvisator, extern- Jjo^ [>• : J»wj* 

loose, slack, lax, limp, flaccid, flabby, { { j-d'p) fujt 

dressed, clothed, clad, wearing ^ "51 : (^ ju^LI ) X>'j* 

apostate, renegade, turn- (»J I Sjuic jl ,v J (j*) Juj* 
coat, tergiversator, deserter 

mercenary, hireling; hired j^p-U i liji^LI J*- lj : J>jj* 



bribee; venal, corrupt, taking jX'Jy '-(tip'J-^) (/-j* 
bribes; bribed 

(rich) pasture, pastureland, pas- (i_..:,.a,-i-) (y.^ : «j£« 

hotbed, breeding ground, (»JJ ^J I j I iL i^ I ) «;^. 
nest, nidus, sink, fertile ground 

trembling, tremulous, shaking, shaky, i J-y J » '■ •u&j* 
shuddering, shuddery, shivering, shivery, quiv- 
ering, quaking 

trembling, tremulous, shaking, shaky, n^"^ : (Jjuj* 

shivering, shivery, quivering, quavering, quavery 

, - * - — .* 
height, elevation, hill, mound, high- jlmJ i JJ : *£j* 

land, upland, plateau 

high, elevated, tall, towering, lofty, exalted, JU : kjC j* 

,.-i:\.: -. ■ . -. 

often, frequently 

once, one time S^. oli 

how many times? how often? ? i"J, 'S 

for the last time ij± "il I i jli) Cay< j>H 

for the first time, first ij'i^ «"J^ < v« Jj^ 

9 Jf 

bile, gall 

strength, power, might 

doubtful, doubting, in doubt, feeling dJLi : i_il/>« 

doubt, suspicious, dubious, distrusting, distrust- 
ful, uncertain, skeptical, incredulous, unbelieving; 
skeptic, doubter 

» * * * * * > 
suspected, suspicious, 0j a\ j _jl <lj jl <, lJjj» 

under suspicion; suspect 

comfortable, at ease; relaxed; resting, r>ij^~* ■ r^i'j* 
relaxing, at rest 

satisfied, contended), pleased jj^i— i Jo\j:-rK>'j> 

Jb j^lj-JUl '^'J. 

habitue^ one who *llj i'i'jj [$\ Lil5c jU^ ^ : jl7^« 
frequents a certain place 

f"3j* {^"'J ~ t ~r l 5^J* ' J^J - iCjijU- :pUj4 

well-arranged, j* : V ' - u -* ' (3-**-* ' ,' • t — *j* 

well-ordered, orderly, in good order, regular, 
systematic, tidy, neat, trim; arranged, arrayed, 
disposed, marshaled, organized, fixed up, ordered, 
systematized, put in order, set (in order), regulated, 
made up, tidied up; classified, categorized, ranged, 
assorted, grouped, put together; prepared, readied, 
laid out, dressed, made, done up 

■ * 5 -' 

i_-jIj «f I j — f~\ : i_o^« 

correlated; related, connected, J-«L i e'S&-> : Ja-J^* 
linked, attached, united, associated, coupled, 
joined, joint 

bound, committed, engaged, .^a.-. i r j^L. : Ja^l^ 

confused, confounded, disconcerted, dis- j!L>- : iiLjJ>» 
comfited, disquieted, disturbed, perturbed, uneasy, 
ill at ease, agitated, upset, flustered, flurried, 
embarrassed, perplexed, puzzled, baffled, non- 
plused, bewildered, at a loss, at one's wit's end 

Kl— ■MiT.^'gWIIIMj 

^ . w 

r.yw* ■?a i ! 

meadow, lawn, turf, green- ij»j j i S^^*- : rj* 
sward, greens, green field 

postponed, deferred, put off, delayed, S^r'y '• ^Tj* 

hope; expectation; wish; request >U- j i J-. I : »U-j* 



braize, braise, red porgy, sea oW^ *i£~ <. uW-j* 


ypj^V S-»f ' </j^V 

yiU-j* iiU- 

coral, coralline 


coral reef 

coral fish 

likely, probable «i^i. ( J^i« •r^rj* 

preponderant, predominant i_Jlc :«-^. 

preferred, preferable, (more) accept- J-oi. : r^y 
able, having more in its favor 

casting vote, casting voice r*V °> >a '»/ 

.» •> •>,.> 
margarine *-^*~° S-^j '•CtjTj* 

' ' \ **".'" 

resort, resource, recourse, refuge, retreat UJu : *-»r'j* 

reference, reference 4JJ »»-j» cjUS" i : «_»■ j, 
book or work, source, authority 
authority, competent authority <uoZm <J»L 

authority, authorita- 
tive source, expert 

last resort 

.» > 

bibliography {-»■ I J.\ iJli * «_»- 1 ^ll e*J « «_s^ l^Ll 

referential, reference 'ifr'j* 

seismograph Jj"ijJ( <ul^» ^i'Urj* 

boiler, caldron Oi^~ ' ttfJ? 

hoped for, looked forward to, expected; J>*L :>»rj* 
wished for, desired, sought after; requested 

promising aj*>- i^rjt 1 j*Ij '•yrj' 

■«M»it—»; .- ma 



l . , ,:'-: , i 

sublime, eminent, superior; loud (sound, voice, 
etc.); rising, going up, ascending, mounting (up), 
soaring, towering, skyrocketing, climbing 

ascent, rise, uphill a*U» jj jl»- : (^aJT^ 

expected, anticipated; J.v-»i« 1 jJiiL. 1 «ijLi : k-oJT^ 
prospective, likely, potential 

outlook, pros- J.i7,„ll JJV J i £*.>"-• <J:»" » : t-r-*Jj* 


litharge, lead monoxide 
committed, perpetrated 
perpetrator, wrongdoer 
pivot; center 

rest; abutment; support, prop i*U j 1 t£i. : J^J^« 



leamng on, abutting on, resting <j\ .l;.:.,„. : Jc jxi>^« 
on; based on, founded on; relying on, depending 

-. •• 

reciter, intoner (of the Koran) (u^jiJ I ) i]fj* 

choirboy, chorister; church singer ( ^ I aiJ I ) Jij, 

*-' .*-■» 
singer, chanter jj, ; Jij, 

. '- , -'.••* 

(jij fU "ilL J6JL 0- t <JjJ jl <) Jill £j, 'J, •■cA'j* 

mortgagee, pledgee; pawnbroker 

to soften, mash ^!i : £j'J» 

to macerate «iJ| :tt>j* 

to suck IfOA-.'d'^, 

elegy, lament, dirge, monody *~?'j* ^'j* 

to graze, pasture, grass r"J I j Uli 'j : "C la) I ^/i 

to pasture, graze rjll J cutj : <il Jl o»-^« 

to be or become confused, disturbed, L/^il :r^« 
disorganized, jumbled; to jumble, clutter, run in 
disorder or confusion 

disturbance, confusion, disorder ol^kil : r^» 

pasture, pasturage, pastureland, grazing £^ : r\^» 
land, grassland; prairie 



* ft- 

sanctioned, lawful, legal, licit, legitimate 
licensed, authorized <u ^ay j : <u ^aa-y 


licensee; concessionaire, 

iiJJ jv*^ 

-s-: . -•■' --- 

- . ' ~a- 

to strip a branch of its leaves t yai) I Jj-i 

reason, cause; factor J*U i 1_— : 'zj* 

due to, attributable to, ascribable to, refer- J J o *y 
able to, traceable to, going back to, caused by 

f jliI*:Jji>* 

- ':;- 


inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable ^^ju : *} "*y ^ 

antibiotic (ifc^ - • 5 *- i * : \<S*y<) f/ 1 

road roller, roller, steamroller JJoaw '-tyiy <■ u*\ iy 
marjoram (cjL>) tyjiiy 

spindle; spinning wheel Jy* : u J^ 

inadmissible; rejected, refused, turned Jo^y : Jj Jj-i 

repelled, repulsed, driven back or «• y x. : j j j^. 
away, parried 

yield, produce, returns, pro- ili t Jj^aki : jjj^ 
ceeds, revenue; output; turnout 


spray, sprayer, spray can; atomizer 



I:, ill I ^iil l^ olb ilti- :l$Jj* 

4j- Liu 1 o ^ >* 

'•- '..' 
rejected, discarded, castaway, cast-off j>~. : dj Jjj 

* , •> '.- 
low, mean, base, inferior J»»i» : Jj i^« 

*-f , *'- ':- .- s - 

to embitter, bitter, make bitter \"y «^»e : Jy 

to tweak, pinch, nip yoj : jj-i 

drain; (rooO gutter; spout, waterspout, olju : >-/\jy 

., * .< — j .- 
swing; seesaw; cradle ^-^j' : ^yry 

+ > '. > .- 
stoned, pelted with stones SjUJ-L eijii. : fyrj-i 

to frolic, rollick, romp, have fun, make Jj*r : ry 

merry; to rejoice, exult; to be merry, gay, jovial, 

joyful, cheerful, lively, mirthful 

glee, mirth, hilarity, gaiety, joy(fulness), Jii- : ^y> 

cheerfulness, merriment, joviality, fun, frolic, 


merry, gay, jovial, joyful, jocund, cheerful, J ii- : r y 

jolly, jaunty, jocose, lively, mirthful, hilarious, 

gleeful, frisky, frolicsome 

well done! bravo! c. :,..■>■ I : ^yy 

toilet, flush toilet, lavatory, water clos- i-t..:.^ : ij^y 
et, latrine 

welcome! hello! (di>) \^y 

evacuated, expelled, evicted, forced out, .u.... : J*^ 
ousted, dislodged, driven away, sent: away; ban- 
ished, exiled, expatriated, relegated; deported; 
exile, expatriate, deportee 

carried (forward or over), S^'y ^y^f* ' S*y 

posted; carry-over, amount carried forward 

relay [ *ljjtS ] ~^»-y i S*y 

stage, phase, period, juncture, Xa* j j t j^J» : ili-^i 
grade, step, point, degree 

temporary, temporal, transitory, provi- c*i'y '"iS»-y 
sional, interim 

deceased, dead, late cy^-* • fi^J^ 

the late, the departed, the deceased o>» c>^>' 
to anoint, embrocade, rub, oil ^i j < i^li. : fy i r j-i 
soft; flabby, flaccid y- j t ^ : r^ 

reduced, lowered, cut; marked (y~i\) yiiaw ^u^j- 1 
down, cut-rate, low-priced; cheap, low, inex- 

authorized, licensed, permis- jSU- 1 ^L^ : (o ) ^oi- y 
sible, allowable, permitted, allowed, warranted, 




studio jj Jd- 1 




cardiograph; electrocardiograph 


drawn, traced, sketched, delineated 
designed; illustrated; painted 

planned, designed, projected, schemed, y ju : fyy 
charted, mapped out; devised, contrived, made, 
worked out 

deliberate, premeditated, prepense, 

(a)forethought, designed, calculated 

s ■•* '*j -*■ *■•* * « ~ 
decree, ordi- AjJuiJI JJJlJI ^ jjU» yl : rj~y 

nance, edict, regulation, act 

decree-law, legislative 




to scratch 


watering pot, watering can 

shower, shower bath, douche jij j 4 p^. : iij* 

spray, sprayer, spray can; atom- i»-UJ < Siy : ii,^ 


candidate, nominee; (jJI cjUlJ^I i i_....a.:...l) ruj^ 

filtered, (in)filtrated, percolated, ^Ll. i (ji-o* : j^j* 
exuded, strained, leached, distilled 

apt to, likely to <jl r^A' Cr? ' J J J^~* : -J rrV 

filter s U .<a,» :>ujj 

nominator (»JJ cjU^^I i i_,,n. < l) ^i.^ 

filter aliaiu :4mm»6 inij* 

guide, leader, conductor, pilot, usher; jlIji ^y : jiiy 
adviser, counselor; instructor 

satrap <uji <??j\* <i% p£V : <jljj_y 

sledgehammer, sledge; iron rod *ijjf l *iJjf 

harrier, marsh hawk jy^" ' Oi f > '• '->J* 

marjoram v^~>) ij-y^y '•ij'yyjj* 

« ' <■' 
blessed, prosperous, fortunate, successful &)jj* 

to macerate £>y <■ jii : ^j* 

to inure, accustom, season Jjt : <j-y 


to sophisticate, make wordly-wise, iiLi- : 
make experienced, train, toughen 

ii '* n *' ' ' \>- 
anchorage, moorage, moor- £M ^i_J I y» j <ju^-* : ij^j* 

ing, berth, roadstead, road(s) 

I l>' • -' S II ' *',i V f -I ' 

anchor; bower; \^6^ j < : ■ ; «,.. I I o-Jj SIjI '-'^j* 
grapnel, grapple, grappling, killick, kedge 

precipitant *-r , y ° J ^* :t r"V 

cable, hawser 

theater, playhouse; stage 

firmly established, well-established, jJ»^ c c~i* : t^j* 
well-founded, settled, stabilized; fixed; implanted; 
strengthened, consolidated, firmed up 

stabilizer; fixative; fixer c..,v,» : n^jt 

mordant (<j yi I ) f^y 

>.. ,, .f .- .^ 
sent, sent out, dispatched, expe- Cjj*~* t J- jl : J**^* 

dited, forwarded, consigned, shipped 
transmitted [ u^j^ilu j jj j I j ] J-y 

long and flowing, loose, lank (J*Z.) J-^— : S"S 

blank, unrhymed, free, (verse) \j£) <_^i» ^ : J-^ 

missionary j^> : (yri^) J-"^* 

consignee; recipient, receiver, addressee *JJ J~^« 

sender; dispatcher, consignor, for- J-,^ ^y : J-j^ 


transmitter, transmitting set J^-j[ jUr : Jr^* 

ll ^ ^Mlm^^lw^M ^ ^ ^^ l ™ ^ ■ 

last illness 

epidemic disease 

functional disease Jt^i v°y 

pathology J^y *' (J* 

gynecology *L~JI yilj.ljj* 

satisfactory; satisfying; pleasant, pleas- (,<ijll) yij^ 
ing, gratifying, favorable; well 

satisfaction, gratification; pleasing; pleasure oLo^j 
to please God; for the sake of God Jil ;U>^J 

' •'"'7' T* 1 ! • •' 

suckling mother, breast-feeding <u^^ jtlj 1^1 ^ I '-s*?j* 


wet nurse, nurse Uj«* jJ j {-*>_/ 5 \j» I : «*^>jj 

foster mother pLij'illj »l :i»*»j» 

bruised, contused 




morbid, pathologic(al); sick yijll J J uj„,:'. '"^>j» 

sick leave S- i J >* • j«r I 

to pluck out, pull out, tear out . V". : «L£ 4 i>^j 

alopecia, baldness Ju» : «t^j 

hygrometer i^^l ^Li. :i_»U»^ 

moisturizer, moisturizing cream; emol- (o^iJJ) uJ»^ 
lient, softening, soothing 

refreshments, soft drinks 

pilot jiL. J I j^.j^ 

beacon (o l^li) I i I j«J ) ^CL "il jf ^ 

girl scout, scout, girl guide iiLli :5 Jiijj 

lookout, observation post, observatory \-Sj- : ^o'j* 

observatory y£^' -u^ <^-~* : (<jP*) J-*/* 

inlaid (with), set (with), enchased (with), ( j ) Cojt 
studded (with) 

observed, watched; surveilled s-*'j-* : fj-sj- 1 

appropriated, earmarked, set apart ^um : *yoj* 
or aside, designated, dedicated, destined, allocated, 
allotted, assigned 

appropriation, money set >yoj, «!_. <. i^j» JL. 
aside for a specific purpose 

paved, flagged, slabbed, floored; 

stratified; tiered 


to rub over, anoint 

to be or become fertile, produc- 

t* in- 
fertile, productive, fat, fruitful 

grass, herbage, pasture 


pasture, pasturage, pastureland, ^> t «j^> : ^j* 
grazing, grazing land, grazing ground, grassland; 

frightful, frightening, terrifying, dread- oL*-. : ^j* 
ful, appalling, alarming, horrifying, terrible, hor- 
rible, awesome, awful 

aligned, lined up, rowed, ranged, ciy.-a-. : <~»yo J ' 
arrayed, arranged, marshaled 

to be or become sick; to sicken; to be or fall ill ijoj* 

to nurse, tend 

<j u^c.\ '-u^ij-^ u°y 

disease, malady, ailment; illness, sickness Joj» 

venereal diseases 
dermatosis, skin disease 

acute disease 
internal diseases 
organic disease 
mental disease 
chronic disease 
endemic disease, endemic 

iS-^r Jt 



„ • > j ., 

tSyJ**- Joy 

i>*^* u«J* 



contagious (infectious, communi- jL jl jlm (ji^ 
cable, catching, transmissible) disease 




enclosed, attached (<j) jij* 

enclosures olii^* 

elbow [pj^-" J - Li *Jlj j*uJI (j^ J«ejll : ii*^ 

utility, service, i>- 1 j <LL-j < 5 jl jI i iaJua* : J^ij* 
facility, installation, convenience 

public utility, public utilities olcj^l^* t^\s. Jtjt 

crank; crankpin [ ISC-JlSL^. J ^^ 

crankshaft [ISLllSL*] Ji^ll iyu. 

cubital I jvj^" J J^ jll^ J^i. : ypj» 

inadmissible; refused, rejected, turned ijij> ■ Jepj* 

raised, lifted (up), uplifted, hoisted, jJ j : ^j»j» 

elevated, boosted, hiked; increased, stepped up, 
scaled up 

submitted to, referred to, filed J J ^ ai. : J J fpj* 
to, brought before, put before, presented to, ren- 
dered to 

r l '" 
(noun in the) nominative, (verb in the) [iJ J ^?j> 


morphine Cx?jy -Cf^J* 

to penetrate, pierce through, pass 3j^-\ '■ (J! <$J* 

to renege, renounce, ^c jjj\ i j***- :(yjjJI ^) Jj» 
abjure, recant (one's religion or faith); to apos- 
tatize, renegade, tergiversate, defect 

broth, stock; bouillon; gravy; sauce; dressing ii^. : Jj* 
hemostatic; styptic tij^ll »J»li : \jtj» 

tourniquet iSy^ cijJI oii^J J,..«:„.'i ;IjI '■>\*j* 

ladder (JC»- jl 0^> j' <-»i»- o?) r" '•*^J* 

stairs, staircase, stairway r j J : »^j« 

step, stair, flier ii- j j : slij* 

rolling pin dlj_ji : Jlij* 

lookout, observation post, observatory jL«j< : i—*./* 
watchtower, lookout iJljll ^j* :t_J>« 

fat, grease 

1^: jj^i :<*/» 

frightened, scared, terrified, horrified, jjci* : yj*/* 

alarmed, panic-stricken, terror-stricken 

.- .-.- •>,-•» . '•- 
sunstruck ,j*ti* *?.j*> v^ :<J J*^* 

observed, com- <> <}y*u> ijlk. : fljiflll yf^. 'u*/« 
plied with; applied, practiced, in use; effective, 
valid, in force, in effect, operative, in operation; 
common, prevailing, established, customary, con- 

to roll (in the dust, etc.) ( £JJ lJ>J I j) £_>■ 

to saturate, soak (with oil, etc.) (^JJ p*jJl*) £y 

to soil, sully, stain, tarnish *-J j : *-ijf £_/• 

-" - * •' / ■•u\ • •' 
foamy, foaming, frothy, ;^*j jj i ju j. : lyfjl'J £j* 

frothing; lathery, lathering 



compelled, coerced, constrained, _,». i «j£- : p*j* 

forced, obliged 

unwillingness, reluctance; dislike, »£ < j^ii : <*£j* 


desirable; desired, wished oy-l** i ij^ '■ *^* ^S^J* 
for, coveted, sought after; in demand, in request 

undesirable <-j <-r , >^^ , j^ 

persona non grata, undesir- *J i-j^i-j* j^ u°^" 


port, harbor, haven, seaport, anchorage ►Ll. : Uj* 

fluttering, flapping, waving, streaming, <-ij»> : <-*j>j* 

floating, flying, whipping, flickering 

Shrovetide [iJlj^oi] jJl^ll (U ijj^» 


Shrove Sunday 

Shrove Tuesday, Mardi jj^ll ;U^i ( jJ l^tl *U^i 
Gras „_ , 



zsss^ Qemm^i^sm. 


(chemical) compound 

complex »oa£ ; t_x> j< 

superiority complex J>iJI jl «^LlL.^I ^ y 


inferiority complex 

CjjjJI jl (joii'll uj^i 

s,j *, 

compound number; complex number t_-^ jj* 

,* -j *» 
compound interest i-i'j* SoJIj 

complex fraction, compound fraction t_-£ y jJ$ 

vehicle, conveyance, means of transport; <>y. 'X£ y 
car; carriage, coach; wagon 

motor vehicle <A\ <4y 

spacecraft, spaceship >UuJI i-S'j* i iJLai £jj* 

armored vehicle 

' ?*'»-'•:- 

<ni,n« j I <£jJU 

ii - 


mercurochrome, merbromin fi£}£j? 

to center, centralize; to focus, concentrate, j£j : 3^j* 
focalize, localize 

center tJI ^i» < Jomj t SjSI jJI J»— j i j>"* '^rj* 

focus jo Jt (Jjm 1 5 jx '. y y 

position, station; post; (-*»y <■ u^C. i >Jiy : jO* 
location, situation; site, seat, locality, locale, locus, 
spot, place 
post, office, position, job, situation i_..a..'« : jiT^. 

status, standing, rank, posi- «^j i fliu i i;l£. : jif^. 
tion, situation 

headquarters; main office, ' i r*Zj y*y <■ 5 jl j]ill jS^« 

head office, central office 

police station; police post it^JI jl ,^-JjJI j^^ 

center of suspension 

JjiiJI £y 

(telephone) exchange, central, o£u 1 3 1 0>*kJ I j5^ 
central office 

center of gravity <JiJ I jS^ 

vacancy, vacant post (position, office, £c £y 

headquarters SjCillj^^. 

j ... j», V> 
fixed, fastened, settled, fy*y > jj>» ' o~^» 

stabilized; planted, implanted, rammed, inserted; 

positioned, stationed, placed, emplaced 

telescope ojSC-k :i_. i^« 

t—-ty *>■ lj — <-Jj^ 

bed; couch f=*-<« : jj^» 

somniferous, soporific, somni- (ii-o) (>_;-■ : jj^« i jJjj 
facient, hypnotic, sleepy, sleep-inducing 

soporific, hypnotic, barbitu- (*«l) ^y* : jjj, i jSy 
rate, somnifacient 

ballroom, dance hall, dancing u^i'J\ o&* '-uoi'y 
room, dancing place 

J»Jjl «rlj-»k»jl :iij^ 

patched, patchy 

dilute( d), thinned out or down, «*.«'.. i ljAjh : Ji^* 
thin, weak(ened), watered, watery, washy, milk- 
and-water, wishy-washy 

diluent »_,?,. '„. <. Cul.<> : Jty 

numbered lllijl jl C»j (Ja£-\ '-niy 

paged, paginated, numbered(Tj Jt-illS" £j\*jLa£)jy 

punctuated, pointed J^olyJIj ,L;ll. jj^. :Jy 

pen; pencil; crayon; brush 

boat, ship, vessel, ferryboat 

steamship, steamer, steamboat 

sailboat, sailing vessel, sailer 

trawler, fishing smack, fisherman jil* i_i" ; 

* s - » *_~> 

' •f*J t 

Hjj i. jji : pi j, 
- ' i5jj j : v^^« 

(,SjU«j <-.£ y 
,-clA i--S , 



assembled, put together, fitted together, >Hv : ^ y 
pieced (together); set up; installed; combined, for- 
mulated, prepared; synthesized; composed, made, 
formed, fabricated, constructed, built; mounted 
(on), fastened (on), fixed (on); fitted (in), set (in), 
inserted (in) 

made up of, composed of, ^ (_J j* : ^ t-i"^ 
consisting of 

complex; compound, composite .!-_ ■■; 1^» : »_-^^« 

composition; combi- <**>Jv < il^ ^. J jU : c_i^ 
nation; synthesis; compound; complex 




fU-J \JM^ 

to be or become angry o. ; ac : j*j* 

alabaster; marble 

alabastrine; marble, marmoreal y^U- j'-lijtjt 

eel crrr^' ''&>*■>* 

sandbox (illfJl)iL^ 

, . i -** s^ 
repaired, overhauled, fixed, re- J™"' ' r"J ' (**->* 
stored, reconditioned, rebuilt 

marmot (ul>~>-) -J>>v* 

notable, remarkable, eminent, dis- ^ U i jjIj : <iyj* 
tinguished, noted, outstanding, illustrious; impor- 
tant, significant 

high, elevated, sublime; ^ -u^. t f L i J I j : (j)-^ 
top, upper; advanced, developed 
thrown, cast, flung, hurled, tossed jyilu : y*j* 

rhinoceros (u I^j>- ) £>Ji\ I -u»- j < O^jS" : trtfj? 

to be or become flexible, pliant, ductile, U^* 0^ : Oj* 

to train, drill, practice, exercise, coach, <_. j j : J* 6jj 
school, tutor, discipline, rehearse 

to accustom to, habituate to, season yyc : J* <jj» 
to, inure to, make used to, familiarize with 

flexible, pliant, pliable, plastic, ductile, ,^J i O^J ; <Jjj 
malleable, yielding, elastic, resilient, supple, lim- 
ber, lithe, lissome 

ijlij «l»-Ij — oUj :o\Jj* 

phonohte («> o ^ ^p«^ '-o^j* 

l-JIj^I ijjJ u^-t :<-^» 

(rabbit) warren 

singer, chanter; hummer 

thin, slim, slender; fine, delicate, flimsy; sharp, uatj* 

sensitive, delicate u -*-\ i-a*j* 

.. > ' - •> 
exhausted, fatigued, tired (out), j+»* « S-~ • J*/* 

weary, worn out, run-down, overworked, toil- 
worn, overtired, overtaxed, dog-tired, stressed, 
strained; burdened, overburdened, oppressed 

exhausting, fatiguing, tiring, wear- j+>* i (_-*!• : J*^ 

centered, centralized; focused, focal- j£j** '■£ j* 

ized; localized 

concentrated; condensed <JlS^:^j» 

centering, centralization; focusing, £ j» jXa* '»j^j* 
concentration, focalization, localization 

central, centric; centralized i^jS ' j* 

central bank (5 £j» <Jj*a* i (5 £j* liLj 

central heating VjO" *^»-*J 

decentralized (ijO 1 ^ 

centralism; centralization; centrality ij jS"^« 

decentralization <o jS^>» "51 



storage battery or cell, i jiU- : (vS - ^ i ^jj i ^Sjt 


mercantile; mercantilist(ic) 



ridden, mounted 

mount, riding animal u-> > u I.*-* - ' *rr* ■ Vj 5 ./• 
,' ,, ,^ ,^ * .^ 

accumulated, amassed, heaped ^SJ i u-jZa ■ ^£j* 
up, piled up, stacked (up) 

marquis, marquess, marchese »>-jl ji»-I : j&j* 

marchionesse, marquise, marchesa jjf jll *»■ j j : » j« j^ 

marl yj-lf JL»La : Jj» 

goal [ijju i^ljj] <Jji i^jj 

goal, target, aim, end, Jef- 1 Juai kJj* : t ^^* 
objective), purpose, design, intension) 

range, reach, cany ^J\ Jl»« i c5 ±> ■ &j> 

eyeshot, range of vision 
earshot, range of hearing 





unguent, unction; pomade; salve 

swivel [iSwlSL-.] if'j* 

(eye) pencil, (kohl) stick {+> jȣL> i 1 3 1 : j Jj;> 

passing, passage, pass, passing by, ^. jlu^. : jjj* 
going by; passing through, going through, traveling 
through, crossing, traversing, traversal; transit 



t J\X 

J*- 'JiJ" 

innocent passage [ uy\S ] Jjpl jjJ-\ &>■ 1 tsj> jjj> 
prescription [u>>l»] f->^J '-o*^ jij» 

'jj>' \y <-j3s *»*>»■ 'jjs yyr ijjs Sj?->j 

tame(d), domesticated); housebroken; ^ij j : ijajj* 
subdued, subjugated; trained, drilled, coached, 
schooled; accustomed (to), habituated (to), used 

tamer; trainer j± ' } 'j V, : jj^ 

frightened, scared, ( T'.^ c ./• ' j**-** ' | -«j^»- : f J>* 

alarmed, terrified, horrified, terror-stricken, panic- 
stricken, terrorized, shocked, startled 

frightening, frightful, terrifying, i_»c^. ( i_~* 'j : Pjj^ 
horrifying, dreadful, appalling, alarming, shocking, 
startling, terrible, horrible, awful, awesome, ghast- 
ly, grisly, horrendous, horrific, gruesome, macabre 

^ ~ » • • ^ *■ • „ ff 
apostasy, defection, »^i* j' ui* O* -^-^j' : <JJj-» 

desertion, tergiversation, backsliding, lapse 
deviation, straying, aberration J!JU> ( <~>\j^> 1 : 3jj» 

desired, wished for, wanted, sought <ui ^>yiy : Mj-t 
after, aimed at; desirable 

flexibility, pliancy, pliability, plas- il^J ( i; 1J : Cjj» 
ticity, ductility, malleability, elasticity, resilience, 
suppleness, limberness, litheness, lissomeness 

irrigated, watered, supplied with water * i JLL> -ISiJ* 

narrated, related, told, JyLL. « i tJ ^ « rxi*. : \stj» 
recited, recounted, reported; transmitted, passed 
on; quoted, cited 

esoph-5j*ll JJ f ydJ.| ^ ol^Jlj ^UiJIts^^. :ttj- 
agus, gullet 

wholesome, salubrious, healthy, health- ^L*» : Jj^ 
ful ' " ' 

ing, wearisome, wearying, operose, trying; oner- 
ous, burdensome, grueling, oppressive, strenuous, 
arduous, laborious, toilsome, exacting, tough 

ointment, embrocation, liniment, j-j^i ( dl^Jj •eJ>j* 
unguent, unction; pomade; salve; cream 

mortgaged, pawned, J*'J ^Lil < ^ : <jji^. 

pledged, given as security, held in pledge 

quartz ^I^S" :_£, 

flint jUI j»«»- sijl^o : j >* 

deliberate, premeditated, fore- (j-/j-^ '• <-» <S/J» 

thought, carefully thought out, thoughtful, lei- 
surely, studied, carefully considered, calculated, 
measured, well-advised, carefully done or worked 
out, elaborate 

*** -• - » 
chivalry, magnanimity, generosity; ;^j ( iy^, : 5 ijj» 

sense of honor 

manhood, virility ~^yrj '■ • hs 

curdled t_J | j , L-j j : oj^ 

circulated, spread; propagated, »» t jyl^* : rij* 
publicized, propagandized; popularized; promoted, 

circulator, spreader (of rumors, rj j Jf ^ : rij* 

news, etc.); promoter; propagandist; popularizer 

fan (jJJ <jyj^ ,. tj'Sj) "i^ij* 


propeller, screw propeller, j- 1 j 1 5^. 1. : X*- ij» 

sea fan \s)^> ij\'^>- :^iS\ <>-3j* 

flabellate, flabelliform, fan-shaped ( JSwJ I ) "^ij* 
fantail ^ ^ *f^. « j) JJ | ^ j^ 

heUcopter ^^ ^q, 

heUcopter ^jjf ^^ : V-J^f 

liniment, embrocation, ointment, d^J'j < Sj. : fj'j. 



*lj.uJ! «J>-Ij - »ljj*ll nJj* 

(oLj) <?HJ* 

u— :> 

"In*-' '' 

- ■-. . 'i-.' 

sage, clary 

apron, coverall, pinafore, duster; bib 

to be acidulous, tart 

to sip 

to adsorb 

acidulous, tart 

nappy; fuzzy, fluffy, downy 

temperament, temper, disposition, (<£■>• I jr) j: lj* 
nature, mood, humor, vein, spirits, state of mind, 

frame of mind, cast of mind 

* .- * - 
cyclothymia <Sji* r'j? 

' •■' •" i' 
hemophilia yjjj r'j? 

l^L. I j I***- 1 j -£l)ll(iij9M(t5jlji'*'*jf)'*^" 

temperamental Hj^ J^*-' : (/f 'j? 

moody, temperamental, ( ^1 jl I ) i_Jii. : -J* \ja 

unpredictable, mercurial, whimsical 

joker, jester, wag, humorist, farceur; ^y : ^l> 

joking, jesting, jocose, jocular, humorous, waggish, 


joking, jesting, kidding, i^cljL. :<*-\j» ' £i> 

fun(making); joke, jest, banter, pleasantry, raillery, 

frolic, waggery 

competitor, rival, emulator a-* ^" ■ ff ' J* 

competition, rivalry, emulation <LiL» : <**-\}* 

auction, public sale, (TyJuJl) iljil; »-j i (^Ji) jl> 
public auction, vendue, sale by auction 

auctioneer Or**") *'3^ g^ ' *'3^ ^?^* 

t U grlj-CyjiJl) ;l>/^ 

shrine, sanctuary 


•j^j ff I j ' 

farmer, husbandman, peasant; planter, culti 
vator, grower, producer 

sharecropper, cropper 

sharecropping, crop sharing 

sliC :itjl_)^, 1 ■■',■:■'. ttt 

palatable, tasty, savory, delicious 

■ tsr 

esophagitis ^Jll i-jI^JI 

television, TV OjJ^i^ : *L>jf 

anemometer L^ut^- jl jy^ll »ji (j-l^i. irLjj 

esophageal tsjllj J^-« : i»»-!j-» 

<• , *-'' > * >' . > 

suspicious, doubt- »^-l* ' *^i ■*-:-'.. i <j dJ^SLt* : i-»j^< 

ful, dubious, dubi table, questionable, equivocal, 

fishy, open to doubt or question 

■» ' _- . .-..« 
doubt, suspicion ifu. : <ij* ' <j j^ 

^ ^ - „~. „'•-» 
dispute; argument Jo*- : lij> <. <ij* 

comfortable, restful, cozy, snug, o- 1^1 1 ^y : ^ j- 
easy; convenient; soothing, calming 

i_-ilj : -4j* 


willing; wishful, desirous, desiring 

adherent, follower, disciple, par- j^aj i «_»U : -u^ 

bitter ^1 jl ^1 J* *Jb :jd > 

strong, firm 

tsy '-*s 

resolution, resolve, determination, 5y i ^jc- \^y> 
firm will; firmness, strength, vigor 

feathered, plumed, feath- <J*)\> y£-* '-ij-ij* i iJ-ij» 
ery, plumose, plumy 

sick, ill, ailing; diseased; sickly, <tJL. < JJi : yoij- 
invalid, unhealthy, unwell, unsound; patient 

i " * t 

fertile, productive, fat, fruitful 

safflower (cjLj; ju*t- ■&J* i iMj* 

, . - 1 ' •> .it 

murex <Sj>* <Sy-j d\y^- '-^ij* 

das gr\j-~*kj» 


joke, jest, banter, pleasantry; prank, waggery, i*.j^ 

ornamented, adorned, embellished, gar- J,'y* : dt^'j» 
nished, decorated, ornate, ornamental, fancy, 
florid, flamboyant 

(interior) decorator; embellisher; deco- ^y : *~ij*-j» 
rative, decorating, embellishing, adorning, orna- 

crowded, overcrowded, swarming, teeming; /v'*j* 
packed, jammed, crammed, serried; congested, 
chockablock; overpopulated, populous, thickly 
populated, full of people 

contemptuous, scornful, dis- Jiia^, : (<3j jjil) j j> 
dainful; despiser, scorner 

despised, scorned; despicable, con- f'-,- : iSjaj* 

flourishing, thriving, booming, blooming, pros- j*o> 
perous, prospering 

double, dual, twofold, two-, binary, bi-, 'j\£ : rj J> 
dipKo)-; twin, paired, in pairs, geminate, duplicate 
double entry r/ J > -^ 

Amphipoda olSjliJI ^. C"j : ji-j i! ol»/j£ 

Artiodactyla oILjIjI ^ <Jj :j-j^« jI ot/jjl 
couple, galvanic couple [»^rt^] ^TJ-O^ 

beer ^a>> ioju 'j** 

drain; (roof) gutter; spout, waterspout, oljy : y Ijj-* 

lance; javeling, spear ~j :Jljj^ 

throat, gullet, gorge jli- :jjj^ 

farm; plantation; grange; ranch; country estate «*j> 

collective farm "^y** jl <*cL»- i*j> 

bluish, blue Jjjl , iij^JI <jj t_,jU : jjjl 

livid, black-and-blue (£ JS" jl iij ■_ " ■) £jj> 

cyanosed [i_J»] JUjj'jIL oCo* :^jj-. 

brocaded, embroidered, embellished with bro- J&'Sj* 
cade embroidery; ornamented, embellished, adorn- 
ed, decorated 

cultivated, planted; sown «• jj : fjj'j* 

^ <$ > l -^.>-'„' -■- -t- ' ■«■■■■ , i:> ■. ' ., v.... vasa 

allegations, claims, contentions; pretenses, pre- nt\y» 
tensions, pretexts; assumptions, suppositions 



coupling, pairing, mating, jUj « X> j ( o>i : **-j(l> 
twinning, joining, junction, juncture, linking, 
linkage, connecting, connection 

doubling, gemination; dupli- £j£ ' iiiLn : ii-jl> 

practitioner; practicing, pursuing, en- ^ jlli : Jj Ijl 
gaged in, engaging in 

practice, practicing, pursuit, pursuing, i-jll. :<Jj!j- 

engagement (in), engaging (in) 
bidder, outbidder 

bidding, outbidding, overbidding lu I j jlu^. : S jj \y» 
foamy, foaming, frothy, frothing 

(butter) dairy 

■* • ^ij* 

--•*IL 'V ' -"V 

OJb^Jl a...,A« .0jjj4 

froghopper, spittlebug Sjji.0 JjUj 5^. :5ju> 

dunghill; cesspit 

<L*o :iL u 

to mix, mingle, blend, admix, commix, jJi- : -r > 
commingle, combine 

mixing, mixture, mix, mingling, blending, Jiii- : r-^. 
admixture, commixture, commingling, combina- 

- , * ..» 

pushed, shoved 
extended, presented 

little, small, few; insignificant, incon- JJi : ^-j- 

.- > .. •■.s- > 


glazed, glassed 

penciled (eyebrows) 

to joke, jest, make fun, banter, fool, kid (around) r-'y 

• '.11 **-.' . '- -.' 



*> #= 


lubricant, lube; lubricator; lubricating, \z^y : Jp> 


skate; roller skate; ski; bobsled; sled, ikJJ* : ,jJ^ 

sledge, sleigh, drag; toboggan 

slippery place, slippery ground Jp j t^*-** • **v* 

skid; sled, sledge, drag, sleigh; toboggan; *iji»-j '■ <u'j* 

pipe, reed pipe, reed, flute, i.i...^ ui ill 'j\*jf 
clarinet, oboe, fife 

bagpipe(s), pipe(s) <JL~y £iJ ill :ijjiJI jLj* 

water plantain (oLy) yf ty' J^*->? 

glottis [~^^ J 5js«jJ-I (jUl J ia^i i ojjj : jUj^ 

epiglottis Lrv^r-J J »^ : j'-'j^' o I— J 

determined, decided, intended, plan- J-i* i <3y-. : ^y> 
ned, appointed, assigned, scheduled; prospective, 
forthcoming; ... to be (held, carried out, etc.) 

determined (to or on), decid- ^ i ^ jlc : ( J*) £-?> 
ed (on or to), resolved (to or on), intent (on), set (on) 
chronic; inveterate; deep-seated, deep-rooted, j*y» 
old, lasting, enduring, long-lived 
psalm \ f:: .\y^) jy,j» 

nimbus (pi. nimbi or nimbuses), rain cloud(s) uj* 

" 'u i - 

hail, hailstones ij :o>l s-»- 

armored vehicle *m-oj> jl <£-jju <-5^« :»j»»jjrf 

half-track; half-track(ed) 


4.V i,i» '• J*J* 

blooming, in bloom, abloom, flower- »^» j JJ> I : ^*^» 
ing, florescent, efflorescent 

lute (<-+??*• *Jf) fj* : j*> 

(flower) vase ijj» j : *-ij*j* 

vain(glorious), (self-)conceited, ^i^» i JL»m : j*_^» 
self-important, overweening, overbearing, cocky, 
haughty, arrogant, proud, snobbish 

theodolite ^LjS" cr^ »' jl :S, J> 

frequently marrying ^1 j^J I jUS' : ^^ 

to trot, walk fast; to run 1 ji i Jj^i : pj-* 

to tease; to pick, pluck ^LJ I py 

to tear to pieces, tear up, shred, lacerate u> : ft* 
to tease; to pick, pluck i>^" p> 

piece, slice, shred i*J»» : icj* lii^ 

disturbing, disquieting, upsetting, trou- JjUu '-v-^'j» 
blesome, bothersome, annoying, irksome, irritat- 
ing, vexing, vexatious, galling, unpleasant, offen- 
sive, disagreeable, uncomfortable 

alleged, claimed, professed, pretended, Jeju : fyf-'j* 
purported, contended; supposed; so-called 

adulterated; debased 
bridal sedan 
asphalting machine 

. - -■ — -'-:. 
C~Jy ill •*-*jJ 

road roller, roller, steamroller 


to tear, rend, rip (apart), unrip, J^»- i ji : jj^ < jfji 
rive, lacerate; to tear to pieces, tear up, shred, 
tatter; to rupture, disrupt 

tear, rent, rip, rift j,'j>- i ^i : Jj^ 

rag, tatter, torn piece, »JJ cj^i ^ ilLi i ii^i- : iij< 

having a cold, affected with or ^jlU i_jCm : f^> 
suffering from a cold 

bolt, bar, latch, catch 

ski; sleigh; sled, sledge, bobsled; <*Xj* • dj* ' ^> 
skate; roller skate 

water ski i-SL. <mJj> 

slippery place, slippery ground jJ j f-f>'y» '■ j^j* 

slide, chute; slip J3L. ^k. ( jjjh^a :jJ>> 

skids; pitfall, danger; pit, abyss ijjU i ^Li- : jJ j> 

lubricated, oiled, greased c-jj- : JjJJ^ 

adorned, ornamented, embel- { J^* i <-»j»-> : Jij* 
lished, garnished, graced, decorated, bedecked, 
ornate, ornamental, fancy, florid 

embellisher; embellishing, Jk. i ciy-j- : &'j* 

adorning, ornamenting, decorating, decorative 

hairdresser, barber, coiffeur, J%- : (jli) J,'y 


coiffeuse, female hairdresser {^) i^> 

to touch, feel, handle, finger ^J* , ^^J : ^ 

to befall, afflict, hit, strike, attack, j ^i- 1 L,C»! : ^-. 
affect, happen to 

to harm, damage, hurt, wrong, do fJ L /\ </il Z^, 
harm to, cause damage to 

to necessitate, require; to be or J I *»■ IJ.I ■:"'■ 
become extremely necessary, urgently needed 

to go crazy, become insane (o>U-l c?) lr* ^^1 : tr* 
touching, touch, taction, feeling; contact ^-U : ^ 

mania; (slight) insanity, o>Jr ^ « (o>il o-) ^- 
(slight) madness, (slight) lunacy, (slight) mental 

cyclothymia '^j^ ^_ 

to wish (someone) a good evening (Li^j ) Jli 

good evening! Jj.1 itil dJlL. 

evening, eve ,\^, 

in the evening jC^ 

yesterday evening, last night ^ | jC 

good evening! tC jU * jlil *C 

evening; vespertine, vespeKal) i**!—* 

contest; competition; race; examina- si jC : <jl>1_» 
tion, test, quiz 

contest, competition; emulation, rivalry; Jlk- : ctl—i 
debate, discussion 

(land) surveyor yc* 1 ^ 1 j^ : C^-* 

bootblack, shoeblack 

*i£Si\ ' Z C 

supplied with, provided with, furnish- j jjkl : _j '^y, 
ed with, equipped with, fitted (out) with, outfitted 

supplier, furnisher, provider; pro- 0j>*-« ' jj*v : Jy>* 
visioner, purveyor; victualler; caterer 

knapsack, haversack, provisions bag tfy\ {lijijjjj 

forged, counterfeit, false, falsified, rigged, oJji -j^y 
spurious, phony, fake, sham; pirated 

forger, counterfeiter, falsifier, rigger; 

embellished, adorned, ornamented, <-»>>->• • &i'j* 
decorated; gaudy, tawdry, showy, viewy, meretri- 
cious, florid, flamboyant, tinsel 

sundial i. »^. iiL :iTj> 

merit, virtue, advantage, excellence, good iy» : <J}* 
quality or feature; trait, characteristic, peculiarity,' 
particularity, property 

lubricated, oiled, greased Jjy. : cZ'-L 

lubricant, lube; lubricator, oiler; lubricat- $y : cJ> 
ing, lubricative 

oilcan, oiler; lubricator eu-j^llJ i la I : <L > 

mixture, blend, admixture, commixture, J»_U- :«,>> 
melange, mix, medley, hodgepodge, farrago, mish- 

alloy till : )k\ _,! ^^ '& "^y 

increased, stepped up; more, Jili t iJL t ^jU>l : ju> 
further, additional, added, extra; greater), large(r), 
wide(r), deerXer); excessive, exceeding, extreme, 
utmost, greatest, maximum; many, much 

augmented; derivative stem of a verb [ iiJ ] jjy. 

counterfeiter, forger, falsifier 

remover, eliminator; removing, elimi-jl 'j\ J*l» : Jjjl 
nating, eliminative 

detergent, cleaner 
deodorant, deodorizer 


Wfa!A,-i ■;-&.■. x.-.\:l .■ 

subsidiary, auxiliary, «_;U i ^«e.^» 4 7>U»^ : j*d 

adjuvant, ancillary, supplementary, accessory, 

tributary, secondary 

digestive, peptic ~oAl JcmL 

1' ' *V 
auxiliary verb, auxiliary o*L-i J«j 

help, aid, assistance, support, backing; iilil : j*I__j 
relief, succor 

contribu- ilJU iiUI 1 is*-. 1 p^J 1 i»*L_. : Sox-l—^ 
tion, subsidy, allowance, grant, subvention, 
benefits), monetary aid 

distance, space, spacing, range, interval, stretch iil__i 

passenger; traveler, journeyer, voyager, tnpper, j*L. 4 

drift, course, trend Ic-jj t oIm I : Jl— 1 

•' \" * ' ' ' * 1-1' * 
sharecropping; share-tenancy is jlL> '**jl>« :»UL_« 

i J l',n» «jflj— J|j>j 1 » *.•>■ :ti)L— 1 

ditch, drain »LJJ <J^u : Jl— • 

liquefied, dissolved, melted, molten oIjl. :JL_j 

question, issue, problem; matter, affair, case; iJU-ii 
theorem, proposition 

peaceable, peaceful, pacific, peace-loving Jl— j 

reconciliation, making peace (with); peaceable- i*Jl— • 
ness, peacefulness 

pores oii-l i^jyu :»L-i 

' '- 1' ' 

forgiving, excusing, condoning; indul- ry** ■ g^l— * 

gent, tolerant, lenient; forgiver, pardoner 

_^» wf I j — 5^« I— < 
porous, pored ^Li ^i :^lC« 

l ! *|- - • 3 .M ' *> -»*!-- 

porousness, porosity L-.l—i tyUI 0>j : **"•*—• 

(jJI Sjllfjl j:^) o-C 



space, distance 

surveying, (land) survey ue^'j^' r~"* : **"^-f 

cadastral survey (oljliiJlj dl^C^U) ilL-a«J o-lLi 

cadastral map i»-Ql <LLjj»- 

cadastre i»-Cil Jj»- 1 i»-Cll ^i j 

survey department, land registry i»- Lil o>Lu 


lesbianism, sapphism Jl»«- : «i*-L_t 

lesbian *r-»^»- :*** , l— • 

areal («JJ «L< 1 u^j') *»"l— ■h l?- ^ -* : i«^>— * 

cadastral aj-j .,.« 11 (<<»ljJ^ ij- ^ -* > <«n...« i^-L-i 

3 - *' 

cadastral map i^L* i\Lj»- 

path, channel, track, route, trajectory; course, jC« 
line; current, run, trend, tendency, movement, 

mesentery [»jw] ^*ijf-* 

mesenteritis LujCil t-A«dl 

mesenteric [jvj^] v*iJ^-* 

connection, relation, contact, bearing ii^li : ytL- 

violation, infringement, trans- J^U- Iij^L 

without prejudice to, without j o"^*4' f-" C 
detriment to 

assistant, aicKe), help(er), supporter Oj^* :■>*£•• 

adjutant Oj** Jt>U> :j*L-i 

adjuvant (v/i^l cij <-»Loj) SacC- i jU t j^C* 

helpful, useful, serviceable, bene- o 1 1» 4 j-i« : jlcI— • 
ficial, advantageous, favorable, propitious 

conducive to, cij i>» :(U a^.t.; tjloi-l J*) o*d 
contributory to, contributive to, contributing to, 
leading to 



fencing, swordplay, swordsmanship; i'jjt^ : i£ Li 
dueKing); combat, fight 

probe; sound ^ ijL, 

caused by, occasioned by, brought je*^'Lt 

about by, produced by, created by, resulting from, 
arising from 

effect djk:^ 

SA <fr i'at^MHWfliWBgg 


' JJ ' J > 

causative, causing, occasion- 
ing, giving rise to, resulting in, bringing about, 
producing, creating; causer, originator, author, 
occasioner, maker, producer, creator, generator 
cause, reason, motive iL « u~L : • '■' '■ 

swearword; abuse, vituperation, revile- 
ment, insult 

lethargic, torpid, comatose; dor- od iJU- j : c 




<>y-s- iJU- J : ■ -■■ ■ 

'-». n ..ll *jj J^aj J 

0- :i 

beach; seaside resort, bath(s), spa ^jiJ \t^- : -,■", 

swimming pool, pool 
forefinger, index finger 
rosary, beads 
probe; sound 

»L. iS" 


advance; premature 

beforehand, in advance, in anticipation; pre- 

foundry <iC illji « dULjl olS- :dp 

typefoundry i'/LlI tij^.1 %l'„'. 

founded, cast, molded; shaped, d 
formed, formulated 

foundry, (metal) castings 




support, backing (up), standing oj* < ; J*Li : . jj Li 
by, standing up for, assistance, aid, help 

annually, yearly, per year, per annum l^iL, : 'X$ Li 

contributor, participant, sharer; ^!» ( &jl£ : ^Li 
contributory, contributing, participating, sharing 

shareholder, stockholder, TJU.I piljl ^-U- :»»Li 

contribution, participation, taking part, ,\^.\ :<«iLi 
sharing, partaking * 

contribution in kind ?._-" T . iliLi 

equal (to), equivalent (to), tanta- ( J ) (^ } CI I ) j Li 
mount (to); amounting to; worth "' 

equality; equal rights, equality before the jCi : i IjLi 
law; equivalence, parity, evenness; identity, same- 

equally, evenly; on the same foot- 5 1 jQl /jS J* 
ing, on an equal footing, on the same level, on an 
equal level, on a par 

responsible, answerable, ac- (wJJ j. C. I < ^ JjjL. 
countable, liable, amenable 

in charge (of); supervisor, ^j « >; ji , Jj : J^JU. 
guardian; manager, director, executive; head, 
chief, president, superior 

official, officer, civil servant, public i_ii^i : JjjL. 
servant; functionary 

in charge of the library <^S1 1 Jt tjjjU. 

responsibility; liability, amenability; charge *]}/}' ', 

civil liability or responsibility Cu, *lJ jjll 

bargaining, haggling, haggle ojLi 

collective bargaining il*LV t.jLi 

humoring, favoring, indul- ; Ijlki « j l^lai : «^ Li 
gence, compliance (with someone's wishes), will- 
ingness to please; appeasement, pacification, trying 
to please; adaptation, adjustment; conformity with, 
keeping in line with; keeping pace with, keeping 
step with, keeping abreast with 

^ .n 

optimistic (about), seeing a good omen U) ji^- 
(in) regarding as auspicious; cheerful, happy 

unlikely, improbable, farfetched; excluded, 

ruled out; disqualified, eliminated, dropped; set 

aside, put aside, removed, taken away 

kept, retained; preserved, conserved; reserved; JL 

spared, saved 

stable, stabilized, settled, constant, 

steady, normal, regular, orderly, in good order, 

quiet, peaceful, smooth 

hiding, concealing oneself; hidden, con- ouw : jp. 

cealed, covered, veiled; latent, esoteric, ulterior 

understood, implied, tacit [i»J J (js~*) j^— 


invested (jJJ JLLVST) i_it^ :j. 

exploited, utilized, used, capitalized Ji-—* : j*~- 
on, tapped, traded on, taken advantage of 


(•jjjui) J£ 

exploiter, utilizer; usufructuary, 


excluded from, excepted from; exempted 'j» ^ 

from, not subject to, not bound by 

exception »*-*r"! : <j" 

the thing excepted [ *ii ] ^ 

general term [i»J ] 4-L. ^ 

i' s v * \ 
new, recent, late, fresh !>■>. »iaU- < Jj^ : 

latest (recent, new, fresh) Sjuaa- olj^L :ol. 

beggar, mendicant jlii i Jj-JU : (<5 -uv-ll ) 

supplicant, suppliant; sup- fj^-> ' J-^ : ; 
plicating, entreating, imploring, begging 
catchment area or basin 

interrogator, questioner, J«m 
examiner, examining magistrate, inquirer, inquisi- 
tor, investigator; interpolator (in parliament) 

(jU^Sii) ^ 

offended, resentful, displeased, J»-L 
disgruntled, dissatisfied, discontented), indignant, 
annoyed, vexed 

possessing alone, appropriating, j Jjii* : -j y U— • 
having exclusive possession of 

rented, leased, hired ( »^i.) j*-*. 

chartered (t«JJ »j!U> jl «J-i~) j»-t--' 

mercenary, hireling; hired jyr^> « li^^r* : j*-'- : — - ■ 

subleased CrfM' O? j* - "-— " 

tenant, lessee, leaseholder j^ull ^* : jj»i 

w? jT 

subtenant, sublessee 

uprooted, eradicated, extirpated, dLa^. i ^ : , 
exterminated, rooted up, rooted out, deracinated, 
pulled out, plucked out, extracted; removed, 
excised, ablated (by surgery) 

resumed, renewed, recom- (pU»Jl .uj) 

menced, continued, reestablished, reopened 

appealed (<5^ jl (•£») «-*i*^-— • 

appellee, respondent ojui jl *Jlc oiju— • 

appellant (<5j*jJI J 1 f^J- 1 ) u>*kl-« 

deserved, merited, earned, just, equi- ^-»:„„ . : J*uL« 


deserving, meriting, worthy of, worth 3^— • : J*U~« 

despotic, autocratic, absolute, totalitarian, dicta- 
torial, tyrannical, arbitrary, highhanded, domineer- 
ing, imperious, masterful; despot, autocrat, tyrant, 
dictator, absolutist 

opinionated, headstrong, stubborn, 4j \j> . l .. : ,.,.« 
obstinate, dogged, unyielding, uncompromising, 
inflexible, obdurate, pertinacious, die-hard 

replaced (by or with), substi- Jtu* :(y* <-») Jju^ 
tuted (for), put in the place (of), displaced (by or 
with); exchanged (for), commuted (for), received 
or given in exchange (for), taken as a substitute 
(for); bartered, traded, swapped; traded in; 
changed; alternated 

death-defying, heroic 


deep-rooted, deep-seated, firmly established, invet- 
erate, ingrained, entrenched, consolidated 

emulsion a.,, 1 , -* ,:.,,.. 5jU 



■o7 n« 

t_ . ! ■ •■ » " ■■..» cij J J 

_.l.-^."— » (_^ilc i i_.j-»7,..l J*li :<-.,l,Wi'i 

adjured, entreated, beseeched, im- 

obsessed, possessed; engrossed, Jj-' - : y l r \j-i" t 
absorbed, preoccupied, taken up; overwhelmed, 
overcome, overpowered, gripped 

, possessing; £|j •Li'il J* j^-o" „. 

engrossing, absorbing, preoccupying, taking up the 
attention completely; overwhelming, overcoming, 
overpowering, gripping 
sensitive plant, mimosa (oLi) <Cm 

impossible, inconceivable, un- j h'- iJUm :J*i 
imaginable, unthinkable, out of the question, 
absurd, preposterous; impracticable, unfeasible, 

employee; servant ^U- ( J&Ja t j«r I : . 

employed, hired, recruited <_ii»j > cik^. : - j. 

. .'. ,.'. > 
employed, used, utilized, J**^.l ( J,-- ■ : ^ 


used, secondhand jj ji- ^-t > j. 

employer, master, principal 

user, utilizer 

offprint; extract; excerpt 

J-** o j : f j 

i «U'.ii. iiLi» : 


extracted, drawn (out), derived, r^i. I : rj*£^> 
taken; concluded, deduced, educed 

abstract; extract, excerpt; (i-. t.-U,-' /. _) 

borrowed; raised, taken up (a loan); JojJut : 6 1 ■"' - 
made, incurred (a debt) 

applicant, petitioner *l*o£. l Sll <!sL : (.j. !ulil) p j£J§ 
warm ^b » (jlia :*££-* 

thin, fine, delicate, slender, tenu- jjT, i jjG •'_' ,r ' - 

responsive (to), respon- <_-~v < Vj^v- : (-0 '->>>^'.»« 
ding (to); granting, complying (with), acceding (to), 
fulfilling, consenting (to), accepting, hearing, an- 

refugee, seeker of refuge or sane- ji^LL '^ : jt*£l»« 
tuary or asylum; one who seeks aid or appeals for 

abashed, ashamed, shame- J^«-:( ^llil) -r* T 

faced; embarrassed; shy, bashful, diffident, timid 
„ . >. i 

fOSSll j j*?- I 

desirable, (re)oommendable; agreeable, pleas- i 
ant, nice; desired, sought after, wished for; popu- 
lar, well-liked, favorite; preferred, chosen 

new, novel, newfashioned, (^.iv—l i jjj*- : 
original, unprecedented, uncopied; invented, origi- 
nated, created, designed, fashioned 

novelty Cj'j^L, t'^. :(otak£— r) £>'.\'->.~'J,» 
(novelties), inventions), creation(s), innovations) 

creator, inventor, originator, innova- jSC£L. : iluki 
tor, maker, author 

advisable, (rejcommendable; suitable, fit(iting), j-*^. 
appropriate, proper, expedient, favorable, right, be- 
coming, seemly; agreeable, pleasant; approved, 

ripe, mature 

preparation, confection, (.-■l J .^Lr*.. _) j ^1,"' 

composition, compound, formulation 

cosmetics, makeup, maquillage J-.^i 



deserved, merited, earned; just, equi- 
table; right, rightful; due, appropriate, proper 

deserving, meriting, worthy of, worth, J*ull :j, 
meritorious; qualified for, eligible for, fit for 

due, payable, matured), ffj^l $\ voJI % 
owed, owing 

overdue, outstanding, back, ji-li. : »i jj J_j j 
unpaid, unsettled 

beneficiary (^)J oiij j) jk, *jU£~a :'j.<;L?. 

intense, forceful, strong, severe, SJcL* i SJcL* 
drastic, keen, acute, serious, critical, aggravated; 


v. :■*>■• ■■■: .a:.:--.:s'y. .tt-st 

justice, judge (of a court) (iJCk]. j) U M* "j 1 - 

consulted j£l.\ - J ■ 

intensifying, growing >( JiUi. i J*ill_ : (ijj'2.,l\ )jli- 
increasing; spreading dangerously, massive, large- 
scale; aggravated, exacerbated; intense, severe, 

serious, grave, critical 

/ > • -. ' > _ • -. 
orientalist l^yy..-.. . _) ^ * - 

hospital; infirmary 

mental (>jL>Ll 

hospital, insane asylum, lunatic asylum 
field hospital j\jL 

(found) difficult, (considered) hard; unlikely, <_JtU£. 
improbable; impossible 

deemed weak; weak, feeble; oppressed, mis- - hr.n~' 
erable, wretched, poor 

possible, feasible, practicable 

0C.: t l 

j-ii «-lj -t-lklll (jail) jjj ^t t (-lk:'„ll jjj 

explorer, scout, reconnoi- 

terer, pathfinder; fact finder, inquirer, investiga- 
tor, researcher 

I'l '-' I -'-'■' -*'■'-' ■ ' L-' 

. . . . . *', '•" ,"' • i '• ' 

pessimistic; pessimist j. * ' r^'-~* 'j ." r ■■■* 

rectangle; oblong or- 1 -* J^- : J..J 1 " 

rectangular; oblong JSU I J.,k..,.. ; J._L;,„. 

».- * •• • - 

memorized, learned by heart, Lit i 

committed to memory, conned; known by heart 

».- •• 

memorizer, one who learns by Lie .Li U- : 

heart; one who knows by heart 

borrowed u ~ .r;. : jl«i_ 

used metaphorically or figuratively [ iiJ ] j i ■'•' , .' 

false, fake, pseudo, sham, un- i_«J I j 4 i_ol5" : j i.-' , . 
real, artificial, mock, dummy, fictitious, imitative, 

V*-* IamiI X3*\j ~ JUL*. mA J*-* ' )UUm4 ami) 

enslaved, enthralled, subjugated, slave 



tapering (to a point), ^ 1^1 1 jl ci^Ll I |j .-!,.'■ 

pointed, pointy, peaked, acuminate, cuspidate(d), 
cuspate(d), cusped, sharp 

-. > ■>- 

round, circular, rotund 

round table, round robin s^j 

Cyclostomata ililil oCjiilll ^ iljj :,Ull oI^jj 

(traffic) circle, J^i> sit Ulic jjilil S^Jb iS^. 

borrower; debtor 

toilet, water closet, WC, bathroom ,Si- oJ 

mannish, masculine 

relaxed; relaxing; loose, slack, lax, (,>]jLll) r>ii 

long and flowing, loose, (^li.) U".. t jlj ; J^^L. 

free, uninhibited, unre- i_JL t JJJ. i ^»- : J-^L* 
strained; loose; lax, slack, relaxed;' at ease 

- '• - , - '• - -:.• ' 

sneaky, stealthy, surreptitious, fur- L1 l :_-±, : Jjl^> 
tive, clandestine 

enslaved, enthralled, subjugated, slave »''.-'. : j^L, 


voyeur, peeper, peeping Tom, snoop, jkJ I 

resting, relaxing, at rest; relaxed; com- »-U 

Portable, at ease 


«_!L. *>■ \j — £1 Li 

surrendering, yielding, submissive; passive, 
offering no resistance or opposition; surrenderer 

adviser, counselor, counsel, 

chancellor (*JI Lj^l j) »ljj^JI ,_r^j :jL 


(J^i«"iii > 

traded on, capitalized on, taken advantage of 

exploiter, utilizer; usufruc- JJ^l£.l i Jt '- |„. -"J-"' , 
tuary; profiteer; exploitative 

obscure, vague, equivocal, ambig-^^^lLl ( ^L : j\i,}!,', 
uous, dubious, abstruse, recondite, incomprehen- 
sible, unfathomable, impenetrable, inscrutable, un- 
intelligible, hard, difficult, complex, complicated 

usable; used, utilized <o **-■■ : (41*) jUlL, 

serious, grave, critical, drastic, severe, -ill!. : J-* T 
intense, extreme, excessive; aggravated, exacer- 
bated; spreading dangerously, massive, rampant, 
progressive, increasing in extent or severity, in- 
tensifying, growing 

provoker, rouser, stirrer, inciter, insti-^i£J 'Ja :yc 

beneficiary, usufructuary; payee 

payee account 

elaborate, detailed, lengthy, jtaL 4 i_." 

» a> , m . Juja 
■'-• ■* ' I' 

prolix, long-winded, verbose, exhaustive, thorough, 

drawn from, derived from, bor- ^» '",'' - :^. ^"' T 

rowed from, taken from, obtained from 

future J.'ji I 'ja jf\i-\ aIJ L. : J-ilL. 

future [<j]jliili 

future J.j} I ^ jjiU-l 'Zi L. : jiili 

future [<j]jilLi 

receiver, receiving set J. ■>:..,.. j\^r 1 nl ; Ju.«. : J.;r,„. 

receptor [ L*. jJ^-j ] J ; ;:!„''. 

heliotrope (^j^) j' l [ J i I , - 

receiver, receiving set j'-, ■ j 

futuristic, future, prospective 

futurism XX&LLt lilLiu 

desperate, death-defying, heroic 

stable, stabilized, settled, steady, 

'—* j*4T ' * 1 ; il'V 1 1 

(_>»-Lc tjauw «j» I j — J V»V 1 

• ? 1 r 1 i ~\-- • '• -* *» * < 

hurried, in a hurry, hurrying, hasten- «• jj. : JjmI-* 
ing, hasty, rushing, dashing, running, speeding, 
speedy, quick, fast, rapid 

prepared, ready, willing, all-set E^* : 

ablaze, aflame, blazing, flaming, jO^ ( J- ■ 
burning, glowing 

Arabist , , '■•■' \ 

- ■•- 1 .'.-'-. " .'•:.' ' 
ifff- p'j" Wj^» i iffy- '• U°J* — • 

'• J -. f 


incurable, irremediable, remedi- ( 

less, obstinate, stubborn, intractable; recalcitrant 

refractory, insubordinate; difficult, hard, intricate 

J*-^ :(, 

beggar, mendicant 

superior; transcendental) ( I'.V.ll ) J'-"' ', 

colonized jl^^U ^LiU- , 'juL \ -J,'.-' ', 

colonist, settler; colonizer; colonialist, ( ^ I ) j »*••■' ', 

colonialist), imperialist(ic) 
colony, settlement 

r-) ojan'i' 1 

used, employed, utilized, applied; 

used, secondhand 

Jj*A< VflJ 


user, utilizer 



asking for (calling for, appealing for, _> j •"' ', 

seeking) the help or aid or assistance or support of, 

turning to for help; getting help from; resorting to, 

using, making use of 

, - . ft- '•-. -v.* 

i^-ij* y 1 j - <-.. 7 « f - 1 (_»jJU jjx- : ' j- t 

surprised, wonder-struck, ,ji>»lu 4 .. ,y r. : '_. j-~' t 
astonished, amazed 

immersed in, engrossed in, absorbed j jl J l' j : "' t 
in, wholly engaged in, lost in, preoccupied with, 
taken up with 

exploited, utilized, used, tapped, ,.' : '„- : " J-'"' ', 


^ .ro 

■^^S-S!'SS!i-iX&^ > ^1 

submissive, yielding, resigned; humble jtl* : ^S-~— 

unsheathed, drawn (> «'.„,ltf) JjlLi > JJL. :0^—* 

requirements, requisites, prerequi- ^IjJ : ol*J,JL_» 
sites, exigencies, needs, necessaries, necessities 

V .-'.V . •,:.•' 

(jt-u i yiji : < . a 1 V » 

lying down, decum- p \*. : - . »«n',:. : (,Jt.r'.,.ll) jilL* 
bent, recumbent, reclining, supine, prostrate, 

recipient; receiver 

taken in advance; borrowed 
borrower; debtor 

taken from, obtained from, de- ^ <ji^— « : ^ .u.v, ... 
rived from, borrowed from 

continual, continuous, continued, con-J^>l^:j*I-« 
tinuing, constant, lasting, permanent, persistent, 
enduring, abiding, standing, uninterrupted, un- 
broken, unceasing, incessant, unremitting, peren- 
nial, (a)round-the-clock, running, regular 

direct current j^-~ • jU 

listener, hearer, audient, auditor; listening, -r - 

audience, listeners, hearers (j^.,..v..„. 

auditor (i«-«L>r- j) ■ _■ "' - i_JLU 

death-defying, heroic; desperate J;ii:.,.» : ■" a" - 



O '..->,'■'■>.. i I A. 1«& r*UlJ : c^-.' ■ ' ,. ' ■■■* 

culture, medium; culture (tJJ L^^^LlO i 

'~' *> .->-*> 


greenhouse, glasshouse, 
hothouse; hotbed 

invented, created, devised, contrived, jSLil. : ia,;v » 

derived, extracted, drawn (out), ^jUL^j, : j*.. *:.,.* 
taken; educed 

inven- _f^i r * t^ i(-\^-\ :(olla. ..:,.„« r-) ■L..',.',.,. 

tion(s), creation(s) 

inventor, contriver, deviser jf~* : •"—'■■■■ 

constant, regular, normal, orderly, in good order, 
smooth, quiet, peaceful 

(firmly) established, well-established, e^li •j*'',,' 
settled, firm, fixed, stable, steady; constant, 
unvarying, unchanging; solid, enduring, durable, 
lasting, unshakable; stationary, immobile 

sedentary, settled, resident; settled <JL. : ( j) f ■ 
(at), residing (at), remaining (at), staying (at) 

*'• ' "'• 

examiner, investigator, scrutiniz- {■""•' I') u ^'-'" 

er, inquirer; researcher 

distilled water 
basophil, basophile 

jriii'.'iii. t\* 
[ «Lt-I] JJUU. 


independent; autonomous, self-governing, self- ^j'» • 
governed; free; free-lance; unattached; separate, 
distinct, several, individual, particular; free-lancer 

resigned; resigning Jji 

straight, direct; upright, erect, stand-up, straighten":' . 
up; right, correct, sound, proper; straightforward, 
upright, honest, sincere, just, righteous, virtuous 

rectum [ rij*-* J a*-—* 






4jJL£l» t-im,.,.* 

r l '• * 

reconnoiterer, explorer, scout, 

perfect, satisfying (fulfilling, J»j^J I £^>- J«£l- « 
meeting all requirements or conditions 

snug, cozy, comfortable o- \"J I j «JoJL • " , : - : jC-' ,,, 

hiding, concealing oneself; hidden, j"' ' : jC'-',,'- 

• -. > 

offensive, ill-favored, objectionable, reprehensible, 
unpleasant, disgusting, abominable, monstrous 

exposed to, open to, subject to, lia- J <^jt : • "n" - 
ble to, vulnerable to, susceptible to 

begun, started, commenced, opened, 1^~- 1 : 3» v -' •' 
introduced, initiated 

beginning, start, outset, onset »1L> i »lu :'J+—» 

opening verse(s) (of a poem) i i,,nil I J«l—« 

starter, beginner, commencer, initiator; Js jL :3»"-'-« 
beginning, starting, commencing, opening, initiat- 
ing, introducing 

consumed; used up, exhaust- Ji^. t .la.;.:.,,.. : <.l I4V . 
ed; wasted, worn (away); spent 

amortized, paid off, written off (y) j) AI+;.',,,. 

redeemed (oI-l— ) i. J ll^:.,.. 


even, level, flat, plane, V,,.;. 1 04^ : (tsyiJLI ) y: 
smooth, tabular, tabulate, regular 

straight, upright, erect .juL. :y.'.,.. 

steady, uniform, equable, even, regular ijL> : 
ripe, mature rr-^> : v- 

(properly) cooked, well done 
plane angle 

*" *. '"1 ' "• ' 

plane geometry 

level, standard, plane 


sea level 

plane of symmetry 

water level 

inclined plane 

standard of living, living 

on a high level 

* '1 - -:• ' 

document, paper, (legal) instru- j^, < iiJ j : j 
ment, muniments, record, script, bill, voucher 
authority, source, reference 


leaning on, reclining on, resting on; based on, J] j~J— 
founded on; relying on, depending on, counting 
on, drawing upon; trusting, having confidence in 


yfiy>3 'ytf^-f : li^** 

exhausted, consumed, used up, de- <J ,_— I : Ltyj—* 
pleted, drained, bled 

exhausting, exhaustive, consuming, depleting, Ltyj—* 
depletive; exhauster, depleter, drainer 

*- > ..>,•'.> 
examining magistrate, exam- j^m. <. <-.jV„,. : jh;v » 

iner, interrogator, investigating officer, investiga- 
tor, inquiry officer, inquisitor 

exhausted, consumed, used up, de- ,»i:;,. I : 
pleted, drained 

exhausting, exhaustive, consuming, depleting, 
depletive; exhauster, depleter 

alerted), (put) on the alert, Li* 1 »_-»[L. :_/i'J. » 

combat-ready, on call; mobilized 

swamp, quagmire, bog, marsh, (oUa.T „. r) yiiiT , « 
moor, morass, fen 

swampy, quaggy, boggy, marshy, paludal, ^njir;,,,* 

condemned, denounced, qIju ic-j^j*-^ :^5>.;.7. « 


condemner, denouncer, censurer, £-~~> ,y :^- ~ ' .,..» 
decrier, disapprover; condemning, denouncing, 
censuring, decrying, disapproving, deprecating 

lighted, lit, illuminated *Lo* : jw. • 

6le* j^-lj -uJ.1 jbai >*|- t 

infatuated with, doting on _< «J^ : _» j7|7„i« 

reckless, heedless, careless, thought- ol^ j.-L. :££—* 
less, inconsiderate, irresponsible; wanton, unre- 
strained, uninhibited, pleasure-seeking, licentious 

*.-> 1 •'■ * 

disapproved of, censured, denounced, con- j-*t" * 
demned; disagreeable, distasteful, repulsive, ugly, 

seizer, capturer, occupier, appropria- (.JjiLll) Jji_« 

tor; expropriator, confiscator; requisitioner; 


• '~ ?. ' . * 
seized, captured, taken over, occupied, <Ae ^Jy— 

appropriated; expropriated, confiscated; requisi- 
tioned; usurped 

bred, propagated, produced, cultural, cultured, j}y—t 
cultivated, grown 

triSt Jf'j 

-\*o '. ihfl 1 1 

- * > 5 - ' 

awake, wakeful, unsleeping, up 

laid out; shrouded, enshrouded 

registered, recorded, (put) on record, 0j-"-« : J*—* 
entered, listed, inscribed, written down, put down 

enrolled, registered, listed {yj*£) S**~ ' 

recorded, tape(d), tape-recorded ( .L^ ^t.) Jx—* 

patented) ( c- 1 j± lif ) i t \j~> oy** : J*— • 

registered mail Jx—* -^ 


iJ'Ty.n" ill iJjw-j 
(J ■«■...« -MiJ* 

(J ■ •■■ni.t <JI : 

registered letter 

registered trademark ib«l_. <C jliu (i*^c jl) *2f jU 

recorded music, tape music 

registrar, register, recorder 

tape recorder, recorder 

magnetic tape 

tape recorder, recorder 

swelling; overflowing; filled, full jy*—* 

rhymed, assonant p y*-* 

to wipe; to mop (up); to rub; ^Lil LiJii : *w (*w 
to clean, polish; to sweep; to wash 

to anoint, embrocate, c-^. i till j 4 |y> j : ^1_. ( «!_. 
rub over 

to wipe off, rub out, erase; Jl jl i ^m : »il_. f »•_. 
to blot out, efface, obliterate; to wipe out, eradi- 

at ambassadorial (or (»\jjji\ jl) slji-JI <j'f' ■ ^c 

ministerial) level 

- '• ' • '• ' 

deserving, worthy of, meriting, j--- - : ■ -j" - 


derived from, drawn from, borrowed '^ J-'y' ■ 
from; guided by; inspired by 

warehouse, storehouse, magazine, de- 0>>" : f'j T 
pository, repository, depot, store, storage, store- 
room, stockroom 

arsenal, armory 


« , .-. f > * 

hidden, concealed, covered, *•£*<* < <-r<>V" ' jj 7 ' '• 
screened, veiled, sheltered, masked, invisible, eso- 
teric, withheld 


/^ * f 4 * , 



dispensary; infirmary; clinic (^-o jl ,<J>) i-i 

Ofr 1 cfb-L^-- 'okv : i>k> 
settlement; colony <^>yL^> : J^y—> 

settler; resident, inhabitant, dweller; domi- Jby. 
ciled; settled; sedentary 

endemic disease 
settlement; colony 


satisfying, fulfilling, {j>yLl\) (jJJ ij^Jl) tiyi_. 
meeting (conditions, requirements, etc.) 

hearth, fireplace l^'n- ; i"j-' t 

Of .*— * v°f 

received, collected, taken 
satisfied, fulfilled, met 


chafed, scraped off, scratched off; planed 
bewitched, witched, conjured ji*JU oCa* w -jyL-* 

bewitched, witched, charmed, en- 6y^> '• j>»»— • 
chanted, fascinated, infatuated, enthralled, spell- 
bound, mesmerized, thrilled 

crushed, pounded, ground, beaten, Jy-u : <jy*-* 
bruised, stamped, brayed, powdered, pulverized, 
comminuted, pestled, triturated 


bleaching powder 

cosmetics, makeup, maquillage J..;*-" 1 ' 6^*~ ] —' 
detergent, cleaner J.„,;ll jl i_<_LJI Jy>»l-« 

i_JUJI Jj i «,ii..".» «»-lj — i_jLill j I jl^ill i3^»«_^i 

pulverized, triturated, comminuted, 3yLL> : uy*— 
powdered, pestled, pounded, crushed, ground 

cadastral ^illl y^lj% jLL. i^-C* :^ji1_. 

to metamorphose, 

j+iail j^s- i ijt r aj\ J 

^ : c— 

to disfigure, deform, deface, misshape, o^i, : iil_ 
distort, mar 

to distort, misrepresent, rJJ ( _ f iiil jl iLiil ij_ 
falsify, corrupt, twist 

metamorphosis, transformation 


jij*" : c-« 

disfigurement, deformation, defacement, -o^J : «_> 

distortion, misrepresentation, »J I ( _ f iiil _j I <u~aj- i *■— • 
falsification, corruption, twistUng) 

metem- *-—Uj o\y^>- (J J 6^— -> ^1 1 *-jj JliuJl :»i_< 

monster; freak, monstrosity; metamorphosed (or ru_< 
transformed) into an animal 

exploited; utilized, employed, used; subjected, 
subjugated; drudged; drudge 

ridiculous, ludicrous, droll S^oa : o 

laughingstock, butt, joke iS"^*^' : ; , 

discontenting, disgruntling, an- 

■rfir i 'v-y 'fr r~- ^a^g;^*&i3 l m^:'^m grBr 


cate, exterminate, extinguish, sweep away 

to survey yc* 1 ^ 1 £— 

to scan [ £| I 6>j>i^ ] 'j^- 

wiping; mopping (up); rubbing; cleaning, i 
polishing; sweeping; washing 

: C- 

anointment, anointing, inunction, unc- J* * : *■!> 

extreme unction 

surveying), land survey 


cadastral map 


shovel, spade 

plane, jointer, block plane 

% - % - 

Ulu jl I jQa- ^iL ^ jtCi" : jil. 

shower, shower bath, douche ^ j t -Ji^. : *■ Ul* 

wipe, wiping; rubbing; anointing, 

£"* Of 



trace, touch, streak, bit, suggestion, 
tang, smack, tinge, tint, shade, hue 

extreme unction [ iJ I j^x> ] '• 

file, rasp 

plane, jointer, block plane 

pestle; pounder 


Oj?u i -Cjilu : a,'t«,,i» 

pulled, drawn, dragged, hauled, j^Li. ( jj^k. : u 
tugged, towed, trailed 

withdrawn, taken back, recalled, '%_>■ f^ 

called back, revoked, repealed, cancelled; pulled 

out; taken out 

retracted, recanted, withdrawn, <Lc >i_»- j : ■_.j-,,, ■ 
taken back 

drawn (t-^-ail; iijj c <ll..'.< ciiLi. c ill^i-) y^- *' . - 
drawn on a bank iiLj J* o^a^L. 

drawee <lic- 

raw, abraded, grazed, excoriated, galled, 


J *■ ■* 



index; glossary; list 
cancered; cancerous 




accelerated, speeded up, expedited, has- Jm> : p\—> 
tened, hurried, quickened, precipitated 

accelerator; hastener, hurrier, quicken- J*a> : fj-* 
er, precipitator; accelerative, accelerating 

hurried, in a hurry, hurrying, hasty, J,-*.,:,.,,. : fj—> 

hastening, rushing, dashing, running, speeding, 

speedy, quick, fast, rapid 

* .> . . > 
waster, wastrel, spendthrift, squanderer, ji— • :<->>__ • 

scattergood, dissipater, careless spender; wasteful, 

profligate, prodigal, extravagant, lavish, profuse 

i '•* . • ■* 
excessive, excess, extreme, extrava- ±ju : u^_ 

gant, immoderate, intemperate, unrestrained 

enumerated, listed j_lm : jj^_j 

related, narrated, recited, y^j-ai. i <3j^. : jj^_* 
recounted, reported, told 

presented, set forth; quoted, cited, i_/>jj>^> '■ Jj^— • 

happy, glad, delighted, pleased, cheer- jU-^i '-jij-* 
ful, joyful, joyous, jolly, merry, gay, gleeful 

>. - <. - 
stolen, pilfered, pinched, filched, pur- (_>^1— • : Jjj— • 

loined; burglarized; robbed 

stolen goods (objects, things, iijj~ • <Li I : oli < 


trowel rJU :jt 

4 ■ rturr ' A n ,rT - * . j ~~ * " t t 

level, flat, even, plane, tabular, y.'.„. i > ■ •■ : -!■ - 

spread (out), stretched (out) J > :,'.,. ( j j _iL. : «]»_< 

supine, lying (on the back), j_»wLi. f - J-' ' - : ~k— 
prostrate, prone, recumbent, decumbent 

surface, surface area, area, flat 
area, superficies 

continental shelf 

flat foot 

written (down), jotted down; com- 
posed, drawn up, drafted 

> ** - 

jy&~» ' j ^ - 

noying, vexing, vexatious, exasperating, irritating, 
galling, disagreeable, unpleasant, offensive 

, * t ' , t s , ) 

heated, warmed (up) y», i L»-L Jajp- : j»»— • 

heater; geyser; boiler; warmer o^«- 

to massage; to rub; to J* » jj ^. I i dy 4 iiU j : . 
stroke, caress 

palm fibers; rope 

~f C' 


-.» s- ^ s - > 

paid, settled, discharged, liquidated, yy-^ '■ J - 
defrayed, cleared 

directed, pointed, aimed, lev- 
eled, delivered, point-blank 

pistol, revolver, gun, 
hexagon; hexagonal 

r**" t5j^ r-^*" 'U - " 

'I ' i- > 
hexahedron; hexahedral -^~ ll ^ > - 

plugged (up), closed (up), stopped up; sealed, jj jl-* 
shut (off); blocked (up, off), obstructed, occluded, 
choked (up), clogged, congested; stuffy, stuffed up 
(nose); blind, dead-end 

blind alley or street, dead-end j j j_. (<jli j j I ) ^ij> 
street, dead end, cul-de-sac, impasse 

speedometer i*^JI jIjlc :p 1^ 

intake; drain, sewer; duct, conduit; course l ->'J— > 

J3J" Jf I J - »7-« 

lampstand ^I^J I *lii. ^^j U : <u> 

lamp; light 


theater, playhouse; stage; scene, arena t*~j* '■ rj-* 
(of politics, etc.) 

puppet theater ^jJI ^_ 

shadow theater JJill »-^_ 1 J^Ui) I »y_ 

theater of the absurd 

T J~* I U %&»-» jU I T J~* • 

dramatic, theatrical, stage, scenic(al) ijf ^~* 

playwright, dramatist '^g-j-' ^'y « yf S— * S-^^ 
play, drama; performance, show <!»■»-« 



5jJa— 4 


accountancy, keeping of accounts, 


(fr ij-. 
J ~o*r* : w) 



grasping, greedy, avaricious, close- J-^v t »_!»- 
fisted, tightfisted, stingy, niggardly 

sustenance, nourishment 



musk deer 


earnest money, handsel, down pay- oy.f ■ uix— * 

(oLj) fJ ^)l k_. 
liQl L^- 

bed ^»y : <■£,'.,.« 

handle, grip, handgrip, knob, grasp, haft.^oJw : &L« 
hilt ' 

grip, hold, clasp, clutch 

^ ii » :ax»» 


^! j ; 


< a— -^r 






avarice, stinginess, niggardliness 



sustenance, nourishment oy : o> . 

' -L-- ' 

J*- : ^-» 

J*- '■£—* 

sugared, sweetened 

sweetening, sweetener 

intoxicating, intoxicant, inebriat- jSClil t_~ • -jf--> 

ing, inebriant 

alcohohc beverage, (alcoholic) tg-jj ±>j_r- : j»— • 
drink, (spirituous) liquor, alcohol, booze, intoxi- 
cant, inebriant 

residence, domicile, house, home, apart- jfL* . o^—* 
ment, flat, dwelling, abode, habitation; accommo- 
dations, quarters, lodgings 

* , > 
analgesic, painkiller, reliever; sedative, tranquil- j^—» 

izer, barbiturate; anodyne, assuasive, soothing, 

ruled, lined; striped, streaked, JlL- . JiJas-u : J* • 
barred, stripy, streaky 

. s •* - » ,- . ,- . , 
ruler jJ»-jJl) ;IjI ' *j ^ - ■ «j t» - 

sample, specimen i__c : s^LL* . ;^]a!_. 

procedure o^Ijm Jj-^I . ol*lj»-l :SjLl~. ;S^k_ 

slide rule <uJ^> jl i_U- SjU .. < i_;.l_i-l ;^u .. 


effort, endeavor, attempt 

good offices »'■>■-»■•»• f^- • 

poker, fire iron jUI dllj»i.. .j*- < i jULi 

calorimeter "j'j*-' <~£ cr-^ j^r ' >•■ * 

snuffbox i»«iJI ilit • It t - Jm ..i 

reliever, succorer, aid(e), help(er); rescu- . 

er, saver 

first-aid man Oj^' oliUl^l »oiu [y 

mad; crazy; rabid, hydrophobic; frantic, fren- jy— • 
zied, frenetic, wild; furious, enraged 

famine, dearth, starvation <cGJ : *- «_• 

shipyard, dockyard ^f*r*> j' t>*—" *^J r-^>* • 0*— ' 

shed, spilled, poured out <-?£-- • <■ J \j» '■ r^*-* 

-. • '. - 

projection [en] iai_« 

>i ' -- - 
birthplace, hometown, home u*'v" 

waterfall, falls, chute >U 

■hi,,,*. u»- 1 j ' 

roofed, ceiled ■ «» ■ Jj_y« : ' 'j« * 

irrigated, watered (3 j j' : ^--« 

(j) tSL--l vrlj ""o**^* : -f 

to keep (accounts, books) (j^UUl . oljCJ-l) tit 
to scent with musk iiCj.L> i_-_J> : dL_< 




""■ ■"" ■ ■■■'"• 

serial(ized), seriate(d), sequenced; J.J..:* : J-i-» 
successive, consecutive, sequential); continuous; 
hierarchical; chain-; graded, gradated, graduated; 
concatenated), linked together, connected, inter- 
linked, interlocked 
series; chain, train, succession, con- iL-L. : Jl. L ,. 


- ■, -> *i , •- > 
serial story, serial »L.L.r,« i-ai : J_L_. 

■ A.L.,1,.7. <Uai 


J— I— . . jj»-Ij 

advanced, lent, loaned 

lender, advancer, loaner; creditor ^1 j i <j«>w 

harrow, drag J°jl\ W; i5j-j •'■>' <**\jf '■ 

way, road; path, track; jllv ' Vj J ' LikA • ^- « 
course, route, line; passage, passageway 

passage, channel, canal; conduit, sU < iS^y '■ *^— • 

duct ^ ', ,-.- 

the urinary passages V>J' >iUtLll 

behavioral; vocational, professional <^~-* 

conceded, granted, admitted, admissible, ac- o jvi- « 
cepted, undisputed, indisputable, incontestable, 
uncontested, incontrovertible, undeniable, unques- 

Moslem, Muslim f^-")" i>? J* <J^ i>* ' r~* 

postulate, axiom \m-^>. ho^L <• r) *« ' ' 

stolen, ripped off, robbed, Jx*-* ' <-?y*-' '• l r'>*— • 

plundered, pillaged, rifled, looted, (despoiled, 

spoliated, ravished 

skinned, flayed j^Li* :^^L-§ 

'•- i ' '- ?• - 
detached, separated, disen- 9j'j^> > Oya*j> : rjJ— « 

gaged, pulled off, stripped off, peeled off 

boiled, cooked in boiling water JjlLt 

tuberculous, tubercular; 3— Jl> uCu> : JjL-j 
consumptive, phthisic(al) 

drawn, unsheathed (ljIIJIS') JJL. : Jjl— • 

named, called, designated, (de)nominated, ^*.u : c ^— • 
dubbed, termed, by the name of, so-called 

known; given, stated, designat- ,j~»> t (y** '■ u—— 

-•■---■ ■• ■ - 


relieving, easing, lenitive, demulcent, allaying, alle- 
viating, palliative, mitigative; calmative, calming, 

poverty, indigence; misery, wretchedness; hu- < '& .,,» 
mility, humbleness, submissiveness 

poured (out), shed, spilled r>*— ■ ' (i'j* : ^y—' 
minted, coined, monetized (ill*, t jjij) iiij^L-t 

' ■ " *'-'■ ■'< '<r- *-?' -e '<" 
coin, specie jjomj^iO^ — . 4Juc:oy*«- • 

inhabited, populated; occupied, lived in J>»U : 6j£— « 

* «» ' • - 
haunted (place); possessed (person) ^yLlj 6^-~« 

the world ,JUJI :li_jxlil 

ecumenical [ i-J I jwaJ J ^ £—• 

musky dQl* li, : ( ,jll I ji ^-J I ) ^£1. 

poor, needy, indigent, necessitous, jyu> « jUi : j**— ^ 
poverty-stricken; pauper, poor man 

miserable, wretched, poor ^-31; :,jSLj> 

humble, submissive JJ i : c^f-r? 

amusing, entertaining, diver- <L i ^j^ : (Jl-11) J— » 
ting, pleasant; amuser, entertainer 
consolatory, consoling, comfor- y^ i ^y :J— • 
ting, solacing, condoling, condolatory; consoler, 
comforter, solacer, condoler 

slough, skin l^i p-1 '„ : 1 1 1»jJl»- : (O-l) ^^-r* 

bit (of a key) ^Uil ^- : J»iL. 

large needle, pack needle, pack- jJL* i iy^S ij> I : «JL-i 
ing needle 

obelisk (■$■>>»-£ v ^ ■^— ' 

'* *■ s-^ ?- ' 

*'**.*' f ' ' 


gunman, armed man 

gunmen, armed men 

>, r »-,, ,' 

ferroconcrete, reinforced «j«L_. iJL^»- c pL»» i 

slaughterhouse, abattoir, butchery, pi. i jjj« : jJ— • 




> >* ,^ *■ 

audible, clear, easily ry°y. **L«» ,j£l* : £■>•—■ 
heard, capable of being heard 
audibility Lt_j*«-i »/JJI uy '-^y*—* 

poisoned, envenomed .*_*■ : »j*_ < 

... ^ 

old, aged, advanced in years 


whetstone, grindstone, hone; « 
sharpener, grinder; strop, razor strop 

dam; jetty 1» 

predicate, attribute [ij-^j *«J ] J^— * 

subject Lj-^j **IJ v' '•'■■■* 

rest, back; cushion, pillow; support, prop, KL« : jL— < 
stay, bolster 



I* 'l. ''• 

f LJI 

___» <b«x ijj^— • ojjJ 

humpbacked, hunchbacked, uow < <_oj' 
humped, humpy; convex, arched, vaulted, cam 

toothed, indented, dentate(d), denticulate, JLL. : j~ 
notched, jagged, cogged, crenate(d), serrate(d), 
serried, saw-toothed 

pointed, pointy, sharp ci^UI J >:..,. ij^— 

cogwheel, sprocket wheel, gear; pinion 

j . , '. - 
supported, propped (up), crutched, <•>«■-»-• : iy—a 

stayed, shored up, held up, buttressed, bolstered, 
sustained; staked (out); consolidated, strengthened, 
reinforced; corroborated, confirmed 

sharpened, whetted, honed, stropped sy*L> : 6>i— « 

pointed, pointy, tapering, dtjk)\ Jji_. :oy— • 

enacted, passed; legislat- (jJJ uy\*) fy^* '-oy—^ 

ed; prescribed 

- • > - . > 
detailed, lengthy, prolix, long-winded, i_„: L. : i.-j . » 

elaborate, enlarged, verbose, wordy, redundant, 


ed, specified, fixed, determined, definite; specific, 

r"] c?*'j ~r"! : t»*-" • 


[oUiLj J J-iliu 

anonymous, nameless, unnamed, innom- 
inate; anonym 

nominate contracts "'" 

innominate contracts 

nail; pin; tack 

corn (on the toes) 



■r. r^ * *» . 

■> >> 

jjj Ulr-f 
( /-^OjlA- 

cuneiform ^Cjl^lil (iiLSCJl jl) <_»j^J-L ^U- :c5jl«I-f 

cuneiform, \$ j \^ Jai- . "C j \^ ( X, lis' j I ) o j j»- 

cuneiform writing 

audiometer -. II ;y y-LjL. :p I,— » 

fertilizers) \_,..g 

nailed, fastened with a nail 
tanned, browned, embrowned 

J ;-.■ s , > 

l(ol-i«n.» r-) 
- - . « - > 

brownish, tannish 
earshot, hearing 

«— J! (5-U l «mi_JI (y»^« : j-»— • 

in the hearing of, within earshot of; ^* •', ' '■ Jc 
for him to hear, so that he could hear it 


fish store, seafood store liLllJ I <ilj Jk* : *<«' '• 

poisoned, envenomed o*—* : /»' ■ 

fattened; fat; fatling y^^, . ^1., : j,' ■ 

permissible, permitted, allow- ^-C. . jJU. : (o) t- j^l»» 
able, allowed, admissible, authorized, lawful, legal, 
legitimate, unforbidden, unprohibited 

heard, audible «. 



1 -' " 

3* +- 


(in), railed (in), enclosed 

Christ, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Messiah py-j : jw-11 

Antichrist Jl*--JI j^-il 

Christian (^*'j **«») <y'j~ a J : i*»«s— ' 

Christianity tj^-il jj.JI :il-», ,11 

striped, stripy, streaked, streaky Ju* i li» : jv^-j 

tasteless, insipid, vapid JJall (rut '■£—-• 

. '•' . I .'•-..- 

y-ji n i * A>- 1 j — r'j' " i * ■ y *y * 

driven, set in motion; propelled, <*ry i *y j> : j> -—« 
impelled, moved, shoved, driven forward; steered, 
directed, oriented, guided, controlled; managed, 
run, handled; operated, actuated; sent, dispatched, 
forwarded; circulated, spread 

unfree (to choose or undertake), jm ju» : j~_» 
not endowed with a free will, having no power of 
free choice, forced, compelled, obliged 

?-' | \ ' ' S- •» 

striped, streaked, stripy, streaky ~u* « hh^>« : j~_» 

propeller, impeller; propellant, pro- j. b i jJ I i 'jy— 
pulsive, propelling, impelling 

distance, walk i»C— -oj^ 

journey, travel, tour, trip iU- j : ij~j> 

march, demonstration, procession !j»lki : i^^u-. 
protest march r) J !***" ' °/Sr~* 

a— £f'j~a-^ 'a— : u-trr-* 

i s i' -i ' i - ' 
politicized Wrr J^ : Lrr-* 

dominating, (pre)dominant, preponderant, pre- jh~— < 
vailing, controlling, commanding, ruling, govern- 
ing, reigning; master, ruler, overlord 

watertight, waterproof *\^ *p < ^ jj. 

ravine, gulch, flume; gully l£>v ' -**j : J„/* 

liquefied, dissolved, melted, molten i_j I JL« : Jl_* 

laxative, purgative, purge, aperient (,*.l) J^L* 

laxative, purgative, aperient, cathartic, (iiuo) J«I~> 


- > - ' . '\> . > 

diarrheic, lax, suffering from diarrhea, having J 
loose bowels 

planer; strickle; level l*; ^$^,> ; I * I : « I 

tooth cleanser, cleaning 6^^ I <; ' '^■" ; ^ '■^y-f 
stick for teeth 

drafted, sketched <j^ c.«,<»j : j^— • 

blackish, nigrescent 

blackened, made black 

jljlJI J J ojLi : '■>>-« 

draft, rough copy; (rough) sketch; 
outline; notes 

proof sheet, proof 

* _- s - ' 

bill, draft law, draft of a law 6>> l» • ■>>—■ 

scratch paper oli^lil jl »iyA\ Jjj 

*~ 5* * -' 

to draft, sketch, make a rough copy of, 5 j^— • «J>j 
draw a preliminary sketch of, make rough plans 

enclosed, fenced in, walled in, railed in jy~* 

en — • (fh~Lyy-^ 

allowed, allowable, permitted, per- Jl* i jJU- : 9y-* 

justified, warranted, vindicated 

rationalized [^.iiji^-* 

t-> . i - ' 

justification, warrant, good reason, rea- JJr * : f >-« 
sonable grounds 

procrastinator; procrastinating JJ> C. : <J^« 

t- > • - „*- » 

marketer u^-i ^ : &y~* 


injurious, harmful, hurtful, detri- jU» i *y : J^-j 

mental, disadvantageous, damaging, evil 

* > 
offensive, offending, insulting <j~+* : J— «• 

fenced (in), hedged (in), hemmed ^L-j J»Um : «*—• 


> • tl 

* * 

|J ; i n * 



sharing, participation 


-• . s - ' '. - .' - > 

A_c jiulJ I ,j< .Inii j La : <J?lL< 

common, joint; public, communal Sj^» : p 11* 

- > * • ' > 
public property, public domain; pll* tUJu i til* 

common, commonage; no-man's-land; common 
property, joint estate 

jJb j^-lj-jJIi (J ^ :^ 

rioter, troublemaker, agitator, subverter; riot- t_«plil 
ous, turbulent, tumultuous, disorderly, seditious 

scrap of hemp or flax; oakum; tow (yLSG I ) iili« 

' , '- - < 
floss jgjj-l iiLli 

quarrelsome, contentious, dis- ^LkJJ t_-»»» : Lr ^ll« 
sentious, pugnacious, aggressive 

quarrel, brawl, wrangle, dispute, controversy; <JS\L» 
quarrelsomeness, contentiousness, pugnacious- 
ness, pugnacity, aggressiveness; peevishness, petu- 
lance, grumpiness 

js"Gj ^ij-iisriil 
^ •- - .- * 

seen, viewed; watched, observed; visible, ^j* : j*li» 

visual, apparent, manifest 

* — * .' * 
spectator, onlooker, viewer, watcher, rj^ '■ -»*H* 


/■ \ * * -'' i-* --V " \' * 

seeing, viewdng), witnes- jyea- < <S\j» i ojj : » jail* 

sing; watching, observing, observation; attending, 


Uj^i. «»- 1 j - Oj*Llj 

jjUJ «- 1 j - SjjLl* 

= J^ 

iJrr~* £f 'j — 
liquefacient, dissolvent, solvent i_*> i. : J^ 

tearful, causing tears ' ' ' 

tear gas, lacrimator 

tear bomb 

to suck (marrow from) a bone 

to macerate, soak 


■ ii n « l l yij 

C" '0- 

to walk, tread, go on foot, move on foot; to jL : ^ii 

>'• , 
to purge, have a bowel movement, have <d»> ^i* 


to walk, make walk, cause to walk, ,jJJ iiii- : ^.l* 
let walk 

peripatetic, itinerant 


Peripatetic, Aristotelian 

Peripateticism, Aristotelianism 










- oLij 






— i >»-Ltj 

it goes without saying that...; it (jJii-Ll.^ tii-Lil 
is indisputable, incontestable, undeniable, un- 
questionable, undoubted, doubtless, obvious, self- 

wrangle, hassle, squabble, brab- »d»- < jLo : i-j-Lt* 
ble, brawl, spat, jangle, quarrel 

enmity, feud, hatred, juL>- < ^^ia <.i i \js.\ ii- Lli 
grudge, rancor, spite 

controversy, heated argument, alterca- {iL.^) 5 jlH 
tion, squabble, brabble, wrangle, jangle, noisy quar- 

mentioned, referred to, pointed out jjSx. :<A\ ji£, 
to, stated, cited 

< aJ 1 ««-lj-Ujl aJI jLl. 


fill, severe, serious, aggravated 

buyer, purchaser, vendee (5>— j <y '■ \<Sj^\ ) J^-* 

r i "*"■' 

Jupiter [liUiJcijlJll 

, '• .'• t 
bought, purchased ci^r-i '-^SJ-- ■* 

»'• ' 

purchases, purchased goods cAjjLL> 

stipulated JrjiS u^jj** : J» j> ll< 

>j^r- CT'j ~ <*r J* *-**>-» ' <*J.r- • *J — * 

i- > '•- --\> 
legislated; enacted, passed pji* i o>— : ^ J > ; —* 

r'' ■* 
common, joint, conjoint, combined, concerted, u/LL* 

concurrent, collective, team, co-, in common, 

shared, mutual 


joint account (tJLj j) dJjil* i_jC»- 

->''*«' *. ' 

common market o^^Jj Jj*. 

common factor SjLl* J>U 

common divisor, common denomma- 6>jlLa «-.u 

participant, sharer, contributor; sub- SJJu : d>ll* 
scriber; participating, sharing, taking part, con- 
tributing, contributory 
purchases, purchased goods OU j >ll* 

-■» -. ^ '• * 
burning, afire, on fire, ablaze, l..« tU 4 iij^»» : J*li-» 

aflame, in flames, flaming, blazing, conflagrant 

working; functioning; running, operat- J-U : J*il» 

ing, in operation 

*- » -• > 

derived; derivative 

defendant, accused 
complained of 
nursery; arboretum 



ill-omened, inauspicious, _^j j 

ill-boding, ominous, sinister, unfortunate, unlucky, 

evil, disastrous, fateful 

slipper, pantofle, scuff, mule 

ry\> '.Ki\2jt 

: « 



partisan, adherent, follower, supporter, oj 

advocate, patron, sponsor 

partial, one-sided, ex parte, biased, j-a»i 


partisanship; adherence, following, support; Oulla 

partiality, favoritism, one-sidedness, bias 

saturated, satiate(d), sated, filled, full, re- ^1* '^1» 

plete; satisfied, gratified, appeased; charged, loaded 

■ % 
satisfying, satisfactory, gratifying, pleasing j_-l« 

clasp, buckle, clip, pin, fastener, fastening, f_j>\ : k' 1 * - 
fibula, brace 

flaming, blazing, glowing, fiery, ardent, iitUI I 
fervent, impassioned, passionate, zealous, enthusi- 
astic, fervid, ebullient 

suspicious, suspected, under suspi- <i * . t * , » : >^1< 
cion, dubious, doubtful, dubitable, questionable, 
equivocal, fishy; suspect 
winter resort; winter residence (oli> g) j£*> 

partner, copartner, co-owner &>£" '• £}~*> 

■ * 
longing, yearning, craving, desiring, desir- JJU : Jul* 

ous, missing, hankering, pining, eager, athirst 

engaged or involved in war- ujj^*~* ' Ji^*-* • ' - * ■ : ■ " *' 
fare, at war, warring, fighting, clashing, battling 

grappling, coming to grips or to (ci Jy * W '■ *:" ■ " ■« 
blows, brawling, scuffling, fighting, quarreling 

dispersed, scattered, dispelled, j j— • t ujw : C . V » 

strewn about, broken up, separate(d) 

• * *- * 

scatterbrained, distracted, distraught, j£*JI c. r* . 


dispersive, dispersing, scattering; c-^. J*li : c.t*. 
separative, separating; disperser, scatterer; separa- 
intense, strong, force- ($y t J,-»»:.„.. t -^j»r.„.. : all* 


1 •■•"■■ 

3^> <%H 

shipped, freighted, consigned, Jyui t Jl^. : 6>>»i. 
forwarded, transported 

loaded (with), freighted J^. , £»L : (_, ) o>i»li 
(with), laden (with) ; 

fraught with, loaded _; ^JiU- < _; fJL. : _, 6ji»li 

with, charged with, filled with, full of, replete 
with, rife with 

charged, loaded [ ,\jjg ] <j j-, A - 


J l <->>•»— 

corset, stays; girdle; foundation garment Qj Cj ) ji» 

s >' - - - s - ' 
intense, intensive, drastic, lj^SL. ujjii ^ : jj^ 

tough, rigid, strict, severe, stern, stringent; inten- 
sified, aggravated 

emphatic, ( jJI *JaU i ilW < Oj*> i i_i^>- ) j^J* : j jJ_. 
emphasized, stressed; intensified, doubled, gemi- 
nated; accentuated, accented 

intensifying, aggravating, tightening; restrictive, j jii, 
limiting, limitative; strict, severe, stern 

aggravating circumstances s'jjJj i-ijji 

tightened), tautened), tightly j'^, i J^. : i/xL, 
drawn, strained, tense, firm 

tied, bound, fastened, made fast ^y.j* '■ Jj-^ 

pulled, drawn, dragged, jjj»v <■ <-?y-^ : jjjlL. 
tugged, hauled 

amazed, astonished, astounded, J^* Ji. : «_j .il* 

stunned, wonder-struck, startled, flabbergasted, 
shocked, dumbfounded, thunderstruck, baffled, 
puzzled, confused, perplexed 

trimmed, clipped, pruned, lopped, pared, cut 
back; refined, polished, improved 

drink, beverage 

.j \j* . i^tj^jt 

•* .. ' 

drinking place, drinking foun- t-^JI *-*>>• : 

bar, barroom, pub, tavern i;U- 1 jL : o^i. 

taste, inclination, trend, «Uu 1 1 i* ji i J~. : o>^> 
bent, drift 

V./-* »^-lj -CJjill £-*>>■• ^^A* '*^>— • 

oriel iSli Jjjli :il/^L. 

thallus [»L*-i]5 J i. co^i. 


including, containing, jLii. < J* yikl : J* ^J.-'n 
comprising, embracing, embodying, encompassing, 
covering, involving 

contents oL>, 

desirous, desiring, wishful, craving, ( /-*M|) /-'■', 
hungering for, hankering for, longing for 
desirable; desired 

saddening, sad, grievous jy^. : ( < -JiI|) J^L 

worrying, disquieting jiii : _li 

moving, touching, pathetic, ^ . j* lijj <if^ : ^ 
affecting, emotional, impassioning, soul-stirring 
melodrama Clji_^L- :Sl»i« 

clothes rail, rack, hook, stand, peg (i_.llil I ) i_J* 

afforested, forested, wooded, j=v^ « ^pj. , -^ : jkil 

woody, woodland, timbered, sylvan, arbored, ar 
boreous, bosky 

branched, figured with JxllX ^'s'ct'j' '■ J*^> 
designs of plants 

forester ^ : ^v; 

i - > • , 

encouraging, emboldening, heartening; hopeful; 4Ju 
encourager; promoter, supporter, advocate, spon- 
sor, patron, proponent 

condemned, denounced, cen- £jjLL <. jllu ■■ jVf 
sured, criticized, deprecated, disapproved of 
to administer extreme unction to | iJ I ^ ] «i^ 

extreme unction [.Lj | j^ ] o»; 

whetstone, grindstone, hone 
sharpener, grinder; strop, razor strop 

greased, lubricated 

»- ■» ?- * i ' ' 

•» >-» s - > 

* II 1 A 


lubricant, lube; greaser, lubricator; oJj-* < ^> ■' ,-iV't 
lubricative, lubricating 

grease box [iSLjlSL*] iUL 

•>. - « ■ 
whetted, sharpened, honed, stropped uv— • : "' j-' "- 

■h) h *. » 

> «iY 


conditional, provisional, Jj^^oii^ i ^J-'- ^i^-» 
qualified, contingent, dependent, conditioned 


JojtS , p<M yi* ' -J» > 

slashed, slit open, gashed, ^ji^-* 1 3y^~* '■ -*»jj-^» 
ripped open, cut open, incised; lanced, scarified, 

--• j '. - >• - 

legislated; enacted, passed f^^ ' 0? ■'■■■■* : fij~> 

project, plan, scheme; («jjll.j ole-j^-.^) 9)jZ-» 
enterprise, undertaking, venture 

draft agreement J\ju I 9jj^> 

' > >• , 
bill, draft law, draft of a law <jy U 9- j^ 

~~ > >' _ 
draft resolution j\J fjj^ 

draft treaty «ji*U* fj^i* 

Thallophyta <L5IjJI olJ'LJI ^ <L»i :CiL>ji« 

to comb (the hair), do or do up ( ji^J I ) Ja--« . ,kli 

(the hair), dress or style (the hair), coif or coitfure 

(the hair) 

, • > • , j - » , 

to card, tease, comb 
to comb 



tilapia, cichlid, chromid 


fuller's teasel 

cartridge clip 

metatarsus, instep 


r ~\ ' * ' ' 

[ w jwJ J xJ I ■ «■*■■* 

I— <j n ii VT'J ~' / n "» 

scarified, scratched, incised, slit, J^oJu : i_i j Ii % 

sliced SlljJ» ULi f^Li* : rS—* 

anatomized, dissected; vivisec- (^Jx (>>^J) rji* 
ted ' 

autopsied, necropsied (sli^JI <_,"■■ juakj) j-^L. 
anatomist, dissector, vivisector r)-i <y '• Tf-* 

morgue; autopsy room, postmortem room 

5 --* 1' > 

homeless, displaced, dislodged, driven j>^» : ZjL> 
away, expelled, evicted; fugitive, refugee 

serrate(d), toothed, saw-toothed, indent- 1 ^__ '-jZjL* 
ed, notched, jagged 

conditioned, conditional ^J>l^.l : J»^l< 

lancet, scalpel ..a'. . : ii^L* i i»^L« 

legislated; enacted, passed 'rJ—' ' uj ■'■■■■* : ? j^-* 

legislator, lawmaker, lawgiver; lawmak- s- jH* : ?£* 
ing, legislative, legislating 

".> j - , ..• > .-' - 
outlook, lookout, prospect, «ij^ i JJ». : <-i^l< ' <-*^-* 

vantage; hill, elevation 

heights, hills, elevations; outskirts, environs, ctjll> 
precincts, suburbs 

honorable, honorific <-*.A* 

supervisor, superintendent, jj* i ^-»'j' :((i*) LJ LA* 
overseer, controller; director 

overlooking, commanding, (J*) j^L. : (J*) ci^l* 
dominating, dominant, overtopping, towering 
over, looking down upon, affording view of 

near to, close to, on the verge ^ \^j : (^j <J>J~» 
of, on the brink of, at the point of, about to 

the entire world, the whole W;jU>j (^ij^l iijL^> 
world, all the world 

shining, shiny, radiant, «J»U i *,+a* <■ j-l» : tJ^l* 
bright, brilliant, beamy, luminous; clear, vivid 

drink, beverage 

: » I « * 



work, engaged in work; preoccupied, engrossed, 
absorbed, taken up 


processed), fy~a* > J>u» i J-U^ i rJU- : Jy,;,. 
wrought, worked 

distracted or diverted by something ^ <u Jy*- 

JU p-lj-JUl J> 

infirmary; hospital 
camel's lip, lip of a camel 

-. .(jii* 

accompanied (by); coupled (with); en- ( j ) f jiij 

closed, attached; added, subjoined; supplemented 

to extend, stretch, draw out 

to comb 

to tear, tear up, shred 

to whip, lash, flog 

ocher; red ocher, ruddle 
model, pattern 
slender, slim, svelte 

hardship, difficulty, trouble, dis- 
comfort, inconvenience 

flock (of wool or cotton) 

" . * 7 • j '1 * 

(^»» jl yr°) 



split, cleft, fissured, cracked, rifted, bro- J«*- i '.»j«*'- 
ken; rimose; torn, rent, ripped (apart), cut, incised, 
slashed, slit, crannied 

niche »JI A~a* I4J «J>^ Sail; ^i. i£ :»\SLLt 


* ** * •.» 


bunch; sheaf, bundle 

iflL i/.L-V, tLll i* > lk- : dllSlL. 


formed, shaped, t-iiy> 1 oj£* 1 <J>r 9 v ' jj-** '• J * 
fashioned, molded, formalized, framed, forged, 


Ufe^JU .^P? >-.„T . V 


slashed, cut; sliced 

struck off, struck out, crossed out, (Jjia*. : - . , L ' . 
scratched out, canceled, deleted; eliminated, re- 
moved; taken off, taken out; erased, effaced 

beveKed), chamfered (jJJ ^li-jJtf <iiU-l) o^kL. 

split, fissioned; divided, bisected, -j ■- : j 

halved; intersected, cut; sundered, severed 


pectinate(d), comblike 

iliil iJili-l (ijik- t-i*^ 'j/ L - 

radiant, radiating, irradiant, irra- *-i>L 1 ,^i. ■ - * . 
diating, eradiating, beamy, beaming, shining, bright 

radioactive, radi(o)- ilkUJI .i J.LJ! ?«el»Ll :i_l^ 

- v- « i_- 

radiator l*Ui J ^jj L. ^ : 1_^ 

radioisotope, radioactive isotope ■ *.. ^k; 

radiator jjjJ^ jl iiijdU (_»jW i£li :pl«i. 

radiographic, £i"5llj ^^LxJIj ^U- liL^L :Jj*l*i* 
roentgenographic, skiagraphic 

*"■• . »- •> 

L ' » i.' » A9-lj— !_>*_« 

1 ' .' ',-'•' .-'-' 

A— --• A*- I J — A— "• t— UJrf . 

dilute(d), mixed with water, .IIL. rj>- < ' 'i-^- ■' 'Vp'.t 
watered, watery, washy, wishy-washy, milk-and- 
water, thinned out or down, thin, weakened) 

*-' *' ■> •' > 
diluent j» j. t _ii^ : ^JUlt 

torch, flambeau, cresset iiiij. - J. * , - J'.*' t 

juggler, conjurer, prestidigitator; magician, sor- i^Lll 
cerer, warlock, voodoo ; charlatan, quack, swin- 
dler, humbugCger), mountebank 

workshop, atelier; plant, factory, JlL. t i*. j j : jll* 
works, mill 

madly in love with, infatuated with, _. Sy, : _. ' »j : *'t 
enamored of, (passionately) fond of, crazy about, 
mad about, fascinated by, enchanted by, thrilled 
by, captivated by; interested in 

busy, occupied, engaged; working, at & 



skin, slicker, trench coat 


included, contained, comprised, en- ^.nr. : Jj 
compassed, covered 



( jV M il 

-* . * tl * "VI ' S 'a ' 



shower, shower bath, douche ytjj i r^~f : t>~? 
gallows, gibbet; scaffold ii-JL. iiiLl« 

hangman's rope, cord iiLUI J_j- 

-"" ii ' ' 
gibbet <LJ1\ iyt. 

*•- - . I - '• - 
hanged, executed by hanging Uii. (.1*1 : jjii^ 

■a •• •*• 

launched, waged, carried (out), made, ^ : t'j : * - 

appetizer, hors d'oeuvre, relish; appetiz- (yjill) d* 
ing, stimulating or appealing to the appetite, 
mouthwatering, savory, palatable, tasty, delicious 

aperitif <!• ojj-** 

scene; view, sight, spectacle, scenery, Ja£> : j^Ij 
prospect, perspective, outlook, panorama 

scene; scenery, setting (~)J ^f jl-«) -H^-* 

notorious, infamous, ill-reputed, <ul_JI ^. :jii« 

libeled, slandered, defamed, vilified, ^Ju :<u j^l* 
vituperated, calumniated 

witnessed, seen; attended <J j* i jm11« : Jj*l< 

taking place in i*-**^* jl >#!■ j>-«v jU- : Jj«.** 
the presence of witnesses or spectators 

well-attended, happening jju. j^»»- •jJuu : ^ t * . 
before a large audience 

memorable, (^)J a aU . ^) J^j *i < j^U : ^1. 

Day of Resurrection, £. Ci) I ^ : i^l[ I l^J | ( ^Vl | 

Day of Reckoning, Judgment Day, doomsday 

famous, well-known, renowned, o-laJI iili :jjil« 
celebrated, noted, famed, widely known, eminent, 

worked, wrought; created, made, originated, built; 
established, set up, instituted, constituted 

consisting of, made up of, com- ^y i-iiy : ,y jSJl* 

posed of 

*"' iJ-'' 
diverse, different, various, miscella- 9y^ : J>-1« 

neous, sundry, varied, diversified, variegated 
vowelized, vocalized, pointed ujy-l d^s*. : JSLL. 

*>* ii^' * 

formative; former, shaper, fashioner; oy^> '■ o>^-* 
creator, maker 

problematic, complex, ^-iL. > J-»m > J-il» : J£l» 
hard to solve, difficult, intricate, obscure, vague, 
equivocal, ambiguous, uncertain, dubious, doubt- 
problem *Leuu> : JSw. 

problem iU»L. : <lST/.i 

complained of <o jSuj 

thanked j£i -j^JLt 

>. - •* <- •* • „ 
worthy of thanks, ^*a*. t ^-^^ >-^ '■ j>^-'-« 

deserving acknowledgment, praiseworthy, com- 
mendable, laudable 

doubtful, dubious, dubitable, »jA j jl <J ti)£Ju 

questionable, fishy, equivocal, open to doubt or 

question; suspicious, suspected, under suspicion; 


hobbled, fettered, shackled, trammeled, juu : JjSwi 


vowelized, vocalized, pointed cijy- 1 o_^u • t}£ * - 
sweet-kerneled apricot L5jj' p*''' '.i^"-* 

paralyzed, paralytic, palsied JUU oLa-i : J^ll* 
disgusted, nauseated, sick, revolted ijMji :£i 
sunny; sunlit 



bitter-kerneled apricot 

sweet-kerneled apricot 


oilcloth ^)J ciyjllj ai£jJ ytCi : jlii 

raincoat, waterproof, oil- jJJll ^» (Jb uiJalu :/.,*. 

* • ', * 



gametic [«Lj-i] * yj£ » 

sheikhdom, sheikdom ~_i. l«.C-»i iik^ : <•»■,■/'.» 

Presbyterian, presbyterial [<Jlj^ai] '^.'i 

built, erected, constructed, set up, ( j^> : j— 1# i jlJLi 
raised, put up 

Yield marshal, marshal JlijL :ju 

indicative (of), suggestive (of); { i }^)'J\i :(J,l)jw 
indicator; indication, sign 

marshalcy, marshalship OlijL. :ijjw« 

-■ • - 
slender, slim, svelte J>^*> : J^-* 

placenta, afterbirth, secundines ^^U- i jji- : <U~1« 
placentitis <■, Ml (-jl+dl 

placental i. : t.tL. ii^s. _>j :^-> A A i 

to suck, suck up, soak up, absorb; to sip ^a« 

sucking, suction, suck, sucking up, soaking up; "^yu 
absorption; sipping 

sugarcane jS-JI i_— <ai : cr ail i_— ai 

stricken by, hit by, attacked by, j L~*>1 : -? v^* 
smitten by, afflicted with, befallen by, affected by, 
infected by; suffering from; having caught or con- 
tracted or incurred 

\- * * ' ' i' * 
casualty, wounded person; i_«La< ^^wi. < <_>Laj 

killed person; victim (of an accident); wounded, 

injured; sick, ill 


casualties, losses 

accompanying, attendant, con- Ji l^« i * j>» : u^Uj 
comitant, collateral 

making friends with; association, ojLo* :c*-Uu 
companionship, comradeship, company, fellow- 

accompanying, accompa- <ui \j» i *-S 1^. : <u»-La* 
niment, escorting) 

accompanying, accompani- *ti \j» < <«j>» :<u»-La* 

distinguished, illustrious 

current, common, widespread «J I i i «_5L : j^l« 

celebrity, celebrated person, jj«.*« (j^i i j_y*l* 
famous personality 

laxative, purgative, aperient, cathartic J t ' - :^1« 

gridiron, grill, broiler, 
roaster, rotisserie 

admixed, mixed, mingled, 
blended; combined 

vitiated, corrupted, spoiled, <->}*** : ( j ) i 
impaired, marred; stained, tainted, tarnished, 
blemished, impure; defective, imperfect, faulty, de- 
ficient, unsound; suffering from, afflicted with 

consultation, deliberation; counsel, »j>i-» '»j>^-» 

advice, recommendation, suggestion, opinion 

-. ■ .» ^ *, .< i ' * 
confused, mixed up, jumbled ljjL^* < JJL. : yi>l< 

up, muddled, disordered, disarranged, disarrayed, 

disorganized, unsettled, deranged, disturbed, 

hugger-mugger, chaotic, messy 

arousing desire (longing, interest, suspense, J^l* 
etc.); motivating, stimulating, exciting, thrilling, 
fascinating, breathtaking, titillating; interesting; 

deformed, {JlU :(j)J *i-)JI /\ ^j.\ /\ jkljl) oyL» 
disfigured, defaced, misshapen, malformed, un- 
shaped, unshapen, distorted, marred, mutilated, 
mangled, ugly 

distorted, pervert- <_»^»»» : (rJ I tf J>il /\ iiJill) «^L. 
ed, misrepresented, misstated, falsified, corrupted, 
twisted, wrenched, warped 

grilled, broiled, roast(ed), barbecued Is^- : liy-» 

walking, walk J~. :,_L» 

sleepwalking, somnambulism, ^\ J^U- ,-iil 
noctambulism, noctambulation 

will, volition; wish, desire <J.j ii>\j\ :<LJLi 

(*b) iii t\±. o\ trij-oii j'r ; ;.".> 

gait, walk, manner of walking, step, , iu^J. :iLl< 
stride, pace, bearing, carriage 


[ *L»- 1 J 7}f~-* 

> »6> 


i'.; ^lpit;Sj?iJS 

pacifier J*3»)l ol£L"^ ijQ :<rf>C!a.'» 

lollipop, sucker, iy. u>Jo j {$£>■ i*J»» : X*C*a 


that which one sucks, something to ^^a^ L. : t-eua* 


difficulties, hardships, troubles, discomforts, i_-cCn 
inconveniences, problems 

jewelry, jewels; trinkets, trin- ^*- ( olj»_^v : £ La* 

handshake, shaking hands ojCu 

peacemaker, conciliator, reconciler ^JLaj ^ :nJLo< 

sugarcane j£_JI i_~ai :6Uo< 

relationship by marriage, affinity, alliance SjaCu 

mouth (of a river, etc.), debouch- (~JJ jilll) t. 
ment, estuary, firth 

outlet, escape, drain cj^o-. i r/u 

lamp; light lt'^H ' di- L ' J 'r 1 ^- •r L ? 

burner »^«a< :».l 

(electric) light, (electric) lamp, (light) '{J&J& r^ 

discharge lamp 

digital, digitate, fingered 1««. ,'j L. jl ulUl ji : J^- - 1 

gridiron, grill alyL. iv-^n 

laundry, dry cleaning l^j vtJI J— «J * •>• : *-V- 


dyehouse, dye works 

* *= 

<LfcL*tf ij^*^ ' **— ***■« 

saponated (j^LoJu rjj^-* j' t^"*-* ■<>: <ri * 

saponifier ^^ J*U : j*. 

soap works, soap factory 

tj V Utf jj f * • ^« ;«rt^ 


ment, attendance, concomitance, collaterality 

accompaniment, accom- [ *L£) Ji~-f ] il»-C^. 


^ . - - i- ' 
confiscated, seized, sequestered, requi- jjj*a** : j^ 

sitioned, expropriated 

confiscation, seizure, sequestration, j»- :SjjL<h 
requisitioning), expropriation 

falling on (a given {J^> rvjij j)jil>» :<-»jLh 
date); corresponding to, coinciding with, coinci- 
dent with, concurring with, concurrent with 

chance, accident, fortuity, haphazard, ii ju» : u:U< 

by chance, by accident, accidentally, fortu- *i jl^. 
itously, haply, haphazardly), by coincidence 

(ill*) Jjuoa «t»-lj -(<uii) JjCoj 

making friends with; associa-<Ui I ^io-Lu :ojLo< 
tion, companionship, comradeship, fellowship 

.- '- . ' > — - ,- ' 

wrestler; gladiator f jCn 

* > , > 

bullfighter, matador, torero uL>^' f j^-« 

wrestling; fight(ing), struggle, tussle 


freestyle wrestling 

cockfight(ing) iSC Jl jl djjjJI iijCi^ 

. ^ • « .- - 

suctorial; absorbent, absorptive; '^aU* i i^>L» : <j«Cxi 
sucker, one that sucks; absorber 

cupper i.UtJ-1 (_»jL»m i cl» i^La^ 

bloodsucker, (^Ul Jl^.1)^-. :(»t«jJl) ^Cxi 

extortioner, vampire, usurer 

vampire, vampire bat f L»jJI yalw ^U*- : c^Ua< 


L«^ jOflj— (jA4-« t ( >j yl>U Ajft^jl XdU^I 

rubber nipple (of a e-Uij^l i»-U- j ill*- : iu>La-. 
feeding bottle) 



credible, believable; Jj-oj > <Uj-uaJ (>x-~ : JJuo* 
reliable, trustworthy; believed, accepted as true 

certified, authenticated, (*~Lc) J jCx. :(<lit) Jj-o^ 
legalized, verified; ratified, confirmed, endorsed, 
sanctioned, approved, adopted, passed, validated 

certified check (4^) <i J-** &~. 

certified copy (W* li-*- -*) **- 


buffer, shock absorber, j-o» i o.uaJI j^a^^ : f J 

bumper; fender 

'. - » . - 
tuberculous, tubercular; consumptive, J^L— : jjJuo* 


cracked, split, cleft, broken, «.w» i pjun : f j 
rifted; rimose 

having a headache, suffering pi j~*» oLu : pj. 
from a headache 
to found, establish, build; to colonize; to (<j ] £l\ ) Ja* 
settle in; to inhabit, populate 

• • • . . • ' T * • ' it*' 

insistent, insisting, importu- ry*i <■ «JU i »-U»L :j«a« 
nate, pressing; persistent, persisting 

determined, resolved, decided, .....a.. 


• ' -, •> 
country, land; territory, region £i <. Jb < u*o :j«a« 

city CjJk :^u 

capital, metropolis <u*oU :^u 

Egypt j-a* iljj ' ^-a* 

Cairo »,»UJI , rr- • , ■■»- 

shutter; leaf (i_»Ul) pl^lo* 

hemistich jLU I ^ jLi. : p l^u 

wide open 4*'^-°-" J* (r**^) 

intestines, bowels, guts, »L*I :(jwu \*iju.) ulj-o* 
entrails, viscera 

cecum, blind gut 

♦ ♦ 

•r> : : 

-. * J . * 

declared, stated, announced, pro- ^jU* : o r^Aj 
claimed; told; avowed, admitted, acknowledged 

licensed, authorized, permitted, u^^j* '■ *l rj** 
permissible, allowed, allowable 

death, demise 

°>* '-ts** 

poured (out or forth), shed, emptied o^CL* : y 

cast, founded, run, molded; shaped, tii^ 


(metal) castings, foundry oli^-. : oL j 

dyed, tinted, tinged, colored, <jjL. < i^oa*. : £ >-<»■• 
painted, tinctured; pigmented 

suck, sucking; sip ^ f^. i'j\ : < 

sanatorium, sanitarium 


corrected, emended, amended, rectified, ^^i. : «wu 
adjusted, fixed, repaired, mended 

corrector, emender, rectifier, 
adjuster, fixer, mender 

proofreader, proofer, reader iltLL) I vjt^l «■!»-. 

misread, mispronounced, mis- <_ij»- 
spelled; distorted, perverted, misrepresented, mis- 
stated, corrupted, twisted 

copy of the (Holy) Koran; uL^I i anVill tt_a 
the (Holy) Koran 

accompanied (by), attended (with), asso- ( j) lj 
ciated (with) 

buffer, shock absorber, ^jla. i o.uJ I ^aix : 
bumper; fender 

'*~* * *. - * * t > > *~ > 
confirmation, llli* jl >Jj jl liU^j Jx_l» U :<jl 

corroboration, substantiation; evidence, proof; 
confirmatory, corroborative, substantiate, evi- 
dential, probative 

credibility ilia.** :*>jlju 

origin, source, provenance, prove- J*»l i Lii* : j 
nience, fountain, fountainhead, springhead 

infinitive, verbal noun, nomen verbi [ iiJ ] j j 

reference, source, authority 

official source 
reliable source 

yf-J J- 

jiLoil i*5Ui i jiL»il cuJ i j jLail 



(technical) terms, expressions 
idiomatic; technical 

> .or 


affected, artificial, mannered, oili" <. uilSLi. : <j li , n » 
theatrical, stagy, overacted, factitious, forced, 
strained, constrained, unnatural, stilted, put-on, 
assumed, feigned, simulated, false, sham, phony 
- '.' , ' '.' . '.',• ' 

yaws, frambesia ^u )(Ij :^< 

anode, positive pole s- j r>* s-» : J**** 

elevator, lift 

struck, hit, shocked 

thunderstruck, dumbfounded, dumb-Oj+_. : J_^-aj 
struck, flabbergasted, stunned, startled, shocked, 
aghast, astounded, astonished, amazed 

listener; listening; attentive 

(y^-ll) ^ 

diminished, decreased, reduced, lessened, mini- 
mized; mini-, miniature, diminutive, minute, tiny; 
small, little 

composing stick ( <J j>- y I ) uuu 

level, standard; class, i_iu» i *iJ» ( cS^i—. : <JLa* 
category, range, grade, group, type 

4.«.ni j_j-"L" Mflj — (jji-ALl) CJU 

liquidating partner 

clarified, cleared, purified, refined, jw-^* ( { Juj, : ^yuo* 
screened; strained, filtered, filtrated, leached 

dissolved; liquidated (*J I iijZS) ^.a. 

eliminated ( jJJ y^j Jo^O (j"- * 

settled, liquidated, discharged, paid, (ull>^) J^a* 
cleared, squared, balanced 

refinery; strainer, colander; filter; sieve, screen iUlu 


plated, overlaid, coated, foliated 

i,«.n» tUj^ 

-ill : 

foliated, laminated, beaten 
armored, armor-clad, ironclad 

to die 

drain, drainage, ditch 


vent, outlet; escape, j^P" < -^~* ' tr*~* • ( -* J r a * 
way out 


central bank 
banking, bank 
bank account 

* -,-■>.-- 

-..--/- - . • - 

„ . • - •• .- 

i i'-'i * 'V •*• ' 

-•.« - •* . .>. - 
spent, expended, outlaid, paid J^. i Jii I : <-*}j-a* 

out, disbursed 

dismissed, discharged, removed, (d oil ^)(Jj^Lu 
displaced, fired 

expenditure, outlay, money spent; iiij : (Jj^La. 

expenses), cost(s) 

• -. .» * * - 
pocket money s-eM <-»jj^« 

Egyptian jj-o* 

summer visitor, summer vaca- cilLloj '<y : (JLLla-i 

mastaba, outdoor stone bench, seat; 

lined up, aligned, i-**> j (,*k".L« jl) uiilj u <h,n» 
standing in formation 

chosen, selected, picked (out), culled, jLjm : ^ti'm 
preferred, favorite 

the Prophet, (^Lj *JLc 4&I Ju») oik* : ^iiULI 
Mohammed (God's blessing and peace be upon 

mastic »K )i,n» i »Kh'i-u t^Chiti* - ^ I* -» • 

fireplace, hearth ai^ i ai^^. : jJ lh,(i< 

term, expression; idiom; code (otaJlIua* ^) plh'n* 
terminology, nomenclature, ( jJJ i-j) oUJLLLu 


i «ij 

reformer, reformist; peacemaker, conciliator, rJln 
reconciler; repairer, fixer, mender, corrector, 
emender, rectifier, adjuster 

interest, benefit, advantage, J*± 
good, welfare, well-being, weal 
service, authority, agency, Sjl'al t tJjl jI ^-i : laX-** 
department, administration, office, section, divi- 

self-interest, personal interest <**.•*£. olo< 

commonweal, gen- j>U _^>- 1 ^ U -JL> :i.U i>Jua< 
eral welfare, common good, public good, public 

national interest iU> j j I i_ty ULu 

autonomous agency i^ - - olo< 

in the interest of, in u^» (i*La- j j I ) : ~ l -■' 
favor of, for the benefit of, to the advantage of 
crucified l...!^ (J* jLu : i— » 

serous ^JL. ^l^iJI Jua. »^La» 

serosity fl^iJI ^Jl. jl Qla,'. tjJlJI oj^ : S>^ A » 

earsplitting, deafening (o I $) ) |wu 

>' * ,* - - > 

solid, massive aJ i_»j»- j : < 


(J*>) oS»>l 

blank (wall) 

plain, unpatterned, <-»j»-> jl 6>L« j^c : 

determined to or on, decided on or *_}U : (^c) 
to, resolved to or on, dead set to, intent on, bent 
on, out for; resolute, unwavering 

designer, styler, draftsman; |f ,.,^,r.l I %^i> I j : ....a. 

couturier, designer, &CJ I ( ^-j^il jl) jl.j'Jll 


factory, plant, mill 


classified, categorized, classed, arranged, o^-. 
tabulated, sorted, assorted, labeled, grouped, grad- 

armored car 

armored vehicle or car ii*La-(SjC j I) iij. :<m^« 

tied, bound, fettered, shack- JjiL. < jli* i jpj> : ■«'-- 

led, (en)chained, (hand)cuffed, manacled 

yellowish, yellowy ;y ~ti Ji , .j ■. -^'^. 

-. « ,'. > 
yellow, yellow-colored yuo\ ■ j n - 

pale, pallid, wan t_-»-li. '^iVi- 

empty-handed oJ-^JI >•«» "j* -• 

stock exchange, stock market, ex- <-*>'jy, '■ J*-** 

change, bourse 

decanter Jil^lJI jLaJ *U :J^1a. 

> ., . '. - 
lined up, aligned, rowed, ranged, <J>y,oj, : eiji^u 

ranked, arrayed, arranged, marshaled 

s -* '. - 

set, composed, typeset j-i^ : '_«_)» .a- 

«' J » - 
matrix <jji^xt 

eloquent, fluent y^ < *~1> : •* -• 


burnisher; calender; slick \+> J='r.- si jI 

polished, burnished, scoured, smoothed, Jjiua* 

brushed up, glazed, glossed, (re)furbished, lustered, 
buffed, lapped, finished; calandered; cut; glossy, 
shiny, lustrous, smooth, sleek, slick; refined, cul- 
tivated, suave, urbane 

to curdle ' i ^Si\'Juu 

to strain, filter 'JA}\ 'J^. 

serum; plasma ( ^jJl) Jlo* 
whey, serum (^1 j^Ilx. J^euu) { jAi\ '£&* 

serum oCJI [£a* 

serology J^lall jjb 

prayer, one who prays Jl*. 'J» : (Juoi I ) Ja« 

place of prayer, oratory i!£a)J o^SC. : J^ 

hardened, solidified, stiffened, indu- ^^j, 
rate(d), set, concreted, callous 

drawn, unsheathed; imminent, hang-( jJJ ■ «'_'■■) c..l'<a» 
ing threatingly over one's head 


\ «oo 

the Creator of the Universe (God) oLSl£J I jy\aj> 

preserved, conserved, (well-)kept, Jeyu»* : u>-n 
(well-)guarded, (well-)protected, safeguarded, shel- 
tered, shielded, defended, vindicated, secure(d); 

sustained, kept up; maintained; serviced 

„ -;.«-' > * - 
suctorial t>x-U ->*-• : i^^* 


misfortune, calamity, ejjSC i ilL « iS jli" i ;ai : a- 
disaster, catastrophe, adversity, scourge; affliction, 
trial, tribulation, ordeal, woe, heavy blow, distress, 

fishery, fishing grounds ( S \^. H I ) 5 
trap, snare, gin, net &J» '■ » 

mousetrap, rattrap u\JJ ' 

fate, destiny, lot j-u < hip : j. 

intestine, gut [ ^ij^ J <y> : j^" 

self-determination >*^"' jsj^ 

fateful, decisive, momentous, crucial &lr?* 

twine, string, packthread { j r i* J>->- : u n : ,n » 

summer resort; summer residence (iJiCu ^) u^/u 
topain.hurt ^-yi^-.uat 

to burn, sting, bite 

t J 



to torment, agonize, excruciate 



to be in pain, feel pain, suffer 



(/**• £»"lj ' 

painful, burning, stinging 
to go, go away, leave, depart 


, > M „ 
fry '-J** 

to pass, elapse, go by, slip by, y. <. (j-oiij : iS ^ 
expire, run out, be past, be over 

to continue (to do), go on J~e I j i ^l~ I : j l _ f ^* 
doing; to proceed in or with 

to conclude, wind up, accom- j*i\ t li I : Jx- u^ 
plish, carry out, execute, perform 

ed, ranked, rated, ranged; systematized 
compiled, composed, written i-jy&* <■ <— *i_J- 

'.'.» s - ' 

compilation, book, work <_<lo i i_«J y> : i. «:,n » 

*-.< .*, > 
author, writer, compiler, composer ljJ|* : < - i; . n » 

'• - »• , >,, '. , 
made, done; manu- J^i» i Jj^l> i J^*^ : p >i-a« 

factured, fabricated, produced; processed), 
wrought, worked; formed, fashioned, created 

(industrial) products, produce, manufac- Cj\ty-a* 

tured goods 

smelter, smeltery, smelting 6 jQl j^> 6^- : j^a^ 


fuse [ >Ij j£ ] j&* 

fused, melted, molten oil. '-j^a* 

aimed, pointed, directed, leveled, <>-y i .so—. : oj-aj 
delivered, point-blank 

i - ' S- ' 

corrected, rectified, emended «wu : u^< 

-•* <- > 
voter, elector; voting <_-»-U 1 p>j-« : 0>-u 

^ .- a - *- .• 
sonorous, resonant, sounding, ^y*> 1 oU j : Uy*j> 

resounding, ringing 

VOWel CjyAA <-»j»- 

drawn, painted, represented, depicted, ^yy '-jyoj> 

illustrated, piaonal )yA\> (oij* y) r^°y '■jy aA 

*' ' 1?-' ' 5 ' ' 
shaped, formed, fashioned, Oy^y ' J*-l» : jj-a-i 

molded, created, made 

photographed, shot, filmed Li I y-yy jy^> 

filmed, shot Vr!'^-~r jj-^-* 

atlas yJ'J*^ JJ*^^ 

painter, artist; draftsman, drawer (.L-j :j>a» 

former, shaper, fashioner, creator, JS — . : jy** 


- , • ' '.■>*- > 
photographer <j)f-yy jy** 

press photographer </***" Jy** 

cinematographer, motion-picture <*)*~', • jy** 


cameraman (JjjjiL jy** 






3UfW i ^- 


S.1 Li* t$j*J 


jLail jjj* 

counterattack, counteroffensive 

J La. 

v?lj — S jLo* 

speculator; speculative 


)LaIil J OjLo* 



<OjUu) *jjLoj 

present, present tense, [*ii] p jLail iilu> ifjLa* 

like, similar to, equal to; match, oLn i <uLl. : t- jLi, 
equal, parallel 

* * > > * ~ ~~ ~ .* > 
likeness, similarity, equality; ;ULo» < oLiJ : **jLa« 

matching, equaling, paralleling 

brine i^^lil jjji fU :<jiLaj 

double, twofold; multiple, ^L, ' r _>■>> : uitLo* 
manifold; doubled, redoubled, duplicated, gemi- 
nated; multiplied 
common multiple iij^U i_icLa-. 

'. * * .-'• > * - - > 
least common multiple j**>\ oj^* i_icLa-. 

doubling, redoubling, i_icU> j.u»» i < t ~.j : iicLn 
duplication, gemination; multiplying, multiplica- 
complications; repercussions oUiLo. 

added, subjoined, joined, an- fj—^> > (jpJ-« : <_iLu 
nexed, appended, attached, supplemented 
adjunct, annexed; governing word [ ii! ] (JLi, 

iiJJ *JI (jLa- 

genitive construction 

additive i»La-t ;jU 

Ai.,.a.» «jflj — oLtK 

like, similar to, equal to, corres-p jLi» : (yj Call) oUal 
ponding to, analogous to; match, equal, parallel 

similarity, likeness, equality, corres- iijLa. :Sl*Un 
pondence, analogy; matching, equaling, parallel- 
ing; emulation, rivalry, rivaling, competition 

to advance, proceed, go forward, go (£ jj) ^^al 
ahead, go on; to progress, make progress, advance, 
make head; to be underway, in progress, in 
process, afoot, on foot 
to be sharp, cutting CiL. I jU- jjtf : (S ^. 

to die, pass away, expire c-L. : 4l,.'„l 3 1 ^L-l {J ^ 

he went on to say, Jiii IS ^. ( J>i, {S ^. s ^Jli ^^ 
he added, he continued saving 

years have passed since then ^ I ^* I iiU i J* ^^ 
one week ago, last week ^^ c^l I ^. 

(j«**' f^"'j — j 8 !"' tJiil !(j<i« 

to spend, pass (J^o i ^^ai : (Uij) ^^oa 

sharpness, keenness, edge, acuteness, acuity; j*- : ,Li. 
lighted, lit, lightened, illuminated jj , f^J : ,ui 
bedfellow ytl^l aLiiJ V. t ^ . ^Q^ 

sexual intercourse, copulation, coitus, tll^ : iii-Lu 
coition, sex, carnal knowledge, lovemaking 
contrary, opposite, opposed, anti- li , ^C. : jLai 
thetic(al), reverse, adverse, counter, counteractive, 
antagonistic), converse, cross; anti-, counter-, 
contra-, counteracting; against 
anti-inflammatory, antiphlogistic 

.l*J*5U * Lii 

J-s « - J 
s ■ • t ~ > 

-'• " fi*i'. ' 

— *,' > 




antibiotic ^l^jj j pl!j^Jj * Lil" 4 tjj^- * Ul 








S;5 $ ' > 

oIjUjJJ jLa-i 
-.11 jLa-i 


oLsl^iil jLa-i 

.- '' . -' i - t 

«jji«j|j jL.ii) jLa-i 





i , T" ,u '" ■""" ■■'■■' ■ ■ 

• t^ 1 .;,„-&:■ ar~ 

s -r * ~ * % * ' > 

exaggerated, overstated, oU» i *-s kiL* : ~*^. 

overdone, magnified; pompous, aureate, bombas- 
tic, grandiloquent, high-flown 

amplified [ >Ljj^J ***** 

amplifier [ »L j£ J *•* ,n » 

loudspeaker, speaker OjUl ^ 

to sour, be or become sour <_,»*»■ :^iu tj«itt ijJn 

sour i>"^- : j^" 

■* ^ . ' 

proverbial, exemplary, cited as an 



striking, on strike; striker 

bat, mallet; racket 

large tent, pavilion, marquee ij^S k^S- : uj^u 

,• '^* 
tennis cjj-ail 5j^ 

quilt, comforter, eiderdown i_»l»J : Vj-^* 

bloodstained, bloody, gory, ensanguined, ^jJL £j«a« 

stained with blood 

redhanded, in the very act, flagrante ^xJI rj~** 



- > . > >' . 

beaten, struck, stricken, hit; J»~>- i <->jJ> : ojjjrt 

knocked, punched 

' . - »' - 
coined, minted, monetized d^SL-. : ^}j~*- 

fixed, appointed, determined, ,^-«-. 4 jjj« :i_jjj~a* 

specified, made 

multiplicand [ oL-iL j J ±>jj~** 

multiplied by, times 

annoying, vexing, vexatious, irritating, rt-c> : Jj^« 
irksome, bothersome, troublesome, disturbing, dis- 
quieting, upsetting, galling, unpleasant, offensive, 
disagreeable, uncomfortable 

annoyance, annoying, vexation, irrita- r-lcjl :iLLu 
tion, bothering, disturbance, troubling, molesta- 
tion, harassment; teasing; nuisance, inconve- 
nience, trouble, discomfort 

>• ' I '■.- 
exact, accurate, precise; uw> 1 ,_^j j 1 <«£-»** : ^y-r** 

correct, right; perfect, sound, valid, true 
checked (up or out), verified Ji a. 1 L yL>w : J» 1 

adjusted, regulated, tuned, 
fixed, set 

corrected, emended, rectified 

vowelized, pointed 

(iJ^S*. I J£-l* 


seized, caught, apprehended, 
arrested, under arrest, captured 

seized, distrained, impounded, 
sequestered, confiscated 

controlled, under control, checked, ryS~» : J»j 
in check, curbed, contained, restrained, in re- 
straint, subdued, held (back), kept down or back 

boring, wearisome, weariful, weary, tire- J*< :/ui< 
some, dull, humdrum, uninteresting, tedious, irk- 
some, annoying 

bed; couch jiy : jjvaj 

comedian; joker, wag; clown, J^. 4 rjf '■ u. 
buffoon, jester, harlequin, merry-andrew 

comic, comical, funny, laughable, dx*JaUjlA : 
ludicrous, ridiculous, droll, risible, humorous 

comedy aSoiJi* <L1__J l*ai 

pump (tJJ till) <mJk 

inflated, distended, blown (up), ^y <. jS-> '■ ?■* . n » 
expanded, swollen, enlarged, magnified 

U j » ,n » 

tight, close, compact 
compressed air 

^ «0A 

■J^ojcJl* )?'** 


polygon; polygonal 

braided, plaited, cued; interwoven, in- Jjjjv ' jy ~* 
terlaced, intertwined, (inter)twisted, (en)twined 

*' ' ' i • ' 

^ • » > • » * I- .> 

misled, misguided, misdirected, pervert- Jii : JUu 
ed; beguiled, deluded, deceived, fooled 

misleading, misguiding, «• jU- <, J^LaJI Jj j^. : JUu 
misdirecting, perverting, perversive; delusive, de- 
ceptive, false, fallacious 

racetrack, reacecourse, jL_ u'-^r* ' V^ : jlr^* 
course, turf, -drome 

arena, sphere, field, domain, Jl>J < Jii- : jL-a> 
realm, area 

vanishing, evanescent, fading, dwindling, de- J-V^- 
clining, waning 

bandaged, dressed, swathed u^u. : ■„ '<*. 

hidden, concealed, veiled, unseen, eso- y~ u - "j» '"• 
teric, mysterious, secret, unknown, ulterior 

tacit, implicit, implied, underlying '<J-~f ' j> n ' 
to rinse (out) the mouth (<ui j (\±\) Ja**A» 

* * - * . - j • ^ 

joined, united, conjoined, con- r->*- u ' p>^v : fji '" 
nected, bound; combined, merged, amalgamated; 
grouped; coupled, paired; gathered, collected - 

subjoined, attached, annexed, jkL t JLi. : -j. n- 
appended, added, associated 

assembled, put together, fit- t \y> T y i\ Li \'^ : -/.V- 
ted together, pieced together 

guaranteed, ensured, secured, warran-Jy£» : u>*-i* 
ted; warrantee 

insured, assured, covered 


^^ : u j ,«.^a.4 

secure, assured, guaranteed, sure, 




I s '' . . ''.- 


pain, suffering, excruciation, tor- <_ili* t J I : -J" '~- 
ment, torture, agony, anguish, affliction 

sour milk u^uU- ,jJ Il^o^k 

unwillingly, reluctantly, grudgingly ,_^k Ji 

bed; couch jj'^. : .'-}■■ >.- 

lying down, decumbent, p ^ : . ( ^.h'.v. : . ~ U V. 
recumbent, reclining, prone, prostrate, supine 
compelled, forced, obliged, co- ojSC. i ^ju - ^U ;,. 

erced, impelled 

disturbed, confused, liLj^. 4 J^-i* t jli-. : ' - ^ *• 
disordered, disorderly, disorganized, disarranged, 
disarrayed, deranged, unsettled, jumbled, mud- 
dled, hugger-mugger, mixed up, tumultuous; un- 
easy, unquiet, disquieted, ill at ease, troubled, up- 
set, restless, restive, agitated, excited, anxious 

rough, choppy, jr^l ,J>^ < *JU : o^kH 
heaving, surging, restless 

disordered, ailing, sickly, ^.j* <■ o^> '■ v>' a ~ a - 
sick, ill, invalid, unhealthy, unwell, unsound 

burning, flaming, blazing, p j^k, , J.--*' : ^ L. ~. 
aflame, ablaze, afire, on fire 

" , , - • > 
persecuted, oppressed, tyrannized ty^ '■ ' A 1 * ~- 

(over), aggrieved, wronged 

persecutor, oppressor, tyrant; * -' , '" ■ < J Lb 

persecutive, persecuting, oppressive, tyrannical 

lily of the valley 
to chew, masticate 
chewing, chew, mastication 


tills :uk 

* -a* jJUa* '. * ,n» 

" fff 'J 

-■J»U ,rtl 

chew, quid, something for chewing, • ^'.j L. : «juo* 
something to be chewed 

- •' -• > 
morsel, bite, bit i»lJ : iiJn 

embiyo^^ I j ,^ ^ ^j ^1 ^^ I J t>r j r : i«_^ 

embryology l^. y | ^ : o l;>V. 

press, squeezer; compressor; compress l _ r lsC* : li- rit 

pressed, compressed, j>^« ' o~y£* '■ ky rit 

squeezed; crammed, rammed, jammed, packed; 

uJLL* \*o\ 


i* ^ 


to mend one's pace, hurry, walk o^—. J p^-l : 

identical; congruent, congru- ^ \y i JS L« : & Uw 
ous, correspondent, corresponding, conforming, 
conformable, consistent, compatible, coincident, 
coinciding, agreeing, matching, concordant, har- 
monious, in harmony, in agreement, in accord, in 
conformity, in line 




airport, airfield, airdrome ijyr <Ll* :jlk* 

pursued, chased, followed, hunted; J*-^ : JjU" 
fugitive, runaway, on the run; outlaw 

*,'> -> .-. > 

pursuer, chaser, hunter i_.Ji, « .. ' « i Jif >* : JjUw 

pursuit, chase, chasing, running after, iia-^U : i jjlk* 
going after, hunt(ing), tracking, trailing, tracing 

hot pursuit |.0>>^ J 5^— • jl Jjla- »jjLL« 

- j *», - » 

fighter (plane), pursuit plane, SjjU»« SjjU» : 5 jjLL* 

chaser, interceptor 

rubber, caoutchouc S^j\i :J»LL* 

t u^ 


stretchy, elastic, stretchable, exten- jj. 
sible, expandable 

rubbery, rubber, rubberlike i^''^" 

obeyed, complied with, yielded to f Ik* 

verbal attack(s), strong criticism(s); libel, slan- jflk. 
der, calumny, invective(s), abuse(s); contestations, 

to get (ultimately) at, <JJ <_»U»il o (^^ I jl) Jl 
arrive (eventually) at, wind up at, end at, land at, 
reach, hit, get or come to a point or place 

end, close, conclusion, windup, finish, <_»U»LI i*jU- 
final stage, finale; upshot, outcome, result 

bearable, endurable, tolerable, supportable, sus- JUw 
tainable, sufferable 

i_JlL# k>-\j -(i_JlL# UjjL.) i_Jlk* 


1 , ■; , i 

content; purport, <Sy* « (^** ' (i^^ : o^*-** 
meaning, import, signification, significance, sub- 
stance, tenor 

registered mail 

\Jy+~&* <*ij> 

registered letter 

4j*».<1 * 


exhausting, wearisome; &+^ 'iiV H**—""') lH" 

grueling, arduous, exacting ' 

'•- i-'' " ' 
exhausted, worn out; enervated, Jjj^ i i/l^,.. : ^Li* 

emaciated, wasted, haggard, gaunt 

luminous, luminiferous, illuminative, ^J 4 jy : f— in 
shining, shiny, radiant, bright, brilliant 

1' ' " • ' 
going, going away, departure, leaving, c_il»j : (-a* 


passing, passage, elapsing, lapse, expi- * Laii I : (jC iu 
ry, expiration 

continuation (of), con- iLal^. 1 jl^^*^- 1 : ( j) .^-a* 
tinuance (of), proceeding (in or with) 

waster, wastrel, squanderer, j !_• 1 <_»^L. : f L~oj 
spendthrift, scattergood; wasteful, prodigal, prof- 
ligate, extravagant 

hospitable (_£ 4 i_il-aU JLiiL.'Jll t >Li- •' * 1 ., ^- 

lost, forfeited; missed, thrown away; wast- »~i : •_ '*• 
ed, squandered, frittered away 

loss; forfeiture; waste; ruin 

chewing gum, gum i£lc : *« 

host; entertainer; steward (on an L > , , .a:,. i 
airplane, a ship, etc.); inviting (country, etc.) 

1 iiU< :<i 

guest room; guesthouse, hostel, 
hotel, inn 

hostess; air hostess, stewardess 
(on an airplane, etc.) 

strains), narrow(s); bottleneck 

to stretch, draw out, drag, protract, IJU» I < In : Jn 
prolong, prolongate, lengthen, extend, expand 

stretching, drawing out, protraction, ilU» 1 1 -n : in 
prolongation, lengthening, extension, expansion 


\.V Ulk. 

li»- x»- 1 j — ,j»-J»« Ua>- 


"'.■ i'. ^ 

applied, put into effect, 4j J^^a> . ^^ . oi-. : JiJu 
implemented, effectuated; enforced, carried out, 
executed; practiced, put into practice; applicable, 
effective, operative, valid, in effect, in force, in 
operation, enforceable 

absolute, utter, sheer, pure, unqualified, **£ : jJu 
total, entire, complete 

•* „*• , «• - 
cooked r 1 -^ '.j*-"" ■ r>!^" 

printed (jJJ cjUS") f j~!" 

typed, typewritten iJl&l il^l J* F.*^ 

stamped, impressed, imprinted ry*** '■ ?yM* 

naturally disposed for, having J* J>~v : J* ?>?-'»•• 
a natural propensity (tendency, inclination) for, 
having the innate property or inborn character- 
istic of 

gifted (talented) poet, a poet with a ?>ri»* jf Li- 
natural (unaffected) style 

print, printed publication, printed is-ylu s^ii : <c^Ju 
material, release, periodical 

printed matter, prints, literature olc^-L. 

V - > ' 

press law olt^Jall 0>iL» 

mill, grinder *Jy\±> <.,jy\b :C»w!m 

quern, hand mill i>j-y <u»J»< 

» • - > •. - 
ground, milled, pulverized, crushed 0>*— • • uy»Ji« 

>J.i ^-ij -{iClJi ,4i)^L. t(tCj\ o.)^i 

to run swiftly, speed away s-^- 1 : d^ai- I jJL. 

rain oImIJI £L :^Jxj 

drizzle, dribble, sprinkle, light rain, light i-A-i*- jJ»* 
(rain) shower 

moisturizer, moisturizing cream; (c^jJall) SjJJJ ^lu 

downpour, pour, heavy rain 
pulviometer, rain gauge 
rainy, wet 

emollient, softening, soothing 

ue* : ^ 

answerable, accountable, liable, respon-Jj jl-. : t-JLk* 
sible, amenable 

called upon, invited, requested, J I y&±* : j i_Jlk« 

claimed, demanded; re-claimed *j <^c-u :•»-> i_JLk« 

claimant, claimer, demandant, demander; (_>) t_JUu 
claiming, demanding, laying claim to; asking 
(someone to do something), appealing to, inviting 

claim, demand, request, appeal, call (for), (_,) cJLk* 
invitation; claiming, demanding; re-claiming; call- 
ing upon, appealing to, requesting, inviting, asking 
(someone to do something) 

reader Jjjli :*JLk« 

reading, perusal i i I J : <*J Uu 

findings; »Laiu-,l . o^o i L ^ J " j' *— -'v ■*^~-> :**JLk« 
(fact-finding) report or memorandum; examina- 
tion, investigation, research, study, survey 

f ; ri * Mr"lj — )<— Ja» Ipjliu 

wrought iron c. j Ik. -u Ss- 

air pocket, air hole, pocket uJ'y S~ 

treated medically, given medical treat- tJU* : »_ 
ment, medicated, doctored, cured, remedied 

physician, doctor; curer jIj_. . r«JCu« . 

kitchen rv-^*" ^^* : rP" 

cuisine, r^Jall 


'. < 

J I TV** ' ^— '>L^ 1 • 7*^*** 

kitchenware, kitchen utensils 


*v * - ^ » 

cooking stove, (cook)stove, r«^»" ^ ' oj» : jv^-» 

cooker, range, (baking) oven 

* - *-i '> ■ ■• ■ 
press, printing establishment, 'LiU* i— ^> 

printing office, printing shop, printery 

press, printing press, print- i*Q> ill « «^1» ill :£yj 
ing machine; printer 

yfU» J^lj- ^A-Lt 


^ .-n 


raised, brought up, posed, introduced, advanced, 
set forth, propounded, presented 

jetsam Alii! U-iau s-^l o? r-A* ^* : °^-j>' a * 

driven away or out, expelled, thrown -u~» : fjjiu 
out, ousted, evicted, ejected, dismissed; driven 
back, repelled, repulsed; deported, banished, 
exiled, expatriated; deportee, exile, expatriate 

fired, expelled, ousted, dismissed, (o-.a. : - ^ S)J** 
discharged, displaced, removed (from an office) 

hammered, struck, forged; percussed, Jy-u : <Jjji« 
knocked, hit, beaten, banged, tapped, rapped 

much- frequented, much-traveled, <lJ \ i *jj : 3) J** 
well-trodden, beaten 

previously treated, frequently Li;L pJyt. : 3jj^* 
dealt with 

pluvial JA\ J I L^ :lijlu 

,k* u>-lj-JU>l ijli :JaJu 

restaurant, eatery fUDI aJ j.jju fit olx* :n*Ju 

grafted, engrafted (rJJ oL < (>*"■) n«Ju 

inoculated, vaccinated, injected »ii> : ^Ja* 

$ -> *' > 

inlaid ffj' '-^** 

o*^»» ff'j - (of 1 -'** j) ^^ 

graft, scion (oLJ I ) jJJ» : f j«Ju 

extinguished, extinct, gone out, dead, out, juU- : lik« 
put out 

mat, dull, lusterless, flat »_. ^ jlc : uJa. 

erf '^ jjrlj — UJ»- (^Jf jl) jjt 
extinguishing, extinctive, quenching; ex- x±j*a : \ju** 

tinguisher, quencher 
fire extinguisher 

firemen, fire fighters 

skimmer, skim-i»-lil»)l \^> JS-y itju* 
ming ladle 

to hammer, forge, beat, strike j'J> : JJw 

to stretch, draw out, extend, lengthen j-» : JJa« 



panegyrist, encomiast, eulogist; »■ jL. : (tjj±A\) jh* 
praiser, commender, extoller; flatterer 

metropolitan, archbishop [i_Jlj^] Ol^^in ii)\jh* 

archbishopric, archdiocese, diocese <j\jh* i<j\ jh* 
(of a metropolitan) 

singer, vocalist, chanter, melodist, ali. ( l _^L> : ojiu 
songster, warbler 

melodious, sweet-sounding, dulcet, tS- j : <->J±* 
mellow, tuneful 

delightful, joyous, exhilarating, ravish- »■ jl* : o^ki 

songstress, woman singer, (female) vo- ~ i ~ r -^* '■ Vj-«" 
calist, chanteuse, songbird, warbler 

^o •"' -' -- 

canteen; skin, bottle *3j ^ ij_y i »Ul <Ja»U- :SjJu 

(rain) shower ^kil ^ i»i j : 5jJ»-i 

place, spot, site, locality, locale £--«>• nj^-> '-r/^* 

thrown away, castaway, discard- <D jjj> i *y~L* : rjh* 
ed, rejected, disposed of, pitched, removed, elimi- 
nated, dismissed, abandoned, forsaken, renounced; 
waste, refuse, left over, no longer of use 

steady, even, equable, uniform, J-» I f* i J * ': .,« : ijh* 
invariable, regular; persistent, constant, unremit- 
ting, incessant, uninterrupted, unbroken, continu- 
ous, continual, continued 

"1 *'i ' 
embroidered, brocaded jjh : jjh* 

*',■*•' i 4- ! -*'i ' 
embroiderer jjku ,y i j I ji» : jjJ" 

embroideries •j.A' ►^- , ' :oIjjJm 

hammered, forged, beaten, wrought, ~L<u : <jjh* 
foliated, laminated 

hammer; gavel; mallet; beetle; maul JjJu t *i jLa 

knocker, rapper, clapper uU I ~*i_^* 

carpet beater jls«lJI HJoa 

subtracted [oLiLjj] rij^* 

thrown, cast, flung, r_j^-' < jyji> ' ^ 'j> '■ rij^* 
tossed, hurled, pitched 

put forth, put forward, ■^■■». II (>>jj»-« i jii» : rj>»« 


■ ,■..■■■„...■*■*) 

absolute monarchy iilL. iiCL 

divorced, repudiated; divor- iiik. i^ j j t «JU- : iiLLi 
cee, divorcee 

rolling pin J\i'j. , tiCy. : «J0u 

desired, wished for, ,j*i olj* i -ui Ljjij* ' ' . ' J * *• * 
sought after; in demand, in request; wanted; 
needed; required 

due, payable, *b'ill J^— :(Lo ti-a^) ojik. 

owed, owing, mature(d) 

-.- > j, ■> >• .. 
wanted dead or alive \L» jl G«- vj^ 

-• - — ■»• ,. 
desire, wish, request, demand; i_JLL. « <_Ji> : vjik. 

search, quest, pursuit 

» • >• , 

liabilities, debts o#* ' ol. \yi I : oLjik. 

credit tSjULI oLi-l ^ 'jJi\ Lilil : Jj L^iLil 

debit eSjU. I <_>CJ-I ^ ^j\|| LiU. I : iL L.^iHl 

painted, daubed; coated, overlaid, plated ^,Lk'« 

(re)assuring, giving Jj!^ li^iLill <Jx liilj : t >£k« 
confidence; relieving or allaying someone's worry 
or fear or doubt, setting someone's mind at rest or 
at ease; quieting, calming, pacifying, appeasing, 
assuaging, soothing 

(re)assured, Jj I j < ^A i jiL. <. JU I U;^. : 'j*+k» 
tranquil, peaceful, at ease, quiet, calm, serene, 
untroubled, free from worry or fear; secure, safe; 
confident, trusting; sure, certain 

aspiration, aim, goal, end, ilx-j i Sy >■ {\'j> '• *wix* 
ambition, hope, desire 

plumb, plummet, plumb line o^'-j*^-> 

coveted object; desire, wish; greed, cupidity, kJuj 
avidity; ambition, aspiration, aim, goal, end; 

MJt»««8iA A ■^w ■ «■.., ■ 


gilded, gilt 



plumb, plummet, plumb line 


outlook, lookout, prospect, vantage c/^ :3Jl« i'JJau 

commanding, overlooking, (J*) <j^l« : (Jx) 3^" 
dominating, dominant, towering over, overtop- 
ping, looking down upon, affording view of 

demand, request, claim, call (for), wish; i.ji : < 
search, quest, pursuit, hunt; requirement 

question, issue, problem; mat- s-^i^. 
ter, case; subject, topic, theme 




-i»Ju i_JLk< 

... ■ - s » . ^ ~° , 

beginning, start, commence- jj*o < Jjl i »ju : «lk. 
ment, outset, onset, rise, dawn, first, prime, early 

introduction, preface, proem, *j^\i 4 £. lu* : Jiir. 

opening verse(s) (of a poem) 5j„aiJI Jd»l 


place of sunrise 

ladder; stairs 

(well-)informed about, _, .!» -,■ ( _, l)u : Jx «_Lkl 
acquainted with, familiar with, aware of, cognizant 
of, versed in, conversant with, abreast with, on top 
of, learned, knowing 

divorced; divorce jlLi t- '/j <. jJJ« 

absolute; unlimited, ^ U , xli. ^lc i j^oiw ^i : jlii 
unrestricted, infinite; unbounded, unrestrained, 
free, uncontrolled; sheer, utter, downright, out- 
right, categorical, stark, unqualified, uncondi- 
tional, out-and-out; ultimate; full, plenary, com- 
plete; perfect 

general , common '. U : jii*! 

plenipotentiary il»-^l»JI jii^ 

absolute majority 


> -ir 



pilgrim's guide in Mecca 

surrounded, encircled, encompassed, i>Uu : <j jit* 
ringed, enclosed, wrapped, enveloped, confined, 
hemmed in 
ringdove, wood pigeon J>i« f Uj- i J}-k« 

surrounding, encircling, i.a. " . 'C i _> Ja-f : dijit* 
encompassing, circumambient, ambient, ringing, 
enclosing, embracing, banding, wrapping, envel- 
oping, besetting 

_3-. j * -- .s-j ' . -:.i', J 

. > > , 

Ji>L-« «flj-J^k* 

• » ° - .^ -. ' 

lengthened, lengthy, elongated), extend- s 3 j^. : J jJm 

ed, prolonged, prolongated, protracted, stretched 

(out), drawn out 

" ' >'" 1 ' 
lengthy, long-winded, prolix, detailed, i_-4— • : Oy^* 

elaborate, enlarged 

folded, doubled; rolled up, tucked, pleat- ',jl» : tSjJau* 
ed; bent, flexed, turned 

- ,J ,, J , .^ , 

mount, riding animal 
rainy, wet 

obedient, compliant, con- jCju^I J4I. 1 oic-lt : j~L< 
formable, submissive, yielding; docile, tractable, 
manageable, controllable, amenable, flexible, pli- 
able, complaisant, ductile, wieldy 

dutiful, pious, devoted, loyal, faith- yjj < jL : £_k« 


ductile, malleable <-jjjJ» : J^" 

3 s 1 > |' t - 

l»Jji») 6Ui* 
>*Uij Is Jluu 

help, aid, assistance, Sj«oL» 1 SjJL > t aJjU* : i^aUi. 
support, backing, patronage 

envelope ..a!.. 4 ei^U 1 i_»jJ» : lJ^jjL* 

demonstration, manifestation 5 

shady, shadowy, umbrageous 
umbrella; parasol, sunshade 

jilt vr-lj - jit* 

scheme, design, plan, project 

buried, interred; underground, subterranean j>*i" 

lengthy, prolix, long-winded, enlarged, !_. . +■. ♦ : ■-■. : . » « 
elaborate, detailed, verbose, wordy, redundant 

exaggerated 4_i jJL* : i_~ia» 

purgatory [ *-i I j-»i J .^<" 

disinfected, sterilized, j»U> 1 l^»U> J**- <■ j& 'j^-> 
sterile, aseptic; decontaminated; purged, scoured, 
purified, deterged, cleaned, cleansed, chastened; 
refined; expurgated; clean, pure 

circumcised ilr*"" ' of-** '■ jv** 

antiseptic, disinfectant, sterilizer, de- _^J» J^U : jii" 
contaminator; detergent, cleaner, abluent, abster- 
gent, purifier; disinfecting, sterilizing; cleaning, 
cleansing, purging, scouring, purifying, refining 

(very) beautiful, of jlil J*tf 1 (ll»-) J-^ : (wU" 

perfect beauty 

fat, corpulent, stout, obese, overweight ( _^- ? — : .+1m 

cooked r^r^* : jH" * 

pocketkhife, penknife <_-j>- l >^- : 5 l>ia-« <-iSy>-> 

plastic, pliant, pliable, due- ,jJ 1 0^ ' o-^ : p'>^ 
tile, malleable, yielding, flexible, elastic, resilient, 

iiU. »»-lj-icli» :*l*ljiL* 

~ v ' j^ ' - ' „i ' 
plasticity, pliancy, pli- ii^J iiij^ liiljJ liLtl^k. 

ability, ductility, malleability, flexibility, elasticity, 

resilience, suppleness 

beatified, blessed, canonized (^~i, J ) VJ^" 

registered (jU.^) Jk_ * ^v^** 

hour ii_ij o>^- ' **^- : »>" 

developed, promoted, advanced, furthered, j>!»-» 


subdued, subjugated, subjected, ren- j-i^. : £>«« 

dered obedient 

recruited, enlisted, drafted, conscnp- j_ji* : £_>i»- 

ted; recruit, enlistee, draftee, conscript 



together with, along with, accompanied by, in the 
company of 

plus, added to 


v* niUi u 

pro-, favoring, supporting, championing; J jy^. : u 
pro, for 

despite, in spite of ^ ^t^JL. : 1* 

although, even though, though, albeit, in 
spite of the fact that 

in spite of this, nevertheless, none- 
theless, still, though, and yet 

together; jointly; in common, shared together; ll> 
with one another, with each other; simultaneous- 
ly, at the same time 

to mew, meow, miaow *U :'jL\ 1a* 

intestine, gut [ ^^ ] ^ l( ^.:^ 

intestines, bowels, guts, entrails, viscera , iJ. I 


cecum, blind gut 

small intestine 


large intestine 


to mew, meow, miaow 

if? CT ->' 


the hereafter, the afterworld "'JT^ '• J ^' 

repeated, reiterated jjSL. : jU< 

hostile, inimical, antagonistic; opposite ((_$ jUJLI ) jIju 
(to); anti, against; antagonist, adversary, opponent; 
enemy, foe 

equal (to), equivalent (to), tanta- jL : (J) JjU« 

iib jrlj-iiU :ilk. 

parachute i_il_j ilk. c ±>yj> ilk. t ilk. 

-**'- -fi ' 
air cover Ajy~ .tlk. 

to air-drop, drop, o^LklL, (bj-J>- jl ollL.) Jj^l 

to parachute 


shaded, shady, shadowy JJ» <ult f jS\ ( Jib : J> ht 
shady, shadowy, umbrageous 3-1** ' J~^» : JiJ" 

dark, gloomy, dusky, murky, tene-^ol ( -b :JlL» 
brous, dim, overcast 

,.* e 

i*^Lb jjj-Ij - A.a.IJi, 

wronged, oppressed, tyrannized, ag- > ( U.;,. : f>^" 
grieved, maltreated, unjustly treated; victim of 

paratrooper; parachutist, parachuterilkil ^S j-j- : lh f 

paratroops; parachutists, oxtil jj_j> -^'Ih- 

habitat, most likely place (spot, locali- (uUii r-) ilk* 
ty, etc.) 

I looked for him (it) -oik. j ( j.-' y-l l jl) a^c oia« 
where I expected to find him (it), where he (it) 
presumably was, where he (it) was supposed to be 

thought, supposed, assumed, imagined j j ■-"• : C'y '■ h t 

suspected, suspicious; suspect <■ j . * - : oy h- 

(outward or external) JSC^. i iili : ('j- jU- ) jjk~- 
appearance, aspect, air, mien, look(s), face, guise, 
exterior, "phase, semblance; form, shape, figure 

manifestation, expression, JJj ijyJu <*j-j - Jt V. 







with; simultaneously with; (ili-dilj p^^U)«^ 



■'■ ■ ■ -^' 


dissenting opinion, dissent 

opposition i^jUil (i_>>»- jl)jwy :<-oju" 

opposition, resistance <U jli- : i*i jU-. 

objection, opposition, Jx- jrj>»- ' <>)\m : i«ojl«-« 
taking issue with, being against; dissent, disagree- 
ment, difference in opinion 

t>>ji*j jHj - i>>j 

Iaj ! A^rf3 jl*-t 

pastiche j»-i 1^1 


4j juLi ! K«0 \\*jk 

lj - (iijw [hJla) (JjllU 

J J- £>• 


salary, wages, pay, emolument, 


livelihood, subsistence; sustenance, 



j»-i i i_->ij -a*" 

Jjj :a- u 

crrt* ,J^"'j "cr?* '»V" : cr^" 

-LfcUJI ^iU-" 

pension, superannuation 

yi 1 ^ •& 

living, subsistence ui 1 ^" : (^* i 

contemporary, contemporaneous, coeval, j^" 

coetaneous; a contemporary, a coeval 

support, backing, help, aid, assistance ajjU* :'ijJs\jL* 




healthy, well, sound ^^" 

recovery, recuperation, convalescence, healing i'liliu 

handicapped; disabled, crippled, y>-lc . i*Lc j j : <jUj 
incapacitated, infirm, invalid; retarded 

delayed, retarded, held up, hindered, Jj*» : JU-. 

hampered, impeded, obstructed, detained 

> - < - r « 

punished, penalized, chastised, oUjJI <u «_»_j 1 :k_j'Uj 

castigated, disciplined 

U-jl*^» \3?\j— L-jjU^« luJuu 

punisher, chastiser, castigator, oliJI «_i'jj ^ luilu 

!.■:..■: "»i~v. iti-^ . •'■■•■■—<- 

- > ~-\* ,- * 

mount (to); amounting to; worth 

equality, equivalence, parity, even- jt-J . i IjC* : i) jLu 

balancing, equilibration; bal- ujl>> '*->jl>* :*Jil** 
ance, equilibrium, equipoise, counterpoise, poise 

equation,; I jL-j.Ajj-J : (^^aat^. j I ^, ' , T. ^^-j) <JjU-» 
equating, equalization, equalizing, putting on the 
same level, putting on an equal footing, treating 
equally, regarding as equal(s) 

(tJJ *jjL=«j t <—»!—« i <-jl,..t..5 i * ' 1-'- 1 CjiUj)iJ jLw 


neutralization [ *^j4^j *L»_^J Jjulk^ : ihli* 

quadratic equation, i-jltl I i^-joJl,^ j I <u»^;> ^• J " 1 -' 

A. . .«Xj iJiU-i 

differential equation 

integral equation 

cubic equation 

algebraic equation 

linear equation 

binomial equation, binomial ^ j 

biquadratic, biquadratic equation 

chemical equation iljLt-S' ihlli. 

refuge, shelter, sanctuary, asylum IsJn : jUu 

(iLc) <J)L i_j*l w-Ij-aSI il»^ 

lent, loaned u^j** : J^" 

opposed to, in opposition t^Xi* loiJLiw : ( J) j>»jl*« 
to, opposite in position to, unfavorable to, 
objecting, taking issue with; resisting, resistant, 
reluctant, unwilling; anti-, against; dissenting, 
disagreeing, differing in opinion; opposer, objector, 
opponent, adversary, antagonist; dissenter, dis- 
sentient, dissident 

contrary to, opposite to, incon- J (>>»L> : J u ^j^> 
sistent with, incompatible with, contradictory to, 
conflicting with, in conflict with, in disagreement 
with, at variance with, different from, in contrast 



processing, working, treat- (t«J J »^-aJI fUI)i»Jl»- 
ment, treating; handling, manipulation 
physiotherapy, physical therapy; <,.«,.,..1» i»Jl»!. 
naturotherapy, natural therapy 

treated, dealt with; handled J*y- : J» Uj 

processed), dy±* i rJU> : (j~-»JI ^Ll5 I ) J-l« 
wrought, worked 

coefficient; modulus [»JI t\>jj ioL-ilj] J^liu 

treatment, treating, dealing o^u' i i^JU-. : iL lu 
with, handling; behavior, conduct 

processing, working, treatment, (.,:,.all ?UI) iLl»* 


- - <> • » , , < -, , » 
dealings, intercourse, flLcj a»-I :o>lu liLl*- 

trade, business, transactions 

transaction, business; appli- tlc.jJL.1 1 i«- lj< : jJLIm 
cation, petition, request, motion 

reciprocity Jill <Lu> 

preferential treatment <LL- oij iLL* 

, » %". .% .t 

sufferance, suffering, endur- SojISL. i SLU* : aiiLw 
ance, undergoing, experiencing, passing or going 
through, meeting with 
resisting, resistant 


O lU-t .' Juliu 


opposition, resistance 

: jJUj 


ally, confederate j-^t t i-aJj- : jl*U< 

covenantor, covenanter; promi- j*I j i ^1^ : jaIjl» 

treaty, pact, convention; accord, agreement, SjaCu 
compact; alliance 

{%. jl *Jl« 5j*U-i 

-. ,j <> ,« 

returning) to, going back to,iU>l^ i <JJ Sj^c :S jjUj 
coming back to, reversion to, turning again to, 
taking up again, resumption, recommencement, 

peace treaty 
nonaggression pact 

punishment, punishing, penali- u *i l Call\ e-li)l :<j'liu 
zation, penalizing, chastisement, chastising, castiga- 
tion, castigating, chastening, infliction of punish- 

— ~* ,- , > 
alternation, rotation ijjL. :«_iU^ 

addicted (to); addict; inebriate, alcoholic, habit- yilw 
ual drunkard or drinker 

addiction; alcoholism, (habitual) drinking S^i'l** 

adverse, counter, counteractive, JjU-. ijLu iy-S"!** 
contrary, converse, opposite, cross; counter-, 
contra-, anti- 

adverse, unfavorable, contrary, olj^ jJ. -.^jSX** 
inopportune, unpropitious, untoward, inconve- 

counterproposal u~ ^ r '->**' 

counterattack, counteroffensive o"^* ry** 

contradiction, opposition, coun- jUjJ i 5 jLx« : i_jfliu 

making passes on; molestation, j cr^" : i-5 U- 
proposition(ing), making improper advances to; 

His Excellency the Minister j jy I J l^ 

His Excellency o'^' s-^-Ua i iJC 

Your Excellency r £J lH 

treated, remedied, cured, doctored, me- 

treated, dealt with, handled, (itJ^Jlj) JjLlI : ttJII^ 
tackled, approached, taken up, discussed, studied 

" , . ,> - .» 
processed), wrought, worked, J^n-1. < J<u* : rJLi" 


physician, doctor; curer "r-r-*** ' j' -^ : >J>** 

treatment, treating, therapy, medica- s I j I ju : oJ lu 
tion, remedying, remediation, doctoring, curing 

treatment, treating, dealing c-hi t JjU : iaJLw 
with, handling, tackling, approacWing), taking up, 
discussion, discussing, studying) 




idol, image (■—» : ->>r" 

diety, god *J[ :j >r" 

God (the One and Only), the Lord «i>l : *yA\ 

as usual jUaIo 

self-important, self-conceited, proud *~ii> 

aggressor; assaulter, attacker, assailant; (^jllil) 
trespasser, transgressor, encroacher (upon), in- 
vader, infringer; wrongdoer; aggressive; assaulting, 
attacking, assailing; trespassing, transgressing, en- 
croaching (upon), invading, infringing 

victim, aggrieved party, wronged party; aILc <i 
aggrieved, wronged; assaulted, attacked, assailed; 
trespassed, transgressed, encroached upon, invad- 
ed, infringed, impinged upon, entrenched upon 

moderate, temperate, hj* j^s. i o^ j~c- : J 
reasonable; mild, clement, soft, gentle 

straight, erect, upright 

: Jxjw. 

^ j j-- 

the Temperate Zone 

scandent, climbing, creeping; climber, *£_£»* i <j-^*» 


objecting, protesting, protestant, remon- p~** : Jo^jut 

strating, remonstrant, remonstrative, expostulato- 

ry, taking issue (with), making representations 

(against), challenging; objector, protester, remon- 

strator, expostulator, demurrer, challenger 

yr^j«- ^j~ iy>j^-~ ' l iffj* '■J°r*-' 

_- •' *.-.•> 
parenthesis, parenthetical clause <^>jj^ *!**■ 

■> .*- * * 
recognized; accepted, approved (of); grant- ^ cJ / ^*» 

ed, conceded; confessed, acknowledged, avowed, 

owned, admitted 

confessor j>* :^jm 

r jf 

r ij-d>j. 


• •'. -i-* ..>.. I - "•*'■ 

doing again or anew 
recurrence, reoccurrence 

assistant, aid(e), help(er), supporter 


^ > 

jlcL-« J»»U> :ui^-* 


9 lJUU 

wishing (someone) a merry jujJI ^j-uj <JL+; iSjuIiu 
or happy feast, felicitation or congratulation on the 

occasion of a feast; exchange of felicitations 

, , , , > > 

congratulatory call or visit on SjjU* «j\>j < S-bU» 

feast days 

gauging, testing the accuracy of y\c- jjua* : »jj 

(measures or weights); assaying), testing, 

check(ing); modulation, regulation, adjustment, 

tuning, fixing; standardization; calibration 

titration [ *\^ \ •>*• 

viewed, seen; inspected, <j0y*+ ' Cr-*- 1 ^ i/,j" '• Ji^*-* 
examined, scrutinized, surveyed 

viewer, spectator, observer; inspec- ^a*- li <. slj : jjI*« 
tor, examiner, scrutinizer, surveyor 

viewGng), observation; inspection, ^a** i <>jj : ^^*» 
examination, scrutiny, surveying) 

mobilized; recruited ^ia* <. jll»« :(,j£J-^) VJ** 

filled, stowed, packed, packaged; oi** i »^L« : L« 
boxed; cased, encased; canned, tinned 

bottled (ol»-U- j J) V" 

' V P' ' 
charged, loaded, filled (up) Of*^* : y** 

, , > ~* -*- 
temple, place of worship ; jLJI 0^-» : -^r** 

paved -i~« :(jfc)jJ»J^) •>*** 

paver, pavior -H-& Jf ^ • - L !** 

crossing, crossing point, traverse, j>y«JI u^>-» : 7r" 
way across, passage, passageway, path, corridor 

expressed, voiced, uttered, given expression, <-t ^-*» 
articulated, declared, stated, indicated, put, word- 
ed, phrased, couched, formulated 
expressive (of), expressing, indicative of, (^) ^-*» 


-,.- .-<-' _ 

ferryboat, ferry <_-5 y ' 

caducous, deciduous 
worshiped, adored 



\ .1A 

(^J y°i** jl yrk^ji') -"—J 

agent, representative, JJU. ( J_5"j : (Jijl^) 
factor, commission merchant 


l_»j«0 jl (ji-J 

relying on, reliant on, depending on, depen- J* 
dent on, counting on, drawing upon; trusting (in), 
having confidence in; based on, founded on 

careful, attentive, heedful, mindful, ( •'"'■!' ) j^u 
concerned, interested 

idiotic, imbecile, imbecilic, demented, Oy^ '■ »y** 
mentally deranged, insane, mad, crazy; idiot, im- 
becile, lunatic, madman 

pancreas [jv>^] u-^J^ '~*&jL 

pancreatic OSJjA\ Jj o^-U-. : tJZliu 

i > >"* '., 
moth-eaten ..*..l l aJlS I •■'■y- t 

admirer; fan, buff, devotee; fond of, im- (_,) <_- 
pressed by, pleased with 

conceited, self-conceited, self-important,* 

vain, vainglorious, overweening, overbearing, 

proud, arrogant 

admirable; jL t oil*- ' j-3'j ' V^**^ ./£• •' <—»•*• 
impressive; appealing, attractive, charming; pleas- 
ing, pleasant, delightful 

miraculous, wonder, ^Uu "51 1 a-SIj < JjU- :_>**• 
wondrous, wonderful, inimitable 

miracle, marvel, prodigy, wonder *j_j« I ■' »j*>»* 

accelerated, speeded up, expedited, has- p j_" : J*** 
tened, quickened, precipitated 

urgent, pressing; immediate, u r i J*-U :Jm-< 
instant; quick, fast, speedy, rapid, prompt, expe- 
ditious, hurried, hasty, brief, flying; precipitate, 
sudden, abrupt 

summary (jurisdiction, actions, mat- [ >U>i ] Ja1« 
ters, proceedings) 

(paid) in advance, prepaid, spot, ad- ( «i jj I ) jl« 

accelerator; hastener, quickener, precip- fj-» '• Jmu 

retirement, retreat, C^. 4 j^L. 4 Jlji'il o!5c : J^iu 

retired; isolated, secluded, solitary, recluse J ulu 

(J*) rJ u cff'j-f^** 

mature(d), aged, mellowed, ripened), (jli-lS') J£*» 

manumitted, emancipated, liberated, j^L : j"'.' t 
free(d), set free, disenthralled, enfranchised, re- 
leased (from bondage or servitude); freedman 

manumitter, emancipator, liberator, freer j'j^, : jpi 

believed; thought, considered, deemed, ' "'"' 
held, supposed 

belief, faith, creed; cult; tenet, jliil , il 
principle; doctrine; dogma; ideology; conviction, 

arrested, under arrest, de- u-y^ ' <-»»*>• ■' JP-t 
tained, interned, confined, in (legal) custody, 
apprehended, held; prisoner, inmate; internee; 

prison, jail, lockup; concentra- JUji^l £,ISC : Jii^ 
tion camp; prison camp; internment camp; deten- 
tion camp 

arrester, confiner, captor ^_ j : JS-'/ t 

secluded, isolated, withdrawn, solitary, re- . ;<■:'.', 
cluse; remaining, staying, abiding 

sick, ill, ailing, sickly, disordered, ~i- < Jay :'S^» 

invalid, unhealthy, unwell, unsound 

weak; defective; vocalic [ iii ] «_j«lo 'jj, : ' J-'.'. 

dark, dim, obscure, dusky, gloomy, over- JJii : ~j?, 
cast, cloudy, murky 

reliable, dependable, trustworthy; J^. :(*!!*) 
authentic; authoritative 

relied on, depend- aJ I jLi- 1 < -Ui Jp I- : (ilil ) . 

ed on, counted on, drawn upon; trusted (in); used 

(as a basis or authority), invoked, resorted to 

used, employed; adopted; fol- £, < J','. : ' ' : _l^ 
lowed, observed; accepted, established, practiced, 
prevailing, common, general, popular, customary, 

•■ - i - > 
sanctioned, approved, approbated, J-j\^>I 

authorized, confirmed 

nalia, supplies, furnishings, fittings, appliances, im- 
plements, devices, tools, instruments, gadgets, 

Sluil ,> 




rumen, paunch 

gastrectomy Sj. 

gastritis : 

enumerated, listed, counted (off), ,««a»-l i jjlc. : j. 

> JLaJLl ol^ill 



i Jju i Jjlc : J. 

modified, changed, altered, 
commuted, qualified, amended, improved, adapt- 
ed, revised; shuffled 

amended [ 0_jjU J J ja-. 

adjusted, regulated, settled, ^y i J>,,^ i 13^. : Jja-. 
straightened out, fixed, put in order, set right, put 

average; rate 

m yu* '. tjjjut 

discount rate, bank rate »J»i)l jl .^-ail J_u^ 

average speed ie^J I J jlL. 

interest rate, rate of interest 5 j^UJ I J ji» 

birthrate, natality oJl^il Jji* 

death rate, mortality olli^J I J j!» 

as an average, on the average, averag- ( liff ) J !u«j 
ing; at the rate of 

above average, above par Jjlil <jy 

executed a_» (.Ijl&jI .£j- Jlu ifjL&l :*jj 

hanged, executed by hanging U_i. f-u^ 

electrocuted, executed by electricity d^SOU ^lu* 

destitute, penniless, impecunious, j*i *. jyu. : *jy 

poverty-stricken, poor, needy, indigent 

mineral; metal (y^tw r-) Ojj 

mineralogy; metallurgy ijjllLI Jit 

miner 1^-j-j.v ,j jl o J ^*il o* i^ao ^t :6jj 

mineral; metallic o_i»ll <JJ oj,,,;. : ,_; jj 



itator; accelerative, accelerating 
accelerometer o*r*~" o" 

chariot i>'jc i kS'J> : <£uu 

dictionary, lexicon u->*^ : p j ! ul ' 

obscure, ambiguous, incomprehensible 

pointed, dotted, vowelized, J5Cl« i J»^L-. : ,^>u^ 

gazetteer ,j l^»- m* 

to putty 6>=«-»j (^ jl ) J— : j>**« 

kneading trough i>x»J' i>.y : lt*** 

kneading machine, kneader L y>JJ I <l I : ,>>** 

pastry, pastries, pies ol'jx,. 

kneaded ^y^x. i J^jv : <Jjj»iu 

paste -t.-.-x-r. i ^-j** : u^um 

/ 'J <- V * .- 

putty (»JJ ojilll -lJ) 6^»u«-. 

cream, paste, confection (J^v j.a-» '■'...« : Oyv" 

. ., - .- »* » <>- . -. •> ^ .- 

confection, electuary ,J ju^» j I ,-J. j„^i-%v,„» : 6^»u«-» 

. » .« ^ ., 

toothpaste ou-l 0y«* 

shaving cream; shaving foam i» >j- 0^>«-. 

»' ^ •' 
paste i.L,.>f- : <J>»«« 


to have a stomachache; to have a O^u <u«j«- j : juu 
gastric ailment 

designed (for), intended (for), j^m i L^. : (J) jju 

destined (for); ready, prepared 

*' > * > 
preparer, arranger, designer, deviser, maker, jj-u : -uu 


infectious, contagious, communica- jL :((3j1II) jju 
ble, catching, transmissible 

escape, way out; avoidance; alternative "j* : ijjju 

inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable, o- (5iu ^1 
mandatory, imperative 

equipments), outfit, oljjl toljv+xj i»_)*jr-l :oIj*j 
gear, apparatus, material(s), materiel, parapher- 



."I 1 . ■■,;■■„,. '1 ^ <fr ■"■■ ■ ■-■"■.-■ 

Arabicized; Arabized 
translator into Arabic 
inflective, declinable 

[iij] CJ/u 
■ «~ j 

disgrace, dishonor, shame, ignominy, infa- ij'ji- : o"Jk» 
my, humiliation 

exhibition, exposition, show, fair {jo^A *•) <>>>« 

on the occasion of, in connection l_i£T Joji* j 
with; in the course of, during, while; by the way, 
incidentally, casually; inter alia, among other 

this is not the place to ^ f&\ jo)i. j Llj 
speak of 



definite, defined 

defined; determined, specified, fixed, j jk. : <_T>L. 

knowledge, learning, lore, dll j j I i f}U> I « U* : ii/u 
information, scholarship, erudition; education; 
acquaintance, familiarity, cognizance, awareness, 
conversance, versedness; cognition, perception, 

[irj] iljlJ. 

definite noun 

- , ^ *, - ^ 
epistemology i»j«il *j .ki 

'-' , ^ * ^ „'•»,, 

epistemic, cognitive l/'j- 1 ! : 'u*>" 

veined, veiny, grained, marbled; variegat- tj*" : tSj** 
ed, dappled, streaked, spotted 

sudorific, sudatory, diaphoretic, J^ij ._.*'.. : ji^u 
perspiratory; sweaty; sweater 

battle, fight(ing), combat; campaign iili- ( Jilt : iST^lu 


specie, coin(s), hard or me- [jjl 
tallic money 

mineral water 'jj 

4-jJji* 4jLvC 


counted, calculated, computed, enu- c_>j 
merated, reckoned 

limited in number, little, few JJi ( jjjj*. : jjlii 

nonexistent, absent, lacking, iyry **■ < J^ii. : rj-L*« 
wanting, missing, lost 

£** p. I j - ^ _^U- , oil* : |. jju- 

gastric, stomachic, stomach-, 5 lull; ^U- : J3 j»i 

gastro-, gastr-, gastri- 

gastrointestinal £5^. J^jjJ 

gastric juice iu-u* Sjdi 

ferryboat, ferry ^S'J. t J^. : ^ jil 

tortured, tormented, agonized, anguished, ex- lj i*« 
cruciated, afflicted; suffering, in pain, hurt 

tormenting, torturing, torturous, agoniz- (ii-») cji« 
ing, excruciating, painful, afflictive, distressing 

torturer, tormentor 

( r l)v- 

ijj** J^"'j — »J J 

excuse, forgiveness, pardon 5j jiu 

excuse me! forgive me! pardon me! I beg Sjiic. 
your pardon! 

excused, forgiven, pardoned, justified; excus- jjJuu 
able, forgivable, justifiable 

to fall out JaiLJ : l2j| j*« 

eroded, corroded, denuded ola^i. : c$^« 

place of ascent; route of ascent; J- 1 r-^L. : r L>*? 
ascent; ladder; stairs 

Prophet Mohammad's midnight journey to r^y^) 
the seven heavens 

the night of Prophet Moham- Ay^\ (, *ljL.^l) iili 

mad's ascension to the seven heavens 

translated into Arabic C^JI J J Jr^ : cj^ju 

> • V > 


retreat, place of privacy or retire- J yj^ . ibl. : Jj*« 

apart from, away from; separated from, ^ dj*-*> 
detached from, isolated from, secluded from 
played (uL-.^) ( -*Jj*-» 

piece of music; recital; performance [ ^-^y ] i»jj*« 

separated, isolated, shut off (from the rest ji«_. : J$j*« 
of the world); secluded, segregated, set aside or 
apart, removed 

insulated (ojl^ll jl o^LaJI jl sljjiSJl (>&) Jjj*-« 

>• , " , ^., 
deposed, ousted, removed Jj^-W« < f-j^* '■ Jjj" 

.(from an office), dismissed, discharged, displaced, 


outlying, out-of-the-way, remote, t-ai . _ljj : Jjj^ 
distant, far, faraway 

insolvent, unable to pay; jyu. . »i jj I ^ jAs. : 
in straitened circumstances, in a difficulty 

camp, encampment 
camp, bloc 
concentration camp 
beehive, hive 


honeyed, mellifluous; candied, sugary (in ex- J 

pression); fair, apparently favorable but really false 

, * » .» .- 
smooth-tongued, soft-spoken (j\ — Ltl Jj— «-* 

-' - . .* • .■ . » 
(one) tenth, tenth part 5^1* ^ <>- . ^* : jU*» 

grassy, grass-covered, covered or <-~»y 
abounding with grass 

company, society, community, group; kin(sfolk), jL 
folks, people 

decagon; decagonal e-bLb^lj C IjjJ 

' i > 

geared, engaged, interlocked, meshed, ^j^j 
in gear, in mesh 

decahedron; decahedral 
dovetailed; coupled 

battlefield, battleground 

JLi ol-^-* :*£jw 



shown, demonstrated, exhibited, ij jj I i j^>\ :^uut 
displayed, exposed, presented 

offered, proffered, tendered, »juu . » jj : i^o)^ 
extended, presented 

submitted to, ( Jj ) fjij* : (ft. I .J*) i^ij^. 

referred to, brought before, put before, presented 
to, turned in to 

put forward or forth, brought up, rjj^* '■ u*>jj** 
advanced, set forth, propounded, presented 

£r** : 0>Jj" 

offered, suggested, proposed 

petition *~^ij*- '■tj a ij u ' 

exhibits, exhibited articles -Ujj^. (Jlu»l :oUjyu 

known fjJjw :^Jjy-« 

well-known, widely known, famous, j^* : <-»x>*-' 
renowned, celebrated, eminent 

alias; commonly called or known as, _; <-J)^*-* 

favor, service, courtesy,oLJ>-l * J-i»i . J^^r '■'-Jjj** 
good turn, kind act, kindness, grace 

amicably, in a friendly manner, with kind- ljjJ*[\j 


lean, emaciated, gaunt, raw- Jjji* < J^»«i : <J3j** 

boned, bony, skinny 

goat(s) (ol>^- )>«'>« 

consoler, comforter, condoler, so- ^Ij- : (i5J»ll) j*« 
lacer; consolatory, condolatory, comforting, con- 
soling, condoling, solacing 

goat(s) (o !>?*-) ii>f 

she-goat (o l^_>- ) S I _}*. 

* o - S~-» 5~-i S-^ 

consolidated, strengthened, fj*ju i o— -• . (J>i* : Jj** 
reinforced, braced, cemented, fortified, bolstered; 
corroborated, confirmed; promoted, furthered, 
advanced, boosted, fostered, supported, backed; 

piano yLi '.Li'jKt 

stringed instrument ijyj ill : ajj^ i (Jjm 

hoe; hack; mattock J^L. < ii jk* : ii'_)iu i Jjiw 


\ .YT 


suspended, banned temporarily, Jjliil JJ»L. 

stopped or canceled temporarily; disrupted, inter- 
rupted; paralyzed, neutralized, counteracted, put 
out of action; deactivated, inactivated, inactive; 

damaged, spoiled, impaired, ruined, de- • .jL.'. 

stroyed, wrecked 

coupled, joined [ iii ] ti^LU 

data, information, facts ,-,l.y.. •<-,!. L.. 

glorified, exalted, extolled, digni- «Jsi i jk_. : iV-t 
fied, honored, esteemed, venerated; venerable, 
honorable; great, magnificent, glorious, splendid, 
sublime, august, majestic 

most (of), the majority (of), bulk, major j^ : iV-t 
part, main part, greater portion; maximum 

exempt from, free from, not subject to, not [y ,yiu 
bound by 

tax-exempt, duty-free 2/J\ /\ iLjIiJI ^. jL, 

autoclave 1^ :»l£u 

pursuer; one who follows upj>->j jl *-)Uj ,j> : t 

*.-> *-> 
commentator; reviewer jl« : i 

knot; joint 
object of hope 

Jl/ill lu 

complicated, complex, intricate, knotty, knotted, _ui 

snarled, tangly, (en)tangled, inextricable, difficult; 


pancreas [ ^^ ] ^C/i : ji„ 

pancreatic aiJl <jj o^LJi :£sj£m 

stronghold, bastion, fortress, fort, castle, J& : Ji* 

sterilized, disinfected, steril, aseptic; pas- ^V. ; Jj^ 

sterilizer, disinfectant, antiseptic; pasteur- _^J». : Juu 
izer; sterilizing, disinfecting; pasteurizing 

knotted, knit, tied, fastened 
concluded, made, entered into 

Joy j* . J^dJU 

LV.- : :'* l'.»'.* ■.-•., ■ . . "**"1 

cramp ilii j cSiljI'tf ^Jji £~^' ' i-l£* lo 3 ** 

mill, press 

Ojl.rir- *J*- I J — <> jL<ifc 

wrist, carpus 
folded, tied, wrapped 
bandaged, dressed, swathed 

pressed (out), squeezed (out), expressed, j*as. : j>*aiu 
compressed, wrung 

infallible, inerrant, ilJail jl CLiLI ^ j^ : f j^aiu 
unerring; impeccable; sinless 

preserved, (safe)guarded, protected, Ji^a*. : ?ya** 

sin, wrongdoing; offense; guilt J I : *' A-t 

problematic, complex, difficult, jIL c JSlL. : JJuL 
intricate, enigmatic, puzzling, mysterious 

problem, dilemma, enigma, myste- jii t iiSLl* : <Uul 
ry, puzzle, riddle 

bitten, bit 

to pull out, pluck out, tear out 

y4* • (jtfj iflu t 

I >*■** 


giver, donor, donator, granter >JU : (,-l»*il ) i*» 

given; granted, donated, accorded, .Jail : JLm 

awarded, bestowed, conferred; offered, presented 

generous, liberal, openhand- r£ i f LJ*JI ^£ : »lLl« 
ed, freehanded 

perfumed, scented 

-*! > s . -' 

coat, overcoat jiJLI jl j^JI ^ ,Ju <_^S :uaJuu 

out of order, broken, broken-down, dead, inop- ji*« 
erative, not working, not functioning 



', - v; - , 

dependent ±>'j.) Jt- ^JSyi. i ^>j J L.:(^>'j^) l }cjfcu. 
on, depending on, conditional on, contingent on, 
hinging on 

suspension bndge <_£L* ^j- 

suspense account 

commentator; reviewer 
annotator, glossarist 


L :,_^u* 

justified, warranted, justifiable, war- j~i* i j^ : JLu 
rantable, well-grounded, well-founded, accounted 
for, explained 

road sign, signpost, guidepost, milestone, iyo : Jju 
milepost; landmark, mark 

landmarks, marks, milestones; features, char- JLl 
acteristics; sights; outlines, contours 

taught, instructed, schooled, educated ^ j j* : Jju 

* . ^ s ~ .» 
marked, designated, labeled (•>->• : (•"" 

* - > \- f 
teacher, instructor, pedagogue, school- ^j-u : J** 

teacher, schoolmaster; tutor; lecturer 

master ( w)J ic+> 4 iw») J^ 

*,> ' t ...» 
informer, informant, notifier «!_. 4 jm : Jju 

declared, stated, announced, proclaimed, (<-i) l jLu 
promulgated, enunciated, made public; publicized; 

advertiser, sponsor; announcer, declar- ,^Llu 'J* : jh* 
er, proclaimer, promulgator, enunciator' 

fed; stall-fed, fattened ( jj I t \'jS ) jJju 

effect i~ "'. 1 u ,*' ,. ; J Jill 

cause and effect J^JuIlj iLJ I 

* i > 5 , > >, , f *~ 
known; fixed, determined; ^** 1 jom 1 (Jjj« : ^ 


active, active voice ty^ ~**r*> 

active verb pA^. Jjj 

- - . > , '. , 
information, data, facts oLLc : OU *Lu 

informatics, information science; data pro- ilrU^Xu 

arched, vaulted 

tongue-tied, speechless 

,* > '., 

-. » - '1 . •*.- 

crooked, hooked, bent, curved, y-^cl 1 rp»^» : cJjiu 

falcate, uncinate, aquiline, adunc 

swastika ij^um l-I^ 

reasonable, sensible, rational, intelligible, com- Jjiuu 
prehensible, understandable, plausible, credible, 
believable, logical; possible, probable, likely, feasi- 

theater of the absurd J^i^SUI ^-^ 

reasonableness, rationality, rationalness «J_ji*j 

to rub, rub down; to massage iiU j : dli t« 

macaroni; spaghetti; pasta «jj id* 

reversed, inverted; reverse, ,,-SCc ( ojli* : y£** 
inverse, converse, counter, opposite, contrary 

reflected (^1 1 i^ < ,^i) cr JJ£. 

pluck (ik^Jl) Jilk* 

canned, tinned; packed, packaged; boxed; cased, 

canner; packer, packager; boxer 

canned foocKs), tinned food(s) c 

manger, (feeding) trough, crib j^JU : uiiiw 1 

suspended, pendent, pendulous, Jlu* 1 ^flu : jL. 
hanging, hung (down), dangling 

attached, fastened, tied, affixed, fixed ^>yy> : j£>-« 

pending, suspended, in sus- <-i Jj — «• ^ : ^L* 
pense, in abeyance, abeyant, undecided, unsettled, 
unresolved, outstanding, held back, deferred, 

suspended, stopped or canceled J^»iil JJaL : jk* 
temporarily, banned temporarily, made tempora- 
rily inactive 


> «Vi 

accessible to all, open(ed) to the public at large; 
circularized, publicized, circulated, spread 

turbaned , wearing a turban i. LJ l^j: ^ 

baptism [ i~i I juaj J <u :^w 

--, , 5 -■ • ' **"• s ^,' *• • 

inhabited, populated, populous tjy—* ' J?' '-jy** 

the world jJUJI :5j^»*ll 

all over the world, throughout ; jJ-A\ »U« I J^ j 
the world 

done, made; produced, manu- f-y~** ' Jj»i» : J>uw 
factured, fabricated; formed, fashioned, shaped 

process(ed), wrought, worked «JU. i J^l« : Oy** 

in force, in effect, in opera- j-_k. i ,-c^ : o Jj*« 
tion, effective, operative, valid; applied, practiced, 
in use, used; common, prevalent, established, cus- 
tomary, conventional 

meaning, sense, signification, signifi- (o^ r) ^Jj* 
cance, import, purport, intent, content, deno- 
tation; connotation, concept, conception, notion 

abstract noun ^ju> ~~ I 

in the ^jl* ^» iJSCJI j L. JSCj <ij£)l ^ju> JSCj 
full sense of the word, absolutely, utterly, really, 
thoroughly, completely, entirely, wholly, fully, in 
full, totally, perfectly, quite, downright, outright 

significant, meaningful, full of meaning, ^ju> j i 

meaningless, without meaning, senseless, J ^^Ju "il 
pointless, inane, vain, hollow, empty, idle 

tormented, agonized; suffering, in pain lj. 

>*' 5~ > 4„ 

5- > 

unmetrical rhymed verse Oj jy j^- ij** j»f : <^*-« 
entitled, titled; addressed; labeled u!y*j *jy :uy*» 
moral; incorporeal; immaterial; abstract Isy** 

moral obligation <5>-«-« (i-r-^'j j') f'jri 

i -.- . .» -.- * ' 

.s • - .-, '.- *i • - ,-•-*•_- 

<#jW u*^-** '<#j^ 

j*OJ I JU£> I JL4JU 

« 0" : - 

cessing; information retrieval 

(piece of) information, datum, oC«_jJi«il Sop- I j : o^Lu 

mystified, obscured; mysterious, obscure, i ^s. : iJ u* 
ambiguous, vague, cryptic, enigmatic; riddled; 
camouflaged, disguised, concealed, hidden 

riddle, puzzle, enigma, conundrum, mys- jb : ^^u. 


architect j]^ ^jl^* 'j|,<u 

mason; builder *Cj : jl^* 

architectural, architectonic SjLJ! ^ ^>U- iiijl,** 

architect _ 

mason; builder t Lj :c5jl^ 

architecture ^ijl^ " — "-^ ' lSjI" ij* 

baptized, christened, immersed 

baptizer, baptist 

Baptist [ i-J I jjii J ^i I j*« 

* - > t > > -: s-' 

long-lived, longevous jl*JI Jj^J* ij*** 

.-"- • ~'*j **~* I-* -^ *"* 

perennial (j-^— ^ ^ii I j*»j tS-iJ I oLJLl ii^» : j*« 

-^ . '. > • . ** ' ' *~ > 

colonist ij,,»". .. *ll>! ji ifJjLl. : j»" 

thick of a battle or fight, heat of (jjJI <Sji-\) 6l*wU 
battle or fight 

height, climax (of heat or ( i'jA I j I Ji- 1 ) 6 Ul« 


tumult, turmoil, uproar, confusion, (*-?£• r) <**** 

jumble, mess 

wars, battles ljjjII :j-tlHl 

yes-man, flunky il» I : j^wm 

in-depth, profound, deep, Jlai* ij*li< J^ : J*** 
thorough, comprehensive, detailed 

factory, plant, mill, works; work- Ji-1* i ^-a* : J»*» 
shop, atelier 

laboratory ^r 1 ^" : J**- 



popularized, universalized; made -r ~sy <■ j>^— • : (**«-• 



-* *= 

relied on, depended on, counted a-:.... : (<-U) J^u 
on; trusted (in) 

relying on, reliant on, depending on, a ...■»■. : J* J^u 
dependent on 

resolved to or on, determined to or » jU : J* Jj*> 

on, decided on or to, intent on, bent on 

pick, pickax, mattock; hoe iiy^ : 6y* 

iilcl Vf'j — *jyu 

intestinal, enteric, »U^I jl (_y>il> ^>U- :ii>*f 

enteral, entero-, enter- 

u 1 ^ ff'j -lJ 1 ^ ' J>*r : (ye*-^ .if*-* 

criterion, standard, yardstick, crV^* « ^" : jt-*» 
touchstone, gauge, (standard) measurement), test; 

normative; standard '— Li« :i3jLju 

</r k 

defective, faulty, flawed, blem- ^'li , 
ished, imperfect, deficient, unsound 



disgraceful, dishonorable, ,jJli i J^V" ' j** '■ "r 

discreditable, shameful, infamous 

.-• * .-- .- ' -i - 
accompaniment, accompanying, <ljw» i o-Lu : cu 

escort(ing); company 

simultaneity, simultaneous- ,y\y :\<j^)\ J) V« 
ness, synchronism, concurrence 

in the company of, with *1«-»j 

repeater, reiterator; repeating, reiterating jjS^. : . 


• ( 

reader, lecturer; assistant pro- (xc-L) il£Ll : 

lender, loaner u^j^ : jy-» 

life, living, existence, subsistence sCi- : "* 

life, lifeway, (_r-*JI J \'-r , y t —^ j') **ij* : 
life-style, way (manner, style) of living 

livelihood, subsistence; sustenance, J jj : 

costofliving i',,«l,l (ciJlC; jl) AiiS" 

standard of living, living standard i',,.1,1 iSy— • 



morale, spirits) 

* % - * f 

to demoralize, lower or weaken oC^JJl i_uJ>l 
the morale (of), dispirit, discourage, depress 

to buoy up or raise the spirits (of), lift oCjiall *» j 
up or raise the morale (of), inspirit, encourage, 
stimulate, exhilarate, elevate, elate 

meant, intended, purposed jj.a«» : ,-jm 

(person) concerned, involved, <jfcJI i_-»-U» :^»- 

institute; institution; academy (jjkll^ r) j^Ju 

conservatory Lf^y a **-* 

known; familiar, conventional, <_»y U i <-ijjv '■ zyf* 
customary, usual, habitual, accustomed, ordinary 

entrusted to, committed J^u i <ji>i» ijOl j^l* 
to, confided to, assigned to, delegated to; entrusted 
with, charged with, commissioned with; autho- 
rized to, empowered to 

reliable aid(e), good assistant, frequent help(er) Oljiu 

crooked, bent, curved, dogleg, twisted, .^cl : ryu 
inclined, warped, distorted, wry 

retort [ »>...< ] o-^iu 

exorcist -bjlkJIj ,y^lL S^lll ^Ijj^l Vj* 'J- : Jjj»1 
charmer, enchanter ,i^ ^. 4 f Uj < J I j : i^. 

needy, necessitous, poor, destitute, indigent,^: j^ju 
poverty-stricken; pauper, poor man 

compensated, indemnified, recompensed, (<-s-) ^y 
made up for, made good, repaired, redressed, 

compensating, compensatory, indemni- (tjuo) ^y* 
fying, reparative 

compensator, indemnifier, repairer, (^l) Joy* 

dilatory, delaying; jj><JI *j J^-<ai. i ^y-^ '-Jyu 
retardant, retarding 

J3U jj-lj -jglj* :olij 


agant, superlative, extreme, immoderate, inordi- 
nate, unreasonable 

exaggeration, overstatement iiJL. :SiU< 

'. ' > 

fightGng), combating); struggle, strife; wrestling 4JU1 

fallacy, sophism, paralogism (olLJU* r) <iJ^> 

adventurer {^.\) jt\iut 

adventurous, venturesome, enterpris- {lLa ) j»\iuk 
ing; reckless, foolhardy, rash 

adventure, venture, risk, hazard (ol^U* r) >j*\iut 

■> '> 

contrary to, opposite to, opposed to, incon- J j>u- 
sistent with, incompatible with, contradictory to, 
conflicting with, in conflict with, at variance with 

' ' » " i '. ' 

consequence, result, issue, effect, end, out- i-ilc : ZJm 
come, upshot 

dusty, pulverulent, powdery ^Ju i^Ju 

' • - i '*.- 
envied j^-jm :■*>?** 

i '"' 
happy, lucky, fortunate, in an enviable j-a- : J*yJ^ 

position; blissful, felicitous 

blessed, beatified, canonized \Si^.^> '■ ^>r*- 

wronged, aggrieved; preju- s-j-l 
diced, injured; cheated, defrauded 
backbiter, slanderer, calumniators ,_ 

/•jJlL* \ijyjut 

angry, furious, wrathful, irate, i_-iU c J-j~ : J»Ljm 
enraged, infuriated, angered, incensed, irritated, 
acerbated, embittered, peeved, vexed, seething, 
steaming, boiling, out of temper 

glad, happy, delighted, joyful; 
exultant, jubilant 


jif* Cf \j~ s** 

j*~\+* t r ju .imJj*JLJ 


emigrant, immigrant; emigre; 


lavatory, washroom, bath(room), toilet (Ci- : JIjJl. 

extorted, exacted, usurped, disseised, 9j^-> 

%&& " _ _ ] 

living, subsistence 

;l^ : 


breadwinner, supporter, i_j"ilL> ^ j. i J_*j ^y : J;*. 
sustainer, family provider 

spring, source, headspring, fountain- fy—i '■ i j?** 
head, wellhead, wellspring, springhead, fountain, 

specific, particular, concrete, definite, jjjm '•lk*-> 
clear-cut, determined, fixed, set, specified, given, 
stated, indicated, designated, assigned, appointed, 
prescribed, identified, individualized, particulari- 
zed, itemized 

certain, particular; some Ja*j : l yju> 

appointed, assigned, nomi- \'_£ y jl L-.,.a.- j) ^j*** 
nated, designated; appointee, nominee 

earmarked, singled out, desig- sju> i u a~a^> : i j^j, 
nated, destined, assigned, set aside or apart 

rhombus; lozenge, diamond <«• J ~' J*-" : 0~*" 

trapezium <_»^p«_« ^^^ 

rhomboid Cr"V *~- ' Cr** *r- 

ambassador designate ^^^ >r i~ 

specifying, determimng, determinative, * jjm : j^yu 
designating, designative, identifying 

helpCer), aid(e), assistant; supporter, jwu < .tcL-» : jm 
backer, patron, sponsor 

Glossostemon bruguieri (oLi) iiiU# 

leaving, departing (from), going (j^t) J*- 1 j : j jUl 
away (from), going out (of); walking; out (of) 
departure, leaving, going away S-r?) '■ 'J J ^" 

cave, cavern, grotto < — <»i5' : jl** iSjIjl* 

diving place u°y^ t-~°y : o»^" 

.'V s ' '- 
pearl fishery ^JjJJI o>U- 

**' - 
Coccidae ol^ll LJ < <L-<ai :jj*^ 

exaggerator j-J^r* : (cJ^0 J^" 

exaggerated, overdone, overstated, 4_i JC« :a-» (j!^< 
overdrawn, magnified; excessive, excess, extrav- 



„<J,; ,• J 

russet color, red j^- 1 ojJ : »j^> 

(tooth) socket (^J I jl (j-^oJl) j^ 

plantation; nursery crv^' f^y* : ( ^-") trV** 

biased, tendentious, prejudiced, unfair, j-j»^ : yi^* 
partial, one-sided, ex parte 

ladle, scoop 
loss, damage 
debt; liability 

in love with, enamored of, infatuated j J^. : j »>iu 
with, fond of 

•'»» - . .1 ji-"'' 

conceited, vain, vainglorious,*-^ i_,-««. i y»j^ : jj^yu 
self-conceited, self-important, overweening, cocky, 
proud, haughty, arrogant, snobbish 

deceived, beguiled, deluded, fooled, s-jjjm : jjj»-» 
misled; lured, allured, enticed; dazzled 

planted £jj> '■u'ij* 

(im)planted, (in)fixed, embedded, set, cy.« : ws^* 


(im)planted, (in)fixed, instilled, in- y* JJI J { yjj-> 

culcated, infused, (en)graved 

sense, meaning, signification, signifi- <i>»»» : ijj** 
cance, import, purpot; effect, tenor, substance, gist 

moral (of a story, etc.) (jJJ ilaill) <Sjw 

spindle; spinning wheel 0--j? -dj** 


Ojc : Jjj** 


(J. .'■'«» <«»■!_> — fw»- :J ii 4J1 ii 


Ol*JJl (^) >■■■■! /41 ■ 1 1 /JmiII 6 /JmiII 

washtub; washbowl, wash- jli (_^>>»- 1 c-lJ» : J'.iit 

washbasin, washbowl, w)J (i-u^l jl_c O^Ci :<U_Ju 

washstand, lavatory, sink 

washer, washing machine Jl_c ill t SJCi : <lLju 

washed, rinsed J_i : J^-ju 

hazy, misty, cloudy, foggy, dim(med), ^l^cl : ^Ju 

taken by force, unlawfully acquired 

raped, ravished, violated 

extorter, extortioner, exactor, 
usurper, disseiser 

raper, rapist, ravisher 

U«i ( £- j*---* • ' / ' ^ 

(olj*l) L-i,,a V « » 

grieved, grief-stricken, sad, sorrow- ^^15 t ,>_)»- : (>Iju 
ful, depressed, dejected, dispirited, low-spirited, 
gloomy, down(cast), melancholic, heavyhearted, 
distressed, upset, troubled, worried 

nauseating, nauseous, (JjL> 1 o^— Uil jji* : (yiiil ) £ju 
sickening, queasy, disgusting, disgustful 

nauseated, sick, queasy, qualmish, l _ r iJ I J£}»- : ^*iu 

solanum, nightshade (oLi) jjl» 

place to which one goes in j oil I 0&-* ■ » I J** ' i£J*-» 
the morning 

paddle ciljjv kJjjU :cijjL« 

luxuriant, long, flowing \y^) OjjJ** 

nourishing, nutritious, nutrient, c : »« :((i Juill) jju 

feeder, charger 
russet color, red 

seductive, seducing, tempting, (i»«») (<i>iO j*-» 

inviting, enticing, alluring, luring 

((--1) j" 

seducer, tempter, lurer 

glued, conglutinated, agglutinated 

glue pot 


sunset, sundown; time of sunset; place c->j^c : Lj^iu 
of sunset, west 

west; the West, the o^Jj I « (_.^c : o^iil i ojJl« 


Maghreb, Northwest cj^JLI (o'-'-j j') --^j ' Vj^l 


Morocco ( i»lj^JI l^l^lc) cjjJLI ilj j < Vj^' 

(3^1* ju>- I j — I4J jU-ij (^jjl (3jUi-i 
Maghrebi, North African; Moroccan 'ijiJ* u 

ocher; red ocher, ruddle ^L» : Hja* 1 ijiut 


\ .VA 

, .-■:... ■ ... .i. ;.^'.', 1 -jj.i!'^..vJ^ <£: 

A A * 

the late, the departed, the deceased \o% ) d jji*^ 

productive, fruitful, fructuous, profit- j\ * i j~L* : Ji« 

able, yielding, lucrative, remunerative 

*' • 

• > • 
lock; padlock Ji» : j^liu 

breech (JsjUl c ^Jl)i3^ 

envelope <Jji» :ui]*« 

*'>- 1'' f' 
enveloped, covered, wrapped, ySu> i ,Ja** : U>x** 

enfolded, enwrapped, lapped, swathed; coated; 

cased, encased 


** > *~ > 

closed, shut; locked, bolted; sealed i_j jl-. < Jii. : jLu 
•'.j '•* ~,.» |*-» 

*uJbf VT'J — Ail*-* A^Jb*- 

»'' ll".' 

defeated, beaten, conquered, vanquished, i_Ji- : t-jjl** 

subdued, overcome, overmastered, overpowered, 


helpless, powerless, unable tj> I J* ojU- 

wrong, incorrect, erroneous, false, falla- (<J ) ijLu 

«-■» . r- 

handcuffed, cuffed, manacled, fettered, xJu : JjJ*« 

shackled, chained 

very thirsty, burning with thirst I jj>- 0^»* : Jy*-* 

boiled y^U : ^li» 

decoction ( JJJL> <,^i-».:'„„. jjU :(»JJ oLtf^ll)^!^ 

grievous, depressing, depres-^,!^-^ 1 t_~I5 1 6j^> ■ (*** 
sive, gloomy, melancholic, cheerless, disconsolate, 
dismal, bleak, desolate, dreary, distressing, distress- 

l ,:,y'--?j-.^..;.^j e. vj--.',.- 

! *-- : 

i,,:.,!, rm 

obscure(d), blurry, blurred, fuzzy, filmy 
covered, enveloped, wrapped up ^Jm- : <jl»- 

overlaid, coated, plated 

>• .. ' •, 
cheated, deceived, fooled, deluded, fj->*~ '■ lA*-** 
bluffed, beguiled; tricked, duped 

adulterated, debased J>*> : J-y^** 

unconscious, swooning, in a swoon *lit ^*« 

to have or suffer from colic or gripes u aL> 1 ydi* 

colic; gripes [t-J» J t >a«-» 

forced, compelled, coerced, con- *i.j> 

colic, colicky [<_-i» J i/uil J J v>— • : (j^"-* 

angering, enraging, infu- Ji-i* 1 i_~aill jji» : 1 
riating, maddening, exasperating, acerbating, in- 
flaming, irritating, provoking, provocative 

•r- ■* ' "- 

hated; object of anger <Jic 1 

to stretch, extend, expand, draw Jn < x. : juw 1 juu 

- "! ' V-' 
covered, wrapped, enveloped, mantled, ^kt : (^b** 

concealed, veiled 

dipped, plunged, immersed, sub- <j-y»* '• u-»" 

merged, submersed, doused 

bathtub, tub, bath Joy : tr^f 

V '"- 1 '1 ".- 
immersed, plunged, dipped ^-Jm-* ' i^-^*" : J»>a<" 

Coccidae ol^iil ^ <^-oj :oU j> i*« 

stupid, foolish, silly, simple-minded, ii. I 1 ^s- : Ji*« 
dumb, dense, fat-witted, thickheaded; simpleton, 
fool, dupe, dolt, dullard, dunce, dunderhead, 
featherbrain, numskull 

anonymous Jit <■ J>*=v : J*** 

*/* CT 


\ .v^ 


geomagnetism *-»jl «u 

il/^" t..„,.-k: 

3.3 - S -* l ~ ' 3" 18 ' 



songstress, woman singer, (female) vocal- "<>j** 
ist, chanteuse, songbird, warbler 


seducer, tempter, lurer 

seductive, seducing, tempting, enticing, (ii*e) y> 
luring, alluring 

pitfall, trap iSQ«^ \l\ym 

militant, aggressive, making ol jUJ I jci i JJli. : j\yL» 
raids or attacks; raider, invader, fighter 

bold, courageous, daring, audacious \s^ '■ j\y^ 
fleet, swift-running, fast, nimble «j r : jly> 

commanders), shock troops, ^jliil *ij ' >j^*-* 
storm troops 

rapier, foil <-*>rr-" i>* fy '-uy* 

setting (of the sun, of a star, etc.); sunset, uj^i : >-.m 


> > >, , 

succorer, reliever; aid(e), help(er) j^** 

changed, altered, modified, varied, con- Ja^i '.j*. 
verted, transferred, transformed, transmuted, com- 

changer; alterant, alterative 

i ,f 4' f 

raider, invader, attacker, aggressor, harrier; jU : jJu 

vexatious, vexing, irritating, l^u i Jn.M jX* : iJu 
annoying, galling, provoking, provocative, anger- 
ing, enraging, infuriating, exasperating, acerbating 

cloudy, clouded, overcast J U : 

approach, overture, opening of »^5DL 5bC« :i»JU« 

sultry, muggy Aj^t^llj ijljJ-l jjj^. t^ 

unconscious, swooning, in a 

shortcoming, failing, flaw, fault, 
blemish, defect 

*~* Li**" ' ^^ l**** 

' S 1 ' , ' . & 'J*** 

u~y*- (fh~ o~*** 
to speak (or write) indistinctly *vij I _w> i jv^v : mu 

obscure, unknown, nameless, jS'iJI J^U- : jja-u 
undistinguished, inglorious, unrenowned, unnoted 

flooded, inundated, deluged, JjU : (fA\ t\l!i>) jy**-* 
drowned, sunken, immersed, plunged, submerged, 

dipped, plunged, immersed, Lr i>M ; J>jjsuu : (j*j*tu 
submerged, steeped 

singer, chanter, vocalist, jli. . <~>Ja* : (/^l ) i>*-» 
melodist, songster, warbler 

villa 5jb t %i 'tjS-> 

opera l^jl :»Ljl« 

coquettish, flirtatious; coquette, coquet r<__c : r Lj-» 


f i V : - ' ( * . J ~ u . U\: • * t 

pampered, spoiled, coddled, mollycoddled, JJ.u : >Lju 
babied, cockered, indulged; caressed, fondled, pet- 
ted; mollycoddle, pet, fondling 

Ju. .L 

to magnetize 


hypnotism, hypnosis 
magnetic field 
magnetic pole 
to hypnotize 



iJSj^ l) "~^ - * ' 

hi in 

■A , , f . J 

(j C",j a, '* i * (J^v jl) J**" 


**'* - 

— — B 



key, jl I jJ Ifll jfal j! jij^ll ji r 'CJ I J^,J : j-bL 

clef Vr->« <-*c : f-Li. 

clue, key JJj : (^JJ _)J JkJ) ^Li* 

monkey wrench, adjustable spanner lSJ^ISCj I *-l~L> 
wrench, spanner J»jj »Li* 

master key c*?J* c r^"*" 

switch ij jjjl>- iSL. j Jj>»j »-Li* i ^vljjii" J^Cma 

key holder 

key word 

keyboard; switchboard 

crumbled, frittered, frag- iy^> \'^S jyS^> : 
mentized, fragmented, fragmentated, broken up, 
broken into small pieces or fragments 

redeemer; ransomer ^>li: (cS alii I ) jCi 

slanderer, calumniator, backbiter, tra- ( t5jlil I ) J^u 
ducer; liar, fabricator of lies, false accuser 

ravenous, rapacious, predatory, preda- jU» : ^jiiut 
cious, voracious, ferocious 

beast of prey, predatory animal, pred- ^pu. o \ya- 

supposed, assumed, presumed, hy- i>»jji* : <>> >ii« 
pothesized, presupposed, taken for granted, pos- 
tulated, given, taken as a premise 

'', '-'"' 
crossroads, crossways, intersection, cross- Jjb ujiit 

ing, bifurcation, forkftng), junction 

at the crossroads 

inspector; examiner, investigator 

fabricated, invented, made up, 

created, concocted, contrived, devised; artificial, 

false, factitious, sham, falsified, forged 

done on purpose, done pur- \j.~*. 4 .uii* : J-"«- 

p. -■■'•■"■ '-••"■ ' ' ■ :■■■■-"■ : 


a conversation (talk, subject) with 

charms, beauties, attractions Cf^** '• i>^* 

sudden, unexpected, surprising, abrupt, ocl~« : ]yr^» 
unforseen, unlooked-for, unpredicted, like a bolt 
from the blue 

surprise; sudden or unexpected (oLi-Ui r-) SU-lH 
event (occurrence, etc.), bolt of the blue 

surprising, surprise, taking un- UU j j^. : ; t-li. 
awares, taking by surprise, taking aback 

' — "i ,- -,. -> 

meaning, signifi- (}l£JI Jj-ak* ( ci^ki t ^^Ju. : a\L 
cation, significance, import; purport, effect, tenor, 
essence, substance, (main) content 

'*■ i " v' 

to the effect that.. 


departing, leaving, parting 

departure, leaving, parting, sep-JLaij I <. J^-'j : Ujli, 

aration, detachment 

' " - ■, -, -> 

paradox j»lb yiiLj Jx tijlvJ U :i»jli. 


desert, wilderness, wild 



reactant, interactant; reactor; reactive 

t\^**o '.oj\ju 


reactor, atomic pile, atomic (cSjj-> jl cSj i) J*U* 
reactor, chain-reacting pile 

reactance; reaction iitLai 

anastomosis, inosculation , ,"" : ^Ui 

aggravation, exacerbation J U j j^a> : **JiU» 

negotiator cAjUj ^ < (jijUii i^ijU* 

negotiation, parley uijUi :*-i_jU« 

mufti; (official) interpreter or expounder (^^lil) cJu 
of Islamic law; deliverer of (formal) legal opinions, 
deliverer of advisory opinions 

His Eminence the Mufti ^A\ ii-lll. 



»*j SIjI :^U4« 

\ >A\ 


■■ ; p , ^ , ,y,. g , in i J . ., ,,. - ^, g ^ MtM ,^ MM . gE , - 

fied, (highly) honored, esteemed 

• - *• -■•„ 5 --j 

emphatically pro- <-»jj»-l *jJlj JoyA* :»m* 

nounced; emphasized, accentuated, accented, 
stressed; intensified 

grandiloquent, bombas- (u^L. jl ) J^~- 1 (jLt : pjii* 
tic, pompous, high-flown, euphuistic 
dearest, dear, well-beloved, cherished; i5 Juu i 15 jju 
redeemed, ransomed; object of self-sacrifice 

escape, flight, getaway, way out; u n \?' ' SO* : 3** 
alternative; refuge, retreat, sanctuary 

inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable, nee- ^ ju* i 

essary, obligatory, imperative, mandatory 

fleet, flighty, swift-running, fast, nimble «^- \ J yu 

(cutting) nippers, pliers, pincers i^Qf i iily '.(ja\yit 

gladdening, cheerful, cheering, exhilarat- rJu i ryu 
ing, delightful, pleasant, joyful, happy, glad, merry, 

germinant, germinating, sprouting(oLJJ) ryu <■ fjit 
incubating, hatching (tJJ yil-^) rj*-* ' rJ LA 

single, solitary, one, only, sole ij i «i»- 1 j : j,ii 

»L»- 1 J Jji* 

singular [iil] jji* 

^ •' >.' *',*.' ,•* 

odd, uneven tS*~" J^ ' l^J ' (i j y : J >" 

s - > ,•* 
singled out, earmarked, designated, { y^ai^ : jji< 

destined, assigned, allocated, appropriated, set 
aside or apart, marked, designed, intended (for a 
specific purpose) 

alone, by oneself; singly, singlehandedQy); eiy^ 
apart, aside, isolatedly, in solitude, in seclusion 

words, terms, expressions; vocabulary; termi- d\iyu 
nology, technical terms; items; entries 

word, vocable, term, expression <J£ : i zyu 

item; entry 

- • * - :* .-'.' 

£ji-\ i jjil :jyu 

secreted, excreted ..exuded, dis- 

J3J* Cf ' J ~ JJ>* : j>* 

secretory, secretive, secreting, excretory jyi* 

secretions, excretions, exudations, discharges Ci\jyu 

posely, intentional, deliberate, willful, calculated, 
intended, designed 

in need of, in want of, lis « jjaj « J rijw : J J ju*> 
needing, wanting, lacking, requiring, deficient in, 
short of or in 

open, opened 
open door policy 
open letter 

— ^Liil i_iUI "L.I— 

unsewn, unstitched, ripped (open), 
torn, rent, slit 

[t i "^ ** - % "*"' 
i_J> J L ^iJU uiLu : Jyii 

twisted, twined, entwined, ^j^ < Jj jjv : J^li* 

muscular, brawny, strong, J-a*JI jl -lcCJI Jjii* 
burly, husky, robust 

fascinated by, infatuated by, mad -> __. : j u>ii< 
about, charmed by, enchanted by, captivated by, 
enthralled by, spellbound by, thrilled by, mesme- 
rized by, enamored of, in love with 

detonator, exploder j*iu 

distressed, afflicted, agonized, tormented; (J) f yJu 
suffering (afflicted with, stricken by) the loss (of), 
bereaved (of), bereft (of) 
carburetor [ l£— ; !£-■ ] ^*i* 

confuting, silencing, cogent, convincing, potent, **•!• 
conclusive, decisive, irrefutable, irrefragable 

examined, tested, assayed, <l^ u^y*** ' (joyi* 

checked (up); investigated, inspected, surveyed, 
scrutinized, explored; searched into, inquired into, 
inquired about; examinee 

booby-trapped £»uu 

pride, object of pride, source of pride, some- ijfJu 
thing to boast of; feat, exploit, glorious deed; 
glorious trait 

glorified, exalted, extolled, digm- Jj*-^ < ,Ji»* : (*»*• 


\ .AT 


separative, separating, parting, divid- Jij J*U : <j>u 
ing; dispersive, dispersing, scattering; separator; 
disperser, scatterer; distributor 

firecracker, firework; squib uiju 

firecrackers, fireworks; squibs; explosives oUi^i* 

(meat) chopper, (meat) mincer, (meat) ( pjj) i«^u 

\ '" i ' *' '"' 
separated, isolated, set apart or J j >* 4 J 


sorted (out), classified, categorized, 
classed, assorted, graded, grouped 

partitioned, divided (fj— • ji j^^ I j}j>* 

' '&). '" 

spread, spread out 

paved, tiled, flagged, 
slabbed, floored 


\^y ya j* 

J y -wis* 

furniture, furnishings ii>UI t,J-j :olij^u 

^ " * '. ' 

imposed, enjoined, ordained, decreed, ,-. 1^)1 '.(jojju 

prescribed, dictated, required, obligatory, compul- 
sory, imperative, mandatory 

supposed (to) ( I iS" *J> ) <Jo)jL* 

unquestionable, -ui Jl-ur "il 1 J^»^»- J-^ 5 " ' 
indisputable, incontestable, undoubted, undeni- 
able, undisputed, indubitable, beyond question, 
beyond doubt, beyond dispute, certain, sure, 

finished, terminated, wound up, ^»i» : a^« £j>* 
concluded, completed, finalized, done, over, 
through; achieved, accomplished, carried out, 
performed, executed, consummated 

minced, chopped (up), hashed p*. : f j>* 

>'. ■>. - 
minced meat, mincemeat, mince, chopped^ j^i* ^ 

meat, hashed meat 

refuge, retreat, shelter, sanctuary, harbor; UJu : f^u 

resort, recourse 

group, party, detachment, squad, *i~-oi : jyu 1 <> j>u 


tablecloth (s>Ljl _ji SjuUI ,i iijUJl) <ji>u 

bedspread, bedcover, coverlet, sheet (j>JJ\) ^J^ 

saddle blanket; saddlecloth ( J*-^l l) i£>u 

(cutting) nippers, pliers, pincers iilif 1 i*>lj» : c/>>i« 

notched, incised, jagged, (in)dented, J^ : <Joj* 

crenate(d); grooved, furrowed, rutty 

*-> .' . *-.> 
extravagant, prodigal, profligate, j-u* 1 (_ij_. :J>>u 

wasteful; wastrel, waster, spendthrift, squanderer, 

excessive, ex- yiSU t JiaL 1 i_ij_« 4 jJ-\ jj^y^> ■J»yu 
cess, extreme, extravagant, immoderate, intemper- 
ate, unrestrained, superlative, exaggerated; exorbi- 
tant, unreasonable, undue; superabundant, over- 
abundant, superfluous; too much, overmuch; 
over-, super-, hyper- 

hypersensitive, supersensitive, over- JL-LJ-I \>jl* 


flat, flattened, oblate; broad 

t 1 

*-> »'' 

emptied, vacated, vacuum; unloaded, dis- fj : tju 

charged, unladed, unladen 

vacuum tube, tube «• Jl- ^o 

cast, molded, founded; shaped, cfJ_^ • : (i_ JU j) tju 


vicious circle ii^i* *iL»- 

parting, part (of the hair) ( jl-U I ) <jyu 1 tjji* 

ijja <jyi« jrlj-J^ Jji« 'J^ Jj»* 

separated), parted, divided, disunited Jj^i. : J^i< 
scattered, dispersed, strewn about e-^.-« 1 j j~» : <3ji* 
distributed, allotted, apportioned fjy> : oj^ 


by retail oj^> 




articulate(d), jointed 

J^ii^j jUi. :<^W* 
'- ' ' '-* ' \ '■' 

arthropod, arthropodal, i 
arthropodan, arthropodous 
arthropod oLLaiil j^- Ij : i J^a^ 

r Li-^l iLiUl iJjUi&l pLil^lil ^ ili :otlUi44 

Arthropoda til^fJllj 

' ' v 
phlebotomized -^ : .s>«ai« 

i'> , ' •.- 
separate(d), parted, divided, disunited, tiJL* : dyan 

dissociated, disconnected, detached, disengaged 

cut, cut off, severed, sundered, bro- *ji»" : Oyaj^ 


segregated, isolated, secluded, sepa- Jj>^ : Jj-ai- 


discharged, dis- (i.jJ-1 jl J-jJI ^) (Jj^^ : Jj-^i. 

missed, fired, displaced, removed, cashiered 

decided, determined, settled, 4_j Cjy-* : 4-i Jj^ai. 

resolved, finished, done 

schizophrenic, schizoid; schizophrene, schizo fya** 

leading to; conducive to, contrib- <Jj (^uW) Jak* 
uting to, contributive to; causing, resulting in, 
bringing about, giving rise to, producing 

very obliging, very generous, very J^aill j^ : J Lai* 

liberal, very kind 

silvered, silver-plated i-aiJl) (J-l*» ^fl/im 

JLai* «rlj - J-aiJI j^S" :JJjt» 

casual dress, informal J*«JI jl e~JI ±>y '■ * un a» 
dress, undress, negligee, house dress 
exposed, unmasked, compro- ajjL-i c-ip : ^yiai* 
mised, shamed, disgraced; notorious 

not fasting; breaking one's fast |JU» j~i -j^ 

created, made, originated J>rv « J 

favorite, best liked, preferable, preferred, fa- 
vored, chosen 


frightening, frightful, fearful, dreadful, 
alarming, terrible, horrible 

spoiling; corruptive, perversive; o-i I Jtli : J~ 
spoiler, corrupter 

blight, evil, bane, cause of corrup- ii I t iiLu : 5. 
tion or evil 

explained, expounded, explicated, elucidat- ^-i '-j-** 
ed, illustrated, made clear, cleared up, clarified; in- 
terpreted, construed 

* -' • - * '.' 
explainer, expounder, explicator, elu- jJu ,y> '-j-** 

cidator, expositor; commentator 

... >., ,\, 

revoked, repealed, rescinded, tjU t Joy^-* '■ £>- ** 
annulled, nullified, abrogated, invalidated, negated, 
defeated, voided, canceled, abolished; reversed, 
overruled; quashed 

dislocated, disjointed, luxated, J^ i f-y^* : ^j— « 
disarticulated, out of joint 

torn, split 

clear, plain, distinct 

cloudless, clear, sunny 

lancet, scalpel 

lobate(d), lobed 

to articulate, joint 

joint, articulation; knuckle 

arthritis, rheumatism, J-oliil JIj i J-rf>Ull cjI+JI 


detailed, particular, ( _ / a, » i , . :„ ..» i ' _.«..,. 4 (.l. ^ a i : J^au 

minute, circumstantial, elaborate, exhaustive, 

developed in great detail, particularized, elaborated 

(upon); itemized, divided into sections 

cut out; tailor-made, tailored, (tJJ i_i^i!l!f ) J-ai. 
made to order, made to measure, custom-made, 

(j,.,.nj'i) ^. yi i " t J. ; n a Vl l) ^-\j -%aju 

cutter ( ^rj^ll) J-ai* 

articulation, jointing 


[\SLj\SLa] 'iLai* iJYsti* 


diary, journal 

diassembled, dismounted, dismantled, taken dSJu 
apart, taken to pieces, dismembered; disjoined, 
disconnected; disunited, dissociated; dislocated, 
disjointed, unjointed; incoherent, desultory 

loose, untied, unfastened, Jjlk. i 3^-* : ^£i* 

undone, unbound, unraveled, loosened, unwound, 
untangled, disentangled, disengaged, freed 

disassembled, dismounted, »jl>r-l c-ij» :S^Jla 
dismantled, taken apart, taken to pieces 

separated, disconnected, disjoined, Jj~ai* : dJ^Li* 
disengaged, detached, disentangled, disunited, dis- 

dislocated, disjointed, unjointed, out iil5li. : dj£i* 

of joint 

successful; prosperous »uj«-U :^Ji« 

bankrupt, insolvent, broke jm <. ^Ji I ly-li* 

-■ '. v 

flat, flattened, oblate, broad o^y- <■ v^j" '• jvki** 

cracked, split, cleft, fissured, p-jlL. < j^i— • : jli« 

rifted, rent, ripped (apart); rimose 

> »•> .- , < .-•-» 

>•> ,>., 


peppery, pepperish, pepperlike ^Uli : JiU* 

hemiplegic Ls-^J p-^^J uLu : r>^ 

s -' -f'.- 

*"^ '■ , „ '•, 
split, cleft, fissured, rifted, rent, jii^. < J>ii* : jjLu 

ripped, burst(ed), broken apart, dehisced 

blunt, notched, (indented, jagged JL1> : J^li< 

indexed; cataloged, catalogued u-j** ' LfjV" 

»' * • ^ > '-* 

indexer; cataloger, cataloguer ij-jv^i ,y '• Wji** 


understandable, comprehensible, in- J>i«*. : f^i* 

notion, concept, JjJ ju i il^j i jydl : (a*^ r) (>*«-• 
conception; connotation; sense, meaning 

connotation [j-'*-*] (•>**"• 

naturally disposed ^c- <ry-^*> < (J* <J>j*-« : (J* j>i»" 
for, having a natural propensity for, having the 
innate property or innate characteristic of 

weaned; weanling <J>i : f>i»i» 

activated .U , ; . : Jwu 

scanned (verse) (j»i Cwj) J*i< 

brimful, (over)full, replete, filled t( X> > s-j~> :(j) *•!• 
to capacity or overflowing; loaded with, fraught 
with, charged with, crammed with, jammed with 

done; performed J»i 4 J^ i J>~« : <Jj«i« 

effect, influence, impact; action _^U' 4 ^1 : Jjjti* 

effectiveness), validity, opera- iUi i O^j- '■dj*** 
tion, coming into force, taking effect 

object [ijjjjjii. 

UjJliJ (-»J!-J Jj-i* 

adverbial object [ iiJ ] 4_j Jjjii. 

iiJJ<Jjl<]b r l t j*jl<U > 5l Jj*i. 

cognate accusative, unrestricted [iil] jik. Jj^i. 

<iJ J <0u JjJii" 

[1 J *^ J. 

iiJ J J_^LU ^ I 

' ■ - '.. >'- 

passive, passive voice [ iiJ J J^ii ' 


ft ^ 

lost, missing, absent, nonexistent, lacking, want- jjuu 


thinker; intellectual; thinking, reflecting, J^L* : jSju 
meditating, cogitating, pondering, musing; medita- 
tive, pensive, cogitative, thoughtful; rational, rea- 
soning, able to reason 

notebook; aide-memoire; calendar (olj£i« -r) S^S^u 



gratis, free, free of li£« : Jjli- (j~c (j- iuj-v) ^! 
charge, for nothing, at no cost 

interview (rJI i-jjjjilu 4*^1 j[ i*-i*-») *LU< 

audience (* J V?*j *•.',- " a - * * 1 £■» *??*■*" J ) ^l" 

meeting PW^I : *^)^" 

encounter 5 li >« iif»- 1 j-i :*L Li- 

comparison, collation iijli. :«Lli« 

opposition, oppos- j»-l i^ «l»«J fe«lJI j-ij :iLli- 

ing, setting opposite or against 

opposition [ cJUi ] iL li- 

reciprocity; reciprocation, requital, re- Jdlj <Li Li- 
payment, paying back, returning in kind or degree 

fighter, combatant, warrior Vj^"*- : J?** 

fighting, militant, belliger- ojLkLt i JjUi* : Jjli- 

ent, warring, at war 

fighter, combat plane iLili- SjJlL 

fightGng), cbmbat, battle; fighting, com- Xj jU- : &lJu 

bating, battling against 

fighter, combat plane JUi S^U. < iljli* Jjili : <1jL£j 

fighters, combatants, war- o>} jl»«- i ujljli- : iLili- 

riors; fighting forces, warring forces 

borderline, average, mediocre, medium Ja-j :ojliu 

asymptotic(al) [oUiLj] ojli- 

oLiLjJ ojli- J»»- 
approach rJJ 9y»y> iiJUJ *i»jA» :*;jli» 

fighting), quarrel <iJ Lp. j 4 ilj li. : <cj Li* 

comparative ujLju 

comparison iLLii- :<ijLiu 

in comparison with, compared with or to «- ii jliiL 



S vt-lj — jUjI i vLi '(•*»■ 

suffering, sufferance, enduring, JjuLC t »ULL. :SLLa- 
endurance, undergoing, experiencing, going 
through, passing through 

sharer, (co)partner, participant <iJ jli* t ciLji. : ^U- 
sharing, participation, partak- tf!^ t <iHjii.l :<*-U« 


implied, implicit, tacit 

\«A0 t»* 

authorized, empowered, accred- <_jjL^- i Jy»- : yiyu 
ited, delegated, deputized, deputed, invested with 
authority, furnished with power; entrusted (with), 
charged (with), commissioned (to do); entrusted 
(to), committed (to), consigned (to) 

proxy, deputy, authorized J^}** u^>^- < {J )** 

agent or representative, mandatory; commissioner 

-' 'e'\ i ' ■'*'■' 
commissioner 4-jSsJ.l t^oy* 

high commissioner 

C 1 — [JO)** 

police commissioner, commis-y-J^ j\ <i>Ji. <Jey* 

sioner of police 


^-^LaJI J>Lk« {j*}** 

acting partner 
mandator, authorizer 
legation; commisariat 
eloquent, fluent 

-5 . SI- 1 

'-• • I' . *'•' 

useful, of use, helpful, beneficial, advan- jJ U 
tageous, profitable, serviceable; salutary, whole- 

(;oJL») SjuUJI >tjlc vrlj- -4*« j^ 


awake, wakeful, waking 

watchful, vigilant, alert Jo* '■&** 

sober olj£- y^ '■&** 

facing, opposite (to), obverse **■!>• : (-1 ) J* *• 

counter, cross, contrary, opposite j Ua* : Jj U* 

corresponding (to), similar JjC i jlj- : (J) JjLi. 
(to), analogous (to), equivalent (to) 

consideration, return, equivalent; Joy* i Jju : Jj Li- 
exchange; substitute, offset, setoff, recompense, 
compensation; payment; price, rate; fee, charge 

in front of, opposite (to), facing, \ £ L «Im : ^Li. 
face to face with, vis-a-vis; along, alongside of 

in return for, in ex- ^ Uij* i tliJ : J^Li- J <■ J^ Li- 
change for, against, for, upon, on 
antilogarithm ^jli-jLl J^U- 




■'■'■■ ..■. ,"'.■' ' .yy-i.. 

'* • ' i'J 
gambler, player j.\u ,y : j»\L> 

gambling; gamble j-~» < jUi : Sj- li« 

sausage(s) jpU ijilil :<JJ^» 

contractor, entrepreneur |>jJu « j**!. : Jjliu 

contract; agreement; bargain, deal 

jic :<ljliu 

contracting, contracting work(s) oIo+aJ : o^l jli. 

piecework, work by the job iljUlli Jii. 

resisting, resistant, renitent; reluctant, unwill- fjliu 
ing; opposed, opposite, contrary, counter, antag- 
onistic; anti-, counter-, contra-, counteracting; 
resister, resistant, opposer, opponent, adversary, 
antagonist; fighter; combatant 

resistor [ *\ij$\ fjl*» 

*^jP J j^* f J"" 


antiaircraft weapons, antiaircrafts <~»jl oUjUu 

^ - it' 
resistance, opposition, renitency; fight, battle <jjU» 

resistance [»^j*^J **jl*» 

passive resistance' 

popular resistance 


barter, exchange, swap, truck, trade, ibL* :«-ajlij 
trade-off; bartering, barter trade 

firebrand, embeKs) 
domed, domical, cupolaed 

t i fj? '.lytLiu 

•J Jjf l »j«Jf • (J* 


cemetery, graveyard, burial ijCi- ( ^i ju \jJu itjJu 

socket (^ji^) tr/» 

handle, haft, hilt, grip, handgrip, aSCL* : y*i« ' yiiu 
knob, grasp 

doorknob oUI u aji. 

appetizer, hors d'oeuvre, relish (*.l) (o^Li* ^) JJu 

appetizing, stimulating the appetite, (ii^)jJL 

next, following, coming; future, even- f ali 4 ol : J-i« 

ing; partnership 

compensation celiu 

clearing, clearance (cJjCall j^li) C»lL 

clearinghouse i*>Uil jl j 1 <uoUll ii^c 

suing, prosecution, bringing suit »li a W sill ju : SLoliu 
(against), taking legal action (against), institution of 
legal proceedings (against); suit, lawsuit 

boycott ft J^liJI S'j :£«J»liu 

economic boycott *j * L^J I XA> U* 

severance (breakoff, £■ ii I -uaJljliLaJl^ki :< 

rupture) of relations; separation, dissociation, 

breakaway, breakup; breaking (up) with, parting 

company with, breaking off one's friendship with, 

ending a relationship with, breaking off or away 


interruption (vio-JU fLjl)£J»liLi 

province, district, county, terri- Jil «ilCl :£J»lL 

article; essay <Jliu ijl£» 

editorial, leading arti- i-j-Uzi I illi. 1 yfUJ I JU-. 
cle, leader 

essayist, essay writer o^Uil v-olS - 

standing, rank, position, j^*j « j^j* ' *1 x* '■ f ^» 
prestige, dignity 

site, seat, locality, yl£. 1 «_S^. i {-«»>• ' >« : (£■ 

location, place, spot, situation 

shrine, sanctuary jlj«:|.Ul 

context, connection; occasion i_— .L— 1 jC. : |>U^ 

key LiVs-.**]^ 

denominator [oL*»l»j] (j~£Jl) (li« 

common denominator [oL*»l».;J d^^l* (U> 

least common denomi- [oL^^j J j«*»l dj^l* |>U> 


raised, erected, set up, built, £^1 .<. x^. 1 ^1 : dis- 
established, instituted, founded 

"'' 1'* 
abode, dwelling, residence, domicile Ju : {\l* 

\ . AV 

battlefield, battleground J^\ ^fy '•*> 

•' i' '"' 

solvent, able; well-to-do, wealthy, j~y i [£» : jjZa* 

t ijU 


:.' ':.' 
penny-pinching, stingy, niggardly, J-iy :jiu <^hu 

miserly, parsimonious, tightfisted, closefisted, 

hardfisted, grudging; penny-pincher, miser, 

niggard, skinflint 

approaching, oncoming; imminent, impending, cj/ju 

suggested, proposed, offered; ^j3\ < u^jj" '■ &>*** 

borrower; debtor 
voter, elector; voting 
committed, perpetrated 
perpetrator, wrongdoer 

>-•' •:.'■■' 
s'.-> ■ '■■' 

coupled, joined, connected 
united, linked, associated 


tracker, tracer, trailer, follower of tracks } jl y^i* 

<- ' ' ;.' 
economical, economizing, frugal, thrifty, jj-u : , ui7n » 

provident, saving, sparing 

i * ' '-' i i * ■■'■■' 

v, - '-. '•:.:•' 
required, requisite, necessary, (j j i c5jjj*> : u ^" 1 " 

needed; due, proper 

requirements, requisites, prerequisites, ex- oL-iiii. 

igencies, necessities, necessaries, (pressing) needs, 


according to, in accordance j»x-»»j ' o—»- : {J ^" ' i »i 

with, in conformity with, commensurate with, 

pursuant to, in pursuance of, under; by virtue of, 

on the grounds of, on the basis of, on the strength 

of, on the authority of 

short, brief, concise, terse, succinct, j . a:^ < 
laconic; abridged, shortened, condensed, digested 



tual, to come; forthcoming, upcoming; incoming 

buried, interred, inhumed, entombed, 6y -^ : jyi* 


grasped, gripped, held, caught, <j iiL-.l : (*Jlc) tjey** 

seized, grabbed, grappled, clasped, clutched 

arrested, under Jilw i <uic (_^JLll ,JiJI :*Jlc t^e^-i* 
arrest, apprehended, datained, captured, seized, 
held, in legal custody; detainee; prisoner 

received, collected, cashed 

( j) J jaiiT) yi^ii 

accepted, approved of, sub- Jjlill. ,J»»- i J-i : J)Ju 
scribed to, sanctioned; taken; admitted 

acceptable, agreeable, tolerable, reason- «JL : Jj-ii 


acceptable, satisfactory, passable, tol- Joj* : J>:-i* 

erable, adequate, fair, fairly good, moderately good 

admissible, allowable, permis- ^L* i <j r>»— • : oy** 
sible; allowed, permitted, fair 

to detest, abhor, abominate, loathe, ojS" « (jiio I : cJu 
hate intensely 

to be or become abominable, loath- l^jS" (J6 :c»Ju 
some, detestable, hateful 

to make someone detest someone or >£ : (<J J ) C-lt 
something, make abominable to 

- '- ->-.'•'- *- 

detestation, abhorrence, loathing, aversion, <>£ : cJu 
odium, hate, hatred, abomination; disgust, repug- 
(Egyptian) cucumber (oLi) »li» :,^du 

- v» 

eater Jf I :OUit 

herbivorous, phytophagous;oL_J I j I oli* jL. olZu 

granivorous o^jLL olzu 

- ^ ■* * * 
insectivorous, entomophagous; ol^iil; oUu 


carnivorous, zoophagous; carnivore ^y^> oLi-. 

, '• ,-•/ 
adapted; quoted, cited, excerpted, ex- 
tracted; adopted, borrowed 

excerpt, extract >-*J» r i» i 

prime (of youth or life) (j**ll jl <- r 'W^") J--** 

<■-■ • -'-■- ' . ,l .a»flMB»W 

> -AA 

intrepid, bold, courageous, fearless, un- \Sjr >' J** 
daunted, dauntless, brave, plucky, gutsy, defiant, 
daring, audacious, adventurous, venturesome, 

fire steel, fire iron jUI \+> »-juj »'ii£ :**-jjl* <»-juu 
jerked, cured (meat, etc.) («J I -ij) j oiu 

slit, cut lengthwise, cut into JjLllj p^Jail : z'xL 
long narrow strips 

(pre)destined, predetermined, ty»* ' jj-^ : j-ii« 
(foreordained, preordained, decreed, predestinate, 
fated, fatal, fateful 

estimated, assessed, ap- t jli. t ^i. ( jjl*^ : j'jjw 
praised, evaluated, valuated, valued, rated 

implied, implicit, tacit, under- '■'•■/' <■ J+*a* : j ji. 

supposed, assumed, presumed; yi^*** : J-^* 

thought, believed, considered, judged; reckoned, 
guessed, figured up 

anticipated, expected, foreseen «jyu : jlu 

.. . *'* *-•" *' > *-„> 

estimator, assessor, appraiser, ^Li < »yu i j-jm : j jju 

evaluator, valuator, valuer 

fates, destinies jlCai :oljoi« 

power, strength, jjo» toy :Sjoa* iSjjiu iSjoi* 
potency; faculty, ability, capability, capacity; 

sanctuary, sanctum, sacred ^Sk* o^-* ' rj>- ■o-^ 
place or precinct 


sacred, holy, sacrosanct; divine; hallowed, 
sanctified, consecrate(d) 

Palestine, the Holy Land 

i-liil yij'ill 

the sacrament 
Eucharist, Communion 


(_,« -Lai I J_JI 
yjjul ylj till 

hallower, sanctifier, consecrator; ^- jjl J^U : y» jju 
hallowing, sanctifying, consecrating 

• ' * ., 

of or relating to Jerusalem ^ juj L y^U- : <_«, j&, 

arrival, advent, coming, incoming 


l Aa*v j;.-";. ■& rrr^- TT- 




(jt^. I j 

selected, chosen, picked 
(out), culled 

excerpted, extracted, quoted, 

selection, excerpt, extract iLai 

selections, selected writings or pieces, 
anthology, collectanea, pastiche, collection of pas- 
sages, analects, collected excerpts 

death; murder, killing ?r^ A '• J&* 

vital part, mortal organ, mortal Isy^- yiL. : jli. 
spot, vulnerable point, Achilles' heel 

tried, tested; experienced, practiced,^;- i <_/pw : Jli« 

plucked out, torn out, extract- J^»uli t '^J^L : «fc' t 
ed, pulled out, pulled up by the roots, uprooted, 
deracinated, eradicated, extirpated, exterminated 

possessor, owner, holder [ { jjA\) jZli 

acquired, obtained; possessed, owned ^jsi I : ^"It 

acquisition, property, '^\ L. -\iz>\'JzL A <J1l. 

convinced, persuaded; satisfied, contended) -"n't 

J-I» «j>- I j - dyJLt 

daring, daredevil, defiant, ad- J^l. j\ tSj>r '■ f ^i» 
venturous, foolhardy, reckless, rash 

scraper i_iaJv ' *&£* ■ i.a*ii« 

inserted, introduced, interpolated, interca- ( j) oiii 
lated, interjected, set in, put in, thrusted, infixed, 
worked in, intromitted; pushed into, hurled into, 
dragged into, involved in, implicated in; forced, 
plunged, pushed, crammed, wedged, squeezed, 

quantity, amount, mag-ii- j'j t ji- 1 J*^- t ills' : jl oi. 
nitude, size, volume, proportion, deal, measure, 
number; extent, degree, scope, range, rate 

inasmuch as, insomuch as, insofar as, as L. jl ■;,. 
much as, as far as, to the extent or degree that 

quantitative '^6 :£$jlaL. 


r'n-..-: ■- t --- - ..■ <■., 



fate, destiny, lot 

jM £rlj - (ol) *J3 ji -*i 'VOW ;jj- li * J 

parsley (oLi) y-ijjiu lyjjjij 

chervil v^~>) (/vj* 1 ^i-^ 

oar, paddle <JIJl»m :<jji§ iciljii 

- .- -v . V_- 
thrown, cast, flung, hurled, tossed ^^ t ( yJu : u>jjuu 

ejected, emitted, dis- ^Lt 1 1 Jj- jl < £j»- 1 : (Jjii* 
charged, thrown out, extruded 

to preserve in vinegar; to pickle; to Ji»- < ^^ : j* 4 

seat, center; location; site, place «j£. ( jiT^ :^i« 
abode, dwelling, habitation, olil Jm < J£~* :'ju> 

Syr) tjij^t .ju 

residence, domicile, house 



J^»»- «flj-J-*J-L» jut 

lectern, reading desk • (\ji\ S . u a. ; ,» : l^iu 

reciter (of the Holy Koran) 



(pair oO scissors 

shortcut, cutoff, nearest or 5^. 

shortest way 

close, intimate; close or intimate companion Vj* 4 

(friend, associate, etc.); favorite 

-'.- ■ -- '.'.' *. \ -"-- 

L:i^ ? , -:-i :,-,' ' . - : -■' , • 

S 'J 

presented, offered, accorded, <->>»>• ' r>^> : f ' 
granted, given, donated, awarded 

offered, proffered, tendered, extend- yijj*- : c^iu 
ed, presented; produced, brought out or forward, 
exhibited, displayed, shown, demonstrated; staged 

submitted to, referred to, filed <j \ 9j»j* : <J\ f-Aii 
to, presented to, rendered to, brought before, put 
before, handed over to, turned in to, delivered to, 
handed in to 

advanced; placed at the head; put before; given 
precedence or priority (over); given preference 
(over); preferred (to) 

front, face, forepart, front JJ i <*JJ. i j j*o : .ai. 
part, foremost part; forefront, lead, head 

•jJUJI jl <:.i„.ll ^iu 

prow, bow, nose 

major; lieutenant colonel *ij»— *■ V J • f 

antecedent [ oLiL j j |_^L.'» ] f -^ 

prepositive [iil] |>jiu 

in advance, beforehand, in anticipation UL, : U-uL. 

offerer, presenter, giver, donor, donator, ^ jlju ',y> : ^ ju 

applicant lJlLII {Jju 

petitioner <uiuj<JI (.-uL. 

+ JJut 

vanguard, van, advance guardilJJ» : ( ^lli-l) <• 

intro-J%£«lt JlL*c x^Iji *kil»:(«JloL5CJl)i» 
duction, preface, foreword, preamble, proem; pre- 
lude, prelusion 

premises iSCJii :(«JJ alljl ( oiJl) "iJjju, 



- *-#-' 

at the head, ahead, in (the) front, in the o jiil j 
forefront, in the lead; on top (of), at the top (of); 
leading, foremost, headmost, ahead, advance(d) 


. " ■■■'. '-T^ 

installment, time (payment, (*JI ,J'j c ili'j) 
etc.); in (or by) installments 

just, fair, equitable JjLc : 


fa- ' s '' 

divided, parted, split, separated, parti- l^ :*li< 
tioned, sectioned, broken up, subdivided 

distributed, apportioned, allotted, par- «• jy 
celed out, shared out 

i'> *'> 


divider; distributor; dividing; lli J*li 4 ^U : «Ju 


broom, besom 

skimmer, creamer s^LUJI jl<aii ;l jI 1 o^L :«jtli« 

peeled, pared, skinned, scaled, shelled, jj * - - :j£i« 
husked, shucked, hulled; exfoliated; scraped off, 
shaved off 

• a * ,% ,' • 

peeler, parer, scaler, husker j._t:-\\ s | j | : s^^ii* 


scraper; rasp 

plane, jointer, block plane jl^J I » j\i 1 r} 3 *-* : <Lii- 
expectorant, productive .^i : jliL> 

skim, skimmed, creamed ojJi cX jl : jfliu 

^ -• * ,* , - 
(pair of) scissors; (pair of) shears u^ii) ;l jI :yai< 

S JL^t < * tiniX* : 4 nan 



y*^ #\ 

(ijU jSU») ijaiA yt\ 

brocaded, embroidered (with gold and jjL* : < /.nan 
silver threads) 

destination » — a ** u l<- - ' ■'iVj • ' -*»- ■ ' -*»- 



ulcerous, ulcerated, sore 

established, settled, fixed, set, decided, ojI^ : JjL 
determined, determinate; confirmed, affirmed; 
proven, proved; certain, sure, definite, positive 

course; cur- iljlu jl jiul> J ^.Su jr-l^l. : j^lL 
riculum ' ~ ' 

manual, textbook 

JcS cJJ 

i < 

decisions, resolutions; decrees ^IjG* \CjSjju> 

reporter, rapporteur 
loaned, lent, advanced 

(jj 1 &Jii)j£ 

lender, loaner, advancer; creditor ^1 a , 

panegyrist, encomiast, eulogist; praiser, ^ a L. : J»5*» 

commender, extoller 

knocker, rapper, clapper (<_,U I ) ZtjLt 

whip, lash, scourge i>^2. : <t.'jL> 

disgusting, nauseating, sickening, jl^L^^J jii. : eiyu 
repulsive, loathsome, detestable 

coupled, paired, joined, connected, 0j>* : u^* - 
linked, united 

yoke [IS:Lj15^.]6jL 

cerastes, horned viper &j i^. : cjL> 

coupler, coupling jU»» ^ ^liii l*. ^li JJ^J s I j I : <j ji« 


legible, readable 
illegible, unreadable 
ulcerous, ulcerated 
cold, chilly 

IS J : *}£* 

coupled (with), joined (with), connected (_*) 6j>« 
(with), united (with), linked (with), associated 

disgusting, nauseating, <J^ 1 jl^£.^J jii. : jji. 
sickening, repulsive, loathsome, detestable 

hardened, indurate(d), solidified, stiff- i_X*u : ( _ r ^) 
ened, concreted, set, callous 

mistletoe; sebesten tree, cordia 




■•" "■■.... t."-.'' 

res judicata [u^l*] *:;*»«« *«^» 

frowning, ^U :(*»-^)l i v j~jfU-l l u^«M) 

2SS^> <$E 

*. -■» 

scowling, glowering, lowering; sullen, sulky, glum 
distillery, still jJLZ J**» :^iuu 

distilled; dripped, dropped, dribbled; fil- jhi ijhJu 

tered, filtrated, percolated 

» -.» 

distilled water 
still, distillery 
censer, thurible 

1 '-' " . *\? 

•j»V-" :5jJ»i< ijlai* 

section, division, part, portion, piece; ilk» i ^J : jiuu 
passage (of a written work or speech), excerpt 

syllable (^Ui) jii. 

(musical) phrase, passage (^L~j«) «-Lu 

stanza, verse (^"f ) t^*" 

> — * — ~ »^ 

•J»Uu luflj — <J»Uj '■ » rii » 

cross section u*>j«jl«» jl <<«j£ f-m* 

.» >- •- 

crossing (point), traverse; ford j«JI »JaU 

*. -> 
cut up, cut into pieces (into parts, into slices), ^Uu 

carved; divided, partitioned, sectioned, separated; 

dismembered; torn (apart), ripped (apart), lacerated 

scanned verse »J»i» j»i c~j 

vassal, feudal tenant, (^clliijll (ILJI j) jki* 


cutter, cutting instrument (tool, ma- <o <Juj l> : ^Lu 

chine, machine part) 

paper knife, paper (^)J JiC^JI «clj) Jj^JI ^Lu 

paper cutter (io^*' j) Jj^JI j-kiw 

basket, scuttle, frail "Hi i iL. : uuaia 

- * • ' * - » .'■ ■ 

fruit picker, instrument for jLJI ^ «LI »bl :< ihii» 

picking fruit 

\> i " t i- 

cotton plantation ^Ut **jj» '• *'< nao 

> . - >. - ', •„- 
towed, tugged, hauled, <->y—* < jjj»v '-Ji*** 

trailed; trailered 

,.-._ .,,„.„.,.,, i.^,, _ ^ ,», , 


shortened, curtailed, abridged, re- J^L. -ui : j^mj 

bleached, blanched, discharged 

.»'» * -■» 

neglectful, negligent, remiss, slack, dere- J*p 
lict, delinquent 

failing, flunking; JuL : (y- j j jl ol>^ I j) 

bleacher; fuller (iiji^l) jCai > (^i~-i : 

buffet; refreshment counter; refresh- ui 

*~» * -•» 

ment room; canteen, cafeteria, snack bar 
broken jS^> :uhd 

cutting, sharp, incisive, keen «J»l» : J-ai-> 

guillotine f^t^ ^ :«l,na» 

-- • . , , . « 
to guillotine, behead with a guillotine iLoiiU (j*-\ 

*• " ,-■» ' l- 
intended, purposed, meant, aimed at,^** i j 1^ : j>^u 

intentional, deliberate, willful, intend- ju»i» : j^^U 
ed, purposed, designed, meant, calculated, done 
purposely, done on purpose, voluntary, conscious, 

limited to, restricted to, confined ^tj^ju, i^cj j . fi i u 
to; exclusive, sole 

compartment; cabin; closet, cabinet; box, Ijya** 
loge; stall; booth 


!^llll(;jCi)'' ' "' 

cut, cut off, clipped, snipped; jj>v i f->l»i« : 0*3-*** 
scissored; sheared, shorn, sheared off, fleeced; 
mowed, cut down 

narrated, related, recounted, j j^— • < t5 j^ : yoyo** 
told, recited, reported 

pruning hook; pruning <_.^/> ibl : 1 _ . ,nii ■ toUuu 

knife; pruning shears 

- ■•* ■» .1' 
carried out, executed, accomplished, jaw : i^out 

achieved, finalized, terminated, finished, conclud- 
ed, completed; performed, done, fulfilled, dis- 
paid, settled, discharged *y x# 1 j j_^ : yfii* 





eyeball (c^Jl)<iiu 

eye ^1* : iLu 

imitation, imitative, imitated, counterfeit, i_«JI j : jdLt 
forged, mock, mimic, false, sham, fake, spurious, 

imitator; mimic; imitative 
counterfeiter, forger, imitator 


contractile, constrictive, constringent; astrin- o»Lu 
gent, styptic, puckery 

(stone) quarry (»'J»»-) jj*« 

worrying, worrisome, troubling, disquieting, jlL 
disturbing, upsetting, disconcerting, discomposing,' 
distressful, perturbing 

JiUi* «rlj- Jili* 

clipped, trimmed, cut, cut back, pared, oil* : Jju 

pruned, lopped 

? ' > *-> 
striped, streaked, barred, stripy, ILm : JUu 

streaky, ruled; striated) 

clippers (^lll _,! jjlify) £JLi 

pen case »5UI iiiiiw :*Jii 

,■>„•, „.«•, 

fried ,1* ( (ii. :^JUu 

> ,, , > *, 

turned; turned over, overturned, u-£»* « i_Ji : ojJUu 

tipped over, upset, capsized; turned upside down; 
reversed, inverted; reverse, inverse, converse 

*" - * * * ■■•, 
cardiac <Ui j |Iju uLu :ojLu 

upside down; topsy-turvy; inside out, out- ojiiiL 

side in; wrong side out; backward^), backwardly, 

reversely, in reverse, conversely 

"•> * * 

fried ^ t ^li. :^Lu 

casmo, gambling house, gambling club jCiiJ jU :^ju 


moonlit, moony ^J :^«ju 

casino, gambling house, gambling club jllilJ jU : ijju 

lice-infested, lousy, pedicular Jjl : J*L < J*iu 



cut, cut off, severed; chopped off, _,_>£_. : fjiL 

lopped off; amputated; broken; divided, sectioned; 
sundered, separated, disconnected; cutaway, cut- 

lump sum; fixed sum 'fy^** Mr* 

piece (of music), passage, musical (ili~- j- ) i^kt. 
composition, tune 

strophe, stanza; short poem (^j>^) *i>iaiw 

consumption <iJ!^i-l :<^Jiii 

* * •- 
picked, gathered, reaped, harvested, i^lL* : ci^Lu 

plucked out, pulled off 

to quaff, drink deeply; to toss (down or (ol^JI) »i» 
off), drink un- 
seat; chair; bench; settee, sofa, couch (oclju -A 

crippled, cripple, lame, disabled, incapaci- j»-U : 
tated, infirm, invalid; shut-in; basket case ' 

buttocks, posterior, seat, backside(s), jlif <■ y.s : i j*u 
rump, fundament 

concave, dished, hollo w; deep j_.r « <jjk* : jiii 

convexo-concave, concavo-convex i_. jk. ^i. 

biconcave, concavo-concave OrirS" j"-* 

rhymed, rhyming, assonant (»$£ ( ji^i) ,yuu 

closed, shut; locked, latched, bolted; j^i* : JiL 


to look at, eye, regard J I ^ki : Jju 

fryingpan silL (( ^L 

key ^uL : j5lL 

(reins of) government, power, control JO-I aJli. 
sling, slingshot, catapult ij*»l.\ < - i - ii ' • !'*• : Oli* 
dump (pULJl) 

prank, waggery, practical joke, Xco^- < ii-ji : v'^ 
frolic, playful trick; April fool, April fool's joke or 


** J»V ' **j** '• l> 

1 crj*" ' tr^y '■ c^" 

straightened, made !..»:„ 


*'' *'' *'■> ^r.-" 

evaluator, valuator, estimator, j-uL. i ^^jj i ,.a. : »_yu 

assessor, appraiser, valuer 

rectifier, corrector, reformer, »jL-a< < r Jfc<a ' : f>" 
adjuster, fixer 

rectifier, detector [ *Ijj*^] £i* 

constituent, component, ((-- LI) j„a^x.((jyL. :<yLi 
ingredient, element 

constituents, components, ingredients, oli^U 
elements, basic factors, fundamentals, essentials, 
basics, vitals 

straightener; straightening 

emetic, vomitive 
emetic, vomit 


measure, measurement, jCc 4 jLiu 1 JL5L. : ^Liu 
gauge, standard measurement), unit or scale of 
measurement; standard, criterion, yardstick, 
touchstone, test; scale; norm 

meter, counter 

jioc : 



: ruat i (**■*■ ' (j* 1 ^* >(j M ^^* 

measure, deal, size, magnitude, 
quantity, amount, degree 


TT •(J*"- 






vacuum gauge 







• S .1 • 

Jl-S ^ • 

jj.A.'.'.'J 1 (J-mUJL* 

5jlj**l ^LJL* 

' * 

arched, vaulted, arcaded 

j_jjj«j *j U:«. 

* —j *-- > 

masked, masqueraded, disguised, JL^u> 1 •■•;•■ : -'St 
in disguise; veiled 

convincing, persuasive, ^mu 1 JjliJI J* <_L»o '* -m 
cogent, valid 


a , > ■"_» 

rationed jyij jl Jlj^tl jl Jjuu p-jv* ' • '*- 

cafe, tJJ oLt^llj Sj4«JI *-i /»JUJ |»lc (jl^Lt :<jt&* 

coffeehouse, coffee shop; coffee room 

*, - • > >'- 
subdued, subjugated, con- <->y»* ' j-o~ : jjfi* 

quered, vanquished, overcome, defeated, beaten 

* v~ 

compelled, coerced, constrained, »* ^. « ^~>m '• j.**** 

strengthening, fortifying, invigorating, (iSjiil) >u 
bracing; tonic; restorative 

strengthened, fortified, consolidated, reinforced, i£yu 
braced; enriched; intensified; hardened 

halter, leash ^.j : iyU 

steering wheel, driving wheel SjuJI iL«* : j^Li 
handlebars i=rO-^' J >" 

a- •* a'.* 

hollow; hollowed out, scooped out, <-»>v : jyu 
gouged; excavated, caverned out 

decollete, low-cut, low-necked (dress); j^L. <_jjj 

bent, curved, crooked, u^m 1 /,»^ 1 y-yi-^ : y^ 
bowed, bow, bow-shaped, arcuate(d), arched, 

said, uttered, stated Jli : Jyu 

cast, molded, blocked, formed, shaped, o^-— • : >-J>u 
fashioned; stereotyped 

category, predicament [^k^J iJ^u 

categorical, predicamental [ J^lai* J IJ^ii 

a'^ a'^ a'-* a'> 

evaluated, valuated, estimated, joi. 1 ^j^ti 1 ~Ju : »yu 
assessed, appraised, valued, rated 

rectified, corrected, reformed, Jo«-i t T»u<a« : c_y>-« 
adjusted, fixed, set right 


; '"'•I' ' ", 

v .»m:;,-urr ,.;a 


domiciled, dwelling, living, inhabiting 
permanent, lasting, enduring c-lj'ijb : •*!• 

suffering, sufferance, enduring, sUl*. i iCli» :ojuI£j 
endurance, undergoing, experiencing, going 
through, passing through 

stickler, unreasonable contender; oiU. i iiL>-u. :^l>-< 
stubborn, obstinate 

stickling, unreasonable con- sjjIm ii£»-C* :o^jIXj 
tention; stubbornness, obstinacy 

correspondent JjC^JI am JjC-j ^ lyJiXj 

correspondent, reporter, l£*"° Or' J" :L t-i^* 

correspondence, exchange of letters, iL, \y : vJ 1£-j 


donkey driver, muleteer; packer; hirer (tSjlSUl) jl£« 
(of donkeys, mules, horses, etc.) 

tollman, tax collector u"£^ S-*"* : tr>^-* 

equivalent, equal; correspond- o— Li i jL. : J^^* 
ing, commensurate; adequate, fit(ting), suitable 
parabola ^*^* f-l»» 

reward, requital, repayment, recom- >ljp- :»IjI£« 
pense, remuneration, retribution, compensation 

bonus, premium *!• I £\ i s j^U : :U ISC* 

struggler, striver, (freedom) oj»Uw 4 J*>u« : £*^ 
fighter; combatant 

talk, conversation, discourse, dia- ilLlk* : I*Jl£« 
logue, interlocution; speaking to, talking to, ad- 

(telephone) call, (telephone) con- (Cijlt; ) iJlC* 


place, spot, site, local- j^» ( »J^. < *-*>ji 4 |[}m : ul£« 

ity, locale, locus; venue; seat; position, location; 

area; space, room 

public place Jbo^ 

whereabouts ^U : j^-j o^* 

*,. ' 

ij^t^JI try 

Llj^JI ^Li* 




anemometer, wind gauge Wf'O-j rvo" : -^ lt^* 

barometer cS^f-l J-i.'nll ^-Li. 

sphygmomanometer, manometer >jJI iuu> ^Li* 


iijxj jlj Ol jljjl .hi»^ (_j«Ljw 


i < . Ill 1 jj-Li* 



centigrade scale 



pluviometer, rain gauge 

j!u.\ (j-Li« 


4 n.'wll /r'LJL* 


. 5 .* • 

^a- .'.11 ^Luw 

standard; normative 

(j;jLil« : (_j«Liu 

abominable, loathsome, detestable, <*£ <. c/ a.;,i 
execrable, disgusting, repulsive; hateful, odious; 
detested, abhorred, hated 

nourishing, nutritious, nutrient, nutritive Ju 

the Feeder, the Nourisher <*Xil 

bound, tied, fettered, shackled, J^li.* i J31* : Ju. 
(en)chained, (handcuffed, manacled 

bound, obligated; obligor ^ jL. 

> > - 
limited, restricted, confined, captive; j^»»m 

restrained, checked, curbed, bridled 

registered, recorded, entered, uj->-» 'J=«— • - 
listed; enrolled 

unlimited, unrestricted, unbounded, ^- : 
unrestrained, uncontrolled, free 

restrictive, restricting, limitative, limiting * 

* - * *'„* 

fJ** Jf'j-J- 1 " '(>■"• '(.>** •pi 4 * 

(«yU J^-lj-jOi. iyW (f^* IjvJU 

resident, inhabitant, habitant, dweller; j£L. : ^ 
settled, sedentary; staying, remaining, residing, 


\ ^0 

■ ' -■•■'■•:■ " 

curbed, checked, in check, controlled, f^>u : ryS^ 
(kept) under control, bridled, contained, held 
(back), withheld, kept back or down, restrained, in 
restraint, suppressed, repressed, subdued, inhibited 

pressed, compressed, squeezed i>y^> : yy£-> 

pickled; preserved in vinegar; rJJ JJ-li L r>^-» 

office, bureau Jl*JI »j!j[ u^ : '-«'',&« 

study, office ^j j jl ijLS' ii^c : i_-iSLi 
desk, bureau <>U5CJJ <JjU» :t_-5C 

politburo l*"~" s-**^" 

library, Ul^-jl^-o 

" ., i , i ~ , --• - 

bookshop, bookstore t_j£) I »1J ci jI*j Jj« : i-i£* 
office-; desk-; library- (. :"£ » 

desk work; clerical work; office work ^5C J*i 
subscriber (Jl^) '--■ ' ^-» 

underwriter (oIju—jI *+~\j) <^&^ 

tenant, lessee, leaseholder >>-£— • : (i$ji£ll) jiiu 
rented, hired, leased >r^—« '-<Sj£-» 

attentive (to), heedful (of), (-») Jt^ : (J) ii>^ 

mindful (oO, observant (of), concerned (about), 
interested (in) 

indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested, £>jS~* j^ 

disinterested, apathetic, nonchalant, insouciant, 


acquired, gained, won, earned, got- oj~5^ : i-..,. VX < 

ten, obtained 

i - --:>' **- '' -:>' *.- 

^ »^-lj -4__-X- < uj*>- <i- x -» ^>- 

discovered, found out, detected, i.i'r.'fl xi'vCt 
spotted, unearthed 

discoveries; findings oli^d 


i.iV:<l Jfcli :< aVC. 

<y ° 

in place of, instead ,y> "i-u : liS" o&» j <■ ^ u^ 

of, in lieu of, as a substitute for 

somewhere U 6^-« J 

very important or significant, of l>1£*j jSr**"^ 0? 
considerable (or great) importance or significance 

standing, rank, position, dignity, »liu < ilj^ :<jl^4 
prestige, status, stature 

local; spatial "(£j~>- : yi\&4 

spatiality ^^* 

(J* l r 1 ^'* ffr'j "(J* '-.•*■' 
spool, reel, bobbin *-~"j ' «jSy : *r^f 

ball (of thread), hank (of yarn) iii. : Lid 

conglobate(d), agglomerated), globular jlsC : l>Xi 

brake iCji :£•&• 

enlarged, magnified, blown (up), expand- -i-i. '-jS— 
ed, swollen 

amplified [ dtj^ J JjiO 

, .-*<•' *- ' 

amplifier [ A>j£ J jSu 

loudspeaker, speaker o^aJ I ^y-i 

magnifying glass ""j^ »jU»j 

press; compressor; compress Ia«,.a. : y<^? 

piston; ram [lSLjlSL>] («-i«.aU) (j4^-; 

ramrod dji. :(^.LJl) a 4£• 

cotton press, compress o^' cr^? 

letterpress, copying press JjC^ll jl £_JI (j-X. 

shackled, fettered, (en)chained, .u.^.. i iJU : J«iw« 
(hand)cuffed, manacled, bound, tied 

'•, >. - >•,- 
suppressed, repressed, sub- ryely^ i u~yj** '■ £>y**> 

dued, restrained, inhibited, checked, in check, con- 
trolled, under control, bridled, curbed, confined, 
pent-up, penned, kept in, low-key(ed) 




to stay in, remain in, reside in, dwell _. *\*\ : _j CS.» 
in, live in 

talkative, garrulous, loquacious /iSCJI jj^i" :jl££j 

rich, wealthy, well-to-do JULI jyif : j2k- 

condensed, concentrated, thick(ened), inspiss- ■ >■< - 
ated; intensified; intensive, massive, intense 

capacitator, condenser; inspissator; condens- ■ '^ - 

ing, concentrating; intensifying 

kohl suck, eye pencil, \^_ J*&i i I * 1 1 jjj* : JU^j 

[i_J>j oitjUdl jJU f - j J,t«, r ,. J sbl (.iijM •'•■ -j? t 
curette, curet 

JUL jrlj-jijy 

accumulated, amassed, heaped ^j. ( .^C : y* j£j 
up, piled up 

overworked, exhausted, fa- 
tigued, overtired 

bruised, contused 


kohl jar, kohl container 

to deceive, delude, cheat, double-cross, «• j»- : ( _, ) ^£» 

cunning, craftiness, slyness, tl oi- « ol£ « »li j :JZ> 
wiliness, double-dealing, deception, deceit, arti- 
fice, guile 

hirer, lessor; landlord J*.y 

rented, leased, let, hired (out) J^y- '• <$')>** 

carburetor [\SLj\SL~.] &'£, 

ruse, artifice, stratagem, So-SL. < ic oi- ( ill*- : a^C* 
subterfuge, trick, wile 

repeated, reiterated; bis 

)liu '-j£-» 

refined, purified, clarified, fil- j>.^, ( ^l- : j^C 

repeater, reiterator; repeating, reiterating jl^ : j*j£~> 
refiner, purifier, clarifier; refining, puri- j^ : j^sd 

(over)crowded, packed, jammed, **■ s'y : h'^t 

crammed, chock-full, congested, serried, chock- 
ablock; overpopulated, populous, densely popu- 

tied (up), bound jli, • < »vC". 

satisfied, contended) ( ;<li) < ;-C. 

agglomerated), conglobate(d), globular, JiSji : J^SCl 
lumpy, massed, clustered (into a mass or ball); 
compact, concentrated 

complete, full, whole, entire, total, per- J^tf" : J,<' t 
feet, consummate; plenary; completed, finished, 
concluded, perfected, consummated, rounded off, 
rounded out 
Plenary (»LiSll)jJ& 

firm, dense, thick, solid, compact, \y> \jl+ tyi, - j <" t 
close, tight, compacted, compressed 

surrounded by, encompassed by, j i_»yj« : _, uLlSi* 
encircled by, enclosed by, beset with, involving, 
attended with, charged with, fraught with, filled 
with, full of 

surrounding, encompassing, _. .!•_«-. , J ok< : '..l i-^T i 
circumambient, ambient, encircling, enclosing, 

written, inscribed, written o»Jj< 1 6j J- ' j^* : ujJc 
down, put down in writing, set down in writing, 
recorded in writing, on paper; composed, com- 
piled, drawn up, drafted, indited 

handwritten ijjji- : jJl ljj^SL. 

fated, destined, predestined, jli. : ( J*.) o^ic 
predetermined, foreordained, preordained 

letter, note, message, dispatch, com- XJL j : o>3c 
muni cation, missive, epistle 

tied (up), bound xJL. i i_i;3C : <Jy& 

*~ ~, >* 
having the arms folded or crossed iJcSl:* : <Jy3L. 

hidden, concealed, kept, (j^ i Jt ^- < ('<»>-• : f>*^* 
kept secret, undisclosed; secret, surreptitious, 

\ ^Y 

' — -a 

broken, fractured, shattered, smashed, ,,\*-*.* \jyS.t 
crashed, crushed 

defeated, vanquished, 


J.**--** : J 



\ flinXjlj 





lie detector, polygraph 

<_JJ5CJI (J 



* n*iii» i LUM 1 4\xa 






s;-> >.- 

J « 

bare(d), exposed, uncovered, jU i ^ai^ jS : LJy'.C. 

coverless, open, roofless, unveiled, naked, nude, 

barefaced, unconcealed 

-. > >.- >-, 
risque, off-color, racy, sugges- .»,'.;v». ^ : (Jj-ISL. 

tive; obscene 
bareheaded, hatless 

overdrawn account cij-iSL. i_>C»- 

openly, overtly, publicly, in public ciy^SQl ^c 

JaL SJaL. p-lj -(JjlJUl Jc (l_-k-) 4-*- 

suppressed, repressed, inhib-^^-j*. i o^-SC : rjJiSC* 
ited, kept in, contained, pent-up, penned 

cube ilSli ^t Li JS j yr - 1 -* p-^ : *r**^-* 

cube (L. ills') (_-*5C 

cubical), cubiform, cube-shaped ( JSLJ I ) (_-*5C 

cubic ix™^ •<—**-• 

s>' *■• 
cubic meter i_Ji5L» ji« 

dark, gloomy, dusky; cloudy, clouded (over), ^i£« 
overcast; surly, sullen 

blind j>jj> '(j«-«-l '.LtyS^t 

> • , •*• 
guaranteed, warranted, ensured, se- <j>«-a-* : J>a£-« 


jetty; (sea)port t L_. ^iSCa 

calcified, calcined ^jis" <jj J^k» t ^JsCii : (jJSC 

plastered with lime, white- u-iSJL ^JJ** : (^riS^* 

charged (with), commissioned (with), en- ( j ) uU£» 


:'.j..v,'-.vs:-.>.w.' ■. 


fying, clarifying, filtering 
dedicated, consecrated, devoted 
sanctified, hallowed 
(firmly) established, 



-Jam . ^p^ 



well-established, (well-)founded, settled, stabilized, 
fixed; consolidated, strengthened; confirmed, cor- 

honored, revered, venerated; venerable, Jj«~« : *£* 

noble deed; noble quality or {fj&* r) <*£» i<*j& 

forced, compelled, coerced, con- ^ i ~i.y> : »^Sw< 
strained, obliged 

loathsome thing, hateful thing; adver- ia£j> < <a^j 
sity, calamity, misfortune, mishap 

anguished, agonized, suffering, dis- t->joLi : ojjX* 
tressed, grieved 

misfortune, adversity,^ « jj-i*- ' <, : ...^» i «-£ : »}j*^ 
inconvenience, discomfort, trouble; mishap, mis- 
adventure, accident; harm, damage, injury 

to collect tolls, duties, taxes, etc. er^-^' cr^ • cr^* 

toll, duty, duties, impost, i-j^ ' r»- j : (cr^-« r) y£* 
excise, tax 

gain, profit, advantage, ben-(i r —lSc r-)>->-S^« i 
efit; earnings, winnings; proceeds, revenue(s) 

profitable, lucrative, remunerative, 

broom; sweeper i-^SC : o«_5^ 

broken, shattered, smashed, in pieces ,.!»■»■» : j-y~> 

(mixed) nuts, crackers; canapes o^l^ <■ Jii : oljlSl* 

clothed, clad, dressed, .AL. ( ( _ r LJw i juj* : yS-» 

garbed; covered; overlaid, coated, plated 

CI-** "^ 


■ Ljy&j> 


,"-, ■ , ', ' '■x ^.-^: 1 

in a position to, make possible for; to empower, 
give power or authority to 

surnamed, nicknamed, called 

power, ability, capability, ca- i ji < ij jS i iy : 0^< 
pacity, faculty; strength, force; intensity 

thesaurus {y^* r) j^-« 

broom, besom; sweeper *'•*' <_■ i iii. : ' 'c" t 

carpet sweeper, sweeper ^j' 1 ; 11 ''V ■" ** * ■"• 

vacuum cleaner, vacuum sweeper i-JUjiS" i_JC 

to mechanize (j£*» 

mechanization *•'•<', 

hoarded, amassed, accumulated, trea- yj5L> : jy£-» 
sured (up); buried, hidden 

hidden, concealed, ensconsed, sheltered,(«iu») u^£~» 
covered; harbored, cherished; well-kept 

hidden content ( ~ I ) ijy^* 

electrified <-?}£** 

iron, flatiron (oQj I ) 5 \jSLs 

cautery, hot iron (i.,..lil I ) 5 I^C 
branding iron, hot iron, brand __• : i\£~* 

steam iron 

.5 ' ' * ' 

curling iron jLUI »iyC 

, ' • ^ .» * 
stay, sojourn, residence; staying, i>UI i ti£* : ii>^£Li 

remaining, residing, dwelling, living 

saddle rj» i Jl»-j '-j^-> 

conglobate(d), agglomerate(d), *J£-* <■ jlsl* : j^SL. 
globular, round 

streptococcus ^*~CH ^ (_/pi :<i.u* j^SL. 

staphylococcus U^ciCJI ^. (_/^i :t$j^Lj. j^SL. 
turban «1Cp :j>S-» 

shuttle *■•--_} : *£JjX« 

drinking cup ^.u i ^-U. : dJ^SC 

■ , ■yj-.vr.T.v: 


■'■• """ i 

trusted (with), assigned (to); in charge (of); res- 
ponsible (for); required (to), instructed (to), 
ordered (to), commanded (to); obligated (to), 
bound (to) 

taxable, subject to taxation i-j^oJJ *-«i»l>- : eJlSl. 
taxpayer i_JI^»JI j_»1j i^iJSCi 

designate jju L»~j e JHu J_j i_..n:,.l jLi« : i_jl£_» 
president designate, president-elect tJlSL. ,_ r - ij 
ambassador designate i_jlSl» ^ji! 

expensive, costly, high-priced, dear JU. : oil£_. i ._a.l.Sr. a 
crowned ,-^i. : J1SL. 

snowcapped r* 1 ^ <^-" 

laureled, laureate, (enhvreathed, gar- jUU JISL. 

speaker, talker 
wounded, injured 

completed, finished, concluded, wound , J . " ■ : JiSL» 
up, finalized; perfected, consummated, rounded 
off, rounded out; complemented, supplemented; 
complete, full, whole, total, perfect, consummate 

integral, complementary, supplementary; -.,:.. : J*Xj 
completing, concluding, finishing, perfecting, con- 
summating, consummative; integrant 

muzzled o^-* : i***- 4 

ambush, ambuscade, hiding place, dj-ic r-) j*£< 
lurking place; place where something lies or is 

muzzled IS-* : m*£« 

, ^ ^ „ -v „ - . -* , 
to be or become strong, firm, ^ j i ,jL. t [$y : jSZ> 

solid, fixed, stable, unshakable, firmly established 

to become influential i;l£»j i!^--. I i jU» : ojlj. yC 
with, have or gain influence (weight, prestige) with 

to strengthen, consolidate, cement, firm cJJ : ji^« 
up, pillar, rivet, secure; to establish firmly, settle, 
make firm; to fix, fasten 

to enable to, put J* Ijjli <dij>- i J* joi :,j» J>L> 



tire (of), weary (oO 

to fill, fill up; to fill in 

to fill out (a form), fill in jlj £I>JI i J jCi.^11 & 
(the blanks) 

to wind, wind up itCJI %• 

to be solvent, able l^-j- U-l* 6^" : >L* 

% j^lj-U :X» 
to prolong someone's life \»j^ **" ») yU 

to make enjoy for a long time (jJJ v-r^ ^ •) cr" 

the public, people, all, everybody; i*U»- i j^^r '■ x> 
crowd, gathering, assembly, congregation, multi- 

-. » «-- 
heaven, the world of angels <J^I "^ 

publicly, in public, openly, overtly, before xll J* 
the whole world 

open country 
desert, wilderness Aj*«o :x» 

filling; filling up; filling in X. jj-a* : *J* 
mullah Jl-. A-i» : >* 

t ' • > * . 

bread baked in hot jU-l ^Ujll j p^~a >»■ '■ <j" 

filling, fill, quantity which fills; quantity x^ L. : > J* 
contained in 

all; full, complete; absolute, ^Ik. i fi <. Ji : *J- 


one's fill, as much as one can eat <llL I^a 

pocketful i_~r i^ 

^ , ft i^J e 

full (complete, absolute, un- «M ^il jl aj^J-I ^ 
limited) freedom, liberty, right, etc. 

cupful, glassful -rji j I ,j-o jl i_>^S ^ 

spoonful «i»i* iSt 

^^ ^ 

' ' ' i - , . . * ), 

space shuttle »La*JI <i)jX<. > yJLai <i)^5L. 

* ' is '. 

shuttle diplomacy djSCll i_-Ljlb a 

shuttle (diplomacy, etc.) S£l\ JJ o>~ U : ij* 3>— 

heaped (up), piled up, stacked f$\j^ <cr-*>-» : f>»-* 
(up), amassed, accumulated; accumulative 

formed, shaped, fashioned; i-iiy < Jx-i» : uj£» 

created, made, built, originated; established, set up, 
instituted, constituted 

consisting of, made up of, composed of ^ uy~* 

creator, maker, originator; form- Jx-L* i J^ry : uy*» 
er, shaper, fashioner; formative 

ingredient, constituent, compo- j^s. i ^^i« : 0^-« 
nent, element 

ironed, pressed, laundered (^W^) ^3^* 

*i/^\ srr '■4^-' 
(J^WC £ ) JIX. 



branded ' 

measure; dry measure 

plot, conspiracy, machina- 
tions), scheme, intrigue, cabal 
stratagem, artifice, ruse, ill*- 1 ica»- 1 i»ja»- : S-uSC« 
subterfuge, trick, wile 

adapted, adjusted, accommodated, conformed, <Jl£*j> 
conditioned, fitted, suited, framed, geared; regu- 
lated; formed, shaped, fashioned 

air-conditioned i\jk\ '-j^* 

adapter, adaptor, conditioner; adaptive, adjus- <Jl£*j> 

tive, conditioning 

air conditioner *l^» i_a-3L- 

air conditioner «ly> * && » 

firm, solid, strong, substantial; £_- 1 j « ,j-f« : o^* 
firmly established, deep-seated, deep-rooted, in- 
veterate , ^ 
influential, distinguished, of oJj~»j <)15C« jj : -SL* 

to be or become weary (of), ^ : (a_« j I *<^H) J* 
(sick and) tired (of), bored (with), fed up (with); to 




(accompanying) circumstances, <~*/j» : oC}£ 
(surrounding) conditions, concomitants, accompa- 

sailor, seaman, mariner, boatman 




pilot, aviator, flier, flyer, airman, jllL : ^^i- t£. 

astronaut, spaceman, cosmo- »Lai J»- j : ^JLai ^-i. 
naut C 





beauty, grace(fulness), prettiness, hand- jli- : o-5L 
someness, comeliness 

salina jJll ^1>£.I J-i 

saltworks, saltern 

navigation i^iL 

aviation, air navigation 


»L» «— a« :i»-x« 

noticeable, obvious, clear, marked, Xyj* : Ji».5£ 
distinct, salient, remarkable 

observer t_-»l^ :Ji*»5tl 

supervisor, superintendent, overseer cjpi : ^-ii 
foreman, ganger Jl^JI ^-Jj :(jCj|) J«-il 

observation, noticing, taking Jii-'i j '^V - : iiV- ^i 
notice of, noting, perception, seeing, remarking, 
realization; notice, attention, heed; supervision, 

note, postscript, jji: . iliU- < ik^i. : iki-^i 
NB, PS; remark, observation, statement, comment 

followed; followed up; pursued, chased; j jlii : J»-S£ 
fugitive, runaway; outlaw 

pursuer, chaser i.,;'.;. < jjlLl :<J»-S£ 

pursuit, chase, chasing, going t_-i*J i i jjLL. 
after, running after, hunt(ing), trailing, tracking, 


navigational, marine, maritime 


refuge, retreat, shelter, sane- J 3 t. « JU , ti. : j£ 
tuary, asylum, harbor, haven, hideaway^ resort, re- 

jLS^\ A*"lj ■ 

handful jjj ^, 

a voice full of mercy iiLtJI »^L. o^> 

to be sound asleep -J_ii- ^ 111 

solvency, ability ,1^1 Jc SjlJ i jL :»f% 

wrap; veil (&Q) j ^ 

sheet, bed sheet ( ^jj \)a$. 

angels (iiJ& i»j>.) *&:£, 

angelic(al) ^&& 

suitable, fit, agreeable, acceptable, jil^i t ^C : J^ 
convenient, expedient, favorable, propitious, 
advantageous, appropriate, right, suited, adapted, 
proper, becoming, fitting, seemly, adequate, fea- 
sible, apt, opportune, timely, seasonable; harmo- 
nious, 'in harmony, in agreement, in accord, 
concordant, consonant, accordant, agreeing, 
matching, consistent, compatible, in conformity, 
conforming, conformable, congruent, congruous 
fitness, suitability, suitableness, "<ii f^ , illC : <, i^, 
agreeability, agreeableness, convenience, expedien- 
cy, expedience, favorableness, propitiousness, ad- 
vantageousness, appropriateness, properness, pro- 
priety, adeauacy, aptness 

>-'*„- * • ,, 

harmony, agree-^LL" i Jil^" 4 JU;| t ^U^l : £ t%. 

ment, accord, concord, consonance, consistency, 
consistence, compatibility, conformity, congru- 
ence, congruity 

adaptation, adjustment, accommo- ■ • < j : "C t"^. 
dation, conformation, conformity, suiting, fitting 

harmonization, reconciliation, ilcd i JJ>y : i. *il 
attunement, tuning, bringing into harmony or 
agreement, matching, suiting, causing; to cor- 
respond, making consistent or compatible or con- 

(re)conciliation, peacemaking Ju» » ikJLal : ~C t^L 

(close) association, intimacy, i'jLc. i s^ili* : i_j5£ 
intimate social intercourse or relations 



u .\ 

^— WHlMli i 1 III!'— 1M— 1^| 

gence, compliance with (someone's wishes), will- 
ingness to please, flattery 

caress(ing), fondling, petting JJlu : iliS- 

playmate, playfellow 

snake charmer 


playOng); joking, jesting, 

fun(making); dalliance; joke, jest, banter, good- 
natured teasing, pleasantry, raillery, frolic, wag- 

spoonbill ^L.^IU» :^i*5L 

meeting; encounter; reception JLiL-l <. iljli. :Sl»5L 

angel £L:tix\ 

angelica, archangel dlblil <. ' ,.. ' . > ■ 

landowner, landholder, landlord, (tJJ ^ I 'fi I ) dJ Is- 
landed proprietor, real estate owner 


j^-lj-iiUU :d% 



personnel, staff 

,jA'j.\ hi* 

boxer, pugilist, fighter; gladiator 




boxing match, fight 


fidgetiness, restlessness 

troop carrier 



armored vehicle 


iil^. :ii£. 





(<>r) ^j^ 
, -' >' >, 

»La* 4 

J»^ : fj^» 

accompanying, attendant, con- 
comitant, collateral 

inherent, innate, insepara- JjU* j-i i J*»ll« : ( j jL 

adhering to, sticking -> Mm,'* <■ -> JUit : (J) fj>L 
to, clinging to, keeping to; inseparable from, keep- 
ing close to, staying constantly with; persisting in, 
persevering in, hanging on to; remaining at, stay- 
ing at 

adherent, follower, partisan j^aj i^l": f j^ 


first lieutenant 
second lieutenant 

<V J 

accompanying, accompani- <L»-d- liiilj* :i«j5U 
ment, attendance, concomitance, collaterality 

inherence, innateness, *i jU. |.jlc i Ji»G : o j)U 
inseparability, inseparableness 

adherence to, sticking to, _> cLxJ i -j JLu : o j)U 
clinging to, keeping to; inseparability from, insep- 
arableness from, keeping close to, staying constant- 
ly with; persistence in, perseverance in, hanging 
on to; remaining at, stay(ing) at 

smoothness ^JUl ^JJI oy :<L«5t« 

scattering, dispersal, dispersion; remov- jyj-j :SU>«i 
al, elimination 

annihilation , destruction 5 j C I : 5 li, }L 

• < 

adjacent, contiguous, adjoining, abut- ~*\i* : Jj-e5U 

ting, bordering, touching, borderline, neighboring, 

proximal, proximate, in close contact (with), next 

(to), close (to) 

adjacency, contiguity, juxtaposition, <«*-Il. :<LaXi 
touch(ing), neighborhood, proximity, proximate- 

mortar; lute, luting; cement (jlJ» : J»5L 

kind treatment, ljLU < ii-U iLL* i <L»lk« : <uk5Li 
kindness, friendliness; civility, courteousness, 

humoring, favoring, indul- jIjIju i S^C» :iil»^L. 




faith, religion; religious community 

lovesick, languishing with love, pining p^L : p LL 

away with love; suffering, tortured, tormented; 


-•> ''j 

convened, assembled, meeting, ,»..:>» i .u«.:« : ,J"l t 
in session, sitting 

ambiguous, equivocal, obscure, JSli* i yi-lc : j : '">- 
vague, unclear, uncertain, dubious, doubtful 

bearded (yf^O £& 

wrapped (in), covered (with) ( _;) Jjj, : (_;) ^Lvl. 

,''•* '!-» 

coherent, cohesive, sticking r«-«-J— ( ifLLi. : -iV't 
together, well-knit, tenacious; fused, coalesced, 
joined, united, merged, soldered, welded 

engaged in battle, battling, clashing, (JUl j) ( ^1L 

conjunctiva^! yJ,G^l.UJLl fL»J| ^^lUl) <*>d£ 

conjunctivitis i. -."HI ljI^I 

conjunctival 4,.,-Hl. y»U- ' n-rU 

compact, close, tight, firm, solid, dense; ^I^l. :_)iL 
compacted, pressed tightly together, compressed, 
closely packed, crowded together, serried, 

bound by, committed by, .\^J> i ^xSj» : (j) fjlL 
engaged by, obligated by, tied by; obligor 
complying Jc Jailk* i J ^Xj> <. j x..i:.. :(j) f y±. 
with, observing, abiding by, conforming to, adher- 
ing to, sticking to, keeping to, maintaining, honor- 
ing, respecting 

concessionaire, concession- jC^^I (_^-Ua : |»_)lL. 
ary, concessioner 

farmer (^JJ pj^iil t( _Jl^iJI « yij^l) (ji. 

contractor, entrepreneur .\+*Za i Jjli. : »jiL 

winding, coiling, twisting; wound, ijjiiu :uLd£ 

coiled, twisted; wrapped up; rolled up, rolled 

rr- fHj-f^ 

fjJ jfij-^i. 

features, lineaments; 

*Wr ' >j^-*' ' °t— * •■£*-•*• 

u-.'iL. ^u»-lj -^^Ix. 

yJ& : j^lj-i-.^ 



gentle treatment, gentleness, leniency; iIL}L. : iLj^L 
kindness, friendliness 

complying, acceding, granting, ^., ? v'„. : (^-Lil) LJu 
responding, responsive, consenting, assenting, 
accepting, hearing, answering 

overcast, (over)clouded, clouded (over), f_^U xL 
cloudy, dark 

matted, felted; stuck ( ~J! jljJI _,i iJjijLS') II. 
together; compressed, compacted), pressed; floc- 

clothes, clothing, apparel, attire, garments; ,jJ& 

ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear 

underwear, underclothes, under- ilii- 1 j ^i. 
clothing, undies 

inlaid, encrusted, coated, overlaid ^JJ .-(-JU 


"Jf "f erf 


dragee(s),sugar-coated(i_lL Uiji^yjlli Jiii ^411 
nut(s), candy 

err - 

ijLJii « . ' , n » : 4,1.1.1,1 

\J i« ■ ■■' I c ( _t*-y • if 5'. ' 

hot ashes, live coal, embers jli- 1 jU- jCj : *L 

Turkish delight 
worn, used 


basting, tacking 



sect, denomination, confession; creed, (iljj) «i« 



« s> 


"V "~'l 

harbor, resort, recourse 

bridled, restrained, curbed, checked, r>^« : f j^* 
controlled, held (back), kept down, kept back 

to be or become salt(y), saline iklU jle : j*l» 

. .> , , .» , ,'. 
to be or become handsome, pretty, J*»- 1 jj-j- : ~L. 

good-looking, nice 

to salt; to season with salt; to cure, corn, (fUkll) jJu 
preserve with salt 

pressing, urgent, exigent, dire 1$j\J^o\ <. ^-U : ^1» 

' * ■* " \' 

salt j*lf 

Epson salt(s) <5 j>|£-i J t*L? 

smelling salts ,^J1 ^1 

saltpeter j jjM' j^f 'iij=*-o ^ 

- i r • 

sal ammoniac, ammonium chloride jjllJI ^L 

insistent, insisting, importunate, pressing 

Ji^ -C 

: r ULi 

witticism, wisecrack, gag, j'eu d'esprit; ii J> : o»l» 

atheist, infidel, unbeliever, disbeliever; j^ : jj«L 
godless; apostate 

importunate, insistent, insisting, over- r IsJL : ljwJu 
pressing, pressing 

'• - .,' ' - V 
attached, annexed, appended, f>«-a* i uLu : ,jfit 

added, joined, subjoined, supplemented 
appendant, appurtenant, adjunct, £jU t ,j U»l : Jj*L. 
ancillary, accessory, auxiliary, supplementary, sub- 
sidiary; accompanying, attendant, collateral 

supple- JJi <iiU>l i£jli :(oUjJl.j j^-'iL.^) j>*L. 

ment, appendix, addendum, addition, extension, 

annex, attachment, postscript, rider; appurtenance, 

adjunct, appendage 

supplement; addendum; ( jJJ i_.LS3l i 5jjjJ-I) J^»i* 


together, convoluted), involuted), volute(d), 
curled (spirally), spiral(ed), gyrate 

intertwined, intertwisted, Jj^v ' tiLLlz^ : «-a. vl « 
interwoven, entwined 

gathered, assembled, i ',:■»■. : (J* jl iJy>-) CjiL 

surrounding, Jjlw i _j Ja?»« :(-; jl l)>>-) <l«, rl . 
encircling, encompassing, enclosing, embracing, 

wrapped (in), covered (with) (_;) £ Cu : ( j) i 

turning around; looking around 

attentive, heedful, mindful, regardful; ( Jj) i 
considerate; careful 

meeting place, gathering place, »Uil I 0^-» : ij^> 
rendezvous, place of assembly 

junction, point of meeting or contact, meet- »J>UlJI 
ing point, gathering point; intersection 

junction, crossroads, crossways, cross- Jji> J^> 
ing, intersection 

confluence ^j+i <j»^L» 

«UJ «f- 1 j — »UJ : ,jirl» 

(,UJ) ,UJJI Jl prlj-Jlill Jl 



solicitor, solicitant; petitioner, applicant, suitor y-fclt 

flaming, blazing, ablaze, aflame, in J*^- : '■ / « ' ■ ! « 
flames, burning, afire, on fire 

inflamed, affected with [ <_J> J <_<l»Jl; uCu : o^ vl » 


Cepheus [»iUj] u^liil 

circuitous, roundabout, indirect, (<3jdJ,l) yJL 

devious; winding, meandering, twisting, tortuous, 
sinuous, serpentine; twisted, contorted, crooked, 
curved, bent 

veiled v j V«* ' i**^-* - (**■" 

to suck (the mother's breast) (<ul JiiJl) pS* 'glLi 

refuge, retreat, shelter, sanctuary, asylum, iSC : u«l-i 




condensed, epitomized, boiled down, synopsized, 

summary, recapitu- ^anL t C}U «_£-^l :o>l£ 
lation, abstract, digest, epitome, resume, synopsis, 
outline, brief, precis, summarization, abridgment, 
compendium, conspectus 

stung, bitten, bit c-^li. : ij jl, 

pleasure, delight, enjoyment, delectation ; jj : 5 iL 

bound, obligated, committed, engaged, tied, »jH 

under obligation; obligor 

binding, obligatory; obligee . ■¥, 

signature, section, fascicle (oils' ^. tSlcllt) o^L 
vise; clamp, cramp [ l£j [s^ ] X,'^ 

agglutinin; agglutinative [ ,_J, ] yj£ 

to smooth(en), be or become smooth y«L i'^JL 

to smooth(en), even, roll, sleek, slick; to make ^JUi 
slippery; to caress, pass the hand over, stroke 
lightly with the hand 

pointed, tapered, sharpened ti^LJI j jki : j , X t 

eloquent ^, : ^Jl 

long-tongued, big-mouthed, loud- jLS^p : t> Ju 

mouthed, talkative, garrulous, loquacious 

ljIaS :y^l_L 

slippery, slippy, slick, smooth, soapy j] j : y^L 

stung, bitten, bit 



attached, affixed, fixed, stuck, pasted, ^aJI : j'^r. 
glued, agglutinated, conglutinated, cemented, plas- 

poster; bill, placard; sticker; ijL-ai 4 iilaL : Jri'- 

annex, wing, extension -Li- : (vJJ illo) jkL 
Hash, news Hash jU-^l jkii « <5jU-| i>£ 

codicil (J^ Je j^H ) ^ ^ 

attache Sjl^. j y^*, iLii^i : (o>bJi ^) jkL 

.J J J »» .. 'J 

f>*l-« : (**»^» ipiJL 

commercial attache 

cultural attache 

press attache 

military attache 

welded, soldered; fused 

cohesive, causing cohesion, adhesive, 

meathouse, butchery JjJI »li ylsC 

slaughterhouse, abattoir jy^. c J^ : 

bloody fight, fierce battle, oJju < iy'fi. : 
massacre, carnage, butchery, slaughter 

epic, epos, epopee, heroic, heroic {tJ-J-) i 


epic, epical, heroic 

composer, melodist, melodizer ^Jhrri* ) 0^* 

<^^ p-lj-^Jli <i~lU- ^ii^ :ii^L 

welded, soldered; fused Jju , JJi : »jii 

solecistic, ungrammatical, incorrect [ iiJ ] uyiL 

saline, salty, salt, saliferous '-i, 

to pull out, extract, tear out j.'yj I : iJu 

to dislocate, luxate, wrench, disar- yLall) jii- : iju 
ticulate, disjoint, unjoint 

pulling out, extraction, tearing out t- \y^> I : «L 

dislocation, luxation, wrench(ing), J^ill «ii- :jJu 

summarized, summed up, reca- j~~~ I t ^^] : ^^AL 
pitulated, abstracted, briefed, digested, abridged, 


\ \ .0 

( j »<*i I « 

,JUV*fl'.'-:, . ■V-T7 ' 

scrutable, mysterious, 


obscure, ambiguous, 


to amalgamate 





it«JL« j-Uu : «,a.fcU 


(U^ ^ JJr . :^jiL 


file, dossier; folder, 


ojI—ujI :..alo 


reel, spool, bobbin 

sjyilu (J^>^« tiU— : ». al» 

wrap(per), wrapping, covering), iJUi. ( «Uac : liL 


quilt, comforter, eiderdown iJliJ : «LaJL> 

: »■ al» 

jl it^f '. al« 
Jyjl>- ». a l » 

liUl 4j jl_U u a...i.t :ulilo 


induction coil 
choke coil 


wheel and axle JU^I o^ iXolSL. sljl iijUL. 

(>JJ) cJ^ ^^-(jiiliJ) cJl. 

fabricated, invented, manufactured, jlli— : jlL 
trumped-up, made-up, created, concocted, con- 
trived, devised, framed, feigned, fake(d), pretend- 
ed, simulated, sham, false, fictitious, spurious, 

fabricator, inventor, feigner, faker, con- j£j** : JiL 
cocter, contriver 

ejected, emitted, discharged, j j^L. < sJjJi. : i>yl« 
expelled, thrown out, extruded; rejected 

pronounced, uttered, enunciated, o jjU.-. : JiyJu 
said; spoken 

cabbage ( oLl ) l_J _/ : LJ^aL 

„ -'% >•. 
wound, coiled, twisted; wrapped up; • V'l. ; (J yJu 

rolled up, rolled together, convolute(d), invo- 

lute(d), volute(d), curled (spirally), spiral(ed), 



j i nl i >c»- 1 j — 4JL-aJ i L )«'il» w» ^1. 

to mortar, plaster ^j, : ii, ( ii, 

to shave off; to depilate J I j I t -uJU- : ^io I J»L. 

dishonest, untrustworthy; knave; scoun- oi j : iiL 
drel, rascal, rogue 

stained, blotted, spotted, blotched, »J»L. :rJaL 

splotched, splashed, sullied, soiled, (besmeared, 
(be)smirched, tarnished, bedaubed, blurred, 
smudged, smutched 

bloodstained, stained with blood, .jJL, ^jju 

bloody, gory, ensanguined 

softened, lightened, mitigated, palliated, ■ '"-,- : < »t*l. 
mollified, alleviated, eased, soothed, relieved, 
allayed, assuaged, appeased, attenuated, extenuat- 
ed, qualified, moderated, tempered, toned down 

softening, mitigating, mitigative, mitiga- . *»^. : < » Ul - 
tory, palliative, alleviating, allaying, soothing, de- 
mulcent, lenitive, assuasive, sedative 

emollient, softening, soothing; mois- ~ j 1 1 i^iLL 

turizer, moisturizing cream 

cheek J ±j, ■ . IX. 

playground, playland; playfield; playing field; 
court; stadium, athletic field; circus 

teaspoon <_$b ii»L. 

tablespoon (fUkll i_JO) <<_*. iiJu < sjjL ii»L 
spoonbill ^U ^U* :ii*L ^1 

spoonbill ^JL. ^JU, r^ulil ^ui. 

canceling, invalidating, jv_-U iJJ»L. :(yjiil) *L> 
nullifying, annulling, abrogating, revocatory, re- 
scissory, resolutory 

canceled, called off; invalidated, i.'i < ^jJI : ,yJu 

nullified, annulled, voided, abolished, abrogated, 
negated, repealed, revoked, rescinded; overruled; 

amalgamator 4^ilil j J,.,.:,„J <J| :^UL 

enigmatic, puzzling, cryptic, in- J-^L. < »U« :jiL 




dominate, control; to master, become master of; to 
rule over, reign over, have power or authority 
over, hold sway over; to overwhelm, overpower, 

dJCj £r-lj-ilil SL 

to make the owner of, possess of, put ( f'Jli I i_) ^ T" t 
in possession of, invest with ownership or pos- 
session of; to transfer to, alienate to, make over to, 
assign to, convey to, deliver to 

to make king over J* l£L. <L»- : J* lilL. 

angel di. : JUL, 

king, monarch, sovereign J*l& : tiii* 

God, the One and Only Jfc Jill : liilil 

king crab, horseshoe (cSj»v o'^r"") o~^ '^P' t ^-* 


kingbird (jJU.) /jCJJI dUl 

Regulus [dLUjj^liLlil 

croton seeds (o^j) tLl^Jdl (_-»• 

• w 

gout ^j~j^ :SyA\ i\i 

reign, rule, supreme power or au- iJaL, < ^S~>- '■ au- 
thority, sway, dominion, domination, dominance 

property, possession(s); estate; ol—J^I *£Juj ^ '■ ^f 
domain; holdings), tenement 

-J_4~. iu- '^ ^U- / f lx iilL ce^U liLL 

vui <-J£Ji cjt u«-ij 

4JJ*** I t AJU0 C 



faculty, talent, gift, ( _ r »JI j 

knack, aptitude, bent, (natural) endowment, 

(special) ability 

queen till. tiJ^ : ax-L 

* ■ a ^ 

queen >jj :( ru^kDl) i£Li. 

king snake oL j-i ^1 ly^li jl axL. 

>' *' - 

goatsbeard, queen of the meadow (oU) rj)\ <&* 


beauty queen; Miss.. JL»- A^JLi 

kingdom, realm, empire; royalty, royal au- Cj£Aa 

intertwined, entwined iiLU~. t Jj jjv : (_iji£ 

s-'i . . , . » *•, 
surrounded, encircled, oy\*> <■ (->) j»Ijm '. lJjAL. 

encompassed, enclosed, embraced 

enveloped, covered, swathed ».<U. i t^**-* : t-ijiu 

to smooth, even, level, plane <j;^„ i ^^Ju. : jL 

■ '•:.- - - . -•,• 
Lf X» :_j t_JiL 

l»*-k« :»ii4 

• i 5-, 

thrown, cast, flung, hurled; 
dropped, thrown down 

discarded, thrown away, cast- 

surnamed, nicknamed, called, 
styled, denominated, designated 
inoculated, vaccinated, injected 

pollinated; fertilized, im- **>La±-\ <? ' v- 

pregnated, fecundated 

(pair of) tongs; (pair of) tweezers l+> J»iL ;bl :J»IL 

clip, pin 


J 1 o 


(pairof)jJJo3«uJlsLi^ljl ^ f^J I j I >2j I J*iL. 

clothespin, clothespeg J-rr*-' ' ^» i ^* 

(pair of) tongs cSj^J- 1 Jai' jl j£_JI jl jlJI J»iL. 
feeder, charger (?JJ Ojd\ jl il'ill) j>ii* <- p-a-L» 

charger ij<j~ i j I y^>- Jai» : JiJo. i «iU 

prompter (r/~* J^ j^ 1 * 

picked up, gathered, collected, gleaned; Jai:l< : J»^iL 

caught; found 

to possess, own, have l»~-*' :dJn 

to appropriate, take possession of, J* (J )y— 1 : lili. 
occupy, possess oneself of, take or lay hold of, take 
over, seize, capture; to acquire, take or get as one's 
own, come into possession or control of; to 




:?«■■■■ '.v-'gi..;;'! 

tangible, palpable, tactile, '<s jU t ^-j—-*.* : ^-^Jl. 
perceptible, perceivable, sensible, noticeable; con- 
crete, corporeal, corporal, material, real, physical 

melancholia, melancholy, blues *b^- iUy^J^ 

amusing, entertaining, diverting, ,_)!_• : ((Jil) *L 
pleasant; amuser, entertainer 

cabaret; nightclub; place of entertain- ^JJ I <j&* : (jfrL» 
ment; amusement center 

_s ■-■!•>- 1 - - ' 

thority, sovereign or supreme power 

the Kingdom oljU-JI o^JL. < Jbl o^SX 

royal, kingly, regal; monarchical); mo- '^S^* '*\$$* 
narchal, monarchial; monarchist 


wrench, spanner Jalj -Li» :ii»L 

peg, pin *S\ yllsCll _,! j^JI <^L 

day and night jlLlj jl^JI :uljlil 

polluted, contaminated; impure, dirty, unclean, tijil 
filthy, foul; defiled, befouled, besmirched, soiled, 
sullied, stained, tarnished 

pollutant, polluter, pollution, contaminator, li^il 
contaminant, contamination; pollutive, polluting, 
contaminative, contaminating 

saltiness, saltness, salinity UJl* *Jij| ^ ri^L, 
Jew's mallow (oLi) il»-^L 

spatula, slice l^ j/^ j' ■^■■'■' iiliitf' Si ji : j^L 

royal, kingly, regal; imperial, ma- ^i i jfl. ■/' \ jL 

weary (of), bored (with), tired (of), fed ^,JL\ J^L 
up (with) 

valonia oak, egilops (oL; ) J aL 

blamable, blameworthy, blameful, culpable, »}U :* ^L> 
reprehensible, guilty of error, at fault, in fault, in 
the wrong 

palette { fJ)\) L>£. 

colored; tinted, tinct, tinged, hued; chromatic, 0>£ 
highly colored, in coloKs); colorful, variegated, 


- ^-' 

proprietary; possessive; possessory 1^-" '-Iff^* 

monarchy, kingship, royalty, regality X£l» 

constitutional monarchy, S-lJL. jl ijj^.j <Slt 
limited monarchy 

absolute monarchy iiik. ilSX 

ownership, property, proprietorship, possession <l£1» 

» - - *i ' 
collective ownership iL&U*. <XU 

- --■ > ** s • 
joint ownership, co-ownership, con- iS"^^. <XU 

dominium, coparceny, community 


weariness, boredom, ennui, tiredness, tedium »L : Ji* 

familiar with, acquainted with, con- J* »_LL. : j Ju 
versant with, versed in 

literate tlkJIj i*l>JL Ju 

misfortune, calamity, disaster, catastro- i' ^ - f a \' t 
phe, adversity 

£-5t. jirlj-^i; jr) ^JL 

touch, feel; contact 

place of touch or contact 

feeler, tentacle; palpus 

soft to the touch 

feeler, tentacle; palpus 

tactile, tactual 

to hurry, hasten 

to fidget, make fidgety, make 

touched, felt 

(o^ii-l) ur X» 




* '> * *, 

millime ((jr'.V ) f^f ' (*^* 


laxative, purgative, purge, aperient (^ I ) J*-* : jJL 

laxative, purgative, aperient, (ii*>) J^L* i^-L. 

cathartic, physic 

softening, soothing, emollient 



of what, of which, whereof 

, .* * .-• .- -» 

obsolete, dead, in disuse, J-x 4 J*** 4 j>»«*« : oU 
out of use, archaic, antiquated, outdated, out- 

similar, like, comparable, analo- ^jUu > <jL1> : J2U* 
gous, parallel, corresponding, correspondent; iden- 

>L»-lj ^-ijj ittu* 

quarrelsome, contentious, dis- _^l£» 1 trf ^ : '-^"^ , 
putatious; wrangler, bickerer 
wrangle, altercation, quarrel; oj*15L» t ili'll* : *£»-L< 
wrangling, bickering, stickling 

JIJu «rlj - JjU* 

practitioner; practicing, pursuing, en- Jj lj< : y-jU* 
gaged in, engaging in, exercising 

exercise, practice, practicing, pursuit, iJjIj- :<*jU* 
pursuing, engagement (in), engaging (in) 

practice, action, act 

tangent [oL-bLj] y-U* 

tangency, contingence; touch(ing) >tr .^Ll < ^-Qi : iLl*< 
contiguity, adjacency; contact 

tangent y u» '• y l** 

procrastinator; procrastinating cij— • : JJjL* 

procrastination, stalling, temporiza- >-jj>— >' : iU»l*« 

dappled, varicolored, versicolor, many-colored, 


coloring; colorant; colorific (; A. jl *^) 6>L* 

colorist (^^i.) oy-« 

chromatophore ii>U ■Cl»- : *j>1» 

--> „ , , < „ •, ^ •- 
twisted, kinked, contorted, yJu 4 £j*> 4 <«^ : i5jl» 

wrenched, writhed, wry; bent, curved, crooked, 

flexed, inflected; winding, meandering, tortuous; 


solvent, able Jr ui. 1 j~.y : [yu 

full of, filled with, filled up with, J:»U- : (_*) ^L. 
replete with, rife with, abounding in, rich in, 
loaded with, charged with, fraught with 

long period of time Jj^I» c-» j 4 Jj^J» o^ j : J-* 

for a long time, for quite a while; thoroughly, IX 

carefully, deeply 

religious, confessional, denomina- ^jSU» 1 ^j : ,^Ju 


billion, milliard j^> 

beautiful, pretty, handsome, good-looking, t j_»- :^JL 
comely; nice, pleasant, agreeable, good, fine 


UJ wb '. 7*-Jl« 

tasteless, insipid, 



Ul^* ^ v>* ■ o^-' A 


Jj ^ H : iuL 



wrought iron 

ciLL. j^.lj-J.U 4ctLL. :dLL 



\ *\'\ 


annoyed, vexed, angry 

pale, pallid, wan i_^-li : «Ji •;.>,« i utl^* 

full, filled, filled up, replete \£. t J& ■ *<J& 

plump, fleshy, chubby, rotund, full; ( L±.\ ) ^lr.l» 
corpulent, fat, stout, obese 

owned, possessed &£+» : ''^ »t 

property, possessions, belongings; estate .-.!<" !•■',. 



indebted, much obliged, obligated, jS"li 1 6>-l« =!>** 
very grateful, very thankful 

abstaining from, refraining from, j* ^yu : jc •■", f 
forbearing, desisting from 

refusing, rejecting Jot I j : ^ . : :'. . 

impossible JUw ( jj 

professional, careerist 

representing, representative, representa- (ii-o) J1m 

representative; deputy; agent \*~\) Ji»* 

actor, player, (motion-picture) per- (.jU:.,,) JiJ 
former; (movie) star, (film) star 

(commercial) agent, representative, (jjli^) jli-. 
factor, commission merchant 

deputy, representa- (d\j'JJ I j) e-^JI jl £ ll '&U* 

#- ... » -• *i *^ ^ 
exponent, representative lj_. jl SjSCi) Ji»-. 


representation; agency 

indistinct, illegible 
eraser, rubber 
barren, sterile, infertile 

erased, wiped off, rubbed out; effaced, obliterat- 'yU^ 
ed, blotted out, expunged; wiped out, eradicated, 


tion, putting off, postponement, delaying) 

.- * ii- > 

partial, one-sided, ex parte, biased, prej- oik. : jJL* 

partiality, one-sidedness, favoritism, sUlki :S*5Ul 
bias, prejudice 

opposed to, in opposition to, unfa- JbJjL : (J) «_iL«i 
vorable to, objecting; resisting, resistant, reluctant, 
unwilling; disagreeing, dissenting; opposer, objec- 

opposition, resistance; objection; dis- i^li* : luiL* 

excellent, distinguished, superior, outstanding, jLul 
exceptional, first-rate, first-class, first-string, thor- 
oughbred, top-notch, tiptop, of the first degree, 
fancy, fine, exquisite, select, choice, superb, super, 
extra, premium, deluxe 

premium gasoline 

preferred (preference, privi- j\sL* (J^. < jjL.) J> j 
leged) debt, bond, share, stock, etc. 

special issue 

examined, tested; tried; ex- 

examiner, tester 

(joy** ( (jf»~«] • t j* ' ii 

extended, stretched (out), outstretched, spread XU* 
(out), outspread; expanded, distended, dilated; 
lengthened, elongated, prolonged, prolongated, 
protracted; extending, stretching, spreading; ex- 
tensive, wide, large; widespread 




absorbent, absorptive; sucker, one that ^>L. : ' u n~, f 
sucks; absorber 

shock absorber, buffer, bumper 

absorbency, absorptivity 

* ... - -. t 
mounted, ridden *~?£ S '■ *•"•- 

interesting, sapid, engaging, entertaining, jj jj : - " t - 

pleasant, pleasurable, enjoyable, delightful, grati- 
fying, good 

resentful, displeased, indignant, Jai-L i » 

(dust) cloth, duster; polishing cloth; ii'jj- 

doormat, mat (vM' -'-f £-*>•) Jtj^' *•*■■■« 

scraper JUJI uiJk^J ■'j-ojj- ?IjI :<jjj-^II <■»« ...» 

holding, grasping, gripping, ( Jc) ^U : (j) i.'l „'»< 
taking hold of, seizing, catching, grabbing, grap- 
pling, clasping, clutching 

economical, thrifty, frugal .uara. : i'I,„.. 

Auriga [villi ] slc-Sll ..'Li'. 

■ - . * > > . . 
wiped; mopped (up); rubbed; ^LiU i_iL : r >— " 

cleaned, polished 





metamorphosed, jiikll ^u. loj^aJI J' 


carding machine, ( l >LiJI jl (J^oJI) 

disfigured, deformed, defaced, mis- »y^ : f>— ■ 
shapen, distorted 

touched; tangible, palpable crj--" : o">-* J 

•>. , j . - 
maniac(al), insane, mad, lunatic, Oj-^w : tr>— ■ 

mentally deranged, crazy, demented, possessed, 
crazed; maniac, madman, lunatic 
passage, passageway; corridor; aisle; jl>J 
path(way), alley 

comb (j^Jl) 

...... - y 

combing machine 

slender, slim, svelte J— • i J~l» : Jj-lw 

,, ,•<»,.>■< „ , 
sucker, suction tube or pipe; pi- (^aJJ <>yJ I : yaw 


SUCker olil^J-l fjatj j { _/A\ yJzc '.^jO** 

agomzing, tormenting, excruci- ojuiJ^ : i>** j 

signer, signatory ji>- :(,_iJLI) yi** 

signed o^. i^^^a^ 

rainy, wet jLU i^J^. 

exterminated, extinguished; extinct; eliminated, 

churn ^>y» ^^JJl) 


*j>*~>* I . ytfy*fr< 


x '->*■• 

* "i ' i * 

,-r J ' 

extended, stretched (out), outstretched, jaw i jjj*< 
spread (out), outspread; expanded, distended, di- 
lated; lengthened, elongated, prolonged, prolon- 
gated, protracted, drawn out 

passage, passageway, way, dU!_ < jl*^. < Jj_^ :^» 
path, track, aisle, corridor, lane, vestibule 

* -- i^ - 
(mountain) pass, defile, col, gap, gate J-j- ^-. 

waterway, watercourse, stream t ^L ^»> 

lively, gay, cheerful, blithe 

bobolink, ricebird 

sickly, ailing jojS jgf :<j4\J±t 

nurse; hospital attendant; doctor's as- *Jsj+* . o^/m 

centered, centralized; focused, concen- ji^-^ '■'£ j** 
trated, focalized, localized 

i - ' a- » 

trained, drilled, tutored, schooled, disci- ujjl. : u^m 
plined; practiced, skilled, experienced; trainee 

trainer, instructor o j j-. : l>j*« 

i- * *-' 
coach, trainer tjf^J ^j** 

military trainer, drillmaster &£—* 0j~* 

torn, rent, lacerate(d); ruptured, dis- J^-> : <J_)« 
rupted; shredded; tattered, ragged 

mixed, mingled, blended, admixed, ,1>jJL» : rj/w 
commixed, commingled, combined 

mop; wiper; floor rag (i»]>JI yijl t-«.,.L.-l) 

fertile, productive; thriving, flour- ^U 


inured, accustomed, seasoned 

s - > 



-ill i&j :{i'jS\l\) 





planer, leveller; roller; harrow, drag *jjl'n t ijl*< 

kingdom, regality i£U- 

J™" £*"'-> ~C>*** 
owned, possessed .-'ll- , . ; dLL_, 

slave, mameluke j^t : <i) JlU. 

• , . > -■, 

Mamluke, Mameluke ^a* liUL. __-lj : <£jjll_ 

of whom, whereof J^, 

granted, given, presented, donated, ac- J*** : r >-m 
corded, awarded, conferred, bestowed 

grantee, donee, awardee 

I j-yU* 

forbidden, prohibited, interdic- »^k_ i jiik» : f yltu 

ted, banned, proscribed, barred, unpermitted, im- 

no smoking! ^ Id I s-yU 

indeclinable, diptote [iiJ ] <J^!_JI ^. f-y_v 

forbidden fruit is sweet ( -r'>*^ f-y~>-* lK 

-:•' i -":•' .-'.-- 

weak, feeble, languid < ;_.> : jy ,'- 

paved; cleaned); level(ed), even(ed), flat(tened), '</« 
smooth(ed); arranged, well-ordered, (well-)prepared; 

sealed, stamped, impressed, imprinted ry±* '-jyt** 

undulate(d), undulatory, waved, wavy, rippled, r'yL 

JUL; jj ja : uy»^ 


* * * * ~ > 
purveyor, supplier; victualler; caterer i yy : u>« 


camouflaged, disguised, con- Jl_. 4 'jlj. I : ^^ 

(jjj iL>i s lulls') »;£_, 

raincoat, waterproof, ^J_l I ^ Jy oUm-. : SjJa*- < jJa*j 
trench coat, sliker, oilskin 

going too far (in), going ±>jl. t ail jjl*L : ( j) ^«i_> 
to extremes (in), going to excess (in); excessive, 
extreme, extravagant, immoderate, unrestrained 

suffering from a gastric 4. j_u. j &l jj c_,Lx. : :^w 
disease; having a stomachache 

indistinct, illegible J*^»'j jr* ' £•*•** :£«*• 


magnetizer; magnetizing 

colicky, suffering from colic; ^-illi t_.d. : jrj->'t 
having gripes 

articulate(d), jointed J.-.1' , -' ; J'-*,'. 

C»»a.« *>-lj — OiiU-i 

strengthened, consoli- oJ»^. t -1^. t , r .'*. : ^SCm 
dated, cemented, firmed up; firmly established, 
settled, fixed, fastened 

enabled to; empowered J*. I j.Li J*i- : [y. j^£»i 

possible, potential, contingent, conceiv- Jlli_. : jSC** 
able, thinkable, imaginable, probable 

possible, feasible, practicable f-lkiL. :jj5C_> 

possibly, perhaps, maybe, probably, con- ,j£-J.I ^» 
ceivably, contingently; may, might 

mechanized l >iC*« 

boring, wearisome, weariful, weary, tire- j>yaj> :3*-> 
some, tedious, irksome, dull, uninteresting, hum- 
drum, monotonous 

dictator, one that dictates; J_il Jxli : ( ( JuIl) J** 


- . i '.> 

dictated i_.| : ju- 


dictating machine, 

Jlil' f :&l&_J*jT:!3lL. 

salted; salt, salty, cured, corned ry^> <■ r^> '■ 7&*» 

-x* *j r \j-i>-'%> :oJ*_i 


i:.,.. .... .m 

> > > T 


. WW.' a*u-*i 

through, by, via sf-'-Ct 

than (e.g. more than, better than, £}\ ^ J£\ :# 

taller than, etc.) 

debit (ijU-l lXJ-1^-^1 LiU-l -o- 

to try (with), put to ^^] i JiLj :(j) ^ . (j) L« 
the test (with), afflict (with), hit (with) 

to make (someone) desire or wish <_^-j <d»»- : (->) ^ 
for, awaken someone's desire for; to make (some- 
one) hope for, give (someone) reason to hope for, 
raise hopes of something in someone; to promise 

to indulge in the hope of; to entertain j ^,-iJ I ^ 

death o^. : ^L* 

fate, destiny, lot jjj : ^ 

distant place sli 6^* : li^-* 

away from, apart from; separated from, ^* cjU. j 
detached from, isolated from, secluded from 

•tjlli >u»-lj — iJIS'j ij^~u loll* 
L-ili ob-Ij-L-iLu (_jI) 

confidential talk, secret £»»■ jl (£j- .i^-i*- : •laj'U* 
conversation, intimate discourse 


(,..j .')! sl>>LU 



) [jl»- Uj^iu] Ju»Li« 

fighter, combatant 

fightfing), combat, strife, struggle 

lamentation, wailing, 


cjjij i Jj>t :<^U* 


C 1 ^ 'C^ 




i/»^ '1/*^* 



crier; herald; caller 

((5 J.U1I) jC 


^LJl jljil (5iUi 


,,-> s ,> 

cealed, hidden, blinded 
misrepresented, falsified, distorted 

coated, plated, overlaid ^JJ*« : »y 

deadly, lethal, fatal, mortal, deathly, per- Sit* '■ ' 

distinguished; preferred, ^>U- « Jlaiu i 
privileged, favored, preferential; special; distinct, 

distinguishing, distinctive, diacriti- ^U- . Jjli : J**» 
cal, differential, differentiating, discriminative, dis- 
criminating; characteristic, peculiar, particular, 
specific, special 

discrimi- ji-»JI y-»- .jw^JI J* jju» • ajx. :_)-~. 
nating, discerning, perceptive, percipient, judi- 
cious, reasonable, rational 

liquefied, melted, molten, dissolved i_> I Ju : j-** 

liquefacient, dissolvent, solvent <_j Ju : j-** 

to bestow upon, confer upon, grant, (.*>!:.? *-Jjp jj 
accord, award, gift with, present to or with, give 

to favor, oblige, do someone >L»»- -w ^Ja : «Jit <ju 
a favor, do a kindness for, bestow favors upon; to 
be obliging (gracious, kind) to(ward) 
to remind someone of a favor ^o L> <ult ,_,* 

gift, present; largess; favor, benefit, <> <*w U Ji" : j* 


honeydewillil li'o**^ x-c »t) I J* juix-o <LiU : ,_,* 

manna (J^,r-[ <^r-f J* iJ>W (>■ 

by the grace of God ^lUJ *^j 

who; whom; whoever, whosoever; he who j* 

from (a place, someone, ( S^t. t yoii « u^-«) j» 

something); of (here, etc.) 
of, one of (a group) 
some, some of 

of, consisting of, made up ^a p-y-o* < ^ ^^ : Cr? 


from, away from, out of 

since, for 

erness, fitness, propriety, agreeability, agreeable- 
ness, convenience, expediency, expedience, favor- 

*-,iL\..'i^iir*s.j.^j.: ' T7— 

* i 

occasion, opportunity 

- •' -- ,:' 

connection, relation J»LjjI i j-w> i^yoi- :<L_L. 

on the occasion of 

on this occasion 

in this connection 

by the way, incidentally, by the by, 
speaking of, apropos (of) 

c— Ll»J t <m«Ll*j 

-Li! »i* j 
L-Lil • j^j 
C.LLL 0) 

_ :jiiL. 

adjured, entreated, beseeched, im- ■ ■i^-. "' 

requested, called upon, _i <_JU»» i J J j*lu : jiL* 

' ' r' 
adjuration, entreaty, beseeching, imploration, o jiiUj 

pleading; (earnest) appeal, (urgent) request, call, 


avoidance; escape, flight, getaway, way ^ : ^1—. 
out; alternative 

(it is) unavoidable, inevitable, inescap- 4^ y«L« ^ 
able; (it is) necessary, obligatory, imperative, man- 

supporter, backer, defender, protec- j~aj : (J) jf>\^* 
tor; advocate, advocator, proponent, champion, 
upholder, patron, sponsor, partisan, adherent, 
follower; enthusiast, devotee, votary, fan, buff; 
pro-; supporting, backing (up), defending, 
advocating, championing, upholding 

help, aid, assistance; supporting), back- ij^i : Sj-oLji 
ing (up), standing up for, standing by; advocacy, 
championship, upholding, patronage, sponsorship, 

in half, into halves, half-and-half, in(to) two 'iJuoLL 
equal parts, fifty-fifty, equally, by equal shares 

struggler, striver, (freedom) j*tL. i ~J \SL. : JJ>L. 
fighter; combatant; militant 

JLaj vr'j - <1^Ll« 

noun in the vocative [iij ] ($ jll. 

vocative [iij J t$ jLLI iw> t tfjL, 

calling, shouting; call SljUl 

l+i"U j l^rlj-iljUIL, (^ Tj-L,) gJL, 

(C-u grlj-fJ^- 

drinking companionship; intimate friendship <* jL< 

light stand jjJI »-«i)- :jL« 

landmark; road sign, signpost JlU : jL. 

lighted, lit, illuminated »Uo» :jll« 

lighthouse, light, beacon (»J I ( jlj| l^ (i-A^j) 5jl_. 

light stand j^JI r-*y> :!jL-i 

minaret Jjji. :J.jL. 

finback, fin whale, i_«..^j< Oj»- 1 Jj> j» : J jL. 
razorback, rorqual 

, ' > ' >'* 
disputed with, contended with, quar- — o\j»- : f_ Jll« 

reled with 

beyond dispute, indisputably, incontest- «■ jL* jlc 
ably, incontrovertibly, indubitably, unquestionab- 
ly, undeniably; par excellence, beyond compari- 
son, preeminently 

disputing (with), contending lo±- i ^U- : 9 jL-» 
(with), fighting (with); disputant; opponent, ad- 
versary, antagonist 

litigant, party (i$'^'s j) <>U^ t ^- : £ jlH 

dying, in extremis, moribund, in the ^rJo. : p jll* 
throes of death, at the point of death, at the last 
gasp, near one's end 

suitable, fitting), appropriate, &)'y <■ A"^- '■ L rr"^* 
proper, adequate, due, agreeable, convenient, 
expedient, favorable, right, suited, becoming, 
seemly, feasible, apt, felicitous, opportune, ap- 
posite, apropos, timely, seasonable; harmonious, in 
harmony, in agreement, in conformity, conform- 
able, congruent, congruous 

suitability, suitableness, appro- <ii \y ( <* ty* : c—L. 
priateness, adequacy, adequateness, aptness, prop- 

- ' 1 



i . ■ ■-- . --^-'-- -«y> 

bid, tender; invitation for tenders or bids «ui»lLi 

contradictory to, contrary to, op- J < aJL^-. : J tjatll* 

posite to, in disagreement with, inconsistent with, 
incompatible with 

yiiLj «jp-Ij - ColL-i 

dream Jl»- :^lit 

sleep, slumber ^ : ^ U^ 

place to sleep; bed; bedroom; dor- ,yj\ ^fy '■ <u ^> 

pajamas; nightgown, nightshirt, ^yi\ <->y :i.U-. 

> • -* i s ' 
beneficent, benevolent; bountiful, c p t (j-« : ul^ 

munificent, liberal, generous 

the Benefactor, the Giver of all good *t)l : oLl\ 

resisting, resistant; opposed ^j^w i * jli« : (j) JotX^t 
to, unfavorable to; resister, opposer, opponent, 

resistance, opposition <ujli. :<uo*LLi 

hostile (to); opposed -la»- . -jli. . jL. : ( J) CSjbl 
(to); anti-, against; resisting; opposer, resister; op- 
ponent, adversary, antagonist, enemy, foe 

resistance, opposition; hostility, *l jlc . <Ujli. : S Ijllt 
antagonism, enmity 

on duty ^^>^l j ' <*'->&-\ J : yj^ 

L-tjUjl* «j»-1j — <— »jl 

: VJ 


alternation, rotation; shift <>y i (-jju^ : ^■^J'- : - , 

shift <i^ 3*f 

maneuverer; maneuvering jjl; J*li :jju- 

maneuver; gambit; ma- (vJj <—•£•- ' £;j£L*) ojjLi 

skirmish, scrimmage, oij»- <i!Lfi.j . jU^. : iijLi 
brush, velitation 

'v.-.;.....---gj ..,,.-■ 


, .» - > 

corresponding, anal- <l>L1« i JiC < j\y . Jjli. : ^i»U!f 
ogous, parallel, similar, like, equal 

debater, disputant, discussant ^l—. :^i>l_. 

' - ' > -'* *' > 

debate, dispute, disputation, contro- -cil_. : S^JjLLt 
versy, discussion 

supervision, superinten- <J 1^ I 1 -Li I j> : ijo L-. 

dence, oversight, control, inspection 

" *' - ..- '- 

impregnability, invincibility, v-il ilU- t iiCaj- :£tL« 

invulnerability, imperviousness, impenetrability, 

inaccessibility, forbiddingness, indomitability, un- 

assailability, strength, security 

■»- , , , -, 

immunity *JJ ^Joj, jl tSjju. ^ i.L*>- :i*L. 

immunology iiLII _U 

harmonization, tuning, attune- ^ y 1 •*-• iC >-. : <**L_i 
ment, bringing into harmony, matching 

contradictory to, incompatible with, J (jjUil) <JLl 
inconsistent with, contrary to 

competitor, rival, emulator r*f'> : lt*^* 

competition, rivalry, emulation «.<j-ljj : 4 »U_* 

hypocrite, dissembler, double-dealer; sl^. ijill* 
hypocritical, insincere, double-faced, two-faced, 

virtues, outstanding traits; commendable acts, u-J'L« 
laudable deeds, feats, exploits; morals, ethics 

moral, ethical, ethic ^j"^Li-l :^— i'L* 

morality, moralism ili}U-l ic-i'L. 

i_j-Ll» :S^iL< 

wrangle, squabble, hassle, quarrel 

debater, disputant, discussant J-*^-i 'o* '■ cr*^* 

debate, dispute, disputation, controver- (jllii : 4Jlil_i 
sy, argumentation); discussion, parley, talk 

debatable, disputable, controversial, i^iLJJ JjU 

,'' ' -\'* 

bidder, underbidder jjIj-. jJo ry^ilLi 

> > > 

. "".My 1 ."^ <$r 

emitted, sent out, discharged, given off, j£-^ ■ £~*~~> 
released, diffused; emanating, arising, rising, pro- 
ceeding, issuing, springing, emerging, originating 

reborn, resurgent, redivivus, 4J»Uj . l .« ; ..,.< :£,». : » 
renascent; revived, revivified, resuscitated, reani- 
mated, revitalized 

resurrected, raised from the dead o^ll ^ i-.« ; : » 

j., -•» 
dented, indented, notched ryu> : g- f; : ' 

'•- .'*■' 

O »■■;■* VT i J — '■■ *; ■■■• 

stimulant, stimulating, stimulative, ^<i-*v jy* : V- 
excitant, excitative, excitatory 

stimulus, stimulant, excitant; stimu- UJ) ^w :*-_^. 

lator, exciter 
awakening, rousing 

Itf lW V" 

*, > *-> 

warning, cautioning, alarming, alerting j^m :**** 
alarm clock **— • *cl~ i ■<— ■ 

J^r* Jf 'J ->?-• 

-* > . >'- 

discarded, castaway, cast-off, thrown ry>* '■ J >~* 

away, rejected, pitched, removed, eliminated, dis- 
missed, abandoned, forsaken, renounced, dropped 

,- J . , » ,',-1. V V - 

ostracized; outcast, (icj*j« J ' >«-'■'- > • Cr? / *>-"• 
castaway, castoff; pariah 

neglected, ignored, disregarded J*** : i^- 


alii j Q J JI ^f 1^*51 1 iilill il>l ^-i :i>~« 
untouchable, pariah 

aphid, aphis, plant oLJI ol jLac u o r ,.j ;^^»- : *1< 


strength, power, stamina »y : <1« 

favor, grace, kind- 0* — ^- ' ' Jr^ ' "-"Jj" ' J-** : *■*■? 

ness, kind act, good turn; gift, present 

(pair of) tweezers JiiU :<-illL« 'cr l '--f 

attentive, heedful, mindful, advertent, obser- <u— -* 
vant; watchful, vigilant, wide-awake, alert, on the 
alert, on the lookout, on one's guard; careful, 
cautious, wary 

£.4 ^■>~ Cj 


producer; manufacturer, maker, creator; (<wl) v-Z-** 

■ ■ 

handing over, presentation, presenting, JlJ : *J_)L* 
delivery, delivering, passing 

Communion [ <L> l^wai ] <JjlL> 

sphygmograph l^h' **-j; : o*r~f 

nursery; arboretum J^i. : C~L» 

source, origin, fountainhead, jx&< i \Lj> : eu_* 
springhead, birthplace, matrix, nidus, hotbed 

emanating, springing, emerging, arising, origi- J~i* 
nating, issuing, proceeding, stemming; bursting 
forth, gushing out, pouring out, flowing, effluent, 
welling out, rushing out, shooting out, coming out, 
spouting, spurting, squirting 

flowing, effluent, gushing out, pouring out, y-*^* 
bursting forth, spouting forth, spurting, squirting, 
shooting out, welling out, rushing out, coming out 

platform, dais, tribune, rostrum, pulpit, (jjU- r-) jr* 
stand; forum 

plain, level, flat(s), level iU,,. ;. ^jl i Ji» : ,h ; ;» 

land, horizontal area 

'• ' ^ - ' i ''•" 
level, flat, plane, even yu— < rf-* '■ •", : ' ' 

extending, stretching, spreading; 

extended, stretched, spread (out); extensive, large, 


happy, glad, pleased, cheerful; enjoy- jj^— . : 
ing oneself, having fun 

extrovert, extravert [y^ ] >^ -^ : 

spot where the pulse or 
heartbeat is felt 


(jrti 'II ,r-*" U^*" 

(_/i»lJI K*~j» '.t ttl i ' i* 

prostrate, prone, procum- jl^i** i ><li'.:« : * ji ; ; » 
bent, lying face down; recumbent, decumbent, 
lying down 

stretched (out), outstretched, ju^ i .In,,. . ; » : ^ h. .' » 

extended, spread (out), outspread 

s i ' ' '• ' i'"' 
level, flat, plane 7~*~' ' y~* ' r,": 1 * 

source, head; fountainhead, wellhead, (j-j 1 — • r-) ^* 
springhead, source, origin; spring, well 

Oil well Jail _jl Jjjj f~* 

riverhead, source, head, wellhead j*JI ^J-i 


^ ♦ 

pulled out, extracted, plucked out, torn »,U».. : fj**-* 

out, uprooted, removed 

--. - • > - - • * 

snatched, grabbed, seized, wrenched 
away, wrested away 

extorted, wrung, wrested, exacted, <_.aa :'.... : pj~- 

park; recreation ground »y^i I o^-» < aj-^> : »y^-» 
associate, affiliate, member (~l) -_ •■ / "- t 

associated, affiliated; related; (Ai*o) ^, : u-^ 

widespread, current, rife, prevail- ^J I j t «JLi. 
ing, prevalent, circulating, in circulation, popular, 
common, general 

spread, diffused, scattered, dispersed JjLJ- t^t,,:.... 

spread (out), unfolded, opened out, 
expanded, extended, stretched (out) 

deployed, fanned out (ol_jill jl j 

erect, upright, stand-up, straight i 
(up), sticking up, vertical 

victorious, triumphant; victor, t_JU t j» U» 

middle; mid- 
midday, noon 
midway, halfway 



t ^l 

- -•.» 

- -• ^ 

- -'.» 

- -• ^ 


, -* > 

1 • ' "'■' 

expected, anticipated, prospective, likely o_j^ -jh"'- 

waiting (for); awaiting, ujj> i jk^l J*U -jlv"- 

looking (out) for; expecting, expectant, anticipat- 
ing, looking forward to 

regular, uniform, even, steady, ^U»i i j^L. : n h T 
constant; orderly; methodical, systematic 

producer (of a motion picture, play, program, etc.) 
productive, fruitful, fructuous, profi- (ii*») p-y-> 
table, yielding; fertile, fecund, prolific; producing, 
bearing, bringing forth, giving birth, generating 

marginal producer 

health resort; retreat, refuge ««_■ : uuJ 

suicide, one that commits or attempts suicide jr^jt 

personated, imper- (<Jue jl jLJI <j;.n-i« m^) J— T 

sonated, pretended, assumed 

plagiarized (<ul»t^ jl cjjj- jljli) jk^_. 

personator, imperson- (*jl»*o jl o^ c.a^.) J*C1« 

plagiarist (<CLL5 jl <JSy> sljl) Jf^-* 

elected (jJJ .J.j'.J v...^:.!) 

selected, chosen, picked (out) 
elected candidate 

t jCa 

jlli ^, r 

selection, excerpt, extract 
team; varsity 


selections, selected writings (pieces, pas- oLJ*i~* 
sages, items, etc.), anthology, collectanea, pastiche, 
analects, collected excerpts 

president-elect L 

elector, voter, constituent 

-U : 

forum; gathering place, meeting place, place of (i jui 
assembly; club 

salon, saloon (■»; •> ' <i - LL; - 

delegated, deputized, deputed; L> 
accredited; commissioned (to do or with), charged 
(to or with), entrusted (to or with); detailed, 
assigned; seconded, transferred 

''.- i ■'<> ,*-' :•' '•- . --:> 

mandatory, mandatory power 


*»-_)ju» «jflj — r Jtii 

u w 


disreputable, of ill repute, noto-w-ji ji 

rious, discredited, disgraced, dishonored 

,-> ,-> >• - 
scattered, dispersed, strewn about, j j_. i jy* • jy' , 


prose, prosaic, in prose ,j h : . _^ i (3^ : jj^~* 

wallflower, gillyflower (tjL-') j^i- 1 

menthol JjlLt 

rescuer, saver, yal^. :(yp*lll) ^u ^(yklll) u 
savior, deliverer 

#> + 


refuge, shelter, asylum 

safe from, secure from, far from 

(oLi) Im1< 

escape; rescue, salvation; refuge, shelter; safe- sUti* 
guard, protection 

safe from, secure from, far from [y, sU^ j 

procreant, procreative (<*>*) J -• : i 

procreator, begetter (^,1 ) J_j. : i_^> 

mango (oLi) 

upholsterer jlkj : 

reliever, succorer, aid(e), helrXer), sup- 
porter; rescuer, saver 

teasing bow <J 

attracted, gravitated, drawn; in- oj j 
clined; fascinated, charmed, magnetized 

plane, jointer, block plane jIaJI »jU i » 

drifted, carried away; swept away; washed ' «j~ ■ t 
away; eroded 

carried out, executed, accomplished, j'./"* 'JT :,f 
achieved, realized, finalized, completed, consum- 
mated, concluded; performed, done, fulfilled, dis- 

* - * * 
full, total, whole, entire, complete, con- »L> :>*— ■ 

summate, perfect; absolute, unqualified, outright 

(oljl»«jl r) j^y\ A=!"'j — (^j 3 *-* r) 

executor, executant, accomplishes ^j y 
achiever, realizer, consummator 

refreshed; revived, reanimated; invigorated 
braced, animated, stimulated, exhilarated, enliv- 
ened, inspirited 

"- .'■' 

usable; used, utilized o ««*■• 

beneficiary, usufructuary 3* * ' ' ''"''• : r ""' ' 

selected, picked (out), chosen jL 

select, choice, exquisite, excellent, fine, j\sL> 

criticized ji; 


blameworthy, blamable, blameful, rep- »_jJu 


J « ■ ' " » j^-lj - (Jill* 
avenger, revenger; vindictive, revengeful 

relapsing, suffering a relapse; deteriorating; j< i 

belonging; related; asso- (ii*s) i_ •.•.,.. : (,.■:. 'II) ~i« 

ciated, affiliated 

associate, affiliate, member 


finished, terminated, concluded, wound ( <"ll) *il« 
up, completed), done, through, over, up, at at end 

utmost, extreme, limit, extreme tJ ai\ i IU : 
limit, utmost degree, highest degree; maximum 

*i^i> A^'j - *<jl»- ij»-l ■ (<♦■-'■» 

extremely, exceedingly, highly, greatly, lis ^r.,.. j 
very (much), too, most, to the greatest or highest 

profaned, desecrated, defiled, violated ^J x. 

violated, infringed, <l!c iSjJju> i JoyLt 
broken, infracted, contravened, transgressed; tres- 
passed, encroached upon, intruded on, invaded 

— Lo »»-lj — Olj^jll* it; y^u 

t „.,, 


■■.. s..:j ■.. ' -v. ■>.■■■■;?;:■■<; 

inclined, downhill, downward, descending, 
dipped, declivitous, coming down, going down, 
gliding down, flowing down, falling 

neck, throat jlil ^ ^J\ ^fy : j»" 

oblique, inclined, slanting, slanted, slant, JiL. : OjmI* 
aslant, awry, askew, skew, tilted, tipped, bent, 
crooked; deviating, divergent, swerving, digressing 

perverted, perverse, corrupted), JU> . o-U : d>_f^ 

depraved, distorted;' errant, erratic, erring, devious, 

going astray, going wrong, straying (from the right 


aberrant, anomalous, abnormal, irreg- ili : L»_^^ 

ular, deviate, deviant 

perverted; pervert !"!,„:■ 

delinquent; misdemeanant T-^ '•<-*>>«--■ 

indisposed, unwell, out of ik^JI jl r\'ji\ <-» 
sorts, out of humor, not in good humor, ill, sickly, 
not feeling well, slightly sick, out of health, ailing 

trapeziu m [4 — u* J <j _p*~* 

[1 - '> >. 
i — u»J i_»^^- *-i 

> • , * . ^ - •-» 

> . - „ . - - 'J 

low(ly), mean, base, vile, ignoble, sordid, abject, JimI* 
inferior; degraded, debased; deteriorated, decadent, 
degenerate, retrogressive 

apiary ilk-. :Ji»w 

untied, unfastened, undone, unbound, dJ^SCi. : Jm1« 
unraveled, loose(ned), unfixed, unwound, un- 
screwed, disengaged, freed 

jl il«-l jl iJlL. jl i K *..<") Jjiiw :3-»^* 

s "' 1'' "1- *■' 
dissolved, melted, molten, liq- cjjJ" « oIj* : J»~* 

uefied, deliquesced 

dissolved, disbanded, broken up v 'e>i : ■ : JawL> 

* - -..' •-» 
loose, slack, lax, limp; loosened, >. «,«.<» 1 _p- j : J»^ 

slackened; relaxed; weak, feeble, frail, languid 
disintegrated, crumbled, decom- o~li . p,„i:« : Ja^ 
posed, putrid, degenerate(d), degraded, decayed, 
decadent, deteriorated 

scythe, sickle 

mine, pit 

(coal) miner, pitman 


diviner, fortune-teller, soothsayer 

5 '> 

- *^ > 

<U_U -U>j=>- ill 

mangonel, catapult, ballista 

mango (oLi) 

pulley jjSL, 'jy^-t 

woodwork, paneling, wainscot(ing) (e..llll) j>=v-« 

to grant (to), give (to), present (to or with), ^^ktl : jvL* 
donate (to), accord (to), award (to), confer upon, 
bestow upon; to endow with, gift with, bless with, 
favor with; to concede (to); to contribute (to) 

granting, giving, presenting, presenta- ^ ji.m : ra- 
tion, donating, donation, according, accordance, 
awarding, conferment, conferring, bestowal, be- 
stowing; endowment, endowing, gifting, blessing, 

course, direction, trend, drift; orien- ( ^l_. r) ^u 
tation; approach; method, way; manner, mode; 
field, domain, realm, sphere 

nonaligned nation 

Jo - 



chisel yllii. . J^j! ... 

grant; donation; gift, present; bonus iliac : £>*L« 

scholarship, fellowship 


slope, descent, declivity, talus, (olj jk^. r-) j 
slant, dip, downgrade, decline, incline, inclination, 
versant, shelving, tilt, fall, downhill; chute, slide 


sloping, slanting, sloped, aslope, J}L . j 


effaced, blotted out, obhterat- ijoji^ s u-j->-^ '-jt^ 
ed, wiped out, exterminated, extinguished; extinct; 
obsolete; forgotten 
defeated, vanquished, routed ^j*-* i fjj*» : jf -^ 

falling under, coming J ^...a : . < J J»- 1 j : J ^j- 1 --* 
within, being within or among, pertaining to, 
belonging to; included in, embodied in, incor- 
porated in, inserted in, entered in, listed in, put 
down in, inscribed in, enrolled in, registered in, 
recorded in, classified in 

terms, clauses, provisions, J»j^ i (1£j-I :ol»-jJJ-« 

obliterated, effaced, wiped out, blotted jJ jlu : y*j jyL* 
out, expunged, extinguished; extinct 

mandarin(s), tangerine(s) (oLi) ujj^-« 

teasing bow ij^L» :l»sL» 

dashing, rushing, darting, shooting, jLLl. : £J-^ 

springing, flinging, running, hurling, hurtling, 

bursting forth or out 

zealous, enthusiastic, ardent, fer- u ,ni«r. : «_» jll« 

vent, ebullient, fiery, eager, keen 

impetuous, precipitate, rash, (jijU» < jy^j> : •_» j— • 

hasty, reckless, temerarious, foolhardy 

necromancy; spiritualism, spirit- JjJll i_>^ i J XL* 
ism; fortune-telling, soothsaying 
merged, amalgamated, consolidated, oati* : n_» XL< 
united, joined, fused, coalesced, incorporated, in- 
tegrated, affiliated, combined, blended 

included, embodied, incorporated, r jj 
inserted, introduced 

: ^" 

bewailed, wailed over, mourned <lc t S-> : i_j_j XL* 

over, lamented 

,'-^ - ' - '• >•- 

»-' .*-' '•' ''- 
delegate, envoy, legate, yoyu* 4 J-** 1 jj^« : v.)-"— • 

emissary; commissary; representative; deputy; 

agent; commissioner; mandatory 

*>>■>..-' ' '- 
correspondent, reporter, <j^**° tS?'j* :( -r'J- L -' 

high commissioner 

j»L* ujxJ 

solute ijlJn 5jU : Ja»^ 

degraded, fallen, degenerate, de- li^U-^l "J»Ju> 
praved, corrupt, perverted, perverse, immoral 

electrolyte ^LjiSJL Jki^ 

apiary J»-^ :«Jj»i4 

bent, curved, flexed, JiL. 1 y^i* < '{jf** '■ (<>^0 Cr**** 
inflected, bowed, bow, bow-shaped, arched, in- 
clined, crooked, turned, twisted 

curve, curvature, bend, twist, turn, ._a-L . . : .. : jyj" 
turning, flexure, deflection, slope 

curve [oLusLj J ij**^ 

", > '- 
sculptured, chiseled, carved, graved, ,J-y^ '• C>yLt 

hewed (out) 

sculpture; statue (olJ^a»i» r) <ty±* 

slaughtered, butchered, killed ry-^ '-jy** 

unlucky, luckless, unfortunate, JaJ-l J^-. '.ynyl* 
ill-fated, ill-starred, star-crossed 

'<■' - ' '- 

inauspicious, ominous, ill-omened, ^ j>1* : u-y^-» 

ill-boding, ill, bad 

spurious, forged, j^y < 4JJ9U- i jya> i_jj_j^ :<Jj 
of falsified or erroneously attributed origin 

nostril, naris i_«j jl i_>i. 

nostrils, nares o>>*-^ 

spur, goad, prod j|<i« : y-**^ 

depression, sinkage, pan j^i : ( jri i i^i i 

'.tt.' .' '> 
low; depressed; soft, low, faint, j-«j^ jz* '■ JetoCjt 

fading, inaudible, subdued 

sieve, bolter, screen (J^jf • J*** 

*', * -> 
expectorant, productive j-ii* : p**— 

wet, moistened), bedewed, dewy, Jl-^ 1 <S-x> '• i£jJ— 



vexed, irritated, uncomfortable, ill at ease, uneasy, 

house, home, residence, domicile, ^^SC-. t cuIj : iij^* 
apartment, flat, dwelling, place, abode 

sent down, revealed <o t^-'y '■ iS'j-» <■ <S'j>-» 

inlaid (with), set (with) Co'j, : (_, ) Jy* 

rank, degree, grade, order, illSCi < i>- j j t ill j : i)_)^« 
class, category; position, place, status; standing, 
stature, prestige, dignity 

digit; place [oUiLj] (C.C*-) *!>£. 

slide, slip J "Jl jj "j| I J_^ : jj^u 

sliding, gliding, slipping, skidding, slithering; j))L$ 
slide, slip 

sliding door 


domestic, house, home, family, house- ^£j '•'[Jy-» 
hold; homemade; private 

far above, too exalted for, free from 

infallible, inerrant, unerring; impec- UJ-I ^c o^~. 

retired, secluded, solitary, isolated; (t$j>^0 3^** 
outlying, out-of-the-way, remote, distant, faraway 

removed, taken away, taken off; p _jla»* « s-^li. : fj)i« 
pulled out, extracted, plucked out, torn out 

demilitarized zone t-XJI ic^r-* «iL- 

bleeder, hemophiliac <t-j J__o ^ :<_»j ^L. 

• . ''.' »•- 
reception room, drawing room, J L «,:... 1 ii^ : Jj^U 


stick, staff dl : ? ' : - 

loom J y : r I ■ t 

driven; drifted, carried away, swept away; j'L-L* 
adrift, drifting 

weaving factory »t_j *Uoa : 7}-—^» <■ £-^j 

loom J»i ■- • - 

harmonious, in harmony, in ji I^l. « -iL 

agreement, agreeing, in accord, concordant, con- 
sonant, compatible, consistent, conformable, in 
conformity, in keeping, in line, in tune, sympho- 
nious, symphonic, harmonic, congruous, con- 

---^^■- - : • ;?- - • raw 

plenipotentiary (jiy^ <_>j jl- i o-lJ I L ^Lk» <_>j jo 

alternative, choice, option JL>- :«*-_jjlL« 

it is indispensable, absolutely neces- ^c ii-^jo "^ 
sary, imperative, mandatory, obligatory; it is inevi- 
table, unavoidable, inescapable 

carded, teased, combed (jJJ i yLii ] S) <JjjU- 

handkerchief X/k* :Jj^lL« 

- i- • 

kerchief, head- ^bj < pUI . rJJ ^yYji iflLc :Jjjl- 

gear, scarf, babushka 

sanitary napkin QCj) j^w> Jj j_. 

napkin sIxSULl Jj.l- ' 

tissue, napkin '^'j } *JjXL* 

since, for; in; ago 

ul £*lj -u^ 


if " > 

a few days ago; for the past few days fb I Jl- 

from the (very) beginning, from the «. jj I JL. 

outset, ab initio 

' ' '. ■ ' 

- ., ' • > 
recently, lately, of late i^,J j+t. Jl- 

»•«,,.» ''j , > it 
the first meeting in four j£.\ iujl Jl- f|^>l Jjl 


warner, cautioner j jk. jl ,lo [^ .j1l» 

herald, harbinger, forerunner, jJl, < ^ jj : j Jl- 


«... > * #' «» • •* 

foreboding, ominous, ill-boding *^_j j! jL> jJl- 

vowed, consecrated to God ( j) ) j j xL. 

bailer *lil -^k I «JJ ^1 j : ii.jr» 

arable ii I jjjj '^JL» : ^jj-* 

intent, intention, purpose, aim, end, goal, tit : f\L> 


arrow 1^, :r'j~» 

disturbed, annoyed, troubled, upset, jjLoi. : pJ-j^ 





yi . nit AJ^ I j — yi ■ i n! '. T y ■ ■ * 

textiles, soft goods, dry goods oU^Jj 

abrogated, invalidated, nullified, <jAj> : r >— ^ 

annulled, abolished, canceled, repealed, revoked, 

i "- ''- 
copied, transcribed oy^-> '■ ry~"~* 

-* > . >•, 
blown up, blasted, exploded, dynamited; j** : l»>J*» 


forgotten ,,-; '■ i^~* 

t*~> f^f'J ~ ' ■ ' * L—j ?y-^' 

origin, rise, birth; source, Cr*y ' J*"' ' j Jua - 1 : *■— ■• 
provenance, provenience, fountainhead, spring- 
head; place of origin or birth; birthplace, home- 
town, home; homeland, fatherland, native country 

certificate of origin LLl. Sjl^i. 

- » , > 5 i 

starched, starchy LUO g^y- '■ iJ ^-' 

founder, establishes creator, t$jL_. i cr — >• : ^~« 
originator, maker, author; initiator, starter 

editor; writer; author t-Jo i j^jm : (J ^ 

establishment, foundation, institution, 
institute, firm; plant 

installations; constructions; fixtures; facil- 

* - » 
I Si ' 


fretsaw uljj-»JI jL~? 

band saw (^J^-; ti* JJ-^) (/^J" J*-~r? 

ripsaw (eiU^I J^»J »IjvIj <— — tii-1 ^^J)j^JI jll^« 

pit saw (u^wrj *<• •^^—i) i)U^» jll^« 


handsaw; bucksaw 


singer, chanter, vocalist 

svfv , r::aaEag..!Yisar,m, , : , ^-zz^ 


gruent, coincident, corresponding, matching 

' • - '-•- ' • - - '> 

brokenhearted, heartbroken; contrite, i_JJLJ I j-n,,.:* 
penitent, repentant 

s t • • • 

beak (of a predatory r-jU-l jJLkll jli^. : 

winnow, winnower iljjm : 

riddle, screen J^jf : **• 

coordinated; harmonized, harmo- i~*Jj» i Ji^ : Jj— < 
nious, in harmony; well-arranged, well-ordered, 
orderly, in good order, regular, systematic, method- 
ical; arranged, arrayed, disposed, organized, put in 
order; classified, ranged, assorted, grouped, put 

place of sacrifice Am^-JI eStJ t~fy '■ 

cell, hermitage i»-.^» :dL_. i diL^ 

ceremonies, rituals, rites (of pilgrimage) iJLl liLLi 

'. , j. . 

poured (out), shed, spilled 

gonad, sex gland 
procreant, procreative 
procreator, begetter 
end of the month 

(*a»o) >_> •» . ' » ■ J— -« 
/ \ *"* '■' 

flayed, skinned; sloughed, cast off, shed, dis- g-l' ,:,. 
carded, stripped off, peeled off; detached, sepa- 
rated, disengaged; alienated, estranged 

foot sole, padded foot; pad (ol^lil) ,_ ^ 

attributed to, ascribed to, imputed to j^-. : J J i_i^— -< 

« . <• *-'' ., * > •- 

related to, relating to, _> (^»L»- i _> ^u^. : <JJ (-jj,.,:. 

belonging to, pertaining to, connected with, 

associated with, having to do with, concerning, 



altitude, height 

sea level j*J 

water level 




.. I. ■>*.<« 


Ji • 

sawn jLJlL) p>Li» ' jT - 

leaflet, pamphlet, handbill; s^j t ^i iyL : j>1l. 
circular, circulated note; flier; prospectus; publi- 
cation; release 

encyclical; bull 

<j— »j t jS >• : u 

r t •* . - •* • - 

prism [oLiLjJ jjij- : jj ' : * 

r -i - •*.-,. •* '- 

prismatic [oLiLjJ tij^->« :i£j>^ 

yielding, submissive, acquies- y* Ju « j— »l»- ' fj - - 
cent, obedient, compliant, pliable, tractable, docile 
office, post, position, job 

standing, rank, position iilsC < »lu : <_■,<?•'- 

appointed, nominated; in- (i_ -,<?•'- j) ^11* : ' ■'-• 
stalled, inducted, invested, inaugurated; appointee, 

poured (out or forth), shed ,_<'■.. ■ ', ' ~ 

* -■ 
pouring forth, flowing, outflowing, J^ 

streaming, gushing forth, effusing 

intent on, bent on, Jx- i_jd. « J* ^ jU : J* 
out for; devoted to, dedicated to 

directed to, oriented to, aimed <JJ o^l. : J* L 
at; aiming at, tending to, turning to(ward) 

andiron, dog, firedog (j-liil i_J»kJj) 

stand, tripod, trivet; rack; trestle J^U- : i_ 

listener; listening; attentive ■>"•- t . , :*.,. : t 
platform, dais, tribune, rostrum, stage, stand 
bridal throne trjj" 

podium *^4r^ 1 **j»JI alii C 

springboard [i^-V ^^j] s-J>" *- 

leaving, departing, going away, J»- 1 j « i_-* I i 
going out, outgoing 

devoted to, dedi- J 

pjii» i Jx- C.X.L. : (jj <_i^a^. 

I-V-&:, .^V' .,,..;, . - / ■■ ;. 

■■ -I 

songstress, wonan singer, (female) vo- 
calist, chanteuse 


sawmill l-.:^-I jlj illji :Sj2ll, .^ 

sawing machine, saw, sawmill £, ili"l. : 5 

cheerful, happy, glad, delighted, pleased,( jZA I ) rjLL 
spirited, high, in high spirits; at ease, comfortable 
activated, stimulated, energized, vitalized, ani- &'■ 
mated, invigorated, braced, enlivened, inspirited, 
vivified, quickened, revivified, revived 

''■■''<■ i i \'' *' '■ i s '' J '•> 

activating, stimulating, stimulative, ani- (iJuo) 
mating, invigorating, bracing, tonic, enlivening, 
inspiriting, vivific 

activator, stimulant, stimulator, ani- (,*.') 
mator, invigorator, brace(r), tonic 

f £"" 'J 

i * i' 8 "* t •' 8 ' 

dried, desiccated, exsiccated, dehydra 

dryer, drier; dehydrator; desiccator; 
desiccant; drying, desiccative, dehydrant 

dish towel 

seceding, breakaway, ^L»*;l * (<J*) rjli- :jiii 
dissenting, separatistic, schismatic(al); secessionist, 
seceder, separatist, separationist, disunionist, 
schismatic; dissident, dissenter, nonconformist, 

sought (after), desired, pursued vjU*. :o>lL 

i)U» «>-lj - 


spread (out), outspread, jjoU < i> 

stretched out, outstretched, extended, expanded; 
unfolded, unrolled, opened 

spread, diffused, emitted, sent out, J^'J. : J3 *.*•'. 

5, J S,J 

spread, propagated, dis- r « «• ^ Jr « ^| jl. : j>^ 
seminated; circulated; promulgated, publicized 

(jJI y\&) jj^\ 

jj — • 


r ■ ' "> ' ■>■ • *- •• ■ "'■:■ --J'.'Lif^T 

typesetter, compositor <_iUl» : ((JjjJ-l) 

table; desk; bureau; stand iJ^U> : 3 . 

compressible iU^ii^U J^U : 

compressibility CJ»li-aJl :<i h t ni t 

affiliated, associated; member, affiliate, l— « : (>Ji^ 

balloon, aerostat o^"^" ^ *ri'j* . J* : J U»*"* 

.*' > '■*,,'' 
airship, dirigible, zeppelin Of j* jUw 

ZiJ" Jf l J"C f / 1 ' 'G*-^** '<A>* : C^ U 

U_Lw v»-lj -^ nh: « 


logic J^kil ^vU i J^k-. 

symbolic logic, mathematical y^Uj }\ ^j^J l^*-* 

formal logic 
proposition^ logic 
predicate logic 
rational, rational number 
belt, girdle 

area.ijb*. i5j5l J i^Jil i (jij'ill ^ S j_)-ia». «*J»« :« 'iih; » 
region, territory, land; terrain; district; zone; sec- 
tion, part 
belt, girdle ^\j>- : 

zodiac £-*.*■" 

Orion's Belt » I j>!- 1 iiL- 

the Torrid £jl jll /\ v! 1 ^^ 1 .»' Sj 1 ^ 1 i ^4 l 
Zone, the tropics' 

no-man's-land, pro- <tyU* _>l **f _jl ^\j>- 

hibited area, forbidden zone 

,, *- 
free zone *y ■ 

Antarctic Circle <*>M-I *~-W Xikll 

Arctic Circle 

idjl L!UI iiiJl 




1 -■ - 

cated to, engaged in, occupied with 

r l ' '' 

inflected (word); triptote [ iil J <Jj-»i* 

past, bygone, elapsed, over, up, ^iU i (jiii* : ^j«aL« 

at an end 

. '• , _ - V 

mediastinum [ tvj^j ] < i nit 

halved, bisected, divided (.>-*•• ' j>kL. : < a nit 

halving, bisecting, dividing; bisector 

bisector [<i — l^»] 

just, fair, equitable, impartial, evenhand-Jjlc : 
ed, fairminded, rightful 

mediastinal [ rv j^> ] ( /?/* ■ * 

i'' " ' 
erected, raised, set up, put up; installed; flJL. 


j .^ v , > •- 

(noun in the) accusative, (verb in the) [ iil ] ^ya^* 


supported, aided, assisted jjy'.j^^^i 

provided for, stipulated, laid down 

disciplined ^>L^u^lL 


shower, shower bath, douche jl* i ji}* : jwa--> 

watering pot, watering can ii, li j : ( t j^ ' 

sprinkler ~Cy> 

well set, compact, well (o^— >J *«-») i-j«-»I>i* : ^ual* 

strung, regularly set 

. -', ■■»*-> . > •- s -■» 
arranged one above ouLJ> j <->>j' < <~>yej* '■ ■ 

the other; tiered; stratified 

well-ordered, well-arranged, ^~^ i i_Jj* 
orderly, in good order, regular; arranged, arrayed, 
put in order 
composed, set, typeset u^Lu : \<->jj*- 1 ) J-a. 


#> * 







L-i^x-Ju sol^i* IjUa-L* 
4jj<l« SjUaJ t j l*a ' j 

viewer (jJJ jLS'uJI j^JI ££j) jUiL. 

urethroscope cM»-^l jUiL. 

periscope ji^l jUil. 

opera glasses; lorgnette f^j^l jUiL. 

spectroscope i-jlJJI jLL- <^J»)I JJ^JI jU»l» 

field glasses, binoculars pi i'II jit,'. 

goggles -Cliyi jLkL. 

view, sight, spectacle, scenery, landscape, .4^. :^L, 
panorama, prospect, perspective, outlook; scene 
scene; scenery, setting (~i\ [^-'J^>) ji~. 

S " s > * ■- 1 

theorist, theorizer, theoretician ol>^kJ! *_^>lj : JiU 

cleaned, cleansed; deterged; scoured, scrubbed; i 
purged, purified 

detergent, cleaner; cleaning, cleansing; scour- 
ing; purging, purifying 

well-organized, well-arranged, well-ordered, /u't 
orderly, in good order, tidy, neat, regular, sys- 
tematic; organized, arranged, arrayed, disposed, 
marshaled, fixed up, ordered, put in order, set in 
order, kept in order, systematized 

organizer, arranger; regulator, governor, Jill : fc-\ 
control(s); adjuster; organizing, arranging; regu- 
lating, governing; controlling; adjusting 

entrepreneur, contractor ^jJU ( Jjlii : X-'. 
thermostat 5j |^L| 'V'. 

organization (o|,Ji^ r-) T*i.'\ 

regional organization 

international organization £)'/* /\ illjS iH»H 
nongovernmental organization *-*£*- 'J^- 1 ^'- 

5-U. - i-Jaill iiLdl 

.i ^ t 

*jjjS *i h.'j 


erf '^j** 


aLluII iillll 

oUailll Qh'ikll 


Frigid Zone 

(spherical) zone 

demilitarized zone 

Temperate Zone 

the two Temperate Zones 

shingles, herpes zoster, zona 

logical; rational 'tS&t- i jj-'ll J I ty 

logician jld^ "^ : '^^ 

illogical, irrational j; l''. 'j, 

zonal iiiLj ^.U- / ;'L-. 

dashing, darting, rushing, shooting, %J 1^ : jILl! 
springing, flinging, running, racing, hurling, hur- 
rying; bursting forth or out, breaking forth or out, 
erupting; going off, exploding, blasting; launched, 
discharged, released; taking off, starting off, de- 
parting; going ahead, setting out, starting, advanc- 
ing, proceeding, moving; under way, on foot, in 

free, released, liberated, un- £jjL t 'J* : jl'lv- 

chained, unrestrained, unconfined, uninhibited, 

involving, implying, J* jjii , J^Z. ■ ^ £+ 
carrying, including, containing, comprising, com- 
prehending, embracing, encompassing, embody- 
ing, covering 

introverted), withdrawn; \j I yk, I : 4_L : J* ^■'. 
unsociable, unsocial 

introvert [ ^ ] J^ li : ^Lll 

butted '^jj^jil. 

pronounced, uttered, enunciated, JiyL : (-u) ~*^-'- 
said; spoken ' : 

text; wording Jiij . j^J : j^ 

letter, form, literal meaning, LS X. li , JiiJ : Jji^J. 

strict sense 

eloquent ifj 




. ■ .. ' ■", '■■ ■.: ■" ■^.ll.j i u 

prevention, preventing, hindering; *-• jj-a* : «Jj 
obstruction, barring, prohibition, interdiction, for- 
biddance, forbidding, proscription, ban(ning); obvi- 
ation, averting, warding off; deprival, dispossession 



munificent, benefactor; very JLai. 4 e £ : f LuL* 

generous, very liberal, very obliging 

strength, force, power, might, stamina, iy : <ti~» 1 i«_< 
impregnability, invincibility, invulnerability, inac- 

free, freed, liberated, released, Jlh.» t jj>^-» '■ iyf^ 
disentangled, disengaged, unchained, unrestrained, 
unconfined, uninhibited 

bend, turnGng), curve, curvature, (oL»-j»~. r) rj*^-> 
twist, angle; meander, winding 

bent, curved, crooked; winding, yL < ,y>L~> : j: j*^« 
meandering, tortuous, sinuous, twisting, bending 

isolated, solitary, recluse, sec- t-iy^> ' *J>^> '• uj»^ 
luded, retired; separate 

somnolent, somniferous, <_j-L«-JI J* it*>-^ : cr*-* 

refreshing; fresh, cool; reviving, resusci- (iiu>) yi*L« 
tative, resuscitating, reanimating, recreating, recre- 
ative; invigorating, bracing, animating, stimulat- 
ing, stimulative, exhilarating, exhilarative, enliven- 
ing, inspiriting 

refreshment; refresher; reviver, resus- (^1) J^ 
citator, reanimator; invigorator, brace(r), tonic, 
animator, stimulant, stimulator 

turn, turning, curve, curvature, bend, ^*i~» 
twist, flexure, deflection 

turning point dyu 

bent, curved, flexed, inflected, in- 
clined, bowed, twisted, turned 


convened, meeting, assembled, in ses- 
sion, sitting 

Jijclj : iin.Lt 


"-■■ '- , - ■ '" ■' 



seen, viewed; visible, visual ^j* '-jyb^> 

1 ^* " ' - *j»- 1 j — ) * • j j » ■ « 

promising 'j^~ ^jt i )fj' tJtt 'j • j j " • * 

'• - 1 '- 
envied i^ju oj-^-* 

hit by an evil eye Cr^^i V*-* 1 * : jj-**-* 

.» >'.*., > ', 
perspective c3j>1»-« n-j :j>1»^« 

perspective <Ll»- <;jl j c? fy*°^ VJj : jj-l*-* 

' '- '•' 
invisible, unseen, unobserved jj-^ j^- 

„ •;•,-.- ,, ' •, 
perspective (5j>l»^« «~j 'lijj-a-^ 

>.. >•. 
metrical, rhythmical, measured, poeti- ojjy : f>tL« 


,1 n '■ < *^-lj-|Ui^» : f j li ■ ' « 
» -1 «^ 

5,>. .n» :ojhi 4 
.' -' .- > • - .- ' ■- 



system, set, suit 

community; group <^^y 1 itL>- 4 Sj-L. : i»_jj»^i 
solar system il_l_Ll I i»_ji»dl 

to prevent, hinder, stop; to keep (from), oj ^ l)1»- : v— 
hold back (from), restrain (from), inhibit (from), 
deter (from); to bar, block, obstruct 

to forbid, prohibit, interdict, enjoin, j^- « ^ : *-* 
ban, proscribe 

to deny, refuse, withhold from; to deprive ^ : ^ 
of; to debar, exclude, preclude, foreclose, shut out, 
put out 
to avert, obviate, prevent, ward off <5jUj : £~> 

to defend, protect, guard; to *^t ^U- : jJJ • jU- j^ 
support, stand by 

to be well-fortified, strongly forti- U^ J^ <■ Isy '■ ^ 
fied, inaccessible, impregnable, invincible 

to fortify, entrench, strengthen, (olSQl) j^Lai- :%f> 
make inaccessible 

to immunize, give immu- (»J I ^}S "j^)'JLaa- : Ll. 
nity to, make immune 

W. i. Hi I 



♦ ♦ 

blown up, detonated, bursted; ruptured; breaking 
out, flaring up, erupting; gushing out, gushing 
forth, bursting out, bursting forth, spouting forth, 
spurting, shooting out, pouring forth, pouring out, 
jetting, welling out, streaming, flowing, flowing 

abomasum; rennet 


outlet, vent; escape, way <_/^. , j.^. , 
out, exit, egress; access; loophole 
passage, passageway, way j\^, , ' 

opening, aperture, orifice, gap, hole 

2'. > .'.'> 

carried out, executed, effectuated, imple- j \- : mCu 
mented, enforced, put (brought, carried) into 
effect, applied; accomplished, realized; performed, 
done, fulfilled, discharged; honored, observed, 
complied with, kept 

iij j» :. 

- s 'ii '•*'■* 

executioner,hangman,headsman ( .lji.^l j^- ''' 
permeable, pervious, penetrable ^ ii^, : 

executrix (JS^O '^ 

repulsive, repellent, repugnant, antipathe- jiL tjiuL 

tic, disgusting, distasteful, offensive 


executor, executant 

I Fuji* J JUJk I jlL» 

wide-open, opened wide, sepa- < 

- ' c>*** • E^*** 

rated, parted, split, divergent, diverging, divari- 
cated, divaricating 
relaxed; at ease 

V2->~~* : £/■*■" 
- ''> *. 
obtuse angle i»->^« «jj I j 

solitary, alone, single, lone, sole; isolated, sepa- ijl* 
rate(d), several, distinct, individual; solo 

district judge; magistrate, ijiu „SV . jji^. ^ili 
justice of the peace 

vent, outlet; breather, -^i> . ii^ . cj^. : yilt 
breathing hole, air hole; escape, way out 

expanse jIjll.1 «»«ju :^Lj 

range, compass, scope, extent i$ j! t Jlki : p' *"• 

congealed, coagulated, thick- j^H . ■*■■,-' : 
ened, solidified, set 

reflected; reflex; reversed, inverted ^^iCiui 

reflex angle 

-' <" '■' *•- 

reflection, reflex, reflected image, 
mirroKed) image 

reflex, reflex action 



shod; soled j^ ^ : J^ 

benefactor, donor, granter, giver Jjjl : in - 1 

substantive (accompanied by an attri- [ ij ] Ciy^» 

described, qualified, characterized <J^»^. : o^L-. 

isolated, secluded, solitary, recluse, (<.; I i Jc) jl^.1 

'■- i '' . '•'.' 

immersed in, engrossed i j Kj-. , J^l^ : j ,:•'. 
in, absorbed in, wholly engaged in, lost in, preoc- 
cupied with, taken up with 

self-indulgent, indulging in plea- o! jlll j * „ X'.- 
sure(s), voluptuary, sybaritic, dissolute 
manganese >/p r 'r 

place of exile «J| Jlj £,l£. , ^ | ^I5c : J£. 

bellows jS \f-\iuj, 


(£^jJI ! Jj£j)j.liL 

air pump, tire pump 
blowpipe, blowtube 

spendthrift, squanderer, wastrel; waste- j. 
ful, extravagant, profligate 

open, opened 

: Jlii* 

y» Vai « 

open-minded, open, broad-minded, (^ ill) p-ii 
large-minded, receptive (to new ideas or argu- 
ments), unprejudiced, liberal 

explosive, volcanic, volatile; exploding, going 

off, blowing up, detonating, bursting; exploded, 


p a'lti 


blown (up), puffed (up), inflated, swol- j-f^-« : f)^" 

len, swelling, distended, puffy, baggy, bloat(ed), 

bulging, bulgy 

• . > - ", 
paunchy, potbellied l jLJ I j~£ : £y^- 

>* _ 
puffy, fat, obese { j~»^ : fj*~* 

carded, teased, combed; fluffy; puffed <jii~« : (Jijii* 
up, inflated; ruffled, bristling 

banished, exiled, expatriated, expelled, a*-, ■y^* 
deported; exile, expatriate, deportee 

denied, disowned, disavowed, i_jiS^ <. jyJi I : ( JLj> 
disclaimed, contradicted, disaffirmed, disallowed; 
disproved, refuted, controverted 
negated [iijjy^ 

*'i ' *>' i *'n\ ' '' 
purifier, refiner, clarifier; j^L. i jjX-. : l<Ji-ii ) j^* 

cleaner, detergent; purifying, refining, clarifying; 

cleaning, cleansing 

a', ' s - ' Z's' ?.'' 

purified, refined, clarified, j^ i Jp-a* <■ j£~* '■ <ji~t 
cleared (up), elutriated, leached; cleaned, cleansed 

led; guided, conducted, directed; driven, steered, jU-« 
piloted; drifted, carried away; adrift, drifting; obe- 
dient, compliant, yielding, submissive 

beak, bill, nib 
beak, bill, nib 
pick, pickax 
platypus, duckbill 
gar, garfish; halfbeak 



mountain pass, defile, gap, gate, J^ j Jj jJ> : lJl 


explorer; investigator, examiner; i_-il J*li : <-— — a 

researcher, scholar, research worker 

drill, gimlet, borer, auger, punch, perfo- t_Jii. : l-i 

virtue, excellence; good traits ~Cy i iL-ai : 

commendable act, laudable deed, feat, S_u-aw 


■* *- . ~.' f 

separated), detached, disconnected, disjoined, J,,na;» 
disjunct; discrete, unconnected, individually dis- 

tinct, unrelated, not attached to others; several 

"<■ '■'■' .'■'•'.' 

opened, unlocked, undone; 

adjourned; concluded, closed; dis- 
solved, broken up, disbanded 

riddle, screen; winnow(er) 

T '■' .'■'■'■' 

, ^^o '.* /nil » 


(feather) duster 

blistered, vesicular, vesiculate, pimpled, 

pimply, pustulate 

vesicant, vesicatory, blistering (ji>U) 

use, usefulness, utility, advantage, avail, Soili : < 
benefit, profit 

marginal utility 

public utility i*U <««;. oli <L— y t <L>U <««;* 

public utilities <uU vjL^ 

-a* ' . ,'- 

sanitary faalities V"*r° £-? 

utilitarianism i»idl i_j»Ju 

excited, agitat- i_jjJ»«a« i ^-^4* ' (C»J»Lc) ^JU : J*LLj 
ed, emotional, upset, wrought-up, deeply stirred; 
irritable, nervous, edgy, on edge, on fire 

passive, influenced, affected, acted <_i j>y : J*jL^ 





spent, expended, outlaid, 
paid out, disbursed 

spent, passed 

&*** >m 

(j <*l;(l' >« 

incessant, unceasing, continual, con- • U;-. ^ 
tinued, uninterrupted, unbroken, unremitting, 
(a)round-the-clock, constant, running 

"'• ' '..'' 

tit ■ r M* *>■ li — *'*' t 

forget-me-not, myosotis (.-.I-.) t. .;••'. 

brazier (jUl) u^V :Jil. 

goniometer 01,-kil Ujj y.Lu :JiL. 
resort, recourse, place to return tooL i »_»-^. 

tropic [dUi] jll 

tropic of Capricorn t$y£ t_- 

tropic of Cancer " j"'-^ v 

turn of the century y^iJ | 




* - » _" • 

LiJ ibl kJuL* 

dug; excavated, hollowed out, carved j^ii*. : jyl. 
out; bored, drilled, pierced 

engraved, incised, inscribed, chased j>i»»» : o*>**-« 

sculptured, chiseled, carved (out) o^*^ : J-y^ 

variegated, dippled jj'J, : j.£. 

revoked, repealed, rescinded, an- ^lil : yi^ii, 
nulled, nullified, abrogated, invalidated, canceled, 
abolished, recalled; reversed, overruled; quashed, 

broken, breached, violated, in- A' t '-'-'. ■ jo^ 

fringed, infracted, contravened, transgressed 
torn down, pulled down, razed, . } 'j^. : JojLi. 
wrecked, demolished, destroyed 
undone J^ -.j,,^. 

pointed, (ills' /\ <J^ J*) J^ } \ « 1^ : i .£, 
dotted ' ' 

punctuated, J^lyJ |_, J,iJL V/y < J^ : J.^ 

soaked; steeped, infused; saturated, 

drenched; macerated 

infusion ^ : -JV 

jJu :^>i^ 


contracted, constricted, drawn <>Iii. i ,_,n U~'- : Ja^i, 
together; shrunken); contractive, contractile; 
shrinkable; stiff, rigid 

depressed, dejected, j^ii llr i ^jllJOyiili 
low-spirited, dispirited, out of spirits, down(cast), 
downhearted, melancholic, melancholy, gloomy, 
heavy hearted 

constipated ,L^I /\ ^O ' j^'. 

revised, emended, rectified, corrected, redacted, JiL 
adapted; edited; polished, refined, improved; re- 

revised edition X^kL "0, 

rescuer, saver, savior, deliverer, j^. , J^i : j^ 
salvor, salvager 

pitted; honeycombed, porous, cavern- • ,'j^'- m j»''t 

exti «ct ^ .^ 

divided, parted, split, separated, f ^IL , ^L : ;'-' T 
partitioned, sectioned, broken up, subdivided; dis- 
tributed, apportioned, allotted, parceled out 
divisible, partible 

£1*11 JiUi^i^ 

chisel, burin, graver, chaser 

decreased, diminished, lessened, J^L -.^^L , u ~i-\ 
reduced, lowered, cut 

past, elapsed, bygone, over, f ^. : Ljiidl ) u £:\ 
up, at an end 

spotted, dotted, speckled, dappled, jjjl , jj-ji : &\ 
dotty, punctate 

cut, cut off, severed, sundered, iiii I « -jj : . U;V. 
separated), torn (apart); chopped off, lopped off; 
broken; disconnected, shut off, switched off! 
turned off; interrupted, discontinued, stopped, 
ceased, halted, suspended; discontinuous, inter- 
mittent, fitful, sporadic 

devoted to, J ££. , J | li^H : J j I J | '.J^ 
dedicated to, exclusively ooccupied with 

breathless, out of breath, panting, 'C\\ ■ ly;'' 
gasping ~ 

tion, atrocity, enormity 
crushing defeat, walloping 


(hung or put) at half-mast, at half-staff ((*UU) ySs* 

inverted, reversed, upside-down ±>>&* : i_r^~* 

* , -» '•> 
broken, fractured, shattered ^v;. '-jy^-* 

- '* s- ' 

defeated, vanquished, routed jf^*" : jr^-'-' 

retreating, withdrawing, falling back, y^i^. : 'j&J>* 

retracting, backing (away), receding, recessive, 

regressing, regressive, retroceding, retrogressing, 


shrunk(en); contracted; deflated ^ l iJ : JuSJ* 

introvert(ed), withdrawn; retiring, 4_ii J* JiS—* 
reserved, shy 

flavoring; flavor 

■ tv I* ( <^5o 



afflicted (with disaster), stricken iXj uU. : <-<j£l« 
(by a catastrophe), hit (by a calamity); ill-fated, un- 
fortunate; devastated, ravaged, destroyed, ruined; 
victim (of a catastrophe) 

inverted, reversed, upside-down <-?£** : Lffi** 

embellished, adorned, ornamented, ornately : J^»Jj 

highly jJj lIlC Jjfc < uUi :(jJJ <->£*)ll) jl^ 
elegant or ornate, flowery, florid, euphuistic, bom- 
bastic, grandiloquent, pompous, high-flown, flam- 
boyant, aureate, orotund, stilted 

miniature, mini-, minute, diminutive 

% -» - * 

adorned, decorated, ornamented i - > j^j a 


to remind someone of a favor 


collapsed, fallen 

i,5y»vrr,,yir r -\ — 

transported, carried, hauled; removed; Jj^jw : J jil« 
taken; moved; transferred, shifted; transmitted, 
delivered; conveyed, communicated, imparted, 

movable, mobile; portable Jlij : J>i~. 

' '- i "- 
copied, transcribed rj-—-* : uy^-» 

- •'* i "- 
translated ^rj~' ■ uy^-» 

reported, related, recounted; transmit- Is }j> : J^-» 
ted, passed on; quoted, cited 

conveyed, transferred, <ic 9j£* :(ilSQil) JyLL. 
alienated, made over, passed (on), delivered, as- 
signed, disposed of, ceded 

transferee, alienee, assignee <o 9j£-* : *JJ JyLL» 

airborne J*>=v : \yr oy^-» 

' ", .* • *\ * • * "- "- 

movables, ilyL* (iiJ%l) J 1^1 < o'JljiL* i J^ii» 

movable property, effects, personalty, personal 

property, chattels, fungibles 

immovables, immovable i)^ii» j^ ( dJ^L. I ) J I y, \ 

property, real property, landed property, real 
estate, realty 
mink (o I j^»- ) t!i~> 

dredge jC'^j £>JI j*kJ iJI :<jH£l« 

hoe; mattock ^>v ' <i j" : lt^-"-* 


side, flank 

highland, upland, hill, height ^j. : c-S^j 

Betelgeuse [ idlii ] « I _^J- 1 Lf-. 

devoted to, dedicated to, intent J J L>^j. : J* i_.S.L« 
on, engaged in, occupied with, busy with 

indefinite; indeterminate (_*^u j~c :^>>— • 

denied, disowned, disavowed, disclaimed, j>S\ ■£-*> 
contradicted, disaffirmed, repudiated 

abominable, detestable, atrocious, ~~i < ^Jki : j$l^> 
outrageous, shocking, flagrant, gross 

abominable (objec- i»-Li * >wj (J** jl) j*l :jX—i 
tionable, forbidden, etc.) action or act; abomina- 


\ ^ r • 

..,.:. ■■ ■ ■■ ^'j- ,.» wri- re^r? 

forbidden, prohibited, interdicted, pro- (^t.) "a':', 
scribed, illegal, unlawful, illicit, unauthorized, un- 
permitted, unallowable, impermissible 

loom (dJlil) J^JiJI^L 

way, manner, mode, fashion; j l^f « jli 4 J»i; : J 1^ 
method; pattern, type 

in this manner, this way, like this, Jl^jl lii J* 
after this pattern 

alike, similar, after one pattern j»- 1 j JI^l. J* 

> » '•, - ,- -^ 
skylight ^ JUi. 1 ii-_p. ( ;^" : j^, 

lighted, lit, illuminated jll, < ,Lii : Ai« 

enlightened, illuminated (^-jj ji ifilii) j^H 

shining, brilliant Jjtj^i r^ : j^ 

florescent, efflorescent, flowering, bloom- j»'y> -jy^ 
ing, in bloom, abloom 

enlightening, illuminating, edifying, ■ ij'. : j£. 
instructive, educational 

entrusted i^ilSC* 1 J^»w i^^i. ijj j^j :(j)J»^ 
(with), charged (with), commissioned (to do), in 
charge (of); entrusted (to), committed (to) 

dependent (on), depending i>j^L. ijl^ :(_>) ±>yC 

(on), conditional (on), contingent (on) 

*':.' , --' 
\>— £Hj -£,>-♦ 

miscellany, sundries oLc^ii : dU 'lL 

variety, selection, collection, assort- iLiC^J : oLc^H 

variety show oLc^ iUi- 



soporific, somniferous, somnifa- (iiu>) jji\. : » lu 
cient, hypnotic, sleepy, sleep-inducing 

soporific, hypnotic, barbiturate, Lj) jS'J. : JjH 

g f . ■ .," ■ ' '• O^ 



sleeping pill, sleeping tablet 

death; decease, demise o^. : u yL> 

vicissitudes of time (or fate) j> jj I olJL; : o^ 


. 1 

'. t 

method, procedure, way; i jli. < <_,_£, I 4 iLjL : -,' t ':" n 
course; manner; approach " 

system; order 

open (plain, clear, easy) road 




methodology of research, research 

methods, research procedures 

methodology <±\ '\^ 

methodical; formal; systematic; orderly *.ri l ' : ' f 

methodology; methodicalness, systematicness 


'.'- -'> 

exhausted, (over)fatigued, Lf L^ , j^ , ^^ : ,H '/ -' t 
weary, tired (out), overtired, worn out, run-down, 
toilworn, dog-tired, overworked, overstrained, 
overtaxed; emaciated, enervated, gaunt, haggard 

exhausting, fatiguing, tiring, wear- t _ r JL , j*^ : A^-\ 
ing, wearisome, wearying; grueling, onerous, bur- 
densome, strenuous, arduous, toilsome, exacting 

watering place; spring, well, fountain *j y : J^L. 

pouring out, flowing out, torrential, Ji U ' j>'f\ 
falling heavily 

engrossed in, absorbed in, lost in, _, *dy^» ■ J '' K 'f \ 
preoccupied with, taken up with; wholly engaged 
in, occupied with, busy with, working at; dedi- 
cated to, devoted to 

plundered, pillaged, looted, rifled, Lil < i_^ : ojil. 

despoiled, spoiled, spoliated, robben, stolen 

worn out, frayed, tattered JL> : &£* 

exhausted, consumed, used up, \ i-r\'. ; <>} 

depleted, drained 


rf j^'j-o*^ 


JU «-l 

'*' i \'' 

emigrant, emigre, immigrant, i t '>j" ' r j" ^^4* 
expatriate; emigrating, immigrating, migrating, 
migrant, migratory 

attacker, assailant, assaulter, aggres- ^U J*U : ^1+* 
sor; attacking, assailing, assaulting 

forward [ijju i-iUjJ (W>-lv» 

bed (jtlji i -^ : jl+i 

flat land ^i^— * y^j' : J U? 

thalamus [»yj^>] (p£jJI j) (5^4 J ^ 

peaceable, peaceful, pacific; meek, mild, gentle, ujI*-> 
lamblike; submissive, tame 

conclusion of a truce; reconciliation, making ii jI^j 
peace (with); peaceableness, peacefulness; tame- 
ness, mildness, meekness 

skill, skillfulness, dexterity, proficiency, Xs. \y : ij^* 
adroitness, adeptness, know-how, expertness, 
expertise; cleverness, smartness; workmanship, 

insulted, offended, affronted; humiliated, ^aI \o\%y> 
humbled, abased, degraded; despised, scorned, 

adapter, adaptor, conditioner; oLx^ :*1>1^» <-\j-i^* 
adaptive, adjustive, conditioning 

adaptation, adjustment, conditioning, oi_£j : oLli-i 

accommodation, conformation, conformity, fitting, 


windward, direction from which the wind ~^) I 

is blowing; windy side, direction of the wind 

pestle; pounder; beetle; mallet; maul 

place of descent or fall 

airstrip, runway, tarmac, (landing) 

strip, landing field, airfield 

cathode *y^ 


spermatic, seminal 
spermatic cord, funiculus 

^JUj yoU- -<Sy^ 

spermatozoon, spermato- (5^ ,_>»■ i \Sy* o<y?- 

intended, determined, decided, J-i* i « y : i$y* 
scheduled, planned, appointed, assigned; pro- 
spective, forthcoming; be (held, carried out, 

to be afflicted with, hit by, stricken _i L-J : -> ^1* 
by, attacked by, smitten by, affected by; to suffer, 
sustain, undergo, experience 

to find by good luck, be so lucky to J j» _) : J <^-. 


semen, sperm, spermatic fluid \$y-» J5L- : ^-* 

repentant, repenting l_-jLJ : i-..>. ; .» 


constituent, principal; manda- Joy* i jS y : i 
tor, authorizer 

Cjy* ' 4 i i 4 

death; decease, demise 


' : i 
jr 1 Jf 'J "".*-* 

impregnable, invincible, inexpu- jjj»- 4 1 >^»- : g*i* 
gnable, invulnerable, impervious, impenetrable, 
unapproachable, inaccessible, forbidding, well- 
fortified, unconquerable, indomitable, unassail- 
able, strong, secure 

immune, proof, insus- (^JJ tjo ^ ^ ) ^-^ ■ £~* 

high, lofty, towering, elevated, exalted, £-£j» • uLl. 
sublime, eminent, superior 

dignity, gravity, solemnity, portliness, J^U- : <oli-> 
stateliness, grandeur, grandness, augustness, sub- 
awe, veneration, reverence <L»j :<?*• 

fear, fright, dread, terror <->y~ :<>U-* 

addax, oryx, antelope, wild cow (i>\y?-) »^» 

wrangle, altercation, dispute, quarrel <L*- Li* : i^iiir* 

vituperation, revilement, abuse <-Ar? '• •> vp 




to make or prepare a bed 
bed; cradle 
to nip (it) in the bud 
from cradle to grave 



tranquilizer, sedative; barbiturate; calm- Jci :C$oil 
ative, calming, sedative, anodyne, assuasive, 
soothing, relieving, easing, lenitive, demulcent, 
alleviating, allaying, mitigative 

presented, given, donated, offered £ j£ *?sL : <i 04! 
Presentee O'l &'£ 

rock crusher, jawbreaker ijlk». ii^L < jjlli : 5^ 

threatened, menaced 

threatening, menacin 
tory; threatener, menacer 

threatening, menacing, minacious, mina- jx.yj : .<V f , 

' . '' ' " 

Jj4^« «► I j - J J^* 

*-:' , =-' 

destroyer, demolisher; sub- ^fo 4 f!i J*lj : » J4I 
verter; destructive, devastative, subversive 
demolished, pulled down, torn down, ^j^, : ^\' t , 
taxed, wrecked, destroyed, ruined 
weakened), debilitated, ■ ^ : / . t »_. 
feeble, run-down, exhausted, worn-out 
lost; wasted, squandered, uselessly 
spent; futile, vain, useless 

shed or spilled with impunity or in vain (* j) jy\- 

torn down, pulled down, razed, j,!^ : «^, 

wrecked, demolished, destroyed; subverted 

presented, given, donated, offered <>+£ *?sL -1s£» 
- ,* ~ „ ... 

prattling, garrulous, gabby, loquacious; j^'j :j\J+» 
prattler, babbler, twaddle(r) 

well-mannered, well-bred, re- ( _ r lS' 4 t_, j ji : i_, J^ 
fined, polished, cultured, educated, polite, man- 
nerly, civil, courteous, urbane, fair-spoken 
rectified, corrected 

purified, refined 

(J*-" ' J*** '■'-r'-H* 


rightly guided, following the right jui j : (<i jl^I ) »-'/f 


vaginitis, colpitis 

path, on the right way 
dotard; childish; feeble-minded 
delirious, raving 

iU: " " 


tej*^ (fh~ &j+> 

shaking, trembUng, tremulous, quaking, 'SJ. :'j£ 

quivering; rocking, swaying, swinging, vibrating, 

Turbellaria u Ulj I ^ iL'lU : o \j£ 

interested; concerned, solicitous; JC^ < t^jls^ il^ 

attentive, mindful, heedful ' ' 

heart; blood; soul ^'j , ( .'j , ^ : j^ 

place or country of emigration; i'J»l\ 'r-*y> :^» 
colony, settlement; overseas 

displaced, dislodged, driven away, ex- j^ -J*** 
pelled, uprooted, homeless 

place to sleep; bedchamber, bedroom; oC : %»+. 
dormitory; quarters, lodgings 

1 1 ' '.' ' '" - ' 

deserted, abandoned, forsaken, Jl^i 1 iii 3 'ji. :jy<+» 
derelict; forlorn, desolate, unfrequented; lonely; in 
disuse, out of use, obsolete, archaic, antiquated, 
old-fashioned, out-of-date, outdated, outmoded 

to level (off), even, plane, flat- ^X , '±L* , J^. :'j£, 

ten, flat, roll, grade; to smooth, smoothen 

to pave ^i : ;£. 

to arrange, settle, put in order; to j'jL < Ljj : J^> 
make, prepare 

to facilitate, make easy '^ ( J^ : 'j£, 

to pave the way for or to, clear the J J^lJ I 'j£. 
way for or to ' 

J > 


*\ * * > >>~ * '" 
emaciated, wasted, hag- JljAL» oU« i <ijj»-« : Jjj*» 

gard, gaunt, rawboned, skinny, scrawny, bony 

defeated, vanquished, <-jjU-> i j>»--a* ' j>->-» : f Jjf» 
routed, conquered, beaten, overcome, overmas- 
tered, overpowered 

smashed, crashed, j}~&-* ' (*"** • f >-*'* ' (*-*■• 

shattered, broken into pieces, in pieces, crushed, 


digested (food) (f^») f>^** 

wronged, oppressed, aggrieved, treated jil f^-a*-' 
with injustice 
slender , slim, svelte 
bewildered, perplexed, baffled 
albinism jl) jJJ-I j pU»^l o\<£* ^ -3t* 

to crush, grind, bruise, pound J*~ : di+» « d+» 

J*" cr'j - Ji* 

slowness, leisure(liness), ease ijt ' Sfy : t*» 'J** 

slowly, deliberately, leisurely, at lei- J44 J* « %* 
sure, without haste 

slowly! take it easy! easy does it! take £i+» J* 
your time! 

time limit; term, appointed time, limited ( J*« ^) «!+• 
time; respite, delay; extra period of time, exten- 
sion, indulgence, grace 

destructive, ruinous, annihilating, j>j* < c.. v .,« : iiU^ 
pernicious; deathly, mortal, deadly, fatal, lethal; 
destroyer, miner, annihilator 

place of jii- (^>'i /\) 0& « dJ^il '^f'y : <&+. 
destruction; dangerous place, dangerous spot; 
dangerous situation 
pitfall, trap 5 1>- : i^i-« 

danger, peril *£!+; 1 ^^L*- : *£l+* 

crescent, crescent-shaped, lunate, semi- JbUtf :Ji+» 


flimsy, sleazy, thin, slight [$ jj t »l j 1 J-»j : Jjlfr* 

;.,*,* . j*« s - '^ 

hallucinogen, hallucinogenic i-_jl» ijoau jlit : ^y** 


educator, teacher; discipliner 

to be or become skilled, skillful, profi- l^»L 0^ :^*« 
cient, clever, smart; to excel in, do proficiently 

to seal, signet, stamp, impress, imprint, 


to give a dower to 

l\'}\ '£ 

dower, dowry 

(JljtaO \jt* 

sealing, stamping, impression, 
impressing), imprinting 

r^' c"*j 

i r»- : j** 

foal, colt 


-yijl -J J • >4-t 

seal, signet; stamp, imprint; rubber J U- 1 ~*~ : j^ 


shed, spilled, poured out 

escape, flight, getaway, way ^Ui 1 yaj- 1 >» : Ljjt* 
out; loophole; alternative; refuge, retreat, sanc- 

inevitable, inescapable, unavoidable, 4^ i->^» *i 
necessary, obligatory, imperative, mandatory 

smuggled, contraband 
smuggler, contrabandist 

clown, buffoon, jester, harlequin, 
merry-andrew; wag, joker 

festival, festivity, celebration, -u* « JUj> I : o\*jt» 
fete, gala, carnival, kermis, fair 

festive, festal, festival 1$ 

heretic; heresiarch 

shed, spilled, poured out 


minced, chopped (up), hashed 

mashed, squashed, crushed, 0^h_« 1 <3>h_« : (j*}jt* 
bruised, pounded, pestled 

shed, spilled, poured out ^yr * ' <->>* : &3A* 

>" v :' 1 -V." 

farce, mockery; comedy (Jj^i-* r) *J^** 



profession, occupation, vocation, iLI» t ti'^ 
business, trade, career, pursuit, calling, work, 

trade secret i^ii ' 

engineer; architect i-luil 'cj'j*. '^ : ^x+a 

interior designer, interior decorator j^SCo u-^ 
agronomist ^ljj^.j£ 

flight engineer o\jJ>' u ~jj^. 

civil engineer 
architect j \^. y-jui- t(Sj\^. ^-Je- 

well-groomed, well-dressed, neat, i^'J. 1 JJ I : /^jt 
tidy, trim, smart, spruce; fixed (up), well-ordered, 
well-arrayed, well-arranged 

professional, vocational, occu- I^a <JJ y/''- •' - jf 

vocational training V^. L- j Ji 

training school, trade school i'-j. L j Lu 

diluted), washy, watery, LJ^L. « ji^ ' ■ '^ - : >*» 
weakened), wishy-washy 

crystal j£«jjt:^ 

atmosphere ^- : S 1^, 4 1$^, 

shaft (pkJl)!!^,^ 
.*' , ' .*' .. 


fan jJJ <LiUjiS j| <,jjlj ia-jj* :sl^» 


maniac; maniac(al), y-jilj oCa* 1 ^^ '-ij»iyi» 
manic; infatuated, crazy, mad, obsessed 

prepared, ready, all set; designed ^i. < 'SjL : (J) \£, 
(for), intended (for), destined (for) 

preparer, arranger, designer, deviser, mak- j*l : \^» 
er, author 

whatever, whatsoever, no matter what U^ 

whatever the case may be, be it as J.\ '^ '^ \^. 
it may, in any case, in any event, at any rate, 
anyhow, anyway 

spur, goad, prod lj : j\^, 

function, task, "CjyX, liJCj iu» lj :iu^ iiuj!» 
duty, assignment, mission, commission, errand, 

supplies, provisions; jJU-j t( jy> :(jfCJl) .-.l'./. 
equipment; materiel, ammunition, munitions 
stock-in-tradeol^k; « ol oil 1 ; j*: (.^IkJl ) otl^ 

o*U- <ol,> «ol>l» :(<L,.J.I tUsdJl) oll^ 

rolling stock, equipment 

spur, goad, prod 1-. -jV a . 

neglected, omitted, left out, dis- j^4» ' ^j>- : J*+» 
regarded, ignored; abandoned, forsaken; obsolete, 
antiquated, outdated, in disuse, out of use 

discarded; waste, refuse, left over, no ,-^L* : J'-t- 
longer of use 

unpointed, undotted J»yJ. Jj. t J>Jw ^j. : J'.j' 

wastebasket, wastepaper basket o^l^ll iL 

negligent, neglectful, derelict, J|«*% li-^ : J»ii 
remiss, slack, careless, heedless, inattentive, inad- 
vertent, disregardful, reckless 

_. , *- _ j .1 ., 

remote ojuju <l»-li <»i»jl cojuju ^l ix^ ' *<i 1 a t < * ^ 1? - 

desert, faraway wasteland 

worried, concerned, anxious, solicitous, jiS : pj » jf- 
uneasy, troubled; careworn 

grieved, sad, grief-stricken, sorrowful, JUi- : fj^i-* 

to serve 

to practice one's profession 

>\* '-Of 

.\ «-! 

to be despicable, contemptible; \'jjl>~ 

to be menial, humble; to be low, base, mean 

to apprentice jj^. « oj'j : j^ 

congratulator, felicitator, well-wisher SjL* : ^. 



11 • •■■■■ ■ '^■'•- -'-'« 

wasteland, barren land, unculti- Ai»-U ,joj\ :cj\y> 

vated land 

covenantor, covenanter _l»Im :JjI>* 

facing, opposite (to), obverse JjU* : (J) **■!>< 

opposition, oppositeness 

- -j M '- '' ..— - ' 

encounter; confrontation; !l» jL. s aLU* : i^ \y> 
facing, meeting face to face 

meeting; interview; audience iLli. i 9-^1 : *+=rl>« 

<- - .--,- » ..-- .- < 
confrontation, facing, meet- juaJ < a^jUm : a*»-i>» 

ing, encounter, defiance, countering, facing up to, 
standing up to; coping with, dealing with, grap- 
pling with 

face to face '■>+*■ \y 

equivocator, tergiversator 'r i^y ' jj ' ->-• : <->j ' ** 

double-crosser; double-dealing, ?ob^. :ojl_>-» 

deceitful, devious, tricky 

roundabout, indirect, circuitous, _^L« j~t : (-jj'>* 

equivocation, tergiversation, prevari- Sjjlx. :<ij\y 
cation, quibble 

circumlocution, periph- {J^ uy u'jj^ '-**>j\y 

parallel (to); corresponding (to), ( J) (c5 jljil) j\y 

equivalent (to), equal (to), similar (to) 

parallelism; correspondence, equivalence Sljl^« 

equal (to), equivalent (to); bal- ( J) JjL«^ : ( J) uj\y 
ancing, counterbalancing 

stabilizer; balancer ujl^JI Jaa -» j U :<jjl>» 

equilibrant; counterbalance 

balancing, equilibration; bal- ujl>> tilal** :ijjl>« 
ance, equilibrium, equipoise, poise, counterbal- 
ance, counterpoise 

stabilization r-~r? 'uj'>-J' -J**f '^j'^-* 

equalization, equalizing, ijj— >' iol_jl — • :(,>-;) *Jj'>* 

equation, equating, leveling, putting on the same 


comparison, collation iJ jli. t aLIl. : (^j <>'j\y 


,s'"' " ■' -7,v: 

.. -. .... , ,,,..,■.,„ .^^ 

I yL* . *j j I y» 

awesome, awful, awe-inspiring, ^Ul ajUo : i_ 
dreadful, fearful, venerable 

solemn, grave, dignified, portly, JJb- : i 

stately, majestic, imposing, grand, august, sublime, 
magnificent, highly impressive 

exciting; excitative, excitant; agitat- S'j^a <. jJl* : n^* 
ing, stirring, rousing, arousing; stimulating, 
stimulative, stimulant; provocative; irritating, 
irritative, irritant; exciter, stirrer, rouser; stimulator 

stimulant, stimulus, excitant; irritant; a1_. : rl^ 
stimulating, stimulant, stimulative, exciting, ex- 
citant, excitative 

agitator, trouble- ljIjIwj^I jl a: •.'all jJL. : ^^> 
maker, incendiary, rabble-rouser, demagogue 

broken, shattered, fractured 
helpless, powerless, sapless 

dominant, dominating, predominant, 
preponderant, prevailing, controlling, command- 
ing, governing, reigning, ruling; (absolute) master, 
ruler, overlord 

suzerain, suzerain state ^—r*' ^i i 

despised, despicable, contemptible; menial, jj&- : j«4« 
humble; low, base, mean 

insulting, offensive, offending, outrageous ji»w : j^ 

humiliating, disgraceful, dishonorable, jpw> : l y&> 
ignominious, degrading, debasing 

GO & 

mew, meow, miaow 

- ' i* 

suitable, fit, agreeable, conve- Ji \y t pS% : ^ \y> 
nient, appropriate; harmonious, in harmony, in 
agreement, in accord, concordant, consonant, 

fitness, suitability, suitableness, iii \y, t i. i~%. : i> i \y* 
agreeability, agreeableness, convenience, appro- 

harmony, agreement, accord, ijUil < ^^y~>\ :"^>f\y 
concord; rapport 

adaptation, adjustment, accommo- oi—SJ :i*?l^-. 
dation, conformation, conformity, suiting, fitting 
lifeless, inanimate, dead sL»- ij'i yj. <. x«L»- :Ci\y 


\ \r~\ 

dent, conforming, conformable, coinciding, coin- 
cident, compatible, consistent, accordant, con- 
cordant, harmonious, matching; identical 

corresponding to, (J^. j»jU j) ciaC^ :jil^ 
coinciding with, coincident with, concurring with, 
concurrent with; falling on (a given date) 

• * >' «" - > 

approval, consent, assent, jljil i ^j t J^Ji : *ai\y 

agreement, accession, OK, subscription, sanction, 
endorsement, ratification 

suitability, suitableness, C-C < <. t% : iii l^i 
appropriateness, propriety, fitness, agreeability, 
agreeableness, convenience, expediency, expedi- 
ence, favorableness 

agreement, correspondence, jilL; « iilii : Aii F^ 
conformity, coincidence, compatibility, consisten- 
cy, consistence, accordance, harmony; identity 



escort; convoy j^ l^, : i_-£ l^i 

escorting), convoking), ac- ili- C*. « & |^ :XJS\'y» 
companying, accompaniment 

folk song in colloquial language; roun- Cl 1^. : J \'y 

refuge, sanctuary, asylum, resort tkL : JJ^. 

supporter, advocate, ^lii ( _u^l t j^ : ( J Ijll ) J 1^ 
proponent, champion, upholder, patron, sponsor; 
partisan, adherent, follower; loyalist; pro-; sup- 
porting, advocating, championing, upholding, pat- 
ronizing, sponsoring. 

supporting), standing iiJL^ « jujU « S^C :5^I>1 
by, advocacy, championship, upholding, patron- 
age, sponsorship; adherence, partisanship; loyalty 

continuation, continuance, continu- iJ \L : i "i \'^> 
ing, carrying on, going on, proceeding; resump- 
tion, recommencement; pursuit, pursuance, pur- 

0\y «jflj — \)\y 


balance sheet iJjl^il jC , ijjl^ 

arbitrage of exchange o^aJ I jL, £ j 1^1 

livestock, cattle ((jr 1 ^ 1 ) u* 1 ^ 

specifications, specifics r.\'k~\'.\ 

transportations; communications &%o\y> 

telecommunications <SA~. s i 3 <Sl~ o^>(^ 

continuation, continuance, < i l-'-'.. | ; X»j\£> :iLo\tL 
continuing, carrying on, going on, proceeding; 
resumption, recommencement, return(ing) to, 
taking up again; following; follow-up, follow- 
through; pursuit, pursuance, pursuing 


citizen, national; native 

compatriot, countryman, 
fellow citizen 

citizenship, nationality 

cjjji u iij»i 

persevering, persistent, diligent, assid- J& : uJi \'£, 

uous, sedulous, painstaking, hardworking, indus- 

perseverance, persistence, diligence, S^li. :XJe\'y 
assiduity, sedulity, painstaking, industry, hard 

appointment, date, rendezvous 

coming, arrival 

presentation, presenting, bringing ^ jX, : (_, ) sU f^ 

delivery, transmission, com- jil i JL=Jl : (_.) sU 1^1 
munication, conveyance 

agreeing, assenting, consent- juji i yil j ( Jjli : jj 1^1 
ing, approving, OK'ying, sanctioning, endorsing; 
assenter, consenter, approver, endorser, subscriber 

suitable, fit, appropriate, prop- i__Ll ( S& :ji\'^ 
er, agreeable, acceptable, convenient, expedient, 
favorable, propitious, apt, felicitous, opportune, 
timely, seasonable 

agreeing, corresponding, correspon- JjOJ : ji \'y 


\ >rv 


■■■ "■;*• ■-.v.^.;... -■ ' 

documentalist; docu- ^jllL (j^L* ji) J I* :£>y 

tied, bound, fettered, shackled, chained, jlJu : Jj>« 

trustworthy, trusty, reliable, dependable; (<,) 3yy 
authentic, authoritative; credible 

reliable source (4j) ijyy j ' n- 

to ripple; to wave, undulate; to crimp, crisp, curl, r>» 
frizz, frizzle 

waves, billows, surges, swells, seas <_>lli 

positive; affirmative '_ilaJl :t 

vl — t 

positive [oLiljjj >\jj£] \J*-y 

S-*W ff' J ""<>>./ 'f'jff! :( -r-*\J-' 

cause, reason, motive; need, exigency, fl j : <-~*ry 

obligations and contracts 3 y*j £A~»-y 

according to, in accordance with, in confer- v>r>*-> 
mity with, commensurate with, pursuant to, in 
pursuance of, under; by virtue of, on the grounds 
of, on the basis of, on the strength of, on the 
authority of 

requirement, necessity 
obligation, duty 

J** jrl 

wave, billow, surge, swell, sea 


undulation, oscillation, vibration 

sound wave 

long wave 

short wave 

medium wave 


creator, maker, originator, author «■ j. 

anger, fury; passion; emotion JUij 

( I J^V )**■>• 

A \y ... * m Ajf. 4^ 

. ' — ■ *■ : o -^y 

- '• . ,t - . > 
abridged, summarized, epito- j,v~ I i ^-j I :)»ry 

mized, synopsized, summed up, condensed, 

digested, abstracted, briefed, outlined 

_i _»- • ■ 



buried alive 

place of destruction; dangerous Si)l\ f-*fy '-&°y 

serious offense; grave sin 

atrocity, abomination 
danger, peril 
infected; infested 
cabinetwork; furniture 

K. «rt«» ■ *&*y 



death; decease, demise 

natural death 

sudden death 

sudden or violent death 

civil death 

last illness 

death; decease, demise 

cattle plague 

(^"^ °>* 

Cjy> :i)\^y 
~^Ul (j^fU> :6lj^ suljj^ 
tightened), tautened), tense, strained jjj_L. :jjy 

il" ' • - ' 

motor, engine 
motorcycle, motorbike 

motel, motor ^UJI JjjL)I J* * Jf J^ jlj : J^>. 

lodge, motor court, tourist court, motor inn, motor 

ou-_jjJI oji. '■<jy 


prostate gland, prostate 

strengthened, consolidated, ce- 

documented St^'^. (fj*J- j^j> : tP>* 

authenticated, attested, certified, -tlii. j' ' 



notary public, notary 


^ \TK 

,. i . ,- ■■, ,..* ■ , : .. . - . ., ■■,; ■ , 


inspiring; revealing; suggestive (of), (< 
redolent (of), evocative (of) 

inspired; revealed; suggested <u ^^< 

unified, united; integrated, combined, consoli- ji-^i 
dated, conjoined, merged, amalgamated; standard- 
ized, uniform 

funded or consolidated debt 

«iil <_, 


Druze jj/J I -i*- ij i tijjj : oa-j- 

desolate, deserted, forlorn, lonely Juu> : J^-'y 

dreary, dismal, gloomy, depressing, 

muddy, miry 

deposited; lodged; bailed; consigned, 

entrusted, committed 

depositary; bailee; consignee; trustee 4^ jj c. j^. 


depositor; lodger; bailor; consignor 



model, type, make, style 
moratorium [ . 

devisee, legatee 
bequeathed, devised 

- ' -it i,» 

testator, legator, devisor 




genie, genetic 

watering place; spring, well 
resource; source 

*,> . , ,, > 
[,U]: : '" "'• '" 

J jy 

■ i-'jy 


j j>* 

[,L a .i]&*:4jj 

~ r -~ 


3,., ■?.. ,, ... ,^i 

abstract, epitome, uasJU i <L^!bU- i ^aii^ :>»■>* 
summary, digest, resume, synopsis, outline, brief, 
roundup, precis, abridgment, compendium, con- 

(news) roundup; jM^I y?'y. .. (3jl_i-l j^'y. 

(news) flash 

painful, aching, sore; causing (intense) J£. : %j-y\ 
pain; excruciating, agonizing, tormenting; dis- 
tressful; grievous, sad 

sent, dispatched, forwarded 

aimed, leveled, pointed, di- j' 
rected, delivered, point-blank 

guided, directed, (jJJ jjJw- Lli. /\ d>'jj» ^ki) 4->^ 
planned, controlled, managed; steered; chaneled 

( ji i jj'Cj ji jipr) 4^ 




guided missile 


guide; pilot; instructor; controller 

steersman, pilot 


present; attending 

existing, existent; being 

■ r- - ..' - ' > • 
0^ : J ^j- 

available, obtain- JjUdl J , -^ 4 yy^ : j^.^ 
able, accessible, at hand 

(living) being, creature 




creatures, creation, (created) c 

assets \ij\dC-\cyi>\ :cj\iyry> 

stock oj** J f-i^V cr* oj/»ll :olj^»-^. 

feeling pain, suffering (pain), in pain, J L^ : Py?°y> 
aching, painful, sore; agonized, anguished, 
excruciated, tormented 

wavelike; wavy 


j\ ^ -:^y. 


\ \x\ 

:.'.'.■.,.. -j,.' .■acsm 


straight razor, razor 



oIjL-JI ^ <l,,,.a.i '.cAijyt 
- ' ' * - * , . » 

rich, wealthy, well-to-do, well-off, afflu- j_Lt '.jJy 
ent, opulent, prosperous 

solvent »U>^II Jc j»\i . »JL. : j-^. 

expanded, widened, broadened, enlarged, dilat- «^^i 
ed; spaced (out); extended; developed; extensive 

<y*J prrr*' • Crr**y 

mousseline; muslin 

season; time 

feast, feast day, festival, holiday jit : ~Jy 

seedtime j'-M' j' J-V' j' jjr" cr^* 

pilgrimage season yX\ ^.'y 



monsoon, seasonal wind 


scrupulous, meticulous, (over)solicitous, wy^y 
overconcerned; suspicious; obsessed 




loaded, laden, freighted 

marked, labeled; stamped, branded, 
impressed, (im)printed 

stigmatized, branded 


program music 

recorded music, tape music 

f>*>>« :jUL fyy 




supplies i; jjl : j^ 

income, revenue Jio . Jj»-x. : ijy 

resources; means; supplies; revenues; fl- jjl^ 
nances, funds 

natural resources 

water resources 

supplier, furnisher, provider 


*jy-* : j j>* 

morphological \rfyy jy^. 3^ '■ tj*ryyjy 

morphology Jxidl Ac. -.L^^ytjy, 

morphine <jy* *< {y ry^—i j ■**■-• '.^j^ijy 

foliate, foliated o "yjSZ> /\ oCi J jj jj : Jj'^, 

papered, wallpapered olj-J-1 Jj^j ^IX. :3jy 



4 ' •,- s - •• 

leafy; green, verdant 

y ^*i y^* '-tijy 
&j\i '<Jjj : ^;;>« 

inherited; patrimonial; hereditary; an- £jjy : £>}Jy> 
cestral; transmitted, handed down, passed down, 
bequeathed, traditional 

banana(s) (oLj) »'jy, . jy 

abaca (oLi) r. , ,„...l I j^. 

distributed; apportioned, allotted, shared s- jj : fjy, 
out, parceled out; scattered, dispersed 

'ii "•-' 

distributor; dealer 
postman, mailman 

<■> Ji ■ u)jy> 
- - % > * * 

oj\y+ '-Oi'jy 

balanced, in equilibrium, evenly 

metrical, rhythmical, mea- f^iiii. :(Cij^c) ot'jy 

deliberate, measured, <J iSiy <■ trjj J- : oj j>» 

muslin; mousseline 

peeping Tom, peeper, voyeur ^Li I tijL* : uoyay 

described, depicted, portrayed, jy*o i ■ * -j : Liyo'i* 
pictured, represented 

described, qualified, characterized '--y - : \jy*>y 

prescribed (-L^L ii^u) c_»4^V« 

substantive, noun (followed by an [ iJ ] <J>y*>y 

connected, linked, joined, united, ^ j- : dyo'y 
attached, coupled, paired; tied 

relative pronoun J^^. .1.1 

disgraced, dishonored, discredited, tainted, ryo'y 
stained, tarnished, smirched, blemished; stigma- 
tized, branded 

testatrix o^>* £~t\* ' A ■ ** i * 

arranged; prepared; dressed; packed, packaged; <Jiayt 
boxed; cased, encased 

fashion, style, mode, the vogue jiJL Is j : *Ja'y 

7 -' ■ * * ~ 

- , t 

fashionable, in the fashion, of the latest <J»yU J* 
fashion, stylish, modish, a la mode, in vogue 
place, spot, site, seat, ^i^ < f'^ 4 o^ > 'S*>* '• f-^'y 
locality, locale, locus; position, situation, location, 
emplacement; station, post 

object (of) (iJ^j-fj; 

object of admiration <_, U* I J_*> U 

local, topical 'J^. :'^y, 

put, placed, laid (down), j2f^ i o^ ' ^>>1»»^ : £>«>• 
set (down), deposited, deposed; situated; stationed, 
positioned, emplaced 

written, compiled, composed 

made, produced; creat- !u» 4 £■£»* t £->^»- : f >>»>• 
ed, formed; worked out, drawn up, drafted 
fabricated, invented, created, j^ii. ( jl--^- : e-^^ 
made-up, trumped-up, false, spurious, apocryphal 
subject, y't- ( jJJ (.^SClljic 

> M 



» ateiK'isl'J"ih < i>-Mi»g» 




... '.-..'> 

player, musician, instrumentalist, (J jit : ^ y ■_,■■ /• 
recitalist, performer 

musical instrument 

embroidered, brocaded L '^l i _£L1 : .^^ 

embellished, ornamented, 

variegated, mottled, dappled jjjl , ^lijl : J*/^ 

terzarima ^^ t ^ 

prism [cA^j]^:^ 

Prismatic [oLilJ J^y^, 

testator, i^Jl d^l; :(^l)^ ,(^ll) ^ 
legator, devisor; testate 

intestate S-» j ^ jJi^j 

bequeathed, devised, willed 

( < ??x) *i ij* 3 'y 

- '. » » * < 
5? C - ?*'-' 1 i/J : ^Lr*>* 

ordered iaj 

^ ->? ' : ^ LT*>" 

entrusted (committed, J I o j^ : J J ^ J^i 
commended) to someone's charge or care 
made to Oy]i I yJJ. Je fll J^ : ^L ^^ 
order, custom-made, custom-built, custom, 
tailored, tailor-made, bespoke 

registered S^-^^r 

legatee, devisee Jj' ^J^ 

closed, shut J£ . ^J^ 

conductor; (o^J I jl jjl>l jl sLj&U) J^ < J*^ 
conductive, conducting 

connecting, connective, link- Jw I j : J^ , J^. 
ing, conjunctive, joining, uniting, coupling 

leading to, conducive to J I jj^ : <J I J^ , J | J^,^ 
conductivity, conduction ilJ L^ I : '<Xo^, 

■ ■■■** - 


p.:t",-'.ihv.-;" . .M/y-vi-j 

> * ,-.••?-' 

executive; director, manager, j^S <ijbl tjJ.^. 

personnel; staff 

* .* *. t. , >* .> 

{jjuo y\ <Cj t^i « ( f^jyUff y 

personnel, personnel de- o?d»y-\ UjIjI _>l) 5^1 j 

employer, master, principal J** Uj(»i 




appointment, engage- (UL jok.) tU jf pj^irl : J*y 
ment, date, rendezvous' 

appointed time; time, date J>- 1 i iom cJj : o*^. 
deadline (JJ U Jlc jls*ljl.) j*>- j»-1 < jjf-^l -lc^II 
promise, word, pledge js-j : js.y 

i J_cl^il »UI^» ,_^p ^jo-tf i j_t^il | J_c Ja_»U- 

suggested, insinuated, intimated, <ul 
pointed out to 

advised, counseled 

J jjir' 




J i>^ 

instructed, directed; y. I i <■■>, I-" ,Ji*l : <ul I j*j> 
ordered, commanded, enjoined 

sermon; preachment, exhortation 

promised; promisee 

fixed, appointed, determined ,^ij 

jji» , 

penetrating, deep- reaching, ^u. J J iili : Jey, 


delegate, envoy, legate, emissary oj-O i &y-?» ■ Jty 

delegated, deputed, deputized; mis- jjjl : jj^. 
sioned; sent, dispatched 

saved; put by ^i-l. , uiVi. :^i^ 

furnished, provided, supplied j^a** : ^i^. 

secured, ensured, procured ^ia^-.jy 

i> •> *.- > 

saving, sparing, economical, econ- jf-x. i juaii* :jy> 

omizing, frugal, thrifty, provident; saver 


»MU\.. •*}•?". W!!»J»'»V— ■■:!■■ 

topic, theme; subject matter, matter; object; ques- 
tion, issue, problem; item 

motif jM ^j| _,l ^i J^t j JL-Jj j^ i^i^. 
merits, facts (<5>*!d I ) £>->>• 

article, essay; treatise, study ■_*-,■ ( iJli. : <ry*y 


substantive law 

objectivity; objectivism X^yay 

foothold, footing ( ^jj) Q.^ « ( ,-ji) ^t^ 

footstep (<lL.I_^ J^j _j I oa^oj ) J^t j-« 

firmly established, settled, stabilized; j±> 3 : j^y, 
strengthened, consolidated, braced, cemented, re- 
inforced, firmed up 

domicile, residence, home, house, c^— 4 '• J^'y* 

dwelling, abode, habitation 

habitat; home ou jl {j\yj>& 4......U ilo ij^^. 

home, hometown, birthplace, ,jl» j i Oil : ^^ 
native place; homeland, fatherland, native coun- 
try, native land, (home) country 
place, spot, locality j£* -O^'y* 

point, spot 

motor, engine 

employed, hired, 
recruited; appointed 



employee; official, officer, civil (u>J»>« r) *-*t>« 
servant, public servant; functionary 

uy y \ u r 

ter, engagement 

roost, perch jJUJI | U^. : io^ i ijjy 

battlefields, battlegrounds (_/^-l ji JUill lil^. 
stopping place '-♦>»>' ' J** :lju^« 

stop, station (»JJ ^yyy 1 t *ljj) iLi^. :i»ji»^. 

stand, taxi stand, cab (t^lS" ^J I jlkjL oljC) ^ii^. 


parking lot, oijL_ji oyy <luju o-u :^ny> 
park, garage 

position, attitude, (»J J L/ w*i i jl 1 1 ilai [y ) <Jj'y\ 
stand, stance 

situation, position 


suspensive, suspensory (wJJ i^i^) ^jilj :uui^* 

time, timed; scheduled; set, fixed, appointed Oy^« 

-. * j n 
kindled, ignited, lit, burning jiy. : jy^« 

- •* - ' '. , 
stopped, halted, ceased, discon- {jl i\ < . U; ; Lijiy, 

tinued, suspended, interrupted, broken, ended, 

' n , > '.- 
stopped, halted, arrested, l ^_c-l i _uo i «_^ : ej>i)> 

stayed, checked, suppressed, prevented, held up, 
obstructed, hindered, hampered, impeded 

suspended, stopped or jiw 4 I JJ*w : tjy^ 
canceled temporarily, banned temporarily, made 
temporarily inactive 

pending, suspended, <u» Jj_ai> ^i 1 jJLw : cjji^ 
in suspense, in abeyance, abeyant, undecided, 
unsettled, unresolved, outstanding 

•> *-'> •> '., 

J*. <JSy* p- 1 j - J*. (Jy^. 

detained, in (legal) custody, o^v— ' Ji"-«-« : <-»>»>■ 
arrested, under arrest, confined, interned, appre- 
hended, held; prisoner, inmate; internee; detainee 

dedicated, consecrated, 

endowed, in mort- u-yj-^ : (JU.I /\ tiUilS') <_>y^. 
main, inalienable, donated or granted for a chari- 
table purpose; entailed 


successful, prosperous, fortunate, lucky ~_»-l; : ji^ 

felicitous, apt, appropriate, -d»« j ( ( __L. : ji^ 
proper, fit, aptly chosen, very well suited or ex- 

complete, full, whole, integral, ^L « 'Jo : j^'y 

perfect; intact 

(inner) canthus, inner corner of the eye (J^ I ) ti'y 

* 1 

Jj«-I 1 oL 

appointed time j*. 1 < oLL-. : - 1*, 

appointment, date, rendezvous js.'y\ ; cJy* 



hearth, fireplace 



blowtorch (u;&\) r ^J 'ji'y 

kindled, ignited, lit, burning *yy \ jj'y, 

venerable, reverend, honorable; fj^ < Jjw :JiJ, 
revered, reverenced, venerated, honored, respect- 
ed, highly regarded 

place, spot, site, locality, £'J. , ^>'y (l jlsC. : -j^, 

locale; scene; location, position, situation; post; 

falling place, place where some- s-yl^J I yl£. : *_i'y\ 
thing falls (down) or drops 

garrison i_.^ : '^jCS "^'y 

battlefields, battlegrounds i_/p-l } \ JLill Lil^ 

signed, subscribed ^', . : (^ii) *i>« 

initialed J j fill ci^% (^ii) gy\ 

signer, signatory, subscriber ^ ^'/. : £y\ 

the undersigned, those (having) signed oli'j I 6r^>il 
below or at the end, the signatories below 

signatory state 

\iy <Uj: 

battle, combat, fightGng), encoun- ^"^1. : X*y, ( ii^« 

uy mr 


created, originated, brought into being or exis- 
tence, bred, begotten, brought about, caused, occa- 

half-breed, half-bred, half-caste, half- i>~>* : -Ay* 
blooded; hybrid, crossbred, cross, mongrel 

mulatto csr^" • -^y 

postclassical (word, poet, etc.) (»J I jt\l. i /iif) Jjj 

generating, producing, creating, bringing ijjlsm : J^ 
about, causing, occasioning; generator, producer, 
maker, creator, originator, causer 

obstetrician, accoucheur 

generator, dynamo 

( jjj '^Lyr) j^ 

alternator ojLdl j 


- - ' ' *- ' 

jLail jiy 


jjil J^ 

midwife, accoucheuse 


fond of, (passionately) attached 

to, (deeply) attracted to; (madly) in love with, 
enamored of, infatuated with, crazy about, mad 
about; interested in; enthusiast; fancier; fan, buff 

oWj jr'j -*Jy 
. > >,. 

born J j : lyy 

(newborn) baby, infant, (newborn) aJj 4 j_) j : *£y 
child, newborn, neonate 

birthrate, natality jlJI^II (Jjuc _jl) *__; 

wax »li. : f'y 

. - ■> - > .- i ,* 
mentioned, referred to, pointed «JI jll. :aJ\ Uy 

out to, stated, cited 

desert, wilderness, wild 

- - . - 1, . 1 

»lj9W9 !o'Uu tfl«&J 

prostitute, whore, harlot, <Sy\ 
strumpet, cocotte 


to provision, purvey, supply with provisions; to u^ 
victual; to cater 


procession; train, caravan, cortege; escort, >S'y 
convoy; parade, pageant 

sure, certain, definite, positive; confirmed, af- jS y 
firmed, asserted, assured, corroborated; empha- 
sized, stressed; emphatic 

*,, > 
confirmatory, confirmative, confirming, affir- jS y 

mative, affirming; assuring; corroborative; em- 

authorized, empowered, delegated, depu- J5 j : Ja y 
tized, deputed, appointed as agent (representative, 
deputy, proxy, etc.); given power of attorney, 
invested with (full) power; retained, briefed; com- 
missioned (with or to do), charged (with), 
entrusted (with), in charge (of) 

client; constituent, principal; manda- JS jj ^ : Ja y 
tor, authorizer 

entrusted (to), assigned (to), committed ( Jj) dy"y 
(to), consigned (to), recommended (to); entrusted 
(with), charged (with), commissioned (with or to 
do), in charge (of) 

moquette; carpet(ing) t ~^>* 

JUL; jjji : Jy 

cr*' -<3y 

to finance, capitalize 

to enrich, make rich 

master, lord, chief jl— : ^Jy 

God, the Lord «i>l : j^ 3 j* ' J jit 

malt cJU :cJy 

entrance, entry( way), opening J»--^ '-v-^y 

in charge (of), charged (with), entrusted ( _j) r^y 
(with), commissioned (with or to do) 

birth, nativity, nascence, nascency, origin i j^j : Jy 

birthday, time (date, day) j^L. 1 5 j^y I e-ij : -dy 
of birth 

birthplace, place of birth or i jSJ^J I 6^ : -J>" 

the Prophet's Birthday <-A>jli\ i£y^\ jJ^II -4* 

generated, produced, engendered, r<_~ 

ri_ol (UJ>I • JJ>« 



dried, dried up, dried out, desiccat- ^ L i ^^ ; t 
ed, exsiccated; dry; stiffened, hardened, solidified; 
stiff, rigid, hard, solid 

dryer, drier, desiccator; desiccant; ' IJ 1L JcU -j "'_• 
drying, desiccative 

mortal, must eventually die, o^JJ i^ojt i yli '■ '-..• 
subject to death 

>.. . >. .- - -. , 
c-ju «jfij — jju c«.*j fj ( j«a.. , H» ' ■::■■ * 

dead, deceased, defunct, departed, sQ-l J jli : '"-'"t 

metaphysics *-rJ»" f^'ji ^ ■%.'M^-r > 

metaphysical cjMjJ 1 - : (/*iJ^^r* 

dead animal; dead meat, meat of an (oLlJ. r-) cli 
animal not slaughtered according to religious 

(manner of) death i£j» _,i o^Il iJU- : cL. 

mallet '*i%:lsL. ,2^ 

orphanage f l^ll jlj ^ 

orphaned; orphan, parentless 

covenant, compact, convention, pact, 
treaty, agreement; charter 

the Charter of the United NationsjosJill 

: JiLL— • 


methanol, methyl alcohol 

saddlecloth; cushion 






bat; racket 

to reel, totter, stagger 

measure; amount; length J^J. < j\ji 

in front of, opposite (to) 


b.-^v* --^^77^^^ 

■■■^■ ir 'il 

„~o -■ 

"J J* Jj>- I J - 4J^4 



t ^'j 4 , ■ i n " i " I y* 

montage; layout 

monocle', eyeglass for one eye 

monologue; (comic) sketch; skit 

to camouflage («Jj ill 'p. 

to camouflage, disguise, con- J*c ( 'jL t ^ii-l : »^. 
ceal, hide, blind 

to whitewash, gloss over, QljJ-l /\ JJl'j^l) i^. 
cover up 

to misrepresent, falsify, distort, pervert '<Sj>- : c^. 

to coat, overlay, plate Jli. , Ji : (_j ) ,^. 

to dilute, thin (down), water 

(down), attenuate, weaken 

to abound in water j U 'j£ : i~ 

talent, gift, knack, aptitude, bent, (naturaDA^i. : 'L»'yt 
endowment, (special) ability 

illusory, illusive, illusionary, deceptive, delusive, *»'y» 
delusory, misleading, fallacious, false, unreal 

J . * = 

donated, given, granted, presented, ry~* : V>*>* 

accorded, awarded, conferred, bestowed; endowed 
talented, gifted, endowed, favored i-j.^. t j : ^y*^. 
donee, grantee jj t^yt^. 

purveyor, supplier, caterer, victualer o>^ :jC 

swinging, swaying; walking _^«~:* i JjLi^ : ^-C 
with a proud gait, strutting, swaggering 
inclined to, disposed to, well-disposed J I till* 

to(ward), tending to, given to, prone to, apt to, 
interested in 

liar; lying o 1^:61^. 

hopeless, desperate o. yy** i o. ^sy* 

day laborer, day worker; daily f . _, 111 J^ U i m C 

work by the day, day work, day labor ~^3^~* 

by the day, daily, per diem, per day Cjlll 

to prefer (to); to privilege, grant a special tjJ; Jj 
privilege to; to distinguish, confer distinction 
upon, set above others, honor, favor 

to separate, set apart, segre- ij I i jj i J~ai : _)_. 
gate, single out, distinguish 

to distinguish, characterize, mark, J iy*. jjU" :'£» 
stamp, be a characteristic of, be a distinctive char- 
acter of 

to bring appeal for cassation [ oy> l» ] 'SX I J~* 

(against a judgment), bring before a supreme court 
or a court of cassation 

drain; (roof) gutter; spout, waterspout, ol Jy : uljjf* 

W* ujjj ill :uljs- 
oley-dl u'jy 

•jlji-l ulj« 

characteristic, particularity, peculiarity, ilu»U- lo^L* 
(distinguishing) feature, (distinctive) mark, speci- 
ality, specialty, property, quality, attribute, trait 

advantage, merit, excellence, amenity iLX : ij~* 

proud swinging gait; strutting), swag- JH^S ■ y~-t 

(oLi) ^--^ 

balance, scales 



level, spirit level 

balance of trade 

balance of payments 



Libra, Balance, Scales 


balance sheet 

hackberry, sugarberry 

gambling; gamble j'ui : j 

simplified; facilitated, made easy; j, '"- < I- '- : . 
easy; feasible, possible; available, obtainable 

left, left side, left-hand side, left hand jl~JI ii>- : 5j 

field, domain, sphere, prov- jS^a* i jii- < Jlki. : uIjlj 

ince, arena, line 

square, public square, plaza; courtyard i»-L :ul-4-' 

park »>jl. :o!j— • 

racecourse, racetrack, course, ill*- : jLlJI 

turf, -drome 


battleground, battlefield 
field gun 
field artillery 
field hospital 
field glasses 


field research, field ~IJ I 
study, etc. 

field hospital 

oljLUl <jjL_ ijl. 



t^jij ^j r 'j*j jJjtji <jj jui ii^ij jMjji Juiii 


provisions, supplies, stores, commis- Ci'y <■ <>)'y '• »j^> 

jaundiced (tr^JI Of) iJ^j-^ <-<Ca» : Jj^-t 

mildewy, mil- (oUjjjil ^) u^j-JL> ud. :i5j^-* 



> ~ » * + z'f <* 

to distinguish (between), make a dis- j^" : (trrf) jr* 
tinction (between), differentiate (between), dis- 
criminate (between) 

to distinguish, Sj*\ n-ijiu i^y nijii\ J»»J :^ 
differentiate, discriminate, perceive, discern, real- 
ize, notice, observe, identify, recognize, know 

U^i 4-xl.n.l iojljJ-1 (^Cl ^~c (J* iL»Uil j) _)_. 

to discriminate (in favor of or against), («-u» jl 
show partiality (in favor of or against) 

L lj'<>>L* 


;. -rasaaKiBBr : aap;a&«a»aaaiiMBtMiB 

miax)bic, microbial, germinal 'i^y'^r '•"&}£*' 

microscope ji^v * ' j^" • "J j^" * 

microscopical, micro, micrto)- cSj«jv : ^yCajjSLj 
microphone p-^-i* 'i'j'.j j^' * 

microfilm Jji :JLj^SL. 

plowshare, colter tt*l jUl! ( sluoi- j i ^ i^ti 

to be bent, tilted, inclined, slanting, $&. olS" : J^ 

to catheterize; to probe [ t_J, ] Jl. 

tendency, trend, drift; inclina- Li-j i ~<c.y> i «ImJ I : Jl« 
tion, leaning, bent, propensity, disposition, affec- 
tion, turn, taste, predilection, preference, liking, 

inclination, obliquity, oblique- jlo»»il i <_»l^l : jli 
ness, slant, bend, turn, deflection, tilt, tip; 
(downward) slope, declension, declivity; deviation, 

declination [ dUi ] Is 3 1 j Si- 

mile jl^l \-\.\ isfl Jjlu^-LL :Jl« 

the Nativity ■ 

nautical mile, knot 
milestone, milepost 
pencil, stick 
probe; catheter 


Christmas, Xmas 


B.C., before Christ 

A.D., after Christ 

A.D., after Christ 



£V—il JU-J1 J^L-i 

-.j To) j^Lil jLc 

jaosBgat--... •■:-.■>:.. 

left wing (of an army) ( { jlJ. I ) s^Ll. 

•' i '• -T " 

•' , '.-■?".-- .-'•- 

^>-J £^"'j — CT"f ' Vj**" •°J~S J "j""^ 

branding iron, hot iron, brand; cautery ; l^£. : ,' '_ t 
stigma 5^1 i»j- ^ Ji^ll £il : ^Ll. 



easy; feasible, possible; available, ^LL. 4 J4I. : 
obtainable, accessible 

rammer, tamper 

liquidity, fluidity ijjll ; Zu, 

Promised Land, Land of Promise jUlll^ijI 

prime, bloom, spring Jj I < Ol*»j ' r j- : *«— 

„* .. '-, _,., 
storax *?*•-<« »jL. :*«-. 

.. ■> -' 
benzoin, benjamin g ,1*. jjU : i^, 

megacycle, megahertz, MHZ j^iU*. tJSL-lL* 
solvent 4jjjj ilijl Jc jjU : *lolt 

appointed time; date; deadline J*. I < ^Jy : O It- 
time eij : olil. 
appointment, date, rendezvous a*^. : olil. 
credulous &-i~a^ I 'gj- ■ olil* 
hone, grindstone, whetstone j^L. 
beetle; mallet; hammer X'jL* 
board ^.^- ly : iiil. 
mechanics IjCjlSLil j* iISLj15^» 
mechanical, automatic, mechanistic ^ll :^Swl5L» 

mechanic, machinist, oLi'lil j *jSi- :^iLil£_. 

microbe, germ ^^jf ' t y ?r '• ' '3j * 


>' ■■-■■■■ »■-■■ -.v' 

jSU» j^lj-Ojllil jJUJI J* 
lie, untruth, falsehood oii' : j-* 

»U— • <uj- I j — U»^ 

port, harbor, anchorage, haven, seaport Uj* : »Li* 
airport, airfield, airdrome jU». : c$j»- f Ll< 

dial (of a watch clock) (<j*G I ) .Ll* 

enamel l*j (_^lL iu>-W- j 5jU : *l~? 

enamel (yUl^O *^r? 

U^UI j l^lj - .QU (J^L «^i) Ji 
to hydrate; to hydrolyze [ »L»-S' ] **• 

liquidity, fluidity <U^~. : **y* 

<$» * ■ ■ ' ■*-'■ '■ - '-•■■' '-'- ■ -■- .mvaumum 

. ' * > '. * • ' 

melodramatic Cljj^LlI Jj o>— u \^» bf>^ 

militia il»U»j «-i- isJL-. oly : ^'J. 1 ., ' 

militiamen ^...r.1.11 JWj 

right, right side, right-hand side, ^j-^J I i**- : <U-« 

right hand 

right wing (of an army) ( ,J~i-\) <ul* 

ij*4 *J*lj — bJU-* ( JUkM ( O jj 

mimosa (^^j) 'j>*£? 

auspicious, favorable, pros- o jJIj (>JI j i : oy*~» 
perous; lucky, fortunate; blessed 

mandrill; baboon |^J» Jj» : oy~» 

yjjf *yr S$r ^^ '^^•^^•^^ '^^•^^••^^ ^jp "^^^# - 


subject of the passive 



[iii] J*U Ljli 

J. a . ' .*JI i_Jli 




misfortune, calamity, disaster, catastro- *' , n - : <Jlj 
phe, heavy blow 

acquirer, obtainer, getter, winner, gainer, j^u : JjL 
earner, achiever, attainer 

asleep; sleeping; sleeper oi I j : J L 

to represent, act as a <uli. »l» : oil. oU 4 ^c oU 
representative of, act for, act in someone's behalf, 
substitute for, serve as a substitute for, deputize 
for, replace, take the place of 

(_jUI «jflj-»^ .uj »^ «»-j :JJ oil 

oUI «Jflj - jil J J oli 

oLj] j^-lj-oC»l :(j*l <.) oil 
canine tooth, canine, cuspid, eyetooth oli 

tusk J^lji^'^ljij^l V^ 

fang y-j^ll ol^t-l jl ollJI i!il oU 

repugnant, repulsive, distasteful; im- C^Ul) oU 
proper, unbecoming 

napalm i^iisjU^LL 

napalm bomb JLUiLJi 

to sink (under), sag (under), jJl t Vjj : (jllL) f b 
fall down (under), collapse (under), succumb 
(under), labor (under), be burdened (with), bear 
(a burden) with difficulty 

to weigh heavily upon, ii»lS" J^l :,jlJ.I <l> *li 
weigh down on, bear down on, overburden, over- 
load, encumber 

(i>*) li^ ^Ij-jjy :(y*) *li 

to be or become far (from), distant -u^ : (^ ) tfti 
(from), remote (from); to go away (from), move 
away (from); to keep or stay away or aloof (from); 
to leave, quit 

remote, distant, far, faraway, far-off, a-J :( I JU\) »L 
outlying, out-of-the-way, secluded 

to keep far away (from), keep or place at 'xc [, : 15 f L 
a distance (from); to separate, isolate 

deputy, represen- ojj. 'fiL \jL ^i , J^J. : i_JL 
tative, substitute, agent; proxy, procurator; vicar; 
delegate; vice- 

deputy, represen- oljJI {J J±J ( S) y^s. : t_Jlj 
tative, member of parliament^ member of the 
legislature, member of the chamber of deputies, 
member of the house of representatives, member 
of the lower house 

acting (chairman, manager, Ltfji Sj li oil. t_JU 
director, minister, etc.) 

vice-president; vice-chairman , , ;', C_-JU 

deputy speaker 



Olyjl ^ y-JjuJli 

attorney general; prosecutor, prose- 
cuting attorney, district attorney 





prose writer, proser, prosaist, prosa- _^JI i_JlS" :Ji\j 


scatterer, disperser, sprinkler jy* :Ji\j 

to confide a secret to, entrust a secret to, take ^\j 
into one's confidence; to whisper to 

to soliloquize, talk to oneself 

successful; prosperous; passing, Jpy i ~JuL. : j-r « 
having passed (an examination) 

a success 

molar u~jf '• ^"^ 

to fight, combat, battle (against) 

incurable, remediless, irremediable L/ a « , > . „ ,. : y-j»U 

beneficial, useful; effective, ,«»»«« ijui i ju** : £ J r" 
efficacious; wholesome, healthful, salubrious, 

resulting (from), (^t) i_4— ' ' (t>*) £-i^ • C>*) (*?^ 
resultant (from), consequential) (on), following 
(from), ensuing (from), proceeding (from), arising 
(from), springing (from), originating (from), 
stemming (from), issuing (from), growing out (of), 
brought about (by), caused (by) 

to wail, lament, cry, weep 


: c 


to mourn (for), lament, bewail, wail i_j.b : ^t. r\j 

to coo 

j.Q-1 ' C U 



J^f" c^-'j - Jf^ 1 

side; direction 

l_ Jl>- ( <4>- K*^u 

aspect, phase, ^Jki *4»- j t *4»-j 4 <JaiLl i «j«- j : 4_»-l> 
facet; point; respect, regard, way; standpoint, 
viewpoint, point of view, angle 

district, county; region, area iik-i :<L»- U 

towarcKs), to, in the direction of v^** : 'S?"^ 

concerning, with regard to, regard- I j£ <L*- U ^ 
ing, as regards, with respect to, in respect of, re- 

growing; sprouting, germinant, germinating Coli 

to oppose, resist v°j^- ' *-*Jl»- : ■v'-' 

to part with, separate from, dissociate J jli : 1X> 
oneself from, break (up) with 

to declare war on i_)jJ-l »juU 

centrifugal £ )S ^> jjU> : JuU 

centrifugal force 

centrifuge SjuU! i^ill Ij— J Uij J**J Sbl :5jjU 

pulsating, pulsative, pulsant, J^U- 4 <-jjL« '-Jeu\j 
pulsatory, pulsatile, pulsing, throbbing, beating, 
palpitating, palpitant 

spring; spiral spring 


distinguished (outstanding, emi- 
nent) person 

archer, bowman 

jUJI /Jit :iijL> 

pitcher plant, sarracenia (^^y) J"^ ^ 

canine V^v J*!*- 1 -i/?" 

protruding, projecting, prominent, protu- jjL. : ^L 
berant, protrusive, salient, bulging out, jutting out, 
sticking out, standing out 
in relief, embossed, raised j» U : [^ U 

' ' ' "i 
swollen, swelling r - f" * 't^ 

resulting (from), (^) l-I— ' dy-) ^ • (t>*) g*^ 
resultant (from), consequential) (on), following (as 
a consequence) (from), attendant (upon), ensuing 
(from), proceeding (from), arising (from), springing 
(from), issuing (from), originating (from), stem- 
ming (from), growing out (of), brought about (by), 
caused (by), occasioned (by), produced (by), gen- 
erated (by), engendered (by) 


uj : nju 

'H' E^*" C/'j'Cf^ : E"i 

front; front line; firing line 




narghile, water pipe, hookah, 

valerian; nard, spikenard 
bitter orange 
fiery, igneous, fire- 

(oLl) l/JjIj 

l^L.1 j ^Ij -£)1 ^jU £JL «^jli i^ljj 

emigrant, emigre, immi- («-!»} _ji -cli ^i) r- jll 

grant, expatriate; emigrating, leaving one's home 
or homeland, going away, moving away 


distant, remote, far, faraway, far-off 


to dispute with, contend with, quarrel 1*»U- : Vj\i 
with, fight with 

to litigate, contest in law, contest ( »L»iJI ^ Cl) pjU 
someone's right to something 

to contend (with someone) at pulling; (JA I ii jU 
to pull in a different direction 

to be in the throes of death, in ^i- 1 : p jLi 

extremis, dying, moribund, near one's end, at the 
last gasp, approaching death, near to death, at the 
point of death 

to clash with, encounter, engage in con- JJU : JjU 
flict with, fight 

to challenge; to compete with, tfjb , ^!»ij : J jU 
vie with 

descending, coming down, going _i*L> li : JjLi 
down; falling (down), dropping, declining; down- 

living, residing, dwelling, lodging; ^ , jSL. : JjU 
resident, dweller, occupant, lodger ' 
descending colon JjUl c>Jjii\ 

mishap, accident (<-«-£) «iol»- : iJjL; 

specting, as to, as for 
on the other hand 

elector, voter, constituent , .*':':'. ; ^Ij 

. jl(5>l 



to nod the head from sleepiness 

club; society; association 

nightclub; cabaret 

to call out to, shout to; li '} i tj.'. 

to call (for), summon, send for; to call upon, invite 

to cry, shout, exclaim _L> : ^"jlj 

to proclaim, announce ^1 : _, ^iLi 

to profess; to advocate, support, _, Jli" : _> <3 jli 
sponsor; to maintain, hold 

to hawk, ped- U j\£}\ j "5^k^) aU As. ^jU 
die " ' 

to be proclaimed (or hailed) president Cj j 4j J3 iy 

mourner, weeper, wailer & L, : i_> j Li 

weeper, professional ( ^ L. J ^- fcj «J^ ) t_, j U 

rare; scarce, infrequent, un- ^J. < iy r ' 3 i\ 'AAi :jjlj 
common; unusual, unwonted, strange, odd, extra- 
ordinary, exceptional 

rarely, seldom, infrequently ,jUI j t IjjU 

hard currency jjLi 1JJ 

rarity, rara avis, rare thing j jU ^J. } \ t'S : 5j jLi 
or person 

anecdote, drollery, droll 
story, joke 

waiter, garcon ^ j ^ jU- « ii Q» ( jU- : J jL 

to drink with, have a drink with, (ol^JI As <_) ijlj 
drink in someone's company 

repentant, repenting, regretful, sorry, 0L.U : f jli 
remorseful, penitent, contrite 

vower, one who has made a vow j 


hell, hellfire, fire 


> > > 

nascent -J^ 1 ^^ : ur u 

youth, young man, young- jJ*# hjJ»-' v^ : ur^ 
ster, juvenile; young, youthful; junior 

beginner, novice, neophyte, fresh- IS-f-r' '■ '<Jr^ 
man; fresh, inexperienced, unskilled 

to adjure, entreat, beseech, implore, *_«1j 


supplicate, conjure, plead with, appeal to 

to call upon, appeal to, request, invite U: : oili 

publisher (^J S-^O ^ 

cobra; asp ^*L. c**^ : ,r^ 

protruding, elevated 

^juj. i^Li :^- 

dissonant, discordant, jarring, dishar- ji Li. : j~ 
monious, inharmonious, inconsonant 

t.U Aj^-_j 

J ' JT 


recalcitrant, insubordinate, disobe- ^ 
dient; shrew, termagant 

dry; xer-, xero-; arid; dried (up), desic- <L>U- : >_iSLi 

to shirk, evade, i j^> « v-^" ' l/^ 1 • (u*) <->" 

dodge; to avoid; to withdraw from 

to be hostile to; to oppose (jU < <i-s^ '■ <-r-o^ 

to declare war on Vj*-' V^ 

to show open hostility to >JI V^ " 

to declare oneself the enemy SjIjuJI jUI-^J 


tiring, wearing, wearying, wearisome, i_-»i 

exhausting, fatiguing 

subjunctival; word governing the sub- [ i»J J o-^U 



JCJI ^C" fjvAi 

to exchange sincere advice 

adviser, counselor, mentor; OwaJI (Ji* : j-^" 
admonisher, admonitor, exhorter 

to help, aid, assist, support, ^ jib i jj! i 0^1 :^U 

misfortune, calamity, disaster, catas- 



OJbJLi .y* 


to dangle, swing, bob, oscillate, vibrate 

people, human beings, mankind, human- 
kind, human race, world, humanity 
oblivious, forgetful, forgetting, unmind- (^-Dl) y^> 

to suit, fit, befit; to be suitable for, ' l y\ ) i^t'i: u— ^ 
fit for, convenient for, favorable for, agreeable for; 
to be appropriate to, adequate to, suited to; to 
harmonize with, agree with, tally with, match; to 
be in harmony with, in agreement with, in con- 
formity with, consistent with, compatible with 

to be of the same family (as) a-jJ o^ : s— ^ 

to be or become related by marriage to j»U> : <_-. U 

weaver ^^ : 5r^ 

abrogating, invalidating, nul- £_-li i jl. < JJ»~* : J^r 1 
lifying, annulling, canceling, revoking, revocatory, 
rescissory, resolutory 


rLJ jjtIj - jA-J :^ 

-U yi 

01 p\j 

explosive; dynamite 


hermit, recluse, eremite, solitary; a* I j < 


humanity, human nature «j>^ 


arising from, originating y* ^-U : tJ * jl y* y^" 
from, springing from, stemming from, issuing 
from, emanating from, proceeding from, following 
from, resulting from, resultant from, ensuing from, 
growing out of 
growing (up), developing ^ : Jjf l> 

[!_J»] jj-li 



> ^OY 

articulate, able to speak, ^L , jJSCJ I J* j jLi : jj>li 

endowed with the faculty of speech; speaking, 

spokesman, mouthpiece c/j^z. :(li£ jCh) jLL; 

guard, keeper (of vine- £y) I _,! f ^J | ^U. : ^U 
yards, plantations, etc.) 

concierge, doorkeeper, janitor y-jU- icjI^ :j^i»li 
to equal, be equal to J I^Jij jL> : ^ib 

to correspond to, match, J5L. i j j l_, ( Jj Li ; ^b U 
be similar to, be analogous to, be equivalent to 
to approximate, be near or close to LjLi : 'Jb Li 
to equalize with, equate with, ','jJk ILj. : _, '}, U 
put on an equal footing with, compare to, liken to 
to debate with, argue with ij J L»- , yij Li : jii Li 

to superintend, supervise, J* Li^i! < Lilj :^bli 
oversee, watch over 

seer, beholder, looker, viewer,*-^ i j*\L* , »lj : ^JjU 
spectator, onlooker, looker-on, observer 

supervisor, superintendent, (J^j-i ( i_i 1^ : > U 
overseer, inspector 

manager, director, administrator ^oi : ^Jj U 

headmaster, principal, director iljl. 'j, jL ; J, L; 

Cye 0^ -»j^i 


4> * 

o>^ i<j|^. :<jj>Li 

J j- 

directress, manageress, administratrix iy, jL : s^Ji Li 
headmistress, principal, directress iljlu j^tLi 
versifier, metrist, poet ( jil) I ) Jib 

field glasses, binoculars ol-^il jUil* :j>bl; 

aphrodisiac J»»H i Jijilj : Jicb 

shod; soled J^ *4> ' J*^* : J*^ 

soft, smooth, tender, gentle; delicate; fine; row- «*l; 
dery, powdered 

back (up), come to the aid of, stand by, stand up 
for, defend, advocate, uphold, champion, patron- 
ize, sponsor, espouse 


'. ' « - - - f 

clear - Pure ^ : , ciU . yj U. : j^U 

clear, plain, evident, obvious, patent, «_*!_, : .^Li 
manifest ' ~ 

white cK4?l:t-li 

snow-white t >Ql J_^lj 

to go halves with, share ii^lH " U < ^ b : uuob 
equally with 

faded, blanched, faint, dull 


forepart of the head 
to master; to control 

exhausted, depleted; LiU. , yt^li < .^Li : ^>b 

drained; dried up; dry 

ripe, mature, fully developed, full- j^J : _j,tj 

grown; well-done, well cooked "" 

flourishing, blooming; fresh, tender, crisp; ^J : ^Jjlj 
bright, radiant, glowing 

to struggle, strive, contend, fight lj>l r 4 '.J IS" : jjlil 

to vie with, contend with, compete ^L : jliLi 

to defend, stand up for li I j : ^ J^,u 

ill! jrlj-ib 
to butt one another _L £; : -ilj 

to tower, rise highly, reach or rise to L,LWLj I pi. Li 
a great height; to be very high, very tall, very 
towering, very lofty 

a butter; butting ^Lk , ^Lj ^ : j^U 

skyscraper, high-rise building, high rise i_,LW- i^JsU 



in relief, embossed, raised ,!■>. ( ^U ijiL 

protuberant, protruding, projecting, bulg- j^L :j»U 
ing out, jutting out, standing out 

averse, disinclined, reluctant, un- J o jS : 'j» j U 

fleeing, fugitive; shy, timid, fear- olli « ojl* : j U 
ful, easily frightened 

to compete with, vie with, rival, emulate li- 1 j : ^U 

Jail. «l»-Ij- iijiU (jatli 

useful, of use, helpful, beneficial, advanta- jui< :«JL 
geous, profitable, serviceable; wholesome, salutary 

• li 

jjb ^ij-jJ 


'*'.' .m 

public works 

Clc JUil :i*iU 

to dissemble , dissimulate , play the hypo- &f\j :'ji\j 

in (great) demand, selling well, selling like ^J\j : jiLi 
hot cakes 

supererogatory, o^Lkll _jl i>j>il y* oJlj : JiU 

supererogatory performance lis- 1 _j ^Jj J^i : ilili 
spoils, booty, loot *', ■'<■■ : ili U 

gift, present; donation ilUi. : ili L 

it goes without saying that y I cJjiJ I ili U y- 

fountain, jet (jL.) »3y^ 

to vie in virtues with JJliLllj «_—*Ull j »^»-U :LiU 



I have nothing to do with itjli *ij j.*i\ j J iili "i 
Critic; reviewer (^JJ ^ , ^jI) Jtili 

to wrangle with, bicker 

f^o\>- ij»-lii i(j»-Lii : Jli 
with, hassle with, altercate with, spat with, squab- 
ble with, quarrel with 
misfortune, calamity, disaster i_a^ : i j\j 

- f 

i ill 


to debate (with), argue (with), ijJJ t J j U- : JSiU 
dispute (with); to discuss (with) 

to cross-examine; to examine, inter- »JJ I j*li ,^1*1; 
rogate, hear, question 

fine sand 

powdered sugar 

P*U jC- 

sage, clary 

(oLi) <*£l 

noria, waterwheel 


hemophilia tSj^dl tijJI dj &ljj <c-'y -*j>j^ 

aphrodisiac Ji.1. :J»^cLi 

to talk tenderly or gently to a child oJ^J I ^U 

to court, woo, speak words of love to sljll ^\j 

to harmonize, accord, tune, attune, j» ' 3 1 1 f "il : 1*L 
bring into harmony, match 

to be high, lofty, elevated 

C* ' &■>- 


Jx. (Jill £»-!j-.>1j :Jx. (_*L> 

to contradict, conflict with; to be yiili t 'jej\c : ,jL; 
contradictory to, incompatible with, inconsistent 
with, contrary to 

to chase, pursue, hunt j jU> : .j L; 

^lij «j^lj — %iu 

to defend, stand up for, protect o b : y* ijLi 

blower; blowing ^ J*U < £ij J. : jJU 

exhausted, consumed, used up, >«•"' * ( i_ ■■/■ !■ : jili 
depleted, drained 

out of print, out of stock (p^J" V^^O ■** ^ 

impatient J^oi\ jjU 

valid, effective, operative, J^ill <ijL : (Jjiiil) iil 
in effect, in force, in operation, enforceable 
penetrating, penetrative, pierc- Jia^. ( i$jm : ii li 
ing, permeative, percolating, pervasive, interpene- 
trative, infiltrative 

influential, power- jy i Jlli i jyj j j : (iJSCJI) iili 
ful "' ' ' ' 

window; air hole, opening (in a wall) dill : 5 JiLi 
to vie in nobility with <_.,„: II j «j»-U :^iL 

Cr? >J Jf \j~'J '-J^ 

r l 


■■•■■■ . ■■■...-x. .. 

^a. 1 '* 1 ^ 


tanker, oiler 
troop carrier 

imj JUL i Jj^o ilili 

jjj- ilil; 

indignant, resentful, discontented), dis- J»-L : pili 
satisfied, malcontent, disgruntled 

spiteful, malicious, rancorous, venomous jiU- : Jill 


convalescent, regaining health, re- «liliJ JiLi* : «jb 
covering, recuperating 

horn, bugle, trumpet oy '■ j)»^ 

bell; gong; bell jar ^jr : u*y b 

- - > > 
tocsin, alarm bell; warning ^kJ-l i_ryb 

to butt ( *ij. tfj*) S*3 '• •— * ^ 

to abut on ,*»■£ i,Jx.j£jjj :i_i"li 

perfidious, faithless, disloyal; reneger tiXij ^ :tii"b 

to vex, annoy, distress, trouble; to £t jl 4 JjU> : a5 U 
torment, harass, molest, pester 

denying, disavowing; denier j£-J qa :Ji\j 

relapsing fever <Sk> ^j^- lyS b 

to obtain, get, Ji*- « oCol 1 jj»- 1 1 (jx. J-op- : Jb 
acquire, win, gain, earn, receive; to attain, achieve, 
accomplish, realize 

to affect, influence; to impress *Jt J> \ : <^» JU 

to harm, damage, 4j jja\ : t ^> j I jjJu «ulj « «u- Jli 
prejudice, do harm to, cause damage to 

to discredit, de- <ujc~ «ji : <-»j* j* Jb 1 «u* ju 
fame, slander, malign, calumniate 
to disparage, belittle, <>£. /\ Af>^£» y »jJ* <j* iJb 
derogate from, detract from; to degrade, abase, 
debase, humiliate, lower 

jjU jrlj-'JU :'Jb 

to sound, ring <iL> i Oj^ : f u 

to groan, moan u I : f b 

to sleep, slumber, be asleep, fall asleep; to go jij : f b 

to bed, go to sleep 

t, - - -,- - 
to abate, subside, let up, calm down |jt* < jx- : f u 

to invite tenders or bids (for) i«aiQl j ^j» : yaib 

to bid, tender, jul j ju<» 1 <L»»L-. J !_/>-. * ji i^^ili 
offer; to underbid 

deficient, imperfect, incom- <Jo jJ. 1 J..O j-i :yaib 
plete, inchoate, insufficient, inadequate, short 

lacking, wanting, missing, absent iyry j^ -u *^ 

lacking, wanting, \JS o_)^*j i J J ^iiLi :(1jo ) ^U 

needing, in need of, in want of, deficient in, short 

of or in; minus, less, without 

1"' s '' 
decreased, diminished, re- u oii^' ' a-"-^ '-u *^ 

duced; decreasing, diminishing 

defective, Ji»- jl i__x. <lj t o^ju. 1 '-■■ / ■ > :,jaiU 
faulty, blemished, imperfect, deficient, unsound 

minus [oL^Lj] (>»ili 

defective verb [ ivl ] ,_^i»li jli 

to contradict, conflict with, disagree L»JU- : (jiib 
with; to be contradictory to, contrary to, opposite 
to, in disagreement with, inconsistent with, in- 
compatible with 

soaker, steeper, infuser «il j\cli : *jb 

deadly poison >_*U — . 

cool fresh water >_>L; )(U 

to exchange or interchange (words (tiojll a.) Jib 

carrier, transporter, convey- JiJI 04.;^ '(>»-Li> :J*b 
or, forwarder, freighter, shipper 

carrier, bearer 

copyist, transcriber, scribe 


T-llj :Jili 

j^-jL. :JiU 



conductor; nUjisCJI jloj-aJI jl;jljllj»l »j-i)l JiU 

conductive, conducting 

contagious, bearing contagion <jj lull Jil) 

transferor, alienator, assignor, ceder <^llil J*lj 

carrier iLU- :iliLj 


N >00 

■■■■-;■ ■■»-..: r ■.■<•«-■>■■.-.■ ■■-■■wail 

t-ffWHy QtZ 


high, elevated, lofty 
active, energetic, diligent 
established, proven 
prohibition, proscription 
prudence; intelligence 

to resist, oppose, withstand 



< C*ju 

f-r 1 



to be hostile to, act hostilely toward, 
make an enemy of, antagonize 


to alternate, rotate, cause to sue- i_JL t Djl ■> : VJ^ 
ceed or follow one another 

to maneuver ( fS\ IL.C. i CjSlLt) jjL 

to skirmish, «* U-«- lS"C^i.l ttC^i.] « js«-b :<jijlj 

to hand (over) to, pass to, hand in to, sub- lL : Jjli 
mit to, present to, deliver to 

'JU erlj-Jii :'J}li 

to administer the Communion to u^.J^ I <Jj*J 

freightage) tPvUI S^p-i : iJ>JjU 

fare Vj^j" j' jiUl Sj>-I :u_jJjli 

', . * > ' '' 
sleeper, one who sleeps much, *yj i ^yJ I j^£ : f jy 

one given to sleep; late riser, slugabed 

• ' I' 

* d 


remoteness, farness 

ditch; trench 

flute, pipe, reed pipe, fife k. 


to be or become high, elevated; to pro- jy i lu jl : Li 
trude, project, jut, stick out, be or become promi- 
nent or protruding 

to turn away from, withdraw j*Q i <y ^x> : o* t* 
from, shrink from 

to miss, fail to hit *_~ aj jj : (i_» ail y*) Cj 

to disagree with; to conflict ,j l»- 1 LiJU- : ^ Ci 

■ M ."T'?'-. 


' - "■■ ;\ 

to be stagnant, dull, inactive ojl-5 : Jj-JI c-u 

» »• « • - - 
to neglect, omit, ignore, overlook Jicl : ^* f U 

to trust (in), have confidence in, rely ouJ» I : <JJ f U 
on; to be reassured by 

fill jj^lj - cr-lj : f^ 

growing; developing; ongoing; increasing.^Ul) fli 
augmenting; rising, mounting 

developing or less developed *~»U iJjj i ^U jJu 
country (state, nation) 

stir, movement, life 


y* 1 


to confide a secret to 

law, code £>y\i i ixj^J. : y>« 

mosquito(es), culex(es),<u<>^<u i Joy* : il._y.lj i yj-U 

mosquito net ili : «--«>• u 

excrescence, outgrowth ij j a < Sol I j : «u« lj 

sucker, tiller, shoot [oLi ] jjSli. < *Jji : il.lj 

prohibitive, prohibitory, forbidding, «_»L. -.((JiUl) «lj 
interdictive, interdictory, prescriptive 
what a. . ! how excellent. . ! how great. . ! ^ iiL* U 
how outstanding..!; to say nothing of, not to 
mention, not to speak of, let alone; aside from, 
apart from 

open, plain, clear r-^'j : 2"?^ 

to resist, oppose, counter; to contend JJU i ^ jtf : jl»L 
with, fight, combat 

to dispute with, quarrel with 


buxom, bosomy, busty, jJuJI ij»\± :Sj*Ij tjJkL 
full-bosomed, having large swelling breasts; sweat- 
er girl 

full, round, swelling (<i^) <--*tf ' JJ^ : J *^ 

to approach, be near or close to; to attain, <_/,U =3*^ 

<U0jiJI _)4^jl /u^lj — <U«jiJI _j»li 

to resist, oppose; to withstand; to tjo»«J ' cjU : yiali 
defy, challenge 

rising, getting up Jli :^>u^ 



barkUng), baying, yelp(ing) 
gravedigger; body snatcher 
archer, bowman 

(Jsai) c ij lc Lj 



noblesse oblige i>> j*-" J ' (.■"■" 

acumen, insight, discernment, perception; i_Li : <u»Li 
intelligence, brightness, brilliance 

fame, renown, celebrity lj£. : iiLi 

eminence, nobility Jli . ljJL. : i»Li 

to grow; to sprout, germinate; to rise, spring i'Jli I "c-J 
to produce plants, bring forth vegetation obCil o-J 
to teethe, cut one's teeth, grow teeth *J L— I o-_i 
to plant; to sow * j j i ^^ : c-ll 



plant, sprout, shoot, seedlingoLJ I j I o— 1 1 • j»- 1 j : <cli 
Neptune [liUiJoj-^i 

to bark (at), bay (at) (J*) LJ£J 1 ^J 

bark(ing), baying, yelp(ing) 

C^ : C^ 

to discard, cast away, throw away, fling rj"\ '■ ->■ 

away, reject, get rid of, cast off, pitch, remove, 

eliminate, dismiss, abandon, renounce, forsake, 
give up, drop 

to ostracize (<u^»*« jl »■>•->. ^) 1J 

to neglect, ignore, disregard 
to break, violate, infringe 

- , , ' , - 4 * 

to centrifuge 
to make wine 
to make wine 

discarding, throwing away, casting away, -A Jo I : Jui 
flinging away, rejection, disposal of, getting rid of, 
casting off, pitching, removal, elimination, dis- 
missal, abandonment, renunciation, giving up, 

with, be in conflict with, be inconsistent with; to 
offend, be offensive to, be repugnant to 

to turn away from yt ^jo^. I <. U»- : j Li 

to disagree with 

iil_jj |J :<o i>\Sii\ Ci' 

to find no sleep, be restless, be unable { J-\'ji)\ <o Li 
to stay in bed 

( J; ) til j^lj-^il :(_,)Ej 

news; information, tidings, intelligence; re- j*±- : Lj 
port, story, news item, dispatch; announcement 


newscast, news bulletin, news 

news agency 

plants), vegetable(s); vegetation 


spermatophyte, seed plant 


•* >,• - 

#ImJ I >— J 

Li I ill^j 


ye"-* 1 


tSj-4 j' c3j>? oil; 



medicinal plant 

hydrophyte, water or aquatic plant 




JL. oLi 


rfi* OLi 

vegetable, vegetal, plant-, oLJI <JJ o^-L. :Tjl 

botanical .oLJI Jl»j JLlL. :,«jL. 

botanist oLJIj J le :^J>LJ 

phytophagous, herbi vo- ^J. It , oLJ I Ji I : ,J Li 
rous; herbivore 

vegetarian £jjLJI ju* J»^l Jt <_^-*j oLil :^>P 

phytogeography ioL Cil>jr- 

vegetable oil 

barker, yelper 


,i > 
r-LJI jl^j 



y >ov 



ing, excavation, digging up; uncovering, disclo- 
sure, revelation 

to pulsate, pulse, Ji>- i i_jjJ> : »JJ ^Jil I } I J^J I yiJ 
palpitate, beat, throb 

to flow, run JL. : Jill 'jcL^ 

pulse, pulsation, palpitation, beat(ing), throrXbing) yilj 

pacemaker i>»— " <ix>Li 

sphygmograph i>— " «— j? 

pulsimeter i>»— " a"'-" 

pulsation, pulse, beat, throb iii>- c i^i : i_olj 

systaltic, pulsing, pulsating, pulsative, pulsant, ^ol' 
pulsatile, pulsatory, throbbing, beating 

to well out, gush out, flow Ij : {III i-J 

to cause to gush out or well forth, jL)l jl fill ili 
spout, spurt 

depth; interior, inner self, inner- (J il iU- 1 j i j^i : Ja-i 
most thoughts or feelings 

to well, well up, well out, gush out, gush »JJ {III «-J 
forth, pour out, pour forth, stream, flow, flow out 

to rise, spring, originate, head 


fj^i jfij- 

to be a genius 

\jjius- (j^ ' K^ 

to excel in, be outstanding in, distin- Jyu : j %^> 
guish oneself in 

to spread, spread about, prevail 

LI* t j^Sj \ * jLu 

to arise, emerge, appear, show 

J*^ : t^ 

nabk, Christ's-thorn, lotus 
jujube; rhamnus 

(oLi) j;*; ij^j tjj 


(oLi) J4L* j^j 

knoll, mound, hillock 

/u>«fl Jj : o.J 1 4.\..'i 

to shoot arrows at 

JlJL »Uj : J-J 

to be noble, noble-minded, high-minded, % r J 15" : Jl» 

to be far above, be too great for, be o 'j : ^ Jj 
too high-minded for 

Lvr«L^,i".:v ■ ■■"■■■i 


ostracism, ostracizing (<cj^« jl **ia»* ^) Jui 

centrifugation jf^ll ^» j^L ( iljul : ili 

a little, a trifle, an insignifi- *i u j I JJi f ,-i : jui 
cant or a small amount, a bagatelle 

So-j %>-\ j — oJ*J 

scrap, brief extract or excerpt, (oiki.) »^»- :5JlJ 
fragment, small piece, part, portion, section 

resume, summary, abstract, digest, y^sJU : • Jui 
epitome, synopsis, outline, brief, precis 

biography, memoir; cur- ij^. '.^^ai^. 5 Li- jt- »jLi 
riculum vitae 

to raise, elevate 

c»j '-j* 

to raise the voice, go up with the Cyo fij'-j^ 
voice, sing in a high-pitched voice 

to accentuate, accent, stress, emphasize j oi :^~i 

to shout at, yell at; to chide, scold, j£> I 1 ^»- j :^J 

accentuation, accent, stress, emphasis 

barn, granary; storeroom, storehouse, 
warehouse, magazine 

botfly, gadfly t-jLjJJl ^ s-^ -.jj 

lamp; light; cresset jii. 4 ,-ULa^ :y*lj*J 

accent, stress, emphasis ; oi : »3*j 

tone, strain; inflection; intonation (o^-aJl) i'Jj> 

swelling, intumescence ,'j'j : i'Jj, 

hose; pipe; tube i_j_^j I : ju^li 

to nickname; to give a derisive or in- <_JJ :jli t\j 
suiting name to 

nickname, sobriquet i_iJ : yj 

to utter, say, speak liSCj 1 Jill : ( j) ^-li ly-ll 

to disinter, disen- tJJ ^jjl jl jJI ^ rp-l lyi-J 
tomb, exhume, unearth, excavate, dig up 

to uncover, unearth, disinter, disclose, Lais' : jjilj 
reveal, bring to light, make known or public 

to search (in), rummage (in), grub in, ran- \j^i : ^pli 

exhumation, disinterment, unearth- 

crr-> J 

- u~y 


i — n 

■ .,,.,-,.„. . , .„.. q, 

' i '•-•'.-,'• ' 
vinous, vinic y}-* 3 *^ ' ^J*^ : Y^f 

russet, vinaceous, wine-colored, jlil o£>. '-d>i~> 
vinous, winy 

noble; highborn, highbred; high-minded, (iL») J-J 
noble-minded, magnanimous, generous, gallant 

a noble, nobleman, peer, honorable (^ I ) J— J 

the nobility »5LJl 

discerning, sagacious, shrewd, astute, keen, ^Jai : c-J 
sharp, bright, brilliant, intelligent 

noble, highborn ^j- '• <?r> 

famous, well-known, renowned, cele- j^L* : *~J 


to protrude, project, bulge, jut out, stick out, jj> : uJ 

stand out, poke 

, , - -'• *■' 

to swell fjj ' rj£j\ '■ ^» 

hill, hillock, elevation ilJ <. <*S \ '■ SuJ 

product, production, produce, yield, harvest, ^Li 

crop, fruit(s), bearing, offspring, result, returns, 

proceeds, revenue, receipts, takings; output, make, 


by-product ..JU- jl iSy^ r^> 

stench, stink, fetor, malodor, foulness, must-^ : iilil 
iness, fustiness, evil smell, putrid odor; rottenness, 
rot, putrefaction, decomposition, decay 

to result from, ensue from, UJ t ^pu : ^ j I ,y- jj 
proceed from, follow from, arise from, derive 
from, spring from, originate from, issue from, stem 
from, grow out of, come out of, be the result or 
consequence of, be caused or occasioned by 

'.- - - '•* i- - - " 

At;|.ll c^r,il v»-lj— <*_^JI c. ^ .'J 

- - - - ' ' - f- : -'*'.'. '". 
to exude, transude, ~ j i £^u < (-J»« ' ->-<»*> : jvj 

transpire, ooze, sweat 

exudation, transudation, oozing, ooze *w jjua» : £l» 

transpiration (^IJ oLJl) li^- : jw 

to grab, grasp, wrest (away), fj^>\ i<Jiui> : ji 
wrench, snatch, jerk, twitch, snap, yank, pull with 
a sudden vigorous movement, take away by force 

nitrate djlJ 

arrows; darts 

OA Jj 

f^r : tM 

nobility, nobleness, noblesse; J,.. J I ii»» i iJLi : Jy 
highmindedness, noble-mindedness, magnanimity 
arrow; dart *+~ : iilj 

to be famous, well-known, re- ^+J. I i _^i. I : <J 

nowned, celebrated 

to notice, perceive, see, observe, take i yLi : J <-J 
notice of, pay attention to, heed, mind 

to wake up, awaken, waken **y ^ <uJ 

to call or draw someone's <JJ ojbj c-«J : <JJ jl ^ «li 
attention to, bring to someone's attention, point 
out to, indicate to 

to inform of, tell about, ap- j 'Ac- 1 : <JJ j I Jp ili 
prise of, notify of, advise of 

to remind of .j £ j : J J <ui 

to warn, caution, forewarn, alarm, j ii I i j i»- : <ul 

to stimulate, excite, arouse, stir up, j£\ i S'J>- : il; 
whet, waken 

to wake (up), awaken, rouse from sleep Juj I : <ul 

prophecy, forecast, prediction a iyj 

prophetic, predictive, fatidic, vatic(inaJ) ^LJ '-'^yj 

club, cudgel, bat, staff, stick, quar- ikii- Lxc : Oj-J 
terstaff, truncheon, bludgeon, billy 

prophecy, prophethood, prophetness iyj 

genius ^o*-?* : f>H 

distinction, excellence; superiority jyj : p-j-j 

prophetic; Mohammedan ^<Jl» jl ( <-J (_y»U- :l$yi 

prophet J>**j : (,ry 

the Prophet, (JLj <lii «i)l J£«) (juk.) ^lll 

God's Apostle, the Messenger of God, Mohammed 
(God's blessing and peace be upon him) 

barkGng), baying, yelpUng) 

9-Lj ' W ^ ; t 


" ". -'"■ ' -I." - ■" " ' - ^>.-.«<E 

by-product *4-Jl*- jl "<iy^ *» 

as a result of, in conse- I iid i»«-Jj 4 liS" i» 

quence of, because of, due to, owing to, in view of, 
by reason of, on account of 

after all; finally, at last, at long i^.r.;.!! j t a-x.'.'.J'L. 
last, in the end, ultimately, eventually, in the long 
run; consequently, therefore, hence, thus 
dust, scattered particles or fragments j>\Z U : jLU 

confetti, streamers o^liil J j^j, o^L fci'j 3ji '■ j&> 

to scatter, disperse, dissemi- ^lj i ji i j'j :JJ ijj 
nate, strew, bestrew, sprinkle 

to prose, speak or write in ^LJL ■_ <" ^ I liSCj : ^i; 

scattering, dispersal, dissemination, j i < Jj^aj : jli 
strewing, sprinkling 

prose di'jy j-s- jy-^> f>S :p 

> •- >.- >•, , •- 
prose, prosaic, in prose ry"' ' jr* « jy^» '■ iSj*j 

petty expenses a^ i_i<j La- 

sundries, miscellany, miscellaneous items or oCjii 
articles, rummage, odds and ends 

'"' --<' . *'. 

to escape (danger, etc.), get away U A>- iX;(y ImJ 
(from), save oneself (from); to be saved (from), 
rescued (from) 

to save (from), rescue (from), JlSjI i [jAi- : (^.) Jhj 
deliver (from), salvage (from) 

noble descent or origin ul» i .l.-Ui ^ : iulkj 

excellence, superiority Jji; :i>lkj 

rescue, salvation, deliverance; safety; escape tiki 

success; prosperity, successfulness, succeeding; ^U>«j 
passing (of an examination) 

upholsterer ->-=v-' : Ju»j 

sword belt (<,«', J I ) jU»j 

->>—• Jf b -J - 

i wo 

silver nitrate iLoiJ I 

sodium nitrate 

nitrogen j^jji 

nitrogenous, nitrogen- ^' „Tif' 

nitroglycerine) u'j IA -jj"" 

nitrite Cjjli 

to pull out, pluck out LiZi i i"_ ,'-■'- 1 iilil : Jiij 

to snatch, wrest (away), twitch, \f, i e-^j I : ' l jj^ 

to ooze, dribble, drip, trickle jLi :«ui 

to pluck out, pull out, tear out J»^. t J»^> : ' i"" ■' i"' 
(hair, feathers, etc.); to deplume (feathers); to 
depilate (hair) 
shred, torn piece liy : iili 

a bit, a little, a small amount, a trifle JJi jf^l, : iiz; 

- -■« ,',>-," 

to putrefy, rot, decompose, cause to Lz; <Lo- : J^t 

stinking, malodorous, bad-smelling, foul- jZ^ : ^ 
smelling, evil-smelling, ill-smelling, fetid, rank, 
rancid, noisome, fusty, musty, offensive, smelly; 
rotten, putrid, putrified, decayed, decomposed, 


Cf^'j - *>-• 

protrusion, projection, prominence, protu- jjj, : tyj 
berance, bulge, jut; boss 

swelling, intumescence 

hill, hillock, elevation 

result, outcome, consequence, oiU i 
upshot, issue, effect, end, aftermath, aftereffect, 
product, fruit(s), offspring, ramification, out- 
growth, sequel, sequence, resultant; score 

conclusion, inference, oUaiil ^ rjUL^ U :i>«- 

calendar, almanac ^*^jjj ' (C>»j 

findings c-^ jl ^Ji»^ (rtJL:) i»^j: 



to be completed, finished, done, concluded; to jw :}»u 

be accomplished, achieved, realized, carried out, 

fulfilled, executed, implemented 


to soil, sully, dirty, tarnish, IjjJ <. 'jL. j i j^J j : y-iu 
stain, defile, befoul, pollute, contaminate 

impure, unclean, dirty, foul, filthy, *i_~j i O^L : Lr J>u 
soiled, sullied, tarnished, defiled, befouled, pol- 
luted, contaminated 

to be beneficial, useful; to be u»-li ylS" : **L> tyy 
effective, efficacious; to be wholesome, healthful, 

search for food, pas- »Jj i_-iJI _jl o^iJI oil» :«*»u 
ture, etc. 


hill, mound, elevation 
to beget, sire, father 
son, scion, offspring 
progeny, issue, offspring 

■^j 'ch! : J»" 

J— > :Jj" 

to result from, ensue from, proceed *yj : ^ nrJ 

from, follow from, arise from, derive from, spring 
from, originate from, stem from, issue from, grow 
out of, be caused by 

to appear, rise, come out 

to pay in or by installments 

to observe the stars 

to practice astrology 

to pay in or by installments 


upholstery, upholstering 

5 jUu 


carpenter, joiner, woodworker, SjUiJ I <^*j>- ^ : jlkj 

origin, stock, descent, lineage 
wood shavings jjw ^-^ 

tj-ol 'jU^i 'JU|»J 

* .1, 


U :5 ilxj 


carpentry, wood working, joinery, jl»»J I iij>- : Sj Imj 

impurity, uncleanness, uncleanliness, ^S* : iLlkj 


astrologer ^ •»■'"' I Jl<u l J«JLl> i ^x^-* : f ***" 

to be highborn, highbred; to be }L-J ' - ■— J& : i_ 
magnanimous, generous 

to be excellent, superior 

generous, liberal, munificent 

to succeed, be successful; to manage (to), pull off, mi 
make it, make one's way, win the day; to pass (an 
examination, etc.), go through successfully; to turn 
out well, turn out as planned, come off; to work, 
produce a desired effect or result; to prosper, 

- - ■» - j ' 

success T-Uui :»L 

jl»«jI >»-lj— o^l ii_«A— I : jj»j 
to sweat, perspire Jjt :ju»j 

to upholster »JI jjC^II _jl J^JI jj»J 

highland, upland, plateau, 


relief, succor, aid, help, support, assis- (JUL I : » jj 

tance; rescue, saving, salvage, salvation 

relief; reinforcements); (<ej» - j' Vj^Ci) i'jj*s 

courage, bravery, intrepidity 

help! SOS! 

to importune, press 

to bite strongly (with the molars) 

to hew (out), carve, plane; to whittle, ( 



I ■ ■ . ^ ...■?-..-V-.!.,.--.-v. -j. „»■■-.«£ 

quack grass, couch grass, quitch (oLi) J-»»J 

*-' • > 
grass, herbage >5 i t_JU- : J-»u 

- ' ' - i 
gramineous, grassy, herbaceous, herbal <*-t* : <JLj>u 

Gramineae oljLJI ^ *L.a» :oL L> i 

starlet, small star ^«-a ->»j :«.».,, ■»■,; ip>»J 

to go to, repair to, betake oneself J J a*-^j i juoi : Uu 
to, head for, take to 

to follow (someone's example), imitate, ey*j l«u 
copy, be guided by; to take or adopt the same 
course as; to be like, of the same kind or nature as, 
on the same line as 

to put aside, set aside, lay aside, Cil»- «-ij < j-fjl : Jfa 
lay out of the way; to displace, remove, dislodge; 
to dismiss, brush aside or away, shelve 

sculptor, carver, graver, chiseler; 
stonecutter, stonedresser 

shavings, parings, chips, splinters, slivers As \y : CLkJ 
coppersmith; brazier 


-. » j , > 

coppery, copper, cupreous, brazen, brassy, <j^^~ 

brassware <^^> oljjl i a^Im <Jl 

. ■• ' -'c ' 
thinness, slimness, slenderness, leanness jyj : uUi 

beekeeper, apiarist, apiculturist jkJI ,j^. : JImj 

, S J, ,~ _- 

beekeeping, apiculture Jj»JI i-jjj :i)U»J 


to wail, lament, cry, weep, blubber J^il i '~\i : um 

death Cjy : l-.-kj 

time, period, term, span 

to die, expire, pass away 

to hew (out), cut (out), carve, sculpture, chisel, 

to coin a word CK 


>• ' ■'■■.. ■..■"■■ 7 ■•" 



heavenly body, celestial body 

comet i_ 

- ,-- ••• • : 

Polaris, the North Star, ^JmJI ^*JI ' u-UH jI»J 

polestar, polar star 

quack grass, couch grass, quitch (oLi) J^u : Ju 

installment (^j ^.) ^li : Ju 

origin, source JUI :^mj 

starfish, sea star '<Sj*>. <j\'y~>- :^pv-" <•»" 

v.i'^' : i*j*: 

[ieLt] i»kj 

- • -* i-. : 

(oLi) ^ClaJI 

morning star 



starfish, sea star 

morning glory 

astral, starry, stellar, star, sidereal; stel- \*££ : lt^!" 
liform, stellate, starlike, star-shaped 



excrement, feces, stool 


(oLi) «.j.l*i 

confidential talk, secret conversation, intimate iSj*" 


plateau, tableland, upland jju : iyJ 

free from, safe from, far from j- S^jw i ^. i^ki j 

secret 'j. :" l y*i 

confidant, intimate friend j-i <JSJi ^y : ( v«J 

highborn, highbred, of c,.,,.,t- < .t:JJtl r^ : i->j»m 
noble descent (origin, birth), pedigreed 
excellent, superior, outstanding Jjii« : s-yy 

right, correct, sound, reasonable, well 

o"*-^ yb 


n * » •cr^' 



■ ■ vr- ?r, • .rj^.n^iX'^Tae'sesLi 


manner, mode, fashion; **ijb > ilili" i Sj^e :>»»i 
way, method 

direction; side 

grammar; syntax 

toward(s), to, in the direction of 

^3»JI pit i_J»«i 

about, approximately, »l* j « J lj»- : j* l^i»J « ^ 
around, circa, roughly, nearly, almost, more or 
less, some 

as, such as, for example, for instance, e.g. Si :y>J 

all over the world; worldwide, J U I »Uu I JS J 

throughout the world 

- - - .> t ' 
emaciation, enervation; leanness, o Ik; i J Ij* : J^xi 

skinniness, thinness, slimness, slenderness 

grammatical; syntactical) _ji»JI JLj ^tfU- :i5yw 

, » ,. „ . - 
grammarian ^»JIjJU:^^u 

wail(ing), lamentation, lament(ing), Jj^c i » l_^ : t- 

blubbering, loud weeping, crying out in grief 

nature, natural disposition CmL i »p» i <u_J> : S;^ 
diathesis i^>^*il ^lj*i«l itilo^i-l :Sjow 

diathetic Tj 1 \\:,.\ :'\S'ja^> 

thin, slim, slender, lean, skinny Jjj» 4 J_»»l : uLm 

emaciated, enervated, gaunt, raw- *-*~>i> i Jjj» : J**J 

boned; skinny, lean, meager, thin, slim, slender 

> s - 

cattle dealer 


slave trader, slaver -u-JI «jL ij^ij" j?^ : cr^> 
white slaver u«e 'I d>^>' jr^ '• cr ^" 

cattle trade i-ilil SjU^I :<Ll»»j 

slave trade 
white-slave traffic 
spinal cord 

jumaJI *jIj«j :<^U»j 

1-- . - . V . x. 

sculpturing, sculpture, chiseling, graving, carv- 
ing, hewing (out) 

to slaughter, butcher, kill ~ i : j»« 

slaughteKing), butchering, killing ~ i : ^ki 

upper part of the chest, throat j jZJ I ^U I : y>± 

Day of Immolation ^Ulll ^ 

skilled, adept, proficient j»U i JiU- :^j ^k; i^ki 

to jinx, hex, bring bad luck to J* ^-^JIj <J I : <_r»»; 

to be unlucky, ^JUall f^^. o^ ' -a*- ju» :y-*w '^-»»i 
luckless, unfortunate, ill-fated, ill-starred, star- 

to copper; to braze 

,, i 

(J-lkjlj ,j]» ly-JM 

bad luck, misfortune 

u-y^* (fr'j "erf** 

I iy* i Jam _u<» '. y*i 

to be or become thin, slim, slender, lean., '< h-d 
skinny; to lose weight 

> a.-HJ to? \j ■ 

to present with, gift with, make ^L. 1 i ^u* 1 : 3*« 
or give a present (gift, donation) to, donate (to), 
grant (to), give (to), bestow upon, confer upon 

to ascribe (attribute, .jli <J \i "jy <j I j_.m! : jjki 
impute) wrongly or unduly to 

- " - > " * * ~ , * * 

to waste away, pine away, lose %^> jU> : Ja»; i'J»j 
weight, become emaciated; to slim, become slender 


drone JkJI ^"i 

wrong or un- .^ <u li Jy tJ a±£.d\y *ul :J»i 

due ascription (attribution' imputation) 

present, gift, donation ilL* l^oi: JIm 

- - - ^ •■» *,-, 

bee ij— »J I j>~ > • j— »■ : v*» 

"LJaf. i Jj a* : <i»«J 

present, gift, donation 

creed, faith, religion 

to clear one's throat, hem 


snorting, snort 


to eat holes into, eat away; to bole, make t_Ju : u^mJ 
holes into; to honeycomb, riddle, fill with holes 

hole; cavity 

; jjo t i_«*j : i_i j^j 

honeycombed, alveolate, cav- cjj^ i JLi* : ^ jjiJ 
ernous, porous, pored 

to prick, sting; to pierce yi-j : JmJ 

to sting, hurt (with words), offend illSy j±J 

to goad, prod, urge on, prick, drive, spur, y* : j^J 
punch, rowel 

amniotic fluid «»-3" J ck*4-^ •J ,t £* Ji^* • *** 

to sift, bolt, sieve out jT>c : J»« 

palms, palm trees, date palms, JJI j>^ i J-^i : Jmj 

sifting, bolting, sieving out 

palm, palm tree, date palm, date 

tree, date 


iLji. : J»u 


%t * * - 
chivalry, gallantry, magnanimity, gener- liiy :»ja»J 

osity; sense of honor 

zeal, enthusiasm, ardency, ij~c. i i-Li- : s^>u 

ardor, fervor, solicitude, vigilant care or concern 

arrogance, haughtiness 

mAJ . 4X1 

snorting, snort 

-ft?*- •&» 

to run away, flee, escape; to stray 

high hill 

incense, aloeswood 

wet, dewy, moist, damp 

peer, equal, match, fellow, equiv-y^o i J~^. i ^<Jii : JLi 
alent, parallel, counterpart 

opponent, antagonist, adversary 


incense, aloeswood 

to meet, get together, assemble 

>* ~* > *■ • > 

(bone) marrow, <^u t ( |JiiJl) £» :( ,JiiJl) ^Ui 

medulla oblongata J..jW,..II »ImUI 

- ' * ~- ' ' 
phlegm, mucus, sputum, expectoration i»U«j : **l*J 

spinal; myeloid, medullary p UJI <jj o^-l. :^* li*J 
bran (jJJ o>3-l) <)& 

phlegm, mucus, sputum, expecto- ls\li i ,ui; : <» U*i 


s - * a .« ,,, * ^ , .» 

pituitary, hypophyseal, i->UJl SjjJL. i»>c ji : ^»UJ 
hypophysial ^ " , , , 

pituitrin i~.UJI SjuJI i*>}U- :j*?^ 


njl (jtiT«*» OwaJ Cjj^j t> ■ 

cjUwI «jflj — jLj»I i »LLoI : L'ii » 
exchange of toasts oUj^l JjU 

choice, pick, prime, flower, cream, ij^ < ;y^ "" 
elite, top, choice(st) part 

* - 'i .-' ' 
elite, upper class, prominent ^U I ,y> <u»U-l :Uj 

people, people of distinction, notables, digni- 
taries, VIPs 
to snort jii : j*i 

to gnaw, bite, eat into, eat (away), «_-*3 i ^J : jiu 
wear away, corrode; to perforate, bore, pierce 

to be eaten away, worn away, ^j-J i c-i»J < \X>. '-jiu 
decayed; to decay, rot, decompose; to be worm- 
eaten; to be carious 

decay, rot, rottenness 


tooth decay, (dental) caries, 


decayed, rot 


^Ll £^-JI £>y :>*i 


' i- : 

cr*>~ ' •J*' 

^V ' ' 

carious, decayed (f^J lj u^^J ) 

cr>— ■ -j?" 

*> * * S.' - - ' 

to be rare, infrequent, uncommon, • iyr 3 J* : j jj 


to be strange, odd, unusual, extraor- C^jt [jls' : j jj 


ranty, rareness, infrequency; ^aij < ( iyri) iL» : Sj-U 
scarcity, insufficiency, deficiency, shortage, lack, 
want, dearth 

savory 'Jj\'^>:^xj 

to tease, card, comb ( jj I ^LiJ I ) U jj 4 Li jJ 

teasing, carding, combing Lilij jVn'- :<JJJ 

snowflake _iil| i'jj 

flock l jj}\ j| jjjjji Ji^ 

floccule jJJ (J^ljl iilu !LJ^ U ^ : iilJ 

to snatch, snatch away LiLLi- 1 » iyz I : J jj 

waiters, garcons iil—JI »jji- :JjJ 

to repent (of), rue, regret (J*) '. J 

repentance, regret, remorse, penitence, contrition f jJ 

sympo- (jJJ aLIjj ( c^L ' »C^ J*^J) &» ■->'i^ 
sium; colloquim; seminar 

council ^Jk. : jjlu 

.-,-: ' ,' -*^ 
•jijj fr>j — »_jJj 

.-•' , -- >'. 

to wet through; to be or become wet, ^l|l :t$jj 

dewy, moist, damp 

an embarrassing (disgraceful, { j~i.\ *J (S^J t\j- 

shocking, shameful) thing 

wet, dewy, moist, damp ^* : <i-^> 

generous, liberal, openhanded oiS3l ($ oi 

wet, dewy, moist, damp '£La : OL jj 

JJ Ajflj— j^*«> 'tit** 'Ji** • jL i J ^ 

to call (together), assemble, convoke, con- ^i- : I jJ 
vene, summon 

to moisten, wet, bedew Jjlj : ^ 

generosity, liberality *$ 4 ^ : <jl; 

dewdrop ^J ;^jj 

call; appeal; proclamation; announcement ,1'jj 

vocative [ij] # Q 

call for help, SOS ,yu£.| ;fo 

interjection, vocative particle »lli LVp- 

cotton carder, cotton teaser (^^Lil I ) <J l!u 

moistness, dampness, wetness; moisture, hu- Sjljj 
midity; dew 

to mourn (for), lament, bewail, wail over,(o.lil) LjJ 
weep (for or over), moan 

(J) L/aiil (urlj-Uj ji J) L/i 
to scar over, cicatrize, heal (up) [£.'jl I : 'Jj. | L. jJ 

scar, cicatrix, mark 'J. \ J\ : ^'J 

lamentation, bewailing, wailing over, (cJll) o JJ 
wail, weeping (for or over) 

elegy, lament, dirge, monody ft'J, : <_,U 

scar, cicatrix, mark 

elegy, lament, dirge, monody 


.- .^ . -* 

i '■'- i' --• •* 


to criticize, censure, condemn, L>U i L-ki. : j j jJ 
denounce, find fault with openly 

to revile, rail at 

to defame, slander, vilify 

s ' ' s » ' s t 


\ uo 

nirvana Uli^j 

bitter orange (^^) gi> 

to ooze, sweat, exude, seep, leak, per- *wiJ i ^.j :J»1 

to vibrate 

oozing, ooze, exudation, seep(age), 

seepage, fluid that has seeped, ^.Jki. JJL : ^i i ^j 
leakage, ooze, exudant 

to spring, jump, leap t_J j : l^i 

to rut, be in or «jj>JI 5jjjJI j jjji- j : ulj-J-l l> 
enter into a state of rut 

to cover, mount, copulate ^.U- i jjL :6l>J-' '> 

to long for, yearn for J J <uli <> l^j 

to escape from, slip away from ^c l^j 

copulation p£»- i jU- : » IjJ i >ljJ 

inclined to, disposed to, tending to, J J JC. : J J z\y> 
given to, prone to 

dispute, disputation, controver- «J^U- 1 i.^«a»- : p l_)j 
sy, conflict, contention, discord, discordance, dis- 
cordancy, strife, struggle, dissension, variance, 
clash, difference, disagreement, quarrel, squabble 

litigation iJLii i^^ai- : p l^i 

death struggle, agony of death jLaii- 1 : p 1^ 

<*l£ pjLjL« JUflj — plU tyioyA t p I U <* 

encounter, fight(ing), combat, battle 
impartiality, fairness, unbiasedness 


uprightness, honesty, integrity, pro- £#li£. I : ii l^j 

purity, chastity, virtue, virtuousness iic : i* IjJ 
ardent desire, craving, appetite; lust, libido S^i. : S^i 

to emigrate, expatriate, leave 3*- j ' j»-Ij> ' •to-*] : r^* 
or be far away from one's home or country; to 

carded, teased, combed <Jjo^ : uLju 

drinking companion ol^JI Jc ^-Jl*- :/ju 

boon companion; friend, inti- (_-*-L» i j^j j : /jJ 
mate, pal, chum; companion, comrade 

lowness, baseness, meanness, vil- s^Ui- i il»- : il I U 

lainy, depravity, rascality 

«•- •- --.* ,- - 
to vow, make a vow I jii <L-ii ^t i--»-jl : jJu 

to vow to God, make a vow to God; to con- «J^ jJu 
secrate or dedicate (by a vow) to God 

to be on one's guard against J/* I < ji»- : j j ju 

vow K-JLt <^c ij\ <~*-y> a«« : jJti 

votive offenng, ex-voto joj l^ <y>» **-uJ : j-^j 

"•' ..1'- •'•v ? '•' •* ?-'•" ' '•' 
votive jxj yijj J.-UL. jl jxJ JijJJt :(ijJu 

"• ' , , ••- 
to be low, base, mean, vile ^iio^^j^ 

low, base, mean, vile, villain- o*j < u ■■_ ■■— < jU»- : J Ju 
ous, depraved; scoundrel, rascal, rogue, rapscal- 
lion, scamp, villain 

herald, harbinger, forerunner, JJ j iju 1 jjj^ -.jtjj 
precursor; portent, presage, prognostic, foretoken, 
omen, augury 


foreboding, ominous, ill-boding 

votive offering, ex-voto 

hose; pipe; tube 




narcissist; narcissistic 



•"r^ 1 -Cr!f^ 'S 5 ;/' 
(°^j) LTf> 'LTf> 

(oU) yLI y^r^i 
[(^pij J olJJI J^lc : <T, ijy^ 

backgammon, trictrac iJjiUI iliJ : jjJI «liJ 1 j^j 
nard, spikenard; valerian (^^) t>^> 


" '■-■ ■■■•■•■i..-.JS 



B— H 

sion, disseisin, disseizin, condemnation 

death struggle, agony of death jlii- 1 : p\j 

tendency, trend, drift; inclination, leaning, J^> : Xz'y 
bent, propensity, disposition, turn, predilection 

incitement to evil li'y >. i\i 

insinuations of the devil, satanic temp- Qlkn.ll pjJ 

to bleed, hemorrhage, ^ J I *iy i <* j e»_)J < U j <Jjj 
lose (much) blood 

to draw blood from, bleed, phleboto- j"^» {» <Jy 

to drain, exhaust, empty o-^j : £J I ; l> L>y 

to be exhausted, drained JLA I c-i j^ 

-•-: , »-■'.<"■'. 
ujj «»-lj-<»j c»Jj iUj (J^> 

hemorrhage; bleeding i_a>^ : (Jjj 

hemorrhagic (j*i> ■ l#* J' 

to be or become rash, impetuous, precipi- yiU» : jjj 
tate, reckless, lightheaded, frivolous, foolhardy 

rashness, impetuousness, precipi- Cy. j < ylJ. : j^j 
lateness, precipitancy, recklessness, heedlessness, 
I thoughtlessness, foolhardiness, temerity, frivolity, 
lightheadedness, levity 

irritability, irascibility, testiness »1UI Sj^- : jy, 

rash, impetuous, precipitate, reck- Jt'j\ tylJlt : jjj 
less, heedless, thoughtless, harum-scarum, foolhar- 
dy, temerarious, imprudent, frivolous, lightheaded 

irritable, cross, cranky, >_.^J1 w^. i »^_UI jU- : J_)j 
irascible, testy, touchy, quick-tempered, short- 
tempered, ill-tempered, bad-tempered, peevish 

to descend, come down, go down, get j^>\ '■ dji 
i down, step down 

to fall, fall down, drop; to sink; to slump V .. ; J^j 

to subside, abate, fall, drop (off), J>-* i L»- : Sy 
decline, decrease 

to dismount, disembark, debark, alight, J*-^ : $j 
get down, get off, get out (of), step out (of) 

to land, touch down, c»k» t d>- : J^ILLII oJ_)J 

depart, decamp, leave, go away, move away; to 
immigrate (to); to migrate 

to be distant, far (off), far away j*j : ry 

to drain, dry out, empty; to bail outpy ' *-»y° : r>J 

muddy water jjiT <U :^i 

drainage, draining, emptying '^yj . ou^laj : ^ 

little, small; inconsiderable, insignificant, JJi : jjj 
negligible; trifle, insignificant amount 

to pull out, extract, pluck out, J I j\ i »L»- 1 vLi : f\j 

tear out; to remove, take away, take off 

to take off one's clothes, undress, strip oLJ 'Yj> 

to disembowel, eviscerate *Li»- j I p^j 

to skin, flay, strip off the skin of jJ*«J ' j' -^ p> 

to disarm 

to defuse 


to expropriate, dispossess Sjlli-I t Ia-JI <. -CXUI V)' 
or deprive of (an estate, property, possession, 
ownership, etc.), disseise, condemn 

to strip of, divest of, deprive of, 'j* Yj* : ^ Yy 
dispossess of, take away from 

to depose, oust, remove (from J)* : (i-~<xL. ^.) Yy 
an office), dismiss, discharge, displace, fire, cashier 

to incline to, tend to, be inclined to, JL. : J J Yy 
have an inclination or tendency to 

to long for, yearn for, desire JjUi \'-d\Yy 

to go to, proceed to, repair to Li i : <J J Yy 

to resemble, look like <l^,I : J J p^; 

to desist from, abstain from, refrain LifT : ^ pj^ 
from, give up 

p_jL gjdj-^ii-l :Yy 

pulling out, extraction, plucking ill'jl ,. vU- i Ji : e\j 
out, tearing out; removal, taking away, taking off 
disarmament ^^Ul p^j 

expropriation, disposses- SjCJ-1 « olJI i vSlill c-jj 


N N-\V 



■. ' ".■■■■ — TT 

jump, leap, bound 

distant, remote, far, faraway, far-off 

-4~ : CJ> 

emigration, expatriation; exodus, J-*- j < S^s** : r J> 
hegira; departure, leaving, going away, moving 
away; immigration (to); migration 

inclination, leaning, bent, propensity, dis- J-* : fjjj 

position, predilection; tendency, trend 

• ■ * 

desire, wish; longing, craving 

conation, impulse 

descending, descent, coming down, j I j*J I : Jj^J 

going down 

*, ft }> 

falKing), drop(ping); sinking, J»yL« < i> >r > : Jj_>J 

disembarkation, debarkation, dis- fcj : Jj^i 

mounting, alighting, getting down, getting off, 
getting out (of) 

>> ~ * > >> 

landing, touchdown i»^» : wlj ijJLD I Jjjj 

'' *' 

stop(ping), stopover, putting up; i.lil 4 J^i»- : Jj_)J 

stay, sojourn, residence; staying, residing, dwell- 
ing, living, inhabiting 

> > >> >' 

affliction, befalling, J>-»- <■ J>i»- < <;U»I : Jj> 

hitting, striking; happening, occurrence 

* * » -• ^ , • *». ^-" 
compliance, fulfillment, 

accedence, accession, deference 

capricious, whimsical, freakish, change- i_.lii:» : lijjj 

able, fickle, moody 

rut, estrus, estrous cycle, ol>J-l J^c ijjjJI 5jj Jl 

distant, remote, far, faraway, far-off 

hemorrhage; bleeding 

Ojljl jl <Ltj X^C Jjjj 

exhausted by loss * jJI ij\Si» i_ ■'',,; ■■'1^;.- : i_«j u 
of blood 


ye> : (#^ 

guest; lodger, boarder; resident, dweller, (♦^ r) Jijj 
occupant; tenant 

impartial, fair, just, unprejudiced, JiU 1 j^v* :<jjj 
unbiased, dispassionate, evenhanded 



to be revealed, to descend wl I ,^J I < Jil *$> 'J'y 
from heaven 

to stop at, make *\*\ 1 J*. :(J* t j^c < j 1 _;) J_)j 
a stop at, halt at, camp at; to stay at, lodge at, put 
up at, stop over at, take lodgings at, take up 
quarters at; to settle down in, reside in, dwell in, 
live in, inhabit 

to befall, afflict, hit, strike, oC»l < '$»■ : j>H\ <j Sj> 
happen to, occur to 

to take the field, step into the arena yl-411 J J Jjh 

to yield to, submit *fi\ j\ jic UjJ 1 <JC»- J* 'Sy 
to, defer to, give in to 

to assent to, consent to, *JA> jl <clc j j^c SjJ 
agree to, accede to, acquiesce in, accept; to comply 
with, fulfill, grant, answer, carry out (someone's 
wish or demand) 

to catch cold, have a cold »\S j *X*\ : dji 

to inlay, set, insert '^o j : J^ 

hotel, inn, hosteKry), caravansary, Qj_ ■■ < j aJ : Jjj 
motel, pension; boardinghouse 

-s '-», 

IjLiJI^Jl :*J>; 
Oj-Utf j I «... .,«.'. <Ujj 




influenza, flu s jj ij <ujj 

to be impartial, fair; to be honest, l^^j 'J& : »y <. ijj 

upright; to be chaste, virtuous 

• - ~ - , , -^" 
to be far from, free from; to keep ^ ty' < ^ »jj 

away from, refrain from 

to deem far above, consider too jc J»- 1 : jc »y 

exalted for 

i» I \j »Jf I j — tji 
Ajjj xr- 1 j — t'jt l «_)j 

walk, stroll, promenade; drive, ride; excursion, **)J 
outing, pleasure trip, jaunt; picnic 

copulation s-L»- 1 ili- :6'iJJ 'j_/ 'jjj 

caprice, whim, fancy, freak, vaga- (^*-U* J (5^» : ij^ 
ry; impulse 



r c^'j- 


ascription, attribution, imputation, tracing j^* : 

connection, relationship) jL; 4 J»Ljjl :iHj 

relative or relational adjective; relation [ i«J ] . 

harmony, agreement, confor- JSC; 1 |.lj*_Jl : 
mity; affinity; symmetry, proportion 

proportion; ratio, rate J SI* : 

birthrate, natality 
death rate, mortality 

with respect to, in respect j j£w LJ : J I 2 -\ \. 
of, respecting, concerning, regarding, with regard 
to, as regards, with reference to, in relation to, in 
connection with, as to, as for, re, about 

in comparison with, com- v. ii jliiL : <jj 2 -\ \. 
pared with 

in proportion to, in the IJifT illi J* < I jS 2" •■ 
same degree that; corresponding to, commensurate 
with; inasmuch as, insomuch as, as much as, as far 
as; at the rate of 

genealogical uL^II j\ u~-.ll iLJL. ^U- :^_-J 

relative, comparative; proportional 


relatively, comparatively; proportionally '' ' '■ 

relative majority 

proportional representation 


quota, quotient 

relative humidity 


(<~Ldl i_-»iil 

relativity, relativism 


to weave; to knit 

<JJU- :«_J 

'-.: +*.?*'■: \~ ,.~s 

honest, upright, incorrupt, 


chaste, pure, virtuous 

to delay, defer, put off, postpone 

to sell on credit 

to make forget 

sciatic nerve 


longevity, long life 

forgetful, oblivious 

women, womenkind 

*i ~ m * ( ^JUjMt '. *j\j 


«ll)i j Li 

tj-~> *«*■ : (j-j 
(<> r )CJI j> «CJI Jil 

* > > > 

. * * - s - 

Ql. ... . 'U j^j * *1mJ 

female, feminine, womanly, woman- 1sy^> '■ Iv l-i 
like, woman, women's, lady's, for women 
genealogist oli^l (jL^uil :i_»llj 

weaver littU- ipllj 

weaving, weaver's trade, textile r-LJ I iij*- : ii-Li 

copyist, transcriber, scribe; clerk ^S 1 JiU : r-llj 

torpedo boat .u, jJ, Jjjj : <uLJ 

* * * t * 

chaff Jl.^ll ^. \.i . 1. •Zil'.; 

thrums; ravelings; lint iJLj iJCj 

tow; oakum ^ USCJ I i) Cj 

to ascribe to, attribute to, impute to, Ijp : <J I ' ' ? 
refer to, trace (back) to 

to charge with, impute to, accuse of_, 1^ I : <jj r_.'..-. 
to trace back the ancestry of /'..•■ 'f\ ■ '_.'..: 

to celebrate in love U^J ( '_ * * - : s I^L ^ll) I r_.'..-. 
poems, rhapsodize about 

lineage, descent, parentage, ances- J*»! 1 iJ}L 
try, pedigree, genealogy, stock, strain, line; origin, 

(family) relationship, kinship 
affinity, relationship by marriage 

I '■■ ! 


■ ' ■■-...v w.i .. ■ ■ — 

,-■> * 

aquiline, eagle- ,_> lie : i^j-j 

jonquil; musk rose (oLj)(j>^lj 

eglantine, sweetbrier, wild rose (oLi) cj^SCJ I jj-j 

sap, juice (oL-JI)i-J 

to blow up, blast, explode; to dynamite; to J*i : uL 


to winnow, fan » I j i : Li I 

to scatter, disperse; to blow <; ji : i_, I^J I pj I c 

~~ ~ j- * .■ - , • 

to riddle, screen, sift Jj^c : 

to^-f^JI oliil£l '£ J* Jijjl '&* :o 
burn one's bridges, burn one's boats 

blowing up, blowup, blasting); dynamit 

ing; torpedoing 

winnowing, fanning (t_.^J.I) ijjJJ :i_i^i 

pumice, pumice stone 

to string (Jili j ^JJ jjJl) ^ : j-J 

to coordinate; to harmonize; to ar- i^J j ( -Jkj : J^J 
range, array, order, dispose, organize, put in order; 
to classify, range, assort, group, put together 

order, arrangement, array; echelon; system; j-J 

method; manner, mode; pattern, type; symmetry 

, * > >> 
(coordinating) conjunctions <jUl ijjj»- 

systematic; methodical; symmetrical) '<JLj 


asceticism, reclusion 


piety, devoutness, i jLc < j-jo :SLi i <iLi i tJili 

sacrifice, offering, immolation inj j : <iLJ 

ceremonies (of pilgrimage) ( Cj. I ) <iLi 

ascetic(al), eremetic(al), reclusive t»5""' r \>5 "'< 

-.' •* .»-•' » ^' * t* > ^ *' , ^ - 

to ravel (out), unravel, untwist, ( jj I k— Jl) jli 
unweave, fray 

to spin, web 


cobweb, spiderweb, web 

to imitate, copy, follow someone's *i \y* J* iJj 
example or model, pattern after, take after, model 
after, tread in the steps of 

O j > \ ■ ' ■■ 1 1 MmJ 

'•» - ' .» 

to abrogate, invalidate, nullify, an- <yd I i JJa* I : juJ 

nul, abolish, cancel, negate, repeal, revoke, rescind 

to supersede, supplant, replace, take t&J ^i. ; IJj 
the place of 

to copy, transcribe Ll^j i |j£ : jJJ LllsG I ili 

to copy, dupli- y*. J.a'lll jli, iiuJ j>^-J : j-J 
cate, make a(n exact) copy of, photocopy, repro- 
duce, xerox, photostat; to mimeograph 

abrogation, invalidation, nullifica- »UI > JLLll :«Lj 
tion, annulment, abolition, abolishment, cancella- 
tion, repeal, revocation, rescission 

copying, transcription ji : «L> 

copying, duplication, pho- ^ ijy# r\_^iL\ : wli 
tocopying, reproduction, xeroxing, photostating; 

4-u a'T j^ij-jJlii iff 

copying press £_JI ^-X* 

copying paper ^Ljl Jjj 

copy (^JJ ijuj»- <iLv ioUS"^) . 

copy, reproduction; transcript; (iJ^iL.) Jj^ 

original 4^' 

• . > j . *- . ' 

J-i» «>-lj-J«ojl jit i»»«J 

to tear, lacerate 'Jy. ij^j i^Li 

to fray, ravel, unravel, unweave, 

eagle; vulture 

frog ^.jiJI j»U j ii. 

Altair [dliJjJlill^lJI 

Vega [ Sii ] juil^J I 'jli I 




'■' " ri'r--: 



wellborn, highborn, of i 
noble descent, pedigreed 

erotic poetry, love poetry 

textile, woven fabric, woven cloth, rj—u yiU* : g-«i 
weave; texture, web, tissue 


texture, structure 



cellular tissue 

connective tissue 

cobweb, spiderweb, web 

L *^*" ' J JVr-*' 

yi. in ) 
(3*l»\ y i i ■■■ ' 

unique, singular, single, sui generis, o-**-j r<-— i 
matchless, unmatched, unparalleled, nonpareil 

pumice, pumice stone ii— j t <_»U»- : ii-— 1 

,^ — > 
bomb; projectile; torpedo 4ujJi > ; 


ji :«5T.>,i,i 

sacrifice, offering, immolation 

- - -* , f 

breeze, gentle wind i^J ^> j : (>_J 

s» i - 
to sizzle, simmer j\ : JU 

to arise, originate, rise, emerge, f>»->JI JJ jj> '■ ^ 
start, come into being, come into existence 

to arise J* i—J jl i ^ p*J < ^ J^-y] '• i>* J ' Of *"*■' 
from, originate from, spring from, stem from, issue 
from, emanate from, proceed from, follow from, 
result from, ensue from, derive from, grow out of, 
come out of 

to grow up; to grow, develop, U; 1 s Jij t L«i : LU 
evolve; to thrive, flourish 

to bring up, raise, rear, breed, foster, nurse, l _ rtJ : LiJ 

latex oC-JI (jJ : J-J 

progeny, offspring, issue, descendants, pos- "Cj i : J-J 
terity, children 

birth control 


to blow gently 

to begin, start, commence 

breath (of life) 

breath of air, whiff, puff, waft, slight 

breath (of life) 

person, human being 


aura il~- 

monkey, guenon 

women, womenkind 

brood animal 



to forget 


forgetful, oblivious 

forgetfulness, forgetting, oblivion 

u' ■ ' ■' ' jy5 '. >--J 

s •- »■ - , _■ » 
to fall into utter oblivion, be com- L™. L_i »^»l 

pletely forgotten 
credit, delay of payment 

on credit 
sale on credit 
forgetful, oblivious 

jiJI jo^U tjjj :*L-J 

forgetfulness, forgetting, oblivion 


:6l— i 

relative, relation, kinsman, kin, kinsfolk, ^>j : *..._ i 
kindred, sib; kin, of kin, cognate, related by blood 
or family (to) 




-' ■■ ■-■ ■■■■■■ ■ " 

dryer, drier; dehydrator 

pickpocket, cutpurse wJJ ojLLI Jl^- : Jlli 

to be fixed to, attached to; to cling to, Jli : j uw 
stick to, adhere to; to get caught in, get stuck in 

to be or get involved in, entangled in J»j^j : j <_~iJ 

to intertwine, intertwist, inter- 
weave, knit, mesh, snarl, tangle; to be or become 
intertwined, intertwisted, interwoven, knitted, 
meshed, snarled, tangled 

to break out, flare up, erupt ~)J i_/^-l c— fi 

• Lcj i i.«l-n7,.l :aJJ 

to sob, whimper <«jj- <j-U<L o^j jl j^j :^U 

to seek, look for, search for ^ ti^y i (_JJ» : Jili 

seeking, looking for, searching for 

to spread, spread out, outspread, stretch ' 

out, outstretch, extend, expand; to unfold, unroll, 

unwind, open, roll out, unfurl 

to spread, diffuse, emit, J-»jl c r>»-l i ii-v : j^J 
send out, release 

to spread, propagate, dissemi- »»* < rjj i pi il : j^J 
nate; to diffuse; to circulate, put into circulation; to 
promulgate, publicize, circularize, publish, release, 
make public, make known publicly; to popularize 

to publish, put out, issue, (aIJ UliS") jju»I :^J 
bring out, produce; to release 

to deploy (wJJ by»- ioiy) ^ij 

to hang (washing on a clothes- (jl»- Jt %y^) j^> 

to resurrect, raise from the dead o^il ^ ui-v : ^r-J 
to saw jllilL *ia* : jii 

spreading (out), stretching (out), exten- .u i ja_ ; -j—> 
sion, expansion; unfolding, unrolling, opening 

spreading, diffusion, emis- JUjI i r}^-\ iCoy :^j 

sion, sending out, release 

spreading, propagation, »u i gjjj t icli| :^lj 

to starch UJU «kJU :(jJJ o>Jl) ^ 

. « »•• -- . - 

(the) youth, (the) young, (il j»- I < CtUi. < uU : »<_£ 

youths, young men, young people, young genera- 
tion, new generation, youngsters, juveniles 

starch, amylum »Lli : Lu 

smell, odor, scent <>Jlj : Li; 

i > 

i*' * •- 

starch, amylum 

archer, bowman 



arrow ^- 

early life, youth; (up)growth, development; ori- «UJ 
gin, rise, birth, beginning, start, emergence; forma- 
tion; genesis, origination 

cosmogony Oj£JI «Lli 

ammonia c$jU »_-s j* : jJ^ 

ammonia water, aqua am- jjUJI ({U j\) Jjisu 
monia(e), ammonia, ammonium hydroxide 

sal ammoniac, ammonium chloride 


jjlIii JJl. 

dissonance, discord, discor- (wJJ ^JL-.^.) jiLJ : jLU 
dance, cacophony, disharmony, inconsonance 
elevation, elevated place f" j* o&* '• j^-> 

blotting paper 
blotter { _ r 

activity, activeness, energy, vitality, vigor, live- illi 
liness, briskness, sprightliness, animation, vivacity, 
vim, verve, elan, dash, pep, zing, drive, spirit, life; 
full swing; bustle, stir 

^uil ^.Ij - ,Uijl ^fUil .JjfUil tuii 

blotting paper <_ilij J j_j < ciLU 

blotter (JLU ii J3 : iiLU 

blotter LiUJI jjj^JI I4UII j ^JJ il'jl :SiliJ 


i*ii* :4iuU 



drate, desiccate, exsiccate 
to absorb, suck up 

O^-hl ( (_/»■ * 

to wipe (dry), rub dry, towel, dry or rub(4i,*..») uili 
with a towel 

to dry, dry up, dry out, make dry, des- 
iccate, exsiccate, dehydrate 

dryness, aridity, desiccation, exsiccation uMa* : i 
pumice, pumice stone 

i_»U»- :<&U -*«*'■ (<U£J 

draft, drag; sniff; whiff, puff iiU 

to snatch away, take away i_iki- j i *)Zi I : JU 

to pick (pockets), steal (from another's LX : jiu 
pocket, purse, etc.), rip off, pilfer, rob 

to extricate; to save, rescue; «ij i,juli- 4 Juil :J^J 
to pick up, raise, lift 

pickpocketing, pocket picking £) j o*J- 1 i» j- : JiJ 

rise, birth, beginning, start, origin, emergence; tyli 
genesis, origination, coming into being; growth, 
development, upgrowth; evolution 

biogenesis, biogeny yi^*"' '>-' 

(theory of) evolution, evo- »j!illl (i_j»Ju jl) ij^ki 


drunk, intoxicated, inebriate(d), tipsy, lj£l. : ol>iJ 


enraptured, rapt, exultant, elated, exu- Ji»- :o\yZJ 

berant, transported with joy 

„ > > 
evolutionary, evolutional; evolutionist <ji>~' 

tl*j ■ »j * * 1 1 


outbreak, breaking out, flare-up, erup- p ^ ju I : «_>>1J 

intoxication, drunkenness j£— : *^£J 

^ ■ ** * - • - 
ecstasy, rapture, transport, j»l* rW^' ' t)-^r :»>£j 

elation, exultation, ravishment 

orgasm, climax ( p-Ci-l) l^> 

resurrection i*Li niuu :j>iJ 

Day of Resurrection j>^' f>i 

r,t . '»*■■".■■■! 

dissemination; diffusion; circulation, putting into 
circulation; promulgation, publishing, release, 
making public; popularization 

publicity. *ij«i **lil ' u>cl : ji» 

publishing, publication; putting (^)J c-^3 1 ) jU 
out, bringing out, issue, issuance 

deployment (a),I xJ-I tolyJI) jij 

oCj 1 


S . /' *» \i ■ 


copyright jp»"j j^ 1 (i3>»»") J>»- 

publishing house, publisher 
Day of Resurrection 

publication; bulletin; prospectus; brochure, leaf- ijiJ 
let, pamphlet; circular; flier; report; announce- 
ment; advertisement 

newscast, news<>jL»-l J^ij i »Lil ijiS ' jt^-l »j^> 
bulletin, news 

bull; encyclical **yS>. »j^> 

weather report <» j»- 5j-J 

to rise, protrude; to be elevated «*J j\ : jlJ 

to be or become recalcitrant, insubordi- i\J.\ opj 

nate, disobedient 

elevation, elevated place M'j* o&» -j^ i j^> 

to knot a rope oji* : jlil ,klj 

to tie a knot Uji : ; ai«J I J*li 

to be or become active, energetic, lively, ,LU : ifJ 
brisk, spirited, animated, fresh, vigorous 

to activate, stimu- <iy < L»-l 4 yidil < Ua~li <Lu>- : JaU 
late, energize, vitalize, animate, invigorate, brace, 
enliven, inspirit, vivify, quicken, revivify, revive 

-5-/ "\"^" 

to promote, merchandise rjj :(rJJ oU-JlI) J*li 
to knot, tie -uLc : Jali 


to absorb, suck up 

, 9 - , S- 

to dry, dry up, dry out, become dry, dehy- 

I .,.■.■■■■- ■-.. ■'. '■ ,..- V.. -.7". 

quorum "4^^ p-r^ *-14-l 

origin, beginning, original condition or jUl : oCxi 

handle, haft, helve, hilt JoS. : oCxi 

episternum, manubrium [tvj^j ] ^oiJI oCxi 

in its proper place, in good order <oCxi j 

the situation (has) returned l^Cxl Jj jji jl o jU 
to normal 

peace has been *jCxi <jj i t A\ /\ 'j.*i\ (j_cl) jU 

to restore or establish justice aXa> j jll lj»j 

- * • .» 

lack of quorum < ,1.^:11 J^-O . < r 

pureness, purity, clearness, clarity & i »Ul» : ictiaJ 

to erect, raise, set up, put up; to install Uj , ^tf| 

to pitch (set up, erect) a tent 

to plant a tree 

to hoist or raise a flag 

to mount or emplace a can- 
non (gun, artillery) 

> jl laiJU 

to put (a noun) in the accusa- [ iiJ ] (ClSCJ I ) L 
tive, put (a verb) in the subjunctive 

to swindle, dupe, gull, defraud, iJUi-l : ( Jc) L 
deceive, cheat 

to embezzle, misappropriate [jSii- 1 : (J*) L 

to declare war on 

to show open hostility to 

to set a trap for 

to prepare an ambush for 

to exhaust, fatigue, wear out, 

to be or become tired, fatigued, exhausted 

to exert oneself, work hard, toil '*'f' r I » 1 

to install (in an office), induct ^12 ( l" ./.•'. „ "5 j : ^ V. 

r-U ji l>>i 

^ > vr jji 

recalcitrance, disobedience, violation of (i3r/ji\) jjli 
marital duties (on the part of the wife) 

snuff J,^L : jjii 

starchy, amyloid j,ji 

starchy foods, starches CjC^H 

to be(come) or get intoxicated or drunk ^SC : 7_iJ 

sobbing, sob, whim- iL^. ^UiL o+J j I itlSy : - A ■ 

song, chant; hymn, anthem ■■*•• 

Song of Solomon, juili^ll j-^ < jlii^l ju^J 

Canticles, Canticle of Canticles, Song of Songs 
national anthem ^.y 3 \ ,«J>j ■_*■'■ 

active, energetic, dynamic, lively, brisk, spright- ia-U 
ly, spirited, animated, vivacious, fresh, vigorous, 
full of vigor (energy, life, etc.); busy, bustling, full 
of activity; in full swing 

to provide for, stipulate, lay ±>'j£.\ t J* : J* ^aj 

to dictate (to) 0)^1:0)^ 

to draw up, compose, j^jlll jli- ( '_ '-< «^Ll. :^ 
write, fix or determine the text of 

to attribute to, <jj aIIj t <jj »jl!| : ^ jil £^J 

ascribe to, impute to 

text i_ijll o^ t Ju : ^>j 

script, text iL > L»^. : (o>3C.) j^i 

wording, version iil^, :^ 

provision, stipulation, term, pro- St'ji. « -£»- :^aJ 
viso, clause 

letter, form, literal mean- ^^Jl. !u» i j»Lb < JiiJ :^aj 
ing, strict (external, outward) sense or significa- 

literally, verbatim, word for Ci'J* : /y f 4 lU 

word, ipsissimis verbis 

in letter and spirit 

»IH Uai 


swindler, impostor, sharper, cheat, J I. 
fraud, crook, bluff; deceitful, fraudulent 


j-JU^i : oLaJ 


cz : 

■■: ■ - ' - ■■•-■• :-■■■ -f.-»-.*- 

counsel, give advice to, recommend to 

to admonish, exhort Ja»- < Ji*j < joj- : *woj 

to be sincere to, faithful to J iji I ^JU- 1 : *w»J 

advice, counsel, recommendation ^^ : £«*j 

• ^ • - • •■ 
admonition, exhortation Jii j i >^u : «woi 

- , .- - .. - - . ' 
admonitory, hortatory, horta- <J»*} < ^^" '• (J?*^ 

tive, exhortatory, exhortative 

- r • i ■» • ' 
advisory, consultative (5jLl^-.] : (jj«-AJ 

to help, aid, assist, support, ^ JIj < a. I njLcl \j^j 
back (up), come to the aid of, stand by, stand up 
for, defend, advocate, uphold, champion, patron- 
ize, sponsor, espouse 

to render victorious, make or let triumph j&> :^aj 
(over), grant victory (over) 

to deliver (from), save (from), rescue ^ : ^ai 

to Christianize, make Christian, fcl^J *!*»- '-j-oJ 
convert to Christianity 

to baptize, christen ju* : j*aj 

victory, triumph Jti» c ilU i jLa^il :^j 

Christian (^*'j *«««) (yv— • •<j'b" a ' 

Christianity C^.,.Ll :ili!jlaJI 

to be or become clear, pure LiU» LalU- olS" : j-a; 

to be or become clear, plain, evident, ~o 3 : ««<»J 

obvious, patent 

to recognize, acknowledge tJJ j2-L ml! 

to reach the middle or half of <uL»i ^Ju : * ,«d I 

to halve, bisect, divide into j^J-ai *«- i i ^ki. : ula> 
two equal parts 

I : 

J/«^JI oLaJ 


■1' '' • 

^ ■ ■ ■ ka.' .'J..-.-.- ' - ■ ■^. ' ■? ...,. ^^g.:-. - ■ ..■■ ■ .■■ ■ ■ ■ ■-■,.ti&>S 3 

(into an office), invest (with an office), inaugurate; 
to appoint (to an office), nominate «jflj — «ij i »\il 

to prick up one's ears 

fatigue, exhaustion, tiredness i_, 

toil, hard work, drudgery, exertion jif 

pains, hardship 

hoisted or raised flag o^;.. Jit : i_ 

erection, erecting, raising, setting up, J j i olil : 
putting up 

putting a noun in the accusa- [ iiJ J (<j .JSCJ I ) 
tive or a verb in the subjunctive 

accusative (case), subjunctive ^--aJI i)U- < 

disease, illness *l j i Joj» : 

swindle, swindling, trickery, skul- d^-^-l : 
duggery, deception, fraud, cheating 

embezzlement, misappropriation ^r^f-\ '■ icf 1 j — i_J_j-a— 4 jfj-i. : i_ 
* "~ « ' 

something erected, set up, plant- <~>yo^» if^ 

ed, etc.; post 



monument, memorial 


before my eyes 

(nursery) plant, sapling, seedling, 
cutting, set, transplant 

signpost, guidepost, road sign 

J o 

Cfi '■ 

ftj^ ( JU-* ! <* 




i CfTlj" 


-Ijl I ^ juU ^ib^» ( **-*dl 

toadvise, ^ jli.1 1 J i>^-aj (tJj-l _jl) ^ji :»waJ 





'• •■■--■'" 

arrowhead, spearhead 


blade, lamina, limb 

J-aJ »>-lj — Cub 
• j * - 

sincere, honest, true, faithful, ^jA** . J ju> : r ^a> 


.. > > 
whiteness; brightness; *U*» . J 1^,1 i Jo\*~> : 9yaJ 

clearness, clarity 

share, portion, part, lot, allotment, allo- 
cation, cut 

quota, quotient, proportion -L-. 

luck, fortune; chance Jii- 

fate, lot, destiny illi . j jj 

dividend(s), bonus(es), rAjj^l J (^L-ail r-) i_--aj 
share(s) of profits 

having a great deal of; very, 0? j» 'j <-*:.■■'" ti* 
highly, so, to a large extent 

advice, counsel, recommendation rwu 

admonition, exhortation Jiitj . ^ii 

helper; supporter, backer, defender, pro- ^L. : jj»oj 
tector; advocate, advocator, proponent, cham- 
pion, upholder, patron, sponsor, partisan, 
adherent, follower; enthusiast, devotee, votary, 
fan, buff 

to ooze, leak, percolate, drip, trick-^Jai . rHj : 2111 'jeii 
le, dribble 

cash, (hard) money; specie, coin(s) *yu . jii :^ai 
to unsheathe, draw o-ui ',j» LillJI LoJ 

to take off one's clothes, undress -u* V^l ^ 
to fade, blanch o_jJJI L»j 

Uaj «► I j — i_jyj I (_f^»j ' » «.■'■' I u*** 

sprinkler itj* :«»-LaJ 

(pure) gold (^ U- ) i_-i i : j Laj 

bloom; freshness; beauty; vigor, health i jju : SjLai 


half, moiety 

t<J^ ' /j> !■■* -*->■ 1 » jjaZt ' ' * "'■ 

i.a.a.....* '■ * ■ ■»■ 

medium, middling, average J3 jU . JaL^L. : 
standard, regular, normal 

middle-aged j«j>JI .)» -j*» > J4^ •'-*-»J 

semi- <ui 


half step 


half (an) hour, thirty minutes 

semiannual, biannual, semiyearly 

semimonthly, biweekly, fortnightly 



eastern hemisphere 

western hemisphere 


half-track; ha]f-track(ed) i fj^y 

tap (of a shoe) 

half step, semitone, halftone 

semifinal &1+. 

midday, noon 

•'jV* 'yi^ 

half, semi-, hemi-, demi- 



Hemiptera ol^^il ^ 

to fade, bleach, blanch, faint 

fJL-Ai JiltJ 

to get out of; to free oneself from; to get ^ 3-u 
rid of 

to decolorize, bleach; to achromatize; to 'o'^i\ Jtii 
fade, blanch 


\ W"\ 



: ^::swmm% 

a iwu »>-li — iLaj '.o 

wealth, opulence, affluence 
to move, shake 
to surpass, beat, defeat 
echidna, spiny anteater 

erf '-'j^J 

emaciated, wasted, gaunt, rawboned 
worn, tattered 
depletion, exhaustion 

ripeness, maturity 

cushion, pillow 


to jump, leap, spring, bound, skip, hop L-i j : J»J 

jump(ing), leap(ing), hop(ping) uJ j : ij 

given to butting; a butter £j»U i »»kJ I jui" : ^Iki 

learned, erudite, well-informed; JU. it-^LL i^LL 
scholar; expert, specialist, authority, master 
skilled physician JiU- i_~J> :^-U»i < T^-QJ 

jumper, leaper olij : .tLki 

range, extent, scope, compass, ji- 1 Jlk. t (^11. : <j»LL 
sphere, province, purview, latitude, ambit, reach, 
sweep, extension; field, domain; framework; 
bound(s), limit 

girth, girdle, belt; waist- Jaj^i <. j'^L i (Ijf : d>U»i 
band, cummerbund; strap; band, strip 

cordon (U dfc, jjj»- Vj^" jlj J-^ 1 Crf ) J^ 

zone [L^-^J^jf-JjLL 

Orion's Belt [dLLi ] ,1 j)i I J lii 

struggle, strife, fight; struggling, striving, ^US" : J Li 


struggle-; combative 

to run out; to be or become exhausted, oi 
depleted; to peter out 

to dwindle, drain away, fade; to ^i < J.% : 
diminish, decrease, lessen 

to dry up, run dry Lii- :^JI Llii 

to drain, seep away in the yijSlI j jU : iW\ [_* 
ground, be absorbed by the ground 

to ripen, mature; to be or become ripe, mature, - *'■ 
fully developed 




to be well-done, well cooked 

ripeness, maturity rj- aj : TV^ ' - ■*"■ 

to sprinkle, spray, sparge, shower ^ij : ivi 

to wet, moisten 
to water 

to quench or slake one's thirst 

* * Ur 


to exude, ooze, transude, seep, Liki < iii j : '**£> 
leak, percolate, filter 

to sweat, perspire |j ^ ; -^ 

sprinkling, spraying, sparging, showering ^ : *«ij 

i"- '.' • '■• 

exudation, oozing, ooze, 
seep(age), leak(age) 

to pile up, stack, tier 


j ■• 

to put in order, array, arrange j£j : luai 

to compose, set, typeset ".*■. <> : ( llcQ. ) juoi 


to be flourishing, blooming; l^il; o^ : 3-^J 'j-^ 
to be fresh, tender; to be bright, radiant 

.•■ -*'" 

to make bloom, let flourish; to make l^iU .dii. :'j^ 
fresh or tender; to make shine, cause to be radiant 

i . ■■.■ ■ ■ '. • "•..• :■;.'": ■ fa— 


- • - • » WgagK •■...' 

" ' • :i 

, », 

to foment, bathe with warm medi- yajjll u-\j JJti 
cated liquid 

fomentation, medicated liquid applied to [ i_J> ] Jji»J 
the body to ease pain 

butted r>^~* : &^ 

»jjaj tjyaj f-^'J ~/iA 
isotopic [ »L^J ISjjUaj 

isotopic tracer [ »L»^ J (ijllki i_ii.lS" 

optician; optometrist uZ IjLL 

•' 'i- - ' i'i.' 
lockup, jail, prison l _ rr j- i o»-jjj Jjm :«jLhJ 

' > > i"> -■*..' 
spectators, onlookers, view- j>-i»- i u^»-jii* : aj\Ju 

ers, watchers, audience, attendance 

«^ * * - ~ s - - s - 

(a pair of) eye- oUj^c :oljU»J «(j^jU»j '»jU»J 

glasses, glasses, spectacles 

.- * ' , » - 

field glasses, binoculars o'-^l jUiJ_- < jjJ»U :»jlL 

monocle, eyeglass(5ji^lj,vJj)i3!-U-_)JI ijjU-l ojLki 

pince-nez <Lill 5jU»J 

sunglasses <,,„.'. oljlki i^-LUI oljLki 


magnifying glass 

supervision, control, 5 j I j I i ij 1^ I i iJi I j* : » jUii 
superintendence, oversight; management, adminis- 
tration, direction 

cleanness, cleanliness, neat- *JI £->JI ^ '^ : *»U*J 

ness, tidiness; purity, purgation 

• - '- - s 
cleanliness is next to godliness oU> )l I ot ** ^-^ ' 

poetaster, versifier, rhymester, (-«>»>• j;-c jtli. : f LLi 
balladmonger, inferior poet 

system; order; method <iyjA> ' J—> ' r^-* : f U*j 

order, orderliness, arrangement, array, ^-—>y : (Ikl 
regularity; organization; organic structure 

order; discipline, orderly iL-aul i <J -i»_jjJl j»jlc : flL 

regime, system, form (»JJ i^jSCi-l jl jXJ-l) ^Lki 
of government 

jliil* :ijji-» SjUaJ 

to change color, turn pale 

leather rug 



dental, dental letter 

to trickle, dribble, drip 

sperm, semen 

zonal [ Lj-^J_^j«- ] ^JUu 

jump, leap, spring, bound, skip, hop iJj : cL 

to butt '■"jv Vj** •7*^*' 

butting jJu jlui. :*JaJ 

butt *JaJ ^> S^ll :«mJu 

to guard, watch, watch over w'^- ■j*' 

guarding, watching, watching over; ~<LXf\JaJ 

watch, guard 

natron uj^Li 

(-.Ibi i (— Lki »jflj — Jl* : (j-f»j 'y«*j 'y«*j 

- '-. -*- >'.>\- ,'. 

•.♦", -- • - 

jds»- ^a J»Lo ; J-a-> 'VaJ 

^J : {HI ulL 

to pronounce, utter, enunciate, say; J£j i JuJ : jJu 
to articulate; to phonate, vocalize; to speak, talk 

to pronounce (deliver, pass, give) a jJJ jXJ-l J^> 
judgment, a decision, a sentence, etc. 

to gird, girdle (•' j?v <3>l» : J-t»j 

pronunciation, utterance, enunciation, ar- Jail : jJ^ 
ticulauon; phonation, vocalization 

speech; saying Jy i ^ : ji»i 

pronouncement, delivery (of a judg- jJJ jXi-l J^»i 

ment, decision, sentence, etc.) 

phoneuc(al); pronunciational ^kil : ^LL 

to squeeze out, press (out) ^ot. '■ Jij 

d-k' fr'j - ^^' lt'j J^" 

think over (deeply), think about, contemplate, re- 
flect on, meditate on, ponder on, cogitate 

to try, hear, take up, look il«i» jl ^ja (j)J*J 
into, examine, study 

to judge, adjudge, adjudi- '<j~ai 4 '^- : (J^lj ) ^ki 
cate, rule, decide 

to take care of, look after; to 0^*1 '-j ,^*l : J j^> 

help, aid, assist, support 

to sympathize with, feel for, J I oLUU I ^u jLj 

feel sympathy for; to be favorably disposed to; to 
incline to 

(Jj) >lii ^Jti.1 grij -ijj) LLu >j 

' - », ,» - 

Jaa-'jl 4(ilj :^ki 



to view, observe 
to theorize, speculate 

sight, eyesight, vision, seeing, looking ijjj i^u :^ki 

j ~- ^ - - - 
insight, discernment, foresight, ^aJ 4 S/uaj :^ki 

sagacity, perspicacity, mental perception, pene- 
tration, clairvoyance 

consideration, thinking, contem- jSJl i jl& : ^ki 

plation, reflection, meditation 

consideration, studyOng) ^jj :jkj 

examination, inspection, scrutiny J^ilu < ^^aau : jki 

trial, trying, hearing, taking (aI^JI jl cSj*-^ j^> 
up, looking into, examination, studying) 

judgment, judging, adjudi- J*di 4 *Lii 4 ~£» : ^ 
cation, ruling, deciding, decision 

consideration, re- J J oUJI 1 »Q^. 1 jCjil i^ 
gard, attention, notice, heed 

in view of, <_-_, : (J ji) J J l^kl « ( J jl) J J >Ju 
due to, owing to, because of, for 

with regard to, re- j jJUi Lj : (J jl ) JJ ^jkJu 
garding, concerning, with respect to, in respect of 

in view of the ol jtjiy :ij)l Jj Q»J « 0' Jj .^-Jy 
fact that, with regard to the fact that, considering 
that, inasmuch as, insomuch as, since, as, because 

regardless of, irre- je jjklll ( j>L 4 * u ^iJ) u>'^oj 
spective of, notwithstanding; to say nothing of, not 
to mention, not to speak of, let alone; apart from, 
aside from 



regulation J& « 0^ : ^Lki 

personal statute, personal il«ai*JI Jl^i- "i\ »Lkj 
law, personal status law 

constitution, charter, statute (tJJ ill^j) ^-Cl >Lki 

economic system 

feudalism, feudal system 

parliamentary government 


(.JjLalil flki 


assembly line 


two-party system il>jj-l iliulll ^iL i^JJ-I a(L 

j. . s j - * 

jui i n i l I f lia^JI 

bylaw; rules of proce- (il 

articles of association 

solar system 

public order, ordre public 

decimal system 

judicial system 

metric system <£jA.\ flkJI 

/yu^Jjl ^ji J-^U *-^Uj f\jaj i ^j. .« j ^JI j , ,,, 1-hI I »Lki 


regular, orderly; constant; normal ; A:.:.. : ^_« LL 
methodical, systematic 

disciplinary; organization, organi- *J*\.Ju\ :^*U*J 
zational; regulation; disciplinarian 



regular army ' 

airliner, liner iltUiJ J^Jlt 

regularity, orderliness; constancy; normalcy, 7L» Lk) 
normality; methodicalness, systematicness 

to look (at), regard, observe, t$lj 4 ^»JI : ( Jj) ^Jii 
eye; to see, view, perceive 

to consider (carefully), ^SCi 4 ^ jC 4 J^ U : j ^k; 

*— •Uij o^y 
* i'i. •* '' 




shal, fix up, put in order, order, systematize 
to adjust, regulate, tune, fix, set; to con- JaLi : pJ»J 

» •■"■■■■ ■''■■■■■■- - ■ - 

■•-" ■*• • ■■-- ■--■■ ■ 



to prepare, ready, lay out, make a* I 

to plan, map out J»J»- 

to draw (up), draft, write, i-L» 1 1_«^ « j^»- 
compose, formulate, make 

versification, poetizing, poetic com- j«JJI Jaj ■ fJaJ 

composition, composing 

stringing, threading 



head, lead, avant-garde 

i_aJlj Ipjii 

counterpart, parallel, analogue, coor- jti i J-i. : jjJii 
dinate, equivalent, equal, match, like, peer, fellow; 
duplicate, double, twin 

like, similar, analogous, equal, same, cor- Ji. : j^aj 

responding, comparable 

para-, -like <~? '-j^ 

as a compensation for, ^ Lb^t i *li) i JjU> : jj^i 
in consideration of, in return for, in exchange for, 
against, for, upon, on 
nadir [Alt] ollll 'j^> * ^Uilll 

parasympathetic [ ~ jH J tJ j I r .i. J 1 j I <i jy I j«Jij 

■> ' i » 
isotope [ *Wji»j *W*^J jJ^JI ->f lj : ji^»J 

radioisotope, radio- XllJI i*f^4 /J»j « j-—* J*** 
active isotope 

ij ^JkJ "i .jJil JJ ^J' .jjJ^I (JyLi) J-U^ 
unequaled, unparalleled, nonpareil, matchless, un- 
matched, peerless, unrivaled, incomparable, 
unique, singular, single 

head, lead, avant-garde i*JJ» : >jx^> 

clean, neat, tidy j»--j j^- 

innocent, cleanhanded, Jj J I j»U» < tSj> 
blameless, guiltless, inculpable, clear 

in my opinion, in my view, in my judg- {$J* j 
ment, in my estimation, in my eyes 

unsettled, open, debatable, disput- J* ^ i Jiu <~i 
able, controversial, moot, uncertain 

.>dl '£ <>JI ialil >>JI alii c^JiJI J^-l 
Jj^t i^kJI J>J» lyC ^>kJI (Jjrf i^kJI JU»j 

- — -',4 .1 - S j - *■ S j„ - S 

delay, postponement, deferment; JI4II ( J^u :o^Ju 
grant of a delay or respite 

look, glance, gaze, eye; sight, view jk> ^ ij.\ '■ tjiaj 

general view, bird's eye ikl) :(iLli jl £lc) ijiaj 
view, glance, overall look, comprehensive look; 
conspectus, brief survey, short account; review 

perspectiveiilMijjIj^ fy^^hsj 1 ji^-''- i J^ 

''*.*> -' ' 
point of view, viewpoint, stand- Joj i^i- j : ijaj 

point, outlook; angle; perspective 

mercy, leniency, compassion, sympathy Ci-j : ijm 

at first sight ijk, Jjl & 1 JjMl J^kJI j» 

theoretical, theoretic, speculative, ^li o> = tSj-k 
academic, abstract, armchair, impractical 

optic(al), visual, ocular (i^J : 0>J*> 

t -. - 
theoretically, in theory \ij^ 

theory; notion; theorem <tj^> 

to be or become clean, neat, tidy UJii 0^ : '-^J 

to clean, cleanse; to j£> 1 Jp < UJu *!+*■ ■ uLki 

deterge; to scour, scrub; to purge, purify 

to brush slijilU > «lai 

to vacuum, vacuum-clean iJUji^Jl i-«XlU oiiij 

to string, thread cUil>l 1 J-> : £lj >J>UI (Jii 

to poetize, versify, compose or Jej : ji-UI pJ»J 

write poetry 

to compose u^ 1 t_*J I < m> j : pii 

to organize, arrange, array, dispose, mar- i_-J j : (Jii 



sleepy, drowsy, somnolent, slumberous cA^-j '• uLiu 

bier; coffin, casket 

(c4ll) yi*J 

Little Bear, Ursa Minor [tiUi ] t//-"-' ' <j-*J °^ 

Great Bear, Ursa Major [iiUi ] i5^^ ' u** 1 °^ 

to be or become erect ,..,.-■, I •(,_.. ,^,;ll) ^ 

to caw, croak ol^l J»i 

to hoot, whoop »yA I j«j 

to shoe, furnish with a shoe; to horse- JLj ijj : J*j 
shoe, shoe a horse, fit with a horseshoe; to sole, 
furnish with a sole 

shoe(s); boot(s); sandal(s); footgear, foot- »IJl»- : J*j 

sole sliJ-l jJu 

^ * - -' * • - 

horseshoe Sjo*- : (j-jiJI J*J 

tap (of a shoe) J*J i 

to live in comfort and luxury, lead a life of <_»jj : *«j 
ease and comfort 

to enjoy; to bask in; to take pleasure in, ^-J : _> -» 
delight in 

to be or become soft, smooth, tender, L&li o<£ : n*i 

to be green and tender 

to soften, smooth; to tenderize; to pul- Let; 4Jbu«- : Ju 
verize, powder, fine 

to afford (someone) a luxurious life, let or o j : Ju 
make (someone) live in comfort and luxury 

livestock, cattle o"'>* ' ~ K ~"^* '■ (f ^ ' r) j*** 

yes! indeed! certainly! surely! truly! Ju : |>«j 

ease, comfort acj i jjj : n*J 

> ^ s ~ • 
how good the recompense! i_> I ^tl I *«J 

* • - * f s ^« 

what an excellent man Zaid is! ju j J^l «»i. 

to announce the death of (>»^ olij ,jlx.| : (yu 

to find fault with, criti- oU : (»JJ 4J^cl <ULc) ^> 
cize, censure, blame, reproach 

vociferous, clamorous, noisy 

-L«fl "juu 

agitator, troublemaker, rabble-rouser, i_^J I jw : jll; 


J^ u?d*^l : «j& 


earthen jug 

— ~ - p 

drowsiness, sleepiness, somnolence; leth- ^j :y*l*j 

satyriasis, erotism, prurience, libido, con- jli : JjLiJ 
cupiscence, sexual appetite, carnality 

ostrich (j^) <^«Uu <»Uj 

to caw, croak 

to hoot, whoop .^J I i_ 

to describe, qualify, characterize LjCoj :cJu 

description, qualification, characterization i_iUj : ■"'•'■ 

quality, property, attribute, char- (*}?**) '<**» : cJo 

attribute, adjective, attributive, qualifier [ iiJ ] cJo 

epithet i_Jd :cJu 

descriptive, qualificative; attributive 

ewe, female sheep 

to nasalize, twang ^»- 1 <ut>u o^« : ju 

to grunt »^Ji i o^» : (j,jjiil) jfci 

to spurt or gush forth blood All; J^J I ^J 

(nasal) twang ^^j- •. ijJ- : »j»j 

*i „ < a *, , , 
confessional feud; sectarian- ?JI i_j.i jl i-iiU. Sj«J 

ism; religious fanaticism; unreasonable devotion, 

emotional bias, fanatical instinct 

•* - i 

horsefly, gadfly, tabanid 

to be (or feel) sleepy, drowsy ^ U J I » i»- 1 : y^u 




"#> 4» 

^-i --■ »-■ 

midget, dwarf, pygmy p_}» :^*l»j '<jll*J '<jil*J 

cumulus <S \j-> i_jb»- :yiUJ 

., .> _".■» _-'.- 
gulp, draft, swallow <Uj»- : c*J ' V** 

to boil, bubble (up) <jLc :^i '^ 

to seethe, boil, burn, L-ii jl»i : ( J*-) j^i i ( Jt) >1 
flame with rage or anger 

serin (jSU>)^iJ 

to tickle, titillate £jjj :_)ii 

to prick Jp-j : >J 

to shake, be agitated, be shaken S"j>^ i J-*! : u** j 

to embitter; to disturb, ruffle, spoil j jS" c jSj : yoU 

to fester, suppurate £Ju : £j4- I J*j 

to bear malice against, bear a ji»- : ^ *Ji J»J 
grudge against 

bastard, whoreson, love child, j-c j~ j~t- jj j : J*j 
natural (illegitimate, unfathered) son or child 
hybrid, crossbred (f*+» <■ Cr*?* '• J*- 1 

to hum, croon; to sing, chant, intone pj tpiu i^ 
tune, air, melody; sound, tone j»*j ' (**i 

note, tone; sound <**i *<*«j 

illegitimacy, bastardy JiJI iJU- :<lj«J 

to deny, disown, disavow, disclaim, oiS" 4 Ji>\ : ^ii 
gainsay, contradict, disaffirm, disallow; to dis- 
prove, refute, controvert 

to banish, exile, expatriate, expel, 'J^-j « oju I : ^ii 
relegate, deport 
to negate ["^Jiyj 

jet (engine, etc.) (j«JJ <i)>«) £>U; 

jet (air)plane, jet, jetliner iilii SjJU> lilUj 

well done! bravo! very good! excellent! oi*j U p*j 

ease, comfort; luxury; opulence, (j~*JI **- : (j*** 

affluence, weath 

favor, grace, kindness, kind act, oLa-l t eij^ : »I^J 

good turn 

gift, present iJac < <>-l» : *|<»J 

blood f-5 :ulyu 


anemone, windflower (oLi ) o (,»!) I J^ ^ 

blessing, boon, benefaction, benefi- ilkc i iS"jj : <u» 
cence, favor, grace, kindness 

amenity, ^lj iJ^j i^l^ll cjL-I (j- i---- :<-»*J 

convenience, comfort 

by the grace of God, Dei gratia <&l 



mint; spearmint; peppermint jJu i ^L*i 

.. • *■• 
erection oLalij : JjyJ 

'.,' - >' 
softness, smoothness, tenderness, delicacy, ^J :<*yi 


from his earliest youth, since his o jUJ» I i»_j*l «L- 

tender age 

obituary, death notice, death an- *-»J « ^ ' ^ 

nouncement, notice of someone's death, news of 

someone's death 

cawGng), croak(ing) 
hooKing), whoorXing) 
shouting, clamor, noise 
caw(ing), croak(ing) 
hooKing), whoopGng) 
ease, comfort 
happiness, bliss, felicity 

ijUla 1<L-C 

: (^ 

to speak to, talk to C> jL>- i ^ : <jj ^yu i <jj 1*1 

Crux, Southern Cross 

i ■ ' V ■ '■ ■■' ■■ ' - ' *S.'*.T.'.^ 

*■» it', . 

/J I 

to puff out, exhale (smoke) 

to squirt out, spit out (its venom) 






literary production(s) 

to spring up and run away 

to give (to), grant (to), present (to '^. < Jiu. I : _, £«j 
or with), donate (to), accord (to), award (to), be- 

• -' -'. > .1 

Ij*j i_Jj :»ii 

stow upon, confer upon 

to spread, be diffused; 
to exhale fragrance 

to blow, breeze up, whiffle 


gift, present; grant, donation 

fragrance, scent, perfume 

gust, whiff, breath (of wind) 

to blow, puff 

to blow, whiffle 

to inflate, blow up, fill with air; to ,£Ll % ; wij 
pump up, fill (a tire) 

to swell, distend, make I-;--. <Jui. t ^o ; mj 

to blow a trumpet, etc. wlj J^ll I j '^ 

to blow out a candle 

(<*i<) nii 


to breathe life into), infuse life :Ci- } I li- jj <j iuj 
in(to), revive, reanimate; to amimate, vivify, en- 
liven, inspirit 

to inflate, puff up *S\J, I j IJu t lii, ; iH 

to be or become puffed up, inflat- 'J& : *lioi iu; 
ed, overproud, conceited 

blowing; blowing up, inflation, filling ™Li j 
with air; pumping up; swelling, distension 

cjj : c^ 

■»■»•' » -», ■*. r '■*•» • - «' "■ 
expectoration tJ J. jl JjJLlI ** n : L. :*SUj 

snob; braggart, boaster, show-off j»-Ui* i JlsC^ : r Ui 

swelling, intumescence, tumor 

bubble iiUi : <^.£; 

exhaustion, consumption, deple- tj^ai i »l^ I : jU; 

impatience j~oJ' '*& 

i, .- 
penetration, piercing, passing JI^; i J I ^ I : jU; 

through, getting through, breaking through, break- 
through; permeation, permeance, percolation, in- 
terpenetration, infiltration 

validity, effectiveness), opera- Jjilil 'o\Sj* : ill; 
tion, coming into force, taking effect, enforce- 

confinement, lying-in, s^,C^ Li^JI I; ;^i .-^U; 
puerperium, postpartum period 

puerperal fever, childbed fever ^ UJ I J^- 

preciousness, valuableness, \'...:\ s "j| ^s: ri^Uj 
costliness, pricelessness 

puerperal ^ UJL jjfei : '^ & 

(oLi) (jiUj 

" -'. ,'.' ' '* 
jiJI jUS" :fU; 

bitter orange 
ague, (feverish) chill 
something shaken off 
very useful 

hypocrisy, dissimulation, dissemblance, 

double-dealing, duplicity 

.- -' — — - -' 

- ,> , -' 

garbage, rubbish, trash, junk, waste, refuse, iJ C j : c U; 

offal, scrap, dross 



naphthol Jyjj 

to expectorate, cough out, spit (out) jlJ : £«£ 

to discharge, release, let out, let jll I ( V^.\ ; i^U 
off, throw out, throw off, emit, send out 




'*; ^^i^»>Niw^.. < 

- ■ ' -^- 

:*£y* "a^maroa 

to bolt, start, startle, shrink, recoil, shy Jii- i j^i. :^ 

j~o <.Jojf-\ '.ijt. jiu 

to flee, run away, escape, break 


to avoid, shun, eschew, turn 

away from, keep away from 

to have an aversion to, be disinclined ojS" : ,j» Ju 

to, feel distaste or disgust for, dislike, hate, detest 

, -. * ." 
to hurry to, hasten to, rush to £y- ' : <J J j" 

i~ ^" 
to protrude, project, bulge, jut out, stick Li : >i 

out, stand out 

to alienate, estrange, j^-ij jl <>£*> «lo- <■ J^r -jij 

disaffect, disincline, repel, disgust 

to startle, frighten, scare away, drive away Jii- : j± 

band, party, company, group, troop i*U»- '.jii 

person, individual 

soldier, private 

\" *' \" " " \e ' *•• 

to be precious, valuable, priceless U-j L_ii 0^ '■ur Aj 

to begrudge, give reluctantly, be jiu i "j* : (^) y-ii 
sparing or niggardly, withhold, keep back 

to envy, begrudge j-»- : (J*) ^r^ 

to be in childbed, be con- fLii OjL> :»ljll c— ij 

to give vent to, vent, (£>>£•• lj>*^) <-»./«» : i>* tr*' 

release, let off, discharge; to abreact, relieve, get off 

one's chest 

to relieve the sorrow j^i :u^ (_>& r**-" -? ' r*^' u*"^ 

of, dispel (banish, drive away) someone's worries 

or anxieties; to relieve of sorrow, comfort, give a 

sense of ease to 

to cheer up, entertain, amuse o j : 0^» i>* (j-** 

breath j»_j> f j — t> *'.>» •<j- aj 

puff, pull, whiff (tJJ 3 j15w— - jl u^J i^Vcr^ 

draft, swallow, gulp, drink, pull icj>r '■ w*> 

style Vj^-' : cr i J 

conceit, haughtiness, pride j^>~> '■ £±> 

glass blowing £^V>" j" 

blowpipe, blowtube (rW->" J^f----') £"-" ^-^ 


wind instrument ^e^r.** £*• ^ ' 

blow, puff, whiff 
gust, whiff, breath 
flatulence, tympanites 

to run out; to be or become exhaust- l j^>\ 

ed, depleted, used up; to come to an end 

to be out of print, out of i»LUI o-UJ ioIixJI aii 

stock, sold out 

item, entry (*e^-f ) •■"' 

to penetrate, transpierce, pierce Jii^ 4 J>^-} : & 
(through), pass through, get through, break 
through, cut through; to permeate, percolate, in- 
terpenetrate, infiltrate 

to be carried out, {Sy 'J**" ^ tSj*" '■ £?> J"^ "^ 
executed, put into effect; to be or become effective, 
operative, valid, in force, in operation, in effect, 
enforceable; to come into force, take effect 
to reach, come to, jJu 1 J^j : *J \ jJJ oliSLI I iil 
get to, arrive at 

to give on, open on, lead to; to JjjjJaH <JJ Jjril ±i> 
communicate with, be connected with 
to carry out, execute, imple- jll. •. ^^ai 1 iSjt I = ^ 
ment, enforce, effect(uate), put (bring, carry) into 
effect, apply, give (practical) effect to; to accom- 
plish, realize; to perform, do, fulfill, discharge; to 
honor, observe, live up to, comply with, keep 

to levy exe- ^J 1 -** |X»u j>&- : ( jJJ JU) J* iii 

cution on, take in execution, levy on, attach, levy 

a distress on, distress, distrain 

to comply with, fulfill, accede to, oU-l 1 ^ : JJu 

carry out, answer, meet 

to cause to pierce or pene- «*»! 1 tjj-^i *^r '■ -^ 

trate; to thrust, infix, drive in, enter, insert 

to send to, dispatch to, for- J-»jl « J-j' '■ JJ -^ 
ward to; to transmit to, convey to, deliver to, com- 
municate to 


comb (cotton, wool, etc.) 

to make fluffy; to puff up, inflate, iJI : j£ ( 'j&, 
swell, distend 

to shake (off), dust off ( e^J I ^ jdd | _, | *^ | ) 'j^ 

to fade, bleach, blanch, wash out, lose lz^> : ~Ja& 

to make shiver J£\ i'-W\ 

to recover, recuperate tj>'^. ^. ^jil [^lj 

to shake off one's laziness JliCJ I ( jCi) i^c ^^; 

to shake (off), dust off j^ : 'j£ 

- *f •- 
something shaken off iiUi :yii; lyiii 

• . -^ , ^ • ' ^ - 

scouts, reconnoi- (JL^L.1 ijjjj uj_j*ikL. "" 

terers, reconnaissance patrol 

ague, (feverish) chill ( i r ) , \Vj, 

deciduous [<^W»] ' '""'■ 

(ly-i) lL : cr ij-(liLii) Jmj 

to vesicate, blister ( jil I ) JaiJ 

petroleum, oil, naphta j/yj ■ Ui: , Li: 

crude oil, crude . U. L;; 

blister, vesicle, vesication, pimple, pustule \jj : cLiJ 

petroleum, oil cJj^h ' L 1 **'' '<j-^ 

to be useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, a lit : «ii 
advantageous; to be of use, of help, of advantage, 
of profit, of service; to help, benefit, profit, ad- 
vantage, avail, serve 

useless, of no use, unavailing, of no avail %aL ^ 

use, usefulness, utility, avail, benefit, advan-SjJl* :«iJ 
tage, profit; good, welfare 

(public) utility lU *ij 

opportunist; profiteer; self-seeker; self-interested, ^*ij 
self-seeking; expedient; utilitarian 

opportunism; self-interest, self-seeking, expedi- X<* tj 
ency; utilitarianism 

to run out; to be exhausted, used up olj : i !jLl I 'jJH 

to sell well or easily, find a o»- \j : iiLoJ I ■_-■■■•■ 
(good) market, be in (great) demand, sell like hot 

3 4 yt 

"'—■■ '■_ , - ■ .. ■■■•■■ _ 


patience, longanimi- JU I £)jl» ( ^ : (jj^L) ^ 

ty, long-suffering, forbearance, endurance, toler- 

long time J^ tJj : ( Jyi, ) ^ 

Jill t -Lrf-I ^ r \j-' J ^ y i\ ' JLJ\ Jail (lllj iil 

soul; spirit; psyche; mind jii i rJ j i^Jj 

soul, human being, person, individual u ^l. \^ 

self, person; being; essence, nature ji^i- 1 ol i i^Jij 

the same, the <^* 4-Gli :«L-ij i<«ii ,. (liS") 


very same, the very, the selfsame, the identical 
itself; oneself; himself; herself \££ , ZJi, 

yourself sJH, < iil_ij 


5 JJ -*'* ..M *•* 

he himself; none other than, the ili; ^i t a_J1, 

very, the very same, the same, the selfsame, the 
identical; personally, in person 

•s ,< .* „ .» ,, , 

• • t » * • 

»Ujj i Jlc tjji. i j^Lcl *»-lj — 4_ii fcliLi 

confined, in childbed o J j lil ^U-l : *Cij 

psychiatry; psychotherapy < -iLiJ Li. 

psychiatrist; psychotherapist ^jLii t_- : 'k 

respite, delay ^ : i_i; 

psychical), psycho-, psych-, men- [g-/j < Tjic i^—jJ 
tal, spiritual ' 

psychological, psychologic 




psychoanalyst * _^ j£J 

psychology; mentality; disposition, personality, ^ «'■ 
character; frame of mind, state of mind, mood^ 

to tease, card, ii'x, :(^IJ Li^l /\ (> LiJ|) 'j£, ( j^j 

i lib 



■ ■"■ ' ' - - ..v>'"\-—r- 

denial, disavowal, disclaimer; dis- <_~ji£j i j_CjI : ,-iJ 
proof, refutation 

banishment, exile, expatriation, expul- i Uj I : ^ii 
sion, relegation, deportation 

negation, negative cjUJI l-» i, : ,jj 

negation [ijjyii 

"^ .' 

trumpet, bugle, horn 


band, party, company, group, troop iilli- :jju 

precious, valuable, costly, priceless, invalu- ~J : Lr Jj 


-. ' , "■>.,- 
gem, precious thing, iu I j i ImJ : (^.JUi r) <-JL> 

curiosity, curio, rarity, masterpiece, masterwork, 

chef d'oeuvre 


4«. f J J ^(4* '*'"■*'' 

to croak 

•< •* s - 

to purify, refine, clarify, j^> <■ J^o <■ Jjj i jjS" : JO, 
clear (up), elutriate, leach; to clean, cleanse 

— • 3^ 

purity, pureness, fineness, refinement, »Uw» : »U_ 
clarity, clearness 

veil jL>- 1 (_jLj«j- :i_/Uj 

union, association, syndicate oULi 

labor union, trade union, union Jllc iili; 

bar association, bar 

union, syndicalistic <j U_> J.U-. : ,-j Lii 

unionist, union member, syndi- i._Li j j-ac :^Ui 
cate member 

syndicalism, (trade) unionism 


cakes, be sold rapidly and in large quantities 

• ~ * j — 
to be brisk, active c-»- 1 j : JjU I c-~ii 

to die, perish oL. : o I jli I j^j 

to promote, push U*j<* < W*^ ' Urjj '• ii^aJI J^aj 
the sale of; to dispose of; to sell (out), sell off, 
dispose of completely by selling, market 

tunnel ( J Li I ».) J>ii 

.». - »•■• «— 
expense, cost, charge; expendi- ^»j^-" ' **& : <iui 

ture, outlay, money spent 

ijUjI »_f lj — (Jlijl :<iUJ 

• ' • - ,••» .— 
fee, charge, rate j»-l i^-j i J<u- :*i*j 

alimony iiLLLl i»-j^' **" 


at someone's expense 
spoils, booty, loot 
gift, present, donation 
clover, trefoil, berseem 

i»lt jl ill 15 oiiij 

i*_-c :Jii 
(oLi) ir^ji :_Uj 

supererogatory performance L»-lj ^_ll Jl* : Jij 

air, atmosphere ^j- i »lyi : uLii 

mountainside, i$j»»*» jj_»_. 4 Jli-I <_JU- :i_i_ii 
hillside, cliff 

jili »»■ I j - JJb»_« < J ^I»M i jili :j^il 

influence, sway, authority, juU i iLLL i s^L. : i>-J 

power, leverage, clout; weight; prestige 


^^ ,i ^^ ^ 

influential, powerful iyj (_-*■ L« > iyj j J 

shy, timid, scary, fearful, easily frightened oCi : j^ii 

averse, disinclined, reluctant, un- J » j6 : ^ jyu 

alienation, estrangement, disinclina- >£ \ .Uj- :jyi> 
tion, disaffection, aversion, distaste, dislike, dis- 
gust, antipathy, repulsion, repugnance 

• *- • - .' " 

reluctance, unwilling- (U_»- 1 i js. i-^j < » J : jyu 


» >' " 

bolting, shying; flight, fleeing Vjj* ' J J j- : J>*^ 

n , , >- 

very useful »iJI jUS" :p ^ii 



-,-.,: ■ ::-^..- ->.-A-.irj 

adapt; to edit; to polish, refine, improve; to re- 

to critique, criticize, review (»JI Lj i Lj jl) juu 

to examine closely, scrutinize 
to pay in cash (to) 
to peck 

\jaauL* : jjj 

jvii jT viIji (I)j 




ism; critique; review (»JJ t_j i^jji) juu 

.* ^ ■' 
self-criticism <J I i ail 

cash, ready money; money, currency; jjij i .ui 
specie, coin(s) 

in cash; for cash, cash down laii 

specie, coin(s), hard or me- <u> j** i^u i^jwiu 
tallic money 

paper money, paper currency *-* jj j^D < ,y> jj all 
monetary, pecuniary ^JU :<3JiJ 

cash Ijii pyx> :<3ju> 

critical wJJ ,-LiJI jl (-o^l oiJlj (joU- :<^.iJu 

to be saved (from), rescued (from); to save ([y) lii 
oneself (from), escape (danger, etc.) 

to dig; to excavate, hollow out; i_JL> < Liji- < ^ii- : ji< 
to bore, drill, pierce, hole, pit 

to carve, cut; to engrave, in- ^iii i om i ji»- :ju 


j * 

to peck jllUljiJ 

to knock, rap, strike, beat, bang, tap, y j i py : ^J 
percuss; to drum 

to pick, pluck *e^r>^ *M >J j* 

to snap (one's fingers) (<1jU) ^JhJ* < ri'j :Ju 
to fillip, flip, flick, snap L& : (^-»)ll ^A?) >" 

tO tOSS »l}il J (wlj itf-lii 4*Ja«) L»ji : jij 

to peck jJIUI jii 

digging; excavation, hollowing out; boring, jii- :>u 

drilling, piercing 

carving, cutting; engraving, inscnp- tJ lii < c*i : jii 


-^- - - * 


critic; reviewer oil; : jUj 

engraver, carver; driller, borer jUi- :jUj 

woodpecker; flicker (j5U>) jxJI jl i_..rj.l jlii 

Piciformes JtiM^ 0* Vj :£»yji*J 

engraver, inscriber, carver, graver, chaser jli»- : ^lij 

sculptor, carver, graver, chiseler oi^u : Jt ili 

-' - ' * i». 

4JUU* pJ^'J ~ (J*«J 

engraving, inscription ji»- :OLii 

sculpture, sculpturing c^i» 

infusion *-ii :i*lii 

sling, slingshot, catapult i»i»*. :iil£ 
frog ic.ju«o < «• -u*> :«iUj i JUj 

portable; movable, mobile Jji^ ' Ji-W : JUL! 

stretcher, litter ii~ i i) Hi- : <UUj 

sausage(s) jil.iL. ( j;UJ : Jilii 

> * * * » .' 
convalescence, recovery, recu- ^U I »U*,1I Jiuj :**lij 


tlij a^Ij ~ »Ui 'CUJ tajlij iojlij 
-*' -• -- "" - '■* - " 

choice, pick, prime; iy~o > •_£>■ : i»Uj i SjLiij i jjlii 


to bore, drill, hole, pierce, puncture, j&- < i_Ju : t-Ju 

perforate, punch; to excavate, hollow out, dig out 

to be or become perforated, full of J^ < i_..«*J : t-iJ 

to drill for, prospect for; to excavate; to (J < ^) *_-ii 
look for, search for, quest, try to find; to rummage, 
grub; to delve into, explore, examine, investigate; 
to research 

boring, drilling, piercing, perforation; Lii JjL*» ■ t-Ju 

digging, excavation 

•j •- »^ 
hole, bore, perforation, puncture i_.ju i i_Ju : i_-ii 

to revise, emendCate), rectify, correct, redact, «ii 



to need, lack, want; to be jL < *JJ Jui\ : \j£ < 
in need of, in want of, lacking, wanting, deficient 
in, short of or in; to fall short of 

to wrong, oppress, aggrieve, do injus- tJ I <*»- <uaij 

tice to; to prejudice, injure, damage 

- "'* - ?.' 

decrease, diminution, decrement, loss,; jCj tui : l >n^ 


shortage, insufficiency, deficiency, defi- f*s. '.^joju 

cit, lack, want 

undernourishment, undernutrition Sj-iidl ^^ 
hypoglycemia ^-Jl jX— u aii ij> — J I ^^ai-i 

depreciation XLjJI ^^ 

inferiority complex 

to revoke, repeal, rescind, counter- ^J»l i'fLi :Jdai 

mand, annul, nullify, abrogate, invalidate, cancel, 

abolish, recall; to reverse, overrule; to quash, 


to veto (^— aJl Ci V; )ija»j : L /a*-i 

to break, breach, commit il&> I 1 LiJU- 1 Jj»- : ^^ 
a breach of, violate, infringe, infract, contravene, 

to invalidate, refute, confute, disprove Ja>-i :Jaiu 

to recant, abjure, retract, jc- «*► \Ji 1 u-»»~ : ,_^i; 
unsay, take back, withdraw 

to tear down, pull down, raze, wreck, ^ a* : Jaij 

demolish, destroy 

to undo lib 1 J*- ly^ii 

to unweave, unravel, ravel (out) J-J :(g : _-Jl) u iiJ 

revocation, repeal, rescission, counter- ~L> : ^^mJ 
mand, annulment, nullification, abrogation, invali- 
dation, cancellation, abolishment; cassation; rever- 
sal, overruling; quashing 

breach, breaking, violation, dl+^i < Sj*- '-J*" 
infringement, infraction, contravention, transgres- 

knocking), rarXping), striking, beat- 3j « fj» : j*j 

ing, banging, tapping, percussion 

snarXping) (of the fingers) XtSj : ( ^jCeil) jii 

. * 1- 1 -i n-'V -'i 1 '••''' • ' - '-'■ 

mortise ijl- J 4^» J*- jj £>J V-»" >i J :," 7 ' " * ( -4>> w : j*j 

hole, bore 

l_**J I <_**J l J*J 

knock, rap, tap, blow, stroke, beat, *J»1jJ- < o'j : SjiJ 

pit, hollow, cavity, hole, excavation; *-*»>»" : »Ju 
peck; depression; socket 

eye socket, orbit, eyehole 


oil jl ^J! j »ju 



(<>r) wy^ 

skilled physician 

skilled physician 

to skip, hop, bound, leap, jump L-Jj : JiJ 
to dandle, rock »j*j* ' <**rj\ <■ *~*»j '■ Ji-WI 3^ 

to engrave, incise, inscribe 

, chase ^i*- : (jtij 

to carve (out), sculpture, chisel c-a^ : jUJ 

to variegate, dapple 

tr*J •tr* J 

to variegate, dapple 

engraving, incision, inscription, chasing j»- : JiiJ 
sculpture, sculpturing, chiseling, carving oJu : e ^u 
variegation, dappling u^'^ i>^^ '-ij^ 

inscription ij-y-* (^ '■ u*** 

figure, drawing, picture ^.j 1 !j^> : ^tij 

pattern, design Ja«j 4 JJom> ((^/j^j-aj :JOj 

to decrease, diminish, lessen, u<u>>jl > Ji : u aL 

become less, grow less, drop (off), decline, fall, 

abate; to be reduced, decreased, diminished 
, •-•» , -•» 





u> :uju 

boiling point uU^JI *-L«J 

apoplexy <LiJI Jb 

,' , >> * '* *' ~ 

pjaj «»-lj — (_»j^*-l (J* J»UJI >w»j 

' .' -*^ '- " ••* 

colon (:)<oL5Glj «JjJ i*5tt :uU»iJ 

,'•» „»» 

to soak; to steep, infuse; to saturate, drench; «i>l : *ij 

to macerate 

to quench or slake thirst ^'li-H IjD 

soaking, soakage; steeping, infusion; >uu j'>'.n- : xi 
saturation, drenching; maceration 

dust jCi : «jl> 

to fillip, flip, flick, snap fr-"^' < -*^i j"" '' " : 

to sling, hurl, fling, toss 

to break open *JJ iiCTjl jl 

to transport, carry, haul; to JL iij^- 1 J^i- : Jii 

remove; to take; to move; to transfer, shift; to 

transmit, deliver; to convey, communicate, impart, 


to transcribe, copy £_j : Jij 

to translate (from one ^'j : {i£j>- 1 J J iiJ '^» ) JiJ 
language into another) 

to report, relate, recount, * j~ i ,_^C»- < <£) j : Jii 
give an account of; to transmit, pass on; to quote 
(from), cite (from) 

to post, carry (over), carry forward, oL. CJ. I Jii 
bring forward 

to transfuse (blood) ^ jJ I ^jil 

,,- „ , s ~^ ,» ^ — 

to conduct fljji&l i O^aJI i ijly-l * *^»JI JiJ 

to communicate, transmit, passiSjUJl jl Ji^ll Jii 
along, spread; to infect with 

to convey, transfer, alienate, make over, i^iil Jii 
pass (on), deliver, assign, dispose of, cede 

to move (much), keep moving or trans- aJlSJ JS \ : jiL 

** i7' 

rubble, debris yiliJ I : Jii 

transportation), transporting, carry- jjl i jii- : Jii 


invalidation, refutation, confutation 
demolition, destruction » ji 

undoing iili i ji- 

(right of) veto 

Court of Cassation, Supreme 


ouj I 


Lf^J l>»^ 

to point, dot 

»«■ :(<J£ j I jj»-) Jail i Jaii 
tO punc- J^l^illj JaiJL) JjJ (pij :(Loj) Jaij i Juj 

tuate, point 

to spot, dot, speckle, fleck, Ju~> jdJ « J»i'j : Jaij 

speck, stipple 

point, dot, dia- <^i j I tjj*- jy %^oy i*blt : cfauL) 
critical point 

period, full stop oLilll j fUl i_i»jJI <»bU :<Lku 

colon ( : ) iU5CII J ^ tit : jULi; 

speckle, fleck, spot i_L» j : iLLi 

^ • ^ ^ • > 
drop s Jj» :iLkiJ 

' .. '». , . » - •' 
point, matter, affair; issue; 9yj>y i il L- i j* I : iLii 


point, item, detail, particular i.J,,..a,«J « jL : <UuJ 

point, spot, locality, loca- <jl5C i i*i» i «_i^. : <L<u 
tion, site, place, position 

center £ ^, :i_ki; 

outpost, position, base tJjSL-c j^"^ : Jiui 

fulcrum; prop, support jlSCjjl iLLi 
melting point 

police station 
freezing point 
turning point 
saturation point 
critical point 





dried apricots <Ju»u> JU^* '■ £_ ji» 

to be or become pure, clear, clean Uu 6^ : i/f' 

pure, clear, fine, crystal; fresh (air, yJU- 1 i_»L« : <^»* 

water, etc.) 

pure, clean, immaculate j»U» : Jjj 

(bone) marrow, me- ( ,J»iJl) £» « ( ^LJt) ^UJ : ^i* 

head, president, chief 



soul, spirit; mind, intellect 

nature, natural disposition, character 

groove, tiny spot on a date pit j<£ 

defect, fault, blemish, flaw, failing, JJU- 1 i^ : ^-^^ 
demerit, imperfection, deficiency, shortcoming, 
drawback, disadvantage 

antithesis; opposite, contrary, contrast, anti- u^^ 
pode; contradictory; anti-; reverse, inverse, con- 

antithesis (aJLiSCJGj) i-aJu :c^>^il yi-iJ 

on the contrary u«^J ' ti* 

• * - 

contrary to, in con- . . j* (>»^JI J* « • • u i ! ii ti* 

trast with, in contradistinction with, in opposi- 
tion to, unlike 

«jjj» ^r 1 j~(>^ i </jJ» J* 

antithesis; antinomy 

infusion i*Uj : j-*j 

croaking, croak ( pjiuiJI) j-«j 

to spite, annoy, vex; to infuriate, i r .Ja ± \ i J»l*l : (y*< 

incense, irritate, exasperate, acerbate 

to hurt, injure, harm t$il i £/► : t/^i 

to subdue, conquer, vanquish, i_i* i j*» : t/^i 

overcome, defeat, crush 

ing, carriage, hauKing), haulage; portage; traffic; 
transit; removal; transference), transferring, shift- 
ing; transmission, delivery, delivering; convey- 
ance, communication, imparting, bringing 

transcription, copying £«J : Jil 

translation <**rj> '■ J*J 

tradition jJuu :Jil 

(blood) transfusion ^jJl jJJLl 

conduction *ljji£JI t oj-aJI i SjI^jLI < tj-aJI Jii 

conveyance, transfer, alienation, making ilSUi I Jii 

over, delivery, assignment, cession 

,. i •» ',. < 

transmission ifjil Jij jl*»- 

ojL— »*-tj — fjAj 5jU— 

carrier, transporter, con- JiJI (p^l« i -**»^«) « ji 
veyor, forwarder, freighter, shipper 

iL-.j «-lj — JjlJI JJL.J 

i- > " ,'.' 

(mixed) nuts; crackers; canapes iz>\JSL> < o^yj : J*J 

move, step S_jJ»»- 1 i^j»- : *1*J 

■*.■•' - i'» ■* i»' 
traditional <j jc < c$jJ£j : (^^ 

transportation) services (system, operations, oUii 
etc.); transports 

to harbor malice against, bear a J* (»iJ i J* (»iJ 

grudge against, be full of vindictive feelings against 

indignation, resentment, wrath Jm~ : «*ii < **iJ 

grudge, spite, rancor, malice, ven- ju*- : <uii < <ulj 
om, ill will, bitter feeling 

> •* -v 

to croak f jul^JI Ji*J 

'* - ' -' '_' --' 
to convalesce, regain health, re- »UJH JjUJ :**J '**J 

cover, recuperate 

iiUi »jf lj -444; l*Jb 

•- i' 

ail vrlj - *J** 


U V 


:',:"!aa.y,'. '..s s 

trouble, annoyance, vexation; unhappiness; joST : j£Lj 
embittered life (atmosphere, etc.) 

peevishness, petulance, pettishness, Cl£i : jSj 
fractiousness, fretfulness, moroseness, morosity, 
grumpiness, ill humor, bad humor 

peevish, petulant, cross, jJJ-l *^ r . < ^JCi : JiSLi 
pettish, fractious, fretful, morose, crabbed, crabby, 
grumpy, surly, sulky, querulous, ill-tempered, bad- 
tempered, ill-humored, ill-natured 

to be ignorant of, have no knowledge of, J**- : jSw 
not to know 

to disguise, mask ^i^l i^J :jSJ 

to use (a noun) in its indefinite [iil] (IL^Il) jSli 

oli 'J— -t wrlj-olJJI oljS^i 'Jxr»4-' o'jSlj- 
nobody, unknown person <-»jj«-« j^- i>»^ : »j*j 
indefinite noun [ iiJ ] ;^$ll 

protest (of a bill) r l*>^ I ' y-^ ij> '■ »£> 

to prick 3~ '3*" J : 3^- i 

to goad, prod 'yj> ( '^j^ : jSJ 

to turn over, invert, reverse, turn upside Li* : ^jSj 

to bow, bend, duck (one's head) C I j ^Jli 

to cause a relapse u*ij>\ *'•> £lj fUJJI ^-SCj 

to half-mast, hang or put at half-mast, low- iLJI ^Sj 
er to half-mast 

-- ' ' J'' 

setback; relapse; deterioration, degeneration ciu 

to dredge, clear out, clean (a well) (^JJ I ) jSs 

to recoil, shrink, draw back, fall U- ly i ju jl : j>aSj 
back, retreat, withdraw; to recede, regress, ret- 
rocede, retrograde, retrogress 

jt <>\ yt > .« £ ;, : .,.] £»■ I j - yt ui& 

to brush or wipe off the tears uoJI Li£j 

joker, jester, wag, humorist, wit, oi^'k , _£; : oISj 

farceur; joking, jesting, humorous; witty, full of 


yJLt jJU» :ol£j 

marriage, matrimony, wedlock 

temporary marriage 


mumps, parotitis 



exemplary punishment, 
example, warning 

spite; vexation, annoyance; irritation, iJiUI : olSJ 

subdual, overcoming, defeating, crushing J? : ilSo 
to distress, afflict with disaster iliCj L<U> I : L_5Cj 
to deviate from, swerve from JL i j U- : ^ Lio 

to put aside, remove, keep away 



ct'j - ^ 


disaster, catastrophe; calamity, misfortune il^ai : <JkJ 

to scratch up (the ground) (i>J^0 ' c ^ i 

to joke, crack jokes, jest, make fun, jape, Vy : c£l 

'•' •> -• •• 
joke, jest, quip, jape, wise- 5j jU i iiji, t oJL : i&J 

crack, witticism, drollery, gag, jeu d'esprit, anec- 

speck, spot 

sense of humor 

to break, violate, infringe; to Lili- 1 1 'j '/■ ( ^iil : i£j 
renege, break (go back on, fail to keep) one's 
promise or word or commitment; to break faith 

breach, violation, infringement; li£j> j ''n- : cSj 
reneging, breach of promise, breach of faith 

to marry, wed, get married with or to, take^j^ : J& 
as spouse 

to be unhappy, miserable CiU l" ■,' '(j£ : j£j 

to embitter; to disturb, trou- j^ L> , j jS" t [^ : jSj 
ble, ruffle, spoil; to vex, annoy 

-'-r'u ' ' 



■■ ■ ■■ ■■'■■■ " '■-' ^ &~ 

to grow; to develop; to j>i j\ i jI j i jl^ : ,j*J i L- 
increase, augment, multiply, build up; to thrive, 
prosper, flourish 
to ascribe to, attribute to e—J : <jj ^ i <JJ ui 

to come to one's knowledge, ajJu : <J J JJ- 1 ^ 
reach, come to one's ears, hear of, get wind of, 
learn about, be told about, be informed about, be 
reported to 

to develop, make grow, promote, further, ^ I : ^ 
advance; to cultivate, improve, strengthen; to build 

up, increase, augment, enhance 

*-»-* .~~ 

talebearer, telltale, tattler, tattletale; inform- jUj :^UJ 
er, informant, denouncer; slanderer, calumniator, 
scandalmonger; talebearing, telltale 

water mint (oLi) f& 

louse iLi :c»j 

' ■ '"■' "■•' '■'■■-" 

leopard, panther; tiger 

leopardess; tigress 

spot, speck, fleck, mottle 

cushion, pillow 

to keep a secret 

to confide a secret to 

mongoose, ichneumon 

to be or become freckled 



.-,- --'■'. -'-'. 

8JL.J :*l^*j H3^*J 

«*J3 Ij-JI y«4J 

jJJ-l (Ji jU«tf mj 
IT' J^ 

cr* J 

A • 

mode, manner, fashion, way; J£i. i j\Ja 1 ii ^t 
pattern, type; form, shape 

stereotyped; typical cr!***' 

to embellish, adorn, ornament, deco- *y 1 1 jj j : J«J 
rate; to write or compose in an elegant or ornate 

to prickle, tingle; to crawl, creep; to be or j^ : j«j 

parotid gland, parotid £^-' ''•>*■ '• *^ 

parotid S*^' -J*Jli (jo\»- '\j&> '(•*£■> 

parotid gland, parotid 'S^-' 5j * 

parotitis, mumps il«5lJI 5j*JI cjl+zll 

to recoil from, shrink from, l _ / a5C : q* j I ^ JSli 
draw back from, shirk, flinch 

to abstain from, refrain -s»»- 1 1 *^« I : ^ j I ^c Jxj 
from, forbear, desist from, stop; to refuse 

j ,_IS\J «j»-Ij-J^ : j J£j 

J 5 ^ Cff'j ~Ot J 1 tr* J^ 1 

to make an example of, punish severely, J^ : j J£j 

fetter, shackle, chain, tie j-i : J£j 

nickel yi^ I u.u* i JSLj : JSO 

to flavor, aromatize, give or add flavor to ■_ ■ 1« : «£j 

flavor, relish, savor i^SCj 

regression, regress, recession, j I SJ j I 1 «*- \J> : o>>& 
retrocession, retrogradation, retrogression; retreat, 
withdrawal, fallback; recoiKing), shrink(ing), 

involution [ »L»- 1 J u*jSLj 

* > > > 
recoiKing), shrinking), shrinkage v°£-> '-<Jj& 

■ ■ * * 

abstention, abstaining, refrain- fl-v-l i s-Ll.1 : JjSCi 

ment, refraining, forbearance, forbearing, desis- 
tance, desisting, storXping), stoppage; refusal 


difficult, hard; tough, drastic _u.Lt. ( i,..,'^ r^jiC. 

to indicate, show, suggest, ^J» I 1 ^t J3 , : ^c jl ^ lj 
bespeak, be indicative or suggestive of, be a sign of; 
to reveal, disclose 

to betray, denounce, inform against; to j ^J. j : lj 
report in a slanderous manner; to spread calum- 

to sow dissension between 

j^-lj-iLLtj :,w 




edge, reach, learn about, be told about, be in- 
formed about, be reported to 

•- ** 

intelligence, reason, mind, intellect Ji* : ^j 

final, last, terminal; ultimate; ^. \zi- ( j± I : ^J l^j 
closing, concluding, conclusive 

final, conclusive, decisive, defini- * -Vi» < ol» : ^Jl+i 
tive, absolute, peremptory; irrevocable 

finally, conclusively, decisively, once (and) Cjl^i 
for all; absolutely, utterly, completely 

finality J2^j 

plunderer, looter, rifler, spoliator, spoiler, ul : ol^i 
despoiler, marauder, robber, thief 

day, daytime jll li : j^j 

daylight £\\ £i 

all day long, all day j£j I J l^i 

diurnal; day jC 1 ' J J ^.A^ : l$j £ 

day school i, jV^i i* jx> 

snappish, biting, mordacious yiLai : /■*& 

end, termination, close, conclusion, iljU- i ^1 : Xtfe 
ending, windup, finish, last part, final stage, finale 

outcome, result, upshot, ijLUl «1;U> ( i~ "■ : il^ 

limit, end, extreme, extremity, ter- j*. « ij^L : £(+> 
minus, termination, terminal point 

utmost, extreme, limit, XAi. i Juai\ 
utmost degree 

fate, destiny 

weekend c.^_ t(| i,^ 

minimum <Sj^ I <>W-J ' 

,.' ', ,' 
maximum <ij^-" ^W' 

in the end, at last, at long last, finally, ulti- <>l+J I j 
mately, eventually, in the long run; after all 
to infinity, infinitely, endlessly, un- £\+i *i U J I 



.— J 


become numb, benumbed 

creep(iness), tingle, prickle; numbness jlii- : J»j 

creepy, creeping, crawling jjs- :jj 

teeming with ants jlJL jf^. : jj 

ant (jj^.) iiJ , j^ 

termite, white ant , V.~\ i±^ 

antlike jlluT ^ 

formic [ t \^J ] ,'U'J : ^U 

Formicidae jllll iLai :olXi 

food safe jJJ r CJJ| JiL.. L : f^. .^i ;1 

formic [«V/] ,M .\ \] 

formic acid A i'.-ii ^-i- 
to adorn, decorate, ornament, embellish Li>"J : ^ 

to miniaturize jji* ^*> It; I jl j^, :1Hj 

(j5U>) i^ 

growth; development; buildup, increase, ,lll :^j 
augmentation, increment, accretion 
sample, specimen, pattern, sampling l^s. -.T-'zLi 
type, model, pattern; example, exemplar JlL. : r- ij-J 
form, application form i_JlL. <. i'ji^L I : ■* j^J 

prototype, archetype J^Cl Vi^U 

typical, exemplary, model, standard, classical) ^ j^H 


>* J CT J ~ v? 
oU «-JI Jlc- ii*i1. \\ 


good, delicious; pure, clear; If*? t tJLo i 
healthy, wholesome, salubrious 

talebearing, tattling; informing against, ill j : i£ 
reporting, denunciation; calumny, slander, defa- 

to forbid, prohibit, interdict, ban, proscribe; '%Ca : ,jj 
to restrain, prevent 


come to one's knowl-^lil <J\ ' i + >iJ J.\ 4JJ ^ 



f - '';■ ■ ' ■ ' - ' ..uv.. . ~- — 

river-, riverine, fluvial, fluviatile; freshwater iSjt^ 

to push, shove; to drive; to prick, prod, urge ji j :>J 


opportunity, chance, occasion <*j '■ >'j^> 

butcherbird, shrike ( } U> ) cr*" 

to bite, snap (at) ^ ■ cr^ 

to rise, get up (U:<>j*j 

to take off, depart s^'lLI I c .. ^ t i 

to raise, lift, carry Jli- « «i j : ( j) Ja+> 

to uplift, upgrade, raise, pro- ji j i Ji j : (_>) ,>»*; 
mote, advance 

to tend, manage, J* (li i jIjI :(ljif tCc\>) Ja+> 
handle, run, operate, be in charge of, take care of 
to perform, do, make, carry out, lij < j (U : _> ,_^hj 
execute, discharge, accomplish 

to assume, bear, undertake, *£>lt J* -l>- I : j (j^hj 

take upon oneself 

to get ready for, prepare for a*iJ : J Jo+i 

to begin, start l-u i fj- : J (jifi 

to rush to(ward), run to(ward) *_,. I : J J J*+> 

rising, rise i«y : <«<HJ 

awakening, reawakening, revival, re- ijl*^ I : i^j 

surgence, rebirth, renaissance 

£" • _' •' 

boom, upswing, rise, growth, ^jjl> i jU j _}l : i^fi 

advancement, progress 

to bray, hee-haw o^> : ( jtJ-l ) j4^ ' ji» 

to wear out, fray, tatter U L >^> t jl»- 1 : til^i 

to exhaust, consume, use up, deplete, ,i« :: ..l itSlfl 

it^i «- 1 j - ai^l. I : til*; 

to be or become exhausted, ^o i j+*- 1 i J» jl : ti^i 
fatigued, weary, tired (out), worn out, run-down, 
toilworn, dog-tired, overworked, overstrained, 

^■v"... 1 ■ ■■ ■ ■ :..■ 

■•■ j 

' «j^fl lL >.l :o* 

endingly, foreveKmore) 

to plunder, loot, pillage, rifle, spoil, 

despoil, spoliate, maraud, rob 

to go at full speed J«^»" j' l^j*' S-** 1 

plundering), looking), pillage, pillaging, 

rifling, spoliation, despoliation, spoilage, spoiKing), 

rapine, robbery 

' ,.' ' -.' 

plunder, pillage, loot, spoils, booty k^jj. i uJl. : <**i 

to follow, pursue, take, enter upon; to pro- ££. : g*i 
ceed, act 

to clarify, make clear F" ^ 

to be or become clear, plain, distinct ~ij 
to pant, gasp, be out of breath ^ 



to follow someone's example, imitate, *J I 
copy; to take or adopt the same course as, follow 
or pursue the same way as, proceed or act in the 
same manner as 

to pant, gasp, be out of breath 
panting, pant, gasp 
open way; plain road 

method, procedure, way; course; man- <»jJ> : g+> 

ner; approach 

j . * * -\ 
to swell, grow round and full ^ jd I J^i 

ft,-" ,,- 
to be buxom, bosomy, busty; to have i\J.\ oa+i 

large swelling breasts 

to rise, get up ( I* <■ <J*4i> '• -^ 

breast(s), bosorrKs), bust &£ '■ M* 

to chide, scold, tongue-lash, reprimand, re- ^ j '-jii> 
buke, reprove, reproach 

to flow copiously, flow out, stream, gush jiaJ : j» 
forth, issue forth 

C^xJb>- i«j i J-lbr 

river, (large) stream 

glacier iSJ^r JV ' -^r jv 

column (rJJ »Jjj»r o?) J**" ' *>** 'J* 

i 11 - "■■ ""..:V ' "-^:-.->.,i^ij : .: ' ■.;:r, , a 

surge, surging, heaving, upheaval _^-l I u 1 -^- : > 

storm, tempest, gale, hurricane ii*«U :^i 

gnu, wildebeest (u l>j»- ) > 

to intend, purpose, plan, design, fjit \ i juai : i5>i 
mean, have in mind; to resolve, determine, make 
up one's mind 

to go far away jju <. i^jh : (Sy 

to nucleate ( • lyJ I ) \$y 

rain ^ : *y> 

y {f'j ~> : *>" 
• * *~ 
remoteness, farness, distance jju : \Sy 

*' «'• J *~ 
destination i,nS» <. '<&■ j : <£jj 

stones, kernels, pits, pips, seeds ^s. i j_)j : ti^J 

stone, kernel, pit, pip, seed *lkc i »jj> : 5 \y 

nucleus [♦L^^ »l.ji»j »L»-l]»I^J 

core, nucleus 'iS'£j* *>f ' S^ : »'>» 

mourner, weeper, wailer ^JU : ^\y' 

lamentation, lamenting), waiKing), Jjj* 1 1_>..-^ : ^l^j 
loud weeping 

(hired) female weeper, professional ikJU : «*■ I }j 


iji\j *pr\ J -(i J i\j \jkijLt) ji\y 
May jj^U i^jU i jU :jl^i 

blossom(s), flowerfs) («)j»j : (»jl>; Uj^i*) j\'y 

dangling, bobbing, swinging, oscillat- <_i Ju Jl^ : ^.I^J 
ing, pendulous 

pendulum ^11 ieLJl (_,«l*j ly-l^i 

seesaw JUi^l 



giving, granting 
gift, present; grant 
favor, grace, kindness 

ill* :JI>> 



overtaxed; to be or become emaciated, enervated, 
gaunt, laggard; to waste away, pine away 

exhaustion, fatigue, jij (cf ^» ( jl^l ijUJI :dL^ 
weariness, tiredness; overexertion, overstrain, 
strain, stress; emaciation, wasting away; asthenia, 
weakness, debility 

neurasthenia (<--"■ <^+> 

psychasthenia .jLjj iiL>> 

exhaustion, consumption, using up, < U:r'.. l : (il^j 

to drink o * : J^j 

to be or become gluttonous, greedy Iji, : (ji"^l j) j»*J 

gluttony, gourmandism, voracity, ravenous- ,'j, : uJ 
ness, polyphagia 

greed(iness), covetousness, avidity *£>■ : ^ 

gluttonous, greedy, insatiable, voracious, eda- »J» : *p 
cious, devouring, consuming, ravenous; glutton, 
gourmand, ravenous eater 

greedy, covetous, avid 


(burning) desire, craving, hunger, appetite i^Z. : <*+> 


rising, rise ^ Li : <J>)+> 

takeoff p^lil '.^yj 

'- i \ >' 
raising, lifting o , : ( j ) ja^ 

uplifting, upgrading, raising, pro- <JJi : ( j ) ^yj 
motion, advancement 

prohibition, interdiction, forbiddance, forbid- %L> : Jtf 
ding, proscription, ban(ning) 

inhibition [ ;.] V-, 

intelligence, reason, mind, intellect Jii : Z+i 

panting, pant, gasp 
copious, abundant, ample, plentiful 

rivulet, stream, small river, creek, 
bayou, brook 

bray(ing), hee-haw 





1 ■ --■.-■; 

■^ ^ 

Persian New Year's Day 
gypsy; tramp, vagabond 
light-, luminary, luminous 

j^JI j*-Ij :jj>; 

dangling, dangle, swinging), v-M-^ :uL.^i nj*y 
oscillation, vibration, wobble, wobbling 

jlii «rl 

wild ass, onager 



something suspended or hanging ^u« f^i : -by 

medal, decoration, order, badge ^ C j < <CJ I ju : J»^j 

of honor 

(musical) note (ili-.^*) iijj 

to diversify, vary, variegate, give variety to J5Ci : js^J 

kind, sort, type, variety, spe- JiCi < >-iu» i u^i : ^y 
cies; class, grade; nature; quality, character, form 

species [»^*-'J^ 

somewhat, moderately, fairly, a little, L. \*y i Ujj 

rather, more or less, in a way 

qualitatively and quantitatively U^j \cy 

in particular, particularly, (especially, ^.U- ^ 


specific; qualitative; characteristic, peculiar; "ij^'y 

typical; essential, major 

specific gravity ^y Jju 

quality, character, kind; nature; specifity Slc^J 

highness, loftiness, exaltedness p^jj :L *y 

November iV^-" if-j~t : sr**y 

Jill vr'j - <Jy 

loom (tHiU-l) J^ i ij\y-; '£— ^ : J> 

fare <_yi ^11 jl yUl s^l : J^j 

freightage) ^kJJI S^l ij^i 


' . ■' ;-.:■ ' ■■!... ■-■■ . ,t,i.*a 

right, correct, proper 

<->\y* : Jl^j 
'» s' 

•'ii' -- i-' 
sleeping sickness; lethargy (jJ I Jej* : f 1>J 

(one's) turn jjJ :<j>! 

shift; alternation, rotation <> jU* : <>y 

shift (of work), tour (of duty), turn; (jC*) iji 

period, spell 

fit, attack, paroxysm; spell; spasm ( Je'f) iiy 

fit (spell, spasm) of coughing JU— ajjJ 

fit of anger, paroxysm of rage 

heart attack 

5U grlj- 

- - i-.- 

' V* 
? •' **• ' 

■ ' ■> — .•; 

(musical) note (<Ju~y) Cy 

neutron ^iyy 

sailor, seaman, mariner, boatman £>■ : <^j'>i 

c'r if I j - c> 

to flower, blossom, bloom, effloresce, be in j»jl \jy 

jUI «j>-Ij - *Uil :j>» 
to enlighten, illuminate, edify ( C*-j j j I Zj\ij) jy 
gypsies; tramps, vagabonds (iijy -^'j") jy 

blossoms, flowers ^j'jy 

light; brightness, gleam, glow; illumination t yo \jy 
searchlight; spotlight uUS^ 

neurasthenia y^** ^^ ' 's*5*"''j> 

luminous ^J lj>J 

luminosity, luminance, brilliance ^ I j^ 

blossom, flower Sj» j : »jy 

threshing machine, thresher, thrasher X-ljj :^j>< 
sea gull, gull, mew, kittiwake ( jlU» ) yjy 



nucleon jjJJI i\'y j djjiy-i /\ uyjjt :<>y 

subspecies ( t \±Si \ ^jj^ j) g£ 

raw, uncooked f/\- '**■ : »!j 

representation, deputyship; substi- U X 3 < J^ : olj 
tution, replacement; proxy; agency 

mandate ' ' ' 

(public) prosecution, office of the oUII £llJI 
attorney general 

vice-presidency 1l.&J\ £& 

acting (president, chairman, manager, direc- iCJU 
tor, minister, etc.) " ' 

on (or in) behalf of, for, in ^ XJCj , ^ CCJl, 

someone's name, as a substitute for; in place o£ 
instead of, in lieu of 

prosecutor, prosecuting attorney, dis- <j llll I 'jJ 3 
trict attorney 

representative; representational 'J*~^ :^k 

parliamentary «{& : y*£ 

' i'- * i" - -* i-. - - J-' - » .- * -.- -' 
~V^ cr|»" <*-e^> «— «y^»- '<-rrfLJ <-JL»- 

Excellency, Eminence (,_JJ) £k 

intent(ion), purpose, design; animus i!ji « jU : £j 

determination, resolution, resolve, ^laJ «(•>:*!• 
intention, (firm) will 

mens rea, criminal intent «L I jl». I 3 1 il*^. ili 

<5>» Jf ' J ~ (Vr*' «-Uo» :ilJI -lie 
-i~JI Jjj- iijJI jy. ,iJl ^^ cilJI ^ 

luminous, luminiferous, shining, »<r^ ij^ : 13 
shiny, radiant, bright, brilliant 

Castor Mo^ȣ 

Antares [<iUi]u^l£ 

nap, doze, light sleep, 

\' l'-' '*• 
i..,..,k,. M f> 

to put to sleep; to put to bed 'Ji'J\ : ' Vj 

to anesthetize 

to hypnotize 

sleep, slumber 

■ * <*' 

deep (sound, wakeless, unbroken) sleep 

bedroom, bedchamber *"y i^»- ( »y ii\e 

nightgown, nightshirt, nightdress ,-pl ^J 

somniloquy r )jljpfc 

sleeping sickness; lethargy f yJ | ^i^. 

sleep, nap £^j 

to provide (a noun) with the nunnation ojJ 


dimple (on the chin) 

potty, pot, chamber pot, urinal i>»~»l : <J L 

to praise, commend, laud, extol, _, ilil , 'JL. : _, ;^j 
speak highly of it; 

to mention, make mention of, speak of, j>i : _, ly 
refer to, make reference to, name, specify, state, 
indicate, point out to 

to hint at, allude to <J I ^J : <j | 3 \^ 3 \'£ '£ 

.- .— * -- 

-*'-• --M 

nuclear war 
nuclear energy 
nuclear physics 




mish, difBcult, hard to please, overnice, fussy, 
picky, choosy, dainty, particular 

nickel J*?>\ 6^** : J^ 



obtainment, getting, acqui- j\j>- 1 1 J* Oya»- '• Je 
sition, acquirement, winning, gaining, earning; 
attainment, achievement, accomplishment, real- 

.- • * * • 
indigo; bluing, blue (jjjl j— ? : iLi sjjj 

iL_J I • j3*i> I *Jij 1 J-J 

jjj' jr* : £^ 

indigo plant, indigo 

indigo; bluing, blue 

water lily, pond lily, nenuphar; lotus (oLi) jyL> 

nylon oyL> 

indigo (ujJ) <£? 

soft-boiled (eggs) cJi^J iC-ij^*J 

neutron Uij'y-' 

neon u>j 

yoke £lj iiljJ-l (3j_v yi^c j i-^- -J* 

Persian New Year's Day jj jy : jjjy 

meteor, shooting star, falling star <_<l+~ : dj-j 

aerolite (3>»r cJj-i 

bolide v***~* t-'jr' 

meteorite yj^jjw- '^S^ 

April Jijfl : *j^ 

target, mark; aim, goal <-»oa : ulili 

badge; decoration, medal, order (C> : u^-y 

porcupine, hystrix, quill pig (ulj^-) <jd~< 

^c <_»U «j»lj-ilj '.(^t UUJ 

more than, above, over uui icjlJ 

* — 
thirty odd, thirty and some, more than ci-Jj oy% 

thirty, over thirty 

fastidious, finicky, squea- J^ia i »U»j jl o-*. ^ : J»J 

>^ >Jr Nr yr ^r >r >r >5^ >^ n^ >r >r >k 

^^ '^J^ y^ ' n^ ^r ^5r ^r ^r ^^ ^^ mt ^r >(r 

extraordinary, exceptional 


roaming, roving, wandering Jjli. : (a^j Jc) ^U 
(about), rambling; wanderer, roamer, rover 

to fear, dread; to be or become afraid of, LiU- : yU 
scared of, alarmed by, frightened by, terrified by 

to be awed by, stand in awe of; to J»L i j j : uU 
fear, have a reverential awe of; to revere, rever- 
ence, venerate, respect 

descending, falling, dropping, sink- X»L < JjU : Jul* 
ing; fallen, dropped 

stalactite *M>ll Ja^-lj :<UuU 

give me! bring me! get me! let me have! oU 

to insult, abuse, revile 
telephone, phone 
invisible caller, voice 
shouter, crier; shouting, crying 
telephonic, telephone- 


Oyii :ua\» 

yer ** Ci 



jU« :i 


to be (become, get) excited, agitated, moved; jU : -r U 
to be or become stirred up, aroused, roused, astir; 
to rise; to awaken, be awakened, spring up; to 
erupt, break out 

to flare up, rage, storm, seethe, steam, ouU rU 
fume, boil, flame up or burst with rage or anger 

to run high, be rough, surge, heave, bil- jmI) I WU 
low, swell (up), roil, rage 

here! take! there you are!; following is (are); dU <. U 
below, hereinafter, in the following, in what 

here I am! IJJU 

there he is! *S"U 1 1 i y» U i y» U 

L» «j«-Ij - L«* i La U 

I j %jf\j — liSC» i li* 

to long for, yearn for, crave, desire Jl^.j : J J f U 

l^ i'yM p-lj -iilll (>-»- jU» : rU 

(_iCi «f.|j — i_JU 

excited, agitated, aroused, Jaa^ i i^^Loa t jfc : jjU 
roused, stirred (up), astir, moved, kindled, in- 
flamed, overwrought, wrought up, impassioned; 
stimulated; irritated; wild, rampant, hot; angry, 
furious, enraged, horn-mad 

rough, high, heaving, surging, rV*^ (4 > ^ > - F^* 
rolling, raging, restless 
rage, fury, anger 

tumbledown, ramshackle, dilapidated 




frightful, terrifying, appalling, horrifying, <Jlm : Ji l* 
terrific, horrible, terrible, awful 
huge, big, large, great, vast, im- jl!i- i j^i : JjU 
mense, massive, enormous, tremendous, astro- 
nomical, prodigious, formidable, stupendous, gi- 
gantic, giant, colossal, mammoth, titanic, Cyclo- 


^ >^ 


' — 

1 ' ■ ■ ' -i 


fugitive, runaway, on the run; a fugitive, a "j\» : ojU 
runaway; escapee 

deserter <<-M-> o? Vj^* 

raving, delirious iU : i_»jU 

sarcastic, satiric(al), ironic(al), sardonic, mock- JjjU 
ing, derisive, sneering, caustic; scornful, disdain- 
ful, contemptuous; mocker, scoffer; scorner, de- 
warbler; chiffchaff (j^>) «JrjU 

to joke with, jest with, make fun with, » jL. : J jU 
banter with 

joker, jester, wag, humorist, farceur; jok- ^ jU : J jU 
ing, jesting, jocose, jocular, humorous; playful 

to be or become excited, agitated; to be in jtt : yiU 
great commotion 

to break, fracture, shatter JjZ : yiU 

to break up, fragmentize, crumble o-J : , >U 

digestive, peptic 

to shout, cry, clamor, din 

pouring out, flowing out, torrential, fall- j^m : JJ»U 
ing heavily; raining heavily 

to vomit uu : fU 

to retch JUazJI JjU- : *U 

to parch, be or become very thirsty J^Ji : <JU 

to run away, flee, escape oy» : <_»U 

to be slender, slim ^L*J 6^ : <-»U 

famished, starved «_5l»- : (<J U I ) (JU 

u geij-du 

to terrify, frighten, scare, alarm, horrify, {^i\ *_) JU 
appall; to find horrible, terrible, shocking 

to pour down, heap, pile up (^Jl ol^JI kSs.) JU 
(sand, etc.) on 

mirage, fata morgana <_> I ^L, : JU 

_iil J* JLcLrf : f)-^U 
rw> i r-U» : J»U 

i-')IJI :'rl» 

satirist ^^^ £^* 

to emigrate, expatriate, leave one's native coun- ^j»U 

try; to immigrate (to); to migrate 

midday, noon Jlj j < jl+ill Uua> : S^U 

midday heat, hottest time of the day ^Ll ;jti. : »^»-U 

obscene language, obscenity «wJi ^^ : i^-l* 

midday, meridian, meridional cSjiJi i ^J I j j : J^U 

obsession; misgiving, suspicion, apprehension, y-^U 
foreboding; presentiment, premonition, hunch 
dormant, sleeping, resting, .uU « ^L ( jil j : £JrU 
at rest, quiescent, inactive 

to attack, assail, assault, J* *Jcuu\ t J* Jli- : ^U 
launch or make an attack or assault on, charge, 
raid, bear down upon, fall upon, rush upon, set 
upon, pounce upon 

jj4J «jflj-U j_j^j jU« :jU 

guide, leader, conductor, pilot, j£.'j» : (^j jlll) jU 


to exchange presents (with) C I ji I J j Cj : t/jU 

calm, quiet, tranquil, serene, placid, ^L : ^ jU 
peaceful, pacific 

calm, cool, composed, collected, Ji.U-1 J»jIj :i5jU 
tranquil, self-possessed, undisturbed 

JU ^Ij-JUl fcjU 

the Pacific Ocean t5^ULl 

thunderous, roaring, uproarious, boister- j 1 1* : j i U 
ous, loud 

purposeful, meaningful, <*-j> i »Lo i <_»-l» j J : (J jU 
telic; constructive; directed, guided, controlled, 
planned, managed 

to conclude a truce with; to make ^JU» 4 jJL : u'jU 
peace with, make up with, be reconciled with 
delirious, raving (ii ilil) jU 

to throw down, fell, bring to the ground *j*o : jU 

to pull down, tear down, demolish, raze, ^ jk* : jU 
wreck, destroy 




happy, glad, delighted, pleased 

JJJ-— • u>^ 


to laugh contemptuously or 
scornfully, sneer 

to guffaw, roar, laugh boisterously 

»l_)+^lj <•*!■■»<*> :uLiU 

Li m>-Ij -Li U 

hobby- <Jjiau jJt < JjI^* i_-»-Ls i -j «J_^« : (cijlll) jU 
ist; fancier; fan, buff; amateur, dabbler, dilettante, 
nonprofessional, unprofessional 
lover; loving, in love with, fond of *_--t- : jl* 

falling (down), dropping, tumbling, sink- ^»L : jU 


to humor, favor, indulge <ij I ■> : lijl* 

to be or become lenient toward or » L < ^ "51 : jjU 
with, indulgent toward or with, forbearing toward 
or with 

to make a special price for, ^LJI /\ ^i\ j «Vjl* 
charge a moderate price 

mortar ~)J ^UJJI <J Jju (lij :<j)U 

Ujl» J»- 

; U J" 


pestle o'jlAl 

abyss, chasm, gulf, (bottomless) pit 

hell, the pit ^^ : J^lil < JjjU 

to adapt, adjust, condition, accommodate, LilT : LU 
conform, fit, suit 

to agree with someone (up)on Ji I j : J* /\ j Ll* 
or about something 

to get in motion, move p^ I < I-'- i liJ^aw : <— 

suddenly (briskly, quickly); to proceed, spring; to 
run, rush, fly 

to start, begin, set to, set about, '<fj, : (lii" Jii|) Li 
go into, embark upon 

to wake up, awaken; to rise, get t\i i Jiillll : Li 

to waft, drift ii^'l^l 

to blow, breeze up, whiffle 




Jtr* ^-Ij-^W^ j^ko jl ~<>j < JLi^-. J-j :JU 

halo y-^JI SjUi. i JjJ\ ij\i :i)l» 

corona [iiLLi]iJl* 

nimbus, halo, aureole, glory djJjS ^-l j S^-) ill* 

halo, aura of t( J. 3 1 ,^0^ L^ J»Uj ^JJ ^wjuu ill* 
glory or veneration, glory, splendor 

ring, circle (^IJ J^ I jj^i-) ij\a iiii- : ill* 

(around the eye, etc.) 

perishable, destructible; mortal; perishing, uli :dUbb 
dying; dead; irredeemable 

dodder (oLj) dJj)l» 

to fall in love with, be passionately in L-i- 1 : -* i U 
love with, love, adore, be fond of 

to wander, roam, rove, straggle jU i Lilt : * U 

to wander aimlessly about, ramble, a^j J* f I* 

to be thirsty; to thirst ' t U'<-. : lu 

important, significant, momentous, weighty, j^ : *U 
grave, serious, crucial, considerable, substantial, 

head; top, summit ^ I j : <u I* 

crown, vertex, top ^IjJI i.U 

vermin; pest ( 1 l^i _ ) £ U 

still, motionless, quiet, cU « j-rl* i J- 1»- 1 ^L : jt« l» 
calm, quiescent, inactive, inert, dormant, passive, 
extinct, dead, lifeless, exanimate 

whispering, susurrant, murmuring Lr ^ U 

marginal, fringe 
marginal, fringe 

o«L»JI ji i_-L£JI i_Jl»- :(jl«U 

to be or become easy (for) 3*» : (j*^l *^*) ul* 

to be or become low, lowly, despi- jl*. i ^ i : ijl* 
cable, contemptible 


u. ^ 


iJy :< 


»o*j :< 




"*r* ' t r 





: J»j«a 

to land, touch down, alight cJ»- : 5^311*11 

to make a forced (or Cjl^kil U>^~» "CjSlL J».» 
emergency) landing 

to ditch *LLI ^c UjIjLJjI U»_j~» 4J'j51L J».» 

to parachute ilklL J»j» 

,h.»l ««■ I j — (_/»»>' lj_)'' ' ■";* 

fall, drop 


depression, lowland; pit 

mirage, fata morgana 

swift, nimble, fast 

wind, gale 

blowing (of the wind) 

slope, declivity, descent, decline, fall 

fall, falling (down, away), (jiuiJ I « J>_ji- : J?y* 

dropping); sinking; decline, downfall, descent; 

lapse; abatement, subsidence; depression; slump; 

descending, descent, coming down, Jjy : J»y* 
going down 

depression, weakness, feebleness oi*«i> : J>^» 

collapse, fall, falling down, downfall, jL«Jl : ^>y* 
cave-in, breakdown 

depression [tr^J ^>r* 

prolapse; ptosis [t_J> J ( ^-"j^) y** <J lu : J*^ 

landing, touchdown 

forced (or emergency) (»j5U»ll;) '(£j\jLJi>\ )*y* 

ditching *UI J* (o^JlLtL.) tsjl^M»* ?»y* 

parachuting ilkili i>^» 

hyena (u I jr»- ) jr* : 'jz+ 

emaciated, wasted, gaunt, skinny <Jj j** : ^r* 

shouting, crying, yelling; shout, i»~<» i rL> : dU 
cry, yell; exclamation, outcry 

cheer, (,— >-jJ i -y l—^ .l « /J-I+j < ( y». -» i. t i 'i ) t_iUj> 

to rage <i*oUI 

to take up arms JliiJJ iL* 

every Tom, Dick, and Harry; Loj Li 'J* J5" 

everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody 

suppose (that), supposing (that), iJayL] 1 ijoj I : <_«• 
assume (that), assuming (that), let's suppose (that), 
let's assume (that) 

to rise in the air ( jCii I ) l-» 

to run away, take to flight "j : Ci 

dust; fine dust; motes, dust specks, ji 4 jCt : »C» 
tiny dust particles 

mote, speck of dust, dust particle *Ci ; j i : » f Li 

fine dust jCt » >L» : out 

lemur (ol>;*-) jt«* 

flying lemur (0 l>^»- ) jJU» jL* 

dandruff, scurf u-G" •/-* : *iJ^* 

to tear, rend, lacerate 

gust, squall, blast, blow, flaw, windflaw, ( «j) <Ii 
whiff, waft, breath of wind 

rise, rising i*y 1 <uo+i : <L» 

gift, present, donation, grant, endowment ilk* : <L* 

to cut or carve (meat) into large slices or (~*U I ) j-* 


.- *. - 
lean meat j*» ~jJ *j-* 

.- , - >** -.- 
piece or slice of (lean) meat ^r* p*' **"■» : 'j?* 

dandruff, scurf 

to gather, collect «*»■ : (_£*» 

to descend, come down, go down Jy : 

to fall (down), drop, sink Joi^ I ' i"- : -i»r» 

(down); to decline; to subside, abate, wane, dwin- 
dle; to slump; to depreciate 

to fall in, cave in, collapse, fall down, '^v\ '■ *£* 
sink down 

to prolapse [t_J> ] ( ~y-'j\!>) yiui\ ^l-u : J»l* 

to go to, come to; to stop at; to stay at, 0^-i' -^4* 
put up at 

(_j— l_jj 1 S^t» :4jjJ> 



I* La 

' ■ ■"■'' '"■-'■> 


to spell 
to spell 
satirist; satirical) 

Lt*+> 'J** : ^ 

satire; lampoonery; satiric(al) or defam- t-x. j^» : * Ua 
atory poetry or poem 

spelling «1*^ : t lk* 

satiric(al), defamatory <jT-** - ui ' •I*;^ 
alphabetical, alphabetic yi^' : <j£^* 

camel rider eW-l s-^lj : um 

camel corps iiUoll ii^i t<JU« 

,5 _ s _ 

to set ablaze, stir up, stoke j U I jyo 

to desert, forsake, abandon; to turn one's S'ji :^t> 
back on, keep away from; to separate oneself from, 
dissociate oneself from, break off from, break away 
with, break (up) with, part (company) with, walk 
out on, leave, quit; to give up, relinquish, re- 
nounce, forgo; to disuse, stop using 

to displace, drive away, make homeless, *j, -.'j** 
dislodge, force to emigrate 

desertion, abandonment, forsaking; separa- >iSj> : jio 
ration, breakaway, breakup; leaving; relinquish- 
ment, renunciation, giving up; disuse 

midday, noon Jlj j « jl^JI ujj : jnt, 

midday heat, hottest time of the day "Ji-\ sli- : jki 
obscene language, obscenity jv-J ^^ : * l^j** i^^a 

emigration, expatriation, exodus, J^-j i t-j> : »>** 
hegira; immigration (to); migration 

the Hegira(^j£) oik* J^.^11 ;^*a i (<Jjllll) i^^l 

orain drain ii* j j I ; jh» 

animal migration ul>^-l »>** 

bird migration j^ZLil SjUa 

acclamation, acclaim, hail; hurrah 

war cry, battle cry ^'^ tiG* 

fragment, broken piece 5^1i" : o La 

to disgrace, discredit, dishonor, degrade, <j>'js- jH* 

debase; to defame, slander, calumniate 

>- ^. >~~~ 
to impair someone's mind, make feeble- ^SJl <,jj* 

minded, make a dotard 

feeble-mindedness, dotage, senility <_Tp- :jjk 

delirium (jt>-i*:p» 

drivel, twaddle, nonsense I jli & :^j» 

lie, untruth, falsehood i_>& :j± 

to shout, cry, yell; to exclaim, cry out '-A*>\\ 

to call out to, shout to ,^jU : _, 

to cheer, acclaim, hail <oCm jl <o jl J i 

to call, telephone, phone ^Ib : Liii 

to coo oUil c-ji* 

to tear, rend, rip (apart) j£ i Jy, : (>JI ^Ljl) tiL* 

to expose, show up; to LiiS" i ^Jas : (»ji») tiki 
disclose, reveal, uncover, unveil 

•*' • ' .'- 
to disgrace, dishonor, degrade, debase <j>js- dL* 

*^. # - '- 
to rape, ravish, violate slj-l Jo^- dL» 

tearing, rending, ripping apart o*j^> 

disclosure, exposure, expose ~Ju 

disgracing, dishonoring, degradation, (>>j*JI *i 


«,. . •■ • , 

rape, ravishment, violation l\y, I yi^p iiL» 

to rain copiously ( JllLJ I cu.) ji 

'■>'.- •- 
downpour, heavy rain j)_)c ^k« : ji» 

, *^ 

torrential; rain-fraught jlj- 1 - ' >>• : u>* 

scandal, disgrace «,•<.... ^.» : <Ljt 

to blaze, flame (jLJI c-_) «* 

to satirize; to lampoon; to lash »-x. lw» : Ima 


midday heat, hottest time of 'jL\ iai : s^u** i ju<* 
the day 

watch, part of the night JJJI ^ iiili» i «_)» : j-j»a 


hybrid, crossbred, cross, mongrel; jJ^« i Jij : ^^m* 

half-blooded, half-caste, half-breed, half-bred 
mean, ignoble, base, lowly «IJ : t >*»Ji 

to demolish, pull down, tear down, raze, ^ ji : jjb 
wreck, destroy, ruin 

to break, crush 

to undermine, weaken, sap 

demolition, pulling down, tearing a» j. 

down, razing, wreckGng), wreckage, destruction, 
ruin(ing); undermining, weakening, sapping 

to calm down, cool down, repose, .u* i jjC : I ja 
rest; to be or become calm, quiet, tranquil, peace- 
ful, still; to subside, abate, remit, let up, die down; 
to cease, stop 

to settle (down) at, stay at, remain at^lil : J t \ j la* 

to lull or put a baby to sleep 

jiill I'o* 

to guide, direct, lead, show the way (to), -u. ji : ij jj» 

conduct, pilot, usher 

, *- , » , «s , 
to calm, cool (off, down), quiet(en), i^u»- 1 ,j£- : I jla 

pacify, tranquilize; to allay, appease, assuage, 

soothe, relieve, ease, alleviate, mitigate, mollify, 

temper, placate 

calm down! take it easy! don't >$*'jj (o«) U-** 
worry! don't be afraid! 

• s - *' . •• 

watch, part of the night JJJI ^ iaiU» : «jla 

• j - , » > 
right guidance; right way, right path; jJi.j i jU-j : i$ ja 

true religion 

(3o* «>-lj - jL1.j[ :tS-i* 

fringes, edging, border, hem (v^") v'^* 

3 • - 3* - **-'.* fat * J - f 

Cirripedia <>ja«JI oUjliJI ^ i-j'j : J^-j^l OLjIaa 

Cros- iJI-uJI dJI^I ,j* <UIj>t. :(_jjUjJI ollilo* 

slowness, gentleness (jt:jlj* 

1360 A. H. 
grivet; guenon 

Moslem calendar **j*? **« 'jij « (ij^»* (C>^ 

1360 A. H. CjU* >ri- liL. 

to occur to, come to someone's (• j ju« J f ,-D I ) y-sw* 

idea, thought, notion _^»U- 1 SjSCi : ( jJ»* 

to sleep, slumber l>i j ( ^ L : *m* 

to calm down, repose, rest; to ,jJC ( ^£il.J : v«* 
subside, abate, remit 

to make (or order to) attack .a^j <Jii- : J** 

to hybridize, in- (j-Li-^l JaU- < o'JlxJ I r-j- : jii* 
terbreed, crossbreed, cross, intercross, mix, mon- 
grelize- to cross-fertilize 

fault, defect, flaw, imperfection, short- 
coming; incorrect language; obscene language 

»U«A «3»lj — »-JU Ju<9 

slumber, sleep, dormancy; jj-* > uj£~ i ^ : f y*» 

lull, quiescence, repose; subsidence, abatement, 


-- •* > , 

violent wind Sjuj^. »j : >yt* 

attack, offensive, assault, charge, jS t iL»- : ^>m* 
onslaught, onset, onrush, rush, raid 

.. *- * > > 

air raid, air strike, air attack 

counterattack, counteroffensive^^U* j I jt-i. ^yut 
forward line L^-V *-»^!j] fj*«^l J"' - 

center forward [v>-M *-»^j] fj~' V*^ 

forward, offensive player [<Jju i-iUj] ^^»* u-x.'Jl 
aggressive, offensive (/^>^** 

midday, noon Jljj cjl^JI i_*.ni :Sji»»« ' jfc»«* 



to be spent uselessly, be made <s j~ i-Ui i ji> : joi 
to no avail, be in vain 

to shed or spill in vain or with impunity * jj I j j* 

to be shed or spilled in vain or with ^ jJ I j j* 


loss; waste; wasting, squan-^ili < iiUil i ijCj- :JS* 

(useless) bloodshed; shedding of Jljil : *JJI jj* 

blood in vain or with impunity 

uselessly, in vain, vainly, to no avail, unavail- I j ji 

ingly, futilely 

- -' , , -: 

to hydrogenate j-ejjljlL ^IU ^j'-** 


to aim at, drive at, purpose to, jiai > J J ^ j : J I Ijj* 
design to 

to approach, be or draw near to L>'j\i:J Li ji 
target ijj'j :<Jji 

aim, end, objective), goal, j_ai i yij* « ijLc : <_»a* 
target, plan, purpose, design, intension) 

goal, score; hit 

i»U«l :<_»a* 

with the aim of, in an effort to, in order I IS' <_» j^j 
to, in order that, so as, so that, for, for the purpose 
of, with a view to 

to coo f Q.I U ji 

to let down, lower, let hang, dan- ^* i ^ j\ : Jo* 
gle, hang (down) 

to tear down, pull down, raze, wreck, Ji : » ji i » ji 
demolish, destroy, devastate; to subvert 

to be or become seasick jUUl jljj aJCjI :»oi 

old garment, worn garment JU <_,^ : • j* 

to be or become quiet, calm ^SCl : u J* 

gently! slowly! take it easy! easy does }£. :tl£j| j* 


football player, footballer ,.jui i jS" <_-c"}| :<_» I ji 

negative; »|j 

j»iJI jlji :»Ijl* 

marksman, sharp- <_» jil *jU>I j e- jU £^»»i : <JI ji 

destructive, devastative, subversive; negative; »l ji 

seasickness, mal de mer 

armistice, truce i; ji : c I j* 
<iJ» ^Ij-jlij^ :olJ» 

to have long lashes ( i JSi I ex.) L< jj> 

to have long drooping branches »j»>^J I c-jo» 

to fringe, hem (L.yJ I ) L> J* 

having long lashes (o>^JI ^>») oai 

eyelashes), lash(es); cilium (pi. cilia) (JSi I ) o ji 
fringes, edging, border, hem (<_>yj I ) <_, ji 

Cmata4il;lj-j^llil»llpLl31it^,.iiJLU :olLJ» 

Thysa- i^i*-*" ol^lil ^» Xjj likj^l olLji 

thud, thump, crash 6,«i J»^i— tztye t Ja l r o yo : » ji 

to shamble, shuffle along; to totter, ( A "' '• j) r J* 
stagger, walk with tremulous steps 

to threaten, menace; to intimidate; to hang Ji^i' : j ji 
over, loom over 

to blackmail ju ll : J J» 

to roar; to snarl, growl j**') '■ j J* 

to snarl, growl, gnarl, grumble, rumble ' f Ji j : j ji 

to rumble, peal, roll, ring outLi^J < f> 3 ' t5j* : j^» 

toco ° X*'£V- <JJi:jJi 

to bubble, boil, simmer •& : ' ji 

to waste, squander; to spend use- 'L^» , j jj : ^ ji 
lessly; to lose 




to refine, polish, culture, cultivate, ^j i i_ol :oJl» 
educate, instruct, discipline, edify 

-a- - -, - - *.- 

to rectify, correct, right, set right pi i «•*» : ojl* 

s - -s-j - =>.- 
to purify, refine ,Jl> i j*J» : o jl» 

to prune, trim o-Li iJi :i_>Jl» 

to prattle, prate, babble, twaddle, gabble, 'j'j : jii 


prattle, prate, babble, gabble, twaddle, i'j'j : j ji ijii 

idle talk; garrulity, loquacity, logorrhea 

to jabber, gibber, babble, prattle, prate ^ : p ji 

this, this one » J* 

delirium, raving, rave, irrational talk; hal- 13 Jl» i oCi* 

delirium tremens 

(jiUJjl uv-a* 

to growl, gnarl 

».uj 4 jj* :^* 

cat; tomcat, male cat 

Jai :^» 


to overdo, cook too much, cook to (^JJIj) j^JJI Ij* 

y 1 oi> 

to wear out, fray, frazzle 

to be biting 

to drivel, talk nonsense *J% j \j» 

nonsense, balderdash, poppycock, p jli ^ : »lj* 
rigmarole, drivel, twaddle, prattle, humbug, 
fiddle-faddle, bosh, bunk(um), idle (empty, mean- 
ingless) talk 
masher crj*^ •'•*' :c«lj* 

hara-kiri J L»«fj , 5ll j iijjt \\£j£\^ 

cudgel, club, bat, baton, truncheon, i»*»»i L»i :«jlj* 
bludgeon, stick, staff, billy 

to flee, run away, take to flight, escape, get 'j : o^* 
away, get free, turn tail, break away, abscond 

to calm (down), quiet(en), pacify, 
placate, appease 

armistice, truce JbJl oi*j :<jjl» 

calm(ness), quietness), peace, tran- 0y~- '■ ^->* 

to rock, lull (a bady to sleep) 

JiUI Jbft'jb* 

(jSU.) alLi 

calm(ness), quietness), quietude, tran- o£L. : »joa 
quility, serenity, placidity, peace, stillness, repose, 
rest, quiescence, silence 

equanimity, composure, (jili-l itbj : »jo* 

sangfroid, coolness, calmness, collectedness, self- 
possession, serenity, poise 

watch, part of the night JJJI ^ «_>» : »jo* 

guidance, guiding, direction, directing, jbjl : ^ ji 
leading, showing the way (to), conducting, 
piloting, ushering 

line (of conduct), course; way, ii>jJ» < Sj-- : (i -l» 
method; manner, mode, fashion 

offering, sacrifice, immolation o^j i 1 0^ j» : (i ■** 
present, gift, donation i»jij : «C a* 

lOaKing); snarKing), <ijj 1 oa.j <*>vj : j< - 1 * 

growKing); rumble, rumbling, roll 

cooGng) ( ^Cil) Jjji 

to rave, talk irrationally, be delirious; to maun- & Jl* 
der, drivel, talk incoherently; to hallucinate, have 

OJl* (I 

this, this one 

id [^] Ijtfl 

» * . 
moreover, furthermore, what's 0' J J IJ* < • • 3 li* 

more, more than that, besides 

OJL» iL»-lj-i_iJti <Ji 4 jyti (j+t : < iJLA 

^ y . i 


.jjttaaaiM^ ^ 


[tiUi] ji> 

rorqual, finback, fin whale, 

to mince, chop (up), hash 

to age, grow old; to become decrepit 

to mince, chop (up), hash 

old age, senility, senescence, decrepitude i» 


(f 'j* 1 £.) f> 

old, aged, advanced in years, senescent, ~~t. : »j* 
decrepit; old man 

chopping (up), mincing 
pyramidal, pyramidical 

J.... L . > &■ I j - yf j» J-J— j 

• * » ' » . i ,- * &- ' _s -- 

hierarchy »Li.l jl u a\»£.\ j» ^jn tjJj i*-*^ 
rhinoceros (o 1^*- ) oaS"^ : Lr *j ^* 

to trot; to jog; to hurry, hasten <.,..'.. j e^. I : Jj^ 
trotfting); jogging, jog, quick pace iJj^i 

granary, garner; barn Cy. : iSj* 

growling, growl ~<*x»i ij>jj> 'jij* 

kitten •/**•*» »j» : >jij* 

mash (j-ij? '• ^—ij* ' y*i ^>* 

'- i '" . ' 

to shake, move, agitate, uijji *Jai- i r-j ' <ilj»- : j* 
convulse, jar, jolt, jerk, joggle, jog; to rock, sway, 
swing; to jiggle; to vibrate, oscillate 

to wag the tail **>*)* 

>~ »- s- 

to shake one's head, nod <~ I j j* 

to shrug one's shoulders kJcS j* 

shaking, moving, agitation, convulsion, ^» jj^u :j* 

:1 — ■ - - — ■ '■ 


to desert £ju^-1 ^ L<^» 

toelopeL^JI^iiiljrfj^c^ j-ljjjl jutiiiiLiJI cj^» 

to elope U ^-J* j. l^-j j c~j ( j- Jl^ll c-j^» 

to smuggle, run <cLu u* 

to help (to) escape, help (to) run away; Caki L^» 
to let escape, let get away; to free, liberate; to 
rescue; to force to flee, put to flight, compel to run 

flight, fleeing, escape, running away, run- j\jt :oji 
away, getaway 

female cat, she-cat, cat iLi : i'jn 

to be in great commotion; to be or be- <_^Li I : r jn 
come agitated, excited, confused 

to speak confusedly «.ioJuLI j ^* 

to clown, play the fool, jest, '-^y <. rj^ <-*^oJ : r- j* 
joke, make fun 

commotion, agitation, bustle, fuss; r- j*) rj> i r>* 
confusion, disorder, jumble, muddle, tumult, tur- 
moil; hubbub, hurly-burly, pandemonium 

to mash, squash, crush, bruise, pound, 'J*L :\y^ 

to sow dissension between or trj>- '■ .a'': y*j* 

among, set people against each other 

j • .- - , - ., 
to become a heretic LiyLjH jU> : ji^a 

to originate a heresy <c j—. ^ I : ^ j» 

heresy, heterodoxy, unorthodoxy ii Ju : Jii^i 

heretical It*^j* 

oat(s) (^Lj) OUi>> 

heretic; heresiarch ti^j*- : lJ^^j^ 

- -. * , j , , ,, 
to hurry to, hasten to, rush p^-l : JJ p ^ < J J e ^ 

to, dash to, run to, speed to 

hurryGng), haste(ning), rush(ing) pi jLl « ii^. : e 3* 

hysteria ^j^-* : pj» 

hysterical, hysteric lSji~-* : (^fj* 

to shower with extravagant praise, o--u j «Jl> :L(^« 
laud excessively, extol highly 

to rave, talk at random 

• :<-»j» 

t j" ^ 1 " * 



- >., .»,»- 

joking, jesting, fun(making), drollery; ^ 4 r\y : Jj» 
jocosity, jocularity; play 

comical, comedic, comic, funny, droll, < J . U .< w : ^3* 
laughable, farcical, ludicrous, humorous, amusing 

comic, comic strip 
comedian, comic 

ti " t~ ' • ti '• ' 

5^»-L ill j» ijljj jl i^fj— • 

to defeat, vanquish, rout, j^ i i_J* i^ji j-i^ : fj» 
conquer, beat, win victory over, get the better of, 
overcome, overmaster, overpower, crush 

to dimple, dent J \ju jl Sjii Oj> I : f j» 

defeating, vanquishing, routing, con- f j» ja-x. : ^ J* 
quering, beating, overcoming, getting the better of 

dimple, depression, dent, indentation 5^«j : i* j* 

rumbling, rumble, roll (of thunder) {It) I ) jj j* 

watch, part of the night JJJ I ^ iiJll* : £> j* 

lean, skinny, bony, rawboned, gaunt, J^ : Jj j* 
emaciated, wasted, haggard 
meager, scanty, slight, thin, slim, Jrr* : J* _>* 

slender, insufficient, exiguous, inadequate, poor, 
insignificant, inconsiderable, trivial 

thunderclap, thunderpeal, rumbling, jl*)\ o^» : £ j» 
rumble, roll 

thunder ±z j : £ j» 

defeat, rout, debacle j^-fjj ' j^-^\ ' f l>j] : <■**.)* 

to whisper ^-^ : ijr * 


histamine j 

hysterical, hysteric 


to swish, whish, hiss; to rustle; to murmur, u~*-* 

a— * : lt* 


jarring, jolting, jerking, joggling; rocking, swaying, 
swinging; jiggling; vibration, oscillation 
to deride, mock (at), ridicule, j^, : ^ j I j [53* 1 13* 
taunt, gibe, make fun of, poke fun at, laugh at, 
scoff at, jeer at, sneer at, fleer at, flout 

mockery, mock, ridicule, deri- i»j»*- : J3* ' 0* ' 'j* 
sion, scorn, sneer, scoff, gibe, flout 

fc> jj-lj-ol> 

..>• t. >• i-> *,-> 
mock, mockery, laughing- *S^h-<»I 1 <i. Ij«j : lj* 

stock, butt, object of ridicule or derision 
nightingale (^SU.) i_J-L*:jl3* 

rocking, swinging; shaking, jolting; trembling, j I j* 

■*- * -J- 
rocking chair jl j* yfji 

JjU «!-lj -Jlji 
emaciation; leanness, skinniness 
derisive, mocking 


convulsion, concussion, shock, jolt, Ua»- 1 ii- j : S3* 
jerk, jog, jar; tremor, shake, quake 

earthquake, quake, seism 

orgasm, climax p^LJ-1 !j* 

rapture, transport o^UI jl rjiJI jl jjj-JI »j» 

to sing, chant; to intone <_>jJ» 1 JjJ • P^* ' PJ* 

to laugh dUfciijj* 

to hurry, hasten, speed fj. I : £_)* 

ataxia [i_J>j£_3* 

ataxic [*r-^J(^f3* 

to waste away, pine away; to be or }L>«i jL» : Jj* 
become emaciated, lean, skinny; to lose weight 

to joke, jest, kid, make fun, talk light- 1+1 < '-^y : <jj* 
ly or jokingly; to play, trifle 



■' ■?■/.■■ ■- ^r.'\L*&-'.yi".:-3>7rreF ! 

--oil J* JifLrf 

^.■^.gj!!-s.:.;,/,, ;:' 


digestive, peptic ^-oil J* jlcL*. : f>a* 

to pour down, fall heavily, flow in tor- j*v\ '■ J"l** 
rents; to rain heavily 

wolf (u I>j- ) t-3 i : Ji* 

downpour, heavy rain, pour, rainfall, ( jUw'Sll) Jji* 

to flash, pass swiftly 

to murmur, blow, whiffle 

to swish, wish, hiss, rustle 

light; empty 

lightheaded, frivolous 


to slip, lapse, blunder, err, fall into error j : l*» 

to be famished, starved 9 U- : U* 

to hurry, hasten, rush, run 

to float in the air »ljll j Ui 

to throb violently, beat with passion <_-li) I U* 

flashing, sparkling, glittering J \'j> ■ <-»Ui 

transparent, diaphanous, thin J^i j « eilii. : (JUi 

to fly, rise; to float in the air _^LLj:cJi 

to fall down, collapse Jaillo : ci» 

to talk nonsense JLl! }L pJLSCJ < U : eU* 

' • ^ •'• 

slender, slim, svelte '-«.■.■> ' J>i— • : <-»U** 

diaphanous, transparent tilii, 1 J-ij : til^i* 

,•- *, 
slip, lapse, stumble, trip, error, (slight) »Js- 1 i) j : •>»» 

fault, misstep, faux pas, peccadillo 

swish, wish, hiss, rustle '-»:■«* : uL« 

murmur *v^ll i.».«» 
hectare jL£* 

l-'ll ' • •'• * • 

swish(ing), whish(ing), hiss(ing); rustle, rus- 
tling; murmur, whisper 

whisperting), susurration ^»- ^li" i ( _ r li : y--» 

to be crisp, brittle, fragile, frangible, U-oi ui Jjtf :^ii 
frail, delicate 

to be cheerful, happy, in -_J 1 j juo »-^J I : yU 

good spirits; to smile, wear a smile 

to smile on, meet courteously, receive _> jl J ^i» 

cheerfully, receive happily with a smile 

crisp, crispy, brittle, fragile, tenuous, tJuai « ~*i :^£j» 

frangible, frail, delicate, breakable, friable, crumbly 

cheerful, bright-faced, blithe, good- (*»-^J I ) ji» 
humored, smiling, frie- +)■<• 

soft, crumbly, friable ouoi t (jJ : (j-Lii 

crispness, crispiness, brittleness, fragili- ii Co» : «Lili» 
ty, frangibility, frailty, delicacy 

cheerfulness, gaiety, joyfulness iiLli : ii.Lt* 

to cheer up, enliven Jali 1 ^ji : J£jt 

to smash, crash, shatter, break JS , 1JL»- : >ii ' >1* 

or dash into pieces, break up, destroy, crush 

soft, crumbly, friable oLoi t (jJ : J~J> 

dry stalks, straw, chaff ^l, oLi : e£» 

to break, crack; to strain; to wrench ^S :^<a* 


C f tiii)Pi 

hill, mound, knoll, highland, jl»^ 1 uj^< 1 <l> : ' 
elevation; plateau, tableland, upland *" 

to digest (food) 

to wrong, oppress, aggrieve, do injustice <i»- 
to, treat with injustice, be unjust or unfair to 

digestion ( fl*JJ l) (Wi* 

1 --ail j_t 1 --ail {^- i--ail J+- i--ail jlj»- 
l^UI j Lyu>-lj -_iuLl J* JifL-i 

pepton uj » ,n> 

digestive --ail J J o>— ^ : ij*^» 

i\li 1 jvt»- v? I j — * . « ..i* JUi t /^-a» jW? 



.■»:yjwwj , i«*m»'»: J , 

emaciation; leanness, skinniness Jl_)» :<jJ* 

to be or become impatient, restless, un- p j»- : ^Ji 
easy, anxious 

to be dismayed, appalled, horrified; to pji : «Ji 
panic, dread, fear 

impatience, restlessness, uneasiness, anxiety pj»- : *1» 

. -* 

dismay, alarm, fear, dread, fright, ^.i < pj> : «Ji 

scare, panic, terror 

phobia <-<Uj :*Ji 

impatient, restless, uneasy, anxious fy* : jJi 

dismayed, appalled, horrified, j^-^ <■ p j» : M* 
terrified, panic-stricken 

to gulp down, gobble ^L\ : <>A* 

to perish, pass away; to be destroyed, Jjj\ < oL : dJi 
ruined, wiped out 

to say "there is no god but < <i>l "5 1 ij I ^ > Jli : jL 
God"! ' ' 

to praise, glorify ^1 : jJJ* 

to acclaim, applaud, cheer, hail J Lii : J '$* 

fright, dread, terror, panic c»'y>- : Jl* 

hallelujah ujila 

come! come on! JU; : A* 

bring (me)! give (me)! get (me)! oU 

let's go! come on! iL 1U 

and so on, and so forth, etc. I^»- Jj» j 

to weave finely (thinly, flimsily, sleazily, loosely) J^ii 
flimsy, sleazy, thin, slight (s^j ' »lj ' J^j : J*i* 

to hallucinate, have hallucinations (j*£* 

hallucination <L<^Ia 

large-bearded i-jJJ I jj-i" : cJjla 

hectogram ^jtySL* 

hectoliter jdy&* 

hectometer JL,j£* 


to appear, come out, come into view or ^J> : Ji 
sight, show, emerge; to be or become apparent, 
visible, manifest, distinct, clear 

to begin, start, set in Iju : J* 

is (it good?); is (he in?); are (you happy?); does (he Ji 
work?); do (they smoke?); did (you write?); have 
(you written?); shall (I begin?); will (you go?) 

why didn't you..?, why haven't you..?, (<-ilil «) *m 

you should have.. 

- ■» > *, 
will you not..?, why don't you..?, U jLiil «) iu 

you should 

(utter) destruction, ruin, »Li < oj* < jCj : li)^* 

wreck(age); doom; (total) loss; perdition, eternal 


crescent, new moon, half-moon (^1 ^) jSl* 

lune [ox^jj^ 

paranthesis, parantheses (ioL&l j) o^^> > J^* 

bracket (iuUXJI j) eiy£. J^* 

lunar; crescent, crescent-shaped, lunate, semi- ^JbU 

jelly, gelatin(e); gel 
gelatinous, jellylike 
to be bristly, hairy, hirsute 

bristle(s); seta(e); hair 



(ilU Ujji«) i_JU 

(iiL-) o>Ji 

to emaciate, waste away, consume (cA/l *-) y-J* 

to have or be affected with tubercu- |J IU <_«~«»1 :^-l» 

losis, be or become consumptive or tuberculous 

tuberculosis, consumption 3** : cr^* 



"" ■'■ ■ ' ■ ■-' <■/■■■■:■ v- ■■•■ ^ ^C 


savages, barbarians 

oy-*-y- • •£** 

savage, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, ,J*-y- '■ iy*** 
uncivilized, wild, inhuman(e); a savage, a barbar- 

savagery, savageness, barbarianism, <~->-i '• *^»*» 
barbarism, barbarity, wildness, inhumanity 

to abate, subside, let up, calm down, la* c jl»»- : -u* 
cool off, die down, die away, fade away 

to calm, quiet, lull, still, appease, placate, mollify, j+a 
soothe, mitigate, alleviate, allay; to suppress, quell, 
squelch, stifle; to extinguish, quench; to deaden, 
damp(en); to deactivate 

to pour out, shed 

shower, downpour 

to spur, goad, prod, urge on, prick, drive, cr »vi : j*i 
punch, rowel 

to backbite, slander, calumniate jll < olii I : jli 

to whisper; to mumble, mur- y^- Oj^u USCl i^-** 
mur, mutter 

to whisper in someone's <J\ ^»i i <; it j ^«li 
ear, whisper to 

whisperung), susurration, <-»»■ o^» '*»^j ^y** 
susurrus, soft murmuKing), mutterGng) 


to bite 

to shed tears 

to lullaby 

(^ic ^u-** 

Qliii r ^i cj '^i 

to hum; to murmur, mumble, »ju j i ,"," i yjO j : nf** 
mutter; to growl, snarl 

hum(ming); murmuKing), £.xo ( i'."',' 4 ij oi'j : m'i'i* 
mutteKing); growKing), snarKing) 

extinction; subsidence, abate- p^*jk( »ja*< j^»- : j^Ji 
ment, cooling off; stillness, quietness), calmCness), 
lull, quiescence; inaction, inactivity, inertia, pas- 
sivity, dormancy; depression 


bristly, hairy, hirsute ^jjt\ : i_»^I» 

helicopter *r-?-jJ? j' **?>** S^Lt • J --'-jC.U 

helium tjjU^iLc : ^>JLa 

asparagus (<^-j) uvJa ' O v U 

to worry, trouble, disquiet, upset, make jiil : n* 

to distress, grieve o'y>-\ :1* 

to interest, be of interest to, concern, o Li : J» H I <ui 
be of importance to, affect 

to matter, count, be of impor- <u*»l IS u« ' " 

tance or consequence, have importance or signifi- 

to intend to, plan to; to resolve to, make up j li 
one's mind to; to be about to, be on the point of, 
be going to 
to whom it may concern ^, s i\ <u«j 'Ja <J I 

worry, care, concern, anxiety, solicitude jii : 1* 

grief, sorrow, distress, affliction li t o ji- : li 

intention, purpose, design, plan jiai :li 

interest; concern; attention j.^1 :li 

they jj» 

old man; decrepit, aged .j» : 1* 

to flow; to pour forth |JL : ,^i i Ha 

backbiter, slanderer, calumniator i_.liL :j&i 

energetic, active, dynamic Jlli i J^i; :»&* 

gallant, brave and noble, ^ i J^y « »»i i plxi. : f *■** 
high-spirited and daring; magnanimous, generous 
determination, resolution ^ji : «!• 

intention, purpose, design ilj : <1* 

endeavor, earnest attempt or effort JLU. : <1* 

ardor, zeal, fervor, eagerness cUjuI : il* 

energy, vitality, vigor, activity, active- i Lj : il* 
ness, liveliness, animation, vivacity, spirit, vim, 
verve, dash, pep, mettle 

aspiration, ambition ill I *SJL 

riffraff, rabble, ragtag, mob clij :«*• 





solid geometry 

.» -j. i- - ■- 

spherical geometry Vjj 5 <-x> 

-''., '•>*-' -'- 

electrical engineenng ^vj* 5 *— *^* 

chemical engineering iliL^J" i- j_* 

civil engineenng ^-u *--ll» 

architecture *LJI jl SjLJI i-x> 'VjI*? *-jlJ> 

mechanical engineering ilXjl^ i-j^» 

.» • -*--■- 

descriptive geometry *^»j *-x> 

geometrical, geometric; engineering- ^-< Ju* 

geometric progression ^-^ V'j-* 

j, , •, *■ - - 
geometric mean ^ jJj» J*-j 

to fix (up), adjust, array, LJ I *!*»■ i <_-J j : f J-i* 

arrange properly, set in order; to groom, make 
neat, make tidy, make trim; to dress up, spruce up, 
smarten up 
time oij -y* 

easy, comfortable, smooth; pleasant, agree- ^Jb t \jjk 
able; wholesome, salubrious, salutary 

bon appetit, good appetite, enjoy your \Lj» ll-J> 

little while, short while, short <kk) i jj-oi cJ»j : <ili» 
time, moment, instant, minute, second 

L* **r\j -L$» 

he; it ji 

id LLr^Jj*" 

to fall (down), drop, tumble, sink J»i~ : (3>* 

to swoop down, pounce down u^\ '■ c$j* 

to die, pass away oL : i$j* 

to blow, whiffle c~* : g J I o>» 

to ventilate, air, wind; to fan; to *I^1J Je^ : <5ji 

aerate, aerify 

love; passion; affection; fondness, u-»- 1 Jp* : <5>* 

liking, fancy 

inclination, bent, liking, fancy jli : t$ji 

fancy, whim, caprice, fantasy, vagary, iyj : t$ji 

thing *{£• '• 0* 

they 0* 

to be wholesome, salubri- L~i o^ : (^J fW»)0 1* 
ous, salutary, healthful 

to be easy jLj ^f^ilOjii 

to enjoy, take pleasure or satisfac- ^j i ^Uj : j yr* 
tion or delight in, be delighted with 

to congratulate, felicitate; to wish someone a mer- ui 

ry or happy feast; to make happy 

here, over here, in this place Lfi 1 Li l* 1 Li 

from here; hence, thus, therefore, conse- Li j* 
quently, accordingly, for this reason, because of 
this, as a result of this, in consequence of this 

bliss, felicity, happiness 5jIH :SfLi t»Li 

there, over there, in that place; there is, dJLi 1 JLi 

there are 

from there, from that place d) Li ja 

defect, fault, blemish, flaw, imperfec- iic 1 <_— * : <J» 
tion, failing, shortcoming 

thing t^j* : *i* 

measure j&- 1 i^-Li : jlju* 

cubit; ell JjJJJ y-Ci »j»-j 1 plji :Sj!j^* 

neatness, tidiness, trim- J-Lj i <^> » iiUI : f 1 ju* 

ness, smartness, spruceness; orderliness; harmony; 


endive, chicory (oLj) *Lju* 

dandelion, taraxacum (oLi)^ »^^ 

to engineer y*J^* 

engineering aM^LjsjI (^-J^ll tij* :cu* 

geometry [oUiLj] il—Lil |J* lilju* 

projective geometry XU» ^~ [ *- ■*-* 

analytic geometry iJLJiJ i-x> 

J- i- - '- 

interior design, interior decoration j^ * *-x> 

plane geometry 


hobby, avocation, favorite pastime 


#> ♦ 


abyss, chasm, gulf, (bottomless) ; 1^. ( ;^ki ( iki : Syi 
pit; gap, hiatus 

lightheadedness, flightiness, fool- ^ili i «J>* j : ^y 
hardiness, thoughtlessness, rashness, recklessness 

cyclone, tornado, hurricane jLa*l ( £Jj j : >U-y> 

to Judaize, make Jewish ^syu »j~» : f>* 

to intoxicate, inebriate jC»I:jj» 

to walk slowly tU ■ ,-i. : V^i 

to lullaby <Ui : j^ii] I j^i 

howdah i- .(i. : » jy> 

to imperil, jeopardize, endanger iSQ^' j o> I : jy> 
to crash jj> ( J»- ; j^* 

lagoon, lake ;^J : ^ 

peril, jeopardy, danger iSQ^- : ij^i 

hormone uw i** 

to be or become a maniac; to be or Cj^. jL> :y*j* 
become infatuated, crazy; to be or become per- 
plexed, bewildered 

to infatuate; to craze, drive crazy; C j^. 4li»- : y*ji 
to perplex, bewilder, confound 

hypomania; mania, craze; infatua- oy*r < ^- : y*>» 
tion, madness 

pyromania lilji-^l ^-j* 

kleptomania iijljl ^^i 

to excite, agitate, stir up, rouse, inflame, jtt I : yiyi 

to sow dissension among, ^jJliyj ^j : jLj* 
stir up discord among, set people against each 

excitement, agitation; commo- ol^L^I tr-C* :iiji 
tion, trouble, disturbance, riot, tumult, turmoil 

prejudice, bias, partiality 

as he likes, as he pleases , l^i A& 

to suit oneself, act according to one's »\'^m J* J^i 
own wishes, do as one likes or pleases; to have 
one's own way 

prostitute, whore, harlot, strumpet ti>U c-j 




Jlj .»;>) jl* : »l_ 


<*" : »'S* 


cr ii> : »l^» 



<wj : >l_jj 


pj : »l> 


ijjy :£*H\ t\'j>\ 

liquid air 

JJL jjl> 

compressed air 


on the air, live 

: "*r' 




■j2ji >i>i j 

aerial, air-; aer-, aero-; airy, t$^i- « *l^il. ^U- :^J Iji 

*lJ**i '■ <Ji)j* 

pneu-i»^iliil tl^ilj <£. jl tl^il 

aerial, antenna ^jj | :'!j\' J * 

stalactites Q* ol,!!*- : Jsu lyi 

leniency, clemency, mildness, in- jiCi i ,^J : 5 jfji 
dulgence, forbearance 

irregular troops 
vermin; pests 

disgrace, shame, ignominy, humilia- {$£ ( Oi = ulji 
tion, degradation, abasement; contempt; despica- 




to prepare, ready, make ready; to fit, fix (up), j*I : U* 

set up, dress, set in readiness, arrange, dispose; to 

adapt; to work out, draw up, draft; to design (for a 

specific function or purpose or end), intend (for a 

specific use or future) 

to pave the way (for), facilitate, Ji- i ^U I : L* 

make easy 

come on! let's go! quick! make haste! u* 

shapely, good-looking, handsome, *L±\ <>-»• : ^e* 


timid, timorous, shy, fearful, fear- u^r <■ jy^> '■ Vrt* 

some, diffident 

form, shape, (outward) appearance; ii- » J£i : <~* 

look(s), aspect, air, mien, physiognomy 

state, situation, condition; fash- <JlJ « JU- : *i~» 

ion, manner, way 

body, institution, organi- iilli- i iiU- « j\&- : <^» 

zation; corporation; corps; cadre; staff; panel; 

board; group; society ^ ^ 

prosecuting authority, prosecution i^Wi I ii-* 

the human society <*\£-H\ *L± I 

general staff Vj»"' y»j 

, *•• -< i-. 
the United Nations (Organize- SjlmzLI *• Ml <^ 

s - • *■-., 

tion), the UN(O) 
electoral college; electorate 

faculty, *._ r \»'t y -4-jj-^ i-r* ' (&> r yi-i-^ 

(teaching) staff, professoriat 

diplomatic corps or body £-£- jl i—LjL j <i~* 

.' -*i -'.- 
plenary session, plenum; general meeting; **lt <~* 

general assembly s ( , 

astronomy *~*' (J* 

excitement, agitation; commotion, o I j_>J « £^**i : £r* 
turmoil, tumult; eruption, outbreak, outburst; rag- 
ing, uproar 
avalanche (/!*" J~* 

' * ' r r' 
passionate love, ardent love, .^.ki ji*:fL* 'fL* 


hockey (v^) <jf J* 

to dismay, appall, horrify, terrify, fright- (^ J*) J j* 
en, alarm, intimidate, daunt, cow, bully, browbeat, 
hector, overawe 
terror, fright, alarm, horror, shock <Jy- : Jj* 

terror, frightening aspect; terribleness, iiLti : Jj* 


gravity, seriousness, grossness; £.C»- ii»-loi :J>* 


Sphinx J)*'* 1 

oh, how terrible! Jj*U ^ 

monster; monstrosity; fright; terror <-*?■*■> U Ji" : **>* 

to nod from drowsiness ^-UJI y* *~l j > : f >* 

to doze, nap; to fall asleep fi> : f^* 

to make easy, ease, facilitate J*- : u>» 

take it easy! don't get excited! never mind! dLU u>* 

ease, easiness, facility <».h- : uj* 

tranquility, calrrtfness) *—£— '■ uj* 

. • > 

s . » - - 
to love, fall (or be) in love with, be fond (_-»■ I : (i>* 

of; to like, fancy, take to 

identity; personality *i>* 

.S^l ^Ju : ^jil o^ «*J*» ^ '^ ' ol ^i 
\+£\S\ j \4isr\j-~Cj* -»££ i<>)» **U^ 
thought, idea, notion, concept £» '-urii* 

lock, canal lock i^ 1 ^^* 

slowness, leisureliness, leisure, ease; Uj >* « ^u>» 
gentleness, mildness ^ 

to saunter, stroll, walk in a (Ul^lt jl) ^jil <ji» 
leisurely manner 

she; it ij* 

id Lr*]'y*fi 

to be or become shapely. *—*! Cr* - J^-* : u?* 'is* 
good-looking, handsome, beautiful 

I • 


-, -~ ■'■ * - ' • $ > $c 

AlijM iu»-tj— <£mA 

alabaster j»j» • , ■*■* 

cholera \j>\£ :*J±a 

shouting, crying, clamor, din, uproar X^*o < »C» : Jala 
fox (_ilj : jili 

to be svelte, slender, slim 

bL»j o^ :uL* 

svelteness, slenderness, slimness Jy* : ul-a i uL« 

parching wind yi^ j <J -^J • jU- g» j : >■*.» 

svelte, slender, slim J^ : »ULa 

parched; thirsty ^ I'.Uc. : uUl* 

temple (^>^J) <♦»»«» td> < ju^ : JSC* 

altar (il-Jlll) ~i. :JSCli 

skeleton; framework; frame (*JI *LJl) JSCli 

structure, makeup, setup, frame, ilj : JSCli 


bedstead j^P' J^t* 

chassis; body, hull tJJ SjJUJI _ji JjCJI JSCIa 

J£l* «■ I j - Cj : <lliCJt 

heaped sand, piled-up sand JI4I. ji j : Jli 

landslide 4JI4I. j^w* jl k>J> : Jl» 

cardamom JLLl ^^ : Jl* 

helium mJ^ 

to infatuate, enchant, captivate (t_il i_) pi* 

hematite c-jl*.* 

madly in love, passionately in love LJ. I j^ ui : <j |^a 
parched, very thirsty J&A I j^j^ : 1^* 

skeleton; structural 

.» - - - »_ 

to dominate, control, ISCm < JJLJ ijL-. : (J* |>»1a 
rule (over), overrule, sway, hold sway over, be 

' ' ^ 

burning thirst jjui, ^iL* : »C* < «Ci 

to cause to be dreaded • j^* Cl. «!•*- :(aIJI O <— 1 
or feared by, make dreadful to, inspire with awe of 

fear, dread, fright, terror 
awe, veneration, reverence 
dignity, gravity, solemnity 

jL» «r I j - 

prestige, standing 

come here! come! 

to excite, agitate, stir (up), arouse, rouse, jlf I : nl» 
move, kindle, inflame, work up; to stimulate; to 
provoke; to irritate 

*ULa < ULa »»■ I j - Oj»- 4 J\si : njk 

battle, combat, fightGng), waro^» < JLi : >U1a ' 1*4* 

excitement, agitation; commo- pV-ul iulj> : <jU-i 
tion, turmoil, tumult; outburst, flare-up, outbreak, 

hydrate ol.Ju* 



hydrogenous, hydrogen- 


















heroin i>**j 

II' ''" '' 

• <- j j j 


H$ jwA 


J-^Ji^-S* '<#j&*--* 




how far! how impossible! I wish it |jl 0I4I* 'pl^li 

(primordial) matter [iiJj] ijya^. -^i ^ '-Jy-* 
material (^^* '1^^-^ 

bewildered, confused, puzzled j~»^j> : fy* 

E* <& 



absolute master over; to prevail over 
to say "amen"! « ur?' * <-^ : i>*^ 

hegemony, ascendancy, supremacy, »J»y '■ * : -»:* 
upper hand, preponderant (governing, controlling) 
influence, mastery, sway, domination, dominion, 
(predominance, reign, control, command, author- 
ity, power 

hemoglobin *lJ I 

easy, facile 

ease, easiness, facility 

L>4*" *LJ£* 'C>£* 

U.J4- • 


■^^ lip 1p ^p ^p ^jP -^p ^r ^^ ^^ ^j^ ^# '^^ 

*- -< *..-* 

: (>j 

engine jjj^l ^ij 

steam engine 'iSJ^> <!?j>^ : (ijUJ j_^l j 

lamp; burner ji'y t -L^ : ^ij 

blowtorch (j ? Ull) f IkJ ^'ij 

to do at intervals or intermittently ^jlj 

to pounce upon, fall upon, leap J* ^iii I : Li I j 

upon, spring upon 

to covenant, compact, enter into a conve- ailx : jjlj 
nant or compact or agreement with 

confident, sure, certain, jS'u! < 
positive, convinced, assured 

self-confident, self-assured, confident, *-Ju 'j, Jllj 
assured, sure of oneself 

duty, obligation; task, assignment; il+. « yiy : t-j-lj 

necessary, essential, requisite, ,.jV . tSj/J* : i_-»-lj 
indispensable, required, obligatory, incumbent, 
mandatory, imperative 

inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable .y^» : (_-»- 1 j 

due, adequate, fitting, i_-.ll! i p"i « cilS" : <_-»-lj 
proper, appropriate 

due, owed, owing, payable, ^»*JI /\ t \'Ji\ L*.|_, 

finder; finding J* ji*. 

lover; in love, loving 
angry, furious, mad, irritated 
sad, grieved, grief-stricken 



and, also, too; along with, as «li. 1 jui, ■ i L- 1/p- : j 
well as; plus 

with; together with 

is not in agreement with their 


while, as; when; at 


by God! 

many a 



woe! alas! 


to agree with; to suit, fit; to be j. t V « Ji I j : » * I j 

suitable for, fit for, convenient for, agreeable for; to 
harmonize with, be in harmony with 

to adapt, adjust, accommodate, con- 
form, suit, fit 

^•4 '-\f\i 

rapport; harmony, concord, f %, « j U _, , «lK : .u, 
agreement, accord; peace 

downpour, heavy rain jy ji ^L. : J, |_j 

shower, hail, jl, :(jj| iiilSfl « yt^ll ^) J^ 
barrage, fusillade, volley, burst, salvo, torrent, 
flood, deluge 

>*•' £r'j ~u* JjI^ »^L.I 

steamer, steamship : j?" ^ : J* l» 

train jU-":^ 

locomotive, engine »'^'-jy}i 

tit for tat, an eye for an eye i a»- l^j i a»- 1 j 

stinging, pricking, prickly, tingling; sharp, jU-j :J^-I_j 
biting, cutting, pungent 

to bury alive (a newborn girl) il»- l^ j : (j'j^J^il) jlj 
to make friends with <j ;U> : jIj 

burying alive (a newborn girl) (i ^ jil ) jl J 

valley; ravine, canyon, gorge, wadi, gully (ij jIjJI) jIj 

to become reconciled with, make J L i iJ U> : pj I j 
peace with, make up with 

^?J £r'j -*« ji :^lj 
to frighten, scare, terrify, appall iJU-l :jlj 


to hide, conceal, disguise 

u"" 1 : iij'j 

to bury, inter, inhume ii>jl jl <— >I^JI «ljlj 

to equivocate, tergiver- j I jj 1*J i j j I * i <£ j j : oj I j 
sate, prevaricate, quibble 

to double-cross, deceive, dupe J; U- : L« j I _> 

heir, inheritor, successor tj^ [y :iijlj 

legatee, devisee 

tjjlj ti«jy» :*ijlj 

incoming; coming, arriving; jj l_j i » j U i o I : jj I j 
arrival, newcomer 

mentioned, stated, reported 

possible, conceivable, jya^i t jliau i j$Cl< : jjl j 
thinkable, imaginable 

impossible, inconceivable, unthinkable, j jlj ^Lc 
out of the question 

imports oljjUa xi ioIjj^L- » :oljjlj 

incomings, returns, receipts, pro- J^»-!.u :oljjlj 
ceeds, takings, earnings; revenues 

wi-vt ■".?■■■.'; ■, -■- ■ y* ' -rv -; ■■■■ 

misgiving, apprehension, foreboding 

- ' t' i - i - j ajjj"t?i 

tremulous, trembling, quiver- ,y U- 1 u^k^ : utv-lj 
ing; palpitating, throbbing, beating 

silent, tr-!^* ' j*IJ 0j»- jl <-»>»- cy <z£\~ : (v«r'i 

speechless, dumbfounded (with fear, anger, grief, 
etc.); sullen, sulky, gloomy 

to face, front, subtend; ^dl o^ ' -I fc-l^. 0^ : **r'j 
to be opposite (to), in front of, facing 

to face, meet face to face, <»-^J l^-j £\i : o-l_> 
confront, encounter 

to meet (with), have a meeting J\ Uj> I : o- I j 
with; to interview, have an interview or audience 
with, see (personally), speak personally to 

to face, be faced with, be L» jL» i [ji i Ji'i : ii- \j 
confronted with, find oneself in the face of; to 
encounter, meet with, come upon, come across, 
run across, light upon 

to confront, face, meet (with), J ($Xa> < <oU- : o-I j 
encounter, face up to, front, defy, challenge, coun- 
ter, stand up to, withstand, show a bold front to; to 
cope with, deal with, grapple with 

front, face, front part » ( -UI »ji* :*4Jflj 

'•' ** 
facade, frontage wlj ^yjll i^jflj 

.- -*- 

show window, shopwindow c> i ^ c *♦*" ' J 

oasis j^-j *^* °'^ »lj»uaJI J»-j ^jijl :*^lj 

one jj-Ij Ji^ll :jl».|_j 

one, single, sole, only, solitary *'j : a»- lj 

unique, singular, peerless, matchless ju^i : -l»-Ij 

individual, person u«i< : -i»- 1 j 

someone, somebody; anyone, any- U l^lj*^. : a»-Ij 

the One (God) <il ija-l^l 

the One and Only (God) 

Jbhji'il j^I^I 

one by one, singly, separately, one at a time, one 
after the other, successively, in a row 


L»j\ 3 




erudite, learned, scholarly, p^J» ^11 j I i» ^«ll «_- 1 j 
conversant, well-versed; well-informed, cognizant, 


- * > 
far-reaching, extensive, large-scale, jlkJI «_-.l_j 

massive, sweeping; wide-ranging, wide-range 
rich, wealthy, well-to-do, well-off i»-J I •_-. I j 

wide, loose, baggy, flowing (garment) «_J j i_^J 
loader, freighter (js-U. i J^w : J- l.j 

informer, informant, denouncer; tale- (yfljJl) <J>\i 
bearer, telltale, tattler, tattletale; talebearing, telltale 
lasting, durable, permanent Jb :i--«0l.j 

describer, depicter <_»C») :uL«l.j 

to continue, go on, carry on, proceed; to «U : J«0 l_j 
continue to do, keep doing, keep on (doing), keep 
(up), go on doing, persist in, persevere in, stick to, 
adhere to; to resume, renew, recommence, begin 
again, return to, take up again; to follow; to pur- 
sue, follow up 

to maintain close relations ••-—*• V*::^ J-*' J 
with; to communicate with; to see; to have sexual 
intercourse with 

incoming; coming, arriving; arrival, ol i ij\j :J^li 

clear, lucid, intelligible, articulate, plain, dis- n-^'i 
tinct, manifest, evident, obvious, patent, con- 
spicuous, visible, apparent, marked, unequivocal, 
unambiguous, unmistakable, explicit, express, 
definite, clear-cut 

to agree with someone (up)on *Jt *ii I j : j U^li ^a\$ 
or about something 

author, writer; compiler, composer i-iiy> : >^»lj 

J^ry :*— «»lj 

creator, maker, author «JL« > 

in childbed, confined »LjJ : j-*»lj 

unveiled W*-* jr 6 ' j? '-* : J-^'j 

occupant, occupier; holder, possessor jlil j--»lj 

watt ilil/^SCJI jjjiil i^-j :>l»lj 

watt-hour **l» - J»lj 


verdant, blooming, flourishing, lush, luxuriant; t-ij Ij 

extending, stretching; shady 

leafy; green, verdant J jj ( (jjj^ : jjlj 

to parallel, be parallel to (or with), extend lijlj 

parallel to; to correspond to, match, be equivalent 
to; to equal, be equal to 

restraint, check; deterrent; sane- p jI j i >»■ I j : f jlj 


to equal in weight, be of the sameoj^JI j cJjL :6jlj 

weight as 

to equilibrate, balance, counterbalance, jjjlt : Ojlj 
counterpoise, contervail, poise, offset, compensate 

to equate (with), equalize, (Sy 'tijL :(U--.;) uj'j 
make equal, level, put on the same level 

to compare (with), collate uj^> ' JjL» :(U-1j) Ojlj 
(with), contrast (with) 

to stabilize (*JI ;jjll»)ujl>> Jij*- :6jlj 


of full weight 
heavy, weighty 

0j>" Jf^" '-ujlj 

means, medium, agency, instru- i I i 1 1 iL-j : cL. I j 
mentality, instrument, agent, intermediary, device, 

by means of, through, by, per; by way of, ik-l^j 

((jlyiJI i>\^ j) ik-l^j 


c/o, care of 

mediately, indirectly iLJjJL 

wide, spacious, roomy, vast, extensive, capa- j-»'j 
cious, ample, commodious, expansive, broad, large 

broad-minded, open-minded, j!f-*^\ J*' tr'j 
large-minded, liberal, tolerant 

widespread, popular j Ljj *i I •_- 1 j 



■ ■■■ ■■■ ■«,■.' WWJUM 

^ ^O 

<J> Cfrb 

*U- <£• Jf\ :jj 

to come together with 

coming, arriving; incoming; comer, new- f *\i : jilj 
comer, arrival, arriver; immigrant, emigre 

epidemic disease -u I j <j°_y 

influenza, flu 5-ulj ~Aj 

abundant, plentiful, ample, j^f « j^S" « >> : ji'j 
copious, profuse, exuberant, opulent, superabun- 
dant, overabundant; numerous, multitudinous; 
large, great 

to agree to, consent to, yl 4 -> ^Joj <■ -> J^i : ii* <i*'J 
assent to, accede to, approve (of), OK, subscribe to, 
sanction, endorse, ratify, confirm 

to agree with someone (up)on J* jl J U^i Ji I j 
or about or in something, concur with someone in 
something, be of the same opinion on, be agreed 
on, be unanimous on 

to agree with; to suit, fit, befit; to i_— U 1 {(*$ : Ji I j 
be suitable for, fit for, agreeable for, convenient 
for, favorable for, propitious for 

to agree with, correspond to, conform J^>U» : Ji I j 
with, coincide with, tally with, accord with, har- 
monize with, fall in with, match; to be conform- 
able to or with, in conformity with, corresponding 
to, consistent with, compatible with, in harmony 
with, in agreement with, in accordance with, in 
line with, in keeping with 

to correspond to, (or" jvj^ J) l -' J ^ 'iy'j 
coincide with, concur with; to fall on (a given 

(»'^1 erij-O) z\*h'J ] * 

bittern (>U>) &3 

night heron 

preventive, protective, defensive, preser- (<y '>") ^'i 
vative, conservative; protecting, preserving, con- 
serving, keeping, guarding; protector, preserver, 
guardian, guarder 

to synchronize, make synchronous ^ I j : ci I j 

to have sexual intercourse with, «<U- 1 «-U> : jj'lj 

to agree with someone <J* *ii lj : J* U^li U»lj 

(up)on or about something 

to repeat the same rhyme £j U I j^ : U» I j 

to persevere in, persist in, do persis- ( j I j : J* <— J»lj 
tently or regularly, practice constantly, pursue 
steadily, continue to do, keep doing, keep on 
(doing), keep (up), go on doing, stick to, adhere to 

to persevere in, persist in, devote ji\S : J* i_J» I j 
oneself assiduously to, apply oneself diligently to; 
to be diligent, sedulous, assiduous 

conscious, in one's senses; aware, mind-^ljJ l) ^lj 
ful; rational, sober; attentive, heedful, advertent, 
careful; watchful, vigilant, wide-awake, alert, cau- 
tious, circumspect 
unconscious ,t}^ 

* f *^ 

the unconscious yflj^UI JiJI 

,-- >• t ' , - - -- 
to promise one another, j**i\ \^-> J^ a*j : a*lj 

make mutual promises 

to make an appointment « j^-y J* JiJ] : a*l j 

with, arrange for a rendezvous with 


promising jy*-* '■yrj' < •/*■ <jTjo • -*f 'j 

preacher; sermonizer; exhorter, admon- Jmj ^ : JjpIj 

isher, admonitor 

complete, full, entire, whole, perfect ^ U : (yj I^J l) cilj 

sufficient, enough, adequate, due cilS" : ci I j 

ample, abundant j> I j ". ci I j 

to come to »k\ : U^U ^ lj 

to surprise, come or descend suddenly li-li : <y lj 
or unexpectedly upon, overtake 

to die, expire, pass away ildl Ci I j 1 o^il »l» I j 

to present to (or with), j jj j 1 J J ^ li : j <y I j 
bring (forward to); to supply with, provide with, 
furnish with 

to deliver, transmit, communi- Ji» > J^jl : -; ,j lj 
cate, convev 



mortmain, donor 

to escort, accompany, convoy, Li L> t ji I j : Li - 1 j 
attend, go (along) with; to join 

ruler, governor, adminis- ci^ai. i^SV ^JIjJl) Jlj 
trator, prefect, administrative official 

to support, back (up), stand by, ^L < jul c ^»Li : Jl_j 
champion, patronize, sponsor; to be pro-; to 
adhere to, stick to, follow, stay firm in supporting, 
stay attached to, be or remain loyal to 

to continue, go on, LiilL I i [£e\j ii]U : l J\j 

carry on, proceed; to continue to do, keep doing, 
keep on (doing), keep (up), go on doing, persist in, 
persevere in, stick to, adhere to; to resume, 
recommence, renew, begin again 

to pursue, practice ^L. < Zk : J\ } 

otherwise , or else "j | '. 

Jy^.1 «^-lj - jjlj 

father ol ; J|j 

the parents, father and mother 1>? ^ I : u > J l>J I 

mother 1* :SjJI_j 

paternal, fatherly; parental ^1 :^jlj 

paternity, fatherhood; parentage, parent- ;^j I : £ J l_j 

languid, listless, J*^. itjL*J»iilil jiU :(,jl^)l) Glj 
slack, flabby; weak, feeble, faint; tired, fatigued, 
exhausted, weary 

weak, frail, fragile; flimsy; insub- oL**» : (<>l>)l) «lj 
stantial, unsubstantial, slight, trivial, insignificant; 
unsound, invalid, untenable, unconvincing; ill- 
founded, unfounded, groundless, baseless 
how wonderful..! (jjlj)lilj 

make love to, copulate with, sleep with 

to fight, combat LjU- : li \ 3 

falling, dropping, tumbling, sinking JuU t J»j'L : «J'lj 

happening, occurring, jU- t J^U- < t^jU- : .Jlj 
taking place, going on ' ' 

located, situated, lying Ji\£ t ^\i : (L. olSL j) £_»!_, 

reality, actuality, fact(s), truth, true iLii I : »_» I jJ I 
state of affairs, state of things as they are 

in fact, as a matter Uilj t J.)l\ j_ilj j 4( oiiyi (j) 
of fact, in point of fact, actually, in reality, really, 
in truth, truly, in effect, indeed 

in the amount of, to the amount of; inas- ^J\'y 
much as, insomuch as, as much as, as far as 
fait accompli , accomplished fact f-» ' j j* • 

fact; incident, event, occurrence, <i jU- ,. c'jj>- : i*»l_j 
happening, episode, development 

accident, mishap; misfortune, i a. ( il jL>- : iuilj 

calamity, disaster 

battle, combat, fight(ing) JLi ( "4 

the Resurrection 


actual, factual, effective; real, true, {j^**- : l«*»'j 
genuine, authentic, veritable, substantial, concrete, 
positive; de facto (government, recognition, etc.) 

realistic, practical, down-to-earth, ^Li :L»ilj 
matter-of-fact, pragmatic, positive; realist 
realpolitik iLolj ilC. 

realism; reality 

standing, up, on one's feet; stand-up, <__ 
upright, erect 

... . <*' ~* '•' **-'' 

stopping, halting; motion- 0^j> _^_& < <J&yj. : i_ju 

less, still, at rest 

suspensive, suspensory (~JJ \>£S) ui^. : i_i» 

acquainted with, familiar with, J^ .JLk. : J^ oiji 
aware of, cognizant of, abreast with, on top of 
creator of an endowment or <J6^ I l l _ sl L~> : ^_«j' 





to perish, be destroyed ou : ^j 4 ^j 

to rain heavily ( iUJ I c~) Jj_j 

to be or become unhealthy, unwholesome »»■ _j : Jjj 
downpour, heavy rain ju-lS* ^L# : Jjj 

to take notice of, pay atten- _j JL : (_j _jl J) oj ioj 

tion to, heed, mind, care about or for 

infected; infested *^>^« « ^ j : fj j 

unhealthy, unwholesome, insalubrious; «»■ _j : J-j _} 
bad, evil; harmful, hurtful, detrimental, noxious, 
pernicious, baneful 
calamitous, disastrous iJjlxj u^uu 1 »->■[* : J-j j 

to drive or ram in a peg or stake; to peg; to X> } 1 jJj 

wedge; to fasten, fix 

peg, pin; stake; wedge, cotter jjj 1 jJj 

to string (a bow) iir'y^ ' ) >-* 

to wrong, oppress |JJ» : jjj 

to strain, tighten, tauten, tension, tense, j£ :^j_) 

draw tight, stretch tight, pull taut 

string, bowstring 


string, catgut, gut; 




sinew, tendon, cord, chord 



Oji\jj\ jij 

vocal cords 

4_j^*£ jU'jl 

Achilles' heel 


J*>}\\ j>j 




«3J viiiil y } 

to harp on 


) >J J* V>» 

to strike the right note; to ^.llll ^jJI J* cjj** 
touch on a sensitive spot; to strike a sympathetic 

web t ^ - «... w »| Ji ^ ij^aW S-di-l :i^jj 

stringed; sinewy, tendinous \$ji _} 

stringed instrument <>j>} i) I 

alas! too bad! (J*) lilj 

donor, donator, giver, granter ^JL 1 o^j j* : l-*I_j 

mistaken, wrong; deluded, ^y^ t ^y^ • (**'J 

deceived, misled; having a false impression, (being) 
under a delusion or an illusion; imagining, fan- 
cying; suspecting 

weak, feeble, frail, delicate, weakly, < - * ? » * » : (j*'j 
weakened, debilitated, sapless, asthenic, adynamic, 
flagging, languid, drooping, enervated), unnerved, 
powerless, impotent, impuissant 

jackal (u \y~" ) (iji J> \ ■ &) h 

buried alive 

iijjfA '.»J*jj '-^J 

slow, deliberate, unhurried 
slowness, deliberateness 

slowly, deliberately, unhurriedly, without Ijuij 


to be or become infected, I iyy> ytf :£^j i'yi) i^jj 


infected; infested t.yy <. Jj j : ^j 

epidemic; pandemic; pestilence L_j < »U_j 

epidemiology ii>j jI (J* 

epidemic, epidemical; pandemic; ( l*j J J t_<^_^. : ^Uj 


unhealthiness; bad consequences, *^C 1 i.U-j : JCj 

evil results; harm, evil, curse, plague 

to scold, upbraid, berate, chide, tongue-lash, i_J I : wj 
reprove, rebuke, reprimand, reprehend, reproach, 

to have or be covered with abun- J^ I jj£ ylif :#) 
dant hair, be hairy, be hirsute 

hair (of camels, etc.) 

pile, down, fluff, fuzz; nap 

Bedouins, nomads 

hairy, hirsute, covered with hair 

downy, fluffy, fuzzy; nappy 

hyrax, daman, dassie, coney ((Ayf) j>3 




S-*J '-Jii 


J"- J* : JfJ 

^ , ^* 

S-fJ : J^J 


\XXX - 


jump, leap, spring, bound, bounce, skip, iji : <£2j 

to make (a bed); to make soft, make ( jj J 'j. \'jb I ) Ji j 

to be soft, snug, comfortable l^ji j 6^ : j>3 

Mi tfr^J- £■! 

«- . > ' , - -•*- 
to be firm, solid, strong; to be LSCk* liJ j <J6 : j£j 

secure; to be tight 

• -*- 
to be sure of, certain of, confident of ^ jp j 

to trust, have confidence in, confide in, place _, jjj 
one's confidence in; to rely on, depend on 

trustworthy, trusty, reliable, dependable o Jp^, 

to strengthen, consolidate, ^ t t jSC < .£». 1 : JJj 
cement, firm up, establish firmly, make firm, make 

to document jil^J {, (^ j j I ) j>j j : j}j 

to authenticate, attest (to), certify, Jc ytue : j; j 

idol ^ :j3j 

idolater, pagan, heathen; idolatrous, pagan ^-Jj 

idolatry, paganism, heathenism iluj 

- I' 

soft, snug, cozy, comfortable; ^U t ~J. , ^ : jg$ 

to notarize 
to register 

firm, solid, strong; secure; tight 
close, intimate 

^, > 

relevant, pertinent, germane, fy*^> <CoJ I J>J j 
apposite, apropos, in point, to the point 

document, deed, instrument, paper, (jJlij r) ^eJ 
muniments, act, record 

policy, insurance policy ^t iiJ j 

odd, uneven y^ii, jj. < tj jy ( j^i* : tSy^ i &£) 

manner, mode, fashion; way, 
method; pattern, type 

style, tone 

uniformly; monotonously; rou- So»- 1 3 s^u j (it 

monotonous, tediously uniform or [r-^jj '-\ij^3 
unvarying, routine, humdrum 

stereotyped; typical ^Lj : J^j j 

aorta ^^'oU>:^"j 

aortic, aortal j^l , ^j.^{ : '^j], 

to wrench, sprain; to bruise, J>j < \j& : (vj I £^) frj 

to be wrenched, sprained; to be ^j 1 1 'jS^L I : ^j 
bruised, contused 

sprain, wrench; contusion, i^»j < ^^jj : o < l3 j <. ,£j 

documentary "i^^J 

documentary film, documentary 'tji&3 ^JLi 

documentation oiilij 

jumper, leaper; jumping, leaping; uJ^ t jdj : i_.l3j 
jumpy; bouncing, lively, animated; bouncy, 
buoyant, exuberant 

soft bed; cushion jj J iZJ i \ C j < £ j. I ji : j ttj 

tie, bond, fetter, shackle, chain ^li : jlij 

firmness, solidity, strength 5y t oCi <. ^ISCi- I : iilij 

to jump, leap, spring, bound, bounce; '^> t'jii :L-ij 
to skip, hop, caper 

to jump, bound, make jump, cause to i_~o <U»- : i_Jj 

jump(ing), leap(ing), hop(ping) 
long jump, broad jump 
high jump 
pole vault 






meal, repast 

denture, set of false teeth 

to find; to meet with; to come 

across, come upon, hit upon, stumble upon, strike 

upon, light upon, chance upon, happen upon 

to find out, discover, detect, spot i, «,*,:<] : ju»- j 

to get, obtain, acquire, -> jik < (i!jjl i <-jU>I : jl»- j 

attain, achieve 

to find, consider, deem, think jJLc\ i j*. : jl»- j 

to adore, love passionately, be pas- J^Lc : _> jl»- j 
sionately in love with 

to be angry with, furious at s-^ : J* -^ J 

to grieve for, be sad for 6 j»- : J -^ j 

to be found; to be; to exist; to occur jL»i- i o^ : -urJ 

to be there, be present, attend; to show jJ**- : jl»- j 
up, come 

l»-u* I j vU ulS : 


j > 

to be available 

there is, there are 

passion, love 


feeling, sentiment, affection, 


conscience j^o '-u^-^rj 

sentimental, affective, emotional ^»^ : ^' J ^ - -* 

conscientious, scrupulous j>*^\ <*»" -i/'-^J 

sympathy ill I jl»- j ( S^t li» j I ) i^ jll« 

cave, cavern, grotto Ul^ \j*) 

pitfall, pit 


>J {f'J-f 



to be concise, terse, succinct, l^«rj o^ : f^SCll j»r.j 
brief, short 

to be apprehensive, be afraid; to \jS- i <_»U- : yJ*} 
apprehend, fear, dread 


rj>.\y ji^- aj **^j 

instrument of ratification 
bill of lading j**" ~ t *-ki 

palm-fiber rope; hemp rope JJj i JCJ-I ^ p_ji : JJj 
sweet flag, sweet calamus, sweet rush (oLj) r j 

den, lair, burrow, hole j-pt '-j^ri 

kennel, doghouse, dog's shelter i_J£JI jli-j 

stove (iurj 

distinction, notability, promi- jf ' f ^ ' *^" • **^"J 
nence, eminence, superiority, (high) standing, 
prestige, honor, glory 

validity, soundness, <+*j i <Jyi«-« < *»w» : **W-j 

well-foundedness; acceptability, acceptableness, 

reasonability, reasonableness, plausibility, plausi- 

bleness; worth, value 

- '.' - .- 
in presence lijj-^ • (^*^J 

in the presence of the parties (after Uj^~a»- : LaU-j 
oral proceedings) 

to be or become necessary, requisite, -Imj : u-j^j 

obligatory, mandatory, imperative, indispensable; 
to be inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable 

to be incumbent <_U _j«j : <jlc i_j»j i <uip i 
upon, be someone's duty, be imposed on 

he has to, he should, ul <~^t s-»y t ol S^* ' 

he must, he ought to, he is duty bound to, it is his 

duty to 

LjJbi d^ ' 


to owe, be 

as it should be, as it must be, comme il l^u Uf 
faut, as required, duly, as due, properly, appro- 
priately, fittingly, suitably, adequately, sufficiently, 
enough, satisfactorily, well 

to palpitate, throb, beat ^i»- 

to fall; to fall down, collapse jl^l < 

to sink, sink down, sink in 


(J*) V-rJ 1 fr'j-ri 11 '^ : (t>) *r-^J 



to distinguish, honor '<Sj. \ U- j 

to address (a ques- JJ (jlj Jj'Lj « lift. < "3 1 jl) o- j 
tion, request, letter, etc.) to 
to address, address oneself to 
to turn one's eyes to 

ji i.# 4-j 

*- #•* 

to level a charge or an accusation at, **+; <J I ii- j 

raise or bring a charge or an accusation against; to 
charge with, accuse of 

Its «rlj-S^ci <JJ o-j 

face, visage, countenance l!^ :o»j 

front, face, front part, facade ^ li> i i^ I } : o- j 

surface, face; outside, exterior j*Lk i «j*l. : o- j 

right side, outside *j& : (tj>iJ I ) o-j 

dial, face (of a watch or clock) (iill) I ) o- j 

face, obverse (of a coin, etc.) («J I illil I ) o- j 

phase (of the moon) (Jul I J* j I ^. ) o- j 

appearance, looWs), face, jki « iL± t j^k. : o- j 
aspect, phase, guise, semblance 

manifestation, expression, JJ j ( j^Jj ■ J t U.'. : J^j 


''>..> „. > - •> 
aspect, phase, Jii i^j li^a-j ( iLu iil*-U :o-j 

facet; point; respect, regard, way; standpoint, 
viewpoint, point of veiw, angle 

side; direction il»-l; i i_~>U- 1 *i»- : o- j 

•*• - *.~ 
meaning, sense, signification, J J a. i ^^jj :o-j 

significance, import, purport, intent, content 

intension), design, purpose, XAc. i ili i juai : o- j 
aim, end, goal, objective) 

way, manner, mode <«jjJ» : *Jr j 

reason, cause 

beginning, start, outset, first 

coat, coating (<L»-j.U-)iilJ» :o-j 

- - - ' 

•* •, * - s '• - 

j ^ * » ,* 

point of resemblance, k> LJ I j I *ll! I j I 
similarity, analogy, correspondence 
mask; falseface 

pain, ache; alg-, algo-, -algia; suffering; ago- J I : «*j 
ny, anguish, excruciation, torment 




to be agitated, excited, in commotion L/^Li I : ui»j 
to beat, throb, palpitate jii- : IjUI I Lis* j 

to be or become afraid, scared, frightened; LiU- : J*-j 

to fear, apprehend, dread 

fear, dread, apprehension i_»y- : Ji-j 

afraid, scared, frightened; fearful; appre- i_iiU- : J»j 

to be or be- or* ' ^J uV J 1 ^>^ Of ^-- ^J 
come silent, speechless, dumbfounded (with fear, 
anger, grief, etc.); to be or become sullen, sulky, 

> > 


malar, zygomatic 

r^* C/'j-^-j (Ji* 

to be a notable, a person of distinction tj^j ylS" : o»j 
to send, dispatch, forward jl j| : ^.j 

to aim (at), level (at), point (at), j!u. , o^. : o-j 
direct (to), take aim (at), train (at), deliver (at) 
to turn, direct j^'Jj^J 

to steer, helm, direct; to channel; to oi j! t jli : o-j 
guide, lead, pilot; to instruct 

to orient, orientate (L. »l»J I 'jaZ.) ii-j 

to control, direct, govern J»li> « jjij « j Jc»i : o- j 

*»■>> jjrlj-iw*j i j^ii :(jj aj-j 


silence, irfr Cr ' HJ '-'J'* J '-'->"" 0* ^.j*-* : ty?3 
speechlessness (from fear, anger, grief, etc.); 
gloomOness), sullenness, sulkiness 

concise, terse, succinct, i_..a:i« i _)^_j-. i^<uu '-'jsri 
laconic, summary, compendious, brief, short, com- 

manual, handbook u_ii : _^»-_j 

briefly, in brief, in fine, in short, »j^*J I _)yr>e 

shortly, concisely, in a word, in a few words, in a 

nutshell, in a capsule, to make a long story short, 

to sum up 

• * 

„ , , % 
notable, notability, dignitary, person i»U- j ji : cj»j 

of distinction, prominent person, leading person- 
ality, VIP; socialite; notable, noted, distinguished, 
eminent, prominent 

good, valid, —i i J^i* < Jyuw :(rJJ i__— )*-jfj 
sound, substantial, well-founded; acceptable, rea- 
sonable, plausible; worthy 

->, ^J 1/-J 1 ff'j ' 


J <yi 

craving for some food during lili J^U-I »l»li.l : * U-j 
pregnancy, appetite 

to be alone; to be solitary, isolated; iju I : j*-j i j*-j 
to be unique, singular 

to unite, unify; to integrate, join, combine, con- j*-j 
soli date, conjoin, merge, amalgamate; to stan- 
dardize, make standard or uniform, bring into con- 
formity with a standard 

to profess or assert belief in the unity of ill j*- j 
God, believe that there is only one God, be a 
monotheist; to say or declare that there is only one 

to fund or consolidate debts 


alone, solitary, single, j ju, i iju* : jl»-_j i j*-_j 4 j^j 
lone; sole, only 

alone, by oneself; solely; singly, sin- ijUj : «o»- j 
glehandedOy); apart, aside, isolatedly, in solitude, 
in seclusion 


\j'j *»-lj - Lilj^-jj oUljj iu'j*-j 

single, alone, solitary, lone, 
lonely; sole, only 

J-»-J 1 }JlL» '■^'•i^i 



face to face; vis-a-vis 


in the face of 

4-j j 

for the sake of God; to please Jil sLi^J : Jil o-^l 
God ' 

for nothing, gratis, gratuitously IjIm : «il o-jJ 

. > > > > . , > ' . - 

i*y£- «J>-lj - fJ^J>JI (*»"J (J*) **?.# ' A* *^Ty. 

* - _, , > 

direction; way; course; trend, drift «Uu I 1 *+*■ : t+r? j 
destination Juai) I u^> ' '^i* : <vrj 

respect, regard o»>-a»- ' ^U : i+rj 

'1 ' '-• ' 
point of view, viewpoint, standpoint, jhj k^j 

outlook; angle; perspective 

• - £ * . - 

facial, of the face 4 *r^\>. i>>^" : l«*TJ 

necessity ^y 1 i J} j# : <~>yri 

•> -' '•> ' ' 
existence, being; entity 0>S ' <J>^ : *yri 

' > > > 
presence, attendance, being there; jy^r- : iyrj 

showing up, coming 

occurrence Jj~*»- ' tjjjj>- : >yri 

availability jy 1 j~S : *yrj 

• ■* *> * * 

finding; finding out, dis- .(JUJi 1 1 ^c jys. : iyrj 

covery, detection 

raison d'fitre 



existential; existentialist 



* % * ~ 

}yry\ o*-* 
ii_li J <S^yri 
^yyu\ ■■^iyri 



4> * 


less, ruthless; cold-blooded, harsh, severe 
bestial, beastly, brutish, animal ^^ :Tj^-j 

savagery, savageness, wildness, ferity, ferocity, cLii.} 
bestiality; brutality, barbarity, barbarism, cruelty, 

to sink in mire, get stuck in the ji-^J I j i*j : J*-j 

to muddy, soil or stain with mud; to mud, mud- 'ji-j 
die, puddle, make muddy 

muddy, miry, dirty J^ : J^j 

mud, mire Jri'J^j 

to have a craving for some food, cravef^Lil Ow)*»-j 
for, desire, feel appetite for 

birthmark, nevus, beauty .Li- 1 J* JLii^. i.^i :***•} 

inspiration; revelation; afflatus 

sole, only, exclusive 
one, single, sole, one and only 
alone, solitary, single, lone 
lonely, lonesome, lone, solitary 

unique, singular, matchless, peerless 



unhealthiness; bad consequences JC ^ : o U-j 

to prick, sting, twinge; to jab, pierce lib. : j^j) 

to feel remorse, feel conscience- >j~* >j»-'} 

stricken, have compunctions, have qualms 
pricking, sting(ing); twinge, pang yi-'j J'n- :y^'j 

qualm(s), compunction(s), pricking of jj*±i I yi-'j 
the conscience, twinge of conscience, pangs of 
remorse, remorse 

acupuncture J, *i L yi. 'A | 

unique, singular x,j :^lai-j 

unity, oneness, singleness (especially of God); iu I j».) 
soleness, solitariness; solitude, loneliness; isolation, 
seclusion, privacy; singularity, uniqueness 
unity; union juj | : i^' } 

integrity J US' , £.£; : (^JJ L. a£ yc il jl ) ioi-} 

solidarity; ^ U; : (jJJ oLU ( jJC»- i LiU) 5oi- j 

identity of interests, objectives, etc. 

' -- j - - 
identity, sameness, oneness JJUi' « L ^LL' : jo*- j 

oneness, singleness, unity 5^ j-« i Ci loi- j : 5oI^ } 

loneliness, (oneness, solitude, 
isolation, seclusion, privacy 


international unit 
the Arab unity 
military unit 

astronomical unit 

-• > » 
monetary unit <Lc 


wild (savage, untamed, feral) ^i- j o l^li. : J^ 
animal or beast 



VO 6 " 1 .*?*" :(ji»-j 

loneliness, desolation, desolateness, ;oi-} : il*-j 


alienation, estrangement 
gloom(iness), melancholy 
wild, savage, untamed, feral 

■4 1 'tM : 4/r*-> 

savage, barbarous, barbaric, barbari- J v>l» : ^«-j 
an, uncivilized, wild, inhuman(e) 

brutal, ruffian, cruel, merciless, piti- 

jj-v : gr*"J 




^j 1 cr 1 -'"^-' 1 -V 3 

leave me alone! let me go! 

let's go! 

stop that! cut it out! enough! enough 
of that! 


let alone, not to speak of, not to tlLi p j ( j» Ss. * 
mention, to say nothing of 

to be meek, mild, gentle, peaceable Uj jj o^ : f_-»j 

to take leave of, say farewell or j.yJ I ji Lil p jj 

good-bye to 

to see off, bid farewell (to) j> Cil f^d I pjs 3 

cowrie shells, cowries, (i*Jj \*>ju) p jj cp jj 


P_U| ^Ij-^IjII :p_'jj 

cowrie shell, cowrie, (sea)shell it jj i i* jj 

sty yl*ll iUi :iijj 

fat; tallow p*Z. i i*- j : ill jj 

fat; fatty ^ j i yu- : dl jj 

affectionate, tendeKhearted), warmheart- u» : j« jj 
ed; lover 

friendly, nice; sociable ^-jl 

friendly, amicable, peaceable, peace- ^Ji i ^j- : tiJj 
ful; cordial, warm, hearty, heartfelt, most sincere 


Ll»- : \t j_j 



sympathetic nervous system, i> j^J I i~-<ajJ I iLJ- 1 

meek, mild, gentle, lamblike, humble; i*j ji ijj jj 
peaceable; submissive, tame; docile, tractable 

trust, charge; consignment; deposit iiU I : «*j jj 

deposit (iJj-»* j) i*j jj 

bailment i*jjj 



prick, sting, twinge, jab 

to become gray-haired Jv-j > (s-~-" *-) ^i 

to be or become unhealthy, unwholesome Jj j : ^j 

unhealthy air; dirt, filth £-> « ^»w» j-i < l^» : ^j 

intent(ion), purpose, design, aim lAi. i .uJ : ^j 

unhealthy, unwholesome, insalubrious; J-. j '•(&> 
bad, evil; adverse, unfavorable; harmful, hurtful, 
noxious, detrimental, pernicious 

to like; to love 

to like to; to wish to; to 
wish (that) 

to pay blood money 
jugular vein 

cordiality, friendly feeling, goodwill, sincere ; *y : jj 
affection; friendliness, amicability, friendly rela- 
tions, friendship, intimacy; love 

'- i '' .-' 

^J CfrO - >l>i : J J 

jj f*-lj~»^>* :j'jj oIjj oIjj 

farewell, leave-taking, adieu, valediction pi jj 

farewell! adieu! good-bye! so long! U I j j i p I j^J I 

farewell party, farewell pi jj iUk 

ix-i wrlj - <cl jj 

farewell, valedictory pi j^ L jl*^* : ^* I JJ 

to leave; to let Sj : ^ jj 




bookseller, bookman 

writer, author 


papermaking, paper manufacture J j^J I <iU» : iil^j 

stationery business, statio- iL.U»^»J I ; jlk; : iil jj 
ner's trade ' 

Vj'j fHj -jljj liJ < jjlj lt £jj I^) ojj 

to inherit £, 1 

to bequeath, leave or give (personal property) iijj 
by will; to devise, leave or give (real property) by 

to come, arrive 'J±. , * ^ : '^ 

to reach, arrive at, come to, get to J J 'J*oj i ill : V,j 

to accrue (to), (^JJ oljJU ji &:> AiUy) '* J3 
come (to) ' ' 

to be mentioned, stated, said, r U. , ^ i : ( j) jjj 
reported; to appear 

to be or become rosy, rose- 

u>UI tjjjj jL» : jjj 

to blossom (out), bloom, flower, be in bloom 'j*l} I %'j 
to rouge, apply rouge (to) 

to supply, provide, furnish 

to import 

to export 

floweKs), blossom(s) 
damask rose 
sundew, lustwort 
rose water 

watering place 

-Mi -"' 

jlo : j jj 
(oU) jjj 

J» j : J JJ 
(olj) tSj^- jjj 

(\ • 3 * » - 

a section or part of the Holy (^JCJI 6 1^1 o?) Jjj 

deposit account 

to leave; to let; to leave alone, let alone; to '&') i^Vj 
leave behind 

to kindle, fire, take fire 
to hide, conceal, disguise 

" \ s - 

to allude to, hint at, insinu- Z] 1 < ij | : _, ^i ^ 
ate, intimate, imply 

to pretend, simulate, feign, dissemble ^»LL : : _, ^jj 

to equivocate, tergiversate, prevaricate, L/,lj : ^jj 

to pun, make puns, play (on o|,KHj Li£ : c5jj 
words) ' : 

to strike fire 

to kindle, fire, take fire 

fy tSjj 

creatures, creation; people, man- ^.U! , jlil :cSj>M 
kind, human beings 

behind, in the rear of, at the back of; post-; after; t Ijj 
beyond, past; beside 

behind, at the back, in the rear j | '^ 

backward^), back, to the rear , | j^J | J | 

from behind, from the rear »1jj j* i »f,^J I ^* 

behind the scenes, backstage y-JI^SJl *|jj 

over seas jU»Jl rljj U 

back, rear, hind, hinder, backward, 
rearward, posterior, retro- 
metaphysical; extramundane 

heredity :>^| Jj &| j^JI o£j| ^JLuJl : iiljj 

succession; inheritance 
hereditary disease 

paper manufacturer, papermaker J 'j£ I ij L» : J I j j 



• Jjj 

toilet paper 

drawing paper 

tracing paper, transfer paper 

i>U-jll jl ^Cil Jjj 

l_iliir (Jjj 

sandpaper, emery r^rj" j' »j*^-JI ji Sji^aJI Jjj 

litmus paper 

^ihm.II ^vlf (Jjj 

carbon paper 


playing cards, deck, pack 

SjjJI jl l_.n,l,l 1 (jjj 

wrapping paper 

i aJJ 1 Jjj 

securities; bonds; stocks illL 

paper money, paper <-Jjj <Uc 

:<jjuLi jl £JL Jljjl 


scratch paper o 

Jj^al jl 0jj«*ll Jjj 

bank notes 

i-» pOA (jljjl 

cardboard, pasteboard, millboard, paper- tSji. Jjj 
board, board 

copying paper 
blotting paper 

leafy; green, verdant 

ju-JI Jjj 
5 - » J * ' * * , 

ufuJ j I (jiLli Jjj 

j^- Jf'J 

b ~ Jjj J* 

ojij 'l>jj- :Jjj 

piece of paper, sheet of paper, paper, Jjj £J»» : iijj 


sheet; leaf; folio 

ticket; card 

document, deed, paper, record 

bill of indictment 

(oC;) ojj 

0* :, ' ^ '-' v ) *»JJ 
olL :<iijj 

*^j : *»jj 

ballot, ticket, vote, voting ^->yeu jl flj^il i»jj 
slip or paper 

commercial paper, negotiable instru- ijjLjy iijj 
ment, bill of exchange, promissory note 

Sum- (<u£k* (J\) jj~a»- J I jL-»-J J I 4-1*- **JJ 

mons, subpoena; writ; writ of habeas corpus 
working paper J^i iij j 

Koran (recited every night) 

rose » J; j 

rosy, rose, rose-colored, roseate, florid; (ujill) \s*j$ 
pink, blush-pink 

Rosaceae *S; j jjJ1 aI . .nail :oUj;j 



to intrude upon, force oneself upon; JiLj : J* yijj 
to sponge, leech, parasitize 

l^jj u^ '•(J'ji 

•cry J 

to be lively, active, brisk 

to stir up trouble between, sow 
discord between 

lively, brisk, sprightly, active 

ringdove, wood pigeon 

workshop, atelier 

to involve, implicate, entangle, embroil ijj 

predicament, plight, quandary, dilemma, J jl. : iijj 
fix, jam, cul-de-sac, quicksands, deep water, bind, 
straits, critical situation, deadlock, impasse, logjam, 

to be pious, godly, Lii Ujj J& '-fji '•'fji '■fJi 

piety, godliness, devoutness, ^ 1 c$jij : e,j 

God-fearingness, fear of God, religiousness 

pious, godly, devout, God-fearing, religious ^ju : f j) 
to be verdant, luxurious oLJ I <jjj i Ojj 

to stretch, extend, be long JJiJI i_ijj 1 i_»jj 

Jjj 1 jf 'j-j*^ 1 £>J 'Jji 
to paper, wallpaper ulj-J-l Jj>> ^ : Jjj 

to whitewash ^ i Jj» : Jjj 

paper (»JI i_«JuJUicLkll liiLxJI) jjj 

leaves, foliage, leafage 
test paper 

credentials; letters of credence 
stamped paper 

(jkljl jIoCJI) Jjj 

Jl«^l Jjj 
<uJ j I Wi Jjj 

ulj-J-l Jjj 



♦ * 


bee eater (>'U»)jljjj 

coming, arrival, advent, incoming JjJ. : jjjj 


jugular vein 

vena cava 



leafy; green, verdant 

slip; leaflet 

Ujf : -V JJ 

note, a piece 


paper money 

JJJ^I J-j-»- ' ^iJJ 


4»i j*a* **JJ 



Ljlwj j\ /jlLlj 4J tj 

jjj^JI vW^i 

lottery ticket 

■ ■ ■ ■ -» ■ ' j 4Jjj 

'11 * 1 
•*ijyv u°^- '•4 , H->i 

• * 

paper; foliar, leafy; foliate 

uj>> «ujij :<>!jJ 

ministry; portfolio; department »j03 '»j'jJ 

cabinet, council of *l '/jy 1 I ^plaJ. : (3S3") i'j \'j^ I 

government ~<.£^- :ij\y 

Ministry of National Guidance ^.^iJ I jlij'lll ij\\ 
Ministry of Housing O^—^l Sjlj. 

Ministry of Public Works 

iUI Jlil'^l ijl; 

Ministry of Information, Information f^^l Sjl 

Ministry of National Econo- <j±£\ al^lll S^lj. 

Ministry of Religious Endowments (Jlij^l ij\'j 

- ~ * *, , 

Ministry of Commerce; Board of 

Ministry of Education, <Jjl*il /\ aIj^JI lj\\ 

Education Ministry 

• * • . * *, , 
Ministry of Planning j^.-L-htJI } \ «.,n:ll »jlj 

' ' s -*, , 
Ministry of Culture ii\lli\ij\j 

Ministry of War, War Ministry <^'^ »'j\'j. 

Foreign Ministry, Ministry of For- <4*-jU-l ij\ j 
eign Affairs, Foreign Office, State Department, 
Department of State 

playing card, card ^J is/j 

bond; security .l- : illU iijj 

bill, <Jjj}\ iJU*JI ^ Jjf lj i*L» tiijuii j|l illU i»jj 

paper money, paper curren- <J jj jyi < <J jj ill* 


tissue, napkin ^"jj Jjxu < Lijj i.^ 

hip, haunch; coxa; ischium dj} i dJjj i djj 

monitor, monitor lizard, varan (o \y ) d'j'i 

to swell, become swollen, bulge '.'jy '■ fji 

to swell, cause to swell, bulge .^ ilii- : ijj 

tumor, swelling, neoplasm, tumefaction,( ( .l J jl r-) »jj 

benign tumor 
malignant tumor 
fibroma; fibroid 

neoplastic, onco- 

to varnish, lacquer, japan 

skate, ray 

varnish, lacquer, japan; polish 



- ■ • » m 

to restrain, hold back, keep, curb, check, 

& : V* 

to distribute; to allot, appor- (_/»-»*- i^-i ujj ■ £jj 
tion, deal out, portion (out), share out, give out (in 
shares), prorate, mete out, parcel out, dole out, 
divide, dispense 

to deliver »JJ ijoj^JI JiL^ll pjj 


to weigh, determine the weight of *j jj jji : f i JJ\ 0J3 

>'. , ", 

to weigh, have a specified I iS" <oj,j iJu : i { Jj\ jj 

weighing ujj jJ-^* :ojj 

weight JUi«iJij:Ojj 

weight(iness), importance, signifi- 0^ ' V**' : Ojj 
cance, moment(ousness), gravity 

. - ,*. . \ *• ■ - 
meter, measure j>u : l<Jj«f / jj 


0*1^ Ojj 

gross weight 


molecular weight 

atomic weight 

t5j J Ojj 

net weight 

ijLtf jj 



*-W Ojj 

heavyweight J^' o'j^\ 0? ( jJJ £j£*») |»f ^ 
middleweight J»Ljdl OjjJI ^ (jJJ £jLa-) ,»f >-• 



weightlessness, zero gravity Gj^JI (Ij*jI 

weight ujj of : j^ '-^Ji 

minister; secretary; vizier (j'jj'j >'jjj jr) jiJj 

queen «£!• :( ^J^^kl^/^jj 

Foreign Minister, Minister of Foreign 
Affairs, Secretary of State 

Minister of the Interior, Home Sec- ilL»-llJI 

i-jlAI jtji 




,. JHW , V< .....v ..■ ■■WTM 

Ministry (or Department) of the 
Interior, Home Office 

Ministry of Defense, Defense Ministry pli J I Sjl jj 

.- -< *' ' 
Ministry of Agriculture i* I y) I • j I j j 

Ministry of Tourism 
Ministry of Social Affairs 



-1(-1»- *' UJJ-")' •J'jj 

Ministry of Municipal ijjjiHj ij-xJLJt GjpJI »jljj 
and Rural Affairs 

Ministry of Public Health <uUI ik^JI Sjljj 

.- '* '- - 

Ministry of Industry i*L^»JI Sjljj 

Ministry (or Department) of iJ jlJI jl Jj*JI 5jl jj 

Ministry of Labor jl«JI Sjljj 

Finance Ministry, Treasury Department OUI 5jl jj 

Ministry of Hydro- CJU^SCI1_, CiUl jjljil Sjljj 
electric Resources 

Ministry of Communications 
prime ministry, premiership 
prime minister, premier 
under secretary (of state) 
ministerial; cabinet 

broom, furze, gorse, whin 


to flow 

to carry, bear (a burden) 

to sin, err, commit a sin 
burden, heavy load 

sin; offense; misdeed 

JL :ojj 


Jji Jf'j - ^ 1 : JJi 
, * , , 

* - *■ • • 

loincloth; gown, coveralKs), overall 

r'S '■■>■>? 

Jj~t '-'JJi 



to put a pillow under someone's head; to pillow; jl.} 
to cushion 

to be in the middle (of), be in the ,k-^J I j 'J6 : i*j 
center (of) 

to choose or appoint as mediator; Ik— j .dili- : ,kLj 
to ask to act as intermediary 

to put or place in the middle il^J I j iiii- : Jal j 
or center (of) 

middle; center, heart i_ii i ■ ■'-•''■ : ,k-j 

waist, middle; waistline ^«»- : U'- j 

milieu, environment, surround- V-,. 1 iiL : JaL j 
ings, medium, setting 

circles, (jili-) Jik- « (jJIj'j) j^l j :(i»L;i) Jx-j 

mean; 4. 


average j»-j^ i jiu : j^j 

center; middle-of- [i-L-] jCJ'j orr^ 1 tW : -^-i 

middle, Jx-^JIj^Jlj, ^;U»Lj4 JaLjl < ,kV£ : J^j 
central, medial, median, intermediate, interme- 
diary, midmost, medium, mean; midway, halfway 

medium, mean, middling, £$ jU i J~> ^ : Jalj 
mediocre, average, moderate, run-of-the-mill, 

(,$JJL£ jl ,_)L>- Ja«,j 

arithmetic mean 
geometric mean 


official (political, (£L,L>Lj t il— I . ) ? ,'- j i>LJI 

diplomatic) circles or quarters 

medium size Jal j "\^. 

compromise Jal ^ J^. 

in the middle (heart, center) of; in the midst Jal j j 
of, amid, amidst; in between, surrounded by 

amid, amidst, among, in the middle or midst JaLj 
of; in between, surrounded by 

■J 1 fr'j 

»»J I \^*JyA '. ,^ •} 

middle finger <?C-"j j^-J ' Crrf f~*°\ : t^-j 

minister of state, minister Sjljj SL __>> jj i iij j ^ jj 
without portfolio 

Minister of Justice; Lord Chancellor Jjjjl j j' 3 

Finance Minister, Minister of illlil ji JUI 'y, jj 
Finance, Chancellor of the Exchequer ' 

minister resident ^ "^ jj 

minister plenipo- ilj-^J I jili ^ jj s ^^ "^ J5 

prime minister, premier Jj "ill ^j^JI ( Jjj^JI ^_ij 

council of ministers, cabinet >ljjyi ^X^ 

share, portion, part, lot, allotment i_w*u i il*»- : ou jj 

quota, quotient il_j Jla*- :iujj 

dividend ^l/^l j i^u- ■,i^_ Ji 

instrumentalism (^ilii i_J»x.)£LLj 

dirtiness, filthiness, uncleanness, j ii i s j I Jii : i^-Lj 
uncleanliness; dirt, filth, squalor 

pillow; cushion; pad jLj io'jLj 

mediation, intervention, good offices; interces- iiLj 

(ik-lj) ik-l^j jj^lj-iLC^j 

mediative, mediatory J»-yJ I j 1 iU L^JL J 1 -"- : /*kl>"«j 

decoration, medal, order, badge of honor ±>'y : *Lj 

Order of Merit, Legion of Merit, J lik£L 'il I (Cj 
Medal for Merit 

Order of the Garter Jill I iijj ' C j 

Legion of Honor u>'jLi\ ii'j*- ^C, t ti^JI ^C, 

beauty, gracefulness), prettiness, JLi- < Jlli- : iu Lj 
handsomeness, comeliness 

to dirty, soil, sully, stain, defile, befoul jii : *Lj 

dirt, filth, squalor ^ jj ; ^^ 

dirty, unclean, filthy, foul, soiled, sullied, j JS : j_-j 

hi nij 



one's stamp or mark or impress on, impart or lend 
one's character to 

to stigmatize, brand ~*>_) : (jl*Jl>) n-j 

to be handsome, beautiful, pretty, 1 . . ,.j u^ : (v-j 
good-looking, comely, graceful 

branding; marking, labeling; stamping _-_j j jua- : mj 

woad (oLl) <u~wj 

to doze (off), slumber, ^yJI jl ^-UJI »I»- 1 : j-,j 
sleep (lightly) 

. -* 
sleepiness, drowsiness, somnolence <_,. l»j : j*,j 

. s ~ *■- 

sleepy, drowsy, somnolent, 

ijL-aJ \ oL**^ ( Cj**3 

scruple, scrupulosity; p»j < ^-jfU i jii nib : <_^l>-j 
overconcern, (extreme) solicitude, (abnormal) anx- 
iety, (fantastic) uneasiness; misgiving, suspicion; 
obsession; delusion 

the Tempter, the Devil, Satan qIL;.*.! I : <_,- l^l-^J I 

hypochondrias, hypochondriasis i>»>l tr'>-J 

hypochondriac u^J"' o"^y-y. ' '^"* 

to whisper, speak under one's breath ^J-y-i '■ iyyi 

to whisper evil to, make <ulj jl <1 ij\L. ',,11 <_>->- j 
evil suggestions to, insinuate evil ideas into some- 
one's mind, tempt 

to have scruples; to be scru-^-jL^JI *1>U>I : ^^-j 
pulous, solicitous, overconcerned; to have misgiv- 
ings, be suspicious; to be obsessed 

(devilish) insinuation, (satanic) (oUalll I ) <«>-) 


mediator, intermediary, (^..l) (^w»l^l. ^lj) L...«j) 
intermediate, go-between; intercessor 
agent, middleman, jLL- :(~IJ 5jU^' jl »1J) ji.-j 
go-between, broker, intermediary 

agent, factor, commission J^j : (*JJ tSjtxO ■^■-j 


medium, psychic (wlj r-ljj^l jU»k£.l j) ,L-.j 


=--■--* ■■•'—•- ■■-•*• ~ 

' i iitiif-"j 

medial; J»LyL. < .Lljiil jl JjlkIL ii^Lc j j : («J^<j 
average, mean 

middle l^. T j L -i -j l^iliul ^ 5j_j-aJI <j> <j»- :<Ja*«j 

to encompass, embrace, contain, j J»£- 1 : «_» j 
comprise, include, comprehend 

can; to be able (to), be capable tlk^. I i j jj : L* j 
(of), be in a position (to), have or possess the 
ability or power (to); to be possible for, feasible for; 
to afford to 

I cannot but 


to widen, make wide(r) or (more) spacious, ilj 

broaden, enlarge, extend, expand, dilate; to ampli- 
fy; to develop, elaborate (upon); to space (out) 

to make room for, make place J (»JJ lil£>) «lj 
for, make way for 

to be generous toward, give generously, <Ac «1 j 
grant liberally; to enrich, make rich 

capacity, ability, capability, faculty; ijji < i»U» : «-<_j 
power, strength 

to load (with), lade (with), freight ^ki <. '£>■ : £»j 


loading, lading, freighting), J*Z. 1 J..'^i : jl«i 


load, freight, cargo, lading; shipment ,*_U^.i jl»- : ii-j 

whiskey, whisky; Scotch whisky, jSL-i ol^t. : (j*-«J 

to brand, burn <j,£ 1 ju. j : m>3 

to mark, label; to stamp, _uj 1 J* vi> 1 lli : 11 j 
brand, impress, (im)print 

to impress, leave or place a . ,,, . . , j I -c*_o <u- j 


aaggSi«im»j» i fc» l 

ZT ] y p-'j-gij 

to entwine, intertwist, interlace, interlock, iCll :^j,j 
mesh, snarl, tangle 

to dress or adorn with a sash 

to saw 

to reel, spool, coil, wind 


to be quick, fast 

speed; hurry, quickness 


'£-.(& l3.\)'& 

-'- - s .. - ' , 
-' •' i" ' i • - 

about to, on the point of, on the verge o I tSlL j Jt 
of, on the brink of, close to, near to 

dripping water; trickle, thin stream Ji} 

to tattoo r-j'j^j 

tattooing, tattoo ^ /ol^. : ^ 

tattoo, tattoo(ed) mark or figure ( f lijj ^j *■) Aj 

to whisper in someone's ear, whis- <lJ| ^_»i : yl^i} 
per to 

whisperOng), susurration, susurrus ^.li : ii^ij 
embroideries; brocade ol j^Li : .Ji} 

close tie; connection; (inter)relation-(T»Jlij r-) ikJLj 


reel, spool, bobbin 




imminent, impending, impendent, i^j < Juki : dLi} 
forthcoming, approaching, about to happen 

testamentary <jJ£«» 

describer, depicter ui* l_, : ciCej 

reunion (of lovers); (intimate) ( wJJ ^ILJL I ) JUej 




customs broker, customs agent 

intermediary, acting as a mediator 
intermediary, interme- ±L' 3 t »k- j 1 4 ,Ll_^ 
diate, medium, median, medial, middle 

medium sized, of medium height fj,'j* : CliJ I 

frrl> if 'j - £~5 
means, medium, agency, J^ , s I'j I 4 ik. 1 j : iL-j 
instrumentality, instrument, agent; device, im- 
plement, tool; expedient, resource; way; access; 

means of communication JUa^l Jill/, 

mass media, ^Cl I JlJSlI JjCj « f ^| JJLj 

news media, information media, communication 

educational aids, ( dd I 'jiCj « i!*jJu : Jill/, 

instructional materials 

audio visuals, audiovisual aids ij^aJ il*ll JjCj 

means of transportation, o!&>l^ll /} jilll <jjCj 
means of transport, transportations, conveyances 
instrumental " I , , „ \ 

handsome, beautiful, pretty, good- J-*- <. J^ : ^ 
looking, comely, graceful, fair, dainty 

to inform against, denounce, li ( ^c ii : _j ,-ij 

report, betray 

to embroider, brocade ^,'aj t j^L : (A J 

to embellish, ornament, adorn \£i> <. '^'j : ,J. j 

to variegate, mottle, dapple Ju j i ]jj>j : J^'j 

vendor of embroideries or brocade ( J.'^\ «_il> : »li) 

sash; scarf, kerchief, throw, foulard , Lij 

informing against, reporting, de- i^^j t CCu. : cLij 
nunciation; talebearing, tattling; calumny, slander, 

to, come to, make, add up to, sum to, total 

to extend to, reach to, stretch to, <JJ xi>\ : <JJ S-°i 
spread to, range to 

to come, arrive, show up j j j i jJa* i *l»- : J^o j 

to come to one's knowl- JJ-\ *J] J^»j i JJ-\ *Juej 
edge, reach, come to one's ears, hear of, get wind 
of, learn about, be told about, be informed about, 
be reported to 

to get or come I i£ o»- Jj jl ul <JJ _^l (<*) S-°i 
to a point where, reach a stage where 

toconnect, uj ijUi i Jauj H*^)^ f^O S*i 
link, join, unite, joint, attach, couple, pair 

to bestow upon, confer upon, «LLtl < <m1< : -> <Juoj 
award (to), grant (to), give (to) 

connection, connecting, linking, oj» i jU» ' J« j : J««$ 
linkage, joining, junction, juncture, uniting, 
attachment, coupling, pairing 

receipt; voucher (^^Ll^ll.) JLaj| : J-oj 

limb, member, (bodily) y~ai. : ( JL> j I j) J-«j ' J-«$ 

joints, articulations J-eli* : JUajl 

joint; link, tie; £) I ^^ 'J~> J-** U : (jl«j ^) <£«j 
connection; contact; elbow; union, coupling, con- 
necting piece; coupler 

coupling r'j?j' t ^-°) 

butt joint "Vi-r^^j ^-°J ' s-^^-J' ^-"j 

to disgrace, dishonor, discredit, jI»JIj ,»-} 4 o^ : (i-f J 
taint, stain, tarnish, smirch, blemish; to stigmatize, 

disgrace, dishonor, discredit; stigma, brand, <»«ej 
mark of disgrace, stain, taint, smirch 




♦ * 

to peep, peek 

communion or communication (in love); (sexual) 

guardianship, wardship, Clj»- 1 C'ij 1 il ly : *jLo _j 
curatorship, custodianship, custody, care, tutelage; 

regency erv^' <M *i^i 

trusteeship council iX*^\ ^S** 
regency council cA>*J' cJ* *jC«jJ I (jJbv 

to last, endure f! j : l-^j 

to be (chronically) ill yi^ : L-Iaj 1 l -r-Pi 

(chronic) illness or disease \&j*> u°j* '• < r~°3 

fatigue, exhaustion i_-»^' : <-~»j 

bond, covenant; obligation, en- j+c. : {jf\)\ r) j*S 

title deed, title, deed, *^if **>»■ : ( j^»j' r) j-»j 

kinglet; wren jJ>*# j&> '■£?> 

to describe, depict, por- (o^l.) ^.j 1 jyo : (J-»j 
tray, picture, represent 

to describe, qualify, characterize 

to prescribe U-^U (<. 

description, depiction, (oI^IlCIIj) «-j 1 »*^> :uuaj 

portrayal, representation 

description, qualification, characteriza- e-«J : *J±e y 


adjective, attribute, attribu- [i*JJ e-»j 1 <m :i_«-*j 
tive, qualifier 

Jl) i_a^j 

p-b ~ 5 JV* 

1 <C*«U- i «u-o : 1— 4^>j 

in the capacity of (in his capacity as), as, liif *f-»^ 

prescription (*~^» ) ****J 

recipe WJ i^> jw»i»d) <»-»j 

descriptive; qualificative; attributive ^«j : <j*B5 

descriptive geometry V^»j <-jJ> 

to reach, arrive at, get to, come to, go jii : (<Jj) J-»j 
as far as, attain, hit 

to reach, amount Ii5f JJ (pjl*»il jl jloiil) jlej 




intimate, chum, pal 
connector; adapter 

to be clean, pure 

- s ' P - 
to cleamse); to wash; to purify, purge ■ jU: ; \jgj 

», > 

Iff 3 (frb~ »'-*»J 

purity, cleanness, cleanliness; jj ^ ( i 'J^t> :i( Lij 
brightness, brilliance, radiance 

bright, brilliant, shining, lumi- j-J>L i jlui : ^U»j 

beautiful, pretty, good-looking, comely ^ j : Aja } 

„ S , 

to arrange, put in order; to prepare; to dress; to u%i»j 
pack, package; to box; to case, encase 

light; brightness, brilliance, lumi- ^k. < »^J> : ««ij 

in broad daylight 
dirt, filth 

to put, place, lay (down), set J j » c-J i J«- : vi) 
(down), deposit, depose; to situate; to station, po- 
sition, emplace 

to fix, affix, attach j*oJ I 

to impose \j°j 

to write, compile, compose o«J I 

to make, produce; to create, It I i pL« < «^« 
form; to work out, draw up, draft 

to establish, found, set up, institute uj I <. {J ^. I : *J> 3 

to fabricate, invent, make tiJU- i jiJ t <jli I : Li j 
up, trump up, create, concoct, contrive, devise 

to give birth (to) 

b'Jj : J-U.I 

to disparage, derogate from, . jji ^. J»i. : ^. Lij 
detract from 



peeping, peeping Tomism, peek- jJiJ t <Jlj£L.( : <*ya) 
ing, voyeurism 

arrival, reaching; access; attain- S*>i j V^ '- '■ dy^i 
ment; achievement 

receipt; voucher (f^L^l) JL^I 1 jUj : J^L>j 


-■. * * * ^* *' 

accessible; attainable; obtainable, *J1 Oyo£\ jf^j, 
within reach, handy, available 

opportunist; self-seeker; self-seeking, tSjli^il :IJ>0j 

opportunism; self-seeking 

4jjl+zj| :*Jj^j 

« .. 

guardian, curator, caretaker, i^i 1 ^J j t Zj : 't-e$ 
custodian, keeper; trustee 

executor *rf^\ -^ '-<j?i 

' i > ' j 
administrator iS^d I j, ju : .^j 

testamentary guardian 


will, testament; bequest, legacy; (<<<»>il U^>^) *l-ej 

recommendation, advice, counsel *'~, n : : ilu» j 

precept, com- (^"^ I ) Vrj^ J ' ^ ' r I : V«J 
mandment, direction, instruction, order 
Ten Commandments, Decalogue ^liJI CU>^JI 

threshold, doorstep, doorsill ilji ; ■. ^ 

title deed, title, deed, muniments <Sl. ik»- : Sjvj 

page; valet; butler; (domestic) servant, . » jU- : ua-ujj 
manservant, menial 

maid, housemaid, maidservant, female a>jU- :ii-oj 

maid of honor, maid-in-waiting, (s lul) ii_-»j 

lady-in-waiting, tirewoman, lady's maid 
maid of honor 

runner-up (tJJ jUil olSX o'ji^l j) ii«<»j 
inseparable friend, close friend, ^i- Jjjla : J~sj 



making, production; ere- jI _l&I i ii.L^> i %~*o : *Jjj 
ation; working out, drawing up, drafting 

establishment, establishing, »Lli[ i u-y'Z '■ f-ij 
founding, setting up 

fabrication, invention, making ^J^ i ij}b»- 1 : »-i j 
up, creation 

parturition, delivery, (childJbirth^lsJ i ; j^j : %^ej 

situation, status, state (of affairs U&y <. *} U- : %^e j 
or things as they are), condition(s), circum- 
stances); position; setting 

status, standing, position, situation £ j* : %^ej 

{-~°y f^-'j ~ J-*>* l jrj* '6^-» 'i_P" : t*J 

the status quo, the (^UJU^IU-l) jk\')\ ^>^\ 
existing state of affairs, the present situation 

status quo ante 

Jh^- t*j 

status quo ante bellum 

<_j^LI jl» U j-ij 

ajlil »j«-Ij - J>jL. >w»j (Jj SjIcI 

occupancy, occupation, seizure, taking _uJI >uij 
possession (of), laying hands (on), taking hold of; 
seisin, possession, hand(s) 

posture, pose, stance, sitting; attitude, tjJo$ < «juoj 
bearing, carriage 

positive [oy\>] 'tf~°i 

positivistfic); positivist [ ii-ii J * l +>*i 

positive law k£*°} oy\* 

_i • - ;-- •- _i • - 
positivism <Liw>yi in ,UII :«u«-ij 

butcher's block, meat block j'>M *r-»" • (*-°J 

ablution, water used in ablution 4j Liyj £U : »^-oj 
(performance of the ritual) ablution 'yj>y : tyoj 


J f^-'j ~L*0! ' 8 J 

W* • *y°i 



, ... ..,. :Ma H 

to humble, humiliate, lower, degrade, 'Ji\ : j-i j 

to lay a foundation 
to lay eggs 

L.L.I t~pj 

• '"« '' ' 

to place one's confidence in, confide J Aiiu j-ij 
in, trust 

J*- «j«-lj-J lj»- «-ij 

the war has come to an end, Ujl jjl <->>*-l c*m>j 
the war is over 

to make (draw, lay, form) a plan; to £lj iL»- j-ij 
plan, design, project, chart, devise, map out, lay 
out, work out, schematize, scheme 

to lay down (one's) arms, surrender, ^^Ul j-ij 

to put the cart before the o^J-1 Sr* Vj-»J' f*j 


to shelve, put aside, brush aside 'iSj I J* «-i j 

to lay down a rule, etc. 



\i mi 


to enact or pass a law; to legislate, ~)J U^jli «-ij 
make laws 

to coin a word 

to blame, lay (put, place, cast) the J* j^JJI j-ij 
blame on 

to put into effect, bring or car- >.«.;i i *-->>* j-»j 
ry into effect, give (practical) effect to, put into 
force, apply, enforce, implement, execute, 
effectuate), carry out 

to dot the i's and cross the <-»jjJ-l J* J>l*JI «-ij 

to lay hands on, lay (or take) hold of, J* o-u «-ij 
take possession of, take, seize, occupy 

to be lowly, humble, menial, mean, lw»j o^ : frfi 
base, low 

putting, placing, placement, y6 j> i o~-^ i J«- : £«.) 
laying (down), setting (down); depositing, depos- 
ing; situating; stationing, positioning, emplace- 

writing, compilation, composition 




brace, cement, firm up, reinforce 

to stamp down, press down, ram, tamp ^ij^l J» '} 

to pave the way for <J jj»j 

wish, desire; aim, object, purpose, CU i ilii :jj»j 
end, goal 

to strike, hit; to slap 

. '» , -. . 

to settle down in, reside in, dwell in, live ^lil : j ^J»j 
in, inhabit 

to settle (in), settle down GnJ^yiJ <d«- 1 J^\ : ji} 

to adjust (oneself) to, adapt (oneself) Jt 4_ij ^L j 
to, accommodate to, reconcile oneself to, get used 
to, (try to) cope with; to prepare oneself mentally 
for; to set one's heart on, set one's mind on, make 
up one's mind, resolve to, determine to 

homeland, fatherland, (home) country, (ijU»jl r)^} 
native country, native land; home 

national; native 

native, indigenous; domestic, home; TjLi I :^J»j 
homebred; homemade 

nationalist, patriot; *d»^J Lj*. i il.^i)l) jL. : ^J»j 
nationalistic), patriotic 

native; national, citizen j±> \y i jJu 1^1: <-^» j 

- - i • 
patriotism Cr^>" "■ 

nationalism; nationality *L.y : <~u> j 

bat ytlli. :J»lji>j 

low u n;-^... : ^J?_j 

soft, smooth jvtLi i ^ : Jj»} 

flat, even, level >+'.,. i yL_ : fj» } 

firm, stable, steady, firmly estab- oytf i £-~l j : jlJjj 
lished, well-established, solid, strong, unshakable 
basis, foundation; base; plinth (-^U>j r) »-^J 

battle, fight(ing), combat i&^L, 'u-^i 

clearness, clarity, lucidity, lucidness, intelligi- ry*} 
bility, plainness, distinctness, obviousness, visi- 
bleness, visibility, explicitness 

* > 
clearly, lucidly, plainly, distinctly, manifest- ry>y 

ly, evidently, obviously, patently, conspicuously, 
markedly, unequivocably, unmistakably, explicit- 
ly, expressly 

clean, neat, tidy; bright, brilliant, 
radiant, luminiferous 

lowly, humble, menial, mean, 
base, low, ignoble, vile, inferior 

deposit; trust, charge 

■ ■■....**• t p* 9 ' '• ,*; tf ^j 

to be or become low; to be or become lLj» 3 jL» : jij) 
flat, level 

to tread on, step on, walk on, foot on; to [^ I i : ^t} 
set foot on; to trample down, trample underfoot 

to mount, ride, get (up) on, <S j : rJJ \jSjA\ y> j 
seat oneself on 

to have sexual intercourse with, l^U- :i\J.\ JJ>j 
copulate with, sleep with, make love to 

to pave (the way, etc.); to level (Sy ' 'St- ' '•*+• '■ ^»J 
(off), even, flat(ten); to smooth, smoothen 

to make, prepare, fix a*. < II* : (rJJ ^iljiJI ) U»_j 
up (a bed, etc.) 

to lower, bring down 


j^ji i. ,_yi»j- : LLj 

to reduce, lower, cut; to turn u <xu\ i^yiij- :LJ»j 
down (the volume or intensity of sound or light) 

treading on, stepping on; setting foot on; ^ j * : »J>j 
trampling down 

sexual intercourse, copulation, coitus, c-lL>- : f i>j 
coition, carnal knowledge 

depression, low ground , ,ii 

depression, low ground 

pressure; stress; oppression; oppres- jji c Jaili :«U>j 
siveness, weight, burden; force(fulness), intensity, 
violence, vehemence, severity 

to establish, settle, stabilize, jj^c^Ljic-l^ :jij 
make firm, make stable; to strengthen, consolidate, 




".^\ a ^.'.A^^r^aKa^ 

vessel, container, receptacle; dispenser *U : « le_j 

blood vessel 

capillary, capillary vessel 

basis of assessment; taxable income, 
tax base 

vascular system 

(_J^i, f[cj 


^Uj Jlajr- 

.1 «-!■ 


hard, difficult, arduous, stren- J Li. 4 ^i_* : £~zj ni-tj 
uous, laborious 

hardship, difficulty, trouble, inconve- 
nience, discomfort 

to promise, make a promise, give one's 
word, pledge 

to be promising 
to threaten, menace 
promise, word, pledge 

to be rugged, rough, uneven, \jt-j 0*6 :jt-j ijt-j ljcj 

rugged, rough, uneven, bumpy; hard, (ijuo) jc^ ijtj 

badlands (^l) jt-j i jt-j 

jc 3 \ p-lj -js. 3 ijc^ 

to preach (to); to sermonize; to exhort, admonish Jaij 

preaching, preachment; sermonizing; exhorta- Jaij 
tion, admonition 

preachy, predicatory, sermonic, exhortatory, T-Jic^ 
exhortative, hortatory, hortative, admonitory 

irascible, (J^j 1 l _ r &- * -»& ' Ji-Li- 1 ^— : J^cj ' (3*3 
testy, touchy, cranky, cross, irritable, peevish, 

indisposition, illness, sickliness, malaise (*1»^«) i£ij 


Lj»- J«. M.fllu (JLt i^JjLkj 

heat of battle or fight, thick of a battle iST^ll ^-J. j 
or fight 

fierce, grim, bitter, intense, violent, ( _ rr i»^JI <^L»- 
raging, hot, heated, heavy 

? ■«. 

physiological, physiologic 


functionalism ((j?— ^ 4-*-W**^Uj.j 

to employ, engage the JLt 1 ^ a-* :,«, I : (Laj^i.) i_iij 
services or labor of, hire, take on, recruit; to 
appoint, assign 

toinvest ^£-h(^L.) Ljij 

cannon, shank; metatarsus [ pj^' J <-<Li»j 

job, office, post, i*Jj- 1 i_..fv. 1 J*c i Jit : ii-bj 
position; work; employment; employ, service 

function il+» :ii-J>j 

(school) assignment, home- (^-.j-l.) yiji : i*J>j 

vacancy, vacant post or position •jf'-' **i^J 

physiology oiiLbjJI Jx i fUii-^l oiiLbj JLc 

functional ij^i 

to contain, include, comprise, compre- <Sy : (jtj 
hend, embrace, hold, take in 

to be or become ~^ 1 dl j jl 1 _; LLc i>l»-l : ,jCj 
conscious of, aware of; to comprehend, grasp, per- 
ceive, understand fully, know thoroughly 

to know by heart, retain in one's jS" ii t Jai&- : ^j 
memory, remember 

(he is) unconscious yjy ^ 

he does not know what he is saying Jji; L. yu ^ 

to enlighten, educate, edify j^J : J?) 

to make conscious (of), make aware _> -JLcl : J^ 

to warn, caution, alarm, alert 







or, carry out, perform, meet, live up to, redeem, 
make good, stand by, keep faith with 

to carry out, execute, put into effect; to JUJ : j ^ 3 
realize, accomplish; to perform, do, fulfill, dis- 

to pay, settle, dis- iX ai « *i j 4 YjL : (,JJ C'j) ^ ^ 
charge, liquidate, pay up, defray, clear, square, bal- 
ance, satisfy, extinguish, cover 

to satisfy, fulfill, meet, answer, serve, ^ i ^ll 
measure up to, suffice, be adequate, be enough, be 

to equilibrate, balance, coun- Ojlj ' S^- : ( ->) ,jj 
terbalance, offset, compensate (for) 

to give someone his due in full, let some-Ai*- \S% ^ij 
one have his full share, pay someone in full 

to treat exhaustively, write or <u*. 9yoy& tjj 
speak fully about, set forth or develop in detail 

faithfulness, fidelity, fealty, loy- ^o^U-l i ijUl : flij 
alty, allegiance, devotion, faith 

fulfillment, keeping, (jjj j^JL t ju^JI.) ,U} 

honoring, carrying out, living up to, redemption, 
making good, standing by 

carrying out, execution; realization, '■ y :(_,) ( Uj 
accomplishment; performance, fulfillment, dis- 

payment, settlement, J: t jojIj : (~JJ JZ*1\) f Uj 
discharge, satisfaction, liquidation, clearing 

satisfaction, (tJI i»-U-l. i ye^iJlj loLiklL;) f lij 
fulfillment, meeting, answering, serving; adequacy; 

death; decease, demise cSy. : sUj 

death rate, mortality 
coming, arrival, advent 

fj_Ji :5oli_j 

to receive or treat hospitably <u o li 3 { ,£ \ 3 \ ) ^ 
or cordially, welcome, entertain 




(u^) Jtj 

ruggedness, roughness, uneven-l^ i^S I y^f : o'j^cj 
ness, bumpiness; hardness, difficulty 

to howl, yelp, bark, bay IJj ( ^j^l : c p. j 

consciousness; awareness; senses; knowledge, 
comprehension, grasp, perception, understanding; 
alertness, wakefulness; attention, heed(fulness), ad- 
vertence, care(fulness) 

class consciousness "jh^ u*j 

the unconscious; unconsciousness ^jlill '(j*j^ 

the subconscious ^y I jj j j ( L. ) 

unconscious, swooning, in a swoon (i^jJI -^ 

to lose consciousness, be- <uij ^ L>U 4 aIcj jii 
come unconscious, faint, swoon, pass out 

to regain consciousness, <uxj {f>-'jL \ j\) jdlLl 
come to 

threat, menace; threatening, menacing J0J4J : Jl-cj 
threatening, menacing, minatory tjl-y^ :J5-i-ej) 

war, battle, fight(ing) i_>^- : ^j 

din, clamor, tumult, turmoil, uproar X^o : ,-c} 

scoundrel, rascal, rogue, rapscallion, scamp, Jju : jii} 
villain; mean, vile, villainous, depraved, miscreant 

to boil or burn with J^ Lkli. "^Lj : Jf oj'jLo ^pj 

anger at, be or become furious at 

to harbor or bear malice or J^ lui- : Jx ojlua ^tj 

spite against, harbor hatred against, feel hatred for 

*> , ^'- >> , ~ ^ ., 

»jj<o jcjl p-lj -^_j 

spite, rancor, malice, venom, ill will, jjj- : ji-j ijij 
bitter feeling, hatred 

to intrude upon, obtrude upon Jilaj' : ,1c ^ji- j 

parasite, sponger; uninvited guest, ' .I'^.U : J^j 


to fulfill. 

keep, hon- jj 1 Jiii- : (-JJ 0^0 t »jlc^j) ^ij 


> ri > 

hurry, haste, speed ibyc- : jij ^3 

to run; to hurry, hasten, rush fy-l i la* : yiij 

wallet; leather bag l _ r J <. iLia*. : (^lij r) '-^J 

empty-handed, with an empty ^Uy I ((ijU-) ,JU- 
pouch, without a catch; empty 

to be suitable, fit, appropriate 1—.L. o^ : &3 

>'...'. < , .- -•-,-?- 
to reconcile, conciliate, j^_j Juol :(f>iJl ,>j) J*j 

make peace between, make friendly again, restore 
to friendship, bring together, reestablish normal 
relations between, bring about an agreement 

toharmo- ^^ 4 ^lJ :(^j»^l jl l jJLill ^-jJj^j 
nize, reconcile, accord, tune, attune, bring into 
agreement or harmony, match, suit, make compat- 
ible or consistent 

4-Lo- 1 <_jL5 :, « 

to adapt, adjust, Ui x. jl Ui \y 
accommodate, conform, suit, fit, make fit 

: l>»J 

to grant or give success (to), make or \j% «il Ji j 
let succeed, make prosper, help achieve one's 
aims; to help, aid, assist, favor; to guide, direct 

to be helped, aided, assisted, favored (by God); to Jij 
succeed, be successful, have success, hit the mark, 
achieve one's aim(s), prosper, win, have (a) good 
fortune or luck, be lucky or fortunate; to make it, 
make one's way, win the day 

in accordance with, according to, in con- J liij '&) 
formity with, commensurate with, pursuant to, in 
pursuance of; by virtue of, on the basis of, on the 
strength of 

>' '.< 

coming, arrival, advent »jjj' : jyj 

delegations, deputa- ijjJJ^* ry :(-JJj la-i^i*) .iyj 

faithful, loyal, devoted, trueheart- l _ r aijt-. t j^ I 
ed, true, constant 

true to one's word 


-u-^JI JjLo -.^i 
companion, comrade, fellow; friend, pal j-jj '-^3 

■ •■■y< .• ^ .^ 


concord, harmony, accord, agree- jUS'l 4 »Uj :JilJj 
ment; concurrence 

agreement, understanding, accord; <*lu :Jlij 

detente (iljjtjl) oli&JI j r}Ju\ :jUj 

reconciliation, conciliation Juo 1 JmJLo* : Jli j 

' -- ' ' ' ' '.''.'. 

^>\y w-lj-J^Ltu 1 f^^-j] 'iy'>* : <-*^*J 

to come to, arrive at, get to, j\j 1 ^ji : JJ jl J* jjj 
reach; to visit, pay a visit to 

delegation, deputation Oj-u lj f>» ' uj-^y '■ Jf} 

coming, arrival, advent ,jji : jj j 

to save; to economize, tighten one's belt; j-a^il :j>i 
to be economical, thrifty, frugal, provident; to 
husband, manage economically 
to save; to put by, lay by, lay away, put j>- jl :j j 
up, store up, reserve (for future use) 

to save someone something, spare I j£ aJU j j 
someone something 

to furnish, provide, supply 
to secure, ensure, procure 

J** 'lt* 1 : J*J 

to make avail- JjLdl j 4JL»i- ' J* Jj-ai-l j-j : yj 
able, make obtainable 

to increase, augment, multiply j£ \j 3 

saving jJty 4 jLiJI t jlsi-jl :^ij 


surplus, surplusage, excess, overplus (j*a5l» : j) 

°jj Jf 'j - *^j 'erf : >J 

abundance, plenty, plentifulness, Sjl^i ' 5>^ : »^i 
plenitude, ampleness, amplitude, copiousness, 
numerousness, profusion, opulence, exuberance, 
superabundance, overabundance 

abundance, wealth, affluence, *U- j 1 ,vi. : i^i j 

i. - 
prevention, obviation, avoid- jUJ i ■_■-," t »_. : iuU} 

ance, averting, warding off, fending off, parry(ing) 
prophylaxis [ , L, ] £ U, 

to sink; to be >.«,.,,-^l < jU : ( jJJ ^1*JI c~) i_jj 

sunken, hollow, deeply set, deep-set 

socket; cavity, hollow, hole ^y^ :t r*l n-j'j 

to time; to schedule; to appoint (fix, set) a c-ij iCij 
time for 

time; period (of time), point of time; yC j < J^ :cS 

season jU :c jj 

mealtime jirSll jT r dj| Lij 

leisure, sparetime, free time j. IjiJ I (olij I ) jUt, 

bedtime jl^ll _,! r >JI Lij 

for the time being, tempo- U£. : jjili. I cJ^J I j 
rarily, provisionally 

now, at present, o^l! : j^U-l oi^JI j ( c-i^JI li* j 
at the (present) moment, at this time, at the pres- 
ent time, presently, actually, currently, nowadays, 
today, these days 

meanwhile, meantime, ,1^1 ,ii j :ci^JI li* j 
in the meantime, in the interim 

while, whilst, as, during <_$ JJI oJ^JI j 

at the same time, oi^JI yJi, j < <_ij oi^JI j 

then, at that time, at the time; duly, in due <^j j 
time, when due; on time; at the right time, at the 
proper time, in good time, in season; timely, 
opportune, seasonable, well-timed 

at the wrong time; out of season, out of aSjj J*i. j 
time; untimely, inopportune, unseasonable 
immediately, at once, right away, I 'j'ji : cJ^il i k££ 
instantly, promptly ' ' ' 

in (due) time, in the course of time, oi^J I ^ 

eventually, by and by, sooner or later; gradually, 

from time to time, now and then, once in a while, 




to preserve, keep, guard, o^a i 'jj>- <. Ja-w- : Jij t Jij 
protect, safeguard, shield, shelter 

shelter; shield; ward, protec- 
tion, means of defense 

covering), housing 

(Luc : «Uj i tlij 

events, incidents, occurrences, il. j \'y- l & I j^- 1 : «J lij 
happenings, goings-on, episodes, developments; 

facts, merits (of a case, etc.) (±}\ (Sy^ii\) *-5Uj 

minutes, proceedings, (^JJ QJr^ « iliil) »^lij 
proces-verbal, record, report 

precautionary, preventive, protective, preserva- ^Jlij 
tive, defensive, safety; prophylactic; preemptive 
(attack, etc.) 

precautionary measure, pre- tjli, (t\j>r\ ji)^jJJ 
caution(s), safety measure, safeguard 

impudence, insolence, shamelessness, X*i : ii-lij 

impertinence, sauciness, pertness, flippancy, 

cheek(iness), nerve, gall, effrontery, unashamed 
boldness, forwardness, brazenness 

stoker (;^,tf j! s^L J) jli} 

burning, flaming, blazing, fiery; jiy^, ( oii, ; jtf, 

fiery, lively, spirited (_jLiJ| jj;^; 1,^1, : jlij 

bright, brilliant, radiant, glowing r^k, : jli, 

gravity, sedateness, staidness, solemnity, sobriety; jlij 
dignity; veneration, reverence 

backbiter, slanderer, calumniator <_,lii* : p Lfj 

sexual intercourse, copulation, coition, «-li». : f llj 
coitus, lovemaking, carnal knowledge 

protection, preservation, o'y* ' Jii»- < ££»■ :ijlij 
keeping, guarding, sheltering, shielding, safe- 
guarding), safekeeping, defense, defending 

precaution ^~^-\ ' j'j^" 1 ' j^- :<^j 



to fall (down), drop, tumble, sink J»i- : gJj 

to happen, take place, occur, iSjr « ^-^ : £»j 
come to pass, transpire 

to happen to, occur oCel i J J-a»- « -1 iSjr '■ -} jjj 
to, come over, come upon, befall, afflict, hit, strike 

to get in, get stuck in, get caught in, J^i : j jij 
catch in 

to impress; to affect, influence, act } I : ( j) jij 
upon, impact upon, produce an effect upon 

to lie, be located, be situ- (U iikJ. jl ulSc j) jij 

to consist of, be made up^ u^J ' (y, >-«^ ' : J Jfj 
of, be composed of, be divided into; to comprise, 
contain, include, embody, encompass 
to backbite, slander, defame, ^ i t oLi-1 : j jij 
calumniate, malign 

to come across, come J* Jj- i ljjLo : J* jij 
upon, run into, bump into, light upon, hit upon, 
chance upon, happen upon; to find, discover 

to alight on, perch on J»i- : J* jllk) I ji j 

to attack, assail, assault, bear ^U » J* J^i- : j jij 
down upon, fall upon, rush upon, set upon, 
pounce upon 

to fight, combat JJl» : -> jij 

to fall or come £j-^l ' J»- J : j jl Crr* j' c -*-' £*-> 
under or within, be within or among, be included 
in, belong to, pertain to 

to incur, contract (a debt, etc.) ( £JJ ^ j) cj>; jij 
to break out, flare up, erupt o^LI o*ij 

to fall in love with.. . . (_-»■ J £»j 

to fall on or upon, be the duty of; to **jU J* jij 

be at someone's expense 

- * * ~*> 
to sign, subscribe ix^' : Jf-> 

to initial J j il cij»- »W jij 

to repent, rue, regret f-ii : » jj J jij 

occasionally, at times, sometimes 
(ever)since, since then, from c-i^Jl cUJi (^ jl) Jt^ 
the time when, from that time on, from then on 
time signal oijJI (Ja~i)ijli.| 

c-U»l o«-lj -((3ju.) c-i^JI pUil 

then, at that time, by then Jl J^j '^*J 

while, whilst, as; when, at the time when U^ij 

temporal, time, of time ^-> j : ^} 

to be impudent, shameless, UJj u^ : £JJ '£*J '£*J 
insolent, saucy 

impudent, shameless, inso- Jjlk^ » *Lil J^l» : £-*J 
lent, impertinent, cheeky, saucy, pert, flippant, 
forward, brazen, brazen-faced 

juul «>-lj - JJj 
- '. > ^ S ' 

burning, combustion JUii.1 :jij ta»j 

fire J^ : A) ' ■*»-> 

to fell, throw down, knock down, strike down; to oij 
hit fatally, hit hard 
to break, fracture J£ ' f^° '-ji 

to become deaf or hard of hearing o * I Oj» j 

to sit gravely at home *~j J j»j 

- •*' - -i' 
to be grave, sedate, sober, solemn I jyj u^ : >*J 

to revere, reverence, venerate, f j-*"} ' tW : j*J 

respect, honor 

cavity, hollow, pit 


heavy load, burden 

cavity, hollow, pit 

to break someone's neck 

ITS' 'f"" : J*J 

J-i2 J*»- :^ij 
• - -'■* -•' 




to inquire about, seek informa- ^ 'Jl?.. 1 : J* Liij 
tion about 

to inspect, examine, survey, look at 'J,\* : Jc Liij 
or into; to see 

to make dependent on, Jc *ili. : Jt ^ I Liij 
conditional on, contingent on 

J* fai Liijl ^rlj - J* iill : J* IJ5U L«ij 

to dedicate to, J kJ^. t J '{Jf : J^ /!*j| j^ 
consecrate to, devote to 

to endow, give as a mort- Jc Alii- : J* ill. Liij 
main, donate or grant for a charitable purpose 
to entail j^ £ J} oJuJ &L Liij 

l -*'j' ^r I j — « — i» j I :oiij 
to remain neutral, observe (strict) jlli-l Jt Liij 
neutrality, adopt a neutral or hands-off policy 

to sit on jrj^il *-j»>« oiij < (jjb'ill <Jj_5L Liij 
one's hands, fail to take action, fail to do what is 
needed or expected, do nothing, not lift a hand, 
just stand there, sit in the audience, remain a mere 
bystander or onlooker, simply watch, remain pas- 
sive or indifferent, assume a passive or indifferent 
attitude or position 

** t - * 
stopping, stop(page) ) halting) <_ijij ; iji'y :t_iij 

pause, pausing, (temporary) stop (eJji) ijij 

stopping, stop(page), cessation, ceas- ^ oiS' : i^iij 
ing, discontinuation, halting), giving up, leaving 
off; desistance, desisting, refrainment, refraining, 
abstention, abstaining 

dedication, consecration, 

entaiKing), entailment 

endowment, mortmain; 
entail, entailed estate 


«-£■: dill Liij 
t-»y_5- till. : ij» j 

jUl J^il Liij 

stay of execution; jl^ll I ji JCJ-I ijij 
arrest of judgment 

discontinuance (of a legal action) <i}* jJ I Liij 

impression, impress, effect; impact Jjii. i jut; : »ij 


fall, drop, tumble 

shock; blow, impact, jolt 

encounter, engagement, 
fight(ing), battle, combat 

meal, repast 

flail jij 
* t-iri , ,. : A«Jj 

<L«X4 :i*ij 
JLiiduil :iij 

to stop, halt, cease to move on, come to a Lii L : Liij 
stop or standstill 

to pause, suspend, stop (temporarily) ( Ljji ) Liij 

to stop, cease, discontinue, halt, give ^c LiS" : Liij 
up, desist from, abstain from, refrain from 
to stop, cease, halt, discontinue, come l j^ 1 1 : Lii j 
to an end, end, terminate, come to a close, come to 
a stop or halt, come to a standstill; to be stopped, 
discontinued, ceased, halted, suspended, inter- 
rupted, broken, ended 
to stand (^if J*.) L_^ | : ^Jj 

to stand up, rise, get up, stand erect [^ < .Li : Liij 

to hesitate, waver; to oU jl « Viji : (iJ'JLil j) Liij 
doubt, suspect, question 

to resist, oppose, counter, withstand, ^j j Liij 
stand up to, confront, face, defy, challenge 
to (j* <iij t <L-~. j \i^c jp*9-) oiij 4 4jj j <_iij 
stand in the way of, get in the way of, interrupt 
the course or progress of, block the way of; to 
obstruct, hinder, impede, hamper, stop, prevent, 
keep, hold (back) 

to stand by, £. i^iij i i_jL»- Jj Liij i (_«il». j Liij 
stand up for, defend, support, back (up), aid 
to know (of); to be or _, '^c t Jc iCL I : Jc Liij 
become aware of, cognizant of, acquainted with, 
familiar with, informed about; to familiarize one- 
self with, acquaint oneself with; to learn (about), 
come to know (about), find out (about), discover, 

to understand, grasp, comprehend, 
apprehend, perceive, see 

»♦» : J* '-*' J 





4> #1 

cuckoo ( >U> ) J lyj : <iy J 

cuckoo Jly^l o*«» :i»yj 

oke, oka; ounce jj »-^»-j : *s*J 

encounter, engagement, fight(ing), J Li « tiJL^i-l :**JJ 
battle, combat 

incident, event, occurrence, tjjt>- i iJ jU- : i»Jj 
happening, episode, development 

backbiting, slander, calumniation V^*! : **rji 
roost, perch Ji^»" p-A* :< *r*J 

power of attorney, proxy, procuration; (illjjli) SJlS'j 

agency, representa- i^ajyu i J-^> I ^ iLi : *l«j 
tion, deputyship, proxy; mandate, authorization; 
authority, power, procuration 

agency (^JJ^jlkj)i — y tiilSj 

, - « » • . i' o- 

intelligence agency, oIjjUw _>l ol jLajl.1 aJ o j 
intelligence; secret service; investigation bureau 
advertising agency oLi^UI aJIS'j 

sole agency, exclusive dealership <>j«a»- <J^j 

press agency 6^*| jl jji^J *J^j 

news agency 

A irt wl**- r * <J15 J 

travel agency 

general power of attorney, full iilL« _>l i»U iJli j 
power, unlimited authority, carte blanche 

specialized agency 

acting (president, minister, governor, man- iHS^JIj 
ager, director, etc.); deputy; by proxy; proxy 

to walk or proceed slowly %+^> ^ : <J£ } 

mottle, colored spot, <Li j t ii^L. iiuj i i~~ : *iij 
speckle, fleck 

to confirm, affirm, assert; to corroborate; to aS I : jij 

pause (if\'j j\ (*& j) <-*ij 

caesura (j-»-^l Cr* ^-r! i -' " * " " * J' *"*'■' 

to be restricted to, limited -> s^^l '• li* ^-> ^ 
to, confined to; to belong solely to 

to be dependent ^e- J^«J i ^e- <~tiy : ^e- U» j 0^ 
on, depending on, contingent on, conditional on; 
to depend on, hinge on 

Ministry of Religious Endowments <_»lijjl Sjljj 

posture, stance, station, pose; i*J>j t i«J>j : iiij i *i»j 
attitude, bearing, carriage 

stop, halt; pause tiy'j i <-*i>J' : iiij 

pause (s*lji» j I (& j) ***> 

vigil, day preceding a feast -L«JI i«i> 

cuckoo (>U>)<3lyj 

, „ » - » , , >. » ■*, 

fuel Sjljil jl iilLII jfL<" jl»-I : jjij 

', * - - '^ > - - 
firewood Jji £ I s~^»- « Jy>J I t_J»- 

fuel oil J y>^ °*J 

-* •*, 
grave, sedate, staid, solemn, sober, jU> j i : jjij 

sober-minded, sobersided; dignified; venerable 

'' ** 

fall, falling (down, out, away), dror/ping), J»^L. : ^j» j 

tumble, tumbling; downfall 

occurrence, happening, incidence, £>j. 
taking place 

facts, data, information; events, incidents; oUyj 
entries, items, records, notes 

standing; standing up, rising, getting up ^ Lj : dyj 

stopping, stoppage), halting) oii^l : tiyj 

knowledge, cognizance, aware- £U»\ ■ ((^*) <-»yj 
ness, acquaintance, familiarity 

understanding, comprehension, ^i : (J*) tiyj 
apprehension, grasr/ing), perception, seeing 

inquiry f ^*r"! : ((i*) ( -*^'-' 

inspection, examination, oil. : (J*) tiyj 

surveying), view(ing), seeing 

to cuckoo Jly^Jli" ( jj jl) o^u» : jlyj 


(authorized) agent, (authorized) yi^Ll n_JU : Jjij 
representative, deputy; proxy, procurator; vicar- 
vice- ; commissioner; mandatory; trustee, fiduciary 

attorney, attorney-at-law {[yy^i) <S4'i 

agent, representative; (iJ^JLlL. /\ Ufyz) J-f j 
commission agent, commission merchant, factor; 

adman oliili.} J^j 

press agent, publicity agent, o^l jl iid.* J-i" j 

insurance agent j*Jc J^"j 

receiver (in bankruptcy) i'.U: ^"j 

sole agent, exclusive agent; ju»- j jl <,$j]La»- J^i" j 

sole dealer, exclusive dealer 

travel agent £. 'jjj 

forwarder, shipper, freighter, consignor, t ^ki 3-f j 
carrier; stevedore 

general agent (representative, proxy, attor-fUJJ^i'j 
ney, etc.) 

lance corporal (<o*^ ' j) ^J* J^J 

i' '- ' <"' 


bookmaker, bookie oLif£ JXj 

prosecutor, prosecuting attorney, district £0 ^i" j 

under secretary (of state) i j I j _, ^i" j 

to inaugurate, induct (into ^i « L«lai ■( > -»'- i) J_j 
an office), install (in an office), invest (with an 
office); to appoint (to an office), nominate 

to appoint as ruler, governor, ad- LJ I j aLu- : 1 j 
ministrator, prefect, administrative official, etc. 

to put in charge of; to entrust ^iy ( ( j) ISCi- : Jj 
with, charge with, commission with 

to turn, direct jl'jl ( ii-j : (~)J ,^i t <ii-j) ^j 
(the face, the back, etc.) 

to turn away from, ^ J>^' : ^* j' *'^ J'j 
avoid, shun 

den of thieves 

to thrust, jab, poke; to nudge 
to punch, box, strike with the fist 
poke, thrust, jab, nudge 
punch, box, a blow with the fist 
to depreciate, fall in value 



emphasize, stress, underline 

intension), purpose, aim, end, goal, j 1^1 1 juJ : Ji j 

effort, endeavor, attempt 


aerie &* Jfi 4 f)U*<£ ■ )'s 

nest, den, haunt, iilli- /\ * u oj£. >W^ ISC. : jT, 
hangout, retreat 

.-...ia-itjl 'u-Sj 

to depreciate, disparage; to ^^u , IdJf yili : ^i" j 
undervalue, underrate, underestimate 

lt*J £*"'j~y*< " u *rH ; u***" : cr^-J 

to scold, upbraid, chide, reprove, rebuke,',^ : u S' i 
reprimand, reproach, censure 

to lose, suffer or incur a loss 



to drip, trickle, leak LJ j < ^U : LiST j 

to entrust (to), assign (to), commit (^_^l O'l ) JST j 
(to), consign (to), recommend (to); to entrust 
(with), charge (with), commission (with) 

to authorize, empower, deputize, de- ( j (,% ) 'Jtj 
pute, delegate, appoint as one's agent (repre- 
sentative, deputy, proxy, etc.); to give someone 
power of attorney, invest with (full) power; to 
retain, brief (a lawyer, attorney, counsel, etc.); to 
commission (to do or with), charge (with), entrust 

to hatch, brood, incu- («u^ J* /\ Z±S j[^\) 'X^ 
bate, sit (on eggs) " ' 

nest; aerie J 3 < ^ic : cif j i <& } i jSj 

sure, certain, positive; definite j^S\ : j*£j 

SjL»--: Lr S'j 


to generate, engen- >_— - < u£ ' £^ ' ' ^ -^ ' : ■" J 
der, produce, create, originate, bring into being or 
existence, give birth to, give rise to, breed, beget, 
birth, bring about, make, cause, occasion, effect, 
induce, trigger, prompt, result in 

to bring up, raise, rear, breed i^.j'-^i 

to be born; to come into existence, come into J j 
being, see the light, arise, originate 

'" Y 
child, kid; baby, infant; descendant, off- i^y ■ «wj 

spring, scion; son; boy 

children, progeny, offspring, "Cji . jli i a"iljl : -J j 

issue, descendants, posterity 

- >', ' > '.- - \ *'\' ' ''■ '"'• *\' 

illegitimate (natural, unfathered) child, love pi y 
child, bastard, whoreson 

to deceive, cheat, double-cross <^ '• y-lj 

to nek, lap (^J Lisai) 'jJ'3 

to blend, mix, mingle, combine £> : *-«J J 

to synthesize S-^j :( ~*^ 

to tune LiJI:i_iJj 

companion, associate, comrade; friend, pal JJ j : ciJj 

(saddle) girth, cinch £p I f Ijf : (*J 

to lose one's head (with love, grief, etc.); to be iJj '*Jj 
infatuated, enthralled, spellbound; to be distracted, 
confused, bewildered; to be sad, grieved, grief- 

to make crazy, drive out of one's mind; to infatu- *J j 
ate, enthrall, spellbind, fascinate; to confuse, bewil- 
der; to sadden, grieve 

distraction, confusion; infatuation, fascination, *jj 
enthrallment; passionate love, absurd fondness; 
sadness, grief 


to pass, go by, elapse, slip by, u** <■ &*±>\ '■ Ji 
expire, run out; to be past, over, bygone 

to turn the back on »j>. * • * j < •>» • *i 

'- • * s ' ''" ?' - , •in ?' I* i ?' 
toturn.jL.jl <j)j i»j>* <jfj <■ j^*> Ji '«J U Ji 

tail, run away, flee, escape, take to flight 
allegiance, loyalty, fidelity, fealty, *U j i X*U» : »^i 
devotion, adherence, homage 
friendship, amity *!*- i iil-uo : »^j 

birth, childbirth, delivery, parturition, £*>j : »zij 


" '' .- - - 'i 
birth, beginning, start, *^li i j^l> i «j I -u : 5 j * j 

inception, incipience, outset, onset, rise, dawn, 

origin, first appearance or emergence, early stage 

newborn, neonate; nascent 

obstetrics, tocology, midwifery 

lighter *-&» ■**% 

guardianship, wardship, curator- i <>£»j : *i *i 
ship, custodianship, custody, care, tutelage 

jurisdiction, competence; «!»■ %* i ^\~a&\ '"<i^i 
power, authority; bailiwick, domain 

rule, reign, period (of rule), re- j+z i £*■ : <• *i} 
gime, time; tenure; term (of office) 

state; province, district, <uJ»Lu i^l < jJj '-V^j 


the United States ii»h\ oU H^ I 

to enter (into), penetrate (into) |j> s ■ gl J 

to entrust (with), charge (with), (ji^l *lJI jl <-) £>J 
commission (to do or with) 

to give birth (to), bear ii—ij : (J-U-I c_) Jj 

, , •» , , '* - -» 
to beget, sire, procreate, generate J-Jl t i_-»ul : -"J 

to deliver (of), assist in child- l+o'ilj J^ iJ^U-l Jj 
birth, assist in giving birth 
to deliver, aid in the aj j^j ^e jlcV— : JiiaJI Jj 
birth of 

#3 \r i a 

someone charged with authority, ruler, chief, 
head, leader, superior, master 

heir apparent, crown prince o^iJ I J j 

testamentary guardian 







intimate friend, intimate, confidant ^- jj. 

interior, inside, inner self, «L». j » il»- I j 
inmost being, innermost thoughts or feelings, 
heart, soul, mind 

newborn, neonate, newborn child, infant, baby; jj} 
boy, son; nascent; new 

product of, fruit of, offspring of, outcome liS" xJ j 
of, result of 

i_i)j «3>-lj - uL)_J 

banquet X,\\. :«uJj 

flash, gleam, glint, glim- <jA*«3 « c<u} i uLa*} ' i>i» j 
mer, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle, scintillation, 
flicker, blink 

to flag, languish, lag, [£ t L-J « LCi , ^i : ^ 

slacken, relax, sag, droop, lose strength or vigor; to 
be or become weak, feeble, faint; to be or become 
tired, fatigued, exhausted, weary 

indefatigable, untiring, tireless, un- ^jSL ^ : <^j ^ 
wearied, weariless, unwearing 

not to cease or stop doing, cSLll. J : I iS" Jiii ^ ^ 
keep doing, keep on doing, go on doing, continue 
to do, persist in, persevere in 

to be slow, slack, remiss, negligent, (<llc j) .j} 

neglectful (in one's work) 

languor, lassitude, listlessness, slackness, »Uj < ,yj 
slackening, laxity, flagging, droop, weakness; fa- 
tigue, weariness, tiredness, exhaustion 

winch, windlass; crane, hoist, derrick; gin **i I j : Jiij 
periwinkle (oLi) i£jj 

distracted, bewildered, confused, puzzled; uUJj 

madly in love, passionately in love; infatuated, 
enthralled, spellbound, fascinated; said, grieved, 
grief-stricken, depressed 

>l p-lj-Ol >Jj 'jJj 

' ' J' 

entering, entry, entrance, penetration; Jp- j : r- ^j 


fertile, fecund, prolific, fruitful Sj^j : jjjj 

viviparous (^i^J 'Je. .J l3wj) *l^-UI j^Jj : j^Jj 

childishness, childlikeness, boyish- I.; l.".^ rojJj 
ness, puerility, juvenility 

■>'•> ■>'.> ■> '. 

'.' -, '.» ', 

love, passion, affection; fondness, liking, fancy; p ^lj 

inclination, bent, taste; interest; enthusiasm 
to howl, ulualate, wail, lament, cry "Jy.\ :'Sf} 

to cry "woe" Si'A^-'SJ'i 

howl(ing), ulualation, wail(ing), lamentation) *J^Tj 
to be near to, close to ^ i_/i : TJ ^ 

to follow %^\'^' i 

to manage, adminis- ^f ijIjI :aJU jl *,Jj| Jj 
ter, run, direct, control, be in charge of, govern, 
rule, have power (authority, command) over 

the following, what follows Jb L. 

as follows; like this Ij ll5" 

r -»'y-'j:yJ3 

guardian, curator, caretaker, custo- 
dian, keeper 

patron, sponsor, supporter, protector, 

friend; companion, associate 
saint, holy man ^X 

master, lord, chief 

y^> : y)j 

J' a 

*' T" " r 

^ r **-\«o I (ill I. ^(Jj 

responsible manager, someone in charge, _^^l fj j 

owner, possessor, proprietor, 




to err (in), make a mistake (in), be mistaken ( j) p*j 
(in), be wrong (in) 

illusion, delusion; false impression; (^l»jl r) ^ 
fancy, imagination, fantasy, phantasm, chimera, 
phantom; fiction 

illusory, illusive, illusionary, delusive, delusory, ^**J 
delusional, fallacious; imaginary, unreal, notional, 
fanciful, fantastic, chimerical, visionary, quixotic, 
Utopian, impractical, impracticable; imagined, fan- 
cied; superstitious; fictitious, dummy, false, bogus, 
spurious, phony, pseudo, sham, make-believe 

^ .«- * . , > , 
to be or become weak, feeble, i_*w> : j*j i ^j 

debilitated, enervated, powerless; to weaken, fail, 

languish, flag, droop, lose power or strength, 

decline in vigor or vitality 

- - .* - 3 _ 

weakness, feebleness, frailty, delica- i_i»J» : ^3 t j*j 
cy, debility, asthenia, adynamia, languor, inani- 
tion, droop, enervation, powerlessness, impotence, 

glow, incandescence, candescence; glare £»j : ^jij 
(of the sun); blaze, flame 

how. . ! ; woe! , alas! ; shame! [$'j 

woe unto him! 

woe unto you! iiL j 

woe, grief, affliction, distress jj-j : Jj j 

destruction, ruin; doom; perdition dS* : Sii 

woe unto you! tUL j ( (ill !JC j ( iill Jjj 

misfortune, calamity, disaster, catas- iJb > il— a- : iijj 
trophe; woe, ordeal, affliction, heavy blow 

woe! alas! »^iJjlj 



*1Ljj '**!*■» j 

to be weak, frail; to be flimsy; i_*w> 1 L»lj yli" : ^yij 
to be insubstantial, unsubstantial, insignificant; to 
be unsound, invalid, untenable, unconvincing; to 
be ill-founded, unfounded, groundless, baseless 

the Giver, the Donor, the Grantor, the Jil : yU^J I 
Provider (God) 

glowing, incandescent, candescent, can- ri*j^» : rlij 
dent, ardent, fervent, white-hot, red-hot; blazing, 
flaming; radiant, brilliant, bright, resplendent, 
flamboyant; glaring, dazzling; glittering, glistening, 
sparkling, flashing 

to donate (to), grant (to), give (to), accord r>f* : <-«*} 
(to), award (to), bestow upon, confer upon; to 
present (to or with); to endow with, gift with, bless 
with, favor with 

donating, donation, granting, giving, pre- »wi : t-j»j 
senting, presentation, according, accordance, 
awarding, bestowal, bestowing, conferment, con- 
ferring; endowment, endowing, gifting, blessing, 

to level (off), even, plane, flatten; to smooth, J+» : jij 

depression, lowland 

ravine, gulch, flume 

depression, lowland 

abyss, chasm, gulf, pit 

lasso, lariat 

to be frightened, scared, terrified 

to frighten, scare, terrify 
frightened, scared, terrified 
terror, fright, fear, alarm (jijl : JkAJ 
.' - •> * . « _- . - 

LiU- :Jaj 

(JU-I :Jij 

oijU- : Jaj 

<J^»- :<Q*j tj*j 

jji^ij-Jj^iiii^ij ciiij jS'v 

' \^ ^Jr yjr ^k ^r N^ >r ^^r'^^^^r'^y^^^p' 

^^ ^tjr ^j^ ^r ^^ %r %r ^1r ^^ ^^ ht ^r >Jr 


placard, poster, bill (fie O^Sc j jtJ) o^l :iUl» 

adolescent, pubescent (***o) £>■>*• <■ t_-li. : «Jl 

adolescent, teenager, teener, L* I ) t^'ai- i L,li, : ,_» L 
juvenile, youth, youngster, young man 

fontanel; bregma; vertex, crown( ^-1^)1) r-yt tV-JL 

of the head 




sapphire; hyacinth 





to go to the right 

anise, aniseed 
ripe, mellow 

,. « * > 

'. » ** ' 

(oLi) o>— >L> 

ri-«<»lj 'J-Jw 

to hire by the day, hire on a daily basis Q-UI ) i)L, 
spring; spiral spring d'JJ j i <>,U : ^L 

merlin ^>> tp L;. : _£j£ 

O, oh l, 

-' -■• . - -■> 

(oh,) what a man! (^JJ ^Ij^il ) ji-j ^ £ II 

(suggestion!, etc.) 

desperate, despairing, hopeless, despon- J»i li : (_J L 
dent, discouraged, disheartened 

dry, dried (up), desiccated, arid; stiff, rigid, hard, ^l 
solid ' 

land, mainland, terra firma, earth, i_j U I i i_j L 

ground; lithosphere ' 

yard jjjl y.Qj \'j^.' } : jjL lS 'jjL, 

to despair (of), lose hope (of), give up J»J : (^ ) [^ 
hope (oO, be or become desperate or hopeless; to 
despond, be or become disheartened or discoura- 

despair, desperation, desperateness, hope- iyj : ^L 
lessness, despondency, despondence, despond 

Or jf 'j "cr^-" or 

to be or become lenient with (or ^ » u 3*^ : j-L| 
toward), indulgent with (or toward) 



sign; signboard; billboard 

nameplate, doorplate 





yacht j»JJ iiu^Jlj 


Jlj i»-IJJ <L_i- :£•»* 


> » ' • - 

ragout, stew 



CjS^ :x> 


£lj> : ^ 


t)l_jlll Ju 

handle, haft, hilt, handgrip 

rj'* A * i JU 


possession, hancKs), seisin, 

control, grasp 5jC»- :ju 

power, authority, control, 

i <LLL : (J^l» -v < ju 

hand, influence 

• - -.'■>, 
favor, grace, kindness, service; J-ai : <J£> ju « ju 

credit, merit 

assistance, aid, hand, help, support ; jxC : ju 

hand, part, role »U> t J3 j : ju 

^,< •' / ~*\ ^ - 

hand in hand; hand-to-hand ju> -v. 

(jj jJl) i alii; 
%j*\j — AjJu ij ( 0JL*J t oJb C-AJ 

at the hand(s) of, through the action -u ^ < -b J* 
of, with the help of; by, through, by means of; on 
the part of, from 

in hand, in the hands of o ju j < juJI j 

from hand to hand ju J J ju q* 

to scatter, disperse, disband, separate, break up, go 
in different directions 

by hand, with the hands 

I shall (will) never do it 

> - , ;„ , 

i JuJI i.a.,o,T- i ju 4 i»- i lilj 



Ju»-I l oJLj Jl»-I 

devastated, waste, desolate; ruined, t_.j»- i Jul* '■ <-^ 
destroyed, wrecked 

.- >> . .- > > .— 

mandrake (^jLj) ^Jj*i 

to dry, be or become dry; to desiccate, CjIj jU> : ( _ r -j 
exsiccate; to dry up, wither, shrivel; to stiffen, 
harden, solidify 3^7^ Vc 

to dry, dry up, dry out, make dry, CjIj AJui- : y—i 
desiccate, exsiccate; to stiffen, harden, solidify 

-- " 1 -- ■" . " 

ur>\i £fr\j~o-*}* '-cm 

uri}* Jfr'j ~ urf. 
-- " , -- ■" . " 

urt}i ffr\j~ur'\i '-urn 

.> — « 
dryness, aridity, desiccation, exsiccation; ^-j : <-«>j 

stiffness, rigidity, hardness, solidity 

to orphan, cause to become an orphan L~a <Jui- : (*-i 
orphanhood, orphanage 

i,- ■- -- •> 
orphan, parentless ^p jl i>^^' ^*"' •*** : !& 



single, solitary, one, only, sole 

unique, singular, match- ^ft^JI • }-■ ' - 1 Jb^i : <Jj 
less, unmatched, peerless, unequaled, unparalleled, 

orphanage (UJ^I V^' <■ cSj^) jl-> 

,» , ^ . - ' • - 
roe deer, roe, roebuck, deer, JJujI ^ p^j :j>*»v 


wild ass, onager cr^y J^»" '-jy*** 




to be or become easy, facile J+~ '-j—j 

to facilitate, ease, make easy; to make feasi- J^l 'j—j 
ble, make possible 

to simplify, make simple ,W„'> :J~> 

to make available, obtain- J j : ( J* Jjlai I ) ^LJ 
able, accessible 

to pave the way for or to J J 1 1 J~, 

ease, easiness, facility <j.h~ : j— i 

wealth, affluence, opulence, prosperity, <yi :^-j 

ben tree, ben-oil tree, horse-radish tree ( j>S) j~> 

'_. ,. > 

left hand, left &j-4 ' ^ ' ' <Ar-rf 

left, left side, left-hand side, left hand jL_J I X^>- : Sj-j 
to (at, on) the left, left »jLJ 

caterpillar; larva 


'^'■V->- i 

Jesus, Jesus Christ, Christ, Messiah r^A^ : f>-i 

Jesuit; Jesuitic(al) !*?>-* 

easy, facile; simple, uncomplicated J^l. 1 ,^-i : jw 

small, little, insignificant, i-i. ; .J* 1 J»_J 1 JJi :jw 

inconsiderable, slight, light 


f-/ >V : (^ 
r 'i '• - 

JaiJ I jS i : cjj-ju 
• i •' . '•- 

Oil W . Oj ■!■■ _ ! 

to reach adolescence; to be or arrive at the ji I j : \ai 
age of puberty 


yashmak, veil 
xanthophyll, lutein 

drone, male bee 


Arabian gazelle 


hill, highland, elevation 

[(jjoJI , h . .. 1 ju icL» 1^ (^-^ jl) »-jy Vj 

t Jb <j^C l 5U» Jb l_JJ> ijjjoJI ji^d 1 oJb j (Jai-l) 

manual, hand; handmade 


L^ "■' 

pen, quill 

cane(s), reed(s) 

firefly, glowworm 

coward; cowardly 


jaundice, yellows, icterus 


larva; caterpillar; maggot tj~ 1 l*»>** J • **0i ' '** ^ji 

solvency *Lu^l1 J* 5jji : jC-> 

_^-i £>-ij -*J_>*- 'trf : j 


left, left side, left-hand side, 
left hand 


.«j i^ ( JU-t< : jL-j 

left hand, left <ij~" -4" : J^-i 

Left, left wing; leftism ! (> fi-i-^r [ i- L— ] jl— 1 1 

to (at, on) the left, left ' ' - jLJl ^ ( IjLo 

leftist, left-wing; Left; left-winger [ i_l— ] tSjCj 

left-hand, left {<v^) j^i I : cSj^-j 

icLJI ojLic i_S^jjJ ^j-^^ »Ls>«jl ji '<5j^-j 

left-handed, counterclockwise, contraclockwise, 


leftism; Left, left wing [*~^- ] *4 J^~i 

to be or become small, little 

> tor 



doubtedly, doubtless, without doubt, unquestion- 
ably, indubitably 

certain, sure, positive, convinced, confi- jiu Jx- 
dent, assured 

positive, certain, sure, definite, absolute, un- 'ir^i 
doubted, indubitable, unquestionable, indisputable 

yucca (oLj) oL> 

sea ^»«j : «j 

stock dove, dove, pigeon (>U>) oUj iaUj 

Yemeni: Yemenite 

yr-i -^ 

- - . « > . > 

to go to, repair to, betake oneself J J ii-y; 4 Iwai : ^_ 
to, take to, head for, be headed for, be bound for 

to be lucky, ii^j ^ I i 6^ : J*i 'j*i '0*i '0*i 
fortunate, auspicious, prosperous 

to go to the right i^fr" y» S-* J '■ J+i 


good fortune, good luck, pros- SjIH. < _u_ i iiji : j*j 
perity, auspiciousness; blessing; felicity, happiness 

right hand, right 

right, right side, right-hand side, right ^^-1 1 4*>- : C*j 

to (at, on) the right, right 
(to the) right and left 
Yemeni; Yemenite 

8 w-JJ <^*J 

y^Ui : y^*i 

by God! 1 swear by God! «il ^ I i *bl _, I i *i>l (_^j 

.»■ ' f- Wf- 1 j — <Uil«^ jl ^ U lr (Jt_»j 

perjury, false swearing a-j^ M^ ' **■" i^f 

right, right side, right-hand side, _,(-> jJ> : cryj 
right hand 

hill, highland, elevation Jj : mj 

adolescence; puberty £>M' »j*^ 'ii*l^« :jf> 

squash, calabash, gourd; pumpkin (oLj) j *•«; 

Jii w-lj - JaiL 

to be watchful, vigilant, wide-awake, j JU- i <uzi I : Juj 
alert, on the alert, on the lookout, on one's guard, 
wary, cautious; to look out, watch out 

■ImU :(* 


Jaiul ilt-Ij - iaitj 

watchful, vigilant, wide-awake, p-lj t jii- 1 *.:u : Juj 
alert, on the alert, on the lookout, on one's guard; 
wary, cautious, circumspect, careful; attentive, 
advertent, mindful, observant 

awake, wakeful, unsleeping, up 


Ud : Juj 

cock, rooster dC j : u 1 Us 1 1 ^ I 

wakefulness, waking, awakening ^Le : i-tij 

watchfulness, vigilance, alertness, jii- 1 »L^ I : iJiiJ 
lookout; wariness, caution, cautiousness; atten- 
tion, advertence 

daydream(ing), reverie iJiiJ I Jl»- 

palm pith 

to be certain, sure 


certainty, certitude, 

jw^Ji g/- =i>y 'i>y 'i>y 

assurance, conviction, sureness, positivism 

certainly, sure(ly), for sure, to be sure, assured- lljy 
ly, positively, definitely, absolutely, of course, un- 



-■■■.,,,,, „ l _, -v- ,.,, l . 

to iodize, iodate, iodinate ->>J^ (r> jl ) pJ^c : J >! 


. ' > > 


<,ll JjJjj 


tincture of iodine, iodine tincture 




iodic, iodous 


silver iodide 

urate *(Jy^\ yi*U-l iJU '-£>\jy 

uranium fyj \jyt 

s *'.,- .- » 

uremia ^ J I ^^J : L*j j>> 

tangerine(s), manderin(s) (oLj) ^>y ll S^*' 4 - 4 -<>! 
Utopian i/?>^>! 

Utopia ~?.y*y. 

• • • -* L ' 

utopianism; utopism **>*>! 

yoga (~JJ <Liljj 4 iilii) l*>> 

yogi, yogin; yogic tf-y 

July jya '-yjy ^y 

day (j^ji)iL Tt :^ 


c-»j :,■>! 

battles); (t_>_,^-)o^ ((<iJj£.)i5^ :( f £l)^ 

Days of the Arabs «-4*4-l vj>»" ^j-"' (*' 

Prt- -lipoma. to^*-H^' -•-,, 

today (>J I 

(on) the day when . . ># 

(on) that day, then, at that time l^^j 

someday, sometime, one of these days U Ujj 

day by day, day »^ ^ Ujj i fjj juu Ujj < U^-i Ujj 
after day, from day to day 

.^.'.v "V - : 

right hand, right 
Right, right wing; rightism 
to (at, on) the right, right 
(to the) right and left 

[i-L_] o!-^3\ 

rightist, right-wing; Right; right-winger [ i~L~ ] 
right-hand, right (i**^) o*i ' : yr-^ 

icLJI ujiiU 

right-handed, clockwise 
rightism; Right, right wing 

_s *-. > - 



IT : v.L^ 

spring, source, fountainhead, 

headspring, wellhead, wellspring, springhead, 
fountain, well 

stream, creek, brook, rivulet 

cornelian, garnet 

tyj c^'j'tyj t-h'** : ' 

ripe, mellow r-f^ '• fc^ 

Jews; Jewry, Judaism J>i-J I 

Jew, Judaist; Jewish, Judaic(al), Judaistic &?3*t 





Jehovah's Witnesses 

°y<-> >}+" 


-?' ■ -f' 

jubilee, anniversary 


golden jubilee or anniversary 

silver jubilee or anniversary 

diamond jubilee or anniversary 

yr^* Je>! 

j$\ tj^x ^j-^.yy- i \*y~x '^yy 


(on), starting today, as of today; from now on, 
henceforth, in the future 

a few days ago, the other day ^t\ *ju±> iL 

(on) that day, then, at that time ^'±>'y_ < '''tjj 

daily; diurnal; quotidian; everyday, workaday; '. V, 
day-to-day; per diem 

daily, every day, day after day, day by day, lL^ 
each day; per day, per diem, by the day 

- s •- , .».-*-- „.,■>. t 

<^y> £rb-g} <^a i-^i/r itfy. jr\ 

diary, journal; daily (day-to-day) events; daily CjL,'y_ 
(day-to-day) chronicle; daily news 

daily wages, a day's wages; ^ (jJJ ) "^ | : XJ y _ 
daily fee; per diem, daily allowance 

s . - •*- - * 

daily, daily news- i-.^ **-»*<» ' Vx" »^>j»- : Vx 
paper, journal ' 

diary, journal «L ~ ;^H : fj^ 

daybook, journal ilp | 'Jj \ , £.^ 

JUne ^l>> : .£* <^* 

, 'i • » 

Day of Resurrection, Wl jy±J\ ijU\ ii.LiJI 
Judgment Day, Day of Reckoning, doomsday 
New Year's Day i2j| y-lj*^ 

holiday, day off, free day ilL* ^ 

workday, working day jli l^j 

memorable day, red-letter day j^i. ^ 

by the day, daily, per diem, per day .^JL, 

one day, once fj* oli 

once upon a time (tfrl yi)L j « r lfy| ^ ^ j 

nowa- r $|| .Ji ( j) , ,ji L.CJ j ( |ii L.^ j 
days, these days, today, now, at present, presently, 
at the present time, at this time, currently 

from day to day, from one day to ^ Jj .'jj ^ 

the other, from one day to the next 

from today £\ £ , llpL-J ^| ^ , f £, £